OUCUMENT® ROOM * A LIST OF FREE AND INEXPENSIVE TEACHING MATERIALS *^y»Mtern On/>X ^ % DEC 9 1940 J W. P. A. Technical Series Community Service Circular No Education Circular No. 3 SEPTEMBER 24, 1940 JEDERAL WORKS AGENCY .WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Division of Professional and Service Projects Education and Training Section Washington, D. C. A1S20 A1520 FOREWORD This circular has "been prepared as an aid to teachers in securing free and low-cost !naterial for use in adult edu¬ cation classes. F. C. Harrington Commissioner of Work Projects A1520 TABLE OF CPI-ITEM'S INTRODUCTION Chapter I CULTURAL AND ACADEMIC EDUCATION Chapter II FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION Chapter III FOUNDATION FIELDS Chapter IV HEALTH AND SAFETY Chapter V PUBLIC AFFAIRS Chapter VI VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Chapter VII TEACHER EDUCATION Appendix A ADDRESSES (September 24, 1940) A1520 INTRODUCTION In an effort to assist WPA teachers in securing low cost materials, two Reference Lists of Free and Inexpensive Materials for Use in Aclult Education Classes were issued in January and July 1935. Many of the items in those lists were from commercial organizations whose supplies have "been exhausted. Therefore, this list has been compiled to meet the same need which still exists. Commercial organizations have become increasingly aware of the value to them and to consumers of issuing authoritative educational material relating to their products. Many of these organizations em¬ ploy well trained and experienced persons to prepare such materials which are valuable as teaching aids. Although the chief purpose of such literature is to sell the company's product, in many cases ad¬ vertising is kept at a minimum. Teachers can offset the emphasis on any one brand by giving students the opportunity to compare a variety of brands. When requesting free materials teachers should state the source of reference given, the purpose for which such material will be used, and teaching position of the sender. Reasonableness is urged in quantity requested. A letter such as the following might be used. A1520 (date) (organisation) (street address) (city) Gentlemen: In a' "bulletin entitled, A List of Free and Inexpen¬ sive Teaching Materials, which was issued "by the Work Projects Admin¬ istration, Washington, P. C., the following materials are listed as being available to teachers without cost: (title) (title) I am a teacher of (subject) and shall appreciate it if you can send the above mentioned or any other material which you think would be suitable for classroom use. There are (number) adults enrolled in this class. Very truly yours, A1520 The production and use of pamphlet material has increased with the speed-up of tempo of the times, and much of this is excellent teaching material. In addition, therefore, to material from commer¬ cial companies, a great deal of pamphlet material from other organi¬ zations has "been included. With respect to this material, teachers need to exercise their ability to distinguish between propaganda, and educational material and to be certain that all sides of controversial questions are presented. This bulletin gives only a partial listing of the vast quantity of free and low cost material which is available. It may be supple¬ mented by referring to A Bibliography of Lists of Free and Inexpen¬ sive Aids for Teachers of Adults. WPA Technical Series, Community Service Circular ITumber 3, Education Program Ho. 1, which contains a wide variety of lists of sources compiled by many organizations. A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap. I Page 1 CHAPTER I CULTURAL AMD ACADEMIC EDUCATION American Association of University Women. Modern Sculpture. 19p. Mimeo. 1931. 50/, An outline for nine group meetings. Discussion questions and a reading list. The American Crayon Company. Everyday Art. A periodical giving news and comments on the trend of school and industrial arts. Will he sent complimentary to art direc¬ tors and full-time art teachers on request with information as to teach¬ ing position and address. Others may receive it at 25'/ per issue, or $1.00 per school year. Art Education Incorporated, The American Home Course in Period Furniture. 38p. Illus. 1938. 50/. Thirteen schools of furniture design discussed and illustrated with photographs and line drawings. Associates in Negro Folk Education. Negro Art Past and Present. Alain Locke, 122p. 1936. 