J s / " Ov 2R 1938 _ u . L/brar) Technique for a Real property survey c pA ^ supplement to the technique PREPARED JOINTLY BY: DIVISION OF SOCIAL RESEARCH, THE WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION: DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND INFORMATION. UNITED STATES HOUSING AUTHORITY; AND THE DIVISION OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS. FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. C. AUGUST 15, 1938 Technique for a Real Property survey supplement to the technique PREPARED JOINTLY BY: DIVISION OF SOCIAL RESEARCH, THE WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION: DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND INFORMATION, UNITED STATES HOUSING AUTHORITY: AND THE DIVISION OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS. FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D, C. AUGUST 15, 1938 MIMEOGRAPHED BY THE FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENT TO TECHNIQUE FOR A REAL PROPERTY SURVEY INTRODUCTION This supplement has been prepared for two reasons. The first of these is to supply the need for an overall com¬ posite picture of the extent of substandard housing in the city being surveyed, and the second is the desire to reduce the work required in preparing the tabulations by individual city blocks. In supplying the first need an arbitrary determination has been made of the elements which may make a dwelling unit sub¬ standard from a physical and from an occupancy point of view. A dwelling unit is considered to be physically substandard if it is located in a structure which is in need of major repairs, or is unfit for usej if the dwelling unit does not have at least one private bath and flush toilet; running water within the unit; central or other installed heating equipment; and gas or electric lighting. A dwelling unit is substandard as to occupancy if it contains any extra families, or has more than l£ persons per room. Each dwelling unit is scored as to Adequacy into the following groups; physically Substandard only, occupancy Substandard only, Physically and occupancy Substandard, and Standard. An additional table (Table 17) is prepared to present numbor of occupied dwelling units by owner or Tenant occupied, - 2 - by Race of Household, by Monthly Rent, by Adequacy, by Number of Persons in Unit. A companion table is prepared for vacant dwelling units (Table 18) presenting number of units by Monthly Rent, by Adequacy, by Number of Rooms in unit. The Block Tabulation has been revised to present Number of Dwelling Units by Adequacy, by Occupancy, and by Type of Structure. An additional map is pre¬ sented showing the percent of dwelling units in each block which are substandard. In addition to the tabulation of substandard units other revisions have been made in the Block Tabulation which reduced the size of the form while increasing the size of the entry spaces, without seriously curtailing the essential data prosented for each block. The specific points at which these revisions affect the Technique for Real Property Survoys, as prosented in Volumes I and II, published July 19i 1935» arc indicated below: VOLUME I Instructions to Checking Section on Checking and Coding Forms A, B* and C. The instructions for coding Adequacy on each Form B and C should bo followed as a scparato operation before final chocking and coding of Form A is carried forward as presented on page 13 of this sootion. Instructions to Mapping Section on Preparation of Presentation Maps. The Mapping Summary Sheet nood not be prepared since thcso - 3 - data will "be presented on the revised Block Tabulation. There¬ fore, the section relating to preparation of Mapping Summary Sheet on pages 14 to 19 should be omitted. In view of the emission of the Mapping Summary sheet the source of data for certain maps should be changed from the Mapping Summary Sheet to the Block Tabulation. These references appear on pages 26 to 39 and the maps are Block Data, Converted Structure, Average Rental, Race of Household, Condition of Residential Struc¬ tures, Sanitary Facilities, Age of Structure, Persons Per Room, Owner Occupancy, Duration of Owner Occupancy, and Duration of Tenant Occupancy. The Mortgage Status Map will be revised and will be based on data for Single Family Owner Occupied Structures only rather than all Owner Occupied Structures. An additional map presenting the percent of dwelling units which aro substandard will be prepared. VOLUME II Part I. Block Tabulation A revised Block Tabulation form has been prepared. A copy of the form is prosented following page 13 of this supple¬ ment. In view of this change, the instructions presented on pages 3 to 33 should be replaced with the revised instructions presented on pages 13 to 35 of this supplement. - 4 - Part III. Tables for Ownor Occupied units Tablo 17B will bo tabulated for each city. This tabu¬ lation should be carried forward after the completion of Table 1GB, and before the tabulation of Table 11B» as presontod on page 27. Tho tabulation instructions for this now table are presented on pages 36 to 40 of this supplement. Part IV. Tables for Tenant Occupied Units Table 17C will bo tabulated for each city. This tabula¬ tion should bo carried forward after the completion of Table IOC and before the tabulation of Tablo 11C* and presented on page 28. Tho tabulation instructions for this now page are prosontod on pages 41 to 45 of this supplement. Part V. Tables of Vacant Units Tablo 18 will bo prepared for each city. This table should bo tabulated after the completion of Tablo 1GD and before the storting of tabulation of 11D as presented on page 14. The instructions for the tabulation of this table are presontod on pages 46 to 49 of this supplement. - 5 - CODE ADEQUACY ON ALL FORMS B AND C This coding operation should bo carried forward after the completion of the genoral coding of the Forms b and C and before tho final checking and coding of Form A for which the in¬ structions are presentod on page 13 of Instructions to Checking Section on Checking and Coding Forms A, b, and C. Tho spocific instructions for this operation arc presented below: 3A Coding Adequacy on Forms B and C Forms B and C for a block will be issued to the Adequacy coder for the "Ready for Final Inspection - A" file. The follow¬ ing definitions of physically substandard and occupancy substandard must be followed exactly in coding each Form B or C. Physically Substandard Each Form B and C must bo inspected to determine whether it is physically substandard. When it is found that tho unit is physically substandard an "X" must bo entered as Itom I-M-l on tho form. When tho unit is physically adequate, " - " must be entered as Itom I-M-l. A unit is physically substandard whon any one or moro of the factors listed below apply to the unit. In some warmer localities it may be desirable to exclude the absence of installed heating from tho conditions which make a unit substandard. Before tho project roaches this stage, an understanding on this point should be reached botween tho local authority and tho Washington office of tho Works Progress Administration. - 6 - When tho project is sponsored by tho local housing authority! it also should eloar tho dofinition of substandard housing with tho United States Housing Authority. 1. In Need of Major Repairs or unfit for Uso as indi¬ cated by an "X" in tho box for "3. Major Repairs" or "4. Unfit for Uso" of Item I-I, Condition. 2. No Installed Hoating Equipment, as indicated by an "X" in tho box for "4» None Installed" of Item II-I, Hoating. 3. Neither Gas or Electric Lighting! as indicated by an "X" in box for "3. Other" of Item II-J, Lighting. 