i!i!i' iiili' iiiliilllil'^ mm mm $Mm iiii' liii: ■Wl! Class Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT ^i^_<^^MfS.l^^-'^i' :rl Danvcrs, Massachusiitts. A RESU/WI: or Hl:l^ PAST MLSTOIIV AND l>P(X.Ri:ss TOC.n Hi:i7 WITI I i\ COMDIiKLSID SUAVWa^PA^ ()I Hi;i{ IX'DILS ri^lAL AD\'AM rAC.ES AND DIATL- orA\i:NT.'* P)iO(.i'ArHiiA oi- pROyWiNmr D/\N\1:P5 MEM AMD A SERIES iW C0MPPI:III:M5I\1: 5l\n'CHi:S or Hri{ iii:pi{E5i:xta\ti\'e NAMUIACTURirGANi) • a)A\A\ri)ciAL rMiriiPRiSES l^ .if / PUBLISH III) m THIZ IMTIll?lz5T or THE TOWN hV THE l)AMVCP5 MIRPOR l(»9. Copyrighted 1899 by F. E. Moynahan. ni 1 41423 'Qf Of SECOND COPY, A, >. 'Iffc % TOWN HALL AND HIGH SCHOOL. — V • -J" INTRODUCTION. HIS vulunie, in additlLiii to yivin^; a complete and autlientic. altliouoh C'jndensed liist'nry <:>f r)an\''-rs, is als'j devoted t'j an account of tlie Y)resent condition and development of tlie chief manufacturino and commei'cial enter})i'ises located here, and ti > tlie advantaoes and attractions thtr- tijwn has to offei' these lijijking foi' .'i tavoi-= able hjcation foi' the estatdishment of new entei-prises, oi' as a Y>lace of I'esidence. Much space has been devoted t:i the various jjublic depai-tments and officials, Chui'ches, scho(jls and. in fact, almost evei-y subject that coiild lend an added intei'est to the work. Tc) nuniei'ous friends f' >r substantial encour= ajiement. libei'al su}^)X.ii;)i-t and hiohly valued as= sistance, we return the mrist cjixlial assiirarice of appreciati(in, and especially would Ave ac- knowded^e our indel:itedness to carr esteemed townsman, Fiev. A. P. Putnam, D. D., president of the Danvers Historical Society, who is tlie author of the histoiical pijrtion of this work. Importunate indeed is the town to have a niiin so able and indefatigable in its interests as Dr. PutnaiTL, to preserve for posterity data of eailiei' days, Avhich must always be of inestimable value to succeedino students oi local history. We believe that our lal^ors will |jrove not al= together ineffectual in conducing trjthe <5enei-al welfare of the comniunity. FPvANK E. MOYNAHAN, Publisher. THE BOARD OF SELiEGTMEN. TOWN OF DANVERS. MASS. I ^ Jan. 2, 1899. Frank E. Uoysahan, Proprietor Canvera Mirror, - Co»r sir; — We desire to eay concerning your historical and descriptive irork on Danvers that we believe such a volume; carefully edited and authentic In its iofomiatloc, will be of Inestimable benefit to the town, not only as a means of attracting the attention of manufacturers and capitalists to the advantages which Danvers offers as o location for the establishment of manufactories, but a" a reliable work of reference on the history of the town and Its industries and commerce. In endorsing your enterprise we desire to express our appreciation of your publlc-iplrltedneEE In preparing a volume of such magnitude Bjid completeness of detail, and we wish you complete success In your laudable undertaking. DANIEL P. POPE, Selectman. GEO. W. BAKER, Selectman. JULIUS PEALE, Town Clerk. WALTER T. CREESE, Selectman. *Died June 21, i? Contents of Historical Sketch. The Da livers of To day i Material for the Town's History ......... 2 Natural Features and Prehistoric Records ....... 3 First Settlements at Cape Ann and Naumkeag ...... 4 Governor Fndicott and his " Orchard Farm " ...... 5 Original l)an\ers Land (Irants ......... 6 ^' Salem Village " and the First Parish ....... 7 Indian Wars and the old Training Field ....... 8 The Witchcraft Delusion of 1692 . . . . . . . . 9 " Middle Precinct" and the Second Parish ...... 10 Danvers as District and 'I'own. Its Name . . . . . . 11 Origin and (Irowth of New Mills or Danversport . . . . . .11 Soldiers in the French and Indian Wars . . . . . . 12 Gc-n. Gage at Danvers. Col. Leslie at Salem . . . . . • '3 Danvers in the Battle of April 19, 1775 ....... 14 At Bunker Hill and in the Revolution . . . . . -15 In the Suppression of Shay's Rebellion . . . . . . . 16 Kmigrations to .\Luiett 1, ()., and other Places . . . . . -17 Shoj Manufacturing and other Industries . . . . . . 17 Sentiment and Action in relation to the \Var of 181 2 . -19 Silvery, the Abolitionists and Political Parties ...... 20 The War with Mexico condemned by the Citizens . . . . .21 Temperance Societies and Reformers . . . . . . 21 l-^arly Schools and later Educational Institutions . . . . .22 Old Roads and Turnpikes ......... 23 Cemeteries with Graves of Noted Persons ....*... 23 Newspapers and Editors .......... 24 Fire Department and Memorable Conflagrations ...... 24 Railroad Lines and Companies ...... .25 Separation of South Danvers, now Peabody ....... 25 The Fall of Sumier and the War for the Union . . . 26 Patriotic Spirit of Danvers and her many Heroes . . . . .28 .Additional Invents of Local .Annals ........ 29 Historic Houses and Landmarks .... ... 30 ■Character of the Peoi)le ••........ -2 HISTOI^ICAL SKETCH (T DANVERS. BV I^EV. A. P. PUTNA\ri, D.D. THE town of Danvers, situated wiihin the southerly part of Essex County, Mass., and having a territory that comprises 7,394 acres, and that extends nearly five miles from north to south, and also nearly five from east to west, is bounded north by Topsfield, east by Wenham and Beverly, south by Peabody, and west by Ipswich River and Middle- ton. With a personal and real estate is the Plains, where the sho])s, stores and houses are most numerous, and where most of the public buildings or j)rominent institutions are located ; the Town House, on whose second floor is the Holten High School, the old P>erry Tavern, the First National Bank and the Savings Bank, the Peabody Library and four of the nine churches of almost as many different de- nominations, the Universalist, the Maple DANVERS PLAINS. MAPLE STREET AND OLD BERRY TAVERN. valuation of $4,976,575, it has a pop- ulation of about 8,300 inhabitants, a great proportion of whom are farmers, but a majority of whom are engaged in manu- facturing and various other pursuits, chiefly in three of the five villages of the town, the Plains, Danversport and Tap- leyville ; the other two being in what is called the Centre, lying a little further at the west, and in Putnamville, more dis- tant at the north. The largest of these Street Congregational, the Calvary Epis- copal and the Unitarian, or Unity Chapel, with the worshiping place of the Seventh Day Adventist Church ; while the First Church is at the Centre, the Baptist and the Roman Catholic or Annunciation Church are at the Port, and the Methodist Episcopal Church is at Tapleyville. Danvers, moreover, is well supplied with railroad accommodations, lines of the Eastern and Western Divisions of the DANVERS. Boston & Maine system, with frequent trains, intersecting each other at right angles, in the main village, whence, also, electric cars, at short intervals, radiate in- to various sections of the town, some of them running to Salem, Peabody and Beverly, and there continuing their course or connecting with others for more distant l)laces. There are not less than nine lo- cal railroad stations, and as many as five post-offices; and there are electric street lights, excellent water works, an effi- cient fire department, scores of literary, benevolent, patriotic and trade organ- izations or societies, handsome gr.immar school buildings, in the several most con- venient and ajjpropriate localities, and a well graded system of instruction in the town as a whole, with ancient landmarks, and monu nents in honor of departed worthies that are rich with historic interest and full of impressive lessons for all. It is intended here to present only an outline of the history of this enterprising and prosperous old town. Vet we can but remark that it is quite time that a more extended and comjilete history of it than has yet appeared should be written. Abundant material for such a work exists and is easily accessible. It may be found in the archives of the State and of Salem, and, of course, the town itself ; and in such publications as [. B. Felt's " An- nals of Salem," 1S42, 1845 ; Rev. J. W. Hanson's " History of Danvers," 1847; " Danvers Centennial Celebration," em- bracing an Historical address by John \V. Proctor, Esq., and an Ode by Dr. Andrew Nichols, 1852; one or more subsequent books relating to (leorge Peabody and the two Institutes which he established in Pea- l)ody and Danvers ; Hon. Charles W. I'pham's " History of Witchcraft and Salem Village," 1867 ; Rev. Dr. C. P.. Rice's " History of the First Parish," 1874; Hon. A. i*. White's "Danvers," as included in the " History of Essex County," 1888; with pamphlets like Dr. Ceorge Osgood's " Danvers Plains," 1855 ; Judge .v. A. Putnam's "Putnam Guards," 18S7 ; Mr. Ezra D. Hines' "Historic Danvers" (illustrated), 1894, a'ld hi-; "Browne's Hill," 1897; and the "Mili- tary and Naval Annals" or "Soldiers' Record " of 1) mvers, prepared by Mr. Eben Putnam and others for the town, 1895; together with numerous printed commemorative or occasional discourses, biographical sketches of distinguished men, and genealogies of old families, all of local interest or belongings ; annual town and school committee reports, and articles by Dea. Samuel P. Fowler and many others in the " Essex Institute Col- lections," and in the Danvers, Peabody and Salem papers, whose files are replete with kindred matter of great value. In glancing somewhat hurriedly at the principal events or occurrences of the more than two hundred years of the an- nals of " Salem Village" and Danvers, free use will be made of the authorities above mentioned, and some use, also, if the writer may refer to them, of numerous letters of local history, which he contrib- uted to the Danvers Mirror, largely from 1876 to 1886, and in which, he can but think, there are important matters con- nected with the past of the town, that had been overlooked or slighted by previous chroniclers, though much of it all, he is glad to see, has since passed into books or other public itions of later date. Such are the part which Danvers took in connection with the first colonization of the great North- West at Marietta, O., the service of her soldiers in suppressing Shay's Re- bellion and in other military campaigns, the rise of Universalism and of the shoe manufacturing industry in School District No. 3, the early and remarkable develop- ments of aboliiionism at New Mills and at other places in the vicinity, the names of distinguished, but forgotten citizens in the history of the town, not to make men- tion of things beside, which seemed to de- serve more notice or emphasis. But Danvers has a history which an- tedates the seventeenth century, and concerning which a few words should be said. '1 hey relate to the natural features of her territory, her geological formations, her hills and valleys, plains and river:-, rocks and soils, flora and vegetation. Prof. John H. Sears, cu-ator of geology and mineralogy in the I'e.ibody Academy of Science, at Salem, has kindly furnished us. DANVERS. by request, a most valuable account of these things, of which only a brief resume, with a few supplementary details, can be given here. Born in Putnamville, June iS, 1843, he has visited, more than any other has ever done, every part of his native town, as well as of the whole coun- ty, and familiarized himself with all the facts and marvels she had in reserve for so patient and earnest a seeker. His many published scientific papers and his beau- tifully colored geological map of Essex County — the work of several or more years of careful study — are a monument of his well-directed labors. As to I )anvers. he refers particularly to the more hilly and picturesque region of the central and northern parts of the town, in which three brooks have their sources, flowing through three valleys which form an important fea- ture of the landscape. One of these is Nichols' Brook, which has its rise in or near " Bishop's Meadow," towards the north, meanders in a north-westerly di- rection and empties into the Ipswich River in Topsfield. Another is Mile Brook, which has its rise in '• Blindhole Swamp," still farther north, pursues its course at the east towards the south, and as it still continues its way thither through Putnam- ville, takes the name of Frost-fish Brook, and then Porter's River. And vet another. PORTER'S RIVER. Beaver Brook, has its origin south of " Bishop's Meadow," runs somewhat par- allel with Frost-fish Brook and west of it, is augmented by a stream that proceeds from the Centre, becomes Crane River, passes on along the Plains to the Port, and finally mingles its waters with the tide of Porter's River at the extreme south-eastern section of the town, where, nearer the sea, they are soon joined bv P>ndicott or Waters River, which consti- tutes a part of the boundary line between Danvers and Peabody. Beaver Brook forms the drainage system of central Danvers, and the three brooks or rivers have, by a many-centuried process ot erosion, so cut down their banks as very much to broaden their valleys, while the long-continued subsidence of the land has been such as to allow the tide water to enter the lower depressions and swell the flood. All this has added greatly to the attractiveness and prosperity of the town. Without the subsidence, which. Professor Sears says, " amounts to about iS inches ill one hundred years, and has been going on for 1,200 years, as proven by actual measurements," these " estuaries " or *' long reaches of navigable waters" wotdd be only small streams or brooks still wan- dering seaward as from the hills. Glacial history, he adds, may be read in all partsof the town, as in the scratched, grooved and polished surfaces of all the out-cropping ledges. Putnam's, Dale's, Lindall's, Hathorne's, Whipple's, and Browne's Hill are debris left by the work of the ice age. The sand and gravel of what we call ridges, when cut into, show that they were laid down by running water in the last ages of the glacial per- iod. Here and there are large numbers of boulders and pebbles which were de- posited by the ice when it became thin and which bear the marks of their grind- ing against ledges as they were incorpor- ated into it ages before. The sand plains and clay beds were deposited in compara- tively still water, as the ice receded to the north. Icebergs of vast size became stranded in hollows and were covered over with sand and gravel, so that when they finally melted large lakes were formed which have since been filled with ingrow- ing vegetation and are now known as peat swamps, as in the case of " Blind- hole Swamp" and " Bishop's Meadow." The out-cropping ledges (or bed rock re- ferred to) are Cambrian slate and lime- stone, seen for instance in excavating a < ellar or well in Tapleyville or Danvers Centre. Diorite and hornblende granite are very abundant. The former (a heavy blue rock) occurs, as elsewhere, in Put- namville and on the hill of the Endicott DANVERS. " Orchard Farm," and the latter on the South banks of Frost-fish Brook and m East Dan vers. Granite gneiss may be found in Danvers Centre, near the house of Mr. Daniel P. Pope. Among the minerals of the town are pyrites, often seen in the diorite ledges. Limonite, or bog iron, occurs in most of the meadows or streams ; calcite, or lime- stone, in crystals and cleavage pieces ; and small (luartz and vein quartz crystals, in, or in contact with, other forms or sub- stances. The flora of the town is much the same as in Essex County generally. There are several varieties found in Dan- vers that are not known to the surround- ing region. (See Botanical lists Ijy S. P. Prowler and Dr. George Osgood in Han- son's History, pp. 10-12.) Such, for the most part, was the territory once roamed from immemorial time by the untutored Indian, until two or three hundred years ago, but which then be- came the heritage of the white man. There was no settlement by the latter on the shores of what is properly regarded as Massachusetts Bay, previous to that of Roger Conant and his associates, at Cape Ann, in 1624, or shortly after. His fish- ing and trading plantation, which was under the general direction or patronage of Rev. John White and certain merchants and others in the west of England, was unsuccessful, and accordingly with some of his party he removed, in the autumn of 1626, to Naumkeag, or Salem, as a more promising place. These were after- wards known as the " Old Planters," and Conant was still their Governor, while such men as John Woodbury, John Balch, and Peter Palfrey, were of their number. Soon a company of London gentlemen became interested in their jjlans, proposed to " erect a new Colony upon the old foundation," raised a large fund for the purijose, and on the iQth of March, 1628, obtained from the " Council for New Eng- land," a grant of land, extending in breadth from a line running three miles north of the Merrimac to a line three miles south of the Charles, and in length from the Atlantic to the " South Sea," or Western Ocean. The company appoint- ed, as Governor of the " New Colony," John Endicott, who was one of the pat- entees, and who was " a worthy gentle- man " and " well known to divers persons of note." Sailing from Weymouth, June 20, 162S, in the ship Abigail, with his wife, and with Richard Brackenbury, Rich- ard Davenport, Charles Gott, William Trask and other emigrants, he reached his destination at Naumkeag, Sept. 6, 1628. The " Old Planters" very naturally disputed at first the claims of the new comers, but the controversy was speedily adjusted, with Endicott as the acknowl- edged Governor instead of Conant ; and in token of the general harmony that thus pre- vailed, the place was given its present name, Salem, the Hebrew word for peace, or peaceful. The Colony now numbered some fifty or sixty persons, and on the 4th of March, 1629, the above grant of territory was confirmed to them by a royal Charter, making them a body corporate and politic, under the name of the " Gov- ernor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ;" and the principles and provisions contained in this Charter were destined vitally to mould the fu- ture Constitution, and influence the long- coniinued rule and legislation of the Com- monwealth. Other ships arrived during the year and brought fresh and welcome accessions to the plantation, as harbingers of the Greater immigrations that were soon to be. It was a Colony of Puritans or "Non- conformists," in contradistinction to that of the Pilgrim " Separatists" at Plymouth. The former were, nominally at least, ad- herents to the Church of England, but were stoutly opposed to its corruptions and superstitions, and refused to observe its prescribed forms of worship. The latter cut loose entirely from the T^stablish- ment, disowning all allegiance to it, and renouncing its practices as well as its au- thority. Hence their name. But both were still essentially one in faith or creed, and both, driven from their native land by the iron hand of oppression and cruelty, were inspired by the same strong and passionate love of civil and religious lib- erty. Once beyond the reach of perse- cution, Non-conformists in most cases quickly became Separatists, and Emi- gration was made to mean more thorough DANVERS. Reformation. Such were the Puritan founders of Salem and Danvers. Endicott ruled affairs at Salem with rare strength and wisdom, promoted peace and maintained order as often as troubles arose, and held just and friendly relations with the Naumkeags, or the Indian tribe who inhabited the region round about and to whom Danvers and its adjacent towns of today were once familiar ground. Numerous and powerful long before, they had now become greatly reduced by war and disease as the English came ; and they were still a dwindling race, appeal- ing to the white man for protection from their fierce enemies, the Tarrantines, far away at the north-east. The settlers bought of them whatever land they wished to own and occupy, and gave them gener- ally a fair compensation for it ; and when, in 1686, King James II proposed to wrest it from its new proprietors, the fast disappearing natives of the soil gave them a deed of it as their last will and testa- ment. Ere long the tribe was extinct. Until Oct. 20, 1629, the supreme gov- ernment of the colony was vested in the company at London, but at that time it was transferred to Salem ; and as it was deemed wise, that, under such circum- stances, new officers should be chosen, John Winthrop was appointed as Governor ; John Humphrey as Deputy Governor ; and Sir Richard Saltonstall, Thomas Dudley and sixteen others as As- sistants. The ArhcUa, sailing from Yar- mouth with three other ships and having on board Winthrop and many others, arrived and anchored in Salem harbor, June 12, 1630. "Seven vessels made their voyage three or four weeks later. Seventeen came before winter, bringing about a thousand passengers." The new Governor, who, like P^ndicott, was for many long years to render illustrious ser- vice to the nascent, rising Commonwealth, entered at once upon his official duties. Yet there was much dissatisfaction with the place, especially among the later im- migrants ; and on account of this and other discouragements it was decided to remove the seat of government to Charles- town, whither a considerable number of settlers had already gone from Salem. The capital was accordingly established on the banks of the Charles, ten weeks after the arrival of Winthrop from England. Endicott and the great body of the col- onists remained behind and were the pledge of the future success and ultimate fame of the earlier seat, even though large numbers of its vigorous and intelligent people should gradually push their way in- to the wilderness about them and there in due time form communities and towns of their own ; Wenham, incorporated in 1643; Manchester, 1645; Marblehead, 1649; Topsfield, 1650; Beverly, 1668; Middleton, 1728; and Danvers as a dis- trict, in 1752, and later, as a town. Only portions of Topsfield, Manchester and Middleton, however, were included in the original township of Salem. Lynn, it is said, was never formally incorporated, but a section of her territory, also, belonged to Salem at first. It is interesting to follow Mr. Upham as he tells us of the pioneers who struck out into the yet inhospitable wilds of Danvers, and as he locates for us the land grants they received from the General Court or the mother town. The first of these, imder date of Julv 3, 1632, was the ENDICOTT GRANT. Orchard Farm of Governor Endicott, which consisted of 300 acres and was sit- uated between Duck or Crane river as its northern boundary line, and Cow-house or Waters river as its southern. At once he proceeded to occupy and clear his land, erect buildings and construct roads and bridges, and till the soil and plant trees and vineyards. His own house, whose site is still pointed out, stood on highly elevated ground that commands a fine view of the surrounding country, while at a short distance from it is the famous DANVERS. Fear-Tree which an unbroken tradition of his descendants afifirras "was brought over with his dial in 1630," and which may first have been in his garden at Salem until he later transplanted it where it is now, and where it yet bears fruit from year to year. This country home was a 1^ 5 ^^SnHJil HPI iP PRESENT ENDICOTT HOUSE. favorite place with him. Here he often welcomed the great men of the colony and not seldom he thence skimmed with his shalloj) the rivers close by, as often as he made his visits to Salem and Boston. To the land which he had thus received from the General Court the town added by grant, on its western side, 200 acres more, which were called the " Governor's Plain." The " Orchard Farm," whatever the changes which either part of the whole es- tate may have undergone in the course of subset juent time, is now in the possession of the direct genealogical line, being the property of Mr. William C. Endicott, Jr., whose family residence is with his parents at the charming old Peabody man- sion on IngersoU street, while with them occasionally sojourn, whenever they come to America, the British Colonial Secretary, the Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain, and Mrs. Chamberlain, Judge Endicott's daughter. As the first grantee of land within the present limits of Danvers, Governor Endi- cott has well been called the " father of the town." Of the many grants — several by the General Court and the rest by Salem — made to others during the first twenty- five or thirty years and within the Danvers of the past or today, the following, as indi- cated by name and place, may be enough to show how and by whom most of the land was covered ; John Humphrey, partly in South Danvers and partly in Lynnfield, with Humphrey's pond and its island; Thomas Read, on whose estate is now the fine residence, in Peabody, of the late Hon. Richard S. Rogers, and of his son, Jacob C. Rogers, Esq. ; Emanuel Downing, west of the Read grant ; and the celebrated Hugh Peters, north of the Plains and east of Frost-fish Brook. But Read, Downing and Peters returned to England and came not back. Grants were also made to Rev. Samuel Skelton (worthy associate pastor with Rev. Fran- cis Higginson, of blessed memory, in the First church of Salem), "Skelton's Neck," afterward New Mills, and now Danvers- port, lying between Crane and Porter's rivers ; Francis Weston, a little distance west of the site of the First church ot Danvers ; Townsend Bishop, his house still standing west of the Plains and in Tapleyville, and noted as the home of Rebecca Nurse, sainted martyr of the witchcraft persecution : Richard Water- man, on the Wenham road leading from Putnamville, his habitation occupying the spot where lived the late Joel Wilkins ; and William Alford, Cherry Hill, on the Bev- erly side, sold to Henry Herrick. Weston, Bishop, Waterman, and Alford, however, were driven into exile on account of their obnoxious political and religious opinions. Grants also to Richard IngersoU, on the east side of Porter's river, o])i)osite Dan- versport ; Robert Cole, south of Felton's hill and including Proctor's corner in Pea- body ; Ellas Stileman, north of Townsend Bishop ; Thomas Gardner, in the western part of the town ; Daniel Rea, near the northern line of the Plains ;Richard Hutch- inson, Whipple's hill and land around it ; John Putnam and his three sons, Thomas, Nathaniel and John, along or near Beaver Brook, and in another direction from Hathorne hill to the Wenham line ; Wil- liam Hathorne, who was greatly distin- guished and who lived on Asylum hill, which his grant included ; Richard Dav- enport, also of great prominence and rep- utation, Davenj)ort hill, now Putnam's hill, in Putnamville ; Samuel Sharpe, at the Plains, later called Porter's Plains from John Porter, who was the next proprietor, though Judge Timothy Lindall early owned the northerly part ; Job Swinnerton, west of Townsend Bishop ; Robert (ioodell. DANVERS. west of Swinnerton ; Jacob Barney and oth- ers, the land covering the north part of Leach's hill, or Brcnvne's hill, and territory north of that, in East Danvers ; Lawrence, Richard and John Leach, immediately south of Barney : Charles Gott and others, the " Biirley Farm," now owned and oc- cupied by George Augustus Peabody, Esq., whose handsome residence com- mands a beautiful prospect ; Allen Ken- niston, John Porter and Thomas Smith, east of Putnamville and as far north as Smith hill on the Tojjsfield line ; Emanuel Downing again, east and southeast of Smith's hill, the land being afterward sold to John Porter, whose son Josejih settled PORTER-BRADSTBEET HOUSE upon it and made the old house of today the home of his family and of four or five generations of his descendants of the Por- ter and Bradstreet names. In connection with this list may be mentioned, also, William Nichols, whose grant of 1638 was located in North Sa- lem, but who bought the present Ferncroft district in Danvers (whence the name of Nichols Brook), and bequeathed it to his son John, whose descendants of our own century, r)r. Andrew Nichols and his brothers, John and Abel, were born on the estate ; William Haynes, who jointly with his father-in-law, Richard Ligersoll, purchased " the Weston grant, and then, with his own brother Richard, a part of the Bishop farm ; Joseph Houlton, who owned and lived near the First Church and south of it, and near also to the spot where his eminent and noble descendant. Dr. and Judge Samuel Holten, passed his extended, useful life in a house still stand- ing ; Thomas Preston, whose distinguished line of descendants has long and notably given its name to the neighborhood of the Harris (formerly Massey's) estate, and some of whose representatives are yet to be mentioned ; and Joseph Pope, who established his home south of the Danvers and I'eabody line, where, long afterward, a fair maiden of the family name and JUDGE HOLTEN HOUSE. stock, Hannah Pope, won the heart and became the wife of the hero of Bunker Hill. These, or such as these, with their sons and daughters, were the first settlers of Danvers and they stamped their impress on its character and life for centuries to come. Says Upham. : " There never was a community composed of better material, or better trained in all good usages." For obvious reasons, the early settlers of Danvers, as they grew in numbers, more and more desired to be, in some de- gree at least, an independent community. Hence the vote of the town, I)ec. 31, 163S, "that there should be a village graunted to Mr. Phillips and his company uppon such condition as the 7 men ap- pointed for the towne affaires should agree on." This is supposed to have been the origin of the name, " Salem \'illage." The plantation was also familiarly called " 'Phe Farms," and the inhabitants were known as " 'Phe Farmers " ; or, as Mr. L^pham states, these designations often had a wider application, being used with reference to the region north of Waters River, as it stretched from Reading at the west to the sea at the east. The Mr. Phillips above mentioned is said to have been the Rev. John Phillips, who was re- ceived as a townsman in 1640 and .who returned to England in 1642. No marked results appear to have followed his brief leadership or the municipal vote. DANVERS. For many years afterward the villagers doubtless held religious meetings at one or more private houses in the neighbor- hood, meanwhile often debating among themselves the increasing need of a paro- chial organization and other privileges of their own, that they might not be too de- pendent upon the church or people at Salem. In 1670, they asked to be set off as a separate parish, and the request was complied with, however reluctantly, in March, 1672, the General Court confirm- ing, Oct. Sth, of the same year, the action of the town. The eighth of October, 1672, was thus the birthday of the Urst Parish of iJanvers, whose two hundredth anniversary was fitly celebrated on the same day, in 1872, and whose history for the two centuries, as carefully written by Dr. Rice, himself one of its noted line of ministers and its pastor at the time, was published two years later in connection with the Proceedings of that memorable occasion and constitutes a very important part of the general history of Danvers. Though this territory of Salem Village was substantially the same as that of North Danvers at a later time, or of Danvers in our own, yet the boundaries of the two were quite different. Thus Danvers now includes, as the Village did not, Endicott's Orchard Farm, Skelton's Neck or Dan- versport, and a considerable tract on the Beverly side of Porter's River, while a re- mote northwestern portion of the Village area, formerly known as the " Bellingham Grant" and constituting a large, scpiare and somewhat isolated projection, was af- terward set off to Topsfield. Moreover, a certain section of the southwestern part of the Village was subsequently included in the town of South Danvers and now belongs to Peabody. At this time the Village population probably numbered somewhat more than five hundred. At a meeting of the Farmers, held Dec. 10, 1672, it was voted to build ameeting- house. It was completed only after much delay, and stood on the flat, at a little dis- tance east of the more elevated site of its successors on Watchhouse hill. The thir- ty years of its existence were to witness sore troubles for the villagers. They had not been strangers to trial in earlier years. The old log-house on Watch hill reminded them of dangers, past and present, from the savage foe. Ever and anon were tales of fresh barbarities, near and far, that gave them a constant sense of insecurity. But from the first the Farmers were ready to bear their part in the common de- fence, however distant the scene ; as when OLD MEETING HOUSE ROAD. Richard Davenport, Thomas Read and William Trask were the three commis- sioned officers in Endicott's expedition of 1636, against the Manisseans of Block Island for their murder of John Oldham and party from Boston ; or, as when the same Davenport, with numerous volun- teers from the neighl)orhood, again marched to battle the Indian, now joining the Massachusetts troops sent under Israel Stoughton to aid Connecticut in the Pe- quot war of 1637. But a far greater peril threatened the settlements of New England, when, in 1675, while Rev. James Bayley was the first minister of the Village church, King Philip's war broke forth in all its fury and made the wide frontier for three hundred miles the scene of dreadfiil atrocities. The wholesale massacre of the brave Capt. Thomas I.oth- rop, of Beverly, and his company — ihe " Flower of P^ssex " — at Bloody Brook, near Deerfield, on the i8th of September of that year, only aroused Mass ichusetts more than ever to a sense of the peril and duty of the hour. Nine men from the Village are said to have shared in the aw- ful sacrifice. But a far greater number from within the parish limits went forth with the thousand Massachusetts soldiers who, in the following bitterly cold Decem- ber, marched through snow and amidst nameless hardships into the swamps of Rhode Island, and there, on the 19th, fiercely attacked the Narragansetts at their islanded stronghold, killing a thousand of DANVERS. the warriors and wounding and taking prisoners hundreds of others. "The pride of the Narragansetts," says a histo- rian, "perished in a day." Of the three officers who gloriously fell in the strife, two were from Salem Village, or the Dan- vers that was to be : Capt. Joseph (lard- ner and Capt. Nathaniel Davenport, sons, respectively, of Thomas Gardner and Richard r)avenport, already referred to as of honorable distinction. Of the two captains, the former raised his company in his own neighborhood, and Joseph Houl. The town of Danvers, in the summer of 1894, set a huge boulder on the green, and dedicated it, June 30th, with a suita- ble inscription and with public ceremon- ies, to the memory of the thoughtful and patriotic donor, and of the valiant men who, during two hundred years, had " gone hence to protect their homes and to serve their country." Mr. Upham's comprehensive and mas- terly treatment of the witchcraft delusion of 1692, with numerous more or less pop- ular books or pamphlets on the same OLD TRAINING FIELD. ton, Jr., Thomas Flint and many other familiar names occur in the list. These soldiers, with others from the Farms, had drilled on the field or common at Danvers Centre, which, down to our own day, has served the same purpose, especially as subsequent wars have re ^"d in 1760 it was extended from Crane river across the Endicott grant and over Waters river, and so on to the North Bridge in Salem. More wheat mills were built in 1674 and after- ward, one of them being situated at the DAN VERS. neighboring bridge across Porter's river, where also were located the Danvers and Beverly Iron Works, incorporated in 1803. ^■^s early as the year 1798 the Salem Iron Company established its works at the bridge across \Vaters river, and here, as at the head of Crane river, there grew up a considerable commerce, so that, as Mr. Hanson tells us in 1847, there were, during 1846, thirty arrivals at the former place, with cargoes of coal, wood and lumber, etc., and one hundred and twenty-seven arrivals at the latter, with the same importations, and with flour and corn and a great variety of other commodities. From April 15 to Novem- ber 30, 1S48, there were at this point as many as 172 arrivals, and in the year 1876, there were about 250. Here, more- over, many vessels were constructed at different times, especially privateers and gun-ships during the Revolution. What with these varied and vital interests, and the subsequent morocco factories of Major Moses J31ack and sons, the tanner- ies of Samuel Fowler and sons, and other kinds of business that ere long appeared in the village, New Mills or Danversport became a very notable part of the town. The names of some of its leading families were Black, Fowler, Pindar, Page, Endi- cott, Putnam, Cheever, Porter, Bates, Hutchinson, Breed, Hunt, Kent, Jacobs, Hood, and Warren. In the year 1754, also, the peo])le of Danvers were called, like their predecessors of the same and the former century, to consider the more serious matter of war. After the Narragansett fight, some of the Farmers had been soldiers in King Wil- liam's war of 1689-97, Queen Anne's war of 1702-13, and King George's war of 1744-48 ; but it was what we know as the French and Indian war of 1754-63 that enlisted a much greater interest and ser- vice on the part of the District, there be- ing five companies, at least, in which it was represented. The five captains were W. Flint of Reading, Andrew Fuller of Middleton, Israel Herrick of Boxford, John Tapley of Salem, and Israel Davis of Danvers, — all familiar family names. Davis and his men engaged in the expedi- tion to Louisburg, and the others marched to meet the foe at Crown Point and Fort William Henry, and " in and about Maine." Israel Hutchinson, Samuel Flint and Ezra Putnam, of whom we shall hear again, were in the war, and so were nearly 140 others from the old " Training Place," while two sons of Danvers served as surgeons in the army. Dr. Amos Putnam, a noted citizen, and Dr. Caleb Rea, the latter in the expedi- tion against Ticonderoga in 1758. Con- cerning the Danvers company, just men- tioned, Dea. Samuel P. Fowler, in some excellent remarks which he made at the Centennial Celebration, in 1852, on the service which the women of the town had rendered in connection with the Revolu- tionary and other wars, related the follow- ing : " When their sons were called upon by Governor Shirley, in 1755, to form a company of volunteers to reduce the forts of Nova Scotia, they cheerfully furnished them with clothing and other articles nec- essary for their comfort. After they were ecjuipped, and about to join their regiment at Boston, these patriotic women of Dan- vers accompanied the volunteers to the Vil- lage church, where a long and interesting sermon was delivered by Rev. Peter Clark. His subject upon this occasion was : ' A word in season to soldiers.' " From Dr. Rice's amusing account of Mr. Clark's usual Sunday deliverances, it may well be supposed that his discourse to the soldiers on this occasion was sufficiently " long." His i^astorate, it may be added, was also of great length, covering fifty-one years. Dr. Wadsworth, who immediately suc- ceeded him, was minister for the still more protracted term of fifty-four years. He was followed by Dr. Braman, whose ])ulpit ministrations for nearly thirty-five years were the ablest and most impressive known to the history of Danvers. Thus, it is seen, the well nigh continuous service of these three eminent clergymen ex- tended over about 140 years. But another momentous struggle was not distant ; and in no town of Massachu- setts or the colonies did the arbitrary and o])pressive measures by which England was soon seeking to crush out the spirit of liberty and the rights of the people on these western shores meet with a braver DANVERS. 13 or sterner resistance than in Danvers. When her citizens heard of the infamous Stamp Act of 1765, they assembled them- selves together and enjoined Thomas Por- ter, their member of the (leneral Court, to do all in his power to obtain its repeal, and declared that taxation and represen- tation must go together ; and when Par- liament levied a tax on tea and other articles that should be imported, and even after it was obliged materially to modify the law, they voted overwhelmingly that neither they nor their families would pur- chase or use any such goods, brought from Great Britain, and pronounced any one who should do it an enemy of his coun- ters, thinking to overawe and suppress the rising and "rebellious" spirit of the in- habitants ; but finding his stay useless and uncomfortable, he returned to Boston with his soldiers early in the following Septem- ber. Alarm lists, or companies of minute men were organized for whatever emer- gency might next appear. Gun-carriages were lodged on Gardner's farm in North Salem and some were later taken to New Mills and to I.indall's hill in Danvers. This soon became known in Boston, and on Sunday, Feb. 26th, 1775, a detach- ment of British troops, sent in a transport, and commanded by Col. Leslie, landed at Marbleheadand marched through Salem to THE LINDENS, RESIDENCE OF FRANCIS PEABODY. try. As time went on and outrages con- tinued, patriotic feeling grew more intense. Town meetings were held, flaming speeches were made, and strong committees were appointed to direct the popular will. All the signs betokened that a crisis was near. In June, 1774, Gen. Thomas Gage, the royal Governor of Massachusetts, attended by two compa- nies of British troops, came from Boston to Danvers and made the fine old " King " Hooper House (built in 1754 and long known also as the "Collins House;" now " The Lindens," the elegant residence of Francis Peabody, Kscp), his head-quar- the North i5ridge, on their way to cap- ture the secreted cannon. The alarm was given far and near, and as they reached the river, they found themselves con- fronted by a sturdy crowd of patriots of Salem and Danvers, who, after much ])ar- ley and various demonstrations, compelled them to return and go their way, so far compromising the matter as to allow them to cross the bridge, but to recross it as quickly ; and thus ended the quite " blood- less battle," in which, however, there were examples of true American heroism, even as there were examples of "the wisdom that is from above." 14 DANVERS. ■' Through Salem straight, without delay, The bold battalion took its way; Marched o'er a bridge, in open sight Of several Yankees armed for fight ; Then, without loss of time or men. Veered round for Boston back again. And found so well their projects thrive That every soul got home alive." The greater opening event of the Kev- olution was less than two months later. In the night of April i8th, 1775, ^ de- tatchment of 800 British soldiers, com- manded by Lieut. Col. Smith, set out from Boston for Concord, to destroy certain military stores supposed to be there, all unmindful of the baf- fled ventures of Gage 1 — — and Leslie. Advanced troops, having ar- rived at Lexington early the next morn- ing, and there on the village green at- tacked and dispersed the brave yeomanry summoned to meet and oppose them, confidently pressed on about six miles further, to a more humiliating encount- er at their destim- tion. The news of the sally from Bos- ton reached Danvers about 9 o'clock that morning; and in- stantly, as it weri% eight companies of the minute men and militia of the town, numbering about 330 men, and led by Captains Samuel Flint, Samuel Eppes, Jeremiah Page, Israel Hutchinson, Caleb Lowe, Asa Prince, John Putnam and Edmund Putnam, hur- ried across the country to face the foe, those who received the alarm soonest starting first, " running half the way," and arrivmg, at the end of four hours and six- teen miles, in time to intercept the re- treating " Red- coats " at West Cambridge, now Arlington. In the battle which here ensued, Danvers made her great sacrifice, others of her troops probably coming up in season to harass the enemv in their ISRAEL HUTCHINSON MONUMENT flight to Charlestown. The names of her fallen heroes are these : Samuel Cook, Benjamin Daland, (reorge Southwick, Jotham Webb, Henry Jacobs, Ebenezer Goldthwaite, and Perley Putnam. In 1835, a proud and grateful people erected an appropriate monument to the honor of these men m the main thoroughfare if the present town of Peabody, dedicating it to their memory with fitting ceremon- ies on the 20th of April of the same year. Hon. Daniel P. King, one of the most distinguished and revered of all the sons of Danvers, delivered on the occasion a most eloquent ad- - dress, accompaniep by very interesting remarks from the brave old veteran, (ien. Gideon Foster, who was also in the fight at West Cam- bridge, as a Captain of a company of minute men, taken, it is said, from the company of Capt. l^ppes. Israel Hutch- inson, who had gal- lantly served in the French and Indian war and rose to high military distinction during the Revolu- tion, and who was afterward greatly honored in civic life, had his home at New Mills ; and hither the bodies of some of the Danvers soldiers, slain in the battle, were brought fresh from the scene of their death, to await the care of mourning kindred. On this sacred site the town, in 1896, likewise placed and dedicated a chaste and beau- tiful monolith, commemorative of his no- ble character and deeds, and of the young and blood-stained patriots who rested here awhile on their way to the grave. Danvers was also consjjicuous at the Battle oi" Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Gen. Israel Putnam, who commanded the American forces, was a native of the town, though he qame to the seat of war DANVERS. 15 from his home in Connecticut. Lsrael Hutchinson was not in the actual fight, but was on dutyneir at hand, faithful to his post, and ready as always for whatever service might be rec^uired of him. Asa Prince, who was a son of Dr. Jonathan Prince, said to have been the first resident physician of the town, was the same good soldier of liberty on Charles- town Heights as when he led his company on the day of Lexington. Major Kzra Putnam, whom we have met before and shall meet still again, w is also of the host. And Moses Por- ter, at the age of nineteen, here first won his spurs, only to go hence and for nearly half a century to de- fend his country in all parts of it-^ territory, rise to exalted rank, and win the honor of being the prince of artillerists and disciplin a r 1 a n s, and the hero of forts and fron- tiers. But if Dan- vers had such of- ficers or com- manders as these in the battle by which f^nglan I " lost her colonies forever," who shall tell of the far greater number of her braves, titled and untitled, who served under them and were there to con tend for freedom to the death; or shall adequately tell ot the deeds of her more multitudinous sons who went forth from Punker Hill or fresh from their homes, after that great contlict, to peril all for the glori HIS cause and say with Cajit. Samuel Flint, soon to lay down his life at Stillwater, " Where the enemy is, there you will find me?" More than 300 Dan vers men, as we have seen, marched to meet the foe, A])ril ig, 1775, and it is es- GEN. ISRAEL PUTNAM, timated that not less than 300 men from the town were in the war of the Revolu- tion on and after the still more eventful seventeenth of June that so quickly fol- lowed. The figure is somewhat short of one seventh of the population of Danvers at that time. As the " Soldiers' Record " relates : During the next twenty years many of these veterans obtained commissions in the militia as colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, etc. : (jideon Foster, I'Lben- ezer (ioodale, Jethro Putnam, Andrew Nichols, Daniel King, A n d r e w Monroe, Jonathan Porter, Johnson Proctor, Sylvestej Osborne, Daniel Preston, and many others, a large number of them being afterward promoted. The first two became Major-Generals. Mr. Proctor, in h i s Centennial Address, while re- counting the names of the most prominent Revo- lutionary heroes of the old town, made mention of General Putnam, General Moses I'orter, Col. Jere- miah Page, Col. Israel Hutchinson, Col. E]noch Put- nam, Capt. Jere- miah Putnam, C-i])t. Samuel I'age and Capt. Levi Preston, all of North Danvers : and General Gideon Foster, Major Caleb Lowe, Major Sylvester Osborn, Capt. Samuel Kppes, Capt. Samuel Flint, Capt. I )ennison Wallis, and Capt. Johnson Proc- tor, all of South Danvers. Several of the entire list had served in the F'rench and Indian war, and several others were to live to take part in another war with Fhig- land, in 1S12. No better service was rendered in the great struggle for Liberty i6 DANVERS. and independence than that of these Dan- vers soldiers and their Danvers comrades. " When Freedom, on her natal day, Within her war-rocked cradle lay, An iron race around her stood, Baptized her infant brow with blood, And through the storm that round her swept, Their constant ward and watchinjij kept." For some years after the Revolutionary war, the times were hard and there was much discontent, especially in Western Massachusetts. Large numbers of men in that section grew insubordinate and rebellious, and for- midable military forces, under Shay and other desper- ate leaders, were at length in defiant a r r a y against the con- stituted authori- ties and alarming- ly menaced the order and peace of society. The insurgents having concentrated their strength at Spring- field, the state government, early in 1787, sent thither a strong body of troops, under the com- mand of Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, to crush the dan- gerous movement. The enemy, de- feated in the en- gagement that followed, fled to Pelham, where they were again louted and whence they betook themselves to Petersham, at which place they were finally dispersed by their pursu- ers and the trouble was brought to an end. The only reference to this chapter of events which we find in Hanson's His- tory, is the simple statement : " Col. Benj. Tupper raised a company the same year (1786). in Beverly and Danvers, to suppress Shay's Rebellion." It was not however, Col. Benjamin Tupper, but John GEN. MOSES PORTER Francis, of Beverly, who raised the com- pany, and who, as E. M. Stone's history of that town further tells us, marched in Col. Wade's Regiment. Fourteen sol- diers, at least, of the company, belonged to Danvers, though Mr. Stone does not name them, or give the number. They were Daniel Needham, lieutenant; Dan- iel Bell, drummer ; Josiah White, sergeant ; Moses Thomas, corporal ; Isaac Demp- sey, and nine others. About the same time there was anoth- er enterprise, of a far different character, in which not a few of the people of Danvers were interested. A t various times in the history of the town her children have shown a marked spirit of emigration and colonization ; a s when, in 1724, Joseph Houlton, grandson of the original settler of that name, re- moved with others of Salem Village to Franklin coun- ty in Western Massachusetts and there founded New Saleni, with its A cade m y ; whence, long af- terward, a goodly ntmiber of their descendants and others, led l)y a la- ter Joseph Houlton, wandered to the wilds of Maine and there formed a settlement to which they fittingly gave the name of Houlton, and which is now the flourishing shire town of Aroostook County. So, too, in 1738, several families of the names of Putnam and Dale migrated to New Ham]> shire and there planted a settlement, which became the town of Wilton. Thus it was, also, that the first division of the pioneer band that originally colonized the great Northwest, at Marietta, ()., started DANVERS. 17 from their rendezvous at Danvers, Dec. 1787, under the lead of Major Haf- field White, and, having crossed the win- try wastes and mountains, met the other division of twenty-six men who had left Hartford, Conn., Jan. i, 17SS, at Sumrill's Ferry on the Youghiogheny, where all proceeded to build their boats, and then in April sailed down the rivers until they reached the junction of the Muskingum with the Ohio and there landed to found the future city, named in honor of the ill- fated Marie Antoinette, friend of America. Major White was himself a Danvers man, and among the twenty-two members of his party (the whole company numbering forty-eight), were Amos Porter, Allen Putnam, and Capt. William Gray, all from his own town. The list also includes Capt. Jethro Putnam and Josiah White, familiar Danveis names; and the same might be said of others. Hildreth's '■'■Early Settlers of Ohio,''' referring to Capt. ( Jray, says : " His family was left in Danvers, and did not come out until 1 790, in company with Major Ezra Putnam, from the same place." The war veteran. Major Putnam, is said to have lived in Mid- dleton, near the Danvers line, but Marietta authorities generally claim him as of Dan- vers and his belongings seem to have been chiefly there. Col. Israel Putnam, a native of Danvers, like his father, (len. Israel I'utnam, went from his Connecti- cut home with his two sons and settled at Pelpre, near Marietta, where he bought a large farm and became a leading and in- fluential man, his descendants of our own century and to-day l)eing promi- nent and honored, not onl\- at the ])arent colony, but in many ])arts of the west and south besides. Of like distinc- tion have been the descendants of Gen. Rufus Putnam, the "Father of Ohio," who was also of Danvers stock, and who, when the Ohio comi)any, of lioston, ])ur- chased of the Government 5,000,000 or more of acres of territory on which these emigrants settled with himself and others, was appointed the general Superintendent for colonizing the region, bemg the prime mover and soul of the great enterprise. Senator Hoar, in his recent remarkably in- teresting sketch of the life, character and services of this soldier, statesman, and patriot, has said : " If there be in the an- nals of this republic, save Washington and Lincoln alone, a benefactor whose deeds surpass those of Rufus Putnam, I have read American history in vain." In view of the founding of Marietta and of its re- sults, and in view of the connection which Danvers had with it as thus indica- ted, it is not too much to say, that, aside from manifold other and similar contributions during the century, the town has done no mean j^art in helping to de- velop the mighty West. But other matters invite attention. Next to agriculture, several kinds of manufac- turing industiy have been of chief interest and profit to the town. Its shoe business began as early as 1786, if not earlier, in what for a long time has been called Put- namville, from the name of many of the former inhabitants of the district. The first to engage in it was Zorobabel Porter, whose house and home — the birthplace of his brother. Gen. Moses Porter — is still standing near the northern line of the Plains, and whose shop stood very near to it, on the old stage road leading from Sa- lem to Topsfield, while, also, a tannery ' -^i^iiiimfliipif '--^ '_L-, [ L'l-'TER S BIRTHPLACE. belonging to the estate was not far away. The brick basement of the shop was used for currying leather, and the rooms above for the " gentle craft " and for the sale of the shoes they made. Here, it has been said, was the " first shoe manufactory in the Ifnited States." However that may be, it was certainly the first in Danvers. Ac- count books, still preserved, show that Zorobal)el, who was a ])rominent and in- telligent citizen, was quite brisklv engaged in the business in 1786, and afterward; and it was in that same year that his cousin, Jonathan Porter, also of Putnam- ville, came to learn of him there the Cris- i8 DANVERS. pin art, accompanied or followed by Samuel Fisk, Caleb Oakes of New Mills, Moses Putnam and others. Thomas Meady became an adept and somewhat later taught the trade to Elias Putnam and Nathaniel Boardman in the same place. For the first year, the proprietor sold shoes to the people of Danvers and neigh- boring towns alone, but from about 1792 he sent his wares in barrels to more dis- tant points also. Kre long his apprentices and some others began the business on their own account and shipped their goods afar, as Porter had done before them; Moses Putnam from 1797, and Caleb Oakes, for whom Putnam had worked for a year, probably a little earli- er ; Klias Kndicott, about the year 1800 ; chases, Putnamville, during most of the first half of the century, was a busy and noted part of the town as regards these in- terests, little as one might credit it now in view of its present changed and quiet aspects and condition. Pate in the thir- ties and early in the forties, Joshua Sil- vester and Klias Putnam removed to the Plains, where they built larger factories and homes, and where Samuel Preston, Capt. P^lben Putnam and others had been in the business for some or many years. Mr. Preston had invented a machine for pegging shoes, and Klias Putnam several for cutting and splitting leather, both re- ceiving patents therefor. These inven- tions were the first beginnings of the far more wonderful machinery and processes FIRST SHOE MANUFACTORY. Klias i'utnam in 1812-13; Nathaniel Boardman in 1816; Samuel Putnam per- haps about the same time ; and Joshua Silvester, Aaron Putnam, Daniel F. Put- nam, Joseph lilack, Kll)ridge Trask, (ieorge A. Putnam and others, later; all, except Mr. Oakes, having their shoj^s or factories at intervals along the Danvers and Topsfield highway in the old school district. No. 3, for a distance of two miles. What with these establishments and Sam- uel Fowle's shop for the making of shoe boxes, together with the fre(]uent visits of dealers from Boston, New York, Philadel- phia, P>altimore, and other remote cities, and the regular rumble of the big cov- ered wagons for the transportation of pur- which have since changed and increased, so astonishingly, the whole system of shoe manufacture and trade. Among the ear- lier representatives of the business in Danvers were Daniel Putnam, John Pres- ton, James Ooodale and Otis Mudge, at or near the Centre ; and for a time it was carried on at Tapleyville by Col. Gilbeit Tapley, who afterward established there a carpet factory, by means of which, with other ventures of his ever industrious and enterprising spirit, he gave employment to many persons and built up the village that bears his honored name. Otis Mudge commenced o])erations about the year 1835, and the skilled work and extensive tratific of Messrs. Kdwin and Augustus DANVERS. 