M ° rt h we s te r n FEB 2 4 193G DOCUMENTS University ROOM Library Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator Corrinston Gill Howard B. Myers, Director Assistant Administrator Social Research Division % DIGEST OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE LAWS OF THE SEVERAL STATES AND TERRITORIES • AS OF FEBRUARY 1, 1936 PREFACE This digest of State olo age assistance laws has been prepared to indicate the extent to which existing State legislation conforms with the pro¬ visions of theFeoeral Social Security Act (Public - No. 271 - 7Hth Congress) (h.R. 7260). The Fed¬ eral Act oefines certain requirements which must be met before feoeral funds can be made available. Some of these call for specific state legislation; others may possibly be met by the establishment of proper administrative procedures. the material here presenteo covers only thelegislat ive aspects. The requirements of the federal act are sub¬ stantially as follows: 1 a state plan must be submitteo by the State to the Social Security Board. It must be state-wioe, and, if admin¬ istered by political subdivisions, must be mandatory upon them. 2 Financial participation by the State must be provideo in the state plan. However, State financial participa¬ tion is not necessary before july 1, 1957, where the board finos the state is so prevented by its constitution. 5 a single State agency must be estab¬ lished or designated to administer or supervise the administration of the State plan. *4 The plan must provide methoos of administration (other than those relating to selection, tenure, and compensation of personnel) necessary for the efficient operation of the plan. 10 Persons whose claims for assistance have been denied must be permitted an opportunity for a fair hearing before the state agency. State residence requirements may not exceed 5 years within last 9 years. One year of residence immediately preceding application may be required. United States citizens may not be disqualified, as for example, a requirement that a recipient must have been a citizen for a certain period. After January 19<40, the State plan must provide an age limit of not over 65 years, but until then a 70-year limit is permissible. one half of any recovery by the State from the estates of a recipient must be pa10 to the un i ted states. At the present time 2U State statutes (Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Miss¬ issippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming) and 2 territories (District of Columbia ano Hawaii) appear to conform to the provisions of the Federal Act. The Governor of Utah has been authorized to accept any executive or legislative act of the Federal Government whereby the State is authorized to participate in the distri¬ bution of funds by the federal government. ThIS may aod another .State to the list of those eligible to receive Federal funds for old age assistance. Reports must be submitted by the State authorities in such form and containing such information as may be requireo by the social security Board. Prepared by ROBERT C. LOWE and Staff Legal Research Section under the supervision of HENRY B. ARTHUR, Assistant Director Division of Social Research Z>:> J-U vl ^ . 10 ^ °u X State CI ta T I on nature of Lav Qualifications maximum Allowance Aoministration source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board liens Age requ1 re¬ cent clti2en- 6hip Res 1dence social conditions Limitation on Property and income Direct Responsibility Supervisory Rebponbibil1 ty state provisi0n6 for re im- bur6ement to feoeral government alabama laws (1935), s.b. 397 Mandatory 65 yr8. ClT izen of u.s. Resident of State 5 of 9 yrs immediately preceding appli¬ cation, 1 of 5 yrs must im¬ mediately precede application (Recipient paid entirely from State funds, until residence of 1 year acquired in county ) Applicant has not during the last 10 years been imprisoned upon a conviction for a felony; is not an inmate of a public institution; 18 not at time of application, nor has been for the last year, an inmate of any prison, jail, in8ane asylum or other public reform or correctional institution; during 10 years next preceding ap¬ plication, if a husband, has not for 6 months or wore deserted his vife, without just cause,fail¬ ed to support h18 vife or hi8 children under 16 years of age; if a vife, has not for 6 months or more deserted her husband, or, without just cause, fa!leo to support such children under 16 years of age, whom she va6 legally bound to 6upp0rt. Annual income includ¬ ing Pension must not exceed $360. Applicant has not directly or in¬ directly disposed or deprived him6elf of any property for purpose of qualifying. $30. per month. (veteran6 $50. per month). County Depart¬ ment of Public ■elfare and County Govern¬ ing body . State Depart¬ ment of Publ i*c ■elfare and county govern¬ ing body. State Depart¬ ment of publ ic ■elfare pre¬ scribes rules and regulations and reviev8 all actions of local bodies. State 50* (1/3 of 1 mill tax levied for confederate Pensions, adoitional appropriation) County 50% {General fund) State Department required to give applicant prompt hearing Requ1 red for total amount of assistance granted, subject to dower, homestead and personal prop¬ erty exemption of a surviving widow. transfer of prop¬ erty to county Governing Body may be requ1 red. 50* Recovery paid to u.s. government. ARIZONA Revised Code Supp-. (1934), C.55-A Sec. 2492 Mandatory 70 yh6. citizen of u.s. continuous re8i0ence in the State tor not less than 35 years next preceding applica¬ tion; absences from state,not exceeding total of 5 year8 or ab8ence in service of state or u.s.,not deemed to inter¬ rupt continuous residence. Applicant not a guest or inmate of any public institution; receives no other form of relief from state except hospitalization, medical and 8urgical expenses. Annual income from all sources, not to exceeo $300. income from prop¬ erty computed at 3* . appl1 cant has not alienateo or transfer¬ red or 0ive6te0 himself oirectly or indirectly of any property for purpose of being eli¬ gible for abb 18tance• $30. per month. County Old Age Pension com¬ mission. Annual report to State auo1 tor. State 67* (General fund) county 33* (General fund) no provision no provision for total amount granted wlth interest at 3* . Double recovery if property exceeds amount allowed. Apportioned to state and county on ba8i6 of their contribution. none arkansas Laws,(1935), act 321, 322 Mandatory (65 yrs; (may be 70 un t1l Jan . 1, 1940. ) No pro¬ vision Has resided in State continu¬ ously 5 years next preceding fil ing of application. Applicant not an inmate of any insane asylum, eleemosynary institution, or serving a penal sentence in any jail or prison; not receiving any other pension, either state or feoeral, except confederate or blind pensions. income not to exceeo $1. per day, or assets not to exceeo $300, exclusive of homestead exempt ion of $2500. Applicant has not di¬ rectly or indirectly depriveo himself of property for purpose of qualifying for assistance. $30. per month. State Commis¬ sion of Public ■elfare. Assisteo by County Public ■elfare Board. none state Old Age Pension fund derived from liquor, chew¬ ing gum, blot machines, racing and 8ale8 tax. State Boaro makes initial and final decision. no hear¬ ing before State boaro provided for. requ)reo. for total amount As A 2nd cla88 claim (no exemptions) in ca6e of 8urviving spouse, estate not 6ettled until death, remarriage, or failure to oc¬ cupy homestead. Double recovery for ml8repre6entati0n as to value of property. no specific provision but annual report as to amount due u.s.(re¬ quired. com¬ mission em¬ powered to perform any necessary reasonable act required by Federal government. state Citation Nature of lav qualifications maximum Allowance Administration Source of Funds Fair hearing Before State Department Report to Federal board Ll £n8 4qe require¬ ment Citizen¬ ship resioence Social Conditions Limitation on Property and Income d irect responsibility Supervisory Responsibility state pr0vi8ions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government CALIFORNIA Acts (1929), CH.530, (1931) CH.600,(1933) CM.633, 040 (1935) hanoa tory 65 yr8. Citizen of u.s. Resided in Strte and has so resided continuously for 15 year6 immediately preceding application (continuous resi¬ dence not deemed interrupted by per 1008 totaling not more than 3 years), or ha8 re8i0e0 in State 40 years 5 of vhich have immediately preceded application, continuous resi¬ dence in county 1 year im¬ mediately preceding applica¬ tion. If Federal aid granted, 5 of 9 years immediately pre¬ ceding application. (IF applicant has not re8ided in county 1 year, pen61 oh paid Applicant is not while receiving aid an inmate of any public or private home for aged, or any public or private institution of a custodial, correctional or curative character; has no person able ano responsible under lav for hi6 support. Real property must not exceed $3000. Personal property must not ex- ceeo $500. income from all sources mu6t not exceed $35 per month. Applicant has not made a voluntary assignment or tran8fer of property for purpose of quali¬ fying for aid. $35. per month. County Boards of Supervisors State Depart¬ ment of Social Welfare which may appoint a local super¬ visory body to assist County Authorities. State 50* (General fund) County 50* (Property tax) Direct appeal allowed to state Department of social telfare. no prov181 on for actual hearing. no specific provision. governor empowered to enter into all necessary agreements re¬ quired by u.s. government* for total amount out of property not exempt from execution. Recovery of double amount pa id in exce86 of that which recipi¬ ent legally en¬ titled to, if value of property exceeds legal limit. Proportion- ate share repaid to U. S. Government. COLORADO Lavs,(1933), CM. 144, 145 amcn0e9 my n. 6. 810 (1935) hamMTMV 65 yrs. Citizen or u.S.if Federal aid grant ed,re¬ quirement! may be altered to con¬ form has re8ided in staf* 15 years; resident and citizen of county 1 year immediately preceding application.