I* ' ' ^.(0 m WPA PROJECTS ANALYSIS OF PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION Through June 30, 1937 1 >■ FslJ, l. i e nc '/ WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION HARRY L. HOPKINS, Adn.ini.trator WPA PROJECTS ANALYSIS OF PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION Through June 30, 1937 CCRRINGTON GILL Assistant Administrator EMERSON ROSS Director, Division of Research, Statistics, and Records Prepared under the direction of MALCOLM B. CATLIN FROM TABULATIONS SUBMITTED BY AREA STATISTICAL OFFICES WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION Through June 30, 1937 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ix TABLES UNITED STATES SUMMARIES Table 1 Number and Estimated Total Cost by Types of Projects and by Sources of Funds 3 Table 2 Estimated Total Cost by Types of Projects and by Objects of Expenditure 1+ Table 3 Estimated Total Non-Labor Cost by Types of Projects and by Sources of Funds 5 Table 1+ Estimated Total Labor Cost by Types of Proj¬ ects and by Sources of Funds 6 Table 5 Number and Estimated Total Cost by Types of Projects and by Operating Status ... 7 Table 6 Number and Estimated Total Cost of All Proj¬ ects by Types of Projects, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds 8 Table 7 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Active Projects by Types of Projects, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds ...... 9 Table 8 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Completed Projects by Types of Projects, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds ...... 10 Table 9 Number and Estimated Total Cost by States and by Sources of Funds 11 Table 10 Estimated Total Cost by States and by Objects of Expenditure .....12 Table 11 Estimated Total Non-Labor Co3t by States and by Sources of Funds ......... 13 Table 12 Estimated Total Labor Cost by States and by Sources of Funds .........lit. iii TABLES (Continued) Page UNITED STATES SUMMARIES (Continued) Table 13 Number and Estimated Total Cost by States and by Operating Status 15 Table lU Number and Estimated Total Cost of All Proj¬ ects by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds , . . 16 Table 15 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Active Projects by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds 17 Table 16 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Completed Projects by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds 13 Table 17 Number and Estimated Total Cost by Types of Work, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Souroes of Funds . 19 Table 18 Estimated Total Cost of Construction and Other Projects by States 20 Table 19 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Highway, Road, and Street Projects by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Souroes of Funds 21 Table 20 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Public Buildings Projects by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds 22 Table 21 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Park and Other Recreational Facility Projects by States, By Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds 23 Table 22 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Conser¬ vation Projects by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds 2k Table 23 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Sewer System and Other Utility Projeots by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds ..25 Table 2k Number and Estimated Total Cost of Airport and Other Transportation Projeots by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds ... 26 iv TABLES (Continued) Page UNITED STATES SUMMARIES (Concluded) Table 25 Number and Estimated Total Coat of White Collar Projeota by States, by Objeots of Expenditure, and by Sourooa of Funds ....... 27 Table 26 Number and Eatimated Total Coat of Edu¬ cational Projeota by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds ..28 Table 27 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Reore- ational Projects by States, by Objeots of Expenditure, and by Souroes of Funds .......29 Table 28 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Goods Projects by States, by Objeots of Expendi¬ ture, and by Sources of Funds .... 30 Table 29 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Sani¬ tation and Health Projects by States, by Ob¬ jects of Expenditure, and by Souroes of Funds ... 31 Table 30 Number and Estimated Total Cost of Miscel¬ laneous Projects by States, by Objects of Expenditure, and by Sources of Funds .......32 STATE SUMMARIES: Number and Estimated Total Cost by Types of Projects and by Operating Status Table 31 Alabama ••••••...•35 Table 32 Arizona ..... .......36 Table 33 Arkansas 37 Table 3i+ California ..38 Table 35 Colorado •••••.. ....39 Table 36 Connecticut i|0 Table 37 Delaware Ul Table 38 District of Columbia Lf2 Table 39 Florida k3 Table Lfi Georgia Ui Table bl Idaho U5 Table ij2 Illinois •••»•••••. • ••••••••••I46 v TABLES (Continued) P*g« 0 STATE SUMMARIES (Continued) Table h3 Indiana ....«••••••••• hi Table Iowa Table U5 Kansas h9 Table U6 Kentucky ......... 50 Table hi Louisiana 51 Table UQ Maine 52 Table h9 Maryland 53 Table 50 Massachusetts ..•••...•••..««.*. 5h Table 51 Michigan ....... ••••• 55 Table 52 Minnesota 56 Table 53 Mississippi 57 Table 9h Missouri 58 Table 55 Montana 59 Table 56 Nebraska .......... ... 60 Table 57 Nevada ••••••••••••••••••••• 61 Table 58 New Hampshire 62 Table 59 New Jersey . 65 Table 60 New Mexico ................... 6I4. Table 6l New York 65 Table 62 North Carolina . 66 Table 6j North Dakota ........ . 67 Table 6h Ohio •••••• 68 Table 65 Oklahoma .................... 69 Table 66 Oregon 70 Table 67 Pennsylvania ........... 71 Table 68 Rhode Island 72 vi TABLES (Continued) Page STATE SUMMARIES (Concluded) Table 69 Table 70 Table 71 Tennessee Table 72 Texas ..... Table 73 Utah Table 7h Vermont • Table 75 Virginia Table 76 Washington Table 77 West Virginia .. Table 78 Table 79 Wyoming Table 80 Alaska Table 81 Hawaii SELECTED CITY SUMMARIES: Number and Estimated Total Cost by Major Types of Projects and by Operating Status Table 82 Akron, Ohio ....... Table 83 Atlanta, Georgia ... Table Qh Baltimore, Maryland ....«••• Table 85 Birmingham, Alabama ........ Table 86 Boston, Massachusetts Table 87 Buffalo, New York Table 88 Chicago, Illinois ......... Table 89 Cincinnati, Ohio Table 90 Cleveland, Ohio .......... Table 91 Dallas, Texas . Table 92 Denver, Colorado ... vii TABLES (Concluded) P*ge SELECTED CITY SUMMARIES (Conoluded) Table 93 Detroit, Miohigan • • • • 9k Table 9k Houston, Texas • •••.. 95 Table 95 Indianapolis, Indiana ..••••••• 95 Table 96 Jacksonville, Florida ........ 96 Table 97 Jersey City, New Jersey 96 Table 98 Kansas City, Missouri •....••.•••••• 97 Table 99 Los Angeles, California 97 Table 100 Memphis, Tennessee ...... 98 Table 101 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 98 Table 102 Minneapolis, Minnesota 99 Table 103 Newark, New Jersey .••••..•••«.... 99 Table IOI4. New Orleans, Louisiana ...••••••..•• 100 Table 105 New York City, New York 100 Table 106 Omaha, Nebraska 101 Table 107 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 101 Table 108 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ............ 102 Table 109 Portland, Oregon 102 Table 110 Providence, Rhode Island . ...... 103 Table 111 St. Louis, Missouri .......... 103 Table 112 Salt Lake City, Utah I0I4 Table 113 San Antonio, Texas ............... 1GU Table lllj. San Franoisoo, California 103 Table 113 Seattle, Washington ..••• 103 Table 116 Spokane, Washington 106 Table 117 Toledo, Ohio •....••••••.. 106 Table 118 Woroester, Massachusetts 107 viii WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION Through June 30, 1937 Approximately 150,000 work projects, whose total coat when complet¬ ed will exceed four and a quarter billion dollars, have been initi¬ ated by the Works Progress Administration during the first two years of its operation - from July 1935 through .June 1937. These projects were selected from a much larger group of projects sub¬ mitted almost exclusively by State and local governmental bodies and approved by the President. Projects not locally sponsored in¬ clude a very small number operated on a Nation-wide basis and spon¬ sored by the Federal WPA or by other Federal agencies, and a few additional projects which are prosecuted on Federal property. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SELECTION OF PROJECTS The distribution of projects in the various sections of the United States is closely related to the numbers of employable persons in need of relief, with allowance made for employment provided by other agencies operating under the Works Program. The types of projects initiated depend mainly on the skills and abilities of the persons to be employed, the needs of the communities sponsoring the projects, and the ability of these communities to supply funds additional to the amounts provided under the Federal Government's emergency relief appropriations. In various metropolitan centers, where the occupational skills of an appreciable number of persons on relief rolls are of a non- manual character, a larger proportion of the work undertaken in¬ volves clerical and other white collar projects than in other sections of the country. In rural areas, where improvement of high¬ ways and roads would provide important economic advantages for a large part of the population, extensive farm-to-market road programs are in operation. In drought regions irrigation and water conser¬ vation work of considerable extent is being conducted, and in re¬ gions subject to flood, projects have been initiated for alleviation or prevention of flood conditions. These examples illustrate the first two principles of project selection mentioned above. Since Federal funds must be spread to employ as many as pos¬ sible of the employable persons in need, the proportion of the project cost representing materials, equipment, and other nonlabor expenses has been a limiting factor in the choice of projects. Be¬ cause the use of Federal funds is thus restricted and, also, because the operation of WPA projects results in the creation of peimanent improvements and is of definite value to the local communities, it ix has been found advisable to require that sponsors provide a sub¬ stantial portion of the nonlabor costs of project operations. The prosecution of heavier construction work is, therefore, dependent upon the ability and willingness of sponsors to provide funds for this purpose. CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECTS Approximately three-fourths of all WPA project funds are being spent on construction activities of which repair, improvement, and modernization work accounts for a slightly larger portion of the total than does new construction. Outstanding among the construc¬ tion activities is the road program which utilizes over a third of all WPA project funds, and in which urban street improvement, as well as farm-to-market road development, plays an important part. Other major types of construction activities, each of which accounts for approximately a tenth of all project funds, are the construc¬ tion and repair of public buildings (particularly schools), the development of public parks, playgrounds, and other recreational facilities, and the extension and improvement of sewer and water systems. The balence of the construction work includes the devel¬ opment of airport and navigation facilities, certain phases of the conservation program (particularly those devoted to flood control, irrigation, and water conservation), and a number of the sanitation and health projects. TABLE 1 - NUMB® AND EST HATED TOTAL COST OF WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION BY TYPES OF WORK AND BY OPERATING STATUS OF PROJECTS Through June 30, 1937 Total Aotl-re Projeots Completed Projects Type of Work Estimated Estimated Estimated Number Total Cost Number Total Coat Number Total Cost GRAND TOTAL 148,899 $4,292,655,586 40,442 $2,258,891,288 108,457 $2,033,764,298 CONSTRUCTION Highways, Roads, and Streets Public Buildings A/ Sewer Systems and Other Utilities OTHER TYPES OF PROJECTS 103,980 3,265,331,272 25,234 1,729,124,363 78,746 1,536,206,909 45,672 24,106 1,553,490,581 474,916,126 11,330 5,300 872,669,642 212,070,811 34,342 18,806 680,820,939 262,845,315 14,897 19,305 405,375,074 831,549,491 2,932 5,672 199,297,801 445,086,109 11,965 13,633 206,077,273 386,463,382 44,919 1,027,324,314 15,206 529,766,925 29,711 497,557,389 bj Includes certain demolition projeots not inoluded under publio buildings as shown in type of project tables. x Nonconstruction activities, on which about a fourth of the WPA program funds are being expended, involve chiefly white collar and goods projects - the latter particularly for the employment of women. Among the former are statistical, research, clerical, and professional projeots; various education and recreation projects; and the art, music, theatre, end writers' projects of the Federal Arts Program. The preparation of clothing and textile articles and of food and other products for distribution to persons on relief rolls is being accomplished on projects for wcmen. A smaller frac¬ tion of the total project cost is devoted to forestation, to land, crop, and livestock conservation, and to certain types of sanita¬ tion work that do not involve construction. In addition to their classification by type of activity, WPA projects may be grouped by programs. In the State programs are all projects under the direction of the State WPA Administrations. These account for nearly all of the WPA projects and include both locally sponsored construction and nonconstruction projects (usual¬ ly termed non-Federal projects) and construction projects on Fed¬ eral property. Projects not included in the State programs are limited to certain types of white collar work conducted on a Nation-wide basis and sponsored either by the Federal Works Prog¬ ress Administration or by other Federal agencies. Most important of the projects sponsored by the Federal WPA are those included in the Federal Arts Program and the National Research Project. Other Federal agencies have sponsored various statistical and survey projects which have been carried on under the WPA. Among others these include the Study of the Consumption of Goods and Services by Urban Families, the Study of consumption of Goods by Rural and Town Families, the Survey of Methods of Dealing with Persons Found Guilty of Crime, the Survey of Farm Mortgages, the Survey of Negro White- Collar and Skilled Workers, the Study of Changes in the Distribu¬ tion and Activity of Deposits, and the Collection of Building Per¬ mit Statistics in 883 Cities. PROJECT COSTS The estimated total cost of all WPA projects placed in operation from the beginning of the program through Tune 30, 1937, nearly two ysea's in all, amounts to $4,292,655,586. This represents the estimated cost of carrying to completion nearly 149,000 projects, initiated through Tune 30, 1937, and includes projects that had al¬ ready been completed as well as projects still in active operation at that time. The two-year cumulative data provide an over-all summary of WPA projects but in so doing fail to show various trends that have developed over the period. One of the trends that de¬ serves mention concerns the financial participation of sponsors. Sponsors' funds aggregating over $587,000,000 represent 13.7 percent of total estimated costs to both sponsors and the Federal Government of all projects placed in operation through Tune 30, 1937. During the latter part of the two-year period covered by these data the proportionate share borne by sponsors has risen. Evidence of this increase is found in comparison of the total esti¬ mated costs of projects placed in operation through December 31, xi 1936, with similar dgta as of June 30, 1937. Analysis of the incre¬ ment in the total estimated cost over the six-month period shows that sponsors' funds account for 16.2 percent of the increase. For the projects actually initiated during April, May, and June 1937, the proportion of estimated costs chargeable to sponsors represents 24.5 percent of the total costs. The upward trend in the proportionate participation of spon¬ sors is confirmed by the relation between Federal and sponsors' ac¬ tual expenditures on WPA projects. In contrast with the cost of carrying to completion the projects that are initiated, as measured by the estimated costs of projects placed in operation, the expend¬ iture data cover actual expenses incurred in project operations during a given period of time. Since the expenditure data do not include any of the anticipated project outlays, it is inherent that they lag in confirming the trends shown by the data for projects placed in operation. On the basis of expenditure information, sponsors met 12.2 percent of total expenses from the beginning of operations through August 31, 1937. In the latter part of this period, however, their share had increased - to 14.9 percent of total expenditures during the six months ending June 30, 1937, and to 20.3 percent during the two months ending August 31, 1937. These data summarizing the trend in sponsors' funds as a percent of the total are restated below: Total Federal Sponsors' Sponsors* Funds Funds Funds Funds as Percent Estimated Total Cost of Projects of Total Placed in Operation All Projects—through June 30, 1937 $4,292,655,586 $3,705,411,002 $587,244,584 13.7 Change in All Projects Decenker 31, 1936,to June 30, 1937 763,795,497 640,332,161 123,463,336 16.2 Projects Initiated in April,May,and June 1937 207,707,167 156,921,769 50,785,398 24.5 Expenditures on WPA Projects A/ Cumulatire through August 31, 1937 3,582,779,536 3,145,728,746 437,050,790 12.2 Half-year Ending June 30, 1937 947,631,227 806,284,351 141,346.876 14.9 Two Months Ending August 31, 1937 252,071,545 200,850,460 51,221,065 20.3 kj Federal expenditures fro® Treasury reports, and sponsors' data fro* Area Statistical Offlcs reports of certifications of sponsors' expenditures. The composition of the estimated cost total in terms of projects of different types and the sponsors' share of the outlays for projects of each type are shown in Table 2 and in the chart on page xiv. On the WPA program, expenditure of funds for purposes other than direct employment of labor has been kept at a minimum. Even with construction activities predominating in the program, only about a fourth of all funds are being used for nonlabor costs. xii TABLE 2 - NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OE WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION, BY MAJOR TYPES AND BY SOURCES OF TONDS Through June 30, 1937 tstlmtef^PcTEaf^ost Nuniser *<*.1 Sponsors' Funds Type of Project of Projeots Amount Per¬ cent Federal Funds Peroent Amount of Total GRAND TOTAL 148,899 $4,292,055,580 100.0 $3,705,411,002 $587,244,584 13.7 Highway*, Roads, and Streets 45.672 1.553,490.581 36.2 1.291.471.596 262.018.985 16.9 Farm-to-Merket Roads 19,665 505,780,727 11.8 402,338,572 103,442,155 20.5 All Other 26,007 1,047,709,854 24.4 889,133,024 158,576,830 15.1 Publio Buildings 23,835 471,840,041 11.0 385,409,931 86,430,110 18.3 Parks and Other Recrea¬ tional Facilities 9,502 462,386,521 10.8 419,319,970 43,066,551 9.3 Conservation 6,453 210,810,881 4.9 188,545,871 22,265,010 10.6 Sewer System and Other Utilities 14,897 405,375,074 9.4 331,880,475 73,494,599 18.1 Airports and Other Transportation 1,301 116,883,621 2.7 102,674,347 14,209,274 12.2 White Collar Projeots 23,697 449,237,523 10.5 420,445,696 28,791,827 6.4 Goods Projeots 9,896 381,147,013 8.9 359,583,309 21,563,704 5.7 Sanitation and Health 3,754 112,654,608 2.6 90,937,212 21,717,396 19.3 Miscellaneous 9,892 128,829,723 3.0 115,142,595 13,687,128 10.6 Other than construction projects have an average nonlabor cost of about 10 percent as compared to the 30 percent required on most types of construction work. In terms of Federal funds alone, the nonlabor costs amounted to only 16.8 percent, leaving nearly 5 out of every 6 dollars to be used in meeting pay-roll expenses. Sponsors' funds have tended to vary in proportion to project nonlabor requirements, being largest on construction projects and least on noneonstruction projects. Sponsors' funds used for these purposes average about 45 percent of the total nonlabor costs of all projects and range frcm a low point of about 25 percent on goods and airport projects to approximately 50 percent on road, public buildings, and public utility projects. The upward trend in sponsors' participation on projects more recently placed in opera¬ tion, previously referred to, is reflected by the fact that almost 75 percent of nonlabor expenditures on these projects are to be paid by the sponsors. Nonlabor commitments of sponsors are for materials, supplies, purchase and rental of equipment, and similar xiii costs, in addition, sponsors incur some labor expenses, chiefly in connection with supervision and skilled labor required on WPA proj¬ ects. WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION BY TYPES OF PROJECTS AND BY SOURCES OF FUNDS Through Juno 30, 1937 TYPE OF PROJECT HIGHWAYS, ROADS AND STREETS (EXCEPT FARM TO MARKET ROADS) FARM TO MARKET ROADS PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS AND OTHER RECREATIONAL FACILITIES WHITE COLLAR PROJECTS SEWER SYSTEMS AND OTHER UTILITIES J GOODS PROJECTS CONSERVATION AIRPORTS AND OTHER TRANSPORTATION SANITATION AND HEALTH MISCELLANEOUS anall projects make up the bulk of the WPA program. Almost 60 percent of the projects that have been operated since the beginning of the program have been estimated to cost less than $10,000 each, and of these a substantial number have an individual cost of less than $2,500. Only about 5 percent of the projects involve an ex¬ penditure in excess of $50,000. STATUS OF PROJECT OPERATION Over two-thirds of the 150,000 WPA work projects which had been in¬ itiated since the beginning of the program were no longer in active operation at the end of June 1937. On most of these projects ell scheduled units of work nad been completed; in the case of socie projects - chiefly those that had been restricted by reducing the number of units of work - only part of the worK originally planned had been finished. In such cases the finished undertaking is less extensive than was at firBt contemplated, but is, nevertheless, complete in itself and of value and use to the coranunity. xiv Although over two-thirds of the total number of WPA projects had been completed, these projects represented less than half the total estimated cost of all WPA projects which had been started in the course of program operation up to June 30, 1937, Because the period of operation of smaller projects is generally shorter than that of projects of greater cost, the comparatively low proportion of funds accounted for by the completed project group is to be ex¬ pected. It should be noted, however, that actual or comparative progress on the WPA program in the various States or on different types of projects cannot be measured by the estimated costs of com¬ pleted projects, because considerable amounts have been expended in completing some units of projects that have other units still in operation and, therefore, are still reported in the active category. During each of the first six months of 1937 between 4,000 and 5,000 new projects were begun. Such new projects have been more than offset by the completion of projects, since on the average al¬ most 6,000 projects were finished in each of these months. The de¬ crease in the number of projects in active operation by more than a thousand monthly is indicative of the contraction in the WPA pro¬ gram during this period. DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA Data presented in the detailed tabulations of this report cover all WPA work projects placed in operation (as evidenced by project pay rolls) prior to July 1, 1937. For all projects except most of those completed, the tabulations were made from the Statement of Project Estimate Detail (WPA Form 701 Revised). For completed projects the Report of Completed or Discontinued Projects (WPA Form 708) was used whenever available. Under current administrative requirements the estimates shown in the Statement of Project Estimate Detail represent the cost of completing the work unit or units of the project placed in opera¬ tion. In instances where the worx is of a type that may be carried on indefinitely or discontinued at any convenient time, the esti¬ mate includes the cost of future operations for a limited number of months. Generally, the Statements of Project Estimate Detail show estimates based on both Federal and sponsors' funds; for New York City, however, only a very small part of the project outlays to be met by sponsors are included in the project estimates. As a con¬ sequence, the New York State data fall considerably short of show¬ ing the full participation of sponsors in financing WPA projects in that State. To a lesser extent the United States total figures also understate the relative size of sponsors' funds. The information concerning projects placed in operation by the end of June 1937 is presented in three groups of tabulations: (a) national summaries covering the entire WPA program, (b) State summaries, and (c) selected county tables. The last mentioned group of tables covers the counties in which 37 of the largest cities in the country are located. The first five or the national summary tables present estimated total project cost data, for detailed types of projects, distribut- xv ed by sources of funds (Federal Government and project sponsors), by objects of expenditure (funds to be expended for the direct em¬ ployment of labor as distinct from funds for nonlabor costs), and by current operating status of projects (projects in active opera¬ tion and those completed). The infonnation by types of projects, sources of funds, and objects of expenditure is also shown sepa¬ rately for all projects, active projects, and completed projects. A similar set of tables presents all these data by States instead of by detailed types of projects. Two additional tables suumarize project costs in major construction and in nonconstruction activi¬ ties for all, active, and completed projects, and by States. The national summary tables are concluded with individual tables for each major type of project showing, by States, the distribution of labor and nonlabor costs by sources of funds. Project cost estimates for detailed types of projects are shown for individual States in the second group of tables. The number of projects and their estimated total cost are distributed according to operating status. Similar information by major types of proj¬ ects is shown for each of the 37 selected counties, in tables ar¬ ranged alphabetically according to the name of the largest city in the county. It should be noted that the estimated total costs shown in these tabulations vary with and reflect not only the number of per¬ sons to be employed, the wage schedules in effect, and the amount of nonlabor expenditures permitted by sponsors' participation but also the length of time the program has been in operation and the extent to which future costs are anticipated in the estimates for projects already placed in operation. Type of project detail as shown in this bulletin is based on a uniform coding system used throughout the country. Projects that cannot be entered definitely under any specific type within any ma¬ jor group are shown as "other" under that major group; such projects often include more than one of the varieties of work classified un¬ der the major type. Projects that cannot be classed under any ma¬ jor type are included in the miscellaneous group. Because of the emphasis pieced on the employment of labor, funds used directly for that purpose have been shown separately. Nonlabor costs arise in connection with purchases of materials, supplies and equipment, rental of space and equipment, payment of transportation, and service and utility charges. Active projects, as preaented in the accompanying tables, are limited to those in actual operation as of June 30, 1937. All other projects are shown as completed projects. Included in the latter category are projects for which all units of work, on the basis of which funds had been estimated, had been physically com¬ pleted by that date. Also included are projects discontinued be¬ fore the completion of all contemplated units of work. Such dis¬ continuance, however, is not permissible prior to a stage of accom¬ plishment that involves completion of units so as to render the work of value and use to the community. xvi WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION Through June 30, 1937 United States Summaries 3 IpA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUON JUNE 30, 1937 (1ik 1 NUMB FII AND I IT IMA TO T©t»l COST IV TYPE! OF PROJECTS ano a* iouicii or runoB 1*1 110 STATES line NO. Number or projects TPT»fc amount percent W'flWP TP7" PP" Federal Fund* sponsors' funds line no. Amount pcrocmt or Total amount percent or Total (1) It) (3) (4) (3) (fl) (7) (8) ( 1) GRAND TOTAL 140,899 14,292,695,586 100.0 •3,700,411,002 86.3 •587,244,564 13.7 (1} ( e) highways, roads, ano Streets 45.672 s&il 83.1 MZ,Qief96? 16.9 ( Z) I 31 highways - primary r0a05 426 31,929,491 0.8 25,416,645 79.6 6,512,846 20/4 ( 3) ( «) farm—to—markci and other secondary roads 19,665 505,780,727 11.6 402,338,572 79.5 103,442,155 20.5 ( *) ( 5! streets ano alleys 9,775 395,596,341 9.2 335,284,532 84.8 60,311,809 15.2 ( 3) (■>) slocwalrs, curbs, and paths 3,535 74,200,725 1.7 59,358,915 80.0 14,841,810 20.0 ( 6) ( 7) roads 1de improvements 3,497 159,228,391 3.7 145,323/483 91.4 13,704,906 8.6 ( 7) ( 8! bridges and viaducts 2,448 34,591,416 0.8 27,079,839 78.3 7,511,577 21.7 ( 6) ( 9) grade-crossing elimination 17 217,631 fl/ 104,670 84.9 32,961 15.1 (•) (10) other t/ 6,307 351,945,859 8.2 296,284,940 84.2 55,660,919 15.8 (10) («! Public Builoings 23,035 471,840,041 11.0 385,409,931 81.7 86,430,110 18.3 (11) !«) aonini strativc 3,489 65,470,663 1.3 54,855,784 83.8 10,614,879 16.2 (12) (13) charitable, meoical, and rental institutions 1,548 47,932,561 1.1 41,842,276 87.3 6,090,285 12.7 (13) (1«) Educational 10,730 157,200,090 3.7 122,093,014 77.7 35,107,876 22.3 (14) (IS) social ano recreational 2,979 74,558,437 1.7 55,333,038 74.2 19,225,399 25.6 (15) (16) federal (including military ano navat) 641 34,412,531 0.8 30,820,767 89.6 3,591,704 10.4 (16) (« ) improvement of grounds 3,073 45,333,764 1.1 38,714,174 85.4 6,619,590 14.6 (17) (18) housing ano demolition 40 10,481,148 0.2 10,291,297 96.2 109,851 1.8 (18) (19) other y 1,315 36,450,047 0.9 31/439,581 86.3 4,990/466 13.7 (19) (20) Parks ano other recreational facilities 9,502 462,386,521 10.8 419,319,970 90.7 43,066,551 9.3 (20) (21) Playgrounds and atretic fields 3,701 65,022,279 1.5 55/470/443 85.3 9,551,836 14.7 (21) (22) parks 4,056 214,104,755 5.0 189,300,254 88/4 24,804,501 11.6 (22) (23) other tj 1,745 183,259,487 4.3 174,549,273 95.2 8,710,214 4.0 (23) (24) conservation 6,453 210,810,881 4.9 108.545,871 89/4 22,265,010 10.6 (24) (25) forestation 235 4,988,020 0.1 4,492,978 90.1 495,042 9.9 (25) (26) erosion control and land utilization 381 0,429,383 0.2 7,373,321 87.5 1,056,062 12.5 (26) (27) irrigation ano water conservation 4,093 157,409,511 3.7 141,664,998 90.0 15,754,513 10.0 (27) (28) plant, crop, ano livestock conservation © 480 9,580,552 0.2 8,075,978 84.3 1,504,574 15.7 (28) (29) other y 1,264 30,403/415 0.7 26,948,596 88.6 3,454,819 11.4 (29) (30) sewer systems ano other utilities 14,897 405,375,074 9.4 331.880,475 81.9 73,494,599 18.1 (30) (31) 1atep purification ano supply 4,753 104,150,192 2.4 77,951,075 74.8 26,199,117 25.2 (31) (32) sewep systems 9,279 274,040,208 6.4 232,003,437 84.7 42,036,771 15.3 (32) (33) electric utilities 339 9,800,202 0.2 7,502,781 76.6 2,297,421 23.4 (33) (34) other y 526 17,384,472 0.4 14,423,182 83.0 2,961,290 17.0 (34) (35) airports and other transportation 1,301 116*883,621 2.7 102,674,347 87.8 14,209,274 12.2 (35) (36) airports and airways 1,031 89,931,745 2.1 78,229,438 07.0 11,702,307 13.0 (36) (37) navigation 234 21,892,937 0.5 20,568,559 94.0 1,324,378 6.0 (37) (38) other y 36 5,058,939 0.1 3,876,350 76.6 1,182,589 23.4 (38) (39) white collar projects 23,697 449,237,523 10.5 420,445,696 93.6 28,791,827 6.4 (39) (•0) educational 2,511 92,193,200 2.1 86,776,826 94.1 5,416,374 5.9 (40) (41) recreational 2,583 71 ,499,308 1.7 65,235,895 91.2 6,263,413 8.6 (41) (42) professional ano clerical 18,603 285,545,015 6.7 268,432,975 94.0 17,112,040 6.0 (42) (43) goods projects 9,896 381,147,013 8,9 359,583.309 94.3 21,563,704 5.7 (43) (44) sewing 7,326 315,666,386 7.4 304,232,286 96.4 11 ,434,100 3.6 (44) (45) canning ' 253 3,804,615 0.1 3,373,554 88.7 431,061 11.3 (45) (46) other y 2,317 61,676,012 1.4 51,977,469 84.3 9,698,543 15.7 (46) («7) sanitation ano health 3,754 112,654,608 2,6 90,937,212 80.7 21.717,396 19.3 (47) (48) elimination of stream pollution 167 3,877,024 0.1 3,607,150 93.0 269,874 7.0 (40) («) mosquito eradication 906 37,426,860 0.9 36,016,811 96.2 1,410,049 3.8 (49) (50) other y 2,681 71,350,724 1.6 51,313,251 71.9 20,037/473 28.1 (50) (51) miscellaneous 9,892 128,829,723 3.0 115,142 ,595 89.4 13,687,128 10.6 (51) recapitulation (52) grand total - all programs 148,899 4,292,655,586 100.0 3,705,411,002 86.3 587,244,584 13.7 (52) (53) state 144,892 4,194,378,346 97.7 3,607,668,827 86.0 586,709,519 14.0 (53) (54) Federal natiomide £/ 4,007 98,277,240 2.3 97,742,175 99.5 535,065 0.5 (54) tJ fl/ £/ includes projects classifiable under more than one of the headings above. less than 0.05 percent. Classified under professional and clerical on line 42. 4 iPA rWOJfCIS PtACtD m OPCMTION TNROUOH J Ml 30. 1917 CM I MA TED TDIAL COST BV TYPES OF PROJECTS AND 0Y OSJfCTI Of EXPENDITURE UNI TED STATES Type or project Eatimated total £2£jl l»?9f nox-yafqp an^vnt PERCENT fckcdir Of total UK J"i- ITT J1L JLL ( 1) GRAND TOTAL hiohways , Roads * and Streets highway# - primary bo aos farm-to-markct a no other secondary r oa da streets and alleys sidewalks, curbs > ano paths • Roadside improvements br i does and viaducts grade crossing elimlnat i oa OTHER tJ Public Builoikqs administrative Charitable# medical# and mental institutions Educational social ano recreational federal (including military ANO NAvAt) improvement op grounds housing ano demolition OTHER A/ Parks and other Recreational facilities Playgrounds and athletic molds parks Other a/ conservation Forestat t cm Erosion control and land utilization irrigation amo rater conservation plant# crop# ano livestock conservation other kj Sever Systems and Other utilities batir PURIFICATION AND SUPPLY SEVER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC UTILITIES OTHER A/ airports and Other Transportation Airports and airways Navigation Other bhite collar projects Educational recreational professional ano clerical Goods projects SEWING / CAMNINO OTHER a/ sanitation ano health Elimination or stream pollution mosquito eradication OTHER 4/ (51) Miscellaneous »4#791,695,566 1,353,490,?^ 11,920,491 SCO,700,727 109 #900#341 74,200,725 159,220,391 >4,301,410 217,631 131,043,890 471,840,041 09,470,603 47,032,501 157,200,000 74,596,437 34,412,331 43,333,764 10,481,148 36,450,047 462,386,521 65,022,270 214,104,755 183,250,487 210,810,681 4,080,020 8,420,383 157,409,511 0,560,552 30,403 ,415 405,375,074 104,150,192 Z74,040,208 9,800,202 17,384,472 116,883,621 89,931,745 21,892,937 5,058,939 449,237,523 02,193,200 71,409,308 285,545,015 381,147,013 315,666,380 3,804,615 61,676,012 112,654,608 3,877,024 37 ,426,860 71,350,724 120,829,723 11,174,011,611 1.075,701,850 10,787,050 140,002,711 271,051,023 51,688,884 174,357,660 21,870,021 157,0*1 246,777,160 332,007,336 47,612,330 35,745,290 108,166,611 46,608,123 23,031 ,314 35,082,820 9,113,125 25,447 ,706 349,166,416 49,339,639 165,513,380 134,313,388 159,842,940 4,064,513 6,715,052 118,439,031 7,433,211 23,191,142 284,600,503 67,629,843 200,252,566 6,177,726 10,630,456 74 #459,565 55,082,290 15,766,102 3,611,173 •2,550,765 65,389,680 261,350,110 >01,639,859 250,758,568 2,518,120 48,362,971 84,738,072 3,446,568 33,728,870 47,563,534 102,771,536 74.0 till 62.0 67 .2 68.5 60.7 78.1 63.1 72.8 70.1 70.5 72.7 74.6 06. e 62.5 69.5 79.4 •6.9 69.8 75.5 75.9 77.3 73.3 75.8 81.5 79.7 75.2 77.6 76.3 70.7 64.9 73.1 63.0 61.1 63.7 61.2 72.0 71.4 01.1 89.5 01.5 91.5 70.1 79.4 66.2 78.4 75.2 88.9 00.1 66.7 79.7 11,117,741,055 477f70yf73) 12,142,441 1 BO, 77# ,511 124,545,318 22 ,511 ,#41 M,670»731 12,711,405 108,166,699 139,^2,795 17,656,325 12,187,262 49,034 ,279 27,050,314 10,461,717 0,350,944 1,366,023 11 #002,341 113,220,105 15 #682,640 40,591,366 46,046,099 50,967,052 923,507 1#714 ,J>1 2,147#3*1 7,712#273 120,664 #4»1 >6,320.549 73.70? #640 3,672,476 6,754#018 42,424,036 >4,049#485 6.126,838 1#447,766 9,642 #A35 6,100 #62* ••.194,908 79,507,154 64.907.818 1 #286,293 13.311,041 VMM 430,436 1.607,900 23,787,190 26,056,187 fill 38.0 12.8 31.5 30.1 21.9 36.7 77.4 29.9 Z£i2 77.3 25.4 31.2 37.5 30.5 20.6 11.1 30.2 fil2 24.1 22.7 26.7 ju 1u 20.1 74^ 22 .4 71.7 »j 15.1 26.9 37.© 36.9 JLZ 10.5 6.5 6.5 fill 30.6 33.8 21 *0 fill 11.1 9.9 ( d ( 2) ( i) ( 4) ( 5) ( •) ( 7) ( • ) < «> (hi (11) (12) (13) (14) (13) (14) (17) («) (») (SO) (71) w (O) (»•) US) (») (77) (78) Ut) (*) (*i; («) (33) (••) <») (38) (37) i38 j (29) (80) (41) (42; (43) (84) (85) (86) 147 i (88) (49 (»i (51 recap i tula ti on (52) grano total - All Programs (53) (54) STATE FEOERAL NATIONWIDE g/ 4,202,655,586 4,194,370,346 08,277,240 3,174,911,631 3,085,006,210 80,815,421 76 J 91.4 1.117,763,955 1,109,202,136 6,4o1,313 ON* 1VMC 1 883303d (f») H») 8*99 881*180*8 2*£E 088*120*2 5*0 829'60L*9 1*NC 11*34334 (l») !o») 0*08 282' 198*£ 0*09 ESl'L81'S 6*0 S£8* 289*6 1VH0UV3AO3 (o») (6E) £*88 686'101'1L 1*55 610*582*22 9*E 896*986*66 81338044 MVITOO 341X4 (6£) (se) 8*68 S€9'SL1 9*05 t£l'2£l 1*0 991*188't /V 43M10 (8f) (if) 0*61 9C8'£9l't 0*18 666*296*8 9*0 S£8'92t*9 NoiiveiAvn (if) (of) 9*82 80€* 116*6 8*11 151*818*82 1*6 558*688'8€ 8AW44I* ON* S14044I* (9f) (SE) 6*12 511*058' LI 1*21 182*£1S'0E 8*E 900*828*28 NOIAV1M039NTM1 43HAQ ON* 9X00341V (S£) (*> 2*6£ £61*889*2 8*09 £22*501*8 9*0 910*851*9 /? H3H1Q (•£) (EE) 9*ES 682* 186'L 8*98 181'189't E'O 918'229'£ 93 U HI in 31413313 (EE) (fE) 9*88 66L'SS1'S£ 5*15 188'2EO'0£ 9*9 089*181'£1 9N31SAS 43*35 (fE) (IE) 6*29 698*556*22 l*l£ 088*895'£1 £*£ 68£*02S'9£ A1330S ON* NO 11*3131403 431*4 (IE) (Of) S*2S 051*10£'£9 5*18 IE£'E8€'1S 8*01 L88'889*021 S3 U n I in 43H1Q ON* 843 IS AS 4343S (Of) (6f) S*9€ 168*629*2 S*E9 91£'Z85'8 9*0 612*212*1 /V 43HXQ (6Z) (9f) 8*09 £88'80e't 2*6£ 858*289 2*0 186*181*2 NCI1VA43SN03 >00153A11 ON* *4043 'IN*Id (of) (if) s*ee Oll'650'Et 6*99 01E'116*52 S*£ 088*016*86 NOI1VA43SN03 431*4 ON* NCI1V3I44I (if) (9Z) e*es £58*£16 1*98 818*008 2*0 l££*8ll*I NO 11*2 11110 QN*1 OMV 1041N03 NC19043 (9f) (Sf) £*8€ E2£'9L£ 1*99 881*109 1*0 105'£26 NO 11*183403 (Sf) («) 8*se 999'£22*81 2*89 992'881'2£ 9*8 266*196*05 NOI 1VAN3 SHOO («) ( EZ) £*Sl 592*589*1 £*88 8€8*097* 18 8*8 660*986*88 /V 43MX0 (Ef) (ff) 2*6£ £66*920*61 8*09 £1£'895'6Z £*8 99€*165*88 944«d (Zf) (If) 8*es 282'HE'8 9*98 BSE'SOE'l 8*1 089*289*51 SO 1313 3113INIV ON* SON0048A*1d (IZ) (Of) 0*l€ O8S'60O'S£ 0*69 S9S'0£l*81 1*01 501*022*611 93111113*3 1VNC11*34334 43H10 ON* S*4*d (Of) (61) 8*1£ 150*511*8 9*29 882*188*9 0*1 l8£*200*It /V 43X10 (61) (91) 6*01 5£6*881 1*68 890*612'1 1*0 E2O*09E* L NO 11110N30 ON* ONI 9AOH (SI) Ul) 8*09 BIE'189'S 9*6£ 929'EOl'E 6*0 886*056*6 SONnObO 30 1N3K3A0B3NI til) (91) £*62 689'110'E 1*01 025'608* £ 6*0 112*188*01 (91) (SI) 2*15 988*186*51. 8*28 898'296*11 5*2 8l£'0S6'£2 1*N011*34334 ON* >I30S (SI) (»D 9*09 665'£69*62 8*6£ 089'08£'6t 8*8 612'8£0'68 1*N0H*3OO3 <»0 (El) 8'E8 8!2'9££'S 2*95 880*158*9 1*1 292*181*21 8N0I1O1U9KI 1V1N3N ON* '1*310311 «314*11 4*K) (El) (fl) 9* 16 155*102*6 8*88 811*059*0 9*i SZE'858'11 3A11*418INIHOV (fl) (11) 9*26 E10'1O2'£1 8*18 268*820*99 S'Zl 501'2E2'6€L SON 1011OQ 31 mild (U) (01) 8*98 101* 188*88 9*ES 96S*12£*95 8*6 669*891*501 /V 43X10 (01) (6 ) 9*18 280'82 8*86 088'8€ A 069*65 NO 11WNINI13 ONI 88043-30*49 (6 ) (9 ) £*0S 88C'£6£*9 1*68 lCt'eiE'9 1*1 568*111*21 813O0V1 A ON* S300I48 (8 ) (i ) 9'0£ 291*599*01 8*69 686*802*82 t*£ 1£1*018'8€ SlN3K3AOOdMI 30190*04 (i ) (9 ) 9'89 Wt'881'et 8*18 069'12E*6 0*2 188*115*22 8X1*3 ON* '99403 * 441*430 IS (9 ) (S ) 9*18 £98*951'16 8*86 SE8'881*21 2*11 8l£'S8S*82l SUIT* ON* 813341S (S ) (» ) C*£6 0££'£C9'88 5*98 981*581*11 9*81 916*811*691 60*04 AUV0N0336 (OHIO ON* 13M4*18-01—HUVJ (» ) (£ ) 8*18 920'120*6 9*06 618*611*1 1*1 188*281'21 S0V04 A4VMIIM - 4AV4H0IH (E ) (f ) 0*18 668*926*822 cFes 212'292'£52 1*28 161*881*118 •13341S ON* '60*04 '6AV4XQIH (f ) (I ) 6*88 160*688*9681 6*66 898*868*0291 0*001 666'681*111'II "1VI01 0NV48 (I ) UJ («) (6) !►) UJ f«) (i) ■ON 1*101 30 INOOKy IVAOi 30 ANnony INJOWSd anoohv •ON JN11 INJOUJd ANSOUld *4*1 lOJTOHd JO 3dAi 3NI1 BONO J i 01(08 NO 3S «3noj IV tOO 3 J fill ViB Oil IW fiONflJ JQ 1104004 *8 4MV eioaroMd jo tiJAi ai iioo ma wan ivioi djivhuii i iii*I ZIST 'Of iNnr hooouhi Nouvtido hi ETCvTi STaiftSd 77K c ir» ewk'i riMw if ytffrtTtgw r*fww m r?i in* TABIC 4 ESTIMATED TOTAL LABOR COST IV TVKI Of PROJECTS ANO BY SOURCES Or FUNDS UNITIO STATES TvPt or project MOUNT ZEE T?T*k FEPIRAL FUNDS -£BSj mux ■*r jeeauiue. ix war> -*W- PERCENT JU l !•€ -52i_ ZE3Z (1) GRAND TOTAL •3,174,911,691 100.0 ( 2) hignvays, roads, ano streett 1,075,791,859 Hi* ( 3) highways - primary roads 19,787,050 0.6 ( 4) farm-to-market ano other secondary roads >40,002,211 10.7 ( 5) Streets and alleys 271,051,023 6.5 (6) si0cralk5, curbs, and paths 51,688,084 1.6 ( 7) roadside improvements 124,957,680 1.9 ( 8) br 1 does ano viaoucts 21,879,921 0.9 ( •) grade cross 1no elimination 157,841 0/ (10) other y 246,777,160 7.7 (11) public builoinob ?32,697,396 10.5 (12) administrative 47,612,398 1.5 (13) charitable, medical, aw) mental institutions 95,745,299 1.1 <14) Educational 108,166,611 3.4 (15) social ano recreational 46,608,129 1.5 (to) Federal (including military and naval) 23,991,914 0.8 (17) improvement of grounds 35,982,820 1.1 (18) housing ano demolition 9,113,125 0.9 (19) other y 25,447,706 0.8 (20) parks and other recreational facilities 349,166,416 11.0 (21) Playgrounds and athletic fields 49,339,639 1.6 (22) Parks 165,513,389 5.2 (23) other y 134,313,388 4.2 (24) Conservation 159,842,949 2i° (25) forestatiom 4,064,513 0.1 (26) erosion control and land utilization 6,715,052 0.2 (27) irrigation ano rater conservation 118,439,031 3.7 (28) Plant, crop, ami livestock conservation 7,433,211 0.3 (») other y 23,191,142 0.7 (30) Sever Systems and other utilities 284,690,583 9,0 (31) •ater purification amd supply 67,629,843 2.1 (32) Seven Systems 200,252,568 6.3 (33) electric utilities 6,177,726 0.2 (34) Other y 10,630,456 0.4 (35) airport6 and other transportation 74,459.565 2.3 (30) airports and airmays 55,082,290 1.7 (37) navigation 15,766,102 0.5 (38) Other y 9,611,173 0.1 (38) ®ii te collar Projects 409,290,55? 12.9 (40) Educational 82,550,765 2.6 (41; recreational 65,389,680 2.1 (42) professional and clerical 261,350,110 8.2 (43) goods projects 301,639,859 9.5 («•) sewing 250,758,560 7.9 (45) canning 2,518,320 0.1 (46) Other y 48,362,871 1.5 «7) sanitation ami health 84,738.872 2.7 (48) elimination of stream pollution 3,446,568 0.1 (40) mosquito eradication 33,728,070 1.1 (50) other y 47,563,534 1.5 (51) miscellaneous 102,773,536 3.2 RECAPITULATION (52) grand total - aLL persons 3,174,811,631 100.0 (53) state 3,085,096,210 87.2 (54) federal Nationside £/ 89,615,421 2.8 11,004,511,1M 97.1 1,0M,209,124 2fi2 18,301,290 91.5 10,191,386 95.6 262,496,097 96.0 50,091,225 96.8 121,118,534 97.8 20,761,686 94.9 149,822 94.9 219,957,142 87.2 319*305,019 Bsfi 46,205,010 87.0 34,991,232 87.9 102,752,334 95.0 43,370,170 93.0 23, 411,299 97.0 95,010,548 87.3 9,072,209 98.6 24,572,287 96.6 341,109,405 87.7 48,165,085 97.6 159,795,881 96.5 193,286,439 89.2 Ez3 3,863,794 95 US 6,372,443 87.9 115,743,628 87.7 7,299,520 97.3 22,366,220 96.4 274,487,144 96.4 64,986,585 95.2 183,970,996 96.9 5,821,584 94.2 10,317,959 87.1 7?il9l,W 96.8 59,951 ,287 96.0 13,605,560 99.0 9,144,219 87.1 398f*99|677 ExJ 80,995,673 98.1 63,206,083 96.7 259,096,949 97.2 Sift 250,463,396 99.9 2,508,787 99.6 47,501,977 99.7 fill 3.398,811 99.6 33,439,207 99.1 47,212,876 99.3 100,600,544 87.9 1,054,912,131 2,004,091,081 •8,581,057 190,399,491 2.9 ( D hi ( 1) 1 *493,920 7.5 ( 1) 14,809,90 *A ( 4) 9,954,986 3.2 ( 9) 1,987,099 3.2 ( 4) 3,019,188 1/4 ( 7) i,ii8,tn 3.1 ( •> 8,119 3.1 ( •) 6,819 ,914 tmB (10) 11.222.297 lefi (ID 1,407,*9 1/0 (12) 734,067 2.1 (U) 3,414,277 5.0 (14) 3,297,958 7.0 <«) 520,873 2.2 (18) 972,272 2.7 (17) 40,816 0.4 (18) 073/409 3.4 (19) V7rfii 1x2 (80) 1,174,304 2.4 (81) 3,777,308 1.3 (22) 1,004 ,9*9 0.8 (O) 4,041,364 2.3 (04) 178,719 4.4 (23) 142,609 2.1 (86) 2,695,400 2.) (27) 199,691 2.7 (88) 824,982 U (89) 10,198,449 hi (») 9.2«3^48 •A :*i f ••201,572 3.1 (82) 356,132 5.1 CM) 312 ,497 LI (*) 2,538,49? 2x1 (») 1,791,009 3.2 (88) 160,542 1/0 (87) 486,954 12.9 tm 1x2 (»> 1 ,393,098 1.9 (40) 2,191,625 3.3 (41) 7,353,161 2.9 (42) 1,163.319 (43) 298,872 0.1 (44) 9,353 0.4 <«) 980,994 1.0 (4*| 607.878 Ssfi (47) 47.751 1.4 (48) 209,461 0.9 (49) 390,398 0.7 (so) 2,172,998 2.1 (51) 87.1 80.7 90,399,49) 80,189,120 0*,984 2.8 0.9 (32) (33) (»•> y INCLUDES PROJECTS CLASSIFIABLE uhdeft MORE THAN ONE OF THE HEAD)nhs above, g/ LUS THAN 0.05 PERCENT. £/ classified under professional ano clerical on line 42. Iff* ppoy^rs rwfr IN yfrATIITWWtH Ml W> Iff? ftllt s NUMBER AND (ATlMAtin Tpui COIt |V TYPEI Of PROJIOTI It OPtDATING BTA fUl OMt Vfd BTATCk ALL project! active project# completed projects Line Tyre or project Estimated Estimatcd estimated line no. NUURtR total coat number Total cost number Total Coat no. (1) (f) (8) (4) (5) (6) (7) ( 1) grand total 146,859 14,292,695,566 40,442 •2,256,691,288 108,457 12,033,764,298 ( 1) ( 2) hiqmiiavs, roads, ano Streets 45,072 1,553,499,361 11*890 972|0«9,*42 54,342 680,820,939 ( 2) ( 3) h1 ohways - primary roads 428 31,929,491 159 20,114,725 269 11,814,766 ( 3) ( 4) farh-to-mapkct and other secondary roads 19,665 505,780,727 5,010 250,840,616 14,649 246,940,111 (4) { 5) Streets and alleys 9,775 395,596,341 2,157 206,363,515 7,018 187,232,826 ( 5) ( «) sideralks, curbs, and paths 3,535 74,200,725 904 36,960,039 2,631 37,232,686 ( 6) ( 7) Roadside improvements 3,497 159,228,391 705 94,577,193 2,792 64,651,198 ( 7) ( 8) br 1 oses ano viaducts 2,448 34,591,416 369 13,950,292 2,079 20,641,124 ( 8) ( 9) Grade-crossinc elimination 17 217,631 2 39,013 15 178,018 ( 9) (10) other (j 6,307 351,945,659 2,018 239,616,249 4,289 112,129,610 (10) («) Public Buildings 23,635 471,840,041 5,260 210,877,919 16,575 260,962,122 (11) (12) Administrative 3,469 65,470,663 730 29,269,125 2,759 36,181,538 (12) (13) charitable, medical, and mental institutions 1,546 47,932,561 356 17,606,836 1,192 30,325,725 (13) (14) educational 10,750 157,200,690 2,130 70,520,163 8,620 66,680,727 (14) (15) social ano recreational 2,979 74,558,437 834 32,004,016 2,145 42,554,421 (15) (18) pedcral (including military and naval) 641 34,412,531 161 15,825,589 460 16,586,942 (16) (17) improvement of grounds 3,073 45,333,764 616 19,562,066 2,457 25,751,696 (17) (18) housing and demolition 40 10,481,148 5 4,530,065 35 5,951,063 (18) (19) other y 1,315 36,450,047 408 21,520,037 907 14,930,010 (19) (20) parks ano other recreational facilities 9,502 462,386,521 2,657 234,399,205 6,845 227,967,316 (20) (21) Playgrounds and athletic fields 3,701 65,022,279 867 27,214,242 2,634 37,806,037 (21) (22) parks 4,056 214,104,755 1,236 128,939,705 2,620 85,164,970 (22) (23) other y 1,745 163,259,467 554 78,245,178 ' 1,191 105,p14,309 (23) (24) conservation 6.453 210,610,861 1.490 106,708,706 4,963 102,022,175 (24) (25) Forestat ion 235 4,966,020 36 1,652,675 199 3,335,345 (25) (26) Erosion control and land utilization 381 8,429,363 69 4,119,649 312 4,309,734 (26) (27 ) irrigation ano rater conservation 4,093 157,409,511 966 62,839,563 3,127 74,569,948 (27) (28) plant, crop, ano livestock conservation 480 9,560,552 95 5,045,399 385 4,535,153 (28) (29) other y 1,264 30,403,415 324 15,131 ,420 940 15,271,995 (29) (30) Sever Systems and other utilities 14,697 405.375,074 2,932 199,297,801 11,965 206,077,273 (30) (31) ■ater purification and supply 4,753 104,150,192 879 51,803,696 3,074 52,346,294 (31) (32) Sever systems 9,279 274,040,206 1,038 132,802,776 7,441 141,237 ,432 (32) (33) Electric utilities 339 9,800,202 70 4,599,2C6 269 5,200,994 (33) (34) other y 526 17,384,472 145 10,091,919 381 7,292,553 (34) (35) Airports ano other Transportation 1,301 116,683,621 445 75,452,706 856 41,430,915 (35) (36) Airports and aibrays 1,031 89,931,745 363 62,995,306 668 26,936,439 (36) (37 } navigation 234 21,692,937 69 10,846,128 165 11,046,809 (37) (38) other y 36 5,058,939 13 1 ,611,Z72 23 3,447,667 (38) (39) •mite Collar projects 23,697 449,237,523 7.520 228,229,801 16,177 221,007,722 (39) (40) Educational 2,511 92,193,200 901 50,001,455 1,610 42,191,745 (40) (41) Recreational 2,563 71,499,308 540 33,169,840 2,043 38,329,468 (41) (42) Professional ami clerical 16,603 285,545,015 6,079 145,056,506 12,524 140,486,509 (42) (43) goods Projects 9,696 381,147,013 4,242 201.411,138 5,654 179,735,075 (43) (44) Serins 7,326 315,666,366 3,480 171,906,171 3,846 143,750,215 (44) (45) Canning 253 3,804,615 61 1 ,892,107 192 1,912,500 (45) (46) Other y 2,317 61,676,012 701 27,610,860 1,016 34,065,152 (46) (47) sanitation ano health 3,754 112,654,608 1,572 63,001,048 2,182 49,653,560 (47) (46) Elimination of stream pollution 167 3,877,024 66 2,376,559 101 1,500,465 (48) (45) mosquito eradication 906 37,426,860 236 17,962,897 670 19,463,963 (49) (50) other y 2,661 71,350,724 1,270 42,661,592 1,411 28,669,132 150) (51) miscellaneous 9,692 128,829,723 2,994 64,763,322 6,898 64,066,401 (51) recapitulation (52) grand total - all programs 148,699 4,292,655,566 40,442 2,258,891,288 108,457 2,033,764,298 (52) (53) state 144,892 4,194,376,346 39,658 2,211,112,967 105,234 1,983,265,359 (53) (54) federal NaTIONRIOE fi/ 4,007 96,277,240 784 47,778,301 3,223 50,496,939 (54) y Includes projects classiriable under hone than one or the headings above. y Classirico under Processional and clerical on line 42. 8 IP* PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THRQUQH JUNE K, 1P17 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST Of ALL PROJECTS BY TYPES Or PROJECTS# BY OBJECTS Of EXPENDITURE# ANO BY SOURCES Of TUNDS UNITEO STATES Type or PROJECT llNC NO. or Total total FEDERAL SPONSORS' ^UN04 fUNO* t.tu 1 IKW ruw. MON.O.* ' 1KSJ u«* «• ('! (»} <>) M (5) («) 12. J. i.) (») ( 1) ( 2) HI QH.AVK f ROAO.