JCONlt-f*1" BOOM 12. al u;ofev READERS FOR ADU L t 5 B ADULT EDUCATION UNIT DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE PROJECTS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Northwestern University Library Evanston, Illinois 60201 SUGGESTIONS TO TEICHFR5 READERS FOR ADULTS Foundation Fields LEVELS I and III ADULT EDUCATION UNIT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION "feul Edwards, Administrator Introduction This folder is prepared as a suggestive guide to teachers using the nine first level and the one third level readers constructed by the Adult Education Unit of the District of Columbia Work Projects Administra¬ tion. These suggestions are not binding upon the users. However, they do follow sound educational principles and have been effectively used in literacy work in the District of Columbia. Construction All of the readers are constructed in accordance with the basic principles of WPA Education Circular No. 10. These readers are prepared primarily for the teaching of silent reading. Each of the first level readers is divided into eighteen units (a unit is a section of the reader which might make up one or more lessons). A maximum of six words is introduced in each unit of the first level readers except the sixth, the twelfth and the eighteenth units. These units are for review pur¬ poses and each one contains all of the words intro¬ duced in the preceding units. The introduction of new words per unit ranges from 3 to 6 in number. 1/ A maximum of eight new words on a third level of reading difficulty is introduced in each unit of the third level readers. The range is from 6 to 8 words per unit. The third level readers follow the same general construction as the first level readers, ex¬ cept for the fact that the review units are the fifth, tenth and fifteenth. Usage In our use of these materials, five reading ap¬ proaches are used in presenting the various units of 1/ " Good Health " and " Stephen Foster Songs " are exceptions. each reader. 1/ They are (i) word-picture {<.) experi¬ ence (3) discussion (4) story (5) composite. Each approach is decided upon on the basis of unit content, the type of reading disabilities encountered, and the availability of supplies and equipment. The word-picture and the experience approaches proved to be the most usable. However, we discovered that no matter which approach is used, some type of discussion becomes a part of it. It is oub further experience that the new words in each reader should be mastered before the student is allowed to read the unit from the book. Materials and Activiti.es Flash cards, mounted picture cards, phrase cards, and word building exorcises may be used to teach mas¬ tery of the new words in each unit. Elliptical sen¬ tence exercises, truu-false work-sheets, and chart or blackboard reading may be used to test for comprehen¬ sion. Pictures Used Pictures used in most of our presentations were cut from magazines, newspapers, pamphlets and other periodicals. They were mounted upon oak tag (tag board) 8-| x 11 inches, with enough margin left at the bottom for the necessary lettering. Acknowle dgmsnt3 Acknowledgments are hereby made to Mrs. Helen Duey Hoffman of the Washington Housing Association and to Drs. Frank Horn and William H. Cary of the United States Housing Authority for invaluable tech¬ nical service and criticism of the manuscript of the reader, " Houses For All The authenticity of this reader is based upon their many services. 1/ Described in " Teachers Manual ", for the reader "We Live Together"-District of Columbia - Adult Education Unit - Work Projects Administration. READERS PREPARED BY THE ADULT EDUCATION UNIT First Level I WORK WE BUY WE PLAY OUR HOI-IE AND FAMILY Second Level STEPHEN FOSTER SONGS Third Level HOUSES FOR ALL In Process of Publication HAPPY HOMES GETTING A JOB OUR GOVERNMENT WE LIVE TOGETHER GOOD HEALTH WE LIVE AND GROW WE BUY AND SELL READERS FOR ADULTS A series of readers is being pre¬ pared on the basis of suggestions made in Teohnical Series Education Circular No. 10 of the Federal Work Projects Administration. The Readers will be developed in many fields of adult interests at different levels of reading diffi¬ culty. This Reader may be reproduced in whole or in part for use in WPA edu¬ cation programs, provided due credit is given to the District of Columbia WPA Curriculum Service. READER S FOR ADULTS consumer Problems We Buy June 1939 Reprinted September 1940 (Some pictures -are new and some are re-vised. ) Prepared by the Curriculum