(U FINNISH 5TASK RAILWAYS IN 1921. From Consul Leslie A. Davis, Eelsingfors, Finland, April 12, 1922. Length of the Railways. The statistical department of the Finnish State railways has ,}ust published the following preliminary statistioal data concerning the situation of the Finnish State railways in December, 1921, and during the whole Of 1921, together with the comparative figures for 1920»» According to this report* the total length of the rail¬ roads at the end of 1921 was 3,990 kilometers* about the seme as at the end of 1920 (3,98* kilometers), compared with —4r»824 kilometera at the end of 1919, before the valkeasaari- Fetrograd line was handed over to Soviet Russia upon the ra¬ tification of the peace treaty between that country and Finland, with 3,907 kilometers at the end of 1918, with 3,828 kilometers at the end of 1917, with 3,793 kilometers at the end of 1913, and with 3,358 kilo.meters at the end of 1910. Rolling Stock. The total number of locomotives at the end of 1921 was 570, the average number for the year being 561, compared ■ ; with •See report from this office entitled, "Finnish State Railways in 1920," dated Maroh 21, 1921. "5 I ■ us- with 549 at the end of 1920 and an average of 541 for that year. Oat of the total number, 486 locomotives were in use in 1921, compared with 465 in 1920. There were 1,010 passenger oar3 on the average in use in 1921, compared with 941 in 1920. The average number of freight ears and trucks In 1921 was 14,098 and 29,435 respectively, compared with 12,80? and 26,768 in 1920. Distances Traversed and Traffic. The following table shows the number of axle kilo¬ meters traversed by oars and locomotives in 1920 and in previous years• Tear 1914, July 1919, whole year 1920,whole year 1921, • " Looomotives Passenger cars t freight oars 1,546,693 j 7,197,300 * 19,209,000 I i s I 20,698,500 .! , 167.400 1 1 23,871,800 j 181,706,200 t 469,958,800®" t : 22,799,100 i 186,859,500 i 443,327,500 «. The following table shows the number of kilometers traversed by trains last year, compared with previous years: Tear t t t Passenger trains j :{including mixed trains) x t Freight :a trains x Total 1913 ; i i 9,448,002 i 5,054,874 i 14,502,876 1919 t 8 t 8,443,000 i 8 5,484,400 t 13,927,400 1920 t 8,982,500 : 1 7,052,200 j 16,034,700 1921 1 • : 9,041,500 i • * 1 6,306,800 i i 15,348,300 The Corrected by ths Railway Administration from 469,959,000 axle kilometers given in report last year. The comparison with 1913 Is somewhat misleading, however, for the reason that the Valkeasaari-Petrograd railroad was thou included, which added many train kilometers. The number of passengers carried in 1921 was 17,899,200 (X class, 7,600) II class, l,201,500i III class, 16,479,30C soldiers, 205,800; Prisoners, 5,000); compared with 16,896,000* in 1920 (I class, 11,700; II class, 1,114,500; III class, 15,398,600;® soldiers, 351,700,d prisoners, 19,500),® with 13,342,700 in 1919, and 16,869,045 in 1913. It will he noticed that the passenger traffic has continued to increase. The freight and express carried in 1921 was 4,979,625 tons, of which 77,656 tons were express goods, compared w th 6,225,612* tons in 1920, of whioh 53,800 tons were express goods, and 4,032,662 tons in 1919, of which 47,191 tons were express goods. Revenues and Expendituresr^ " " ~ ~ The receipts from passenger traffic in 1921 amounted to 166,054.500 Finnish marks ($3,321,090 at the rate of 50 marks to the dollar), compared with 137,259,300 marks® ($4,575,310 at the rate of 30 marks to the dollar) in 1920, with 125,166,200 marks ($8,127,675 at the rate of 15,40 marks to the dollar) in 1919, and with 25,000,000 marks (#4,826,255 at the normal value of the mark, $0,193) in 1913, Receipts from the transportation of soldiers deoreased from 15,194,400 