OOCUM-i"* 1 a BOO»° •' f I ^ S > w> S WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator Corrington Gill Assistant Administrator Howard B. Myers, Director Social Research Division DIGEST OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL LAWS GRANTING AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN IN THEIR OWN HOMES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1936 PREFACE This digest presents a summary of legislative provisions as of sept em8 er 1, 1936, for granting aid to dependent chiloren in their own homes, in the states and in alaska, hawaii, ano the district of Columbia. Interest inthis type of legi slation, sometimes entitled "widows1 pensions" or "mothers1 Aid", be¬ came widespread in the first part OF the present century ano led to the calling OF a white house conference on the care of dependent children in 1909. The first law for this type of aid was en¬ acted in Illinois two years later; and before 1920, <40 other states had made some provision for aid to dependent children in their own homes. At present, only Georgia and South Carolina are without legis¬ lative provisions for such aid. a new law has been passed in Louisiana which will become effective if the constitutional amendment authorizing such leg¬ islation is ratified in November, 1936. Although only three states have been added since 1929 to those providing this type of aid, there has been a marked trend toward increased fi¬ nancial and administrative participation by the states and toward decreased participation by local units. Whereas, at the end of 1929, only 15 states participated in financing, and only 16 in the ad¬ ministration of aid to dependent children in their own homes, 28 states have now assumeo some part of the financial responsibility for this function and 36 participate in the administration. The headings of the columns and the terms used in the following tables are for the most part self- explanatory. Under the heading "Nature of Law" the legislation in each state has been classified as mandatory or optional. Th£ law is classified as mandatory when an applicant who meets the qualifi¬ cations prescribed by the act may resort to legal process to compel the granting of assistance if it is denied by the administrative official. At pres¬ ent, the legislation provioing* aio to dependent children is mandatory in 28 states and in the dlstrict of columbi a. Prepared 8y Robert C. Lowe and Staff Legal Research Section under the supervision of A. Ross Eckler, Coordinator of Special Inquiries Division of Social Research ^ ^ s L 4£>/U State and c1 tat ion nature of Law Qualifications max 1 mum Allowance aoministration Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Child per80ns eliqible Citizen¬ ship Residence requirement social conditions 0irect responsibil1ty Supervisory Responsib 1l1ty ALABAMA Laws of Alabama, (1935), s.b. 402. Mandatory Unoer 16 yrs. Father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother,sister, step-father, step-mother, step-brother, step-8ister, uncle or aunt. No pro- V . S 1 on ch ild - res ided in State 1 yr immedi¬ ately preceding application, or was born within State within 1 yr immediately preced¬ ing application, mother - resided in the State i yr immediately preced¬ ing the birth of child. Child - oependent and in need; depriv¬ ed of parental care and support because of death, continued absence, or physical or mental incapacity of parent. no provision County Depart¬ ment of Public Welfare. State Depart¬ ment of Public Welfare super¬ vises and directs the operation of service. County (general fund, Sta te reimburses county 1/2 (general fund\ 1/5 of State funds may be used as equal¬ ization fund to be made available to counties un¬ able to pro¬ vide adequate support. State Depart¬ ment must re¬ view and decide any appeal. Requireo. ARIZONA Revised Code Supp, (1934), chap. 40, SEC.1943- 1953. Session laws, (1935), Chap.78, Art. iv, Sec. 2. Optional Under 16 yrs. Mother Mother citizen of u.s. mother - resided in State. 1 yr immedi¬ ately preceding appli cat ion. Mother - wioowed. abandoned, or husband permanently unable to support, maintain and educate child; is without property wh1ch could be d1sp06ed of toward support of self and children; unable to maintain, support and educate her child. no provision.j/ The State Board of Public Wel¬ fare assisted by county Wel¬ fare Boards. no provision. State (publ1c Welfare fund obtained from 96% of luxury tax supports Welfare serv¬ ices including Dependent Children ). no provision no pro¬ vision ARKANSAS Crawford and Moses,Digest of the Stats of Arkansas, Chap. 140, Sec. 8223- 8233. Acts of Arkansas, (1927), chap. 73. Optional Unoer 15 yrs. Mother Mother citizen of u.s. Mother - resided 1 yr previously in county of applica¬ tion. mother - widowed. deserted or husband incapacitated by reason of mental or physical 1nf1rm1t1es ,conf1n- ed in Arkansas penitentiary; physically mentally, morally f1t to bring up children; allowance necessary to enable mother to remain home; child - must be living with mother; allowance necessary to save it from neglect; has not property sufficient for it6 support. $10 per month for 1st child, $5 for each additional one. County Juvenile Court where one exists, other¬ wise County Court. no provision. County (general revenue fund) no provision no pro- v 1 s 1 on i/. 5tate Board of Public Welfare fixes amount. State and ci tat ion Nature of Law qual if 1 cat ions administrati on Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to f ederal board Age of Child Persons Eligible cl t 1 zen- shi p residence Requirement Social Conditions Maximum Allowance dlrect responsi81 lity supervisory responsi81 LIty CALIFORNIA deering's POL i . cooe (1931 ), secs. 367—c and d, 2283-2290. Laws (1935), a.b. 2239. Mandatory 16 years and under. Parent or person caring for child. ( If Federal aid granted, father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, uncle or aunt) no pro¬ vision. Child born in State or resi¬ dent thereof 2 years. (One year if Federal Aid granted). Child: Orphan; half-orphan; abandoned; father incapacitated for gainful work by permanent physical disability or tuberculosis; deprived of parental support or care by continued absence from home or mental incapacity of parent; parent has been deprived of civil rights by reason of commitment to state or Federal hospital or to any prison; living at own home or home of eligible person. $ 120 per year; County or town may pay add 1t1onal $120. county, or city and County Boards of Public Welfare and Children's Agents of State Department of Social Welfare. County Advisory Board may be appointed by the Jepartment of >ocial Welfare, ro act in con¬ junction with rHE children's agents. Every claim for re 1mbursement must be presented to State Depart¬ ment of social Welfare for audit ano approval. County, city, town: General fund. State: Reimburses $120 per year (General fund) Appeal alloweo to State Board of control upon petition of 5 reputable cit1 zens. no provision. COLORADO Comp. Laws (1921), CH.19, sec. 602-611. Comp. Laws (Supp.1932), Ch.io, sec. 60*., 08.1, 643 . 1 . laws (1936 2ND EX. ), H.B. 1, 3. mandatory Under 16 years. Father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother,sister, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, uncle or aunt. no pro¬ vision . Resided in State 1 year immedi¬ ately preceding application or born within State i year immediately pre¬ ceding applica¬ tion and mother resided in State 1 year immedi¬ ately preceding birth of child. Child: Deprived of parental care by death, continued absence from home or physical or mental incapacity of a parent. Relatives: Legally liable relatives unable to support child without public aid. $ 18 per month for 1 child. $12 per month for each aod1t1onal child. County Departments df Public Welfare. State Department of Public (elfare . County: Aid to Depend¬ ent Children Fund. State: Reimburses county for 2/3 of al d granted . (General fund). Appeal allowed to State Depart¬ ment of Public Welfare. requ1 red. CONNECT 1 CUT Gen. Stat. (1930), Ch.99, Secs. 1720, 1721, 1925- 1931, (CUM. Supp. 1935), Ch. 99, Secs. 728C, 729c. Optional Under 16 years . Mother. c1t1z en of u.s. have settlement within State or have resided not less than 4 years c0ntinuously next preceding appli¬ cation. if and when Federal A id granted resided in State 1 year immediately pre¬ ceding applica¬ tion or child born in State within 1 year immediately preceding appl1 cat ion. Mother: Widowed; unable to furnish support to her children in their own home; not receiving aid from any other state; does not own property, real or personal, of value of more than $500, or have an equity of more than $2,000 in real estate upon which family resides. Weekly grants as follows: Food for mother $2.00 Food for child over 14 years 1.75 Food for child between 5 and 14 years 1.25 Food for each child under 5 years 1.00 Fuel 1.00 clothing for each member.50 rent 5.00 State Comm1 ssi oner of Welfare. no provision. State: General fund. Counties and muni ci pali ties: Reimburse State 1/3 each for amount granted to their res 1 dents. (General fund) No provision. no provision. State and Ci tat ion Nature of Law Qualifications Maximum