19 Mudge, and Edward Hutchinson (K. & A. Mudge & Co.), at the Centre and in Bos- ton, in our own generation, as well as va- rious other contemporaneous or subse- quent shops and stores of Danvers men, in town or city, like those of John R. Langley and William E. Putnam, have further shown how largely this interest has contributed to the growth and prosperity of the town. The Village Bank, now the First National Bank, of Danvers, was es- tablished in 1S36, and its existence for 63 years, with FLlias Putnam, Moses Putnam, Daniel Richards and Cilbert Augustus Tapley as its successive presidents, has been a great means of encouraging and aiding continuously these and other local, industrial developments. Perhaps the quarter of a century that immediately fol- lowed the year 1836, witnessed the high- est degree of success in this particular department of practical pursuits. Dr. Rice's book states that, in 1854, there were as many as thirty-five firms that were here engaged in the manufacture of shoes, making, during the year, 1,562,000 pairs, valued at $1,072,258, and giving employment to about 2,500 persons. The tanneries and factories of South Danvers or Peabody, which have been such a source of wealth to citizens or families of that town, have likewise been benefited by its Danvers Bank, incorporated in 1825, and by its Warren Bank of 1831. Interesting, also, is the history of the pottery art and trade, so long known to South Danvers, and to some extent, in early times, to North Danvers. The busi- ness seems to have been intioduced in the "Middle Precinct" by the Osbornes, Southwicks and others of the first settlers ; and this manufacture of many varieties of earlhern ware appears to have been a thriving and spreading form of industry in that locality, until a comparatively re- cent period. — Another important occupa- tion to be mentioned in this connection is that of brick-making. Dr. (ieorge Os- good, formerly and for a long time a well known physician of Danvers, with wide practice, wrote in 1855 : " For more than eighty years the manufacture of bricks has been successfully and profitably car- ried on at Danvers Plains ; " and he adds that Deacon Joseph Putnam, and Israel, his brother, nephews of Gen. Israel Put- nam, made bricks in the pasture east of the centre of the village, toward Frost- fish brook. Along this brook, and Por- ter's river which receives its waters, are various traces of the work that was there done at an early period. Yet the well- informed doctor believed that Col. Jere- miah Page, who was in the Revolutionary war and lived until 1806, was "the first person that manufactured bricks in Dan- vers." After his decease, his son, John Page, Esq., " continued the business with great profit to himself, and benefit to the community, to near the close of his life, and accumulated a handsome indepen- dence." He is said to have been the first in Massachusetts to make what were called clapped bricks ; and his trade, we are told, extended to all the principal cities and towns in New England, and to New York and even as far as Florida, the ma- terial thus supplied l)eing much used for the construction of forts as well as for more common purposes. The Page yards were principally situated midway between the Plains and New Mills, on the western side of the road that connects the two vil- lages, while opposite was that of Nathan- iel Webb, who also found the occupation a lucrative one. Various yards have since been oi^ened from time to time, and later brickmakers have continued to supply, with their products, the steady and grow- ing need. — The lumber business, particu- larly the extensive operations of Mr. Calvin Putnam and his successors for many years past, and other establishments for box- making and for the manufacture of leath- er and articles of wear, and also attractive gardens and greenhouses for the growth of vegetables and fruits and flowers for the markets — may well receive a passing no- tice here, whatever fuller accounts of them may or may not appear in later l)ages of this volume. The war of 181 2 encountered a vehe- ment opposition in Danvers. At a town meeting, held in the summer of that year, the inhabitants vigorously denounced it, for various reasons which they set forth, as " dangerous to the union, liberty, and independence of the United States." Yet DANVERS. alleged wrongs of the mother country against our own people, but particularly the frequent, undeniable, and outrageous impressment of our seamen into the Brit- ish naval service year after year, had aroused in many citizens a spirit that de- manded satisfaction and that was ready for hostilities. At all events, military companies were formed in the town for the common defence. One of them was organized at New Mills, and was com- manded by Capt. Samuel Page, a hero of the Revolution. Another was raised in South Danvers and was under the indomi- table (iideon Foster. There was also a company of artillery, of which Jesse Put- nam was captain and Warren Porter was sergeant, and which was stationed at Sa- lem. Putnam and Porter were both af- terward promoted to be colonels. These officers and men saw but little active service, but were surely ready for it, whenever or wher- ever was the need ; and Kossuth once said that they who are ready are as good as they who fight. But among those w h o were charged with sterner duty was (ien- eral Moses Porter, mentioned before, who was uncle of Warren, and who, during the three years' war, won undying Inirels on the Niagara, and at Fort Norfolk, in Virginia. And to this it may be added that many other Danvers men enlisted elsewhere and served in various scattered scenes. Before and after the Revolution the evil of African slavery was on the wane at the South, but especially at the North, where natural conditions and other cir- cumstances were so unfa\orable to its ex- istence. In i75ssex turnpike, or " Andover turnpike, " which extends from New Hami)shire to Salem, Mass., and also passes through Danvers, was incorporated, June 2 2d, of the same year. Thorough- fares like these have a history well worth the study, but what with new openings and other modes of travel, the inevitable change long since came, and with it van- ished most of whatever charm belonged to the old system of wayfaring and trans- portation. One of the writers remarks upon the great number of burial places in old Dan- vers, ]uiblic and private. Of these the most noteworthy are the Endicott family lot, in which repose descendants and rela- tives of the Governor, from an early date ; READ-PORTER HOUbE the Wadsworth burying ground, in which lie the remains of Elizabeth Parris (wife of Rev. Samuel Parris), who died July 14, 1696; the Plains graveyard, in which there are stones that date back for more than a century and a tasteful marble monument for the family of Capt. Benja- min Porter, a prominent citizen of New Mills ; the Tapleyville burying ground, in which is the grave of Dr. Samuel Holten ; tlie Catholic Cemetery ; and the Walnut Grove Cemetery, which was consecrated in 1844 and is the largest and fairest of these sacred enclosures. One of the ear- liest occupants of the last-named was Hon. Samuel Putnam, an eminent ludge of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa- chusetts, of whom the land was purchased, and whose home, near by, on Holten street, was also the home of his ancestor of the second generation, Nathaniel Put- JUDGE PUTNAM HOUSE. nam. The above receptacles are all in the present town of Danvers. In Pea- body (formerly South Danvers), are the 24 DANVERS. old South Burying Ground, in which are the graves of Rev. Nathan Holt and Rev. Samuel Walker, once pastors of the Second church (the original church of the "Mid- dle Precinct "), and of Captain Dennison Wallis, and the frail, yet accomplished Eliza Wharton of Bell Tavern memory, whose sad story of the long ago touched the hearts of so many New England peo- ple ; Monumental Cemetery, " beautiful and commodious," in which is the simple, but shining epitaph of Master Benjamin Ciile, " I taught little children to read ; " Cedar (irove, whose one hundred and thirty acres, more or less, of diversified and lovely scenery are now in principal use with the families of the town for the interment of their dead ; and Harmony Grove, whose shaded and extensive slopes and levels are the resting-place of Pea- body's greatest son and benefactor and of a numerous train of her departed worthies, though, not as formerly, nearly the whole now belongs to Salem. Even the dust of George Peabody himself no longer lies within the present limits of the town that gave him birth and that bears his name, but within the boundary line of the ad- joining city. — Yet, most touching of all are the many, many scattered graves which, in Danvers and Peabody alike, are strewn with flowers of Memorial days and thus tell where the brave men sleep, " their country's hope and pride." Of inestimable advantage to both parts of the old town have been the newspapers that have been published within their bor- ders during the last fifty or sixty years. In 1844, the " Danvers Whig" was pub- lished in South Danvers for a time as a political campaign paper. From Aug. 28lh, 1844 to April i6th, 1S45, Samuel T. Damon conducted a very spirited sheet, " The Danvers Eagle." " The Danvers Courier " was established. Mar. 15, 1845, and was edited by George B. Carleton. The first number of " The Wizard " edited by Fitch Poole, Esq. and published by Charles D. Howard, was is- sued Dec. 7, 1859, anrl was a remarkably bright, humorous and entertaining visitor at many a shop and home. In 1869, the year after the town of South Danvers took the name of Peabody, Mr. Howard estab- lished " The Peabody Press," and was its editor as well as publisher, supplying the same paper from week to week to Danvers subscribers under the old name of the " Danvers Courier," until H. C. Cheever, as editor and proprietor, started in Dan- vers, 187 1, the " Danvers Mirror." Charles H. Shepard bought the Danvers Mirror and job printing business of Mr. Cheever in 1875 and conducted the same until 1890, when, with an associate for a time, the present editor and publisher, Frank E. Moynahan, came into possession. While yet he was editor of the Mirror, Mr. Shepard was for several years Secre- tary of the Massachusetts Press Associa- tion, and in 1889 was chosen representa- tive in the Legislature for Danvers and Middleton ; and then from 1890 to 1893 was United States Consul at Gothenburg, Sweden. In 1895 he purchased the two newspapers then published in Peabody — the Press and the Advertiser — and con- solidated them into the " Peabody Union," which sometime afterward he discontinued, to devote himself more ex- clusively to job printing at the old st.md where books and papers have been pub- lished in Peabody for fifty years. Mr. Shepard's able care and management of the Mirror and of its accompanying work have been vigorously sustained under the energetic and enterprising superinten- dence of Mr. Moynahan, a native of the town and graduate of its High school, who had been associated with Mr. Shep- ard for six years when he succeeded to the business in 1890, and who has since su]>plied Topsfield with his paper under the "heading of " The Topsfield Towns- man," and contributed largely to several daily newspapers and various trade publi- cations, meantime winning the prize of a gold eagle offered by the Boston Post for the best letter of less than two hundred words on " How to run a newspaper." Other sheets have been published for a brief time, in both Danvers and Peabody ; and since these pages have been given to the printer, the first number of a daily paper, " Danvers Evening Press " (May 27), has been issued. For well nigh a century the Fire De- partment has also rendered efficient ser- DANVERS. 25 vice to the town. On the 25th of August, t8oo, Robert Shillaber, Israel Putnam, and Edward Southwick were elected to purchase two engines, one to be placed near the Bell Tavern in South Danvers and the other near New Mills, in North Danvers. " Fire-wards," six in number, were first chosen in iSoi. In 1815, there were ten, and in 1840, twelve. In 1S30, the Department was duly established by an Act of the Legislature. In subse- quent years, additional engines were located in other parts of the town, as at Wilson's corner, the Plains, and Tapley- ville. These were days of full companies, drills, fire-buckets, apparatus, miscella- neous service, rival entertainments and sportive performances, such as are quite unknown to our own time and methods. " Only certain grandfathers," says Mr. White, " remember the halcyon days." Days they were, however, which vividly call to remembrance most terrible confla- grations that defied the prowess of the brave men who dared the flames ; as the great fire of Sept. 22, 1843, which swept through what is now Peabody Square, consuming the South meeting-house, the old Essex Coffee House, and a large number of stores, dwellings and other structures ; or the equally destructive fire at the Plains, June 10, 1845, which broke out in the very heart of the village and reduced to ashes the fine residences of Joshua Silvester and Samuel Preston and their shoe manufactories, with many shops and the Post Ofiice besides, and ruined beyond repair the old Village Bank build- ing at the north-western corner of the immediate intersecting streets. Danvers has been benefited greatly by its railroads, however inadequate the management and accommodation. The Essex Road was chartered in 1846 and was opened to South Danvers, Jan. 18, 1847, and through Danvers, Middleton and Andover to Lawrence, Sept. 5, 1S4S. It was built by, and leased to, the ['Eastern Railroad Company and has long been the Lawrence Branch of the Eastern Division of the Boston & Maine system. Among those who were first and foremost in the enterprise was one of whom the Mirror's account of Danvers, Feb. 19, 1876, said : " Hon. Elias Putnam was most active and influential in procuring its charter and location. He had in previous years been anxious that Danvers should have con- nection by railroad with Boston and other places, and various routes were surveyed and considered before the Essex road was finally located. He had hoped to see the road completed and the trains passing over it, but this was not to be, as he died in the summer of 1847." He wasone of the Corporators and one of the first Board of Directors, and Joseph S. Cabot, of Salem, was the first President. — The Danvers and Georgetown Road was char- tered, May 7, 1 85 1, and the Danvers Road extending from Danvers to South Read- ing and thus connecting with the old Boston and Maine, was chartered. Mar. 15, 1852. The present " Nestor of the Essex Bar," Hon. Wm. D. Northend, of Salem, was the president of both these roads, and wiih remarkable ability and energy overcame manifold difficulties, and achieved success, making the continuous Branch of the Western Division, running through Lynnfield, Danvers, Topsfield and (reorgetown, to Newburyport, his lasting debtor. By an Act of the Legis- lature, May 2, 1853, both of his roads were authorized to unite with the New- buryport eS: Haverhill Road, under one company, and a year or two later they were all duly open to the public. By these various Hues which have been men- tioned, Danvers was favored, for travel or business, with railway communication with Salem and the seaport, and with Boston and the northern and western interior towns and cities, near and far. It was after much debate that Salem Village and the Middle Precinct had been incorporated as one District in 1752, and were constituted a Town in 1757. A full century had witnessed to their united growth and prosperity. But as time wore on, it was more and more felt and fomid that each of the two sections had circum- stances and needs of its own and that it was quite inconvenient to hold town meet- ings now in one and then in the other ; so that, after much discussion and con- tention among the inhabitants as to the matter of separation, the petition of many 26 DANVERS. of them for a division was granted by the Legislature, in " an Act to incorporate the town of South Danvers," passed May i8, 1855. North Danvers remained, as now, the town of Danvers, and of course re- tained the records, having a population of about 4000, while that of South Danvers was 5348. The dividing line at the east corresponded in the main with Water's river, but gave to Danvers about fifty acres south of it, near the Iron Works, while from the head of that stream it ran west, with a northerly inclination, to the boundary line of Middleton. On the 27th of April, 1857, an Act was approved, which set off to Danvers a certain part of Beverly, lying east of Porter's river and ever, to take note only of the northern town. On the i6th of April, 1861, an immense assemblage of the citizens gath- ered at the Town Hall and was presided over by Arthur A. Putnam, then a young lawyer of the place. After much earnest, but perhaps also rather aimless talk, a modest but unfamiliar voice reminded the crowd that " the meeting was not for elo- quence, but enlistment." It was the voice of Nehemiah P. Fuller, who had al- ready seen service in the Mexican war and who was a grandson of the Major Ezra Putnam, before mentioned as having been in the French and Indian war, at Bunker Hill and in the Revolutionary struggle, and also as an emigrant, in his .IT. 8 including Browne's Hill, and land imme- diately north and on the other side of the old Ipswich road, between Cherry Hill farm-house and Frost-fish Brook. South Danvers changed its name for Peabody, April 13, 1868. But old Danvers, however divided by the act of May 18, 1855, or by sectional feeling before and after, was one in thought, spirit and puri)ose, at the fall of Sumter and in the mighty conflict which at once ensued. The fire of patriotism that burned in the hearts of her people in the days of the Revolution, still lived in the souls of their descendants and burst forth anew at the first tidings of actual rebellion. It is our ])rovince here, how- BIRTHPLACE OF GEN. ISRAEL PUTNAM. advanced years, to. the colony of Marietta on the Ohio. Fuller himself proposed to enlist and called on others who were present to do the same. His example, and that of Ruel B. Pray, who is said to have been the first to sign the roll, were not in vain. " Others fol- lowed that night and in six days the roll was full and ready for organization." At the election of officers, Fuller was chosen captain of the company which soon took the name of the Danvers Light Infantry. During the war he was promoted to be Major of the Second Heavy Artillery, and after it he removed to Missouri, but re- turned to Danvers to die, Feb. 3, 1881. A day or two after the war meeting of DANVERS. 27 ^9^ 0l^%L ^ April 1 6th, some youns;menof the Plains, Arthur A. Putnam, George W. Kenney and others, agreed to form another com- pany and the law office of the first-named was opened for recruits. Says the " Put- nam Guards" pamphlet, " The volunteer- ing was at once gratifyingly brisk. In the course of a week, the requisite number of names for a company (50) was enrolled, nearly all the signers being residents of the Plains village." At the election of officers on the 30th, Mr. Putnam was chosen captain, and for weeks that ensued the company drilled in the Bank hall and in " Berry's jiasture," under the direction of Major Foster of the Salem Ca- dets, as under that of Benjamin E. Nevvhall they had previously done in the un- finished first story of the grammar school house on Maple street. It was later made known to them through Mrs. Julia A. Phil- brick, that a ban- ner would be presented to them by the ven- erable Miss Catherine Put- nam of Peterborough, N. H., on condi- tion of their taking the name of " Putnam Guards." The condition was unanimous- ly complied with, and at a great throng of people in the public square of the Plains village on the 2 2d of May, Mrs. Phil- brick's husband, Hon. John D. Philbrick, on behalf of the donor, presented with eloquent words the beautiful and precious gift, Capt. Putnam making a fitting re- sponse and others following with api)ro- priate addresses. On the 20th of June, ./ L JOHN G. WHITTIER the welcome government order came, to rei)ort on the 24th, as Company I, of the Fourteenth Regiment of Infantry, " at the Capitol on f^eacon hill in readiness to go that day into camp at Fort Warren." After seven weeks at the fort and after much delay and discomfort in leaving it, they were at length on their way to New York and were soon at Washington and " on Meridian Hill near the war-bristling capital of the nation." Besides the two companies of early vol- unteers that have been mentioned, there were thir- ty-two more men from Danvers w h o enlisted about the same time in the two Salem compa- nies assigned to the Fifth Regi- ment, twenty in Company A and twelve in Com- pany H. " They bore an honored part in the dis- astrous battle of Bull Run, July 21st, exactly three months af- ter the regiment left F a n e u i 1 hall." The next year a third Dan- V e r s company was form ed, of which Albert G. Allen was captain. It was Co. K of the Eighth Regiment, which " sailed from Boston, Nov. 7, 1862, under Col. Coffin of Newburyport for Newbern, N. C, and in June, 1863, was transferred to Baltimore, thence to Maryland Heights, and experienced hard service in the pur- suit of Lee after the battle of Gettys- burg." But space forbids details respecting all the enlistments that went on in Danvers during the four years' war, as often as calls were made by the government ; the 28 DANVERS. steady and faithful encouragement and support rendered in all this tin:ie by the men and women at home to their absent ones who thus offered themselves for the Union's sake ; and the many and widely- scattered battle-fields of the country where these sons or citizens of the old town fought and suffered for the cause and so many of them gave to it their lives in courageous and holy self-sacrifice. The best history of Danvers that has yet been published is that which was written by Hon. A. P. White and was included in the History of Essex County in 1888. We take from it, also, the impressive state- ment, that " Danvers furnished in all seven hundred and ninety-two men for the war, which was a surplus of thirty-six over and above all demands. Forty-four were commissioned officers." Fhe later " Sol- diers' Record " says that there were " 796 separate individuals, who served in the Rebellion," credited to this town. Thir- ty-seven, at least, were in the naval ser- vice. One of them was Dr. Warren Por- ter (son of Col. Warren Porter of the war of 181 2), who, as an experienced and com])etent sailor, was commissioned at Washington as acting ensign, Oct. 26, 1863, and who shortly after distinguished himself while cruising in the Gulf of Mex- ico in the frigate Magnolia. One after- noon, about three o'clock, was discovered in the distance the rebel steamer " Mata- gorda," and chase was immediately given. For a time she was lost to view, but only for a time. Porter, with permanent in- jury to his eyes, sighted her long and in- tently through the hawser-hole as the pursuit was continued, until about eleven o'clock in the evening, when she was final- ly overtaken and when he was the first to board her. As prize master, he took the ship and its cargo to Boston where she was sold for $355,000, and the treasury of the government thus received a hand- some sum of money through the vigilance and energy of this son of Danvers. He was straightway promoted to be com- mander of the "Nita" and afterward captured several smaller vessels, still scouring the seas until his discharge, Aug. 26, 1865, when the war had ended. It would be most pleasant to make par- ticular mention of many others who thus reflected honor upon the old town in this tremendous contest. We have space for only two or three of them. — Daniel J. Preston, a well known and highly re- spected citizen, enlisted as ist lieutenant at the age of 45, was afterward promoted to be captain, and was later commis- sioned, Dec. 6, 1863, as Major of the 36th U. S. Colored Infantry. — Especially should we name in this connection, Maj. General Grenville M. Dodge, who, while he hailed from his adopted state of Iowa, was yet a native of Danvers, born in Put- namville, April 12, 1831, within a half mile of the Topsfield line and in a house that was the early home, and also the birthplace of Elias Putnam, though many years ago the part in which the former ELIAS PUTNAM HOUSE. first saw the light was detached from the main and older portion of the building and now stands about an eighth of a mile south of it and on the opposite or eastern side of the road. General Dodge, having BIRTHPLACE OF GEN. GRENVILLE M. DODGE. graduated at Norwich University, Vt , early devoted himself to civil engineering, surveying lands in the north-western DANVERS. 29 states and the vast regions between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains. At the outbreak of the war of the Rebellion, he enlisted in the Union service, rose rap- idly to high commands and exalted miU- tary rank, was terrilily wounded in the battle of Pea Ridge, in the siege of Atlan- ta, and in other engagements, and became the intimate and trusted friend and asso- ciate of Lincoln, Grant and Sherman. He was afterward, for two years, a member of Congress from his Iowa district, and then was very active and most indefatigal)le as the chief builder of the Union Pacific Railroad, while since that time, as Presi- dent, Vice President or Director of great railroad companies, he has tirelessly busied himself in projecting enormous lines that now belt the immense territory of the far West and Southwest, and in thus develop- ing its meas- ureless re- sources a n d ])OSsibilities. — Another of the s a m e family name is Major F r a n c i s S. Dodge (son of Francis Dodge o f Danvers), who was born o n Hathorne Hill, Sept. I 1. 1842, enlist- ed in the Civil ^Var, Oct. 9, 1861, was rejieatedly ])ronioted for meritorious con- duct, received a medal from Congress for his brave rescue of Major Thornburg and his cavalry troops from the Indians in Colorado in 1S79, was made major and paymaster in 1880, and is still winning fresh honors from the government. In 1870, a noble granite monument was erected in front of the Town House to " all Danvers soldiers and sailors who fell in the late war for the Ihiion," it being dedicated on the 30th of November of that year. Thirty-three and one quarter feet high, and seven and three-quarters feet square at the base, it l)ears the names of Major Wallace A. Putnam, Lieutenant James Hill, and ninety-three others who died in the nation's defence. Around it. REBECCA NURSE MONUMENT as often as Memorial day returns, gather the thinnmg ranks of their comrades of Ward Post 90, of the Crand Army of the Rei)ublic, and a multitude of the ])eople of the town, in loving and tender remem- brance of the honored dead and with fresh consecration to the service and weal of the Union for which they gave their lives. Danvers had its first post-office in 1S36 ; its Savings Bank in 1850. The Town House, built in 1854 at the junction of Holten and Sylvan streets for munici- pal purposes, public meetings and the High School, was lengthened 25 feet in 1883, and was much reconstructed and enlarged in 1896. The original Danvers Peabody Institute building, which was dedicated in the presence of Mr. Pea- body himself, July 14, 1869, was de- stroyed l)y fire, June 2, 1890, and was suc- ceeded, t w o years later, by the more clas- ^ic and com- modious edi- fice of to-day. This was dedi- cated, Oct. 19, 1892, and is still surround- ed liy the trees and ])lants and walks with which its ample grounds had been so tastefully and diligently orna- mented by that honored and public spirit- ed benefactor of the town, Joshua Silves- ter. The State Lunatic Hospital, on Hathorne hill, l)egan to be built in 1874 and was o])ened for patients in 1878. The fine system of water works for the town, with its reservoir of pure Middleton supplies, on Hathorne hill, was established in 1875. The Monument to Rebecca Nurse, in the family grove cemetery in Tapleyville, was erected and consecrated in 1885, and the Tablet on the same grounds to the memory of her Forty Friends, in 1892. The electric light sys- tem for the streets and buildings of the town was commenced in 1888 and com- jjleted in 1890. " Danvers," we read " was 30 DAN VERS. the pioneer town in this state to establish electric lighting on its own account." And, recently, the war with Spain for the emancipation of the Queen of the An- tilles again appealed to the sympathy of the patriotic citizens, and the enthusiasm of the people, as Capt. A. P. Chase and his brave men of Co. K went forth in May, 1S98, to join the 8th Regiment under gallant Col. \V. A. Pew, for whatever ser- vice they might render, was lost in joy at their return in April, 1899. First to vol- unteer, the Regiment encamped chiefly at the South, but finally at Matanzas, Cuba. its ample apartments and admirable ar- rangements; the Lexington monument, and near it the site of the old Bell Tav- ern, now occupied by a fine new residence built by the late J. B. Thomas ; the little house in which the great Nathaniel Bow- ditch passed a portion of his childhood and in which he began the studies that afterward made him so useful and cele- brated ; the birthplace of Ceorge Pea- body, and the homes of many a famous soldier, or citizen, or historic family. But we have not yet done with Danvers, whose other attractions are quite as nota- THE PAGE HOUSE. In this rapid and somewhat chronologi- cal survey of the history of Danvers, we have had occasion, incidentally, to refer briefly to some of the more interesting old landmarks and other objects or places of note, which, it may be supposed, visitors of the town generally like to see. The stranger will not have far to go to find in Peabody, also, enough to pay him well for his trouble ; — in the first Peabody Institute, with its portrait of the generous founder and other costly treasures he gave to it, including the priceless picture of Queen Victoria ; the massive Town Hall, with all ble as any hitherto mentioned ; — the well known house, near the base of Asylum or Hathorne Hill, in which General Israel Putnam was born and spent much of his earlier life, and where was born, also, Colonel David, his elder brother, a promi- nent citizen and "a dashing cavalry offi- cer ;" the old dormer-windowed Page house, at the Plains, which was the home of Col. Jeremiah Page, and of his sons, Capt. Samuel and John, — in one of whose rooms General Gage had his private office in 1774, and on whose roof in that olden time gathered the memorable " tea DANVERS. party " of Lucy Larcom's inimitable verse ; the house of Daniel Rea and several of his generations from 1636 — and within the last century or two, of Dea. and Capt. P^dmund Putnam, and of his son and grandson, Israel and Elias, with others of his descendants ; the finely situated and dignified old mansion of Hon. Na- than Read and of Capt. Benjamin Porter after him, in full view of Water's River on which the former tried his not wholly unsuccessful invention for steam na\ iga- tion before the days of Robert Fulton ; " Oak Knoll " on Summer street, where Whit- tier, New England's dearest l)ar(l of love to (lod and lo\e to man, found the delightful retreat of his declining years. and where John Putnam, emi grant progenitor, pitched hi^ tent more than two and a halt centuries ago ; the stateh- stone edifice of St. John's Catholic College, a short dis- tance at the north, or at the corner of Sumiiier street and Spring avenue ; and the " Old FJerry Tavern," which, with its newly reconstructed and grand proportions, as well as with its early fame as an hostelry and as a public, munici])al, literary and social centre, fronts the Plains Square and Majjle street and still extends its friendly welcome as aforetime to all who may come for the j^leasant walks, drives and sights which Danvers offers to visitors. With Moynahan's and Hines' in- structive and exquisite " Historic Dan- vers," or Major F. C. r)amon's pretty " Little P>ook about Danvers" (also illus- trated), in hand, they may betake themselves through the peaceful and flourishing villa- ges and over or along the ipiiet brooks and rivers, and find in Sylvan, Holten, Lo- cust, and many another street, as well as in such beautiful neighborhoods as the Fern- croft district and in such storied and commanding hills as Hathorne's, Lindall's and Browne's, abundant charms for the lovers of nature as well as the votaries of history. There are few more interest- ing parts of Danvers than lirowne's Hill, popularly known as " Browne's Folly " or " Folly Hill," whose story, with its ac- count of Hon. William Browne of Salem, and of the " splendid mansion " which he built on its summit about the year 1740, but which was abandoned shortly after in conseifuence of an earthquake and was :-^i^?^ OAK KNOLL. finally removed in three portions to the Plains, is admirably told in Mr. Hines' j)amphlet article, previously mentioned. His pages contain various extracts from a letter which Nathaniel Hathorne wrote 32 DANVERS. about the hill and its house in his own characteristic style, Aug. 28, 1S60, and in which the great romancer still indulges his passion lor the strange or marvelous, besides telling us that one of the favorite haunts of his boyhood was along the west- ern base where " ran a green and seldom trodden lane " and " a little brook " Avhich he " dammed up till its overflow made a mimic ocean." When he last looked for the " tiny streamlet," it was quite " shrunken," and " dry," but " the green lane was still there " and there it is to-day, though sadly shorn of trees that shaded it many years ago. Hawthorne's entire letter was published anew in the Danvers Mirror of Dec. 13, 1S77. Hon. Robert Rantoul, Jr., Beverly's brilliant and still lamented statesman, wrote in 1852: "Danvers may well be proud of her history. She is one of a group of towns which has done as much for the liberties of the na- tion and the world, as any other equal population on the continent." But, how- ever rich and blest she may be in the memories of her past, she is still strong in the intelligence, the industry, the energy virtue of her people, -day, by their well cultivated fields, as by their own mind and character, give am- ple proof that they are the worthy descen- dants or successors of "The Farmers " of the colonial age. The old ancestral fire still lives in the whole army of her toilers and soldiers of the closing nineteenth cen- tury. In every period of her history, her supreme devotion has been given to the peaceful and useful arts and occupations ; to the Home, the School and the Church. Yet with the same fidelity has she fought, from first to last, in common defence against savage tribes and more enlightened but hardly less brutal foes ; for our free- dom and independence as a nation ; for the honor, integrity and very life of the Republic ; and for the liberty and eleva- tion of millions of slaves. During the three centuries scarcely less than 2000 soldiers have gone forth from her soil to serve the country in battle on land and sea, and nameless others of her children afar have joined them in many a righteous crusade. Broad is the cemetery that holds the ashes of all her patriot martyrs. Dan- vers claims them as among her brightest jewels and owns with pride the glory they shed. Hers were the fathers and moth- ers whose lessons and spirit were also strength and grace to the town and were never lost or forgotten by the sons in the baptism of fire and blood. Great and good souls have been here ; wise founders of the state, glorious defenders of the country, eminent counsellors and jurists, honored teachers of youth and ministers of Christ, useful and incorruptible citizens, and saintlv women. LANE NEAR BROWNE the thrift and the Her farmers of to- liot a few. Here, from the time when the first I'uritans came from l-^ngland and landed at Naumkeag, and then began to en- large their borders, has been a continu- ous home of heroes and heroines, and here has been the faith that builds for the future, and still creates and bequeaths the goodly heritage : "A heritage, it seems to me, A king might wish to hold in fee." Note. — With regard to some of ttie many names, dates, figures, etc., whicti appear in the foregoing pa^e.s, there is considerable disagreement among authorities the writer has consulted. In such cases 1 have endeavored to follow the guidance that see.ned to me the best, by no means claiming that in each and every case I have been absolutely correct, whatever the care. With Dr. Rice I have been content to accept Oct. 8, 1672, the day commemorated just two centuries later, as the birthday of the old Village Parish or the First Church, although the .Appendix of his book involves the matter in some doubt. Tfte date cannot be far out of the way, aid may well stand until a l)etter claim is established. Certain local publica- tions refer the formal opening or dedication of the first Pea- body Institute building of Danvers to July 14, 1870, but, newspapers of a year later show that the event took place July 14, 1869, as have stated. The grant of land made to Endicott and others by the " Council for New England" in 1628, and confirmed by royal charter, Mar. 4, 1629, how- ever It may have vested power and privilege in the patentees who are named, was meant for the colony, provided, for an increase of the body corporate and politic, from the settlers, and contemplated the rights and interests of all. I have tnerefore chosen the broader rather than the more exclusive form of statement. The few slight typographical errors which the reader of the sketch may notice will doubtless sufTiciently correct themselves. • A. P. P. DANVERS. 33 The Churches. No institutions in the town iiave more to do witli its real prosperity than the churches. They are of a decided econ- omic value to the community because of the spirit of unity and fraternity which they develop. The pastors of the various churches work together for a common end, the uplifting and improving of hu- manity, spiritually and morally. We can- not yet point to a perfect exem|)lification of the truth of the brotherhood of man, but we do find evidence that there is in the heart of every pastor in this town an abiding faith in this brotherhood, and a desire to bend every energy towards mak- ing the life of the churches become a means towards realizing the ide.d of the Son of Man. We may seek the aid of other agencies in striving to bring about a hap- pier relationship between capital and labor ; yet there can be no complete ad- justment of our social life which shall be permanent which shall be anything more than a carrying out of the purpose for which our churches were founded. The churches exist to make the life of the honest worker as full of happiness and usefulness as possible. To this work they invite the co-operation of all lovers of their kind. Cherishing this ideal, they claim their right to the first place in the time and thought of all those who desire the prosperity of Danvers. Churches of all the principal denominations are main- tained here. There are one i^piscopal, two Congregationalist, one Roman Cath- olic, one Universalist, one Baptist, one Unitarian, one Methodist, one Seventh Day Adventist and one Church of God. In addition to the churches the Danvers Mission and the Salvation Army are ac- coin|)li^hing much good. First Church of Danvers. The year 1670 marks the first step taken towards that religious organization which is now " The first Church and So- ciety of Danvers." This was in the form of a petition for a separate organi- zation from the First Church of Salem : the growing numbers at the Farms, and the distance from Silem, making at- tendance at that Church difficult. The town granted its assent to the petition in March, 1672, and an act of the general court, passed Oct, 8th of the same year gave them the needed authority. They acted upon this at once. At a meeting of " The Farmers," as they were then known, held Nov. nth, 1672, it was voted that a committee be appointed " to carry along the affairs according to the court order." 'I'o meet the expenses of the new enterprise it was voted to levy taxes on this basis : " all vacant land at one half penny per acre ; all im- proved land at one penny per acre ; all heads and other estate at country price." In Dec, 1672, a vote was passed to build a meeting house "of 34 foot in length, 28 foot broad, and 16 foot between joints." The meeting house was built accord- ingly, and in 1684 a vote is recorded to make certain repairs upon it, and addi- tions to it, including " a canope set over the pulpit." Later a gallery was added. This house was situated somewhat east of the present site on Hobart street, then known as "the meeting house road." Rev. Mr. liayley was preaching at the Farms when permission was first given for a separate parish. He became by vote of the parish the " stated supply," and remained in service until probably near the close of 1679. Rev. George Rurrows became his successor in Nov., 1680, and remained a little more than two years, until early in 1683. He was followed by Rev. Deodat Law-on, who came in the early part of 1684 and labored until the summer or autumn of 1688. The church of Salem Village was organized Nov. 19th, [689, with twenty- seven members, and Rev. Samuel Parris became the minister at the time of the organization. The record of these early years, so far as it is preserved, is in large part a record of contention between the different ministers and the people. A division occurred in the time of Mr. Ray- ley's ministry and was not healed for twenty-five years. The people, in this time, seem to have become habitually (piarrelsome and the ministers who came to labor among them do not seem to have 34 DANVERS. :■( i V DANVERS. 35 possessed any great wisdom for establish- ing peace and concord. Probably, too, the nature of the organization, which consisted of a parish with no church ; so that everyone, however slight his interest, while he was taxed for its support, had also a voice in its management, contrib- uting somewhat to the result. It is not surprising that, under such conditions, there should have arisen great differences and that these should have resulted in fierce contention and even in great bit- terness of spirit. With the organization of the church better things might have been expected, but they did not come at once. The quarrels of these early years seem only to have fanned the flame which finally broke out in all its fierceness in the times of the "witchcraft delusion" in 1692. The ministry of Mr, Parris ended in July, 1696. More than two years elapsed be- fore another minister was settled. It was difficult to find a man willing to under- take the work, but the experience of waiting proved, apparently, a good thing for the church. Rev. Joseph Green was settled as parish minister, Nov. loth, 1698. His call, had, however, been pre- ceded by several occasions of fasting and prayer, when special days were set apart for this purpose; the effect of which had been to unite the people and make them more ready for the better things in store for them. The change came almost at once. It was the turning point in the life and service of the church. If the first twenty-five years may be character- ized as years of contention and strife, it is pleasant to add that in the now iwo hundred years since Mr. Greene's induc- tion to office there has not been another serious (juarrel. The pastorates have been, with one exception, long ; and the mutual relation between minister and people always a ha])py one. Mr. Green continued in service until his death on Nov. 26th, 1 7 15. He sought to restore and maintain peace in the church and community after the unsettled condition before his coming. He was specially fitted to do this and the church prospered under his leadership. He also interested himself in matters of the general welfare of the community. Among other things a school was established and a school house built in large measure by his insti- gation and through his efforts. He is buried in the Wadsworth cemetery. " Reckoning from the time he began his preaching about a year before his ordina- tion, he completed the iSth year of his ministry upon the last Sabbath before his illness." Rev. Peter Clark was called by the church to become its minister on Aug. 7th, I 7 16. He was ordained June 5th, 1717, though he began his regular preach- ing somewhat earlier than this. His minis- try was an eminently successful one and covered the long period of fifty-one years. " Mr. Clark was a man very unlike his predecessor, and yet well fitted to serve the people among whom he came. He had a sharp and vigorous mind, with a taste for theological discussions. He has left numerous published discourses and essays, largely upon points of controversy, and amounting in all to several volumes. Mr. Clark died June loth, 1768, and is buried in the Wadsworth cemetery, by the side of his wife, who died three years before him. After a period of four years in which there was no settled minister. Rev. Ben- jamin Wadsworth was ordained Dec. 23d, 1772," almost exactly one hundred years after the first organization of " Salem Village." During this time the number of families in the parish had more than doubled. Dr. Wadsworth's ministry con- tinued for more than fifty-three years, and until his death on Jan. i8th, 1826. He is described as " a man of fine personal appearance and with the bearing of a thorough gentleman of those days. If he had the weaknesses of a conservative temper he had also its strength. He was steady and judicious in his work. He did little that ever needed to be undone either by himself or by any one else." His ministry had a marked effect in moulding Christian character. He was buried in the cemetery which bears his name. It was under his ministry, in 1818, that the Sunday school was organ- ized with Deacon Samuel Preston, super- intendent. This has continued until the 36 DANVERS. present time without interruption, always rendering efficient service in the work of the church. Rev. Milton P. Rraman was ordained and settled April 12th, 1826 and remained in active service until March, 1861 : thus completing nearly thirty-five years of service. Dr. Braman's name has become very closely identified with the Church because of his vigorous preaching. " He had marvellous power in the pulpit : there was his strength. His presentation of the great truths of the Gospel system were not only correct and clear, but they were powerful." A number of his sermons, together with some of Dr. \\ a d s w o r t h, have been gath- ered by Dr. Rice, i n t o a volume which is now in the " Ministerial library," belong- ing to the Church. In 1832 the Ladies' Benevo- lent Society (then called the North Danvers Female Benevolent Soci- ety) was organ- ized, with Mrs. Braman as Presi- dent and Miss Susan Putnam as Secretary. Its object was the re- lief of the poor in supplying cloth- ing but it has ren- dered valuable service in many particulars and still continues its work. Rev. Charles B. Rice was installed over the Church, Sept. 2nd, 1863 and re- mained in service until Sept. 2nd, 1894, when he resigned to accept the position of Secretary of the newly organized " Board of Pastoral Supply." Dr. Rice's work in the Church, the community and the town is too recent to need comment here. He was a wise, careful and able leader and the Church continued its REV. HARRY C. ADAMS. helpful ministry during the thirty-one years of his term of service. Rev. Curtis M. Geer was installed Jan. 31st, 1895 but resigned after a little more than two years, April 8th, 1897, to accept the position of Professor of History and Economics in Bates College, I^ewiston, Me. Rev. Harry C. Adams, the present minister, was installed Sept. 22nd, 1897. Nine Churches, at the least, have been established within the territory embraced by the original Salem Village Parish. There have been six meeting houses, be- sides a chapel built in 1835. The firstbuilt in 1672, or soon after, gave place to a new one that was first used July 26th, I 702. The third house was built in 1786 and used through the winter though not finished until the following spring. This house was destroyed by fire Sept. 24th, 1805. The fourth, " The Brick Meeting house," was built in the summer of 1806, the corner stone having been laid on the i6th of May. In 1838, this house w a s judged to be un- safe, owing to a settling of the walls. It was therefore taken down and a new house erected, which was dedicated Nov. 31st, 1839. This house was burned Jan. 28th, 1890, just after it had been thoroughly remodeled and refurnished. The present house of worship was dedicated Sept. 2, 1891. The parish has, for the greater part of the time, from the very first, provided a house for its ministers. The present par- sonage was purchased in 1834 and has since been used as a parsonage. It was built probably, with the exception of the DANVERS. 37 rear portion, within a period of not more than twenty years following 1734. The records of the parish, which in the early days were for the most part the only pub- lic records of the village, have been cop- ied by the town for convenient reference and for ])reservation. The records of the Church have been rebound and put in a very enduring form, while retaining the original writing, l^y the new Emery pro- cess. REV. HAKKY C. ADAMS. Rev. Harry C. Adams was born in New Marlborough, Berkshire C o.. May 27th, i860. He graduated from South Berkshire In- stitute, New Marlborough in 1882, Williams Col- lege, W i 1- liamstown, in 1SS6 a n d Hartford Theologi c a 1 Seminary in 1889. M r. Adams was ordained and settled over the Congre- g a t i o n a 1 Church in 'Turners P'alls, Oct. 2gth, 18S9 and was its pastor for eight years. He was married to Miss Anne \'. Dyer of Washington, Duchess Co., N. Y., Oct. 3d, 1889. Mr. Adams was installed over the First Church of Danvers, Sept. 22d, 1897. i'-^'^''*'-li'iiiiiiilViiiiiiiiiii[iiillif"" BAPTIST CHURCH. Baptist Church. The beginning of Baptist history in the town of Danvers goes back farther than the organizing of the present Baptist Church at Danversport. We are told in Dr. Isaac Backus's Historv of the Bap- tists, that about the year 1730, Mr. James Bound, a Baptist, came from England and settled in Salem Village, now Dan- vers. For a time he was the only resi- dent who held that belief, but at length a number of people came to hold the same views. These finally removed and formed a Ba]:)tist Society in the town of Sutton. Few Baptists, if any, were left, and nearly half a century passed before the organiz- ing of t h e Baptist So- ciety in 1 )an- vers. This was organ- ized during the Revolu- tionary War, Nov. 12, 17S1. Its organization was due mainly t o the efforts of Dr. Be n- jamin Foster, a native of Danvers, a son of Con- gregati o n a 1 parents, and a brother of Gen. Gideon Foster. On being c o n- verted to the Baptist faith, during h 1 s college course, he often revisited his na- tive town, preaching as opportunity came, until, with the spread of Baptist senti- ments, the society was formed. Besides standing for the principles commonly known as Baptist, this society proposed to pay no attention to " parish Imes " or " Ijoundaries of this nature fixed by man " and to compel no person to pay for the support of church or society, each one contributing freely according to his ability. Members came from the ad- joining towns of Salem, Beverly, Wenham, 38 DANVERS. and Middleton. After organization, com- mittees were appointed to procure preach- ing and to attend to the providing of a meeting liouse. This house was finished and the pews sold in 1783. Dr. Ben- jamin Foster naturally became their first pastor, remaining for three years. He afterwards became pastor of the First Baptist Church in New York, and is said to be buried in the graveyard of that church. After several years of irregularly sup- plied preaching, Rev. Thomas Green be- came pastor in 1793. It was during the first year of his pastorate that the society was constituted a church, with thirty-seven members. Israel Porter and Eleazer Wallis were chosen its first deacons. During its more than a century of ex- istence the church has had eighteen pas- torates. One of the longest and most prosperous of these was that of Rev. Jer- emiah Chaplin (t8o2-i8i8). The mem- bership was increased and the meeting- house enlarged. Dr. Chaplin was a great student of theology. He frequently had a dozen or more theological students studying with him. His attainments in theological learning were so notable that at length he was elected president of Maine Literary and Theological Institu- tion, now Colby University. Other pastors who should be mentioned either for length of service or special work accomplished are — Rev. James A. Boswell (1819-1820) during whose time a new Act of Incorporation, containing the names of seventy-five males was se- cured from the Massachusetts Legisla- ture. Rev. Arthur Drinkwater (1821- 1829). Rev. James Barnaby (1830- 1832). Rev. John Holroyd, (183 2- 1837). Rev. John H, Avery, (i 841- 1843.) Rev. J. \V."Eaton, (1843- 1849.) Rev. A. W. Chaffin, (1850-1862). Rev. C. F. Hol- brook, (1865 -1 870) and again a second pastorate from 1889-1898. Both pastor- ates were highly successful. The call to the second pastorate was one of entire unanimity and the pastoral relation was terminated only by the death of Mr. Hol- brook, which brought a sense of personal loss to each one who came under his ministration. Between Mr. Holbrook's two pastorates came those of Rev. Lucian Drury (1877-1 883 ) and Rev. Gideon Cole (1884-1888), As has been stated the first meeting house was built in 1783. In 1829, during the pastorate of Mr. Drink- water, the second house was built. This was totally destroyed by fire Sept. 6, 1847, Rev. J. W. Eaton, pastor. Al- though it was a time of general financial depression, pastor and people rallied to the occasion, and took immediate steps toward rebuilding. Oct. 10, 1848, the third and present house was dedicated, the organ now in use being presented at that time by Capt. Benjamin Porter. During the pastorate of Mr. Chafifin (185 0-186 2), Capt. Porter also built and presented to the society the parsonage, together with fiinds to care permanently for the same. Land was bought and a much needed chapel built while Rev. Gideon Cole had charge of the church. In 1898 the house itself was repaired and refitted and the parsonage furnished with modern improvements. The Danvers Ba]:)tist Church is the oldest of the Salem Association of Baptist Churches, and at different times has given of her members to aid in constituting four other Baptist Churches, those of Beverly, First Salem, Wenham and Peabody. The churches at Lynn and Marblehead have also drawn largely upon her membership. In the year 1800, out of a membership of sixty, seventeen were dismissed to form the church at Beverly, but during Dr. Chaplin's pastorate the number was more than regained. Again in 1843, thirteen were dismissed to constitute the church in South Danvers, now Peabody. In spite of dismissions and losses from other causes, the church has enjoyed a steady, if not always rapid growth, until at the present time the nicnibershi]), about 175, is the largest at any time in its history. In all about 700 persons have been en- rolled as its members. Fifteen deacons have served the church, Deacon Charles H. Whipple, the present senior deacon, having held that office for nearly forty- five years. Mention should be made of the centen- nial anniversary of the church celebrated in 1893. It IS from the historical address DANVERS. 