25/. Dis¬ cusses influence of Negro art on modern art, Negro crafts in early America, Negro life as portrayed in art. Discussion questions and reading lists for each chapter. Delaware State Department of Public Instruction. Enriched Community Living. 235 p. 1936. No price indicated. A vivid description of the cooperative efforts of adult groups in the areas of art and music. Illustrates a way of working with a community. Contains a bibliography on arts and crafts and lists music used in various groups and on special occasions. Eastman Kodak Company. Make Good Pictures. 224p. Illus. 1936. 50/, Covers all phases. Many illustrations. An Elementary Course in Photography. 41p„ Mimeo. Free, A teachers1 outline for teaching picture-making, developing, and print¬ ing. Enoch Pratt Free Library, Art Booklists. 25 leaflets. 2/ each. Brief annotated reading lists. Archaeology; Chinese Art; Persian Art; C-reek and Roman Art; Gothic Archi¬ tecture and Sculpture; Medieval Craftsmanship; Renaissance Italian Art; 19th Century European Painting; Modern Painting; Modern Architecture; Art Appreciation; Pencil Drawing; American Antiques; Modern Mexican Art; Water-Color Painting; Pre-Columbia American Art; Advertising Art; 18th Century Art; Prints, Engravings and Etchings; Woodcuts; Egyptian Art; Modeling for Sculpture; Gauguin. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap, I Page 2 Art (cont'd.) Esto Publishing Company. En.ioy Your Museum Series. 40 titles. 10# each; less in sets. For sale at many museums. If purchased from publisher add 2# postage for every five copies or less, A few titles are; Paintings, Etchings, Sculpture, Watercolors, Photography, Use Your Museum at Home, How I Make a Woodcut, The Art of the Madonna, Gainsborough and Reynolds, Lithographs, On Making Friends with Art. Leisure League of America, Inc. A non-profit League devoted to the sole purpose of giving you in¬ formation that will help you be "Happy with a Hobby." Photography for Fun Quilting The Life of the Party Discover the Stars Hiker's Guide Working with Tools, and many others. 35# each, 3 for $1.00. Studio Publications, The World's Masters. 20 pamphlets. 58p. each. 35# each. Each booklet is about one artist and his work. Each contains 24 reproductions of paintings and a reading list. United States Constitution Sesquicentonnial Commission. Art Catalogue. Illus, 25#. Describes subjects of the Loan Exhibition of Portraits of the Signers and Deputies of the Convention of 1787 and Signers of the Declaration of Independence, which was displayed at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. The exhibit contained 230 items. Ziff-Davis Company. Publishes a series of ten volumes presenting a complete course in photography. 50# each. Profusely illustrated. Bound in blue leather¬ ette. Your Camera and How it Works Developing. Printing and Enlarging Filters and Their Uses Composition for the Amateur Movie Making for the Beginner Color in Photography Child Photography Home Portraiture and Make-up Tricks for Camera Owners A Glossary for Photography. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap. I Page 3 Crafts American Art Clay Company. Handbook of Modeling and Pottery Craft. 88 p. Illus, Pree to teachers. Association of American Railroads Railroad Literature for Young People. 194-0. Pree. Contains a sec tion on model railroading. Cornell University. Reconditioning Purnlture. E-256. 4c* Refinishing Old Purniture. E-295. 4^ Parmer's Wife. Homemade Toys and Play Equipment. Agnes Tilson, 23 p. Illus. 1933. 10 Pellowcrafters, Inc. Easiweaving. Illus. 1936. 15{*. Illustrated instructions for weaving on small square frames. Suggestions for making some articles. Metal Tooling. 17p, Illus. 1937. 15^. Instructions for beginners. Lists equipment needed, gives directions for making simple designs, Metalcraft for Beginners. 15c*. An instruction manual. Silk Screen Process Printing. 20p. Illus. 1937, 25r>ortunities. 1940. 10^. or 2 for 15^. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap II. Page 12 Parent Education (cont'd.) American Home Economics Association. Annotated List of Some Simplified Materials in Parent Education. 1938, 25#. List of inexpensive materials on child guidance, the family; the family, the community, and the school; health, play education; and sex education. Birth Control Federation of America, Inc. Questions and Answers ahout Birth Control. 7p. folder. Single copy free. Plan Your Family for Health and Happiness. Leaflet. Single copy free. Other literature at small cost. Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Infant Care. 108p. Illus, Eev, 1938, Superintendent of Documents, 10#. Practical information on keeping the hahy well, Laths, clothes, care of the teeth and special organs, hahits, training, and discipline, feeding, the premature "baby, and care of the sick baby. Baby's Daily Time-Cards. 7 cards 8x5 in. 1939, Superintendent of Documents, 10# a set. Perforated wall cards giving daily routine for babies from birth to 2 years of age. Children's Bureau, U. S, Department of Labor. Keening the Well Baby Well. 8p. Illus, Rev. 1938, Superintendent of Documents, 5#. Discusses feeding, health habits, sunlight, exer¬ cise, daily bath, clothing, and the nursery. A Better Chance for the Child. Folder. 1939, Superintendent of Documents, 5#. Small folder which is a condensation of facts concern¬ ing child labor legislation and special services for mothers and babies. Contains helps for prospective mother and for parents of adolescents. Are You Training Your Child to be Hau'pyT 57p. 1938 (Reprint with changes). Superintendent of Documents, 10#, Simply written. Child Management. 107p. Illus. Rev. 1937. Superintendent of Docu¬ ments, 10#, Simply written. Farmer's Wife. Homemade Toys and Play Equipment. 10#. Iowa Child Welfare Research Station. Child guidance pamphlets, 5# each or 3# for 10 or more. List will be sent on request. Macmi11an Company. The Attractive Home, by Lydia Powel. 122p. 1940. 25# -caper. One of the People's Library Series. A book of good ideas and simple rules for the homemaker. About sixth grade reading diffi¬ culty. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap, II Page 13 Parent Education (cont'd.) Manthorne and Buxack. Learning to be Good Parents, by Eleanor Saltzman. 1937, 25$. An introduction to child care, simply written. Modern Age Books. Practical Birth Control Methods. See HEALTH - General. Thomas J. Moran's Sons, Our Family Reader. 80p, Illus. 1938. 28^ in quantities. Pre¬ pared for use in adult elementary classes. Based on interests of parents. National Association for Nursery Education. Bibliography of Nursery School Education. Compiled by Dorothy E, Bradbury and Esther Leech Skeels. 1940. 40^, Summer Play Schools Association, Stories for Parents, by Jean Schick Grossman. 5$ or 4 for 10^, The stories are: Keeping Healthy, Learning to Use Money, Children's Quarrels, No Two Children are Alike, A Game of Jacks, A Promise, Dad Comes Home, A Happy Day for the Whole Family. The Story of a Child Study Group. Jean Schick Grossman. 25^. Superintendent of Documents. Children's Bureau and Other Publications Relating to Children. Superintendent of Documents, free. A list of publications relating to the subject, which are for sale by the Superintendent of Docu¬ ment s. Teachers College, Columbia University. Child guidance pamphlets prepared on a WPA project under the direc¬ tion of Teachers College. About fifty, 3 to 4 page mimeographed pamphlets each of which contains a brief dismission of the topic, questions for discussion, and a brief reading list. 1$ each. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap. II Page 14 Audio-Visual Aids Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Posters. A series of black and white posters explaining the govern¬ ment service of grading meats, poultry, butter, eggs, and canned goods. Size, about 10^- x 14-I in. Free. American Home Economics Association. Exhibits. A mimeographed sheet describing loan exhibits available through the Association will be 'sent on request. Two of the exhibits include the displays of free and inexpensive pamphlets,' one on parent education, the other on social welfare and public health. Bureau of Home Economics, U. S, Department of Agriculture. Charts. List of publications of the Department includes charts on child feeding, composition of food material, meat cooking nutrition, clothing selection, sources of vitamins, bone growth, teeth, fitting clothes, judging fabrics, meat identification. Prices range from 5# for single charts to 50# for those which come in sets. List of publications will be sent on request. Poultry Cooking Charts. 30 x 20 in. on heavy coated paper in black and white. 50# for set of eight, Superintendent of Documents. Illus¬ trate how to broil, fry, stuff, and roast chicken, duck, and turkey, and how to braise, steam, and stew older fowls. Clothing Selection. 