LIBRA r OFCONGR -iielf. ..HA ^D STATES OF AMERICA. ■ A COMPENDIUM Modern Pharmacy DRUGGISTS' FORMULARY, CONTAINING THK RECENT METHODS OF MANUFACTURING AND PREPARING Tinctures, Fluid Extracts, Flavoring Extracts, Elixirs Emulsions, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, Wines and Liquors; also, Physicians' Prescriptions, Lin- iments, Pills, Powders, Ointments, Syrups, Antidotes to Poisons, Weights and Meas- ures, And Miscellaneous Information Indispensible to the Pharmacist. WALTER B. KILNER PnARMACET "ITS'I . BPBINGFIELD, ILL. : W. HOKKKR, PRINTER AND BOOKBINDER. 1880 Tf Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1880, by WALTER B. KILNER, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress. All rights reserved. SPRINGFIELD : H. W. ROKKEF, PRINTER, south Fifth Street. PREFACE. The labor of writing such a book as is here presented was not undertaken without a firm conviction that a work of this kind was really needed. Only upon the earnest solicitation of many professional friends was the author prevailed upon to publish this volume. He has, therefore, as a guide to the druggist and the pharmacist, after many years of earnest toil, labor and great expense, brought together a vast amount of information suitable in every respect to the wants of the compounder of new and elegant preparations. With this object in view, standard works on every subject connected therewith have been carefully and freely consulted. Many of the working formulae found in this volume have been kindly donated from eminently successful pharmaceutical chemists of great learning and wide ex- perience. Many of my own formulae, tested and repeatedly ma- nipulated in the Laboratories of Europe and America, and drawn from a practical experience of twenty years, will be found in this volume. "On all great subjects," says-John Stewart Mill, "much yet remains to be said ;" and this is equally true with PREFACE. respect to the subject before us as with other sciences and departments of scientific investigation. Systematic treatises on the subject of what may be called the elegant preparations, have been so unreliable and costly, that a volume of this kind, with formula? tested and approved through a period of a busy life, can- not, it seems to the author, fail to meet with a fair share of public favor. My intention has been to exhibit this branch of in- dustry as it really exists in this year of our Lord eighteen hundred and eighty, and not that of forty or fifty years ago — to bring it up to the high standard of recent invest- igation : also, to place before the busy practitioner in- formation which can alone be found in the private work- ing formulae of the practical chemist, or in the huge, costly volumes of authors whose prolific pages one has to hunt through in order to arrive at the knowledge of which they profess to be the vehicles. The subjects in the volume before you are so arranged that any desired item ot information can be readily found, with scarcely more loss of time than would be entailed by reference to a dictionary. As an enterprising druggist, it is necessary that you should manufacture, yourself, the different kinds of tinc- tures, elixirs, syrups, perfumery, cosmetics, and, indeed, every delicate, important and costly article usually found in the stock of every respectable druggist. In conclusion, the author wishes to be fully understood that, on the whole, this book is but a compilation of for- mulae gathered from an astonishingly large number of volumes, all of which no man's private library would, be likely to contain ; the merit, then, if in your judg- ment there be any, consists in the work of gathering and compressing, in the space of one volume, so large a fund of valuable information, and in works and for- mulae as brief as is consistent with clearness. To steer clear of the fault of saying too much on the one hand, and too little on the other, was a work of no little trouble. He is aware of many omissions which the reader will no doubt detect. He does not claim in- fallibility, as perfection is unattainable, and especially is this the case in the science of Pharmacy and Chemistry, as the goal of either to-day may be but the starting point of the morrow. Clearness, brevity, precision and accuracy have been the aims of the author, and how far he has succeeded, after a careful perusal of this work, judge ye. The words of the philosopher covers the case : "To rest short of his own aims is incident to every man whose views are comprehensive and whose fancy is lively; neither is any man satisfied with himself because he has done much, but because he can conceive little." The Author. Springfield, Ills.. Jink 1st.. \HH0. ERRATA. No. 27, page 89, read : Citric Acid. No. 30, page 90, read : Iron Filings. No. 43, page 94, read : After twelve hours, transfer the whole to a percolator. No. 39, page 93, read : Elixir Pepsin, Iron, Quinine, Bismuth and Strychnia. Elixir Pepsin, Iron, Quinine and Bismuth, 16 ounces. Hall's Solution, £ ounce. Mix. No. 64, page 100, read : Pyrophosphate. No. 65, page 100, read : Neutral Citrate of Potassium. No. 5, page 192, read : Make into twenty powders. No. 74, page 425, read : Tincture of Cinnamon, 1 drachm. No. 112, page 437, read: Bi-Carbonate of Soda. COMPENDIUM Modern Pharmacy AND ELEGANT PREPARATIONS, CHAPTER I. TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASUEES, Avoirdupois Weight. 16 drams (dr.) make 1 ounce, written oz. 16 ounces " 1 pound, " lb. 25 pounds " 1 quarter, " qr. 4 quarters " 1 hundred weight, written cwt. 20 hundred weight make 1 ton, written T. Note 1. — The standard avoirdupois pound of the U. S. is the weight taken in the air of 27^, cubic inches of distilled water at a temperature of 39-^ degrees F., the barometer being at 30 inches. Note 2. — Medicines are usually bought and sold by this weight. Note 3. — The pound avoirdupois contains 7000 grains. The ounce avoirdupois contains 437$ grains. TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Troy Weight. 24 grains (gr.) make 1 pennyweight, written pwt. 20 pennyweight " 1 ounce, " oz. 12 ounces " 1 pound, " lb. Remark. — The troy pound adopted by the U. S. is 7944 10000 equal to the weight taken in air of 22y~ cubic inches water. The pound troy contains 5760 grains. The ounce " " 480 " Apothecaries' "Weight. 20 grains (gr.) make 1 scruple, written 3. 3 scruples " 1 drachm, " 3. 8 drachms " 1 ounce, " 3. 12 ounces " 1 pound, " lb. Remark. — In this weight the pound, ounce and grain are the same as troy weight. It often happens that a druggist is called upon to change a quantity from one weight to its equivalent in another, which, at the best, is tedious, I append a rule for effecting such a change. To Change a Quantity from One "Weight to its Equivalent in Another. Rule.— Reduce the given quantity to grains, and then find their value in denominations of the weight required. TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Suppose we wish to convert 13 lbs. 6 oz. avoirdupois to Troy weight, we proceed thus : 13 lbs. x 7000 equals 91000 grains 6oz.x437* " 2625 " •5760)93625(16 lbs. troy 5760 36025 34560 1465 12 5760)17580(3oz. 1728 300 20 5760)6000(1 pwt. 5760 5760)5760(1 gr. 5760 Explanation.— We multiply 13 lbs. by 7000 becaiise there are 7000 grains in a pound Avoirdupois; this gives us 91000 grains. We multiply 6 oz. by 4M7i because there are 437^ grains in an ounce Avoir- dupois; this gives us 2025 grains. We now add 01000 grains and the '3025 grains, making a total of 93626 grains. We now make our de- visor 5700. because there are 5700 grains in a pound Troy weight. Our remainder, 1405, we multiply by 12, because there are 12 ounces in a pound Troy. We multiply the remainder, 300, by 20, because there are 20 pwts. in an ounce, ami remainder of 2)0 by 2-1 because there are 21 grains in a pwt. 10 TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Given.— 16 lbs. 3oz. 1 pwt. 1 gr. troy weight to find ts equivalent in avoirdupois weight : 16 lbs.x 5760 equals 92160 grains 3 oz.x 480 " 1440 1 pwt. 1 gr. " 25 " 7000)93625 ( 13 lbs 7000 23625 21000 2625 16 7000)42000(6 ounces. 42000 Table of Equivalents. 1 lb Av. equals 7000 grains= lib 2 oz. 11 pwt. 16grs. Troj 1 lb Tr. or Apoth. equals 5760 grains=13 oz. 2^ dr.A^ 1 oz. Tr. or Apoth. equals 480 grains=l oz. 1~ dr. A^ 1 oz. Av. equals 437^ grains=18 pwts 5J grs. Troy. 1 dr. Apoth. equals 60 grains=2^ dr. Avoirdupois. 1 dr. Av. equals 27-^ grains = l 3~^- gr. Troy. 1 pwt Troy equals 24 grains— ~ dr. Avoirdupois. 1 3 Apoth. equals 20 grains= ~ dr. Avoirdupois. 1 Troy or Apoth. equals 1 = 8 ^ dr. Avoirdupois. TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Domestic Measure. teacup is equal to 4 fluid ounces. A A wineglass A tablespoon A teaspoon 2 i « 1 drachm. 11 Rules to Proportion the Doses of Medicine. In prescribing, the following circumstances should be kept in view : Age, sex, temperament, habit, climate, the condition of the stomach and idiosyncrasy. For an adult, suppose the dose to be 1 drachm, then, — Under 1 year the dose would be -^ drachm. " 2 years 3 4 7 14 20 Rule. — Make the age or the child the numerator of the fraction, and for denominator also, place the age and add 12, thus: Suppose the child's age is 2 years, then, according to our rule, we make 2 the numerator, and place it in this way 2-=- (2-J-12) — -^ =— of the dose you would administer to adult. CHAPTER II. METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. To enter into an argument either for or against the metric system of weights and measures, is not the inten- tion of the author. It is eminently right and proper to know just what the system is, for to be able to dispense correctly and in- telligently in both systems, is a duty we owe to the pro- fession, as we cannot be ignorant of the fact that many of the leading physicians of our country prescribe inva- riably in the metric system, hence the necessity of this chapter. Surgeon General Wood worth, of the U. S. Marine Hos- pital Service, has issued a circular, with the approval of Secretary Sherman, requiring medical officers of the Ma- rine Hospital Service to make use hereafter, for all offi- cial medical and pharmaceutical purposes, of the metric system of weights and measures, which has already, under the act of July 28, 1866, been adopted by this ser- vice for the purveying of medical supplies. Now, what is the Metric System ? The word "metric" is from the Greek word metron, a measure, and is pronounced met-ric. In this system, it is the gramme, written gram, and the centigram and the cubic centimeter, which concerns the physicians. To facilitate the ready conversion of the old into the new terms of weights and measures, the following simple rules are appended : THE METRIC SYSTEM. 13 I. — To express quantities by weight of the apotheca- ries' system in metric terms, or to write medical prescrip- tions in metric weights. Rule A. — Reduce each quantity to grains, then divide the number by 10 (or move the decimal point one place to the left), and from the quotient subtract one-third. The remainder is in each case the number of grammes representing nearly the same quantity. Rule B. — Reduce each quantity to drachms, and mul- tiply by 4. The product is in each case the number of grammes representing (nearly) the same quantity. Rule C. — Reduce each quantity to ounces, and mul- tiply the number by 32, the product is in each case the number of grammes representing (nearly) the same quantity. Remark. — To insure greater accuracy, if in any case deemed necessary, three per cent, may be deducted from the answer arrived at by either of the rules A, B and C. To express quantities by measure of the apothecaries' system in metric terms,or to write medical prescriptions in metric cubic measure : Rule D. — Reduce each quantity to minims, then divide the number by 10, or move the decimal point one place to the left, and from the quotient subtract one-third. The remainder is in each case the number of cubic cen- timeters representing (nearly) the same quantity. Rule E. — Reduce each quantity to fluid drachms, and multiply the number by 4. The product is in each case the number of cubic centimeters representing (nearly) A /he same quancity. 14 THE METRIC SYSTEM. Rule F. Reduce each quantity to fluid ounces, and multiply the number by 32. The product is in each case the number of cubic centimeters representing nearly the same quantity. To ensure greater accuracy, if in any case deemed necessary, 8 per cent, may be deducted from the answer arrived at by either of the rules D, E and F, reducing the error to less than 2^ minims for every fluid ounce. In applying the above rules for writing prescriptions, the metric quantities should be adjusted so as to be ex- pressed in as simple decimal terms as may be practicable, without materially changing the dose or the character of the formula?. The terms "gramme" and "cubic centimeter" are gen- erally abbreviated into Gm. and C. C. To preclude the possibility, in careless writing, however, of mistaking the sign "Gm." for the sign "Or." (grain), the number should invariably precede the sign, using the common Arabic numerals, thus : 10 Gm. In writing, the abbreviated metric denominations should always be underscored, but the preceding number should not, as above. A few examples will suffice to illustrate the foregoing rules and suggestions : I£. — Mur. Tine. Ferri. ~ii. Chlo. Potass. 3jii. Hyposulphite Soda 3j. Sul. Quinine Gr. xv. Aqua il vni. THE METRIC SYSTEM. 15 Would, in metric terms, be written : #.— Mur. Tine. Ferri. 8Gra. See rule B. Chlo. Potass. 12 Gm. HyposulphateSoda 4 Gm. " " Sul. Quinine 100 ££i; " A " Aqua 256.00 OC. I£. — Bromide Potass. 3 vi. Iodide Potass. Gr. vi. Aro. Spts. Ammonite 3 jii. Infusion Columbo £§" vn. would, in metric terms, be written : 1£. — Bromide Potass. 24 Gm. See rule B. Iodide Potass. 0.4 Gm. " A. Aro, Spts. Ammonite 12 CO. " E. Infusion Columbo 224 C.C. " <; r},. — Extract Coloo Com p. 3 jss. ' : Coloc Acet. Gr. xv. " Digitalis Gr. vi. would, in metric terms, be written : 1J.— Extract Coloc Comp. 6 Gm. Rule B. Extract Coloc Acet. 0.8 Gm. " A. Extract Digitalis 0.4 Gm. " " l>. — Bromide Potass \ j. Elir. Aurantii f| viii. — Mix. would, in metric terms, be written : l£. — Bromide Potass. 32 Gm. Rule B. Elir. Aurantii 256 CC. " E. 16 THE METRIC SYSTEM. 3 .— Hyd. Chlo. Corros. Gr. j. Iodide Potass. Gi. xxx. Liq. Potass. Arsenitis M. xxxvi. Alcohol f 3 j. Fl. Ex. Sarsaparilla f^jii- Aqua Cinnamon f 5 xii. would, in metric terms, be written : H .—Hyd. Chlo. Corros. 0.06 Gm. Iodide Potass. 2.0 Gm. Liq. Potass Arsenitis 2.40 C.C. Alcohol 32.00 CC* Fl. Ex. Sarsaparilla 96.00 C.C. Aqua Cinnamon 384.00 C.C. TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 17 03 2°, ££« » > < a, < Ph -< fe o i-li-liMlMfMCO^^iOiOCaNCOCOO 0»OiOOOOO(MLOOiOOO LOO OlNiO©(NiOOHbOOOOO(NiO 05r-l^t^OC
  • -00TtlC£>OlO'rH^tl i-lT-lrHCN(MC ■v- » M ooooo wwm£x h h.-..2:2: h") K) K) K) K) K) ■T) K) K) UOUOU1UOU > £ DO on ;£ .„ > ► :s :s : - a > ► > ._:^ (T) r-0 (I) (I) K) K) ro no K) K) ro ti ououo OOOOOOOOOOOOO NOCQOnNuOCTj-?OOClCO pa & ^ CHAPTER III. TINCTURES. Tinctures were formerly made by maceration for two weeks, but are now best prepared by percolation. The Paris Society of Pharmacy direct percolation with Alco- hol of 60 deg. for Belladonna, Conium,Hyoscyamus, Stra- monium, Digitalis, Quassia, Pale Cinchona, Rhatany and Senna ; with Alcohol of 80 deg. for Valerian, Cin- namon, and red and yellow Cinchona. They advise maceration with Alcohol of 60 deg. for Aloes, Arnica, Catechu, Colchicum Bulbs, Gentian, Ipecacuanha, Musk, Rhubarb and Squill ; with Alcohol of 80 deg. for Castor, Columbo, Colchicum Seeds, Cloves, Ginger, Jalap, Nux Vomica, Saffron and Vanilla; with Alcohol of 90 deg. for Assafcetida, Balsam of Peru, Balsam of Tolu, Benzoin, Ammonia, Myrrh and Scammony. In preparing Tinctures, care should be taken that the substances treated should be exhausted of their soluble principles, in order to obtain a perfectly clear liquid ; this, of course, is done during percolation ; when pre- pared by maceration they require to be frequently shaken during the process, which should be conducted in glass bottles, well stopped. On the subject of Percolation, see U. S. Pharmacopoeia. TINCTURES. 21 NO. 1. Tinctura Aconiti Folii. (Tincture of Aconite Leaves.) Take — Aconite Leaves, in moderately fine powder, 4 oz. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with two fluid ounces of diluted Alcohol ; pack it firmly in a. conical percolator, and grad- ually pour diluted Alcohol upon it until two pints of Tincture is obtained. NO. 2. Tinctura Aconiti Radicis. (Tincture of Aconite Root.) Aconite Root, in fine powder, 12 ounces. Alcohol in sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with six fluid ounces of Alcohol, pack it firmly in a cylindrical percolator, and gradually pour Alcohol upon it until two pints of Tincture are obtained. NO. 3. Tinctura Aloes. (Tincture of Aloes.) Socotrine Aloes, in fine powder, 1 ounce. Licorice, 3 ounces. Alcohol, £ pint. Distilled Water, 1£ pints. Macerate for seven days, and filter through paper. Shake frequently. 22 TINCTURES. NO. 4. Tinctura Aloes et Myrrh. (Tincture of Aloes and Myrrh.) Socotrine Aloes, in moderately fine powder, 3 ounces. Myrrh, " " " " " 3 " Saffron, " u " " 1 ounce. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powders, and, having moistened the mixture with two fluid ounces of Alcohol, pack it moderately in a conical percolator, and gradually pour Alcohol upon it until two pints of tincture are obtained. NO. 5. Tincture Arnica (Arnica? 1 . Arnica, 6 ounces. Alcohol, 1| pints. Water, ^ pint. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the Alcohol and Water, and, having moistened the Arnica slightly with the mixure, bruise it thoroughly in a mortar, and proceed as in No. 1. NO. 6. Tinctura Assafoetidae. Assafcetida (bruised), 4 ounces. Alcohol, 2 pints. Mecerate for 14 days, and filter through paper. Shake frequently. TINCTURES. NO 7. Tinctura Belladonnas. Belladonna Leaf, dried, and in fine powder, 3 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 1. NO. 8. Tinctura Benzoini Composita. (Compound Tincture of Benzoin ) Benzoin, in coarse powder, 3 ounces Socotrine Aloes, in coarse powder, \ ounce. Storax, 2 ounces Balsam of Tolu, 1 ounce. Alcohol, 2 pints. Macerate for seven days, and filter through paper. NO. 9. Tinctura Columbse. (Tincture of Coiumbo. Columbo, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with a fluid ounce of diluted Alco- hol, transfer it to a conical percolator, and gradually pour the Alcohol upon it until two pints of Tincture are obtained. 24 TINCTURES. NO. 10. Tinctura Cannabis. (Tincture of Hemp.) Extract of Indian Hemp, 360 grains. Alcohol, 1 pint Dissolve the Extract in the Alcohol, and filter. NO. 11. Tinctura Cantharidis. (Tincture of Cantharides.) Cantharides in fine powder, 1 ounce. Diluted Alcohol, 2 pints. Moisten the powder with half a fluid ounce of Diluted Alcohol, and proceed as in No. 9. NO. 12. Tinctura Capsici. (Tincture of Capsicum.) Capsicum, in fine powder, 1 ounce. Diluted Alcohol, 2 pints. NO. 13. Tinctura Cardamomi. (Tincture of Cardamom.) Cardamom in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 1. TINCTURES. 25 NO. 14. Tinctura Cardamomi Composita. (Compound Tincture of Cardamom) Cardamom, in moderately fine powder, 360 grains. Caraway, " " " " 60 " Cinnamon, " " " " 300 " Cochineal, " " " " 60 " Clarified Honey, 2 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powders, and, having moistened the mixture with half a fluid ounce of Diluted Alcohol, pack it in a cylindrical percolator, and gradually pour Diluted Alcohol upon it until two pints and six fluid ounces of tincture are obtained. Lastly, mix this with the Clari- fied Honey, and filter through paper. NO. 15. Tinctura Catechu. ^Tincture of Catechu.) Catechu, iD moderately fine powder, 3 ounces. Cinnamon, " " " 2 " Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powders, and proceed as in No. 9. NO. 16. Tinctura Cinchonas. (Tincture of Cinchona,) Yellow Cinchona, in moderately fine powder, 6 ounces. Alcohol and Water, a sufficient quantity. Mix three measures of Alcohol with one of Water, moisten, and proceed as in No. 1. 26 TINCTURES. NO. 17. Tinctura Cinchonas Composita. (Compound Tincture of Cinchona.) Red Cinchona, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Bitter Orange Peel, " " " 3 Serpentaria, " " " 360 grains. ISiders, }-"*■ " " " 120 " Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix three measures of Alcohol with one of Water ; mix the powders, and moisten them with four fluid ounces of the menstruum, and proceed as in No. 1 ; make 1\ pints of tincture. NO. 18. Tinctura Cinnamomi. (Tincture of Cinnamon.) Cinnamon, in fine powder, 3 ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix two measures of the Alcohol with one of Water, moisten the powder with a fluid ounce of the mixture, and proceed as in No. 9. NO. 19. Tinctura Colchici. (Tincture of Colchicum.) Colchicum Seeds, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 9. NO. 20. • Tinctura Conii. (Tincture of Couium.) Conium Leaves, recently dried, in fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with two fluid ounces of Diluted Alcohol, and proceed as in No. 1. TINCTURES. 27 NO. 21. Tinctura Cubebse. (Tincture of Cubebs.) Cubebs, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 9. NO. 22. Tinctura Digitalis. (Tincture of Digitalis.) Digitalis, recently dried, and in fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 1 NO. 23. Tinctura Ferri Chloridi. (Tincture of Chloride of Iron.) Solution of Chloride of Iron, i pint. Alcohol, 1^ pints. Mix them, and preserve the mixture in a well-stopped bottle. NO. 24. Tinctura Gallse. (Tincture of Nut Galls.) Nutgall, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 9. 28 TINCTURES. NO. 25. Tinctura Gentianse Composita. (Compound Tincture of Gentian, Gentian, moderately fine powder, 2 ounces. Bitter Orange Peel, " " 1 ounce. Cardamom, " " J " Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powders, and moisten with one and one-half ounces of Diluted Alcohol, and proceed as in No. 1. NO. 26. Tinctura Guiaci. (Tincture of Guaiac.) Guaiac, in moderately coarse powder, 6 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powder thoroughly with an equal bulk of dry Sand ; pack the mixture moderately in a conical perco- lator, and, having covered it with a layer of Sand, grad- ually pour Alcohol upon it until two pints of Tincture is obtained. NO. 27. Tinctura Guiaci Ammoniati. (Ammouiated Tincture of Guaiac.) Guaiac, in moderately coarse coarse powder, 6 ounces. Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia, 2 pints. Macerate for seven days, and filter through paper. NO. 28. Tinctura Hellebori. (Tincture of Black Hellebore.) Black Hellebore, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 9. TINCTURES. 29 NO. 29. Tinctura Humuli. (Tincture of Hops.) Hops, in moderately coarse powder, 5 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 1. NO. 30. Tinctura Hyoscyami. (Tincture of Hyoscyamus.) Hyoscyamus Leaves, dried and fine, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 1. NO 31. Tinctura Iodinii. (Tincture of Iodine.) Iodine, 1 ounce. Alcohol, 1 pint. Dissolve the Iodine in the Alcohol. NO. 32. Tinctura Iodinii Composita. (Compound Tincture of Iodine.) Iodine, £ ounce. Iodide of Potassium, 1 " Alcohol, 1 pint. Dissolve the Iodine and the Iodide of Potassium in the Alcohol. 30 TINCTURES. NO. 33. Tinctura Jalapse. (Tincture of Jalap.) Jalap, in fine powder, 6 ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix two measures of Alcohol with one of Water, and proceed as in No. 1. NO. 34. Tinctura Kino. (Tincture of Kino.) Kino, in fine powder, 360 grains. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 33. NO. 35. Tinctura Krameriae. (Tincture of Rhatany.) Rhatany, in moderately fine powder, 6 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 1. NO. 36. Tinctura Lobelia. (Tincture of Lobelia.) Lobelia, in fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 1. NO. 37. Tinctura Iaipulinse. (Tincture of Lupulin.) Lupulin, 4 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 38. TINCTURES. 31 NO. 38. Tinctura Myrrhae. (Tincture of Myrrh.) Myrrh, in moderately coarse powder, 3 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Pack the powder into a conical percolator, and gradu- ally pour Alcohol upon it until two pints of tincture are obtained. NO. 39. Tinctura Nucis Vomicae. (Tincture of Nux Nomica.) Nux Nomica, in fine powder, 8 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powder with a pint of Alcohol, and digest for 24 hours in a closed vessel, with a gentle heat, then transfer the mixture to a cylindrical percolator, and gradually pour Alcohol upon it until two pints of tinc- ture are obtained. NO. 40. Tinctura Opii. (old erocess.) (Tincture of Opium— Laudanum.) Opium, dried, in moderately fine powder, 2^ ounces. Water and Alcohol, each 1 pint. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Macerate the Opium with the Water for three days, with frequent agitation, then add the Alcohol, and con- tinue the macaration for three days longer. Introduce the mixture into a percolator, and when the liquid has ceased to pass, pour Diluted Alcohol upon it until two pints of tincture are obtained. 32 TINCTURES. NO. 41. Tinctura Opii Acetata. (Acetated Tincture of Opium.) Opium, dried, and in mod- erately fine powder, 2 ounces. Distilled Vinegar, 12 " Alcohol, \ pint. Rub the Opium with the Distilled Vinegar, then add the Alcohol, and, having macerated for seven days, ex- press, and filter through paper. NO. 42. Tinctura Opii Camphorata. (Camphorated Tincture of Opium— Paregoric.) Opium, dried, and in mod- erately fine powder, 60 grains. Benzoic Acid, 60 " Camphor, 40 " Oil of Anise, 1 fluid drachm. Clarified Honey, 2 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 2 pints. Mix the ingredients in a suitable bottle, macerate for seven days, and filter through paper. NO. 43. Tinctura Opii Deodorata. (Deoderized Tincture of Opium.) Opium, dried, and in mod- erately fine powder, 2^ ounces. Ether, ) , x . . Alcohol, j each *P mt - Water, a sufficient quantity. Macerate the Opium with half a pint of water for 24 hours, and express ; then repeat the operation twice, with the same quantity of water. TINCTURES. 33 Mix the expressed liquids, and, having evaporated the mixture to four fluid ounces, allow it to cool, and shake it repeatedly, in a bottle with the ether. Pour off the etherial solution when it has separated by standing, and evaporate the remaining liquid until all traces of ether have disappeared. Mix the residue with 20 fluid ounces of water, and filter the mixture through paper. When the liquid has ceased to pass, add enough water through the filter to make the filtered liquid measure a pint and a half. Lastly, add the alcohol, and mix them together. NO. 44. Tinctura Quassiae. (Tincture of Quassia.) Quassia, in moderately fine powder, 2 ounces. Diluted alcohol a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 9. NO. 45. Tiuctura Rhei. (Tincture of Rhubarb.) Rhubarb, in moderately fine powder, 3 ounces. Cardamom, " " " \ ounce. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powders, and proceed as in No. 9. NO. 46. Tinctura Rhei et Sennae. (Tincture of Rhubarb and Senna.) Rhubarb, in moderately coarse ppwder, 1 ounce. Senna, " " " " 120 grains. Coriander, " " " GO " Fennel, " " " 60 " —3 34 TINCTURES. Tinctura Rhei et Sennse.— Continued. Liquorice, " " " 30 grains. Raisins, without seeds, 6 ounces. Diluted alcohol, 3 pints. Macerate for seven days, express, and filter through paper. NO. 47. Tinctura Sanguinaria. (Tincture of Bloodroot.) Bloodroot, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Alcohol. Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix three measures of alcohol with one of water. Moisten the powdor with a fluid ounce of the mixture, pack it in a conical percolator, and gradually pour the menstruum upon it until two pints of tincture are ob- tained. NO. 48. Tinctura Scillae. (Tincture of Squills.) Squill, in moderately coarse powder, 4 ounces. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 9. NO. 49. Tinctura Serpentarise. (Tinctura of Serpentaria.) Serpentaria, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 9. TINCTURES. 35 NO. 50. Tinctura Stramoni. (Tincture of Stramonium.) Stramonium seeds, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in No. 9. NO. 51. Tinctura Tolutana. (Tincture of Tolu.) Balsam of tolu, 3 ounces. Alconol, 2 pints. Macerate the balsam with the alcohol until it is dis- solved, then filter through paper. NO. 52. Tinctura Valerianae. (Tincture of Valerian.) Valerian, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Diluted alcohol. Proceed as in No. 9. NO. 53. Tinctura Valerianae Ammoniata. (Ammoniated Tincture of Valerian.) Valerian, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Aromatic spirits of ammonia, 2 pints. Macerate for seven days, express, and filter through paper. 36 TINCTURES. NO. 54. Tinctura Veratri Veredis. (Tincture of American Hellebore.) American hellebore, in moderately tine powder, 16 ounces, Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with four fluid ounces of alcohol, and proceed as in No. 1. NO. 55. Tinctura Zingiberis. (Tincture of Ginger.) Ginger, 8 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder, and proceed as in No. 1. NO. 56. Compound Tinctura Assafcetida. Take — Assafcetida", 1 ounce. Lupulin, 1 " Stramonium Seeds, bruised, 1 " Valerian Root, in powder, 1 " Alcohol, 3 pints. Macerate for 14 days, express, and filter. NO. 57. Compound Tinctura of Camphor. Camphor, 1 pound. Oil Origanum, ) f , , Oil Hemlock, ^ oteacn > 2 Oil Sassafras, ) c , n OilCajeput, f of each ' bounces. Oil Turpentine, 1 ounce. Capsicum, 4 ounces. Alcohol, 1 gallon. Macerate for 14 days, and filter. TINCTURES. 37 NO. 58. Tinctura Castor. Castor, bruised, 2 ounces. Alcohol, 2 pints. Macerate for 7 days, and filter. NO. 59. Ammoniated Tine. Castor. Castor, bruised, 1\ ounces. Assafcetida, in small fragments, 10 drachms. Spirits of Ammonia, 2 pints. Digest for seven days, in a closed vessel, strain, and strongly express the residuum, and filter. NO. 60. Compound Tinctura of Blue Cohosh. Blue Cohosh Root, in powder, 2 ounces. Ergot, 1 ounce. Water Pepper, bruised, 1 " Oil of Savin, \ fluid ounce. Alcohol, \\ pints. Macerate for 14 days, express and filter. NO. 61. Compound Tinctura of Black Cohosh. Saturated tincture of Black Cohosh, 4 fluid ounces. Saturated tincture of Blood Root, 2 " " Saturated tincture of Poke Root, 1 " " Mix together. 38 TINCTURES. NO. 62. Compound Tinctura of Colchicum. Black Cohosh Root, in powder, 3 " Colchicum Seed, bruised, 2 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 2 pints. Macerate for 14 days, express, and filter through paper. NO. 63. Tinctura of Columbo. Columbo, bruised, 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 2 " Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 64. Compound Tinctura of Cinnamon. Cinnamon, bru ised, 1 ounce. Cardamon, " 3 drachms Prickley Ash Berries, 3 Ginger, 3 Diluted Alcohol, 2 pints. Macerate for 14 days. Proceed as in No. 60. No. 65. Tinctura of Ergot. Ergot of Rye, in coarse powder, 8 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 20 fluid ounces. Proceed as in No. 60. No. 66. Tinctura of Gelseminum. Fresh Root of Jessamine, yellow, 8 ounces. (Cut in small pieces.) Alcohol, 2 pints. Proceed as in No. 60. TINCTURES. NO. 67. Tinctura of Golden Seal. (Hydrastis.) Golden Seal Root, in powder, 3 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 1 pint. Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 68. Compound Tinctura of Golden Seal. Golden Seal Root, powdered, 2 ounces. Lobelia Seed, " 2 " Diluted Alcohol, 1 pint. Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 69. Tinctura of Sheep Laurel. Sheep Laurel Leaves, 3 ounces. Alcohol, 1 pint. Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 70. Compound Tinctura of Tamarac. (Bone's Bitters.) Tamarac Bark, | . Juniper Berries, f ' 6 ounces. Prickley Ash Bark, 4 " Wild Cherry Bark, Seneca Snake Root v each, 3 « Tansy, 1 " Whiskey, 5 pints. Molasses, H « Hydro. Alcoholic Extract of Mandrake, 1£ ounces. Water, a sullicient quantity. 40 TINCTURES. Compound Tincture of Tamarac— (Bone's Bitters)— Continued. Let the medicinal herbs, roots and barks be coarsely pulverized, and mixed together; to the mixture add three pints of the whiskey ; let stand 24 hours, then place the whole in a vapor displacement apparatus, and force through the articles the steam or vapor of the additional whiskey, two pints; after which, the stream of water, sufficient to make the whole amount of tincture equal to 24 pints. To this add the molasses and the hydro alcoholic extract of mandrake, which last must be thor- oughly dissolved. NO. 71. Compound Spirit of Lavender. Oil of Lavender, 3 fluid ounces. Oil of Anise, H drachms. Cloves, in powder, l ounce. Mace, 3 drachms. Red Saunders, 2 ounces. Brandy, 4 fluid ounces. Jamaica Rum, 1 gallon. Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 72. Tinctura Black Root. (Leptandra.) Black Root, in powder, 3 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 1 pint. Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 73. Tinctura of Lobelia. Lobelia (the herb) 4 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 2 pints. Proceed as in No. 60. TINCTURES. 41 NO. 74. Compound Tinctura of Lobelia. (Dr. J. King's Expectorant Tincture.) Lobelia (herb) 1 ounce. Bloodroot, 1 " Skunk Cabbage Root, 1 " Wild Ginger Root, 1 " Pleurisy Root, 1 " Water or Vinegar, 1 pint. Coarsely powder the root, and proceed as in No. NO. 75. Tinctura of Myrrh. Myrrh bruised, 4 ounces. Alcohol, 3 pints. Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 76. Tinctura Turkey Corn. Root of Turkey Corn, in powder, 3 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 1 pint. Allow to stand 48 hours, and transfer to percolator, or macerate for 14 days, express and filter. NO. 77. Tinctura Cochineal. Cochineal, in fine powder, 2 ounces. Alcohol, 10 fluid ounces. Proceed as in No. 60. 42 TINCTURES. NO. 78. Tincture Hyperici. (St. John's Woet.) Blossom of St. John's Wort (recent), 5 ounces. Alcohol, 1 pint. Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 79. Tincture of Blue Flag. Blue Flag, in powder, 3 ounces. Alcohol, 1 pint. Proceed as in No. 60. NO. 80. Fleming's Tincture. (Acouite Root.) Aconite Root (fine powder), 16 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the aconite with a pint of alcohol; macerate ; transfer to percolator; add alcohol to make 24 ounces. NO. 81. Norwood Tincture. (Veratum Viride.) American Hellebore, 8 ounces. Alcohol, 1 pint. Macerate 14 days, and filter. NO. 82. Tincture Opium. (New Method.) Opium, 2 ounce, 6 drachms. Water (hot), 1 pint. Alcohol, 1 " Slice gum opium and work it in hot water until thoroughly separated and dissolved, then add alcohol, and filter after it has stood a short time. CHAPTER V. SPECIFIC MEDICATION. Before the reader commences this chapter on Specific Medication, it would be advantageous to possess a clear understanding as to the meaning of the term "specific," as applied in medicine, in order to thoroughly under- stand the teaching of Eclectic practitioners. We can- not, therefore, do better than quote the words of the father of Eclecticism, Prof. John M. Scudder, professor of the principles and practice of medicine, in the Eclec- tic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. He says : "Many persons are in error in regard to our use of the term 'spe- cific* Thay think of a specific medicine as one that will cure all cases of a certain disease according to our present nosology, as pneumonia, dysentery, diarrhea, albuminuria, phthisis, etc., and a person looking at the subject in this light, and guided by his experience in the use of remedies, would at once say there are no spe- cifics." We use the term specific with relation to definite patho- logical conditions, and propose to say that certain well- determined deviations from the healthy state will always be corrected by certain specific medicines. Prof. Scudder goes on to say: "We do not propose to reach all patho- logical changes by one remedy, except in those cases in 44 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. which one lesion is primary, and the others result from it. We propose a remedy for each pathological feature, using the remedy for that which is first in the change of morbid action, and that second which stands second, and so on." This respectable class of practitioners, to whom hu- manity is indebted for many discoveries in the medical arts, is constantly increasing in such numbers that the Eclectic physician can be found in every city and vil- lage throughout our country. It is, therefore, with this view that a chapter on Eclectic Medicine has been writ- ten. His medicines have become a necessity. Their composition and mode of administration must be known to you. The law demands that your duty of dispensing be done with judgment and discrimination. But how is it possible to discriminate and exercise judgment with respect to Eclecticism except one knows what it is? — hence this chapter. Arsenic. The friends of liberal medicine look upon this mineral as a depressant, and class it among the antiphlogistics. It is well known that arsenic exists in nature in com- bination with nickel and cobalt, and largely used by Homeopathic phj^sicians. In small doses it lessens the frequency of the pulse, gives freedom to the circulation, and relieves irritation of the nervous system. It is use- ful in pustula? and the tubercular It is a nerve stimu- lant, and often employed in phthisis. Prof. Howe, of Cincinnati, uses arsenic in combination with veratrum. The cancer specialists use it largely. The writer has SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 45 used it often in the intermittens of children, as it is a tasteless remedy, and works well, stopping the parox- isms of ague and periodic neuralgia, Arsenic will de- stroy malignant growths. For adults, I would prescribe : Yp. — Fowler's Solution, 3j. Aqua, 3 iv. Teaspoonful every three hours. The dose for a child would be from gtt. ij to gtt. iv twice or three times a day. Aconite Napellus. (Monkshood.) Wolf's Bane. The leaves and roots are the medicinal parts. To make the tincture, take 3 viii. recent root, alcohol oj. This plant has a small napiform root, and a simple, straight erect stem, about five feet high. The leaves are alternate, petioled, dark green above, paler beneath. The flowers are large, deep bluish-purple, sometimes white, and hairy. This perennial plant is a native of most parts of Europe. It flowers in May and June. All parts of the plant contain powerfully poisonous properties, but the root is the part most generally employed for medical purposes. Although aconite, in the hands of an intelligent phy- sician, is of great service as a sedative and anodyne, yet we would never advise an unskilled person to use this drug. If it is used in the family, let it be under the guidance of your family physician. It is an excellent 46 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. remedy in all febrile and inflammatory diseases, in rheumatism, peretonites, gastritis, and many other acute disorders. It increases the power of the heart's action, lessens the frequency of the pulse, removes irritation of the cardiac nerves. It is an excellent remedy in dysentery from cold, and said to be good in croup. Formula : f£. — Tine. Aconite, gtt. v. to x. Aqua, 3 iv. Teaspoonful every hour, in acute disease. To a child 2 years old, give gtt. ii. to v. in aqua 3 iv. Atropa Belladonna. The best preparation is an alcoholic tincture of the recent plant. The dose is one drop. For hypodermic use, we employ a solution of atropia in proportion of one grain to the ounce of distilled water — the dose would then be five to ten drops. This is also the best propor- tion for use to dilate the pupil. As a collyrium, we would add 3j of this solution to fj of distilled water. Atropa Belladonna is exhibited when the patient is dull and stupid, and the child drowsy and sleeps with its eyes partly open, pupils dilated, eyes dull. It is said to be a specific in incontinence of urine owing to an imper- fect pelvic circulation. For an adult, in the proportion of gtt. v. to gtt. x. to water 3 iv.; in the child, gtt. v. to 3 iv.; in each a tea- spoonful every hour. We have given the maximum dose, as it must be used in small doses. We may also mention that an enfeebled circulation demands atropa belladona. SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 47 Aloes. " The use ot aloes in medicine," says Prof. Scudder, "should be quite limited." He believes that, in small quantities and in combination with other agents that act upon the upper intestinal canal, it proves a good cathartic, as in the following : t>. — Podophyllin, grs. x. Leptandrin, grs. xxx. Aloes, grs. xx. Extract of Hyoscyamus, grs. xxx. Make thirty pills. He also recommends aloes in small doses in cases of feeble enervation, especially in persons of gross habits. He prescribes it in connection with nux vomica or with tincture of belladonna. Dose of the strong tincture, from two to ten drops. The following is also recommended : rj. — Extract Nux Vomica, grs. vj. Aloes, grs. xv. Hydrastine, 3 ss. Make thirty pills. One may be given three or four times a day. Alstonia Constricta. (Fever Bark of Australia.) This is a recent addition to the Materia Medica. It is a native of Australia, taking the place of quinine in the cure of fever among the herdsmen and inhabitants of that country. It was exhibited at the Centennial Exposi- tion in 1876. As an ague cure, it is said to produce more permanent results than quinine. As an anti-periodic, the dose will be about five grs. 48 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. Bryonia. The Eclectics employ the German tincture in the pro- portion of gtt. v. to gtt. xxx., aqua 3 iv. A teaspoonful one, two or three hours. Its use is indicate'd where we have pain in right side of the face and head, burning in eyes and nose, with acrid nasal discharge; rheumatism, pneumonia and catarrhal affections. It is contra-indi- cated where disease of the air passages is present, but prescribed largely in rheumatism involving the synovial membranes. Leptandra Virginica. The tincture is prepared, 3 viii. to alcohol oj. Dose, gtt. x. to xx., in water. The root is the medicinal part, and often prepared as an infusion, but the tincture is preferable. The plant is indigenous to the United States, is found in woods and swamps and lime-stone regions. The leptandra exerts an influence upon the entire intestinal tract, and very useful in chronic hepatic diseases, and peculiarly appli- cable in bilious and typhoid fevers. In diarrhea and dysentery, as a cathartic, it is recommended. Baptisia Tinctoria. The pocket case of the Eclectic physician is never complete without this remedy. The baptisia grows in dry places in many parts of the United States, and bears bright yellow flowers in July and August. It is a small shrub, not exceeding two or three feet high. The medicinal part of the plant is the SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 49 bark of the root. The leaves are also medicinal. The virtues of the root yield to alcohol and water. It has, however, been employed in infusion. Dr. Scudder recom- mends a tincture by percolation, using 3viii of the bark of the root to Oj of 98° alcohol. The infusion is made with rj of the bark to |iv boiling water. Dose, one teaspoonful. Of the tincture, gtt. x to ?iv of water. Dose, a teaspoonful. It is purgative, emetic, astringent and anti-septic. As a fomentation, it is good in ulcers, sore mouth or throat, stomatitis, cynanche maligna, and the sore throat of scarlet fever. In some cases of diphtheria it is useful, and in typhoid dysentery it is looked upon with great respect. Among the most valuable medicines in our Materia Medicawill be found the Bromides, as every practitioner who has been any length of time in the profession will testify. Bromide of Ammonia. The author has often been surprised and delighted with the efficacy of this drug, when properly and promptly administered in the convulsions of children. In epilepsy it has proved in many cases a specific. The Bromide of Ammonia is a strong stimulant to the nerve centers. The internal administration in small doses of this drug removes the predisposition to convulsions in children. Its action is also good in whooping-cough. I would recommend it in the following proportion : ]}.. — Bromide of Ammonia, 3iij. Aqua, 5i y - Teaspoonful four times a day. —4 50 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. Iodide of Ammonia. There is not the risk attending this remedy as we have in the Iodide of Potassium, and for that reason it is preferable in secondary syphilis and enfeebled nutritive powers. The Iodide of Ammonia has been employed with great benefit in persistent headaches. I£. — Iodide of Ammonia, 3ij- Water, ~iv. Teaspoonful every four hours. Macrotys Racemosa. (Black Cohosh.) Macrotys Racemosa and Cemicifuga Racemosa are the same. The medicinal part is the root. This plant is a native of the United States, inhabiting the woods and hillsides, and flowers from May to August. The tincture is prepared from the fresh root, using sviii to alcohol 76° Oj. Dose, from one to ten drops. It is said to be specific in rheumatism, and exerting a marked influence over the nervous system. In rheu- matic fever, Prof. Scudder says it is speedy and certain in action, where the disease has not localized itself as an inflammation. There is no doubt of its being a valuable and useful medicine in cholera, periodical convulsions, fits, epilepsy, delerium tremens, and many spasmodic affections, in cough, neuralgia and scrofula. Its influ- ence is marked in functional disease of the reproductive organs of women, in amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, leucor- rhea. It is a superior remedy in a variety of chronic diseases, and useful in palpitation of the heart and car- diac affections generally. SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 51 Muriate of Ammonia. This drug is used as a stimulant to the capillary cir- culation ; shortness of breath, and in Splenitis. In eruptic fevers, when the eruption is tardy in ap- pearing. Use it rubbed up in lard. Amyl Nitrate. An ethereal liquid, of a yellowish color, and a peculiar yet not an unpleasant odor, insoluble in water, but sol- uble in rectified spirits. The dose is from the fraction of a drop to two drops, or in homeopathic dilution ; in large doses, or inhaled, it is a powerful poison. It is em- ployed in asthma, epilepsy, nervous headace, chorea, hic- cough, gastralgia. Mix the amyl nitrate with an equal part of oil of cori- ander, to render it less volatile, and at the same time to cover its odor. It is the most powerful diaphoretic known, and used with great satisfaction in the cold stage of ague. Dr. Saunders, of Isidore, employs the amyl nitrate in this way : Four drops of the mixture are poured on a small piece of lint, which is given into the hands of the patient, and he is told to inhale it freely. He soon becomes flushed ; his pulse and respi- ration are accelerated; when he feels warm all over, the inhalation is discontinued, as the symptoms continue to increase for some time after; a profuse perspiration now sets in, which speedily ends the attack. In some cases, however, the cold stage passes off without any hot or sweating stage. 