m u^^ i\nm a, WJ5J' ^j|R^B 1 m W: . <,"$ Comblime7its of George I. Buxton, Norwalk, Co?in. ^ ^^'i'^ *'^ :^' Tf^}^^ Ai "^ •'•CrjL^J^/Js^^^'lV: \t .1 till iss E ^u•^. .1 l-KKSKMI II HI ;■»-' .<^ »>N i,^.^^- 28th Anniversary Rostkr OF BUCKINGHAM POST No. 12 Deparimknt of Cow., (j. A. R. AND Buckingham W. R. C. Auxiliary to the Po^ ( ffh/fi^ucMiA^du4M^ With Historical Sketch of the Post ami List ot" gia\es deco- rated oil Memorial Da\ . ^ Also an Appendix giving a List of all Norwalk men vvh,) served during the Civil War, as shown hv the Connecticut State Record, arranged in Alpha- betical order. NORWALK, CONN. February 2§th, igoS RICHARD j. CLTBILL. TWENTY-SIXTH COMMANDER OF KLC KINGHAM Pt)S 1. .Ci^** Post Officers, 1908 Commander RICHARD J. CUTBILL Senior Vice-Commander CHARLES W. BENNETT Junior Vice-Commander AUGUSTUS C. GOLDING Adjutant GEORGE A. WHITE Quartermaster THOMAS BRADLEY Surgeon CHARLES VAN SCHAICK Chaplain JAMES S. LYON Officer of the Day ALONZO WHEELER Officer of the Guard CHARLES J. MARTINET Sergeant Major HENRY I. SMITH Quartermaster Sergeant JOSEPH P. GROSSMAN i?* t^* tf^ Delegates to Department Encampment GEORGE A. WHITE AUGUSTUS C. GOLDING Alternates HENRY L SMITH EDWIN M. BALDWIN ^oard of Trustees GEORGE W. RAYMOND CHARLES F. LOOMIS ALONZO WHEELER PAST POST COMMANDERS BRADLEY S. KEITH. 1280, 1881, J882. FRANK W. PERRY J883 CORNELIUS EL WOOD 18% EDWLM NORTHROP J884 JOHN HENRY i8% JAMES L. AMBLER 1885 AARON DECKER 1897 JAMES SCHOFIELD 1886 EDWARD E. PELTON 18^8, 18^9 WILLIAM A. AMBLER 1887 JAMES E. WIXON 1900 CHARLES F. LOOMIS J888 FLETCHER PIERCE I90i GEORGE I. BUXTON J889 JOHN F. LOVEJOY 1902 ALVAN A. HAUSCHILDT 1890 JAR VIS KELLOGG 1903 THOMAS BRADLEY I89J WESLEY M. NIBLOCK 1904 ALFRED A. CHINERY 1892 JAMES S. LYON 1905 ALONZO WHEELER 1893 FRANK S. MIDDLEBROOK . 190fo GEORGE W. RAYMOND 1894 CHARLES W. BENNETT 1907 JOSEPH P. GROSSMAN, / Past Commanders of Old Post 12, restored to their WILLIAM A. KELLOGG, * honors by Department Encampment of 189J. EDWARD M. LEES, ^ CHARLES H. OLMSTEAD, j p^jj Commanders Post 62. PETER R. FOOTE, | Department of Connecticut, BRADLEY B. BAKER, I disbanded. WILLIAM E. ALBIN. I MYRON W. ROBINSON, Past Commander Post 9, Dep't. of Conn. PAST NATIONAL OFFICERS EDWARD ANDERSON, GEORGE I. BUXTON. Chaplain-in-Chief, 1887. Aid on Staff of Commander in-Chief, 1890 PAST NATIONAL DELEGATES GEORGE I. BUXTON Milwav.k.-e 1369, Washington 1892. San Francisco 1*^3 RICHARD J. CUTBILL Chicago I'^OO, Denver H05 FRANK W. PERRY Louisville 13^5 GEORGE A. WHITE . Saratoga 1907 BRADLEY S.KEITH I880-I88I-I882. FRANK W.PERRY 1883. EDWIN NORTHROP 884. JAMES L.AMBLER IS8S. JAMES SCMOFIELD 1886. WM A. AMBLER 1887 CHAS. F.LOOM 188 LVAN A.HAUSCHILDT ♦ 690. P.AST COMMANDERS OF BUCKINCH \M POST TM0MA5 BRADLEY 1891 ALFRED A. CHIN ERY 1892 ALONZO WHEELER 1893 6E0.W. RAYMOND CORNELIUS ELWOOD JOHN HENRY 1894 1895 1896 AARON DECKER EDWARD E. P ELTON JAMES E.WIXON 1897 1898 - 1899 1900 I'ASI COMMANDKKS t)l liLX KINt.l lAM I'O.SI FLETCHER PIERCE JOHN F.LOVEJOY JARVIS KELL066 1901 1902 1903 WES LEY M.N I BLOCK 1904 JAMES 5. LYON FRANK 5.MIDDLEBR00K 1905 1906 CHARLES W.BENNETT JOSEPH P.CR05SMAN Wm A. KELLOGG 1907 (OLOPO&T) (OLD PO^T) PAST COMMANDERS OF BUCKINGHAM POST PETER R FOOTE BRADLEY B.BAKER I'AST tOMMANlMKS Ol 1 lAKKV NKDONOUGI I l^OSr. No. (.1. WIUSTI'OH! KI>' NOW MliMliEKS OF BUCKINGHAM I OS V MYROX \V. KOHIXSOX, Past Commander I'ost q, Depavimeiit of Conn. Surgeon, Soldiers Home, Norolon. COMkADI-: A. ll()MI':k l',^■|.\"(i'^( ).\. tli.m-li lil^ military scnicc was brief, it \va> lume the k'>> crcditahlc and fiuitlc- liini to nu'iiiln r^liil» in <'»ir order. At tile breaking out id' the Keliellinn lie wa^ in the City ol' \\'a^liiiii;l(»ti. and wa-- aiiKnii;- the t'ir->t t^ xdlunleer fur the proleclit in ^^i the Capital hetorc Northern inid]):- e<>uld he hnmi^ht there. Me joined the \\'a--hin_;;ton (.'lay Ciiiard>. an orsjanizati" )n from anioni,' the lo\al resident- and ot'tieeholdi-r^ of the city, mustered into service for the jjrotection of (lovernnieiit ])ro|)ert\ and hves. They served till large bodies of troops began to arrive, when they were given honorable discharges. It was. liowever. as a civilian at the front, that Comrade liyington did his be>t service to the cause of the country, far in excess of anything lie might have accomplished as a scjldier in the ranks. As Chief Correspondent in the field, of the Xew York Trihiiiic. the leading Administration organ of the da\', his duties were arduous and exacting, and very important in a national sense. Among many important acts to his credit might be mentioned the fact that it was he who first gave the news of the o])ening l;attle of (ietty^bnrg t() l*re>i- dent Lincoln, and the War Department, which had been cut oti' from tele- graphic communication with the Army. Comrade IJyington. as the re]iresentative of his jiaper. had free range of cami)>. battlefields and ho-^jjilal-. conse(|uently was in ])osition to be of great service to our boys at the front, and in order to afford him more authority in that direction. ( iovernor liuckingham commissioneil him as Commissary ( ien- eral on hi^ -talT. COnn-ade llyington wa> never ha])pier than when doing -ome kind act for a >ick or wunndeil soldier, or using his intUience for their advancement. .Man\ a Xorwalk cunn-ade has reason to hold him in greatful remembrance. It wa^ in C'onn'ade r>\ington"> Mall in ihe Ciazelle lUiilding. that I'.nck- ingham J'sociati()n and presented him with a handsome gold badge, -et with diamonds, in recognition of h\> --ervice^ h^ them in the field. lie ha- recenth' relumed home after an absence of ten year- abroad, as Cnited .*^tate- Con-ul at \a]ile-. llal\. and now in the >''2i\ year of hi- age remain- an honored nienil er of the I'o-t in good ,-tanding. 1() HISTORICAL SKEICH The early liist(ir\- nf the ( iraiid Ariiix dt' ihe l\ei)nl)lic in Xnrwalk is some- what (ih>cure: those >urvivini;' wlio took ])art in the lir^t attempt at ori^anizatitni clilteriiig somewhat in tlieir rect)llection of the matter: but. as near as can be ascertained from tlie records which liave l)een preserved, (juite early in the year j8()J. less than a year after the foundation of the ( )rder in Illinois, a number of ex-soldiers of Xorwalk ai)])lied for a Charter to organize a Tost, which being granted, ten comrade- assembled in the sanctum of the Xorwalk Gazette, and organized what wa> known a> I 'ost Xo. 2. District of I lousa- tonic. Department of Connecticut, G. A. R.. and elected James L. Ambler as its first Commander. The Post subsequently established its headquarters in the Sons of Temperance 1 lall. Gazette Building, and increased in member- ship to some fifty or more. At that time the ."^tate was divided into four district-, one for each Con- gressional District, with District Commanders. Gen. W'm. 11. .Xoble. ot Bridgeport, was the first Commander of thi- Di-trict. .Sul)se(|uently the dis- trict sub-division of the Order was abandoned, leaving as at present, the Post as the unit. Dejiartments representing States, and one Xational organiza- tion. It appears, for some reason not shown, that the name of this Post was. soon after its organization, changed to .Xo. 12. District of the 1 bmsatonic, and continued in existence during the year- iSf )7-oS. but was disbanded early in iSrxj. a fate which l)efell nearly every To^t in the State at that lime. Ubruary. iS<)i. The first Memorial Day services, and the ilecoration of -oldier-' grave-, in accordance with the original order of General Logan were conducted by this Post in May, i86(S; and, according to the report of the .Xorw.m.k Gazette (then the only paper published in Xorwalk. an, and fourteen in I'nion Cemeterv : \\herea> eight are nnw decorated in St. Paul"-. 