\i i.vo f % u W c & \ DtC t> 1937 I |./brar1 WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION \ DIVISION OF RESEARCH. STATISTICS AND RECORDS 0O0 CATALOG OF PUBLICATIONS 1933 - 1937 Oc tober,JL237 M-1040 WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF RESEARCH. STATISTICS AND RECORDS 0O0 CATALOG OF PUBLICATIONS 1933 - 1937 October, 1937 M-1040 HARRY L. HOPKINS Administrator CORRINGTON GILL EMERSON ROSS, Director Assistant Administrator Division of Research, Statistics and. Records The publications listed In this catalog except those marked thus (*) and (***) are available without charge upon request. To: Division of Research, Statistics and Records forks Progress Administration 1734 New York Avenue Washington, D. C. i CONTENTS Page Cash Relief 1 Construction Statistics 1 Employment on WPA Projects Age of Persons ..... 2 Wage Rates and Occupations ...... 2 Women 4 Library Publications 4 Miscellaneous Publications 6 Monthly Reports 7 Progress Reports ... 9 Projects FERA 10 WPA 10 Relief Financing 12 Relief Statistics 12 Resettlement Administratior ........ 14 Skill of Workers Employed on WPA Projects ....... . 15 Statistical Problems and Procedures of the Works Program 15 Wage Rates 16 One asterisk (*) signifies that titles to which affixed are exhausted. Two asterisks (**) signify that titles to which affixed are publications of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Three asterisks (***) signify that titles to which affixed are exhausted publications of the Federal Emergency Relief Adminis¬ tration. CASH RELIEF •♦Cash relief and relief in kind. Prepared by David Weintraub, March 15, 1935. 2 p.l.. 5 pp., 6 leaves, including 3 charts. Mimeographed. A rearrangement of a part of the text of this monograph with the omission of one chart was published in the Monthly report, F.E.R.A. for January 1935, pp. 16-23. CONSTRUCTION STATISTICS Construction expenditures and employment, 1925-1936. Prepared by Peter A. Stone, Construction Statistics Section. Revised June 1, 1937. Govt. Prtg. Office, 1937. 44 pp. 2 charts, tables A, 1-7, la-5a. 27 x 20 cm. Contents: Pages 1-20. Introduction: Classifications and definitions: Sources: Estimates of volume of construction; Estimates of employment in construction. Pages 21-44. Apoendix. Sources and methods of computation: Tables I-V. Table A. p. 14. Total construction by owner¬ ship and by sources of funds, 1925-1936. Table I, la. p. 39. Private building con¬ struction by types; by sources of funds, 1925-1936. Table II, Ila. p. 40. Private utilities construction by types; by sources of funds, 1925-1936. Table III, Ilia. p. 41. State and local public works by projects; by sources of funds, 1925-1936. Table IV, IVa. p. 42. Expenditures for Federal construction by types of work; by types of appropriations, 1925-1936. Table V, Va. pp. 43-44. Range of estimated employment in construction by ownership and types of funds, 1925-1936; estimated employment in construction from emergency funds by months and by agencies, July 1933 to 1936. Note: This revision, dated June 1, 1937, had been preceded by an edition of 49 pages, dated November 20, 1936. This earlier edition was preliminary and was not put into general circulation. EMPLOYMENT OF WPA PROJECTS Ml 91 P«Yf9BT —Age of pereone from relief rolle employed on WPA projects in June, 1936. Oort. Prtg. Office, 1937. xi, 115 pp. 33 x 24^ cm. Prepared under the direction of Dwight B. Yntema and Martin Taitel from tabulations submitted by Area Statistical Offices. Contents: Introduction, pp. Tii-xi. Tables 1-60. 115 pp. Tables 1-8. United States summaries. Tables 9-57. State!