(Absence in serv¬ ice of State or U.S. no. deem¬ ed to interrupt re6idence if nev domicile not acquired). Ir Federal aid granted, requirements may be altered to conform. Applicant ib not, at date of making application, an innate of any prison, jail or w0rkh0u8e, insane asylum or any other public correctional institution; 18 not receiving aio or necessities of life fron any charitable institution na1n— taineo by State or private subscription; has no one leqallv responsible for his support; 16 in want or needs financial aid or assistance. County Court may re¬ quire transfer to county Pension fund all property in excess of $2500. Income from all sources including pen¬ sion not to exceed $ 1. per day. income from non-revenue producing property computed at 5* . Applicant has not directly or indirectly, deprived himself of property for purpose of qualifying for pension. $ 1 . per day Board of County comm18810ner6 at direction of county court. If Federal Act requires administrati on by State Agency, official Colorado State Relief Com- ml ttee. Annual reports to Secretary of State. If Federal Act requires State superv1s1 on, official Colorado state Relief Com¬ mittee. State 95* Liquor tax, 65* Liquor license Revenue Medicinal liquor l1 cense and taxes, lo* add 1t1onal incorporation fee, 10* add 1t1onal inker 1tance tax, e8cheat6, $100,000 per month from Emergency Re¬ lief Fund. Local 65* Liquor License revenue. Appeal allowed to State District and Supreme Courts. Duty imposed on Official Colorado State Relief Committee, to conform to federal Act, would require them to qrant hearing. not specific¬ ally provided for. Duty im¬ posed on official Colorado State Relief Com¬ mittee to con¬ form to Federal Act would require it to make 8uch rep0rt8. for total amount of pension paid 3* to county 0lo Age Pension fund. Specific provisions for REruNOS to Federal Government or required amount. state c1 ta t 1 on nature of Law oualifications max 1 mum Allowance Adminis tration source of Funds Fair hearing Before State Department report to Federal board Ll EXS Age require- men t Citizen¬ ship re81dence Social Conditions LlMITATIONS ON Property and Income Direct re6p0nsibility Supervisory responsibility state ProviSIONS for Reim¬ bursement to Federai governmen, CONNECTICUT CM. 110, (1935), 5.B. 705, 763. Mandatory 65 yrw. Citizen of u.s. Residence in State 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application, 1 of which has continuously and immediately preceded application. Applicant ha6 not sufficient means to support himself on a reasonable standard of health and decency, and has no one legally responsibile and able to support him) is not receiving insti¬ tutional care at public or private expense) is not serving a sentence in a penal institution and is not on probation from any court) has pa 10 taxes for the full extent of his obligation. (Old Age Assistance Tax) Recipient must give State a lien on real property. Applicant has not made an assignment or transfer or other disp06ition of money for purp06e of quali¬ fying for aid. $7. per Week State Bureau of Old Age Assistance assisted by chief execu¬ tive author- 1 ty of town. no provision Annual State tax of $2,100,000 on towns secureo by an annual per $3 on all per¬ sons between 21 and 60. State Bureau of Old Age Assistance required to hold hearing. not specific¬ ally provided for but State Bureau autho¬ rized to adopt rules and regulat1ons necessary to conform to Federal Act. state given 8pecific claim with intere8t at 4% . double re¬ covery allowed on any fund8 paid becau8e of m18repre8entat10n8 etc. State Bureau authorized to a dop rules and regulations ano to EXE¬ cute 61 ch instruments as may ee nece86ary for com- pliance with Federal Act. DELAWARE lam, (1931), CM. 85 Mandatory 65 yr6. no pro- vi8ion re6i0ent of u.s. 15 year6> Resided in State not les6 than 5 year6. (temporary a88ence8 not considered). Applicant has no child or any other person capable and responsible for hi6 support; by assistance of State can enjoy the essentials of life, of which he would 0therwi8e be deprived; receives no other assistance from state; is not an inmate of any prison, jail, workhouse, infirmary, insane asylum or any public reform, correctional, charitable, or benevolent insti¬ tution; ha6 not been during the period of i year prior to making application, a profes¬ sional tramp or beggar. Annual income from all sources including pension, not to exceed $300. Applicant has not deprived himself, oirectly or indirectly, of any property or income, for purpose of obtaining assistance. $25. per month. State Old Age Welfare Com¬ mission. no provision other than annual report to governor. State (General fund) no specific provision. State Department makes necessary inves¬ tigation. no provision no pr0vi8i0n no provision FLORIDA Lam, (1935), 5.B. 606. Optional 65 yr6 or infirm persons regardle66 OF age. (?er8uns under age limit NOT 10 receive Federal funds ). Cltizen of u.s. Resident of State for 10 years continuously and im¬ mediately preceding applica¬ tion. Resident in county 1 year immediately preceding application, if Federal aio is granteo, a state residence of 5 of the 9 years immediate¬ ly preceding application. Applicant must not because of his physical condition be in nee0 of continued institutional care; must not have a criminal record which would deprive such person of rights of citizen¬ ship under laws of united state8 or florida, and where 8uch right6 have not been restored by law¬ ful authority; is not serving a prison sentence for the commission of any felony or misdemeanor; no one receiving old age assistance shall at same t ijwe, receive any other relief or pension from State or any political subdivision thereof. Must not be in receipt of income of more than $400 per year nor own property above the h0me8tead exemption. Applicant has not made a voluntary assignment or transfer of property for purpose of qualify¬ ing for such assist¬ ance For one person $35.per month, more than 1 person in family $60 per month when combined wlth Federal grants. State Pension board and County Com¬ missioners. none County*. taxes and appropriations from general funo. State : Confederate Pension fund Not specifically provided for but all grants passed upon by State Pension Board and it may investigate doubtful cases. State Pension Board empowered to make rep0rt8 no provision no provmon state Citation nature of lav Qualifications maximum Allowance Administration source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Ll en 6 Age requ1 re- ment c1t1 zen— sh 1 p Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and income dlrect Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility State pr0vi8i0n6 for Reim¬ bursement to Federal government. IDAHO Lavs, (l93l), ch . 16. manda tory 65 years c1tizen of U.S. for 15 years Continuous resioence in State for 10 years immediately pre¬ ceding application or resi¬ dent of State 15 years 5 of vhich have immediately pre¬ ceded application. county residence of 3 years immedi¬ ately preceding application. (Continuous State residence not interrupted by occasional absence6 totally less than 1 year or absence in service of State or U.S. ). Applicant has not during the 10 years immedi¬ ately preceding date of application been imprisoned for any offense punishable v1th imprisonment in state penitentiary; has not during said period, for a period of 6 months or upvard, de6erted his vife or without ju6t cause failed to provioe adequate means of maintenance, or neglected to maintain and provide for such of his children under age of 15 years; or if a vife, deserted her husband or such of her chil¬ dren as were under age; has not been within one year preceding application, a professional tramp or beggar; has no per60n legally respon¬ sible for his support; receives no other form of relief from the state or any political subdivision thereof. income from all sources including pension not to exceed $300. (income frou property including h0me6tead computed at 5%.) Applicant has not deprived himself, directly or indirectly, of any property for purpose of qualifying for aid. $25 per month. County Old Age Pension comm1ss1 on . Annual report to State Department of Public Ielfare. County (Poor or Current expense fund) no provision no provision For total amount at death of pensioner or surviving spouse with interest at 5 double recovery for pension received because of m1srepresen ta t1 on, etc. No provision ILLINOIS H.B. 940, {1935); la«6 or (1935), 18t 5pec.se86. H.B. NO. I-X. manoa tory 65 years Ci rizen of l.s. Residence in State for at least 5 years V1th1n the 9 years immediately preceding application, the last year of vhich continuous and immedi¬ ately prior to application. Resioence not established WH0Ll.Y or in part for the purpose of coming vi thin the provisions of this act. must reside continuously vi thin the state vhile receiving assistance, but may leave for a period not exceeoing 90 days, and for longer periods if the permission of the county velfare division is secured. Absence from State, vhile in service of the state or nation not counteo, if a residence is not acquired outside of the state. Applicant is not an inmate of or being main¬ tained by any municipal, county, state or National institution; has no children legally responsible for his 6upp0rt and able to support him; provided, that vhile such children do not support him; assistance is granted and recovered from them. assistance is granted if applicant is an inmate of or 18 being maintained by a private institution in vhich he has not purchase! care and maintenance or where the amount pa 10 has been wholly consumed. income not to exceed $30 per month. (computed at 2% non- income producing prop¬ erty) Property not to exceed $5,000 value- no voluntary or involun¬ tary assignment or tran6fer of property to qualify for relief at any time within 5 years immediately prior to application; no transfer to increase neeo for assistance. Amount which when added to all other income does not exceed $30 per month, nor a dollar a day for a frac¬ tion of a month. County Depart¬ ments of Public Ielfare. State Depart¬ ment of Public •elfare. State (General fund) Appeal allowed to the State Depart¬ ment of Public •elfare, and then to the Circuit Court. Requireo of State Depart¬ ment of Public •elfare. Full amount paid is claim against estate but not claim en- ' forced against sur¬ viving spouse if not more than 15 years younger and does not remarry. double recovery for fal6e representations. Recovery from legal¬ ly responsible chil¬ dren. Recovery for over payment when recipient becomes possessed of prop¬ erty. payment to u.s. of 1/2 of money recovered with respect to as8ist*- ance granted with the ai0 of the u.s. State Citation nature OF Law Qualifications Maximum Allowance adm in 1 strat 1 on source of fund6 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Liens Aqe Require¬ ment c1t1zen- 8h ip Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property ano Income Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility State provisions For reim¬ bursement To Federal Government indiana Laws, ((933), CH. 36 mandatory 7t> yr6 Citizen of U.S. for 15 year8 Continuous residence in State and county for 15 years. (ab8ence8 totally not more than 3 years or absence in service of State or U.S. not Deemed to interrupt continu¬ ous re8idence ) Applicant is not an inmate of any jail, work¬ house, prison, or other public correctional institution; has not been convicted of a felony during the 5 years immediately preceding appli¬ cation} if a husband, has not, without just cause, failed to support hi6 wife and children under 15 year8 of age, for a period of 3 years or more immediately preceding application; if a wife, has not, without ju8t cause, deserted her husband, or children unoer 15 years of age, for a period of 3 year8 or more immediately preced¬ ing application; has not, within 3 years pre¬ ceding application, been a professional tramp or beggar} ha8 no person legally responsible and able to support him; is not an inmate of, nor receives necessities of life from, any state correctional or charitable institution; receives no other relief from state. Value of property of recipient or husband and wife not to exceed $1000. monthly income from all sources in¬ cluding pension must not exceed $15. income of non-revenue produc¬ ing property computed at 5*. county commis¬ sioners may demand transfer of property to them. Applicant has not transferred or assigned property for purpose of qualifying. $180. per annum. Board of Coun¬ ty commis¬ sioners Annual Report to State Audi tor. county 50* (general fund) State 5c* (general fund) no provision; appeal alloweo applicant or tax¬ payer to County Circuit, Superior or Probate Court. no provision for total amount at death of pen¬ sioner or surviv¬ ing spouse with intere8t at 3* no pro¬ vision 10* A General Acts (1933-34 Ex) Ch. 19,(1935) CM. 55 mandatory 65 yr6 Citizen of u.s Domiciled continuously in State for 9 years immediately preceding application. (con¬ tinuous domicile not deemed to be interrupted by absence totaling 4 years). state residence of 5 year6 of the 9 years immediately preceding application 1 of which must be continuous and immediately precede application. (tempo¬ rary ab8ence of 30 day6 or ab8ence as a patient or in service of State or U.S. not deemed to interrupt continu¬ ous residence). Applicant is not an inmate of any prison, jail, w0rkh0u8e, insane asylum, or other public reform or correctional institution; for six months or more during the 10 year8 preceding application, if a husband, has not deserted his wife, without just cau8e, or failed to support her and his children under the age of 15 years; if a wife, has not without just cause 0e8erte0 her husband or failed to 8upp0rt her children unoer age of 15 years} has not within 2 years preceding ap¬ plication been a professional tramp or beggar; has no per60n legally responsible and able to support him; receive? no other assistance erom State, but such shall not deprive the spouse or "dependents of recipient from receiving any other form of a 10. value of real property, lfss recorded liens not to exceed $2000, if married $3000. cash or investments not to ex¬ ceed $300. Securities in excess of $300 may be transferred to commis¬ sion in trust. Annual income from all sources not to exceed $25 per month. (income from non- revenue producing real estate les8 recorded liens computed at 5*). Applicant has not, directly or indirectly, deprived himself of property for purpose of qualifying. $25. per month State Old Age Assistance Commission Assisted by County Old Age Assistance Board. Pensions grant¬ ed by State comm1881 on State (Poll tax) No provision; applicant or tax payer to County District court, which decision is final. no pro v 1 8 1 on On real estate of husband or wife for total amount granted at death of surviving 8p0use if latter not more than 15 years younger and does not remarry. (llen does not apply to indian' tr1 be8). commission may demand an absolute conveyance a3 a condition to the grant. no pro¬ vision *< State Citation nature of la* Qualifications Maximum Allowance administration source of Funds •Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal board Liei* S Aqe require- MENT c1t1 zen— ship re81dence social conditions Limitations On Property and Income Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility State pr0visions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government KENTUCKY Kentucky Statutes (1930), sec. 9381-1- 9381-6 optional 76 yrs• Citizen of U.S. for 15 years Resioence in State ano County 10 years immfcdiately preced¬ ing application. Applicant is not a professional beggar;is not an inmate of any state, county or charitable insti¬ tution} has no person legally responsible and able to support him. income not to exceed $400, property not to exceed $2500. Applicant has not deprived him¬ self, directly or in¬ directly, of property for purpose of qual1- fying. $250 per annum County Fiscal Court or County Commissioners. No provision county (general fund) no provision no provision for total amount plu8 3* interest on property of Pen¬ sioner or surviving spouse if both were pensioned. No pro¬ vision MAINE Laws,(1933) mandatory 65 yrs Citizen of u.s. Residence of i year in City or town, continu0u6 re81 dence of 15 years in state preceding application,(continuous resi¬ dence not interrupted by ab¬ sences under 1 year totaling less than 3 year8) or state residence of 25 year6 5 of which have immediately pre¬ ceded application. Applicant is not at time of making application an inmate of any prison, jail, in6ane asylum, or any public reform or correctional institution; ha8 not during the 10 years immediately preced¬ ing application been in prison for 4 months or more for an offense for which he was 8entence0 without option of a fine; has not for a period of 15 years, if a husband deserted his wife or failed to support his children under 15 year8 of age, if a wife, oeserted her husbano ano failed to support such children, as bound to support; has not been within 2 years preceding 8uch application a professional tramp or beggar; has no person able to support him. value of property must je less than $300,dwel¬ ling house exempt. in¬ come from all sources, including pension, not to exceeo $1. per day. Applicant has not de¬ prived him6elf, direct- „y or indirectly, of any property for pur¬ pose of qualifying. $1 . per day (may be in¬ creased in case of illness) Local Old Age Pension boards State Depart¬ ment of Health ano Welfare has actual super¬ vision of local author 1ties. Cities, Towns, Plantations 50* Staje 50* Appeal allowed to State Department of Health and Welfare no provision for total amount plus 5* interest. 50* of proceeds to local 1 ties ano 50* to State. Local authorities may if they deem necessary attach property of recipient during his life time. No pro¬ vision MARYLAND CM .592 (1935), a6 amended by Cm.586 (1935). mandatory 65 yrs cltizen of u.s. for 15 years Residence in State 5 of 10 years immediately preceding application. (Continuous residence not interrupted by ab8ence in service of state or u.s. ) Applicant is not an inmate of any prison, jail, workhouse, insane asylum, or any public cor¬ rectional institution; is not inmate of nor receiving necessities of life from any insti¬ tution wholly maintained by the state; during period of 10 years immediately preceding appli¬ cation, has not been imprisoned for a felony; if a husband, has not, without just cause, failed to 8upp0rt his wife and children under age of 16 years for six months or more during 15 years preceding filing application; has not, within 1 year preceoing such application, been a pro¬ fessional tramp or beggar; has no person legally responsible and able to support him; mu8t not receive any other form of relief while receiving 8uch aid from state. income from all sources including pension, not to exceed $1. per day. appl1 cant has not, 31rectly or indirectly oepr1ved h imself of property for purpose of qualifying. $1. per day . Counties •elfare Boards. City of baltimore Department of Welfare. Board of State A id and Chari- ties prescribes rules ano regulations. Local boards report annually to Board of State Aid and Charities State 2/3 - State Pension Fund. Counties and Baltimore City 1/3 general fund. Required no specific prov181 on, but board g1ven authority to do all thing6 nec¬ essary to take advantage of Federal Act. Lien for total amount of a id,plus 3* interest. Lien in pro¬ portion to amount contributed, proceeds deemed part of State's allotment from u.s. State Cl tat ion nature or Las dualifica ions Maximum Allowance Admini tra t1 on Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Liens Age Require- ment Citizen¬ ship re6ioence Social Conditions limitat ions on Property and Income Direct re8p0n8ibili ty supervisory resp0n8ibility State Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government MASSACHUSETTS MAN&a tory 70 yrs Deserving c 1 t1 zens Resided in State 5 years our- ing the 9 years immediately preceding application, 1 of which must be continuous and immediately precede applica¬ tion. no person receiving old age assistance shall be deemed a pauper by reason thereof; such rule8 as the Department of Public Melfare may pre¬ scribe . no prov161 on no specific provisions- Assistance sufficient to provide suit¬ able and decent cAre. County or City Public Ielfare boards. State Depart¬ ment of Public ■elfare super¬ vises work done ano meas¬ ures taken by local Boards of Public ■elfare. Cities and Towns 2/3 (General fund) State 1/3 (Liquor Reve¬ nue and Proper¬ ty tax ) Appeal allowed to Board wi thin State Department of Public Ielfare. No provi8ion no provision No pro¬ vision Ma 68• acts, (1930), ch. 402 Amended •v cms. 219, 205, 328, (1933), cm. 494, (1935). MICHIGAN Optional 70 until jan. 1, 1940. 