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For instance: see the name of our Great Grandfather — Benjamin Elliott, 1-1; his oldest child, 2-1; second, 2-2 and so on, by that you will find the generation each belongs to. You will also notice the figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 in black type at the left of each para- graph indicates the generation down to the 4th that the paragraph starts with, except in a few cases. It was not thought best to insert much information in regard to the wealth or occupation of the different members of the family, or anything that would tend to a discrimination between them, socially or morally. I may here offer my thanks to the many who have assisted me by furnishing the records of their own and other families. The information respecting some branches of the family was obtained near two years ago, and consequently changes may have taken place of which no account is given. It is pleasing to review the lives of those from whom we derive our immediate descent and who have done honor to their family name by their talents and their virtues. It has been truly said, "The study of a family record elevates and enobles the nature of man, and lifts it up to a truer and nobler type. To know nothing' of our ancestry, or from whence we came; to have no reverence for the precious memories of the past or an interest in those who are to succeed us. in the battle of life, is for us to ignore the elements and influences that have made us what we are, to repudiate the natural instincts and affections of the human heart and to suppress the aspirations and hojies of a soul on its course on through endless cycles of eternity. A study of the jjioneer life of our forefathers could not fail to be both interesting and instructive to us, who have, as it were, placed ourselves out of the sight of the immediate past, merged ourselves so deeply in the concerns of the present, as to regard the scenes through which our ancestors passed as almost a myth. Let us, however, try to forget the present for a brief period, and transport ourselves in imagination to the rude log cabin of our Grand- fathers, when they reaped their grain with the reap hook (or hand sickle as we called it when I was a boy ) and compare those days with fL7n the self binder of today. How interesting those early scenes would look now in this age of progress to see the women and girls with their reap hooks reaping the golden grain. Our ancestors in those days had to endure many privations of the necessaries of life. The most rigid simplicity was observed in furniture, food and dress, as the women and girls had to spin and weave and make their clothing for fathers, mothers and children. It is greatly to be regretted that incidents and experiences of the pioneer life of our ancestors have not been preserved, as it would certainly not only be interesting, but prof- itable to us all, as decendants of the pioneer forefafhers herein men- tioned, to be acquainted with particulars of their lives; but when we contemplate the trials and dangers through which they passed in their struggles for existence in a new country, and the difficulties which met them on every hand, we need not wonder that so little time was devoted to writing and so little attention paid to the preservation of family records. Had the work of compiling this family record been attended to years ago, when the older members of the family were still living, much valuable and interesting information relating to our ancestors, could have been obtained which is now lost, but such as has been written is herewith presented, with the hope that, while it may be a disappointment to expectations, yet it may serve the purpose intended and be appreciated by those who may read the following pages. For those who have roamed the same hills and traversed the same valleys in childhood, it will certainly be a pleasant pastime to review the lives of their former associates, add thus recall with fond delight, the long lost scenes of the past, and the old homestead around which cluster many pleasant memories. JESSE C. VANS YOG. At Union Meeting house, three miles east of Zanesfield, .^ogan County, Ohio, October 1st, 1875; in answer to an invitation extended to the Elliot family, about 130 of the descendants of Benjamin El- liot and their companions met near the time appointed, and after a friendly and cheeriul introduction, many of them being strangers to each other, they partook of a bountiful dinner provided for the oo- casion. The company being called to order, Simon D. Elliot was ap- pointed chairman, and Asa Elliot and Enoch Wickersham, Secretaries. The object of the meeting being stated by the chairman, to-wit: A reunion of the family and its connections, renewing and strengthening the bond of love and friendship that has heretofore existed, and the encouragement to cherish and cultivate that love in their families as they become scattered and separated, that will qualify them to take their places in the church and the world, assisting by their counsel and influence to withstand the torrent of sin and iniquity that prevails in our country. John D. Elliot then read the following paper, sketching from memory the following short history of the Elliot family which was directed to be printed and copied with the proceedings of this meet- ing and then sent to each family where their residence is known. "In attempting to write some account of the family, I have neither resource for information but memory and therefore shall be very liable to make many mistakes. Much of what I know of our ancestors was learned while a boy in listening to the conversations of my grandparents, and others of the family. If I remember my Grand- father's Grandfather's name it was John Elliott. (The name was spelled "Eliot" until my Grandfather's time and he still contended that was the right way.) Of this first ancestor all I know is that he came from England in company with many others about the time the company came over with Wm. Penn, some of his relatives being in New England of whom John Elliot the great Indian Missionary was one. Our branch of the family settling in Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia. Of this family all I know of is three sons named Ben- jamin, Jacob, and Abraham. The two latter moved to South Carolina, leaving- Benjamin in York, or Chester County, Pennsylvania. Soon after the Revolutionary War he moved with his wife and some of his children to what is now Washington County, Pennsylvan- ia. 1 — The children of our Great Grandfather, Benjamin Elliot, 1-1 were: John, 2-1, Isaac, 2-2; Absalom, 2-3; and Lydia, 2-4; all of which I remember well, and one, named Mary, 2-5, who married Samuel Paden. 2 — John Elliot, 2-1, the eldest of the sons of Benjamin married Providence Parson in Pennsylvania and moved to Columbiana coun- t) ty, Ohio, about the year 1814. Had two sons, Joseph, 3-1 and John 3-2. 3 — Joseph, 3-1 married Elizabeth, and John, 3-2, married Martha Randal, two sisters, both of them lived on the land bought by their father in great harmony until, the death of their father who made his home with John, about four miles south of Salem, Ohio. Joseph, iSPl |h ad four sons and two daughters — John, 4-1; James, 4-2; Moses, 4-3; Enoch, 4-4; Rebecca, 4-5; and Lydia, 4-6. John is deceased. His three brothers still live in the same neighborhood. Twoi of them, JMoses and Enoch on the same homestead. But afterwards they mov- ed to Clark County, Iowa, seven miles south of Osceola, where they died. Rebecca married a man by the name of Charles Darrh, tut in a few years was left a widow. She is now In Iowa. 4 — Lydia, 4r6, married John Coffee who died in a few years and she still resides near Salem, Ohio. 3 — John, 3-2, brother of Joseph, sold his land in Columbiana county, about the year 1750 and removed to Logan county, Ohio. His children were: John, 4-1; Joseph, 4-4; Isaac, 4-2; Mary, 4-3; and Miram, 4-5. Mary married Andrew Pettit, and is now living near Grand Junction, Iowa. John married Almira Hathaway. He is now deceased. Had three children, Elmer, 5-1; Vinton, 5-2; and Flora, 5-3; who live with their mother on the farm bought or Jerub Baldwin. Soon after, they moved to Logan county, Ohio. Joseph, 4-4, married Ellen Kinsey. Their children, Josephine, 5-1; Martha, 5-2; Thaddeus, 5-3; and Lawrence, 5-4; and lives about three miles northeast of West Mansfield, Logan County, Ohio. 4 — Isaac 4-2, married, but died soon after. His widow lives in or near Brighton, Beaver County, Pennsj^lvania. Miram, 4-5, never mar- ried. She lives with her sister-in-law on the farm formerly owned by her father, who deceased a few years ago, leaving her an interest in it, her lifetime. 2— Absalom, 2-3, youngest son of Benjamin, married in Pennsyl- vania, was a Baptist minister. He removed about the year 1810 to Clark was a Baptist minister. He removed about the year 1810 to Clark County, Indiana. We know but little about his family. His son, James, 3-1, went as a soldier under General Harrison, was in the bat- tle of Tippecanoe, where the General had his headquarters. He set- tled after marriage in that neighborhood near his wife's father. She still retained many of the characteristics of backwoods life. When I saw her in 1837, near Rochester, Fulton County, Indiana, she told me that when their first child was about six months old, while sitting in their log cabin, their large dog lying on the floor and the child asleep in a trough, for a cradle, she heard the dog growl and looking out saw a large panther outside the fence that enclosed the door- yard. She arose and fastened the door. Told the dog to watch the baby and she crept out of back window, ran to her fathers, one-half mile off, got a gun and shot the panther. 