v] ; s. 00 Wj:S >5. (c//^ / W i \ U.Sfei w,-U WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION Harry l. Hopkins, Administrator Corrington Gill Howard B. Myers, Director Assistant Administrator Social Research Division DIGEST OF BLIND ASSISTANCE LAWS OF THE SEVERAL STATES AND TERRITORIES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1936 Un,Ve- MAh 22 1937 libra PREFACE This digest presents a summary of the legis¬ lative provisions in effect on september 1, 1936, for granting blind assistance in the states and the District of Columbia. There is no provision for such assistance in Alaska or Hawaii. The first blind assistance law was enacted in Indiana in 1857; the next statute of this type was enacted in Ohio forty-one years later. Illinois, Massachusetts and Wisconsin made si m i lar provi si ons during the period from 1903 to 1907. Six more states entered this field in the decade from 1911 to 1920, and in the next 10-year period 11 others provided for blind assistance for the first time. Since 1930 there have been extensive developments in blind assistance, both in the enactment of pro¬ visions where none previously existed and in the revision of existing systems. laws of this type are now on the statute books in 33 states and the dlstrict of columbia. Early leg islati on usually placed on local units the responsibility for both financing and adminis¬ tering blind assistance. As late as 1929, only 10 of the 22 States having this type of aid furnished any money from the state treasury and only nine took any part in a dm ini stration. however, since 1929, the States have tended to accept both types of re¬ sponsibility to an increasing extent. At present 24 States provide part of the blind assistance funds and 26 States bear some responsibility for administration. in addition, louisiana has passed a new law to become effective if the constitutional amendment authorizing such legislation is ratified in November 1936. If this law becomes effective, it will add one state to those sharing financial responsibility. the headings for the columns and the terms used in the following tables are for the most part self-explanatory. under the heading "nature of Law" the legislation in each State has been clas¬ sified as mandatory or optional. The law is clas¬ sified as mandatory when an applicant who meets the qualifications prescribed by the act may resort to legal process to compel the granting of assistance if it is denieo by the administrative official. at present, the legi slati on providing blind assistance is mandatory in 25 states and the district of columbia. Prepared by Robert C. Lowe and Staff Legal Research Section under the supervision of A. Ross Eckler, Coordinator of Special Inquiries Division of Social Research ' \/ 3. U) %°ll3\ State and Citation Nature Law Age Require- ment Citizen¬ ship Res i oence Limitation on Receipt of Old Age Assistance Disqualifications Maximum Allowance Provision for Removal of Disability Administrative Rcsponsibility supervisory responsibili ty Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State department Report to Feoeral Boaro ARKANSAS Castle's Ann. Stat. (1931 SUPP.) Secs. 8189a- 8192. Acts (1931), Act 158 Mandatory 21 years and over cltizens of State for 5 No provision No provision Not indigent and blind $25 per month No provision Judge of Dis¬ trict Chancery Court State Confederate Pension Boaro adm 1n1ster6 fund ano makes rules and regulations. State; $10 annual pool ano billiard ta8le tax paid into State Indigent Blind Fund. no provision No pro¬ vision. california mandatory 16 years No pro- 6 months in County immediately preceoing application if state resident when became blino; 0therwi8e 10 years in State ano 1 year in County immed¬ iately preceding appli¬ cation. If Feoeral aid granted. State resi¬ dence of 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application and county residence of 1 year immediately preceding application. (State pays all assistance to those without county settlement.) No a id given to any indi¬ vidual who receive6 aid unoer the 0lo Age Security Act. Inmate of institution wholly or partially supported by State or its subdivisions; has someone legally responsible for his support} publicly solicits alms; owns prop¬ erty in exces8 of $3000; annual income including pension exceeos $1000, (non-income producing property computed at 5* on its valuation le68 all incumbrances). $600 per year. No pr0vi8i0n County Board of Supervi sors The State Depart¬ ment of Social Welfare . County; 5(#> (2/10 mill prop¬ erty tax) States 5<# (general fund) Appeal allow- eo to State Department of Social Welfare. no pro¬ vision Stat. (193i ) cH. 882. Laws {1935), Ch. 703. Laws (1936), Ch. 6. State and Nature Age Citizen¬ Limitation on maximum Provision for Administrat1ve Supervisory Source of Fair Hearing Report to Citation of requ1 re- ship Resioence Receipt of Oli Disqualifications Allowance