marks (#986,649) in 1919 to 5,739,200 marks* (#191,307) in 1920 and 4,110,300 marks ($82,206) in 1921. The most profitable ^Corrected from 16,870,700 passengers given last year, c » h 15,394,200 " « .» h d " " 331,300 soldiers « # " * " " 19,000 prisoners " » " * " » 6,200,728 tons »• » " ® H " 136,764,400 marks " « * * " " 5,380,500 marks » » « profitable month in 1921 was June, when the receipts from passenger traffic amounted to 18,330,000 markst$366,600) and the least profitable month was February, when they amounted to only 9,547,500 marks ($190,950). The receipts from freight traffic in 1921 amounted to 274,863,900 marks {$5,497,278), oompared with 225,142,7001 marks($7,504,757) in 1920, with 175,844,700 marks ($11,418,487 in 1919, and with 32,500,000 marks ($6,274,131) in 1913, The receipts fluctuated between 16,336,400 marks in January and 27,881,700 marks in September, falling to 23,600,800 marks in December. In addition to the reoeipts from passenger and freight traffic, there were some extra and miscellaneous receipts. The following table shows the total annual revenues and expenditures of the Finnish State railways since 1913, the mark being converted at par $0,193) for 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917, at 8 marks Wthe dollar for 1918, at 15.40 marks to the dollar for 1919, at 30 marks to the dollar for 1920, and at 50 marks to the dollar for 1921t : I i Hevenues t ! I Expenditures Year t Finnish i : marks i t Dollars j : 1 Finnish : marks i Dollars 1913 ; 58,600,000 s 11,312,741j 40,300,000 : 7,779,923 1914 i 58,524,886 : ll,298,241i 41,981,990 : 8,104,631 1915 t 81,801,166 t 15,791,731t 50,101,360 i 9,672,077 1916 illl,636,457 i 21,551,4401 76,742,790 : 14,815,210 1917 I146,390,790 j 28,260,693: s 162,369,995 i 31,345,559 1918 1134,299,000 | I 16,787,375i 150,047,000 : 18,755.875 1919 >305,119,000 j 8 19,812,922( 212,164,100 i 13,776,890 1920 (368,791,000 i 12,293,033: s 280,857,400 t 9,361,913 1921 :451.464.000 1 l 9.029.280: 395.672.300 i 7.913.446 ^Corrected from 226,913,500 marks given last year. " " 370,619,100 " M " " The The following table shows the revenues and expenditures for eaeh month of 1921. i i i Revenues t i i Expenditures Month : t j Finnish i i marks : t Dollars i t Finnish marks Dollars January : t t J j 28,667,000j i t 573,340] 26,361,900 527,038 February i 29,001,600] 580,032: 28,111,600 562,232 March I 35,494,100] 709,882: 26,465,500 529,310 April I 37,242,200] 744,844] 41,573,600 831,472 May , 34,435,700] 688,714: 31,502,900 630,058 June , 40,765,900: l i 815,318: : 37,754,500 755,090 July ) 40,034,600] 600y&9Gr -5«,327,060 640,540 August j 41,037,700: 820,754] 33,768,700 675,374 September t 8 : 44,115,700} 682,314: 34,076,700 681,534 Ootober t I i 42,098,400: 841,968: 33,356,900 667,138 November t ^ t 38,838,900: 776,778: 33,186,400 663,728 December j 39,732,300: : : i i: i t 794,646] ] ] 37,496,600 749,932 Total ] t i t : : j451,464,000:9,029,280:395,672,300 t t : f » t 7,913,446 The expenditures during 1919, 1920, and 1921, were divided among the several departments as followsj Department ^apartment 1919 • 1920 : 1921 : Finnish marks Dollars Finnish marks Dollars Finnish ma tics Dollars Central Administration 5,095,3C0 330,864 5,842,500 194,750 8,445,300 168,906 Office department 1,783,400 113,805 i 1,774,300 59,143: 2,095,900 41,918 Traffic department 31,320,600 2,033,805 : 35,013,800 1,167,127 40,304,300 806,086 Track department 22,134,200 1,437,286 | 28,785,700 4, 959,523 37,501,500 750,030 Machine and stores de¬ ■K partment 73,270,800 4,757,344 ; 94,046,500 3,134,883 132,722,100 2.654,442 Additional payment for abnormal times 75,500,000 4,902,598 HI, 759,500 3,725,317 169,695,700 3,393,914 Other purposee 3,039,800 198,688 ■ 3,635,100 121,170 4,907,500 98,150 Total ordinary expen¬ ditures 212,164,100 13,776,890 280,857,400 i 9,3fl,913 395,672,300 7,913,446 The principal Eh® principal item in the maohines and stores depart¬ ment is that of fuel, which was 67,960,000 marks ($1,359,200), compared with 45,234,300 marks ($1,507,810) in 1920, and with 34,279,600 marks ($2,225,948) in 1919.