Ctoss I '^ h^ 6 Book- fL t ?< t '^^^^^^^B^^^mmm THE ANNALS OF YOEKSHIRE, FEOM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PKESENT TIME. COiTPILED BY still on it creeps, Eacli little moment at another's heels, Till Hours, Days, Years, and Ages are made up Of such small parts as these, and men look back. Worn and bewildered, wond'ring how it is. Thou trav'llest like a Ship in the wide ocean, Which hath no bounding shore to mark its progress. Joanna BaiUie. LEEDS : PUBLISHED BY JOSEPH JOHNSON, ROTATION- OFFICE YARD, KIRKGATE. 1862. -+2.r|j 'o« THE library! |0f C ONGR ESS I IWASHmOTOIll IP E^EIF^OE. This volume contains in chronological order, the prin- cipal events that have occurred in Yorkshire, from the date of the most remote authentic histories, down to the present time. The events have been selected and condensed from every source of information within the reach of the compiler, and through the kindness of friends, several curious and interesting particulars are now published for the first time. Great care has been taken to avoid giving a party or political bias to the work, so that it will be found in- teresting to all classes of readers. The compiler feels grateful to Mr. Kemplay, for the loan of the Leeds Intelligencer from 1830 to 1834 inclusive, and to other gentlemen who have favoured him with books and manuscripts. Where so many subjects are treated upon, notwith- standing that the utmost attention has been paid to accuracy, mistakes will doubtless have been made ; but the compiler hopes for the reader's indulgence, and would state in palliation of faults, both of omission and com- mission, that besides the perusal of many works connected with the subjects introduced, he has had to wade through thirty years of local newspapers, (the Mercury and InteUi- gencer^) and that after the toil of the day, and in hours stolen from recreation, etc. The work is embellished with a few scarce engravings. The view of Leeds has been engraved from Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, published in the year 1715. The beautiful view of Kirkstall Abbey, taken in 1769, has been copied from a scarce and valuable engraving in the possession of James Hargrave, Esq., of Burley, near Leeds, kindly lent by him for that purpose. The other views consist of York Minster, the Leeds old Moot Hall, the Parish Church before it was rebuilt, the Town Hall, the Crimean Monument recently erected in the Leeds Parish Church, and views of Skipton and Huddersfield. With these explanations the work is committed to the public, in the hope that it will receive that favour, of which the compiler and the publisher have endeavouxed to make it worthy. ANNALS OF AND THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT; CONTAINING, IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, ALL THE MOST IN- TERESTING EVENTS, THAT HAVE OCCURRED IN, OR RE- LATE TO THIS IMPORTANT PART OF THE KINGDOM , FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME; COL- LECTED FRO:\I THE WORKS OF NUMEROUS AUTHORS, NEWSPAPERS, &c., kc. EARLY history is necessarily involved in great obscurity. The memory of the human race extends back only to about 3000 years from the present date, leaving an indefinite period before that, during the infancy of the species a total blank. Nor does the scriptural account of the crea- tion settle the point. As many as two hundred different calculations as to the age of our species have been founded, by different divines, on the statements of the sacred records, the discrepancy arising from theuncertaint}^ of those texts of the Old Testament in which numbers occur. The long- est of these calculations dates the creation of man at about 8S00 years from the present time, or about 7000 years before the birth of Christ ; the shortest at about 5300 years from the present time, or 3o00 years before the birth of Christ; the system usually adopted by historians is that of Arch- bishop Usher, which fixes the event at B.C. -4-004, or 5S64 years from the present date. 1. 2 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND B.C.1856.-45. 1856. B.C. Memnon invented the letters of the alphabet — Prometheus first struck fire from flints. 102L In this year antiquarians say that York, orMoracicm, was built by Abraucus, the son of Mempricius, a British king, who reigned about the time when David held the sceptre of Judea, and Gad, Nathan, and Asaph prophesied in Israel. The origin 6f York being involved in the ob- scurity of more than twenty centuries, various conjectures have been formed respecting its ancient name, which is generally believed to have been Caer-ebrauc ; though Hum- phre}'- Lhuyd, the learned Welsh antiquarian, says, Eboracum is well known to be the very same city that the Britons called Caer-Efftoc, and is now contracted into York. 55. Julius Csesar, after having conquered Egypt, Asia, Spain, and France, sent no fewer than 800 vessels with his troops to invade Britain. The British Islands were at this time occupied by barbarous tribes, who lived exactly as the Indians now do, upon animals caught in hunting, and fruits which grew spontaneously. They stained and tattooed their bodies, and wore personal ornaments and trinkets made of iron. They had no religion, but a bloody idolatry called Druidism. 45. Julius Ceesar, beiDg led by Sosigenes, an astronomer of his time, to believe that there was an error in the calen- dar of six hours in a year, (the year at this time was estima^ ted at exactly 365 days, no notice being taken of the extra 5h. 48m. 49s.) ordained that six hours should be set aside for four jT^ears, and then added. This was done by doubling the 24th Feb ; and in order to commence aright the first year was to be called a ' year of confusipn,' made up of 15 months, so as to cover the 90 days which had then been lost. (See 1582 and 1751.) " The towns of the Britons " says Caesar " were inac- cessible woods fortified by ditches and ramparts," thus, " forests served them for cities ; they cut down a number of trees to inclose a large circle, within which they erected huts and stalls for their cattle, which were not designed for continued use." A rampart of earth, aided by trees cut down for that purpose formed generally their whole defence, both from the warlike incursions of neighbouring tribes, and the attacks of the wild beasts, with which the country in these early times abounded. The Romans ex- perienced great difficulty in subduing the Britons ; but when the conquest was in a great measure completed, the country was governed in the usual manner of a Roman province ; and towns began to rise in the course of time, being gener- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 3 45.-A.D. 61. ally those whose names are now found to end in Chester ; as Manchester, Yv^inchester, (Sec, a termination derived from Castra, the latin word for camp. There was a Castrum or an entrenched camp at Leeds on the hill lying between Charles Street and High Street; then called "AYall-flatt." A Trajectus, or ford crossed the Aire, a short distance on the east side of the present old bridge. The Roman Roads •which intersected Yorkshire can occasionally be traced with considerable accuracy. There was first the road from Doncaster, through what is called Pontefract Park, to Castleford. to Tadcaster, and thence to York. Second : ihe road from Tadcaster, through Slack near Huddersfield, to Manchester, passed through Leeds in a line a little to the east of Briggate, and its line is traceable in the neigh- bourhood of Morley and Gildersome. (The word Street is derived from the latin word Stratum, which indicates the course of a Roman road, hence Gildersome-street, near Morley, and Street-lane, and Street-houses, on the moors near Shad well, indicate the course of a Roman road) Third: n road from Castleford, ran through Adel, towards Ilkley. 44. Ten j-ears after the invasion of Britain by Julius Ceesar, Brutus and Cassius attacked and murdered him in the senate-house, at the foot of Pompey's statue in Rome. 25. Coin was first used in Britain. Our Saviour Jesus Christ was born on Monday, Dec. 25, four years before the common era, and wias crucified on April 3rd, at 3 o'clock, p.m. A.D., 33. A.D. 4. A Mint was erected at Colchester, where gold, silver, and copper coins were made; previous to which iron bullion was used. 43. The Emperor Claudius sent a large army into Britain. 49. London is said to have been founded by the Romans. 50. Ostorius Scapula, the Roman general in England sent to Rome as a prisoner, a British prince called Caradoc, or Caractacus, v.^hose noble behaviour, moved Claudius to grant him his pardon. 59. St. Peter and St. Paul were put to death about June 29th, being in the same year that Linus was made first Bishop of Rome. 6L In this year a Roman general Suetonius did much to reduce the Britons, by destroying the numerous Druidical temples in the isle of Anglesea. The Britons, taking ad- vantage of his absence, were all in arms, headed by Boa- dicea, queen of the Iceni, on whom and her fair daughters liad been committed the most nameless indignity , by certain 4 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 61.-211. of the Eoman tribunes. Suetonius hastened to the protec- tion of London, which was now a flourishing Roman colony. Two fearful engagements followed. London was reduced to ashes; its inhabitants cruelly massacred; the Romans and others to the number of 70,000 were put to the sword without distinction ; while to avenge this cruelty- Suetonius waged a most decisive war in which 80,000 of the Britons perished, and Boadicea rather than fall into the hands of the enraged victor, put an end to her life by poison. 