oocuMeiM-rs ROOM uj( > I -\ 5 OU 4-/^ . . ^ />^es,er" PR 12 1937' L| S i Wofl:'* &*:«•« WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATI ON rry L. horkins, administrator C1 Corr1mstoh Gill Assistant Administrator Howard B. Myers, Director Social Research Oivision DIGEST OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE LAWS OF THE SEVERAL STATES AND TERRITORIES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1936 1 PREFACE This digest presents the essential aspects op legislative provi si ons for grant ing old age assist¬ ance in effect on september 1, 1936, in the states and in Alaska, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Old age assistance has developed much more recently than other forms of public relief. The first law granting such assistance was passeo in Alaska in 1913, ano in 1923 laws of this type were enacteo in montana, nevada and pennsylvania. how¬ ever, the Pennsylvania Act was declareo unconsti¬ tutional anotheNevaoa Act was repealed soon after enactment. only 6 states had such legislation by the eno of 1928, though 3 more were added in the next year. at present, however, old age assistance laws are on the statute books in 38 states ano in Alaska, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. In ado i t i on , Louisiana has passed such a law to become effective if the constitutional amendment authori¬ zing such legislation i s rat ifi ed i n november, 1936. Most of the early laws placed the financial and administrative responsibility entirely upon local units. for instance, only 3 of the 11 laws existing at the eno of 1929 provioed for payments from the State Treasury or placed any administrative responsibility upon a state agency. ThE larger scope of old age assistance in more recent legis¬ lation ano the influence of the feoeral social se¬ curity Act have brought a great increase in state participation. at present only nevada ano utah impose upon local un its the complete responsibility for financing old age assistance, ano the respon¬ sibility for administration is exclusively local only in Arizona, Idaho and Utah. The heaoings of the columns and the terms used in the following tables are for the most part self- explanatory. unoer the heaoing "nature of law", the legislation in each state has been classified as manoatory or optional. the law is classified as manoatory when an applicant who meets the qual¬ ifications prescribed by the act may resort to legal process to compel the granting of assistance if it is den i ed by the administrative official. at present the legislation provioing this type of as¬ sistance is mandatory in 33 states, Alaska and hawai i . Prepared by Robert C. Lowe and Staff Legal Research Section under the supervision of A. Ross Eckler, Coordinator of Special Inquiries Division of Social Research ^ \0 ^ ^ ^ State Citation Nature of Law Qualifi ationb Administt iation Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department UJ Aqe Require- men t Citizen¬ ship Residence Social Conditions Limitation on Property and Income Maximum Allowance Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Report to Feoeral Board State Provisions For Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government ALARAItt lam (l$35), NO. 448 Mandatory 65 year6 Citizen of u.S. Has resideo in State 5 o 9 years immediately preceoino application and 1 year im¬ mediately precedinq appli¬ cation (Recipient paid en¬ tirely from State funds, until re8i0ence of 1 year acquireo in county) Applicant mas not during the last 10 years seen impri80ne0 upon a conviction for a felony} is not an inmate of a pub.l 1c institution} is not at time of application, nor has been for the la8t year, an inmate of any pri80n, jail, insane asylum or other pubnic reform or correctional institution} ourinq (0 years next preceding ap¬ plication, if a hu8san0, ma8 not for 6 months or more deserted his wife, without just cause, fail- eo to support his wife or his children UNDER 16 years of aqe} if a wife, ha8 not for 6 months or more 0e3erte0 her husband, or, without just cause, failed to support such children unoer 16 years of aqe, whom she was legally bouno to support. Annual income includ¬ ing Pension must not exceeo $360. Applicant mas not directly or indirectly disposed or deprived himself of any property for pur¬ pose of qualifyinq. $30. per month (Veterans $50. per month). County Depart¬ ment of Public ■elfare ano county govern¬ ing body. State Depart¬ ment of Public ■elfare and county govern¬ ing body. State Depart¬ ment of Public ■elfare pre¬ scribes rules ano regulations and reviews all actions of local bodies. Statei 50% (i mill tax levied for Confederate Pensions, aooitional appropriation) county} 50% (General fund) State Department required to give applicant prompt hearing. Required For total amount of assistance granted, subject to dower, homestead ano personal prop¬ erty exemption of a surviving widow. transfer of prop¬ erty to county governing body may be required. l/2 of re¬ covery paid to U.S. Government . ARIZONA. Rev. Code (1934 §UPP.), Cm. 55-*, Sec. 2492 ttanoatorv 70 years Citizen of u.s. Continuous residence in the State for not less than 35 years next precedinq applica¬ tion} absences from state,not exceeding total of 5 years or amsrcc in service of state or u.s., not deemed to inter¬ rupt continuous residence. Applicant not a quest or inmate of any public institution} receives no other form of relief from State except hospitalization, medical ano 8urqical expenses. Annual income from all $300. Income from property computed at 3%. Applicant has not alienated or transfer¬ red or 01vesteo him¬ self directly or in- oirectly of any prop¬ erty for purpose of being eligible for assistance. $30. per month County Old Age Pension Com¬ mission. Annual report to State Audi tor. Statei 67% (general fund) county} 33% (General fund) no provision no provision For total amount granted with interest at 3%. Double recovery if property excecos amount alloweo. Apportioned to State and County on basis of their contribution. Nome arkansas la as (1935), Acta 321, 322 manoa tory 65 Years (may be 70 until jan. 1, 1940) no pro¬ vision ha8 resided in state continu¬ ously 5 years next preceding filing of application. Applicant not an inmate of any insane asylum, eleemosynary institution, or serving a penal sentence in any jail or prison} mot rcsciving any other pension, either state or ^ederal, except Confederate or blino pensions. income not to exceed $1. per day, or assets not to exceeo $300, exclusive of homestead exemption of $2500. Applicant mas not di¬ rectly or ino1rectly depriveo himself of property for purpose of qualifying for assistance. $30. per month County Public •elfare Board. State Public ■elfare Com¬ mission. State} Liquor, chewing sum, slot machines, racing and sales tax paid into State ■elfare Com¬ mission Fund for Olo Age Assistance and aid to neeoy unemployables. State Boaro makes initial and final dec 1 8 1 on • no hear. inq before state Board provided for. Required For total amount as a 2nd class claim (no exemptions) in oase of surviving spouse, cstote not 8ettled until death, remarriage, or failure to 00- cupy homestead. double recovery for m 1 8repre8entat 1 on a6 to value of property. no specific provision eu annual repon as to amount due U.S., MB quired. Com¬ mission em¬ powered to perform any necessary reasonable act required by Federal government. State c i ta t i on Nayure of La* Qualifications Maximum Allowance Source of Funds Fa ir Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board LUj n Are Require¬ ment Citizen¬ ship Residence Social Conditions Limitation on Property and Income Direct rc8p0n8ibil1ty Supervisory Responsibil1ty State Provision* for Reim¬ bursement to Federal flnvrBMMfMT california Acts (1929), Cm. 350. Acts (1931 ), Cm. 608. Acts (1933), Cm. 840. Acts (1935), Cm. 633. Acts (1936), CM. 7. ilAKDA tory 65 Years Citizen of u.s. Resides in State and has so re8i0e0 continuously for 15 year6 immediately preceding application (Continuous res¬ idence not deemed interrupted by periods totaling not more than 3 years), or has resided in State 40 years, 5 of »hicm have immediately preceded application, continuous res¬ idence in county 1 year immediately preceding appli¬ cation. If Federal aid qranted, must have resided continuously for 1 year immed¬ iately preceding application, and 5 of 9 vear8 immediately preceding application. (if applicant ha8 not resided in county 1 year, pen8i0n paid entirely by state). Applicant is not, *hile receiving aid, an in¬ mate of any public or private home for aged, or any public or private institution of a custodial, correctional or curative character except temporary meoical or surgical care in hospital) has no husband, *ife or child able ano responsible under la* for his support. Real property must not exceeo $3000. Person¬ al property mu8t not exceeo $500. income from all 80urce6 must not exceed $35 per month. Applicant has not made a voluntary assignment or transfer of property for purpose of qualifying for aid. $35 per month, County Boards of Supervisors State Department of Social Bel- fare »hich may appoint a local supervisory body to a86i8t county author¬ ities. state! 