20 x 30 in. 40# for set of nine, Superintendent of Documents. Set includes: cloth coats for women, wash dresses for women, costume slips, women's hosiery, rompers for creeping babies, little girls' dresses, little boys' suits, winter playsuits, and sun- suits. Nutritition Charts. 15 x 23 in. 50# for set of 11 charts, Superintendent of Documents. Set includes: Growth as an Index of Nutrition, Growth May Be Controlled by Diet, Protein, Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, and five charts on vitamins A, B, C, D, and G. Meat Cooking Charts. 20 x 30 in. 50# for set of 7 charts, Superinten¬ dent of Documents. Set includes: Do You Know Meat Cuts and Cook Ac¬ cording to the Cut, Roasting a Tender Cut, Stuffing Low-Friced Tender Roasts, Broiling Tender Steaks and Chops, Fot-Roasting a less Tender Cut, Braising a Less-Tender Steak, Ground Meat in Savory Ways. Children's Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor. Films available from the Bureau on prenatal care, a day in the life of a six months old baby, development of the same baby from nine to sixteenth months, and a day in her life at the age of two. See Directory of U. S. Government Films for complete information. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap. II Page 15 Audio-Visual Aids (cont'd.) National Bituminous Coal Commission. Know Your Coal. A two-reel sound motion picture available in 16 mm, and ."5mm. sices. Shows the various types of analyses which can be made of bituminous coal and some cf the reasons for making them. May be shown ^without sound. See Directory of U. S. Government Films for additional subjects and complete directions for securing. National Dairy Council. More Life in Living. A film on the importance of proper eating. This is one of the most popular of the films issued by this organization. Complete information about films and how they may be secured will be sent on request. Sears Roebuck and Company. Exhibits. Seven exhibits available to teachers for consumer educa¬ tion work. Exhibits consist of 20 x 30 inch lithographed, charts and photographs, swatches of actual merchandise for examination and com¬ parison. Available on the following topics: Table Services, Light¬ ing, Electrical Equipment, Hosiery, Bedding, Fabric, Home Furnishings, Available to teachers for a two-week period. Return postage is only charge. U. S. Department of Agriculture. You and Your Child. A two reel, 16 and 35 mm, sound and silent film, which shews how parents studying together with the cooperation of the Extension Service meet everyday situations in the home to produce a satisfying family life. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chop. Ill Pa,ge 1 CHAPTER III FOUNDATION FIELDS Citizenship Training American Legion. The Flag Code, lp, folder, 75# per 100, Illustrations and direc¬ tions for displaying the flag. Daughters of the American Revolution, A kit containing the text of the Declaration of Independence, the text of the Constitution of the United States, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, the American's Creed, flag leaflets, and a number of others, including a price list, will be sent for 10#, Declaration of Independence. 10#. Wall size (18j x 24"), Large print. We the People. A colored print of Howard Chandler Christy's painting, The Signing, is available in three sizes, 5#, 10#, and 25#. Patriotic Plays. A number are available at 5# each. See list of publications. Maunual for Citizenship. Free. Fort Orange Press, Inc. Liberty and the Constitution of the United States of America. 11lp. 1936. 25#. Contains the text of many of the documents the purposes of which are to define and safeguard, our liberties. Politics and. Parties. 35p. 1936. 25#. A simple explanation of politics and parties dedicated to America's first voters—men and women who begin to shone in the politics of the nation. Ginn and Company. Why Is America? 48p. 1939. Illus, 32#. A primer of democracy. Prepared for the elementary school child, but would be interesting to beginning adults. Haskins Information Service, Presidents and Their Wives. 4?p. Rev. 1939. 10#. Interesting facts. Constitution of the United States. 31p. Illus. 10#. Complete text of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation. Pictures of the Continental Congress and Indepen¬ dence Hall. John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Biographies of famous American, booklets on historical subjects, copies of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, Free from nearest branch office. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap. Ill Page 2 Citizenship Training (cont'd.) Alan Robert Murray. What the Constitution Says. 32p. 20/ a single copy; in quantities of 25 or more, 15/.each, A rearrangement of the Constitution, using the exact words, but grouping the provisions in a simple and logical manner under the subjects. Scholastic Corporation, Congress at Work; a graphic story of how our laws are made and of the men who make them. 1939. 32p. Illus. 25/. High school level. Superintendent of Documents, Origin and Evolution of the United States Fla.g. 26p. Illus. 25/, U. S. Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission. Our Constitution. 10/. A pageant presenting scenes at the Annapolis and Philadelphia Conventions. Prom Many to One. 10/. A pageant telling the story of the advent of the leading colonists in the early days of our history. List of publi¬ cations sent on request. The Story of the Constitution. 193p. 25/. A clearly written, vivid account of the events and circumstances leading up to the formation of the Constitution, with a literal text and explanation of its contents together with features of national importance and interest. Includes questions and ans\«?rs for discussion. Facsimiles of historical documents, reproductions of old maps and photo¬ graphs, pageants, and dioramas are available at small cost. List of pub- lications sent on request, U, S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. Our Constitution and Government. 400p. 1940. Free to applicants for naturalization in attendance upon public school classes. Single copies 50d to others; 25/ in lots of 10 or more. A federal textbook on citizenship. Simple and clear. Specially prepared charts and diagrams graphically explain the subject matter. Suggested "things to do" at the end of each chapter. Citizenship Training—Material for Teachers Descendants of the American Revolution. Builders of America. 7p. 1939. 3/. An account of the contributions of the different racial and national groups to the economic, cultural, and scientific achievements of America. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap, III Page 3 Citizenship Training—Material for Teachers (cont'd.) Foreign Language Information Service, The Pleasures of Hate. 4p. 1936. Single copy free. America's attitude toward the newcomer; a plea for tolerance. Old World Christmas Customs. Interpreter Releases, Vol. XV, Ho. 44. 18p. Mimeo. 1938. 25#. Other publications on customs in foreign lands also available. Immigration Summary: Outstanding Facts about the Admission, Exclu¬ sion and Deportation of Aliens. 19p. Mimeo. 1939. 10#. "Furnishes enough information about our immigration policy, laws, and procedure to enable a teacher to understand some of the more outstanding problems of the foreign-born in that connection." How to Become a Citizen of the United States. 63p. Rev. 1939. 25#. Gives details of steps in the process of becoming a citizen of the United States, the effect of an alien's naturalization on his or her family, citizenship of women, procedure for special classes, loss of American citizenship, and a specimen list of questions and answers. List of publications available on request. National Council of Jewish Woman. Making Americans. 48p. 1938, 25#. A manual for teachers of naturaliv zation and citizenship. Gives education requirements for citizenship, summarizes naturalization procedures, outlines a program for organiz¬ ing community-wide naturalization aid through voluntary services. Immigration Manual on Procedure and Preparation of Affidavits of Support. 42p. 1939. 15#. National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship. Educational Requirements for Naturalization. 31p. 1936. 3#. A study of existing requirements and facilities end the probable efforts of higher requirements. Bibliography on Citizenship Education for the Foreign-Born. In press. Rights and Privileges of Citizenship in the United States. Honry B, Hazard. 5#. Citizenship and Changing Conditions. 25#. Includes the following arti¬ cles: Social Security Programs and Citizenship, Citizenship and the Works Program, Proving Citizenship—A Pressing Problem, The Challenge of the Unnaturalized, The Relationship of the Government Service with Educational and Other Community Agencies, Training for Naturalization and Citizenship, A WPA Program for Naturalization Aid, Foundation Fields in California. Office of Government Reports, U, S. Information Service. Digest of the Purposes of Federal Agencies. 