5^ in St. Mar\">. 13^^ in rnion Cemetery and 74 in the new Riverside Cemetery, an increa-e of 244 >ince the first Decoration Daw During the decade frnm 1S70 {<> 1880, no further attempts at organiza tion c'.])|)ear to have been made. Imt in the .\'oK\\ \i.i< (jAZKTTi-: of Februarv 3r(K 1880. the following call ai)])eared : NOTICF.. "AH old soldiers and sailors of the late war. residents of Xorwalk. who ma\- he desirous of forming a Post of Cj. .\. R., at Xorwalk Ihidge. are re(|ue^ted to meet with the following comrade-^, at the G.\zi-:tti-: ot^ce. on Wednesday evening. l-\-hruary 4th. 1880. Signed. R. L. l^lls. W'm. .\. Kellogg, Jere. B. Rusco, C. C. Piatt. Edwin Xorihrop. Geo. W. Smith, Thomas H. Gibson, Jesse Pollard. 15. S. Keith. I'letcher Pierce, h'rank I'ollard. W'm. P.. Xewcomb, George H. Raymond, h)^. |'. Grossman and Jame> L. Aiuhler. ' In response to ihi-- call, thirteen conn'ade> met and effectetl a tem])orary organization. The}' were encouraged in their efforts to organize a Post by the j^resence of a delegation from Douglas I'owler Post. Xo. 48. of South Xorwalk. \\hicli had been organized a >hort time |ire\iou>. Thi- meeting resulted in the a])])()intment i>\ a committee to i)erfect arrangement^^, for organ- ization, and was followed by the organization of the ])resent Post. Februare 25, 1880. in the hall of Concord l)i\i>ion. Sons of Temperance, in th.e ( lazette Pnilding. Xineteen comrades were mustered into ilu- ( i. .\. R. in the pre- scribed form, by Senior \'ice-De])t. Commander \. I'.. I'.eer-. of Bridgeport, and ("ommander I'.railley .s. Kfitli, witji ilu- oilur ofhcer>-elect. were duly Mi-talleil. It wa> >tated b\' I'a-^l 1 )epartment (dnimander t harle-- 1'.. lowlcr. who was present, that a> the original Xorwalk 1 '0--I had no other name but \o. T2. which had not >ince been approjiriated by any other 1 'o^-t oi the depart- ment, this I 'o>t Could adopt that num])(.'r, with a name. It wa> accordinglv voted to take the "Xo. 12." and n.ame the I 'o-t in honor of our great and noble war ( io\ei nor " 1 Buckingham." h'or two or three \ear> after organization, the l'o-.l. in common with many others, had a hard struggle fect remained .dont five months, when lease was taken of the large and well-appointed hall on Wall Street known as the "Athenaeum," the name lieing changed to (jranl Army ilall. The Post held its first meeting in this hall Xovemher 12, 1S84. 1 lere the Post thrived and grew tmlil a very large percentage of the old >oldiers and >ailors of Xorwalk were taken into meml)er>hi]). 1 )m-ing the nearly seventeen years the Post occupied these headciuarter-, the most imjiortant events in its his- torv occurred. Many enjoyahle entertainments were given and associations formed which will remain pleasant memories through life. Dm'ing the term of Jame> Schotield a-- C'ommander. in 1880, the Pu.-t was fully uniformed with coats and ca])--. and the following x'ear piu'chased a full stand of colors, making a hue ap])earance on parade. A contmittee of the Po^t was appointed ( )ctol)er 12. 1887. looking to tlie organization of a Women's Relief Corps. It was organized a> "'nuckinghani W. R. C, Xo. 30," Decemher k;. 1887. and has e\er >ince remained in a tlourishing condition as a valuahle auxiliary to the l'o>t. A committee was appointed Uecemher 2S, 1887, tt) take into consideration the organization of a Camp of Sons of X'eterans. resulting in the organization, on Fehruar}- 15, 1888, of what wa> known as ""( ). S. l-'erry Camp. Sons of \'eterans."" The Cam]) continue(l in existence, however, only a few years. At the National Encam])ment of 1887. Conn-ade l^dward .\nderson of this Post, was elected Chaplain-in-Chief. and his installation to office took place Xovemher 29, 1887. It was a red-letter day for .Xorwalk. there heing prohably the largest gathering in town ever witnessed here. Several brass bands and innumerable drum corps were in attendance, and there was by far the largest ])arade of (i. .\. 1\. I'o-ts and military comiianie> ever seen in Xorwalk. The Governor, P. C. Loun>bury. and >taff. with the Ceneral of the State Militia and statT. were in attendance. The ceremonies took place in the State .\rmory. and .Ma\or .Morgan (1. Pnlklex . rcniain> to Taunton. }^lass.. where the interment took ])lace. The Post has held two successful Fairs, the first in the ( )])era House, October 8 to 11. 1884. from which was realized a gii,„l sum. forming' the nucleus of the Po>l Kehef l-uiid. The >econd l-"air wa> held in the State Armorv. in connection with Company "F" of the State ( luard. I-'ehruary iS to 2^, 1889. and was very successful, netting a >um ^ufiicient to erect the Post monument in Riverside Cemetery. A fine'h' located plot in Riverside Cemeter\ \\a> deeded to the Post for the free burial of deceased soldiers and -;iilor- of Xm-walk. on wliich thj Post erected a handsome monument, dedicaieil with ajjpropriale ceremonie>. in the presence of a large gathering. Memorial l)ay. 1889. Ind'cati\"e of the character of tlie monument, ihe C'ommander in lii'- ad(h-e-s ^aid: 'Tt was the wish of the I 'o>t that the nionumenl wa-^ not to he of an elaborate or exi)ensi\e character. l)ut >uch a> \\(/uld lionor the hallowed .spot, and mark it for future generation^ a> the re-ting i)lace of those who fought to save the L nion in it- Iiour of peril, i'.nt the memorial wdiich we to-day dedicate is something e\en more than in honor of our dead conu'ades. In the nattu"al course of events, those solid l)locks of granite will stand for ages — even long after the statue which surmounts them — and to the fmure generation-, to wliom tlie ( Irand Army of tlie Rei)ublic i> unknown, or l)Ut a faint and di-tant UKinory. and when this cemeterv shall ha\e become a beautifnl cit\ of the tkad. the inscription on yonder stone wiU ]»oiiU to the fact that in the }ear of ()ur Lord i88(). there existed in the town of Xorwalk. a rehc of the great War of the Rebellion, known as lUickingliam 1 'o-t No. i_>. |)e])ariment of Connecti- ciU (Irand Army of the Republic. The moiuunent is therefore a memorial of the l'(.-t." The Post has al-o procurecl State headstone- fur tlu' i^raws of all de- ceased soldiers and sailor-, not otherwi-e proxided for, when in conformitx with the wishes of relati\e-. I )m-ing till- third Meniori.il I )a\ -erxices held h\ the I'o-t in iSnj. in the I'ir.si Ciunxh. an incident occurred worthy of record. Re\ . William II. Thomas, then pastor of the .'second .Methodi-t I'.pi-copal t hnich in hi- ad- ^Iress gave an ejoinu-iu de-eiiptii m i>\ the I'.altle of (iettxshmg and told hou . when the light was i-aging liercely .and \ ietory trembled in the balance, a small Hag was si-i-ii to d;irt toward- the rebel lines and alnio-i insianlb dis- .'ippcar, ibe Iii'arer nndonbledly goim.