31 E^ Lfl 266 B7 E6 Copy 1 ■ilil! m Expert Survey of Public School System Boise, Idaho ■lii. EXPERT SURVEY OF PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM BOISE, IDAHO EDWARD C. ELLIOTT Professor of Education and Director of Course of Training of Teachers, University of Wisconsin CHARLES H. JUDD Director School of Education, Professor of Education University of Chicago GEORGE D. STRAYER Head of Department and Professor of Educational Administration Teachers' College, Columbia University „ OCT £2 ^^^' y it (f To the Honor.abe Board of Education of Boise, Idaho. Gentlemen : Acting on the invitation of your honorable body and of the Superintendent of Schools, the undersigned have made an inquiry into the conduct, organization and equipment of the public scliools of Boise and beg leave to report as follows : SCOPE OF THE EXAMINATION. All of the members of the committee of inquiry were able to canvass in detnii the course of study, the methods of super- vision, the character of the teaching staff, the distribution and progress of children through the grades, the material and equipment and the expenditures involved in the conduct of the system, and concur in the findings with regard to these matters. The inquiry was greatly facilitated through the co-operation of the superintendent, supervisors and staff in the dffice of the superintendent. A very large part of the information neces- sary was immediately available in the form of the records collected in the routine of ordinary administration, and where additional facts were required, these were promptly supplied by the school officers or secured through personal inspec- tion on the part of one or more of the members of the com- mittee. The joint report is supplemented by the individual report of one of the members of the committee who visited the schools and observed the class of work in various parts ot the district THE COURSE OF STUDY. The course of study is comprehensive. It includes the fun- damental subject? which have long been recognized as es- i^ential m any school training, and also includes those forms of organized knowledge and activity which in the last generation have transformed and enriched the course. Especially com- mendable is the full and unqualified recognition of the im- portance of such matters as health, recreation and various types ot practical industrial activity. There seems to be an opportunity to enlarge somewhat the amount of instruction in nature study offered in the ele- mentary grades. There will undoubtedly develop an increas- ing emphasis upon study as distinguished from recitation within the school Witliout attempting to comment more fully on the technical matters involved in the enlargement ot the course, all of which has been discussed with the super- intendent and supervisors, the committee would report that in point of richness of the course of study the Boise school system takes high rank among American city systems. The course of study is closely adapted to practical and local needc. One of the most conspicuous virtues of the course of study is its elimination of irrelevant matter and its emphasis upo'i types of training which will connect school \>, ork with the practical activities into which graduates go. Comment >vill be made later upon the conspicuous enlargement in school r.ttendimce which has resulted from the improve- ment of the course of study. Special commendation is due at this poin\ to the success with which industrial and intellectual interests have been co-ordinated without sacri- ficing the legitin-»ate emphasis upon reading, mathematics, history, languages and all of the common types of training. The pupils have been brought into an environment of practical r:Ctivity which gives them a respect for industry and at the same time develops personal efficiency in dealing with do- mestic and business problems. The course of study wdiich results is the broadest and best solution of the demand for industrial educaiion While not overlooking many other excellent lines of work, the committee finds that the various courses in agriculiure are highly commendable as distinct so- lutions of ;: practical local problem. The committee begs leave to call attention to three logical developments of )he situation which have already been worked out. First, the Boise schools are admirably equipped bv virtue of the broad, practical course of studv which has been adopted to take care of n:ore of the time of the pupils than is sys- tematically provided for in the present school program. The course of 5-tudy is rich enough so that it would be advan- tageous to 'pread it over more hours. The activities called for on the part of the pupils is varied enough to avoid the kind of fatigue that results from over-con fineme'T The individual program of teachers need not be lenc,tl;ened. The odvan- lages of such an extension of the school day would be found in the systematic organization of children's activities. The city of Boise ha-- taken a long step in advance of most American commi rities in providing for the recognition of lecreation and agriculture as legitimate phases of school train- ing. The complete utilization of the equipment now on hand dictates the extension of the time, during which these op- portunities shall be used. The use of schools during the sum- mers as well as during a longer school day and week is urgent- ly recommended. Second, the Boise schools are organized with respect to subjects of instniction with such a clear recognition of the demand of economy that