i mmmmk m $ I W -■ :rn ,V if I;i am '•''"WiiiiiiitKiiHiiHiji * f ' \ . V \ $ I i > i. W i \ A-wii-/ WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - I9Y0 The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the United States. A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES SUMMARY-Con t I nued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent Periods Recon¬ struc¬ tion or improve- ment Sur¬ facing Persons receiving service Children Adults AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILI¬ TIES— Cont inued Facilities at airports and land¬ ing areas—Continued Runways Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Seaplane ramps and landing platforms Landing areas floodlighted -- Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: Airway markers Airway beacons MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaping and beautlflcatlon, other than roadside and parks -- Ornamental pools and fountains __ Monuments and historic markers Drainage, other than airport, roadside, and mosquito control - Tunnels—total Vehicular tunnels Pedestrian tunnels Other tunnels Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation EDUCATION, ART, AND MUSIC ACT I V I Tl ES (During June 1940) Adult education: Literacy and naturalization -- Vocational training Correspondence work Other adult education Lectures and forums Nursery schools Special Instruction for insti¬ tutionalized and handicapped persons Art Instruction Music: Instructlon Concerts Excluding layettes. Linear feet - Number Number Number Number Number .Area In sq. ft -_ Number lighted _ .Number of lights - Number of llgh ts - Number drained - Area In acres -- , Miles of ditch L and pipe Number . Number . 1,971,000 474 167 234 25 203,000 69 1,915 8,523 87 175,399 759 433,000 1,088 259 769 2 29,000 17 191 1,853 29 5,68.5 60 2,870 13 221,000 Number Area in acre 17 237 Acres Number Number Acres drained __ Miles of ditch and pipe _ {Number Linear feet _ _ Number Linear feet (Number LLlnear feet f Number \ Linear feet Number 743 981 3,538,000 5,004 708 316,708 21 2,671 142 24,476 545 289,561 277 73 Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement 829 9,556 97,116 63 126 10,847,000 16,838 103 62,008 5,683 46,497 267 Addi¬ tions Enrollment - Enrollmen t _ Enrollment . Enrollment . Attendance . Schools .Enrollment . Enrollmen t _ Enrollment _ Enrollment Performances _ ..Attendance 257,876 188,750 15,261 398,667 127,272 1,369 39,853 29,069 41,826 170,875 4,668 3,957,910 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 1940): Dental clinics Medical clinics Home visits School services Other Services Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939).. Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Examinations and treatments Examinations and treatments Tests Immunizations Examinetions and treatments Tests Immunizations Examinations and treatments Tes ts Immunizations-- Examinations and treatments Tests Immunizations __ School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939- Schools serviced. .Lunches served. Lunches served. LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAIR ACTIVITY Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) — total General public-library units Public-school library units Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) — total Oeneral public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes. Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed. SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING (Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total1 Men 's garments Women's garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments1 Articles other than garments . Food preserving: Quarts canned _ Pounds dried._ 35,100 119,300 20,900 10,700 17,000 1,300 1,700 36,600 33,100 3,100 34,700 27,200 1,700 27,300 21,700 4,400 7,400 11,100 1,000 600 36,600 33,100 3,100 25,300 10,900 1,600 7,800 07,600 16,500 3,300 5,900 300 1,100 9,400 16,300 100 57,000 17,159,000 13,720 22,817,000 384,213,000 9,308 3,308 5,066 799 135 67,364,000 32,611,000 26,407,000 8,346,000 3,909,000 222,683,000 47,299,000 07,793,000 41,288,000 48,342,000 27,961,000 67,960,000 42,203,000 1,819,000 Federal Works Agency Work Projects Administration Division of Statistics P-660 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES SUMMARY Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Recons truc- tlon or lmprovemen t HIGHWAYS. ROADS, STREETS, AMD RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total _ _ Rural roads—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or lm¬ provemen t .. Low-type surface and un- sur faced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total-- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- sur faced Other roads (in parks, etc.)— total High-type surface—total__ New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts __ Masonry bridges and viaducts _ Culverts Road drainage ditch and pipe— total Road drainage ditch__ Road drainage pipe Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths - Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls Road and street lighting Traffic signs erected Traffic-control line painted.. Roadside landscaping Car and rail road track removal. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUOING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total _ Librarles Schools Recreational buildings—total _ Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings - Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories F1rehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds.. Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles - Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles _ Miles . 517,431 454,606 33,712 17,870 15,842 420,894 54,432 22,184 12,797 9,387 32,248 8,393 1,745 1,026 719 6,648 New con¬ struction J Number (Linear feet J Number (Linear feet {Number Linear feet J Number (Linear feet {Number Linear feet Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles Miles Miles Number of lights . Number Miles of line.. Miles of road J. Miles 64,426 2,024,645 47,718 1,409,719 4,870 253,590 11,838 361,336 780,438 21,343,386 60,332 57,158 3,174 17,166 14,258 2,908 16,996 4,530 2,022 22,047 692,000 5,054 New con¬ struction Number _ Number . Number. Number . Number _ Number . Number _ Number _ Number. Number _ Number. Number . Numbe r . Number _ Number. Number _ Number , Seating capacity. Number 25,796 4,499 116 4,383 7,071 327 942 5,802 1,142 132 131 815 224 1,870 1,670 236 1,553 6,453 1,799 3,019,000 Reconstruction or improvement 39,794 1,706,302 22,499 698,165 13,495 851,671 3,800 156,466 93,640 2,400,216 75,203 74,480 723 4,496 1,699 2,966 713 1,000 60, 36,787 1,281 Recons truc- tlon or improvement 67,724 29,675 785 28,890 349 606 3,736 3,624 1,592 458 2,933 2,010 1,448 2,359 356 3,618 14,960 639 2,669,000 236 Addi¬ tions 3,202 1,676 55 1,621 454 102 190 222 78 53 148 100 39 64 313 91 233,000 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES—Con. Parks Playgrounds — total , School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Handball courts Horseshoe courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Ice-skating areas Ski trails "Ski J umps Bandshells Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants — total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatmen ' plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc. Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Abandoned-mine sealing Mosquito-control drainage Mosquito-control spraying Telephone and telegraph lines. Police, fire-alarm, and traffic signal systems Electric power lines Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines _ CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries Firebreaks Fire and forest trails Planting oysters Levees and embankments Jetties and breakwaters Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments _ Riprap Rlverbank and shore Improvement _ Streambed improvement Conservation, flood, and erosion control dams Irrigation systems AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: J Number 1 Area in acres . Number . Number . J Number 1 Area in acres Number Number Number Number Number Number Miles Number Number Number f Number Number of holes _ [Area in acres.. Number _ iNumber ( Cap. in kilowatts _ f Number 1 Cap.in tons per [ day ] Cap.in gal. per [ day Cap. in gal. per day f Number Cap.in gal. per , day 1,394 64,332 2,521 1,525 996 2,630 14,836 1,465 1,932 8,316 676 699 1,060 308 60 197 121 217 2,373 15,340 1,736 39 25,075 85 1,646 834 1,526,059,000 639 361,467,000 139 189,129,000 Miles Number 'Number . Ca p. in gallons. Miles Number Number Openings sealed _ Acres drained.. Miles of ditch and pipe Gallons sprayed. Miles. Hi 3, 2, 1,486,821, 560, 1,933, 211, 1,926, 13, 2,172, 2, ,247 ,429 ,333 ,000 ,977 ,000 ,()00 ,000 ,000 ,938 ,000 ,881 Miles of line.. Miles Miles Number Annual capacity in finger lings _ Miles Miles Bushels planted _ Miles Miles Miles Miles Square yards Miles Miles 1,247 2,153 492 161 1,032,520,000 4,973 4,318 7,217,000 439 93 125 1,431 13,432,000 Number Acres Miles of ditch canal, pipe flume 15,815 285,000 or 5,679 141 382,760 4,267 8,413 94 7,245 83 1,168 11 2,182 50 13,361 192 121 2,719 298 69 79 53 14 72 24 324 4,315 32,321 914 78 144 12 254,416 7,581 45 - 11,273 255 012,000 62,365,000 339 43 118,000 31,756,000 131 12 455,000 7,833,000 2,894 1,659 491 24,198,578,000 3,242 336,000 34,000 1,777,000 18,473 1,739 1,245 957 143 420,226,000 763 1,365 40 119 1,798,000 4,118 6,926 769 3,164,000 Landing fields . J Number (Area in acres. 197 23,455 Recon- s truc- tion or improve¬ ment 317 49,894 50 2,845 Sur¬ facing J l WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - 1940 ALABAMA The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Alabama. A summary of the major types of facilities completed 0* projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30,1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, healtn, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. ALABAMA Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement Addi-( j tions HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total. High-type surf ace—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surf aced Urban streets—total. High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles . Miles . Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles . Miles . Miles _ Other roads (in parks, etc.) — total Hlgh-typ.- surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Miles . Miles . Miles _ Miles . 17,49 1 16,738 1, 199 1,089 110 15,539 721 440 360 80 275 New con¬ struction Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts__ Masonry bridges and viaducts - Road drainage ditch and pipe— total f Number LLinear feet (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet /"Number LLinear feet f Number LLinear feet Miles . Miles . Miles . Road drainage ditch Road drainage pipe Sidewalks and paths—total . Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths- Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls Miles Traffic signs erected Number Roadside landscaping Miles of road_ I Miles . Miles . Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ 7,421 198,865 5,704 144,821 627 22, 361 1,090 31,883 34, 361 900,446 2, 250 2, 17 2 78 212 30 275 71 4 21,361 PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDIHGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total. Libraries Schools Recreational buildings—total. Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories Firehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Bams and stables Other public buildings Number . Number . Number - Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Reconstruction or improvement 1,935 01,087 1,563 44,446 221 10,096 151 6,525 3,020 59,852 2,005 1,974 31 300 111 195 2 19 1 New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement Addi¬ tions 499 1,011 122 124 509 89 4 2 1 120 507 88 62 13 10 8 2 9 13 1 1 41 10 - 36 29 0 6 6 2 7 6 3 44 20 — 5 5 1 14 73 — 15 5 — 28 2 3 0 6 — 152 337 8 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Parks Playgrounds—total School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc. Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Abandoned-mine sealing Mosquito-control drainage Mosquito-control spraying Telephone and telegraph lines . Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries Planting oysters Levees and embankments Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments . Riprap Riverbank and shore improvement. Streambed improvement Conservation, flood and erosion control dams AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: f Number L Seating capacity- Number Area in acres Number . Number . Number . (•Number ... Area in acres __ Number Number Sg. ft. of sur¬ face f Number Sa. ft. of sur¬ face Number {Number Number of holes. Area in acres 35 43,500 5 180 33 32 1 75 203' 41 11 50,000 3 3,900 4 5 45 305 Number . (Number Cap. in kilowatts. /" Number \ Cap. in gal. per L day /"Number \ Cap. in gal. per l day f Number \Cap. in gal. per day Miles Number CNumber \Cap. in gallons . Miles Number Number Openings sealed. _ Acres drained __ Miles of ditch and pipe Gallons sprayed.. Miles Miles /"Number lighted _ LAcres lighted Miles f"Number ... N Annual capacity L in flngerlings . Bushels planted- Miles Miles Miles Square yards Miles Miles 44,390,000 5 2, 313,000 3 62,090,000 98 7 8 70,785,000 207 3,727 28,086 4,423 13,852 1,230 17,800 34 17 3 6 6 850,000 988,000 8 2 30 379,000 3 27,900 23 032 113 105 8 24 87 21 2 26,500 1 1 18 111 (') 1 200 1 14,930,000 1 14,000 J > 10,000,000 31 99 5,352 (') (*) (l> 14,700 1 18 Number . Landing fields . Runways—total High-type surface runways _. Low-type surface runways J~ Number LArea in acres Linear feet Linear feet Linear feet New con¬ struc¬ tion Recon¬ struc¬ tion or improve¬ ment Addi¬ tions Sur¬ fac¬ ing 2 12 226 1,536 — 25,900 400 500 24 , 200 400 500 1,600 — — ALABAMA — Cont I nued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Throuqh June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent Periods *» New con¬ struc¬ tion Recon¬ struc¬ tion or Improve¬ ment Addi¬ tions Sur¬ fac¬ ing Total Children Adults 424 323 101 14 14 134 134 — 826 826 — 348 6 342 28 1 27 Persons receiving service AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES— ContInued Facilities at airports and landing areas—Continued Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: Airway markers Airway beacons MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaplng and beautificatlon other than roadside and parks Ornamental pools and fountains.. Monuments and historic markers __ ■drainage, other than airport, roadside, and mosquito control _ Fencing Tunnels Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and Irrigation EOUCATI ON ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Adult educational classes—total. Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes _ Home economics and parent education classes Other adult education classes _ Special instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons Nursery schools ART ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Art instruction classes PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 1940) : Dental clinics Number . Number . Number . Number of lights . Number drained . Area in acres .. Miles of ditch and pipe Number. Number . 71 5 518 New con¬ struction (Number Area In acres Acres Number Number Acres drained __ Miles of ditch and pipe Miles (Number Linear feet Number 8 2 11,666 51 103 4 1,561 1 Miles . Reconstruction or improvement 4 106 1,596 2 647 Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . f Schools LEnrollment . 19,392 5,655 II 35 3,368 1,571 8,763 85 46 1, 207 Enrollment . Persons receiving service Medical clinics . Examinations and treatments {Examinations and treatments Tests Immunizations _. 19 467 254 2 Children Adults 6 135 332 205 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES—Continued Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 1940)—Continued Home visits . School services . Other services . fExaminations and / treatments LImmunizations fExaminations and / treatments [.Tests ["Examinations and / treatments [.Tests Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939) Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 1939 /"Schools serviced. \Lunches served _ Lunches served. LIBRARY AND BOON-REPAIR ACTIVITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) — total General public-library units . Public-school library units. Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939)—total.. General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes . Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cuaulatlve through Dec. 3 I, 1939) Garments completed—total2 Men's garments Women's garments.. Boys' garments .... Girls' garments Infants' garments2 Articles other than garments Food preserving: Quarts canned WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published. 1, 145 233,000 228 504,542 3,639,000 71 64 1 1 238,000 516,000 91,000 159,000 2,931,000 602,000 888,000 634,000 591,000 216,000 623,000 16, 100 Less than 0.6 mile. Excluding layettes. P—719 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 2 1935 - 9940 ARKANSAS The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Arkansas. A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or'improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. ARK A NSAS Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent Periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total -- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total -- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.) —total High-type surface—total -- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced - Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts-- Masonry bridges and viaducts - Culverts Road drainage ditch andpipe Sidewalks and paths Curbs Guardrails and guardwalls Road and street lighting Traffic signs erected Traffic-control line painted — Roadside landscaping Car and railroad track removal -- PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT A IRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total ■ Libraries Schools Recreational buildings—total. Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings '■ Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories Firehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles . Miles . Miles ■ Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles . Miles - Miles . Miles - Miles . Miles . Miles . (Number Linear feet - (Number Linear feet. (Number Linear feet fNumber Linear feet fNumber LLinear feet Miles Miles Miles Miles (Number of lights- Miles of road Number Miles of line -- Miles of road -- Miles Number Number Number Number . Number . Number . Number ■ Number - Number - Number . Number . Number - Number - Number - Number . Number - 7,890 7,248 178 143 35 7,070 594 216 170 46 378 48 10 8 2 38 New con¬ struction 4,267 142,161 3,587 111,329 266 15,993 414 14,839 26,902 715,880 10,121 158 185 4 79 2 10,798 7 New con¬ struction 910 339 2 337 3 100 16 4 2 14 3 26 18 7 19 151 Reconstruction or improvement 203 13,696 44 2,400 152 11,153 7 143 70 2,045 1,371 1 14 720 62 Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement 711 450 7 443 24 7 4 53 13 16 10 1 12 81 Addi¬ tions OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds -- Parks Playgrounds—total - School playgrounds - Other playgrounds -- Athletic fields . Tennis courts — Swimming pools -- Wading pools Bandshells Outdoor theaters . Golf courses . PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total (Number Setting capacity- ( Number Area in acres __ (Number Area in acres Number Number Number (Number Area in acres Number ("Number \ Sq. ft. of sur- l race fNumber Sq. ft. of sur¬ face _ K Number Number ("Number < Number of holes - LArea in acres Electric power plants /"Number L Cap. in kilowatts - ["Number \ Cap. in tons per I day fNumber Incinerator plants Pumping stations - S Cap. in gal. I day f Number Sewage treatment plants \ Cap. in gal. i I day per Water treatment plants Cap. in gal. per day Water mains and distribution lines Miles Water wells Number Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc - fNumber \Cap. in gallons - Storage dams f Number tCap. in acre-ft - Miles Number Number Acres drained Miles of ditch and pipe Gallons sprayed- Miles Miles Storm and sanitary sewers ■ Manholes and catch basins . Sanitary privies Mosquito-control drainage - Mosquito-control spraying Telephone and telegraph lines Gas, oil, and steampipe lines CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries . Fire and forest trails Levees and embankments Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments- Riprap Streambed improvement AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields fNumber \ Annual capacity L in fingerlings- Miles Miles Miles — Miles Square yards Miles (Number Area in acres New con¬ struction 48 99,900 2 68 21 3,095 18 12 41 199 89 14 142,700 4 3,500 3 4 1 50 8 6 ,288,000 3 324,000 2 360,000 38 38 13 503,000 53 1,562 51,897 75,092 161 49,169 8 2 600,000 13 1 2 17 209,700 1 145 Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement 6 22 , 4O0 1 40 15 656 1 900 3 36 179 2,648,000 3 498,000 3 383,000 1 245 62 685 83 146,789 139 C1) 131 i1) 26,600 52 4 329 Addi¬ tions 1 150 1 168 1 864,000 ARKANSAS — Cont i nued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement Addi¬ tions Total Children Adults 159 32 127 4,556 557 3,999 1,503 206 1,297 321 321 — 117 29 88 10 10 — 583 170 413 646 646 — 143 143 — 96 96 — 898 372 526 48 — 48 Persons receiving service AIRPORT AHD AIRWAY FACILITIES— ContIn ued Facilities at airports and landing areas—Continued Runways—total High-type surface runways -- Low-type surface runways - - Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: Airway markers Airway beacons MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Landscaping and beautlfication other than roadside and parks -- Ornamental pools and fountains-- Monuments and historic markers.. Drainage, other than airport, roadside, andmosqulto control- Fencing Tunnels Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation -- EDUCATI ON ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Adult education classes—total _ Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes - - Home economics and parent education classes Other adult education classes,- Special instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons Nursery schools Lectures, forums, etc MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Music instruction classes Concerts and performances 1Less than 0.5 mile. ^Excluding layettes. Linear feet Linear feet Linear feet Number - Number - Number - Ntmber of lights - Number drained - Area in acres -- Miles of ditch and pipe Number - Number - Enrollment _ Enrollment - Enrollment _ Enrollment - Enrollment _ Enrollment. Enrollment _ (Schools Enrollment . Attendance . Enrollment . Attendance - B, 100 3,500 4,600 1 2 1 57 1 320 139 1 42 2 197 (X) Acres 19 9 Miles of ditch and pipe 423 Linear feet 6,856 Miles 4 632 1,760 6 2,638 14,990 3,205 19 1,117 3,283 7,366 609 12 298 3,043 26 1,360 PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES Clinic and other h ices (during a 2' in January 1940) : Dental clinics ealth serv- week period Medical clinics . Home visits - School services . Examinations and treatments _ {Examinations and treatments Tests Immunizations f Examinations and I treatments j Tests LImmunizations Examinations and treatments Other services - Tests Immunizations I"Examinations and j treatments (.Tests Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939) Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 (Schools servlced- Lunches served Lunches served . LIBRARY AND BOOK-R EPA IR ACTIVITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939)- total General public-library units ■ Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec . 31, 1939)—total- General public-library volumes Public-school volumes - library Other library volumes - SEWING ACT I V ITIES (Cumulati through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total Men ' s garments Women's garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2 Articles other than garments -■ WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published - 1,790 516,000 130 483,000 1,714,000 139 136 2 1 820,000 77,000 367,000 1,809,000 396,000 478,000 321,000 382,000 232,000 309,000 P-719 ^ > Reconstruc¬ tion or imp rovanent 546 280 2 278 31 6 5 5 2 6 27 11 116 Addi¬ tions OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds. Parks Playgrounds—total School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Handball courts Horseshoe courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Ban dsh ells Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SAN I TAT I ON Utility plants—total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc __ Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Mosqui to-control drainage Mosqui to—control spraying Telephone and telegraph lines. Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines . CONSERVATI ON, -FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries Fire and forest trails Reforestation Planting oysters Levees and embankments Jetties and breakwaters Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments. Riprap Riverbank and shore improvement Streambed improvement Conservation, flood and ero¬ sion control dams (Number Seating capacity. (Number Area in acres __ {Number Area in acres Number 53 7 44,400 10,000 1 1 11 15 52 94 886 1,410 Number _ Number _ (Number Area in acres __ Number Number Number (" Number 3a. ft. if sur¬ face ["Number \ Sa. ft. of sur- L face Number Number f Number < Number of holes _ l_ Area in acres __ 38 25 65 283 25 43 205 13 307,000 4 2,500 3 3 4 45 242 Miles Number "Number _ Cap. in gallons - 1,171j Miles Number Number r Acres drained __ Miles of ditch _ and pipe Gallons sprayed _ Miles Miles "Number lighted- u Acres lighted Miles 4 24 405 f Number S Annual capacity [_ in fingerlings _ Miles Trees planted Bushels planted- Miles Miles Miles — Miles Square yards Miles Mil es Number . 167 19 20 000 27 1 071 353 285 354 500 2 14 17 190 1 12^)00,000 4 2,37 3,000 2 1 9 5 11,100 21 3 39 667 1 3 12 4 24,000 22 297 2, 171 Number __ _ 21 4 Number 3 1 Cap. in kilowatts- 55 500 Number 3 1 Cap. in tons per day 88 80 Number _ 4 1 Cap . in gal. per day 1,253,000 42,000 Number 11 1 Cap. in gal. per day 3,870,000 350,000 31 3 5 314,000 49 323 285 56,541 212 (*) 114,000 (X) 360 62 3 FLORI DA — Cont I nued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods N ew con- s t ruc¬ tion Recon¬ struc¬ tion or Imp ro ve- ment Addi¬ tions Sur¬ facing Persons receiving service Total Children Adults AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields Runways—total High-type surface runways. Low-type surface runways Airport buildings—total Adninistrati ve and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Seaplane ramps and landing platforms Landing areas floodlighted __ Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: A1 rway markers Airway beacons MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaping and beau ti fl cation other than roadside and parks __ Ornamental pool s and fountains. Drainage, other than airport, roadside, and mosquito control _ Fencing Tunnel s Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation EDUCATION ACTIVI TIES (During June 1910) Adult education classes—total Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes. Home economics and parent education classes Other adult educ ation cl asses. Nursery schools Lectures, forums, etc ART ACTIVITIES (During June I 9 ID) ^^'t instruction classes MUSIC ACTI VI T I ES (During June 1910) Music instruction classes Concerts and performances ^Less than 0.5 mile. 2Excluding layettes. (Number Area in acres __ Linear feet Linear feet Linear feet Number . Number . Number . (Number Area in sq. ft __ (Number lighted . Number oflights. Number of lights. ("Number drained, l Miles of di tch L and pipe Number . Number . 