v. /•.'■>•* GENEALOGY OF THK BRAMHALL FAMILY With ScMiie Accmint (if the History of the P'aniily iiiid of Brainhiill Hall in Kast Cheshire, England iJ Compiled by FRANK J.'' BRAMHALL OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 1903 i 1 1 "1 HANQLEl" HAIL, MnV IHK r)RA\\ING RU(»M. died without issue, and Geoffrey de Bromale, who succeeded his brother and married Margery, daughter, and ultimateU' co-heiress, ot Sir John de Wetenhals, Knt. By this marriage he had two daughters and co-heiresses, AHce de Bromale and h'.lien de Bromale; the former of whom married John de Davenport, second son ot Thomas de Davenport, ot Wheltrough, and so carried the Bramhall estates into that tamilv." This painstaking antiquarian devotes some twenty-five pages to description and illustration ot Bramhall Hall and the history ot its o\\ ners, chiefly the Davenports, down to 1877, when the property was sold tor _^ 1 90,000. Two of the illustrations show Bramhall Hall with the old gallery that was taken down more than a century ago. One ot these, and a bay window ot the chapel, under which is carved the Bramhall arms, are reproduced in the illustrated edition ot (ireen's Short History of the English People. The male line entitled to bear these arms Inning become extin(!:t with Sir Geoffrey, they were regranted in 1602 to John Bramhall, Alder- man, ot FontetraCt, Yorkshire, aiul then set torth as " sahU\ a lion ram- pant or; crest, a lion passant or." In 162S, Segar, Garter King at Arms, granted to John Bramhall, of Ripon, '^'orkshire, son of Peter Bramhall, and grandson ot the above-named John Bramhall, "descended trom the ancient tamilv ot Bramhall, ot Bramhall, count\ Cheshire," the same arms and crest, with the motto. Sanguine Christi Tuo, — By I'hy blood, O Christ. K 1. Khv. John Bkamhai.l, 1). D. I'KUM fOKIKAlT IN A KCI n-lFISCOPAL PALACE, ARMAGH. IRELAND. i' ihe I^oval College ot I Icialds also records the grant to the Braiii- halls ot l.ondoii and Cheshire, confirnieil i\ Noxeniher, ift^H, of arms: "On a field Sti/^/i-, a lion rampant or, armed and langueil gules; crest, a lion passant or, with a crescent upon a crescent on the shoulder for differences." So far as is known and lielie\ed, all the Bramhalls of l"',ngland and America descended from the Bramhalls of Bramhall I lull, though there are many broken links in the chain. There are man\ Bramhalls now living in Cheshire, Lancashire and Derhvshire, within fiftv miles of Bram- hall Ilall,\\ho claim such descent; and the Ro\aI College of Heralds has certified, as we have quoted, to the descent of the Bramhalls of Yorkshire "from the ancient family of Bramhalls, of Bramhall, countv of Cheshire." They must ha\e come down from collateral branches to Sir (ieoffVey, as he left no male heirs. When arms were granted to John Bramhall, in 162H, he was Dean ot Ripon and ^4 years ot age, having been baptized at Pontefraiit 18 November, 1594. His father lived at Carlton, and died in i6_^5. John "had great influence as a preacher and public man " when in i6;54 he became Bishop ot Derry and went to Ireland, where he plaved a great part in both church and state, becoming Speaker of the Irish House ot Lords, and in 1661 Archbishop of Armagh and Lord Primate of all Ireland. He married, in Yorkshire, a widow, ]\llinor Hallev, and, upon his death, June 25, 166^, left four children, viz.: Sir Thomas Bramhall, Bart., who married a daughter of Sir Paul Daws, and died without issue; Isabella, who married Sir James (iraham, son of William, Larl of Mon- teith, and whose daughter Kllinor, or Helen, married Sir Arthur Rawdon ot Moira; Jane, who married Alderman Toxteith of Drogheda; and Anne, who married Standish Hartstonge, one of the barons of the exchequer. Kspecial interest, therefore, attaches to the ok! Hall as the cradle of the family. It is situated about a mile north of Bramhall, a village and station on the London & Northwestern Railvvav, about eight miles south of Man- chester, and is still surrounded bv somewhat extensive grounds, though but a small portion of the original manor. It is now the seat of Mr. Charles Neville, who has expended large sums during the twentv-six vears of his residence in the careful and intelligent work of its restoration. All authorities unite in the selection ot Bramhall Hall as probablv the finest example ot its peculiar stvle ot architecture, the timber and mortar or " magpie." Professor Grindon savs that it "is unquestionablv the most beautiful building of its kind within manv miles of Manchester," and that "it would be difficult indeed to match it in anv part of F.ngland. Placed most pic'turesqueK upon the brow of a gentle incline and of verv considerable length, it presents a remarkably fine example of the ancient black-and-white stvle of architecture, with gables, windows and other parts and adjuncts all in admirable harmon\- and in perfect preservation." Mrs. Green, in the notes on the illustrations to her husband's History of England, says that "Bramhall House is one of the finest examples of an Knglish timbered mansion." I'.arwaker and Ormerod, in their histories of Cheshire, and ihomas Nash in his Mansions of England, are equallv pronounced in this opinion. T. Raffles Davison, the British architect, speaks of it as "long broao/meatm CalTR INGHAM HAOf IElO SKETCH MAP OF A PART OF NORTHEASTERN CHESHIRE GI-0S60P ChEADLE hulme mayfielO BRAMHALi. STa" the delight of artists," and testifies that "tew ot the old halls of I'',iiglaiui can boast more picturesque beauty than Brandiall Mall." An elaborate description of Branihall Hall, with some interesting incidents in its revolutionary history, will be found in the first volume of Burke's Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain^ published in 1852. Tilt UKAWING ROOM AT BHAMUM.I. 1!\II.. Tin: CHArKL, bramhall hall. The Bramhalls in America. Cornelius, William and (ieorge l^ranihall aic said ro have come over troni Mnirlaiul aliout i6So, landing at Casco, now Portland, Maine. Iliev and two orlu-is, Joseph and Marv, were the children of James Bramhali, R. N., and l,ad\ I'lorence Temple. James was the onU child of Cor- nelius Mramhall. a native ot Canterhur\ . W'c have no intonnation ot the descendants of William Hramhall, and luit little ot those ot Cornelius. I'he tollowintr record is that of their hiother, (ieorge Bramhali, anti his descendants. 1. (ieorge Hramhall, h. in I'.ngland; d. .Sept. 21, lOSc^of wountis re- cei\eil in action with Indians the da\- hetore, at Casco (now i'oitlandi, Me. SECOND GENERATION. (.'hildrcn of (ieorge Braiiiliall 1 1 i and Martha "fcCOf p. 2. Joseph, m. (irace ; il. i~i6, at Boston. 3. George, was at Ilingham in 1 ~,^,v 4. Hannah, m. Jonathan Mall ot Harwich, Mass. 5. Joshua, h. i')S:;; d. June :i, i""6;, at PKniouth, Mass. THIRD GENERATION. Children ol loshua Bramhali 1 ^ 1 and S.irah Rider. 6. Corneluis, I1. .\uijr. lf>, 170S. 7. ,S\ Kanus, I1. Api'. 30, i~i:; d. i~7i;, in 1*1\ mouth, Mass. K. Joseph, I1. Dec. 20, i~i4; d. 1 7 ^ 1 , in Jamaica, W. I. 9. Martha, h. Mar. 4, i-iS; m. Jonathan Darling. 10. Joshua, m. 1 "4", Catharine IMali, ot Marshtield. FOURTH GENERATION. children ol S\ Ivaiuis Bramhali ( ~ ) and Marv Bennelt. I I. Joshua, h. Apr. i", i~j;6; m. Reliecca Sears. 1:. Sarah, h. .Sejit. 17, i'',;7; m. Jonathan |-,lwell. 13. S\ Ivanus, h. Jul\ 24, 17.1V ; settled in (iorliam, Me. 14. Nehcmiah, h. .Apr. 30, 1741 ; diet! \()ung. 15. Joseph, li. Jan. 30, 1742; m. 1 "66, Ke/iah 'I'homas; lived in i'ls mouth. 1 ft. (ieorge, h. .\|ir. _;, i~4s; m. \~h(\ /iljiha Richmoiul. 17. Mar\, I1. Jul\ 20, 1746; died voung. 1 S. l.vilia, I1. Mar. i, 1^4^; died voung. ['). Cornelius, I1. Ma\ -, 1 "41;; married Mercv 'I'orre\ ; li\edin i'ortland. Me. 20. Marv, U. June 14, 1751; married Robert Brown. Children nt Svlvami.^ Bramhali i " 1 and Merev Warren. 2 1. Benjamin, h. .\ug. 6, 176s; li. June h, 1^4^, at Ouinc\ , Mass. 22. MercN, m. I'homas Musk, ot l*l\ mouth, Mass. No. 38 Nn. .,1 •N'". 