78. Julius Agricola was advanced to the government of Britain in this year. He introduced the pleasures and luxuries of Rome, and was the first to sail round the island. He built aline of forts between the rivers Forth and Clyde, and defeated the Caledonians under Galgacus, on the Gram- pian hills. 124. The Roman emperor Adrian came to England, and took up his statioa at York, which had been fortified by Agricola, and was now garrisoned by the Legio Sexta, Vie- trix, brought over from Rome, to assist in the conquest of Caledonia. York, which had been previously the seat of British kings, now became the occasional residence of Roman emperors. 180. York was constituted a metropolitan see by king Lucius. 208. The emperor Severus on hearing that the Britons had besieged York under Fulgenius, a Scythian general, immediately came over to Britain, accompanied by his two sons Caracalla and Geta, and his whole court. He was then sixty years old, and very infirm. Severus lived more than three years in the city, where he stamped upon his coin the title of Britannicus Maximus, as conqueror of Britain. During this time York shone in its full splendour. 211. Severus died at York Feb. 5th, and on his death-bed called for an Urn, in which his ashes were to be deposited, after the Roman custom, and gazing steadfastly on it, he said, — " Thou shalt hold what the whole world could scarce- ly contain;" soon after speaking these emphatic words, he calmly breathed his last, after reigning sixteen years. A short nime before his death, the Caledonians again took up arms, and attacked the Roman garrisons on the borders, which threw the emperor into such unfeeling rage, that he sent out his legions, with orders to put every man, woman, and child amongst the insurgents to the sword; but before his bloody purpose could be fully executed, death overtook him, and his funeral obsequies were celebrated at a short THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 5 2I1.-326. distance from the city, near the three large tumuli, at Hold- gate, which still bear the name of Severus's Hills. His body, habited in his general's costume, was brought otit in military array, and laid on a raagniiicent pile, which Avas lighted by his sons ; and his remains, after being reduced to ashes, were placed in an urn of porphyry, to be carried to Eome, where they were deposited in the monument of the Antonines, and the extraordinary ceremony of deification ■was conferred upon the deceased emperor, to whose mem- ory Drake says the three hills near York were raised by lis grateful army. 212. York became the scene of the most inhuman cruel- ties, committed by Caraca]la, who, perceiving that Geta had a powerful party in the army, ordered 20,000 soldiers to be put to death, under a pretence of mutiny; and mur- dered his brother Geta with his own hands, in the arms of Ms mother. 272. Constantine the, Greojt, born at York, travelled into Asia Minor, whence he returned on hearing of his father's illness, and arrived at the imperial palace at York, in time to embrace Constantius, his father, who, in 307, appointed Tiim his successor. Upon the demise of Constantius, the Koraan army in York invested Constantine with the im- perial purple, and York, being at this period in the zenith of its splendour, was thence called Altera Roma, and Britain remained tranquil under the mild influence of Con- stantine's pacific sway. After dividing his extensive dominions into four prefectures, he removed the seat of government from Rome to Byzantium, from which period may be dated the decline of the Roman power in Britain, and the consequent decay of York. Constantine died in 337: Camden says this emperor built the walls of London. 287. Carausius, who had been sent with a fleet to guard the Belgic coast, passed over into Britain, and was pro- claimed emperor at York: he entered into a league with the Picts and Scots, by whose assistance he overcame Quintus Bassianus a Roman lieutenant, whom Dioclesian sent from Rome to dis-possess Carausius, who, it is believed was slain at York by his friend Alectus. 29S. Constantius Chlorus ordered his ruined fortresses, &;c., on the Rhine, to be repaired by British artificers, Tvhom he considered superior to the Gauls. 326, Octavius, king of the Britons, rebelling against the Komans, was demanded by the Roman general to be given up as a rebel, but he, courting the assistance oi' Fincomark, 'king of Scotland, gave battle to the Romans, v/ho were 6 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 326.-515. defeated. The city of York was taken by the Scots, and Octa\aus was there crowned king of All Britain. 347. The Bishops of York and London attended the Council of Aries. 440. At this time the Romans could no longer defend their own native country against the nations in the north of Europe. They withdrew their soldiers and left the people to govern themselves. As soon as the Romans had left, the Caledonians from the north, poured in upon the Britons, and despoiled them of their lives and goods. The Britons called in as protectors, the Saxons, a warlike people who lived in the north of Germany, and the Jutes and Angles who inhabited Denmark. In the year 450 the Saxons landed in the isle of Thanet to the number of 1,600 men, and did at first protect, and tight for the Britons. Having once however acquired a footing in the island they threw off the mask, and proceeded to make it an object of con- quest. They drove the Britons into Wales. In course of time so completely was the population changed and saxon- ised, that, excepting in the names of some of the hills and rivers, the British language was extinguished, and even the name of the country was altered to Angle-land, or England, a term taken from the Angles. 448. York at this period partook largely in the vicissitudes to which the island was exposed. The Picts and the Scots, the Saxons and the Danes, each in succession, erected their standards before its gate; yet still it was the seat of trade and letters. 458. A great storm was experienced at York, which blew down several houses, and killed many persons. 466. Hengist was slain at Conisbrough by the Britons, under their king Ambrosius, who summoned all the princes and nobility to appear at York. Octa and Eosa, the two sons of Hengist, surrendered to the victor, but in 490, when Uter succeeded his brother Ambrosius; they revolted, and invested York, where the British king defeated them. The Christian church, which had been suppressed by the Saxons, was restored by Ambrosius before his death. 485. Vortigern being pursued by Ambrosius as an enemy to his country fled to a castle in Wales, where he was besieged; the castle took fire and was burnt to the ground, and the unliappy Vortigern perished in the flames. 508. Gregory the Great sent Augustine with forty mis- sionaries into Kent, to convert the people to Christianity. 515. This winter was so intensely cold, that the wildest birds allowed themselves to be taken by the hand. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 7 The following places, so familiar to the people of Leeds, are mostly derived from the language of our Anglo-Saxon ancestors. Leeds is supposed by Thoresby to be derived from the British cair loidcoi^, a town in the wood; by Bede from the first Saxon possessor nsucned Loidi, others suppose ii; to be derived from our German ancestors, as there is a town called Leeds, on the river Dender in Austria Flanders, near which is the village of Holbeck. Briggate, the Bridge- gate, — Kirkgate, the Church- gate, — Swinegate, so called from leading to a beck or stream wl.ere those animals were washed. Boar-lane had probably a similar derivation. Allerton Aider, a tree, and to7i town. Armley Ann or Or;«, a prnper name, and ley, field. Beeston Bede, a proper name, and io7i, town. BriAMLEY Bram or Brambh, a wild shrub^ and leij, field. BuRLEY Etir, a tree, and leij, field. CoLDCOATES Cold, and cotes, hoir-^es. CoTTiNGLEY Cot, house, ing-, meadow, and ley, field. Farnley Fer7i, a wild plant, and ley, field. Farsley Furze, a wild plant, and ley, fi^eld. Gledhow Gled, hawk, and how, hill. GiproN Gz}>, a proper name, and ^o;«, town. HfiADiNftLEY Heath, moor, ing, meadow, and ley, field. , Holbeck Hoi, a low place, and beck, stream. HuNSLET Hnuivle, hound, and leet, a meeting. Kirkstall Kirk, church, and stall, place. Knowsthorpe Knowl, tbe brow of a hill, and iJiorpe, village. Meakwood Mense, m comn\oxi,-M\(\ wood. OsMUNDTHORPE _- Osmuiid, a proper name, and tJiorpc, village. PoTTERNEWTON __ Neiv-toini, near the potte/'y, KoDLEY Bocd, K crotis, dind ley, field. Skeltox *S'^'e/, water, and /on, town. Stanningley Stan, stone, i?ig; meadow, and ley, field. SvriNNow S!ci?i, swine, and /iohj, hill. "Weetwood JFee^, wet, or marshy, and ?(;oor/. "VVortley Wort, a wild plant, and ley, field. At a place in Armley formerh'- called G-iant's-hill, was an extensive earthwork described by Thoresby as being thrown Tip and used by the Danes, as a fort, or place of security, w^hence they might issue at leisure to lay waste and plunder the suvrounding country. It must have been a very strong and advantageous post, the northern side thereof being defended by a high and precipitous hill, at the foot of which ran the river Aire; like the other camps of this people, it was of circular form, measuring twenty perches in circumference; the rampart being about eighteen or twentv feet high. 8 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ^16.-627. 516. The computing of time by the Christian eera, was in use at this time, and was applied to historical events in 784. 