INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD WORK OF THE ROADWAY BRANCH OF THE ENGINEERING SECTION - OF THE DIVISION OF VALUATION INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD WORK OF THE ROADWAY BRANCH OF THE ENGINEERING SECTION - OF THE DIVISION OF VALUATION INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 . These instructions are approved September 25, 1916, and super¬ sede all former issues. C. A. Prouty, Director. 2 \ t SYNOPSIS. I. General Information. , 1. Intent. 2. Valuation act. 3. Classification of investment in road and equipment of steam roads. 4. Instructions to other branches. 5. Special assignments. 6. Carrier's maps and plans. 7. Carrier's representative. II. Organization. 8. Field corps. 9. Roadway party. 10. Chaining group. 11. Cross-section group. 12. Computing group. III. Duties of Personnel. 13. Senior roadway engineer. 14. Field engineer. 15. Assistant field engineer. 16. Recorder. 17. Instrument man. 18. Computers. 19. All members. IV. General Instructions. 20. Property to be inventoried. 21. Modifications of instructions. 22. Form of notes. 23. Condition of property. 24. Abandoned property. 25. Base line. 26. Cross-section instruments. V. Special Instructions for " Road " Accounts. 27. Account. 2. Land for transportation purposes. 28. Account 3. Grading. 29. Account 5. Tunnels and subways. 30. Account 6. Bridges, trestles, and culverts. 31. Account 8. Ties. 32. Account 9. Rails. 33. Account 10. Other track material. 34. Account 11. Ballast. x 35. Account 12. Track laying and surfacing. 36. Account 13. Right-of-way fences. 37. Account 14. Snow and sand fences, and snow sheds. 38. Account 15. Crossings and signs. 39. Account 16. Station and office buildings. G2S32—1G 3 Division of Valuation. Speci'al Instructions for " Road " Accounts—Continued. 40. Account 17. Roadway buildings. 41. Account 18. Water stations. 42. Account 19. Fuel stations. 43. Account 20. Shops and engine houses. 44. Accounts 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 45. Account 26. Telegraph and telephone lines. 46. Account 27. Signals and interlockers. 47. Accounts 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 48. Account 35. Miscellaneous structures. 49. Account 36. Paving. 50. Account 37. Roadway machines. 51. Account 38. Roadway small tools. ROADWAY BRANCH. INSTBUCTIONS FOB FIELD WOBK. I. GENERAL INFORMATION. 1. Intent. These instructions are intended to describe the field work to be done by the roadway branch of the engineering section, Division of Valuation, of the Inter¬ state Commerce Commission, under the valuation act of March 1, 1913, and to set forth specifically the information to be ascertained and recorded. 2. Valuation Act. A copy of the act will be furnished roadway parties for reference and general instruction as to the scope of the work. 3. Classification of Investment in Road and Equipment. A copy of the classification will be furnished roadway parties as a guide to the classification of physical property of carriers, and to which the inventory shall conform as nearly as practicable. 4. Instructions to Other Branches. Copies of instructions to field parties of other branches will be furnished the roadway parties for information as to the work to be done by other branches, in order to avoid omissions and duplication of field inspections and inventories. 5. Special Assignments. The division of work as between the several branches may be modified by written instructions from the district office. 6. Carrier's Maps and Plans. The roadway parties will be provided with right-of-way and track maps, sta¬ tion maps, and profiles of the property to be inventoried. They will also be provided with other records of property which the carrier may be required to supply. 7. Carrier's Representative. Wherever it can be so arranged the carrier will place with each roadway party a representative who is familiar with the property. Such representatives will be permitted to observe in detail the methods used, and the records of fact made by the roadway party, provided a cooperative agreement relating to the conduct of the work has been executed. n. ORGANIZATION. 8. Field Corps. A field corps shall consist of three or more roadway parties directed by a field engineer. The field engineers shall report to and receive instructions from the senior roadway engineer in charge of the roadway branch. 9. Roadway Party. The roadway party shall be under the immediate direction of an assistant field engineer. The party shall generally consist of three groups: A chaining group, a cross-section group, and a computing group. 5 6 Dlemon of Valuation. 10. Chaining Group. The chaining group shall generally consist of a recorder in charge, a head chainman, and a rear chainman. It shall in general he the duty of this group to chain the main track and locate, by station and plus line, property; identify yard and terminal property, and inventory ties, rails, other track material, culverts, small bridges, fences, signs, crossings, small buildings, paving, etc., in accordance with the detail instructions hereinafter given. 