Allowance adm 1n1strat1 on Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Child Persons Eligible ClT1 zen- shi p Residence Requirement Social Conditions dlrect responsibility superv1sory responsib1 lity DELAWARE Laws (1921 ), CH. 183. Laws (1923), Ch. 200. Laws (1929), Ch. 251 . Laws (1935), ch. 211. Optional Under 16 years of age. Mother, woman standing in loco parentis. no pro¬ vision Child has been continuous resident of state for one year. Mother: Widowed; abandoned; unable, with¬ out aid, to support, maintain, and educate child; husband physically or mentally un¬ able to educate and maintain child or con¬ fined in prison for term of 6 months or more; fit to bring up child; to her best interest she receive aid. Child: Aid necessary for proper support; lives in home where no adult person is able to work other than one needed for its care; if physically and mentally able, attend school and have satisfactory record from teacher. no provision, (a 1 d suff1 — cient to care for child properly in 1ts own home) State Mothers Pension comm 1 ssi on . no provision. County: General fund. State: Reimburses county 50^ (General fund) No provision, (State law accepts provi¬ sions of Federal Act as co-relate and co-ordinate with provisions of State law) Required. FLORIDA optional 16 years and under Mother, female relative within 2nd degree or female guardian no provision Person eligible has been resi¬ dent of State for 2 years and county one year next before applicat ion . Person elicible: Has an orphan, half- orphan or child dependent upon and living with her; physically, mentally and morally fit to bring up child; support of herself and child depend upon her labor; husband dead, confined in state institution, has been prosecuted for desertion or non- support and adjudicated unable to support his wife and children, or is incapacitated for work because of mental or physical 1nf1rm1ty. Child: Allowance necessary to save it from neglect; must attend school regularly. $25 per month for one child; $8 per month for each addit1onal child. Board of County COMMIss1 oners• (if Federal funds available, State Board of Social Welfare assisted by District Board of Social . Welfare ) no provision. county: 1 mill property tax . No specific pro¬ vision. State Board authorized to take neces¬ sary action to secure Federal benefits. no specific prov isi on . State Board authorized to take neces¬ sary action to secure f ederal benef1ts. Laws (1934 CUM.SUPP. ), Sees. 2276-15 to 2276-18, 3727-1 to 3727-11. Laws (1935), h.b. 518, sec. i, 4, 12. IDAHO Code Ann. (1932), Chs. 30, Secs. 3001-3009; 31, Sec. 1218. Laws (1935 3rd Ex . ), h.b. 6. Optional Under 15 years. Mother, guardian or person having care, custody or control and support of orphan. no pro¬ vision. Mother has been resident of state 2 years and of county 6 months next preceding application. Orphan has been resident of state 1 year and of county 6 months next preceding application. Mother: Widowed; husband confined in State insane asylum, home for feeble¬ minded, or penitentiary; financially unable to care for child; physically and mentally fit to bring up children. Guardian: Financially unable to care for child. Child: Living with mother or guardian; allowance necessary to save it from neglect; has not sufficient property for its own support or is not provided support in any other manner. $10 per month for one child; $5 per month for each additional child. County probate court with approval of Board of County comm1 ssi oners. no provision; annual report to Governor. county: General fund \j State: cooperative Revenue Fund. No prov1 SI on; appeal allowed to District court . no pro¬ vision. I. U*s (1935 3rd Ex.), h.B. 5 makes aid to dependent children in their own homes a charge upon the county, providing it be carried out in cooperation with and according to the standards of eligibility prescribed by the State or Federal Government. Qualifications Administration Fair Hearing Report to State and Nature Age of Persons cl t 1 zen- Residence Maximum d1rect Supervisory Source of Before State Federal Cltation of Law Child Eligible shi p requirement Social Conditions Allowance responsibll1ty responsibl li ty Funds Department Board ILLINOIS smith-hurd Mandatory Under 16 Mother clt1 zen of Mother has been Mother: Widowed and husband was resident in counties of County Juvenile Department of County: no provision. no provision. Rev.Stat . years if u.s., or resident of of State at time of death; husband, while less than Court, if estab¬ Public Welfare Property tax,not (1935), CH. mother has made State and resident of State, has become permanently 300,000 popu¬ lished. County ascertains to exceed 3/5 23, Secs . citlzen . her DECLARA-h county 1 year. incapacitated because of physical or lation: Court elsewhere: amount of State mill in counties 322-340. Under 14 t1 on of mental infirmity; abandoned and husband 1 child $ 15, aid to be given Wlth population years if intent 1 on refuses or neglects to support, or cannot each additional each county, and in excess of born in u. to become a be apprehended and prosecuted for non- child $10. sets standards 300,000, not to s., and citizen of support; physically, mentally and morally In counties of of administrate exceed 2/5 mill mother has the u.s. fit to care for children; in absence of more than which counties in other coun¬ f 1 led relief would be required to work away 300,000 popu¬ must meet before ties paid into a ppl 1 cat ion from home; owns or has equity in property lation: State aid is County Mothers for exceeding $1,000 exclusive of household 1 child $25, granted. Pension Fund. c1t1 zen- goods. each add 1tlonal State: shi p. j/ Child: Must be living with and for its child $ 15. (General fund) welfare to remain at home with mother; 80# apportioned relief necessary to save it from neglect; to counties on has no person other than mother legally basis of popu¬ responsible for its support. lation up to Father: If presence is harmful Court may 50# of county order separation from children. expend 1ture, 20# allotted to counties on basis of need. INDIANA f laws (1935 Mandatory Under 16 Father,mother, No pro¬ Child has Child: Deprived of parental support or $20 per month County or Dis¬ State Department County: 40# Appeal allowed ReQU1 red. 1st EX.), years . grandfather, vision. resided in State care by death, continued absence or phys¬ for first trict Department of Public Welfare (Welfare Fund to State Board Ch. 3. grandmother, 1 year immedi¬ ical or mental incapacity of parent; child; $18 per of Public Welfare from special of Public brother,s1ster, ately preceding relatives liable under law for his sup¬ month for tax). Deficits Welfare . stepfather, application, or port are unable to provide adequate care second child; met from stepmother, was born wlthin or support without public assistance; is $12 per month general fund stepbrother, the State within living in a suitable family home. for each addi¬ and loans. stepsister, 1 year immedi¬ tional child. State: 60# uncle, or aunt. ately preceding (General fund) application, and State pays 40# mother has of any Federal resided in State funds to coun¬ 1 year immedi¬ ties in propor¬ ately preceding tion to aid birth of child. g1ven . i. Relief may be extended in the discretion of the Court until the child reaches its majority, if child is physically incapacitated for work. State and ci tat ion Nature of Law Qualifications Maximum Allowance Administration Source of Funds Fa 1r Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Ch ild Persons Eligible C 1 t 1 z en — shi p Residence requirement Social Conditions Direct Responsibility Supervisory responsi bl l 1 ty tOWA code- (1935), ch. i80,secs. 3641-3644. Optional Under 16 years . Mother. no pro¬ vision. Mother has been resident of county for 1 year preceding the filing of appli¬ cation. (no per¬ son on whom notice to depart has bf*en served within 1 year prior to time of making the appli¬ cation, shall be considered a resident so as to be allowed the a 1 d prov1ded ). Mother: Widowed; husband an inmate of institution under board of control; by reason of indigency, is unable to properly care for child; is a proper guardian; may not remarry. Child: Dependent or neglected; welfare promoted by remaining in its own home. $2.50 per week per child. County Juvenile Court . No provisi on; annual report to State Board of Control . County: (General fund) In counties having popula¬ tion of 60,000 or more Board of Supervisors may levy l/4 mill property tax . No provision. No provision. KANSAS rev.Stat . (1923), ch. 39, Secs. 601-603. Laws (1935), Ch. 6. Mandatory Under 14 years . Mother. no pro¬ vision. Mother has been bona fide resi¬ dent of State for 2 years and the county for 1 year next preceding application. Mother: Widowed; divorced; deserted for the immediately preceding 3 months with¬ out just cause; husband physically or mentally unable to earn a living; husband confined in state institution; unable to properly care for and educate children without relief; provident, of good moral character, ano fit to have care and cus¬ tody of her child. Child: Has not sufficient income or property for its support. $50 per month. County Board of Commissioners assisted by County Board of Public Welfare, if established, otherwise com¬ mittee of 3 women appointed by Board of Commissioners. No provision. County: General Fund.