4. Conto.ins No Private (EDHot and Bath, as indicatod by a codo of D to Hi entered to the right of Item II-F, Flush Toilet. When tho Low Income Housing Area Survey is conducted in conjunction with tho Real Property Survey, it will bo necessary to enter Adequacy codo before Plumbing Equipment codo has boon determined. In such eases Plumbing Equipmont is determined to bo substandard if an entry of "0", or a fraction loss than "1" appears in II-F, Flush Toilets, or in II-G, Bathing Units. Occupancy Substandard Each Form B and C must be inspected to dotcrmino whether it is occupancy substandard. When it is found that tho unit is occupancy substandard, an "X" must bo entered as Itom l-M-2 on tho form. When a unit is occupancy adequate, or when the unit is vacant, a " - " must bo entered as Itom I-M-2. A unit is occupancy substandard whon any two or more of tho factors presented bolow apply to the unit: - 7 - that is, a unit with rental of loss than $40 is occupancy substandard if it is over-crowded or if it contains extra families of two or more persons j hut a unit with rental of $40 or more must he hoth over-crowded and contain extra families of two or more persons to ho considered occupancy substandard. 1* Contains 1.51 or More Persons per Room as indicated by Code of E and F in Item I-M, Persons per Room. 2. .Contains an Extra Family Consisting of Two or More Persons as indicated by entry of "1" or a larger number for number of extra families in Item II-P-1, Number of Extra Families; and the entry of "2» or a larger number for number of persons in at least one of the extra families in the unit in Item II-P-2, Extra Families. When number of persons in one or more of the extra families is not reported, it should be assumed that there are two or more persons in the extra family. 3. Monthly Rental of $39.99 or Less entered in Item II, Monthly Rent. In determining occupancy substandard, the following pro¬ cedure is suggested: Inspecting Persons per Room Code and Extra Families entry. When both axe satisfactory or the unit is vacant, enter " - " in I-M-2. When both are unsatisfactory, enter "X" in I-M-2. When one is satisfactory and the other unsatisfactory, examine Monthly Rental, and with rental of $40 or more enter " - " in I-M-2, but with rental of $39.99 or less, enter "X" in I-M-2. - 8 - Coding Adequacy The Adequacy code should he entered as Item i-m-3 for each dwelling unit. This code should appear on each Form B and c and is hased on the entries in Item l-M-1 and l-M-2. Enter "A" for Physically Substandard Only when unit is physically substandard as indicated by "X" in I-M-l» and the unit is vacant, or occupancy is not substandard as in¬ dicated by « - " in I-M-2. Enter "B" for Occupancy Substandard Only when an occupied dwelling unit is found to be physically adequate, as indicated by « - " in I-M-l, and o-ccupancy substandard as indicated by "X" in I-M-2, This code must never be entered for vacant dwelling units. Enter 11C" for Physically and Occupancy Substandard when the occupied dwelling unit is physically substandard as indi¬ cated by "X" in I-M-l, and is occupancy substandard as indi¬ cated by "X" in I-M-2. This code must never bo entered for vacant dwelling units. Enter "D" for Standard when the unit is physically adequate, as indicated by " - " in I-M-l, and is vacant or occupancy standard as indicated by " - " in I-M-2. A brief summary indicating the proper entry for Adequacy Code in i-M-3, with the various possible entries in I-M-l and - 9 - I-M-2, is presented below: Physical Occupancy Adequacy Adequacy Adequacy I-M-l I-M-2 I-M-3 X - A X B X X C D After the coding of Adequacy is completed f or all Forms B and C for a block the forms should be routbd to a checker who will verify Adequacy codes, when the codes have been completely verified, the Forms B and C for the block will be returned to "Ready for Final Inspection - A" file. - 10 REVISION IN INSTRUCTIONS TO MAPPING SECTION ON PREPARATION OF PRESENTATION MAPS Four major changes are to he made in this section. Since data r equired for the maps are presented on the new Block Tabulation, the preparation of Mapping Summary Sheet need not be performed. In view of this change the source of data for the various maps will be changed. The Mortgage Status Map will be revised to present percent of owner occupied single family structures subject to mortgage, rather than percent of all owner occupied structures subject to mort¬ gage. An additional map will be prepared to present percent of dwell¬ ing units which are Substandard. Preparation of Mapping Summary Sheet Sinco the data required in the preparation of the various maps are presented on a new Block Tabulation, the instructions for preparation of Mapping Summary Sheet on pages 14 to 19, should bo disregarded. Source of Data for Specific Maps Since the data for tho specific maps will bo obtained from tho revised Block Tabulation, rather than from tho Mapping Summary Sheet, the following changes in tho roforoncos prosontod on Pages 26 to 39 in this section are required: Tho data for Block Data Map as presented on pages 29 will bo obtained from lines 122 to 129 of the Revised Block Tabulation. The data for Converted Structure Map, as presented on page 32, will be obtained from lines 17 and 18 of Section B of the Revised Block Tabulation. 11 - The data for Average Rental Map, as presented on page 33* will be obtained from lino 122 of tie Revised Block Tabu¬ lation. The data for Race of Household Map, as presented on page 34, will bo obtained from lino 129 of the Revised Block Tabu¬ lation. The data for Condition of Residential Structure Map, as presented on page 34* will be obtained from line 126 of the Revised Block Tabulation. The data for Sanitary Facilities Map, as presented on page 33, will be obtained from line 128 c.f the Revised Block Tabulation. The data for Persons Per Room Map, as presented on page 36, will be obtained from line 132 of the Revised Block Tabulation. The data for Owner Occupancy Map, as presented on page 37* will be obtained from line 123 of the Revised Block Tabulation. The data for Duration of Owner-Occupancy Map, as pre¬ sented on page 38, will be obtained from lino 134 of the Revisod Block Tabulation. The data for Duration of Tonant Occupancy Map, as pre¬ sented on page 38, will bo obtained from lino 133 of tho Revisod Block Tabulation. The Mortgage Status Map, as presented on page 37* will bo based on mortgage status of single family owner occupant structures rather than on all owner occupied structures. The data for tho map will bo obtained from lino 131 of the Revised Block Tabulation. Tho title of this map should be changed to read as shown in the exhibit following page 12 of this supplement. A new map should bo prepared indicating tho percent of dwelling units in each block which are Substandard. Tho map will ho prepared on a single lino street map. Data for tho map are obtained from line 130 of the Revisod Block Tabulation, on which - 12 - the percent of dwelling units in each block which are Substandard, is indicated. The data will be shown by means of stack screens. The groups to be utilized and the type of stack screen to be used for each group arej Percent of Dwelling Units Which are Substandard Stack Screen Number 0 Blank 1-14 07 15-29 22 30-49 29 50-69 29R 70-84 83R 85-100 Solid Black The title and legend for this map are indicated in the exhibit following page 12. The map will b e of the same general type as Average Rental Map presented following page 35 of tho Instruc¬ tions to Mapping Section in the Standard Technique# TITLES AND LEGENDS FOR PRESENTATION MAPS MORTGAGE STATUS MAP (NAME OF CITY) REAL PROPERTY INVENTORY (DATE) W.P.A. PROJECT NO. (NUMBER) PERCENT OF SINGLE FAMILY OWNER-OCCUPIED STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO MORTGAGE 0 - 19 % 20 % — 39 % 40% — 59% 60% — 79% 80% — 100% SYMBOL SUBSTANDARD DWELLING UNITS MAP (NAME OF CITY) REAL PROPERTY INVENTORY (DATE) W.P.A. PROJECT NO. (NUMBER) PERCENT OF DWELLING UNITS WHICH ARE SUBSTANDARD I % 15% 30% 50% 70% 85% 0 14% 29% 49% 69% '84% 100% SYMBOL I ■ ■ V ■ I ■ I ■ • ■ ■ • a a J ■ 111 ■ - 13 - REVISED BLOCK TABULATION The Block Tabulation has been revised for several reasons. The former Block Tabulations