11. Cross-Section Group. The cross-section group shall generally consist of an instrumentman in charge, a rodman, and a tapeman. It shall in general be the duty of this group to measure the grading, ballast, tunnels, and subways, etc., in accord¬ ance with the detail instructions hereinafter. 12.. Computing Group. \ The computing group shall generally consist of two field computers. HL DUTIES OF PERSONNEL. 13. Senior Roadway Engineer. The senior roadway engineer shall be in immediate charge of the roadway branch, and shall direct the field work through the field engineers. He shall, prior to placing a field corps at work, make a general inspection of the property to be inventoried and of the carrier's records pertinent thereto. He shall submit for approval a program for the field work on each carrier. He shall make per¬ sonal inspection of the property and prepare and submit for consideration construction programs for reproduction. 14. Field Engineer. The field engineer shall direct the work of a field corps through the assistant field engineers in charge of parties. He shall visit the parties as often as prac¬ ticable, and familiarize himself in detail with the nature of the property being inventoried. He shall be held responsible for the character and amount of work done by the corps, and for the observance of all instructions issued for the guidance of roadway parties. He shall also familiarize himself with the records of the carrier relating to the construction, maintenance, and cost of the property, and shall submit to the senior roadway engineer suggestions for construction programs of reproduction based upon his intimate personal knowl¬ edge of local conditions. 15. Assistant Field Engineer. The assistant field engineer shall be in immediate charge of a roadway party and direct its operations in accordance with the instructions hereinafter given. He shall be responsible for the discipline of the party, have charge of its main¬ tenance and subsistence, and exercise the customary precautions to preserve the health and safety of its members. lie shall record such general and special features of the carrier's property as may be of assistance in the preparation of reproduction cost estimates; e. g., general characteristics, standards of construction and maintenance, location of large borrow pils and lengths of unusual haul on material in embankments, loca¬ tion of source and the haul on ballast, and subsidence of embankments. The condition of the property and the classification of grading shall be recorded on the prescribed forms. Instructions for Field 7York of the Roadway Branch. • 7 Where a carrier representative is with a roadway partyi the assistant field engineer shall consider with said representative such matters as classification of grading excavation, grading overhaul, haul on ballast, probable character and quantity of hidden construction and property not susceptible of accurate measurement, ownership of property where other owners are involved, actual condition, service life, age, date of creation, installation or acquisition of prop¬ erty, etc. Record where the two agree, and in cases where'they do not agree, the views of each shall be stated. Where a cooperative agreement has been entered into with the carrier, the carbon copies of all field notes of inventory facts shall be furnished the carrier, and where the carrier's representative par¬ ticipates in classifying grading quantities and conditioning the property,,carbon copies of these notes will also be furnished. 16. Recorder. The recorder shall have charge" of the chaining group. I ^ 17. Instrumentman. The instrumentman shall have charge of the cross-section group. 18. Computers. The field computers shall make computations of quantities and assemble and summarize the field notes as directed. 19. All Members. The work of all members of a roadway party shall be under the immediate direction of the assistant field engineer, who may, when he deems it desirable, temporarily vary the duties of any member of the party. . \ IV. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 1 20. Property to be Inventoried. The roadway party shall locate and note the existence of all line property chargeable to " Road " accounts Nos. 2 to 36, inclusive, and Account 38, Inter¬ state Commerce Commission Classification, July 1, 1914, but detail measurement and inventory shall, unless otherwise instructed, be made in accordance with the specific instructions hereinafter given in Article V. 21. Modification of Instructions. The data called for in these instructions is that needed for inventorying, the property. Where complete maps, profiles, standard plans, and other records of quantities are secured, the work of the roadway party may be modified and the information furnished by the carrier utilized, after applying such reason¬ able checks to same in the field as may be found necessary and desirable. These instructions shall not be modified by field men except upon written authority of tlie member of the Engineering Board in charge. 