* ANO ST.CtTi 45.672 1,953,490,561 ( s) n1 omrays - primary roads 428 31,929,491 ( «) farm—to-market and other scconoary roads 19,663 900,760,727 ( 5) Streets and alleys 9,779 399,596,341 ( 8) sidewalks, curbs, and paths 3,939 74,200,729 ( 7) roadside improvements 3,497 199,226,391 ( e) bridges ano v1 aducts 2,440 34,391,416 ( 9] Grade-crossing elimination 17 217,631 (10) Other &/ 6,307 391,945,699 (11) Public Buildings 23,835 471,640,041 (12) administrative 3,46P 65,470,663 (13) charitable, medical, and mental institutions 1,548 47,932,561 (1«) Educational 10,790 157,200,890 (15) social and recreational 2,979 74,556,437 (16) federal (including military ano naval) 641 34,412,531 (17) improvement of grounds 3,073 45,333,764 (10) housing and demolition 40 10,461,146 (is) other 4/ 1,319 36,450,047 (20) Parks and Other recreational facilities 9,502 462,386,521 (21) Playgrounds and athletic fields 3,701 65,022,279 (22) parks 4,096 214,104,755 (23) other 4/ 1,7*5 183,259,487 (») Conservation 6,453 210.810.881 (25) forestat1on 235 4,988,020 (26) erosion control ano land utilization 381 8,429,383 (27) irrigation and water conservation 4,093 157,409,511 (28) plant, crop, ano livestock conservation 480 9,580,552 (») other 4/ 1,264 30,403,415 (30) sewer systems and other utilities 14,697 405,375,074 (31! bater purification and supply 4,753 104,150,192 (32) sewer 6y6tem6 9,279 274,040,208 (33) electric utilities 339 9,800,202 (») other 4/ 526 17,384,472 (35) Airports a m> other Transport at i on 1,301 (38) airports ano airways 1,031 89,931,745 (37) Navigation 284 21,692,937 (SB) other 4/ 86 5,058,939 (») •nltt collar projects BxfiS 449.297.52) («) educational 2,511 92,193,100 ("1. recreational 2,588 71,499,808 («) professional amp clerical 18,603 205,543,013 («) Gooes Projects 9.806 881,147,013 («) Sew ims 7,326 315,886,888 («) camming 25) 3,804,619 («) other &/ 2,317 61,676,012 («) san it at ion a rnt healt, hltt (68) Ll 1 Ml nat 1 on Of stream pollution 167 3,877 ,084 («) bosom 1 to eradication 906 97 ,406 >80 (K) Other 4/ 2,481 71,850,704 (31) miscellaneous 0,068 128^29,723 1r97?i7fliW9 19,787,090 940,002,211 271,091,029 51,688,884 124,157,660 21,879,971 157,941 246,777,160 332,607,336 47,612,938 35,745,299 108,166,611 46,608,123 23,931,314 39,982,820 9,119,125 25,447,706 49,339,639 163,513,389 134,313,388 139,+4g,y*9 4,064,513 6,715,052 116,439,031 7,433,211 23,191,142 284,690,593 67,629,843 200,252,566 6,177,726 10,630,456 35,082,290 19,786,102 9,611,173 82,550,769 69,889,680 281,890,110 9Q1 ,619.899 290,798,968 2,318,820 48,862,971 "tviim 9,446,948 99,720,070 47,983,984 >08,773,938 1>9H»Wi«4 18,301,230 129,193,386 262,496,097 90,031,229 121,316,934 10,761,686 149,822 239,107,942 319,385,089 46,206,010 34,991,232 102,752,334 43,370,170 23,411,239 15,010,548 9,072,209 24,572,297 48,165,080 159,739,801 133,288,499 lBlggllda 3,889,794 6,572,443 115,743,628 7,233,920 22,366,220 64,386,595 193,970,996 3 >21 ,994 10,317,90© TilWIfW 53,851,287 15,600,360 S,144^1« mjssum 80,980,673 61,808,000 253,996,940 290,469,996 2,508,767 47,901,877 9,988,011 33.496 >07 47^/17,976 >00,600>44 190,399,493 •1,117,749,999 •820,896,884 •496,649,001 ( 1) 37.492,920 177i7MJ7J1 *33.282.272 ( 1) 1,483,820 12,1*2,441 7,115>15 9 >*7 >26 ( 3) 14,806,825 169,778,316 77,145,188 88,811,110 ( 4) 8,354,926 124,949,910 72,788>>5 91,756,881 ( 5) 1,657,659 22,911,041 9,127,890 19,18*,191 ( •> 3,099,128 >4,870,791 24,204,9*9 10,660,781 ( 7, 1,118,233 12,711,493 6,918,191 6,091,044 ( • j 8,119 59,890 >4,848 2* >4* ( •) 6,619,618 106,168,699 96,127,998 48,041,101 (10) 13.222.297 U.&tfR f3.207,019 '11 j 1 ,407,328 17,850,925 0.600,714 «>07,351 lit 754,067 12,187,282 6,891,044 3,196.218 ("I 9,414 ,277 49,034,279 1 ©,>40,680 <1*} 9,297,993 27,990,194 11,982,680 >5,987 ,4*6 (») 520,075 10 >81,217 7 ,409,328 1,071,609 (1*) 972,272 9,990,944 >,708,626 5,0*7 >16 117) 40,916 1,360,023 1 ,719,008 148 ,90*. (10) 673,409 11,002, ml 6,807,304 4,115,4357 (19) 7i«^7iv11 76,11063 ow.mc (00) 1,174,504 95>b2>«0 7.303.350 (21 . 5,777.908 48,391,388 29^84,971 19,006.089 <22/ 1,084,9*9 48,948 ,099 41, 260 »» 123) *,9*7,9* g.w*ja* 16 >*3 >64 (x. 178,719 929,907 80,98* 018 ,921 <25, 1<2,609 1,714,301 000,070 61»59 198) 2,695,403 38,970,400 29,911,310 u^bb.iio 177) 199,691 2,147,141 842,498 ijtmju <*•) 824,922 7,212,279 «.569, m iMjm :w MaJPiT* tm) 9.243,746 14»520>*© 11.56* >80 22. nwfl,888 01: 6,281,572 71.767 ,0*0 » >32 ,441 95,755,188 Of) 958,132 1,622,416 1,481.167 1.0*1 >09 ») 312 ,487 6,754,016 4,ks,273 *>48,788 (») I iWf-ff 42(404|os8 k»71j61 11,800,775 (») 1,791,001 9*>4s>s5 04^98,151 8.871 >84 (08) 160,942 1,1841 4,88*.998 1,189,016 cl») 488,884 1.447.764 730,101 m>» (sb) 11.009.87f 17.981.8*8 (s0) 1.599.uw 9,*c*>» 3,781.151 i^n^v 4c *,181,829 t.1®6>» 4.001,788 A \ 7,383,181 ».194,801 14-438,988 8.798 >78 42) 1.183.3u 78 >07. *5* 38.108.888 K >09.103 (41) tm.wrt 84.807 ^l« 59.188^80 11.141,1*8 (44) 9.583 1.288,203 88*.787 421 >08 ,4? 6*0,98* 13,913,6*1 « .473^» • >17 ,5* 4*} y«m i7,015m8m ij8j8 r*«mrt ,4' ' 47,757 436^58 108,118 222,117 46 . 869.66) »#7,«60 1,577^04 1,100 >8* .44 990.908 21,78? ,iwl 4,100 >73 10r086,9v5 (») 1,172,8v *•>56.167 14 >**,051 n»4,m (51) recap i tulat106 (®) (53, state lu. 148,899 4,292,653,988 3,174,911,431 J.UP4.311. 1*6 89,986,468 1,117,Ml,«95 880>*6,664 46B>«S,091 (52) M4'*« 4,164,378,848 1,085 >86, *1C *.684,691 >B1 90.160,129 1,108^88,188 812,787,746 «9B,5«4,KD ,9J rncmML M*iC«MB« %/ 4,007 • .777,0*0 09 >15,4*1 69,® 1,087 284,864 0,441 >19 0.161.116 20C.7C1 (54) 4/ " wet. u«t project i nun am or the huoimm above. %/ Ola** trice twee* am® clerical on lime 42. 9 riwiw i* fftww www* fpi m? till! ? NUMBER AND CSTIMATCO tOTAl OOS? dT ACTlVJ PROJECTS BY TYPES 0f PROJECTS# •V OBJECTS OP UPfWHURt, AND BY SOURCES OP FUNDS Wilts statu line *0* Type or mooter non-lasqw 32 Total tst pcotral w Sponsors1 m Total federal funds (8) sponsors' funds jr line NO. (1) brand TOTAL 40,441 12,298,891,288 11,660,519,874 11,622,548,425 •42,971,449 •593,371*414 •339*411*455 •253,959,959 ( D i *! hisnoavs, Boaos , and Streets 11*330 872,669.642 *05,111,w w/844,396 I®!?*7!?4? 267,557,997 148,376,379 11Vf179/p16 ( 2) ( 3) highways - primary roads 159 20,114,725 13,032,383 12,327,865 704,518 7,082,342 4*412,696 2,669,646 I 3) <«> farm-to-market and other secondary roads 5,01« 258,840,616 174,452,973 168,200,792 6,252,181 84,387,643 39,665,670 44,721,973 ( 4) ( 5) streets and alleys 2 #157 208,363,515 142,551*416 137,686,747 4,864,669 65,812,099 41*423,973 24,388,126 ( 3) ( «) slocsalks# curbs# and paths 904 36,968,039 25,406,369 24,704,111 702,250 11,561,670 4,823,049 6,738,621 ( 6) ( t) roadside improvements 705 94,577,193 72,359,924 70,840,501 1 ,519,423 22,217,269 16,140,916 6,076,353 ( 7) t «) br1 does and viaducts 309 13,950,292 9*490,486 9,224,780 265,706 4,459,806 2,220,988 2,238,818 ( ®) ( » sraoc crossins el ini nat ion 2 39,013 33,008 32,158 850 6,005 2,455 3,550 ( «) (10) Other &/ 2.016 239,816,249 167,785,086 163,827 ,442 9,957,644 72,031,163 39,688,632 32,342,531 (10) (11) Public Building* 5,260 210,877,919 149,688,463 145,153,664 4,734,799 60,989/456 29,965,748 31,003,708 (11) (W) administrative 730 29,289,125 21,738,025 21,330,080 407,937 7,551,100 4,282,160 3,268,940 (12) (13) Charitable# medical, and hental institution 356 17,606,836 13,188,688 12,070,125 318,563 4,418,148 2,214,961 2,203,187 (13) (1«) Educational 2#130 70,520,163 48,025,610 45,871,977 2,153,833 22*494,353 9,944,615 12,549,738 (W) (15) Social and recreational 834 32,004,016 19,969,143 19,058,040 911,103 12,034,873 5,017,091 7,017,762 (15) («) Federal (including military and naval) 181 15,825,589 11,454,074 11,243,894 210,180 4,371,515 2,863,392 1,506,123 (W) (« ) improvement of grounds 616 19,582,068 15,526,869 15,196.069 330,800 4,055,199 1,674,377 2,380,822 (17) (W) housing and demolition 5 4,530,085 4,160,351 4,151,666 8,485 369,734 289,535 80,199 (18) (19) other y 406 21,520,037 15,825,503 15,431,605 393,898 5,694,534 3,699,617 1,994,917 (19) (20) parks amd other recreational facilities 2f657 234,399,205 177*460,780 173,188.912 4.271,868 56.938,425 37,665,767 19,272,658 (20) (21) pl*vgrounds am) athletic fields 867 27,214,242 19,917,542 19,519,180 398,362 7,296,700 3*471,202 3,825*496 (21) (22) parks 1 #236 128,939,785 98,359,963 94,948,088 3,411,875 30,579,822 19,618,550 10,961,272 (22) (23) other y 554 78,245,178 59,183,275 58,721,644 461,631 19,061,903 14,576,015 4,485,888 (23) (a.) Cower vat i or 1*490 106,788,706 81.784,173 80,057,422 1,726,751 27,004,533 17,508,559 9*495,974 (24) (25) Forestation 36 1,652,675 1,407,471 1,354,795 52,676 245,204 143,743 101*461 (25) (26) erosion control and lamo utilization 69 4,119,649 3,232,672 3,175,009 57,663 886,977 402,340 484,637 (26) (21) 1rr1 oat 1 on and mater conservation 966 62,839,563 61,574,991 60*444,200 1,130,791 21,264,572 14,306,564 6,956,006 (27) <») plant# crop, and livestock conservation 95 5,045,399 3,881,789 3,768,776 113,013 1,163,610 436*445 727,165 (28) (2») other y 324 15,131,420 11,687,250 11,314,642 372,608 3,444,170 2,219*467 1,224,703 (29) (30) Sever Systems and Other utilities 2,932 199,297,801 139,635.199 135,320,361 4,314,838 59,662,602 30,901,423 28,761,179 (30) (31) satcr purification and supply 879 51,803,098 35,049,497 33,605,678 1*443,819 16,754,401 7,346*482 9*407,919 (31) (32) sever systems 1,838 132,802,776 95,015,471 92,407,258 2,608,213 37,787,306 20,989*446 16,797,859 (32) (33) Electric utilities 70 4,599,208 2,061,758 2,735,871 125,887 1,737,450 794,485 942,965 (33) (m) other y 145 10,091,919 6,706*473 6,571,554 136,919 3,383*446 1,771,010 1,612*436 (34) (35) Airports and other transportation 445 75,452,706 48,949,979 47,527,852 1*422,127 26,502,727 19,034,345 7*468,382 (35) (36) airports and airways 363 62,995,306 39,562,395 38,364*837 1,197,556 23,432,911 16,899,267 6,533,644 (36) (31) navigation 69 10,846,128 8,346,473 8,270,796 75,677 2,499,655 1,872,524 627,131 (37) (38) other y 13 1,611,272 1,041,111 892,219 148,892 570,161 262,554 307,607 (38) (39) ■mite collar Projects 7 #520 228,229,801 206,047,315 199.570,776 6.476,539 22.182,486 12,717,672 9,464,814 (39) (40) Educational 901 50,001*455 44,363,911 43,320,835 1,043,076 5,637,544 3,280,879 2,356,665 (40) (41) recreational 540 33,169,840 29,854,479 2b,474,827 1,379,652 3,315,361 1,219,998 2,095,363 (41) (42) professional and clerical 6,079 145,056,506 131,828,925 127,775,114 4,053,811 13,229,581 0,216,795 5,012,786 (42) (431 qooos projects 4.242 201*411,138 157,861,317 157,469,879 391*438 43,549,821 32,622,132 10,927,689 (43) (44) serins 3,480 171,908,171 135,340,108 135,196,694 143,414 36,568,063 30,244,547 6,323,516 (44) («5) canning 61 1,892,107 1,320,027 1,316,143 3,884 572,060 361,932 210,148 (45) (46) other y 701 27,610,860 21,201,102 20,957,042 244,140 6*409,678 2,015,653 4,394,025 (46) (47) 1,572 63.001,048 46.203.290 45.878.388 324,902 16,797,758 3.948,167 12,849.591 (47) (48) elimination of stream pollution 66 2,376/559 2,094,279 2,080,755 13,524 282,280 147,049 135,231 (48) (49) mosquito eradication 236 17,962,897 15,986,090 15,827,739 158,351 1,976,807 1,344,077 632,730 (49) (50) other y 1,270 42,661,592 28,122,921 27,969,894 153,027 14,538,671 2,457,041 12,081,630 (50) (51) miscellaneous 2,994 64,763,322 52.577,713 51,536,775 1#040,930 12,185,609 6,649,263 5,536,346 (51) recapitulation (52) 8ran0 total - all programs 40,442 2,258,891,288 1,665,519,674 1*622,548,425 42,971,449 599,371*414 339,411,455 253,969,959 (52) (53) state 39,698 2,211,112,987 1,622,045,576 1 ,579,160,971 42,876,605 569,067,411 335,177,458 253,889,953 (53) (54) federal nat 1 on*1 dc fi/ 784 47,778,301 43,474,296 43,379,454 94,844 4,304,003 4,233,997 70,006 (54) y includes projects class in able under none than one or the mead i nob above. class in co under professional and clerical on line 42. 10 WPA PROMTS IS oteatibn, "IRffW mi )°i W7 TABLE 8 NUMBER ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST Of COMPLETED PROJECTS BY TYPES Of PROJECTS, BY OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE, AND BY SOURCES Of fUNOS UNITED STATES line no. Type or project _ilL Number or labor NO*-i.*iQR EL ast riDCRAL ■T- Sponborb • f UNIX FUN OB Jt zML =St KOKMXU' fmt— ( d ( 2) ( 3) ( «> ( 5) ( 6) (y) ( 8) ( »> (10) (") (121 (13) (") (15) (16) 117) (IB) (IS) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2*) (25) (26 ; (27) (28) (2S) (30) (31) (32) (33) (3«) (35) (36) (37) (38) (3S) (40) (41) (*2) !«3) (««) (45) (44 J (47) (48) (49) (50) GRAND TOTAL 106,457 17,033,744,296 11,509,391,757 11,441,963,713 147,426,044 1524,277,541 1761,467,409 ( 1) highways, roads, ano streets 94.342 highways - primary ROADS 209 farm-to-market ano other seconoary roads 14,649 streets ano alleys 7,610 Sidewalks, curbs, and paths 2,631 Roadside improvements 2,792 br i does ano viaducts 2,079 sraoe—cross i no elimination 13 other a/ 4,299 Public Buildings 19,573 administrative 2,75ft charitable. medical, ano mental institutions 1,192 Educational 8,620 social and recrcatI3hal 2,143 Feudal {including military ano naval) 460 lOTtOVCMENT or GROUNDS 2,457 HOUSING and DEMOLITION 33 OTHER 4/ 907 Parks ano other Recreational facilities 6,645 PLAYGROUNDS ANO ATHLETIC FIELDS 2,834 PARKS 2,820 OTHER 4' 1 ,191 conservation 4,963 Forest ation 199 erosion control ano land utilization 312 irrigation ano mated conservation 3,127 Plant, crop, and livestock conservation 385 other 4/ sever systems ano other utilities tater purification and supply sewed systems electric utilities other 4/ Airports ano other Transportation Airports ano airways navigation other 4/ 940 11,963 3,874 7,441 269 381 856 669 165 23 wh i te COLLAR projects 16,177 Educations 1,610 Recreational 2,043 professional and clerical 12,524 goods projects 3,654 Sewing 3,846 Canning 192 OTNCD 4/ 1,616 Sanitation and health 2,182 Elimination or stream pollution 101 tto&fluiro eradication 620 OTHER 4/ Mil (51 ) MlSCCLLANEOUS W9»«0|W 11,814,766 246,940,111 187,232,626 37,232,686 64,631,196 20,641 ,124 178,610 112,129,610 iff 36,181,338 30,325,725 86,680,727 42,354,421 18,586,942 25,751,696 5,951,063 14,930,010 2Z7,987,^ft 37,800,037 85,164,970 103,014,309 102.022.175 3.335,343 4,309,734 74,569,948 4,535,153 15,271,995 206.077.273 52,346,29* 141,237,432 5,200,994 7,292,553 41,430,913 26,936,439 11,046,809 3,447,667 ZTrWW 42,191,745 38,329,468 140,460,309 143,758,215 1,912,308 34,065,152 49,653.560 1,500,405 19,463,96) 28,669,1)2 64,066,401 179i?WIIW 6,754,667 163,549,2)8 120,499,607 26,282,313 31,997,7)6 12,309,435 124,913 78,992,074 1«f716.97? 23,074,313 22,356,611 60,140,801 26,638,960 12,477,240 20,455,951 4,952,774 9,622,203 171,70ft,ft3ft 29,422,097 67,153,426 75,1)0,113 !,77ft 2,657,042 3,482,380 56,664,040 3,551,422 11 #503,892 145,053.394 32,580,346 105,237,097 3,315,968 3,921,983 15,519,695 7,419,629 2,370,062 36,186,634 35,535,201 129,521,165 143f7Tft,ft4j 113,410,460 1,198,29) 27,101,769 >6,533.662 1,152.169 17,762,760 19,440,611 50,195,62) 3,973,363 136,992,394 124,609,350 23,127,114 30,478,0)3 11,336,906 117,664 76,129,900 174.231.375 24,874,922 22,121,107 56,880,357 24,312,130 12,167,345 19,614,479 4,920,34) 9,140,692 Ift8,900j4?? 28,643,905 64,787,793 74.566,795 twilff 2,5)0,999 3,397,4)4 55,299,420 3.464,744 11,051,578 139,176,783 30,780,917 101,563,7)8 3,085,723 3,7*6,405 14,986,430 7,134.764 2.252,000 mtWim 37,674.Ua >•.73), 229 126,221,895 115*268,902 1,192,624 26,544,995 FVflW 1.316,056 17,611,469 19,243/382 19,225,277 781,302 8,556,644 3,690,257 953,401 1,519,70) •52,527 7,269 2,862,174 0,487,498 999,391 433,504 3,260,444 2,326,850 309,895 641,472 32.431 461,311 ftiTWiW 776,192 2,360*633 563,316 126,043 64,946 1,564,412 60,078 452,314 5*836,611 1,799,429 3*673,390 230,245 173,578 936.372 533,446 r9«pgi^ 5,060,099 •1,390,87) 58,713,219 10,990,171 12,63) ,462 8,251,689 51,865 31,137,536 7g«g«i«re 10,307,225 7,769,114 26,339,926 15,915,441 6,106,702 3,295,743 990,269 3,307,607 8,385,940 18,011 ,544 29 #004,190 678,303 027,35* 17,705,906 983,731 3,768,103 2,702,719 37,479,516 31,364,462 4,504,641 6,064,00 4,097,16) 32,393 16,638,966 4 ,366,614 4,6)6^83 9,396/565 0,665,777 4,546,1)5 2/329,249 929,553 3,107,667 3,8)4,156 8,945,623 26,664.618 316,062 4,411,139 517,916 •01.973 3,799,350 772,081 149,558 5*66® 410*04 1,414*5*4 3,627,180 •77,406 4,004,491 2,794 js6j 10/ >4,2)) 131,312 197,531 Vfn>*W 2,357,381 43,911,357 27,388,757 6,445,0® 4,389,429 463^41 398,338 11,404 ,606 406/71) 7,367,909 21,792 16,496,970 5,938,611 3,133/331 17,143,681 8,969,664 1,563,586 3*216*496 •8,736 2,120,140 4,551 ,7»* 8/385,721 3,199,377 9.777*662 21«iMI 19,765,948 6*217.990 36/XX),335 17*042,905 1 *685,cm 686.702 3*370.320 2,334*213 6,101.302 577,716 1*405,194 £i22i£2 13,547,950 18,857*34© 15,921,320 11.538.916 4, 7/ )/30O*«T3 460,377 9*327,347 2.900*7)4 8b8.1* 4.719*291 38*339*795 23.502.149 7m,f15 502,885 6.003,363 2*4s8*flh» 1W«W 148,118 1.721,189 9,740,519 61,7® 1*733,52? 1*6® *234 1*437*08© 538,705 8*237,115 1,304,617 1,986,423 4.DRB/349 1/TI/8 4^17^82 211*380 4 ,**j,57* •xIZSiSZ 49*063*769 1.137,054 13.670*516 5,977,790 ( 2) ( i) ( 4) ( 3) ( •) ( 7) ( •) ( •) (10; («) (12) (13) 114; (19) (is; (i7; (18) no: (20} (*») (h) (2«) (»•) (25} (28) (27} (28) (29) (30) »1 / .32 j (35} (*} (») (38) (»} (■) (*•) (4° (41) (42) 4* (49 49) iv (51) RECAPITULATION 52; GRAND TOTAL - ALL PROGRAMS (53) state (54) federal ratio • ioc y 108,457 2,0)3,764,298 1,509,391,757 1,461,963,713 47,428,064 524,172,541 361*467,400 242*885,112 (52) 105,234 1,983,265,359 1 #463,050,6)4 1,415,762,110 47 #288,524 520,714,723 277*560*71) 242,654,512 3*223 50,496,989 40*341,12) 46,201*603 139*520 4*157 *818 3,97,196 230*620 tn) (34) £/ INCLUDES PROJECTS CLASS If I ABLE UNDER mm I Than QNt or Ti S/ CLASSirite UNDER PR0rCBSl9«AL AND OLERICAL ON LINE 42* nuubcft and tttiwfto totai, oost by states and it mum» or funds UNI ICO STATE! E>TIMA TIP tOTAL OOST State number Federal funds sponsors' Funds Line of Total percent peroent line no. Projects Amount percent Amount of total Amount or total no. (1) (t) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (0) ( 1) grand total 148,809 14,292,655,586 100.0 •3,705,411,002 86.3 $587,244,584 13.7 ( D ( 2) Alabama 1,846 45,475,390 1.1 37,794,131 83.1 7,681,259 16.9 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 624 17,244,328 0.4 13,218,962 76.7 4,025,366 23.3 ( » ! 4) arkansas 3,316 38,697,293 0.9 31,195,747 80.6 7,501,546 19.4 ( 4) ( 5) california 5,817 232,292,863 5.4 199,532,865 85.9 32,759,998 14.1 < 3) ( «> colora00 1,984 52,983,560 1.2 44,416,113 83.8 8,567,447 16.2 ( «) ( ') connecticut 2,545 49,711,078 1.2 40,957,313 82.4 8,753,765 17.6 ( 7) ( 8! delaware 202 3,922,439 0.1 3,452,749 88.0 469,690 12.0 ( 8) ! 9) District of Columbia 171 17,524,201 0.4 16,359,247 93.4 1,164,954 6.6 ( 9) (10) florida 1,800 36,467,648 0.8 29,835,816 81.8 6,631,832 18.2 (10) (11) georgia 3,299 50,328,501 1.2 38,501,485 76.5 11,827,016 23.5 (11) (12) idaho 1,043 15,897,393 0.4 11,304,718 71.1 4,592,675 28.9 (12) (13) illinois 5,178 293,262,422 6.8 249,276,061 85.0 43,986,361 15.0 (13) (14) indiana 4,522 126,361,537 2.9 109,629,464 86.8 16,732,073 13.2 (14) (15) iowa 2,391 40,739,149 0.9 32,926,146 80.8 7,813,003 19.2 (15) (16) kansas 4,135 62,384,277 1.5 50,059,145 80.2 12,325,132 19.8 (16) (17) kentucky 2,226 58,732,825 1.4 47,264,430 80.5 11,468,395 19.5 (17) (ib) louisiana 918 55,327,805 1.3 48,366,000 87.4 6,961,005 12.6 (18) (19) maine 1,445 13,020,695 0.3 10,746,597 82.5 2,274,098 17.5 (19) (20) maryland 814 27,324,513 0.6 24,142,884 88.4 3,181,629 11.6 (20) (21) massachusetts 9,625 210,421,554 4.9 181,822,295 86.4 28,599,259 13.6 (21) (22) michigan 3,386 146,976,636 3.4 123,867,581 84.3 23,109,055 15.7 (22) (23) minnesota 4,187 100,522,561 2.5 95,086,496 87.6 13,436,065 12.4 (23) (24) mississippi 3,090 32,149,698 0.8 26,325,464 81.9 5,824,234 18.1 (24) (25) missouri 3,922 113,995,934 2.6 99,558,195 87.3 14,437,739 12.7 (25) (26) montana 1,361 26,256,562 0.6 22,386,897 85.3 3,869,665 14.7 (26) (27) nebraska 2,142 41,079,258 1.0 32,905,861 80.1 8,173,397 19.9 (27) (28) nevada 271 4,227,944 0.1 3,305,147 78.2 922,797 21.8 (28) (29) new hampshire 999 13,877,294 0.3 11,445,509 82.5 2,431,785 17.5 (29) (30) new jersey 5,723 166,183,218 3.9 140,039,232 84.3 26,143,986 15.7 (30) (31) new mexico 1,147 18,788,420 0.4 15,983,932 85.1 2,804,488 14.9 (31) (32) new york a/ 8,412 728,280,516 17i0 679,576,751 93.3 48,703,765 6.7 (32) (33) north carolina 2,310 32,808,985 0.8 26,688,274 81.3 6,120,711 18.7 (33) (34) North Dakota 1,874 44,890,373 1.0 37,977,361 84.6 6,913,012 15.4 (34) (35) Ohio 13,008 283,246,995 6.6 245,738,006 86.8 37,508,989 13.2 (35) (36) Oklahoma 2,837 76,652,399 1.8 61,301,147 80.0 15,351,252 20.0 (36) (37) Oreo on 1,194 30,752,883 0.7 26,419,231 85.9 4,333,652 14.1 (37) (38) pennsylvania 11,902 430,832,228 10.0 390,130,602 90.6 40,701,626 9.4 (38) (39) Rhode island 851 27,095,764 0.6 21,292,894 78.6 5,802,870 21.4 (39) (40) south carolina 1,973 28,845,369 0.7 22,381,701 77.6 6,463,668 22.4 (40) (41) south dakota 2,143 38,830,943 0.9 33,430,882 86.1 5,392,061 13.9 (41) (42) Tennessee 1,770 46,376,947 1.1 32,781 ,035 70.7 13,595,912 29.3 (42) (43) texas 5,092 94,718,599 2.2 74,080,618 78.2 20,637,981 21.8 (43) (44) utah 1,307 22,183,199 0.5 17,069,827 76.9 5,113,372 23.1 (44) (45) vermont 938 7,297,908 0.2 5,429,441 74.4 1,868,367 25.6 (45) (46) virginia 2,601 27,976,473 0.7 23,995,212 85.8 3,981,261 14.2 (46) (47) washington 2,274 56,713,911 1.3 48,098,187 84.8 8,615,724 15.2 (47) (48) vest virginia 2,176 59,576,644 1.4 53,589,964 90.0 5,986,680 10.0 (48) (49) wisconsin 5,446 122,833,152 2.9 104,084,676 84.7 18,748,476 15.3 (49) (50) wyoming 691 9,083,524 0.2 6,655,772 73.3 2,427,752 26.7 (50) (51) alaska 1 8,000 §/ 0,000 100.0 - - (51) (52) hawaii 170 3,473,878 0.1 2,966,139 85.4 507,739 14.6 (52) a/ Not included are substantial amounts or sponsors' funds made available in new York city, reports for which are nm being obtained. b/ Less than 0.05 percent. 10 fPA pwojccti placco in operation thpouoh JUNE 90. 1917 TABIC a NUMBER ANO CSTIMATCO TOTAL COST Of COMPLETED PROJECTS SY TYPES OP PROJECTS, BY 06JE0TI OP EXPENDITURE, AND SY SOURCES OT FUNDI UNITED STATE! t*pt or Project labor projects sponsors' Eur pi Tot**. pi 1st _lu_ JH Jii. (1) GRAND TOTAL 10B,457 12,033,764,296 11,509,391,757 |1,461,963,71) *47,426,044 •524,172,541 •261,467,408 •2*2*665,13? ( 1) (J) HIGHWAYS, ROADS, AND STREETS 94.342 Wl«9#PW 179iWiIW WitPifll 1Pigg»l77 IMllftl'P ( 2) ( 5) Ml OMRAVS - PRIMARY ROAD* 269 11,614,766 6,754,667 5,973,165 781,302 5,060,099 2,702,719 2,337,381 i 1) ( ♦) farm-to-uarket ano other secondary roads 14,649 246,940,111 165,549,238 156,992,594 6,596,644 #1,190,673 17*479,314 *1,911,337 1 «) ( 5) street* ano alleys 7,610 187,232,826 120,499,607 124,809,350 1,690,257 56,733,219 31,364,462 27,366,757 ( 3> ( «) Sidewalks, curbs, ano paths 2,631 37,232,686 26,282,515 25,in,114 959,401 10,990,171 4,504 ,641 0,445,330 ( 6) < ') ROADSIDE improvements 2,792 64,651,198 51,997,736 50,478,0)3 1,519,703 12,651,462 0,004,031 4.309,429 ( 7> ( 8) br1 does and viaducts 2,079 20,641,124 12,389,435 11,536,908 652,577 6,251 ,669 4,097,163 4,194,916 ( •) ( ») Grade-crossing elimination 19 170,610 124 ,933 117,664 7,269 51,665 32,391 21,292 t •) (10) Other tj 4,289 112,129,610 78,992,074 76,129,900 2,662,174 33,137,536 16,636,966 16,496,770 (10; (11) rubli: buildings 1B.575 2«>lw2.12 182.710.873 C,4*7r4« Tlii'liW (11) (12) administrative 2,75ft 36,181,538 25,874,313 24,074,922 999,391 10.K7.225 4*308*014 3,936*411 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, ano mental institutions 1,192 30,325,725 22,556,611 22,121,107 435,50* 7,709,114 4,036,0*1 1,133,(731 («> (14) eoucat | pnal 6,620 86,680,727 60,140,801 56,800,357 3,260,444 26,539,926 9,396,065 17,>43*661 (*•) (15) social ano recreational 2,145 42,554,421 26,638,960 24,312,130 2,326,650 15,915,441 0,9*5,777 8,909,66* (w) (16) Federal (including military and naval) 460 18,566,942 12,477,240 12,167,345 309,695 6,109,702 4,546,136 1,563,566 (10 (") improvement or grounds 2,497 25,751,696 20,455,951 19,814,479 641,472 5,295,745 2.C29.249 3*266*490 (17, (16) housing AND demolition 35 5,951,063 4,952,774 4,920,343 32,431 998,269 929,953 68,730 (») (19) other ft/ 907 14,930,010 9,622,203 9,140,692 461,511 5,307,607 3,167*667 2,120,140 (1«) (JO) Parks and Other Recreational Facilities 6.645 227,987.316 171,70$,** 166,000,493 40,464,79* 15.016*662 |2t. I") Playgrounds and athletic fields 2,934 37,006,037 29,422,097 20,645,905 776,192 8,365,940 3,634,156 4,591 ,70* (21) (22) parks 2,820 85,164,970 67,153,426 64,787,793 2,369,633 18,OH ,544 9, so ,823 8*00*721 (22) 173) other 1,191 105,014,309 75,130,113 74,566,795 563,316 29*864,190 20*66**619 3,199,377 (23) (74) conscrwation 4,963 10^922,175 7Jf7"llW 2,314.593 23,963,399 15.235.707 (*•) (75) forcstatlon 199 3,335,345 2,657,042 2,530,999 126,043 678,303 *63,4*1 214,002 (25) (76) erosion control and land utilization 312 4,309,734 3,482,380 3,397,434 64,946 827,354 398.538 *29*610 (») (77) IRRIGATt on ANO WATER CONSERVATION 3,127 74,569,948 56,864,040 55,299,428 1,564 ,612 17,705,908 11,604*606 6.101,302 (27) (78) Plant, crop, and livestock conservation 365 4,535,153 3,551,422 3,464,744 86,678 963,731 406,01 J 377,716 (26) (2«) Other a/ 940 15,271,995 11,503,892 11,061,576 452,314 3,766,103 2,362,906 1**05,19* (2») (30) sewer Systems and other utilities 11,966 206.077.Z73 145,055,394 139,176,763 5,078,611 01.021.679 ^61,996 >*.539.971 (99) (31) ■ater purification *n0 supply 3,874 52,346,294 32,560,346 30,780,917 1,799,429 19.765.946 0.217,998 13,547,950 (91) 132) sewer systems 7,441 141,237,432 105,237,097 101,563,738 3,673,359 36*000,335 17,042,995 18,957*3*0 (92) (33) electric utilities 269 5,200,994 3,315,966 3,085,723 230.243 1,685,020 860,702 998*32* (13) (3«) other a/ 301 7,292,553 3,921,983 3,740,405 175,578 3,370,570 2 *334,213 1*090,357 (9») (35) Airports and other Transportation 856 41,430,915 25,509.506 24.573,214 930,372 13,921,329 11,536,9*6 (») (36) Airports and airways 660 26,936,439 15,519,695 14,986,450 533,445 11 ,410.544 7.978,86* 3*437*660 (96) 13') navigation 165 11,046,809 7,419,629 7,334,764 64,669 3,627,160 3,080*473 536.705 (») (38) other a/ 23 3,447,667 2,570,062 2,252,000 318,062 677.005 469*577 406*029 (90) (39) •mite collar Projects 16.177 221,007,722 P'tWiW 4,613,3)6 9.327.5*7 6*237,135 (99) <40) Educational 1,610 42,191,745 30,186,854 37 ,674,836 512,016 4,004,691 2.500,27* 1*504*617 (90) (41) recreational 2,043 38,329,468 35,535,201 34,733,226 601,973 2,794,207 807,9*2 1,966,425 (41 , (*7) professional and clerical 12,524 140,466,509 129,521,185 126,221,835 3,299,390 10,965.364 6,219*211 4.346*066 (42) («3) cooes projcct* 5.654 179.735.675 193.776.542 143,091,4*1 772,061 (*3) (««) SEWING 3,646 143,756,215 115,418,460 115,266,902 1*9,558 26,339,755 23.522,143 **617,412 <•*) (45) Canning 192 1,912,508 1,198,293 1,192,62* 5.669 714,215 502*603 211*360 («) (46) other a/ 1,616 34,065,152 27,161,769 26,544,935 61o»«5* 6,603,363 2,459,039 4*4*3,52* (96) (47) sanitation ano health 2.1« 49,953,560 IMIlflOf 963,076 "|"W I,936,001 6,179*027 (47) (48) Elimination or stream pollution 101 1,500,466 1,352,289 1,316,006 »4,*i3 140,170 61,290 00*606 (96) (49) mosquito cradlcation 670 19,463,963 17,742,760 17,611,466 131,312 1,721,163 1 *233,527 *07*056 (99) (SO) other a/ 1,411 28,669,132 19,440,01) 19,3*3,062 197,531 9,246,519 1*6*3 .23* 7*605*205 (90) (51) miscellaneous 6,696 64,066,401 50,195,823 49,063,769 1,132,054 13,870,576 7*092.768 5,977,790 (51) RECAPi tulati oh (52) gpan0 total - all pros rams (33) (54) STATE federal nationwide ft/ 106,497 2,033,764,2Sm 1,909,391,797 1,4*1,063,71) 47,428,044 924,172,9*1 201*467,409 242*065,13? (52) 109,234 1,983,269,399 1^63,050,63* 1,415,762,110 A 7,266,92* 920,214,729 277*360,213 242,654,512 50,496,09 46,341,123 46,201,603 139,520 4,157,016 3,027,196 230,620 («) (54) &/ jno.udes projects classifiable under more than qnc op the head i no* above. 2/ CLASBirieo under Professioual and Clerical oh lime 42. 11 WPA PROJECTS PLACED >N OPERATION THROUGH JUNE SO. 1937 THIS 0 NUMBER AND flTIMAUO IOTA I, OOBT BY BTATEB AND BY tOUBCCI Or rUNOfl UNlTtO RTATCI —itunm—— E»tim»tip Total Qo«t Sta te number Federal funds SPONSORS' fun06 Line OF total percent percent line no. Projects Amount percent Amount or TOTAL Amount of total no. (1) (t) oi (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ( 1) grand total 148,809 $4,292,655,586 100.0 $3,705,411,00? 86.3 $587,244,584 13.7 ( D ( 2) Alabama 1,646 45,475,390 1.1 37,794,131 83.1 7,681,259 16.9 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 624 17,244,320 0.4 13,218,962 76.7 4,025,366 23.3 ( 3) ( 4) Arkansas 3,316 38,697,293 0.9 31,195,747 80.6 7,501,546 19.4 ( 4) ! 5) california 5,817 232,292,863 5.4 199,532,865 85.9 32,759,990 14.1 ( 5) ( 6) COLORADO 1,984 52,983,560 1.2 44,416,113 83.8 8,567,447 16.2 ( 6) ( 7) CONNECTICUT 2,545 49,711,078 1.2 40,957,313 82.4 8,753,765 17.6 ( 7) ( 8) Delaware 202 3,922,439 0.1 3,452,749 88.0 469,690 12.0 ( 8) ( 9} Olstrict OF columbia 171 17,524,201 0.4 16,359,247 93.4 1,164,954 6.6 ( 9) (10) Florida 1,800 36,467,648 0.8 29,835,816 81.8 6,631,832 18.2 (10) !") georgia 3,299 50,320,501 1.2 38,501,485 76.5 11,827,016 23.5 (11) (12) IDAHO 1,043 15,897,393 0.4 11,304,718 71.1 4,592,675 28.9 (12) (13) ILLINOIS 5,178 293,262,422 6.8 249,276,061 85.0 43,986,361 15.0 (13) (14) INDIANA 4,522 126,361,537 2.9 109,629,464 86.8 16,732,073 13.2 (14) (15) iowa 2,391 40,739,149 0.9 32,926,146 80.3 7,813,003 19.2 (15) (16) kansas 4,135 62,384,277 1.5 50,059,145 80.2 12,325,132 19.8 (16) (17) kentucky 2,226 58,732,825 1.4 47,264,430 80.5 11,468,395 19.5 (17) (18) Louisiana 918 55,327,805 1.3 40,366,800 87.4 6,961,005 12.6 (18) (19) MAINE 1,445 13,020,695 0.3 10,746,597 82.5 2,274,098 17.5 (19) (20) MARYLAND 814 27,324,513 0.6 24,142,884 88.4 3,181,629 11.6 (20) (21) MASSACHUSETTS 9,625 210,421,554 4.9 181,822,295 86.4 28,599,259 13.6 (21) (22) Michigan 3,386 146,976,636 3.4 123,867,581 84.3 23,109,055 15.7 (22) (23) Minnesota 4,187 108,522,561 2.5 95,086,496 87.6 13,436,065 12.4 (23) (24) MISSISSIPPI 3,090 32,149,698 0.8 26,325,464 81.9 5,824,234 18.1 (24) (25) MISSOURI 3,922 113,995,934 2.6 99,558,195 87.3 14,437,739 12.7 (25) (26) montana 1,361 26,256,562 0.6 22,386,897 85.3 3,869,665 14.7 (26) (27) nebraska 2,142 41,079,258 1.0 32,905,861 80.1 8,173,397 19.9 (27) (28) Nevada 271 4,227,944 0.1 3,305,147 78.2 922,797 21.8 (28) (29) new hampshire 999 13,877,294 0.3 11,445,509 82.5 2,431,785 17.5 (29) (30) new jersey 5,723 166,183,218 3.9 140,039,232 84.3 26,143,986 15.7 (30) (31) new mexico 1,147 18,788,420 0.4 15,983,932 85.1 2,804,488 14.9 (31) (32) new york y 8,412 728,280,516 17i0 679,576,751 93.3 48,703,765 6.7 (32) (33) north carolina 2,310 32,808,985 0.8 26,688,274 81.3 6,120,711 18.7 {33) (34) north Dakota 1,874 44,890,373 1.0 37,977,361 84.6 6,913,012 15.4 (34) (35) Ohio 13,008 283,246,995 6.6 245,738,006 86.8 37,500,989 13.2 (35) (36) Oklahoma 2,837 76,652,399 1.8 61,301,147 80.0 15,351,252 20.0 (36) (37) oregon 1,194 30,752,883 0.7 26,419,231 85.9 4,333,652 14.1 (37) (38) Pennsylvania 11,902 430,832,228 10.0 390,130,602 90.6 40,701,626 9.4 (36) (39) Rhode island 851 27,095,764 0.6 21,292,894 78.6 5,802,070 21.4 (39) (40) south carolina 1,973 28,845,369 0.7 22,381,701 77.6 6,463,668 22.4 (40) (41) south Dakota 2,143 38,830,943 0.9 33,438,882 06.1 5,392,061 13.9 (41) (42) tenne8see 1,770 46,376,947 1.1 32,781,035 70.7 13,595,912 29.3 (42) (43) texas 5,092 94,718,599 2.2 74,080,618 78.2 20,637,981 21.8 (43) (44) utah 1,307 22,183,199 0.5 17,069,827 76.9 5,113,372 23.1 (44) (45) vermont 938 7,297,808 0.2 5,429,441 74.4 1,868,367 25.6 (45) (46) v irq in 1a 2,601 27,976,473 0.7 23,995,212 85.8 3,981,261 14.2 (46) (47) washington 2,274 56,713,911 1.3 48,098,107 84.8 8,615,724 15.2 (47) (48) west virginia 2,176 59,576,644 1.4 53,589,964 90.0 5,986,680 10.0 (48) (49) wisconsin 5,446 122,833,152 2.9 104,084,676 84.7 18,748,476 15.3 (49) (50) wyoming 691 9,083,524 0.2 6,655,772 73.3 2,427,752 26.7 (50) (51) Alaska 1 8,000 fi/ 8,000 100.0 - - (51) (52) HAWAII 170 3,473,878 0.1 2,966,139 85.4 507,739 14.6 (52) A/ Not included are substantial amounts or sponsors' funds maoc available in New York City, reports for which are now beinq obtained. B/ Less than 0,05 percent. 12 ■pa projects placed in opcration through june so. 1937 • table 10 estimated total cost by states and by objects or expenditure unitco states estimated labor non-labor Line state total percent percent lime NO. Cost Amount of total Amount or total NO. (D (2) M (3) w ( D grano total 14,292,635,586 $3,174,911,631 74.0 $1,117,743,933 26.0 ( 1) ( 2) Alabama 43,473,390 29,333,921 64.3 16,141,469 35.5 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 17,244,328 12,172,998 70.6 3,071,330 29.4 ( 3) ( 4) Arkansas 38,697,293 24,608,919 63.6 14,088,374 36.4 ( 4) ( 5) California 232,292,863 177,008,668 76.2 33,284,195 23.8 ( 5) ( 6) colorado 32,983,560 38,770,057 73.2 14,213,303 26.8 ( 6) ( 7) connecticut 49,711,078 37,000,019 74.4 12,711,059 25.6 ( 7) ( 8) delaware 3,922,439 3,088,359 78.7 834,000 21.3 ( • ) ( 9) 0i8trict of columbia 17,524,201 14,380,405 82.1 3,143,796 17.9 ( 9) (10) Florida 36,467,648 23,530,900 64.5 12,936,748 35.5 (10) (") georgia 50,328,501 31,587,270 62.8 10,741,231 37.2 (11) (12) IOAmo 15,897,393 9,984,383 62.8 5,913,010 37.2 (12) (13) Illinois 293,262,422 210,250,288 74.4 75,012,134 25.6 (13) (14) indiana 126,361,537 95,841,958 75.8 30,519,679 24.2 (14) (15) iowa 40,739,149 28,763,572 70.6 11,975,577 29.4 (15) (16) kansas 62,384,277 40,000,276 65.4 21,584,001 34.6 (16) (17) kentucky 58,732,825 37,382,054 63.6 21 ,330,771 36.4 (17) (18) Louisiana 55,327,905 39,340,019 71.1 15,987,786 28.9 (16) (19) maine 13,020,695 9,107,097 69.9 3,913,398 30.1 (19) (20) maryland 27,324,513 18,663,756 68.3 8,660,757 31.7 (20) (21) massachusetts 210,421,554 164,111,158 78.0 46,310,396 22.0 (21) (22) michigan 146,976,636 107,472,970 73.1 39,503,666 26.9 (22) (23) minnesota 108,522,561 82,471,358 76.0 26,051,203 24.0 (21) (24) mississippi 32,149,698 19,322,300 60.1 12,827,318 39.9 (*) (25) missouri 113,995,934 84,297,054 73.9 29,698,860 26.1 (25) (26) montana 26,256,562 19,579,512 74.6 6,677,030 25.4 (26) (27) nebraska 41,079,258 27,722,472 67.5 13,356,706 32.5 (27) (28) nevada 4,227,944 2,947,857 69.7 1,280,007 30.3 (28) (29) new hampshire 13,877,294 10,621,839 76.5 3,235,455 23.5 (29) (») new Jersey 166,183,21E 124,239,152 74.8 41,944,066 25.2 (») (31) new mexico 18,788,420 12,318,558 65.6 6,469,862 34.4 (31) (32) new york 728,280,516 559,202,856 76.8 169,077,660 23.2 (32) (33) north carolina 32,808,985 22,477,318 68.5 10,331,667 31.5 (33) (34) north dakota 44,890,373 32,145,275 71.6 12,745,098 28.4 (34) (35) olio 283,246,995 216,280,779 76»4 66,966,216 23.6 (35) (36) oklahoma 76,652,399 47,948,124 62.6 28,704,273 37.4 (36) (37) oregon 30,732,683 23,226,961 75.5 7,523,922 24.5 (37) (38) pennsylvania 430,832,228 340,342,966 79.0 90,489,262 21.0 (38) (39) Rhode island 27,095,764 21,269,350 78.5 5,826,414 21.5 (39) (40) south carolina 28,845,369 19,312,133 66.9 9,533,236 33,1 (40) (41) South Dakota 38,830,943 27,496,791 70.8 11,332,152 29.2 (41) (42) Tennessee 46,376,947 28,186,679 60.8 16,190,268 39.2 ;42i (43) Texas 94,718,599 61,441,262 64.9 33,277,337 35.1 (43) (44) utah 22,183,199 14,712,237 66.3 7,470,962 33.7 (44) (45) vermont 7,297,008 5,252,413 72.0 2,045,395 28.0 (45) (46) virginia 27,976,473 20,931,513 74.0 7,044,960 25.2 (46) (47) ■ashing ton 56,713,911 44,313,443 78.1 12,400,468 21.9 (47) (48) ■est virginia 59,576,644 44,697,044 75.0 14,879,000 25.0 (48) (49) fiscomsin 122,833,152 92,445,748 73.3 30,387,404 24.7 (49) (50) ■yomjus 9,083,524 5,996,600 66.0 3,066,924 34.0 (30) (51) Alaska 8,000 2,677 33.3 5,323 66.5 (51) (52) hawaii 3,473,878 2,306,333 72.1 967,545 27.9 (52) WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNt 30. 1937 13 tabic 11 ESTIMATED TOTAL MN-lABOft OOIT DY STATES AND BY BOUttKR Of FUNDS UMHC® STATES Federal funds sponsorb * Funds line STATE total Percent percent Line no. Amount percent Amount of total Amount of total no. (d (2) W (4) (3) («) (7) ( d qrano totak 11,117,743,955 100.0 1620,898,664 55.5 1496,845,091 44.5 ( 1) ! z) Alabama 16,141 ,469 1.4 9,591,664 59.4 0,549,005 40.6 ( 2) ( 3) ar1 zona 5,071,330 0.5 1,920,007 38.0 3,143,323 62.0 ( 3) ! *> Arkansas 14,088,374 1.3 7,037,614 50.0 7,050,760 50.0 ( 4) ( 5) california 55,284,195 4.9 32,132,725 58.1 23,151,470 41.9 ( 3) f t) Colorado 14,213,503 1.3 6,961,410 49.0 7,252,093 51.0 ( 6) (y) cofwiect icut 12,711,059 1.1 5,061,843 39.8 7,649,216 60.2 ( 7) ( e) Delaware 834,080 0.1 459,944 55.1 374,136 44.9 ( 9) ( 9) olstrict of columbia 3,143,796 0.3 2,516,063 80.0 626,933 20.0 ( 9) (10) Florida 12,936,748 1.2 7,155,961 55.3 5,780,787 44.7 (10) (11) georgia 18,741,231 1.7 7,710,403 41.1 11,030,828 58.9 (11) (12) idaho 5,913,010 0.5 2,002,310 33.9 3,910,700 66.1 (12) (13) illinois 75,012,134 6.7 45,163,144 60.2 29,848,990 39.8 (13) (14) indiana 30,519,679 2.7 14,754,038 48.3 15,765,641 51.7 (14) (15) iowa 11,975,577 1.1 5,313,216 44.4 6,662,361 55.6 (15) (16) kansas 21,584,001 1.9 10,625,125 49.2 10,958,076 50. e (16) ("! kentucky 21,350,771 1.9 11,289,468 52.9 10,061,303 47.1 (17) (18) louisiana 15,987,786 1.4 10,009,429 63.1 5,898,357 36.9 (18) (19) maine 3,913,598 0.4 2,001,585 51.1 1,912,013 48.9 (19) (20) maryland 8,660,757 0.8 6,663,720 76.9 1,997,037 23.1 (20) (21) massachusetts 46,310,396 4.1 21,257,592 45.9 25,052,804 54.1 (21) (22) michigan 39,503,666 3.5 22,226,224 56.3 17,277,442 43.7 (22) (23) Minnesota 26,051,203 2.3 14,235,447 54.6 11,815,756 45.4 (23) (24) mississippi 12,827,318 1.2 7,791,529 60.7 5,035,7b9 39.3 (24) (25) missouri 29,698,880 2.7 17,442,937 58.7 12,255,943 41.3 (25) (26) montana 6,677,050 0.6 3,177,828 47.6 3,499,222 52.4 (26) (27) nebraska 13,356,786 1.2 6,198,883 46.4 7,157,903 53.6 (27) (28) nevada 1,280,087 0.1 456,212 35. c 823,875 64.4 (28) (29) new hampshire 3,255,455 0.3 1,169,838 35.s 2,085,617 64.1 (29) (30) new jersey 41,944,066 3.8 17,957,665 42.8 23,986,401 57.2 (30) (31) new mexico 6,469,862 0.6 3,908,359 60.4 2,561,503 39.6 (31) (32) new york a/ 169,077,660 15.1 124,191,892 73.5 44,885,768 26.5 (32) (33) north carolina 10,331,667 0.9 4,865,575 47.1 5,466,092 52.9 (33) (34) north dakota 12,745,098 i*1 6,225,108 48.8 6,519,990 51.2 (34) (35) Ohio 66,966,216 6.0 34,053,657 50.9 32,912,559 49.1 (35) (36) Oklahoma 28,704,275 2.6 16,036,314 55.9 12,667,961 44.1 (36) (37) oregon 7,523,922 0.7 3,719,842 49.4 3,804,080 50.6 (37) (38) Pennsylvania 90,489,262 8.1 53,720,750 59.4 36,768,512 40.6 (38) (39) Rhode island 5,826,414 0.5 594,245 10.2 5,232,169 89.8 (39) (40) south carolina 9,533,236 0.6 3,565,634 37.4 5,967,602 62.6 (40) (41) south dakota 11,332,152 1.0 6,515,784 57.5 4,816,368 42.5 (41) (42) Tennessee 18,190,268 1.6 7,802,756 42.9 10,307,512 57.1 (42) (43) texas 33,277,337 3.0 17,221 ,910 51.8 16,055,427 48.2 (43) (40) utah 7,470,962 0.7 2,935,096 39.3 4,535,866 60.7 (44) (45) vermont 2,045,395 0.2 384,139 10.8 1,661,256 81.2 (45) (46) virginia 7,044,960 0.6 3,703,852 52.6 3,341,108 47.4 (46) «7) washington 12,400,468 1.1 5,409,108 43.6 6,991,360 56.4 (47) (48) west virginia 14,079,600 1.3 9,697,618 65.2 5,101,982 34.8 (48) (49) Wisconsin 30,387,404 2.7 14,351,520 47.2 16,035,884 52.8 (49) (50) wyoming 3,086,924 0.3 1,075,468 34.8 2,011,456 65.2 (50) (51) Alaska 5,323 y 5,323 100.0 . - (51) (32) HACAI| 967,545 0.1 542,290 56.0 425,255 44.0 (52) a/ not inclooeo abe substantial amounts of sponsors * funds made available in new york clty, reports for which ape now being obtained. 8/ Less than 0.05 percent. VI WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 80. 1937 table 12 ESTIMATEO TOTAL LABOR COST BY STATES ANO BY SOURCES OF FUNDS UNITED STATES Federal FUNOS SPONSORS' FUNDI Line state total percent PERCENT lime NO. Amount percent Amount of total Amount of total no. (d (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ( 1) 9ran0 total 13,174,911 ,631 100.0 •3,084,512,138 97.1 $90,399,493 2.9 ( d ( 2) Alabama 29,333,921 0.9 28,202,467 96.1 1,131,454 3.9 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 12,172,998 0.4 11,290,953 92.6 882,043 7.2 ( 3) ( 4) Arkansas 24,800,919 0.8 24,158,133 98.2 450,786 1.0 ( 4) ( 5) california 177,008,666 5.6 167,400,140 94.6 9,608,528 5.4 ( 5) ( 6) colorado 30,770,057 1.2 37,454,703 96.6 1,315,354 3.4 ( 6) ( 7) CONNECT i CUT 37,000,019 1.2 35,895,470 97.0 1,104,549 3.0 ( 7) ( e) OCLASARE 3,088,359 0.1 2,992,805 96.9 95,554 3.1 ( ®) ( 9) district of columbia 14,380,405 0.4 13,842,384 96.3 538,021 3.7 ( •) (10) Florida 23,530,900 0.7 22,679,855 96.4 851,045 3.6 (10) (11) qconctia 31,587,270 1.0 30,791,082 97.5 796,186 2.5 («) (12) idaho 9,984,383 0.3 9,302,408 93.2 661,975 6.8 (12) (13) illinois 218,250,288 6.9 204,112,917 93.5 14,137,371 6.5 (13) (14) indiana 95,841,858 3.0 94,875,426 99.0 966,432 1.0 (14 ) (15) ioma 28,763,572 0.9 27,612,930 96.0 1,150,642 4.0 (13) (16) kansas 40,800,276 1.3 39,434,020 96.7 1,366,236 (16) (17) kentucky 37,382,054 1.2 35,974,962 96.2 1,407,092 3.0 (17) (18) louisiana 39,340,019 1.2 38,277,371 97.3 1,062,646 2.7 (16) (19) ma imc 9,107,097 0.3 8,745,012 96.0 362,060 4^> (10) (20) maryland 18,663,756 0.6 17,479,164 93.7 1,184,592 6.3 (20) (21) massachusetts 164,111,158 5.1 160,564,703 97.8 3,546,455 2.2 (21) (22) Michigan 107,472,970 3.4 101,641,357 94.6 5,631,613 3*4 (22) (23) minnesota 82,471,358 2.6 80,851,049 96.0 1,620,309 ZJD (23) (24) mississippi 19,322,380 0.6 18,533,935 95.9 788,445 4.1 (24) (25) missouri 84,297,054 2.7 82,115,258 97.4 2,181,796 2.6 (25) (26) montana 19,579,512 0.6 19,209,069 98.1 370,443 1.9 (26) (27) nebraska 27,722,472 0.9 26,706,978 96.3 1,015,494 3.7 (27) (28) Nevada 2,947,857 0.1 2,848,935 96.6 96,922 3.4 (28) (29) new hampshire 10,621,839 0.3 10,275,671 96.7 346,166 3.3 (20) (») »cw jersey 124,239,152 3.9 122,081,567 98.3 2,157,565 1.7 (») (31) lew mexico 12,318,558 0.4 12,075,573 96.0 242,965 2.0 (31) (32) new york y 559,202,856 17.5 555,384,659 99.3 3,617,997 0.7 (a) (33) north carolina 22,477,318 0.7 21,822,699 97.1 604,619 2.9 (») (34) north Dakota 32,145,z75 1.0 31,752,253 96.8 399,022 1.2 (34) (35) Ohio 216,280,779 6.8 211,664,349 97.9 4,596,430 2.1 (30) (36) Oklahoma 47,948,124 1.5 45,264,833 94.4 2,683,291 3.6 (36) (37) Oregon 23,228,961 0.7 22,609,380 97.7 529,572 2.3 (37) (38) pennsylvania 340,342,966 10.7 336,409,852 96.0 3,993,114 1.2 (30) (39) rhode island 21,269,350 0.7 20,698,649 97.3 570,701 2.7 (30) (40) south carolina 19,312,133 0.6 18,816,067 97.4 496,066 2.6 (00) (41) south dakota 27,496,791 0.9 26,923,096 97.9 575,603 2.1 (41) (42) tennessee 28,186,679 1.0 24,970,279 86.6 3,208,400 11.4 (42) (43) texas 61,441,262 1.9 56,850,708 92.5 4,582,554 7.5 (43) (44) utah i4,7ie,237 0.5 14,134,731 96.1 577,506 3.9 (44) (45) VERMONT 5,252,413 0.2 5,045,302 96.1 207,111 3.9 (43) (46) virqinia 20,931,513 0.7 20,291,360 96.9 640,153 3.1 (46) (47) ■a6himst0m 44,313,443 1.4 42,669,079 96.3 1,624,364 3.7 (47) (48) vest viroinia 44,697,044 1.4 43,692,346 96.2 804,606 1.0 (46) (49) •isconsin 92,445,748 2.9 69,733,156 97.1 2,712,582 2.9 (40) (») vyominb 5,996,600 0.2 5,560,304 93.1 416,296 6.9 (») (51) Alaska 2,677 y 2,677 100.0 (31) (32) HASAI | 2,506,333 0.1 2,4z3,649 96.7 82,464 3*3 (52) y not included a« substantial amounts ot sponsors' funds made available in New york C ity, REPORTS for which am NOB scimo ostaincb. 8/ Less than 0.05 percent. 13 wpa projects PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1037 table 18 NUMBER ANO cbtiha1c0 TOTAL OOIT BY 8TATEB ANO *V OPKMTINQ ITATUI un1*10 btmlft ton aotivc Projects oompleted Projects ll« state estimated estimated Estimated line no. number total cost number total cost number total cost no. (1) (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) (7) ( 1) grand total 148,899 #4,292,635,586 40,442 #2,250,091,200 100,457 #2,033,764,298 ( d ! 2) Alabama 1,646 45,475,390 386 18,332,680 1,260 27,142,702 ( 2) ! 3) Arizona 624 17,244,328 187 7,684,154 437 9,560,174 ( 3) ( 4) arkansas 3,316 38,697,293 910 14,201,196 2,406 24,406,097 ( 4) ( 5) california 3,817 232,292,663 1,587 115,235,013 4,230 117,057,850 ( 5) ( 6) colorado 1,984 52,983,560 485 22,634,508 1,499 30,349,052 ( 6) ( 7} connecticut 2,545 49,711,078 646 24,428,488 1,099 25,282,390 ( 7) ( 8) Delaware 202 3,922,439 73 1,966,924 129 1,955,515 ( 8) ( 9) olstrict of columbia 171 17,524,201 58 0,428,223 113 9,095,978 ( 9) (10) Florida 1,800 36,467,648 496 16,479,246 1,304 19,988,402 (10) (11) georgia 3,299 50,328,501 919 31,705,471 2,380 18,543,030 (11) (12) i oa ho 1,043 15,897,393 194 5,962,362 849 9,935,031 (12) (13) illino16 5,178 293,262,422 1,984 188,148,481 3,194 105,113,941 (13) (14) indiana 4,522 126,361,537 1,744 76,138,071 2,770 50,223,466 (14) (15) iowa 2,391 40,739,149 655 17,838,389 1,736 22,900,760 (15) (16) kansas 4,135 62,384,277 1,026 27,682,467 3,109 34,701,810 (16) (17) kentucky 2,226 58,732,825 792 40,200,820 1,434 16,532,005 (17) (18) louisiana 91b 55,327,805 289 40,033,172 629 15,294,633 (18) (19) maine 1,445 13,020,695 98 1,864,099 1,347 11,156,596 (19) (20) Maryland 814 27,324,513 304 14,620,361 510 12,704,152 (20) (21) massachusetts 9,625 210,421,554 1,777 88,087,746 7,848 121,533,808 (21) (22) michigan 3,386 146,976,636 940 88,342,698 2,446 58,633,930 (22) (23) minnesota 4,187 108,522,561 1,135 48,570,149 3,052 59,952,412 (23) (24) mississippi 3,090 32,149,698 807 14,227,582 2,283 17,922,116 (24) (25) missouri 3,922 113,995,934 1,421 62,748,777 2,501 51,247,157 (25) (26) Montana 1,361 26,256,562 326 10,930,594 1,035 15,325,968 (26) (27) nebraska 2,142 41,079,258 645 20,829,403 1,497 20,249,855 (27) (28) nevada 271 4,227,944 70 2,051,748 201 2,176,196 (28) (29) new hampshire 999 13,877,294 160 5,187,007 839 8,690,207 (29) (30) new jersey 5,723 166,183,218 1,712 83,017,298 4,011 83,165,920 (30) (31) New Mexico 1,147 18,788,420 278 8,711,674 869 10,076,746 (31) (32) new york 8,412 728,200,516 1,989 350,186,691 6,423 378,093,825 (32) (33) north Carolina 2,310 32,808,985 708 15,923,288 1,602 16,885,697 (33) (34) north dakota 1,874 44,890,373 476 27,897,745 1,398 16,992,628 (34) (35) Ohio 13,008 283,246,995 2,783' 149,121,039 10,225 134,125,956 (35) (36) Oklahoma 2,837 76,652,399 836 44,263,708 2,001 32,388,691 (36) (37) Oregon 1,194 30,752,883 257 16,878,812 937 13,874,071 (37) (38) Pennsylvania 11,902 430,832,228 3,694 262,057,355 8,208 168,774,073 (38) (39) Rhode island 851 27,095,764 234 13,011,023 617 14,084,741 (39) (40) south carolina 1,973 28,845,369 689 14,416,003 1,284 14,427,366 (40) (41) South Dakota 2,143 38,830,943 507 19,468,439 1,636 19,362,504 (41) (42) tenn£86ct 1,770 46,376,947 396 26,234,061 1,374 20,142,886 (42) (43) texas 5,092 94,710,599 1,268 42,378,381 3,824 52,340,210 (43) (44) utah 1,307 22,183,199 217 0,005,681 1,090 14,097,318 (44) (45) vermont 938 7,297,808 193 2,629,993 745 4,667,815 (45) (46) virginia 2,60-* 27,976,473 887 14,953,313 1,714 13,023,160 (46) (47) 1ashinqt0n 2,274 56,713,911 637 29,961,488 1,637 26,752,423 (47) (48) vest viroihia 2,176 59,576,644 804 34,811,672 1,372 24,764,972 (48) (49) Wisconsin 5,446 122,833,152 1,509 72,866,787 3,937 49,966,365 (49) (50) ■ yon 1 no 691 9,083,524 169 4,005,429 522 5,078,095 (50) (51) Alaska 1 8,000 1 8,000 - - (51) (52) Hawaii 170 3,473,878 84 2,561,371 86 912,507 (52) 26603 0—37 3 1PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1937 table 14 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF ALL PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE, AND BY SOURCES OF FUNDS UNITED STATES estimated total cost g number labor now—labor LINE TC or total federal sponsors• federal sponsors' line no. Projects total Funds Funds total Funds Fumos mo. (1) (2) (3) (4) (3) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( D grand total 148,099 14,292,653,586 13,174,911,631 13,004,512,138 190,399,493 |1,117,743,955 1620,890,864 14*30,045.091 ( 1) ( 2) alasana 1,646 45,475,390 29,333,921 20,202,467 1,131,454 16,141 ,469 9,591,664 6,549,005 ( z) ( 3) arizona 624 17,244,320 12,172,998 11,290,955 882,043 5,071,330 1,928,007 3,143,323 < 3) ( 4) arkansas 3,316 38,697,293 24,608,919 24,158,133 450,786 14,088,374 7,037,614 7,710,700 ( 4) ( 5) california 5,817 232,292,863 177,008,668 167,400,140 9,608,520 59,284,195 32,132,725 23,191,470 ( 9) ( 6) colorado 1,904 52,983,560 30,770,057 37,454,703 1,315,354 14,213,503 6,961,410 7,252,093 ( •) ( 7) connecticut 2,545 49,711,078 37,000,019 35,895,470 1,104,549 12,711,059 5,061,843 7,049,216 ( f) ( 0) ocla*arc 202 3,922,439 3,088,359 2,992,805 95,554 834,080 499,944 374,136 ( •) { 9) District of Columbia 171 17,524,201 14,380,405 13,842,384 530,021 3,143,796 2,916,863 026,933 ( 9) (10) Flori da 1,000 36,467,648 23,530,900 22,679,855 851,045 12,936,740 7,155,901 5,700,787 (10) (11) georgia 3,299 50,328,501 31,507,270 30,791,082 796,188 18,741,231 7,710,403 11,030,828 (11) (12) ioaho 1,043 15,897,393 9,984,383 9,302,408 681,975 5,913,010 2,002,310 3,910,700 (12) (13) illinois 5,178 293,262,422 218,250,288 204,112,917 14,137,371 75,012,134 43,163,144 29,040,990 (13) (14) indiana 4,522 126,361 ,537 95,041,858 94,675,426 966,432 30,519,079 14,754,038 15,765,641 CM) (15) iowa 2,391 40,739,149 28,763,572 27,612,930 1,150,642 11,975,577 5,313,216 6,662,301 (13) (16) kansas 4,135 62,384,277 40,800,276 39,434,020 1,366,256 21,584,001 10,623,125 10,058,076 (1©) (17) kentucky 2,226 58,732,825 37,382,054 35,974,vo2 1,407,092 21,350,771 11,289,408 10,001,303 (17) (10) Louisiana 910 55,327,805 39,340,019 38,277,371 1,062,648 15,987,786 10,089,429 3,998,357 (10) (19) maine 1,445 13,020,695 9,107,097 8,745,012 362,085 3,913,590 2,001,985 1,912,013 (19) (20) maryland 814 27,324,513 10,663,756 17,479,164 1,184,592 8,660,757 6,663,720 1,997,087 (®) (21) massachusetts 9,625 210,421,554 164,111 ,158 160,564,703 3,546,455 46,310,396 21,257,992 25,052,804 (») (22) Michigan 3,306 146,976,636 107,472,970 101,641,357 5,831,613 39,903,666 22,226,224 17,277,442 (22) (23) Minnesota 4,187 108,522,561 82,471,358 00,851,049 1,620,309 26,051 ,203 14,233,447 11,815,756 '23 1 (24) Mississippi 3,090 32,149,698 19,322,380 18,533,935 788,445 12,827,318 7,791,529 3,083,789 '24) (25) missouri 3,922 113,995,934 84,297,054 82,115,258 2,181,796 29,698,880 17,442,937 12,255,943 (23) (26) Montana 1,361 26,256,562 19,579,512 19,209,069 370,443 6,677,050 3,177,82B 3,499,222 •26} (27) nebraska 2,142 41,079,258 27,722,472 26,706,978 1,015,494 13,356,786 6,198,883 7,157,903 (27) (28) nevada 271 4,227,944 2,947,857 2,848,935 98,922 1,290,087 456,212 823,875 (28) (29) he* hampshire 999 13,877,294 10,621,839 10,275,671 346,168 3,295,455 1,109,838 2,085,017 (29) (30) new jersey 5,723 166,183,218 124,239,152 122,081,567 2,157,585 41,944,066 17,957,665 23,986,401 (30) (31) mw mexico 1,147 10,788,420 12,318,558 12,075,573 242,985 6,469,862 3,908,399 2.561,533 (31) (32) new york a/ 0,412 >28,200,516 559,202,856 555,384,859 3,817,997 169,077,660 24,191,892 44,885,708 (32) (33) north carolina 2,310 32,008,985 22,477,318 21,822,609 654,619 10,331,667 4,805,575 3,466,092 (33) (34) north dakota 1,874 44,890,373 32,145,275 31,752,253 393,022 12,745,098 6,225,108 6,319,99C (34) (35) Ohio 13,000 283,246,995 216,280,779 211,684,349 4,596,430 66,966,216 34,053,607 32,912,599 (39) (36) Oklahoma 2,837 76,652,399 47,948,124 45,264,833 2,683,291 28,704,275 16,036,314 12,607,961 (36) (37) oregon 1,194 30,752,883 23,228,961 22,699,389 529,572 7,523,922 3,719,842 3,804,080 (37) (30) Pennsylvania 11,902 430,832,228 340,342,966 336,409,852 3,933,114 90,489,262 53,720,790 36,768,512 (38) (39) pmooe island 851 27,095,764 21,269,350 20,698,649 570,701 5,826,414 394,243 5,232,169 (39) (40) south carolina 1,973 28,845,360 19,312,133 18,816,067 496,066 9,533,236 3,566,634 3,907,602 (40) (41) south Dakota 2,143 30,830,943 27,498,791 26,923,098 575,603 11,332,152 6,513,784 4,816,308 (41) (42) Tennessee 1,770 46,376,947 28,186,679 24,970,279 3,208,400 18,190,268 7,002,756 10,307,512 (42) (43) Texas 5,092 94,718,509 61,441,262 56,858,708 4,582,554 33,277,3J7 17,221,910 16,035,427 (43) (44) Utah 1,307 22,163,199 14,712,237 14,134,731 577,506 7,470,982 2,935,096 4,5)3,866 (44) (45) vcpnont 938 7,297,808 5,252,413 5,045,302 207,111 2,045,395 384,139 1,601,256 (49) (46) Virginia 2,601 27,976,473 20,931,513 20,291,360 ©40,153 7,044,960 3,708,092 3,341,108 (46) (47) ■ashing ton 2,274 5^,713,011 44,313,443 42,689,079 1,624,364 12,400,468 3,409,108 6,991,300 (47) (48) vest virginia 2,176 50,576,644 44,697,044 43,892,346 804,698 14,879,600 9,697,616 5,181,982 (48) (49) ■ 1 scons1H 5,446 122,833,152 92,445,748 89,73j,156 2,712,592 30,387,404 14,351,520 16,035,884 (49) (50) vyOWING ©91 9,083,524 5,996,600 5,580,304 416,296 3,086,924 1,075,408 2,011,456 (90) (51) alaska 1 8,000 2,677 2,677 _ 5,323 5,323 _ (31) (52) H*w || 170 3,473,870 2,506,333 2,423,849 82,484 967,545 542,290 425,255 (92) y not included arc sh/66t ant ial amouht* Of sponsors' funds made availa rle in *>c1 vqnk cltv, reportb p or ww (cw are no* sci ac obtained. 