vr 00 i y11 STATEMENT OF RECORDS BURNT, MISSING, ETC., s AND DATE OF QUALIFICATION OF THE FIRST RECORDER, IN THE ORGANIZED COUNTIES OF TEXAS, JAMES F. STARR, Marshall, Texas. irXTHi-Z" 3ttL, 1S35. SEOO:tTID SIDITIOIsr. ST, Note: — Where no records have been burnt, missing, etc., nothing is stated under that head opposite to the name of the county. Books designated by letters or numbers, are records of deeds, etc., unless otherwise stated. [Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1S85, by James F. Slarr, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.] County. Anderson Angelina Aratisas Avcher Ataseo-. 17, 1872, book L burnt. .Mch. 5, 1875, all records burnt. First instrument filed lor record Oct. 5, 1846. Feb. 2, 186.5, all records burnt. Nov. 13. 1882, books W, A, 1, 2, 3,4, of records o and district clerk burnt. i of deeds, and some other records of county clerk First instrument filed lor record Mch. 8, 1837. Oct. 28, 1849, all records buimt. Earliest record is Mch. 20, 1837. July, 1865, all records burnt, exceja district court records Fii-st instrument filed for record Oct. 9. 1848. Ai)ril 22, 1884, all records burnt. Pages 1 an d 2 of book K, Vol. 1, missing. Dec. 25, 1 871, all records burnt. Sep. 27, 1873, all records, except part of book A, lost by "overflow." Dec. 11, 1874, al' records burnt. Oct. 24, 1873, all records biiiMit, except surveyor's records. First two or three months of records of deeds almost illegible. Dec. 12, 1874, books A, B, C, D, E, burnt. Oct. 17, 1880, books A, B, C, D, E, F, burnt. The counlj' was probably organized about 1862, and abandoned ; reorganized again in 1871, but abandoned before any deeds were recorded. Book D was stolen. June 5, 1865, all records burnt. Jan. 20, 1873, all records burnt. First instrument filed tor record Sep. 8, 1858. Jan. 21, 1877, book s C and E and all papers and court dockets and minutes burnt. First deed recorded Sep. 5, 1848. County. Midland... Milam Jlitchell... Moiuasrue. Montgomfiiy Morris Nacogdoches Navarro — Newton Nolan Nueces Oldham Orange Palo Pinto.... Panola Parker Date of Qualifica- tion of Fiist Recorder. fuly 8, 1885 About Mch. 1, 1837 Jan. 25, 1881 Records Burnt, Missing, Etc. (See Note at head of first page.) Apr. 9, 1874, all record.s burnt. .Vlay 31, 1875 Feb. or Mch., 1837.. July 31, 1816 Aug. 1, 1846 Jan. 2«, 1881 Julv 29, 1846 Jan. 12, 1881 Apr. 5, 1852 May 13, 18.57 Jufy 27, 1846 Pecos Polk Presidio Pains Red River ... Reeves Refugio Robertson.. . Rockwall .... Runnels Rusk Sabine , S'r. Augustine San Jiieinto... San Patricio. . Apr. 6, 1875 Aug. 8, 1846 About July 15, 1875 About Nov. 1, 1870 Jan. 29, 1838 Dec. 24, 1884 1839, or hetoi-e Abiui Mch. 27,1838 Apr. 18, 1873 Feb. 28, 1880 Feb. 28, 1843 1837 18.37 Nov. 11,1870 First recorder elected Aug. 2, 1858. Feb. 25, 1873, all record books of district and county court burnt. Mch. 31, 1884, all surveyor's and part of district court records burnt. First deed recorded Feb. 27, 1838. Pages 435, 436, 437 and 438 cut out of book E. First instrument filed for record Mch. 20, 1837. Some "Archive " instruments 'nissing. Fall of 1855, records of commissioner's and district court burnt. First recorder elected Mch. 11. 1856. May 13, 1874, all records burnt, excc])t surveyor's and some of treasurer's records First instrument filed for record Dec. 9, 1870. Nov. 20, 1879, all records burnt. Feb., 1875, book U stolen. Pages 179 to end of book A missing. A few pages in betrinning of books A and C missing. First instrument filed for record Apr. 23. 1838. In 1872 some old probate and some old district court papers burnt. Mch. 16, 1875, all records burnt. Mch. 5, 1878, books B, C, D, E, burnt. Nov. 22, 1875, all records burnt. fidv 10, 1884. Sep. 2s. 1874.. Aug. 10, 1846. Apr. 26, 1875. Aug. 29, 1848. June 1, 1876 1851 or 1852. Julj 16, 1878.. Mch. 31, 1879 .Jan. 3(3, 1875 About Jan. 1, 1852 San Saba June, 1856 Scurry Shackleford... Shelby Smith". Somervell .... Starr Stephens Tarrant Tavlrn- Throckmor- ton Titus Tom Green... Travis Trinity Tyler Upshur Uvalde Val Verde.... Van Zandt .. Victoria Walker Waller Washmiilon . Webb.. Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger ... Williamson.. Wilson Wise Wood Sc]). 30, 1846 May 12, 18.56 May 16, 18H5 Aug. 24, 184S Jan. 30, 1838 AiiiT. 3, 1846 Aug. 26, 1873 1837 About Nov. 1848. Fir.st instrument filed for record May 17, 1847 First deed recorded June 30, 1856. "IirlMT minutes destroyed by a, " storm." First instrument filed for record Apr. 25, 1837. June 1, 1882, all records burnt. Mch. 29, 1876, all roconis burnt e.xeept book G of wills, etc. First deed recorded Dec. 2, 1846. First instrument recorded Feb. 20, 1840. Dec. 1872, all records burnt. Feb., 1876, all records, except records of deeds, burnt. Mch., 1880, minutes of district court, made since last burning, missing. First instrument filed for record Sep. 16, 1846. In 1862 probate record, book D, stolen. In 1861 or 1862 probate record, book A, disappeared. Young .. Zapata.. Zavalla.. May 19, 1879. .luly 10,1882. NoV. 1, 1881. Aug. 16, 1860 May 1.5, 18.56 About Aug. 18, 1850 Aug. 18,18.56 About Apr. 1858. Mch. 17, 1884.. .. Book A missing. Some leaves torn in records of deeds, etc., of 1861 to 1867. First instrument filed for record Sep. 7, 1846. First instrument filed for record Sep. 25, 1848. Nov. 25, 1881, probate minutes burnt. First instrument filed for record Sep. 11, 1850. Dec. 11, 1878, all records burnt, except book E of surveyor's records. In 1863 all records destroyed by " military." LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 544 362 3 ^j LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 544 362 3 «