34 No. .ig No. 40 No. 42 No. 44 No. JO No. 48 No. 5-' FOURTH GENERATION Conlinued. t'hilJrcn "I loscpli Biaiiiliall ( H i aiul Sarah I'iIIsdm. ij. I'.clinoiui, li. June i], i 749, ;ir I'hinouth, Mass.; li. Mar. 16, 179^,111 Canaan, (."olumhia Co., N. V. 24. Joseph, I1. Jan. 4, 1 - < 1 ; d. 1 So5,iii Whiteshorougli, now Meredith, \. V. 25. William, h. June 21, 1752; removed to Ohio (?|. FIFTH GENERATION. Cliildren of (icorgc Bramliall ( 16) anJ Zilplia Richmijiul. 26. PolK , h. i~~o; d. unm. 27. Zilpha, I1. I ■""2; m. William Clark. 2S. George, li. July y, 1774; d. .Aug. 24, 185;, at l'l\ mouth, Mass. 29. Sylvanus, b. May i 2, 1 776; m. Ruth Marshall; li\eii in l'l\ mouth, 1 825. ]0. Sall\, h. Sept. 9, 1779; m. Israel Richmond, ot Hel>ron, ( )xtord Co., Me. ]\. Martha, b. 1783; d. unm. J 2. I A'dia, h. I "86; d. unm. l^'hilJreii nt Hciijainin Braiiihall ( 21 ) and Priscilla Burbaiik. ^j. Benjamin, b. Ayv. 19, 1787, at (^iinc\; il. Ma\ 1 1, 1828, in Math- ews Co., \'a. ;4. Priscilla, b. Apr. 4, i~89; d. Aug. 1 1, 1868, at Ouincv, Mass. J 5. Mercy Warren, b. Apr. 4, 1789; d. an infant. ^,6. Mercy Warren 2d, b. l-'eb. 23, 1793; d. July 21, 1844, at (^lincy, Mass. /,7. Charles, b. Oct. 1;, 1 795, at Quincy ; d. Mai-. 1, 1 840, at Plymouth. ^,8. William, b. June 27, i 797, at Quincy; d. .Api. 4, 18-2, at Boston, Mass. ](). SyUanus, b. Mar. 29, 1 799. at Qiiincy; d. Seju. 1 1, 1876, at Brookline. 40. Joshua, b. Jan. 12, 1 803, at Qiiincv; d. Jan. 21, 1 Si;-, at Scituate, Mass. 41. Mar\, b. July 7, 1804; d. Oct. 3, 1874, at Boston; m. l\. Clark. 42. Sarah, b. Apr. 5, i 807, at (^iinc\-; m. Wm. Kingman, ot We\moutli. 4;. I'homas Murdoch, b. June ^,, 1 S09 ; d. 1828, at Havana, Cuba, unm. 44. Cornelius, b. Sept. 9, i 8 1 1 , at Qiiinc\- ; d. .April 24, 1896, at Brook- lyn, N. Y .; m. .Ann Rebecca Reed; no children. C'liiKlrcii lit I'ldiiiciiul Biamhall I 2? i aiul Mcliitahlc Barlow. 45. Sarah, b. Apr. 8, 1776, at .Amenia, \. V.; d. June 19, 1816, at Ca- naan, Columbia Co., N. Y. 46. Moses, b. May 20, 1778, at Amenia, N. V.; d. Mar. 21, 1856, at Austerlit/, Columbia Co., N. 'l . 4-. }-',li/abeth, b. .Aug. 20, 17H0; d. Sept. b, 1851, at Amenia, \. ^'. 48. Huldah, b. [an. 22, 178^; d. Ma\ 6, 1864, in Dryden, i'ompkins Co., N. V. 49. Sylvina, b. Max 24, 178^; il. Jan. i", 1852; unm. 50. Joseph, b. Dec. 23, 1-8-; d. Nov. 21, 1829. 51. Kdmoiul, b. Jul\ 28, 1790; d. .Aug. 10, 1841. 52. Mehitable, b. I'eb. 22, 1793, in Canaan, N. Y.; d. Max 8, 186", in l)r\(len, Tompkins Co., N. "\'. ^B^^ No. 62 No. 64 No. 67 FIFTH GENERATION — Continued. Children ot |oseph Braniliall (24) and Experience Blackinirn. 5J. William, b. \~I11\ d. Mav 1 ;, iHj7, in Bradford Co., Pa. 54. Jerusha, b. ; d. about 1S40; ni. |on:is Blowers; no children. 55. Polly. 56. Lucy, b. 1778, at Plymouth, Mass.; d. 1781, in West Groton. 57. Ivory. 58. Olive, b. 179J; d. Apr. 5, 1847, in Wyoming, Pa.; unm. 59. Experience, d. 1868; m. Chas. Atherton; no children. 60. Kdmond, d. 1820, at Wvalusing, Pa. 61. Kdgar, twin brother to I'.dmond. 62. Joseph, b. Sept. 5, 1789, in Delaware Co., N. Y.; d. Jan. 18, 18-4, in Wyoming Co., Pa. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of George Bramhall ( 28 ) and Iak'N' Morton. 6^ Lucy Morton, b. Aug. ij, 1803; d. Feb. 6, 1824. 64. George, b. Aug. 23, 1806; d. Jan. 12, 1 872, at Chiltonville, Mass. Children of George Bramhall ( 28 ) and Sarah Morton. 65. Sarah, b. Nov. 1, 1811; d. July 12, 18-4. 66. Otis, b. Mar. 25, i8ij; m. Ann Maria Kellcy; d. Oct. 18, 1888; no children. 67. William, b. Apr. 27, 1815; d. Nov. 23, 1854. 68. Ezra, b. Oct. 20, 1817; d. Apr. 3, 1833; unm. Children of Svlvaiuis Bramhall ( 29) and Ruth Marshall. 69. Harriett M., b. Dec. 24, 1799; unm. 70. Ruth, b. Nov. 24. 1 801; unm. 71. Svlvanus, b. Nov. 24, 1803. 72. Bathsheba, b. Jan. 26, 1806; un'm. 73. Samuel, b. Aug. 28, 1809. 74. George Henr\, b. July 20, 1813. 75. Martha, b. May 20, 1817; unm. 76. Mary Bennett, b. about 1819. Children of Sallv Bramhall (30) and Israel Richmond. 77. Sarah, m. Hall. 78. Hannah, m. White. 79. Martha, m. Morse. 80. Lvdia, m. Bryant. 8 I . Lucien, unm. 82. Reuben, unm. 8 ^v Nathan, unm. 84. Rosine, m. Noah Cummings, ot Ouincv, Mass. 85. Rosella, m. Savery. Son of Beniamin Bramhall (33) and l.uiretia Respass. 86. Benjamin, m. Phoebe J. , and lett children in \'irginia. 8 ii r No. 94 No. 9S No. 96 No. 97 SIXTH GENERATION Continued. Children of Priscilla Bramhall ( ^4) and |oIim Sainpsuii. 87. John Augustus, b. Oct. 21, 1K12, at Plv mouth; d. Aug., 1S51; 111. Adelia Thayer; children: — JOHN MARSTON, d. umii. S.-\RAH ELIZABETH, 111. Charlc^ Shaw. GEORGE SCHUYLER, d. unm. JOSEPH ALVIN. 88. Charles, b. Mar. 16, 1817; d. Mar. j, 1859, Boston; in. June R. Butters; children: — CH.ARLES MONRE.AU, b. .Aug, 15, 1842; res. Antonito, Colo.; ni. Henrietta E. Wright; i;hildr(;ii: Cornelius Bramhall, b. Aug. 20, 1872; Lina, b. Julv 2, 1876. ALFRED, b. Eeb. 14, 1S44; d. Juticr 6, 1884; m. Mary E. Sargent; children: Alfred Colby, b. Oct. 25, 186-; EzEKiEi. Sargent, b. No\'. 9, 1869; Charles, b. May 26, 1871; Walter Colby, b. June 26, l8"3; Mary Frances, b. July 16, 1875; A^-IL'E F., b. June 25, 1877. CAROLINE ELIZABETH, b. Apr. 7, 1846; d. Nov. 14, 1849. CLARA FRANCES, b. June 17, 1848; d. Aug. 22, 1849. CL.ARENCE, b. May 14, 1850; d. Dec. 30, 1884; m. Fannie Hersc\; children: Clarence .Arihur, b. Sept. 19, 1876; MiLUREU Hersev, b. Mar. 2, 1878. [.ANE RIN'DGE, b. .Apr. 26. 1852; d. Oct. 12, 1890; m. George Bosworth; children: Chaki.es Noah, b. May 9, 1 88a; Caroline, b. Mar. 23, 1884. LOUISE, b. Sept. 10, 1853; d. 1885; m. Edward S. Chapin; children: Locist Dlnnell, b. |an. 15, 1875; d. 1875; Edward Samuel, b. Oct. 22, 1877; Fred Hursh, b. Dec. 11, 1879; d. 1880; Fred Stanley', b. July 28, 1881; d. 1889; Marion Louise, b. June 21, 18S4. 89. Priscilla, h. Apr. 19, 1 8 1 9; d. Feb., 1861; m. Jesse P. Newconib; children: — EMM.A .a., m. George W. Huntress. PRISCILLA S., n,. KM-r.-tt H.irduick. 90. Caroline K., b. Apr. 5, 1824; d. Mar. 17, 189]; in. John A. C. Butters, ot Boston; children: — MARY PRISCILLA, b. Sept. 16, 1S47; d. Jan. 12, 1872. GK0R<;E, b. Sept. 14, 1849; m. Mari.i S. Bramhall 19^); res. Oak I'.nk, III. Children "t L'harlcs Hramhall (37) and Nancv K. Brew.ster. 91. Kllis Brewster, b. 1819; d. Jan. ]\, 1865; m. Martha 1''. Ciould; no children. 92. Charles W., b. 1824. Children nt" Willi.im lirainhall (381 and Betsx .Shaw. 9J. William Thomas, b. Sejit. ], i8j2; d. .Apr. 4, i8(;i, m Hrookline. 94. Thomas Murdoch, b. .Aug. ^, 18^4; d. Sept. 15, i8~o; m. Mai\ Winship; no children. 95. Robert, b. .Sept. 18, i8;;6; d. Dec. ], 1892; unm. 96. Klizabeth Shaw, b. Sept. 11, 18:58; d. Oct. 22, 189;;, Brookline. 97. Maria Shaw, b. Sept. 8, 184;,; res. Oak Park, ill. Children i)t S\ Ivanu.s Hramhall ( 39 ) and Vlarv Wait .Atwnod. 98. I.ucretia .Ann, b. Feb. 1 1, i8'{2; res. italv. 99. Cornelius, b. Dec. 12, i8j8; d. T'eb. 26, 1856, in China; umn. 100. Helen Mary, b. No\ . 4, 1842; res. Brooklme, Mass. lOi. Alice, b. Jan. 18, iS48;m.Robt. Tiamilton; res. Medicine Lodge, Kan. Xo. Xu. No. 105 Xu. li.i No. 114 SIXTH GENERATION Continued. Children nt Icishii^i Braiiihall ( 40 ) and Sophia |. Stevens. 10;. (ieorgf Nasoii, b. Nov. 15, 1 S40, af Boston; served in U. .S. Navy; d. Mar. 8, 1900, in Boston; ni. Mary I'.. Jones; no children. 103. Marv Frances, li. June ]o, i><4J, at Boston; res. Scituate. 104. Marcia Warren, ii. Keh. i6, 1H45, at Boston; res. Brooklyn, N.'^'. 105. Charles Kllis, h. Mar. \ ], 1847; unm; res. Cambridge, Mass. Children ot Sarah Bramhall 1 42 ) and William Kiiifjman. 106. .Annie Cornelia, b. Apr. y, iHj8; d. unni. 107. Marv Weston, b. Oct. 24, 1841, in Wevmouth; d. June if, 1842. 108. William Benjamin, b. Jan. ]0, 1845; d. .Apr. 17, 1862. 109. Harrison Clark, b. Dec. 28, 1848; m. .Annie .Alden. Children ot Sarah Bramhall (41) and Rev. Caleb Child. I 10. F.dmond Bramhall, b. Dec. 2j, 1800, at Stamford, Conn.; d. Aug. 10, 1841, in .Albanv, N. Y'.; m. Kannv N. Lockwood; children: — HENRV CI..