3— The last I heard of James, 3-1, he was in Stark County, Indiana. His oldest sons name was Absalom, 4-1. He had two daughters mar- ried when I was there. John, 5-3; Absalom's 4-1 son I think never married, was rather a roving unsettled man. Absalom. 5-4, son of Absalom, 4-1, the last account that I have had of him he still lived in Southern Indiana but of his family we can give no account. I might mention here that in traveling in both Carolina and Indiana we have found many of our name, and of other names wlio claim to be descendants of Jacob and Abram Elliot of Carolina. 2 — We will commence with Isaac, 2-2, Elliot, our grandfather, son of Benjamin, 1-1. He was born the day of 1756, in York County, Pennsylvania. He marrried Alice Wilkinson, daughter of Joseph Wilkinson of London Grove, Pennsylvania. Their children were Benjamin, 3-1; Joseph, 3-2; Isaac, 3-3; Elizabeth, 3-4; Alice, 3-5; Mary, 3-6; Moses, 3-7; and Francis, 3-8. Benjamin, 3-1, married Susannah Supler in Washington County, Pennsylvania, and removed with his family to Stark County, Ohio, about the year 1811 or 1812. He there built a grist-mill and saw-mill on a beautiful stream called "Deer Creek". This was a great advantage to the people who most of them were newly settled on their lands. 3 — Benjamin's. 3-1, children were: Benjamin, 4-1; Isaac K., 4-2; Wilkinson, 4-3; Edith, 4-4; Susannah, 4-5; Rachel, 4-6; Ann, 4-7; Jonathan, 4-8; Agnes, 4-9; and Absalom, 4-10. Benjamin, 4-1, married Sarah Gruell, daughter of Timothy and Alice Gruell. His children are William, 5-1; Margaret, 5-2; Mahew, 5-3; Timothy, 5-4; Cyrus,5-5; and Alwilda, 5-6. Isaac K., 4-2, married Ann Bowman, for his first wife, daughter of Isaac Bowman. By her had four children named, Bowman, 5-1; Clarrissa, 5-2; Jane, 5-3; and Watson, 5-4. His sec- ond wife was Mary Norton, daughter of Jeremiah Norton. They had some family but I do not know their names. He is deceased and his first children most of them are in Oregon. Susannah, 4-5; mar- ried James Rochell, who is deceased leaving two sons and one daugh- ter, Benjamin, 5-1; Lynus,5-2; and Harriet, 5-3. She married the second time a man by the name of John Rosel, who lived but a few years. They had one daughter, Susannah, 5-4. She married a man by the name of Sherick. Rachel Elliot, 4-6, married Abraham Vanscoyoc, who lived but a few years. She is now married to Isaac Cope and living at Marlborough, Stark county, Ohio. Her sister, Ann, 4-7, is not married and lives at the same place. Wilkinson 4-3, married Sarah Taylor; their children are Abner, 5-1; Angeline, 5-2; Judith, 5-3; Mary, 5-4; Rachel, 5-5; Benjamin, 5-6; Ottimer, 5-7; and India, 5-8. He married a second wife by the name of Unis Scott, (she was a spiritual- ist.) They went to Hayti by the directions of the spirits and she died there. He came back to America and brought all his children ex- cept Angeline, 5-2, who was married and died in Hayti. He mar- ried the third wife by the name of Nancy McCrerory. Edith, Absalom and Jonathan are deceased. Jonathan and Absalom have left children but their names are not known to me. Johnathan's old- were newly settled on their lands. ( See also pag-e 17. ) I may mention a circumstance before leaving the family of Ben- jamin Elliot, that there is a silver headed cane in the family of Benjamin Elliot, son of Benjamin, that belonged to Benjamin Elliot 8 _^_ with the initials of his name and date on it, date not remembered, but sometime in 1780. I have seen it, which was to descend to the next oldest, Benjamin Elliot in perpetuity. Now I am done with the family of Benjamin, 3-1. I shall have to be more brief in treating of others for I find time will not admit of a detailed account. 3— Family of Joseph Elliot, 3-2, son of Isaac, 2-2, married Eliza- beth John, daughter of Joseph and Mary John. Their children were Mary, 4-1; Isaac, 4-2; John J., 4-3; Hannah, 4-4; Samuel, 4-5; Rebec- ca, 4-6; Benjamin, 4-7; and Aaron, 4-8. 4 — Mary Elliot, 4-1, daughter of Joseph, 3-2, and Elizabeth (John) Elliot. Her husband was William Downs. To them were born three children, Joseph, 5-1; John, 5-2; and Mariam, 5-3. Joseph, 5-1, ma:rried Catherine Black. To them were born two children, Emma, 6-1, and Elizabeth, 6-2. John, 5-2, and wife; to them were born two children, Mable, 6-1, and Bert, 6-2. Mariam, 5-3, married James Colwell of Portage County, Ohio. To them were born Seven children, Gillman, 6-1; Lillian, 6-2; Willard, 6-3; Barbery, 6-4; Eva, 6-5; James, 6-6; and Cora, 6-7. Gillman, 6-1, married Martha Chesington of Wayne County, Iowa. Lillian, 6-2, married Brose Vanderbilt of Wayne County, Iowa. Willard, 6-3, married, wife's name not known by me. Barbery, 6-4, married Edd Alexander. Eva, 6-5, married Horton McQua. James 6-6, married Mollie Berry. Cora 6-7, married Lewis Gwinn. Emma, Black, 6-1, daughter of Joseph and Catherine Black, married Henry Wish mire. To them were born two children: Jesse, 7-1, and Ella, 7-2. Eliza- beth Black married Henry Butcher. To them were born four children: Fred, 7-1; Dorothy, 7-2; May, 7-3 and Alvah, 7-4. Isaac Elliot, 4-2, son of Joseph, 3-2. and Elizabeth John Elliot, married Adaline Hutton. John J. Elliot, 4-3, son of Josephine, 3-2, and Elizabeth (John) Elliot, married Mary Stanley (Quaker Minister). To them were born three children, Garland, 5-1; James, 5-2; and Joseph, 5-3. Garland, 5-1, married Matilda Dunlap. To them were born three children, Mahlon, 6-1; Hannah, 6-2, and Chloe, 6-3. Mahlon. 6-1, married Luella Dickinson. Hannah, 6-2 married Bennett Outland, (Chloe, 6-3, married Verd Reams. James, 5-2, married a wife in Michigan. Joseph, 5-3, married Ann Lemon; children were Garland, 6-1, and John, 6-2. Hannah Elliot, 4-4, daugh- ter of Joseph and Elizabeth (John) Elliot. Her husband was Chas. Shinn. To them were born three children: Alsina, 5-1, Hannah, 5-2 and Joseph, 5-3. 4 — Samuel Elliot, 4-5, son of Joseph, 3-2 and Elizabeth (John) Elliot. His wife Martha Stanley. To them was born one daughter, Sarah, 5-1. She married James Lingrell. Rebecca Elliot, 4-6; daugh- ter of Joseph, 3-2, and Elizabeth (John) Elliot. Her husband William Watkins. To them were born nine children, William Jasper, 5-1; Charles, 5-2; James, 5-3; Nancy, 5-4; Joseph, 5-5; Mary, 5-6; New- ton, 5-7; Jennie, 5-8; and Aaron S., 5-9. William Jasper 5-1 married Mary O. Robb. She died leaving two children, Jasper, 6-1, and Mary, E., 6-2. Jasper, 6-1, married Eliza Titus. They have four children, Arby, 7-1; Avery, 7-2; Marie, 7-3; and Charles, 7-4. Mary E., 6-2 married Pleasant N. Thorp. They have one son, Kenneth, 7-1. Wil- 9 liam J., 5-1, afterwards married Sarah S. Kelly. To them were born Charles E., 6-3; Harry E., 6-4; Kelly M., 6-5; Bessie, 6-6; Tempa, 6-7; Ray, 6-S; and Mattie B., 6-9. Charles E., 6-3, married Cora Bald- win. To them one son was born, Elwood, 7-1. Harry E., 6-4, married Bess Andrews. Kelly M., 6-5, married Verna Wyburn. They have one son, Frank, 7-1. Charles W., 5-2, married Irene Wickersham. To them were born Irene C, 6-1, and Grace, 6-2. Irene, 7-1, married Mark Thomas. To them were born Helen, 8-1, and Charles, 8-2. Nancy E., 5-4, married David H. Harriman. They have one daughter, Mary E., 6-1, who is married to Amon Phelps. James H., 5-3, mar- ried Martha A. Kelley. To them were born Edna R., 6-1; Wm. Henry, 6-2; and Flora C, 6-3. Edna, 6-1, married Rev. James E. Harris and Flora, 6-3, married Robert Y. Folsom and have one daughter, Edna Esther, 7-1. Joseph M., 5-5, married Mary E. Kearns and have two sons: E. Everett, 6-1; and Lewis, 6-2. Lewis, 6-2, man ied Ines Wyburn and has one son, Wyburn, 7-1. Mary M., 5-8, marrijd Spain A. Skidmore and they have three children, Addie E., 6-1; Howard, 6-2; and Hazel,, 6-3. Addie, 6-1, married Herbert Turner and has four children, Lawrence, 7-1; Edith, 7-2; Edwin, 7-3; and Mary, 7-4. Eliza J., 6-1 married Gilbert Grabiel and has three chldren, Rebecca, 7-1; Anna, 7-2; and Cliff, 7-3; Isaac N., 6-2 married Marietta Johnson. They have six children, Wm. Emerson, 7-1; Troyless J.. 7-2; Boyd, -■♦S ; William, 7-4; Ruth, 7-5; and Donham, 7-6. W. E., 7-1, married Edna Townsend and has one son. Burl, 8-1 Troyless, 7-2, married Canie Sutherland. Harriet A., 7-5, died at the age of 13 months. Aaron S., 5-9, married Emma Davis and has one son, Willard M., 6-1. 4 — Aaron Elliot, 4-8, son of Joseph, 3-2, and Elizabeth (John) Elliot. His wife Harriet Hubbard. To them were born three child- ren, Eva, 5-1; Clara, 5-2; and Charles, 5-3. Eva, 5 1, married FranK Parker. Clara, 5-2, married Isaac Akey of Bellefon aine, Logan Coun- ty, Ohio. Charles, 5-3, n^ariied Minta Wallace. 3 — Family of Isaac Elliot, 3-3, son of Isaac, 2-2, married Ruth McCall, daughter of John ard Saiah McCall. Their children were John D., 4-1; Sarah, 4-2; Pheobe, 4-3; Joseph, 4-4; James, 4-5; ani Ruth, 4-6. He married to Agnes DeWire the second time. He thea married Rebecca DeWire, widow of Shaphat DeWire. Their child- ren were William, 4-7; George, 4-8; Thomas, 4-9; Abram, 4-10; Malinda, 4-11; and Mathew, 4-12. 