50j$ (general fund) county! 50jt (Property tax) Appeal allowed to Department of Social Ielfare. no specific provision. Governor em¬ powered to enter into all necessary aqro? men t8 requ'red by U.S. Govern¬ ment. For total amount out of property not exempt from execution. Re¬ covery of oouwle amount paid in excess of that to which recip¬ ient is legally entitled, if value of property exceeds legal limit. Proportion¬ ate share repaid to U.S. Govern¬ ment. colorado lass (1935 2nd Ex), H. B. 2 man pa tory 65 years Citizen of u.s. ha8 resided in state 5 of 9 year8 immediately preceding application, la8t year of shi cm must be continuous and immediately precede appli¬ cation. is not an inmate of any municipal, $tate, national or private institution at time of receiving assistance! is not because of physical or mcn7al condition, in neeo of continuing in¬ stitutional care! aid qranted in lieu of all other public relief from state or any political subdivision thereof except temporary meoical ano 8urgical assistance. come or other re80urces to provide reasonable 8ub8i6tence compatible •itm oecency ano health! has not, blth¬ in 5 year8 immediately preceoinq application disposed of property for purp08e of qual¬ ifying. County De¬ partment may require agreement to reim¬ burse State and county and assignment by mortgage of real ano personal property. (h0me8tead not exceed¬ ing $2,ocx) exempt). $30 per month, County Depart¬ ment of Public Ielfare State Department of Public Iel¬ fare make 8 rules and reg¬ ulations and receives report8 from County Departments. county! old Aqe Pensi on Fund. State reimburses counties for 50j$ of aid granted. Appeal allowed to State Department of Public Velfare. no pr0vi6i0n. Third class claim for total amount of aid. State reim¬ burses Fed¬ eral Gov¬ ernment 1/2 of amount collected. State c1ta"ion Nature of Law oiiai irie ations max 1 mum Allowance Admin 1 8trat ion Fair hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Liens Age requ1re- ment Citizen¬ ship Residence Social Conditions l 1m 1 ta t 1 on on Property and Income Direct Responsibility Supervisory re6p0n81b1l1ty Source of Funos State pr0vi6i0n8 for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government CONNECTICUT Gen. Stat. (Supp. 1931- 1935), Secs. 730c—764C Mandatory 65 Years Citizen of u.s. has resided in state 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application and continuously for 1 year preceding application. Applicant ha6 not sufficient means to support him6elf on a reasonable standard of health and decency, and ha6 no one legally responsible and able to support him; is not receiving insti¬ tutional care at public or private expense} is not serving a sentence in a penal institution and is not on probation from any court} mas pa 10 taxes for the full extent of his obligation. (Old Age Assistance Tax) Recipient must give State a lien on real property. Applicant has not made an assignment or transfer or other disposition of money for purpose of quali¬ fying for aid. $7. per WEEK State Bureau of Old Age Assist¬ ance assisted by chief execu¬ tive authority of town. no prov181 on Annual State tax of $2,100,000 on towns secureo by an annual per $3 on all per¬ sons between 21 and 60. State Bureau of Old Age Assistance requ1reo to hold hearing. Not specific¬ ally prov1oed for but State Bureau autho¬ rized to adopt rules ano regulat1 on8 necessary to conform to Federal Act. State given specific claim wl th interest at 4%. Double re¬ covery allowed on any funds paid because of m!6repre8entati0n6 etc. State Bureau authorized to adopt rules and regulations and to exe¬ cute such instruments as may be nece68ary for com- pliance wlth Federal Act. OELAVARE Laws (I93l), ch. 85 Mandatory 65 years No pro¬ vision Resident of u.s. 15 years, resided in State not less than 5 years. (Temporary ab6ence6 not considered). Applicant ha6 no chilo or any other person capable ano responsible for his support; by a8618tance of state can enjoy the essent1al8 of life, of which he would otherwise be oeprived} receives no other assistance from state; is not an inmate of any pri60n, jail, workhouse, infirmary, insane asylum or any public reform, correctional, charitable, or benevolent insti¬ tution} has not been during the perioo of 1 year prior to making application, a profes¬ sional tramp or beggar. Annual income from all s0urce6 including pension, not to exceed $300. Applicant has not oepriveo himself, directly or indirectly, of any property or income, for purpose of obtaining assistance. $25. per month. State Olo *ge ■elfare Com¬ mission. no provision other than annual report to governor. state! General funo no specific provision. State necessary inves¬ tigation. no prov161 on no pro v1 8 1 on no provision FLORIDA Laws (1935), ch8. 17141, 17477. Optional 65 years or im¬ f-irk persons regaro¬ les 8 of a8e.. (Persons under age ljmi1 not to rece1ve Federal funds). Citizen of U.s. Resident of State for 10 years continuously an0 im¬ mediately preceding applica¬ tion. Resident in county I year immediately preceoinq application. If Federal aid 16 granted, a state re81oence of 5 of the 9 year8 immediate¬ ly preceding application. Applicant must not because of his physical condition be in need of continued institutional care} must not have a criminal record which would deprive such person of rights of citizen¬ ship unoer laws of uniteo states or florida, and where such right6 have not been restoreo by law¬ ful authority} is not serving a prison sentence for the commission of any felony or misdemeanor} no one receiving old age assistance shall at 8ame time, receive any other relief or pension from State or any political subdivision thereof. iiu6t not be in receipt of income of more than $400 per year nor own property above the home6tea0 exemption. Applicant has not maoe a voluntary assignment or transfer of property for purpose of qualiry- inc for such assist¬ ance. For one person $35. per month, more than 1 person in family $60 per month when cdmbineo with Federal grants. State Pension Boaro and County Com¬ missioners. (If Federal funds available, State Boaro of Social Ielfare assisted by District Boaros of Social «el- fare.) None county! taxe8 and appropriati0n6 from General fund. state! Confederate Pens 1 on funo Not specifically prov1 deo for but all grants pa6sed upon by State Pension Boaro ano 1t may investigate doubtful cases. State Pension Boaro empowered to make reports no prov181 on no prov1s1 on State Citation Nature of La* Age kequire- uent cit i zen— sh ip QUAL,HnCATI0N8 Social Conditions l 1mi tat ion on Property and Income Max imum Allowance Administration Direct peSPONS ibil i ty Supervisory re6p0ns ibility Source of fuND6 Fa ir Hearing Before State Department Report to Feoeral Board IDAHO Laws (1931), Ch. 16. Laws (1935 3rd Ex H.B. 5, 6. Citizen of U.S. for 15 years Continuous residence in State for 10 years immediate¬ ly preceding application or resident of state 15 year6 5 of which have immediately preceded application. county residence of 3 years immedi¬ ately preceding application. (Continuous state residence not interrupted by occasion¬ al absences totaling less than i year or ab8ence in service of State or u.S.). Applicant has not during the 10 years immediately preceding date of application been imprisoned for any offense punishable with imprisonment in State penitentiary; has not during said perioo, for a period of 6 months or upward, deserted his wife or without ju6t cause failed to provioe adequate means of maintenance, or neglected to maintain and provide for such of his children unoer age of 15 years; or if a wife, oeserted her husband or such of her children as were under age; has not been within one year preceding application, a professional tramp or beggar; ha6 no person legally responsible for his support; receives no other