a Valuation Order No. 18 ORDER, INSTRUCTIONS, AND FORMS PERTAINING TO * PURCHASES OF MATERIALS, PRICES PAID, AND RATES OF COMPENSATION PAID FOR LABOR ♦ TO BE PILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION D BY CLASS A AND CLASS B TELEPHONE COMPANIES O EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 1915 Valuation Order No. 18 ft«" ' ORDER, INSTRUCTIONS, AND FORMS PERTAINING TO ' PURCHASES OF MATERIALS, PRICES PAID, AND RATES OF COMPENSATION PAID FOR LABOR TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BY CLASS A AND CLASS B TELEPHONE COMPANIES EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 1915 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 Note.—The column widths on forms do not include printer's rules. Valuation Order No. 18. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ORDER. At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 5th day of May, A. D. 1915. The subject of purchases, and the prices paid for such purchases, and the rates of com¬ pensation paid employees by all Class A and Class B telephone companies, being under consideration: It is ordered, That every Class A and Class B telephone company owning or operating, in whole or in part, a telephone line, whose property is to be valued under the valuation act of March 1, 1913, and every receiver or operating trustee of any such telephone company, shall, on or before September 30, 1915, file with the Commission, at its office in Washington, D. C., a schedule showing the purchases of new material made and net prices paid for such purchases, and the rates of compensation paid its employees, in the manner prescribed on the accompany¬ ing D. V. Forms Nos. 425 to 494, inclusive, which D. V. Forms are included in and made a part of this order, and complying with the following instructions: D. v. Forms Nos. 425 to 493, inclusive: 1. No labor, other than that actually paid for by the telephone company for inspection, and included in the column "Inspection," and other than that actually paid for by the tele¬ phone company and included in the column "Freight paid," shall be shown or included in any column on these forms. 2. Under "Freight paid" state only freight actually paid by the telephone company. 3. Under "Commission paid for purchasing" state only commission actually paid by the telephone company for the purchase of any article or articles, and not included in salaries or expenses of a purchasing department. 4. Fill each column of the forms, by entering the information called for; otherwise by the notation "Unknown" or "None." The telephone company may give additional informa¬ tion or make such explanation as it desires. 5. If the prices given were determined by competitive bids, so state. 6. The name and title of the person compiling the data shall be given in the space provided for that purpose, and the completed data shall be certified as "Correct," with the pergonal signature and title of the person so certifying, on each form. 7. The reports shall be typewritten on white, tough pcaper. D. v. Form No. 494: Show in column "Remarks" the number of hours included in "Rate per day." Follow instructions 4, 6, and 7. By the Commission : [seal] George B. McGinty, Secretary. V.Fi No. 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 I NID EX. Item. Ammeters, Milliammeters, and Voltmeters. Annunciators. Aerial Cable. Anchors and Anchor Blocks. Arresters and Protectors. Bells and Buzzers. Batteries. Bolts and Washers. Cords and Cord Weights. Condensers. Coils. Cable Racks and Cable Rack Hooks. Crossarms and Brackets of other than wood. Cable Pole Balconies and Cable Pole Seats. Crossarms and Brackets of wood. Crossarm Braces and Crossarm Pins. Cable Boxes and Cable Hangers. Coal Tar Oü and Pole Paint. Clamps and Guy Hooks. Conduit. Composite Ringer Sets. Fuses and Fuse Mountings. Generators. Galvanometers and Hydrometers. Guy Rods and Guy Strain Plates. Hub Guards and Ground Rods. Interrupters. Inside Cable. Insulators. Insulated Wire. Jacks and Jack Boxes. Line Wire. Lamps. Miscellaneous Materials. Master Clock Systems. Motor Generator Sets. Motors. Manhole Covers and Frames, and Conduit Castings. Outside Distributing Wire. Porcelain Tubes. Pneumatic Tube Carriers. Pole Steps. Poles of other than wood. Poles of wood. Reinforcing Stubs of wood. Rectifiers. Rheostats. Resonators. Strand. Sleeves. Submarine Cable. INDE X —Continued. D. V. Form No. 476 Screws. 477 Switches. 478 Stationary Engines. 479 Subscriber Desk Sets and Desk Set Boxes. 480 Switchboard Plugs and Switchboard Wedges 481 Simplex Sets and Composite Sets. 482 Tie Wires. 483 Tools. 484 Tape. 485 Transformers. 486 Testing Sets. 487 Terminal Boxes and Terminal Blocks. 488 Telephone Wall Sets. 489 Telephone Transmitters. 490 Telephone Receivers. 491 Underground Cable. 492 Weatherproof Wire. 493 Wheatstone Bridge Sets. 494 Rates of Compensation. D. V. Form No. 425. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division ... INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION AMMETERS, MILLIAMMETERS, AND VOLTMETERS Sheet No Compiled by Correct of sheets (this form). Title Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) 1" MAKER. (3) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (+) 2B' A. C. OR D. C. (5) A' CAPACITY. (6) CATA- LOGTTE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (7) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (8) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (9) F. O. B. POINT. (10) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (11) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (12) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (13) A' COST, EACH, At F. O. B. Point. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) A' Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17). A' Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this lonn the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each hail of each caiendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and capacity of Ammeter, and of each kind and capacity of Milliammeter, and of each kind and capacity of Voltmeter. Form approved April 2, I9Jr= D. V. Form No. 426. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division .. 17" INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION ^ A ANNUNCIATORS Sheet No. of. Compiled by ... Title Correct Title . sheets (this form). -1Î" YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3H' NO. OF OHMS OR NO. OF DROPS. (4) CATA- logue REFERENCE OR ^ CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) A' Freight Paid. RaU. (14) A' Water. (15) 'A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of bell, call circuit, drop, lamp, and short wire Annunciator. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17 D. V. Fonn No. 427. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. — Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title AERIAL CABLE Correct - Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) lA' KIND. (3) lA' DESCRIPTION. Conductors. Num¬ ber. ii) A' No. of Pairs. (5) Gauge. (B. & S.) (6) A' Kind of Insulation. (7) Kind of Sheatb Material. (8) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (9) w A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (10) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (11) F. O. B. POINT. (12) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (13) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN FEET. (14) NUMBER OF FEET PER 100 LBS. (15) COST PER FOOT. • At F. O. B. Point. (16) Inspection. (17) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (18) A' Water. (19) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (20) A' Total. i (21) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of rubber Insulated and paper insulated telephone Aerial Cable, for gauges of conductor from number 10 to number 22, inclusive, and of pairs from 5 to 300, inclusive. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Form No. 428. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. of . Compiled by sheets (this form). Title . ANCHORS AND ANCHOR BLOCKS Correct - Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. A' (2) MAKER. (3) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 2A' SIZE AND LENGTH OF ROD. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OP ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) w F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (12) A' COST, EACH. At F. O, B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) A' Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Anchor, including patent anchors, and of each kind and size of Anchor Block. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Fonn lío. 429. Owner Operating Company Operating Division — INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION ARRESTERS AND PROTECTORS Sheet No. of. Compiled by Title - Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) 1" MAKER. (3) , lA' KIND. (4) lA' DESCRIPTION. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) 2A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) B' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) NUMBER PER POUND. (12) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. A' Inspection. (14) A" Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. I (18) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating divistoa, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Arrester, and of each kind and size of Protector. Form approved April 1, 1915. ■17"- D. V. Form No. 430. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION BELLS AND BUZZERS Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). •li" YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) (2) 1" MAKER. (3) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 2H' SIZE OR CAPACITY, (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) H' F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (12) COST, EACH. At , F. O. B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) A' Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—SIiow on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, lor each hail of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of district, iron box, and skeleton Bell, and each kind and size of Buzzer. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17". D. V. Form No. 431. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division , INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION BATTERIES Sheet No Compiled by Correct - of - sheets (this form). Title. Title 11' J.4 YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (I) A' MARBR. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3B' SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) A' CATA- LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. («L H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH (11) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B, Point. (12) Ä' Inspection. (13) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. I (17) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on elach operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Battery. Form approved April 2, 1916. D. V. Form No. 432. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division „ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION BOLTS AND WASHERS Sheet No. Compiled by Title Correct. Title of sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (3) MAKER. (3) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (t) 1Ä' SIZE AND LENGTH OF BOLTS. (5) Inside Diameter of Round or Outside Dimen¬ sions of Square Washers. (6) KIND OF PROTEC¬ TION. (7) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. Ç8) Â' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (9) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (10) F. O. B. POINT. (11) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (12) H' UNIT OF PUR¬ CHASE. (13) Ä' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED, IN UNITS. (H) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER UNIT. (15) A' COST PER UNIT. At F. O. B. Point. (16) Inspection. (17) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (18) Water. (19) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (20) Total. (21) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each hail of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each of the following kinds of Bolts: Carriage, crossann, machine, anchor, expansion, and toggle, plain and galvanized, of sizes from inch by 2 inches to A inch by 22 inches, inclusive, and ol each kind and size of Washer. Form approved April 1, 1915. Ii" D. V. Form No. 433. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division — -17"- INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CORDS AND CORD WEIGHTS Sheet No. of. Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' ITEM. (2) 1" MAKER. (3) 1 A' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 2H" SIZE. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER 100. (12) COST, PER UNIT. At F. O.B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) A" Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) A" Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. ! (18) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this fonn the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of telephone, and switchboard Cord, and of each kind and size of Cord Weight. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■17" •Ii' D. V. Form No. 434. Owner Operating Company Operating Division . INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CONDENSERS Sheet No of . Compiled by - Title Correct sheets (this form). Title - YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 'Mk" SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. C6) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) H' F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE- ■ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of adjustable, nonadjustable, phantoplex, and signaling Condenser. Form approved April 2, 1915. <- -17" D. V. Form No. 435. Owner INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Operating Company Operating Division _ COILS Sheet No, of . Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). •li" YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) NO. OF OHMS RESIST¬ ANCE. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER, (5) FR OM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B, POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) A" WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) A' Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (M) A' Water. (15) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) A' Total. (17) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of impedance, resistance, and spark Coil. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■17" D. V. Form No. 436. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division .. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title - CABLE RACKS AND CABLE RACK HOCKS Correct. Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. a) ITEM. (2) MAKER. (3) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) SIZE. (5) CATA- LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) FROM WHOM PURCHASED, (7) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH, (12) COST, EACH. At F, O. B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) Ä' i-fy" lA' A' A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase ,with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind of Cable Rack, of lengths from 12 inches to 42 inches, inclusive, and of each kind of Cable Rack Hook, of lengths from 3 inchés to 12 inches »inclusive. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Form No. 437. Owner - Operating Company .. Operating Division .. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CROSSARMS AND BRACKETS OF OTHER THAN WOOD Sheet No. of. Compiled by Title Correct Title . sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. CD A' ITEM. (2) MAKER. (3) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) SIZE. (5) LENGTH. (6) A' feS Oo d® (7) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (8) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (9) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (10) H' F. O. B. POINT. (ID Fi' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (12) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR. CHASED. (13) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (14) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (15) A' Inspection. (16) A" Freight Paid. Rail. (17) A' Water. (18) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (19) A' Total. (20) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS. Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each'calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of steel, and concrete and steel Crossarm, and of each kind and size of Bracket, of other than wood. Form approved April 1, 1915. -17"- ■ ir D. V. Form No. 438. Owner Operating Company Operating Division... INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CABLE POLE BALCONIES AND CABLE POLE SEATS YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) MAKER. i" (3) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4L 2H' Sheet No. of. Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this fomi). SIZE. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (12) COST, EACH. At F. O.B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for ea* half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Cable Pole Balcony, and of each kind and size of Cable Pole Seat. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Pom No. 439. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division... INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CROSSARMS AND BRACKETS OF WOOD Sheet No. of _ Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) H' LOCATION OF SOURCE OF SUPPLY. (3) KIND OF TIMBER. (4) A' SIZE, LENGTH, AND NO. OF PINS. (5) IF TREATED— By Whom Treated. (6) Where Treated. (7) Kind of Treatment. (8) Weight of Treat¬ ment, Each. (9) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (10) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (11) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (12) F. O. B. POINT. (13) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (14) W QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (15) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (16) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (17) Ä' Treat¬ ment. (18) A' Inspection. (19) A" Freight Paid. Rail. (20) A' Water. (21) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (22) A' Total. (23) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each quarter of each calendar tear from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind of Crossarm of wood, of sizes from 2 pin to 16 pin, inclusive, and of each kind and size of Bracket of wood. the cost of treatment bp carrier or others, when the crossarms and brackets are treated after purchase by the carrfr. When the original purchase price paid by the carrier includes treatment, such purchase price shall be reported in column 17. Show in column 18 Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Form No. 440. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division 17' ' INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CROSSARM BRACES AND CROSSARM PINS Sheet No of. Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ■li' A' ITEM. (2) 1" MAKER. (3) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 2H' SIZE. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) H' F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) U' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER 100. (12) A' COST PER 100. At F. O. B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) A" Freight Paid. Rail. (15) A' Water. (16) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of standard, and extension Crossarm Brace, and of each kind and size of standard, and terminal Crossarm Pin. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Form No. 441. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division .. 17' ' ^ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CABLE BOXES AND GABLE HANGERS Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title Correct Title - sheets (this form). ■li" YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' ITEM. (2) MAKER. (3) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. <4) 2A' SIZE. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. Ç6) H' A' 1 FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS. EACH. (12) COST, EACH. A' At F. O. B. Point. a3)_ Inspection. (14) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) Ä' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, l ir each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Cable Box and of each kind and size of Cable Hanger. Form approved April 1, 1915. •f .17". D. V. Form No. 442. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division .. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION COAL-TAR OIL AND POLE PAINT Sheet No. -- Compiîed by Correct of sheets (this form). Title Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. ■II" (2) 1" MAKER. (3) lA' KIND. (4) lA' DESCRIPTION. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED, IN GALLONS. GALLON. (11) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER (12) A' COST, PER GALLON. At F. O. B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) Ä' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operathig division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each grade of Coal-Tar Oil and of each kind of Pole Paint. Form approved April 1, 1915. •17"- D. V. Form No. 443. Owner Operating Company Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CLAMPS AND GUY HOOKS Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title Correct Title - sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2> MAKER. (3) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) SIZE. (5) m fH I-) O n O 6 (6) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (7) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) (9) F. O. B. POINT. (10) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (11) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (12) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (13) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (14) Inspection. (15) Freight Paid. Rail. (16) Water. (17) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (18) Total. ! (19) -li" - A' 1" 1 A' 2A' A' lA' H' H' A' A' A' A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this lonn the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, lor each hall ol eich calendar year Irom 1910 to 1914, Inclusive, oí each kind and size ol ground, guy, messenger, and suspension Clamp, and ol each kind and size ol Guy Hook. Form approved April 1, 1915. ■Ii' D. V. Form No. 444. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division — 17" INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION CONDUIT Sheet N o, of. Compiled by Title — .sheets (this form). Correct Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) SIZE OF DUCT. (4) A' NO. OF DUCTS. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) H' F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED, IN DUCT FEET. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER DUCT FOOT. (12) A' COST PER DUCT FOOT. At F. O. B. Point. (13) A' Inspection. (14) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (15) A' Water. (16) Ä' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this lorm the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, lor each hall of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, Inclusive, of each kind of wood, fiber, metallic, lorlcated, ¡md vitrified clay Conduit, of sizes from single duct to nine duct, inclusive. Form approved April 1, 191S. •17"- D. V. Form No. 445. Owner I Operating Company — Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title . COMPOSITE RINGER SETS Correct. Title . •II" YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3H' SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) Ä' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing, (16) A' Total. (17) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Shovr on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of telephone Composite Ringer Set. Form approved April 2, 1915. D. V. Fonn No. 446. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division .. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION FUSES AND FUSE MOUNTINGS Sheet No Compiled by Correct of sheets (this form). Title Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' ITEM. (2) MAKER. (3) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 2" SIZE OR CAPACITY. (5) NO. OF AM¬ PERES (6) SIZE OF PRO¬ TECTOR. (7) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (8) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (9) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (10) H' F. O. B. POINT. (11) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (12) w QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED (13) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER 100. (14) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (15) Inspection. (16)_ A" Freight Paid. Rail. (17) A' "Water. (18) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (19) A' Total. (20) « INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase» with net price» on each operating division» for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914» inclusive» of each kind and size of Fuse and of each kind and size of Fuse Mounting. Form approved April 2» 1915. D. V. Form No. 447. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division .. ^17" INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title GENERATORS Correct Title - YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) -II" A' MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3H' SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS» EACH. (11) A" COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) A" Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid tor Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each hall of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Generator. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17" Ii' D. V. Form No. 448. Owner Operating Company _ Operating Division — INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION GALVANOMETERS AND HYDROMETERS YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) Ä' ITEM. (2) MAKER. (3) lÄ' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 3^' Sheet No. of. Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). SIZE OR CAPACITY. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (12) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. ! (17) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Galvanometer and of each kind and size of Hydrometer. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■17" -14' D. V. Fonn No. 449. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION GUY RODS AND GUY STRAIN PLATES Sheet No, Compiled by Correct. of sheets (this form). Title Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) 1" MAKER. (3) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) SIZE. (5) LENGTH. (6) PLAIN OR GALVAN¬ IZED. (7) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (8) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (9) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (10) F. O. B. POINT. (11) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (12) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (13) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (14) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (15) Inspection. (16) Freight Paid. Rail. (17) Water. (18) A" Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (19) Total. (20) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind of Guy Rod, of diameters from ^ inch to 1^ inches, inclusive, and of each kind and size of Guy Strain Piate. Form approved April 1, 1916. -17" ■Ii' D. V. Fonn No. 450. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION HUB GUARDS AND GROUND RODS Sheet No. of. Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' ITEM. (2) Ä' MAKER. (3) KIND. (4) DESCRIPTION. Hub Guards. Ra- dius. C5) A' Length. (6) gaS (7) Kind of Coating. (8) A' Ground Rods. Diam¬ eter. (9) A' Length. (10) A' Kind of Wire. (11) A' Size of Wire. (12) A' CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (13) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (14) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (15) F. O. B. POINT. (16) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (17) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (18) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (19) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (20) A' Inspection. (21) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (22) A" Water. (23) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (24) A' Total. (25) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this lotm the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating diviBion, tor each hail oi each calendar year Irom 1910 to 1914, Inclusive, ol each kind and size ol Hub Guard, and ol each kind and size ol Ground Rod. Form approved April 2, 191S. 17" D. V. Form No. 451. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title . INTERRUPTERS Correct. Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ■11' MAKER. (2) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) Sii' SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) A" INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Interrupter. Form approved April 2, 1915. 17". ■Ii" -- D. V. Form No. 4S2. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division.... INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title sheets (this form). INSIDE CABLE Correct. Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) Ä' MAKER. (2) KIND. (3) lA' DESCRIPTION. Conductors. Num¬ ber. (4) A' Number of Pairs. (5) Gauge No. (B. & S.) (6) Kind of Insulation. (7) Kind of Sbeath Material and Armor. (8) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (9) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (10) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (11) F. O. B. POINT. (12) hy POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (13) H' QUANTITY NUMBER PUR- j OF FEET CHASED ! PER 100 IN FEET. ' LBS. (14) (15) COST PER FOOT. At F. O. B. ■ Inspection. Point. ! (16) (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase» with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Inside telephone Cable. Freight Paid. Rail. (18) Water. (19) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (20) Total. (21) A' Form approved April 2, 1915. <- ■17" D. y. Form No. 453. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division _. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION INSULATORS Sheet No, Compiled by Correct. of sheets (this form). Title . Title ■II" — YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) SIZE. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA" POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) H" POINT OF DE- UNIT OF LIVERY TO PUR- CARRIER. CHASE. (9) (10) A' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED, IN UNITS. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER UNIT. (12) COST PER UNIT. At F. O. B. Point. (13) A' Inspection. (14) A" Freight Paid. RaU. (15) Water. (16) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, lor each hail ol each calendar year trom 1910 to 1914, inclusive, ol each kind and size ol line, knob, and strain Insulator. Form approved April 1. 1915. D. V. Form No. 454. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division ... 17"_ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION INSULATED WIRE Sheet No. of . Compiled by — Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) II' (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3H' GAUGE AND NUMBER. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) 1 A" POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) H' F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN 1,000 FT. (10) NO. OF FEET PER 100 LBS. (11) A' COST PER 1,000 FEET. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind of Insulated telephone Wire, of gauges from number 2 to number 20, inclusive. Form approvad April 1, XSIS, D. V. Form No. 455. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division .... INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION JACKS AND JACK BOXES Sheet No. Compiled by Title . Correct. Title . of — sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) MAKER. (3) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) SIZE OR CAPACITY. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (12) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) A' lA' 2W lA' U' H' H' A' A' A' A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of spring, and pin Jack, and of each kind and size of J ack Box. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■Ii' D. V. Fonn No. 456. Owner Operating Company Operating Division... 17" ^ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. of . Compiled by sheets (this form). Title .. LINE WIRE Correct. Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) Ä' MAKER. (2) lÂ' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3" GAUGE AND NUMBER. (4) A' 'KIND OF PROTECTION. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) W QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN 100 LBS. (11) A' NO. OF FEET PER 100 LBS. (12) A' COST PER 100 POUNDS. At F. O. B. Point. (13) A' Inspection. (14) A" Freight Paid. Rail. (15) A' Water. (16) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, tor each halt ot each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, Inclusive, ot each ot the tollowlng kinds ot telephone Line Wire: Plain iron, galvanized Iron, steel, galvanized, steel, copper, and copper clad, of gauges from number 4 to number 14, Inclusive. Form approved April 1, 1915. •17" ■Ii" D. V. Form No. 457. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION LAMPS Sheet No of. Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3Ä' NO. OF VOLTS. NO. OF WATTS. (5) CAN¬ DLE- POWER. (6) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (7) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (8) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (9) F. O. B. POINT. (10) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (11) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (12) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (13) COST, EACH. At F. O.B. Point. (14) Inspection. (15) Freight Paid. Rail. (16) Water. (17) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (18) Total. ! (19) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each hind and size of inspection, desk, incandescent, resistance, and signal Lamp. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17" D. V. Form No. 458. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Sheet No of. Compiled by Title Correct sheets (this form). Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ■11" — ITEM. (2) 1" (3) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 2A' SIZE. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B, POINT. (9) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) UNIT OF PUR¬ CHASE. (11) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN UNITS. (12) WEIGHT IN POUNDS. PER UNIT. (13) COST PER UNIT. A' At F. O.B. Point. (14) A' Inspection. (15) Freight Paid. A' Rail. (16) A' Water. (17) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (18) Total. (19) A' A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each of the following Miscellaneous Materials: Each kind of Beeswax; each kind of Shellac; each sixe of cotton Sleeving; each kind of Solder; each kind of Soldering Compound; each kind and size of Twine; each kind of 2-penny, 3-penny, 4-penny. 