^ down inider the leiiitii' shi.wei- of bnl lets. The sj^hi (if tile llag ga\e tile I iiidu foiees Impe. bnwiver. and from that nionieiit tliey wt-re imbued wiiii fre-li conr;ii^e .in tlu' -jxit u beie llu- \\a'^ bad been s^en 14 intent on solving- the mystery. After rfni(i\in,n- ^ix-at heaps of dead h. >(he>, tlie\- came acro^^ the flag tightly gra>i)ed in the lift'lc'-- lingers of a ne\v>boy who had followed the army into battle. At lhi> ])iiint the speaker drew from hi> pocket the identical llag. he having treasured it a> one n{ the grandest relio of the war. The description of the battle and the finding of the flag was so pathetic that there wa> hardl_\- a dry eye in the congrega- . tion. On October 20, 1900, the i'ost united with Dongla-^s l'^)wler To-i. Xo. 48. of South Xorwalk, in the dedication of a Soldier-" .Monument in South Xor- walk. The most friendK' relations ha\e alwa_\> exi>ted between the two ,--i.->ter lV)-ts of the town, each taking i)art in the other"- entertainments and public functions. Douglass b'owler Tost ha- attended to the decoration of graves in the southern part of the town on Meiuorial Da}, and Buckingham I o-i those in. the northern part. The Post has, since organization, had 22}, members, representing ever}' branch of the -ervice. It reached its maxinuuu strength of about 150 mem- bers in good standing, during the years from iSijo to iS(;4. Since that period there has l:een a gradual decline in meiubershi]). .\lan\ have died, and xnne have moved away and united with other jxists. It number^ but [)() members in good standing at the pre-ent time. The Tost ha> had in it> membershii). besides the two reinstated l*ast Commanders of ( )ld I'o-i ij. several Past Commanrlers of other ])osts, wdio joined 1)\- tran^fer card. Marry McDonough }\)st Xo. f)3. of \\'est])ort. having ];ecome reduced in membershii). surrend- ered its charter lanuar\- 1. KJ05. A number of its members wi>hing to retain their standing in the order, have since joined and become valued mem- bers of Buckingham Post. Among them Past Commanders b'dwar.l M. Lees. Charles H. Olmstead, Peter R. Foote, P.radle\- !'.. I'.aker. and William E. Albin. being entitled to seat^ in the Oepa-rtment lv.icam])ment, add -trength to the Post in the Department. Jn addition. Past C"( nurander .M . W . Pobinsdii of I'o-t Xo. 1;. CoP Chester, Surgeon of the Soldier's 1 lome. Xoroion. is r.nw a member ot this Post. The oldest meml er of the I 'o-t at the ])re-ent time is Comrade Joseph P. Crossman. just eight\-two. I he youngest member is ( i. A. branke. who enlisted in the ra\y in 18(14. at the age of fifteen : he has just entered his sixtietli }ear. ( )n Inne 5. npi. the Post mo\'ed into its ])resent ([uarters in the Jack- son liuilding on Wall .Street, which are \er\ comfortable and convenient, and better suited to the reiluce(l membership. With no new lield for recruits like other organizations, the time is rajiidly ai)pr(jaching when the I 'o-t mu-t cea-e to exist, when e\ery comrade will "sleeD beneath that low green lent, w lio>e curtain ne\er outward swiiiirs." ]"> As this will prolialj]}- he the la-l puhli-lK-d r(»tcr of the I'ost, wliat can be more ai)])ropriate than to clo^c thi> --ketch w iili tlu- hcantiful words of the Reverend W. (". Kichard-on in clo-inj^^ hi- addrc-- to the I'o-t on Memorial Day, i8<;o: "I see a mii,duy Im-t. -hadow y and dim with >ilent tread and ghostly march. Away it >treams in ceaseless majesty, rising and falling with stateh' swing. it> ])hantom banners waving in the noiseless breeze, its muskets touclied with the light of another world. "Its ranks fill up from every cam])ing place, each lonel\' grave an^l bloody l^attlefield yields u]) it> own, from each forsaken glade and steril mountain side they come, and, as it> rear guard swings this way. you, too, grown old and feeble in your time, fall in and on you move, a mighty host of everv age and race, with one ins])iring thought, with one majestic motive, that all-absorbing godlike trait — unselfi>hness — which to-day finds no form more worthily its own than that of the man who wears the blue and bears the l)adge of the (irand Army on his breast." IG ROSTER. HUC:KI\f ,11 \\\ I'l )s I , \\\ \\( )|."i Al h W !■ ROSTER I Alhiu. WilliMin K ,('<). C 1' Coiin. II. A Allen. Uufus .T Ainliler. .I.-inics L. . . Co. F. IT <'(Miii. N'dls Co. < '. L'7 <'oUn. \'ols. ;lll(l IIos]i. Si(\v;inl Ki'U'. .Vniiy. AiiiiiltT. Williaiii .\.... i SiJt. Co. i:. .'> Coiiii. \"ol> Anderson. Kdw.-ii'd Col. TJ hid. C.-i vnlry . . . I'.;ild\vin, Kdwin II. Unldwin. William K llarnard. William C Barrett. .John F Bates. Snuth Bates. William II. . . Baker. Bradley I'.. . . Ballard. Elijah Beclitel. Benjamin.. Bedient. William II . Bennett. ( 'liarles W . Benedict. Lewis B.. Benedict. Emx-li P>.. Beers. William P. . . Beers. Frederick . . . . Betts. Sanniel Blake. Edwin M Boiiardns. .John W. . Boomer. Iliram F . . . Bowe. Isaac r.radlcw Thomas. . . r.rady. Stephen A Brown. ( Ji'oriTe I Brown. I lenry Brown. ( 'hanncey E. . . . I'.row n. Seeley Brown. William 1' Brow n. William E I'.rotherton. Theodore. .. B.rotherton. Ira .M Brush. Theodore Buckley. Patrick Buckley. Pclcr P.nrtis. ( Icoru'c \V Bnxton. ( Jconri' I P.nrr. I Icnry I". . P.nrr. I hracc (J . . P.nr (•<.. P., :;4 111. \ols Co. P.. 1 ('((un. ( 'av Co. II. 1 Conn. 11. A Co. A. ;i N. .1. \'ols Co. E. 1':'. Conn. X'ols Co. A. .-. \. V. Vols Co. C. L's Conn. N'ols Co. G. r, X. v. II. A Color Sirt. Til Prnn. X'ols Co. F. 1 .\. .1. \ols 1st Sut. Co. <;. I'.m; PeiiH. Vols Co. II. 17 Conn. NCls Co. II. 17 Conn. N'ols ( "o. E. -'.'< < 'onn. \ols Co. E. 1':; Conn. \'el. N'ols Co. E. 1 ( "onn. N'ols Co. C. L'l ( "onn. N'ols Co. G. 1(1 Conn. N'ols 1st Sirt. ("o. A. 1.". X. V. En- gineers Su't. ( 'o. .V. 17 ( "n'ln. N'ols. . . . Co. P.. 1(1 I'. S. Infantry. . . . ("o. P. 1 Conn. II. A ("o. (". 2 Conn. II. .N <"o. A. I'S ("oim. N'(ds Co. 10. I'-'i ( "omi. N'ols ("o. II. 17 ("(.nn. N'ols Co. F. 17 Coim. N'ols ("o. F. 17 Conn. NOls S^'t. ( "o. F. 17 ( 'onn. N'ols. . . . ("o. .N. 17 Conn. N'ols ("o. ]•:. 1 1 X. V. Zonavcs Si:l. ( 'o. ( ;. KM 'onn. N'ols. . . . ("o. c. s:; X. V. N'ols CI X. V S. -M.i C"o. !■:. L'". ( 'onn. Nols Co. C. '-'s ( 'onn. N'ols Co. E. li; X. V. II. .N ("o. I! I'll Ci.nn. Nols ni:sn)i;x< t. NVest|iort Dropped .Fan. Pi. 1V.>7 Honorably dis'c Nov. •_•:;. IMd Died in Xew York Sci-t. L'l: 1N!t4 X'orwalk Pemovt'd from the l>i'pl. Hon. dis'c .March 1. iv."'- Xorw:ilk Died .January "j:".. I'.ml Xorwalk Tran. Card .Inly K'.. r.»>''> Xorw.-ilk Died .Inne 1. iv.n Wes1p<(rt Died March K'. IM'- Xorwalk Xorwalk Xorwalk Died .March 11. ^s<.u^, lH'opjied .Jmie -'.K 1SS7 East X(n-walk Xorwalk North Wilton 1 (ropiied .June '2'.K r.'nr, Hon. dis'c April 1. \'.»»\ Died .Npril 1.'!. I'.'(i7 Hol.oken. X. .r. Xorwalk Dropped .Niiril ".•. isst i Xorwalk I Dropjied .lannary 1."i. I'.'n-J Tran. ("ard .Inly l'.». ISNC- I Tran. ("ard March i:;. 1".t(M I Xorwalk [ Died Al.ril .-. 11 n J j Xorwalk Dropped .N|>ril 1. iv.'-'. j IHcd .M.iy :.'.-.. IS'.M j Xorwall< I Xorwalk I Died An-. IC iss^ 1 i Xorw.-ilk i Dropped .June I'.t. 1N^7 { Died .M.-irch UK V.hC, Dropped 1 >ecemlier .".1. IMM Died .Ni.ril \'.K ts'.'H 19 NAMK. Bussing:. Ficileiick II... Buttery. Edfiar liiittery. Georjie M Buttery. Samuel liyiuL'toii. .V.iroii r.yiimtnii. A. I IiiuitT. . . . Cadd.'l. William Cahill. .lolni Caliill. 'niiiuiliy ( 'amp. Isaac < 'liasf. I )ciiiiis ( ) <"aiilicl(l. .Idst'iili A Cliiiirry. .Mfrcil .