520. King- Arthur, the most celebrated of all the British monarchs, expelled the Saxons from York, and almost from the kingdom, by the sanguinary battle of Baden Hills, (521) in which 90,000 of the enemy were slain. Being deter- mined to destroy the ancient seat of enmity, he prepared for an expedition against Scotland, but was disuadedfrom his purpose by the bishops, who represented to him that the Scots had just received the gospel, and that in the true spirit of religion which he professed, " Christians ought not to spill the blood of Christians." This great monarch and his clergy, with the nobility and the soldiers, kept their Christmas at York, being the first festival of the kind ■ever celebrated in Britain. Arthur was slain by the hands of his own nephew, in 5^42 ; and the Saxons soon afterwards prevailed. 547. Ida and Ella, two Anglo-Saxons, having landed at Plamborough, and subdued the Britons, the former assumed the sovereignty of JBernicia, extending from the Tyne to Edinburgh Frith; and the latter became king of Ddri, of which York was the capital, as it was afterwards of Nor - ihumhria, which included all the six northern counties of England, and formed the largest of the seven kingdoms of the Saxon Heptarchy, and received, during the reign of Edwin, tribute from the rest. 593. Ethelfrid, having ascended the Bernician throne, expelled his infant brother-in-law Edwin from Deiri, and became the first king of Northumberland, which, however, was several times divided under two petty monarchs, and as often united under one. 620. In this year Barwick-in-Elmet, near Leeds, was ruled by a British king named Cereticus, and was con- quered by Edwin, king of Northumbria. 627. A small oratory of wood was erected on the site of the present cathedral at York, and dedicated to St. Peter. On Easter day, in the same year, Edwin, king of Northum- bria, with his two sons and a number of nobles, were solemnly baptized in that primitive Christian place of worship which soon gave place to a more magnificent fabric, ■under the auspices of the newly converted monarch, who had previously raised Paulinus, a Roman missionary, to the ■dignity of archbishop of York. In the same year, this Paulinus (commonly called the Northumbrian apostle) erect- ed a cross as a point of assembly for divine worship at THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 9 ■633.-655. Dewsbury. A fac-simile of this cross bears the inscription "" Pai'lihvs liic prcedicaint, et celehravit " 633, Edwin, king of Northumbria, slain in a most san- guinary battle, fought against Penda, king of Mercia, and Cadwallader, the British king of Wales, at the village, of Hatfield, seven miles from Doncaster. His head was buried in the porch of his own church of St. Gregory at York, but the rest of his remains were deposited in the monastery at \Yhitby. 634. After Edwin and his only son were slain, near Don- caster, the victors ravaged Yorkshire, in a most dreadful manner. Osric, one of the nearest relations of Edwin, immediately ventured to besiege York, then in possession of Cadwallader, the Welsh king : who, sallying out defeated his forces and slew Osric. Eanfrid, Osric's brother, hast- ened to York, to treat for peace ; instead of obtaining which, he was cruelly and treacherously put to death by Cadwallader, who himself died in this year. — During the reign of Edwin, he ordered stakes to be fixed on the high- ^v%ays, where he had seen clear springs, and brazen dishes were chained to them, to refresh the thirsty traveller. 642. After Penda had slain Oswald, king ot Northumbria, he marched his army northward, and besides committing other spoliation, almost destroyed the newly erected cathe- dral of York. 655. The hoary-headed Fenda, king of Merciu, who had so long evinced the most inveterate enmity against the Northnnibrians, hastened (in the eightieth year of his age) with his veterans against Oswy, who now held the sover- eignty of Bernicia, as he did afterwards of the rest of Northumbria, called Deiri. To meet this pagan foe, who, on the verge of the grave, continued to court the smiles of Woden, Oswy advanced with his warriors to Winmoor, near Seacroft, in the neighbourhood of Leeds, where the two armies engaged in bloody coniiict, in which the Nor- thumbrian Christians defeated and nearly destroyed the Pagans, %vho were much more numerous than themselves, and left the haughty Penda with thirty of his officers dead on the field. The conquering Oswy, pursuing his victorious career, subdued thekingdom of Mercia, andhavingprevailed with Peada, the son of Penda, to become a Christian, he gave him the government of the southern part of Mercia, boundedby the Trent, but he "w'assoon afterwards murdered ty his wife, and the Mercians, revolting, threw off the Northumbrian yoke. Before the battle of Winmoor, Osweo, or Osv/y, made a vow, that if he gained the battle, and 10 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND €55.-741. became victorious, bis infant daughter should be consecrated to religious duties, and lead a life of celibacy. She was committed to the care of St. Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, whom she succeeded. 664. On the dealh of Aldewald, king of Deiri, Osv/y be- came sole monarch of Northumbria, over which he reigned till his death in 6/0. 665. Venerable Bede, (of Jarrow,) the historian, born. He mentions Leeds, styling it " Loidis." 674. The art of glass -mahing, and a taste for ecclesiastical magnificence was introduced into Northumbria, by Benedict Biscop, who built Wearmouth Abbey, with stone, after the Eoman style of architecture, having brought workmen from the continent for that purpose. York Cathedral, which had been nearly destroyed by Penda, was now restored by Arch- bishop Wilfrid. 679. Egfrid, who had now become king of all Northum- bria, in which the county of York was included, endeav- oured to preserve and enlarge his dominions. He repulsed with great slaughter an invasion of the Picts, and in the same year invaded Mercia. An action took place on the banks of the Trent, but the interposition of Theodoras, archbishop of York, prevented the further effusion of blood. 700. In this year there was no fewer than fifteen kings or chiefs within the island, while Ireland was nearly in the .same situation. 709. Died Wilfrid, archbishop of York. He was of an obscure familj^, but possessed great genius ; was the 3rd ardhbishop of that Province, succeeding Chadda in 669. He resigned the mitre in 678, but was restored in 686, after which he was expelled in 69S. He founded Ripon monastery, where he was buried. Jna, king of Wessex, published about this time his laws of the Saxons, soon after which he laid on the tax of " Peter Pence" for the support of a college at Rome. 731. Alcuinus, who was keeper of the noble library at York, founded by Archbishop Egbert, speaks of it in several of his letters, as one of the most choice and valuable col- lections of books then in the world. "Oh! that I had," says he in a letter to the emperor Charlemagne, " the use of those admirable books on all parts of learning, which I enjoyed in my native country, collected by the industry of my beloved master Egbert." 741. YorJc Cathedral suffered so much by fire this year, that Archbishop Egbert, assisted by Albert, a learned native, took it entirely down. Albert, who was promoted to the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 11 741.-867. see in 767, assisted by Alcuinus, Egbert's librarian, and Eanbald, who succeeded Albert, rebuilt it in the most magnificent style. 7o9. Eadbert, king of Northumbria, having, since he ascended the throne in 737, roused his subjects from their lethargic stupor, quelled their petty factions, and subdued. their enemies, resigned his sceptre to his son Os^yulfe, and retired to a monastery at York; thus, like seven of his predecessors, resigning the crown for the cowl. His son was slain in the first year of his reign; for some time after which, Northumbria was agitated with factions, usurpers, and dissolute monarchs. A dreadful fire broke out at Doncaster, by which not only the castle, but the whole town was reduced to ashes. The castle was never after re-built. 781. Nov. 8. Died Albert, archbishop of York, ten days after the consecration of the Cathedral, which he was the principal means of re-building. He also added greatly to the valuable library that Egbert had founded, especially such books as he had procured in his travels abroad in his younger days. 792. Ethelred,whose vicious and treacherous propensities had driven him from the throne in the 5th year of his reign, now returned from his twelve 3'ears' exile, and being again invested with the sceptre of Northumbria by the voice of the people, he decoyed the two children of Alfwold from the sanctuary at York, and murdered them to prevent their setting up any claim to the throne, which during his exile had been some time occupied by their father, who was treacherously killed by Siga, a nobleman retained about his person. 800. The Saxon Heptarchy, (or seven kingdoms) pre- vailed from oSo to SOO, when Egbert king of WesseXy. acquired a paramount influence over the other states, which he reduced to one common jurisdiction, and became the first king of England, to the throne of which his descen- dants succeeded in the male, line to Edward the Confessor. 