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A party sent out by Columbus from the vessels of his expedition in 1492 to explore the island of Cuba, reported that they had seen people who *' carried lighted firebrands, and perfumed them- selves with certain herbs which they carried with them." As the continent of America was explored, later, it was found that the consumption of tobacco, especially by smoking, was a universal and time-honored usage, in many cases bound up with the most significant and solemn tribal ceremonies. '.#- BOTANICAL AND HISTORICAL The botanical name of the plant (Nico- tiana) was given it to commemorate the ser- vices rendered by Jean Nicot, a French Ambas- sador to Portugal. Seeds of the plant were sent by him from the Peninsula to the Queen, Catherine de Medici, accompanied by a report containing such information as he could obtain concerning it. The plant was first introduced into Europe in 1558, by Francisco Fernandes, a physician, who had been sent by Philip II. of Spain to investigate the products of Mexico. At that time the plant was supposed to pos- sess great healing powers. Although the Spaniards were the first to bring tobacco, as a plant, into Europe, the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B: ^^1^^ ^^■j! %.^ : 5^ *• ■' ■■'■ ,.'^- v5« .■ •'('■■' M ;fei-:: y. ' *'- ^I^^^^^^^^^^B^ ■ -;^';H ''"'WMiA- labit of smoking it was spread by the English, n 1536 Ralph Lane, the first Governor ot /'irginia, and Sir Francis Drake, took over /ith them a smoking outfit, which they pre- ented to Sir Walter Raleigh, and Sir Walter lust have learned to "use the weed," for English history tells us "he took a pipe of to- acco a little before he went to ye scaffolde." With the example of the illustrious Raleigh efore them, the Elizabethan courtiers and A^ells soon became smokers. During the sev- nteenth century the indulgence in tobacco Dread with marvelous rapidity throughout 11 countries. '* Blessings on Old Raleigh's liead, Tliough upon the block it felly For the knowledge he first sptead, Of the herb 1 love so well,'' CUBA The island of Cuba is probably one of the most fertile spots in the world, one of its chief products being tobacco. The commercial varieties and the source of supply of leaf tobaccos are numerous. Special qualities, as of wines, belong to certain locali- ties, outside of which they cannot be cultivated. Moreover, as is also the case with wines, the crops vary in richness and delicacy of flavor with the seasons of their growth, so that in certain years the product is of much greater value than in others. National tastes and hab- its determine, in a measure, the destination of tobacco. Of cigar tobaccos, there are many varieties; the most valuable in the world are cultivated in the western portion of the island of Cuba, known as the Vuelta Abajo Section, in the District of Pinar del Rio. From Brazil have been exported, in recent years, large quantities of tobacco to Germany and Austria for cigar making. Mexico to the west, Porto Rico to the east, and the Philippine Islands in the far east, produce considerable cigar tobacco, while no small quantity is ex- ported from Java and Sumatra. Some of these tobaccos look very much like Havana, and are often sold for such. It requires many years of experience to distinguish them from Havana. '^He wlio does not smoke J^as eithei known no griefs, or refuses liimself the softest consolation next to tliat which comes fzom tieaven/' — Bulwer Litton, 11 TOBACCO PLANTING Tobacco planting in Cuba is usually done in the months of October, November and December. If the weather has been favor- able, cutting begins in the latter part of Janu- ary, or as soon as the leaves begin to ripen. After cutting, the leaves are hung in sheds, where they remain until they are nearly cured. Then they are assorted into grades or classes, according to quality and texture, and packed in bales of eighty (80) carots; the total weight of the same being in the neighborhood of one hundred (100) pounds. The eighty (80) carots are packed firmly, and covered with the bark taken from the palm tree. The curing process continues in the bales, which are examined 13 from time to time. When a bale becomes perfectly cured, it is then suitable to be worked into cigars. Considerable knowledge and ex- perience is required to bring tobacco to this condition. The curing is what brings out its best qualities. The better cured, the better the quality and aroma, and higher the price. ''Whai wonder if I wonder noty Tfie rich, the giddy and the proud. Contented in this quiet spot, To blow my aftet dinner cloud." — Henry S. Leigh. THE MAKING OF CIGARS The capable and efficient cigar manufac- turer in Cuba, or the United States, first secures his tobaccos, generally from the Vuelta 15 Abajo District, some