|/ No provi si on. No provision. KEN TU CKY Carroll's Stat.(1930), Secs. 33i-l-8 to 331-129. Laws (1936 1st Ex. ), h.b. i. Optional Under 14 years; may be extended to 16. Mother (includes any female person standing in loco parentis to child). no pro¬ vision. Mother has resided in county 2 years immedi¬ ately prior to application. Mother: Has dependent children and desires and needs such help; is mentally, morally, and physically fit to bring up child. Child: For its welfare to remain at home; has no one legally responsible for its support. if it has a satisfactory school record and through disability cannot be employed, aid may be continued to 16 years Home: Satisfactory- place for training and rearing of child. Amount not specifled; sufficient for proper ma intenance. County Children's Bureau, Local Welfare Depart¬ ment may be established. State Depart¬ ment of Welfare. County: Property tax not to exceed 2 cents on the $100 valuation. no provision, but State Department given power to do all things necessary to conform to Federal Act. No specific provis1 on, but State Department authorized to do all things neces¬ sary to conform to Federal Act. i. There is appropriated for the period from June 30, 1935, to June 30, 1937, the sum of $775,000 to the Governor, who shall in his discretion direct the use of such funds for the supervision and administration of public welfare, relief, and social security funds given, granted or advanced, to the State of Kansas by the Federal Government, to cooperate with the Federal Government by providing a fair share of the expenses made necessary by the carrying on of public welfare, relief and social security. (Laws (1935), Ch. 6). State and cl tati on Nature of Law qualifications Maximum Allowance Admini stration source of Funos Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Boa rd Age of child Persons Eligible Citizen— shi p residence Requirement social conditions dlrect responsibility Supervisory responsibil1ty LOU 1 SI ANA Gen .Stat. (1932), secs. 9412-9430. Acts (1934 1st ex. ), Acts 17, 18, 25. Acts (1934 2nd Ex .), Act 4. Acts (1936), Acts 75, 87. Optional Under 16 years. \j Mother (if mother dead, female relative meeting require¬ ments of mother) No pro¬ vision Mother a contin¬ uous resident of State for 2 years and of parish or city, in which she applies, 1 year. Absence of less than 1 "year shall not be deemed to inter¬ rupt the resi¬ dence . Mother: Widowed; deserted, and such desertion has continued for 3 successive years, and efforts to locate husband have failed; husband suffering from physical or mental disability likely to incapaci¬ tate him for 1 year; husbano under sen¬ tence for 1 year; absence of relief would cause her to work regularly away from home and children; physically, mentally and morally fit to care for child. Child: Must be living with mother; for its welfare to remain at home; relief necessary to save it from neglect. Amount not specified; determined by standard budget issued annually by State supervisor. Parish, municipality wlth population over 50,000, Board of Trustees of Children's Aid Fund. State Children's Aid Board adopts rules and approves local expend!tures before reim¬ bursement. State Supervisor has general supervision over local boards. State grants $1,000 to parishes and cltles that ex¬ pend $500 the 1st year and reimburses parishes and cities annually l/2 the amount they spent in excess of $1500. Funds received from following sources: Cities with over 200,000 inhabit¬ ants (Amusement Taxes) New Orleans: (Sheriff Fees) Parishes and municlpalitlesj (advertising License Taxes) Parishes and municlpalitles over 300,000: [2% Amusement tax ) Parishes and New Orleans: (2 cents per gallon motor fuel tax 2/) state: (1/6 of 1.5% tax on capital Stock, surplus, and und1vided profits of corporat1ons), 5/8 of sales tax for social securi ty . no provision. no provision. 1. Assistance granted for an unborn child, if mother has one or more children living, which entitle her to the benefits of this Act. 2. Funds apportioned to parishes and New Orleans for social security and economic welfare. One-half may be used for any other public purpose except in Orleans parish. qualiflcations Adm inistra t1 on Fair Hearing Report to State and Nature Age of Persons clt1 zen— residence Maximum dlrect supervisory Source of Before State Federal ci tat ion of Law Child eligible shi p requ 1 re me nt social conditions Allowance ResponsiBlLIty responsibility Funds Depa rtment Board maine Laws (1933), Mandatory Under 16 Mother. no pro¬ Mother has Mother: Needs and desires aid to enable Amount not Municipal Board State Department State: no provision; if no provision. CH. I, SECS. years. vision. resided in State her to maintain herself and children in specified. of Mothers' Aid. of Health and General fund. application not 190-200 5 consecutive her home; has children actually living Welfare deter¬ Town: acted upon by years next prior with her; is mentally, morally, and mines all matters re 1mburses municipal Board, to application. physically fit to bring up children; in question but state 50% of applicant may inmates and surroundings of her household cannot grant a id amount expended apply directly suitable for children; deserted for 1 in excess of for persons to State year; if husband living and wilfully non- amount recommend¬ ha ving legal Department. supporting mother and children, no aid ed by municipal settlement in granted unless proceedings instituted. Board. State town . Department makes (General fund) rules and regula¬ tions and exercises actual supervision. MARYLAND Laws (l93l), Mandatory Under 16 Father, mother, no pro¬ Child has resided Child: Needy; deprived of parental care $ 18 per month County welfare Board of state county and Fair hearing no provision. ch. !15. years. grandfather, vision. in State 1 year by death of parent, continued absence for 1 child; Boards. Aid and Baltimore City: allowed before Laws (1933), grandmother, immediately pre¬ from home, or mental or physical incapac¬ $12 per month bal tlmore clty charit1es Property tax of Board of State ch. 61. brother, sister, ceding applica¬ ity of parent. for each Department of superv1ses, 1 cent on $100 a|d and chari- Laws (1935), stepfather, tion, or was born Relatives: Legally liable relatives not addit1onal Public Welfare. directs, and valuation. t1es if ch. 586. stepmother, within State able to support without aid. child. controls the State: appl 1 cati on Laws (1936), stepbrother, within 1 year Home: Must meet standards of care and administration Fund for aid to denied or not Chs. 10, Sec. steps 1ster, immediately pre¬ health fixed by state laws and rules and of Mothers' the needy acted on or a| d 4oa (e); 148. uncle, or aunt. ceding applica¬ regulations adopted pursuant thereto; Ass 1 stance. derived from revoked. tion and mother child's particular religious faith must taxes on beer, resided in State be fostered and protected. wh1skey, 1 year immediate¬ amusements, ly preceding corporate birth of child. franchises, cosmetics and motor vehicle tltles . MASSACHUSETTS Laws (1936), Mandatory Under 16 Father,mother, NO PRO¬ Child has resided Parent is fit to bring up children and no provision. Town Board of State Department Town: Appeal allowed required. ch. 413. years. grandfather, vision. in Commonwealth surroundings of the home are such as to (Aid shall be Public Welfare. of Public General fund. to board grandmother, 1 year immediate¬ make for good character. ald necessary sufficient to Welfare. (Reimbursed to composed of brother,sister, ly preceding to enable parent to bring up children enable parent extent of moneys welfare officials stepfather, application, or properly. all lawful means taken to to bring up recei ved from ex officio. stepmother, child born wi thin compel support by persons liable. child properly the Federal stepbrother, the commonwealth (this requirement shall not preclude in own home). Government on stepsister, within 1 year temporary aid.) child deprived of account of such uncle, or aunt. immediately pre¬ parental support or care by reason of disbursement ). ceding application death, continued absence from home, or State : 1f mother resided physical or mental incapacity of a parent. Reimburses towns in commonwealth from general for 1 year immed¬ fund for 1/3 of iately preceding total amount b1rth . d1sbursed. State and cltation Nature of La. qual1fications Maximum Allowance Aominis trat ion source of Funds fa . r hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Child Persons Eligible clt1 zen- shi p Resi dence requ 1 rement Social Conditions Direct Responsibility supervi sory responsibi lity MICHIGAN Comp. Laws (1929), Sec. 12834-12841. Pub. Acts ( 1931 ), Ch.30 Optional Under 17 years. Mother no pro¬ vision. Mother resident of County 1 year prior to application. Mother: Has dependent or neglected child; is a proper guardian; is unmarried, wioow- ed, divorced, or deserted for period longer than 6 months; is poor and unable to properly care and provide for child; husband insane, feeble-minded, paralytic, slino, suffering from