39 presented by Rev. C. F. Holbrook, at that time, that the facts here given are gleaned. RKV. C. S. NIGHTINGALE. Rev. C. S. Nightingale, the present pastor of the Danvers Baptist Church, was born in West Eaton, N. V. Later his father moved to Louisville, Ky., and here in the Louisville Male High School he fitted for college. Li 1890 he entered Brown University and graduated in 1894. In the fall of the same year he en- tered Newton Theolog i c a 1 Listitution re- maining f o r two years. During the first of these years, he served t h e Baptist c h u r c h at South Y a r- mouth, Mass. He went to North ville, Michigan, in July, 1896, where he was ordained the following Oc- tober. After remaining with the church at N o r t h V i 1 1 e one year, he returned to Newton, graduating from the Theological Institution in June, 1898, coming immediately to Uanveis to begin work with the Baptist church. FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH First Universalist Society. The First Universalist Society of Dan- vers, being the third religious society in the present town of Danvers, was organ- ized April 22, 181 5 under the title of the " First L^niversalist Society," although there were believers much earlier, even in the earlier part of the eighteenth cen- tury, I )eacon and Captain F^dmund Putnam being the pioneer of the Univer- salist doctrine in 1785, when he with- drew from the First Church, where he had been a prominent man, and deacon of the Church for many years. When organized it consisted of nineteen mem- bers from Danvers, and four from \\'en- ham, who declared themselves in their Constitution dissatisfied with " those sys- tems of Divinity which have for their fun- damental ar- t i c 1 e the eternal mis- ery of the greatest part of mankind." Its first meet- ings were held in the School House in Dis- trict No. 3, ( P u t n a m- ville) where seemed to be t h e strong- hold of the new faith. Here preach- e d Re v. HoseaBallou, Charles Hud- son, R e V. Walter Bal- four, Lemuel \\'illis a n d others. From 1830 to 1833 the Society held services in the " (Jld Baptist Meeting House," at New Mills, and in T833 ^^ moved into its new house of vvorshi]), which house, greatly enlarged, is now the Catholic church, Danversport. In 1859 the Society built its present house of worship, which since then has been its religious home. Rev. Edson Reifsniiler is the present pastor. KKV. EDSGX RKIFSNIDKR. Mr. Reifsnider is a native of Illinois, 40 DANVERS. the city of Aurora being his birthplace. His early education was received in Chi- cago to which city his parents removed when he was but an infant. After being for some years in the employment of a large wholesale house in Chicago he de- termined to enter the ministry, taking the regular theological course at Tufts Col- lege and graduating with the class of 'ishop of Massachusetts. Among the numerous documents placed in the stone were the following : Proceedings at the rece])tion and dinner in honor of (;eorge I'eabody, Es(|., of London, by the citizens of the old town of Danvers, 6 October, 1856 ; annual re])ort of the 44 DANVERS. trustees of the Peabody Institute ; address of the Mayor of Salem upon the organiza- tion of the city government, 24 January, 1859 ; rules and orders of the City Coun- cil of the city of Salem ; copy of a ser- mon preached in London, A. D., 1773, before the society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts ; a ms. sermon preached A. D., 1778 by Rt. Rev. Ed- ward Bass, first Bishop of Massachusetts. "Owing chiefly, under God, to the lib- erality of Edward D. Kimball and Jose]>h Adams, Esqrs. (who generously gave the land, sufficient for Rector, which was received in October, 1868. Rev. Mr. Chase resigned in July, 1865. There is no record of the two years fol- lowing. Rev. W. VV. Silvester served the parish as reader (before his ordination) from the spring of 1867 till the fall of 1868. Rev. S. J. Evans became Recloi in the spring of 1869, and remained un- til October, 187 1. Rev. W. I. MagiU was Rector from June, 1872, to August, 1877, and Rev. George Walker became Rector in November following, and also of St. Paul's, Pea- the Church and Rectory a n d a garden, and bore the greater part of the cost of the building), the church was erect- ed, and on Friday, 25 May, i860, consecrated b y the Rt. Rev. Man- t o n Eastburn, 1). 1)., to the wor- ship and service of Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." The organ was given by Mr. Ed- ward 1). Kimball, the altar vessels, books, etc. b y members of the parishes of St. I Peter's and Grace, Salem, and S t. James', A m e s- bury. The bell was given by Mr. Adams, and used for the first time on the first Sunday in Advent, A. D., i860. Mr. Adams also gave two hundred books for the library, for the use of the Rector. A lot of land had been bequeathed in 1847 by Miss Collins, for the erection of a Church (l':i)iscopal) ; but the location was thought undesirable, and the legacy was not claimed. Mr. Kimball added to his other bene- factions a beijuest for the support of the body, where h e resided. He re- signed in Febru- ary, 1 888. The Parish House was built in 1886. He was succeeded by Rev. A. W. Griifin (April, 1888- May, 1890), dur- ing whose rector- ship the Church w a s thoroughly renovated. Rev. J. \V. H y d e became Rector i n June, 1890. In the same year the Rectory was built i n anticipation (with her con- sent) of a bequest by Mrs. Daniel J. Preston, who was one of the most , ^^^^ active and eftic- ient of the foun- ders and sustainers of the Parish. She died in October, 1894, and the Rectory stands as a memorial of her. Unitarian Society. In the f.ll of 1S64 Mr. Philip H. Wentworth of Ro.\bury purchased of Mr. Edward I). Kimball the Prince Nichols farm now owned by Mrs. Leopold Morse in the westerly j^art of the town upon Bea\er Dam Brook, and to which he DANVERS. 45 removed with his fimily, who were mem- bers of the Mount Pleasant Society in Roxbury, of which Rev. Dr. Alfred P. Putnam had been a former pastor. They attended the First Church in Salem until the following August, when they, like the occupants of the Farms in that \icinity, two hundred years before, thought it best to try and form or establish a church nearer and more convenient fur them. So they with the Rev. Dr. Putnam, their former pastor, a son of Old Danvers. who was very much interested in the move- ment to establish a Unitarian Society in town, had it announced that Dr. John C. Butler and Alfred Mackenzie were chosen a standing committee and Mr. Andrew Nichols clerk, and a sufficient sum of money was pledged to continue the services in the 'i'own Hall on each succeeding Sunday and they were so continued until its chapel on High street was dedicated in 1S71. The Rev. Leonard J. Livermore, of Lexington, preached his first sermon to this Society on April 7, 1S67, and un- der his administration the Society was duly organized on the 28th of the July following, just two years from the first service held in Town Hall. It was legally UNITARIAN CHURCH. Putnam would hold a service at Town Hall on Sunday, July 30th, 1865, which service was followed on every Sunday in August by a number of the most noted ministers in the denomination. On the last Sunday of the month a notice was given that all persons interested in the formation of a LInitarian Society are requested to meet at this Hall on Thurs- day evening next, August 31, 1865. Of the twenty-one persons who attended that meeting, ten have since deceased and six have removed from town, .^t that meeting, Messrs. Philip H. Wentworth, organized as a religious society on Decern ber 2, I 86 7. (Jn Sunday, August 5. 1867, a com- mittee was appointed to make arrange- ments with Rev. Mr. Livermore to offici- ate as pastor. At the annual meeting, January 4, 1869, the article to build a church or chapel ujion the Society lot on High street at the corner of Porter street, which had been purchased at the auction sale of Capt. Eben Putnam's estate, was postponed. On June 26, 1869, Messrs. Philip H. Wentworth, Charles T. Stickney and 46 DANVERS. Andrew Nichols were chosen a committee to erect a chapel on the above described lot when the subscriptions amounted to a certain sum. The ground was broken for the foundation in the spring of 1S70, and the annual meeting Januarys, 1S71 was held in its parlors. The plans by Mr. Nichols with the elevation plans by Mr. Samuel F. Eveleth were adopted. The chapel was dedicated on Thursday, the 1 6th of March, 187 i. The pulpit was given by Alfred Fel- lows, the marble clock by the Aft. Pleasant Society of Roxbury, and a sil- ver communion and christening service by the society in Brooklyn, N. Y., over which Rev. Dr. Putnam was settled. On Sunday, March 19, the first service was held, at which some children of the society were christened. At the annual meeting January i, 1872 it was voted to install as its pastor the Rev. Leonard Jarvis Livermore, who had preached and labored there so success- fully for over four years. He accepted the same and was in- formally installed the 15 th of March, 1872, and he very acceptably filled the office as pastor until his death on the 30th of May, 1886, which had been pre- ceded by the death of Phili]) H. W'ent- worth. The Rev. John Calvin Mitchell, who had been settled over the Orthodox Con- gregational Church at Wenham, was en- gaged to supply the pulpit for one year from the ist of January, 1887, which was continued for another year. He was duly installed as pastor on Thursday, May 3d, 1888, which relationship continued for one year to May i, 1889. The Rev. Eugene DeNormandie of Sherborn was engaged to supply for one year from the ist of May, 1890, which engagement was continued from year to year until he withdrew his connection April ist, 1897. Mr. Kenneth E. Evans of the P>angor Theological School was engaged for one year from the 1st of September, 1897, and w-as ordained on the 27 th of October of that year, and on Sept. i, 1898 was engaged for a further term. The corporate name of the Society is the L^nitarian Congregational Society of Danvers, which was adopted at one of its early meetings, the name of the " First Unitarian Society of Danvers " being the name given to the Society at Peabody in 1825. This Society is strictly a free church, all are welcome, there being no owner- shi|) of pews, and maintains its services by the voluntary subscriptions, and is free from debt. Its officers at the present time are Calvin Putnam, H. B, Learnard, Charles Newhall, Mr. A. A. Legro and A. S. Kelley, Standing Committee ; VVm. S. Grey, Charles Newhall and John Eum- mus. Trustees ; P. T. Derby, Treasurer ; Andrew Nichols, Clerk; andWm.S. Grey, Superintendent of the Sunday School. Methodist Episcopal Church. In Sept., 187 1, the late Rev. Albert Gould, pastor of the M. E. Church, Pea- body, Mass., with four leading Methodists from Lynn, came to Danvers for the pur- pose of seeing if it was best to commence services under the auspices of the M. K. Church. The field was well surveyed. The part of the town called Tapleyville was the place where a church was most needed. The first service was held in Lincoln Hall, Tapleyville, Oct. 22, 1871, Rev. Mr. Gould preaching forenoon and afternoon. In December of this same year, Elias Hodge, a student of Boston Uni- versity Theological School, became a per- manent supply. In April of the follow- ing year a public meeting was called for the purpose of taking into consideration the erection of a new church. A build- ing committee was appointed and sub- scription papers were at once put into circulation. Gilbert Tapley and his son Augustus headed the list with subscrip- tions of $2,000 each, and all gave gener- ously and according to their ability. The present location was selected and the land was given by G. A. Tapley. The corner stone was laid July 2, 1872, Bishop Gilbert Haven being present and making an address. The church was completed and dedicated Mar. 27, 1873, Rev. F. H. Newhall, D. I)., then of Lynn, preach- DANVERS. 47 ing the dedicatory sermon on " the Chris- tian's Inheritance." The cost of the church building was about :f;i5,oo(), with all but $6,000 raised at time of dedica- tion. The first superintendent of the Sunday School was Bro. O. D. Hani, and Mrs. Mary A. Cheney was chosen first president of the Ladies' Society. In April, 1S75, Bro. Hodges, having been with the church as pastor three years, the length of pastorate then allowed by the M. E. Church, was succeeded l)y the late Rev. R. H. Howard, under whose pastorate the church con- tinued to flour- ish. Following Bro. Howard in 1877 came Rev. Garrett Beek- man, during whose pastorate the debt of $6,000 was paid. Rev. W. J. Ham- bleton came to this people Apr., 18S0 and re- mained three years. During h i s pastorate great spiritual prosperity pre- vailed. Rev. VV. M. Ayres was pastor for the succeeding three years. Peace and harmony prevailed during the pastorate of this saintly brother. Just before the close of Mr. Ayres' last year he was prostrated with nervous exhaustion and has never since been able to resume active service. He still lives among us and his presence is a benediction. The next shepherd ap- pointed to this flock was the late Rev. Charles A. Merrill, whose ministrations to this and all charges he has served were seasons of refreshing from the Lord. The annual conference of 1888 sent Rev. |. H. Tompson to preside over this [)eo- METHODIST CHURCH pie. It was during this pastorate that the church was remodeled and beautified without a dollar of indebtedness. It is due to [iros. H. J. Call and L. D. Cros- by, to record that to them great honor should be given for the consummation of this work. It was during Rev. L.W.Adams' l)astorate that, through the efforts of chorister A. W. Howe, a fine pipe organ was purchased and put in place in the church. During the pastorate of Rev. W. F. Lawford, the twenty-fifth anniver- sary of the church was celebrated. Un- der this brother's pastorate a good work was done. Rev. H. H. Paine came to this church Apr., 1897. Although Mr. Paine was over this church b u t one year, during this time plans were con- summated for a new parsonage, and the present pastor. Rev. H. B. King, found a new and com- modious house ready for his oc- cupancy. REV. HARRY D. KINC. Rev. Harry B. King was born in Norfolk, E n g 1 a n d. Shortly after his birth, his parents moved to London, where Mr. King's younger days were passed. In 1S76 he came to this country, shortly after which he was converted. Mr. King lived in Boston for several years. Feeling a call to the min- istry, after spending seven years in the following institutions, Kimball Union Academy, Dartmouth Colleg:^ and Boston University, he joined the New England Conference at Worcester, April, 1889. .Since that time he has served the follow- 48 DANVERS. mg charges : — Belchertovvn, St. Luke'?, Lynn, Warren, Mittineague and Tapley- V i 11 e. He was appoint- ed Apr., 1 898. to this last charge. Mr. King was married Jan. 15, 1890 to Miss S. Ella Hendrick of Ch i c o p e e, Mass. They have one daughter, Mabel E., about eight years of age. Seventh Day Ad- ventist Church. In the sum- mer of 1877, Elder D. W. C a n r i g h t pitched a large tent on the vacant lot near the corner of Majile and Hobart Sis., and after preaching nearly every evening for three months, on Dec. 11, he organized a church of al)OUt sixty members. In the fall of the same year, a church was built and i t was dedicat- ed in the spring of 1878 abo day ut fifty at I I REV. HARRY B. KING. ADVENT CHAPEL. Regular services have cussed iDeen held weekly, present membership . Sabbath school every Satur- .15 A. M. Meeting 1.15 p. m. Sunday even- ing meeting, 7 o'clock. Present offi- cers. Elder, G. F. Fiske ; Dea., W. H. Edwards; Supt., J. H. Tiney ; Asst. Supt., E. R. Stone. The keep- ing of Satur- day as the Sabbath day serves as a n especially distingu i s h- ing feature of this society, whose mem- b e r s are earnest, faith- ful and hope- t u 1 ])eople. The organiza- tion has done much good in many direc- tions, and al- though not among the larger socie- ties, it is not without i t s infiuence i n the morale of t h e town. Special ]) r e a c h i n g services are held from week to week, conducted by out of town speakers, when leading religious top- ics are dis- The church building is on I'ulnam street, near Maple. DANVERS. 49 As a Community. Many factors enter into the making of a community. The cHmate, the geograph- ical conditions, the soil, the character the community reenforce the work of the churches and the schools. 'J'he social life here will not tolerate immorality or iniq- uity in any form. The town regularly declares against license. Moral suasion BERRY STREET. of first settlement, the intellectual and moral trend, the activity and the pursuits of its people, and all that is in life, in fact, goes to determine what a community is and is to be. The origins of Danvers were and the strong arm of the law join forces to accomplish the best results for society. The churches and the courts are equally active in sustaining the morale of the community. CONANT STREET. such as laid broad and tleep the founda- tions for a good community. Nowhere are morality, law and order more re- spected than in Danvers. The homes of RESIDENTI.AL. As a place of residence Danvers has manv attractions. The location is a de- 50 DANVERS. lightful one, and its eligibility in this re- gard has had much to do with the devel- opment of its resources. The sanitary condition of the town is in the highest RESIDENCE OF GEORGE O. STIMPSON. degree creditable, and as a result the death-rate is low. Taxation is being re- duced ; the town has telegraph, tele- phone, and ex- press services am- ple for all require- ments, the lines of transportation insuring the low- est rates ; and all these and other advantages com- bine to make liv- ing in Danvers cheaper, better, and more pleasant than in many oth- er places of the same population, while there are generally oppor- tunities for em- ploy m e n t for skilled artisans and day laborers. Then the town from her favorable situa- tion, her advantageous surroundings, her commercial facilities, her business oppor- tunities, her advantages as a manufactur- ing and distributing point, her wealth and intelligence, refinement and culture of her people, for public and private enterprises, and the thousand and one things that tend to make a town a desirable place of resi- dence, are attract- ing the attention of people in other parts of the State, and, as a natural result, capital and business enter- prise are coming to the town in considerable measure and help- ing to raise it to a deserved plane among the manu- facturing centres of the State. Dan- vers has every- thing to offer that can be desired, wheth- er for private residence o : the carrying on of manufacturing and commercial pursuits. RESIDENCE OF GEORGE A. GUNN. and its future is one of a most promising and hoi>eful character. The streets are wide, regular, and well shaded, while in all DANVERS. 51 parts of the town the residences are con- spicuous for their neat and tasty appear- ance, most of them being surrounded by fine lawns, presenting an air of thrift and RESIDENCE OF GEORGE W. FISKE comfort. The number of elegant and substantial mansions is surprisingly large for a town of this size, and indicative of wealth, refinement and cultivation of a high order. Aside from these, her rich and pic- turesque s u r - roundings, her fine schools and churches, and, above all, her healthful location, make Danvers a very desirable place for perma- n e n t homes. Much activity is observable in the building of new residences. The work of the Im- provement socie- ty in beautifying the town and establishing a juiblir park is a matter of general knowledge and fav- orable comment. CLIMATIC AND SANITARY CONDITIONS. No consideration is more essential to the continued prosperity and happiness of a community than health. Sta- tistics prove that Danvers is one of the most healthful towns in the state. Its climate is pure and genial, the high temperature of summer being modified by its proximity to the ocean, while in winter the cold is not ordinarily ex- c e s s i v e . The town is subject to no prevailing dis- eases, is well drained, and its sanitary condition is well regulated by an efficient board of health. In com- parison with other towns the per centage of mortality, 15.73 ^ thousand, is low. RESIDENCE OF JAMES M. GEORGE. The natural features of soil, climate and topography are conducive to health, and the natural drainage of the locality has 52 DAN VERS. saved the tax-payer's pocket and preserved his health. With the introduction of the vi'ater works the necessary sewers followed to improve the sanitary system. A practi- cal, well-built system of catch basins is found in the town. Public improvements and regulations are constantly lowering the mortality. Vri'AL S'lA'J ISTICS. The latest report shows that the deaths for one year were, females, 107 ; males, 92. Births : females, 76 ; males 74. There were 74 marriages solemnized. its character as the basis, the safe, the sure and the indestructible. Time, ex- perience and statistics show conclusively that an investment in real estate is the most profitable known to finance. Real estate grows in value in proportion with the increase of commerce, of education and of manufactures. Danvers is a town in which her citizens largely own their own homes. The build- ing operations in Danvers during the past two or three years have been a matter of wonder; the large number of substantial and even expensive structures erected SUMMER RESIDENCE CF MRS. LEOPOLD MORSE. REAL ESTATE AND BUII-DING. Ever since the establishment of the earli- est American settlement in this country, each succeeding year has more fuUv demonstrated the fact that it is as much of a characteristic or inborn desire of most Americans to own real estate as it is char- acteristic of them to be independent, free citizens. " Real estate is the basis of all wealth," still holds good, and never was this so positive as at the present time. Real estate asa commodity for investment has long since conclusively demonstrated during that period, including schools, residences, and the remodeling of the his- toric Berry Tavern, show an abundant measure of prosperity. There are at present many buildings under course of construction and projected and this fact speaks elocjuently for the steady growth and great popularity of Danvers as a place in which to establish a home. There has been no fictitious and unnatural boom in prices of real estate here. \\'hatever in- crease in values has come, has been be- cause of a legitimate demand for the property. Realty is in demand not onlv DANVERS. 53 for investment, but for homes for the people who buy. As an investment it is safe and sure, yielding a good percentage on the capital invested. It is a significant fact that outside capita! thinks highly of pie who are here to reside, to own their homes and to be useful citizens. Those who own their homes do so from a desire to own and hold property that is con- stantly increasing in value. Danvers real ESSEX BLOCK. Danvers realty as security and that a large percentage of demands for Danvers real estate comes from people who want it for homes. The large amount of money on estate has been a splendid and sure in- vestment and it will continue to be so. The stability of the town's institutions, the class of men interested in it, the absence NEW MAPLE STREET SCHOOLHOUSE. deposit in the savings bank is indicative of the industry and thrift of the people. The majority of this money is the savings of wage earners. They are a class of peo- of any inllation or boom in prices, the construction and purchase of homes for a permanent class of population, all argue in one direction — the stable and constant- 54 DANVERS. ly increasing value of realty. No boom in real estate is expected, or desired, in Danvers. There will continue to be a steady natural demand for property, cre- ated by the constant increase in popula- tion and the inflow of new residents. HIGH SCHOOL— CHEMICAL LABORATORY. EDUCATTONAl.. The schools are provided with plenty of books and supplies, and an excellent corps of earnest, well trained teachers who are fully alive to the duties and responsi- bilities of their ])ositions. 1 1 seems to be the purpose of the citizens of Dan- vers to cherish their schools, to make them more efficient, and to let no policy of undue retrench- m e n t nullify what has been a c CO mplished, for they believe that the brain power,which it is the province of the teacher to impart to the young, is a source" of great material prosperity. The general course of study has been broadened and strength- ened by the introduction of nature lessons in connection with language and drawing. Geograi)hy, history, music and literature are taught in a simple but systematic man- ner in all grades from Primary to High school by a proper correlation of these subjects with reading and spelling. Latin and Algebra have been introduced into the Grammar school course. The result has been both a larger number of pupils to grad- uate from this department and larger classes to enter the High school. The High school course of study has been ex- tended and streng t h e n e d greatly, espec- ially in classical and scientific lines. A practical laboratory for experi- mental work in chemistry and physics and electricity has been provided and equip- ped and has proved of inestimable bene- fit to the pupils in their studies. The spirit and tone of school life has been ris- HIGH SCHOOL— PHYSICAL LABORATORY. ing and imi)roving gradually. Three new school buildings, accommodating one- third have recently been built, and anoth- er is being constructed. The High school occupies its* new quarters in the remod- DANVERS. 55 eled town house. The history of Danvers records no equivalent improvement in the same period as that of the past two or three years. A new feature in school work has been introduced last year. A kindergarten school for children from three and a half to five years was started in the Danversport schoolhouse under the direction of the Danvers AVomen's Asso- ciation and continued until the summer vacation. It was again opened i n Septem b e r and contin- u e d until Christ m a s, and has this spring been held in the T a p 1 e y schoolhouse. It was fre- quently vis- ited by the committe e , w h o were ni u c h pleased with the methods adopted in the training of the little folks and were grati- fied with the results a t - tained. The outlook i s most e n - coura g i n g on account of the inter- est and en- t h u s i a s m manifested by the ])eople, the devotion and hearty co-operation prevailing among the teachers, and the unity and harmony which characterize every effort made to improve the schools and elevate the stand- ards of instruction. Fostered as they are by a generous j)ublic, sustained by an en- lightened sentiment, and assisted by the stimulating inlluence of a strong progres- HOLTEN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS. s Glover, i'liiu'ipal Powers, Misi Caiiipbell. Miss Kicliinond, sive public spirit, there is no reason why the schools of Danvers should not take an advanced position among the best in the Commonwealth. HERF.KRr E. WENTWORTH. Herbert K. Wentworth is a graduate of the Bridgewater High and State Normal schools and has had an experience in grammar school work extending over a period o f s i X t e e n years. He was master of the Pond school, Brain tree, for four years, after- ward a c - cepting the prin c i p a 1- ship of the Falls school. At tleboro. where he re- mained two years, com- ing fro m thence t o Danvers as principal of the Tapley school. His work in con- nection with the school has been of a high order and has been emi- nently satis- factory t o the school committe e , and the ])upils have been commended for their excellent rendering of vocal music on Memorial Day and other public occa- sions. Mr. Wentworth has been unusual- ly successful in his objective methods of teaching, and has displayed his ability to analyze, revise and adapt a study to the class he is teaching. He is the au- thor of the text-book " Objective Lessons Miss Herrick Miss Eaton. 56 DANVERS. in English," which he has recently co|)y- righted and expects to publish this ye ir. Mr. Wentworth enjoys the confidence of his scholars and their parents. I'he Tapley school is sufficient proof of the capability of the teacher, and his efficiency in adapt i n g the course of siudy to the various classes is the result of sound judgment and the experience gained in many years of grammar school work. LEWIS W. SAXEORN. Lewis W. San- born, principal of the Danversport grammar school, was born in Unity, N. H., Ian. 20, 1847. In 1S58 he moved to Claremont, N.H., and began his education in the PRINCIPAL H. E. WENTWORTH. TAPLEY SCHOOL. course for college at New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Female College, in Tilton, N. H. While there he was as- sistant instructor in mathematics. His health be- c a m e impaired and he was obliged to aban- don study for a while, and when he resumed he did so in the role of a teacher, becoming principal of Tubbs Union Academy in Washington, N. H., in 187 I. Dur- ing his college l)reparatory course he taught, during winters, in Acworth, Newport and Claremont, N. H., and one winter in Vermont. He was superinten- dent of schools in Claremont, N. H., in 1 87 1 and was re-elected in 1872. He soon resigned TAPLEY SCHOOL. public schools and academy in that place. He afterward attended the academy in New London, N. H., and finallv took a to accept the ]:>osition of principal of the Danversport school, which he has held uninterruptedly for nearly twenty-eight DANVERS. 57 years. He is a conscientious and effective teacher, with exceptional ability to impart knowledge, and he seldom or nev- er fails to graduate every pupil of his first class directly from his school in- to the High school. He is a conservative but exceedingly pop- ular man. He has a wife and son. Retail Trade. No community of equal size in New England is more favored in the extent, variety and quality of its retail mercantile establi s h m e n t s than Danvers. Ev- PRINCIPAL L. W. SANBORN. DANVERSPORT SCHOOL. ery branch o f trade is represent- ed by an adequate number of dealers to furnish a salu- tary amount of competition. This competition is ad- vantageous as a spur to the various merchants, n o t only to retail goods at favorable figures to the con- sumers, but as an incentive for the various dealers to outdo their com- petitors in variety and completeness of the stock of goods carried. It is true that most of the staple goods that can be found in the large trad- ing centres may be found in Dan- vers stores upon DANVERSPORT SCHOOLHOUSE. 58 DANVERS. fully as favorable terms. There is thus no legitimate excuse for the people to trade out of town. This spirit of patronizing and supporting home merchants finds a ready reciprocity in the tradesmen in the shape of the best in all lines of goods at the narrow- est margins consistent with legitimate and reasonable living profits. Thus it happens that there is found in Danvers a class of merchants broad and liberal enough to co-operate for the general betterment of business conditions, a class of citizens wise enough to patronize the home mer- chants. The many advantages of trading in Danvers are so well known that people come from an ever increasing radius to barter, to sell their products and to buy their supplies. Thus Danvers is the cen- tral trading ])oint of a much larger territory than the average town of the same size and i m portance. There is no p ere eptible reason why this pleasing condition of affairs should not continue, thus giving every assur- ance of steady, sub- stantial growth and permanent prosperity. TRANSPORIATION AND COMMUNICATION. The growth of any community is great- ly enhanced by the extent and liberal character of its transportation facilities. Few towns in the commonwealth are bet- ter provided with railroad facilities both for shipping and for passenger traffic than Danvers. The Boston & Maine R. R. affords an easy outlet and inlet to the town, there being nine passenger stations within the town limits. This road gives quick transportation to the various trade centres toward any point of the compass, twenty-one trains arriving and departing from Danvers daily. The Lynn & Boston RESIDENCE OF L W. SANBORN. Street railway, recently absorbed by the big syndicate, has an excellently equipped and managed electric road with a half hour service to the principal adjoining cities. The Postal and Western Union telegraph companies and the New England Tele- phone and Telegraph company maintain offices here and place Danvers in direct communication with the entire world. The American and other express compa- nies are represented and do a general for- warding business. TO MANUFACTURERS. One object of this work is to bring to the attention of manufacturers and capi- talists the many advantages Danvers of- fers either for the establishment of new industries or the extension of those al- ready in oper- ation in other ]D 1 a c e s . Among the Intel 1 i g e n t and well meaningman- ufacturersand merchants of Danvers the si)irit of pub- lic and com- mercial prog- ress is strong- ly developed, and among these that feeling of unity of thought and action so absolutely necessary to individ- ual and collective welfare is most striking- ly displayed. These representative men have always been alive to the fact that prosperity based upon commercial inter- ests exclusively must of necessity be ephemeral and short-lived. They have actively and practically encouraged the location of manufacturing enterprises of all kinds, and will do so again. Every ef- fort that is consistent with honest, ])ro- gressive endeavor will be gladly and vig- orously made. Let your enterprise be a good one and Danvers people will see that you receive every encouragement to locate here. -The men we want to avail DANVERS. 59 themselves of the proffered advantages are those possessing thorough practical and technical knowledge of the business they propose to undertake and sufficient capital to establish and operate such busi- ness. To such men Danvers will extend a hearty welcome and they will have no difficulty in securing good factory sites and every facility for this purpose. No- where is there combined more of those elements which are so essential to the successful manufacture of goods of a va- ried character as in Danvers. The great system of the Boston and Maine R. R., converging in all directions, places Dan- vers in direct touch with the great com- mercial centres and markets of the coun- try ; this combined with the abundant supply of raw material and the large amount of capital lying ready to be in- vested in any legitimate enterprise having a reasonable prospect of success, all com- bine to make Danvers a desirable location for the establishment of industries. The close proximity to the large eastern cities and the lowness of the freight rates bring the cost of production down to the low- est possible figure and provide an excel- lent market for manufactured goods of every description. Our geographical position, the advantages of a commercial, financial and manufacturing centre already established, and a vast territory to supply, a good supply of skilled labor at very reasonable wages, leave nothing to be de- sired. Practically every class of goods can be successfully manufactured here to advantage and with a good profit to the manufacturer who does not have to pay an exhorbitant sum annually for freight to far-distant markets. It will be to the advantage of all those seeking a location, whether for business or residential pur- poses, to come and look the field over and obtain further particulars of what induce- ments are offered before deciding upon a location. To the man or corporation looking for a new location for business, profession or manufacturing, Danvers pre- sents a pleasing prospect. He sees here a diversity of industries, a variety in man- ufacturing, that insures ])rogress and prosperity. Then, too, the prospective new comer observes that the manufactur- ing interests of the town are in the right hands. They are owned and controlled principally by men interested in Danvers. They are interested in it, not only as the location of their lousiness, but as the home of their families, as the centre of their ambitions. The manufacturers of this town are invariably men who have large property interests here and are therefore vitally concerned for the growth and future welfare of this place. This, then, gives Danvers a large advantage over those numerous manufacturing towns where the masters of industries live and are interested in other cities. Danvers, as a community, extends a cordiality of reception to new comers which has been a factor in increasing its growth. MANUFACTURING. Agriculture would seem to have been the primal industry which occupied Dan- ver's first settlers ; but she unquestionably owes the growth of the past years to the introduction of manufactures. Though there may be prejudices against such branches of industry, and some have re- garded manufacture as hostile to agricul- ture, we are persuaded there is no natural antagonism between the two. The manu- facturer and the mechanic must subsist on the products of the soil, and their pres- ence in an agricultural district not only creates a demand for the product of the farmer, but brings the market to his own door. The Danvers farmer, with his broad acres of grass and grain, not only finds a better market for his staples by the increase in population, but can dis- pose of his vegetables, fruits, and other produce for which there was formerly no local demand. The introduction of the shoe industry has, without doubt, tended towards the weal of the town, and placed it among the coming manufacturing cen- tres. Nor is it strange that a town so well located as Danvers should invite capital to be invested in manufacturing. There are at present shoe, leather, brick, box, rubber and necktie, iron works and machine shops, establishments, numbering in all 105. Market gardening is also an important in- dustry. These industries employ on an average of 1,113 persons, who receive in 6o DANVERS. wages of $531,834 annually, an average of $477.84 for each person. The capital invested in manufacturing amounts to $899,105, and the yearly product is $2,619,085. Every business man knows the full value of intelligent, educated, skilled workmen. Nowhere is this phase more propitious than here. The business of the town enjoys a steady growth, speak- ing well for the prudence and foresight of the capitalists, merchants, manufacturers and investors who are here engaged in mercantile pursuits. It is conceded by all that Danvers, as a manufactur i n g centre, has many great advantages, and her claims in this respect are be- coming more fully recognized day by day. Fully alive to the fact that perma- nency of prosperity of any community lies in the posses- sion of an abun- dance of manufac- turing enterprises, the people of Dan- vers have of late years encouraged without stint the location here of in- dustrial establish- ments. Adequate and valuable advan- tages are afforded for manufactories, transportation facil- ities are unexcelled, living is cheap, and rents are low. The board of selectmen will be glad to answer incjuiries from manu- facturers contemplating settling here and every inducement will be affordetl. A leisurely walk through the streets of Danvers can not fail to cause pleasure. There are delightful drives extending in every direction, through some of the most beautiful and historic scenery in the country. Concrete sidewalks on the principal streets and macadamized roads are a feature of the town. The streets are wide, and at night are well lighted by electricity. Maple street is the principal busiaess thoroughfare and there are sev- eral streets in the residential portion of the town where have been erected many elegant edifices, the homes of our well- to-do residents. Electric Light Plant. ELECTRIC LIGHT STATION. Higfhway Department, Residents of Danvers, who have for years enjoyed the beauties of the shady walks, elegant residences, and well-kept streets, appreciate to the fullest decree the picturesqueness and beauty of the town. At the annual town meeting held in March, 1888, a committee consist- ing of N. L. Turner, T. J. Lynch, F. H. Caskin, S. C. Put- nam and George Tapley was appoint- ed to investigate and report on a street lighting sys- tem, : ^The subject of electric lighting was carefully con- sidered and the committee recom- mended that the town expend $15,000 to erect and maintain an electric light plant of its own. The report was received fav- orably and the sum was appropriated, a committee consisting of N. L. Turner, J. K. Dale, C. P. Kerans, S. C. Putnam, T. J. Lynch, George Tapley and F. H. Cas- kin being appointed to expend the appro- priation in installing the plant. The arc light system was decided upon and on August 2 a contract was entered into with the Brush I'.lectric Co. for the steam and electric plant, and with W. C. Huff for the erection of the- necessary buildings. On DANVERS. 6i Jan. 2, 1889, the plant was completed and on the same evening seventy-two arc lights were lighted. It soon became ap- parent that the plant would have to be considerably enlarged and the matter was brought up at each succeeding town meet- ing, but action was delayed until 1896, when George B. Sears, Esq., T. J. Lynch, C. N. Perley, J. K. Ropes and F. H. Cas- kin weie appointed a committee to again consider the question, with the result that it was voted to appro])riate $11,000 and the same committee was directed to ex- pend same. Dec. 3, iSg6, the plant was in operation, but even with these increased facilities the plant was found inade- quate for the de- mands made upon it by reason of the ever increasing popularity of elec- tricity as an illu- minant. At a special meeting called in July, 1898, the superin- tendent asked for an appropriation of $5,500 to again enlarge the plant and it was granted together w i t h $8,500 for arc lamps. On Dec. 14, the new two- phase alternater of 2,400 light ca- pacity was started, designed to furnish both light and power. The plant is one of the best equipped in the state and is now self supporting. Danvers was the first town in the state to own its electric lighting plant and the success of the experiment has proven that it was an excellent and renumerative in- vestment for the town. The demand for incandescent lights has far exceeded ex- pectations, and there is now a movement to run the plant continuously for both light and |)Ower. SUPT. T. J. LYNCH SUPT. TIMOTHY J. LYNCH. Mr. Lynch was born and reared in Danvers, where he attended the public schools and subsequently entered the stitching room of a shoe shop to learn the business. Later he bought the shoe fitting business of M. Manning which he conducted until it was moved to larger factories when he bought the patent rights of a button hole machine. \\'hen the firm of Martin, Clapp & French was formed Mv. Lynch contracted with them to do their fitting, buy- ing part of the machinery, stock and fittings which he removed to their factory in Tapleyville i n Sept. 1 88 1. The following Januarv the factory was devastated by fire and the business was moved to Lynn. Shortly afterward the gen- eral adoption of the Reese ma- chine deteriorat- ed the value of his ])atents and he retireAVI1) J. HARRIGAN, SUPERINTENDENT OF PIPES. David J. Harrigan, for many years superintendent of pipes of the Danvers Water Works, is able and conscientious and thoroughly fitted for the important position. He is in constant supervision of the extensive system, and his complete knowledge and experience make him a valuable officer. ENGINEER J H. CURTIS. missioners shows that 226,281,176 gal- lons of water were pumped during the year. There are 44 miles of service pip- ing, and 1,700 families are supplied with water. The town is abundantly supplied with fire hydrants, 229 being distributed within its limits. JAMES H. CURTIS. James H. Curtis, who for the past fif- teen years has been the engineer of the Danvers Water Works pumping station at Middleton, was born in Danvers, April 9, 1855, and graduated from the Holten High School. He learned the trade of a machinist and has been employed in that business and engineering all his life. His appointment as engineer of the water works was a fortunate selection of a wor- thy candidate and his duties have at all times been performed with faithfulness and competency. Fully realizing the im- portance of his position he has devoted his utmost skill and ability towards the improvement of the plant of which he SUPT. D. J. HARRIGAN. DANVERS. 65 Postoffice Department. The first postoffice established in con- nection with the town of Danvers was at Danversport in 182 8. Since then post- offices have been opened at Danvers, Tapleyville, Danvers Centre and Asykim Station, malting five in all. That at Danvers is the most important in point of business transacted which amounts to about 58,000 annually. Asylum Station comes next with about $700, the other offices returning a somewhat smaller amount. For the past two or three years the question of free delivery has been urged by the citizens, but ineffectually, as it is a rule of the postoffice department that a city or town shall have at least a office. With the free delivery system there would be at least two collections and two deliveries daily in all parts of the town, five carriers being employed. Charles N. Perley, postmaster at Danvers, is using his best endeavors to bring about this very desirable reform in postal regu- lations and it is hoped that the system of free delivery will soon be an accom- plished fact under his able advocacy. The Shoe Industry. Over a century ago boots and shoes were made to supply the local trade, and were what was called " custom work." At the close of the Revolutionary War, as the country became more extended '■iiiiiiiiij H'Mlllill.iliiiHi,,,,, '£#' .i'il!tl]'t^^''^^^i^l THE G. A. TAPLEY FACTORY. population of 10,000 or that $10,000 worth of business shall be transacted. Danvers cannot meet the requirements of the department as regards population, but through the efforts of citizens has in- creased the business in the various of- fices so that if they were consolidated the returns would be much more than those required to give us a free delivery throughout the corporate limits of the town. 'J"he free delivery system has re- ceived some opposition from individuals residing in various parts of the town who appear to labor under a misapprehension concerning the benefits to be derived from such a system. At present mail matter must be called for at the post- and population more numerous, there sprang u]:) a demand — in the then South- ern States — for shoes of northern manu- facture. They had previously been sup- plied by importation. The energy of our citizens soon led them to furnish goods for this market, and the making of boots and shoes soon became the princi- pal industry of the town and gave em- |)loyment to hundreds of persons. In the United States Census Report of 1810, Danvers is ranked among the towns most extensively engaged in this industry. In explanation of the want of increase and l)rosperity in this branch of business it may be stated that a large proportion of our manufacturers now have their sales- 66 DANVERS. rooms in Boston, while their goods are made in various towns in New England. The business would be nearly doubled if it were all brought here. But this would not be regarded as judicious management, since the kinds and styles are so various, and there are so many advantages in bringing similar classes together. The largest shoe manufacturing firm in town is that of C. C. Farwell & Co. which gives employment to upward of 200 per- sons, and runs almost the entire year with- out shutting down. It is an old and im- portant business now conducted by H. G. P'arwell. Other local firms are G. A. Creigh- ton & Son, Eaton & Armitage and several smaller concerns, in addition to those more fully described in following articles. bers being men of integrity and honor in every dealing, standing high inSthe community. The products of the con- cern have become standard goods of their grade in the market on account of their excellent finish, durability and at- tractive appearance. The trade of the firm is derived from nearly every state in the Union and although the factory has a capacity of over one thousand pairs of shoes a day it has frequently been taxed to the utmost to keep pace with the de- mand and execute the orders promptly. Mr. Clapp came to Danvers when a young man, and has engaged in the shoe business ever since. He is a thoroughly experienced shoe manufacturer, being informed in ev- ery detail of the work. Mr. Tapley^was CLAPP & TAPLEY FACTORY. Clapp & Tapley. In 1885 Granville W. Claj^p and Wal- ter A. Tajiley formed a [partnership and began the manufacturing of women's, misses' and children's shoes in one of G. A. Tapley's factories at Tapleyville. The mechanical equipments of the establish- ment are of the most perfect and com- plete character, and include all the most recent inventions in machinery for secur- ing improved productions at minimum cost. The machinery is operated by steam-power and over one hundred per- sons are employed in the various depart- ments of the business. The firm is one of the most reliable in the business, the mem- born in Danvers, graduating from the Holten High School and Comer's Busi- ness College, Boston. He has engaged in various commercial pursuits both here and in Boston and is a prominent mem- ber of the Masonic Order, being a mem- ber of Mosaic Lodge and of the Holten Royal Arch Chapter. J, W, Tulloch. This business was established in 1873 by James Tulloch, father of the present proprietor. Upon his death in 1877 the business was continued by J. W. Tulloch, who has succeeded in developing a trade which extends generally through the south and west, although a considerable DANVERS. 67 business is done in the states of New York and Pennsylvania. Tiie factory is a commodious three-story building, fully equipped with all the latest improved machinery, tools and appliances known to the trade. From forty to fifty skilled operatives are em- ployed who turn out annually 7,500 pairs of shoes. Mr. Tul- 1 o c h manufactures fine machine sewed women's, m i s s e s' children's and little men's shoes, the lat- ter being a specialty with this house. All goods are made up of the best materials, and are unsurpassed i n their respective grades for finish, style, durability and workmanship. They are admirably adapt- ed to the wants of first-class retailers and jobbers, and the large and annually increasing trade of merits of the goods produced. Mr. Tul- loch is a native of Danvers, and upon graduating from the Holten High School entered his father's shop to learn the business of shoe- making in which he has since con- tinued. Donovan & Shea. The shoe manu- facturing firm o f Donovan & Shea had its inception in 18S5, when Daniel J. Donovan a n d Thomas F. Shea commenced business in a factory on Maple street where they remained until two years ago, when the business had in- creased so much that they were obliged to seek more commodi- ous premises. T h e present shop is locat- ed on Hobart street and is a three-story frame building well TULLOCH S FACTORY. the house is ample evidence of the ap- equipped with all the most modern ma- preciation that has been accorded to the chinery and labor-saving devices known 68 DANVERS. DANIEL J. DONOVAN. to the trade and well adapted to the requirements of the business. The firm manufacture women's and children's fine and medium grade shoes of which they turn out 2,000 cases annually. Only the best class of stock is used in the manufacture of the goods and fifty skilled shoe- workers are constantly employed. The facilities of the house for the prompt and satisfactory fulfilment of orders are absolutely unsur]jassed, and the goods manufactured are suited to the re([uirements of the Boston and New York markets in which the house enjoys a large and permanent trade, obtained solely on the merits of its output. Mr. Don- ovan was born in South l^oston, Dec. 20, 1861, receiving his educa- tion in the public schools of Salem and coming to Danvers in 1880. Mr. Shea is a native of Danvers and was educated in our public schools. Both the partners are expert and thoroughly experienced shoemakers and have been engaged in the shoe business since leaving school. They are possessed of undoubted ability and experience and their success is assured. The Danvers Insane Hospital. Situated northwest of the settled part of the town, and about three miles from its business streets, stands the Danvers Insane Hospital, u])on an abrupt eminence known as Hathorne hill. The summit of this hill is 240 feet above the sea level. The building, or group of buildings, is of brick, in Gothic style of architecture, and is an imposing landmark for miles around. The hospital was built during a period when throughout the country state hos- pitals for the insane were being con- structed massively, and were evidently intended to be imposing in appearance. Attention was given to producing archi- tectural eff"ect, but the time has undoubt- edly passed when the State of Massachu- setts will ever again build a hospital upon similar lines. The tendency now is to erect a substantial and plain structure for such purposes. THOMAS F. SHEA. DANVERS. 