did not present a tabulation of ADEQUACY. The entry spaces on the former tabulation were extremely small, and the sheets were of an unwieldy size. The work required in preparing the former Block Tabulation was considered to be somewhat excessive. It seemed desirable to consolidate the Mapping Summary Sheet with the Block Tabulation. A copy of the Revised Block Tabulation is presented following page 13 of this Supplement. Instructions to be followed in preparing the Block Tabulation are presented below. These instruc¬ tions should replace those presented on pages 3 to 33 of Part I, Block Tabulation of Volume II of the Standard Technique. PREPARATION OF FILING CARDS FOR USE DURING BLOCK TABULATION Before tabulation of the Block Tabulations is started a set of file cards should be made up with the designations indi¬ cated below. These files will be used for cards from a particular block and after the block is completed will be available for use on other blocks. When more than one group are engaged in tab¬ ulating block data at the same time, it will be necessary to prepare duplicate sets of file cards. It should be possible to retain the cards for a block during Block Tabulation on the table of the group tabulating the block, and it should not be necessary to route the oards into the files maintained by the Filing Division as used for Tables 1 to 14. A- STRUCTURES 1 Residential Without Business 2 Residential With Business 3 Commercial 9 Industrial 9 Public & Institutional 6 Struc¬ tures Dwelling Units B. RESIDENTIAL STRUC¬ TURES BY TYPE-Total 7 1. Single Family Detached 8 2. Single Family Attached 9 3- Two Family Side by Side 10 1*. Two Family Two Decker 11 5- Three Family Three Decker 12 6. Four Family Dou¬ ble Two Decker 13 7. Apartment 19 8. Business With Dwelling Units 19 9. Other Non-converted 16 10. Partially Converted 17 11. Completely Converted 18 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES 19 C. YEAR BUILT X No Report 20 Total Reports on Year Built 21 A. 1935- 22 B. 1930-1931* 23 0. 1925-1929 29 D. 1920-1929 29 E. 1915-1919 26 F. 1905-1919 27 G. 1895-1909 28 H. 1885-1899 29 I. 1860-1889 30 J. 1859 or Before 31 total dwelling units 32 D. PLUMBING EQUIPMENT X. No Reoort 33 Total Reports on Plumbing Eauipment 39 A-C. At Least 1 Toilet and 1 Bath 39 D-H. Less than 1 Toilet and 1 Bath ?6 22S99 R. 7/21/38 BLOCK TABULATION CITY STATE DATE ENUMERATED Total Single Family Other Types Vacant Owner Occupied Tenant Occupied TOTAL DWELLING UNITS 37 E. MONTHLY RENT X. No Report 33 Total Reports on Monthly Rent 39 Total Rent 90 Average Rent Per Unit 91 A* $9.99 and Less 92 B. $5.00-59.99 ^3 C. $10.00-$l9-99 44 D. $15.00-519.99 *5 E. $20.00-$29-99 46 F. $25.00-529 99 47 0. $30.00-139.99 48 H. $90.00-$99-99 49 I. $50.00-$79.99 50 J. $75 00-599 99 5* K. $100.00-5199.99 52 L. $150.00 or More 53 F. ADEQUACY IT Standard 54 Substandard-T0tal 55 A. Physically Substandard 56 B. Occupancy Substandard -7 0 Physically & Occu¬ pancy Substandard 58 G. CONDITION OF STRUC¬ TURE. X. No Report 59 Total Reports on Condition 60 1. Good Condition 61 2. Minor Repairs 62 3- Major Repairs 63 9. Unf. for Use 64 Owner Occupied Tenant Occupied H.DURATION OF OCCUPANCY X. No Reoort 65 BLOCK NO. E.D. NO. Total Reports on Duration 66 M.PERSONS PER ROOM X. No Reoort 101 A. Less than 6 Months 67 Total Reports on Persons per Room 102 B. 6 Months- 11 Months 68 A- .50 or Less 103 C. 1 Year- 1 Year,11 Months 69 B. .51 to .75 109 D. 2 Years- 2 Years,11 Months 70 0. .76 to 1.00 105 E. 3 Year8- 4 Year8.ll Months 71 D. 1.01 to l.pO 106 F. 5 Years- 9 Years.ll Months 72 E. 1.51 to 2.00 107 G. 10 Years- 19 Years.ll Months 73 F. 2.01 or More 108 H. 20 Years or More 79 N.ROOMERS X. No Report 109 $ Less than 5 Years 75 Total Reports on Roomers 110 OWNER OCCUPIED SINGLE FAMILY STRUCTURE-Total 76 A.Number of Units with I.ENCUMBRANCE X. No Report 77 B.Number of Units with in 112 Total Reports on Encumbrance 7» C.Number of Units with ^ to 10 Roomers 113 1. Mortgage or Land Contract 79 D.Number of Units with 11 Roomers or More 119 2. No Encumbrance 80 'jo With 3 Roomers or 116 J.VALUE OF PROPERTY X. No Report 81 0.EXTRA FJ WILIES-Number of Units 116 Total Reports on Value 82 P.RACE OF HOUSEHOLD X. No Reoort U7 Total Value 83 Total Reports on Race 118 Average Value 89 1. White 119 TENANT OCCUPIED AND VACANT UMTS Tot*l 85 2. Negro 120 K FURNITURE X. No Report 36 3• Other 121 Total Reports on iNirni ture 87 q.MAPPING SUMMARY--Average Monthly Rent per Unit 122 Furniture not Included in Rent 88 Total Number of Dwelling Units 123 Furniture Included in Rent 89 jb of Residential Structures Built 1919 or Before 129 TOTAL OCCUPIED UNITS -jii $ of All Dwelling Units Occupied by Owner 125 L.NMPiP & AGE OF ALL PERSONS X. No Report 91 % of All Dwelling Units Needing Major Repairs-Unfit for Use 126 Total Reports on Age of Persons 92 Number of Structures Used for Business 127 Total Persons 93 fi of Dwelling Units With No Private Toilet and Bath 128 Average Number of Persons per Unit 99 » of 0-cu,Y»d Dwelling Units With Race Other than Whi e 129 Number of Persons- 4 Years or Less 95 of All Dwelling Units Substandard 130 Number of Persons- p-9 Years 96 % of Owner Occupied Single Family Structures with Mortgage • 131 Number of Persons- 10-14 Years 97 4 of Occupied Dwelling Units with 1.51 or More Parsers Pe- Room 132 Number of Persons- 15-19 Years 98 Median Year Built Group 133 Number of Fersons- 20-64 Years 99 Median Duration of Occupancy Group-Owner Occupied Units 139 Number of Persons- 65 Years and Over 100 Median Duration of Occupancy Group-Tenant Occupied units 135 - 14 - File by CONDITION for all Cards: X. Under Construction 0. Not Under Construction (all other conditions) File hy COLOR OF CARDS for all Cards*: 1. White Cards (Structures) 2. Yellow Cards (Other Units) File by TYPE OF STRUCLOxtE for all Cards*: 3. Single Family 4* Other Types File by OCCUPANCY for all Cards*: 3. Owner Occupied 6. Tenant Occupied 7. Vacant 8. All Occupied ♦Excluding cards for units Under Construction Filing System for Cards During Block Tabulation After editing and coding is completed, all cards for each block will be in a separate file. The data for Section A of the Block Tabulation are taken from the Block List (Form A), and the data for the remaining Sections B to Q of the Block Tabulations are taken from the cards (Form B and Form C). The cards for a block should be withdrawn from the file and filed by CONDITION into the two following groups: Condition File Number Under Construction X Not Under Construction (All other Conditions) 0 The cards from File X (Under Construction) are not used in tabu¬ lating the Block Tabulation. A rubber band should be placed around these cards and they should be held in File X until all tabulations for the block are completed. The cards from File 0 (Not Under Construction) should be sorted by COLOR OF CARD into the two following groups: Color of Card File Number White Cards (Structures) Yellow Cards (Other Units) 1 2 - 15 - The yellow cards should "be held in File 2 until the tabulation of Section C is completed. The white cards (File 1) will be used in tabulations of Section B by Type of Structure, and Section G by Year Built. After this tabulation is completed, the white and yellow cards will be recombined into a single group and placed in File 0. They will be withdrawn from File 0 and s orted by Type of Structure into the following groups: Type of Structure File Number Single Family 3 Other Types 4 The cards will be used in this order for the tabulation of Section E by Monthly Rental; F by Adequacy; and G by Condition of Structure. After the tabulation of Section G is completed, the cards will be recombined into a single group and sorted by OCCUPANCY into the following groups: Occupancy File Number Owner Occupied 5 Tenant Occupied 6 Vacant 7 The cards from File 7 (Vacant Units) will be used in the tabulation of Sections E, F, and G. The cards from File 5 (Owner Occupied Units) and File 