form of relief from the state or any political subdivision thereof; is not at oate of application, an inmate of any prison, jail, insane asylum or other public reform or correctional institution. Income from all sources including pension not to exceed $300. (in¬ come from property including homesteao computed at 5%.) Applicant has not de¬ prived himself, directly or indirectly, of any property for purpose of qualifying for aid. $25 per month County Old Age Pension Commission . Annual report to State Department of Public Ielfare. County: Poor or Current expense fundj/. State: Coop¬ erative Revenue Fund. no provision. no provision For total amount at death of pen¬ sioner or surviv¬ ing spouse wlth interest at 5%. Double recovery for pension received because of mi6representa- on- etc. ILLINOIS SMith-hurd Ann. Stat. (1936 Supp. ), CH. 23, SEcs. 410-429. Laws (1935 2nd Ex.), h.b. 40, 41. cltizen of u.S. has resided in State 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application, the last year of which shall be continuous and immediately precede application. Residence may not be established wholly or in part for the purpose of coming within this act. mu6t reside continuously within the State while receiving assistance, but may leave for a period not exceeding 90 days, and for longer periods if permission of the County Welfare Divi¬ sion is secured. Absence frp»* State, while in service of the State or Nation not counted, if residence is not acquired outside of the State. Applicant is not an inmate of or being main¬ tained by any municipal, county, state or National Institution; ha6 no children legally responsible for his support and able to support him, provided, that while such children do not support him, assistance is granted and recovered from them. assistance is granted if applicant is an inmate of or is being maintained by a private institution in which he has not pur¬ chased care ano maintenance or where the amount paid has been wholly consumed. income not to exceed $30 per month. (computed at 2% on non-income producing property). Property not to exceed $5,000 vaiue. Applicant has not maoe a voluntary or involuntary assign¬ ment of property to qualify for relief at any time within 5 years immediately pr ior to applicat ion, nor a voluntary or involuntary assignment to increase need for assistance . Amount when added to all other income does not ex¬ ceed $30 per month, nor a dollar a day for a fraction of a month. County Depart¬ ments of Publ ic Ielfare or County Bureau of Public Ielfare State Depart¬ ment of Public Ielfare. State: Old Age Security Fund . Appeal allowed to the State'Depart¬ ment of Public Ielfare, and then to the Circuit Court . Full amount paid is claim against estate but no claim enforced against surviving spouse if not more than 15 years younger and does not remarry. Double recovery for false repre- sentations. Recovery from rgally responsible children. «. Recovery for over payment when recipient becomes possessed of property. 17 Laws (1935 3rd Ex), h.b. 5 makes old age assistance a charge upon the county, providing it be carried out in cooperation with and according to the standards of eligibility prescribed by the 5tate or federal government• State Citation Nature or U* QualIfi cat ions Administration Source of fund8 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board L'1 AS Age Require¬ ment C 1 t1zen- 6h ip Residence Social Conditioks Limitations on Property and Income Uaxi mum Allowance Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility State Provisions For Reim¬ bursement To Federal Government 1 HOIAHA laws (1935 1st Ex.), cm. 3. Mandatory 70 years untie July 1, 1936; 65 year6 there¬ after. clt1 zen of U.S. Has resided in State 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application (absence in service of State or U.S. not deemed to interrupt residence unle88 a domicile be acquired elsewhere.). Applicant is not an inmate or maintained by a municipal, county. State, National or private institution while receding assistance; is not in need of continuing institutional care; is not receiving other public relief, except medical and s"®®jcal* assistance. Applicant has not sufficient income or other re80upce6 to prov'oe a reasonable ^sustenance > h*s not, within 5 years made a transfe of property to RENDlR h.mself eligible for a881st— ance. County Depart¬ ment may require transfer of - ppl 1 cant 8 property to he county as a condition of as8i!> tance. $30 per month County or District De¬ partment of Public Iel- fare. State Depart¬ ment of Public ■elfare. Countyi 40% (■elfare rund from special tax. ) dtf:cit6 from genera! funo and loans. State; 60% (General funo State pays 4c% of any Federal -"uhos t" counties in proportion to assistance granted. Appeal allowed to State Department of Public Ielfare. Required. For total amount at death of pen¬ sioner or surviv¬ ing 8p0u8e with 3% intere8;. Double overy if assistance ob a 1 ned by mis¬ representation. 1/2 of any recovery pa 1d to U.S. 1 Of A act6 (1933- 34 Ex), Ch. 19. Acts (1935), Ch. 55. Mandatory 65 year8 cltizen of U.S. Domiciled continuously in State for 9 years immediately preceding application. (con¬ tinuous domicile not deemed to be interrupted by absence totaling 4 years). state residence of 5 years of the 9 year6 immediately preceding application 1 of which must be continuous and immediately preceding application. (tempo¬ rary ab6ence of 30 days or absence as a patient or in service of State or U.S. not 0eeme0 to interrupt continu¬ ous residence). Applicant is not an inmate of any prison, jail, workhouse, insane a8ylum, or other public reform or correctional institution; for six months or more during the 10 year8 preceding application, if a husband, ha6 not 0e8erted his wife, without just cau8e, or failed to support her and his children unoer the age of 15 year8; if a wife, ha6 not wlthout just cause deserteo her hu8band or failed to support her chiloren vnder age of 15 years; has not within 2 years preceding ap¬ plication been a professional tramp or beggar; ha6 no per60n legally responsible and able to support him; receives no other assistance from State, but such shall not oeprive the 6pouse or dependents of recipient from receiving any other form of aid. Value of real property, le88 recordeo liens not to exceeo $2000, if married $3000. Cash or investments not to ex¬ ceeo $300. Securities in excess of $300 may be transferred to commis¬ sion in trust. Annual income from all sources not to exceed $25 per month. (income from non- rlvenue producing real estate less recorded lien8 computed at 5%). Applicant has not, directly or indirectly, oeprived him6elf of property for purpose of qualifying. $25 per month State Old Age Assistance comm1ss1 on assisted by County Old Age Assistance Board. Pensions grant¬ ed by State Commission. State; Poll tax no provision; appeal allowed applicant -or tax payer to County District Court, which oec18ion is final. no provision on real e6tate of husband or wife for total amount granted at death of surviving 6p0u6e if latter not more than 15 years younger ano ooes not remarry. (Lien does not apply to Indian tribes). Commis¬ sion may demand an ab80lute con¬ veyance as a condit ion to the grant. no pro¬ vision . " QuAh.tfl.CAT IONS Administration em ... . ... State Citation nature of us Age Require¬ ment c1t1 zen— 8h 1 p Residence Social Condhen a person tional institution; is not, because of phy6ical from all 80urce8, in¬ Commissioners (if full 50? di6trict court ano interest, allowed terms of years. ha8 been a resident of 1me or mental condition, in need of continued insti¬ cluding pension, must may oeleoate not available, State Supreme social State at least 2 years contin¬ tutional care and such care is reasonably avail¬ not exceed $30 monthly. duties to then availaqll court. e6tate. Security uously and immediately preced¬ able; no CHILD or 6p0u8e reasonably able to Irregular or casual Board of Pub¬ Federal funds Act paio to ing application but ha6 not contribute. earnings and gifts of lic welfare, pa id ratably u.s. resided therein 5 years within less than $100 per year where one ano propor¬ the 9 "year period, there may may be excluded in exists. Board tionately to be added to the year8 of calculating income. subject 10 counties in actual re6i0ence within the 9 Property of pensioner supervision of proportion year period a credit for years ano spouse not to County Commis- which total op actual resioence in the exceed $3,500. s 1 oners • amount pa 10 by State preceding