-\^', It. Apr. 25, 1S24; m. Gcorgian.i T. H. Bowman; children; P'annv Millington, h. Dec. 24, 1848; d. Mav 6, 1869; Emm.a BtRTHA, b. Aug. 6, 1851; m. David B. Idell; Laura .Amelia, b. Aug. 20, 1855; d. May 2, 1857; Ella Gertruhe, b. Aug. 7, 1857, in Hoboken, N. J.; Grace Charloite, b. Sept. 8, 1859, in Hobolcen; Jennie Louise, b. .Apr. 22, 1864, in Hobolccn; GEoRfiE Henrv, h. Nov. ^o, i86fi, in Hobolten; Frank Mai. comb, b. Jan., i8"'o, in Hobolcen. EDMOND BR.AMHALL, 1>. St-pt. 2, 1S26; ni. R.-bcua A. Harvstnian; son: Kdmonm Bramhali, b, JuK II, 1864, at Morrisania, N. V. JANE LOCKWOOD, b. Aug. 5, 1830; m. Capt. Juhn Baxter, Cape Cod; t«-.. > hiMii-n. CHARLES AUGl'STfS, h. Sept. 13, l8-,4; res. Nr« York; two Jiildren. 111. Caleb, b. Mav ,? i , 1803; d. Oct. 9, 1833, at New Orleans, La. 112. Mary Eliza, b. Oct. 25, 1805; d. May 30, i 8 i 1 , at Troy, N. Y. 113. Rebecca Anna, b. .Apr. 4, 1 80S; d. Nov. 10, 1879, at Albany, N. Y .y m. Isaac D. W'etsell; daughter: — SARAH HARKlH.r, I.. Oct. 2", TS49, at Albanv, N. V.; m. |ohn T. Br.nnhall (2-,«l, ^ v. I 14. .Sarah Mehitable, b. Sept. 18, 1810, Troy, N. Y.; d. July 23, 1878; m. Warren S. Dot\ , Brooklvn, N. Y.; children: — MARV KM/.A, b. |uly ;, lS;i, in New ^■olk; u-. \incland, N. j.; nnni. GI'.tJRGK WASHINGTON, I.. Oct. 5, 1834. N™' Vork; d. Nov. 6, 1879; unm. I.1HAN ALLEN, b. |un<- 14, lS-,7, New York; res. Brooklyn, N.V.j m. ist Ellie K. McEarlin; 2d. Eliz.ibeth I.. Scheib; dauglitrr: Sarah, b. Nov. i, 1902; d. KATHERINE LONG, b. Nov. ?, l8-,9; res. Brooklvn, N. V.; m. C,l\U:-n R. Lindsav; children: Kalherink, b. Oct. 5, 1865, in New ^'ork; unm.; RouKRr, b. Sept. 14, 1869, in Rahway, N. [.; res. Cleveland, ().; Sarah .Acnes, b. .Aug. 19, 18-:;, in Rahway, N. J.; d. there. REBECC"A ANNA, b. Apr. 10, 1842, New Vork; res. Brooklyn; unm. SAKAH .MKHirABLE, b. June 7, 1X45, New Vork; d. July 6, 1849. SA.Ml l-.l. \\ AKKKN, b. .Sept. 22, 1848, Brooklyn; ni. KltVida A. Ruge; re.s. Brooklyn. 115. Solomon, b. JuK i8, 1813; d. 1838 or 1831;, Montgomerv , .\hi.; unm. 116. Joseph i^nimhall, b. June 8, i S 1 5; tl. Nov. 21, 1869, in Dixon, Illinois; m. Sarah B. Hamlin; chiKlren: — .VLARV V.U/.A, b. .Mar. 13, 1859. M)A FRANCIS, b. July 5, i860. ED.MOND BRAMHALL, b. , 1S62. -— , b. Dec. 10, 1864. 10 Nu. 1 17 Xo. i-;3. Xo. Xo. 123 K No. No. 120a No. 1^4 No. 124a Xu. 125 No. 127 SIXTH GENERATION — Continued. Children nf Moses Bramhall (4.6) and Elizabeth Hiilhcrt. 17. Sanih Marilhi, b. I"'eh. 10, 1H07, at Nassau, N. Y.; d. Jan. 4, 1867. iic;e HoNTz, h. May 8, 1864; Harry, b. July 18, 1873; Nettie. HELEN MARIE, b. Oct. 8, 1845; m. Freeman W. Moore; children: Georcje; Mary. HARRIET A.VIEI.IA, b. Sept. 11, 1847; M. D.; res. New York City. WILLIAM HENRV, b. June 17, 1851; m. Emma Manning. 160. Sarah I'.lizabcth, h. Jan. iz, 1820; in Dryden, N. Y .\ d. Dec. 6, iSyijin Dryden, N. Y.; 111. Henry Wilson, children: — HELEN E., b. Jan. 2, 1840; m. Cyrus Knapp, Dryden, N. ^'.; children: Makv K., b. Jan. 21, 1S59; Ehank W., b. .Aug. 16, 1S60; George H., b. Aug. 6, 1862; d. Sept. 21, 1S64; Hattie, b. Sept. 18, 1864; ZoE, b. May 26, 1866; Robert D., b. Dec. 23, 1867; Albert C., b. Mar. 7, 1871; Asa, b. Oct. 24, 1S72; John, b. Oct. 4, 1874; I'hoebe, b. Jan. 29, 1876; Sarah Cai>v, b. 1878; Helen, b. 1880; Hiram, b. 1883. ELIAS CADY, b. Sept. 12, 1842; d. Mar. 8, 1876, at Berlin, Wis.; m. Sarah F. Baldwin; no children. ROBERT W,, b. June 13, 1844; d. July, 18S2; unni. HIRAM B., b. Sept. 15, 1847; d. Feb. 5, 1848. SARAH MEHITABLE, b. Mar. 6, 1849; m. D. R. Montgomery, Dryden, N. Y.; children; Fannie, b. Dec. 16, 18S1; Florence, b. Feb. 2, 1881. JESSIE BARLOW, b. Jan. 12, 1854; m. Hattie G. Dupce; res. Dryden, N. Y.; children: Ruth Makv, b. Sept. 6, 1889; Paul Dupee, b. Sept. 24, 1892. 161. Rebecca Ann, b. Aug. 22, iSaz; ni. lion. Jeremiah W. Dwight, M. C, of Dryden, N. Y.; children: — MARY MEHITABLE, b. [an. 12, 1846, in Dryden, N. Y.; m. E. S Rockwell, TiHin, O.; child; James Dwight, b. Oct. 2, 1S70. OLIVE ADELIA, b. Mar. 29, 1848, in Dryden, N. Y. JULIA REBECCA, b. July 19, 1851, in Dryden, N. Y. ANN AMELIA, b. .May 6, 1856; m. R. S. Tyler; res. Fargo, N. D. ; no children. JOHN WILBUR, b. May 24, 1859; res. Dryden; M. C, 30th Dist., N. Y. 162. Harriet S\d\'ina, b. Julv 27, 1B25; m. Isaac P. Ferguson, Dr\'den, N. Y.; no children. 163. John, b. May ji, 1828; ni. Mary Hamblin; d. July 27, i85J,in Dryden, N. Y.; no children. 164. Charles, b. Dec. 4, 1829; m. Nancy A. Hiles; children: EMMA LOUISA, b. Mar. 9, 1857; d. 1S58. ELLIS WILLETTE, b. Sept. 25, i860; res. Auburn, N. Y. EDMOND C, b. July I2, 1865; res. Moravia, N. Y. DANIEL E., b. Apr. 12, 186S; d. 165. Mary K., b. Jan. 14, 1832; res. Dryden, N. \ .\ unni. Children ot William Branihall (53) and Ilannaii Shoemaker. 166. Mattie, b. June 30, 1800; d. July i, 1800. 167. Moses, b. Sept. 16, 1802, iii Meredith, Del. Co., N. \ .; d. Mar. 2, 1869, in Bradford Co., Pa. 168. Polly, b. Sept. 28, 1804; d. May 17, 18 16. 169. Sally, b. Apr. 15, 1808; d. Apr. 26, 1879, at Towanda, Pa. 170. Revad Taylor, b. Feb. 25, 181 i, in Wyoming Co., Pa.; d. .Apr. i, 1894, at Wyalusing, Pa. 171. William, b. May \ ], 18 13, in Wyoming Co., Pa.; d. Sept. 18, 1872, at Mt. Auburn, la. >3 No. iSj l^C^I No. iS.( Nu. 1S5 SIXTH GENERATION Concluded. Children of William Ur.inih.iU 1^531 an.l H.inn.ih Shoemaker — ContinuiJ. 172. John, h. Jan. :i, iSi5,in Tunkhannock, Pa.; d. i 890, at .Alma, Neh. 173. Obediah, b. Apr. 18, 18 17; d. Dec. :j, 18 17. 174. Lephia Ann, b. Dec. 6, 1820; d. May 8, 1857. 175. Mary E., b. July 25, 1822. Children ut' Lucy Bramhall (56) and Calvin Stowell. 176. [ohn Calvin, b. I<'eb. 20, 1 8 1 7, at South Bainbridge, N. Y.; res. Ithaca, N. Y. 177. Daniel B., b. , 1820. Children of Joseph Bramhall (62J and Minerva Maxwell. 178. Adelia, b. Mar. 28, i 8_:io, at Tunkhannock, Ta.; d. I<"eb. 16, 1892, Camptown, Pa. 179. William Edgar, b. May 19, i8j2,in Wyoming Co., l^i.; res. Camp- town, Pa. 180. Mary E., b. May 20, 18J5; m. Wm. H. Swetland, Mehoopany, Pa. Children of Joseph Bramhall (62) and Rosetta Lane. 181. Melvin Edmond, b. Dec. 23, 1842, in Washington twp., Wyoming Co., Pa.; m. Polly Catharine Denison; res. Baxter Springs, Kansas; no children. 182. Charles Olin, b. Aug. 5, 1848; ni. Julia C. Davis; res. Kansas City, Kansas. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children ot George Bramhall (^64) and Eleanor W. Leonard. i8j. George Warren, b. May 15, 1832; d. Mar. i, 1893, at Chilton- ville, Mass. 184. Mary Warren, b. Aug. 1, 1835; ^- J^"- ^> 1*^69, at Chiltonville. 185. Charles, b. Sept. 26, 1843; d. May 29, 1859, at Chiltonville. Children of William Bramhall (67) and Laura Ann Bickford. 186. Otis, b. July 14, 1846; res. Dorchester, Mass. 187. William, b. Nov. 11, 1848, at Hvannis; res. Roxburv, Mass. 188. Sarah, b. Aug. 25, 1854; m. William Long; res. Roxbury, Mass. Children of Samuel Bramhall (73) and Eliza Hoyt. 189. Bartlett Marshall, b. Feb. 1842, in Boston; d. 1895. 190. Charles Edward, b. Oct. 7, 1843. 191. Mary Eliza, d. in infancy. 192. Lucy Georgianna. Children of Mary Bennett Bramhall (76) and Charles Rand. 193. Ella. 1 94. Lizzie. 14 SEVENTH GENERATION Continued. Children of William 'I'hos. Bramhall (<)]) and Adeline Crowell. 195. I'.lizalK-th Shaw, I1. Keh. 17, 1880, in Boston. 196. I'.leanor Crowell, h. \'ch. 10, 1H81, in Hostcjn. 197. William Cabot, b. Aug. 9, 1882, in Boston. 198. Karnham, b. Oct. 2^, 1884, in Boston. Children of Elizabeth Shaw Bramhall (96 ) and janies P. Stearns. 199. William Bramliall, b. Mar. 21, 1868, in Boston; m. Alice Maude Preston; res. Brt)oklinc; children: — JAMES PIKRCE, li. July 5, iSyy, in Bnioklinc, Mass. WILLIAM BRAMHALL, li. Oct. :2, 1900, in Brooklim-, M.iss. 200. Mary Elizaherh, h. Apr. 29, 1872, in Brooklinc; m. Dwight I'. Robinson; res. Seattle, Wash.; children: — POWKLL, b. Nov. :o, 1S98, in B.iltimoie, M.l. DWIGHT PARKER, h. Jan. is, 1900, in Si-attlc, Wash 201. Kate, b. Aug. 21, 1873; rn. Louis C. Page, Boston; no children. 