Removal of Responsibility Responsibility Funos Before State Feoeral Law men t Age Assistance Disability Department Board COLORADO Stat. {1932 Mandatory 18 years Citizen Became blind while Blind aid More than 20/200 vision $30 per Necessary ex¬ County Depart¬ State Department County: Blind Appeal allowed Required Supp. ), of u.s. re8i0ent of state ano given in lieu with correcting glasses month. penses of ments of Public of Public Wel¬ Aid Fund to State Secs. 737- continues to resioe in of all other in better eye ano no dis¬ treatment ano •elfare . fare. State: Reim¬ Department of 749. lams State or resioed in public relief qualifying visual defect; traveling ex¬ burses counties Public Welfare (1935 2nd State 5 of 9 years except tempo¬ has sufficient income or penses granteo to extent of 75% Ex.) H.B. 4 immediately preceding rary medical other resources to pro¬ to prevent of aid granteo. application, last year and surgical vide reasonable sub¬ blindness or (Generai funo). of which residence must assistance. sistence compatible with restore sight. be continuous ano oecency ano health; in¬ immediately preceoe mate of municipal. State appl icat ion. or national institution; made assignment within 5 years immediately pre¬ ceding application for purpose of qualifying; is becau8e of physical or mental condition in neeo of continuing in- s0licit8 alm8. CONNECTICUT Gen. Stat. Optional No pro¬ NO pro¬ no prov181 on no provision Not needy blind person $30 per no prov181 on Board of Educa¬ No provision State: 3eneral no provision no pro¬ (1930), Sec. vision vision month tion for the fund vision 1045, 1048. blind. florida Laws (1935), Mandatory No pro¬ State Resided in State 5 Mjst receive Able to pursue the usual $180 per equi valent of 8oaro of County No provision County: General no provision No pro¬ ch. 16804. vision and u.s. ttears ano County 2 no other re¬ vocations of lifej is year, 1 year's Commissioners. fund vision citizen year6. lief of a not oeemed a deserving, $300, if assistance may public nature and a needy blino person. husband be. allowed Ml th and wife the consent of both claimant. blind. idaho Cooe Ann. mandatory Males 21 no pro¬ Became blind while a Relief pro¬ Able to provide himself $20 per Probate Judge County Judge of no provision County: Current No provision no pro¬ (1932), Sec. years. vision resident of state, or vided shall or her6elf with the month. authorized to Probate Court expense Fund 1/ vision 30-3201- Females bona fide resident of be in place nece88itie8 of life; expend a sum State' Cooper¬ 30-3206. 18 years State for 7 years and of all other mould not become a charge not to exceeo ative Revenue lamb (1935 of County 3 years public relief. upon the public or upon the cost of 1 Funo. 3rd Ex.), immediately preceoinq th08e not legally year'8 relief. h.b. 6 application. responsible for their \J La»s (1935 3rd Ex.) H.B. 5 makes blind assistance a charge upon the county, providing it be carried out in cooperation with and according to the stanoaros OF eligibility prescribed by the State or Federal Government. State and Citation nature of La* Age ReQu ire- Citizen¬ ship Residence Limitation on Receipt of Olo Age Assistance Disqualifications Max i mum Allowance Provision for Removal of Administrative Responsibil1ty Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board ILLINOIS Smith-Hurd's Rev. Stat. (1935), Ch. 23, Sec. 279-287a. Mandatorv Males,21 years; females, 18 years Citizen of U.S. Resided in State con¬ tinuously for 10 con¬ secutive years, and in county 3 years immed¬ iately before appli¬ cation. no provision a charge of any state, county or city chari¬ table institution; phy8ically or mentally incapacitated by age, prior to l0s8 of 8ightj has income of more than $465 per annum; or 18 marrieo, ano total in¬ come of person ano spouse exceeos $1000 per year; owns property whose total assessed value exceeos $2500, or any interest therein valueo at such amounts) sight not 60 defective as to render person un¬ able to perform the ordinary duties or tasks for which eyesight is e66ential. $365 per No PROVISION Board of County Commissioners or County Supervisors or County Bureau of Public "el- fare. Governor, State Treasurer and State Audi tor allocate State funds. County; 505$ Charity or general fund and taxes ranging from 1/10 - 5/10 mill paid into county 8lind Relief Fund- State; 50% Reimbursement to counties. 