52 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. Rhus Toxicodendron. (Poison Oak.) Prepare your tincture from the recent leaves, 3 viii to alcohol 98° Oj. Prescribe, Rhus gtt. x, Aqua 51V. Dose, a teaspoon- ful every two hours. The Rhus is prized as a valuable medicine in inflam- mation giving an ichorous discharge, in which the tis- sues seem melting away; in erysipelas; as antidote to zymotic poisoning, tympanitis, acrid discharges from the bowels or bladder. If sharp pain is felt in the frontal region, especially in left orbit, or any local pain, when it is sharp and burn- ing, indicates the use of Rhus Toxicodendron. Gelseminum. (Yellow Jessamine.) Gelseminum Sempervirens, or Yellow Jessamine, or, as it is sometimes called, Woodbine, abounds throughout the Southern States. It has a twining, smooth stem, yel- low flowers, and agreeable odor. Its leaves are dark green above and pale beneath. Among Eclectic physicians it is highly valued and largely prescribed. It is said by them to influence the brain as well as the spinal center, and sympathetic ; that it relieves irritation and determination of blood, rectifies the various secretions without nausea, vomiting and purging. It is contra-indicated when, the eyes are dull, pupils dilated, and the countenance expressionless. It is given in nervous and bilious headache, colds, pneumo- nia, and many kinds of fever. Many physicians claim SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 53 it as the specific in dysuria from stricture, enabling the patient to pass urine in from four to eight hours. The root is the part used. It yields its virtues to water and alcohol. The tincture is made in the usual manner — that is, Gelseminum root, sviii, alcohol, Oj. Dose, from the fraction of a drop to gtt. vj. Strychnos Nux Vomica. (Nux Vomica.) The medicinal part of this plant is the seed, from which the tincture is made. Take : sviii of the freshly powdered seeds, alcohol 98° Oj. Dose, from 1 to 5 drops. The following formula is recommended by leading Ec- lectrics : 1^. — Sulphate of Strychnia, grs. iv. Aqua, |iv. Dose, gtt. v to gtt. xx. Nux Vomica exerts a specific influence upon the in- testinal canal and associate vicera, that renders it a most valuable remedy, not alone to the Eclectic or Homeo- pathic physician, but to the Allopathic physician as well. Although an energetic poison, yet, in the hands of a skillful practitioner, it is very valuable in conges- tion of the liver, spleen and portal circle. It influences the cerebro-spinal center, and good in paralysis, general debility, pain in the stomach and bowels, sickness, pain in forehead, in dysentery, and gives quick relief in gas- tric irritation ; when we have enfeebled respiration in typhoid and asthenic diseases, it is highly recommended. In overdoses it will produce lock-jaw. 54 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. Veratrum Veride. (American Hellebore.) Prepare a tincture from the recent root, fviii, to alco- hol 76° Oj. Dose, from one to three drops. The stem of this plant is from three to five feet high, with leaves from six. inches to a foot long ; flowers green. It is a native of the United States, growing in swamps, low ground and moist meadows. It is a medicine con- taining many valuable properties. It is employed to lessen the frequency of the heart's action. It is hyp- notic, anodyne and anti-spasmodic; better than opium, in that it does not produce constipation. A full bound- ing pulse calls for veratrum. It is the remedy for sthe- nia, where there is a free circulation. Veratrum is used when opium disagrees with the pa- tient, as in sleeplessness. Combined with other prepar- ations, it is good in gout, rheumatism, asthma, chronic cough, neuralgia, pneumania, in connection with Gel- seminum. It is used as a local application in erysipelas, in felons, diseases of the bones, tonsillitis, etc. Bromide of Potassium. The Bromide of Potassium is, without doubt, one of the most valuable medicines in the Materia Medica. Its uses are various. Thielman recommends this remedy as an excellent anaphrodisiac, in satyriasis, in the frequent and painful erections during gonorrhea, in spermatorrhea, and in nyphomania. He adminis- tered it in 2 to 3 grs. every two or three hours. In epi- leDsy, when associated with irritation of the reproductive organs, or especially in irritation of the cerebellum. SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 55 The learned Dr. Alfred Meadows says : "Of all drugs in the Pharmacopoeia, I know of none which possesses such great power as the Bromide of Potassium in menorrha- gia. Dr. Scudder uses the Bromide of Potassium in spermatorrhea. The writer can testify to its great service in nearly every form of headache, and insomnia. In combination with veratrum, it is often used successfully in bilious fevers. Iodide of Ammonium. The tincture may be made as follows : # .—Tincture of Iodine (strong), \ , , Aqua Ammonia (strong), } equal parts - Put it in a bottle, and allow it to become colorless. It is much more serviceable in this form, from the fact of its not staining the skin; and an excellent remedy in boils, inflammation, buboes, etc. The iodide of ammonia is recommended in secondary syphilis of an asthenic type, with nervous symptoms ; chronic headache, enfeebled circulation, often giving in- stant relief, and in many cases effecting a permanent cure. Jaborandi. The tincture may be made as follows : r}.— Jaborandi Leaves, 3 viii. Alcohol 98° Oj. It is one of the most active diaphoretics known. A drachm and a half of the powdered leaves in infusion, or one drachm of the tincture in six ounces of hot water, will produce profuse sweating. It is a remedy in con- vulsions, puerperal fever, in bilous fevers, rheumatism and dropsy. •56 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. Cinnamon. Cinnamon is a grateful aromatic, and useful to cover the taste of naseous bodies, and if used with cathartics, it will prevent griping. Used as an infusion, it will prevent vomiting. It exerts an influence upon the ute- rus and circulatory system, as well as checking hemor- rhage. The tincture is prepared from the oil, in the proportion, 3j to alcohol §viii. The powdered bark is administered in doses of gr. v to 3j. Colocynth. The common name is Bitter Cucumber. The medicinal part is the fruit, divested of its rind. It is a powerful hydrogogue cathartic, producing copious watery stools. It is used in dysentery, dropsy and cerebral derangements. It should always be used in conjunction with hyoscya- mus. The tincture is administered in small doses. Dose, gtt. v to aqua |rv. A teaspoonful ever hour will give good results; also gr. j to gr. v. Chloroform. Chloroform, by inhalation, acts as an anaesthetic. From the accidents which have occurred from its use, pure Sulphuric Ether, or one part Chloroform and two parts Ether, is preferable for the purpose of procuring insensibility, tnereby arresting the powers of the brain to receive impressions. By influencing the spinal cord, it arrests respiration. I have used it successfully to stop convulsions. In biliary calculus, it is used as a prophylactic. For this purpose it is used in doses of gtt. xx, three times a day. In convulsions, the dose is from gtt. x to f3j. SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 57 C aulo phy llu m . (Blue Cohosh.) The Caulophyllum, or Blue Cohosh, is usually em- ployed in the form of a decoction. Dose, two to four ounces, three or four times a day, or a tincture of the dry root may be made : sviii to alcohol 76° Oj. It is principally used as an emmenagogue, parturient, and anti-spasmodic. It stimulates normal contraction, both before and after delivery. It also possesses diuretic, diaphoretic and anthelmintic properties. It is useful in hiccough, epilepsy, rheumatism, colic. It is used by Eclectics in chronic uterine disease. Colchicum. The common name for this is Meadow Saffron. The bulbs and seeds are the parts used. It is a sedative, cathartic, diuretic and emetic. It is largely used in palpitation of the heart. The tincture is administered in cases of colic, gtt. xx to aqua 3iv. A teaspoonful every two hours. Many physicians administer it in larger doses, from gtt. xx to 3j- Digitalis. (Fox Glove.) The tincture is prepared from the recent dried leaves, in 'the proportion of 3 viii to alcohol 76° Oj. Digitalis, in over-doses, occasions vomiting, purging, vertigo, convulsions, and death. It is often employed as a sedative. It is a powerful cardiac tonic, and therefore used as a heart corrective, as in palpitations, and so on. It sometimes acts well as a cure in convulsions, in per- tussis and spasmodic asthma. Care must be taken of its cumulative effects. 5S SPECIFIC MEDICATION. _ Carbolic Acid. This is a hydrated oxide of Phenyl, produced in the manufacture of coal gas. It has the taste and smell of Creosote. It is used in surgery to arrest the formation of pus. It is prepared for dispensing, thus : T£. — Glycerine, sxvi. Carbolic Acid Crystals, |iv. Mix. It is a valuable medicine where the tongue is broad and moist, and breath foetid. Administered in small doses, it will be found useful in bilious and typhoid fever, cynanche, pneumonia, diarrhea, dysentery, disease of the urinary organs, or whether the disease is acute or chronic, the following is a reliable formula : IJ. — Solution of Carbolic Acid in Glycerine, gtt. x to gtt. XXX. In putrid sore throat, in gr. ij. to gr. x, in aqua |j. Chloral Hydrate. This drug is prepared from the action of Chlorine on Alcohol. It relieves pain, and is useful in nervous disorders, and in delerium tremens. It is a hypnotic, and may be em- ployed where there is an enfeebled condition of the brain. It is very greatly superior to opium and almost every other drug in the character of its sleep-producing action. It is dangerous to give large doses, that is to say, more than about thirty grains, but repeat if necessary. Dr. Reynolds says: *'As a remedy for pain, Chloral holds a very varying place in the estimation of medical SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 59 men, some rating it highly, and others thinking it almost worthless. In melancholia, its action as a hypnotic ap- pears to be powerfully and remarkably sure. We may also state that in aged persons, who find it difficult to sleep for any length of time continuously, the use of a single dose of thirty grains of Chloral appears to answer excellently well. Dose, gr. x to 3j, in syrup. Bismuth. The Eclectic physician prescribes Sub-nitrate of Bis- muth in two forms : First, the Liquor of Bismuth (see Solution of Citrate of Bismuth), and in form of powder. Of the powder, give two to four grains, of the solution gtt. x to 3j. It is used as an anti-spasmodic, absorbent, and sedative. The Citrate of Bismuth is especially useful in chronic gastro-intestinal irritation, or dyspepsia with diarrhea. The dose is a teaspoonful four times a day. Borax. This is used as an anti-septic dressing in wounds, the strength being from 3j to 3iv, in one pint of water. Given internally, in apthous exudations. It is admin- istered in small quantities, from grs. j to v, in water. In nephritic and calculous complaints, depending on an excess of uric acid. It is sometimes combined with Cream of Tartar. Dose for an adult, grs. xx to grs. xxxx. A good formula for application to diseased mucous mem- branes, especially the nose, may be written thus : I£. — Saturated Solution of Borax, fij. Oil Sweet Almonds, ;ij. Mix ; apply several times a day. 60 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. Ergot. (Spurred Rye.) The tincture of Ergot is the form in which it is generally used, and may be prepared in the usual way, with Alcohol of 76 per cent. Ergot is stimulant, acting on the muscular system of the uterus. In tedious labors, where the os is dilated, and the soft parts dilatable, and the pains grow weaker, the patient exhausted, give Ergot. It is useless in very small doses, as some recommend. My practice is to administer it in 3ss doses, as the case may require. It is often used in de- coction, 3j of it, bruised, to §vi boiling water; boil ten minutes, strain and sweeten. It is bad practice to use Ergot during parturition before the membranes are rup- tured. In uterine hemorrhage, administer freely. Potassa. (Potash.) The officinal Liquor Potass is prescribed in doses of from one to ten drops in a glass of water. One ot the strongest indications for its use is in difficult urination. Deposits of uric acid are sometimes removed by the administration of small quantities of this remedy, and the irritative dyspepsia so frequently associated with it is also relieved. It may also be used in some cases of acne of the face, and in some cases of scrofula, the patient being well nourished. Acetate of Potassa. The Acetate of Potassa is mildly cathartic and diuretic. It has been found useful in febrile diseases, dropsies, icterus and viceral obstructions. Dr. Golding Bird says that ten days' or two weeks' use of Acetate of Potash will cure ague, when anti-periodics have wholly failed. Dose, 3j, as diuretic; 3ij to 3iij, as cathartic. SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 61 Nitrate of Soda. Pure nitrate of soda is a white salt, and from the cubic form of its crystals, is often called nitre. It is soluble in three times its weight of cold water, giving a clear solution. When the pulse is full, the surface flushed, slightly dusky or purplish; eyes injected, though dry; an increased perspiration, though the skin remain hot, Nitrate of Soda is indicated. The dose of Nitrate of Soda will range from 3j to §j in the twenty-four hours. It must be largely diluted with water. Hypophosphite Soda. Hypophosphite of Soda is looked upon as destructive to microscopic fungi, and as a useful agent in preventing fermentation. The writer has found it very useful in diphtheria. He combines the Soda with Chlorate of Potash and Iron. t>. — Hypophosphite Soda, 3j- Chlorate Potass, 3j j • Mur. Tine. Iron, 3iij. Syrup and Aqua, ad. 31V. Teaspoonful 4 times a day. Nitric Acid. The strong acid is seldom used for any other than pharmaceutical purposes; in the form of vapor it is ex- tracted from Nitre, 3IV, and Sulphuric Acid, 3iv, in a saucer placed in a pipkin of hot sand for the purpose of fumigation. It is incompatible with the Spirits of Lav- endar and strong tinctures, essential oils and metallic 62 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. oxides. It is useful in irritable with enfeebled condition of the stomach, in impaired nutrition, etc. Eclectics say they do not use Nitric Acid for its acid properties, but for its nitrogen. It is given in chronic ague, malarial headache, etc. The writer always uses this acid in its diluted form, and found it beneficial in fevers of the typhoid form, in chronic affections of the liver, in dys- pepsia, and externally, in the cure of old, ulcerated sores. For internal use, P>. — Acid Nit. dil., gtt. xx. Aqua and Syrup, aa ad, fry. Teaspoonful every three hours. Oxide Zinc. This is an excellent remedy in chorea and other spasmodic affections. Eclectics generally prescribe this drug in very small quantities, in doses ranging from one-eighth of a grain to one grain. It may be used in chronic gastritis, nervous dyspepsia; externally, in sore nipples, excoriation, etc. In infantile chafing apply dry and freely. Viburnum Prunifolium. (Black Haw.) Prepare a tincture from the recent bark of the root 3Viii to Alcohol 50° Oj. It is claimed in the Southern States that the Viburnum is a specific against abortion. In this particular it is, no doubt, a valuable drug. The infusion is often used. The dose would be from ~j to 51J. Dose of Tine, gtt. v to gtt. xx. SPECIFIC MEDICATION. 63 Stillingia Sylvatica. (Queen's Root.) Prepare a tincture from the recent dried root fvm to Alcohol 98° Oj. Dose from gtt j to gtt x. Stillingia is emetic, cathartic, alterative. It is useful in secondary syphilis, scrofula, etc. Stillingia exerts a specific influence upon the mucous membrane of the throat, larynx and bronchii, relieving irritation and favoring nutrition. Its use is very bene- ficial in chronic laryngitis, speedily relieving the irrita- tion and cough. Stramonium. (Jamestown Weed.) Prepare the tincture from the fresh leaves and flowering tops when the odor of the plant is strongest, gtt. v to gtt. x, Aqua fiv. Dose, teaspoonful as necessary. It is useful in delirium tremens, violent mania, epi- lepsy and asthma as' an inhalation. It is an excellent remedy in chronic diseases of the skin. Salicylic Acid. This drug has become widely known as a specific in certain forms of rheumatism. The writer invariably combines the Acid with Soda, forming a Salicylate of Soda. The prescription may be written : [j,. — Salycilic of Soda, 3j. Bicarbonate of Soda, ~ij. Dose, a teaspoonful every two hours. 04 SPECIFIC MEDICATION. Sanguinaria Canadensis. (Blood Root ) This is an acrid emetic, stimulant, narcotic ; diapho • retic, alterative. It is principally used in chronic catarrh, bronchial affections and pertussis, combined with Anti- mony or ipecac, it is a useful expectorant. Dose, as emetic, from grs. x to grs. xx. The tincture is prepared from the recent dried root 3VIH to Alcohol 76° Oj. Dose from one to five drops. CHAPTER V. ESSENCES. It is needless to say anything in the way of apology for this chapter, as essences enter so largely into the soda fountain and confectionery business that the absolute need of our knowing how to manufacture our own essen- ces becomes a necessity. NO. 1. Essence of Anise. Oil of Anise, 1 ounce. Alcohol, 95 per cent., 9 ounces. Mix them, and filter. No. 2. Essence of Allspice. Oil of Allspice, 1 ounce. Alcohol, 95 per cent. 9 ounces. Mix and filter. NO. 3. Essence of Banana. Banana fruit, peeled, 1 pound. Alcohol, 95 per cent., 1 pint. Water, 1 " Macerate for fourteen days express and strain. 66 ESSENCES. Mix. NO. 4. Essence of Bergamot. Oil Bergamot, 1 ounce. Alcohol, 95 per cent. 8 ounces. Tincture of Grass q. s. to color. NO. 5. Essence of Bay. Oil of Bay leaves, 1 ounce. Cologne Spirit, 16 ounces. Carbonate of Magnesium, 2 " Water, 16 ounces. Alcohol may be used instead of Cologne Spirit, but it is not quite as good. Dissolve the oil in a little of the spirit, and rub in a mortar with the addition of the mag- nesium, then add sugar, if so required. Color lightly with Tine. Grass. NO. 6. Essence of Blackberry. Blackberries (fresh) 2 pounds. Alcohol, 10 ounces. Water, 26 « Macerate for 14 days, express and strain through mus- lin. NO. 7. Essence of Cloves. Oil Cloves, 1 ounce. Magnesium, 1 " Alcohol, 95 per cent, 7 ounces. Proceed as in No. 5. 67 NO. 8. Essence of Caraway. Oil of Caraway Seed, 1 ounce. Carbonate of Magnesium, 2 ounces. Sugar, 2 " Alcohol, 16 " Water, 16 " Proceed as in No. 5. NO. 9. Essence of Coffee. Best ground Coffee (burnt) 4 ounces. Hot water q. s. Cologne Spirit, 8 " Pack in percolator and pour on a pint of water, or un- til a pint has passed through, then add cologne spirit. Mix. NO. 10. Essence of Cardamom. Oil of Cardamom, 1 drachm. Carbonate of Magnesium, 4 drachms. Alcohol, 95 per cent. 4 ounces. Water, 4 " Proceed as in No. 5. NO. 11. Essence of Cassia. Oil of Cassia, 1 ounce. Carbonate Magnesium, 2 ounces. Sugar, 2 " Alcohol, 95 per cent. 16 " Water, 16 " Proceed as in No. 5. ESSENCES. NO. 12. Essence of Cinnamon. Oil of Cinnamon, 1 ounce. Carbonate of Magnesium, 2 ounces. Alcohol, 95 per cent. 18 " Proceed as in No. 5. NO. 13. Essence of Citronella. Oil Citronella, | ounce. Alcohol, or Cologne Spirit, 8 ounces. Water, 8 Mix. Color with Tine. Grass. NO. 14. Essence of Coriander. Oil of Coriander, Carbonate Magnesium Sugar, Alcohol, Water, 2 drachms | ounce. 1 8 8 roceed as in No. 5 NO. 15. Essence of Ginger. Jamaica Ginger (ground) 1 pound. Carbonate of Magnesium, 2 drachms. Alcohol, 95 per cent. 2 pints. Proceed as in No. 5. ESSENCES. 69 NO. 16. Essence of Juniper. Oil of Juniper Berries, £ ounce. Carbonate of Magnesium, 1 " Alcohol, 8 ounces. Water, 8 Proceed as in No. 5. NO, 17. Essence of Lavender. Oil of Lavender, i ounce. Carbonate of Magnesium l " Alcohol, 8 ounces. Water. 8 t< Proceec as in No. 5. NO. 18. Essence of Lemon. Oil Lemon, £ ounce. Carbonate of Magnesium, 1 " Sugar, | " Alcohol, 8 ounces. Water, 8 Color yellow. Proceed as in No. 5. NO. 19. Essence of Mace. Mace, moderately fine, 6 ounces. Cologne Spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 14 days, express and filter through paper. 70 ESSENCES. NO. 20. Essence of Nutmeg. Oil of Nutmeg, 1| drachms. Alcohol, 4 ounces. Magnesium Carb. 3 drachms. Water, 4 ounces. Sugar, ^ ounce. Proceed as in No. 5. NO. 21. Essence of Orange. Oil of Orange, 1 ounce. Carbonate of Magnesium, 2 ounces. Sugar, 2 " Alcohol, 8 " Water, 8 # " Color with Saffron. Proceed as in No. 5. NO- 22. Essence of Peppermint. Oil of Peppermint, 1 ounce. Cologne Spirit, 8 ounces. Peppermint (herb) J ounce. Water, 8 ounces. Mix and filter. NO. 23. Essence of Pineapple. Butyric Ether, 2| ounces. Acetic Ether, 40 drops. Alcohol, 1 pint. Mix. Glycerine, ^ drachm. Water, 2 ounces. ESSENCES. 71 NO. 24 Essence of Raspberry. Butyric Ether, 1 drachm. Acetic Ether, 45 drops. Sweet Spirits Nitre, 10 " Glycerine, 20 a Cologne Spirit, 2* ounces. Color with Alkinet root. Mix, and filter. NO. 25. Essence of Rose. Oil of Rose, 30 drops. Alcohol, 8 ounces. Water, 8 " Dissolve the oil in the spirit, add the water, and color with carmine. NO. 26. Essence of Sassafras. Oil of Sassafras, 1 ounce. Carbonate of Magnesium, 2 ounces. Cologne Spirit, 16 " Water, 16 " Proceed as in No. 5. NO. 27. Essence of Spruce. Oil of Spruce, \ ounce. Magnesium, 1 " Alcohol, 8 ounces. Water, 8 Proceed as in No. 25. 72 ESSENCES. NO. 28. Essence of Sarsaparilla. Oil of Wintergreen, ^ ounce. Oil of Sassafras, 3 drachms. Oil of Anise, 1 drachm. Carbonate of Magnesium, 1 ounce. Sugar, 1 " Alcohol, 12 ounces. Water, 4 " Color with burnt sugar, if so desired. Proceed as in No. 5. NO. 29. Essence of Strawberry. Butyric Ether, J ounce. Acetic Ether, J " Cologne Spirit, 1 pint. Color with Tine. Carmine. NO. 30. Extract of Tonka. Tonka Bean (cut small), 2 ounces. Alcohol, 12 " Water, 4 " Rub the beans with a little sugar and the spirit and water, and macerate for 10 days ; color to suit. NO. 31. Essence of Wintergreen. Oil of Wintergreen, 3 ounces. Cologne Spirit, 29 " Color to suit ; mix and filter. ESSENCES. 73 NO. 32. Essence of Wormwood. Oil of Wormwood, \ ounce. Carbonate of Magnesium, 1 " Alcohol, 8 ounces. Water, 8 Proceed as in No. 5; color to suit. NO. 33. Essence of Nectar. Butyric Ether, 1 ounce. Oil of Wintergreen, 1 drachm. Oil of Bitter Almonds, 15 drops. Alcohol, 12 ounces. Water, 2 " Mix and filter ; color to suit. NO. 34. Essence of Orgeat. Oil of Bitter Almonds, 2 drachms. Acetic Ether, 2 " Butyric Ether, £ ounce. Alcohol, 15 ounces. Dissolve the oils in the ethers ; add the alcohol and filter. NO. 35. Essence of Pear. Acetate Oxide of Amyl, 2 ounces. Acetic Ether, 1 drachm. Alcohol, 95 per cent., 12 ounces. Water, 2 " Mix. 74 ESSENCES. Mix. NO. 36. Essence of Quince. Palargonic Ether, 2 ounces. Alcohol, 95 per cent., 12 " Water, 2 " NO. 37. Essence of Bitter Almond. Oil Bitter Almond, 1^ drachms. Carbonate Magnesium, 2 " Sugar, 1 ounce. Cologne Spirits,)^ g ounces . Water Proceed as directed in No. 5 NO. 38. Essence of Celery. Oil of Celery, 2 drachms. Carbonate Magnesium, ^ ounce. Sugar, 1 Cologne Spirit, J ^ g _ Proceed as directed in No. 5. NO. 39. Essence of Apple. Acetate of Oxide Amyl, 2 ounces. Valerianate of Ammonia, 1 drachm. Cologne Spirits, 12 ounces. Water, 2 " Mix. ESSENCES. 75 NO. 40. Essence of Pennyroyal. Oil Pennyroyal, J ounce. Carbonate Magnesium, ") , -, Sugar, Cologne Spirits, | each Proceed as in No. 5. NO. 41. Extract of Vanilla. Vanilla Pods, 1 ounce. Sugar, 1 Cologne Spirits, 12 ounces. Water, 4 " Slit the pods and cut them very fine, then mix them with sugar and bruise until moderately fine, then mix with spirits and water, and put in a warm place; macer- ate for two weeks, occasionally shaking ; filter. NO. 42. Extract of Vanilla. (Artificial.) Balsam Peru, 1 drachm. Oil Orange, \ " Extract Orris, £ ounces. Tonka Beans, coarse powder, 2 " Tinet Caster, 15 drops. Cologne Spirits, 8 ounces. Carb. Magnesium, 3 drachms. Water, 4 ounces. Dissolve the balsam and oil in two ounces of spirits, and rub with the magnesia add the balance of the in- gredients, and let stand in a warm place for four weeks, then filter. 76 ESSENCES. NO. 43. Extract Rosemary. Oil Rosemary, J ounce. Carb. Magnesium, 1 " Cologne Spirit, | each) 8 ounceg Proceed as directed. NO. 44. Extract of Nutmeg. Oil Nutmeg, 3 drachms. Carb. Magnesium, 6 " Sugar, 1 ounce. Xfogne Spirits, } each ' 8 ounces ' Proceed as directed in No. 5. NO. 45. Essence of Hemlock. Oil of Hemlock, ^ ounce. Carbonate Magnesium, 1 " Cologne Spirits, J ^ g 0(mces Proceed as directed in No. 5. NO. 46. Essence of Jamaica Ginger. Jamaica Ginger, 6 ounces. Grains of Paradise, 1 ounce. Mace, i " Oil of Lemon, 1 drachm. Alcohol, 20 ounces. Reduce the drugs to a coarse powder, and moisten with four ounces of alcohol ; pack in percolator, and add bal- ance of alcohol, in which add the lemon ; allow to stand 24 hours, and percolate with diluted alcohol sufficient for 20 ounces. ESSENCES. 77 NO. 47. Essence of Fennel. Oil of Fennel Seed, \ ounce. Carb. Magnesium, } , 1 „ Sugar, S i Water, ) , Cologne Spirits, r ach ' 8 ounces - Proceed as directed in No. 5. NO. 48. Essence of Calamus. (Sweet Flag.) Oil of Calamus, \ ounce. Carb. Magnesia, ) , , „ Sugar, f each ' 1 Cologne Spirits, 8 ounces. Proceed as directed in No. 5. NO. 49. Extract of Mead. Oil of Lemon, ^ Oil of Cloves, >- each, 2 drachms, Oil of Nutmeg, J Oil of Coriander, \ drachm. Alcohol, 12 ounces. Water, 4 " feugar, ( ac ^ ^ ounce. Carb. Magnesia, f ' Dissolve the oils in four ounces of alcohol, and rub with the sugar and magnesia. Mix the remainder of alcohol and water, and triturate with the mixture. Fil- ter, and add sufficient diluted alcohol to make one pint. ESSENCES. NO. 50. Extract of Tonka. Tonka Beans, cut fine, 2 ounces. Sugar, 1 ounce. Cologne Spirits, 12 ounces. Water, 4 " Rub the beans with sugar, to a powder ; add spirits and water, and macerate for two weeks. NO. 51. Extract of Orris. Orris Root, coarse powder, 4 ounces. Cologne Spirits, 12 " Water, 4 " Percolate until one pint is obtained. NO. 52. Essence of Spearmint. Oil Spearmint, | ounce. Carb. Magnesia,") , / „ Sugar, } eacn ' l Cologne Spirits, ) ach)8 ounceg> Water, Proceed as directed in No. 5. NO. 53. Extract of Peruvian Beer. OilofLemou, ) -, , , Oil of Sassafras, f each ' 2 dr achms. Oil of Wintergreen, ) , „ „■ Oil of Spruce, \ eacn ' l2 Oil of Nutmeg, 1 drachm. Alcohol, 12 ounces. Water, 4 " Carb. Magnesia, i , ., Sugar, '[each, 1 ounce. Dissolve the oils in four ounces of alcohol, and rub with the magnesia and sugar, in a mortar; mix the bal- ance of the alcohol and water, and triturate with the mixture in the mortar ; filter, and add enough diluted alcohol to make one pint. CHAPTER VI. ELIXIRS. How to Calculate Formulae for Elixirs. Suppose you desired to prescribe an elixir that shall contain Sulphate of Quinine 2 grains, Sulphate of Mor- phia -~- grain, Arsenious Acid -— grain, Strychnia -§g- grain, Ex. Aconite J grain in each fluid drachm. Pro- ceed thus: Choose a convenient number of fluid drachms, divisible by all the fractionable denominators, and, calculating on that basis, the quantity of each pro- duct needed to bring the elixir to the proper strength. In the present case we take 60, — the lowest number divisible by the three denominators, 2, 20 and 30,— and the formula will read thus: Sulphate of Quinine, (60x2) 120 grains. Sulphate of Morphia, (^-X60) 3 Arsenious Acid, (yxHO) 3 Strychnia, (^-X60) 2 Ex. Aconite, (^X 60) 30 Simple elixir sufficient to complete 60 fl. drachms: The manipulation will be the usual one — that is, each 80 ELIXIRS. substance will have to be dissolved separately in the menstruum, with the help of the appropriate solvents, and the whole mixed together and filtered. Instead of 6C, its multiples, 120, 180, etc., may be taken as a basis of calculation, &nd formulas will be obtained free from awkward fractions of a grain, that are represented by no weight procurable. General Rule in Making Elixirs Requiring Percolation. Take of the drug or drugs set down in the formula ; next take of the percolating menstruum (see below) sufficient to make 13 ounces, with five ounces of Sugar and one ounce of Prepared Flavoring, and proceed as directed in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, which is as follows : The substance to be subjected to percolation, after hav- ing been reduced by sifting to a uniform powder of the fineness indicated in the formula, is to be put into a basin and rubbed with a portion of the menstruum until uniformly moistened. A portion of the powder is now to be carefully placed upon the diaphragm (a piece of cotton or cloth placed in the neck of the percolator), and pressed gently until the muslin resting against the sides of the percolator, just above the neck, is covered with a uniform layer. The remainder of the powder is then to be transferred to the percolator, and compressed evenly and firmly, and the leveled surface covered with a cir- cular piece of moistened muslin or paper, so that the liquid poured upon it may penetrate equally and not disarrange the powder. The percolator being now prop- erly supported, with its neck in a bottle previously marked for the quantity or quantities of liquid to be percolated, the menstruum is to be poured on until the ELIXIRS. . 81 space above is nearly rilled ; and a layer of it must be constantly maintained above the powder, so as to prevent the access of air to its interstices until it has been added or until the requisite quantity of percolate has been ob- tained. Percolating Menstruum, Alcohol, 40 ounces. Water, 4J pints. Mix and filter through Carb. Magnesia. Flavoring. Fresh Orange Peel, 120 grains. Star Anise, 30 Cardamom, Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed, 20 10 20 Cassia Seed, Alcohol (diluted), 10 4 ounces. NO. Is Simple Elixir. Fresh Orange Peel Cardamoms, 120 grains. 20 Star Anise, Simple Syrup, Alcohol, 30 5 fluid ounces. 4 " Water, 9 " Exhaust the aromatics with the Alcohol and Water mixed together, and add the Syrup. Color with car- mine, if desirable. —6 82 ELIXIRS. NO. 2. Simple Elixir, No. 2. Fresh Orange Peel, 4 drachms. Oil of Juniper Berries, 2 drops. Oil of Cinnamon, 1 drop. Coriander Seed, 20 grains. Simple Syrup, 2 pints. Water sufficient for 1 gallon. Macerate for seven days the Aromatics in the Alcohol and water; add the simple Syrup, and filter. To make Red Elixir add to the above two drachms of Cudbear or Cochineal. NO. 3. Elixir of Anise. Take of Anise Seed, in fine powder, 1 ounce. Simple Elixir to make 1 pint. NO. 4. Elixir of Arsenic. Take Fowler's Solution, 1 J fluid ounces. Simple Elixir to make 1 pint. Each fluid drachm contains 5 drops of Fowler's Solu- tion. NO. 5. Elixir of Arsenic and Strychnia. Take of Hall's Solution, 2 ounces. Elixir of Arsenic, 1 pint. Mix, and filter. Each fluid drachm contains 5 drops of Fowler's Solu- tion and one sixty-fourth gr. of Strychnia. NO. 6. Elixir of Stillingia. Fluid Extract Stillingia, 1 fluid ounce. Simple Elixir, 15 ounces. Mix and filter. NO. 7. Elixir of Arsenic and Quinia. Sulphate Quinia, 64 grains. Citric Acid, 10 " Fowler's Solution, 640 drops. Simple Elixir sufficient for 1 pint. Rub the Quinia with a part of the Elixir, and then add the Citric Acid, after being dissolved. After this, add the remainder of the Elixir, and then let it stand until the solution is perfectly clear, and lastly add Fowler's Solution, and filter. To the fluid drachm of this mixture there are five drops of Fowler's Solution, with one-half grain of Quinia. NO. 8. Elixir of Quinia and Strychnia. Hall's Solution of Strychnia, 2 ounces. Elixir of Arsenic and Quinia, 1 pint. Mix and filter. To each drachm of this there is 1 grain of Quinia, 5 drops of Fowler's Solution and one-sixty-fourth grain of Strychnia in form of solution. NO. 9. Elixir of Assafoetida. Take of Tincture of Assafa'tida, 2 ounces. Carbonate of Magnesia, 1 ounce. Elixir, enough to make 14 ounces. Tincture Cardamom Comp., 2 " 84 ELIXIRS. NO. 10. Elixir of Beef, No. 1. Extract of Beef, 4 drachms. Warm Water, 4 Simple Elixir, 15 ounces. Dissolve the Extract of Beef in the Water ; add enough Simple Elixir to complete one pint, and filter. NO. 11. Elixir of Beef, No. 2. Take Liebig's Extract of Meat, 1 ounce. Citric Acid, 5 grains Simple Elixir Sufficient to make 1 pint Dissolve the Extract of Meat in the Elixir, and filter. NO. 12. Elixir of Beef and Iron. Take Citrate of Iron and Ammonium, 64 grains. Elixir of Beef (10 or 11), 1 pint. Dissolve the Iron in Water, and add the Elixir ; filter. Each tablespoonful contains one ounce of Beef. NO. 13. Elixir of Bismuth. Take of Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonium, 256 grains. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Mix. Each fluid drachm contains two grains soluble Citrate of Bismuth. (See Solutions.) ELIXIRS. 85 NO. 14. Elixir of Cinchonidia. Sulphate of Cinchonida, 4 drachms. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Mix. Each teaspoonful will contain about two grains of Cinchonida. NO. 15. Elixir of Bismuth and Strychnia. Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonium, 256 grains. Hall's Solution, 2 ounces. Simple Elixir sufficient for 1 pint. Dissolve the Bismuth and also the Strychnia; then add the Elixir, and filter. In each fluid drachm there is found two grains of Bis- muth, with one-sixty-fourth grain of Strychnia. NO. 16. Elixir of Bismuth, Strychnia and Iron. Citrate of Iron and Ammonium, 128 grains Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonium, 128 " Hall's Solution, 2 ounces. Simple Elixir sufficient for 1 pint. Dissolve the Iron and Bismuth and add Solution and Elixir, and filter. Every drachm of this contains one grain of Bismuth, one grain of Iron and one-sixty-fourth grain Strychnia. NO. 17. Compound Elixir of Asarum. Canada Snake Root (bruised), 1 ounce. Juniper Berries, 4 drachms. Anise Seed, 2 " Caraway Seed, 2 " Pleurisy Root, 4 " Diluted Alcohol and simple Syrup, each of sufficient quantity. Macerate the drugs in Alcohol, sufficient to cover them, for five days ; then change to a percolator, and percolate 10 fluid ounces of tincture with 6 fluid ounces of simple Syrup. Mix and filter. This Elixir is an aromatic tonic stimulant, with dia- phoretic and diuretic properties. NO. 18. Elixir of Eucalyptus Globules. Wild Cherry Bark, 4 drachms. Licorice Root, 4 " Eucalyptus Leaves, 2 troy ounces. Simple Elixir, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the leaves and Licquorice Root with diluted Alcohol, and the Wild Cherry with water. After letting this stand twelve hours, transfer the whole to a percola- tor, and add enough simple Elixir to make one pint of percolate. NO. 19. Elixir of Calisaya with Alkaloids. Sulphate of Quinia, 72 grains. " Cinchonidia, 12 " " Cinchonia, 24 " " Quinidia, 20 " Elixir of Orange, 8 pints. Triturate the mixed Sulphates with 1 pint of the Elixir. Pour the remainder into a glass flask, and heat in water bath till solution is effected, and then add re- mainder of Elixir. ELIXIRS. 87 NO. 20. Elixir of Orange. Spirits of Orange, 4 fluid ounces. Simple Syrup, J ofeach48 . „ Alcohol, 28 " Caramel, 4 drachms. Mix, and clarify with paper pulp. NO. 21. Elixir of Pepsine and Bismuth. Sacharated Pepsine, 256 grains. Citrate of Bismuth, 64 " Alcohol, 2 ounces. Orange-Flower Water, 6 " Water, 4 '* Glycerine ) v a Syrup, } eaoh 2 Triturate the Pepsine with the Water and Glycerine. Dissolve the Bismuth in the Orange Water with a drop or two of Water of Ammonia ; then mix the two solu- tions together, and filter. NO. 22. Elixir of Pepsine, Bismuth and Strychnia. Sacharated Pepsine, 256 grains. Citrate of Bismuth, 64 " Hall's Solution, 1 ounce. Water, 6 ounces. Orange-Flower Water, 4 " Syrup, 2 " Glycerine, 2 " Proceed as in No. 21. 88 NO. 23. Elixir of Rhubarb and Magnesia. Rhubarb, coarsely powdered, 4 ounces. Calcined Magnesium, 2 drachms. Sugar, 4 ounces. Spirits of Peppermint, 1 drachm. Alcohol, | each, sufficient. Percolate the Rhubarb with a Menstruum composed of Alcohol one part and water four parts for two pints ; to this add the Magnesia, Sugar and Spirits of Pepper- mint, after standing two days' filter. NO. 24. Elixir of Hops. Fluid Extract of Hops, 1 ounce. Simple Elixir, 15 ounces. Mix. The dose is from one to two tablespoonfuls. If the extract is not to be had, the drug itself may be per- colated with the Simple Elixir in the corresponding proportions. NO. 25. Elixir of Blackberry Root. Take of Blackberry Root, in coarse powder, 2 ounces. Percolating Menstruum (See p. 81), 1 pint. Sugar (avoirdupois weight), 5 ounces. Prepared Flavoring (See p. 81), 1 ounce. Percolate the Blackberry with the Percolating Men- struum until thirteen ounces are obtained, then add the Prepared Flavoring and the Sugar by agitating, and lastly, filter. Each fluid drachm contains eight grains of Blackberry Root. NO. 26. Elixir of Calisaya. (Ferro Phosphorated.— Parrish.) Take Pyrophosphate of Iron, 128 grains. Extract of Calisaya, 24 " Sugar, 4 ounces. Tincture of Fresh Orange Peel, 2 " Water, 2 " Sherry Wine. 10 fluid ounces. Triturate the Iron with the Extract and Sugar till dissolved, then add the Tincture and the Wine, and filter twice. NO. 27. Elixir of Pepsine, Quinia and Strychnia. Saccharated Pepsine, 256 grains. Sulphate of Quinia, 64 " Hall's Solution of Strychnia,' 1 ounce. Orange Flower Water, 6 ounces. Alcohol, 3 " Water, . 3 " Sf u P>. I of each, 2 " Glycerine, ) ' Citric of Acid, sufficient, A fluid ounce of this will contain 16 grains of Pepsine, 4 grains of Quinia, and one-sixteenth of a grain of Stychnia. The dose will be a teaspoonful. NO. 28. Compound Elixir of Rahmnus Frang'ula. Fluid Extract of Rahmnus Frangula, 2 ounces. " " " Rhubarb, 2 " Simple Elixir, 12 M i x. Dose, one teaspoonful. 90 NO. 29. Elixir Valerianate of Ammonia. Take Valerianate of Ammonia in Crystals, 256 grains. Compound Tincture of Cochine, J fl. drachm. Simple Elixir, 15| " " Dissolve the Valerianate of Ammonia in two ounces of Simple Elixir and carefully add Water of Ammonia until the solution is exactly neutral to test paper, mix and add Compound Tincture Cochineal. NO. 30. Ferrated Elixir of Gentian. Take Extract of Gentian, 128 grains. Simple Elixir, 15 ounces. Warm Water, 4 drachms. Muriatic Acid, 66 grains. Water, 4 drachms. Iron Flings sufficient, or about 1 drachm. Dissolve the extract in the warm water and add it to the Elixir. In a glass matress place the Iron Filings, with the acid and water, and when the evolution of gas has nearly ceased, bring the liquid to boiling point and filter, add the filtrate to the Elixir and filter again through paper. NO. 31. Elixir of Chloroform. Take Tinct. of Opium, 12 fluid drachms. " " Camphor, 12 " " Chloroform, ' 12 " Brandy, 2 " ounces. Arom Spts. Ammonia, 12 " drachms. Oil Cinnamon, 20 drops. Mix. Dose, half a drachm or less in spasmodic affec- tion of the stomach, cholera, etc. 91 NO. 32. Aromatic Elixir of Licorice. Take Alcohol, 4 pints. Water, 16 " Licorice Root, 32 ounces. Star Anise, 16 drachms. Cinnamon, 16 " Caraway Seeds, 6 " Coriander, 10 " White Sugar, 80 troy ounces. Mascerate the Aromatics with two pints of Alcohol and one pint of water for seven days, frequently shak- ing, transfer to a percolator, and when the liquid ceases to drop add enough of the mixture to complete three pints. Digest the Licorice with the water for two hours, then bring to the boiling point and boil fifteen minutes, now mix the decoction with the aromatic percolate and let stand twenty-four hours and filter, now add sugar and remainder of alcohol and filter again. NO. 33. Elixir Monobromated Camphor. Take of Monobromated Camphor, 9 grains. Glycerine, 5 drachms. Alcohol of 90°, 6 Orange Flower Water, 4 " Mix the last three together and dissolve the Monobro mated Camphor in the menstruum by a slight heat. 92 ELIXIRS. NO. 34. Elixir Black Cohosh Comp. Take of Black Cohosh in coarse powder, 1 ounce. Colchcium Root " " " 1 " Iodide of Potassium, 256 grains. Percolating Menstruum (see page 81), 1 pint. Sugar, 5 ounces. Prepared Flavoring (see page 81), 1 ounce. Percolate the powders with the percolating menstruum until thirteen ounces are obtained, then add the Iodide of Potassium, sugar and flavoring, and filter. NO. 35. Elixir Bromide of Ammonium. Take of Bromide of Ammonium, 10 drachms. Elixir to make 1 pint. Dissolve the Bromide in the Elixir and filter. Each fluid drachm contains 5 grains of Bromide of Ammo- NO. 36. Elixir of Hydrate of Chloral. Take Hydrate of Chloral, 80 grains. Simple Elixir, 1 ounce. Each fluid drachm will contain 8 grains. Full dose, 2 fluid drachms. ELIXIRS. 93 NO. 37. Elixir of Coca. Coca Leaves, in moderately fine powder, 4 ounces. Alcohol and water, each a sufficient quantity. Oil of Orange, 6 drops. Oil of Cinnamon, 2 " Syrup, 4 ounces. Mix three measures of Alcohol with one of water. Moisten the powder with two fluid ounces of the mix- ture. Percolate till you have eleven and a half ounces. Dissolve the oils in half an ounce of Alcohol. Finally, add the syrup. Each fluid drachm will contain fifteen grains of the drug. NO. 38. Elixir of Bromide of Calcium. Bromide of Calcium, 10 drachms. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Dissolve the Bromide in the Elixir, and filter. Each fluid drachm contains five grains of Bromide of Calcium. NO. 39. Elixir of Pepsin, Iron. Quinine and Bismuth, 16 ounces. Hall's Solution, A drachm. NO. 40. Elixir of Svapnia. Svapnia, 256 grains. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Dissolve Svapnia in one ounce of hot water. When cool, add the simple Elixir. 94 ELIXIRS. NO. 41. Elixir of Hydrate of Chloral and Bromide of Potassium. Hydrate of Chloral, 2 ounces. Bromide of Potassium, 2 " Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Dissolve the Bromide of Potassium and Chloral Hydrate in the Elixir. Color with Carmine, and filter. Each drachm contains fifteen grains of Hydrate of Chloral and Bromide of Potassium combined. NO. 42. Elixir of Bromide of Potassium. Bromide of Potassium, 2f troy ounces. Elixir enough to make 1 pint. Each fluid drachm contains ten grains. Color with Tine. Carmine. NO. 43. Elixir of Eucalyptus Comp. Eucalyptus Leaves, 2 troy ounces. Licorice Root, 4 drachms. Wild Cherry Bark, 4 " Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Moisten the Eucalyptus Leaves and the Licorice with diluted Alcohol, and the Wild Cherry Bark with cold Water. Every twelve hours transfer the whole to a Percolator. Percolate, and lastly, add the Elixir. NO. 44. Elixir of Bromide of Sodium. Bromide of Sodium, 1260 grains. Simple Elixir, 15 ounces. Each fluid drachm contains 10 grains of Bromide of Sodium, nearly. Flavor with one ounce of Flavoring. ELIXIRS. 95 NO. 45. Elixir of Buchu. Fluid Extract Buchu, 4 ounces. Simple Elixir, 28 " Mix and filter. NO. 46. Elixir of Buchu Com p. Fluid Extract Buchu, 2 ounces. Pareira Brava, ) „„ , 1 „„ Stone Root, f each ' X ounce - Simple Elixir, 16 ounces. Filter. Each fluid drachm contains eight grains Buchu, four grains Pareira Brava and Stone Root. NO. 47. Elixir of Calisaya.— (Detannated.) Calisaya Bark, 24 ounces. Bitter Orange Peel, 16 " Coriander Seed, 4 " Cardamom Seed, 1 ounce. Ceylon Cinnamon, 3 ounces. Anise Seed, 1 ounce. Reduce the drugs to a moderately fine powder, and exhaust it with a mixture of one part (by measure) of Alcohol and three of water. From six pints of the offi- cinal solution of Tersulphate of Iron, prepare hydrated Oxide of Iron. Wash it well, measure it, and to every four measures add one of Alcohol ; then add of this to the Percolate sufficient to deprive it of its Cinchotannic Acid. Strain through muslin, and wash the residue with a sufficient mixture, composed of one part of Alco- hol and three of Water, till five gallons of strained liquid is ohtained. To the above add Tincture of Fresh Orange Peel, 1 ounce. White Sugar, 15 pounds. Dissolve and filter. 96 ELIXIRS. NO. 48. Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron. Pyrophosphate of Iron, 256 grains. Warm Distilled Water, 1 fluid drachm. Simple Elixir, 15 " drachms. Dissolve the salt in the hot water, add the solution to the Elixir and filter. NO. 49. Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Quinine. Pyrophosphate of Iron, 256 grains. Warm Distilled Water, 1 fluid drachm. Sul. Quinine, 60 grains. Proceed with the Phosphate of Iron as in formula (48), then add the Quinine previously precipitated with Ammonia, and redissolved with a little water and just enough Citric Acid to effect the solution. NO. 50. Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron, Quinine and Strychnia. Pyrophosphate of Iron, 256 grains. Warm Distilled Water, 1 fluid drachm. Sul. Quinine, 60 grains. Strychnine, 1 grain. Dissolve the Strychnine in a few drops of Citric Acid, and proceed as in 49. NO. 51. Elixir of Bismuth, Pepsin and Iron. Elixir Pepsin and Bismuth (21), 15i ounces. Citrate of Iron and Ammonia, 128 grains. Water (boiling), \ ounce. Dissolve the Iron in the water by trituration and then add to Elixir of Pepsin and Bismuth. ELIXIRS. 97 NO. 52. Elixir of Valerianate of Ammonia and Strychnia. Elixir of Valerianate of Ammonia, 15^ ounces. Hall's Solution of Strychnia, 2 drachms. Mix by thorough agitation. Each fluid drachm of this Elixir contains two grains of Ammonia and one- sixtieth of a grain of Strychnia. NO. 53. Elixir of Bismuth, Protoxide of Iron, and Quinine. Syrup Protoxide of Iron, 8 ounces. Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonia, 256 grains. Water (boiling), ^ ounce. Sulphate of Quinia, 125 grains. Sulphuric acid, diluted, sufficient. Elixir, Simple, 1\ ounces. Dissolve the Bismuth in the Water, and add to the Syrup of Iron. Then, in a different vessel, dissolve the Quinine in the Acid, and add the Simple Elixir ; then mix both mixtures. The Citrate of Bismuth and Am- monia should make a clear solution ; if otherwise, add a little Carbonate of Ammonia. Each teaspoonful con- tains two grains of Bismuth and Ammonia, one of Iron and one of Quinia. NO. 54. Elixir of Bismuth, Pepsin and Pancreatin. Elixir of Bismuth and Pepsin (21), 15ij ounces. Pancreatin, 64 grains. Water, \ ounce. Bicarbonate of Sodium, sufficient for 30 grains. Allow the Pancreatin to stand in the Water for a day or two, then triturate the solution with the Bicarbonate of Sodium, and then add to the Elixir of Bismuth and Pepsin. —7 98 NO. 55. Elixir of Calisaya, Columbo and Quassia. Elixir Calisaya, 16 ounces. Fluid Extract Columbo U. S., | ounce. " " Quassia " ^ " Flavoring, 1 " Mix thoroughly, and filter through paper. NO. 56. Elixir of Calisaya, Citrate of Iron, Ammonia and Strychnia. Elixir of Calisaya, 15 ounces. Citrate of Iron and Ammonia, 256 grains. Water (boiling), \ ounce. Solution of Strychnia, \ " Dissolve the Citrate in the water by tituration, and then add to the Elixir, and, lastly, add the Strychnia. Mix thoroughly. Each fluid drachm contains about five grains of Cali- saya, two of Iron and one-sixteenth of Strychnia. NO. 57. Elixir of Salicine. Salicin, 15 parts. Oil of Caraway, \\ " '' Orange Peel, 1 part. li Star Anise, 1 " " Lemon, \ " " Peppermint, \ " " Cinnamon, \ " " Cloves, ~ " Dissolve in Alcohol 1500 parts, Aromatic Tincture 50 parts. ELIXIRS. 99 NO. 58. Elixir of Corrosive Sublimate. Corrosive Sublimate, 16 grains. Alcohol, Q. S. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Rub the Sublimate with Alcohol till dissolved. Add to Elixer, and filter. Each teaspoonful contains one-eighth grain of Corro- sive Sublimate. NO. 59. Elixir of Calisaya, Bismuth and Citrate of Iron. Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonia, 256 grains. Citrate of Iron " " 256 " Water (hot), 1 ounce. Elixir Calisaya, 15 ounces. Dissolve the Citrate of Ammonia and Bismuth in the water at the same time, adding a few grains of Carbon- ate of Ammonia. Dissolve the Iron in two ounces of the Elixir of Calisaya by tituration. Mix both the solutions with the remaining solution. NO. 60. Elixir of Calisaya, Bismuth, Iron and Strychnia. Elixir of Calisaya Bismuth Iron, 15^ ounces. Hall's Solution Strychnina, 2 drachms. NO- 61. Elixir of Lactopeptine. Simple Elixir, 15 ounces. Prepared Flavoring, 1 ounce. Lactopeptine, 640 grains. Dissolve the Lactopeptine in a portion of the Elixir, agitate and add remainder together with the flavoring. Filter to remove the undissolved sugar of milk. Each drachm contains five grains of Lactopepsine. 100 ELIXIRS. NO. 62. Elixir of Lactopeptine and Bismuth. Elixir of Lactopeptine, 15^ ounces. Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonia, 256 grains. Boiling Water, \ ounce. Dissolve the Bismuth in the water, adding a few grains of Carbonate of Ammonia. Add this to the Elixir. NO. 63. Elixir of Lactopeptine, Bismuth and Strychnia. Elixir Lactopeptine, 15^ ounces. Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonia, 156 grains. Water (boiling), \ ounce. Hall's Solution of Strychnia, 2 drachms. Mix as in No. 62. NO. 64. Elixir of Lactopeptine, Calisaya and Iron. Elixir Calisaya and Pyrophcophate of Iron, 16 ounces. Lactopeptine, 650 grains. Dissolve the Lactopeptine in the Elixir by tituration and filter through paper. NO, 65. Elixir of Gentian with Iron. Simple Elixir, sufficient quantity. Distilled Water, 1 ounce. Fluid Extract Gentian, 1 " Tinct. Muriate of Iron, 1 " Wentral Citrate of Potassium, 180 grains. Dissolve the Potassium in the Water, and to the solu- tion add the Iron, then the fluid Extract of Gentian. Lastly, add sufficient Simple Elixir to make the whole measure sixteen ounces ELIXIRS- 101 NO. 66. Elixir of Sulphate Cinchonia. Simple Elixir, 14 ounces. Prepared Flavoring (3), 1 ounce. Sulphate Cinchonia, 256 grains. Water (hot), 1 ounce. Aro. Sulph. Acid, Q. S. Dissolve the Cinchonia with the Acid and Water, and add the Flavoring and Elixir. Color with Tincture of Carmine. NO. 67. Elixir of Cinchonia, Iron and Quinia. Elixir of Cinchonia, 16 ounces. Citrate of Iron and Ammonia, 260 grains. Sulphate of Quinia, 128 " Aro. Sulphuric Acid, Q. S. Water, 1 ounce. Rub the Citrate of Ammonia and Iron with water ; dissolve the quinia in just enough acid, add the two solutions to the Elixir, and filter. NO. 68. Elixir of Cinchonia, Iron and Strychnia. Elixir of Cinchonia, 16 ounces. Citrate of Iron and Ammonia, 260 grains. Hall's Solution of Strychnia, 2 ounces. Dissolve the Iron in the Elixir ; lastly, add the solu- tion of Strychnia. Shake thoroughly, and filter. 102 NO. 69. Elixir of Quinia. Sulphate of Quinia, 256 grains. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Rub the Quinia to a fine powder, in mortar, with the Elixir. Allow to stand a short time, then filter. NO. Elixir of 70. Orange. Spirit of Orange, Alcohol, Simple Syrup, Water, Caramel, Mix and filter. 4 fluid ounces, 28 '• 48 " 48 " 4 " NO. 71. Elixir of Nux Vomica. Tincture of Nux Vomica, 2 drachms. Curacoa Cordial, 3 ounces. Syrup of Orange Peel, 2^ " Tincture Augustura, \ " Mix. NO. 72. Elixir of Bromide of Iron. Bromide of Iron, 6 drachms. Citrate of Potassium, 9 " Simple Elxir, 14 ounces. Dissolve the Citrate of Potassium ia the Elixir, and the Bromide of Iron in two ounces of water. Mix and filter. Each fluid drachm contains three grains of Bromide of Iron. ELIXIRS. 103 NO. 73. Elixir of Pepsin. Saccharated Pepsin, 260 grains. Sherry Wine, 14 ounces. Syrup, 2 " Oil of Orange, 5 drops. Let the Pepsin remain in two ounces of the Wine for two days ; then add the remainder of the Wine with the other ingredients. NO. 74. Elixir of Pepsin and Quinia. Elixir Pepsin, 16 ounces. Sulphate Quinia, 128 grains. Aro. Sulphuric Acid, sufficient quantity. In one ounce of the Elixir, and with the help of the Acid, dissolve the Quinia, and then add the mixture to the remaing Elixir. NO. 75. Elixir of Pepsin and Iron. Saccharated Pepsin, 256 grains. Citrate of Iron and Ammonia, 128 " Syrup, 2 ounces. Sherry Wine, 14 " Oil of Orange, 10 drops. Dissolve the iron in a small quantity of Sherry Wine, and when dissolved as much as possible, add the remain- ing ingredients, and triturate and filter. 104 ELIXIRS. NO. 76. Elixir of Pepsin, Bismuth, Iron and Calisaya. Fid. Ex. Calisaya, 2 ounces. Simple Elixir, 12 ounces. Citrate Bismuth and Ammonia, 240 grains. Citrate Iron and Ammonia, 128 " Saccharated Pepsin, 240 " Water, 2 ounces. Rub the Pepsin with the Water, and allow it to stand for two or three days ; then dissolve the Bismuth and Ammonia in the Water, with the help of a few grains of Carbonate of Ammonia. Rub the Iron and Ammo- nia with the Elixir until dissolved. Mix the two solu- tions with the ferrated Calisaya, and allow to remain for a few days undisturbed, and filter if necessary. NO. 77. Elixir of Salicylic Acid. Salicylic Acid, 256 grains. Bicarbonate of Soda, Q.S. Simple Elixir, 1 pint Dissolve the Acid with the Soda, ana then add to the Simple Elixir. Each teaspoonful contains two grains of the Acid. NO. 78. Elixir of Buchu, Juniper and Acetate of Potassium. Fid. Ex. Buchu, 2 ounces. Fid. Ex. Juniper Berries, 1 ounce. Acetate Potassium, 10 drachms. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Flavoring (3), 1 ounce. Dissolve Acetate Pot. in Elixir, and filter. Dose, dessertspoonful. Note. — The formula for Prepared Flavoring will be found in No. 3 of Syrups. ELIXIRS. 105 NO. 79. Elixir of Dandelion. Fluid Extract of Dandelion, 2 ounces. Simple Elixir, 1* " Mix and filter. NO. 80. Elixir of Wild Cherry and Iron. (Ferriphosphated Elixir of Wild Cherry.) Pyrophosphate of Iron, 120 grains. Elixir Wild Cherry, 1 pint. Hot Water, Q. S. Dissolve the Iron by adding to it two drachms and a half of hot water, when dissolved add the Elixir. A teaspoonful contains four grains of Wild Cherry and one grain Pyrophosphate of Iron. NO. 81. Elixir of Wild Cherry. Fluid Extract of Wild Cherry, 2 fluid ounces. Simple Elixir, 14 " Mix and filter. NO. 82. Elixir of Pink Root Comp. Fluid Extract Pink Root, 2 ounces. " " Senna, 1 ounce. " " Balmony, 1 " Simple Elixir, 20 ounces. Mix and filter. Each grain contains eight grains of Pink, four of Senna and two of Balmony. 106 NO. 83. Elixir of Corydalis. Fluid Extract of Turkey Corn, 2 ounces. Simple Elixir, 18 Flavoring, 1 ounce. Mix and filter. NO. 84. Elixir of Corydalis Comp. Fluid Extract Turkey Corn, Yellow Dock, Tag Elder, )>each, 1 ounce. Fig Wort, Mandrake, Flavoring, 2 ounces. Sugar, 5 " Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Gradually add the above, and lastly add sugar, dissolve and filter. NO. 85. Elixir of Licorice Comp. Licorice Root (coarse powder), 2£ ounces. Wild Cherry, J ounce. Coriander seed (fine), | drachm. Tannin, 30 grains. Flavoring, 1 ounce. Sugar, 5 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 14 Percolate the drugs in the menstruum ; then add tan- nin and other ingredients, and filter. ELIXIRS. 107 NO. 86. Elixir of Pepsin and Wafer Ash. Fluid Extract Wafer Ash, 1^ ounces. Elixir Pepsin, 16 " Flavoring, \ ounce. Mix thoroughly, and filter. NO. 87. Elixir of Black Cohosh. (Cemicifuga.) Fluid Extract Black Cohosh, 2 ounces. Simple Elixir, 14 " Flavoring, 1 ounce. NO. 88. Elixir of Black Cohosh Comp. Fluid Extract Black Cohosh, 1 ounce. " " Colchicum, \ " Iodide Potassium, 256 grains. Sugar, 5 ounces. Simple Elixir, ' 20 " Dissolve the Iodide of Potassium in a portion of the Elixir ; add the remainder, mix and filter. NO. 89. Elixir of Curacoa. Oil of Orange Peel, 10 drops. " Lemon Peel, 6 " " Anise, 1 drop. " Cloves, 1 " " Cinnamon, 1 " Alcohol, 42 fluid drachms. Simple Syrup, 7 ounces. Orange Flower Water, 2 drachms. Extract Fresh Orange Peel, 1 drachm. Water, 18 drachms. Dissolve the Oils in the Alcohol; add the Extract of Orange Peel, then the Syrup. Shake well. Let stand for an hour and filter, having previously mixed the Cordial with two drachms of Carbonate of Magnesia in powder. 108 NO. 90. Elixir of Santonine. Santonine, 128 grains. Alcohol (hot), 2 ounces. Simple Elixir, 1 point. Rub Santonine in mortar, with Alcohol, till dissolved. Add Elixir and filter. NO. 91. Elixir of Ergot. Fluid Extract of Ergot, 2 ounces. Flavoring, 1 ounce. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Mix and filter. This has the same strength as Tine, of Ergot. NO. 92. Elixir of Helonias. Fluid Extract of Partridge-berry, 2 ounces. " " " Cramp Bark, 1 ounce. ' : " Blue Cohosh, 1 " " " Unicorn Root, 1 " Flavoring, 1 " Sugar, 5 ounces. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Each teaspoonful contains eight grains of Partridge- berry, four grains each of Cramp Bark, Blue Cohosh and Unicorn Root. ELIXIRS. 109 NO. 93. Elixir of Phosphorous. Phosphorus, 1 grain. jEther Sulphuric Cone, 1 fluid drachm. Alcohol, 1 ounce. Tincture Mentha Pip., 1 drachm. Glycerine, Q. S. to make 3 ounces. The Phosphorus completely dissolves in the Ether in about twenty-four hours. (Care must be taken to intro- duce no Water into the Ether with the Phosphorous.) Next add the Alcohol, then the Glycerine in small quan- tities, and the mixture should be shaken after each addition, and allowed to stand till it becomes clear. This preparation contains one-twenty-fourth grain of Phosphorus to the drachm or teaspoonful. NO. 94. Elixir of Opium. Opium, in fine powder, 128 grains. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Alcohol, 2 ounces. Macerate the Opium in the Alcohol for a few days, and then filter. Each teaspoonful contains one grain of Opium. NO. 95. Elixir of Ipecacuanha. Wine of Ipecacuanha, £ ounce. Balsam Tolu, f " Flowers of Benzoin, 2 drachms. Opium, 2 " Saffron, 2 Oil Anise, 1 drachm. Camphor, 2 scruples. Alcohol, 2 pints. Digest, express and filter. Dose, one to two drachms, as a stimulating sudorific. 110 ELIXIRS. NO. 96. Elixir of Cyanide of Potassium. Cyanide of .Potassium, 12 grains. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Mix thoroughly. Each teaspoonful contains one-eighth of a grain of Cyanide of Potassium. NO. 97. Elixir of Valerianate of Ammonia, with Quinine. Sulphate Quinine, 128 grains. Elix. Valenanate of Ammonia, 16 fluid ounces. Filter if necessary. NO. 98. Elixir of Iodo-Bromide of Calcium. Iodide of Calcium, 160 grains. Bromide of Calcium, 160 " Curacoa Cordial, 1 pint. Dissolve and filter. The dose will be from one to two teaspoonsfuls. NO. 99. Elixir of Damiana. Fluid Extract Damiana, 2 ounces. Simple Elixir, sufficient for 1 pint. Mix and filter. Each teaspoonful contains about eight grains Damiana. ELIXIRS. Ill NO. 100. Elixir of Grindelia Robusta. Fluid Extract Grindelia, 2 ounces, Simple Elixir, sufficient for 1 pint. Mix and filter. Each teaspoonful contains eight grains Grindelia. NO. 101. Elixir of Jaborandi. Fluid Extract Jaborandi, 2 ounces. Simple Elixir, sufficient for 1 pint. Mix and filter. Each teaspoonful contains eight grains Jaborandi. NO. 102. Elixir of Iacorice.— (Aromatic.) Powdered Coriander Seed, 108 grains. " Caraway Seed, 108 " " Cinnamon, 93 " Star Anise, 62 " Tonca, 62 Canella, 31 Nutmegs, 31 " Cloves, 31 Ammon Glycyr., 620 " Oil of Orange, 31 drops. Alcohol, 16 ounces. Syrup, 48 " Place the Aromatics in a suitable percolator, and ex- haust with a menstruum composed of the Oil of Orange, Alcohol and Water. Mix the percolate with the Syrup, and dissolve the Licorice in a small quantity of boiling Water. Mix, and add sufficient Water to make 5 pints. 112 ELIXIRS. NO. 103. Elixir of Pepsin, Iron and Quinine. Elixir of Pepsine and Iron, 16 ounces. Sul. Quinine, 22 grains. Mix. NO. 104. Elixir of Morphia. Magendie's Solution of Morphia, 1 ounce. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Mix and filter. NO. 105. Elixir of Dandelion Com p. Fluid Extract Dandelion, 6 fluid drachms. Wild Cherry, 4 " " " Gentian, 30 drops. " '' Licorice, 30 " Simple Elixir, 14^ fluid ounces. Mix. NO. 106. Elixir of Calisaya Bark and Iron. Elixir of Calisaya (detannated), 1 pint. Pyrophosphate of Iron, 128 grains. Dissolve the Pyrophosphate in a small quantity of hot water and mix it with the Elixir. Filter. NO. 107. Elixir of Citrate of Caffeine. Citrate of Caffeine, 64 grains. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. Mix. 113 Mix. NO. 108. Elixir of Guarana. Guarana (powdered), 4 ounces. Simple Elixir, 1 pint. NO. 109. Elixir of Juniper Berries. Juniper Berries (bruised), 4 ounces. Boiling Water, 10 " Simple Syrup. 2 " Holland Gin, ' 5 " Pour the boiling water on the berries placed in a cov- ered vessel. When the infusion is cold add to it the Holland Gin and allow the whole to macerate twenty- four hours. Then strain it through a cotton cloth and express. To the dregs add enough to obtain in all four- teen fluid ounces of liquor, mix it with the syrup ; filter. NO. 110. Elixir of Yerba Santa. (Mountain Balm ■ ) Yerba Santa, 6 ounces. Orange Peel, 2 " Cinnamon, 3 drachms. Cloves, 3 Cardamon Seed, 3 Caraway Seed, 2 " Coriander Seed, 2 Anise Seed, 2 Red Saunders, 1 drachm. Alcohol, 8 ounces. Water sufficient, or 8 pints. Glycerine, » 1 pint. Sugar, 4 pounds. Exhaust the drugs, powdered moderately fine, with menstruum indicated so as to obtain four pints perco- late. In it dissolve the sugar, and filter 114 NO. 111. Elixir of Citrate of Bismuth. Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonia, 256 grains. Warm Distilled Water, 4 ounces. Water of Ammonia, sufficient. Simple Elixir, sufficient to make 1 pint. Dissolve the Citrate in the warm water ; add to it, drop by drop, enough Ammonia to render the solution neutral to test paper ; then complete the measure with simple Elixir, and filter through paper. NO . 112. Elixir of "Long Life. Aloes, 9 drachms. Gentian Root, 1 drachm. Rhubarb, 1 " Zedoary, 1 Saffron, 1 Larch Agaric, 1 Diluted Alcohol, 25 ounces by weight. Exhaust by maceration or displacement. NO. 113. Elixir of Salicylate of Soda. Salicylate of Soda, 66 grains. Dissolve in § ounce of water (hot), and add Elixir suffi- cient to make one ounce. CHAPTER VII. SOLUTIONS. Solutions are generally placed under two heads — Simple Solutions, and Complex or Chemical Solutions. A Simple Solution is where the dissolved body may be recovered without undergoing any chemical change in the evaporation of the solvent, or by its removal in any way. A Complex Solution is where a body undergoes some chemical alteration, either in composition or decomposi- tion. "Hot liquids dissolve substances," says Parrish, "with greater facility than cold, except Lime, its citrate and acetate, and Chloride of Sodium." The term saturated, when used in Pharmacy, signifies that an acid is neu- tralized by an alkali, or vice versa, or, in other words, that an equivalent proportion of one substance has com- bined with an equivalent portion of another, for which it has an affinity; they are then said to have saturated each other. Solutions are not confined to solids, for one liquid may dissolve another, as, for instance, Ether in Water, and Essential Oils in Alcohol. When no chemical combina- 116 SOLUTIONS. tion takes place, volume and temperature remain unal- tered, while in chemical combinations a rise in temper- ature and a condensation in volume is observed. Water with strong Alcohol and concentrated acids, furnishes an example. NO. 1. Tasteless Solution of Muriate of Iron. Citrate of Potassium, 6 ounces. Solution Chloride, or Muriate of Iron, 4 " Simple Elixir, 2 " Water, 8 " Dissolve the Citrate of Potassium in the water and Elixir previously mixed, add the Solution of Iron and filter. NO. 2. Solution of Iron and Quinine. (Parrish.) Citrate of Iron, 10 fluid ounces. Sulphate of Quinine, 1 troy ounce. Sulphuric Acid (dil.), ~\ Water of Ammonia, > Each of sufficient quantity. Distilled Water, ) Triturate the Sulphate of Quinine with six fluid ounces of Distilled Water, and having added sufficient diluted Sulphuric Acid to dissolve it, cautiously pour into the solution Water of Ammonia, with constant stirring until in slight excess. Wash the precipitated quinine on a filter, adding the solution of Citrate of Iron, maintained at a temperature of 120° by means of a water bath. Stir constantly until it is dissolved. Lastly evaporate the solution to the consistency of syrup and spread it in plates of glass, so that on drying the salt may be obtained in scales. SOLUTIONS. 117 NO. 3. Solution of Citric Acid. Citric Acid, 8 ounces. Hot Water, 8 Dissolve the Acid in the Water, and make up the measure, with Water, to a pint. NO. 4. Solution of Citrate of Iron. Iron Citrate and Ammonium, 8 ounces. Hot Water, 8 " Dissolve the Iron in the Water, and proceed as in No. 3. NO. 5. Solution of Caramel. White Sugar, 8 ounces. Hot Water, 1 pint. Put the Sugar in an evaporating dish, and heat until dissolved, and so continue until the liquid assumes a black-brown color and a thick consistency ; then add ei^'ht ounces of hot Water, and continue the heat until the solution is warm and uniform ; lastly, add Water enough to make the measure a pint. NO. 6. Solution of Carbolic Acid. Carbolic Acid Crystals, 1^ ounces. Glycerine and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Dissolve the Acid in two ounces of Glycerine, and add Water enough to make the measure 14 ounces. If the solution then is clear, add two ounces more of Water, and filter. If the solution is milky, add enough Glycer- ine to make it clear, and water enough to make the measure a pint, and filter. 118 SOLUTIONS. NO. 7. Solution of Hypophosphite of Iron. Sulphate of Iron (pure), 3 ounces. Carbonate of Sodium, 4 " Warm Water, Q. S. Hypophosphorous Acid, dil., 1 pint. Sugar, 2 ounces. Dissolve the Sulphate of Iron and the Carbonate of Sodium separately in one quart of Water; when cool, mix the solutions. Allow to stand until the precipitate has subsided, and pour off the supernant liquid; add to the precipitate two quarts of warm Water, and agitate ; allow to stand, and pour off the liquid as before. Repeat this process until the Sulphate of Sodium is washed out, which will require the addition of three or four gallons of Water ; then pour the precipitate upon the muslin strainer, and wash with a little warm water; squeeze out the Water as much as possible, and dissolve the pre- cipitate in the Acid in which the Sugar has previously been dissolved, and filter. Note. — For Hypophosphorous Acid, dil., see below. NO. 8. Dilute Hypophosphorous Acid. Hypophosphite of Lime, 480 grains. Oxalic Acid, 350 " Warm Water, 9 ounces. Dissolve the Hypophosphite of Lime in six ounces of warm water and the Acid in the remainder. Mix the solution and filter. Add through the filter enough water to make the measure ten ounces. Evaporate this to eight and one-half ounces. SOLUTIONS. 119 NO. 9. Solution of Iodine Compound. (Lu?ol's Solution.) Iodine, J ounce. Iodide of Potassium, 1 " Water, 10 ounces. Dissolve the Iodide of Potassium in the water and add the Iodine, previously rubbed to a fine powder or paste. This solution is for internal use. NO. 10. Lugol's Rubefacient Solution. Iodine, \ ounce. Iodide of Potassium, 1 " Water, 6 ounces. Dissolve the Iodide of Potassium in the water and add the Iodine. This is for external use. NO. 11. Lugol's Caustic Solution of Iodine, Iodine, 1 ounce. Iodide of Potassium, 1 " Water, 2 ounces. Dissolve the Iodide of Potassium in the water and add the Iodine. This is for application as a caustic. NO. 12. Solution of Lactophosphatc of Iron. Solution Phosphate of Iron, 6 ounces. Concentrated Lactic Acid, 1 ounce. Kvaporate the solution to five ounces by gentle heat, and when cool add the Lactic Acid. 120 SOLUTIONS. NO. 13. Solution of Phosphate of Iron. Sulphate of Iron, 4 ounces. Warm Water, 8 " Sugar, 4 " Solution Phosphoric Acid, 4 " Dissolve the Iron in warm water, add the solution and sugar and filter. For Solution of Phosphoric Acid, see No. 14. NO. 14. Solution of Phosphoric Acid. Phosphoric Acid (Glacial), 8 ounces. Warm Water, 8 " Nitric Acid, 320 grains. Dissolve the Phosphoric Acid in the water, by allow- ing to stand for a few hours, stirring occasionally ; add the Nitric Acid, and heat until no smell of Nitric Acid remains ; then add enough water to make the measure a pint. NO. 15. Solution of Protoxide of Iron. Sulphate of Iron (pure crystals), 3 ounces. Carbonate of Sodium, 4 " Warm Water, sufficient. Solution Citric Acid, (which see), 4 " Sugar, 4 « Make the Precipitated Carbonate of Iron as directed, and dissolve it in the Citric Acid solution ; then add the sugar and water, enough to make a pint. SOLUTIONS. 121 NO. 16. Fowler's Solution. Arsenious Acid, in small fragments, 64 grains. Bicarbonate of Potassa, 64 " Distilled Water, Q. S. Compound Spirits Lavender, \ fluid drachm. Boil the Arsenious Acid and Bicarbonate of Potassa in a glass vessel, with twelve fluid ounces of distilled water, till the Acid is entirely dissolved in the solution. When cold, add the Compound Spirit of Lavender, and after- wards sufficient distilled water to make it fill exactly the measure of a pint. NO. 17. Harle's Solution. Arsenious Acid, 30 grains. Carbonate of Soda (dried), 30 " Distilled Water, 6 ounces. Cinnamon Water, Q. S. to make 8 ounces. It is used for the same purposes and in the same doses as Fowler's Solution. NO. 18. Biettie's Arsenical Solution. Arseniate of Ammonia, 10 grains. Distilled Water, 10 ounces. NO. 19. Donovan's Solution. Iodide of Arsenic, 30 grains. Red Iodide of Mercury, 30 " Distilled Water, \ pint. Rub the Iodide with half a fluid ounce of Water, and when they have dissolved, add the remainder of the Water, and filter. Of course the mixed powder must be dissolved. 122 SOLUTIONS. NO. 20. Hall's Solution of Strychnia. Strychnia, in Crystals, 16 grains. Alcohol, 7 ounces. Water, 7 " Acetic Acid, J ounce. Tine. Cardamom Comp., li ounces. Rub the Strychnia to a very fine powder, and dissolve with the Acetic Acid. Add the Alcohol, Water and Prepared Flavoring previously mixed, and filter. Each fluid ounce contains one grain Strychnia. NO- 21. Magendie's Solution of Morphia. Sulphate of Morphia, 16 grains. Water. 1 ounce. Dissolve. This must not be used in place of the officinal Liquor or Solution of Morphia. See below. NO. 22. Solution of Morphia (Officinal). Sulphate of Morphia, 8 grains. Distilled Water, \ pint. One fluid drachm contains \ grain Morphia. NO. 23. Magendie's Solution of Iodine. Iodine, 2 grains. Iodide of Potassium, 4 drachms. Peppermint Water, 6 ounces. Dissolve. SOLUTIONS. 123 NO. 24. Magendie's Tincture of Strychnia. Strychnia, 2 grains. Alcohol, 1 ounce. Dissolve. Four drops contain -~ grain Strychnia NO. 25. Solution of Arsenic. Pure Arsenic, 32 grains. Muriatic Acid, 1 drachm. Distilled Water, a sufficient quantity. Boil the Arsenic with the Acid and four ounces of water until the Arsenic is dissolved; when cool, add a sufficient quantity of water to make the whole measure eight ounces. NO. 26. Citrate of Bismuth. Citrate of Bismuth and Ammonia, 8 ounces. Hot Water, 8 " Water of Ammonia, Q. S. Rub the Bismuth to a fine powder, and add it grad- ually, in small portions, to the hot water, rubbing it to a uniform consistency; then add enough Aqua Ammo- nia to make clear, and water enough to measure a pint. It is impossible to write the exact amount of Ammo- nia to be added, as the Citrate of Bismuth contains more or less Free Ammonia, according to age, exposure, etc. 124 SOLUTIONS. NO. 27. Solution of Dialysed Iron. Strong Solution Perchloride of Iron, 3 ounces. (for which see U. S. D.) Water, 12 " Freshly Hydrated Peroxide of Iron to saturation in the Solution of Perchloride of Iron and Water. Trans- fer to a Dialyser. (Sea full dascription of a Dialyser in U. S. D., in 14th edition). After dialysis, make the measure of the dialysed preparation one pint, either by adding water or evaporation, as the case may require. NO. 28. Solution of Phosphorus, Bromine and Iodine. Phosphorus, 10 grains. Bromine, 170 " Iodine, 170 " Alcohol, 1 ounce. Glycerine, enough to make 8 fluid ounces. Dissolve the Iodine in the Alcohol and add to the Glycerine; then add the Bromine, and, lastly, the Phos- phorus, very gradually, in fine shavings, to the mixture. Great care must be taken in adding the Phosphorus, as the action is violent. NO. 29. Solution of Bromhydric Acid. (Hydrobromic Acid.) Bromide of Potassium, 1 ounce. Tartaric Acid, 1 1 ounces. Water, 4 " Mix and agitate until the salts are dissolved and pre- cipitation commences. Set aside in a cold place for twelve hours, decant and filter. SOLUTIONS. 125 NO. 30. Solution of Salicylic Acid. Salicylic Acid, 1 ounce. Bicarbonate of Soda, 1 " Glycerine, 6 ounces. Water, 9 " Dissolve the Bicarbonate of Soda in the water, mix the Acid with the Glycerine. Then add enough of the solution of Soda to the Acid and Glycerine to dissolve the Acid. Make up the measure to one pint with water. NO. 31. Solution of Dialyzed Iron.— (H. Koch.) In view of the wide-spread and rapidly increasing de- mand for this preparation the following working formula which has been tried with excellent success may prove of interest and benefit: Solution Chloride of Iron, 1 pint. Water of Ammonia q. s., or. 2 pints. Distilled Water, 12 " Mix the Iron solution with eight pints of the water and precipitate the Oxide of Iron therefrom by means of the Water of Ammonia, previously diluted with the remaining four pints of water, care being taken to have a slight excess of Ammonia. Collect the precipitate upon a close cotton (drilling) strainer of ample propor- tions, well secured around the ends. Wash the precipi- tate with plenty of distilled water of a temperature not exceeding 50° F., stirring the magma constantly with a horn or wooden spatula while pouring the water upon it. Set the magma aside to drain for several hours and then 126 SOLUTIONS. without expressing, or, if too moist after application of very slight and gradual pressure, transfer to a wide mouth bottle and add 4 fluid ouces of solution of Chloride of Iron, shake briskly for awhile and then set aside in a cool place for twenty-four hours or until a complete solution has been effected, meanwhile stirring the mixture fre- quently. Finally transfer the solution to a dialyser and proceed in the usual manner. The process requires from eight to twelve days for completion. The preparation may be considered finished when Tincture of Nutgalls produces no darkening color, and nitrate of silver no precipitate in the diluted solution. When time is no object successive portions of Oxide of Iron may be dissolved in the solution already ob- tained in the same manner as the first portion, thus shortening the process of dialysing, or, in fact, carrying the saturation when the latter becomes altogether un- necessay, since according to Hager the resulting prepar- ation possesses precisely the same physical and chemical properties and peculiarities as the dialysed liquid. NO. 32. Solution of Phosphoric Acid.— (Dil) (From U. S. P.) Glacial Phosphoric Acid, 1 ounce. Water sufficient. Nitric Acid, 40 grains. Dissolve Phosphoric Acid in three ounces of water. Add the Nitric Acid and boil until it is reduced to a syrupy consistence and free from the odor of Nitric Acid, then add enough water to make the measure twelve and a half ounces. CHAPTER VIII. FLUID EXTEAGTS, General Formula. The quantity of powdered material directed to be used in each of the following formulas is sixteen troy ounces. This powder is to be moistened with a specific quantity of menstruum, and properly packed in a suitable perco- lator. The surface of the powder is then to be covered with a disc of paper, and the remaining portion of six- teen fluid ounces of menstruum is to be poured upon it. When the liquid begins to drop from the percolator, close the lower orifice Avith a cork, and having closely covered the percolator to prevent evaporation, set it aside in a moderately warm place for four days. The cork is then to be removed, more menstruum is to be gradually added, and the percolation continued until twenty-four fluid ounces have been obtained. Of these the fir6t fourteen fluid ounces are to be reserved, and the remainder, having been carefully evaporated to two fluid ounces, is to be mixed with the reserved portion, and filtered through paper if necessary. As this formula will be repeatedly referred to, it com- mands your special attention. 128 FLUID EXTRACTS. NO. 1. Fluid Extract of Belladonna Root. Belladonna Root, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluid ounces of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine and one fluid ounce of Water, and having moistened the Belladonna Root with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed as directed on previous page. Fin- ish the percolation with diluted Alcohol, and having reserved fourteen fluid ounces, add one fluid ounce of Glycerine to the remainder of the percolate before evap- oration. NO. 2. Fluid Extract of Buchu. Take Buchu, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Buchu with six fluid ounces of Alcohol, and proceed according to directions given in the general formula for Fluid Extracts. NO. 3. Fluid Extract of -Columbo. Take Columbo, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 2 fluid ounces. Water* ' ' eac ^ a su ffi c i en *' quantity. Mix the Glycerine with fourteen fluid ounces of Alco- hol, and, having moistend the Columbo with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed as instructed in general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with a menstruum consisting of two parts of Alcohol and one part of water. FLUID EXTRACTS. 129 NO. 4. Fluid Extract of Pipsissewa. Take Pipsissewa, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. u Wat ° ' ( eac k a su ffi c i enl quantity, Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Gly- cerine and five fluid ounces of water, and, having moistened the Pipsissewa with half a pint of the mix- ture, proceed according to instructions given under the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish percolation with diluted Alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluid ounces, add one fluid ounce of Glycerine to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. NO. 5. Fluid Extract of Ciiriicifuga. Take Cimicifuga, in very fine powder, 16 ounces. Stronger Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Cimicifuga with fluid ounces of Stronger Alcohol, and proceed according to instructions given under the general formula for fluid extracts. NO. 6. Fluid Extract of Cinchona. Take Yellow Cinchona, in very fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 Ad. " Water° ' C eac ^ a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Gly- cerine and five fluid ounces of water, and, having moistened the Cinchona with five fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given under the general formula for fluid extracts. Continue the perco- lation with diluted Alcohol until two pints of tincture have been obtained; and having reserved fourteen fluid ounces, add one fluid ounce of Glycerine to the remainder of the percolate, before evaporation. —9 130 FLUID EXTRACTS. NO. 7. Fluid Extract of Colcliicum Root. Take Colchium Root, in moderately fine powder, 16 oz. Glycerine, 4 fid. oz. w , ' [■ each a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve ounces of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine and one fluid ounce of water, and, having moistened the Colchicum Root with five fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the per- colation with diluted Alcohol, and having reserved four- teen fluid ounces add one fluid ounce of Glycerine to the remainder of the precolate before evaporation. NO. 8. Fluid Extract of Colchicum Seed. Take Colchicum Seed, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. " Water° ' \ eac ^ a sun< i c i en ^ quantity. Mix twelve fluid ounces of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine, and one fluid ounce of water, and, having moistened the Colchicum Seed, proceed according to di- rections given in the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted Alcohol, and having reserved fourteen fluid ounces, add one fluid ounce of Gtycerine to the remainder of the percolate before evap- oration. FLUID EXTRACTS. 131 NO. 9. Fluid Extract of Conium Seed. Take Conium Seed, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 lid. " Muriatic Acid, 180 drops. Water° ' \ eac ^ a su ^ c i en ^ quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycer- ine, and five fluid ounces of water, and, having moist- ened the Conium Seed with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions in the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted Alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluid ounces, add the Muriatic Acid and one fluid ounce of Glycerine to the remainder of the percolate before evap- oration. NO. 10. Fluid Extract of Dogwood. Take Dogwood, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. " Wat ° ' [ eac ^ a su ffi c i ent quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Gly- cerine, and five fluid ounces of water, and, having moist- ened the Dogwood with five fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula for the fluid extracts, and finish the percolation as in formula 8. NO. 11. Fluid Extract of Cubebs. Take Cubebs, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Stronger Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Cubebs with six fluid ounces of Stronger Alcohol, and proceed according to directions given in the general formula. 132 FLUID EXTRACTS. NO. 12. Fluid Extract of Digitalis. Digitalis, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluid ounces of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine and one fluid ounce of Water, and having moistened the Digitalis with a half-pint of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in general formula, and finish according to formula S. NO. 13. Fluid Extract of Bittersweet. Bittersweet, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, of each a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine and five fluid ounces of Water, and having moistened the Bittersweet with six fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to general formula, and finish according to formula No. 8. NO. 14. Fluid Extract of Ergot. Take Ergot, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Acetic Acid, £ " drachm. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glyc- erine and five fluid ounces of Water, and having moist- FLUID EXTRACTS. 133 ened the Ergot with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula. Finish the percolation with diluted Alcohol, and having reserved fourteen fluid ounces, add the Acetic Acid and one fluid ounce of Glycerine to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. NO. 15. Fluid Extract of Erigeron. Canada Erigeron, in moderately course powder, 16 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Erigeron with half a pint of Alcohol, and proceed according to directions given in the general formula for Fluid Extracts. NO 16. Fluid Extract of Gelseminum. Take Yellow Jasmine, in very fine powder, 16 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Yellow Jasmine with four fluid ounces of Alcohol, and proceed according to directions given in the general formula. NO. 17. Fluid Extract of Gentian. Take Gentian, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine, and five fluid ounces of Water, and having 134 FLUID EXTRACTS. moistened the Gentian with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula, and finish the percolation as in for- mula 8. NO. 18. Fluid Extract of Geranium. Geranium, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine, and five fluid ounces of Water, and having moistened the Geranium with four fiuid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to general formula. Finish as in formula 8. NO. 19. Fluid Extract of Licorice Root. Take Licorice Root, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine, and five fluid ounces of Water, and having moistened the Licorice Root with four fluid ounces ol the mixture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula. Finish as in formula 8. NO. 20. Fluid Extract of Cotton Root. Take Cotton Root, in very fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glyc- erine and five fluid ounces of Water, and having moist- FLUID EXTRACTS. 135 ened the Cotton Root with four fluid ounces of the mix- ture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula. Finish as in formula 8. NO. 21. Fluid Extract of Hydrastis. Take Hydrastis, in very fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 2 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix the Glycerine with fourteen fluid ounces of Alcohol, and having moistened the Hydrastis with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in general formula. Finish the percolation with a menstruum consisting of two parts of Alcohol and one part of Water. NO. 22. Fluid Extract of Hyoscyamus. Hyoscyamus Leaves, in moderately fine powder, 16 oz. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Wat ' ( eacn a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluid ounces af Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine, and one fluid ounce of water, and, having moistened the Hyoscyamus with half a pint of the mixture, proceed according to general formula, and finish tho percolation as in formula No. 8. NO. 23. Fluid Extract of Ipecacuanha. Take Ipecacuanha, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, £ pint. Stronger Alcohol, 1£ " Water, 12 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the stronger Alcohol and water, and, having moistened the Ipecacuanha with six fluid ounces of the 136 FLUID EXTRACTS. mixture, pack it firmly in a conical percolator and pour upon it twelve fluid ounces of the mixture. When the liquid begins to drop from the percolator close the lower orifice with a cork, and, having closely covered the per- colator, set it aside for four days. Then remove the cork and gradually pour on the remainder of the mixture, and finally diluted alcohol until two parts of mixture have slowly passed. Mix this portion with the Glycer- ine, and evaporate the mixture, at a temperature not exceeding 140°, to one pint. NO. 24. Fluid Extract of Rhatany. Take Rhatany, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. " W°t ° ' 1 eac k a sun ^ c i en ^ quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Gly- cerine and five fluid ounces of water, and, having moist- ened the Rhatany with four fluid ounces of the mix- ture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula, and finish according formula No. S. NO. 25. Fluid Extract of Lupulin. Take Lupulin, 16 ounces. Stronger Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Lupulin with six fluid ounces of stronger Alcohol, and proceed according to directions given in the general formula. FLUID EXTRACTS. 137 NO. 26. Fluid Extract of Matico. Take Matico, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fld. " Water° ' [ eac ^ a sumc i en fc quantity. Mix twelve fluid ounces of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine and one fluid ounce of water, and, having moistened the Matico with half a pint of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula, and finish according to formula 8. NO. 27. Fluid Extract of Mezereon. Take Mezereon, in moderately coarse powder, 16 ounces. Stronger Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Mazereon with six fluid ounces of stronger Alcohol, and proceed according to instructions given in the general formula. NO. 28. Fluid Extract of Wild Cherry. Wild Cherry, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fld. " Alcohol (Stronger), } a sufficient quantity. Mix the (ilycerine and water, and, having moistened the Wild Cherry with half a pint of the mixture, allow it to macerate in a covered vessel for four days; then 138 FLUID EXTRACTS. pack it in a conical glass percolator, and pour on the remainder of the mixture. When this has disappeared from the surface, gradually pour on stronger Alcohol until twelve fluid ounces have been obtained, and then set this portion aside. Continue the percolation with stronger Alcohol until twenty fluid ounces more have been obtained; evaporate to four fluid ounces, and filter through paper, rinsing the filter with a small portion of stronger Alcohol, so as to preserve the measure of four fluid ounces. Lastly, mix this with the reserved por- tion, and keep in a well stopped bottle. NO. 29. Fluid Extract of Rhubarb. Take Rhubarb, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 2 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix the Glycerine with fourteen fluid ounces of Alco- hol, and having moistened the Rhubarb with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in the general formula. Finish as in formula 3. NO. 30. Fluid Extract of Blackberry. Take Blackberry Root, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fluid ounces. Alcohol and Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glyc- erine and five fluid ounces of Water, and having moist- FLUID EXTRACTS. 139 ened the powdered bark with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in gen- eral formula, and finish as directed in formula 8. NO. 31. Fluid Extract of Savine. Take Savine, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Stronger Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Savine with half a pint of Stronger Alco- hol, and proceed according to directions given in the general formula. NO. 32. Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla. Take Sarsaparilla, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Licorice Root, in " " " 2 " Sassafras, " " " " 2 " Mezereon, " " " " 360 grains. Glycerine, ^ pint. Water ' ( eac ^ a su ffi°i en ^ quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol with four fluid ounces each of Glycerine and Water, and, having moistened with six fluid ounces of the mixture, the powders previously well mixed, proceed according to directions given in general formula. Continue the percolation with diluted Alcohol until two pints have been obtained. Reserve the first twelve ounces, and, having added four fluid ounces of Glycerine to the remainder of the percolate, carefully evaporate to six fluid ounces, and mix with the reserved portion. 140 FLUID EXTRACTS. NO. 33, Fluid Extract of Squill. Take Squill, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 2 fid. " Wa tpr° ' I" ea °k a su ffi c i ent quantity. Water, Mix the Glycerine with fourteen fluid ounces of Alco- hol, and, having moistened the Squill with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in general formula and in formula No. 3. NO. 34. Fluid Extract of Seneka. Take Seneka, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. " w °? ° ' [ each a sufficient quantity. Water, Mix half a pint of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Gly- cerine and five fluid ounces of water, and, having moist- ened the Seneka with four fluid ounces of the mixture, proceed according to directions given in general formula and formula No. 8. NO. 35. Fluid Extract of Senna. Take Senna, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, | pint. Wat ° ' > each a sufficient quantity. Mix halt a pint of Alcohol with four fluid ounces each of Glycerine and water, and, having moistened the FLUID EXTRACTS. 141 •Senna with half a pint of the mixture, proceed accord- ing to general formula, and continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until twenty-six fluid ounces have been obtained. Reserve the first ten fluid ounces, and, having added four fluid ounces of Glycerine to the re- mainder of the percolate, carefully evaporate to six fluid ounces and mix with the reserved portion. NO. 36. Fluid Extract of Serpentaria. Take Serpentaria, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quatity. Moisten the Serpentaria with four fluid ounces of Al- cohol, and proceed according to directions given in the general formula. NO. 37. Fluid Extract of Spigelia and Senna. Take Fluid Extract of Spigelia, 10 ounces. " " " Senna, 6 " Oil of Anise, ) u . , Oil of Caraway, [ each twenty minims. Mix the fluid extracts and dissolve the oils in the mixture. NO. 38. Fluid Extract of Spigelia. Take Spigelia, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, \ pint. Wat ° ' \ ea °k a efficient quantity. Mix half a pint of Alcohol with four fluid ounces of Glycerine and water, and proceed as directed in formula 35. 142 FLUID EXTRACTS. NO. 39. Fluid Extract of Stillingia. Take Stillingia, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. " xy C ° ° ' [■ each a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluid ounces of Alcohol, three fluid ounces of Glycerine and one fluid ounce of water, and proceed as in formula No. 8. NO. 40. Fluid Extract of Dandelion. Take Dandelion, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. " Wat ' I eacn a sufficient quantity. Proceed as in formula 19. NO. 41. Fluid Extract of Uva Ursi. Take Uva Ursi, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Glycerine, 4 fid. " Water* ' \ eac ^ a sufficient quantity. Proceed according to formula No. 4. NO. 42. Fluid Extract of Valerian. Take Valerian, in fine powder, 16 ounces. Stronger Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Valerian with five fluid ounces of stronger Alcohol, and proceed according to directions given in the general formula. FLUID EXTRACTS. 