the 9 year each county per 100 on a graduated ba6i8 bear6 to total according to previous length amount pa 10 by of resioence before ab8ence all counties.) from State. One year contin¬ Countyi Tax uous residence in county levy suffi¬ c0n6t1tute8 county legal set¬ cient to pay tlement, or county of longest county share. resioence during year immedi¬ Funeral ex¬ ately preceoinq application penses 50/50 date. Absence in service of State ano State or U.S. not deemed to County. interrupt residence if new domicile not acquired. State Citation nature op Law Qualifications Maximum Allowance Admini 6trati0n source of fund6 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Lie n8 Age requ1re- ment citizen¬ ship Resioence Social Conditions Limitations on property and income Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility State Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal government MISSISSIPPI Laws (1936), Cm. 173. Mandatory 65 year8 no pr0vi6i0n has re6i0e0 in state 5 of 9 year8 immediately preceding application, last year of which 6hall be continuous and immediately preceding application; reside6 in county where application is ma de . Applicant has no relatives legally responsible for his support who are reasonably able, together or individually, to support him; 18 not an in¬ mate or being maintained by any institution at time or receiving assistance; is not receiving any other public rel.ef from the state or from any instrumentality or political subdivision thereof, except for temporary medical or 6urg1cal assistance; does not maintain or contribute to the 6upp0rt of any able bodied person over the age of 18 years other than husband or wife; not guilty of intoxication or dealing in or handling liquors or narcotic drug6 in any form. Applicant has not sufficient income or other re60urce8 to provide a reasonable subsistence compatible with decency and health; has not made an assign¬ ment or tran8fer of property so as to ren¬ der himself eligible for as8i8tance within 5 years prior to application. $15 per month. County Board of PueLic Welfare . State Bcard of Public Welfare make6 rules, makes addition¬ al investi¬ gations, and 01sbur6es funos State* General fund. Not to exceed icfor admin- i8tration. Appeal allowed to State Department of Public Welfare. Required. For total amount of ass 1 stance paid; if recipient has obtained funds by fal6e representa¬ tion, double the amount paid in ex¬ cess of amount to which recipient is entitleo. no claim shall be enforced against homestead occupied by surviv¬ ing sp0u6e. 1/2 of net amount recovered is paid to U.S. MISSOURI Laws (1935), pp. 178,306. Mandatory 70 years cltizen of u.s. Residence in State for 5 years within 9 years immediately preceoing application, 1 year immediately preceding appli¬ cation. (Absence in the ser¬ vice or State or U.S. not deemed to interrupt re6idence if new domicile not acquired). Applicant incapacitated from earning livelihood; not an inmate of any pri60n, jail, insane asylum, or any other public reformatory or correctional institution; has no per60n legally responsible or able to support; if pensioner imprisoned, a10 8u8pen0ed during imprisonment; receipt of other public a 10, except for meoical and surgical a86i8tance, 018qual1fie8. value of property not to exceed $1500. if marrico and supporting spouse, not to exceed $2000. Monthly income from all 80urce8 in¬ cluding pension not to exceed $30; pcn81 oner and spouse $45. ($150 annual exemption). has not deprived self •f property for the mrp08e of qualifying. $30 per month. Pensioner and spouse $45. County Old Age Assistance Board. St. Loui6 Board or Estimate and apportionment. State Old Aqe Assistance Commissioner review6 all actions of local Boards. Board of Vanaqers or the Eleemosynary Instituions settles dis¬ putes between local Boards anc State Commissioner, ano makes final 0eci8i0n8. Stat ei General funo Decision of State Board may be ap¬ pealed to State Circuit Court. Required.. no provision. no prov161 on i Qualifications Administration Liens state citation nature of Law Aqe Requ1re- ment citizen¬ ship Residence social conditions Limitations on Property ano Income Maximum Allowance Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility source of fund6 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board State provisions for Reim¬ bursement To Federal government MONTANA laws (1935), Chs. 109,170 Mandatory 65 year8 Citizen of u.s. re6i0ence in state 5 years within 10 years immediately preceding application. if applicant has not resided in County 1 year immediately preceding application, pen¬ sion paid entirely from State fund64 Applicant must not be an inmate of any public or private institution, except in the case of temporary medical or surgical care in a hospi¬ tal} 18 not, because of h18 phy8ical or mental conoition, in need of continued institutional care} receipt of other relief from State or any political subdivision thereof except medical or surgical assistance, disqualifies. Commission may require transfer of all prop¬ erty a8 conoition to granting aid. applicant has not made a volun¬ tary assignment or transfer of property for purpose8 of qual¬ ifying. Income, when added to the contribu¬ tions in money, sub¬ stance or 8ervice from legally re8p0n81ble relatives or others inadequate to provide reasonable 8ub818tence compatible with decency and health. Discretionary with County B0ARO8. County Olo Age Pension Commission state Old Age Pension Commission (Montana Relief comm 1 88 1 on ) makes all rules ano regulations Counties; County Poor fund (Tax levies) State; reim6ur6e6 Countie6 up to 75% from State Old Age Assist -ance fund (Tax levies and Federal grants ) Appeal allowed to State Old Age Pen¬ sion Commission which must review case. Required Lien for total amount of aio, plu6 5% intere6t. no specific provision, mon tana Relief Com¬ mission authorized to do all things nec¬ essary to conform to Feoeral re¬ qu 1 rement 8. NEBRASKA Laws (1935), ch. 137. Laws (1935 1st Ex), chs. 20, 22, 27, 28 Mandatory 65 years no pro¬ vision Resident of State for 5 of the 9 years immediately pre¬ ceding the application, and continuously for 1 year im¬ mediately preceding appli¬ cation, or - Resident of State for 25 consecutive years at any time and resided in State I year preceding date of application. Applicant is not, when assistance woulo other¬ wise commence, an inmate of any prison, jail, state 1n8ane asylum or state institution for blind, except temporary hospital care) is not receiving old age or other assistance, finan¬ cial or otherwise, at public expense} has no child or other person legally responsible and able to support him) aid to recipient llot a bar for relief to the spouse or dependents of said recipient. Applicant has not, directly or indirect¬ ly, deprived him8elf of property for pur¬ pose of qualifying} has not during preced¬ ing 12 months an in¬ come from all sources, money and property, of net value exceeoing $360} income from property owned by ap¬ plicant dur ing 8a id period computed at 5% of actual net value, no deduction made for reason of 8ai0 prop¬ erty being a homestead or otherwise exempt from legal pr0ce88• $30 per month The County as6i8tance COMMIt tee acting ex of¬ ficio as the Old Age Assis¬ tance Board. The State ass 18 tance comm1t tee through the Director of ass 1 stance appr0ve6 all grants of as¬ sistance, and 8uperv 1 8e6 the adminis¬ tration of the act. Sta te; 57.27% State Assistance Funo derived from a $2 per ano other 80urce8 desig¬ nated by the legislature. County; General funo to State Assist¬ ance Committee. Requireo On oeath of recip¬ ient, total amount of aid granted 8hall be a lien upon his estate, but such lien shall not be enforceo while property is occupieo by a spouse or depenoent of recipient. One half of pr0cee06 of 8uch lien shall be pa 10 to the proper agency of uniteo States. state citation Nature of Law Qualifications MAX 1 mum Allowance Administration source of fund6 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board lit jjs Age Requ 1 re- men t c1t1 zen— shi p re6ioence Social Conditions llmi tat ions on Property and Income Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility State Provis1ons for reim- bursemen t to Federal Government NEVADA coup. laws (1929), sec. 5109-5136. la>6 (1935), Ch. 138. Optional 65 YEARS Citizen OF U.S. 15 YEARS. Actual resident of State 10 YEARS NEXT PRECEDING APPLI¬ CATION. Applicant is not, at date of application, an INMATE OF ANY PRISON, JAIL, WORKHOUSE, INSANE