854. St. Swithin (the weeping saint) Bishop of Winches- ter, and an English martyr, died this year. 867. A dreadful battle fought near York, between Osbert, who had been raised to the throne of Northumbria, and the two Danish generals and brothers, Hinguar and Hubba, which terminated in favour of the invaders — Osbert being slain in the retreat with a great number of men. Asser- Menevensis thus describes the sufferings of the inhabitants of York on this occasion : — " By the general's cruel orders 12 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 867-936. they knocked down all the boys, young and old men, they met with in the city, and cut their throats. Matrons and virgins were ravished at pleasure. The husband and wife, either dead or dying, were tossed together; the infant, snatched from its mother's breast, was carried to the threshold, and there left butchered at its parent's door, to make the general outcry more hideous." 871. Alfred the grandson of Egbert began foreign in this year. At this time the Danes, a nation of pirates and hea- thens committed such dreadful ravages on the shores of Britain, that for some time they completely overturned the sovereignty of Alfred and he was compelledto live in obscu- rity in the centre of a marsh. He at length regained the greater part of his kingdom, and spent the rest of his life in literary study, of which he was very fond, and in form- ing laws and regulations for the good of his people. He was an excellent historian, understood music, and acknow- ledged to be the best Saxon poet of the age, leaving many works behind hira. He was perhaps, the most able, most virtuous, and most popular prince that ever reigned in Britain ; and all this is the more surprising when we find that his predecessors and successors for many ages were extremely cruel, and ignorant. He died in the year 901, in the 53rd year of his age. 872. The Danes in their ravaging excursions, fired the city of York The first mention of Clocks occurs at this period. Sun dials had been in use long before. 936. iS^ing Athelstan, on his expedition to Scotland, visited York, where he requested the benefit of devo-ut prayers from the citizens on his behalf, promising that if he succeeded well therein he wauld abundantly recompense them. He did succeed — returned to York, and in the minster oflTered thanks to God and St. Peter. He also granted to God, St. Peter, and a fraternity called Colledei, and their successors, for ever, one thrave of corn out of every caracute of land, or every ploughing within the bishopric of York. He also gave tliem a piece of waste ground, which, with the income of corn, called Peter com, enabled them to found for them- selves an hospital in the city. William the Conqueror con- ifirmed the thraves to them; "William Rufus removed the site of the hospital into the precincts of the royal palace, and built them a small church ; Henry I. granted to them the enlargement of the close in which their house was situated ; confirmed to the hospital certain lands ; freed them from gelds and customs, and granted to them many THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 13 936.-1002. other privileges, besides taking to himself the name of a brother and warden of this hospital, 937. Anlaff, a Dane, entered the Humber with a fleet of 615 sail, whilst Athelstan was absent; he landed his forces and marched to York before the king was advised of this invasion. On hearing that Athelstan was approaching the city, the confederate princes, Irish, Scotch, and Welsh, went out to meet him, when a bloody engagement took place at Bromford, where the king gained a complete victory, slaying Constantino, king of Scotland, six petty kings of Ireland and Wales, and twelve general officers ; and destroy- ed their whole army. He then proceeded to York, and razed the castle to the ground, in order to prevent future rebellion. 948. King Edred destroyed Kipon by a general conflag- ration. 955. Dec. 26. Died Wulstan, archbishop of York, who, for espousing the cause of Anlaff, the Danish king of North- umbria, against Edred, the king of England, was by him committed to prison, but was soon released and restored to his office, 981. London was burnt down by accident. 991. This year the winter continued so long, and with such intensity, that vegetation was suspended or totally destroyed by the frost. The crops failed on the continent, as well as in England, and famine and pestilence closed the year. The figures in Arithmetic brought into Europe by the Saracens from Arabia. 1000. Early in the beginning of the 11th century, Seleth the shepherd, wandered from the south, pursuant to his visions, and fixed his hermitage at Kirkstall, where an Abbey was afterwards built. 1002. November 13th was the day on which king Ethelred II. secretly ordered all the Danes to be massacred, and great was the slaughter committed in the southern parts of England; but in Northumbria the Danes were too numerously intermingled with the Saxons to be sentenced to assassination, and the detestable act so' much inflamed them, that in a little time the Anglo-Saxons became the sport of their indignant enemies, and in 1010 Sweyn, king of Denmark, successfully undertook the conquest of Eng- land with a powerful army, which, after lying in camp on the banks of the Ouse, was engaged near York by the English, strengthened by a number of Scots. The battle was bloody and well contested, but victory declared for the Danes, and subsequently Ethelred with a few of his followers seized a boat and fled to Normandy, leaving his 14 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1002.-1066. crown and kingdom to the conquerors. The Danish viceroys, or Comites Northumbrioe, fixed their residence at York, where their sovereigns occasionally dwelt amonst them, till 1041, when the Saxons again succeeded to the throne, but were soon afterwards dispossessed by the Normans. 1005. All the old churches were re-built about this time in a "new style" of architecture. 1015. Children were forbidden by law to be sold by their parents in England. 1060. Dec. 22. Died Kinsius, archbishop of York. He was a man of such austere habits that, for the most part, he walked bare-foot in his visitations. 1065. Jan. 5th. Died Edward the Confessor, He col- lected the laws made by his predecessors into one code, and called it the Common Law of England. 1066. Harfager, king of Norway, at the instance of Tosti, Earl of Northumberland, entered the Humber with a nu- merous army, and sailed up the river as far as Riccall, within ten miles of York, which city they took by storm after a battle fought at Fulford. On the 23rd September, Harold, king of England, with a strong body of forces, met the invaders at Stamford Bridge where Tosti and the Norwe- gian king were both slain; but Harold did not long enjoy his triumph, for, on the following day he was informed by an express, as he sat instate at a magnificent entertainment in York, that William, Duke of Normandy, (whom Edward, the late king, had nominated as his successor) had landed at Pevensey, in Sussex. Harold immediately marched to. meet the invaders, whom he encountered at Hastings, on the 14th of October, when he lost both his life and his crown, with 60,000 men. One of the chroniclers of the Norman conquest, says, that weapons of stone were used by some of the x4nglo-Saxon troops at the battle of Hastings. Numerous nide implements of various kinds have from time to time been discovered at Flambro', Bridlington, and other places, clearly belonging to this period of English history. They are made of chipped flint, among which the most common are arrow-heads, and heads of spears or javelins, knives, chisels, &c., fish-hooks, so delicately formed that we cannot but feel astonished at the labour it must have required to chip them out of a piece of flint. William the Conqueror, having established himself on the throne, dispossessed the English of their estates and offices of trust, and gave them to his numerous followers. The bar- ony of Pontefract he gave to Ilbert de Laci, who built Ponte- fract castle. After so great an agitation as that produced by the Norman conquest, some years necessarily elapsed before THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 15 1066.-1081. the country could be restored to harmony ; and the inhabit- ants of the north of England, still cherishing their wonted spirit of independence and liberty, were amongst the last to bow their neck^; to the Norman yoke; a violent struggle was made against the proud Conqueror, and York was the rallj'-ing point of the patriot army, but in 1067, William marched into that city, and garrisoned it with Norman soldiers, the Saxon nobles having fled into Scotland, where they were joined by king Malcolm, as they were also by the Danes in 1069, when they with their allies attacked York, v/here they put 3,000 Normans to the sword. Though William soon arrived before the city, and bribed the Danes to leave the country, the English gallantly defended the city about six months, and were only compelled by famine to surrender under stipulations M'hich the Conqueror im- mediately violated, and butchered nearl}^ all the nobility and gentry, and laid waste all the country from York to Durham. The inhabitants set fire to the suburbs, and the flames extended to the city and cathedral, and involved ail in one common ruin. The valiant Waltheof, Earl of Nor- thumberland, and governor of York, suffered by the hands of the executioner, and is mentioned as the first eyample of beheading in England. Those of the inhabitants, who now escaped the edge of the sword, were reserved for a more deplorable fate, being hunted by the Normans, and " obliged to eat horses, dogs, cats, and even their own species, to preserve their miserable lives." Aldred, the last Saxon archbishop of York, performed the religious ceremony at the coronation of William the Conqueror, and is said to have retained his rank b}'- bribes. 