Author . Title Imprint. W— 47372- J aFO ^0* mx g^^,;?^4j^['^4'?^^^ ir^-/i r-^'» ^ jii^TA^ GENEALOGY OF THE FRENCH FAMILY ^^ '^i;^^ '^^ ^^ / THOMAS FRENCH E* of Wetheisfield, Essex Co., England, died 1599. In his will mentions wife, three children and grandson John, son of son Thomas, and gives to poor of Halsted, of West Wratting, Snetisham, Little Birdsfield and Arkesden. Children. Thomas* Mary Elizabeth m. Anne John Collins John Meade Thomas French of Halstead, Essex Co., England, died Jan. 27, 16 13. Left wife Anne, six sons and several daughters. Children Thomas* John Edward Robert William h'rancis m. Miss Wood Thomas French of Halstead, Essex Co. Married a daughter of Wood. Children William* Francis Jerrymya born Mch 15, 1603 Bajit June29, 1606 Bapt Nov. 21, 1607 m. Elizabeth Lieut. William French (or Frenche) who was was our earliest ancestor in the direct line in America, was born in Halsted, Essex Co., England, March 15, 1603. He married T^lizabeth , and had four children born in England. He came to America with Rev. Thomas Shepard and his brother Samuel, Roger Harlak- suden, and George and Joseph Cook, in the ship "Defence" in the summer of 1635. He settled first in Cambridge, Mass , and in 1652 was one of the original proprietors and earliest settlers of Billerica, Mass. He was a Lieutenant of the militia and afterwards Captain. Was chosen "to sit in the Deacons seat" 1659. "Comitioner to establish the county rates" the same year ; one of the first selectmen, 1660, and served nine years. Committee to examine children and servants in "reading, religion and the catechism," 1651 ; the first Deputy or Representative of Billerica in the Gen- eral Court at Boston, 1660, taking his seat in 1663. Evi- dence of his activity in the cause of Indian instruction is found in a letter wiitten by him to "a godly friend in Eng- land," published in London in the famous tract, "Strength Out of Weakness," and afterwards republished in the Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d S. vol. 4, pp. 149, 196, in which he gives a detailed account of the testimony of an Indian convert. His wife died March 31, 1668, and he married 2d, Mary, daughter of lliomas Lathrop of Barnstable and widow of ( ) Numbers in parentliesis indicate the generation. * Names marlced witli llic stav sliow the direct line of dcsciMit of the family in Cannlen. John Stearns of Billerica. He died Nov. 20, 1681, and his widow afterwards married Isaac Mixter of Watertown as his third wife. By wife Ehzabeth he had ten children : 1 Francis, li. Kii^huul, ltil'4; ni. l.y
  • y 7 Hannah, li. " Apr. I'J, 1(1-11; d. June 20, 1642 8 Hannah, 1>. " Fcl). It;, l(i44; m. John Brackett, Sept. C, If.dl, had 9 children 9 Sanuiid, b. " l)cc. :;, lt;4.''>; d. Jnly 15, 1(;4G 10 Samuel, b. " al)'>4,s: ni. Sarali ("unmuugs By wife Mary he had : 11 Mary, b. llillerica, Apr. 3, KiTii; ni. 1st Robert Sharp: 2d .Natld. |)nn(d. " Oct. 29, ICTl ; ni. .loseph ('rosl)y of B., JMay >>. KliU 13 Aliigail, b. " Apr. 14, 1(;T3; d. Apr. 13, 1(;T4 14 Hannah, b. " Jan. 2.5. KITC; in. John Child of Watertown P^'rancis French (2) (Lieut. William) (i) Born in England, 1624, came with his father in the "Defence"; removed to Milford, Conn., about 1650, and four years later