6-penny. 8-penny. iQ-yenny. 16-penny. 30-penny, 40-penny. 50-penny, and 60-penny Nail When the purchase price is the same for different sizes of nails, those sizes may be grouped. Form approved April 2, 1915. D. V. Form No. 459. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title MASTER CLOCK SYSTEMS Correct. Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. FROM WHOM PURCHASED. POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (5) 1Ä' (6) H' F. O. B. POINT. (7) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (8) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (9) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (10) fa' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (11) 1^' Inspection. (12) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (13) ^ Water. (14) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (15) (16) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Master Clock System. Form approved April 2, 1915. <- .17". D. V. Form No. 460. Owner — Operating Company _ Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title MOTOR GENERATOR SETS Correct. Title •li" YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) IW SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) H' F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) ■h' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Freight Paid. Inspection. (13) Rail. (14) Water. (15) A'' A" A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this lorm the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Motor Generator Set. Form approved April 2, 1915. 4- ■17" D. V. Form No. 461. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division — __— ij" — YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) (2) 1 A' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION MOTORS Sheet No. Compiled by Correct. of sheets (this form). Title Title . SIZE OR CAPACITY A. C. OR D. C. ,(4)_ CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHÖM PURCHASED. (6) 1Â' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B, POINT. POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. r (9) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) A' Freight Paid. Rail. 04) A' Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. <16) Total. (17) A' » INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on tlila ioim the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size ot Motor. Form approved April 2, 1915. D. V. Form No. 462. Owner — Operating Company Operating Division IT'—' INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. - of . Compiled by . sheets (this form). Title MANHOLE COVERS AND FRAMES, AND CONDUIT CASTINGS Correct. Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) •II" ITEM. (2) 1" MAKER. (3) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) SIZE OF MANHOLE OPENING. (5) NO. OF CON¬ DUIT DUCTS. (6) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (7) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (8) 1 A' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (9) H" F. O. B. POINT. (10) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (11) w H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (12) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (13) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (14) Inspection. (15) Freight Paid. Rail. (16) A' Water. (17) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (18) A" Total. (19) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Manhole Cover and Frame, and of each kind and size of Conduit Casting. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Form No. 463. Owner Operating Company Operating Division . INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTING WIRE Sheet No. Compiled by Correct. . of — - - sheets (this form). Title . Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) CONDUCTORS, KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) Num¬ ber. (4) Gauge No. (B.&S.) (5) KIND OF COAT¬ ING. (6) KIND OF INSULA¬ TION. (7) KIND OF WATER¬ PROOFING. (8) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (9) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (10) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (11) F. O. B. POINT. (12) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (13) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. IN 1.000 FT. (14) NO. OF FEET PER 100 LBS. (15) COST PER 1,000 FEET. At F. O. B. Point. (16) Inspection. (17) Freight Paid. Rail. (18) Water. (1?) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (20) Total. (21) A' lA' 2A' A' A' A' lA' H' H' H' A' A' A' A" INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each hall of each calemdar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind of single and twisted pair Outside Distributing telephone Wire, of sizes from number 10 to number 18, inclusive. Form approved April 1, Í915. ■17" D. V. Form No. 464. Owner Operating Company Operating Division ___ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION PORCELAIN TUBES Sheet No. Compiled by Correct - of sheets (this form). Title . Title . •li" YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) OUTSIDE DIAM¬ ETER. (4) LENGTH. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER 100. (12) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (13) Ä' Inspection. (14) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of Porcelain Tubes, of outside diameters from | inch to 2i inches, inclusive, and of lengths from 2 Inches to 18 inches, inclusive. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17". D. V. Form No. 465. Owner — — Operating Company Operating Division _ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION PNEUMATIC-TUBE CARRIERS Sheet No. - of . Compiled by Title Correct - — Title - sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) DIAM¬ ETER. (4) 3A' A' LENGTH. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (U) B' WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER 100. (12) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (13) A' Inspection. (14) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (M) A' Water. (16) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of house, and street Pneumatic-Tube Carrier, complete with lock. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17". D. V. Form No. 466. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division ... INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION POLE STEPS Sheet No. Compiled by Correct. — of sheets (this form). Title , rtM Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) Ä' MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 2H" SIZE. (4) LENGTH. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. Ç6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) UNIT OF PUR¬ CHASE. (11) A' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED, IN UNITS. (12) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER UNIT. (13) COST PER UNIT. At F. O. B. Point. (14) A' Inspection. (15) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (16) A' Water. (17) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. m A' Total. (19) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this lorm the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 19M, inclusive, of each kind and size of Pole Step. Form approved April 1, 1915. -17"- D. V. Form No. 467. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION POLES OF OTHER THAN WOOD Sheet No. of. Compiled by Title Correct Titie sheets (this form.) ■li' YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3A' DIMENSIONS. Size. (4) (5) A' H OH .05 O (6) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (7) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (8) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (9) F. O. B. POINT. (10) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (11) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (12) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (13) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (14) Inspection. (15) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (16) Water. (17) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur- cliasing. (18) A' Total. (19) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each type of steel, and concrete and steel telephone Pole, of lengths 25 feet, 30 feet, 35 feet, 40 feet, 45 feet, 50 feet, 55 feet, 60 feet, 65 feet, 70 feet, 75 feet, and 80 feet. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Form No. 468. Owner Operating Company Operating Division —. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION POLES OF WOOD Sheet No. of . Compiled by . sheets (this form). Correct - Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' LOCATION OF SOURCE OF SUPPLY. (2) H' ROUND OR SAWED. (3) A' KIND OF TIMBER. (4) SIZE, LENGTH, AND CLASS. (5) IF TREATED— By Whom Treated. (6) Where Treated. (7) A' Kind of Treatment. (8) A' Weight of Treat¬ ment, Each. Ji) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (10) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (11) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (12) F. O. B. POINT. (13) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (14) . H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (15) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (16) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (17) A' Treatment. (18) A' Inspection. (19) Freight Paid. Rail. (20) Â' Water. (21) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (22) A' Total. (23) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each quarter of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each variety of the following kinds of telephone Poles of wood, both treated and untreated: Cedar, cypress, chestnut, fir, redwood, tamarack, luniper, and pine, of lengths 20 feet, 22 feet, 25 feet, 30 feet, 35 feet, 40 feet, 45 feet, 50 feet, 55 feet, 60 feet, 65 feet, 70 feet, 75 feet, and 80 feet. Show in column 18 the cost of treatment by carrier or others, when poles are treated after purchase by the carrier. When the original purchase price paidj by the carrier includes treat¬ ment, such purchase price shall be reported in column 17. Form approved April 2, 1915. D. V. Form No. 469. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division „ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION REINFORCING STUBS OF WOOD Sheet No of. Compiled by Title Correct Title - sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) LOCATION OF SOURCE OF SUPPLY. (2) ii' ROUND OR SAWED. (3) KIND OF TIMBER. (4) if SIZE AND LENGTH. (S) IF TREATED— By Whom Treated. (6) A' Where Treated. (7) Kind o! Treat¬ ment. (8) Weight of Treat¬ ment, Each. (9) A' CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (10) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (11) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (12) H' F. O. B. POINT. (13) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (14) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (15) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. .(16) A" COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (17) Treatment. (18) A' Inspection. (19) Freight Paid. Rail. (20) Water. (21) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (22) A' Total. (23) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Reinforcing Stub of wood. Show in coiumn 18 the cost of treatment by carrier or others, when the reinforcing stubs of wood are treated after purchase by the carrier. When the original purchase price paid by the carrier includes treatment, such purchase price shall be reported in column 17. Form approved April 2. 1915. D. V. Form No. 470. Owner Operating Company Operating Division i-?" ^ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION RECTIFIERS Sheet No - of . Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). ■li" YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 2W ALTERNATING CURRENT. No. of Volts. (4) No of. Cycles, (5) DIRECT CURRENT. No. of Volts. (6) No. of Am¬ peres. (7) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (8) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (9) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (10) W F. O. B. POINT. (11) w POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (12) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (13) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (14) • A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (15) Inspection. (16) Freight Paid. Rail. (17) A' Water. (18) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (19) Total. (20) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Rectifier. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■Ii" D. V. Form No. 471. Owner Operating Company _ Operating Division - -17" INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title RHEOSTATS Correct. Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1^' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) SIZE OR CAPACITY, (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid ior Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of duplex leak, duplex, quadruplex, and quadruplex leak Rheostat. Form approved April 2, 1915. D. V. Form No. 472. Owner Operating Company __ Operating Division — 17". INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION RESONATORS Sheet No. of . Compiled by — Title Correct — - - Title sheets (this form). YEAR PtJR- CHASED. (1) •II' MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 8H' SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) A' COST, EACH. At F. O.B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) A' Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, On each operating ilivision, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of adjustable and arm Resonator. Form approved April 2, 1915. D. V. Form No. 473. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division ... 17" INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No Compiled by of sheets (this form). STRAND Title , Correct. Title YEAR PUR- CHASED. (1) 1Ï' MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 2A' GAUGE NO. (4) A' CO m tu o d (5) PROTECTION. (6) W POUND RATING. (7) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (8) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (9) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (10^ W F. O. B. POINT. (11) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (12) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN 1,000 FT. (13) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER 1,000 FT. (14) A' COST PER 1,000 FEET. At F. O. B, Point. (15) A' Inspection. (16) Freight Paid. Rail. (17) A' Water. (18) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (19) A' Total. (20) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, Inclusive, of each of the following kinds of Strand: 4,000-pound, 6,000-pound, 10,000-pound, and 16,000-pound. Form approved April 1,1915. ■17" D. V. Form No. 474. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division — INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. Compiled by of — - sheets (this form). SLEEVES Title .. Correct. Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' MAKER. (2) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) lA' 3A' msiDE DIAMETER AND LENGTH. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) H' F. O. B. POINT. (8) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) H' UNIT OF PUR¬ CHASE. (10) A' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN UNITS. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER UNIT. (12) A' COST PER UNIT. At F. O. B. Point. (13) A' Inspection. (14) A' Frélght Paid. RaU. (M) A' Water. 06) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this iorxn the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar ye¿ from 1910 to 1914. Inclusive, of copper Sleeves, for gauges of wire from number 6 to munber 14, inclusive, and of lead Sleeves, of inside diameters from 1 fnch to 5 inches, inclusive, of lengths from 16 Inches to 32 inches, inclusive, i)(d (d paper Sleeves, of inside diameters from inch to H hich. inclusive. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Form No. 494. Owner Operating Company Operating Division _ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION RATES OF COMPENSATION Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title Correct ^ Title sheets (this form). OCCUPATION. (1) 2Ä' RATE PEE HOUR. For Each Year. 1910. (2) A' 1911. (3) A' (4) A' 1913. (5) (6) General Average lor 5 Years. (7) RATE PER DAY. For Each Year. (8) (9) 1912. (10) A' 1913. (11) 1914. (12) General Average for S Years. (13) RATE PER MONTH. For Each Year. 1910. (14) A' 1911. (15) A' (16) A' 1913. (17) A' 1914. (18) A' General Average for 5 Years. (19) A' (20) REMARKS. q 5 «JT8 \ INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS. Show on this form the rates of compensation paid, on each operating division, for each of the calendar years from 191( to 1914, inclusive, of each class of employees used in construction of outside and inside plant and equipment. By rate of compensation is meant the usual and ordinary rate paid for the particular occupation. The rate for each year will be obtained by taking the governing rates on the first day of January, April, July, and Octcfcer of each year, and dividing the aggregate by 4. When subsistence, per diem, personal or traveling expenses are allowed, in addition to compensation stated, indicate the facts and locations in "Remarks" column. Where rates above the ordinary are paid in large centers, or at other points, give the same with name of pla® In "Remarks" column. Form approved April 1, 1915. ■17" D. V. Form No. 493. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION WHEATSTONE BRIDGE SETS Sheet No - of . Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). ■ir YEAR ' PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (4) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (5) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (6) F. O. B. POINT. (7) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (8) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (9) WEIGHT • IN POUNDS, EACH. (10) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (11) Inspection. (12) Freight Paid. Rail. (13) Water. (14) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (15) Total. (16) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price ,on eacA operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each size of Wheatstone Bridge Set. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■17". D. V. Form No. 492. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION WEATHERPROOF WIRE Sheet No of . Compiled by Title Correct Title - sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ■W A' (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) QU Oi2 GAUGE AND NUMBER. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) W F. O. B. POINT. (8) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN 1,000 FEET. (10) Ä' NO. OF FEET PER 100 POUNDS. (11) COST PER 1,000 FEET. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. M Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. _(_iy A' (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind of Weatherproof telephone Wire, of gauges from number 10 to number 20, inclusive. Form approved April 1, 1915. D. V. Form No. 491. Owner Operating Company . Operating Division __ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION UNDERGROUND CABLE Sheet No. — of . Compiled by Title —- Correct Title - sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. MAKER. (1) (2) 1Ä' KIND. (3) DESCRIPTION. Conductors. Num¬ ber. (4) No. of Pairs. Ç5) A' Gauge No. (B. & S.) J6) A' Kind of Insulation. (7) A' Kind of Sheath Material. (8) A' CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (?) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (10) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (11) F. O. B. POINT. (12) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (13) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED, IN FEET. (14) NUMBER OF FEET PER 100 LBS. (15) A' COST PER FOOT. At F. O. B. Point. (16) Inspection. (17) A' Freight Paid. Rail. (18) A" Water. (19) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (20) A" Total. (21) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this torm the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each halt of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, ol rubber-insulated and paper-inaulated Underground telephone Cable, for gauges of conductor Irom number 12 to number 24, Inclusive, and of pairs from 5 to 1,200, inclusive. \ Form approved April 1, 1915. -17" D. V, Form No. 490. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division... INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TELEPHONE RECEIVERS Sheet No. of. Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR Ptm- CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) m" NO. OF OHMS RESIST¬ ANCE. (4) CATA- I/OGUË REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NT7MBER. Ç5) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) H' F. O. B. POINT. (8) w POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) ii' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. 03) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid ior Pur¬ chasing. (16) a // TI Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Telephone Receiver. Form approved April 2, 1916. ■17"—i. D. V. Fonn No. 489. Owner Operating Company _ Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TELEPHONE TRANSMITTERS Sheet No. of . Compiled by — Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) (2) 1T%' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3H' NO. OF OHMS RESIST¬ ANCE. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FR0M WHOM PlfeCHASED. (6) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Telephone Transmitter. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17' D. V. Form No. 488. Owner Operating Company - Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TELEPHONE WALL SETS Sheet No. Compiled by Correct. of sheets (this form). Title . Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) (2) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA- • TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar y«ar from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each of the following kinds of Telephone Wall Sets: Battery test, composite wall, magneto small wall, magneto test, and magneto wall. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■17" •Ii" D. V. Form No. 487.» Owner Operating Company . Operating Division . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TERMINAL BOXES AND TERMINAL BLOCKS MAKER. (3) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 2H' Sheet No of . Compiled by Title Correct TUle sheets (this form). NUMBER OF WIRES. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (12) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (13) A" Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. A' Rail. (15) A" Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS. Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Terminal Box, and of each kind and size of Terminal Block. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■17" D. V. Form No. 486. Owner Operating Company ... Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TESTING SETS Sheet No. — Compiled by Correct. of sheets (this form). Title . Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) •II" MAKER. (2) 1Â' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3H' NO. OF OHMS RESIST¬ ANCE. Í4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (S) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. Q. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, tor each hali ol each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Testing Set. Form approved April 2, 1915. ir D. V. Form No. 485. Owner ; Operating Company — Operating Division 17' ' INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TRANSFORMERS Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 4" NO. OF WIND¬ INGS. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) „ Ä' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) 1Â' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) A' Freight Paid. Raii. (14) A" Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) A" Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this fonn the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, ior each hali of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of call circuit, phantoplex sending, phantoplex receiving, and rectifier Transformer. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■17"- ■II" D. V. Form No. 4S4. Owner Operating Company Operating Division YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3A' INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TAPE Sheet No. of . Compiled by - Title Correct Title sheets (this form). WIDTH. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) H' F. O. B. POINT. (8) W POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) H' UNIT OF PUR¬ CHASE. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN UNITS. (H) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER UNIT. (12) A' COST PER UNIT. At F. O. B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) A' Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Shaw on this lorm the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half oieach calendar year from 1910 to 1914, Inclusive, of each kind of friction, Kerite, Okonite, and Para rubber Tape, of widths from I inch lo 2 Inches, inclusive. Form approved April 2, 1910. D. V. Form No. 483. Owner Operating Company _ Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TOOLS Sheet No. of. Compiled by TUle Correct Title sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) (3) 1Ä' (4) 1" DESCRIPTION. (5) lA' SIZE OR CAPACITY. (6) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIERES SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (7) A' F ROM WHOM I'URCHASED. (8) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (9) H' F. O. B, POINT. (10) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (U) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (12) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (13) A' COST, EACH. At F. O.B. Point. (i-C Inspection. (15) A' Freight Paid. Rail. Ç16) A' Water. (17) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (18) A' Total. (19) A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar year fr>m 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each of the following kinds of Tools: Dirt augers, digging bars, tool bags, tamping bars, linemen's belts, cable grips, cant hooks, cable cars, carrying hooks, clamps, climbers, deadmen, track dollies, breast drills, duct rods, charcoal fumnces, kerosene furnaces, cable reels, iron kettles, manhole guards, pike poles, diagonal pliers, long-nosed pliers, side-cutting pliers, bilge pumps, raising forks, combination reels, digging slicks, soldering irons, soldering pots, digging spoons, blow torches, tree trimmers, machinists' vises, cable winches, wrenches, axes. Form approved April 2,1916. ■17" D. V. Form No. 482. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION TIE WIRES Sheet No. . of sheets (this form). Compiled by Title 3* Correct Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ■ ir MAKER. (2) 1Â' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 3Ä' GAUGE AND NUMBER. (4) LENGTH. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN 100 POUNDS. (11) NUMBER PER 100 POUNDS. (12) COST PER 100 POUNDS. At F. O. B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) A" Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) INSTRtJCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this ionn the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each hali of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and length of iron, and copper Tie Wire, of gauges from number 8 to number 14, inclusive. Form approved April 1, 1915. ■«- ■17"- D. V. Form No. 481. Owner Operating Company Operating Division . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ITEM. (2) INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION SIMPLEX SETS AND COMPOSITE SETS MAKER. (3) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 3A' Sheet No ; of . Compiled by Title ... Correct Title sheets (this form). CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) A' FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) W F. O. B. POINT. (8) H' POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) w QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (1.0) A' WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) A' Freigilt Paid. Rail. (14) A' Water. (15) Commis¬ sion Paid lor Par- chasing. (16) Total. (17) A' A' INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.-Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each hall of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Simplex Set, and of each kind and size of Composite Set. Form approved April 2, 191S, -17" ■Ii" - D. V. Form No. 480. Owner Operating Company Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION SWITCHBOARD PLUGS AND SWITCHBOARD WEDGES Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title Correct TUle sheets (this form). year pur¬ chased. (1) item. (2) maker. (3) kind and description. (4) 2H' size. (5) cata¬ logue reference or carrier's specifica¬ tion number, (6) from whom purchased. (7) lA' point of original shipment. (8) f. o. b. point. (9) point of de¬ livery to carrier. (10) W quan¬ tity pur¬ chased. (11) weight in pounds, each. (12) cost, each. At F. O. B. Point. (13) A" Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) A" Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) A' Total. (18) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, lor each haii of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of single, double, spilt, grounding, and solid rubber Switchboard Plug, and of each kind and size of Switchboard Wedge. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17". D. V. Form No. 479. Owner Operating Company _ Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION SUBSCRIBER DESK SETS AND DESK SET BOXES Sheet No Compiled by Correct. - of sheets (this form). Title . YEAR PUR¬ CHASED (1) ■li" ITEM. (2) 1" (3) KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (4) 1Ä" 2H' Title SIZE OR CAPACITY. (5) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (6) FRCÍM WHOM PURCHASED. (7) POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (8) F. O. B. POINT. (9) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (10) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (11) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (12) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (13) Inspection. (14) Freight Paid. Rail. (15) Water. (16) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (17) Total. (18) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each halDf each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of Subscriber Desk Set, and of each kind and size of Desk Set Box. Form approved April 2, 1915. <- •17" ■Ii' D. V. Fonn No. 478. Owner Operating Company Operating Division YEAR PUB- CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION (3) ■SH' INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION STATIONARY ENGINES Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this form). SIZE OR CAPACITY. W CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (V) H' F. O. B. POINT. (8) w POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED. (10) WEIGHT IN POUNDS, EACH. (H) A' COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection,. (13) Freight Paid. Rail. (14) A" Water. (15) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) A' Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this farm the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each hall of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size oi Stationary Engine. Form approved April 2, 1915. ■17" D. V. Form No. 477. Owner Operating Company - Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION Sheet No. Compiled by of sheets (this form). Title SWITCHES Correct. Title YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) ■li' A' MAKER. (2) lA' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) SIZE OR CAPACITY. (4) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (5) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (6) 1Ä' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (7) F. O. B. POINT. (8) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (9) OUAN- WEIGHT riTYPUR-po^gj^S. CHASED. (10) EACH. (11) COST, EACH. At F. O. B. Point. (12) Inspection. (13) Freiglit Paid. Rail. Water. (14) I (15) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (16) Total. (17) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating diyision, for each half of each calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind and size of knife, and sounder cut-out Switches. Form approved April 2, 1915. -17" D. V. Fonn No. 475. Owner Operating Company — Operating Division.... INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION SUBMARINE CABLE Sheet No. of . Compiled by Title Correct Title sheets (this fonti; YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) A' MAKER. (2) lA' KIND. (3) ItV DESCRIPTION. Conductors. Num¬ ber. C4) A' No. of Pairs. (5) Gauge No. (B. & S.) (6) Kind of Insulation. (7) Kind of Sheatb Material and Armor. (8) CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (9) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (10) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (11) F. O. B. POINT. (12) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (13) QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED IN FEET. (14) NUMBER OF FEET PER 100 POUNDS. (15) COST PER FOOT. ' At F. O, B. Point. (16) Inspection. (17) Freight Paid. Rail. (18) Water. (19) A' Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (20) Total. (21) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of each calendar yearlrom 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind of Submarine telephone Cable, for gauges of conductor from number 10 to number 20, inclusive, and of pairs from 5 to 100, inclusive. Form approved April 1, 1915. <■ IT'- D. V. Form No. 476. Owner Operating Company .. Operating Division INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION SCREWS Sheet No of. Compiled by Title Correct Title . sheets (this form). YEAR PUR¬ CHASED. (1) MAKER. (2) 1Ä' KIND AND DESCRIPTION. (3) 2H' PROTECTION. (4) NUM¬ BER OR DIAM¬ ETER. (5) A' A' a H o a » (6) A' CATA¬ LOGUE REFERENCE OR CARRIER'S SPECIFICA¬ TION NUMBER. (7) FROM WHOM PURCHASED. (8) lA' POINT OF ORIGINAL SHIPMENT. (9) H' F. O. B. POINT. (10) POINT OF DE¬ LIVERY TO CARRIER. (11) H' QUAN¬ TITY PUR¬ CHASED, IN HUN¬ DREDS. (12) WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER 100. (13) A' COST PER 100. At F. O. B. Point. (14) Inspection. (15) Freight Paid. Rail. (16) Water. (17) Commis¬ sion Paid for Pur¬ chasing. (18) Ä' Total. (19) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—Show on this form the largest purchase, with net price, on each operating division, for each half of eath calendar year from 1910 to 1914, inclusive, of each kind of square head drive or lag Screw, of sizes from inch by lyi inches to % inch by 6 inches, inclusive. Form approved April 1, 1915.