3— Family of Alice McCall, 3-5, (daughter of Isaac Elliot, 2-2), mar- ried Joseph McCall, son of John and Sarah McCall. Their childre-i were, John, 4-1; Ruth, 4-2; Josiah, 4-3; Enoch, 4-4; Elizabeth, 4-5; Francis, 4-6; Hannah, 4-7; and Shaphat, 4-8. 3— Family of Elizabth McCall, 3-4, (daughter of Isaac Elliot, 2-2 married William McCall. Their children were Alice, 4-1; Sarah, 4-2; Thomas, 4-3; Mary, 4-4; Matilda, 4-5; George, 4-6; Jane, 4-7; and Solomon, 4-8. 3 — Family of Moses Elliot, 3-7, (son of Isaac Elliot, 2-2), mar- ried Rebecca Dooly Children's names were Joseph, 4-1; Elizabeth 4-2; Jeemiah, 4-3; Amos. 4-4; Mary, 4-5; Ellis, 4-6; and Anna 4-7. 3— Family of Francis Elliot, 3-8, (son of Isaac Elliot, 2-2, Sr.), 1 married Mary Baldwin. Children were Job, 4-1; Moses, 4-2; David, 4>-3; Wilkinson, 4-4; William, 4-5; Joel, 4-6; Levi, 4-7; and Elmira, 4-8. Francis married a second wife, Margaret Young and their children's names are not known by me. 3— Family of Mary, 3-6 (daughter of Isaac Elliot Sr., 2-2) mar- ried Jerub Baldwin, son of David Baldwin. Children's names were David, 4-1; Butler, 4-2; Elliot, 4-3; Jonah, 4-4; Henry, 4-5; Andrew, 4-6; Joseph, 4-7; and Silas, 4-8. 3 — Elizabeth McCall's, 3-4, children to whom married: Alice, 4-], married Butler Baldwin. Sarah, 4-2, not married. Thomas, 4-3, McCall, married Judith Bloomfield. To them were born nine child- ren, Lucinda, 5-1; Susan, 5-2; Lewis, 5-3; William, 5-4; Thomas, 5-5; Morris, 5-6; Chase, 5-7; Sallie, 5-8; and Malinda, 5-9. George McCall, 4-6, married Lydia Elliot. Matilda McCall married John Harris. Jane McCall, 4-7, married first husband, William Wilson; he deceased, had one son, William, 5-1; second husband, Isaac Minchel, to them were born two children, Frank Minchel, 5-2, and Mary Minchel, 5-3. Solo- man McCall, 4-8, married Acenath Hurlburt. 3 — Mary Baldwin's, 3-6, children to whom married: David, 4-1, married Lucir.da Southard. Butler, 4-2, married Matilda Lane. El- liot, 4-3, married Sarah A. Harriman. Jonah, 4-4, married Mary Yaring- ton. Andrew, 4-6, married Caroline Bishop. Henry, 4-5, man led Phoebe Ann Drake. Joseph, 4-7, married Angeline Bishop. His sec- ond wife was Mariah Bishop. Silas, 4-8, married Mary MeCulIoch. Abner Elliot, 5-1, son of Wilkinson, 4-3, and Sarah (Taylor) El- liot. To him and wife were born eight children. Names are Verner, 6-1; Oliver, 6-2; Agnes, 6-3; Arthur, 6-4; Hector, 6-5; Vernilla, 6-6, Hosier, 6-7; and Inez, 6-8. India Elliot, 5-8 (daughter of Wilkinson and Sarah (Taylor) Elliot. Her husband, Andrew Kelty. Their address Chatscannia, Oregon. Rachel Elliot, 5-5, daughter of Wilkinson, 4-3, and Saiah (Taylor) Elliot. Her husband, Thomas A. Willgus. To them were bora two sons. Etna, 6-1: Wilg'u.s, (v2: and Ldgar, 6-3: address Shelby, Iowa. Judith Elliot, 5-3, daughter of Wilkinson, 4-3 and Sarah (Taylor) Elliot: Her husband James Mitchell. Children's names are Charles R., 6-1; Mitchel, 6-2; and Mary, 6-3. Mary, 6-3, married Mr. Chambers; their address is R. R. 3., Joplin, Mo. Mary Elliot, 5-4, daughter of Wilkinson, 4-3, and Sarah (Taylor) Elliot: Her hus- band is George Coons. To them were born four children; names are Orvil, 6-4, (died at the age of 25 years); Arland T., 6-2; Birdella, 6-3, and one deceased. Arland T. Coons, 6-2, married Ethel Horton. To them were born two chidlren; names are: Herbert H., 7-1; and Helen, 7-2. Birdella, 6-3, married Walter Boggs. To them were born two children, names are: Jewel L., 7-1; and Inez Irene, 7-2. Ot- timer Elliot, 5-7, son of Wilkinson, 4-3; and Sarah (Taylor) Elliot. To him and wife were born three children, names are: Lenora, 6-1; Eva, 6-2; and Benjamin Elliot, 6-3. After reading the aforesaid essay by John D. Elliot, Jerub Bald- win, the oldest member of the family (now nearly fourscore) gave an account of his connection with the family by marriage, 58 years ago, and which has continued with uninterrupted friendship to this 11 time. Interesting and instructive remarks were made by Benjamin Elliot, 4-1, and his son William Elliot, 5-1, of Michigan. Also by Mary Elliot, Jonah Baldwin, Joseph Elliot, Thomas McCall, Simon D. Elliot, 5-1, Ellis Akey and several others, all tending to encourage- ment in the practical duties of every day christian life, and to keep clear of any intoxicating drinks and the use of tobacco, as having a tendency to lead into great extremes of crime and destitution. The following resolution by S. D. Elliot, 5-1, was unaminously adopted. "Resolved, that the Elliot family be Invited to attend at this place on the 5th day of November, A. D., 1876 in a reunion and each family is requested to forward to John D. Elliot, 4-1, Zanesfield, Logan County, Ohio, such account of their families and their history for him to prepare it for reading at the next meeting." S. D. Elliot, Chairman. Asa EU'ot, Secretary. Note — In looking over find that some rxames are forgottan and others not in right place. Jo,,n D. EIIkU. Year 1907 the above history is continued by J. C. Vansyoc irom this point. John D. Elliot, 4-1, son of Isaac, 3-3, and Ruth (McCal!) Elliot. His wife Ruth Dixon. To them were born twelve children: Simon D. 5-1; Elizabeth, 5-2; Sarah, 5-3; Hezekiah, 5-4; Ruth E., 5-5; Catherine, 5-6; Matilda. 5-7; John H. 5-8: Debrrah, 5-9; Zadrk, 5-10; James and Isaac, Hamilton. 5-12. His second marriag-e to Eli; at elh VVillets. To them were born four children, Jehu 5-i;>; Alfred M. 5-14; Mary P. 5-15; and Lydia, 5-16. All deceased at this writing except Ruth E. and Alfred M. (March, 1908.) Simon D., 5-1, married Margaret Henry. Their children are Elvaretta M., 6-1; Patience A., 6-2; and Lynnville H., 6-3. Second wife Prudence Grabiel. No chidden. Elizabeth J., 5-2, married Elwood Brown, of Logan County, Ohio. To them weie born five children, Emalissa, 6-1; linden F., 6-2; Had'ey C, 6-3; Samuel E., 6-4; and Caroline M., 6-5; Elizabeth J., 5-2, died March 19th, 1865. Ruth E., 5-5, married Elwood Brown, his second wife. No. children. Elwood died December 22, M!0;i. Ruth's 5-5, second mar- riage v/as to Jesse C. VanSyoc of Warren Coun'y, Iowa, April 11th, 1907; address is 329 Marion Street, Boone, Iowa. Matilda, 5-7 mairied Richard Dickinson. Their children are Ida Ruth, 6-1; Effie L.. 6-2; John C. 6-3; and Hadley, 6-4,. Effie L., 6-2 mairied A. J. Stafford. To them were born two children. Earnest, 7-1, and Ruth, 7-2. Isaac, Hamilton, 5-12, married Elizabeth Hobson of Morrow County, Ohio. Their children are Amyetta, 6-1; and Clarence, 6-2; both deceased. Ida, 6-3, and John C, 6-4. Ida, 6-3, married Edward Lloyd. To them one child was born, Jenette Elizabeth, 7-1. John D., 4-1, and second wife: To them were born four children. John, 5-13 married Etta Yeoman of Morrow County, Ohio. Their children are, Jessie M, 6-1 and Lula N., 6-2; Jessie, 6-1, deceased. Lula N., 6-2, married George Edson Dutton. To them was born one son, Walter Edson, 7-1. Alfred M., 5-14, married Lydia Williams of Hardin County, Ohio. Their children are Abbarilla R., 7-1; Otis, 7-2 and Paul, 7-3. Abbarilla, 12 7-1, married Mr. Long of California. Mary P., 5-15, mar- ried John B. Adams of Logan County, Oliio. Their children are Lola, 6-1; Darwin, 6-2; and Ira Quincy ,6-3. Lydia, 5-16, deceased. Simon D., 5-1, and wife's children to whom married: Elvaretta, 6-1, married Albert Moore. To them was born one son. Orrie, 7-1, married Bulah Beck; two children, Jesse, 8-1; and Albert, 8-2. Patience, 6-2 married Oren Outland. Their children are Corena, 7-1 and James, 7-2. Corena, 7-1, married Dr. J. Haas. James, 7-2, married Minnie one child. Lynnville H., 6-3, married Mamie McCloud. They have one son, Amer, 7-1. Elizabeth J., 5-2; and husband's children are, Emal'ssa, 6-1, married Claudius Potee. Their children are Oliver E., 7-1; Lindley L, 7-2; Flora E., 7-3; and Fred, 7-4. Oliver E., 7-1, mar- ried Retta Wilcox. To them were born two children, Ruth, 8-1; and Louise, 8-2. Linden F., 6-2, married ' Georgeanna Blackburn. Their children are Emmet E., 7-1 and Guy L., 7-2. Hadley C, 6-3, married Clara B. Williams; children: Vesta, 7-1 (deceased); Charlie E., 7-2; Lola Ruth, 7-3 and Leon Erma 7-4. Samuel E., 6-4, married Minnie Houghton. They have one daughter, Ruth H., 7-1. His first wife (de- ceased), second wife, Mable (Wolf). Ruth, 7-1, married Craig Allen, (deceased). Caroline E., 6-5, married James Douce, of Marion coun- ty, Ohio. Their children are Ulah Ruth, 7-1; Jay E., 7-2, and Wm. Thew. 7-3. 