tuberculosis, confined in state hospital or penal institution. Child: For its welfare to live with mother. $10 per week for 1st child $2 per week for each additional child. County Probate court, (juvenile dlvision ). State Child Welfare Commis- s1 on recei ves reports from probat1 on officers. County: General fund. no provision. No pro V1 si on . State and Citation Nature of Lam - Dual ificat ions aom in istrat ion Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of CH ilo Persons Eli a isle Citizen¬ ship Residence Reou irement Social Conditions Maximum Allowance Direct re8p0n8ibil1ty Supervisory re6p0nsibil1ty source OF Funds MINNESOTA Mason's Minn. Statutes, (1927), sec. 8671-8689, (1934 supp. ), Sec.8671-6689, Laws or Minn, f 1935), Chap. 57; Chap.326. mandatory Under 18 yr8. Mother, Step¬ mother, grand¬ mother . citizen of U.S.or has maoe applica¬ tion to be a citizen. Child - Resided in State 1 yr immedi¬ ately preceding application, or born within State within 1 yr immedi¬ ately preceding appli cat 1 on . mother - ff1 domed; husband inmate of penal institution for more than 3 m06 term, inmate of state institution for in8ane, epileptic, inebriate, or feeble minoed persons, or is a fugitive there¬ from and mother in gooo faith a8s1st8 in his apprehension, or is unable to labor for support of family by reason of physical or mental disability of 4 u06 duration, or 18 under warrant for arrest or conviction for crime of abandoning mother amo she has in gooo faith maoe reasonable attempts to apprehend him; oepenoency of child is due to lriavoidable poverty on her part; is proper person to have cu6t0dy of child Child - Melfare subserveo by permit¬ ting it to remain in custody of mother. Home - Surroundings and inmates such a8 to make for good character. Property limitations - mother or hus¬ band must not have personal property valued in exce86 of $ 100 exclusive of household implements, tools ano domes¬ tic animals nece88ary for a livelihood, or real e6tate when used as a home, of a value disproportionate to needs of family, ownership of following not a bar to relief! real estate not in use a6 a home, which pr00uce8 no gross income, and there is no available market for it8 6ale, or the sale would cause unreasonable financial loss; property valued not more than $500, if applicant has no real or personal property, except those articles u8ed to provide necessities of life. All lawful means taken to compel those legally responsible to 8upp0rt. 1 Child $20 per month. Each additional child $ 15 per month. Juvenile Court. State Board of Control super¬ vises and directs admin¬ istration and makes rules ano regulations County (Poor or general funo) if Federal Aic granted County reim¬ burses l/3 from State fund8 and 1/3 from Federal funds. Must be granted by State Board of Control. requires^ State and Cl tation Nature of LaW Qualifications Maximum Allowance A dm ini strati on Source of Funds Fair hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Chi ld Persons Eligible Clt1 zen- shi p Residence Requirement Social Conditions Dlrect Respons1b1l1ty Supervisory responsib1l 1 ty MISSISSIPPI Code Ann. (1930), Sec. 4011-20. Optional Under 16 years. Mother, guardian, or other person having legal custody of child. Citizen of U.S., or has filed appli cat ion to become a clt|zen . Person eligible bona fide resi¬ dent of county for 1 year pre¬ ceding applica¬ tion. Person eligible: Proper person to have custody and care of child. Child: Under proper guardianship; no earnings, income, and contributions available for its care. Home: Satisfactory place for rearing of child. Court must ascertain whether there are persons legally or morally obl1 gated to care for child, and whether legal steps have been taken to compel father to pro¬ vide support. Amount not spec 1f1 ed; determined by Court. County Chancery Court who may appoint local agency to adm inister. no provision. County: Tax levy or general fund appropriation not to exceed $2,500 per year paid into Children's Aid FUnd. no provision. no prov1 si on. Qualifications Adminis tration Fa i r Hearing Before State Report to Federal State and Nature of Age of Persons c1t1 zen— Res i dence social conditions Max imum Direct supervisory source of Funds Citation Law Child Eligible ship Requirement Allowance responsibil1ty Respons IBI l 1 ty Department Boaro MISSOURI Counties County - County - no pro¬ count1 esi with County: Mother - * oowed; deserteo; County: Counties of less Board of Man¬ County No provision; No pro¬ REVI8E0 having Under 16 Mothers and vision population of divorced; morally, physically, mentally 1 child $16 per than 350,000 agers of (Pauper or civil appeal vision Statutes qf population years. expectant 350,000 to 700,000i fit to rear children; allowance will month. Each inhab1tants: State Elee¬ Contingent allowed. Missouri, of less than St.Lou is mothers. Mother has resioed enable her to remain at home. add 1tional County Court if mosynary in- Fund. In (1929), Art. 350,000, under 14 St. Louis - continuously for 1 Father - Permanently incapacitated; in child $8 per no County Boards stitutions Count ie6 6, Sec. opti0nal . years. Mother. year immediately hospital for the insane, feeble-minded, month. Total of Public Wel¬ has general with popula¬ 8985-6995, count 1es preceding applica¬ epileptic, or in prison. to 1 mother $40 fare are estab¬ superv1sory tion between Art. 7, Sec. havins pop¬ tion. Counties of Child - Dependent and living with per month. lished. Coun¬ power and con¬ 350,000 ano 8996-9003 . ulation of less t'.an 350,000 mother; has no relatives able or will¬ Expectant ties of more trol over 750,000 LAWS of Mc., 350,000 to populm i oni Mother ing to support; allowance neces6ary to mothers $10 per than 350,000 care of needy property tax (1931 ),V.284, 700,000, has resided in save 1t from neglect. week for 3 but less than mothers ano not to ex¬ (1933),P.189. Dandatory. County 1 year. St. Louist Mother - Widowedj husband weeks before 700,000: juve¬ dependent ceed 3/4 Revised Coce St. Louis, St. Louis: Mother confined in public institution; men¬ and 3 week6 nile Court. children, ex¬ cent on $100 of St. Louis, mandatory. has resided 2 tally, morally, and physically fit to after birth. St. Louis: cept in coun¬ valuation, (1926), chap. years immediately properly rear, supervise, and train St. Louis: Board of Chil¬ ties of popu¬ may be in¬ 5, art. 1-4. prior to applica¬ tion. such" ch 1 lo . Home - Suitable and fit place for child. Weekly allow¬ ance $3.50 per child. Addi¬ tional $25 may be allowed an¬ nually for clothing and medical treat¬ ment. May be increased with consent of comptroller. dren's Guardian. lation be¬ tween 350,000 and 700,000. St. Louis: No pr0vi8i0n. creased by permission of juvenile court to 1 cent ). st. lou 16 (general fund ). MONTANA Revised codes Mandatory under Mother by birth Citizen Mother has resided Mother - 60le support of chilo and has 1 child $20 per Board of County no provision County no provision; No pro¬ of Montana, 16 years. or by legal of u.s., in County of appli¬ been for 1 year immediately prior to month. More Commissi oners. (50* poor appeal al¬ vision (1921), sec. adoption. or de¬ cation for 1 year application; unable to properly care than 1 ch ild - funo ). lowed to 10480-10487. clared immediately prior for chilo, or required to work regu¬ first child $ 15 Supreme Supp. Revised ' her in¬ to application. larly away from home; physically, men¬ per month. Sec¬ Court. codes, (1927), tent ion tally, morally fit to bring up chil¬ ond child $ 10 sec. 10482. to become dren. per month. each Laws of Mont., such . Child - must be living with mother; add!tional (1933), chap. allowance necessary for its support child $5 per 133, (1935), and maintenance; has not sufficient month. Total chap. 126; 77 property for its support. Father - Dead: inmate of State insti¬ tution or prison; physically or men¬ tally incapacitated and become 60 while a resident of the state; has failed for 1 year to provide for child. to one mother $50 per month. State and citation Nature of Law Qualifications Maximum Allowance Administration Source of fund6 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Child Persons Elig ible cltlzen- ship residence Requirement Social Conditions Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibili ty NEBRASKA compiled Statutes of Nebraska, (1929), chap. 43, sec, 401- 414. com¬ pileo Stat¬ utes, Supp. ( 1933), chap. 77, sec.1801. Laws of Neb., (1935), chap. 52. Mandatory Under 16 years . Mother (or per¬ son designated by Court to supervise the spending of such pension in the inter¬ est of family). NO pro¬ vision Mother has resided in County 2 years next preceding appl1 cat ion. Mother — fidowedi unmarried: divorceo: deserted; husband permanently incapac¬ itated because of mental or physical tnfirmity or confined in penal insti¬ tution (no allowance if divorced hus¬ band can legally be made to support child); absence of relief would re¬ quire her to work away from home and children; does not own real or per¬ sonal property in excess of $2000, ex¬ clusive of household. goods . Child - Must be living with mother: for it6 welfare to remain at home with mother; has no relatives within 2nd degree able to support it. Father - If menace to welfare of child or mother, his removal may be made a condition to granting aid. $ 10 per month per child. Total $50. County Juvenile Court deter¬ mines el igibil- ity and amount; payments made by Board of County Commis¬ sioners . no pr0vi6i0n County (Property tax, not to exceed 2/10 of 1 mill, 3/10 of 1 mill in counties with popula¬ tion of 150,000). No provision No pro- v 1 s1 on NEBRASKA 1/ LAW6 of Mandatory under Father, mother, no pro¬ Childi Resided in Child; The religious faith of children $ 18 per month County Child Director of county! Appeal to Reports as Nebraska 16 grandfather, vision State 1 year immed¬ must be preserved and protected; de¬ for one child Welfare Board. Child Welfare General Fund. State Assist¬ Secretary ( 1935 .st SP. years. grandmother, iately preceding prived of parental support or care by ano $ 12 per Bureau ap¬ state! i3.56£ ance Commit¬ of Labor Sess.) h.r.3, brother,sister, oate of applica- reason of death, continued absence month for each proves assist¬ of State tee through (Children's 19. stepfather, tion; or born w1 th¬ from the home, or physical or mental adoitional ance and re¬ Assistance Director of Bureau ) stepmother, in State 1 year incapacity of a parent; is living with child. 