143 NO. 43. Fluid Extract of American Hellebore. Take American Hellebore, in fine powder. Stronger Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Hellebore with five fluid ounces of stronger Alcohol, and proceed according to directions given in general formula. NO. 44. Fluid Extract of Ginger. Take Ginger, in moderately fine powder, 16 ounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the Ginger with four fluid ounces of Alcohol, and proceed according to directions given in general formula. CHAPTER IX. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. (From Guide.) NO. 1. Lemon Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Water (soft). 4 " Oil of Lemon, 3 pounds. Remarks. — Put the Oil into three gallons of the Alco- hol, and let stand for twenty-four hours ; then have your Water warm and pour in one gallon, then one of Alcohol, then one-half gallon of Water, then one gallon of Alco- hol, and so on until Alcohol and Water are gone. Be sure and put in the Alcohol last. Let stand, and filter through a felt bag kept for nothing but Lemon Extract. Color to suit with yellow Analine. NO. 2. Vanilla Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Vanilla Beans, 3 pounds. Soft Water, 5 gallons. Glycerine, 2 pounds. Remarks. — Grind in a sausage-cutter the Beans, warm the Alcohol over a water bath, put in the beans, and stir FLAVORING EXTRACTS. 145 and shake for two weeks, occasionally ; after two weeks, pour in the warm Water, then put in the Glycerine, and color with burnt Sugar to suit. NO. 3. Blackberry Extract. Alcohol, 5 gallons. Concentrated Blackberry Ether, 5 pounds. Soft Water (cold), 10 gallons. Glycerine, 3 pounds. Mix, and it is ready for use. NO. 4. Nutmeg Extract. Alcohol, 1 gallon. Ground Nutmeg, 1 pound. Warm Water, 32 ounces. Let stand two weeks; it is then ready for use. No color. NO. 5. Cloves Extract. Alcohol, 1 gallon. Cloves (ground), 1 pound. Warm Water, 32 ounces. Let stand for three weeks; it is then ready for use. No color. —10 146 FLAVORING EXTRACTS. NO. 6. Celery Extract. Alcohol, 8 gallons. Essence of Celery, 2 " Warm Water, 5 " Mix the Essence with the Alcohol, and add the Water. Color with burnt Sugar. NO. 7. Rose Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Oil of Rose, 1 ounce. Oil of Geranium (Rose), 2 drachms. Oil of Cloves, 1 drachm. Water (warm), 5 gallons. Ramarks. — Proceed as for Lemon ; if colored, use red Analine Tincture to suit. NO. 8. Wintergreen Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Oil of Wintergreen, 1 pound. Warm Water, 5 gallons. Remarks. — Let stand twenty-four hours; then add Water. Color to suit with Tincture of Red Analine. NO. 9. Coffee Extract. Alcohol (warm), 5 gallons. Glycerine, | pound. Water (warm), 1 gallon. Coffee (ground), 8 pounds. Remarks. — Heat the Alcohol in a water bath to boil- ing point ; then add the Coffee. Let stand twenty-four hours; then add Glycerine, then Water (warm). FLAVORING EXTRACTS. 147 NO. 10. Pineapple Extract. Same as Raspberry, using Pine Apple Ether. Color with burnt Sugar to the color of steeped Tea. NO. 11. Nectarine Extract. Alcohol, 5 gallons. Concentrated Nectarine Ether, 5 pounds. Soft Water (cold), 10 gallons. Glycerine, 3 pounds. Color same as Pine Apple. NO. 12. Almond Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Oil of Bitter Almonds, 1 pound. Water (warm), 5 gallons. Remarks. — Mix the Oil with the Alcohol, and after standing twenty-four hours, add the warm Water; it is then ready for use. NO. 13. Sarsaparilla Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Oil of Sassafras, 8 ounces. Oil of Wintergreen, 8 " Warm Water, 5 gallons. Remarks. — Let stand twenty-four hours ; then add warm Water. Color to suit with Caramel. 148 FLAVORING EXTRACTS. NO. 14. Ginger Extract. Alcohol, 8 gallons. Mace (powdered), 1 pound. Essence of Ginger, 2 gallons. Warm Water, 4 " Remarks. — Mix the Alcohol and Mace, and let stand twenty-four hours. Put in the Essence and then the Water. No color, but it ma)' be colored with burnt Sugar. NO. 15. Peach Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Concentrated Nectarine Ether, 2 pounds. " Pine Apple Ether, 1 pound. Oil of Orange (Portugal), 2 ounces. Warm Water, 5 gallons. Glycerine, 2 pounds. Remarks. — Mix the Oil of Orange and Alcohol, then add the Ethers, and then the warm Water. Color with burnt Sugar, same as Pine Apple. NO. 16. Raspberry Extract. Alcohol, 5 gallons. Concentrated Raspberry Ether, 5 pounds. Soft Water (cold), 10 gallons. Glycerine, 3 pounds. Remarks. — Color to suit with Tincture of Red Ana- line FLAVORING EXTRACTS. 149 NO. 17. Strawberry Extract. Alcohol, 5 gallons. Concentrated Strawberry Ether, 3 " Oil of Orange (Portugal), 2 pounds. Remarks. — Proceed as for Lemon. Color to suit with Tincture of Red Analine. NO. 18. Cinnamon Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Oil of Cassia, 8 ounces. Oil of Cinnamon, True, 2 " Warm Water, 5 gallons. Remarks. — Proceed as for Lemon, and color with red Sandal and burnt Sugar to the color of Cinnamon True. NO. 19. Banana Extract. Alcohol, 5 gallons. Concentrated Banana Ether, 4 pounds. Soft Water, 10 gallons. Glycerine, 3 pounds. Mix, and it is ready for use. NO. 20. Cochineal Extract. Red Vinegar, 1 gallon. Glycerine, 2 pounds. Mix, and it is ready for use. NO. 21. Orange Extract. Alcohol, 10 gallons. Water, 3 Oil of Portugal, 2 pounds. Proceed same as for Lemon." Color to suit with Tinc- ure of yellow Analine. CHAPTER X. SYKUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. NO. 1. Simple Syrup. Sugar, 40 pounds. Water, 4 gallons. Cooper's Isinglass, lh ounces. Heat the water sufficiently to melt the sugar. Dis- solve the Isinglass separately in hot water, and add it to the syrup. NO. 2. Fruit Acid. Citric Acid, 4 ounces. Hot Water, 8 " NO. 3. Simple Syrup. (Cold Process.) There are many ways of making a simple syrup, and enough formulae abound in the books to obviate the necessity of writing one in this place, but the fact is, SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. 151 that, instead of being simple, they are oftener compound and complex, too. Here is something really good, and may be denominated an "Easy Method" : Coffee A Sugar, 10 pounds. Cold Water, 1 gallon. Cooper's Isinglass, \ ounce. Dissolve the Isinglass in a portion of warm water, and mix thoroughly. Use an earthenware jar. NO. 4: Brown, or Solution of Caramel. Crushed or Lump Sugar, 2 pounds. Put into a kettle that will hold four to six quarts, with one-half tumbler of water. Boil until it is black ; then take it off and cool with water, stirring it as you put in the water. This is used for coloring Soda Syrups, Elixirs, etc., such as Vanilla, Sarsaparilla, etc. NO. 5. Carmine Solution. Carmine (No. 40), 2 drachms. Water of Ammonia, 1 ounce. Water, 7 ounces. Rub the Carmine to a fine powder with mortar; dis- solve with the Aqua Ammonia; keep in bottles corked tight. This is used to color Elixirs, Soda Syrups, etc., such as Strawberry. Remarks. — This is incompatible with Acids. 152 SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. NO. 6. Yellow Solution. Gamboge, 1 ounce. Diluted Alcohol, sufficient. Rub the Gamboge to a powder with the Alcohol. Let stand for a few days. Shake often and filter. This is used for coloring Elixirs, Essences, etc. NO. 7. Yellow Coloring. Turmeric, 4 ounces. Alcohol, 10 Water, 6 Mix and filter. NO. 8. Tinct. Saffron, Saffron, 6 ounces. Alcohol, 1 pint. Or, Yellow Analine, 1 drachm. Alcohol, 4 ounces. The above are fine for Hair Oils, etc., and will not fade, as Turmeric will. NO. 9. Coffee Syrup. Coffee (Mocha and Java in equal parts), 1 pound. Sugar, 10 pounds. Boiling Water, 1 gallon. Boil together, or pass through a suitable filter, until one gallon infusion is obtained; then settle and add the sugar. SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. 153 NO. 10. Orgeat Syrup. Essence of Almonds, 45 drops. Simple Syrup, 3 quarts. Mix. NO. 11. Nectar Syrup. Strawberry Syrup, 1 quart. Orgeat Syrup (see above), 1 " Madeira Wine, 4 ounces. Mix. NO. 12. Pineapple Syrup. Simple Syrup, 1 gallon. Essence of Pine Apple, J ounce. Fruit Acid, 1 " Color with Lemon Color — yellow. NO. 13. Chocolate Syrup. Take one pound of Baker's Chocolate; shave it up fine ; work it into a thin paste with hot water; now add sufficient water to bring it to the measure of a gallon ; add twelve pounds of crushed sugar, and heat until dis- solved ; strain through flannel, and, when cold, add four tablespoonfuls Extract of Vanilla. This syrup keeps better than any other chocolate. 154 SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. NO. 14. Mulberry Syrup. Mulberries, not entirely ripe, 6 pounds. Sugar, coarsely powdered, 6 " Remarks. — Place in a kettle over the fire, and boil, constantly stirring ; strain throughly. NO. 15. Vanilla Syrup. Extract Vanilla, 2 ounces. Fruit Acid, J ounce. Simple Syrup, 1 gallon. Remarks. — Rub the Acid with some of the syrup ; add the Extract of Vanilla, and mix. NO. 16. Vanilla Cream Syrup. Extract Vanilla, 1 ounce. Simple Syrup, 3 pints. Cream, or Rich Milk, 1 pint. Remarks. — May be colored with Carmine. NO. 17. Cream Syrup. Fresh Cream, i pint. Fresh Milk, \ " Powdered Sugar, 1 pound. Remarks. — Mix by shaking, and keep in a cool place. The addition of a few grains of Bicarbonate of Soda will retard souring. SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. 155 NO. 18. Strawberry Syrup. Remarks. — Use Strawberries of a good flavor. Do not forget that, if the berries possess no flavor, you can not expect to obtain a syrup of good flavor. Avoid, also, rotten berries, because unless you do, you may be sure to find as flavor the smell of the rotten berries in your syrap. Mash the fruit in a barrel, or other suitable ves- sel, by means of a pounder, and leave the pulp from 12 to 24 hours, at a temperature between 70° and 80° ; stir occasionally; press; set the juice aside for one night; add for every pound avoirdupois of juce one ounce avoir- dupois of Cologne Spirits or Deodorized Alcohol ; mix, and set aside for another night, and filter through paper. For one pound of the flavored juice take one pound of A Sugar and heat to the boiling point, taking care to remove from the fire or turn off the steam as soon as the mixture begins to boil ; remove the scum, and bottle in perfectly clean bottles; rinse with a little Cologne Spirits. This syrup is strong enough to be mixed with two or three times its weight of simple syrup for the soda foun- tain. Druggist Circular. NO. 19. Sarsaparilla Syrup. Simple Syrup, 1 gallon. Essence of Sarsaparilla, 4 drachms. Color with Sarsaparilla color. 156 SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. NO. 20. Lemon Syrup. Simple Syrup, 1 gallon. Extract of Lemon, i ounce. Fruit Acid, 1 " NO. 21. Strawberry Syrup. Simple Syrup, 1 gallon. Essence of Strawberry, \ ounce. Fruit Acid, 2 drachms. Color with Carmine. NO. 22. Raspberry Syrup. Simple Syrup, 1 gallon. Essence of Raspberry, h ounce. Fruit Acid, 2 drachms. Color with Carmine. NO. 23. Fancy Syrup. Vanilla Syrup, 2 pints. Pine Apple Syrup, 8 ounces. Raspberry " 8 " NO. 24. Orange Flower Syrup. Essence of Orange, 2 drachms. Currant Syrup, 4 pints. SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. 157 NO. 25. Currant Syrup. Proceed as for Strawberry or Raspberry Syrup. NO. 26. Cinnamon Syrup. Oil of Cinnamon, 30 drops. Carbonate of Magnesia, 60 grains. Water, 2 pints. Granulated Sugar, 56 ounces. Remarks. — Rub the oil first with the Carbonate of Magnesia, then with the water gradually added, and filter through paper. In the filtrate dissolve the sugar without heat. NO. 27. Ginger Syrup. Tincture Ginger, 2 fluid ounces. Simple Syrup, 4 pints. NO. 28. Orange Syrup. Oil of Orange, 30 drops. Tartaric Acid, 4 drachms. Simple Syrup, 1 gallon. Remarks. — Rub the acid with the oil and mix. 158 SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. NO. 29. Pineapple Syrup. (2.) Express Fruit Juice, 1 gallon, Sugar, 15 pounds. Citric Acid, 2 ounces. Remarks. — Dissolve the acid in the juice and boil with the sugar until no more skum arises. Skim carefully and bottle the syrup while hot. Use six ounces pre- pared fruit juice to half gallon simple syrup. Note. — Raspberry, Blackberry and Strawberry are also made as above. NO. 30. Nectar Syrup. Vanilla Syrup, 5 pints. Pine Apple Syrup, 1 pint. Strawberry, Lemon or Raspberry Syrup, 2 pints. NO. 31. Sherbet Syrup. Vanilla Syrup, 3 pints. Pine Apple Syrup, 1 pint. Lemon " 1 " NO. 32. Grape Syrup. Brandy, J pint. Essense of Lemon, \ ounce. Tine, of Red Saunders, 2 ounces. Simple Syrup, 1 gallon. SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. 159 NO. 33, Banana Syrup. Banana, 2 drachms. Tartaric Acid, 1 drachm. Simple Syrup, 6 pints. NO. 34. Wintergreen Syrup. Oil of Wintergreen, 25 drops. Simple Syrup, 5 pints. Burnt Sugar to color, Q. S. NO. 35. Sarsaparilla Syrup Oil Wintergreen, 10 drops. " ionise, 10 u " Sassafras, 10 " Fl. Ex. Sarsaparilla, 2 ounces Simple Syrup, 5 pints. Powdered Ex. Licorice, \ ounce. NO. 36. Maple Syrup. Maple Sugar, 4 pounds. Water, 2 pints. NO. 37. Peach Syrup. . Proceed in the same manner as directed for Rasp- berry. 160 SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. NO. 38. Catawba Syrup. Simple Syrup, 1 pint. Catawba Wine, 1 " Mix. NO. 39. Milk Punch Syrup. Simple Syrup, 1 pint. Brandy, S ounces. Sherry, 1 ounce. Granulated Sugar, 3 pounds. NO. 40. Sherry Cobler Syrup. Sherry Wine, 1 pint. Simple Syrup, 1 " A Lemon cut in thin slices. Remarks. — Macerate for twelve hours and strain. NO. 41. Excelsior Syrup. Simple Syrup, 1 pint. Syrup of Wild Cherry Bark, 4 ounces. Port Wine, 4 " NO. 42. Ambrosia Syrup. Raspberry Syrup, 2 pints. Vanilla « 2 " Hock Wine, 4 ounces. SYRUPS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS. 161 NO. 43. Hoek and Claret Syrup. Hock, or Claret Wine, 1 pint. Simple Syrup, 2 pints. NO. 44. Solferino Syrup. Brandy, 1 pint. Simple Syrup, 2 pints. NO. 45. Capsicum Syrup. Tincture of Capsicum, 1 ounce. Simple Syrup, 2 pints. Remarks. — Heat the Syrup, add the tincture, and hen the alcohol has evaporated mix immediately. —11 CHAPTER XL MEDICATED SYRUPS, NO. 1. Compound Syrup of Black Snake Root. Bark of Black Snake Root, 1-| ounces. Wild Cherry, 2| " Ipecac Root, ^ ounce. Ext. Licorice (powdered), £ " Alcohol (diluted), 32 ounces. Bruise both the Snakeroot and Ipecac fine, and saturate with eight ounces of Alcohol for twenty-four hours, and transfer to a percolator and run through two pints of Alcohol. Evaporate the excess of Alcohol by water bath, and then add sixteen ounces of simple Syrup and the Licorice. Lastly, take the Wild Cherry, moderately fine, pack in a percolator, and run eight ounces of cold Water through it. Mix together ; shake well. NO. 2. Syrup of Horseradish. Grated Horseradish, li ounces. Refined Sugar, 16 " Boiling Water, 8 Digest the Horseradish in a covered vessel in the boil- ing Water, and when cool, strain and add Sugar. MEDICATED SYRUPS. 168 NO. 3. Syrup of Assafcetida. Assafoetida (powdered), 1 ounce. Carbonate of Magnesia, 6 drachms. Flavoring to suit, 1 ounce. Hot Water, 1 pint. Sugar (avordupois wt.), 2 pounds. Rub together the Assafcetida and Magnesia in a mor- tar, and add the hot Water, rubbing thoroughly, allow- ing this to stand for one hour, and then filter ; after filtering, add the Flavoring, and dissolve the Sugar in the Liquid until it is entirely dissolved. Each tablespoonful contains seven and one-half grains of Assafcetida. NO. 4. Flavoring Extract. Oil of Coriander, 1 drachm. Oil of Anise, £ " Oil of Orange, 2 ounces. Oil of Cinnamon, £ drachm. Oil of Cloves, 10 drops. Oil of Allspice, 10 " Alcohol, 1 pint. NO. 5. Syrup of Horseradish with Iodine. Iodine (re-sublimed), 1 grain. Alcohol (95 per cent.), 10 drops. Compound Syrup of Horseradish, 4 ounces. Dissolve the Iodine in the Alcohol, and add to th< Syrup. Set it aside for twenty-four hours before using. 164 MEDICATED SYRUPS. NO. 6. Compound Syrup of Horseradish. Fresh Scurvy Grass, 3 ounces. Buck Bean (dried), h ounce. Fresh Water Cress, 3 ounces. Fresh Horseradish, 3 " Bitter Orange Peel, 10 drachms. Cinnamon (ground), \ ounce. White Wine, 12 ounces. Sugar (Refined) 24 Macerate all (except the Sugar) for forty-eight hours. Distil off four ounces. Add to the distilled liquor eight ounces of Sugar. Separate the liquor from the remain- ing substance in the still by expression. Clarify with white of egg, and strain. Add to this solution twenty- four ounces of Sugar and a sufficient quantity of Water. Make a syrup with the aid of heat. Strain and add to the former Syrup. When cool, bottle up. NO. 7. Syrup of Bromide of Iron. Bromide of Iron, 6 drachms. Citrate of Potassium, 1| ounces. Prepared Flavoring, 1 ounce. Water enough to make 8 ounces. Sugar (avoir wt.), 16 " Dissolve the Citrate of Potassium in the mixed Water and Flavoring ; then add the Bromide of Iron. When dissolved, filter, and percolate the Sugar with the filtrate until it is completely dissolved. Each fluid drachm contains three grains of Bromide of Iron. MEDICATED SYRUPS. 165 NO. 8. Syrup of Acetate of Morphia. Acetate of Morphia, 16 grains. Flavoring Syrup, 1 pint. Dissolve the Morphia in a small quantity of Water, and mix with the Syrup. Each fluid drachm contains one-eighth grain of Ace- tate of Morphia. NO. 9. Flavored Syrup. Flavoring, 3 ounces. Carbonate of Magnesia, \ ounce. Water, 4 pints. Sugar (avoir, wt.), 8 pounds. Rub the Flavoring with the Carbonate of Magnesia in a mortar, and gradually add two pints of the Water, rubbing thoroughly, filter, and add the remainder of the Water through the filter. Put the Sugar in a percolate with the filtrate until completely dissolved. NO. 10. Jackson's Cough Syrup. Syrup of Rhubarb, 4 ounces. " " Ipecac, 4 " " Senega, 4 " Morphia (10), 12 " Mix them well. NO. 11. Syrup of Morphia. Sulphate of Morphia, 16 grains. Syrup, 16 ounces. Dissolve the Morphia in the Syrup. 4 10 <( 30 °0 grains. 6 drachms. •24 ounces. 166 MEDICATED SYRUPS. NO. 12. Syrup of Wild Ginger. Wild Ginger Root (bruised), lh ounces. Alcohol (80 per cent.), Water, Carbonate of Potassium, Cochineal (bruised), Wine of Ipecac, White Sugar, Macerate for fourteen days (except Sugar), express, and filter through paper ; then add the Sugar to the filtered solution, and dissolve without the aid of heat. NO. 13. Syrup of Hypophosphite of Soda. Hypophosphite of Soda, 1 drachm. Flavored Syrup, 89 drachms. Syrup of Orange Flower, 10 " Dissolve. Each tablespoonful contains about three grains of the salt. NO. 14. Syrup of Bromide of Potassium. Bromide of Potassium, 1 troy ounce. Flavored Syrup, 18 " ounces. Distilled Water, 1 " ounce. Dissolve the Potassium in the water; then add the syrup. Each tablespoonful of this mixture contains 15 grains of Bromide of Potassium. MEDICATED SYRUPS. 167 NO. 15. Syrup of Tar. Select Wood Tar, 3 drachms. Pine Sawdust, 6 " Distilled, or Rain Water, 25 ounces. Flavoring Syrup, sufficient. Mix the tar with the sawdust, and pour on it the water warmed to 140° F. Shake occasionally, and, after two hours' contact, filter and add syrup. NO 16. Syrup of Iodide of Starch. Soluble Iodide of Starch, 2 drachms. Distilled Water, 8£ troy ounces. White Sugar, 16 " " Dissolve the Iodide of Starch in the water ; filter, and in the filtrate dissolve the sugar at a very gentle heat. NO. 17. Compound Syrup of Phellandrium. (Or, Water Hemlock.) Phellandrium Seed, contused, 1 ounce. Boiling Water, 1 pint. Extract of Belladonna, 9 grains. Aqueous Extract cf Opium, 10 " Sugar, 2 pounds. Infuse the seeds in the boiling water, and in the strained infusion dissolve the extracts and the sugar. Dose for an adult, from one to two tablespoonfuls three times a day. 16S MEDICATED SYRUP?. NO. 18. Syrup of Eucalyptus Globulus. Eucalyptus Leaves, 10 drachms. Distilled Eucalyptus Water, 20 " Water Sufficient. Sugar, 16J troy ounces. Infuse the leaves in five times their weight of boiling water. After three hours, strain, filter and complete 6J ounces of liquid; then add tne distilled water, and dis- solve the sugar. The distilled water is produced by dis- tilling one part by weight of the dry leaves with enough water to produce four parts of the distillate. NO. 19. Syrup of Chlorhydrophosphate of Lime. Bibasic Phosphate of Lime, 450 grains. Muriatic Acid sufficient, or 290 " Distilled Water, 25^ ounces. White Sugar, 47 Essence of Lemon, 6 drachms. Carefully dissolve the phosphate in the distilled water, add the acid in quantity just sufficient to dissolve the salt, and then add the sugar — this being dissolved with- out heat. Strain the syrup and then add the essence of Lemon. A tablespoonful of this contains about four grains of the Bibasic Phosphate. MEDICATED SYRUPS, 169 NO. 20. Syrup of Acid Phosphate of Lime. Bibasic Phosphate of Lime, 450 grains. Tribasic Phosphoric Acid, sp. gr. 1.45 , 650 " Distilled Water, 25i ounces. White Sugar, 47 u Essence of Lemon, 6 drachms. Operate as for No. 19. Each tablespoonful of thi3 contains four grains of the Bibastic Phosphate, or approximately seven grains of the pure acid phosphate. NO. 21. Syrup of Phosphate of Iron, Quinia and Strychnia. Sulphate of Iron, 5 drachms. Phosphate of Soda, 1 ounce. Sulphate of Quinia, 192 grains. Strychnia, 6 " Diluted Phosphoric Acid, 14 ounces. White Sugar, 14 " Ammonia, j f , 9nffioipnt Sulphuric Acid, \ ot eacn sumcient - Dissolve the Sulphate of Iron in one ounce of boil- ing water and the Phosphate of Soda in two ounces. Mix the solutions and wash the precipitated Phos- phate of Iron until the washings are tasteless. With sufficient sulphuric Acid dissolve the Quinia in two ounces of water, and precipitate the Quinia with the slightest possible excess of Ammonia. Wash carefully the precipitated alkaloid. Dissolve in the Phosphoric Acid the Phosphate of Iron, the Qui- nia and Strychnia, then add the sugar, and lastly 170 MEDICATED SYRUPS. dissolve it without heat. Care should be taken that nothing but the absolute pure tribasic phosphoric acid is used — that which is obtained from phosphorus, and not that obtaied from the glacial phosphoric acid of the market. NO. 22. Syrup of Pepsin. Powdered Pepsin, 1 ounce. Muriatic Acid, 35 drops. Water, 6 ounces. Flavoring 2 " Sugar, 16 " Dissolve the Pepsin in acid, add the water, then filter. Add the Flavoring and percolate the sugar with the mixture. Each fluid drachm contains about four grains of Pepsin. NO. 23. Syrup of Phosphate of Quinia. Sulphate of Quinia, 2 drachms. Phosphoric Acid (diluted), U. S. P., \ ounce. Syrup 14 ounces. Flavoring, 2 " Dissolve the Quinia in the Acid and mix it with the Syrup and Flavoring. Each fluid drachm contains about one grain Phosp- hate of Quinia. MEDICATED SYRUPS. 171 NO. 24. Syrup of Iodide of Potassium. Iodide of Potassium, 25 grains. Distilled Water, Q. S. Flavored Syrup, 2 troy ounces. Dissolve the Iodide in the distilled water and mix the solution with the simple syrup. NO. 25. Syrup of to phosphate of Lime. Bibasic Phosphate of Lime, 450 grains. Concentrated Lactic Acid q. s., or about 500 " Distilled Water, 25^ ounces. White Sugar, 47 " Essence of Lemon. 6 drachms. The same manipulation and same strength as in formula No. 19. It would be well to remark here that this formula is somewhat weaker than that obtained of Dusart which is more or less followed in this country. NO. 26. Syrup of Sar sap ar ilia, with Iodide of Calcium. Compound Fid. Ex. Sarsaparilla, U. S. P., 4 ounces. Iodide of Calcium, 2 drachms. Water, boiling, 3 ounces. Syrup, 14 " Rub the Iodide with the boiling water until the solu- tion becomes white. Filter the solution from the insol- uble precipitate, and to this solution add the syrup and extract. Mix them. Flavor with extract of Vanilla. 172 MEDICATED SYRUPS. NO. 27. Syrup of Pernitrate of Iron. Fine Iron Wire, 6 drachms. Nitric Acid, C. P., 1| ounces. Water, 8 " Place in a suitable vessel and allow to remain until all action has ceased, stirring occasionally. Filter and dis- solve in the clear solution sixteen ounces of refined sugar. NO. 28. Syrup of Quinia, Morphia and Strychnia. Syrup of Quinia and Morphia, 1 pint. Hall's Sol. of Strychnia, 2 ounces. Add Hall's Solution to the Syrup. Each fluid drachm contains one grain of Quinia, one- eighth of Morphia and one-sixty-fourth grain of Strych- nia. NO. 29. Syrup of Quinia and Morphia. Magendie's Solution of Morphia, 1 ounce. Sulphate of Quinia, 128 grains. Flavoring, 1 ounce. Sugar, 16 ounces. Water, 7 " Dissolve the Quinine in the Flavoring and water, add Solution Morphia and percolate the sugar with the mix- ture until dissolved. Each fluid drachm contains one grain of Quinia and one-eighth grain of Morphia. MEDICATED SYRUPS. 173 NO. 30. Syrup of Strychnia. Hall's Solution of Strychnia, 2 ounces. Flavored Syrup (8), 1 pint. Add Hall's Solution to the Syrup and mix thoroughly. Each fluid drachm contains one-sixty-fourth grain of Strychnia. NO. 31. Syrup of Strychnia and Morphia. Hall's Solution of Strychnia, 2 ounces. Magendie's Solution of Morphia, 1 ounce. Flavored Syrup, 1 pint. Each teaspoonful of this contains one-sixty-fourth grain of Strychnia and one-eighth grain of Morphia. NO. 32. Syrup of Phosphate of Manganese. Sulphate of Manganese (in crystals), 1^ ounces. Phosphate of Sodium, 1^ " Muriatic Acid, 4 drachms. Water, Q. S. to make 7 ounces. Sugar, " " 12£ " Dissolve the salts separately, each in half a pint of water, and add the solution of Phosphate of Soda to that of the Manganese ; add seven fluid ounces of water and ten troy ouncps of sugar and the rest gradually. Each fluid drachm contains five grains of the salt. 174 MEDICATED SYRUPS. NO. 33, Syrup of Hypophosphite of Manganese. Sulphate of Manganese, 240 grains. Hyposulphite of Calsium, 160 " Water, sufficient. Sugar, 2 pounds. Orange Flower Water, \ ounce. Dissolve the Hypophosphite and Sulphate in separate portions of water, and mix ; then wash the precipitate ; evaporate the filtrate to one pint; dissolve in this the sugar, by the aid of heat, and add the Orange Flower Water. Dose, a teaspoonful which contains two and one-third grains of Hypophosphite of Manganese. NO. 34. Cox's Hive Syrup. (Syrup Squills Comp.) Squills, in moderately coasre powder, \ , . arnica* Seneka, " " fine " i eacn ' 4 ouncefe - Tartrate of Antimony and Potassium, 48 grains. Sugar, coarse, 42 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, ) each a sufficient quantit y. Water, Mix the Squill and Seneka, and, having moistened the mixture with half a pint of diluted Alcohol, allow it to stand for an hour ; then transfer it to a conical perco- lator, and pour diluted Alcohol upon it until three pints of tincture have passed. Boil this for a few minutes ; evaporate it by means of a water bath ; add six ounces of boiling water, and filter. Dissolve the sugar in the filtered liquid, and, having heated the solution to the boiling point, strain it while hot; then dissolve the tar- trate of Antimony and Potassa in the solution while hot, and add sufficient boiling water, through the strainer, to make it measure three pints. Lastly, mix the whole thorougly together. CHAPTER XII. INFUSIONS. (U. S. P. ) This class of medicinal preparations is one of the least elegant in use, and is mainly confined, in the United States, to domestic practice. Even when prescribed by physicians, the Infusions are generally made by the nurse or attendant upon the sick, rather than by the pharmaceutist. The Infusions of Cinchona Bark, Infu- sion of Digitalis, Compound Infusion of Gentian, and Compound Infusion of Roses, form the chief exceptions to this. The process of percolation is applied with great ad- vantage to some of these preparations, and, in a majority of cases, the substitution of cold water for hot, and of percolation for maceration or digestion, is found to pro- duce a more elegant and equally efficient Infusion, and one which, from containing less coloring matter, fecula, resinous and other inert principles, keeps better, and is more acceptable to the stomach. When an Infusion is intended as an emetic draught, or to promote the operation of emetics, or as a diaphor- etic, it is usually given while hot, and, of course, to all such cases the above remark does not apply. Nor is it equally applicable to the demulcent Infusions of Flax- seed and Buchu, although the former may be made very well with cold water, and is then less only in its char- acter. The general dose of Infusion is f |ij, or a wineglass- ful, frequently repeated. This is to be varied in the case of Infusion of Senna, Compound Infusion of Flaxseed, and others, in which a much larger quantity may be taken at a draught. There are two of the officinal Infusions which it would be improper to give in the above general dose; these are Infusion of Digitalis and Infusion of Capsicum, the doses of which are specially stated in the Syllabus. 176 INFUSIONS. o o ,4 v_^ d -+3 6 a; "3 g CD n P 6 '5 o <» -t-> t3 o ^3 . . - C -i-h cd S 6 d =3 ""O be 6 d CD •■-i ^ e3 d 6 2 o.S CD CD 3 o3 ■*£ cJ3 -*j '3 "fl .§'343 3 3 S£ fl ■a J o o -2 o « CD n? P o -3 '& H H cch^OOQo c3 Hcc . c3 O W v o fe O t-i '*H "J? CD H CD O ,P 3 A CD CD a p DO . P 3 P. ^ P En fc O 13 CO 3 bC .5" >> o 'bo fc 80 >> S3 "C a H . 2 a a o o H S h |3 H o o "o + oe "8 CD CD £ £ £ £ T CD CD +3 -+o 3 Cm P S3 03 — ^3 5 tJQ g P c ^ bo bB be be c a a a p 03 03 M 5 o 1< 1- 2rp2 'o '3 "o 'o o q H o o QWopqwpqffl OO CO 83" > o3 8 S-i P P5 jf:3.8 25 O O o rP o a S S Cascaril Eupatoi Kramer H CD 5 Pareirse Buchu, Sennse, a ^ 3 be a g ^ 3 CO CD - 3 3 tp V- fl a INFUSIONS. it; a -a d S3 O O c a o o ^g a So s <^ • ■» a b o3 o> p . bX)*=> p5 * c C ,« C c3 h .^••-i r Zi a> •ssg a aga ■§ *» O :S.S fl H rt A «1 !i -P 5 * ® C O o a * is .2 -2 .+ -8 ij « * ej cj oj £ £ £ £ £ £ + .<% OO O O 'o O O "o o'o'S n °* a d. a o ■5 o S >■ d d a> ►* o m as > S . — Calomel, 10 grains. Bismuth Sub. Nit., 20 " Powdered Opium, 1 grain. Pepsin, 20 grains. Sig. — Give as often as needed to act on the bowels. NO. 6. Whooping Cough Remedy. B>. — Carbonate of Potassium, \ drachm. Powdered Cochineal, 15 grains. Sugar, 4 drachms. Aqua. 4 ounces. Sig. — Teaspoonful three or four times a day. physicians' prescriptions. 193 NO. 7. Diarrhea. t>. — Chlorate of Potassa, 3 grains. Tincture of Camphor 10 drops. Brandy, 1 ounce. Syrup of Ginger, i " Ex. of Nux Vomica, 2 drops. Take at a dose. NO. 8. Rheumatism . (Kilner.) #. — Fluid Extract Prickly Ash, 2 ounces. " Poke Root , 2 " ' Acetate of Potassa, \ ounce. Tine. Guiac Aro., 2 ounces. Iodide of Potass., \ ounce. Vin. Cole. Seed, i " Verbenia, 4 ounces. Sul. Morphia, 10 grains. Simple Syrup, 4 ounces. Fluid Ex. Black Cohosh, 2 Sig.- -Tablespoonful three times i day for adult. NO. 9. Rheumatism . I£. — Vin. Colchicum, £ ounce. Pulv. Nit. Potass., 1£ drachms. Syrup Morphia, 1 ounce. " Tolu, 3 drachms. Sig, — Teaspoonful every five hou -13 rs. 194 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 10. Measles. ^.— Pulv . Ipecac, 2 drachms. " Opium, 2 u Licorice, 2 a Chlo. Potass, 2 u Squills, 2 " Prunus Virg. 2 Dose. — Teaspoonful in a cup of hot water, every two hours. NO. 11. Ague Pills. r>. — Chinoidine, \ ounce. Leptandria, 20 grains Capsicum, 4 Iron by Hydrogen, 20 Ex. Taraxicum, Q. S. ake 150 pills. One every two hours. M. NO. 12. Cough Mixture. R.— Fluid Ex. Blood Root, 1 ounce. " Inula, 2 ounces. " Squills, 1 ounce. Powdered Ex. Licorice, 3 ounces. Rub the Licorice in one pint of water until dissolved, then add the other ingredients together with one pound of Honey. physicians' prescriptions. 195 NO. 13. Gonorrhea. §. — Balsam Copaiba, 1 ounce. Sub. Carb. Potass. Liq. 1 drachm. Mix, then add Aqua Anise, 2 drachms. Teaspoonful four times a day. NO. 14. Cough Mixture. B-- —Syrup Ipecac, " Tolu, 1 ounce. 1 " « Rhea Aro, 1 " Tine. Pulv. Opium Compound, Acacia, 2 drachms. 2 Teaspoonful every two hours. NO. 15. Ague Mixture for Children. t>. — Oxide of Arsenic, 1 grain. Sugar of Milk, 99 grains. Sig. — For a child two years old give two grains. For a child five years old give four to six grains. NO. 16. Ague Medicine for Adults. I>. — Sulphate of Quinia, 1 drachm. Liquor Oxysulphate of Iron, 2 drachms. Bui. Potas. Arsenious, 2 " Water, 4 ounces. Sig.— One teaspoonful four times a day. 196 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 17. Eye Water. IJ. — Plumb Acetas, 2 drachms. Sul. Zinc, 2 Acacia, 2 " Aqueous Solution of Opium, 2 " Add Rose Water to make 2 pints. Apply often. NO. 18. Gonorrhea. 5. — Balsam Canada, 1 ounce. Spirits Nit. Dulc, 4 ounces. Oil of Turpentine, 2 drachms. Powdered Gum Camphor, 1 drachm. Sig. — Teaspoonful three times a day, with the follow- ing: 5. — Fl. Ex. Hydrastis Canadensis, 1 ounce. Sul. Zinc, 3 grains. Sig. — Inject every six hours. NO. 19. Croup. fy. — Acidi Tannici, 2 to 20 grains. Aqua, 1 ounce. Use the above as a spray. physicians' prescriptions. 197 NO. 20. Erysipelas. (External application.) 5. — Sul. Quinine, 30 grains. Fl. Ex. Cinchonia, 2 drachms. Tinct. Mur. Iron 2 " Aqua, 1| ounces. Apply every four hours. Give Quinine and Iron in- ternally. NO. 21. Vomiting in Pregnancy. f£. — Bromide Potass., 2 drachms. Aqua Cinnamon, 3 ounces. Tablespoonful after meals. NO- 22. Nausea. IJ. — Tine. Rhei, 3 ounces. " Gentian Comp., 1 ounce. Teaspoonful after meals. NO. 23. Leucorrhea. 1^.— Fluid Extract Wafer Ash, 2 ounces. Sig.— Forty drops in water five times a day. 198 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 24. Ulceration of the Tonsils. §.— Pulv. Sul. Zinc, 2 drachms. " Chlorate Potass., 2 " Strong Sage Tea, § pint. Six. — Mix ; gargle frequently. NO. 25. Nursing Sore Mouth. $. — Chloride Potass., 2 drachms. Boiling Water, 10 ounces. Muriatic Acid, 40 drops. Creosote, 10 " Alcohol, £ pint. Sig. — Use as a gargle. NO. 26. Burns. ]J. — Iodoform, 2 drachms. Simple Cerate, 1 ounce. Ex. Conium, \ drachm. Carbolic Acid, 10 drops. Mix. Apply twice a day on soft linen with oil silk. NO. 27. Chronic Constipation. IJ. — Podophyllin, ^ grain. Ex. Belladonna, ^ " Ex. Nux Vomica, \ " Aloes, f " Oil Cajeput, 2 drops. Make one pill. Take one three or four times a day. physicians' prescriptions. 199 NO. 28. Dropsy. I£. — Elaterium, 1^ grains. Digitalin, 1J " Podophyllin, 6 " Calomel, 18 Make six powders. One every six hours till it operates well. NO. 29. For Chancre. $. — Permanganate of Potass. (pulv.). Apply thickly. NO. 30. Epilepsy. ]J. — Bromide of Potass., \ ounce. " " Ammonia, 1 drachm. Bicarbonate of Potass., \ Tine. Scutellaria, 2 ounces. " Macrotys, n « " Cardamon Comp., i ounce. ■ Sig. — Teaspoonful three times a day, before NO. 31. Cough in Bronchitis. #. — Ammonia Chlo., 1^ drachms. Spirits of Ether Comp., jounce. Syrup of Ipecac, 2^ drachms. Powdered Extract of Licorice, 1 drachm. Aqua, Q. S. to make 4 ounces. Mix. Sig. — A teaspoonful in a wine glass of water three or four times a day. 200 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 32. Asthma. n. —Camphor Water, 8 ounces. Bromide Potass., \ ounce. " Ammonia, 1 M ~2 Tincture Lobelia, 1 " Stramonium, 1 Sig. — Teaspoonful every three hours. NO. 33. Cancer. # .—Red Clover Tops, ) , , Poke Berries (expressed juice), j equai pans * Evaporate to the thickness of molasses, and apply on soft leather daily. The tumor will drop out, so it is said, in a few davs. NO. 34. Dysentery, with Ulceration of the Bowels. R- . — Syrup Acacia, 2 ounces. Sub. Nit. Bismuth, 2 drachms. Tincture of Opium, 2 " Oil of Turpentine, 1^ " Aqua Mentha Pip. 2 ounces. Mix. Sig. — Teaspoonful every two to six hours. physicians' prescriptions. 201 NO. 35, Dyspepsia. §. — Ex. Taraxicum, 30 grains. Ex. Hydrastis, 30 " Ex. Nux. Vomica, 5 " Make twenty pills. One pill three times a day. NO. 36. External Piles. §. — Powdered Opium, 40 grains. Plumbi Acetas (powdered), 30 " Acid (Tannic), 20 " Nut Galls (pulv.), 2 " Cerate (Simple), 1 " Sig. — Apply a portion at night. NO. 37. Syphlitic Sore Throat. IJ. — Cyanide of Mercury, J grain. Aqua Pura, 6 ounces. Use as a gargle. NO. 38. Praritis. I£. — Carb. Bismuth, 20 grains. Sul. Morphia, 2 »» Lime Water, 2 ounces. Ess. Peppermint, 2 " Apply to the parts without friction. 202 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 39. Chronic Catarrh. I£. — Fluid Ex. Cimicifuga, 1 ounce. " " Prunus Virg., 1 " Dose, ten drops in water. NO. 40. Dysmenorrhea. 1>. — Camphor, li drachms. Ex. Belladonna, 15 grains. Sul. Quinine, 15 " Pulv. Acacia sufficient to make 30 pills. Take one every 4 hours until relieved, with the fol- lowing Ointment on the lower part of the abdomen : #. — Belladonna Liniment, 2 drachms. Glycerine Ointment, 1 ounce. Sig. — Use in continuance of pain. NO. 41. . Amenorrhea. IJ. — Pyrophosphate of Iron, 2 drachms. Boiling Water, | ounce. Mix and add Fluid Ex. Gentian, J ounce. Curacoa, 2^ ounces. Wine, l| " Teaspoonful 3 times a day. physicians' prescriptions. 203 NO. 42. Hemorrhage. (From Uterus.) IjL — Gallic Acid, 2 drachms. Aro. Sul. Acid, 2 " Tine. Cinnamon, 2 ounces. Water, 2 Sig. — Teaspoonful, mixed in wine glass of water, every four hours. NO 43. Cologogue. #.— Fluid Ex. Taraxicum, ) Elixir of Cimicifuga, Iron and Strychnia, \ Sig. — Mix. Two teaspoonfuls three times a day. NO. 44. Ring Worm. §,. — Iodine, in Crystals, 30 grains. Pulv. Tannin, 20 Simple Cerate, £ ounce. Sig. — Apply at night, and let remain. Wash off with Bicarbonate Soda three drachms, to pint of water, in the morning. NO. 45. Spasmodic Asthma. fy. — Chloral Hyd., 5 drachms. Bromide Potass., 2 " Syrup Flor. Aurant, 1 ounce. Aqua, 1 " Sig. — One teaspoonful in half glass of water every two hours till sleep is induced. 204 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 46. For Testitis. $. — Ex. Belladonna, 2 drachms. Aqua, 4 ounces. Sig, —Use as a fomentation. NO. 47. Convulsions and Spasms. #. — Spirits Camphor, 3 ounces. " Chloroform, 2 drachms. Tincture of Opium, 1 drachm. Sig. — Teaspoonful, in sweetened water, every hour, till relieved. NO. 48. Chronic Chills. #• — Sul. Quinine, ~J " Iron, >• aa. Grains xii. u Zinc, ) Pul. Aloes. Sig. — Make 70 pills. Take one every three hours. NO. 49. Phthisis, Fulmonalis and Scrofula. I£. — Oil Morrhuse, 1^ ounces. " Creasoti, 4 drops. Pulv. Tragacanthas, ~\ " Acacia, >■ of each 1 scruple. " Amyli, ) Pulv. Sacchari Albi, 1 drachm. Aqua Anisi, 4^ ounces. Sig. — Two teaspoonfuls three times a day. physicians' prescriptions. 205 NO. 50. Cough of Phthisis. 1J. — Pulv. Ipecac Comp. 4 scruples. Tincture Scillse, ) «. , a t, Tolutanis, [ of each 2 drachms. Mistura Acacia, lij? ounces. Aqua, ad. 3 " Teaspoonful often repeated. NO. 51. Insomnia.- ( Sleeplessn ess. ) IJ. — Bromide Potssii, \ ounce. Aqua Cinnamon, 2 fid. ounces. Sig. — Tablespoonful every two hours. The Same. t>. — Bromidia, 1 ounce. Sig. — Thirty to sixty drops every hour, p. r. n. The Same. 1$. — Tine. Hyoscyami, 2 fid. ounces. One or two teaspoonfuls at bed-time. NO. 52. Convulsions. ft. — Assafcetida, J ounce. Powdered Opium, 4 grains. " Ipecac, 4 " Oil Peppermint, 8 drops. Alcohol. 4 ounces. Teaspoonful every thirty minutes. 206 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 53. Sore Nipples. IJ. — Tannic Acid, 20 grains. Carbolic Acid, 1 drachm. Glycerine, 7 drachms. Wash the nipples with suds made of Castile, Honey or Glycerine Soap, and dry them every time just after the child has nursed, then bathe the nipple with the Glycerine mixture. NO. 54. Restoration of the Menses. IJ. — Iod. Potassa, 3 drachms. Tine. Iron and Potassa, 6 " Tine. Gentian, 8 ounces. Water, 8 " M. Sig. — Give tablespoonful before each meal. NO. 55. For Menorrhagia. $. — Tine. Cannabis Indica, jounce. Fluid Ex. Ergot, 1£ ounces. Simple Syrup, 2 " Sig. — Teaspoonful to dessertspoonful three times a day. physicians' prescriptions. 207 NO 56. Hydrocele. 5. — Iodine, 2 scruples. Potass. Iodide, \ ounce. Aqua Distil., 2 ounces. Sig. — Give three to eight drops (according to age) in sweetened water, three times a day. NO. 57. Infantile Eczema, No. 1. I>. — Fluid Extract of Red Clover, 2 ounces. Give one-fourth to one-half teaspoonful three times a day. Keep the bowels regular. NO. 58. Infantile Eczema, No. 2. 5. — Lugol's Solution, 6 grains. Iodine, 6 " Iodide Potass., 12 " Aqua, 1 pint. Sponge the part affected three or four times a day. NO. 59. Facial Erysipelas. Proceed with a brisk cathartic, and administer the following : H. — Tincture Belladonna, 6 drachms. " Aconite Root, 2 " M. Sig.— Ten drops every third hour. Externally, apply cloths moistened with this solution to the affected parts : 4 Liquor Plumb. Subacet. (dil.), 7£ ounces. Tine. Opii, |- ounce. 20S physicians' prescriptions. NO. 60. Cutaneous Eruptions, with Itching. ^ .--Chloral Hydrate, 2 drachms. Glycerine, 1 ounce. Aqua Font, 5 ounces. M. Sig. — Moisten the parts affected with this solution three or four times a da} 7 . NO. 61. Asthma. $. — Pulv. Stramonium, 8 ounces. " Skunk Cabbage, 8 " " Lobelia, 6 " Mix, and then dissolve four ounces of Nitrate of Potass, in one pint of water; mix well with the powder; dry thoroughly, and smoke in ordinary clay pipe morning and evening. NO. 62. Bleeding at the Nose. fy. — Tannic Acid, 5 grains. Glycerine, 2 ounces. Apply. NO. 63. Chills and Fever. I£. — Sulphate of Quinine, 16 grains. Spr. Eth. Nit., 4 drachms. Tincture Gelseminum, 2 " Aqua, 4 ounces. One tablespoonful every three hours. physicians' prescriptions. 209 NO. 64. Cramp Colic. IjL — Dioscorein, gr. x. Caulophylin, gr. v. Brandy, 3H. M. — Tablespoonful doses every 20 minutes till relieved NO. 65. Nervous Prostration. ]J. — Acidi Phosphorici Dil., 1 ounce. Elix. Calisaya, 4 ounces. " Val. Ammonia, 2 " Glycerine, 3 " M. S. — One-half to one ounce three or four times a day. NO. 66. Convulsions. I£. — Bromide Potass., 20 grains. Chloral Hydrate, 20 " At one dose, and repeat every three hours, or oftener if necessary. NO. 67. Infantile Diarrhea. $. — Syr. Rhei Aro., 1 ounce. Mucilage of Acacia, 1 " Subnitrate of Bismuth, 1 drachm. Spts. Ammonia Aro., 20 drops. Syrup Ipecac, 20 " Teaspoonful every three hours to a child one year old. — 14 210 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 68. Chorea. IJ. — Bromide of Iron, 5 grains. Give every hour in a little syrup. NO. 69. Pneumonia. IJ. — Ammonia Carb., \ drachm. Syrup Acacia, 2 ounces. Aqua, 2 Tablespoonful in water every two hours. NO. 70. Laxative, for Antepartum Administration. IJ. — Senna Leaves, 3 ounces. Sulphate of Magnesia, 20 ounces. Bruised Ginger, 10 " Boiling Water, 1 gallon. Mix. Let the mixture stand over night, and filter. Dose, two or three ounces. NO. 71. Diphtheria. fy. — Fluid Extract Baptisia, 2 drachms. " " Phytolacca, 1 drachm. Hyposulphite of Soda, 4 drachms. Aqua, 4 ounces. Teaspoonful every two hours. physicians' prescriptions. 211 NO. 72. Syphilis. ]£. — Hyd. Chlo. Mitis, 36 grains. Tinclura Opii, 1 fluid drachm. Cerate Simplicis, 1 ounce. For external dressing. NO. 73. Palpitation of the Heart. IJ. — Bromide of Potass. 5| drachms Tincture of Digitalis, 2| " Infusion Cascarillse, 4 ounces. A dessertspoonful three times a day. NO. 74. Dilatation of the Heart. ij,. — Pulv. Digitalis, 5 grains. Extract of Belladonna, 1 grain. Ferri Reducti, 40 grains. Make twenty pills. One three times a day. NO. 75. Dilatation of the Heart, with Dropsy. I£. — Extracti Elateri, J to £ grain. Ex. Creosotonis, 2 grains. Ex. Hyoscyami, 2 " Mix. For one pill. 212 physicians' prescriptions. NO 76. In Inflammation of Serons and Fibrous Tissues. 1^. — Hydrarg Chlorid., Mit., gr. ij. Opii, gr. ss. Antim. Pot., tart, gr. J. Conserve roses, Q. S. Ft. pill; to be repeated every fourth or sixth hour. NO. 77. In Inflammation, where the Skin is Harsh and Dry, and Bowels not Irritable. $. — Antim. Pot., tart., gr. £. Liq. Ammon. Acetat. 3iij. Mist. Camph., 3v. Ft. Haust. Or, NO. 78. ]$. — Antim. Pot., tart., gr. £. Hydr. Chlorid., Mit., gr. ij. Opii, gr. j. Conserv. roses, Q. S. Ft. pill; to be repeated every fourth or sixth hour. NO. 79. In Gout. #. — Sul. Quinine, gr. ij. Ex. Colchici Acetiti, gr. ^. Ex. Conii, gr. iij. Ft. pill ; to be given three times a day. physicians' prescriptions. 213 NO. 80. In Inflammatory Rheumatism. $. — Pot. Acetat, 3ss. Pot. Nitrat, gr. v. Tine. Opii, gtt. viii. Decoct. Hordeii, ?ij. Ft. haustus. NO. 81. In Laryngitis, Croup, Etc. (As emetic.) $. — Antim Pot. Tart., gr. j. Pulv. Ipecac, 3j. Ft. pulv.; for a dose. The next will follow the above as cathartic. NO. 82. R.— Hydr. Chlor., Mit., gr. ij. Ex. Coloc Co., gr. viii. Mix. Ft. pill; ij to be taken after an interval of three hours. NO. 83. Use the following as a gargle : R. — Alumnis, 3ss. Mellis Rosse, |ss. Tine. Myrrh, 3ss. Decoct. Cinchon., sviii. Together with NO. 84. R. — Sulphate of Quinine, gr. vi. Mag. Sulphat., 3iij. Acid. Sulphat. (dil.), 3i. Infusion Aurant Co., siijss. Mix. Of this mixture one-fourth part is to be taken three times a day. 214 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 85. Pneumonia. ^.— Spts. Aeth. Nit., 3ss. Tine. Hyoscyami, gttxx. Lig. Ammon. Acet., 3iij- Mist. Camphorse vel., Infus. Serpentaria, 3J. Ft. haust.; to be taken every fourth hour. To this the Sesquicarb. Ammon. may be added, in doses of from two to five grains. NO. 86. In Phthisis. 3. — Infusion Digitalis, 3iij. Tine. Hyoscyam., 3ij. Spt. Aeth. Nit. 3iij. Syrupi Rhubarb, 3iijss. Acid Sulph., dil., 3ss. Infusion Rosre Co. §iij. Mix. A third part to be taken three times a day ; add, if indicated, Sul. Quinine, gr. j. to each dose. Or, NO. 87. S.-Pulv. Digitalisj • Sul. Quinine, f aa " gr ' J * Ferri Sulphat., gr. ss. Ex. Conii, gr. ijss. Ft. pill ; to be taken three times a day. Or, NO. 88. $. — Sul. Zinci, gr. j. Ex. Conii, gr. iv. Ft. pill ; to be taken three times a day. physicians' prescriptions. 215 NO. 89. In Dyspepsia. ]£. — Ext. Nucis Vomicae, gr. jss. Argenti Nitras., gr. i. Ex. Lupuli, gr. xii. Ft. pill ; one to be taken three times a day. Or, NO. 90. $. — Bismuth Subnit., 3ss. Strychnia, gr. \. Ext. Paparveris, gr. xn. Ft. pill vj ; one to be taken three times a day. NO. 91. In Spasm of the Stomach. $. — Tine, of Guiacum, f3ij. Tine, of Henbane, f3j- Mix. Twenty to thirty drops morning and evening. It is good in neuralgia. NO. 92. In Amenorrhea. #. — Ammoniated Tine. Guiacum, |j. Copaiba, f^ss. Teaspoonful two or three times a day. 216 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 93. In Scrofulous Ophthalmia. $. — Red Oxide of Mercury, 1 part. Sulphate of Zinc, 2 parts. Fresh Lard, 96 " Rub well together, and apply to the edges of the eye- lids. NO. 94. In Sweating and Cough of Phthisis. R. — Acetate of Morphia, gr. ij. Liquor of Atropia, gtt. vi. Hydrocyanic Acid, dil., gtt. xxx. Syrup Prunus Virg., 3iiss. Mix. Sig. — One teaspoonful in water at night, on going to bed, and during the night if necessary. NO. 95. Erysipelas with Typhoid Symptoms, 1^.