1070. Henry the I., the youngest son of William the Conqueror, was born at Selby. He was crowned by Maurice, bishop of London, at Westminster, Aug. 5th, 1100. Knaresboroughcastle wasfoundedby Serlo deEurgh,who came into England with the Conqueror. He was succeeded in his possessions by Eustace Eitz John, the great favourite of Henry I. lOSO. Leeds, Holbeck, and Woodhouse were given by the Conqueror to Ilbert de Laci. Leeds was then only a farm- ing village, with an estimated population of somewhat less than 300, and not more than 900 in the whole parish, including a priest, a church, and a mill. The circumference of the borough of Leeds is 32 miles and one furlong, and its superficial contents are 21,470 acres and nine perches. 1081. The Doomsday Book, containing an exact account 16 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1081. of all the landed property in England, was now finished after a labour of six years. The Castle of Leeds.— It is probable that the Castle of Leeds was erected about this time by the De Lacies of Pontefract. It occupied the site at present surrounded by Mill-hill, Bishopgate, and the western part of Boar-lane. It was in all probability surrounded by a moat, and an ex- tensive park, as we may gather from the names Park-row, Park-square, &c. — In excavating for the foundations of the warehouses on the south side of West-bar, (in 1836), the workmen employed by J. Kendall, Esq., discovered the remains of the Castle Moat. It appeared to have had a semicircular form, and to have terminated in the Mill Goit, extending considerably on each side of Scarborough's Hotel, on which site the castle is supposed to have stood. A tower also stood near Lydgate, in Woodhouse-lane, called Tower Hill; which was probably connected with the castle; but not a vestige of either fabric remains. The Leeds Parish Church, (St. Peter's), is mentioned in Doomsday Book, and was therefore in existence at a very early period. On taking down the old Parish Church of Leeds, in 1838, a most interesting discovery was made of several sculptured stone Crosses of the Anglo-Saxon period. The largest cross was thirteen feet in height; the others were less, and broken into fragments. One of the crosses contained in Runic characters the name of a king. The inscription was Cuni 07ilaf: that is, king Onlaf Onlaf the Dane entered the Humber in 93/, and subsequently became king of Northumbria, and a christian. His residence was probably the "Villa Regia" at Osraund- thorpe, and this cross was no doubt erected to his memory in the ceme- tery of the Leeds Parish Church, about the year 950. Ancient frag- ments were discovered of the Norman Church of Leeds; not the one mentioned in the Doomsday Survey, but the church renewed about the latter end of the 11th, or the commencement of the 12th century. Behind the altar piece was a mural monument to the memory of a family named Hardewycke, of the 16th century, and in taking up the floor under the communion table, a tablet was found in excellent pre- servation, containing a brass plate inscribed to the memory of Thomas Darrell, Vicar of Leeds, who was a benefactor to the church and died in 1469. On taking up the floor of the choir, a fine efBgy was discovered in chain mail with plate knee caps, sword and shield, beautifully carved in limestone, the coat of arras or qnarterings of the shield denoting the knight to have been of the family of Stainton or Steynton. The legs had been broken off close under the knee. This effigy is cross-legged, and cannot be later than Edward the II 's time, or about the year 1300. In the succeeding reign, Elizabeth Stainton was prioress of Kirkstall, and probably of the same family. The Chapel at Holbeck was probably founded about THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 17 lOSl.-llOS. the same period. It was given by Ralph Paganel, along with the Church at Leeds, to the priory of the Holy Trinity at York. It is now demolished, but the site is shown by a stone obelisk in the burial ground attached to the new erection. The Chapel of St. Helen at Holbeck, is supposed to have stood near to Sheepbridge, with which, and a medicinal well, formerl}' in the neighbourhood, it may have been connected, but no remains exist. The Chapel of St. Mary the Virgin, at Beeston, is believed to have been erected at a very early period. It has been rebuilt, and its only remains of antiquity, are : — the east window, apparently of the time of Henry III., surmounted by the crowned monogram of the virgin, and some frag- ments of stained glass, consisting of a head of our Saviour, and another of the virgin, a mutilated figure of a saint, and the arms of the families of Beeston, Mauleverer, and Nevile, all of which are also much mutilated. loss. William Rufus commenced the building of St. Mary's Abbey, in York, Avhich was afterwards destroyed by lire, and rebuilt from 1270 to 1292, by Simon de Warwick, the Abbot. 1089. The advowson of the Church of Leeds and the Chapel of Holbeck, was given to the Priory of Holy Trinity at York, by Ralph Paganell, who was a follower of William the Conqueror. 1090. SMpton Castle, built by Robert de Romille, who also founded the original church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity. In the civil wars, this place was garrisoned for king Charles I., the command devolving on Sir John Mai- lory, of Studley. It was surrendered December 20th, 1645, having held out longer than any other castle in the north of England. The castle chapel was in existence subse- quent to the death of Thomas, Earl of Thanet. The Clifford family have, with only one exception of attainder, held the barony 500 years. 1098. The river Aire was made navigable this year at Kirkstall Bridge. 1100. Nov. IS. Died Thomas, archbishop of York. He was a Norman by birth, and succeeded Aldred, the last of the Saxon race of archbishops of that diocese. Thomas died at Ripon, but was interred at York minster. It was during the time he held this see, that the long contested point, whether the see of Canterbury or York should have pre-eminence, was determined in favour of the former. 1108. May 21. Died Gerrard, archbishop of Y''ork, who 18 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1108.-1137. was interred in the minster. He sustained the dignity eight years, part of which time, he, like Thurston and Thomas, the Norman, refused obedience to Canterbury. 1115. Henry \st, the third son of the Conqueror gave the manors of Conisburgh, Thornes, and Wakefield, and the lordship of Normanton, to William de Placitis, Earl of Warren and Surrey. 1118. The Order of Knights Templars instituted — ex- tinguished March 22nd, 1312. 1120. About this date the lordship of Bingley was pos- sessed by W. Paganell, founder of the Priory of Drax; his successors were the Gaunts, one of whom obtained a charter for a market from king John, in the twelfth year of that monarch's reign. In the time of Dodsworth,(1621), there was a park at Bingley, and a castle near the church at Bailey -hill, of which little more than the name and tradition now remain. The church dedicated to All Saints or All Souls, was re-built Temp. Henry VIII. The free grammar school was founded 20th of the same reign, and is now of the annual value of £400. By a decree of the Lord Chancellor in 1820, it was determined that the learned languages should be taught at the free grammar school, for the benefit of the children of the parish of Bingley. 1 121. Embsaij Priory., afterwards removed to Bolton, where it is still magnificent in ruins, was this year founded by William de Meschiens and his wife Cecilia de Romille, baroness of Skipton. Its original site was near the place called the Strid, where their son had been drowned in the river Wharfe. 1126. About this period died Alured of Beverley, a cele- brated divine and historian — he wrote '■'■ The AnnaW'* of the British, Saxon, and Norman eras. 1132. Fountains Abbey, in Studley Park, near Ripon, was built, and spread, with its appendages, over 12 acres of ground, two of which are occupied by the present magnifi- cent and picturesque ruins. It was surrendered in 1537. 1133. Eustace Fitz John sent a basket of bread from Knaresborough castle, when the monks of Fountains Abbey were in distress for want of food. 1137- A casual fire broke out in the city of York, and burnt down the cathedral, St. Mary's Abbey, and forty churches. This dreadful fire was scarcely extinguished, when the Scots under David their king, entered England, in support of his niece Matilda, and laid the country waste to the very gates of York. Thurstan, archbishop of York, assembled the neighbouring barons, and promised the ab- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 19 1137.-1147. solution of sins to all who should fall in the war against these invaders. A tall mast, having at the top a pix and a cross, from which Avere suspended the banners of St. Peter, St. John of Beverley, and St. Wilfred, was fixed in a huge chariot, and taken into the field of battle, which so excited the soldiers, that the enemy was totally routed with the loss of 10,000 men. This was the celebrated Battle of the Standard, fought Aug. 23rd, 113S, on Cowton moor, near Northallerton, the place is still called Standard Hill, and the holes in which the dead were thrown, the Scots Pits. 1139. Feb. 5th. Died at Pontefract, where he had retired in his old age, Thurston, archUshop of York, which elevated station he filled twenty years. He was inflexible in not submitting to the archbishop of Canterbury, and was buried at Pontefract. In this year Leeds castle was be- sieged and taken by king Stephen, in his march against the Scots. 