it is a very short step to a readjust- ment of the relation of elementary schools and high school, such that a year -/r more of time is saved for each child. The present eighth grade has, through the reorganization of the work, become a niixture of high school courses and elementary courses. The pupils will gain in enthusiasm for their work and in breadth of opportunities, if the eighth grade is aband- oned and the miner adjustments needed are worked out in the high school course These minor adjustments have been con- vassed in detail and can be made wnthout any sacrifice what- soever of the intei-ests of the pupils. Third, the devtlopment of the course of study in the high school has no upper limits except those which are dictated by the ability of *"he city to equip advanced courses. In agri- culture, in mechanics, the character of work now under way is such as to suggest strongly the desirability of a conserva- tive but steady excerision of the course into the field commonly thought of as belonging to the college. There is no legitimate reason why a fully developed city school system should not offer to adults in the community advanced courses in science and letters There is no reason why students who want more than four years of training should not get five years. The Boise high school could carry on such advanced work without serious additional expenditure. Such advanced courses are the natural sequel to the comprehensive organiza- tion already developed. SUPERVISION. The supervisory staff of the school system is organized in accordance with the practice prevailing in the most progres- iive cities of the United States. Under the immediate direc- tion of the Superintendent of Schools are the three general supervisors : one for the primary grades, one for the grammar grades, and one for the high school. There are, in additioa to these general supervisory officers, directors of the v^ork in physical education, industrial arts, household arts, music and art. There are also a director of playgrounds and a school nurse working in co-operation v^ith all who give in- struction or who supervise the work in the schools to the end that the physical well being of the children may not be neg- lected. We have been impressed by the recent careful reports presented to the superintendent by these supervisory officers. There is evidence throughout of genuine co-operation among the -officers, and between them and the teachers. We believe that these supervisors in their contact with the teachers, through constructive criticism and suggestions, have done much to improve and to unify the work of the schools. We suggest that the nigh school would profit by the development of a system of c inferences with the teachers in the upper grades of the grammar schools. The supervisor of these grades should certainly be in contact with the high school. The supervisor of the primary grades should in like mannei be in intimate contact with the upper grades. It is interesting to note that all of the supervisors devote their principal energies to direct contact with pupils and teachers. We believe thnt the work of the supervisory staff might to advantage be farther developed along three Imes. First, in addition to the present irregular exhibits of the work of pupils there should be provided a continuing, but constantly changing, exhibit of ihe various phases of school work in order that the best results acco'nplished in the system may be made con- stantly available for all of the teachers. Such an exhibit would consist of rhe fol.cwing types of materials : Written work of pupils, examples of the work in drawing, suggestions for sup- plementary reading for pupils and teachers, collections of illustrative materi;d found valuable in classroom teachinof, ex- amples of constructive work, whether in paper, wood, clay or other medium, teachers' plans which have been successfully carried out, and the like. In addition to the work done by the supervisors in demon- strating methods of work, it would seem advantageous to call upon the Icacher- who are doing superior work to demon- strate to their colleagues by actually teaching their classes under observation. Such a demonstration lesson followed by discussion of the methods employed offers one of the best means avaliable for improving teachers in service. We ven- ture to suggest theit exercises of this sort more certainly mod- ify the practice of the teachers than to discussions or reading of pedagogical literature without relation to genuine class room situations. The courses of study are constantly in process of being- revised or remade We believe that the co-operation of the teachers in the making of the coures of study offers another valuable means ot bringing about that continued professional growth, which is so essential to the developing of the suc- cessful teacher. It might be wise to allow the teachers to form themselves into voluntary groups according to their prefer- ence, and to have each of these groups consider the problem of modifying the coarse in the light of their experience in the Boise school system. THE TEACHING STAFF. The most evident source of strength of a school system is the standard of qualification maint?iined for the teaching and supervisory , staff. To be eligible for appomtment to a posi- tion in the elementary schools, under the existing regulations of the Board of Education, a teacher must have completed a four-year course of study in high school ; must be a graduate of a standard ('wo-year) normal school; and in