2/10 mill property tax paid into State Blind Relief Funo. No provision no pro- visioi indiana Laws (1936 1st Ex. ), Ch. 3 Mandatory Males,21 year8} females, 18 years Citizen of U.S. Lost sight while a resident of the state or re6ided in State 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application, residence mu8t se con¬ tinuous and immediately precede application. Recipient mu8t not, while receiv¬ ing slino aid, receive ahy other public relief from the State or any municipal corporation, instrumental¬ ity or polit¬ ical sub¬ division thereof, ex¬ cept for temporary medical and surg 1 cal assistance ano necessary hospital ex¬ penses. has vision in better eye with correcting glasses of more than 20/200 ano has no disqualifying vi8ual field defect; has sufficient income or other resources to pro¬ vide a reasonable sub¬ sistence compatible with oecency ano health; is being maintained 6y an institution during re¬ ceipt of aid; has, with¬ in 5 years prior to application, disposed of property for purpose of qualifying; 18, because of physical or mental conoition, in need of continuing institutional care; solicits alms. $30 per nece8sary traveling ex¬ penses and ex¬ penses of treat- recipient other¬ wise qualified to prevent 8lindness or to restore 6ight. Division of Public Assist¬ ance of the State Depart¬ ment of Public Welfare assist¬ ed by County Departments of Public "elfare. No provision State; General funo Appeal alloweo to State Department of Public Belfare Requ1 red State and Citat ion nature of Law Age Require- mi nt ship Residence Limitation on Receipt of Old Ace Assistance Disqualifications Max i mum Allowance Provision for Removal of Administrative Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funos Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Feoeral Board iowa Code (1935), Ch. 272, Sec. 5379-5384-a1 Optional Male, 21 years; female, 18 years no require¬ ment Resideo in State 5 years, county 1 year immediately preceding application no provision Charge of a charitable institution; income ex¬ ceeding $300 per annum. Not more than $300 per annum. no prov181 on County Board of Supervisors no prov181 on County! General or Poor Funo No provision No pro¬ vision kansas Rev. Stat. aNN. (1923), Sec. 19-244 - 19-245 Optional 21 years no pro¬ vision Has resideo in State 10 years, county 2 year6 previous to application or resioent of state at time of disablement. no provision parents or near relatives financially capable of caring for applicant; has not lost both eyes. $50 per month y no provision Board of County Commissioners No PROVISION 2/ County t General fund no prov181 on No pro- vision kentucky Carroll's Stat. (1930), Secs. i893a- 10 - i893a- 13. laws (1936 1st ex) h.b. 1. Optional Adults no pro¬ vision Resideo in State for 10 years, county for 5 years immediately preceding application. Receipt of pension from u.s. or any State or foreign gov¬ ernment, if when added to earnings ex¬ ceeds $400, disqualifies a ppl 1 cant. Professional beggar; able to earn in excess of $400 per annum; pension from any 80urce in exce8s of $400; property to value of $2500; inmate of any State, county or charitable institution in Kentucky or any other State; not destitute of useful v181 on. $250 per No prov181 on County Fiscal Court or County Commissioners State Department of Ielfare. Countyi General fund no specific provisions, but State De¬ partment given power to 00 all things necessary to conform to Federal Act. No pro¬ vision, but State Depart¬ ment auth¬ orized to do all things nece88ary to conform to Feoeral Act. louisiana Gen. Stat. Ann. (Supp. 1934), Sec. 9592-9593. Acts (1936), Acts 75,87. Mandatory 60 years 2/ no pro- visi on ha8 resided in state 5 years, pari8h 1 year. no provis1 on Personal income of an amount equal to amount of relief asked for; father, mother, chilo, brother, sister, husband or wife of sufficient financial ability to support him. $300 per annum no prov181 on Parishi Police jury. (Appropri¬ ates 8ums and State Board for the Blind. (Makes invest 1 gat 1ons ano recommends Parishi General funo State i Gasoline tax 4/ 5/8 of sales tax for social security. no prov181 on No pro¬ vision \J Not to exceeo $25 per month without submission to electorate. 2/ Approprtation to the Governor of $775,000 for period beginning March i, 1935 ano ending June 30, 1937 for supervision and administration of public welfare, reliff, social security or unemployment funds granted, given or advanced to the state by Feoeral government. laws ( 1935), ch . 6, sec. i. 3/ Less than 60 years if mentally or physically incapacitated for any vocation. 4/ Funds apportioned to parishes and New Orleans for social security ano economic welfare. One-half may be used for other public purposes except in Orleans parish. State and Citation Nature of Law Age Require¬ ment Citizen¬ ship Resioence Limitation on Recejpt of Olo Age Assistance Disqualifications max 1 mum Provision for Removal of Disability Administrative Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board MAINE Laws (1933), Ch. 1, Sec. 213-226. manda tory Over 21 No PRO¬ VISION Continuous residence in State for 10 years immediately preceding application. No PROVISION inmatl of any charitable or penal institution of State, city, county or town; or able to obtain income sufficient for their support, has l/lo vi6 ion or more. $300 per annum \j No PROVISION State Department of Health and Welfare assisted by municipal officers of