22. Form of Notes. All notes of the roadway party shall be made in duplicate on the standard forms prescribed for the purpose. The original notes shall be sent to the district office. The carbon duplicate shall be disposed of as directed. With each volume of note sheets sent in there shall be a title-page which shall show: The name of the owner of the property; the valuation section number; the beginning and ending survey station numbers and mile posts; the name of the assistant field engineer in charge; the number of the roadway party; and the kind of notes, whether chaining, cross-section, or other. 8 Division of Valuation. Cross reference shall be made in the field notes to such maps and plans of the carrier as are used in identify nig the property. Each sheet of the notes of each kind shall he numbered consecutively, begin¬ ning with number 1 for each valuation section, and shall contain the signa¬ ture of the assistant field engineer. The beginning and ending of each day's work shall be shown by date over the signature of the person making the notes. In case of changes or corrections of original notes no erasures shall be made, but such shall be done by crossing out the incorrect notes and inserting the correct notes. 23. Condition of Property. The 'assistant field engineer shall make notes on the condition of all prop¬ erty which it is his duty to inventory. The notes shall generally be made in accordance with the following outline: a. Age. Ascertain, where practicable, year of construction, installation, or pur¬ chase of the property, and whether at that date the property was new or second hand. If used prior to its present service, give such facts as may be obtained as to length and nature of service elsewhere. State source of data. b. Wear and decay. Record such facts as to wear and decay as may be practicable from field observations. c. Maintenance. Record any fact in the matter of maintenance which may bear upon the service life of the property. State in all cases the fact an'. c. Kind. d. General dimensions—length, diameter, etc. For details of instructions for inventorying such property under this account as it is the duty of the roadway party to inventory, see the " Instructions for the field work of the bridge branch." 31. Account 8. Ties. The kind of ties, whether treated or untreated, and whether oak, pine, cedar, fir, or other, and the number per mile shall be noted, together with the dimen¬ sions and class where practicable. The ties in main tracks and sidings shall be listed separately. Note shall be made as to sources of tie supply. In order to estimate the number of ties per mile the ties shall be counted in not less than 600-foot sections, two. sections per mile. The station and plus of sections counted and details of tie count shall be noted. Note length of track occupied by each set of switch ties or crossing timbers. Switch ties shall generally be inventoried by sets. Where the carrier has standard turnouts, note shall be made of number of switch sets of each type or standard of turnout. The kind of timber, and if treated or untreated, shall, be noted in each case. Where there are material variations from the standard turnouts the exact number of switch ties shall be counted. Bridge ties shall be inventoried by the roadway party. Note shall be made of all special switch and crossing timber in sufficient detail to permit of estimating cost. 32. Account 9. Rails. Note the weight, kind of material, brand and standard length of rail, at least once in each mile of main track, and give the station and plus wherever the weight changes. Note the total length of each weight and kind of rail on eacl) sidetrack. Where standard drawings showing sections of rail can not be obtained, make dimensioned sketches. Ascertain and record information as to age and source, of rail and whether when laid in present position it was new or relay. 12 Division of Valuation. 33. Account 10. Other Track Material. In general, rail joints, bolts, spikes, nut locks, tie-plates, and other material in main track shall be obtained and noted by determining the various track materials in the same 600-foot sections as the ties, and from the data thus obtained estimate such material in the mile. For rail joints, show kind, weight, maker's brand, number and size of bolts required, and number and kind of nut locks used. For spikes, note size, average number used per tie, and total per mile. For tie-plates and rail braces, note kind, dimensions, and weight. It is not neces¬ sary for the roadway party to count the number of each kind of tie-plates in a mile, but only to obtain and note as above for a mile of main track or for a sidetrack, with the notation that they are of mixed kinds. If practicable, an estimate shall be made of the percentage of each kind. For other track material not specifically mentioned, use such methods to ascertain