was one of the first settlers in Derby, Conn. He married, Apr. 10, 1661, Lydia Bonnelle of Mil- ford and died Feb. 14, 168 1. His widow died Apr. i, i;o8. They had : 1 Lyee. G, 1005; ni. Ben j. Barker By vvite, Mary Rogers : 3 Mary (3), born in Billerica, Mandi 4, H 70; m. Natlianiel Shed 5 By wife, Mary Kittredg-e, he had : 4 John, 1). ill Billcricu, May 15, IGTii 5 Eliz:il)Otli, " .Inly 24, KJSl: m. Tlioiuas AV)l)<)tl 6 William, " Nov. 26, ll>8:i ; d. Apr. 21, KIKo 7 Sarah, " Sept. 15, 1G85: m. a Mr. Flint of ("harlestowii 8 William, " Aug. 8, 1687; m. Maliitable I'atteii ii Hannah. " FeV). 18, 16!«; m. 171.3, Jonathan Richardson Jacob French* (2), (Lieut. William) Born in Cambridge, March 16, 1640, lived in Billerica, on the East road near his brother John. His house was one of the "garrisons" of 1675, a^cl was probably the same venerable brick-lined house which was occupied by James Pletcher in 1870 and of which a cut is given in Hazen's History of Billerica. He was a sergeant in the militia. He maVried, ist, Sept. 20, 1665, Mary Champney, daugh- ter of Richard Champney, ruling elder of the Cambridge church. She died April i, 1681, and he married, 2d, July 30, 1685, Mary Convers of Woburn. She died June 18, 1686, and he married, 3d, Mary , who was drowned June 9, 1709. He married, 4th, Ruth , who died Nov. 6, 173c. He died May 20, 17 13. By wife, Mary Champney, he had : 1 J icoIk,;!), 1). in Killcrica, Feb. 20, 1667; dit'd aboul 17(10 2 William (3),* " July 18, 1668 3 Mary (3), ' " Oct. 6, 1669; died Nov. 8, 1669 4 John (3), " Oct. 6, 1670; died Dec. 3, 1670 5 Josepli (3), " May 5, 1673; died Sept. 25, 1676 G Jabez (3), " Sept. IG, 1674; died same day 7 Mary (3), " , March 5, 1677; m. Dec. 13, 1695, Jonalhan H.iMwiii 8 Hannah (3), " Oct. 23, 1677; died same day 9 Elizabeth (3), " June 8,1679; m. William Mannin- 10 Sarah (3), " March 7, 1681 ; m. Thomas Haldw in ; died 1761 By wife, Mary Convers, he had : 11 Abigail, b. in Billerica, Apr. 20, 1686; died March 29, 1687 Samuel French (2) (Lieut. William i) • Born in Cambridge, 1648. He lived with his father in Billerica and thence removed to Dunstable, of which he was one of the pioneers. 1684, his name appears as one of the members of the church in Dunstable, on the occa- sion of building a new meeting house. He married, Dec. 24, 1682, Sarah, daughter of John Cummings, Sr. The date of his death is not known, nor is that of his wife. They had : 1 Sarah (3) b. in Dunstable, Fell., 1684 2 SamueU3), " Sept. 10, 1685; died Nov. 4, 1727 3 Joseph (3), " March 10, 1687 4 John (3), " May, 1691 5 Ebenezer(3), " Apr. 7, 1693; Ivilled by Indians Sept, .">. 1724 , G Ricliard (3), " Apr. 8, 1695 7 Alice (3). " Nov. 20, 1699 8 Jonathan (3), " Feb. 11. 1794; died Nov. 17, 1757: was a deacon Ebenezer (3) was a lieutenant in the militia. He was killed by the Indians near Thornton's Ferry on the Merri- mack River, while leading a party in pursuit of a marauding party of French and Mohawk Indians who had captured two men near the settlement the night before. F'rancis French (3), (Francis 2, Lieut. William i) Born in Derby, Conn., Feb. 11, 1677. Married Sept. 2, 1703, Anna Bowers ; she died Jan. 11, 1744, and he died Apr. II, 1751. He lived on his father's homestead in