LC- «f , ' I? ACTS OF CONGRESS 0t\ f RELATING TO THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. * COMPILED DECEMBER, Z*77. --•» ♦ - WASHINGTON: JOSEPH L. PEARSON, PRINTER, Corner 9th and D streets. 1877. IILTIDIEX. Page. Act of July 1, 1862, Charter Union Pacific, &c * 1 July 12, 1862, Meeting of Commissioners 15 March 3, 1863, Gauge fixed 4 feet 81 inches - 16 July 2, 1864, Amendments to Charter, &c 16 " March 3, 1865, Company Bonds, in advance, &c 31 June 15, 1866, Steam Railroads made Post Routes, &c 32 " May 7,1866, Extending Time Completion Union Pacific, E. D 33 July 3, 1866, Union Pacific, E. D., to file map, and Union Pacific R. R. Company may Construct from Omaha 33 July 25. 1866, California and Oregon Roads to Prorate . 34 July 26, 1866, Right of Way Through Military Reservations... 35 March 6, 1868, Restoring Lands to Market 36 June 25, 1868, Reports to be filed with Secretary Interior 36 " March 3, 1869, Denver Pacific Railway Part of Kansas Line..... 38 " March 3, 1869, Name Changed to Kansas Pacific 39 April 10, 1869, Protection of Interests of United States, &c 39 May 6, 1870, Point of Junction Union Pacific and Central Pacific........ -41 " March 3, 1871, One-half Compensation to be Paid — 42 March 3, 1873, Payments Withheld—Court of Claims—Suits, &c 43 " June 20,1874, Additions to 15th Section, Act 1864 , 45 " June 22, 1874, Attorney-General to bring suit for 5 per cent..... 46 I ) PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. ACT OF JULY 1, 1862. [12 Statutes at Large, 489.] An Act to aid in the construction of a railroad and tel¬ egraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Walter S. Burgess, William P. Blodget, Benja¬ min H. Cheever, Charles Fosdick Fletcher, of Rhode Is¬ land ; Augustus Brewster, Henry P. ITaven, Cornelius S. Bushnell, Henry Hammond, of Connecticut; Isaac Sher¬ man, Dean Richmond, Royal Phelps, William II. Ferry, Henry A. Paddock, Lewis J. Stancliff, Charles A. Secor, Samuel R. Campbell, Alfred E. Til ton, John Anderson, Azariah Boody, John S. Kennedy, IT. Carver, Joseph Field, Benjamin F. Camp, Orville W. Childs, Alexander J. Bergen, Ben. IPolliday, D. M. Barney, S. De Witt Bloodgood, William H. Grant, Thos. W. Olcott, Samuel B. Ruggles, James B. Wilson, of Hew York; Ephraim Marsh, Charles M. Harker, of Hew Jersey; John Ed¬ gar Thompson, Benjamin Haywood, Joseph H. Scran- ton, Joseph Harrison, George W. Cass, John H. Bryant, Daniel J. Morell, Thomas M. Howe, William F. Johnson, Robert Finney, John A. Green, E. R. Myre, Charles F. W ells, jr., of Pennsylvania; Hoah L. Wilson, Amos Stone, William 11. Clement, S. S. L'Hommedieu, John Brough, William Dennison, Jacob Blickinsderfer, of Ohio ; Wil¬ liam M. McPherson, R. W. Wells^Willard P. Hall, Arm¬ strong Beatty, John Corby, of Missouri; S. J. Hensley, Peter Donahue, C. P. Huntingdon, T. D. Judah, James Bailey, James T. Ryan, Charles Ilosmer, Charles Marsh, I). 0. Mills, Samuel Bell, Louis McLane, George W. Mowe, Charles McLaughlin, Timothy Dame, John R. Robinson, of California; John Atchison and John D. Winters, ot the Territory of Hevada; John D. Camp¬ bell, R. H. Rice, Charles A. Trowbridge, Ransom Gardner, Charles W. Penny, Charles T. Gorham, Wil¬ liam McConnell, of Michigan; William F. Coolbaugh, 2 PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. Lucius H. Langworthy, Hugh T. Held, Hoyt Sherman, Lyman Cook, Samuel R. Curtis, Lewis A. Thomas,-Piatt Smith, of Iowa; William B. Ogden, Charles G. Ham¬ mond, Henry Farnum, Amos C. Babcock, W. Seldon Gale, Nehemiali Bushnell, and Lorenzo Bull, of Illinois; William II. Swiftv Samuel T. Dana, John Bertram, Franklin S. Stevens, Edward R. Tinker, of Massachu¬ setts; Franklin Gorin, Lahan J. Bradford, and John T. Levis, of Kentucky; James Dunning, John M.Wood, Edwin Noyes, Joseph Eaton, of Maine; Henry IT. Bax¬ ter, George W. Collamer, Henry Keyes, Thomas H. Cantield, of Vermont; William S. Ladd, A. M. Berry, Benjamin F. Harding, of Oregon ; William Bunn, ju¬ nior, John Catlin, Levi Sterling, John Thompson, Elihu L. Phillips, Walter D. Mclndoe, T. B. Stoddard, E. TI. Broadhead, A. IT. Virgin, of Wisconsin ; Charles Paine, Thomas A. Morris, David E. Brand ham, Samuel ITanna, Jonas Votaw, Jesse L. Williams, Isaac C. Elston, of In¬ diana; Thomas Swan, Chauncey Brooks, Edward Wil- kins, of Maryland; Francis R. E. Cornell, David Blakely, A. D. Seward, Henry A. Swift, Dwight Woodbury, John McKusick, John R. Jones, of Minnesota; Joseph A. Gilmore, Charles W. Woodman, of Hew Hampshire; W. H. Grimes, J. C. Stone, Chester Thomas, John Kerr, Werter R. Davis, Luther C. Challis, Josiah Miller, of Kansas ; Gilbert C. Monell, and Augustus Kountz, T. M. Marquette, William IT. Taylor, Alvin Saunders, of Ne¬ braska; and John Evans, of Colorado; together with five commissioners to he appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, and all persons who shall or may be associated with them, and their successors, are hereby created and erected into a body corporate and politic in deed and in Name and title ^aw> by name> style? aRd title of " The Union Pacific Railroad Company;" and bv that name shall have perpet- ■ May gue and ual succession, and shall be able to sue and to be sued, plead be sued in aii anq pe impleaded, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity within the United States, and may make and have a conunon seal; and the said corpora¬ tion is hereby authorized and empowered to lay out, locate, construct, furnish, maintain, and enjoy a continuous rail¬ road and telegraph, with the appurtenances, from a point initial point. Qn one_hhndredth meridian of longitude west from Greenwich, between the south margin of the valley of the Republican river and the north margin of the val¬ ley of the Platte river, in the Territory of Nebraska, to the western boundary of Nevada Territory, upon the route and terms hereinafter provided, and is hereby vested with all # the powers, privileges, and immunities PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. 3 necessary to carry into effect the purposes of this act • as herein set forth. The capital stock of said com- capital stock, pany shall consist of one hundred thousand shares of one Amount and thousand dollars each, which shall be subscribed for and shares of stock held in not more than two hundred shares by any one sec'x' person, and shall be transferable in such manner as the by-laws of said corporation shall provide. The persons hereinbefore named, together with those to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, are hereby constituted and appointed commissioners, and such body shall be called the Board of Commissioners of the Union Pacific commission- Railroad and Telegraph Company, and twenty-five shall erst0 orgamze- constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Quorum- first meeting of said board shall be held at Chicago, at such time as the commissioners from Illinois herein named shall appoint, not more than three nrfr less than one month after the passage of this act, notice of which shall be given by them to the other commissioners by depositing a call thereof in the post-office at Chicago, post-paid, to their address, at least forty days before said meeting, and also by publishing said notice in one daily newspaper in each of the cities of Chicago and St. Louis. Said board shall organize bv the choice from its number O u of a president, secretary, and treasurer, and they shall require from said treasurer such bonds as maybe deemed giv anc^ shall file a map of the same in the De- act of iS(?4.1 Mfip' partment of the Interior, whereupon the Secretary of route'tohe fiVecL ^ie Interior shall cause the lands within fifteen miles of said designated £oute or routes to he withdrawn from pre-emption, private entry, and sale ; and when any por¬ tion of said route shall be finally located, the Secretary of the Interior shall cause the said lands hereinbefore granted, to be surveyed and set off as fast as may be natedd&cdesi§" necessary for the purposes herein named: Provided, That in fixing the point of connection of the main trunk with the eastern connections it shall be fixed at the most practicable point for the construction of the Iowa and Missouri branches, as hereinafter provided. From 100th ^EC' ft further enacted, That the line of said meridian to Ne- railroad and telegraph shall commence at a point on the vada. one hundredth meridian of longitude west from Green- wich, between the south margin of the valley of the Re¬ publican river and the north margin of the valley of the Platte river, in the Territory of Nebraska, at a point to be fixed by the President of the United States, after ac¬ tual surveys ; thence running westerly upon the most di¬ rect, central, and practicable route, through the terri- see sqc. io of tories of the United States, to the western boundary of this act, the Territory of Nevada, there to meet and connect with the line of the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California. Kansas Co. to Sec. 9. And be it farther enacted, That the Leaven- construct road, wort}^ Pawnee and Western Railroad Company of Kan¬ sas are hereby authoTized to construct a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river, at the mouth of the Kansas river, on the aouth side thereof, so as to con¬ nect with the Pacific Railroad of Missouri, to the afore¬ said point on the one-hundredth meridian of longitude west from Greenwich, as herein provided, upon the same terms and conditions in all respects as are provided in this act for the construction of the railroad and telegraph line first mentioned, and to meet and connect with the same at the meridian of longitude aforesaid; and in case the general route or line of road, from the Missouri river to the Rocky Mountains should be so located as to require a departure northwardly from the proposed line of said Kansas railroad before it reaches the meridian of longi¬ tude aforesaid, the location of said Kansas road shall be made so as to conform thereto; and said railroad through Kansas shall he so located