the quantities as will give substantially accurate results without a detail count of each small item. Other track material in sidetracks shall be listed separately for each track. Switch points shall be inventoried complete, showing kind or type, length, and weight of rail. Frogs shall be classified by kind, e. g., rigid, spring, movable point, or other; number, length, and weight of the rail. Also note where special alloy steel is used. For switch stands, show kind, e. g., high ladder, high, low, ground throw, or other; kind of lamp used; and name of manufacturer. For materials of this account in sidetracks, but not specifically mentioned, ascertain the amount and kind in a way consistent with the importance of the items involved. ' Note extra spiking on curves and switches or elsewhere. Special fixtures which can not be described by number or otherwise so that they may be identified by catalogue or plans of carrier shall be measured and a dimension sketch made where necessary. Note station and plus of all main-track points of switch; also give length of switch leads, crossovers, slip switches, etc. Length of sidetracks shall be determined from point of switch to point of switch or to end of track. 34. Account 11. Ballast. Notes for ascertaining ballast shall be made as follows: Excavation sufficient to determine the cross section of ballast shall generally be made at intervals of not greater than 1,000 feet on main line where the ballast is of one kind and the section apparently uniform, and a dimensioned sketch of the section shall be recorded. Such sketches shall also be made at points where the kind of ballast changes or where there are material variations in the ballast sections. The station and plus of sections taken shall be noted. In yards, excavation shall be made at such intervals as may be necessary to determine ballast quantities. Notes shall show kind of ballast, and where two or more materials are encountered in a cross section the dimension sketch shall clearly show the extent of each kind, the quality of the ballast, location from which ballast was secured, and, if off the line of the carrier, the length of haul to nearest point on line of carrier under inventory, and also information as to conditions of handling and loading where these facts can be obtained in the field. Ballast material which is not used or needed as ballast and all ballast mate¬ rial more than 2 feet from the bottom of the tie shall he separately reported. Instructions for Field YYork of the Roadway Branch. 13 Ballast quantities in main line shall be summarized by miles, and notes shall show what deduction was made for displacement of ties. The quantities of ballast in main and side tracks shall be shown separately. " 35. Account 12. Track Laying and Surfacing. The assistant field engineer shall note any unusual conditions which would affect the cost of track laying and surfacing. 36. Account 13. Right-of-Way Fences. The roadway party sh^ll inventory right-of-way fences, farm gates, cattle guards, wing fences, aprons, and hedges. Other fences around station and shop grounds, stockyards, fuel stations, and building sites shall also be inven¬ toried, but shall be classified with the particular building or structure to which they apply. The inventorying of fences chargeable to accounts other than Account 13 may be assigned by special instructions to other branches. Record shall be made of the length and location of each kind of fence, includ¬ ing wing fences, giving average number, kind, and spacing of posts per unit, number and kind of wires, size of plank where used, character of bracing, and other items. The number and type of all gates shall be noted. The location and kind of all uattle guards shall be noted, whether surface or pit, and, if surface, the kind of material and name of the guard or type of construction shall be indicated. 37. Account 14. Snow and Sand Fences and Snowsheds. The character and extent of all snow and sand fences shall be noted. Where special types of fences are constructed for the purpose of protecting the roadway against snow and sand, and where located upon the right-of-way line and taking the place of the usual right-of-way fence they shall be listed in Account 13. Snowsheds shall be inventoried by the bridge branch. 