* The expenditures were further increased hy 75,815,100 marks($1,516,302) extraordinary expenditures, of which 35,872,200 marks ($717,444) were for new rolling stock and 39,942,900 ($798,858) for construction work; compared with 50,218,100 marks ($1,673,937) for extraordinary expenditures in 1920, of whioh 30,303,400 marks ($1,010,113) were for new rolling stock and 19,914,700 marks ($663,823) were for construction work; with 42,076,100 marks ($2,732,214) for extraordinary expenditures in 1919, of which 18,518,100 marks($1,202,474) were for new rolling stock and 23,558,000 marks ($1,529,740) were for construction work, and with 8,129,593 marks ($1,569,420) in 1913. of which 3.430.242 , ....——- — ■ i 1 ■ ■ 1 ■ ■" 1 1 marks ($662,209) were for new rolling stock and 4,699,351 marks ($907,211) were for construction work. The grand total of the expenditures in 1921 was thus 471,487,400 marks ($9,429,748), compared with 331,075,500 marks ($11,035,050) in 1920, and 254,240,200 marks ($16,509,104 in 1919, For every kilometer of line the income in 1921 was 113,290.84 marks ($2,266), compared with 92,568.02^ ($3,086) in 1920, with 76,586.09 marks ($4,973) in 1919, and with 16,837,33 marks ($3,250) in 1913; and the expenditures in 1921 were 99,290.41 ($1,986), compared with 70,496.33 marks ($2,350) in 1920, with 53,254.04 marks ($3,458) in 1919, and with 11,590.62 marks ($2,238) in 1913. Set ^Corrected from 93,026.88 marks given last year. •See report from this office entitled, "Fuel used by the Finnish State Railways," dated January 10, 1922, and published in OOMMRRGB RiiPOHTS No. 10, on March 6, 1922. Bet Profit®. The profit® in 1921 was 55,791,700 marie® ($1,115,834), compared with 87,933,600 marks1 ($2,931,120) in 1920, with 92,954,900 martcs ($6,036,032) in 1919, and 18,300,000 marks ($3,532,819) in 1913. The profit per axle kilometer was 0*088 mark® In 1921, compared with 0.135m mark® in 1920, and with 0.179 marks in 1919. The net profit in 1921 was thus 32,141,90 marks less than in 1920 and 37,163,200 marks less than in 1919, the difference in dollars, allowing for the difference in ex¬ change (15.40 marks to the dollar in 1919, 30 marks to the dol¬ lar in 1920, and 50 marks to the dollar in 1920) being $3,104,912 between 1919 and 1920 and $1,815,286 between 1920 and 1921. Thu®, the profits hate rapidly decreased during the past three years, although it is said that the Finnish State railway® are the only State railways in Europe which pay any profits at all. Number of Employees. There were 13,406 permanent employees and 6,431 temporary employees of the State railways on December 31, 1919, and 11,042 permanent employees and 3,700 extra employees on De¬ cember 31, 1920. The number was somewhat less at the end of 1921, although there are no definite figures available. Sixtieth Anniversary of the Completion of the First Finnish State Railroad. On March 17, 1922, the Finnish State railways celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the coupletion of the first Fin¬ nish State railroad. It was on March 17, 1862, when the first Finnish railroad was opened for public traffic and the first passenger train started from Belaingfors to Tavastehu®, a distance of 107 kilometer®. The ^Corrected from 89,761,700 maris given last year. ■ « " 0.138 mark® " « " The first railroad line In Sweden was opened for traffio about 1850 and at the same time a railroad line was establish® in Russia. Railroad oonstruotion was discussed also