\ ( 'liidscy. William II. . . . t'larU. Kllcry C ( "lai-ksuii. Sle|iln'ii < "(M-kftur. .Vustiii Culliiis. .loliii (• Coleman, 'riifixldrc Comstock. l>avi(l ( » Coiustoek. St<'|ilii'ii Cleiulenen. Amlrcw .1 . . . (^'rossmaii. .lusciili I'. . . . ruthill. Kirjinr.l .1 I (aiiiels. Fr.imis I . . . . I»au<-ln'y. Alien l»r ron-st. .Miicrl .... 1 >ecker. .Varoii 1 )eutoii. 1 lai'i nor.sey. 'rii()mas T. . . Doty. I.ewis W Doujrias. William I!. . l>uy.-r. 1'. 11 I >y<'r. .l.-imrs I i:ils. K. I i^luiMid, < 'uriii'lius. . . . laiL'lisli. William I'. . . SERVICE. Cii. ('. 17 <"(mn. Vols. Co. I, 1 ("(.nil. II. .V (■(.. .\. IT < 'omi. \<>ls Co. .\. IT < '"1111. N'nls Co. A. IT Comi. \. i;. ."i < 'imn. N'ols. . . . ( "n. ( '. :; ('(lUii. N'ols. St-'t. Co. r.. I ■. S. Sharpsliooters. . . . .Vssl. Sui-iT. N -X. II. N'ols and •J. .\. II. ('avalr.\ Co. II. 1-T r. S. ("olorcd \(.ls Co. V. IT ('nun. \'<.ls Co. A. IT Ciam. \"ols Co. G. T.M) Peuu. Vols Co. A, ."i Conn. Vols Cn. n". IT Ciani. \'nN ( '.I. .\. :; Cunn. \'.ds. ami < '<>. (J. .'. Ciaiu. N'ols •2 Lt. Co. i:. 12 Coim. N'ols. . . Co. -N. i:! N. V. S. M. AH. 1st Sj;t. Cn. A. m X. Y. \ uls. and SlM. <'n. 1". .-,t; .\. V. S. M ISKSIDli.NCE. Droplicd .lanii.iiy 1. 18i»i Died November T. 1S'.>8 Dropped .lauuary IS. 1803 NVilton Died Feb. P'. I'.nt; Norwalk Xorwalk Died .March lis IVKi Xorwalk Died Au- 4. 1s;i4 Droiiped December :!>>>T Dropped .Mar<-li IM. 1SU4 Died December ::•!. I'.Mrj Died .\pril .".. 1'." u Xorwalk Xorwalk Xorwalk Xorwalk Co. II. .". X. V. 11. .\ Co. I", s Conn. N'ols I.r. Co. <;. 11 <"onn. N'ol> Co. II, NO X. V. \..ls (\». C. -~ Conn. N'ols. . . . Co. F. i:; X. V. \ols Co. C. s X. V. N'ols Co. C. 1 I X. N . S. .Nl Seaman I '. S. X'av.\ Co. .N. IT ( 'onn. N'ols. . . . Isi 1.1. ( ■<.. A. IT Conn. N'ol> Co. .N. s ( 'onn. N'ols Co. i:. .".I X. N . N'oh So. Xorwalk Dropped Seiitt-mlur :!. r.> Died October 1.". IS'.V) Xorwalk ! Died I'ebrnary IT. I'.KM } Trau. card. Since deceased Died Aui-'ust 4. I'.mm; Washin^ilon. D. C. I Dro|ipi'd .lanuary 1. I'.xrJ i Died Febi-uarv :;. l.v.ir, I Died September *■.. IV.rj • Died .luiie s. i;i(iT I >ropped I >eceniber I'J. V.»C> I'aircldld. .losiali I'.. . . . Ferris, .lames I I'incli. Miram I I"l.\ nn. IJoberl j'oole. I'eler K Forbell. Isaac .N| l"o.\. i;dwin Freueh. .lames W Franki'. iJuslav .\ .Nci. laisiirn F. S. .Xav.\ Ve(Hiiau I '. S. .X'a\ y Sjit. Co. F. i; X. V. .Nrl Co. .\, IT Conn. NoN ( "o. < '. I's ( 'onn. N'ol- Co. II. P.» .NI.iss. N'oh i 'o. C. 1 t '.iini. II. .N Co. .N. I I CiHHl. N ols Landsman I '. S. .Xa\ \ NN'innipaul; Trail, card .ianuar.x !'■. l^s'i Died April 1. IssN Died Oiiober \:>. ivi:; NVeslpiiI Xorwalk Dropped .lann.ir.x 1. \^'.>i'> Trail, .aid September 1 I. l^s' Xoiw allv < JaiiL'w ere. ( "liarles Ceildes .Niidl'ew Cibsoii. .\le\aiid< r S. .. . Co. A. I-i \. .1. N .,|v.. .s:-|. Co. C. Jti X. .1. N oi- Died .hii.x L'l. Co. I,. 1 ("oiiii. C:i\ '.Xoiwalk .\it. i:iisi^ii F. S. .Navy | .Xorwalk 20 ^"AXIE. Gibson. Thouius II. . . Gilbert. Williiuu W. Goclfri'.v. David K. . . (ioldiiit:. Aui,'nstus C (Jntliric. Si(biev SKRVICE. KKSlDENt i: llaufunl. Willi.iin IT, lI:iiuilT()li. .lohii A. . . llansciiildt. A. A... Il.i/.zard. Albert. . . lietferiiiaii. 'I'hoiiia^ Henry, .loliu Henry. Michael. . . . Iloliart. Henry M. . Hoi;an. Daniel < J . . Holly. Albert Hope. Thomas II . . Howard. .John K. . . Iloyt. Edwin . i:; Conn. Vols Dropix-d December :;i. IS'.M Chaplain <',. X. 11. \nls lion. dls"c December 17. ISSj Co. E. S(i N. V. \'ols. and Co. E, 4 X. J. Vols Died (>ciol>er •_'•'.. I'.idC. Co. F, 197 Pern;- Vols Xorwalk Co. B, 1 Conn. II. .V San-atuck Ssrt. Co. D. SS N. Y. Vols X(.r\valk Died .May 1.".. IS'.i'j Died Dccemi.er L'l; is:il liridireport Died October .".l. ]S!)1 Hon. dis'c .March 0. 1800 S.s;t. Co. G. 2 Conn. II. A Co. B. 2.") Conn. Vols Co. F. 8 X. Y. S. M 1st Sst. Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols. Ssit. Co. D. 17 Conn. Vols... Co. D. 20 Mass. Vols Xorwalk Marine V. S. Xavy i Died Seplember .". 1;m:(( Co. G. 8:5 X. Y. Vols, and : Capt. Co. A. 08 X. Y. Vols. } Died March 1<, l'.)0(i 1st Ssit. Co. E. 5 Conn. Vols. . ' Died Xovember :MK 18015 Co. C, 14 U. S. Inf I>i«'-i Co. F. 8:^. X. Y'. Inf Dropped I >ec(Mnbe;- oO. ISS.") .Tennln.LTs. Williams A...jCo. D. 3 Conn i Conn. \'ols. Jones. James ! Q. M. oo X and Co. E Y. ^'ol^ Xoru Dro|)i alk 1 .Inlv 1, 1804 Keith. Bradley Kellous;. Enos. Kelloss. Jarvls. . Kelloi-'i-'. William Keeler, Sylvester. Kent. Eli R. L Kin.ir. .John I Kline. Xlcholas. . . Knai>i>. John F. . . Knap] I. William S A. 1 Lt. .Co. F II. Co. F 2 Lt Co. F. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. H. 10 Conn. Vols. .'5 Conn. Vols.. Capt. Ci 17 Conn, ^'ols .17 Conn. Vols Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols. . . 17 Conn. Vols 4 X. V. II. .V :'.l r. S. Colored \'ol^ 2 Penn. V(ds 1 Conn. Cavalrv Xorwalk I 1 Lt. Co. F, 17 Conn. Vol;- Lack. ( 'lirlstlan . . . . Layton. Henry Lees. Edward M . . . Lloyd. .John M Lockwood. .John S. Loomls. Charles V. Lovejr.y. .John I'\ . , Lycett. James Lvon. James S .Matthews. Picliai-d. Main. .lohii X .Mc( "ormack. William . . McCornuok. John Middlebrook, Frank S. C(.. E. 1 X. Y. Cavalry Seaman W S. Xa\\" 1st Lt. Co. E. 17 Coim. \'ob Co. B. IC. Wis. Inf Co. .\. 17 Conn. X'ols 1 SL^f. Co. 1'. 17 <'onn. N'ols Co. II. SI X. V. \"..ls r. S. Xavv Co. F. 17 Conn. \o|s Died .M.i\ IN. is;t7 Died Dec •mix 1- 24 l'.>l> .Xorw a Ik Died Jnh 1 . '. l( i( 1 Died January 1:5. 1807 Droji ted Tune 20. 1.S87 Xorw a Ik Wilb n Died Jnl.\ 2(1. 100,-, Died Dec •mill r 2:; 1S8- Died M,i\ 22. IS'.M West lOl't Xorw a Ik Hon. dis'i (»i-t i.ber •■■'1, Xorw a Ik .Xorw alk Xorw alk .Xorw alk IS!) J Died Febrn.irv. loo." Co. I), i:; X. V. \'ols. and Co. K. !.".'.» X. V. \o|s Co. I. :: Coini. \'<.ls. and 2d I Lt. Co. K. 2;; Conn. \'ols. . 'I'ran. c-ird. Co. F. 17 Conn. N'ols Dii-d October 12. lOn.". Co. G. 2S C.iin. N'ols Died .Vuirust 2!t. 1S!K5 Sirt. Ma.i(.r. 17 Conn. \ols... 'IHed .Xovember 14. IJMU) 21 NAME. .Mitrli,.ll. \Villi:in .MciJniw . Jdliii . . . . Mc■< 'ipiiiior. I i;i\ id. l{.i\ iiioiid. <;(';inii'l IJoliiiismi. .Myi-nii W . IJllSC. IkiMllirll .M (Hllisl.-:id. < 'll:ll-lcs l';irtrif. (Jcoi-irc S P:i.lls •n. F. 17 C.nm. \i.ls Sum. Ci.. I',. :; \i. \"ids 'o. II. i; < "oim. 1 1. .\ 'o. K. s KcL't. Conn. \'ols. . . . ':i]>t. < 'n. 1. Ill Wis. \' "o. I", iL's X. ^ . \nls. 'o. F. II F. S. Iiif •n. .\. 17 t'mm. \nls. •n. II. :;i .Mass. \ols. . 'o. I'.. US .Mass. \ols. , '. S. .X.i\ v UKSIUtXtK. I Inn. dis'i- Fell. L'L'. 1S.SS. Died .Ian. !•cr ;». I'.hm; .>so. .Xorwalk Xnrwalk nrni.pcd .Inly 1. IS'.M Xmw.-ilk Xoiualk I>icd April 1. I'.mi] Itird .\pril r.t. 18!)7 Xnrwalk Xnrwalk Xnrw.-ilk Xniualk 'o. I ». 7 < 'nnn. \nls Si:r. ( 'n. <;. L'N ( 'nnn. Vuh (;. II X. V. \n|s . i:. IL' (' \nls . ( '. is ( 'mm. \iih . II, I'd <»lnn \nl. and Co. II. sj olii,, \ ,,|s . <'. II Ci.im. \n|s Sm. * 'n. I >, :, ( thin \n|s 'o. <;. Ill < ■ ,. \ ,,1-, 'o. II, 17 Cnnii. Vols 'o. I'. 17 «' 1. \ols . . "o. .\. i:: X. .1. Vols 'o. .\. 17 < mill. Vols 'o. <;. Js ( nun. \ ols .\rlili. Co. M |i; \. ^. n. .\., Co. <;. C, Masv.. \ nU. and 7 .Mass. r.aiiiiv So. .Xnrwalk Trail, i-.ird .Mairli I. IssT 1 tied I >rii>nihcl- ::. T.IOl' I >iiMl .\pril 1.",, IS'.M 1 »ird .\|irii ."ill. 111(10 Wrslpnrl .Xorwalk I>icd Ociohrr I. Is'.h; I •roppcd .Inly 1. IS'.i.-, -Vd.jurant of Sohlii-rs" Homo .Xoroton .Xorwalk Kicd .Tan. .".1. ]'M)H Hon. dis'r .\|.ril IJ. l.s,si^ Hied .laniiary 1".>. ISSl' Xt'w London .Xorw.ilk I »iiil .Innr I'l, r.iiil Xorwalk Xorw:iIk hrnppr.l .Inly 1. 