citie8, towns, and plantations. no provision State: General fund v no provision No pro¬ vision MARYLAND Laws (1935), CH. 586, Sec. 2, 8(O)(f). Laws (1936), CH. 145. manda tory No pro¬ vision No pro¬ vision Became blino while resident of state, or resident of state 5 of the 9 year8 immediate¬ ly preceoing appli¬ cation, last year of which resioence shall be continuous and immediately precede application. Relief pro¬ vided in place of all other public relief except tem¬ porary 8urgical or medical aid. has sufficient income or other resources to pro¬ vide reasonable subsist¬ ence compatible with decency and health; is inmate of municipal, State, national or private institution; has application disposed of property for the purpose of qualifying; is because of physical or mental condition in neeo of continuing institutional care; solicits alms; has person legally liable and able to support him. $30 per month. no provision County Welfare Boards and De¬ partment of Welfare of Baltimore City. County Boards and Department of Welfare of Baltimore City, subject to super¬ vision, direction and control of board of State Aid and Charities. County and City of Baltimore: Property tax Appeal allowed to Board of State Aid and Charities. No pro¬ vision ]/ Where benefits granted by State Department are insufficient, the cities and towns may grant additional aid, the expense of which is borne by the cities and towns. State ano cl tation nature of Lab Aqe Require- ment cltizen— 6H ip re81oence Limitation on Receipt of Old Age Assistance Disqualifications max 1 mum Allobance Provision for Removal of Disability aom in 1 strat 1 ve Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Report To Feoeral massachusetts Optional No pro- vi8i0n no pro¬ vision no provision. 2/ No provision. no provision. 3/ NO **R0— vision.^ No provision Division of the blino. No provision State (General fund) No provision no pro¬ vision mass. Acts and Resolves (1920), cH. 201 . \j MINNESOTA Labs (1935), 1st Spec. se88.ch. 93 Mandatory 21 yr6 or over Citizen of u.s. Resident of State for more than 5 yr6 dur- 1 no the 9 yr8 immedi¬ ately preceding ap¬ plication, ano resi¬ dent of state contin¬ uously for 1 yr immedi¬ ately preceding appli- blind in State, and resided continuously in the State, since no 8lino assistance if eligible for Old Age Pension. •ith the help of eye qla8bes or other re¬ sources has sufficient ocular posers for the or for the performance of tasks for shich eye sight #360 per year.5/ None State Board of Control None state (General fund) District Court of county, appeal from order of District taken to Supreme Court Required income from all sources, for year immediately pre¬ ceding application date receiving benefits not to exceeo #365, except when joint annual income of spouse is less than #600 state, county, or munic¬ ipally osneo charitable, reformatory, or penal institution in State, or in attendance at any State, county, or munic¬ ipally obned school for blind bherein instruc¬ tion, room, boaro ano incidentals are furnished free of charqe, excepting Minnesota summer school for the blinojsoliciting money, alms, or other benefits as an individual from the general public. \J. Division or the blind hakes all holes and regulations tor granting assistance. The follobing are holes and regulations of the Division! 2/. Applicant host have resioeo in State tor past 5 years. 3/. .pplic.nt nust be leg.ll* blind (.or pope th.n 30/200 no».l ...10.) must n..c no vi.i.le means op suppoot, most not 0. p.opertv (».ll eouitv in nome excluded most not have more than $200 ca8h or insurance} host have no relatives bho are legally liable for hi8 support. 4/. Amounts fhoh $5 - #30 per month granted. 5/. If appropriation insufficient to pay full amount. Board of Control must prorate appropriation. State and Citation Nature Law Age requ1 re— Citizen¬ ship Resioence l1m1 tat ion on Receipt of Ol Age Assistanc Disqualifications max imum Allowance Provision for Removal of Disability Administrative Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board MISSOURI Mandatory 21 years and over no pro¬ vision Resident of State for 10 consecutive years next preceding appli¬ cation, or loss of sight while state re6i- oent and continuous resident thereof since. Nc provision Income of $600 or more; owns property or has in¬ terest in property to the value of $5000 or more, or living with sighted husband or wife with $600 income or property to value of $5000; is of good parents resident in state able to support; main¬ tained in institution, jail, or penitentiary; beggar or in insane asylum at public expense; refusal to engage in use¬ ful occupation or to avail self of vocational or other training; refusal of persons under 75 to sub- mi t to treatment or oper¬ ation; has vision with or without gla68es greater than that required only to distinguish light from 0arkne88 and recognize the motion (not the form) of the hand