202. Helen Shaw, b. Dec. i, 1875, in Brookline; res. Brookline; unm. Child of Maria Shaw Bramhall (9") and George Butters. 20J. George Russell, b. Oct. 6, 1878; d.July 21, 1879, at Oak Park, 111. Child of Lucrctia A. Bramhall (98) and Frank D. Reed. 204. Marie Caroline, b. Oct. i], 185J, at Batavia, Java; m. Rev. Kdward Mallory; res. Roxbury, Mass.; no children. Children of Lucrctia A. Bramhall ( 98 1 and Dr. Charles Cullis. 205. Fred Huntington, b. Aug. 20, 1867; d. Aug. 10, 1868, in Boston. ao6. Charles Franklin, b. Oct. 17, 1869; d. May 26, 1895, in Boston. 207. F.lizabeth Richardson, b. Jan. i, 1873, in Boston; res. Italy. 208. Kdith, b. Sept. 12, 1875; res. New York City. Children of Helen M. Bramhall (100) and |ohn (iardncr Curtis. 209. Adeline Frances, b. Mar. 11, 1870., in Brookline, Mass.; m. James S. Newton; children: — HELEN COGGSWELL, b. Mar. i, 1892, in Hulyuke, Mass. ROS.^MOND, b. Mar. 29, 1894, in Holyokc, Mass. 210. Mary Helen, b. Mar. 13, 1871, in Brookline, Mass.; m. I''rank A. Stearns; d. Feb. 20, 1899; no children. 211. Mabel, b. Aug. 26, 1872, in Brookline; m. Charles \\ . Wilder; child:— DOROTHEA, h. July 17, 1890, in New Rdchcllf, N. Y. 2 12. Harriet, b. Nov. 26, 1884, in Brookline, Mass. Children of' Mary Frances Bramhall ( loO and \\'illiam R. Damon. 213. Clinton i'.lbridge, b. Apr. 24, 1 S64; d. Dec. 3, 1864. 214. Frank Bela, b. Jan. 24, 1865; unm. 215. Henrietta Frances, b. June 50, 1869; m. Luther Phipps, and 2d, Fred G. Haskell; child:— CHARLES (I'HU'PSi, b. M.ii. 12, 1S87. 15 No. 2ii No. 243 No. 230. All born and reside in SEVENTH GENERATION Continued. Children of Mary Frances Bramhall (103) and William R. Damon — Continued. 216. F.Uis Everett, b. Nov. 25, 1872, at Scituate, Mass.; m. Mabel F. Jenkins, res. Scituate, Mass.; children: — MATTIE F., b. Dec. 25, 1900, at Scituate, Mass. ESTHER ELLIS, b. Sept. 18, 1901, at Scituate, M.nss. 217. George Nason, b. Sept. 4, 1874, res. Portland, Me.; m. Gertrude A. Smith; daughter: — EVELYN MAY, b. Sept. ;i, 1903. 218. Mattie Hathaway, b. June 4, 1879; d. May 25, 1887. Child ot Marcia W. Bramhall (104) and Lawrence Campbell. 219. Lawrence, b. Sept. 2, 1866, at Orange, N. J.; m. Rebecca M. Simpson; res. Watervliet, Mich.; children: — LOUISE BROOKS, b. .Vlar. 18, 1894, in Chicago. FLORENCE SIMPSON, h, June 20, 1896, in Chicago. MARCIA WARREN, b. June 7, 1899, in Chicago. Children of Marcia W. Bramhall (104) and George G. Brooks. 220. Gordon Bainbridge, b. July 22, 1871, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; d. Oct. 9, 1900, at Asheville, N. C. 221. Edward Bramhall, b. July 22, 1871. 222. Leonard, b. May 11, 1873. I 223. Roval Deane, b. Aug. 21, 1878. f Brooklyn, N. Y. 224. Louise Warren, b. Feb. 16, 1880. Children of Sarah Marilla Bramhall (117) and .•\n.son Brown. 225. Sarah Ann, b. Jan. 3, 1826, at Northmoreland, Pa.; d. Feb. 2, 190^, at Great Barrington, Mass.; m. ist, Moses S. Ingersoll; children: — ANSON DUDLEY, b. Apr. 16, 1846; d. Sept. 27, 1847. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. July 20, 1848; d. Aug. 31, 1849. m., 2d, John F. Sanford; one son: — WALTER BRAMHALL, b. Aug. 22, 1865; m. Kate Mcesick; nochil; res. Great Banington, Mass. 226. Jane Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1830, at Austerlitz, N. Y.; d. Nov. 21, 1893, at Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. Jacob S. Philip, M. D.; children: — SARAH ELIZABETH, b. Mar. 11, 1854; res. Pomfret, Conn.; m. Rev. Lucius M. Hardy; chil- dren: Phii.ii' Martin, b. Dec. 16, 1885; d. May 13, 1886; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 50, 1891,31 Burlington, \*t. ANSON SICKLES, b. July 24, 1856; d. Oct. 31, 1868. JAMES POWERS, b. Sept. 18, 1861 ; res. Catslcill, N. Y,; m. Sarah L. Pruyn ; no children. ANNIE STRATTON, b. Feb. 11, 1871; d. Aug. 16, 1877. Child of Harrison G. O. Bramhall (118) and Electa Brown. 227. James Brown, b. Mar. 26, 1838, at Pomfret, N. \ .; res. Centre- ville. Pa. Children ol' Charles H. Bramhall ( 1 zo ) and Eli/.a Hogeboom. 228. Helen Eliza, b. May 5, 1837; d. June 14, 1843, at .-Albany, N. Y. 16 No. 229 No. 229a No. 230 No. 230a No. 231 No. 1130. SEVENTH GENERATION — Continued. Children of Charles H. Bramhall ^Ilo) and Eliza Hogeboom — Continued. 229. William Leggett, b. July 26, 18^9, at Buftalo, N. Y.; private I, 7th N. Y. S. M.; capt.'9jd N. V. Vol. inf. and bvt. colonel N. Y. S. Vols.; ni. Anna T. Howland; no children; d. Feb. 17, 1902, at Washington, D. C; buried Nat'l Cemetery, Arlington, Va. 2^0. Frank [lin] James, b. April 9, i 846, Albany, N. Y.; res. Oakland, Cal. 2^1. John Tobias, b. Oct. 6, 1849, at Ghent, N. Y.; res. Chicago, 111. Children ot' Moses B. Bramhall ( 121) ami F.mily IVlorrel. 232. Moses Barlow, b. July 3, 1837; d. Oct. 23, 1862, New York City. 233. Walter Morrel, b. Aug. 3, 1839, in New York; capt. 6th N. Y. Indpt. Battery; res. Allendale, N. J. 234. F.mily James, b. May 9, 1843, in Jersey City, N. J.; d. July 27, 1887, in New York Cit\'. 235. Charles A., b. June 13, 1845, in Jersey City; res. Allendale, N. J. 236. George Washington, b. July 13, 1847; res. South Orange, N. J. 237. Helen, b. Sept. i i, 1849; d. Dec. i, 1854, in Jersey City, N. J. 238. Anson Dudley, b. Sept. 19, 1851; res. New Y'ork; m. Mae St. John; no children. 239. William, b. Dec. 2, 1853; res. New York. 240. Fanny, b. Feb. 2, 1856, in Jersey City; res. Jersey City, N. J. 241. Krnest Waring, b. Aug. 2, T858, at Rahwav, N. J.; d. Mar. 14, i860. Children ot Betse\' Ann Bramhall (122) and |oscph P. Hogebooni. 242. John Lawrence, b. Feb. i, 1839, at Ghent, N. Y.; private B, i88th N. Y. Vol. Inf.; d. Jan. 20, 1865; unm. 243. George F'rankiin, b. Jan. 7, 1840; capt. 1), 1 1 th Intliana Cav.; m. Nancy Cross; no children; res. Waterloo, N. Y. 244. Helen Maria, b. Nov. 16, 1843; d. Feb. 17, 1844. 24<;. Joseph Tobias, b. Nov. 25, 1844; private F., 128th N. Y. Vol. Inf.; d. July 6, 1864. 246. Mary F'dizabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1846; m. Henry A. Allen, Chatham Center, N. Y.; son: — FRANK |AMES., b. Oct. 10, 1S73, at Austerlitz, N. Y.; in. Anna M. Bailey. 247. xAngeline Maria, b. May 17, 1852; m. Arnold Harris, Chatham Center, N. Y.; children: — RALPH G., b. July 15, 1879, at Chatham Center; ni. Anna G. Van Alen; res. Kinderhook, N. V.; son: Kennkth R., b. Dec. 14, 1903. LE ROY, b. Apr. 2, 1881, at Chatham Center; m. Ruth M. Tobias; res. Valatie, N. V.; son: Malcom Le Rov, b. June 21, 1904. El.MF.R WELLINGTON, b. Mar. 18, 1887, at Chatham Center, N. Y. 248. Charles Fremont, b. Sept. 20, 1856; d. July 18, 1857. Children of Angeline M. Bramhall ( 123 1 and Cieorge Broun. 249. Charles Bramhall, b. Sept. 22, 1838, in {'helps, N. Y.; res. Chanute, Kan.; m. Martha F. Gardner; children: — MARY ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 29, 1880; m. John A. Ruth, Yates Centre. MINNIE MARILLA, b. Apr. 12, 1883, at Krcdonia. 17 Xu. ..54 No. :}S No. 263 No. 256 No. 262 No. 261 No. 26s SEVENTH GENERATION Continued. Children uf Angclini- M. Bramhall (I2^) and George Brown — Continued. 250. George Henry, b. May 21, 1H45, at Phelps, N. Y.; M. I), at Chanute, Kan.; m. Ida M. Talcott; children: — WILl-IAM HENRY, b. Aug. u, 1875, •>' Clunutc, Kan.; res. there; m. Estelle M. Walker; children: Gkorc^e H.^Rol.n, b. Mar. 16, 1897, at Chanute; Hugh Chari.cs, b, Aug. 17, 1900, at Chanute. ALBERT PHILLIPS, b. M.ir. 5, 1S77; m. Minnie M. Simmons; res. Ch.mute, Kan. RALPH PECK, b. June 1, 1882; electrician U. S. S. Arkaiisai. 251. Moses Bramhall, b. Nov. 7, 1S47; m. Marv I"'. Shirley; res. Chanute. 252. Angeline Maria, b. Aug. 1, 1850; m. Robert C. Perkins; res. Boze- man, Mont.; children: — GRACE, b. Jan. 24, 1881, at Buffalo, Kan.; m. Harley H. Treat. NET'riK, b. July 29, 1883, at Chanute; d. Jan. 6, 1885. LII.LIE MAY, b. July 27, 1889, at Chanute, Kan. MAGGIE, b. Mar. 12, 1892, at Bozeman, Mont. 25J. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. i, 1H57; d. Feb. }, 1861, at Phelps, N. Y. Children of George W. Brainhall ( i 24) antl Charlotte Morrcl. 254. Charlotte x^delaide, b. Feb. 8, 1851, in New York; d. July i l, 1891, in Jersey City, N. J. 255. George Walter, b. l-eb. 5, 185^, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; res. Oakland, Cal. Children of |ohn Henrv Bramhall (125) and Henrietta Stever. 256. Henrietta, b. Feb. 6, 1843, at Canaan, N. Y.; res. Butler, Mo. 257. George Dallas, b. Feb. 7, 1845, at Canaan, N. Y.; private F, 83d III. Yol. Inf.; res. Los Angeles, Cal. 258. William Ashley, b. May 8, 1847, in Columbia Co., N. Y.; d. Mar., 1864, at Clarksville, Tenn.; private F\ 8jd 111. Vol. Inf. 259. FVank, b. Jan. 12, 1849; d. Apr. 28, 1888, at Ocala, Fla. 260. Wealthy Ann, b. P'eb. 11, i85i,in Warren Co., III.; died an infant. 261. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 22, 1852; res. San Diego, Cal. 262. Katherine, b. Oct. 8, 1854; m. George W. Worthington; res. Seneca, Florida; no children. 26 ^ John Charles P'remont, b. May 18, 1856; d. Oct. 21, 1899, at Carrollton, Mo. 264. Walter Squire, b. May 31, 1858, at Roseville, Hi.; res. Palatka, Fla. 265. Viola Augusta, b. Aug. 29, i860; m. F. ¥.. Alter; d. F"eb. 25, 1885, at Seneca, hla.; no children. Children ot Marv |ano Bramhall (126) and Harrison \'an Valkeiiburg. 266. Lizzie, b. Mar. 26, 1847, Canaan, N. Y.; d. Jul\ 5, 1884; Seneca, m. George W. Worthington; children: — M.ARY VV., b. Dec. 25, 1870; m. George O. Butler, West Palm Beach, I-'la.; children: Edhart) Sheen, b. Apr. 18, 1895, at Tavares, Fla.; George Worthington, b. Jan. 5, 189^, at Seneca, Fla. ELVIRA A., b. Apr. 29, 1873; m. Francis Alger, Jr., Seneca, Fla.; children: Francis, b. May 23, 1899; John Worthington, b. Aug. 7, 1900; Marv Izette, b. July 29, 1903; all at Seneca, Florida. WILLIAM A., b. May 20, 1877. res. Long Branch, N. J.; unm. 18 SEVENTH GENERATION Continued. Children '*^75> '" Boston. 368. Carrie Mae, b. June 16, 1874, in South Boston. 369. William Sylvester, b. Aug. i i, 1876, in Dorchester. Children of William Bramhall (187) and Abbie Taylor Long. 370. Laura Williams, b. Nov. 9, 1873, in Boston; d. Jan., 1874. 371. Thomas Long, b. May 20, 1877, in Dorchester; res. Roxbury, Mass. 372. Sarah Abbie, b. June 27, 1879; d. Nov. 2, 1886, in Dorchester. 373. Arthur William, b. May 21, 1880; d. Sept., 1880, in Dorchester. 374. Otis William, b. Mar. 20, 1886; res. Roxbury, Mass. Children of Sarah Bramhall I 188) and William A. Long. 375. Nathaniel, b; Mar. 11, 1873; d. Aug. 9, 1873, in South Boston. 376. Nathaniel Otis, b. May 3, 1878, in Dorchester, Mass.; m. Ruby F. Hughes. Children of Bartlett M. Bramhall (189) and Laura C. Cummings. 377. Annie Isabella, b. Jan. 5, 1865; d. Mar. 28, i 867, at Washington, D. C. 378. George Bartlett, b. Oct. 9, 1872, in Boston, Mass.; res. Palo Alto, Cal. Children of Charles E. Bramhall ( 1901 and Abby S. Snow. 379. Edwin M., b. Sept. 30, 1876; d. Aug. 2, 1896. 380. Ralph J., b. Apr. 15, 1879; d. May 22, 1879. 381. Leroy H., b. Apr. 15, 1879; d. May 27, 1879. 382. Otis H., b. P"eb. 2, 1881, at Cambridge, Mass. 383. Paul J., b. Jan. i, 1885; d. Aug. 2, 1896. Children of James B. Bramhall (227) and Electa Brown. 384. Mary Electa, b. May 4, 1868, at Centreville, Pa.; res. there. 385. Charles Rule, b. Sept. i, 1869; res. Oil Citv, Pa. 24 No. 386 No. 406 EIGHTH GENERATION Continued. Chilli (jf Frank |. Hramhall ( 230J and S. |cannic Nicholas. 386. Robert Nichohis, h. Mar. 18, 1878, at Aliiiigdon, Va.; M. I).; in. I'.mma \\. Smith; res. I'air Oaks, Sacramento Co., Cal. Children of juhn T. Hramhall ( 231 ) and Sarah Harriet VVetscll (1 13 a). 387. Laura Klbertje, b. Oct. 14, 1875, at I'alls Church, Va..; d. July Hj 1892, at Albany, N. Y. 388. Lida Martin, b. ()ct. 25, 1877, at Albany, N. Y.; res. Chicago, 111. 389. Fredericlv Denison, b. Apr. 16, 1880, at Albany, N. Y.; res. Chi- cago, 111. 390. Charles Alfred, b. Sept. i, i 881, at Albany, N. Y. 391. Katherine Franklin, b. June 8, 1884; d. Dec. 7, 1885. 392. Winifred, b. I*"eb. 6, 1892, at Albany, N. Y. Children of Walter M. Bramhall (233) and Lillie C. Middleton. 393. Lillie Kmil\, b. Sept. 9, 1863; m. brank B. lavlor; res. San Fran- cisco, Cal. 394. Walter Moses, b. Dec, 1865; d. June 12, 1866. 395. Arthur Middleton, b. July, 1868; d. Aug., 1868. 396. Charles Leavitt, b. July 24, 1869; d. July 9, 1886, at San Buena- ventura, Cal. 397. Mary Douglas, b. Aug., 1879; d. July, 1880. Children ot Charles A. Bramhall (235) and Maria Berry. 398. Grace Morrell, b. Sept. 27, 1868. 399. Anderson Berry, b. Sept. 8, 1872; res. Allendale, N. J. 400. Charles Ernest, b. Jan. 29, 1891. Children ot George W. Bramhall (2361 and Annie M. laqnes. 401. Kmily Morrell, b. Feb. 18, 1877. 402. Georgiana, b. July 14, 1880. 403. Jacques, b. Aug. 1, 1883. 404. Anson Dudley, b. Aug. 10, 1885. Child of Fann\ Bramhall (240) and R. Elliott Eager. 405. Walter Bramhall, b. Mar., 1881; res. Jersey City, N. J. Child of Charlotte A. Bramhall (2i;4) and j. B. Bartleman. 406. Mary Alice, b. Jan. 19, 1877; d. Dec, 1890, in Jersey City, N. J. Children ot' Cjeorge W. Bramhall (23^) and (ienevieve Holdridge. 407. Walter Osborn, b. Jan. 13, 1886, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; res. Oak- land, Cal. 408. Florence Alice, b. Nov. 23, 1889, in South Orange, N. J. 25 EIGHTH GENERATION — Continued. Children of Henrietta Bramhall (256) and Hiram H. Nichols. 409. Charles, b. Aug. 29, 1864, in Warren Co., 111.; res. Hobart, Okla. 410. (Vion, b. Aug. 2, 1866, in Martinsburg, la.; d. Mar. i;^, 1868. 41 1. John Henry, b. Oct. 25, 1 868, in Martinsburg, la.; res. Kiowa, Kan. 412. William, b. Feb. 21, 1871, in Chariton, la.; d. Aug. ]0, 1872. 413. Charlotte, b. Apr. 21, 1877, in Butler, Bates Co., Mo.; d. Aug. 16, 1879. 414. Hiram, b. Apr. 16, 1879, in Bates Co., Mo.; res. Butler, Mo. 415. Pearl, b. Mav 30, 1882, in Bates Co., Mo.; unm. Child ot Frank Hranihall (259) and Maria Lentz. 416. John Walter, b. Jul\ 4, 1880; res. Texas. Children of Marv |ane Bramhall ( 261 ) and Nottlev S. Hammack. 417. Kdwin Bramhall, b. Oct. 25, 1882; res. Pasadena, Cal.; m. Jessie E. Selleck; child:— EDWIN SELLECK, b. Sept. aS, 1905, at San Diego, Cnl. 418. Edith Chastain, b. July 27, 1886, at Burlington, la. 419. Isabella Stewart, h. June 12, 1889, at San Diego, Cal. 420. Charles Nottlev, b. .Apr. 8, 1896, at San Diego, Cal. Children ut' |alin C. !•'. Bramhall (26^) and Catherine M. Basse. 421. Glenn Taylor, b. Jan. 4, 1881, at Columbus Jet., la.; res. Olnev, 111. 422. George Walter, b. Mav 13, 1882, at Eebo, Kan.; res. Ottumwa, Kansas. 423. Lelia M., b. , 1890, Kansas Citv, Kan. Children of Walter S. Bramhall (2641 and Frances L. Stinson. 424. John Henrv, b. Nov. i, 1892, at Tampa, Kla. 425. Ethel M., b. Apr. 22, 1897, at Santord, Kla.; d. July 1 1, 1900. Children of F^lcnura Bramhall ( 269 ) and Douglas (joiit'rev. 426. Ethel May, b. July 12, 1879; res. Roseville, 111. 427. Merta Elva, b. Mar. 19, 1881, at Roseville, 111.; res. Dcrbv, la. 428. Frank Kenneth, b. Feb. 23, 1884, at Roseville, 111.; res. Red Oak, la. 429. Stella Ruby, b. Sept. 11, 1886; res. Bushnell, 111. 430. Glenn, b. June 15, 1892. Children of I.eona Bramhall (270) and George Wagoner. 431. Katie Isabel, b. Jan. 9, 1S81 ; m. Dow Mc Fllrov, Roseville, 111. 432. Eaura Ellen, b. Mar. 9, 1883; m. Ezra Ray, Roseville, III.; child: — KX'ELVN LKON.A, U. Ayr. 2;, 190^ 433. (jeorge F.arl, b. Jan. 24, 1889, d. Apr. 15, 1889. 434. Harley Lemoine, b. Feb. 11, 1891 ; res. Monmouth, 111. Child of Arthur L. Bramhall (272) and Leona Reece. 435. Edith, b. May , 1892, at Roseville, 111. 26 EIGHTH GENERATION Continued. Children i)t' I.inna Ma\- Bramhall (273) and Justice Downes. 436. Eva Marie, h. July 2, 1892. 437. Agnes Dell, h. Nov. 15, 1894. 438. Laura Jeannette, h. Dec. 15, i8y8. 