crops being milder and others heavier and richer, or rather higher flavored. The bales which are perfectly cured and ripe are used first. Making a blend means the combining of several types, thereby pro- ducing a richly flavored aromatic Havana cigar that is so much sought after by the smok- ing public. The filler, which consists of the smaller leaves, is moistened and the stems removed. While so doing, such leaves as are not thor- oughly cured are separated, to be put through a further curing process. The wrapper leaves are very carefully handled, being selected for color, size, quality and texture, in accordance with the various grades of cigars to be made. 17 THE PACKING OF CIGARS The cigars are assorted by skilled packers or selectors, who divide them in many shades, according to the uniformity of color. The very lightest cigars are marked "Claro," meaning light. The next lightest are marked "Colorado Claro," meaning light brown; the next being marked "Colorado," meaning brown; the next being marked "Colorado Maduro," meaning ripe brown. These marks have no bearing on the relative strength or quality of the goods. CIGAR SHAPES Smokers who are judges of cigars, generally select those made in straight shapes, as they are sure to burn, smoke, and taste better than 19 cigars made with pointed ends. The latter frequently draw hard and are difficult to light properly, and also do not give the smoker the full flavor or bouquet of the tobacco from the start. Furthermore, straight shaped cigars usu- ally contain more tobacco than fancy shapes, and generally give better satisfaction in every way. * * Let him now smoke who ne^ HH^Hb^^^H^F .-w^h|^% i^^^^^^ii^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^^H^II ^^■■^^^^B l!!-j|^HP* ''"'"" "wBrai^Jfc™™ MPiL^iJ -.k^PI^^HB Irfl ^^^^HK^K^^ ' Ktiilil.ll.1 ,1 ■■ kRJB n^^^^ 1 MftHBtn^HI ''Colorado" means brown and "Colorado Ma- duro" ripe brown; this applies to the wrapper only. The fact is that when a dark wrapper is well cured and of good quality, it is practically milder than a light wrapper of the same quality, which is not as well cured. It is the CURING of tobacco which governs its strength. The better cured the material the milder the cigar. At the same time there are many grades of Havana tobacco which retain their light color, and are generally mild, as they do not have sufficient gum or gloss to cure them to a degree where they become dark. Hence, in fine material the light and dark are equally good, but usually the dark, which has the least gloss, is the mildest. In poor tobaccos the light and dark are equally strong and rank, as the color 31 I loes not influence the quality or strength in hie sHghtest degree. Neither does the color of he ash denote the quality of the cigar. Some f the choicest crops burn to a very dark gray olor, and I have known very fine material to roduce ashes of various colors, such as dark ray, with a yellowish cast, or light gray with muddy or reddish cast, while others burn al- lost white. It will therefore be readily seen hat the color of the ash has no bearing what- ver on the quality of the cigar. Some of the lost ordinary grades of cigars consume to pure ^hite ash. Many smokers believe that certain shades of Qbacco are peculiarly adapted to their taste, nd in their efforts to secure their particular hade of either brown, green, yellow, or what- ver it may be, unnecessarily worry themselves. 33 as well as the dealer, with their impossible desires. Tobacco cannot be judged by shades, or matched like ribbons; it is a product of the earth, and the intelligent smoker judges it like other of nature's products. No one would think of asking a grocer for a peck of apples, or berries, all assorted to one size and color. The grain and texture produces quality and taste; the most pleasing to the eye is often the most gall- ing to the taste in tobacco, as well as in many other articles. I SPOTS ON CIGARS There are several varieties of spots on to- bacco. Some are green and others are yellow. The green spots are generally found in early cut tobaccos. The color of tobacco when cut is 35 green, and the leaves having little body do not cure up and change color as well as leaves having more body, therefore some parts of such leaves remain green in spots. This does not harm the tobacco. It only indicates that leaves having such spots have not the body to cure up as thoroughly as the stouter leaves. The yellow spots on cigars are caused by the rain throwing small particles of sand against the leaves, which, when bleached by the sun, become speckled, but are not injured in any degree whatsoever. Some manufacturers of cheap cigars have been spotting leaves artificially with acid, in order to give them that speckled appearance which certain persons think improves the qual- ity of tobacco. 