between the mouth of the Kan- pacific railroad acts. 9 sas river, as aforesaid, and the aforesaid point on the one-hundredth meridian of longitude, that the several railroads from Missouri and Iowa, herein authorized to connect with the same, can make connection within the limits prescribed in this act, provided the same can be done without deviating from the general direction of the whole line to the Pacific coast. The route in Kan¬ sas west of the meridian of Fort Riley, to the aforesaid point on the one-hundredth meridian of longitude, to be subject to the approval of the President of the United States, and to be determined by him on actual survey. And said Kansas company may proceed to build said railroad to the aforesaid point on the one-hundredth meridian of longitude west from Greenwich, in the Ter¬ ritory of Nebraska. The Central Pacific Railroad Com- „ , , _ . t/ (leutrjil poni. pany of California, a corporation existing under the laws fie r. r. Co. of of the State of California, are hereby authorized to con- thonS1 to Con¬ struct a railroad and1 telegraph line from the Pacific gametermsand coast, at or near San Francisco, or the navigable waters conditions, of the Sacramento river, to the eastern boundary of Cal¬ ifornia, upon the same terms and conditions, in all re¬ spects, as are contained in this act for the construction of said railroad and telegraph line first-mentionedf and to meet and connect with the first-mentioned railroad and telegraph line on the eastern boundary of California. • Each of said companies shall file their acceptance of the conditions of this act in the Department of the Interior within six months after the passage of this act. Sec. 10. And be it farther enacted, That the said com- Tjme pany chartered by the State of Kansas shall complete ing work. one hundred miles of their said road, commencing at the mouth of the Kansas river, as aforesaid, within two years after filing their assent to the conditions of this act, as • • herein provided, and one hundred miles per year there¬ after until the whole is completed ; and the said Central Pacific Railroad Company of California shall complete changed t0 fifty miles of their said road within two years after filing 25 miles- See • • • s6c £> ftct 1864 their assent to the provisions of this act, as herein pro- vided, and fifty miles per year thereafter until the whole is completed; and after completing their roads, respec¬ tively, said companies, or either of them, may unite upon Companies equal terms with the first-named company in construct- may unite in ing so much of said railroad and telegraph line and equal'dterms.°n branch railroads and telegraph lines in this act herein- aiso^ecnetifoi alter mentioned, through the territories, from the State this act, of California to the Missouri river, as shall then remain to be constructed, on the same terms and conditions as provided in this act in relation to the said Union Pacific 10 pacific railroad acts. Railroad Company. And the Hannibal and Saint Jo¬ seph railroad, the Pacific Railroad Company of Missouri, and the first-named company, or either of them, on filing their assent to this act as aforesaid, may unite upon equal terms, under this act, with" the said Kansas com¬ pany, in constructing said railroad and telegraph to said meridian of longitude, with the consent of the said State of Kansas ; and in case said first-named company shall complete their line to the eastern boundary of California before it is completed across said state by the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California, said first-named company is hereby authorized to continue in construct¬ ing the same through California, with the consent of said state, upon the terms mentioned in this act, until said roads shall meet and connect, and the whole line of said railroad and telegraph is completed; and the Cen¬ tral Pacific Railroad Company of California, after com¬ pleting its road across said state, is authorized to con- Central Paci- tinue the construction of said railroad and telegraph continue,' through the territories of the United States to the Mis- road!eet °ther souri river, including the branch roads specified in this act, upon the routes hereinbefore and hereinafter indi- Authorityeon- cated, An the terms and conditions provided in this act lG^aot' of^S'm relation to the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, seSc.C2laiU8G6 A1'° until said roads shall meet and connect, and the whole line of said railroad and branches and telegraph is com¬ pleted. Q . ., , , Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That for three hun- Subsidy bonds . . J 9 treble over the dred miles ot said road, most mountainous and difficult sierm Nevada of construction, to wit, one hundred and fifty7 miles west- mountams. ward I v from the eastern base of the Rockv mountains, and one hundred and fifty miles eastwardly from the the western base of the Sierra Kevada mountains, said points to be fixed by the President of the United States, the bonds to be issued to aid in the construction thereof shall be treble the number per mile hereinbefore provi¬ ded, and the same shall be issued, and the lands herein granted be set apart, upon the construction of every twenty miles thereof, upon the certificate of the commis¬ sioners as aforesaid that twenty consecutive miles of the same are completed; and between the sections last Subsidy bonds named of one hundred and fifty miles each, the bonds the mountains. to be issued to aid in the construction thereof shall be double the number per mile first mentioned, and the same shall be issued, and the lands herein granted be set apart, upon the construction of every twenty miles thereof, upon the certificate of the commissioners as aforesaid that twenty consecutive miles of the same are completed: PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. 11 Provided, That no more than fifty thousand of said bonds shall be issued under this act to aid in constructing the main line of said railroad and telegraph. Sec. 12. And be it farther enacted, That whenever the Location at route of said railroad shall cross the boundary of any loo^eridfan^ state or territory or said meridian of longitude, the two companies meeting or uniting there shall agree upon its location at that point, with reference to the most direct and practicable through route, and in case of difference between them as to said location the President of the United States shall determine the said location; the companies named in each state and territory to locate the road across the same between the points so agreed upon, except as herein provided. The track upon the entire line of railroad and branches shall be of uniform o^Siform width, to be determined by the President of the United width>&c- States, so that, when completed, cars can be run from the Missouri river to the Pacific coast; the grades and curves shall not exceed the maximum grades and curves of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; the whole line of said railroad and branches and telegraph shall be opera¬ ted and used for all purposes of communication, travel, m , , 1 f-, , ... , 7 7 To be used as and transportation, so tar as the public and govern- continuous ment are concerned, as one connected continuous line; lme'&c- and the companies herein named in Missouri, Kansas, and California, filing their assent to the provisions of this act, shall receive and transport all iron rails, chairs, spikes, ties, timber, and all materials required for con¬ structing and furnishing said first-mentioned line be¬ tween the aforesaid point on the one-hundredth meridian of longitude and western boundary of Nevada Territory, whenever the same is required by said first-named com¬ pany, at cost, over that portion of the roads of said companies constructed under the provisions of this act. Sec. 13. And be it farther enacted, That the Hannibal • » • • H and St J and Saint Joseph Railroad Company of Missouri may road may be ex- extend its road from Saint Joseph, via Atchison, t0tended<&c- connect and unite with the road through Kansas, upon filing its assent to the provisions of this act, upon the same terms and conditions in all respects, for one hun¬ dred miles in length next to the Missouri river, as are provided in this act for the construction of the railroad and telegraph line first mentioned, and may for this pur¬ pose use any railroad charter which has been or may be granted by the legislature of Kansas : Provided, That if actual Survey shall render it desirable, the said company may construct their road, with the consent of the Kansas legislature, on the mo3t direct and practicable route 12 pacific railroad acts. west from St. Joseph, Missouri, so as to connect and unite with the road leading from the western boundary of Iowa at an}7 point east of the one-hundredth meridian of west longitude, or with the main trunk road at said point; but in 110 event shall lands or bonds he given to said company, as herein directed, to aid in the construct¬ ion of their said road for a greater distance than one hundred miles. And the Leavenworth, Pawnee and West¬ ern Railroad Company of Kansas may construct their road from Leavenworth to unite with the road through Kansas. Sec. 14. And be it farther enacted, that the said Union fro°m asfoux Pacific Railroad Company is hereby authorized and re- Clty- quired to construct a single line of railroad and telegraph from a point on the western boundary of the State of Iowa, to be fixed by the President of the United States, upon the most direct and practicable route, to be subject to his approval, so as to form a connection with the line of said company at some point 011 the one-hun¬ dredth meridian of longitude aforesaid, from the point of commencement on the western boundary of the State of Iowa, upon the same terms and conditions, in all re¬ spects, as are contained in this act for the construction of the said railroad and telegraph first mentioned ; and the said Union Pacific Railroad Company shall complete