COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. THE JEWELS OF KING ART BY JAMES CONNOLLY BOSTON RICHARD G. BADGER The Gorham Press 1906 Copyright Igo6 by James Connolly All Rights Reserved LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DFC 14 1906 Copyri^iit Entry \ XXc, Ne. ^JU^.I CLASS A / ic 3 /^7 COPY B. ' 7^3^'^^ ?3 Jv- «4 77^1? Gorham Press^ Boston To Pajaro My pet Mocking Bird Laureate of the Great South West CONTENrS Page The Jewels of King Art .... 9 N earing Port 13 Regressional 14 The Sea Tide Choir 16 Outward Bound 16 To the Humming Bird 17 To the Author of "Old Glory" 18 The Lipton Cup 19 Senator Hoar 20 A Sea Chase 21 Her Anszver 22 Beauty Chasing 23 Playing the Game 23 "Joy and Pain 24 On Coronado Beach 24 Love 25 Memorial Day 25 The Crisis 27 Winter out West 28 One Pale Primrose . 29 The Financier 29 Once More in Peace . 30 A Morning with Delarey 30 Extremes 32 My Home Port 34 A Morning Call 35 The Dreamer s Outing 36 The Yellow God 38 The Bow- Wow Banquet 38 The Sailor's Wife's Christmas 40 To Cronje in Exile . 42 Two Stages 43 The Robin and Mocking Bird 44 A Morning Ride to Salvador 45 CONTENTS Sunset in Dreamland Rev. J. L. O'Netl, O The Transvaal Freedom's Appeal Florence On the Arno Life The Rain Morning Love and Gain My Lost Sailor Lad " In Tune " To In All's Land Kruger and England Page 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 54 55 57 THE JEWELS OF KING ART