37 Offering a Light. (THE CIGAR INDUSTRY The use of tobacco has contributed to the easure and enjoyment of more people than anything else produced in the world. Few smokers are familiar with the facts con- cerning the raising of tobacco and the art of making it into cigars. The choicest tobacco is raised in the famous Vuelta Abajo District of the Pindar del Rio Province, which is in the western end of the island of Cuba. No place in the world produces tobacco of such aroma as in this section, and there are various grades and qualities, some containing more wrappers of a much finer texture and aroma. In the finer leaf, the largest percentage of wrappers are generally found. This class naturally commands the high- est price. Frequently $10.00 to $15.00 per pound is paid for choice wrapper bales. 39 'RSTUJXIXG A CiGAi AfTEJi TaETSTG A LlGHT. » A few years ago the l)cst hrnnds of rv^;\r: were produced only in Cuba. Many hw^'y fac- tories there enjoyed a business wliich ?jrrK;urjt/:d practically to a monopoly, their products \)(:u\i{ shipped to all parts of the world. The passage of the McKinley bill in 1890, however, placed the American manufacturers of Havana cigars in a very favorable position to successfully compete with the Cuban manufac- turer. VARIETIES OF CIGARS There are many smokers who classify cigars as Domestic, Key West and Havana. DO- MESTIC and IMPORTED are correct, as all cigars manufactured in this country are Domestic, whether made of Havana, or any other tobacco. A Key West cigar is a Domestic cigar; the entire State of Florida is a cigar 41 Glass Jar Containing Cigars. manufacturing district, and there are all sorts and qualities of cigars manufactured there, out of tobacco raised in different sections of this country, as well as Cuba. The smoker who knows what he wants, asks either for a clear Havana or a Seed and Havana cigar. *'A Clear Havana" denotes a cigar made entirely of Ha- vana tobacco ; *'Seed and Havana" is a term used by the trade to designate a cigar which contains only a portion of Havana tobacco. Many manufacturers represent their goods to be Havana, when, in reality they are only Seed and Havana. Properly speaking, a "Seed and Havana" should consist of an all Havana filler, with the wrapper and binder of other tobacco, but often it has little, if any, Havana in the filler. Seed tobacco is tobacco raised in the United States, and the term ''Seed and Havana" 43 originally meant a cigar made with Havana filler and Seed wrapper and binder, and in recent years Sumatra has been extensively used in place of Seed for wrappers, but the old term ''Seed and Havana" still survives. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CIGARS MADE IN CUBA AND IN THE U. S. There exists in the minds of certain persons an idea that cigars manufactured in Cuba taste different and are superior to cigars of equally good Havana tobaccos that are made in the United States. There is no difference, excepting that the goods coming from Cuba absorb salt air in cross- ing the ocean, and, when smoked fresh, the smok- er gets the flavor of the salt ; but when the im- ported cigars are seasoned the salt evaporates, 45 leaving the tobacco in its natural condition, and no expert can distinguish the difference. TO CIGAR MERCHANTS The knack of keeping cigars in stock without their drying out or losing flavor is one which all dealers do not possess. This end may be ac- complished with but little expense, and it will result in a larger business and greater satisfac- tion to patrons. If the dealer has no vault in which to keep his stock, an air-tight chest may be used with the very best results. Cigars should be kept in vaults or chests for about thirty days after being made, as in that time the water will evaporate, and the full bouquet of the tobacco will be brought out. Cigars never lose their flavor or deteriorate with age, if properly kept. They 47 will retain their aroma, even though they get dry. Alternately moistening and drying cigars I will cause them to lose flavor, and the flavor of choice cigars is sometimes impaired bj^ their being kept in proximity to inferior grades arti- 'ficially flavored. The artificial flavor of the "doctored" goods is readily absorbed by the higher grade cigar. In California the atmosphere is so damp hat cigars always remain moist, and even dry igars become moist in a very short time. In me parts of Europe cigars keep in about e same condition as in California, and are nly sold after being in stock from two to five years. Cigars in Cuba always remain fresh and will not become dry. Only when the island is vis- ited by the north winds, during the winter sea- 49 5on, do they become sufficiently dry to smoke >vell. For many months during the year in Cuba, cigars are too moist to smoke, even if the material was in proper condition