Derby. Was a man of positive character, was high sheriff of the town and stood high as a Royal Arch Mason. They had : 1 Samuel (4), b. in Derl)y, July li:!, 1704 2 Charles (4) " Feb. 14, 1707 3 Israel (4), " Oct. 8, 1709; lu. Sarah Lovelaml; settled in Seymore 4 Francis (4), " date unknown 5 Mary (4), " Feb. 6, 1712 6 Hannah (4), " 1710; ni. Abel Ounn 7 Nathaniel (4), " Oct. 28, 1717 ; cU(hI Nov. 13, 1780 or 1781 Samuel (4) married Martha Chapman and had six children, one of whom was a soldier in the French war and died at Crown Point. The descendants of Francis French are still numer- ous in southern and western Connecticut. John F^rench (3), (Corp. John 2, Lieut. William i) Born in Billerica, May 15, 1679. Married F^eb. 13, 1708, Ruth, daughter of Thomas Richardson. They had : 1 Ruth (4), b. in Billerica, Oct. 22, 1708 2 -Tohn (4), " Oct. 24, 1710 -3 Thomas (4), " March 14, 171.!; 3 Mahitable (4), " Aug. 29, 1718 4 Natlianiel (4), " Feb. 2, 1721 5 Jonathan (4), " May 28, 1724; died June 20, 1724 David (4), " May 28, 1724 7 Sarah (4), " Ai)r. 28, 1728; ni. l)a\iench (4) was a general ot militia. Re- moved to Hollis, N. H., about 1766 ; thence to Bedford, N. H., where he died. Had Jonathan ; William who removed to Bedford ; Joseph, who m. Mary Youngman and settled in HolHs ; Tabitha ; Benjamin, who settled first in Dracut, then in Milford, N. II., where he died ; Nehemiah, who m. Submit Leeman and settled in Hollis ; Mehital)le ; Ji^ rnim, who settled and died in Amherst, N. H.; Mehitable, 2d, who m. Job Bailey and died in Wilton, N. H.; Stephen, who m. Dolly Colburn of Dracut, removed to B^^dford and was the progenitor of physicians, of whom there are a num- ber now living in Manchester and Concord, N. H., and Betsey, who m. Daniel Bailey and died in Hollis. Betsey (4) m. Ephraim Kidder, had nine children, lived in Tewksbury, died Nov. 30, 1755. Nathaniel (4) m. Elizabeth Erost ; removed to Ver- mont some time before the Revolution and lived in Dum- merston and Brattleboro. Had eleven children, one of whom, William Erench (4), b. Mar 27, 1753, was the cele- brated victim of the "Westminster Massacre." As this was the result of the first organized resistance to the royal authority in the colonies, William Erench has been claimed by some as the first martyr to the cause of American inde- pendence. The inscription upon his tombstone bears the followmg quaint inset iption : "In memory of William French, son to Mr. Nathaniel Erench, who was shot at Westminster March ye 13th, 1775, by the hands of Cruel Ministerial tools of George ye 3d, in the Corthouse at a 1 1 a clock at night in the 22d year of his Age." '•Here William Freneh his Body lies, For Murder his Blood for Vengenee Cries King George the third his tory Crew Tlia with a Bawl his head Shot threw, For Liberty and his Countrys Good, he lost his Life his Dearest Blood." Two other sons of Nathaniel Erench, Nathaniel and Joel, removed to Pennsylvania, where about mo of their descendants are now livin.; in the vicinity of Susquehanna. Dea. WiLLi.'