1S02 I »ifd Srpicinln'r 4. 1!H>7 Siirirrnn of Snhlicrs" Ilmno. Xnlnlmi Tr.-in. raid. I •nrndifr l'.".. is'.tl Xorw.ilk Hied .M.iy L'. I'. mm; Xorwalk Xorw.ilk Xorw.-ilk IH«m1 hrr.'iiihfr :;ii. I.K^O I »icd ((.•lol.cr l'_'. r.Mi-_' So. Xoi-walk Slaiidnrd Ti-.m. 1 :ird .Maiiii L*. IS'.rj XAMK. KKSIDKNC- .'^(■ofield. On-ill K I Sl'I. » 'o. I ». T t'uiiii. \'.)ls Scdtt. William j Co. <;. 1 X. .1. Cavalry Seyiiiour. Francis S....|('o. 11. >! <'<>nii. N'ols Sims. Daniel II ("o. 1'.. Umlaiis S. S. .\. V Vols Smirli. Cliarlfs I 1st \A. ( "o. ('., 17 ("diiii. N'ols. . Smith. Cliarlt's J |('o. A. 17 Coiiii. \'(.ls Smith. (Jcor;:*' W. . . Smilh. Ihniry 1 Smith. Isaac A Siiithii. Thomas. . . . Spnlni. Joel Stanton. llcnr\- M . . . Tavlor. .\. 11.' Co. .\. 17 < "onii. \'i.ls 2 Lt. ('(.. r.. L'.. C.nn. \'..ls. . .. Co. F. 17 Conn. \ols Co. I. ".► .\. V. C.i\alry Co. E. IT. oliio \-ols S.i;t. Co. C. L'7 <'oini. \dis. . . . Co. A. :; Conn. \'ols. and ("(.. F. \-2 Conn, \c.ls Co. 11. 17 Conn. \dls Co. .\. :; ( 'oiiii. ^"ols ami Sl'1. I Co. II. N Conn. \'ols 'runicv. Allicrt 1-; \- Conn, l.iirlit I'.attcry Tliomiison. Allici-l F Tiu-kcr. (icoi'uc 11.. N'aiiclicf. Fmamicl . \nn Scliaick. Charh \'ickers. .Tolm Walsh. .Tohii Warner. Henry .J . . . Wel.lier. .John P. . Weed. Thomas I'.. . . Wlialev. .James White." A. .J White, (ieorge A. . . Wheeler. Alonzo . . Whitney. Charles. . Welton. T.ewis .1 . . . Wilcox. I toiler t ^NI . . Wilkins. William II, Williams, Sidue.v... Winkler. Augustus. . "Wixon, .James E. . . Worden, Fletcher. . Landsman 1'. S. Xav.v. . Co. 1'.. 71 .\. V. S. .M. . . Capt. Co. 1'. 17 .\. V. \' Co. E. V2 Conn. Vols Co. X'. H. Vols Sj,'t. Co. A. 17 Conn. \'ols Co. (J. 48 X\ Y. Vols Co. R. 17 Conn. V(ils Co. F. 8 Conn. Vols Sgt. Co. B. 13 Conn. Vols Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Saddler Sirt. Co. I), l' X. V Cav Co. .V. 17 Conn. Vols Co. II. S Conn. V. 1!»(i2 I le.iiorahl.v dischar.L'ed Xorwalk ' lion, dis'e .Ian. 1 I'.ioij. Since de.-eas.d Dropped I leeemlM'i- ;;(!. 1885 Died .Vnunsi ::. |ss7 Died l'elirn,ir\ 2r,. p.in:; Ilie. AXX WCANFIELD. Mj.s. ANNIE B. LEE. Mi-> HAITIK KELLOCC. Miss HATTIE III I'-BELL. .Mi-s KATIE WILLIA.MS. .Mux KH()1).\ A. TIKXi:V. .Miss I.VDI.V SECOU Mies. .MAUV Iv .MILLS. .Mi:s. .\l.\ltV .\ .MOSIIi:i:. .Mks. 1-K.\X("ES I:. UISCOIv .Mis- IO.MII.V ll()^ T. Mks. I.AVIXA B.M.LAKIi. .Mk- IIATTIE A 1 1( HCI I K ISS. Mks. MAKV KEELEK Mi- ELI/.A SIAXIOX. Mks. ANNIE E. I'KVEK. .Mus. .L\ X E A IMXCI!. Mks. MARY A. <:A.M.M(»XS. Mits. .MAKV I" I i:( !< I:K. 24 Mrs. EMMA CURTIS, Miss MAMIE POMEROY, Mks. KATE M. WILCOX, Mrs. MINNIE SCOFIELD, Mhs. SOPHIA A. WEED, Mks. MARGARET RAYMOND, Mus. CARRIE WIGHAM, Mhs. ELIZA KELLOGG. Mks. DELLA A, WILCOXSON, Mks. IDA B. ELLS. Mks. HATTIE L. HAULEY. Mks. PHILENA S. RAYMOND. Mks. MARY E. HOLMES, Mrs. SARAH BYINGTOX. Mks. MABEL L. PRYER, Mrs. SARAH M. UPSON. Mrs. KATE VICKERS. Mrs. SARAH P. KELLER, Mrs. MARY PIERCE, Mi;s. MARY F. PRINDLE, Mrs. IDA M. FITCH, Mrs. bell W. RIDER, Mks. :\IARGARET BISHOP. Mks. FLORENCE WATERBURY, Mrs. E. van LIEW, Mks. KATHERINE :\I. KLLXE. Mrs. SARAH L. CAMPBELL. Mrs. JENNIE SMITH, Mrs. LOTTIE A. MOREHOUSE, Mrs. HARRIET .M. YATE. Mks. AMEIJA NH^LOCK, Mrs. electa .1. BEDIEXT, .Mi;s. EVALINE BRUNDAGE. Mks. EMOGENE ST. GEORGE. Mrs. EMMA V. FOOTE, Mrs. MINNIE BEERS, Mks. HULDAH .T. NORTON. Mrs. MARGARET BRUSH, .Mks. REIiECCA .1. BARROW, Mrs. SUSAN .1. HARTWICK. Mks. BERTHA A. CUTBILL, Mks. KATE M. SHERWOOD, Mks. SUSAN B. WHITE, mr.s. carol L\E L. BRONSON Mrs. SARAH E. REYNOLDS. Past Dei)t. Pies Mks. MARY E. 1U':NNET, Mks. E^LMA .1. ROBINSON, Mrs. .I03EPHINE I. GREGORY, Mrs. CLARA BOOMER, :Mks. ELIZABETH HOLMES, Mrs. MARY L. SPITTLE. Mks. HELEN P. MIDDLEBROOF Mks. HATTIE L. GRUxMMAN, Mrs. rose A. COE, Mrs. LAVINA SMITH. Mrs. SARAH .1. PERRY, Mrs. FRANCES NASH. :Mus. CHRISTINA WOLVEN, Mrs. SOPHRONIA P. PERRY. Mrs. LOUISE REMMINGTON. Mks. ELLA FAULDS. Mrs. rose HOSKINS, Mrs. D. E. RICHARDSON, Mks. ANNIF .M. SNIFUIN, Mrs. ELLA K. HICHARDSOX. Mrs. ANNIE E RILEY. Mrs. MARGARET A. FRIEI., .Mrs. CHARLOTTE HALDWIX Mrs. MARY A. PADDOCK. Mrs. MARGARET PECK. .AlRs. ARRETTA YOUNGS. Mrs. MARY W. L. PELTON Mrs. .^U\K^• C. KEELEIi, .Miss SARAH A. GUILUOIiD 2.") DECORATED ON MEMORIAL DAV. "On fame's eternal camping' ground Their silent tents are spread, And glory guards with solemn rounds The bivouac of the dead.'' NAME. Bishop. Edward (i... Bishop. Oliver S Daslvain. Georce V. . . McLean. John W. . . . Smith. Frank It St. .John. David Wileoxson. Albert II. Wilson, Henry Allen. Henry Allen. James L Ambler. James L. . . . Annin. Charles Banks. James Barbour. James E. . . . Beckwith. Theodore L. Benedict. Lewis I>... Betts. ('. Frederick. . Betts. Hezekiah lUackman. Alfred . . . . Blake. Daniel Iloyt. . Bofiart. Gilbert Brady. Oliver S Brady. Thomas Brown. John T Bnrtis. ( Jeorire W . . . Burton. Aujrustus Burr. Horace (i BrotluM-ton.XathanielW Bodwell. William < 'amj). Isaac <"aiM,'i]l. Ch.-iiics < "arpcntcr. I^dward 1 1 . Charlton, .lames Clark. Henry (> ("lark. Samuel < 'ockefnr. i Inrace .\ . . . ( "ockefnr. .loliii < 'olemail. Tlleo(li]i-e . . . . St. Paul's Cburcbi^ar^ SERVICK. .Vssistant Paymaster 1'. S. Xavy... Hospital Steward I'T ("(lun. \'ols. . . 1* Conn. Li.i,dit Battery Co. H. :57 N. Y. \"ols.. ("ontract Sur .ireon V. S. \'ols 1st Lieut. Co. (". I'd 111. Art War of 1812 Lt. Col. 17 CoiHi. Vols Cai)t. r. S. Xavy lanion Cemetery Lt. C(d. IT {"(mn. Vols Co. D. 7 Conn. Vols Co. C. 27 Conn. Vols X. Y. A'ols 1G5 X. Y. Vols. I))iryeas /on Hospital Steward 21 Conn. \'ols.... Capt. C"o. (i. 2S Conn. \'ols Co. H. 17 C(mn. Vols Capt. Co. A. 17 Conn. Vcds Capt. Bevohitionary War ("o. I>. i:; ("onn. \'ols. and Co. ( ". 2 ("onn. II. .\ Chai)lain 1st Lt. ("o. A. .".. and Co. E. 12 Conn. Vols Co. E .'> Conn. \'ols DATI-: or IlKATII .Vnj:. 2! I. isTit Ani;. i::. isf,:; Dec. 2.S. 1S77 .\pril !!>. I.s<.t7 July is. 1S74 .March !>. 1S7;; March C. isc". Dec. 27. IS'.M Sept. 1:5. 1S.S.") July 12. 1S(;4 Se|it. 22. 1S!H Sept. r,. ]ss.-, .Ian. :;i. I'.ioi Dec. c. lS7!t. in Italy Xov. S, ISC.-. .March 11. 1S!)(J .May 22. 1!HH .May :!1. is:!7 Au.i;. C. ISCl. at Ander sonville .Vjiril Ci. lsr,!i War of 1S12. . . ("o. C. 27 ( "onn. Co. (J. 10 Conn. Co. B. 2".t Conn. < "o. <;. 2S Conn. Co. <;. u r. s. ( "o. ( ". 27 ( 'onn. ( "o. F. 17 < 'onn. Co. 1'. 17 Conn. ( 'o. K. 17 < "onn. r. S. Xavy Co. (;. :;i .Mass. .Marine F. S. X Co. (i. 2S ( 'onn. Co. H. S Conn. P.h; I'euii N'ols Vols, Vols. Vols. \'ols Inf. . \'ols. \'ols \ob \ob \ol> a\\' . \-ols V(ds. j .Xov. .s. 1SN(; j Au'j:. It. l.sci.'. :i I .Mt.. \a. ' Oct. 1(1, 1S7.-. -Vm,'. K;. 1N7C. Awj:. h;. i,s,s,s -Vpril P.». l.spo .March I'.i. P.mC. ! .Vn.i:. 1. 1N7;: 1 July .-.. i.si;;; Anj:. 4. IS! 14 Oct. 2."!. Isih; ' Dec. .-.. 1,SS2 Feb.. IS! 10 : Xov. :!(l. l!t(»2 July 14. ISi;.'! j Oct. !>. ISCS , -Vu.irust lit. 1S(;;{ .\pril .■.. 1!t(i(» t ("edar 27 >A.ME. Coiustoik. .iDst'iili A... Cotter. .ImIiu Cronk. retcr I> Crozicr. .Taiiu's W DcFoivst. AllK'it I>isliro\v, Justice Doty. Charlt's K Doty. Lewis \V Dudley. Arthur W 1 >ver. .I.inics I Klls. Kol.rri I I'aiii-licr. ( 'iiai-lfs 1 Terry. < Mris S Kiueli. Ilir.uu I Fink. Georixe \V Flyuu. Knlii-rt Foster. Ilnn-y Fox. Williaui II Fitili. Fdward Ilawley (Jauniui:, .V^ustus iJiMllrey. Frederick I'. . <;(«l(rey. William O. . . Corliani. Iliraiii W. . . . (Jrejiory. Flijali F (Jrillitli. Fertlinanil. . . . Ci-indrod. Fdw ard Hall. AUn-d Ilaiuiltoii. William Ilartwick. 