69 The hospital buil lings were begun about 1875, and were first reidy for patients in the spring of 187S. At this time it was predicted by some that the hospital would never be filled, but within a few years, like all the other state hospitals, it became crow led, anl since the Danvers hospital was built two other large hospitals for the insane have been built in this state — one at Westboro and the other at Medfield. The Danvers Insane Hospital has had for its trustees several Danvers citizens. The late Charles P. Preston, for several years chairman of the board, the Hon. Augustus Mudge, the late Edward Hutch- inson, and Wrn. ?>. SuHivin, Esq., who superintendent, the late Dr. Wm. B. Goldsmith, the late Dr. Wm. A. Gorton, more latterly superintendent of the Butler Hospital in Providence, R. I., and Dr. Chas. W. Page, who his recently gone to Middletown, Conn., as the superintendent of the Connecticut Hospital for the in- sane, 'i'he present superintendent is Dr. Arthur H. Harrington. The corps of assistant physicians is Dr. H. H. Colburn, Dr. F. A. Ross, Dr. Wm. L. Worcester, Pathologist, and Dr. Mary Paulsell. The steward of the hospital for nearly ten years has been Mr. John N. Lacey. The hospital has altogether about 125 officers and emplovees. DONOVAN & SHEA FACTORY. has recently completed the seven years term for which he was first appointed, and who has just received a re-appoint- ment to the Board at the hands of his excellency, Roger Wolcott. The present chairman is the Hon. Samuel W. Hop- kinson, of Haverhill, who has been offi- cially connected with the institution since its opening. The five remaining mem- bers of the present board are Solon Bm- croft, Esq., O. F. Rogers, Zina E. Sione, Mrs. Grace A. Oliver and Miss Florence Lyman. The hospital has had for its superin- tendents Dr. Calvin S. May, Dr. Henry R. Stedman, who for one year was acting Since the hospital was opened, nearly 9,500 patients have been treated. The Danvers hospital has not been be- hind the most advanced institutions of the kind in the country in providing all practical means possil)le for intelligent treatment of insanity as a disease. A training school for nurses was established nine years ago. Lectuns are given weekly by the medical staff, and there are recitations and practical demonstration of all that pertains to nursing the sick, clinical lectures, and from day to day the watchful eyes of the physicians are quick to see the needs of their patients and to direct their nurses how to i)rovide for them. 70 DANVERS. DANVERS. 71 Mechanical restraint lias been used with less and less frequency for some years past, and in its place has arisen a greater amount of individual care. There has been also an almost total abolition of the use of hypnotics and drugs in the treatment of the insane. It is the uni- versal testimony of physicians who have had years of experience with the insane, that there is less violence and excitement observed now than in former years, and this diminution has been attributed to the discontinuance of irritating restraints and depressing drugs. Among the more advanced methods of treating the acute forms of insanity is hydrotherapy. There is no drug that influences the circulation of the blood so effectively as the various Nichols of Dm vers, daughter of the late Dr. Nichols, giving the town two worthy representatives upon the board. Miss Nichols is in every way qualified for the po- sition, and will prove an able and accepta- ble trustee. She is the newly elected presi- dent of the 1 )anvers Women's .'\ssociation. The Iron Industry. Nathan Read, a Harvard graduate who came to Danvers in i 79S was the origi- nator of the iron industry in Danvers. He was the inventor of the first nail cut- ting machine and having purchased the water-power on Waters river established the Salem and Danvers Iron Works. Read was the first to apply steam-power DANVERS IRON WORKS. methods of using water. It is the clogged condition of the brain and of the elimi- native organs brought about by the slug- gish action of circulation that plays an important part often times in mental diseases. Apartments were laid out and an apparatus was installed at the Danvers Hospital about two years ago for this special work. Hydrolherai)y is in daily use, and in certain instances, is produc- ing marked effects in apparently produc- ing speedy improvement. Since the foregoing article was prepared the death of Mrs. (Irace A. Oliver of the board of trustees has occurred, and the vacancy has been filled by the appoint- ment by Gov. Wolcott of Miss Mary W. as a propelling agent to vessels and ex- perimented successfully with a small boat pro])elled l)y steam paddle wheels on the pond beside his residence several years before Fulton's experiment on the Hud- son. The iron foundry brought many iron workers to Danvers and it soon became an established industry. There were a nail-shop and an anchor-shop at that time and in the latter was forged the anchor of the " Essex " frigate. In 185S John Silvester bought the Salem and Dan- vers Iron Works which are at present operated by his son Benjamin Silvester, and have the distinction of being one of the oldest concerns now in active opera- tion in the county. 72 DANVERS. Masonry. By universal consent Masonry is re- garded as the first of all fraternal orders by reason of its age, the character of its teachings and the number and standing of its members. Its origin is known only from tradition but at the time of the first authentic record the organization was already ancient and had become strong and flourishing. It speaks well for the founders of the town that they brought with them the secrets of the royal craft and that almost at the very first the sound of the Master's gavel was heard in their midst. were held than those necessary for the preservation of the charter. Upon the revival of Masonry the lodge continued to hold its meetmgs at South Dan vers, now Peabody, and as there were at that time upwards of sixty brethren of the mystic tie residing in Danvers a petition for a warrant of dispensation for a lodge to be established in Danvers, under the name of Amity lodge, was signed by twenty-six of their number and in due time the warrant of dispensation, dated Sept. 28, 1863, was received. The brethren had leased the upper story of the Village Bank Building and carefully fitted and neatly furnished it, and having provided them- MASONtC HALL. A lodge was chartered May i, 1778, to be located at Danvers, under the name of United States Lodge. The charter to- gether with all the regalia and jewels were consumed by fire at the house of Richard Skidmore in 1805. The next lodge established in the town was in 1808, under the name of Jordan Lodge. Its meetings were held for many years at Berry Tavern. During the anti- Masonic excitement which prevailed from 1825 to 1835, the furniture, jewels and regalia were removed to South Danvers, and for many years no other meetings selves with the necessary furniture, jewels and regalia, they held their first regular communication on the evening of Octo- ber 26, 1863. In 1870 the membership of Amity Lodge had increased to nearly 150, and some of the fraternity believing that the interests of Masonry would be promoted by the institution of another lodge, thirty-three of the brethren peti- tioned the M. W. Grand Lodge for a dis- pensation, and in due time they received a charter to work under the name of Mo- saic Lodge, dated Oct. 30, 1871. Holten Royal -Arch Chapter was con- DANVERS. 73 stituted March 12, 1872, agreeably to the petition of a number of the companions, and regular convocations have since been held. The selection of candidates m these lodges has always been governed by the ancient landmark which declares that it is the internal and not the external qualifi- cations that recommend a man to Masons, and the wisdom of this course is justified by the high standing morally and socially of their members. Although none of the so-called higher bodies have ever been established in Danvers, many of the more enthusiastic craftsmen have not been con- tent to stop with the Chapter, but have taken degrees in other places where these higher bodies exist. Throughout its history the craft in Dan- vers has been careful in selecting its ma- terial and painstaking in working out the designs upon its trestle-board. To-day, with an earnest membership of skilful workers, its future bids fair to be even brighter than its past. L O. O. R In 1 8 70 a petition was sent to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts praying that a lodge of Odd Fellows might be es- tablished in Danvers. A charter was granted, and on Sept. 13 of the same year, Danvers Lodge 153 was instituted. The charter members were : — Charles Tapley, J. W. Legro, L. E. Learoyd, Dr. L. Whiting, N. K. Cross, Dr. C Hough- ton, A. W. Dudley, B. S. Moulton, A. W. Trask, of Essex Lodge, Salem ; L. Ridley, Bass River Lodge, Beverly ; J. M. Boy- son, OuascacunKjuen Lodge, Ipswich. From its formation the lodge has been prosperous and is in good condition finan- cially, having established an excellent fund. Temperance. It is a matter of history and a notorious fact that the early settlers of Danvers were much addicted to the use of rum and other beverages of an intoxicating nature. The use and abuse of rum, was, however, in those days generally prevalent and it is to be presumed that the people of Dan- vers were not any worse than their neigh- bors in this respect; but early in the his- tory of the town we find many warm and sincere advocates of temperance, who by precept and example did their utmost to stamp out a practice which, it is conceded, exercised a debauchnig effect upon the townspeople. The result was the forma- tion, in 1 81 2, of the Massachusetts Socie- ty for the Suppression of Intemperance — the first society of the kind of which we have any knowledge. This was followed, in 1 81 5, by the Danvers Moral Society which adopted vigorous measures for the suppression of the use of ardent spirits. Fifteen years later there was a general uprising in favor of temperance and, in 1833, Daniel Richards established a tem- perance store — an innovation in those days but nevertheless it proved highly suc- cessful and was the means of causing other merchants to follow the example thus set with the result that the sale of liquor was materially restricted. Numerous tem- perance societies and organizations have sprung up from time to time since then and have propagated the doctrine of tem- perance with varying success, and at the present time Danvers people are not in any danger of lapsing in intemperance for want of societies to teach them the error of their ways. Catholic Total Abstinence Society. The temperance movement among the Catholic people of Danvers can be traced to the visit of Rev. Theobald Mathew to Salem in 1849. For twenty-one years following this visit the tem])erance move- ment gained many followers, but no per- manent organization was effected until Nov. 19, 1 87 1, when in the church base- ment, under the direct supervision of Rev. Charles Rainoni, the Catholic Total Abstinence Society was perfected as an organization with the assistance of James Fallon, Deputy of the Massachusetts State Temperance L'nion, and some other prominent members of the Young Men's Temi)erance Society of Salem. Here the Society held its first three meetings under the leadership of Daniel A. Caskin, who 74 DANVERS. had been elected its first president. The society was founded for the purposes of helping the Catholic people of the town to abstain from the useof intoxicating liquor, to create better moral conditions through- out the community, to render assistance to those already addicted to the use of liquor and to support a place where the members could meet collectively and act as they thought best for the benefit of the society. On Nov. 12, 1880, it was decided to purchase the building formerly known as the Bell building, from the Danvers Sav- ings Bank. In this building the society has a well appointed hall, for meetings, dancing and enter- tainments, on the upper floor, one for gymnasium and sup- per purposes on the middle floor and a basement suitable for general purposes. Since the building debt has been re- moved the society has made a special endeavor to offer in- ducements to the Catholic young men of the town to join the organization and has ])laced at the disposal of members excel- 1 e n 1 1 y equipped rooms with piano, pool-table, card- ta- bles and all other conveniences for modern amusement. The society was in- corporated under the laws of the State of Massachusetts, July 26, 1887, believing that such a course would prove beneficial in the time to follow. This society was a member of the Massachusetts State Union until it disbanded in 1876, when it assisted in the formation of the Essex County Cath- olic Total Abstinence Union, being one of the largest factors in its formation and the fourth oldest society in the Union. mention two societies of the past which no doubt are still remembered by our old- er citizens. The first was called the North Danvers Lyceum (^this was before the di- vision of the town gave us the name of Danverj.) The meetings were sometimes held in the hall of the old tavern then standing on the site of the present hotel, and the hall was a portion of the grand old Tory n)ansion which was moved down from Folly Hill nearly one hundred years ago. There was a library connected with this Lyceum which was afterwards dis- tributed among the members. There was also, about sixty years ago, a Library As- sociation formed un- der the name of the Holten Circulating Library which lived aboutfive years, when the books were dis- tributed among the shareholders. Vari- ous literary organiza- tions now exist in town. CAPT. A. P. CHASE Literary Societies. Perhaps it will not be out of place to Co. K, Eighth Regt., M. V. M. The Danvers flight Infantry, ofific i al 1 y known as Co. K, Eighth reg i m e n t , Massachusetts \o\- unleer Militia, was organized March 25, 1 89 1, to take the place of Co. K (Me- chanic Light Infan- try) of Salem. The prelimmary work was done by F. Pierce Tebbetts and John T. Carroll. The company consisting of 48 recruits was mustered in at the old Berry tavern, March 25, 1891, by Col. J. Albert Mills of Newburyport. Lieut. George N. B. Cousins of Co. I, Lynn, was detailed to command the company until an election could be held. The first drills were held in Town hall. On April 7, 1891, Frank C. Damon was elected captain ; F. Pierce Tebbetts, first lieutenant, and Fred U. French, sec- ond lieutenant. The following April DANVERS. 75 Lieut. Tebbetts resigned, Lieut. French was promoted to fill the vacancy and Sergt. A. P. Chase was elected second lieutenant. The company moved into the present armory on Maple street, Aug. 26, 1891. The annual fall field day of the regiment was held in Danvers, Sept. 30, 1S91. The memorable battle of the brick- yard was fought on that day, near the old trot- ting park. The day was brought to a close by a dinner to the entire regiment in Town hall, furnished by the citizens, followed by a dress parade in the Berry field. " April, 1894, Lieut. F. U. French r e - signed, Lieut. Chase was promoted to fill the vacan- cy and Sergt. H. W. French was elected second lieu- tenant. Early i n the spring of 1894 Capt. Damon or- ganized a ri- fl e team which w o n the regimen- tal trophy in 1894 and '95, losing it by three points in 1896. At the state shoot at Walnut hill in '94, Private G. F. Draper and in '95, Capt. Damon, became distinguished marksmen. In May, 1896, Capt. Damon was de- tached to command the Southern battal- ion of the regiment and on Oct. 3, 1896, was elected Major. Lieut. A. P. Chase was elected captain, Lieut. F. W. French, first lieutenant and Corp. F. L. I^stey of Middleton, second lieutenant on Oct. 19, LATE SPENCER S. HOBBS 1S96. Capt. Chase was discharged on recommendation of the examining board Oct. 29, 1S96. The lieutenants were as- signed to duty, Lieut. French being in command of the company. Li May, 1897, A, P. Chase (who had re-enlisted in the company as a private, Oct. 31, 1896) was again elected captain and this time assigned to duty. At the call for volunteers for service in the Spanish-American war, the company responded promptly and on April 28 was quickly r e - cruited to the war footing of 74 men. On May 5, the c o m p a n y, with the fore- going officers with the ex- cept ion of Lieut. F. L. Kstey, who at the time was sick, left Dan- vers for South Framingham, the rendez- vous of the regiment. M ay II, 1898, the company was mustered in- to the United States service by Lieut. E. M. Weaver, U. S. A., with the following officers : A. P r e s t on Chase, captain ; Henry W. French, first lieutenant ; Stephen N. Bond, of Boston, second lieutenant. The company was then known as Co. K, Eighth Regiment of Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteers. May 16, 1898, the regiment left for Chickamauga Park, Ga , arrivingon the ev- eningof May 19. The command bivouaced on Lytle hill, a spur of Missionary ridge, and the next morning proceeded to perma- nent camp on the Alexander Bridge road. 76 DANVERS. The regiment was assigned to the Sec- ond Brigade, Third Division, First Army Corps and participated in all the reviews held at Chickamauga Park. During the month of August Lieut. French tendered his resignation to take effect Sept. i. The regiment broke camp Aug. 23, 1898 and marched to Rossville, a distance of seven miles, and proceeded by rail to Lexington, Ky., making camp, Aug. 24, 1898. Soon after arriving Lieut. French left for home. Sept. 15, 1898, Lieut. Bond was promoted to first lieu- tenant, vice French, resigned, and First Sergt. David F. Whittier of Co. F, Haver- hill, was made second lieutenant, Sept. 16. Lieut. Bond resigned and was discharged Oct. 28, 1898. The command left Lexington, Nov. 10, 1898 and proceeded by rail to Americus, Ga., arriving there Nov. 12, 1898, and went into permanent camp. Second Lieut. David E. Jewell of Co. F, Haverhill, was appointed and commis- sioned first lieutenant and assigned to Co. K, vice Bond resigned, Dec. 16, 1898. Jan. 8, 1899 the command broke camp and proceeded by rail to Savannah, Ga., and boarded the transport Michigan, sailing for Matanzas, Cuba, Sunday, Jan. 10 and arriving at Matanzas, Jan. 13. The command disembarked and pitched shelter tents, remaining in the same until a permanent camp was pitched in the rear of Fort San Severeno. The regiment acted as escort to Gen. Gomez and Secre- tary of War Alger upon their visit to Ma- tanzas. The company was on provost guard duty in the city of Matanzas for two weeks, being quartered in Santa Christina barracks. The regiment left Matanzas for Boston on the transport Meade April 4, 1899, arriving in Boston, Sunday, April 9, 1899. After a review by Gov, Wolcott it pro- ceeded to the South armory, where it was to be quartered pending the muster out of the regiment. The company came to Danvers on a special train Sunday, April 9, arriving at 9 p. M., and was given a tremendous ova- tion. On Tuesday, April 11, the com- pany was entertained by the town. The company, escorted by Ward Post 90, G. A. R., school children and a mounted es- cort, proceeded through the principal streets of the town and was banqueted in the armory. The company reported back for duty in Boston the following day and April 20 was furloughed to report again April 28, when the regiment was mustered out of the service at the South armory by Capt. E. M. Weaver. The following changes occurred in the company during its year of service : Five men were discharged for disability and eight by order. Four were transferred, one deserted and one died. On Aug. 19, 1898, a gloom was cast over the company by the death of Musi- cian Spencer S. Hobbs, who died at the 'Lhird Division Hospital, First Army Corps. A young man, an ideal soldier, a favorite with all, who at the call of his country offered himself and sacrificed his life upon its altar. He died at his post of duty, beloved by all. He was buried at Danvers. He lives ! In all the past He lives; nor to the last, Of seeing him again will I despair. In dreams I see him now, And on his angel brow, I see it written : Thou shalt See him there ! Improved Order of Red Men. This order, which numbers about 200,000 in the country, and which ranks fourth in numerical strength among the social fraternities, is represented in Dan- vers by two tribes and two councils. The organization bases its claims to favor on the fact that it is the lineal descendant of the earlier patriotic societies which flour- ished along the coast from New England to the Carolmas before the Revolution, and in which was nursed and concealed the purpose to free the colonies from British rule. It is also the only associa- tion of strength which makes any organ- ized effort to collect and preserve the traditions, customs, and virtues of the aborigines of this continent. The tribes are composed of men only, while the councils admit both sexes. There are about 350 nfembers of the order in the DANVERS. 77 town, and the tribes and councils are each in a very flourishing condition. AGAWAM TRIBE NO. 5. This is next to the oldest Tribe in New England, and has long been influential locally and nationally. It was instituted on the 24th of February, 1875. Its meetings are held in its own hall. Red Men's Hall, in Tapleyville, every Thurs- day evening. Walter A. Sillars is its Chief of Records. WAUKEWAX TRIBE NO. 1 6. This Tribe was instituted on March ist, 1886, and holds its meetings in Carroll's hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month. At one time it was the largest country Tribe in New England. John J. Macauley is the Chief of Records. WENONAH COUNCIL, NO. 2. This Council was the third one institut- ed in the United States, the date of in- stitution being March 23d, 1887. In its early history it was for a long while the largest Council in the country. The Keeper of Records is Sarah E. Baker. Its meetings are held in Red Men's Hall, Tapleyville, every Tuesday evening. NEOSKALETA COUNCIL NO. 3 1, Was instituted February 21st, 1890. Its meetings are held alternately in the homes of its members on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The Keep- er of Records is Sarah E. Whitney. The Soldiers' Monument. Shortly after the close of the war, measures were taken for the erection of a monument in honor of those who gave their lives in the contest. At the annual town meeting in March, 1868, a commit- tee was appointed to have the matter in charge, consisting of the following per- sons : William Dodge, Jr., E.T.Waldron, J. F. Bly, William R. Putnam, Dean Kim- ball, Timothy Hawkes, Ceorge Andrews, Rufus Putnam, S. P. Cummings, Simeon Putnam, Henry A. Perkins, Josiah Ross, Edwin Mudge, and Daniel P. Pope. Nearly $3,000 was raised by subscription, of which sum Mr. Edwin Mudge gave nearly half, contributing to this purpose two years' salary as representative of the town in the Legislature. The town add- ed a somewhat larger amount, making, in all, $6,298.20. The monument stands in front of the Town house. It is of Hal- lowell granite, thirty- three and one-quar- ter feet high, and seven and three-quar- ters feet square at the base. It bears upon its front the inscription: — "1870, Erected by the citizens of Danvers, in memory of those who died in defence of their country during the war of the Re- bellion, 1861-65." On the other sides are cut the names of ninety- five persons who died on the field of battle, or by sickness brought on in the war. The list begins with the names of Major Wallace A. Putnam and Lieut. James Hill. The monument itself is a beautiful and appro- priate structure. It was dedicated with befitting ceremonies, Nov. 30, 1870. Grand Army of the Republic. The Grand Army of the Republic is composed of soldiers who served during the war of the Rebellion, representing all branches of the service, and nearly every batde-field of the war. " Ward Post 90, G. A. R.," was so designated in honor of the Ward brothers, Angus and William, who lost their lives in the service. Its object is for rendering aid to needy or distressed comrades, the relief of families of deceased soldiers, and the mutual benefit of all its members. It was organ- ized June 8, 1869. Its sources of in- come are from its initiation fees, dues and voluntary contributions of its members and the liberal support of citizens of the town to all entertainments arranged for that purpose. The Post is now in a flour- ishing condition and is a worthy medium of dispensing " that charity which vaunt- eth not itself nor is unseemly." It has dispensed many thousands of dollars, and is one of the most deserving and greatest appreciated organizations in town. Danvers Historical Society. The Danvers Historical Society was or- ganized in 1889 and incorporated in 1893. 78 DANVERS. The original meeting which led to the establishment of the Danvers Historical Society was held at the house of Mr. John R. Langley, on Sylvan street, on Monday evening, July 29th, 1889, thirty- three ladies and gentlemen being present. Rev. A. P. Putnam, D. D., was chosen chair- man, and Ezra D. Hines, Esq., secretary. A committee, then appointed for the jnir- pose, reported, at a second meeting held in the room of the Dan- vers Wo- men's Asso- ciation o n M a ]) 1 e street, on the 9th of the next month o f Septemb e r, a form of Con s t i t u- tion and B y-L a w s, which be- fore a d - journm e n t was unani- m o u s 1 y adopted and re c e i V e d many signa- t u r e s. A week later, Sept. 1 6th, a meet i n g was held for the choice of officers for the ensu- ing year and ^, REV. A. P. F the mem- President of DuMv. bership was increased to the number of fifty. The officers elected were — for President, Rev. Alfred P. Putnam, I). D. ; Vice President, Hon. Alden P. White ; Secretary, Ezra D. Hines ; Treasurer, Dudley A. Massey ; Librarian, George Tapley ; Curator, Miss Sarah E. Hunt; Directors, Hon. Augus- tus Mudge, Mrs. P>elyn F. Masury, Gil- bert A. Tapley, Andrew Nichols, Dr. Warren Porter, Rev. Charles B. Rice, John S. Learoyd, Anne L. Page, and Charles H. Preston. For its future col- lections and its various uses, the Society, a few weeks afterward, hired a commo- dious room in the National Bank building of the town, which it continued to occu- py as its headquarters until Thanksgiving ])ay of 1897, when the edifice took fire and was so damaged in consequence that it was necessary to seek other accommo- d a t i o n s . Fortunatel y a conven- ient and fine suite of apartments, in Perry's block, in the immedi a t e vicinity, was found to be at once avail able, and here the sea 1 1 e r e d treasures of the Society were soon brought and placed in at- tractive ar- ray, — all of t h e m , through the energy and care of both mem b e r s and n o n - members in the time of d anger, having been wonderfully saved and faithfully protected. Since the fire, as before it, there has been a steady gain of members, who now number nearly two hundred ; and also a steady flow of gen- erous gifts into the four rooms, from near and far. The walls are hung with divers flags and maps, and with about one hun- dred framed portraits or other pictures, large and small ; while in cases or on shelves along the sides, or elsewhere, are JTNAM, D. D. s I li,stcirii::il Society. DANVERS. 79 three or four thousand books, pamphlets and other publications, and several thou- sand articles of much interest besides, consisting of valuable papers, diaries, manuscripts and autographs ; coins, scrip, seals, badges and medals ; swords, guns, shot, canteens, military costumes and other mementos of the wars ; Indian relics, household utensils, pieces of an- cient furniture, curious textiles, rare china and heirlooms from the old homes ; botan- ical and mineralogical specimens, objects of natural history, and additional things of great quantity and variety. All are in- O., Gen. (irenville M. Dodge, and the late Rev. Dr. George W. Porter of Lexington ; pictures of the "Battle of Bunker Hill" and the *' Death of Montgomery " from Trumbull, the First International Exhibi- tion at London, and War and Union Pa- cific Railroad scenes at the far west, with a copy of the Lexington " Dawn of Lib- erty " framed with wood from the " Old Belfry," photographs of old homes of the Porters and other ancient landmarks of Dan vers, and small mirrors that once be- longed to Governor Endicott and General Putnam, a banner of the Fremont Cam- HISTORICAL SOCIETY ROOM. structive and are helpful to a study of the past, its events, its famous men, the fath- ers and mothers, their thought, manners, customs, habits, circumstances and life. Of these many attractions may be men- tioned portraits of George Washington, Queen Victoria, the late A. A. Low of Brooklyn, John G. Whittier, Dr. Amos Putnam, Cien. Moses Porter, Rev. Drs. Isaac and Milton P. Braman, William Lloyd Garrison, Parker Pillsbury, (xeorge Peabody, John I). Philbrick, Charles Sum- ner, Horace Greeley, Gen. Israel Putnam and some of his descendants at Marietta, paign, and flags ot the country used on various occasions, with a French Tricolor captured during the Rebellion, and the stars and stripes still intertwined with the ensign of Great Britain, as when last year the Right Honorable Joseph Cham- berlain and Mrs. Chamberlain with their party made their memorable visit at the rooms ; military coats, weapons, or oth- er mementos of many a Danvers hero of the wars, with relics from (Gettysburg and battlefields besides ; finely mounted shell cases used by the Marhlehcad m the re- cent attack on Santiago, with accompany- 8o DANVERS. ing illustrations ; Sitting Bull's wampum belt and other Indian regalia; crane from the old Rebecca Nurse house, coeval with her time ; saddle bag and muslin bands once used by Rev. Dr. Braman ; original manuscript of George Peabody's last ad- dresses in Danvers ; large pewter plate of the old Hancock family ; one of the Tea Stamps that hastened or caused the Rev- olution ; a Chinese Proclamation of friend- liness for the Missionaries ; autographs of Queen Victoria and (reorge Washington, and a hundred notables more with scores ■oi /(icsifJuVe autograph letters of renowned Kings and Queens of England and other celebrated Europeans, from originals in the British Museum ; and pieces from Cardinal Wolsey's Mulberry tree atScroo- by, Napoleon's shroud at St. Helena, King Phillips' cap, the old and long since vanished North Bridge at Cuncord, " Old Ironsides," Farragut's flagship, Plymouth Rock, and Mt. Sinai's granite summit. The rooms are crowded with all such things as are above indicated. But aside from the Library and Museum the Society has each year a very entertain- ing and instructive course of lectures of a historical, biographical or scientific char- acter, or else of a general literary kind, or descriptive of American scenery or foreign •countries. It holds also, annually, its New Year's Reunion and Festival, and each summer takes an excursion to some historic spot or other interesting place, in the region round about, for recreation and instruction. From time to time, it has fitly commemorated important events or epochs such as the Battle of Lexington, the Witchcraft I3elusion on its Two Hun- -dredth Anniversary, Old Anti-Slavery Days, and the Life, Character and Ser- vices of General Israel Putnam as viewed in the light of a hundred years after his death. At these lectures or other occa- sions a long line of distinguished persons from out of town have appeared before the members antl friends and have dis- coursed most ably and eloquentlv on varied and important subjects : Hon. Mellen Chamberlain, Parker Pillsbury, Rev. Samuel Way of Leicester, Lucy Stone, Rev. Robert CoUyer, Frank B. San- born, Governor Greenhalge, Major George L. Porter of Bridgeport, Conn., Senator Hoar, Hon. Charles Francis Adams, Hon. Robert S. Rantoul, Presi- dent E. H. Capen of Tufts College, and numerous others of high repute, while many honored members of the Society itself have likewise contributed to the in- terest and success of its meetings. The present officers and directors of the Society are as follows : Officers — Rev. Alfred P. Putnam, D. D., president ; Hon. Alden P. White, vice president ; Miss Sirah W. Mudge, secretary; Walter A. Tapley, treasurer ; George Tapley, librarian ; Mrs. Charles F. Kenney, cura- tor ; Mrs. Henry Newhall, assistant cura- tor ; Ezra 1). Hines, historian. Directors — William A. Jacobs, Rev. Watson M. Ayres, Mrs. Mary W. Putnam, Mrs. Ellen M. Dodge, Hon. Samuel L. Sawyer, Miss Mary W. Nichols, Charles H. Preston, Miss Anne L. Page, William O. Hood. Executive committee — Hon. A. P. White, chairman ; Rev. A. P. Putnam, D. D., Charles H. Preston, Hon. S. L. Sawyer and Rev. W. M. Ayres. Walnut Grove Cemetery. On the first day of May, 1843, a notice was issued by Henry Fowler, calling on the citizens of North Danvers to meet to take into consideration the establishment of a cemetery in the north part of the town and a committee was chosen to se- lect a suitable site. On May 20, this committee reported f ivorably on the grove and adjacent lands of Judge Samuel Put- nam and a subscription paper was issued with the result that on May 27, Henry Fowler reported that eleven hundred and forty dollars had been subscribed, and that sale had been found for sixty lots. The members, on Oct. 17, became incor- ])orated under the general laws and elect- ed as the first Board of Trustees: — Elias Putnam, Gilbert Tapley, Moses Black, Joshua Silvester, Henry Fowler, Nathaniel Boardman, Thomas Cheever, Eben G. Berry, William J. C. Kenney, Daniel Richards, Nathan Tapley, Samuel P. Fow- ler, Alonzo A. Edgerton, John Bates and Samuel Preston. Hon. Elias Putnam was elected as the first President of the cor- DANVERS. 8i poration. The name of Sylvan Rest Cemetery was adopted Oct. 26, 1S43, which was subsequently, on June 15, 1844, changed to Walnut Grove Cemetery. The cemetery was consecrated on June 23, 1S44, and the first interment was on July 27, 1814. The grounds of the cemetery at present comprise about twenty acres, with about an equal frontage on Sylvan, Ash and Adams streets, and over seven hundred lots have been sold. There is a receiving tomb in the Cemetery and the Trustees have in view the erection of a receiving chapel. Generally speaking, the formation of the older portion of the grounds is that of opposite hillsides gently sloping to meet in a central valley, wa- tered by brooks, and well wooded. Add- ing to the natural features of the landscai)e the work that is being constantly done in the improvement, care and beautifying of the grounds, the Walnut Grove Cemetery is itself the best monument to those men, in whose wisdom and energy it had its origin, and is most worthy of the pride so generally felt in it. To the end that the cemetery may never, through the lack of support, fall into the melancholy condition of a neglected graveyard, the trustees have made special efforts in two directions : — first, to the formation of a " Permanent Fund," the income of which is to be used exclusively for the care of the avenues, paths, bridges, fences, etc., and not for individual lots ; and second, to induce lot owners to endow their lots, either by direct contract or by will, with such a sum that the income thereof shall be sufficient for the perpetual care of the lot. Governor John Endecott. Nothing definite is known of his life be- fore he came to New England, except that tradition says he was born in Dor- chester, Dorsetshire, England, in 15 88, and came of the gentry class. On June 20th, 1628 he sailed from Weymouth in the ship Abigail, and landed in Salem on September 6th, 162S, with his wife, Anna Gouer, who was a cousin of Governor Matthew Cradock. Soon after their ar- rival his wife died, and on August i8th, 1630, he married Elizabeth Gibson of Caml)ridge, England, who had probably recently come ov er in the ship with Gov- ernor John Winthrop. The Governor and all his descendants, until 1724, si)elled their name Endecott, when an " i " was substituted for the "e" in the second syllable. On July 3rd, 1632, the Court of Assis- tance granted Mr. Endecott 300 acres of land ( in what is now Danversport) called by the Indians, in English, Birchvvood, and afterw irds known as the " Orchard Farm." The Governor, in the following year, planted his far-famed orchard, of which a single tree remains today, and still, after the storms of many New Eng- land winters, bears abundant fruit. In 1634 the colony was greatly excited by rumors that a commission had been granted to two Archbishops and ten others of the Council, offering authority to them to regulate the plantation of New England, to estiblish the Episcopal church in the colony, to recall its Charter, and to remove its Governor and make its laws. It was at this time that Endecott cut the red cross from the Kmg's colors, deeming it a relic of popery, and the sword with which he cut out this cross is still i>re- served as a relic in the family. In sup- port of this conduct on the part of Ende- cott, the military commissioners, in 1636, ordered that the cross should be left out of the King's colors, and substituted in the ensigns at Castle Island, in Boston Har- bor, the King's arms. In 1636 Endecott was chosen Colonel, and commanded the first unsuccessful ex- pedition against the Pequot Indians. In 1 64 1 he was chosen Deputy Governor, which office he held for four years, also in the years 1650 and 1654. In 1644, 1649, 1651-53, 1655-65 he was chosen Governor of the colony, serving in all a period of sixteen years as such, longer than any Governor who held office under the old charter. In 1645 he was chosen Sergeant- Major-General, which office he held for the period of four years. At the urgent retjuest of his friends in [655 he moved to l>oston, but he and his wife did not sever their connection with the Salem church until 1664. " Old age and the infirmities thereof com- 82 DANVERS. ing upon him, he fell asleep in the Lord on the 15th day of March, 1665," and was buried on March 23rd with great honor in King's Chapel Burying Ground, Boston. Tradition states that he was buried on the left-hand side of the en- trance to King's Chapel, now under the pavement of Tremont street, and that his sition distinguished him, more than his other mental accomplishments or his out- ward condition in life. I have seen a let- ter from the Secretary of State in King Charles the Second's time in which is this expression — 'The King would take it well if the people would leave out Mr. Ende- cott from the place of (Governor. ' " GOVERNOR JOHN ENDECOTT' tombstone was in perfect preservation un- til the beginning of the American Revo- lution, when it, with others, was destroyed by British soldiers. Hutchinson says — " Kndicott was among the most zealous undertakers and the most rigid in principles. This dispo- W. C Endicott. William Crowninshield Kndicott, son of William Putnam and Mary Crowninshield Endicott, was born in Salem in the wes- terly side of the house on the corner of Curtis and l)erl)v streets, on November DANVERS. 83 ENDICOTT MANSION AND BURYING GROUND. 84 DANVERS. 19, 1826, and is a lineal descendant in the eighth generation from Governor John Endecott. Educated in the public and pri- vate schools of Salem, he entered Harvard College in 1843, and graduated therefrom in 1847. Immediately he began the study of|law in the office of Nathaniel J. Lord, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, which office he held until 1882, when he resigned. In 1884 he was Democratic candidate for Governor of Massachusetts but failed to be elected. From 1885 to 18S9 he was Secretary of War in Presi- dent Cleveland's cabinet. Since that HON. W. C. ENDICOTT at that time a prominent lawyer in Salem, and in 1850 was admitted to the Essex County Bar, where for many years he practiced, being a member of the firm of Perry & Endicott. In 1873 Governor Washburn api^ointed Mr. Endicott an Associate Justice of the time Mr. Endicott has led a retired life. From 1867 to 1894 he was President of the Peabody Academy of Science of Sa- lem, founded by George Peabody of London. I-'rom 18S4 to 1895 he was a Fellow of Harvaid College. From 1889 to 1894 a Trustee of the Peabody South- DANVERS. 85 em Educational Fund. On December 13th, 1859, he married Miss Ellen Pea- body, daughter of the late George Pea- body of Salem, and in 1893 he moved to Danvers, and now lives with his family upon a farm which has belonged to va- rious members of the Peabody family. Since the earliest days the Endicott family have been identified with the town of Danvers. It was only at the end of the last century that Samuel luidicott, the grand fa t h e r of the subject of this sketch, moved to Sa- lem from the (J r c h a r d Farm, now in Danverspo r t, and led an active life as a sea faring man. Mr. Endi- cott's s o n, W i 1 1 i a m C r o w n i n- shield Endi- cott, Jr., at present owns the " Orchard Farm," which with the ex- ception of the years between 1 82 8 a n d 1867 has been continually in the family. Hon. Alden P. White. HON. A. P. WHITE Ex-District Attorney Alden P. White's ancestry reach- es through typical and familiar comity families ; and he cherishes the New FMig- land si)irit and traditions with loyal en- thusiasm. He was born in Danvers in 1856, spending ten years of his childhood in South Danvers, now Peabody, and re- ceiving his early education in the public schools of that town, Danvers and Salem. Mr. White graduated with honors with the Amherst class of '78, and after a course at the Harvard Law School, studied in the office of Perry & Endicott, Salem. He was admitted to the Essex Bar in 1 88 1 and has been in constant practice ever since, with offices at Salem. In 1890 he was appointed a special justice of the First Essex District Court, resigning to accept the position of assistant to Hon. William H. Moody, during the latter's first term as District Attorney, and was re-appointed three years later. Upon Mr. Moody's promotion to Congress, Mr. White was his logical s u c- cessor, and in his adminis- tration he ful- filled every expecta t i on created dur- ing his earlier conne c t i o n with the of- fi c e, taking high rank among the law y e r s of New E n g- la n d. Out- side of his of- ficial work, Mr. White h as 1 ) e e n largely inter- ested in mat- ters of gener- al public concern and has served upon the School Committee of Salem and as a trustee of the Peabody Institute of Danvers. He is a director of the Essex Institute of Salem, and of the Salem Oratorio Society and was one of the found ers of the Danvers Historical Society, of which he is at present an officer. Mr. White has written an excellent history of Danvers for the " History of Essex Countv." 86 DANVERS. The Old Berry Tavern. One ot the most essential features of a live and growing community is a good hotel. Danvers has never been far be- hind in this respect, for the reputation of the Old Berry Tavern has spread far be- yond the confines of the town and state, and it has always been a favorite stoj^ping place for travelling men. But popular as the old hotel has been in its more than a century of existence, it has up to the present time lacked all of those modern some colonial fronts, with porches and porte-cochere, shining resplendent in the glow of electricity and gas in the evening, reveling in the warmth of steam-heat and a dozen or more open fire-places on cold winter days, boasting bath-rooms galore, public and private, all the latest applian- ces of the cuisine, including a separate boiler for steam- cooking, and every room fitted out and furnished in cosy and com- fortable, if not luxurious style. What would our forefathers, who knew the house in old stage-coach days, say, could they --^Jik »j«5^^s»f . %-\ ,,'^^:-:sjir^ A._. . "''ih 4 ail ». , 1*^ « » _ OLD BERRY TAVERN. conveniences once looked upon as luxu- ries but now considered necessities. It was to supply this defect that the owners of the property set about in May, 1898, to thoroughly overhaul and remodel the house and add about twenty much needed rooms. The transformation has indeed been wonderful, and from an old-fash- ioned village inn, with its kerosene lamps and stoves, a plain exterior and not too inviting interior, it has blossomed into a thoroughly ui)-to-date hotel, with hand- come back to earth just long enough for a glance at the place? What would the late Eben G. Berry, who was connected with the tavern for three-quarters of a century, and whose name it now bears, say, could he but see the result of the labor of his public spirited heirs? He would undoubtedly commend their judg- ment, for he was a progressive man, once thoroughly convinced of the feasibility of a proposed change. Some of our people, alas, unlike him, carry their conservatism DANVERS. 87 88 DANVERS. to the extreme, and there are not wanting those who have discouraged the present owners by predictions that it was too pre- The house is situated in Danvers Square, at the intersection of the four principal streets of the village. It is far enough back from the streets, how- ever, to be in a degree retired, and the lawns in front of the house and on the side are graced by noble elms and other trees which cast a grate- ful shade in summer and add much to the beauty of the sit- uation. The strip of land on the Maple street side, just be- yond the porte-cochere, must, by the terms of the will of Mr. Eben G. Berry, be forever kept free from buildings, which makes it a park. The house faces the south, as did all the houses of our forefathers, and tentious a house for the town. Possibly this may be true, but since the house looks for busi- ness outside of the town, and its mission is to attract per- sons into it, the wisdom of the large outlay which has rendered the house and grounds homelike and inviting may yet be apparent. It was a large venture, for a town the size of ours, we will ad- mit, but the same liberal spirit which characterized the expenditures during the tran- sition period is to dominate the advertising, which all business, more especially a hotel, needs, and there can be, there will be, but one end and that will be spelled " success." the rooms are bright and pleasant all day long. The tavern -is surpassed by none and DANVERS. 89 equalled by but few in the comfort and convenience of its general plan and is at- tractive as a winter home for families who The present lessee of the house is Mr. I.ouis Brown, who has had a large experi- ence. His ideas as to how to run a house may be gathered from the appended paragraphs, taken from his souvenir book- let, issued when the house opened last year : — desire to avoid the cares o f housekeepin g, as well as a summer resort for those who want to enjoy the beauties of t h e country, but who are compelled by business to re- main within easy travelling distance of the city. Dan vers is but four miles from Salem, w i t h close electric and steam car connec t i o n s, and of the thousands who yearly visit the historic shrines of that city it is the hope of the proprietor to attract a few to this town, for longer or shorter stays. We are but eighteen miles from Boston, with fortv trains daily, the expresses making the run in forty- two minutes. The whole North Shore, with its hundreds of beautiful summer homes, is within easy driving distance and the sweet odors of pine and iir and balsam in any one of a dozen or more ten mile drives. There is a good liv- ery stable, where teams can be had at rea- sonable prices, or private teams boarded. fiedly the best in the county. We believe that a good table, and a clean, well- 90 DANVERS. DANVERS. 91 lighted, well-heated and well-ventilated room are the best advertisements a hotel can have, and we shall never hesitate or waver in our purpose to keep near the top in these important requisites of good living. The main portion of the present house was built at a period when fire- places were necessary, and thus we find in all the corner rooms on each floor these conveniences. They can hardly be said to be necessary in the Berry Tavern of today, for the heating apparatus is more than ample for all 1 the d e- mands that m a y b e made upon it, but they add to the attract i v e- ness a n d heal t h f u 1- ness of the rooms, fur- nishing a s they do per- fect ventila- tion. The whole e n- viron m e n t of the place is as home- like as it is possible t o make it, and an air o f hospi- tality and good cheer perv a d e s. It is an ideal spot and its i)opulaiity in the past is amply attested by the fact that a public house has been maintained con- tinuously on the corner since 1741. Its future depends upon us, and we bhall ex- haust every energy in keeping it always up to the times." The Berry tavern is one of the old-lime taverns, and while no effort has been made to trace it back of the Re\olution, it is known in a general way that it was part of the original Porter grant and thnt a public house was maintained there as ^ THE LATE EBEN G. BERRY. early as 1741. It is positively known that it was conducted during the revolu- tion by John Porter, and, after his death, by his widow, Aphia. Toward the close of the century, said to be about 1796, it passed into the hands of Timothy and Jethro Putnam. Ebenezer, father of the late Eben G. Berry, bought the farm from the Putnams in 1804. The old hotel on the site of the present one was sold at auction in three sections in 183S, and these were removed to make room for the erection o f the original portion o f the ])resent hotel. Mr. Eben G. Berry con- ducted t h e house up to 1870, when h e retired from active m a n a g e- m e n t. It w a s for a time known as the How- ard house, a Mr. How- a r d l)eing the land- lord. Later Elias M a- goon took the lease, and he i n turn w a s succe e d e d 1) y Edwin A. Southwick, who managed it up to the time of his death in 1895. Mr. Berry died the same year, and during the settle- ment of the Southwick and Berry estates, Mr. Littlefield managed the house. The ])resent lessee, Mr. Brown, took posses- sion in the latter part of 1S96. Danvers has lately come into i)romi- nence as a summer resort, not to the ex- tent that its fashionable neighbor Hamil- ton has, distant some four miles, but in a moderate degree its country roads and hillsides are dotted with unpretentious 92 DANVERS. residences which shelter those who hie themseh'es to the cities as soon as the first frosts come. Of late years many private families have taken summer boarders and the warm weather colony is constantly on the increase. One looking for the excitements of fashionable society should not consider Uanvers as a summer home. He will not find such within our borders. But the man of business who wants a place for his family where he can get the greatest amount of pure ozone and the most comfortable place to eit and sleep for the least expenditure of money, will do well to pause and consider the claims of the place. We have not, perhaps, the rural environment of Topsfield, Mid- dleton and Box- ford, our nearest neighbors on the north, but we are i n closer touch with the outside world and a man can go to and come from t h e city at all hours of the day and night. The "Old Berry Tavern " is not a high-priced house. Its terms are as moderate as it is possible to make them for the con- veniences given. The rooms are graded in price and any persons interested may secure further information by sending for the souvenir booklet, which will be mailed to them free. The completion of the hotel marks the end, so far as the Berry family is con- cerned, of one of the most rapid and re- markable developments of property ever known in town. Ten years ago this spring the hotel was a portion of the large landed estate of Eben G. Berrv, consist- MAJ. F. C. DAMON ing of about 40 acres, the whole being assessed for but $30,000. The rear land was opened up in 18S9, and the first house, the one now standing at the cor- ner of Park and Alden streets, was built in the following year. Today on the ground formerly occupiei by this $30,000 estate, the town has taxable property to the ex- tent of $130,525 by the assessors' books — over four-fold increase in ten years. The next decade will see yet another great increase, for there are still about fifty undeveloped lots owned by a score or more of indi- viduals. New streets have been opened up each year, and more are now needed. Following the lines laid down by Mr, Berry in his later years h i s heirs have given to the tovvnspeo- p 1 e the really beautiful little public house which is the sub- ject of this sketch. In the work of remodeling they have been assisted by Major Frank C. Damon, who, a s Mr. Berry's trusted agent, aided materially i n the develop- ment of his valu- able estate, and, in company with the late John S. Learoyd, managed it as co-executor from the time of Mr. Berry's death in August, 1895 up to the sale of the last lot, its final settlement and divi- sion among the heirs, in August, 1898. Few towns of the size of Dan vers are so fortunate as to ])ossess a public house of the beauty, size and modern equipment of the old Berry tavern, and it is no won- der that the summer of 1899 finds prac- tically every room occupied, many guests coming from distant points. DANVERS. 