6 (Tenant Occupied Units) will be used in the tabulation of Sections E and F, and in the tabulation of Section R by Duration of Occupancy. After Section H is completed, the cards from File 5 (Owner Oocupied Units) will be sorted by TYPE OF STRUCTURE and those cards for Single Family structures will be used in the tabulation of Seotion I by Encumbrance, and Section J by Value of Property. The - 16 - cards from Pile 6 (Tenant Occupied Units) and File 7 (Vacant Units) will be used in the tabulation of Section K by Furniture. After the tabulation of Section K is completed, the cards from File 5 (Owner Occupied Units) and File 6 (Tenant Occupied Units) will be combined into a single group and placed in File 8 (All Occupied Units). The cards from File 8 will be used in the tabulation of Section L by Number and Age of All Persons: Section M by Persons Per Room; Section N by Roomers; Section 0 by Extra Families; and Section P by Race of Household. After all tabulations for a block have been completed, and checked, the cards for the block should be returned to the file with a rubber band placed around all cards for Units Under Construc¬ tion and these cards placed at the back of the bundle. BLOCK TABULATION 1. One copy of the Block Tabulation should be prepared for each block in the city. The space immediately above Section E of the form is reserved for a sketch of the block. It might be desirable to have those sketches inserted on the tabulations by mappers. The sketch should be arranged in this space with North to the top of the sheet and with the four boundary streets of the block shown in the street spaces. While the drawing should be reasonably accurate with regard to the general shapo of the block, it is not ncocssary that all proportions be observed exactly. It is ossential, however, that all streets bo shown in their proper relationship. At tho timo that the sketch is inserted, the Block - 17 - Number, E.D. Number, City and State also must be entered onto the form. The tabulator working on the tabulation for a particular block will be supplied with the Block Tabulation with a sketch inserted, the Block List, and all Forms B and C for the block. 2. Obtain the entry for line 1 of Section A of the Block Tabulation, from "Number of Major Structures" as entered at the top of Sheet 1 of the Block List. Obtain the count of Major Structures by Type for lines 2 to 6 of Section A of the Block Tabulation by counting the entries in column 11 of the block list, classified by groups according to the code indicated in column 12. It should be observed that when no code is given in column 12 opposite an entry in cblumn 11, the last code entered above the line in column 12 will apply to the column 11 entry. This tabulation requires only a count of each structure as indicated in column 11 and not the total of the area, of the structures by type. The groups into which the entries should be classified on the basis of column 12 are indi¬ cated below; Number of Code as Indicated in Major Structures Column 12 of Block List Residential without business A, B or C Residential with business D or E Commercial F Industrial G- Public and Institutional H There should be no entries in column 11 of the Block List for proper¬ ties coded I, J, K or L in column 12. CHECK THE COUNT OF STRUCTURES BY TYPE. Enter the results in lines 2 to 6 of Section A of the Block Tabulation. CHECK THE POSTING. The total of the entries on lines 2 to 6 must check with the entry on line 1. - 18 - 3» Withdraw all white and yellow cards for a particular block from the file. Sort these cards by CONDITION into the follow¬ ing groupss Condition After Sorting Place in File No. Under Construction X Not Under Construction (all other Condition groups) 0 CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. If the Enumeration Instructions have been carried out properly, all Under Construction Units will be Vacant Units. If any Owner or Tenant Occupied, Under Construction Units are found, the Condition should be changed in accordance with the INSTRUC¬ TIONS TO ENUMERATORS. 4. Sort all cards from Pile 0 (Units Not Under Construction) by color of card, into the following groups; Color of Card After Tabulation place in File No, White Cards 1 (Structure Cards) Yellow Cards 2 (Other Dwelling Units) CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the white cards and post on line 7 of Structures column of Section B. Count the white and yellow cards and post on line 7 of Dwelling Units column of Section B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. 5. Sort all cards from Pile 1 (Structure Cards, Not Under Construction) by TYPE OF STRUCTURE, into the following groups: Type of Structure Single Family Detached Apartment Single Family -Attached Business with Dwelling Units Two Family, Side by Side Other Non-Converted. Two Family, Two Decker Partially Converted . Three Family, Three Decker Completely Converted. Four Family, Double Two Decker - 19 - CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 8 to 18 of Structures column of Section B of the Block Tabulation. The total of the entries on lines 8 to 18 of Structures column must check with the entry on line 7* The entries for lines 8 and 9 (Single Family Structures) of Dwelling Units column are the same as the entries on these lines in Structures column. The entries on lines 10 and 11 (Two Family Structures) of Dwelling Units column are obtained by multiplying the entries in Structures column by two. The entry for line 12 (Three Family Structure) of Dwelling Units column is obtained by multiplying the entry on line 12 of Structures column by three. The entry for line 13 (Four Family Structure) of Dwelling Units is obtained by multiplying the entry on line 13 of Structures column by four. The entries for lines 14 to 18 of Dwelling Units column are obtained by adding the Number of Units reported in the Type of Structure section of the card for the proper Type of Structure groups of cards. CHECK THE TABULATION AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries on lines 8 to 18 of Dwelling Units column must check with the entry on line 7 of this column. 6. Sort all cards from File 1 (Structure Cards, Not Under Construction) by YEAR BUILT, into the following groups: A. 1935 - 1939 B. 1930 - 1934 c. 1925 - 1929 D. 1920 - 1924 E. 1915 - 1919 F. 1905 - 1914 G. 1895 - 1904 H. 1885 - 1894 I. 1860 I884 J.&59 or before X. No Report on Year Built - 20 - As an additional check on the coding of the cards, check the cards in each Year Built group to verify the fact that the Year Built and the Code agree. If errors in coding are located they should "be corrected. Count the cards in each Year Built group and post on lines 22 to 31 and 20 of Section C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry on line 21 (Total Reports on Year Built) is ob¬ tained by adding the entries on lines 22 to 31. The entry for line 19 (Total Residential Structures) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 20 and 21. This entry must check with the entry in Resi¬ dential Structure column of line 7. After this operation is completed, the cards should bo returned to file 0. The cards for Other Dwelling Unit3 also should be withdrawn from file 2 and placed in file 0. 7. Sort all cards from File 0 (Dwelling Units Not Under Construction) by PLUMBING EQUIPMENT, into the following groups: A-C. At least 1 Toilet and 1 Bathing Unit D-K. Loss than 1 Toilet and 1 Bathing Unit X. No Report on Plumbing As an additional check of the coding of tho cards, check the cards in each Plumbing Equipment group to verify the fact that the Plumbing Equip¬ ment entries and the Code agree. If errors in coding are located they should be corrected. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 33.35.' and 36 of Section D. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The ontry for line 34 (Total Reports on Plumbing Equipment) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 35 and 36. The entry for line 32 (Total Dwolling Units) is obtained by adding the entries on lines - 21 - 33 and 34* This entry must check with the entry in Dwelling Units column of line 7. 6. Sort all cards from Pile 0 (Dwelling Units Not Under Construction) "by Type of Structure into the following groups: Type of Structure File Number Single Family 3 (Includes Types 1 and 2) Other Types 4 (Includes Types 3 to 11) CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in Single Family and Other Types columns of line 37. The entry for Total column of line 37 is obtained by adding the entries in Single Family and Other Types column. This entry in the Total column of line 37 must check with the entry in Dwelling Units column of line 7- 9. Sort all cards from File 3 (All Single Family Units) by Monthly Rent into the following groups: A. $4*99 and less B. 5.00 to $9.99 C. 10.00 to 14.99 D. 15.00 to 19.99 E. 20.00 to 24.99 F. 25.00 to 29.99 G. 30.00 to 39.99 H. 40.00 to 49.99 I. 50.00 to 74.99 J. 75.00 to 99.99 K. 100.00 to 149.99 L. 150.00 or More X. No Report on Rent As an additional check on the coding of the cards, check the cards in each Monthly Rent group to verify the fact that the Monthly Rent and the Code agree. If errors in coding arc located they should be - 22 - corrected. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 42 to 53 and 38 of Single Family column of Section E. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 39 (Total Reports on Monthly Rent) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 42 to 53* The total of the entries on lines 38 and 39 must check with the entry on line 37. 10. Obtain a total of Monthly Rent reported on all cards from File 3 (All Single Family Units). This total may be obtained most easily by using an adding machine. Post the total on line 40 of Single Family column of Section E. CHECK THE ADDITION AND THE POSTING. 11. Sort all cards from File 3 (All Single Family Units) by SUBSTANDARD, which is coded as Item I-M-3 into the following groups: A. Physically Substandard B. Occupancy Substandard C. Physically and Occupancy Substandard D. Standard As an additional check on the coding of the cards, check the cards in each Substandard group to verify the Codo with the facilities provided* If errors in coding are located, they should be corrected. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 56 to 58, and 54 of Single Family column of Section F. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POST¬ ING. The entry for line 55 (Substandard—Total) is obtained by add¬ ing the entries on lines 56 to 58. The total of the entries in linos 54 and 55 must check with the entry in line 37. 12. Sort all cards from File 3 (All Single Family Units) by CONDITION into the following groups: - 23 - 1. Good Condition 2. Minor Repairs 3. Major Repairs 4* Unfit for Use X. No Report on Condition CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 61 to 64 and 59 of Single Family column of Section G. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 60 Total Reports on Condition is obtained by adding the entries on lines 6l to 64. The total of the entries on lines 59 and 60 must check with the entry on line 37. After this tabulation is completed, the cards for all Single Family Units should be returned to File 3* 13. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 9 to 12 with cards from File 4 (Other Types of Structure). The results of the tabulation should be posted in the Other Types col¬ umn of Sections E to G. After the tabulation is completed the cards should be returned to File 4 (Other Types of Structure). The entries for lines 38 to 40, and 42 to 64 of Total column are obtained by add¬ ing the corresponding entries in Single Family and Other Types columns. 14. Withdraw all cards from File 3 (All Single Family Units) and File 4 (Other Types of Structure). Combine these cards into one group and sort by OCCUPANCY into the following groups: After Posting Occupancy Place in File Number Owner-occupied 5 Tenant-occupied 6 Vacant 7 CHECK THIS NUMBER OF CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in Vacant, Owner-occupied, and Tenant-occupied columns on lino 37. - 24 - CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries of these three columns must check with the entry in total column of line 37. Place the cards for all dwelling units in Files 3 to 7, as indicated ahove. 15• Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 9 to 12 with all cards from File 7 (Vacant Units), post the results on lines 38 to 64 of Vacant column of Sections E to G. There should "be no entries of Lines 57 and 58 of this column of the Block Tabula¬ tion. After this tabulation is completed! return the cards to File 7 (Vacant Units). 16. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 9 to 11 with all cards from File 5 (Owner-occupied Units) and File 6 (Tenant Ocoupied Units). This tabulation must be carried through separately for each of these two groups. Post the results in Owner- occupied and Tenant-occupied columns of lines 38 to 58 of Sections E and F. After this operation is completed for each group of cards they should be returned to Files 5 and 6. 17. Sort all cards from File 5 (Owner Occupied Units) by DURATION OF OCCUPANCY into the following groups: A. Less than 6 Months B. 6 Months - 11 Months C. 1 Year - 1 Year, 11 Months D. 2 Years - 2 Years, 11 Months E. 3 Years - 4 Years, 11 Months F» 5 Years - 9 Years, 11 Months G. 10 Years - 19 Years, 11 xMonths H. 20 Years or More X. No Report on Duration As an additional check on the coding of the cards, check the cards in eaoh Duration of Occupancy group to verify the fact that the Duration - 25 - and the code agree. If errors in coding are located they should he corrected. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 67 to 74 and 65 of Owner column of Section H. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POST¬ ING. The entry for line 66 (Total Reports on Duration) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 67 to 74. The total of the entries on lines 65 and 66 must check with the entry in Owner Occupied column of line 37. 18. Carry through the procedure in paragraph 17 with all cards from File 6 (Tenant Occupied Units). Post the results on lines 65 to 74 of Tenant Occupied column of Section H. 19. Sort all cards from File 5 (Owner Occupied Units) by Type of Structure into the following groups: Type of Structure Single Family (Includes Types 1 and 2) Other Types (Includes Types 3 to 11) CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Only those cards for Single Family Owner Occupied Units as one group will be used in the following tabu¬ lation. All Single Family Units should appear on Forms B (White cards). If any Forms C (Yellow cards) are included in the group for Single Family Owner Occupied Units, review the forms and correct errors beforo proceeding with the tabulation. Sort tho cards for Single Family Owner Occupied Units by ENCUMBRANCE into the following groups: 1. Mortgage or Land Contract 2. No Encumbrance X. No Report on Encumbrance - 26 - CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 77, 79 and 80 of Section I. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 78 (Total Reports on Encumbrance) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 79 and 80. The entry for line 76 (Owner Occupied Single Family Structures) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 77 and 78. 20. Sort the cards for Single Family Owner Occupied units, as established in a separate group as indicated in paragraph 19, by Value of Property iirto the following groups: A-0. Reporting Value X. No Report on Value CHECK THE SORTING OF'THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 81 and 82. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries on Lines 81 and 82 must check with the entry on line 76. Obtain a total of the Value of Property for all Single Family Owner Occupied structures. These cards should be represented by those with Value of Property codo of A to 0. It will be most convenient to use an adding machine in obtaining this total. Post the total amount on line 83. CHECK THE ADDITION AND THE POSTING. After this tabulation is completed, the cards for Owner Occupied Singlo Family units and for othor Owner Occupied Units should bo rocombinod into one group of Owner Occupied Units and roturned to File 5. 21. Withdraw tho cards from File 6 (Tenant Occupied Units) and File 7 (Vacant Units). Combine these cards into a single group - 27 - and sort "by Furniture Included in Rent into the following groups: No. (Furniture Not Included in Rent) Yes (Furniture Included in Rent) X. (No Report on Furniture) CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 86, 88, and 89. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTINGS. The entry for line 87 (Total Reports on Furniture) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 88 and 89. The entry for line 85 (Tenant Occupied and Vacant Units - Total) is obtained by adding the entries in lines 86 and 87. This entry must check with the total of the entries in Vacant and Tenant Occupied Columns on line 37* After this tabulation is completed the cards should be resorted into Tenant Occupied and Vacant group and returned to Files 6 and 7. 22. Withdraw all cards from File 5 (Owner Occupied Units) and File 6 (Tenant Occupied Units). Combine these cards into a single group which will be placed in File 8 (All Occupied Units). Sort all Cards from Filo 8 (All Occupied Units) on the basis of Number and A.go of All Persons into the two following groups: Number and Age of Persons Reported Number and Age of Persons Not Reported In order to be included in the Number and Ago of Persons Reported group the numbor of persons in the various age groups reported on the form must be given and the total of theso numbers must check with the total givon on the form. CHECK THE SORTING OF CARDS. Count the oaris in oach group and post on lines 91 and 92 of Sec¬ tion L. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for lino 90 (Total Occupied Units) by adding the entries on lines 91 - 28 - and. 92. This entry must cheek with the total in Owner Occupied and Tenant Occupied columns of line 37. Obtain a total of the Total Persons in Unit on all cards with Number and Age of Persons Reported using an adding machine, if possible. Enter this total on line 93 of Section L. By using a tally sheet obtain the number of persons in each age group from the cards with Number and Age of Persons Reported. It should be observed that the total persons under 1 year, and 1 to 4 years, are to be combined into a single group, representing number of persons 4 years or less. The data required are the total number of persons in each group, not the number of units with persons in a particular group. Enter the totals on lines 93 to 100 of Section L. The total of the entries on lines 95 to 100 must check with the entry on line 93* 23. Sort all cards from Pile 8 (All Occupied Units) by PERSONS PER ROOM into the following groups: A. .50 or Less ■B. .51 to .75 C. .76 to 1.00 D. 1.01 to 1.50 E. 1.51 to 2.00 P. 2.01 or More X. No Report on Persons per Room As an additional check on the coding of the cards, check the cards in each PERSONS PER ROOM group to verify the code with the number of persons and the number of rooms. If errors in coding are located they should be oorrectod. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 103 to 108 and 101 of Soction M. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 102 (Total Reports on Persons Per Room) is obtained - 29 - by adding the entries on lines 103 to 108. The total of the entries in lines 101 and 102 must check with the entries on line 90 (Total Occupied Units). 24. Sort all oards from File 8 (All Occupied Units) "by NUMBER OF ROOMERS into the following groups: Units with no Roomers Units with 1 or 2 Roomers Units with 3 to 10 Roomers Units with 11 Roomers or More No Report on Roomers CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 111 to 114 and 109 of Section N. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 110 (Total Reports on Roomers) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 111 to 114• The total of the entries on lines 109 and 110 must check with the entry on line 90 (Total Occupied Units). 25. Sort all cards from File 8 (All Occupied Units) by EXTRA FAMILIES into the following groups: Units with Extra Families Units with No Extra Families, or Units with No Report on Extra Families CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards for Units with Extra Families and post on line 116. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE PbSTING. 26. Sort all cards from File 8 (All Occupied Units) by RACE OF HOUSEHOLD into the following groups: 1. White 2. Negro 3. Other X. No Report on Race - 30 - CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 119 to 121 and 117 of Section P. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 118 {Total Reports on Race) is obtained by adding the entries on 119 to 121. The total of the entries on lines 117 and 118 must check with the entry on line 90. 27. The entries for the following lines are obtained in the manner indicated. Each of these entries must be carefully checked. The indicated figures should be computed for each of the columns when more than one column is presented in the section. Enter on Line Method of Obtaining Entry 41 (Average Rent Per Unit) Line 40 divided by line 39. 75 (% Less than 5 Years) Total of lines 67 / 68 / 69 / 70 / 71 divided by lino 66. 84 (Average Value) Line 83 divided by line 82. 94 (Average Number of Per¬ sons per Unit) Line 93 divided by line 92. 115 (% With 3 Roomers or Total of lines 113 / 114 More) divided by line 110. The entries on lines 112 to 135 of the Mapping Summary Section will bo used in preparing various block maps for the city. While entries should be mado in oach of those lines, cases will arise in which the figure for a particular block is based on an inadequate group of reports. In such cases a line should be drawn through the entered figure to indicate that is not considered reliablo and should bo omitted from the map^ Instructions presented below are divided into two sections. In the first section the method of deriving the entry is indicated. In thq second, the conditions under which lines should be drawn through the various entries are indicatod. Several of the required entries rcprosont median groups. - 31 - The methods used in determining these medians are indicated. The following explanation relating to Median Year Built group is to he entered in line 133. The median is the value which has half of the cases higher and half lower when the various values are arranged in order of size. If there are 15 cases reported for the item under consideration, the eighth highest case is the median, and the group in which the eighth case is located is the median group. If there are 16 cases, the median value lies between tho eighth and ninth cases. To determine the median value, add one to the Total Reports on Year Built as presented on line 21 of the Block Tabulation. Divide this result by two to obtain the middle number. In order to locate the median value, add entry on line 22 to the entry on line 23. Add line 24 entry, etc. to this total until the smallest numbor is reached which is greater than the middle number computed above. Tho group from which the last figure was obtained in order to obtain this smallest number represents tho median group. Enter the code representing this group into line 133* Tho following example indicates the method of computing this figure j Example Yoar Built Line Number Total Total Reports on Year Built 21 25 A. 1935-39 22 1 B. 1930-34 23 4 c. 1925-29 24 5 D. 1920-24 25 6 E. 1915-19 26 5 F. 1905-14 27 3 G. 1895-^904 28 1 H. 1885-1894 29 0 I. 1860-1884 30 0 J. 1859- or Bcforo 31 0 - 32 - To obtain tho middle number, add 1 to 25 (lino 21); divide the result, 26, by 2 to obtain 13 as the middle number. Add 1 (lino 22) to 4 (lino 23) to obtain 5» Add 5 (lino 24) to this result to obtain 10. Add 6 (line 25) to this result to obtain 16. This total, 16, is tho smallest cumulative total more than the middle number which is 13; thorcforo tho group from which tho last number added was obtained (6 from lino 25) to the median group. This median group is "D» 1920- 24"; thorefore, the corroct entry in line 133 of tho Block Tabulation is "D". Method of obtaining entries for Mapping Section. Enter on Line Method of Obtaining Entry 122 (Average Monthly Rent Obtained from total column of per Unit) line 41* 123 (Total Number of Dwell- Obtained from line 32. ing Units) 124 (% of Residential Struc- Total of lines 26 / 27 / 28 / tures Built 1919 or 29 / 30 / 31» divided by line Before) 21. 