[DOC. No. LVII.] SÜHEAU OF lAlLWA-r ¿QOniöMIC», «ASMÍAíOTOFI, d. C. REPORT OF THE INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE or THE JAMES RIVER AND KANAWHA COMPANY, RELATIVE TO THE -CAUSES OP^ DELAY IN COMPLETING THE TIDEWATER CONNECTION, 1851. [Doc. No. 57.] 3 Office of the James Rivek and Kanawha Co., Feb. 1, 1851. SiK, I have the honor to state, that, in obedience to the resolution of the house of delegates, adopted on the 28th of January ult., " the state proxies at the adjourned meeting of the James river and Ka¬ nawha company moved a resolution of enquiry into the causes of de¬ lay in completing the tidewater connection with the James river ca¬ nal," which was unanimously adopted. The committee of stockhold¬ ers to which the subject was referred reported to the general meeting held on the 30th ult., the result of that examination, which was ap¬ proved. In compliance with the instructions of the stockholders, the under¬ signed has the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the report of the committee who made the investigation, and of the proceedings of the general meeting on the subject. I have the honor to be. Most respectfully. Your obedient servant, J. Y. MASON, PresH James River and K. Co. Hon. George W. Hopkins, Speaker of the House of Delegates. [Doc. No. 57.] REPORT. At a meeting of the stockholders of the James river and Kanawha company, held in the capital on Thursday, 30th January 1851 ; The chairman presented the following report of the committee to whom was referred the resolution of the house of delegates of the 28th of January 1851, in reference to the tidewater connection : The committee have had under consideration the resolution of the house of delegates, passed the 28th day of January 1851, directing an enquiry into the causes of the delay in completing the tidewater connectioa with the James river canal. In compliance with that resolution, they have made the enquiries di¬ rected, and submit the following report : The legislature had prohibited the company from putting new work under contract without authority of law. On the 20th March 1847 an act was passed authorizing the company to execute the work in question ; and for the purpose of its execution, authorized the com¬ pany to borrow $ 350,000 on the credit of the surplus revenues of the dock. The officers of the company attempted to execute the work under this law, but found it impossible to do so, except at a cost wholly inadmissible. The company again applied to the general as¬ sembly to aid them, and the application resulted in the passage of a law on the 9th day of March 1849, authorizing the treasurer to gua¬ ranty on behalf of the commonwealth the bonds of the company to the amount of $350,000. The death of the then president of the company suspended all operations under the law until the called meet¬ ing of the company in May 1849. At the meeting in May 1849, the act of March 9th, 1849, was adopted by the compan}"-, and the vacancy in the office of president was filled. The board immediately proceeded to examine the subject of the tidewater connection. It was found that the arrangements which the former president of the company supposed were completed for acquir¬ ing the property in the route of the canal, could not be carried into execution. The 4th paragraph of the act of the 9th March 1849 required the company, if it constructed a dam in or across the river, so to construct it as not to obstruct or diminish the flow of water to the southern shore, to the detriment of the town of Manchester ; and if the dam was extended across the river, to construct and always keep in order a canal from the southern abutement, to be made and kept in 6 [Doc. No. 57.] order, so that at no time should any detriment result to the interest of Manchester from the dam. This provision raised at once a question of water privileges between the owners of property on the northern and southern shores and the owners of islands in the stream. The company was so situated among these several parties, that it was be¬ lieved the canal could not be constructed on the route first adopted without being involved in interminable litigation. The company, after a patient and careful investigation of the whole subject, was compelled to abandon the first chosen route and adopt a new one. The new route was adopted on the 14th Juty 1849. The surveys were completed, the specifications prepared, and the work placed un¬ der contract on the 23d August 1849. The contracts required the work to be completed by the 1st day of January 1852, and the execution within that time has been strenu¬ ously pressed by the officers of the company. The work for the tide¬ water connection consists of very heavy excavation, the construction of five locks and necessar}^ basins, and a ship lock. A large amount of the excavation has been done. Of the locks, one is in part built and a large part of the materials for the other four locks has been prepared. A force equal to three hundred hands is engaged on the work, and the directors have taken steps to increase the amount, so as, if possible, to ensure the completion within the present year. But when the heavy character of the work, the limited space in which it must be done, and the other intrinsic difficulties of its execution are considered, the com¬ mittee are not without apprehension that it will not be in the power of the company to finish the work within the present year. They are, however, confident that it must be completed early in the 3mar 1852. Great part of the materials for building the lower lock of the dock have been prepared, and the committee hope that work may be com¬ pleted as soon as the connection with the basin. The act of 1849 requires the work to be completed before the 1st day of January 1853, and the committee feel assured it will be com¬ pleted before that day. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN EARLY, Chairman. On motion of Mr. Crutchfield, Resolved, That the report of the committee be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved, That the president be requested to report to the legisla- , ture a copy of the report made by the committee to whom was re¬ ferred the resolution of the house of delegates of the 28th January 1851, with the order of approval of the same by the stockholders. Extract from the records. WM. P. MUNFORD, Sec'y. 1-' Í • ■ ■-. a ■■" li-'J , ;> > • ■ •s •.!'Wrt:V' •:•• •py.-'.nifc- '. -Tí.'* '?'•■ . - - Hi» ^0- ..•vn.vv rW-- ®. 1 '. ^ r-r-Vf*- ..... ..îfcf ^..■- ;V ' rsíA Í^««ííf> U'r(î*' '^' '■'^"~ ^Sirt^i. -y I .~-2 i> •' v.!! ^ Aji /• r ./T r 'T- i?®.'j; - P=\ '--îtifâtSÎ! "i^.'iS-i^iÎfi^ ï» '-?^C Î ■.">^?».«4líC^ ^ ,V jf^ * r«!^- r-Tyvwi i.siSí^í MUD. 3P5a :.fai*." ■ . §1 tw *i i '■■ií.'-'A, ri^. t-^ ÍFr4b.. '■^ m^. f-ii-y-"