when they ivere made. The humidity of the air at times renders them so damp as to be unfit for use. '' Wtien love grows cold, Ihy fire still watms me. When friends ate fled, thy pzesence charms me. If tliou att fully thougti purse be bare, I smile and cast away all care." CIGARS IN GLASS TUBES The consumer of these goods has the satis- faction of knowing that the cigars are direct Tom the table of the cigarmaker. By the use 5f glass tubes, the cigars not only retain their latural aroma, but are rendered impervious to 51 the absorption of the odors of other articles ivith which they may come in contact. Every person who has been on an ocean trip is well aware of the disagreeable effects of salt air on cigars. No cigar is fit to smoke that has been exposed to the ocean air for any length of time. One that has been hermetically sealed in a glass tube can therefore be fully appreciated under these circumstances. The salt air or other deleterious odors have not reached it, and you can smoke it nearly to the end before it is affected. How often has it been exclaimed concerning the glass tube cigars, ''They are the only cigars fit to smoke on an ocean voyage." The following incident fully demonstrates this claim: In traveling from Havana to Tampa some years ago, I met several gentlemen from Boston, one of whom was purchasing cigars for 53 a large importing house and the other had been buying for personal use. The latter, having a little time on his hands, made the trip to Cuba in company with his friend and laid in a stock of cigars, ranging from $150 to $500 per thou- Ifeand, believing that he could buy them cheaper in Havana than of the dealers in Boston. When I saw the cigars he had purchased I called his attention to the fact that he had paid consid- erably more than the price he could have bought them for in the city where he lived. While smoking them on the boat they began to taste very badly, and he immediately lost confidence them, suspecting that he had been swindled. thereupon produced a few cigars in sealed glass tubes and divided them with the gentle- nan, who smoked them with great relish. I relieve he would have disposed of his entire 55 purchase of cigars at a greatly reduced price, but I explained to him that it was only the effect of the salt air, and that upon going ashore his cigars would soon be restored to their origi- nal flavor. Hermetically sealing each cigar in a glass tube possesses these unique advantages. After making, the cigars are seasoned to ex- actly the proper condition for immediate use and then enclosed in their individual air tight containers, thus not only preserving the original flavor and aroma which are the distinguishing qualities of only properly seasoned cigars, but also insuring them against dust and handling. Furthermore, when cigars are carried in an automobile, they are subjected to the permeat- ing and contaminating odors of oils and gasolene, which affect most deleteriously the finest to- 57 I bacco. The glass tube makes this impossible, and enables the tourist to carry and keep the best cigars in perfect condition indefinitely. The glass tube cigar is also very desirable when traveling by rail, as it is always in prime condition, regardless of steam heat or other changes in climate, being pure, sweet, clean and fragrant as anyone could desire. Put up in this way they are never handled until they reach the smoker. Aside from the question of clean- liness and a satisfaction of knowing what one is getting, they are in more perfect condition for use than they could possibly be when carried in any other manner. There is no reason why the pleasure of a good cigar should not be in- tensified by the manner in which it is served, the same as the pleasure of eating and drinking may be increased or diminished by the appear- 59 ance of the linen, tableware and the service that accompanies the dinner. At nearly all banquets and dinners, cigars are now served in glass tubes, and they are everywhere meeting with the approval of connoisseurs. ' '^5 the good ship glides with majestic sweep, O'er tl^e filmy spzay of tl^e ocean deep, My thougl^ts float away to the land afar, On the balmy wteath of my good cigar.'' THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING The smoking habit is one upon which '*doc- tors disagree" in discussing its effects upon the human system. It has never been fully demon- strated that tobacco is injurious, whereas, on the other hand, it has been conclusively proven that much pleasure may be derived from indul- gence in smoking. Many prominent men of all nations have stated, over and over again, that 61 they believed cigars were a necessity, that they stimulated the brain, rested the nerves, and had altogether a decidedly soothing effect upon the central nervous system. Millions of men in