1140. Adel church is supposed to have been erected about this time. It is a most interesting and venerable structure of Norman design, and one of the most perfect specimens of the kind in the kingdom. The south door-way is highly enriched, and many of its details of great elegance. The interior is adorned with very curious ancient sculpture. The east window is filled with stained glass of a monu- mental character, by Giles, dated 1601. There are three paintings by Vanderbank, representing The Crucifixion, The Ascension, and The Agony in the Garden. The village of Adel is termed Adhill in the Liber Regis, which, probably, gives the true etymology, the Hill of Ada, the first Saxon colonist of the place. On the slope of the hill, a little north of the village, are the remains of a Eoman Camp, where a number of ancient monuments, three altars, (one inscribed "to the goddess Brigantia"), several urns, statues, coins, &c., have been found, many of which are deposited at the vicarage, and others are in the possession of Captain Cham- berlain, of Bramhope. 1147. Kirks tall Abbey was founded between 1147 and 1153, by Henry de Lacie, baron of Pontefract, for monks of the Cistercian order. It had from its foundation to its dissolution in the year 1540, a succession of twenty-seven abbots, and was attended with various vicissitudes of fortune. The abbey was prosperous and opulent under the supermtendance of some of its abbots, and under that of others its affairs were in such a deplorable condition that the monks had to solicit through their patron Henry de Lacie, the interposition of the king, (Ed. I ,) to prevent its 20 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1147-1154. ruin by the creditors who became impatient for the payment of their debts. The live stock on the estates of the abbey in 1301, were: draught oxen 216, cows 160, yearlings and bullocks 152, calves 90, sheep and lambs 4,000. In 1539 all monasteries in England were dissol ved by act of parliament. Kirkstall Abbey was then surrendered to the crown, (Henry VIII.) Its revenues are said to have been at the dissolu- tion, of the value of £8,000 to £10,000 per annum, and this was exclusive of the value of the cattle, corn, plate, &c., on the estates. The buildings were soon a mass of ruins. The roof was taken from the church, the bells from the tower, and the lead and timber from the other buildings, and all were sold for the benefit of the crown. In 1583 it seems to have been used as a sort of quarrj'^ for building materials, for in an entry in the churchwarden's books of Leeds at this date it is said that a number of labourers were employed at sixpence a day in removing the materi- als of "Christall Abbye," to assist in the erection of edifices in that town. 'J'he site of the abbey and some of the ad- joining estates, were granted by Henry VIII., to archbishop Cranmer, in exchange for other lands, and were by him settled upon Peter Hammond, in trust for his younger son. The estates must have subsequently passed to the crown ; for in the 26th of Elizabeth, they v,^ere granted by the Queen to Edmund Downynge and Peter Asheton, and their heirs for ever. At a later period, but at what precise time has not been ascertained, the site and demesnes with the manor of Bramley, were purchased by the Savilles of How- ley, and then passed by marriage, through the Duke of Montagu to the Brudenells, Earls of Cardigan, in whose possession they still remain. These ruins form the most beautiful object in this district, and are now happily pre- served with great care. 1150. The practice of deciding legal claims by the sword, and of hiring champions for that purpose, was common in England at this time and long after. 1153. Oct. 14. Died Henry Murdac, archbishop of York, who was never permitted to enter the minster during his life, in consequence of having quarrelled with king Stephen, whose part the canons and citizens warmly espoused. He was interred in York minster. 1154. On the 25th day of October this year king Stephen died. The Saxon chronicler says : — " In this king's time, all was dissension, and evil, and rapine. Against him soon rose the rich men. They had sworn oaths, but no truth maintained. They built castles which they held out against THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 21 1154.-11S]. him. They cruelly oppressed the wretched men of the land with castle-work. They tilled the castles with devils and evil men. They seized those whom they supposed to have any goods, and threw them into prison for their gold and silver, and inflicted on them unutterable tortures. Some they hanged up by the feet, and smoked with foul smoke; some by the thumbs or by the beard, and hung coats of mail on their feet. They put them into dungeons with adders, and snakes, and toads. They burned all the towns — thou mightest go a day's journey aiM not find a man sitting in a town, nor an acre of land tilled. Wretched men starved of hunger: — to till the ground was to plough the sea." 1159. Died at Rome, Pope Adrian IV., the only English- man who filled the papal chair. Adrian's name was Nicholas Breakspear. He was choked by a fly in the fifth year of his pontificate. 1160. The first parliament mentioned in history by that name, was held in York by Henry II., when Malcolm, king of Scotland, appeared to do homage for the territories he held under the king of England. 1170. The four knights who murdered Thomas- a-Becket took refuge in Knaresborough castle, where they remained prisoners many months, but were subsequently pardoned on condition of their performing a pilgrimage to Jeru- salem. At Hampale, two miles S.AY. of Robin Hood's well, near Doncaster, William de Clairfac, and Avicia, his wife, founded a priory of Cistercian nuns, which at the dissolution was granted to Francis Aislabie. 1171- The choir of the cathedral at York re-built by Archbishop Roger. 1174. Henry II. resolved to do penance at the shrine of St. Thomas of Canterbury. As soon as he came within sight of the church of Canterbury, he alighted from his horse, walked barefoot to the town, prostrated himself before the shrine of the saint, and allowed himself to be scourged. He passed the whole day and night fasting on the bare stones. A convention of bishops and barons was held at York, where William, the successor of Malcolm, did homage to king Henry for the whole kingdom of Scot- land. In token of his subjection, he deposited on the altar of St. Peter, his spear, breast-plate, and saddle. 1176. The dispensing of justice by circuits first estab- lished in England. 1181. The laws of England digested about this time by Glanville. A Preceptory of KNIGHTS TEMPLARS was 22 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1181.-1190. established at Temple Newsam as early as this year, the manor having been presented to that order by William de Villiers. These knights, who afterwards sunk to the lowest state of depravity, were established in the early part of the twelfth century, by Baldwin II., king of Jerusalem, for the defence of the Holy Sepulchre, and the protection of christian pilgrims. 1182. Baljph Hageth, succeeded Alexander as abbot of Kirkstall, and was reputed a religious man, renowned for sanctity, a lover of justice, and a most zealous upholder of his order; but he followed the dictates of an ambitious disposition, and forgot that poverty was ill calculated to support extravagance. 1186. Faulinus de Leedes refused the see of Carlisle, though Henry II. offered to augment its revenues 300 marks annual rent. About this time Henry, under pretence of raising monej'- for the holy wars, imposed upon his subjects a con- tribution of one-tenth of their moveables, and demanded from the city of York half the sum that he required from London, York being then eminent for trade. 1189. This year Richard I. commenced his reign. Coats of arms were not in use in England until this time, the custom being derived from the Crusades. 1190. Persecution of the Jews.— Richard I., the day previous to his coronation, issued a proclamation forbid- ding Jews to be present at Westminster, lest he might suffer by their magical arts. But his command was dis- obeyed. A few of them, " eager to offer to a new ruler the gifts and congratulations of an afflicted people in a strange land, on a day of general grace and joy, according to the immemorial usage of the East,forced their way into the hall with the rest of the people, and were permitted to lay their presents before him, with their humble suit for the continuance of that connivance of their residence, and of that precarious exemption from plunder and slaughter, which they had obtained from his predecessors." As soon as it was discovered that they were present in the hall, the people attacked them without reserve or distinc- tion, beat and pillaged and drove them out. The example of this violence at court spread through the city; and, believing that the king had ordered the extermination of this hated people, the inhabitants treated them with crush- ing severity. They forced their way into their houses; first plundered, and then put to death their possessors. Those who barricaded their dwellings were burnt to death; the feeble, the sick, and the dying, were thrown into the THE SURROUIvDlNG DISTRICT. 23 1190.