Specialists of the District of Columbia Edgar H. Elam* Frances 0. Thomas* William W. Champion* James A. Pawley Miriam E. Lawrence', Consultant Illustrated by Ellen V. Sobotka Alan Morow* Federal Art Project DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION PAUL EDWARDS, ADMINISTRATOR DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE PROJECTS MARY STEELE ROSS*, DIRECTOR ♦No longer connected with the District of Columbia W.P.A. CONTENTS Page I Buy Food .4 I Make Plans 5 Good Stores 6 Many Foods ' 7 Food Sales . . . . " 8 We Buy Good Foods ' 9 We Save Money • 10 Food Laws \ .11 Good Labels 12 We Need to Buy.Clothes 13 CONTENTS Page We Buy Clothes 15 We Buy Food and Clothes 17 We Look For a House 19 We Rent a House 21 We Buy a House 23 We Buy Things For Our Home ... 25 Every Home Needs Water and Lights 27 We Buy Many Things 29 I BUY FOOD I need food. I need good food. I buy food. I buy good food. I MAKE PLANE I make plans. I need to make plans. I make plans to buy good food. Do you make plans? Do you make good plans? Do you plan to buy good food? GOOD STORES We buy food at the store. We make plans to buy food at good stores. Do you buy food at the store? Do you plan to buy food at good stores? Do you buy food at good stores? MANY l'U0D3 I buy many foods at the store. I buy milk. I buy vegetables. I buy fruits. We buy many fresh vegetables. We buy many fresh fruits. Do you buy milk? Do you buy fresh vegetables at the store? Do you buy fresh fruits at the store? 7 FOOD SALES Many stores have sales. Many good stores have food sales. We plan to buy good food at food sales. We buy fruits and vegetables 'at sales and save money. Do you buy milk at sales? Do you buy vegetables at sales? Do you save money at food sales? WE BUY GOOD FOOD I make plans to buy the food I. need. I need to buy good milk. I buy fresh vegetables. I buy fresh fruits. I buy food at good stores. Many stores have food sales. We plan to save money at the sales. We buy many foods at sales and save money. Do you buy food at good stores? Do you buy fresh fruits and fresh vegetables? Do you buy many foods at sales and save money? 9 WE SAVE MONEY I buy many foods at one time. I save money when I buy many foods at one time. Do you save money when you buy many foods at one time? We pay for food when we buy it. We save money when we pay for food at the time we buy It. i r FOOD LAWS We need to buy pure foods. We need to buy safe milk. We need food laws to have pure food. We have laws for many foods. We need to have good food laws. I buy many foods in cans. I buy good foods in cans. We have many laws for foods in cans. We need many good laws for pure, safe food. GOOD LABELS Foods in cans have labels. Labels tell about the food in cans. We need to read the labels. I buy many foods by the labels. I need to read the labels to buy pure food. Do you read the labels when you buy food in cans? We need good food laws and good labels. Good food laws make labels tell about the food. Do you buy pure food by the label? 12 WE NEED TO BUY CLOTHED We need to buy some clothes. We need to buy clothes at good stores. I need to save money when I buy clothes. I plan to buy some clothes at sales. We buy clothes that wear well and save money. We plan to make some clothes and save money. 13 WE NEED TO BUY CLOTHES Labels' tell about clothes. I read the labels In the clothes I buy. Do you buy good clothes by the labels? We buy clothes that wear well and look well. WE BUY CLOTHES We buy clothes at good stores. I buy some clothes for work. I buy some better clothes. We buy clothes that wear well. Do you buy clothes at good stores? Do you buy some clothes on time? Do you save money when you buy clothes on time? 15 WE BUY CLOTHES We pay for clothes at the time we buy them. We save money when we pay for clothes at the time we buy them. 16 WE BUY FOOD MD CLOTHES T need to save money on food and clothes. I read about some good sales. I buy fresh fruits and vegetables at sales. I buy many foods In cans at one time. Do you pay for food at the time you buy It and save money? We have many laws for the foods we buy. Labels tell about the foods. I read the labels on the cans I buy. I buy safe milk and pure foods by the labels. Do you read the labels to buy good, safe foods? 