not more than 1 foot from the eye. $300 per Persons under 75 years not eligible on refusal to sub- mi t to operation when recommended by examining oculist and approved by Commission; on submission to treatment or operation pen¬ sion shall be paid. County or City Probate Juoge. State Commission for the blind approves or re¬ jects certifica¬ tion of court. State; Property tax of 3 cents on the $100 valuation. no provision; appeal allowed to Circuit Court. no pro¬ vision Stat. Ann. (1932), Secs. 8893-8905 State and Citation Nature of Law Age REQu1re- uent Citizen¬ ship Resioence Limitation on Receipt of Old Age Ass istance d 1 equalifications llowance Provision for Removal of 01 sab il ity Administrative Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funos Fair Hearing Bffore Statf Department Report to Federal Board nebraska laws ( 1935), h.b. 315, Sec. 1. Laws (1935 - 1st Ex.), h.b. 3, 5 Manda tory 16 years and oyer no re¬ quire¬ ment Resident of State 5 years djri|>r the 9 years immeoiatel. pre¬ ceding application and continuously for 1 year immediately preceding application. is not receiv¬ ing olo age or other assist¬ ance, finan¬ cial or other¬ wise, at pub¬ lic expen6e, except tempo¬ rary medical and surgical Sight not so defective as to henoer person un¬ able to perform the ordinary tasks for which eyesight is essential. is because of physical ano mental condition in need of continuous in¬ stitutional care (tempo¬ rary hospitalization excepted); inmate of jail or State institution for blind or insane; has person legally re6p0n- $30 per month Temporary as¬ sistance may be granted to per¬ son who 1c in need of treat¬ ment either to prevent blind¬ ness or to re6tore eye¬ sight. The County Blind Assist¬ ance Boaro. The Stati Atsist¬ ance Committee aoministers and disburses the Staif Assistance Fund; saio commit¬ tee through the Director of Assistance, super¬ vises the adminis¬ tration of this act. Countys General funo (Property tax of 5/1 c of 1 mill on the dollar valua¬ tion). States 1.5656 of State As¬ sistance Fund after deduc- administrati ve expenses (derived from sums appropri¬ ated from Gen¬ eral funo and from sum col¬ lected from the 1 cent gasoline tax) V Appeal allowed to the State Assistance Com¬ mittee through the Director of Assistance. Requireo him; has deprived him¬ self of property in order to qualify; ouring last 12 months had income from all sources exceed¬ ing $360 (income from non-revenue-produc1nq no exemption for home¬ stead); receiving public assistance; eyesight may be restored by proper treatment; dependent of recipient receiving other forms of aid does not disqualify. nevada Coup. Laws (1929), sec. 2313-2321 Optional no pro¬ vision no pro¬ vision Resioent of State since 2/25/25 or became blind while a resident of State. Resident of County for 2 years next preceding application. Pension in l ieu of any other public relief. Able to provide himself with necessities op life and has sufficient means of his own to enable $600 per year no provision Board of County coumiss1 oners. No provision County: Prop¬ erty tax of 5 cent8 on $100 valuation. No provision no pro¬ vision _l/ The sum of $4,513,000 is appropriated to this fund from these sources for the period ending June 30, 1937. State and Citation Nature of Law Age Require¬ ment Citizen¬ ship res 1oence Limitation on Receipt of Old Age Assistance Disqualifications Maximum Allowance Provision for Removal of Administrative Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board NEW HAMPSHIRE Manoatory No pro¬ vision no pro¬ vision Has resided in State 5 of 9 years immediately preceding application, ano continuously for 1 year immediately pre¬ ceding application. Resioent of County. Blind pension in lieu of all other public relief. Able to provide himself with the necessities of life; has sufficient meanc of his own to maintain himself; without relief, would not be a charge up¬ on the public, or upon those not requireo by law to support him. $30 per month Not to exceed $360. may be expended with consent of recipient for operation or treatment. County Commis¬ sioners. State Board of Public Welfare makes rules and regulations and receive8 reports from County Commissioners. Statej 5# (General fund) county! 