50p. Free. The U. S. Information Service is a service agency for both the Federal Govern¬ ment and the general public. This organization will answer your ques¬ tions on any phaso of Government activity or will direct them into the proper channels. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap. Ill Page 4 Citizenship Training—Material for Teachers (cont'd.) Superintendent of Documents, Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States. 48p. 20/. Includes 1st to 21st amendments to the Constitution. Points of Historic Interest in the national Capital. 47p. Illus, 1937. 10/. American History and Biography. 38p. Pree. A list of publications, relating to the above subjects, which are for sale by the Superinten¬ dent of Documents. Immigration, Naturalization. Citizenship. Aliens. Paces. lOp. Free. A list of publications, relating to the above subject, which are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. English for Foreign Language Sneaking Groups American Library Association. Books for Adult Beginners. See Literacy - Material for Teachers Fort Orange Press, Inc.. English in Pictures: First Stops in Reading English, by Clarissa Macavoy, 50p. 15/. Simple drawings illustrating forty usual phrases. Rev/ York City Work Projects Administration. Reading materials and workbooks especially for use in teaching English to the forcign-born have been prepared on the Wow York City Program. Those are available'to other State Work Projects Administration pro¬ grams on a repl A published series of broadcasts or. the lighter and more interesting side of the progress of American industry. West Coast Lumbermen's Association. Issues educational leaflets on the lumber industry. Free. (September 34, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chapt. Ill Page 13 Audio-Visual Aids - Films National Youth Administration. Youth Visits Our Nation's Capital. 2 reels 16 mm silent color. 1939. A film showing the visit of three NYA youths to the Capital to see the Historic landmarks. Complete directions for securing this film and many others suitable for educational purposes are given in "A Directory of U. S. Government Films" which is available from the U. S, Film Service, Washington, D. C. Vitagraph, Incorporated. Warner Brothers Pictures has prepared a series of eleven short subjects, entitled, Living American History, among which are the titles: The De¬ claration of Independence, the Bill of ^ights, The Monroe Doctrine. These are 35 mm., sound-on-film. Information concerning their availabil¬ ity may be secured through your nearest theatre. Portfolios of twenty-eight 8 x 10 sepia photos taken from scenes of the moving pictures are also available through your local theatre. Audio-Visual Aids - Mans American Express Company. Will supply descriptive leaflets and maps in limited quantities. Geographia. Map Company. Geographia; Atlas of the United States. 51p. 25#, Colored maps of Products, area and population, immigration statistics. Quick Reference atlas of the World. 18p. 10#. 11 maps. World Atlas. '5Op. 25#. 2? maps. Gasoline and Oil Companies, Local filling stations itsually distribute maps without cost. Many of these are pictorial, showing points of interest in the locality. Geological Survey, U. S. Department of the Interior, Circular giving information concerning maps of the agency is avail¬ able on request. Superintendent of Documents. Outline Map of the United States (30.2 x 45 in.) 25#. Maps. 14p. Free. A list of publications, relating to the above subject, which are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap, III Page 14 Audiovisual *jds ~ Pictures and Pocteri Daughters of the American Revolution. Picturest posters, and patriotic plays. See Foundation Fields- Citizenship Training. Libraries. Explore your library as a source of pictures which may be borrowed for use in literacy and Americanization classes. Rational Dairy Council. The Community and the Citizen. Two posters 24g x 3?^ in. and a, four- page teachers' supplement. 38# a set. These posters show the inter¬ dependence of the citizen and his community! how the citizen depends upon the community for sanitary food, traffic regulation, police pro¬ tection, education, disease control, and how the community depends upon the citizen to be a helpful cooperative member of society. The Perry Pictures Company. Fictures in 2# size (5f x 8 in.) on historical subjects and points of interest including: The Signing of the Declaration, Independence Hall, Mount Vernon, the Capitol, the White House, the Washington Monument, and Washington. Catalog, 15#. Rational Capital Parks. Prints, 8 x 10 inches, of various points of interest in Washington and vicinity. 