4— Sarah Elliot, 4-2, daughter of Isaac, 3-3, and Ruth (McCall) Elliot: Her husband is John Greer. To them were born nine child- ren: James, 5-1; Isaac, 5-2; Plimton, 5-3; Hamilton, 5-4; Agnes, 5-5; Mary, 5-6; Jane, 5-7; Vesta, 5-8; and Alonzo, 5-9. Plimton E. Greer, 5-3, son of Sarah E., 4>2, and John Greer: His wife is Elizabeth Nelson Of this Union six children were born: Edwin, 6-1, (deceased); Sarah, 6-2, married I. F. Douglas. To them were born three children: Em- ma, 7-1 ; Plimton, 7-2, and Elizabeth, 7-3. Carrie, 6-3, married Louis Parker. To them were born one daughter, Emily, 7-1. William H., 6-4, married Clara Bucknell. To them were born two children: Vesra E., 7-1; and E. Marie, 7-2. Isaac H., 6-5, married Ella Clinton. One child: Lorena M. 7-1. Emily A., 6-(), married Samuel M. Holliday. Of this union "hree children were born: Theodore, 7-1; Leslie, 7-2 and Wendal, 7-3 ; address, Indianola, Iowa.. 4— Phoebe Elliot, 41-3, daughter of Isaac, 3-3, and Ruth (McCall) Elliot. Her husband is John Dixon. To tbem were born eight child- len: Joseph, 5-1; Rebecca, 5-2; Simon, 5-3; Isaac, 5-4; Samuel, 5-5; Elizabeth, 5-6; Franklin, 5-7; and Ruth, 5-8. Joseph, 5-1 married Rebecca Pugh. To them were born five children, namely: .John, 6-1; Malinda, 6-2; Isaac N., 6-3; Letta, 6-4; and Alice, 6-5. Rebecca Dixson, 5-2, daughter of John and Phoebe (Elliot) Dixson: Her hus- band is John \^'ren. To them were born two children, Simon D., 6-1 and Elva R., 6-2. Simon D., 6-1, married Olive Elliot. To them was born one daughter, Alvaretta. Simon Dixson, 5-3 married Eliza- beth H. Pratt. To them were born four children: William V. 6-1. Their child's name was Edna, 7-1. Mary R., 6-2, married Mr. Davis. Emma D., 6-3 married Mr. Hyde. To them were born two children, Hadley, 7-1; and Esther, 7-2. Alice E., 6-4, single. Isaac, 5-4, married 13 Alice A. Hawley. To them were born seven children, Jessie, 6-1; Am- brose, 6-2; Mary. 6-3; Eva, 6-4; James H., 6-5; Henry, 6-6; and Alice, 6-7. Samuel, 5 5 married first wife. Rose Andrews. Their children Isaac H., 6-1; Retta, 6-2; and Emma, 6-3. His second wife, Lydia Bat- tin. Their children, Phebe, 6-4; Herbert, 6-5; Rachel, 6-6; Joseph, 6-7; and John, 6-8. His third wife, Lavina Enfield, address, Ogden, la. Isaac H., 6-1, married May White, of Ogden, Iowa. Their children are Bessie, 7-1; Ethel, 7-2 and Ray, 7-3. Retta, 6-2, married Joseph Moravetz, of Ogden, Iowa. Their children are Lloyd, 7-1; and Lester, 7-2. Emma, 6-2, married Frank Temple. Their children are Etta, 7-1 and Orville, 7-2. Rachel, 6-3, married. Has two children; names not known. Elizabeth, 5-6, married Samuel Phillips. Their children are Lilly, 6-1; and Charles, 6-2. Lilly, 6-1, married William Marquardts. Their children are Letta May, 7-1; Orel E., 7-2; and Charles, 7-3. Charles. 6-2. married Ray Vanpelt. Franklin, 5-7, married Minnie Chamberlain Their children are Belle, 6-1; Charles, 6-2; Pearl, 6-3; Fannie, 6-4 and Phoebe, 6-5 (twins) ; Phoebe deceased. Belle 6-1, mar- ried Shervin A. Pettit. To them were born four daughters, Gladys, 7-1; Viola M., 7-2; Wilma A., 7-3; and Margaret M., 7-4; address, Ames, Iowa. Charles E., 6-2, married Zoe Wilcox. To them were born three children, William F., 7-1; Carl 7-2; and Violet, 7-3. Pearl, 6-3, mar- ried Charles L. Harper. To them was born one child, John D., 7-1. Ruth Dixon, 5-8, married Daniel Gruell, address Republican City, Neb. To them were born five children, Cyrus, W. 6-1; Alfred, 6-2; Wilson S., 6-3; Mary, E., 6-4; Charles L., 6-5. Cyrus W., 6-1 born May 26, 1867, married Margaret Lyckholm, September 9, 1891. Alfred H. Gruell, born October 26, 1869, died August 12, 1895. Wilson S., 6-3, born April 4th, 1872, married Sabina Henderson, December 20, 1897. To them was born one child, Cyrus W., 7-1, born September 28, 1898. Mary E., 6-4, born April 29, 1879 married Thomas E. Wil- liams July 3, 1898. To them were born two children, Edna A., 7-1, born March 9th, 1899. Gertrude L., 7-2, September 25, 1901; Charles L., 6-5, born December 29, 1880, married Pearl E. Stotts, April 6, 1904. She was born April 12, 1883. John S., 6-1, son of Joseph, 5-1, and Re- becca (Pugh) Dixson, was born November 30, 1850. His wife, Jose- phine Durrell. She was born December 21, 1853. To them were born five children on "Sweet By and By Farm," Ogden, Boone County, Iowa; names are Wiunifred, 7-1. married Orlo Wilcox. She was born April .|0, 1878. Ray L., 7-2, married Sylvia E. Smith. He was born June 13, 1884. John Alton, 7-3, born February 9th, 1887. Agnes D., 7-4, born February 19, 1889. Josie Fay, 7-5, born June 27, 1891. Win- nifred, 7-1, and Orlo Wilcoxs children are Josie Fern, 8-1, born January 10, 1901. Florence Joice, 8-2, born March 29, 1903. James Russell, 8-3, born March 25, 1905; Robert Fairfield, 8-4, born July 13, '07. Malinda Dixson, 6-2, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Pugh) Dixson. Her husband is Edward Ward. She is deceased. Isaac N. Dixson, 6-3, of son of Joseph 5-1 and Rebecca (Pugh) Dixson. His wife, Jennie Elliot. To them were born two children, L. Guy, 7-1, and Matthew G. 7-2. L. Guy, 7-1, married Cora Garmire. To them was born one child, Ivabell, 8-1. Lettie Dixon, 6-4, daughter of Joseph and Re- 14 becca (Pugh) Dixson. Her husband, Theodore Wilcox. To them were born five children, Owen, 7-1; Hazel, 7-2; Ila, 7-3; Jennie, 7-4; and Alice, 7-5, deceased. 4 — Joseph Elliot, 4-4, son of Isaac, 3-3, and Ruth (McCall) Elliot, His wife is Mary Slater. To them were born five children, Harriet, 5-1; Haman, 5-2; Jane, 5-3; Mary E., 5-4; and Maggie, 5-5. Harriet, 5-1, married Wilson Easton; children are Abraham, 6-1 (deceased) another, 6-2 (dead) and Etta, 6-3 living. Haman, 5-2, married Nancy Belle; children are Mary, 6-1; Lulu, 6-2; and John D., 6-3. Jane, 5-3, married Johnson. Children not known. Mary E., 5-4, married Joel Easton. Children are Etta, 6-1; Fred, 6-2; Edward, 6-3; and Eulah, 6-4. Maggie, 5-5, married Michael Dewine. Pour children are: Linley, 6-1; Harry, 6-2; Clarence, 6-3; and Mary, 6-4. A — James Elliot, 4-5, son of Isaac, 3-3, and Ruth (McCall) Elliot: His wife is Matilda Dixson To them were born seven children, Syl- vester, 5-1; Esther, 5-2; Charles, 5-3; Emaline, 5-4, Sarah, 5-5; Melissa, 5-6; and Daniel, 5-7. Sylvester, 5-1, married Sarah Dowell, of Logan county, Ohio. Their children are Omar F., 6-1; Leonard J., 6-2; Fredric, 6-3; Claud, 6-4, and Alice, 6-5. Sylvester, 5-1, died February 21st, 1900. Omar F., 6-1, born February 8, 1863, married Leora M. Rader September 6, 1888. She died September 20, 1889. No child- ren. Was married 2nd time, August 8, 1897 to Ora C. Garman. To them were born one child, August 15, 1898, Coy O. M., 7-1; address Turon, Kansas. Leonard J., 6-2, married Clara M. Blowney, March 25, 1905; address Schulte, Kansas. No children. Fredric W., 6-3, married Bell Z. Morris, February 4th, 1896. Their children are Lee, 7-1; Sylvester, 7-2; Croel, 7-3; and Omar, 7-4, (dead); address Turon, Kansas. Alice, 6-5, married Benjamin Ramey. Their children are Leslie, 7-1; Leonard, 7-2; Ruth, 7-3; Rose, 7-4; Herschel, 7-5; and Flora, 7-6. Their address is Kingman, Kansas, R. F. D. 1. Claudius J., 6-4, married Katie B. Garman, February 13, 1896. Their children are Clarence, 7-1; Elsie, 7-2; Bertha, 7-3; Harrison, 7-4,; and Floyd, 7-5; address is Turon, Kansas, Box 25. Esther Elliot, 5-2, married Delos W. Merchant. Their children are Charles D., 6-1; Delford D., 6-2; Arthur D., 6-3; and Rena E., 6-4. Their address is 1416 Boone Street, Boone, Iowa. Charles D., 6-1, married Clara Bell Latham, of Boone, Iowa. No children. Address is 1428 Boone Street, Boone, Iowa. Delford D., 6-2, married Anna Adams, of Green County, Iowa. Their children are Claire W., 7-1; Ruth W., 7-2; Lowell, 7-3; and Lulu, 7-4 (twins ). Address is Woonsockel. South Dakota R. R. Arthur D. 6-3, married May Bacus of Boone, Iowa. One child deceased. Address is Sioux City, Iowa. Rena E., 6-4, single. Emaline Elliot, 5-4, married James Oder, deceased, of Logan County, Ohio To them were born one child, Cadmus L., 6-1. Emaline deceased. Charles, 5-3, married Sarah Akey, of Logan County, Ohio. Their four children are Em- ma, 6-1 (deceased); Clarence, 6-2; Vesta, 6-3; and Eva, 6-4. Clarence, 6-2, single. Vesta, 6-3, married Albert Lyda; address Alexander, Kan. Their children are Harry, 7-1 and Elma, 7-2. Eva, 6-4, married Henry Webs; address Alexander, Kansas. Their children are Leo, 7-1; and Erma, 7-2. Sarah, 5-5; married Charles Crim of Boone, Iowa. One 15 child, Olive, 6-1, was born to them. Mother and child both dead. Melissa, 5-6, married Levi Hill of Boone Iowa. Their children are Effie F., 6-1; Hadley, 6-2; and Rosa B., 6-3. Effie, 6-1, married John Ensley of Boone county, Iowa. Their children are May, 7-1; John, 7-2, and Florence, 7-3. Daniel, 5-7, married Dorinda Hill of Boone County, Iowa. Their children are: Laura, 6-1 (deceased); James, 6-2; and Charles, 6-3. Daniel died September 26, 1900. 4— Ruth Elliot, 4-6, daughter of Isaac, 3-3, and Ruth (McCalJ) Elliot: Her husband is Isaac Gruell. To them were born five child- ren, Thomas M., 5-1: James C, 5-2; Sarah A., 5-3; Asa B., 5-4; and Finley, 5-5; three last ones dead. Thomas M., 5-1, married Elizabeth Blalock. Their children are Lena, 6-1; Isaac, 6-2; Willie C, 6-3; John T., 6-4; and Ruth, 6-5; all dead. The living are George S., 6-6, Clarence 6-7 and Edward, 6-8. Elizabeth, his first wife is dead. His second marriage was to Ella Potee, address Tulsa, Oklahoma. James C, 5-2, married Josephine Kirkpatric, address Rock Island, Illinois. Their children are Lemuel W. 6-1; Maud E. 6-2; Mattie B. 6-3; and Fred C, 6-4. Lemuel, 6-1, married Leo Myers. Their children are Ruth, 7-1; Walter, 7-2; Ralph, 7-3; Dorothy, 7-4 and Lineal, 7-5. Lemuel's address is Munice, Indiana, R. R., engineer. Maud, E. 6-2, married George Lyda. Their children are Howard, 7-1; Mildred, 7-2; and Donald F., 7-3. Mattie B., 6-3, married Birt Sears, of Chicago, Illinois, clerk in Marshall Fields Store. Fred C, 6-4, single. 