one hundred miles of the road and telegraph in this section provided for in two years after filing their assent to the conditions of this act, as by the terms of this act required, and at the rate of one hundred miles per year thereafter until the whole is completed: Provided, That a failure upon the part of said company to make said connection in the time aforesaid, and to perform the obligations imposed on said company by this section, and to operate said road in the same manner as the main line shall be operated, shall forfeit to the government of the United States all the rights, privileges, and franchises granted to and con¬ ferred upon said company by this act. And whenever there shall be a line of railroad completed through Minne¬ sota or Iowa to Sioux Citv, then the said Pacific Rail- o ' road Company is hereby authorized and required to con¬ struct a railroad and telegraph from said Sioux City upon the most direct and practicable route to a point on, and, Co"1 required to so as comiecl with, the branch railroad and telegraph constructsioux in this section hereinbefore mentioned, or with the said sect aCdactbof Union Pacific railroad, said point of junction to be fixed is64. }3y the President of the United States, not further west than the one-hundredth meridian of longitude aforesaid, and on the same terms and conditions as provided in this pacific railroad acts. 13 act for the construction of the Union Pacific railroad as aforesaid, and to complete the same at the rate of one hundred miles per year; and should said company fail to comply with the requirements of this act in relation to the said Sioux City railroad and telegraph, the said com¬ pany shall sutler the same forfeitures prescribed in rela¬ tion to the Iowa branch railroad and telegraph hereinbe¬ fore mentioned. Sec-. 15. And be it farther enacted, That any other rail¬ road company now incorporated, or hereafter to he in¬ corporated, shall have the right to connect their road with the road and branches provided for by this act, at such places and upon such just and equitable terms as the President of the United States may prescribe. Wherever the word company is used in this act, it shall Word compa. be construed to embrace the words their associates, sue- ™es explained, cessors, and assigns, the same as if the words had been properly added thereto. Sec. 16. And be it farther enacted, That at any time companies au- after the passage of this act all of the railroad companies thonzed to con- • 9 t solidate Sgo named herein, and assenting hereto, or any twTo or more sec. ie/act of of them, are authorized to form themselves into one see!;ioalof this consolidated company; notice of such consolidation, in aet- writing, shall be filed in the Department of the Interior, and such consolidated company shall thereafter proceed to construct said railroad and branches and telegraph line upon the terms and conditions provided in this act. Sec. 17. And be it farther enacted, That in case said Congress may company or companies shall fail to comply with the ^[UietSn eCof terms and conditions of this act, by not completing said ro?dP e lon ° road and telegraph and branches within a reasonable time, or by not keeping the same in repair and use, but shall permit the same for an unreasonable time to re¬ main unfinished or out of repair and unfit for use, Con¬ gress may pass any act to insure the speedy completion of said road and branches, or to put the same in repair and use, and may direct the income of said railroad and tel¬ egraph line to be thereafter devoted to the use of the United States to repay all such expenditures caused by the default or neglect of such company or companies : Provided, That if said roads are not completed, so as to form a continuous line of railroad, ready for use, from the Missouri river to the navigable waters of the Sacra¬ mento river in California, by the first day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, the whole of all of said beM|^s^fde U railroads before mentioned, and to be constructed under i876. see sees, the provisions of this act, together with all their furni- isgU1 7' act °f ture, fixtures, rolling-stock, machine shops, lands, tene- 14 pacific railroad acts. merits, hereditaments, and property of every kind and character, shall he forfeited to and taken possession of by the United States: Provided, That of the bonds of the United States in this act provided to be delivered for any and all parts of the roads to be constructed east of the one-hundredth meridian of west longitude from Greenwich, and for any part of the road west of the west foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, there shall be re¬ served of each part and installment twenty-five per cent- • be and remain in the United States treasury, un¬ delivered, until said road and all parts thereof providecf for in this act are entirely completed; and of all the bonds provided to be delivered for the said road, between the two points aforesaid, there shall be reserved out of each installment fifteen per centum, to be and remain in the treasury until the whole of the road provided for in this act is fully completed ; and if the said road or any part thereof shall fail of completion at the time limited therefor in this act, then and in that case the said part of said bonds so reserved shall be forfeited to the United States, under certain Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That whenever it Congress^nfay aPPears that the net earnings of the entire road and tele- j^duee rates °f graph, including the amount allowed for services ren¬ dered for the United States, after deducting all expendi¬ tures—including repairs and the furnishing, running, and managing of said road—shall exceed ten per centum upon its cost, (exclusive of the five per centum to be paid to the United States,) Congress may reduce the rates of fare thereon, if unreasonable in amount, and may fix and establish the same by law. And the better to ac¬ complish the object of this act, namely, to promote the public interest and welfare by the construction of said railroad and telegraph line, and keeping the same in working order, and to secure to the government at all times (but particularly in time of war) the use and ben¬ efits of the same for postal, military, and other purposes, Congress may at auv time—having due regard for the rights of said companies named herein—add to, alter, amend, or repeal this act. Sec. 19. And be it farther enacted, That the several railroad companies herein named are authorized to enter into an arrangement with the Pacific Telegraph Com¬ pany, the Overland Telegraph Company, and the Cali¬ fornia State Telegraph Company, so that the present line of telegraph between the Missouri river and San Fran¬ cisco may be moved upon or along the line of said rail¬ road and branches as fast as said roads and branches are pacific RAILROAD acts. 15 built; and if said arrangement be entered into, and tbe transfer of said telegraph line be made in accordance therewith to the line of said railroad and branches, such transfer shall, for all purposes of this act, be held and considered a fulfillment, on the part of said railroad companies, of the provisions of this act in regard to the construction of said line of telegraph. And in case of disagreement, said telegraph companies are authorized to remove their line of telegraph along and upon the line of railroad herein contemplated without prejudice to the rights of said railroad companies named herein. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the corpora¬ tion hereby created and the roads connected therewith, under the provisions of this act, shall make to the Secre¬ tary of the Treasury an annual report, wherein shall be set forth: First. The names of the stockholders and their places mak™aPnannuai of residence, so far as the same can be ascertained. report. Second. The names and residences of the directors and all other officers of the company. Third. The amount of stock subscribed, and the amount thereof actually paid in. Fourth. A description of the lines of road surveyed, of the lines thereof fixed upon for the construction of the road, and the cost of such surveys. Fifth. The amount received from passengers on the road. Sixth. The amount received for freight thereon. Seventh. A statement of the expense of said road and its fixtures. Eighth. A statement of the indebtedness of said com¬ pany, setting forth the various kinds thereof; which re¬ port shall be sworn to by the president of the said com¬ pany, and shalf be presented to the Secretary of the Treasury on or before the first day of July in each year. Approved July 1, 1862. ACT JULY 12, 1862. [12 Statutes at Large, 538.] An Act to amend an act entitled " An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, mili¬ tary, and other purposes," approved July 1, 1862. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,, 16 PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. ofcommission^ That the first meeting of the commissioners named in raTiroHia^fdteL ac^ erJitled "An act to aid in the construction of a pgraph to be railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to held m Chicago ppe pacjfic ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the five commissioners directed by said act to he appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be held at Bryan Hall, in the city of Chicago, in the State of Illi¬ nois, on the first Tuesday of September next, at twelve Notice. o'clock, at noon. A notice of said meeting, to be signecl by at least ten of the commissioners named in said act, shall be published at least once a week during the six successive weeks commencing on the twentieth of Julv, Co *j * one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, in one daily newspaper in each of the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis, and no other notice of said'meeting shall be requisite. Approved July 12, 1862. ACT OF MARCH 3, 1863—FIXIYG GAUGE. [12 Statutes at Large, 807.] ' An Act to establish the gauge of the Pacific railroad and its branches. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the gauge of the Pacific railroad and its branches throughout their whole extent, from the Pacific coast to the Missouri river, shall be, and hereby is, established at four feet eight and one-half inches. Co Approved March 3, 1863. ACT OF JULY 2, 1864. [13 Statutes at Large, 356.] An Act to amend an act entitled 44 An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, mili¬ tary, and other purposes," approved July first, eight¬ een hundred and sixty-two. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. 17 That the capital stock of the company entitled the Union i^aJilofsioo Pacific Railroad Company, authorized by the act of which eaehmstead of this act is amendatory, shall be in shares of one hundred dollars, instead of one thousand dollars, each; that the N f h number of shares shall be one million, instead of one one million in- hundred thousand; and that the number of shares which stead ot 100'00(}- any person shall hold to entitle him to serve as a director in said company (except the five directors to be appointed by government) shall be fifty shares, instead of five shares; and that every subscriber to said capital stock for each share of one thousand dollars, heretofore sub- Restrietionag scribed, shall be entitled to a certificate for ten shares of to amount held one hundred dollars each ; and that the following words rePe°aIiedpels°a in section first of said act, " which shall be subscribed for and held in not more than two hundred shares by any one person," be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. And be it farther enacted, That the Union Pa- How books for cific Railroad Company shall cause books to be kept open tionkarebtoribPe to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of said opened, company, (until the entire capital of one hundred mil¬ lions of dollars shall be subscribed,) at the general office of said company in the city of New York, and in each of the cities of Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis, at such places as may be des¬ ignated bv the President of the United States, and in i • Manner of such other localities as may be directed by him. No subscribing, subscription for said stock shall be deemed valid unless the subscriber therefor shall, at the time of subscribing, pay or remit to the treasurer of the company an amount per share subscribed by him equal to the amount per share previously paid by the then-existing stockholders. Assessments The said company shall make assessments upon its stock- oncapital.stock* holders of not less than five dollars per share, and at in- Howpald- tervals of not exceeding six months from and after the passage of this act, until the par value of all shares sub¬ scribed shall be fully paid; and money only shall be re¬ ceivable for any such assessments, or as equivalents for any portion of the capital stock hereinbefore authorized, capital stock The capital stock of said company shall not be increased lim,ite(b p ac: i i .. . \ r> tual cost of road beyond the actual cost of said road. And the stock of the company shall be deemed personal properly, and Trausfer f shall be transferable on the books of the company, at the stoek?nb er general office of said company in the city of New York, or at such other transfer office as the company may es¬ tablish. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Union Pa¬ cific Railroad Company, and all other companies pro¬ vided for in this act and the act to which this is an 2 18 PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. amendment, be, and hereby are, empowered to enter taSng^o^prf- upon, purchase, take, and liold any lands or premises forrigWoTway may be necessary and proper for the construction and working of said road, not exceeding in width,one hundred feet on each side of its centre line, unless a greater width he required for the purpose of excavation or embankment; and also any lands or premises that may be necessary and proper for turnouts, standing places for cars, depots, station house [s], or any other structures required in the construction and operating of said road. And each of said companies shall have the right to cut and remove trees and other materials that might by falling encumber its road-bed, though standing or being more than one hundred feet therefrom. And in case the owner or claimant of such lands or premises and such company cannot agree as to the damages, the amount shall be determined by the appraisal of three dis¬ interested commissioners, who may be appointed upon application by any party to any judge of a court of re¬ cord in any of the territories in which the lands or pre¬ mises to be taken lie; and said commissioners, in their assessments of damages, shall appraise such premises at what would have been the value thereof if the road had not been built; and upon return into court of such ap¬ praisement, and upon the payment to the clerk tjiereof of the amount so awarded by the commissioners for the use and benefit of the owner thereof, said premises shall be deemed to be taken by said company, which shall thereby acquire full title to the same for the purposes Proceedings aforesaid. And either party feeling aggrieved by said right of way, &c° assessment may, within thirty days, file an appeal there¬ from, and demand a jury of twelve men to estimate the damage sustained; but such appeal shall not inter¬ fere with the rights of said company to enter upon the premises taken, or to do any act necessary in the con¬ struction of its road. And said party appealing shall give bonds, with sufficient surety or sureties, for the pay¬ ment of any cost that may arise upon such appeal. And in case the party appealing does not obtain a more favor¬ able verdict, such party shall pay the whole cost incurred by the* appellee as well as its own. And the payment into court for the use of the owner or claimant of a sum equal to that finally awarded shall be held to vest in said company the title of said land, and the right to use and occupy the same for the construction, maintaining, and operating of the road of said company. And in case any of the lands to be taken as aforesaid shall be held by any person residing without the territory or subject fir pacific railroad acts. 19 to any legal disability, the court may appoint a proper person, who shall give bonds, with sufficient surety or sureties, for the faithful execution of his trust, and who may represent in court the person disqualified or absent as aforesaid, when the same proceeding shall be had in reference to the appraisement of the premises to he taken and with the same effect as have been already described. And the title of the company to the land taken by vir¬ tue of this act shall not be affected nor impaired by rea¬ son of any failure by any guardian to discharge faithfully his trust, And in case it shall be necessary for either of the said companies to enter upon lands which are un¬ occupied, and of which there is no apparent owner or claimant, it may proceed to take and use the same for the purpose of its said railroad, and may institute pro¬ ceedings in manner described for the purpose of ascer¬ taining the value of and acquiring a title to the same; and the court may determine the kind of notice to be served on such owuier of owners, and mav in its discre- ' imPah' any pre-emption, homestead, swamp-land, extent 'of icated act donating lands to the several states and territories benefit &of coi- which may provide colleges for the benefit of agricul- tufe8'andriLtbe ^Iire an(^ the mcc^an^c arts," approved July second, arts.' ♦ J eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and notice thereof given at the proper land office. Time extend- Sec. 5. And be it farther enacted, That the time for eresTg rfati n°g designating the general route of said railroad, and of maptandfilcom?- hhng the map of the same, and the time for the comple- pieting road, tion of that part of the railroads required by the terms of said act of each company, be and the same is hereby extended one year from the time in said act designated; California road anc] tha{- the Central Pacific Railroad Company of Cali- to complete , 1 e only 25 miles forma shad be required to complete twenty-five miles 01 their said road in each year thereafter, and the whole to the state line within four years, and that only one-half of°government of the compensation for services rendered for the govern- appiiedStotothe ment by said companies shall be required to be applied payment of to the payment of the bonds issued by the government in aid of the construction of said road. Sec. 6. And be it farther enacted, That the proviso to appointentcoim section four of said act is hereby modified as follows, TnflimT at viz: And the President of the United States is hereby pacific railroad acts. 21 authorized, at any time after the passage of this act, to appoint for each and every of said roads three commis¬ sioners, as provided for in the act to which this act is amendatory; and the verified statement of the president of the California company, required by said section four, shall be filed in the office of the United States surveyor- general for the State of California, instead of being pre¬ sented to the President of the United States; and the said surveyor-general shall thereupon notify the said com¬ missioners of the filing of such statement, and the said commission- commissioners shall thereupon proceed to examine the ers may inspect p., .1 -i 1,1 iv 1.1 road califor- portion of said railroad and telegraph line so completed, nia co. under and make their report thereon to the President of the provls" United States, as provided by the act of which this is amendatory. And such statement may be filed and such railroad and telegraph line be examined and reported on by the said commissioners, and the requisite amount of bonds may be issued, and the lands appertaining thereto may be set apart, located, entered, and patented, as provided in this act and the act to which this is amend¬ atory, upon the construction by said railroad company of California of any portion of not less than twenty consec¬ utive miles of their said railroad and telegraph line, upon the Certificate of said commissioners that such portion is completed as required by the act to which this is amend¬ atory. And section ten of the act of which this is amend¬ atory is hereby amended by inserting after the words " United States," in the last clause, the words " and states intervening." Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That so much of sec- ^ tion seventeen of said act as provides for a reservation by the government of a portion of the bonds to be issued to aid in the construction of the said railroads is hereby ervationo/gov- repealed. And the failure of any one company to com- ernraentbonds- ply fully with the conditions and requirements of this act, or the act to which this is amendatory, shall not The defaull. . ** or neglect ot work a forfeiture of the rights, privileges, or franchise one company of any other company or companies that shall have com- any otherffect plied with the same. Sec. 8. And be it farther enacted, That for the purpose of facilitating the work on said railroad, and of enabling the said company as early as practicable to commence the grading of said railroad in the region of the moun¬ tains, between the eastern base of the Rocky mountains and the western base of the Sierra Nevada mountains, so that the same may be linally completed within the time required by law, it is hereby provided that when¬ ever the chief engineer of the said company and said 22 pacific railroad acts. commissioners shall certify that a certain proportion of the work required to prepare the road for the superstruc¬ ture 011 any such section of twenty miles is done, (which said certificate shall be duly verified,) the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required, upon the delivery of such certificate, to issue to said company Provision for a proportion of said bonds, not exceeding two-thirds of RamoadeiofibC- the amount of bonds authorized to be issued under the portion 0&f provisions of the act, to aid in the construction of such emment bonds section of twenty miles, nor in any case exceeding two- in the mountain ,-i.t n ,i i p ,i -i -« ,, . . ° work before fi- thirds ot the value of the work done, the remaining one- Sf thCe°S!deUon third to remain until the said section is fully completed and certified by the commissioners appointed by the President, according to the terms and provisions of the said act; and 110 such bonds shall issue to the Union But not west Pacific Railroad Company for work done west of Salt cftymotreLthan ^^<3 City under this section, more than three hundred 300 miles in ad- miles in advance of the completed continuous line of yance of its • • • - completed line, said railroad from the point beginning on the one-hun¬ dredth meridian of longitude. Sec. 9. And be it farther enacted, That to enable any one of said corporations to make convenient and neces¬ sary connections with other roads, it is hereby author¬ ized to establish and maintain all necessary ferries upon Right for and across the Missouri river and other rivers which its ferries and road may pass ill its course; and authority is hereby given said corporation to construct bridges over said Missouri river and all other rivers for the convenience of said road: Provided, That any bridge or bridges it % may construct over the Missouri river, or any other navigable river on the line of said road, shall be con¬ structed with suitable and proper draws for the passage of steamboats, and shall be built, kept, and maintained at the expense of said company, in such manner as not to impair the usefulness of said rivers for navigation to any greater extent than such structures of the most ap¬ proved character necessarily do : And provided, further, may°unite 'with That any company authorized by this act to construct its J!faioothnmerid- road and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the ceivebno more P°hit aforesaid, may construct its road and tele- lands or bonds graph line so as to connect with the Union Pacific rail- ti^nwaJo'nThe road at any point westwardly of such initial point, in iooth meridian. cage guc}1 company shall deem such westward connection more practicable or desirable; and in aid of the con¬ struction of so much of its road and telegraph line as shall be a departure from the route hereinbefore pro¬ vided for its road, such company shall be entitled to all the benefits and be subject to all the conditions and re- pacific railroad acts. 23 strictions of this act: Provided, further, however, That the bonds of the United States shall not be issued to such company for a greater amount than is hereinbefore pro¬ vided, if the same had united with the Union Pacific railroad on the one-hundredth degree of longitude; nor shall such company be entitled to receive any greater amount of alternate sections of public lands than are also herein provided. Sec. 10. And be it farther enacted, That section five of said act be so modified and amended that the Union Pa¬ cific Railroad Company, the Central Pacific Railroad Company, and any other company authorized to partici- Act of March pate in the construction of said road, may, on the com- ad- pletion of each section of said road, as provided in this vance. act, and the act to which this act is an amendment, issue their first morts-aore bonds on their respective railroad o t o a ^ ^ ^ o r i z 6 s and telegraph lines to an amount not exceeding the the issue of amount of the bounds of the United States, and of bonds^wtifh even tenor and date, time of maturity, rate and char- shaiibeaiienon ' 1-1 • i the roa<^ prior acter ot interest, with the bonds authorized to be issued totheiienofthe to said railroad companies respectively. And the lien s°vernment- of the United States bonds shall be subordinate to that of the bonds of any or either of said companies hereby authorized to be issued on their respective roads, prop¬ erty, and equipments, except as to the provisions of the sixth section of the act to which this act is an amend¬ ment, relating to the transmission of dispatches and the transportation of mails, troops, munitions of war, sup¬ plies, and public stores for the government of the United States. And said section is further amended by striking out the word "forty," and inserting in lieu thereof the SeetionfeSfrom words " on each and every section of not less than twen- t0 "20" ty." Sec. 11. And be it farther enacted, That if any of the railroad companies entitled to bonds of the United States, or to issue their first mortgage bonds herein provided for, has, at the time of the approval of this act, issued or shall thereafter issue any of its own bonds or securities in such form and manner as in law or equity to entitle the same to priority or preference of payment to the said guaranteed bonds, or said first mortgage bonds, the amount of such corporate bonds outstanding and unsat¬ isfied or uncancelled shall be deducted from the amount outstanding ot such government and first mortgage bonds which the ^ued byeany company maybe entitled to receive and issue; and such JeduetSedallfrom an amount only of such government bonds and such first the amount of mortgage bonds shall be granted or permitted as, added i^ued1'bytothe to such outstanding, unsatisfied, or uncancelled bonds of g°vernment- 24. pacific railroad acts. the company, shall make up the whole amount per mile to which the company would otherwise have been enti¬ tled : And provided farther, That before any bonds shall be so given by the United States, the company claiming sworn state- them shall present to the Secretary of the Treasury an ment or an out- affidavit of the president and secretary of the company, standing se- . '1 . J I purities shall to be sworn to betore the judge of a court of record, set- Seeretary of the ting forth whether said company has issued any such Treasury. bonds or securities, and, if so, particularly describing the same, and such other evidence as the Secretary may re¬ quire, so as to enable him to make the deduction herein required ; and such affidavit shall then be tiled and de¬ posited in the office of the Secretary of the Interior. And any person swearing falsely to any such affidavit shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and on conviction thereof shall be punished as aforesaid: Provided, also, That no land granted by this act shall be conveyed to any party or parties, and no bonds shall be issued to any Law shaii not company or companies, party or parties, on account of appCiynstoliediny arA roa(l or part thereof made prior to the passage of the other roads act to which this act is an amendment, or made subse- than thos6 » .i , i j i • • r* j # specified in the quent thereto under the provisions or any act or acts act' other than this act and the act amended by this act. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Leaven¬ worth, Pawnee and Western Railroad Company, now The union known as the Union Pacific Railroad Company, Eastern Pacific r.r Co., Division, shall build the railroad from the mouth of Kan- Eastern Uiv., ' . . sjafi buiu sas river, by the way ot Leavenworth, or, it that be not Leavenworth to deemed the best route, then the said company shall, years?nee m " within two years, build a railroad from the city of Leav¬ enworth to unite with the main stem at or near the city of Lawrence ; but to aid in the construction of said branch the said company shall not be entitled to any bonds. And if the Union Pacific Railroad Company shall not be proceeding in good faith to build the said railroad through the territories when the Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western Railroad Company, now known in default of as the Union Pacific Railroad Company, Eastern Divi- bein™bunt uie s'l0u? shall have completed their road to the hundredth Kansas Co. may degree of longitude, then the last-named company may proceed to build ° • l the same. proceed to make said road westward until it meets and connects with the Central Pacific Railroad Company on the same line. And the said railroad from the mouth of sRinnSbe buiit the Kansas river to the one-hundredth meridian of lon- and T^e'i-a"06 ^tude shall be made by the way of Lawrence and To- and Topeka. pep^ or on ^-]ie pank 0f the Kansas river opposite said towns: Provided, That no bonds shall be issued or land* certified by the United States to any person or company, pacific railroad acts 25 for fhe construction of any part of the main trunk line omh^muS of said railroad west of the one-hundredth meridian of bunt before . bonds or lands longitude and east of the Eocky mountains, until said shaii be grant- road shall be completed from or near Omaha, on the mVodla^1 anil Missouri river, to the said one-hundredth meridian of mountains?0^7 longitude. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That at and after the next election of directors, the number of directors to be . At. next eiec- elected by the stockholders shall he "fifteen; and the ors to be eleet- number of directors to be appointed by the President emment diS- shall be five; and the President shall appoint three ad- ors- ditional directors to serve until the next regular elec- CP tion, and thereafter five directors. At least one of said 0ne goyern_ government directors shall be placed on each of the standing committees of said company, and at least one mittee. on every special committee that may be appointed. The government directors shall, from time to time, report to the Secretary of the Interior, in answer to any inquiries he may make of them, touching the condition, manage¬ ment, and progress of the work, and shall communicate to the Secretary of the Interior, at any time,-such infor¬ mation as should he in the possession of the Deparment. ^ Duties of gov- They shall, as often as may be necessary to a full knowl- emmentdirect- edge of the condition and management of the line, visit compensation!1" all portions of the line of road, whether built or sur¬ veyed ; and while absent from home, attending to their duties as directors, shall he paid their actual travelling expenses, and be allowed and paid such reasonable com¬ pensation for their time actually employed as the board of directors may decide. Sec., 14. And be it further enacted, That the next elec¬ tion for directors of said railroad shall be held on the first Wednesday of October next, at the office of said Next election company in the city of New York, between the hours of octot!eT,tori864, ten o'clock a. m. and four o'clock p. m. of said day ; and fyd aunuaiiy ill • I n thereafter; and all subsequent regular elections shall be held annu ally directors shall thereafter at the same place ; and the directors shall hold onedyear.ce tor their olfices for one vear, and until their successors are qualified. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the several com¬ panies authorized to construct the aforesaid roads are hereby required to operate and use said roads and tele¬ graph for all purposes of communication, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and the government are concerned., as one continuous line ; and in such oper- The several ation and use, to afford and secure to each equal ad- roads shaii be vantages and facilities as to rates, time, and transports uous line, and tion, without any discrimination of any kind in favor of f aep.nal terms 26 pacific railroad acts. tlie road or business of any or either of said companies, or adverse to the road or business of any or either of the others; and it shall not be lawful for the proprietors of any line of telegraph authorized by this act, or the act amended by this act, to refuse or fail to convey for all persons requiring the transmission of news and messages of like character, on pain of forfeiting to the person in¬ jured, for each offence, the sum of one hundred dollars, and such other damages as he may have suffered on ac- AeSteejaudnei02o coun^ sa^ refusa-l OY failure, to be sued for and re- 1874. une ' covered in any court of the United States, or of any state or territory of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That any two or ma°mpconsons more companies authorized to participate in the date, and con- benefits of this act are hereby authorized at any time to panyatsucceed*s unite and consolidate their organizations, as the same thelae designated, shall be reserved from sale by order of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, Am'toiboHds That said company shall he entitled to only the same as if,°&c.e snme amount of the bonds of the United States to aid in the construction of their line of railroad and telegraph as they would have been entitled to if they had connected their said line with the Union Pacific railroad on the one- hundreth degree of longitude as now required by law: Point of con Vrov^e^ further, That said company shall connect nect'n with the their line of railroad and telegraph with the Union Pa- umon Pae. rr. c*£c raproac^ })Ut not at a point more than fifty miles westwardly from the meridian of Denver, in Colorado. Sec. 2. And he it f arther enacted, That the Union Pa¬ cific Railroad Company, with the consent and approval of the Secretary of the Interior, are hereby authorized to UDionapac.RRf locate? construct, and continue their road from Omaha, ha westward1* *n ^e^ras^a Territory, westward, according to the best and most practicable route, and without reference to the initial point on the one-hundredth meridian of west longi¬ tude, as now provided by law, in a continuous completed line, until they shall meet and connect with the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California; and the Cen- • uificCRRrcom- Pacific Railroad Company of California, with the pany westward, consent and approval of the Secretary of the Interior, are hereby authorized to locate, construct, and continue their road eastward, in a continuous completed line, until they shall meet and connect with the Union Pacific rail¬ road : Provided, That each of the above-named compa- workmaybe nies shall have the right, when the nature of the work over soTmbes to be done, by reason of deep cuts and tunnels, shall for con11n°uou°s the expeditious construction of the Pacific railroad re¬ computed lines quire it, to work for an extent of not to exceed three hundred miles in advance of their continuous completed lines. Approved July 3, 1866. ACT OF JULY 25, 1866. [14 Statutes at Large, 241.] An Act granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Central Pacific railroad, in California, to Portland, in Oregon. Section 7. And be it further enacted, That the said com¬ panies named in this act are hereby required to operate and use the portions or parts of said railroad and tele- pacific railroad acts. graph mentioned in section one of this act for all purposes of transportation, travel, and communication, so far as the government and public are concerned, as one con¬ nected and continuous line; and in such operation and use to afford and secure to each other equal advantages and facilities as to rates, time, and transportation, without any discrimination whatever, on pain of forfeiting the full amount of damages sustained on account of such dis¬ crimination, to be sued for and recovered in any court of the United States, or of any state, of competent ju¬ risdiction. Approved July 25,1866. [Introduced to show the care taken by Congress to se¬ cure fair and equal treatment of each other, by the rail¬ roads mentioned in the act.] JOINT RESOLUTION, JULY 26,1876. [14 Statutes at Large, 367.] A Resolution granting the right-of-way through mili¬ tary reserves to the Union Pacific Railroad Company and its branches. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States gf America in Congress assembled, That, subject to approval by the President, the right-of-way, one hundred feet in width, is hereby granted to the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the companies constructing the branch roads connecting therewith, for the construction _ CD 7 and operation of their roads over and upon all military reserves through which the same may pass; and the President is hereby authorized to set apart to the Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division, twenty acres of the Fort Riley military reservation, for depot and other purposes, in the bottom opposite 44 Riley City;" also, fractional section 44 one " on the west side of said reservation, near Junction City, for the same purposes; and also to restore, from time to time, to the public do¬ main, any portion of said military reserve over which the Union Pacific railroad, or any of its branches, may pass, and which may not be required for military pur¬ poses : Provided, That the President shall not permit the location of any such railroad, or the diminution of any such reserve in any manner so as to impair its useful¬ ness tor military purposes, so long as it shall be required therefor. Approved, July 26, 1866. 36 pacific railroad acts. ACT OF 1868. [15 Statutes at Large, p. 39.] march 6,1868. An Act restoring lands to market along the line of the Pacific railroad and branches. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ofL Pacific" rail6 United States of America in Congress assembled, That roads and bran-nothing in the act approved July 1st, eighteen hundred maerSket!tored to and sixty-two, entitled " An act to aid in the construction vob'xii."p! 489°' °f a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to voi8o s^c^es under the provisions of an act entitled "An act to vol. xii., p."489.' aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line vobxiii?,p.35e! from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to se- voi86xiiiCp'504, cure to the government the use of the same for postal, to contain what! military, and other purposes," approved July first, eight-- pacific railroad acts. 37 een hundred and sixty-two, and the acts supplemental to and amendatory thereof, shall hereafter be made to the Secretary of the Interior, on or before the first day of October of each year. Said reports shall give full and specific information upon the several points mentioned in the twentieth section of the said act of eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and shall be verified as therein prescribed, and on failure to make the same as herein required, the issue of bonds or patents to the company in default shall be suspended until the requirements of this act shall be complied with by such company. And the reports hith- Former re_ erto made to the Secretary of the Treasury under the ports, said act of July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, shall be transferred and delivered by him to the Secre¬ tary of the Interior to be filed by him. Sec. 2. And be it farther enacted, That the corporations created by the provisions of the acts of Congress ap- NoShem Pac°i- proved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, pc,;c? an* d and July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- southern' Paci- «/ «/ 7 o tj fir* to Ho madA six, and known as the Northern Pacific Railroad Com- when, &e. pany, the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, and vo^xiii.fp. 356.' the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, shall make re- vo\86xiv°p. 292. ports to the Secretary of the Interior on or before the first day of October of each year, as are required to be made by the Union Pacific Railroad and branches, under the provisions of the first section of this act, and 011 failure so to do shall be subject to the like suspension. Sec. 3. And be it farther enacted, That the reports re- Reports of n q ji ' • • j ~i 1 • commissioners quired from the commissioners appointed to examine to be made to and report in relation to the road of any of the corpora- SfePintS-ior. °f tions, whereto reference is made in this act, shall be ad¬ dressed to and filed in the Department of the Interior; and all such reports, heretofore made, shall be transfer¬ red to and filed in said Department of the Interior ; and so much of any and all acts as requires any reports from Repealing such companies, or any officers thereof, to be made to clause, the Secretary of the Treasury, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That, in addition to Reports of en- the eight subjects referred to in section twenty of the act ?!herrs officers of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to be reported por°ts T0abe fur- upon, there shall also be furnished, annually, to the Sec- wished, retary of the Interior, all reports of engineers, superin- intendents, or other officers who make annual reports to any of said railroad companies. Approved June 25, 1868. 38 pacific railroad acts. ACT MARCH 3, 1869. An Act to authorize the transfer of lands granted to the Union Pacific Railroad Company, Eastern Division, between Denver and the point of its junction with the Union Pacific railroad, to the Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Company, and to expedite the comple¬ tion of railroads to Denver, in the Territory of Colo¬ rado. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives u. p. rw. Co., of the United States of America in Congress assembled, sion,to contract That the Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Di- picific co?nver vision, be, and it hereby is, authorized to contract with the Jlenver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the Territory of Colorado, for the construction, operation, and mainte¬ nance of that part of its line of railroad and telegraph between Denver City and its point of connection with the Union Pacific railroad, which point shall be at Chey¬ enne, and to adopt the road-bed already graded by the said Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Company as said line, and to grant to said Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Company the perpetual use of its right-of- way and depot-grounds, and to transfer to it all the rights and privileges, subject to all the obligations pertaining to said part of its line. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division, shall ex¬ tend its railroad and telegraph to a connection at the city of Denver, so as to form, with that part of its line herein authorized to be constructed, operated, and main- Shall extend tained by the Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph c°(fntinu*ous Company, a continuous line of railroad and telegraph s^citybyDen- fr°m Kansas City, by waj of Denver, to Cheyenne. And ver, to' chey- all the provisions of law for the operation of the Union Pacific railroad, its branches and connections, as a con¬ tinuous line, without discrimination, shall apply the same as if the road from Denver to Cheyenne had been con¬ structed by the said Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division ; but nothing herein shall authorize the roadeaSd°rates said Eastern Division Company to operate the road or of tariff. t[ie rates of tariff for the Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Company. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That said companies may01mo?Sa|e are hereby authorized to mortgage their respective por- their roads. tions of said road, as herein defined, for an amount not exceeding thirty-two thousand dollars per mile, to enable PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. 39 them respectively to borrow money to construct the same; and that each of said companies shall receive patents to the alternate sections of land along their re- Land patents, spective lines of road,, as herein defined, in like manner and within the same limits as is provided by law in the case of lands granted to the Union Pacific Railway Com¬ pany, Eastern Division: Provided, That neither of the companies hereinbefore mentioned shall be entitled to Nobondsub- subsidy in United States bonds, under the provisions of sidy- this act. Approved March 3,1869. JOINT RESOLUTION MARCH 3, 1869. CHANGE OF NAME. [15 Statutes at Large, p. 348.] Joint Resolution authorizing the Union Pacific Rail¬ way Company, Eastern Division, to change its name .to the "Kansas Pacific Railway Company/' Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, R ^naya Railroad Company and the Central Pacific Railroad Company. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the common terminus and point of junction of the tionnt Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Central Pacifi C Union Pacific Railroad Company shall be definitely fixed and estab- the central po¬ lished on the line of railroad as now located and con- eOtabiished structed, northwest of the station at Oa;den, and within northwest of • o ' tli0 station at the limits of the sections of land hereinafter mentioned, Ogden, &c. viz., section thirty-six of township seven, of range two, situate north and west of the principal meridian and base line in the Territory of Utah, and sections twenty-five, twenty-six, and thirty-five of township seven, of range twTo, and section six of township six, and sections thirty and thirty-one of township seven, of range one, and sec¬ tions one and two of township six, of range two, all situ- 42 pacific railroad acts. Grant of cer tain sections. ate north and west of said principal meridian and base line; and said companies are hereby authorized to enter upon, use, and possess said sections, which are hereby granted to them in equal shares, with the same rights, privileges, and obligations now by law provided with reference to other lands granted to said railroads: Pro¬ vided, however, That the Secretary of the Interior shall designate a section of land in said township seven, of range two, belonging to said companies, and reserve the for same for the benefit of schools in said territory, in accord- */ ' ance with the act of February twenty-one, eighteen hun¬ dred and fifty-five, establishing the office of surveyor- general of Utah, and to grant land for school and univer¬ sity purposes : Provided, also, That said companies shall Price of land, pay for any additional lands acquired by this act, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents an acre: And provided Private rights, farther, That no rights of private persons shall be affected by this act. Approved May 6, 1870. Reserve schools. ACT OF 1871. [16 Statutes at Large, p. 515.] march 3,1871. An Act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hun¬ dred and seventy-two, and for other purposes. Sec. 9. That in accordance with the fifth section of theeTreasm- to act approved July two, eighteen hundred and sixty- pay over to Pa- four, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act Compan^ies oife- to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph saUon, &cmpen" ^ne from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for pos¬ tal, military, and other purposes,' approved July first, voLGxii.hpP489°' eighteen hundred and six-two," the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to pay over in money to the Pacific Railroad Companies mentioned in said act, and volSxiii.hpP 356! performing services for the United States, one-half of the compensation at the rate provided by law for such ser¬ vices heretofore or hereafter rendered: Provided, That Legal rights this section shall not be construed to affect the legal rights otherwiscfaflfec- of the government in the obligations of the companies, ted- except as herein specifically provided. Approved March 3,1871. PACIFIC KAILROAD ACTS. 43 ACT OF 1873. [17 Statutes at Large, p. 508.] An Act making appropriations for the legislative, execu- March 3.1373. tive, and judicial' expenses of the government for the year ending June 30, 1874, and for other purposes. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury is directed to withhold all payments to any railroad company and Seeret of its assigns, on account of freights or transportation over the Treasury to their respective roads, of any kind, to the amount of pay- merits to cer- ments made by the United States for interest upon bonds comVnYesIr°for of the United States issued to any such company, and frei§ht'&c- wThich shall not have been reimbursed, together with the five per cent, of net earnings due and unapplied, as pro¬ vided by law; and any such company may bring suit in companies the Court of Claims to recover the price of such freight in* Court of and transportation ; and in such suit the right of such Claims- company to recover the same upon the law and the facts of the case shall be determined, and also the rights of the United States, upon the merits of all the points presented by it in answer thereto by them, and either party to such prJiPeealcourt" suit may appeal to the Supreme Court; and both said causes to have 1 11 • , x* ii Precedence. courts shall give such cause or causes precedence ot all other business. «jx. Jx "Jf vv* T? TV TP Sec. 4. That the Attorney-General shall cause a suit Attorney-Gen- • • • • • m OTcil to u r i n. 2T in equity to he instituted in the name of the United States suit against IT. against the Union Pacific Railroad Company and against p' R" R" all persons who may, in their own names, or through any agents, have subscribed for or have received capital stock in said road, which stock has not been paid for in full in money, or who may have received, as dividends, or otherwise, portions of the capital stock of said road, or the proceeds or avails thereof, or qther property of said road, unlawfully and contrary to equity, or who may have received as profits or proceeds of contracts for con¬ struction or equipment of said road, or other contracts therewith, moneys or other property, which ought in equity to belong to said railroad corporation, or who may, under pretence of having complied with the acts to which this is an addition, have wrongfully and unlawfully re¬ ceived from the United States bonds, moneys, or lands, which ought, in equity, to be accounted for and paid to said railroad, company or to the United States, and to compel payment for said stock and the collection and 44 PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. payment of such moneys, and the restoration of such property or its value, either to said railroad corporation or to the United States, whichever shall in equity be held entitled thereto. Said suit may be brought in the circuit hrou«hUnyany court in any circuit, and all said parties may be"made circuit defendants in one suit. Decrees may be entered and en¬ forced against any one or more parties defendant with¬ out awaiting the final determination of the cause against other parties. The court where said cause is pending may make such orders and decrees and issue such pro¬ cess as it shall deem necessary to bring in new parties, or the representatives of parties deceased, or to carry into effect the purposes of this act. On filing the bill writs of subpoena may be issued by said court against any parties defendant, which writ shall run into any dis¬ trict, and shall be served, as other like process, by the Books to be mars^a' such district. The books, records, corres- subject to° in pondence, and all other documents of the Union Pacific speetion. Railroad Company, shall at all times be open to inspec¬ tion by the Secretary of the Treasury, or such persons as he may designate for that purpose. The laws of the Bankrupt United States providing for proceedings in bankruptcy laws do not ap- , 11 ,1111 1 • i -vt t • piy. shall not be held to apply to said corporation. JNo divi¬ dend shall hereafter be made by such company, but from the actual net-earnings thereof; and no new stock shall Nonewstock, be issued, or mortgages or pledges made on the property or future earnings of the company without leave of Con¬ gress, except for the purpose of funding and securing debt now existing, or the renewals thereof. Uo director No director or or officer of said road shall hereafter be interested, di- officer to be in- . ' terested in any rectly or indirectly, 111 any contract therewith, except tor contract • ^ ^ ^ ^ i his lawful compensation as such officer. Any director or officer who shall pay or declare, or aid in paying or declaring, any dividend, or creating any mortgage Penalty. or pledge prohibited by this act, shall be punished by imprisonment, not exceeding two years, and by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars. The proper circuit court of the United States shall have jurisdiction to hear Mandamus. aDq determine all cases of mandamus to compel said Union Pacific Railroad Company to operate its road as required by law. Approved March 3, 1873. pacific railroad acts 45 ACT OF 1874. June 20, 1874. 1864, ch. 216, vol. xiii., p. 362. [18 Statutes at Large, p. 111-12.] An Act making additions to the fifteenth section of the act approved July 2, 1864, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacifie ocean, and to secure to the government i862,ch.i2o,voi. the use of the same for postal, military, and other pur- xu"'p-489, poses,' approved July 1, 1862." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be, and is hereby, added to the fifteenth t0 section of the act approved July second, eighteen hun- vol xii?' dred and sixty-four, entitled "An act to amend an act p. 362.' entitled 'An act to aid in the construction of a railroad r and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes,' approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two," the follow¬ ing words, namely: "And any officer or agent of the companies authorized to construct the aforesaid roads, or of any company engaged in operating either of said roads, who shall refuse to operate and use the road and Refusal to oP- .-I i "it* il* i • i i • -i ©Lett© 8.D(1 US© telegraph under his control, m which he is engaged Pacific Rail- ill operating for all purposes of communication, travel, uou^sifnes?&c" and transportation, so far as the public and the govern- Penalty- ment are concerned, as one continuous line, or shall re¬ fuse, in such operation and use, to afford and secure to each of said roads- equal advantages and facilities as to rates, time, or transportation, without any discrimination of any kind in favor of, or adverse to, the road or busi¬ ness of any or either of said companies, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, and may be imprisoned not less than six months. In case of failure or refusal of the Union Pacific Railroad in case of a Company, or either of said branches, to comply with the union6' Pa'crn^ requirements of this act and the acts to which this act is p?ny°0r1)ran5i- amendatory, the party injured, or the company aggrieved |sj t,0areoemply' may bring an action in the district or circuit court of the grieved m a^y United States in the territory, district, or circuit in which damage?" f°r any portion of the road of the defendant may be situated, for damages on account of such failure or refusal; and, upon recovery, the plaintiff shall be entitled to judgment Treble dam- for treble the amount of all excess of freight and fares be^covereX7 46 PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. collected by the defendant, and for treble the amount of damages sustained by the plaintiff by such failure or re¬ fusal ; and for each and every violation of or failure to comply with the requirements of this act, a new cause of action shall arise; and in case of suit in any such terri- service of ^ory, district, or circuit, process may be served upon any process. agent of the defendant found in the territory, district, or circuit in which said suit may be brought, and such service shall be by the court held to be good and suffi¬ cient ; and it is hereby provided that for all the purposes of said act, and of the acts amendatory thereof, the rail¬ way of the Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Corn- Denver Paci- pany shall be deemed and taken to be a part and exten- he deemVlf ex°- sion of the road of the Kansas Pacific railroad, to the sasPacific,*i869j point of junction thereof with the road of the Union Pa- ph3247' v°1'xv"' c^c ^a^roa(3 Company at Cheyenne, as provided in the act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. Approved June 20, 1874. ACT OF 1874. [18 U. S. Statutes at Large, p. 200.] June 22,1874. An Act providing for the collection of moneys due tKe United States from the Pacific railroad companies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, secretary of That the Secretary of the Treasurv be, and hereby is, di- Treasury to re- ,-ij • , n" i quire payment reeted to require payment of the railroad companies, urrfVneferearn- their successors and assigns, or the successors or assigns ings from Paci- 0f ai]y or either of said companies, all sums of money fie railroad J -r-r • -i o companies. due or to become due the United States tor the live per vol. xi'i.,Cpp. 489- centum of the net earnings provided for by the act en- 49i864, ch. 216, titled "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and volxiii.,pp.356- telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific 1873, ch. 226, ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the ppf508-509^V11"' same for postal, military, and other purposes," approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, or by any other act or acts in relation to the companies therein named, or any other such company or companies; and Failure to pay'm case either of said railroad companies shall neglect or daykinafterSide^ ref'use f° pay the same within sixty days after demand manded to be therefor made upon the treasurer of such railroad com- tomeye-Genemi" pany, the Secretary of the Treasury shall certify that PACIFIC RAILROAD ACTS. 47 fact to the Attorney-General, who shall thereupon insti- Attomey-Gene- tute the necessary suits and proceedings to collect and Juiti^d^prcf- otherwise obtain redress in respect of the same in the ceedings. proper circuit courts qf the United States, and prosecute To prosecute the same, with all convenient despatch, to a final deter- Wlth desPatch- mination. Approved June 22, 1874.