addition, must have had ?t least two years of successful experience in a school system of recognized standing. Eligibility for ap- pointment in the high school is based upon college or uni- versity graduation and two years of approved teaching ex- perience. We find upon examination that both the letter and the spirit of these conditions for appointment are observed. No teacher is selected without having had the required mini- mum of education, training and experience. Usually those appointed have additional qualifications; for example, one- quarter of the prv^sent elementary school teachers are gradu- ates of some one :;f the leading American universities. Besides the distinctly high standard of qualifications nec- essary for appointment, other influences have contributed to- ward the effectiveness of the teaching staff. Among others may be noted the following : 8 Salaries : The schedule of salaries for teachers in ele- mentary schools is applied without respect to the grade of which the teacher has charge. The initial annual salary is $780, with three increments of $60, to a maximum of $960. Increase of salary is based entirely upon quality of service as estimated by "he Superintendent of Schools and the sev- eral supervisors. It is a noteworthy fact that two-thirds (52) of the total number of elementary school teachers (78) are now receiving an annual salary of $900 or more. This is exclusive of the principals (8), all of whom receive more than the maximum salary. This is, v/hen compared with other cities of the coun- try, a most comn'endable shov/ing. In fact, in this particular respect Boise star.ds near the head of the list of cities of its population Nevertheless, it must be borne in mmd that the Boise schools must compete for competent and experienced teachers with such cities as Salt Lake City, which has a max- imum salary of $1020, for elementary teachers; Butte, with a maximum of $1050, and Spokane, with a maximum of $1000. In education, as in all other branches of the public service, the standard of service is largely conditioned by the standard of compensation. The community receives no more than it pays for. Selection : The established practice of the Board of Educa- tion in givmg to [he Superintendent of Schools complete con- trol over the nom'nations, assignments and promotion of teach- ers represents an enlightened and progressive policy of school administration. This has resulted in a marked permanency of tenure. The t>"aching force is not subjected to the disturb- ing uncertainties of annual re-election. Even though appar- ently twenty per cent of the total number of teachers must be replaced each yeat on account of resignations, a careful analy- sis of these resignations for the past year indicates that they are due to causes ever which the school authorities may not ex- pect to exercise any control. The present policy of the Superintendent of Schools in encouraging teachers to take leaves of absence for the pur- pose of further professional study cannot but be of great ultimate benefit to the schools of the city. At the present time six teachers are on leave: of absence attending higher professional scho)ls for teachers. l! is anticipated that each will return to Boi^e at the conclusion of the period of leave. While we are confident that every effort is being made to maintain the entire teaching jitaf f on a high level of efficiency, and that the Board of Education and the Superintendent ot Schools are utilizing every means to raise this level, we sug- gest the institution of a more systematic record of teachers as to traniing, exj)erience, promotion and performance. Under the existing practxes, the control and supervision of the teach- ing staff is effective because it is in the hands of competent and far-sighted ii dividuals. The community and the teaching staff should have some guarantee that changes in the admin- istrative and supervisory direction of the school system will not result in any injustice to individuals or breaks in the present established policy. A record more complete than the present formal contract is needed to satisfy this suggestion. CLASSIFICATION AND PROGRESS OF CHILDREN THROUGH THE SCHOOL SYSTEM. _ One of the most satisfactory tests of the efficiency of the direction of a school system is found in the provision made for the proper classification of children and for their progress through the schcols The investigations which have been made in recent years with respect to the amount of retardation of children in our public school systems have led to great em- phasis upon this aspect of school administration. It is inter- esting in this connection to compare the situation in the coun- try at large with rht facts for the Boise school system, and to indicate briefly the progress that has been made in Boise during the past three years. In an investigation, of 318 cities in the United States it was discovered tliat one-half of the cities had more than 36 per cent of their children over age for the grade in which they were found. Children were called over age if they were above eight years old in the first grade; above nine years old in the second grade; above 10 years old in the third grade, and so on. In the city of Bct^e during the current year only 27 per cent of the children arj over age for their grades. Two years ago 46 per cent of ihe children were over age; one year ago 39 per cent of the children were too old for their grade. There is a very definite indication here of a most successful handling of the problem of