^M Erench* (Jacob 2, Lieut. William) Born in Billerica, July 18, 1668 ; married May 22, 1695, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Danforth, who was for many years the most eminent citizen of Billerica. He was a deacon of the church and pr'>minent in the church and town affairs. He died Sept. 30, 1723, and his widow after- wards married Ebenezer Davis of Concord. He had : I Jacob (4) b. in Billerica, May 16, 1696 ; m. May 29, 1722, Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Joseph Davis, by whom he had eight children ; she died Eeb. 3, 1738, and he m. 2d, 8 May 19, 1741, Sarah Brown, daughter of George, by whom he had four children ; she died Aug. 16, 1765, and he m. 3d, Nov. 19, 1766, Mrs. Mary Curtis of Dracut, who died Sept. 19, 1769. He died March 7, 1775. 2 Joseph (4) b. in Billerica, Jan. 26, 1698 ; died Feb. 13, following. 3 Sarah (4), b. in Billerica, Dec. 29, 1698 ; m. Nathan- iel Wbittemore ; d. Aug. 15, 1734. 4 William (4), b. in Billerica, Jan. 25, 1701 ; m. Jan. 22, 1727, Joanna Hill, daughter of Samuel Hill, who died Jan. 17, 1769, and he m. 2d, Nov. 27, 1770, Mrs. Mahitable Mooar of Andover. He was a lieutenant and served in the war against the Indians. His name is on the muster roll of 1722. He had eleven children and died Apr. 9, 1776. 5 Jonathan (4), b. in Billerica, Jan. 25, 1703 ; died March 9, 1728. 6 Elizibeth (4) b. in Billerica, Apr. 3, 1705 ; m. Feb. 3, 1730, Josiah Crosby. She died Nov. 27, 1739, and he died in 1743. Their descendants include many prominent men, among whom are Hon. Nathan Crosby of Lowell, Alpheus Crosby, professor of Greek at Dartmouth College and author of a Greek grammar, and Drs. Asa Crosby of Gilmanton, Josiah Crosby and George A. Crosby of Man- chester, Thos. R. Crosby, Di.xie Crosby and his eminent son, Alpheus Benning (^rosby of Hanover, and A H. Crosby of Concord, whose names are household words in the thousands. of homes throughout New l':ngland, while some of them are honored wherever medical science_ is cultivated. P'or a record of the descendants of Josiah Crosby see "A Crosby Family," by the Hon. Nathan Crosby of Lowell. 7'Ei5ENEZER* (4), b in Billerica, Aug. 5, 1707 ; m. Aug. 27, 1729, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Hill. She died March ?6, 1786, and he Dec. 31, 1791. They had nine children. 8 Mary (4), b. in Billerica, Oct. 7, 1709 ; m Jan. 16, 1730, Benj Manning. 9 Nicholas, b. in Billerica, Sept. 5, 171 1. Removed to Hollis, N. H., about 1741. M June 5, 1744. Piiscilla Mooar, daughter of Timothv and Anne [Blanchard] Mooar of Andover, b. June 12, 1724 He was a member of the church in Hollis and held several minor town offices His wife died I^eb. 18, 1784, and he died Aug. 20, 1796 They had nine children, viz.: Timothy (5). Priscilla, Nicholas, Isaac, Lucy, Sarah, Jonathan, Sarah and David. Jonathan, the seventh child, born Aug. 21, 1759, m. 1788, Mary Keyes, daughter of Abner. Was a soldier in the Revolu- tion; removed to Deering, N. H., about 1797, and to Fair- fax, [now Cambridge] Vt., about 1806. He died Sept. 18, 1835, and his wite died Oct. 6, 1853. They had eight chil- dren, viz.: Jonathan, Mary, James, David, John, Cynthia, Christopher and Mark. The youngest son, Mark, was born in Fairfax, Vt., Feb. 27, 1808, and died in Cambridge, Vt., Apr. 14, 1888. He married March 24, 1833, Mary Lyon, daughter of Abel of Swanton, who died Aug. 6, 1882. He was a deacon of the Congl. church in Cam- bridge and lived in Cambridge and Johnson. He had seven sons, viz.: One who died unnamed, James Foster, George Ouincy, Jason Olds, Charles Finney, Henry Martyn and j7)hn Marshall; [The latter to whom I am indebted for the greater part of the French genealogy.] 