>B 353 B8 )opy 1 ■B 3 ./ 'P 3S3 v i The Truth About Mushrooms Copyright 1912 by Bureau of Mushroom Industry 1342 No. Clark Street Chicago, U. S. A. INTRODUCTION. This little book has just one purpose. It's as simple as A. B. C. Its purpose is to tell the whole truth about Mushrooms and Mushroom Culture — why failures have been made in it by some people, and how success has been achieved and a steady and handsome income is derived by those who are will- ing to do things the right way. There has been a world of misinformation on the whole sub- ject of mushrooms and mushroom growing. Yet, it is really a simple matter to succeed, simple, easy and enjoyable. More- over it is very profitable, and this is probably why those who are making easy money in the cultivation of mushrooms foster the prevailing impression that deep secrets are involved in the production of this highly prized and much sought delicacy. Bureau of Mushroom Industry. SCU3205 04 t * The Truth About Mushrooms* t riiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiiitiiiiGiilHii>iiiit}iiiiiiiiiriit]iiiiiiiiiiJiciiiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiJiMiiiir]iliiiilliiiia Ph 3 en ■i-J Lh tn UJ 3 X> B >^ OS i-, ^ (U CJ CO (L) " 1-, -^ s s °