93 Hathornc Association. The Halhorne Association was organ- ized in February, 1S84, and occupies el- egantly appointed quarters in Porter's block. The membership is limited to forty persons and includes business men and representatives of every profession. The first officers were : Ira P. Pope, President ; the late J. W. Derby, Secre- tary and Treasurer, and the late Dr. E. O. Fowler, Chairman of the Executive Committee. B u t few have been in- V i t ed to become members a n d the ranks have been gradually depleted by death and other causes, so that at the present time there are only about twen- ty-five members in the association. It is one of the leading social organizations of the town. The present officers are : F. O. Staples, Presi- dent : M. C. Pettin- gell, Vice-President ; and J. W. Woodman, Secretary and Treas- urer. George C. Farring- ton. The n a m e s of George C. Farring- ton and his insurance offices are well known in Danvers and Peabody and ad- jacent towns. He has offices at 93 Water street, Boston ; S Allen's block, Peabody, and in the National Bank building, Dan- vers. Rev. W. M. Ayres is manager of the Danvers office. Insurance against fire is placed upon every description of property, real and personal, in some of the oldest and most substantial insurance companies in the world, both old line stock companies and mutual companies. Fidelity to the interests of the insured. as well as to the companies which he rep- resents, the prompt payment of all losses, the scrupulous care shown in the wording of all policies and contracts, to prevent and guard against the possibility, even, of litigation or delay in the settle- ment in full, and promptly, of all just claims, have attracted to this office the attention of many people seeking safe and sure protection from losses by fire. These are the things which have been in- strumental in building up the large busi- ness transacted b y this office. Mr. Far- rington succeeded to the firm of Chadwick c^ Farrington, and has greatly increased the volume of busi- ness. He is one of the hustling, p r o- gressive business men of this section, and holds a n enviable position in the busi- ness world. It is often said that if you insure through Far- rington's office, you may feel perfectly sure that you are in- sured, and that if your property is de- stroyed by fire, your losses will be prompt- '' ly paid. That is the kind of insurance which insures. LOUIS BROWN. Manager Old Berry Tavern. New Telephone Exchange. At present writing, plans have been practically perfected for the installation of a local telephone exchange, to be a part of and to have all the facilities of the Salem exchange, including Salem, Danvers, Peabody and Beverly, with a central office in this town and an opera- tor on duty all the time. There will be about sixty Danvers subscribers at the start, and there is promise of the enter- prise being one of the most useful and popular advantages ever afforded in town. 94 DANVERS. Frank E. Moynahan. From the New England Printing 'I'rades Journal. One of the best representatives of the younger element of successful publishers and printers in this state is Mr. Frank E. Moynahan of Danvers, Mass., who is edi- tor and proprietor of the Danvers Mirror, correspondent of several daily newspapers, contributor to various trade pul)lications, and conducts a reliable and satisf;ictory job printing plant, h i s motto being "A Good Printer Who Can Do You Good." He was born in Dan- vers thirty- f o u r years ago, and has never found occasion t o seek a living els e w he re. He was grad- uated from the Holten High School of his native town in 1880, at the age of fifteen years, and after working four years for lo- cal store- keepers h e entered the employ o f C. H. Shep- '^R'^NK E ard, owner of the Mirror printing plant, having previ- ously been the Danvers corresijondent of the Salem Evetiing Neivs. In 1890, after having been associated with Mr. Shepard six years, he succeeded to the business. That he has been suc- cessful is self evident, but his progress has not been merely an accident, but is attributable rather to promptness and in- tegrity in his every business transaction. MOYNAHAN. Editor and Proprietor of the l>anvcrs Mirror. close and practical application to all de- tails of his affairs characterizing his suc- cessful career. In the Mirror, the towns- people find a worthy and conservative representative of their interests. Mr. Moynahan's general printing business is kept in advance of the needs of the tovvnspeople ; experienced and practical workmen are employed, new and modern type is adde 1 constantly, and every want of his customers is promptly met. M r. Moy- nahan has w o n many prizes in vari- ous competi- tive contests i n connec- tion with his chosen work, one of the most n o t e- worthy being a gold eagle offered b y the Boston Post for the best letter of less than two hundred words on "How to Run a News- p a p e r." From the United States, Eng- land, .\ u s- tralia a n d elsewhere the Post received two thousand one hundred a n d sixty- nine letters, and after thorough examina- tion of the contributions, the judges awarded him the prize. With characteristic enteri)rise and pluck he is now engaged in compiling a magnificent historical and trade book on Danvers, in the interests of the town's growth, involving a large expenditure of money in its production. The volume will contain about two hundred pages, DANVERS. 95 printed on coated book paper, with over two hundred half-tone illustrations. A few years ago he published a neat vol- ume called " Historic Danvers," which had a ready and appreciative sale. Mr. Moynahan has been a most en- thusiastic worker for the progress of the town, it being the first in the state to es- tal)lish a municipal electric light plant and the referendum system of voting on matters retjuiring money appropriations, in all of which his paper wielded a strong influence. a view to join the Congregation of the Xaverian Brothers, was opened on Sept. 3, 1891 (solemnly on Aug. 17, 1892) and incorporated into the State of Mas- sachusetts on Oct. 9, 1891. Promising young men (R. C.) fourteen years of age and upwards, after having successfully completed their grammar course, receive in this institution a thor- ough normal education befitting them for the profession of teachers in the vari- ous colleges and parochial schools of the order. The number of students resident ST. JOHNS NORMAL COLLEGE. The Danvers Gas Light Co. The Danvers Gas Light Co. was or- ganized in i860, with a capital of S20,- 000, and has since been incorporated un- der the laws of this State. The plant is located at Danversport and has from time to time been considerably enlarged, and the company's local office is in Por- ter's block. The company is in a ])ros- perous condition. St. John's Normal College. This institution, which has for its ob- ject to train young men as teachers, with at the college on Jan. i, 1899 was twen- ty-seven. The house stands on the summit of a hill. It is a splendid building, three stories over a solid basement, and in its construction forty varieties of stone, all of them found on the premises, were used. The same variety of stone, ranging from the pudding stone, found everywhere in Massachusetts, to brilliant gold and brown, and red and black granite, and pure white marble, is evident in the con- struction of the three massive gateways to the estate. Nearly fifteen acres, immediately abou the house, are laid out in pleasure grounds ; 96 DANVERS. a great lawn in front, studded with a vari- ety of rare and majestic trees, slopes gen- tly to Summer street, bordered by a neat hedge. The interior of the mansion, from the basement upwards, is finished in the most solid and pleasing manner possible ; the halls, parlor, dining-room, drawing-room, hallways, bath and bedrooms, — in all eigh- teen spacious apartments — are all pan- eled in quartered oak, with ceilings fres- coed in the most varied and artistic style. The kitchen and other domestic offices occupy the roomy basement. The house is heated by both direct and indirect steam by the then owner, Stephen Phillips, a retired sea-captain ; thirty-five acres of meadow, pasture and woodland, belong- ing to the same estate extend as far as Maple street, and are traversed by the Lawrence PJranch of the B. & M. R. R. In the meadow, on the slope of a mound, is an old family cemetery, several tomb- stones of which bear dates as far back as 1748. The Windsor Club. The Windsor Club grew out of the as- semblage of a number of congenial ones WINDSOR CLUB PARLOR. heat. Tne aggregate cost of this man- sion amounted to about $75,000. At about a thousand yards southwest from the mmsion is the historical Beaver Brook farm-house, a frame building, now somewhat modernized, which dates as far back as 1670. Here lived in 1692 Sarah Osburn, a victim to the witchcraft delu- sion ; at first imprisoned in Silem Village church, she was afterwards transferred to Boston jail, where she died, supposedly of a broken heart. West of the above house is situated a stone barn, 60 x 100 feet, built in 1827 among the young business men of the town who felt the necessity of having a place where they could meet with more or less regularity to discuss public matters and enjoy social intercourse. They de- termined finally that it would be advisa- ble to form a social organization and with that end in view the Windsor Club was established. That was several years ago, and rooms were occupied over the post- office, the club largely increasing its mem- bership and growing into a prosperous and popular organization. In 1897 it was decided to take new apartments and DANVERS. 97 the present desirable quarters in the Richards block were taken and fitted up in a luxurious manner. The five rooms consist of a large parlor and reading room, billiard and pool room, a large hall for meetings, kitchen and janitor's room. The present membership num- bers sixty and is composed of the leading business and professional men of the town, and as the management is pro- gressive and alive to the needs of mem- bers, the future of the club is very bright. Last year the club was incorporated un- der the laws of the State of Massachu- setts. The present offict rs are : Presi- dent, Andrew H. Pa- ton ; Vice-President, Horace O. South- wick, Peabody ; Sec- retary, George Lit- tle ; Treasurer, C. Dexter Richards ; Executive Commit- tee, Jay O. Richards, Walter ]. Budgell, Walter T. Creese ; Janitor, John H. Moser. The advan- tages presented to the business or pro- fessional man of D m- vers by membership in this club are num- erous. He is not only thrown into as- sociition with the best and most pro- gressive element in our citizenship, and has, at the small annual cost, all the ])riv- ileges of the club rooms at any time, but he will become a participant in all the club's future benefits. The Windsor club has in prospect numerous additional features which go to make up the mod- ern men's club. As fast as it seems prac- ticable these improvements will be made. It may justly be considered an honor and a rare privilege to be a member of the club. The elegance of its apartments and the high standing of its members commend it to the favor of the best and most desirable elements in the social life of Danvers. Bernard^ Friedman & Co. HENRY CREESE The firm of Bernard, Friedman & Co., manufacturers of fancy leathers, has its extensive plant on Ash street, and its products go all over the civilized woild. This firm has won the distinction of be- ing the first to ever induce the United States government to jHit colored leather into army shoes, and during the past year there have been gov- ernment contracts made with shoe man- ufacturers, one of the provisions of which WIS that the stock used should be as good as Bernard, Friedman i!v: Co.'s Titan calf stock ; and in a total of con- tracts aggregating 300,000 pairs o f siioes, this firm fur- nished all the stock put into colored army shots. The firm of Bernard, Friedman & Co. is composed of Albert Bernard and M IX Friedman, o f iSoston, and Henry Creese, of Danvers, and was organized in 1889. Business was carried on in Peabody for about a year and was then reiiioved to 1 )anvers and occuj)ied a build- ing erected for the firm l)y the Danvers Building Association. The firm has since pure based the building. The plant has been enlarged as the business grew until the present immense plant has succeeded it. The first year scarce a score of men were employed. Today more than 250 men are constantly employed. Last year the output of this factory was worth more than one and three-quarters millions of 98 DANVERS. DANVERS. 99 dollars. Of the plant itself it may be said briefly that the new building, so- called, is 250 X 40 feet, 5 stories in height; there is another building 284 x 40, 5 1-2 stories; a storehouse 200 x 40, 2 stories, a machinery storehouse, 45 x 65, 2 stories; a repair shop, 75 x 45, 4 stories ; a lime, or beam house, 65 x 40, one story ; these are the principal build- ings. The power is furnished by boilers of 300 horse power, with engines of 350 horse power. A description of the pro- cesses and the machinery used in them in nected with the factory. The lines of goods made by this firm have established a world wide reputation and are ex- ported to all parts of the world where leather is used. Immense quantities of genuine kangaroo skins are imported from Australia direct in the raw state by this firm. Among its most noted products are Russia Zulu storm calf and Black Titan calf, which have become, as stated, the government's standard of excellence in making contracts. Messrs. Bernard and Friedman attend to the Boston end of the business, with offices at 10 High street. RESIDENCE OF HENRY CREESE. transforming raw hides and skins from all parts of the globe into the fancy leathers made by this firm, would require more space than can be given here. 'l"he factory is ecjuipped with the Sturtevant system of dryers, the Grinnell system of sprinklers, and has an independent water system of its own, in case of failure of the town water. It is also fully equipped with hundreds of electric lights. Two night watchmen are always on duty at night, and the Seth Fowler clock system is used. There are vacuum condenser jnuiips, and also large water and sewer pumps con- The factory is under the direct supervis- ion of the other member of the firm, Mr. Henry Creese, who is a tanner by trade, and, one might say, by birth and inheri- tance also. Mr. Creese learned the tan- ning business in England, going to work at it when a small boy. His father, grand- father and great grandfather were expert tanners before him. After serving his apprenticeship he remained with his em- ployer I 7 years. He came to the United States in 1872 and went to work for White Bros. & Co. of Lowell, remaining there 18 years, the last ten years being DANVERS. superintendent of the works. Ten years ago he entered the firm of which he is still a member, and the business has grown and prospered under his personal management from the small beginning to its present status. Mr. Creese is assisted in the management of the factory by his son, Mr. Walter T. Creese, and his son- in-law, Mr. Henry W. Cook, both wide- awake, enterprising and up-to-date busi- ness men. All three gentlemen reside in Danvers and are counted among the town's progressive, public spirited citizens. Danvers Co-operative Association. This association had its inception in 1 87 1, when it was formed with the object of dealing in groceries and provisions on the Co-operative plan. The premises occupied at that time were located in the Putnam building near the Eastern R. R. station. The rapid growth of the busi- ness, however, necessitated its removal to more commodious quarters which were secured in the Essex block and here the Association occupies a commodious and excellently equipped store measuring twenty by sixty feet. In 1882, the con- cern was incorporated under the laws of this State, with a capital of $2,500. The officers are : — President, Samuel C. Put- nam ; Directors, Samuel C. Putnam, Al- fred W. Bacon, Lewis VV. Day, Joseph P. Tufts; Clerk of the Corporation, Henry B. Learnard ; Treasurer and Storekeeper, Herbert S. Tapley. The Corporation deals in fine groceries and provisions, of which a heavy stock is carried, the lowest prices compatible with superior goods prevailing. The trade has increased steadily and not only covers Danvers but branches out to Middleton, Wenham, and other places within a radius of ten miles. Three assistants are em])loyed in attending to the retjuirements of mem- bers. The officers of the Association are all well known business men and deserve much credit for the success their enter- prise has attained. man at Tapleyville form one of the most extensive and best equipped establish- ments of the kind in the county. There are six glasshouses and large office, cover- ing a ground area ot 7,500 feet and having a lineal frontage of 130 feet. These are heated throughout by steam and an equa- ble temperature so essential to successful growth is always maintained. It would be difficult to name any member of the floricultural kingdom worthy of a place and capable of cultivation in garden or conservatory that is not represented in the plant-houses. The stock is replete with cut flowers, ferns, palms, plants and roots, a special feature being made of floral designs for weddings, christenings, funerals and decorations for festive occa- sions. The product of the conservatories finds a ready sale not only in Danvers but in the surrounding cities and towns, and a large business has been built up. The partners in the concern are Edward E. and Charles W. Woodman, both natives of Danvers. They are both highly es- teemed. E. E. Woodman has occupied several important positions in town affairs. Samuel M. Hill. E. & C. Woodman. The conservatories of E. ^S: C. Wood- Wenham Lake ice is known throughout the whole of New England for its clear- ness and purity and as a consequence is largely purchased by the better class of ice users. The demand, in fact, exceeds the supply and all that can be harvested meets with a ready sale. Samuel M. Hill has four ice-houses with a joint storage capacity of four thousand tons and em- ploys from four to one hundred men ac- cording to the season. The business was established over thirty years ago by Henry Patch and was purchased by Mr. Hill in 1893. A valuable trade has been devel- oped and four wiigons are utilized in dis- tributing the product of the winter's work on the frozen Lake. Mr. Hill is a native of Nova Scotia having been born at Econ- omv in that Province in 1868. He came to this state in 1887 and in 1893 went to Wenham to engage in his present busi- ness. Mr. Hill is well and favorably known in this and the surrounding dis- tricts where n\uch of his trade lies. DAN VERS. DANVERS. DANVERS. 103 Willard Hall School. AVillard Hall School for girls furnishes thorough preparation for college, a pre- scribed course for those who wish to grad- uate, and excellent opportunities for advanced work in French, German and music for those who come from high schools and do not wish to take the regu- lar course. The school was opened in September, 1887, and removed in June, 1893, to a much larger and more suitable building, having outgrown its former accommoda- tions. The present structure contains forty- two rooms, well arranged for the purposes of a private school and is steam heated and lighted by electricity. The number of family pupils is, however, still limited, as it is believed that a large num- ber of pupils takes away the special home character of the school which is so much valued. The class-rooms and bed-rooms are large, airy and pleasant, with excellent sanitary conditions. Every arrangement is made to secure the best results with the least possible nervous strain. No rules are made prominent, but a spirit of ear- nest faithfulness is cultivated. During the study hours for the family pupils a teach- er is present and the scholars feel assured of the ready help and sympathy of the teachers at all times. Those who are advanced in French sit at a table where the conversation is conducted in that lan- guage. The pupils of the music depart- ment give a recital before the school several times each term, and once a year a public recital before invited guests. The literary work is stimulated by the occasional evenings given to the reading of compositions. The school being only eighteen miles from Boston, pupils can attend the best concerts and become familiar with the museums and other places of interest. A chaperone accom- panies the young ladies to those concerts in Boston and Salem which it is considered desirable they should attend. The work of the school is fully illustrated, the col- lection of photographs, fossils and miner- als being very complete. Five teachers are resident. Many of the graduates are in positions of imjjor- tance and homes of prominent influence. Certificates of the school are accepted at Smith, W'ellesley and other colleges. Miss Dawson took a five years' course at the Lay Institute, Montreal, and was examined for a Boston public school at seventeen, and given a position, which she retained until invited to become a teacher in the Lyons Female College, Lyons, Iowa. Near the end of the third year she was summoned to Boston by her father's death, and soon obtained, by examination with forty competitors, the position of head assistant in the boys' grammar school, Burroughs street, Jamaica Plain. In the third year there she was urgently invited by Dr. Samuel G. Howe to fill a vacancy in Perkins Institute and at the end of one year he gave her the opportunity to go to the " Royal Normal College for the Blind " in London. The steamer ticket had come to him along with the request to select a teacher, and he yiekied Miss Dawson, saying he would not disturb his own classes in January for any less cause, but his sympathies were with the great effort to establish American methods in the work for the Fnglish blind. During two years in London Miss Dawson had very large experience in class exhibitions before distinguished audiences in homes of influential Englishmen, and b)' command at Windsor Castle before (^ueen Mctoria and her household. The Glasgow committee studied the London work and asked the Royal Col- lege authorities for an American teacher to put the Glasgow school for the blind on a new basis, and Miss Dawson was sent. One strong and eminently success- ful year was given to this work, including the training of a successor. Called home to P)Oston again by her family, she entered the Institute of Tech- nology for chemistry. This first year of rest from teaching was given to severe study of natural science. The summer course of three hundred hours, in Boyls- ton Laboratory at HarvardCollege, followed, under Professors Cook and Mabery. Miss Dawson re-entered the Institute of Technology in the fall, for quantitative work and blow-pipe analysis. I04 DANVERS. In December she became teacher of Natural Science in Bradford Academy for seven years. All these years she was a contributor to newspapers and magazines, an active member of the "Rome Art Club " of Haverhill and in the year 1880 was elected a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence. Leaving Bradford in '8;^, Mrs. S. D. Merrill founded Willard Hall School for girls in '87, having a successful school from the first. The teachers and lecturers are secured from the best sources and no effort is spared to make it in every way, one of the best h o m e schools in New E n g- land. Late Hon. John D. Philbrick, LL.D. John Dud- ley Philbrick was born at Deerfield, N. H., May 27, I 8 I 8, and died at Dan- vers, Feb. 2, 1886, at the age of sixty- seven. Mr. Philbrick was educated in the common schools and academies of his native state, and gradu- ated from Dartmouth College at the age of twenty- four. He received the honor- ary degree of LL.D. from Bates College in 1872, and from St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1879 ; he was also honored with the title of the Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, 1878 : and with the Gold Palm of the University of France, with THE LATE JOHN D. PHILBRICK the title "Officer of Public Instruction," in 1878. Mr. Philbrick held various positions as teacher, superintendent and supervisor of educational mterests. He taught in four different district schools and an academy in New Hampshire ; for three colles;e winter vacations, m the district where he resiiled at the time of his death ; for two years in the Roxbury Latin School, 1842- 4-1 ; for one term in a private school in Roxbury, 1844 ; for one year in the English High School, Boston, 1844-45 ; was master of the Mayhew Gram- mar school for boys, Boston, for two years, 1845-47; of the Q u i n c y G r a m m a r School for boys, Boston, five years, 1847-52 ; prin- cii)al State Normal school. Con necticut, two years, 1852-54; Su- [) e rin tendent Public Schools, state of Con- necticut, two years, 1 85 4 -5 6; of City of Bos- ton, twenty years, 1856- 1874 and I 8 76-1 878; agent of Massachusetts Board of Educa- tion 1875, in preparing the State Exhibi- tion of Education at Philadelphia; State Educational Commissioner and United States Honorary Commissioner to the Vienna Exposition, 1873; United States Commissioner of Education at the Paris Exposition, — so called, but m fact, only appointed by the Commissioner General to take charge of the educational depart- DANVERS. >o5 ment, and member of the Educational Juries, both at Vienna and at the Paris Exposition of 1S7S ; president of the Connecticut and Massachusetts State Teachers' Associalions, the American In- stitute of Instruction, National Teachers' Association, and New England Pedagog- ical Association ; member of the (Govern- ment of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from its establishment ; ten years trustee of Bates College ; ten years member of the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1S63-74; for some years member of the Educational Committee of the Social Science Association. These multiplied trusts are an abundant tesli- twelve quarterly and thirty- three semi- annual reports of public schools of Bos- ton, and several special reports relating thereto, printed in the annual volumes of the reports of the school committee of Boston from 1857 to 1878, inclusive; the reports for the State board of Educa- tion of the Legislature for the years 1S65 and 1872; report as director of the United States exhibition at the Paris Ex- position of 1878, printed with the reports of the United States Commissioner-in- chief; Article Etats-Unis, Dictionaire de Pedagogue, Paris ; several lectures and papers printed in the volumes of the American Institute of Instruction ; and PHILBRICK HOMESTEAD, DEERFIELD. N. H. mony to the confidence reposed in Mr. Philbrick as an educator, and to the dis- tinguished ability with which he devoted himself to his life-long profession. Mr. Philbrick studied law to some ex- tent, but when not engaged in educa- tional matters he was for the most jxart occupied in farm work, both in youth and in his later years. He was one of the editors at different times of the " Massachusetts Teacher," editor of Connecticut " Common School Journal " for two or three years, when "employed in that state. He prejiared the annual reports of the public schools of the state of Connecticut for 1855-56 ; in volumes of the National Educational Association ; circulars of the National Bureau of Education ; papers in magazine " Education," "Journal of Social Science Association," and " North American Re- view," iS8t. Mr. Philbrick pre]iared the catalogue of United States Exhibition of P^ducation at Paris, 1878; compiled the Boston Primary Charts, the American Union Speaker, Boston, 1865 and 1876, and the Primary Union Speaker. A large proportion of these literary produc- tions were incident to his official posi- tions, but the wide range of topics treated, with the large amount of practical wis- dom displayed, marked Mr. Philbrick as io6 DANVERS. a man possessed of a high form of genius, — a genius for work, and a zeal in what- ever he espoused, which not only nerved his own arm, but encouraged and stimu- lated those who were called toco- operate in his plans. On August 24, 1843, while teaching in Roxbury, he married Miss Julia A. Put- nam of Danvers, a descendant of Lieut. David Putnam, a brother of General Israel Putnam. The union proved a most happy one, and thus for forty-three years he had the cherishing support of a true helpmeet, and the comfort and joy of an ideal home. Rev. Milton Palmer Braman, D.D. Milton Palmer Braman was the son of a minister. Rev. Isaac Bra- man of George- town, and his mother was the daughter of a minister. Dr. Braman was the second in a family of five children. He went from Phillips Academy to Harvard, grad- uated from there in 1 81 9, and after a year's teaching entered the An- dover Seminary. He preached his first sermon at Danvers, in December, 1825, and preached some- what during Dr. Wadsworth's sickness, and upon that able minister's decease he was speedily and unanimously called to become his successor, being ordained April 12, 1827. Dr. Braman married Mary Parker of Georgetown in Novem- ber, 1826, seven months after his settle- ment here. He resigned March 31, 1 85 1, after a pastorate of nearly thirty- five years. He had a number of times THE LATE REV. M. P. BRAMAN. D.D. previously expressed a desire to be dis- missed, but his people would not let him go. This time he had decided. " I have reached that time of life when I wish to retire from the labors which the ministry imposes on me, and when it is usually better to give place to younger men." Dr. Braman moved to Brookline shortly after his resignation, then to Au- burndale, where he died April 10, 1882, in his eighty-third year. He was buried in the town of his birth after a brief ser- vice at the home of his aged mother. Dr. Braman was a strong man ; some have placed him at the head of eminent di- vines reared in Essex County. He was greatly assist- ed by his wife, one of the wisest and best of women, who re- lieved him of fam- ily cares, so that he could devote his time to parish duties, and in these she was ever a thoughtful as- sistant. Dr. Bra- man was a mem- ber of the school committee of the town for twenty- five years, and chairman of the Board for a consid- erable portion of that period. He was also a member from this town of the convention held in 1853 for revising the Constitution of the state, and he bore an active and influential part in its proceed- ings. He was one of the nine original life trustees of Peabody Institute, and was frequently consulted by George Peabody, the donor of this magnificent gift. By his earnest and faithful preaching, he made a deep impression upon his hearers, many being led to a saving knowledge of the truth and a devoted Christian life. DANVERS. 107 ^ easoTi the cnal can be shipped from there in large steamers. They have now fifteen feet of water in the chan- nel at low tide, and when the piers are extended outwardly 200 feet more they will have thirty-five feet of water. Mr. Neagli, a rich manufacturer of Zurich, Switzerland, is one oi the principal stockholders, and has spent all this and the most of last sum- mer in Broad Cove. Such is his confidence in the scheme that he says he would be willing to invest a million dollars in it himself. The other parties interested are equally sanguine, particu- larly the gallant founder. So long as William Penn Hussey controls the craft, his friends in Inverness will be moved to address it in the majestic language of the old Roman: "What dost thou fear? thou hast Cresar on l)oard." Thomas Pinnance. Mr. Pinnance possesses much al)ililv and a peculiar fitness as a fashioner of gentlemen's clothing and has l)een suc- cessful in building up an excellent trade. He is a native of England and was em- ployed by Poole, the celebrated London tailor. Mr. Pinnance came to this coun- try in 1888, and two years later came to Danvers, obtaining employment with M. C. Lord. In 1895 he went into business for himself, and has a store at 35 Maple street, where he has on hand an excellent line of seasonable novelties in domestic and imported materials. His experience in the best tailoring establishments in London enables him to give his pations correct style and an excellent tit that cannot fail to please the most fastidious. Mr. Pinnance's trade is largely among the fashionably dressed young men of the town, who have confidence in his skill and judgment in turning out the finest clothing, while his charges are modest. Mansel C. Lord. The merchant tailoring enterprise of Mansel I". Lord was established in 1879, and commands an excellent patronage ami)ng the most discriminating and fas- tidious citizens of Danvers and its vicin- ity. AL'. Lord also has many customers in Boston and Reading whom he visits at frequent intervals. His salesroom is well appointed and at present six persons are employed in the making of garments. The stock embraces a valuable and choice assortment of foreign and domestic wool- ens, worsteds, beavers, tweeds, and nov- elties, in fancy and fashionable weaves, that cannot fail to please the most fiistid- ious. Mr. Lord is a practical cutter, and exi)ert tailor of twenty-three years' experi- ence, and personally attends to all the details of production, allowing no gar- ment to leave his hands unless it can be pronounced absolutely perfect in fit, fin- ish, style and workmanship. It is thus that he has built up his trade, and he can be implicitly relied upon to furnish only such garments as shall be perfect in every detail. Mr. Lord was born in Athens, Maine, 1858, attending the public schools and graduating at Somerset Academy. Upon completing his education he went to Pangor to learn the tailoring business and from thence came to Danvers, where he established himself in business. He subsequently removed to the old Post- office building, where he has been located for eighteen years. He is prominent in social circles, being a member of Mosaic Lodge ; Holten Royal Arch Chapter ; St. George Commandery, Knights Tem- plar, Beverly ; I. O. O. F., and Red Men. He has a comfortable residence at the corner of Park and Berry streets. ii8 DANVERS. Elias, his father, Hon. Arthur A. Potnam. Arthur Alwyn Putnam of Uxbridge.. Mass., youngest son of EHas and Eunice (Ross) Putnam and descendant of John Putnam, emigrant progenitor of the num- erous and widely spread family of the name in America, was born in Putnam- ville, Danvers, near the Topsfield Hne, Nov. i8, 1829. His mother was a daugh- ter of Adam Ross of Ipswich, Mass, a soldier at Bunker Hill and during the Revolutionary War. was son of Israel Putnam, who was a " highly respect- ed and worthy cit- izen ;" and of his wife, Anna, who was a daughter of Elias and Eunice (Andrews) Endi- coti, and a lineal desc e n da nt of Gov. John Endi- cott. Israel was son of Dea. Ed- m u n d Putnam, and of his wife, Anna Andrews, sister of the above Mrs. Elias Endi- cott. Dea. Ed- mund was captain of one of the eight D a n vers- Lexing- ton companies of April 19, 1775, marching with his men and the rest to engage in the memorable battle on that day. The subject of our sketch, having re- ceived his earlier education at ])ublic schools in his native town, and at acad- emies in Westfield, Mass., and 'I'hetford and West Randolph, Vt., entered Dart- mouth College, in 1852, but left it at the end of his sophomore year. He then studied law at the Dane Law School, Cam- bridge, and afterward in the offices of Culver, Parker & Arthur (late President Arthur, New York), and of Ives and Pea- HON. ARTHUR A. PUTNAM. bodyof Salem, Mass. In the winter of 185 i- 52, he taught in the school of his native district, as his father had done at the same place forty years before. He began to make political speeches in the neighbor- hood about the time he became a voter, but became still more active in this line in various parts of Essex County, during the Fremont campaign of 1856. In that year Danvers elected him her representa- tive to the lower branch of the state legis- lature, in which he was the youngest but one of that body, yet was appointed one of the monitors of the House and also a member of the c o m m i 1 1 e e on elections. After two years of im- paired eyesight, he resumed his law studies, and in 1859 was admit- ted to the bar and opened his office in the town of his birth. In 1859, also, his fellow cit- izens again sent him to the legisla- ture, where he was highly influential in helping to elect John A. Goodwin as speaker, and held the position of Chairman of the Committee on ProbateandChan- cery. In the ex- tra session of i860 he was quite alone in opposing the bill for the wholesale slaughter of cattle suspected of pleuro- ])neumonia. The measure was wildly ])ushed through both houses, but Mr. Put- nam's bold and carefully considered speech predicted that in two or three weeks the senseless scare and craze would die out and the law would be a dead let- ter, and this was precisely what came to pass. Of his patriotic service, when, at the outbreak of the rebellion in the spring of DANVERS. 119 1 86 1, he presided over the first war meeting in Danvers and soon afterward raised and commanded the second com- pany formed in the town (Company I, of the 14th Infantry), an account is given in the " Historical Sketch," in the first part of this volume. Along with other officers he had difficulties with the colonel of the regiment and accordingly left it about the time of its departure from Fort Warren for Washington and returned to the practice of law at Danvers. But as the war continued, the fever was on again and in the summer of 1863, he joined with Col. Frankle of the Second Heavy Artillery, in actively recruiting the 3d battalion of that regiment, in which he soon became senior ist lieutenant and subsequently captain of Co. E. This was the last of the Massachusetts regiments to return home after the war. Its service consisted chiefly of garrisoning forts on the Atlantic coast and skirmishing with the enemy in the interior to capture cot- ton and other spoils. At places where he was stationed, epidemics were very preva- lent and the mortality was great, but he himself kept on his feer, and on being asked later what principal battle he had been engaged in, he replied, " The Battle of Yellow Fevei-y Daring his service in the Second Artillery, he was also judge advocate at Plymouth, N, C, and for a time was assistant provost marshal of the District of North Carolina, having charge, for several weeks, of the central office at Nevvbern. He has long been prominent in the Grand Army of the Republic, as commander of his post for two years, as delegate to state and national encamp- ments and on the staff of various depart- ment commanders ; as judge advocate under department commander Smith in 1891, and as himself a candidate for de- partment commander in 1892, when he made a strong run, but was defeated by his friend, J. K. Churchill, who had the advantage of being in the line of promo- tion. For more than a quarter of a cen- tury he has been a favorite orator in many places for Memorial Day, delivering an address each year and sometimes two on the same day and in one instance three. In the spring of 1866, he removed to Blackstone, Mass., for the continued practice of his profession. In 1872 he was appointed Judge of the newly created 2d District Court of Southern Worcester, having tried, during the four previous years, numerous civil and criminal cases before juries in the Superior Court, with many favorable verdicts. He has been judge for twenty-seven years, and during that long time has been absent from his post only a few days and then by reason of sickness alone. At the end of twenty- five years of service, his admiring friends and associates desired to compliment him with some token of their apprecia- tion of his high worth and able and faith- ful work, but the purpose or plan was abandoned in consequence of his disincli- nation to receive the honor. During his residence at Blackstone, he rnarried, Nov. 25, 1868, Miss Helen Irving Staples of that town, and their two children are Alden Lyon and Beatrice. In 1877, the family removed to Uxbridge where they have since had their home. In both places Judge Putnam has con- tinued to take a deep interest in political affairs and has been a staunch Republican from the start, though not blindly or slavishly following his party in any aban- donments of its original and fundamental principles. He has attended local meet- ings, stumped in state and national cam- paigns, served as delegate to important conventions in the state and was alternate to the national conventions that nominated Lincoln and Hayes, and has been called to preside over others. County, Congres- sional, and Senatorial. His speeches at such meetings, like his arguments at court or his addresses on other occasions, are not only strong and eloquent, but are often touched with wit and humor, irony or sarcasm, that greatly enhance the gen- eral effect. A somewhat extended news- paper sketch of him, to which we are not a little indebted foi our own, testifies to the delight with which his assembled friends or fellow citizens always welcome his presence and voice, his fine figure and his apt and ready utterance. Some or manv of the hot contests in which he has been engaged as counsel or partisan and I20 DANVERS, in which he has shown conspicuous abil- ity, are well remembered. The one that resulted in the first nomination and elec- tion of George F. Hoar to Congress, was of first rate importance. The delegates to the convention were about equally di- vided in their preference between Mr. Hoar and Mr. Bird. All depended upon the five delegates that were yet to be chosen from Blackstone, and these were in doubt. Mainly through the lead and influence of Judge Putnam the five de- clared for the future illustrious senator, and the world knows the sequel. The Judge has also a decided literary taste and talent. In 1855, he wrote a series of letters from New York to the Saletn Regisfcr on " Life in the Metropo- lis," and published an address on General Grant. During the Rebellion he was war editor of the Peabody Press for about a year, and also at Plymouth, N. C., started and conducted for two months a small weekly paper, called "The Flag." The " History of Blackstone," contained in the " History of Worcester County," is one of his productions. The " Ten Years a Police Court Judge " ( 1 884 ) , is a highly entertaining book and is still sold, and his " Putnam Guards" ( 1S87), giving an account of early war proceedings in Dan- vers in 1 861, is a pamphlet of permanent interest and value. Among his notable occasional addresses is one which he de- livered at the dedication of the Thayer memorial building in Uxbridge ; and among various admirable lectures which he has given before literary societies may be particularly mentioned his " Miles Standish " and his "Authorship of Shakes- peare," in the last of which he sides, with telling effect, with the Baconians. Many years ago he organized in Danvers a Shakespeare Club, which Hon. Henry K. Oliver, of Salem and Lawrence, said was the second in the TJnited States, (Jliver himself having organized the first. The Judge is not only fond of the drama, but also has a passionate love of music and was very early in life an adept with many an instrument and played the post-horn or bugle in noted bands, nor by any means has wholly lost the taste or art in later years. \Yherever he has lived, he has proved himself a good ami useful citizen, a warm hearted friend and a faithful servant of the public. He was formerly on the Li- brary Committee of the Danvers Peabody Institute, and has served on school com- mittees in Danvers, Blackstone and Ux- bridge. For many years he has been a trustee of the LTxbridge Savings Bank, being also one of its financial committee ; and he is now the President of the Trus- tees of the LTxbridge Public Library. He is of the Unitarian denomination and for six years was chairman of the Parish committee of the Uxbridge LTnitarian So- ciety. About the time he left Dartmouth College he read in his classroom an essay on Thomas Paine, which, by its broad and radical views, gave much offence to the faculty. Thirty-three years afterward the college conferred upon him the degree of A. M. Perhaps neither party stands to-day just where it stood forty or fifty years ago. At all events, the Judge has always had " the courage of his convic- tions," and he is as honest and true as he is brave and kind, helpful and unselfish. Hon. William H. Moody. Upon the death of the lamented Gen- eral Cogswell in the early spring of 1895, the Republican thought of the old Essex district turned instinctively to Hon. Wil- liam H. Moody of Haverhill, at that time serving his fifth year as District Attorney for the eastern district of Massachusetts, as his successor. He is a native of Newbury, where he was born Dec. 23, 1853. He graduated from Phillips Academy, attended Holten High School of Danvers, where he re- sided for a few years, graduated from Andover, in 1872, and from Harvard University four years later. Devoting himself to the study of law, Mr Moody I)racticed in Haverhill with marked suc- cess and has acted as city solicitor. His incumbency of the district attorneyship was a most notable one, and attracted wide attention. At a s[)ecial election held at the time of the regular state elec- tion in November, 1895, he was chosen to succeed Gen. Cogswell, receiving 15,064 DANVERS. votes to 5,815 for Hon. H. N. Shepard of Boston, democrat. One year later, Mr. Moody was re-elected by a majority of about 12,000 over Hon. I'.. M. ISoyn- ton of West Newbury. The sixth con- gressional district is historic territory, comprising as it does, the major ]iortion he served on the committee upon expen- ditures in the department of justice and election committee No. i. His work u]ion the vexatious problems aiising from contested election cases which this com- mittee was called upon to consider, was eminently fair and just to all concerned. HON. W. H. MOODY, CONGRESSMAN 6TH DISTRICT. of Essex comity, vvith a population, ac- cording to the United States census of 1890, of 169,418. Of the many and di- versified interests there involved, Mr. Moody has been a most ace e]) table rep- resentative. In the fifty-fourth congress Mr. Moody introduced several bills bear- ing upon the fis-hing industry, in which his district is to largely interested, and also devoted himself to securing better life-saving facilities along the north shore. He is an eloquent speaker and his eulogy DANVERS. ui^on Gen. Cogswell, delivered in Con- gress on the day set apart for such memo- rials, was one of the best heard there in recent years. Mr. Moody is prominent in social life in his home city and is a member of leading fraternal and business organizations. honor when next a vacancy shall occur. Mr. Moody is one of the broadest, kindest and most popular men in the state, and in every department of human affairs receives the warmest support from all classes. HON. W. S. KNOX. C'ongressman Moody's numerous suc- cesses m the National House and his able leadership and recognition in various im- portant measures are familiar to all. He has been among those most prominently spoken of as Speaker Reed's successi)r, and is one of the leading candidates for the Hon. William S. Knox. In the Massachusetts delegation to the lower brinch of Congress the counsel of Hon. William S. Knox of Lawrence ranks high. The territory represented by Mr. Kno.K is considered to have the greatest DANVERS. textile interests of any district in the country, including such manufacturing centres as Lawrence and Lowell and reaching to our neighbor, Peabody. Not for a moment was there a doubt that the interests of the Fifth District would be amply protected by its present Con- gressman and these anticipations have been abundantly justified. Hon. William S. Knox was born in Killingly, Conn., Sept. lo, 1S43, moved to Lawrence when nine years of age, and has resided in that city ever since. He graduated from Amherst College in 1S65 and in the fall of the following year was admitted to the Essex Bar. The legal practice of Mr. Knox has always been a large one and he was chosen City Solicitor in 1875-6, and again in 1887-8-9-90. In 1874-5 he was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, his legal acu- men placing him upon the Judiciary Committee. He has been markedly suc- cessful in business movements and is now president of the Arlington National Bank of Lawrence. In 1894, he was elected to Congress by a good majority over Hon. George W. Fifield, Democrat, and in the Republican tidal wave of November, 1896, he was given 17,835 votes to 11,531 for Hon. J. H. Harrington of Lowell, his Democratic opponent. In the fifty-fourth Congress, Mr. Knox served upon the Committees on Territories, and Expendi- tures upon Public Buildings. Upon the questions arising from reports l)y these committees, he spoke frequently and with effect. Perhaps the most important of the bills which he presented was that pro- viding for a uniform system of bank- ru])tcy. Bankruptcy legislation was a subject of particular interest to Mr. Knox, other speeches dealing with the proposed International Monetary Con- ference and various territorial matters. In the recent special session of Congress, the opinion of the member from the Fifth Massachusetts District was most weighty in the consideration of the economic ])roblems there presented for solution. Mr. Knox was elected to and is a mem- ber of the Fifty-sixth Congress. His views are in line with those of the Re- publican majority. Personally, he is most aft'able and numbers friends by legions. Charles Horace Shepard. Charles Horace Shepard came to Dan- vers in 1873 from Woburn,and established here the apothecary business, which he sold later to Edgar C. Powers; now the property of S. M. Moore. In 1875 Mr. Shepard bought the Mirror newspaper and printing office of H. C. Cheever, and the job printing l)usiness of Putnam & Barnes, and consolidated them in new quarters in the Ropes block, where the business has since remained, and is now the property of Frank E. Moynahan, who had been for some years a member of the staff, and purchased the plant of Mr. Shepard in 1890, on the latter's appoint- ment as LT. S. Consul to Sweden. During Mr. Shepard's fifteen years ownership and management of the Danvcrs Mirror, the paper attained high rank among the local weeklies of the County and State, and its editor was recognized among his fellows by election for several years as Secretary of the Massachusetts Press As- sociation ; was once commissioned to go to Augusta and present in person its invi- tation to James G. lilaine to attend and address the Association at its annual re- union and banquet in 15oston ; was twice elected Vice President of the Essex County Republican Club; and was ap- pointed, with Dr. Loring, Gen. Cogswell, Cabot Lodge, Judge Gate of Amesbury and editor Hill of Haverhill, to prepare and present to John G. Whittier, on the eightieth anniversary of his birth, an expres- sion and testimonial of the Club's regard and reverence for the noble man and loved poet ; and Mr. Shepard had the honor and pleasure to convey and present to Mr. Whittier the Club's offer, in the form of a specially prepared book of suit- able size, containing portions of an ad- dress before the Club by Senator Hoar, after a recent half-day spent with the poet, resolutions of the Club followed by signatures of all its officers and members, and nearly every member of the Senate and House of the Lhiited States Congress. Mr. Shepard attended the National con- DANVERS. vention in Chicago in 1884 that nomi- nated Mr. Blaine tor the Presidency; was alternate delegate to Gen. Cogswell from this Congressional district to the National convention that nominated General Har- rison for President in 1888 ; was the same year unanimously nominated for Represen- tative to the (ieneral Court from this dis- trict (Danvers and Middleton), and was elected ; was unanimously renominated the next year and was (fortunately) de- feated, though by only one vote, when 200 Republicans, as is usual in "off- years," did not get to the polls. M V . Shepard's course and service had been such that in 1890 he was given, with- out urging and at no expense, what Secretary Blaine pronounced the best recommen- dations he had ever seen for a consular appoint- ment, including individual auto- graph letters from John (i. Whittier, Hon. Augustus Mudge, Rev. C. B. Rice, Geo. W. Fiske, Melvin B. Putnam, John D. Long, Oliver Ames, Governor Brackett, Treas- urer Marden, Sec- retary Pierce, Auditor Ladd, Speaker Barrett, Commis- sioner Merrill, Sergeant-at-Arms Adams ; forty hold-over members of the Legisla- ture of 1889, on a joint recommendation ; Governor Davis, Senator Hale and Con- gressman Boutelle of Maine ; two of the largest business firms in the paper line in Boston ; many delegates to the National Convention of 1888, and last but not least, the President and all past officers of the Massachusetts Press Association, and General William Cogswell. Application C. H. SHEPARD. was made for a Consulate in Canada, but the location given was Gothenburg, Swe- den ; a district 500 miles in length and from 150 to 300 miles wide, containing three million people, the principal cities of the kingdom (except Stockholm), and the only open winter seaport. During Mr. Shepard's three years in the service, recording yearly a business of a million- and-a-half dollars, forwarding quarterly accounts to the State and Treasury de- partments, there was never reported a single error. After waiting ! expectantly six months for recall by Mr. Cleve- land's administra- tion, which did not appear, and not caring to cross the Atlantic in \y inter, M r . Shepard sent his resignation to Washington, packed his goods and with his fam- ily returned home reaching this country after a stay of eight days in London (where he re- ceived from Min- ister Bayard a pass to the House of Commons), in time to put in a week at the Co- lumbian Exposi- tion ; there enjoy- ing the entertainment and courtesy of a box in the Auditorium, from Hon. Ferdi- nand W. Peck of Chicago, Treasurer of the Exposition, whom Mr. Shepard had entertained in Gothenburg, and accom- jjanied on a mission to King Oscar, in the interest of Sweden's taking part in our World's Fair. Mr. Peck was commis- sioned with others to visit all the Euro- pean countries in 1892 to urge their par- ticipation in our Fair, and their mission was most successful. That reception and DANVERS. 