— Acid Nit. dil., 3j. Syr. Ginger, rss. Aqua, 5VS8. Mix. Sig. — Tablespoonful every four hours. physicians' prescriptions. 217 NO. 96. In Epilepsy. ]J. — Hydrocyanate of Iron, 3j. Valerianate of Quinine, gr. x. Cyanuret of Zinc,. gr. x. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 3ss. Mix. Ft. 60 pills. Sig. — Two night and morning. NO. 97. In Cholera Morbus, or Cramp Colic. 5- — Tine. Gelseminum, 3ss. Sul. Morphia, gr. J. Mix. Sig.— Give at once, and, if rejected, double the quan- tity of both, and again order it taken. NO. 98. In Chorea. #. — Strychnia, gr. j. Sul. Quinine, 3j. Acid Phosphoric, dil., 3J. Aqua Mentha Virid, ^iv. Tine. Cardamon Comp., 3J. Mix. Sig. — Teaspoonful three times a day. 218 physicians' prescriptions. NO. 99. Enlarged Spl een. $•■ — Pulv Pulv Pulv Pulv . Jalap, 1 •5^ el ' [aa3ij. . Gmger, j J J . Cream of Tartar, j Sul. of Iron, gr. x. Ess. Peppermint, 3iv. Mix. Aqua, =xv. Sig.- -Teaspoonful four times a day. Together with the above use the following Ointment, which is to be rubbed on the enlarged spleen every morning : NO. 100. ]J. — Mercurial Ointment, 3J. Iodine Resub., 3j. Gum Camphor, 3iij. Mix thoroughly in a mortar, and apply as directed. CHAPTER XV. LINIMENTS. NO. 1. Carpenter's Liniment. Chloroform, 1 ounce. Olive or Sweet Oil, 1 Aqua Ammonia, 1 " Sul. Morphia, 10 grains. Alcohol, 8 ounces. Mix. Apply often. Useful in pains in back and lin NO. 2. Loomis' Liniment. Alcohol, 1 quart. Aqua Ammonia 4 ounces. Oil Origanum, 2 " Gum Camphor, 2 " Opium, 2 " Gum Myrrh, 2 " Common Salt, 2 tablespoonfuls. Mix, and shake occasionally for a week. 220 LINIMENTS. NO. 3. Croton Liniment. Croton Oil, 1 ounce. Oil Cajeput, 3i ounces. Alcohol, 3£ Mix. Very strong counter-irritant. Mix. NO. 4. Compound Mustard Liniment. Oil of Mustard, 1 drachm. Extract of Mezereon, 40 grains. Camphor, 120 " Castor Oil, 5 drachms. Alcohol, 4 ounces. NO. 5. Morris* Liniment. Alcohol, 1 quart, Oil Origanum, 2 ounces. Oil of Wormwood, 1 ounce. Gum Camphor, 2 ounces. Spirits of Turpentine, 2 " Tine. Cantharides, 1 ounce. Mix. Use as other liniments. LINIMENTS. 221 NO. 6. Elbe's Liniment. Olive Oil, 2 ounces. Spts. Camphor, 2 " Chloroform, 2 " Oil Sassafras, 1 drachm. Mix. First add Oil Sassafras to Olive Oil, then Spts. Camphor; shake well, and add the Chloroform. NO. 7. Good Samaritan Liniment. 1 Mi: Oil Sassafras, Oil Hemlock, Spts. Turpentine, Tinct. Cayenne, Tinct. Guaicaci, Tinct. Opii, Tinct. Myrrh, Oil Origanum, Oil Wintergreen, Gum Camphor, Chloroform, Alcohol, Good for Rheumatism }>of each 1 ounce. 4 ounces. 2 " ^ ounce. 2 ounces. \ gallon. NO. 8. For Dr. Hobbs' Kerosene Liniment. Kerosene Oil, 2 ounces. Tinct. Opii, 4 drachms. " Arnica, 5 " Stramonium, 4 Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia, 6 Spirits of Camphor, 5 Oil Origanum, 4 Chloroform, 8 sprains and bruises, from any cause. Rub twice during twenty-four hours. 222 LINIMENTS. NO. 9. Fluid Lightning. Aconite, 1 grain. Essential Oil of Mustard, 1 drachm. Glycerine 1 ounce. Alcohol, 4 ounces. Mix. This is a valuable external remedy for head- ache, neuralgia and all nervous pains. NO. 10. Iodide of Ammonia Liniment, Iodine, Camphor, Oil of Rosemary, " Lavender, Aqua Ammonia, Alcohol, 1 drachm. \ ounce. 2 drachms. 2 1 ounce. 1 pint. Dissolve the Iodine in the Alcohol, and add the Cam- phor and then the oils ; then add Water of Ammonia enough to remove the dark color of the mixture, or change it to a light straw color. NO. 11. Compound Camphor Liniment. Gum Camphor, 1\ ounces. Oil of Lavender, 1 drachm. Aqua Ammonia, 5 ounces. Alcohol, 15 " Mix. LINIMENTS 223 NO. Davenport's Gum Camphor, Castile Soap, Oil of Turpentine Oil Origanum, Pulv. Opium, Alcohol, 12. Liniment. 2 ounces. 1 ounce. ^ ounce. 1 u 2 3 drachms. 1 pint. Let stand for fourteen days. It is then ready for use. Bathe the parts freely two or three times a day. NO. 13. Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Chloroform, 2 ounces Oil of Sassafras, 2 " Tinct. Opium, " Cayenne, " Camphor, Aqua Ammonia Olive Oil, 2 2 li 2 3 u u c< u Alcohol, Filter, and color to suit. 1 gallon. NO. 14. Magnetic Liniment. Tinct. Cantharides, 2 drachms. Oil of Origanum, 2 " Mur. Ammonia, 2 " Sul. Ether, 1 ounce. Alcohol, 1 pint. Mix. Bathe the parts, and apply by friction. 224 LINIMENTS. NO. 15. German Liniment. Oil Origanum, ^ ounce. Oil Sassafras, ^ drachm. Tinct. Camphor, \ ounce. Granville's Lotion, 3 drachms. Chloroform, 3| " Tinct. Aconite, ^ ounce. Tinct. Capsicum | " Comp. Soap Liniment, 1 " Alcohol, ^ gallon. Mix. Excellent in Rheumatism and neuralgia. NO. 16. Croton Oil Liniment. Oil Tiglii, 2 drachms. Ether Sulph., 4 Tine. Iodine, 2 " Iodide Potass., 20 grains. Iodine, 10 " Alcohol, 1 ounce. Mix. This liniment is a substitute for blistering, and good in all cases where a counter-irritant effect is desired. NO. 17. Neuralgic Liniment. Albumen of Egg, 1 ounce. Rhegolene, 4 drachms. Oil Peppermint, 2 " Collodion, 1 drachm. Chloroform, 1 " Mix. Agitate occasionally for 24 hours. It will become a semi-solidified mass. Apply by smart friction with hand over seat of pain. This is a most potent liniment, and seldom fails. LINIMENTS. 225 Mix. NO. 18, Bradbury's Liniment. Liq. Ammonia, 1| ounces. Chloroform, 1 ounce. Gum Camphor, 1J ounces. Tine. Opium, \ ounce. Alcohol, 4^ ounces. Saturate a piece of flannel with the liniment and apply to the affected part. NO. 19. Great African Wonder. Alcohol, 2 qts. Oil Sassafras, 3J ounces. Oil Origanum, 8} " Spts. Camphor, H " Tine. Opium, 2 Chloroform, 2 If needed add Oil of Turpent ine. Vinegar, aa., 2 This is an excellent Liniment for rheumatism, head- ache, colic, pains in the stomach , etc. Take two teaspoonfuls in one- NO. 20. third glass water. Derby Liniment. Linseed Oil, 1 gallon, Aqua Ammonia, 4 ounces. Tine. Capsicum, 1 « Oil Origanum, I " Mix Good for sprains or local application. —15 226 LINIMENTS. NO. 21 Chapman's Liniment. Balsam Fir, 1 ounce. Oil Sassafras, Wz " Oil Hemlock, Vz " Oil Cedar, Vz " Sweet Spts. Nitre, i Tine. Guicum, i Sul. Ether, i Oil Wintergreen, 2 Gum Camphor, y 2 " Chloroform, i Tine. Capsicum, 2 Oil Origanum, i/ " 72, Oil Turpentine, 2 drachms. Oil Wormwood, Vz ounce. Fl. Ex. Hydrastis, Vz " Alcohol, % gallon. For internal and external use . One teaspoonful is a dose internally. NO. 22. Smith's Liniment. Aqua Ammonia, 4 ounces Oil Origanum, 2 " Gum Camphor, Gum Opium, Gum Myrrh, Common Salt, Castile Soap, Alcohol, Shake occasionally for one week good for sprains. 2 " 2 " 2 " 6 drachms. 2 ounces. 1 quart. This Liniment is LINIMENTS. 22' NO. 23. Dr. Gunn's Rheumatic Liniment. Oil Lini, 1 ounce. Oil Cedar, 1 " Oil Amber, 1 " Take Gum Camphor y 2 ouuce ; rub in a mortar with Alcohol or Sulphuric Ether till pulverized, and while still damp, add Olive Oil, y 2 ounce. Turpentine, y z " Laudanum, ^ " After which add the three first articles. Use Castile Soap, and rub in three times a day. NO. 24. Arnica Liniment. Arnica Flowers, 2 ounces. Oil of Sassafras, \ ounce. " Turpentine, - \ " " Origanum, 2 drachms. Alcohol, Q, S. for 1 pint. Bruise the Flowers, and macerate for three days with eight ounces; then transfer to a percolator, and add all the Alcohol. Percolate until fifteen ounces have passed ; add the Oils, and dissolve. For external use. NO. 25. White Liniment. Olive Oil, 2 pints. Gum Camphor, 3 ounces. Oil of Origanum, 1 ounce. " Sassafras, 1 " Aqua Ammonia, 8 " For external use only. 228 LINIMENTS. NO. 26. Nerve and Bone Liniment. Oil Origanum " Rosemary, " Amber, " Hemlock, ] [ of each ) 4 ounces. Turpentine, Oil Linseed, 4 pints. 6 " For external use only. NO. 27. Pain Relief Liniment. Oil Cajeput, 2 drachms. Oil Sassafras, \ ounce. Oil Origanum, 1 drachm. Oil Hemlock, 1 " Oil Cedar, 1 " Powdered Capsicum, 80 grains. Alcohol, Q. S. for one pint. Macerate for five days, and decant or filter. For external or internal use. NO. 28. Great London Liniment. Chloroform, ") Olive Oil, > of each, 1 ounce. Aqua Ammonia, ) Acetate of Morphia, 10 grains. Mix. Use as other liniments. LINIMENTS. 229 NO. 29. Cook's Electro-Magnetic Liniment. Best Alcohol, 1 gallon. Oil Amber, 8 ounces. Gum Camphor, 8 " Castile Soap (fine^ l, 2 " Beef's Gall, 4 " Ammonia (strong), 12 " Mix, and shake occasionally for twelve hours. To be used in swellings, strains, etc. NO. 30. Liniment. (Said to resemble the Centaur.) Oil Cloves, 2 drachms. Oil Cedar, 2 « Oil Cinnamon, 2 Oil Peppermint, 1 ounce. Oil Sassafras, 2 ounces. Oil Origanum, 2 Oil Wormwood. 2 Oil Petroleum, 3 Oil Spike, 3 Oil Tansy, 2 drachms. Opodeldoc, 2 ounces. Gum Camphor, 2 Sul. Ether, H " Aqua Ammonia, 2 Tinct. Opium, 2 Alcohol, 1 gallon. Mix. This is an excellent liniment, and good wherever a liniment is needed. 230 LINIMENTS. NO. 31. Kilner's Fever Liniment. Laudanum, Spts. Camphor, Tinct. Capsicum, Chloroform, Tinct. Aconite, 1 drachm. Fl. Ex. Cannabis Ind. ^ " Alcohol, 4 ounces. Teaspoonful three times a day, and rub the spine at night. NO. 32. Lac Sulphur Liniment. Rose Water, 4 ounces. Lac Sulphur, 2 drachms. Acetate Lead, 1 drachm. This is the celebrated liniment used in London Hos- pitals for skin diseases. NO. 33. Kilner's Anodyne Liniment. Ex. Belladonna, 10 grains. Distilled Water. y 2 ounce. Glycerine, % " Take a small piece of cotton, soak it in the mixture, warm slightly, and place it in the ear for earache. LINIMENTS. 231 NO. 34. Neuralgia Liniment. Tinct. Aconite Root, Tinct. Arnica, Chloroform,, Oil Cajeput, Oil Camphorate, Alcohol, 1 ounce. 2 ounces. 1 ounce. 1 " 1 " 1 pint. NO. 35. Brodie's Liniment. Acid (Sulphuric), 1 drachm. Olive Oil, 1 ounce. Turpentine, 1 " Add the Acid Gradually to the Oil, stirring in a mor- tar ; when cold, add Turpentine. NO. 36. Brodie's Liniment. (For Asthma.) Oil Stillingia, 4 drachms. Oil Cajeput, 2 Oil Lobelia, 1 drachm. Alcohol, 1 ounce. Bathe neck and spinal column three times a day. 232 LINIMENTS. NO. 37. St. Jacobs Oil. Gum Camphor, 1 ounce. Chloral Hydrate, 1 " Chloroform, 1 " Sul. Ether, 1 Tine. Opium, ^ " Oil Origanum, ^ " Oil Sassafras, ^ " Alcohol, | gallon. Mix. Use locally for relief, or internally one-half teaspoonful as often as necessary. Remember that you must place the Gum Camphor in the Oil and Alcohol, and afterwards add the other ingre- dients, after you have thoroughly worked up the Cam- phor in the mortar. This Liniment is at present com- manding an extensive sale. It is a good one. NO. 38. New Iodine Liniment. Iodide Ammonise, ^ ounce. Iodine, ^ " Mix. Rub the above down in a mortar ; then gradually dis- solve in Alcohol, 20 ounces. Glycerine, 4 " Chloroform, ^ u Spirits of Camphor, 1 " Mix. The above is used in glandular enlargements and scrofulous diseases. It is more powerful than Iodide Potass. Rub the Liniment well into the growth three times a day. LINIMENTS. 233 Mix. No. 39. Black Liniment. Olive Oil, 1 ounce. Sul. Acid, 1 drachm. Then add Turpentine, | ounce. This will be found an excellent counter-irritant, and good in indolent swellings of the joints. Apply twice a day in lint. NO. 40. California Liniment. Tinct. Myrrh, 1 ounce. Tinct. Capsicum, 1 Sweet Spts. Nitre, 1 Sul. Ether, 1 Chloroform, Yz Tinct. Arnica, 1 Oil Spearmint, 2 drachms. Oil Wintergreen, 2 « Oil Lobelia, 1 drachm. Aqua Ammonia, ^ ounce. Alcohol, 1 quart. Good for everything where a liniment would be likely to do good. NO. 41. Favorite Liniment. Black Oil, 2 ounces. Alcohol, 2 u Tinct. Arnica 2 (1 British Oil 2 l< Oil of Tar, 2 " Good for inflammations. 234 LINIMENTS. NO. 42. Black Oil Liniment. Sul. Acid, 2 ounces. Nitric Acid, 1 ounce. Quicksilver, % " Mix, and when dissolved, add slowly Olive Oil, % pint. Turpentine, y 2 " Let the work be done out of doors, to avoid the fumes ; and be careful to add the Sul. Acid slowly. Put in all the cotton cloths it will dissolve. It is then ready for use. NO. 43. Opodeldoc Liniment. Alcohol, 1 quart. When warm, add Gum Camphor, Sal. Ammoniac, Oil of Wormwood. Oil Origanum, Oil Rosemary, Soft Soap, 1 ounce. Y " , Yz " Y> " Y* " 6 ounces. Add the soap when the oils NO. 44 are thoroughly dissolved Pride of India Liniment. Oil Lini, Gum Camphor, Oil Sassafras, Sweet Nitre, Alcohol, Good in croup and toothache. y 2 gallon. 4 ounces. 2 2 1 pint. LINIMENTS. 235 NO. 45. Verdigris Liniment. Powdered Subacetate of Copper, 1 ounce. Vinegar, 7 ounces. Honey, 14 " Dissolve the verdigris in the vinegar, and strain ; then gradually add the honey, and boil down to a proper con- sistency. It must be applied by means of a camel hair pencil to venereal ulcers of the throat. Diluted well with water, will form a gargle. This liniment is stimulant, detergent and slightly escharotic. It is good in all kinds of indolent ulcers. NO. 46. London Liniment. Spts. Turpentine, 4 gallons. Seneka Oil, 4 " Linseed Oil 2 " Oil Origanum, 3 quarts. Oil Hemlock, 3 " Oil Juniper, 3 " Oil Amber, 3 " Tine. Opium, 3 " Spts. Ammonia, 1 quart. Tine. Arnica, 2 gallons. Gum Camphor, 1 pound. Tine. Capsicum, 1 quart. Fluid Extract Hydrastis. , 1 pound. Tine. Guiacum, 1 quart. Chloroform, 4 ounces. Sul. Ether, 8 " Alcohol, 1 gallon. Mix. This is reckoned an excellent Jiniment. CHAPTER XVI. PILLS. Medicines adapted to the pilular form are powders in less than 15-grain doses, as gum-resins, extracts and oleo-resins and oils in small proportions. NO. 1. Aloes Pills. Socotrine Aloes and Soap, equal parts. Make 3 gr. pill. Dose, 5 pills as a purge. NO. 2. Pills of Aloes and Assafcetida. Aloes, Assafoetida, Soap, equal parts. Make 3 gr. pill. Dose, 2 to 5 pills. NO. 3. Pills of Aloes and Iron. Sulphate of Iron, \y 2 troy ounces. Aloes, 2 " " Cinnamon Powder, 3 " " Confection of Roses, 4 " " Dose, 5 to 10 grains. pills, 237 NO. 4. Pills of Aloes and Myrrh. Aloes, 2 ounces. Myrrh, 1 ounce. Aromatic Powder, % " Syrup, Q. S. to make 480 pills. NO. 5. Pills of Antimony Comp. (Compound Calomel Pill, or Plummer's Pill.) Sulphuretted Antimony, 120 grains. Mild Chloride of Mercury, 120 " Guiac, Pul., y 2 ounce. Molasses, y 2 " Make 240 pills. Dose, 1 to 2. NO. 6. Pills of Assafcetida. Assafcetida, \y 2 troy ounces. Soap, % " Make 240 pills. NO. 7. Gamboge Pills Compound. Gamboge, ~) Aloes, > equal parts. Compound Powder of Cinnamon, j Soap, 2 ounces. Syrup, Q. S. Make 3 gr. pill. Dose, 5 to 15 pills. 238 NO. 8. Compound Cathartic. Compound Extract of Colocynth, y 2 ounce. Extract of Jalap,) . 1Qn „•„ Calomel, } each ' 18 ° « rains - Gamboge, 40 " Make 180 pills. NO. 9. Pills of Copaiba. Copaiba, 2 ounces. MagDesia, 60 grains. Make 200 pills. Dose, three pills. NO. 10. Valette's Pills. Sulphate of Iron, 8 ounces. Carbonate of Soda, 9 " Honey, 3 " Sugar, 2 " Boiling Water, 2 pints. Syrup, Q. S. Reduce to eight ounces. NO. 11. Compound Iron Pills. Myrrh, 120 grains. Carb. Soda, 60 " Sulphate of Iron, 60 " Syrup, Q. S. Make 180 pills. 239 NO. 12. Iodide of Iron Pills. Iodine % ounce. Sul. Iron, 120 grains. Sugar, 1 ounce. Marshmallow, y 2 " Gum Arabic, 60 grains. Reduced Iron, 60 " Water, 10 drachms. Make 300 pills. NO. 13. Blue Pills. Mercury, 1 ounce. Rose Confection, 1^ ounces. Licorice Powder, y 2 ounce. Make 480 pills. Dose, one or two. NO. 14. Pills of Opium. Opium, 60 grains. Soap, 12 " Make 60 pills. Dose, one pill. NO. 15. Quinine Pills. Sulph. Quinine, 1 ounce. Gum Arabic, 120 grains. Honey, Q. S. Make 480 pills. 240 NO. 16. Rhubarb Pills. Rhubarb, 360 grains. Soap, 120 ; ' Make 120 pills. Dose, three pills. Compound Rhubarb Pills. NO. 17. Rhubarb, 1 drachm. Aloes, 360 grains. Oil Peppermint, ^ drachm. Make 240 pills. Dose, two to four. NO. 18. Dr. Otto's Emmenagogue Pills. Dried Sulphate of Iron, 48 grains. Aloes (in powder), 12 " Turpentine, . 32 " Oil of Turpentine, 10 drops. Make thirty pills. Dose, two or three. NO. 19. Dr. Mitchell's Aperient Pills. Powdered Aloes, 12 grains. Powdered Rhei, 24 " Hydrarg. Chlor., mit., 2 " Antim. et Potas., tart, 1 " Make 12 pills. 1 to 2 is a dose. 241 NO. 20. Parrish's Laxative Pills. Powdered Soc. Aloes, 2 scruples. Powdered Rhei, 4 " Oil of Caraway, 12 drops. Extract of Gentian, 2 scruples. Make 40 pills. Dose, 2 before dinner. NO. 21. Dr. E. Cutter's Pills for Habitual Costiveness. Powdered Ipecac, 10 grains. Calomel, 3 " Ex. Taraxaci, 2 scruples. Make 30 pills. 1 three times a day. NO- 22. Middlesex Hospital Pills. Compound Ex. Colocynth, ^ drachm. Ex. Hyoscyamus, 1 scruple. Make 10 pills. Dose, 1 to 3. NO. 23. Tonic Pills of Podophyllin. Podophyllin, 2 grains. Powdered Rhubarb, 18 Powdered Capsicum, 4 " Make 6 pills. Dose, 1 to 2. —16 242 NO. 24. Modified Cathartic Pills. -(Pakbish.) Gamboge, in powder, 5 grains. Podophyllin, " 2 Aloes, " 30 Calomel, " 20 Ginger, " 2 Capsicum, 2 Fl. Ex. Podophyllin, Q. S. Make 20 pills. Dose, 2 to 3. NO. 25. Dr. Alberty's Small Anti-Bilious Pills. Calomel, 10 grains. Powdered Gamboge, 5 " Make thirty pills. NO. 26. Ague Pills. Chinoidine, Leptandrin, Capsicum, Iron by Hydrogen, Ex. Taraxicum, Make 150 pills. Dose, 2 to 3. ounce, scruple. 2 scruples. 1 scruple. Q. S. NO. 27. Hollo way's Celebrated Pills. Aloes, 1 drachm. Rhubarb, 26 grains. Capsicum, 7 " Saffron, 1 grain. Sulphate of Soda, 1 " Make 144 pills. 243 NO. 28. Cough Pills. Assafoetida, 1 drachm. Sul. Morphia. 3 grains. Make 30 pills. Take one or two before going to bed. NO. 29. Dr. Kryeder's Ague Pills. Quinia, 20 grains. Dover's Powders, 10 " Sub. Carb. Iron, 10 " Mix with Mucilage of Acacia, and form twenty pills. Dose. — Two each hour, commencing five hours before the chill should set in. Then take one night and morn- ing until all are taken. NO. 30. Eclectic Liver Pills. Podophyllin, 10 grains. Leptandrin, 20 " Sanguinaria, 10 " Extract of Dandelion, 20 " Make into twenty pills. Dose. — In chronic diseases of the liver take a pill at n i'_ r ht for several days, or two maybe taken at first to move the bowels, then one daily. 244 NO. 31. Hooper's Female Pills. Aloes, Dried Sulphate of Iron, Extract of Black Hellebore, Myrrh, Soap, Powdered Canella, Powdered Ginger, 8 ounces. 17 J^ drachms. 2 ounces. 2 2 1 ounce. 1 Beat them well together into a water, and divide into pills, each one-half grains. mass, with syrup or containing two and NO. 32. Neuralgia Pills. Extract Hyoscyamus, y 2 drachm. Ex. Stramonium, or Belladonna, 5 grains. Sul. Morphia, 2 Sul. Quinine, 40 " Make twenty pills. Dose. — One every two hours. CHAPTER XVII. MEDICATED WINES. (White or Sherry Wine used in making them.) NO. 1. Wine of Aloes. Aloes, 1 ounce. Ginger and Cardamom, aa. 1 drachm. Sherry Wine, 1 pint. NO. 2. Wine of Rhubarb. (Rhei.) Rhubarb, 3 ounces. Diluted Alcohol, 2 " Wine, 1 pint NO. 3. Wine of Colchicum Root. Colchicum Root, 6 ounces. White Wine, 1 pint. 246 MEDICATED WINES. NO. 4. Wine of Ergot. Ergot, 2 ounces. Sherry Wine, 1 pint. NO. 5, Wine of Ipecac. Ipecacuanha, 1 ounce. Sherry Wine, 1 pint. NO. 6. Wine of Tobacco. Tobacco, 1 ounce. Sherry Wine, 1 pint. NO. 7. Wine of Antimony. Tartar Emetic, 32 grains. Sherry Wine, 1 pint. NO. 8. Wine of Opium. Opium, 2 ounces. Cinnamon, 60 grains. Cloves, 60 " Sherry Wine, 1 pint. MEDICATED WINES. 247 NO. 9. Wine of Iron. Citrate of Iron, 128 grs. Sherry Wine, 12 f 5. Tifc/Orange Peel, } aa " to make 1 P int ' Dissolve citrate in hot water, and add to it the other ingredients. NO. 10. Wine of Pepsin. Calves' Rennets, 3. Sherry Wine, 2 pints. Alcohol, \ pint. Cut the Rennets, and macerate them for fourteen days in the Wine. Add Alcohol. Shake often ; filter. NO. 11. Wine of Wild Cherry. Fluid Ex. of Wild Cherry, 2 ounces. Sherry Wine, 16 " NO. 12. Wine of Wild Cherry and Iron. Wine of Wild Cherry, 1 pint. Citrate of Iron and Ammonia, 4 drachms. Cinnamon Water, 2 ounces. Dissolve the Iron in a little hot water, and add the other ingredients. 248 MEDICATED WINES. NO. 13. Beef, Iron and Wine. Extract of Beef, 1 ounce. Citrate of Iron and Ammonia, 4 drachms. Orange Flower Water, 2 ounces. Sherry Wine, 1 pint. Mix beef and wine together and stir well. The Citrate of Iron and Ammonia must be dissolved in hot water, about one ounce. Add together the above ingredients and filter. NO. 14. Bitter Wine of Iron. Wine of Iron, 1 pint. Fluid Extract Cinchonia, \ ounce. Fluid Extract Gentian, \ " Cinnamon Water, 3 drachms. Mix and Filter. NO. 15. Wine of Tar. Tar, 1\ ounces. Carbonate of Magnesia, 1\ " Simple Elixir, ' 6 " Sherry Wine, 14 " Triturate the Tar and Magnesia, and add the Elixir gradually. Filter, and finally add Wine. NO. 16. Wine of Quinine. Si'lphate Quinine, \ drachm. Sherry Wine, 1 pint. Simple Elixir, 6 ounces. Dissolve the Quinine in the menstruum and the Wine, and filter. CHAPTER XVIII. MINERAL WATERS, NO. 1. Congress Water. Calcined Magnesia, 1 ounce. Bicarbonate Soda, 20 grains. Hydrate of Soda, 23 " Common Salt, 7f ounces. Add ten gallons of water, and charge with gas. The acid gas will completely dissolve the Magnesia. NO. 2. Seltzer Water. Bicarbonate of Soda, 5J ounces. Carbonate of Magnesia, 7 drachms. Marble Dust, £ ounce. Muriatic Acid (C. P.), 5J ounces. Water, 10 gallons. Add the Acid to one-half gallon of water. Dissolve the Marble in the mixture; then add the Magnesia, and after one hour, the Bicarbonate of Soda, Add the whole to the rest of the water, and charge with gas. 250 MINERAL WATERS. NO. 3. Kissenger Water. Bicarbonate of Iron, 1 drachm. Carbonate of Lime, 2 drachms, 2 scruples. Precipitate Carbonate Iron, 2 scruples. Phosphate Lime, 2 drachms, 2 " Phosphate Soda, 13 grains. Sulphate Magnesia, 2 ounces. Sulphate Soda, 2 drachms, 2 " Muriate Ammonia, 4 grains. Common Salt, 8 ounces. Mix. Add half a gallon of water, let it stand twelve hours, filter, add Carbonate of Magnesia three drachms and one scruple, and charge with ten gallons of water. NO. 4. Vichy Water. Carbonate of Ammonia, 10 grains. Bicarbonate Soda, 5J ounces. Common Salt, 6 drachms. Phosphate of Soda, 25 grains. Sulphate of Soda, 4 scruples. Sulphate of Potassa, 2 drachms. Mix, and add water one-half gallon; let it stand half a day; filter, and charge with ten gallons of water. NO. 5. Hunyadi Janos Water. Sulphate of Lime, 1| ounces. Glauber Salts, 23 " Epsom Salts, 28 Sulphate of Potassum, 1 drachm. Water, 10 gallons. MINERAL WATERS. 251 NO. 6. Citrate Magnesium Water. Citric Acid, 16 ounces. Carb. of Magnesia, 16 " Essence of Lemon, 8 " Dissolve the Acid in four pints of hot water; add the Magnesia ; this will not all dissolve. When efferves- cence ceases, add the Lemon, and make up sufficient to measure one gallon. Charge with nine gallons of water. CHAPTER XIX. EXPLOSIVE PRESCRIPTIONS, The following prescriptions contain most of the sub- stances which have been found to produce explosions. Potassium Chlorate and all other chlorates should never be prescribed in powder mixed with organic or inorganic combustible or oxidizable bodies. If they are to be used, use them separately, and if desired to be combined, make them in solution. The following are dangerous, and have caused serious accidents, although prescribed by physicians : NO. 1. Potass. Chlo. Pulv. Gallse, or Acid Tanni. Ft. pulvis ; to be made in a gargle. Always dispense the powders separately, or make the gargle yourself. NO. 2. Potass. Chlo. Pulv. Catechu. To use as a dentifrice, should never be dispensed. EXPLOSIVE PRESCRIPTIONS. 253 NO. 3. Potass. Chlo. Sodii (or Calcii) Hypophosphite. Aqua. The two salts must not be rubbed, or an explosion will result ; they should be dissolved in the water separately. NO. 4. Potass. Chlo. Acid Tanni. Glycerine. Aqua. This should be prepared by dissolving the Tannin in the Glycerine and the Potash in the water, and then mix. NO. 5. Potass. Chlo., ^ ounce. Tinct. Chlo. Iron, J " Glycerine, £ " Liable to produce an explosion when warmed. NO. 6. Soda Chlo., 2 drachms. Antimon. Sulph. Aurat, 1 scruple. Takes fire even on gentle trituration with a crackling .sound. 254 EXPLOSIVE PRESCRIPTIONS. NO. 7. The following prescription, although carefully mixed, will explode : ' Lac Sulphur, gr. iii. Antim. Sulph. Aurat., gr. ss. Zinc Valer., gr. j. Chlo. Potassium, gr. ii. Mix. NO. 8. Potassium Permanganate. Glycerine. Tnis should never be compounded, as it is almost sure to cause an explosion. NO. 9. Potass. Permang. Glycerine. Aqua dist. This may be dispensed by adding the Potassium slowly to the Glycerine and water previously mixed, and by dis- pensing in a loosely stoppered vial. NO. 10. Chromic Acid is another agent which readily parts with its oxygen. Hence the following prescription is dangerously explosive : Acid Chromici, say, 10 grains. Glycerine, 1 drachm. But combination may be effected by adding the Acid drop by drop, and rubbing very slowly. EXPLOSIVE PRESCRIPTIONS. 255 NO. 11. Sulphuric Acid Combined with Turpentine. Oil Turpentine. Acid Sulphuric. This has on many occasions caused violent explosions and serious accidents. NO. 12. Oil Succini, Acid Nitric, Has also been known to explode. NO. 13. Iodine. The following prescription is said to have exploded, owing; to the formation of Nitrogen: Iodine, | drachm. Linim. Camph. Co., ) , Linim. Saponis, \ each 2 ounces - NO. 14. MISCELLANEOUS MIXTURES. Argenti Oxid. Morphia Muriat. Ex. Gentian. This was furnished to a lady, who put the box in her bosom, where it exploded three-quarters of an hour afterward, severely injuring her. 256 EXPLOSIVE PRESCRIPTIONS. NO. 15. Acid Nitric. Acid Muriat. Tinct. Nux Voin. Prescribed by a New York physician. After about two hours, as might be expected, it exploded. NO. 16. The following exploded and did severe damage Potass Sulph., 2 drachms. Aqua Rosse, h ounce. Dissolve and add Tinct. Benzoin, 3 drachms. NO. 17. Soda Biborat Soda Bicarbon, j each * drachm - Glycerine, 1^ ounces. Aqua, \\ « This will explode if corked tight. In general, those mixtures that give off gas should not be corked until the evolution of gas is over. CHAPTER XX. PAEEIEES' PKESCRIPTIONS. It often happens that a drug clerk is asked for some- thing to cure diseases in horses and cattle. It must, therefore, be handy to have help in this respect. The druggist has merely to turn to his index, and there he well find as good and reliable a prescription as can be procured for the many diseases of the horse. Men eminent as veterinary surgeons have kindly fur- nished prescriptions for this department. They are reliable, and will be found safe in those diseases for which they are designated. NO. 1. Blue Ointment. R. — Rosin Ointment, 5 ounces. Verdigris, J ounce. Turpentine, 2 ounces. Mutton Tallow, 2 pounds. Oil Organum, J ounce. Tincture Iodine, £ " This is a fine remedy for scratches, hoof-evil, cuts, and is also good for fistula, after the rowels are taken out. —17 258 farriers' prescriptions. NO. 2. Physic Ball. 5,. — Aloes, jounce. Gamboge, 3 drachms. Oil Juniper, 2 drops. Make into one pill by aid of molases. NO. 3. Nasal Gleet. IJ. — Alum, \ pound. Rosin, \ " Blue Vitriol. 2 ounces. Grind these together, and mix well with Ginger, \ pound. Give a tablespoonful every night and morning. Keep the animal out of the wet, and do not work him. NO. 4. White Ointment. 5,. — Fresh Butter, 2 pounds. Tinct. Iodine, | ounce. Oil Origanum, 2 ounces. Mix. Apply every night, and rub in well with the hand. Useful in swellings. farriers' prescriptions. 259 NO. 5. Condition Drops. R,. — Tine. Assafoetida, 1 ounce. Tine. Cantharides, 1 " Tine. Antimony, 2 ounces. Fcenegreek, 1 ounce. Brandy, \ gallon. Let stand ten or twelve days before using: Dose.— Ten drops in a gallon of water. NO. 6. Kilner's Condition Powders. -Pulv. Gentian, 2 pounds. Pulv. Saltpetre, 1 pound. Pulv. Sulphur, 2 pounds. Pulv. Rosin, 1 pound. Pulv. Fcenegreek, 1 " Pulv. Bluestone, I " Pulv. Ginger, 2 pounds. Pulv. Alum, 1 pound. Pulv. Cayenne, 1 Pulv. Black Antimony, 2 pounds. Pulv. Flax Seed, 5 pounds. Pulv. Elm Bark, 5 Pulv. Blood Root, 1 " Pulv. Copperas, 5 pounds. Mix. Dessertspoonful twice a day, in soft feed. 260 farriers' prescriptions, NO. 7. Horse Powder. 5. — Sulph Antimony, 1 pound. Sulphur, 1 " Saltpetre, 1 " Rosin, I " Pulverize the above, and mix. Give a tablespoonful once a day. NO. 8. Lung Fever ^. — Norwood Tincture Veratru m Veride, 1 ounce. Tincture of Opium, 2 ounces. Tincture of Digitalis, 2 " Sweet Spirits of Nitre, 2 " Mix. Tablespoonful every four hours. NO. 9. Liquid Blister. 5 • — Alcohol, h pint. Turpentine, I " Aqua Ammonia, 4 ounces. Oil of Origanum, ^ ounce. Apply every three hours until i : blisters. NO. 10. Heaves. fy. — Give one teaspoonful of Tarter Emetic in wet food, until the horse is relieved; then "use every time they return. Care is required in feeding. Wet food is best. farriers' prescriptions. 261 NO. 11. Colic. Jft. — Laudanum, 2 ounces. Sweet Spts. Nitre, 2 " Capsicum, 2 drachms. Carbonate of Soda, 3 ounces. Give at one dose. If not better, repeat in 30 minutes. Use Tobacco injections. NO. 12. Eye Wash. 5. — Sugar Lead, 2 drachms. Sul. Zinc, \ drachm. Tinct. Opium, \ ounce. Soft Water, 1 pint. Shower the eye with cold water for fifteen minutes, and bathe with wash twice a day. NO. 13. Fistula and Poll-Evil. $. — Alcohol, 1 pint. Spirits of Ammonia, 4 ounces. Iodine, 1 ounce. Tinct of Cantharides, § " Oil of Cedar, 1 " Put in the pipes, by means of a syringe, twice in four days. This will cure the Sweeney, by bathing the shoulder. 262 farriers' prescriptions. NO. 14. Ring-Bone—Big-Head. 5,. — Quicksilver, 8 ounces. Tinct. Cantharides, 4 drachms. Nitric Acid, 4 ounces. Oil of Cedar, 4 drachms. Shave the hair from the spavin, and apply occasion- ally for twenty-four hours ; then wash the wound with soft soap and water. Use the Green Ointment to heal. NO. 15. Botts. IjL — Whisky. 5 ounces. New Milk, 7 " Give at one dose, followed, in four hours, by half a pint of Castor Oil. NO. 16. Yellow Water. 5. — Aloes, 7 drachms. Calomel, 1 drachm. Ginger, 4 drachms. Molasses Q. S. to make a ball. When the bowels have moved, stop the physic, and give one ounce Spirits Camphor, in a pint of water, every morning, for twelve days. farriers' prescriptions. 263 NO. 17. Cleansing Powder 5. — Ginger, Pulv. Gentian, Pulv. Blood Root, Nitre, 1 4 4 1 pound, ounces. ounce. Crude Antimony, \ " Mix. Give tablespoonful in soft feed, every morning, for sveral days. NO. 18. Black Liniment. ^. — Linseed Oil, \ pint. Tinct. Iodine, 3 ounces. Turpentine, 4 " Oil Origanum, 1 ounce. Mix, and shake well before using. Wash the part with soap and water before applying the above. NO. 19. Nerve and Bone Liniment. -Spirits of Turpentine, 1 ounce. Oil Origanum, \ " Oil Spike, 1 British Oil, 1 Tinct. Myrrh, 1 Tinct. Capsicum, 2 ounces. Tinct. Camphor, 2 ix, and shake well before us QR 264 farriers' prescriptions. NO. 20. Cure for Heaves. R>. — Angelica Root, Gum Camphor, Skunk Cabbage, | pound. 2 ounces. 1 ounce. Gum Arabic, 2 ounces. Digitalis, Ginger, Foenegreek, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, 1 ounce. 2| ounces. 2 5 4 Dose. — A teaspoonful once a day for sixteen days ; and use the following on the throat : Tinct. Myrrh, 1^ ounces. Tinct. Cantharides, 2 Turpentine, Tinct. Iodine, 2 Tinct. Capsicum, Aqua Ammonia, Chloroform, 1 " If ounces. \ ounce. Alcohol, 2 ounces. Bathe throat well with hot water ; then apply medi- cine. This should be used once in three days, until five applications have taken place. NO. 21. White Ointment. IJ. — Fresh Butter, 2 pounds. Tinct. Iodine, 1 ounce. Oil Origanum, 2 ounces. Ready for use in 15 minutes. Good in running sores. FARRIERS' PRESCRIPTIONS. 265 NO. 22. Sweating Liniment. $. — Laudanum, . ounce. Gum Camphor, a Spts. Turpentine, 1 u Tinct. Myrrh, 1 " Castile Soap, 1 " Oil Origanum, L '* Spts. Nitre, ' L " Alcohol, 1 quart. Shake well before using. Apply twice or three times day, as the case may require. NO. 23. Blood or Bog Spavins, Windgalls, etc. $. — Iodide Potassium, 4 drachms. Oil Hemlock, 2 ounces. Turpentine, 3 " Oil Stone, 2 " Oil Wormwood, 1 ounce. Tinct. Cantharides, 2 ounces. Alcohol, 8 " Shake well before using, and rub the parts of Blood Spavin every other day, until the medicine has been used nine times ; then wash the parts and grease for a week. For Windgalls, the same. 266 farriers' prescriptions. NO. 24. For Diseases of the Kidneys and Neck of Bladder. I£ .— Tinct. Buchu, 2 ounces. Tinct. Gentian, 1J « Tinct. Ginger, H " Sweet Spts. Nitre, 2£ " Oil Juniper, 6 drachms. Tinct. Opii, 4 ounces. Give two tablespoonfuls twice a day for five days ; then once a day. NO. 25. For Sweeny, Whirlbone, Joint Lameness, S or Sprains. !£.— Oil Firewood, ^ ounce. Oil Wormwood, 1 " Oil Turpentine, 2 ounces. Oil Hemlock, 2 Oil Spike, 6 drachms. Aqua Ammonia, 2 ounces. Tinct. Myrrh, 1 ounce. Tinct. Cantharides, 1 Alcohol, 3 ounces. Stifle Wet the parts with hot water, and rub on medicine well; then cover shoulder and hips with as many blankets as you can, and let them remain on eight hours; repeat this often, and always bathe in hot water before using the Liniment. farriers' prescriptions. 267 NO. 26. Blood Purifier. R>. — Pulv. Gentian Root, 2i ounces. Pulv. Sassafras Bark, 2 u Pulv. Elecampane, 2 l< Pulv. Skunk Cabbage, 1 ounce. Cream Tarter, 1 u Pulv. Saltpetre, 2J ounces. Pulv. Ginger, 2 u Pulv. Sulphur, 6 (( Pulv. Digitalis, 1 ounce. Pulv. Blood Root, 1 u Pulv. Buchu Leaves, 1 " If your horse is in bad health, give a tablespoonful twice a day in bran mash ; or, as a preventive, a table- spoonful once a day for fifteen days. NO. 27. For Hoof-Bound, Hoof-Evil, Founder, or any Disease within the Foot. R,.— Balsam Fir, 2 ounces. Venice Turpentine, 2 ' Oil of Tar, If < Oil of Hemlock, 1J 1 Tinct. Iodine, 1J a Alcohol, 1£ 1 Turn up the foot, and put a teaspoonful in the crease of the frog and also in the heel of the frong, once a day for twenty to forty days, as may be needed. Hold a hot iron near the foot for a short time. 268 farriers' prescriptions. NO. 28. For Nasal Gleet, Thick-Winded, Heaves, Disease of the Liver and Optic Nerve, Diseases of the Eye. ^. — Iodide Potassium, 2 drachms. Tinct. Iron, 2 ounces. Water, 14 " One tablespoonful daily. NO. 29. Poll Evil or Fistula. (If broken.) IJ. — Tinct. Lobelia, Cantharides, Croton Oil, Corrosive Sublimate, I Gum Euphobium, Mercurial Ointment, Tartar Emetic, Turpentine, Oil Spike, Sulphuric Acid, Alcohol, Insert with a probe to bottom of pipe, and find which way they run. Then put a small sponge on your probe, and put as much medicine as will go, once a day for ten days. This will take out all the pipes to the bottom. Then take one ounce Nitrate of Potash, put into a pint of soft water, and use with a syringe. This will heal from the bottom to the surface. Keep the parts clean with soft soap-suds. 1 ounce. 1 u 1 4 " 1 (( I " 1 c< 1 8 " If ounces 11 " 1 ounce. 11 ounces farriers' prescriptions. NO. 30. For Poll-Evil and Fistula. (Not broken.) 3 . — Tinct. Iodine, 3 ounces. Turpentine, 3 « Aqua Ammonia, 2 " Tinct. Cantharides, ■ 2 " Oil Spike, 2 " Coal Oil, 6 " Rub the parts over well, and give Blood Purifier. NO. 31. Eye Preparation. I£. — Crocus Martis, 3 drachms. Nit. Potash, 4 " Sul. Zinc, 5 Plumba Acetate, If ounces. Sal. Ammonia, 2 drachms. Take a teaspoonful, and put into a pint of soft water ; then take a fine sponge, and squeeze in the hollow of the eye. When it is perceived that the eye is somewhat better, do not use so often. NO. 32. For Fresh Wounds— Cuts, Kicks or Collar Galls. I£. — Sugar Lead, 1J ounces. Sul. Zinc, li " Saltpetre, li ,' Sal. Ammonia, h " Sul. Iron, h " Alcohol, | pint. Water, 2 pints. Wet the parts three or four times a day. This will keep down inllammation, and cause to heal fast. 270 farriers' prescriptions. NO. 33. Chronic Cough. 5,. — Balsam Fir, 2 ounces. Balsam Copaiba, 2 " Tinct. Lobelia, £ ounce. Dose. — Tablespoonful once a day. Give Blood Purifier at same time. NO. 34. For Cholic and Belly-Ache. 5. — Tinct. Opii, \\ ounces. Ess. Peppermint, 2 " Sweet Nitre, 2 " Tinct. Capsicum, 1 ounce. Veratrum Veride, 20 drops. Whisky, 1 pint. Give half of this at a dose, and if not better in twenty minutes, give the other half. NO. 35. Worms. 3. — Oil Savin. Give ten drops three times a week for two weeks ; also give Blood Purifier. CHAPTER XXI. PERFUMEKY. Before entering upon our work of formulae for the manufacture of perfumery, it will be well to bear in mind the following directions as to the best methods of making extracts from Flower Pomades — First — Pure Cologne Spirits, \ gallon. Flower Pomade, .... 4 pouuds. (Flower Pomade is known to the trade as Triple Pomade.) Second — Place the spirits in a well stoppered bottle, together with the pomade cut in small pieces, and place the bottle in a water bath, and apply gentle heat, just sufficient to melt the Pomade, and stir with a wooden spatula, or shake well together. By this method the fatty matter will solidify and exhibit a granulated ap- pearance, having been thoroughly permeated by the spirits. Third — Let the mass stand for five days, but shake occasionally. Fourth — Now drain off the liquid extract into another bottle, but if it fall short of a gallon, pour on a sufficiency of Alcohol to make up the measure. This is called the First Wash, or Virgin. 272 PERFUMERY. Fifth — By subsequent and similar treatment a second and even a third quantity of extract may be made, which, although much weaker, will be found suitable for cheap perfumes. The Pomade left will then make an excellent Hair Pomade when bottled. Herewith I append several formulae for extracts, which will be required in our formuas which follow : NO. 1. Extract of Vanilla. Vanilla Beans (fine quality), 4 ounces. White Sugar, 4 " Proof Spirit, 1 gallon. Powder the beans and sugar very fine ; pack in a per- colator, and percolate with the Proof Spirit. NO. 2. Extract of Orris. Orris Root (finely ground), 7 pounds. Percolate with pure Alcohol until one gallon of extract is obtained. NO. 3. Extract of Tonka. Tonka Beans (in coarse powder), 1 pound. Percolate with Alcohol until one gallon of extract is obtained. PERFUMERY. 273 NO. 4. Extract of Musk. Pure Grain Musk, 2 drachms. Mix half an ounce of Liquor Potassaa with four ounces of Proof Spirit, and triturate the Musk with this mix- ture until it is thoroughly softened and reduced to a creamy state ; add enough Proof Spirit to make one pint ; stir well; then allow the coarser particles to subside, and pour off the supernatant fluid ; rub the coarser portions, and proceed as before. Make three pints. NO. 5. Ess. Bouquet. Ext. Musk, 4 ounces. Ext. Tuberose, 2 Otto Rose Virgin, 1 drachm. Otto Bergamot, 1^ Otto Nerote Super., i/ " 72, Otto Verbena (true). 8 drops. Otto Pimento, 10 Otto Patchouly, 3 Red Cedar Wood (true) y 2 drachm. Otto Lavendar English, 12 drops. Pure Spirits sufficient to make 4 pints. NO. 6. Patchouly. Otto Patchouly, 2 drachms. Otto Santal Flav., 40 drops. Otto Rose Virgin, 40 " Ext. Musk, 8 ounces. Ext. Orris, 8 " Ext. Vanilla, 4 " Ext. Styrax, 2 drachms. Pure Spirits sufficient to make 4 pints. -18 274 PERFUMERY. NO. 7. Millefleur. Otto Rose, Vii gin, 1 drachm. Otto Red Cedar Wood (true), 1 " Otto Orange (1 lew), 1 " Otto Pimento, 20 drops. Ext. Orris, 6 ounces. Ext. Jasmin, 2 " Ext. Styrax, 1 " Ext. Tonka, 4 " Pure Spirits sufficient to make 4 pints. NO. 8. Lily of the Valley. Ext. Tuberose, y 2 pint. Ext. Jasmin, 1 ounce. Ext. Orange Flower, 2 " Ext. Vanilla, 3 " Ext. Cassie, % pint. Ext. Rose, i| " Otto Almonds, 3 drops. Keep this mixture together for a month, and then bottle for sale. It is a perfume that is very much ad- mired. NO. 9. Ylang-Ylang. Ext. Tonka, 3 ounces. Ext. Musk, 4 " Ext. Tuberose, 4 " Ext. Cassia, 4 " Ext. Orris, 8 " Otto Orange (new), 2 drachms. Otto Neroli, Super., y 2 " Pure Spirits sufficient to make 4 pints. PERFUMERY. 275 NO. 10. Myrtle. Ext. Vanilla, Ext. Roses, Ext, Orange Flower, Ext. Tuberose, Ext. Jasmin, Allow to stand for a fortnight. | pint. 1 " I " 1 u 2 ounces. It is then fit for bot- tling, and is a perfume that gives satisfaction. NO. 11. Sweet Pea. Ext. Tuberose, \ pint. Ext. Orange Flower, ^ " Ext. Rose, I " Ext. Vanilla, 1 ounce. NO. 12. Spring Flowers . Ext. Orris, 4 ounces. Ext. Jasmin, 4 Ext. Musk, 4 Otto Bergamot, 2 drachms Otto Neroline, Super., \ Otto Verbena (true), 10 drops. Otto Red Cedar Wood (true) , 1 drachm. Benzoin Acid, 1 Pure Spirits sufficient to make 4 pints. 276 PERFUMERY. NO. 13. Tea Rose. Spts. Rose Pomade, 1 pint. Spts. Rose, Triple, 1 " Ext. Rose Leaf, Geranium, 1 " Ext. Santal Wood, \ " Ext. Neroli, J " Ext. Orris, J " NO. 14. Yellow Rose. Spts. Rose, Triple, 2 pints. Spts. Tuberose, 2 " Tonquin, J " Vervaine, J " NO. 15. Musk. Ext. Musk, Ext. Orris, Ext. Vanilla, Ext. Styrax, 1 pint. 6 ounces. 2 " 2 drachms. Otto Santal Flav., Otto Bergamot, Otto Neroli Super, Otto Patchonly, Otto Lavender English, Otto Cinnamon true, 1 drachm. 2 drachms. 10 drops. 12 " 15 " 6 " Pure Spirits sufficient to make four pints. PERFUMERY 277 NO. 16. Victoria. Otto Rose, Virgin, 2 drachms. Otto Neroli Super, 2 Otto Bergamot, 4 Otto Coriander, 16 drops. Otto Pimento, 24 " Otto Lavender English, 16 " Ext. Jasmin, 2 ounces. Ext. Orris, 16 " Ext. Musk, 2 " Benzoic Acid, 2 " Pure Spirits sufficient to make four pints. NO 17. Night-Blooming Cereus. Ext. Orange, Virgin (from Pomade), 5 ounces. Ext. Tuberose " " " 3£ " Tinct. Ambergris, 13J drachms. Pure Spirits, 13 ounces. Ext. Rose, Virgin, 6^ " Tinct. Civet, 14 drachms. Tinct. Vanilla, 4 Tinct. Tonka, 4 Oil Rose, 23 drops. Oil Neroli, 10 " Oil Petit Grain, 10 Oil Bantal, 20 . 278 PERFUMERY. NO. 18. Pond Lily. Ext. Rose, Virgin Pomade, 8 ounces. Ext. Orange " " 4 " Ext. Cassia " " 4 " Tinct. Vanilla, 2 Oil Cloves, 10 drops. This is an exceedingly fine perfume, and will give sat- isfaction. NO. 19. Jockey Club. Ext. Jasmin, 5 ounces. Ext. Orris, 20 " Ext. Musk, 7 " Ext. Vanilla, 1* " Otto Rose, Virgin, 1| drachms. Otto Santal Flav., li Otto Bergamot, 2i Otto Neroli Super, 40 drops. Benzoic Acid, 2 drachms. Pure Spirits sufficient for four pints. In this, as well as in all the following extracts, before adding the last portion of the Spirits, replace as much of it with water as the perfume will bear without be- coming milky, which will vary from two to eight ounces or more. This addition will make the perfume softer. PERFUMERY. NO. 20. Tuberose. Ext. Tuberose 24 ounces. Ext. Musk, 4 Ext. Jasmin, 1 ounce. Otto Rose, Virgin, 1 drachm. Otto Neroli Super, 10 drops. Benzoic Acid, 2 drachms. Pure Spirits sufficient for four pints. NO. 21. Moss Rose. Otto Rose, Virgin, 2 drachms. Otto Santal Flav., 2 Ext. Musk, 12 ounces. Ext. Vanilla, 4 « Ext. Orris, 2 " Ext. Jasmin, 4 " Benzoic Acid, 1 drachm. Pure Spirits sufficient for four pints. NO. 22. White Rose. Otto Rose, Virgin, 2 drachms. Otto Red Cedar Wood (true), 6 drops. Otto Patchouly, 4 u Otto Orange (fresh), \ drachm. Ext. Tuberose, 2 ounces. Ext. Orris, 2 " Ext. Jasmin, 2 " Ext. Musk, 2 " Benzoic Acid, 1 drachm. Pure Spirits (to which four ounces of Rose Water ha; been added), sufficient to make four pints. 280 PERFUMERY. NO. 23. Charlotte Cushman Bouquet. Triple Ext. of Roses, Triple Ext. of Tuberose, Triple Ext. of Orris, Triple Ext. of Ambergris, Triple Ext. of Musk, Oil of Bergamot, Oil of Lemons, 32 fluid ounces. 24 " 12 " 4 « 2 " 1 fluid ounce. 1 u NO. 24. Clara Kellogg Bouquet. Extract of Tuberose, 20 fluid ounces. Extract of Violets, 16 " " Extract of Roses, 16 " " Extract of Vanilla, 8 " Extract of Tolu, 4 " Extract of Ambergris, 4 " " Oil of Neroli, 1 drachm. Oil of Lemon, \ " We append the following excellent formulae for hand- kerchief perfumes, as given by G. Dubelle, Ph. D., in the Druggists' Circular of September, 1878 : NO. 25. Lady Hayes Bouquet. Extract of Violets, Extract of Tuberose, Extract of Cassia Flowers, Extract of Ambergris, Otto of Rosses, Oil of Neroli, Oil of Bergamot, Oil of Lavender, Mix. 40 10 10 2* flu PERFUMERY. 281 NO. 26. Lucca Bouquet. Triple Ex. of Roses, 20 fluid ounces. Extract of Jasmin, 20 u u Extract of Jonquil, 20 (i » Extract of Violets, 10 " " Extract of Ambergris 10 it a Oil of Neroli, 1* a u Otto of Roses, 1 " . ounce. Oil of Lavender, i u a NO. 27. Sweet Gem of Eden. Extract of Jasmin, 20 fluid ounces. Extract of Tuberose, 16 " Extract of Orange flowers, 4 « Extract of Jonquil, 4 u Triple Extract of Roses 4 « Extrct of Acacia Flowers, 4 c< Extract of Vanilla, 3 " Extract of Civet, 1 " ounce. Oil of Bergamot, 1 " NO. 28. Pearl of Sevoy. Triple Ex. of Roses, 24 fluid ounces. Triple Ex. of Jasmin, 20 " " Triple Ex. of Violets, 16 a a Oil of Cedrat, 3 drachms. Oil of Citron, 3 " Oil of Neroli, 2i u Oil of Cinnamon, 1 drachm. Extract of Musk, o drachms. Extract of Ambergris, 2 282 PERFUMERY. NO. 29. Stolen Kisses. Extract of Jonquil, 40 fluid ounces. Extract of Orris, 40 " " Extract of Acacia Flowers, 20 w « Triple Ex. of Roses, 20 (i " Triple Ex. of Tonquin, 20 " " Triple Ex. of Ambergris, 5 " " Triple Ex. of Civet, 5 u u Oil of Citron, 2 drachms. NO. 30. Fairmount Park. Extract of Violets, 20 fluid ounces. Extract of Neroli, 20 " Extract of Cassia Flowers, 20 " Extract of Tuberose, 10 " Extract of Jasmin, 10 " Extract of Geranium Rose, 10 " Extract of Musk, 4 " Extract of Ambergris, 4 a NO. 31. Pink Domino. Extract of Acacia Flowers, 20 Fl uid ounces. Extract of Jasmin, 10 " Triple Ex. of Roses, 10 « a Triple Ex. Orange Flowers, 10 a Triple Ex. of Tuberose, 10 « it Triple Ex. of Ambergris, . 5 ' « PERFUMERY. 283 NO. 32. Spring Flowers. Ext. Rose (from pomade), 1 pint. Ext. Violet " " 1 " Ext. Rose Triple " " 2| ounces. Ext. Cassia " " 2^ " Otto Bergamot, 2 drachms. Ext. Ambergris, 1 ounce. The just reputation of this perfume places it in the first rank of the very best mixtures that have ever been made by any manufacturer. NO. 33. Piesse's Posy. Ext. Rose (from Pomade), 1 pint. Spirits Rose, Triple, \ pints. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, \ pint. Ext. Violet Pomade, 1 " Ext. Verbena, 2£ ounces. Ext. Cassia, % " Otto Lemon, \ ounce. Otto Bergamot, \ " Ext. Musk, 1 Ext. Ambergris, 1 The aroma of this is truly magnificent, but peculiar to itself, being unlike any other. 284 PERFUMERY. NO. 34. Amy's Favorite. Ext. Tuberose (from Pomade) ,1 pint. Ext. Jasmin " " 1 cc Ext. Cassia " " 1 u Ext. Rose " u 1 " Ext. Vanilla, 5 ounces. Ext. Musk, 2 " Ext. Ambergris, 2 " Otto Bergamot, I ounce. Otto Cloves, 1 drachm. The odor of this is flowery and very beautiful. NO 35. Volunteer's Garland. Otto Neroli, J ounce. Otto Rose, i " Otto Lavender, 4 Otto Bergamot, 1 « 4 Otto Cloves, 8 drops. Ext. Orris, 1 pint. Ext. Jasmin, l « Ext. Cassia, ! " Ext. Musk, 2| ounces Ext. Ambergris 2J " Pure Spirits, 1 pint. The Parisian perfumers sell a vast deal of this. Try it, as it will give satisfaction. PERFUMERY. 285 NO. 36. Sweet Opponas Pure Spirits, 6 ounces. Ext. Tuberose (second wash) 4 " Ext. Jasmin " " 4 u Ext. Orange C( " 8 a Ext. Orris, 2 (( Ext. Vanilla, 1 drachm. Oil Santal, 5 drops. Oil Rose, J drachm. Ext. Santal, 2 drachms. Oil Bergamot, 3^ a Oil Petit Grain, 4 drops. Ext. Musk, 1 drachm. Ext. Ambergris, 1 u Ext. Civet, i u NO. 37. Bouquet de Caroline. Pure Spirits, 14 ounces. Ext. Tuberose, second water, 4 " Ext. Jasmin i< « 4 u Ext. Orange, « " 8 a Ext. Orris, 4 " Ext. Vanilla, i ounce. Ext. Musk, 2 drachms. Ext. Ambergris, 2 a Oil Rose, J drachm. Oil Bergamot, 63 drachms. 