proper classification of children. For the whole United States one-half of the cities have 10 less than 4.5 per cent of their children under age for their grade, that is, under seven years of age in the first grade, under seven years in the second grade, under eight years in the third grade, and so on. In the Boise school system two years ago, five per cent of the total number of children en- rolled were under age for their grade. Last year this group had been increased to 8.2 per cent, and during the current year amounts to 10.7 per cent of the total number of children enrolled. This places Boise among the best cities in the United States from the standpoint of allowing children of unusual ability to advance rapidly. Further evidence along the same line is found in the fact that during the past year there were 200 double promotions in the Boise school system. That is, there were 200 children who, because of their superior ability, have saved a half year in their school careers. It is interesting to note that while the majority of these double promotions are found in the lower grades, it is still not unusual or impossible for children in the upper grades to make rapid progress. Another measure of the efficiency of a system of schools is found in the extent to which children are retained through the seveial grade'. The elimination of children from schools becomes large enough to merit careful attention in the fifth grade. For the 318 cities for which the figures are available one-half of the cilies have more than 20 per cent of their chil- dren eliminated by the time the fifth grade is reached. Boise has only seven pe- cent eliminated at this stage of their school career. Oi.e-half of the cities of the United States have more than 35 per cent of their children elimniated by the time the sixth grade is reached, 50 per cent by the time the seventh grade is reached, and 60 per cont before the eighth grade. The city of Boise eliminates only 12 per cent by the time they have reached the sixth grade, 19 per cent before the seventh grade and 25 per cent before the eighth grade. The figures for the high school are quite as striking and argue as favorably for the Boise school system. For th«; whole of the United States one-half of the cities show 65 per cent of their children eliminated by the time the high school is reached. The Boise school system has eliminated only 35 per cent of their children at this stage of their school careers. At the end of the high school course one-half of the cities of the United States show 14 per cent or less of the children 11 who entered school still in attendance. In Boise 28 per cent of the children who entered the first grade are found in the last year of the high school. This is a most unusual reten- tion of children in the schools. In considering the problem of elimination by grades, we are concerned with the amount of education which children in a school system receive. Another method of treating the prob- lem which has been under discussion throughout this section is to ask at what age children leave schools. In most school systems children between 12 and 14 years of age begin to be eliminated on account of inability to do the work required ot them in school or because of special provisions in the com- pulsory education law, which allow them to be employed. After 14 years of age the amount of elimination increases very rapidly. In Boise there is practically no elimination of chil- dren until after the 14th year has been reached. The 15th year group shows 21 per cent eliminated, the 16th year group shows 29 per cent eliminated, and the 17th year group 60 per cent eliminated. Because of the provision for rapid progress in the Boise school system some of those who are eliminated at 17 years of age have disappeared because of graduation from the high school. The record of elimination by ages is again most cred- itable for Boise, placing it among the cities of the United States which retain children the longest. In connection with the problem of classification and prog- ress of children through the grades two recommendations oc- cur to us which may, we believe, be followed to advantage by the school system. First, for the notably slow or backward children special classes should be provided. The boy or girl who is mentally not capable of mr.king the progress made by the normal chil- dren is not usual'y happy in his associations with them, and his presence in the class room is a distinct handicap to the teacher. The be'^t practice in the United States today pro- vides special classes for children who are by virtue of their lack of capacity three or more years over age. We believ>! that two or three teachers specially trained to give instruction to backward children should be employed. There should be a specially arranged curriculum for these classes. Probably more work in the manual and household arts should be pro- vided for these children than is common in the regular classes. 