125 interview with the King on his yacht "Sofia" in the beautiful harbor of the famous summer resort of Sweden at the island of Marstrand, twenty miles from Gothenburg ; the King's welcome, Mr. Peck's address, King Oscar's response in English, his cordial handshake of all the visitors, was an event not to be forgotten ; and the praiseful letter of Director-Gen- eral Davis of the World's Fair, to the Consul after the return home of the Com- missioners, was something worthy to be framed. Mr. Peck is now, by appoint- ment of the President, Director-General of the American Exhibit at the Paris Ex- position next year. Another most pleasing event in Mr. Shepard's service in Sweden was a day's entertainment of Hon. Andrew D. \Vhite, then U. S. Minister to Russia, now x-\m- bassador to Germany. The best turnout in the city was none too good for the Consul to supply for a half-day's tour of its avenues, numerous parks, water-works, canals, miles of wharfage, and beautiful buildings, by Minister White, English Consul Duff, and the American Consul and Vice Consul. It may not be generally known that the official rank of an Ameri- can Consul is classed as equal to that of Colonel in our regular army ; and that on any public occasion where such officers are assembled, precedence is taken accord- ing to ciate of commission. Returning to Danvers, Mr. Shepard and family re-established their home on Ash street, and in July, 1895, he pur- chased the two printing and newspaper offices in Peabody \ and that is his pres- ent business. He is a Notary Public for this State, by appointment of Governor Greenhalge, having had much to do in that line while in the consular service, being by virtue of such office. Notary Public for the United States, and a con- sular certificate and seal must attest sig- natures to all official or legal documents issued in foreign countries to be used in the United States. Mr. Shepard took the degrees of Master Mason, in Meridian Splendor Lodge, Newport, Maine, in 1S67, and of Royal Arch Mason, in Stevens K. A. Chapter, same town, in 1868 ; and w.is made Secretary of each body, on the evenings of his raising, and exaltation ; and held the same so long as he resided in the State. If the foregomg shall be considered sufficient reason for appearance on this planet, something may be said of the time of that event and its previous and subse- quent relations. In the late years of the last century a Baptist clergyman named Samuel Shepard came from England to America and established a home in Brent- wood, New Hami)bhire. From there his son Joseph, a graduate of Dartmouth, and a physician, with his wife and two daughters and five sons, moved early in this century to the young State of Maine. His son Josiah settled in the town of Stetson, in Penobscot county and married Mary Damon, daughter of Daniel Damon, who had come from North Reading, Mass. Their children were Hervey Hook, Charles Horace, born Oct. 19, 1842, and Mary Elizabeth. The mother and son Horace and daughter Elizabeth are now living, mother and son in Danvers and daughter in Reading, wife of Joseph S. Temple. The father died in 1869, in Newport, Maine. The son Hervey died in Alatamoras, Mexico, in 1863, where he had fled from Texas to escape service in the rebel army. Joseph Shepard and Samuel Damon, young men just of age, and brothers of Josiah and Mary (Damon) Shepard, in 1 S3 1 emigrated from Maine to Texas and engaged in the contest of Texas for inde- pendence from Mexico. Joseph died there after ten years' residence ; Samuel remained, married, became wealthy, and came to Maine in 1856 to visit his rela- tives : whom his wonderful tales of easy life and rapid wealth in Texas so much excited, that about twenty of them went to that State the next year ; most of whom returned to Maine the year following. Josiah Shepard and family were of the number who went, and having invested their money had to stay, and were there when the war came on, and unable to get away. The father was over military age ; the son Hervey was drafted and served about a year as clerk on a govern- ment vessel on the ISrazos river, when he obtained a substitute, below mihtary age ; 126 DANVERS. later, the law being changed to take in boys of fifteen years on their own account, Hervey escaped to Mexico (the only pos- sible way to get out of the state), and with the result as before stated. Horace, the main subject of this sketch, was exempt from " Confederate " con- scription by rea- son of his busi- ness as apothe- cary. He was subject, however, to the State draft, and was three times called out for scares, that amounted to nothing, and lasted but a week or two. The war over, the family returned to Maine and set- tled in Newport, where the son continued in the apothecary busi- ness until his father's death , when he returned to Texas to se- cure and resell property forfeited for non-payment, and he was there most of the time for three years ; returning to Wo- burn, where his mother and sister were thni living, and from there they came to Danvers. While in Woburn he took a course in Comer's Com- mercial College, in Boston. Mr. Shepard's schooling was obtained in the schools of his native town and at Westbrook Seminary. November 29, 1883, Mr. Shepard was married to Miss Eliza M. Hersey, daughter of Clark and Olive L. Hersey, at her home in East Corinth, Maine ; and they have one daughter, born May 12, 1885, name. Bertha May Shepard. Albert O. Elwell. No modern art demands closer appli- cation, greater tact, or the exer- cise of a higher order of judg- ment than that of photography in its higher branches. When to these qualities are added long experience and a sincere desire to excel, we have as a result the artist photogra- pher, who re- flects honor upon h i s profession, and to whom is due the credit for the wonderful progress made in the art within the past decade. Mr. Elwell has steadily pursued his vocation for seventeen years, earning public confidence and establishing a reputation for skill and thor- oughness that is by no means confined to Dan- vers alone. His studio, parlors and gallery occu- py the entire up- per floor of the poslol^fire building, and are most thor- oughly equipped with the most improved apparatus and appurtenances, elegantly furnished, tastefully arranged, accessible and attractive. Several assistants are employed and. ladies find here every ELWELL S STUDIO DANVERS. 127 (T-- M^^ ■>^ < y. ^^f^ <' iC\ w^^ "■ jj ^Pm^^^^'^'rW V ^^11^^ ^^J CHARLES P. KERANS. desirable accessory for proper pos- ing and are invariably pleased with the work done. Mr. Elwell's skill, however, is not confined to photo- graphic portraits, as his facilities for the production of pastels, water-col- ors and landscapes are unsurpassed. His proficiency in out-door photog- raphy is attested by the views which appear in this work, all of which were executed by him, showing that he seeks and achieves absolute i^er- fection in all that he undertakes. Mr. Elwell is a native of Glouces- ter, where he was bom in 1S65, but received his education at the Holten High School. He learned his art in the studio of W. (1. Hus sey, of Salem, and afterwards en tered the studio of Mr. Thompson, Amesbury, where he remained until 1887, when he opened his present art gallery. pany, which has offices at 44 High street, Boston, and a large plant on Liberty street, Danversport, manu- factures fine leathers for shoes, bags, belts, trunks, suspenders, etc. Com- monly speaking, the products of the factory are russet and colored leathers. Last year this company turned out sixty thousand sides of finished leather, which went all over this country and Europe. The firm was organized in 1872, with C. P. Kerans & Bond constituting the partnership ; later the firm was Plumer, Bond & Kerans ; then George Plumer, Joseph Plumer and C. P. Kerans ; then Plumer & Kerans. George Plumer & Co. is the firm designation now, the Co. being Charles P. Kerans. The special machinery used is pebbling and printing machines, rollers, jacks, and other ingenious devices. There are sixty men employed in the factory, besides a large corps of clerks, accountants and bookkeepers Naumkeagf Leather Co. The Naumkeag Leather Com- GEORGE A. PLUMER. 128 DANVERS. and salesmen. The business grows stead- ily year by year, as the reputation of the leathers made by this firm grows wider. It is a live industry, which has been built up by correct business methods and honest goods. D.invers would gladly welcome more such industrial enterprises within her borders. variety. Combined with these Mr. Perry deals extensively in hay and grain, fertil- izers and various special articles. Ten assistants are employed in the various dei)artments of the business, and several delivery wagons are in use, delivering James O. Perry* This business was estab- lished in 1867, by Henry L. Eaton, who at that time oc- cupied a store in the Noyes block, but afterwards removed to the next block above when the business was purchased by its present proprietor, James O. Perry. Mr. Perry erected the splendid Perry block in 1S95, and moved the business to its present lo- cation the same year. 1 he store occupies the larger lower floor of the block and is handsomely finished and fitted up with large plate glass show windows, electric lighted, and admirably arranged for the advantageous display of its fine stock. The stock carried is larsre PLUMER & CO. S FACTORY. C P. KERANS RESIDENCE. and varied. It embraces a full line of imported and domestic groceries, condi- ments and relishes, teas, coffees, canned goods, provisions and meats, and in fact all the leading staple groceries in great goods throughout the large territory from which the trade of the house is drawn. The trade is not confined to Danvers, but extends to Salem, Peabody, and the surrounding districts, within a radius of fifteen miles. Conducted upon those principles of sterling integrity and fair dealing which are the unfailing sources of prosperity and suc- cess, the business of the house is large, steady, and increasing yearly. Mr. Perry was born in the old UBfvr-' — ^^'"^-^ Tavern, Oct. 3, "" i^ ^ ^848, and at the age of twenty-one years engaged in the pro- vision business with Henry L. Noyes, whom he afterwards bought out. It is almost superfluous to add that Mr. Perry enjoys the respect of his fellow citizens, and has been, during his long business career, an important factor in everything that has been calcu- lated to favor the interests of his native DANVERS. 1 29 Andrew H, Paton. J. O. PERRY BLOCK town and promote its general prosperity. James O. and Wallace P. Perry are also owners of the Leavitt Barrel Clamp and Cap, which is a new and useful arti- cle, fully protected by patent, invented by Geo. A. Leavitt. The manufacture of this article is likely to develop into one of the growing industries of Danvers. A shop has already been equipped with boiler and en- gine and suitable machinery, capa- ble of turning out from twelve to fif- teen dozen per day. Quite a large number of these clamps and caps have already been disposed of, thus demons t r ati ng their usefulness as a labor-saving de- vice in handling full unheaded bar- rels and in re|)air- ing old barrels. Was born in Dan- vers, July 18, 1849, of Scotch parentage. His father, Andrew Paton, and his mother, Mary S. Tulloch, came to this country at an early age, and were married in Danvers in 1847. Andrew H. i'aton, the oldest child ;ind only son, received liis education in the ])ublic schools, gradu- ating from the Holten High school in 1865. While at school, and lor some years there- after, he worked in he shoe shops and Victories of the town, and as a grocer's clerk. In 1S79, he edited and published the £ss('x County Citizen, which advocated the so-called " Greenback " doctrine of national cur- rency. He was one of a committee to at that time interview General JSutler in Washington, to induce him to become the candidate for Governor of Massachu- setts, of those who believed in the Green- INTERIOR OF J- O PERRYS MARKET. 13° DANVERS. back principles. Mr. Paton obtained a large portion of the 53,000 petitioners who signed the request for the General to begin that series of memorable cam- paigns which in 1882 resulted in his elec- tion as Governor. In 1880 Mr. Paten entered the general office of the Knights of Labor at Marblehead, and he was, at its beginning and for a long time there- after, associate editor of the Knights of Labor Journal. Afteiwards he was iden- tified in a similar capacity with the Essex County Statesman and the American Statesman, both of Tslarblehead, and the Essex County Review of Danvers. At a later date he was for a time in the business man- agement of the Boston Daily Traveler. In 1883 he was elected Representative to the General Court from the district of Danvers and Wenham, being the candidate of the united opposi tion to the Repub- lican party. In the legislature he served on the Co m m i 1 1 e es of Printing and of Education. He opposed the ma- jority of the latter committee m us proposition to con- fine the free text book system to the com- mon schools. The legislature adopted the minority amendment and parsed the bill, with the High schools included. He also opposed the so-called Berry Bill to build houses for the poor of the state at i cost of $300 each, on the ground that such homes were not good enough. Mr. Paton has served the town as its auditor of accounts and was one of the committee that first re])orted in favor of commercial electric lighting by the town. He has several times been a candidate of the minority for local, county and state offices. He has also been identified with many of the social and fraternal societies of the town and nation. Was, in 1894, 1895 and 1896, the head of the Improved Order of Red Men of the United States, and as its Great Incohonee visited the Order in all the states and territories. Was one of the committee of Amity Lodge to prepare the history of Free- masonry in Danvers and vicinity. He is the Grand Commander of the American Legion of Honor of New England, and Deputy Su- preme Comman- der for the United States ; also a member of the Grand Lodge of Knights of Honor of Mass achusetts ; was a member of the Grand Lodge Sons of Temper- ance of Massa- chusetts ; is Su- preme Secretary of the Archaic Order of the American Sphinx and Na t i o n a 1 President of the United States Protecti\^e League. His lit- e r a r y abilities have been greatly in demand in the ritualistic work of the fraternities in which he is prominent. He i)repared a large part of the literature now in use by the Red Men and much of its ritual. He wrote the rituals of the American Friendly Society, of the Archaic Order of the American Sphinx, and of the United States Provident League. His ritual written for the American Legion of Honor was selected as the best of over fifty that were presented. He is now the President of the Windsor Club, the strong- est social organization of Danvers. He is ANDREW H. PATON. DANVERS. also general agent of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York. Mr. Paton has always continued in the political beliefs represented by the Chi- cago platform of the Democratic party in 1896 an(l was a member and active worker of the American Bimetallic League, which largely contributed to the campaign work for silver that culminated in the nomination of William J. Bryan for the Presidency. He was one of the represen- tatives of the League selected to attend the National Democratic convention at Chicago, and the Free Silver Party Con- vention at St. Louis, in 1896, and was elected as a Massachusetts delegate to the National People's Party Convention at St. Louis in 1896. In 1875, he married Ella A., the daughter of Charles W. and Lydia A. Brown of Danvers. They have four chil- dren, Mabel F., a graduate of and later a teacher in the Holten High School ; Mary L, also a graduate ; A. Harris, a pupil in the same school ; and Leon B., who enters this year. Colcoid-Richardson Co. The Colcord- Richardson Company is one of the latest additions to the business enterprises of Danvers and was organized in April, 1899, and acquired by purchase the entire business of Newhall & Colcord. They have added machine tools until they now hive a complete machine shop and are prepared to do general machin- ists' work. A machine shop centrally located wi'l be a decided benefit to the manufacturing interests of the town. The stockholders are well known busi- ness men, organized under Massachu- setts laws with the following officers : President, Arthur S. Richardson, who for the past eleven years has held the posi- tion at the Danvers Insane Hospital of chief engineer. He is a native of ReacL ing, Mass., and has had a varied and extensive experience in mechanical af- fairs. Treasurer Charles Newhall is an old and much respected resident of D-invers and has been intimately con- nected with the express business for years. He is a prominent member of Ward Post 90 and is a Past Master of Mosaic Lodge of Masons. Secretary Ernest S. Richardson, after pursuing a course of studies m the mechanical de- partment of Tufts College, was engineer of the Pumping Station at Foxboro, Mass., for two years and has had considerable practical experience in mechanical mat- ters. Manager John H. Colcord has been connected with the agricultural im- plement and seed business since 1883 and his an extensive ac(|uaintance and many friends among the farmers of Essex County. For the last ten years he has paid particular attention to developing the implement repair department until it has become an important part of the business. Most of the wind mills in this vicinity have been laid out and erected under his supervision, and as a member of the firm of Newhall & Colcord, he gave the heating business very thorough study and his ability in this line is evidenced by the many steam and hot water systems in successful operation that were installed by them, among which can be mentioned the heating by hot water of the Nurses' Home at the Danvers Insane Hospital. Mr. Colcord is possessed of mechanical ingenuity and versatility which well fits him for his position. The office of the company is in New- hall's hardware store, 20 Maple street, with the machine shop and store houses in the rear, fronting on Cottage avenue. They carry a large stock of farm imple- ments, seeds, farm supplies and repairs, the latter being very complete, compris- ing parts for most of the implements and machines used in this vicinity. They also carry a complete stock of Jenkins Bros, globe, gate and check valves, water glasses, etc., and are prepared to furnish at short notice steam supplies of all kinds. A specialty will be made of high pres- sure steam fitting, heating by steam and hot water, they having the agency for the well known " Winchester " heater, which never fails to give entire satisfac- tion when properly installed ; the per- sonnel of the company makes them the leaders in these particular lines. Water sui)])ly by steam and wind 132 DANVERS. DANVERS. ^33 power will receive careful altenlion, they having the agency for the Aermotov, " the wheel that runs when all others stand still." Fencing with woven steel wire and steel posts, both field and ornamen- tal for lawns and division lines, will be handled and erected by contract. The trade of the company covers a larger part of Essex County and brings in more outside trade than anv other busi- in 1S47, when Moses Putnam was chosen. He resigned in 1S56, and was succeeded by Daniel Richards. The present president, G. A. Tapley, was elected in 1886, having been a director for twenty-four years. Samuel B. Hut- trick was the first cashier, continuing in office until 1841, when William L. Wes- ton was appointed. Mr. Weston was suc- ceeded, in 1884, after serving 43 years, BANK BUILDING. ness in Danvers, and in this respect is a decided acquisition to the l)usiness inter- ests in general. First National Bank. This time-honored institution was originally organized in Ajnil, 1836, with a capital of 5 1 20,000. Elias Putnam was the first president, serving until his death by the jjresent cashier, B. K. Newhall. In 1853 the capital .of the bank was increased $40,000, and again in 1S54, $40,000, making it $200,000, but in consequence of losses incurred in the Southern States, occasioned by the war, the ca])ital was reduced to $150,000 in 1862. The bank was reorganized in 1864, and became the First National Bank of Danvers, its capital remaining at 134 DANVERS. INTERIOR OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK. INTERIOR OF DANVERS SAVINGS BANK. DANVERS. 135 A. FRANK WELCH, Treasurer I lanvers Savings liank. $150,000. It is the sole fiduciary trust of the town and from its inception has been carefully and conservatively con- ducted. That this l)ank has passed cred- i t a b 1 y through every fi- na n c i a 1 crisis and s tringen- cy of the m o n e y market that has swept over the coun t r y during s i X t \' - t h r e e years, wit ho u t its man- a gement or condi- RESIDENCE OF A. FRANK WELCH. BENJAMIN E. NEWHALL. Cashier First National Bank. tion being questioned in the slightest de- gree, is sufficient evidence, without fur- ther comment, of the institution's sub- stantial and stable position in the com- m u n i ty. Its influ- ence has been and CO n tin- ues to be of the m o s t h ealthful character c o ntrib- u ting 1 a r g e ly to the develop - inent of manufac- t u r e s , c o m - m e r (■ e and pub- 136 DANVERS. lie improvement, as well as aiding private enterprise of a proper and substantial nature. The bank trans- acts a regular banking luisiness in all its branches, receiving deposits, making loans an 1 discounts on ap proved collateral and leg i t i m a t e commercial paper, issuing drafts cii the principal com- mercial centres oi the country and making collections at all points. The bank invites ac- counts of business men, capitalist ^ and individuals generally, offering superior modern facilities for the transaction of bus- iness and affording liberal treatmeni to all customers. The stability of the bank may be gath- ered from the fact that its capital stock jaid in is $150,000; surplus fund and undivide d profits, $ 3 7,000 : individual d e p osits, $175,000. T h e bank occu pies hand- somely fit- ted and appointe d rooms in its own t h r e e - story brick bu i 1 ding, erected in 1854, and ■"^Si. * m». M ^'^W .^^^^ G. A. TAPLEY, President l''irst National Hank. large fire and burglar-pioof vault of the most modern construction, containing deposit boxes for rent and storage of valuables, in- sures the safe keeping of its money and secur- ities, and every modern conven- ience has been provided for the benefit of its cus- tomers. This in- stitution has al- ways been ably officered and in- telligently man- aged, and its di- rectorate includes men of the high- est standing and integrity in indus- trial and commer- cial circles. The present board is as follows : Presi- dent, G. A. Tap- ley ; Cashier, B. E. Newhall; Di- rectors, G. A. Tapley, W. M. C. H. Gould, Ira Currier, R. K. Sears, P. Pope. RESIDENCE OF G. A. TAPLEY. The Danvers Saving:s Bank. T h e f) a n V e r s .S a \- i n g s ]}ank was charte red in 1850, and com- m e n c e d bu s i n e s s on the first of April of the same year. Gil- centrally located on Maple street. A bert Tapley wa^ the first president and DANVERS. 137 HON. AUGUSTUS MUDGE, President I >aiiverb Savings Bunk. William L. W'^eston was chosen treasurer. Rufus Putnam was chosen president in April, 1859, in place of (iilbert Tapley, resigned. At the death of Rufus Putnam in 1875, Israel H. Put na m w a s chosen President Janu a r y 12, 1876, c o ntinn- i n g so until A])ril 29, I 8 S 4 , when the pres e n t Presi- dent, Hon. Au- g u s t u s M u d ge, was CHARLES H GOULD. Director First Nation.il liank and Trustee Savings Bank. chosen. The growth of the bank during its almost half-century of existence has been steady and marked. In 1855, the deposits amounted to $150,000; in 1865, $ 3 5 o,- 000 ; in 1876, $ 1,06 t,- 000, the p r esent (1 epos its 1) e i n g V e r a ni i 1 lion a n d a h a 1 f— a ctually $1,666, o 4 8.80. T h e bank 's o ffi c e s are loca- t e d in t h e RESIDENCE OF CHARLES H. GOULD. 138 DANVERS. absolute security for their capital which the high standing and finan- cial soundness of the bank provides. The officers are carefully chosen for capacity and character, and comprise such well known citizens as President, Hon. Augustus Mudge ; Treasurer, A. Frank Welch ; Secre- tary, C. P. Hale ; and a Financial Committee of five members : — I. P. Pope, C. H. Gould, J. Frank Por- ter, Dr. C. H. White, and C. H. Preston. Under the able and con- servative management of these gen- tlemen the affairs of the bank are managed in such a manner as to meet the requirements of the most conservative of our townspeople, a fact its well established business confirms, and there is every reason to predict for this institution a fu- ture of even greater usefulness and prosperity than have marked its past which shows a remarkable record of success in its chosen line of business. ROBERT K. SEARS. Director First National Hank. Bank Building, erected by the First National Bank of Danvers in 1854, with which in- stitution it shares half the ground floor and has every desirable facility at hand for the safe keeping of funds and the expeditious transaction of business. The Danvers Savings Bank has been an important factor in connection with the material prosperity and growth of the town during the last half century. Receiving, as it does for deposit, the savings of wage- earners and paying interest thereon, it is instrumental in a large measure in inculcat- ing and cultivating in that class of ])eople who constitute a large proportion of our citizens a disposition to save a part of their earnings and thus provide for any con- tingency that may arise. The policy of the bmk is to encourage savings and the ben- efit accruing to depositors under the ex- cellent laws of this state, more especially to the working classes, among whom it en- courages thrift, cannot be over-estimated. The number of depositors is now 4,162, and these are in receipt of a substantial rate of interest on their savings with the WILLIAM M. CURRIER, Director l-'irst National Bank. DANVERS. 139 IRA P. POPE. Director National Hank and Trustee Savings Hank. CHARLES H. PRESTON, Trustee Savings Bank. J. FRANK PORTER, Trustee Savings Bank. 0. H. WHITE, D D. S., Trustee Savings I'.ank. 140 DAN VERS. RESIDENCE OF J. FRANK PORTER. C. H. White, D. D. S. of the Danvers Savings Bank in January, 1 891, and elected one of the Finance Commit- tee in January, 1897. Although of a reserved and retiring disposition he has always been closely identified with every enter- prise which had for its object the advancement of the interests of the town, and both so- cially and profes- sionally he is much esteemed by his fellow citizens and a large circle of friends. Dr. C. H. White, whose portrait ap- pears in the article on the Danvers banks, was born in Bristol, N. H., in 1854, to which town his parents had emigrated from Massachusetts. He received his early education at the public schools, and at the New Hampton Literary Institute, commencing the study of his profession at VVakefielii in 187 1. Subsequently he took a course of study in the Dentistry Department of Harvard Col lege, in 1873-4. Dr. White gradu ated from th' Boston Dental College in 1876. receiving the de- gree of D. D. S. Two years later he began practice in Danvers, where ht- has built up an ex- cellent reputation as an expert in his profession and has established a large and in c r e a s i n g practice. He was elected to the Board of Trustees Danvers Women's Association, The Danvers Women's Association was formed April, 1882. A preliminary meet- ing was held at the house of Miss Anne L. Page, and a week later, on April 25th, the first regular meeting was held with Miss Lizzie AL Shepard (Temple) ; offi- cers were elected and by-laws made, and the name of the society chosen. The RESIDENCE OF DR. C. H. WHITE. DAN VERS. 141 officers were Mrs. Harriet L. Wentworth, president ; Mrs. Sarah E. Fiske and Miss Anne L. Page, vice-presidents ; Miss Eliza O. Putnam (Heaton), secretary; Mrs. Venila A. Burrington, treasurer ; the directors were Mrs. Ellen M. Spof- ford, Mrs. Clara French, Mrs. Mary S. Andrews, Miss Jennie Horswell, Miss Ellen M. Putnam (Gould), Miss Annie M. Wentworth, Mrs. Susan B. Sanger, Miss Lizzie M. Shepard (Temple). The objects for which it was formed were " the consideration of matters of common interest, general improvement and social enjoyment." Seventy- five nearly that number. So successful has it proved that its influence has been felt throughout the town, and the women of Danvers have had the privilege of listen- ing to many prominent lecturers of the day. It has also shown a i)hilanthropic spirit and an interest in education in va- rious ways, such as paying for the tuition of a colored ward at Hampton for several years : by the support of a free kindergar- ten in one of the public schools ; at one time taking children for a " Country Week;" by offering prizes for the four best English essays written by members of the Holten High School. It gave its RESIDENCE OF IRA P. POPE. women were enrolled as members. Ihe meetings were held every fortnight on Tuesday afternoons, at private houses for the first few months, and after November until Jan., 18S4, at Cirand Army Hall. Then lOoms were taken in the Ropes building, when these became crowded, a mo\e was made to the new post office building in 1886. Later, when more room was needed, Essex hall was secured ; the Universalist vestry being hired for the "social teas," when gentlemen guests are invitetl. The membership has grad- ually increased until it includes two hun- dred names, and there is a waiting list of support to the Volunteer Aid xAssocia- tion, by sending supplies for the Hospital Ship. The first president, Mrs. H. L. Wentworth, resigned in 18S9, and was made honorary president ; she was suc- ceeded by Mrs. Ellen M. Spofford, and in 1S91 by Mrs. Evelyn F. Masury, and in 1S96 by Miss Sarah E. Hunt (for three years). The original by-laws have been embodied in a constitution with a few ad- ditions and alterations. About seventeen meetings are held each year. Its motto is "Vivimus et Consideiamus ;" the club flower is the violet, and the club color, lavender. The association joined the 142 DANVERS. General Federation Women's Clubs in 1 89 1, and the State Federation Women's Clubs in 1893. The present officers are Miss Mary W. Nichols, pres. ; Mrs. Isadora E. Kenney, first vice pres, ; Mrs. Eliza M. Shepard, second vice pres. ; Mrs. Lucy A. Everett, rec. sec. ; Miss Isabel B. Tapley, cor. sec. ; Mrs. Ella J. Porter, treas. ; Mrs. Bessie Putnam, auditor ; directors for one year, Mrs. H. Elizabeth Couch, Mrs. Sarah A. Kimball, Mrs. Nancy A. Perley, Mrs. Henrietta Hyde Rice ; for two years, Mrs. Annie V. D. Adams, Mrs. Mary F. Bragdon, Mrs. Clara T. Spofford, Mrs, Cora B. Stimpson. Rev. Alfred P. Putnam, D.D. Alfred Porter Putnam, son of Elias and Eunice (Ross) Putnam, was born near Topsfield in Putnamville, Danvers, Jan. 10, 1827. Sjme facts pertaining to his an- cestry are indicated in the sketch of his brother. Judge A. A. Putnam, given on another page. He passed his boyhood at the l)ea. Edmund Putnam house, two miles further south, whither the family moved in 1832. At the age of sixteen he served as clerk in the Village Bank of Danvers, of which institution his father was president, and at a later period as bookkeeper in the mercantile house of Allen and Minot of Boston. Having ob- tained his preparatory education at pub- lic schools in Danvers and at various New England academies, he entered Dartmouth College in the fall of 1849. After a year at this institution, he left to join the Sophomore class of Brown Uni- versity, being drawn thither by President Wayland's more liberal and elective sys- tem. Among the honors which came to him during his college career was that of being selected to deliver the closing piece at his Junior Class Spring Exhibi- tion in rhetoric au'l oratory. In the same year he was graduated, after passing the required examination, thus obtaining his A.B. after three years of college study. Previous to this time Mr. Putnam had had considerable experience as a school- teacher at Danvers Plains and in Wen- ham, and now, in the summer of 1853, after leaving college, he started a private school in the latter town, carrying on this work until he was admitted in the follow- ing winter to Harvard Divinity school, from which he was graduated with his class in 1855. Some months before, he had been approbated to preach by the Boston Association of Unitarian Minis- ters and had subsequently occupied vari- ous pulpits. When he left the Divinity school he had received unanimous calls from churches in Watertown, South Bridgewater, Sterling and Roxbury. He accepted the call from Roxbury and was ordained on Dec. 19, 1855, as pastor of the Mount Pleasant (now x'\ll Souls) church. On the loth of the following month he was married to Louise Proctor, daughter of Samuel and Lydia Waters (Proctor) Preston of Danvers, Mr. Putnam continued his successful and happy pastorate in Roxbury for eight or nine years, and during this time he served several years upon the School Committee, was made a member of the Roxbury Club, was elected president of the LTnitarian Sunday School Society, and hi^ church built for itself a chapel for Sunday School and other purposes. He also received calls from churches in Bos- ton, Chicago and Salem. All of these, however, he declined. On the 12th of June, i860, Mrs. Putnam, who had greatly endeared herself to the people of his church, died, deeply lamented by a wide circle of relatives and friends. At this period of his life, Mr. Putnam, feeling the need of a complete change of scene, planned for an extended trip abroad, but in view of the uncertainty of national affairs and the intense excite- ment at home, and finally the outbreak of the rebellion, he decided to postpone his journey. For years he had been iden- tified, as a Free Soiler, with the anti- slavery movement. He had been a del- egate from Danvers to the first great Republican Convention at Worcester in 1852 ; had preached anti-slavery fro:n his pulpit and had spoken for it before po- litical assemblies. His intense patriot- ism and love of liberty made him an elo- (juent and ardent champion of the cause of the Union and Freedom, and under the circumstances prevailing, he felt that DANVERS. '43 he could not leave his native land. In the spring of 1862, however, when the aspect of things at home seemed much brighter and it was generally be- lieved that the war would soon be over, Mr. Putnam with his classmate, the late Rev. Frederick Frothingham, started on their foreign trip. During his long ab- sence of fifteen or sixteen months, he travelled through England, Scotland and Ireland, Switzerland, France, Ciermany, Italy, Greece, and other European coun- tries, ascended the Nile a thousand miles, crossed the Arabian Desert by caravan, and journeying by way of Mt. Sinai, Petra and Mt. Hor, came into Southern Judea and Jerusalem. Afterwards, cruis- ing among the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean, he visited Smyrna and Ephesus and finally Constantinople. Everywhere he sought the principal cities and places of interest, storing his mind with an inexhaustible fund of historical lore which has served to strengthen and enrich all that he has since written on historical and archaeological subjects. On the 4 th of July, 1S62, when in Lon- don, Mr. Putnam attended the American Dinner and responded to the toast of "The Constitution of the United States." At a time when, just after unexpected reverses, the outlook for the cause of the North was very dark and discouragement among its sympathizers w>.s widespread, he, by his eloquence and unswerving faith in the ultimate triumph of the right, aroused his audience to renewed confi- dence and to the highest pitch of en- thusiasm. In 1864, sometime after his return to America, Mr. Putnam was called to the large and influential Fir.-,t Unitarian Church (I'he Church of the Saviour), of Brooklyn, N. Y. This call he accepted and was installed as pastor on Sept. 28, of the same year. Dr. Putnam needed not to be in Brook- lyn long before he became a power in the city as he was in the church. Through- out his long and remarkably successful pastorate in Brooklyn, no goo i cause ever ai)])ealed to him in vain ; no philan- thropic or other beneficent enterprise ever sought aid from him or his generous peo- ple without receiving their earnest sup- port and co-operation. Perhaps the most noteworthy of the many benevolent works which Dr. Put- nam wrought when in Brooklyn was the extending of the influence of his church to the poorer classes of the great city and founding in their midst a mission school. The first session of this mission was held over the Wall street ferryhouse and was attended by only six children, but in a comparatively short space of time it came to number over two hundred. By gen- erous subscriptions from Dr. Putnam's parishioners a handsome and commodious chapel was erected, which stands today, in one of Brooklyn's tenement house dis- tricts, a still thriving mission with a min- ister of its own, and a noljle monument to the energy and zeal of the founder and his friends. At the suggestion and through the lead of Dr. Putnam a third and now flourishing Unitarian church was estab- lished in Brooklyn, his own parishioners contributing ten thousand dollars for a house of worship ; and during his minis- try a beautiful chapel was also built for the use of his own Sunday School, mainly through the munificence of the late Mr. E. H. R. Lyman. The Union for Christian Work, a non- sectarian institution, the aim of which is to assist the more needy of all classes, albO owes its origin and growth largely to Dr. Putnam. It now has a fine, suitable building of its own, containing a library, and reading and lecture rooms. With these and its labor bureau and schools of industrial art, it still remains one of Brooklyn's foremost charities. Of this institution Mr. Putnam was a director as long as he continued to live in Brooklyn. At the time of the disastrous fire in the Brooklyn theatre in 1876, which resulted in terrible loss of life and untold distress to hundreds of jjersons. Dr. Putnam's ser- vices were pronij^tly given. He was chosen to deliver the address at the burial of the numerous unrecognized dead in one common grave at Greenwood Ceme- tery. A relief association was formed by the citizens to care for the surviving suf- ferers, and from this was chosen an exec- utive committee of five. Dr. Putnam 144 DAN VERS. was appointed a member of this commit- tee to represent the churches and chari- ties of the city, and upon him largely de- volved the duty of distributing, by small checks and for two years, the fifty thous- and dollars which had been raised for the families of those who had perished. That the work was done with remarkable wis- dom and fidelity was attested to by all, and when the final report, which Dr. Put- nam had been selected to write, was handed in and published, all the papers in the city were unanimous in their praise. In 1880, the one hundredth anniver- sarv of the birth of \Villiam Ellery Chan- ning, Dr. Putnam conceived the idea of celebrating the occasion in an appropriate manner in the city of Brooklyn. Crowded meetings were held in his church and at the Academy of Music. Among the speakers at the latter place were Henry VVard Beecher and (ieorge William Cur- tis, A. A. Low presiding. All denomina- tions were represented largely at the gath- erings and many of their distinguished ministers, orthodox and liberal, made im- pressive and accordant addresses, Dr. Putnam managing the whole affair and afterwards publishing in book form an ac- count of the proceedings, with letters of sympathy and cheer from various parts of the world. During all the busy years in Brooklyn, in spite of the multifarious duties and cares in his church and outside, he still found time to do much in the line of lec- ture writing, contributions to the papers and magazines, and other literary work. His travels abroad had suggested to him numerous subjects for lectures, which separately or in courses he gave to his own ])eople and some of which he de- livered at the Meadville (Pa.) Theological School and before literary or historical societies, on Egypt, Sinai and Palestine, Hebrew History and the History of the Bible, the History of Sacred Song from earliest Hebrew Tmies, the Great Ethnic Religions, etc. The course on Sacred Song led to the preparation and ])ublica- tion, in 1874, of his "Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith," a book of about 550 pages, which contains biographical sketches of seventy-two American Unita- rian hymn-writers, with selections from the best hymns and sacred poems of each and illustrative notes. This work won the highest words of praise from the press and from critics and reviewers of whatever sect. The late and learned Dr. Ezra Abbot, in writing of it, said : " It seems to me in every respect admirably edited. I find unexpected richness every time I open it." During these years he was for a long time Corresponding Secretary of the Brooklyn New England Society, and a Di- rector of the Long Island Historical So- ciety, being also for three years chairman of the Executive Committee of the latter and writing its annual published reports. In 1882, Dr. Putnam's strong consti- tution began to show the effects of the great strain to which he had subjected it for so many years, and he f jund it im- peratively necessary to rest for a while from his arduous labors. His parish, with their usual bountiful generosity, voted him a year's leave of absence, at the same time offering to continue his salary, to supply his pulpit in his absence, and to furnish him with a liberal sum with which to travel abroad. Removing his family to Concord, Mass., the birthplace of his wife's father and home of her ancestors, he set sail for Liv- erpool on Jan. 10, 1883. After a delightful winter in the south of France, along the Riviera, he returned to England in May, hoping and believing that all his former buoyancy of spirits and strength of body had been restored and looking forward to years of active service at his old post. While in London, dur- ing the anniversaries, he delivered, before the Unitarian ministers assembled from far and near, an address on the "Aspects of Unitarianism in America," which he had previously been invited to give. On this occasion, as always, Dr. Putnam took a firm stand for positive Christian Unitarianism, as agamst the radical ten- dencies of the body. This addre-s gave rise to a great deal of criticism and re- mark in the papers, both favorable and adverse, on both sides of the Atlantic, himself joining earnestly in the discussion. Having visited Scrooby, the last home DANVERS. 145 of the Pilgrims in England, the Lake region and Belfast, Ireland, Dr. Putnam returned to America in July and in the fall plunged again into his accustomed labors in Brooklyn, but after several years more, and at the end of a twenty-two years' pastorate, he found he could no longer work as he had once been able to do, and that it remained for him to retire from his post and seek the recovery of his health, now seriously impairel. His society accepted his resignation with ex- pressions of deepest regret, presenting him with a splendid token of their appre- ciation of his faithful service and of their love and admiration for him, while the local and other papers and the various institutions with which he had been con- nected paid fitting tributes to his work and worth as a minister and a citizen. In the fall of 1886 he again removed with his family to Concord, Mass., there to seek complete change and rest. But the mind which for many years had been so active could never really rest ; the will which through a lifetime had been used to organize and control could not remain idle. During these years of comparative quiet, he preached in m my pulpits, wrote many lectures on his favorite subjects, Bible history, sacred song and archaeolog- ical discoveries, and delivered courses before the Meadville (Pa.) Theological School and Tufts College, and separate lectures before literary or historical so- cieties. In i8Sg, he established in his native town of Danvers a historical society. He was elected to the presidency and has held the position ever since. Through his untiring zeal and labor, with the aid of a faithful band of workers, he has built the society up until it is now large and prosperous, occupying four rooms and having a most instructive and valuable collection of pictures and articles of historical interest, together with a prom- ising library and successful courses of lectures. Several years ago Dr. Putnam moved to Danvers, where he lived for a brief time, finally settling hi Salem, his jjresent home. Since leaving: Brooklvn he has spoken at many patriotic and other meet- ings and has continued his articles of local history in the Danvers Mirror, be- gun some twenty-five years ago and now numbering about one hundred. In 1893 he edited "Old Anti-Slavery Days," an account of the Danvers Historical So- ciety celel)ration of the iMiiancipation movement, with the editor's historical in- troduction and biographical sketches. Among his thirty or forty pamphlet pub- lications may be mentioned " Edward Everett," ** The Freedom and Largeness of the Christian Faith," " L^nitarianism in Brooklyn," historical ; " The Unitarian Denomination, Past and Present," " Broken Pillars," a sermon for the times ; " Christianity, the Law of the Land,' "William Lloyd Garrison," "The Whole Family of God," Biograph- ical Memorials of Mrs. Josiah O. Low and Mr. Ethelbert M. Low, and also of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Buttrick, with " A Sketch of Gen. Israel Putnam," orig- inally published in the History of the Putnam Family, " A >Ioble Life," a memorial discourse on Abiel Abbot Low, " Rebecca Nurse and her Forty Friends," " The Military Descendants of John Porter," and " A Unitarian Oberlin," being a full sketch of the life and labors of Rev. jasper L. Douthit of Shelbyville, 111. Among his biographical sketches in various books are a chapter in Judge Neilson's Memorial volume on Rufus Choate, and more or less extended ac- counts of A. A. Low, Hon. Elias Putnam and Gen. Grenville M. Dodge in the History of Essex County. Of articles contributed to various mag- azines are " Hosea Ballou," " A Visit to Haworth " (home of Charlotte Bronte), " Origin of Hymns," " Helen Maria Wil- liams " (in three numbers) ; " A Story of some French Liberal Protestants," (in two numbers) ; "Paul a witness to Chris- tianitv," and " Wenham Lake" (in three numl)ers and illustrated). The subjects of some of Dr. Putnam's lectures before literary antl historical so- cieties are " The Land of the Pharaohs," "The Old Anti-Slavery Guard," "Gen- 146 DANVERS. eral Moses Porter," " The Battle of Bun- ker Hill," " Scrooby," and " Famous Persons I have heard or seen at home and abroad." Of the various societies of which he has been a member, besides those already mentioned, are the New England Histor- ical and Genealogical Society of Boston, the American Historical Association, the Brooklyn Art Association, the Massachu- setts Sons of the American Revolution, the Old Salem Chapter of the S. A. R., the Century Club of New York and the Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, and the Vic- toria Institute of London, F2ngland. But from several of these he has withdrawn. He is a life member of the American Unitarian Association and of the Long Island Historical Society. He is also an honorary member of the Lexington and Peabody Historical Societies, and of the New England Society of Brooklyn, N. Y. Dr. Putnam received his degree of D.D. from Brown University in 1871. In politics he was a Republican until the presidential election of 1884, but since that time has preferred to call himself an Independent. In writing of him as a preacher, J. Alexander Patten, in his work, " Lives of the Clergy of New York and Brooklyn," says : "Dr. Putnam preaches with much effec- tiveness. There is great comprehension in his thought and he is able to give ex- pression to it in terms of rare conciseness and not less of beauty. All that he says has this vigor of meaning and force of application, and much of it is delivered in ihe most classic and glowing picturings of eloquence. In his argument he ad- dresses himself to an elaborate practical consideration of his subject and you are led along with him, without tediousness, but rather allured by the attractive inter- weavings of a warm and chaste fancy. And herein is it that this gifted preacher excels. Your attention is instantly riveted by the smoothness of his periods and the elegance of sentiment which usher you to profound discussion and lofty imagery. He belongs to the Channing School of Unitarianism. Holding to his particular tenets with all the strength of his intellect and his love, he stands prominent among their ablest expounders, and in a pure, consistent life seeks their practical illus- tration before his fellow men." Dr. Putnam married for his second wife, Dec. 27, 1865, Miss Eliza King Buttrick of Cambridge, daughter of Ephraim Buttrick, a native of Concord, Mass., and long a prominent and honored member of the Middlesex Bar. Mrs. Buttrick, her mother, was Mary King, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Green- wood) King, also of Cambridge. Dr. and Mrs. Putnam's five children are all living : Endicott Greenwood, Alfred Whitwell, Helen Langley (Mrs. James Kingsley Blake), Ralph Buttrick and Margaret Ross. Note. A fine portrait of Dr. Putnam may be found on page ">(, in connection with the account of the Danvers Historical Society. Peabody Institute. At the centennial celebration of the old town of Danvers, June 16, 1852, George Peabody, a wealthy London banker, gave the town $20,000 for the purpose of erecting a building and maintaining a li- brary. In order to extend the privileges arising from this gift more ecpially to the various parts of the town, Mr. Peabody, in Dec, 1856, established a branch li- brary at the Plains, to which he contrib- uted $10,000. Subsequently he made two donations of books to the library amounting to 2,000 volumes. The first delivery of books occurred Sept. 5, 1857. The library then contained 2,360 volumes. After an absence in England, Mr. Pea- body, in 1 866, returned to this country, and was pleased to found another insti- tute in the present town of Danvers — the old town, during his absence, having been divided, and the southern portion in which he was born having taken his name — by an additional appropriation, suffi- cient to support the library, an annual course of lectures and construct an edi- fice adapted to the accomplishment of these ol)jects. Mr. Peabody in a letter from Oakland, Md., under date of Oct. DANVERS. 147 148 DANVERS. 30, 1866, addressed to the following gen- tlemen : Rev. Milton P. Braman, Joshua Silvester, Francis Peabody, Jr., Samuel P. Fowler, Daniel Richards, Israel W. An- drews, Jacob E. Perry, Charles P. Pres- ton, and Israel H. Putn im, all of Dan- vers, constituted the above nine persons his trustees for life, conveying to them in trust for the town the sum of $40,000 to be added with $10,000 already given, under certain special conditions. After an absence of three years he again vis- ited his native land, when an invitation was extended to him to witness the for- mal opening of the Institute Building in Dan vers. The day designated was July 14, 1869, and Mr. Peabody, although in feeble health, was present. Rev. James Fletcher made an appro])riate address upon the occasion and Mr. Peabody, in replying, expressed his approbation of the doings of the trustees and consum- mated his benevolence to Danvers by the pledge of $45,000 in addition to $55,000 which had been given by prev- ious donations. A reception by the school children of Danvers was given Mr. Peabody at the Universalist church April 13, 1867. Rev. Dr. Milton P. Braman delivered an address of welcome to Mr. Peabody. On behalf of the medal scholars, addresses were delivered and Mr. Peabody assured all present that he would make the $200 provided an- nually for medals perpetual. Mr. Pea- body died in London, Nov. 4, 1869. At a meeting of the citizens of Danvers on Nov. 15, 1869, resolutions were passed expressive of their sorrow and profound sense of loss at the death of their cher- ished benefactor, George Peabody. The evening of Feb. 15, 1870 was appointed for memorial services upon his death in Danvers. The rooms of the institute were ai)propriately draped and the eulogy was delivered by Rev. James Fletcher. The original building was in the Gothic style of architecture and was destroyed by fire in 1890. 