17 WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPQSAT ION THROUGH JUNE 30, 1937 tabic 13 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOtAl CMT Of AGUV PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS Or tKPCMOlH«C, AND DY SOURCES OF FUNDS URITCO STATES Estimated TOTAL cost number Labor non-labor line state OF total Federal sponsors' Federal sponsors' line NO. Projects total funos Funds total Funds funos no. (d (2) 0) (4) (3) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( u grand total 40,442 12,258,891,288 $1,665,519,874 P1,622,548,425 $42,971,449 $593,371,414 $339,411,455 $253,959,959 ( d { 2) Alabama 386 18,332,688 12,260,731 11,070,977 309,754 6,071,957 3,361,324 2,710,633 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 187 7,684,154 5,484,176 5,165,149 319,027 2,199,978 861,282 1,338,696 ( 3) { 4) Arkansas 910 14,201,196 8,917,867 8,793,501 124,366 5,283,329 2,600,349 2,682,980 ( 4) ( 5) California 1,587 115,235,013 87,151,692 03,287,589 3,864,103 28,083,321 19,020,464 9,062,857 ( 5) ( 6) colorado 485 22,634,508 17,251,182 16,771,273 479,909 5,383,326 2,820,056 2,563,270 ( 6) ( 7) connecticut 646 24,428,488 17,735,315 17,140,595 594,720 6,693,173 2,427,910 4,265,263 ( 7) ( 8) delaware 73 1,966,924 1,581,866 1,532,273 49,593 385,058 239,605 145,453 ( b) { ») District of Columbia 58 8,428,223 6,932,441 6,628,060 304,381 1,495,782 1,282,078 213,704 ( 9) (10) Florida 496 16,479,246 10,737,610 10,404,674 332,936 5,741,636 3,248,345 2,493,291 (10) (11) georoi* 919 31,785,471 19,659,219 19,259,301 399,918 12,126,252 5,230,876 6,895,376 (11) (12) ioaho 154 5,962,362 3,533,508 3,327,321 206,187 2,428,854 922,040 1,506,814 (12) (13) illinois 1,984 188,148,481 139,989,914 130,918,141 9,071,773 48,158,567 30,908,954 17,249,613 (13) (14) indiana 1,744 76,138,071 57,171,518 56,757,535 413,983 18,966,553 9,519,362 9,447,191 (14) (15) iowa 655 17,838,389 12,468,874 12,065,677 403,197 5,369,515 2,432,883 2,936,632 (15) (16) kansas 1,026 27,682,467 18,051,708 17,577,318 474,390 9,630,759 4,693,493 4,937,266 (16) (17) kentucky 792 40,200,820 25,699,758 24,963,106 736,572 14,501,062 8,137,011 6,364,051 (17) (IB) louisiana 289 40,033,172 27,858,677 27,106,961 751,716 12,174,495 7,730,075 4,424,420 (18) (19) maine 98 1,864,099 1,424,666 1,406,191 10,475 439,433 209,664 229,769 (19) (20) maryland 304 14,620,361 10,535,219 9,957,981 577,230 4,085,142 2,996,181 1,088,961 (20) (21) massachusetts 1,777 88,887,746 67,987,010 66,695,136 1,291,874 20,900,736 10,100,664 10,792,072 (21) (22) michigan 940 88,342,698 64,329,641 61,285,412 3,044,229 24,013,057 14,060,776 9,952,281 (22) (23) Minnesota 1,135 48,570,149 36,009,666 35,452,414 557,252 12,560,483 5,850,463 6,710,020 (23) (24) Mississippi 807 14,227,582 8,380,914 8;059,717 321,197 5,846,668 3,697,095 2,149,573 (24) (25) missouri 1,421 62,748,777 46,182,398 45,123,182 1,059,216 16,566,379 9,558,188 7,008,191 (25) (26) montana 326 10,930,594 8,066,203 7,925,064 141,139 2,864,391 1,302,352 1 ,562,039 (26) (27) nebraska 645 20,829,403 14,361,690 13,936,366 425,324 6,467,713 2,834,717 3,632,996 (27) (28) nevada 70 2,051,748 1,399,620 1,369,456 30,172 652,120 251,436 400,684 (28) (29) new hampshire 160 5,187,007 4,043,396 3,978,511 64,885 1,143,611 377,573 766,038 (29) (30) NEW JERSEY 1,712 83,017,298 59,234,555 57,946,540 1,288,015 23,782,743 9,795,664 13,987,079 (30) (31) new mexico 278 8,711,674 5,723,380 5,624,659 98,721 2,988,294 1,847,448 1,140,846 (31) (32) new YORK a/ 1,989 350,186,691 270,362,668 268,496,529 1,866,139 79,824,023 57,879,972 21,944,051 (32) (33) north carolina 708 15,923,288 10,722,945 10,457,922 265,023 5,200,343 2,596,474 2,603,869 (33) (34) north dakota 476 27,897,745 19,852,356 19,680,717 171,639 8,045,389 3,889,811 4,155,578 (34) (35) ohio 2,783 149,121,039 112,328,264 110,291,224 2,037,040 36,792,775 20,448,470 16,344,305 (35) (36) Oklahoma 836 44,263,708 29,091,505 27,771,268 1,320,237 15,172,203 8,650,867 6,521,336 (36) (37) Ore a on 257 16,078,812 12,510,773 12,265,900 244,873 4,368,039 2,441,382 1,926,657 (37) (30) PENNSYLVANIA 3,694 262,057,355 205,006,010 203,140,588 1,945,422 56,971,345 36,822,889 20,148,456 (38) (39) Rhode islano 234 13,011,023 9,563,591 9,325,081 238,510 3,447,432 406,422 2,961,010 (39) (40) SOUTH CAROLINA 689 14,410,003 9,716,315 9,521,162 195,153 4,701,688 1,724,793 2,976,895 (40) (41 ) south dakota 507 19,468,439 13,798,806 13,560,840 237,966 5,669,633 3,325,718 2,343,915 (41) (42) tennessee 396 26,234,061 16,284,847 14,409,240 1,875,607 9,949,214 3,515,599 6,433,615 (42) (43) texas 1,260 42,378,381 28,365,013 26,741 ,630 1,623,303 14,013,368 7,500,383 6,512,985 (43) (44) utah 217 8,085,881 5,079,540 4,894,250 185,282 3,006,341 1,417,421 1,588,920 (44) (45) vermont 193 2,629,993 1,885,851 1,837,601 40,250 744,142 172,985 571,157 (45) (46) viroinia 887 14,953,313 11,375,128 11,112,937 262,191 3,578,105 1,739,970 1,838,215 (46) (47) washington 637 29,961,488 23,504,936 22,087,562 617,374 6,456,552 3,185,771 3,270,701 (47) (48) VEST VlRQINIA 904 34,811,672 26,041,725 25,568,947 472,770 8,769,947 5,328,278 3,441,669 (48) (49) wisconsin 1,509 72,866,787 55,341,889 54,006,419 1,335,470 17,524,898 8,920,144 0,604,754 (49) (50) •yoking 169 4,005,429 2,640,467 2,505,450 135,017 1,364,962 617,221 747,741 (50) (51) Alaska 1 8,000 2,677 2,677 - 5,323 5,323 _ (51) (52) hawai i 84 2,561,371 1,800,146 1,740,313 59,833 761 ,225 395,234 365,991 (52) A/ not included are substantial amounts of sponsors' funds made available in new York City, reports for which are now be 1 ng obtained. 10 1PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUOH JUNE 30. 1037 T A B L C 16 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF COMPLETED PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE, AND BY SOURCES OF FUNOS UNITED STATES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST state Number labor non-labor line of total Federal SPONSORS' federal sponsors' lime NO. Projects total Funds funos total funos Funds no. (D (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) " (7) (8) w ( D orano total 106,457 12,033,764,208 |1 ,309,391,757 91,461,963,713 $47,420,044 $524,372,541 $201,487,409 $242,805,132 ( 1) ( 2) Alabama 1,260 27,142,702 17,073,190 16,331,490 741,700 10,060,512 6,230,340 3,839,172 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 437 9,580,174 6,680,922 6,125,806 563,016 2,871,352 1,066,725 1,804,627 ( 3) ( 4) Arkansas 2,406 24,496,097 15,691,052 15,364,632 326,420 8,805,045 4,437,265 4,367,780 ( 4) ( 5) california 4,230 117,057,850 89,056,976 84,112,551 5,744,425 27,200,874 13,112,261 14,000,613 ( 3) ( 6) colorado 1,499 30,349,052 21,518,875 20 , 683,430 835,445 8,830,177 4,141,354 4,668,823 ( 6) ( 7) connect icut 1,099 25,282,590 19,264,704 18,754,875 509,820 6,017,886 2,633,933 3,383,953 ( 7) ( 8) delaware 129 1,955,515 1 ,*506,493 1,460,532 45,061 449,022 220,339 228,603 ( 8) ( 9) district of columbia 113 9,095,978 7,447,964 7,214,324 233,640 1,648,014 1,234,705 413,229 ( •) (10) florida 1,304 19,988,402 12,793,290 12,275,181 510,109 7,195,112 3,907,816 3,287,496 (10) (11) georgia 2,300 18,543,030 11,920,051 11,531,781 396,270 6,614,979 2,479,527 4,135,452 (11) (12) idaho 849 9,935,031 6,450,875 5,975,087 475,788 3,464,156 1,090,270 2,403,006 (12) (13) illinois 3,194 105,113,941 78,260,374 73,194,776 5,065,598 26,853,567 14,254,190 12,599,377 (13) (14) indiana 2,770 50,223,466 38,670,340 30,117,891 552,449 11,553,126 5,234,676 6,318,490 (34) (15) iowa 1,736 22,900,760 16,294,698 15,547,253 747,445 6,606,062 2,880,333 3,725,729 (13) (16) kansas 3,109 34,701,010 22,748,568 21,856,702 891,866 11,953,242 5,931,632 6,021,040 (18) (17) kentucky 1,434 16,532,005 11,682,296 11,011,776 670,520 6,649,709 3,152,457 3,897,292 (17) (18) LOUISIANA 629 15,294,633 11,481,342 11,170,410 310,932 3,813,291 2,339,354 1,473,997 (18) (19) maine 1,347 11,156,596 7,682,431 7,338,821 343,610 3,474,165 1,791,921 1,082,944 (It) (20) maryland 510 12,704,152 8,128,537 7,521,183 607,354 4,575,615 3,667,539 000,076 (2D) (21) massachusetts 7,848 121,533,808 96,124,148 93,869,567 2,254,581 25,409,680 11,140,928 14,260,712 (21) (22) Michigan 2,446 58,633,938 43,143,329 40,355,945 2,707,384 15,490,609 8,105,448 7,325,101 (22) (23) miwse60ta 3,052 59,952,412 46,461,692 45,398,635 1,063,057 13,490,720 8,364,984 5,109,736 (») (24) mississippi 2,283 17,922,116 10,941,466 10,474,218 467,248 6,980,680 4,094,434 2,006,216 (») (25) MISSOURI 2,501 51,247,157 38,114,656 36,992,076 1,122,580 13,132,501 7,804,749 5,247,752 (25) (26) montana 1,035 15,325,968 11,513,309 11,284,005 229,304 3,812,680 1,875,476 1,937,183 (26) (27) nebraska 1,497 20,249,055 13,360,782 12,770,612 590,170 6,969,073 3,364,166 3,524,007 (27) (20) nevada 201 2,176,196 1,548,229 1,479,479 66,750 627,967 204,776 423,191 (28) (29) icl haupsh ire 839 0,600,207 6,578,443 6,297,160 281,283 2,111,644 792,205 1,319,579 (29) (») new jersey 4,011 83,165,920 65,004,597 64,135,027 869,570 18,181,323 8,162,001 9,999,322 (») (31) new mexico 869 10,076,746 6,595,170 6,450,914 144,264 3,481,566 2,060,911 1,420,857 (31) (32) new york kj 6,423 378,093,825 288,840,188 286,888,330 1,951,088 89,253,637 66,311,920 22,961,717 (32) (33) north carolina 1,602 16,885,697 11,754,373 11,364,777 389,596 5,131,324 2,260,101 2,862,223 (33) (34) north dakota 1,300 16,992,628 12,292,919 12,071,536 221,383 4,809,709 2,335,297 2,364,412 (34) (35) Ohio 10,225 134,125,956 103,962,515 101,393,125 2,550,390 30,173,441 13,605,187 16,568,254 (35) (36) OKLAHOMA 2,001 32,388,691 18,856,610 17,493,585 1,363,054 13,532,072 7,385,447 6,146,625 (34) (37) oregon 937 13,874,071 10,718,188 10,433,489 284,699 3,185,883 1,270,460 1,877,423 (37) (30) Pennsylvania 8,206 168,774,073 135,256,956 133,200,264 1,087,692 33,517,917 16,807,801 16,890,096 (38) (39) rhode island 617 14,084,741 11,705,759 11,373,568 332,191 2,378,908 107,023 2,271,199 (30) (40) south carolina 1,284 14,427,366 9,595,818 0,204,005 300,913 4,031,548 1,040,041 2,990,707 («) (41) South Dakota 1,636 10,362,504 13,699,905 13,362,258 337,727 5,662,519 3,190,066 2,472,453 (41) (42) tennessee 1,374 20,142,886 11,901,832 10,580,030 1,332,793 8,241 ,054 4,287,157 3,953,097 (42) (43) Texas 3,824 52,340,210 33,076,249 30,117,078 2,950,171 19,263,960 9,721,527 9,542,442 (43) (44) utah 1,090 14,097,310 9,632,697 0,240,471 392,224 4,464,621 1,517,675 2,946,946 (64) (45) vermont 745 4,667,815 3,366,562 3,207,701 158,861 1,301,253 211,154 1,000,099 (45) (46) virginia 1,714 13,023,160 9,556,385 0,178,423 377,062 3,466,775 1,963,087 1,902,093 (44) (47) lasmington 1,637 26,752,423 20,800,507 10,801,517 1,006,990 5,943,916 2,223,317 3,720,579 (47) (40) vest VIRGINIA 1,372 24,764,972 18,655,319 16,323,300 331,920 6,109,853 4,360,340 1,760,113 (48) (49) wisconsin 3,937 49,966,365 37,103,850 35,726,737 1,377,122 12,682,506 5,431,376 7,431,130 (40) (») WYOMING 522 5,078,095 3,356,133 3,074,854 281,279 1,721,962 458,247 1,2® ,715 (50) (51) ALASKA _ _ _ _ _ (51) (32) hawa 11 86 912,507 706,187 683,536 22,851 206,320 147,056 50,264 (32) a/ not included are substantial amounts or sponsors funds made availasle in new York City, reports ro* which arc now being obtained. ipa pt*9tp \n ffwtiw ww m Pi 1w7 19 table it number ano CIT IMA ttd TITAl coat BY types of WORK, by objccti of (kptttdlhlm, ano iy sources of tunds line no. Type of soak (d NUMStR OF Ammm y?t*k g°" l>*b9w 3Sl federal Funds sponoorb' fun do federal fun do SPONSORS' funoo line no, jll ju. _EL hzl jll j£l ALL PROJECTS { 1) GRAND TOTAL I 2) CONSTRUCTION (3) New Construction ( 4) hisnway6 , «0*0s, and streets ( 5) public ouildinm ( 6) sever systems and other utilities ( 7) other ncr construction ( 8} repairs and improvements ( 9) higmvav5» roads, and streets (10) Public buildinos (11) Sever systems and other utilities (12) other repairs and improvements (13) OTHER TYPES OF PROJECTS 103,960 3,269,331,272 2,299,894,305 2,224,602,335 75,091,970 51,843 1,542,922,099 17,861 503,063,393 10,699 199,530,940 11,976 325,875,632 11,307 514,432,134 swt 1.722.1w.173 27,811 1,050,407,188 13,407 275,385,186 2,921 79,499,442 7,996 317,117,357 1,044,516,792 331,231,563 124,543,241 227,592,664 361,151,324 1.2k.37s.513 744,470,287 210,670,315 57,097,929 243,136,962 1,007,719,103 318,170,942 117,444,517 219,450,728 352,644,916 1i2i7,«3.232 720,030,302 204 ,473,296 55,046,416 237,533,138 39,799,6ft? 13,052,621 7,098,724 8,141,936 0,506,408 39.2«.291 24,439,905 6,197,019 2,051,513 5,603,644 44,919 1,027,324,314 875,017,326 859,709,803 15,307.523 496,403,307 171,851,830 74,967,699 98,282,966 153,280,810 tt7«p33im9 305,936,901 64,714,871 22,401,513 73,900,375 152,306,988 1620,698,864 1496,845,091 ( d 520,713,974 444,722,993 { 2) £56,456,474 241,946,833 ( 3) 82,069,025 89,762,805 ( *) 33,198,305 41,789,394 ( 5) 46,347,233 51,935,735 ( 6) 94,821,911 56,458,899 ( 7) 264.257.500 202j7z9i1h> ( b) 171,173,247 134,763,654 ( 9) 32,986,506 31,728,365 (10) 11,036,098 11,365,415 (") 49,061,649 24,918,726 (12) 100,184,890 42,122,098 (13) ALL PROJECTS - PERCENT of TOTAL (n) GRAND TOTAL 100.0 100.0 74.0 71.9 2.1 26.0 14.4 11.6 (141 (15) CONSTRUCTION 76.1 100.0 70.4 68.1 2.3 29.6 16.0 13.6 (15) (16) nev Construction 36.0 100.0 67.7 65.3 £t! 22,3 16.6 15.7 (16) (17) highways, roads, and streets 11.7 100.0 65.8 63.2 2.6 34.2 16.3 17.9 (17) (18) Public buildings 4.7 100.0 62.4 50.9 3.5 37.6 16.6 21.0 (18) (19) Sever systems ano other utilities 7.6 100.0 69.8 67.3 2.5 30.2 14.2 16.0 (19) (20) other mem construct1 on 12.0 100.0 70.2 68.5 1.7 29.8 18.4 11.4 (20) (21) Repairs ano improvements 40.1 100.0 72.9 70.7 2*? Zhl 25l3 11.8 (21) (22) highways, roads, ano streets 24.5 100.0 70.9 68.6 2.3 29.1 16.3 12.6 (22) (23) Public buildings 6.4 100.0 76.5 74.2 2.3 23.5 12.0 11.5 (23) (24) sever systems and other utilities 1.8 100.0 71.8 69.2 2.6 28.2 13.9 14.3 (24) (25) other repairs ano improvement8 7.4 100.0 76.7 74.9 1.8 23.3 15.5 7.8 (25) (26) OTHER TYPES OF PROJECTS k/ 23.9 100.0 85.2 83.7 1.5 14.8 9.7 5.1 (26) ACTIVE PROJECTS (27) grand total 40,442 12,258,891,268 11,665,519,874 $1 ,622,548,425 $42,971,449 « 593,371,414 $339,411,455 $253,959,959 (27) (29) construction 25,234 1,729,124,363 1,216,972,284 1 ,102,391,945 34,580,339 512,152,079 285,566,086 226,583,993 (28) (29) nev construction 13.093 772.793.814 597.2*4 .MS 16.127.480 2*9,341,478 1^,803,857 119,537,6?! (29) (30) Highways, roads, and streets 4,371 257,516,337 169,083,093 163,545,264 5,537,829 88,433,244 43,307,306 45,125,938 (30) (31) public buildings 2,712 83,589,741 53,036,694 50,251,024 2,785,670 30,553,047 13,039,733 17,513,314 01) (32) sever systems ano other utilities 2,362 163,415,832 114,751,963 111,591,750 3,160,213 48,663,869 25,974,343 22,689,526 (32) (33) other nev construction 3,648 268,181,904 186,490,566 181,846,818 4,643,768 81,691,316 47,482,475 34,208,843 (33) (34) repairs and improvements 12,141 956,420,>4? 693,609,948 *75,157,089 18,452,859 262.810.601 155,764,229 107,046,372 (34) (35) higm1ays, roads, and streets 6,959 615,153,305 436,028,552 423,299,132 12,729,420 179,124,753 105,071.073 74,053,680 (35) (36) public buildings 2,586 128,481,070 97,877,335 95,917,674 1,959,661 30,603,735 17,004,263 13,599,472 (36) (37) sever systems and other utilities 570 35,881,969 24,663,236 23,728,611 1,154,625 10,998,733 4,927,080 6,071,653 (37) (38) other repairs ano improvements 2,024 176,904,205 134,820,825 132,211,672 2,609,153 42,083,300 28,761,813 13,321,567 (38) (3«) other types of projects fj 15,206 529,766,925 448,547,590 440,156,480 8,391,110 81,219,335 53,843,369 27,375,966 (39) completed projects (40) grand total 108,457 ♦2,033,764,296 $1,509,391,757 •1 ,461,963,713 $47,428,044 1 524,372,541 $281,487,409 $242,885,132 (40) (41) construction 78,746 1,536,206,909 1,062,922,021 1,042,410,390 40,511,631 453,284,888 235,145,888 218,139,000 (41) (42) nev construction 38,750 770,218,285 521,156,456 500,484,247 20,672,209 249,061,829 126,652,617 122,409,212 (42) (43) Highways, roads, ano streets 13,490 245,567,056 162,148,470 154,633,676 7,514,792 83,418,586 36,781,719 44,636,867 (43) (44) public buildinos 7,987 115,941,199 71,506,547 67,193,493 4,313,054 44,434,652 20,158,572 24,276,080 (44) (45) sever systems amd other utilities 9,614 162,459,800 112,840,701 107,838,978 4,961,723 49,619,099 20,372,890 29,246,209 (45) (46) other nev construction 7,659 246,250,230 174,660,738 170,798,098 3,862,640 71,589,492 47,339,436 24,250,056 (46) (47) repairs ano improvements 39,996 765,988,624 561,765,565 541,926,143 19,839,422 204,223,059 108,493,271 95,729,788 (47) (48) highways, roads, ano streets 20,852 435,253,883 308,441,735 296,731,250 11,710,485 126,812,148 66,102,174 60,709,974 (48) (49) Public buildings 10,819 146,904,116 112,792,900 108,535,622 4,237,358 34,111,136 15,982,243 18,128,893 (49) (50) sever systems ano other utilities 2,351 43,617,473 32,214,693 31,317,805 696,888 11,402,780 6,109,018 5,293,762 (50) (51) Other repairs ano improvements 5,974 140,213,152 108,316,157 105,321,466 2,994,691 31,896,995 20,299,836 11,597,159 (51) (52) other types of projects a/ 29,711 497,557,389 426,469,736 419,553,323 6,916,413 71,067,653 46,341,521 24,746,132 (52) &/ represents largely fmite cou-ar ano goods projects. 20 WPA PROJECTS PLACCD IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1937 table 16 EST(MATED TOTAL COST OF CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER PR0JECT6 BY STATES UNITED STATES CQNlTBUCTION PROJECTS TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCT I ON REPA |R> AND IMPROVEMENTS OTHER PROJECT* j/ line state Total Percent percent percent percent u« no. Amount or total Amount or Total Amount or total amount orTotal NO# (D (2) (3) (4) M (6) (7) (ej <•> |wj . (D grano total $4,292,655,566 $3,265,331,272 76.1 81,542,922,099 36.0 $1,722,409,173 40.1 $1,0z7,324,314 23.9 ( D ( 2) alabama 45,475,390 32,166,700 70.7 19,683,826 43.3 12,482,954 27.4 13,308,010 29.3 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 17,244,328 13,241,123 76.0 8,508,777 49.8 4,652,346 27.0 4,003,205 23.2 ( 3) ( «) Arkansas 38,697,293 30,616,162 79.1 13,755,446 35.5 16,860,716 43.6 8,001,131 20.9 ( «) ( 5) calirornia 232,292,863 147,677,416 63.6 100,646,104 43.3 47,031,312 20.3 84,615,447 36.4 ( 3) ( 6) colorado 52,983,560 38,550,485 72.0 22,897,627 43.2 15,652,858 29.6 14,433,075 27.2 ( 6) ( 7) connecticut 49,711,078 38,019,068 76.5 28,961,077 58.3 9,057,991 18.2 11,692,010 23. 3 ( 7) ( 8) Delaware 3,922,439 2,089,364 53.3 1,423,510 36.3 665,854 17.0 1,833,075 *6.7 ( 6) ( 9) district of columbia 17,524,201 7,865,919 44.9 5,845,971 33.4 2,019,948 11.5 9,656,282 55.1 ( 9) (10) Florida 36,467,648 26,237,408 71.9 12,672,468 34.7 13,564,940 37.2 10,230,240 Z8.1 (10) (11) georgia 50,328,501 34,440,070 68.4 13,215,192 26.2 21 ,22b,678 42.2 15,887,631 51.6 (11) (12) idaho 15,897,393 10,271,415 64.6 4,416,090 27.8 5,855,325 36.8 5,625,978 33.4 (12) (13) illinois 293,262,422 230,188,909 78.5 134,044,086 45.7 96,144,823 32.8 63,073,513 21.5 («) (1«) Indiana 126,361,537 105,411,928 83.4 32,309,302 25.6 73,102,626 57.8 20,949,009 16.6 (14) (15) i ova 40,739,149 32,793,013 00.5 20,164,853 49.5 12,608,160 31.0 7,946,136 19.5 («) (16) Kansas 62,364,277 47,416,821 76.0 45,703,820 73.3 1,713,001 2.7 14,907,456 2W (16) (17) Kentucky 58,732,825 50,179,266 85.4 31,307,217 53.3 18,872,049 32.1 0,553,559 14.6 (17) (18) Louisiana 55,327,805 45,226,965 81.7 17,598,709 31.8 27,628,256 49.9 10,100,040 15.3 («) (19) maine 13,020,695 10,022,094 77.0 7,606,565 58.4 2,415,529 18.6 2,990,601 23.0 (19J (20) maryland 27,324,513 22,780,137 83.4 9,195,582 33.7 13,504,555 49.7 4,5*4,376 16.6 (20) (21) massachusetts 210,421,554 137,355,631 65.3 106,484,916 50.6 30,870,715 14.7 73,065,923 34.7 (21) (22) michigan 146,976,636 126,468,090 86.0 83,739,542 57.0 42,728,548 29.0 20,500,546 14.0 (22) (23) minnesota 108,522,561 85,331,731 78.6 29,156,229 26.9 56,175,502 51.7 23,190,630 71.4 (21) (24) mis6issipp| 32,149,698 21,414,256 66.6 8,731,317 27.2 12,682,939 39.4 10,735,442 33.4 (24) (25) MISSOURI 113,995,934 86,019,906 75.5 37,297,213 32.7 48,722,693 42.8 27,976,028 24.5 (25) (26) montana 26,256,562 20,217,826 77.0 8,242,866 31.4 11,974,960 45.6 6,038,730 23 .o (2») (27) nebraska 41,079,258 32,669,433 00.0 8,467,463 20.6 24,401,970 59.4 6,209,825 20.0 (27) (28) nevada 4,227,944 2,772,796 65.6 1,053,654 24.9 1,719,142 40.7 1,455,140 34.4 (29) (29) new hampshire 13,077,294 10,372,755 74.7 7,543,218 54.3 2,829,537 20.4 3,504,539 25.3 (29) (30) new jersey 166,183,218 127,459,761 76.7 46,449,660 28.0 81,009,901 48.7 30,723,457 23.3 (30) (31) ne» mexico 18,760,420 15,794,887 84.1 10,372,775 55.2 5,422,112 28.9 2,993,533 15.9 (31) (32) new YORK 728,280,516 543,992,394 74.7 306,731,019 42.1 237,261,375 32.6 104,208,122 DJ (32) (33) north carolina 32,608,905 17,866,025 54.5 11,013,129 33.6 6,852,896 20.9 14,942,900 45.5 (33) (34) north dakota 44,090,373 40,281,540 89.7 18,045,143 40.2 22,236,397 49.5 4,008,833 10.3 (34) (35) Ohio 283,246,995 234,626,482 82.0 59,635,801 21.0 174,990,681 01.8 40,620,913 17.2 (35) (36) Oklahoma 76,652,399 62,303,586 81.3 28,879,109 37.7 33,4* ,477 43.6 14,340,813 16.7 (39) (37) oregon 30,752,883 23,375,281 76.0 13,755,464 44.7 9,619,817 31.3 7,377,602 24.0 (37) (38) pennsylvania 430,632,228 356,453,743 82.7 54,793,036 12.7 301,660,707 70.0 74,370,405 17.3 (39) (39) Rhode island 27,095,764 19,005,404 70.4 13,514,268 49.0 5,571,136 20.5 6,010,300 29.6 (39) (40) south carolina 28,845,369 16,164,380 56.0 9,520,458 33.0 6,643,922 23.0 12,080,000 44.0 («) (41) South Dakota 38,830,943 31,722,588 81.7 25,130,821 64.7 6,591,767 17.0 7,100,355 IB.3 («1) (42) Tennessee 46,376,947 33,971,384 73.3 12,407,295 26.8 21,564,009 46.5 12,405,503 26.7 (<2) (43) texas 94,718,599 62,300,178 85.0 17,476,143 18.5 44,8* ,035 47.3 32,410,421 (93) (44) utah 22,183,199 15,241,417 68.7 9,290,806 41.9 5,950,611 26.8 6,941,782 31.3 («9) (4=) VERMONT 7,297,808 5,174,113 70.9 3,141,275 43.0 2,032,838 27.9 i,w,« 29.1 (95) (46) virginia 27,976,473 16,964,300 60.6 11,639,171 41.6 5,325,129 19.0 11,012,173 39.4 («6) (<7) WASHINGTON 56,713,911 43,262,720 76.3 22,914,738 40.4 20,347,902 35.9 13,451,191 23.7 (97) (48) WEST VIRGINIA 59,576,644 49,787,182 83.6 13,566,053 22.8 36,220,529 00.8 9,780,402 16.4 (99) (49) wisconsin 122,833,152 92,354,021 75.2 30,683,871 25.0 61,670,930 50.2 30,478,331 24.6 l«9) (50) wyoming 9,083,524 6,271,315 69.0 2,876,354 31.6 3,394,901 37.4 2,812,200 31.0 (90) (51) Alaska 8,000 - _ _ 6,000 100.0 (51) (52) MAWAI i 3,473 ,878 2,060,204 82.3 312, z70 9.0 2,547,934 73.3 613,074 17.7 (52) a/ represcnt6 large! Collar *f® goods rrojccts. 21 WPA PROJECTS PLACED IK OPERATION THROUGH JUNC 30. 1937 T A • L C 10 NUMBER ANO CSTIMATEO TOTAL COIT Of ni#«vay, WflAO, AND STREET PROJECTS by STATES, by objects or r w pimp i tun, ano by sources or funds UN I'CO STATES LIKE no. state number of projects Estinateo Total COST LiNe NO. total Lawor NON-labor total federal Funds SPONSORS' fundo total federal Funds sponsors* Funds (D (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (•) ( D grand total 45,672 11,553,490,581 11,075,701,850 $1,038,209,324 $37,492,526 $477,788,731 $253,262,272 $224,526,459 ( D ( 2) Alabama 384 17,323,953 9,911,085 9,003,995 827,090 7,412,868 2,910,937 4,501,931 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 144 7,222,056 4,837,671 4,424,204 413,467 2,304,385 740,547 1,643,838 ( 3) ( 4) arkansas 1,252 19,854,455 11,680,253 11,449,603 230,650 0,174,202 4,403,431 3,770,771 ( 4) ( 5) california 1,049 41,340,907 28,376,305 26,331,258 2,045,127 12,964,522 6,301,762 6,662,760 ( 5) ( 6) colorado 621 19,685,800 12,839,005 12,285,524 553,481 6,846,795 3,310,503 3,536,292 ( 6) ( 7) connecticut 792 16,671,796 11,359,696 11,112,887 246,009 5,312,300 1,701,560 3,610,740 ( 7) ( B) delaware 20 401,934 259,399 245,422 13,977 142,535 70,641 71,894 ( 8) ( 9) district of columbia 13 2,953,951 2,175,730 2,110,396 65,334 778,221 518,556 259,665 ( 9) (10) florida 629 12,212,015 7,024,845 6,714,047 310,798 5,187,170 2,388,278 2,798,892 (10) (11) georgia 458 14,964,473 7,240,219 6,883,200 357,019 7,724,254 1,998,134 5,726,120 (11) (12) idaho 334 4,424,561 2,657,073 2,388,787 268,206 1,767,488 376,495 1,390,993 (12) (13) illinois 2,210 121,401,713 80,413,794 74,712,871 5,700,923 40,987,919 23,291,257 17,696,662 (13) (14) indiana 1,008 58,016,280 43,161,159 42,561,201 599,958 14,855,121 6,886,863 7,966,258 (14) (15) iowa 796 18,610,443 11,749,075 11,125 , 678 623,397 6,861,368 2,744,062 4,117,306 (15) (16) kansas 1,982 22,554,495 14,451,878 13,828,402 623,476 8,102,617 3,677,941 4,424,676 (16) (17) kentucky 830 33,843,674 21,331,122 20,ei4,602 516,520 12,512,552 6,808,672 5,703,880 (17) (18) louisiana 184 14,389,734 9,045,132 8,687,095 358,037 5,344,602 2,921,537 2,423,065 (18) (19) maine 791 6,067,567 3,995,607 3,854,263 141,344 2,071,960 1,115,112 956,848 (19) (20) maryland 299 8,785,094 5,044,062 4,655,083 388,979 3,741,032 2,811,027 930,005 (20) (21) massachusetts 2,116 62,566,290 44,577,386 43,607,180 970,206 17,988,904 9,595,096 8,393,808 (21) (22) Michigan 689 68,511,886 46,488,964 43,223,233 3,265,731 22,022,922 13,144,682 0,878,240 (22) (23) minnesota 1,167 43,847,237 32,474,070 31,710,167 763,903 11,373,167 6,972,605 4,400,562 (23) (24) mississippi 617 11,525,546 5,404,100 5,006,310 397,790 6,121,446 3,446,489 2,674,957 (24) (25) missouri 2,005 47,976,327 33,036,945 31,816,178 1,220,767 14,939,382 7,425,326 7,514,056 (25) (26) montana 363 10,759,479 8,052,728 7,869,789 182,939 2,706,751 1,302,630 1,404,121 (26) (27) nebraska 758 18,076,552 11,504,328 10,985,035 519,293 6,572,224 2,717,267 3,854,957 (27) (28) nevada 62 1,012,929 677,457 647,900 29,557 335,472 55,527 279,945 (20) (29) new hampshire 404 2,905,998 2,030,399 1,918,986 111,413 875,599 355,719 519,880 (29) (30) ftw jersey 1,559 54,071,759 39,245,088 38,671,120 573,968 14,826,671 6,187,160 8,639,511 (30) (31) new mexico 296 7,002,196 4,498,670 4,405,463 93,207 2,503,526 1,630,635 872,891 (31) (32) new york y 2,744 146,911,165 99,355,183 98,258,257 1,096,926 47,555,982 29,665,094 17,890,888 (32) (33) north carolina 377 6,198,715 4,119,682 4,002,470 117,212 2,079,033 561,224 1,517,809 (33) (34) north dakota 509 22,620,037 15,778,382 15,657,778 120,604 6,841 ,655 3,763,267 3,078,388 (34) (35) Ohio 4,977 117,860,639 87,397,448 85,528,256 1,869,192 30,463,191 17,624,564 12,638,6Z7 (35) (36) Oklahoma 826 36,639,881 22,030,051 20,674,806 1,355,245 14,609,830 8,029,943 6,579,887 (36) (37) Oregon 242 13,240,121 9,934,530 9,718,141 216,389 3,305,591 1,578,123 1,727,468 (37) (38) pennsylvania 4,210 240,423,566 189,399,091 186,097,064 2,502,027 51,024,475 32,035,592 18,188,883 (30) (39) rhode island 292 7,477,798 5,341,801 5,213,111 128,690 2,135,997 69,471 2,066,526 (39) (40) south carolina 306 5,436,528 3,353,213 3,221,819 131,394 2,083,315 564,793 1,516,522 (40) (41) south dakota 921 20,471,303 14,156,636 13,912,045 244,591 6,314,667 3,897,533 2,417,134 (41) (42) Tennessee 295 18,710,715 10,524,307 8,018,009 2,506,218 0,186,408 2,900,790 5,285,618 (42) (43) texa6 1,991 39,802,773 21,674,010 19,018,775 2,655,235 10,128,763 8,496,514 9,632,249 (43) (44) utah 341 4,603,903 3,060,769 2,934,633 126,136 1,543,134 557,538 985,596 (44) (45) vermont 371 3,289,736 2,292,780 2,167,473 125,307 996,956 19,406 977,550 (45) (46) virginia 462 6,956,365 4,740,316 4,593,279 147,037 2,216,049 973,204 1,242,845 (46) (47) washington 531 16,639,843 13,189,907 12,754,806 435,101 3,449,936 1,290,214 2,159,722 (47) (48) vest vlrgin 1a 872 38,177,845 28,507,531 28,078,271 429,260 9,670,314 6,673,383 2,996,931 (48) (49) wisconsin 1,409 34,240,317 22,269,545 21,623,565 645,980 11,970,772 5,218,781 6,751,991 (49) (90) wyoming 105 2,907,170 1,775,464 1,593,168 182,296 1,131 ,706 318,617 813,089 (50) (51) Alaska - - - - - - - - (51) (52) hawa| | 59 1,900,861 1,257,879 1,213,639 44,240 642,982 413,770 229,212 (52) y not INCLUOED ARE SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNTS OF SPONSORS* FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE IN NEW YORK CITY, REPORTS FOR WHICH ARE NO* BEING OBTAINED. 22 WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1987 TABLE 20 NUMBER ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE, AND BY 80URCE8 OF FUNDS UNITCO STATES Estimated Total COAT LINE STATE number of Total Federal sponsors* federal SPONSORS* line NO. projects Total Funos FUNDS total FUNOS FUNOS no# (1) (?) (3) M (3) (6) M (•) («) ( D grand total 23,835 •471,840,041 $332,807,330 $319,305,039 $13,222,297 $139,232,705 $66,024,092 $73,207,813 ( D Z) Alabama 365 5,913,445 3,294,636 3,116,122 178,514 2,618,809 1,713,919 904,090 ( 2) 3) arizona 179 3,353,322 2,327,614 2,179,307 148,247 1,025,708 429,706 596,002 ( >) *) Arkansas 484 4,663,303 2,727,540 2,642,482 85,058 1,935,763 849,777 1,005,988 ( <> 5) california 1,005 22,912,541 15,166,512 13,921,601 1,244,851 7,748,029 2,76*,095 4,961,93* ( 9) 6) colorado 337 4,717,044 3,172,300 3,003,401 168,047 1,544,738 830,523 906,213 < •) 7) CONNECTICUT 451 5,251,072 3,712,298 3,642,630 69,688 1,538,774 8*0,317 890,457 ( 2) 8) dc LA BARE 24 209,258 221,380 202,421 18,959 67,878 17,050 30,020 ( 8) 9) district of colunbia 36 1,379,602 1,134,820 1,067,425 67,393 244,702 204,823 39,959 t «> 10) Florida 384 5,990,286 3,217,409 3,002,719 214,690 2,772,077 1,535,961 1,236,916 (10) ") georgia 595 6,758,480 3,906,818 3,721 ,571 105,247 2,051,602 1,176,771 1,674,091 (11) 12) idaho 120 1,385,624 763,370 659,426 103,944 622,254 190,704 423,530 (12) 13) illinois 449 24,027,997 18,425,270 16,445,022 1,979,446 5,002,727 2,240/475 3,302,232 («) 14) indiana 862 12,482,688 8,819,163 8,603,092 136,071 3,663,525 1,505,473 2,070,032 (K) 15) iosa 204 2,340,903 1,571,490 1,432,348 139,142 769,413 261,930 487/473 («) 16) kansas 339 4,381,091 2,644,662 2,449,740 194,922 1,736,429 786,923 949,506 (14) ") kentucky 570 7,698,222 4,496,380 3,999,850 536,530 3,201,842 1,449,520 1,752,322 (17) 18) louisiana 164 7,889,207 4,902,672 4,525,222 377,450 2,906,535 1,317,554 1,888,901 (10) 19) MAINE 51 363,070 227,278 208,103 19,175 135,792 60,531 73,201 (1») 20) Maryland 109 4,192,334 3,244,320 3,002,132 242,188 940,014 682,415 280,309 (20) 21) massachusetts 1,001 25,678,512 19,596,636 19,059,343 537,293 0,001,070 1,8® ,503 4,221,299 (21) 22) MICHIGAN 678 12,815,007 8,694,581 7,885,010 809,563 4,120,508 1,732,484 2.388,022 (22) 23) minnesota 734 14,004,227 9,444,743 9,158,552 206,191 4,599,484 1,309,668 2,909,010 (29) 24) mississippi 491 4,800,419 2,435,197 2,203,888 231,309 2,305,222 1,550,025 005,397 (24) 25) missouri 550 9,222,434 6,515,994 6,210,838 305,156 2,706,440 1,422,297 1,204,148 (29) 26) montana 194 1,884,129 1,250,621 1,187,281 63,340 033,500 227,826 405,002 (24) 27) nebraska 306 2,476,423 1,569,440 1,466,572 102,868 906,969 340,305 366,396 (27) 28) nevada 33 208,778 139,744 132,003 0,941 69,034 21,000 47,434 (28) 29) neb hampshire 66 726,308 476,244 435,004 41,180 250,084 51,864 196,200 (28) 30) neb jersey 985 21,564,431 15,126,011 14,945,790 180,221 6,430,420 2,017,003 4,420,757 (90) 31) ne? mexico 350 4,474,232 2,700,130 2,649,679 30,457 1,774,098 009,825 984,471 (91) 32) neb york a/ 1,076 125,128,640 97,000,205 96,797,400 202,798 28,048,435 22,392,997 3,081,410 (92) 33) north carolina 443 4,246,451 2,275,708 1,942,512 333,196 1,970,743 9*2,520 1.028,20 (99) 34) north Dakota 322 3,846,135 2,994,277 2,407,328 96,949 1,251,050 324,927 908,991 (94) 35) ohio 2,279 27,728,933 19,766,927 19,224,979 541,548 7,901,406 2,203,302 3,730^4 (») 36) Oklahoma 668 9,884,965 5,299,827 4,810,513 649,314 4,625,130 2,009,208 1.90V«D (94) 37) Oreo on 195 1,427,090 922,685 849,934 72,751 504,405 147,303 357,012 (97) 38) Pennsylvania 2,142 28,311,889 21,028,727 20,R16,218 212,30^ 7,203,182 1,107,338 6,095,028 (98) 39) rhode island 118 2,876,973 2,102,303 2,035,513 126,850 714,010 35,19* 879,416 (98) 40) south carolina 577 4,965,462 2,907,004 2,691,032 216,032 2,050,370 8*7,490 1,210,900 (40) 41) South Dakota 242 1,954,687 1,220,034 1,163,229 58,805 734,053 323,430 411 ,20 (41) 42) Tennessee 361 3/111,105 2,061,314 1,701,644 279,070 1,349,871 372,139 977,752 («) 43) TEXAS 456 7,217,020 4,991,202 4,047,802 543,000 2,025,010 1,199,320 1,428,498 (49) 44) UTAH 229 3,428,165 2,004,001 1,886,976 117,025 1,423,384 520,322 903,042 (44) 45) vermont 96 389,026 257,780 242,300 15,472 131,246 - 131,246 (49) «6) virginia 295 2,021,762 1,019,563 1,456,437 161,126 1,002,199 447,272 954,907 (44) 47) washington 327 3,613,990 2,722,093 2,509,527 152,566 091,057 291,579 600,270 (47) 48) vest virginia 217 3,608,036 2,400,000 2,243,018 105,048 1,199,970 807,2*0 312,730 (48) 49) wisconsin 712 12,137,773 9,020,879 0,018,797 410,082 3,100,094 1,064,230 2,044,844 (48) 50) wyoming 106 979,864 603,259 545,574 57,601 376,009 99,807 277,002 (90) 51) Alaska - • „ _ _ • (91) 52) habai | 38 217,506 167,059 102,007 5,502 49,907 30,703 19,202 (92) A/ NOT INCLUDED AW SU86TANTIAL AMOUNTS Of SPONSORS' FUNDS MAOC AVAILABLE IN KH YORK CITY, WFONTS FOR WMIC* ARE NOR BE INO ORTAINCB. 23 WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1937 ta0lc 21 NUMBER ANO CSTIMATCO TOTAL COST OF PARK AND QtNCR RECREATIONAL FACILITY PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS OF MPCNOinWC. AMD BY SOURCES OF FUND8 UNITES STATES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST number labor non-labor line state of total federal sponsors* federal sponsors* line no. Projects Total funds Funds total funds fun06 no. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( D grand total 9,502 $462,386,521 1349,166,416 •341,109,405 •7,977,011 •113,220,105 •78,130,563 •35,089,540 ( D ( 2) Alabama 39 1,519,477 1,176,734 1,161,090 15,644 342,743 231,148 111,595 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 49 810,910 591,517 545,689 45,920 219,393 95,878 123,515 ( 3) ( 4) Arkansas 106 2,114,733 1,338,616 1,319,445 19,171 776,117 432,110 343,999 ( 4) ( 5) california 490 23,987,323 17,202,697 16,484,994 717,703 6,784,626 4,261,964 2,522,662 ( 5) ( «) colorado 99 2,942,289 2,303,345 2,336,926 46,419 558,944 238,739 320,205 ( 6) ( ?) connecticut 196 5,865,484 4,785,806 4,717,234 68,572 1,079,678 446,710 632,968 ( 7) ( 8) delaware 24 369,992 292,483 279,970 12,505 77,509 56,656 20,853 { 8) ( 9) 01strict of columbia 8 1,259,464 931,771 928,463 3,308 327,693 312,986 14,707 ( 9) (10) Florida 122 1,504,490 907,059 876,938 30,121 597,431 271,296 326,135 (10) (11) GEORGIA 77 1,421,271 1,178,394 1,154,617 23,777 242,877 88,446 154,431 (11) (12) ioaho 47 554,394 413,171 378,750 34,421 141,213 41,005 100,208 (12) (13) illinois 326 42,507,931 31,969,636 28,690,127 3,279,509 10,538,295 6,630,332 3,907,963 (13) (14) indiana 297 12,841,465 10,312,398 10,266,380 46,018 2,529,067 1,333,739 1,195,328 (14) (15) iowa 149 3,426,370 2,532,608 2,446,515 86,093 893,762 468,961 424,001 (15) (16) KANSAS 189 7,150,582 4,523,936 4,401,145 122,791 2,626,646 1,554,087 1,072,559 (16) (17) kentucky 67 1,271,328 772,663 718,064 54,599 498,665 297,321 201,344 (17) (18) louisiana 37 15,806,614 11,701,037 11,635,523 65,514 4,105,577 3,781,822 323,755 (18) (19) maine 58 809,669 610,582 592,991 17,591 199,087 106,818 92,269 (19) (20) maryland 56 2,501,444 1,720,155 1,634,711 85,444 781,289 700,374 80,915 (20) (21) massachusetts 775 13,836,110 11,096,453 10,883,601 212,852 2,739,657 554,544 2,185,113 (21) (22) michigan 285 9,177,096 7,061,607 6,815,164 246,443 2,116,289 1,195,933 920,356 (22) (23) minnesota 378 14,323,845 11,345,933 11,135,697 210,236 2,977,912 1,845,622 1,132,290 (23) (24) mississippi 63 577,764 350,648 312,278 38,370 227,116 146,980 80,136 (24) (25) missouri 199 5,618,966 4,292,211 4,171,011 121,200 1,326,755 956,557 370,196 (25) (26) montana 96 2,081,349 1,533,690 1,527,597 6,093 547,659 245,096 302,563 (26) (27) nebraska 132 3,008,720 2,205,475 2,130,065 67,410 803,245 433,547 369,698 (27) (28) nevada 25 738,119 494,168 464,613 29,555 243,951 64,345 179,606 (28) (29) new hampshire 116 1,915,320 1,383,810 1,360,372 23,438 531,510 202,145 329,365 (29) (30) new jersey 486 21,765,669 16,711,076 16,540,547 170,529 5,054,593 2,602,619 2,451,974 (30) (31) new mexico 53 1,019,854 662,601 652,030 10,571 357,253 274,828 82,425 (31) (32) new york y 498 150,212,507 110,211,273 110,011,675 199,598 40,001,234 37,047,636 2,953,598 (32) (33) north carolina 123 1,715,875 1,176,716 1,144,912 31,804 539,159 250,079 289,080 (33) (34) north dakota 159 2,179,103 1,724,606 1,704,203 20,403 454,497 254,296 200,201 (34) (35) ohio 1,059 27,542,729 21,996,967 21,637,831 359,136 5,545,762 2,727,265 2,818,497 (35) (36) Oklahoma 104 2,309,121 1,498,065 1,327,478 170,587 811,056 391,044 420,012 (36) (37) Oreoon 112 2,094,352 1,592,263 1,566,471 25,792 502,089 301,100 200,989 (37) (38 J Pennsylvania 826 26,456,051 21,390,336 21,276,704 113,632 5,066,515 2,284,158 2,782,357 (38) (39) Rhode Island 82 3,751,433 3,105,807 3,039,355 66,452 645,626 443 645,183 (39) (40) south carolina 80 781,148 605,385 595,681 9,704 175,763 73,204 102,559 (40) (41) south dakota 94 944,621 704,954 681,643 23,311 239,667 116,491 123,176 (41) (42) tennessee 93 1,652,361 1,299,533 1,174,599 124,934 352,828 107,806 245,022 (42) (43) texas 155 4,404,572 2,882,921 2,692,435 190,486 1,521,651 714,029 807,622 (43) (44) Utah 86 1,197,369 848,376 826,933 21,443 348,993 129,187 219,806 (44) (45) vermont 25 230,111 192,001 186,526 5,555 30,030 - 38,030 (45) (46) viroinia 132 1,633,965 1,216,068 1,142,286 73,782 417,897 166,696 251,201 (46) (47) ■ash 1 no ton 336 6,969,906 5,681,415 5,519,000 161,615 1,288,493 615,520 672,973 (47) (48) best viroinia 52 1,063,120 772,349 755,898 16,451 290,771 226,012 64,759 (48) (49) 11 sconsIN 382 23,672,793 19,169,521 10,751,199 418,322 *,303,272 2,768,967 1,734,305 (49) (50) ■yoking 44 620,613 424,999 393,116 31,883 195,614 55,976 139,638 (50) (51) alaska _ _ _ • - - - - (51) (52) HAWAI| 16 225,137 190,501 190,105 396 34,636 28,040 6,596 (52) y NOT INCLUDED ARC SUB6TANTIAL AMOUNTS OF SPONSORS' FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE IN NEW YORK CITY, REPORT! FOR BHICH ARC NOB BE I NO OBTAINED. 24 •PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUQH JUNE 30. 1937 TABLE 22 NUMBER ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF CONSERVATION PROJECTS BY 8TATE8, BY OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE, AND BY SOURCES OF FUNDS UNITED STATES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST ST«TC Number la80r no n—labor LINE of Total federal sponsors' FEOtML sponsors' LiaC NO. Projects TOTAL Funds Funds total Funds Funos NO. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (®) .. M ( 1) GRAND TOTAL 6,453 $210,810,881 $159,842,949 $155,801,605 $4,041,344 $50,967,932 $32,744,266 $18,223,866 ( 1) 2) Alabama 10 689,723 342,398 335,360 7,038 347,325 280,454 66,871 ( 2) 3) arizona 21 337,462 260,056 237,232 22,824 77,406 30,040 47,366 ( s) «) Arkansas 133 1,510,320 1,007,535 976,949 30,586 502,785 402,307 100,478 ( «) 5) california 349 23,639,586 17,280,586 15,858,577 1,422,009 6,359,000 4,680,987 1,678,013 ( ») 6) colorado 72 5,357,042 4,301,262 4,184,073 117,109 1,055,780 579,757 476,023 ( ») 7) connecticut 51 2,018,523 1,617,976 1,594,575 23,401 400,547 209,141 191,406 ( 7) 8) delaware 5 92,633 73,143 72,370 773 19,490 10,342 9,148 ( 8) 9) district of columbia 1 11,238 8,458 8,450 - 2,780 2,780 ( •) 10) Florida 32 933,830 717,353 664,794 52,559 216,477 79,710 136,759 (10) 11) GEORGIA 17 395,840 193,317 173,721 19,596 202,523 83,822 118,701 («) 12) idaho 150 4,258,398 2,452,397 2,317,222 135,175 1,806,001 843,371 962,630 (12) 13) illinois 167 11,165,043 9,342,735 9,173,627 169,106 1,822,308 1,491,686 330,822 (13) 1«) 1 mo 1ana 300 11,235,156 8,928,913 0,915,315 13,598 2,306,243 1,550,266 750,977 (H) 15) IOWA 82 2,574,294 1,908,979 1,952,465 36,514 585,315 293,738 291,577 (13) 16) kansas 569 11,009,752 6,956,983 6,814,878 142,105 4,052,769 2,467,674 1,585,095 (16) 17) kentucky 25 407,274 247,479 232,602 14,877 150,795 58,487 101,306 (") ib) louisiana 24 1,084,464 943,667 929,652 14,015 140,797 77,926 82,889 (18) 19) maine 53 317,127 212,119 181,288 30,831 105,008 31,037 73,971 (1«) 20) maryland 25 474,349 352,401 333,132 19,269 121,948 90,961 30,987 (») 21) massachusetts 577 6,724,959 5,752,493 5,636,336 116,155 972,466 398,881 573,585 (71) 22) Michigan 152 8,241,915 7,323,939 7,164,705 159,234 917,076 523,985 393,991 (22) 23) minnesota 204 4,852,356 2,864,211 2,827,494 36,717 1,980,145 1,186,845 801,300 (») ») Mississippi 44 612,128 374,241 361,414 12,827 237,887 181,608 76,279 (8«) 25) missouri 146 11,569,703 8,966,775 8,895,496 91,279 2,582,928 1,852,179 730,749 (a) 26) montana 106 3,095,116 2,167,381 2,134,384 32,997 927,735 689,014 258,721 (») 27) nebraska 114 2,631,705 1,759,222 1,723,869 35,353 072,483 627,259 245,224 (77) 28) nevada 11 511,503 396,513 395,419 1,094 114,990 63,304 51,886 (78) 29) new hampshire 24 163,761 134,722 128,039 6,683 29,039 4,128 14,911 (20) 30) new jersey 160 4,680,795 3,776,191 3,718,530 57,661 904,604 359,538 5*5,066 (*) 31) new mexico 80 1,394,454 909,821 861,720 48,101 484,633 323,246 161,387 (>1) 32) new YORK a/ 175 6,361,153 5,000,968 4,935,020 65,948 1,360,185 432,631 927,554 (37) 33) north carolina 28 871,340 633,543 631,025 2,518 237,797 197,164 40,613 (33) 34) north dakota 109 7,960,714 5,060,577 5,859,842 9,735 2,091,137 1,346,785 844,352 (30) 35) Ohio 466 14,330,361 11,510,146 11,310,377 199,789 2,640,215 1,852,664 987,531 (33) 36) Oklahoma 206 5,759,712 3,219,032 3,138,503 80,439 2,540,680 1,927,944 812,736 (38) 37) oregon 105 3,053,745 2,648,276 2,613,157 35,119 405,469 147,438 298,091 (»7) 38) pcnnsvlvanIA 534 17,543,679 14,367,293 14,313,596 53,697 3,176,388 2,182,217 1,014,169 (38) 39) Rhode island 19 212,208 189,745 182,895 6,850 22,463 730 21,733 (30) 40) south carolina 20 391,611 267,204 282,890 4,505 124,407 90,972 33,495 <«) 41) south dakota 200 6,210,109 4,534,680 w,509,274 25,376 1,675,539 1,298,345 377,194 («1) 42) Tcmcssce 20 833,831 729,199 710,026 19,173 104,632 59,259 45,373 («) 43) texas 148 3,324,607 2,223,823 1,995,185 228,638 1,100,874 8»,T48 411,128 <«3) 44) utah 92 2,015,409 1,439,477 1,381,743 57,734 575,932 278,780 299,152 («) 45) vermont 8 44,544 35,947 32,893 3,054 8,597 - 8,597 («) 46) virginia 26 165,599 124,787 119,525 5,281 40,812 18,400 22,412 («e) 47) ■a smi mb ton 200 6,788,733 5,006,480 4,910,202 96,278 1,782,253 1,070,738 711,517 (07) 48) ■est virginia 29 796,994 694,822 688,975 5,847 102,172 64,343 17,889 («) 49) V16c0ns1n 271 10,844,108 6,816,838 8,598,918 220,320 2,027,270 1,514,710 512,580 («) 50) •yoking 57 890,740 489,804 458,287 33,517 400,938 194,714 206,212 (30) 91) Alaska - _ _ _ _ _ «. _ (31) 52) hawai i 16 401,065 389,072 350,075 17,997 32,999 19,155 13,838 (37) a/ not included arc substantial amount 6 of sponsors' funds made available in nc« york clty, acports for which arc nor sue irq obtained. ■PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPCRATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1037 25 table is NUMBER ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST Of Bltfft fTSTPM AND OTHER UTILITY PROJ£OT» BY STATES, BY OBJECTS OP EXPCNOinaC, ANO BY SOURCES Or FUNDS UNlTfO STATES EIT IMA TIP TOTAL COST Number labor non-labor line State of total federal sponsors' federal sponsors' Line no. projects total Funds Funds total Funds Funds no. (D (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 1) grand total 14,89? 1405,375,074 1284,690,593 1274,497,144 110,193,449 1120,684,481 157,383,331 ♦63,301,150 ( D ( 2) Alabama 68 5,104,176 2,395,279 2,365,810 29,469 2,700,097 2,292,641 416,256 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 24 682,118 372,718 343,871 28,847 309,400 78,982 230,418 ( 3) ( 4) Arkansas 68 550,260 356,260 345,041 10,419 194,000 61,432 132,568 ( 4) ( 5) California 479 24,182,365 16,753,243 15,436,929 1,316,314 7,429,122 4,744,516 2,664,606 ( 5) ( «) colorado 164 3,662,206 2,289,735 2,177,315 112,420 1,372,471 466,160 906,311 ( 6) t 7) connecticut 390 7,587,057 5,547,699 5,370,266 177,433 2,039,358 783,606 1,255,752 i 7) ( 8) delaware 33 616,252 460,625 428,503 32,122 155,627 74,303 81,324 ( 8) ! 8) district of columbia 5 1,868,742 1,310,657 976,332 334,325 558,085 329,700 228,305 ( 9) (10) Florida 99 3,009,321 1,805,927 1,706,317 99,610 1,203,394 743,057 460,337 (10) (11) georgia 128 7,838,145 4,005,736 3,892,444 113,292 3,832,409 1,722,230 2,110,179 (11) (12) ioaho 81 1,369,001 723,109 652,269 70,840 645,892 132,288 513,604 (12) (13) illinois 380 25,849,149 19,098,005 18,150,945 947,060 6,751,144 4,960,016 1,791,128 (13) (14) indiana 333 6,232,559 4,220,669 4,124,060 96,609 2,011,890 542,803 1,469,087 (14) (15) iowa 177 4,806,953 3,546,702 3,387,673 159,029 1,260,251 669,776 590,475 (15) (16) kansas 193 2,485,615 1,493,146 1,419,385 73,761 992,469 443,973 548,496 (16) (17) kentucky 161 3,320,480 2,135,051 1,985,515 149,536 1,185,429 623,071 562,358 (17) (18) Louisiana 91 4,020,609 2,323,959 2,199,502 124,457 1,696,650 995,535 701,115 (18) (19) maine 116 1,323,322 928,466 868,234 60,232 394,856 84,660 310,196 (19) (20) maryland 131 5,669,104 3,629,013 3,310,071 310,942 2,040,091 1,736,328 303,763 (20) (21) massachusetts 1,572 23,408,688 16,933,647 16,215,680 717,967 6,475,041 893,406 5,581,635 (21) (22) Michigan 595 23,404,316 16,774,302 16,101,430 672,872 6,630,014 3,235,160 3,394,054 (22) (23) minnesota 435 6,833,410 5,107,771 4,966,975 140,796 1,725,639 545,226 1,180,413 (23) (24) Mississippi 98 942,660 536,162 487,339 48,823 406,518 261,220 145,298 (24) (25) Missouri 203 10,183,347 7,040,214 6,865,193 175,021 3,143,133 2,008,054 1,135,079 (25) (26) montana 104 1,393,078 1,031,816 1,011,022 20,794 361,262 102,078 259,184 (26) (27) nebra6ka 255 3,959,241 2,599,569 2,481,991 117,578 1,359,672 463,706 895,966 (27) (28) nevada 19 162,076 91 .,886 82,753 9,133 70,190 30,851 39,339 (28) (29) new Hampshire 173 3,865,542 2,957,139 2,856,242 100,897 908,403 147,981 760,422 (29) (30) new jerky 753 19,072,558 13,293,804 12,922,854 370,950 5,778,754 2,056,852 3,721,902 (30) (31) new mexico 62 765,889 447,793 435,564 12,229 318,096 105,687 212,409 (31) (32) new york a/ 1,535 84,737,903 60,524,375 59,905,544 618,831 24,213,528 14,279,903 9,933,625 (32) (33) north carolina 203 2,329,303 1,372,580 1,290,067 82,513 956,723 274,424 682,299 (33) (34) north dakota 150 2,026,849 1,291,584 1,256,101 35,483 735,265 186,939 548,326 (34) (35) Ohio 1,808 32,729,228 23,744,196 22,969,926 774,270 8,985,032 4,093,608 4,891,424 (35) (36) Oklahoma 219 4,517,515 2,702,071 2,467,569 234,502 1,815,444 700,649 1,034,795 (36) (37) oregon 95 1,402,508 832,739 707,430 45,309 569,769 69,267 500,502 (37) (38) Pennsylvania 1,183 28,258,256 21,882,815 21,678,812 204,003 6,375,441 1,588,802 4,786,639 (38) (39) Rhode island 118 4,628,847 3,692,495 3,527,753 164,742 936,352 857 935,495 (39) (40) south carolina 99 931,089 509,987 461 ,766 48,221 421,102 165,033 255,269 (40) (41) south 0akota 145 1,450,586 949,745 914,902 34,763 500,841 185,800 315,041 (41) (42) Tennessee 103 1,341,405 812,573 729,432 83,141 528,832 190,201 338,631 (42) (43) texas 314 5,473,239 3,269,344 2,907,440 361,904 2,203,095 820,277 1,383,610 (43) (44) utah 176 2,141,594 1,337,876 1,262,707 75,169 803,718 169,143 634,575 (44) (45) vermont 91 963,186 657,030 626,170 30,860 306,156 - 306,156 (45) (46) virginia 220 2,092,533 1,211,784 1,111,177 100,607 880,749 434,747 446,002 (46) (47) ■ashing ton 170 6,691,596 4,789,037 4,571,188 217,849 1,902,559 448,575 1,453,984 (47) (48) ■est virginia 202 2,754,556 2,090,150 2,055,598 34,552 664,406 450,406 214,000 (48) (49) ■ 1 scons1n 628 16,223,969 12,515,167 12,155,434 359,733 3,708,802 1,800,130 1,828,672 (49) (50) ■YOKING 40 438,601 244,172 204,981 39,191 194,429 26,925 167,504 (50) (51) Alaska _ • _ - - _ (51) (52) HAWA1| 8 74,052 50,771 44,742 6,029 23,281 1,547 21,734 (52) A/ not ikcluoed are substantial amount8 of sponsors1 funds made available in new york city, reports for which are now being obtained. 26 ■PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATICN THROUQH JUNE 30. 1937 table 24 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF AIRPORT AND OTHER TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE, AND BY SOURCES OF FUN08 UNITED STATES Estimated Total Cobt state number labor non-labor line of total federal sponsors' federal Sponsors' lit* NO. Projects Total funob fund© total FUNOB Funos no. (D (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (»] ( D GRAND TOTAL 1,301 8116,883,621 174,459,565 $72,101,066 92,356,499 $42,424,056 $30,373,261 $11,830,775 ( D 2) Alabama 22 1,383,064 834,593 813,108 21,405 548,471 466,022 80,449 ( 2) 3) Arizona 8 248,839 170,105 151,535 18,570 78,734 39,213 39,519 ( 3) 4) ARKANSAS 12 289,614 127,374 124,324 3,050 162,440 74,276 88,164 ( 4) 5) california 86 11,729,658 6,690,875 6,102,279 588,596 5,038,783 3,604,233 1,434,530 ( 3) 6) coloraoo 15 894,013 597,570 555,855 41,713 296,443 149,336 147,107 ( «) 7) e) connecticut 23 1,824,572 1,203,148 1,197,249 5,899 621,424 373,509 247,915 ( ^) Delaware 12 208,589 160,639 156,764 3,875 47,950 26,500 21,370 ( 8) 9) District of Columbia 1 264,647 215,884 199,684 16,200 40,763 29,830 18,925 ( 9) 10) Florida 85 2,557,080 1,371,651 1,328,751 42,900 1,185,429 625,319 360,110 (*>) 11) georgia 30 1,880,669 1,017,419 977,645 39,774 063,230 493,353 369,897 (11) 12) idaho 5 336,515 216,889 211,077 5,012 119,626 69,055 49,771 (12) 13) illinois 28 3,343,673 2,120,042 2,096,753 23,209 1,223,631 1,012,144 211,487 (13) 14) indiana 35 2,443,242 1,545,352 1,541,084 4,268 097,090 397,915 299,973 (14) 15) iowa 9 178,540 134,959 131,816 3,143 43,501 26,219 17,362 (15) 16) kansas 12 383,229 261,710 255,305 6,405 121,319 91,629 29,690 (16) 17) kentucky 6 142,792 70,288 54,265 16,023 72,304 35,139 37,343 (17) 18) loui61ana 11 452,419 307,201 296,566 10,713 145,130 30,273 94,065 (10) 19) Maine 31 1,372,749 890,750 869,096 21,652 401,999 280,547 001,452 (19) 20) maryland 18 663,849 432,485 407,515 24,970 231,364 209,971 21 ,393 (®) 21) massachusetts 46 3,203,746 1,988,514 1,044,728 143,786 1,215,232 580,700 634,472 («) 22) michigan 90 5,799,021 4,195,478 3,809,752 385,726 1,603,543 928,271 673,272 (22) 23) minnesota 25 1,857,444 1,298,472 1,285,507 12,865 336,972 426,689 132,313 (23) 24) mississippi 31 1,194,100 508,204 482,443 25,761 685,896 627,362 36,534 (*) 25) missouri 14 698,902 461,815 433,793 28,022 237,087 132,105 *>4,902 (25) 26) montana 28 402,487 263,797 244,900 18,897 138,690 55,214 83,476 (26) 27) nebraska 12 1,498,473 879,361 873,477 5,804 619,112 323,488 93,624 (27) 28) nevada 6 165,176 09,569 85,981 3,588 75,607 26,337 49,270 (») 29) new hampshire 13 702,188 450,502 442,299 0,203 231,666 112,205 139,401 :») 30) new jersey 50 6,112,580 3,778,266 3,600,037 178,229 2,334,314 1,345,010 900,096 (») 31) new mexico 2 741,397 340,012 324,990 15,022 401,385 231,910 168,475 oi) 32) new york a/ 46 24,606,934 17,304,490 17,217,759 86,731 7,302,444 5,093,211 1,400,233 (92) 33) north carolina 26 1,450,614 585,055 578,549 6,506 865,539 597,990 2*7,309 (99) 34) north dakota 11 193,003 103,154 96,938 4,216 90,649 46,866 43,761 oo 35) ohio 48 6,852,602 4,559,640 4,354,694 205,155 2,290,813 1,769,460 S3 ,351 (95) 36) oklahoma 9 411,201 229,101 206,017 21,064 182,100 135,000 47,100 (90) 37) oreoon 27 2,439,714 1,470,218 1,450,753 19,465 989,496 676,235 298,241 (97) 38) pennsylvania 95 14,204,005 10,611,926 10,538,596 73,330 3,592,679 3,067,136 505,541 (90) 39) Rhode Islamo 7 194,638 138,642 131,692 6,930 36,996 10,054 45,942 (90) 40) South Carolina 26 1,610,090 677,601 669,001 14,760 962,297 742,958 169,342 (40) 41) South Dakota 11 271,346 193,764 165,436 6,346 77,562 55,941 21, SI (41) 42) tennessee 29 3,916,147 1,359,067 1,334,741 34,346 2,537,069 2,240,0*7 307,973 (42) 43) Texas 33 803,116 494,756 443,515 31,241 306,362 146,466 150,876 (43) 44) utah 18 1,581,375 628,216 567,032 41,166 953,157 600,063 353,004 (44) 45) vermont 9 255,001 169,414 160,532 6,662 85,667 21,795 61,872 (45) 46) virginia 27 475,636 278,060 273,506 2,550 197,576 132,264 65,292 (46) 47) ■ashimbtow 41 2,240,341 1,969,507 1,512,064 27,469 700,774 366,714 912,060 (47) 48) vest virginia 9 712,830 466,914 462,099 4,413 246,316 164,941 61,375 (46) 49) flSCOMSlN 43 1,151,516 733,900 717,762 16,136 417,596 099,416 110,102 (40) 50) ■YOKING 8 209,510 135,047 131,046 3,999 74,463 47,016 27,447 (50) 51) Alaska - • _ (51) 52) hama| | 10 328,983 157,956 150,606 7,330 171,005 39,645 131,300 (52) t/ NOT ' NCLUPCD ARE SUBSTANTIAL AMOJNTS Of SPONSORS' FUNDS MAOC AVAILABLE IN NEW YORK ClTY, REPORTS FOR WHICH ARE NOR BE I NO OBTAINED. iPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1937 27 TMIC 23 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COM 9 SH ITE COLLAR PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS Or EXPEND I TUNC, «np |Y SOURCES OF FUNDS UNIHO STATES ClTIMftTIP TgTftU gQ.IT State numb" ^S. m=kw2h Line rtate or Total federal sponsors' Federal sponsors' Line no. Projects total Funds Funds total Funds Funds no. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (0) (9) ( D grand total 23,697 1449,237,523 1409,290,555 $398,200,677 $11,089,878 $39,946,968 $22,245,019 $17,701,949 (D ( 2) Alabama 326 3,259,258 3,042,550 3,008,694 33,856 216,708 165,631 51,077 ( 2) ( 3) Arizona 96 1,485,394 1,332,501 1,208,554 123,947 152,093 68,723 84,170 ( 3) t 4) Arkansas 565 2,303,579 2,120,954 2,078,199 42,755 182,625 97,613 85,012 ( 4) ( 5) California 1,729 38,991,298 36,438,798 34,628,945 1,809,053 2,552,500 1,231,386 1,321,114 ( s) ( 6) Colorado 256 4,007,868 3,513,714 3,276,310 237,404 494,154 255,277 238,077 ( 6) ( 7) connect i cut 350 6,229,960 5,398,848 4,919,579 479,269 831,112 344,066 487,046 ( 7) ( 8) Delaware 53 490,802 448,031 435,418 12,613 42,771 22,135 20,636 ( 8) ( 9) District or Columbia 90 6,057,599 5,539,383 5,496,274 43,109 518,216 477,098 41,118 ( 9) (10) Florida 196 4,235,381 3,662,935 3,596,796 66,139 572,446 471,209 101,237 (10) (11) Georqia 997 5,163,132 4,662,159 4,643,367 18,792 500,973 413,476 87,497 (11) (12) idaho 39 724,946 652,048 630,765 21,283 72,898 60,393 12,505 (12) (13) Illinois b37 32,540,352 29,757,600 28,084,927 1,672,673 2,702,752 1,472,675 1,310,077 (13) (14) Indiana 821 5,337,394 5,072,194 5,046,569 25,625 265,200 170,017 95,183 (14) (15) iowa 486 2,807,869 2,560,107 2,547,479 12,708 247,682 163,052 83,830 (15) (16) kansas 299 3,328,045 2,868,762 2,707,492 161,270 459,203 221,297 237,986 (16) (17) kentucky 160 2,810,750 2,304,197 2,214,561 89,636 506,553 290,549 216,004 (17) (18) Louisiana 157 5,166,696 4,687,461 4,646,818 40,643 479,235 249,750 229,485 (18) (19) Maine 128 976,402 872,547 864,968 7,579 103,855 73,895 29,960 (19) (20) maryland 99 2,455,774 2,227,833 2,151,938 75,095 227,941 113,032 114,909 (20) (21) Massachusetts 1,369 29,811,128 27,434,703 26,777,905 656,798 2,376,425 1,179,961 1,196,464 (21) (22) michigan 415 9,357,312 8,626,469 8,394,787 231,682 730,843 451,634 279,209 (22) (23) minnesota 662 10,961,707 10,206,542 10,062,865 143,677 755,165 340,655 414,510 (23) (24) Mississippi 894 3,576,020 3,105,892 3,085,047 20,845 470,128 197,986 272,142 (24) (25) Missouri 315 4,696,809 4,182,398 4,045,746 136,652 514,411 285,375 229,036 (25) (26) montana 129 1,395,959 1,280,863 1,270,082 10,781 115,096 84,069 31,027 (26) (27) nebraska 253 3,161,935 2,785,251 2,669,225 116,026 376,684 126,093 250,591 (27) (28) nevada 65 363,233 295,873 291,383 4,490 67,360 34,070 33,290 (28) (29) New Hampshire 86 1,212,796 1,111,214 1,090,811 20,403 101,582 71,464 30,118 (29) (30) New Jersey 1,150 19,990,850 17,617,667 17,100,150 517,517 2,373,183 710,165 1,663,018 (30) (31) new mexico 158 872,314 798,801 790,400 8,401 73,513 48,650 24,863 (31) (32) new york y 1,521 124,418,019 116,236,700 115,139,211 1,097,489 8,181,319 6,155,358 2,025,961 (32) (33) north Carolina 346 2,876,367 2,631,076 2,615,148 15,928 245,291 128,059 117,232 (33) (34) north Dakota 200 1,781,149 1,566,509 1,463,467 103,042 214,640 90,645 123,995 (34) (35) Ohio 1,091 18,856,933 17,393,988 16,953,890 440,098 1,462,945 682,546 780,399 (35) (36) Oklahoma 201 3,356,844 2,914,531 2,851,779 62,752 442,313 178,091 264,222 (36) (37) Oregon 205 2,545,126 2,208,035 2,113,941 94,094 337,091 168,724 168,367 (37) (38) pen*sylvani a 1,817 33,158,941 29,395,588 20,015,946 579,642 3,763,353 2,218,057 1,545,296 (38) (39) Rhode Island 117 2,280,030 1,862,763 1,819,451 43,312 417,267 80,054 336,413 (39) (40) South Carolina 341 3,473,785 3,007,378 2,963,289 44,089 466,407 183,992 282,415 (40) (41) South Dakota 204 1,728,911 1,182,705 1,003,145 179,560 546,206 53,899 492,307 (41) (42) Tennessee 276 2,298,835 2,029,510 1,975,007 54,503 269,325 169,919 99,406 (42) (43) Texas 845 10,414,649 8,961,054 8,651,207 309,847 1,453,595 909,855 543,740 (43) (44) utah 127 2,228,517 1,857,718 1,750,302 107,416 370,799 191,046 179,753 (44) (45) VERMONT 180 768,267 683,638 603,034 604 84,629 72,292 12,337 (45) (46) virgin!A 671 4,625,481 4,179,464 4,087,760 91,704 446,017 269,841 176,176 (46) (47) Washington 406 5,796,472 5,268,873 4,894,713 374,160 527,599 198,032 329,567 (47) (48) ■est virginia 361 3,011,450 2,487,830 2,419,185 68,645 523,620 169,492 354,128 (48) (49) ■isc0n8in 1,382 10,660,391 9,792,332 9,264,348 527,984 868,059 360,687 499,372 (49) (50) Wyoming 189 962,536 805,961 753,369 52,592 156,575 57,991 98,584 (50) (51) Alaska 1 8,000 2,677 2,677 _ 5,323 5,323 (51) (52) hasai| 16 214,258 213,850 213,754 96 408 120 288 (52) y NOT INCLUOEO ARE SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNTS OF 6P0N60R8' FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE IN NEW YORK ClTY, REPORTS FOR WHICH ARE NOW BEING OBTAINED. 28 WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1937 TABLE 26 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE, AND BY SOURCES OF FUNDS UNITED STATES Eitimated Total Co»t Line No. State Number of Projects Total nm UBOB HOH—LA»OW TffTfll. J±L rtOtBAL fvig fyiPt Sponsors' rvffgt JftL total JlL fcocral jum J&L spoh80r®' rvftpi— lime »g,t (1) QRAND TOTAL 2,511 $92,193,200 $82,550,765 $80,995,673 $1,555,092 $9,642,435 ( 2) Alabama 22 841,507 764,750 764,750 - 76,757 ( 3) Arizona 15 426,068 394,630 392,057 2,573 31,430 ( *) Arkansas 30 584,790 544,357 544,355 2 40,433 ( 5) California 79 4,239,357 3,725,030 3,611,726 113,304 514,327 ( 6) Colorado 12 1,080,901 892,556 884,183 8,373 108,345 ( 7) connecticut 9 1,847,371 1,537,459 1,172,759 364,700 309,912 ( 8) delaware 5 35,925 29,669 27,954 1,715 6,256 ( 9) District of Columbia 4 239,662 194,915 192,911 2,004 44,747 (10) Florida 19 1,723,369 1,449,979 1,449,979 - 273,390 (11) georc1 a 215 1,087,712 980,414 980,414 107,296 (12) Idaho 4 286,378 256,779 256,779 - 29,599 (13) Illinois 21 3,686,360 3,397,375 3,390,375 7,000 288,985 (14) inoi ana 289 950,351 904,976 904,976 - 46,375 (15) lob a 94 409,962 333,985 333,985 - 75,977 (16) Kansas 6 1,126,000 926,359 887,784 38,575 199,641 (17) kentucky 2 1,513,596 1,229,796 1,229,796 - 203,800 (18) louisiana 12 1,657,726 1,403,985 1,400,235 3,750 253,741 (19) maine 5 241,732 202,756 202,756 - 38,976 (20) maryland 2 438,894 354,967 349,267 5,700 63,927 (21) Massachusetts 11 2,377,658 2,133,051 2,039,515 93,536 244,607 (22) Michigan 3 1,093,105 982,195 982,195 - 110,910 (23) Minnesota 130 1,206,326 1,114,716 1,108,316 6,400 91,610 (24) Ml ssi ssippi 167 1,367,608 1,142,573 1,128,361 14,212 225,035 (25) missouri 110 1,613,433 1,488,879 1,461,488 27,391 124,554 (26) Montana 21 207,383 173,920 173,920 - 33,463 (27) Nebraska 49 898,972 768,815 711,182 57,633 130,157 (28) Nevada 11 66,490 45,576 45,489 87 20,914 (29) neb Hampshire 6 412,013 373,101 371,001 2,100 38,912 (30) neb Jersey 34 2,833,181 2,665,036 2,663,246 1,790 168,146 (31) neb Mexico 2 259,378 246,248 246,248 - 13,130 (32) neb York a/ 70 32,231,986 30,487,206 30,031,490 455,716 1,744,780 (33) North Carolina 10 814,783 783,759 783,759 - 31,024 (34) North Dakota 23 397,911 345,976 345,840 136 51,935 (35) Ohio 79 3,801,060 3,518,755 3,510,903 7,772 282,305 (36) Oklahoma 6 912,631 036,714 835,914 800 75,917 (37) Oregon 10 665,879 550,600 549,705 0,895 107,279 (38) penns ylvan | a 78 6,452,131 5,246,504 5,092,321 154,183 1,206,627 (39) Rhode island 5 909,967 594,002 592,032 2,050 315,805 (40) South Carolina 30 1,043,599 957,909 954,246 3,663 85,690 (41) South Oak ota 150 1,008,004 615,962 542,909 73,053 392,042 (42) tenne8see 15 770,889 649,405 646,972 2,433 121,464 (43) Texas 47 2,409,137 2,015,224 2,014,674 550 393,913 (44) utah 36 650,034 543,848 520,264 23,584 106,186 (43) vermont 40 190,781 156,642 156,642 - 34,139 (46) virginia 120 1,391,463 1,171,379 1,117,220 54,159 220,084 (47) vashington 65 1,007,911 965,707 962,272 3,435 42,204 (48) •est virginia 93 1,453,071 1,237,389 1,236,199 1,190 216,482 (49) v1sc0n61n 151 1,160,090 1,071,575 1,059,046 12,529 98,515 (50) » you 1 no 58 167,865 135,202 135,103 99 32,583 (51) Alaska • _ _ _ _ (52) Hawaii - - - - - - $5,781,153 $3,861,282 ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 3) < 6) 75,257 23,144 39,544 101,474 122,370 94,707 3,383 21,926 266,745 100,414 29,599 233,036 «,375 40,341 133,011 234,000 81,267 27,990 26,127 241,530 110,910 82,196 63,960 60.071 33,463 41,602 6,652 34.072 143,605 13,130 1,067,369 31,024 47,749 272,446 72,608 53,982 814,237 51,634 77,123 15,792 90,820 172,221 40,305 32,993 128,056 22,030 92.952 60,716 15,579 1,500 0,294 889 332,853 65,967 215,205 2,873 22,821 6,645 6,884 55,949 35,636 65,830 49,000 172,474 10,986 57,800 3,069 9,414 161,075 63,683 88,555 14,262 4,840 24,540 677.411 4,188 9,838 3,309 53,297 391,390 284,251 8,587 376,250 30,664 221,692 57,681 1,146 92,028 20,174 123,530 27,799 17,004 ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) (10) <11) <12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (» ) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (») (38) (37) (38) (30) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) («) (46) (47) (48) (49) (») (51) (52) a/ not includep arc substantial amount® of sponsor®' funds made available in new york cltv, reports for ■mich are no® being obtained. •PA PROJECTS PLACED tN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30, 1937 29 T A 8 I C 17 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COtt QT RECREATIONAL PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS Of ElPCNOI'»•!. ANO BY SOURCES OF FUND8 UNlTtO STATES Estimated total cost Number labor n0n-labor line t«tc of Total Federal sponsors' federal sponsors' LINE no. projects Total Funds Funds Total funds Funds no. ill (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 1) grand total 2,583 171,499,306 165,389,680 •63,208,055 12,161,625 •6,109,628 •2,027,840 *4,081,788 ( d ( 2) alabama 67 622,891 581,532 573,546 7,966 41,359 18,069 22,*90 { 2) ( 3) arizona 4 146,438 142,285 140,288 1,997 6,153 5,172 981 ( 3) ( «) arkansas 92 594,489 541,701 541,145 556 52,768 22,075 30,713 ( 4) ( 5) california 119 8,413,365 8,114,705 7,767,492 347,213 298,660 80,201 218,459 ( 5 ( 6) Colorado 9 430,333 355,524 354,364 1,160 74,809 31, *33 43,376 ( 6) ( v Connecticut 36 562,391 515,158 470,686 44,472 47,233 19,379 27,854 ( 7) ( 8) delararc 6 73,811 68,335 64,834 3,501 5,476 1,096 4,380 ( 8) ( «) district of columbia 2 248,382 223,676 223,676 - 24,706 24,706 - ( 9) (10) florica 34 101,551 86,006 86,006 - 15,545 6,545 9,000 (10) (11) georgia 166 1,107,285 970,048 968,991 1,057 137,237 103,476 33,759 (11) (12) ioaho 2 146,191 14c,0g3 1*0,003 _ 6,188 6,168 . (12) (13) illinois 156 13,281,476 12,161,876 11,266,862 895,014 1,119,600 345,954 773,646 (13) (1«) indiana 125 2,353,617 2,215,319 2,207,201 8,118 130,298 76,560 61,736 (14) (15) iowa 32 611,553 589,178 588,919 259 22,375 10,566 11,809 (15) (16) kansas 29 519,018 436,609 428,345 8,264 82,409 27,370 55,039 (16) (17) kentucky 7 344,642 263,733 242,698 21,035 80,909 31,668 49,241 (17) (ie) louisiana 10 678,601 638,241 637,741 500 40,360 26,043 14,317 (18) (19) maine 1 1,030 628 596 32 402 - 402 (19) (20) maryland 5 309,762 297,940 297,940 - 11,822 11,822 - (20) (21) massachusetts 266 6,117,228 5,711,762 5,637,622 74,140 405,466 108,134 297,332 (21) (22) michigan 85 2,117,864 1,952, cc1 1,917,119 34,902 165,843 0,300 157,543 (22) (23) minnesota 75 3,024,620 2,694,168 2,681,447 12,721 330,452 117,852 212,600 (23) (2*) mississippi 84 394,897 344,051 344,051 - 50,846 22,745 28,101 (24) (25) missouri 11 228,367 153,404 151,404 2,000 74,963 7,663 67,300 (25) (261 Montana 5 361,244 344,825 344,825 " 16,419 16,419 (26) (27) nebraska 20 714,115 617,642 613,342 4,300 96,473 17,281 79,192 (27) (28) nevada 11 56,743 42,337 42,034 303 14,406 7,795 6,611 (28) (29) new Hampshire 2 40,529 36,850 36,850 - 3,679 3,679 - (29) (30) new jersey 46 2,288,545 1,769,739 1,769,739 - 518,806 86,757 432,049 (30) (31) new mexico 1 173,662 153,982 153,982 - 19,680 5,000 14,680 (3D (32) new york y 75 10,081,002 9,655,562 9,436,536 219,026 425,440 235,403 190,037 (32) (33) north carolina 81 528,299 481,275 477,837 3,438 47,024 19,887 27,137 (33) of) north dakota 55 311,835 289,977 209,843 134 21,058 16,437 5,421 (34) (35) ohio 183 3,978,972 3,587,082 3,450,285 136,797 391,090 66,794 325,096 (35) (36) oklahoma 27 362,100 323,845 302,392 21,453 38,255 4,365 33,890 (36) (37) oregon 3 153,079 130,968 130,968 _ 22,111 4,615 17,496 (37) (38) pennsylvania 107 3,654,201 3,173,232 3,040,975 132,257 480,969 171,674 309,295 (38) (39) Rhode isumo 7 325,350 209,630 289,630 - 35,720 11,968 23,752 (39) («o) south carolina 72 871,700 728,027 716,403 12,424 142,081 21,436 121,445 (40) (♦1) south Dakota 7 258,823 182,718 138,268 44,450 76,105 5,000 71,105 (41) (42) tennessee 19 241,513 222,038 221,216 822 19,475 18,035 1,440 (42) (43) texas 42 776,149 696,283 593,566 102,717 79,866 10,246 69,620 (43) (44) utah 29 587,493 468,940 467,890 1,050 118,553 90,151 28,402 (44) (45) vermont 26 54,622 53,622 53,622 - 1,000 1,000 - (45) (46) virginia 54 457,222 407,208 394,721 12,487 50,014 15,981 34,033 (46) (47) •ashington 39 730,631 714,521 714,521 _ 16,110 15,844 266 (47) (48) •est virginia 62 596,059 453,508 434,547 18,961 142,551 33,109 109,442 (48) (49) ■ 1 scons in 118 1,256,232 1,184,005 1,177,926 6,079 72,227 29,847 42,380 (49) (50) vy0mih6 65 186,991 162,774 162,774 - 24,217 5,298 18,919 (50) (51) Alaska _ _ _ _ _ - - (51) (52) hawaii 4 20,387 20,387 20,387 - " - " (52) A/ NOT INCLUDED ARE SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNTS OF SPONSORS' FUND6 MADE AVAILABLE IN NEW YORK ClTY, REPORT 6 FOR WHICH ARE NUW BEING OBTAINED. 30 »PA PROJECTS PLAQEO IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1987 table 28 NUMBER ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF QOODS PR0JE0T8 BV STATES, BY OBJECTS Or EXPENDITURE, AND BY SOURCES OF FUN08 UNITEO STATES ESTI MATED TOTAL COiT number labor nqh-labor LINE state OF Total Federal sponsors* feotral sponsors' line NO. projects Total Funds funds T?TAli funps funds m- (1) (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) (7) (?) (?) ( D GRANO TOTAL 9,896 1361,147,013 »301,639,859 1300,476,340 11,163,519 179,507,154 159,106,969 120,400,195 (1) ( 2) Alabama 186 6,666,595 5 ,400,431 5,398,609 1 ,822 1,266,164 1,163,582 82,582 ( 2) ( 3) ARIZONA 22 1,733,877 1,307,074 1,377,374 9,700 346,803 310,111 36,692 ( 3) ( 4) Arkansas 250 3,313,980 2,586,077 2,576,726 9,351 727,903 313,352 414 ,551 ( B) ( 5) california 192 34,681,930 30,059,680 29,879,569 180,111 4,622,250 3,071,864 650,386 ( 3) ( 6) coloraoo 169 8,421,372 6,993,874 6,964,395 29,479 1,427 ,490 1,003,234 424 ,264 ( 6) ( 7) connect 1 cut 168 2,625,951 1,986,691 1,973,763 12,928 639,260 407,162 232,096 ( 7) ( 8) delaware 5 708,841 612,465 612 ,465 - 96,370 83,564 12,812 ( •) ( 9) 01 strict of columbia 5 2,194,877 1,916,498 1,914,998 1,500 270,379 275,730 2,649 ( 9) (10) florioa 161 3,759,782 3,163,648 3,162,410 1,236 596,134 550,700 45,431 (10) (ID GEORGIA 242 7,302,599 5,933,991 5,933,756 235 1,368,606 1,208,704 159,994 (11) (12) Idaho 125 1,575,294 1 ,298,228 1,282,985 15,243 277,066 163,925 113,141 (1?) (13) illinois 248 14,761,130 11,266,507 11,190,544 76,043 3,494,543 2,656,494 838,049 (13 (14) INDIANA 350 9,007,372 7,354,473 7,330,004 24,469 1,652,899 1,000,233 652,666 (14, (15) iova 226 4,146,263 „ 3,197,355 3,157,562 39,793 948,908 403,454 545,454 (15) (16) kansas 240 7,569,024 5,486,281 5,468,150 18,131 2,082,743 1,068,038 994,706 (16 ! (17) kentucky 221 4,610,872 3,372,491 3,364,752 7,739 1,238,381 939,605 298,686 (17) (18) louisiana 66 3,104,994 2,688,631 2,686,963 1,648 416,363 377,162 39,201 (18) (19) maine 128 1,429,038 1,116,056 1,098,353 17,703 312,982 183,719 129,263 (19) (20) Maryland 19 1,677,255 1 ,420,924 1 ,420,924 - 256,331 224 ,211 32,120 (20) (21) massachusetts 687 33,347,210 26,386,090 26,318,691 67,399 6,961 ,128 5,742,880 1,278,248 (21) (22) michigan 199 6,096,425 5,111,092 5,081,705 29,307 985,333 840,435 >44 ,096 (22) (23) minnesota 279 8,150,316 6,675,607 6,660,417 15,190 1,474,709 948,470 526,239 (23) (24) mississippi 331 4,226,160 3,340,709 3,340,709 - 885,451 813,729 71,722 (24) (25) mlssouri 286 16,448,623 13,658,877 13,596,664 62,213 2,789,746 2,224,696 565,080 (23) (26) montana 153 3,445,506 2,748,966 2,739,584 9,402 696,520 393,697 302 ,823 (26) (27) nebraska 161 4,097,889 3,028,419 3 ,012,430 15,989 1,000,470 728,950 340,520 (27) (28) nevada 23 449,863 357,959 356,216 1,743 91,904 42 ,825 49,079 (28) (29) new hampshire 78 2,011,638 1,804,807 1,797,056 7,751 206,831 175,557 31,274 (29) (30) new jersey 350 12,449,462 9,604,764 9,577,397 27,367 2,844,696 2,151,570 093,128 (30) (31) new mexico 59 1,090,584 632,332 830,710 1,622 258,252 235 ,056 23,196 (31) (32) new york a/ 509 31,824,331 23,851,945 23,718,101 133,844 7,972,386 4,986,883 2,905,503 (32) (33) north carolina 205 8,113,172 6,231,284 6,217,162 14,122 1 ,881,688 1,534,825 347,003 (33) (34) north dakota 100 2,017,641 1,705,709 1,705,148 561 311,992 208,847 103 ,003 (3*1 (35) Ohio 512 22,667,784 18,929,135 18,870,755 50,380 3,736,649 2,383,141 1,356 ,506 (»> (36) oklahoma 209 6,573,008 5,355,614 5,340.661 14,953 1 ,217,394 950,980 200,414 (38) (37) Oregon 56 2,097,073 2,501,925 2,494,466 7,459 395,148 340,070 35,078 (37) (38) penn8ylvan | a 449 31,169,274 23,299,503 23,264,382 35,121 7,869,771 7,391,550 478,221 (38) (39) rhode island 47 3,652,418 2,923,023 2,909,964 13,059 729,395 369,102 300,293 (39) (40) south carolina 185 4,819,932 3,963,014 3,957,960 5,854 856,118 651,473 204,045 (40) (41) south oakota 217 4,743,470 3,036,734 3,835,936 798 906,736 442,111 404,025 (41) (42) Tennessee 186 5,676,076 3,995,822 3,959,322 36,500 1,680,254 1,434,740 245,508 («) (43) Texas 509 16,458,770 12,232,761 12,213,280 19,481 4,226,000 3,704,446 521,563 (43) (44) utah 58 1,820,512 1,304,873 1,304,209 664 523,639 349,125 174,514 (44) (45) vermont 119 1,086,131 749,158 732,966 16,192 336,973 222 ,023 114,350 (45) (46) VIRGINIA 257 4,306,695 3,607,020 3,596,913 10,107 699,675 476,963 222,712 (46) (47) washington 97 4,905,469 3,701,260 3,663,652 37,608 1 ,204 ,209 903,985 300,244 (47) (48) ■est virginia 130 4,670,487 3,592,951 3,573,198 19,753 1,077,536 859,975 217,501 (40) (49) wisconsin 280 11,210,566 7,921,807 7,863,135 58,072 3,288,750 1,061,520 2,227,239 (49) (50) Wyoming 57 1,329,438 1,063,545 1,061,000 2,545 265,093 183,422 82,471 (50) (51) alaska - _ _ _ _ _ _ (51) (52) hawai| 5 92,036 00,879 80,229 650 11,157 0,400 2,757 (52) A/ NOT I fvCLUDED ARE SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNTS OF SPONSORS* FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE IN NEW YORK C IT V, REPORTS FOR ww I CM ARC NOR BEING OBTAINED. 1PA PROJECTS PLACEO IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30, 1937 31 T A I I I 19 NUMBER AND ESTIMATEO TOTAL COBT Of IMITATION AND HEALTH PROJECTS BY STATES, BY OBJECTS Or CXPFNOl 1XJ*(, AND BY SOURCES OF FUNDS UNITED STATES E>timated tqtac cost num scr labor nonh-abor Line draft or Total Fcocral Sponsors' feocral sponsors' LINE no. projects Total Funds Funds Total funds funds NO. id , (2) 0) (4) (5) (6] (7) (8) (9) ( 1) GRAND TOTAL 3,754 $112,654,608 $84,738,972 $84,050,994 $687,978 $27,915,636 $6,886,210 $21,029,418 ( D ( 2) Alabama 28 2,022,248 1,675,651 1,670,973 4,670 346,397 99,207 247,390 ( 2) ( 3) arizona 28 703,657 405,484 377,499 27,905 298,173 42,473 255,700 ( 3) t «) arkansas 2C2 2,390,492 1,404,168 1,397,077 7,091 986,324 196,000 786,324 ( 4) ( 5) california 40 1,790,528 1,282,869 1,260,794 22,075 507,659 65,342 442,317 ( 5) ( 6) Colorado 50 796,454 557,058 557,058 - 241,396 55,542 185,854 ( «) ( 7) connect 1 cut 25 1,127,285 971,911 966,411 5,500 155,374 130,707 24,667 ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) delaware 19 661,417 491,125 491,125 - 170,292 85,934 84,358 ( s) District of Columbia 2 105,778 88,507 82,457 6,050 17,271 417 16,854 ( 9) (10) florida 34 879,262 748,355 741,042 7,313 130,907 38,501 92,406 (10) (11) georgia 327 2,351,075 1,939,044 1,918,697 20,347 412,031 47,076 364,955 (h) (12) idaho 51 670,006 377,899 356,890 21,009 292,107 30,683 261,424 (12) (13) illinois 80 9,877,439 9,301,704 9,210,189 91,515 575,735 451,790 123,945 (13) (*0 indiana 146 6,120,702 4,445,364 4,439,218 6,146 1,675,338 607,862 1,067,476 (14) («) iowa 35 364,997 266,914 260,914 6,000 98,063 28,385 69,698 (15) (14) kansas 137 2,421,627 1,256,019 1 ,248,981 7,038 1,165,608 192,911 972,697 (16) (") kentucky 134 2,116,931 934,930 928,984 5,946 1,102,001 125,141 1,056,860 (17) (18) louisiana 49 1,149,111 827,877 614,766 13,111 321,234 68,728 252,506 (18) (19) maine 51 84,119 67,362 64,889 2,473 16,757 10,937 5,820 (19) (20) maryland 17 325,239 160,516 160,516 - 164,723 14,007 150,716 (20) (21) massachusetts 120 2,101,404 2,014,908 1,966,643 28,265 86,496 19,367 67,129 (21) (22) michigan 4 30,162 24,450 24,003 447 5,712 4,344 1,368 (22) (23) minnesota 10 1,210,026 1,148,441 1,148,335 106 61,585 56,311 5,274 (23) (24) mississippi 156 2,328,672 1,483,387 1,476,532 6,855 845*205 94,414 750,071 (24) (25) missouri 28 5,119,891 4,270,710 4,260,630 10,080 849,181 801,846 47,335 (25) (26) montana 53 1,125,830 703,038 700,637 2,401 422,792 51,897 370,895 (26) (27) nebraska 51 1,011,655 568,526 567,951 575 443,129 67,709 375,420 (27) (28) nevada 1 20,000 14,500 14,500 - 5,500 500 5,000 (28) (29) new hampshire 3 10,829 10,299 9,843 456 530 21 509 (29) (30) new JERSEY 54 2,285,233 1,717,962 1,701,403 16,559 567,271 106,432 458,839 (30) (31) new mexico 39 896,735 764,390 764,390 - 132,345 111,394 20,951 (31) (32) new YORK a/ 43 12,178,102 11,069,272 11,012,096 57,176 1,108,830 943,964 164,866 (32) (33) north carolina 156 3,254,518 2,059,714 2,027,770 31,944 1,194,804 274,693 920,111 (33) (34 ) North Dakota 102 1,427,207 792,398 792,343 55 634,809 70,506 564,303 (34) (35) ohio 175 6,959,325 4,409,663 4,377,639 32,024 2,549,662 96,718 2,450,944 (35) (36) oklahoma 121 4,754,738 3,246,453 3,240,696 5,757 1,508,285 415,607 1,092,678 (36) (37) OREGON 36 746,379 514,875 509,221 5,654 231,504 41,007 190,497 (37) (38) PENN8YLVAN I A 163 5,393,016 4,384,069 4,376,909 7,160 1,006,947 234,236 774,711 (38) (39) Rhode island 29 1,503,612 1,391,077 1,384,173 6,904 112,535 1,039 111,496 (39) (40) South Carolina 154 3,908,091 2,470,976 2,468,579 2,397 1,437,915 126,333 1,311,582 (40) (41) South Dakota 47 352,797 290,607 290,487 120 62,190 37,575 24,615 (41) (42) Tennessee 113 6,558,195 3,792,320 3,746,195 46,125 2,765,875 194,962 2,570,913 (42) («3) texas 181 4,243,086 3,209,054 3,088,279 120,775 1,034,031 344,444 689,587 (43) (44) utah 53 2,071,396 1,444,641 1,442,768 1,873 626,755 75,165 551,590 (44) (45) VERMONT - - - - - - - - (45) (46) virginia 163 2,237,913 1,863,384 1,801,325 2,059 354,529 174,780 179,749 (46) (47) washington 38 605,063 484,712 480,218 4,494 120,351 33,947 86,404 (47) (48) west virginia 128 3,266,189 2,619,794 2,593,470 26,324 648,395 141,466 506,929 (48) (49) wisconsin 54 824,010 593,520 585,141 8,379 230,490 61,480 169,010 (49) (50) wyoming 22 267,368 159,075 150,330 8,737 108,293 6,418 101,875 (50) (51) Alaska _ _ _ . _ _ (51) (52) hawai1 - - ~ "* ~ (52) a/ not includeo are substantial amount8 of 8pon80r8* funds made available in new york city, reports for which are now being obtained. 26603 0-37 4 32 SPA PROJECTS PLACEO IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 80, 1937 TABLE 30 NUMBER ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS BY STATES# BY OBJECTS OF EXPENOI TURE, AND BY SOURCES OF FUNDS UNITED STATES e>Timatco Total Coat LINE STATE numbtk of Total federal sponsors' feocral sponsors' line NO. PROJECTS Total Funds funds Total Funds Funds mo. (1) <2 r (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (*} (9) ( d GRAND TOTAL 9,892 $128,829,723 $102,773,536 $100,600,544 $2,172,992 $26,056,167 $14,542,051 $11/514,136 ( d ( *) alabama 218 1,593,451 1,260,564 1,248,706 11,858 332,887 246,123 86,764 ( 2) ( 3) arizona 53 666,693 488,258 445,630 42,628 178,435 92,332 86,103 ( ») ( «> Arkansas 244 1,706,357 1,260,142 1,247,487 12,655 446,215 205,306 240,907 ( «) ( 5) California 396 9.036,727 7,757,023 7,495,134 261,669 1,279,704 306,556 773,148 ( 3) ( 6) colorado 201 2,497,472 2,122,186 2,113,786 8,400 375,286 264,339 110,947 ( 6) (y) connecticut 99 509,178 415,946 400,876 15,070 93,232 23,065 66,167 ( 7) ( 8) dclabare 7 82,721 69,069 68,339 730 13,652 12,731 921 ( •) ( 9) 01 STRICT of columbia 10 1,420,303 1,058,697 1,057,897 800 369,606 364,935 4,071 ( 9) (10) flgrioa 58 1,386,201 911,718 886,041 25,677 474,483 251,919 222,564 (10) (11) georgia 428 2,252,817 1,510,173 1,492,064 18,109 742,644 478,391 264,253 (11) (12) idaho 91 598,664 430,199 424,237 5,962 168/415 85,591 82,874 («) (13) illin0i6 453 7,787,995 6,554,915 6,357,112 197,803 1,233,060 956,275 276,805 (13) (1«) indiana 370 2,644,679 1,962,173 1,968,503 13,670 662,506 473,067 166,639 (h) (15) iota 227 1,482,517 1,215,303 1,170,480 44,823 267,214 232,831 34,363 (15) (16) kansas 175 1,100,817 856,899 840,542 16,357 243,918 100/452 143,400 (10) (") KENTUCKY 52 2,510,502 1,717,453 1,701,767 15,686 793,049 661,853 131,196 (17) (16) louisiana 135 2,263,957 1,912,302 1,835,242 57,060 351,655 249,140 102,515 (18) (19) maine 38 277 ,632 186,330 142,825 43,508 91,302 54,329 36/973 (19) (20) MARYLAND 41 580,071 432,047 403,142 28,906 148,02* 81,394 66,630 (20) (21) MASSACHUSETTS 562 9,743,499 8,330,328 8,234,59* 95,734 1,413,171 432,114 981 ,057 (21) (22) MICHIGAN 279 3,542,616 3,172,088 3,141,560 30,528 370,528 169,296 201,232 (22) (23) minnesota 273 2,481,993 1,905,568 1,894,960 10,606 576/425 323,366 253,037 (23) (2«) mississippi 365 2,366,209 1,783,8*0 1,777,975 5,865 362,369 482,116 100,233 (24) (25) missouri 176 2,460,932 1,851,115 1,819,709 31/406 609,817 334,502 275,315 (23) (26) MONTANA 135 673,629 546,592 523,793 22,799 127,037 26,307 100,730 (20) (27) nebraska 100 1,156,665 822,881 788,363 34,518 333,784 170,279 163,305 (27) (28) NEVADA 26 596,267 390,188 377,367 12,821 206,079 116,663 89,226 (28) (29) new hampshire 36 362,914 262,703 236,959 25,744 100,211 48,754 51/457 (29) (30) new jersey 176 4,189,881 3,368,323 3,303,739 64,584 821,556 418,626 402,990 (») (31) NEW MEXICO 48 530,765 364,002 360,627 3,375 166,763 137,326 29/435 (31) (32) neb york a/ 265 21,901,762 18,568,445 18,369,787 178,658 3,333,317 2,394,215 939,102 (32) (33) north carolina 401 1,752,630 1,391,960 1,373,084 18,876 360,670 104 ,577 236,099 <») (34) north dakota 212 837,735 719,079 717,108 1,974 116,656 32,010 66,040 (*) (35) Ohio 573 7,698,401 6,572,860 6,448,002 124,058 1,123,541 610,107 307,434 (») (36) oklahoma 254 2,445,414 1,493,379 1,404,721 86,658 952 ,035 527,768 424,207 (38) (37) oregon 121 906,775 603,415 595,875 7,540 303,360 250/465 52,695 (37) (38) pennsylvania 483 5,912,151 4,583,618 4,431,625 151,993 1 ,326,533 711,664 996,869 (38) (39) rhode island 22 517,807 461,634 464,742 6,892 36,173 26,501 29,672 (39) («0) south carolina 185 2,526,825 1,549,291 1,530,221 19,070 9H ,534 110,389 858,945 (90) («1) South Dakota 62 703,033 428,942 426,921 2,021 274,091 104,659 169/432 (01) (42) tennessee 29* 1,978,197 1,583,014 1,549,22* 33,790 395,163 123 ,647 271,336 (42) (43) texas 380 2,576,676 1,902,337 1,800,990 101,347 674,339 194,793 479,540 (03) (44) utah 127 1,086,959 705,488 757,428 28,060 301/471 66,727 234,744 (00) (45) vermont 39 271,726 214,585 213,400 1,185 57,141 46,00 9,116 (03) (46) virginia 348 2,860,524 2,071,067 2,025,150 45,917 789,457 609,065 179,792 (00) (47) Sashinqton 128 2,462,536 1,930,099 1,612,889 117,210 332,437 167,626 364,011 (07) (48) ■est virginia 176 1,513,137 1,057,037 1,022,634 34,403 456,100 220/360 235,740 (0«) (49) fi8cgn8in 285 1,867,707 1,604,219 1,557,237 46,962 263,466 113,579 140,909 (09) (50) woming 63 477,684 295,278 291,423 3,855 162/406 •*,772 97,63* (30) (51) Alaska • _ _ _ _ (51) (52) haba11 2 19,920 18,764 16,630 134 1,156 906 246 (52) a/ not included are substantial amounts 0t sponsors' FUNDS made available in neb york cltv, reports pop onion arc not kins obtained. WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION Through June 30, 1937 State Summaries 35 ■pa projects placed in qpcration through junc 30. 1937 t a i i c 31 nuudtfl and fbthurto t6tai cost iv tyrc9 or projects and iv e»tmt1hq itatui alabama M-964 LINE no. tvpc of project aotivc projects completed projects line no. Number estimated amount Total Cost PERCENT Number est(mateo Total cost number est ima ted total cost (i) U) 0) (4) (5) («) (7) (8) ( 1) grand total 1,646 145,475,390 100.0 386 116,332,688 1,260 127,142,702 ( 1) ( 2) HI unsays, r0a08, and streets aas 17,^,95? 36.1 111 6,701,799 m 10,542,154 ( z) ( 3) hiqhsays - primary roads 71 2,964,792 6.5 13 869,395 58 2,095,397 ( 3) ( «) farm—to—market and other secondary r0a08 27 1,050,001 2.3 10 230,061 17 019,940 ( 4) ( 5) streets and alleys 79 1,720,208 3.8 16 009,082 63 911,186 ( 3) ( 6) sroesalks, curbs, and paths 10 117,587 0.3 2 63,196 e 54,391 ( 8) ( 7) roaotldc improvements 9 209,959 0.5 4 128,087 5 81,672 ( 7) ( a) bridges and viaducts 15 486,311 1.0 3 132,986 12 353,325 ( 8) ( 9) grade-cross 1no elimination - _ _ _ _ _ ( 9) (10) other a/ 173 10,775,035 23.7 65 4,548,992 108 6,226,043 (10) (ii) public Buildings 3« 5,913,445 13.0 84 2,240,470 281 3,672,967 (11) (12) Administrative 34 717,292 1.6 8 367,399 26 349,893 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and rental institutions 6 69,400 0.1 2 38,533 4 30,867 (13) (M) Educational 168 1,978,861 4.3 32 732,536 136 1,246,325 (14) (15) Social ano recreational 51 633,689 1.4 10 218,753 41 414,936 (15) (16) federal (including military ano naval) 3 159,686 0.4 2 133,719 1 25,967 (16) (") Improvement or grounds 21 187,595 0.4 e 78,148 13 109,447 (17) (10) housing ano oemolitiom - _ _ _ (18) (19) other y 62 2,166,922 4.8 22 671,390 60 1,495,532 (19) (20) parrs amd other recreational facilities 39 1,519,477 3.4 11_ 494,211 28 1,025,266 (20) (21) playgrounds ano athletic fields 12 85,761 0.2 5 67,346 7 18,415 (21) (22) parks 22 1,176,773 2.6 4 261,656 18 915,117 (22) (23) other y 5 256,943 0.6 2 165,209 3 91,734 (23) (24) conservation 10 689,723 1.5 6 419,252 4 270,471 (24) (25) forestation - _ _ z - z _ (25) (26) erosion control and land utilization 1 22,590 s/ 1 22,590 _ _ (26) (2?) irrigation and rater conservation 5 432,120 1.0 2 191,234 3 240,886 (27) (28) plant, chop, and livestock conservation 2 43,096 0.1 1 13,511 1 29,585 (28) (29) other y 2 191,917 0.4 2 191,917 - - (29) (30) Sever Systems and Other utilities 68 5,104,176 11.2 13 1,559,626 55 3,544,550 (30) (31) rater purification amd supply 20 220,077 0.5 1 23,923 19 196,154 (31) (32) sever systems 36 861,166 1.9 7 192,701 29 668,4o5 (32) (33) Electric utilities 3 70,472 0.2 1 60,861 2 17,611 (33) (34) other y 9 3,944,461 8.6 4 1,282,141 5 2,662,320 (34) (35) airports and other transportation 22 1,383,064 3.0 11 1,054,136 21 328,929 (35) (36) airports amd airrays 20 1,356,724 2.9 10 1,049,849 10 306,875 (36) (37) navigation 2 26,340 0.1 1 4,267 1 22,053 (37) (38) ot*r y ~ - " " - " (38) (39) Shite Collar Projects 326 3,259,256 7.2 63 1,067,598 263 2,191,660 (39) (40) Educational 22 041,507 1.9 7 85,980 15 755,527 (40) (41) Recreational 67 622,891 1.4 7 248,703 60 374,188 (41) (42) professional and clerical 237 1,794,660 3.9 49 732,915 188 1,061,945 (42) (43) goods projects 186 6,666,595 14.7 37 2,033,703 149 3,832,892 (43) (44) sewing 138 5,086,928 11.2 34 1,960,842 104 3,106,086 (44) (43) camming 2 1,030 2/ - _ 2 1,030 (45) («6) oti«r y 46 1,578,637 3.5 3 852,861 43 725,776 (46) (<7) sanitation ano health 28 2,022,248 4.4 12 1,353,748 16 668,500 (47) (48) el inination of stream pollution - - - _ _ _ (48) (40) mosquito eradication 6 1,282,145 2.8 3 943,201 3 338,944 (49) (») other y 22 740,103 1.6 9 410,547 13 329,556 (50) (31) Miscellaneous 218 1,593,451 3.5 36 528,137 182 1,065,314 (51) recapitulation (52) brand total - all programs 1,646 45,475,390 100.0 386 18,332,688 1,260 27,142,702 (52) (53) state 1,508 45,031,381 99.0 373 18,222,918 1,135 26,808,463 (33) (34) Federal nationwide C/ 138 444,009 1.0 13 109,770 125 334,239 (34) kj includes projects class i f i asl.c under wore than one of the headings above. b/ leas than 0.05 percent. y classified under professional and clerical on line 42. 36 ■ PA PROJECTS PI AC CD IN QPCMTlQN THWQUOM JUKI 30, 193 7 T A • L E NUMBER AND EST tMATEO TOTAL OOtT IV TYPCl Of PROJECTS AND IV OPERATING STATUS (25 ( (27 ( (W (» (31 (32 (33 (3* (35 (36 (37 ( (3« (40 [41 (42 (43 (44 (43 (46 (47 (46 (49 (30 _11l J1L ESTIMATED TOUy CO*T riMIWT ail J±i_ Aerivc Projects .ggffT JIL comnrrto projects carimatco whsta . „ TQfAj COST forestatiok erosion control and land utilization iunioat ion ano water conservation plant, crop, ano livestock consenvat ion other a/ sever systems am other utilities water puriri cation and supply Sewer systems Electric utilities other a/ Airports and other transportation Airports ano airways ravibat ior other a/ «h|tc collar projects Educational RECREATIONAL Professional ano clerical goods projects sew i ms canninb other a/ sanitation ano health Elimination or strcar pollution Mosquito eradication otic* a/ — «• — 14 170,861 1.0 2 2,403 2/ 5 164,198 1.0 24 682,118 3.9 11 366,341 2.1 7 227,496 1.3 2 19,235 0.1 4 66,646 0.4 8 246,839 111 7 240,608 1.4 1 8,234 2/ 96 1,488,394 6.5 13 426,068 2.4 4 148,438 0.6 77 910,868 5.3 22 1.733.877 10.1 19 1,642,09 9.5 1 23,909 0.2 2 67,109 0.4 26 703.657 4.1 (51) MISCELLANEOUS 26 53 703,637 666,693 33 6 55.631 61,774 387,271 227,202 99,973 30,094 168.626 177.392 6.234 ■21.436 4.1 3.9 17 12 344,364 344.364 2«.t7c AIL i 1 17 7 5 2 * u « 1 51 (1) grand total 624 9 1 7,244,326 100.0 167 97,664,154 437 99,560,174 ( 2) highways, roads, ano St met b m 7,222,086 41,9 44 2.90.973 222 4,296,063 i s) highways - primary roads ii 951,030 5.5 4 460,741 7 490,20 ( 4) earn-to-markct ano OTHER secondary roads 40 1,474,887 8.6 10 475,646 30 999,206 ( 5) streets ano alleys 18 637,692 3.7 2 51,691 16 566,201 I 6) slocvalks, curbs, ano paths 14 265,111 1.5 4 77,774 10 167,337 < 7) roadside improvements 21 1,70,254 10.4 a 517,947 13 1,367,307 ( 8) brioscs and viaducts 2 35,548 0.2 1 0,10 1 10.423 ( 9) grade—crossing elimination 6- - - — - • (10) other y 36 2,072,364 12.0 15 1,317,046 23 795,310 (11) public buildings 179 3,353,322 22*3 42 1.221.452 222 2.131.670 (12) aonin(itratiic 14 146,126 0.6 5 66,964 9 77,142 (13) charitable, medical, ano mental institutions 22 630,604 3.7 3 122,674 19 507,930 (14) educational 69 929,761 5.4 16 392,043 53 537,736 (15) social and recreational 30 930,689 5.4 11 363,462 19 567,197 (16) federal (including military and naval) 5 256,00 1.5 2 0,083 3 166.032 (") improvement or orounob 33 391,797 2.3 4 10,023 29 236,774 (18) housing and demolition — - • * - — (19) ot>«r k/ 6 66,270 0.4 1 21,213 ; 47,087 (20) parks and other recreational facilities 49 810.910 4.7 12 330.436 37 40.434 ("«) playgrounds ano athletic fields 13 134,725 0.6 5 46,412 6 66,31) (22) parks 5 106,097 0.6 1 52,407 4 53.60 (23) other a/ 31 570,088 3.3 6 231,617 0 336,471 (24) conservation 21 337,462 2.0 _5 137,608 16 10.667 m.too 2.6c1 e,«i 1KK7 1S.W 127,521 1S.22B *.252 *1.015 63,cnl 37.720 x.tm 571.167 n. ooo 67,100 00,201 150,291 621.521 ( 1) i 2) I 1) ( «> I ») ( •) ( 7) ( •) ( •) (0) I") (It) (11) (K) (»9) (») (17) (») (») (20) mi m (»» (*•) (*») (22) (27) (22) (22) (20) (11) (*») (") IN) (») (22) (27) (*) (••! (60) («') («) («1) («) H») («•) («) (60) («•) (50) (01) ec«.iruurio* (52) 606NO T01AL - Au. (53) (56) STATC rCOOUL NAT I 666 IOC C/ 501 21 17,001,6« 262,683 00.6 1.6 187 181 a/ incluoci 6nq66c1b o-amif iak.t u.dca mori than ohc 06 thc h^aoinoi anovc. j/ lcii than 0.05 66acott. y cla6h6icd umocr pr06c661 oral ano clerical om link 62. 7.m6.ts4 7,570,015 106,110 618 10 0,5^176 0,421,(10 (02) (02) (06) IPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUQH JUNE 30, 1937 37 NUUKN AND € ®T I MA f 10 TOTAL COST IY TYPII Of PROJECTS AND BY OPIMTINQ ATA TUB ahanmi M-964 Total AOTIVC Projects COMPLETED projects LINE ho. number Estimated tstal Cost Amount percent number Estimated Total Oobt number est 1hated total cost line no. (1) (2) (3) (4) (9) (e) (7) (a) ( 1) qrano total 3,316 • 38,697,293 100.0 910 9 14,201,196 2,406 3 24,496,097 ( 1) ( *) highways, roads, and streets 1,232 19,834,455 51*3 351 7.769.913 901 12.084.542 ( 2) ( 3) highways - primary roads 2 265,693 0.7 1 62,792 1 202,901 ( 3) ( 4) farm-to market ano other secondary roads 922 13,542,518 40.2 282 6,174,643 640 9,367,875 ( 4) ( 5) streets ano alleys 203 2,567,504 6.6 31 819,779 172 1,747,725 ( 3) f 6) sidewalks, curbs, ano paths 37 29C, 793 0.7 7 98,938 30 191,855 ( 6) ( 7) roadside 1npro vcncmt s 9 141,084 0.4 5 130,126 4 10,958 ( 7) ( e) br 1 does and viaducts 54 745,331 1.9 21 414,427 33 330,904 ( ») ( 9) grade-cross inc elimination - - - - - - - ( 9) (10) other y 25 301,532 0.8 4 69,208 21 232,324 (10) (1») («) public Buildinm Administrative 484 22 4,663.303 152,652 12.0 0.4 100 4 1,512.337 52,081 384 10 3.150.946 100,571 (11) (12) (13) Charitable, ucdical, and mental inbtitutionb 15 504,433 1.3 1 111,816 14 392,417 (13) (*) Educational 274 1,954,884 5.0 60 694,940 214 1,259,944 (14) (13) social ano recreational 100 1,383,751 3.6 26 499,894 74 883,857 (15) (W) federal (including military ano naval) 7 115,233 0.3 2 21,071 5 94,162 (16) (") improvement of grounds 50 432,179 1.1 5 103,076 45 329,103 (17) (18) housing ano demolition - - - - - - - (18) (19) other k/ 16 120,171 0.3 2 29,479 14 90,692 (15) (20) (*1) Parks and Other recreational Facilities Playgrounds and athletic fields 106 31 2,114.733 272,580 5.5 0.7 22. 4 1,036,200 5O,909 70 27 1.078,525 221,591 (20) (21) (22) parks 21 427,436 1.1 7 160,299 14 267,137 (22) (23) other a/ 54 1,414,717 3.7 25 824,920 29 569,797 (23) (24) (25) Conservation forestation 133 1 1,510,320 16,138 3.9 i/ _3 113.091 130 1 1.396.429 16,138 (24) (25) (26) Erosion control and lano utilization 1 5,728 1/ - - 1 5,728 (2») (27) irrigation amd water conservation 126 1,451,083 3.8 3 113,891 123 1,337,192 (27) (28) plant, crop, ano livestock conservation 1 366 2/ - - 1 366 (28) (29) OTHER K/ 4 37,005 0.1 " - 4 37,005 (29) (») (31) Sewer Systems ako other utilities eater purification and supply 68 22 550.260 160,053 1,4 0.4 7 2 135.505 38,626 61 20 414.755 121,427 00) (31) (32) sewer systems 35 301,849 0.8 2 35,543 33 266,306 (32) (33) Electric utilities 5 29,309 0.1 1 17,831 4 11,478 (33) (3*) other k/ 6 59,049 0.1 2 43,505 4 15,544 (34) (35) Airports and other Transportation 12 209.014 0.7 _2 24.510 10 265,304 (35) (36) airports ako airways 4 199,203 0.5 - - 4 199,203 (38) (37) navigation 8 90,611 0.2 2 24,510 6 66,101 (37) (38) other A/ " " - ~ - (38) (39) •mite collar projects 565 2,303,579 6.0 215 888.082 350 1.415.497 (39) (40) Educational 30 584,790 1.5 13 325,394 17 259,396 (40) (61) recreational 92 594,489 1.6 5 43,884 87 550,605 (41) (62) professional ami clerical 443 1,124,300 2.9 197 510,804 246 605,496 (42) (63) (66) gooos projects scrims 250 224 3.313.980 2,899,995 8.6 7.5 87 78 1.431.612 1,306,144 163 146 1.882.366 1,593,851 (43) (44) (63) canning - - - - - - - (45) (66) otmr A/ 26 413,985 1.1 9 125,468 17 288,517 (46) (67) (68) sanitation ano health Elimination of stream pollution 202 1 2.390.492 2,045 6.2 U 57 717,892 145 1 1.672,600 2,045 (47) (48) (69) mosquito eradication 70 517,828 1.4 6 65,208 62 452,620 (49) (3D) other a/ 131 1,870,619 4.8 49 652,684 82 1,217,935 (30) (51) Miscellaneous recapltulatiom 244 1,706,357 4.4 52 571,226 192 1,135,131 (51) (32) 8ram) TOTAL - All Programs 3,316 38,697,293 100.0 910 14,201,196 2,406 24,496,097 (32) (33) state 3,280 38,485,970 99.5 903 14,096,781 2,377 24,389,197 (33) (») federal nationwide c/ 36 211,315 0.5 7 104,415 29 106,900 (34) hj includes prqjects class it iable under more than one of the heaoinos above* j/ less than 0.05 percent. c/ Classified under professional and Clerical on line 42. 1PA PROJECTS PUOCD IH OPCRHTIOH IHHOUOH jUNt >0. HI7 NUW«R ANO CSTIUATED TOTAL COST OY TYPES OF PAO ItCTB AND BY OPCRATINO STATUS M-9G4 — active projects Completed projects lime no. LINE TYPE Or PROJECT number estimated total cost percent number estimated total coot number Can matco Total COST (1) (>) (4) (9) M I7) !•> (1) GRAND TOTAL 5,817 •232,292,803 100,0 1,587 •115,20,013 ( 2) highways, roaos, ano streets 1,049 41.340.907 1M m 21.404.553 ( 3) highways - primary roads 4 46,368 V 1 10,984 ( 4) far^tomarittt ano other secondary roads 482 16,743,895 7.2 96 6,580,492 ( 5) streets ano alleys 275 15,093,726 6.5 59 8,384,879 ( 6) srocvalxs, curbs, ano paths 117 2,563,363 1.1 23 957,563 (1) roadside improvements 91 1,246,101 0.5 19 573,646 < 8) brtOSES ano viaducts 51 629,624 0.3 3 57,418 1 9) GRAOC-cross1NO EL(miration 1 17,833 |/ 1 17,833 PO) other K/ 20 4,999,797 2.2 10 4,871,738 <") public buildings 1,005 22.912,541 9.9 212 8.394.123 (12) administrative 142 3,587,335 1.6 27 1,063,252 (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 49 1,485,602 0.7 17 869,043 (»4) Educational 407 9, 396, 739 4.1 73 3,259,988 (15) social ano recreational 151 5,409,167 2.3 40 1,817,133 (16) federal (including militarv ano maval) 19 529,898 0.2 6 153,254 (") improvement or grounds 153 2,146,295 0.9 42 1,068,882 (18) housing and demolition 3 102,334 2/ 1 66,270 (19) Other a/ 21 255,171 0.1 6 86,321 (20) Parks and other recreational facilities 490 23.987,323 10.3 121 14.274.761 (21) Playgrounds and athletic fields 247 5,367,483 2.3 40 2,678,017 (22) Parks 166 14,578,014 6.3 60 9,949,575 (23) other a/ 77 4,041,826 1.7 16 1,647,169 (24) conservation 349 23.639.586 10.2 84 11.657.074 (25) forestatioh 7 520,645 0.2 5 146,525 (26) Erosion control and land utilization 31 516,690 0.2 7 228,715 (27) irrigation ano water conservation 213 20,241,999 8.7 43 10,163,931 (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation 31 595,245 0.3 9 341,608 (29) OTKR A/ 67 1,764,807 0.8 20 776,300 (30) Seres Systems and other utilities 422 24,102,365 10.4 83 13.639.735 (31) eater purification ano supply 194 6,755,234 2.9 36 3,193,214 (32) seber system 262 17,076,142 7.4 45 10,323,223 (33) Electric utilities 19 335,792 0.1 2 123,296 (34) other a/ 4 15,197 y - (35) airports and OTHER transportation 88 11.729.658 5.0 35 7.763.800 (36) airports ano airbays 61 10,651,683 4.6 25 7,085.406 (37) navigation 22 722,279 0.3 8 03, «3 (38) other a/ 5 355,696 0,1 2 223,021 (30) •mite collar projects 1,729 38.991.298 16.8 623 16.666.961 (40) Educational 79 4,239,357 1.8 33 (41) recreational 119 0,413,365 3.6 18 2.633,612 (42) Professional ano clerical 1,531 26,338,576 11,4 572 13,037,107 (43) goods projects 192 34.681.930 14,9 85 16.410.740 (44) sesing 106 24,971,544 10.7 43 11,860,649 (45) canning 1 138,949 0.1 1 138,949 (46) other a/ •3 9,571,437 4.1 41 4.410,00 (47) sanitation ano health 40 1.790.528 0.8 12 544.320 (48) Elimination or stream pollution 2 11,593 y _ (40) mosquito eradication 12 141,568 0.1 4 42,382 (») other a/ 26 1,637,367 0.7 8 501,938 (51) ml sccllancous 396 9,036,727 3.9 120 4,478,08 RECAPITULATION (52) grand total - all programs 5,817 232,292,863 100.0 1,587 115,235,013 (53) state 5,470 220,748,744 95.0 1,516 109,039,232 (54) Federal nationwide c/ 347 11,544,119 5.0 69 6,10,781 4,230 •117,07,00 m 19.936.04 3 0,184 386 10,163,403 216 6,708,847 94 1,00,800 72 672,409 48 572,406 so — 18 178,098 793 14.518.418 115 2,534,083 32 616,09 394 6,136,751 111 3,582,034 13 376,664 111 1,097,413 2 36,064 15 168,850 369 9,712,582 202 2.669,466 106 4,628,430 61 2,384,07 30 11.982.512 2 374,120 24 286,175 10 10,078,068 22 253,642 47 988,507 396 TO, 542.830 158 3.562.080 217 6,152.919 17 212.404 4 15,197 53 3,90,7TB 36 3,568,277 14 266,886 3 132,60 1.106 22.324,337 46 3.243,10 ioi 3.771,01 09 13.301.488 107 I*.™.** 0 13,110,90 42 5,160,587 28 1,246,208 2 11,383 • 99,186 18 1,135,429 216 4,557,669 117,097,00 3,952 111,709,512 278 3,348,338 ( t) ( Z) ( »> ( «) I S) ( •) ( ») ( •) ( •) (10) (11) (TZ) («) (W) (") (»«) (1») ('•) (10) (ZD) (*1) (ZZ) (z>) (Z«) (») <«> (ZT) (Zi) (Z») (*>) (") (») <") (>•) (M) OA) («) OA) OA) (AO) («') (AZ) (AS) (««) (AO) (AO) ( recreational 6 73,811 1.9 5 60,425 1 13,386 (41) («2) Professional and clerical 42 301,066 9.7 20 246,310 22 134,756 (42) (93) oooot projects 5 706.841 18.1 J 357.553 _2 351.288 (43) («*) sewing 5 708,841 18.1 3 357,553 2 351,288 (44) («5) canning - - - - - - - (45) («6) other y - - - (46) «7) sanitation and health 19 661,417 16.9 _3 310.924 16 342.493 (47) (<8) Elimination or stream pollution - - - - - - - (48) (99) Mosquito eradication 17 523,589 13.4 2 298,920 15 224,669 (49) i») other y 2 137,828 3.5 1 20,004 1 117,824 (30) (51) miscellaneous 7 82,721 2.1 6 78,725 1 3,996 (31) recapitulation (52) brand total - all programs 202 3,922,439 100.0 73 1,966,924 129 1,955,515 (32) (S3) state 169 3,696,291 94.2 58 1,822,674 111 1,873,617 (33) (59) federal Nationsids C/ 33 226,148 5.8 15 144.250 18 81,898 (34) a/ includes projects class ifiable under wore than one or the headtHQS above. h/ less than 0.05 percent. y Classir(ed under professional and clerical on lime 42. »PA PROJECTS PUCEO IN QPCffATlON TH6QU0H JUNE >0, 1937 TABLE 30 NUMBER AND EST tMATCO TOTAL COST BY TYPES OF PROJECTS AND BY OPERATING STATUS DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA Total AOTIVE projeers COMPLETED projects LINE TYPE OF PROJECT estimated Total Cost number Estimated est 1 mateo line NO. total cost tota,, cost (D (3) (3) (4) 0) (•) (7) («) ( 1) grand total 171 117,324,201 100.0 30 18,426,223 113 19,093,976 ( *) highways, roads, and streets highways - phi nary roads farm-to-market and other secondary roads street1 and alleys Stocwalks, curbs, and paths roadside improvements bridges and viaoucts grade-cross i ho elimination other a/ Public buildings administrative Charitable, medical, and mental institutions Educational Social and recreational federal (includimo military and navat) OF housinq and demolition other y parks and other recreational facilities playgrounds and athletic fields PARKS other a/ conservation fore8tation Erosion control and lano utilization irrigation ako water conservation Plant, crop, and livestock conservation other a/ Sewer Systems and Other utilities ■ater purification and supply sewer systems Electric utilities other a/ airports and other transportation Airports and airways navi gat i on otkr a/ •hite collar Projects Educational recreational professional and clerical goods projects sew i no cannins other a/ sanitation and health Elimination of stream pollution wosoui to eradication other a/ (31) Miscellaneous recapitulation (32) 9ran0 TOTAL - ALL PROGRAMS 470,899 1,244,736 1,030,492 107,634 2.7 7.1 614,613 162,173 432,440 (=) (*) STATt FCOCHAL HATIOHBIDC B/ 36 1,379,602 7.9 10 474,362 26 3 49,460 0.3 1 38,320 2 5 213,074 1.2 2 202,749 3 3 35,232 0.2 2 25,060 1 8 123,096 0.7 1 13,991 7 15 965,472 3.0 3 120,943 12 2 92,462 0.3 1 73,297 1 _e 1,259,464 7.2 4 617.639 4 2 652,066 3.7 1 629,417 1 3 245,226 1.4 2 147,904 1 3 361,372 2.1 1 40,438 2 _1 11,238 0.1 - - _1 1 11,238 0.1 - 1 _5 1,866.742 10.6 _2 1,266,188 _S 1 35,744 0.2 — — 1 3 1,004,268 10.3 2 1,266,168 1 - — - - - _ 1 28,730 0.1 " - 1 _1 264,647 111 _ . _1 1 264,647 1.5 - - 1 - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - 90 6.057,399 34.6 29 1.877.632 •1 4 239,662 1.4 2 40,435 > 2 246,382 1.4 t 248,302 84 5,369,533 31.6 13 1,366,893 3V J 2^194,877 12.5 _Z 2,176.893 _J 2 2,164,661 12.4 1 2,136,710 1 - - - _ 3 30,216 0.1 1 20,223 2 J 103,776 0,6 _1 95AZH _1 ~ - — _ 2 103,776 0.6 1 60,724 1 ~ - " - - 10 1,428,303 8.1 6 1,139,706 4 171 17,324,201 100.0 38 8,428,223 113 106 12,867,257 73.4 43 7,479,»>S 63 65 4,636,944 26.6 15 948,849 90 1»»,T14 1.244.7M cv/ra 1 m.ta* 909.040 x>,»« n.iio 10,172 100,109 744,927 19,1.5 441 ,C9 21,440 01,242 120,094 m» "J" 19,744 530 ,0W 20,710 2Q4.447 2M.441 ioo^n 1,WO,TIC 17.042 7,091 0,001 48jO»4 0,003,07. !,a>N> 1,700,005 1 I) ( 1) ( «) ( 1) I ») I V ( •) ( «) (10) I") I") (11) (II) C) ("1 <») («) (») I") (21) (N) (24) (») (*) (n) (N) (2.) I*» (HI (») (») (N) (») (1») (1») C") P») (4.) («1) (*») («D («4) (41) (41) (47) (41) (4.) (») (H) (») (») (*) 4/ LCLUOCB BH0JCCT3 CLABBIFlASL* UNOCB H04C THAN 04F OF TMf HCA0IN04 ABOVt. 8/ CLAB6IFICD LAflJEK POOFtBB IOHAL AND CLERICAL OH LINE 42, ■PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 10, 1937 43 TABLE 30 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL OOBT IV TVRfl OT PROJECTS AND IV OPfHATlNQ STATUS LINE NO. Type or Projcot _i«*k J2L JiL cgtihatip TO?«L COiT JlMfiSftl fgtfffT APT I WE PROJECTS nicer kdf imateo . mr„ Completed projects ESTI mated total CO.t jzl (») < ') 1,800 »»,407,m8 100.0 ( 2) hi9mratr, roads, amd streets IN 12,212.015 33.5 i 3) hiohravs - primary roads 23 1,392,020 3.8 ( 4) Fanm-to-hahmey aro other secondary roaor 285 5,565,586 15.3 ( 5) streets and alleys 171 3,101,855 6.5 ! 