65 there¬ after. cltizen of U.S. Resident of State for at lea8t 10 years immediately preceding application. if Federal aid qranteo State residence of 5 of the immed¬ iate preceding 9 years and continuous residence in the State for i year next preced¬ ing application. Applicant must not be an inmate of any prison, jail, workhouse, insane asylum or other public reform or correctional institution; if a husband, must not, for six months or more during the 10 years preceding application have deserted'his wife and failed to support her and his children under sixteen year6 of age; if a wife, has not, without just cause, deserted her husband or fa 1 leo to support such of her children a8 were under the age of 16 and as she was bound to support; has not, within 1 year preceding appli¬ cation been a professional tramp or beggar; has no person legally responsible and able to sup¬ port him; has not been convicted of a felony within 5 years immediately preceding applica¬ tion; is not because of his physical or mental condition in need of institutional care, pro¬ vided that the bureau may upon due investigation pay all the pension to 8uch persons when prop¬ erly cared for by relatives who are not legally required or are them8elves unable to care for such persons; 18 found, upon due investigation, to be unable to regularly earn an income of at lea8t $1. per day on account of age, infirmity, given inmates of any charitable, benevolent or fraternal institution must be paid to the autho¬ rities of the institution and applied toward de¬ fraying the actual expense8 of such inmate in the institution. Real estate not to ex¬ ceed $3500, or personal property not to exceed $1000. $500 exemption on household goods. in¬ come from all sources including pension not to exceed $30 per month ($50 annual exemption). income on non-revenue producing property computed at 3%. Applicant has not divested himself di¬ rectly or indirectly of an income or property for the purpose of qualifying. $30. per month County Old Age Assistance board and county Ielfare Agent. State Old Age Ass 1 stance Bureau in State Ielfare Department re¬ views all determinations of County officialb. State (general fund) Hearing allowed before Director of State Ielfare Department. Fur¬ ther appeal on matters of law to County Circuit court. required For total amount plus interest at 3 \/2% . not effec¬ tive against sur¬ viving spouse if not more than 15 years younger ano does not remarry. Assignment of pro¬ perty may be re¬ quired a6 condi hon to relief. Proportion of Federal contribu¬ tions to be paid to U.S. Treasury. Mich. Acts (1935) no. 159 q'jalirications ADM in 16 tration Lie "ns Provisions state C 1 ta t1 on nature Age Citizen- l im 1 tat ions on Maximum Direct Supervisory Source of Fa ir Hearing Report to for Reim¬ or LA* Require¬ ment sh 1 p residence Social Conditions Property and income Allowance responsibility responsibili ty Funds Before State Department Federal Board State bursement to Federal Government MINNESOTA LAIS or minn. (1936), 1st spec.sessj/' h.8. 264—x. mandatory 65 years clt1 zen Resident of State for 5 years Applicant is not receiving any other relief from Applicant has not, or $30 per month . board of coun¬ State Board of State Appeal allowed to Cooperation On oeath of From any or resid¬ or more within the 9 years state or any political subdivision, except for spouse has not, direct¬ ty commission¬ Control. Reimburses State Board of with Federal recipient or amount ed con- immediately preceding appli¬ medical, dental, surg 1cal or hospital assistance ly or ino1rectly, de¬ ers or poor county 33 1/3 % control which must board including 6urviv0r of recovered, t inuously cation, at least 1 year of or nur6ing care} neither an inmate of, nor prived h imself of any Commission, from State grant a fair hear¬ making of married couple, share of in the which must have been continu¬ receiving gratuitously the necessities of life property for purpose of where one ex¬ general fund, ing . Further reports as may total amount of a 1 d proceeds u.s. for ous and immediately preceoing from any public charitable, cu6t00ial or correc¬ qualifying. income ists} county 50% from appeal allowed to be required. granted, without due under over 25 application. *hen a person tional institution} is not, because of physical from all sources, in¬ commissioners Federal funds district court and interest, allowed terms of years. mas been a resident of the or mental condition, in need of continued insti¬ cluding pen6i0n, must may delegate (if full 50% State Supreme as claim aga1nst social State at least 2 years contin¬ tutional care and such care is reasonably avail¬ not exceed $30 monthly. duties to not available, court. e6tate. security uously and immediately preced¬ able; no child or spouse reasonably able to Irregular or casual Board of Pub¬ then available Act. ing application but has not contribute. earnings and gifts of lic »elfare, Federal funds resioed therein 5 years within less than $100 per year where one pa 1d ratably the 9 year period, there may may be excluded in exists, Board ano propor¬ be added to the years of calculating income. 8ubject to tionately to actual residence within the 9 Property of pensioner supervision of countie8 in year period a credit for year6 and spouse not to county commis¬ proportion of actual residence in the exceed $3,500. sioners. which total State preceding the 9 year amount paid by period on a graduated basis each county according to previous length bears to total of residence before absence amount paid by from State. One year contin¬ all counties.) uous residence in county county tax levy constitutes county legal set¬ sufficient to tlement, or county of longest pay county residence during year immedi¬ share. Funeral ately preceding application expenses 50/50 date. Absence in service of State and State or U.S. not deemed to County. interrupt residence if new domicile not acquired. i/. Effective March 1, 1936. qualificat ions Administration LI state citation nature of law Age requ1re- ment cit1 zen- shi p residence social conditions Limitations on Property ano income Maximum Allowance Direct responsibility supervi60ry responsibility source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board State provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal government MISSISSIPPI miss. laws 1st spec-sess. (1934), legislature s.0. 2—x, 9—x ■ \J mandatory 65 years no pro- vis 1 on Applicant has resided in the State for at least 5 years within the 9 years immediately preceding application, the last year of which must be continuous ano immediately precede the filing of appli¬ cation, is resident of county in which application is made. applicant has no relatives legally responsible for his support, who are reasonably able, together or individually, to support him} is not an inmate of or maintained by any municipal, State, national or private institution; doe6 not maintain or contribute to support of any able-bodied person over 18 years of age, other than husband or wife. Applicant has not suf¬ ficient income when added to contributions, in money, substance or services, from other sources, to provide a reasonable subsistence compatible with decency and health} has not made an assignment or tran8fer of property for purpose of qualify¬ ing for assistance, at any time within 5 yrs•, immediately prior to filing application. Home may not exceed as8essed valuation of $1,000. Amount when added to all other income to be sufficient to provide person with a reasonable subsi6tence compatible with decency and health. County Depart¬ ment of Emergency relief State Depart¬ ment of Emergency Relief super¬ vises expendi¬ ture of funds and directs the adminis¬ tration of all relief activi ties undertaken by the state ano county Departments, and 18 respon¬ sible for the aooption of all pol icie8, rule6 and regulations for the government of the State ano county Departments. state (Emergency relief fund) 2/ Appeal to State Department of Emergency Relief allowed. Required For total amount of assistance pa id; if found that recipient has obtaineo funds by fal6e representa¬ tion, double the amount of assist¬ ance paid in excess of amount to which recipient wa6 entitled, is allowed as claim. One-half of net amount recovered paid to u.s. ]/• Expires March I, 1936. 