439. Gertrude Zoline, b. Apr. 18, 1902. 440. Margaret Reha, b. Apr. 20, 1905. Children of Emma D. Bramhall 12741 ■'""■' Charles Hockenbury. 441. Floy Rebecca, b. Mar. 27, 1894. 442. Howard Leland, b. Feb. 8, 1899. 443. Laura Helen, b. Feb. 22, 1905. Children of Lucinda E. Bramhall ( 284) and Frank N. Lawson. 444. Lucinda Margaret, b. Feb. 25, 1895. 445. Prances Josephine, b. Oct. 7, 1905. Children of Anna L. Bramhall ( 286 ) and Charles C. Mussina. 446. Laura Lucille, b. Mar. 13, 1896. 447. Emma May, b. Apr. 8, 1904. Child of William A. Bramhall (287) and Loryane B. Cordua. 448. x\rchibald, b. Apr. 4, 1903. Child of Harrv Hiilbert Bramhall (297) and luliet Herns. 449. Frederick Henrv, b. July 18, 1873; res. Chicago, 111. Child of Andrew Luscomhe Bramhall (314) and Elma Marie Coulscn. 450. Eugene Hulbert, b. Jan. 23, 1901, at Rutland, 111. Children of Pollv Ann Bramhall (318) and Joseph W. \'an .Auken. 451. Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 9, 1857; d. Jan. 12, 1863. 452. James M., b. Dec. 12, 1864. Children of Treadwav K. Bramhall (3201 and Mar\- Breakev. 453. Walter Edgar, b. Apr. 7, 1859; m. Anna McCallister ; res. Camp- town, Pa. 454. Joseph Melvin, b. Nov. i, i860; res. Laceyville, Pa. 455. George Olin, b. Mav 11, 1862; d. Dec. 12, 1865. 456. Jennie Polly, b. Mar. 4, 1864; m. Charles N. Ross, Laceyville, Pa. 457. Martin Luther, b. Sept. 10, 1865; res. Camptown, Pa. 458. Anna Rosette, b. Jan. 2, 1868; res. Camptown, l*a. 459. Emma May, b. Feb. 5, 1870; m. ist, Martin Casev; 2d, Ransford V. Brink, Camptown, Pa.; no children. Children ol |ohn |avnc Bramhall (321) and Sarah (Juick. 460. Perry, b. Mar. 7, 1859; d. Feb. 19, 1871. 461. Jessie, b. Mav 6, 1865; m. T. W. Robinson, Morton Park, ill.; child:— JOHN ROBKRl', I.. Nov. i, 1890. 27 No. 476. No. 475- No. 340a. EIGHTH GENERATION Continued. Children ot Joseph Bramhall I 323) and Malinda Price. 46:1. Josie, b. Nov. 2, 1862; m. Hale K. Ryther, I'hree Oaks, Mich. 46J. Nathan W., b. June 25, 1864; res. Aitkin, Minn. 464. Harrv Sylvester Shead, b. Oct. 16, 1866; d. Mar. 2, i86y. 465. Maryette, b. Jan. 16, 1869. 466. Harry H., b. Apr. 8, 1873; d. Aug. 8, 1893. Children of Martin Luther Bramhall (324) and Emily Hale. 467. Frank, b. Sept. 10, 1861; d. Aug. 8, 1872. 468. Mark, b. Nov. 25, i86y; d. Mar. 17, 1902; m. May Morehouse; no children. Children of Martin Luther Bramhall (324) and Clara R. Bunnell. 469. Edith Clementine, b. Mar. 8, 1874; res. Rocktord College, 111. 470. Bertha Kvaline, b. Nov. 27, 1878; m. Benjamin K. Cass, Michigan City, Ind. 471. Arthur luigene, b. Aug. 24, [884; res. Michigan City, Ind. Children ot Martha Bramhall (339) and John Layman. 472. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 3, I 870; m. Francis H. Chamberlain, Vaughan Hill; son: — HERBERT FRANCIS, b. IX-c. 16, 1904. 473. Harriet, b. Mar. t 9, i 873; m. James A. Schoonover, Athens, Pa.; son: — H.AROLD JOHN, b. Ma> 14, 1900. 474. William Edgar, b. Aug. 19, 1879; m. Edith McDavis; res. Athens, Bradford Co., Pa. Children ot' Charles Atherton Bramhall ( 340) and Mar\ C. Burr. •475. William Sherman, b. Sept. 10, 1867; res. Camptown, Pa. 476. Clarence Burr, b. July 23, 1874; res. Camptown, Pa. Children ot Mallorv D. Bramhall (341 I and Gertrude Burch. 477. Martha, b. Oct. 10, 1876; unm.; res. Three Oaks, Mich. 478. Nora, b. Mar. 22, 1879; m. Arthur G. Scholes, Townsend, Mont. Children ot" William H. Bramhall ( 345 | and .Alice L. .Addington. 479. Ralph Orson, b. Aug. 25, 1877; m. Helen Steward; res. St. Paul, Minn. 480. Albert Walton, b. July 20, 1879; res. St. Croix halls, Wis. 481. Grace Adaline, b. June 12, 1883. 482. Percival Ward, b. "l)ec. 2, 1885." 483. Francis William, b. June 16, 1889. 484. Clyde Harold, b. July 9, 1894. Children ot Elizabeth A. Bramhall I 346^ and Ben Huntlev. 485. Harry Clyde, b. i-'eb. 6, 1869, near Mt. Auburn, la. 486. Lura Alice, I1. Oct. 21, 1871, at Mt. Auburn, la. 487. Rosamond Erminie, b. Sept. 26, 1877, near Mt. Auburn, la. 28 EIGHTH GENERATION Continued. Childri;n of Francis M. Braiiihall (347) and Adah Brody. 488. Flora Maude, b. Sept. 12, 1880, in Rice Co., Kan. 489. Fred Morris, h. Jan. 18, 1884, in Benton Co., la. 490. Ruth Marion, b. Nov. ]o, 1896, in Benton Co., la. Children of" Nathalia Ethel Branihall (348) and Allen Whitlock. 491. Ktliel Marguerite, b. May 20, 1897, near Georgetown, 111. 492. Philip Allen, b. Mar. i i, 1901, at Pueblo, Colo. Children of Charles Franklin Branihall (351) and Josephine Wilson. 493. fc^na Pearl, b. Nov. 27, 1873; d. June 27, 1876. 494. John, b. Apr. 27, 1S75; d. May 4> i^75- 495. Frank, b. Aug. — , 1877; d. June — , 1879. 496. William Henrv, b. Feb. 17, 1880; res. Kingman, Kan. Children of Charles F. Branihall (351) and Mary Evaline Couni. 497. George, b. Oct. ji, 1896, at Kingman, Kan. 498. Kthel Fern, b. June 8, 1900. Child of Hcnr\- S. Branihall (352) and Sarah Ann Co.\. 499. Joseph Henrv, b. Mar. 10, 1902, at F,fRngham, Kan. NINTH GENERATION. Children of William S. Bramhall (369) and Eva Faustina Kraet/er. 500. Kugene Kraetzer, b. Aug. 8, 1900, in Dorchester, Mass. 501. Marjorie, b. Jan. ], 1903, in Dorchester, Mass. 502. Robert Clark, b. Mar. 2 2, 1905, in Dorchester, Mass. Children of George B. Branihall (378) and Emily Hicks. 50J. Thomas Brewer, b. Aug. 2], 1902, in San I'rancisco, Cal. 504. Frvin, b. Jan. 14, 1905, in Palo Alto, Cal. Child of Mary E. Branihall (384J and John Bell, Jr. 505. Annie Grace, b. Nov. 10, 1898, at Sterrettania, Krie Co., Pa. Children of Charles R. Bramhall (385) and I'",mnia B. Altenberg. 506. Arthur Lisle, b. July 27, 1892, at Georgetown, Del. 507. Lilly, b. Feb. 26, 1894, at Spartansburg, Pa. 508. Charlotte Hazel, b. Oct. 13, 1895, ^^ Spartansburg, I'a. 509. Alta Mary, b. Mar. 23, 1898, at Centreville, Pa. 510. Charles Harold, b. Nov. 12, 1900, at Centreville, Pa. 511. FJizabeth Lenora, b. Mar. 7, 1906, at Centreville, Pa. Children of Lillic Emily Bramhall (393J and Frank B. Tavlor. 51 2. Louisa Averill. 513. Mary Bramhall. 29 NINTH GENERATION Continued. Children of foseph M. Bramhall (454) and Ethel L. Ross. 514. Nellie Pearl, b. May 27, 1884, at Camptown, Pa. 515. William Harrison, b. Keb. 29, 1888, at Laceyville, Pa. 516. Charles Dewey, b. F"eb. 14, 1890, at Laceyville, Pa. Children ot" Jennie P. Bramhall (456) and Charles N. Ross. 517. George Washington, b. June 17, 1884, at Laceyville, Pa. 518. Myrtle Martha, b. Nov. 20, 1886, at Laceyville, Pa. 519. Edythe May, b. Mar. 4, 1892. 520. Edna J., b. June 27, 1893. 521. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 5, 1895. 522. Emma Rosette, b. Oct. 17, 1897. 52 J. Ethel Lena, b. Sept. i, 1899. 524. Theodore Roosevelt, b. Dec. 6, 1901. 525. Valeria Charlotte, b. Feb. 12, 1904, at Laceyville, Pa. Child of Martin L. Bramhall (457) and Mabel A. Beaumont. 526. Fav, b. Jan. 25, 1897, at Camptown, Pa. Child of Anna R. Bramhall (458) and Grant W. Pcet. 527. Glen, b. July 10, 1892, at Cold Creek, Pa. Child of" Josie Bramhall (462) and Hale E. Ryther. 528. Florence Louise, b. Aug. 20, 1889, at Three Oaks, Mich. 30 THE MAINE BRANCH. Cornelius Hraniliall (ly) settled in I'orthuui, Maine, and his descend- ants have formed what is known as the "Maine Branch" of the family. The following data, furnished by Mr. Howard 1'".. Bramhall, of Camden, Me., was not completed in time tor incorporation with the record on the foregoing pages. FIFTH GENERATION. Cliiliiren of Cornelius Bramhall (191 and Mercy Torrev. 535. Mercy, m. Simon Annis. 556. Cornelius, b. Oct. 9, 1777, North Haven, Me.; li. Oct. 9, i S46, at Belfast, Me. 5 J 7. Sarah. 538. Joshua. 539. Joseph, killed in Revolutionary war; no descendants. 540. Mary, d. unm. 54 [. Josiah, d. unm. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Mercv Bramhall (55^) and Simon Annis. 