286 PERFUMERY. NO. 38. Egyptian Lotus. Ext.Rose, second wash, 4 ounces. Ext. Orange " " 4 " Ext. Mousseline, i ounce. Ext. Vanilla, 2 drachms. Oil Rose, 10 drops. Oil Pimenta (Allspice), 10 a Oil Cinnamon (true), 2 a Ext. Musk, 1 drachm. NO. 39. Flor de Mayo. Ext. Jasmin, Virgin Pomade, 3 ounces. Ext. " second wash Pomade, 2 " Ext. Orange, Virgin " 2 " Ext. Orange, second wash, 2 " Ext. Tuberose, " " 3 " Ext. " Virgin, 2 " Ext. Musk Comp., 2 " Oil Bergamot, 10 drops. Oil Neroli, 2 " Ext. Musk, 1 drachm. Ext. Ambergris, 1 " Ext. Civet, 1 " Ext. Styrax, 15 drops. Ext. Tolu, 1 drachm. PERFUMERY. 287 NO. 40. Victoria Regia. Extract Rose, Virgin Pomade, 16 ounces. Extract Orange " u 8 Extract Cassia " (( 8 Extract Jasmin ' : U 16 Extract Orris, 8 Extract Ambergris, 8 Oil Neroli, \ drachm. Oil Rose, 1 ". Oil Santal, 1 NO. 41. Fairy Bouquet. Ext. Rose, Virgin, 8 ounces. Ext. Rose, second water, 4 " Ext. Orange, Virgin, 2 " Ext. Orange, second wash, 1 " Ext. Tonka, 2 " Ext. Musk, 10 drops. Oil Rose, 15 " Oil Verbena (true) 5 " NO. 42. Wild Locust. Ext. Rose, Virgin Pomade, 4 ounces. Ext. Vitervert, 4 Oil Patchouly, I drachm. Oil Cedar, 1 " Oil Santal, \ " Oil Vervine, I " Ext. Civet, \ " 288 PERFUMERY. NO. 43. Rodeletia. Pure Spirits, 16 ounces. Oil Lavender, J drachm. Oil Cloves, i " Oil Rose, h Oil Bergarnot, 1 ounce. Ext. Musk, 4 ounces. Ext. Vanilla, 4 Ext. Ambergris, 4 Ext. Rose, Virgin Pomade, 8 ounces. Ext. Orris, 6 NO. 44. Posy. Ext. Rose, Virgin Pomade, 8 ounces. Ext. Orange, Virgin Pomade, 4 Ext. Jasmin, Virgin Pomade, 8 Oil Rose, J drachm. Ext. Musk, 4 ounces. NO. 45. Orange Flowers. Ext. Orange, Virgin Pomade, S ounces. Ext. Orange, second wash, 8 " Ext. Civet, 1 drachm. PERFUMERY. 289 NO. 46. Rondletia. Otto Lavender, English, 1 ounce. Otto Cloves, \ t< Otto Bergamot, \ u Otto Rose Geranium, Turkey, 2 drachms. Otto Cinnamon, true, 20 drops. Otto Rose, Virgin, 10 c< Otto Santal Flav., 1 drachm. Ext. Musk, 2 ounces. Ext. Orris, 4 " Ext. Vanilla, 2 u Benzoic Acid, 1 drachm. Pure spirits sufficient to make four pints. NO. 47. Clove Pink. Ex. Jasmine, Ex. Orris, Ex. Musk, Otto Rose, Virgin, Otto Clove, Otto Neroli, Otto Pimento, Otto Yellow Santal, Benzoic Acid, 12 ounces. 12 " 8 " 1 drachm. 2 drachms. 1 drachm. 10 drops. 2 drachms. 1 drachm. Pure Spirits sufficient to make four pints. 19 290 PERFUMERY. NO. 48. Magnolia. Ext. Orange Flower Pomade, 1 pint. Ext. Rose Pomade, 2 pints. Ext. Tuberose Pomade, £ pint. Ext. Violet Pomade, | " Otto Citron Zest, 3 drops. Otto Almonds, Bitter, 10 " This is the genuine, which is found in the perfume shops of London and Paris. NO. 49. White Lilac Ext. Tuberose Pomade, 1 pint. Ext. Orange Flower Pomade, y x " Otto Almonds, Bitter, 3 drops. Ext. Civet, y 2 ounce. The Civet is only used to give permanence to the per- me of the handkerchief. NO. 50. Jonquil. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, Ext. Tuberose Pomade, Ext. Orange Flower, Ext. Vanilla, 1 pint. 1 Vz " 2 ounces. The Jonquil is very fragrant. PERFUMERY. 291 NO. 51. Cologne Water. Oil Bergamot, Oil Lemon, 8 ounces. 3 " Oil Orange, Oil Rosemary Flower, Oil Neroli Bigarade, Oil Neroli Petit Grain, 2 " 1 ounce. 2 ounces. 2 " Oil Cloves, 4 drachms. Ext. Orange Flower, 10 ounces. Tinct. Orris Root, 4 " Tinct. Benzoin, 4 " Pure Spirits, Orange Flower, 6 gallons. Q.S. This is a very fine preparation, and one of the very best in use. NO. 52. Cologne Water No. 4. Oil Bergamot, 1 ounce. Oil Lemon, 4 drachms. Oil Orange, 4 " Oil Lavender Flower, 5 " Oil Cloves, 1 drachm. Neroli, 1 " Oil Ceylon Cinnamon, 30 drops. Cologne Spirits, 1 gallon. Rose Water, 8 ounces. 292 PERFUMERY. NO. 53. Farina Cologne. Oil Neroli, 5 drachms. Oil Bergamot, 1 ounce. Pure Alcohol, 6 pints. Water, • 2 " The fragrance of this Cologne can hardly be distin- guished from the genuine Farina. NO. 54 German No. 6. Oil Bergamot, 1 ounce. Oil Orange, 1 " Oil Cedrat, 2 drachms. Oil Rosemary, 1 drachm. Oil Rose, 5 drops. Cologne Spirits, 1 gallon. Water, (warm), 32 ounces. NO. 55 a Golden Bell No. 1. Pure Spirits, 2 quarts. Oil Lemon, 5 drachms. Oil Bergamot, 4 " Oil Orange Portugal 3| Oil Neroli, | drachm. Oil Petit Grain, 1 Oil Rosemary, \ Oil Lavender, 25 drops. Oil Cloves, 3 Water, 1 pint. PERFUMERY. 293 NO. 56. Golden Bell ] So. 2. Pure Spirits, 2 gallons. Oil Lavender, li ounce. Oil Rosemary, 1 % drachms. Oil Petit Grain, 3^ " Oil Orange Portugal, 2 ounces. Oil Bergamot, Viy 2 drachms. Ext. Tolu, 2 Water (soft), y 2 gallon. NO. 57. Oil of Cologne. Oil of Bergamot, 4 ounces. Oil of Rose, 1 drachm. Oil of Neroli, 1 Oil of Lemon, \ ounce. Oil of Geranium Rose, 2 drachms. Oil of Lavender, 2 " The receipts of these perfumes are the most noted that at present are being manufactured. The directions for making these colognes are, to cut the oils in about nine- tenths of Spirits, and after standing twenty-four hours add the water, and immediately add the remainder of the Spirits. The water should always be lukewarm when put in. Always filter through filter-paper. 294 PERFUMERY. NO. 58. Lemon Verbena. Pure Spirits, 12 ounces. Oil Lemon, ^ ounce. Oil Lemette, 1 " Oil Rose, 10 drops. Oil Geranium Rose, 10 " Oil Verbena (true), 1 drachm. NO. 59. Bouquet Knight Templar. Pure Spirits, 7 ounces. Ext. Orris, 3! " Oil Bergamot, 3 drachms. Oil Patchouly, 16 drops. Oil Cloves, 8 Geranium (true 0, 16 « Ext. Vanilla, 3 drachms. Ext. Benzoin, 2i " Ext. Tolu, lj " NO. 60. Musk Rose. Ext. Rose, Virgin Pomade, 9 ounces. Ext. Rose, 4J " Ext. Orange, " 8" Ext. Musk, ii « Oil Santal, 4 drops. Tr. Camphor, 4 PERFUMERY. 295 NO. 61. West End. Ext. Jasmin, Virgin, 2 ounces. Ext. Jasmin, second wash, 2 " Ext. Rose, Virgin, 2 " Ext. Rose, second wash, 2 " Ext. Orris, 4 « Ext. Orange, second wash, 2 it Ext. Orange, Virgin, 2 " Oil Rose, }£ drachm. Oil Lavender, 1 " Oil Bergamot, 2 drachms. Ext. Musk, li drachm. Ext. Ambergris, % a NO. 62. Noisette Bouquet. Ext. Rose, Virgin, 4 ounces. Ext. Rose, second wash. 4 u Ext. Orange, " " 2 a Ext. Orange, Virgin, 6 M Oil Lemon, 1 " Oil Rose, 10 drops. Oil Geranium, 5 it Ext. Musk, 2 drachms. Ext. Civet, y z drachm. NO. 63. Patchouly. Ext. Cassia Pomade, third wash, 96 ounces. Pure Spirits, 32 " Patchouly Comp., 12 " 296 PERFUMERY. NO. 64. Orange. Ext. Orange Pomade, third wash, 96 ounces. Oil Orange Portugal, 2 " Orange Flower Comp., 8 " NO. 65. New Mown Hay. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, third wash, 32 ounces. Ext. Tuberose " " " 32 " Ext. Orange « " " 32 « Ext. Rose " " " 32 " New Mown Hay Comp., 8 " NO. 66. Jasmin. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, third wash, 96 ounces. Ext. Jasmin, Virgin, 10 " Oil Jasmin, 3 " NO. 67. Citronella. Ext. Orange Pomade, third wash, 32 ounces. Ext. Jasmin " " " 32 " Oil Citronella (Fisher's), 2 " PERFUMERY. 297 NO. 68. Rose. Ext. Tuberose Pomade, third wash, 32 ounces. Ext. Rose " " " 32 " Oil Rose, 25 drops. NO. 69. German No. 1. Cologne Spirits, 3 quarts. Oil Bergamot, 2 ounces. Oil Cedrat, 1% " Oil Lemon, \% " Water (warm), 1 quart. NO. 70. New Mown Hay. Ext. Tonka, 25 ounces. Ext. Musk, . 6 H Ext. Orris, 8 U Ext. Vanilla, 1 ounce. Ext. Styrax, 1 11 Otto Bergamot, 1 drachm. Otto Neroli, Super., 15 drops. Otto Rose, Virgin, 10 K Otto Cloves, 6 (( Otto Lavender, English, 10 c< Otto Patchouly 10 u Otto Santal Fiav., 1 drachm Benzoic Acid, \y 2 " Pure Spirits sufficient to make four pints. 298 PERFUMERY. NO. 71, Mignonette. Ext. Orris, 12 ounces. Ext. Tuberose, 4 " Ext. Vanilla, 4 " Ext. Musk, 2 (< Otto Rose, Virgin, 1 drachm. Otto Neroli, Super., \yi drachms. Otto Pimento, 12 drops. Benzoic Acid, 1 drachm. Pure Spirits sufficient to make four pints. NO. 72. Wood Violet. Ext. Orris, 12 ounces. Ext. Tuberose, 2 " Ext. Jasmin, 1 ounce. Ext. Musk, 4 ounces. Otto Bergamot, 2 drachms. Otto Lavender, English, 1 drachm. Otto Verbena, true, 10 drops. Otto Amygd. Amar, •» 1 a Otto Coriander, 6 u Otto Sweet Flag, 4 « Bay Leaves, 4 cc Benzoic Acid, I 1 / £ drachms. Pure Spirits sufficient for four pints. PERFUMERY. 299 NO. 73. Honeysuckle. Spts. Rose Pomatum, 1 pint. Spts. Violet, 1 " • Spts. Tuberose, 1 " Ext. Vanilla, % " Ext. Tolu, y± " Otto Neroli, 10 drops. Otto Amygd. Amar., 5 " The cost of this perfume would probably be too high to meet the demand ; if so, dilute it with pure Spirits to the extent to make it pay. NO. 74. Italian Nosegay. Spts. Rose Pomade, Spts. Rose, triple, Ext. Cassia, Ext. Musk, Ext. Ambergris, 2 1 pints, pint. 1 it V r « 2 2 ounces. « NO. 75. May Flowers. Ext. Rose Pomade, y 2 pint. Ext. Jasmin, y, " Ext. Orange FJower, y 2 " Ext. Cassia, y " Ext. Vanilla, 1 " Otto Almonds, Bitter, y drachm. 300 PEEFUMERY NO. 76. Stolen Kisses. Ext. Jonquil, 1 •Ext. Orris, 1 Ext. Tonka, 1 Ext. Rose, triple > 1 Ext. Acacia, Ext. Civet, Ext. Ambergris, Otto Citronella, 1 Otto Verbena, quart, pint. X drachm. These ingredients are to remain together at least fortnight; then filter prior to sale. NO. 77. Frangpanni. Extract Orris, 4 ounces. Extract Tuberose, 2 " Extract Musk, 4 u Extract Vanilla, 2 cc Extract Jasmin, 1 ounce. Extract Styrax, 1 u Otto Neroli, Super., 1 drachm. Otto Rose, Virgin, y 2 (< Otto Santal Flav., i u Otto Red Cedar Wood, true, i M Otto Pimento, y 2 « Otto Cassia, 20 drops. Otto Bergamot, y 2 drachm. Otto Ginger, 4 drops. Otto Lavender, English, 6 " Otto Benzoic Acid, 2 drachms Pure Spirits sufficient to make four pints. PERFUMERY. 301 NO. 78 Stephanotis. Ext. Cassia, 4 ounces. Ext. Tuberose, 4 « Ext. Jasmin, 2 " Ext. Musk, 8 " Ext. Orris, 8 " Ext. Tonka, 3 " Otto Rose Virgin, 1 drachm. Otto Neroli Super, % " Benzoic Acid, 1 Pure Spirits sufficient to make four pints. CHAPTER XXII. HAIE DYES AND TONICS. It could be easily shown that the practice of dyeing the hair, by way of personal adornment, is very ancient. It is universally followed among the upper, as well as the lower, classes in every country in Asia, and the prac- tice is equally prevalent among the barbarous and civil- ized communities. In Egypt the practice is to blacken the edge of the eye-lids, both above and below, and for this purpose they use a powder called Kohol. The practice of dyeing the hair, painting the face, etc., by way of personal adornment, is often alluded to in the Bible, and materials for that purpose constitute, at the present time, the leading source of profit among the Armenians. It becomes our duty, while writing a book of this kind, to devote a chapter to Hair Dyes and Tonics ; still, at the same time, it is our duty to say that, as a rule, all hair dyes ought to be avoided, as personal beauty is often spoiled by the inharmonious application of colors. HAIR DYES AND TONICS. 803 NO. 1. Bay Rum. Alcohol, 1 gallon. Castor Oil, 1 " Oil of Bay, y 2 ounce. Oil Bergamot, y 2 " Mix. NO. 2 . Kilner's Hair Tonic. Quinine Sulph., y 2 drachm. Acid Sulph. Arc, X u Tine. Cantharides, 1 ounce. Tinct. Myrrh, 1 " Castor Oil, Vz " Alcohol, 1% ounces. Apply often. NO. 3, Hair Tonic. Oil Castor, 3 ounces. Oil Bergamot, 3 it Oil Cinnamon, 15 drops. Oil Cloves, 15 u Oil Lavender, iy drachms. Tinct. Cantharides, 2 u Aqua Ammonia, 4 u Alcohol suflicient to make two pints. Mix. This is a splendid preparation. 304 HAIR DYES AND TONICS. NO. 4. Lavender Hair Tonic. Alcohol, y 2 gallon, Castor Oil, V 2 " Tine. Cantharides, y 2 ounce. Oil Bergamot, y 2 " Oil Lavender, y " Oil Thyme, white, Y x " Mix. NO. 5, Hair Restorative. Mix. Glycerine, Tinct. Cantharides Sugar Lead, Lac. Sulphur, Oil Bergamot, Rain Water, 1 2 2 2 2 ounce, drachms. a a cc Apply once a day. Rub well with the hanc NO. 6. Rosemary Hair Wash. Distilled Water of Rosemary, 1 gallon. Rectified Spirits, J^ pint. Pearlash, V 2 ounce. Dissolve the Pearlash in the mixed Alcohol, and mix. HAIR DYES AND TONICS. 305 NO. 7. Hair Restorative. Castor Oil, 6 ounces. Alcohol, 26 Dissolve ; then add Tine. Cantharides, y 2 ounce. Essence of Jasmin, iy ounces. This is an excellent preparation. It renders the hair soft and glossy, and arrests its premature decay. Use once a day. NO. 8. Lightning Hair Dye. (Mordant.) Acid Pyrogallic, 1 drachm. Aqua Distilled, 5 ounces. Alcohol, % ounce. The Dye. Nitrate of Silver Crystals, 1 drachm. Aqua Distilled, 6 drachms. Aqua Ammonia, 2 " Mix. NO. 9. Preparation for Removing Spots. Sulphuret Potash, y 2 drachm. Aqua Distilled. 1 ounce. Mix. —20 306 HAIR DYES AND TONICS. NO. 10. Black. The following is the time-honored article used by ton- sorial artists for hair and whiskers. The deepest black is obtained when only enough Ammonia is employed in Solution No. 2 to redissolve the precipitate formed at first, when the Alkali is added to the silver solution. By increasing the quantity of Ammonia, lighter shades of brown are produced. Solution No. 1. (Mordant.) Gallic Acid, 4 drachms. Water, 18 ounces. Alcohol, 6 " Mix. Mix. Solution No. 2~The Dye. Nitrate of Silver, 1 ounce. Ammonia Aqua, 2 ounces. Water, 8 " Mix. NO. 11. Tea Hair Dye and Tonic. Strong Infusion of Black Tea, 1 pint. Bay Rum, 4 ounces. Oil of Lavender, 1 drachm. Alcohol, 4 ounces. Glycerine, 4 " HAIR DYES AND TONICS. 307 NO. 12. "Eau Lustrale." Mix. Castor Oil, Tinct. Cantharides, Alcohol, Oil Bergamot, Oil Lavender, Oil Cloves, 8 ounces. 1 ounce. 48 ounces. 4 drachms. 1 drachm. 30 drops. Color with Cudbear. The above is excellent as a hair-dressing. NO. 13. Bay Rum Hair Tonic. Glycerine, Tinct. of Cantharides, Aqua Ammonia, Rose Water, 4 ounces. 5 drachms. 4 3 Bay Rum, 10ij ounces. Mix. NO. 14. Allen's Hair Tonic. Glycerine, Tinct. Cantharides, Aqua Ammonia, Rose Water, 4 ounces. 5 drachms. 4 2 Mix. Bay Rum enough to make one pint. 308 HAIR DYES AND TONICS. NO. 15. Walpole's Hair Tonic. Glycerine, 1 ounce. Tinct. Cantharides, 2 drachms. Rose Water, 3 ounces. Mix. A good preparation for dandruff. NO. 16. Brunei's Hair Wash. Acid Salicyl, 40 grains. Tinct. Benzoin, \ drachm. rn c0 °. ' \ of each sufficient to dissolve the Acid. Glycerine, r Mix. NO. 17. Hair Dye and Tonic. Sugar of Lead, 1 ounce. Borax, 1 " Lac Sulphur, 1 " Aqua Ammonia, \ " Alcohol, 1 gill. Mix, and let stand for fourteen hours ; then add : Bay Rum, 1 gill. TabJe Salt, 1 tablespoonful. Soft Water, 3 pints. Essence Bergamot, 1 ounce. Note. — It will turn gray hair to a dark color, and will cause the hair to grow. When the hair is thin or bald, apply twice daily. For gray hair, one application daily. HAIR DYES AND TONICS. 309 NO. 18. Hair Tonic. Vinegar of Cantharides, ^ ounce. Cologne Water. 1 " Rose Water, 1 " This is a simple but good tonic for the hair ; to be rubbed to the roots of the hair twice daily. NO. 19. To Dye the Hair Brown. No. 1. — Sulphuret Potassium, 1 ounce. Water, 6 ounces. No. 2. — Nitrate Silver, 1 ounce. Rose Water, 8 ounces. NO. 20. Black. No. 1. — Sulphuret Potassium, 1 ounce. No. 2.— Nitrate of Silver, 1 " Water, 6 ounces. The Sulphuret of Potassium and Water must be ap- plied first (this goes by the name of Mordant), and when the hair is dry, then the silver solution. Piesse, in his "Art of Perfumery," says: "Great care must be taken that the Sulphuret is fresh-made, or at least well preserved in closed bottles; otherwise, instead of the Mordant making the hair black, it will impart a yellow hue. When the Mordant is good, it has a very 310 HAIR DYES AND TONICS. disagreeable odor ; and although this is the quickest and best dye, its unpleasant smell has given rise to the In- odorous Dye." Here it is: NO. 21. Inodorous Hair Dye. Dissolve the Nitrate of Silver in the above formula ; then add Liquid Ammonia by degrees until the mixture becomes cloudy from the precipitate of the Oxide of Silver, continuing to add Ammonia in small propor- tions until the fluid again becomes bright from the Ox- ide of Silver being re-dissolved. Pour half a pint of boiling Rose Water upon three ounces of powdered Nut galls ; when cold, strain and bottle. This forms the Mordant, and is used in the same way as the first-named dye, like the Sulphuret Mordant. It is not so good a dye as the previous one. NO. 22. Hair Dye and Tonic. The following makes a good and natural-looking dye (black). Citrate of Bismuth, 1 ounce. Rose Water, 2 ounces. Distilled Water, 2 " Alcohol, 5 drachms. Ammonia, sufficient. Mix. Apply as usual, and follow with Hypophosphite of Soda, 12 drachms. Distilled Water, 4 ounces. Mix. HAIR DYES AND TONICS. 311 NO. 23. Pyrogallic Acid, 2 parts. Water, 90 " Cologne, 10 " Mix. Clean the hair first with soap-suds; then brush through every two or three days with the above solution. NO. 24. Hair Dye and Tonic. (Black.) Nitrate of Silver, 1 ounce. Nitrate of Copper, 1 drachm. Distilled Water, 8 ounces. Water of Ammonia, Q. S. Mix, and dissolve the metallic salts in distilled water, and add Ammonia to the solution until the liquid be- comes of a clear blue. The dye is applied to the hair in the usual way. After a short exposure to sunlight, it imparts a black color. A brown color is obtained by diluting the solution. NO. 25. To Turn Dark Hair to a Golden Hue. Peroxide of Hydrogen, 6 ounces. It is the best preparation in use, and a harmless one. It is expensive, and its application has to be continued for some time. If you have very dark hair, it may re- quire as much as three weeks. It will do the work. It is used by actresses and ladies attached to blonde troupes, to acquire the regulation hue. 312 HAIR DYES AND TONICS. NO. 26. Hair Dye and Tonic. Hoffman's Balsamic Mixture, 25 parts. Glycerine, 25 " Rose Water, 100 " Tine. Catharides, 4 " Carbonate Ammonia, 5 " Mix, shake well and filter. Hoffman's Balsamic Mixture is composed of the Oil of Lavender, Cloves, Cassia, Thyme, Lemon, Mace and Neroli, of each, 4 parts, Balsam of Peru, 12 " Alcohol, 100 " NO. 27. Landerer's Hair Tonic. Cloves, 2\ drachms. Laurel Leaves, in coarse powder, 5 " Digested with Alcohol, 6 ounces. Rose Water, 3 " Glycerine, 2ij drachms. Mix. After 24 hours, add Ether, \ ounce. Oil Lavender, 5 drops. Filter. NO. 28. Hair Tonic. Carbonate of Ammonia, 1 ounce. Rubbed up in Sweet Oil, ^ pint. If the hair falls out, apply daily. It is simple but good. Mix. HAIR DYES AND TONICS. 313 NO. 29. Hair Tonic. Lac. Sulphur, 1 drachm. Sugar of Lead, 1 " Pulv. Copperas, 32 grains. Tannin, 32 " Rose Water, 4 ounces. By wetting the hair with the above compound once or twice a day for a couple of weeks, will invigorate and keeD the color. NO. 30. Hair Tonic. Rain Water, 6 ounces. Lac. Sulphur, £ " Sulphate of Iron, J " Bergamot (essence) if desired. Mix, and apply to the hair daily. CHAPTER XXIII. POMADES, The use of Ointments as helps to the adornment of the person is often alluded to in the sacred Scriptures. Thus we have mention made of them in Proverbs 27: 9, and again, in Ecclesiastes 9 : 8, and I. Chronicles 9 : 30. A casual observer would say that it is a barbarous cus- tom to oil the hair; but if he will only reflect a moment, he will find that the oil glands on the scalps of many persons possess the power of secretion in so slight a degree that it becomes necessary to aid Nature in her work by means of Art — by means of Ointments and Oils. You may see many persons whose hair has a peculiar dryness, actually demanding an application of artificial oil; and to neglect this would entail annoyance and an unsightly appearance. When the oil glands supply a sufficiency of fluid, the hair is said to be moist and soft — a consummation devoutly to be wished by men of every rank and condition in life who make any show towards personal adornment. The name of "Pomade" and "Pomatum" is derived from " Pomum " — an apple — because it was formerly made by immersing over-ripe apples in grease. If an apple be stuck all over with spice, such as cloves, then POMADES. 315 exposed to the air tor a few days, and afterwards mace- rated in purified melted lard, or any other fatty matter, the grease will become perfumed. Repeating the opera- tion with the same grease several times produces real Pomatum. In making Pomades, the following directions ought to be strictly followed if you wish to make a really nice article. You need not follow the following remarks if you simply want a common article of Pomatum. Pomades ought to be made from inodorous lard. Melt your lard in a hot water bath (boiling) ; take off the scum, after previously adding two ounces of pow- dered alum and two ounces of table salt. When the grease appears clear, let it grow cool. The lard is now to be washed. This is done a small quantity at a time. Take about a pound on a slate slab, and let the slab slope sufficiently so that a good supply of water may trickle over it and run off at the same time. Keep the grease well stirred. In this way the water will remove any trace of the alum and salt. Finally, the grease, when the whole is washed, is re- melted, the heat being maintained enough to drive off any adhering water. When cold, it is finished. This may seem troublesome, but you will find it pays, as the lard, when perfectly inodorous, will keep better and take less perfume of flowers. 316 POMADES. BODIES FOR POMADES. NO. 1. Benzoin Body. Leaf Lard, 5 pounds. Gum Benzoin, 2 " Explanation. — By Leaf Lard is meant rendered Lard, made from the leaf alone, with no other fat with it. If the Lard is nicely rendered — that is, if there is no grain left and does not appear to be sandy, it is ready for use; if sandy, it must be melted to the consistency of oil, and stirred constantly until cold. When the Lard is ready, it must be warmed over the water bath until it can be stirred. While warming the Lard, put the Ben- zoin in eight ounces of Alcohol, and warm in a water bath until the Gum is dissolved; then remove the Lard from the water bath, and add the Benzoin slowly. This mixture must stand for two weeks; then melt to the consistency of oil ; then allow it to cool, and the Benzoin will settle to the bottom, and the Lard will retain all the flavor of the Benzoin. Always melt over the water bath. NO. 2. Tonka Bean Body. Pure Lard, 10 pounds. Tonka Beans (ground), 2 " Make same as Benzoin Body, except the Beans must not be warmed ; after stirring in the beans, let it stand two weeks ; then re-melt, and allow it to settle. POMADES. 317 NO. 3. Musk Body. Pure Lard, 10 pounds. Grain Musk, 1 ounce. Take the Musk and one ounce of Lard, and rub them together. When these are thoroughly mixed, melt the remainder of the Lard, and stir the Musk in slowly. NO. 4. Tolu Body. This is made the same as Benzoin Body. NO. 5. Civet Body. Pure Lard, 10 pounds. Civet, 1 ounce. This must be warmed same as Benzoin Body ; then add the Civet slowly, stirring constantly until cold. If the Civet is good, it is ready to use as soon as cold ; if it is not good, it must be re-melted and strained, or allowed to cool and settle. POMADES. NO. 1. Cosmoline Cream. Cosmoline, 24 troy ounces. White Wax, 12 " Spermaceti, 12 " " Glycerine, 3 fluid ounces. Oil of Rose Geranium, 1 fluid drachm. Melt the wax and Spermaceti; add the Cosmoline, then stir until nearly cold ; add the Glycerine and Oil, and stir until cold. 318 NO. 2. Philocome Pomade. White Wax, 10 ounces. Fresh Rose Pomatum, 1 pound. Fresh Acacia " J " Fresh Jasmin " \ " Fresh Flower of Orange " 1 " Fresh Tuberose u 1 " Melt the Wax in the Oils by a water-bath at the low- est possible temperature. Stir the mixture as it cools. Do not pour out the Philocome until it is nearly cool enough to set. Warm your utensils to the same heat as the Philocome; otherwise the bottles chill the material as it is poured in, and make it appear of an uneven tex- ture. NO. 3. Marrow Cream. Purified Lard, Almond Oil, 1 1 pound. Palm Oil, Oil of Cloves, Oil Bergamot, Oil Lemon, 1 l i ounce, drachm, ounce, ounces. NO. 4. Common Violet Pomade. Purified Lard, Acacia Pomatum, 1 pound 6 ounces Rose Pomatum, 4 " Work it up like Marrow Pomade. POMADES. 319 NO. 5. Marrow Pomatum. Purified Lard, 4 pounds. Purified Suet, 2 pounds. Oil of Lemon, 1 ounce. Oil Bergamot, ^ " Oil Cloves, 3 drachms. Melt the greases, and beat them up with a whisk or flat wooden spatule for half an hour or more ; as the grease cools, the pomatum is rendered light and spongy. It is an excellent and a very profitable pomade. NO. 6. Heliotrope Pomade. Lard, Tallow, 4ij pounds. 12" " Benzoin Body, Tonka Bean Body, Civet Body, Oil Lemon, 5 2 " 1 pound. 12 drachms. Oil Bergamot, Oil Bitter Almonds, 12 1£ " Oil Petit Grain, H " Balsam Peru, 12 No coloring used. For winter use, add 9£ pounds of lard and 7 pounds tallow. 320 POMADES. NO. 7. White Vanilla Pomade. Lard, 4-| pounds. Benzoin Body, 5 " Tonka Bean Body, 2 " Civet Body, 1 Tallow, £ pound. Cocoa Butter, 1 " For winter, use 9^ pounds lard and 7 pounds tallow. No coloring used. NO. 8. Dark and Yellow Pomades. Lard, 25 pounds. Tallow, 25 " Oil Bergamot, 8 ounces. Oil Cinnamon, 4 " Oil Cloves, 4 Put the Lard and Tallow over the fire in a kettle or other utensil, and add five pounds of Annato Seed, and keep on the fire until the pomade is melted to the consistency of oil. Your fire must not be too hot, or the materials may burn. Watch the oil till you find its color suits you ; then put out the fire and strain through a sieve into the vessel in which it is to be kept. Stir until it is cold enough to add the perfume, which must be thoroughly mixed, and then cover till used. Should you at any time desire to put it into bottles, warm the pomade by means of a water bath until of a consistency to pour into your bottles. The above can be made a lighter yellow by adding Curcuma until the desired color is made. POMADES. 321 NO. 9. Balm of a Thousand Flowers. Deodorized Alcohol, 1 pint. White Bar Soap, 4 ounces. Shave the Soap before putting it into the Alcohol, and let them stand in a warm place until dissolved, and then add Oil Citronella, 1 drachm. Oil Neroli, \ Oil Rosemary, \ " NO. 10. Balm of Flowers. (French.) French Rose Pomatum, 12 ounces. French Violet Pomatum, 12 " Almond Oil, 2 pounds. Oil Bergamot, y 2 ounce. NO. 11. Crystallized Oil. Oil of Rose, 1 pound. Oil of Tuberose, 1 " Oil of Orange Flowers, \ " Spermaceti, \ " Melt the Spermaceti in a vessel heated by a water bath; then add the oils. Let your jars be warm. Cool as slowly as possible. —21 322 POMADES. NO. 12. Pink Pomade. Lard, 25 pounds. Tallow, 25 " " Oil Bergamot, 8 ounces. Oil Cloves, 8 Oil Geranium Rose, 4 " Oil Cinnamon, 2 " Warm over water bath to the consistency of oil; strain into can or barrel, and stir until cool as it can be ; then add tincture of Carmine until the desired color is ob- tained. After the color is well mixed, add the perfumes and stir until thoroughly mixed. NO. 13. Pomade called "Bear's Grease." Beef Marrow, 1 pound. Alkanet Root (not chipped), 1 ounce. Put the above into a suitable vessel, and render them as you would tallow. Strain well, and then add Castor Oil, \ pound. Bay Rum, 1 gallon. Then add Oil of Geranium sufficient to perfume. NO. 14. Almond Balls. Purified Suet, 1 pound. White Wax, \ Oil Bitter Almonds, 1 drachm. Oil Cloves, I " 323 NO. 15. Camphor Balls. Purified Suet, 1 pound. White Wax, ' J " Oil Bitter Almonds, 1 drachm. Oil Cloves, £ " NO. 16. Camphor Paste. Almond Oil (Sweet), ^ pound. Purified Lard, | « Wax, ^ Spermaceti, [-each 1 ounce. Camphor, ) Beat up the ingredients before cooling, and then pour out. NO, 17. Crystalline Pomade. Olive Oil, 80 parts. Spermaceti, 10 " Melt; add perfume, sufficient. Pour into jars, and let stand till cold. NO. 18. Another. Paraffine, 20 parts. Castor Oil, 120 " Perfume to suit. 324 NO. 19. Divine Pomade. Spermaceti, J pound. Lard, \ " Almond Oil (Sweet), f " Gum Benzoin, \ " Vanilla Beans, 1^ ounces. Digest the whole in a vessel heated by water bath at a temperature not exceeding 90° C. After five or six hours it is fit to strain, and may be poured into your bot- tles for sale. NO. 20. Salem Pomade. Suet, 1 pound. Paraffine, 8 ounces. White Wax, 2 " Oil Bergamot, 1 ounce. Oil Cassia, i drachm Oil Lavender, 1 u To make colored pomades, yellow beeswax should be substituted, in the above receipts, for White Wax, and the appropriate coloring, finely ground with the smallest quantity of Oil of Almonds, should be added to the melted mass and well mixed in, just before it is poured into the moulds. Lamp-black is used for black sticks, and Burnt Umber or Vandyke Brown for brown cosmetiques, as the French call them. POMADES. 325 NO. 21. Castor Oil and Glycerine Pomade. White Wax, 12 drachms. Glycerine, 2 " Castor Oil, 12 ounces. Oil of Lemon, 5 drachms. Oil of Lavender, 1 drachm. Oil of Bergamot, 2 drachms. Annatta, Q. S. Oil of Cloves, 10 drops. Alcohol and Water, aa. Q. S. Dissolve the wax, with moderate heat, in a little Cas- tor Oil, and triturate it with the remainder of the oil and the Glycerine until the mixture is cool; then add the oils. Finally, rub the Annatta with water until it is thoroughly suspended ; add a drachm of Alcohol, and stir the coloring matter into the Pomade until it is inti- mately mixed. NO. 22. Hungarian Pomade. (Moustache Wax.) White Wax, 4 ounces. Lard, 2 " Canada Balsam, 1 ounce. Oil Bergamot, 1 drachm. Oil Lavender, 15 drops. Add the balsam to the wax and lard previously rubbed; when nearly cold, mix the essential oils, and run into appropriate moulds. The mass may be colored black or brown with lamp-black or Van Dyke brown. 326 POMADES. NO. 23, White Pomade. Benzoinated Suet, White Wax, Jasmin Pomatum, Tuberose " Otto Roses, 1 pound. 1 8 ounces. 8 " 1 drachm. Melt at a gentle heat, and cast into molds. NO. 24. "White Stick Pomade, or Cosmetique, Benzoinated Suet, 1 pound. White Wax, 1 " Jasmin Pomatum, 8 ounces. Tuberose Pomatum, 8 " Otto of Roses, 1 drachm. Another: NO. 25. Suet, 1 pound. Paraffine, 8 ounces. White Wax, 2 c< Oil Bergamot, 1 ounce. Oil Cassia, J drachm. Oil Lavender, 1 u To make colored Cosmetiques, yellow beeswax is in the above receipts substituted for white wax, and the appropriate pigment finely ground. The smallest possi- ble quantity of the Oil of Almonds is added to the melted mass, and well mixed in just before it is poured into the moulds. Lamp-black is used for black stick, and burnt Umber or Van Dyke Brown for brown Cosmetiques. CHAPTER XXIV. HAIR OILS, NO. 1. Hickory Nut Oil. Cotton Seed Oil, 15 gallons. Oil of Fennel, 2£ ounces. Oil Sassafras, 3 " Oil Thyme, 14 " Oil Rosemary, l£ u Oil Cinnamon Cassia. , 4 O Oil Cloves, 14 u Oil Lavender, 14 u not color. NO. 2. Macassar Oil. Oive Oil, 1 quart. Oil of Roses, ^ drachm. Alcohol, 2i ounces. Color with Alkanet Root. Tie a small portion in a thin muslin bag, and let it lie in the oil till sufficiently colored. 328 HAIR OILS. NO. 3. Hair Oil. Cotton Seed Oil (yellow), 15 gallons. Oil Lavender, 12 ounces. Oil Thyme, 2 Oil Cloves, 4 " Do not color. NO. 4. Golden Oil. Oil Cotton Seed (yellow), 15 gallons. Oil Bergamot, 8 ounces. Oil Cassia, 6 " Oil Cloves, 4 " Oil Thyme (white), 1 ounce. Color with Alkanet Root. NO. 5. Rose Oil. Cotton Seed Oil (yellow), 15 gallons. Oil Red Cedar, 3 ounces. Oil Geranium, 6 Oil Rose, 1* " Oil Cloves, 6 Oil Citronella, 1* " Oil Lemon Grass, H Oil Bergamot, 2 No color. HAIR OILS. 329 No color. No color. NO. 6. Bears' Oil. Cotton Seed Oil, 15 gallons. Oil Fennel, Oil Lavender, Oil Citronella, Oil Cloves, 3 ounces, 2 " 3 " 3 " NO. 7. Silver Oil. Cotton Seed Oil, 15 gallons Oil Red Clover, 1 ounce. Oil Geranium, 2^ ounces. Oil Cloves, 2^ " Oil Citronella, 1 ounce. Oil Lemon Grass, 1 " NO. 8. Night-Blooming Cereus Oil. Cotton Seed Oil, 15 gallons. Oil Caraway, 4 ounces. Oil Cloves, 4 " Oil Sassafras, 2 " Oil Lavender, 10 " Oil Rosemary, 2 « Color with Alkanet Root. 330 HAIR OILS. NO. 9 Crescent Oil. Mix. Cotton Seed Oil, 15 gallons. Oil Bergamot, 8 ounces. Oil Cassia, 6 " Oil Cloves, 4 « Oil White Thyme, 1 ounce. Color with Alkanet. NO. 1C 1. New York Barbers' Star. Mix. Castor Oil, Alcohol, Oil Citronella, Oil Lavender, 5% pints. yi ounce. NO. 11 Cocoanut Oil. Cocoanut Fat, Castor Oil, Alcohol, Oil Lavender, Oil Cloves, Oil Cinnamon, Oil Rose Geranium iy 2 pounds. 1 gallon. 1 4 ounces. 2 2* " 2 drachms. Melt the Cocoa Fat at a gentle heat ; add Castor Oil Mix thoroughly, and add Alcohol ; then perfume. HAIR OILS. 331 NO. 12. Orang< 3 Oil. Sesame Oil, 2 gallons. Oil Orange. Oil Bergamot, Oil Geranium, 2% ounces. % ounce. 1% drachms. NO. 13. Cocoa Toilet Cream. Alcohol, Castor Oil, 1% gallons. Cocoanut Oil, Oil of Lavender, 2 pounds. 3 ounces. Oil of Bergamot, Oil of White Thy 3 me, Yo, ounce. Melt the Cocoanut Oil in the Castor Oil; warm the Alcohol over a water bath, and add to the oils when it is cold ; lastly, add the perfume. CHAPTER XXV. TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH WASHES. There is scarcely a subject of a personal character so sadly neglected and so little understood by the people in general as the care of the teeth. In view of this fact, in 1868 the Dental Society of Philadelphia offered a prize for the best essay on the Hubject, the same to be published for the benefit of the public. The prize was awarded for the following rules : First. Cleanse your teeth once, or oftener, every day. Rinse the mouth after eating. Cleansing the teeth con- sists in removing every particle of foreign matter from around the teeth and gums. Second. To cleanse, use well-made brushes, soft quill or wood toothpicks, an antacid styptic tooth wash, and precipitated chalk. If these means fail, apply to a reg- ular dentist. Third. Avoid eating hot food. Thoroughly masti- cate the food, and well salivate it before swallowing. Fourth. Parents ought carefully attend to the child's second dentition. Prevail upon your children to visit, at frequent intervals, a careful and skillful operator. TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH WASHES. 333 Fifth. Remember that four of the permanent double teeth come in at the age of six years. They are very liable to decay early, are very large, and should never be allowed to require extracting. Sixth. Never allow any one to extract a tooth or dis- suade you from having them filled unless absotutely nec- essary. Seventh. Carelessness and procrastination are respon- sible for a large proportion of teeth that are lost. The teeth were never intended to take the place of nut-crackers, nor to rival scissors in cutting thread. The teeth must be taken care of, or your health will suffer. Remember, a clean tooth would not decay in a hundred years. NO. 1. Fragrant Sozodont. Solution of White Soap, y 2 ounce in Alcohol. Water, 6 drachms. Glycerine, 2 drachms. Color this with Cochineal, and flavor with Oil of Pep- permint, Cloves and Wintergreen. Accompanying the above is a Powder, which is com- posed of L Precipitated Chalk, Orris Root, [-of each equal parts. Garb. Magnesia, 334 TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH WASHES. NO. 2. Tincture of Myrrh and Borax. Spirits of Wine, 1 quart. Honey, } of each ' » ounce - Gum Myrrh, 1 " Ked Sanders Wood, 1 " Rub Honey and Borax well together, and gradually add the Spirit ; then add the Myrrh and Sanders Wood, and macerate for fourteen days. It improves this con- siderably to add Cologne or Hungary Water in place of all Spirits or Wine. NO. 3. Violet Mouth "Wash. Tincture of Orris, y 2 pint. Spirits of Rose, ^ " Alcohol, y 2 " Otto of Almonds, 5 drops. This is a nice preparation, and always gives satisfac- tion. NO. 4. Eau Botot. Tincture of Cedar Wood, 1 pint. Tincture of Myrrh, \i " Tincture of Rhatany, y " Otto of Peppermint, 15 drops. Otto of Rose, 10 " TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH WASHES. 335 NO. 5. Botanic Styptic Rectified Spirit, Rhatany Root, ~) Gum Myrrh, >of each Whole Cloves, ) 1 quart. 2 ounces. Macerate for fourteen days before straining. NO. 6. Tooth Paste. Honey, Chalk, \ pound. Orris, Pulverized, 1 » Carmine, 2 drachms. Otto of Cloves, ") Otto of Nutmeg, Vof each, Otto of Rose, ) \ drachm. Simple Syrup, sufficient to'form a paste. NO. 7. Camphorated Chalk. Precipitated Chalk, 1 pound. Powdered Orris Root, \ " Powdered Camphor, \ " Mix. Powder the Camphor by adding a little Alcohol. When this is done, add the whole together. On account of the volatility of Camphor, the powder should always be sold in bottles or boxes lined with tin foil. 336 TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH WASHES. NO. 8. Quinine Tooth Powder. Precipitated Chalk, Starcli Powder, Orris Root, Sulphate of Quinine, 1 1 1 l pound, drachm. Sift, and it is ready for use. NO. 9. Prepared Charcoal. Fresh-made Charcoal, in fine powder, 7 pounds Prepared Chalk, 1 pound. Orris Root, 1 " Catechu, | " Myrrh, J " M IX. NO. 10. Floral Dentine. Powdered Soapstone, 9 ounces. Powdered Sugar, 4 | » Shaving Soap, 1 ounce. Oil Wintergreen, 18 drops. Oil Sassafras, 18 Oil Cloves, 9 Oil Rose, 5 Mix, and color with Carmine. TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH "WASHES. 337 NO. 11. Rose Tooth Powder. Precipitated Chalk, 1 pound. Orris, ^ " Rose Pink, 2 drachms. Otto of Rose, 1 drachm. Otto of Santal, ^ " Mi This powder must be well sifted together. It is then ready for use. NO. 12. Saponaceous Powder. Terra Alba, 2 pounds. Lily White, 2 French Chalk, 2 Powdered Cocoa Soap, 10 ounces. Pulverized Sugar, 1 pound. Oil Wintergreen, h ounce. Oil Sassafras, i « Oil Cloves, 1 drachm Oil Rose, 1 Mix. Mix. Borax NO. 13. and Myrrh Powder. Precipitated Chalk, 1 pound. Borax (powdered), ^ " Myrrh " J a Orris " £ 338 TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH WASHES. NO. 14. Peruvian Bark Powder. Peruvian Bark, in powder, J po unci. Bole Armenia?, 1 " Orris (powdered), 1 " Cassia Bark, l 2 << Myrrh (powdered), 1 u Precipitated Chalk, 1 2 " Otto of Cloves, I (( Mix. NO. 15. Cuttle-Fish Powder. Powdered Cuttle-Fish, ^ pound. Precipitated Chalk, 1 " Powdered Orris, ^ " Otto of Lemons, 1 " Otto of Neroli, ^ drachm. Mix and thoroughly pulverize, and add the perfume last. NO. 16. Farina Powder. Burnt Horn, or Cuttle-Fish, 2 Orris Root, 2 Carmine, 1 Very Fine Powdered Sugar, \ pound Otto of Neroli, \ Otto of Lemons, \ Otto of Bergamot, J Otto ol Orange Peel, \ Otto of Rosemary, | Pass through a sieve. pounds. drachm. drachm, ounce. TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH WASHES. 339 NO. 17. Harvey's Powder. Powdered Cream of Tartar, 3 ounces. Powdered Alum, 4^ drachms. Powdered Cochineal, 4 " Powdered Cinnamon, \ drachm. Powdered Sugar, 1 ounce. Mix. The above is said to be without a superior for whiten- ing the teeth. NO. 18. Pink Paste. Best Whiting, 6 pounds. Magnesia, 3 " Orris Root, pulverized, 1 " Gum Myrrh, J " Rose Pink, 2 ounces. Oil Wintergreen, \ " Pulverized Sugar, \ pound. Mix the first four articles together, sieve through a fine sieve, then add the Rose Pink, Oil of Wintergreen and Sugar; add Water until like dough, and cut into cakes and let dry. NO. 19. Tooth Powder. Cuttle Fish Bone, 10 ounces. Orris Root, 5 " Soda Bi-Carb., y 2 drachm. White Sugar, 1 ounce. Oil Rose, 10 drops. No powder can be found that is superior to this. It a general favorite with every one. 340 TOOTH POWDERS AND MOUTH WASHES. NO. 20. French Tooth Powder. Cream Tartar, pure, 5 pounds. Alum, 2 Carb. Magnesia, 1 Powd. Cuttle Fish Bone, 2 Powd. Cloves, 3 ounces. Powd, Cassia, n " Powd. Cochineal, 6 Oil Peppermint, 2-i drachms. Oil Bergamot, 1* " Oil Geranium, i£ " Powder very fine; rub the Perfume with the Magnesia then mix, and sieve thoroughly. CHAPTER XXVI. COLD OEEAM, (From Piesse.) Galen was the celebrated physician of Pergamus, in Asia, and distinguished himself at Athens, Alexandria and Rome, about 1700 years ago. He was the inventer of that peculiar unguent, a mixture of grease and water, which is now distinguished as Cold Cream in perfumery, and as Ceratum Galeni in pharmacy. The reader, how- ever, will surely know that the Cold Cream is not the same article invented bj^ the philosopher. In perfumery there are several kinds of Cold Cream, distinguished by their odor — such as that of Camphor, Almond, Violet, Roses, etc. Cold Cream, as made by Englisn perfumers, is consid- ered the best. It is difficult to get a supply of the genu- ine article, as the demand is far greater than can be supplied. The quantity of English Cold Cream exported may be reckoned by jars in hundreds of dozens, and the repeated announcements that may be seen in the shops of "English Cold Cream," is good proof of the estima- mation in which it is held. 342 COLD CREAM. Method of Preparing Cold Cream, As given by Piesse in his "Art of Perfumery." Into a well-glazed, thick porcelain vessel, which should be deep in preference to shallow, and capable of holding twice the quantity of cream that is to be made, place the wax and sperm; now put the jar into a boiling bath of water. When these materials are melted, add the oil, and again subject the whole to heat until the flocks of wax and sperm are liquified ; now remove the jar and contents, and set it under a runner containing the rose water (if you are making Rose Cream) ; the runner may be a tin can, with a small tap at the bottom. A stirrer must be provided, made of Lance Wood, flat and perfo- rated with holes about the size of a ten cent piece, resembling in form a large pallette knife. As soon as the rose water is set running, the cream must be kept agitated until the whole of the water has passed into it ; now and then the flow of water must be stopped, and the cream which sets at the sides of the jar scraped down and incorporated with that which remains fluid. In winter time it is necessary to slightly warm the rose water; otherwise the cream sets before it is beaten enough. When the whole of the water has been incorporated, the cream will be cool enough to pour into jars for sale ; at that time the Otto of Rose is to be added. The reason for the perfume being put in at the last moment is obvious — the heat and subsequent agit&tion would cause unnecessary loss by evaporation. Cold Cream made in this way sets quite firmly in the jars into which it is poured, and retains a "face" COLD CREAM. 343 resembling pure wax, although one-half is water, re- tained in the interstices of the cream. When the pots are well glazed, the Cream will keep good one or two years. A good plan is to use stoppered bottles. NO. 1. Cold Cream. Oil of Sweet Almonds, 8 ounces. Rose Water, 8 " White Wax, y 2 " Spermaceti, 5 drachms. Powdered Borax, 20 grains. Otto Rose, 7 drops. Melt the Oil of Sweet Almonds, White Wax and Sper- maceti together; dissolve the Borax in the Rose Water; add slowly, but stir meanwhile ; remove from the fire, and beat till cold, then add the Oil of Rose. NO. 2. Rose Lip Salve. Oil Sweet Almonds, 1 ounce. White Wax, 4 drachms. Spermaceti, \y 2 " Oil of Rose, 6 drops. Alkanet Root, 1^ drachms. Heat the Oil of Almonds and Alkanet together; filter; melt Wax and Spermaceti ; add to the above ; remove from the fire ; add Oil of Rose, and stir till cold. >44 COLD CREAM. NO. 3. Balsam of Flowers. French Rose Porn., 12 ounces. French Violet Pom., 12 " Almond Oil, 2 pounds. Oil Bergamot, ^ ounce. This is an exceedingly fine Cream. NO. 4. French. Hair Gloss. Pure Glycerine, 4 pounds. Spts. Jasmin, 1 pint. Color, Q. S. NO. 5. Rose of Bandoline. Gum Tragacanth, 6 ounces. Rose Water, 1 gallon. Otto Roses, J ounce. Steep the Gum in the Water a day or two, as it swells and forms a gelatinous mass. It must be well shaken. After 48 hours' maceration, it must be put through a coarse linen cloth, and again allow to stand for a day or two, and once more put through the cloth, and add per- fume. NO. 6. Cream of Roses. Pour into an iron vessel ten gallons of White Cotton Seed Oil, and two pints of Potash Lye ; stir well half an COLD CREAM. 345 hour ; pour in five gallons of Soft Water, and stir for an hour more, then take out your spatula and let the mix- ture stand for another 24 hours. Dip as you want to use, until settlings appear, then throw away. The perfume for one gallon of the same is — Oil Lavender, \ ounce. Oil Bergamot, \ " Oil Cloves, \ " This is at present one of the finest creams that is man- ufactured, as well as one of the cheapest. NO. 7 Cocoa Toilet Cream. Alcohol, \y 2 gallons. Castor Oil, iy 2 " Cocoanut Oil, 2 pounds. Oil Lavender, 3 ounces. Oil Bergamot, 3 Oil Thyme, white , v 2 " Melt 1 ;he Cocoa Oil, and then add Castor Oil ; warm the Alcohol over water bath, then add the oils; then the perfume. , but not till cold. NO. 8. Saccharated Solution Lime. Fresh Slacked Lime, 4 ounces. White Sugar, 8 " Soft Water, SO " Dissolve the Sugar in the Water, then add Lime, and let stand "24 hours, shaking frequently. 346 COLD CREAM. NO. 9. Almond Glycerine. Oil Sweet Almond, (or Lard Oil will do,) Lime Water, 5 " Saccharated Sol. Lime, 10 ounces. 4 gallons. Mix the Lime Water with the Solution of Lime, and then add one pint of Oil, and shake well ; repeat this process until the Oil is mixed, then add the following : Oil Fennel, 80 grammes Oil Marbane, 40 Oil Sassafras, 100 Oil Thyme, white, 40 Oil Rosemary, 40 Oil Cinnamon Cassia 150 Oil Cloves, 40 Oil Lavender, 40 NO. 10. Circassian Cream. Purified Lard, 1 pound. Benzoin Suet, Otto Roses, J ounce. This preparation is very nice, and sells well. CHAPTER XXVII. TOILET WATERS. NO. 1. Lavender Water. Alcohol, Oil Lavender, Oil Bergamot, Oil Cloves, Soft Water, 3^ gallons. 175 grammes. 75 25 1^ gallons. Mix the Oils with the Alcohol, let stand for twenty- four hours, and filter. If you want to make better than the above, add to the above from 50 to 250 grammes of Tincture of Musk, according to taste. NO 2. Spirits of Rose. Pure Spirits, 1 gallon. Oil Rose, 6 drachms. Oil Cloves, 21 " Mix as the above, and it is ready for use. 348 TOILET WATERS. NO. 3. Florida Water. Alcohol, U gallons. Water, 1| « Spirits Rose, second wash, 2 pints. Oil Bergamot, 2 ounces. Oil Geranium Rose, 1 ounce. Oil Cloves, 1 " Oil Lavender, \ " Oil Cinnamon, true. £ " Oil Orange Portugal, 1 " Prepare this the same as Lavender Water, but if better article is wanted, add Ext. Musk to suit. NO. 4. Bay Rum. Pure Spirits, 1 gallon. Oil of Bay, 1^ ounces. Acetic Acid, £ ounce. Soft Water (warm), 6 pints. Alcohol, 2 " Mix the Acid and Oil of Bay together for five min- utes ; then put them in the gallon of Alcohol, and add the hot water. Stir for five minutes, and add two pints of Alcohol. To make it cheaper, add as much warm water as vou think best. TOILET WATERS. 349 NO. 5. Inexhaustible Salts. Liquid Ammonia, 1 pint. Otto Rosemary, 1 drachm. Otto English Lavender, 1 " Otto Bergamot, ^ " Otto Cloves, I " Mix and shake well, and put in a well-stoppered bot- tle. This preparation is poured on small pieces of sponge, in a bottle, in sufficient quantities to saturate the sponge. This will last a long time; hence its name. NO. 6. "White Smelling Salts. English Oil Lavender, 4 drachms. Essence Musk, 4 " Oil Bergamot, 2 Oil Cloves, 1 drachm. Otto Roses, 10 drops. Oil Cinnamon, 5 " Strongest Liq. Ammonia, 1 pint. This is one of the best, and will retain its scent as long as any remains in the bottle. NO. 7. Eau de Luce. Tine. Benzoin, 1 ounce. Otto Lavender, 10 drops. Oil Amber, 5 " Liquid Ammonia, 2 ounces. This must not be filtered, as it should then have the appearance of milk-white emulsion. 