38. Account 15. Crossings and Signs. The roadway party shall generally inventory all property classified under this account, except bridges, piers, abutments, retaining walls, signals, and alarm bells. For overgrade bridges or undergrade structures only general location notes shall be made, as specified in section 30 hereinbefore. Where crossings were built in whole or in part at the expense of the carrier, all quantities involved shall be obtained and noted, in order that an apportion- ment of cost may later be made if necessary. Where crossings are found in which the carrier bore no part of the cost, they shall be identified by station and plus location and brief description only. Such reliable information as can be secured relating to the apportionment of cost and maintenance of crossings jointly constructed or owned by the carrier and State, municipality, or others shall be obtained and recorded, with the source of information noted. The inventory shall include crossing gates, planking, paving, curbing, and similar items; also guardhouses and towers at crossings'. The notes shall show the type of construction and method of operation of all crossing gates; also length of the arms, number of posts, etc. Notes shall also show the type of construction and size of flag houses, and sketches shall be made where neces¬ sary showing type of*construction of crossing gate towers. General notes shall be made of location and kind of signal and alarm bells, but unless otherwise instructed they shall be inventoried by the signal branch* All signs on the right of way of carriers shall be noted with reference to the carrier's standards. Signs on buildings and structures shall be inventoried with the structure to which they belong. 14 i Division of Valuation. 39. Account 16. Station and Office Buildings. The roadway party shall make location and descriptive notes of station and office buildings. All buildings at stations will be inventoried in detail by the building branch, but the roadway party, unless otherwise instructed, shall inventory all minor buildings between stations. Notes shall be made of such water, gas, fuel, and drainage systems as may be indicated by hydrants, valves, etc., on the ground, and from information obtained from employees or other reliable sources. • For detail instructions covering this account, see " Instructions for the field work of the building branch." 40. Account 17. Roadway Buildings. The instructions given under section 39, Account 16, hereinbefore, shall apply alike to property chargeable to this account. 41. Account 18. Water Stations. The roadway party shall note the location of all water stations and the gen¬ eral character, dimensions, and capacity of same. In general, the property under this account will be inventoried by the building or bridge branch. By instruction the inventorying of special property such as dams, reservoirs, pipe lines, etc., may be assigned to the roadway branch. 42. Account 19. Fuel Stations. The roadway party shall note the location of all property under this account, and also briefly describe same, so that it may be properly identified. Generally the detail inventorying of this property will be assigned to the bridge or build¬ ing branch. 43. Account 20. Shops and Engine Houses. The roadway party shall note the general location of the property under this account. The detail inventorying of this property will be assigned to the several branches by special instructions. 44. Accounts 21. Grain Elevators. 22. Storage Warehouses. 23. Wharves and Docks. 24. Coal and Ore Wharves. 25. Gas-Producing Plants. The instructions given under section 43, Account 20, hereinbefore, shall apply alike to the property chargeable to these accounts. 45. Account 26. Telegraph and Telephone Lines. The assistant field engineer in his general notes shall record the existence of telegraph and telephone lines, but the property under this account will be inventoried by the telegraph and telephone branch. 46. Account 27. Signals and Inter lockers. The roadway party shall locate, by station and plus, signal buildings, masts, bridges, and similar items, and give brief description of property. The detail inventory of property'under this account shall generally »be made by the signal branch. Instructions for Field IT"orh of the Roadway Branch. 15 47. Accounts 28. Power Dams, Canals, and Pipe Lines. 29. Power Plant Buildings. 30. Power Substation Buildings. 31. Power Transmission Systems. ' i • 32. Power Distribution Systems. 33. Power Line Poles and Fixtures. 34. Underground Conduits. The instructinos given under section 43, Account 20, hereinbefore, shall apply alike to the property chargeable to these accounts. 48. Account 35. M i s cell a neou s Structures. The roadway party shall locate and report character and dimensions of prop¬ erty under this account, except such as, under the instructions herein, would be cared for by another branch. - • 49. Account 36. Paving. The roadway party shall inventory paving between rails and adjacent thereto where tracks are laid longitudinally through public highways. Paving under this account should be carefully distinguished from paving which is properly chargeable to Accounts 15 and 39. Notes shall show location, character, specifications, and dimensions of pav¬ ing, and such information as to construction and maintenance cost between carrier and other parties as may be obtainable. 50. Account 37. Roadway Machines. The mechanical branch will generally inventory the property under this account. 51. Account 38. Roadway Small Tools. The roadway branch will be responsible for the inventory of property under this account. The work will generally be the verification of schedules sub¬ mitted by the carrier. o