542. Ezra Cornelius, b. Oct. 4, 1800; m. Sarah Stinson; children: — dicn: J()NATH.AN, 1>. July 15, 1S59; m. 1st, Lucinda Whaling; cliilJn Albert B., b. Sept. iS, 1862J unm. Jennie C, b. Aug. 28, 1866; d. Jan. 30, iSSfi; unm. Lillian F., b. May 2, 1873; m. Edward Carvci-, V'in.il Havrn, Me. m. 2d, Fannie A. Mansfield; no children. SIMOM, b. 1S41; d. 1S6S; unm. ARNOLD, b. 1842; m. Lydia J. Pendleton; children: — William. JANIK, m. Clifton Fendleton, North Islesboro, Me. LOUISA, b. 1844; m. David Tolman; children: — Flora, b. Dec. 7, 1869; m. 1st, Edmund Cooper; 2d, Osc.u Annis. Catherine, b. Dec. 9, 1871; m. Fred. Coombs. Emma, b. Dec. 25, 1873; m. William Libby. William, b. Oct. 4, 1876; unm. Ada, b. Sept. 12, 1 879; m. Herbert E. Payson; Percy, h. Jan. 4, 1882. Alfred, b. Aug., 1884. F'rederick, b. May 20, 1887. MARY, d. unm. EMMA, b. 1848; m. Frank Voung, Winterport, Me. ELIZABETH, b. 1853; m. J. W. Whittier; d. Nov. iS, 1S73; no children HANNAH, b. 1855; m. Edwin Foster, Bristol, Me.; no children. ADA, b. Aug. 28, 1858; m. Frank A. Joyce; children; — Irvin, b. Apr. 20, 1880. Hanson, b. Dec. 20, 1884. Lucy, b. Aug. 10, 18S7. Martin, b. Dec. 17, 18S9. Walter, b. July 5, 1892. Orris, b. Jan. 10, 1899. 31 SIXTH GENERATION -Continued. 543. John Branihall, U. jiin. 16, 1802, Vinal Haven; li. Jan. 15, iS<;i. 544. David Malcolm. 545. Arnold, d. in infancy. 546. Adeline, ni. John Annis; 13 cliildrcn. 547. Mary, m. ist, Solomon Thurston (two children! ; 2d, Krye. 548. Sarah, m. Beady, of" Harmon, Me.; no children. 549. Abigail, m. Isaac Cook, of Ellsworth, Me.; four children. 550. Arnold, 2d. d. unm. Children of Cornelius Brainhall (536) anJ |ane Pierce. 551. Robert I'',., b. Oct. 2j, 1807; m. Nancv Grafton. 552. Sarah K., b. Aug. 7, 1809, at Belfast, Me.; d. May 6, i860. 553. Joshua, b. Dec. 8, 18 10; d. Mar. 28, 1880, at Camden, Me. 554. Jane, b. June — , 18 12, at Camden, Me.; m. Capt. Ezra Hall; d. Dec. 17, 1850, at Belfast, Me. 555. David P., b. Sept., 1816; d. July 18, 1859, at Southampton, Eng.; no descendants. 556. Eben P., b. July 24, 1818, at Belfast, Me.; lost at sea, Jan. i, i Xf)!. 557. John Crie, b. Sept., 1820; d. May, 1868; buried May 5, Manila, [\ 1. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Robert E. Bramhall (551) and Nancy Grafton. 558. Thomas S., b. Sept. 25, 1832; d. June 6, 1845. 559. Cieorge A., b. May 6, 1835; d. Jan. 6, 1905, at Rockland, Me. 560. Mary K., b. July i, 1838; d. Apr. 24, 1903. 561. Robert F., b. Sept. 27, 1841; d. 1867 at Galveston, Texas. 562. Dolly Frances, b. June 27, 1844; res. Cambridge, Mass.; m. Alon/o Falls. 563. Margaret M., b. May 16, 1847; d. — ; no descendants. Children of Sarah K. Bramhall (5521 and Jolm B. Annis (543). 564. Abba J., b. June 22, 1840, at Vinal Haven, Me.; unm. 565. J. Frank, b. June 26, 1841, at Vinal Haven; d. 1880. 566. Mary E. B., b. Jan. 24, 1844; m. Benjamin l<". Stover; children: — ARTHUR F., b. Jan. 19, iSfifi. VICTOR C, b. Feb. 21, 186S; m. Mary D. H.iys ; div. CLARENCE, b. July 16, 1870; m. Maud Younj;; res. Rockland, Mc; children: — Clarence, b. Dec. zj, 1897; d. in infancy. Earl M., b. Feb. 22, 1899. ERNEST L., b. July 2, 1875; m. Lottie E. Higgins, res. Rockfort, Me.; children: - Bessie M., b. Feb. 26, 1903. Madeline I., b. Aug. 15, 1904. HARRIE GRANVILLE, b. July 31, 1883; unm. m. 2d, M. V. Thomas, Belfast, Me. 567. Sarah C, b. Nov. 28, 1845; d. in infancy. 568. Edwin P., b. Apr. 19, 1847, at Belfast, Me.; m. ist, Mary Taylor; 2d, Mary A. Douglas; res. Rockland, Me.; no chiKlren. 32 SEVENTH GENERATION — Continued. 569. Sarah C, 2d, h. Sept. 7, 1849, ^^ Belfast, Mc ; 111. Cieo. A. Stover; child:— ROSSELLE G.; m. Klora H. .Stinson; child: — Florenck, h. July 3, 1883; uiini. Children of |osliiia Hranihall I i i^ 1 ami Eliiiina Hall. 570. Joshua hrancis, b. June ;o, 18^5; d. Dec. 28, 1867, liiagua, W. 1.; umn. 571.' Susan Ann, b. Oct. 27, 1836, at Belfast, Me.; ni. ist. Axel 1. Lowney; 2d, John H. Bourne; res. Camden, Me.; no children. 572. Cornelius Kdwin, b. July 5, 1839, at Belfast; res. Friendship, Me. 57J. Klmina Angelett, b. May 4, 1841; d. July 6, 1871, Alleghany City, Pa.; ni. Lewis D. Harbaugh; no children. 574. Jane Sarah, b. Nov. 21, 1842; d. Sept. 17, 1890, at Camden, Me.; m. Augustus Frescott; no children. 575. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Dec. 15, 1844, at Belfast, Me.; res. Camden, Me. 576. Fzra Hall, b. Mar. 9, 1846, at Belfast, Me.; d. Nov. 16, 1906, at Camden, Me. 577. Helen A., b. June 2, 1847; Belfast, Me.; d. Nov. 14, 1865, unm. 578. Solon David, b. May 30, 1849; d. Jan. 5, 1904, at Brunswick, Me. Children of |ane Bramhall (^54) and Capt. Ezra Hall. 579. Sarah Jane, b. Camden, Me.; d. 1901, aged 65 vears, Providence, R. 1.; m. 1st, Charles Abbott; child: — EUGENE, res. Aroostook, Me. m. 2d, Martin Gowell; children: — WALTER, m. Nina Clementsj res. Guines, Cuba. MARY, m. Carter, Providence, R. I. 580. Albert, res. in Cuba. 581. David H. 582. Ezra B. Child of David P. Bramhall C55i) and Sarah H. Caldervvood. 583. Klmira Louise, d. at 13 mos. Children of Eben 1*. Bramhall (556) and Nancy C. Condon. 584. John, b. June 14, 1845 ( ^^^ f ^" with their father. Jan. ., -',,^ •;, ' ,-; 1 Tx n ^ }■ 1861, on Iai;i;,i/i,i, Portland to J 8 5. Lrastus Freeman, b. Oct. 23, 1846 j n,,,. York, in a storm. 586. Eben Franklin, b. July 10, 1848; res. Belfast, Me. 587. Harriet Lovenia, b. Sept. 9, 1850. 588. Hiram Albin, b. June 11, 1857; m. Mrs. Jennie Blackburn. Child of |()hn Cric Braniiiall ( Si"l """J Ifannah Rohinson. 5S9. I'.mma C, b. ; d. Aug. 1891, at lielfasr, Mc. 33 EIGHTH GENERATION. Cliild ol' Cornelius P.. Branihall (i72) aiul |aiic Berry. 590. Fred Aldus, b. July ji, ii^74; res. Belmont, Me. Children ot Cornelius I'.. Braniluill ( ^721 and Annie P. Simmons. 591. Gertrude May, I1. May 14, 1880, at Friendship, Me. 592. Lillian Belle, b. Feb. 20, 1885, at Friendship, Me. 593. William Friiest, b. Mav 9, 1887, at Friendship, Me. Child of Caroline E. Branihall ( 5"i ) and Fred D. Aldus. 594. Carrie Flvelena, b. Aug. 26, 1877; m. Leo F. Strong, Camden; no children. Children ot Ezra H. Branihall (576) and Emma E. Swan. 595. Louis Percival, b. Jan. 21, 1872, at Camden, Me.; res. Camden. 596. Howard Kverett, b. Mar. 16, 1874, at Camden; res. Camden, Me. Child of Ezra H. Bramhall (576) and .Abbie E. Holmes. 597. Ivan Holmes, b. Oct. 2, 1891; d. Apr. 9, 1898. Children of Solon D. Bramhall (578J and Laura Burnett. 598. Robert Kmerv, b. Sept. i^74- 599. Lida, b. i 876. Child of Eben F. Bramhall (^86) and Eliza Hale Bent. 600. Hattie, b. Nov. 14, 1876. Children of Eben F. Bramhall (586) and Alice Coombs. 601. Frank Klmer, b. Aug. 17, 1888. 602. Ralph Albin, b. Apr. 11, 1891. 603. Theodore Crie, b. June i i, 1900. Child of Harriet I,. Bramhall (587) and Eli Cook. 604. Frederica May, b. Jan. 7, 18S4, at Belfast, Me.; m. Leslie Follette. Children of Emma C. Bramhall ( 589) and Riehard Sticknev. 605. Ralph B., b. Mav 15, 1877. 606. John B., b. July'i6, 1878. 607. Lizzie, b. May 30, T883; m. McCandless; res. Brooks, Me.; one child. 34 NINTH GENERATION. Child of Gertrude May Branihall (591) and Charles A. Simmons. 608. Amy, b. Mar. 7, 1897, at I'riendship, Me. Child of Louis P. Bramhall (595) and Eda Maud Clark. 609. Lloyd Wayland, b. Dec. 3, 1897, at Camden, Mc. Children of Howard E. Bramhall (596J and Bertha A. Loeb. 6io. Kdith Irene, b. Sept. i, 1900. 611. Herbert Leon, b. Feb. 15, 1903. Children of Hattie Bramhall (600) and William Galetly. 612. Ruth E., b Aug. 16, 1902, at Pawtucket, R. L 613. Jennie Kstelle, b. July 12, 1904, at Pawtucket, R. L 614. John Bramhall, b. Mar. 15, 1906, at Pawtucket, R. L Unattached. 615. Joseph Bramhall, lived and died in Hadfield village, Derbyshire, Kng. ; children: — 616. James, b. in Hadfield; d. in Ashton-under-Lvne, aged 63 yrs. 617. Joseph, b. and d. in Hadfield. 618. Thomas, d. in London. 619. John, d. in Rochdale. 620. Jess, d. in Hadfield. 621. Mary, d. in Buxton. 622. Sarah, d. in Glossip. 623. Hannah, d. in Hadfield. Children of |anies Bramhall (616) and . 624. Joseph, b. 1831; d. young. 