350 TOILET WATERS. NO. 8. Toilet Vinegar. (Rose.) Dried Rose Leaves, 4 ounces. Spts. Rose Triplet, \ pint. White Wine Vinegar, 2 pints. Macerate in a close vessel for a fortnight; then filter and bottle for sale, exactly as in violet. NO. 9. Toilet Vinegar. (Violet.) Ext. Cassia, \ pint. Ext. Orris, \ " Ext. Rose Triple, \ " White Wine Vinegar, 2 pints. Macerate in a close vessel a fortnight ; then bottle. NO. 10. Eau De Cologne. Spirits (from Grape), 60° over proof, 6 gallons. Otto Neroli Petale, 3 ounces. Otto Neroli Bigarade, 1 ounce. Otto Rosemary, 2 ounces. Otto Orange Zeste, 5 " Otto Citron Zeste, 5 " Otto Bergamot, 2 " Mix well by shaking; then allow it to stand for a few days, perfectly quiet, before bottling. TOILET WATERS. 351 NO. 11. Eau De Cologne. Spirits (from Corn), 6 gallons. Otto Petit Grain, 2 " Otto Neroli Petale, y 2 ounce. Otto Rosemary, 2 ounces. Otto Orange Peel, ~\ Otto Lemon, > of each. 4 " Otto Bergamot, ) These are the genuine, but a great many have pub- lished receipts that are in ignorance, in a practical sense, of what they are putting up ; but I vouch for these as the genuine, NO. 12. Best Cologne Water. Oil Bergamot, 2 ounces. Oil Neroli, 2 drachms. Oil Jasmin, *4 ounce. Oil Garden Lavender, 2 drachms. Oil Cinnamon, 1 drop. Benzoated Tincture, 3 ounces. Tine. Musk, y 2 ounce. Pure Spirits, 1 gallon. Ptose Water, 2 pints. Mix. Let this Cologne stand a considerable length of time before filtering for use. 352 TOILET WATERS. NO. 13. Common Cologne. Oil Lavender, Oil Rosemary, Oil Lemon, Oil Cinnamon, Alcohol, \y 2 ounces. Y 2 ounce. 1 20 drops. 1 gallon. This Cologne is much cheaper than the above, but still is a very good article. NO. 14. German No . 2. Cologne Spirits, 3 quarts. Oil Rosemary, 2 drachms. Oil Bergamot, 2 Oil Cedrat, 2 Oil Lemon, 2 Oil Neroli, 1 drachm, Water (warm), 2 pints. NO. 15. German No . 3. Cologne Spirits, 3 quarts. Oil Lemon, 5 drachms. Oil Bergamot, 4 Oil Orange, Portugal, 3-3^ " Oil Neroli, 3/i drachm. Oil Petit Grain, % " Oil Rosemary, % " Oil Lavender, English, 25 drops. Oil Cloves, 6 Ext. Jasmin Pom., Virg in, 4 ounces. Water (warm), 32 TOILET WATERS. 353 NO. 16. German No. 4. Cologne Spirits, 1 gallon. Oil Rosemary, %, ounce. Oil Lemon, 1 tt Oil Lavender, English, 1% " Oil Cinnamon, 20 ounces. Water (warm), 1 quart. Mix. NO. 17. German No. 5. Oil Rose, 15 drops. Oil Jasmin, 4 drachms. Oil Patchouly, 1 drachm. Oil Rose Geranium, \% drachms. Oil Lemon Grass, % drachm. Oil Orange, 15 drops. Oil Bergamot, 2 drachms. Oil Nutmeg, ^ drachm. Oil Almond, 10 drops. Oil Verbena, 10 Oil Caraway, 5 Oil Cassia, 5 Oil Citronella, . 30 Oil Rhodium, 5 Tinct. Benzoin, 2 ounces. Tinct. Vanilla, 1 ounce. Cologne Spirits, y 2 gallon. Water (warm), 8 ounces. Mix. -23 354 TOILET WATERS. NO. 18. White Rose. Ext. Rose Pomade, third wash, 1 gallon. Pure Spirits, 32 ounces. Oil Rose, 2 drachms. Ext. Violet, third wash, 5 ounces. Ext. Jasmin, " " 2* " Ext. Musk, 2 c< Tine. Camphor, 12 drops. Oil Patchouly, 1 drachm. Mix. NO. 19. Jockey Club. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, third wash, 1 gallon. Mix Ext. Rose " " Ext. Orange " " Jockey Club Comp., Ext. Cloves, u a 8 ounces. 10 " 8 " 2 " NO. 20. Violet. Ext. Violet Pomade, third Ext. Jasmin " " Ext. Cassia u " Ext. Rose, " " Ext. Musk, wash a a , 32 ounces. 32 32 32 4 drachms. Mi: TOILET WATERS. 355 NO. 21. Geranium Rose. Ext. Cassia Pomade, third wash, 32 ounces. Pure Spirits, 4 " Geranium Rose Comp., 8 " Mix. NO. 22. Ylang Ylang. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, third wash, 96 ounces. Ext. Tuberose " " " 32 " Ylang Ylang Comp., 8 Mix. NO. 23. Magnolia. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, third wash, 96 ounces. Ext. Orange " « " 32 Magnolia Comp., 8 " Mix. NO. 24. Verbena. Pure Spirits, 96 ounces. Ext. Orange Pomade, third wash, 32 " Verbena Comp., 8 " Mix. CHAPTER XXVIII. SACHET POWDERS. NO. 1. Sachet Au Crypre. (Piesse.) Ground Rosewood, 1 pound. Ground Cedar Wood, 1 " Ground Santal Wood, 1 " Otto of Rosewood, 3 drachms. Mix and sift. It is then ready for use. NO. 2. Frangipani Sachet. Orris Root Powder, 3 pounds. Vitivert Powder, Y x pound. Santal Wood Powder, Vx " Otto of Neroli, ") Otto of Rose, >■ of each 1 drachm. Otto of Santal, ) Musk Pods, Ground, 1 ounce. Musk Pods, Civet, Va. " Mix. This is one of the finest Sachets made, the name being derived from the noble family of Mutio Frangipani, an Alchemist of some repute. SACHET POWDERS. 35; NO. 3. Lavender Sachet. (Piesse.) Lavender Flowers, Ground. 1 pound. Gum Benzoin, in Powdei U " Otto Lavender, y± " Mix. NO. 4. Heliotrope Sachet. (Saunders.) Rose Leaves, 2 ounces. Orris Root, 1 ounce. Lavender Flowers, 1 " Tonka Beans, 2 drachms. Benzoin Gum, 1 drachm. Musk, 5 grains. Oil Bitter Almonds, 3 drops. Oil Santal, 30 " Oil Neroli, 10 " Mix. NO. 5. Jockey Club Sachet. (Saunders.) Lavender Flowers, Yn ounce. Rose Leaves, \y 2 ounces. Orris Root, 2 Vanilla Beans, % drachm. Musk, 4 grains. Extract Jasmin, 2 drachms. Oil of Santal, 20 drops. Oil of Neroli, 5 • Otto of Rose, 10 Mix. 358 SACHET POWDERS. NO. 6. Clove Pink Sachet (Saunders.) Orris Root, 2 ounces. Lavender Flowers, 1 ounce. Pachouly Leaves, % " Cloves, 2 drachms. Deer Tongue, 2 " Musk, 2 grains. Pimento, 1 drachm. Otto of Rose, 10 drops. Oil of Neroli, 12 a Oil of Santal, 20 « Mix. Oil Lavender, English, 10 Mix. NO. 7. Mille Fleurs . Flowers of Lavender, 6 drachms Cloves, 2 u Buds of Cassia, 2 " Seeds of Coriander, % ounce. Gum Benzoin, Yz drachm. Nutmegs, % u Orris Root, 2 ounces. Beans of Vanilla, 1 drachm. Musk, 5 grains. Otto of Rose, 5 drops. Oil of Neroli, 4 Oil of Patchouly, 2 Oil of Lavender, English, 4 Oil of Verbena, 2 Oil of Santal, 10 SACHET POWDERS. 159 NO. 8. Verveine Sachet. Lemon Peel, Dried and Ground, 1 pound. Lemon Thyme, ^ " Otto of Lemon Grass, 1 drachm. Otto of Lemon Peel, y 2 ounce. Otto of Bergamot, 1 " Mix. Mix. NO. 9. Rose Sachet. Rose Leaves, * 1 pound. Santal Wood, Ground, y 2 " Otto of Roses, l /i ounce. Mix. NO. 10. Marchale Sachet. Powder of Santal Wood, J A poi Powder of Orris Root, y* ■ Rose Leaves, Grou nd, Vx ' Cloves, Ground, % ' Cassia Bark, * ' Grain Musk, % ' Note. — We would say just here that Santal Wood, be- fore it is ground, is of no use to the druggist, as all efforts to reduce it to powder will be unavailing, on ac- count of its toughness ; so be sure it is reduced to powder before buying. 360 SACHET POWDERS NO. 11. Wild Flowers Sachet. Wild Ginger Root, 1 ounce. Deer Tongue, \ " Lavender Flowers, \ " Sweet Flag Root, 1 drachm. Coriander Seed, 6 drachms. Patchouly Leaves, 1 ounce. Nutmeg, 1 drachm. Oil of Bergamot, 40 drops. Oil of Neroli, 10 U Oil of Santal, 20 " Oil of Verbfena, 5 u Oil of Patchouly, 5 " Extract Jasmin, 2 drachms. Mix. Mix. NO. 12. Pot-Pourri. Dried Lavender, 1 pound. Whole Rose Leaves, 1 " Crushed Orris (coarse), J " Broken Cloves, ) Broken Cinnamon, > each 2 ounces, Broken Allspice , ) Table Salt, 1 pound. This is a mixture of dried flowers and spices, not ground, and we need scarcely observe that the ^salt is only used to increase the bulk and weight, in order to sell cheap. SACHET POWDERS. ■ 361 Mix. Mix. NO. 13. Portugal Sachet. (Piesse.) Dried Orange Peel, 1 pound. Dried Lemon Peel, J' " Dried Orris Root, £ " Otto Orange Peel, 1 ounce. Otto Neroli, \ drachm. Lemon Grass, \ " NO. 14. Mousseline Sachet. (Piesse.) Vitivest, in powder, 1 pound. Santal Wood, ) , , u Orris, f eacl1 * Mix. Black Currant Leaves, \ " Benzoin, in powder, I " Otto of Thyme, 5 drops. Otto of Roses, \ drachm. NO. 15. La Pierce Sachet. Dried Thyme, ") Dried Lemon Thyme, ! Dried Mint, f each \ pound. Dried Marjoram, J Dried Lavender, 1 " Rose Leaves, 1 Ground Cloves, 2 ounces. Calamus Powder, 1 pound. Musk, in grain, 1 drachm 362 SACHET POWDERS. NO. 16. Violet Sachet, Black Currant Leaves, 1 pound. Cassia Buds, 1 Rose Leaves, 1 Orris Root Powder, 2 pounds. Otto of Almonds, J drachm. Grain Musk, 1 Gum Benzoin, in powder, \ pound. Mix the ingredients well by sifting, and keep them together for at least a week before offering them for sale. We have now given a list of all the principal Sachets that are now in use; however, there are many others, but for actual trade purposes, there is no advantage in keeping a greater variety than those named. There are several other substances used in a similar way, and the most popular of these is the Peau D'Espagne. This is a highly perfumed Leather, prepared thus : Good, sound pieces of Wash Leather are to be steeped in a mixture of Ottos, in which are dissolved some odor- iferous gum-resins, Otto of Neroli, Otto of Lavender, Otto of Rose, Santal — of each, half an ounce; Verbena and Bergamot, quarter of an ounce ; Otto of Cloves and Cinnamon, cf each two drachms ; all these in half a pint SACHET POWDERS. 363 of Spirit, in which was dissolved about four ounces of Gum Benzoin. Leave the skin in this for a day or two, then remove it and squeeze well. Let the skin dry by exposure to the air. A paste must be made of one drachm of Civet with one drachm of Grain Musk, and enough Gum Acacia to make it spread well. The skin must then be cut into pieces four inches square, and the paste spread over them. Two pieces must be placed together, having the Civet Plaster between them. They must then be placed between sheets of paper, and pressed. When dry, place in rolls of silk or satin, and finished to the taste. CHAPTER XXTX. TOILET SOAPS. If one were to undertake to write an essay on this subject, it could not fail to be interesting. History informs us that the Gauls were the inventors of Soap. The French king's retinue, in former days, was incomplete without his royal soap-maker. A Mr. Starke, writing on certain discoveries made at Pompeii, says that a soap-maker's shop was discovered while excavating, containing Soap, and this after a per- iod of eighteen hundred years, for Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius, A. D. 79. Soap is mentioned in the Bible (see Jer. 2 : 22, and Malachi 3: 2) proving, beyond doubt, its antiquity. It is a common error to suppose that the perfumer is a soap-maker. He is a melter, not a maker, and for his use recognizes the following : Curd Soap, Oil Soap, Castile Soap, Marine Soap, Yellow, Palm, and several other kinds ; but we have named the principal. Curd Soap is the base for highly-scented Soap. In this connection, as a strange item, we wish to men- tion the fact that in the reign of King Charles the First TOILET SOAPS. 365 a law was passed forbidding any one to manufacture Soap in less quantities than one hundred pounds, thus placing its manufacture in the hands of a few. This law continued on the Statute till 1853, when duty was taken off Soap. It would be useless to enter here into the methods of manufacturing Soap, for the reason already given, that the perfumer is not a soap-maker. Re-Melting Soap. Before submitting for your guidance our several for- mulas, it will be as well to commence by showing our process of remelting. The process is exceedingly simple. The bar Soap is first cut up into thin slabs, because it melts more easily. The melting-pan is an iron vessel heated by steam or by a water bath. Put your Soap into your pan by degrees ; that is, the thin slabs of Soap are to be placed perpen- dicularly all 'round the inside of the pan, introducing at the same time a few ounces of water. The steam will assist the melting. In a short time the Soap will run down, when more slabs, in a similar manner, must be introduced, and so continued, every half hour, until the whole melting is finished. As the Soap melts, in order to mix it and break up lumps, it is, from time to time, crutched, that is, stirred with an instrument in the form of a crutch or inverted (X), curved to fit the curve of the pan. When the Soap is all melted, it is then colored, if so required, and then the perfume is added, the whole being thoroughly 366 TOILET SOAPS. incorporated with the crutch. The Soap is then turned into a frame. The frame is a box made in sections, in order that it can be taken to pieces, so that the Soap can be cut up when cold. The sections or lifts are frequently made of the width of the intended bar of Soap. Two or three days after the Soap has been in the frame, it is cool enough to cut into slabs of the required size. "With these requisite j:>reliminaries, we will now intro- duce a number of excellent formulas, which can be re- lied on. NO. 1 Bath Soap. Toilet Soap, Oil of Maryoline, Oil of Lemon, Oil of Cloves, 75 3 3 3 pounds, ounces. (C Mix. Color with English Vermillion, four ounces. Rub the Vermillion with the perfume. NO. 2. Camphor Soap. Curd Soap, 28 pounds. Oil of Rosemary, ly[ " Camphor. \y x " Reduce the Camphor to powder by rubbing it into a mortar with the addition of an ounce or more of Almond Oil ; then sift it. When the Soap is melted and ready to turn out, add the Camphor and Rosemary, and mix well. TOILET SOAPS. 367 NO. 3. Bay Run Soap. Prepared Soap, 150 pounds. Oil Fennel, 2f ounces. Oil Peppermint, 1* " Oil Maryolaine, 1* Oil Sassafras, 2£ « Oil Thyme, 1* " Oil Rosemary, 1* " Oil Cinnamon, 5| Oil Cloves, 2f « Oil Lemon, 2f " Color. — Burnt Terra de Sienna, 10 ounces. Burnt Sugar, 16 " Rub the Terra de Sienna with the Perfumes, and put in the Burnt Sugar separately. NO. 4 . Transparent Soap. Tallow Oil, 8 pounds. Cocoanut Oil, 2 Soda Lye, 36°, 5 Alcohol, 4 pints. Oil Cassia, h ounce. Oil Cloves, i " Oil Lavender, h " Oil Citronella, * " Oil Thyme, i " Melt the Cocoanut and Tallow Oils over a warm bath, en remove and stir until it is milk warm ; then mix e Alcohol and Lye together ; then put the Alcohol and 368 TOILET SOAPS. Lye over the water bath, in one kettle, and the Oils in another kettle over the water bath ; let them heat for about five minutes, but take care they do not boil ; then pour the Acohol and Lye into the Oils, and stir until they are well mixed. The Soap will be done when there is a scum over the top, or try if it will string down and harden if a small portion is tried in a saucer. If it will not harden, it is not done. Do not let it boil, or it will spoil. When done, pour into a tin can and cool as rap- idly as possibly. Mix Perfume in half a pint of Alcohol. After the Soap has been put in the can to cool, add one pound of Glycerine, and let cool. NO. 5. Carbolic Soap. Cocoanut Oil Soap, 75 ounces. Alcohol, 10 " Carbolic Acid, 6 " Caustic Potassa, 2 " Oil of Lemon, 1 " Melt the Soap, and add to it the three last ingredients, dissolved in the Alcohol. Mix well, and pour into moulds. NO. 6. Green Soap. Olive Oil, 16 troy ounces. Caustic Potassa, 6 " " Water, sufficient. Dissolve five ounces of the Potassa in two pints of Water ; add eight ounces of that solution to the Oil in a TOILET SOAPS. suitable porcelain vessel, and place over a moderate fire. When the mixture has become quite thick, gradually add the remainder of the Potassa solution. Continue the heat until the mass has assumed a yellow, transpa- rent, gelatinous form. Dissolve the remaining ounce of Potassa in two pints of Water, and add it to the mass. Evaporate to a proper consistence. The product is trans- parent and yellow. If desired, a small amount of indigo (powdered) will impart to it the green color which is generally preferred, although it is in no way an improve- ment. NO. 7. Honey Soap. Best Yellow Soap, 112 pounds. Soft Soap, 14 " Oil of Citronella, U " Mix. NO. 8. Variegated Toilet Soap. Prepared Soap, 3 pounds. Sal Soda, 2 ounces. Chinese Vermilion, Jounce. Chinese Blue, £ " In order to streak the soap, the colors must not be thoroughly mixed. Do not give the melted soap more than two or three turns with the crutch. —24 370 TOILET SOAPS. NO. 9. Honey Soap. Prepared Soap, 50 pounds. Oil Lavender, 2| " Oil Citronella, 3J " Oil Lemon Grass, 1 ounce. Oil Cloves, 1^ ounces. Use for color a sufficient quantity of the following : Vermilion, 2 ounces. Yellow Analine, J ounce. Mix. NO. 10. Windsor Soap. Prepared Soap, 75 pounds. Oil Cinnamon, 2 ounces. Oil Peppermint, Oil Lavender, Oil Thyme, Oil Bergamot, Color: Burnt Umber, 4 ounces. English Vermilion, 1 ounce. Lamp-black, J " Rub the colors and perfumes together thoroughly, pre- vious to pouring into frame. TOILET SOAPS. 371 NO. 11. Superfine Rose Soap. Prepared Soap, 10 pounds. Oil Neroli, § ounce. Oil Bergamot, 3i ounces. Oil Geranium, § ounce. Oil Rose, f " Oil Cloves, 1^ ounces. Essence Musk, 3| " Mix. Mix. NO. 12. . White Windsor (Piesse.) Oil Caraway, Oil Thyme, [ each Oil Rosemary Oil Cassia, Oil Cloves. Curd Soap, 112 Marine Soap, 21 Oil Soap, 14 each pounds. NO. 13. Old Brown Windsor. Mix. Curd Soap, Marine Soap, Yellow Soap, Oil Soap, Brown Coloring (Caramel), Oil Caraway, "} Oil Cloves, Oil Thyme, { Oil Cassia, [ Oil Petit Grain, Oil French Lavender, J 84 28 28 28 pounds. 4 pint each 2 ounces. 372 TOILET SOAPS. NO. 14. Sand Soap. Curd Soap, 7 pounds. Marine Soap, 7 " Sifted Silver Sand, 28 " Oil of Thyme, 1 Oil of Cassia, I of each 2 ounces Oil of Caraway, Oil of French Lavender, J Mix. NO. 15. Frangipani Soap. (Piesse.) Curd Soap (previously colored pink), 7 pounds. Civit, y x ounce. Oil Neroli, ^ " Oil Santal, 1 y 2 ounces. Oil Rose, li " Oil Vitivert, % ounce. Rub the Civet with the various Oils ; mix and beat in the usual manner. NO. 16. Patchouly Soap. Curd Soap, 4^ pounds. Oil Patchouly, 1 ounce. Oil Santal, ) - „„ •. Oil Vitivert, of each Mi: TOILET SOAPS. 373 NO. 17. Musk Soap. Prepared Soap (not perfumed) 10 pounds. Grain Musk, y% ounce. Essence Tonka, 4 ounces. 8nKLon>* *-~ Oil Cloves, 1 Take one ounce Cocoa Butter, and rub up the Musk on a stone with the Cocoa Butter ; when thoroughly- mixed, put in the other perfumes and proceed in the usual way. NO. 18. A la Bouquet. Prepared Soap, 10 pounds. Oil Bergamot, 4 ounces. Oil Lavender, 6 " Oil Cinnamon, 3 '• Mix. Oil Cloves, 1 ounce. Color with Vermillion. NO. 19. Juniper Paste. Tallow, 50 pou: Cocoanut Oil, 25 " Common Tar, 6 " Oil Juniper Berry, 6 " Soda Lye, 37^ " Mix. If you desire to color, use 8 ounces of Burnt Sugar. 374 TOILET SOAPS. NO. 20. Erasive Soap. Good Castile Soap, 2 pounds. Carb. Potassium, \ pound. Dissolved in Hot Water, \ pint. Alcohol, % ounce. Camphor, \ " Hartshorn, \ " Color to suit. Cut the Soap in fine pieces ; then boil it with the Potassium until thick enough to mould into cakes ; then add the other ingredients. NO. 21. Freckle Lotion. Muriate Ammonia, 1 drachm. Distilled Water, 1 pint. Lavender Water, 2 drachm. Mix. Apply with sponge several times a day. Scenting Soaps Cold. When Soaps are scented hot they are apt to lose a great deal of the perfume by evaporation. Hence the adoption of tne following : After your Soap is cold and as yet unscented, take an ordinary carpenter's plane and a good marble mortar, TOILET SOAPS. 375 with pestal. Place the carpenter's plane over the mor- tar, but turn the plane upside down. Take now a piece of Soap, and push it across the plane until it is all re- duced into fine shavings. These, of course, fall into the mortar. When you have cut a sufficiency and slightly pounded the Soap into a mass and in a proper condition, measure out your oils and add them to the mass, thor- oughly incorporating by again pounding until the Soap is perfectly free from streaks and of one uniform consist- ency. For perfuming soap in large quantities by the cold process, it is more convenient to employ a mill of some kind similar in construction to a chocolate mill, but any kind will do that answers for making paste and crushing lumps. CHAPTER XXX. WINES AND LIQUOKS. NO. 1. Irish or Scotch Whisky. Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Creosote, (dissolved in 1 quart of Water,) 60 drops. Acetic Acid, 2 ounces. Loaf Sugar, 1 pound. This must stand for 48 hours before drawing off. NO. 2. Monongahela Whisky. Proof or Neutral Whisky, 40 gallons. Dried Peaches, 4 pounds. New Orleans Sugar, 4 " Allspice, | pound. Cinnamon, ^ " Cloves, i Spirits of Nitre, 2 ounces. Rye, burnt and ground like Coffee, 1 quart. Put in the ingredients, and after standing for five days, draw off and strain, if necessary. WINES AND LIQUORS. 377 NO. 3. Old Bourbon Whisky. Spirits, 40 gallons. Good Bourbon Whisky, 5 " Spirits of Nitre, 2 ounces. Fusil Oil (from Corn), ) „ tl cut in 1 qt. Alcohol, J Mix. Let this stand four days before drawing off. NO. 4. To Neutralize Whisky to Make Various Liquors. Whisky, 40 gallons. Unslacked Lime, 1J pounds. Alum, f pound. Spirits of Nitre, | pint. Let this stand for 24 hours before drawing off. NO. 5. Cherry Brandy No 1. Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Wild Black Cherries, 40 quarts. These Cherries should be mashed before adding them to the Spirits. After they are added, let them stand for three days; then add Loaf Sugar, 6 pounds. Water, 5 gallons. 373 WINES AND LIQUORS. NO. 6. Cherry Brandy No. 2. Spirits, 40 gallons. Essential Oil Bitter Almonds, 2 ounces, cut in one-half gallon of 90° Alcohol. Sugar, 10 pounds. Mix. Color this with Sugar coloring, very dark. NO. 7. Cherry Brandy No. 3. Pure or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Water, 4 Sugar, 10 pounds. Bitter Almonds (bruised), 1 pound. Cloves, 1 ounce. Cassia, 1 " Color with Sugar coloring, mixing thoroughly. Let stand thirty days before drawing off. NO. 8. Raspherry Brandy. Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Water, 4 " Raspberries, 40 quarts. Loaf Sugar, 6 pounds. Cloves, 1 ounce. Cassia, 1 " Mix, and color if necessary. Let this stand fifteen days before drawing off, and then strain and fine as in fining Wines. WINES AND LIQUORS. 379 NO. 9. Blackberry Brandy. Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Water, 5 " Blackberries, 40 quarts. Sugar. 6 pounds. Cloves, 1 ounce. Cassia, 1 " Proceed the same as in Raspberry Brandy. NO. 10. Cognac Brandy. Pure Spirits, 40 gallons. Oil Cognac, dissolved in 90° Alcohol, J ounce. Loaf Sugar, or Syrup, 1£ pounds. Oenanthic Acid, ^ ounce. Acetic Ether, 2 ounces. Tine. Kino, 2 This can be improved by adding three or four gallons of the Brandy to be imitated. Let this stand for eight or ten days. Color the same as genuine Cognac Brandy. NO. 11. Brandy No. 1. Pure or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Crude Tartar, dissolved in ) 1 _-„_j 1 gallon of Hot Water, [ l P ouncL Acetic Ether, £ pint. Raisins (Bruised), 6 pounds. Tinct. Kino, 2 ounces. Sugar, 3 pounds. Color this with Sugar Coloring, and let it stand 14 days, and then draw off. 380 WINES AND LIQUORS. NO. 12. Brandy No. 2. Pure Spirits (or Neutral), 40 gallons. Acetic Ether, 2 ounces. Good Brandy, 2 gallons. Loaf Sugar, 4 pounds. Orris Root (powdered), 2 ounces. Catechu (powdered), 4 " Color the same as No. 1, and after standing for 10 days draw off. NO. 13. Brandy No. 3. Neutral or Pure Spirits, Crude Tartar, dissolved ) in Hot Water, J Jamaica Rum, Raisins (Bruised), Tinct. Kino, 40 gallons. 10 ounces. 2 gallons. 4 pounds. 3 ounces. Color with Sugar Coloring, then draw off. Let stand for 10 days, and Color NO. 14. Brandy No. Spirits, Jamaica Rum, Catechu (powdered), White Wine Vinegar, Orris Root, Cassia Buds (ground), Cream Tartar, Loaf Sugar, as directed in No. 3. days, draw off. 4. 40 gallons. J gallon. 5 ounces. 1 quart. \ ounce. 1 ounce. 2 ounces. 3 pounds. After letting stand 10 WINES AND LIQUORS. 381 NO. 15. Holland Gin NO. 1. Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Spirits of Nitre, 2 ounces. Loaf Sugar, 4 pounds. Oil Juniper, 1 ounce, ) cut in Alcohol one Oil Caraway, s " ) quart. After standing twenty-four hours, this is ready for use. NO. 16. Holland Gin No. 2. Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Loaf Sugar, 2 pounds. Juice of Juniper Berries, 2 quarts. Put these Berries into a half gallon of Alcohol, and let stand five days. Then press out the juice and add the same to the liquor. Mix by thorough shaking, and let stand four days. NO 17. Holland Gin No. 3. Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Good Gin, 2 " Lemon Juice, 1 pint. Sweet Fennel Seed, 1 ounce. Acetic Acid, 1 " Oil Juniper, J " Loaf Sugar, 3 pounds. This must stand three or four days before drawing off. 382 WINES AND LIQUORS. NO. 18 . Gin. Pure Spirits, 40 gallons. Gin, 5 " Juniper Berries, 2 pounds. Sweet Fennel Seed, 1 ounce. Spirits Nitre, 2 ounces. Loaf Sugar, 1 pound. High Proof Spirits, i gallon. Mix thoroughly. Let it stand one week ; then filter. NO. 19. Jamaica Rum. Domestic Rum, or Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. Jamaica Rum, 2 " Loaf Sugar, 3 pounds. Tinct. of Kino, 2 ounces. Butyric Ether, 2 " Color with Sugar coloring, and let macerate five days. NO. 20. St. Croix Rum. Proof or Neutral Spirits, 40 gallons. St. Croix Rum, 2 Loaf Sugar, 3 pounds. Acetic Acid, 2 ounces. Butyric Acid. 1^ WINES AND LIQUORS. 3S3 ARTIFICIAL WINES. NO. 1. Madeira Wine. Prepared Cider, 40 gallons. Tartaric Acid, J pound. Alcohol, 4 gallons. Loaf Sugar, 3 pounds. Fine and color as in imitation Madeira, with Sugar Coloring. NO. 2. Malaga Wine. Prepared Cider, 40 gallons. Water, 5 < l N. 0. Sugar, 16 pounds. Alcohol, 4 gallons. Let it stand for four days, then draw it off, and add five gallons of good Sweet Malaga Wine ; color with Sugar Coloring. NO. 3. Sherry Wine No. 1. Prepared Cider, 40 gallons. Essential Oil Bitter Almonds, % ounce. Loaf Sugar, 4 pounds. Cheap Cape Wine, 8 gallons. Tinct. Kino, 2 ounces. Let this stand for one week before drawing oft'. 384 WINES AND LIQUORS. NO. 4. Sherry Wine No. 2. Prepared Cider, 40 gallons. Spirits, 5 Wild Honey, 2 pounds. Bitter Almonds (bruised), £ pound. Orris Root (sliced), £ ounce. Raisins (bruised), 2 pounds. Mix. Let this stand for ten days before draining off. NO. 5. Claret Wine NO. 1. Prepared Cider, 40 gallons. Water, 5 " The Juice of 40 lemons^ Sugar, 2 pounds. Cream of Tartar, 4 ounces. Pure Spirits, 3 gallons. Let stand for ten days, and then color with Juice e Red Beet ; after this, fine it. of NO. 6. Claret Wine No. 2. Prepared Cider, 35 gallons. Port Wine, 5 " Cream of Tartar, 1 pound. Spirit (Proof or Neutral), 3 gallons Loaf Sugar, 2 pounds. Lemons (sliced), 10 " This must stand ten days before drawing off, it can be colored with Beet Root or Red Sanders. WINES AND LIQUORS. 38-: Let this stand ten days, and then draw off. Color NO. 7 Port Wine No. 1. Prepared Cider, 40 gallons. Spirits, 5 " Wild Grapes, 10 quarts. Rhatany Bark (bruised), 1 pound. Loaf Sugar, 3 pounds. Tinct. Kino, 4 ounces. stand ten days, and then draw off. iure Rhatany. NO. 8 Port Wine No. 2. Prepared Cider, Red Cape W T ine, Port Wine, Spirits, Sugar, Tincture Kino, Tartaric Acid, 35 gallons. 5 " 5 " 3 " 5 " 2 ounces. 1 ounce. The cask must be perfectly air-tight for seven days, then draw off and color with Sugar Coloring. NO. 9. Sauterne Wine. New Cider, 35 gallons. White Grapes, 30 quarts. Let fermentation take place, and add Pure Spirits, 2 gallon?. Fine and decant till it becomes pure, and then discolor with milk. —25 386 WINES AND LIQUORS. NO. 10. Blackberry Wine. Spirits (Proof), 30 gallons. Soft Water, 8 Loaf Sugar, 6 pounds. Pineapple (sliced), 1. Blackberries, 40 quarts. Tinct. Kino, 3 ounces. Tartaric Acid, 1 ounce. Yeast, 1 pint. Let this stand in a warm place until fermentation takes place ; then draw off, and fine it. NO. 11. Raspberry Wine. Spirits (Proof), 30 gallons. Water 5 Sugar, 4 pounds. Pineapple (sliced), 1. Raspberries, 40 quarts. Tinct. Kino, 2 ounces. Yeast, \ pint. Tartaric Acid, 2 ounces. Use the same directions as above. NO. 12. Teneriffe Wine. 40 3 Prepared Cider, Spirits, Lemon Juice, Honey, Oil of Bitter Almond, Raisins (bruised), gallon. 5 pint. Vx % ounce. 2 pounds Before drawing off let it stand for ten days. WINES AND LIQUOR; 387 NO. 13. Currant Wine. Pure Spirits, 30 gallons. Water, 5 it Port Wine, 2 " Loaf Sugar, 6 pounds Tinct. Kino, • 3 ounces. Currant Juice, 30 quarts. After letting this stand for a week it is ready to draw off. GENERAL RULES FOR FAMILY WINES FROM RIPE SACCHARINE FRUITS. Formula No. 1. Ripe Fruit, 4 pounds. Soft Water, 1 gallon. Loaf Sugar, 3 pounds. Cream of Tartar, ) 1JL ______ dissolved in hot water, f x * ounces - Brandy, 1 quart. This must stand for one week before drawing off. Formula No. 2. Same as in No. 1, only using two pounds more Fruit and Sugar, this will be found excellent without Brandy, but of course better with it, and to make it still better one and one-half pounds of Raisins may be added to each pound of Sugar. The same directions must be used as in No. 1. 388 WINES AND LIQUORS. Formula No. 3. Ripe Fruit, 16 pounds. Soft Water, 8 gallons. Good Brandy, 2 Loaf Sugar, 12 pounds. Cream of Tartar, 6 ounces. Flavor. Color. Fine and decant when necessary. By the above Formulas excellent wines can be made from the following Fruits : Gooseberry, Currant, Cherry, Elder, Strawberry, Raspberry, Mulberry, Blackberry. Ap- ple, Grape, Apricot, Damson and Whortleberry. To Prepare Cider. Pure Cider, 40 gallons. Pure Spirits, 3 " Sugar or Syrup, 3 pounds. Crude Tartar, y 2 " The Spirits, Sugar and Crude Tartar must be well mixed with the Cider. Fill up the cask and as fermen- tation goes on keep the cask well filled up. You will, by this means, obtain an excellent article of Cider. CHAPTER XXXI. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. In case of a poisoning, send instantly for a Physician, meantime administering the Antidote indicated. If you would store the minds of your children with knowledge, as useful as it is rare, teach them but a single Antidote each day, and in a few weeks they will learn more of practical toxicology than is now known to one person in five hundred. NO. 1. Arsenic. Antidote — Lime Water in copious draughts ; emetics of Sulphate of Zinc, Flax Seed Tea, Infusion of Slip- pery Elm. NO 2. Aqua Fortis. Antidote — Magnesia or Soap dissolved in Water every two minutes. 390 POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. NO. 3. Arsenite of Copper. (Scheele's Green.) Scheele's Green, or Arsenite of Copper, is met with in a variety of pigments and paper-hangings. Symptoms of poisoning by it are those of arsenical poisoning, and must be treated in the same way. NO. 4. Bed-Bug Poison.— (Corrosive Sublimate.) Antidote — White of Eggs beat up with Water, and drink Milk. NO. 5, Belladonna. Antidote — Emetic of Mustard or White Vitriol, Stomach Pump, cold bath, strong Coffee or Tea, Tannin, Tea of Oak Bark, purgatives. NO. 6. Bi-Chromate Potash. Antidote — Magnesia, Bi-Chlorate of Soda, or a solution of Soap. NO. 7. Black Cobalt. Antidote — Lime water in copious draughts, emetics of Sulphate of Zinc, FJax Seed Tea, infusion of Slippery Elm. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. 391 NO. 8. Blue Stone. Antidote — Give large quantities of White of Eggs, or Milk. NO. 9. Calomel. Antidote — White of Eggs, Stomach Pump, Milk, Flour and Water, Gluten. . NO. 10. Cantharides. Cantharides, either in powder or tincture, is sometimes administered in poisonous doses for criminal purposes. One or two drachms of the powder will cause burning in the throat, pain in the abdomen, vomiting of bloody- mucus, incessant desire to pass water. The treatment must consist of emetics and demulcents. NO. 11. Carbolic Acid. Antidote — Give large quantities of Milk, Flour and Water, Soap Suds. NO. 12. Chloride of Tin. Antidote — Common Baking Soda, to be followed with Castor Oil. 392 POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. NO. 13. Chloroform. Antidote — Horizontal Posture, cold air, cold water to the head, Mustard Plasters to the feet, Ammonia to the nostrils. NO. 14. Cobalt. Antidote — Lime Water in copious draughts, emetics of Sulphate of Zinc, Flax Seed Tea, infusion of Slippery Elm. NO. 15. Copperas. Antidote — White of Eggs, Stomach Pump, Milk, Flour and Water, Gluten. NO. 16. Cyanide of Potash. Antidote — Emetics, and follow with Per-Sulphate of Iron. NO. 17. Digitalis, or Foxglove. - Antidote — Strong Coffee, without milk or sugar; after which, to produce vomiting, mix a tablespoonful of Mus- tard in warm water. Keep the body in motion. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. NO. 18. Godfrey's Cordial. Godfrey's Cordial is made of Infusion of Sassafras, Molasses and Tincture of Opium. It contains about one drachm of the latter in six ounces, or half a grain of Opium in an ounce. Half a teaspoonful has been known to cause the death of an infant. NO. 19. Hartshorn and Oil. Poisoning by "Hartshorn and Oil" is not uncommon. The symptoms are, intense burning sensation in the throat, gullet and stomach, and when vomiting occurs, which is not always present, the vomited matter is mixed with blood of a dark brown color. The immedi- ate remedy is to give Vinegar, Lemon Juice and demul- cents. NO. 20. Hemlock. Hemlock, or Conium Maculatum, has been taken in mistake for Parsley. The symptoms are, loss of power in the upper and lower extremities, and of deglutition, partial paralysis of sensation, and fixed pupils. NO. 21. Hydrate Chloral. Antidote — Pour Cold Water over head and face artificial respiration; galvanic battery. 394 POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. NO. 22. Hyosciamus. Antidote — Emetic, made by mixing a tablespoonful of Mustard in water, strong black tea, without milk or sugar; then brandy, whisky or other stimulants. NO. 23. Laudanum. Antidote — Strong Coffee, without milk or sugar; after which, to produce vomiting, Mustard mixed in warm water, or Grease in warm water. Keep the body in con- stant motion. NO. 24. Monkshood. Monkshood, or Aconitum Napellus, has frequently been the cause of poisoning, the root being mistaken for Horseradish. NO. 25. Morphine. Antidote — Strong Emetics or Stomach Pump; dash Cold Water in the face ; keep in motion ; Strong Coffee ; Artificial Respiration ; Galvanic Battery. NO. 26. Muriate Tin. Antidote— Milk, Sal Soda, White of Eggs, Slippery Elm Tea, Solution Carb. Ammonia. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. 395 NO. 27. Muriatic Acid. Antidote— Magnesia, Bi-Carb. Soda in water, Soap Suds, Demulcents. NO. 28. Nitric Acid. Antidote — Magnesia mixed with Milk, common Chalk, Soda, Sweet Oil, Soap Suds. NO. 29. Nitrate of Silver. Antidote— Give common Salt, dissolved in Water. NO. 30. Nux Vomica. Antidote — Emetic of Mustard or White Vitriol, Stomach Pump, Cold Bath, Strong Coffee or Tea, Tannin, Tea of Oak Bark, Purgatives, Spts. Camphor. NO. 31. Oil Tansy. Antidote — Emetics, warm Flax or Slippery Elm Tea;' succeeded by stimulants or opiates. 396 POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. NO. 32. Opium. Antidote — Strong emetics or stomach pump, dash cold water in face, keep in motion, strong Coffee, artificial respiration, galvanic battery. NO. 33. Oxalic Acid. Antidote — Corbonate of Soda, Potash, Lime, Magnesia, Chalk, Calcined Magnesia. NO. 34. Paregoric. Antidote. — Strong Coffee, without Milk or Sugar ; after which, to produce vomiting, mix a teaspoonful of Mus- tard in warm Water. Keep the body in constant mo- tion. NO. 35. Paris Green. Antidote— Lime Water in copious draughts, emetics of Sulphate of Zinc, Flax Seed Tea, Infusion of Slippery Elm. NO. 36. Phosphorus Paste. Phosphorus Paste is sometimes taken as a poison. The symptoms of Phosphorus poisoning are those of an irri- tant poison. There is intense thirst, nausea, severe pain, and an odor of garlic in the breath and vomited matter. The treatment is, to administer emetics and give Magnesia. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. 397 NO. 37. Poisonous Mussels. Poisonous Mussels produce uneasiness and weight in the stomach, numbness in the extremities, dryness in the throat, cramps in the limbs, swelling of the eyelids, and eruption of nettle-rash, with great exhaustion. Emetics must be freely given, and diffusible stimulants, with opiates to allay pain. NO. 38. Prussic Acid. Prussic Acid, when taken in a large dose, is generally immediately fatal. In smaller doses — about thirty min- ims of the weak Acid — the symptoms are weight and pain in the head, giddiness, nausea, quick pulse, loss of muscular power, foaming at the mouth, strong odor of Bitter Almonds. Treatment : Cold affusion to the head and spine, Carbonate of Ammonia internally, inhalation of Chlorine Gas, or small doses of Chloride of Lime or Soda. The chemical antidote, if there is time for its administration, is the moist Peroxide of Iron. NO. 39- Prussiate Potash. Antidote — Stimulants, Brandy, Cayenne Pepper, Cam- phor. NO. 40. Red Precipitate. Antidote — White of Eggs, Stomach Pump, Milk, Flour and Water, Gluten. 398 POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. NO. 41. Strychnine. Antidote — Emetics, relieve pain with Chloroform, Ether or Opium ; ten-grain doses of Chloral every fifteen min- utes. NO. 42. Sugar Lead. Antidote — White of Eggs, Epsom Salts, Lemonade. NO. 43. Sulphuric Acid. Antidote — Carbonate of Soda, Potash, Lime and Mag- nesia. Water must not be taken. NO. 44. Tartar Emetic. Tartar Emetic has been taken in mistake for Epsom Salts. The symptoms are: Collapse, with livid coun- tenance, violent pain in the stomach, spasmodic con- traction of the muscles, particularly of the arms and abdomen, violent vomiting and purging. Treatment : Excite vomiting, and use the stomach pump ; give in- fusions of Gallnuts or Cinchona, or strong Tea. NO. 45. Tine. Aconite. Antidote — No time must be lost. An emetic is made by mixing a tablespoonful of Mustard in Water. Then take strong Coffee, without milk or Sugar. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. 399 NO. 46. Tinct. Iodine. Antidote — Vomit, made by mixing Mustard in Water ; drink freely of Gruel, Arrowroot or Boiled Starch. Con- tinue till the matter vomited is of the natural color. NO. 47. Vermin Poison. Various powders for the destruction of vermin, etc., contain Arsenic, and are frequent sources of poisoning. The symptoms come on about half an hour after the dose has been taken, and are : Nausea and burn- ing pain in the stomach, violent vomiting, intense thirst, purging, and pain in the epigastrium, on pressure. The treatment is, to excite vomiting as much as possi- ble by the administration of a scruple of Sulphate of Zinc and Ipecacuanha, and plenty of warm water, and to apply the stomach pump as soon as possible. The Hydrated Susquioxide of Iron, given in large quanti- ties, is also useful ; and a mixture of Linseed Meal, Cas- tor Oil and water, made to the consistency of Molasses, may also be given to protect the stomach. NO. 48. White Lead. Antidote — Sul. Magnesia or Soda, Phosphate of Soda, Milk, Eggs, Albumen. 400 POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. NO. 49. White Precipitate. Antidote — White of Eggs, beaten up with Water, Milk, or Wheaten Flour, beaten up. NO. 50. White Vitriol. Antidote — Milk, Sal. Soda, White of Eggs, Slippery Elm Tea, Solution Carb. Ammonia. CHAPTER XXXII. MISCELLANEOUS, NO. 1. Violet Powder. Corn Starch (powdered), 5 pounds. Terra Alba, 5 " Orris Root (powdered), 1^ " French Chalk (powdered), 1 " Oil Bergamot, 4 drachms. Oil Geranium, 1 " Oil Santal, 1 " Rub perfume in mortar with a handful of the Starch, when rubbed dry mix with other materials and run through a sieve a number of times. Proceed same with all powders mentioned of this class. NO. 2. Barbers' Powder. Same as Violet Powder. —26 402 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 3. Rose Powder. Corn Starch (powdered), 5 pounds. Terra Alba (powdered), 5 " Orris Root (powdered), j L U French Chalk (powdered), 1 ' " Oil Rose, H drachms. Oil Bergamot, l " Oil Cloves, l " Mix. NO. 4. Glycerine Jelly. Thicken pure Glycerine with powdered Tragacanth, color if desired and perfume to taste. Good for chapped bands but may be improved upon by triturating twenty grains Chlorate Potash with the glycerine before adding the Tragacanth. NO. 5. Nursery Powder. Powdered Orris Root, 2 pounds Powdered Corn Starch, 2 " No Perfume. Mix. NO. 6. Meen Fun. Corn Starch, 2 pounds. Carb. Magnesia, 3 ounces. Terra Albia, 2 pounds. French Chalk (pulverized), 3 ounces. Mix and sieve, perfume with Ex. Violet. MISCELLANEOUS. ' 403 COLORED FIRES FOR THEATRICAL ILLUMINA- TIONS. NO. 7. Light Blue. Chlorate of Potassium, 6 ounces. Sulphur, \\ Burnt Alum, 19 drachms. Mix. Mix. Mix. NO. 8. Dark Blue. Chlorate of Potassium, 12 ounces. Sulphur, 3 Carbonate of Copper, 18 drachms. Alum, 18 NO. 9. Green. Nitrate of Baryta, 6 ounces. Sulphur, 18 drachms. Chlorate of Potassium, 15 " Mix. NO. 10. , , Pink - Sulphur, 4 ounces. Saltpetre, 52 drachms Chlorate of Potassium ,44 " White Chalk, 4 ounces. Charcoal, 180 grains. 404 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 11. Extra Red. Nitrate of Strontia, 8 ounces. Chlorate of Potassium, 4 " Shellac, 3 Lycopodium, J ounce, Mix all the ingredients except the Chlorate of Potas- sium, which add just before using. Mix. Mix. NO. 12. White. Saltpetre, 6J ounses. Sulphur, 14 drachms. Gunpowder, 1\ ounces. NO. 13. Yellow. Saltpetre, 6£ ounces, Sulphur, 14 drachms. Bicarbonate Soda, 2 ounces. Charcoal, 1 drachm. Care must be taken to pulverize each ingredient for colored fires separately. Then mix together on paper. Do not rub the bodies together in a morter or an explo- sion may be expected MISCELLANEOUS. 40-1 NO. 14. Black Ink. (Equal to Arnold's.) Powdered Nutgalls, 6 pounds. Powdered Copperas, 2 " Gum Senegal, 1\ " Water, 6 gallons. Place the Nutgalls in a copper vessel, and add four gallons of water. Boil for three hours, adding fresh water to replace that lost by evaporation. Pour the so- lution into a tub. Allow it to settle; then run off the clear liquor, and drain the dregs. Dissolve the Gum in a small quantit} r of hot water. Filter, and add to the clear solution. Dissolve the Copperas in the remaining water. Mix with the above mixture, and add two ounces of powdered Cloves. Allow the mixture to remain un- disturbed for several days, until it has acquired a mod- erately deep tint. Then draw off the clear, and bottle it up. NO. 15. Blue Ink. Prussian Blue, 1 ounce. Oxalic Acid, 1 " Water, 8 ounces. Muriatic Acid (diluted), Q. S. Wash the blue in the dilute Muriatic Acid from off the liquid, and add the washed Blue to the Oxalic Acid previously dissolved in the water. If the solution is too thick, add more water. 406 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 16. Red Ink Carmine. Aqua Ammonia, 2 drachms. Carmine, 1 drachm. Water, 6 drachms. Mucilage Gum Acacia, J drachm. Mi: NO. 17. White Ink. Mix pure, freshly-precipitated Barium Sulphate or Flake White with water containing enough Gum Arabic to prevent the immediate settling of the substance. Starch or Magnesium Carbonate may be used in a simi- lar way. This must be reduced to impalpable powders. NO. 18. Beautiful Blue Writing- Fluid. Take Bisic or soluble Prussian Blue in pure water. This is the most permanent and beautiful Ink known. NO. 19. Brilliant Red Ink. Brazil Wood, 2 ounces. Muriate of Tin, \ drachm. Gum Arabic, 1 " Boil down, in thirty-two ounces of water, to one-half, and strain. MISCELLANEOUS. 401 NO. 20. Violet Copying Ink. For Blue Violet, dissolve in three hundred parts of boiling water Methyl 5 B., Hofmann Violet 3 B. or Gentiana Violet B. For Reddish Violet, dissolve in a small quantity of water Methyl Violet B. R. A small quantity of Sugar added to these Inks improves their copying qualities. If the writing, when dry, retains a bronzy appearance, more water must be added. NO. 21. Bougies and Pessaries. Flour of Slippery Elm, 4 ounces. Sassafras Bark, 4 " Balsam Copaiba, 2 " Dover's Powder, 2 " Add Water slowly, and work the mass until it acquires the consistency of dough ; then roll it into balls of from one to two inches in diameter; put them under stove to dry ; when they begin to get hard, moisten with water, and after some hours they can be pressed into an}' shape desired with considerable rapidity, and much neater and firmer than can possibly be done with the hand. You will be obliged to have a machine constructed to make them the size and shape desired. NO. 22. Waterproof Cement. Soak pure glue in water until it is soft, then dissolve it in the smallest possible amount of proof spirits by the 408 MISCELLANEOUS. aid of gentle heat. In two ounces of this mixture dis- solve ten grains of Gum Amonmacum and while still liquid, add half a drachm of Mastic dissolved in three drachms of Rectified Spirits. Stir well and for use keep the Cement liquified in a covered vessel over a hot water bath. NO. 23. Transparent Glue. Proceed as in Waterproof Cement using Isinglass for Glue. NO. 24. Japanese Cement. Mix the best powdered Rice with a little Cold Water, then gradually add Boiling Water until a proper consis- tency is acquired. Keep it well stirred all the time. Lastly boil it for one minute in a clean sauce pan. It is well adapted for light paper work. NO. 25. Cement for Closing Cracks in Stoves. This Cement is prepared by mixing finely pulverized Iron, such as can be procured at the Druggists, with Liquid Water Glass, to a thick paste, and then coating the cracks with it. The hotter the fire becomes, the more does the cement melt and combine with its metalic in- gredients and the more completely will the crack become closed. MISCELLANEOUS. 409 NO. 26. Aquarium Cement. Linseed Oil, 3 ounces. Tar, 4 " Resin, 1 pound. Melt together over a gentle fire. If too much oil is used the Cement will run down the angles of the Aqua- rium. Test before using by allowing a small quantity to cool under water, if not found sufficiently firm allow it to simmer longer or add more Tar or Resin. The Cement should be poured into the corners of the Acqua- rium while warm (not hot). This Cement is pliable and is not poisonous. NO. 27. Cement for Electrical Machines and Galvanic Troughs. Resin, 5 pounds. Beeswax, 1 pound. Melt and stir with Red Ochre, 1 pound. Plaster of Paris, 4 ounces, continuing heat above 212°. Stir constantly until all froth ceases. Or, for Troughs — Resin, 6 pounds. Dried Ochre. 1 pound. Calcined Plaster Paris, i " Linseed Oil, I 410 MISCELLANEOUS NO. 28. Cement for Acid Troughs. Melted Pitch, 1 part. Resin, 1 " Plaster Paris, 1 " Mix. The Plaster must be perfectly dry. NO. 29. Waterproof Cement. Shallac, 4 ounces. Borax, 1 ounce. Boil in a little water until dissolved, and concentrate by heat to a paste. NO. 30. Rubber Cement. Caoutchouc, cut in fine shreds, dissolved with four volumes of Naptha in a covered vessel, which should be left for several days. Naphtha should not be used in-doors. NO 31. Cement for Hard Rubber. Fuse together equal parts of Gutta Percha and genu- ine Asphaltum. Apply hot to the joint, closing the latter immediately with pressure. MISCELLANEOUS. 