/summaries. Number of men and women by age at time of certification, by urbanisation groups, and by wage classes. Tables 58-60. Summaries - work camp projects. Wage Rates and Occupations •An analysis of employment on Works Progress Administration projects in October, 1935. Dated January 29, 1936. 12 (13) pp. Mimeographed. Contents: Introduction: distribution of workers by occu¬ pational classes, relief - non-relief dis¬ tribution; monthly wage rates; employment of women, actual earnings. Appendix Tables A-G on subjects discussed in the narratire part of this Analysis. A similar Analysis was issued for December, 1935. \J for each of the 48 States and the District of Columbia. — 3 — EMPLOYMENT ON WPA PROJECTS (contd.) Wage Rates and Occupations (contd.) •An analysis of employment on Works Progress Administration projects in December, 1935. 20 (2), 21 pp. Contents: Introduction; wage rates and earnings of security wage workers; employment of workers from relief rolls; employment of men and women; WPA camp projects; employment of youths on WPA projects under NYA regulations. Statis¬ tical Appendix, comprising 21 tables on subjects discussed in the narrative part of this Analysis. A similar Analysis was prepared for October, 1935. -Employment on projects in March, 1936, WPA including NYA. Prepared by the Special tabulations Unit under the direction of Thomas B. Rhodes. 4 p.l., iii, 133 pp. 32 x 24§ cm. Contents! Introduction, pp. i-iii. Tables 1-138. pp. 1-133. Tables 1-18. Regular WPA workers United States summaries. . Tables 19-118. State®' summaries. Number of persons by types of projects, by sex and by wage classes. Number of persons by assigned occupations, by relief status and by sex. Tables 119-122. Owner - operators of equipment. Tables 123-129. Persons employed at WPA work camps. Tables 130-132. Youths employed on WPA projects. Tables 133-138. Persons employed on NYA work projects. 1J For each of the 48 States, the District of Columbia and for New York City. - 4 - EMPLOYMENT ON WPA PROJECTS (contd.) Women —.♦An analysis of employment of women on Works progress administra¬ tion projects December 1935 through May 1936. Prepared by Wilhelmina Luten under the direction of Thomas B. Rhodes. 12 pp., 6 leaves. 3 maps. 5 tables. LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS -•Digest of welfare laws. —♦•Enacted 1935. Issued Sept. 15, 1935, 3 parts. —Part I. Alabama - Kansas. 79 pp. —Part II. Louisiana - North Dakota. 80 pp. "—Part III. Ohio - doming. 61 pp. —Enacted Sept., 1935 - Sept., 1936. Issued Oct. 1, 1936. 136 pp. • Library accessions, wkly., 1934 to date. Mimeographed. —Recent laws enacted by state legislatures relation to Works progress and social welfare, Oct. 15, 1936 - Aug. 15, 1937. Issued semi-monthly on the 1st and 15th of each month with exception of August 1. Issues from April 15 to June 15, 1937 are out of print. ♦♦Relief notices; reviews of new literature. Sept. 4, 1934 to Nov. 18, 1935. No. 1 - 76. Mimeographed with the exception of a few early numbers which were typewritten. Discontinued. Continued as "Research library abstracts." A The following issues are out of print: nos. 5, 8, 13 supp., 40 - 46, 49, 51 - 56, 61 - 62, 64, 66 - 67, 69 - 74, 76. ""Research library abstracts. Jan. 15, 1936 to date. Semi-mo. with occasional interruptions. Mimeographed. A continuation of Relief notices. This publication abstracts foreign material only, and attempts, briefly, to indicate significant current litera¬ ture in the fields of relief, unemployment and social security. This serial was unnumbered until the issue of July 1, 1937, when a continu¬ ous numbering of items, counting from the first issue, Jan. 15, 1936, was begun. - 5 - LIBHART PUBLICATIONS (contd.) A check list of Research library abstracts was published in the July 1, 1937, issue of the Abstracts, pp. 23 - 24. On two occasions a whole number of the Notices and of the Abstracts has been devoted to a single subject, viz. Nov. 11, 1935 "World of youth". 