12 It is timely to note in this connection that a beginning of work of this sort has already been made in Boise by sending some of the backward boys to the high school manual train- ing department for special' instruction one hour a day. Our second recommendation has to do with a system of cumulative records of pupils. Any adequate study of the problems of classification and progress of children in public schools requires :i record which traces each child from the time he enters the system until the time he leaves it. Cards which carry cumulative records will give for any child in the school system a history of his school career, including the date of birth, parentage, age at which he entered school, the num- ber of days of attendance for each year, the date of each pro- motion, his transfer from one school to another, his scholar- ship for each grade through which he has passed, his general physical condition and his deportment. If schools are to do the most for each boy or girl found in them, it is necessary always to consider the present condition of these pupils in terms of their pas< history. It is only by keeping cumulative record such as has been suggested that it is ever feasible to give such adequate consideration to the problems of individual pupils as is demanded by the best educational practice. These cumulative record cards for each pupil can be kept by the teacher with but \ery little additional labor and can be trans- ferred to permanent records, kept in the superintendent's office, for a city ihe size of Boise by making available approx- imately one-fourth of the time of a clerk. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS. The committee visited the forty acres which are being de- veloped into a school park. They found the plans for ample playgrounds well advanced toward realization and the plans for an auditorium and outdoor gymnasium projected. This enterprise cannot be too highly commended. The use of outdoor exercises is beneficial to pupils and teachers as a regular part of the school program. The creation of habits of systematic, healthful, recreation is as nnportant to the in- dividual as any phase of his education. Frcm the point of view of public eronomy it is distinctly advantageous to or- ganize the park as a part of the public school system for it gives to the pupils large opportunity for organized outdoor exercises and it insures the development of sport under com- 13 petent supervision The disadvantages of duplication which would arise if schools and playground were separate is a most impressive example of educational foresight. Boards of Edu- cation have in general failed to initiate movements of this type. The establ'bhment of a play park is therefore a feature of the Boise syst'^m which stands out as unique. In the opin- ion of your committee the Board of Education has not only rendered a service to the city of Boise, but has offered an example to other cities which is sure to be imitated. This, like other units of the general school equipment, offers large possibilities of service to the older members of the commun- ity. There is every reason to look forward to a general de- velopment of legitimate recreation in the whole community through the use "if this play park. THE SCHOOL PLANT. The committee, after a personal inspection is agreed that the school plant is in a highly satisfactory condition. The con- tsruction of new buildings, the repair of old buildings and the care of all school buildings is under the immediate charge of a superintendent of buildings. To this superintendent of buildings, the janitors are immediately responsible. All of the school buildings appear to be in charge of competent janitors and caretakers. On every hand, there is evidence of the desire and readiness of the school administration to provide the best and most economical buildings and equipment. Special care has been given to the lighting, ventilation and heating of all buildings. In several of the older buildings, modern ventilating appliances have been installed. At the present time 75 per cent of all class rooms are heated and ventilated according to modern hygienic standards We note with commendation the fact that class rooms in elementary schools do not ordinarily contain more than 40 seats, thus providing a guarantee against the overcrowding ot these schools. In every instance special care appears to have been exercised in selecting sites for new school buildings, so as to provide proper neighborhood surroundings as well as suitable play- ground spaces. We desire, especially, to mention with approval the present pract.ee of the Board of Education in acquiring 14 sites foi school buildings in anticipation of the tuture growtli of the school system and of the city. EXPENDITURES. Every citizen of a community is vitally concerned with the expenditures for public schools. In this examination of the Boise school system the committee has utilized statistics pub- lished by the Unuod States Bureau of Education for 37 cities. The cities selected were taken from among- the 90 which, in common with Bo'se. have adopted a system of accounts which enabled them to report their fiscal statistics in the form recom- mended by the committee of the National Educational Asso- ciation on Uniforiii Records and Reports. In part they are cities which are comparable in size; in part they are in the same geographic region; in part they were selected becattse of recognized exrt Hence of school organization and adminis- tration. Boise was one of the first cities to introduce a sys- tem of accounts which made possible the adequate distributioi of expenditures among the several items of the school budget in conformity with the recommendations of the committee above referred to. The tables whi-i: follow compare the cost per pupil of ele- mentary and of high school education among the several cities ; show the percentage of the total cost which is to be charged to elementary schools and to high schools; the percentage of the total cost chargeable to instruction, to maintenance and to cost of operation of ;rhool plant, and