ASYLUM, OR ANY OTHER PUBLIC REFORM, OR CORRECT¬ IONAL INSTITUTION; FOR 6 MONTHS OR MORE, DURING 10 YEARS PRECEDING DATE OF APPLICATION, IF a HUSBAND, HAS NOT OESERTEO HIS WIFE OR FAILED TO SUPPORT H16 CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 15 YEARS; IF a WIFE, HAS NOT DESERTED HER HUSBANO, OR FAILED TO SUPPORT HER CHILDREN, As WERE UNDER AGE; HAS NOT, WITHIN ONE YEAR OF MAKING APPLI¬ CATION, BEEN A PROFESSIONAL TRAMP OR 8EGGAR; HAS NO PERSON LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE AND ABLE TO SUPPORT HIM; IS NOT RECEIVING OTHER PUBLIC *10. VALUE OF PROPERTY OF APPLICANT OR HUSBAND AND WIFE LIVING TO¬ GETHER MUST NOT EXCEED $3000. Income from all sources including pension not to exceed $ i per oay. (income OF NON-INCOME PRODUC¬ ING PROPERTY COMPUTED AT 5%. ) APPL1 CANT HAG NOT DEPRIVED HIM¬ SELF, OIRECTLY OR IN¬ DIRECTLY, OF ANY PROPERTY FOR PURPOSE OF QUALIFY INC. $ 1 per day . Board of County commis¬ sioners. State board of RELIEF WORK PLANNING AND PENSION CON¬ TROL . County: General fund Appeal allowed TO DISTRICT COURT. No PROVISION For total amount PLUS INTEREST AT 3%. Double recov¬ ery for false m1 s- representat1 on. Applicant may be REQUIRED TO TRANS¬ FER PROPERTY TO BOARD AS A CONDI¬ TION TO RELIEF. No PRO¬ VI SI ON. NEV HAMPSHIRE Mandatory 70 YEARS clT1 ZEN OF U.S. Residence in State 5 years within 9 years immediately preceding application and continuously for 1 year im¬ mediately preceding applica¬ tion. Must apply in county of legal settlement, or, if none, where he resioes. Applicant unable to support self and no person LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE OR ABLE TO SUPPORT HIM; IS NOT AN INMATE OF ANY PRIVATE OR FRATERNAL INSTI¬ TUTION OR CHARITABLE INSTITUTION OF STATE OR SUBDIVISION THEREOF, EXCEPT IN CASE OF TEMPORARY MECICAL OR SURGICAL CARE IN HOSPITAL; IS NOT, ON ACCOUNT OF PHYSICAL CONDITION, IN NEED OF CON¬ TINUED INSTITUTIONAL CARE; IS NO* AN INMATE OF ANY PRISON, JAIL, WORKHOUSE, INFIRMARY, INSANE ASYLUM, OR OTHER PUBLIC CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION; IF A HUSBANO, HAS NOT, FOR SIX MONTHS OR MORE DURING THE 10 YEARS PRECEDING APPLICATION, WITH¬ OUT JUST CAUSE, FAILED TO SUPPORT WIFE OR CHIL¬ DREN UNDER SIXTEEN; HAS NOT BEEN IMPRISONED FOR FELONY FOR 10 YEARS PRECEDING APPLICATION; HAS NOT, WITHIN 1 YEAR, BEEN AN HABITUAL TRAMP, BfGGAR OR ORUNKARD. Income from all sources INCLUDING PENSIONS, SHALL NOT EXCEED $30. per month. County Com¬ missioners may require assignment of personal PROPERTY AS CONDITION PRECEDENT TO GRANTING aid. Applicant has NOT OEPRIVED HIMSELF, EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, OF ANY PROPERTY FOR THE PUR¬ POSE OF QUALIFYING. $30 PER MONTH. County COUM1SS1 ONERS State Board of fEL FA RE AND REL IEF MAKES RULES AND RLGULAT1ONS AND RECEIVES REPORT FROM County Commis- s 1 oners. County: 95% (General fund) STATE: 5% (General fund) Appeal allowed by appl1 cant to state Bcard of Ielfare ANC RELIEF. Decisions of the Board are final. SlATE MAY, ON OWN MOT ION, REVIEW ANY decision of County Commissioners. Required Lien for total AMOUNT OF AID. Share of PROCEEDS ALLOCATED TO U.S. IN PROPORT1 ON TO CONTRI¬ BUTION. Public Acts (1935), cm. 127. State Ci tat i on Nature of Lab Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Lie N& Age Require¬ ment Citizen¬ ship Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income Uaxi mum Allosance d irect re6p0n6ibil1ty Supervisory re8p0nsibil1ty Source of Funos State provi6 ions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal flOVERN.ENT NO YORK labs (1936), CH. 693. Mandatory 65 year6 V Citizen of u.s. ha6 re8i0ed in state 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application ano 1 year immediately preceding application. Applicant is unable to support himself either in bhole or in part and has no per60n able to support him and responsible for his 6upp0rtj is not, bhile receiving assistance, an inmate of any public or private institution of a cu6t00ial, correctional or curative character except for temporary medical or surgical care in a hospital or a 6anatarium{ 18 not becau8e of physical or mental condition in need of continued insti¬ tutional care. Applicant has not maoe a voluntary assignment or transfer for the purpose of qualifying for assistance. Public Ielfare offi¬ cials may require that a claim on property and insurance be given to secure repayment of ass 16tance• osner- 6hip of real or per¬ sonal property by an applicant or 8p0u8e, either individually or jc1ntly r or of insur¬ ance on life of appli¬ cant, shall not pre¬ clude granting of assistance, if appli¬ cant 18 bithout fun06 necessary for 8upp0rt. Discretionary bith Public •elfare officer. County or city publ1c telfare off 1 cials. State Depart¬ ment of Publ ic •elfare super¬ vises adminis¬ tration, pre¬ scribes forms ano records ano makes rule8 and requla- tions. County and City* 50% (General fund) State* 5C% (General fund) Appeal allobeo to State Department of Public Ielfare. Required. Public Ielfare official may require execution of an instrument g1v1ng l1 en to State for all assistance paid. Such part of net amount collected as requireo by social securi ty Boaro. NORTH DAKOTA labs (1933), ch. 254. Labs (1935), chs. 123,221. Mandatory 68 year6 Citizen of u.s. Resided in State for 20 years immediately preceding appli¬ cation. (ab6ence not exceed¬ ing 1 year or temporary ab6ence in service of the State or U.S. not deemed to interrupt continuous resi¬ dence if neb domicile not acquired. ) Applicant is bithout adequate means of support; has not habitually failed to bork according to his ability, opportunity ano need, for main¬ tenance or benefit of himself and th06e legally dependent upon him; has not been a professional beggar, tramp or vagrant during any period of hi6 life; mas no children able and responsible under lab to 8upp0rt him; is not an inmate of any municipal, state or national institution. Annual income from all 60urce8 including pen¬ sion not to exceed $150. income of non- revenue prooucing property computed at 5% (homestead exempt). County Boaros may re¬ quire assignment of property as condition precedent to granting aio. Applicant mas not divested himself of property to qualify. $150 per year. State Ielfare Board, assist¬ ed by County ■elfare Boaros. no provision. State* (l/l 0 mill property tax). Total Old-Age Pen¬ sions of any county in any year not to exceeo 125% of amount of taxes collect¬ ed for such county. State Board of Public Ielfare empobered to hear all questions appealed from or suggested by County Boaros. State Board makes regulations re proced"re in all hearings. no provision. Lien for total amount of a10, plus 3% interest. In case of mis¬ representation, lien 00ubled. no provision 1/ |r Federal grants discontinued, age requirement shall be raised to 70 vear6 on the first day of February follobing discontinuance. Qualifications ADM ini stration li en8 State citation Nature of Law Age requ1 re- went cltlzen- ship Resioence social conditions Limitations on Property and Income max 1 mum Allowance direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility source of fund8 Fair Hearing Before State Report to Federal board State provi 8i0n8 for reim¬ bursed t to Federal Government NCI JERSEY Laws (1935), Cm. 106. laws (1936), Ch. 31 . Mandatory 65 years (70 years until June 16, 1936 } Citizen of u.s. Residence in State 5 years of the 9 years imweoiately pre¬ ceding application and con¬ tinuously for 1 year immed¬ iately preceding application. (if Federal aid not available, pending or ne* applicants must have 5 years residence immediately preceding appli- cation.) Applicant unable to support 6elf, either in whole or in part, and mas no children or other pers0n6 able to 8upp0rt or legally responsible to 00 80; is not, because of physical or mental conoition, in neeo of prolongeo care in any public institution of a cu8t00ial, correctional or curative character; 8hall receive no other a86i8tance from state or any political sub¬ division thereof except for medical and 8urqical care; shall not be deemed a pauper by reason of such assistance. Has not voluntarily transferred property for the purp08e of qualifying; does not p088e88 real or person¬ al property, the net equity of which 18 in excess of $3000 (this limitation on ownership of real and per80nal property 8hall not be c0n8true0 as an ex¬ emption limit, but 8hall serve as a guide in administration). County »elfare Board shall require, as a conoition to granting