411 NO. 32. Cement to Resist Petroleum. A Cement peculiarly adapted to stand Petroleum, or any of its distillates, is made by boiling three parts of Resin with one of Caustic Soda and five of Water. This forms a Resin Soap, which is afterwards mixed with half its weight of Plaster of Paris, Zinc White, White Lead or Precipitated Chalk. The Plaster hardens in about forty minutes. NO. 33. Simple and Useful Cement. Alum and Plaster of Paris, well mixed in water and used in the liquid state, form a hard composition and also a useful cement. NO. 34. To Mend Crockery Ware. Take Lime and the White of an Egg. To use it, take a sufficient quantity of the Egg to mend one article at a time; shave off a quantity of Lime and mix thoroughly. Apply quickly to the edges and place firmly together, when it will very soon become set and strong. Mix but a small quantity, as it hardens soon. NO. 35. Marine Glue. Caoutchouc, 1 ounce. Asphallum (true), 2 ounces. Benzole, Q. S. The Caoutchouc is first dissolved by digestion and occasional agitation ; then the Asphaltum is gradually added. This solution should have about the consistency of molasses. 412 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 36. Cement for Paper or Rubber Goods. Fuse together equal parts of Pitch and Gutta Percha, and to this add about two parts of Linseed Oil, contain- ing five parts of Litharge; continue the heat until the ingredients are uniformly commingled. Apply warm. NO. 37. Cement for Iron. The following Cement is recommended for repairing damaged places in Cast Iron Tanks, Cisterns, etc. : Five parts Brimstone, 2 parts Black Lead and two parts of Cast Iron Filings, previously sifted, are melted together, taking care that the Brimstone does not catch fire. The damaged place, perfectly dry, is well heated by laying a piece of red hot iron upon it, and is then stopped with the Cement previously heated in a melting ladle till it becomes soft. NO. 38. Cement for Repairing Glass. Dissolve fine Glue in strong Acetic Acid to form a thin paste. NO. 39. Cement for Metals, Leather, Rubber or Cloth. Fuse together equal parts of Gutta Percha and Pitch. Use hot, MISCELLANEOUS. 413 NO. 40. Cement for Porcelain. Use thick White Lead Paint. NO. 41. Pollack's Cement for Iron and Stone. Mix thoroughly and make into a paste with Concen- trated Glycerine to the consistency of putty. Fill the crack. NO. 42. Red Drops. Oil of Cubebs, 2 drachms. Balsam Copaiba, 1 ounce. Tinct. Guaiac, 3 drachms. Paregoric, ■ 3 " Compound Spirits Lavender 3 " Dose. — Teaspoonful three or four times a day. This is a valuable receipt for Gonorrhea and Gleet. NO. 43. Ointment for Burns, Etc. Turpentine,") Bees Wax, [ of each 2 ounces. Sweet Oil, ) Melt Oil and Wax together and when nearly cold add Turpentine. Nothing can excel the above for Burns, etc. 414 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 44. Havana Flavor. This preparation gives Tobacco the real flavor of genuine Havana. Mace, 1 ounce. Cloves, 1 Cinnamon Bark, 2 " Grind moderately fine, moisten with the following mixture (pack in a Percolator and percolate with the remainder of the mixtures, drive out last portion with four ounces of Diluted Alcohol; : Ext. Valerian Fluid, 2 ounces. Tine. Vanilla Compound, 8 " Dilute Alcohol to make two pints. NO. 45. Red Sealing-Wax. Melt cautious^ four ounces Pale Shellac, in a copper vessel, at the lowest possible temperature ; add one and a quarter ounces of Venice Turpentine, previously warmed, and stir in three ounces of Vermilion; pour into metalic moulds, and allow it to cool. NO. 46. Black Sealing-Wax. Shellac, 60 parts. Venice Turpentine, 20 " Melt Shellac carefully ; add Venice Turpentine ; stir in thirty parts oi finely powdered Ivory Black. MISCELLANEOUS. 415 NO. 47. Gold Sealing-Wax. Melt cautiously Pale Shellac four ounces (in a copper vessel) at the lowest possible temperature ; add one and a quarter ounces Venice Turpentine, previously warmed, and stir in three ounces Mica Spangles ; pour into me- talic moulds, and allow it to cool. NO. 48. Common Black Sealing-Wax. Resin, 6 pounds. Shellac, 2 " Mix. Venice Turpentine, 2 " Color with Lamp-Black. NO. 49. Bottle Wax. Form No. 1 Resin, 6^ parts. Beeswax, \ part. Venetian Red, l| pounds. Mix. Form No. 2 : Shellac, 3 parts. Venice Turpentine, li " Vermilion, 2§ " Mix. Form No. 3 : Resin, 6 parts Shellac, 2 " Venice Turpentine, 2 " Mix. 4H MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 50. Osgood's Cholagogne, or Celebrated Ague Care. Sul, Quinine Fluid Ext. Leptandrin Saturated Tinct. of Queen's Root, Fluid Ext. Podophylin, Oil Sassafras, Oil Wintergreen, New Orleans Molasses sufficient to make a mixture of eight ounces. 2 drachms. 2 " 4 ounces. 3 drachms. 10 drops. 10 " NO. 51. Elixer of Life. Powdered Rhubarb, 1 ounce. Powdered Ginger, 1 " Powdered Aloes, 1^ " Powdered Gum Myrrh, 2 drachms. Powdered Cayenne, 1 " Powdered Saffron, li " Powdered Sassafras Bark, h ounce. Powdered Golden Seal Root, 1 " Brandy or Whisky, 2 pints. Mix. Let stand two week* It is then fit for use. Mix. NO. 52. Cazeaux Nipple Ointment. White Wax, 4* ounces. Oil Sweet Almonds, 1 Clarified Honey, 1 " Balsam Peru, 2^ drachms. MISCELLANEOUS. 417 3 drachms. \ ounce. 1 " 60 dops. NO. 53. ZolPs Pink Paste. Oil of Copaiba, White Turpentine, Pulverized White Sugar, ) , Gum Acacia, | eacn Oil Sandalwood, Mix. NO. 54. Buckler's Croup Mixture. Tartar Emetic, 2 grains. Pulverized Ipecac, 40 " Syrup of Squills, 2 fluid ounces. Mix. Dose. — Teaspoonful every ten minutes until it oper- ates. NO. 55. Dalby's Carminative. Carb. Magnesia, 6 ounces. Carb. Potassium, 2 drachms. Sugar, 1 pound. Laudanum, 3 ounces. Water, 5 pints. Oil Caraway, ~\ Oil Fennel, [-of each 10 drops. Oil Peppermint, ) Brandy, 4 ounces. Prepared Chalk, 2 " Mix. Strength, one grain of Opium to the ounce. -27 418 MISCELLANEOUS. Mix. NO. 56. Composition Powder. Bayberry Root Bark, 3 pounds. Ginger, 1$ " NO. 57. Pile Ointment. Stramonium Ointment, 2 ounces. Nut Galls (Pulv. Fine), 2 drachms. Pulverized Opium, 8 grains. Mix. To be applied twice a day. NO. 58. Iron Mixture. Precipitated Carb. Iron, 5 drachms. Ext. Conium, 2 Bals. Peru, 1 Alcohol, 4 ounces. Oil Cinnamon, 8 drops. Oil Wintergreen, S " Water, 4 ounces. Sugar, . Mix. 4 " This is a valuable remedy for General Debility of Females. Dose. — Two teaspoonfuls three times a day, in Sugar and Water. This must be well shaken before using. MISCELLANEOUS. 419 NO. 59. Beach's Irritating Plaster. Tar, 1 ounce. Burgundy Pitch, \ " White Pine Turpentine, 1 " Resin, 2 ounces. Boil these together a short time, remove from the fire, and stir in finely-pulverized Mandrake Root, "1 Blood Root, 1 „ i -, „„ ,„„ Poke Root, h aCh * ° UUCe - Indian Turnip, J This plaster is used extensively in all cases where counter-irritations are indicated. NO. 60. Compound Tincture of Opium, or Diarrhoea Mixture. (As advised by E. R. Squibb, M. D., for use in time of Epidemic Cholera or Epidemic Diarrhoea.) J Tincture of Opium, Spirits of Camphor, |-each 1 fluid ounce. Tincture of Capsicum, ) Purified Chloroform, 3 fluid drachms. Add a sufficient quantity of Stronger Alcohol to make the whole measure five fluid ounces. Each fluid drachm, or teaspoonful, contains about 100 drops, consisting of twelve minims of each of the first 420 MISCELLANEOUS. three ingredients, and four and one-half minims, or eighteen drops, of Chloroform. Dose. — Persons over IS years of age, 1 teaspoonful. Persons 14 to 18 " " 1 small teaspoonful. Persons 10 to 14 " " \ teaspoonful. Persons 6 to 10 " " 30 drops. Persons 2 to 6 " " 10 to 30 drops. Infants (according to age), 1 to 10 " In time of epidemic cholera or diarrhoea, when any person has two movements of the bowels more than nat- ural within the twenty-four hours, the second one should be followed by a dose of this mixture, to be repeated after every movement that follows. If the movements increase in frequency or in copiousness after the second dose of the medicine has been taken, a physician should be sent for at once, and a double dose be taken after each movement until he arrives. Immediately after taking the first dose, the person should go to bed, and remain there for twelve hours after the diarrhoea has entirely ce£ NO. 61. Dr. Kittredge's Ointment for Pimpled Face, Prairie Itch, Etc. Nitric Acid, 1 ounce. Quick Silver, 1 " Let this stand until the Silver is set, then add Lard, melted, one-hilf pound. Mix and stir with a wooden Spatula, until cold. MISCELLANEOUS. 421 NO. 62. Trask's Magnetic Ointment. Lard, ) Raisins, [• each equal parts. Fine Cut Tobacco, ) Simmer well together, then strain and press out all from the drugs. This is a splendid remedy in all skin diseases, as Salt Rheum, Tetter, etc. NO. 63. English Curry Powder. Powdered Corianda Seed, 1 pound. days Dif Powdered Allspice, h ounce.. Powdered Mace, i " Powdered Caraway, \ " Powdered Fennel, \ " Powdered Celery Seed, \ " Powdered Tumeric, 8 ounces. Ground Capsicum, \ " Ground Mustard, 2 ounces Ground Ginger, \ ounce. Table Salt, 1 pound. them thoroughly by sifting and set a NO 64 Crystal Varnish. Gum Mastic, 3 ounces Alcohol, 1 pint. jive. Use to fix penc ild rawings. 422 MISCELLANEOUS. each 5 pounds. I pound. NO. 65. Green Mountain Salve. Rosin, Burgundy Pitch, Beeswax, Mutton Tallow, Oil of Hemlock, ^ Balsam Tar, Oil Origanum, }of each 1 ounce. Oil Red Cedar, Venice Turpentine, J Oil Wormwood, ^ ounce. Verdigris (Pulverized), 1 " Melt the first articles together, and add the Oils, having rubbed the Verdigris up with a little Oil, and put it in with the other articles, stirring well; then put into Cold Water, and work until cold enough to roll. This Salve has no equal for rheumatic pains. NO. 66. Godfrey's Cordial. Tinct. Opium, Molasses, Alcohol, Water, Carb. Potassium, Oil Sassafras, Dissolve the Potassium in Water; add Molasses; heat over gentle fire till it simmers ; remove scum; add other ingredients, after having mixed them thoroughly. Strength, a little over one grain to the ounce. b ounces. 4 pints. 8 ounces. 6| pints. 5 drachms. 1 drachm. MISCELLANEOUS. 423 NO. 67. Dewee's Carminative. Carb. Magnesia, 1J ounces. Sugar, 3 " Tinct. Assafoetida, 3 '* Tinct. Opium, 1 ounce. Water, 1^ pints. Triturate until thoroughly mixed. NO. 68. Camphorated Oil. Camphor, 4 ounces. Olive Oil, 1 pint. Dissolve the Camphor in the Oil. For rheumatic affections, etc., Oil Turpentine or Oil Rosemary is added, in the proportion of one part to four of the Camphorated Oil. NO. 69. Baking Powder No. 1. Pure Cream of Tartar, 2 pounds. Bicarbonate of Soda, 1 pound. Rub them together several separate times, until all lumps are dissolved. Two or three teaspoonfuls are suf- ficient for a pound of flour. 424 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 70. Baking Powder No. 2. Pure Cream of Tartar, 22 ounces. Bi-carbonate Soda, 10 " Tartaric Acid, 1 ounce. Wheat Flour, 8 ounces. Mix as directed above. NO. 71. Baking Powder No. 3. Tartaric Acid, 15 ounces. Bicarbonate of Soda, 16^ il Flour, lj Mix, and keep in well-closed tin boxes. NO. 72. Neutralizing Cordial. Best India Rhubarb m course powder, j - r Bi-carbonate of Potassa, \ " Cinnamon, 4 ounces. Golden Seal, 4 " Macerate for four days in best Proof Brandy, one gallon, then express the tincture with strong pressure and add to it Oil of Peppermint, two fluid drachms, previously dissolved in a little Alcohol. MISCELLANEOUS. 425 NO. 73. Bilious Physic. Pulverized Senna, 2 ounces. " Jalap, 1 ounce. Cloves and Ginger, 4 drachms. Mix and sieve. Teaspoonful in cup of hot water. NO. 74. Patent Castor Oil. Glycerine, 2 ounces. Castor Oil, 2 « Oil Cinnamon, 1 drachm Mix. This compound will be found as sweet as honey and palatable for children. NO. 75. Palatable Cod Liver Oil. Take four fresh Eggs and pour over them sufficient Lemon Juice to cover them, let them remain for twenty- four hours, then pass the whole through a strainer, then add equal parts of Cod Liver Oil, Glycerine, Brandy, and a few drops of Oil of Wintergreen. This combination will keep a month in summer. It is a valuable agent in consumption. Taken in usual quantities. 426 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 76. Soluble Blue. Dry Prussian Blue, 1 pound. Hot Water, Sufficient. Potassium Ferrocyanide, 1| ounces. Mi: Allow this to dry. NO. 77. Paste for Scrap-Books. Rice Starch, 1 ounce. Gelatin, 3 drachms. Water, \ pint. Heat, with constant stirring, until the milky liquid becomes thick and glassy, when the paste is ready. Keep in a tight bottle, with a few drops of Clove Oil. NO. 78. Palmer's Lotion. Corrosive Sublimate, 16 grains. Alum, 24 " Water, 2 pints. Mix. Good for Ring- Worm, Pimples, Eruptions, etc. MISCELLANEOUS. 427 Mix. NO. 79. Jayne's Expectorant. Syrup Squills, Tinct. Toiu Tinct. Camphor, Tinct. Lobelia Tinct. Digitalis Tinct. Opii, Pulverized Ipecac, Antimon Tart., or >) .is, ) 2 ounces, of each 1 drachm. of each 2 drachms. 4 grains. NO. 80. liquid Shoe-Blacking. Ivory Black, Molasses, Vinegar, Sulphuric Acid, Sperm Oil, 8 ounces. 6 " 24 " 1 troy ounce. 10 drachms. Mix in a mortar, in the order in which they are printed. NO. 81. Paste Shoe-Blacking. Ivory Black, Sulphuric Acid, Molasses, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Copperas, Gum Acacia, Hot Water, I pounds. [ ounces. pound. ounces. i ounce. Dissolve the Gum in the hot water, and add the Cop- peras, then the remainder of the ingredients. 428 MISCELLANEOUS. Mix. NO. 82. Trix, or Jokes. Extract Licorice, 3 ounces. Oil of Cloves, 90 drops. Oil of Cinnamon, 15 " NO. 83. Brown's Bronchial Troches. Pulv. White Sugar, 1^ pounds. Pulv. Extract of Licorice, 1 pound. Pulv. Cubebs, 4 ounces. Pulv. Gum Acacia, 4 " Fluid Extract Conium, 1 ounce. Mix. NO. 84. Musk. (Artificial.) Oil Amber, 1 ounce. Nitric Acid, 3 ounces. Mix gradually. Let stand twenty-four nours, precipi- tate in pure water, and dry. Mix. NO. 85. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. Fluid Extract Yellow Root, 4 ounces. Wild Cherry, 2 " Bi-Carbonate Soda, 2 u Essence Peppermint, 1 ounce. Simple Syrup, IS ounces. MISCELLANEOUS. 429 NO. 86. Commercial Oil Origanum. Oil Origanum, pure, "] " Linseed, > of each equal parts. " Turpentine, ) Alkinet to color. Mix. Mix. Mix. NO. 87. Barbadoes Tar. Gum Asphaltum, Rosin, ^ of each equal parts. Turpentine, NO. 88. Smith's Electric Oil. Linseed Oil, 4 pints. Olive Oil, 8 " Sassafras, 1 pint. Chloroform, ^ " NO. 89. Oceola Paste. Fluid Extract Rhatany, \ ounce. Alum, \ " Pulverized Cubebs, 12 ounces. Solid Copaiba, 14 Carb. Magnesia to make mass. Mix. Dose. — One pill, size of a hazelnut, three times a day 430 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 90. Camphor Julip. Camphor, fine powder, 1 drachm. Boiling Water, 1 pint. Macerate for half an hour and strain. NO. 91. Blacking for Ladies' Shoes. Gum Shellac, 2 ounces. Aqua Ammonia, 1 ounce. Water, 8 ounces. Black Analine sufficient to color. Boil all the ingredients together (except the Analine) until the Shellac has dissolved ; then add Analine, and a sufficient amount of water to make the whole measure sixteen ounces. NO. 92. Black Wash. Calomel, 10 grains. Lime Water, 8 ounces. Mix them. NO. 93. Prof. N. S. Davis' Cough Syrup. Muriate of Ammonia, 2 drachms. Tartar Emetic, 4 grains. Dissolve in water, and add Syrup Licorice, 4 ounces. One teaspoonful every three hours. MISCELLANEOUS. 431 NO. 94. Oil of Spike. Whale Oil, l\ gallons. Spirits Turpentine, 4 pints. Barbadoes Tar, 3 ounces. Sulphuric Acid, 2 " Add the Acid slowly, and let stand uncovered. Mix. NO. 95. Butter Color. Annato, of good quality, 10 ounces. Caustic Soda, or Potassa, 12 drachms. Borax, 1 ounce. Tincture of Tumeric, 20 ounces. Water, 100 " NO. 96. Brown Mixture. Powdered Licorice, y 2 ounce. Gum Arabic (powdered), }4 " Sugar (granulated), y 2 " Paregoric, 2 ounces. Wine of Antimony, 1 ounce. Spirit of Nitre, y 2 " Water, 12 ounces. Rub the Licorice, Gum Arabic and Sugar with the Sugar and Water; gradually pour upon them ; then add the other ingredients. Mix. 432 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 97. Postage Stamp Mucilage. Gum Dextrin, 2 parts. Water, 5 " Acetic Acid, 1 part. Dissolve by the aid of heat, and add one part of Spirit of Wine. NO. 98. Hope's Mixture. Aqua Camphor, 4 ounces. Acid Nitric, 30 drops. Tincture of Opium, 20 " Mix. Dose. — Tablespoonful every two hours, in Diarrhea and Dysentery. NO. 99. Fly Paper Poison. Chloride of Cobalt, 6 drachms. Brown Sugar, 1^ ounce. Boiling Water, 1 pint. Dissolve Sugar and Cobalt in water; saturate porous paper in the solution. NO. 100. Incense Powder. Ground Gum Benzoin, | pound Ground Cascarilla Bark, i " Ground Sandalwood, i " Powdered Nitrate of Potassium, 1 ounce. Grain Musk, 10 grains. MISCELLANEOUS. 43; NO. 101. Collodion Blister. Cantharides (powdered), 8 ounces. Cotton, prepared by the pro- \ cess for Collodion and dry, [ 100 grains. Canada Turpentine, 320 " Castor Oil, 160 " Stronger Ether, 1* pint. Stronger Alcohol, Q.S. Introduce the Cantharides into a cylindrical percolator, and having pressed them firmly, gradually pour on the Ether. When fifteen fluid ounces have passed, set aside the liquid in a close vessel and continue the percolation with stronger Alcohol until half a pint more of the liquid is obtained. Set this in a warm place for spontaneous evaporation, and when it is reduced to a fluid ounce mix it with the reserved liquid. Then add the Canada Turpentine and Castor Oil to the mixture and shake occa- sionally. Keep in a well stoppered bottle. NO. 102. Deshler s Salve. Resin, 12 ounces. Suet, 12 Yellow Wax, 12 Turpentine, 6 Flax Seed Oil, 7 .Mdt them together, strain the mixture throi gh muslin and stir it constantly until cold. -28 434 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 103. British Oil. Oil of Turpentine, 4 ounces; Oil of Flax Seed, 3 pints. Oil of Amber, 1 pint- Oil of Juniper, | ounce. Petroleum (Barbadoes), 2 ounces. Petroleum (American,) 2 " Mix them well together. Mix. NO. 104. Haarlem Oil. Balsam of Sulphur, 3 pints. Barbadoes Tar, 1 pint. Crude Oil of Amber, 1| pints. Oil of Turpentine, 8 k> Linseed Oil, 4 " NO. 105. Syrup Pinus Compound. White Gum Turpentine, Sulphate of Morphia, Fluid Extract of Ipecac, Chloroform, Sugar, Water, Alcohol, Carbonate of Magnesia, Dissolve the Gum Turpentine in the Alcohol, triturate with the Carbonate of Magnesia and Fluid Extract of Ipecac, add Sugar and water, and filter. 2 drachms 8 grains. \ ounce. 1 drachm. L4 ounces. 6 " 3 " Q- S. MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 106, Spirits of Mendererus. Acetic Acid (dil.), 2 pints. Carbonate of Ammonia, Q. S. Add the Carbonate of Ammonia to the diluted Acid until saturated; filter. NO. 107. Collodion. Prepared Cotton (gun), 2 drachms. Venice Turpentine, 2 " Sulphuric Ether, 5 ounces. Dissolve, first, the Cotton in the Alcohol and Ether; add the Turpentine, shake, and complete the solution. NO. 108. Bateman's Drops. Diluted Alcohol, 1 gallon. Red Sanders (Rasped), y 2 ounce. Digest for twenty-four hours, and add Opium, in Powder, y 2 ounce. Catechu, in Powder, y 2 " Camphor, y 2 " Oil Anise, 1 drachm. Digest ten days. This preparation contains about one grain each of Opium, Catechu and Camphor, to the half ounce corre- sponding in strength with Camphorated Tincture of Opium. 436 MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 109. Turlington's Balsam of Life. Alcohol, 4 pints. Benzoin, 6 ounces. Liquid Storax, 2 ounces. Socotrine Aloes, y 2 ounce. Peruvian Balsam, 1 ounce. Myrrh, ^ ounce. Angelica, 3 drachms. Balsam Tolu, 2 ounces. Extract of Licorice, 3 ounces. Digest for ten days, and strain. NO. 110. Improved Citrate of Magnesia. Carbonate of Soda, 4^ ounces. Acid Tartaric, 3 ounces and 3 drachms. Syrup of Lemon, 12 ounces. Soda Bi-Carbonate, 30 grains to each bottle. Dissolve the Carbonate of Soda in Aqua two pints, in one vessel, and in another dissolve Tartaric Acid in one pint of Water ; when effervescence ceases, add together. When effervescence ceases the second time, add eight ounces to each bottle of the solution ; then add two ounces of the Syrup of Lemon and thirty grains oi the Bi-Carbonate of Soda ; cork immediately. The above will make one dozen bottles. NO. 111. Citrate Magnesia. (Parrish.) Citric Acid, 9 ounces. Magnesia, 2 ounces and 5 drachms. Syrup of Citric Acid, 12 fluid ounces. Water, 1 gallon. Make an acid solution of Citrate Magnesia with Citric Acid, Magnesia and three pints of the Water; to this MISCELLANEOUS. 437 add the Lemon Syrup, and divide the whole among twelve twelve-fluid-ounce bottles; fill these with the remainder of the water; adjust the corks, and add to each bottle about one drachm ot Crystallyzed Bi-Carbon- ate of Potassa. NO. 112. Seidlitz Powders. Bi-Carbonate of Ammonia, 2 scruples. Tartrate of Potassa and Soda, 2 drachms. Mix and fold in Blue Paper. Tartaric Acid, 35 grains. Fold in White Paper. Take two glasses, with about a gill of cold water in each ; dissolve in one the contents of the blue, and in the other of the white Paper; mix and drink immedi- diately. NO. 113. Becker's Eye Salve. Calamine, 1% drachms. Tutty, 1% Red Oxide of Mercury, 6 " Camphor, in Powder, 1 drachm. Almond Oil, 1 " White Wax, \.% ounces. Fresh Butter, 8 " Reduce the mineral substances to very fine powder, and incorporate with the Oil, in which the Camphor has been dissolved, with the Wax and Butter, previously melted together. The Butter may be deprived of salt, if it contains it, by washing with Warm Water. 438 MISCELLANEOUS. Ul ■"U H .S p!^ r/) bC U a < a] S3 2T n 03 CD a > s3 © u ^ a -a < a: J2 .S w * z j3 co •+3 >> < - H W - 3 bo 5 h* cs «a C "S < > CO O > '3d O x> 2 It 1 cc & O O © -Q H 02 M j DQ § O Benzine, Ether, Ammonia, Pot- ash, Magnesia, Chalk, Yolk of Egg- Benzine, Ether, Soap, rub care- fully. The same. Rub gently and care- fully. CO Q O O O e O Z bfi CO © a £ n3 a . S3 s3 CO '£ •g § £ a to b£ 2^ co^ >< Is ss H cd Wash out with Warm Soap Suds or Ammonia Water. c EH O O be .2 • p£3 CD 02 -*3 s3 s3 ££ 'pVg s3 O rCOQ bf Oh ph «3 °4 '■§ s a. a ^ CD P3 Wash out with Warm Soap Suds or Ammonia Water be £ • pC CO ■*» s3 s3 CD rt 1*1 c«r . CD co CO Ph Sh s3 2 0^ li Eh cd pq Sulphur Vapor, Warm Chlorine Water. 5 < -1 n 3 3 flppj So CD CQ S3 CD CD "pH s3 CD -1-3 CO O fl CO .So! P PH S3 > Vegetable Colors, Red Wine, Fruit, Red Ink. MISCELLANEOUS. 439 as -. — . CO fl c3 2 % O o © i'S •--■ d G h ^ -- 1 -tn 'Ti CD-rH AS sis CD ^-i -iH 5*d -r^ CD T3 co £L s- c3 s_ rt £ 3 CD ' 3^ -fi * CD r3 cd fcfl • f 2 a 2 he- 1 3 *» o J g . 98*0.8 a , cd ^ £■3.5:3 ^ ~ ® h O cd d ■d rt H-5 j-j o Ch CD 'd d ^ CD CD 0) £2 ^ 'o Q S d &0 cs d P £ bfl O a d T o rt -^ ^ O i i ri CJ a l-l Fh -*a p <1 X O 2 ° 42 g'-g T3 "9 a cd ^^ d 3 CD CD CD .9 ^3 SZ I III >/=5 3 ■a -J 3 ^ a §§sa i 1115 I PH 3 IS MM i jlli <^£^ is INDEX PAGE . Preface S Chapter I. Tables of Weights and Measures. Apothecaries' Weight 8 Avoirdupois Weight 7 Avoirdupois Pouud Defined 7 Troy Weight 8 To Change a Quantity from one Weight to its Equivalent in Another 8 Table of Equivalents 10 Domestic Measure 11 Rules to Proportion the Doses of Medicine 11 Chapter II. Metric System of Weights and Measures. Argument in Favor of 12 Derivation of the Term " Metric " 12 Rules to Express Quantities by Weight of the Apothecaries' Sys- tem in Metric Terms 18 Examples 14 for Converting Apothecaries' Weights and Measures into Metric Weights 17 444 Chapter III. Tinctures. Instructions for Making Tinctures . Tincture Aconite Leaves " " Root ' ' Aloes " Aloes and Myrrh , " Arnica 1 ' Assaf cetida " " Compound..., '• Belladonna " Black Root (Leptandra) . , " Blue Flag " Benzoin Compound ' ' Colunibo " " Compound , ' ' Cannabis , " Cantharides " Capsicum " Cardamom " " Compound " Catechu , " Cinchona " " Compound " Cinnamon " " Compound " Colchicum " " Compound " Conium " Cubebs " Camphor Compound " Castor " " Annnoniated " Cohosh. Blue, Compound " " Black " Cochineal " Digitalis 445 PAGE . Tincture Ergot 38 Ferruru 27 1 ' Flemings f 42 Galls 27 " Gentian Compound 28 " Guaiac 28 " " Ammoniated 2S Gelseminum 38 Goldenseal 39 " " " Compound 39 Hellebore 28 Hops 29 Hyoscyamus 29 " Hyperici 42 " Iodine 29 " Compound 29 Jalap... 30 Kino 30 Krarneria 30 ' ' Lavender Comp 50 Lobelia 30 " 40 ik " Compound 41 " Lupulin 30 Myrrh 31 " 41 Nux Vomica 41 Norwood's 44 " Opium (Old Process) 31 " ( New Process) 42 " Acetate 32 " " Camphorated 32 " " Deodorized .. ^ 32 • l Quassia 33 Rhei 33 Rhei and Seuna 88 " Sanguinaria :il Scillffi 34 44G INDEX. NO. PAGE. 49. . . .Tincture Serpentaria 34 69 " Sheep Laurel 39 50. . . . " Stramonium 35 70. . . . " Tamarac Compound 49 51 " Tolu 35 76 " Turkey Corn 41 53 " Valerian 35 53.... " " Ammoniated 35 54. ... " Veratrum Veride 36 55. . . . " Zingeberis 36 Chapter IV. Specific Medication. Explanation of Term 43 Amyl Nitrate 51 Arsenic . . -. 44 Aconite Napellus 45 Atropa Belladonna 46 Aloes 47 Alstonia Constricta 47 Bryonia 48 Baptisia Tinctoria 48 Bromide of Ammonia ; 49 Bromide of Potassium , 54 Bismuth 59 Borax , 59 Carbolic Acid 58 Cinnamon 56 Colocynth 56 Chloroform 56 Caulophyllum 57 Chloral Hydrate 58 Digitalis 57 Ergot 60 Gelseminum • 52 Hypophospite Soda 61 44; PAGE . Iodide of Ammonia 50 and 55 Jaborandi 55 Leptandra Virginica 48 Macrotys Racemosa 50 Muriate Ammonia 51 Nitric Acid 61 Nitrate of Soda 51 Oxide Zinc 62 Potassa 60 Potassa Acetate 60 Salicylic Acid 63 Stramonium ( 63 Stillingia Sylvatica 63 Sanguinaria 64 Rhus Toxicodendron 52 Strycknos Xux Vomica 53 Veratrum Veride 54 Viburnum Prunif olium 62 Chapter V. Essences. NO. 1. Essence of Anise 65 " Allspice 65 " Apple 74 " Almonds (Bitter) 74 " Banana 65 " Bergamot 66 Bay 66 Blackberry 60 Cloves 06 " Caraway 67 " Coffee 07 " Cardamon ('»;! " Cassia 67 Cinnamon OS 448 NO. 13. 14. 48. 38. 47. 15. 45. 16. 46. 17. 18. 19. 49. 20. 33. 44. 21. 34. 51. 22. 24. 35. 40. 53. 36. 24. 25. 43. 26. 47. 28. 29. Essence of Citronella Coriander Calamus Celery Fennel Ginger Hemlock Juniper Jamaica Ginger. Lavender Lemon Mace Mead Nutmeg Nectar Nutmeg Orange Orgeat Orris Peppermint Pineapple Pear Pennyroyal Peruvian Beer. . Quince Kaspberry Rose Rosemary Sassafras Spruce Sarsaparilla Strawberry ..'... Spearmint Tonka Wintergreer Wormwood. Vanilla. . . . , 449 Chapter VI. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 36. 97. 9. 17. 10. II. 12. 13. 16. 16. 61. 63. 64. 86. 4.-,. 46. Hi. 111. 72. 1 I. 19. 36. 47. Elixirs. PAGE. How to Calculate Formulae for Elixirs 79 General Rule for making Elixirs Requiring- Percolation. . . 81 Percolating Menstruum 82 Flavoring 81 Elixir, Simple, No. 1 81 " No. 2 82 Anise 82 Arsenic 82 " and Strychnine 82 ' ' and Quinine 83 Ammonia Bromide 92 Ammonia Valerianate, with Quinine 110 Assaf oetida 83 Asarum Comp SO Beef No. 1 84 " No. 2 84 " andiron 84 Bismuth 84 " and Strychnia 85 ' ' Strychnia and Iron 85 " Pepsin " " !)(! " Protoxide of Iron and Quinine 97 " Pepsin and Pancreatin !)7 Blackhcrry Root 88 Buchu 95 " Comp 95 Buchu Comp., Buchu, Juniper and Acetate; of Potassium 101 Bismuth Citrate 11] Bromide of Iron 102 Cinchonida 86 Calisaya, with Alkaloids 80 89 " Detannated 95 " Columbo and Quassia 98 -29 450 NO. 56. 59. 100. 81. 33. 34. 37. 58. 66. 07. 08. 83. 84. 38. 87. 88. 89. 98. 107. 79. 99. 105. 18. 43. 91. 30. 65. 108. 100. 24. 36. 41. 72. 48. 50. 95. 101. 109. TAGE. Elixir Calisaya, Citrate of Iron, Ammonia and Strychnia 98 " " Bismuth and Citrate of Iron 99 " " " Iron and Strychnia 99 " Calisaya Bark and Iron 112 Chloroform 90 Camphor, Monobromated 91 ' ' Cohosh, Black, Compound 92 Cocoa 93 " Corrosive Sublimate 99 Cinchonia, Sulph 101 " " Iron and Quinine 101 " " Iron and Strychnia 101 Corydalis 106 ' " Compound 100 ' Calcium, Bromide 93 Cohosh, Black 107 " Comp 107 Curacoa 107 ' Calcium, Iodo-Bromide 110 Caffeine, Citrate 112 ' Dandelion 105 ' Damiana 110 ' Dandelion, Comp 112 ' Eucalyptus Globulus 86 ' " " Comp 94 Ergot 108 ' Gentian, Ferrated 90 andiron 100 ' Guarana 113 Grindelia Robusta 112 Hops 88 Hydrate of Chloral 92 ' " " " and Bromide of Potassium... 94 1 Helonias 10S ' Iron, Pyrophosphated 90 ' " " and Quinine ... 96 ' Ipecacuanha 109 ' Jaborandi Ill ' Juniper Berries 113 451 PAGE . Elixir Licorice, Aromatic 91 " Lactopeptine 99 " " and Bismuth 100 " " Bismuth and Strychnia 190 " " Calisaya and Iron 100 Licorice, Aromatic Ill " Long Life 114 Licorice Comp 106 " Morphia 112 ' ' Nux Vomica 103 Opium 109 Orange 87 " 102 Pepsin and Bismuth 87 " Bismuth and Strychnia 87 " " Quinine " " 89 " "' and Iron 93 " " Iron and Quinine 112 " 103 " "' and Quinine 103 •' andiron 103 " Bismuth, Iron and Calisaya 104 - and Wafer Ash 107 " Potassium Bromide 94 Pink Root Comp 105 Phosphorus 109 4 " Potassium and Quinine 110 Quinine 102 " and Strychnia 83 " Rhubarb and Magnesia 88 Rahmnus Trangula Comp 89 Salicylic Acid 104 " Stillingia 83 " Santonine 108 Suda, Salicylate 114 Salicine 98 Sunapia 98 Valerianate of Ammonia 90 " " '• ;uid SLiychihne 97 152 81. no. PAGE. Valerianate of Ammonia and Quinine 110 Wild Cherry and Iron 105 " 105 Yerba Santa 113 Chapter VII. Solutions. Solutions in General 115 Simple Solutions 115 Complex Solutions 115 The term " Saturated " 115 Solutions are Not Confined to Solids 115 Solution of Arsenic 123 Bromhydric Acid 124 Bietties 121 Citric Acid 117 Citrate of Iron 117 Caramel 117 Carbolic Acid 117 Citrate of Bismuth 123 Donovan's 121 Dialized Iron 124 " 125 Fowler's 121 Harle's 121 Hall's 122 Hypophosphite Iron 118 Hypophosphorus Acid (Dil.) 118 Iron and Quinine 110 Lugol's 119 ' ' Bubef acient 119 " Caustic Iodine 119 Lactophosphate of Iron 119 Magendie's Morphia 122 " Iodine 122 " Tinct. Strychnia 123 INDEX. 453 PAGE. Solution of Muriate of Iron 116 " Morphia 122 " Phosphate of Iron 120 " Phosphoric Acid 120 " Protoxide of Iron ' 220 " Phosphorus, Bromine and Iodine 124 Phosphoric Acid (Dil.) 126 Salicylic Acid 125 Chapter VIII. Fluid Extracts. General Formula for Fluid Extracts 127 128 128 132 138 . 128 .. 129 129 " Colchicum Root " " Seed 130 130 131 " Cubebs . 131 134 ..131 132 142 132 133 133 183 i:;i 1 1:; L85 HyoBcsymue '. " Hellebore L86 L48 454 INDEX. PAGE. Ipecacuanha 135 Licorice Root 134 Lupuliu 136 Matico 137 Mezereon 137 Pipsissewa 129 Rhatany 136 Rhubarb 138 Savin 139 Sarsaparilla 139 Squill 140 Seneka 140 Senna 140 Serpentaria 141 Spigelia and Senna 141 Spigelia 141 Stillingia 142 Uva Ursi 142 Valerian 142 Wild Cherry 137 23... Fluid Ext 19. . . " 25... " 26... u 27... " 4... " 24... " 29... " 31... " 32... " 33... l ' 34... " 35... " 36... " 37... " 38... " 29... " 41... " 42... " 28... " Chapter IX. 12.. 19., 3.. 5.. 6.. 9. 18., 20. 14. 1. 4. 11. 21. Flavoring Extracts'. Extract of Almonds 147 " Banana 149 " Blackberry 145 Cloves 145 " Celery 146 Coffee 146 " Cinnamon 149 " Cochineal 149 " Ginger 148 " Lemon 144 " Nutmeg 145 " Nectarine 147 " Orange 149 455 PAGE. Extract of Pineapple 147 Peach 148 " Rose 146 " Raspberry 148 " Strawberry 149 " Sarsaparilla 147 Vanilla 144 ' ' Wintergreen 140 Chapter X. Syrup for Soda Fountains. Solution of Caramel (Brown) 151 " Carmine 151 " Gamboge (Yellow) 152 Yellow Coloring 152 Tinct. Saffron 152 Yellow Analine 152 Fruit Acid 150 Syrup, Simple 150 " No. 2 150 Ambrosia 100 Coffee 152 Chocolate 153 Cream 154 Currant 157 Cinnamon 157 Catawba 1G0 Capsicum 151 Excelsior 100 Fancy 150 Grape 158 Ginger 157 Hock mid Claret 101 Lemon 156 Maple 15!) Milk l'unch 100 456 NO. PAGE . 14 ... . Syrup Mulberry 154 11.... " Nectar 153 30.... " " 158 10.... " Orgeat 153 24 " Orange Flower 15G 28.... " " 157 12 " Pineapple 153 29.... " " No. 2 158 37.... " Peace 159 22.... " Raspberry 156 18 " Strawberry 155 21.... " " No.2 15G 19 ... . " Sarsaparilla 155 31.... " Sherbet 158 35 " Sarsaparilla No. 2 159 40. . . . " Sherry Cobbler 100 44. ... " Solfereno 161 15.... « Vanilla 154 16.... " " Cream 154 34 ... . " Wintergreen 159 Chapter XI. 8. 20. 7. 14. 19. 4. 9. 2. Medicated Syrups. Syrup of Assaf retida, 1 63 ' ' Acetate of Morphia 165 ' ' Acid Phosphate of Lime 1 69 " Bromide of Iron 164 u " " Potassium 166 ' ' Eucalyptus Globulus 168 Flavoring Extract 163 " No.2 165 Syrup of Horseradish 162 " " with Iodine 163 " " Comp 164 " Hypophosphite of Soda 166 " " " Manganese 174 457 NO. 16. 24. 10. 25. 11. 17. 21. 22. 23. 27. 32. PAGE. Syrup of Iodide of Starch 1G7 " " " Potassium 171 Jackson's Cough Syrup 1 65 Syrup of Lactophosphate of Lime 171 Morphia 165 Phellandrium Comp 167 Phosphate of Iron, Quinia and Strychnia 169 Pepsin 170 Phosphate of Quinia 170 Pernitrate of Iron 172 Phosphate of Manganese 173 Quinia, Morphia and Strychnia 172 " and Morphia 172 Sarsaparilla, with Iodide of Calcium. Strychnia " and Morphia Snake Root, Black, Comp Wild Ginger 171 173 173 162 166 Chapter XII. Infusions. General Directions 1 75 Syllabus of Infusions 1 7(i Infusion of Cinchona Rubra? 1 78 Gentian, Comp., U. S. P 179 Rose, Comp., U. S. P L78 Pruni Virginias, U. S. P 179 Picis Liquidaj, U. S. P 180 Taraxicum, U. S. P 178 Valerian, U. S. P 180 Medicated "Waters. How Medicated Waters arc Generally Made lsi .Aqua Amygdala Amarse 181 " Cinnamon lsi —30 458 TAOE . Aqua Camphor 182 " Creosoti 182 " Calcis 182 " Funiculi 182 " Mentha Piperita; 182 Chapter III. Emulsions. Observations on Emulsions 183 How to Make an Emulsion 184 General Rule for Same 184 Parts by weight 184 Emulsion of Almonds, U. S. P 187 Cod Liver Oil 185 " " " " and Phosphate of Lime 185 " " Ferrated 187 " " " " and Lactophosphate of Calcium 188 " " " " and Phosphoric Acid 188 " " " " and Pancreatin 189 " " " " with Iodide of Potassium 189 " Copaiba and Benzoic Acid - 109 " Camphor, Monobromated 186 Castor Oil 187 OliveOil IN!) " Turpentine and Castor Oil 190 Chapter XIV. Physicians' Prescriptions. .Ague Pills 194 .Ague Mixture for Children 195 Ague Medicine for Adults 195 .Asthma 200 459 NO. PAGE . 41 ... . Amenorrhea 202 93.... " 215 20 Burns 108 31 Bronchitis Cough 199 02 Bleeding at the Nose 208 2 Cholera Cure No. 1 191 3.... " " No. 2 102 4 " Infantum 192 12 Cough Mixture 104 14.... " " 195 29. . . . Chuncre 199 19. . . .Croup 196 27. . . .Chronic Constipation 198 33 Cancer 200 39. . . .Chronic Catarrh 202 43. . . .Cologogue 20:; 47. . . .Convulsions and Bpasms 204 IS . . .Chronic Chills 204 50 Cough of Phthisis 205 52 ... . Convulsions 205 00. . . .Cutaneous Eruptions, with Itchings 208 63. . . .Chills and Fever 308 64 Cramp Colic 200 66. . . .Convulsions 200 (is ... . Chorea 210 98.... •• 217 7 Cholera Morbus 217 38 Dropsy 1 99 34 Dysentery 200 35 .... Dyspepsia 201 89.... " 215 Hi. . . .Dysmenorrhea 202 67 Diarrhea I Infantile) 209 ;i. . . .Diptheria 310 71 Dilatation of the Eeart 311 75. ... " " " with Dropsy -II •">;.... Bczema 307 68. ... •• 208 17.... Bye Water 190 4G0 NO. PAGE . 20 . . . .Erysipelas 197 30. .. .Epilepsy 199 95. . . .Erysipelas with Typhoid Symptoms 216 36 External Piles 201 96 Epilepsy 217 99 Enlarged Spleen 218 59. . . .Erysipelas (facial) 207 13. . . .Gonorrhea 195 18.... " 196 79 Gout 212 42... .Hemorrhage 203 56 Hydrocele 207 51 . . . .Insomnia 205 76. . . .Inflammation 212 77.... " 212 80. . . .Inflammatory Rheumatism 213 23 Leucorrhea : 197 70. . . .Laxative for Antepartum Administration 210 81 Laryngitis 213 10. . . .Measles 194 54. . . .Menses, Restoration of 206 55 . . . .Menorrhagia 206 1 . . . .Neuralgia and Sick Headache 191 22.... Nausea 197 25 Nursing Sore Mouth 198 65 . . . .Nervous Prostration 209 21 . . . .Pregnancy, Vomiting in 197 38 Pruritis 201 49 Phthisis 204 50 " Cough of 205 69 . .Pneumonia 210 73 Palpitation of the Heart 211 85. . . .Pneumonia : 214 86 Phthisis 214 8. . . .Rheumatism 193 9.... " 193 44 . . . .Ring- Worm . .' 203 45 ... . Spasmodic Asthma .• 203 72. .. .Syphilis 211 461 NO. PAGE . 91 Stomach, Spasm of 215 94 Sweating of Phthisis 210 99 Spleen, Enlarged 21S 93 Scrofulous Ophthalmia 210 24 Tonsils, Ulceration of 198 40 . . . .Testitis 204 6 Whooping Cough 192 Chapter XV. Liniments. 24. . . .Arnica Liniment 227 83 Anodyne " (Earner's) 230 18. . . .Bradbury's Liuiment 225 35 Brodie's " 231 36.... " " No. 2 231 39. .. .Black " 233 42. .. .Black Oil " 234 1 . . . .Carpenter's " 219 3 Croton " 220 4. . . .Compound Mustard Liniment 220 11 " Camphor " 222 10. .. .Croton Oil " 224 21 Chapman's. " 220 39. . . .Cook's Eclectro- Magnetic Liniment 229 40. . . .California Liniment 833 12 Davenport's " 223 20.. ..Derby " 235 «... .Elbe's * 221 !) Fluid Lightning Liniment 222 81... .Fever Liniment (Eilner's) 830 41 . . . .Favorite Liniment 2:!;! 7. . . .Good Samaritan Liniment ~~l 15. . . .German Liniment 224 10. . . .(in 'at African Wonder Liniment 225 98. . . .(J real, London Liniment 838 8. .. .Hodd'b Kerosene " 331 462 NO. PAGE . 13. . . .Hamlin's Wizard Liniment 223 10. . . Iodide of Ammonia Liniment 222 38 Iodine Liniment : 231 2 Loomis' " 119 30. . . .Liniment like "Centaur" 229 32. . . .Lao Sulphur Liniment 230 40. . . .London " 235 5 Morris' " 229 1-1 Magnetic " 223. 17 Neuralgic " 224 20 NerveandBonc " 228 34. . . .Neuralgia " 231 43. . . .Opodildoc " 234 27. ...Pain Relief " 228 44 Pride of India " 234 23. . . .Rheumatic " (Gunn's) 227 22. .. .Smith's " 220 37. .. .St. Jacobs Oil " 232 43. . . .Verdigris " 23. r > 25. ...White " 227 Chapter XVI. Pills. 230 2. . . .Aloes and Assafootida 230 3 . . .Aloes and Iron 236 4 Aloes and Myrrh 257 5 . . . .Antimony Comp 237 Assafoetida 237 25 Anti-Bilious (Dr. Alberty's) 242 20 Ague Pills 242 29 " " (Dr. Kreider's) 240 19 Aperient Pills (Dr. Mitchell's) 240 13 Bhie Pills 239 8. . . .Cathartic Compound 238 9.... Copaiba 238 INDEX. 4Q3 NO. PAGE. 24. . . .Cathartic, Modified 242 28. . . .Cough Pills 24:! 21 . . . .Cutter's Pills 241 18. . . .Emnienagoguc Pills 240 30 Eclectic Liver " 243 7 Gamboge Comp. Pills 237 81. . . .Hooper's Female " 244 27 Holloway's " 242 11. . . .Irou Comp. " 234 12. ...Iodide of Iron " 239 20 Laxative (Parrish) " 241 33. . . .Middlesex Hospital " 241 33. .. .Neuralgia " 244 14. ...Opium " 241 33....Podophyllin " 241 15 Quinine '' 339 10. ...Rhubarb " 240 17.... " Comp. " 240 10....Valette's " 338 Chapter XVII. Medicated Wines. 1... Wine of 7... " 13. .. " ;; .. " 4... " 5. . . " 11... ii 8. . . " Hi... 16. .. " 2... " 16 Aloes 345 Antimony 240 Beef and Iron 248 Colchicum Root 245 Ergot 240 Ipecac 846 Iron 247 " Bitter 8 is Opium. 346 Pepsin Wi Qninia 348 Rhubarb 346 Tai 848 ' 464 NO. 16. 11. 12. INDEX. PAGE . Tobacco 24G Wild Cherry 347 1 ' and Iron *47 Chapter XV [II. Mineral Waters. . .Congress Water 249 . .Hunyadi Janos Water 3 J° . .Kissenger Water 2 [ >0 . .Magnesia Citrate Water 251 . .Seltzer Water 24!) . .Vichy Water 25 ° Chapter XIX. Explosive Prescriptions. Explosive Prescriptions 252 Miscellaneous Explosive Mixtures 255 Chapter XX. Farriers' Prescriptions. General Remarks 23 " . .Blue Ointment M> ...Botts 262 . . .Black Liniment 203 . . .Blood or Bog Spavins, etc 267 . . .Blood Purifier 207 . . .Condition Drops 2 '^ 9 Condition Powders ^51) ...Colic » . . .Cleansing Powder 2G3 465 NO. r AGE . 33. . . .Cough, Chronic 270 34 Colic and Belly-Ache 270 21 Eye Preparation 269 12.... Eye Wash 201 13. . . .Fistula and Poll-Evil 261 27. . . .Founder, Hoof-Bound 267 2!) Fistula and Poll-Evil, if broken 268 :!0. ..." " " not broken 369 32 . . . .Fresh Wounds— Cuts, Kicks 200 7 . . .Horse Powder 260 in. . . .Heaves 260 20 Heaves. Cure for 26 1 24. . . .Kidneys, Diseases of 200 8 Lung Fever 260 Liquid Blister 2(50 :i . . . .Nasal Gleet 2. r ,s 10... .Nerve and Bone Liniment 263 2S. . . .Nasal Gleet, Thick- Winded, Etc 20p 12 Physic Ball 258 14 Ring Bone— Big Head 2112 22. . . .Sweating Liniment 205 21 Sweeny, Whirlbone, Etc 266 21 White Ointment'. 26 I 35 Worms * 270 16... .Yellow Water •. 202 Chapter XXI. Perfumery. General Directions 271 84, . . .Amy's Favorite 284 Bouquet Bse 273 :!7 " de Caroline 2N5 11 Knight Templar 294 Cologne Water '.".i| " No. 1 291 " Farina 282 ::i 466 NO. PAGE. 54 Cologne German No. 6 292 55.... " Golden Bell No. 1 292 56.... " " " No. 2 293 $8.... " German No. 1 297 23 Charlotte Cushman 280 24 Clara Kellogg Bouquet 280 47. . . .Clove Pink 289 57.... Cologne, Oil of 293 67. . . .Citronella 290 38. . . .Egyptian Lotus 286 30 Fairmount Park 282 39 Flor de Mayo 286 41 Fairy Bouquet 287 77 ... . Frangipanni 300 73 Honeysuckle 299 74 Italian Nosegay 299 19 . . . .Jockey Club 278 50.... Jonquil 290 66. . . .Jasmin 296 8 Lily of the Valley 274 25 Lady Hayes Bouquet 280 26. ...Lucca " 281 59. . . .Lemon Verbena 294 7. . . .Millefleur * 274 10 . . . .Myrtle •. 275 15. . . .Musk 276 21 . . . .Moss Rose 279 48 Magnolia 290 30 Musk Rose 294 71 Mignonette 298 75 May Flowers 299 17 Night-Blooming Cereus 277 62 Noisette Bouquet 295 65 New Mown Hay 296 70 New Mown Hay 297 2. . . .Orris Root 272 64. ...Orange 296 45 Orange Flowers 288 6. . . .Patchouly 273 467 NO. PAGE . 18. . . .Pond Lilly 278 28 Pearl of Savoy 281 31 Pink Domino 282 33. . . .Piesse's Posey : 283 44. . . .Posey 288 03 Patchouly 395 13 Rodeletia 288 40 " 284 08. . . .Rose 297 36. . . . Sweet Opponax 285 29 Sweet Gem of Eden 281 70 Stolen Kisses 300 89.... " " 283 78 Stephanotis 301 11 Sweet Pea 275 33 Spring Flowers 283 12.... " " 275 20 Tuberose 279 10. . . .Tea Rose 277 3 Tonka. Extract of * 272 49. . . .White Lilac 290 40 Victoria Regia 287 35. . . .Volunteer Garland 584 10... .Victoria 277 1 . . . .Vanilla 277 01 ...West End 295 72. . . .Wood Violet 298 12... .Wild Locust 2*7 22. .. .White Bose 27!) 13. . . .Yellow Ruse 270 !). . . . Ylang Ylang 27 1 Chapter XXII. Hair Dyes and Tonics. Not i on Hair Dyes and Tonics BOS .Allen's Hair Tonic 807 468 NO. 1. 1! 16. 20. 1! 10. 12. PAGE. Bay Ruin 303 Bay Rum Hair Tonic 307 Brunei's Hair Tonic 308 Black 309 Brown Dye Black Dye Eau Lustrale Golden Hue, to turn. Hair Tonic, Kilner's. Restorative 309 300 307 311 303 303 304 305 Tonic, Walpole's 308 Dye and Tonic 308 Tonic 309 Dye and Tonic 310 " " " 311 " " " , 312 Tonic 312 " : 313 " 313 310 305 312 304 300 309 Inodorous Hair Dye Lightning' Hair Dye Landerer's Hair Tonic Lavender " " Tea Haii - Dye and Tonic To Dye the Hair Brown Preparation for Removing Spots 305 Rosemary Hair Wash 304 Chapter XXIII. Pomades. Introduction 311, 315 Bodies for Pomades 316, 317 .Balm of a Thousand Flowers 321 .Balm of Flowers 321 469 NO. PAGE . 13 Bear's Grease 322 14 Almond Balls 322 1 . . . .Cosmoline Cream 317 4. . . .Common Violet Pomade 318 11 Crystallized Oil 321 17.... " Pomade , 223 1G Camphor Paste 323 18. . . .Crystallized Pomade No. 2 323 21 Castor Oil and Glycerine Pomade 325 1 •"> . . . .Camphor Balls 323 1!) Divine Pomade 324 8. . . .Dark and Yellow Pomades 320 22. . . .Hungarian Pomade V>2o >>... .Heliotrope Pomade :J1 !( 3. . . .Marrow Cream 318 5 . . .Marrow Pomatum 319 2. . . .Philocome Pomade 318 12 ... .Pink Pomade 322 20 Salem Pomade 324 7 White Vanilla Pomade 320 98 White Pomade 326 3 1 . . . .White Stick Pomade 326 25.... " " " 320 Chapter XXIV. Hair Oils. Bear's Oil 329 Cocoanut Oil :!:!() Crescent Oil 380 Cocoa Toilet Cream 331 Golden Oil 828 Hair Oil 828 Hickory Nut Oil 126 Macassar Oil 826 Night-Blooming OereusOi] 828 Rose Oil 828 fi. 11. 8. . 18. 4. g 1. 8. 5. NO. PAGE 7 . . .Silver Oil 1329 10 New York Barbers' Star 330 L2 . . . .Orange Oil 331 Chapter XXV. Tooth Powders and Mouth Washes. Introduction 332, :'>:;:'. 13. . . .Borax and Myrrh Powder 337 5. . . .Botanic Styptic 335 7. . . .Camphorated Chalk 335 15 Cuttle Fish Powder 338 4. . . .Eau Botot 334 20 French Tooth Powder 340 1 . . . .Fragrant Sozodont 333 16 Farina Powder 338 10 Floral Dentine 330 17. . . .Harvey's Powder 339 18 Pink Paste 339 14. . . .Peruvian Bark Powder 338 9 . . . .Prepared Charcoal %. 33G 8. . . Quinine Tooth Powder 337 11 Rose Tooth Powder 337 12 ... . Saponaceous Powder 337 19 Tooth Powder 339 6 Tooth Paste 335 2 . . .Tincture of Myrrh and Borax ■j-'A 3. . . .Violet Mouth Wash 334 Chapter XXVI. Cold Cream. Introduction 341 Method of Preparing Cold Cream 342 9 . . . .Almond Glycerine :;40 471 NO. PAGE . 3 Balsam of Flowers 344 l....Cold Cream 343 7 Cocoa Toilet Cream • 345 10. . . .Circassian Cream 340 G. . . .Cream of Roses 344 4 French Hair Gloss 344 5. . . .Rose of Bandoline 344 2 Rose Lip Salve 343 8. . . .Saccharated Solution of Lime 345 Chapter XXVII. Toilet Waters. 4 Bay Rum 248 12 Cologne Water (best) 351 13. . . .Cologne Water (common) 352 7. . . .Eau de Luce 349 10. . . .Eau de Cologne 350 11.... " " 351 3. . . .Florida Water 348 14 German No. 2 352 15 " No. 3 352 18. ... " No. 4 353 17.... " No. 5 353 21 . . . .Geranium Rose 355 19. . . .Jockey Club 354 1 . . . . Lavender Water 347 23. . . .Magnolia 355 2 Spirit of Rose 847 6 Smelling Salts 349 5. . . .Suits, inexhaustible 349 8 Toilet Vinegar 350 !).... " " 850 21 Verbena 355 20. . . .Violet 85 1 18 White Bose 854 84... .YlangYlang 355 472 INDEX. Chapter XXVIII. Sachet Powders. NO. PAGE. 1 . . . .Au Crypre Sachet 356 6 Clove Pink " 358 2. . . .Frangipanni " 350 4. . . .Heliotrope " 357 5.... Jockey Club " 357 3 . . . . Lavender " 357 15 .... La Pierce " 3G1 7....MilleFleurs " 358 10....Marchale " 359 14. . . .Mousseline " 301 12. . . .Pot Pourri " 360 13. . . .Portugal " 361 17. . . .Peau D'Espagne Sachet 362 9. ...Rose " 359 9 Violet " 362 8. . . .Vervine " 359 11 . . . .Wild Flower " 360 Chapter XXIX. Toilet Soaps. Remarks on 364 Re-Melting Soap 365 Scenting Soaps Cold 374 18. . . .A la Bouquet Soap 373 1 . . . .Bath " 366 .Bay Rum " 367 .Camphor " 366 .Carbolic " 368 20. . . .Erasive " 374 15. .. .Frangipanni " 372 21 Freckle Lotion 374 . Honey Soap 369 , " " 370 473 NO. PAGE . 19 Juniper Paste 373 17. . . .Musk Soap 373 13. ...Old Brown Soap 371 l<;....Patchouly " 372 11 ... . Rose Superfine Soap 371 14. ...Sand " 372 4 Transparent " 367 8 . . . .Variegated Toilet " 369 10.. ..Windsor " 370 12.... " White " 371 Chapter XXX. Wines and Liquors. S Bourbon Whisky, Old 377 9 Blackberry Brandy 379 10 Brandy, Cognac 379 11.... " No. 1 379 12.... " No. 2 380 13.... " No. 3 380 14.... " No. 4 380 10 Blackberry Wine 386 5. . . .Cherry Brandy, No. 1 377 (!.... " " No. 2 378 7... " " No. 3 378 10. . . .Cognac Brandy 379 5.... Claret Wine, No. 1 384 6.... " " No. 2 384 13.... Currant Wine 387 18 Gin 882 15 ...Holland Gin No. 1 881 1(5.... " " No. 2 381 17.... " " No. 3 881 1 F dab or Scotch Whisky 876 19 Jamaica Rum ; ! s '-! 2 Honongahela Whisky 876 2. . . .Malaga Wine 888 —32 474 INDEX. TAGR . . . 383 . . . 385 ... 385 . . . 378 . . . 386 . . . 382 ... 383 ...384 NO. 1 Madeira Wine 7 Port Wine No. 1 8.... " " No. 2 8 Raspberry Brandy 11 Raspberry Wine 20 St. Croix Rum 3 . . .Sherry Wine No. 1 4.... " " No.2 9 Santerne Wine 12 Teneriffe Wine dbb General Rules for Family Wines from Ripe Saccharine _ . , 387 Fruits Formula No. 1 ,_ Formula No. 2 ' Formula No. 3 <*** 4. . . .To Neutralize Whisky ' To Prepare Cider * Chapter XXXI. Poisons and Their Antidotes. °89 General Directions ' , . ooif 1 Arsenic 45. . . .Aconite, Tincture of 2. . . .Aqua Fortis 3. . . .Arsenite of Copper 4 ... .Bed Bug Poison JJjj 5 Belladonna o ^ (3. . . .Bichromate of Potash *" 7.... Black Cobalt = • ■• *J 8.... Blue Stone ^ 9 Calomel 19 Cantharides 11 Carbolic Acid 12. .. .Chloride of Tin j»J 13 Chloroform 14. . . .Cobalt INDEX. 475 NO. PAGE . 15 Copperas 392 16 Cyanide of Potass 392 17 Digitalis, or Foxglove 392 18 Godfrey's Cordial. 393 19 Hartshorn and Oil 393 20 Hemlock 39:', 21 Hydrate of Chloral 393 22. . . .Hyoscyamus 394 40 Iodine, Tincture of 399 33. . . .Laudanum 394 24. . . .Monkshood 394 25 Morphine 394 20 Muriate of Tin 394 27 Muriatic Acid 395 88. . . .Nitric Acid 395 39. . . .Nitrate of Silver 395 31 . . . .Oil of Tansy 395 32. . . .Opium 396 33 Oxalic Acid 396 '■'< I . . . .Paregoric 396 35 . . . .Paris Green 396 3