4 — William G. Elliot, 4-7, son of Isaac, 3-3, and Rebecca (Dewire) Elliot: His wife is Margaret McKinnon. To them were born two children, Wiltam H., 5-1 ; and Malinda, 5-2. His second wife, Elizabeth Williams. To them were born six children, Cary, 5-3; Ida, 5-4; Myron, 5-5; Dora, 5-6; May, 5-7; and Bert, 5-8. William H., 5-2, mar- ried Grace Hickman of Logan County, Ohio. Malinda, 5-2, married Mr. Hoover. Ida, 5-4, married Fred Harned. To them were born one child, Ashbell, 6-1, deceased. Cary, 5-3, married Mary Ross. To them were born two children, Frances E, 6-1; and Albert W., 6-2. Myron, 5-5, mari'ied Viola Ross. To them were born two children, Ashley, 6-1, and Laura May, 6-2. Dora, 5-6, married E. E. Oberg. They have one child, Wilbur E., 6-1. May, 5-7, married E. E. Cook; one child, Regnold, 6-1. Bert, 5-8, single. William H., 5-1, and Grace's children to whom married: Ethel, 6-1, married Z. Z. Propst; one child, Gertrude B., 7-1. Iva, 6-2, married Wm. Thiessen; one child, Wyan, 7- 1. Hazel, 6-3, single 4 — George, Elliot, 4-8, son of Isaac, 3-3 and Rebecca (Dewire) Elliot: His wife is Eliza Ann James. To them were born three children: Rebeca Ann, 5-1, married Joseph Wickersham. Their child- ren are Alice I., and Otto, 6-2; address Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Lena, 5-2, married Justice Miller. Their children are George, 6-1 Elma, 6-2; Willie, 6-3; and Clarence, 6-4. Elma, 6-2, married Mr. Sisenhour. Their children are Lena, 7-1; Minnie, 7-2; Jessie, 7-3; and Georgie, 7-4. George, 6-1, married. Has one child, Eva Bell, 7-1. Alice, I., 6-1, married Mr. Banantyne; have six children, names are Mary, 7-1; Clifton, 7-2; Lena, 7-3; Robert, 7-4; and Roberta, 7-5, (twins), and Harold, 7-6. Otto, 6-2, has one son named Aubra, 7-1. 16 4 — Thomas Elliot, 4-9, son of Isaac, 3-3, and Rebecca (Dewire) Elliot. His wife, Caroline Brown. To them were born five children, Thomas, 5-1; Elwood, 5-2; Dewire, 5-3, and Vesta, 5-4, deceased; Zacheus, 5-5, and Anna, 5-6. A — Abraham Elliot, 4-10, son of Isaac, 3-3 and Rebecca (Dewire) Elliot: His wife is Caroline Brown. To them were born five child- ren: Asa, 5-1; Emer, 5-2; Emma, 5-3; Agnes, 5-4; and Oliver, 5-5. Second marriage to Susie Royer, no children by her. Asa, 5-1, married Jennie Dickinson. To them were born two children, Lucile, 6-1; the other deceased, name not known. Emar, 5-1, married Belle Britch- field. Childrens names not known. Emma, 5-3, married Phillip Bell, to them was born one son, Millard. Second husband Hezekiah Potee. Agnes, 5-4, married Walter Sutton. Oliver, 5-5, married Miss Easton . 4 — Belinda Elliot, 4-11, daughter of Isaac and Rebecca (Dewire) Elliot. Her husband is Thomas Wickersham. To them were born eight children: Enoch, 5-1; Samantha, 5-2; Ellis, 5-3; Wm. Orvil, 5-4; Everett C, 5-5; Bert, 5-6; Alvin, 5-7; and Oliver, 5-8. Enoch, 5-1, married maggie Corwin; she is deceased. Second wife, Georgie Mus- selman. No children. Samantha 5-2. deceased. Her husband is Daniel C. Collins. To them were born two children: Emerson, 6-1; and Linda, 6-2. Linda, 6-2, married Omar Downing, one child, Reba. Ellis 5-3 married Dora Henry. They had no ichildiren. Wm. Orvil, 5-4, married Edna Folsom, two children: Charles F. 6-1 and Thomas E. 6-2. Everett C. 5-5, married Eva Easton. Second wife is Lena Easton; one child by second wife. Bert, 5-6, married Olive Reames; one child, Mary Belinda, 6-1. Alvin, 5-7, single. Oliver, 5-8, married Alice Easton; two children, Preston, 6-1; and Mabel, 6-2. A — Mathew Elliot, 4-12, son of Isaac, 3-3, and Rebecca (Dewire) -Elliot: His wife is Ellen Ennis. To them were born six children, Lincoln, 5-1; Jennie, 5-2; Olive, 5-3; Thomas, 5-4.; Mary, 5-5; and Ennis, 5-6. Lincoln, 5-1, married Ag-nes Clark, no children. Jennie, 5-2, married Isaac N. Dixon, two children: Guy, 6-1; and Glen, 6-2. Olive, 5-3, married Dillworth Wren, one daughter, Alvaretta, 6-1. Mary, 5-5, married Lewelen Crawford, no children. Thomas, 5-4, married Lilly Davidson, twins born to them. Ennis, 5-6, married Jessie Brown. A — Mary Elliot, 4-3, daughter of John, 3-2, and Martha (Randal) Elliot. Her husband is Andrew Pettit. To them were born eight children, David, 5-1; John, 5-2; Daniel, 5-3; Mariam, 5-4; Martha, 5-5; Rose, 5-6; Thomas Austin, 5- 7and Ann, 5-8. David, 5-1, married Mary Hutchinson; one child, Viola, 6-1, married Byron Brown. Their children are Clarence, 7-1 and Edward, 7-2, deceased. T. Austin, Pettit, 5-7, married Margaret J. Pettit, deceased. Their children are Sherwin A., 6-1; married Josie Bell Dixson. Their children are Gladys B., 7-1; Viola M., 7-2; Wilma A.,7-3; and Margaret M., 7-4. Earl J. 6-2, married Amy J. Cunningham. Their children are Alma, 7-1; Walter P., 7-2, and Stephen H., 7-3. Wilbur, 6-3, married Myrtle Scott. They have one child, Cecil L., 7-1. Dennis, 6-4., and Leon, 6-5, un- married. Delia O., 6-6, married James Miller. Their children are 17 Austin, 7-1 and Theo., 7-2. Margaret E., 6-7, and Jennie R., 6-8, unmar- ried. John Pettit, 5-2, married Rose Burnham, deceased, no children. His second wife, Mary Pettycord. Their children are Estella, 6-1; Alma, 6-2; Charlie, 6-3; John, 6-4; and Avery, 6-5. Estella, 6-1 mar- ried Mr. Springer. Daniel Pettit, 5-3, married Claudia Rice. Children: Edna and Cora. Mariam Petit, 5-4, mar'd Mr. Wilker deceased Her second marriage to Charles Walker, one son was born to them, Charlie, 6-1. Martha Pettit, 5-5, married Samuel Boyd. Their child- ren are Joseph, 6-1; Samuel, 6-2; Andy, 6-3; and Free, 6-4. Rose Pettit 5-6, married Thomas Sherwin. She died leaving no children. Ann Pettit, 5-8, married Than Talman. No children. 4— John Elliot, 4-4, son of John, 3-2, and Martha (Randal) Elliot: His wife is Elmira Hathaway. To them were born three children: Elmer, W. 5-1, born November 23, 1853. N Vinton, 5-2, born March 30th, 1855 and Flora S., 5-3, born June 24, 1860. On the farm their grand-father purchased in Logan County, Ohio, 1850. Elmer, 5-7, married Lottie Brinser December 10th, 1878. They live on the same farm. To them were born three children: Nellie, 6-1; Fred J., 6-2; and Mariam, 6-3. Nellie, 6-1, married William Kennedy, West Mans- field, Ohio. Fred J., 6-2, married Vora James, address. Battle Creek, Michigan. Mariam, 6-3, single. N. Vinton, 5-2, married Flora McAfee. To them were born two children, Alice T., 6-1 and Almira M., 6-2. Alice T., 6-1, married Don. A. Derrick October, 1907, address. Lake Shore Bank, Cleveland, Ohio. N. V. Elliot, 5-2, Mgr. of Ohio Cooker Company, Snow-flake Building, corner of Huron and Jefferson Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Flora S., 5-3, married William Brinser. To them were horn six children: Myra, ii-1; Louise, ()-2: Mary. 6-3: Grace. 6-4. Francis, 6-5; and Charles, 6-6. Myra, 6-1, married ElmerDunlap. A — Joseph Elliot,, 4-5, son of John, 3-2, and Martha (Randal) Elliot: His wife is Ellen Kinsey. To them were born four children: Josephine K., 5-1; Martha E. 5-2: Thadeus. 5-3: and Lawrence. 5-4: Josephine E., 5-1; married Loring Bates. To them were born two children, Ruth, 6-1, married Amon Peterson. Parker, 6-2, married Ida Rusell. To them were born three children: Eleanor, 7-1; Thoburn, 7-2; and Paul, 7-3; address. West Mansfield, Ohio. Martha E., 5-2, married Levi E. Bates, one child: Josephine E., 6-1, dead. Thadens, married Levi E. Bates, one child: Josephine K.. 6-1. dead. Thadeus, 6-1, married Alice Grabiel. Ella, 6-2, married Loyd Kellar. Clayton 6-3 is single. Lawrence, 5-4, married Lucy S. Chaualtz. To them were born five children: Loyd, 6-1; Rosa, 6-2; Raymond, 6-3; Deon, 6-4; and Cora, 6-5. Joseph Eliiot, 4-5, died several years ago. Ellen, his widow died February 19, 1908 at the home of her daughter, Josephine E. Bates. 4 — Benjamin Elliot, 4-1, son o fBenjamin, 3-3 and Susanna (Supler) Elliot: His wife is Sarah Gruell. To them were born six children: William, 5-1; Margaret, 5-2; Mayhew, 5-3; Timothy, 5-4; Cyrus, 5-5; and Alwilda J., 5-6. William, 5-1, married Mariah Hagerman. Their children names are Robbert B., 6-1, married Anna Bailey, address Vestaburg, Michigan. Sarah A., 6-2, married Wm. Turner of Amboy, Michigan. Caroline, 6-3, deceased. Harriet E., 6-4, married Dexter 18 Turner, Vestaburg, Michigan. John H., 6-5, deceased. William H. 6-6, married Viola Mathis, address Louis, Indiana. Mary L., 6-7, mar- ried Andrew Somei^ioldt, address Amboy, Mic'hi,o-an. William 5-1. '2nd, married to Arzeal Daggert, of California, Michigan. Margaret Elliot, 5-2, married Isaac Hagerman, of Stark County, Ohio. Their children's names are Benjamin E., 6-1, married Elizabeth Blackford at Frontier, Michigan. Mary J., 6-2, married John Kennedy, of Hilldale, Michigan. Charles 6-3, married Cordelia Hukill: Ann S. t)-4, married Porter Buroughs. Wm. F. 6-5 manned Celia Green, Montpelier, Ohio. Walter 6-6. married Alice Brown, 1st wife, second wife Rilla Brown. Sarah 6-7, deceased. Edwin 6-8 married Alice King, Amboy, Michigan. Alice 6-9 married Best Ayers, Amboy, Michigan. Mayhew Elliot, 5-3, married Anna Durham, Amboy, Michigan; no children. Mary died in child- hood. Timothy Elliot, 5-4, married Louisa Ayers, Amboy, Michigan. Their children's names are Edith, 6-1, married Charles Hukill, Amboy, Michigan. Cyrena, 6-2, married Henry Baily, Frontier, Michigan. Alice, 6-3, deceased. Ethel L., 6-4, married Fred McCutcheon, address Ransom, Michigan.. Cyrus W. Elliot, 5-5, married Cyntha Baker, of Amboy, Michigan. Their children's names are Mayhew, 6-1, mar- ried Emma Maudeville. He is a soldier in the U. S. Army at Wash- ington, D. C. William B., 6-2, married Ruth A., address Amboy, Michi- ngan. Lucy, 6-3, deceased. Ellen, 6-4, married John Day, address Amboy, Michigan. James W., 6-5, married Bird Day, address Amboy, Michigan. Alwilda J. Elliot, 5-6, married Dr. E. J. Ayers, California, Michigan. Their children's names are Alva C, 6-1, married Ella Bick- ford. John, 6-2, married Eva Sherer. Is deceased. Johnathan Elliot, 4-2, son of Benjamin, 3-3, and Susanna ( vSupler) Elliot: His wife is Mary Keller. To them were born eight children: Daniel, 5-1; Susan- nah 5-2; Curtis, 5-3; Embree, 5-4; Henry, 5-5; William, 5-6; James, 5-7; Mary, 5-8; Vesta, 5-9. Susana Elliot. 