6) Sidewalks, curbs, and paths 15 180,756 0.5 ( 7) roadside improvements 57 565,611 1.5 ( a) bni04es and viaducts 14 141,978 0.4 ( 9) Grade-caossiva elimination • _ _ (10) Other A/ 84 1,264,209 3.5 (11) Public suiloinor 384 5,990,286 16.4 (12) ao.irirtratiye 40 501,012 1.4 (13) Charitable, medical, and rental institutions 11 412,608 1.1 (14) eoucat 1 oral 181 2,727,547 7.5 (15) social ano nccneat ional 73 924,860 2.5 (16) federal (incluoiro military ano naval) 6 229,969 0.6 I"! improvement of qrounds 31 323,169 0.9 (18) housins ano demolition 1 3,665 2/ (19) ot>» y 41 067,456 2.4 (20) parrs ano other recreational facilities 122 1,504,490 4.2 (21) fvaychounos ano athletic fields 44 469,599 1.3 (22) parks 41 570,738 1.6 (23) other y 37 464,153 1.3 (24) conservation 32 933.830 2.6 (25) forestation - - - (26) erosion control aro lard utilisation 9 407,510 1.3 (27) irritation ano water conccrvatioh 12 147,923 0.4 (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation 2 102,182 0.3 (29) oti«r y 9 196,215 0.6 (30) sever s*stens amo other utilities 99 3,009.321 8.2 (31) cater purification and supply 16 200,375 0.6 (32) sever systems 74 1,902,750 5.2 (33) electric utilities 3 51,490 0.1 (34) other y 6 854,706 2.3 (35) airports ano otheh transportation 85 2.557.080 7.0 (36) airports and airrats 67 2,179,710 6.0 (37) ha visat ion 18 377,370 1.0 (38) oti« y - - (39) Chitc collam projects 196 4,235.381 11.6 (40) Educational 19 1,723,369 4.7 (4!) Recreational 34 101,551 0.3 (42) professional amd clerical 143 2,410,461 6.6 (43) Good6 projects 161 3.759.782 10.3 (*4) sesing 146 3,535,594 9.7 (45) canning 1 10,091 y (46) other */ 12 214,097 0.6 (47) sanitation amo health 34 879.262 2.4 (48) El inination or stream pollution 3 64,030 0.2 (49) Mosquito eradication 8 437,304 1.2 (90) other y 23 377,928 1.0 (51) Miscellaneous 56 1,386,201 3.8 |18,479,Z1« 1,304 319,988,402 170 5.573.606 459 6,636,409 6 846,638 15 545,382 82 2,859,961 203 2,705,608 50 1,237,757 121 1,664,098 3 46,360 12 134,396 8 87,083 49 478,528 5 98,652 9 43,326 14 397,135 50 067,074 85 1,762,879 299 4.227.407 8 93,533 32 407,479 4 115,126 7 297,482 39 976,385 142 1,751,162 15 243,469 58 681,401 1 10,000 5 219,969 5 130,342 26 192,827 - - 1 3,665 13 194,034 28 673,422 24 772,017 96 732.473 8 235,519 36 234,080 7 303,196 34 267,542 9 233,302 28 230,851 14 599.992 18 333,838 3 264,959 6 202,551 5 56,892 7 91,031 1 95,433 1 6,749 5 162,708 4 33,507 26 1.774.453 73 1.234.868 3 55,398 13 144,977 18 862,847 56 1,039,903 1 17,418 2 34,072 4 636,790 2 15,916 21 882.039 64 1,675.041 14 713,599 53 1,466,111 7 168,440 11 208,930 63 2.157.073 133 2,078.308 6 416,154 13 1,307,215 1 53,995 33 47,556 56 1,686,924 87 723,537 63 1.611.489 98 2.148.293 60 1.562,799 88 1,972,795 - - 1 10,091 3 48,690 9 165,407 15 490,274 19 388.968 2 49,883 1 14,147 4 260,335 4 176,969 9 180,056 14 197,872 15 855,424 43 530, 777 ( 1) ( 9) ( 3) ( 4) ( 9) ( ») ( 1) ( 8) ( 9) (10) (") (12) (13) (1«) (15) (18) I") (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (29) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (39) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (*1) (42) (43) (44) (45) (48) (47) (<8) (49) (50) (51) 8ecapituuti0m (52) 8RAND TOTAL - ALL proiuums (53) (94) state federal hat |oar ide c/ 1,800 1,754 46 36,467,648 35,338,372 1,129,276 96.9 3.1 482 14 15,547,838 931,408 1,304 1,272 32 19,988,402 19,790,534 197,868 (92) (93) (94) A/ INCLUDES PROJECT 8 CLASS IF IABLE UNDER HOPE THAN ONE Of THE HEADINGS ABOVE* j/ LESS THAN 0.05 PERCENT. y Clamirico under protcbbional and clerical oh line 42. SPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE >0, 1937 TABLE 40 NUMBER UNO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 8Y TYPES OP PROJECTS AND BY OPCRATINQ STATUS active projects completed projects line wo. numcr estimated total Cost percent number Estimated total cost number estimated Total cost line (i) (») (»l («) w . . (') ... <•}. !NTAL INSTITUTION* 9RAN0 TOTAL HIQHMAYS, ROADS, AND STREET# hlthmti - primary roads FA RBB-TO-MARKET AND OTHER SECONDARY ROAD# STREET# AND ALLEY# slocvalks, curils, ano rath# roadsioc improvement# br i doe# ano viaouct# qradc-cross in# elimination OTHER K/ public builoinss acm# in 1st rat ivc charitable, medical, educational Social and recreational federal {iwcluoin# military and naval) Improvement or grounds housino ano ocmolit ion other k/ park8 ANO OTHER RECREATIONAL FACILITIES PLAYGROUNDS ANO ATHLETIC FIELDS Parks OTHER h/ conservation forestation Erosion control and land utilization irrigation am mater conservation Plant, crop, and livestock conservation otfcr y Sever System and other utilities ■ater purification and supply sever system electric utilities other y Airport# and other transportation Airports ano aibrats ravioat ion other y ■mite Collar projects Educational Recreational Professional am clerical Go008 PROJECT* sanitation ano health Elimination or stream pollutid mosquito eradication other y 3, 290 101 94 51 23 12 23 311 106 7 77 13 31 33 130,328,301 14,904.473 8,193,537 2,797,296 ■ 323,343 135,699 226,933 3,263,661 *,756,480 350,490 437,340 3,256,016 1,597,437 201,165 320,783 1,239 593,002 1,421,271 51,686 1,112,523 257,062 395.840 191,635 137,072 7,844 59,289 100.0 29.7 10.3 3.6 0.6 0.3 0.4 6.3 13.4 0.7 0.8 6.5 3.2 0.4 0.6 y 1.2 2.8 0.1 2.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 1/ 0.1 919 148 22 11 8 3 93 6 3 11 7 13 •31,786,471 10.493.902 6,000,900 1,497,370 97,116 36,898 112,730 2,628,688 1.903,071 43,672 163,155 859,260 420,642 159,070 190,257 66,013 906,682 849,226 57,456 313^348 190,292 118,067 4,989 128 7,838,145 15.6 27 6.498.308 52 603,339 1.2 5 40,278 71 7,143,544 14.2 21 6,411.968 1 3,159 y - - 4 86,103 0.2 1 41.062 30 1,880,669 3.7 13 1.066.412 25 1,349,922 2.7 12 774,198 5 530,747 1.0 1 294.214 - - - - - (51) Ml 997 5,163,132 10.3 285 2.840.523 215 1,087,712 2.2 143 166 1,107,285 2.2 9 215,178 616 2,968,135 5.9 113 1,868,644 242 7,302,599 14.5 158 5,668.837 220 6,390,011 12.7 149 5,180,571 - - • - 22 912,580 1.8 9 486,266 327 2.351.075 ll* 75 1.107.089 1 1,147 tl _ 228 1,665,088 3.3 35 782,772 98 684,840 1.4 40 124,317 428 2,252,817 4.5 102 1,027,299 ,180 •18,541,030 no 4.910.971 — <■* 127 2,112,637 72 1,299,726 40 228,229 15 118,801 9 114,209 - - 47 636,971 502 4,05,409 38 303,886 19 274,30 263 2, 397,556 92 1,136,595 4 41,295 33 130,586 1 1,239 52 526,987 64 514,50 1? 51.80 2' 263,297 27 199,606 12 0.482 ■» — 1 1,343 4 19,00 2 2,05 5 0,20 101 1,130,897 47 958,01 50 733,533 1 3,t» 3 45,041 17 812,257 13 575.724 4 233,533 • 712 72 131,011 an, 107 483 1.008,401 64 1,635.761 71 1.209,440 — * 11 426.322 252 1.243.90 1 1,147 193 882.316 58 300,523 1,225,518 ( 1) ( 2) ( » ( 4) ( *) ( *) ( f) ( •) ( •) (to) («) <«) <") <") («) (*) <") (ta) 0«) (&» <*) (a) (») (34) (») (36) (W) (») (») (») <*) («) (») (*) (») (*) (37) (30) (38) («0) W (42) (43) («) <«•) (47) <«•) (40) (») (31) RECAPITULATION (32) BRAND TOTAL - ALL (53) (34) state federal nat iomioe c/ 3,299 3,193 106 50,328,501 100.0 48,836,904 1,491,397 97,0 3.0 5,471 30,681,488 1.104,003 2.300 2,298 10.543.030 10,155.430 387,394 (52) (S3) (34) y includes project# classifiable under more than one of the head ins# above. y less than 0.05 percent. y CLASSIFIED UNDER PROFESSIONAL AMD CLERICAL SN LINE 42. IP* PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERA TION THROUQH JUNE 90, 1937 45 t a • l c 41 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST IY TYPES Of PROJECTS AND IY OttRATlNQ STATUS idaho m-964 LINE NO. type of project TSTAL aotive projects oomplcted projects line no. number estimated tsv4l Cost percent NUMBER Estimated Total oost number Estimated total cost (D (t) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) («) * 1) BRAND total 1,063 | 15,897,393 100.0 194 I 5,962,262 849 9 9,935,031 ( 1) t 2) hiomrays, R0A03, and streets 334 4.424.561 27,8 33 1,348,940 301 3,075,621 ( 2) < 3) h18hvavs •» primary roaos 3 372,438 2.4 1 337,500 4 34,938 ( 3) i 4) farn-to-market ano other secondary roads 106 1,004,623 6.3 3 92,582 103 912,041 ( 4) ( 3) streets ano alleys 34 318,757 2.0 - - 34 310,757 ( 3) ( 5) stoeralks, curbs, ano paths 5 21,543 0.1 1 7,267 4 14,276 ( «) ( 7) Roadside improvement! 11 41,019 0.3 - - 11 41,019 ( 7) < 8) br 1 oses and viaducts 18 243,459 1.5 4 145,705 14 97,754 ( •) ( 9) qraoc-crossinq elimination 1 2,056 0/ - _ 1 2,056 ( •) no) other y 154 2,420,666 15.2 24 765,886 130 1,654,780 (10) (11) Public buildinrs 120 1,385,624 8.7 25 549.617 95 836.007 (11) (12) administratis 7 63,013 0.4 - - 7 63,013 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institut ions 9 106,323 0.7 5 65,383 4 40,940 (13) (14) Educational 66 815,552 5.1 12 338,377 56 477,175 (14) (13) social ano recreational 17 180,740 1.1 2 34,340 15 146,400 (13) (16) 5 103,258 0.7 2 28,064 3 75,194 (16) (17) improvement of 0rounds 7 19,547 0.1 - - 7 19,547 (17) (16) H0U8IND and oemolitior - - - - — - _ (10) (19) other y 7 97,191 0.6 4 83,453 3 13,738 (19) (20) Park6 and Other recreational facilities 47 554.384 3.5 _7 134.463 40 419.901 (20) (21) plavcrounds amd athletic fields 8 86,252 0.5 - - 6 86,252 (21) (22) parks 14 119,129 0.8 3 28,482 11 90,647 (22) (23) other y 25 349,003 2.2 4 106,001 21 243,002 (23) (26) CONSERVATION 150 4,258,398 26.8 23 1.723,816 127 2.534.580 (24) (25) FOME8TATIOH - - - - - - - (25) (26) Eros ion control and land utilization 8 109,642 0.7 - - 8 109,642 (26) (27) irrigation aim} rater conservation 81 1,422,272 8.9 9 535,101 72 887,171 (27) (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation 40 2,017,774 12.7 5 748,763 35 1,269,011 (28) (29) other y 21 708,710 4.5 9 439,954 12 268,756 (20) (30) Sever Systems and Other utilities 81 1.369.001 8.6 22 689.681 59 679.320 (30) (31) eater purification and supply 45 693,409 4.4 11 391,820 34 301,589 (31) (32) sever system 24 446,260 2.8 9 240,576 15 205,684 (32) (33) electric utilities 6 169,315 1.0 2 57,285 4 112,030 (33) (36) other y 6 60,017 0.4 - ~ 6 60,017 (34) (35) Airports and other transportation J> 336.515 2.1 3 319.026 2 17,489 (33) (36) Airports and airways 4 308,617 1.9 2 291,128 2 17,489 (*) (37) 1 27,898 0.2 1 27,698 - - (37) (38) other y - - - - - - (38) (39) •mite collar projects 39 724.946 4,6 11 348.294 28 376.652 (39) (60) educational 4 286,378 1.& 2 122,668 2 163,710 (40) (61) recreational 2 146,191 0.9 1 68,086 1 78,105 (41) (62) professional ano clerical 33 292,377 1.9 8 157,540 25 134,837 (42) (63) oooos projects 125 1.575.294 9.9 37 541.018 £2 1.034.276 (43) (66) scsimr 78 1,134,057 7.1 34 490,414 44 643,643 (44) (63) camnima 21 167,123 1.1 3 50,604 18 116,519 (45) (66) other y 26 274,114 1.7 " 26 274,114 (46) (67) sanitation ano health 51 670,006 4.2 17 203.623 34 466,383 (47) (68) Elimination of stream pollution - - - - - - - (48) (69) mosquito eradication 1 9,357 0.1 - - 1 9,357 (49) (30) other y 50 660,649 4.1 17 203,623 33 457,026 (30) (51) miscellaneous 91 598,664 3.8 16 103,862 75 494,802 (31) recapitulation ' (32) BRA no total - All proorams 1,043 15,807,393 100.0 194 5,962,362 849 9,935,031 (32) (53) state 1,031 15,721,647 98.9 190 5,861,042 641 9,860,605 (33) (36) federal nationwide c/ 12 175,746 1.1 4 101,320 8 74,426 (»♦) a/ includes project3 classifiable under more than one of the head 1hq8 above. y less than 0.05 percent. C/ classified under professional and clerical or line 42. •» MIT m WIIIH an moita-MM mm muinro ft 'AN33024 50*0 nwu 1 ft •WOO* OOMIOVaH |MA AO * MO M*M1 1<10N JONO. ATNV»iiel*T> 0 i33f OU* *300130! /? <«) (a) i»! (►») (r»l (»l (i») t«) (*) («) (K) (a) (K! (a) (a) (if) (Of) S«l (■) (ffl («) (a) <«c) (c) (») (ul («) (01) (•i! UD (*t) (si) !n) (fi) (ft) (u) (oil (• ) (• ) (i ) (t ) (s ) (►) (I) (I) !t ) iK'Mf'J osi'sc'cot IM'CU'SO* Sff*SU'( OlS'COO im'IW aof'to*'" Won't ■O'tll'l ta'w US'fWii wc'oi au'nt woSot soo'aai utV aatto'i 9M'MS'9 seo'ji ttsYaa'c COO'001 1U <*z Cft'SSt'ZI ooo'ooi'i 695'30t"»t 605*58 v»'a*'z tv-'iz 90£'0£t*» »««*i»»'I C«*M sn'tat OOO'tOZ'Zl OOO'CM'I Ikc'lSt (M'ses'i ats'ftt't 600'CK'OI 6l*'W0'0Z ZOO'ZOI'MV I06'CU'S0LI A«©3 1*101 giguy irr 261 t8M*S29*£ 6* 2*2 2»2'ltM*9 1V2 200 *E OOO'US'MSt 566*1 8*26 081*158*992 266' •61*8 U»*8»t'08t •86*1 0*001 22V*292*862 821* M ou'uo'* SO? 2*2 566*292*2 65M L ou'wv'o 29 ¥"Z 622*826*9 69 9 vu'LU'Z & 0*1 012*6V6'2 11 K U6'L69'0 29 v7? 66V*220*6 5s a 9oe'v?o'i 52 9*0 62V *088* I 2V - 686*00 I ft 586*08 1 lu VJV'OMV'O 88 • *» 222*6V8*21 002 Kl AOI'ZC&'i HI 0*5 081*192'VI 8V2 19M 2i0*9S»*6 66L 6*5 915*225*51 099 Ml 8S6*26»*9 21 S*V 92V*102*81 951 8 129*221*8 81 6*1 098*999*8 12 809 l£M*2iO"t2 622 1*11 2S£*0V5'28 268 I - - ft 968*01 1 * 226*6M 1 ft 012*021 5 St e»t*801*8 2 1*1 295*212*8 22 oz 590*861*8 8 ri 629'eve*c 82 • ft 186*V2 V • 29t't£ 6 ft 591*59 2 ott M»S'l6€'9t 28 5*2 260*856*12 252 81 261*225*2 66 8*1 996*000*8 211 LSI e06*M66'8L 621 8*9 6Vl'6V8*SZ 086 s 98t*20M 2 1*0 18V *8IV 2L - Mt£*Bt2 6 1*0 V££*912 £ Lt> 26M*9tC*9 K ;*e S9l*W£*0l 151 t - - 1*0 690*981 1 cot 2lO*5C1*2 •9 8^8 £•0*591*11 291 9 928*886 8 7*0 250*862*1 VI IZl fl26'e*0*92 66 £*61 206*662*88 V12 09 280*vl8*t 88 8*0 226*V2V *2 86 LBl 2M8' tM€*82 68 L 5#V1 186 *205 r2V 926 tt 905*000 81 v*0 510*V80*1 62 s 990*00t*t 1 £* 1 020*066*8 9 •9 t66*CtM*2 62 2*1 626*288*V 28 t 6£M*00t 2 ft 569*221 £ ZM 0U*262*t •2 1*2 998*221*9 99 zu 582*258'• 85 2*2 612'V6S'9 021 £2 289*556 9 2*0 oov'ssv 62 Of su'ssz 01 8*0 89V*186 65 lot 2tl*028* tl 2M1 2*0 266'220*V2 6W OS 198*892*1 62 0*1 198*950*2 82 98 9t£*20M 02 6*0 229*896 95 06 225*005't 95 1*1 50V*958*8 251 LDl €50*086*2 8M 6*2 622*969*9 £61 tot 268*662*88 621 8*91 186*220*55 92V 0U 2t9*80M*ZC 625 6*21 960*505*25 862*1 - - - - - - ZTFl m*662*22 868 "TO 812'10V*121 sm vlt'c tflM'avt'efti ►86*1 o'ooi 22v*29Z*C62« 821*5 — ft xhomouvh nnacaj {«) 3A»iS (CS) T* - 1*101 0NVU9 (25) N0tirVUIrfV33U »■ (IS) ft n»*lO moiivsiovm) oiinOM« aotiiiTMu iTUii jo Mimiaiii tu"nrSH otn iteiiviiMvs ft WW io •MINNV3 •Ml US aiuroMd aoooo 3V3IM3T3 ONV moittlioild IVMOI1V3M03H KMiivana tionrcmd imoa 21'hji ft H3M10 MCI1V9IAVM •AVMM IV ONV SlH&dBl * NCI IVlUOdSimil OHIO OMV «i«0d«IV ft tamo oanniin oimao333 0*3 AS A 9 K3US AIMA* ONV HO IAV31J t MTU M3iva aaiiiiiin muto omv wuasas tous ft U9*l0 MO IAVAM38M03 N90183AI1 OMV 'dOMO 'iNVTd M0IAVAM3SN03 M3AVA OMV NOI1VBIHBI moiivzi"it in omn qmv iomanoo no 100*3 HCIAVAS3M0J MOt1VAH3CM03 ft V3H10 nnd 80331J 3IAJ3MAV OMV SONAOIOAVTd •311I1I3VJ IVMOIAV3M9JM UN 10 OMV BXMVd ft KWAO MO 111 XMOO ONV BNISnOH •ONOOMO JO INJIOAOMdMl (iVAVM OMV AMVilllM •MiorrONl) 3VM303J IVMOIAV3M93M ONV 1VI90$ 1VN0I1V0O03 • NOIAAA IISM I 1V1M3N OMV 'ivoioan 'a"MvilHVMO 1A11VM1SiNlNOV 00*1031 no 3139Ad ft M3HA0 NOI iVMIRITI ONI00OM9-JOVMQ aianoviA OMV taocivs •lUUAOiMNi aoitovo* •HIv«i OMV 'a«M09 '•XIVUOJS •A333V ONV aiaavis • OVOM A0VONOO38 M3M10 OMV 11*MVM-01-MNVJ Savon AMVMIMd — 8AVMH8IH 0133dIS ONV 'OOVOtl 'tAVMHOIH 1V101 ON WO J44 Ivioj OllVWIAtJ -vtimr S1 IMnOwy (I) • lOjrOMd 0313101*03 •loaroMd iaiiov 1*03 1V101 O31VMU03 ivioi lOXTOMd JO MAi »96-« iniViB ONIlVdldO A0 ONV SiQSrOWd JO SJdAi AS 1800 1V101 031VNUS3 ONV dsanfiM mi 'oi 3Nnr HonouKi noiivusjo ni oaovu fiiosrofcj vd« 47 WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN QPERM ION THROUGH JUNE 30, 1987 T A 8 L C 43 NUMBER AND 1ST IMATCO TOTAL COST BY TYKI Of PROJECTS ANn RV OPTRA? IRQ ITATUI (Ml ANA M-964 lOlAL a0tive projects completed projects line no. Type of project number estimated Total Cost Amount Percent Number estimated total oost number estimated Total Cost line no. (1) <»> (>) (4) (9) («) (7) (8) ( 1) qrano TOTAL 4,522 1126,361,537 100,0 1,744 •76,138,071 2,770 850,223,466 ( 1) ( 2) hiamwavs, roads, and streets 1,008 58.016.280 45.9 371 36.011.083 637 21,205,197 ( 2) ( 3) hlthuti * pr 1 hart roads 10 1,777,043 1.4 4 1,220,355 6 556,688 ( 3) ( 4) faims-to market ano other secondary roaob 89 5,171,408 4.1 19 2,084,286 70 3,087,122 ( 4) t 3) street* ano alley* 151 10,836,465 8.6 41 7,061,598 110 3,774,867 ( 3) ( 6) sidewalks, cur**, ano path* 130 1,640,648 1.3 48 859,533 02 781,095 ( «) ( 7) Roadsioc improvements 104 463,324 0.4 11 212,447 93 250,077 ( 7) ( 8) briooco ano viaduct* 42 1,417,594 1.1 17 835,903 25 561,611 ( •) ( *) graoc—crossinfl elimination - - _ - - _ - ( 9) (10) other y 482 36,709,798 29.0 231 24,516,861 251 12,192,937 (10) (11) public BUIloins* 862 12.482.688 9.9 264 5.806.256 598 6,676,432 (11) («) aon in 1strat 1ve 125 1,277,731 1.0 29 586,601 96 691,130 (12) 03) Charitable, medical, ano mental institution* 67 1,138,529 0.9 25 570,485 42 568,044 (13) (»4) Educational 365 4,477,168 3.6 91 1,675,474 274 2,001,714 (14) (13) social ano recreational 92 1,819,672 1.4 40 1,110,144 52 709,528 (13) (16) Federal (includin* military ano naval) 53 1,384,911 1.1 14 468,587 39 916,324 (18) (") improvement of onounos 97 1,541,122 1.2 40 886,066 57 654,256 (17) (18) housing ano demolition 12 59,188 0.1 - - 12 59,188 (10) (19) 17,425 (27) irrigation and batcr conservation 48 2,306,604 5.7 6 1,433,230 42 ■73,374 (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation - - - - - — - (29) otkr a/ 31 250,265 0.6 5 124,022 26 120,24) (30) Sever Systems am© other utilities 177 4,806,953 11.8 26 1,871,773 151 2,999,100 (31) water purification amo supply 67 924,013 2.3 11 350,252 56 573,761 (32) SEVER systems 103 3,805,453 9.3 13 1,494,352 90 2,311,101 (33) Electric utilities 2 13,608 ft/ 1 13,005 1 603 (3*) other a/ 5 63,879 0.2 1 14,164 4 49,715 (35) Airports ano other transportation _9 178,540 °z± _2 49.916 _7 120,634 (36) airports ano airways 8 163,874 0.4 1 35.290 7 120,634 (37) navigation 1 14,666 ft/ 1 14,664 - - (38) other a/ - *- - - - (39) »«ite collar pwdjcct# 486 2,807,869 6.9 156 1,439,456 330 1,300,419 (60) Educational 94 400,962 1.0 10 190,448 04 219.516 (61) recreational 32 611,553 1.5 5 259,067 27 952,400 (62) professional ano clerical 360 1,786,354 4.4 141 909,943 m 796 ,411 (63) goods projects 226 4,146,263 10.2 94 1,336,9* 132 2f0O9f3d9 (66) sewing 157 2,854,214 7.0 •1 1,078,868 76 1,775,326 (65) cannins 4 10,505 ft/ 1 2,690 3 7.015 (66) other a/ 65 1,281,544 3.2 12 259,300 s3 1,006.164 (67) sanitation ano health 35 364,907 0.9 11 196,100 19 166,667 (68) Elimination or stream pollution - - _ (69) Mosquito eradication - - - - _ _ <») frTUCA A/ 35 364,097 0.9 16 196,100 19 166,697 (53) Miscellaneous 227 1,482,517 3.6 48 975,102 179 907,339 recapitulation (52) grano total - All programs 2,391 40,730,149 100.0 695 17,838,389 1,736 22.900,760 (53) state 2,328 40,361,247 99.1 630 17,568,531 1.698 22,790.716 (») federal nationwide c/ 63 377,902 0.9 29 269,890 30 108,044 ( t) ( I) ( 1) ( <) [ »> (•) (y) i •) (•) (40) <»! (") (11) (44) («) (»*) (4T) ('•) (»*) (*o) «*4) (») (»•) (»> («•) (*»> (») («) (*») (*>) («) (») (*•) (*» (») (") (*) («•) (40) (44) («) (41) (««» (48) (40) (41) (40) («0) w) (»«) f»> (»! (*) A/ IPCLWCP PPOJCCTa O.APA If IAAuC UWOtB MO PC THAP OMC Of THf HCAOII y LC. THAN 0.09 PCPCCNT. C/ Clamirito ioocp Morniipui aho Clcpical m n« 41. fPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUOH JUNE 30, 1987 49 NUMBER ANO CRT I MA TIO TOTAL COIT BY TYPES OP PROJECTS AND IV TWTRAIlNO STATUS u-964 line no. TVRC of project Total aotivc project! Completed projects Line no. number estimates amount Total Cost percent number Estimated Total cost number Estimateo Total cost P) l«) (») (4) (5) (•) (7) (a) ( 1) GRANO TOTAL 4,135 162,364,277 100.0 1,026 127,682,467 3,109 #34,701,810 ( 1) ( ?) hlqmbavt, roads, ano streets 1,062 22,354,495 36,2 342 6,467,580 1,640 16,086,915 ( 2) t 3) highways — rr1 mart roads 13 152,993 0.2 1 0,000 12 144,993 ( 3) ( 4) far»-to-marktt and other secondary roads 1,076 12,227,227 19.6 227 4,170,367 849 6,056,860 ( 4) ( 5) streets ano alleys 205 2,410,155 3.9 37 722,069 168 1,688,086 ( 5) 1 6) slocwalks, curbs, ano paths 43 409,389 0.7 7 186,765 ' 36 222,624 ( 6) ( 7) roadside improvements 37 290,863 0.5 3 27,525 34 263,336 ( 7) I 8) br 1 oses ano viaducts 156 1,324,670 2.1 19 226,611 139 1,096,059 ( •) i 9) grade-cross 1no elimination - - - - _ _ ( 9) co) other k/ 450 5,739,198 9.2 48 1,126,243 402 4,612,955 (10) on public builoinos 339 4,381,091 7.0 §1 1,949,079 258 2,432,012 (11) («) Administrative 73 802,596 1.3 14 233,523 59 569,073 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 4 57,52? 0.1 2 29,520 2 28,002 (13) (") fducat ional 109 993,324 1.6 25 507,192 84 466,132 (K) (15) social ano recrcat ional 75 1,622,530 2.6 26 916,283 49 706,247 (13) (W) Federal (incluoino military aho naval) 3 312,741 0.5 1 63,838 2 248,903 (16) (") improvement of qrounds 65 466,960 0.7 11 167,668 54 299,292 (17) (W) housing ano demolition - - - - _ • (18) (19) other h/ 10 125,418 0.2 2 31,055 8 94,363 (IS) (») PARKS ano other recrcational facilities 189 7,150,582 11.5 56 4,104,525 133 3,046,057 (20) (21) Playgrounds and athletic fields 38 991,371 1.6 12 380,851 26 610,520 (21) (22) Parks 114 2,931,759 4.7 35 1,788,273 79 1,143,486 (22) (23) other k/ 37 3,227,452 5.2 9 1,935,401 28 1,292,051 (23) (24) conservation 569 11,009,752 17.6 139 5,682,250 430 5,327,502 (24) (25) forestation 2 117,737 0.2 1 50,115 1 67,622 (23) (26) erosion control and land utilization 1 44,255 0.1 1 44,255 - - (26) (27) irrigation and water conservation 454 7,824,486 12.5 126 4,403,021 328 3,421,465 (27) (28) Plant, crop, and livestock conservation 3 13,144 £/ - - 3 13,144 (28) (29) ot»«r k/ 109 3,010,130 4.8 11 1,184,859 98 1,825,271 (29) OO) Sewer systems ano other utilities 193 2,485,615 3.9 32 668,607 161 1,817,008 (30) (31) mater purification and supply 93 942,515 1.5 12 171,218 81 771,297 (31) (32) sever systems 02 1,240,968 2.0 14 343,190 68 897,778 (32) (33) Electric utilities 3 7,451 a/ - - 3 7,451 (33) (3*) Other a/ 15 294,681 0.4 6 154,199 9 140,482 (34) (») Airports and other Transportation 12 383,229 0.6 _2 91,905 10 291,324 (33) (36) airports and a 1rwats 12 383,229 0.6 2 91,905 10 291,324 (36) (37) ravisat ion - - - - - - - (37) (38) other a/ " - ~ - (38) (39) ■kite Collar projects 299 3,328,045 5.3 122 2,230,827 177 1,097,218 (39) (40) Educational 6 1,126,000 1.8 3 1,114,931 3 11,069 (40) (4') recreational 29 519,018 0.8 1 156,000 28 363,018 (41) (42) professional ano clerical 264 1,683,027 2.7 118 959,896 146 723,131 (42) (43) goods projects 240 7,569,024 12.2 122 4,576,317 ne 2,992,707 (43) (44) sewing 197 6,533,204 10.5 101 3,708,692 96 2,624,512 (44) (45) canning - - - - - - _ (45) (46) other */ 43 1,035,820 1.7 21 067,625 22 168,195 (46) (47) sanitation amd health 137 2,421,627 3.9 58 1,314,460 79 1,107,167 (47) (46) Elimination of stream pollution - - - - - - - (48) (49) mosquito eradication - - - - - - - (49) (») othtr a/ 137 2,421,627 3.9 58 1,314,460 79 1,107,167 (30) (51) Miscellaneous 175 1,100,817 1.8 72 596,917 103 503,900 (31) recapitulation (52) grand total - all programs 4,135 62,384,277 100.0 1,026 27,682,467 3,109 34,701,810 (52) (b) state 4,072 61,951,414 99.3 1,016 27,415,842 3,056 34,535,572 (33) (54) federal nationwide c/ 63 432,863 0.7 10 266,625 53 166,238 (34) a/ Includes projects classif iablE under more than one or the hcaoinos above. J/ less than 0.05 percent. C/ Classirico under professional amo Clerical on line 42. 50 WI'A PROJECTS PLACED IN OPCRMION THROUGH JUNE 10, 1997 I A BLE 46 NUMBER AND EST I MATEO TOTAL COST BY TYPES OF PROJECTS AND BY OPERATINO STATUS KENTUCKY LINE No. Type of project Total JIL JIL tPTIIMUP Tom CMT _une! iiuai JIL JiL activi dwojccti CDTIUATCD (a) 0O.ri.tTtP WMXCTO ctriwrto Torn coot JIL ( 1) (idaho total 2( ,226 t 58,732,825 100.0 792 ( 2) hiamayl, roads, and stakti 830 33.843.674 57,6 239 ( 9) highways - primary roaos 2 32,566 0.1 1 ( «) farm-to-market aro other secondary roads 9 261,401 0.4 - ( 5) streetf and alley* 51 835,046 1.4 17 1 6) sidewalks, curbs, and rath* si 436,519 0.7 5 ( D roadside improvement* 6 20,154 0.1 2 ( 8) br 1 docs and viaducts 35 203,643 0.5 7 ( ») grade-crossl*a elimination - - - - (10) other a/ 696 31,055,265 54.4 207 (") Public Buildings 570 7.608.222 13.1 209 («) administrative 51 552,632 0.9 22 C9) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 13 273,673 0.5 6 (») Educational 379 5,081,810 6.7 131 (15) Social and recreational 73 1,225,837 2.1 35 (16) federal (including military and naval} 4 140,374 0.2 2 CD improvement of grounds 39 205,706 0.5 5 (16) housing ano demolition - • - - (19) other a/ 11 120,000 0.2 2 (20) PARKS and other recreational facilities 67 1.271.32b 2.2 10 (21) playoroirios ano athletic fields 28 122,261 0.2 4 (22) parks 18 645,556 1.1 4 (23) other K/ 21 503,511 0.9 10 (24) conservation 25 407.274 0.7 _9 125) forestat| ml - - - - (26) Erosion control and lano utilization 3 19,971 0.1 1 (22) irrigation and water conservation 10 191,935 0.3 6 (28) Plant, crop, and livestock conservation - - - - (29) otlcr y 12 195,360 0.3 2 (90) sewer systems ano other utilities 161 3,320,480 5.6 50 (31) Rater purification and supply 30 379,448 0.6 11 (32) sewer 8vstem8 114 2,354,821 4.0 29 (33) Electric utilities 4 66,361 0.1 1 (34) other y 13 517,850 0.9 9 (35) Airports and other transportation _6 142,792 0.2 2 (36) Airports and airways 5 140,760 0.2 2 (32) navigation 1 2,032 5/ - (36) other y " ~ - (39) White collar projects 160 2.810,750 4.0 77 (40) Educational 2 1,513,596 2.6 2 (41) recreational 7 344,642 0.6 2 (42) professional ano clerical 151 952,512 1.0 73 (43) goods projects 221 4,610,072 7.9 120 (44) sewing 101 4,260,288 7.3 117 («5) canning - - - - (46) other y 30 350,564 0.6 3 (42) sanitation ano health 134 2,110,931 3^6 36 (48) Elimination of stream pollution 1 139,232 0.2 1 (49) mobcuitc eradication 13 96,667 0.2 3 (50) other y 120 1,881,032 3.2 34 (51) mlscellaneous 52 2,510,502 4.3 36 recapitulation (52) grand total - au. prugrams 2, ,226 58,732,025 100.0 792 (53) stat*. 2, .183 50,306,927 99.3 767 (54) federal nationwide c/ 43 425,896 0.7 5 40,200,920 1,434 1 16,532,009 25.695.664 523 7,946.010 21,319 1 11,047 - 9 261,481 399,537 34 435,469 149,196 26 267,361 10,643 4 10,511 107,500 28 166,141 - - - 25,199,269 409 6,759,976 3.061.133 367 3.137.069 267,646 29 284,786 212,915 7 60,756 2,467,508 246 2,614,230 627,031 38 596,006 97,776 2 42,596 166,101 34 129,617 20,996 9 107,004 424,877 49 646,451 22,479 24 99,762 151,890 14 493,666 250,506 11 253,000 211.529 16 195.745 3,553 2 14,416 174,461 4 17,464 31,495 10 163,673 1.653.245 111 1.467.235 217,412 19 162,036 1,186,380 85 1,166,441 53,363 3 14,996 394,090 4 123.760 63,852 4 78.940 63,852 3 76,906 1 2,092 2.290.666 83 520.064 1,513,996 - — 215,633 5 126,969 361,437 76 391.075 2,360,636 101 2.230.236 2,336,441 74 1,921,647 42,195 27 306,369 660.o06 96 1,236,125 139,232 - - 60,972 10 35,695 660,602 86 1,200,430 2,336,392 16 172,130 40,200,820 1,434 16,532,005 40,046,620 1,396 16,258,307 152,200 36 273,698 i i) ( » ( 1) ( <) ( ») ( •) ( V (•) («) (to) <« i CD CD (20) i") (22) (O) (W) (29) (20) (2D (20) (2») (»») (91) (92) (99) (>•) (95) (90) (*») (99) (99) CO) CD (92) (49) (44) (49) (40) (4D (40) (49) (90) (51) (52) (59) (54) */ in&.uoce bmjcci, cltobitjaolc umdcd moot Thau o»r or tmc hCadinoo aoovc. B/ L£00 f«*K 0.05 pcbcwt c/ Ct-AOOir (£0 Poortti ional akt- (" i cal ■jm lihc 42. 51 IP* PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 10. 1P37 TABLE 47 NUMKR AND IITI AAA Tip TOIAl MIT BY TYPES OT PROJECTS ANtl BY «KM?t*IQ STATU# louisiana M- 964 line HO. type of project total AOtive projects COMPLETED projects line no. number fST(mated AMOUNT total Cost PERCENT number Estimated total cost number Estimated Total Cost (1) (2) (3) (4) (3) (6) (7) (0) ( 1) grand total 918 155,327,805 100.0 289 140,033,172 029 115,294,633 ( 1) ( ?) highways, r0a08, and streets 184 14.389.734 23.9 49 11.340.855 133 3,040,879 ( z) ( 3) highways - primary roads 1 62,203 0.1 1 62,203 - - ( 3) ( 4) farm-to-market ano other scconoary noa0b 19 603,202 1.1 3 460,101 16 143,021 ( 4) ( 5) street• and alleys 66 4,101,200 7.4 16 2,774,673 50 1,326,527 ( 5) ( 6) Sidewalks, curbs, and paths 32 463,189 0.9 6 153,037 26 329, 35Z ( «) ( 7) roadside improvements 23 511,227 0.9 1 22,531 22 488,696 ( 7) ( Q) br 1 oses amd viaducts 8 301,248 0.5 2 136,436 6 164,612 ( 0) ( *) qrade-cross ins elimination - - - - . - ( 9) (TO) other a/ 33 8,327,465 15.0 18 7,730,994 15 596,471 (10) ("> public buildiwos 164 7.889.207 14.3 37 4,279.729 127 3,609,478 (11) (12) administrative 21 298,128 0.5 2 101,790 19 196,336 (12) (13) charitable, medical, and mental institutions 10 501,721 0.9 2 160,820 8 340,901 (13) (14) educational 63 2,359,266 4.3 12 1,498,127 51 861,139 (14) (15) social ano recreational 38 2,579,747 4.7 12 1,692,858 26 886,889 (13) (W) federal (including military ano naval) 6 1,316,078 2.4 3 495,504 3 820,574 (16) (") improvement of 0rounds 20 197,270 0.4 4 30,662 16 166,608 (17) (ie) housing amo demolition - - - - - - (18) (19) oticr a/ 6 636,997 t.i 2 299,968 4 337,029 (19) (20) parks amd other recreational facilities 37 15.806,614 26.6 13 14.200.636 24 1.545.978 (20) (21) ' playgrounds ano athletic melds 14 124,373 0.2 4 68,598 10 35,775 (21) (22) parks 16 14,103,298 25.5 7 12,648,690 9 1,454,608 (22) (23) other a/ 7 1,578,943 2.9 2 1,523,348 5 55,595 (23) (24) conservation 24 1,084.464 2.0 _9 613,439 15 471,025 (24) (25) furcstail*n - - - - - - - (23) (26) Erosion control and lamo utilizaiion 3 87,294 0.2 3 07,294 - - (2«) (27) irrigation am) water conservation 13 903,553 1.6 4 488,028 9 415,525 (27) (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation 1 3,504 y - - 1 3,504 (28) (29) otkr A/ 7 90,113 0.2 2 38,117 5 51,996 (29) (») sever systems ano other utilities 91 4,020.609 7^3 32 3.060.864 59 959.745 (30) (31) rater purification ano supply 32 662,253 1.6 9 396,167 23 466,086 (31) (32) sewer systems 43 2,180,637 3.9 17 1,769,255 26 411,382 (32) (33) Electric utilities 5 117,992 0.2 1 104,491 4 13,501 (33) (34) other a/ 11 859,727 1.6 5 790,951 6 «8,776 (34) (35) airports and other transportation 11 452.419 0.8 _6 350,456 5 101.963 (33) (36) Airports and airmayb 7 268,787 0.5 4 233,630 3 35,149 (30) (37) ravisat 13n 4 183,632 0.3 2 116,818 2 66,814 (37) (30) other a/ - - " - (38) (39) white collar projects 157 5.166,696 9.3 61 3,242.850 96 1.923.846 (30) (40) educational 12 1,657,726 3.0 2 871,790 10 785,936 (40) (41) recreational 10 678,601 1.2 1 292,720 9 385,881 (41) (42) professional am) clerijal 135 2, 830,369 5.1 58 2,078,340 77 752,029 (42) (43) qooos projects 66 3.104.994 5.6 42 1,087.274 24 2.017.720 (43) (44) sewing 60 3,027,970 5.5 40 1,033,747 20 1,994,223 (44) (45) cannins - - - - - - - (45) (46) other a/ 6 77,024 0.1 2 53,527 4 23,497 (40) (47) sanitation ano health 4£ 1.149.111 hi 30 1.025.025 19 123.286 (47) (46) Elimination of stream pollution - - - - - - — (48) (49) mosquito eradication 10 87,713 0.2 1 47,242 9 40,471 (49) (50) other a/ 30 1,061,398 1.9 29 978,583 10 82,815 (30) (51) miscellaneous 135 2.263,957 4.1 10 771,244 125 1,492,713 (51) recapitulation (52) grand total * au. programs 918 55,327,805 100.0 289 40,033,172 629 15,294,633 (52) (53) state 686 54,086,547 99.2 279 39,831,072 607 15,055,475 (33) (54) federal nationwide c/ 32 441,250 0.8 10 202,100 22 239,158 (34) a/ include8 projects class ifi able unocr more than one op the headings above. &/ less than 0.05 percent , c/ classified under prope8« i oral amd clerical on lime 42. ■ PA PROJECTS PLACCO IN OPERATION THROUQH JUNE 30, 1987 NUMBER ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL C08T 8V TYPES OF PROJECTS AND BY OPCRATINO STATUS 54-964 ' active Projects completed projects line Type or project number Estimatcd Total Cost Percent now.km """"" 16141 0667 Estthatco """ tot 44 co¬ li4c a. (1) I2) (>) (♦) (9) (6) rn (6) (39) BMITC cooM PROJECTS (40) EDUCAT IGMAL (4 1) RECREATI ORAL (42) Professional and clerical (43) oooos Project* (44) scr ims (45) cannins (40) other a/ (47) (40) (49) (90) (51) sanitation ano health ELININATION Of •TREAN POLLUX!! MOSQUITO ERADICATION ot»«r y recapitulation ( '1 gr4n0 10141 1,445 113,020,695 100.0 ( 2) hi0m4ay1, 40404, 440 st0c4t0 791 6.067.567 40,6 i 3) h(om0ay« - 4414447 m04ds 1 2,356 1/ ( «) 144^7(44444441 440 otmcn 4cc0404mt 40404 570 4,408,497 33.9 1 5) st41it. 440 411174 s3 525,872 4.0 1 6) sioc74140, cum44, 440 44744 17 164,138 1.3 ' ') 40400(04 i4n4ov4444t0 23 71,300 0.5 ( 8} 0410040 440 vi40uct4 138 793,061 6.1 1 ») q4404-cm004 170 40.(41447(04 - - - co) other y 7 102,335 0.8 (") public buildins* 51 363.070 2.8 («) adm inintratine 11 51,095 0.4 (13) charitable, medical, and mental institutions - - - (m) educational 18 59,402 0.5 i>9) social ano recreational 9 104,031 0.8 (16) feoeral {includinq military ano naval) 3 24,125 0.2 (") IMPROVEMENT Or 3N0UN08 3 38,387 0.3 (16) housin8 ano demolition - - - (19) other y 7 ®, 230 0.6 (20) parks and other recreational facilities 58 809.665 6.2 (21) Playgrounds and athletic fields 26 315,732 2.4 (22) Parks 16 310,354 2.4 (23) Other y 16 183,583 1.4 (24) conservation 53 31 7.127 2,4 (25) forestat ion - - - (26) erosion control and land utilization 1 2,636 5/ (27) irrioatiom ano rater conservation 12 34,843 0.3 (28) puut, CROP, and livestock conservation 1 14,022 0.1 (29) ot»«r y 39 265,626 2.0 (30) sever systems and other utilities 116 1,323.322 10.2 (31) batch purification ano supply 20 283,722 2.2 (32) sever systems 94 1,034,113 8.0 (33) Electric utilities - - 4. (34) Other A/ 2 5,487 5/ (35) Airports amd other Transportation 31 1.372.749 10.6 (36) airports and airmays 26 1,297,736 10.0 (37) havisat ion 5 75,013 0.6 (38) other y - - - (52) brand total - au. pROsrams (53) state (54) feoeral nation*ide £/ 128 5 1 122 976.402 241,732 1,030 733,640 7.5 1.9 a/ 5.6 128 54 1,429,038 967,015 11,0 7.4 74 462,023 3.6 51 64.119 0,6 51 84,119 0.8 38 277,632 2.1 445 13,020,695 100.0 410 35 12,541,201 479,494 96.3 3.7 96 a 12 2 1 2 36 2 •1,364,0m i2». »m 226,640 47,667 26,750 20,112 26,470 6,235 20,235 163.375 66,312 97,064 154.210 55,926 128,284 206,335 205,335 366,973 69.603 297,372 529,529 529,826 1.637,315 226,721 ,347 •11,158,598 774 5|744.198 1 2,158 558 4,181,887 31 478,205 17 184,118 24 42,558 116 772,949 — - 7 102,115 49 138.600 10 45,880 a a 18 59,402 9 1O4,0H 3 24,125 3 36,387 6 84,995 52 648.299 24 249,400 12 213,290 16 183,583 53 317.127 1 2,838 12 34.843 1 14,022 39 286,808 111 1.139.112 18 227,796 91 908,829 2 5,487 28 1,184,414 23 1,089,401 3 »,013 91 808.427 1 172*129 1 1,030 88 438,288 101 809.210 29 437,187 • a 74 482,023 51 84,119 — - - a 15 84,119 34 218,096 .347 11,158,998 ,322 10,903,823 25 2-52,773 ( 1) ( I) ( 1) ( «) ( 5) ( 6) ( V i •) ( •) (10) (") («) (") (14) (15) (16) (IT) («) (19) (as) (21) (22) (»l (24) (29) (66) (27) (■) (a) (SO) (31) (32) (a) (34) (33) (16) (37) (") (>6) (40) (41) (42) («3) («•) (45) (a) (47) («) (a) (95) (91) (92) (99) (94) 4/ i4clu046 440w4c. . cuhiruu 1.040 mom th4n 047 of tmf m4a0im00 144, y uh than 0.05 044c44t. C/ CL&64I7IC0 (.044 (*4044.410M4L AMD Cll.|C»L 04 UM< 42. ■ PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERA TI ON THROUGH JUNE 30, 1937 53 NUMBER AND CSTtMATCO TOTAL COST IV TYPtl OF PROJIOTB AND IV OPERATING AT A Till ma'.»i m-964 Line no. type of project total aotive projects Completed projects Line no. number Estimated amount total Cost pcr6int number cstimatcd total cost number Estiuateo total cost (d (t) To (6) 0) (*) (7) (8) 1 m grand total nn t 27,324,513 100.0 304 8 14,620,361 510 1 12,704,132 (') ( ?) nigmvays, Roads, and Streets 299 8.785,094 32.1 101 3.020.927 198 4.956.167 ( 2) ( 5) highways — pr(mart roads 3 69,450 0.2 3 69,450 - - ( 3) ( farhh-to market and other secondary roads 136 2,286,721 8.4 44 954,112 92 1,332,609 ( «) ( 5) streets and alleys 72 5,002,306 10.3 21 2,034,133 51 2,960,233 ( ') ( «) Sidewalks, cures, ano paths 49 627,434 2.3 19 327,016 30 300,418 ( ») f *) roadside inpgovcncnts 17 288,549 1.0 10 249,303 7 39,246 ( 7) ( B) br 1 docs and viaoucts 12 104,075 0.4 1 6,499 11 97,576 ( ») ( 9) Grade—crossinq elimination - - - - - - - ( •) (10) other k/ 10 406,479 1.5 3 188,394 7 218,085 (10) (") public buildings 109 4,192,334 15.4 47 3.139.707 62 1,052.627 (") («) Administrative 15 385,837 1.4 8 220,337 7 165,500 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, ano ncwtal institutions 9 354,400 1.3 1 91,357 8 263,043 (13) (14) Educational 35 2,379,354 3.7 15 2,018,345 20 36q,e09 (14) (15) Social ano recreational 5 131,352 0.5 4 117,297 1 14,055 (") (w) federal (incluoino nilitary and naval) 21 495,681 1.8 11 385,172 10 110,709 (16) (") improvement of grounds 20 366,959 1.4 8 306,999 12 61,960 (") (18) housing and ocnolition - - - - - - (18) (19) other y 4 76,551 0.3 - ~ 4 76,551 (19) (») parks and other recreational facilities 56 2,501,444 9.2 21 1,200,200 35 1.301,164 (20) (21) playgrounds ano athletic fields 23 880,147 3.2 9 706,070 14 174,077 (21) (22) parks 28 1,458,050 5.4 10 466,592 16 991,458 (22) (23) other y 5 163,247 0.6 2 27,610 3 135,629 (23) (24) conservation 25 474,349 1.7 _7 200.567 16 273.782 (24) (25) forestat ion - - - - - - - (23) (26) Erosion control ano lako utilization 2 42,808 0.1 1 40,708 1 2,100 (28) (27) irrigation and water conservation 17 351,972 1.3 4 133,001 13 218,971 (27) (28) plant, chop, and livestock conservation 1 10,017 V 1 10,017 - - (28) (29) otkr y 5 69,552 0.3 1 16,841 4 52,711 (2») (30) Sever systems and Other utilities 131 5.669.104 20.0 35 2.064,172 96 3.584.932 (30) (31) mater purification ano supply 43 1,471,594 5.4 10 615,136 33 856,458 (31) (32) sever system 77 3,069,211 11.3 23 1,218,587 54 1,850,624 (32) (33) electric utilities 9 1,044,720 3.8 2 250,449 7 794,271 (33) (*) other y 2 63,579 0.3 ~ 2 83,579 (34) (») airports and other transportation 18 663.849 2.4 5 165.536 13 478.313 (33) (36) airports ano ainvays 7 262,425 0.9 2 127,342 5 135,083 (38) (37) ravioat ion 11 401,424 1.5 3 58,194 8 343,230 (37) (38) other y ~ (38) (39) shite collar projects 99 2,455,774 9.0 54 1.799.801 45 655.973 (39) (60) educational 2 438,894 1.6 2 438,894 - - (40) (6') recreational 5 309,762 1.1 4 235,446 1 74,316 («1) («) professional ano clerical 92 1,707,118 6.3 48 1,125,461 44 561,657 (42) (63) GOODS projects 19 1.677.255 6.1 15 1,622.488 _4 54,767 (43) (64) scrim 19 1,677,255 6.1 15 1,622,488 4 54,767 (44) (63) Caw ins - - - * ~ («3) (66) other y - ~ - ~ (48) (67) sanitation ano health 17 325,239 1.2 12 260.261 __5 64.978 (47) (68) Elimination or stream pollution - - - ~ ** ~ (48) (69) mosquito eradication - - - - - ~ (««) (*>) other y 17 325,239 1.2 12 260,261 5 64,978 (30) (51) miscellaneous 41 580,071 2.1 7 296,622 34 281,449 (31) recapitulation (32) grand total - all program 614 27,324,513 100.0 304 14,620,361 510 12,704,152 (32) (53) state 709 26,724,915 97.8 297 14,431,861 492 12,293,054 (33) (54) federal nationwide c/ 25 599,598 2.2 7 188,500 18 411,098 (34) a/ includes projects a_a96imable under wore than one of the headings above, ji/ lcm than 0.05 percent. c/ CLASSirI CD UNDER PROFESSIONAL AND CLERICAL ON LINE 42. 54 »PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THRQUQH JUNK 80, 1987 TABLE 90 NUMBER AND ESTIMATEO TOTAL OOIT IV TYPCi Or PROJECTS ANO BY OPERATING STATUS MASSACHUSETTS M-9G4 Total actIVC project* comPLfted projects I INF. Type or project Estimated Total Cost number EST 1 mateo number cbt1hatco line N0_. number Amount Percent total COST t9ta^ coft no. (i) (*) (1) (4) (3) (•) (•) < 1) grand total 9,625 1210,421,554 100,0 1,777 168.007, 746 7,048 1121,533,808 ( 1> < ?) highvayb, Roads, ano Streets 2.116 62,^66,290 £2x2 m ft.**. W Ixfil 1*0 ( 2) 1 it I 3) highways - pr 1 wary ROADS e 633.290 0.3 2 119,884 6 513.406 1 '/ ( 4) far»-to-»arket and other scconoary roads 357 17,856, 428 0.5 31 11,572,096 126 6,284,332 ( «) < 5) streets ano alleys 600 12.934,203 6.1 61 4,623,334 537 8, >10,849 ( 9) ( 6) SlPEVALKS, CURBS, ANO PATHS 450 14.502,355 6.9 87 6,537,354 363 7,966,001 ( *) < *) roaosioc improvementt 351 12,117,773 5.B 31 4,750,388 300 7,367,389 ( 7) ( a) BRIBES ANO V t A DUCT 8 165 1,083,903 0.5 26 304,059 139 77V, 844 1 •) 1 «) grade-cross(no elimination _ _ «. _ • - ( •) 110) other A/ 185 3,438.338 1.6 23 1,134,993 162 2,083, >43 (10) (") Public Buildihgs 1.801 25.678.512 12.2 224 10.402,907 1.577 15.275.6C5 (11) (32) Administrative 3*1 4,316,728 2.1 38 1,382,861 303 2,733,867 («) (13) charitable, medical, and mental institutions 197 3,245.364 1.5 17 1,412,181 180 1,833,183 (13) :i4) Eoucatiomal 600 5,247,209 2.5 61 1,816,042 599 3.431,247 (1*) V15) Social ano recreational 164 3.485,873 1.7 22 1,219,436 142 2,266.417 (IS) (161 federal (including military ano naval) 30 3,224,973 1.3 12 1,732,269 18 1,492,704 (W) (17) improvement of grounds 287 2,957,045 1.4 39 898,900 248 2,056,945 (17) (18) housing ano demolition 4 1C3,743 2/ 1 74,466 3 29,277 («) (19) other A/ 118 3,096,697 1.5 34 1,666,732 84 1,429,969 (1®) (20) parks ano other recreational facilities 775 13,636,110 6.6 138 5.276.493 637 8.339.615 (*>) (21) Playgrounds ano athletic fields 383 6,021.578 2.9 74 2,463,177 309 3,558,401 (71) (22) Parks 283 4,637,131 2.2 38 1,317,814 24 3.319.317 (») (23) other a/ 109 3,177.401 1.5 26 1,495,504 83 1,681,897 (») (24) conservation 577 6,724,959 3.2 74 2,106,139 503 4,616,820 (74) •25) forestat|on 90 1,183,735 0.6 10 420,313 60 763.422 (O] (26) erosion control and land utilization 36 337,297 0.2 3 20,071 33 317,226 <»> '27) irrigation ano water conservation 115 2,414,265 1.1 18 926,703 97 1.487.382 (*»> (28) Plant, crop, and livestock conservation 247 2,191,225 1.0 33 642.519 214 1.346,712 (») (29) other y 87 598,417 0,3 10 98.539 77 499,878 (») (30) sever systems ano other utilities 1,572 23.408,686 11.1 158 6.753.620 1.414 16.695,060 l») (31) ■ater purification and supply 477 6,481,320 3.1 S3 1,259,465 424 3.221.835 (*> (32) sever systems 1,044 16,114,980 7.6 96 5,060,662 948 11,034,110 («) (33) Electric utilities 38 457,390 0.2 6 235,810 32 221.580 (33) (34) Other y 13 354,998 0.2 3 177,463 10 177,535 (M> (35) Airports and Other transportation 46 3.203.746 1.5 11 1.652.311 35 1.351.435 (33) (36) Airports and airways 30 2,560,739 1.2 8 1,472,956 22 1,087,783 (33) (37) navigation 14 157, 738 0.1 2 78,788 12 78,990 (37) (38) other y 2 485,269 0.2 1 100,567 1 364.7C2 (30) (39) white Collar projects 1,369 29,811,128 14.2 501 14,519,024 866 13.292.104 (») (40) Edocational 11 2,377,658 1.1 0 686,351 3 1.691.307 (<01 (4') recreational 266 6,117,228 2.9 80 1,792,725 186 4,324,303 («> (42) professional ano clerical 1,092 21.316,242 10.2 413 12,039,940 679 9.276,294 («) (43) goods projects 6B7 33.347,218 15,9 236 14.753.915 431 18.391.303 («) (44) sewing 461 30,290,321 14.4 203 13,509,690 238 16.7eO.63l («) (45) cannin8 57 1,262,300 0.6 10 718,914 47 50,386 («) (46) other y 169 1,794,597 0.9 23 527, 311 146 1,267,266 («•) (47) sanitation mid health 120 2,101,404 1.0 11 500.103 109 1,601.301 («7) (48) Elimination of stream pollution 21 199,816 0.1 1 10,700 10 109,116 («) (49) mosquito eradication 70 1,443.502 0.7 9 470,923 61 966,579 («•) (») Other y 29 45 b, 066 0.2 1 12.460 28 4«,606 (») (51) Miscellaneous 562 9, 743,499 4.6 141 3,657,102 421 6,066,397 (31) recap 1 tulatlon (52) gran0 total - all programs 9,025 210,421,554 100.0 1,777 88,887, 7 ao 7,848 121.333,606 (31) (53) State 9,474 202,853,995 96.4 1,714 84,575,44 7,760 118, 278,041 (33) (54) federal Nationwide C/ 151 7,5o7,539 3.6 63 4,311,792 88 3.255,767 (3») a/ includes project 1 cl *98 if i* bce irioeh more thai one of the heao 1n08 above. j/ less than 0.05 percent. y Clam if ico unoer professional and Clerical m line 42. ■ pa projects puceo in operation through june 30, 1937 T A 8 L £ 51 numrcr ano estimated total cost |y typc8 or projects and iv <*« mtiwn itatui lINt NO. Tvf*C or (NWJECT _ ACTive projects completed projects Liwe NO. number CS TIIMTCO amount Ioiai. Cost PERCENT number Estimated total cost NUMBER ESTIMATED Total cost (1) (I) (3) (4) 0) (6) (7) (8) ! ') GRAND TOTAL 3,366 1146,976,636 100,0 940 <66,342,690 2,446 158,633,938 ( 1) ( *! Highways, Roads, ano Streets 669 68.511.886 46,6 236 47.792.911 4£3 20.718.975 ( z) ( 3) highways - primary roads 50 6,062,740 4,1 22 3,202,160 28 2,060,580 ( 3) t ■•) faria-to-market ano other scconoarv roads 156 23,447,633 16,0 74 14,716,960 62 0,730,865 ( 4) f =) streets and alleys 176 16,658,648 12.6 41 14,956,110 137 3,902,738 ( 3) 1 6} sidewalks, curbs, ano paths 95 1,502,947 1.0 24 709,603 71 793,344 ( «) . ■>> Roadside improvements 106 5,900,936 4.0 39 4,433,692 69 1,467,244 ( 7) . 6) bridges ano viaducts 32 544,942 0.4 7 198,347 25 346,595 ( 8) > *) Grade-cross ins elinination - - - - - - ( 9) (10) other a/ 70 12,193,640 6.3 29 9,576,031 41 2,617,609 (10) (") public Buildings 678 12.615,067 §•2 161 5.369.969 517 7.445.098 (") <«) administrative 176 2,965,655 2.0 27 569,237 149 2, 396,418 (12) I") Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 37 1,016,141 0.7 11 649,990 26 366,151 (13) (w) educational 283 5,531,171 3.8 71 2,542,799 212 2,988, 372 (14) I") Social and recreational 75 1,398,432 1.0 23 436,090 52 962,334 (13) (16) federal (including military ano naval) 2 199,162 0.1 2 199,162 - _ (16) <") improvement of grounds 62 606,316 0.4 16 349 , 682 44 256,434 (17) (18) housing amd demolition 2 13,652 y - - 2 13,652 (18) (19) other a/ 41 1,064,558 0.7 9 622,821 32 461,737 (15) (80) 265 9.177,896 6.2 96 6,112,397 187 3.065.499 (20) (21) Playgrounds and athletic fields 111 1,497,513 1.0 29 569,190 82 920,323 (21) (22) parks 121 6,494,962 4.4 46 4,644,194 75 1,650,768 (22) (23) other a/ 53 1,105,421 o.e 23 699,013 30 466,408 (23) (2*) Conservation 152 8,241,915 5.6 54 5.012.325 98 3.229.590 (24) (25) forestatiom 13 575,896 0.4 3 499,890 10 76,008 (23) (36) erosion control and lano utilization 5 259,346 0.2 3 245,674 2 13,674 (26) (23) irrigation ano water conservation 102 6,156,672 4.2 35 3,665,474 67 2,491,190 (27) (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation - - - - - - - (28) !») other a/ 32 1,249,997 0.8 13 601,287 19 648,710 (29) (30) Sewer Systems and other utilities 595 23.404,316 15.9 152 12,583,996 443 10.820,320 (30) (31) mater pur IF!cat ION ano supply 190 6,548,640 4.5 44 3,424,094 146 3,124,746 (31) (32) sewer systems 370 14,054,088 10.1 102 8,197,061 268 6,657,027 (32) (33) Electric utilities 17 1,793,037 1.2 4 938,227 13 854,610 (33) (3*) other a/ 10 208,351 0.1 2 24,614 16 183,737 (34) (35) Airports and Other transportation 90 5.799,021 4.0 34 2.201.107 56 3.597.914 (33) (36) Airports ano airsays 73 2,121,617 1.4 26 861,194 47 1,260,423 (36) (33) navigation 14 270,951 0.3 6 162,281 8 88,670 (37) (38) other a/ 3 3,406,453 2.3 2 1,157,632 1 2,246,821 (38) (39) white collar projects 415 9.357.312 6.4 57 4,106.685 358 5,250.627 (39) (60) Educational 3 1,093,105 0.7 3 1,093,105 .. — (40) (61) recreational 85 2,117,864 1.5 6 363,074 77 1,754,790 (41) (62) professional alfo clerical 327 6,146,343 4.2 46 2,650,506 261 3,495,637 (42) !*3) godo8 Projects 199 6.096,425 4.2 73 2.0C6.281 126 3.291.144 (43) (66) sewing 187 5,605,026 4.0 70 2,675,383 117 3,129,645 (44) (65) canning _ - - - - - - (45) (66) other a/ 12 291,397 0.2 3 129,898 9 161,499 (46) (67) sanitation ano kalth _4 30.162 y - - 4 30.162 (47) (<8) Elimination or stream pollution - • - - - - - (48) (69) mosquito eradication - - - - - - - (49) (30) other a/ 4 30,162 y - - 4 30,162 (») (51) Miscellaneous 279 3,542,616 2.4 75 2,358,007 204 1,164,609 (31) recapitulation (52) GRAND total - Au. programs 3,366 146,976,636 100.0 940 88,342,696 2.446 56,633,938 (52) (53) state 3,267 145,424,327 98.9 933 67,543. 398 2,334 57,860,929 (53) (56) federal nationwide c/ 119 1,552,309 1.1 7 799,300 112 753,009 (34) a/ includes project s class1 f ia9le under more thau one oe the hca01n08 above. 6/ le8b than 0.05 percent. 7/ CLA88 IF I EO UN OCR PROTEBSIONAL AND CLERICAL OB LINE 42. IW HWjtCH pucco in OftmilWI Thbouoh JUNt »Q. 1W7 hume. »»o tsniKTCo roni. cost »y r*«« or mojtcri and «y opcmtiho status k-964 iypc or mojtcT total JUL JLL tOTIHAUO TOTAL COOT mmmt act itt paojfctl cotiuatco t°'«l. tiv Jil cownrico wwjacto Cotioatco f»'h. ,c»>' 1ZL othca a/ OCCAPlTULATtOO (52) oraib TOTAL - Au- akookaoo I 1) GRAND TOTAL 4,187 $108,522,961 ( i) hiommays, ROADS, AND STREETS 1.167 43,847,237 ( 3) hishnavs - primary roads 6 1,007,517 ( «) faam-to-markct ano OTHCA St COM OA ay roads SOB 22,172.371 ( 3) STRCCTS ano allots 201 10,854,440 r«) sidewalks, curbs, ano paths 00 1,306,281 f ?) Roads toe improvements 163 3,504,271 < 8) BRIOOCS AND VIADUCTS 45 470,571 ( ») Grade-crossimo elimimation - - (10) other k/ 64 3,361,784 (11) public builoinrs 734 14.004.227 (12) administrative 100 1,772,225 (13) Charitable, medical, aro mcrtal institutions 37 841,042 ('«) educatioral 202 5,000,578 (15) social ano rccrcatiohal 103 2,805,172 (16) federal (incluoino mil i tart ano naval ) 6 1,456,930 (17) lamovcmcnt or grounds 43 622,132 (18) houbins ano demolition 2 4,844 (19) other y 50 1,410,404 (») Parks ano Other rcgreational facilities 378 14.323.846 (?1) playgrounds ano athletic fields 140 3,501,660 (22) parks 166 8,895,371 (23) other a/ 63 1.866,814 (2*) conservation 204 4,852,356 (25) Forestation 14 553,450 (26) Erosion control and land utilieation 18 277,641 (27) irrigation ano water conservation 140 3,226,878 (28) plant, crop, ano livestock conservation 2 41,296 (29) ott«r a/ 30 753,001 (») sever systems ano other utilities 435 6,833,410 (31) mater purification and supply 126 2, 793,544 (32) sever systems 241 3,218,813 (33) Electric utilities 31 159,822 (3*) other y 35 661,231 (35) airports ano other transportation 25 1.857,444 (36) airports ano airvavs 21 950,600 (37) ravioat ion 4 000,844 (=! !»! statc tcocaal MTKM.IDC C/ 4, TOO 76 106,522,501 107,506,326 1,016,235 100,0 40.4 1.6 20.5 10.0 1.3 3.3 0,4 3.1 12,0 1.6 0.6 4.6 2.7 1.3 0.6 !/ 1.3 13.2 3.3 6.2 1.7 4.5 0.5 0.3 3,0 !/ 0.7 6.3 2.6 3.0 0.1 0.6 hi 0.0 0.6 (30) MHITE collar projects 682 10,061,707 10.1 (40) educational 130 1,206,326 1.T (41) Recreational 75 3,024,620 2.8 (42) professional ano clerical 477 6,730,761 6.2 (43) goods projects 270 8.150,316 7.5 (44) sew irs 179 5,271,006 4,9 (45) cannino 3 7,867 y (46) other y 07 2,870,453 2.6 (47) sanitation and health 10 1,210.026 1.1 (48) Elimination or stream pollution 1 i!m ~y (40) mosquito eradication m (*» ot»«r y 9 1,208,838 1.1 (31) Miscellaneous 273 2,481,903 2.3 100.0 00.1 0.0 ,1B 148,570,140 3,082 199,952.412 238 1f(«?V|48f m 23.968,734 2 820,152 4 1,168,305 115 11,015,724 483 10,236,647 45 2,730,041 156 8,116,397 29 420,490 61 979,782 10 007,122 144 2,997,151 10 200,068 35 270,503 - • - - 18 1,157,875 40 2,203,909 213 7.074,059 521 6,929.268 44 657,268 146 1,114,957 15 490,345 22 B1.997 80 2,430,768 212 2,569,810 30 1,447,041 64 1,447,231 2 1,358,914 6 98,016 12 155,065 31 467,067 1 4,283 1 961 20 530,375 30 ■80,029 06 6.543.523 280 7,780,322 24 1,602,845 123 1,098,819 35 4,071,634 111 4,823,737 10 869,044 44 907,770 50 2.263.804 134 2.988.352 - - 14 953,490 1 6,179 17 271,462 45 2,148,930 0 1.077,948 - • 2 41,296 4 108,695 26 6*4,396 95 2.024.472 340 3,908,938 26 1,143,527 102 1.090,017 54 1,338,884 187 1,879,989 5 56,895 26 102,927 10 385,166 23 276,00 _9 1,446,720 16 410.724 8 561,625 13 394,915 1 886,005 3 13,740 ~ - • - 238 4,335,216 444 6,686,491 22 483,547 108 722,779 8 1,140,768 67 1.683.02 208 2,710,901 269 4,019,810 114 4,007,243 1« 4,143,073 00 2,730,242 80 2,341,194 3 7,867 - - 21 1,200,134 75 1,601,319 - - 10 1,210,026 " - 1 1,10 - • • — • - 0 1,208,838 80 1,715,720 103 766,264 ,135 48,570,140 3,062 90,052,412 ,115 48,431.215 2,904 59,00.111 20 138,034 58 877,301 (1) ( 2) ( 3) ( «) ( 5) ( 6! ( V ( •) ! •) (TO) (71) (12) (13) (1«) (15) (16) ("1 ('•) (IS) (ID) (211 (22) (23) (»•) (25) (26) (27) (26) (28) (») (31) (32) (»> (»«> (35) (36) (37) (36) (36) (40) (41) («2) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (46) («•) (») (51) (52) (53) (54) A/ IHCLUDCC ratUCCTA CLAMtflACLC UHOCfl MORA THAN OUT Of THE HCADINOC ABDTC. 