'riie(>d()r<' Ilauschild. .Mvin A. SEUVICE. Co. G. 1'.". ('Mini. V(.ls r. S. Navy <•(.. II. IL'S X. V. Vnls 11' r. S. liil •J.l I.I. ( o. (;. 14 Conn. X'ols ( '.p. 1. 11 ( >liio \'ols Isl Liriii. < '<>. 1. 17 Conn. N'uls Co. C. ^ X. 1 . N'ols [ Co. 1'.. IT < "Hii. Vols ; Co. A. 17 Coiui. \ols ; 1st Ll. <'o. A, 17 t'oini. \'ols Co. i;. i:; Conu. NOls Col. ." Conn. \'ols. and I'.rii.'. Geu. , \"ols S-t. Co. F. •; X. V. Art Co. 11. .". r. s. An ( 'o. .\. 17 < 'onn. \'ols Co. 1,. 1 < "onn. Cav Co. .\. 17 Conn. Vols Co. C. ."> .X. V. C.iv DATK OF UEATH. Sept. H". 1S05 Nov. 2t;. 1803 Fel.. 2:'.. irKIO Sept. ?.o. isoa Oct. 15. 1895 .lulv 5. 18C.2 Auj:. 27. 1807 Ann. 4. llMtO .June Ht. 1804 Feb. .".. 180(; Sept. <;. 1802 .Tail. :'.. isi'>7. in Colum hia. La. Nov 21. 1S75 Ai)ril 1. 1.SS8 Nov. 24. 1872 Oct. 1.".. iso:{ F.'li. 21. 1885 .Inly 7. ISCO Died in .Viulersouville I'rlsoii. isi;4 Ai.rii i:;. 1'.M.7 .lunc 1 I. I'.MUi April 211. 1N70 A|iril 2:;. 1S!m; IT. Hay. William I Icariic. .lames. Hill. .Moses Aslmry. . . Holly. F.Iwiu I lorninjr. .Tolm ronson Ilulil.ell. Allen I' IIul.l..-Il. ItoI.ert S Hull. Aaron S Hyatt. <'liarlcs F .f.irvis. .lolni .Icmiin;.'s. Could .].... .loluison. Lewis I'l. . . . .lolnisoii. i'liilo Kcdcr. Sannicl Kcdt-r. Sylvester Kcllo;:;.'. (;t'o|-;:e K.dlou^'. .I.irvis Kent. Kli It. I Lci-s. Henry D I.iiielini^'. Fdward XL Lineliuru. l-ilward. . . Loclav I. .Mlierl . . . . LockwiMxI. Cersliiun. . I.onnsliur.v . .Mexander Lounslmr.N . .lames 1 1 . Lninisliiiry. .fosliuii . . . Lowe, (lenrue Co. II. 17 <'onn. \ols Co. .M. 1 Conn. II. -V Co. F. 17 Conn. \"ols Co. (i. 17 Conn. N'ols Co. F. ." Conn. Vols I Oct. 24. T.Klo I ■. S. Xa vv I .May 7. lOdO Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols \ Oct. 1.".. 1880 Co. E. 5 X. Y. n. .V i Sept. 7. 1887 Co. IL 8 Conn. Vols 1 .Tnly 2. .". X. V. Vols I .Ian. 2:'.. ISOl', <'o. i:. so N. V. \ols and Co. F. 4 N. | .1. Vols «)<-t. 2.".. I'.Mil Co. i». -m; N. V. \'..ls ( 'o. 1. 17 < "onn. \'ols .Major ami ( '. S. F. S. N'ols Co. I. Ki N. .1. \dls Co. I. S4 .N. Y. Vols 1 ". S. .M.irine Corps ( o. .\. 2s Conn. Vols, i, < "o. i;. ."■> » 'onn. Vols ) ( 'o. ( '. 27 Conn. V(ds . I Co. I'.. 177 Ohio Vols .. j (■<.. i:. 12 Conn. N'ols . I Co. .\. 22 X. N . S. M Isl Sl'I. Co. .N. 17 Conn. N'(ds Capt. Co. C. .'•'•> X. V. N ols Co. (J. 2N Conn. N'ols Co. I). 17 X. V. \'<.ls I C.-ipt. C. S. Frontier Service Co. I'. 17 Conn. N'ols .Tuly 111. 1SS2 April 21. isr..". .Inly 11. Inih .T.-in. ::i. isi;2 Sejit. .".'I. r.iiii; Sept. .">. i; II II I Feb. 2:;. ISC,;; Nov. :!o. i80t; May :;. IS'.iO .In lie 21-.. 1S,S<) May 1 1. r.id.-. May 12. IVU ] M.-irch :\\. iss."^ Oct. 2r.. 1S(;2 , .May 27. 1'.iii2 ' I'd.. 2. 1S7.". .isp; : .Iiilv 7. I'.Miii ( 'o. < '. 27 < 'onn. N'ols. . Co. 1'. 17lli I 'onn. Nob Co. A. I X. ^. II. .V. Co. .\ 1 I Conn. N'ols. . ... Sept. 1:1. ins:*. ... I De<-. 21. I'.«i7 I .Ian. i::. is;>7 ... Oct. .".11. 1V.I2 InassiL' I IJecrnit. .".Conn. Nols. . . .Npril .".o. IN72 Co. H. s Conn. N'ols (» < "onn. \'ols Co. I'., I'll Conn. \'ols Co. <;. I'S Conn. X'ols ( "o. E, .") t'onn. \"ols Co. .\. t; Conn. N'ois Co. F. 1 \. V. Monnted Killcs. Co. II. IT Conn. Vols Co. (J. lt» Conn. Vols Co. F. IT Conn. Yols Co. F. 128 N. Y. Vols Co. (i. 1(» Conn. \'ols F. S. Cavalry Capt. :',1 N. Y. \'ols Co. E, 12 Conn. Yols Co. A. 13 N. J. Yols T Ind. Battery N. V. Yols Co, C, 28 Conn. Yols Co. F. IT Yer. Yols Co. F, IT Conn. Yols Co. C. N. Y. II. A F. S. Navy Co. H. IT Conn. Yols Co. I. N. Y. A'ols Co. A. IT Conn. Yols Co. PI, S Conn. Yols Co. B. 13 Conn. Yols Co. C, 21 Penn. Yols Capt. Harris Li<;ht Cav. N. Y 2d LL Co. D. IT Conn. Vols. . Co. A. IT Conn, ^'ols Co. B. 41 N. Y. Yols Capt. Co. F. IT Conn. \'ols. . ( "o. .V. IT Conn, ^■ols D.XTK OK nE.XTM. Nov. lo. v. Mil Sept. 11. issi SepL 11. IS' ''2 .July 2:;. 1ST:; Feb. 4. is; Ml Nov. 14. 1 !>(»•> .Tulv 1.". 1ST2 .Tan. 20. 1'.Ki4 April i:;. IS'.ir, Ai)ril 1. I'.iol Ang. 2o. 1S(;2. wounds Ang. lit. 1S<;4 Nov. C. 1ST(» March lit, 188T .Vi.ril 2T. 18(i4 May 1. l!»i;.\Tii. Au^'. 22. 18!M May 14. lOo:; July 2(;. l8'.tT Oct. T. ISC.S An^'. 21, ISTd Dec. 2.".. ISTO j Ang. 20. 18S.-. March 28. 1800 Jan. 1. 10OT Nov. 4, 1004 I .May 2:!. 100.". I .March 2r,. lsT2 29 X.VMK. CollKM-r. Kicliiird Collins. .Tallies Dujrjraii. John Iniiilavcy. I'arricU Ellis. .Taiufs Farivll. Tliuiiias Fitz;,'eral(l. .Michael Fitzpatrick. I'atiick. . . . Fortl. ratrick (irady. Ilt'iiiy (Jillioolcy. Thomas Harkiiis. John Hayes. John llfiiiu'ssy. Jolm 1 lu|ikiiis. .lanics lIoiisToii. Jojiii Hull. Henry .landi'eau. John Kearney. .Iiise|ili Layton. I Ienr\ Leonard. .Martin 1*. .M<-( 'arliiy. James .MrCormick. Josepli M<-("orniii-k. John .M<<"orniick. William M<1 >erniort. Thomas. . .. ' .M((;o\van. .Michael .Mc(;oy. James .Mc.Mahoii. I'eter .Mi-.Mannns. .lames <) r.rieii. James \V n T.rieii. .lames <» T.rien. .Michael < »■< "oniior. 1 >avid < )'< 'onnoi-. Jaines INmieroy, .Vniistead .M . . Perry, .\iidre\v Kionlan. I »aniel Sli-ap|ie. .loseph Sheldon. .Jos. W.irreii . . Shi. -Ids. .Michael Tracey. .lohn Tierney. Thomas WcMi. .loliii .NAMK. .Vhholl. .Moli/.o !• -Vrnold. Fn-derick .M . . . .Mwaler, .losjali I'.:ild\\in. William K r.allard. Klijah I'.arlii'r. i 'ynis ( ' I'.enedicl. <;raiiville W. . Itones. Uolierl i Urowii, .Viitriisiiis |{. . . . ' l>ec||el. .lohn I Farwell. William Wal- ] iiili.erl. Andr.'W J ' SKRVKE. \. V. Ke;:! .V. 1 Del. Vols F. 17 Conn. \'ols. . . . K. L.'.". < "oiin. \'ols. . . .\. \:< X. V. Kiiirineer: F. 17 Conn. \"ols S. Xavv \- ( 'onn. \'o|s. . . 17 Conn. \ols. . . s ( "onn. \'ols. . . . I'S Conn. Vols. . . s Conn. Vols. . . V. \ols ." r. S. Infantry. 1711 X. V. Vols. . II I . S. Infantry 1':: < (.nn. N'ois. . . 71 X. V. \ols. . . Xavv S. Xavy 1». N X. V. Inf. Xavv 1 1. 1 ( 'oiiii. ( 'av C. UN Conn. \(.l I". 17 Conn. \'ol II. •_• 1>. C. \ols S. Xa\ V I. :;:. X. .1. \ois I. ;: X. V. \o!s II. 1 1:; (»iii.. \m1s <;. L's ( 'onn. \n!s 1). ;• II. I. \'ois (;. I's ( 'onn. \c.ls .\. :; lieu'i. and Co. (;. i.'s itcL't. onn. \oi< A. :; ( 'onn. \(.ls S. Xav\ 1".. 17 Coim. \'ois i:. IL' C.nni. \..ls <;. L' X. ^ . II. A K. 1 ( 'onn. I 'a\' C. .".7 X. V. \'o|s I'. 17 Cec. 18. 187:5 .Vuir. 2S. 11(04 -Vpril IS. 1887 .Vuir. N. 1894 June .".. 1870 Feb. 12. 1803 Feb. 2. 187.-. -May 14. T.MJl Auii. '-K 1871 Jan. C. 188!» Jan. 4. 1884 .Vpril I'd. 187:i Fel). I'U. 1887 -March ."".. 1S74 July 2-2. lS7\ 1 1 oi HI A III. .June ;'.M. linr. Fell. l!t. i:mm; April 21. 1!KM .Ian. 2:;. l!Mi| .Mar.'h Pt. is'.r_' .M;i\ 21. P. .Vii;:. 7. PHil July .-.. IS!ts .liine 2o. is'.n .Max in, 1S77 June 21. IS72 AiiL'. I. 'vt:; 30 lIolKTt. lIlMllV .M ("(). r.. ( 'diiii Joyce. XomIi ("o. i:. Kellogg, (Tcoigc K Co. <;. Lack, ("lirisi iiiii ( 'o. i:. Laurence. Cliarlcs ' Srr\ii O'.veal, Thomas | ( '« I'c.pe. Austin ; ("( I'l'ice. James II ( Smith. Isaac A ( Taylor. (Jeoriie ; ( Titus. William .\ ' ( \:\u ("lief. Emanuel. . . . il Wcstlake. William W. ..! ( Williams, John I I 1- < ouil. ■J^ < 'nnn. 1 N. V. <' !' ni.l ] Vols. \'ols. \-,.ls I. A \'..ls \'ois D.VTi: Ol DK.Mir. Dec. L't;. Dec. ir,. June 2'.> Dec. -S.',, sei>t. :;n SeiPt. H .lulv li is; 11 nil .-, IS'.tll 1SS4 1.S7:.' . 1S7.^ 1S7:; June 1*4. I'.tnl Jan. Aug. AUiT. Dec. .Inly .Innc 2:!. is;i:; ■2.',. ^si■A ■J~^. 