4-3 daughter of Benjamin. 3-3 and Susanna (Supler) Elliot: Her husband is James Rochell. To them were born three children: Benjamin, 5-1; Linos. 5-2 and Harriet. 5-3. Benjamin. 5-1. son of Susanna and James Kochell, married Sarah Fowler of Hillsdale County, Michigan. To them were born six children: Wilhelmina, 6-1, married Frank Russell. Carrie. 6-2, married Charles B, Fuller of Michigan. Frank, 6-3, mar- ried Stella Sheldon, of Wisconsin, minister. Samuel E. 6-4, married Mattie of St. Louis. James W. 6-5. married Delia Lytle of Indiana. Susanna, 6-6, married Jesse Cass of Michigan. Linos, 5-2, son of Susanna and James Rochell: married and had children; names not known. Harriet 5-3, married: children's hames are Abner 6-1; Verner 6-2: Harriet, 6-3; Vernella, 6-4; Rachel, 6-5; Marv 6-6: Abigal, 6-7 and Oliver 6-8. 4— Elizabeth Elliot, 4-2, daughter of Moses, 3-7 and Rebecca (Dooly) Elliot: Her husband is Abraham Laport. To them were born five children: Elliot, 5-1; Rebecca, 5-2; Anna, 5-3; Amos, 5-4; and Margaret, 5-5. Elliot, 5-1, married Sarah McCaskey of Iowa, and died soon after marriage. No children. Amos, 5-4, married Anna Harms, of Ogden, Iowa. To them were born seven children. She is deceased. The children's names are: Charles, 6-1; Blanch, 6-2: 19 Emar, 6-3; Harriet, 6-4; and Hazel, 6-5. Two others names not known by me. His present address is I^keview, Iowa. Margaret, 5-5, never married and deceased. Decendants of Rebecca, 5-2, and John Jacobs: Charles Jacobs, 6-1, married and has two sons. Live in Clinton, Iowa. Anna, 6-2, married and lives in Zanesfield, Logan County, Ohio. No children as known. Maud, 6-4, married Otis Harms and live in Clinton. Iowa. No children kno-mi. Ernest 6-3: Arthur 6-6, and one brother, name not known. Live in Bellfontaine. Log-an Co., Ohio. Neither of them married. Rebecca, 5-2, married second husband, Mr. Lambertson. They live in Clinton, Iowa. Descendants of Anna, 5-3. and Georg-e C. Nelson: To them were born seven children: Mary E., 6-1; married Mr. Franthan. they have one daughter named Mildred, 7-1, live at Burlington, Arkansas. Edna M., 6-2, married John Holt. Do them was born one daughter, Anna 6-3: John F. 6--!:: Dora, 6-5: Tsther, 6-6 and Willis. 6-7: live with their mother at Heaton, North Eakota. Her husband was killed 15 years ago. 4 — Joseph Elliot, 4-1, son of Closes, 3-7, and Rebecca (Dooly) Elliot. To him and his wife were born five children: Francis. 5-1; address Ashland, Oregon. Child's name Anna, 6-1, married IMr. Robi- son. They have one girl, Mary, 7-1. Jennie, 5-2. manned Mr. Stone They have one girl named Eva, 6-1. Winnie, 5-3, married Mr. Fox. They have one girl named Orpha, 6-1 and Lena, 6-2, married Mr. Walton. Elizabeth, 5-4, married Mr. Schneider. To them were born six children; their address is Talent, Ore. Barbara, 5-5, married Mr. Weaver. To them were born two children. Their address is West Liberty, Logan county, Ohio. A — Jeremiah Elliot, 4-3, son of Moses, 3-7, and Rebecca (Dooly) Eliiot: To him and wife were born several children; names not known. He is dead. His wife and children live in Idaho; she is 87 years of age. A — Amos Elliot, 4-4, son of Moses, 3-7, and Rebecca (Dooley) Elliot: His wife, Belinda Pugh. To them were born seven sons- William P., 5-1; Abraham W., 5-2; Spain J., 5-3; Charles H., 5-4; Lilburn E., 5-5; Sherman A., 5-6. One son died in infancy. William P.. 5-1, married Mary J. Battin. Their children are: Edwin A., 6-1; Cyrus J., 6-2; Herbert W., 6-3; Mae, 6-4; Esther, 6-5; and Bessie, 6-6. Edwin A., 6-1, married Ella Adams. Their children are: Lawrence, 7-1; Imogene, 7-2; Merle, 7-3; Oscar, 7-4; Margaret, 7-5. Cyrus J., 6-2, married Nellie M. Frye. Their children are: Homer, 7-1; Howard, 7-2; and Hazel, 7-3. Herbert W., 6-3, married Alice Irwin, their children are: uora, 7-1; Ray, 7-2; Lester, 7-3; and Lucile, 7-4; aad two others, twins, names not known. Mae, 6-4; Esther, 6-5; and Bes- sie, 6-6, are single. Abraham W., 5-2, married Ella Harms, their child- ren are: Lottie. 6-1; Linnie, 6-2; Clara, 6-3; Charles, 6-4; and Fred, 6-5. Lottie, 6-1, married Adam Stover. Their children are: Ray- mond, 7-1; Forest, 7-2. Linnie, 6-2, married Florence Driscoll, their child is Paul, 7-1. Clara, 6-3, married Charles Scott. Charles ,6-4, and Fred, 6-5, are single. Spain J., 5-3, married Martha Thompson, their children are: Clarence R., 6-1, and Mabel, 6-2. Clarence, 6-1, married Gertrude Hoefle. Mabel, 6-2, deceased. Charles H., 5-4, 20 married Mary Hardcastle; Mary deceased May 9, 1904. Their cliild is Thomas A., 6-1. His second marriage was to Elva (Wren) El- liot. Lilburn, 5-5, married Elva Wren, their children are: Leonard G., 6-1; and John D., 6-2. Leonard, 6-1, married Maud Brixey, child is Mildred, 7-1. John D., 6-2, single. Lilburn E., 5-5, deceased March 20, 1905. Sherman A. 5-(i, married Ada Butolph. 4 — Ellis Elliot, 4-5, son of Moses, 3-7, and Rebecca (Dooley) El- liot: To him and wife were born four children: Rebecca, 5-1; Mary B., 5-2; Ora E, 5-3; and Alice B., 5-4. Rebecca, 5-1, married John Winner, address West Mansfield, Ohio. Their children are: Amos O., 6-1, Hanford, California; Mary E., 6-2, deceased; had two daughters, Dora, 7-1 and Rena, 7-2; Dora 6-3, dead; Rena, 6-4i, married Mr. Hanks. Mary E., 5-2, married and deceased; left two daughters, Dora, 6-1 and Rena, 6-2. Ora B., 5-3, married Mr. Josephson, address San Francisco, California. Alice E., 5-4, marred Philip Cohen, ad- dress 3131 Washington street, San Francisco, California. Mary Elliot, 4-6, died November 14, 1853. 4 — Anna Blliot, 4-7, daughter of Moses, 3-7, and Rebecca (Dooley) Elliot: Marred Eli James oof Logan County, Ohio. To them were born two sons namely, Bli Emer, 5-1 and Oscar, 5-2. Eli Emer, 5-1, married Sarah B. Bushnell, address 312 Broadway, N. Seattle, Wash. Their child's name is Hazel B., 6-1. Oscar, 5-2, married Lenora Lewis. His address is 1820 9th Avenue, Seattle, Washington. To them was born one son named Cecil, 6-1. Anna, 4-7, being left a widow, makes her home with her son, Eli Emer, 5-1. 2. — The first generation of the VanSyoc's I have any knowledge of was Enoch Vanscoyoc; married Lydia Elliot, 2-4, daughter of Benja- min Elliot Sr. about the year 1780. To them were born ten children: Ann, 3-1; Rebecca, 3-2; Abraham, 3-3; Enoch, 3-4; Lydia, 3-5; Mary, 3-6; Moses, 3-7; Johannah, 3-8; Rachel, 3-9; and Aaron, 3-10. Enoch- Sr. and Lydia with their family moved from Eastern Pennsylvania to Washington County, Western Pennsylvania, about the year 1794 and settled in the woods on a large tract of land. About the year 1842 the Vanscoyoc's dropped the two letters "co" out of the mid- dle of their name and since then the name has been spelled Vansyoc. 3 — Ann, 3-1, married Thomas Shaw. She had no children. Died in Columbia County, Ohio. Rebecca, 3-2, married Timothy Patterson. Had children, but names not known. Abraham, 3-3, married Hannah England. No children. She died in Washington County, Pennsylvania. His second marriage was to Rachel Elliot of Stark County, Ohio. 3 — Enoch, 3-4, married Catherine Patterson of Hiland County, Ohio. He died in Washingnton County, Pennsylvania. His children were Enoch, 4-1; Lydia, 4r2; Sarah, 4-3; Rachel, 4-4; Maxon, 4-5; Aceneth, 4-6; Abraham, 4-7; and Amon, 4-8. 3 — Ldia, 3-5, married George Newburn of Washington County, Pennsylvania. They moved to Putnam County, Illinois, where she died. Her children were Enoch, 4-1; Joanna, 4-2; Rachel, 4-3; Ann, 4-4; John, 4-5; David, 4r6; Catherine, 4-7; Moses, 4-8; and Alvah, 4-9... 3 — Mary, 3-6, married Jacob Newburn. She had one child named Lydia, 4-1. 21 4 — Lydia, 4-1, married Israel Barber. To them were born four children: Jacob, 5-1; Mary, 5-2; Benjamin, 5-3; and Anna, 5-4. Jacob, 5-1, died in the army of the rebellion. Mary, 5-2, and first husband had children but names not known. She is now married to Alvah Newburn, address Vernon, Indiana. Benjamin, 5-3, married Huldah Jane Crew. To them was born one son but name not known. Anna, 5-4, married Marshall Hoops, no children. Moses, 3-7, son of Enoch, 2-1, and Lydia, 2-4 (Elliot) Vansyoc: His wife is Mary Sherick. To them were born eight children: Anna, 4-1; Fanny, 4-2; Joseph, 4-3; Enoch, 4-4; Aaron, 4-5; Moses, 4-6; Mary, 4-7; and Lydia, 4-8. Johan- nah, 3-8, daughter of Enoch, 2-1 and Lydia, 2-4 (Elliot) Vansyoc: Her husband is Abraham Sherick. To them were born six children: Lydia, Ann, 4-1; Barbara, 4-2; Enoch, 4-3; Rachel, 4-4; Nancy, 4-5; and Christly, 4-6. 3 — Aaron, 3-10, son of Enoch 2-1 and Lydia (Elliot) Vansyoc, 2-4, married Ruth Cope of Payette County Pennsylvania. To them were born ten sons and two daughters; names are: Isaac, 4-1, died in the army of the Rebellion; Enoch P., 4-2, dead; John, 4-3, dead; Jesse C, 4-4: Abraham Elliot, 4-5; Sarah J., 4-6, dead Amos P., 4-7; Harrison, 4-8; Simeon, 4-9, dead; Oliver T., 4-10, dead; Lydia, 4-11 and Aaron Emlen, 4-12. 