17 WE BUY FOOD AND CLOTHES We plan to buy clothes at good stores. We buy clothes., that look well and wear well. I need to buy work clothes and better clothes. I look for the labels in the clothes I buy. We make some clothes we need and.save money. We pay for clothes when we buy them. Do you pay for clothes at the time you buy them? 18 WE LOOK FOR A HOUDE I need to look for a house. I read about many houses. I look at many houses. We plan to rent a house. We need to rent a good, safe house. We need to save money on the house. Do you plan to save money when you rent a house? 19 WE LOOK FOR A HOUSE We look for a house near good stores. We look for a house on a good street near a school. Do you rent a house on a good street? Do you rent a house near good stores and a school? 20 WE RENT A HOUSE We rent a house on a good street. It is near many good stores. It is near the school. Do you have a house on a good street? Do you have a house near a school? The rooms in the house have fresh air. The rooms have good light. We need good light and fresh air. Do the rooms in your house have fresh air and good light? 21 WE RENT A HOUSE We plan to save money to pay the rent. We need to pay the rent on time. Do you plan to save money to pay your rent on time? -£Z onr —/ °[ a JJ n ■4 3HH 22 WE BUY A HOUSE We plan to buy a house. We save our money to buy a house. We want a good house on a clean street. We want a big, clean yard. We want to have good neighbors. We read about many houses.- We look at many houses. We buy a good, safe house. We plan to pay for our house on time. WE BUY A HOUSE Our house is on a clean street. Many houses on our street have big yards. We have many good neighbors. Our rooms have good light and fresh air. Our house is near the school and many good stores. Do you want to buy a house on our street? 24 WE BUY THINGS FOR OUR HOME We buy many things for our home. We want our home to look well. We want to buy good things. We need to buy things that wear well. We plan to buy them at good stores. Do you buy many things for your home? We make things for some rooms. We save money on the things we make. We want to make many things for our home and save money. 25 WE BUY THINGS FOR OUR HOME Our neighbors have homes that look well. Our neighbors have big, clean yards. Do you buy some things for your home on time? Do you save money when you buy things on time? 26 EVERY HOME NEEDS WATER AND LIGHTS We need to have water in our house. We need water to make our home fresh and clean. Do you have water in your house? We need lights in our home. We need lights when we work at home. We need lights when we read at home. We need lights to make our home safe. We save money to pay for the lights every month. Do you save money to pay for your lights every month? 27 EVERY HOME NEEDS WATER AND LIGHTS We want to have a good, clean home. We plan to buy many things for our home. Do you have a good, clean home? Do you have water and lights in your home? Every home needs water and lights. 28 WE BUY MANY THINGS We need to buy many things. We plan to save money when we buy things. We buy many foods at good stores. We read about the many foods on sale. I buy fresh fruits and vegetables and safe milk. We pay for the food when we buy it. Do you pay for food when you buy it to save money? 29 WE BUY MANY THINGS We have many good food laws. Pure food laws make labels tell about the food. I buy pure food by the labels. We plan to buy many foods in cans at one time. Do you read the labels that tell about the food you buy? We buy our clothes at good stores. We pay for clothes when we buy them. We buy clothes that wear well and .look well. We read the labels that tell about the clothes. Do you buy work clothes and some better clothes? 30 WE BUY Mm THINGS Do you buy clothes that have good labels? We want to buy a house. We read about many houses. We look at many houses for sale. We want a house near good stores and a school. We want to have water in the house we buy. We want to have good neighbors. We buy a house that is on a good, clean street. Our yard is big and clean. The rooms in our house have fresh air and good light. We make our home clean and safe. 31 WE BUY MANY THINGS We plan to save -money every month to pay for the lights. Do you rent your home? Do you plan to buy a home? We need to buy many things for our home. We make some things for our home. We want every room to look fresh and clean. We have a good home and a clean home. 32 Readers at a low level of reading difficulty have been completed in the following fields: Home and Family Living Individual Self-Development Employment, Occupations, Industry Community Relationships Consumer Problems Citizenship Health and Safety Recreation Readers at a higher level of read¬ ing difficulty are now being con¬ structed in the same fields.