36 pp. and Jan. 15, 1936 "Unemployed employables". 39 pp. Issues for April 1, 1936, Jan. 1 and 15, March 15, April 1 and 15 are out of print. """••Non-institutional relief measures of the states and territories. A mimeographed series, published during 1934, viz. •Alabama (1803-1933). May, 1934. 14 pp. —Alaska (1913-1933). May, 1934. 16 pp. —Arizona (1912-1933). May, 1934. 15 pp. —Arkansas (1836-1933). May, 1934. 16 pp. —California (1852-1933). May, 1934. 38 pp. —Illinois (1819-1933). May, 1934. 77 pp. —Pennsylvania (1920-1933). July, , 1934. 74 pp. —♦•Old-age security. Selected references, 3 parts. Mimeographed. — No. 1. Foreign countries. Feb., 1935. 80 pp. —No. 2. United States. Feb., 1935. 44 pp. —No. 3. United States: Ala. - Wyoming. March, 1935. 189 pp. •**01d-age security: U. S. Massachusetts. Selective list of refer¬ ences. Feb., 1935. 46pp. Mimeographed. — ♦ Public welfare organization in the U. S. A synopsis of opinion. March 1937. 275 pp. Mimeographed. •••Recreation and the use of leisure. Sept. 29, 1934. 16 pp. Mimeographed. Supplement to "Relief notices" No. 13. ••Social recovery plan: Shifting of industry and population groups. 3 parts. Mimeographed. 1. Feb. 1, 1934. 27 pp. 2. Feb. 8, 1934. 23 pp. 3. Feb.20, 1934. 9 pp. ••Transients. April 1934. 26 pp. Mimeographed. — 6 -• MISCELLANEOUS ""Report of the President of the United States to the Congress of the operations under the Emergency relief appropriation act of 1935 and the Emergency relief appropriation act of 1936 as of December 31, 1936. January 9, 1937. Washington: Govt. Prtg. Office, 1937. 685 pp. 8 graphs. 21^ x 30 cm. Contents: pp. 1-12. Letters of transmittal. pp. 13-69. Report on the employment provided and the projects operated under the Emergency re¬ lief appropriation acts-of 1935 and 1936. January 6, 1937. Signed Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator, Works progress administra¬ tion. 8 tables. 4 charts. This is the only part of this document prepared by Works progress administration. pp. 71-685. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury to the President showing the financial status of funds provided in Emergency relief appropriation acts of 1935 and 1936 as of December 31, 1936. 12 tables. 8 graphs. •Unemployment in the United States. Dated November 1936. 27 pp. 26| x 20 cm. Unemployment relief and insurance. By Emerson Ross. 14 pp. A paper read before the joint meeting of the American Association for labor legislation and the American Economic association, Bee. 28, 1936, at Chicago. - ? - MONTHLY REPORTS - ? E R A ••♦Monthly reports of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May, 1933 to June, 1936, Washington; Govt. Prtg, Office, 1933 - 1937. 22\ cm. - Checklist - 1933 May 22 through June 30, iii, 21 pp. July. ii, 14 pp., 4 tables. Aug. 1 p.l., 23 pp., 6 tables. Sept. ii, 27 pp., 11 tables. Oct. ii, 25 pp., 11 tables. Nov, ii, 21 pp., 9 tables. Dec. v, 104 pp., 18 tables, 5 charts. Index. See below. 1934 Jan. ii, 44 pp. 15 tables, 5 charts. Feb. ii, 41 pp. 13 tables, 3 chart8. Mar. ii, 36 pp. 13 tables, 3 charts. Apr. ii, 29 pp. 12 tables, 1 chart. May ii, 54 pp. 12 tables June ii, 32 pp. 13 tables, 2 charts. July ii, 36 pp. 13 tables, 4 chart8. Aug. ii, 28 pp. 9 tables, 1 chart. Sept. ii. 41 pp. 9 tables, 2 charts. Oct. iii, 28 pp. 11 tables. Nov. iv, 68 pp. 16 tables, 1 chart. Dec. ii, 33 pp. 9 tables, 3 charts. Index. See below. 