25# each. Pictures include the Capitol, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Lee Mansion, the Library of Congress, the Supreme Court Building, the Federal Reserve Building, Mount Vernon, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and others. Society for Curriculum Study. Building ^nerica series. 28 to 32 pages (9 x 12 in.) Published monthly, October to May, beginning 1935. 25# each; ipl.50 a year Each issue is a complete picture study of some aspect of American life or important social problem consisting of 60 or more excellent photo¬ graphs and pictorial charts with accompanying text. Back ground material is included where needed, and each issue is accompanied by a bibliography and teachers' guide. Representative titles: Ayiation, Civil Liberties, Clothing, Education, Our Constitution, Steel American Folk Art, War or Peace? Free list of titles and order blank available on request. U. S. Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission. Pictures of the signers of the Constitution, dioramas, cut-outs and posters available at small cost. List of publications will be sent on request. (September 24, 1940 A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap. Ill Page 15 Audio-Visual Aids—Pictures and Posters (cont'd.) Vitagraph, Incorporated. Portfolios. See Foundation Fields—Audio-Visual Aids—Films. Audio-Visual Aids—Radio Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, U. S. Department of Justice. I'm An American. Recent .Americans: Hans Kindler, Luise Rainer, Anton Lang, Charles Pergler, Hendrick Willem Van Loon, Albert Einstein, and others are being interviewed each week on this radio program designed to promote a greater tolerance for our new citizens and a deeper con¬ sciousness of the rights and privileges of being an American, remind¬ ing us of our traditions as seen through the eyes of these Americans to whom they are so new. U. S. Offfice of Education Democracy in Action: Our Government at Work. Produced in cooperation with other government agencies. This is the story of free government— of a free people holding the power to determine public policies—choos¬ ing for themselves the path they shall follow. Scripts for the Government and Foreign Trade series are available on loan from the Office of Educa¬ tion. Let Freedom Ring! 13 radio scripts. 379 p. Illus. 1937. Superinten¬ dent of Documents, 60^. Manual to accompany Let Freedom Ring! 83 p. Illus. 1937. 20^ Dramatic presentation of the Constitution of the United States which can be used effectively in adult education, particularly in naturaliza¬ tion classes. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Material a. Chap. IV Page 1 CHAPTER IV HEALTH AND SAFETY General American Medical Association. Publishes inexpensive pamphlets (most of them 5, 10, and 15#) on sex education, child welfare, personal hygiene, public health, con¬ servation of vision, cancer, etc. List,of publications will be sent on request. American Red Cross, National Headquarters - A Bibliography of Supplementary Material for Classes in Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick. (Including lists of pamphlets, posters, and lantern slides obtainable from other organizations.) 23 p. Mimeo. 1936. 10#. Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick. 23p. Free. A pamphlet of gen¬ eral information regarding content of courses, requirements, organi¬ zation of classes, nurse instructor, etc. Contains a list of publi¬ cations. Textbook—Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick. 75#. Paper. Used as the basis for Red Cross Courses. American Public Health Association "A professional organization of public health workers of North America. Servea the profession by accumulating existing public health knowledge, promoting study, setting up standards, and making available to public health workers information on current develop¬ ments in every branch of preventive medicine and sanitation." Pub¬ lishes annually a Bibliography on Public Health and Allied Subjects. Free. Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Issues pamphlets on nutrition, meal planning, clothing in relation to health, and the like. List of publications free. Evaporated Milk Association. Units of Study on Milk. Free. Milk for All. Free. Information to help Italian families use more milk. Available in both English and Italian. List of publications will be sent on request. Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities. The Nation's Health. 116p. 1938. Superintendent of Documents, 20#. A report of the discussion at the National Health Conference, July 1938. Toward Better National Health. 31 p. 1939. Illus. Superintendent of Documents, 10#. A popular presentation of the considerations of the Conference. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials Chaip.IV Page 2 John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Excellent pamphlets on Health subjects in simple readable style. Free. Available through branch office nearest you.' Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Excellent pamphlets on health subjects in simple readable style. Free. Available through branch office nearest you. Modern Age Books Practical Birth Control Methods, by Norman S. Hines., 254p. 1938. 95{Zf. A lucid discussion of various birth control methods. Lists established birth control clinics in this country. Can be pur¬ chased in bookstores. National Education Association, My Little Child*s Health: A guide to the study of the pro-school child. 5(£. Signs of Health in Childhood. Rev. 1934. Illus. 20"Draws point by point a picture of the healthy child, in terms easily understood by the teocher, the parent, and the lay worker." Personal Q-rowth Leaflets. Id each. Among the titles are: "Your Health in tho Making", "Shall I Become a Smoker", "The Tyranny of Bad Habits", "Our Common Diseases." A complete list of titles in this series will be sent on request. List of health publications available on request. Public Affairs Committee. Doctors. Dollars and Disease. Rev. 1939. 50$. Discussion of the health situation and presentation of several possible solutions. Who Can Afford Health? 31p. 1939. 10^. Based on a national health survey of the U. S. Public Health Service. The Fight on Cancer. 32p. 1939. Illus. 10^. Presents statistics, describes the nature of cancer, gives symptoms, summarizes current medical practice, outlines educational.programs of various organiza¬ tions. State and City Departments of Health and Education. These departments are sources of reliable and up-to-date information on health education materials. Superintendent of Documents. Health: Diseases, Drugs, and Sanitation. 89p. 1939, Free. A list of publications relating to the above siibjects which are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. (September 24, 1940) A1520 Teaching Materials, Chap. IV. Page 3 U. S. Office of Education. United StaMs^QXeiLgnjfctilth*. Eflucatlqn, and Recreation. Good.Reference List No. 61. Free. U. S. Public Health Service. Personal Hygiene. 46p. 1938. Superintendent of Documents, 10# A partial discussion and guide to personal hygiene. Contains a list of references. What Every Person Should Know About Milk, lip. 1939. Superinten¬ dent of Documents, £>'#. A discussion of the importance of milk in the diet and the importance of pasteurization. Publications of the TJ. S. Public Health Service; An Annotated List for Adult Stud:/ G-rouos and Teachers. 16p. 1940. Free. Work Projects Administration. Public Health r.r,d the WPA. 1940. Free. An illustrated folder show¬ ing the contributions of WPA toward a healthier America. Diseases American Society for the Control of Cancer. Distributes free and inexpensive leaflets and pamphlets—questions and answers about cancer prepared for the layman. Price list of publications available on request. John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. About Tuberculosis Scarlet Fever Preventing Dluhtheria. and others. Free. Available through branch office nearest you. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Famphlets on this topic may be obtained free from the branch office nearest you. National Tuberculosis Association. Tuberculosis: Basic Facts in Picture Language. Issues pamphlets and leaflets on what you should know about tuber¬ culosis, climate and tuberculosis, how you get tuberculosis, and the like, State and local offices will attempt to fill your requests for materials. (^September 24, 1940) A1530 Teaching Materials, Chap. IV Page 4 U. S. Public Health Serfico The Communicable Diseases. Ill p. 1939. Illxis. Superintendent of Documents, 25^. Defines and gives symptons and causes of many com¬ municable diseases. Contains suggestions for teachers and a glossary of technical terms. Measles. 6p. 1938. Superintendent of Documents, 5