assistance, that all or any part of the prop¬ erty, cither real or personal, of applicant be pledged to county a8 a guaranty for reimbursement. $30 per month. County *elfare Board. Division of Old Age Assistance of Department of Institutions and Agencies has power to require a0equate personnel stan¬ dards and to make rules and regulations. Countyi Prop¬ erty tax. In case of defi¬ ciency, tem¬ porary loans• s ta te 1 re 1 m- bur8e6 county 87 \/2% from 1nheritance tax and general fund. if no county settle¬ ment, State totally re¬ sponsible. If Federal funds not availasle, State reim¬ burses 75ji. Appeal allowed to Division of Old Age Assistance of Department of insti tut 1 on8 and AgENC1e8. Required. Lien for total amount granted. priority over all unsecured claims except funeral ex¬ penses not to ex¬ ceed $150.) no levy 6hall be made upon the real e6tati while it 18 occupied by 6p0u6e, if not more than 10 year6 younger than the deceased recipient. Ra table portion not exceeding 1/2 of all sum6 re¬ covered paid to u.s. State Citation Nature of law qualir1ca t1 on6 Maximum Allowance Administration Source of Funds Fair HeAring Before State Report to Federal Boaro Li "NS Age requ 1 re- men I CITIZEN¬ SHIP Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income Direct responsibility Supervi80ry respons1b1l1 ty State provisions For Reim¬ bursement to Federal government OHIO Code (1935), Sec. S359- to 1359-30. Laws (1935) • ST Ex), M.8. 558, 605, 646. mandatory 65 years C| riZEN of u.s. Has re8ide0 in State for 5 or 9 years immediately prior to application; and continuously for 1 year immediately prior to application. resident of County for i year immediately prior to application; pro¬ vided, thi6 condition may be waiveo if necessary to secure Federal aid. Applicant 16 not an inmate of any penal or correctional institution or state hospital; ha8 not during period of 10 years immediately prior to filing application, for a per 100 of 6 m0nth6 or more, if a husband, oeserted his wife, or without just cause tailed or neglected to main¬ tain ano provide for her and his chiloren under 15 years, or, if a wife, de8erted her hu6band or children unoer 15 years; is unable to support himself; has no person legally responsible ano able to support him. Income not to exceed $360 per year; net vallje less encum¬ brances on all property not to exceed $3000 ($4000 if marrieo). Income of non-revenue prooucing property computed at 5%. Applicant has not, 01rectly or 1 no 1rectly, deprived himself of property to qualify for assistance. insur¬ ance over $250 shall be placeo under trusteeship of divi¬ sion to guarantee re¬ funding of assistance granteo. $30 per month. ($60 per month for pensioner and spouse. ) County Board of Aid for Aged, •here none, the County Commissioners. Divi6ion or Aid for Aged of State Depart¬ ment of publ 1 c ■elfare make6 rules ano regulations ano mu6t approve, modify or reject the certificate of a 1 0 made by County Boards; administers ano expends Federal funos. State i General fund tpom $1 per gallon liquor revenue from State l iquor stores. Appeal allowed to Division. Required. Lien for total amount of a10, with 4% interest; doubled in case of misrepresentation. State pays U.S. such share or portion of net am0unt8 collected as may be required by Act of Congress. OREQOK Laws (1933), CM. 284. Law6 ("933 2nd Ex), CM. 23. Mandatory 70 year6 Citizen or U.S. 15 years Resided in State 15 years and in County 2 years immediately preceding application. (ab¬ sence nct exceeding 2 years or ab6ence in employ of state or U.S. not oeemed to interrupt continuous re6i0cnce.) Applicant ourhg period of 25 years immediately PRECEDING OATE of APPLICATION HAS NOT BEEN CON¬ VICTED OF ANY CRIMINAL 0FFEN8E INVOLVING MORAL TURPITUDE; IF A HUSBANO, HAS NOT AT ANY TIME FOR A PERIOD OF six MONTHS OR MORE, WITHOUT JUST CAUSE, OESERTED HIS WIFE OR FAILED to PROVIDE HER WITH ADEQUATE MEANS OF MAINTENANCE OR NEG¬ LECTED TO MAINTAIN SUCH OF HIS CHILDREN AS ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 15 YEARS; IF A WIFE, OESERTED HER HUSBAND OR ANY OF HER MINOR CHILDREN WITHOUT JUST CAUSE; HAS NOT WITHIN 1 YEAR PRECEDING APPLICATION, BEEN a PROFESSIONAL TRAMP OR BEGGAR; HAS NO OTHER PERSON LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE AND ABLE TO eUPPCRT HIM; DURING CONTINUANCE OF PENSION, HE RHAII RECEIVE NO OTHER FORM OF RELIEF FROM the State or its political subdivisions. Property must not ex- ceeo $3000. Income from all sources, in¬ cluding pension, must not exceed $30. per month. County Boards may require assignment of all property as condition precedent to granting aid. applicant has not, oirectly or indirectly, deprived himself of property for purpose of qualify¬ ing. $30 per month. County Old Age Pension Com¬ missi 0n6. State Board of Control makes regulations and receives annual report 6 of County Commissions. Countyx General fund State: Liquor revenue no provision, appeal to County Circuit Court allowed. no provision. Lien for total AMOUNT or AID, plu8 3% interest Lien doubled in case of mis¬ representation. no pro- v1 s ' on . State Citation Nature of Lab Oualitfi cations Waximum Allowance Admini tra t1 on Source of FuND8 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Feoeral Board Lie NC iGE Require¬ ment C 1t1 zen— 8hip re6idence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income Direct Responsibility Super vi sory Responsibility State Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Federal Government OREGON 1/ Mandatory 65 years Citizen of U.S. Native born Amer¬ ican woman married to alien prior to 9/22/22 Residence in State 5 of 9 year8 immediately precedinq application. Residence in County 1 year immediately precedinq application. Applicant is not at time of receiving assistance an inmate of any public or private institution or home for aqed| no person receiving assistance shall receive any other relief from the state except for medical or 8urqical aid; per80n8 legally liable ano able to support 8uch aqed person shall be executeo aqain6t, if they fail or refuse to a83umf their obligation. Income, including >ew- bion, not to exoeed $30 per month. County Relief Committee may require pledge of all property a8 condition precedent to granting aid. $30 per month. County Relief COMMIt tees• State Relief Committee makes rules and regu- lations ano re¬ ceives reports from County Committee. State; General fund (Sales tax and 75% of Liquor tax dedicated to old age assistance ano other welfare purposes ). Required. Lien for total amount paid in assistance. one- half of amount pro¬ rated among State ano county. 1/2 or pro¬ ceeds paid to the Feoeral Government. LA.8 (1935), Chs. 407,428. Lais (1935) 1st Ex), Chs. 50, 55. ch. 45 State Relief Com¬ mittee Pennsylvania!/1 Lass (1935 1st ex.). No. 13. Optional. 70 year8 until Jan. J, 1940. 65 years there¬ after. Citizen of U.S. ha8 resioed in the common¬ wealth for 5 of the 9 years immediately precedinq appli¬ cation and has a leqal settle¬ ment in the Commonwealth. (Absence in service of U.S. or the Commonwealth not oeemcd to interrupt residence if no domicile acquired outside the Commonwealth.) Applicant is not an inmate of a public reform or correctional institution or public mental hos¬ pital; ha-8 not within 2 years preceding appli¬ cation been a professional tramp or beqgar; is indigent ano has no relative responsible and able to support him; shall not have voluntarily relinquished or given up any gainful employment without just cau8e within 6ix months preceding application. Applicant has not transferred hi6 real or per60nal propcrty worth $500 wlthout fa ir consideration Wlthin 2 year8 pre¬ ceding application; shall not at the same time receive othcr relief, a88i8tance, benefit, compensation or pension totaling more than $30 per month . $30 per month. County Boards of tru8tee8 of the Mothers' Assistance f uno . State Depart¬ ment of Ielfare. State; General funo County; may expend from general fund for adminis¬ tration an amount equal to 6% of State grant. Appeal allowed to State Department of Welfare. ReQUIred. Real and personal property liable for repayment of assistance received under thi6 Act. 1/2 of net amount re¬ covered paid to u.s. PENNSYLVANIA^/ Lass (1935 1st Ex.), no. ts. Optional. 