1935 Jan. ii, 52 pp. 13 tables, 7 charts. Feb. ii, 45 pp. 9 tables, 2 charts. Mar. ii, 66 pp. 10 tables, 3 charts. Apr. ii, 58 pp. 10 tables, 2 charts. May ii,105 pp. 9 tables, 3 charts. June ii, 61 pp. 9 tables, 2 charts. July iv,100 pp. 10 tables, 6 charts. Aug. iv,116 pp. 9 tables, 7 charts. Sept. iv, 66 pp. 9 text tables, 1 2-sheet folding table, 5 charts. Oct. iv, 65 pp. 11 text tables, 1 3-sheet folding table, 3 charts. Nov. iv, 70 pp. 9 tables, 10 charts. Dec. v,120 pp. 24 tables, 6 charts. Index. See below. - 8 - MONTHLY HEPORTS - F 1 8 A (contd.) 1936 Jan. iii, 69 pp. 6 tables, 5 charts. Feb. iii. 42 pp. 6 tables, 4 charts. Mar. iii. 105 pp. 6 tables, 3 charts. Apr. iii, 60 pp. 7 tables. 3 charts. May iii, 88 pp. 6 tables, 2 charts. June iv. 191 pp. 6 tables, 7 charts. Index. See below. Discontinued. Basic statistics which had been included in this publication were hereafter continued in "General Relief Statistics". - INDEXES ~ ■June, 1933, through Dec,, 1933. Jan., 1934, through Dec., 1934. Jan., 1935, through Dec., 1935. Jan., 1936, through June, 1936. Ja&., 1933, through June, 1936. 15 pp. This is a collection of the four preceding Indexes bound together and supplied with a covering title page. Washington, 1937. ii, 20 pp. Washington, 1937. iii, 25 pp. Washington, 1937. iii, 26 pp. Washington, 1937. iii, 15 pp. Washington, 1937. 20, 25, 26, Note: The editor of the Monthly Reports was Arthur E. Burns and the editorial staff was composed of H. H. Castle, E. A. Williams and P. A. Kerr. During the years 1933 and 1934 the Monthly Reports contained no signed articles, although they did in¬ clude considerable independent narrative material as well as narrative material explanatory of the numerous statistical tables in these Reports. The practice of printing signed articles was begun in 1935. PROGRESS REPORTS Report (1-10) on the progress!/ of the Works Program. March, 1936 - June, 1937. Monthly 1st to 6th, thereafter ap¬ proximately quarterly and "beginning with the 10th report to he issued semi-annually. 35 x 26^ cm. - Checklist - •1st. Mar. 16, 1936. 5 p.l., 113 pp. -1st. Mar. 16, 1936. Washington; Govt. Prtg. Office, n.d. ▼, 106 pp., incl. 14 tables, 8 maps, 10 charts. 29 x 23 cm. Apr. 15, 1936. 2 p.l., 65 pp. May 15, 1936. 2 p.l., 71 pp. June 15, 1936. 2 p.l., 63 pp. July 15, 1936. 2 p.l., 84 pp. Aug. 15, 1936. 2 p.l., 91 pp. Oct. 15, 1936. 3 p.l., 146 pp. Dec. 15, 1936. 3 p.l., 69 pp. Mar. 1937. 3 p.l., 145pp. June, 1937. 5 p.l., 117 pp. INDEX -Index of Reports on progress of the Works Program, 1936. 1 p.l., 5 pp. 32^ x 24| cm. if This word does not occur in the title of the first report. -2d. -3d. -4 th. —5th. -6 th. —7 th. —6 th. —6 th. -10th. PROJECTS, F.I.B.A. ncy work relief program projeete . Mimeographed. 35 x 2l£ cm. Alabama. 1 p.l 11 tables Dated May 22, 1937 Georgia. 1 p.l 11 tables. Dated Aug. 5, 1937 Indiana. 1 p.l 11 tables. Dated May 7, 1937 Kentucky. 1 p.l 11 tables. Dated June 8, 1937 Louisiana. 1 p.l 11 tables. Dated Sept . 8, 1937 Nebraska. 1 p.l 11 tables. Dated Oct. 12, 1937 Ohio. 1 p.l 9 tables. Dated Aug. 27, 1937 Pennsylvania. 1 p.l 9 tables. Dated Sept . 1, 1937 South Carolina. 1 p.l 11 tables. Dated Oct. 5, 1937 South Dakota. 1 p.l 11 tables. Dated Aug. 16, 1937 Vermont. 1 p.l 11 tables. Dated Aug. 24, 1937 Tables show I.R.A, Emergency work relief program costs by types of projects and by soturces of funds. Not for publication. PROJECTS, f.P.A. Physical accomplishment on VPA projects through September 15, 1936. Dated March 26, 1937. 4 pp. 27 x 20 cm. Mimeographed. __________ United States, by type of construction activities. Dated March 17, 1937 . 5 pp. Mimeographed. 35 x 2l£ cm. Alabama - Wyoming. Dated March, 1937. Mimeo¬ graphed. 