d— VA1.UATI0N ORDER NO. t REGULATIONS TO GOVERN THE RECORDING AND REPORTING OF ALL EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS OR OTHER CHANGES IN PHYSICAL PROPERTY OF EVERY COM¬ MON CARRIER AS PRESCRIBED BY THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 19A OF THE ACT TO REGULATE COMMERCE FIRST ISSUE Efftctiv on July 1, 1014 I WASHINGTON OOTKRN*ENT PRINTING OFFIC* i Valuation Order No. 3 • \ REGULATIONS to govern the RECORDING AND REPORTING OF ALL EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS OR OTHER CHANGES IN PHYSICAL PROPERTY OF EVERY COM¬ MON CARRIER AS PRESCRIBED BY THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 19a OF THE ACT TO REGULATE COMMERCE FIRST ISSUE ICff'ex'tive on tfufy Ij 1014: washington government mintlng office 1914 Valuatiow Obdeb Xo. 3. ORDER. At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 25th day of June, A. D. 1914. The subject of a uniform system for reporting investment in the physical property of every common carrier subject to the provisions of the act to regulate commerce being under consideration, the fol¬ lowing order was entered : It is ordered. That the regulations to govern the recording and reporting of investment in physical property cf every common car¬ rier subject to the provisions of the act to regulate co.Timerce which are set out in printed form to be hereafter known as first issue, a copy of which is now before this Commission, be, and the same are hereby, approved; that a copy thereof duly authenticated b}' the Secretary of the Commission, be filed in its archives, and a second copy thereof, in like manner authenticated, in the office cf the Divi¬ sion of Valuation; and that each of said copies so authenticated and filed be deemed an original record thereof. It is further ordered, That the said regulations be, and the same are hereby, prescribed for the use of the aforesaid carriers in the preparation of reports of investment in physical propertj- required by the Commission to be filed with it in accordance with section 19a of the act to regulate commerce; that each and every such carrier and each and ever}' receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier be, and is hereby, required to prepare and furnish to the Commission reports of investment in physical property in conformity therewith; and that a copy of said first issue be sent to each and every carrier affected thereby and to each and every receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier. It is further ordered. That each and every carrier of the class here-' inbefore described and referred to and each and every receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier whose property is inventoried as of June 30, 1914, shall be, and is hereby, required to file with the Commission, and on forms which will hereafter be prescribed and served upon the carrier as a part of this order, reports for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1915, and for each succeeding fiscal year there¬ after; that carriers whose property is inventoried as of June 30 in any year subsequent to 1914 shall be, and are hereby, required to ren- 49217*—14 (3) 4 der on the forms prescribed for that purpose reports for the fiscal year immediately following the close of the fiscal year at June 30 as of which the pro2>erty of such carriers is inventoried and for each succeeding fiscal year thereafter: Provided, That each and every carrier of the class described and referred to herein and whose prop¬ erty is not inventoried as of June 30, 1914, and each and every re¬ ceiver or operating trustee of any such carrier shall be, and is hereby, required so to keep the accounts and records of the carriers between June 30, 1914, and the date as of which the property of such carriers is inventoried that rej^orts in accordance with the regulations herein approved and prescribed can be prepared therefrom in the discretion and at the direction of the Commission. The Commission will notify each carrier in writing of the year as of which its property is to be inventoried, and this date shall govern in the application of this order. It is further ordered, That July 1, 1914, be, and the same is hereby, fixed as the date on which the said first issue shall become effective. By the Commission. [seal.] George B. McGintt, Secretary. I. General. 1. Intent SYNOPSIS. II. Records to be kept by common carriers. 2. Authorities. 3. Detailed records of cost. III. Reports to t>e filed by commtn carriers. 4. Reports of completed work. 5. Reports of uncompleted work. IV. Reports shall be supported by maps or plans. 6. Reports of extensions. 7. Reports of improvements or other changes. (6) EEQULATIONS TO GOVEftN THE EECORDIHG AND EEPOETING OP ALL EXTENSIONS AND IMPEOVEMENTS OE OTHEE CHANGES IN THE PHYSICAL PEOPEETY OF EVEEY COMMON CAEEIEE. I. GENERAT,. 1. Intent. In order that the Interstate Commerce Commission may investigate, ascer¬ tain, reiwrt. and record the vaine of property of every common carrier, subject to the i>rovisions of tiic act to regulate commerce, as such property may be extended, improved, or changed, after June 30, 1914, it is essential that certain records shall be prepared and kept by the carriers In their offices and that cer¬ tain reixirts shall be filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission. It is the Intent of tliese regulations to prescribe a uniform method of recording and reixtrtlng the investment in extensions. Improvements, or other changes, in- clndlng retirements, of physical property. U. RECORDS TO BE KEPT BY COMMON CARRIERS. 2. AtJTHOBITIES. Bhtch extension and improvement or other change in the property of a com¬ mon carrier shall be covered by an authority setting forth clearly and ex¬ plicitly the general character and location, quantities and amounts involved In the extension and Improvement or other changes. These authorities shall be issued by executive or other resiiousible officers of carriers in numerical order and separately for owners, and States, Territories, and the District of Columbia. 3. Detailed Recobds of Cost. The records of common carriers, covering investment In extensions. Improve¬ ments, or other changes, including retirements, in the physical proiierty, shall be kept by jobs, and separately by owners, and States, Territories, and the District of Columbia in such complete detail as to units and quantities of the material and labor entering therein so as to show a unit analysis of their cost. m. REPORTS TO BE FILED BY COMMON CARRIEBS. 4. Repobts of Completed Wobk. Reports of authorized jobs which have been completed shall be made within six months after the conqfietlon thereof uiwn si>ecial forms which will be later prescribed b.v tlie Commission. Such reports shall be summarized show¬ ing distribution by primary accounts in accordance with the Commission's classifications. Reiiorts and summaries shall be made by Jobs, and separately by owners, and States, Territories, and the District of Columbia. The com¬ pletion repoits for such jobs as extend over two or more fiscal years shall be made In full detail for the entire period covered by the work and the amounts expended In each fiscal year shall be stated in summary form. (7) 8 5. Repobts or Uncompleted Work. Reports of authorized jobs which have not been completed by June 30 of each year shall be made in summary form only, showing the cost thereof to said June 30 and distributed by accounts in accordance with the Commission's classifica¬ tions. Separate summaries shail be made by owners and States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, and filed with the Commission not later than six months after said June 30. IV. REPORTS SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY MAPS OR PLAITS. 6. Repobts of Extensions. Reports of extensions shali be accompanied by such maps, profiles, plans, or diagrams as are required by the Commission's specifications applicable to such extensions. 7. Reports of Improvements or Other Changes. Reiwrts of improvements or other changes, including retirements, shall be accompanied by such maps, profiles, plans, or diagrams as may be necessary to show their general character. O