625. Joseph 2d, b. Sept. 11, 1833, in Ashton-under-Lyne, Kng.; tailor; d. Mar. 6, 1905, Kensington, Phila. 626. James, b. 1 835. 627. lohn, d. \oiing. 628. Sarah, 629. Thyrza, 630. Klizabeth, 631. Unas, b. in Ashton and now dead. Children of Joseph Bramhall (6z;) and Emma 625a. Jane, b. Apr. 6, 1856; lives in Kng.; m. and has five children. 626a. Harry, b. Mar. 6, i 858, in Ashton-under-Lyne; d. 18S9; no child. 632. Thomas Bramhall, Ksq. of Tamworth, Co. Stafford; m. Sophia Robinson; eldest son : — 633. John, b. 1809; m. Clara Klizabeth Gilchrist; B. A. Oxford, vicar of Terrington, St. John, and Rural Dean of Lvnn, Marshland. 35 From "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors ot the RevolutioiKirv War:" — 634. Cornelius Bramhall, Talmouth; private, Capt. Davitl Bradish's Co., May 12, 1775; prom, corp., Capt. '\'ork's Co., 31st Regt., Aug. 9, 1776. 6J5. Cornelius Bramhall, Ciimhcrhuul; private. Col. Sherburne's Kegt.; rept. deserted Aug. 2, 1777. 6j6. Joseph Bramhall, I'lymouth ; private, Capt. Thos. Mayhew's Co., Col. Cotton's Regt.; enlisted May i, 1775; detached for expedi- tion to Newport, Sept. 25, 1777; discharged Oct. "^ i , 1777. 637. Joseph Brimhorn, private, Capt. Wood's Co., Col. Carpenter's (Plymouth Co.) Regt.; service, July 20-Aug. 27, 1777, at R. I. 638. Joshua Bramhall, Plymouth, Mass.; private, Capt. Joseph Stetson's Co., Col. Dike's Regt.; tlischarged Jan. 20, 1777; enlisted into Continental Army, ist Plymouth Co. Regt. Feb. 21, 1778; rept. deceased. 639. Joshua Bramhall, Weston; enlisted into Continental Army from Middlesex Co. 640. Joshua Bramhall, Barnstable; drummer, Capt. John Russell's (Sea- Coast) Co.; marched July 12, 1776; lieut. in Col. Bradford's (14th) Regt., Oct. 8, 1779, after y;}^ mos. service as ensign ; on command with boats at West Point, Aug., 178 i; on guard at Ft. Montgomery, March 22, 1782. 641. Joshua Brimhall, private, Capt. Davis' (Barnstable) Co., enlisted Jan. 12, 1780; also Capt. Cushing's Co.; service 36 mos., 14 days, at Castle and Governor's Islands, to Jan. 22, 1783; rept. deceased. 642. Caleb Brimhall, Hingham; private, Capt. Cushing's Co., Col. Benj. Lincoln's Regt., which assembled Apr. 19, 1775; enlisted Apr. 27, 1775, in Capt. Loring's Co., Col. Greaton's Regt.; in Capt. Cusing's Co., Col. Wm. Heath's (36th) Regt., Oct. 5, 1775. 643. Caleb Brimhorl, Hingham ; Capt. Cushing's Co., Col. Greaton's Regt., Dec. 18, 1775. (Probably same as 642.) 644. Gideon Brimhall; private, Capt. Daniel's Co., I.t. Col. Smith's (6th) Regt.; on return tor wages, Jan., 178 i, to Dec, 1782. 645. Samuel Brimhall, Abington, private, Capt. Reed's Co., Col. Bailey's Regt., which marched on the alarm ot Apr. 19, 1775; also Capt. Cobb's Co., Col. Titcomb's Regt.; marched Bridgewater and Abington to Bristol, R. 1., Apr. 21, 1777. 646. Sylvanus Briniahall, Gorham; enlisted into Continental Armv trom Capt. McLellan's Co., Col. Reuben Fogg's (3d Cumberland Co.) Regt., rtn. dated Nov. 23, 1778; joined Capt. Maybury's Co., Col. I'rancis' Regt. 647. Sylvanus Brimhall, Gorham ; private, Capt. Maybury's Co., Col. Tupper's Regt.; enlisted Dec. 20, 1776; at West Point, March, 1779; on rolls to Dec. 31, 1779. (Doubtless same as 646.) 36 648. Sylvaiuis Brinihall, I'lvmton; enlisted into ContinL-ntal Arniv, Apr. 28, 1778, from Capt. Shaw's Co., Plymouth Co. Regt.; joined Capt. Dunham's Co., Col. Bailey's Kegt. 649. .Sylvanus Brimhall, private, Capt. Smith's Co., Col. Jacob's Regt.; on pay-roll tor Nov., 1778. 650. Sylvanus Bi-imhall, seaman, hrig Hazard, Capt. Williams; engaged May 15, 1779; reported among crew of ship Putuani. 651. Sylvanus Brimhall, Barre; age, 22 yrs.; 5 tt. 10 in.; complexion light; arrived Springfield, July 15, 1780; discharged, Dec. 19, 1780. 652. Brimhall; lieut. in Col. Jackson's (_^d. Mass.) Regt. 65J. Robert Bramhall, m. Mercy Ricii, Mar. 4, 1788,31 Welfleet, Mass. 654. Jacob Bramhall, b. I<"eb. 1, 1S15, in N'irginia; private, 1 .audervale's batln. Tenn. Mtd. Inf., 1857-8; d. Feb. 20, 1872, in Wright Co., Mo. ChiKlrcn of |;ro1i Uramli.ill (f)^\) and Elizabeth .Aaron. 655. George W., b. Sept. 23, 1842. 656. Thomas Jefferson, b. Apr. 25, 1 S46; d. Mar. 30, 1877. 657. John .Aaron, b. May 15, 184H; private, Capt. I'aul's Co., K. M. M., Baptist minister; res. Winona, Mo. 658. Hiram D., b. Dec. i 5, i 849, Laclede Co., Mo.; res. Grove Spring, Mo. 659. Mary M., m. Francis M. I'erryman; res. Grove Spring, Mo. 660. James M., b. July 31, 1856; res. Grove Spring, Mo. 661. Jacob P., b. Mar. 23, 1858; m. K. Starkey, no child; res. Paris, Tex. 662. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 12, i860; m. John C. Smith, Walla Walla, Wash. 663. Fernando Cortez, b. Dec. 31, 1862; res. Paris, Tex. 664. William Alonzo, b. Mar. 6, 1865; res. Dayton, Wash. 665. Columbus M., b. Mar. 9, 1867; res. Dayton, Wash. Children of George W. Bramhall (655) and I'.llcn Good. 666. John, res. Springfield, Mo. 667. David Francis, b. June i, i860; d. Sept. 16. 668. Jacob Riley, b. Oct. 27, 1861; m. Martha Young; res. Wylie, Tex. 669. George W., b. Jan. 4, 1864, m. Lizzie Priestee; res. Grove Spring. 670. Martha E., b. July 27, 1866, in Ark.; m. John Garrett; d. 671. Mary A., b. Oct. 1868, in Ark. 672. Robert v., b. Oct. 23, 1870, in Mo.; m. Minda Heath; res. Robby, Tex. Children of Thomas |. Bramhall (656) and Elizabeth Broils. 673. Barney Daniel, b. Nov. 8, 1866; res. Morence, Colo. 674. Jacob G., b. Jan. 19, 1868; res. Stanwall, I. T. 675. James P., b. Sept. it, 1869; res. Heppner, Mo. 676. Hiram T., b. Feb. 12, 1873; unm.; res. Millers, Nev. 677. Isaiah, b. Oct. 8, 1874; res. Passover, Mo. 678. Atlanta, b. July 28, 1871; m. K. W. Thomas; d. May 15, 1895; no children. 37 Chiklrcn of |ohn A. liramhall (657) and Lucrctia A. Webb. 679. William Archie 1,., 1>. JuK' ^i, 1 !^'^>7; m. Mabel Williams; res. I)e Lamar, Idaho. 680. Gilbert K., b. N()\-. 14, 1 S'xy; d. .Aug. 10, 190J, .Shannon Co., Mo. 681. Mary Barbara I'.llen, b. Jan. 15, 1872; ti. Aug., 187^. 682. John H., b. May 6, 1874; res. Springfield, Mo. 683. Hiram A., b. Nov. 9, 1876, in Wright Co., Mo.; private 11. Co., 18th, W. S. Inf., 189H; res. Olive Branch, Miss. Chiklrcn of John A. Bramhall (657) and Mary A. Mills. 684. Lydia A., b. Dec. 20, T879, in Howell Co., Mo.; d. l''eb. 24, 1880. 685. Lewis G., b. Dec. 14, 1880; unni.; res. Kansas City, Mo. 686. Lucy Leanner, b. Apr. 5, 188;;; res. Winona, Mo. 687. Mary Louisa, b. July 10, 1885; in Shannon Co., Mo.; d. Sept. 12, 1886. 688. Laura Alice, b. June 10, 1887, Shannon Co., Mo.; d. Julv 15, 1887. 689. Ola Elizabeth, b. Jan. 24, 1 S89; res. Madison, 111. 690. Cora Gertrude, b. Aug 2, 1891; unm.; res. Winona, Mo. 69T. Walter C^, b. June 1 i, 181;^, res. Winona, Mo. Children of Hiram 1). Hr.iniliall (6»;S) and Marih.i Iv. Findicy. 692. Bertha l'.., b. July 12, 1874; res. Lebanon, Mo. 693. Kmma L., b. Oct. 13, 1877. 694. Andy Porter, b. Jan. 3, 1879; d. Jan. 13, 1902. 695. Mary Kllen, b. Sept. 5, 1881 ; res. Lebanon, Mo. 696. Alfred T. , b. Mar. 7, 1884; res. Cirove S)-iring, Mo. Children of |aiiies M. Bramhall (660) and .Alice Carr. 697. b'rancis h. , b. Dec. 16, 1885; d. 698. William A., b. May S, 1889.^. l-ljiel lua^enev- 699. Oscar Lee, b. Jan. 14, 1895. m, ktht/ ^^'^e^H^r £,„.te M^^^k i- jfn.- Jamas Wv-i/ca rt.i- ,- ,k , r Children of Fernando C. Bramhall (663! and Rtta Moore. '^°*^- '^ "' ' 700. William Monroe, b. June 17, 1892. 701. Robert Leroy, b. b'eb. 11, 1 894. 702. Annie Alena, b. Dec. 6, 1897. 703. Mabel, b. Nov. 28, 1901. Children of Cohinilnis M. Bramhall (66^) and Clara M. L.aing. 704. Velnia, b. Apr. 7, 1902. 705. (Jenevieve, b. Sept. 3, 1903. Chilli of Barncv D. Bramhall (673) ;>nd Jessie .Allen. 706. Mary K., b. .Apr. 23, 1907. 38 Chililrcii of jaccih G. Bramhall (67^1 and Myrtle Wheeler. 707. Nettie K., h. Aug. 16, 1897; d. Apr., 1S9S. 708. OUie, b. Jan. 20, i8y8. 709. Roy T., h. June 2, 1902; d. Mar. 15, lyoj. 710. Nola, h. Dec. 22, 1906; d. Dec, 1906. 711. Dollie, ti. Mar.