1S7enton. Hart Klendorf, Julius .V (Jraham. Arthur A Iloyt, James II Henry. Cornelius L Ileiulrick. Charles II. . . Keeler. George D Kellogg, Knos Knap]), James I" Lai-amie, Fredei-ick . . . . Low, (ieorge Lane. David M Merw in. .Vhnond S Nishett, Uichiuond Xorthruit. Lli Ortoii, Sannu'i 11 Packard, Joseph Kusco. Andrew .F Saunders, (ieorge I'.... Smedley. William Smith. Clniiies Smitli. Ch.nrles .1 Smith. James Smith. Leslie Taylor A. Fitch Taylor. Nelson Templeton. .lohn Ticheiior. I'.enjamin I]. . Weed. (;eorge W' Weed, Thomas I'. Westerlield. .Fames Weston. .loim 7iiiimeniinn, Williani . . . 1'.. 17 Conn. OUTSIDE SOLDIERS' PLOT r. S. Navy Co. (J. 120 111. \'ols Co. F. :; Conn. \'(ils. C Co. II. 7 N. V. 11. A Co. F. 17 ( "onn. \'ols ( "o. F. 17 ("onn. \'ols ("o. .V. 17 ( 'onn. \'ols ("o. 11. 17 Ci \'ols. . . ("o. F. in Conn. \'(ils. . . 2d Lt. Co. I', s Conn. \i Lt. Col. s Conn. \'(^ls Co. D. s X. .1. \(.ls ( 'o. .V. 17 ( 'onn. \'ols ("apt. Co. F. ."( ( 'onn. Vols ("o. II. S ("onn. ^■ols ("o. ( ". 27 ( "onn. \'ols Co. 1. 1 X. .1. \ols Co. 11. r>7, Ohio \dls ("apt. C.S .X. V. \'ols F. S. Navy ("o. F. !».". N. V. V(ds Co. F. 11 ("omi. Vols. . . ("apt. ("o. II. 17 Conn. \(tl Co. A. 17 Conn. X'ols. . . . Co. P.. :, X. V. 11. A X. J. \'ols I F. S. Xavy I ( 'o. (J. 2:'> < 'oini. Vols. . . . I Co. K. i:; ( 'onn. \'ols. . . . F. 12 Conn. X'ols S. .Xavy )t. i::;i x. v. \ .M.iv l>ec. Xov. Liec. Apri Jan. Dei-. Oct. .Innr Dec. .May Seiit Aug. Feh. .Ian. A|.i-i '.(». S. 24. 17. Co. II. 1st Lt. Co. I\. ("o. P. 127 X. V. \ols 17 ( 'onn. \'ols. Co. .\. 17 ( 'onn. 4.S X. V. \ols. . 211 Coini. N'l.ls. P Conn. \'ols. . ■pi. I Mai-c .May .Fuly .Fan. Xov. 2S, 1,SS7 IS. T.Mi:; 2S. 1 '.»•):; 1(j. 1SP4 :^.. isin •27j. IS! 14 7. ISPS 1(1. 1P(m; 2.1. I'.Mi;: p. INS! I 22. 1S!>:» .".. 1S!>!> 1 ! M 12 . 1!« ." . i;in2 . r.t(i4 . is!t;: , 1!t(>4 h 17. IImh; S. 1S!»1 1. 1!K)S 1.-.. 1!MIS IS. is;t7 24. IV. IV c. is; I.-, h 2;t. I!i:i7 2:;. IS! IS IS. P.KMI .■>. l!l(»ti :;. i!ni2 2<;. lS!tL' 27. IS! II 2(1. 1S77 12. I!i(i2 2o. isr..'. 12. 1s;m; :;ti. p.Hi;; P.m.-. r.Hi7 I '. M It ; is; 1 1 P. III.-; I!>(i7 h 17. ls;i:; I 1. 1S!I7 IS, isr,:; 4. IS! IS I. p. Ml.-, i:;. 31 iu;c,Ki\< .HAM i'( )si .\\( )\r.\\i \ I IN KIVI-:i/Sll)|- (hMl II KV APPENDIX. NELSON TAYLOR BRIG-GEN.VOLS MOSES ASBURYHILL BVT MAJOR&CS.U.S.VOLS NOKW AI.K MI.N PROMINENT IN THt CIVIL WAR THESE PICTURES. EXCEPT THAT OF GEN. CLAKK. ARE COPIES OF WAR TIME PICTURES BRIGADIER-GEXERAL ORRIS S. FKRRV was born in the town of Bethel. Conn., August 15. 1823. A portion of hi^ (.-.-uiy years was spent in luainial la'xir in thr liat manufactory of his father, hut he soon developed such a (k'su'c for knowledge and >uch uncommon indications of intellectual superiority that he laid aside the im])lcmcnt> of a trade he \\a> ra])idl\ ac(|uir- ing, and. at the age of fcmrteen year>. entered u])(in the necessary studies preparatory to admission to Yale College, from wliich he graduated at the age of twenty-one. I le was admitted to the bar in i(S40, and immediately com- menced a successful practice in Xorwalk. Mis great ahilit}- as an oratcjr naturally took him into politics. He was elected to the State Senate two con- i-ecutive terms, and to the 36th Congress in i(S59. being a prominent and active member of the Congress in session at the oi)ening of the Rebellion. L'pon the breaking out of the I'ivil War. all the enthusiasm of his nature was aroused for the preservation of the Cnion and he entered the .\rmv as Colonel of the 5th Regiment, Connecticut N'olunteers. ( )n March 17. 1862. he was commissioned a Brigadier-Cieneral of X'olunteers by i^resident Lincoln, and served in that capacity in different divisions of the Army until June 15, 1865, near the close of the war, when he resigned and returned to the practice of his profession in Xorwalk. As a General in the Army he performed faith full\- and well all the iluties assigned to him, which from the high order of his legal and judicial mind v.-ere more departmental than in the field. ]n 1866, he was elected by the Legislature of Connecticut lo the Senate of the L'nited States and was re-elected in 1872. I lis course in the United States Senate is a record of statesmanship of the highest order ; he stood in the front rank of senators as a debater and constitutional lawyer, and won not only the respect of his colleagues, but the respect of his State and the Xation at large for his great al)ilit\-, honesty of ])urpose, and sterling moral and religious character. His last public eft'ort in the Senate was to pronounce an eliKjuent tribute of respect and affection to the memory of his deceased colleague. Senator Buckingham, which made a deep impression on the Senate and country, at that time. He returned to his family and home in Xorwalk, where he died. Xovem- ber 21. 1875, at the age of fifty-two years and three months. Mis remains arc interred in L'nion Cemetery. BREVET MAJOR-GEXERAL \\ILL1.\.M T. CLAKK wa> born in Norwalk, attended the ])ublic schools .and taught school here for several years; he afterwards went to Xew \'ork and studied law. lie was admitted to the bar in 1854, and the same year wer.t to Davenjjort. Iowa. I le continued the practice of law there until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he entered the service as .Adjutant of the 13th Iowa Regiment. He arose rapidly m rank and was Adjutant General of the .\rmy of the Tennessee all through the Mississippi Campaign, was with ( irant before \ icksburg. and with ."^her- man on the march to the .Sea. lie was made Chief of Staff to ( leneral Mcpherson and was with the ( ieneral when killed before Atlanta. .\t the end of the war General (Irani detailed him to connnand the COrps sent to Mexico to drive out Maximillian. lie s])ent several months in this service and then resigned from the .Army and went to Galveston, Texas, lie was appointed Post Master of Galveston and organized the l-'irst Xational I'.ank there. He was subse(|uently elected a Rei)ublican member of ("1 ingress fidm Texas and served two terms, (ieneral C'ark died in the (. ity of Xew \"ork. ( )ctober 12, 1905, at the age of seventy-four and was buried at .\rlingion. \ a. 35 .M.\J( )R-(;EXERAL DARH'S X. COL'CH was l).)ni in the town of Southeast, J'utnam County. Xew York. July 2t,, 1822. In 1842, he was ad- mitted as a cadet at West Point, whence he graduated in 1846. and was assigned to (hity as Second Lieutenant in the lunirth Regiment. I'nited States Artillery, then serving in .Mexico. For gallantry at the l)atile of Ihiena X'ista, he was brevetted I-'irst Lieutenant and later nu ciimmi>si()ne(l. lie resigned his commission at h'ort Leavenworth. Kans., A])ril 30. 1855, and after a brief :-tav in Xew \ nvk City, engaged in l)U:-ine>s in Taunton. Mass.. having mar- ried the daughter of IIimi. Sanuiel L. Croker of that city. Mary Caroline, in August. 1854. When the war (jf the Rebellion broke (UU. Mr. C'duch ottered his services to Governor Andrews, and was commissioneil Colonel of the Jth Massachu- setts Regiment. Rut C olimel C oucli wlio. a> a graduate of West i'oint and the Mexican War. \\a> an accomjili-hed >oldier. ctndd not be confined to a single regiment. I'romotion \\a> >ure to come. The Colonel of June 15. 18(11. held commission as iirigadier-Cieneral dated May 17. 1861. and was advanced to Major-(ieneral July 4. 