2/ ports to State Fund £/ after Child Welfare shall from stepbrother, immediately preced¬ one of persons eligible in place OF Assistance deduction for Bureau. time to stepsi6ter, ing date of appli¬ residence maintained by one or more comm1ttee, aoministrat1ve time require uncle, or aunt. cation, if, such relatives as his or their home; wh 1 ch comm 1 T- expense. mother! Resided in in a state of want or suffering due to tee is desig¬ State 1 year immed¬ lack of proper care. nated as sole iately preceding State agency i its mirth. to supervise the adminis¬ tration of the aid and reports to Governor. \J This act supplements Chap. 43, Sfc. 401 - 414 (Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1929) and Chap. 77, Sec. 1801 (Compileo Statutes, 1933 Supp.), as amended. 2/ Funeral expenses paid, not to exceed $100, if person legally responsible for care is unable to provide such. 3/ Sum of $4,313,000 derived from appropriations from State general fund and I cent gasoline tax for the period ending June 30, 1937. Dual ificat ions Administration State and C 1 ta t 1 on nature of Lav Age of Ch ilo per60n6 Eligible Citizen¬ ship Residence Requireuent social conditions Maximum Allowance Direct responsibili ty Supervisory re spon8 1 b 1 l 1 ty Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Boaro NEVADA Nevada Compiled Lavs, (1929). Statutes of Nevada,(1935), Chap. 138. Mandatory . Under 16 year6. (may be extended if child incapac- 1 tated by phys¬ ical dis¬ ability) mother . no pro¬ vision. Mother has been resident of county 2 yrs prior to appl1 cat ion. Mother - Dependent on her own efforts for maintenance of child or children; absence of allowance would require her to remain away from home and children; mentally, morally, ano physically fit to care for and control offspring; has not sufficient income from any other source. 1 child $25 per month. 2 children $40 per month. 3 children $55 per month. 4 or more child¬ ren $75 per mo. County Board of commissioners make ano fix allowances by unanimous vote. State Board of Relief, Work Planning ano Pension Control super¬ vises the adm in 1stration of mother's Pensions, within the law ano subject to the 0rder8 of the County Commissioners. County (general fund) No provision; appeal allowed to District Court . No pro¬ vision. NEV HAMPSHIRE public Lavs of Nev Hampshire, (1926), Chap ii6,sec.40-47, Chap.106, sec. 1-9. New Hampsh ire Laws, (1929), Chap.145; Chap.177. (1931), Chap. 106. (1935), Chap. 122; Chap. 20 Mandatory . Under 16 years. Mother, parent of a motherless chilo. no pro¬ vision. Mother:re6ident of State for 1 year before application. Parent of motherless child: Resident of State for at least 2 years before appl1 cat ion. Mother - Child living with her; is a proper person morally, physically or mentally to bring up her children; employment, if any, in which she engages approved by state board. Parent of motherless children - Mother is deceased or has abandoned the home; mother is mentally or phys¬ ically incapacitated and under treat¬ ment in an institution; child is living with the parent; parent by means of such aid is enabled to main¬ tain his home by employing a suitable caretaker, and such employment woulo be impossible without such aid; such caretaker 16 a proper person morally, physically, and mentally to bring up the child; such caretaker engages in no employment not approved by the State Board; parent is engaged in a lawful and gainful occupation where same is available and approved by the State Board, and contributes regularly from his wages toward the maintenance of home an amount satisfactory to State Board. Mother - $18 per month for fir8t child, and $ 12 per month for each succeeding child. Parent of a mo therles6 child - $8 per month for each child. State Boaro of Ielfare ano rel1ef. no prov181 on■ State (general fund] no provision. no pro¬ vision. qualir1 cat ions adm in 1s tra t1 on Fair Hearing Before State Report to Federal State and Nature Age or Persons clT1 zen- res 1dence Maximum dlrect superv1sory Source of Cl TAT ION or Law Chi ld Elig ible shi p requ1rement social conditions Allowance respons1bll1ty responsib1l1ty Funds Department Board NEW JERSEY Laws (|932), Mandatory Under 16 Mother or any NO PRO¬ Child resided in Mother: Widowed; husband conpined in Amount not State Board of no provision. County: l/3 Appeal allowed Requ1reo . CH. 263. years. \J eemale stand¬ vision. State eor l year penal institution, being sentenced eor spec 1f1 ed; Children's (General fund ). to State Depart¬ Laws (1936), ing in loco immediately pre¬ a term which will not expire for 6 months, not to Guardians State: 2/3 ment of Chs• 33, 43. parent 1s. ceding the grant, or who was born op mother who has so resided, provided that ir Federal aid not available res 1oence in the State or 5 years immediately pre¬ ceding the grant shall be required or an inmate oe an institution eor mental or physical illness requiring prolonged treatment, or is under indictment eor desertion and cannot be pound within 1 year from desertion, or is unable to support child because op mental or physical deeect eor which he is receiving treatment; because oe above pacts has 1nsufe1c1ent means eor support and main¬ tenance oe child and home; has no relatives legally liable eor support oe mother and child; dependency oe child not because oe her wilful neglect; mentally, morally, and physically pit to care eor child; without relief, will be unable to properly support and educate her children. Home: Satisfactory place for training and rearing child. exceed cost of care in an approved 1nstitut 1 on. assisted by County welfare Board. (General fund). County pays 1/2 if Federal funds not available or ie child li ving wlth other than father,mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother,s1ster, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, uncle, or aunt. State pays all unless child has re si ded in county eor 1 year. Institutions and Agenc1es. i. In a case of special emergency, the period of support may be continued, upon recommendation of the State Board of Children's Guardians approved by the Boaro of Chosen Freeholders. State and cl tat ion Nature of Law Qualifications a dm 1 n 1 s rrat1 on source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Ch i ld Persons Eligible clt1z en— sh 1 p res 1dence requ irement Social Conditions Max imum Allowance d irect pesponsibility superv1sory respons1bility NEi MEXICO laws of new Mexico, (1931 ), Ch. 49. Laws of New mex ico, (1935), S.B. 132. Optional Under 16 yrs . Mother, any competent female relative of such child, any person who shall accept responsib 1 l 1 ty for the child. no pro¬ vision. Mother has been residfnt of state 2 yrs and of county 1 yr immediately preceding applica¬ tion. if mother is dead, she was resident of state 2 yrs and of county 1 yr immediately preceding her death. mother or other person to whom aid is given - is capable and fit physically, morally, and mentally, to bring up the child for whom aid is requested. Child - If of proper age and physically and mentally able, is meeting require¬ ments of state compulsory school legis¬ lation; aid is necessary in order for it to receive adequate support and education. Father - Dead; an inmate of an institu¬ tion for the mentally oefective or mentally diseased; an inmate of a penal institution while under sentence for a felony; permanently incapacitated for work for reason of mental or physical infirmity, has deserted the mother of such child, and mother has made an un¬ successful effort to compel him to support such child; divorced by or from thl mother of such child, and mother has made an unsuccessful effort to compel him to support such child. Property Limitations - That the income from, or the amount of, real or person¬ al property owned by the person apply¬ ing for such aid or held in trust for the child, is not of an amount or character which makes the giving of public aid inappropriate or unnecessary. 