22 2, 352 58 , 400 23,400 5 10 24 1 ,250 5 190 183 14 17 8 47 3 24 3,132 5,500 39,500 5 382 , 100 ,100 New con¬ struction (Number Area in acres Acres Number Acres drained.. Mil es o f di tch . Miles of pipe Miles (Number Linear feet Number 517,824 226 48 161 5 320 37 Miles . Recons t ruc¬ tion or improvement Addi¬ tions 11 10 2 2,568 125,974 197 i1) 345 Enrollment . Enrollment - Enrollment - Enrollmen t . Enrollment . Enrollment . {Schools Enrollment . Attendance . 5, 323 1, 527 1, 359 522 450 1,465 53 1, 284 1,084 Enrollment . Enrollment - Attendance - 11, 337 26,825 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 1940) : Dental clinics Medical clinics. Home visi ts School services . 0 ther services . Examinations and treatments Examinations and treatments Examinations and treatments Examinations and treatmen ts ("Examinations and I treatmen ts I Tests LImmunizations Heal th institutions assisted. Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939) Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 {Schools serviced— Lunches served. Lunches served . LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAIR ACT IV I TIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) — total General publ ic-library uni ts . Public—school library units. Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939)—total . General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes . Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 3 1, 1939) Garments completed—total2 . Men's garments Women's garments Boys' garments Gi rls' garmen ts Infants' garments2 . Articles other than garments . Food preserving: Quarts canned Pounds dried WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published. 2,817 544 601 989 1,227 299 563 2,730 82 318 9b9 8 49 557 87 462 283 1,219 250 375 105,000 276 485,366 2,474,000 58 14 3 3 464,000 163,000 270,000 31,000 4,647,000 871,000 1,097,000 934,000 1, 103,000 642,000 1,380,000 104, 100 23,600 P-719 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - 1940 INDIANA The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of j.935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Indiana A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - I 940 INDIANA The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Indiana A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. INDIANA Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total . High-type surface—total . New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Urban streets—total . High-type surface—total . New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.) — total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts __ Masonry bridges and viaducts_ Culverts Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . (Number Linear feet fNumber \ Linear feet (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet (iTVunber Linear feet Road drainage ditch and pipe- total Miles . Miles _ Miles . Road drainage ditch Road drainage pipe Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths . Unpaved sidewalks and paths. Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls.. Road and street lighting f Number of lights . LMiles of road.. Traffic signs erected Number Traffic-control line painted .[ Miles of line.. Roadside landscaping Miles of road.. Car and railroad track removal _ Miles. Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDIM6S AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total- Libraries . Schools Recreational buildings—total . Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories Firehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Number . Number . Number _ Number . Number. Number . Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number . Number _ Number . Number _ Number . 20, 15 J 16,080 3,073 1,454 1,019 13,913 2,828 944 542 402 1,884 439 77 52 25 362 New con¬ struction 527 13,089 161 4,034 32 1,994 334 7,061 18,997 500,564 2,728 2,632 96 628 553 75 484 123 38 1,223 30 24, 106 504 Reconstruction or improvement 2,093 87,093 133 3,9 11 1,063 74,552 297 9,230 6,375 126,321 5,846 65 117 64 51 32 2 925 17 352 64 New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement' Addi¬ tions 521 2,022 76 24 929 20 1 84 1 23 845 25 219 169 13 5 8 2 14 27 7 200 134 4 27 95 6 2 57 5 1 21 — 11 32 2 4 40 — 39 83 5 20 97 5 3 28 12 43 138 — 128 333 2 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILI TIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds _ Parks Playgrounds—total School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Handball courts Horseshoe courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Ice-skating areas Bapdshells Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc . Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Abandoned-mine sealing Mosquito-cofntrol spraying Telephone and telegraph lines . Police, fire-alarm, and traffic signal systems Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines _. CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries {Number Seating capacity. (Number _ Area in acres __ (Number Area in acres __ [" Number . lS?kce_. f Number . Fire and forest trails . Reforestation Levees and embankments Retaining walls and revetments _ Riprap Rlverbank and shore improvement _ Streambed improvement Conservation,flood and erosion control dams Number . Number . Number . Number .Area in acres __ Number Number Number Number Sq. ft. of sur¬ face Sa. ft. of sur¬ face Number Number 'Number Number of holes. _ Area in acres __ New con¬ struction Number . fNumber \_Cap. in kilowatts. fNumber N Cap. in tons per I day Number Cap. in gal. per day f Number N Cap. in gal. per I day f Number 4 Cap. in gal. per I day Miles Number (Number Cap. in gallons . (Number Cap. in acre-ft . Miles Number Number Openings sealed. Gallons sprayed . Miles Miles of line Miles (Number lighted . Acres lighted Miles f Number N Annual capacity l_ in fingerlings _ Miles (Acres Trees planted __ Miles Miles Square yards Miles Miles 34 3,900 136,900 6 4 7 90 449 Number . Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement 20 84,200 8 — 238 7 1 279 1,826 13,982 83 105 35 92 48 13 80 89 349 # 554 23 — 109 — 234 67 20 5 395,200 52, 100 46 2 116,400 800 1 90,000 4 2 23 279 1,718 34 21 3 6 3,613 14, 250 2 1 12 • 2 21 4 6,212,000 53,906,000 1,625,000 72,641,000 230,000 204 54 42 4,933,000 24 1,460 449 13,885 90,993 2,487 74,460 1 43 25 26 102 27 32 8,753,000 26 53 359,000 2,717 23,000,000 14 196 4 654,000 10 1,750 98 10,834 3,285 8 ,708,000 2,659 ,658,000 37 4 19,000 10 1 33 11 I NDI ANA — Cont i nued AccoiTipl ishf.ient and Puolic Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement Addi¬ tions AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields Punways—total High-type surface runways - Low-type surface runways -- Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Landing areas floodlighted __ Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: Air-way markers MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaping and beauti fication other til an roadside and parks __ • Ornamental pools and fountains __ Monuments and historic markers _ Drainage, other than airport and roadside Fencing Tunnels—total Vehicular tunnels Pedestrian tunnels Other tunnels Docks, wharves, and piers EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Adult education classes—total _ Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes _ Home economics and parent education classes Other adult education classes- Special instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons Nursery schools Lectures, forums, etc - Excluding layettes. (Number Area in acres __ Linear feet Linear feet Linear feet Number . Number . Number . (Number lighted _ Number of lights. Number of lights. Miles of ditch and pipe (Number Area in acres . Acres Number Number "Acres drained Miles of ditch l. and pipe Miles (Number Linear feet . {Number Linear feet. (Number Linear feet . (Number Linear feet . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment . {Schools Enrollment . Attendance . 3 245 49,300 32,300 17,000 7 1, 238 1 3 182 2 10 2 1 7 164 1 14,579 78 538 23 10, 156 3 214 5 518 15 9,424 99 701 2,618 2 1 58,809 145 1, 134 25,937 874 2,618 5,503 2,990 13,952 1,499 20 366 1,732 MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June I9N0) Music instruction classes __ Concerts and performances __ Enrollment . Attendance . PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Health institutions assisted (during a 2-week period in January 1940): Hospitals Other institutions Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939) Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 19 39) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 (Schools serviced. Lunches served _ Lunches served _ LIBRARY AND B00K-REPAIR ACTIVITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) — total General public-library units _ Public-school library units _ Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939)—total . General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes . Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 3 I, 1939) Garments completed—total1 Men's garments Women's garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants* garments1 Articles other than garments . Food preserving: Quarts canned _ WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published . 1,565 109,473 2, 218 451,000 177 370,470 1,544,000 187 14 2, 212,000 399,000 445,000 134,000 4,530,000 658,000 1, 117,000 887,000 1,029,000 839,00 0 1,490,000 P-719 WORK PROJECTS ADM INISTRATI OH REPORT OF 10RK COMPLETED 1935 - 1940 LOUISIANA The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Louisiana. A summary of the major types of facilities completed o* projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed oil WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction fie]ji,WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. LOUISIANA Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or Improvement Addl-l tlons" HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.) — total High-type surface Low-type surface and un- surf aced Bridges and viaducts—c>tai Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts.. Masonry bridges and viaducts. Culverts Road drainage ditch and pipe__ Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths __ Curbs Gutters Road and street lighting Roadside landscaping PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXQLUOING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—rtotal Educational buildings—total _ Libraries Schools Recreational buildings—total. Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories Flrehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles _ Miles . Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Mlle6 _ Miles _ Miles. Miles. Miles _ Miles. Miles. Miles. 3,611 2,789 18 5 13 2,771 741 431 371 60 310 81 25 56 New con¬ struction (Number Linear feet. {Number Linear feet. (N'Ui ) _i . Linoer feet. (N 1'iflb sr Linear feet. N umb e r _ Miles __ Miles _ Miles. Miles Miles. _ ... _ (Numbur o " lights. 1 e.. of road l cb of road.. Number . Number. Number . Number . Number. Number - Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ N umb e r _ Number _ 1,013 28,744 955 25,880 17 1,371 41 1,493 7,027 1, 124 395 34 222 20 554 15 Reconstruction or improvement 721 29,429 663 27,410 36 1,469 22 550 951 1,848 33 29 115 1 New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or Improvement Addi¬ tions 297 715 24 49 304 9 — 1 1 49 303 8 101 24 7 10 1 — 16 11 3 75 12 4 21 34 1 3 20 — 5 8 — 6 9 — 26 14 — 9 38 — 8 9 1 68 253 5 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FAC I LI TIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Fairgroundb and rodeo grounds _ Parks Playgrounds Athletic fields Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc _ Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Mosquito-control drainage Mosquito-control spraying Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and 6team pipe lines. CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries Fi rebreaks Fire and forest trails Reforestation Levees and embankments Jetties and breakwaters Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments. Riprap Riverbank and shore improvement. Streambed improvement AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields Runways—total High-type surface runways. Low-type surface runways (Number Seating capacity. (Number Area in acres ._ (Number Area In acre6 __ Number (Number Area In acres Number ["Number Sq. ft. of sur¬ face ["Number a Sq. ft. of sur- l face ["Number < Number of holes. (.Area in acres __ (Number Cap.In kilowatts. ["Number \ Cap. In tons per I day f Number ^ Cap. In gal. per l day ["Number A Cap . In gal. per I day ("Number Cap. In gal. per L day Miles N umb er (Number Cap. in gallons (Numb er Cap. In acre-ft _ Miles Number Numb er Acres drained.. Miles of ditch and pipe Gallons sprayed-] Miles Number lighted. Acres lighted Miles 22 51,900 37 208 85 103,200 5 6,100 3 36 314 57 2 500 a 27 36 119,118,000 14 6,390,000 2 2,250,000 194 13 13 1,268,000 1 19 386 12,682 46,467 10,383 42 974 41 12 104 61 Annual capacity . in fingerlings. Miles Miles (Acres Trees planted Miles Miles Miles Miles Square yards Miles Miles (Number Area in acres ._ Linear feet Linear feet Linear feet 7 1 3 3 15.3,600 2 111 13,900 300 13,600 2 1,050 2 80 14 608 44 24 153 13 1 7,500 1 300 1 25,000 466,298,000 5 895,000 3 167,000 1 2 20 5,526 2 123,821 69 140,000 2,400 2,400,000 21 1 3 427 LOUISI ANA — ContI nued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1990, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Recons truc- tion or imp ro vera en t Addi¬ tions AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES — ContInuad Facilities at airports and landing areas—Continued Airport buildings Landing areas floodlighted __ Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: A1 rway markers Airway beacons--- MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaping and beautiflcation other than roadside an dp arks Ornamental pools and fountains- Drainage, other than airport, roadside, and mosquito control - Fencing Tunnels - Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channel?, other than drainage and 1 rrigation EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (Daring June I 910) Adult education cl asses—total _ Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training cl asses _ Home economics and parait education classes Other adult education classes Special instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons Nursery schools..