2/. $700,000 appropriated for social security purp08e8 for period from november I, 1935, TO february 29, 1936. administrative expense not to exceed \0%. state citation nature of Law Qualifications Maximum Allowance adm inistration Source of funds Fair Hearinq Before State Department Report to Federal Board Lie ,6 Age require¬ ment cl tlzen- ship Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and income direct Responsibili ty Supervisory responsibil1ty State Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government MISSOURI LAWS,(1935), p. 178, 308 Mandatory 70 yrs citizen of u.s. Residence in State for 5 years within 9 years immed¬ iately preceoing application, 1 year immediately precedinq application. (Absence in the service of State or U.S. not deemed to interrupt residence if new domicile not acquired). Applicant incapacitated from earning livelihood; not an inmate of any prison, jail, insane asylum, or any other public reformatory or cor¬ rectional institution; has no person legally responsible or able to 8upp0rt; if pensioner imprisoned, aid suspended during imprisonment; receipt of other public aid, except for medical and surgical assistance, disqualifies. value of property not to exceed $1500. if married and supporting spouse, not to exceed $2000. monthly income from all sources in¬ cluding pension not to exceed $30. husband $45. ($150. annual exemption ). $30. per month. Husband $45. County Old Age Assistance 80ar0. St. Louis Board of e6timate and Apportionment. State Old Age Assist¬ ance commis¬ sioner Reviews all actions of local boards. board of manager6 of the Eleemosy¬ nary institu¬ tions settles disputes be¬ tween local Boards ano State Commis¬ sioner, and makes final dec 1810NS• state (general fund) Decision of State board may be ap¬ pealed to State Circuit court. Required no provision no pro- 1 61 on MONTANA cm. 170, H.B. 343, (1935). manda tory 65 yrs Citizen of u.s. Residence in State 5 yearo within 10 years immediately preceding application. if applicant has not re8i0ed in county 1 year immediately precedinq application, pen¬ sion paid entirely from State funds. Applicant must not be an inmate of any public or private institution, except in the case of temporary medical or surgical care in a hospi¬ tal; is not, because of his physical or mental condition, in need of continued institutional care; receipt of other relief from state or any political subdivision thereof except meo1cal or surgical assistance, disqualifies. commission may require tran6fer of all property as condition to granting aid. Applicant has not made a voluntary assign¬ ment or transfer of property for purposes of qualifying. Income, when added to the con¬ tributions in money, substance or service from legally responsi¬ ble relative6 or others inadequate to provide reasonable subs 1 stance compatible with decency and health. 0 1 8cret1onary with county b0ard8. County Old Age Pen¬ sion commission Sta te Old Age Pension comm1681 on. (Montana Relief comm188 ion) make8 all rules ano regulations countie8 county Poor fund (tax levies) state Reimburses counties up to 75# from State Old Age Assist¬ ance fund (tax levies and Federal grants) Appeal allowed to State Old Age Pen¬ sion comm188 ion which must review case. Required Lien for total amount of aid,plu8 5# interest. no 8pecific provision, montana Relief Com¬ mission authorized to do all things nec¬ essary to conform to Federal re¬ quirements. Qualifications Administration Liens state c i ta t 1 on NATURE of law Aoe Requ1re- men t Citizen¬ ship kesidence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income Maximum Allowance Direct responsibil1ty Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board State prov1610n6 for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government NEBRASKA Laws (v935), ch.137. La*6 (1935- flrst 6p. se88. ), h.r. no. 3, 10, 16, 17. mandatory 65 year6 No pro¬ vision Resident of st*te five (5) years during the nine (9) years immediately preceding the application, and continu¬ ously for 1 year immediately preceding application, or - Resident of state for 25 con¬ secutive years at any time and resided in 8tate 1 year preceding date of application. Applicant is not, when assistance would other¬ wise commence, an inmate of any prison, jail, state insane asylum or state institution for blind, except temporary hospital care; is not receiving old age or other assistance, finan¬ cial or otherwise, at public expense; has no child or other person legally responsible and able to support him; aid to recipient not a bar for relief to the spouse or dependents of said recipient. Applicant has not, directly or indirect¬ ly, deprived himself of property for pur¬ pose of qualifying; has not during preced¬ ing 12 months an in¬ come from all s0urce6, money and property, of net value exceeding $360; income from property owned by ap- pl1 cant during said period computed at 5% of actual net value, no deduction made for reason of said prop¬ erty being a homesteao or otherwise exempt from legal process. / ■ $30 per month The County Assistance Coumittee acting ex of¬ ficio as the Old Age Assis¬ tance Board. The State Assistance committee through the Director of Assistance approves all grants of as¬ sistance, .and 8upervises the adminis¬ tration of the act. Statej State Assistance Fund derived from a $2 per capita tax and other sources desig¬ nated by the legislature. Appeal allowed to State Assist¬ ance committee. Required on death of reor¬ ient, total amount of aid granted shall be a lien upon his estate, but such lien 8hall not be enforced while property is occupied by a spouse or dependent of recipient. One half of pr0ceed8 of such lien shall be paid to the proper agency of uni ted States. NEVADA compiled Lam, (1929), Sec. 5109- 5136 lam, (1935), cm. 136. Optional 65 years Citizen of U.S. 15 year8. Actual resident of State 10 year6 next preceding appli¬ cation. Applicant is not, at date of making application, an inmate of any pri60n, jail, workhouse, in¬ sane a8ylum, or any other public reform, or cor¬ rectional institution^ for 6 months or more, during 10 years preceding date of application: if a hu8band, has not 0e8erted his wife or failed to 8upp0rt his children under the age of 15 years; if a wife, has not deserted her hus- bano, or failed to support her children, as were under age; has not, within one year of making application, been a professional tramp or beggar has no person legally responsible and able to support him. value of property of applicant or husband and wife l1ving to¬ gether must not ex¬ ceed $3000. Income from all s0urce8 in¬ cluding pension not to exceed $1 per day. (income of non-income producing property computed at 5%.) Applicant has not de¬ prived himself, di¬ rectly or indirectly, of any property for purpose of qualifying. $1 per day. Board of county commis¬ sioners. State board of relief work planning and pension con¬ trol. c0un ty j (general Fund) Appeal allowed to district court. No prov161 on For total amount plu8 interest at 3%. Double recov¬ ery for fal8e mis¬ representation. applicant may be required to trans¬ fer property to board a6 a condi¬ tion to relief. no pro¬ vision. state citation nature OF Law Qualifications adminis tration source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Lie HS Aqe Require¬ ment clt1 zen— sh 1 p re6idence social c0n0iti0n8 limitations on Property and Income Maximum Allowance Direct resp0nsi8ility Supervisory Responsibili ty state provi8 ions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government nr. hampshire mandatory 7*0 yrs clt 1 zen of u.s. Residence in State 5 years within 9 years immediately preceding application and continuously for 1 year im¬ mediately preceoing applica¬ tion. Applicant unable to support self and no person legally responsible or able to support him* is not an inmate of any private or fraternal insti¬ tution or charitable ll>6tituti0n of state or subdivision thereof, except in case of temporary medical or surgical care in hospital; is not, on account of physical condition, in need of con¬ tinued institutional care; is not an inmate of any prison, jail, workhouse, infirmary, insane asylum, or other public correctional institution; if a husband, has not, for six months or more during the 10 years preceding application, with¬ out just cause, failed to support wife or chil¬ dren under sixteen; has not been imprisoned for felony for 10 years preceding application; has not, within 1 year, been a habitual tramp, beggar or drunkard. income from all sources, including pen6ions, shall not exceed $30. per month. county com¬ missioners may require assignment of personal property as condition precedent to granting aid. Applicant has not deprived himself, e1ther 01rectly or indirectly, of any property for the pur¬ pose of qualifying. $30. per month county commissioners State Board of Welfare and Relief makes rules and regulations and rece1ve6 report from county commis¬ sioners. county 95% (general fund) s ta te 5% (general fund) Appeal allowed by applicant to state Board of Welfare and Relief. Decisions of the Board are final. State may, on own motion, review any decision of county commissioners. Required Lien for total amount of a 10. Share of proceeds allocated to u.s. in proportion to contri¬ bution. h,8. 448, (1935) NFW jersey laws, (l93l), ch- 219, as amended by Laws,(1933 ), ch. 149; a8 amended by laws,(1935). ch. 108 and 213 mandatory 70 yrs cltizen of u.s. Residence in State continu¬ ously for 15 years immediately preceding application. (Occasional absence not ex¬ ceeding 2 year8 not deemed to interrupt continuous residence. Absence of i year in the 5 years immediately preceding application interrupts contin¬ uous resioence) continuous residence in county 1 year im¬ mediately preceding applica¬ tion. Legal settlement in a County or State. Applicant is unable to maintain himself, in whole or in part; ha6 no chiloren or other persons legally responsible and able to support him; is not, becau6e of physical or mental condi¬ tion, in need of continued institutional care; has never been convicted of a felony or high misdemeanor; must not receive any other form of relief while receiving old age assistance; is not deemed a pauper by reason of receiving aid. Real and personal prop¬ erty must not exceed $3000. County Welfare Boards may require assignment of all prop¬ erty as condition pre¬ cedent to granting aid. Applicant has not made a voluntary assignment or transfer of property for purpose of qualify¬ ing. $ 1 . per day. County Direc¬ tor of Old Age relief and County Welfare Boards. If neither exist, County Board of Chosen Free¬ holders. Division of Old Age Relief of the Depart¬ ment of Insti¬ tutions and agencies makes rules and regu¬ lations and receive reports from the county boards. state 3/4 (inheritance taxes ) county l/4 (Property taxes) Appeal allowed to Division of Old Age Relief from county Boards deci8ions by applicant's filing petition with said Division. Division^ decision binding on county b0ard6. No provision lien for total amount of aid granted. no pro¬ vi si on State Ci tation Nature of law Qualifications maximum Allowance Administration source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department report to Federal Board li ins Age requ1 re— went cl t 1 zen- shi p Residence Social conditions llmitat ions on Property and income Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility State Provisions For Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government NEW YORK CAHILL'6 la»6 of N.y. , (l930), ch. 49 |/2,sec8. 