4— Enoch, 4-1, son of Enoch 3-4 and Catherine (Patterson) Van- syooc: His wife is Jane England. To them were born five children: Ann, 5-1; Hannah, 5-2; Abraham, 5-3; Catherine, 5-4; and Enoch L., 5-5. To his second, wife (Miss Dilly) one son, David, 5-6, was born. Enoch L., 5-5, address is Burnsville, Pennsylvania. Ann, 5-1, married William Newman, address Burnsville, Pennsylvania. Hannah, 5-2, married George Newman. Her address is Mount Union, Iowa. Their children are: Samuel L., 6-1; Amanda L., 6-2; Isaac P., 6-3; Addison C, 6-4; Emma, 6-5; and Melvin, 6-6. Their children to whom married are: Samuel L, 6-1, married Nellie Ferril; one son, Dale, 7-1. Amanda L., 6-2, married Charles Gorham. Their children are: Ralph, 7-1; Mintel, 7-2; Paul, 7-3; and Eugene, 7-4. Isaac P., 6-3, married Ella Renshaw; one daughter, Margerie, 7-1. Addison C, 6-4, married Car- rie Baker. Their children are: Mabel, 7-1; Lester, 7-2; Ruth, 7-3; Pearl, 7-4; Mildred, 7-5; and Marie, 7-6. Emma, 6-5, married John Deal one daughter, Ivy, 7-1. Melvin, 6-6, married Ora McClintock; one daughter, Lucile L., 7-1. Abraham Vansyoc, 5-3, son of Enoch and Jane (England) Vansyoc, married. His wife and children's names not known, address Admyre, Kansas. Catherin, 5-4, daughter of Enoch and Jane (England) Vansyooc married. Her husband deceased. His Sir name, Byers. They have two sons, Henry, 6-1, and Frank, 6-2; address Claysville, Pennsylvania. David, 5-6: His second wife's sons address is Dun's Station Pa. 4 — Lydia, 4-2, daughter of Enoch, 3-4 and Catherine (Patterson) Vansyoc: Her husband is Cornelius Prall. To them were born seven children: Thomas, 5-1; John, 5-2; Enoch, 5-3; Maxon, 5-4; Lawrence, 5-5; Alvah, 5-6 and Rachel, 5-7. Thomas, 5-1, son of Lydia, 4-2, and Cornelius Prall, married Rachel Richardson. Their children are: Arthur, 6-1; Nathan, 6-2; Ellsworth, 6-3; Charles, 6-4; Franklin, 6-5; and James, 6-6. 22 A — Sarah, 4-3, daughter of Enoch, 3-4, and Catherine (Patterson) Vansyoc: Her husband is James Elliot. To them were born seven children: Griffith, 5-1; Rachel, 5-2: Mary, 5-;^: firsts dead: Enoch, 5-4; William, 5-5: Blakeway, 5-B; and Lemon, 5-7; P^noch Elliot, 5-4, son of Sarah Vansyoc, 4-3, and husband James Elliot; his wife, Lizzie Wolf, no children, address Middletown, Iowa. William T. Elliot, 5-5; son of Sarah Vansyoc, 4-3, and James Elliot, her husband; his wife Kate Sutton, deceased; to them were born two sons James S. 6-1 ; W. T. Elliot, 6-2, married Nora Hening-er, address Santa Anna, Calif. 6-2. William T. 5-5. His second wife Alice DeVaunt; to them were born 6 children; Lester 6-3; Georg-e, 6-4; Frank D. 6-5; Nettie E. 6-6; Mildred E. 6.7, and Walter 6-8; Blakeway Elliot, 5-6, son of Sarah Vansyoc 4-3, and, husband James Elliot; his wife Alice Crawford, to them were born 4 children. Myrtle 6-1, Delia 6:2, Arthur fi-3, and Floyd 6-4. Lemon Elliot 5-7, son of Sarah Vansyoc 4-3, and husband James Elliot, his wife Mary Lebrock, to them were born 4 children; Jennie, 6-1; Viola, 6-2; Rachel, 6-3, and Maud 6-4, address. Middletown. Iowa. A — Rachel, 4)-4, daughter oof Enoch, 3-4, and Catherine (Patter- son) Vansyoc: Her husband is Alvah Lindly. To them were born six daughters: Catherine, 5-1; Ruth, 5-2; Leah, 5-3; Mary Ann, 5-4; Effa, 5-5; and Jane, 5-6. Their children to whom married are: Cather- ine, 5-1, married Benjamin McCosh. To them were born 10 children; names are: Alvah, 6-1; Grant, 6-2; dead; Amanda, 6-3; William, 6-4; John, 6-5; Mary, 6-6; Anna, 6-7; Arthur, 6-8; Ethel, 6-9; and Blanch, 6-10. Ruth, 5-2, married William Kittle. To them was born one daughter named Maude,6-1, married Mr. Canby; address Winfield, Iowa. Leah, 5-3, deceased. Mary Ann, 5-4 married Spencer Writner, of Pennsylvania. To them were born eight children, names are: Harvey, 6-1; Clarence, 6-2; Maude, 6-3; Mabel, 6-4; Alvah, 6-5; Grace, 6-6; Leah, 6-7, and Elenor, 6-8. Effie 5-5, married Wm. C. Crawford of Henry county, Iowa, no children. Jane, 5-6, married William Cardin. To them were born four children, names are; Ray, 6-1; Edith, 6-2; Frank, 6-3; and Carl, 6-4^ First husband was William, de- ceased. Her second marriage to William Barr, no children; address Winfield, Iowa. 4— Maxon, 4-5. son of Enoch and Catherine (Patterson) Vansvoe; married Mary Rogers. To them were born four children; Addison, 5-1 is all the names remembered. 4— Aceneth, 4-6, daughter of Enoch and Catherine (Patterson) Vansyoc, her husband. Lewis ['a)gers. To them were born 2 children, Carrie, 5-1; married Jasper Toothacre; Cameron 5-2. married Louisa Toothacre. A — Abraham, 4-7, son of Enoch and Catheriine (Patterson) Van- syoc: His wife was Mary L. Clemens. To them were born nine child- ren; Abraham, 4-7, died March 13,1907, age 78 vears, 2 months, 2 days. .lohn W., 5-1; Sarah J., 5-2; Finley, 5-3; Rachel L., 5-4; Ida J., 5-5; Lydia L., 5-6; Nancy O., 5-7; James B., 5-8; and Nellie D., 5-9. John, 5-1, married, address Osborn, Kan. Sarah J., 5-2, mar- ried Thomas L. Smith. To them were born three children; Bertha 23 E., 6-1; Laura B., 6-2; and Glenn R., 6-3; address Orange, California. Bertha E., 6-1, married Arthur T. Dugdale. To them was born one child, John L., 6-1. Finly A., 5-3, address Hennessey, Oklahoma. Rachel L., 5-4, married Samuel Hedden, October 28, 1880. To them were born two children: Vella May, 6-1, and Clarence Renel, 6-2. Ida J., 5-5 married Mr. Berger, address Downs, Kansas. Lydia L., 5-6 married Mr. Moore, Griswold, Iowa. Nancy, O., 5-7, married Mr. Cook, Griswold, Iowa Nellie D., 5-9, married Mr. Griffith, Lenox, Iowa. 4 — Anion, 4-8, son of Enoch and Catherine (Patterson) Vansyoc: Married. To him and wife were born children; names not known. Moses, 3-7, son of Enoch, 2-1, and Lydia, 2-4 (Elliot) Vansyoc: His wife is Mary Sherick. Moses, 3-7, was born April 10, 1793 and died July 1st, 1859, aged 66 years, three months and 10 days. Mary was bornborn January 1st, 1791 and died August 11th, 1870, aged 79 years. 7 months and 11 days. They were married in August, 1816. They set- tled on an 80 acre farm in the woods his father gave them soon after marriage. Both made that their home as long as they lived. At their deaths their only living son, Joesph, 4-3, became owner of the homestead. He and his wife made it their Tiome till death. Joseph, 4-3 was born September 23, 1822 and died February 19th, 1896. His wife was born March 25th, 1823 and died April 26th, 1905. Their heirs still own the homestead at this date, June 1st, 1908. The farm has belonged to the Vansyocs about 114 years. Moses Sr., 3-7, and wife: To them were born eight children: Anna, 4^-1; Fanny, 4-2; Joseph, 4-3; Enoch, 4-4;* Aaron, 4-5; Moses, 4-6; Mary, 4-7 and Lydia, 4-8. Anna, 4-1, married James Kerr. To them were born seven child- ren: Fanny, 5-1; Esther, 5-2; Mary, 5-3; Andrew, 5-4; Stephen, 5-5; Martha, 5-6; and Moses, 5-7. Fanny, 4-2, married Ebenezar Smith. To them were born five children: Anna, 5-1; Sarah, 5-2; Mary, 5-3; Moses, 5-4 and Warren, 5-5. Joseph, 4-3, married Phoebe Breece. To them were born six chilaren: Moses, 5-1; Louisa, 5-2; Breece, 5-3; Mary, 5-4; Iseral, 5-5; and Dora, 5-6. Lydia, 4-8 married Stiles Town. To them were born four children: John, 5-1; Joseph, 5-2; Minerva, 5-3; and Spencer, 5-4. Moses, 5-1, son of Joseph, 4-3, and Phebe (Breece) Vansyoc: His wife is Maggie Safer. To them were born five sons. •John, 6-1; Charles, 6-2; Orill, 6-3; Elmer, 6-4; and Pearl, 6-5. John. 6-1, married Mary Russell; Charles, 6-2, married Anna McCosh; Ori'l, 6-3, married Edith Cardin: Elmer, fi-4, and Pearl, 6-;"), sing-le. Louise, 5-2, daughter of Joseph and Phebe (Breece) Vansyoc: Her husbani is James Mitchel. To them was born one son: Clinton, 6-1. Mitchel's address is 2011 Whiteman Street, St. Cincinnatti, Ohio. He married Lizzie Russell (first wife deceased) second wife was May Williams. Breece, 5-3, son of Joseph, 4-3 and Phebe (Breece) Vansyoc: His wife is May Chamberlain To them were born five children: Arthur, 6-1; Wellington, 6-2 and Willam, 6-3, twins; Winfield, 6-4 and Myrtle, 6-5 Breece, 5-3, died August 28, 1907. His family's address s Col- Iyer, Kansas. Mary, 5-4. daughter of Joseph, 4-3, and Phebe ( Breece) Vansyoc: Her husband is William Wishard. To them were born four children: Riley, 6-1; Myrtle, 6-2; Ollie, 6-3 and Bird, 6-4. Riley, 6-1 married Sophia Heppe. Israel, 5-5, son of Joseph, 4-3 and Phebe 24 (Breece) Vansyoc married Lizzie Lyons. To them were born two sons: Reginald, 6-1 and Hugli, 6-2, address Winfield, Iowa. Theodore, 5-5, son of Josejjh, 4-3, and Phebe (Breece) Vansyoc: His first wife was Louisa Hedden, no children. She is deceased. His second mar- riage to Amanda Ellis. To them were born four children: Lewis, 6-1; Ethel, 6-2; Horace, 6-3; and Lawrence 6-4; address Wichita, Kansas. 3 — Johannah, 3-8, daughter of Enoch Sr., 2-1, and Lydia, 2-4, (Elliot) Vansyoc: Her husband is Abraham Sherick. To them were born six children: Lydia Ann, 4-1; Barbara, 4-2; Enoch, 4-3; Rachel, 4-4; Nancy, 4-5; and Christly, 4,-6, died young. 