- Lectures, forums, etc ART ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Art instruction dasse»_. 1Bxoluding layettes. Number (Number lighted. Number of lights. Number of llghts. M11 es of dl tch and pipe Number _ Number. (Number Area In acres. Acres Number f Acres drained.. •S Miles of dl tcli L and pipe Miles. (Number Linear feet Number Miles. Enrollment. Enrollment- Enrollment. Enrollment. En rol lmen t _ Enrollmen t _ En rol lmen t_ { Schools Enrollment - Attendance _ Enrollment. 137 1 5 58,353 160 74 163 13 8 69 41 23,607 14,786 26 1,003 3,714 4,078 387 13 326 32 MUS IC ACT I V I Tl ES (During June 1990) Music instruction classes. Concerts and performances. Enrollment _ Attendance . PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES Housekeeping-aide services: Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 ' Schools serviced .Lunches served. Lunches served. LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAIR ACTIV ITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 19 39) — total General public-lib rary uni ts . Bookmobil es Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939)—total. General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes. SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total1 Men's garments Women's garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments1. Articles ether than garments. Food preserving: Quarts canned WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books andpamphlets published. 1, 318 32, 257 107,000 68 211,488 70 4 864,000 17 2,000 49 2,000 2,406,000 526,000 80 3,000 357,000 565,000 155,000 419,000 719 I c%\ern Un/VT^v 14 1941 RA WORK PROJECTS ADM INISTRAT I OH REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - 1940 MAINE The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Maine. A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction fieiji, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. MAINE Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Recons t ruc¬ tion or improvement HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total __ New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total __ New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, eto.) — total - - High-type surface—total*-- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts Masonry bridges and viaducts - Culverts - Road drainage ditch and pipe . Sidewalks and paths—total __ Paved sidewalks and paths - Unpaved sidewalks and paths ■ Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls -• Grade-crossing elimination ■ Traffic signs erected • Roadside landscaping Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles - - {Number i Linear feet — (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet {Number Linear feet — f Number \ Linear feet Miles Miles Miles - Miles Miles - - Miles Miles Number elimi¬ nated Number Miles of road- 1,698 1,555 28 22 6 1,527 117 55 12 43 62 Hew con¬ struction 132 4,280 70 1,414 41 2,456 21 410 3,448 114,442 20 116 81 35 11 19 15 2 300 PUBLIC BUILDIN6S, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total New con¬ struction Libraries Schools Number- ■ Number- Number- Number- Recreational buildings—total Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Dormitories Firehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Number- Number- Number . Number - Number _ Number _ Number . Number . Number . Number . Reconstruction or improvement 89 3,529 55 1,658 29 1,788 5 83 414 10,556 14 26 13 13 t1) Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement 160 93 Addi tions OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Parks i- Playgrounds—total School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Horseshoe courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Ice-skating aieas Ski trails Ski Jumps Bandshells Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AN D SANITATION Sewage treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc_- Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND I RRI 6AT I ON Fish hatcheries Reforestation Retaining walls and revetments - Riprap Streambed improvement Conservation, flood and erosion control dams AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: (Number Seating capacity. f Number LArea in acres __ Number . Number . {Number Area In acres _. Number Number fNumber So. ft. of sur¬ face f Number Sa. ft. of sur¬ face f Number Sq. ft. of sur¬ face Miles Number Number fNumber < Number of holes - I Area in acres - - f Number < Cap. in gal. per I - Miles Number (Number Cap*, in gallons . {Number Cap. in acre-ft Miles Number 3,300 23 606 22 14 8 19 321 4 48 1 7,500 2 4,300 359,200 7 3 3 1 18 101 120,000 45 5 18 420,000 5 956 81 1,946 3 2,900 11 232 3 1 2 13 86 7,500 fNumber \ Annual capacity L in fingerlings- { Acres Trees planted Miles Square yards Miles - 3 9,200 1,000,000 7 493 3 137 8 170,000 94 55,000 (X) 200 1 1 New con¬ struc¬ tion Recon¬ struc¬ tion or improve¬ ment Landing fields . Runways—total High-type surface runways __ Low-type surface runways -- Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars (Number - Area in acres - Linear feet Linear feet Linear feet Number Number - Number - Seaplane ramps and landing platforms Boundary lights Airport drainage . Number Number of lights. Number drained _ Area in acres -- Miles of ditch . and pipe Airway facilities: Airway markers Airway beacons Number . Number - 12 587 69,500 18,000 51,500 4 1 3 4 214 1 80 15 Addi tions MAINE — Conti nued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 19H0T and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement Addi¬ tions MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries - (Number Area in acres . Landscaping and beautiflcation other than roadside and parks -- Ornamental pools and fountains _ Drainage, other than Airport, roadside, and mosquito control- Fencing Vehicular tunnels - Acres Number f Acres drained -- •s Miles of ditch L and pipe Miles (Number Linear feet EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June mo) Adult education classes—total - Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes Home economics and parent education classes Other adult education classes- Nursery schools Enrollment - Enrollment - Enrollment _ Enrollment _ Enrollment - Enrollment - (Schools Enrollment - MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Music instruction classes - 1/^oncerts and performances . Enrollment . Attendance - PUBLIC HEALTH ACT IVITIES Housekeeping-aide services: Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) 3 378 4 3 1 35 3 128 124 32 611 347 699 4 126 506 1,798 6,800 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT I V I T I E S—Con. School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 (Schools servlced- Lunches served - Lunches served - BOOK-REP AIR ACTIVITIES Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939)—total- General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed SEWING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative th rough Dec. 3 I, 1939) Garments completed-total2 Men•s garments Women's garments - Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2 Articles other than garments _ WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books andpamphlets published. 20 22,598 74,000 31,000 42,000 1,000 55,000 1,111,000 214,000 247,000 239,000 312,000 99,000 147,000 Less than 0.5 mile. 2Excluding layettes. P-719 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - 1910 MARYLAND The program of the WorK Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Maryland. A summary of the major types of facilities completed o* projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work haul been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction fie]ji,WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. MARY LAN 0 Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Kork Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced , Urban streets—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.) — total _ High-type . u *ce—total New constru'tion Reconstruction or im- provemen t Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Viood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts . Masonry bridges and viaducts Road drainage ditch and pipe— total Road drainage ditch . Road drainage pipe Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths _ Unpaved sidewalks and paths Curbs Guardrails and guardwalls Road and street lighting Traffic signs erected . Roadside landscaping PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDIN 6 UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total _ Libraries . Schools Recreational buildings—total _ Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings - Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories Firehouses .. _ Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Mil . (Number * Linear feet (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet (Number , Linear feet Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles ("Number of lights l_Mlles of road . Number Miles of road . Number Number Number Number Number Number Number NiiE or Number Num'r -r Number Number Number Number Number Number Number 1,009 692 219 93 126 473 194 162 146 16 32 New con¬ struction 96 1,903 71 1,332 7 294 18 277 3,613 108,823 115 10 140 5 203 7 51 5 3,650 New con¬ strue tlon 148 10 1 9 26 2 Reconstruction or improvement 100 4,194 85 2,149 15 2,045 138 3,212 Reconstruc¬ tion or improvemen t 1,191 474 26 448 19 15 4 53 67 34 133 13 20 354 Addi tions OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds _ Parks Playgrounds Athletic fields Horseshoe courts Swimming pools Wading pools Ice-skating areas Bandshells Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc _ Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Abandoned-mine sealing Police, fire-alarm, and traffic signal systems Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries Firebreaks Planting oysters Levees and embankments Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments _ Riprap Riverbank and shore improvement Streambed improvement Conservation, flood and erosion control dams AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and land¬ ing areas: Landing fields Runways Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Number (Number Area in acres (Number Area in acres Number (Number Area in acres Number fNumber { Scj. ft. of sur- 'Number Sq. ft. of sur- SQ. face 'Number Sq. ft. of sur- . face Number Number Number (Number Cap.in kilowatts _ Number Cap.in tons per . day f Number S Cap.in gal. per I day fNumber S Cap.in gal. I bay . fNumber \ Cap. in gal. per I bay Miles Number (Number Cap. in gallons . (Number Cap.in acre-1t . Miles Number Number Openings sealed Miles of line Miles "Number lighted _ Acres ligh ted _ f" Number \ Annual capacity L in fingerlings _ Miles Bushels planted _ Miles Miles Miles Square yards Miles . Miles . Number . "Number .Area in acres _ Linear feet Number Number Number Number__ New con¬ struction 10 193 13 26 158 4 2 16,400 3 18,900 64,000 1 1 4 Reconstruc¬ tion or iinprovemen t MARYLAND—Continued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent Periods Recons truc¬ tion or improverneii t Addi¬ tions AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES— Con tin ue d Facilities at airports and land¬ ing areas—Continued Landing areas floodllp.ii ted __ Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: Airway markers MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Landscaping and beautification other than roadside and parks __ Ornamental pools and fountains. Monuments and historic markers. Drainage, other than airport and roadside Fencing Tunnels Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) ^ Adult education classes—total. Literacy classes Home economics and parent edu¬ cation classes Nursery schools ART ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Art instruction classes MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Concerts and performances lLess than 0.5 mile. Excluding layettes. f Number lighted. |_ Number of ligh ts _ Numt>er of ligh ts _ Miles of ditch and pipe Enrollment. En rollraen t _ Enrollmen t _ " Schools _ Enrollment. Enrollment. Attendance Acres Number 5 Number _ 1 Acres drained.. 1,001 Miles of ditch and pipe 34 Mi les 42 Number 2 Linear feet 779 Number 13 Miles 1 1,217 171,200 103 35 1,101 689 412 20 594 10,350 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Hospitals assisted (during a 2- week period in January 1940) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 f Schools serviced . ^Lunches served . Lunches served LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAIR ACT I V ITIE S Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939).. Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) — total . General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes . Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed SEWING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total2 Men's garments Women's garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2 Articles other than garments . WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published _ 5 10,297 284,000 667,000 158,000 7,000 1,087,000 184,000 241,000 297,000 341,000 24,000 158,000 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - 19t0 MICHIGAN The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Michigan. A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, healtn, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. MICHIGAN AccompI Ishmsnt and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Recons truc- tlon or improvemen t HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or Im¬ provemen t Low-type surface and un- surfaced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total -- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.) — total High-type sui face—total _r New construction, Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts Culverts Road drainage ditch and pipe— total , Road drainage ditch Road drainage pipe Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths __ Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls Road and street lighting Grade-crossing elimination Traffic signs erected Traffic-control line painted — Roadside landscaping _ Car and railroad tr&ck removal _ PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDIN6 UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDIN6S AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total . _ Libraries -- Schools Itecreatlonal buildings—total - Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories Firehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . 18,643 13,794 1,624 1,061 563 12,170 4,560 1,708 1,206 502 2,852 289 98 25 73 191 New con¬ struction fNumber \ Linear feet . (Number Linear feet . Miles Miles Miles . Miles . ^iles •lies iiles ' Number of ligh ts . _Miles of road Number elimi¬ nated Number Miles of line Miles of road Miles Number - Number . Number . Number - Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . Number . 370 11,107 53,382 1,082,880 2,997 2,924 73 678 47 960 70 78 3,619 106 3 73,000 1,696 New con¬ struction 662 45 1 44 190 7 50 178 Reconstruc tion or improvement 208 23,619 4,671 87,170 10,115 10,060 55 166 11 41 8 6 21,556 475 2,918 Reconstruc-. tion or Improvement 2,407 1,037 31 1,006 135 44 27 46 77 26 42 4 85 702 Addi¬ tions 150 80 2 78 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES 8tadium8, grandstands, and bleachers .Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds _ Parks - Playgrounds—total School playgrounds Othor playgrounds Athletic fields Handball courts - Horseshoe courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Ice-skating areas Ski trails Ski Jumps Bandshells Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc _ Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Telephone and telegraph lines . Police, fire-alarm, and traffic signal systems Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines . CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION .Fish hatcheries f Number \Seating capacity - (Number Area in acres (Number Area in acres Number . Number . (Number Area in acres — Number Number Number Number ?. ft. of sur- ace fNumber So. ft. of sur¬ face fNumber Sa. ft. of sur¬ face Miles Number Number Number fNumber < Number of holes _ i_Area in acres __ Number . (Number Cap.in kilowatts Number Cap. in tons per . day {Number Cap.in gal. per day f Number S Cap.in gal. per I day f Number tCap. in gal. per day Miles Number (Number Cap. in gallons f Number \Cap. in acre-ft. Miles Number Number Miles Miles of line __ Miles (Number lighted _ Acres lighted __ Miles Firebreaks .Fire and forest trails . Reforestation Annual capacity _ in flngerlings . Miles Levees and embankments Jetties and breakwaters Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments Riprap Riverbank and shore improvement Streambed improvement Miles (Acres Trees planted Miles Miles Miles Miles Square yards — Miles Miles 59 70,600 48 1,301 38 14 103 775 10 70 466 10 179,400 32 128,000 458 ,250,400 3 4 10 8 7 81 573 3 1,088 1 59 53,285,000 19 3,824,000 5 58,600,000 525 73 55 23,124,000 1 78 1,232 54,664 196 75 111 112 18 63 18 46,100,000 51 14 4 2 1 12 250,400 24 3 228,600 8,700 12 1 607 10 233 10 14,444 99 241 - 184 — 57 — 56 4 439 31 4 75 2 3,900 25,000 30 1 4 7 81 687 67 39 121,205 2 82 52,517,000 15 79,990,000 3 595,000,000 157 7 8 7,835,000 3 71 38 5,492 22 10 ,600,000 28 75 30,309 ,738,000 11 (X) <*) 1 200 707 41 M I CH I GAN — Con t I nued AccQmpIishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struc¬ tion Recon¬ struc¬ tion or improve¬ ment Addi¬ tions Sur¬ facing Total Children Adults 927 927 351 351 — 160 160 — 1,050 1,050 — Number Persons receiving service AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and land¬ ing areas: Landing fields Runways—total High-type surface runways _ Low-type surface runways __ Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Landing areas floodlighted.. Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: Airway markers Airway beacons i MISCELLANEOUS ITEHS Cemeteries Landscaping and beautification other than roadside and parks __ Ornamental pools and fountains _ Drainage, other than airport and roadside Fencing Tunnels—total Vehicular tunnels Pedestrian tunnels Other tunnels Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Adult education classes—total _ Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes _ Home economics and parent edu¬ cation classes Other adult education classes - Correspondence courses fl|clal instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons Nursery schools Lectures, forums, etc MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Music Instruction classes Concerts and performances *Less than 0.6 mile. Excluding layettes. j" Number \_Area in acres __ Linear feet .... Linear feet Linear feet Number -- .. Number . Number ("Number lighted- V Number of lights _ Number of lights - f Number drained _ < Area in acres __ [.Miles of ditch and pipe 17 1,345 56,600 25,100 31,500 40 2 25 13 2 15 214 11 1,302 23 46 7,392 25,100 16,300 8,800 22 5 12 5 1 9 83 3 363 31,600 26,900 4,700 Number . Number . New con- s true tion f Number \_Area in acres . Acres Number f Acres drained _ < Miles of ditch . [.Miles of pipe _ Miles f Number \_Linear feet . f Number LLinear feet . f Number \Linear feet. fNumber \Linear feet . Number . Miles 12 205,686 353 213 412 50 20,793 2 260 7 838 41 19,695 26 1 Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement 78 1,381 2,571 5,691,648 8,664 317 676 3 705 3 705 Addi¬ tions Enrollment _ Enrollment . Enrollment _ Enrollment . Enrollroen t . Enrollment . Enrollment . {Schools Enrollment . Attendance . Enrollment _ Attendance . 56,221 6,024 9,153 10,147 12,281 18,616 1,623 38 1,030 9,634 3,080 185,106 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACT I V ITIE S Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 1940) : Dental clinics Home visits . School services . Other services Examinations and treatments Examinations and treatments Immunizations __ Tests Hospitals assisted Other health Institutions as¬ sisted Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939) __ Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 ' Schools serviced _ .Lunches served- Lunches served- LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAIR ACTIVITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) — total General public-library units. Public-school library units. Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) — total . General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes. Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed. Maps transcribed SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 3 1, 1939) Garments completed—total2 Men 's garments Women's garments __ Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2 Articles other than garments. .Food preserving: Quarts canned WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published. 2 8 1,262 294,000 469 794,750 7,057,000 202 50 17 2 1,736,000 589,000 163,000 984,000 274,000 1,400 3,346,000 647,000 1,080,000 491,000 491,000 637,000 12,219,000 46,000 P—719 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - 1940 MISSISSIPPI The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Mississippi. A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, healtn, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. MISSISSIPPI Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent Periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AH D RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total__ New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total__ New construction Reconstruction or im- p rovement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.) — total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im- provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts Masonry bridges and viaducts. Culverts Road drainage ditch and pipe__ Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths. Curbs Gutters Traffic signs erected Roadside landscaping PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total. Libraries SchooIs Recreational buildings—total. Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Firehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles - Miles. Miles. Miles _ Miles _ Miles- Miles. Miles. Miles . Miles- Miles . Miles _ Miles _ Miles. Miles - I" Number LLinear feet. f Nunite -• LLinear feet. f Number LLinear feet. j" Numbe r LLinear feet 12,700 11,805 494 331 163 11,371 806 611 502 109 195 New con¬ struction f Number LLinear feet- Miles Miles. Miles. Miles Miles 1 i] PS ■ umber Miles of road- Number. Number _ Number- Number . Number- Number. Number _ Number- Number . Number. Number. Number. Number _ Number _ Number _ New con¬ struction 612 147 6 141 21 24 4 4 217 Recons true tion or improvement 7,021 929 227,802 29,324 6,927 901 220,651 26,529 53 20 3,524 2,613 41 8 3,627 182 15,890 1,136 441,529 28,806 1,704 1,130 189 38 180 28 9 10 275 7 71 4 2,230 Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement 318 200 200 33 3 15 Addi tions OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grands tands , and bleachers Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds. Parks Playgrounds — total School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc. Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Mosquito-control drainage Telephone and telegraph lines. Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Firebreaks Fire and forest trails Reforestation Planting oysters Levees and embankments Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments _ Riprap Riverbank and shore improvement - Streambed improvement Conservation, flood and erosion control dams AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and land¬ ing areas: Landing fields Runways fNumber L Seating capaci ty _ (Number Area in acres __ (Number Area in acre6__ Number Number Numbe r f Number \.Area in acres — Number fNumber s Sq. ft. of sur- L race fNumber \ Sq. ft. of sur- L race ["Number < Number of holes _ [.Area in acres __ Number (Number Cap.in kilwatts __ fNumber \ Cap. in gal. per L day (" Number < Cap. in gal. per I day f Number ^ Cap. in gal. per L day Miles Number fNumber LCap. in gallons. J" Number LCap. in acre-ft_ Miles Number Number Miles of ditch and pipe Miles Miles ["Number lighted. LAcres lighted.. Miles Miles Trees planted.. Bushels planted. Miles Miles Miles Square yards Miles Miles Number - j" 'Number UArea in acres. Linear feet New con¬ struction 29 70,400 10 4 28 163 66 10 76,600 2 680 1 32 1 612 14 1,960,000 16 1,228,000 1 360,000 74 75 85 1,150,000 10 29,203 180 3,680 127,666 564 218 1,028 9 42 865,000 8 (X) 3 17,800 6 703 12, 100 Reconstruc¬ tion or Improvement 8 16,950 2 70 20 548 33 29 23 122 1 2 5,400 8 2 805 4 486,000 1 425,000 1 6,000,000 16 7 920,000 1 39 7 164 13 3,500,000 34 2 6 1,200 305 149 11 1,968 30,700 MISSISSIPPI — Continued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Recons truc- tlon or lmprovemen t Addi¬ tions Persons receiving service Total Children AduIts AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES — Cont i nued Facilities at airports and land¬ ing areas-^Continued Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Landing areas floodlighted Boundary lights Airway facilities: Airway markers Airway beacons MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaping and beautiflcatlon other than roadside and parks Drainage, other than airport, roadside, and mosquito control. Fencing Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation I EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Adult education classes—total. Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes. Home economics and parent edu¬ cation .classes Other adult education classes. Correspondence courses Special instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons Nursery schools Lectures, forums, etc ART ACTIVITIES (During June |9»0) Art Instruction classes MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Music instruction classes Concerts and performances ^Less than 0.5 mile. 2Exeluding layettes. Number _ Number _ Number _ {Number. ligh ted. Number of lights. Number of lights. Number. Number. (Number Area In acres. Acres J"Acres drained | Miles of ditch |_ and pipe - Miles Number Miles _ Enrollmen t _ Enrollment _ Enrollment. Enrollment _ Enrollmen t_ Enrollment. Birollmen t_ (Schools Enrollmen t _ Attendance _ Enrollment. Attendance _ 3 6 2 3 12 520 27,584 35 82 4 2 11 2,014 64,433 57 274 3 22,668 5,912 4 1,338 3,545 11,869 5 503 24 1,114 2,885 4,464 6,036 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTI VITIES Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 1940) : Dental clinics Medical clinics. Home visits Examinations and treatmen ts ("Examinations and treatments | Tests Immunizations __ Examinations and treatmen ts 31 4,630 5,464 36 173 407 366 36 4,223 5,098 Hospitals assisted Other health institutions sisted Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939) -- Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 1939 31, LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAlR ACTI VITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939)-- Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total2 Men's garments Women's garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2 (Schools serviced - Lunches served- Lunches served- Articles other than garments. Pood preserving: Quarts canned Pounds dried WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published. 