70 years c1 t 1 zen of U.S. for 15 years. ha8 re8ide0 in state continu¬ ously for 15 years immediate¬ ly precedinq application, (continuous residence not interrupted by per 1006 of ab¬ sence, totalinq not more than 3 years); or has resided in State 40 years, at .least 5 of which immediately precede application. (ab8ence in service of State or U.S. shall not interrupt c0ntinu- u0u6 residence if new domicile not acquired.) Applicant must not, at time of making appli¬ cation, be an inmate of any prison, jail, work¬ house, insane asylum, or other public reform or correctional institution; if a husdako, must not, for 6 months or more our 1 no the 15 years preced¬ inq application have 0e8erte0 his wife or, with¬ out ju6t cau8e, failed to 8upp0rt her and his children under 15 years, or, if a wife, has not deberted her hu8band or, without just cause, failed to 6upp0rt 6uch of her chiloren as were under age and as she wa6 bouno to support; has not, within 2 years preceding application, been a profess 1onal. tramp or beggar; is indigent and has no per6on responsible at law and able to support him. Applicant shall not at the same time receive other relief, assist¬ ance, benefit, compen¬ sation or pension totaling $30 per month. $30 per month. County Boards of Trustees of thi Mothers' Ass 1 stance Fund. State Depart¬ ment of Welfare. State; General fund County; May expend from general fund for adminis¬ tration an amount equal tc 6% of State grant. Appeal allowed to State Department of Welfare. No provision. Real and personal property liable for repayment of assistance received under this Act. no pro¬ vision. J/ Effective only ir Federal funds available. 2/ Effective Only if Federal funds not available. State c1 tat ion Nature of Law Qualifications admini tration source of f unds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board l1 en6 Age Require- ment cltlzen- ship Residence Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income max 1 mum Allowance OlRECT Responsibility Supervisory re6p0nsibility State Provisions for Reim- bursement to Federal Government UTAH Rev. Stat. (1933), Sees. 19-12-1 TO 19-12-13 iaw6 (1935), CH. 69 Optional 65 years Citizen of U.S. for 15 year6 Resided in State for 15 years la6t past (absence not exceed¬ ing 3 years or ab6ences in service of State or U.S. not deened to inierrupt continuous residence), or resided in State for 25 years and has Resided therein continuously for 5 years la6t past. Resided in county 5 years immediately preceding appli¬ cation. Applicant incapacitated to gain livelihood; ha6 not, during 10 years last past been imprisoned upon conviction of a felony or indictable misde¬ meanor; if a husband, has not, our 1ng 15 years last past 0e6erted, or without just cause failed to provide adequate meanb for the support of h16 wife, or neglected to maintain and provide for the 6upp0rt of such of his children as were under 15 for a period of 6 months; if a wiff, has not our inc 15 years last past deserted with¬ out just cause her husband or such of her chil¬ dren as were lnder 15; ha6 not within i year last past been a vagrant or beggar; has no relative legally responsible for and able to support him; is not receiving other "a 1d from the State or any political subdivision thereof, except for medical and surgical assistance; imprisonment 8u6pen08 pension our 1 no such imprisonment. Annual income not to exceed $300 computed by adding to earned income 5% of market value of property. Boaro may require assignment of property a8 condition to grant¬ ing aid. Applicant has not directly or in¬ directly disp06e0 or deprived him6elf, of any property for the purpose of qualifying for aid. $25 per month. Pensioner and spouse $45. Board of County Commissioners. (County Depart¬ ments of Public Welfare, if State and Federal funos ape made ava1lable•) No provision. (State Depart¬ ment of Public Welfare, if State and Federal funo6 are made available.) County: General fund. no prov16i on. no provision. Lien for total amount of aid,, plus 5% intere6t. l1 en doubled in case of mlsrepresentation. (State's claim i6 subject to Federal lien. ) No pro¬ vision. VERMONT LA»s (1935), Nos. 29,82. Laws (1935 1st Ex), No. 8 Mandatory 65 year6 cltizen of u.s. Resident of State 5 out of 10 year6 immediately preceding application. Applicant 16 not at time of application an in¬ mate of any prison, jail, workhouse, insane a6ylum, or other public reform or correctional institution; mu8t not receive other aid from the State or any political subdivision thepeof, except medical ano surgical a10 or hospitaliza¬ tion. if applicant convicted of crime punish¬ able by imprisonment for 1 month or longer, a 10 suspended during imprisonment. Income doe6 not ex¬ ceed $360 a year, or if married and not 6epara ted from spouse, joint in¬ come less than $50c per year. Annual earnings or gifts of $100 exempt. Equity in property does not Exceed $2500. ($4000 if married.) (home¬ stead exemption of $ 1000.) appl1 cant has not made an assignment or trans¬ fer of property or income for the purpose of qualify¬ ing for aid. $30 per month. Pensioner and spouse $45. State Olc Age ass 1 stance commi6sion as6iste0 by local official. no prov181 on. State: (General fund) $1 .75 poll tax . Appeal allowed to State Old Age Assistance Commis¬ sion. Requirec . Preferrec claim for full amount of assistance. claim is 00ubled in case of misrepresenta¬ tion. 1/2 net amount re¬ covered pa 10 to designated agency of Feceral Government. Sta te Citation Nature of Law Aqe Require¬ ment Qualifications Citizen- ship Social Conditions Limitations on Property and Income maximum Allowance Administration Direct re6p0n8ibility supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Provisions for Reim¬ bursement to Feoeral Government 1ASHINQT0N Laws (1935), CM. |82 65 years (May be altereo to con¬ form to Federal Act. ) CiTI zen of U.S. Resided in State 5 m 10 years immediately preceding appl i cat ion. ■EST VIRGINIA Laws (1935 'bt Ex.), H.B. I. ci t izek of U.S. Applicant not an inmate of home for the aged or of a custodial, correctional or curative charac¬ ter, except in the case of temporary medical or surgical care in a hospital; 16 not because of his physical or mental condition in need of con¬ tinued institutional care; must not receive other relief from the state or any political subdivision thereof, except for medical and sur¬ gical care, hospitalization and nursing assist¬ ance; imprisonment suspends payments or, in Department's discretion, forfeits aid. Physical or other condition renders permanent hi6 in¬ ability to provide properly for him6elf. State Department may re¬ quire assignment of property as condition to granting alo. income of applicant inadequate tc provide reasonable subsistence compatible with oecency and health; applicant has not made i voluntary assignment or tran6fer of property fos the purpose of qualify¬ ing. $30. per month In event Fed¬ eral aid ex¬ ceeds $15 per month, maxi¬ mum increased to twice amount of Federal aid. State Depart¬ ment of Public ■elfare . Governor receive6 annual Report . Statei General fund State Department of Ielfare may hold investigation to a8certain facts supporting appli¬ cation, examining wltne8se8, docu¬ ments, etc. Required. Lien for total amount of aid. (no lien if its inclu¬ sion 18 not essen¬ tial to obtain Feoeral aio.) Lien for total amount of aid, plus 6% intere6t if 8p0u8e was able to 6upp0rt no provi8 ion Has resided in State eor 5 of the 9 years immediately pre¬ ceding application and i year immediately preceoing appl i- cation. Applicant is not in need of continuing insti¬ tutional care because of hi8 physical or mental condition; has no relative or other per80n financially able to 8upp0rt him and legally responsible for hi8 6upp0rt; is not an inmate of public or private institution while receiving assistance; 16 actually in need and has not sufficient income or other resources to provide a subsistence compatible with decency ano health; is receiving no other public aid, except temporary medical or surgical care, without approval of county council. recipient not deemed a pauper by rea60n of receipt of relief. Applicant has not made an assignment or trans¬ fer of property for the purp06e of qualify¬ ing for assistance. $30. per month. State Depart¬ ment of Public Assistance as6i8ted by County Public A66i stance councils. no provision. statet fund6 from State FUND GENERAL REVENUE ALLOCATEO TO COUNTIES IN PROPORTION TO NUMBER, OF CASES/AND COST OF 1/iviNG. Appeal allowed to State Board of Review. Applicant shall submit agreement to grant state a lien on all his property as a condition of a88istance, ano shall assign life insurance policies. thi 8 lien shall not be enforced aqain6t real e6tate occupieo by the sur¬ viving spouse un¬ less 8uch person 16 widow who re¬ marries or there is threatened or actual tran8fer of the property. real property to the value of $1500 and per80nal property to the value ot $200 shall be exempt. 