95# (General fund) Review before State Boaro of Public Welfare on request of applicant or upon Board'8 own motion. requ1 red Pub. Laws (1926), Ch. 115, secb. 9, 14. Public Laws (1935), ch. 137. NEW JERSEY Manoatorv Over 21 years. No pro- Resident of State for 5 of the 9 years immed¬ iately preceding appli¬ cation, and continuous¬ ly for 1 year immed¬ iately preceding appli¬ cation; resioed in county continuously for one year. (|f no county residence all assistance paid by State.) Relief in lieu of all other relief of a public nature. Has relative or other per¬ son able to provioe ano legally responsible for maintenance; 18 8uffering from mental or physical infirmity which, in it¬ self, would make pauper a charge upon any other institution or agency of the State ano which has so incapacitated pauper, prior to the loss of sight, that such person was a public charge prior thereto; publicly solicit! alus; refuses to make a return in service as may be required by the com¬ mission; ib able to eapn sufficient money to pro¬ vioe for the necessities of life; would not be¬ come a public charge if inot relieved; wilfully ifail8 or refuses to avail self of the of the scholarship fund. $480 per All or any por¬ tion of yearly allowance grant¬ ed for removal if 01 sab 1 li ty can be benefited or removeo ano if recipient c0n8ent8. State Commis¬ sion for the Blind assisted by County of such reimbursement be made from feoeral fund8. appli cati on on own mo t1 on. State and Citat ion Nature Las Aqe Require¬ ment Citizen¬ ship Residence Limitation on Receipt of Old Age Assistance olsqualifications Maximum Allowance Provision for Removal of Disability Administrative responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board oklahoma h.b. 328, (1935). Manoatory 21 year no pro- vis ion 5 years in State immed¬ iately precedino appli¬ cation or lobs of sight while a resident, or blind and resident of State at time of pas¬ sage of Act. (State pays total aid if re¬ cipient has no County legal residence.) Pension in lieu of all other public relief. Vision sufficient for use in occupation for which sight is e86ential; able to provide himself with necessities of life; has person able to pro- vioc and legally responsible for hi 6 support} inmate of charitable or correctional in¬ stitution; suffering from mental or phy6 1 cal infirmity which had made him a public charge prior to loss -of sight; soliciting alms. $300 per year. Commission may expend $300 for removal or improvement of disability with consent of applicant. Oklahoma commis¬ sion for Adult bl i no. Judge of County Court must ap¬ prove payments to County resi¬ dents. State (Adult Blind Revolving Fund). County (Property tax). J/ no pro¬ vision no pro¬ vision oregon lass of oregon (1935) (lst Special Session) S.8. 79 2/ h.B. 85, S.B. 65 Manda tory 16 vr8. No pro¬ vision Loot eve6iqht while resident of state} or resideo in State for period of 5 year8 our- ing the 9 years immed¬ iately preceding fil¬ ing of application, must be continuous and precede such applica¬ tion. must not at same time re¬ ceive any other public relief from the State or from any in¬ strumentality or political subdivision thereof. has vision in the better eye with correcting glasses of 20/200 or more or has no dis¬ qualifying visual field de¬ fect; inmate of a public in¬ stitution; is because of phy8ical or mental condition in need of continuing insti¬ tutional care; solicits alms while receiving assistance; refuses medical, surgical, or other treatment when his eye¬ sight may be partially or wholly re8t0red by treatment. $30 per month. Temporary ami stance or a00itional ass 1 stance may be grant- eo to any applicant or recipient in neeo of treatment to prevent blindness or restore eye¬ sight, if he is otherwise qualified for assistance. County relief committee. State Relief Com¬ mittee (super¬ vises and con¬ trols the admin¬ istration of assistance; and makes all rules and regulations). Prior to January 1, 1937. State i (Public Assistance Fund derived from a gen¬ eral sales tax of 2% and 1/4 of 1* on retail and wh0le6ale sales). Subsequent to January l,> 1937. County t 50* (property tax) Statej 50* (Public ab8i stance Fund). Granted Required j/ State hakes payment to recipient, county hust reimburse State for total amount paid to its legal residents. y las not elective until feoeral fund6 are made available. State and Nature Age cl t1 zen- L i u i ta t i on on Maximum Provision for Administrative Supervisory Source of Fair Hearing Report to Citation of Law Require- shi p Residence Receipt of Olc A< e Asr 1 stance DlSQUALIF1 CAT IONS Allowance Removal of Disability Responsie- il ity reSPONSIBil1ty Funds Before State Department Federal Board pennsylvania Act6 (1935), Man da tory 21 years Non- Resided in State for at no provision Income of $1200 or more. $30 per no provision County Boards State Department State: General Inoivi dual no pro¬ Act 220, S.B. c 1 t 1 zens least 5 years during or real property with the month V of Trustees of Of Welfare makes fund whose claim is vision, 451, 452, 448. of U.S., el ig ible the 9 years immediately preceoing application. assessed valuation of ovep $5,000; inmate of prison, jail, or work¬ house, insane asylum or correctional institution; has more than 3/60 or 10/200 normal vision by reason of which is able to earn a livelihood without special training ano in occupations other than those which can suc¬ cessfully be carried on by blino person; refusal to submit to eye examina¬ tions; refu8al to give information requested by the Department of Wel¬ fare. Pension Fund for the Blino. rules and