1 Child $20 per month. Total for family $40 per month. State Bureau of Child Welfare and County Commissioners jo intly. State Relief and Security Authority given power to supervise and a0min 1ster public assist¬ ance, public welfare, and SOC1al Security. county (Property tax ^0t to exceed 1/2 mill) State if funds available reimburses county 5(# of 1 ts expend 1ture. no prov1sion. No pro- vis 1 ON . State and Citat ion Nature of Law Qualifications Administration Fai r Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Aqe of Chi ld Persons Eligible c1t1 zen- shi p residence requirement Social Conditions Maximum Allowance Dlrect Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility source of Funds NEW YORK cahill 's Mandatory Under 16 mother; Mother: Resident of Mother: widowed; husband inmate of State Amount not County Boards State Department Counties or Appeal allowed No provision; Cons. Laws years. relative Citizen of State 2 years institution for insane, or confined in specified; of Child of social Cities: to State (State Board (1930), ch. within second U.S., or and mother State prison for at least 2 years, suf¬ adequate to Welfare . welfare desig¬ (Property tax) Department of of Social 26, Secs. degree of child born legally entitled fering from tuberculosis and receiving enable mother New York City nated State Emergency Social Welfare Welfare may 148, 159. father or in U.S., to relief within treatment therefor in institution or home, or relative Board of Child agency to dis¬ appropriations also to County adopt rule6 Laws (|935), mother. whose father county where aid with approval of medical officer, to bring up Welfare. burse State and may be made Supreme Court. and regula¬ chs. 547, was resi¬ applied for. permanently 1ncapac1tated and confined in child County Depart¬ Federal Funds. from city con¬ tions). 669. dent of the an institution for the care of his properly . ment of Public State Board of tingent fund or State for 2 particular ailment, absented himself for Welfare in Social Welfare County general years im¬ at least 2 6'jccessive years last past Westchester may adopt rules funds may be mediately without being known to mother to be living County. and regulations. raised by short preceding and without supporting family; proper term loans. decease or person mentally, morally and physically comm1tment to bring up child, and had Relative within second degree of father declared or mother: if mother dead, permanently intent ion incapacitated, insane, or confined in of becoming institution for the care of her particular citizen of ailment, provided relative meets require¬ U.S., within ments of mother. 5 years im¬ Child: Aid necessary for it to be main¬ mediately tained in home rather than institution preceding his decease or commit¬ ment; or child born in U.S., said mother having re¬ sided in U.S., for at least 5 years prior to applica¬ tion. qualificati0n6 adm inistration State and Citation Nature of LAS Aoe of Child Persons Elio isle c1t1zen- ship Residence Reouirement social conditions Maximum Allowance direct responsibility Supervisory responsibil1ty Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina code,(1931 ), SeCS.5067 (a) to 5067 (b) Optional Under 14 years Mother no pro¬ vision. Mother resident of State 3 yrs and county 1 year. Mother - Widowed: divorced: deserted and it is impossible to require husband to support her j mentally, morally and physically fit to main¬ tain home and self) husband mentally or physically incapacitated to sup¬ port family; husband confined in penal or eleemosynary institution; relative6 unable or unwilling to provide aid; prevented from maintaining home for self or child because of lack of means. 1 child $15 per month. 2nd child $10 per month. each additional child $5 per month. total to family $40 per month .j/ County Board of Commissioners, a6sisted by Board of Charities and- Public Welfare; Commissioners may require approval of Juvenile Court. State Board of charitie6 and Public Welfare has general oversight of the administra¬ tion of grant¬ ing relief or ass 18tance and approves or disapproves grant6 for aid. County (general fund State Re imburses County \/Z of approved allowances, if County enter6 into agreement with state before June 1st to match state funds. (general funo) no provision. No pro¬ vision. NORTH DAKOTA Compiled Laws of north Dakota, (1913-25), sec. 2546a 1 . Laws of North Dakota,(1935), Chap. 123; Chap. 221. Mandatory under 15 years. mother clt1 zen of u.s., or legal¬ ly declar¬ ed intent¬ ion to become c1t1 zen. Mother resident of County I year previous to application. Mother - Widowed; deserted: proper person morally, physically and mental¬ ly for bringinc up children; unable to maintain suitable home without allow¬ ance; in cases of non-support, aban¬ donment or desertion has made criminal complaint against husband and has made all reasonable efforts to locate and prosecute him; has made full disclo¬ sure of all real and personal property. Father - Unable to support child by reason of mental or physical ailment which has extended over a period of at least six months, and be under proper treatment for cure; confineo in penal in6t itution. Child - Living with mother; allowance necessary to save it from neglect; oepenoent on mother for support. Each child $15 per mo. County Boards of Commissioners (If State or Federal funds granted, county welfare b0ard6). State Board of Public Welfare. State Board of Administration to promote efficiency and un 1 form 1ty. ( if state or Federal fund6 granted, state Board of Public Welfare super¬ vises admin¬ istration). County (general fund) no provision; appeal may be taken to the District Court No pro¬ vision. _l/. In extraordinary circumstances, maximum may be exceeded in discretion or Board of County Commissioners. Qualifications adm inistration Fair Hearing Report to State and __ cltat ion Nature Age of Persons cl tlzen- Residence max 1 mum Dlrect supervisory source of Before State Federal of Law Chi ld Elig ible shi p requ1rement Social Conditions Allowance Responsibility resp0nsibili ty fund6 Department Board OHIO Laws (1935 Mandatory Under 16 Father, mother, No PRO¬ Child shall have Person Eligible: Proper person morally, Amount not County Adminis¬ State Department County: State Department requ1 red . 1st Ex. ), years (if grandfather, vision. resided in State mentally and physically to 8ring up child; spec 1 f 1 ed; tration of Public Welfare (15/100 mill of Public h.b. 610. more than grandmother, i YEAR IMMEDIATE¬ conditions in home must be such that it IS sufficient to (juvenile judge, is official State tax levy). Welfare shall 16 years brother,sister, ly preceding for child's benefit to live therein. provide sup¬ or if provided agent for admin¬ If Federal ai d afford a fair and under stepfather, application, or, Child: Deprived of parental support or port and care by charter or istration of granted state, hearing. 18 years, stepmother, if born within care by reason of the death, continued requ1 si te for law, county State and Federal funds appor¬ aid may be stepbrother, State within 1 absence from the home, or physical or health and department, fund6, make rules tioned equal to granted at steps 1ster, year immediately mental incapacity of a parent; living decency on board, commis¬ and regulations, l/3 of total discretion uncle, or aunt. preceding appli¬ with an eligible person; if nefd results basis of si on, or officer and conducts county expendi¬ of county cation, mother from parent's continued absence from home, actual need. other than investigations. ture. State adm iniS- shall have re¬ such absence must have been for a period juvenile judge) appropriation tration ). sided in State for 1 year immediately preceding his birth. of not less than 1 year (where such absence is due to a cause other than desertion county administration may waive requirement), financial aid necessary to save from neglect and to secure proper care in home. apportioned to counties on basis of pro- port! on of number of chil¬ dren under 16 in each county bears to total number in the state . OKLAHOMA stat.(193 1), Mandatory Under 14 Mother No PRO¬ Mother resided Mother: Indigent; widowed; proper person 1 child $10 County Courts. no provision. County: no provision. No pro¬ Secs. 7598 - years. vision. 1 year in County morally, physically and mentally for per month. Not to exceed vision. 7605. immediately preceding applicat 1 on. bringing up children; husband inmate of state institution for insane or prisoner in state prison. Child: Allowance necessary to save child from neglect and to prevent mother from working regularly away from home; living with mother. Each addi¬ tional child $5 per month. $8,000 annually from General fund. Qualifications Administration Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board State and cltat 1 on Nature of Law Age of Child Persons Eligible cltlzen- shi p Residence Requ1rement Social Conditions maximum Allowance dlrect responsi81l1ty Supervisory responsibll1ty source of Funds OREGON code (1930), secs. 27-1301 to 27-1321, 28-844. Laws (1935), chs. 303, 402, 423, 428,(sec.40). Laws (1935 1st Ex, ), ch. 45. Mandatory Under 16 years (extended to 18 in discretion of Juvenile Court ) Mother; adopt 1ve mother. No pro- vi si on Mother resident of State 3 years and County 1 year immediately preceding application. \J Mother: Morally, physically and mentally fit; pension decreased in proportion to earnings of child and/or mother. Adoptive Mother: Adoption must occur prior to husband's death, inability or incapac1ty. Father: Dead; inmate of State or County institution or federal penal institution; physically or mentally incapacitated to support family. Child: Born within 10 months after father's commitment or incapacity; allowance necessary to save child from neglect; who". y dependent jn and residing wlth mother. Property: Applicant's coming into State in indigent circumstances disqualifies; working members of family over 16 must contribute to family expenses; ownership of property disqualifies, except that temporary relief may 8e given in discretion of court. 