125 {% of All Dwelling Units Owner Occupied column of line 37 Occupied by Owner) divided by total column of line 37• 126 {% cf All Dwelling Units Total of line 63 / 64 of total needing Major Repairs column, divided by line 60 of or Unfit for Use) total column. 127 (Number of Structures Line 3 / line 4 / line 5* Used for Business) 128 (% of Dwelling Units Line 36 divided by line 34. With No Private Toi¬ let and Bath) 129 (% of Occupied Dwell- Total of line 120 / 121, ing Units with Race divided by line 118. Other than White) 130 {% of All Dwelling Units Line 55 of total column divided Substandard) by line 37 of total column. 131 (% of Owner Occupied Line 79 divided by line 78. Single Family Struc¬ tures with Mortgage) 550 Technique for a Real Prooerty Survey Supplement to the Technique 33 (revised) 132 ($ of Occupied Dwell¬ ing Units with 1,51 or more Persons per Room) 133 (Median Year Built Group) 134 (Median Duration of Occupancy Group-Owner Occupied Units) 155 (Median Duration of Occupancy Group — Tenant Occupied Units) Total of Line 107 -f- 108, divided by line 102 Enter code letter representing median group "based on linos 21 to 31. Enter code letter representing median group based on lines 66 to 74 of Owner-Occupied column. Enter code letter representing median group based on lines 66 to 74 of Tenant Occupied column. The data should not be shorm on the map when the figure is represented e.s a. percent or median based on loss than throe reports. Eor should an entry bo shown when the data are based on a sample representing less than one-half of the possible units on which the data aro available. For this reason, a line should be drawn through the entries in the cases indicated below. It should be observed that this does not moan that the percent to be presented must be more than 50$, but that the samples on which the percent is based must be half or more of the total possible cases. 231 Ao Draw a. Line through Entry in Line: '24/39_ When Entry in Line indicated as A is 0, 1 or 2, or when this Entry indicated as A is less than half of Entry in Line indicated as B 122 39, Total column 37, 124 21 19 125 37, Total column 126 60, Total column 37, 128 34 32 129 118 90 130 37, Total column 131 73 76 132 102 90 133 21 19 134 66, Owner Occupied 37, Column 135 66, Tenant Occupied 37, column column uiant Oc column - 34 - 28. After the tabulation for a block is completed, the Block Tabulation should be inspected for apparent discrep¬ ancies in editing and coding. If any such errors are located the cards involved must be inspected and (with the permission of the supervisor) corrected if necessary. The Block Tabula¬ tion must be adjusted for these corrections. While correction of this type can be made at this point, the entries on the cards must not be altered after tabulation of Table 1 to 14 has been started. After the tabulation for a block is completed, with¬ draw all cards from Pile 7 (Vacant Units) and combine with cards from Pile 8, (All Occupied Units). Also withdraw all cards from Pile X (Under Construction). Place a rubber band around the cards for Units Under Construction, and place tho cards on the bottom of the pile of cards for Units Not Under Construction. Return all of these cards to the file by blocks. 29. After tho tabulations of Block Tabulations for all blocks in the area are completed, it may be desirable to socuro data for areas larger than the blocks but smaller than the area as a whole. These areas might be census tracts, econo¬ mic areas, or areas sot up for any slum clearance, civic improve¬ ment, or other purpose. To obtain the data for these areas, sort the Block Tabulations into groups on the basis of the areas. Prepare a Block Tabulation for each of these areas and enter tho proper designation in the headings. Obtain the entries for line 1 to 121 (except perccnts and averagos) by adding tho - 35 - corresponding entries on the Block Tabulation for all blocks in the area. These ontries must be very carefully checked. The percent and average figures for the area should bo computed in the mannor indicated above. In a similar manner, a Block Tabulation of the Area as a wholo may be prepared by summarizing the data on the Tabulations for Areas, if the selected areas cover the full region included in Tables 1 to 14. - 36 - TABULATION OF ADEQUACY DATA FOR OWNER OCCUPIED UNITS In order to present data regarding Adequacy for Occupied Units an additional table, known as Table 17, has been designed. A copy of this table is presented following page 36 of this supplement. The table will be presented separately for All Occupied Dwelling Units, Owner Occupied Units, and Tenant Occupied Units. The Ownor Occupied section of the Table will be designated as Table 17B, and will pre¬ sent number of dwelling units by Race of Household, by Monthly Rental, by Adequacy, by Number of Persons in Unit. The specific instructions for the tabulation of this table are presented below. The table should be tabulated after tho completion of Table 10B, and boforo the tabulation of 11B is started, as prosontod on pogo 27 of Part III Tables for Owner Occupied Units of Volume II of tho Standard Technique. Tabic 17B 1. This tablo presents a breakdown of Owner Occupied Units by Race of Household, by Monthly Rental, by Adequacy, by Number of Persons in Unit. There are four pages to this table, which arcs Table 17B-1. Ownor Occupied Units, Total Tablo 17B-2. Ownor Occupied Units; White and No Report on Race. Tablo 17B-3. Ownor Occupied Units; Negro Table 17B-4. Ownor Occupied Units; Other Race Entor tho proper headings for those four pages of Tablo 17B on a set of "Table 17 1 » » " Forms. *■" ' 1 ""111 ■' c ,JI ™1 [— I CITT_ STATE . DULLING UNITS BY OCCUPANCY. BY RACE BY MONTHLY RENTAL. BY ADEQUACY, BY NUMBER OF PERSONS TABLE 17 Units Mot Under Construction A complete set of tables include! Tor each table there will be jpagat A Table 17-A. Table 17-B. All Occupied Unite Owner-occupied Units for the following racial groups: Page 1 Total; Page 2 white; Page 3 Number of Dwelling Units by Adeauacy Number of Persons in Unit Line Ho. Total Huaber of Units Humber of Dwelling Units by Monthly Hent I.Ho Baport on Bent A- $4.99 or Lesa B. $5.00 to $9.99 0. $10.00 to $14-99 D $15-00 to $19.99 I. $20.00 to $24-99 P. $25-00 to $29.99 0. $30.00 to $39 99 H. $40.00 to $49.99 I. $50.00 to $74.99 J. $75-00 to $99-99 I $100.00 to $149.99 L. $150.00 and Over TOTAL - ALL adequacy groups Total All Units 1 No Report on person? 2 Total Repts. on Persons 3 1 Person 4 2 Persons 5 3 Persons 6 U Persons 7 5 Persons 8 6 Persons 9 7 Persons 10 8 Persons or More 11 d.- standard Total All Units 12 No Report on Persons 13 Total Repts. on Persons 1U 1 Person 15 2 Persons 16 3 Persons 17 4 Persons 18 5 Persons 19 6 Persons 20 7 Persons 21 8 Persons or yQre 22 total substandard Total All Units 23 No Report on Persons 24 Total Repts. on Persons 23 1 Person Ik 2 Persons >-1 3 Persons 28 4 Persons 29 5 Persons 30 6 Persons 3i 7 Persons 32 8 Persons or More 33 A.