1/2 of net amount collected 8hall be reimbursed to Federal Government. Qualir cations Asm in 1 stra t1 on Liens Provisions State Nature Age cl t 1 zen- Limitations on Max imum direct superv1sory Source or Fair Hearing Report to for reim- bursemen t to FCCERAL Government cltat ion or Law Requ ire- ment ship Residence Social Conditions Property and Income Allowance responsibil1ty RESPONSIilLITY Funds Before State Department Feceral Board State WISCONSIN Laws (1935), Mandatory 65 years clt1 zen Resided in State 5 years Applicant must not be an inmate or a charitable value or property or $ 1 . per day. County Judge State Pension State: 80% Review or denial Required. For total amount 1/2 paid ch; 554 (may be or U.S. during 9 years immediately institution maintained by the state or any Or combined value op prop¬ with the coop¬ Depar tmen t (General pund) or application granted plu6 inter¬ to u.s. reouceo or born preceding application, the its political subdivisions, or Or a private erty or husbano and ERATION or adopts rules County: 20% granted. est at 3%. Effect¬ Government. TO 60 in U.S. last year op which the res¬ charitable, benevolent or era ternal institution wipe living together County Pension and regulations (General puno) ive on death or whenever idence must have been con¬ or home eor the aged to which no admission must not exceed $5000. Departments, ir and exercises City, Town, recipient or Federal tinuous and immediately charge as a liee tenant has been made, provioeo, Annual income incluoing established in actual super¬ Village: Unoer surviving spouse. age limit preceding application. an inmate ot a county home may apply while in pension not to exceed Counties with vision. local system is so (Absence in service or said home, but alo does not begin until appli¬ $ I . per day. (Income population reimburses reduced ). State or U.S. not deemeo to interrupt res 1 den ce ie domicile not acquired out¬ side or State.) cant ceases to be an inmate op said home. may not receive any other eorm or reliee from state or political subdivision thereop except medical or surgical assistance; has not, during 10 years immediately preceding application been imprison¬ ed eor a eelony; ie a hu6band, has not without just cause, ea1 led to support his wipe and children under 15 years eor 6 months or more during the 15 years preceding application; has not, within 1 year, er.f\ an habitual tramp or beggar; has no person responsible at law and able to support him. prom non-revenue pro¬ ducing property comput¬ ed at 5%.) May require assignment op pension¬ er's property as a condition to granting aid. has not oeprived himself, either direct¬ ly or indirectly, op property por purp06e op qual ipying. under 500,000 or County Boards or Pub¬ lic Welpare, ir established, in Counties with population over 500,000. county from general funds. (80% or Fed¬ eral punos rece1ved allotted to counties, 20% to State Pen¬ sion Depart¬ ment ). WYOMING Laws (1935), Mandatory 65 year6 cltizen Resided in State 5 years Applicant, at time or receiving aid must not be Annual income from all $30. per mcnth. State Depart¬ no provision. State: 50% Appeal allowed to no provision, Preferred claim roR u.s. share Ch. 101. or U.S. within 10 years immediately inmate or charitable or public institution. source 6, including ment or Public (General fund) State Department but State total amount op aid, or LIEN preceding application. pension, mu6t not ex¬ ceed $360. income or property c0mpute0 at 3% Or determined value. Income or applicant, when joined to that op spouse is inadequate to provide a reasonable 6ubs16tence compatible with decency and health applicant and/or spouse mu6t not have oeprived himselp oirectly or indirectly or any prop¬ erty or income por the Welpare assist¬ ed by County Boards or Pub- L1c WELrARE . (County Commis¬ sioners, where no county Board exists. ) County: 50% (Tax levy not to exceed 1/2 mill.) or Public Welfare. Department authorized to make all neces¬ sary rules and regulations to conform to Federal act. plus 3% interest. Claim doubleo in case or misrepre¬ sentation. proceeds deemeo to be part or State ' s allotment prom U.S. \ purpose op qualirying. State c 1 ta t 1 on Nature of Law Qualifications max imum Allowance Administration source of Fun 06 Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board Li rN? Age require- men t c 1 t1 zen— ship resioence Social Conditions llm 1 tat ions on Property and Income Direct re8pon8ibil 1 ty Supervisory Responsibility State provi8i0n8 for Reim¬ bursement to Federal government ALASKA Compiled Laws of Alaska, (1933), secs. 1781 to 1786, a6 amended by Laws of Alaska, (1935) CM. 47. Mandatory Men 65 year6, lonn 60 yeari. . Citizen of U.S. Re6ioeo in Alaska continuously 25 years immediately preceding granting of allowance. Aid suspended if and when applicant is an inmate of Alaska Pioneer's Home-. Applicant must have no other means of support Men $35. women $45. Board of Trus¬ tees of Alaska p10neer8' home, assisted by comm1 ss i oners of the several precinct6 of Alaska . no provision territory (general fund) no provision no provision no provision no provision DISTRICT OF Optional 65 years Citizen of u.s. re81ded in the di8trict of columbia 5 of 9 years immedi¬ ately preceding application, 1 of which ha6 been continu¬ ously preceding application. Applicant's physical condition renders him permanently unable to provide for himself; applicant is not, at time of making application, an inmate of any prison, jail, workhouse, in6ane asylum or other public reformatory or correc¬ tional institution; is not an habitual tramp or beggar; has no person financially able and legal¬ ly responsible for his support; must not receive any other relief from the di8trict of columbia except medical, surgical and nursing care; 8p0u8e, father, child or grandchild living in District of Columbia must support if able. commissioners may re¬ quire assignment of property as condition to granting aid. Applicant has not made a voluntary assignment or transfer of prop¬ erty for the purpose of.qualifying. No provision board of commissioners of district No provision 0i8trict of columbia (General fund) upon initial re¬ fusal, review allowed by agency designated by board of Commissioners, ano comm166 1 oners in their discretion may grant further review Required Preferred claim for total amount of aid plus 3% interest. 1/2 the proceeds of grant paid to U.S. COLUMBIA h.r. 6623 (1935). HAVA 1 1 laws of hawa1 1 (1933), Act 208, as amend¬ ed by Laws, (1933),(SP. Sess.), Act 39 and LAW8, (1935),Series 0—159, 160. Mandatory 65 years clt1 zen of u.s. Resided in Territory for 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application; resides in county or City and County where ap¬ plication made. Applicant must not at time of application be an inmate of any prison, jail, in6ane asylum, or any home for the aged, or any custodial, correc¬ tional or curative institution; has not, within 1 year preceding application, been a profession¬ al tramp or beggar; has no spouse living with and/or children able to support him; applicant must not receive any other relief from the coun¬ ty or from any political subdivision thereof except for medical and surgical assistance; aid 18 suspended during imprisonment if such im¬ prisonment 16 for one month or longer; if recip¬ ient is incapable of taking care of his money or himself commission may direct the installment of his pension to be paid to any other reputable person for his benefit or may suspend same for such period as it deems fit. Property of pensioner and/or spouse must not exceed $1500. Income from all sources must not exceed $30. per month. Old Age Pension commission may require assignment of property as conoition to grant¬ ing aid. Income from non-revenue producing property computed at 5%. Applicant has not deprived himself di¬ rectly or indirectly of any property for purpose of qualifying. $30. per month. County Old Age Pension Com¬ mission. Territorial Old Age Pension board make8 rules and regu¬ lations and re¬ ceives reports. county (general fund) territory reimburses counties for 60% if Federal fund8 made available. Appeal to Territorial Board allowed. Required. county ha6 prefer¬ red claim for plu6 5j$ interest. Claim doubled in ca8e of misrepre— sen tat ion. 1/2 OF PRO¬ CEEDS OF INTO U.S treasury