10 Lydia, (4), born in Billerica, Apr. 29, 1714 ; died Aug. 2, 173 1. 11 Esther, born in Billerica, May 16, 1716; died July 12 .Samuel, born in Billerica, May 21, 1718. Married Elizabeth Barron of Chelmsford and had two children. He served in the Revolution at Bennington and .Saratoga. Joseph French [3] [Samuel 2, Lieut. William i] Born in Dunstable, March 10, 1687. Married Eliza- beth, daughter of John Cummings, Jr. Had children born in Dunstable. 1 Joseph [4], born July 28, 1713. 2 Sampson, [4], born July 28, 17 17. He had at least one child, Sampson, Jr., by his first wife, who died about 1757, when he remarried, having Jonathan [5], David [5], Aaron [5] and Daniel He die\l at South wick, Mass., in 1785. A large number of his descendants, through Samp- son, Ir., are now living in Broom County, N. Y. 3 Josiah [4], born Feb. 24, 1723. 4 Thomas [4], boi-n June 29, 1724. 5 Benjamin [4], born July 6, 1726. 6 Samuel [4], born Aug. lO, 1730. Family tradition sj^eaks also of other sons, David and Ebenezer, the latter of whom, according to the tradition, kept a tavern in the valley of the Menimack, and while trading with the Indians for furs, upon refusing them more rum when they had already drank freely, was murdered by them. John French [3] [Samuel 2, Lieut William 1] Born in Dunstable May 6, 1691. Took a deed of a part of his father's farm in 1714. Had children born in Dunstable. 1 John [4], born March i, 17 19. 2 William [4], born Oct. 18, 1721. 10 3 Hannah [4]. ' 4 Eleazer. 5 Elizabeth. 6 Ebenezer [4], who married ist, Sarah Proctor of Acton, and 2d Susannah Hamblet of Nottingham, N. H., by whom he had Charlotte [5], b. Aug. 13, 1774, m. Isaac Woods ; John [5], b. March 17, 1778, m. Sarah Estahrook and had Susan [6j, who m. Moses Crockett and died 1847 ; Jefferson [6], who m. Elizabeth Spaulding and had seveo sons and one daughter ; Sarah [6], who m. David Barnard and died 1866 ; Rhoda [6], m. Jefferson Caldwell ; Ebe- nezer [6], m. Sarah R. French of Boston ; John H. [6], died 1831 ; Mary D. [6], 1817 ; Benjamin [6],m. Sarah E. Holms; William E. [6], m. Jane A. Fowler, and Samuel A. (6) m. Mary E. Parks. 7 Sarah. Ebenezer French (7)** Born in I^illerica. Aug. 5, 1707; m. Aug. 27, 1729, Elizabeth Hill; died Dec, 31, 1791. They had : 1 Elizabeth, Imrii in Billeiica, 1730 2 Sarah, •' 1732 3 Lucy, " 1734 4 Er.ENEZEi;,* 17a5 5 Esther, " 1737 (i ■I(>sse, " 1739 7 Jacob, " 1740 8 Abigail, (( 1743 !) Samuel, " I7r)!) T7 n T? XT cr V I? I :> Th* t> T7 X jnxj /*^:5; in. Isadora M. Hrasi; JD ■ ///3 <; Francis (!.. C/./C^-'f •' -^^ 184.5; ni. Sarali Cilkey ^ " ? ' 7/ 7 .lolui 1'.. Jt^ /f ""If 184T;in..]ulia :Mouroe «? ,' /i'/rJ •^-^/'''<5 \ ' *^ ^/t 8 i'.eiilali U.. •' 1849; ni, Jason L. Co()nil)s 9 Mary W., " 18.52; died youn-i' , ' 10 Lydia E., " 18.5.3; ni. MiUard Fn. hock J'. "V ^rr • ^H^ /\ii' l^yi 11 Fre';l i'j'^i'i;.;?:':':]; %'y'.! ;::';::iH'r';iS!;--v;i: 'ii'i;';-"'-':^!;^'':'':;'' i-iliWh;.;;!':;';!;:;;^;-; 'iv''':V;'"}'!'i''<;';r ;'. .•.);(:-.;;':!..-^;.f;: ' ilii