- PHYSI¬ CALLY SUBSTANDARD ONLY Total All Units 3>+ No Report on Persons 33 Total Repts on Persons 36 1 Person 37 2 Persons 3S 3 Persons 39 4 Persons 40 5 Persons 41 6 Persons 42 7 Persona •>»3 8 Persons or More 44 Total All Unit 8 No Report on Persons 46 Total Repts 3.- OCCU¬ PANCY SUBSTANDARD ONLY >*/ 1 Person 48 2 Persons 49 3 Persons 50 U Persons 51 5 Persons 52 6 Persons 53 7 Persons 54 8 Persons or More 55 C.- PHYSI¬ CALLY AND OCCUPANCY SUBSTANDARD 22811 Total All Units 56 Ho Hap or t on Persons 57 Total Hepts. on Persons 5« 1 Person 59 2 Persons 60 3 Persons 61 4 Persons 62 5 Persone 63 6 Persons 64 7 Persons 65 8 Persons or More 66 - 37 - 2. Withdraw all cards from File 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4*99 or Less - Code A). Sort these cards by RACE OF HOUSEHOLD into the following groups; Race of Household After Posting Place in File Ho. White Race and 0-90 No Report on Race Negro 0-91 Other Race 0-92 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on the proper pages of Tables 17B-2 to 17B-4 on line 1 of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less column. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The cards for Monthly Rent'of $4»99 or Less - Code A, Owner, should now be returned to the file where they should be placed in Files 0-90 to 0-92 by Race of Household as noted above. 3. Withdraw all cards from File 0-90 (White Race and No Report on Race, Monthly Rent of $4«99 or Less - Code A;» Owner). Sort these cards by ADEQUACY into the following groups; Adequacy After Posting Place in File No. A. Physically Substandard only 0-93 B. Occupancy Substandard only 0-94 C. Physically and Occupancy 0-95 Substandard D. Standard 0-96 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 12, 23, 34, 45. and 56 of Monthly Rent of $4*99 or Less column of Table 17B-2. The total of the entries on these lines must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed, the cards should be returned to the files where they should be placed in Files 0-93 "to 0-96, as indicated above. - 38 - 4« Sort all cards from File 0-96 (Standard, White Race and No Report on Race, Monthly Rent of $4*99 or Less - Code A, Owner) by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN HOUSEHOLD into the following groups: 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons or more No Report on Persons CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on linos 15 to 22 and 13 of Monthly Rent of $4«99 or Less column of Table 17B-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry on line 14 (Total Reports on Persons) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 15 to 22. The total of the entries on lines 13 and 14 must check with the entry on line 12. 5» Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 4 on each of the Adequacy groups of White Race and No Roport on Race, Monthly Rent of $4*99 or Less - Code A, Owner cards (Files 0-93 to 0-95)• The result should be posted into the proper sections of Monthly Rent of $4*99 or Loss column of Tables 17B-2. After the tabulation for each Adequacy group is completed,.they should be returned to files and placed in Files O-93 to p-95» The entries for lines 23 to 33 of Total Substandard Section of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less column of Table 17B-2 should be obtained by adding the corresponding entries in the various substandard.groups presented in lines 34 to 66 of this column. After these tabulations are completed, - 39 - the cards for White Race and. No Report on Race, Monthly Rent of $4*99 or Less - Code A, Owner should be withdrawn from Files 0-93 "to 0-96 and returned to File 0-90. 6, In the manner indicated in paragraphs 4 "to 5» withdraw the cards for Monthly Rent of $4*99 or Less - Code A, Owner for each of the remaining Race of Household groups from the Files 0-91 and 0-92. Sort the cards for each Racial Group by Adequacy and place in Files 0-93 "bo 0-95. Enter the results on the proper page of Tables 17B-3 and 17B-4 of Monthly Rental of $4*99 or Less column. This tabulation must be carried through separately for each of the Race of Household groups and the cards for the group routed out of Files 0-93 to 0-96 before the tabulation of the next group is started. After the tabulation for "each Race of Household group is completed, the cards should be returned to Files 0-91 and 0-92 by Race of House¬ hold. After the tabulation of all cards Monthly rent of $4*99 or Less - Code A, Owner, the cards should be returned to File 0-49. 7". Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 4 to 6 on each of the remaining Monthly Rental groups of Owner cards (Files 0-50 to 0-61). In each case the cards should be sorted by Race of Household and placed in Files 0-90 to 0-92. The cards in each of these groups should be sorted by Adequacy and placed in Files 0*93 to O-96. The cards in each of these groups will be tabu¬ lated by Number of Persons in Household and the r, esults posted in the proper column of Tables 17B-2 to 17B-4* Aftt.99 J. $75 00 to $99-99 I $100.00 to $1119.99 L. $150.00 TOTAL - ALL ADEQPACT GROUPS Total All Units 1 No Report on Rooms 2 Total Reports on Rooms j 1 Room u 2 Rooms 5 3 Rooms 6 U Rooms 7 5 Rooms g 6 Rooms 9 7 Rooms 10 8 Rooms or More 11 Total All Units 12 No Report on Rooms 13 Total Reports on Rooms D.-STANDARD lit 1 Room 15 2 Rooms 16 3 Rooms 17 U Rooms 18 5 Rooms 19 6 Rooms 20 7 Rooms 21 8 Rooms or More 22 Total All Units 23 No Report on Rooms 2 U A.- PHYSI¬ CALLY SUBSTANDARD ONLY 22812 Total Reports on Rooms 25 1 Room 26 2 Rooms 27 3 Rooms 28 k Rooms 29 5 Rooms 30 6 Rooms 31 7 Rooms 32 8 Rooms or More 33 WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION 14350 WALKER-JOHNSON BUILDING 1734 NEW YORK AVENUE NW, WASHINGTON, D. C. F. C. HARRINGTON ADMINISTRATOR MEMORANDUM April 3, 1939 FROM: Florence Kerr SUBJECT: Correction of Real Property Error in Supplement to Survey Technique On August 15, 1938 the Federal Housing Administration mimeographed a "Supplement to the Technique for a Real Property Survey," prepared jointly by the Division of Social Research of the Tories Progress Administration, the Division of Re¬ search and Information of the United States Housing Authority, and the Division of Economics and Statistics of the Federal Housing Administration. It is important that the attached revision of page 33 be substituted for the original page 33. The revision contains a correction at the bottom of the page with reference to line 125 of the block tabulation sheet. 132 ifo of Occupied Dwell- Total of Line 107 / 108, divided ing tfnits with 1.51 by line 102 or more Persons per Room) 133 (Median Year Built Enter code letter representing Group) median group based on lines 21 to 31. 134 (Median Duration of Enter code letter representing Occupancy Group-Owner median group based on lines 66 Occupied Units) to 74 of Owner-Occupied column. 135 (Median Duration of Enter code letter representing Occupancy Group - median group based on line 66 Tenant Occupied Units) to 74 of Tenant Occupied column. The data should not be shown on tho map when the figure is represented as a porcont or median based on less than throe reports. Nor should an entry bo shown whon tho data are based on a sample representing loss than one-half of tho possible units on which tho data arc availablo. For this reason, a line should bo drawn through the entries in the cases indicated bolow. It should bo obsorvod that this does not moan that the percent to bo presented must be more than 50%, but that tho samplos on which tho percent is based must bo half or more of tho total possiblo casos. Draw a Lino through Whon Entry in Lino indicated as Entry in Lino: A is 0,1 or 2, or whon this Entry indicated as A is loss than half of Entry in Lino indicated as B A B 122 39, Total column 37, Total column 124 21 19 125 37, Owner Occupied 37, Total column column 126 60, Total column 37, Total column 128 34 32 129 118 90 130 37, Total column 76 131 78 132 102 90 133 21 19 134 66, Owner Occupied 37, Owner Occupied column column 135 66, Tenant Occupied 37, Tenant Occupied column column