6/ ICM THAN 0.05 PERCENT. C/ CLASCirtCO UHOCR PROFESSIONAL and C< EPICAL oh line 42, SPA PROJECTS PLACEO IN OPERATION throuqh june 30, 193/ 37 tabic 53 NUMBER AND CITIMATCO intM CM? IV TYPES Of PR0JEGT8 ANO BY OWMtlNO ITATUI NIHllii'VI m-064 line NO. type of project Total aotiyc projects completed projects line no. number f! -p 3 Toial Cosi percent NUMBER Estimateo Total oobt number est 1mated Total Cost P) («) (3) («) 0) U) (7) /•! ( ') grand total 3,000 $32,149,698 100.0 607 $14,227,582 2,203 $17,922,116 ( 1) ( ?) highvays, ftoaos, ano streets 617 11,525,546 33.0 192 5,001,640 425 5,643,906 ( 2) I 3) h1gmvays - PR 1 mary ROADS 4 36,609 0.1 « - 4 36,609 ( 3) ( 4) FARIP-TO—«ARKET ano other SECONDARY roads 366 7,146,450 22.2 128 3,063,327 258 3,283,123 ( 4) ( 5) streets ano alleys 146 3,676,451 11.4 47 1,777,419 99 1,899,032 ( 3) ( 6) stocvalks, curbs, ano paths 26 194,955 0.6 3 56,707 23 136,248 ( 6) ( 7) Roadside improvements 12 71,085 0.2 2 50,123 10 12,962 ( 7) ( 8) mioses ano viaducts 25 213,942 0.7 5 49,003 20 164,139 ( 8) ( 9) grade—cross 1no el inimat ion - - - - - - - ( •) PO) OTHDI y 16 166,054 0.6 3 76,261 11 109,793 (10) PI) Public buildings 401 4,000,419 15.0 105 2,045,836 386 2.754.38.'; (11) («) aonin1st native 21 173,122 0.5 5 78,184 16 >4,938 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 16 186,732 0.6 7 102,008 11 33,924 (13) (»«) Educational 269 2,856,953 6.9 63 1,377,301 206 1,481,652 (14) P5) social and necneational 70 698,804 2.2 10 150,757 60 548,047 (13) (W) federal (including military ano naval) 3 115,236 0.4 2 82,333 1 32,903 (10) (") improvement of grounds 88 351,224 1.1 9 82,739 79 268,485 (17) P8) housing ano demolition - - - - - - - (10) (19) other y 22 416,340 1.3 9 171,714 13 244,634 (19) (20) parks and other recreational facilities 63 577.764 1.8 12 128.466 51 449.298 (20) (21) Playgrounds and athletic fields 34 315,392 1.0 7 03,240 27 232,152 (21) (22) parks 13 125,978 0.4 1 2,464 12 123,514 (22) (23) other y 16 136,394 0.4 4 42,762 12 93,632 (23) (24) conservation 44 612,128 1.9 _6 217,410 38 394.718 (24) (25) forestation - - - - - - - (25) (26) Erosion control and land utilization 1 34,682 0.1 1 34,682 - - (20) (27) irrigation ano mater conservation 26 198,588 0.6 1 4,232 25 194,356 (27) (28) Plant, crop, and livestock conservation 2 102,600 0.2 1 101,800 1 800 (28) (29) other y 15 276,258 0.9 3 76,696 12 199,562 (29) (30) sever systems arc other utilities 98 942.680 3.0 16 176.866 82 765,794 (») (31) mater purification and supply 33 310,261 1.0 4 28,459 29 281,002 (31) (32) sever systems 56 578,274 1.8 11 131,559 45 446,715 (32) (33) electric utilities 2 4,654 §/ - - 2 4,654 (33) (3*) other y 7 49,491 0.2 1 10,e68 6 32,623 (34) (35) airports and other transportation 31 1,194.100 3.7 12. 641.698 19 552,402 (35) (36) airports and airsays 30 1,187,516 3.7 12 641,698 18 545,018 (30) (37) navigation 1 6,584 2/ - - 1 6,584 (37) (38) other y " ~ - - (38) (39) ■Hire Collar projects 894 3,576,020 11.1 157 1.682,371 737 1,e93,649 (39) (40) eoucat1 dm jul 167 1,367,608 4.2 7 641,993 160 725,615 (40) (41) Recreational 84 394,897 1.2 1 241,485 83 153,412 (41) (42) professional amd clerical 643 1,613,315 5.6 149 798,893 494 1,014,622 (42) (43) oooos Projects 331 4.226.160 13.1 118 2.120.313 213 2.105,847 (43) (64) serins 217 4,026,046 12.5 92 2,087,322 125 1,938,724 (44) (45) cannins 6 3,626 2/ - - 6 3,626 (45) (46) other y 108 196,488 0.6 26 32,991 82 163,497 (40) (47) sanitation ano health 156 2,328,672 7.2 _Z 351,564 154 1.977,108 (47) (48) Elimination of stream pollution 1 1,612 §7 - - 1 1,612 (48) (49) Mosquito eradication 74 764,791 2.4 1 139,879 73 624,912 (49) (30) other y 61 1,562,269 4.e 1 211,685 80 1,350,584 (30) (31) Miscellaneous 365 2,366,209 7.4 107 981,398 178 1,384,811 (51) recapitulation (32) grand total - all programs 3,090 32,149,698 100.0 007 14,227,582 2,283 17,922,116 (32) (33) state 2,977 31,673,975 98.5 602 13,970,632 2,175 17,703,343 (33) (34) federal nationside c/ 113 475,723 1.5 5 256,950 108 218,773 (34) k/ INCLUDES PROJECTS CLASS1 f I *Bl_C UNDER MORE IMAM ORE OF TMt HEADINGS ABOVE. y LESS THAN 0.05 PERCENT. c/ classt f ied under professional and clerical on line 42. 58 WPA PgOjCOTS PLACtO IN OPERATION THBOUGH JUNE 10. 1917 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST BY TYPfl Of MOJECTS ANO BY OPCRATlNQ STATUS tqtat, AOTIYI p«ojtct» line no. j1l _i£l_ Cbtimateo Total Cost MHWT flffCIHT _1±l Number (9) ciri mateo Total COT compl ft cd projects c6timatc0 line total cost no. (') >1 2,101 1 91, 24/, 197 ( m 1,241 19.209,672 ( 2) 7 97,364 ( » 941 12,521,273 ( 4) 247 4,544,444 ( 5) 67 743,072 ( •) 19 412,595 < 7) n 225,007 ( •) - - ( •) 27 742,277 (to) m 3fl570.477 («) 34 460,954 (12) 7 56,070 (h) 219 1,377,636 (h) 30 292,111 (W) 2 359,747 110) 70 905,220 (17) - - (1«) 3 37,739 (19) 141 3,090.670 (»! 09 024,329 (21) 41 2,013,369 (22) 11 220,772 (2») 67 6,301.930 <») 1 29,130 (29) 4 78,992 (») 57 5,950,353 (27) 1 3,510 <») 4 231,591 (2») 148 3.492,723 (*» 47 007,403 (31) 92 2,323,962 (32) 3 296,115 (33) 3 65,153 (*) 9 112.996 (33) 5 112,996 (*) - - (37) - - (36) 173 1.786.873 (») m 633,360 (90) 1 13,566 (91) 06 941,927 (92) 130 10.546,672 (93) 91 6.590,473 (99) - „ (95) 47 1,956,399 (96) 16 2.069.065 (97) 3 56,510 (90) 6 270,271 (99) 7 1,760,264 (») 110 1,006,271 (91) (35) AIRPORTS AMD OTHER TRAMSPORTAT ION (36) airports amd airways (37) navigation (36) OTHER A/ (39) white Collar projecta (40) Educational (4!) recreational (42) Professional and clerical (43) Goooe projects (44) SCWIMfl (43) Canning (46) other a/ (47) SANITATION ANO HEALTH (48) Elimination or stream pollution (49) MOSOUITO ERADICATION (30) OTHER A/ (51) MISCELLANEOUS RECAPITULATION (52) grand TOTAL - ALL PROGRAMS < ') GRANO TOTAL 3,922 •113,995,934 100,0 ( ?) highways, roads, and streets 2.008 47.976.327 42,1 < 5) highways - primary roads 13 374,655 0.3 I 9) farm—to—marktt and other secondary roads 1,412 29,530,846 25.9 ( 5) streetb ano alleys 351 9,000,721 7.9 < 6) Sidewalks, curbs, and paths 101 1,752,001 1.5 ( >) Roadside improvements 33 635,309 0.8 ♦ a) br i docs ano viaducts 44 489.744 0.4 ( fl) grade-cross ihq elimination - - - (10) other 51 6,023,051 5.3 (i») Public builoinqs 550 9.222,434 6.1 (12) administratIve 55 701,452 0.7 (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 10 169,413 0.1 (19) EoucatIoral 311 2,959,935 2.6 (15) Social and recreational 59 1,281,066 1.1 (16) federal (including militany and naval) 5 809,622 0.7 (") improvement or grounds 91 2,705,089 2.4 (is) housing and demolition - - - (19) other \f 19 514,257 0.5 (20) Parks and Other recreational facilities 199 5.618,966 4.9 (?1) playgrounds and athletic fields 111 1,380,805 1.2 (22) parks 70 3,858,944 3.4 (23) other a/ 18 379,217 0.3 (29) conservation 146 11,569,703 10.2 (25) foresta tI on 3 106,159 0.1 (26) Erosion control and land utilization 5 127,151 0.1 127) irrigation and water conservation 131 11,023,620 9.7 (28) PLi»NT, CROP, AND LIVESTOCK CONSERVATION 2 74,080 0.1 (29) other a/ 5 230,693 0.2 (30) Sewer Systems and other utilities 203 10,163,347 6.9 (31) water purification and supply 63 1,299,816 1.1 (32) Sewer systems 133 0,453,953 7.4 (33) Electric utilities 3 296,115 0.3 (39) other a/ 4 133,463 0.1 696,902 690,902 (53) (») STATE FEDERAL NATIONWIDE B/ 3,922 3,836 0.6 0.6 315 4.696,809 4.1 110 1,613,433 1.4 11 228 , 367 0.2 194 2,855,009 2.5 206 16,448,623 14.4 213 13,171,305 11.5 73 3,277,310 2.9 28 5.119,891 4.5 5 734,89? 0.7 15 1,105,104 1.0 8 3,199,892 2*8 176 2,460,932 2.2 113.995,934 100.0 112,599,642 1,396,292 96.0 1.2 • 62,740,777 664 20,706,095 6 217,291 471 17,009,571 104 4,456,277 14 1,006,129 14 402,754 11 221,957 24 5,280,774 105 5.643.957 21 312,490 3 112,543 92 1,502,299 29 909,755 3 449,875 21 1,720,669 16 476,310 56 2,560,296 72 556,276 29 1,845,575 7 158,445 79 5.268,167 2 77,029 1 48,139 74 5,065,267 1 70,570 1 7,142 58 6.690,624 16 492,323 41 6,129,991 1 66,310 9 585.904 9 585,904 142 2.907.936 24 700,073 10 214,781 108 1,913,082 140 5.901.751 122 4,560,032 26 1,320,919 12 3.030.826 2 676, 385 0 914,033 1 1,439,608 66 1,452,661 ,421 62,740,777 ,193 61,736,953 28 1,011,824 2,501 2,443 31,247,157 50,662,609 364,466 (32) (*) (m) a/ includes projects classifiable iaiocr wore than one or the headings above, b/ classified under Professional and Clerical on line 42. ■ pa projects pup cp in operation THBOUQH june 1m? 39 number and tbtimatio total ctbt ov t ypli ot projects and iv atatui Tot a^ Aonvr projects completed projects line No. Type of project number (it 1mates 'BTAV cost *«w mmhit mumper est(mated tot al cost number c8ti8ate0 nu"'e" total cost LINE NO. -111 J£l All J2L JZL JSI ( i) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) < 4) ( *) ( 8) ( 9) (10) (") (W) (13) (14) C5) (W) <") (18) (19) (») (21) (22) (23) GRAND TOTAL hismvays, roaos, ano streets highways - mi mary roads farm-to-market amo other secondary roaus street* ano alleys stoemalks, curb!, ano rath! roadside improvements brioaca and viaducts grasc—crosbino elimination other y public Builoins* aori in ibtmt ivc Char i table, medical, and mental institutions Educational Social and recreational federal (incluoino nil itart and naval) improvement or qroumob housing ano demolition other y Parks and Other recreational facilities playgrounds and athletic fields other y (24) conservation (25) Forest*tion (26) erosion control ano lamo utilization (27) irrigation ano mater conservation (28) plant, crop, and livestock con scr vat io (29) other y (30) sever Systems and other utilities (31) Batch purification and supply (32) sever systems (33) electric utilities (34) ot»«r y (35) airports and other fransportat ion (36) (37) (») airports amo i ravioat i dm dtkr y Educational (30) Shite collar Projects (40) (41) (42) PROFESSIONAL ANO CLERICAL (43) Gooos Projccis (44) sesims (49) cannino (46) OTHER y (47) Sanitation and health (46) (49) (») (51) Elimination of stream pollution Mosquito eradication other y RECAPITULATION (52) grand total - all (53) (») state federal nationwide c/ 1,361 1,340 21 1,H1 126,250,502 100.0 363 10.759.479 41.0 12 176,963 0.7 166 5,850, 724 22.3 45 1,150,993 4.4 11 57,527 0.2 30 400,290 1.3 16 197,371 0.8 79 2,925,591 11.1 194 1.684,129 7.2 31 313,445 1.2 5 23,990 0.1 52 488,753 1.9 40 535,266 2.0 24 282,947 1.1 29 140,668 0.5 13 99,038 0.4 26 2.081.349 7j9 19 271,015 1.0 18 170,631 0.6 59 1,639,703 6.3 106 3.095,116 11.8 5 47,291 0.2 69 2,494,494 9.5 13 94,755 0.4 19 458,576 1.7 104 1.393.078 5.3 67 565,583 2.1 33 006,445 3.1 1 3,347 1/ 3 17,703 0.1 28 402,487 1.5 27 391,442 1.5 1 11,045 1/ 129 1,395,959 5.3 21 207,383 0.8 5 361,244 1.4 103 827,332 3.1 153 3.445.506 13.1 110 2,778,445 10.6 1 955 y 42 666,106 2.5 53 1,125,830 4.3 1 5,474 y 1 2,403 y 51 1,117,953 4,3 135 673,629 2.6 25,969, 312 267,250 99.0 1.0 326 110,930,594 1,039 115,325,960 60 4.120.717 303 6,630,762 - - 12 176,983 22 2,547,141 146 3,303,583 7 570,717 38 580,276 1 35,441 10 22,086 3 44,27V 27 356,011 1 15,058 17 102,313 - - - - 26 908,081 53 2,017,510 48 769,476 146 1.114.653 11 208,561 20 104,864 1 3,419 4 20,571 14 186,901 38 301,852 12 258,255 28 277,033 4 32,073 20 250,074 3 39,281 26 101,387 - - - - 3 40,966 10 58,052 24 976,464 72 1.104. 885 6 72,904 13 198,031 2 8,100 16 162,523 16 895,372 43 744, 331 29 1.603.718 77 1,491.390 1 6,993 4 40,298 17 1,419,338 52 1,075,156 3 59,160 10 35,595 e 118,227 11 340,349 13 226.682 91 1.166.396 7 107,307 60 458,276 6 119,375 27 687,070 - 1 3,347 - 3 17.703 _4 75,765 24 326.722 4 75,765 23 315,677 - - 1 11,045 ~ - - 47 826.646 569.313 10 96,733 11 110,650 5 361,244 - - 32 368,669 71 450,663 51 1.492.150 102 1.953.356 44 1,229,492 66 1.548,953 - - 1 955 7 262,050 35 403,448 19 552.235 34 573.595 - - 1 5,474 - - 1 2,403 19 552.235 32 565,718 31 286, 741 104 386,888 326 10,930,594 1,035 15,325,968 322 10,851,169 1,018 15,138,143 4 79,423 17 107,825 (i) ( 2) i 3) ( «) ( ') ! ») ( 7) ( •) ( ») (10) (") (12) (13) (k) (13) (16) (17) (18) (IS) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (23) (26) (27) (28) (28) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (33) (36) (37) (38) (38) (40) («1) (42) (43) («4) («5! (46) (47) (48) (*8) (30) (31) (62) (53) (54) a/ includes "rojccte classifiable under more than one or thc head i nob above. y less thau 0.05 percent. C/ Classified woe* professional ano clerical on line 42. 60 IP* PROJECTS PLACCP IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 10. 1987 NUMBER AND C8TIMATC0 TOTAL COST BY TYPC8 Of PROJECT8 ANO BY OPERATING STATUS Total active projects completed project# l inf Type of Project number Estimated Total cost number Ebtimateo u™., 1st imateo line no, Amount percent Totai^ cost total cost 10. in (*) (>) («) 1') }•) W W ( 1) GRANO TOTAL highways, r0a08, and streets highways - primary roads fanm-to-market ano other secondary roads street 8 and alleys sidewalks, curbs, ano paths roaosidc improvements br i docs ano viaducts Grade-crossing clinination other y ntal institutions Public Buildings administrative Charitable, mcoical, and i Educational Social and recreational FEDERAL (lltCLUOING MILITAI IMPROVEMENT OF GROUNDS HOUSING AND DEMOLITION other y parks ano Other rccreational facilities playcrowos ano athletic fields PARKS OTHER y conservation forestation Erosion control and land utilization irrigation and water conservation plaht, crop, and livestock con sep vat 101 other y sever systems ano other utilities biter purification ano supply SEWER systems Electric utilities other y Airports and other transportation Airports and airways navigation other y •Hire collar projects Educational recreational Professional ano clerical goods projects sewing Canning other y sanitation ano health Elimination or stream pollution mosquito eradication other y (51) miscellaneous RECAP I TULA! I OR (52) grand total - all programs (53) STATE (54) FEDERAL NATIONWIDE C/ 1,142 #41,079,238 100.0 645 #20,829,403 1,497 #20,249,899 758 18.076.332 44,0 222 9.746.3V4 540 8.330.158 3 13,703 V - - 1 13,705 313 8,691,639 21.2 63 4,351,237 230 4,330,402 127 2,354,449 5.8 26 868,401 101 1,485,568 23 220,593 0.3 7 1ol,5V9 16 56,996 18 303,498 0.8 7 102,964 11 200,534 68 702,617 1.9 12 1M2.047 56 600,5W 2 14,003 2/ - - 2 14,003 204 3,696,040 13.4 83 4,073,666 121 1,620,380 306 2.476.423 6,0 78 1.030,440 228 1.445.975 56 413,964 1.0 16 222,740 40 191,224 24 219,342 0.3 4 54,467 20 105,075 110 902,697 2.0 24 274,142 94 528,955 44 563,164 1.3 14 250,260 30 304,904 5 109,423 0.3 2 35,059 3 74,364 26 201,816 0.5 7 95,*45 19 106,371 1 2,692 2/ - - 1 2,692 32 103,123 0.4 11 90,335 21 72.790 132 3.000.720 7.4 « 1.542.226 07 1.466.494 26 133.347 0.4 4 75.601 22 77,666 59 2,295,061 5.6 22 1.C62.722 37 1,242,399 47 560,312 1.4 19 413.823 28 140,409 114 2,631,705 6.4 36 1.363.647 78 1.268.056 1 4,759 2/ — — 1 4,739 5 199,607 0.3 - - 5 199,607 87 2,267,015 5.5 34 1.355.004 53 912. Oil 4 29,357 0.1 - - 4 29.357 17 130,967 0.3 2 8.643 15 122.324 255 3,959,241 9,6 32 1.721,024 223 2.238.217 113 1,036,739 2.6 14 122.679 99 994,060 109 2,359,443 5.7 13 1,316.730 96 1.042.713 7 35,942 0.1 1 6,674 6 29,266 26 507,117 1.2 4 274,941 22 232,176 12 1.496,473 3.6 _0 1.115.223 4 303.290 11 1,474,720 3,5 7 1,091,470 4 363.290 1 23,753 0.1 1 23,753 - - 253 3.161.935 7.7 79 1.527.903 174 1.694.032 49 896,972 2.2 4 347,558 45 591.414 20 714,115 1.7 1 367.120 19 340,798 184 1,348,046 3.8 74 013.025 110 735,823 161 4.097, 009 10,0 71 1,460,161 90 2,617.728 113 3,140,772 7.7 59 1.219,433 54 1.921,339 1 4, 990 2/ 1 4,998 _ 47 952,119 2.3 11 255,730 36 696,389 51 1.011.655 2.5 43 883.340 _e 120.315 51 1,011,655 2.5 43 603,340 e 128,315 100 1,156,665 2.8 35 419,037 65 737,628 2,142 41,079,256 100.0 645 20,029,403 1,497 20,249,895 2,086 40,453,999 98.5 632 20,502,938 1,«4 19,951,061 56 625,259 1.5 13 326,465 43 290,794 ( 1) ( 2) ( » ( «) ( 5) ( •) (') < •) i •> (10) <") <«) (1» (") ("> («) I") <«> ('*) (») I*1) (a) (O) <») (23) (2») ITT} (») (») (») (f) (K) (») (X) (»> (") (*7) (") (••) («0> («) («) («) (-) («) («•) l<») («•) (—) (») («) (®) (») k/ INCLUDES PROJECTS CLASS IEI NILE UNDER NONE THAN ONE OE THE HEADINOS ASOVt. y LESS THAN 0.05 PERCENT. y CLASSIEICO UNDER PROEEASIONAL AND CLERICAL ON LINE 43. ■ PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPE RAT ION THROUGH JUNE 10, 1937 table 57 number and cariMArto rom cm? by rvbfi or projects AND BY «W Mliia STATUS MVBM M-964 line NO. Tvwe or projcqt .. tm aotive projects oomplfted projects LINE NO. number 1st imateo Amount TOTAL CSST percent NUHSCfl Cat I mated Total cost NUMBER est 1 mateo total cost m (») (»} (4) (8) ]•) (7) (•! ( 1) BRAND TOTAL 171 1 4,227,044 100.0 201 t 2,176,196 70 • 2,051,7*1 ( 1) ( 2) hlonmayb, roaos, and streets S 1.012.929 24.0 507,447 11 505,462 ( 2) ( 3) hismmayi - wimiy roads - - - - ■ - ( 3) t 4) earn-to "oanutt and other secondary roads 25 395,664 9.3 18 184,373 7 209,291 ( 4) < 5) streets ano alleys 21 463,132 11.0 10 226,555 3 236,607 ( 9) ( 6) stocsalks, curbs, ano fathi 9 12,675 0.3 3 12,675 - ( «) < n roaoside improvements 1 4,213 0.1 1 4,213 - ( 7) ( 8) br 1 docs and viaducts - - - - - _ ( 8) ( 9) Gram—cross ins climinat ion - - - - _ ( «) no) other y 12 139,245 3.3 8 79,661 4 59,584 (10) on wjslic builoinm 53 206.778 4.9 30 150.677 _3 58.101 (11) («) aon ini stray im; 8 27,369 0.6 8 27,389 - (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and rental institutions 3 11,148 0.3 3 11,148 _ (13) (W) educatlohal 14 81,866 1.9 13 71,238 1 10,630 (14) (15) social and recreational 4 65,590 1.6 3 26,605 1 38,905 (15} (w) federal (incluoins military ano naval) 1 4,016 0.1 1 4,016 _ (16) (17) improvement of 6rounds 2 12,655 0.3 1 4,169 1 8,406 (17) (18) housimo ano demolition - - - - - _ (18) (19) other y 1 6,112 0.1 1 6,112 - (19) (») parks amd other recreational facilities 25 736.119 17.5 10 292.921 _7 445.198 (20) (21) Playgrounds and athletic fielos 7 66,610 1.6 6 51,498 1 15,112 (21) (22) parks 5 224,388 5.3 3 102,828 121,560 (22) (23) other y 13 447,121 10.6 9 138,595 4 3op,526 (23) (24) conservation 11 511,503 12.1 _8 184.168 _3 327.335 (24) 125) forestat ion - — - - - - (25) (») erosion control ano land utilization - - - - _ _ (26) (27) 1rr1 cat ion ano patch conservation 2 47,346 1.1 1 21,556 1 25,790 (27) (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation 7 357,301 8.5 6 123,919 1 233,382 (28) (29) ot»«r y 2 106,856 2.5 1 38,693 1 68,163 (29) (30) Sever Systems and other utilities 12 162,076 3.8 15 80.904 4 81,172 (30) (31) batch''purification ano supply 7 93,250 2.2 4 25,799 3 67,451 (31) (32) sewer systems e 42,592 1.0 8 42,592 _ - (32) (33) Electric utilities 2 5,797 0.1 2 5,797 • _ (33) (34) other y 2 20,437 0.5 1 6,716 1 13,721 (34) (35) Airports and Other transportation _6 165.176 3.9 _4 143.459 _2 21,717 (35) (38) Airports amo airsays 6 165,176 3.9 4 143,459 2 21,717 (36) (37) ravirat ion - - - - . _ _ (37) (38) other y - - - - - (36) (39) ■mi te collar projects 65 363,233 8.6 47 186.507 18 176.726 (39) (40) Educational 11 66,490 1.6 9 35,690 2 30,800 (40) (41) recreational 11 56,743 1.3 1 26,000 10 30,743 (41) (42) professional ano clerical 43 240,000 5.7 37 124,817 6 115,183 (42) (43) rood* projects zs 449,863 10.6 14 299,015 _9 150.848 (43) (44) Serins 16 411,354 9.7 7 260,506 9 150,848 (44) (45) cambins - - - - - - - (45) (46) other y 7 30,509 0.9 7 38,509 ~ " (46) (47) sanitation ano health _1 20.000 0.5 - - 1 20.000 (47) (48) Elimination of stream pollution — — - * - — (48) (49) mosquito eradication - - - - - - _ (49) (3D) other y 1 20,000 0.5 " - 1 20,000 (») (51) miscellaneous 26 596,267 14.1 17 331,098 9 265,169 (51) recapitulation (52) brand total - au. prosrams 271 4,227,944 100.0 201 2,176,196 70 2,051,748 (52) (53) State 251 4,143,657 98.0 196 2,134,151 55 2,009,506 (53) (») federal rat ions ioc b/ 20 84,287 2.0 5 42,045 15 42,242 (54) */ memoes projects classifiable isioen none than one of thc head mas above. b/ Classifies under Professional and Clerical on line 42. 62 w"a r huje.^ run 08 NUMBER AND ESTIMATCO TOTAL COST BY TYPCB Or PROJECTS AND BY OBCRATINQ STATUS NEi HAMPSHIRE h-964 ( 1) QRANO TOTAL Highways, Roads, and Streets hiqmways — pr(mary roads farm-to-markct and otmcr secondary roads street b and atleys Sidewalks, curbs, and paths roadside improvements br i docs and viaducts Grade—crossino clihimation other kj public builoinos admin1strat ivc char i table, medical, and mental institutions educatiomal social and recheatiomal federal (including military and naval) rous(no and i other a/ litior Parks and Other recreational Facilities playcroumos and athletic fields parks other a/ conservation forcstatiom erosion control and land utilization irrigation and water conservation plaw7, crop, and livestock conservation other a/ sewer systems and other utilities 1atcr purification and supply sewer systems Electric utilities other a/ airports and other transportation Airports ano airways navi&at i dm other a/ •htte collar projects Educational recreational professional and clerical goods projects sew i no cannins other a/ sanitation and health Elimination or stream pollution mosquito eradication other a/ (51) miscellaneous RECAPITULATION (52) BRAND TOTAL - All Probrams (53) (54) state federal Nationwide c/ 999 313,077,294 100.0 404 2.905,998 22s£ — — — 270 1 ,697,1*88 12.2 47 723,221 3.2 16 82,430 0.6 5 20,062 0.2 37 167,344 1.2 29 213,033 1.3 66 17 726,308 73,522 3.2 0.3 7 69,049 0.5 17 141,503 1.0 10 329,227 2.4 9 31,160 0.2 6 81,847 0.0 116 1.913.320 13.0 38 408,060 2.9 28 494,367 3.6 50 1.012,093 7.3 24 163,761 1.2 1 16,062 0.1 16 92,210 0.7 1 15,003 0.1 6 39,686 0.3 173 3.865.542 27.9 60 897,212 6.5 112 2,965,605 21.4 1 2,725 §/ 13 702,198 5.1 13 702,188 5.1 - - - - ~ " 86 1.212.796 8.7 6 412,013 2.9 2 40,529 0.3 78 760,254 3.3 78 2,011,638 14.5 57 1,941,586 14.0 - - - 23 70,032 0.3 __3 1 10.829 1,320 0.1 17 2 9,509 0.1 36 362,914 2.6 999 13,877,294 100.0 964 13,323,630 97.5 35 331,664 2.3 100 E 20 3 38 3 » 38 13,197,007 420,076 264,167 110,620 28,081 3,112 12,076 228,063 14,106 <14,708 163,377 12,611 14,073 737,303 96,369 138,015 303,000 1 9,385 12,208 6,377 1.404.090 17,311 1,384,044 2,725 468,557 468,557 773,532 267,518 28,658 477,316 908,904 096,904 143 15 137,023 4,976,496 210,511 Total Active Project t COMPLETED projects line no. Type or project number Estimated AMOUNT total cost percent NUMSCR Total cost numscr total cost Line NO. (d l*> l») (♦} (9) (•) f7) fa 839 377 293 42 12 5 36 40 16 7 16 8 8 3 1q2 33 23 13 1 5 12 37 96 19 21 3 819 20 18,690,287 bO-jMI 1/433,721 614.601 53,469 20,062 164,012 200,057 497.343 99,326 60,049 116,793 163,890 10,549 67,774 1 .177.937 311.602 356,332 509,993 143.17& 80.002 13.003 33,300 2i46L|4£ 879,901 1,581,561 233,631 233,631 ■439,884 164,458 n,sm u22ls? 942,762 70,652 to.ego 1,300 9,509 225,889 8,600,287 8,340,134 141,153 < 1) ( t) ( 1) ( «) ( 5) ( •) ( 7) ( •) ( t) (10) (11) (12) (u) (h) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (») (21) (22) (z») (W) (25) (») (w) (») (») (») in) (32) (33) (34) (35) (38) c»7) (35) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) '48) (47) (40) (40) (90) 151 (32) (53) (34) A/ INCLUDES PROJECTS CLASSIFIABLE UNDER MORE THAN ONE OF THE HEADINGS ABOVE, B/ LESS THAN 0.03 PERCENT. C/ Classified under professional and Clerical on line 42. NUMBER AND niTIMAffD tOIAl Ct»t SV TVPC8 0F PROJECTS AND IV OPT MUM If A TUI HI* *•«» m-964 LINE mo. Tyni or mojcc? TOm aotive projects COMPLETED PROJECTS line no. nunder Cstimatlo Amount isval cost percent number Estimated Total cost Number estimated total cost (1) it) (1) («) (9) (e) (7) (•) ( ') QMANO rot.l 5,728 1166,193,218 100.0 1,712 •83,017,200 4,011 883,165,920 ( 1) ( 2) H1 OH.*yl, road., amd ST.cct. 1.550 54.071.750 32.5 424 27.800,669 1,135 26,172,004 ( 2) I 3) hiohnay. - mi mary "0*0'. • - - - - - - ( 3) ( «) r»m-to i.wt and otmcr scoonoany road. 290 8,043,111 4.3 63 3,030,448 207 9,006,663 ( 4) 1 5) SYRCrf. amd ALLCr. 582 16,967,251 10.2 158 7,025,816 424 9,041,435 ( 3) 1 «) stocmlkb, cur.., and rath. 170 5,006,025 3.1 46 2,664,452 133 2,431,973 ( 6) t ') roao.ioc im.rovcmcmt. 130 1,712,307 1.0 28 905,499 111 1,206,898 ( 7) I a) br 1 doc. amd yiaoucy. 26 427,822 0.3 4 157,703 22 270,110 ( 0) t ») omaoc-cmo..in. kl1mira1 ion - - - - - - - ( 9) (10) oymcr k/ 343 21,823,163 13.1 105 13,607,797 238 0,215,406 (10) C>) purlic buildimm 085 21.564,431 13.0 244 11.592,601 741 9.071,830 (11) ("> rdmirt.vrayivc 237 3,034,149 1 «® 62 1,396,401 175 1,637,740 (12) (»! char 1yah.c, mcoical, ano mental in.tiyuyion. 00 1,388,406 0.3 25 552,917 65 835,489 (13) (<•) Cducatiomal 314 4,544,870 2.7 65 2,130,486 249 2,414,393 (14) (15) social ano recreational 73 7,377,360 4.5 29 5,067,300 44 2,310,069 (15) (») federal (incluoinq military amd naval) 30 536,068 0.3 12 246,185 27 289,303 (16) (") Improvement op grounds 156 3,775,458 2.3 29 1,841,470 127 1,933,998 (17) (18) housing ano demolition 2 101,149 0.1 - - 2 101,149 (18) (19) other k/ 74 806,953 0.5 22 357,842 52 449,111 (15) (20) Parks ano other recreational Facilities 486 21.765.660 13.1 178 11.654.023 308 10.111.646 (20) (21) playcroimds ano athletic fields 188 5,064,085 3.0 60 2,044,421 128 3,019,664 (21) (22) parks 226 14,118,286 8.5 90 8,327,210 136 5,791,076 (22) (23) other A/ 72 2,583,298 1.6 28 1,282,392 44 1,300,906 (23) I2«) comscrvation 160 4,600,795 2.3 36 1.507.073 124 3,173,722 (24) (25) FORESTATION - - - - - - - (25) (26) Erosion control and lano utilization 32 609,084 0.4 11 291,784 21 317,300 (2«) (2') irrigation ano vatcg ccwservation 38 1,807,127 1.1 12 483,037 26 1,324,090 (27) (28) plant, crop, ano l1 yestock conservation - - - - - - - (28) (29) otkr k/ 90 2,264,584 1.3 13 732,252 77 1,532,332 (29) (30) Sever Systems and other utilities 753 19,072,558 11.5 172 9,490,926 581 9,501.632 (30) (31) rater purification ano supply 207 7,397,540 4.5 43 4,086,955 164 3,310,585 (31) (32) sever systems 517 10,485,716 6.3 120 4,482,846 397 6,002,870 (32) (33) Electric utilities 19 353,298 0.2 6 120,481 13 232,817 (33) (39) other y 10 836,004 0.5 3 800,644 7 35,360 (34) (35) Airports and other transportation 50 6.112.500 3.7 16 4,381.293 34 1.731,287 (35) (36) airports and airways 15 4,122,567 2.5 5 3,603,621 10 510,966 (36) (37) navigation 25 1,474,938 0.9 9 733,469 16 741,469 (37) (38) otmcr y 10 515,055 0.3 2 44,203 8 470,052 (38) (39) ■mite collar projects 1,150 19,990,850 12.0 375 6,391,805 775 13,599.045 (39) (90) Educational 34 2,833,181 1.7 9 99,212 25 2,733,969 (40) (91) recreat1 oral 46 2,288,545 1.4 2 1,138,901 44 1,149,644 (41) (92) Professional and clerical 1,070 14,869,124 8.9 364 5,153,692 706 9,715,432 (42) (*3) goods projects 350 12.449.462 7.5 176 7.521,146 174 4.928,316 (43) (99) so ims 339 12,262,742 7.4 171 7,381,504 168 4,881,238 (44) («5) cannims - - - - - - (45) (9») other y 11 186,720 0.1 5 139,642 6 47,078 (46) («7) sanitation ano health 54 2,285.233 1.4 20 1.110.081 34 1.175.152 (47) («8) Elimination of stream pollution 3 83,463 0.1 - - 3 83,463 (48) (99) mosquito eradication 24 1,271,462 0.8 9 667,860 15 603,622 (40) (50) other y 27 930,288 0.5 11 442,221 16 488,067 (») (51) hi scellaneous 176 4,199,881 2.5 71 1,468,685 105 2,721,196 (51) recapitulation (52) 8 Pa no total - All programs 5,723 166,183,218 100.0 1,712 83,017,208 4,011 83,165,920 (52) (53) state 5,586 163,101,046 98.1 1,695 82,506,750 3,891 00,505,187 (») (59) federal nationwide 6/ 137 3,091,272 1.9 17 510,539 120 2,570,733 (54) a/ incluoc8 wfojfcts cl*861 f iable under more than one op the headings above. b/ Classified under Professional and Clerical on line 42. 26603 o—37 -6 64 mpa projects placed in qpcration throuqh june 80. 1917 TABLE 60 number AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST BY TYPES OF PROJECTS AND BY OPCRATINO STATUS NC» MEXICO M-964 fOTAL ACTIVE PROJECTS COMPLETED PROJECTS line Type or Project Estimated Total Cost m MISER estimated number Estimated LINE no. Number amount PERCENT TOTAL CP»T tfrtal coft NO. (1) (2) (3) (4) M (•) (7) jii ( 1) GRAND TOTAL 1,147 S 16,788,420 100.0 279 1 I,711,674 •69 9 10,076,746 ( 1) ( ?) nlqnvays, ROADS, AND streets 128 7,002.196 37.1 73 1.261.909 m 1,740,207 ( 2) ( 3) H1 OH*ATS - PRIMARY ROADS a 161,578 0.9 1 •1,S72 2 79,706 ( •) ( 4) farm-to-markct ANO other secondary roads 130 4,698,763 25.0 42 2,551,124 108 2,147,439 ( 4) ( 5) streets and alleys 79 1,232,879 6.6 13 246,777 66 906,102 ( 9) ( 6) stocvalks, curbs, and paths 41 689,177 3.7 14 113,556 27 355,621 ( i) < 7) ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENTS 4 69,737 0.4 1 12,764 1 16,971 ( 7) ( 8) bridges ANO viaducts 16 115,812 0.6 2 15,616 14 100,196 < •) I 9) oraoc-crossinq elimination 2 26,307 0.1 - - 2 26,107 ( •) (10) other k/ 1 7,943 1/ - 1 7,941 (10) (") public buildings 350 4.474.232 23.8 75 1.627.277 275 2.846.995 (11) («) AON in 1st rat ive 22 238,493 1.3 6 •5,431 16 151,062 («) (13) Charitable, medical, and rental institutions 6 809,354 4.3 3 192,739 3 616,615 (It) (14) eoucat10*al 239 2,127,757 11.3 42 670,005 197 1,407,672 (n) (15) social ano recreational 50 839,575 4.5 12 432,288 38 407,207 (13) (16) 9 129,771 0.7 1 12,106 6 117,665 (1«) (") improvement op grounds 22 320,759 1.7 11 234,628 11 86,131 (17) (18) housing ano demolition - • - - - - - (*•) (19) other k/ 2 8,523 5/ - 2 1,321 (1«> (20) Parks and Other recreational Facilities 53 1,019,854 5.4 12 414,191 m •05.663 (to) (21) playgrounds ano athletic fields 23 142,633 O.P 4 41,137 19 101,696 (*1) (22) parks 19 578,207 3.0 5 311,229 14 266,970 (22) (23) other a/ 11 298,814 1.6 3 61,825 8 236,909 («) (24) conservation 80 1,394,454 7,a 18 531.253 62 601.201 (M) (») forestat1 on - - - - - - - (») (26) erosion control and land utilization - - - - - . - (») (27) irrigation am) rater conservation 70 1,244,945 6.6 16 467,338 54 777,607 (*7) (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation - - - - - - (») (29) OT ten k/ 10 149,509 O.B 2 63,915 b 0,594 (») (») sever Systems and Other utilities 62 765.889 4.1 11 234.033 51 531.096 (30) (31) mater purification ANO supply 18 226,640 1.2 2 63,944 16 164,696 (31) (32) sever systems 40 511,221 2.7 8 160,370 32 390,051 (») (33) Electric utilities 2 8,669 0.1 - - 2 0,669 (») (3*) other a/ 2 17,359 0.1 1 9,719 1 7,640 (*•) Airports and Other Trahbportatc AIRPORTS AMO A I MOATS ma v i cat|on OTHER k/ WHITE COLLAR PROJECTS EDUCATIONAL RECREATIONAL processioral ano clerical goods projects scsino canning other k/ Sanitation and health Elimination or stream pollutii mobcui to eradication other k/ (51) HISCELLAMCOUS 741,397 741,397 4.0 4.0 704.962 70*,9e2 RECAPITULATION (52) 9 ft* no total - all pr08ram8 (») (54) state FEDERAL NAT ions iDC C/ 158 872,114 4.6 34 583.036 124 2 259,378 1.4 1 250,200 1 1 173,662 0.9 1 173,662 • 195 439,274 2.3 92 199,174 123 59 1,090,584 5.8 20 703.335 ji 51 1,042,192 5.5 27 698,126 24 1 981 1/ - - 1 7 47,411 0*3 1 3,209 6 39 896,735 4.6 14 411,962 25 — — — — — — 12 590,698 3.2 6 320,266 6 27 306,037 1.6 8 111,696 19 48 530,765 2.6 12 219,696 96 ,147 18,788,420 100.0 278 8,711,674 869 ,021 18,519,716 98.6 258 8,636,528 763 126 268,704 1.4 20 75,148 106 16.4t3 96,419 m.rn 9,176 an, too w.i# 944,006 270,432 194,947 911,009 10,076,746 9,009,190 193,956 (38) (*> (*7) (*) (30) (AO) («) («) (49) (44) (49) (40) (47) (40) (40) (®) (51) (*) (91) (94) kj includes projects classicjablc under more tkan one oc the head inos above. J/ less than 0.05 PERCENT. c/ classic i co under procef iohal and clerical oh line 42. NUMBER ANO f ST IMA TID tOfAl COST If TVPfS Of PNOJICTS AND IV OMRAtins STATU! TOTAL Active PROJECTS COMPLETED PROJECTS Line Type or project no. number ESTIMATED Amount tstal cast percent nuubkr cstimatio Total cost number ESTIMATED line id (») (*) (4) (9) («) (7) («) { 1) brano total 0.4u |7w»!©0,516 100 .0 1,969 1950,166,091 6,429 $970,099,825 ( 1) highways, roaos, and Streets hishvays — nanv roads farnhtd-market ano otmcr secondary no a 00 streets ano alleys sidewalks, curbs, ano paths roadside improvements bridges ano viaducts grade—crossino elimination ot ncr a/ ntac institutions Public Buildings Aministrat t ve Charitable, medical, ano i educational SOCIAL AND RCCRCATIONAL FEDERAL (INCLUDING MILITANT ANO NAVAL) IminioiMmcnt or orounds HOUSING ANO DEMOLITION OTHER y PARK* AND OTHER RCCRCATIORAL FACILITIES PLAYGROUNDS ANO ATMLCTIC FICLOS PARKS OTHER y t ion forestat ion Erosion control ano land utilization irrigation and WATER conservation Plant, crop, ano livestock oonscrvatid OTHER y sever systems arm other utilities bates purification and supply Sever systems electric ut (lit ics OTHER y Airports ano Otkji than sport at ion Airports ano airways na*ibat i on other y •mire Collar projects Eoucational morcssional ano clerical GOODS PROJECTS Sanitation ano health Elimination or stream pollution bosquito eradication other y (51) miscellaneous recapitulation (52) 6ram) TOTAL - all prooral (53) state (34) federal rations toe 0/ 2,744 146,911, ^5 561 79,288,015 2i1*g 73,623,150 3 92,022 V 1 16,409 2 15,619 1,15* 21,296,542 2.9 254 8,142,948 902 13,155,594 742 85,621 ,019 11.8 107 49,751,527 575 41,870,286 282 9,784,871 1.3 73 4,600,565 209 5,104,306 279 10,580,529 1.5 25 4,721,667 254 5,856,842 72 7 ,46? ,090 1.0 0 4,695,691 64 2,764,399 1 56,772 fi/ - _ 1 56,772 209 12,076,526 1.7 33 7,359,194 176 4,717,332 1,076 125,128,640 17,2 264 63,259,462 812 61,869,178 285 27,627,431 3.8 73 15,007,503 212 12,619,928 141 21,237,990 2.-7 30 6,124,459 111 15,113,531 228 30,231,154 4.2 42 15,967,023 186 14,244,131 111 8,372,242 1.1 30 2,457,032 81 5,915,210 34 1z,38d,6'57 1.7 12 6,374,609 22 6,014,040 196 4,740,552 0.7 44 2,600,616 154 2,139,934 2 6,036,300 0.8 1 3,285,000 1 2,753,300 77 14,492,314 2.0 32 11 ,423,218 45 3,069*596 496 150,212,507 2846 125 58,119,908 373 92*592,599 160 7,306,290 1.0 54 2,505,908 126 4,802,382 188 7,479,673 1.0 39 4,234,321 149 3,245,352 130 135,424,544 16.6 32 51,379,679 98 84 *>44 ,865 175 6,361,153 0.9 » 3,568,224 142 2,792,929 22 257,064 fi7 2 59,388 20 197,676 14 609*467 0.1 3 382,846 11 226,621 109 4,361,817 0.6 22 2,887,739 87 1*474*578 4 439,7c« 0.1 1 65,567 3 374,141 26 693,097 0.1 5 172,604 21 520*113 1,535 84.737.903 11.6 293 44,530,492 1,242 40,151*111 442 22,401,779 3.0 86 15,229,218 356 7,172,561 1,0*7 59,610,339 6.2 197 27,943*336 850 31 *>67,853 25 2,145,832 0.3 7 1 *319,409 18 1,126*423 21 579*103 0.1 3 394,029 18 184,574 46 24,606,934 3.4 21 14,731,987 25 9,874,947 35 9,964,610 1.4 17 7,887,869 18 2,076,741 9 14,484,000 2.0 4 6,844,118 5 7,639,882 2 158,324 fi/ - 2 158,324 1 ,521 124,418,019 17.1 486 60,739,173 1*335 63*573,846 70 32,231 .986 4.4 32 17,522,016 38 14,709,170 75 10,081,002 1.4 38 5,759*366 37 4,321,134 1,375 82,105,031 11.3 416 37 ,456,469 960 44,648,542 509 31 *324,331 4.3 137 15,159*323 372 16,665,308 269 23*305,228 3.1 94 13 ,279 ,739 175 9,725,489 1 26/086 y - - 1 26,886 239 8,792,217 1.2 43 1,079,284 196 6,912,933 « 12,173,102 y-A _B 2,602,865 15 9,575,237 9 219,904 2 22,718 7 191,136 21 11,364,250 1 .6 9 2,497,046 18 8*166*404 13 599,940 0.1 3 82,301 10 517,047 265 21,901,762 9.0 61 14,131,542 204 7,770,220 8,412 728,280,516 100.0 1,989 3® ,100,691 6,423 379*593,823 8,072 699 ,074,5» 96.1 1,931 339*496,965 6,141 360 ,387 *565 340 28*405,986 3.0 58 10,699,726 282 17,706,260 ( 2) i» i *) ( s) i ») ( ->) ( 8) ( •) (10) (11) (12) (13) (1«) (15) (1«! (") (15) (is) (20) (21) (22) (23) (») (25) (25) (27) (28) (2S) (30) (31) (32) (33) (3«) (35) (m) (37) (35) (30) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (40) (47) (««) (40) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) y men**# rmjtcja aamiruat-l w*ce» mori than one or th« hcaoibob abovc. y leb8 thar 0.03 r£rto»7. y lx4bbirtc0 (b*ocr rrofcabllwal. ttp clcbfcbl oh £ (mb 42. 66 ■ PA PROJCCTS PUCEP IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 10. 1917 T A 0 L C 62 NUUBCR AND CSTIMATEO TOTAL COST IV TYPES Of PROJECTS ANO BY OPERATING STATUI NORTH CAROLINA type or project JIL ESTIMATED TOTAt, COAT -AMflMtI fCnfilflT —ill ill— active projects ™ Estimated T9"h .tftT USI COMPLETED PWOJEOTS C6TIMATED Total eyyr LIRE GRAND TOTAL roaos, and streets highways - pr i mary roaos farm-to-market ano other secondary roads streets ano alleys sidewalks, curds, ano paths ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENTS br i ddes and viaducts grade-cross i no elimination other k/ Public Builoinos Administratis; Charitable, medical, and mental institutions educational social ano mecreational federal (incluoino nilitarv and naval) houbinq and demolition other y parks ano other rccrcational facilitjes playgrounds and atretic fields parks other a/ conservation fopesta?ion erosion control and land utilization irrigation ano water conservation f\jmt, crop, ano livestock oonservatiof 0t»«r a/ Scrcr Systems and Other utilities water purification and supplt sever systems Electric utilities Oti«r a/ Airports and other Transportation airports and airmays ha vi gation 0tl«r a/ ■mite collar projects Educational recreational professional and clerical goods projects sewing cann ins other a/ sanitation ano health Elimination or stream pollution mosquito eradication other a/ (51) miscellaneous RECAPITULATION (32) GRAND TOTAL - ALL PROGRAMS (53) (54) state federal nationwide ig/ ,310 1 12,808,963 100.0 708 1 13,923,888 1,602 S 16,805,697 577 6.198.715 18,9 2 m 3.152.722 1 15,813 0.1 1 13,815 - - 148 3,802,967 11.6 47 2,116,021 101 1,686,946 91 890,587 2.7 8 114,989 8? 775,998 40 237,664 0.7 13 107,493 27 130,171 9 31,028 0.1 - - 9 11,088 4 12,114 £/ - - 4 12,114 1 8,877 y - - 1 8,077 83 1,199,663 3.7 30 691,675 51 507,900 443 4.246.451 13.0 92 1,437,614 351 2.000.007 28 132,329 0.4 2 18,113 26 114,216 23 158,734 0.5 2 40,670 21 110,064 199 1,701,907 5.2 38 «,307 161 1,248,600 73 879,064 2.7 16 421,434 57 457,030 64 263,519 0.8 11 56,256 53 205,263 56 1,110,898 3.4 23 439,83s 33 671,064 123 1,715,875 5.2 32 1,016,053 91 699,022 68 594,846 1.8 15 231,964 53 362,802 23 565,952 1.7 6 423,302 17 142,690 32 555,077 1.7 11 360,787 21 194,290 28 071,340 hi _7 149.570 21 721.770 2 29,189 0.1 _ _ 2 29,189 3 16,261 0.1 1 8,578 2 7,«a 23 825,890 2.5 6 140,992 17 604,898 203 2,329,303 7.1 38 753,807 165 1.575,406 60 613,404 1.9 10 198,575 50 414,829 113 1,500,114 4.6 23 516,087 90 904,087 1 1,775 y - - 1 1,775 29 214,010 0.6 5 39,146 24 174,869 26 1.450.614 4.4 10 1,148.198 16 308.416 23 1,424,389 4.3 9 1,146,198 14 278,191 1 19,866 0.1 - - 1 19,866 2 6,359 y 1 2,000 1 4,359 346 2.876,367 e.e 102 1.013.048 244 1.863.319 10 814,783 2.3 1 114,253 9 700,531 01 528,299 1.6 2 97,948 79 400,351 235 1,533,285 4.7 99 800,0*8 156 732,417 205 8,113,172 24.7 111 4,716.682 94 3,396,400 183 7,760,993 23.e 99 4,534,102 84 3,235,891 2 17,740 0.1 1 15,688 1 2,Ctt2 20 325,439 1.0 11 166,892 9 156,547 158 3.254.518 9.9 82 2.016.523 76 1.237.993 3 41,126 0.1 - 3 41,126 55 1,316,925 4.6 29 964,317 26 552,606 100 1,696,467 5.2 53 1,052,208 47 644,299 401 1,752,630 5.3 135 625,798 260 1,126,832 ,310 32,606,985 100.0 708 15,923,280 1,608 16,885,697 *221 32,285,820 98.4 684 15,712,530 1,537 10,573,290 89 523,165 1.6 24 210,758 65 312,407 < d ( 2) ( «) ( 4) ( 5) ( •) ( V i •) ( •! Ho) ("I (") !») ("! !") («> (IT) (W) ire) (») tfi) (2*! (z»l (*•) !») (») (*T) <») (»! (») (*i) l») (Ml (») (M) (3T) I") (») MO) («) M*) MJ) («) («) («•) («) («) (*»! (») (51) (S*) (55) (54) */ incluoet CTOJCCT8 cla.SITIABLC UNCSM HOftE THAN 0NT Of TH* HEADlNOi ABOVC. hj Lf tB THAN 0.05 PCRC4HT. y CLAttlTtCO UNOtt MOTCtt IONAL AMD COMICAL CM LINK 4*. wpa projects placed in operation thwouqh june »0. 10>7 67 tabic 63 ituufcr and ciritmtro total cost iv typcl of projects and iv status monte mtclt line no. Type or project . jtlh act i VI projects COMPtFTEO projects line no. number Estimates Total Cost Amount percent number est 1 mated total oost numbtp est(mated total cost 0) It) (>) (4) (5) <•) (7) (.) ( m 9ran0 total 1,874 t 44,800,373 100.0 476 9 27,097,745 1,398 1 16,992,628 ( 1) < 2) nlombays, roada, and streets 52? 22.620.037 50.4 m 13,992,721 408 0.627.316 ( 2) ( >) hibhbatb - pr 1 many roads 5 17,534 0.1 - 5 27,534 ( 3) ( *) rarb-to-market and other secondary road* 143 6,716,559 15.0 10 2,018,013 133 4,702,646 ( 4) ( 5) strccts and alleys 171 1,681,720 3.7 22 442,690 149 1,239,030 ( 3) 1 6) sidewalks, curbs, and paths 34 365,690 0.8 10 150,768 24 174,922 ( «) ( *) roadside improvements 21 174,080 0.4 2 62,178 19 111,902 ( 7) ( 8) sr1 does amo viaducts 11 150,267 0.3 1 27,688 10 122,579 ( •) ( ®) Grade—crossinc elimination - - - - - - - ( ») (FO) other k/ 124 13,504,187 30.1 56 11,255,464 68 2,248,703 (10) (") public buildinns 322 3.846.135 ®i5 U 1.877.615 243 1.968.520 (11) 02) adm ini strati ye 55 347,232 o.e 14 141,706 41 205,526 (12) (13) Charitable, bcoical, and rental institutions 6 108,969 0.2 3 60,199 5 48,770 (13) (") educat(oral 179 2,531,769 5.6 43 t,321,032 136 1,210,737 (14) (13) Social amo recreatiomal 48 508,771 1.1 14 153,639 34 355,132 (13) (») federal (ircludins bilitary ano naval) 2 132,405 0.3 2 132,405 - - (16) (") inmotkbent of orounds 17 112,822 0.3 2 45,990 15 66,832 (17) (18) hoosib8 ano demolition - - - - - - - (10) (10) other k/ 13 104,167 0.2 1 22,644 12 01,523 (IS) (20) parks and other recreational facilities 15? 2.179,103 4.9 44 877.392 115 1,301,711 (20) (21) plavsroimos and attr.ctic fields 43 479,339 1.1 11 142,132 32 337,207 (21) (22) parks 67 925,813 2.1 16 285,563 51 640,250 (22) (23) other y 40 773,951 1.7 17 449,697 32 324,254 (23) (24) c0r8crvation 109 7,960,714 17.7 48 6,656,277 61 1.304.437 (24) (25) forestat1 or 2 1,962 17 - - 2 1,962 (25) (26) Erosion control and land utilization 2 22,070 0.1 1 15,440 1 6,630 (26) (27) irrigation amd water conservation 102 7,924,940 17,6 46 6,634,786 56 1,290,154 (27) (28) plant, (mop, and livestock conservation - - - - - - - (28) (28) ot»«r y 3 11,742 £/ 1 6,051 2 5.691 (29) (30) sever systems am other utilities 150 2,026,849 4.5 34 1,067,822 116 959,027 (30) (31) •ater purification and supply 58 586,424 1.3 10 340,864 48 245,560 (31) (32) sever systems 55 697,293 1.6 12 315,397 43 361,896 (32) (33) electric utilities 3 7,614 V - - 3 7,614 (33) (3*) other y 34 735,518 1.6 12 411,561 22 323,957 (34) (35) airports ano other transportation 11 193,803 0.4 _4 88,241 7 105,562 (35) (36) airports amd airbats 11 193,803 0.4 4 88,241 7 105,562 (36) (37) havisat ion - - - - - - - (37) OB) other y - - ~ " (38) (30) shite collar projects 200 1,781,149 4.0 50 1,001.577 150 779.572 (39) (40) Educational 23 397,911 0.9 4 288,342 19 109,569 (40) OF) Recreational 55 311,835 0.7 1 178,500 54 133,335 (41) (42) professional am clerical 122 1,071,403 2.4 45 534,735 77 536;668 (42) («) goods projects 100 2,017,641 4.5 56 1,142,096 44 875.545 (43) (44) SEW IM 90 1,823,982 4.1 52 1,095,219 38 728,763 (44) (45) camnino - - - - - - (45) (46) other y 10 193,659 0.4 4 46,877 6 146,782 (46) (47) sanitation abo health 102 1,427,207 3.2 40 777.787 62 649.420 (47) (46) Elimination or stream pollution 1 2,210 17 - - 1 2,210 (48) (40) mosquito eradication - - - - - - - (49) (») other y 101 1,424,997 3.2 40 777,787 61 647,210 (30) (51) Miscellaneous 212 837,735 1.9 20 416,217 192 421,518 (51) recapitulation (52) 8rand total - all pr00rams 1,074 44,890,373 100.0 476 27,697,745 1,390 16,992,628 (52) (53) state 1,855 44,716,299 99.6 471 27,840,850 1,384 16,875,449 (33) (54) federal natiomioc c/ 19 174,074 0.4 5 56,695 14 117,179 (54) k/ IICLUOCB PROJECTS CLASSir IARLC UNDER MORE THAN ONE OF THE MEAD IN at ABOVE. S/ LESS THAR 0.05 PERCENT. c/ classified undefi professional fi*d clerical ob line 42. 66 ■ PA PR0JCCT5 PIACCD tw OPERATION ThAOUQH JUNI 10, 1987 TABLE 64 NUMKR AND CSTIMATCO TOTAL 008T BY TVPC6 Of PB0J2CT8 AND IV OPIBATINO STATUS OHIO m-964 ..... Total AOTIVt project! Completed projectb 1ine rvrc or meoject cstimatco Total Cost number cstimateo number estimated LIME HO. number Amount percent total cost total coot mo. (') U) (J) (4) (») {•) (7) (•) ! ') OUIEO TOTAL 13,000 1283,244,905 100.0 2,713 1140,121,030 10,225 1134,125,954 ( 1) ( J) H10MMTE, ROADS, ANO STSEETS 4,077 117.860.630 41.4 024 66.010.200 4 ,053 44.950.411 ( *) 1 ') HISMMTS - 0.10*0* roads 24 237,087 0.1 2 02,574 22 144,511 ( ») (*) TARS TO OAROET ARO otmc* scconoarv AOAOO 1,800 41,740,070 14.7 366 22,006,659 1,524 19,640,411 ( 9) 1 5) STREETS ARO ALLCVS 1,124 31,082,360 11.0 143 15,216,010 001 15,444,350 { 9) 6) SlOCOALRS, CURDS, aro DOT*. 516 5,122,149 1.8 120 2,111,271 187 1,010,676 ( •) ' ') RDAOSIOC IORROVSRCRTS 741 7,282,387 2.4 71 2,403,142 670 4,870,005 ( T) , •) OR 1 DOCS ARO VtASAKTS 378 3,805,070 1.3 51 1,315,544 327 2,490,424 ( •) ( «) RRAOCaCROSSISS CLtSIRATlOM 1 8,830 y - - 1 6,630 ( •) (10) other k/ 303 28,552,796 10.1 142 29,440,744 141 z,002,o2d (*» (") public 0uiloinm 2.270 27,728,933 0.9 343 10.22S.701 1.916 17.500.232 (11) 1") aon in 1 at rat iw 339 3,154,556 1.1 64 1,45-,745 275 1,701,411 (12) (1J) charitable, medical, aw mental institutions 205 4,283,328 1.5 90 1,116,204 175 3,107,124 (™) (") Educational 1,157 10,423,658 3.7 147 3,508,737 1,010 6,624,621 (19) (15) social ano necneational 268 6,006,755 2.2 54 2,713,335 214 3,223,420 (i») <»> federal (incluoim military ano naval) 40 1,207,111 0.4 11 252,354 37 954,755 (14) (") inpnovement ot onounds 217 2,026,051 0.7 42 666,428 175 1,359,423 (IT) (18) housimfi ano ocnolition 1 4,1© if - - 1 4,1® (is) (19) 0ti«* a/ 44 621,291 0.2 15 354,604 29 244,599 (10) (w) parks ano other recreational facilities 1.050 27.542.720 0.7 228 12.030.557 831 15.552.172 (*>) (?1) playgrounds ano athletic fields 423 6,485,709 2.3 70 2,240,061 344 4,215,416 C*1) (3) parks 557 10,420,443 6.5 118 7,492,344 430 10,734/777 (22) (23) other A/ 70 2,628,487 0.0 31 2,048,210 43 560,277 <») <2«) conservation 466 14,350,341 5.1 37 7,374.0*1 420 6,775,420 (44) IS) f0rc8tati0r 6 218,390 0.1 - - 6 216,390 (») (26) Erosion control and land utilization 21 181,042 0.1 1 20,711 20 151,331 (») (21) irrigation aw water conservation 401 12,555,240 4.4 41 6,421,103 340 5,044,137 (27) (28) Plant, chop, aw livestock conservation 10 79,892 8/ 3 22,730 16 57,142 (») (2V) otk* y 30 1,315,797 0.5 12 001,377 27 414,420 (29) (*» Sewer systems and other utilities 1,808 32,729,228 11.5 296 13.770.075 1.510 10,940,253 (*>) (31) ■atea purification aw supply 515 8,970,374 3.2 85 5,101,754 430 3,860,420 (si) (32) sewer system 1,223 22,919,109 8.1 196 8,383,077 1,027 14,535,212 (») (33) Electric utilities 40 394,514 0.1 6 98,600 34 295,824 (») (3») otk* a/ 30 445,151 0.1 11 195,554 10 240,507 (*> (35) Airports and other transportation 48 6.852.662 2.4 18 6.373.530 30 479,132 (») (36) airports aw ainnats 34 6,224,037 2.2 14 5,939,843 20 344,194 (*) (37) navisation 12 616,010 0.2 2 521,072 10 94,030 (ST) (3«) ot»«R A/ 2 12,615 y 2 12,615 ~ - (*) (39) •nite collar projects 1,001 18.856,093 6.7 316 9.143.331 773 9.403.402 (26) «0) cducational 79 3,001,040 1.4 31 2,099,371 44 1,7(71,000 (90) («') recreational 183 3,078,072 1.4 20 1,130,434 154 2,440,334 (91) («) professional aw clerical 829 11,076,001 3.9 258 5,063,126 571 5,143,575 (91) (63) oooos projects 512 22,667.784 8.0 174 12.070.006 334 10.504.7/4 (93) («) Sew inn 361 18,043,142 6,4 120 0,479,363 232 6,563,750 (94) (*5) canninb 6 16,367 y - - 1 16,347 (95) (66) other K/ 145 4,588,275 1.6 47 2,590,625 06 1,004,430 (94) («7) sanitation AW kaltm 175 6,950.325 2.5 102 4.433.740 73 2.525.534 (97) (68) EL ini nation of stream pollution 45 1,018,780 0.4 22 626,352 23 302,437 (90) («9) hosouito eradication 5 55,432 y 1 16,096 4 39,354 (94) (») ot»«R k/ 125 5,885,084 2.1 79 3,791,310 44 2,093,705 (so) (31) ■ ibcellaneous 573 7,608,401 2.7 299 4,547,010 274 3,151,342 (SI) RECAPITULATION (32) SRANO TOTAL - ALL pro arams 13,008 283,246,995 100.0 2,763 140,121,039 10,225 134,125,956 (32) (S3) state 12,741 279,168,506 96.6 2,758 144,753,470 9,063 132,415,116 (Si) (3») federal mat iowioc £/ 267 4,078,409 1.4 25 2,367,540 242 1,710,440 (94) kj mauoci projects clamiriam under mom than onc or tmc headinos above. y lcm than 0.05 percent. C/ Clamirico unoc* professional amo clinical on link 42. 69 SPA PROJECTS PLACCP IN QPtRATlON THROUGH JUNE 10, 191' 1 A IK «0 Nuwirn and mtimmii tout cot? rv rvpfs or projects ano »v mmiim afatui M-964 T9TAL aotive projects oomplfted Projects LINE NO. type Or project number (itin*tto trial cost Amount Percent number ctt 1 mated T9Tal Cost number estimatcd TOTAL COST line no. (1) (i) (») (4) (9) («) (7) (») 1 1) grand TOTAL 2,8)7 |7D,C&*, 399 100.0 8M •44,263,706 2,001 132,368,691 ( 1) ( *) n iqmmyi, Roads, and St recto £6 36.639.881 47,8 215 25.612.678 611 11,027,203 ( z) ( 3) highways - primary roads 7 70,348 0.1 2 28,538 5 41,810 ( 3) ( 4) faim^to market and other secondary roads 56 1,720,297 2.2 0 719,745 48 1,000,552 ( «) 1 3) streets and alleys 85 2,232,9GB 2.9 32 970,228 53 1,262,677 ( 3) I 6) sidewalks, curbs, and ratn4 13 151,869 0.2 2 42,707 13 109,182 ( 6) ( 1) roadside improvements 3 52,995 o.i 2 46,993 3 6,002 ( 7) ( a) bridoco and viaducts 142 2,067,921 2.7 5 416,011 137 1,651,910 ( •) I ®) grade-cross 1no clihinatION 2 13,117 y - - 2 13,117 ( 9) (TO) other y 514 30,330,409 39.6 164 23,388,406 350 6,941,953 (10) (") Public Buildinoa 686 9.884,965 12.9 124 2.646.949 564 7.238.016 (11) («) Administrative 28 329.944 0.4 7 170,662 21 159,262 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 6 101,098 0.1 1 29,663 5 71,435 (13) (w) educational 422 4,140,993 5.4 78 1,458,664 344 2,682,329 (14) (13) social and recreational 74 1,197,200 1.6 17 329,556 57 067,644 (13) (10) federal {including military ano naval) 104 3,247,593 4.3 12 500,227 92 2,747,366 (16) (17) Improvement of grounds 29 551,900 0.7 4 66,316 25 48 3; 584 (17) (18) housing and demolition 1 10,954 y - . 1 10,954 (18) (19) other a/ 24 305,283 0.4 5 89,861 19 215,422 (19) (20) PARKS and other recreational facilities 104 2.309,121 h£. 40 816.791 64 1.490.330 (20) (21) Playgrounds and athletic fielos 24 331,925 0.4 9 158,057 15 173,868 (21) (22) PARKS 46 1,191,711 1.6 19 335,293 27 856,418 (22) (23) other y 34 785,485 1.0 12 325,441 22 460,044 (23) (») CONSERVATION 206 5.759,712 7.5 49 2.487.235 157 3.272.477 (24) (25) forcstation • • - - _ _ (25) (2») erosion control and land utilization 3 18,617 y - - 3 18,617 (2») (27) irrigation and rater conservation 163 4,478,110 5.9 41 2,088,619 122 2,389,491 (27) (28) plant, chop, and livestock conservation 5 19,511 y 1 5,269 4 14,242 (28) (29) other y 35 1,243,474 1.6 7 393,347 28 850,127 (29) (30) Sever Systems and Other utilities 219 4.517,515 5.9 55 1,916,219 164 2,601.296 (30) (31) rater purification ano supply 81 1,791,720 2.3 21 950,845 60 840,875 01) (32) sewer system 95 1,922,554 2.5 16 409,072 79 1,512,682 (32) (33) Electric utilities 1 9,897 y - _ 1 9,897 (33) (34) Other y 42 793,344 1.1 18 555,502 24 237,642 (34) (35) Airports and other Transportation _9 411.201 0.5 J 238.746 _6 172.455 (33) (36) Airports am airways 9 411,201 0.5 3 238,746 6 172,455 (36) (37) navigation _ . _ _ (37) (38) OTKv y - - - " (38) (39) (40) Shite Collar projects Educational 201 6 3,356,044 912,631 4.4 1.2 75 3 1.678.494 671,583 126 3 1.478.350 41,048 (3») (40) (4t) recreational 27 362,100 0.5 2 230,721 25 131,379 (41) (42) professional am clerical 166 2,082,113 2.7 70 776,190 98 1,305,923 (42) (43) (44) goods projects scrim 209 91 6.573.006 5,078,171 6.6 6.6 118 82 5.071.258 4,827,333 91_ 9 1,501.750 250,836 (43) (44) (45) cammins - - - - - - . (45) (46) other y 118 1,494,837 2.0 36 243,925 82 1,250,912 (46) (47) (48) sanitation am health Elimination or stream pollution 121 4.754.736 *1? 66 2. 874.731 53 1,800,007 (47) (48) (49) mosquito eradication 37 1,929,797 2.5 21 1,099,348 16 830,449 (49) (30) otmr y 84 2,824,941 3.7 47 1,775,383 37 1,049,558 (30) (51) 8i sccllancous recapitulation 254 2,445,414 3.2 09 718,607 165 1,726,807 (51) (32) 6raw) total - all program 2,837 76,662,399 100.0 836 44,263,708 2,001 32,388,691 (52) (53) state 2,771 76,020.200 99.2 820 44,005.396 1,951 32,014,804 (53) (34) federal nationwide c/ 66 632,199 0.8 16 258,312 50 373,887 (54) k/ includes projects classifiable umcer more than one of the headings above. b/ legs than 0.05 percent. y Classified under professional anci clerical on line 42. 