regulations. denied g1ven a fair hearing before Depart¬ ment of Welfare. Depart¬ ment of Welfare empowered to cooper¬ ate ano enter agreement with U.S. Govern¬ ment and to re¬ ceive contribu- t 1 ons from U.S. for blind assistance. RHODE island Laws (1936), Optional No pro¬ Citizen Resioent in State for no person No provision $30 per no provision The Bureau for no provision States General Applicant may Requireo H.B. 532, H.8. vision of U.S. 1 year preceding eligible for month. the Blind in fund be granted 83i. y applicati on . blind assist¬ ance who is eligible for old age assistance. the Division of rehabilitation of the Cripplec ano Blino in Department of Eoucat ion . hearing before Director of Department of Education in presri.ce of supervisory count il. j/ Income plus pension must not exceed $1200 per annum. 2/ Act permits Bureau to aid needy blino in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by Division of Rehabilitation of Crippled ano Blind. State ano Citation Nature or Law Age ReQu ire- ment c1t1zen- ship Res 1dence Limitation on Receipt of Old Age Assistance 01squal1f1 cat 1ons Maximum Allowance Pr vision for Removal of Disability Administrative Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funos Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board utah Rev. Stat. (1933), Sec. 19—5-68 to 19-5-77, Laws (1935), Ch. 69. mandatory 16 year6 no pro¬ vision Resided in State 7 years preceding appli¬ cation and resident of county 1 year prior to application; lost sight while a bona fioe resi¬ dent of State and a continuous resident ouring that time, and has resided in county 1 year prior to making application. no provision Inmate of an institution supporteo in whole or in part by the state or any of its political subdivi¬ sions; suffering from mental or physical infir— a public charge; has some person legally responsi¬ ble for his support; publicly solicits alms in State; is of such condi¬ tion that he can be re¬ habilitated for self- support through the facil¬ ities offered by educa¬ tion; is able to provide him6elf with the neces¬ sities of life; has sufficient means to 6upp0rt himself. $600 per annum \J No provision Boards of County commis¬ sioners. (County Depart¬ ment of Public Welfare, if State and Federal funds are available.) No provision (State Department of Public Welfare, if State and Federal funos are made available.) County: Prop¬ erty tax not to exceed l/l0 no provision no pro- vision vermont Laws (1935), Noe. 29,02. Laws (1935 1st £*.), Nos. 8, 12. Mandatory 21 years Citizen of u.s. Lost eyesight while a rf6ident of the state or residence in state for 5 years during 9 year8 immediately prior to application, the la8t year of which mu6t be continuous ano immediately preceding application. no blino assistance while receiv¬ ing old age assistance. is an inmate of or being maintained by public or private institution; has sufficient income or other resources to pro¬ vide subsistence; ha8 maoe assignment or tran6fer of property to qualify. $30 per No prov1 8 1 on State Depart¬ ment of Public Welfare no provision State: General fund Appeal to Department of Public Welfare for reconsid¬ eration. Required j/ the yenrly income ot recipient plus the aid must not exceed $1000 per annum. State and Citation nature of Law Age Require¬ ment Citizen¬ ship Residence Limitation on Receipt of Olc Age Assistance Disqualifications Maximum Allowance Provision for Removal of Disability Administrative Respof sibil 1 tv Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board washington Laws (1933), CH. 102. Laws (1935), Ch. 106. Mandatory 18 years No pro¬ vision Bona fide resident of State 4 consecutive years next preceding application and resi¬ dent of county 1 year, or became blind while a resident of the State and been a con¬ tinuous resident since. (Incarceration in State char 1ta8le institution in any county not deem¬ ed re6i0ence in such no provision Earnings exceed $300 per year; publicly soliciting alms; ward of U.S.; sight not so oefective a6 to renoer applicant unable to perform ordinary tasks for which eyesight essential; lack of good moral character; able to 8upp0rt self. $400 per year. Reasonable sum may be expenoed by County Com¬ missioners with consent of recipient. County Commissioners. no provision County: Prop¬ erty tax 1/5 mill. No provision no pro- vis 1 on WEST virginia Mandatory 21 years Citizen of U.S. has resided in state for 5 of the 9 years immediately preceding application ano 1 year immediately pre¬ ceding application. Blind assist¬ ance shall not be pai d to a person while he is receiv¬ ing olo age assistance. Applicant has vision in better eye, wlth correct¬ ing glasses, of at least 20/200 and no disqualify¬ ing field oefect suffi¬ cient to incapacitate him for self-support; has relatives or other persons financially able to support him ano legally lia8le for his support; has made an assignment of property for the purpose of qual¬ ifying for assistance; is an inmate of public or private institution, ance; 18 not actually in need or ha8 sufficient income or other res0urce6 to provide a subsistence compat isle with decency and health. $30 per month no provision State Depart¬ ment of Public Assistance assisted by County Public Assistance Councils. no provision States Funds from State fund general revenue allocated to counties in proportion to number of cases and cost of living. Appeal alloweo to Board of Review of the State Depart¬ ment of Pub¬ lic *6sistance Requirec laws (1935 1 8t ex.), h.8. 