'l"he present building is in the old colonial style of architecture and presents a most pleasing and sub- stantial appearance. It was dedicated with ap])ropriate exercises Oct. 19, 1892, and contains a stack room, deliverv room, general reading room, children's room, and a librarian's and trustees' room, all on the first floor. The second floor is devoted to a spacious and elegantly appointed lecture room with a seating capacity of about 900. In the winter season a course of lectures is delivered on popular subjects, the expense being met by a special fund created by Mr. Peabody. The library contains 18,370 volumes and there are 2,410 borrowers. The various rooms are elegantly appointed and are eminently suitable for their sev- eral purposes. The reading loom con- tains a well executed full length portrait of Mr. Peabody. Nearly five acres of carefully laid out and well kept grounds surround the Institute, containing many rare plants, shrubs and trees intersected by avenues and paths, making a pleasant promenade for the townspeople. Under the present librarian, Mrs. Eniilie K. Patch, the library has been piogressive and modern methods have been introduced for the benefit of borrowers. Some of the changes made at her suggestion are the following: Every resilient of the town is allowed a card at the age of eight years and every borrower is entitled to a "Special Card" for non-ficlion. Books are sent to the schools every two weeks and lists of works upon topics be- ing studied are furnished the teachers, besides much assistance given to pupils at the library. Books are sent to the Dan- vers Hospital every week for attendants and such patients as may be recom- mended by the superintendent. Lists of new books are printed for free distribution every month. All new books and those upon current topics are displayed upon open shelves, from which borrowers may make selection. A children's room, con- taining books and magazines for those under fourteen years of age, has been opened. Borrowers are encouraged to leave at the desk titles of works to be added to the library, which are procured. Exhibitions of pictures have been given and the reference library has been en- larged and placed in the reading room for free consultation. The present trustees are G. Augustus Peabody, Francis Pea- bodv, Calvin Pytnam, Gilbert A. Tapley, DANVERS. '49 Charles H. Preston, Wallace P. Hood, Lester S. Couch, John T. Carroll, Her- bert S. Tapley. All the furniture of reading room, including stationary and revolving bookcases and magazine rack, the furnishings of children's room and 200 books, besides magazines, sets of valuable books to the main library and card catalogue case, are the gift of (i. A. Peabody of the trustees, one of the most public spirited men ever living in Danvers, his gift of the expensive and useful electric clock on the Town House also attesting his thoughtfulness and gen- erosity. Frank M. Spofford. Six clerks and three teams are kept busy, and the reputation of the establishment for reliable, standard goods, and honest, courteous treatment of patrons, is second to that of no other similar concern in town. Mr. Spofford is a member of the Maple street Congregational church, a Republican in politics, a Mason, an Odd Fellow, and a member of numerous other fraternal, insurance and social organiza- tions, in all of which he is deservedly popular. Mr. Spofford is a married man with a wife and two children, a boy and a girl, and a beautiful home on Cherry street. Public Park. Frank M. Spofford, proprietor of one A spacious, attractive and easily acces- F. M. SPOFFORD S STORE. of the largest grocery and provision stores in town, was born in Danvers in October, 1854. He attended the public schools of the town and after graduating was for four years employed in a Peabody mo- rocco factory. He then entered the em- ploy of William M. Currier, grocer, at the corner of Maple and School streets, with whom he remained for thirteen years. In 1 886 he bought out Mr. Currier and has conducted the business ever since. Mr. Spofford is an energetic, up-to-date business man, and is constantly increas- ing his business, and his trade now ex- tends all over Danvers and portions of Beverly, Middleton and even beyond. sible public park is assured through the efforts of leading citizens and the Im- provement Society, a large tract of land having been secured from the Eben G. Berry estate, and the work of improving having already been begun. The land has a generous water front on Porter's river, and is susceptible to the numerous attractions common to a reservation of its character. It is conveniently located, and will prove one of the additions to the town's many advantages in the near future. The Improvement Society has raised nearly the amount necessary for its purchase by various public entertain- ments. ISO DANVERS. Gen. Israel Putnam Chapter, Dau2:h- tcrs of the American Revolution. During the month of March and the early part of April, 1S95, plans were made for the formation of a chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Danvers, Mass., to be known as the Gen. Israel Putnam chapter. Mrs. Charles H. Masury was appointed Regent of the Chapter by the State Re- gent on April 19, 1895. A meeting of the charter members was held at the home of Mrs. Masury to formally organ- ize the chapter, the charter members be- ing Mrs. Evelyn F. Masury, Miss Harriet S. Tapley, Miss Clara P. Hale, Miss Bes- sie Putnam, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Burns, Mrs. Martha P. Perry, Mrs. Mary B. Put- nam, Miss Anne L. Page, Mrs. Ella J. Porter, Mrs. Isadora E. Kenney, Mrs. El- len M.' P. Gould, Mrs. Luella's. Tapley, Miss Caroline B. Faxon, Miss Jessie E. Bly, Miss May L. George, Miss Harriet P. Pope, Mrs. Henrietta J. Damon, Miss Susan W. Eaton, Miss Grace B. Faxon, Mrs. Isabella F. George. The following officers were appointed by the Regent : Vice Regent, Miss Caroline B. Faxon ; Registrar, Miss Harriet P. Pope ; Sec- retary, Miss Susan W. Eaton ; Treasurer, Miss Clara P. Hale ; Historian, Miss Harriet S. Tapley; Chaplain, Mrs. Ellen Putnam Gould. By-laws in accordance with the Na- tional Constitution were adopted May 23, 1895. The Mayflower was chosen as the emblem of the chapter and Gen. Putnam's motto " He dared lead where any dared to follow " the motto of the chapter. The most noteworthy meetings of the chapter have been on May 7, 1895, when the chapter united with the D. W. A. in a reception at which the State Regent and chapter regents of the state were present, the chapter taking the guests for a drive about town and calling at historic homes. The Lindens, Oak Knoll and others. On June 17, 1895 at the Page House, the home of Miss Anne L. Page, Mr. Ezra D. Hines gave an account of the Tea Party held on the roof of the his- toric house. On each 4th of July since, the chapter has held patriotic exercises in the old house. Dr. A. P. Putnam having spoken on each occasion, while others have contributed music, reading and re- freshments. Oct. 19, 1895, the chapter assisted the Sons of the American Revo- lution in their visit to the town. On Dec. 12, 1895, Mrs. Masury tendered her resignation as Chapter Regent, hav- ing been elected State Regent of Mass., and Miss H. S. Tapley was appointed to the ollfice. On Jan. 7, 1896 the first public meeting was held in Essex Hall. Dr. A. P. Putnam delivered an address on (ien. Israel Putnam. On April 20, 1896, Mrs. Ellen M. P. Guild was elected Regent of the Chapter. Mrs. Masury was elected Vice President General of the National Society at the Continental Congress, 1896. At the second annual meeting April 26, 1897, Mrs. Gould re- signed as Regent and Mrs. Masury was elected Regent. On Dec. 17, 1897, a bronze tablet was placed on the house in which Gen. Putnam was born. The tab- let was unveiled by the little girls. Misses Fanny and Alice Putnam. Dr. Putnam offered prayer and Mrs. Masury made brief remarks. In the afternoon in Town Hall there was a large gathering including representatives of local and neighboring patriotic societies, some com- ing from Putnam, Conn. The programme was as follows : — Prayer, Rev. E. C. Ewing ; Address of Welcome, Mrs. C. H. Masury ; Response, Mrs. T. M. Brown, State Regent ; Address, Mrs. Donald McLean, Regent N. V. City Chapter; xVddress, Rev. W. F. Livingston, Augusta, Me., great-great-great-grandson of Gen. Putnam ; Address, Rev. A. P. Putnam, Pres. Danvers Historical Society ; Ad- dress, Hon. R. S. Rantoul of Essex In- stitute, Salem ; Address, Rev. H. C. Adams, pastor First Church ; Address, Mr. B. W. Putnam; Benediction, Rev. W. H. Trickey, Pastor Universalist Church. In Feb., 1898, Mr. William Maxwell Reed of Harvard University gave a most interesting address of the Gagenschine at Mrs. C. F. Kenney's. On April 19, 1899, a most interesting meetina: was held in Essex Hall, the nine- DANVERS. teenths of April in U. 3. History being spoken of as follows : — The 19th of 1 7 75- 6, Hon. A. P. White. The 19th of 1861-5, A. A. P u t n a m. The 19th of 1S9S, Rev. A. P. Putnam, D. D. On this oc- casion the chapter was honored with the presence of Mrs. Tulia Ward Howe, who recited the Bat- tle Hymn of the Re- public and told the circumstances of its writing. Mr. C. F. Kenney and Rev. Ed- son Reifsnider sang the hymn. The social meetings of the chapter have been many and pleasant. Outings have been taken t o Concord and Lexington, Quincy, Hull,Byfield, c. n. Cambridge and Me- thuen. A class in American History has been one of the valuable features of the chapter. A quilt exhibit was held which was one o f the most uniq u e and in- tere s t- ing af- fairs ever held in t'o w n, there b e i n g 280 differ- ent qu i 1 1 s ex h i fa- it e d . The chapter has in mind in the near future the placing of a tablet to Judge STORE OF C. N. PERLEY. Holten in the Holten High School assem- bly room. Prizes have been offered for two years to the High School for the best essay on local his- tory. The Charles Warren Society, C. A. R., has been car- ried along by the chapter wi h Mrs. ( "■ i 1 b e r t Kmerson, Miss Jessie Kemp a n d Miss Fanny Ceorge as presidents. The chapter works along the lines laid down in the Consti- tution o f the Na- tional Society, and is a part of the great whole, a society that numbers 2 9,000 women all working for the best interests o f patriotism and good citizenship. ?LEY. The chapter numbers sixty- four members, all the old families in town being rep- resented and its value as an educator, and the elevating character of its work will be m ore a n d more app re- ciat e d as time pass e s on. and t h e (i e n. Israel P u t- n a m c h a p- ter, D. A. R., contin- ues in the good work it has so auspicious- Iv becfun. 152 DANVERS. Charles N. Perky. Mr. Parley belongs to a good old Dan- vers family and his forefathers hive li*"en for over half a century engaged in the business now so success- fully carried on by him at the old corner grocery. The house w a s established i n 1 84 1 by A. P. and Nathan Perley, the partnershi]) being changed four years later to A. P. Perley and M. J. Currier. The present pro- prietor, Mr. C. N. Perley, succeeded to the business in 1886. Mr. Per- ley was born here Feb. 12, 1 85 1, and after graduat- ing from the Holten High School com- menced his busi- ness career with his father, A. P. Per- ley. He owns the bull ding i n which the store is located a n d also the post- o ffi c e build i n g. Mr. Perley was ap- pointed post ma s- t e r by Preside n t Cleveland in 1886-90, and was re-ap- pointed to the office by President Mc- Kinley in January, 1896. His incum- JACOB MARSTON. bency of the office has resulted in the in- stitution of many beneficial reforms, a very large increase in the amount of busi- ness transacted, and a general systematiz- ation of the entire depart- ment. He has been most persis- tent in his endeav- ors to have a free delivery of mail matter i n Dan- vers and has la- bored indefatiga- bly to bring the receipts of t h e office up to the limits required by the postal author- ities. Mr. Perley served as select- man in 1892. He is a member of Mosaic Lodge, the only order to which he belongs. All matters look- ing to t h e ad- vancement of the town and the betterment of ex- isting conditions with h i s hearty ap- p r o V a 1 and he is looked upon b y all as a thorough - ly public- spi r i t e d citizen. Jacob Marston . meet RESIDENCE OF JACOB MARSTON field, Early Mr. Mar- — I ston is a native o f Par sons- Maine, where he was born in 1847. in life he learned the trade of a carpenter and was engaged in that busi- DANVERS. 153 prominent in social and fraternal societies, being a member of the Order of Odd Fellows, Red Men, A. O. U. W., Royal Arcanum, and Knights of Pythias. In religion he is a Christian Scientist, being affiH- ated with the Mother Church in Boston, and acting as Treasurer of the Christian Science Church, Salem. His belief in the doctrine of the church is abundant and his acceptance of its tenets was the out- come of a marvelous cure performed upon him by members of the faith. Mr. Marston married Miss Martha A. L. Batson, of Danvers, and has two children. Last year he erected a handsome residence at the corner of Park and Alden streets. W. E. Smart & Co. This establishment had its incep- tion twenty-one years ago under the style of Smart & McCrillis. At that WILLIS E. SMART. ness in Boston. He then came to Danvers and was employed in the shoe business until 1S74, when he engaged in the Danvers and Boston express business, which is now conducted by Pet- tingell c*v- Barry. In iSSS, he established an express route be- tween Danvers, Haverhill, Bev- erly, Peabody, Salem and Lynn, which has increased yearly both in the volume of business trans- acted and general efficiency of its service. Every description of merchandise and small parcels are forwarded daily with the ut- most dispatch and at a uniformly low rate. Mr. Marston utilizes several teams and the services of a number of competent men in his business and personally super- intends all shipments. In 1S92-3 he served as selectman and as- sessor of the town and displayed much ability in the discharge of his duties. Mr. Marston is ARTHUR C. KELLY. 154 DANVERS. time it was located on the opposite side of the street, but when the present build- ing was erected a number of years ago, the business was removed and has since been con- ducted at 30 Ma- ple street. In 1S89, Mr. Smart carried on busi- ness under his own name and so continued until 1898, when Ar- thur C. Kelly was admitted to part- nership under the title of W. E. Smart cS: Co. The premises o c c u- pied are large, at- tractively a])- pointed, and the stock carried is as complete, high class and reliable as long experience and thorough knowl- edge of the business and intimate rela- tions with leading producers can secure. It em- braces every- thing re- quired by the most dis- cri m i n- ating pa- trons in fine, sta- ple and fane \ grocer- ies, teas and cof- fees, for- eign and domestic t a b 1 e d e 1 ica- cies and fruits. A very large stock is carried and a specialty is made of butter, tea and Danvers Mocha and Java coffee. An ex- W. E. SMART & CO.S STORE. ccllcnt trade has been developed which ex- tends generally throughout the surround- ing district. Willis E. Smart is a native of Thornton, N. H., where he was born in 1855. Hecame to Danvers in 1872, and worked successively for W. M. Currier and Nye & Beal, gro- cers, acquiring an intimate knowl- edge of the busi- ness in all its branches. Arthur C. Kelly is a Dan- vers man and was born in 1867. He has always been engaged in this business, spending several years with Mead & Webb, Danversport, and N. W. Edson & Co., Lynn. For nine years prece(iing his admission to partnership he was employed bv Mr. Smart. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and both partne rs are d e- served 1 y popular. J.Franfc Porter &Co. PORTERS BLOCK. ^ Mr. J. F rank Porter has t h e dist i n c- tion o f being a direct descend- a n t of John Porter, the founder of Porter's Plains, now Danvers. He was born at Danversport in 1847, and graduated from DANVERS. 155 the Holteii High School. Three years were then spent in the morocco business in Peabody, after which, in iS65,hecame to Danvers, entering the grocery store of A. P. Perley tfc Co., where he remained ten years. In 1875 he opened a furni- ture store in the Carroll block, but his trade increased so rapidly that he found it necessary to seek more commodious premises. The result was that in 1S7S he erected the Porter block, of which he now occupies the entire ground floor and one- third of the second tloor, together with a spacious storehouse and upholstery d e- partment on Cen- tral avenue. The ]:)remises through- out are admirably arranged and well ai^pointed, a n d every convenience is possessed for the successful prosecution o f the extensive busi- ness carried on. The stock em- braces everything useful and desira- ble in a home in the w a y of fine and medium fur- n i t u r e, carpets, wall papers, win- dow shades and draperies. The stock is all new and is the product of the largest manu- facturers i n the country. Mr. Porter has held several im- portant elective ofifices. He was a Trus- tee of the Peabody Institute for ten years and served in the Legislature in 1894, being re-elected in 1895. He has been a member of the finance committee of the Danvers Savings bank since 1891, and is at present one of its trustees. He is also one of the Board of Directors of the Danvers Gas Light Co. and acts as collecter for that corporation. Mr. Por- ter is largely interested in real estate and is a large owner of the Porter and Essex blocks and a number of houses. He has been assiduous in promoting the welfare of the community and has made most strenuous eftbrts to induce the establish- ment of industries in Danvers. Recently Arthur VV. Beckford, who was in Mr. Porter's employ a number of years, was admitted to partnership, the firm now being J. F. Porter & Co. Mr. Beck- ford is a popular young man, standing high in Masonry and other fraternal and social circles. John T. Carroll & Co. JOHN T. CARROLL T h e business rarried on by John T. Carroll under the style of John T. Carroll & C o. was estab- lished in 1S79 by Lewis & Carroll, who remained in Ijartnership for ten years, when Mr. Carroll a c- quired the busi- ness and c o n- ducted it under his own name un- til 1894, when the jnesent style was adopted. M r. Carroll conducts the only news de- pot in town and supplies his pa- trons with all the Boston, local and New York papers, magazines and period- icals, also receiving subscriptions for the leading journals at the publishers' prices, and delivering them at customers' resi- dences. Thirty newsboys are employed on the various routes and the district is well covered by his excellent service. In addition to the news department Mr. Carroll deals extensively in books and stationery, cigars and tobacco, toys, fruits and confectionery, small wares and no- tions. The store is located in the three 156 DANVERS. and a half story Carroll block, which was bought by Mr. Carroll in 1 89 i . Although not a nati\e of Danvers Mr. Carroll has resided here since his fourteenth year, and his education was received in the public schools of this town. He was born at Stoneham, in 1859, and upon leaving school entered the business which he now conducts. He is a member of Mosaic Lodge, F. and A. M., Holten Royal Arch Chapter, I. O. O. F., and A. O. U". W. Mr. Carroll was also a chirter member and one of the organizers of the Danvers Light In- fantry, Co. K, Eighth Mass. Vol- unteers. He i s most popular i n business and so- cial circles a n d enjoys the respect of his fellow citi- zens. Jesse P. Colby. looked out for the business end, devoting such other time as he had to general work on the paper. After a year and a half here he was induced to reenter the employ of Messrs. Hanson as bookkeeper and buyer for the firm, giving, also, a portion of his time to the office of the Mirror. In May, 1893, the firm of Moy- nahan & Colby was dissolved, and during the balance of the year Mr. Colby spent the most of the time in the west, contrib- uting from Chicago a series of articles on the World's Fair to the Salem Dailv Cia- zette, which were Mr. Colby was born on a farm in Bradford, N. H., in 1S63 and until after twenty-one years of age fol- lowed the occupa- tion of farming. Coming to Dan- vers in 1885, he was first employed by F. M. Spofford a s bookkeei)er. Later he entered the employ o f Messrs. J. \'. i\: J. Hanson, the wholesale grain men of Dan- vers and Salem, as bookkeeper and col- lector, which position he had held for some years when, in 1890, owing to the appointment of C. H. Shepard, at that time owner of the Mirror, as U. S. Con- sul to Cothenburg, Sweden, the opportun- ity presented itself for him to i)urchase an interest in that paper, and the job print- ing business connected with it in company with the present proprietor, F. E. Moy- nahan. In this connection Mr. Colbv J. T. CARROLL'S STORE widely quoted. In January, 1894, he for the third time entered the em- ploy of the Messrs. Hanson, remain- ing with them un- til early in 1895, w hen business changes in that firm again neces- sitated his leaving them. During all these years his knowl- edge of business methods and par- ticularly of t h e proper manner in which accounts should b e kept had become ex- tensive and valu- able. So that in 1895, after some months spent in special w o r k in the offices of the auditor of the P.. .V' M. R. R., and the treasurer of the B. X: L. R. R., he estab- lished himself in the business of public accounting at No. 605 Chamber of Com- merce, Boston, where his business has since grown to large proportions. Among the many important engagements he has filled, in the capacity of an accountant, are those which take him to the paper- mill citv of Holyoke several times each year. In 1896 he made a report to the town authorities .of Dalton, X. H., where- DANVERS. 157 by the town recovered several thousimi dollars from a dishonest official. Ouite recently he also made an examination of the financial affairs of the famous Elec- trolytic Marine Salts Company, reporting to the committee representing the stock- holders. He has also at various times been employed by the B. tS: M. R. R., the Stoneham Gas Co., The Int^-rnational Ice Co., Messrs. J. & W. Jolly of Holyoke, Jos. W. Spaulding, Esq., Judge Jos. K. Wiggin, Hon. J. (). Burdett, Messrs. Doe, Hunnewell & Co., The Castle Square Hotel Co., R. M. Michie & C o., Messrs. M. Judd & Son, J. H. Cres- sey & Co., all of Boston, Hon. John P. Sweeney o f Lawrence, C. H. Cox & Co. of Hav- erhill and many others. For many of these firms and corporations he is the regular audi- tor. He has often acted as assignee in failures a n d insolvency cases, and is sole trus- tee for one or two large estates r e- quiring good judgment, busi- ness tact and abil- ity. Early in the present )ear Mr. Colby formed a business connec- tion with A. C. R. Smith, of Salem, late treasurer of the Security Safe l)ei)0sit and Trust Co. of Lynn, for the ])urpose of protesting bank jniper, each hiving for several years l)een a notary ]:)u])lic. Al- ready they do all the work of this kind for two of the large Boston banks, this being, in reality, an important branch of the banking business. 'I'heir office is at 48 Congress St., where their sign reads : " Accountants and Notaries Public." Probably in literary or newspaper work JESSE p. COLBY Mr. Coll)y could have made an equal suc- cess, as he has for many }ears been an occasional correspondent and contributor to various newspapers and magazines, and wherever his articles have ai^peared they have commanded attention on account of clearness and terseness of expression. Mr. Colby is a member of Mosaic Lodge, F. .\: A. M., and Holten R. A. Chapter of Danvers, and in f)OSton be- longs to the Huntington Club and the Boston Fusilier \'eteran Association. He now lives in Boston. John F, Kirby. Mr. Kirby's ex- perience in the boot and shoe business has been extensive and be- i n g a practical shoemaker him- self he is familiar with all the de- tails of the busi- ness. He was born in Danvers, March 12, 1S65, and recei\ed his education at the public schools, upon leaving which he worked for six years in the shoe factories of Danvers and Beverly. Twelve years ago he o])ened a store at 56 Maple street where he re- when he removed the block in which his store is located March I, rS98. The stock includes in its as- sortment everything desirable m tine and medium grade boots and shoes, rubbers and slippers for ladies, gentlemen, misses and children, and is of a superior ([uality. Mr. Kirby is active and alert and is able to meet the most exacting demands of his patrons and the public, and quick to take advantage of all the new styles in mained until TS92, to his present address, buying I5S DANVERS. leans and from there worked his passage to Danvers, where he found employment on the Endicott farm on his arrival. The money he earned was spent in securing an education and he ultimately gradu- ated from Walnut Grove Academy. He afterwards learned the trade of a carpenter and became a con- tractor and builder. During the Civil War Mr. Lovejoy enlisted in Co. F, Second Massachusetts Vol- unteers, but was honorably dis- charged on account of disability, having sustained an attack of ty- phoid pneumonia. In 1S74 having bought a residence at Tapleyville he removed there. Three years later he was appomted a special police officer to suppress the li(]uor traffic, but resigned in 1879. The same year he was appointed a jus- tice of the peace for seven years, and has been regularly re-appointed ever since. He was also appointed JOHN F. KIRBY. footwear on their first appearance in the market. He is a young man of much promise and is popular with a larwe circle of friends. He belongs to the Catholic Order of Foresters, and the Young Men's Mutual Benev- olent Society. W. S. Lovejoy. Walter Scott Lovejoy was born in the old Osborne house. Central street. South Danvers, now Peabody, Aug. 31, 1S31. When fourteen years of age he was apprenticed to John Calvin Butler, one of the pio- neer shoe manufacturers of Danvers, but did not complete his term, going to reside at St. Louis, Mo. While there he enlisted in a cavalry troop under Col. John C. Fremont for service in the Mexican war, but be- fore leaving the state was discharged by application of his parents, as he was under age. He made two trips on a Mississippi steamer to New Or- WALTER S. LOVEJOY. DANVERS. 159 a notary public and pension attorney to prosecute claims before the pension bu- reau at Washing- ton. He has been secretary of the Danvers War Record commit- tee ; chaplain of Ward Post 90, (i. A. R., and has composed several local poems and contributed t o the columns of the Danvers Mirror. At jone time he was a member of the Prohibition State Committee, but most of his life he has been an ardent Repub- lican. Edward Carr, Edward Carr, son o f Edward Carr and Eliza- b e t h ( Doran ) Carr, w a s born in t h e County Meath , I r e 1 a n d. F e b. 22, iS- 39. His educa - t i o n was re- ceiv e d i n the nation - al school o f his nat i V e country and a t the age of fourteen years he came to the United States with his parents who settled EDWARD CARR. RESIDENCE OF EDWARD CARR at Stoddard, N. H. Mr. Carr obtained employment in the glass factory there, where he r e- mained until his twenty-first year, when he went to Plaistow, N. H., to learn brick- making. In the spring of 187 1 he came to Dan- versport and en- gaged in that occupation for himself and has been most s u c- cessful. T h e average annual output of his yard i s 20,000,000 bricks and he em- ploys twenty men in the season. Mr. Carr has always been an active and earnest worker in the cause o f temperance and no-license. H e is the oldest living charte r m e m- ber o f t h e Cath- olic Total Abs t i- ne nee S o c i- ety. In 1870, h e or- ganized t h e Fa lb e r M a t- t hew Society of Hav- e r h i 1 1 and 1 n 1875 a similar society in Salem. His aversion to the use of intoxicating licjuors i6o DANVER5. is inherited from his parents, both of whom received the pledge of total absti- nence from the hands o f Father Matthew during his crusade against liquor in Ire- land. Mr. Carr was overseer of the poor in 1874-78. In pol- itics he is a Gold Democrat and has the courage of his convictions. H e was married Nov. 9, 1864, to Ellen O'Leary of Danvers and has recently erected a handsome and substantial resi- dence convenient to his business. M r. Carr is a man o f sterling qualities and stands high in the estimation of the community, both in commercial circles and in private life. Fred Ulysses French. FRED U. FRENCH. Fred Ulysses French is a native of 1) e e r- fi e 1 d, N. H., wh ere he was born in 1864. He came to Dan- vers in 1882, a n d worked for six months i n a shoe s h o p, when he be- came a travelling salesman for the Morley But- ton Sewing Machine, with headquarters in Boston. His next position was as fore- man of the stitching room with Martin, Clapp & French and upon the removal of the firm to Dover, N. H., he made ar- rangements with their successors, Clapp tS: Tapley, to do all the stitching, at present operating I his department i n their shop at Tapley- ville. He employs thirty-five persons in this connection and the work is in keep- ing with the high class goods turned out by the firm. In 1893, Mr. French es- tablished what may more correctly b e styled a general store o n Holten street, Tapley ville, under the name of F. U. French & Co., in which a full and choice stock of groceries, provis- .^^ ions, mea t s, boots, sh o e s, rubbers a n d s in a 1 1 wares mav be fi)u n (1. F our a:-s i s t- a n t s a n d t w o te a m s are em- ploy e d un d e r t h e RESIDENCE CF F. U. FRENCH. DANVERS. i6i supervision of J- C. French. The store is neatly fitted up and affords ample accom- modations for the requirements of the business, the patronage being drawn prin- cipally from the neighborhood in which it is located. Mr. French was appoint- ed second lieutenant in Co. K, 1 )anvers Light Infantry, upon the organization of the company in 1 89 1 . In 1 893. he was a])- pointed first lieutenant receiving an hon- orable discharge the following year. He has served on the Republican town com- mittee for four years and is registrar o f voters. He is also a member o f Mosaic Lodge, F. and A. M., Danvers Lodge, A. (). U. \V., and the Or- der of Red Men. Joseph M. Whittier. The profession of the architect-builder is a most important one, requiring great natural talent, much study and research, a thorough mechani- cal training, com- plete knowledge of the value of building materials and of the most improved methods of construc- tion, as well as large practical experience for i t s successful jirosecution. Proofs of Mr. Whittier's skill and ability are numerous in Danvers and its vicinity, and are embodied in the many splendid edi- fices which he has erected. The most important of these, from a mechanical point of view, is the mill of the Danvers iron works at Danversport. This building was his first large contract au'i was so successfully carried out that it was the forerunner of many others. 1 he mill is a frame structure with an eighty foot- span supported by a single truss without pillars or other support and is looked JOSEPH M. WHITTIER upon as a very skillful piece of engineer- ing. The mill of the Danversport Rub- ber Co. was erected and given two coats of paint within five weeks, a feat that al- though provided for in the contract was considered impossible. He was also the builder of a four-story shop for George Plumer & Co. and has in all erected about thirty residences, among which may be mentioned those of L. W. San- born and Freeman George ; the Reynolds barn, with a thirty foot post and the Por- ter barn are also ex- cellent specimens of his skill. Mr. Whit- tier is at present en- gaged on the new Maple street school- house, being erected from plans prepared by Little & Brown, architects, Boston, and L. S. Couch, of L)anvers as asso- ciate architect. The structure is known as a wing building and measures 58 x 58 feet with a thirty- seven foot post, the wings measuring 31 X 33 and having a twenty-nine foot post, the whole con- taining eight rooms. The work is nearing completion and has given much satisfac- tion to the architects and the school com- mittee. Mr. Whit- tier is well equipped for the carrying out of all contracts entrusted to him, and his shop on Cheever street, Danversport, is one of the best equipped in the state. It is a three story building, with storehouses and sheds, and contains all the latest and most improved wood working and stair building machinery operated by steam. Here are turned out irregular and circu- lar mouldings, turnings, sawing and jig- ging, window frames, etc., a number of competent workmen being constantly employed. Mr. Whittier was bom at l62 DANVERS. Danversport in 1866 and upon leaving the Holten High School learned carpen- American Mechanics and is one of the board of firewards. Austin L. Littlefield. AUSTIN L, LITTLEFIELD. The development of the ready-made clothing business has brought good fitting and stylihh garments within easy reach of all. The store con- ducted by Mr. Littlefield is replete with an excellent as- sortment of men's ready to wear clothing, fully equal to custom made work at a tithe of the cost. The stock of men's furnishing goods em- braces stylish neckwear, un- derwear, white and colored shirts, hats, caps, trunks and bags, and every seasonable novelty is added as soon as it appears in the market The prices are placed at the low est possible figure compatible with the supt-rior quality of the goods displayed and sev- eral courteous salesmen at- tend to the requirements of customers. The premises are tering, i n which he engaged for three years, when he went into busi- ness for himself. He is always ready to give es- timates, and can be implicitly re lied upon to spare no pains to cany out the require- ments of archi- tects, while the care bestowed upon every de- ])artment o f his work reflects the utmost credit on his honorable and ,^^^^,^^ o, ^ ^ littlef.elds store, businesslike methods. Mr. Whittier is a member of well lighted and tastefully arranged with Mosaic Lodge, F. and A. M., and of the a view to the expeditious discharge of DANVERS. 163 business, and comprise a ground floor and basement each 25 x 75 feet in dimen- sions at 47 Maple street. Mr. Littlefield NATHAN T. PUTNAM. was born in Danvers in 1S70, and re- ceived his education at the public and Hol- ten High schools, afterwards taking a commercial course at the Bur- d e 1 1 e Business College, Boston. Upon graduating from the latter he accepted an en- gagement with John O. Smith \- C o., wholesale clothiers, Boston, as traveling sales- man. It was while thus e m- ployed that he opened the pres- ent store in 1896, leaving it in charge of his manager. Last January, however, the trade had increased so largely that he was compelled to relin- quish his position, and devote his whole time and attention to the growing business of his store. Mr. Littlefield is a member of Amity Lodge, Holten Royal Arch Chap- ter and the Windsor Club. Nathan T. Putnam. Nathan T. Putnam has erected some of the most imposing resi- dences of this and the surround- ing towns. He was born at Chi- chester, N. H., in 1834, and at- tended the district school, after- ward following a seafaring life until the close of the war when he learned carpentering and building. Mr. Putnam has had over thirty years of practical experience in his profes- sion and has carried through to a successful issue many important undertakings. Among the hun- dreds of residences erected by him may be mentioned those of the following : Geo. W. Fiske, George A. Gunn, Dudley A. Massey, Dr. Eaton, William H. Burns, G. O. Stim])Son, J. O. Perry block, Epis- copal parsonage, H. M. Merrill, Samuel C. Putnam, Deacon John Learoyd, Eben RESIDENCE OF N. T. PUTNAM. 1 64 DANVERS. Putnam, Albert Hutchinson, Hon. S. L. Sawyer, Mrs. Pingree, Miss Cross, F. E. Moynahan, and in fact a great many more of the highest quality and hand- somest buildings in this vicinity. Mr. Putnam has achieved an honorable suc- cess in his chosen calling, combining the highest order of architectural beauty and symmetry with accuracy in estimates and close adherence to specifications. He gives careful supervision to all work en- trusted to him and with the perfect facil- ities at hand can guarantee the very best workmanship. Mr, Putnam is a member of Amity Lodge of Masons. He has al- ways devoted his en- tire time to business and has not sought office or political aggrandizement. He is al)ly assisted by his son, William T. Putnam, who is also a skilful architect- builder. The whole of Essex county is its field, with a circulation of over 16,000, about 1,400 copies being circulated in Danvers every day. The News has come to be recognized as practically the home paper of every town which it reaches, regardless of any other, daily or weekly. Its name is a household word, and its standing is of the highest wherever it is known — meaning a large section of the state. The Danvers correspondent is Frank E. Moynahan, publisher of the Danvers Mirror, and general newspaper corre- spondent, who was the first regular local reporter the News ever had. The Salem Even- ings News. Robin Damon, while engaged in the job printing business in Sdem in 1880, believed that a daily paper would succeed in that city and the large adjoining terri- tory, and with others he established the Salem Evening News, soon becoming sole ])roprietor. The enterprise met with a good deal of discouragement for a time, but by indomitable will, and furnishmg an able, impartial and thoroughly newsy publication, the projector has increased the size of the paper, office equipment and publication quarters, and general usefulness of the News, until today it is one of the most valuable ]:)lants in the country, and the largest penny daily paper in New England outside of Boston, with the lowest advertising rates of any paper of its circulation and value in the countrv. Danvers Co-opera- tive Association. ROBIN DAMON. The Danvers Co- operative Associa- t i o n occupying a large portion of Es- sex block, illustrated in an earlier portion of this book, was es- tablished in 1871, but was not legally incorporated until 1882, eleven years later. It does a gen- eral retail grocery and provision busi- ness and it is perhaps the most widely known store in Dan- vers. The business was first located in a building owned by John A. Putnam, and remained there un- til 1890, when it was removed to its present (juarters in the Essex block, at the corner of Essex and Elm streets, oppo- site the Eastern station. The first man- ager of the store was John C. Putnam, and he was succeeded by Alphonso Sanford, who gave place to O. S. Richards. Her- bert S. Tapley, the present efficient man- ager, has held that position since 1877 ; previous to assuming charge of the busi- ness Mr. Tai:)ley had been a clerk in the store something over a year, and under his management the business has pros- pered and grown and the D. C. A. store DANVERS. 165 is one of the solid institutions of Danveis. Mr. Taplev is a Danvers boy, a graduate of tlie Holten High school and for twenty- three years has been connected with this store. He is married and his a ple.isant home at 24 Holten street. He is a trustee of the i)ublic lilirary, and is much esteemed as a conservative but progres- sive business man. E. C. Cook, the head clerl<, has been connected with the store eleven years, and is very popular with the patrons of the store. C. B. Willi.nns, the other regular clerk, has had a shorter connec- tion wiih the store, but is i)ainstaking and courteous. The store is con- ducted on the co- operative p Ian, furnishing goods t o stockholders and the general public at as small advance over cost price as possible. It is up to date in every depart - m e n t, keeping first class, fresh goods, and every- thing seasonable in its line. John E. Magfuire. John E. Ma- guire, of the firm of Thayer, Ala- guire & Field, of Haverhill, Mass., is a native of the town of Danvers and was born in that section known as Tap- leyville, October 2_^, 1854. He was the sou of John Maguire, a carpec weaver of the olden times, for which this section was famous. He attended the public schools in Dis- trict No. 7 from which he entered the Holten High School and was graduatefl in the class of 1S70. At the close of his school days he en- J. E. MAGUIRE. gaged in work in the shoe factories, be- ginning his apprenticeship in the factory of E. i.\: A. Mudge & Co. at Danvers C'entre with whom he remained for some years. After filling many and various positions of imp tri^ince in factories in town he removed to Haverhill in 1SS7 and established a factory and assumed management for the Field-Thayer Man- ufacturing Co. of Boston. On the death of the senior partner a new company was formed under the firm name of Thayer & Maguire, and since by the addition o f Mr. Field, Jr., the firm is known as Thayer, Maguire >\: Field, and they are among the largest shoe man- ufacturers of that city. The firm manu- factures ladies' fine boots and Oxfords and i n addition to their large domestic trade have repre- sentatives in the foreign markets of South America, Australia, H a- waiian Islands, and are also ship- ])ing many goods to the F.nglish markets. M r. Maguire has always been a close attendant to business, but was elected and served as a member of the school committee until his removal from town. He was also a member of the Danvers Lodge, A. O. U. W., and is a charter member of the Catholic Total Abstinence Society, in both of which he still retains his membership. He has an active interest in his native town and her welfare and is a frequent visitor among his old time friends. In Haverhill, his present home, he is a i66 DANVERS. member of the Pentucket and Elms Clubs, of the Father Mathew Society and of Passaquoi Tribe, I. O. R. M. He was President of the Haverhill Shoe Manufacturers' ^Association and served three years on the Republican City Committee. A large business prevents him from en- termg public life, although he has been many times besought to consent to the use of his name. M r. Ma- guire was married t o Miss Nellie Sullivan o f Peabody and their children are Miss Nel- lie J. Maguire and Master Harold E d- w a r d Ma- guire. Edgar C. Powers. E. C. Pow- ers, origina- tor and man- ufacturer o f *' P o w e r s' Asthma Specific," i s of a family which has given to the country some famous men ; notably H i- ram Powers, the famous' American sculptor; Governor Llewellyn Powers, of Maine, and many others who have achieved success in the political, profes- sional and business world. E. C. Powers was born in Orono, Me., on July 26, 1849. His mother died when he was two years of age and his father removed to Newport, Me. There young Powers attended the public schools and later spent a year at the iNlaine Central Insti- EDGAR C. POWERS. tute, at Pittsfield, Me. He was for some time clerk in a retail drug store in New- port and later in a wholesale drug store in Portland. But he preferred the retail business and returned to Newport as man- ager of the drug store owned by Dr. John Benson, it being the same store of which Mr. C. H. Shepard was for a number of years the manager. He remained in this position until the business was sold in 1875, when in April of that year he came to Danvers and 1) e c a m e a clerk fo r C. H. Shepard i n his drug store. This position h e filled until the summer o f 1879 when he bought out the business a n d contm- ued i t tmtil 1S87, t h e business hav- i n g steadily grown under his manage- ment, and it i s probable Mr. Powers would still be doing busi- ness i n the same place today were it not for the unexpec te d and unusual success which attended his efforts to in- troduce to the trade a medicine which he had first originated while in the store in Newport, Me. Although he had several customers for this preparation in Newport and vicinity he had never put the prei)ara- tion up in a form suitable for the market and had made no effort to introduce it, and on coming to Danvers had almost for- gotten that he had ever made such a med- icine. But for the followinii incident it DANVERS. 167 is possible that a valuable medicine might have been lost to the world. One day Mr. Oliver Roberts, a patron of the drug store, called for a certain asthma medi- cine, and not having it on hand and not wanting Mr. Roberts to go to some other store for it, Mr. Powers told him he for- merly made an asthma remedy, and if Mr. Roberts would call again next day, he, Mr. Powers would make up a quantity of it, which he would like Mr. Roberts to try. The re- sult was Mr. Roberts tried t h e Asthma Specific and was much ])leased with i t s prompt and benefic- ial effects, and it was largely through h i s influence that M r. Powers was induced to put the Specific u p in a shape and style adapted to the mar- ket. As the local demand for the niedi- c i n e i n- creased M r. Powers saw he must e \- tend the field of his opera- tions, and the medicine was p 1 a c ed o n w. f. 1 sale in Sa- lem, Boston, Portland and New York. Desiring then to push the sales all o\er the country, Mr. Powers decided to give his whole time to the manufacture of the Specific, and in 1SS7 he sold his drug store to S. M. Moore, who had been his clerk for some years, and to whom he considered himself under obligations for faithful and untiring service. In 1S92 Mr. Powers purchased two lots of land in the Dorchester district of Hoslon ; on one he erected a factory fitted up with all the modern machinery and apparatus necessary for his business, and on the other lot he erected a dwelling house for his own occupancy ; both buildings were planned by Mr. flowers himself, and he has found he made no mistake when he drew the i)lans ; they are both perfect in their way. Powers' Asthma Specific, the manufacture of which was begun in so small a way in Danvers, has now in- creased t o such an e x- tent that the labo r a t o r y, which, when built, seemed so unneces- sarily large, is getting a tiiflecrowded and already plans are be- ing made for a n o t h e r building bet- ter suited to meet the in- creasing de- mand for the goods. Dur- ing the past s i X months the demand has increased very rapidly, and Powers' Asthma Spec- ific is now iTNAM. sold in every state in the Union, and the cash sales are more than 5r,ooo ]ier month; the prospect is that this showing will be far eclipsed the com- ing six months. Mr. Powers was mar- ried in October, 1S79, to Miss Fannie W. Damon, of Stetson, Maine, a cousin of C. H. Shepard. 1'hey have three sons and one daughter, all born in Danvers. Mr. Powers has a lovely home in Dor- chester, and an interesting family. i68 DANVERS. Webster F. Putnam. Mr. Putnam was born in Danvers and is the son of the late Thomas M. Putnam. He was educated in the town scliools of Dangers and in the year 1878, an op- portunity offering, he entered the employ of his uncle, the late Charles A. Putnam, who did a general banking and brokerage business in Boston. The firm of Charles A. Putnam iS: Co. was noted for the conservative and hon- orable business methods pursued. In 1880, the principal retiring from active business, the business was carried on by Webster F. Putnam and Nathaniel Heath, administrator and trustee for many es- tates. He has done much to open up land for residential purposes, having during the past five years alone built thirty-four houses in Danvers. Nor has his activity been confined to Danvers, for he was the first to realize and seize upon the advantages of similar opportunities in Manchester. His intention has been to provide means by which people of mod- erate incomes would become home-own- ers. As one would presume from the success which has come to him, he is wide awake, energetic, and conservative. In stature he is of about average height and of stout build. He has the blue eyes RESIDENCE OF WEBSTER F. PUTNAM. who had been a fellow clerk, under the style of Putnam & Heath. Upon the re- turn of Mr. Charles A. Putnam from his European trip, with health restored, he invited Webster F. Putnam to enter into partnership with him and, this offer being accepted, the new firm was known as Charles A. out sixty-one years ago, and comes of good old N e w England stock. His pleas- ant home is on Oak street. He was for many years engaged in the manufacture of leather. For more than a dozen years he has been clerk of the School Board and has also served several years on the Water Board. He has been the moderator at more town meetings, regular and special, than any other man in town. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1S98, being the Republican candidate, and he has held the important office of town treasurer of Danvers for years. Mr. Learoyd is a modest, unassuuiing man, who has satis- LEAROYD. 170 DANVERS. factorily filled all these important public offices and he will probably be retained in some of them for years to come. He is a man of unquestioned integrity and ability, and one of Danvers' best citizens. He and Mr. Wells make able protec- tors of the interests of the double repre- sentative district of Danvers and Peabody. Representative Abelard E. Wells. Mr. Wells was born in Portland, Maine, June 17, 1854, his father being George W. Wells, and mother Frances A. Wells. He graduated from Westbrook Seminary, Westbrook, Maine, in 1 87 5 and from Tufts College in 1879 with degree of A. B. Went to Peabody to teach in the fall of 1879 as principal of the Bowditch gram- mar school where he remained until 18S9. During this time he was principal of the Wallace evening school for five years. The last three years of his teaching he devoted all o f his spare time to the study of law, but abandoned the idea of entering upon that profession and did not complete the course for admittance to the bar. In 1889-90 he was N. E. agent for Dodd, Mead & Co., New York publisheis. Since that time he has been engaged in the business of life insurance and has been connected with the Mutual Life and New York Life Companies. He served on the board of selectmen in 1895-6 and was chairman the last year. Has been on the school committee for five years and for the last three years has been chairman. He is a member of Jordnn lodge of Masons, of Washington Royal Arch Chap- ter, of ^\'inslow Lewis Commandery, ot Knights Templar, of Holten Lodge of Odd Fellows and Peabody Board of Trade. In the campaign of 1896 he was president of the McKinley & Hobart Club, which was a flourishing organization. He has served on important town com- mittees and been a delegate to various conventions, and has been connected with all the social and literary clubs of the town. In 1883 he was married to Alice S. Teel of Peabody, a teacher in the public schools. He has always been a Unitarian in religious belief and a Repub- lican. Representa- tive Wells' valuable services on the Pea- body sewerage ques- tion and also on the Danvers \Vater works matter in connec- tion with Representa- tive Learoyd have again brought him to the forefront in a public capacity. He has been an aggress- ive and able leader in all his undertak- ings. REPRESENTATIVE A. E. WELLS. Danvers Improve- ment Society. On Sept. I, 1886 a meeting of ladies and gentlemen in the Town Hall, for the purpose of form- ing a " Village Improvement Society," was called to order by Dr. W. W. Eaton, who was elected chairman and Ezra D. Hines was chosen secretary. After the presentation of a cane and a sum of money to Joshua Sylvester by Alden P. White, as a mark of api)reciation and es- teem, a committee was api)ointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws ; these were adopted at a subsequent meeting and Dudley A. Massey was elected presi- dent. The objects of the society are the '-' improvement iind ornamentation of the DANVERS. 171 roads, sidewalks and grounds of the Town of Danvers and the encouragement and assistance, in every practicable way, of whatever may tend to the improvement of the town as a place of residence." With these objects in view the society has labored for nearly thirteen years and throughout the town the results of its work are apparent. Once each year, on Arbor day, public exercises are held and trees are planted in various places through- out the town. In years past, oaks, ma- ples, e t c, have been set out at the Town house, the electric light sta- tion, the First Church and at the Peabody Institute as well as in other localities. Trees planted and named for distin- guished men are a s follows : — In iSSS, two golden leaved oaks in front of the Town House, the one towards Holten street called the John G. Whittier tree, the other the Joshua Sylves- ter tree. In 1890 an oak from Oak Knoll on the left hand side of the northern entrance to the Institute grounds, called the Guv. Brackeit tree and on the left, a purple leaved beech, called the Lieut. Governor Haile tree. In 1891, five trees in front of the First church, a purple leaved beech, the Rice tree ; a white oak, the Farmer tree ; a linden, the Village tree ; a cut leaved birch, the Ingersoll tree ; a rock maple, the Peabody tree. Tablets are also iDeing erected from year to year to mark historic places within the town. The grounds at the electric light station have been graded and beautified as well as the small park on Pickering street and E. B. PEABODY. the grounds about the Eastern and West- ern stations. To the society also belongs a greater part of the credit for the erec- tion of the new station at Danversport in 18S7. The purchase of the Berry lot of twen- ty-five acres as a ])ublic park for the town is the largest undertaking the Society has entered upon and to Dr. W. W. Eaton, with whom the idea originated, much of the success of the plan must be attributed. Together with Conrad Juul he negotiated with Mr. Berry for the purchase o f the land, and by iniblic fairs, by contributions and from other sources t h e necessary $5,000 has been raised, and the I)roperty formally transferred so that now the deed is in the possession of the Society, only awaiting the time when the whole shall b e turned over to the town as a public park forever. In scores o f other ways, per- haps less direct, the influence of the society has been felt. The removal of fences, the laying out and beautifying o f lawns, the building of concrete sidewalks, the construction of macadam roads, the adoption of a uniform width of streets, the ai)pointment of a town forester, the introduction of electric lights and the re- modelling of the Town house are im- provements, for all of which the society may justly claim more or less credit. Dudley A. Massey served as president of the society until 1890 and from that date until 1S98 Dr. W. W. Eaton held the position : in i898-'99, J. W. Porter and in 1899, J. Frank Porter. Mr. Ezra I). 172 DANVERS. Hines and Rev. E. C. Ewing have acted as secretaries ; the former from the for- mation of the society until 1892 and the latter from that date to the present time. A. P. White, the first treasurer, was succeeded by D. A. Massey, and he by H. M. Bradstreet, the present treasurer. Elisha B. Peabody. Elisha B. Peabody has built more buildings in Danvers than any other man or firm. Owing to a long illness early in the year he has not been as busy this year as usual, but he will be in full swing again by another season, probably. Mr. Peabodv has built over 200 dwelling vers Electric Light p^ant, which stands 1 20 feet high. By planning houses and other structures, he saves to customers the expense of an architect, and has the whole work better in mind than if dependent upon some- body else for instruction and advice as to material and manner of construction. His services are much in demand for large contracts of repairing, heavy work being a specialty. Mr. Peabody was born in Boxfv>rd, where he attended the public schools un- til he was fourteen years of age, when he went to New Hampshire, where he lived until he was twenty-one. During that time he learned the carpenter trade at which he has been engiged ever since. RESIDENCE OF E. B. PEABODY. houses in Danvers, Peabody, Salem, Mid- dleton, Topsfield, Manchester, Beverly Farms, North Andover, Swampscott, Lynn and other towns during the past few years. He contracts for any part of a l)uilding, or for the whole, from the putting in of the foundation to the finishing of a house ready for occupancy, including the mason work, carpentering, painting, plumbing, papering, etc. He has built some of the finest houses in this section, notably one for Mr. Creese, of Bernard, Friedman l\: Co. ; Dr. Jackson, at Beverly Farms ; A. A. Conant, at Topsfield, and many others. Mr. Peabody is also a mover of l)aildings, and he has erected some very high smoke stacks. He erected the stack at the Dan- He has supported himself ever since he was fourteen years of age. He came to Danvers fifteen years ago, and for thirteen years he has been engaged in building operations on his own account. He is an architect as well as a builder, and draws plans and writes specifications for all kinds of buildings. Mr. Peabody has been one of Danvers' busiest citizens for the past dozen years. He is a Blue Lodge, Royal .Arch Mason, and K. T., an Odd Fellow and a Red Man, and a mem- ber of numerous other social and fraternal organizations. In politics he is a Repub- lican. Mr. Peabody has a wife and two children, and his home is at the corner of Franklin street and Central Avenue. DANVERS. /3 W. W. EATON, M D. William Winslow Eaton, M.D. Dr. Eaton was born in Webster, Me., May 20, 1S36. He graduated at Bruns- wick High school and engaged in teach- ing for several years, subsequently gradu- ating from Bow- doin College i n I 8 6 I. He was elected class or- ator in 1858 a n (i Athenajan Society ])oet in 1861.' In 1865 he received the degree of Master of Arts. Dr. Ea- ton began the study of medicine with Dr. John 1). Lincoln of Bruns- wick in i860, taking his first and second course of lectures in 1861- 2, at the Maine Medical School, of which he was also libra- rian. He was a pupil of Dr. Valentine Mott in the wniter of 1863, and graduated at New York University, March, 1864, hav- ing been granted leave of absence by the Secretary of Wax for this purpose. During the Civil War Dr. Eaton entered the mili- tary service in June, 1862, as hospital stew- ard of the 1 6th Regt. Maine Volunteers, performing the duties of assistant surgeon, was commissioned as such Jan., 1863, and in 1864 was promoted to be a surgeon, with the rank of Major, and served three vears, participating in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac, from Antietam to Lee's Surrender, Apr. 9, 1865. fuly 12, 1865, he married Agnes H. Magoun of Lrunswick, Maine ; has hid four children, of whom the two daughters are now living. He began practice in South Reading, Mass., in 1865, removing to Danvers in April, 1867, when he united with the First Church at Danvers Centre. In 1865 he was elected a member of the Maine Meilical Association and of the Middlesex District Society and Massachusetts Medical Society the same year ; has held the position of Censor, Coun- selor and President of the Essex (South Dis- trict) Medical Society ; was appointed by the Massachusetts Medical Societv to prepare and read a paper at the annual meeting of the society in June, 1887, which was accepted for publication in the fjjston Medical and Surgical lournal. RESIDENCE OF DR. W. W EATON- 174 DANVERS. He has been either surgeon or comman- der of Post 90; G. A. R., since its organi- zation and a staff officer of the Massachu- setts department in 189S. Dr. Eaton has served on the school committee for fifteen years and was for several years its chairman. He was also chairman of the building committee on the erection of the Tapley school in 1870 and of the Park street school in 1S74; member of the committee on the remodeling of the Town House, 1896-97 ; chairman or sec- retary of the Board of Health for twenty-five years ; trustee of the Peabody Institute for four years during which time he re-ar- ranged and complete- ly catalogued the li- brary ; trustee of Wal- nut Grove Cemetery Corporation since 1880 and president since 1885, and unas- sisted drew a set of scale plans of the cem- etery which were very favorably commented upon and would have done credit to an ex- pert engineer ; one of the organizers and first vice president of the Danvers Improvement Society and has been its president for the past eight years ; chair- man of the committee appointed by the town which reported on and secured an appropria- tion of $1000 for macadamizing High street, the first piece of macadamizing done in Danvers ; member of the Bow- ditch Club and president at the time of its dissolution when he placed its records in the Peabody Institute ; President of the Danvers Scientific Society and its teacher of chemistry and physics; de- livered the address of Ward Post 90, d. A. R., in 1886, Plunkett Post, Ashburn- ham, in 1887, ^iid in Topsfield in 1896 ; delivered the memorial address at Pea- body Institute on the death of President Grant and at the Town House on the death of Whittier ; in June, 1889 was ap- pointed a member of the Salem Board of United States Examming Surgeons for pensions, from which he resigned in 1893 and was reappointed in 1897, and is at present president of the Boarci ; in politics always a Republican and for a number of years chairman of the Republican Town Committee ; raised in Army Lodge No. 8, F. & A. M. in 1864 while in camp near Mitchell Station, Va. ; m e m b e r of Amity Lodge since 1867 ; charter member of Mosaic Lodge in 187 i, and Worshipful Mas- ter 1881-82 ; charter member of Holten Royal Arch Chapter in 1872 ;. High Priest in 1 886 ; received the Cryptic Degrees in Salem Council in 1897 ; knighted in Winslow Lewis Com- mandery in 1888 and was chairman of the Committee on the revision of By-Laws; Captain General in 1890-91 and declined an unanimous re-elec- tion ; was assistant prelate in 1892 mid prelate since 1893 Re- ceived the A. and A. rite fourteenth de- gree in Sutton Lodge of Perfection in 1890. BATCHELDER, M.D. Henry F. Batchelder, M.D. Dr. Henry F. Batchelder was born in Middleton, Oct. 10, i860, being descend- ed from Josei)h Batchelder, who came to this country in 1636, the Batchelder an- cestry being of the oldest and highest standing recorded in genealogy. He is the son of John A. and Laura A. Batchel- der. He was educated in the Salem pub- lic schools, graduating from the High DANVERS. 