122-125. CH. 668, {1935) Mandatory 70 years citizen of u.s. Resioence in state 10 years immediately preceding appli¬ cation. Residence in Welfare District 1 year immediately preceding application.(state Department authorized to sus¬ pend and adopt provisions and to make regulations nece88ary to conform to federal act) Applicant is unable to support himself, either in whole or in part; has no person legally re¬ sponsible and able to support him; is not at time an inmate of any pbulic or private home for aged, or any public home, or any public or private institution of a cu6t0d1al,correct 10nal or curative character, except for temporary meoical or surgical care in a hospital; is not because of his phy8ical or mental conoition in need of continued institutional care} persons 70 years of age ano over may receive other forms of relief if not receiving old age assistance. Applicant has not made voluntary assignment or transfer of property for purpose of qualify¬ ing. 018cret1onary with Public •elfare Officer Local Public Welfare Officials. State Depart¬ ment of social Welfare makes rules ano regulations and receives reports from local Agency. State l/2 (general fund) local Public Welfare Dis¬ trict l/2 (General fund) Appeal by appli¬ cant allowed to State Department of Social Welfare. State may review case on its own motion. no provision, State Depart¬ ment authorized to 6u8pend and adopt provi¬ sions and to make rules and regulat i0n8 necessary to conform to Feoeral Act. no provision no provision NORTH DAKOTA Mandatory 68 years cltizen OF U.S. Resided in State for 20 years immediately preceding appl1- cation.(Absence not exceeding 1 year or temporary absence in 6ervice of the state or u.s. not deemed to interrupt continuous resioence if new domicile not acquired). Applicant is without adequate means of support; has not habitually failed to work according to his ability, opportunity ano need, for main¬ tenance or benefit of himself and those legally dependent upon him; has not been a professional beggar, tramp or vagrant during any period of hi6 lief; has no children able and responsible under law to support him} is not an inmate of any municipal, state or national institution. Annual income from all sources including pen¬ sion not to exceed $150. income of non- revenue producing prop¬ erty computed at 5%. (homestead exempt ). County Boards may re¬ quire assignment of property bearing 3# interest as conoition precedent to granting aid. Applicant ha6 not d1 vested himself of property to qualify. $150 per year State Welfare Board,assisted by County Wel¬ fare Boards. State Board makes final decision. State (l/lo mill property tax) (Total Old Age pensi0n6 of any county in any year not to exceed 125% of amount of taxe8 col¬ lected for such county). Board of Public Welfare empowered to hear all ques¬ tions appealed from or suggested by County Boards.State boaro make6 regula¬ tions re procedure in all hearing6 • no provision Lien for total amount of aid, plu6 3% interest. in case of mis¬ representation, lien ooubled. no provision lawb,(1933), ch.254, law6, (1935), ch. 123, 221. ohio ohio cooe, (1935),Sees. 1359-1 to 1359-30, amended by H.B. 558-x, 1bt Spec.Se6S (1935). H.B. 646-x Mandatory 65 years cltizen of u.s. Resioent of State not le66 than 5 yrs during the 9 yr6 immediately prior to applica¬ tion} and continuous residence of 1 yr immediately prior to application. Residence in county not le6s than 1 yr im¬ mediately prior to application} provided,this condition may be waived if necessary to secure Federal Aid. (Occasional ab¬ sences not exceeoing 3 months, or absence on business of State or U.S. not deemed to interrupt continuous residence. ) Applicant is not an inmate of any penal or cor¬ rectional institution or state hospital; ha8 not during period of 15 yr6 immediately prior to filing application, for A period of 6 m0nth8 or more, if A husband, deserted his wife, or with¬ out just cau8e faileo or neqlecteo to maintain and provide for her and his children under 15 yrs, or,if A wife, de6erted her husband or chil¬ dren under 15 years; is unable to support him¬ self} ha8 no person legally responsible and able to support him. income not to exceed >300 per yr. Income of yon—revenue prooucing property computed at 5% yet value le86 encum- 3rance6 on all property yot to exceed $3,000. ($4,000 if married). transfer of all property hay be required as con¬ dition preceoent. ap¬ plicant has not, 0irect- ly or indirectly,de¬ prived himself of prop¬ erty to qualify. $25 per month. ( if married not to exceed $50 per month for pensioner ano spouse) County Board of Aid for Aged. Where none, the county commis¬ sioners. div181on of aid for ageo of State Depart¬ ment,of Public Welfare makes rules and regu¬ lations and must approve,modi fy or reject the certificate of aid made by county b0ar08} administers and expends Federal funds. State (General fund) to reimburse rom $1 per gallon liquor tax . Appeal allowed to Division. Required. Lien for total amount of a id,with 4% interest;ooubled in ca6e of mis¬ representation. State pays u.s. such share or portion of net amounts collected as may be re¬ quired by Act of Congress. State cl tat ion oual1f1cat ions Max 1 mum Allowance Administration source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report To Federal Board li ens Nature of Law Age Require¬ ment ClT1 2 en— sh ip Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income Direct Responsibil1ty Supervisory Responsibility State Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government OKLAHOMA Mandatory Male 60 year8 Female 55 years (Appli- cants who are 65 and qual¬ ify under Federal Act given prefer¬ ence ) Cltizen OF U.S Resided in State 5 years of last 10 years preceding application. Applicant is not an inmate of a public or charitable institution; receipt of other pen¬ sion or Federal Aid shall not disqualify any citizen from benefits. income of pensioner and/or spouse insuf¬ ficient to provide reasonable subsistence compatible with decency ano health . $30 per month Commission for Old Age Pen¬ sions and Security No provision state Business or occupation tax of 1/8 of \% to 2% on gross proceeds of all sales. 94j6 of tax to be used for paying assist¬ ance, not more than 3% to be u8ed for collecting tax, or more than 3% to be used for pur¬ pose of ad¬ ministering assistance. State Commission conducts hearing (subpoenaing witnesses and administering oaths, etc) no provision NO pr0vi6i0n No pro¬ vision Lah6, (1935), P.500(State Question no. 214) OREGON LAts,(1933), CH.284. laws, (1933), Cm.2T 2nd Ex Mandatory 70 yrs cltizen of U.S. <5 years Resided in State 15 years and in county 2 years immediately preceding application. (ab¬ sence not exceeding 2 years or absence in employ of state or u.s. not deemed to interrupt continuous residence). Applicant during period of 25 years immediately preceding date of application has not been con¬ victed of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude; if a husband, has not at any time for a period of six months or more, without just cause, deserted his wife or failed to provide her with adequate means of maintenance or neg- lecteo to maintain for such of his chiloren as are under the age of 15 years} if a wife, de¬ serted her husband or any of her minor children without just cause; has not within 1 year pre¬ ceding application, been a professional tramp or beggar; has no other per60n legally responsible and able to 6upp0rt him; during continuance of pension, he shall receive no other form of re¬ lief from state or its political subdivisions. Property must not ex¬ ceed $3000. income from all sources, in¬ cluding pension, must not exceed $30. per month. county boards may require assignment of all property as condition precedent to granting a 1d.appl 1cant has not, directly or indirectly, deprived himself of property for purpose of qualify¬ ing. $30. per month County Old Age Pen6ion Com¬ missions. State Board of Control makes regulations and receives annual reports of County COMMISSIONS. coun ty (Appropria¬ tions ) State (Liquor Revenue) no provision, appeal to county c1rcu1t court allowed. No provision Lien for total amount of aid, plus 3% interest. Lien doubled in case of mis¬ representation. no pro¬ vision State Citation Nature or Law qual ifications max 1 mum Allowance administration Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Feoeral Board Liens Aqe Require¬ ment cltlzen- ship Residence Social Conditions llmi tat ions on Property and income D ihect resp0nsi8ili ty superv1sorv responsib11 1ty state Provisi0n6 For Reim¬ bursement To Federal Government OREGON LAVS, (1935), CM. 407.J/ Amended by (1935 1ST EX) S.B.43, 65 Mandatory 70 years clt 1 zen OF u.S.Native born Amer¬ ican woman married to alien prior to 9/22/22 eligible Residence in State 5 of 10 years immediately preceding application. Residence in county 1 year immediately preceding application. Applicant is not at time of receiving assistance an inmate of of any public or private institution or home for aged; no person receiving assistance shall receive any other relief from the state except for medical or surgical aid; persons legally liable and able to support such aged person shall be executed against, if they fail or refuse to a8sume their obligation. Income, including pen¬ sion, not to exceed $30 per month. county Relief Committee may require pledge of all property as condition precedent to granting aio. $30. per month. County Relief comm 1 ttees. State Relief committee: makes rules and regu¬ lations and re¬ ceives reports from county committee State (General fund) Appeal allowed to State Reliee Com¬ mi ttee Required Lien for total amount paid in assistance. one- half of amount pro¬ rated among state and county. 