1 child $20 per month. Each addi¬ tional child $16 per month. Total to family $75 per month. Juvenile court where it exists, otherwise County Court and County Relief Committee. State Relief commit tee empowered to adopt, carry out, administer plan devised to meet approval of Federal Government, not contrary to or inconsistent with the laws of the State. County : General fund. State: General fund, (sales Tax and 75% of Liquor tax dedicated to aid to Dependent Chi ldren and other welfare purposes). no provision. Required . i. where father in prison, residence of wife presumed to be in county in which father was a resident before commitment, provided wife and children havc. been living with father 6 months immediately preceding commitment State and citation qua l1fications A dm I N 1 s tration Fair Hearing Rfport to Nature Agl of Persons cl t 1 zen- Residence Maximum direct Supervisory Source of Before Stair Ffderai of Law Chi ld Eligible shi p requ1rlment social conditions Allowance responsib 1 li ty rlsponsibllity Funds Department Board Mandatory Under 14 Mother; No PRO¬ Mother is resi¬ Mother: Poor and dependent widow; of 1 child, $18 County Boards State Department State: State Department rfc qu 1 rf d . years . expectant vision. dent of State at proved character and ability with husband per month; of Trustees of of welfare. General fund. of Welfare shall (May be mother. time of applica¬ permanently confined in institution for each addi¬ Mothers' County: grant hearing. extended tion and child insane. tional child Assistance Fund. Must match its to 16 if has resided in Child: Must be attending school if of $ 12 per month portion of child in State for 1 year proper age and physical ability; payments (including State appropri¬ school or immediately pre¬ necessary for proper maintenance in own unborn child). ation from physically ceding applica¬ home; payments must be discontinued when General fund. unable to tion or was born child secures employment. (lf County work ) in State within Expectant mother: Must have living child unable to 1 year immediate¬ entitling her to relief. furnish sum ly preceding equal to its application and portion of State his mother has appropriation, resided in State State may for 1 year furn1sh addi- 1mmediately ti0nal funds) preceding the birth. (no family entitled to the benefits of this Act in any county shall be deemed to have lost residence in county within 1 year after removal therefrom) Mandatory. Under 14 Mother; no pro¬ Mother has been Mother: Poor and dependent widow; of 1 child $20 County Boards of State Department State: State Department No pro¬ (1f county years. Expectant vision. resident continu¬ proved character and ability with husband per month; Trustees of of Welfare. General fund. of Welfare shall vision. accepts pro¬ (May be mother. ously o. State permanently confined in institution for each addi¬ Mothers' County: grant hearing. visions of extended for 2 years and insane. tional child Assistance Fund. Must match its act ) to 16 if of county for 1 Child: Must be attending school if of $10 (includ¬ portion of child in year. proper age and physical ability; payments ing unborn State appropri¬ school or necessary for proper maintenance in own child). ation from phys1cally home; payments must be discontinued when General fund. unable to child secures employment. work ) Expectant mother: Must have living child entitling her to relief. PrNNSfLVAN IA Purdon1c Stat (19.10), Titli. 62, Stic. 2091-2108; (1935 supp. ), Tl TLfc 62, SECS. 2109- 2115. LflWC (1935 1st Ex.), NOS. 7, 42-V FENNSLY'/ANIA Purdon*Stat (1930), Title 62, Sec. 2091-2108; (1935 Supp. ), title 62, Secs. 2 109— 2115. Laws (1935 i st ex.), Nos. 7, 42. 2/ 1. Effective only if Federal grants available. 2. Effective only if Federal grants not available. Quali f icat ions Administration Fa ir Hearing Report to State and Nature of Age of Persons c1t1 zen— residence Max imum D irect supervisory Source of Before State federal ci tat ion Law Ch ild El 10ible sh 1 p Requirement Social Conditions Allowance *espons1b1l1ty responsibil1ty Funds Department Board RHODE ISLAND State 1/2 Laws of Mandatory 14 yrs. mother; Al 1 en Mother settle¬ Mother or person standing in loco amount not Town or City State Department no prov181 on No pro¬ (1923), Ch. (Extended persons mother ment in State; parentis - Without support because of spec 1f1 ed; Local board of Public (General fund) vision 455. TO 16 if standing in fu. ible IF NO SF. r TLEMENT decease, desertion, physical or mental suffic1ent or Local Welfare, Bureau City or town Laws of child in loco if chil¬ citizen of State incapacity or imprisonment of the husband to enable Director of of Mothers' Aid. 1/2 (General (1926), Ch. school parent 1s . dren born having resided occurring while having a domicile and mothers Mothers' Aid. fund ^ 867; As with sat¬ in the in State 1 yr. residence in the state; not employed in properly to amended by isfactory U.S. or factory, manufacturing or mechanical care for Laws of record of are citi¬ business, or mercantile establishment in children . (1935), Ch. attend¬ zens violation of laws of state; must be 2193, 2250, ance ano through a capable and fit mentally, morally, and Sec. 53; as 8ch0lar— natural¬ physically to bring up her children; amended BY sh 1 p ) ized aid necessary to enable mother properly Laws of father or to care for her children; other members (1936). mother and and surroundings of home such as to make h0u6e bill have resi¬ for greater character of child. NO. 537. ded within the State for 1 yr. working members of family and relatives must support if able. SOUTH DAKOTA compileo Manda tory Under 16 Mother; no re¬ Mother and Child Persons Eligible - Widowed; divorced or 1st child County State Department County No provision: no pro¬ Laws (1929), yrs . female quirement has re8ide0 in deserteo at least 1 yr; proper person, $22.50 per court. 2/ of Public (Property tax appeal allowed vision Sec. 10023- relative State 1 yr., morally, mentally and physically for mo. Each Welfare created of 1/2 MILL ) to c1rcu1t 10030 0, standing in County 6 months. bringing up chiloren; allowance necessary add 1t10nal to enable State court in Laws (1931), loco to prevent motwl-.r*s working regularly away child $10 to take advan¬ countie6 Wlth Ch. 252. parent is; from home and enable her to remain home; per month. tage of any population under Laws (1935), expectant husband disabled for work because of Expectant provisions for 10,000; Supreme CH. 98. mother. physical or mental infirmity; husband a prisoner in a statc penitentiary, but receipt of suff1 c1 en t of husband's prison wages disqualifies when they provide sufficient support. Child - Living with mother; benefited by mother $22.50 per month. \J the administra¬ tion of welfare activities entered into by Federal govern¬ ment . court in other countie8. remaining with mother; allowance, neces¬ sary to save child from neglect, or avoid breaking up the home. _l/. County may also provide hospitalization. 2/. Where county is unoroanized, organized counties to which unorganized county is attached shall administer aid. State ano cltat 1 on Nature of las olial 1 f 1 r a t 1 omr Maximum Allorance Administration source of fun08 1 Age of Child Persons El is isle Citizen¬ ship Residence Requirement Social Conditions Direct Responsis ility Supervisory re8p0nsibility Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board TENNESSEE Tenn. Code, (1934), Secs. 4919-4933. Optional Unoer 17 year6. mother so pro- vis ion. Mother resided in State and County 2 years. Mother - Poor: bidobed: deserted: unmarried: husband mentally or physi¬ cally unable to support children; or in State pemtentiaryj proper person morally, physically, and mentally to bring up child. Child - Living rith mother: allorance necessary to protect child from neglect and permit mother to remain at home; child rithout property sufficient for orn support. 1 Child $15 per month. Each additional chilo $10 per month. Juvenile Court rhere it exi6t8; county court el6erhere. no provision county (Property tax of 1/2 mill or general fund) no provision no pro¬ vision. TEXAS Vernon'6 Tex., Statutes, (1925), Art. 6228 as AMEND¬ ed bv 11931 ), Supplement. Optional under 16 years. mother so re¬ tirement Mother resident of County 2 years pre¬ ceding application. Mother - Bioobed and unable to support children; divorced; abandoned for longer than 2 years; unable properly to support ano educate children; a proper guardian for children; must 01sclose all property of her orn or of children, including part or contingent interest; husband in state hospital fdr insane OR in prison. Child - In danger of becoming a public charge. 