70 ■ PA PR0JCCT3 PIACCO IN OPERATION THROUQH JUNE >0, 1937 tabic 66 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL OOST BY TYPCB Of PROJCCTI ANO BY OPCRATINQ STATUS ORCOON m-964 LINE NO. Type or projeot Total aotive projects COMPLETCO projects line no. n inula estimated Amount Total Cost percent number Estimateo total cost number c8timated t?tal co.t (!) (2) (3) (4) (8) (•) (7> w ( 1) GRAND TOTAL 1,194 •30,752,863 100.0 257 $16,878,912 937 113,974,071 ( 1) ( 2) H1qmsay8, road8, ano streit• 242 13.240.121 43,1 2 8.424.093 190 4,916,029 ( 2) ( 3) highways - primary roads 10 3,606,305 11.7 6 3,064,114 4 522,051 ( 3) ( 4) farm—t0—*arktt ano other secondary roaoo 97 3,211,544 10.4 13 1,990,519 64 1,221,025 ( *) t 5) streets ano alleys 28 968,580 3.2 7 517,926 21 450,654 ( 5) I 6) srocralko, curbs, ano paths 9 51,950 0.2 - - 9 51,950 ( *) ( *) roadside improvements 12 56,272 0.2 1 9,769 11 46,504 ( 7) ( 8) br 1 docs ano viaducts 0 28,932 0.1 - - 6 29,932 ( •) ( ») grade-cross 1no elimination _ „ _ - - — — ( •) (10) other y 80 5,310,478 17.3 25 2,921,566 55 2,494,912 CO) (IT) Public Buildings 195 1.427.090 ii» 33 5O4.091 162 922.099 (1!) («) Administratis 16 93,645 0.3 3 36,886 13 96,759 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 6 55,222 0.2 3 40,195 3 15,027 (") (14) Educational 106 685,320 2.2 16 254,351 90 430,969 (n) 115) Social and recreational 29 153,580 0.3 4 35,248 25 118,332 (15) (10) federal (incluoins military and naval) 6 39,707 0.1 1 28,473 5 11,234 (*) (17) Improvement or grounds 20 155,200 0.5 3 44,590 17 110,610 dn (18) housing ano demolition 1 91,000 0.3 - - 1 91,000 <») (19) other y 11 153,410 0.5 3 65,248 8 80,168 (19) (20) Parks and other recreational Facilities 112 2.094.352 6.8 21 830.207 21 1.264.145 (») (21) playgrounds ano athletic fields 30 241,121 0.8 2 9,771 28 231,350 (21) (22) parks 40 649,439 2.1 8 212,854 32 436,565 (22) (23) other y 42 1,203,792 3.9 11 807,582 31 996,210 (2» (24) conservation 105 3.053.745 9.9 13 1.174.169 92 1 .979.576 (2*) T25) Fqrebtation - - - - - - - (25) (») Eros ion control and land utilization 23 1,336,257 4.3 4 544,667 19 791,590 (») (27) irrigation ano vatcr conservation 35 1,558,963 5.1 6 815,192 29 9*3,771 (27) (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation 8 50,787 0.2 2 11,828 6 39,159 (») (29) otkti y 39 107,730 0.3 1 2,662 38 105,056 (29) (30) sever systems ano other utilities 95 1,402.508 4.6 12 593.0*2 78 809,466 (») (31) Rater purification and supply 63 922,664 3.0 11 391,365 52 531 ,299 (*) (32) SEVER systems 26 431,260 1.4 4 188,465 22 2*2,795 (») (33) Electric utilities - - - - - - - (») (34) other y 6 48,584 0.2 2 13,212 4 35,372 (*) (35) Airports and other transportation 27 2.439.714 7.9 _7 1.956.006 20 483 .708 (») (36) Airports and aiboats 19 2,163,480 7.0 7 1,956,006 12 207,482 (*) (37) imvigat ion 8 276,226 0.9 - - 8 276,226 (92) (38) other y ~ - - - - (39) (39) •Hire collar projects 205 2,545,126 8;3 61 1,212.808 144 1.332.318 (») (40) educational 10 665,079 2.2 5 161,742 5 504,137 («o) (41) recreational 3 153,079 0.5 1 128,770 2 24,809 («1) (42) Professional ano clerical 192 1,726,168 5.6 55 922,796 137 803,372 (42) (43) goods projects 56 2,897,073 M 19 1.306.087 37 1.591,006 <*3» (44) SO ins 49 2,760,877 9.0 16 1.226,040 13 1,542,837 (44) (43) Canning - - - - - _ _ («) (4«) Other y 7 128,196 0.4 3 80,097 4 48,180 (96) (47) sanitation ano health 3£ 746.379 h± h 372.201 25 374.171 (47) (46) £lini nat ion of stream pollution - - - - • - (49) (49) hoscuito eradication 1 163,886 0.5 1 163,866 _ (49) (») other y 35 582,493 1.9 10 206,315 25 374,179 (50) (31) Miscellaneous 121 906,775 3.0 23 505,228 98 401,5*7 (51) recapitulation (32) 8 8a no total - all programs 1,194 30,752,e83 100.0 257 10,878,812 937 13,974,071 (52) (53) state 1,098 29,776,342 96.8 232 16^331,544 866 13,444,798 (9>) (») federal hat ionsioe b/ 96 976,541 3.2 25 547,268 71 429,273 (54) A/ INCLUDES PROJECTS CLAM IF (ABLE UNDER MORE THAN OM Of THf MEADIHQS ABOVE. B/ Classified under Professioral and clerical on line 42. WPA PROJECTS PUCCD IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE IQ, W 71 TABIC 67 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTtl CM? B* TYPtl OP PROJECTS AND IV If*TUB M-964 TVPC or PROJECT CBTIMATrs fftH I JtL JiL jamu- 1«) projects IstTmrted W.V, Mr c) OOMPttTto projects Cat i m rco r<"H ,W JZL ft t (ME MO. ( ') oramo total HUTNRATS, ROAD*, AMD BTRCCTS H I ONRRTS * PR I HURT ROADS TARR-VO-MARKET AMD OTHER SECONDARY ROAOi STRECTR AMD AALCVR SIOCVALKS, CUR80. AHO RATHE RDAOOIDC IRRROVCRCRTO BR(DOER AMD vtAOUCTO QRADC-CR080IMC EE I8IRAT (DM OTHER A/ PUBLIC BUILOINRS AORIM (RTRAT t ARE CHARITABLE, MEDICAL, AMD REMTAL (MOT(TUT(OHO C DUCAT I ORAL SOCIAL AMD RECREAT I ORAL FEDERAL (iRCLUDIMQ MILITARY AMD NAVAL) IMRRCVEHEMT OE CROIWDO HOURIMS AMD DBMOLITIOR OTHER */ ftURCC AMD OTHER RECREAT (ORAL FACILITIES PLAVTAROLAAD5 AMD ATRETIC EIELOO OTHER y rORCSTATIOR Erosior comtrol arc lard vtilieation IRRISATIOR AHO OATCR COMRERVATIOH PLANT, CROR, AMD LIVESTOCK COR8CRVATI OR on«R y Sever Systems arc other utilities RATER PURIEICATIOR AHO SUPPLY ELECTRIC UTILITIES OTHER y AIRPORTS AMD OTHER TRARRPORTATION AIRPORTS AMD A IRVAYS •uvi sat i dr oti«r y 11,9©t 1430,832,228 100.0 3,694 •262,057,355 8,208 1166,774,873 4,210 240.423.566 55.8 1,439 154.527.684 2.771 85.895.882 4 4,650,675 1.1 2 4,436,061 2 214,814 1,565 26,625,231 6.2 573 12,594,063 992 14,031,168 1,144 42,278,160 9.8 322 24,135,718 822 18,142,442 203 2,716,334 0.6 64 1,643,694 139 1,072,640 540 99,110,706 23.0 209 70,147,525 331 28,963,101 213 1,441,450 0.3 34 325,625 179 1,115,823 541 63,600,810 14.8 235 41,244,998 306 22, 355,812 2a 142 28.311,889 6,6 401 11,770.597 1,741 16.541.292 277 3,112,596 0.7 42 1,269,651 235 1,042,945 155 2,146,998 0.5 35 933,617 120 1,213,381 1,138 12,556,472 2.9 207 5,818,383 931 6,738,089 98 2,476,952 0.6 32 1,248,515 66 1,228,437 60 2,423,294 0.6 21 833,748 39 1,509,546 357 4,552.230 1.1 55 1,399,571 302 3,152,659 57 1,043,347 0.2 9 267.112 48 776,235 826 26,456,851 6,1 260 14,904.835 566 11.552.016 440 8,241,470 1.9 116 3,506,217 324 4, 735,253 328 16,242.493 3.8 118 10,118,356 210 6,124,137 58 1,972,888 0.4 26 1,280,262 32 692,626 534 17,543,679 4.1 132 4,690.746 402 12,852.933 41 614,105 0.1 7 148,279 34 465,826 3 22,279 y - - 3 22,279 334 14,336,617 3.4 71 3,480,443 263 10,856,174 8 315,628 0.1 5 185,282 3 130,346 148 2,255,050 0.5 49 876,742 99 1,378,308 1.183 28.258,256 6.5 293 13,098.081 890 15.160.175 297 7,918,050 1.8 85 4,740,390 212 3,177,660 875 19,924,963 4.6 202 8,011,884 673 11,913,079 2 276,382 0.1 2 276,382 - • 9 138,661 y 4 69,425 5 69,436 95 14,204,605 3.3 28 12,001.008 67 2.203,597 89 14,123,934 3.3 26 11,944,325 63 2,179,609 3 58, 703 y 2 56,683 1 2,020 3 21,966 y - - 3 21,968 (39) Imite Collar projects 1.817 33.158.941 7.7 646 23.279.150 1,171 9.879.791 <«o) Educational 78 6,452.131 1.5 68 5,997,803 10 454.328 (41) recreational 107 3,654,201 0.8 66 2,568,507 42 1,085,694 («) Professional and clerical 1,632 23.052,609 5.4 513 14,712,840 1,119 8,339,769 (43) goods projects 449 31.169.274 7.2 259 22.525.357 190 8.643.917 (44) sesinb 422 30,379,407 7.0 245 21,998,799 177 8,380,608 (45) camsins - - - - - - _ (46) other y 27 789,067 0.2 14 526,558 13 263,309 (47) sanitation ano health 163 5,393,016 1.3 92 3.009,380 71 2.303.628 (48) El ihiration or strean pollutioh 18 672,278 0.2 10 466,608 8 205,670 (49) i a i s ! 7 367,341 0.1 2 181,721 5 185,620 (3D) ot»cr y 138 4,353,397 1.0 80 2,441,Cl39 58 1,912,338 (31) ■ l SCElLANEOUS 483 5,912,151 1.4 144 2,170,309 339 3,741,642 RECAP)TULAT1OH (52) grand total - all fhomui 11,902 430,832,228 100.0 3,694 262, C67,355 6,208 168,774,873 O) state 11,864 424,245,466 96.5 3,678 257,181,195 0,186 167,064,271 (34) federal mat ionsioc y 38 6,586,762 1.5 16 4,876,160 22 1,710,602 ( 1) ! 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( ') < 6) (') (6) <») do) (H) (12) («) (1*) (») (IS) (13) (18) (IS) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (23) (26) (27) (28) (28) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (33) (36) (37) (38) (38) (40) («1) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (48) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) y Includes projects classifiable under more thrm one oe the hcaoinqs above. y levs than 0.05 percent. y Classieico irioep professional and Clerical sr lire 42. 72 1pa PROJECTS PLACCO IN QPCRAT ION THROUGH JUNE 10, 1917 table 60 NUMflER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL 008T SV TYPES OT PROJECTS AND BY OPCRATINQ STATUS RHODE ISLAND m-964 LINE NO. Type or Project Total active projects complfteo projects 1141 40. number estimated amount Total Cost percent number Estimated '9'H WIT Number estimated JO tal wst (f) (3) <«) (9) 1.) i7) li) ( ») 9RAND TOTAL 051 127,095,764 100,0 234 •11,011,023 •17 114,044,741 ( 7) < *) highways, roads, amo Streets m 7,-77,798 27,6 zfi 1.709.868 m 3.767.930 ( 2) ( 3) highways - primary roads 2 142,186 0.9 1 97,072 1 45,114 ( 3) ( «) farm-to-market amo other secondary roads 93 1,350,972 9.0 18 791,371 85 999,001 I «) < 5) streets and alleys 115 2,601,771 9,6 16 912,891 99 1,600,000 ( 3) ( 6) sidewalks, curbs, ano paths 46 2,340,439 8.7 19 1,609,039 27 799,40. ( 4) < ?) roadside improvements 32 860,255 3,2 14 320,216 18 940,079 1 7) ( a) br)docs ano viaducts 5 40,628 0.1 - 5 40,074 1 •) ( 9) grace-cross 1 no elimination - - - - ~ • ( •) (10) other y 9 141.547 0.5 2 23,283 7 112,244 (10) (3*) public buildings 116 2.076.973 10,6 21 1.293.093 25 1.943 .840 (") (") administrative 17 177,977 0,7 5 111,028 12 40,949 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 15 314,429 1.1 4 114,868 11 199,501 (13) (1«) educatiomal 26 1,269,831 4.7 8 299,279 18 1,010,552 (»4) (15) social ano recreational 12 426,433 1.6 6 316,736 6 109,007 •) (35) Airports and other transportation _7 194.638 2-z _3 116.790 _4 77,6,8 (35) (36) Airports and airways 5 169,317 0.6 2 91,034 3 77,468 (34) (37) naviration 2 25,321 0.1 1 24,956 1 345 (39) (3B) othcr y " - - - - - (24) (30) WwtTE COLLAR PROJECTS 117 2.280.030 8.a 38 1.418,425 79 441,405 (14) (40) Educational 5 909,967 3.4 4 762,852 1 147,115 («0) (4' ) recreational 7 325,350 1.2 1 183,023 6 142,327 (*1) (42) professional ano clerical 105 1,044,713 3.c 33 472,930 72 571,143 (42) (43) goods projects 47 3.652.418 13.5 14 1.6*2.910 33 1.009.900 (41) (44) sewing 27 3,131,149 11.6 6 1,355,416 21 1,775,731 (*•) (45) camming - - - - - - (45) (46) other y 20 521,269 1.9 8 287,092 12 234,179 (44) (47) sanitation ano health 29 1,503,612 5.5 _9 555.878 20 947.734 (49) (40) Elimination or stream pollution 1 2,361 2/ - ~1 2,341 (44) (49) ■o80uito eradication 21 1,350,109 5.0 8 587,488 13 412,441 (44) (») otkii y 7 151,142 0.5 1 18,410 6 132,732 (*) (51) miscellaneous 22 517,807 1.9 14 459,331 8 54,470 (21) recapitulation (52) grand TOTAL - all programs 051 27,095,764 100.0 234 13,011,023 617 14,044,741 (32) (53) state 817 26,751,247 98.7 229 12,954,626 588 13,794,427 (22) (3«) federal nat ions ioc c/ 34 344,517 1.3 5 56,397 29 294,120 (24) */ INCLUDES PROJECTS CLASBirIABLE UNDER WORE THAN ONE OF THE MEADINO0 ABOVE. &/ LESS THAN 0.05 PERCENT. y Classiricd under professional and clerical on line 42. ■ Z* ml bo "10310333 ooo ioboibosjobj 03088 itiijibboto ft -18338 3J 60*0 8081 383*1 ft 'IMil 00B13O3M XM1 30 3MO MOW JMOB B30JBI 330OI Jl B8*"13 01331*088 0300*1381 ft (K) (re) (re) (re) (06) (») (e») U» (b») (so) M (t») (2»> (o») («) (re) (it) (re) (re) (re) (re) (re) (re) (oc) <«) (re) '201 42 002'261 6 6*1 >99*>4£ zc 206*»Z*>1 452* I 608*522'>1 >99 4*96 504'04>*82 l>6* 1 99C*4Z>*>1 >82'I 600*91>*>t 689 0*001 69C*5>9*82 646*1 8£4*996*1 >61 490*096 15 0*9 529*926*2 591 804*116 24 691*466*2 28 5*61 169*006*6 >61 004* 116 24 691*466*2 29 Sr£t 168*006'£ >51 615*50 >1 >90*922 26 fl 609*116 99 >9C'£6>'2 OS 5>4*>10'2 69 9*61 626*005'V 611 601*645*2 w 628*0>2'2 m 4*91 2E6'619*> 581 245*584 151 906*244 09 >*S 64>* 966*I 162 256*165 09 956*082 > 0*6 004*149 24 059*02 61 6>6* 230*1 62 9*6 665*00*1 86 >45*466*1 262 112*940*2 601 0*21 594'64>* 6 LK - _ _ _ _ S8l*>2 2 209*e> 1 6*0 490*49 6 699*868 61 095*604 01 6*5 162*2>S*1 62 »8*298 51 052*4>4 11 9*5 960*019*1 92 090*861 91 916*49 6 4*0 946*502 61 665*02 2 - - 1*0 665*02 2 445*462 62 9f8*96 8 1*1 62>'f€£ 46 058*2>2 16 506*421 01 6*1 551*046 If 020*669 04 690*262 12 2*6 680*166 66 >44*65 9 >IS'9>2 9 fl 992*906 21 - - - - - - - 686*65 > ZS9'02 1 6*0 159'>4 5 249*01 6 - /5 249*01 £ SO*>21 el 941*492 T 71 IL9'16€ 02 9£>*491 12 166*062 ei 9*1 628'4S> 6£ 850*461 01 415*201 ii 9*0 545*662 12 256'9> 91 264*96 > E*0 »4*C0 02 e»*lS£ 4> 004'62> £6 4*2 B>1*184 08 942*E2> 82 144' 146 62 0*2 4>0*S64 45 S0Z*9tf » 006*946 >2 6*2 505*228 89 056*28 5 - - 6*0 056*20 6 966'>46 Is 166*096 92 5*2 4l4*v€4 44 206*666*1 642 2>0*119 25 6*9 »6'f00'2 42€ £i>*£>i >1 526*202 6 2*1 86E*0>€ £2 510*46 £1 9>4*64 4 9*0 195*441 02 462*696*2 oe> 691*200*2 4>l 2*41 Z9V*C96*> 445 694*992 62 646*692 CI 6*1 861*065 l> 280*06 5 199*01 2 >*0 OS'601 4 659*56 5 660*66 2 5*0 254'>61 4 Lfg'811 91 995'9CI 9 6*0 406*952 22 505*946 96 >K»'S02 61 0*2 60*295 65 00*124'I 801 >69*640*2 69 Z'Cl 664*>64'£ Ul 661*169*2 661 666*609*2 Zol 6*91 825*90*5 SS 99C*4Z>*>1| >92*1 800*ilV>li 699 0*001 696*50*921 £46't (•) (4) (6) (>) (0 U) 4ioO 1vi6i H 20 WIN iilWUU 1WSMV ■JanoN 034VRIli] QllVHUt) MiflimN 4*99 1*4«l «34VMI4«) ft 30I8M0I10N 3083033 (OS) 310H (66) Too - 10101 OB»SB (26) B0lirHUI40S3M (16) ft 83810 80110313083 O1IO08O8 MliOTIM 8O3B10 JO 881188181*13 818838 088 8011811885 01338083 OOOOB 88318388 088 3oWOI3S3jaOj 0133TOBO 888803 31 > •« ft 83K10 8C 1188U88 SAVSMIV OMV SIMMMIV KOixvAttOdSmnsji auj) raw aiMMiv /? »u0 «3untx« siiuarQ BM34SAS B383S A"VMAS OMV M0I1«9IJIWU «XI«a sauniin niHio omv mdxsas mms M0I4VA83SM09 *00403413 OMV 'd-30vaS •49O0VIA QMV 13BCI*8 ■N4w qnv 'aaana 'trmms ■A333V OMV a433VAS • CVOM A8VONO03S U3MA0 OMV iWWHUHNVj Sa*OM INMIM - tAWMOIH ■433*4$ OMV *tOVO« 'tAVMMCll 1V1QA ONWiO (I ) "7TT «43irOMd OJ13"W1HOO ■iOirOlM 3AI10V >4nja *96-K RfUvtk »fcuaawo a* ONV HOirOM JO RMAJ AN JVO0 1*401 QUVNllVJ ONV MJOHHN £4 4161 *0« INOr MOnOMHi NO IIV* *0 Nl 033VUJ siojrww Ml >PA PROJECTS PIACF.0 IN QPC8ATION THWOUQH JUNE 30. 1917 NUMBER AND CSTIUATCD TOTAL 008T BV TYPC8 Of PROJECT! ANO BY OPERATING STATUS TYPE or PWJSOT JiL ESTIMATED TOTAL COiT PIHBIHT JlL JiL active projects T9TH ,g9tT JsL el COM PI. ft CD PWOJCCTS ESTIMATE© TOTAL COST J2L JiE t n ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) I 5) I 6) < ') ( a) ( 9) Co) (") («) (13) (14) C5) (10) (") (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (22) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (30) (40) (41) (42) grand total highways, rqa08, and streets hiomvays - primary roads farm-to-harkct and other secondary roaot strcct8 and alleys sidewalks, curbs, and paths roadside improvements bridges ano viaducts grade-cross ino elimination other a/ Public Buildings aoministrativc Charitable, medical, and mental institutions Educational social ano recneational federal (incluoino military ano naval) improvement or grounds housing and oevol1tion other h/ park® ano other recreational facilities playgrounds and athletic fields parks other a/ conservation forcstation Erosion control and land utilization irrigation ano water conbervation plant, cmp, and livestock conservation Other a/ Sever System and other utilities Mater purification and supply sever system Electric utilities OTHER y Airports and other transportation airports ano a1rbayb ma visat i on OTHER y shite collar projects educational recreational PROFESSIONAL AMD CLERICAL (43) Goods projects (44) (45) (46) SEVIM CANNING OTHER y (47) sanitation ano health (48) (■w) (so) (SI) 111 el initiation of stream pollution mosquito eradication other y RECAPITULATION (32) grand total - all programs 2,143 22! 667 134 28 3 57 242 29 4 100 35 94 15 53 26 I 38,830,943 20,471,303 17,882,998 1,310,068 237,942 14,520 432,219 387,556 1,954,687 276,651 6,933 451,205 346,902 472,895 266,075 134,026 944.621 177,883 503,116 263.622 100.0 5hi 46.1 3.9 0.6 2/ 1.1 1.0 5.C 0.7 2/ 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.7 2.5 0.5 1.3 0.7 (53) (54) STATE federal rat ions ioc c/ 200 6.210.189 16,0 2 4,349 £/ 191 6,147,049 15.9 1 9,730 A/ 6 49,061 0.1 145 1,450,586 3.7 84 831,602 2.1 51 542,923 1.4 4 16,358 £/ 6 59,703 0.2 11 271,346 0.7 11 271,346 0.7 - - - 204 1,728,911 4.5 150 1,008,004 2mt 7 256,623 0.7 47 462,084 1.2 217 4,743,470 12.2 129 2,748,422 7.1 88 1,995,048 5.1 47 352,797 0.9 - _ _ 47 352,797 0.9 62 703,033 1.0 ,143 38,830,943 100.0 129 38,617,911 99.4 14 213,032 0.6 507 12 82 23 e 57 7 22 11 4 28 16 8 32 21 11 136 75 20 33 505 2 19,466,489 1,610 1 19,362,504 9.796.451 221 10,674,051 0,971,070 505 0,909,120 157,156 111 1,150,712 106,422 20 131,520 - 3 14,520 245,070 47 106,349 112,925 20 274,631 764.702 IBS 1.109.955 133,461 22 143,190 - 4 0,933 211,983 78 239,222 153,674 24 193,228 115,336 16 357,559 63,952 30 202,123 86,296 3 47,730 401.257 66 543.364 91,843 11 06,040 199,660 37 303,456 109,754 18 153,808 3.682.316 160 2.527.073 2 4,3« 3,671,349 152 2,475,700 - 1 9,730 10,967 5 38,094 740.604 113 709.902 540,510 63 291,092 200,094 40 342,629 - 4 10,350 - 6 59,7lB 154.346 5 117.000 154,346 5 117,000 536.740 176 1.192.163 40,906 146 999,080 208,470 6 50,353 279,372 24 102,712 2,606.453 01 2.057.017 1,606,660 54 1,141,762 1,079,793 27 915,255 206.739 27 146.050 - _ - 206,739 27 146,000 496,823 29 204,210 19,468,439 1,636 19,362,504 19,403,239 1,624 19,214,672 65,200 12 147,832 ( 1) ( 2) ( » ( «) ( 5) ( •) ( T> ( •) ( •) (TO) ("I («) (13) («) (H) <1») (") ('•) (IS) (10) («) (22) (a) (24) (») (38) (27) (») (») (»0) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (38) (37) (3.) (3S) (40) (41) (42) (43) (•4) («5) (48) (47) (44) (40) (50) (51) (SI) (») (54) */ INCLUDES PROJECTi CLARBIEIADLE UNDER MORE THAN ORE or THE HERDINOt ARDVf. jy LC4B THAN 0.05 REACEMT. c/ CLAetiriEO under RAOTEAAIoral ano clerical am LIME 42. 'Z* iMin «b ivaiMj-Q am iv*MH«93J0>d mam aauismo /? •liaMid 60*0 H11 •MOM* 99NI0V3M JHi jo 3M0 NVM1 MOM U30MTI ITS * I i 199 *13 •133T0MJ 83anl3M| /? <«> 968'i»a €2 CS6*6£2 2k 8*0 ise'tee sc /o aoiMMOIAVH TYK303J («) («s) 896*000*02 kSC'k 80k'*66*S2 *8€ 2*66 900*SM*» S£6*L IXVXS (cs) (zc) 988*2*k'02 *6£*k k90 **C2 *92 96C 0"00k »*«!'(. 066 'k HMWHOMd "nv - 1V101 91*99 (ZC) MOiArnuidvm (IS) 2CC*6k*'k k92 £98*099 cs C* tet'ots't *62 M0O3MB-TIM8IB (ic) (OS) ifio'ocs £2 S6*'H>'E 06 k"6 26S*M2'» C6 /* MMlO (OS) (s*) 290'CE* 01 k2£'068*l Ok O'fi E09*t2t*2 02 M0I1V3I0W3 OlinOMOM (09) (sti _ • _ - - — MOIiATWi ITN1I JO MOIlVklfll "O (98) UH 66k'C92'k a 9k0'£62*£ 08 r*k S6L'9£S'9 ?kk KATT3H OMV MOIi*iIMVC (69) («»! Z*k*€8k 62 86**8k2 S 8*0 0*9'LO* ZC /* WJHiO (») (s») - - - - - - - •MlNKV3 (c*) (»! *6c'6£o'z **k Z90'CC2*e Ok **kk 9€* '*62 *£ ►Sk Mil >35 (**) (c») 915*222*2 161 09£"efi*"C Sk Z"2k '960*969*5 98k •mroHd toooe (c*) (2») 6£2>69 66 k 002*219 G* 8*2 EC* *982'L 2*2 iwiiro o«* -htmoiw3jom> (29) !t») £66*k9k *k 8CS*66 s £*0 Cl£'k*2 6k 1«H0IA«3B33H (L*) (o») S6**92k 9 *6C***9 6 6*k 688*066 Sk 3VMOIAV3HM3 (09) (K) £06*296 6kZ 2Ck'9CC'k 6£ 0*S ££8*862*2 962 ■loaroMd >*T»OO 3xi HI (ac) <«) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /7 H3HX0 (sc) l«) - - - - - - - MOI AMI A Mt (6C) («) O*9*6£E'E 9k 60S'ess Lk *•8 6*k'9k6*C 62 •XMMIV Otnr 6XMMMIV (SC) (St) 0*9'6££*C 81 60£*8£S kk *•8 6*k'9L6'€ 62 Moiivmowainnii ouo a** •xaojaiv (sc) (K) 2se'*e k _ • k*0 2SC **C k /* S3W1C (►€) (et! £66*k 2 - - /s £66*k 2 •3IAIH1A 01010713 (ec) (zc) 906'6U 09 *CL'O*2 8 k"2 eco'096 89 BK3XSAS S3A3S (2£) (IE) 8C0*662 82 LOO *99 * 6*0 6C0'S*C ZC AiMfW OMV Moixvsuiarw taiM (u) (0£) 062"SCO*k k6 ££k'90€ Zk 6*2 £0*'k*£* k col 931X111X0 S3HX0 OMV MOX 9AS S3A3S (oc) (62) 666**£k s 000*009 . **k 666'*£9 9 /* OXXO (62) (02) - - - - - - - MOI1VAO39MO0 XOQX93AI1 OMV 'jOMO *XMV*W (82) (22) 268*6* 8 0€6**2k 2 **0 229*26L Ok MOIXVAH39MOO M3XVA O-H HOIXVOIMMI (62) (02) €99*02 C 6*S*S /ff 0C2*9Z * HOIXVllllin OMV-I OMV 1OMXM0O M0l»O«3 (92) (S2) _ - - - - - MOIXVX83MOJ (£2) («) *SS'E02 9k 662*089 *~ FT tEe'ete 02 M0I1VAO3SMO3 (*e) (E2) zto'sn frk £C6*66 £ s*o E96*f»2 6k /? «»U0 (C2) (22) E06'S2E *2 k68*6S£ 8 0*2 Mi*EES 2C SWrtd (22) (12) OSO'SSE 9€ 066*66 9 0*k 029'Eif 2* 801313 0IX3~MXV OMV COMnOMSAVld (u) (02) sos'ots *6 966 "£C6 6k S*C t9£"2S9*t £6 •3I1I1I0VJ 1VM0IXV3M03H 03MXO OMV «*a*d (02) (St) sss'oo £ 69£*2k k 2*0 B2S*E6 9 /7 H3KX0 (61) lot) - - - - • - - MOUI-WMOO OMV BMIMWH (81) Ut) oso'iei 96 *k8*6S2 kk 6*0 0i»'«» 68 tOMtOMS JO XM3K3A0MJMI (6L) (»t) - - - - - - (1VAVM OMV AMVXI1IM OMIOOlOMl) 1VM303J (91) (Et) 200*662 ZC L6C*6S £ 8*0 Ei£*9S£ 6C 1VM0IXV3M0SM OMV TVlOOS (si) lot) 20t'9»'t 6£k fikc'ke* £2 2** 22**226*1 28k IVMOt1V0MO3 (*l) (El) 182'OSt kk 886'* C **0 «90*£9t *1 •MOIiOXI it Ml 1VXM3H OMV *TV0I03»» "jUVAIOWO (CI) (21) 260'S8t ce LC2*9* 2 6*0 E2£*t£» £€ SAIAWA9IMIM0V (21) (it) 260*ISS'Z 9kC 890*098 s* **6 soi'tts't k9C MM 1 Oil Hi OITBOd (kk) (ot) oso'tce Sk 6*6*182 6 6*2 229*2C2*t *2 /? »MAO (01) (» ) - — - - — - • MOI X VMIMI U MIMOMO-JOVMB (6 I (0 ) Stc'fl c - - /8 sct'n C •XOOOVIA OMV 83001M8 (9 ) (2 ) 2E6*Cl 2 - - /? iss'tt 2 81MSMSA0IWMI 3OI80V0M (6 ) (9 ) 0t2*0S2 *k 69k*6C2 9 k*k tts'sot 02 8HXVM OMV *#OMftO "OMlVMXMS (9 ) (S ) e»e'E22 29 OOC*09k* L 6k k** EM'ltS't 66 8A311V OMV 9X3MXS (S ) (» ) S96'tSZ'» 66 069*129'Ok 68 k*2C SS«"t£8Vl 99k 90V0M AMV0N0938 M3MA0 OMV XIMMVI* OX WIVJ (► ) <» ) - - k06*8Ok k »*0 tU*99t k 9QV0M AMVRIkW - tAVMHOIH U ) (2 ) owetz'o £6k fi06"66*'Zi 02 k **» stt'oti'at 31 • UMAS OMV *80*08 '8AV8M0IH (2 ) (t ) 900*201*02 I ►6C*k k90**8Z*92 « 961 O'OOk m'ott'M i 066'k 1*101 0MW8 (k ) . ,(•) (6) (9) <•) __ w («) («> (0 •ON 1800 "WlOi AflOO 1*161 iuwjtt INMill •ON JNI1 031VN1183 OlAVniAH] yatfiflN IMS 1«t«l U4MIIU Ml WAN xoaroMd jo 3wxi 3NI1 - •AoaroMd aaxatdnoo IXOJPOttrf MUOV — - %lftl *96-* imiMNii •lUVil t-*< tf« wo AH ON* sioarouii iO IJMAA AH t»o > moi qjivnuii QNV NJUMN U 1 1 I V i iifll 'OK JNM HOHOMHi NOUVUMO Nl OJOVld SiOirOUd *dl £6 76 >PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROOOH JUNE 10. 1917 TABIC 72 NUMBER AND EST I MATEO TOTAL OOBT IV TYPE) OT PROJECT! AND BY OPERATINO STATU! TEXAS M-964 Total active projects completed projects line tvpc or project estimated Total Cost number gstimatco numstn Estimated lime no. number Amount pendent Total cott Total cost no. m (z) (1) (4) (5) (•) (7) (•) ( 1) GRAND total 5,092 194,716,599 100.0 1,268 142,178,181 1,824 152,340,218 ( 1) ( 2) hishhays, r0a08, ano strcetb 1.991 39.602.773 42,0 434 19.060.O18 1.517 23 ,©3,793 ( 2) * 5) highways - pr I mart roads 71 3,339,690 3.5 43 2,9)7,404 26 1,002,246 ( 1) ( 4) Far«p-to-markit ano othcr SCCONOARY noaob 1,318 25,717,766 27.1 291 9,7)7,727 1,027 15,980,0)9 ( 4) < 5) street• ano alleys 343 7,123,978 7.*s 59 2,439,7)1 286 4,684,247 ( ») ( 6) sidewalks, curbs, ano paths 42 464,334 0.* i 70,846 39 393 ,488 ( •) I 7) roadside improvements 49 765,014 O.C 8 293,236 41 471,778 ( 7) ( e) bbidocs arc viaducts 103 1,295,193 1.4 22 495,690 n 799,503 ( •) ( 9) qr a dc-cross. hq el iv ima tion 1 1,236 5/ - - 1 3,236 ( •) PO) other a/ 60 1,093,602 1.2 26 594,384 34 499,218 (to) (IT) public buildings 436 7.217.020 7,6 73 1.927.386 IS 5.289,434 (IT) («) Administratis 23 253,496 0.3 7 100,788 16 152,708 («) (18) Charitable, medical, ano mental institutions 6 135,373 0.1 2 57,504 4 77,869 (") (*4) Educational 154 1,715,051 1.8 25 547,992 129 1,167,059 (T4) (13) social ano recreational 116 1,565,986 1.6 21 455,3© 95 1,110,803 (15) (W) federal (incluoinb military and naval) 4 49,554 0.1 1 14,200 3 35,354 (TO) (") improvement op 0pounds 143 3,234,275 3.4 14 597,874 129 2,636,401 (1^ (30) housing ano demolition - - - - - - ) (?1) Playgrounds ano athletic fields 52 462,071 0.5 8 94,573 44 387,490 (21) (22) parks 68 2,574,526 2.7 19 ©9,435 49 1,735,091 (22) (23) other a/ 35 1,367,975 1.5 9 1,015,968 26 352,007 (») ;?4) conservation 148 3.324.697 3.5 22 1,657.669 126 1.667.028 (84) (25) forcstation - - - - - - - (») (26) erosion control amd land utilization 7 92,626 0.1 2 32,302 5 60,324 (») (27) irrigation ano water conservation 120 2,B82,900 3.0 12 1,430,916 100 1,492,074 (27) (28) plant, crop, ano livestock conservation - - - - - - - (88) (29) otmr a/ 21 349,081 0.4 8 194,451 13 154,630 (29) (30) semen systems ano other utilities 314 5.473.239 5,e 44 1.485.573 27Q 3.987.666 (») (37) water purification ano supply 118 1,765,958 1.9 10 385,838 108 1P8D ,120 (81) (32) sever systems 178 3,372,767 3.6 30 923,246 148 2,449,919 (82) (33) Electric utilities 3 39,023 2/ - - 3 39,023 (88) (3*) other a/ 15 295,491 0.3 4 176,487 11 119/104 (86) (») Airports and Other Transportation 33 803.118 o.e 22 330.691 22 472.427 (85) (36) Airports ano airhats 31 783,156 o.e 11 330,091 20 432,465 (86) (37) na v1sation 1 13,287 2/ - - 1 13,287 (87) (38) other a/ 1 6,675 2/ - " 1 6,675 (88) (30) ■mite collar projects 845 10,414,649 11.0 230 5.661.449 615 4.753.200 (88) (40) Educational 47 2,409,137 2.6 33 611,806 14 1,797,331 (40) (4') recreational 4? 776,149 O.C 19 239,291 23 536,658 (41) (42) professional ano clerical 756 7,229,363 7.6 178 4,810,352 578 2,419,011 (42) (43) sooos projects 580 16,458.770 17.4 258 9,643,912 331 6.814,858 (4») (44) sesins 506 15,071,295 15.9 229 8,780,413 MS 6,290,882 (44) (49) Canning 70 1,008,286 1.1 28 533,596 42 474,680 (45) (46) other a/ 13 379,189 0.4 7 329,903 • 49,286 (46) (47) sanitation amd health 181 4,243,085 4.5 £ 2.489.029 90 (47) (48) El I iii hat ion or stream pollution - - - - — - (46) (40) mosquito eradication 89 2,749,796 2.9 46 1,713,994 43 1,035,832 (48) (») other a/ 92 1,493,289 1.6 43 775,035 47 716^54 (®) (91) miscellaneous 380 2,576,676 2.7 49 1,263,478 331 l ,313,198 (51) recapitulation (32) grand total - all programs 5,092 94,718,599 100.0 1,268 42,378,381 3,824 52,340,216 (92) (53) state 5,027 92,534,305 97.7 1,244 40,625,058 3,7© 51,909,447 (91) (9«) Feocjul Nationwide c/ 65 2,184,094 2.3 24 1,753,323 41 430,771 (94) a/ includes projects classifi able under sore than one or the meadinob above. y lcbb than 0.09 percent. y Class If ICO under prowess i onal ano clerical am vim 42. 77 «Pt fHOJCCtS PLACED II OKMTIOH THBOUQH JUHE 10, 1917 nuns* AND riT 1HATCD TOtAI C01I IT IVPfi or PAOJCOtl AHR •» onaptivo AUtUI lt-96« Liar NO. T»UL a0t1vc Projects COMPLETED projeotb number Estimate® Trial Cos? Amount Percent NUMBER t»T1 MATED total ooft number estimated total cost (') («) (1) (4) (») («) (7) I-) ( 1) QRANO TOTAL 1,307 t22.163.199 100,0 217 • 0,006,801 1,090 114,097,316 I 2) HlQHOATt. AOADA, AKO STNCCTO 121 4.603,903 20,8 19 1.035.906 302 3,507.995 ( 3) HtOHBATS - PHI PA AT HOADS 1 43,962 0.2 1 43, 962 - ( 4) FAWP-TO PtttlT MO OTNtP St CON OA AT AOAOS 164 2,653,919 12.9 14 616,385 170 2,237,534 ( 3) STACCTS AND ALLCYO 06 682.207 3.1 12 180,469 54 501,738 1 6) STOCAALAA. OUAOO. AND PATHS 44 526,904 2.4 7 90,862 37 436,042 I ') NOADO 1DC IHPAOVCHCATO 15 189,430 0.8 3 93,436 12 95,994 ( o). BAIDSCO AMO VIAOOICTO 9 61,675 0.3 - - 9 61,675 ( 9) OAAOC-CAOOSINO CLISIMOTIOH - - - - - - (10) OTNtA kj 22 245,606 1.1 2 10,794 20 234,812 (11) public buildins* 229 3.426.165 15.4 42 1.167.098 182 2.241.067 C2) administrative 29 504,996 2.3 5 169,105 24 335,891 (13) charitable, mcoical, and mental inst1tutions 11 185,606 0.8 2 51,461 9 134,145 (<4) educational 71 910,799 4.1 15 291,129 56 619,670 C3) social and atc*cat iohal 56 560,926 2.5 10 106,575 <6 452,351 (W) federal (incluoimo military and naval) 20 976,040 4.4 7 493,497 13 482,543 I") INPROMMChT or GROUNDS 96 242,369 1.1 7 69,268 29 173,101 (W) MOUSING ANO OCMOLit ion - - • - - _ - (19) otto y 6 47,429 0.2 1 4,063 5 43,366 (20) Parks ami Othcb recreational Facilities 36 1.197.369 5.4 17 322.640 69 074.729 (21) playgrounds ano ATHLETIC fields 27 214,476 1.0 3 28,344 24 186,132 (22) parks 26 588,237 2.6 9 203,172 17 385,065 (23) other a/ 33 394,656 1.8 5 91,124 28 303,532 (24) conservation 92 2.015,409 9.1 19 1.365.128 73 650.281 125) forestation - - - - - - - (26) erosion control ano lano utilization 5 74,701 0.4 3 38,897 2 35,804 (27) irrigation ano water conservation 55 473,265 2.1 7 71,751 48 401,514 (28) pulht, crop, ano livestock conservation e 1,128,015 5.1 4 1,122,057 4 5,958 (29) OTHW A/ 24 339,428 1.5 5 132,423 19 207,005 (30) Sewer Systems and Other utilities 176 2.141,594 9,7 32 752.878 144 1.388.716 (31) rater purification and supply 108 1,145,545 5.2 17 429,268 91 716,277 (32) Sewer systems 59 933,052 4.2 12 306,890 47 626,962 (33) Electric utilities 7 53,101 0.2 2 9,621 5 43,480 (34) ot>« y 2 9,096 0.1 1 7,099 1 1,997 (33) Airports and other Transportation 18 1,581,375 7.1 _5 1.222.203 13 359.172 (36) airports ano airbats 17 1,526,375 6.9 4 1,167,203 13 359,172 (37) navisatION - - - - - - • (38) otio y 1 55,000 0.2 1 55,000 (39) shite collar projects 127 2.228,517 10.0 36 1.090.254 91 1.138.263 (40) Educational 36 650,034 2.9 3 255,572 33 394,462 («') recreational 29 587,493 2.6 20 486,989 9 100,504 (42) Professional and clerical 62 990,990 4.5 13 347,693 49 643,297 («3) eooos projects 56 1,828,512 6.2 12 768.892 46 1.069.620 (44) sesinr 29 1,462,074 6.6 9 687,190 20 774,884 l«3) cannins 24 341,886 1.5 1 76,951 23 264,935 (46) other y 5 24,552 0.1 2 4,751 3 19,801 («7) sanitation ano health 53 2.071.396 h± _3 191.821 22 1.879.575 (40) el in1nat ion op strean pollution 1 35,888 0.2 1 35,885 - — («9) ■ooouito enaoication 7 554,140 2.5 - - 7 554,140 (30) other y 48 1,481,371 6.7 2 155,936 43 1,325,435 (31) ■iscellrmeous 127 1,086,959 4.9 7 149,089 120 937,900 recapi tulation (32) 88*1© total - all prosrams 1,307 22,183,199 100.0 217 8,085,881 1,090 14,097,318 (33) stat* 1,280 21,820,148 98.4 215 8,060,061 1,065 13,700.067 (34) Federal Nationwide b/ 27 363,051 1.6 2 25,820 25 337,231 liar (i) (i) (») ( A) ( 3) (*) (') (•) («) (10) (II) (12) (13) (1«> (13) (10) (17) (10) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2A) (23) (20) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (3«) (33) (36) (37) (30) (39) (40) («1) (42) (43) (44) (43) (40) (47) (48) (49) (30) (31) (32) (S3) (34) a/ laciuoci paojtcia CL>oairiAaLC uaotp post than oar or thc arAOiaot aoovc. B/ Classifiro owcp Phofesoiohal amo Clcpical oa Liar 42. 78 WPA PROJtCf> PLACID in OPCWAT ION THSQQOH JQNt 30, 1937 t a 8 l i 74 number ano estimatco total cost by types or projects ano by opcratino status TOTAL ittwrid total Coot UBfilHJL. ACTIVE projbctt ESTI HATCO iai*k .w (1) BRAND TOTAL 936 #7,297,808 100.0 ( «) highways, r0a08, ano streets 371 3.289.730 ( 3) m 1 8mats — phi nary roads 1 4,434 1/ ( 4) farn-td—banket ano other secondary roaoo 2ce 1,948,929 26.7 C 5) streets ano alleys 34 464,976 6.4 1 o) sidewalks, curbs, ano paths 31 320,015 4.4 < 7) Roadside improvemewtb 7 29,618 0.4 t a) baimes ano viaoucts 28 174,052 2.4 1 9) qraoe—cross 1no cltnination - - - (TO) other y 65 347,712 4.8 ("> public build1*08 96 389.026 5.3 («) administrative 18 57,972 0,8 (73) Charitable, medical, ano mental institutions 6 19,500 0.3 (*4) educational 50 179,778 2.4 (T3) social and recreational 3 34,854 0.5 (»0) federal (including nilitary and naval) 2 24,489 0.3 (77) improvement of grounds 5 12,279 0.2 (78) housing ano ocnolitior - - - (79) other y 12 60,154 0.8 (») parks and Other recreational Facilities 25 230,111 3.2 (27) flaysroimos ano athletic fields 11 98,940 1.4 (22) parks 4 74,823 1.0 (23) other y 10 56,348 0.8 (24) conservation _8 44,544 0.6 (25) forestatiom 1 7,459 0.1 (») Erosion control ano land utilization - - - (27) irrigation ano rater conservation 2 19,309 0.3 (20) plant, chop, ano livestock conservation 2 9,833 0.1 (29) other y 3 7,943 0.1 (30) Sever System and other utilities 91 963.196 13.2 (37) Cater purification ano supply 45 471,875 6.5 (32) sever systems 40 451,096 6.2 (33) Electric utilities - - - (34) other y 6 40,213 0.5 (35) Airports and other transportation _9 255,081 3.5 (36) airports and aircays 9 255,081 3.5 (37) navirat ion _ _ . (38) other y ~ - (39) White collar projects 180 768,267 10.5 (40) educational 40 190.701 2.6 («') Recreational 26 54,622 0.8 (42) professional amd clerical 114 522,864 7.1 (43) Gogos Projects 119 1,086,131 14.9 (44) sew ins 83 651,397 6.9 (45) cam ins 15 160,266 2.2 (46) Other y 21 274,468 3.8 (47) sanitation ano health m _ (48) Elimination or stream pollution _ _ (49) mosquito eradication _ _ _ (30) other y - - - (51) miscellaneous 39 271,726 3.7 RECAPITULATION (52) bra no total - au. programs 938 7,297,800 100.0 (53) state 911 7,061,109 96.8 (54) federal nationwide c/ 27 236,699 3.2 -HE J*L comwlftco projectb citimateo totaj cost JIL 193 #2,629,991 22 MP. 108 32 558,869 4 67,670 11 160,963 2 12,285 1 21,969 4 63,342 16 124,350 3 6,610 8 36,077 2 33,703 1 15,911 1 4,455 1 27.002 7 133,374 3 49,556 1 41,077 3 42,741 _4 23,881 1 14,671 1 4,017 2 5,193 19 429.989 12 262,959 7 167,026 4 125.96o 4 125,966 - - 46 394.264 2 114.5« 1 30,800 42 248,919 41 415,001 39 393,775 • • 2 21,216 - . - - - - 3 97,956 193 2,629,993 181 2,491,751 12 138,242 746 #4,667,819 m 1 4,434 173 1,390,070 30 >97,306 20 159,032 5 17, 333 27 152,083 - • 61 284,370 00 288,468 15 51,362 6 19,500 42 142,901 1 1,151 1 8,578 4 7,824 11 33,152 16 96,737 8 49,384 3 >3,746 7 13,607 4 20.663 1 7,459 1 4,638 1 5,816 1 2.750 72 533.201 33 208,916 33 284,072 • •» 6 40,213 5 129.115 5 129,115 135 374,003 38 76,236 25 23,822 72 273, 9« 78 671,130 44 257,622 15 160,266 19 253,242 • - 36 1/3.870 746 4,667,815 730 4,569,358 15 98,457 ( i) ( 2) ( » ( «> ( s) ( •) ( ') ( •) ( •) iw) (") <«> ("> ("! (") (>•> (") ('•) (19) (*>) (21) (22) (2J) (2«) (29) (») (22) (29) (29) (99) (91) (92) (99) (9«) (95) (96) (97) (99) (99) («0) («1) (92) («9) (*•) («9) (99) «7) («9) («») (90) (91) (52) (59) (59) 9/ ihclumt Pnojecn cl*miri*.£ i»of« more than one of thc nuomai aoovc. t/ Leo* TH*n 0.09 nenccNT. c/ clamtritd unotn pnoresitomal nno clcaical An lim 92. ■ PA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30, 193 7 79 T A B L I n NUMBER ANO CITIUATM TOTAL #011 17 TYttl Or PROJKOT8 ANO BV ITATUB VMMHdti tt-964 LINE HO. TYRC or PROJECT TOTAL AOTIVC projcoti Completed PROJECTS LINE no. number ittimay^ Amount Total Cost percent number citimated TOTAL COST Number ESTIMATED TOTAL COST (1) (») (») («) 0) (*) (7) (8) ( 1) GRANO TOTAL I,601 117,976,473 100.0 887 114,953,313 1,714 813,023,160 (1) ( 2) HlSMBAVt, ROAOS, ANO STREET® 462 6,956,365 24.9 143 4.001.540 317 2.154.025 ( 2) ( 3) H1SHNAVS - PRIMARY roads 5 104,660 0,4 3 73,952 2 30,708 ( 3) ( 4) fawm-to-narket ANO OTHER SECONDARY N0AU8 153 3,537,921 12.6 83 3,106,745 70 431,176 ( 4) ( 5) streets ANO ALLEYS 115 2,061,970 7.4 32 1,357,528 83 704,442 ( 3) ( 6) SIDEWALKS, curbs, AND RATNS 105 908,629 3.2 22 231,734 83 676,095 ( «) ( 7) ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENTS 4 16,945 0.1 1 401 3 16,544 ( 7) < 8) BR I DOES ANO VIADUCTS 71 297,844 1.1 3 30,066 68 267,778 ( 8) ( 9) GRADE-CROSSING ELIMINATION - - - - - - - ( •) (10) other y 9 28,396 0.1 1 1,114 8 27,282 (10) (11) PUBLIC BUILD IMS 295 2,621.762 9.4 80 1.129.305 215 1.492,457 (11) («) AON INI STRATI YE 51 412,100 1.5 10 183,700 41 226,400 (12) (13) Charitable, medical, and mental institutions 32 184,313 0.7 7 24,209 25 160,104 (13) (14) EDUCATIONAL 136 1,346,788 4.6 43 656,849 93 689,939 (14) (15) SOCIAL ANO NCCftCATIOMAL 6 54,630 0.2 - - 6 54,630 (13) (16) federal (including military ano naval) 4 12,538 2/ 3 7,693 1 4,845 (16) (") IMPROVEMENT or GNOUMDS 45 279,243 1.0 13 166,682 32 112,561 (17) (18) HOUSING ANO DEMOLITION - - - - - - - (18) (19) OTHER y 21 332,150 1.2 4 88,172 17 243,978 (19) (20) PARKS ano OTHER RECREATIONAL FACILITIES 132 1,633,965 5.8 39 784,844 93 849.121 (20) (21) PLAYGAOIMOS ANO ATM.ETIC FIELDS 91 915,766 3.3 23 367,632 68 548,134 (21) (22) PARKS 29 657,005 2.3 12 379,665 17 277,340 (22) (23) other y 12 61,194 0.2 4 37,547 0 23,647 (23) (24) CONNER WAT IOM 26 165,599 0.6 _8 115.029 18 50,570 (24) (25) FOREST*TION - - - - - - - (25) (26) Erosion control and lano utilization 2 2,062 2/ - - 2 2,062 (26) (27) irrigation and water conservation 13 44,600 0.2 2 9,421 11 35,179 (27) (28) Plant, cnor, and livestock conservation 6 53,686 0.2 1 40,357 5 13,329 (28) (29) OTHER y 5 65,251 0.2 5 65,251 - - (20) (30) Sever systems and Other utilities 220 2.092,533 7.5 53 925.645 167 1,166,688 (30) (31) MATER PURIFICATION AND SUPPLY 100 739,602 2.6 18 278,895 82 460,707 (31) (32) Sever systems 116 1,332,587 4.8 34 640,755 82 691,832 (32) (33) ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 6,685 2/ - - 2 6,685 (33) (*) other y 2 13,659 0.1 1 6,195 1 7,464 (34) (35) airports and other Transportation 27 475,636 1.7 -2 222.128 20 253.508 *35) (36) AIRPORTS AMI AIRMAYS 18 411,540 1.0 6 203,373 12 208,167 (36) (37) RAVIBAT ion 9 64,096 0.2 1 10,755 8 45,341 (37) (38) OTHER y - - - ~ ~ (38) (39) SMITE COLLAR PROJECT* 671 4.625,481 16.5 228 2,266,675 443 2.358.806 (38) (40) Educational 128 1,391,463 5.0 13 515,204 115 876,259 (40) (4!) RECREATIONAL 54 457,222 1.6 5 210,896 49 246,326 (41) («) Professional and clerical 489 2,776,796 9.9 210 1,540,575 279 1,236,221 (42) (43) goods Projects «7 4.306.695 15.4 130 2,151.412 127 2.155.283 (43) (44) SES INS 203 3,732,125 13.3 105 1,823,667 98 1,908,458 (44) (45) CANNINS 7 31,525 0.1 3 9,945 4 21,580 (45) (46) OTHER y 47 543,045 2.0 22 317,000 25 225,245 (46) (47) SANITATION ANO HEALTH 163 2.237.913 8.0 90 1*577,977 73 659.936 (47) (48) Elimination of stream pollution 1 1,060 2/ - - 1 1,068 (48) (49) MOSQUITO ERADICATION 46 950,393 3.a 10 615,543 36 334,848 (40) (») other y 116 1,286,452 4.6 80 962,432 36 324,020 (50) (51) MISCELLANEOUS 348 2,860,524 10.2 107 978,558 241 1,881,966 (51) RECAPITULATION (®) GRAND TOTAL - ALL PROBRAMS 2,601 27,976,473 100.0 887 14,953,313 1,714 13,023,160 (52) (S3) STATE 2,548 27,489,111 98.3 874 14,636,248 1,674 12,852,863 (») (»> FEDERAL NATIONWIDE C/ 53 407,362 1.7 13 317,065 40 170,297 (34) A/ includes projects clam if iaslc under more than one or the hcadinss a bow. y LESS THAR 0.05 PERCENT. y CLASSirico under professional ano clerical or LIRE 42. 20603 O—37 7 90 I "A PBQJCCIi PUCCO IN flPtftMtON THWOUOH JUNE >0. • TABLE 76 NUBKR AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 8Y TYPES OE PROJECTS AND BY OPERA TIRO STATUS TOTAL AOT»VI PROJECTS COMPLFTIO PROJICTB UNt Ivpc of project NUMKR CSYIMATCO TOTAL COST NUHBIH ESTIMATED number EstIMAIIO NO a Amount PIRCINT TOTAk 9fffT TOTAL COST V) (t) (3) (4) 7 W~ ~ (•) ..... L'l (•) < 1) GRAND TOTAL 2,274 156,711,911 100.0 637 129,961 ,498 1 #837 126*732,421 ( 2) HISNSAY8, ROAQf, ANO STRUTS 531 16,639,043 20.3 !42 9,419,368 m 7,229*. i 1 3) M 1 9MAT1 - WIMIY HO AO', - - - - - • ~ ( 4) Taam-to-narkit mm othcr secondary noaos 256 8,049,813 15.8 90 3,723,626 166 9,229*087 I 3) STRICT# AIM ALLCVS 126 4,817,128 8.5 48 3,050,680 74 1,736*446 ( 6) SlOCVALKS, CUR48, ANO RATH8 19 317,483 0.5 6 203,279 13 114,204 < 7) ROADSIDE IMPROVCRCRTS 66 1,626,721 2.9 7 166,606 61 1 *439*711 i a) BRI0SC8 ARO VIADUCTS 8 96,090 0.2 1 13,539 7 62,331 ; ») GAAOC-CROSBINR CLIMIMAT ION - - - - - - " (10) OTHER k/ 54 832,608 1.4 8 233*416 46 379,192 (") PUBLIC MulLDftSS HZ 3,613.950 6,4 22 1f54?|240 22Z 2,068,710 (12) ADNINISTRATIK 18 56,227 0.1 3 13,621 15 42*606 1'3) Char i table, ncoical, ano ncrtal inst itut ions 4 101,389 0.2 2 76,426 2 24,963 P«) EDUCATIONAL 193 2,110,145 3.7 45 764,349 148 1J 45,396 (15) Social aim recreational 55 630,757 1.1 23 308,867 32 321,870 (16) FCOERAL (IHCLUOIM MILITARY A«OO ISA seal ) 11 104,385 0.2 2 43,733 9 58 ,630 (") IMPROVEMENT or QROUMOS 43 586,253 1.0 14 332,017 29 234,236 (16) HOUR INC ARO DEMOLITION - - - - - - - (19) other y 3 22,794 0.1 1 1,983 2 20*009 (») parks *mo other rccrcatiowal Facilities 336 6,969,908 12.3 113 4,026,706 223 2,943*202 (?l) flaybrounds amo athletic fields 160 1,646,118 2.9 59 773,623 121 870,433 (22) Parks 121 3,346,854 5.9 35 2,032,384 86 1,294,270 (23) other y 35 1,976,936 3.5 19 1,196,497 16 770*439 (24) CONSERVATION 200 6,738,733 12.0 37 3,957,926 163 2 ,630,607 (25) FOftCSTATlON - - - - - - - (26) Erosion control and land utilization 57 618,202 1.1 4 143,626 53 472,576 (27) IRRIGATION ANO RATER CONSERVATION 106 5,223,977 9.2 24 3,608,651 82 1,332,326 (28) Plant, crop, ano livestock conservation 4 231,487 0.4 1 7,103 3 224,362 »29) otkti y 33 718,067 1.3 8 116,344 23 601.323 (30) SCVC3I SYSTEM ANO OTHER UTILITIES 170 6,691,596 11.8 « 2,261,423 127 4,430.173 (31) CATER PURIFICATION ANO SUPPLY 83 1,845,701 3.3 18 334,232 65 1,291,46® (32) SEVER SYSTEM 77 4,439,217 7.0 21 1 ,422,190 56 3,017*027 (33) ELECTRIC UTILITIES 6 365,696 0.6 2 231,112 4 114,764 (3*) other y 4 40,782 0.1 2 33,889 2 6*099 (33) Airports and other Transportation 41 2,240,341 4.0 19 1,608,948 22 631.4*3 (36) airports ano ainrays 29 1,919,468 3.4 15 1,563*823 14 355,645 (37) RAVISAT ION 11 316,783 0.6 4 45,025 7 271,758 (36) or»« y 1 4 *090 %/ - - 1 4*090 (39) Shite collar projects 406 5,796*472 10£ 104 3,130*091 n 2*646*301 (40) ESUCATIONAL 65 1,007,911 1.8 4 472,162 01 395*749 (41) RECREATIONAL 39 730*631 1.3 4 444,701 » 203,990 (42) PROFESSIONAL ANO CLERICAL 282 4,057,030 7.1 96 2,233,228 106 1*008.700 («) OOOOS PROJECTS 97 4,905,469 30 ?i«5 67 (44) SEW INS 81 4,617,190 8.1 28 2,401,122 S3 2.216*000 («) CAMNIMS 1 29,633 0.1 - - 1 29*631 (««) other y 15 258,646 0.4 2 54,155 13 208*341 (*7) SANITATION AMO HEALTH 38 603,063 1.1 16 300*664 & 301*399 (46) Clinination or itrear pollution — _ - _ _ (49) MOSQUITO ERADICATION - - _ • _ _ (50) other y 38 605 ,063 1.1 16 300,604 a 308*399 (51) MISCELLANEOUS 128 2,462,536 4.3 25 1*235*795 100 1,226*741 RECAPITULATION (52) •RAND TOTAL - All Prosaans 2,274 56,713,911 100.0 637 29,961*488 1*637 26,730*023 (53) STATE 2,214 33,368,573 98.0 629 29,228*339 1*585 26*340*274 (») FEDERAL MAT IONS IOC C/ 60 1,145,338 2.0 8 733,129 52 412*209 ( 1) ( i) ( '! I «! [ 9) ( 6) I '! ( •) ( •) (10) (11) («) ("! (") («) (10) (IT) (W) ('«) (») («) (a) (a) (w) (a) (») (») (») (S7) (*) (») (00) («'! («) (•» («) (4) Educational 07 1,366,756 2.3 35 607,472 52 759,284 ('5) Social ano regreational 41 984,851 1.7 22 598,586 19 386,265 (») Federal (including nilitarv and naval) 2 13,724 y 1 6,989 1 6,735 (") Improvcment or grounds 21 260,358 0.4 8 106,588 13 153,770 (18) MOUSING ANO DEMOLITION - - - - - - - (19) OTHER y 6 87,357 0.1 1 4,620 5 82,737 (20) Parks AND other RECREATIONAL facilities 52 1.063,120 1.8 17 340.320 35 722,800 (21) PLAYGROUNDS ANO ATHLETIC FIELDS 27 450,296 0.0 7 133,775 20 316,521 (22) PARKS 16 467,084 0.8 6 142,783 10 324,301 (23) OTHER K/ 9 145,740 0.2 4 63,762 5 81,978 (24) CONSERVATION 29 796.994 1.3 _5 70.834 24 726,160 125) Forestation - - - - - - - (28) EROSION CONTROL AND LAND UTILIZATION 1 10,003 £/ - - 1 10,003 (27) IRRIGATION ANO WATER CONSERVATION 24 746,201 1.3 3 48,080 21 698,121 (28) plant, crop, ami livestock conservation 2 18,036 5/ - - 2 18,036 (29) OTHER y 2 22,754 y 2 22,754 - - (30) Sever Systems ano other utilities 202 2,754,556 4.6 47 893.910 155 1.860.646 (31) ■ATER PURIFICATION ANO SUPPLY 20 187,097 0.3 3 58,785 17 128,312 (32) S£*ER SYSTEMS 180 2,510,210 4.2 43 808,853 137 1,701,357 (33) Electric utilities - - - - - - - (30) other y 2 57,249 0.1 1 26,272 1 30,977 (35) Airports and other Transportation _9 712,830 1.2 _5 435.899 _4 Z76.931 (36) Airports ano airways 9 712,830 1.2 5 435,899 4 276,931 (37) NAVIGATION - - — - - - - (38) OTHER y - - - - (39) SHITE Collar Projects 361 3.011.450 5.1 79 1.384,696 282 1,626,754 (40) Educational 93 1,453,871 2.5 26 641,921 67 811,950 (41) recreational 62 596,059 1.0 7 312,487 55 283,572 (42) PROFESSIONAL AMD CLERICAL 206 961,520 1.6 46 430,288 160 531,232 (*3) Ooeos projects 130 4.670,407 7.8 86 3.258.283 44 1.412.204 (««) SENINN 101 4,071,562 6.3 74 2,937,691 27 1,133,871 («3) Can*IMG 1 860 y - - 1 860 (46) ot»«r y 26 590,065 1.0 12 320,592 16 277,473 (47) SANITATION AMI HEALTH 128 3,266,189 5.5 80 1.937,258 46 1,330,931 (48) Elimination of stream pollution 42 563,860 1.0 23 290,976 19 272,884 (49) ■MQUITO ERADICATION - - - - " ~ ■ (30) oticr y 86 2,704,129 4.5 57 1,646,282 29 1,058,047 (31) MISCELLANEOUS 176 1,513,137 2.5 48 723,213 128 789,924 RECAPITULATION (32) 8AAN0 TOTAL - All programs 2,176 59,576,644 100.0 804 34,811,672 1,372 24,764,972 (53) STATE 2,150 59,249,590 99.5 795 34,630,083 1,355 24,619,507 (30) Federal nationwide c/ 26 327,054 0.5 9 181,589 17 145,465 Line wo. ( i) ( 2) ( 3) ( «> ( 5) < •) ( 7) ( •) ( •) (10) (") (12) (13) (1«) (") (1«) (17) (10) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (29) (20) (2») (27) (28) (2») (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (33) (38) (37) (38) (39) (40) (*1) (42) (43) (44) («3) (48) (47) (48) (49) (30) (31) (32) (3»! (34) A/ IWCLUOCt AAOJCCTl G-AMiriAAUf UWOM MORA THAN OWTf 07 TM* HtAO INOA A WO 77. jy' LEOO THAN 0.03 TtNOCNT. y COAAA'TICO l»Qt. BN07EAAI ORAL AH0 CL7NICAL OH LIHC 42. 82 tPA PROJECTS PIAOEQ IN OPERATION fHRQUQH JUNE »0, 1937 table 78 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST BY TYPES OC PROJECTS ANO BY OPCRATINO STATUS act IVf projects Completed projects line Tvpc or PROJECT number estimated Total cost number cstimateo cstimateo LIME percent Total cost no. (1) (») (4) (») i*) (7) (9) ( 1) qrano total 5,446 1122,033,152 100.c ( ?) hiomsays, roaos, ano streets 1.409 34.240.317 27,9 ( s) highways - pr!nary roads 5 161,943 0.2 ( 4) farm-to-market ano other secondary roaos 676 6,992,935 5.7 ( 5) streets ano alleys 157 3,054,840 3.1 ' 6) skmtmalks, curbs, ano paths 109 5,544,902 4.5 1 7) roadside improvements 65 052,155 0.7 1 0) br i oses and viaoucts 41 581,200 0.5 < 9) (made-crossind elimination 1 4,020 2/ uo) other k/ 355 16,240,234 13.2 (") public buildings 712 12.137.773 9.9 («) Aoministrative 170 2,101,265 1.7 (") Charitable, stoical, and mental institutions 05 1,503,205 1.2 (w) coucational 277 4,357,340 3.6 (15) social ano recrcayional 72 1,938,874 1.6 (16) federal (incluoins nilitary ano naval) 3 64,144 0.1 (17) improvement of ground# 53 1,268,797 1.0 (18) housing ano demolition - - - (19) other k/ 52 904,060 0.7 (20) Parks ano other recrcational Facilities 382 23.672.793 19.3 (*) playgrounds ano athletic yields 87 1,331,301 1.1 (22) Parks 257 21 ,248,141 17.3 (23) other a/ 30 1,093,351 0.9 (24) conservation (25) Forest ation (26) EROSION CONTROL. ANO LA NO UTILIZATION (27) I UN IOAT ION ANO SATES CONSERVATION (28) TVANT, CROP, ANO LIVESTOCK CONSERVATION (29) OT»«R A/ 271 21 23 131 2 94 10.844.109 402,511 1,383,797 3,777,945 9,190 5,270,705 (47) sanitation ano health (48) (49) (») (51) ■! Elimination or stream poll vt id mosquito craoication other a/ 54 1 53 285 005,611 1,067,707 RECAPITULATION (52) SRANO TOTAL - All programs 5,446 122,033,152 (53) (54) state federal nat i omr i dc C/ 5,355 91 121,463,710 1,369,434 8.3 0.3 1.1 3.1 £/ (*>) Sewer Systems ano other utilities 628 16.223.969 13.2 (31) mater purification ano supply 166 2,022,586 1.6 (32) sewer systems 390 9,979,711 8.1 (33) Electric utilities 10 720,909 0.6 (3») other k/ 54 3,930,763 2.9 («) Airports and other transportation 43 1.151.518 0.9 (36) airports ano airsay8 34 1,013,717 0.8 (37) ravisat|3n 6 129,001 0.1 (38) other A/ 1 0,000 2/ (39) ■kite Collar projects 1,332 10,660,391 (40) Educational 151 1,160,090 1.0 (40 recreational 118 1,256,232 1.0 (42) professional ano clerical 1,113 8,244,069 6.7 (43) Goooe PROJECTS 280 11,210.566 9.1 (44) SO IMS 119 4,051,175 3.3 (45) CRAM ins 1 998 2/ (46) other A/ 160 7,150,393 5.9 0.7 U 90.9 1.1 n,io»,7«i 750,020 !,«d 1,509 172,606,707 1,937 349,966,365 m 19.025.953 1.188 15.214.364 1 90,410 4 71,533 47 1,301,337 629 5,611,598 31 1,614,110 126 2,240,722 27 4,750,060 « 794,042 16 332,994 49 519,161 6 121,000 33 499,400 - - 1 4,028 91 10,735,234 264 5,913,000 200 6.468.509 504 5.669.104 46 1,038,422 124 1,062,043 25 087,741 60 015,944 70 2,337,935 207 2,019,405 34 031,093 30 1,106,981 - - 3 64,144 11 837,604 42 431,193 22 534,994 30 300,074 129 18.073.045 233 5,399,740 20 649,573 67 601,728 98 16,704,477 159 4,543,664 11 718,995 27 374,356 78 7.090.620 193 3.763.400 2 126,911 19 275,600 5 1,210,503 10 173,294 26 1,432,591 105 2,345,154 1 6,242 1 2,900 44 4,304,381 3D 966,324 139 8.412.777 409 7.011.192 29 613,043 137 1,400,743 92 4,504,058 298 5,399,653 6 603,048 12 117,061 12 2,611,828 42 008,955 _9 786.758 34 364.700 5 743,822 29 269,895 3 34,936 3 94,005 1 8,000 * 451 4.995.343 931 5.665.046 66 288,851 05 871,219 56 324,330 62 991,094 329 4,382,156 704 3,061,913 121 6,395.309 159 4.015.177 70 1,731,880 49 2,319,295 - - 1 990 51 4,663,509 109 2,404,004 21 516.649 2 307 361 18,399 - 31 490,250 22 307,361 121 1,111,654 164 756,053 1,509 72,866,707 3,937 40,966,369 49,754,957 011,400 ( ') ( 7) ( » ( 4) ( 7) i ») ( ') ( •) ( ») (10) (11) (17) (1» (M) (15) ('•) (") ('») (19) (TO) (71) (77) (zs) (*•) (77) (»> (77) (■) (79) (70) (»1) (77) (77) (74) (30) (79) 1*7) (79) IN) (40) (*1) (47) (47) (♦») («) (49) (47) («9) (49) (70) (71) (77) (77) (74) 4/ IHCLUPCS p43jects CLAMIMnblc IMCC H HONE THAN OMC Of THC HCAOIH44 A NOV*. y IC44 than 0.05 FCNCCMT. £/ txaaa it . td ia.du =nl otlaai on al and ixtaic»l cn l|« «. *<■» 'nojfcm PLUCIO in wmirni IHMUOH jum »O. 1 «»7 83 nuuicr *nd tttn t»i •< iyw« or wiojeors •Nil •» WtMlm JSliV- «n« mojtcri COMPLfTtD PNOJtCr. gm»TO nm gw (1) (2) (1) (4) (9) M ~~ (?) <•> (1) QRANO TOTAL 691 19,063,524 100,0 169 •4,009,429 522 • 5,078,095 < 2) hiomsays, ROADS, and Streets 12 2*907,170 32,0 24 1,176,571 81 1.730.599 ( 3) HIAMPAYS — PRIMARY ROADS • - — - - - — ( *) FARR-TO-*ARKfT ANO OTHER SECONDARY ROAD* 40 1,898,796 20.9 11 749,951 37 1,152,845 ( 5) STREETS ANO ALLEY* 27 607,126 6.7 6 241,008 21 365,318 ( «) SIDEWALKS, CURBS, ANO BATHS 8 126,380 1.4 4 93,260 4 33,112 ( y) ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENTS 2 4,405 0.1 - - 2 4,405 < 8) BRIOBCS AND VIADUCTS 8 121,397 1.3 3 95,544 5 25,853 ( ») BfkAMXROMIHB EL IB USA T I ON - - - - - - _ (10) otxr y 12 146,986 1.6 - 12 148,906 (") PUBLIC BUILDINBS 106 979,864 10.8 23 328.018 03 651.846 («) AON IN 1STRATIVt 16 70,872 0.6 2 13,123 14 57,749 (13) CHARITABLE, MEDICAL, AND RENTAL INSTITUTIONS 1 4,883 0.1 1 4,883 _ (M) EDUCATIONAL 33 309,340 3.4 8 104,319 25 205,029 I'5) SOCIAL ANO MECRCAT IONAL 36 427,014 4.7 9 130,993 27 296,021 (W) Federal (includinb nilitarv ano naval) 12 144,888 1.6 2 68,781 10 76,107 I") IMPROVEMENT OF GROUNDS 5 14,948 0.1 1 5,919 4 9,029 (W) HOUSINO ANO DEMOLITION - — • _ (»») otxr y 3 7,911 0.1 - 3 7,911 {») BARKS ANO OTHER RCCRCATIONAL FACILITIES 44 620.613 6.8 _8 242.914 36 377.699 (21) FLAVSROUNOS ANO ATHLETIC FIELDS 13 101,660 1.1 1 29,736 12 71,924 (22) PARKS 21 435,475 4.8 7 213,178 14 222,297 (S) other y 10 03,478 0.9 - - 10 83,478 (*) Conscryation 57 890,740 9.8 10 564.454 47 326.286 125) Forests r ion — - - - - - - (26) Erosion control and lano utilization 1 3,494 y - - 1 3,494 (27) IRRIGATION AND SATER CONSERVATION 29 716,011 7.9 6 468,552 23 247,459 (28) PLANT, CNOP, ANO LIVESTOCK OONKCRVATION 12 44,904 0.5 1 26,644 11 18,260 (29) ot«r y 15 126,331 1.4 3 69,250 12 57,073 (») Sever system and other utilities f2 438,601 4.8 _6 63,191 34 375,410 (31) BATED PURIFICATION AM SUPPLY 24 279,911 3.1 2 28,396 22 251,515 (32) SEVER SYSTEM 11 107,374 1.2 3 18,975 6 80,399 (33) Electric utilitics 1 1,678 y - - 1 1,678 (34) ot«* y 4 49,638 0.5 1 15,820 3 33,818 (») Airports ano other Transportation _8 209,510 2.3 _2 97.845 _6 111.665 (*) Airports am airnays e 209,510 2.3 2 97,845 6 111,665 (37) NAVIrat ion - - - - • _ (38) otxr y - - - - - - (3») •hite Collar projects 189 962.536 10.6 56 586.474 133 376.062 (40) eSUCATIONAL 58 167,865 1.8 22 76,701 36 91,084 (41) RECREATIONAL 65 186,991 2.1 22 83,171 43 103,620 (42) PROFESSIONAL ANO CLERICAL 66 607,690 6.7 12 426,522 54 181,158 (43) ROODS PROJECTS 2 1,329,438 14.7 27 736.807 30 592.631 (44) SO INS 48 1,023,527 11.3 25 589,514 23 434,013 (43) CANNINS _ - - • - - (46) otxr y 9 305,911 3.4 2 147,293 7 156,618 (47) SANITATION ANO HEALTH 22 267,360 2.9 _5 82,222 17 105,146 (48) CLININAT ION OF STREAN POLLUTION » - — - «• — — (49) SOPCUiTO CRROICATION 1 2,634 y - - 1 2,634 (») OTXR y 21 264,734 2.9 5 82,222 16 182,512 («) ■i scellsneous 63 477,684 5.3 8 126,933 55 350,751 RECAPITULATION (32) GRAND TOTAL - ALL PROSRANS 691 9,083,524 100.0 169 4,005,429 522 5,078,098 (53) STATE 652 8,916,831 98.2 164 3,909.224 486 5,007,607 (M) FEDERAL NATIONWIDE C/ 39 166,693 1.8 5 96,205 34 70,408 LINC w. ( 1) ! 2) ( 3) ( *) i '! ( «! ! 7) ! 