35 x 2l£ cm. Each State is separately paged, running from 3 to 4 pages per State, and the States are variously dated during the month of March, 1937. A brief re-statement of the above title dated March 26, 1937, is to be found in "Heport on progress of the Works program, December 15, 1936'', pages 1-2. - 11 - PROJECTS, W.P.I, (contd.) WPA Projects. Analysis of projects placed in operation through December 31, 1936. Prepared under the direction of Malcolm B. Catlin from tabulations submitted by Area Statistical Offices. Govt. Prtg. Office, 1937. xii (1), 1 1., 83pp. 32| x 25 cm. Contents: Introduction p. ix. Tables 1-101. pp. 1-83. Tables 1-14. United States summaries. Tables 15-64. Statel/summaries of the number and estimated cost by types of projects and by operating status. Tables 65-101. Selected counties arranged according to name of largest city in the county. "Number and estimated cost, by major types of projects and by operating status. WPA projects selected for operation through April 15, 1936. Pre¬ pared by Special Tabulation Unit under direction of Thomas B. Rhodes. 2 p.l., 122 pp. charts and maps. 32 x 24^ cm. Dated May 25, 1936. Contents: Introduction. Part I. U.S. Summary, pp. 7-24; part II. State summaries, pp. 25-122. Maps: Highway, road and street projects as percent of all projects in State, crosshatched U.S. State map. p. 30. Parks and other recreational facility projects as percent of ajl projects in State crosshatched U.S. map by States, p. 38. Goods projects, as percent of all projects in State, crosshatched U.S. map by States, p. 44. Sewer systems and other utility projects, cross- hatched map of U.S. by States, p. 98. White collar projects as percent of all projects in State, crosshatched map of U.S. by States.p.106. Public building projects as percent of all projects in State, crosshatched map of U.S. by States, p. 112. There are two editions of this publication. They are identir cal as to contents and pagination. Ihe only distinguishing feature is the black vertical strip on the front cover con¬ taining the letters "WPA". This is not found on the cover of the original edition. XJ for each of the 48 States, the District of Columbia and Hawaii - 12 - RELIEF FINANCING ••Digest of State legislation for the financing of emergency relief, January 1, 1931 - June 30, 1935. Washington: Govt. Prtg. Office, 1935. iii, 57 pp. Reprinted from Monthly report of F.E.R.A. for May, 1935, pp. 39-60. This digest was prepared under the direction of L. L4szl6 Ecker-R. hy Robert C. Lowe, with the assistance of other members of the Municipal finance section. - Financing relief and recovery. Edited by L. L£sz1o Ecker-R. 1 p.l., pp. 372-493. 32 tables. 6 charts. Contents: I. Reconstruction finance corporation. By Donald S. Watson, pp. 375-381. II. Federal emergency relief administration. By Arthur E. Burns, pp. 382-418. III. The Civil works administration. By Corrington Gill. pp. 419-432. IV. The Works progress administration. By Emerson Ross. pp. 433-454. 7. The Federal emergency administration of public works. By B. W. Thoron. pp. 455-472. 71. Public assistance under the Social security act. By Geoffrey May and Zilpha C. Franklin, pp. 472- 493. Reprinted from the Municipal year book for 1937. RELIEF STATISTICS »•♦Trend of urban relief. Monthly; June/July, 1933 (origin) - Feb./March, 1937. Mimeographed. 35 x 21^cm. Publication hereafter taken over by the Social security board. -13- EELIEf STATISTICS (contd.) ""Emergency relief. Monthly, April, 1934 to May 1936. Mimeo¬ graphed. Succeeded by "Summary of emergency relief statistics"; which see. from April to July, 1934, the title reads "Unemployment Belief". In August, the title reads "Net number of resident families and persons receiving unemployment re¬ lief" and in September the title reads "families and persons receiving emergency relief". ""Summary of emergency relief statistics. Monthly, June to Decem¬ ber, 1935. Mimeographed. In December, 1935, the title reads: "Emergency relief rolls". Preceded by "Emergency relief"; which see. "Trend of relief in the continental Uhited States; monthly, October, 1935 to August, 1936. 