1 Child $15 per month . Each additional Child $6 per mon th . county Commissioners' COURT. no provision County (general fund) no provision no pro¬ vision. State and cltat ion Qualifications Maximum Allowance Admini 5tra t1 on Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Nature of Law Age of Chi ld Persons Eligible citizen- shi P Residence requirement social conditions Dlsect Responsibility supervi sory responsibili ty UTAH Rev. Stat. (1933), Secs. 14^5-1 to 14-5-11. Laws (1935), Ch. 69. Mandatory Under 16 years. Mother no re¬ quirement . Mother resident of County 2 years next before making applica¬ tion. Mother: Widowed and dependent on own efforts for maintenance of children; unmarried; husband dead, permanently incapacitated or confined in penal institution; divorced; deserted; allow¬ ance necessary to enable her to remain home; proper person morally, physically, and mentally for bringing up children; shall not receive allowance if support received from public funds within 1 year before taking up residence in county of application; must make monthly report to County Commissioners. Childi Must be living with mother; allowance necessary to save child from neglect. Children over 16 and/or any adult member of household must contribute proportionate share of household expenses. Family $40 per month. County Board of Commissioners. (County Depart¬ ments of Public Welfare if State and Federal funds made avaILABLe) no provision. (State Department of Public Welfare if State and Federal Funds made available) counties of 100,000 popula¬ tion: (salt Lake): Annual appropri- ation not to exceed $50,000. Counties of less than 100,000 populat1 on: Annual appropri¬ ation not to exceed $10,000. no provision. no pro¬ vision. VERMONT Pub.Laws (1933), Sec. 5421, 5444. Laws (1935), no. 131. La.S (1935 1st ex.), H.B. 16. Optional Under 16 years. father,mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother,sister, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, uncle, or aunt. no pro¬ vision. no provision. Child: Deprived of parental support or care by reason of death, continued absence from home or physical or mental incapacity of parent; benefited by remaining with relative. Relative: A proper person to care for Child. Desirable that family be main¬ tained. $4 per week. State Department of Public Welfare no provision. State: l/2 (General fund) Town: l/2 General fund. Allowed. Requ1 red. State and C1 tat 1 ON Nature of Law Qualifications Maximum Allowance Administration source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Chi ld. Persons el1g1ble Citizen¬ ship Residence Requirement Social Conditions Dlrect responsibility supervisory responsibility wisconsin Stat. (1933 ), Secs. 20.18, 48#33", 48-331. Laws (1935), chs. 282^ 554. Mandatory Under 16 years. (May be extended in dis¬ cretion of Court )j/ Mother, stepmother; incapacitated parent if mother is dead; persons stand¬ ing in loco parentis. no require¬ ment- Child must have legal settlement in County. County settlement qualification waived wlth approval of State Pension Depart¬ ment, if appli¬ cant has resided in State i year. Mother; Stepmother; Person in loco parentis: Deserted continuously for at least i year, and husband legally charged with abandonment; divorced for at least 1 year, and unable to compel husband to sup¬ port child; alimony insufficient to sup¬ port child; unmarried; proper person to have care and custody of child; pregnant; may be required to do remunerative work outside home; husband sentenced to a penal institution for at least 1 year; or incapacitated by mental or physical dis¬ ability likely to continue at least 1 year incapacitated father: mother of child is dead; capable of caring for child in his home. Child: Receipt of other public aid a bar; child deprived of parental support or care by reason of death, continued absence from home or physical and mental incapacity of parent} living in home of person eligible; dependent on pu8l1c for proper support. Property: Ownership of household not a bar if total cost of maintenance of said homestead does not exceed the rental which family would be obliged to pay for living quarters. No provision; aid suffic1ent to enable person having custody of child to prop¬ erly care for it. Medical and dental aid granted minor children, mother and incapacitated father. ma tern 1ty a i 0 6 months prior to and follow¬ ing birth of child. Juvenile Court or County Court in cooperation with County Department of Public Welfare in counties over 500,000 popula¬ tion, and county Pension Depart¬ ment in counties of less than 500,000 popula¬ tion, if establ1 shed. state pension Department. County: General fund. State: Reimburses l/3 of County expenditure (general fund) Cities and towns in counties of 150,000 popula¬ tion or more reimburse county for amount of aid granted to their residents minus State con tr1bution. State pays entire amount in case child has no county legal settlement. Review of denial before State Pension Department allowed. Required. WYOMING Rev. Stat. (1931), Sec. 84-101 to 84-106. Laws (1935), ch. 64, sec.2. Optional Under 14 years. Mother. no pro¬ vision. Mother was resident of state at time of husband's death or incapacity; mother and chil¬ dren resident of county for i year. Mother: Poor; deserted for at least 1 year; widowed; proper person morally, physically and mentally to bring up chil¬ dren; allowance necessary to enable mother to remain at home; may be employed away from home for such periods as the county Boards may specify; husband permanently disabled physically or mentally; or in pr 1 son . Child: Living with mother; beneficial to remain with mother; allowance necessary to save it from neglect and avoid breaking up home. 1 child $20 per month. Each addi¬ tional child $10 per month. County Boards of Public Welfare where established otherwise, County Boards of commiss1 oners. State Department of Public Wel¬ fare makes rules and regulations and receives reports. County: Property tax of 5/10 mill or general fund. no provision.2/ no pro- vis 1 on . 2/ 1. No Federal aid for children over 16. 2. State Department authorized to do all things necessary to conform to reOuirements of any Feoeral Act. State and cltat ion Nature of Law oualificati0n6 max 1 mum Allowance A DM in 1stration Source of Fun D6 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Age of Ch ild Persons El ig ible cltlzen- bh ip Residence Requirement SOCIAL CONDITIONS direct re6p0nsib 1 li ty superv 1 SORY resp0n8isili ty ALASKA Laws of Alaska ( i929),cH.65, Sec.26, a6 amended by Laws of Alaska (1933), ch .89. Laws, (1935), CH. 90. Optional 16 yrs. mother; female standing in loco parentis. no pro- » . 5 1 on . Persons eligible Resident of territory 1 year immediately preced¬ ing application. mother and/or female standing in loco parenti8 - widow; deserted; divorced! unmarried; husband inmate of penal institution or physically or mentally incapacitated to support family; no means to support child except her own labor; unable to properly support child; fit per60n to care for child. Child - Native child cared for by Department of Interior is ineligible. 1 child $25 per month. each additional child $15 per month. Governor no provision jerri tory (general fund) No provision No pro¬ vision. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Handaiory Under 16 years. Mother; guardian U.S. Citizen or applied to become citizen. re6ident of District 1 year preceding applica¬ tion. Mother and/or guaroian - Proper person ■Family $100 per month. Board of Public Welfare. no prov161 on District of Columbia (District Revenue ) no provision NO pro¬ vision. Code of District or columb ia, (1929), t 1 tle 8, 91-100 H.R. 3973, (1935). to have custody and care of child; parents unable to properly provide for child in own home. Home - Satisfactory place for care and rearing of child. Property - Real and/or personal property (if any) of parent and/or child must not be of such character and amount that public aid unnecessary; no per60n6 or organizations legally obligated to a6si6t in support of child Father - Legal steps taken to compel him IF living, to support. HAIA11 Revised Laws of hawa1|, (1925), SKC8. 1231, 1232, 1237, 1238, 1239. Optional not spec¬ ified Mother, expectant mother CHILO NO pro¬ vision Resident of County and city or County 1 yr immediately preceding applica¬ tion. Mother and/or expectant mother - indigent; widow; unmarried; 0eserted by hu6band; hu8band inmate of institu¬ tion or unable to support children; suitable person to bring up children and allowance necessary to properly do so. Child - indigent; mother or both parents dead. Home - home life and surroundings such THAT CHILO IS SOLE BENEFICIARY OF RELIEF GIVEN. IN CA6E8 OF DESERTION, COUNTY ATTORNEYS PROSECUTE TO OBTAIN RETURN OF HUSBAND. Amount not specified. County or City and County Board of Child Ielfare. no provision County or Clty and County (Qeneral fund) NO PROVISION NO PRO¬ VISION.