-1 -201. lires which had been kindled in the streets. The example of the metropolis was followed in many of the principal towns of England. At York, the Jews took refuge in the castle; but unable to defend themselves, they shared the same or rather a worse fate than their brethren in the capital. The castle was besieged for several days. On the night before the expected assault, a rabbi, lately arrived from the Hebrew schools abroad, addressed his assembled countrymen in these words : — "Men of Israeli God com- mands us to die for his law, as our glorious forefathers have done in all ages. If we fall into the hands of our enemies they may cruelly torment us. That life which our Creator gave us, let us return to him willingly and devoutly with onr own hands." No sooner had the rabbi finished, than the men murdered their wives and children, threw the dead bodies over the walls upon the populace ; set fire to the building, and perished in the flames. It is said that nearly 2000 Jews in York alone fell victims to this sanguin- ary persecution. 1192. Geoffrey Plantagenet, archbishop of York, gave the nunnery of St. Clement to the abbey of Godstowe. Alicia, then prioress, refusing to obey the order, went to Rome to appeal to the Pope, regardless of which the archbishop excommunicated the whole sisterhood. 119S. It was agreed between the monks of Kirkstall and the church of Addle, that the former should pay the latter £1 per annum, in lieu ot tithes in the parish of Addle. 1199. King John and the monarch of Scotland, with their nobles, held a convention at York, and it was agreed that John's two sons should marry the Scotch king's two daughters. 1200. That great discovery, so highly interesting to this and all other maritime countries, the use of the Magnei'w Needle, was made this year, and was improved and brought into general use in 1302, by Givia of Naples. 1201. This year Eustace, abbot of Hay, in Normandy, came to England, and preached the duty of extending the Sabbath from three o'clock on Saturday afternoon, to sun- rise on Monday morning, pleading the authority of an epistle written by Christ himself, and found on the altar of St. Simon at Golgotha. This fanatic was treated Avith contempt by the shrewd people of Yorkshire ; and the Miller of Wakefield persisted in grinding his corn after the hour of cessation, for which it is gravely said, " that his corn was 24 . ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1201.-1228. turned into blood, while the mill wheel stood immoveable against all the waters of the Calder." 1,204. That disgrace to civilization, the Inquisition, began. 1205. In the Pipe Roll there is a charge in the sheriff's accounts, made under the authority of the king's writ, of 14s. lid., for the expenses of conveying the king's wines from Hull to York. 1213. One Peter of Pomf ret, (Pontefract,) a poor hermit, had foretold that the king (John) should lose his crown this very year; for which rash prediction he was thrown into Corfe castle, the king being resolved to punish him as an impostor, and the unfortunate hermit was in consequence ''trailed" at the tails of horses to the town of Warham, where he was hung upon a gibbet, together with his son, 1214. This year Roger Bacon was born, a monk celebrated for learning, and the invention of the magic lanthorn, mag- nifying glasses, and gunpowder, which latter, however, is by some authors ascribed to Swartz, a monk of Cologne, who first caused it to be used in leathern guns, in 1330. Friar Bacon was imprisoned in his cell ten years, after which he spent six years in tranquillity in the college of his order at Oxford, and died on the 11th January, 1294, aged 80 years. Robert de Lindesay, abbot of Peterborough, beautified thirty monastic windows with glass, which had previously been stuffed with straw to keep out the cold and rain. 1215. Magna Charta signed June 15th, by king John and the barons, at Runnemede, between Windsor and Staines. 1216. Registers began to be kept in York, supposed to be of an older date than any in the kingdom. They begin with the rolls of Walter de Gray, whereas those in the archiepiscopal palace at Lambeth do not commence before 1307. The northern barons, having taken arms against king John, in the last year of his disordered reign, be- sieged York, but left it on receiving 1000 marks from the citizens. 1222. There are said to have been 1115 castles at this time in England. 1227. An Indulgence granted by Walter Gray, archbishop of York, of forty days relaxation, to those benefactors who should contribute liberally towards the erection of the south part of the cross aisle in the metropolitan church. 1228. After the commencement of the Registers of the see of York, Henry de Gray appears to be the first Rector of Gargrave, and was inducted 15th February in this year. In the endowment of this benefice, is one article THE SUREOUKDING DISTRICT. 25 1228.-1250. of very rare occurrence, viz., an ancient personal tithe, levied upon the wages of all labourers and artificers, to be paid in silver. 1234. Coal is said to have been discovered at Newcastle upon Tyne. 1242. Leeds corstituted a Vicarage, which was first en- joyed by Dns. Planus de Shirburn, nominated to the living by the prior and convent of Holy Trinity at York, who were then its patrons. 1244. Died at Paris, John de Sacro Bosco, of Halifax, an eminent mathematician. 1247. RoBix Hood, the bold outlaw and skilful archer of the 13th century, resided occasionally at Kirklees, near Huddersfield, where it is said he died on the 20th of Decem- ber, 1247, being suffered to bleed to death by a nun of the adjacent convent, to Mhom he had applied to take from him a portion of his redundant blood. That his remains lie under an ancient cross at Kirklees, beyond the precincts of the nunnery which stood there is by some admitted, but ^^ hether he was of noble parentage, or an outlaw of humbler birth is not equally clear. Robin Hood was a " forester good as ever drew bow in the merrie green wood." He Avas a thoroughly brave and generous man. "We learn that though Robin was an outlaw, yet that '' he was no lover of blood ; na}', he delighted in sparing those Avho sought his own life when they fell into his power ; and he was beyond all examples even of knighthood, tender and thoughtful about women. Xext to the ladies, he loved the yeomanry of England ; he molested no hind at the plough, no thresher in the barn, no shepherd with his flocks ; he was the friend and protector of the husbandman and hind, and woe to the priest who fleeced or the noble that oppressed them." The cross over his grave bears no inscription, but the epitaph may have been engraved upon a tombstone, which has novv' disappeared. It was as follows : — " Hear, undernead dis latil stean, Laiz Robert, Earl of Huntington ; Nea areir vir as him sa geud, An pipl kauld him Robin Heud ; Sick utlauz az hi, an iz men, Vil Inglande nivr si agen ; Obit 24, Kal Deketniy.'is, 1247." 1250. About this period Knaresborough Priory was founded. 3 26 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1251.-1269. 1251. " By a statute this year, a brewer may sell two gallons of ale for a penny in cities, and three or four for the same price in the country." Henry III,, and hi^ queen met Alexander king of Scotland in the city of York, to present their daughter in marriage to that monarch. The ceremony was performed with a magnificence and grandeur suitable to the nuptials of such exalted persons. 1256. Sewal de Bovil succeeded Walter Gray in the Arch' bishopric of York, but was excommunicated for opposition respecting the preferment to the ecclesiastical dignities. He received absolution on his death-bed, and died May 10th, 1258. 1259. Matthetv Paris, the celebrated historian, died. 1260. John le Bomain, treasurer of the church, and father of the archbishop of York, of that name, built the north transept of York cathedral, and raised a handsome steeple in the place which the lantern tower now occupies. 1261. Up to this period, Mirjidd formed a part of the Saxon parish of Dewsbury, and the cause of its separation, as appears from a latin M.S., in Hopkiuson's collection of documents, is curious : — "As the Lady of Sir John Hetoiiy the baroness of Mirfield, was going to mass before dawn on Christmas-day, to the parish church of Dewsbury, a distance of three miles, she was waylaid and robbed, and her principal attendant murdered, at a place called Bavens- brook-layne. On the same day, while she was at dinner, at nine o'clock in the morning, that being then the fashionable time, two mendicant ecclesiastics came to crave her charity, telling her at the same time that they were going to Rome, where her husband. Sir John, was then residing. On this intimation she sat down and wrote a letter to h -r husband, narrating to him the horrid scene she had so recently wit- nessed, and requested him to make interest with the pope to erect the chapel of Mirfield into a parochial church. The letter she confided to the priests, who duly delivered it to the knight, whose suit was so successful, that his holiness elevated Mirfield into a rectory." 1264. The Commons of England are said to have been first summoned to parliament at this date. There was a regular succession of parliaments from the year 1293. Knights and burgesses first sat together in 1342, January 12th, died Godfrey de Kinton, archbishop of York, who appropriated Mexborough to his church, which, ever since, has been annexed to the deanery of York. He was interred in the minster. 1269. By a statute of Henry HI., brewers and bakers THE SURROUNDI^'G DISTRICT. 27 1269.-1291. committing frauds were sentenced to be ducked in stinking water. In the same reign there was an ancient mode of punishing scolding women, by subjecting them to the opera- tion ot the ducking stool ; one of which was established at the village of Morley, near Leeds, for the punishment of brawling women. 