1. State and Citation Nature of Law Age Require¬ ment Citizen¬ ship Residence Limitation on Receipt of Old Age Assistance 01squalif 1 cat 1 ns Max imum Allowance Provision for Removal of disabil ity Administrative Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Federal Board *1 scons in stat. (1933), 47.08. laws (1935), ch. 554. Kandatorv 18 years No pro- Resident of State at time of loss of sight or resioent of state for 5 of the 9 year6 immediate¬ ly preceding application, the last year of which must have been continuous and immediately precedinc application. No blind assistance granted to any person who is in receipt of old age assist¬ ance. Inmate of any publicly owned charitable, reform¬ atory, or penal institu¬ tion in State, or in attendance at any public¬ ly owned school for the blind or deaf, wherein instruction and support are offered free of charge, except the summer school of the vi6c0n8in School for the Blind; publicly soliciting alm8; has relative8 legally responsible and finan¬ cially able to support him; annual income, in¬ cluding pen8i0n must not $360 per year if blind. $480 per year if both blino ano oeaf • No provision The County Judge with the cooper¬ ation of the County Depart¬ ments of pu8l1c Welfare in coun¬ ties over 500,000 popula¬ tion ano County Pension Depart¬ ments in coun¬ ties of les8 than 500,000 population, if e6tabl1 shed. State Pension Department adopts rules and regulations- ano exercises actual supervision . Countys Property State* reim¬ burses county BA/t of its expendi¬ ture, 4% of which is for adminis¬ trative expense. (General fund) Review of denial allowed to State Pension Depart¬ ment. Required. ■ yoking Laws (1935), chs. 64, sec. 2; 129 Optional 21 years No pro¬ vision Resident of State for at ly preceoing application^ (Absence in service of State or U.S. not oeemeo to interrupt continuous residence if new domicile not acquired.) Inmate of prison, jail, workhouse, insane asylum, or other public reform or correctional insti¬ tution; more than 3/60 or 10/200 normal vision; able to maintain 8elf; has sufficient means of supporting self and capable or not lacking the opportunity of self- support. $30 per month. $50 per month to family head. no provision Director of the County Depart¬ ment of Public Welfare, State Department of Public Welfare. No pr0vi si on Statei Liquor tax Applicant en¬ titled to appeal ano review by State Depart¬ ment. no pro- vis ion. (State Depart¬ ment authorized to do all necessary to conform to feoeral Act.) State and Citation nature of Law Aqe Require¬ ment c 1 t 1 zen— sh ip Resioence Limitation on Receipt of Old Age A86istance Disqualifications Uax imuu Allowance Provision for Removal of Disability Administrative Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Source of Funds Fair Hearing Before State Department Report to Feoeral Board DISTRICT of Mandatory 16 years V No pro¬ vision Resident of District of Columbia 1 year next preceding application. Became blind while resident, or resident for 5 years of the 9 years immediately pre¬ ceding application, 1 year of which must continuously precede application. NO aio furnish¬ ed individual while receiv¬ ing old age assistance. Inmate of institution supported in whole or in part by the Federal or District Governments; public solicitation of alus; leaving juris¬ diction of District of Columbia and ceasing to be a resioent thereof; between 16 and 55 and capable of working; receipt of vocational training; can be reha¬ bilitated for self- support; refusal to sub¬ mit to operation for bl1ndne88; l088 of 8ight while in perpetration of criminal 0ffen8e; l088 of sight by reason of vicious habit6; spouse, father, child, grand¬ child able to support; intentional deprivation of eyesight; able to provide himself with to maintain himself. No PRO¬ VISION 2/ no provision Boaro of Commis¬ sioners of District of Columbia . 3/ no provision District of Columbia; General fund Pensioner may appeal from the designated agency of the Board to the Board. Board-g lven authority to make any required reports. C0LUU8IA (Public No. 318 - 74th Congress) (H.R. 5711) y 21 if 0lindne86 originated outsioe of ol&TMtCT of columbia. 2/ In case of a blind oependent ohilo living tint its parents, aio shall not exceed $30 per month. 2/ Said Board may designate the aoency to carry our provisions of act.