1/2 of pro¬ ceeds paid to the Federal government . PENNSYLVANIA Mandatory 70 year6 c 1 t1 zen of U.S. for 15 year8 Has resided in State continu¬ ously for 15 years immediately preceding application, (cON- ' tinuous residence not inter¬ rupted by periods of absence, totaling not more than 3 years)} or has resided in state 40 years, at least 5 of *hich immediately preceoe Application. (Absence in service of State or U.S. 6hall »»t interrupt continuous residence if new 00m1c1le not acquired). Applicant must not, at time of making applica¬ tion, be an inmate of any prison, jail, work¬ house, insane asylum, or other public reform or correctional institution; if a husband, must not, for 6 months or more during the 15 year6 preced¬ ing application have de8erte0 hi6 wife oft, with¬ out cause, failed to support her and his chil¬ dren under 15 years, or, if a wife, has not deserted her hu6band or, without just cause, failed to support such of her children as were under age and as she was bound to support} has not, within 2 years preceding application, been a professional tramp or beggar} is indigent and has no person responsible at law and able to support him; is not receiving any assistance from the State or any political subdivision thereof, except medical and surgical assistance. no provision $30. per month for 1 person; $15. per month for each other person in family. County Board of Trustees of Old Age Assist¬ ance . Department of Welfare approv¬ es all applica¬ tions ano has actual supervi¬ sion of county Trustees. State (Appropria¬ tions from designated funds) county (may expend from general fund for aoministrat1 on an amount equal to 6% OF State grant). no provision no provision no prov181 on no pro¬ vision Pa. Lavs, extra se88. ( 1933-34), no. 64 RHODE ISLAND Mandatory 65 years cltizen of U.S. or resi dent of XJ.S. continu— ously for 20 years- Resident of State 5 of 10 years immediately preceoing application. Resides in town or City where application made. (Requirements may be altered to conform with Federal requirements). Applicant must not be an inmate of any public or private home for the aged, or any public home,or any public or private institution, except in the case of temporary medical or surgical care in a hospital, provided that any person who, subse¬ quent to receiving aid, enters a private home or institution or his own choosing, may receive aid if such home or institution 18 approved by the director of public welfare; if applicant has children or others able to support him, amount of pension is decreased accordingly. Property of Pensioner and spouse must not ex- ceed $5000. Transfer of all real and personal property may be requir¬ ed. Income, including pension, not to excee0 $30 per month. income from non-revenue pro¬ ducing property com¬ puted at 5^. Applicant has not made a volun¬ tary assignment or transfer of property for the purpose of qualifying. $30. per month. Old Age Secur¬ ity 0 1 v 1 s 1 on in Department of public »el- fare as6iste0 by town Directors of Public Aid ano County Advi¬ sory Boards. Oecision of Chief of Old Age Security dlvis ion final . state (general fund) t0wn8 ano clt ies (pay own admini8trative expen6e8 ). no specific provisions, but commission given power to do all things necessary to conform to Federal Act. no specific prov181 on, but comm1681 on authorized to do all things necessary to conform to Federal Act. Total aid granted not effective against surviving spouse W*d is not more than 15 years younger and does not remarry. double recovery for mis¬ representations. Lien enforced for benef1t of U.S. h.9. 037, (1935), s.8. 24—X, (1935). j/. Effective only if Federal funds made available. Qualifications Administration Liea 6 state citation Nature of LAW Age Requ1 re- men t citizen¬ ship Residence social conditions Limitations on Property and Income Maximum Allowance Direct Responsibility Supervisory re6p0nsibILIty source of funds Fair Hearing Before State DEPARTMENt Report to Federal boaro State Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal government LAW6 of texa8 (Second Spec. Sebs.1935) h.b. 26-XX Mandatory 65 year8 cltizen of u.s. Resided in State for 5 years or more within the last 9 year8 preceding the date of application and resided in State continuously for 1 year immediately preceding applica¬ tion. Applicant is not inmate of public or private home for aged, or any public home or public or private institution of cu8t00ial, correctional, or curative character: 10 not a habitual crim¬ inal or drunkard; ha8 no hu8band or wife, as ca6e may be, able to furni8h adequate 8upp0rt. income, if 6 ingle,does not exceeo $360 per year, and, if married, combined income from all sources does not exceeo $720 per year; d0e8 not own property, real, per80nal or mixed other than ca8h or marketable securities, le8s incumbrances, ex¬ ceeding $5000, if single, or $7500, if married; d0e8 not own ca8h or marketable securities, exceeoing $500.,if single, or $1000, if married. applicant ha8 not made any voluntary assign¬ ment or transfer of property to qualify. $15. per month Local Adminis¬ trative Agency Old Age Assist¬ ance Commission (provides such methods of administration a6 Federal Social Security commission 6hall require and is mece88ary) state General fund and source to be designated by legisla¬ ture .j/ Fair Hearing before Texas Old Age Assistance commis¬ sion. Make such re¬ ports as social Security Board shall from time to time require. if recipient at death wa6 p086e66ed of property or money in excess of that allowed, total amount of assistance in excess of that to which he wa8 en¬ titled recovered plu8 6% intere8t and all c08t8. 1/2 of such AMOUNT PAID to the U.S. treasury. j/. old Age a«si8tance funo receives 09% of appropriation to be used to pay assistance and permanent old aqe fund receives \9%, from which fumd no withdrawals shall be made for 25 years, to be placed in u.s. interest bearing securities. m HONE than 9% OF old afie assistance funo 16 to be u8e0 for administrative purp08e8• State citat ion Nature of la* Qualifications Max imum Allowance Administration source OF Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Liens Age Require¬ ment c1t1 zen— sh ip Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income Direct respon s1b1l1ty supervisory responsibility State Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal government UTAH Utah Revised Statutes, (1933), Secs. 19-12-1 to 19-12-13 Opt ional 65 years clti2en of U.S. for 15 years Resided in State for 15 years last past (absence not exceed¬ ing 3 years or absence in services of State or U.S. not deemed to interrupt continuous resioence) or resioed in state for 25 years and has resided therein continuously for 5 years last past. resided in county 5 years immediately preceding application. Applicant incapacitated to gain livelihood; has not, during 10 years last past been imprisoned upon conviction of a felony or indictable misde¬ meanor; if a husband, has not, during 15 years last past deserted, or » 1thout just cause failed to provide adequate me-'.r.o for the support of h16 wife, or neglected to maintain and provioe for the support of such of h18 children as were under 15 for a period of 6 months; if a wife. has not during 15 years last past deserted with¬ out just cause her husband or such of her chil¬ dren as were under 15; has not within 1 year last past been a vagrant or beggar; has no relative legally responsible for and able to support him; is not receiving other aid from the State or any political subdivision thereof, except for medical and surgical assistance; imprisonment suspends pension during such imprisonment. Annual income not to exceed $300 computed by adding to earned income 5% of market value of property. Board may require assignment of property a6 condition to grant¬ ing aid. Applicant has not directly or in¬ directly disposed or deprived himself, of any property for the purp06e of qualifying for aid. $25 per month . ($45 if married ) Board of County COMMIssi oners. no provision county (General fund) no provision no provision Lien for total amount of a id,plus 5% interest. Lien doubled in case of m16representat1 on. (state's claim 1s subject to federal lien. ) No provision VERMONT lams, (1935), NO. 82, Amended by H.6. NO.I-X, 16 t 5pec.se8s (1935), LAWS, (1935), no. 29. Mandatory 65 years cltizen of u.s. re6ident of state 5 out of 10 years immediately preceding application. Applicant must not at time of making application be an inmate of any prison, jail, workhouse, insane asylum, or any other public reform or correctional institution; must not receive other aid from the state or any political 6ub0ivisi0n thereof, except medical and surgical aid or hospitalization; if applicant convicted of crime punishable by imprisonment for 1 month or longer, aid suspended during imprisonment. income must not exceed $30 per month.($45 if married). Annual earn¬ ings or gifts of $100 exempt. equity in property must not ex«- ceeo $2500. ($4000 if married), (homestead exemption of $1000). Applicant must not have maoe an assign¬ ment or transfer of property or income for the purpose of qualifying for aid. $30 per month. State Old Age Assistance commission Assisted by local official. no provision state (General fund) $1.75 poll tax Appeal allowed to State Old Age Assistance Commis¬ sion. Required. Preferred Cla iu for full amount of assistance. Claim 16 doubled in case of misrepresenta¬ tion. One-half net amount recovereo pa id to designated agency of Federal government. State cltat(on qualifications A dm 1 n 1 6 tra t 1 on source of fund8 Fair Hearing Before State Departmeni Report to •Federal Board Lie 48 Nature of Law Age Require¬ ment c1t1 zen— ship residence Social Conditions Limitations on property and Income ilax imum Allowance Direct Responsibility Supervisory re8p0n81b1l1 ty State Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government ■ASHINGTON Laws of ■ashington, (1935), ch. 182 Mandatory 65 years (May be altered to con¬ form to Federal Act). citizen of u.s. Resided in State 5 of 10 years immediately preceding appl 1 cat ion' Applicant not an inmate of home for the aged or of a cu8t00ial, correctional or curative charac¬ ter, except in the case of temporary meoical or surgical care in a hospital; is not because of h16 physical or mental condition in need of con¬ tinued institutional care] must not receive other relief from the state or any political subdivision thereof, except for medical and sur¬ gical care, hospitalization and nursing assist¬ ance; imprisonment suspends