26 x 20 cm. - Checklist - 1935 Oct., Nov. 2 pp. 1 table. Nov., Dec. 5 pp. 1 1936 table. -Jan., feb. 2 p.l., 10 pp. 3 tables. —feb., Mar. 2 p.l., 10 pp. 3 tables. —Mar., Apr. 1 p.l., 14 pp. 4 tables. -Apr., May 1 p.l., 13 pp. 6 tables. "May, June 1 p.l., 15 pp. 7 tables. —June, July 3 p.l., 17 pp. 7 tables. —July, Aug. 4 p.l., 19 pp. 7 tables, 2 charts, 1 m sp. Discontinued in this form. Title changes to "General Belief Statistics", which see. Note: The first two issues carry the authority "Works Progress Administration" on the title page; the following issues that of "federal Emergency Belief Administration". from the Jan./fob. to the June/July issues these reports were prepared under the direction of T. E. Whiting and Thomas B. Bhodes, and the July/August issue was prepared by Thomas B. Bhodes. 14 - HELIX? STATISTICS (contd.) ••General relief statistics, August to March, 1937. Monthly. - Checklist - Aug., Sept. 4 p.1., 20 pp. 7 tables, 2 charts. Sept., Oct. 4 p.l., 21 pp. 7 tables, 1 chart. Oct., Hot. 4 p.l., 20 pp. 7 tables, 1 chart. Hot., Dec. 4 p.l., 36 pp.10 tables, 2 charts, 1 map Dec. 1936-Jan. 1937 1/ 4 p.l., 24 pp. 7 tables, 2 charts. Jan., Feb., 1937 1/ 3 p.l., 23 pp. 7 tables, 2 charts. Feb., Mar. 1937 1/ 3 p.l., 22 pp. 7 tables, 2 charts. Discontinued. Publication was taken oTer by the Social Security Board. Hotet This series was preceded by "Trend of Belief in the Conti¬ nental United States", which see. "General Belief Statistics" was prepared under the direction of Thomas B. Shodes. ••Statistical summary of emergency relief statistics, January 1933 through December 1935. Prepared under the direction of T. X. Whiting. Ti, 44 pp. 32|r x 24jfc cm. ••Statistical summary of emergency relief in territories and posses¬ sions of the United States. Prepared under the direction of T. X. Whiting. April 1, 1936. 1 p.l., 3 pp., 16 lea-res. 16 tables. 32 x 2l£ cm. Mimeographed. BESETTLEMENT AEMTNISTBATIOH •Work of the Besettlement Administration in the Works program. Pre¬ pared by Conrad Taeuber. December 1, 1935. 1 p.l., 14 pp. and appendix of 7 leaves. 1/ These were issued jointly by the F.X.B.A. and the Social Security Board. - 15 - SKILL OP WORKERS EMPLOYED ON WPA PROJECTS The skill of brick and stone masons, carpenters, and painters employed on Works Progress Administration projects in seven cities in January, 1937, Washington: Govt. Prtg. Office, 1937, v., 76 pp. Prepared in the Section on Labor Research by William R. Curtis, Walter C. Keim and Edward Berman. The study covers the crafts indicated in the title in the following cities, vis.: Baltimore, Birmingham, Hartford, Memphis, Minneapolis, Scranton and Toledo. STATISTICAL PROBLEMS AND PROCEDURES OP THE WORKS PROORAM •Research and statistical program of the Pederal Emergency Relief Administration. By Emerson Ross. pp. 288-294. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Statistical Association, September, 1934. Statistics needed for administration of a National Works Program. By Emerson Ross. 12 pp. Mimeographed. A paper given before the National Conference of Social Work, Indianapolis, May 25, 1937. - 16 - WAGE HATES Local wage rates for selected occupations in public and private construction 1936. Govt. Prtg. Office, 1937. ix, 83 pp. 29^ x 39 era. Prepared under the supervision of Edward Benraan in the Section of Labor Research. Detailed tables for each of the 48 States and for the District of Columbia. Rates are shown for over 1,000 localities. The publication includes a preliminary statement describing the agencies assembling wage rate data as well as a summary of the information contained in the detailed tables. -0-