in Fin¬ land but no one dared mention such a project in publlo* It was proposed in 1851 to build a railroad from Helaingfors to Tavastehus, but this project had to be abandoned because of political reasons which intervened. The question was again taken up when Alexander II visited Helaingfors in 1855 and a special committee was appointed to consider the matter. Work on the Helsingfors-Tavastehus line was started in 1858* The cost of construction amounted to 14,423,000 Finnish marks (about §2,800,000), or 135,000 marks ($26,000) per kilometer, compared with the estimated cost of 8,800,000 marks ($1,7007,000) per kilometer, Great profits were expected, but the earnings of the first year were only 300,000 Finnish marks (about $60,000), which was not enough to pay expenses. Soon after this lines were built from Riihimaki to Petrograd, from Hango to Hyvinge, from Abe to Toijala, and from Tammerfors to Tavastehus; while later a line was built from Wasa to Uleaborg, and other lines were built in Savolaks, Carelia, and different parts of Finland. Growth of the Finnish Hallways. The following table shows the growth of the Finnish State and private railways: year » 10 • Tear t i length of line t i Capital value in Finnish marks Profits Finnish marks 1862 107 t 14,400,000 100,000 1872 489 ; 42,700,000 1,400,000 1882 853 , 81,900,000 3,200,000 1892 1,974 , 148,700,000 3,700,000 1902 2,746 i 279,900,000 3,900,000 1912 3,421 ] 416,800,000 14,800,000 1921 4,077 , t 57,600,000 The value of the linea open for traffio at the beginning of the war is given as 500,000,000 Finnish marks (about $100,000,000). The greatest length of railroads was built during the deoade 1880-1690, as was the case all over the world, most railroads having been built in 1886 and 1887. In 1862, two cities in Finland were connected by a railway line 107 kilometers long. In 1872, there were three oities so connected, the line then being 489 kilometers long. Ten years later, in 1882, the number of towns connected was 8 and the length of the line 853 kilometers. The respective figures for 1892 were 16 and 1,974. At the beginning of this century, 25 towns had railway connection and the length of the lines was 2,746 kilometers* In 1912, the number of to had increased to 33 and the length of the lines to 3,421 kilo¬ meters, and In 1919, although the number of towns connected remained the same, the length of the lines was extended to 4,024 kilometers, while if the private railway lines are included, the total was 4,326 kilometers. The rolling stock, which consisted of 6 locomotives, 20 passenger oars, and 283 freight oars in 1865, increased to - 11 to 191 locomotives, 486 passenger oars, and 4,815 freight cars in 1895, and to 561 locomotives, 1,010 passenger cars, and 14,098 freight oars in 1921. The number of employees inoreased from 1,086 in 1875 to 13,406 in 1919, or from 17.1 to 33.3 persons per 10 kilometers. The number has sinoe been reduced, as stated above. Some very important matters concerning Finnish State railways have been under consideration recently. The Pre¬ sident of Finland has signed the Government's proposal to th Diet for a reorganization of the Railway Administration and another proposition concerning the general basis for tne railway tariffs. There has been no increase in passenger or freight tariffs since January 1, 1921. If the length of railroads Is compared with the number of inhabitants, Finland is not very muofc behind, the larger civilized countries. Adding the 302 kilometers of privatel owned lines to the State lines, there are nearly 13 kilo¬ meters to every 10,000 inhabitants, which is greater than in many other European countries. LESLIE A. DAVIS American Consul. Enclosure: Monthly Statistics of the Finnish State railways for December, 1921. 877. D/K.