payments or, in Department's discretion, forfeits aid. State Department may re- juire assignment of property as condition to granting aid. income of applicant inadequate to provide reasonable subsistence compatible with decency and health; applicant has not made a voluntary assignment or transfer of property fot the purpose of qualify¬ ing. Receipt of pen¬ sion from U.S., any State or foreign govern- ient, or compensation $30. per month. In event Federai a 10 exceeds $15. per month, maximum in¬ creased to twice amount of Federal aid. State Depart¬ ment of Public ■elfare . no prov181 on State (general fund) State Department of Welfare may hold investigation to ascertain fact8 supporting a ppl 1 — cation, examining witnesses, docu¬ ments, ftc. Required Lien for total amount of aid. (No lien if its inclu¬ sion is not essen¬ tial to ob ta in federal aid). l1 en for total amount of aid, plu8 60* interest if spouse was able to support no prov161 on ■EST VIRGINIA Optional (Mandatory in any county where Pens ion system adopted) 65 years cltizen of u.s. for 15 years Resided in State and County continuously for 10 years immediately preceding appli¬ cation. (Absence not exceed¬ ing 3 years of absence in service of State or U.S. not deemed to interrupt continuous residence ). Applicant must not at time of application be an inmate of any home for the aged, or a custodial, correct ional .or curative institution, except in cases of temporary medical or surgical care; is not because of his physical or mental condition in need of continued institutional care; has not been imprisoned for a felony within 10 years im¬ mediately preceding application; ha6 not within 1 year preceoing appl 1cat1 on■been an habitual tramp or beggar; has no person responsible at law for his support; does not receive a u.s., state or Foreign pension, or compensation under the laws of *est virginia; payments are suspend¬ ed during imprisonment for more than 1 month; conviction of a heinous offense involving im¬ prisonment for more than 90 days permanently cancels aid. has no property, in¬ come or other means of support. (Household goods and personal property not exceeding $300. exempt) Applicant has not oeprived him¬ self, directly or in¬ directly, of any prop¬ erty in order to qualify. $1 . per day. County Court. In counties over 35,000, County Court |ay appoint County Pension Agent. no prov18ton County (Old Age Pen¬ sion fund). (Special prop¬ erty tax of 5 cents on $k covered into such fund) no provision, (Appeal allowfo to circuit court of County). no provision County Court has lien for total amount of aid, plus 30* intere8t. no provision ■est Va. Acts (1931 ), ch.32 State Citation Nature of Law qualifi cat ions Administration source of f und6 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Boaro Liens Age Require¬ ment clti2en- SH 1 P Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income iiax 1 mum Allowance Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibili ty State Provisions for REim- bur6emen t to Feoeral Government ■ 1 scons in Amendment, CHAP. 554, (1935) Mandatory *5 years (may be reduced to 60 whenever Federal Age limit is so reduced) Citizen of or born in u.s. Resioed in State 5 years during 9 year6 immediately preceding application, the last year of which the res¬ idence mu6t have been con¬ tinuous and immediately preceding application. (Absence in service of State or U.S., not deemed to interrupt residence if domicile not acquired out¬ side of state-) Applicant must not be an inmate of a charitable institution maintained by the state or any of its political subdivisions, or of a private charitable, benevolent or fraternal institution or home fop the aged to which no adm 16s1 on charge as a life tenant has been made, provided, an inmate of a county home may apply while in said home, but aid does not begin until appli¬ cant cease8 to be an inmate of said home. value of property or combined value of prop¬ erty of husband and wife living together must not exceed $5000. Annual income including pension not to exceed $(. per day. (income from non-revenue pro¬ ducing property comput¬ ed at 5%). $ 1. per day County Judge. (County Pension Depawtmints' if established in count ie8 with populat1 on under 500,000; county boards of Public Wel¬ fare if estab¬ lished in count ie6 with population OVER 500,000). State Pension adopt8 rules and regulations and exercises actual super¬ vision. State 80* (general funo) coun ty 20% (general fund) City, Town, village (under local 6y6tem reimburses county from general fun08) (80% of Federal fund6 received allotted to counties, 20% to State Pen¬ sion depart¬ ment). Review of denial of application granted. requ1reo For total amount granted plu6 inter¬ est at 3%. Effective on death of «ec1p- spouse. 1/2 paid to to u. S. government. WYOMING Session Laws of wyoming (1935), ch. 101. Manda tory 65 years Citizen of U.S. Resided in State 5 years within 10 years immediately preceding application. Applicant, at time of receiving aid must not be inmate of charitable or public institution. Annual income from all sources, including pension, must not ex¬ ceed $360. Income of property computed a t 3% of determined value. income of applicant, when joineo to that of 6p0u8e is inadequate to provide a reasonable subsistence compatible with decency and health; applicant and/or spouse must not have deprived himself directly or indirectly of any prop¬ erty or income for the purpose of qualifying. $30. per month State Depart¬ ment of Public welfare assist¬ ed by county Boards of Pub¬ lic Welfare. (County Commis¬ sioners, where no county Board exi8t8. ) no provision state 1/2 (general f\mid) county l/2 (tax levy not to exceed 1/2 mill) Appeal allowed to State Department of Public Welfare no provision, but State Department authorized to make all neces¬ sary nule6 ano regulations to conform to Feoeral Act. Preferred claim for total amount of aid, plus 3% intere6t. claim doubled in ca8e of misrepre¬ sentation. U.s. share of lien pr0cee08 oeemco to be part of state's allotment from u.s. r state ci tat ion Nature of Law Qualifications Maximum Allowance source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Li Age Require¬ ment citizen¬ ship Residcnce social conditions Limitations on Property and income Direct ResponsIBili ty Supervisory Responsibility State provi8i0n8 for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government ALASKA Compiled Laws of Alaska, (1933), Secs . 1781 to 1786, as amended by Laws of Alaska, (1935) cH. 47. Mandatory Men 65 years, • onfn 60 yearv. . Citizen of U.S. Resided in Alaska continuously 25 years immediately preceding granting of allowance. aid 8uspended if and when applicant 16 an inmate of alaska Pioneer's Homev Applicant must have no other mean6 of support Men $35. *omen $45. Board of Trus¬ tees of Ala,ska Pioneers' home, assisted by comm18si0ner8 of the several precincts of Alaska. no provision territory (general fund) no provision no prov181 on no provision no provision DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA h.r. 6623 (1935). Opt ional 65 year8 citizen of u.s. Resided in the District of columbia 5 of 9 years immedi¬ ately preceding application, 1 of which has been continu¬ ously preceding application. Applicant's physical condition renders him permanently unable to provide for himself; applicant 18 not, at time of making application, an inmate of any prison, jail, workhouse, insane a8ylum or other public reformatory or correc¬ tional institution; is not an habitual tramp or beqqar; has no person financially able and legal¬ ly responsible for hi8 support; must not receive any other relief from the di8trict of columbia except medical, surgical and nur8ing care) 8p0u8e, father, child or grandchild living in District of Columbia must support if able. commissioners may re¬ quire assignment of property as conoition to granting aid. Applicant has not maoe a voluntary assignment or transfer of prop¬ erty for the purpose of.qualifying. no prov181 on Board of commissioners of District No provision District of columbia (Qeneral fund) upon initial re¬ fusal, review allowed by agency designated by board of commissioners, and comm166 1 oners in their 0i8creti0n may grant further review required Preferred claim for total ambunt of aid plus 3% interest. 1/2 the proceeos of grant paid to U.s. HAVA 1 1 Laws of hawai i (1933), ACT 206, AS AMEND¬ ED BY LAW6, (1933),(SP. Sess .), Act 39 AND LAW8, (1935),series d-159, 160. Mandatory 65 years Citizen of u.s. Resided in Ternitory for 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application; re8ides in county or City and County where ap¬ plication made. Applicant must not at time of application be an inmate of any prison, jail, insane asylum, or any home for the aged, or any custodial, correc¬ tional or curative institution; ha6 not, within i year preceding application, been a profession— and/or children able to support him; applicant must not receive any other relief from the coun¬ ty or from any political subdivision thereof except for medical and 8urgical assistance; aid is suspended during imprisonment if 8uch im¬ prisonment is for one month or longer; if recip¬ ient 18 incapable of taking care of h1s money or himself commission may direct the installment of his pen8i0n to be paid to any other reputable person for his benefit or may suspend same for such period as it deems fit. Property of pensioner and/or 8p0use must not exceed $1500. Income from all sources must not exceed $30. per month. Old Age Pension commission may require assignment of property as conoition to grant¬ ing aid. Income from non-revenue producing property computed at 5%. Applicant has not oeprived himself di¬ rectly or indirectly of any property for purpose of qualifying. $30. per month. County Old Age Pension Com¬ mission. Territorial Old Age Pension board makes rules ano regu¬ lations and re- ce1ve8 reports. county (general fund) territory reimburses counties for GO% if Federal fun08 made available. Appeal to Territorial Board allowed. Required. red claim for total amount of a 1d plus 5% intere8t. Claim doubled in sen ta t 1 on . 1/2 of pro¬ ceeds of claim paid into u.s treasury