1,849 520,000 602 856,855 19,686,000 286 441,000 228,000 3,207,000 757,000 976,000 320,000 427,000 727,000 656,000 1,538,000 199,000 P—719 * WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED « 1935 - 19'10 NEW HAMPSH!RE The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of New Hampshire. A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPf projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA wor^.s have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. NEW HAMPSH I RE Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced ... Urban streets—total High-type surface—total-- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in paTks, etc.) —tota1 High-type si face—total -- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts __ Masonry bridges and viaducts. Culverts Road drainage ditch and pipe— total Road drainage ditch Road drainage pipe Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths - Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls Roadside landscaping PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total . Libraries Schools Recreational buildings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal Institutions Dormitories Fi rehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Ml"es - 1,344 1,162 75 13 62 1,087 104 51 9 42 53 New con¬ struction (Number Linear feet. (Number Linear feet _ (Number Linear feet . (Number Linear feet. (Number Linear feet. Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles Miles Miles Miles of road- Number . Number . 100 2,553 56 1,426 19 527 25 600 2,518 71,424 170 4 New con¬ struction Number . Number - Number _ Number . Number - Number _ Number . Number. Number - Number - Number - Number - Number - Reconstruction or improvement 138 5,748 83 2,864 17 2,102 38 782 1,250 33,737 387 1 Reconstruc¬ tion or Improvement 163 68 3 65 Addi¬ tions OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Parks Playgrounds—total School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields- Handball courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pqols Ice-skating areas Ski trails Ski Jumps Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SAN ITATION Utility plants—total Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc__ Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc CONSERVATION, FLOOD AN0 EROSI ON CONTROL, AND I RR I GAT I ON Fish hatcheries Firebreaks Fire and forest trails Reforestation Levees and embankments Retaining walls and revetments Riprap Rlverbank and shore Improvement - Streambed Improvement Conservation, flood and erosion control dams AIRPORT AND AlRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields {Number Seating capacity. ( Number Area in acres __ Number . Number . (Number Area in acres __ Number Number Number of sur- Sq. ft. face f Number K Sq. ft. of sur- l face fNumber Sq. ft. of sur¬ face Miles Number f Number < Number of holes. l_ Area in acres _ . j Cap. in gal. per I day [* Number 11 20,550 5 110 10 2 8 6 105 4 75 3 41,700 9 41,700 7 360,500 26 6 1 18 113 17,000 1 tCap. in gal. per day 5,000 f Number | 4 ^ Cap. in gal. per day 2,111,000 Miles Number (Number Cap. in gallons _ {Number Cap. inacre-ft . Miles Number Miles J"Number lighted - LAcres lighted-- I" Number ^ Annual capacity l_ in fingerllngs . Miles Miles (Acres Trees planted — Miles Miles - Square yards Miles Miles Runways . {Number Area in acres Linear feet 14 180 5,880,000 5 2,400 123 3,489 4 1 1 1 8 22,800 6 1,700 36 1,013 25 15 10 26 192 205,800 1 87,500 2 1 1 18 113 2 1 32,000 250,000 13 4 438,108,000 5 8,870 (l) 4,462 11,025,000 74 11 701 598,000 i1) (X) 8 New con¬ struc¬ tion 14,800 Recon¬ struc¬ tion or improve¬ ment 4 337 1,700 Addi¬ tions Sur¬ facing NEW HAMPSH I RE — Cont i nued Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struc¬ tion Recon- s truc- tlon or Improve¬ ment Addi¬ tions Sur¬ facing AIRPORT AN 0 AI RMAY FACILITIES— ContInued Facilities at airports and landing areas—Continued Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Landing areas floodlighted -- Airport drainage MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Number 3 2 Number 1 Number lighted-- 1 Number of lights- 68 Number drained - 2 Area in acres __ 514 Miles of ditch and pipe 4 New con¬ struction Landscaping and beautification other than roadside and parks Drainage, other than airport, roadside, and mosquito control _ Fencing Pedestrian tunnels Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Adult education classes—total _ Literacy classes Naturalization classes 1Less than 0-5 mile. zE*cludlng layettes. (Number Area in acres . Acres Acres drained . Miles of di tch _ Miles of pipe- Miles {Number Linear feet 15,780 17 3 32 1 130 Miles - Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement Addi¬ tions 24 121 305 176 t1) Enrollment - Enrollment - ■Enrollment _ 148 276 EDUCATION ACTI VITI ES—Conti nued Adult education classes—Con. Vocational training classes __ Home economics and parent education classes Other adult education classes- Correspondence courses - Nursery schools Enrollment . Enrollment - Enrollment - Enrollment _ (Schools Enrollment _ MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Music instruction classes - Concerts and performances - Enrollment . Attendance - LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPA I R ACTIVITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939)- Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) SEWING ACTIVITIES (Cumulati through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total2 ■ Men's garments Women's garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2-- Articles other than garments- WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published 61 332 46 11 317 1,217 2,300 11 13,000 312,000 393,000 343,000 398,000 204,000 356,000 P—719 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF 10RK COMPLETED 1935 - 1940 N El JERSEY The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of New Jersey. A summary of the major types of facilities completed o* projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction fie],d,WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. NEW JERSEY Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— to tal Rural roads—total High-type surface—total __ New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- sur faced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total __ New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.) — to tal High-type surface—total Neb c >nstruction Recons oion or irn- provemen t Low-type surface and un- su rfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts __ Masonry bridges and viaducts. Culverts _ Road drainage dl tch and pipe Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths. Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guard walls Road and street lighting Traffic signs erected Traffic-control line painted Roadside landscaping PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total. Libraries Schools Recreational buildings—total. Audi to riums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Do rai tories Fi rehouses Garages Storage buildings Armo ries Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles - Miles . Miles . Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles. Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ (Number Linear feet f Number LLlnear feet f Number \Linear feet (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet Miles Miles _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles Miles Miles j' Number o flights. LMiles of road.. Number Mil es of line Mil es of ro ad __ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number. Number. Number _ Number _ Number. Number. Number _ 4,956 2,570 324 188 136 2, 246 2,186 1,015 553 462 1,171 200 52 40 12 148 New con¬ struction New con¬ struction 403 7 4 3 104 Recons t ruction or improvorient 192 170 5,997 19,817 80 53 2,267 1,622 13 89 390 16,864 99 28 3, 340 1, 331 1,557 764 80,890 45,885 705 515 977 529 624 390 353 139 509 358 250 69 76 154 671 2,780 15 62 3,400 46 Reconstruc¬ tion or improvemen t 2,797 944 34 910 157 19 8 130 208 86 35 206 215 95 176 18 179 478 Addi¬ tions OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Parks PI aygrounds— to tal School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Handball courts Horseshoe courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Ice-skating areas Bandshells Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIESAND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Mosquito-control drainage Mosquito-control spraying Telephone and telegraph lines. Police, fire-alarm, and traffic signal systems Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines. CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Levees and embankments Jetties and breakwaters Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments _ Riprap Riverbank and shore improvement _ Streambed improvement Conservation, flood and erosion control dams (Number Seating capacity. f Number \_Area in acres.. Number _ Number _ j" Number LArea in acres.. Number Number Number f Number Sq. ft. of sur- . race rNumber Sq. ft of sur¬ face f Number \ Sq. ft. of sup- L race Number Number f Number < Number of hoies _ LArea in acres __ j" Number \ C ap. in kilo watts, f Number Cap. in tons per . day Number f Number \ Cap. in gal. per I day Cap. in gal. per . day Miles Number f Number LCap. in gallons. f Number \Cap. inacre-ft. Miles Number Number f Acres drained__ S Miles of di tch I and pipe Gallons sprayed. Miles { Miles of line.. Miles Number lighted. Acres lighted __ Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Square yards . Miles Miles Number _ New con¬ struction 37 112,400 80 2,089 93 49 44 104 958 41 26 335 10 213,700 21 8 3,600 5 368,800 5 40 16 9 4,798,000 2 1,995,000 17 2 8 21 8,145,000 6 1,945 565 23,849 22, 120 46,578 519 151, 200 14 128 7 5 15 17 7 1 15 60 80,700 Recons truc- tlon or imp roveraent 23 72,700 237 8,749 228 167 61 65 255 4 160 9 467,200 7 91,000 1 14,520 2 6 81 722 67 6 12,010 1 175 24 149,931,000 7 37 16 23 12, 218 ,000 3 99 222 10,847 82,873 965 793 1 1 2 2 (!) 6 4 26,100 72 368 NEW J E RS EY C o n t I n u e d Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1990, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Recons t rue tion or improvement Persons receiving service Children Adults AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields Runways Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Seaplane ramps and landing platforms Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: Airway markers MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaping and beau tl fication other than roadside andparks-- wOrnamenta! pools and fountains. ■Drainage, other than airport, roadside, andraosquito control. Fencing Tunn el s— total Pedestrian tunnels Other tunnels Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation. _ EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Adult education classes—total. Literacy classes^ Vocational training classes- Home economics and parent education classes Other adul t education classes- Special instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons- Nursery schools MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June I 9H0) ronserts and performances 1Less than 0.5 mile. Excluding layettes. (Number Area in acres - Linear feet Number Number _ Number. Number _ Number Number of lights. Miles of ditch - and pipe (Number Area in acres.. Acres Number fMiles of ditch. \.Miles of pipe.. Miles (Number Linear feet. { Number Linear feet. (Number Linear feet- Number. Miles.. Ehrollment. Enrollment- En rollment- En rollmen t. En rollment. Enrollment. J Schools Eh rollmen t. 2 388 23,000 470 13,700 O) 3 11,647 1 1, 347 2 10, 300 13 4 16, 238 1,876 7,511 476 6,375 1,630 27 686 361,955 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 1940) : Dental clinics Medical clinics. Home visits. School services. Examinations and treatments Examinations and treatments Tests Imraunlzations.. Examinations and treatmen ts Tests Immunizations.. Examinations and treatments Tests Immunizations _ _ Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939) Vi si ts made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 19 39 (Schools serviced _ Lunches served. Lunches served. LIBRARY AND B00K-REPAIR ACTIVITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) — to tal General public-library units. Public-school library units. Other library units Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939)—total . General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes. SEWINQ AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total2 Men's garments Women* s garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2. Articles other than garments. Food preserving: Quarts canned.. WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published. 20 3,185 1,340 506 1,375 40 49 5,374 60 60 20 1,774 578 506 510 40 49 5,374 60 60 1,411 762 3,200 618,000 89 196,941 342 128 190 24 2,444,000 382,000 484,000 5,280,000 1,526,000 2, 201,000 709,000 812,000 32,000 1, 244,000 J3,000 P-719 WORK PROJECTS ADM IHISTRATI ON REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - 1940 NJ_W YORK CITY The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in New York City. A summary of the major types of facilities completed ot projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction fie]jd,WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. NEW YORK CITY Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES ttghways, roads, and streets— total Urban streets—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or Im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (In parks, etc.) — total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or Im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts Masonry bridges and viaducts.. Culverts Road drainage ditch and pipe— total Road drainage ditch Road drainage pipe ___ Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths __ Unpaved sidewalks and paths Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls Road and street lighting Grade-crossing elimination Traffic signs erected Roadside landscaping Car andrailroad track removal PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT A IRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total. Liorarles Schools Recreational buildings—total Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories Firehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles . Miles _ Miles . Miles . {Number Linear feet . fNumber \Li. ear feet . {Number Linear feet. (Number Linear feet . (Number Linear feet . Miles _ Miles _ Miles . Miles _ Miles Miles Miles (Number of lights. Miles of road Number elimi¬ nated Number Miles of road _ Miles Number _ Number. Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number. Number _ 1,683 1,590 1,048 388 660 542 New con¬ struction 19 752 15 612 2 70 2 70 561 42,973 60 1 59 426 54 1,237 97 64 2,020 50 130,000 Reconstruction or improvement 46 62,692 4,578 34 57,934 3 180 1,527 33,044 343 73 233 9 148 2 233 160 New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement Addi¬ tions 391 1,911 60 3 365 11 1 82 8 2 283 3 119 72 2 1 3 7 1 118 62 1 21 275 5 2 123 1 — 11 — 9 83 — 6 184 1 64 49 5 33 84 11 — 20 — 2 7 — 132 638 24 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers {Number Seating capacity, {Number Area in acres __ Playgrounds—total. School playgrounds . Other playgrounds.. Athletic fields. Handball courts__ Horseshoe courts. Tennis courts Swimming pools . Wading pools {Number Area in acres Number Number Number fNumber Sq. ft. of sur- Ice-skating areas . face (" Number Sq. ft. of sur¬ face I" Number Sq. ft. of sur- Bandshells Outdoor theaters. Golf courses . PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants ^ace Number Number f* Number < Number of holes - [. Area in acres-- Number _ Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewag treatment plants . Water treatment plants.. Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc Storm and sanitary sewers. Manholes and catch basins. Sanitary privies Mosquito-control drainage. Mosquito-control spraying Telephone and telegraph lines __ Police, fire-alarm, and traffic signal systems Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND I R R I 6 AT I ON Jetties and breakwaters Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments _ Riprap Rlverbank and shore improvement. Streambed improvement AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields Runways _ Number . Number . (Number Cap. in kilowatts. f Number "S Cap. in tons per I day f Number \Cap. in gal. per day per | Number Cap. in gal day {Number Cap. in gal. per day __ Miles Number {Number Cap. in gallons _ Miles Number Number Miles of ditch and pipe Gallons sprayed. Miles Miles of line Miles Number lighted. .Acres lighted__ Miles Miles Miles Miles Square yards - Miles Miles Number . Area in acres _ Linear feet New con¬ struction 39 89,800 29 2,156 310 38 272 43 214 865 343 362 15 1,115,900 143 646,200 16 376,300 3 1 3 36 53 Reconstruc¬ tion or improvemen t 10 4 1 3,196,000 3 1,220,000 1 3,000 213 17,557 42 27 15 16 176 10 60 3 132,000 1 4,400 9 390,000 1 10 180 1,161 48 9 7,938 2 26 32 190,380,000 3 18,500,000 2 — 205,000,000 443 5 3 122,000 283 23,498 698 572 648,100 11 321 82 132 388 18 22 127,900 2,005,000 139 41,986 138 263 1 90 29,000 i1) 2 108 NEW YORK CI TY-Con tlnued Accompiishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration—Continued Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent Periods New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement Addi¬ tions Total Children Adults 11,983 6,318 5,665 23,527 6,086 17,441 15 15 215 209 6 622 270 352 5,311 5,311 — 33 33 — 161 161 — 8,590 3,282 5,308 13,429 2,688 10,741 Persons receiving service AIRPORT AN D AIRWAY FACILITIES— Co n tinued Facilities at airports and landing areas—Continued Airport buildings — total Hangars Other airport buildings Seaplane ramps and landing platforms Landing areas floodlighted Boundary lights Airport drainage Airway facilities: Airway markers Airway beacons MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaping and beautiflcation other than roadside and parks Ornamental pools and fountains _ Monuments and historic markers _ i Drainage, other than airport, f roadside, andmosquito control. Fencing Tunnels—total Pedestrian tunnels- Other tunnels Docks, wharves, and piers Artificial channels, other than drainage and irrigation EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Adult education classes—total _ Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes __ Home economics and parent education classes Other adult education classes. Special instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons Nursery schools Lectures, forums, etc ART ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Art instruction classes MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) Music instruction classes Concerts and performances hiess than 0.5 mile. Number. Number . Number Number lighted _ Number of lights. Number of lights. Number drained _ Area in acres __ Miles of ditch and pipe Number _ Number _ " Number .Area in acres. Acres Number Number ["Acres drained.. a Miles of ditch (_ and pipe Miles (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet _ (Number Linear feet _ Number _ Miles Enrollment _ Enrollment _ Enrollment _ Enrollment _ Enrollment _ Enrollment _ Enrollment _ "Schools L Enrollment _ Attendance _ Enrollment. Enrollment _ Attendance _ 7 21 2 2 22 389 1 568 23 315 78 279 9 4,413 5 435 4 3,978 5 1 1 15 3,621 7 101 271 C1) 2 1,082 2 1,082 61,325 16,404 6,183 21,195 2,892 14,651 1,198 12 523 682 7,558 25,034 318,836 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 1940) Dental clinics Medical clinics. Home visits . School services _ Other services _ Examinations and treatments ["Examinations and I treatments J Tests (.Immunizations Examinations and treatments ["Examinations and I treatments | Tests (.Immunizations ["Examinations and J treatments (.Tests Hospitals assisted Other health institutions assisted Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939). Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 (Schools se < -ed_ Lunches served. Lunches served. LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAIR ACTIVITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) —total General public-library units. Public-school library units-- Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total Men's garments Women's garments. Boys' garments Girls' garments Articles other than garments . Food preserving: Quarts canned. WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published . 20 210 1,957 1,908,000 845 1,775,732 142,794,000 187 122 56 1 2,210,000 7,162,000 1,595,000 2,151,000 1,475,000 1,941,000 6,176,000 900,000 P-719 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED : 1935 - I 910 OKLAHOMA The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Oklahoma. A summary of the major types of facilities completed 0« projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. OKLAHOMA Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and During Selected Recent Periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, ANO RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, arid streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total__ New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and ure¬ surfaced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.) — total High-type surface—total.. New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surf aced_ Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts-- Masonry bridges and viaducts- Culverts Road drainage ditch and pipe.. Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths- Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls Traffic signs erected Roadside landscaping Car and railroad track removal __ PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total __ Libraries Schools Recreational buildings—total-. Auditoriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and administrative buildings Hospitals Penal institutions Dormitories Firehouses Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles- Miles- Miles. Miles _ Miles- Miles. Miles. Miles- Miles- Miles_ Miles- Miles. Miles- Miles- Miles_ {Number Linear feet- (Number Linear feet- (Number Linear feet- { Number Linear feet- 25,548 24, 135 579 355 224 23,556 1, 236 359 138 221 877 14 12 2 163 New con¬ struction {Number Linear feet- Miles Miles- Miles- Miles. Miles Miles Miles Number Miles of road- Miles Number. Number- Number- Number- Number_ Number- Number_ Number _ Number - Number- Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number. 2, 264 121,291 1,011 58 , 234 490 34,034 763 29,023 41,331 1, 182,782 42 266 222 44 352 60 5 4, 163 New con¬ struction 1,640 631 10 621 21 115 36 3 3 4 3 120 264 52 25 182 Reconstruction or improvement 40, 173 7 19 24,071 196 15,673 14 429 2,095 54, 175 55 10 n Reconstruc¬ tion or improvement 2,315 1,884 4 1,880 23 1 1 3 46 16 163 76 Addi¬ tions 175 127 127 20 3 15 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds. Parks PIaygrounds Athletic fields Horseshoe courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Bandshells Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants — Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc Storage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Mosquito-control drainage Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines -- CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL. AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries Fire and forest trails Levees and embankments Jetties and breakwaters Retaining walls and revetments _ Riprap Riverbank and shore improvement _ Streambed improvement Conservation, flood and erosion control dams AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields Runways—total High-type surface runways - Low-type surface runways (Number Seating capacity . (Number Area in acres — {Number Area in acres — Number {Number Area in acres — Number Number f Number (" Number Sa. ft. of sur¬ face Number Number f Number < Number of holes - l_ Area in acres — (Number Cap. in kilo watt S- fNumber ^ Cap. in tons per I day fNumber ■S Cap. in gal. per l day f Number 8a. ft. of sur¬ face Cap. in gal. per day f Number a Cap. in gal. per I day Miles Number (Number Cap. in gallons - (Number Cap. in acre-ft - Miles Number Number I" Acres drained — ■< Miles of distch - l_ and pipe Miles (Number lighted _ Acres lighted — Miles f Number ^ \ Annual capacity L In flngerlings Miles Miles Miles Miles Square yards Miles Miles Number - (Number Area in acres -- Linear feet Linear feet Linear feet New con¬ struction 50 79,200 2 7 19 615 22 38 251 2D 172 31 215,800 6 14,700 4 3 3 36 158 56 25 8,640,000 29 5,523,000 ID 1,792,000 266 383 68 15% 481,000 783 195, 297 231 4, 183 86,413 85,234 221 28 9 125 2 3,450,000 8 8 4 23 559,200 1 56 25, 100 17,500 7,600 Reconstruc¬ tion or Improvement 5 24, 100 3 250 92 8,634 1,861 34 202 19 1 3, 160 2 6,000 1 5,609,000 11 24,715,000 9 33,420,000 168 18 14 2,463,000 60 27, 150 64 1,278 5,035 1,800 5 8 1 20,000 10) Adult education classes—total. Literacy classes Naturalization classes Vocational training classes. Home economics and parent edu¬ cation classes Other adult education classes. Correspondence courses Special instruction for handi¬ capped and institutionalized persons Nursery schools Lectures, forums, etc ^Less than 0.5 mile. Excluding layettes. Number _ Number. (Number lighted. Number of lights. Number of 1 igh ts . TNumber drained. J Area In acres J Miles of ditch l_ and pipe (Number Area in acres- Ac res Number (Acres drained — Miles of ditch- Miles (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet. fNumber LLlnear feet- Number. Miles Enrollment. Enrollment. Enrollmen t_ Enrollment. Enrollment. Enrollment. En rollment. Enrollment- ( Schools Enrollment. Attendance- 2 20 61 4 920 5 1 2 1 12 50 1 400 2 120,828 18 179 19 13,229 12 1,547 7 11,682 7 177 2,242 2,706 10 2,510 8,223 931 16 2,489 852 3,935 587 17 710 108 ART ACTIVITIES (During June 194 0) Art instruction classes- Enrollment. MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Music instruction classes PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 1939) Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939--- LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAIR ACT I V ITIE S Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) — total (Schools serviced. Lunches served- Lunches served- General public-library units. Public-school library units. Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) — total- General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes- SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total2 - Men's garments Women's garmen ts Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2 Articles other than garments. Food preserving: Quarts canned.. Pounds dried WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published- 15,174 2,300 464,000 1,079 1,652,847 6,915,000 16 117 13 2 321,000 523,000 21,000 3,180,000 481,000 851,000 668,000 1,045,000 135,000 720,000 247,000 3,000 p-719 yuestern Uni^^ 14 1941 4'BR ART¬ WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - 1940 PENHSY LVAN I A The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Pennsylvania. A summary of the major types of facilities completed ob projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. PENNSYLVANIA Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and Ouring Selected Recent Periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— to tal Rural roads—total High-type surface—total-- New construction Reconstruction or im— p rovement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total __ New construction Reconstruction or irn- p roveoen t Low-type surface and un- surfaced Other roads (In parks, etc.) — to tal _ High- .j pf '°ce—total __ New constia .tlon Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts Steel bridges and viaducts Masonry bridges and viaducts-. Culverts Road drainage ditch and pipe— total Road drainage ditch Road drainage pipe Sidewalks and paths—total Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks and paths _ Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls Grade—crossing elimination Traffic signs erected Traffic-control line painted __ Roadside landscaping Car and rail road track removal _ PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Educational buildings—total _ Lib rarl es Schools Recreational buildings—total Audi toriums Gymnasiums Other recreational build¬ ings Offices and acininistrative buildings Hospi tals Penal Institutions Do rmi tories Fi rehouses Garages Storage buildings Armori es Barns and stables Other public buildings Miles- Miles - Ml1es - Miles- Miles - Miles- Miles. Miles. Miles _ Mil es - Miles - Miles. Mixes _ Miles _ Miles _ Miles. (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feet (Number Linear feel- 14,104 11,444 4, 194 2,584 1,610 7,250 2, 117 1,438 927 511 679 543 109 66 43 434 New con¬ struction Miles Miles Miles 1 es Miles Miles Miles Miles Number elimi¬ nated Number Miles of line _ Miles of road . Miles Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number _ Number. Number _ Number - Number - Number - Number _ Number _ Number - Number - Number - Number - Number - 977 24,785 145 3, 264 245 9,842 587 v 11,679 23,545 671,356 1,653 1, 543 110 785 615 170 883 1,204 468 36,000 113 Reconstruction or improvement New con¬ strue tion 740 41 3 38 356 4 1 18 1 17 34 53 5 46 169 594 36,654 70 1,794 356 28 , 477 168 6,383 5,597 140,548 1,633 1,622 11 289 243 46 252 97 250 1,377 92 Recons t ruc¬ tion or imp rovement 5, 393 2,929 62 2,867 250 29 25 Addi¬ tions 125 63 1 62 21 3 7 296 2 139 1 57 1 5 — 258 8 69 12 215 1 41 — 257 6 877 10 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Fai rgrounds and rodeo grounds Parks Playgrounds—total School paly grounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Handball courts Horseshoe courts Tennis courts Swimming pools Wading pools Ice-skating areas Ski trail s , Ski Jumps Bandshell s Outdoor theaters Golf courses PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Electric power plants Incinerator plants Pumping statirns Sewage treatment plants Water treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water wells Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc _ S to rage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Sanitary privies Abandoned-mine sealing Mosqui to-control drainage Mosquito-control spraying Telephone and tel.egraph lines __ Police, fire-alarm, and traffic signal systems Electric power lines Floodlighting athletic fields, parking lots, etc Gas, oil, and steam pipe lines CONSERVATION, FLOODAND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fish hatcheries Flrebreal s Fire and forest trails Refo Testation Levees and embankments Jetties and breakwaters Bulkheads Retaining walls and revetments . Riprap New con¬ struction (Number Seating capacity- ( Number .Area in acres __ fNumber LArea in acres Number Number Number (Number Area in acres __ Number Number Number fNumber \ Sq. ft. of sur- L race J" Number N Sq. ft. c f sur- L race fNumber \ Sq. ft. of sur- L race Miles Number Number Number f" Number < Number o f hoies _ (.Area in acres __ Number (Number Cap. in kilowatts _ ("Number \ Cap. in tons per L day __ ("Number \ Cap. in gal. per L day ("Number \ Cap. in gal. per L day ("Number ^ Cap. in gal. per l day. Miles Number (Number Cap . in gallons _ (Number Cap. in acre- ft _ Miles Number Number Openings sealed. ("Acres drained __ \ Mil es of di tch L and pipe Gallons sprayed. Miles Miles of line __ Miles ("Number lighted. LAc res lighted __ Miles |" Number \ Annual capacity L in fingerlings Miles Miles (Acres Trees pi anted __ Miles Miles Miles Miles Square yards 58 122,300 41 827 126 82 44 179 941 17 50 486 20 146,200 19 28,600 8 310,500 2 1 5 1 8 90 497 250,OOU 308 1,633 18 1 1 173 1,040,500 Recons truc- tion or improveraen t 45 253,200 2 147 269 42,557 619 517 10 2 195 1,026 2 206 81 820,400 1 6,000 2 56,600 5 81 458 — 8,860 4 3 11 215 18 9 896,000 10 2,79 3,000 21 20 289,0O0 36,749,000 3 12 91,000 352,950,000 389 53 32 6 67 53 352,000 3, 109,464,000 25 13 9, 244 9,637 962 27 3 27,133 10,094 48,628 160 47,515 12,000 21 5 177,778 79 (1) 57 65 10 49 16 2 140 10 5 0) 21.540,000 146 724 67,943 3,015,000 6 (l> 25 131,700 PENNSYLVANIA- AccompIishment and Public Participation on Projects Cumulative Through June 30, 1940, and -Con t I nued of the Work Projects Administration—Continued During Selected Recent Periods ' I New con¬ struction Reconstruc¬ tion or imp ro venen t Addi¬ tions OBSERVATION, FlOODAND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIQATION — Con. iverbank andshore impro veraent- 'tre&mbed improvement onservation, flood and erosion control dams Miles. Miles_ 83 395 New con¬ struction tl RPORT ANO AIRWAY FACILITIES acilities at airports and landing areas: Landing fields —* Runways—total _ High-type surface runways __ Low-type surface runways __ Airport buildings—total Administrative and terminal buildings Hangars Other airport buildings Landing areas floodligh ted __ "" idary lights 'Airport drainage lrway facilities: Airway markers Airway beacons MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS lemeteries andscaping and beau ti fication other than roadside andparks.. rnamental pools and foun tains _ onuments and historic markers. .. iralnage, other than airport, roadside, and mosquito control _ fencing "unnels—total Pedestrian tunnels Other tunnels """octcs, wharves, and piers "Artificial channels, other .--than drain age and irrigation.. '"EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) ^ hi ^Jhication classes—total. Literacy classes ^-.Naturalization classes Vocational training classes. Home economics and parent a education classes Other adult education classes. orrespondence courses peclal instruction fur handi¬ capped and Institutionalized persons arsery schools ectures, forums, etc. ART ACTIVITIES (During June 1940) ,-rt instruction classes (Number Areas in acres. Linear feet Linear feet Linear feet Number _ Number _ Number _ fNumber lighted. LNumber of lights. Number of limits . ("Number drained. S Miles of ditch L and pipe Number . Number . 11 1,272 126,800 17,600 19 10 222 1,024 17 41 409 1 Recon¬ struction or Im¬ provement 8 646 19,500 19,500 41 New con¬ struction 'Number .Area in acres- Acres Number Number " Acres drained Miles of ditch. .Miles of pipe.. Miles 'Number .Linear feet. "Number .Linear feet. "Number .Linear feet. Number Miles Addi¬ tions 2 205 Reconstruc¬ tion or imp rovement 18 3,904 167 12 2 — 978 16,314 42 44 37 4 151 155 18 6 670 8,066 3 3 058 1,925 15 3 612 6,141 13 1 1 2 Sur¬ facing 4,900 4,900 Enrollment. Enrollment. Enrollment. Enrollment _ En rollment _ Enrollment _ Enrollment _ En rollment - 'Schools . Enrollment _ Attendance _ 101,068 3, 394 24,783 12,773 32,842 27,276 5,544 88 4,008 12,769 6,994 MUSIC ACTIVITIES (During June 19 40) Music instruction classes. Concerts and performances. Enrollment. Attendance. 25,455 1,064,453 Persons receiving service PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Clinic and other health serv¬ ices (during a 2-week period in January 19 40): Dental clinics Total Medical clinics. Home visits. School services. Examinations and treatments _ Examinations and treatments. Tests Immunizations __ f Examine 1.1 ons and treatments _ Tests LImmunizations f Examinations I aid treatments. Tests L Immuni zati> is Other services _ ' Examinatio' and treatrn Tests .Immunizati is Health institutions operated (other than clinics) Hospitals assisted Other health institutions assls ted Housekeeping-aide services: Families assisted (during month of December 19G •) __ Visits made (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) School-lunch services: During March 1940 Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939 ("Schools service-. LLunches servfu. Lunches serve LIBRARY AND B00K-REPAIR ACTIVITIES Library units operated or as¬ sisted (during December 1939) — total General public-library units. Public-school library units. Other library units Bookmobiles Book renovation (cumulative through Dec. 31, 19 39)—total. General public-library volumes Public-school library volumes Other library volumes. Braille (cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939): Pages transcribed. SEWING AND FOOD PRESERVING ACTIVITIES (Cumulative through Dec. 31, 1939) Garments completed—total2 Men's garments Women's garments Boys' garments Girls' garments Infants' garments2 Articles other than garments. Food preserving: Quarts canned.. Pou/ids dried WRITERS' ACTIVITIES Books and pamphlets published. 388 308 57 2,700 96 280 1,999 203 701 724 175 686 Children Adults 388 306 57 2,700 96 280 1,999 203 701 724 175 686 4 19 4,287 808 ,000 25 46,546 1,913,000 80 50 19 9 2 1,658 ,000 946,000 528,000 184,000 102, 000 16,498,000 3,099,000 3,368,000 3,664,000 4,509,000 1,858,000 2,719,000 30,000 3,000 lLess than 0.5 mile. Excluding layettes. WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF WORK COMPLETED 1935 - I 940 RHODE ISLAND The program of the Work Projects Administration was undertaken in the summer of 1935 for the purpose of pro¬ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project operations since that time have resulted in the creation or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and services in the State of Rhode Island. A summary of the major types of facilities completed on projects operated by the Work Projects Administration is presented in this statement. The report shows the number of physical units constructed or improved from the beginning of the program through June 30, 1940. The data include only those units upon which work had been com¬ pleted during this period and do not include units upon which work was still in progress. Work completed on WPA projects operated by other Federal agencies is not included. In the nonconstruction field, WPA workers have assisted many communities in expanding and improving their educa¬ tional, health, and other public services and have also conducted art, music, educational, and other activities in which the public could participate directly. In addition to reports of completed units of work, reports of public participation in a number of these activities during rep¬ resentative periods are included in this summary. RHODE ISLAND Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Administration Cumulative Through June 30, 1910, and During Selected Recent Periods HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STREETS, AND RELATED FACILITIES Highways, roads, and streets— total Rural roads—total High-type surface—total -- N ew cons t rue tion ; Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Urban streets—total High-type surface—total-- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- su rfaced Other roads (in parks, etc.)—— total High-type su- ace—total-- New construction Reconstruction or im¬ provement Low-type surface and un- surfaced Bridges and viaducts—total Wood bridges and viaducts--- Steel bridges and viaducts -- Masonry bridges and viaducts Road drainage ditch andpipe to tal Road drainage ditch- Bo ad drainage pipe-- Sidewalks and paths—to tal Paved sidewalks and paths Unpaved sidewalks andpaths-. Curbs Gutters Guardrails and guardwalls Traffic signs erected Traffic-control linepainted Roadside landscaping Jiles- Mlles - Miles- Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles - Miles- Miles. Miles- Miles- Miles- Miles - Milt (Number (Linear feet - (Number (Linear feet - (Number (Linear feet ■ {Number Linear feet - (Number (Linear feet . M les- Miies- Miles - Miles. Miles Miles Miles Number Miles of line Mil es of road - PUBLIC BUILDINGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY PLANTS AND BUILDINGS AT AIRPORTS Public buildings—total Number- Educational buildings-—total Number- Libraries . Schools Recreational buildings Offices and administrative' bull dings Hospital s Penal institutions Dormi to rl es Fi rehouses _ Garages Storage buildings Armories Barns and stables Other public buildings lumber _ Number _ Number - N mber - imh ?r - C umLer. Number _ Number _ Number - Number - Number _ Number _ I Number- 599 268 46 5 41 222 289 55 35 20 234 New con¬ struction 5 163 2 87 3 76 82 13,480 22 13 186 24 84 IB 1 8,200 79 New con¬ struction Reconstruction or improvement 29 1,521 12 785 16 716 1 20 24 2,054 Reconstruc¬ tion or imp rovement 442 162 2 160 Addi¬ tions OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers Parks PI ayg rounds—total School playgrounds Other playgrounds Athletic fields Tennis courts Wading pools Ski Jumps PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION Utility plants—total Pumping stations Sewage treatment plants Water mains and distribution lines Water well s Storage tanks, reservoirs, etc -- S to rage dams Storm and sanitary sewers Manholes and catch basins Mosquito-control drainage Mosquito-control spraying CONSERVATION, FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL, AND IRRIGATION Fire and forest trails Refo res tation Bulkheads Retaining walls ahd revetments- Riprap -- Riverbank and sho re improvement -- Streambed improvement AIRPORT AND AIRWAY FACILITIES Facilities at airports and landing areas: Landing lields . Runways Hangars __ MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Cemeteries Landscaping and beau tl fi cation other than roadside andparks — Drainage, other than airport, roadside, and mo squi to con trol - . Fencing EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (During June 1910) Adult education classes—total _ Naturalization classes Vocational training classes-- Home economics and parent education classes Other adul t education classes- Nursery schools /Number (Seating capacity. ("n umber (Area in acres Number -- Number Number /Number (Area in acres Number [Number Sq. ft. of sur- L race Number Number [Number ^Cap. in gal. per L day - ("Number tCap. in gal. per . day Miles Number ("Number (Cap. in gallons-- (Number (Cap. In acre-ft - Miles Number "Acres drained Miles of di ten and pipe Gallons sprayed. Miles "Acres [Trees planted. Miles.. Miles Square yards Miles Miles [Number \_Area in acres . Linear feet Number [Number (Area in acres Acres [Acres drained SMilesofdltch and [pipe Miles Enrollment . Enrollment . Enrollment - En rollment - Enrollmen t - (Schools (Enrollment - N ew con- struction 5 17,600 3 65 10 2 8 19 85 11 7 10,100 2 1 54,000 119 4,855 6,679 158 15,900 10 24 ,900 N ew con¬ struc¬ tion 1 178 , 300 Recons truc- tion or improvement 1 800 31 1,736 4 2 32, 314,000 2 3,125,000 2 1 1 347,000 a 1,528 1 2,239 1,007 197 629 30,000