1862. after- wards placed in command of the Second Army Corj^s. Army of the Potomac. It is recorded in (ieneral Walker's history of the Second Arm\- Corps, that in .Ma\. 1863. following the disastrous cam])aign of Chancellorsville. President Lincoln offered the command of the Army of the Potomac to Gen- eral Couch, but owing to ill health he was com])elled to decline a position so arduous and responsible, and suggested tlie ai>])ointment of Ceneral Mead, whicli was soon afterwards made. .According to his own autobiogra])hical sketch he was under fire at Ruena \ ista. and in the Civil War at ^"orktown. Williams])urg. h'air ( )aks. Oak drove. White ( )ak Swam]). Clendale. .XLdvern llill. Second lUdl Run. .\ntie- tam. Williamsport. hredericksburg. C"haucellors\ille. against Lee in Penn>\I- vam'a. Xashville. ])ursuit of Mood, and against Hoke in Xorth Carolina. In 18(13 ( ii-neral (ouch was assigned to Cdmmand of the I )ei)artiuenl of Sus(|Ufhanna. then becoming the theatre of in\asion. In the Rattle of Chancellorsville he was ^lightly wounded, and in three ilifi'erent battles had horses killed under him. ( leneral Couch settled in Xorwalk with his family soon a,fter the war. and at once took an active interest in the social and political life of the town and State, holding local and State offices. It wa-^ a-^ .\djutant-( leneral on the ( "lovernor's vtalf he was instrumental in securing and localing the State .\rmory for the town. ( ieneral (ouch ilied in .\orwrilk. l-\'bruar\ 12. 181)7, at the ;ige of seventv- four years and s^Ncn months. Mi- lemaiiis were taken to Taunton. .Mass.. for intt-rment. R.RK; \Mlb:R-(il-:XI':R.\L XI-.I.SOX T.XXLoR was b.un in South .X'orwalk. June 8. 1821. his parents remo\ ing shorth tiu-reafter to .\ew X'ork ( ity. At the beginning ol' tlu- war with .Mexico lu- joined the \i"in\ . .\ugust I. i8_|(i. as Captain of (.'ompanv I". 1st Ww \\,y\< \ Oiunteers. served through ;ln' war. and at its close settled in .^tockton. ("alifornia. served as .slu-rilV of San Joa(|uin CoinUy. and as a .\Uinber of the ("alifornia .^tate .Senate. l\e- lin-ning to .\ew N'ork (ity. be studied law, taking bis degree at the .Xeu X'ork Cniversity, and subse(|uently at the llarvar Sejiteinber 7. 1862. lie rcsi^^ncd Januarv 19, 1863, on account of phy>ical disability, resumed practice of law in Xew York City, and was elected as a Democrat to Congress, serving from December 4, 1865, to Marcb 3, 1867. In iSfnj he removed to South Xorwalk, where he continued the practice of hi> ])rofession. \\'hile declining ptiblic office, he was an active promoter of all public im- provements. General Ta\lor died in South Xorwalk, of pneimionia, Januarv [<). 18(^4. at the age of seventy-two. Ili> remain-- r<.->l in Riverside Cemcterv. Xorwalk. ]\1USHS AS1;L1\\' hill wa> born in. Sacarajtiia, .Maine, October <>, 1843. He was the son of Rev. Moses Hill and Charlotte lllslev McLellan Hill. He prepared for college at the lligh School in Xorwalk. where he had resided trom 1854, and entered Wesleyan L'niversit}- in the fall of i8f)0. lie was a brilliant stutlent, a splendid athlete and one of the leaders of his class. When the Rebellion broke out in '61. nio>t i'\ the class volunteered and tendered their services to the g(^vernment for a three months' enlistment, but on arriving at Hartford found that the\- would onl\- be accepted for a three gears' term. Hill and a few others accejjted the condition^ and enlisted as ])rivates in the 4th Connecticut Infantry. On October 4, i8()i. he was transferred to the 8th Connecticut Infantry as Sergeant-Major. Later he was made 1st Lieu- tenant of a Rhode Island liattery and assigned to Staff duty. In that caj)acity he participated in the Roanoke Island Expedition and personally haided down the Rebel tlag over Fort Fisher when the fort was ca])tured. Cpon the rec- ommendation of General John G. Parke, he was appointed Captain anil Com- missary of subsistence, and assigned to dtity as Depot Commissary at Ports- mouth. \'a., and later as Division Commissary of the 3d Divisiori, 18th Army Corps, serving on the StaiTs of General John Gibbon and ( leneral \\ . T. Smith at Bermuda-Hundred and in front of Petersburg, and later on the Staff of General E. O. C. Ord as Corps Commissary of the 24th Arm\' Corps. -After the stirrender of Lee's Army at Appomattox, he was transferred to the Military Division of the Gulf and made Inspecting Commissary and at- tached to the Staff of .Maior-( ieneral Phillip Sheridan. While in the performance of his dut\' in the Red River country, he con- tracted a >e\"ere cold on his lung--, from which he nex'er recoveredi. At the close of the war he was brevetted as Major and Commissary, for faithful service. Resigning, he at once began an heroic struggle to regain the strength which had been broken by the ex])osures of his army life, residing in the Xorthwest and traveling in Furo])e. lUil llie di->ea^e had made Un) much progress for a possible reco\ery and he returned to hi> home in Xorwalk to die. He passed away July i 1, 18(17 (two year.s after the war ended), at the age of twenty-three years and nine month>. He belonged to the tenth genera- tion of a faniilv which had been represented in every struggle which this coun- try had made from the foundation of the Colony of Connecticut to the triiuni^hant i)utting down of the Rebellion. He brought to the service of his C()initr\- a fine education, a keen intellect, an attractive personality, and a magnificent ])hysi(|ue. and with brilliant pros- pects for the fttture, sacrificeil them all for love of Country. His career was a striking illustration of the oft-repeated sa\ing, that the W'rt of the Rebellion was fought to a >uccessful conclusion by the young men of the Republic. 87 ^ 5 i;?1^ '^ '- 7 -^ 7 y- 7 ^■'7U^ 7. n^ ■' r y. i-i -'TT .■ r ^ im^- py ri Ti — ?i y. ri ti — r I u p— i r,> w T* V^' E^ < r'l P^ J^, oi < p^ O /-\ u '"' -/ jL I- 7 — — z z y. C -= -^ <'1~.~ << Z ■/'. '. '■ /. > y. ■/ ■/. ■/. 7. T f. -' - •- ;/ _ 'I ;i u ;t tj. 55 I- r: I- I - 1-1- 1^ = "I C: T f •-: >: ?. 7 \~ L' '- t n: z ". ^ zL'-J i^ "!i^ 7 ^iS^^ =:f '^-^i^t^- . n". ^ ^ c""^-' ■■ -^i "I f i^:; x.^ '- x. ^ ir -^ (r X z c {r :t :: z A x. 'c " ■- 7 a /. z i:^ z — XX ^ ixcx — ^xxc c X — — zrx — — — — X — u ■^ ti i:- ^ z. +-: z. r i t- ^ ■^' — ' r L' r: 3. — =' ^ L' r H — ;t u u u "■ ^ u tf. tj _■ > > _■ ^( -• ;/ ;/. ;/ _' ;< > ;; - m i - m — _■ : 1 X - ~ _J J ~ I- 1- ■ ! Ti ii. ~ • '/. > ^ ^ c: r I! -5 ii. : _tr. - r rt rt C E ^ ■*■ ^ ^ — • - - c -' ~. >'. = .- ^ - /. 7. - ^ y. — ■ -V .1 ' ■I. . - - •/. ;^ •/. - / / -z A -s s :: /. r — — f ~ J- f ~ — ir. — — — y I- {; z r. 's Y. yr 'c r. -7 -Ir /; — ^ r -- ^ z ^ _ /: < Z ~ X X /. •/. /. 00 W^ OwWX w C ^'w^^^w w'^w u; ►- a, tt Li y^-il 1 I r '.1 '/■ ~ '.^ r. . •/: -■ ~- 7. - 'I j^- - X : i: 3 '-^ ~ i- j^ = i p ^ "^ i- ?f 7 ri '*' - X i 7 X z d ;i i -i ". " - I' ^ - r^ ^' •'-=;£ i^ i i ^ r-^ XX X X ir i X — J "fe J i:- "^ i-' -■ -i '^i- z. U J. J. J. I. y^ J^ 5^ X X ^ — ri i i ^ i i ^ "" . "" X X ^.■j.< " Tt -■ :' ■- U l*^ ^ r: .-'J:-->^ — ~ ii ^ . Ti ". y. " T I ^- ;-' - - 7. 7 - >: :. ^1. — "". i ^ ■ ! . .9 'i .^ ~ r >. -' ^f L' /. ^ - — : v; ;/ 7 ^ > ~ * " ~ X. ~ vr " : ^**. -■r.^.r^ , .^.1^— Z /• " — iu " '/. ■/ •/. < •;£ z, ■/ — y. ■/ ^ :- ?J ?J !- " :I !- - — 7 7-^77 — l^l y 7 ~ y r' Ij ,_• "• ~ =' Ti Z 7 7 I TI •.; t^ y Z 7 ;! - - Z X: y _ ■S y. :■! :■! 7 Z S f -' z. 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