4 — Lydia Ann, 4-1, died when a young woman. Barbara, 4-2, married Enoch, 4-1, Newburn; had children but names not known. Enoch, 4-3, married wifes name not known They had children but names not known. Rachel, 4-4, married Samuel Birch of Washington County Pennsylvania. To them were born 5 children, namely: Lin- coln, 5-1, dead; Sample A., 5-2; Minnehaha J., 5-3; Hallie Duluth, 5-4 and Hallie Ba., 5-5, dead. Parents both died at Carlton, Mo. in 1902. He the first day of November. She the second day of December. Sample, 52, married Ida E. Hewitt. They have three children: Frank, H., 6-1; Edith Rachel, 6-2 and Helen D., 6-3. Sample's, 5-2, address is Hannibal, Mo. Minnehaha J., 5-3, married Samuel G. Mc Dowell. To them were born eight children (only four are living). Charles B., 6-1; Samuel G., .Ir., 6-2; Percy R., 6-3; and Helen, 6-4; address Bethany, Mo. Hallie Duluth, 5-4 married Ambler F. Wilson. To them was born one daughter: Margaret F., 6-1, born February 25, 1906; ad- dress Neoga, Illinois. Charles B., 6-1, son of Samuel and Minnehaha McDowell married Lou Ellen Tomlin. To them were born three children: David F., 7-1; Minnie, 7-2; Lou, 7-3; and Roy Edwin, 7-4. Nancy Sherick, 4-5, married Daniel Ross. To them was born a daughter: Clara, 5-4. 3— Rachel, 3-9, daughter of Enoch Sr. and Lydia, 2-2, (Elliot) Vansyoc: Her husband is Henry Sherick. To them were born six children: Joseph, 4-1; Maryann, 4-2; Enoch, 4-3; Lydia, 4-4; Hannah, 4-5, and Ritter, 4-6 A — Maryann, 41-2, married Timothy Lindly. To them were born ten childen: Rachel M., 5-1; Henry M., 5-2; Hannah L., 5-3; Sarah Z., 5-4.; Phebe F., 5-5; Alvah T., 5-6; Willam H., 5-7; Ruth A., 5-8; Esther, L., 5-9; and Mary, 5-10. 4— Enoch P., 4-2, son of Aaron, 3-10 and Ruth (Cope) Vansyoc: His wife is Phebe Crew. To them were born nine children: Martha J.. 5-1; Albert, 5-2; Emma, 5-3; Anna, 5-4^ Mary, 5-5; Ella. 5-6; Oliver, 5-7; William E., 5-8; and Eva, 5-9. Martha J., 5-1 married Brinton K. Galbreth of Columbiana County, Ohio.. Their address is Chino, Cali- fornia. Their childmns' names are: Omer B., 6-1, born December 15, 1875, died August 24, 1886. Leslie A., 6-2, born February 15, 18S0. Address is Chino, Californiaa. Russel E., 6-3, born April 15, 1883. Ida May, 6-4, born September 3rd, 1885; married Gus Caldwell July 5th, 1903. Albert. 5-2. married; ehildrens' nam.es are: Harry. 6-1; Sarah B., 6-2; Minnie, 6-3; and Glen, 6-1 His address is Beloit, Ohio. Emma, 5-3, married Edward French of Colubiana county Ohio. Their 25 address is 58 Langly Avenue, Detroit, MicMg-an. Their childrens' names are Holland, 6-4; deceased; Hubert, 6-2; Allen, 6-3; Dortha, 6-4, deceased; Robert, 6-5. Anna, 5-3, married Robert Hawley. Their address is Glenwood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. Their childrens' names are: Vera, 8-1, and Clark, 8-2. Mary, 5-4, Vansyoc, married George Sheehan. Their address is 96 Lincoln Avenue, Salem, Ohio. Their children's names are Helen, 6-1; Erla, 6-2; and Glenn, 6-3. Helen, 6-1, married Charles Cornwall. Ella, 6-2, married Mr. Whitacre. Their address is R. F. D. 2, Salem, Columbiana county, Ohio. Their children's names are: Alma, 6-1; Earl, 6-2, deceased; and Ralph, 6-3. Oliver, 5-6, single. William E., married Nellie Maud Camp, January 14, 1902. Eva, 5-8, married Mr. Freeman. They have one child named Phoebe, 6-1 4 — Jesse C, 4-4, son of Aaron, 3-1 and Ruth (Cope) Vansyoc. His wife is 'Rachel L. Morrison. To them were born two sons: Harvey E. 5-1, born May 2, 1858; William E. 5-2, born March 10th, 1864. Rachel died June 7th, 1903. 4— Jesse C, 4-4, married Ruth E. Brown, Aprill 11th, 1907. Harvey E., 5-1, married Ella N. Coons. To them were born three children: Ancil C, 6-1; Viva B., 6-2; and Jay, 6-3. William E., 5-2, married Bertha V. Young. To them were born three children: Waldo, 6-1; Jessie, 6-2; and Merna, 6-3. Waldo, 6-1 married. To him and his wife was born a daughter Jessie Mae, 7-1. Jessie, 6-2, married John Long. To them was born a son, Robert Newton, 7-1. A — Abraham Elliot, 4-5, son of Aaron, 3-10, and Ruth (Cope) Vansyoc: His first wife, Mary J. Cooke. She died. No children. His second wife was Elizabeth Lamar. To them were born eight children: Cory, 5-1; William, 5-2; John, 5-3; Ott, 5-4; Clarrie, 5-5; Mary, 5-6; Myrtle, 5-7; and Walter, 5-8. Cory, 5-1, married David Smouse. To them were born two sons: Earl, 6-1 and Vernal, 6-2. William, 5-2; married Sarah E. Woodruff. To them were born six children: Samuel, 6-1; John, 6-2; Orvil, 6-3; Elizabeth, 6-4; Mary, 6-5 and Edith, 6-6. Samuel, 6-1, married Exie E. Zing February 5, 1908, of Noble, Iowa. Ott, 5-4, married Luella Harty. To them were born one son: Ray, 6-1. His first wife is deceased. His second marriage was to Lena Konkle. To them were born live children, Wilbur L. 6-1, dead. Buna, 6-2: Merna, 6-3: Omer, 6-4. Clarrie 5-5, married Charles Brown. To them were born seven children: Effice Grace, 6-1; Edith May, 6-2; Forest, 6-3: Iven, 6-6: and Arlow, 6-5. Mary, 5-6, married Albert Thompson. To them were born four children: Flor- ence Christena, 6-1, and Ruth Alberta, 6-2. Myrtle, 5-7, married David Crosley. Walter, 5-8, married Hattie May Parker. To thgm was born one dauo-hter, Mildred. 4 — Sarah J., 4-6, daughter of Aaron, 3-10, and Ruth (Cope) Van- syoc. Her husband is Enoch Berrier. To them were born three children: Edson, 5-1; Lydia, 5-2; and Eva, 5-3. Parents and child- ren all deceased. A — Amos P., 4-7, Vansyoc, son of Aaron and Ruth (Cope) Van- syoc: His wife is Ellen Lamar. To them were born six chidren: Emma, 5-1, dead; Ida, 5-2, and a twin sister, 5-3, which died in in- fancy; Etta, 5-4, and Myrtle, 5-5 dead and another child dead. Ida, 26 5-2, married Moses Stover. They have six children: Ruby, 6-1; Clyde, 6-2; Vera, 6-3; Elsie, 6-4; Raymond, 6-5 and Leonard, 6-6. 4— Harrison, 4-S, son of Aaron, 3-10, and Ruth (Cope) Vansyoc: His wife is Angeline Thomas. To them were born two sons: Ora, 5-1 and Aaron, 5-2. Ora, 5-1, married May . To them were born three children- Blanch, 6-1; Earl, 6-2; and Aaron, 6-3. 4 — Lydia, 4-11, daughter of Aaron, 3-10, and Ruth (Cope) Vansyoc: Her husband is George Furtney. To them were born two children: Wesley, 5-1 and Maggie, 5-2. Wesley, 5-1, married Willah May Via. They have three children: Alice 6-1; Loraine, 6-2 and George, 6-8. Maggie, 5-2, married Herbert Dyall, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. 4 — Aaron E., 4-12, son of Aaron, 3-10 and Ruth (Cope) Vansyoc: His wife is Edna Sparks. To them were born nine children: Harley, 5-1; Wiltimina, 5-2; Oliver, 5-3; Alma, 5-4, dead, Iva, 5-5; Toy, 5-6; Ruby. 5-7, dead; Lory, 5-8. One died in infancy. Harley, 5-1, married Addie Wellins. To them were born four children: Larry A., 6-1, born October 12, 1902, died July 1, 1904; Marvin W., 6-2, born September 16, 1904; Ivy Bertine, 7-3, born April 13, 1906; Cecil B., 7-4, born Jan- uary 17, 1908, dead. In my attempt in adding to the aforesaid history of the Elliot and Vansyoc family record, which was compiled by John D. Elliot in the year 1875 down to that date, quite a portion of what I learned of the Geneology of the Elliot and Vansyoc families was when a young man in conversation wita my father's oldest brother, Abraham Va:i- syoc, who was born in the year 1785, and I being personally acquaint- ed with quite a number of the different families contained in th'i above history of the descendants down to the present time. Still ma have made some mistakes, as I found it a greater task than I first anticipated it would be in my 74th and 75th years of age; not having any experience in this line of business . In commemoi'ation of our beloved relative, John D. Elliot, who was a minister of the society of Friends for many years, we are thankful for the information he g"ave us in comiDiling- the Geneolog-y of the first part of this history of the Elliot and Vansyoc descendants since settling in America. " He is now numbered with the sleeping Saints waiting till the voice of the Archangel comes with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ is raised immortal, 1st Thess, 4th Chapter . We hope every one named in this book may have the happy privilege of meeting in the Golden City of the New Jerusalem. Yours in hope, JESSE C. VANSYOC, 329 Marion St., Boone, Iowa. April 1st, 1908. t> RD -107 NOXEIS. Aaron S. Watkins, 5-9; is nominated for Vice President of the United States on thie Prohibition ticket of the year 1908. He is son of Rebecca Elliot, 4-6; daughter of Joseph, 3-2 and Elizabeth, (John) Elliot, her husband, William Watkins. In conversation with an old g-entleman in Marion county, Iowa, by the name of Jeremiah Elliot, (now deceased) a number of years a,go, he told me he visited James Elliot, 4-5, (son of Isaac 3-3) in Logan county, Ohio, and in tracing- the Geneolog-y of their ancestors back to Benjamin, Jacob and Abraham on the first page of this book, they found they were of the same family. All I know of Jeremiah's rela- tives was a brother of his I was acquainted with, named Oscar, who died several years ago, and two sons of Jeremiah, named John B. Elliot, President of the National Bank of Knoxville, Marion county, Iowa, and Jeremiah, John's brother, who died several years ago. '^c,- V ".v^pr-- ^■^^% -,«:: ..■ ^ov^ r^. V^',>,,,^ ., \y~ "-^ . 4 o. V V s ♦ ■y ^^. \ \./ ;>^^^;, %,^ ;»^' G ' i?v._ ^^--^ o <}. ^0- Vi'c ^^•n^. ^<- V-S^ -, .:^^-' .h ^ v^. .^ 0' c" ■^ \> <", %■- •-.„. ■ ■■ ■:■. "^./ .-:«-, %,.^ :jm^. "^,/ r^: c „ o ,0 -^^ « , , • ^V r'V. o >^^ 7-i • ■° .^'^ ... 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