the percentage of the total average daily attendance enrolled in elementary and in high schools. In all of these comparisons, there is included in the column called total cost, the expenses of general control, the cost of instruction in day elementary and high schools, the cost of operating and maintaining the plant for these schools. Under general control are included salaries and other expenses of the Board of Education and secretary's office, the expenses of school elections and school census, the expenditures for financial offices and accounts, for legal services, for opera- tion and maintenance of school offices, for officers in charge of buildings and supplies, for the office of Superintendent of Schools, and for the enforcement of compulsory education and truancy laws. The amount charged to instruction includes the salaries of supervisors of grades and subjects, the salaries of principals and their clerks, the salaries of teachers, and 15 expenditures for text books and for stationery and supplies. Under the operation of plant are included the expenditures for wages of janitors and other employes, for fuel, for water, for light and power and for janitors' supplies. Maintenance of plant includes expenditures for repairs of buildings and up- keep of grounds, for repair and replacement of equipment and for insurance. It will be seen by this analysis of the items which are used in our comparison, that only current expenditures are considered. We believe that any comparison of the expenditures of school systems must be made upon this basis, since the practice with regard to handlir^ capital outlay varies so great among cities, that any comparison of these expenditures is practically im- possible. TABLE I. COST OP ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PER PUPIL IN AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE. 1. New Rochelle. N. Y $ 49.59 2. Clinton, Iowa 48.47 3. Seattle, Wash 43.92 4. Oakland, Cal 43.64 5. San Francisco, Cal 42.27 6. Newton, Mass 41.41 7. Spokane, Wash 41.05 8. East Orange, N. J ' 40.54 9. BOISE, IDAHO 39.92 10. Fresno, Cal 39.32 11. Berkeley, Cal : 39.29 12. Salt Lake City, Utah 38.24 13. Pittsburg, Pa 37.80 14. Troy, N. Y 37.40 .15. Springfield, 111 37.19 16. Tacoma, Wash 36.22 17. San Diego, Cal 35.44 18. Newark, N. J 35.33 19. Denver, Colo 35.04 20. Quincy, Mass 34.57 21. Holyoke, Mass 34.55 22. Dayton, Ohio 33.54 23. Evansville. Ind 33.38 24. East St. Louis, 111 . 33.16 25. Detroit, Mich 32.05 26. Sioux City, Iowa 31.62 27. Ithaca, N. Y 29.65 28. Cambridge, Mass 29.23 29. Baltimore, Md 28.42 30. Everett, Mass 28.06 31. Battle Creek, Mich 27.97 32. Lynn, Mass 27.77 33. Decatur, 111 25.93 16, 34. Muskegon, Mich 25.65 35. Louisville, Ky 24.55 36. Quincy, Mass 24.24 37. New Britain, Conn 23.15 • TABLE IL COST OF SECONDARY EDUCATION PER PUPIL IN AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE. 1. Seattle, Wash $101.04 2. Pittsburg, Pa 98.18 3. Evansville, Ind 92.78 4. San Diego, Cal 91.15 5. Newark, N. J 89.50 6. Dayton, Ohio 86.67 7. New Rochelle, N. Y ." 86.56 8. Louisville, Ky 82.90 9. Spokane, Wash 82.37 10. East St. Louis, 111 82.28 11. Newton, Mass. ' '. 80.84 12. Troy, N. Y 80.82 13. Cambridge, Mass 79.93 14. Fresno, Cal 79.23 15. San Francisco, Cal 78.24 16. Oakland, Cal 77.40 17. Detroit, Mich 77.30 18. Baltimore, Md 75.50 19. BOISE, IDAHO 74.19 20. Denver, Colo • • 72.93 21. East Orange, N. J 72.41 22. Holyoke, Mass 70.67 23. Salt Lake City, Utah 69.80 24. Tacoma, Wash 67.87 25. Berkeley, Cal 65.42 26. Clinton, Iowa . . . • 63.32 27. Quincy, 111 63.14 28. Springfield, 111 61.43 29. Lynn, Mass 59.23 30. Battle Creek, Mich 54.00 • 31. Muskegon, Mich 53.03 32. Everett, Mass 53.00 33. New Britain, Conn 52.84 34. Quincy, Mass 45.73 35. Decatur, 111 45.00 36. Sioux City, Iowa 44.51 37. Ithaca, N. Y 40.16 Tables 1 and 2 show the relative cost of elementary educa- tion and of high school education in Boise, as compared with the other cities considered. It will be discovered that Boise ranks fairly high in the cost of elementary education. This is due in part to tne qualifications demanded of teachers. It is also accounted for by the fact that the size of classes in Boise is smaller ^^han in some of the other cities. It is our belief 17 that these classes should be made still smaller rather than larger. The cost of elementary education is also increased by the richness of the program of instruction, the variety of ac- tivities provided for children in these schools. It seems to us unwise to curtail any of the activities now provided in the Boise elementary schools in order to reduce the cost. The cost of high school education in Boise is exceeded in half of the cities for which we have data. When one consid- ers the great variety of courses offered in the Boise high school he is forced to believe that the cost has been kept as low as it has only by the most careful management. Another comparison among the several cities is found in the percentage of the total expenditure devoted to high schools and to elementary schools. Any such comparison must, of course, be checked by inquiring concerning the percentage of the total average daily attendance to be loui.d in each of Ihese parts of the school system. TABLE III. THE PERCENTAGE OP THE TOTAL AMOUNT EXPENDED FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION DEVOTED TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. 1. Newark, N. J ^^r/ 2. San Francisco, Cal , 37 3. Pittsburg-, Pa ' ' g^ 4. East St. Louis, 111 85 5. Salt Lake City, Utah : ^ i