0) ( «} (10) (") («! (13) (1*> (13) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (26) (23) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) («3) (44) (45) (46) (47) («8) (49) (30) (31) (52) (53) (34) */ INCLUDES PROJECTS CLASSIFIABLE UNDER MORE THAN ONE or THC MEAD IAOS ABOVE. y LEII THAN 0.O5 PERCENT. y classirico under professioral and clerical or lime 42. 04 fPA PROJECT} PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 10, 1917 table 00 NUUFCR AND ESTIMATED TOTAL 008T IV TYPES Of PROJECTS AND BY OPERATING STATUS M-964 TOTAL ACTIVE pro acts COMPtrTCO projects LINE Type or project nlmcr estimated Total Cost NIMIER «•""»»» est imaTED line NO. Amount percent TOLL C04T Total cost no. P) (t) (1) (4) (5) (0) (') (•) ( M GRAND TOTAL 1 18,000 100.0 1 10,000 ( i) { 2) hiohvays, Roads, and Streets ( 3) h10nnays - primary road', ( 4) r*m»-to oarktt and other secondary noaos ( 5) street* and alleys ( 6) Siocmalks, cur**, and rath* t ?) Road*ioc improvement# { 8) br imc* and viaducts { 9) graoc—cross l«r* elimination (10) 0T*R h/ (11) PUBLIC BUILDINGS (12) ao* in 1st rat i yc (13) Charitable, medical, and rental institvtions (14) Educational (15) social amd recreational (16) Federal (incluoino military and naval) (17) improvement or grounds (16) h0usin8 and demolition (19) cther y (20) Parks and other recreational facilities (21) playgrol«ds ANO ATHLETIC fi elds (22) parks (23) other y (24) conservation (25) forest*rios (26) erosion CONTROL and lano utilization (27) irricat ion ano rater conservation (28) plant, crop, and livestock conservation (29) On«R K/ " (30) semes systems amd other utilities (31) mater purification ano supply (32) sever systems (33) Electric utilities (3s) other y (35) Airports and Other transportation (36) (37) (») airports ath> air ravioatior otici y (39) Mhitc Collar Projects (40) c0ucati9um. (41) recreational (42) PROFESSIONAL ANO CLERICAL (43) Goods Projects (44) so img (43) CAMMING (46) other y (47) SANITATION ANO HEALTH e.ooo loo.o 8,000 100.0 8,000 (48) (49) (»> |51) II £l l.l*l*t ion of tTMJUi pqujitiv hohui TO erldicatio* (ttme4 a/ ( *) ( 1) ( «) ( 51 I •) ( 5) I •) ( t) (10) (11) («) (") (1«) (15) (HI 1") (10) )'«) (*» (a) (a) (a) <*> (a) (a) (a) (■) <») (50) (51) (51) (55) (5*) (55) (55) (a) (55) (50) (00) («1) (42) («5) («) («) («•) (05) (<•) (00) (50) ip) ACCAFITULATIO. (32) VATIC TOTAL - ALL MOMMA (53) STATE (54) FEDERAL twtioh.IOE s/ 8,000 100.0 0,000 100.0 0,000 (s) (») (sa) a/ ircludev froject5 cla.b it iaa1.c iaioca more than ont ot the heaoinea above. C/ CLASSIFIED UROEP PROFESS ICHAL AND CLERICAL Oil LIRE 42. WP» pr0jc0t5 PLACED in operation throuqn JUNE SO, ips7 03 I A I L I 81 Nuuncn and fMiiwurn rot*i oo*t iv typei or paojicts and at mmflm itatui BSfMI 8-964 «01»L ACTIVE PROJEOTS COMPLETED PROJECTS UNC Tymc or PROJECT ESTIMATED Total cost N C«T1 MATED ESTIMATED LINE MO. NiMH* AHOWtY PfRfilJtT TOTAL CP«T NUMBER TOTAL COST NO. 0) (2) (3) («> (9) (®) (7) (8) ; <> GRAND TOTAL 170 13.473.678 100.0 84 12,561,371 86 1912,507 ( 1) ( !> HISMKAYf, ROAOS, *NO STRECTI 39 1.900.661 54.7 35 1.359.906 24 540.895 ( 2) (>) HIOHNAVS - PRIMARY ROADS 13 816.149 23.5 10 555,004 3 263,145 ( 3) i 4) FARHKTO UAHKET ARO OTHER SECONDARY ROAOI 28 619,099 17.3 15 436,236 13 102,853 ( 1) ( S) STREET■ AMO ALLEY* 6 120,401 3.5 3 60,107 3 60,214 ( 5) ( 6) SrOCMUII, CURBS, ANO MTH* 4 58,631 1.7 2 27,131 2 31,500 ( «)' ( ') roadside improvement* 2 2,779 0.1 - - 2 2,779 ( 2) 1 8) BRIOOE* ANO VIAOUCTI - - - - - - - ( 6) I »! GRADE-CHOI*1*4 ELIMINATION - - - - - - - ( • > (10) other a/ 6 281,812 8.1 5 281,400 1 404 (10) (11) PUSLlC BUILDING* 38 217,566 6.3 12 104.502 26 11J,064 ("! («) AON IN 1ST RAT 1 YE 3 13,570 0.4 2 8,150 1 5,42C (12) i 13) Char it*act, medical, amo rental institution* 6 62,721 1.3 4 43,270 2 19,451 (13) ("! EDUCATIONAL 10 99,822 2.9 5 42,784 13 57,038 (K) (15) Social and recreational 1 7,316 0.2 - - 1 7,316 (13) (16) FEDERAL (iNCLUOlNO MILITARY AMO NAVAL) 1 971 y - - 1 971 (16) (") IMPROVEMENT or OROUNOI 1 3,415 0.1 - - 1 3,415 (17) (18) HOUatNO ANO OCNOLITION - - - - - (16) (19) 0T*» t/ 8 29,751 0.9 1 10,298 7 19/153 (is) (20) Mm ANO OTHER RECREATIONAL FACIL IT IE* 16 225.137 6.5 _0 206.717 8 18.420 (20) (25) FVAYCROUNOS MD ATHLETIC FICLOS 3 7,808 0.2 - - 3 7,888 (21) (22) PARKS 6 138,959 4.0 5 136,804 1 2,155 (22) O) ot»«* y 7 70,290 2.3 3 69,913 4 0,377 (23) (»! CONSERVATION 16 401,065 11.5 12 370.260 _4 30.805 (2«) (25) F0RC8TATI0R 1 10,334 0.3 1 10,334 - - (23) (»! Eros ion control and lamo utilization - - - - - - - (26) <") 1 MM OAT ION AMO MATER CONSERVATION 3 110,795 3.2 1 96,995 2 * 11,000 (27) (28) PLANT. CROP. AAO LIVESTOCK CONSERVATION 3 40,344 1.1 2 33,635 1 6,709 (26) (29) other y 9 239,592 6.9 8 227,296 1 12,296 (25) (») SERE* SYSTEMS AM* OTHER UTILITIES _8 74,052 2.1 3 66,226 _5 7.826 (30) (1) BATCH PUR in CATION AMO SUPPLY 7 73,469 2.1 3 66,226 4 7,243 (31) (32) SEMES SYSTEMS 1 583 §/ - - 1 583 (32) (33) ELECTRIC UTILITIES - - - - - - - (33) (3*) other y - - • (34) (35) Airports amo other Transportation 10 328.983 9.5 _5 241.319 _5 87,664 (33) (34) AIRPORTS ANO AINNAT* 8 297,124 8.S 5 241,319 3 55,805 (36) (37) RAVISAT ION 2 31,859 0.9 - - 2 31,859 (37) (38) OTHER y - ~ ~ - ~ - (36) (39) BHITE collar project* 16 214,258 6.2 _5 119,865 21 94,393 (35) («) Educational - - - - - - - (40) (91) recreational 4 20,387 0.6 2 15,057 2 5,330 (*') (92) PROCESSIONAL ANO CLERICAL 12 193,871 5.6 3 104,808 9 65,063 (42) («3) Goods projects JJ 92.036 2.6 _3 75,406 2_ 16.630 (<3) (99) SERINS - - - - - - - (44) (95) CAM* INS - - - - - - - (*3! (94) other y 5 92,036 2.6 3 75,406 2 16,630 (46) («7) SANITATION ANO MALTN - - - - - - - (47) (98) Elimination or stream pollution - - - - - - - (48) (99) MOSQUITO CRSOICATION • - - - - - - (45) (3D) ot«r y - _ - • ~ ~ (30) (81) Bl BCtLLANEOU* 2 19,920 0.6 1 17,110 1 2,610 (31) RECAPITULATION (32) GRAND TOTAL - All PRO***** 170 3,473,878 100.0 84 2,561,371 86 512,507 (32) (53) STATE 170 3,473,878 100.0 84 2,561,371 86 512,507 (33) (39) FCOERAL RATIONNIOC C/ - • " " (34) */ INCLUDES PNOJCCTS GLASS (f IAN.Z IATOCA MORE THAN ONE OP THE MEAD IN OS ABOVE. B/ ICM THAN 0.05.PtRCQIT• y CLASSICICD UN OCR PROCESSIONAL AMD CLERICAL ON J. INC 42. WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION Through June 30, 1937 Selected City Summaries 89 iPA P8QJCC TB PLACED IN OPERATION THftQUQH JIM 10. 1987 tabic ® NUMSCH and £61144120 TOTAL 001T IT MAJOR itni of projects AND BY operating STATUS AkT^N, CM 10 y Active Projects Line no. Type of Project Number . amount percent Estimated Est i mateo LINE (1) (f) (j) u) (9) (6) j7l_ (b) ! D GRAND total 313 tto#44i,7m 100.0 111 •14,023,774 402 C6, 41R, 014 i d t 2! hiofnays, Roads, and Streets 132 10,941,908 33.3 42 7,978,733 00 2,9c3,17S> ( 2) ( 3) Public Buildings 121 1,440,367 7.1 11 603,974 110 848,593 ( 3) («) Parks and Other Recreational Facilities 41 1,664,776 8.3 12 1,420,009 29 264,767 ( *) i 5) Conservation 11 2,417,058 11.8 2 2,343,805 9 73,253 ( 5) ( 6) Scncr Systems anc Other utilities 110 1,901,899 9.3 14 640,491 96 1,261,400 ( 6) ( 2! Airports and Other Transportation 4 622,259 3.1 2 565,647 2 56,612 ( 7) ( 8) •mite Collar Projects 46 597,683 2.9 11 72,322 35 525,361 ( e) ( »! Goods Projects 21 450,674 2.2 7 229,619 14 221,055 ( 9) (10) Sanitation and Health 5 84,266 0.4 2 41,653 3 42,613 (10) (") Ml sccllame0u8 recap itl'lat 1 or 22 291,698 1.4 8 127,521 14 164,177 (11) (12) grand total 513 20,441,788 100.0 111 14,023,774 402 6, 41 £,014 (12) (13) <1*> (15) Construction Projects new Construction Repairs and improvements &L 107 320 4,168,835 14,870,440 93.2 20.5 72.7 19 67 3,126,734 10,470,772 2*1 88 253 1,062,101 4,399,668 (13) (1«) (15) (16) other Tyres of Projects 86 1,382,513 6.8 25 426,266 61 956,245 (16) y includes data tor all of Sumit County. t a b l e 83 number and estimated total cost by major atlanta, types of projects georgia a/ and by operating status All projects ac tl ye projects Completed projects LI* NO. Type or Project number Estimated Total Cost Amount percent numsei Estimated i Total Cost Number Estimated Total Cost LlKt NO. (D (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (S) ( D grand total 168 114,789,041 100.0 62 $11,558,925 106 •3,230,116 ( 1) ( 2) hirnays, roads, and streets 12 1,457,805 9.9 4 1,356,245 8 101,560 ( 2) ( 3) public builsimos 50 2,306,891 13.6 10 700,373 40 1,606,518 ( 3) ( 4) parks and Otmes Recreational Facilities 4 766,990 9.2 3 723,336 1 43,652 ( «) ( s) conservation - - - - - - - ( 3) ( 6) sewer Systems and Other utilities 4 5,604,710 37.9 2 5,462,821 2 141,889 ( 6) ( ') airports and Other transportation 2 456,416 3.1 1 61,203 1 >77,213 ( 7) 1 6) •hit* Collar Projects 70 2,157,437 14.6 33 1,390,949 46 766,408 ( 6) ( »! goods Projects 2 1,590,693 10,7 2 1,590,693 - ( ») (10) Sanitation and health 1 62,000 0.4 1 62,000 - - (10) (ii) miscellaneous recapitulatlom 14 384,099 2.6 6 191,303 B 192,796 (11) (12) grand total 166 14,789,041 100.0 62 11,558,925 106 3,230,116 (12) (13) (1«) (13) construction projects hew construction repairs aw improvements 74 34 40 10,670,132 2,309,049 8,361,083 72,1 13.6 56,5 21 9 12 8,385,960 1,159,178 7,226,802 53 25 28 2.284,152 1,149,871 1,134,281 (13) (") (15) (16) other types of projects 94 4,118,909 27.9 41 3,172,945 53 945,964 (16) y INCLUDES DATA FOR ALL OF FULTON COUNTY. iPA PROJECTS PLACID IN QPCRMIQN THfWUQH JUft 80. .1917 tabic w number ano estimated TOTAL COST BY MAJOR TYPtl or PROJECTS ANO 8Y OPERA UNO STATUS BALTIMORE, MARYLANO link type of project all project! _ e*timateo Total Coot active Project* £•11 mateo C°**H estimated line Number Amount percent number total cost number Total Cobt . ill <11 111 M (5) io) (?) (el , t 1) GRANO total 201 |17,187,970 100,0 81 19,130,212 118 $8,257, we ( 1) ( !) HIC««AYS, roads, and street* 29 4,810,823 27.8 13 2,142,996 16 2,694,427 ( 2) ( 3) Public builoinb* 28 2,811,128 10.3 14 2,169,927 14 663,201 ( 3) ( «) park* and other recreational faciei tie* 19 1,990,344 11.5 8 1,001,469 11 986,805 ( «) ( 3) conservation 2 87,831 0.5 2 67,831 - ( 5) ! 6) Sever Systems and Other utilities 51 4,068,462 23.3 14 1,274,136 37 2,784,126 ( 6) ( 7) Airports and Other Transportation 9 516,507 3.0 2 55,404 7 461,103 ( 7) ( 8) •mite collar Project* 52 1,438,995 8.3 26 995,107 26 443,808 ( 6) I 9) goods projects 1 1,132,700 6.5 1 1,132,700 - " ( 9) (10) Sanitation and health - - - - - " (10) (") Miscellaneous recap l tula t 10 493,180 2.8 3 269,062 7 224,128 I") (12) GRAN!? TOTAL 201 17, 387,970 100.0 83 9,130,212 118 8,257, w6 (12) (13) (1«) (15) Construction Projects new CONSTRUCTION repairs and Improvements 144 65 79 14.643.614 5,857,947 8,785,667 84.2 33.7 50.5 54 25 29 6.970.524 2,783,621 4,186,903 90 40 50 7.673.090 3,074,326 4,508,764 (13) (14) (75) (*>) Other Types of projects 57 2,744,356 15.8 29 2,159,688 26 584,668 (16) number ano estimated total cost by major types of projects birmingham, alabama a/ and 8Y operating status All projects activc project* compl eted r-noject* Lime no, Type of project number Estimated Total amoimt cost percent number estimated total cost nuj»c* cstiwateo Total cost l'« ■o. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) to) (7) (8) ( 1) grand tjtal 307 $10,371,072 100.0 72 $6,105,619 235 110,265,453 ( 1» ( z) hi6hrays, roads, and street* 43 4,058,098 24.8 6 1,339,538 35 2,719,160 ( z) ( 3) Public buildings 108 1,857,224 11.3 14 461,773 94 1,305,451 I s) ( 4) park* and Other Recreational Facilities 19 806,379 4.9 7 320,882 If 485,497 ( «) ( 5) conservation 1 72,061 0.5 1 72,061 - - ( 5) ( 6) scbcr Systems and Other utilities 19 4,319,827 26.4 4 T,425,658 15 2,804, 169 ( 6) ( 7) airports amd other transportation 4 426,853 2.6 2 386,216 2 40,637 ( 7) ( 8) •mite collar project* 75 1,300,790 7.9 21 400,629 54 900,161 ( e) ( ») good* projects 15 2.794,974 17.1 5 1,341,509 10 1,«3,4fiS ( ») (10) Sanitation and health 5 64,072 0.4 2 41,401 3 23,471 (10) (11) miscellaneous recapitulation 18 669,394 4.1 8 315,952 10 353,442 (ii) (12) grand total 307 16,371,072 100.0 72 6,105,619 235 $10,265,453 («) (13) (14) (15) Constructi on projects nev constructeon Repairs and improvement* 122 86 113 11.603.921 7,299,770 4,304,151 70.9 44.6 26.3 38 26 12 4.036.193 2,700,248 1,337,945 161 60 101 7.565.726 4,599,522 2,966,206 (13) (1«) (13) (16) Other Types of projects 108 4,767,151 29.1 34 2,067,426 74 2,699,725 (») a/ includes data for all of JtrrZKtOM county. 91 m PROJECTS PLACED IN 'OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1937 T A • I C 06 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL OQDT IV MAJOR ?T«| Of PROJECTS AND 0Y OPERA Tl NO STATUS 0011 cm, »*- la0ium jib ALL PRO JIC T1 Acme projects Completed projects cine no. T*»c or POOJCCT number .UllWlil.ii" AMOUNT catr mbccnt number Estimated total cost number Estimated Total Cost Cine no. (2) (2) (1) (4) (5) (c) (7) (8) ( 1) grano total 606 149,198,808 100.0 105 #24,511,275 421 324,607.333 t 1) I 2) highways, roaot, and streets 90 7,013,639 14.3 15 3,200,335 75 3,813,304 ( 2) I 3) Public Buildings 139 13,103,539 26.6 29 6,510,831 110 0,592,708 ( 3) ( «> Parks ano Other Recreational facilities 98 5,496,042 11.2 37 2,545,173 61 2,950,809 ! ') ( 5) conservation 1 I6,17t V - - 1 16,176 ( 5) I »! sewer Systems ano Other utilities 53 3,423.193 7.0 5 1,642,523 40 1,780,670 ( 6) t 7) Airports and Other Transportation 0 2,096,365 4.3 2 992,379 4 1,103.966 ( 7) ( o! shite Collar projects 171 10,425,868 21.2 80 6,046,710 91 4,379,156 ( 8) t 9) goods projects 13 5,432,3ue 11.0 3 2,464,401 10 2,967,627 ( 9) (10) sanitation and health 5 611,6ei 1.2 1 216,533 4 395,146 (10) i") miscellaneous RECAPITULATION 30 1,579,997 3.2 13 892,310 17 687,667 (11) (12) grano total 606 49.19b,008 100.0 165 24,511,275 421 24,667,533 (12) (13) (in) (15) Construction projects mcv Construction Repairs and improvements 406 285 121 32,471,090 20,274,963 12,196,127 66.0 41.2 24.0 21 66 26 15.530,156 9,179,66e 6,350,468 312 217 95 10,940,934 11,095,275 5,645,659 (13) (14) (15) (16) other Types of projects 200 16,727,718 34.0 91 8,981,119 109 7,746,599 (16) a/ less than 0.05 percent. table 87 number AND ESTIMATED total cost by majof i types of projects and by operating status buffalo, ne* york A/ All Projects Active Projects Completed projects Ll« no. Type of Project number Estimated total C06t Amount percent number Estimated Total Cost number Estimated Total Cost line no. -.Tai^L c«i 1® t1 ma ted 1ST ima ICO LINC amount PERCENT ... .NUMBER. ,im ;»J . toiax cost KPi,.. (1) (2) (3) (4) (51 lei ,,. - . (7J . (i) ( D gaano total 372 1138,122,370 100.0 157 196,417,209 215 141,60,167 ( 1) ( *) higmsavs, r0a08, ano STREET* 1» 43,454,095 31.4 9 31,7/5,979 9 11,070,116 ( 2) ( 3) public Building® 42 10,185,245 11.7 14 7,577,501 28 6,607,682 I 3) ( «) Parks ano Other recreational Facilitits 51 .»o,H1-,7?ll 21.6 29 20,260,869 22 9,547,069 I «) ( 5) conservation 1 l,292,066 0.9 - 1 1,292,666 I H ( 6) St*tr Systems ano Other utilities 13 12,470,980 9.1 6 11,019,253 7 059,711 ( 6) ( 7) a IMPORTS ANO OTHER TRANSPORT*TICN 3 2,164,312 1.0 2 2, 158,76© 1 5,546 i 7) ( 6) ■Hlic COLLAR PROJECTS 210 20,857,731 15.1 83 14,712,717 127 6,145,014 ( 8) ( 9) GOODS PROJECT® 3 3,51^,642 2.6 1 1,578,673 4 1,933,969 ( 9) (10) SANITATION ANO HEALTH 3 5,135,331 3.7 2 4,o71,970 1 463,361 (TO) (11) n is cellancoub 26 3,226,630 2.3 11 2,075,419 15 1,151,211 (Hi recapitulation (12) grand total ^372 130,122,376 100.0 157 96,437,209 215 41,60, 167 («) (13) Construction projects 131 105.602.734 76.5 60 73. 396. 4 3o 71 32.204.304 (t3) (1*) nes construction 69 42,665.892 30.9 31 30,735.186 38 11,900,706 ( 74) (15) Repairs and improvements 62 o2,936,842 45.6 29 42,603,244 33 20,273,598 l») no) Other Types or Project® 241 32,519,642 23.5 97 23,038,779 144 9. 46,.. at 3 (t6) TABLE 80 NUMBER A NO EST I WAT ED TOTAL COST BT MAJOR TYPES Of PROJECTS AND BY OPERATING SMTU5 CINCINNATI, OHIO A/ line NO. Type or Project all PROJECT® ACTIVE PROJECTS com s.eteo projects L*«K NUMBER ESTIMATCD AMOUNT TOTAL COST PERCENT NUMB P> Estimated Total cost estimates i Total Cost (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ( T) GRAND TOTAL 783 124,838,583 100.0 139 112,129,162 644 •32,709,421 ( 1) ( 2) kiwwayi, roads, and street® 149 9,591,356 38.6 27 6,647,400 122 2,943,956 ( *) ( 3) Public Buildings 174 2,965,574 11.9 19 506,486 155 2.459,088 ( 3) ( 4) Park® and Other Recreational facilitis® 145 3,836,841 15.5 so 1,395,495 113 C ,441,*46 («: ( 5) conservation 9 406,926 1.6 - - 9 406.986 ( 5) ( 6) scpeb sy$tcm® ano other utilities 152 3,397,085 13.7 15 1,463,559 137 1,983.526 ( «) ( 7) Airports and Other transportation 4 175,187 0.7 2 10,636 2 164,551 ( 7) ( 8) shite collar Project® 110 2,033,601 8.2 29 679,931 81 1,353 *670 ( 8) ( 9) goods project® 21 1,906,535 7.7 8 1,068,531 13 830,004 ( 9) (10) Sanitation and health 3 99,894 0.4 1 78,309 2 21,506 (10) (11) Ml »cell*me©U® 16 425,584 1.7 8 278,735 8 146,6*9 (11) recapitulation (12) GRAND TOTAL 783 24,836,583 100.0 139 12,129,162 644 12,709,421 (12) (13) construction project® 639 20,514,248 82.6 97 10,179,603 542 10,334,645 (13) (W) ncr construction 206 4,512,710 10.2 25 1,757,099 181 2,755.611 (14) (15) repair® ano IMPROVEMENTS 433 16,001,538 64.4 72 8,422,504 361 7,579,034 (15) (10) Other Type® or Projects 144 4,324,335 17.4 42 1,949,559 102 2,374,776 (16) A/ INCLUDES DAT* TON ALL OT HAMILTON COUNTY. 93 »m projects iu£tt okkaiiow wmuoh 3uw{ 10, 1937 i nil go MUUKIt AND EST I MA TEO TOTAL DOIT IV MAMA TTACt OT WTOJIOTS AND JV OPERATING STATUS ruvcimo, iitio y jJ-gai'lrrcwsryi ALL PROJlfill like !S2J_ Type or project number est ima!lp l«al port amount percent number Estiva ted number Estimated LINE , (1) lz\ (3) 14) (p) (6) 17) (0) ( 1) grano total 1,000 963,640,621 100,0 293 844,917,359 796 818,732,462 ( 1) ( 2) htchways, r0a08, and streets 201 16,016,626 40.9 74 22,129,325 217 3,889,501 ( 2) ( s) public Buildings *73 S, 757, 793 9.0 63 2,793,817 210 2,963,976 ( 3) ( «) parks and Other recreational Facilities 184 8,194,13? 12.9 47 3,907,403 137 4,266,644 ( 4) ( 5) conservation 30 609,629 1.C 4 266,531 26 343,090 ( 5) ( 6) Sewer Systems and Other utili i tics 116 6,702,792 10.5 34 4,805,331 82 1,897,461 ( 6) ( 7) Airports and other Transportation 5 4,575,114 7.2 4 4,568,783 1 6,331 ( 7) ( «) •hite Collar projects 134 5,247,731 8.2 39 2,842,371 95 2,405,360 ( 8) ( 9) Gooes projects 20 4,361,680 6.9 10 2,136,300 10 2,225,380 ( 9) (10) Sanitation and health 7 625,890 1.C 3 278,460 4 347,430 (10) (11) Miscellaneous recapltllatlon 29 1,556,229 2.4 15 1,1C8,948 14 367,281 (11) (12) grand total 1,069 63,649,821 100.0 293 44,917,359 796 1E,732,462 (121 (13) (1«) (15) Construction projects ne» Construction Repairs ano improvements 919 233 686 10,118,524 42,881,351 15.9 67.4 22* 68 166 3?.279.904 6,490,454 32,788,550 685 165 520 li.72C.e71 3,626,070 10,002,801 (13) (14) (15) (16) Other types or projects 170 10,649,946 16.7 59 5,638,355 111 5,011,591 (16) y Includes oata for all or Cuyahoga County. table 91 nunder and estimated total COST BY MAJOR TYPES Of PROJECTS AND BY operating status dallas, texas a/ All projects Active projects Completed projects lire NO, Type or project number estimated Amount Total Cost percent number Estimated total Cost Number Total Cost line m. (1) 12) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ( 1) grand total 142 $6,354,028 100.0 13,912,135 104 12,441,893 ( i) ( 2) Highways, roads, ahc Streets 4 j 2,142,006 33.7 10 1,056,559 33 1,066,049 ( 2) ( 3) public Buildin&s 15 404,214 6.4 3 100,556 12 303.698 I 3) 1 4) Parks a«o other Recreational Facilities 13 450,929 7.1 7 419,071 6 31.057 ( «) ( 5) Conservation 6 79,995 1.2 - 6 7c.w5 t 5' ( 6) sever Systems and other utilities 26 685,970 10.8 4 365,762 22 120.206 ( 0) ( 7) airports and Other transportation 3 131,223 2.1 1 92,011 2 39,212 I V ( 8) shite Collar projects 27 1,204,231 19.0 9 1,084,507 18 119.724 ( 8) ( 9) Goods projects 4 899,106 14.0 1 452,997 3 436.109 ( 9) (10) Sanitation and health 2 339,195 5.3 1 320,661 1 18,524 (10) (11) Miscellaneous recapitulation 3 27,509 0.4 2 SO,011 1 7.557 (»1) (12) grand total 142 6,354,028 100.0 38 3,912,135 104 2.441.893 (12) (13) (14) (15) Construction projects new construction repairs and improvements 106 35 71 3,910.368 728,724 3,181,644 61,5 11.5 50.0 H 7 18 ?.03}.9W 355,568 1,678,371 SI 28 53 1.876,409 373,136 1,503,273 (13) (14) (15) (16) Other Types of projects 36 2,443,660 38.5 13 1,878,176 23 505.484 (16) A/ imcluocb data roe all or Oallao county. *4 (PA PROJECT^ IN 9PIW19H TfflfflW m s°. IP" T A D I E 02 Numc» AND ESTIMATED total cost BY major TYPES of PROJECTS and by operating status DENVER , colorado a/ all Projects Active projects Computed Projects LtNC NO. tYPt or 440OCC1 number Estimated total cost Amount percent numscr estimated Total cost number Estimated Total cost Line no. (1) (2) (3) (4) 0) (6) (7) (9) ( 1) GRAND TOTAL 171 (10,300,893 100.0 37 (4,702,136 1(4 15,604,759 ( 1) ( 2) Highways, Roads, and Streets 8 564,040 5.5 2 279,092 6 264,950 ( 2) ( 3) Public Buildings 14 146,887 1.4 1 6,7"3 13 140,134 ( 3) ( «) Parks and Other recreational Facilities 20 1,407,567 13.7 2 752,795 19 654,702 ( 4) ( 3) con sco vat ion 7 887,907 8.6 - - 7 097,907 ( 3) ( «) scwcr systems ano other utllitics 4 940,196 9.1 1 467,576 a 472,620 ( e) ( ') airport6 aw Other transportation 4 618,261 6.0 Z *14,717 2 233,544 ( 7) ( 8) white collar projects 91 1,710,751 16.6 19 910,694 72 900,057 ( 8) ( 9) goods projects 9 3,335,184 32.3 4 1,414,641 5 1,920,543 ( 9) (1C) Sanitation and health 1 6,120 0.1 - 1 6,120 (10) (11) miscellaneous recapitulation 13 689,980 6.7 6 585,887 7 104,093 (") (12) grand total 171 10,306,893 100.0 37 4,702,135 134 5,604,758 (12) (12) (14) (15) Construction Projects new construction repairs ano improvements SO 20 40 4.571.114 2,390,538 2,180,276 44,4 23.2 21 .2 S. 3 3 1.890.913 869,130 1 ,021 ,793 a. 17 35 2.(00.201 1,*21,706 1,150,493 fi3; (14» (15) (16) Oticr Types of projects 111 5,735,779 55.6 29 2,911,222 92 2,924,957 (16) ■j includes data for all of Denver county. t a 1 B L E 93 number ano estimated total cost by major types of projects ano by operating status detroit , michigan y All Projects active projects COUPLE teo Projects tint NO. Type or Project number Estimated Total Cost Amount Percent number total Cost number Estimated Total cobt llk m. (D (2) (3) (4) (?) (6) (7) M ( D GRAND TOTAL 340 (40,987,301 100.0 103 (30,131,540 237 (10,055,753 < i) ( 2) highways, poadg, ano street6 59 15,760,660 38.5 17 14,809,AT 3 42 071,256 ( 2) ( 3) Public Ouiloims 94 4,477,284 10.9 27 2,31C,543 67 2,166,741 ( 3) ( 4) parks ano other recreational facilities 29 4,187,866 10.2 11 3,600,206 10 507,600 ( 4) ( 5) conservation 4 1,217,578 3.0 3 1,203,467 1 14,111 I 3) ( 6) Sewer Systems and Other utilities 59 7,036,169 17.2 19 4,521,536 40 2,514,633 ( 6) ( V Airports and oticr Transportation 7 3,734,305 9.1 2 1,174,120 5 2,500,177 ( 7) < 8) white collar projects 85 1,785,302 «.< 14 653,354 51 1,131,946 ( 8) ( ») Goooe Projects 6 1,155,487 2.8 2 400,570 4 674,917 I 9) (10) Sanitation and health 3 18,194 y - 3 18,194 (10) (11) miscellaneous recapitulation 14 1,614,447 3.9 8 1,218,331 6 396,116 (11) (12) grand total 340 40,987,301 100.0 103 30,131,548 237 10,855,753 (12) (13) (14) (15) construction projects new construction repairs ano improvements 250 130 120 35.713.556 12,016,961 23,696,595 87.1 29.3 57. E 77 45 32 27.078.978 0,112,017 18,966,161 173 85 68 0.634.578 3,904,144 4,730,434 (13) (14) (15) (16) Other Types or projects 90 5,273,745 12.9 26 3,052,570 64 2,221,175 (la; a/ incluce6 data for all of 'avf/c cvjmtv. :-i ' ler.s thak o.ov percent. WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1937 T A 6 L C 04 ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST BY MAJOR TYPES Of PROJECTS AND BY OPERATING STATUS HOUSTON, ftlAI y Line no. Type or project -lujasvi'it. ammi 'v\ ri»t. iMlMl IV. AOTI'/L Pnojcc If elti mateo '7"V ,"W COMPLETED projcctb Total Cost line n9i -EL JJL Jbil ZEE IK :sz ( 1) GRANO TOTAL ( 2) hi oh*ays. Roads, and Streets ( 3) public 6uiloinq8 ( 4) Parks ano Other Recreational Facilities ( 5) Conservation ( 6} sewer Systems and Other utilities ( 7) Airports ano Other Transportation ( 6) Shite Collar projects i 9) Goods projects (10) Sanitation ano health (11) miscellaneous RECAPITULATION (12) ®?ANO TOTAL (13) Construction Projects (14) lew Construction (15) Repairs ano improve vents 103 8 12 15 17 66 36 30 i 3,163,314 480,378 240,646 690,038 964,117 456,200 604,145 1,545,221 77,528 88,213 5,163,514 2.853.256 820,332 2, 032, <3 24 100.0 9.3 4.8 13.4 18.7 8.6 11.7 29.9 1.5 1.7 55.3 15.9 39.4 28 4 2 4 1 1 32 3 8 3,447,732 434,391 30,336 177,636 918,100 86,230 228,276 1,459,067 77,528 16,128 3,447,732 733 136,586 1,530,147 10 10 3 26 51 33 21 11,715,782 53,987 199,310 512,402 46,017 369,958 375,869 86,154 1,715,782 1.186.523 683,746 502,777 ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( *) ( 5) ( «) ( 7) ( 0) ( 9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (H) (13) (16) OTHER IrPCB OE PROJECTS 2,310,258 529,259 (16) IHCLUOCS crt, tor .li cr km) 16 coirtty. TABLE 95 NUMBER AM) ESTIMATED TOTAL COST BY MAJOR TYPES OF PROJECTS ANO BY OPERATING STATUS INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA A/ like NO. Type or project all Projects > o < Projects completeo Projects liw No. Number Fbtimated Amount Total Cost Percent Number Estiuated Total Cost Number Estimated Total Cost (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ( D DPAND TOTAL 292 124,872,674 100.0 156 119,405,460 136 35,467,214 ( D ( 2) hfshways, roaos, •« streets 55 7,225,701 29.1 32 6,406,303 23 819,398 ( 2) i 3) Public sui-dincs 84 4,074,885 16.4 46 2,116,404 36 1,958,491 ( 3) ( 4) parks and other Recreational Facilities 18 2,928,959 11.8 9 1,838,278 9 1,090,281 I 4) ( 5) Conservation 12 3,341,123 13.4 • 3,087,630 4 253,493 ( 3) ( 6) sever System and Other utilities e 536,408 2.2 6 919,841 2 16,567 ( e) ( 7) airports ano Other transportation 8 719,292 2.9 4 456,429 4 262,863 t 7) I 8) Mhite Collar Projects 76 924,979 3.7 34 348,961 42 576,018 ( •) I 9) Goods Projects 10 1,496,444 6.0 8 1,445,978 2 so.aoo ( 9) (10) Sanitation ano Health 6 3,113,607 12.3 3 2,903,722 3 2w,aeg (*>) (11) Miscellaneous 15 311,676 2.0 6 282,314 9 229,362 (111 RECAPITULATION (12) (sand TOTAL 292 24,872,674 100.0 156 19,406,460 136 5,467,214 («) (13) Construction projects 192 18,989.773 76.3 105 14.356.713 SZ 4.633.060 (13) (vi) lew Constriction 5,750,733 23.1 27 4,110,399 26 1,632,334 (v.) (15) repairs and improvements 139 13,239,040 53.2 78 10,230,914 61 3,000,726 (19) (16) Other Types or Projects 100 5,882,901 23.7 51 5,048,747 49 834,154 (16) kj iHCOUDte oata for all of u.rioh couwty. O—37 8 96 m. PHOJtOlS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE »Q. 1917 T A B L I 96 NUMOER ANO ESTIUATCO TOTAL COST BY MAJOR TYPE# OT PRQJEOT3 AND BY OPLRAtINO STATU! JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA y Active Projects ... 1 inl Tyre or project number cstimated total cost number Estimated total cm1 line 12A (I) (2) (3) (4) (3) (6) (7) IP) (1) GRAND TOIAL 99 14,607,606 100.0 27 #2, 197, j07 72 12,210,279 (1) ( j! H|«jh»ays, rqaos, ano streets 29 2,028,328 44.0 12 1,671,024 17 395,304 ( Z) ( 3) Public Ouiloinos 17 717,356 13.6 5 238,456 12 478,900 ( a) ( 4) parks ano other rccrcat13nal facilities 6 50,226 1.1 1 24,892 5 25,334 ( 4) ( 3) conservation 3 36,345 0.8 - - 3 36,346 i 5) ( ») screr System and Other utilities 10 566,646 12.3 4 328,455 6 23b.191 ( 6) ! y) airports and other transportation 6 263,047 3.7 - - 6 263,047 ( 7) < 8) shite Collar projects 15 361,386 7.9 3 58,060 12 308,326 ( 0) ( «) gooos projects 6 350,916 7.6 1 37,300 3 293,416 ( 9) i«>) Sanitation ano health 6 231,719 3.0 1 17,000 3 214,719 do) (11) miscellaneous recapitulation 1 1,697 bj ~ ~ 1 1,697 (11) («) ghaflo total 99 4,o07,666 100.0 27 2,397,387 72 2,210,279 (12) («) (14) (15) construction projects ner construction Repairs ano improvements 21 35 36 3.646.931 79,1 1,046,935 22.7 2,599,996 56.4 23 12 11 2.3P.K7 510,5« 1,763,282 SSL 23 25 1.365.104 528,390 830, 714 (13) (14) (») lK>) Other types of projects 28 960,735 20.9 4 115,560 24 M3,1W (16) A/ includes data for all of Ouval County. b/ Use than 0.05 percent. table 97 number and est 1 mateo total cost by major types of projects ano by operating status JERSEY CITY, NEf JERSEY A/ All projects act) vt projects C.*>lcied projects LIKE no. Type of Project number Ebti mated Total Cost amount percent number Estimated Total Cost NUMBER est l«a red tot*. Cost Lime 00, il) (2) (3) (4) is) (6) (7) 18) 11) grand TCTAL 491 133,333,606 100.0 158 319,173,989 333 (14,159,017 ( D ( z) hiohvays, Ro«oe, and Streets 120 12,270,950 36.8 25 6,298,797 95 5,900,153 ( t) < 3) Public buildings 143 10,261,742 30.8 52 7,191,040 91 3,070,094 ( a) ( <•) parks ano other recreational facilities 63 3,852,826 11.6 21 1,942,407 42 1.910,419 ( 4) ( 5) conservation 1 1,176 |/ - 1 1,110 ( 5) ( 6) Sever Systems and Other utilities 44 1,777,813 5.3 19 1,185,025 25 612,136 ( 6) ( 7) airports ano other transportation 5 101,879 0.3 1 26,474 4 75,406 ( 7) ( 8) •hite collar projects 77 1,685,701 3.1 26 730,356 51 955,345 ( e) ( 9) goods projccts 13 1,868,404 5.6 6 1,217,967 5 650,437 I 9) (10) Sanitation and health e 773,031 2.3 1 219,123 7 553,900 do) (11) ml scellaneous recapitulation 17 732,064 2,2 3 382,192 12 349,892 (ii) (12) grand total 491 33,333,606 100.0 158 19,173,989 333 14,159,617 (12) (13) (14) (15) Construction Projects ncr construction Repairs ah® Improvements 382 104 278 28.795.743 86.4 8,779,038 26.3 20,016,705 60.1 120 36 84 16.965.654 6,118,666 10,846,988 68 194 11.830.089 2,600,372 9,109,717 (13) (14) (15) (16) Other Typfs of projects 109 4,537,863 1 3.6 38 2,206,335 71 2,329,5a (10) y Includee dat* for au. or Hudson county. B/ Less than o.CC percent. 57 «p> projects puActo a gama uamu june ». mz T A D 1. t on numpcn «n|) c»ii«whc> '0i»1 ton o» mj™ ii»m i» nMMtvtt *m) nv on»61 inn ; i«ti» kanaai on*, y ■ ■ :—.. i' ' ALL PMiKOTl act 1vi project! Completed Project* L INC type of project wrrr »*1AL QflfT, est imatyf) ESTIMATES Uric numdcr Amount VWfT J 4uimeh total coot JIVIW- - Total CO«t no, (1) (z) "j) w 1=0 (0) jj) .. (e) ( 1) grand total 00 |18,M1,W7 100.0 17 17,126,623 43 $8,234,524 i 1) ( 2) hichnayi, roads, and streets 28 2,827,014 18.4 12 1,258,882 16 1,508,132 1 2) ( 3) Public buildings 7 108,909 0.7 4 65.361 3 43,548 ; 3) ( «) harks and Other Recreational Facilities 7 200,790 1.3 - - 7 200,796 l 4) ( 5) Conservation * 6,709,084 43.7 4 2,596,192 4 4,112, 692 ( 5) ( 6) Sever Systems ano Other utilities 9 2,126,703 13.6 6 1,914,179 3 212,604 ( ») ( 7) airports and Other Transportation - - - - - ( 7) ( 8) shite collar projects 9 719,953 4.7 4 545,230 5 174,723 ( 8) ( 9) goods projects 9 2,438,469 15.9 5 565,098 4 1,673,271 ( 9) (70) Sanitation ano health - - nc) (71) miscellaneous recapitulation 3 224,139 1.5 2 101,681 1 42,458 (11) (12) GRAND TOTAL 80 15,361,147 100.0 37 7,126,623 43 8,234,524 (12) (13) (7-9) (15) construction project6 new Construction Repairs ano Improvement6 62 37 25 12.202.725 8,866,600 3,336,125 79.4 57.7 21.7 28 19 9 6.016.295 5,702,427 313,868 34 18 16 6.186,430 3,164,173 3,02?,257 (13) (14) (15) (ie) Other Types or projects 18 3,158,422 20.6 9 1,110,328 9 2,048,094 (16) y Includee oata for all or Jackson County. TABLE 99 NUMBER and esti ma teo TOTAL CCS7 BY LOS MAJOR TYPES OF PROJECTS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA A/ and ev OPERATING STATUS All Projects ACTI )ve Projects Coupleteo Projects Li«e Type of Project Estimated Total cost Estimated Estimated l ine «o. NumeeR Amount percent Number total cost number Total cost NO. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (e) ( 7) GRAND total 1,110 $95,590,843 100.c 388 $49,172,101 722 446,416,742 ( 1) ( 2) Highways, Roads, ano Streets 96 8,718,644 9.1 23 6,228,439 73 7.190,206 ( 2) ( 3) Public buildings 213 8,575,346 9.0 50 2,995,572 163 5,579,774 ( 3) ( <) parks and Other Recreational Facilities 48 6,529,350 6.8 20 4,903.289 28 1,576,061 ( 'J ( 5) Conservation 71 17, 349, 389 18.1 25 9,195,382 46 8,154,007 ( 5) i 6) Sewer Systems and Other utilities 107 13,503,598 14,1 22 9,078.516 85 4,425,082 ( 8) ( 7) Airports and other Transportation 10 1,797,255 1.9 4 932, CUt' 5 865,213 ( 7) ( a) •hitc Collar projects 489 17,448,129 16.3 219 7, 204,400 270 10,243.72V i 8) I 9) Goods Projects 24 18,706,691 19.6 11 7,474,427 13 11,232,264 ( 9) (10) Sanitation mo health 2 280,408 0.3 1 40,537 1 239,871 (10) (11) miscellaneous recapitulation 50 2, 082,033 2.8 12 1,069,497 38 1,612,536 (11) (12) gftano total 1,110 95,590,843 100.0 388 49,172,101 722 46,418,742 («) (13) <1«) (15) Construction projects new constructicn repairs ano improvements 522 326 229 56.092.694 48,855,501 7,237,193 5047 51.1 7.6 US 99 39 31,176,446 1,765,106 417 227 190 23.151.142 17,679,055 5,472,067 (13) (14) (1!) (*>) Other Types of Projects 553 39, 498,149 41.3 250 10,230,549 306 23, 267.60C (16) y Includee data row all or Los angeleb Countr. irn pwwkt* nm IN mwm t"wwh mi m. ih? TAflLI 100 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST BY major TYPES OF PROJECTS AND BY OPERATING STATUS MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE A/ All Projects active projects completed projects ItNC NO. lYMC or PBOJECT estimated total Cost AMOUNT PERCENT NUMBER estimated total cost Number estimated T9T«k f£U line M- (1) (?) f}) (4) (5) (0) 17) IB) ( D GRAND 10TAI 159 10,604,135 100,0 29 14,048,810 110 jZ, 555,317 ( 1) ! 2! HlOHBAYS, ROAOO. ANO street* 22 1,742,519 20,4 9 1,291,731 13 450,788 ( 2) ( 3) PUBLIC BUILOINOS 33 405,622 0,1 3 45,930 30 359,992 I 3) («> parrs ano other Recreational eacieities 5 242,725 3.7 - - 5 242.725 I «) ( 5) conservation 2 106,695 1,6 1 98,619 1 8,076 ( 3) ( 6) seaer systems ano other utilities 27 285,709 4.3 3 33, 770 24 201,939 ( «) ( 7) airrorts ano other transportation 2 692,775 10,5 1 97,975 1 594,800 < 7) ( 8) shite collar projects 17 238,749 3.0 3 86,387 14 150,362 ( a) ( 91 SOOOS PROJECTS 14 1,250,944 18.9 3 973,955 11 276,989 ( 9) (10) Sanitation ano health 7 1,495,933 22.7 4 1,326,134 3 169,799 (10) t") Hi scellaneous recapitulation 10 142,262 2.2 2 42, 313 8 99,947 (11) (12) grano total 139 6,604,133 100.0 29 4,040,816 110 2,555,317 (12) (13! («) (is) Construction projects Iter construction repairs and improvements 94 46 48 3.842.932 58.2 1,560,214 23.6 2,282,718 34.6 18 11 7 1.819.047 648,954 1,169,093 76 35 41 2.023.835 910,260 i,H 3,62 (13) (1«) («) (16) Other Types or projects 45 2,761,201 41.8 11 2,229,709 34 531,432 (10) a/ incluocs oata pop all op shelby county. table 101 nuuger AND EST IM TED TOTAL COST BY MAJOR TYPES OF PROJlCTS ANO BY OPERATING STATUS MILWAUKEE, ■ I SCONS IK' A/ all Projects Active PROJECTS CONFl cted PROJECTS like NO. Type or Project Number Estimated Total cost Amount PERCENT number Estimated total Cost number Estimated Total Cost lire (2) (3) (4) 15) (6) (7) (8) ( D GRAND TOTAL 606 |47,949,572 100,0 223 •34,694,251 383 313,235,321 ( 1) ! z) hlgmrays, ftoaos, ano s tree t» 86 7,555,783 15.8 20 5,252,379 66 2,303,404 ( 2) ( 3) Public Buildihcb 112 5,531,634 11.5 44 3.660,408 68 1,871,232 ( 3) I«) Park& ano Other Rcc-^eational Facilities 53 16,087,900 33.6 30 14,087,765 *? 2,000,195 ( 4) ( s) cohscrvat1on 20 2.410,372 5.0 6 1,533,542 14 676,830 ( 5) ( 6) slbcb SV6TEUS AMD OTHER utilities 95 7,718,970 16.1 31 5, 370,210 64 2,340,766 ( 6) ( 7) airrorts ano other trantrortat1 oh 4 182,769 0.4 1 159,630 3 23,139 ( 7) ( 8) ■hite collar projects 164 4.274,232 8.9 75 2,171,562 109 2, ICE, 670 I 8) ( 9) goods projects 21 3,336,116 7.0 7 1,846,502 14 1,487,614 ( 9) (10) Sanitation ano health 1 13,195 y 1 13,195 - - (10) (11) it (scellaneous recap 1tttati on 30 838,535 1.7 8 597,064 22 241,471 (11) (12) GRAND total 606 47,949,572 100.0 223 34,694,251 383 13,255,321 (12) (13) (1«! (15) Constructic*. projects neb construct|l« P epa irs ano IMPROVEMQ* tb 374 170 204 36.881.158 77f4 10,820,945 18.9 28,060,213 58.5 133 49 84 29.406.836 7,221,219 2 2,185,616 241 121 120 9.47«.323 3,599, 726 5,874,597 (13) (14) (15) (16) other Types or projects 232 9,068,414 22 Jb 90 5,287,416 142 3,700,996 (lu) A/ IMCLUOE6 DATA FOR ALL OF MILWAUKEE COURTV. B/ LESS THAN 0.05 percent, 99 »HA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERA I ION IHWOUttH JUNL 30. 1M7 T A I I C ICS number and estimated tutal cost it major imi V projtoti and uy opera tinu status minneapolis, mwftofa \/ . r All FNOJiClft. Completed projects u«r No. Type of project number -JjLum^OL'ik iati amcunt kmim1 number . Estimatco total cmt Number estimated total coot line (1) (2) (3) (4) (9) (6) (7) (0) 1 D GRAND total we 127,794,327 100.0 S3 10,940,910 179 •18,809,017 (1) ( 2} highways, roads, and streets 03 11,660,999 42.0 19 1,790,709 48 9,862,290 ( 2) I 3! Public buildings 93 3,970,670 14.3 13 2,093,342 40 1,117,328 ( 3) ( 4) parks and owe* Recreational Facilities 19 4,016,834 14.5 4 1,386,284 11 2,630,550 ( 4) ( 5) conservation 1 19,471 0.1 - - 1 15,471 ( 5) ! «) sewer Systems and Other utilities 14 769,806 2.8 4 310,800 10 479,006 ( 6) ( 7) 3 337,991 1.2 1 49,326 2 288,663 ( 7) t a) ■hitc collar projects 80 3,934,798 14.2 34 1,601,014 46 2,333,784 ( 9) 1 9) goods projects 18 1,591,620 5.7 7 795,622 11 796,198 ( 9) (10) Sanitation and healin 2 1,197,095 4.3 - - 2 1,197,095 (10) (11) miscellaneous recapitulation 9 238,807 0.9 5 153,415 4 85,392 (11) (12) GRAND total 258 27,754,327 100.0 83 6,948,510 175 18,805,817 (12) (13) (14) (15) Construction Projects new Construction Repairs and improvements 152 47 105 20.863.667 5,422,606 15,441,061 75.2 19.6 55.6 38 15 23 6.434.635 1,f34.442 5,000,193 114 32 82 14.429.032 3,988,164 10,440,068 (13) (14) (15) (16) Other types of Projects 106 6,890,660 24.8 45 2,513, 675 61 4,376,785 (16) y Includes oata for all of Hennepin County. TABLE 103 number and estimated total cost ey major types of projects ano by operating status ne1ark, ne» jersey a/ All Projects act) ve Projects Completed projects Type of project Estimated Total Cost estimated Estimated LINC so. number amount percent number Total Cost Number Total Cost ho. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) grand total 697 834,818,093 100.0 210 120,164,053 487 114,654,040 (1) ( z) highways, roads, and Streets 93 10,342,469 29.7 27 8,013, 284 66 2,329,185 ( 2) ( 3) public buildings 93 2,655,444 7.6 20 757,221 73 1,096,223 ( 3) I 4) parks and Other recreational Facilities 76 2,872,346 0.2 27 975,794 49 1,896,552 ( «) ( 5) Conservation 32 1,570,035 4.9 12 815,776 20 754,259 ( 5) ( 6) Sewer Systems and Other utilities 197 6,609,763 19.0 27 2, 706,999 130 3,902,764 ( a) ( 7) 11 9,290,712 15.1 2 3,953,008 9 1,297,104 ( 7) 1 a) bhite Collar projects 172 2,182,784 6.9 64 643,148 108 1,539,636 ( a) ( 9) goods projects 25 2,404,131 6.9 13 2,000,048 12 404,083 ( ») (10) Sanitation and health 3 110,432 0.3 - - 3 110,432 (10) (11) Miscellaneous recapltulaticn 35 819,977 2.4 18 298,179 17 521,802 ("I (12) grand total 697 34,818,093 100.0 210 20,164, C03 487 14,654,040 (12) (13) (14) (15) construction projects new construction Repairs and Improvements 451 235 216 28.917.997 9,764,596 19,193,001 83,0 26.0 55.0 113 56 57 17.019.805 3,574,180 13, 445,625 338 17V 159 11.897.792 6,190,416 5,707,376 (") (11) (15) (16) Other types of projects 246 5,900,496 17.0 97 3,144.248 140 2,756,248 (16) bj includes data tor all or Esse* county, 100 m pwhhh fu«o ■" qhmtwi tiwowh mi h. \m T A D L C 101 NU8RCH AND ESTIMATED TOTAU COST BY MAJOR TYPES Of PROJECTS AND BY OPERATING STATUS NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA h/ AOTi/e projects complete0 projects. uni ttpt or PROJECT estimated total cos! .. number Estimated Total C01T _ ami— estimated _ , 'aiak-£2»j - uac (1) <»T (3) u) (3) (6) (7) (6) ( D crano total 164 •30,943,820 100,0 66 •23, 730,230 90 •7,213,590 ( 1) ( i) mi6msav0, ftoaos, and strceto 23 3,165,422 16,7 • 4,313,459 13 649,963 ( 2) ( J) Public Buildimos 24 3,678,297 11.9 9 1,860,176 13 1,010,121 ( ») ( «) park* and other recreational Facilities 11 13,397,291 30,4 6 14,136,149 3 1,401,142 ( 4) ( 5) Conservation 3 245,328 0.8 3 245,328 - - 1 5) ( •) Sever Systems and Other Utilities 23 1,129,200 3.6 8 813,490 15 313,710 ( ») ( 7) airports amo Other Transportation 3 237,740 0.8 3 197,00 2 39,890 ( '1 ( e) shite collar projects 60 1,611,107 3.2 24 728,382 36 882,723 ( 9) ( ') goods projects 3 2,117,640 6.8 2 337,405 1 1,360,235 ( 9) (10) Sanitation aho health 1 347,697 1.6 1 347,697 - - (10) <") miscellaneous recapitulation 11 613,906 2.0 2 126,094 9 487,912 ("I (12) grand total 164 30,943,828 100.0 66 23,730,230 90 7,213,398 (12) (13) (w) (15) Construction Projects ncv Construction Repairs and improvements 95 44 51 26.242.221 5,968,009 20,274,212 84.8 19.3 65.5 38 17 21 21.015.3co 3,723,043 10,090,262 57 27 30 4.426.916 2,242,966 2,183,930 (u) (m) (») (16) Other Types or projects 69 4,701,607 13.2 28 1,914,923 41 2.786,602 (16) k/ includes oata tor all or Orleans Parish. table 105 number ano estimated 1 total cost BY major types of projects and by operating status NEW york city, new york a/ all projects Active Projects Cwvlcio projects line Type of Project Estimated total Cost Estimatcd Est in; yes uac no. Number Amount Percent Total Coot Total coot Number Number 66- (1) (2) (3) (4) Ts) (6) (7i (B) ( 1) grand total 893 1318,703,403 100.0 339 •253,767,099 534 3264,236,366 ( 1) ( 2) hiomsays. Roads, ano Streets 60 85,383,944 16.5 23 47,839,472 33 17. 7*». <72 ( 3) { 3) public Buildings 104 101,743,698 19.6 43 54,902,992 61 46. MI, 706 ( 1) ( «) parks and Other Recrcatiwal Facilities 40 133,107,119 26.1 10 50,259.376 30 8«, 6.7, to ( <) ( 5) Conservation 2 398,346 0.1 2 398.346 - - ( 5) ( •) Scmca Systems and Other utilities 28 40,182,234 7.7 12 23.002,357 16 17,179.677 ( •) ( 7) airports and Other Transportation 7 19,234,994 3.7 4 11,606,000 3 7,620, 994 ( 7) ( 8) shite Collar Projects eoe 104,171,027 20.1 227 40,003,769 381 55.3.7,25* ( 8) ( 9) Goods Projects 9 8,338,916 1.6 2 4, 739,441 7 3,57.,<75 ( 9) (70) Sanitation and health 12 9,868,639 1.9 3 2,386,471 9 7,502,186 (50) (11) miscellaneous recapitulation 23 14,054,540 2.7 11 9,806.675 12 <,2«7..73 (11) (12) grand total 693 316,705,405 100.0 339 253,767,099 554 264,936,386 («) (13) (14) (13) construction projects Ncm Construction Repairs and improvements 246 97 149 305.725.237 182,090,553 203,634,684 zlil 35.1 39.3 s his 191.303.780 03,151,390 100,132,390 140 62 86 194.421.«7 96,939,163 95,462,294 (13) (14) (w) (16) Other Types or Projects 647 132,900,240 23.6 241 02,463,319 406 70,516,929 <») A/ includes oata for all or Bronx, Kin«$, Nem york. Queens , and Richmond Countics. 101 WPA PROJECTS PLACED IN OPERATION THROUGH JUNE 30. 1937 tabic 100 NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAL OOBT BY MA,-OR TYPO OT PROJECTS AND BY OPERATING STATUS OMAHA, AftMUKA A/ LINE no. TYWE of project ALL projhti Active projects fomplctco project! like NO. number t-hi i WATER Ut Amount H cOST WENT number Est i math) Total Cost number Estimatco Total cost (1) (2) (v (4) ' M (6) (7) (8) ( 1) grand TOTAL 203 $14,15.',9u 100.0 56 37,393,309 147 •6,759,602 ( 1) ( 2) highways, roads, and street 1 94 5,234,010 37.0 9 2,860,234 25 2,373,776 ( 2) ( 3) public bui.dings 40 809,926 6.3 16 506,631 33 387,209 ( 3) ( 4) parks and Other Recreational Facilities 10 1,016,533 12.3 3 780,711 15 1,027,822 ( 4) ( 3) conservation 3 293,870 2.1 1 271,500 2 22,379 ( 5) ( 6) SEWER SYSTEMS and OTHER UTI.ltICS 39 2,148,332 15.2 5 1,358,951 34 789,381 ( 6) { 7) Airports and Other Transportation 2 986,145 7.0 2 906,145 - - ( 7) ( 8) white Collar Projects 29 796,361 5.6 12 159,640 17 636,721 1 a) ( 9) Goods Projects 6 1,504,771 10.6 3 346,792 3 1,157,979 ( 5) (10) Sanitation ano health 1 38,435 0.3 - - 1 38,439 (10) (11) miscellaneous 22 440,519 3.1 5 114,705 17 325,814 (") RECAPITULATION (12) graw total 203 14,512,911 100.0 56 7,393,309 147 6,759,602 (12) (13) Construction Projects 158 11.692.212 82.6 38 6,039.237 120 4.852.975 («! ( 7) airports ano other transportation 7 1,927,956 16.4 2 1,601,427 5 206,529 1 7) ( a) shite collar projects 93 828,101 7.1 26 359,992 67 468,109 ( •) ( 9) goods projects 9 2,144,126 18.3 4 9uO,S77 5 1,163,549 I ») (10) Sanitation and health 4 233,355 2.0 2 182,151 2 51,204 (10) (11) miscellaneous recapitulation 12 134,428 1.2 3 96, 736 9 38,692 I") (12) GRAND TOTAL 232 11,719,701 100.0 63 5,199,702 169 6,519,999 («> (13) construction projects 112 7.767.795 66,3 22 3.019.511 83 4.148.284 (13) l«) («) t'jev construction Repairs and Improvements 38 74 3,913,847 3,853,948 33.4 32.9 9 20 2,286,083 1,333,428 29 54 1.627,764 2,520,520 (") (15) (16) Other Types of Projects 120 3,951,906 33.7 34 1,580,191 86 2,371,715 (16) a/ ihclude6 data fob all of multnomah county. • AiNnoD sinoi *is jo nv nod *awo saomoNi /* (91) 0£ v'669'6 8£ 612*IE2*9 ZL 2*0* 6*9*806*El OU 91O3T0Hd JO 83dAi H3H10 (91) (si) (Vl) (El) 869*VSt*Z £06'96V'c 16V" ISO'S 09 CC 9LL WE* £65*01 lE9*22o'* S00"l29"*l 29 9* 901. E*2E 0*22 E'64 200*8*2*21 *€*'*24*2 968*222*02 221. 101 £22 SlN3fl3A0tMNI ON* ®BIVd3H NO 113fl«18NO0 83N Sioaroad NOU0ft»A8NO3 (si! (vi) (El) (21) 126'82E'EI eci *22*240*02 001. 0*001 c*i'iei'*c EEC 1*101 CNVB0 NCI 1*1011 d*33» (21) (U) 119*969 ►i oeA'ctt 21 0*2 90**Z26 92 snoaNvnaosiN (H) (01) soe'ioi'i 2 tu'cu'z 6 2#tl 862*218*6 C H11V3H ON* NO 11*11N*S (01) (e ) 6ce'88e'v 2 BK'OK'Z 6 1*22 2*2***4*2 91 9133T0«d 8OOO0 (6 ) (9 ) 69V*6Z8 12 221*282*1 EC 2*9 Itt'Hl'Z *2 •isarodd »vno3 aim* (8 ) U ) 6V6*8Z t E 22*62 E £*0 022*201 4 N0IAV1MM8NVW1 H3M1C ON* tlMdNIV (i ) (9 ) eeo'us'i ¥1 010*216*2 . 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SONIOIina 31180d (t ) (2 ) 8B6'6S8'Z EE I 919*296*1 Lt €**2 *09'220'* 021 8A13M1S ONV *80V0tt *1a*«H0IH (E ) (I ) S9Z'9Sl'm 09E 6C9*2W*88 661 0*001 *06*868*611 C6* 1V101 qnvdo (I ) (8) (6) I») w (9j M ID (I) •ON 1NI1 1803 9*101 031861183 aaowfiN 1800 1*101 oiivniifj uaannN I'm* 3d IMflONV i«03 ivioi OJivoi113 uaonnN loarovj jo jbai ■on 3ni1 = Sioaroud 031.130003 sioiroud lAiiay ~TilFo*dvrv n onvi8* jum* *iaigaiftoa»i flfliViB DNIlVktfdO AO ONV fliOSPQW JO IMAI «OTM AM HQO 1*101 031*111183 ON* a3GWfW OU 3 1 I V 1 2Cfll "OE 3Mnr HOOOttU NOi i*H3dO N! Q30V1d 8i33rOkld Vd* £01. 104 »PA PROJtCTI PLAOED IN OPERA 11 ON IHROUQH JUNE 10. 1017 ■ UK 112 NUMBER ANO ESTIUATLQ TOTAL CQIT IV MAJOR TYPEI Or PA0JI0T8 ANO »Y OPERA MNO ITATUl SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH kj 1 inc type or project All projects ACTIVE projects completed projects LINE m* Estimated Total Cost Amount Percent NUMBER C* T1 MATEO rotai, cost number Estimated TPTH WIT U1 (2) (l) (4) (5) (c) (7) (8) ( 1) grand total 2/1 17,202,891 100.0 39 12,811,263 182 »4,>91,628 ( i) ( 2) hiqkwav*, roaos, and street* 53 1,680,329 21.1 8 352,531 45 1,327,798 ( 2) ( 5) public BulLDINOS 56 1,018,797 14.1 8 250,851 48 787,948 ( J) ( «) park* ano Otmcr Recreational Facilities 25 785,857 11,0 3 144,642 20 841,215 ( 4) ( 5) Conservation 9 110,563 1.5 1 7,657 8 102,906 ( 5) ( 6) Sewer Systems ano Other utilities 28 606,717 6.4 2 220,951 26 188,164 ( 8) ( 7) Airports and Other Transportation 7 1,322,298 18.4 2 1,070,549 5 245,749 ( 7) ( 8) Shite Collar project* 18 534,951 7.4 6 267.167 12 267,784 ( «) ( ®) goods project* e 459,929 6.4 4 359,452 4 100,477 ( 9) (10) Sanitation and health 0 462,120 6.4 1 95,480 5 366,640 (10) (11) miscellaneous 11 221,330 3.1 2 36,381 9 184,949 (") recapitulation (12) grand total 221 7,202,891 100.0 39 2,811,263 182 4,391,628 (12) (13) construction projects 182 5,744.847 79.8 28 2,179,004 154 3,565,843 (") (14) new construction 96 2,755,744 38.3 18 853,935 80 1,901rB09 (M) (15) Repairs iuk> Improvements 84 2,989,103 41.5 10 1.325,069 74 1.664,034 («) (16) Other Types or Projects 39 1,458,044 20.2 11 632,259 28 825.785 (18) A/ INCLUDES DATA FOR *U 0F SALT LAKE COUNTY. TABLE 113 NUMBER ANO ESTIMATED TOTAL COST BY MAJOR TYPES Of PROJECTS ANO BY OPERATING STATUS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS A/ All projects active projects Completes project* lime no. Type or project Number Estimated Amount Total Cost Percent number Estimated total Cost tssmcr Est(mates total Cost lire (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ( 1) GRAND total 139 84,858,572 100.0 24 11.453.593 115 13.40*.979 i ii < 2) highways, roads, ano Streets 27 968,613 20.3 5 303,590 2 685.073 11) ( 3) Public Builoinss 30 537,270 11.1 5 225,807 25 311.463 (») ( 4) parks amo other recreational Facilities 7 504,311 10.4 1 3,771 6 498.900 («) ( 5) conservation 5 101,897 2.1 1 22,069 4 79,088 l 5) ( 6) sewer Systems and Other utilities 34 836,155 17.2 2 100,734 32 735,421 ( 6) ( 7) Airports ano Other Transportation 4 145,474 3.0 - 4 145.474 1 '1 ( 8) shite Collar projects 19 254,036 5.3 7 110,079 12 144,757 < «) ( 9) goods projects 3 1,230,625 25.1 1 604,797 2 625,828 i ») (10) Sanitation and health 5 181,205 3.7 1 34,432 4 146.773 (10) («) Miscellaneous recapitulation 5 78,186 1.6 1 45,564 4 32.622 . 11) (12) GRAND TOTAL 139 4,856,572 100.0 24 1,453.593 115 3,404,979 («) (13) (14) h5) Construction projects new construction Repairs aw) improvements 108 62 46 3,181,380 1,510,173 1,671,207 60.5 31.1 34.4 15 6 9 693.153 346.743 346,410 SI 56 37 2.488,227 1.163,430 1.324,797 (13) (1.) (") (16) Other type# or projects 31 1,677,192 34.5 9 760,440 22 916,752 (10) y INCLUDES DATA for AlL of BEXAR county. NUMBER AND ESTIMATED TOTAt 0011 RT MAJOR tTPCH OF PROJinTI AND BY OPCRATIIW STATUS IAN PRANCIKM, CALIFORNIA kj all pro jut® actiyi Projects cmflftkp project# Line *0. Trpc or Poootci . tinmrn Tim gar, Estimated number Estimated line ahowit "■mint total coit total cost no. (1) it) FT) <«> (9) (6) (7) (8) (11 grand total 909 $38,741,348 100.0 102 $29,664,843 206 $11,076,709 (1) (t) nlohnayt, roaoo, and streets M 6,888,841 17.9 7 9,004,760 17 1,022,073 ( 2) ( a) public 8uildi no® 29 1,804,489 7,2 7 1,515,817 22 1,288,672 ( » ( ( 7) airport® am) other transportation 8 7,920,404 20.9 6 7,807,084 2 23,320 ( 7) ( 8! ifi collar project® 177 6,327,423 16.3 57 3,317,764 120 3,009,699 ( 8) ( »! good® project® 10 5,153,972 13.3 5 1,735,084 9 3,418,888 ( 8) (•») Sanitation and health 1 12,196 y - - 1 12,198 (10) («) miscellaneous recapitulation vs 1,210,375 3.1 7 716,363 9 494,012 (11) (12) GRAM) total 308 38,741,548 100.0 102 29,664,843 206 13,076,709 (12) (13) Construction Project® 105 26.119.560 67.4 33 19.976.716 72 6,142,844 (13) (*) (15) icr construct!on Repairs aho Improvements 69 40 16,905,383 9,214,177 43.6 23.8 23 10 12,904,651 7,382,065 42 30 4,310,732 1,032,112 (16) (15) (») Other Types or Project® 203 12,621,988 32.6 69 3,68e,127 134 6,933,861 (16) kj Includes data for all of Sam Francisco county. 8/ less than 0.05 percent. t a 8 l e 115 nun cr and est (mated total cost by major types of projects and by operating status seattle, iashingtok V All projects active Projects completed projects Lt66,160 (11) (13) grand total 368 15,869,236 100.0 123 0,261,799 245 7,607,661 (12) (13) 1,327,570 ! o) ( 7) Airports and Other transportation 4 385,146 5.4 3 347,510 1 57,427 ( 7) ( e) smite Collar projects 33 230,114 3.4 10 00,281 a 140,055 ! 0! { 0) goo os projects 6 •16,530 11.5 1 527,787 5 208,732 ( 9) (10) Sanitation and health 2 73,371 1.0 1 56,238 1 17,155 <101 (11) miscellaneous 13 160,044 2 4 3 43,300 10 123,744 <11) recap1 tulatlon (12) gbamo total 130 7,100,670 100.0 43 4,183,225 n 2,920,434 (12) (13) Construction projects 77 5,935,333 83.5 22 3,521,123 « 2^14^10 (15) (14) new construction 25 3,189,805 44.9 9 1,127,705 10 2,002,190 <«! (15) Repairs arc improvement* 52 2,745,438 38.6 20 2,393,410 » 532,020 (13) (16) other Types or projects 53 1,174,346 16 5 14 662,102 59 312,244