all walks of life will testify, that in the trials and perplexities of business, they find a solace in the smoke of a good cigar which nothing else can give, and which no other indulgence will bestow. To the lonely, tedious hours of the traveler, a cigar often serves to pass the time pleasantly. "The smoke (of the cigar) has an extraordi- nary power in removing exhaustion, listlessness and restlessness, especially when brought on by bodily or mental fatigue, and this property is the basis of its use as an article of luxury," says Sir Robert Christison, M. D. 63 It is very generally admitted by the medical profession, that tobacco is a safeguard against the contracting of various diseases. For exam- ple : during the cholera epidemic of 1892 in Ham- burg, which is a large cigar manufacturing point, only four out of a total of five thousand cigar- makers contracted the disease, and these foui recovered. Smokers are less liable than non-smokers tc contract diphtheria and other throat diseases in the ratio of one to twenty-eight. So says Professor Hajak, of Vienna. ^j^^CcX 64 THE DIFFERENCE IN CIGARS Few dealers and consumers realize the difficulties in the manufacture of cigars. Cigars when made look simple enough, and the public probably think that little effort is required to produce them. This is true of certain cigars which are made by machine, molds and team work, etc.; but cigars made strictly by HAND of the finest quality of tobaccos are entirely a different proposition. In order to produce FINE cigars, a supply of fine material must be secured sufficient to last for one year at least, as all crops vary in aroma. Only such crops or vegas must be obtained which, when properly blended, will produce that exqui- site aroma which is so much sought for by connoisseurs of fine Havana cigars. Even fine tobaccos may be blended to their disadvantage. There is a vast difference in Havana tobaccos; con- siderable is very bad, some is ordinary, some is fair, a little is very good. Not all Havana tobacco is good tobacco; some of the poorest tobacco in the world is L grown in Cuba. The same difference exists in diamond as in tobaccos; all are called diamonds, the majority o them are very poor, some are ordinary, some are fair some are good, and a few are very good; yet all ar called diamonds. About the same ratio exists in Ha van; tobaccos. The only good Havana tobacco is that which i raised on fine soil, in the Vuelta Abaja section, by ; capable and experienced farmer, who watches his cro] carefully and uses proper fertilizers, and under the righ weather conditions for growing, packing and curing produces good tobacco. It is well known to the trade that only a small por tion of the Island of Cuba can raise fine quality tobaccos The major part of the Island produces a tobacco tha while it is called Havana is in fact frequently much in ferior to tobaccos raised in many sections of the Unitei States and elsewhere. In view of these facts, the public can readily under stand that all cigars bonded, guaranteed, labeled an( sold as Havana cigars are not necessarily good cigan The writer, who some years ago manufactured the greatest quantity of high grade Havana cigars in the world, knows from experience that a large factory will not permit of producing extra fine goods of superior quality with positive regularity, owing to the difficulty in obtaining large quantities of choice Havana tobacco, because the crops vary according to weather conditions. The methods of good workmen vary as much as grades of tobacco. When using the same quality of tobacco the skilled workman will produce a decidedly better cigar than the unskilled workman. Good cigars — those that will smoke and taste right must be absolutely hand-made — require the most careful and arduous attention on the part of the skilled work- man; for this reason, capable hands are scarce. The Gene-Vall factory, employing only skilled workmen, produces a limited quantity of cigars (not exceeding three millions) made of the very best tobaccos. Only goods properly seasoned and in perfect condition are shipped from the factory. Each workman's product is boxed separately in order to insure uniformity. Our motto will be " HOW GOOD," not '* HOW MANY." Quality always being held paramount warrants our as- surance of producing absolutely the best cigars obtainable. The public is invited to inspect this model factory at all times. Yours respectfully, Eugene Vallens, GENE-VALL CIGAR COMPANY, Inc. ^0 C' , -^ " .0 M 0^ x'v^ :> <-, .^ ,0- <> <^^ V " \^ ^. .V ^0' t e^ V*' > -J. O V vO o o 0^ .\ . V 1 B .<^' .•^" .0' - V^ %' '-^ll^/ ^^ ■'^ K. %. 0-\-'V''/ c . ^XV .0' <'".':^•v^^".>"-°^^* .^■^^ " % .0^ \^ ^. \ .0 O -^^ , ,/V ^'' ^ '^o o"^ . c^::^ .'-^^^ :\'^ "^^ y- V^' .4> LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 469 983 7