175 etcological Society and Essex County Hom- eopathic Society. He is Republican in politics, but is never actively partisan, and has the universal esteem of his fellow towns- men. On Apr. 30, 18S4, he was married to Miss Caroline E. Taft of Dedham, and two chiliiren grace the household. E. H- NILES, M D. school in that city in 1S79, and in Bos- ton University Medical school, where he obtained the degree of C.B. (Bachelor of Surgery) in 1882 and M.D. in 1883. He began practice in his native town and shortly afterward came to Danvers where his recognized skill and great per- sonal popularity have secured for him an extensive and high- class patronage. He has been a member of the School Board for six or seven years and belongs to Amity Lodge of Masons, Hol- ten Chapter, Winslow L e w i s Command ery, and other fraternal or- ganizations. He is a member and has been an officer in several medical fraternities, including the Ameri can Institute of Ho- meopathy, Massachu- setts Surgical and Gyn- Edward H. Miles, M. D. Among the newer additions to the medi- cal fraternity of Danvers, no representative of the art of medicine has had greater suc- cess or become in so short a time more uni- versally popular thin Dr. E. H. Niles. I^r. Niles was born in West Fairlee, Vt., thirty-one years ago and attended the local schools, Thetford and St. Johnsbury acad- emies and Harvard Medical School, having also taken a year's special study under a Dartmouth College professor. About eight years ago he came to Danvers, where his pleasing mdividuality and skill in his profes- sion soon commanded recognition, and his progress has been rapid and steady. While not seeking any office he has been repeated- ly elected to the School Board and would undoubtedly receive other recognition of a similar character should he show the dis- position to encourage it. Chi June 6, 1888, he was married to Miss Maud A. Smith of West Fairlee, Vt., and they have three children. He is popular in various fraternal cir- cles, belonging to the Masons and other orders. RESIDENCE OF OR- £. H- NILES- 176 DAN VERS. Frederick William Baldwin. M,D. Dr. Frederick William Baldwin is the son of Stephen Henry Baldwin and Elizabeth Ann (Inman) l)aldvvin, and was born in Birmingham, Conn., December 14, 1861. He was educated in the public schools of Shelton and Birmingham, Conn., and also studied at the Conservatory of Music and Bryant «S; Stratton's Business College, Bos- ton. He studied medicine at Harvard Medical School, from which he received a degree of M.D. in 1886. Since then he has taken several special courses at the Mass. (Tcneral Hospital. His first ances- tor in this country was John Baldwin, who came to the country in 163S and settled in Milford, Conn. He was an Englishman. The Doctor's great-great-great-great-grand- father was a soldier in the French and In- dian war and Deputy in 1747 and 1748. His great-great-great-grandfather was Dr. Silas Baldwin of Derby, Conn., a surgeon of celel)rity, who served in the war of 181 2. His grandfather and father, Lieut. Stephen H. Baldwin, were in the Civil War, so it will be seen the Doctor comes of a patri- otic family. Dr. Baldwin is and has been since March, 1894, chairman of the Dan- vers Board of Health. He is the medi- cal examiner for several life insurance companies and a member of the Massa- chusetts Medical Society, in which he F. W. BALDWIN. M.D. has held die office of Censor and is now a Councillor. In politics. Dr. Baldwin is a Rei)ublican. His office and residence are at the corner of Maple and Cherry streets. He has a large and lucrative practice and is one of the most popu- lar men in town. W. C. Nicker- son. RESIDENCE OF DR. F. W. BALDWIN. W. C. Nicker- son, proprietor of die oldest clothing store in Dan vers, is one of the best known young bus- iness men in the town, for Mr. Nickerson is a progressive man, a firm believer in the efficacy of ad- DANVERS. 177 vertising and has made his name well known in all the homes of Danvers and adjoining towns. W. C. Nickerson was born in Orleans, down on Cape Cod, something over thirty years ago. He comes of good old colonial stock, his an- cestors having been among the early set- tlers of the Cape. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at the early age of fourteen went to work to carve out his own fortune. For eleven years he worked for one firm, and during that time he thoroughly mastered all the details of the clothing trade. He early of a one to assist the manager of the store. Mr. Nickerson early determined that the people of Danvers should have no reason for going out of town to pro- cure anything in the line of men's, boys' and children's clothing, or gentlemen's furnishing goods or hats of any grade or ([uality. lieing a careful and shrewd buyer, an economical manager who keeps his expenses at the lowest limit consistent with a liberal management, he has been able to successfully compete with the big stores of the cities in prices ; and his stock always embraces the newest in fab- INTERIOR OF W. C. NICKERSONS CLOTHING STORE. developed abilities as a salesman and has the happy faculty of making and holding new customers. He was highly valued by his employer and he improved his time in familiarizing himself with the manufacture, purchase and sale of cloth- ing and haberdashery. Seven years ago Mn Nickerson came to Danvers from Whitman and purchased the only cloth- ing store there was in town at that time, which was then located in the National Bank building, and conducted by C.eorge Jacobs of Peabody. It was but a small business then, requiring only the service rics and styles, for feeing a wise manager, he allows no old, out-of-style stocks to accumulate on his shelves and tables. Kach season's stock is that season's styles. The most fastidious youth can, at the Nickerson store, always obtain the ultra fashionable clothes, haberdashery, neck- wear, hats, etc., in fact whatever can be had in any of the big clothing establish- ments of the cities, can be had at Nick- erson's at as low, and often lower, prices. All clothing sold here is made in clean, airy, healthy workshops, and no sweat shop garments are ever allowed in this 178 DANVERS. store. The trade in children's cloth- ing has grown to large proportions, and the heads of many families not only in Danvers but all the sur- rounding towns have found that their little folios can be clothed at Nickerson's in natty and serviceable clothes at a less expense than ever before possible. From the time Mr. Nickerson bought out Jacobs' until the present time there has been a healthy, steady and per- manent increase in the volume of business. He soon outgrew the store in the bank building and moved to the large store now occu- pied in Colonial building. Here he carries a large stock of ready- to-wear clothing, hats, caps, trunks, umbrellas, gloves, travelling bags, canes, and everything in neckwear, underwear, hosiery and all those thousand and one things necessarv to the perfect toilet of a well- dressed man or boy. There is a wide range in the qualities, styles and prices of goods, goods to fit J. W. WOODMAN. DANIEL WOODMAN. all tastes and means. Everybody can be fitted and suited. Mr. Nickerson keeps the people fully informed of what he has to offer them through a liberal use of printers' ink and he does not advertise aiiything which he has not. All purchases are made satisfactory to the purchaser. From a business requiring one man and a boy, the business has grown to recjuire four expert and courteous regular salesmen beside the propri- etor, with extra clerks on Saturday nights and extra occasions. This business has been built up by good management, liberal treatment of patrons, liberal advertising and strict integrity. The store is a credit to the town and Mr. Nickerson is one of her ])opular young merchants. He is married and has one child ; his home is on Ash street ; he is an Odd Fellow, Mason, and member of sev- eral social organizations. His trade is drawn from a large section of the county besides Danvers, his store be- ing a centre for suburban buyers. DANVERS. 179 JOHN T. ROSS. Woodman Bros. & Ross. In 1S3S Asa Sawyer established the business at present carried on l)v the above firm at Danversport. His succes- sors have been Jacob Roberts, J. and N. Bragdon and Woodman Bros., the firm then consisting of Daniel Woodman and Joseph W. Wood- man. Twenty years ago John T. Ross, who had spent many years in the service of J. and N. Brag- don, was admitted to partnership, the style becoming Woodman Bros. & Ross. Under the able and con- servative manage- ment of these men the business has been consid- erably extended and the volume of trade has materi- ally in c r e a sed. The plant is perfectly e(|uii)ped with all the latest wood and paper box and planing machinery, oper- ated by steam power and the light- ing of the various buildings is ac- complished by their own electric lighting i)lant. They cut and han- dle from two to three million feet of timber and lumber annually, much of which is derived from their extensive timber limits located at Middleton. and from thirty- five to forty persons are em|jloyed in their mills. The firm are dealers in liard and soft wood and kimlling, and manufacture wood and ])a]ier boxes and all kinds of packing cases. The premises at the mills cover a couple of acres of ground, with am])le room for lumber j^iles and storehouses, and their transportation facilities are excellent. Daniel Woodman was born at Beverly in 1839, '■■'^^'^'^ received his education in the schools of Danvers. Joseph W. Woodman is a native of Danversport where he was born Jan. 25, 1 84 7, and graduated from the Holten High school. He was a trustee of the Peabody Institute for eleven years, 1S86- 97, selectman and assessor 1888-89 ^^^^ represented the district in the Legislature in 1896-97. He was formerly a member WOODMAN BROS. & ROSS MILL. i8o DANVERS. of the Second Corps Cadets, Salem, is a member of the Masonic Order and the I. O. O. F. John T. Ross is a prominent member of the G. A. R. and other orders. Lore & Russell. This house was originally estab- lished over half a century ago by Harrison Warren, the present pro- prietors, Clinton Lore and George Russell, purchasing it in 1889. The facilities of the firm comprise ex- tensive and complete premises, in- cluding two coal pockets with a ca- pacity of 5,000 tons each and 500 feet of wharfage at River street, the office being located on Water street, both at Danversport. Be- sides supplying a large and annual- ly increasing trade from the town and within a radius of twenty-five miles, shipments are made direct to large consumers and the trade in car-load and cargo lots from the mines without re handling, and every modern convenience and accom- modation have been provided for prompt- ly meeting the requirements of the trade and public. The firm handles the best grades of Cumberland, Philadelphia and LORE & RUSSELL S WHARF. CLINTON LORE. Reading and Lehigh coal. The resources of the house are such that the largest as well as the smallest consumer is satisfac- torily served, and all coal handled is of the highest standard of excellence, well cleaned and is furnished at the lowest market rates. Liberality and fair dealing are characteristic of the firm and both the partners are progressive and enterprising citizens, closely allied with the in- dustrial advance- ment of Danvers, and their success is as pronounced as it is merited. 'I'he firm has an office in F. M. Spofford's market at Danvers Plains. DANVERS. iSi irtr* and has a reputation in that cajjac- ity second to no man in the coun- try. He officiates at the largest and most prominent race tracks in the east. He spends the greater part of the winter season in Ken- tucky and the west, selecting racing horses for the eastern trade, and he has brought into New iMigland more horses which have proved high class race horses than any other man in the business. He has selected over 225 horses from the breeding farms of the south that have since proved to l>e fast race horses. He sells more high class speed horses each season than any other man in New luig- land, and his reputation as a judge of fine stock stands at the head of the list. Mr. Merrill is a Republi- can in politics, and one of the most energetic and progressive of I)an- vers business men in his chosen line. ALBERT H. MERRILL. Albert H. Merrill. Albert Henry Merrill is the son of Henry Miles Merrill and Lucy Ann Fos- ter, and was born in Peabody, Mass., O c t o 1) e r 13, 1864. He was educated in the public schools of D a n V e r s and Bryant & Strat- ton's Business College, Boston. He was married December 17, 18S5, to Addie Frances Merrill, and has a pleas- ant home on Berry street. Mr. Merrill devotes his time during the racing season to the duties of a professional starting judge. Dean A. Perley. I Mr. Perley was born in Boxford, in 1830, and at the age of fourteen went to learn the trade of blacksmithing with Henry f.ong, Topsfield, working seven years for board anci clothes. In 1851, lie went to California via the Isthmus, RESIDENCE OF A. H. MERRILL. l82 DANVERS. staying over a year and on returning to the east formed a partnership with Mr. Long in blacksmithing and stabhng. He was married to Miss Nancy A. Towne of Boxford in 1854 and in 1S63 removed with his family to Dan vers, having bought a blacksmith shop in i860. The original shop was located at the back of what is known as the Eagle house, the present shop, at the corner of School and Franklin streets, being built in 1868. Mr. Perley has every facility for the carrying on of his extensive business which includes blacksmithing, horse- shoeing, jobbing and carriage re- pairing. By strict attention to bus- iness and fair dealings with all, he has built up a trade recjuiring the assistance of five competent me- chanics, and customers find their work executed in a thoroughly reli- able and satisfactory manner. Mr. Perley has a comfortable home at 53 Poplar street where he enjoys the cessation from active labor to which his success in business enti- tles him. Although he has never sought an office his interest in municipal affairs and the well being of the community has been abundantly displayed. He is exceedingly genial and popular. DEAN A. PERLEY. I. liii ill lii gaacus-.ifc---. ■■■ RESIDENCE Or D. A. PERLEY. George Barnes & Co. George Barnes is a native of London, England. He was born in Camberwell on the east side in 1864, and at the age of thirteen served an apprenticeship to cigar- making with the large wholesale house of G. & S. Goodes in his native city. In 1886 he came to Boston and be- ing a thoroughly expert workman he soon found employment with Mr. Isaacs of Kimball street, where he re- m a i n e d over twelve m on t h s, c o m i n g from thence to Dan- vers to work for DANVERS. i8- Frank H. Crosby. The subject of this sketch was born in \"armouth, Nova Scotia, in i860. He comt-s of good old colonial stock, his father being Hiram Cros- by, well known in the Lower Provinces. Mr. ("rosbvcanie to ] )anvers and became a citizen years ago and there is not a more enthusiastic American citi/en in the state. He established himself in the house painting business, and from a modest liegin- ning he has built up an ex- tensive and lucrati\e busi- ness, having constantly in his employ from six to ten journeymen, and in the busy season many more. He personallv looks after all work and it is thoroughly well done. He has irre- proachal)le taste in the se- GEORGE BARNES. .A. J. .Stetson, with whom he re- mained seven years. Four years ago he commenced business for himself as a manufacturer of ci- gars and has built up a steadily increasing trade, his output being al)0ut 120,000 cigars a year. His special brands are M. & S. in the ten cent grade, and 2-604, ^o- Ones, Indian Eoy and others of the five cent variety. These ci- gars are warranted long filler with Sumatra wrappers, and only skilled hand labor is employed in their manufacture. '1 hese goods are highly appreciated and meet with a ready sale. Mr. Barnes also carries a general line of tol)acco, pipes and smokers' supplies, to- gether with some of the best brands of domestic and Key West cigars. His store is located on ]\Ia])le street and is tastefully fitted up, the most scrupulous cleanliness being observed. FRANK H. CROSBY. DANVERS. lection of harmonious colors; judg- ment in the selection of wearing qualities in stock used, and scrup- ulous attention to the most minute details of the work. The result cannot fail to be that the buildings painted by Crosby are pleasing to the eye and the paint much more enduring than ordinary work. As a business man and as a man in private life, Mr. Crosby is worth knowing. Walter L. Barker. Although Mr. Barker has only spent three years in Danxers, he has been instrumental in building up a section of the town where formerly existed pastures and un- occupied land, and his record of twenty dwelling-houses erected in nine months shows how thor- oughly his work is appreciated. He makes a special feature of res- idential work and among the many contracts he has successfully carried out are the residences of Mrs. Bowie, W. E. Simpson, George Marling, George Scampton, Peter Reid, Kufus Scott, James Shaw, three for Willis E. Smart, two for C. T. Mosher, eleven for \V. F. Putnam, fifteen for himself, which he has sold on the instalment plan, two for J. Frank Porter, and one each for Charles Hall and Harry Hans(jn. W. L. BARKER. RESIDENCE OF W L, BARKER. Mr. Barker is always prepared to furnish estimates which are executed with care anti accuracy and are based upon an extended knowledge of quantities and values, the work being personally super- vised. Mr. Barker is a native of Fitch- burg, where he was born in 1864, gradu- ating from the IJeverly High school and the Bryant and Stratton Commer- cial College, Bos- ion. He learned the trade of a car- p e n t e r in his father's sho]") at lieverly and then pursued his avo- cation in the prin- cipal cities of the country as far west as Fresno, Califor- nia. Upon his return to the east in 1S87, he en- gaged in busuiess in Beverly, con- DANVERS. 185 tinuing until 1892 when he took up the driven-well and windmilU business at Wenham, also doing carpentering and general jobbing. He established his business here in 1896, but continued to reside in Beverly until the completion of his residence on Trask street in October last. Mr. Barker is a member of the Order of American Mechanics and of the Pilgrim Fathers. Thomas E. Dougfherty. Thomas E. Do u g h e r t y, whose pleasant home is at 37 Cherry street, was born in Dan- vers on June 4, 184S, in a house on Maple street where the gram- mar school now stands. He was educated in the public schools of Danvers and also took a course in Co- mer's Commer- cial College, Boston, and is a graduate of that institution. He learned the trades of shoe cutting and pat- tern making, and has long been recognized as an expert in this line of the shoe manufacturing business. He has held the positions of superin- tendent and foreman in large factories in Lynn, Marblehead and Salem, in Mas- sachusetts, and two years in factories in the west. He is at present engaged in his business in Lynn. Mr. Dougherty has always been inter- ested in everything pertaining to the in- terests of his native town, and has often served as moderator at special town meetings. In everything for the advance- THOMAS E. DOUGHERTY. ment and prosperity of the town. Mr. Dougherty is an active worker. He is a member of several secret and social soci- eties, in all of which he is very popular and a valuable worker. He is one of those energetic, public-spirited citizens, who, when there is anything needed to be done for the upbuilding of his town, is ready with time, work and money to help along the cause. It goes without saying that such a man is deservedly popular with all classes and is a much esteemed and valued citizen. Frank B. Trask. Frank B. Trask, the Dan- vers upholsterer, is located at the corner of Elm and High streets at one side of the Square. He is the son of Al- fred and Mary Jane (Blackey) Trask, and was born in Danvers on February 1 2, 1859. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and after graduating from school learned the upholstering business, later engaging in bus- iness for himself. The excellence of his work has attracted much attention from people who recog- nize true art in furniture. Mr. Trask's patronage is nol confined to Danvers but comes from all the nearby towns. He is a connoisseur in antique furniture and rare old articles and bric-a-brac can be found in his storerooms. He is an ardent Republican in politics but never cared for office for himself, though a hard worker for the political candidates of his choice. He knows a good horse 1 86 DANVERS. when he sees him and he generally has one or two speedy ones in his stable. Mr. Trask was married on November 25, 1893, to Antoinette Maud Gammon and has a cosy home at the corner of Conant and Franklin streets. Calvin Putnam, Although 84 years old on the 30th of last May, Calvin Putnam is one of the best preserved of the older business men of this section and his business faculties are as acute as ever. For sixty-two yeais he has been engaged in building and lumber operations and he i> still the head of an immense lum- ber business at Danversport, where the mills, yards and wharves of the Calvin Putnam lumber concern are located, with railroad connections and water privileges which enable him to receive and ship lumber from and to all points. Mr. Putnam is a native of Danvers and he received his education in her public schools. After leaving school he learned the carpenter trade and there are ten or a dozen houses yet standing in town which he built more than sixty years ago ; and the fact that they are still in a good state of preservation and have F. B. TRASK S STORE FRANK B. TRASK. had but few repairs made upon ihem in all that time demonstrates the thorough- ness of his work and the quality of the materials used. Seeing the need of a lumber mill, Mr. Putnam built one at tidewater at the Port and from this small beginning grew the large business which he has conducted for so many years and in which he is still interested. He was for t w e n t y-five years the senior member of the firm of Putnam & Pi)l)e, Beverly, with a mill and large yard there. The management of the P)everly business he gave up to a brother- in-law and nephew some time ago. He has been an extensive opera- tor in lumber in Maine and Michi- gan for many years, and his only son, who died some years ago, DANVERS. 187 was also an extensive dealer in black walnut and other fine woods in the west, with offices in Boston. Mr. Putnam, although often asked to accept public of- lices of trust, generally de- clines. He never cared for any public position, and though he was some- times persuaded to acce|)t a place on the piudeniial committee and similar places where men of su])er- ior judgu.ent were needed, he always steadily refusetl to be a candidate for po- litical offi'e ; in the same way he declined director- ates in financial institu- tions, though often sought for to fill such positions. Mr. Putnam at one time i^ar- tially retired from the lum- her business, but thought it advisable to return to active management again soon after. He is credited with having made a large fortune from his business, and is one of the wealthy CALVIN PUTNAM. RESIDENCE OF CALVIN PUTNAM. m e n of the town. He has a hand- some home at the cor- n e r of Locust a n d Poplar s t r e ets. His face is one of the most familiar . He has one adopt ed daughter but no childre n of his own. Mr. DANVERS. Putnam may be seen daily driving about town for pleasure or to and from his estab- lishment at Danversport, and a stranger would not think him to be a man of more than sixty-five. He is a handsome old gentleman with bright eyes, a cheery smile, and a pleasant word for everybody. He is an interesting conversationalist and a very companionable gentleman. Calvin Putnam Lumber Co. Over sixty-three years ago Calvin Put- nam founded the #<^ business carried on for a number of recent years by Pope Bros., and now by the Cal- vin Putnam Lum- ber Co. For forty-six years Mr. Putnam conduct- ed it uninterrupt- edly, that is, from 1836 to 1882, when the whole- sale business was sold to Turner & Harrington, the retail business be- ing sold the fol- lowing year to Pope Bros. In 1890, the latter firm bought out Turner and Har- rington and con- s o 1 i d a t e d the whole business under their own name. I'Metcher Pope and Isaac D. Pope are sons of Se- lectman Daniel P. Pope, and were both born and educated in Danvers. Calvin Putnam has immense lumber interests in various parts of the country. Fletcher Pope has for some years been general manager of the Phillips & Rangeley R. R. Redington, Maine, and general manager of the Redington Lumber Co., and with- draws from the lumber firm to give his whole attention to those duties. The firm has receirtly been reorganized, as Calvin ISAAC D. POPE. Putnam Lumber Company, with officers as loUovvs : President, Calvin Putnam ; treasurer and manager, Isaac D. Pope ; directors, Calvin Putnam, I. D. Pope, W. D. Wing. The business is continued at the old location, with the able advice and experienced assistance of Calvin Putnam, the veteran lumber merchant. The firm are wholesale and retail deal- ers in lumber, and manufacture mouldings, flooring, sheathing laths, shingles and clapboards, a specialty being made of hard wood floors, interior finish and mouldings. The mills and plant cover an area of twenty-five acres with over five hun- dred feet of wharf- age accessible to vessels of from 600 to 800 tons. There are twelve large storehouses with a capacity of 5,000,000 feet of lumber, and a large and well eq u i p ]) e d mill with a machinery capacity of 30,- 000 feet of Itnri- ber a day. The firm handles on an average fifteen million feetof lum- ber yearly, and employs thirty men. Their trade is mostly in this State and New Hampshire, and an office is maintained at 408 Union street, Lynn. .•*<^ -<*^^ Salem Normal School. The normal school system of the Ray state is almost without an equal in that department of instruction. In the front rank of the several institutions of the kind under state supervision, where are prepared those who, in turn will lead the thought of yotith, is the magnificent struc- DANVERS. 1 89 MILL OF CALVIN PUTNAM LUMBER CO ture at the corner of Lafayette street and Loring avenue in the city of Salem. The first class in the history of the school was received in a two-story build- ing on Summer street, September, 1S54. Dr. Richard I'klwards, the first principal, had an administration of three years, Prof. Alpheus Crosby having charge for the succeeding eight years. Both were thorough educators and the school ad- vanced rapidly, requiring additional ac- commodations in 1S65. In the same year. Dr. Daniel B. Hagar accepted the principalship, continuing until ill health caused his resignation early in 1.S96, fol- lowed a short time later by his death. Ill 1892, upon the r e commendation of the board of visitors, $250,000 was appropriated by the legislature for the purchase of a lot and the construction of a suitable building Land was i)ur- chased early in 1893 and in the fall of the same year the building work began. The dedication oc- curred January 26, 1897, with ap- ])ropriate exercises and in the presence of leading instructors and officials. The present principal is Dr. Walter P. Beckwith. The total enrollment since the inception of the school has been nearly 4500, of whom about one-half have regularly graduated. Sixty teachers have been em- ployed. The present building is located in a most com- manding position in the southern part of the city. It is of buff brick with light stone trimmings, and has three stories and a basement. The main building is 180 feet in length, with two wings, each 140 feet long. Every convenience is available and the arrange- ment is of the best. The sanitation, ven- tilation, heating and lighting apparatus and general equi])ment lea\e little tj be desired. The attendance is largely from Essex and Middlesex counties, although several states are represented. For admission, a high school education or its equivalent is re(|uired. The regular course of study requires two years, but special or partial courses may be taken, as a rule classes WHARF OF CALVIN PUTNAM LUMBER CO- 190 DANVERS. DANVERS. 191 192 DANVERS. being admitted only at the beginning of the fall term. The faculty numbers twelve persons. Most abundantly has the Salem Normal School fulfilled its mission as conceived at its founding — " of reviving and establishing the normal method of learning, teaching and living in the older portion of the common- wealth." Walter P. Beckwith, Ph.D. In June, 1896, the cit- izens of the town of A dams learned with regret of the election of their highly esteemed su- p erintendent of schools to the principal- ship of the Salem Nor- mal school. In his nine- teen years' oversight of the education of the youth of the Berk- shire town, Mr. Beckvvith had become a part of the local life. The sundering of these ties seemed inevitable, as the Sa- lem position was too attractive to be re- fused. All, however, felt a great measure of pride in the high honor which had been conferred n])on their townsman, which has been fully justified during his comparatively brief administration of the state normal school in Salem. Mr. Beckwith was chosen to his present posi- tion from among a large list of worthy candidates. The school was entering upon a new era, a new building, perhaps PROF W. P. BECKWITH, Priiiciiial Salem Norni il School the finest of its kind in New England, be- ing about to be dedicated, involving ad- ditional duties which the opening of extra departments must of necessity bring about. From the first, the interest of the new principal in the school and in the city has been deep and sincere. Walter P. Beckwith was born at Lempster, N. H., Aug. 27, 1850, of English and Scotch parentage. In early life he had only the limited edu- cational ad- vantages of a youth in a small farming c o m munity. He spent three years as a teacher in and about his native town, later attend- ing the C'lare- mont high school for a short time and graduat- ing from the Kimball Un- ion academy at Meriden in 1 87 1. In his college career at Tufts he was obliged to be absent a portion of the time to assist himself by teaching, one] period comprising an entire year. Mr. Beckwith's standing as a student was very high and he graduated with honor. The position of principal of the Chicopee Falls high school was offered and ac- cepted, this relation continuing until Jan- uary, 1878. During his long residence in Adams he had become identified with many interests aside from his school du- ties. For thirteen years he served as chairman of the public library trustees, was repeatedly elected moderator of town DANVERS. 193 meetings and served upon important com- mittees. Mr. Heckwith attends the Uni- versalist cliurch, is a member of Starr King Lodge, Salem, F. and A. M., member of the A. O. U. W., and of the Tufts College chapter, Phi Beta Kappa. He was re- cently elected president of the Tufts Col- lege club, which includes the Tufts gradu- ates in and about Boston. He has writ- ten largely to various periodicals and is Scotch and English — his father's earliest ancestor in this country came to Connec- ticut in 1636, his mother's to Charlestown, Mass., in 1635, and a year or two later he was the first person to be taxed in VVoburn. Willard J. Hale. \\illard J. Hale, register of deeds of WILLARD J. HALE, Register (if l.leeds. an effective public speaker. A member of numerous educational societies, he has been honored by the degrees of A. M.and Ph D. on behalf of his alma mater. De- cember 23, 1879, Mr. Beckwith was united in marriage with Miss Mary L. Sayles, a teacher in the Adams pul)lic schools. He has one daughter. Prof. Beckvvith's ancestry is entirely F^ssex county, was appointed to his pres- ent responsible position August 31, 1897, to succeed the late Chades S. Osgood. In the fall of the same year he was the nominee of both the leading ]jarties for the office and was elected by a practically unanimous vote. This is by no means Mr. Hale's first experience in jilaces of trust. In his native city of Newburyport, where 194 DANVERS. he obtained his education, he was chosen to the common council in 1879, serving two years and in 1881 was made chairman, being twice re-elected. As a Republican, he represented his district with great credit in the lower branch of the Legislature of 1885 and in the following year went to Colorado Springs to engage in real estate transactions. Mr. Hale divided his time between his western inter- ests and the dry goods business at Newburyport, in which he has been interested for himself since he was twenty years of age. He was ap- pointed postmaster by President Harrison Sept. 19, 1890, and held the office for four years. In 1896 he was one of the delegates to the Republican National Convention from the sixth Congressional dis- trict and was a member of the committee which officially notified Vice President Hobart of his nom- ination. Mr. Hale is president of the Board of Trade, a director of the First National Bank, also a trustee of the Five Cents Savings Bank, all ol" Newburyport. Since an early age, Mr. Hale has been connected with his native city's best interests, and the es- teem in which he is held by his towns- men and the people of the entire county is sufficiently told in the high honors which have been conferred upon him. JOHN LUMMUS. RESIDENCE OF JOHN LUMMUS. Lummus & Parker. The oldest grist mill in this section is that now operated by Lummus & Parker at Danversport. This mill, or a portion of it, has been running for more than a hundred and fifty years, and is operated by tide water on the Crane river. The senior member of the firm, John Lummus, is a na- tive of New York and he succeeded A.W.& J.A.Ham in the ownership of the mill in 1874. For a time the firm name was Lummus & Den- nett. About five years ago Mr. George H. Par- ker became a p a r t n e r. Mr. Parker is a native of Tremont, Me. DANVERS. 195 GEORGE H. PARKER. Both have faniihes and homes on High street. An extensi\"e business in hav and grain of all kinds is done l)y the firm, extending all over Essex county. The mill and storehouses are situated on tide water where vessels of ten or twelve feet draught can come and in close proximity to the Eastern division of the B. & M. railroad, af- fording unexcelled facilities for the receipt and ship- ping of hay and grain. The busi- ness has greatly increased under the present man- agement and the firm has a wide a c ( 1 u a i n t a n c e . The gentlemen are both popular and energetic and give excellent ser- vices to numerous patrons. E, Kendall Jenkins. E. Kendall Jenkins, the County Treasurer, is a son of Captain Ben- jamin and Betsey Jenkins, and was born in Andover in 1831, receiving his education in the public schools of that town. In his early man- hood Mr. Jenkins engaged in farm- ing until 1 86 1, when he enlisted in the First Massachusetts Heavy Ar- tillery, in which he served for three years. In January, 1866, he was appointed deputy sheritT by Sheriff H. G. Herrick, and in March of the same year was chosen town clerk, treasurer and collector of his native town. Upon being elected county treasurer in 1878, he re- signed these offices and devoted his exclusive attention to the duties of his new office. Mr. Jenkins has been for a number of years a trus- tee of the Public Library at An- dover, which was erected to per- petuate the memory of the Andover soldiers who fell in the Civil War. He was one of the first to advocate the erection of this handsome l)uilding and was one of its charter members. Mr. Jenkins is president of the First National Bank of Salem, and through- out the entire course of his public ca- reer has enjoyed the respect and es- teem of all, for his unvarying courtesy and strict integritv. LUMMUS & PARKER MILL. DANVERS Colonel Samuel A. Johnson. The marked popularity of Colonel Samuel A. Johnson, Sheriff of Essex County, was at- tested in the flattering vote by which he was chosen to his present responsible position in the fall of 1895. For many years he had served as Deputy Sheriff, and upon the retire- ment of Sheriff Herrick, Colonel Johnson was the eligible successor. He was born in Salem, July 31, 1847, and attended the public schools of that city until nine years of age, at that time removing to Wisconsin. He studied with the class of '69 at Beloit College in that state. Shortly after Colonel Johnson returned to his native city and studied law in the office of Hon. William D. Northend ; he was admitted to the Essex Bar in September, 187 i, and was associ ated with Mr. Northend for about one year. The next three years were spent in Lynn, in practice with ex-Clerk of Courts Feabody. Col Johnson has travelled quite extensively in this country and in Europe, residing for some time E. KENDALL JENKINS. in Colorado in 1869, and again in 1876 for the benefit of his health. He enlisted as a private in the Second Corps of Ca- dets, April 22, 1874, and has served in every office in the Corps, being chosen to the command upon the resignation of Colonel John W. Hart. Although practically a stranger to public functions. Col. Johnson's incumbency of the sheriff's office has been an eminently able one, the many problems constantly arising in con- nection with his multifari- ous duties being handled with care and discretion. Colonel Johnson also acts as keeper of the jail at Salem and resides in the house near the jail on St. Peter street. He has at- tained high rank in Ma- sonry and Odd Fellow- ship, and is also a mem- ' ber of Xaumkeag Tribe COL. S A JOHNSON. DANVERS. 197 of Red Men and John Kndicott J.od^e, A. O. V. W. County Jail, Salem. Few, if any institutions are more con- spicuous in tlie history of the country than is the jaii, located in the City of Sa- lem. The contrast, however, between the place of restraint of the earlier day and the present structure is as great as can be imagined. The first jail, built in 163S, was a mere dwelling and is now a part of the house occupied by .\bner Goodell. Here were confined a large number of persons accused of witchcraft, of whom many suffered death. Here, also, was made the final deliverance of those who had fallen victims to this super- stition, Salem leading the way in letting in the light upon the witchcraft delusion. The older portion of the present jail, lo- cated at the corner of St. Peter and Bridge streets, was erected in 1813. In 18S5, a thorough remodelling occurred and the structure was enlarged to its present ca- pacity. It is, however, probable that an- other enlargement will have to be made in the near future. The fine brick resi- dence of Sheriff Johnson, who also acts as keeper of the jail, is located in close proximity and is surrounded by beautiful and well kept grounds, in keeping with the general atmosphere of neatness and order. The jail has every precaution for safety and has a capacity of 150 prisoners. Those committed here are largely for short terms, many for the offence of drunkenness, although in the past twelve years six have been held on the charge of murder, all of whom have been sentenced to state prison for life, with the exception of one, Alfred Williams, who was exe- cuted in the jail on Oct. 7, 1898. The prisoners do all the work, such as cook- ing, baking, firing the boilers, etc., the female inmates making clothing for both sexes. The jail serves also as a house of correction and in this department some sixty-five prisoners are employed in mak- ing heels, which are sold to help meet the expenses. The jail is conducted most economically and, like the others of the county, is under the supervision of the experienced County Commissioners. Danvers Co-operative Bank. On Monday evening, August 22, 1892, a party of gentlemen met in the insurance office of Albert (i. Allen, at No. 8 High street, for the purpose of organizing a corporation to he known as the 1 )anvers Co-Ojierative Bank. These gentlemen met in response to a call which had been issued, and the fol- lowing persons were present : Henry Newhall, Fletcher Pope, J. F. Hussey, A. (i. Allen, F. O. Staples, Wm. A. Jacobs, W'm. A. Woodman, J. A. Melcher, Edwin Turner, Jr., E. B. Peabody, Wm. J. Rich- ardson, J. Frank Porter, Willis E. Smart, Michael H. Barry, Jacob Marston, Wal- lace P. Perry, Samuel L. Sawyer, Joseph W. Woodman, Daniel N. Crowley, Ed- ward E. Woodman, and Daniel Eldredge. The meeting was called to order by Dan- iel Eldredge, who read the form of agree- ment drawn up according to the 117th chapter of the Public Statutes, by which the name of the corporation should be known as the Danvers Co-operative Bank ; the place of business to be in the town of Danvers ; the limit of its capital stock to be $1,000,000, and ultimate value of shares to be $200. An organization was then effected by the choice of Daniel El- dredge as temporary clerk. By-laws were adopted and the following officers were duly elected by ballot to their re- spective offices: President and director, Fletcher Pope ; vice president and direc- tor, Joseph W. Woodman ; treasurer, sec- retary and director, Albert G. Allen ; di- rectors, Henry Newhall, Samuel E. Saw- yer, F'dward E. Woodman, Wm. A. \Vood- man, Wm. A. Jacobs, J. Frank Porter. The president assumed the chair and it was voted that the corporation begin bus- iness Monday, August 29, 1892 ; that the first series of shares be hiaiited to $1000 to non-borrowers and unlimited to bor- rowers. J. F'rank Porter, Henry Newhall and Jos. W. Woodman were elected Security Committee and Samuel L. Sawyer and Edward E. Woodman were elected Fi- nance Committee ; J. P. Colby, W'allace 198 DANVERS. P. Perry and Willis E. Smart were elected auditors. A public meeting of the bank was held in the Town Hall, August 29, 1892, when there was a large number of citizens in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Albert G. Allen, who invited Samuel L. Sawyer to take charge of the meeting. After a few remarks, Mr. Saw- yer introduced Mr. Eldredge of Boston, who spoke very entertainingly for nearly an hour on " Co-operative Banks." f Shares w-ere then offered for sale and the whole amount of the first series, 1000 At the present time the bank has as- sets of over $70,000. Profits to the amount of nearly $10,000 have been de- declared. The bank has a surplus of over S600, with a guaranty fund of S200, and is in a sound and flourishing condi- tion. Nearly $60,000 is loaned on real estate in Danvers or its immediate vicin- ity, all of which is secured by first mort- gages. The bank has a membership of about 250 and up to the present time has had no difficulty in placing all of the money it has taken in. On the contrary it has been overrun with business and has DANVERS CO-OPERATIVE BANK. in number, were speedily disposed of- The growth of the bank from that time until the present has been a steady one. The officers of the bank have changed but little from the first. In August, 1893, Mr. Fletcher Pope resigned as president and Samuel L. Sawyer was elected in his place. There have been but few changes in the Board of Directors, the majority of the Board being those originally elected. All the officers of the bank are enthusias- tic in their work, believing that the insti- tution is an object for good in the com- munity, and willingly give their services. been obliged to decline many loans which it would otherwise have taken had it had the money. The carefulness and wisdom of the se- curity committee has been shown when it is stated that in the seven years, which is the length of time the bank has been in business, they have suffered no losses. They have been obliged to foreclose on but three pieces of property and in neither case is it expected will there be any loss to the bank. The bank has one of the finest offices to be found in the state, having recently moved into the DANVERS. 199 Henry Newhall ; auditors, Ernest J. Powers, Abbott B. Galloupe, ^\'iIlis H. Kenney ; attorneys, Jackson & Jackson. HON. S L. SAWYER, President of the I>anvers Co-operative Bank. rooms recently vacated by the First Na- tional bank and which has been hand- somely fitted up for them. The office is open every week day from S to i 2 a. m. and I to 5 p. M., when there is always some one in attendance. The present officers of the bank are president, Samuel L. Sawyer ; vice president, Joseph W. Woodman ; sec- retary and treas- urer, Albert G. Allen ; directors, Henry Newhall, J. P>ank Porter, Marcus C. Pet- tingell, William A. Jacobs, Sam- uel M. Moore, William A. Woodman ; se- curity commit- tee, Joseph W. Woodman, J. Frank Porter, Hon, Samuel L, Sawyer. Mr. Sawyer was born in Boxford, Mass., June 20, 1845, ^i^cl was ed- ucated in the public schools of that town, the Topsfield academy, and the Putnam Free School of Newburyport. He has been en- gaged in the flour business for the last thirty-three years in Boston and vicinity, his present business address being Danvers. He is a member of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. He has resided in Danvers since 1869; built the house where he now resides, on Lindall hill, in 1S74. He is one of the executive committee of the Danvers Historical society, vice president of the Danvers Improve- ment society, president of the Danvers Co-operative bank, has served as chairman of the Repub- lican Town committee, and repre- sented the town of Danvers in the Mas- sachusetts Legislature in 189 1, serving on the Public Charitable Institutions com- mittee as clerk, re-elected in 1892, serv- ing on the same committee, and chair- man of the Committee on Election, was elected in 1893 to represent the Fifth Essex Senatorial district in the Massachu- RESIDENCE OF HON. S. L. SAWYER. DANVERS. setts Senate ; was chairman of the com- mittee oil PubUc Charitable Institutions and served on the Committees on En- grossed Bills and Public Service ; re-elec- ted in 1S94, and served as chairman of the Committee on Street Railways, and on the Committees on Engrossed Rills and Parishes and Religious Societies ; is a past master of Mosaic Lodge, F. & A. M., past district deputy grand master, past high priest of Holten Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and member of Wins- low Lewis Com- mand ery, senior past regent of Arcadian Coun- cil, R. A., mem- ber of the A. 0. U. W. and G. A. R. and Old Salem Chapter, S. A. R. ; he is secre- tary and treas- urer of the Essex Club of Essex County, a Repub- lican club of 430 members. He is a thoroughly con- scientious and progressive busi- ness man. Massachusetts Glove Co. A. G. Secretary and Treasurer One of the most extensive and im- portant of the new industries in town is that of the Massachusetts Glove Co , in the Calvin Putnam factory on Majile street, which has been fully fitted up for this concern's excellent ami rapidly grow- ing business. Frederick W. Rowles is president ; Horace O. Southwick, treas- urer and manager; Walter }. P>udgell, Philip S. Abbott, H. O. Southwick and F. W, Rowles, directors. Mr. Rowles is of a family of glove manufacturers who have been doing busi- ness for over forty years, and he is per- fectly familiar with every branch of the industry, while the other gentlemen are practical, reliable business men, with experience in leather working and inci- dental features of the l>usiness. All grades of medium and fine ladies' and gentle- men's gloves are manufactured in the finest possible manner for the best class of trade in the country, and such a high state of perfection of material and finish is being ac(|uired that this firm will short- ly have no com- petitors to fear on either side of the ocean. Much of the stuck is imported direct from A r a b i a , France and Ger- many, and pre- pared in the finest manner for this company. The most skilled labor is employed and every mod- ern convenience and facility is had for the pro- duction of the best goods that can be made. The Church of God. The Church of God was organ- ized Jan. I, 1899, under Rev. Chas. ALLEN- Danvers Co-operative Hank. E. T^odge. Mr. Dodge was formerly of Worcester. Ma'^sachusetts. He came to Danvers in ^Larch, 1898, engaged in evanoeli^tic labors under the Massachu- setts Baptist Sunday School Association. After an absence of two months he re- turned June 5, 189S, and took up a per- manent work, services being held in Es- sex l)lock, cor. Elm and Essex streets. In October, 1898, Mr. Dodge withdrew from the Baptist denomination, and in January organized an independent church. Vhe characteristic of the new organi- zation is its Uelief in a literal obedience to the Scriptures as the Word of God. DANVERS. They hold the doctrines of justification by faith, sanctificalion by the Spirit, heal- ing for the body. No collections or sub- scriptions are ever taken. None of the officers, including pas- tor, receive any salary. The church and pastor are supported solely by free will offerings. Branchesof this church are in Salem and Wake- field. William H. Crosby. William H. Crosby is the proprietor of the only undertaking establishment in Dan- vers. He was born in Yarmouth, N. S., on June 24, 1S72, and is the son of Hiram L. and Cath- erine P. Crosby. Mr. Crosby came to Dan- vers when a boy and fur five years was in the employ of (ieorge A. Waitt, who was the only undertaker here for years. On the retirement of Mr. Waitt, four years modest and unostentatious manner, his kindness of heart and his strict integ- rity. His undertakini; rooms are at 8 High street, and his home is on Conant street. He was mar- ried on October 8, 1896, to Miss Chris- tina M. Mackenzie. WILLIAM H. CROSBY Guide to Principal Points of Interest. Approaching Dan- versport from Salem, just before reaching the Danvers line, is the Jacol)S House ; back of this house is seen Folly Hill. Con- tinuing along the main road a bridge soon spans Waters river, just a little beyond, upon the left, the Keed-Porter House, and after crossing the Crane river, to the south of the railroad station, and opposite the bend in the street railway, is the site of the Home of Col. Israel Hutchinson. At the next U:UO ^v i^yiiiii 1^ -I — ——fir RESIDENCE OF A. G. ALLEN. ago Mr Crosby succeeded to the busi- abrupt turn into High street will be seeti ne.s, and has continued it since. He has the Baptist Church ; a little above and won the esteem of many people by his on the right hand side of High street is DANVERS. the Annunciation Church ; quite a little distance above, in from the street, is the Unitarian Church ; while not far beyond, and upon the same side, is the Univer- silist Church. Next, Danvers Square, upon which is the Old Berry Tavern, and on Elm street, facing High street, the Page House. Continuing up Elm street, at the East- ern division station are three streets, the extreme left being Old Ipswich Road (Ash street). Bearing to the extreme right, going up Holten street, the Episco- pal Church upon the right is passed, and only a short distance beyond and upon the same side, the Judge Putnam House. Crossing the railroad the Methodist the cemetery containing the Nurse Mon- ument and Tablets. At Danversport, on Endicott street, from the bridge over the railroad can be seen Crane River and Endecott Burying Ground. Continuing up the street the Endecott House is in plain view, and op- posite, the Endecott grant, and upon the same, in the direction of the water, the Endecott Pear Tree. Near the junction of Hobart and For- est streets is the site of the First Church. On Forest street is the Ambrose Hutchin- son house. On IngersoU street is the Ingersoll-Peabody or Ex-Secretary Endi- cott House. ENDECOTT PEAR TREE Church is soon seen upon the left ; (luite a little distance beyond, and where the road turns from Holten into Centre street, is the Judge Holten House. Pass- ing up Centre street the Haines House and First Church and Parsonage are seen ui)on the right. I'pon the same side, a little beyond, the ^Vads worth House, and soon the Training Place, with the Bowlder upon one end or side, and at the other end the Old Upton Tavern. Just beyond the terminus of the street railway the second house upon the left is the Birth- place of Col. Israel Hutchinson. Passing down Pine street from Tap- leyville, upon the right are situated the Townsend Bishop-Nurse House and Leaving Centre street at Dayton street, traversing this street quite a distance, will be found the Ann Putnam House. Near Danvers Square, on INIaple street, is the Maple Street Church. On Putnam street is the Advent Church. ^^■illard Hall is on Maple, near Poplar. The Danvers Lunatic Hospital is at Asylum Station. The Jesse Putnam House and Gen. Israel Putnam Birthplace are between Ferncroft and Asylum Sta- tion. On Summer street is Oak Kr.oll ; just beyond, on Spring street, St. John's Normal College, and not far beyond is the Prince House. »^i-' b i^'js LIBRARY OF CONGRESS w^