1274. IngolardFurhard was inducted first vicar of Halifax, the rectory being then appropriated to the priory of Lewes, in Sussex. In this year was born Robert, lord Clifford, first lord of the honour of Skipton. He lived about forty years, and was a person eminent for his services to this kingdom. 1279. Died William de Langueton, dean of York, whose tomb was inlaid with brass and gilt, but was destroyed in the rebellion. 1280. The cruel and arbitrary Gibbet Law of Halifax is first mentioned this year; it remained in force till 1650. 1281. Edward I., demanded of many of the monastic houses one-half of all their revenues, which they were obliged to pay, and acknowledge as a free gift. To such as paid it, he readily granted particular protection. 1284. By an inquest taken this year, it appears that the village of Rastrick was rated at 13s., and contained only six freemen ; the rest were, according to the inquest, *' native tenantes^ viUians or boruismen.^' The price of a bible, with a commentarj'-, fairly written, was thirty pounds ; the pay of a labouring man, was three half-pence a day. Nicholas Foteman granted to the prioress of St. Clement's and to the nuns there, two messuages in Clementhorpe, with a toft, a croft, and half an acre of land, which were confirmed to them by Edward III. 1285. A staple of wool, &c., was settled at Boston, in Lincolnshire, and the merchants of the Hanseatic League established there their guild, and a tax of a mark was laid on every sack of wool exported, and a mark on every three hundred skins. By 13th Edward I., stat, 2, chap. 6, " The king commandeth that from henceforth neither fairs nor markets be kept in church-yards, for the honour of the church." 1291. Edward the first stayed some time in York, (on his way into Scotland,) when the famous Welshman, Bees-ap- Meredith, was conveyed to that city, tried for high treason, condemned and drawn through the town to the gallows, where he was hung and quartered. The first stone of the nave of the cathedral at York was, on the 7th of April, 28 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1291 -1306. laid by John le Romain. The nave was completed by Wil- liam de Melton, his successor, in 1330. 1292, A grant was made for the wife and family of William lord Latimer, who was then on the king's service in Gascouy, to reside in Skipton castle, with allowance of fuel out of the woods there. 1298. William de Hamdtoiie appointed dean of York, and on January 16th, 1305, had the great seal delivered to him as Lord Chancellor of England. He died in 1314. In this year was born Roger lord Clifford, who died in the prime of his youth, in 1326. He was second lord of the honour of Skipton. Edward I. summoned a special parliament to meet at York, and required his mutinous barons to attend to it, without excuse or delay, accounting those rebels that should disobey. At this parliament the commons of the realm granted the king the ninth penny of their goods, the archbishop of Canterbury with the clergy of his province the tenth penny, and the archbishop of York with his clergy a fifth. Soon after this Edward removed his courts of justice fr m London to York, until the battle of Falkirk. This ancient city then ranked amongst the JEJnglish poHs, and furnished one vessel to Edward's fleet; but when vessels began to be built on a larger scale its commerce decreased, and Hull became possessed of that trade which had previously attached to the northern me- tropolis. 1300. June 1st, the queen of Edward L, was taken sud- denl)'- in labour, as she was hunting in the neighbourhood of Brother ton, and not far from the church of that town is a place surrounded by a trench and a wa 1, in which the house was, where she was del vered of prince Thomas. Wool in Craven, at this time, sold for more than £i]. a sack, consisting of twenty-six stones, of fourteen pounds to the stone. At the same time the price of a cow was 7s. 4d. This year the prior and canons of BoUon purchased the manor of Appletrewic from James de Eshton, but before they could take possession of it the prior was obliged to undertake a journey to Rome for a papal bull. 130.5. Coals began to be so generally used that parlia- ment complained to the king that the air was infected ; in consequence of which two proclamations were issued, prohibiting their farther use in the metropolis, and containing strict orders to inflict fines, and destroy all furnaces and kilns where coals should be found. 1306. Wolves, though rare, were not extinct in Graven at this period. — The last wolf killed in the neighbourhood THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 29 1306.-13U. of Leeds, tradition says, fell in a hunt, by the duke of Lancaster, commonly called "Jo/in o'Gaunt.'" A public- house, called the John o'Gaunt Inn, is said to be built on a plot of ground Avhere the last wolf was killed. This house is on the new road between Leeds and Pontefract, little more than three miles from the former town. Nine stones weight of butter were made at Malham from the milk of sheep. 1310. There were this year consumed at Bolton in Craven, 147 stones of cheese made from ewes' milk. 1311. Edward XL, kept his Christmas at York, with great festivity. 1312. Fiers Gavestooi and his followers, who had been banished by Edward I., joined Edward XL, at York, by whom they were received as a " gilt from heaven." Gaves- ton had excited the resentment of the barons, who had formed a powerful conspiracy against him, in consequence of which the king caused the walls of the city to be strongly fortified, and put into a posture of defence. Thomas, earl of Lancaster, first prince of the blood, was at the head of the barons, who, by oath, had bound themselves to expel Gaveston. He therefore raised an army suddenly, and marched to York, whence he found Edward had removed with Gaveston, to Newcastle; thither he hastened, when the king and his favourite had just time to escape to Tyne- mouth, and the pursuit being continued he and Gaveston embarked and sailed to Scarborough, the castle of which port he made his favourite the governor. Alice Laci, relict of the earl of Lincoln, " quit-claimed" the advowson of the church of Leeds, to the prior and monks of Holy Trinity in York. 1314. After the fatal battle of Bannockhurn, in which Edward XI., lost about 50,000 men, he narrowly escaped to York, where he immediately called his nobles together for consultation, but nothing was then determined. Of the value of money about this period, some idea may be formed from the maximum prices, fixed by the king's writs, on the following articles of food : — an Ox, stall or corn fed, 248., one grass fed, 16s. A fat stalled Cow, 12g., any other fed Cow, lOs. A fat Sheep, Is. 8d., ditto, shorn, Is. 2d. A fat Hog, 2 years old, 3s. 4d. A fat Goose, 3d. A fat Capon, 2 3^d. A fat Hen, l^. 24 Eggs, Id. The Scots, after gaining the above-named battle, which occurred on the 25th July, 1314, overran the north of Eng- land, and in that and the three following years, they several times visited, plundered, and devastated the rich pastoral 30 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 13U..1321. districts of Craven, and also Bolton Priory. At their firat irruption the prior fled into Blackburnshire ; several of the canons took refuge in Skipton castle, where part of their cattle were preserved ; the granges of Embsaj'', Carlton, Haltou, and Stede were destroyed, and all the cattle driven away from Halton, where the com lands lay untilled the next year. A survey of all the lands, freehold and copyhold, in the manor of 'Wakefield, was taken by William of Thimbleby and Thomas of Sheffield. 1316. This year Edward II., granted a free market (on Tuesday) and two fairs to John de Elland, at his manor of Elland. 1318. Douglas, one of Robert Bruce's generals, burned the towns of Northallerton and Boroughbridge, and imposed a contribution upon the inhabitants of Ripon. He then reduced Scarborough and Skipton to ashes, and, with much plunder, carried off a great number of prisoners to Scotland, 1319. Edward II., desirous of raising an army to oppose Robert Bruce, came down into Yorkshire for that purpose, but found the country so thinly inhabited, that he was obliged to have recourse to the southern and western parts of the kingdom to complete his forces. During the inroads of the Scots, the town and church of Ripon were burnt, but re-built principally by the munificence of Edward III., and William de Melton, archbishop of York. The courts of Justice, with the Doomsday Book, and other national records, which, with provisions, loaded 21 carts, Avere removed to York for six months. The Scots entering England laid waste the country with fire and sword, and continuing their depredations, advanced to the walls of York ; after burning the suburbs of that city, they returned northwards, on which William de Melton, archbishop of York, immediately raised an army, composed of clergymen, monks, canons, husbandmen, labourers, and tradesmen, to the number of 10,000 men. With this undis- ciplined band the archbishop overtook the Scots at Myton- on-Swale ; a battle ensued, the Yorkshiremeu were defeated and upwards of 2000 of them slain, including the mayor of York. 1321. A battle was fought this year at Boroughbridge between the discontented barons, headed by the earl of Lancaster, and the forces of Edward II., commanded by Sir Andrew de Harkley (or Harclea,) warden of Carlisle. The king was at Pontefract when this battle took place and sent orders for Lancaster (who was taken prisoner) THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 31 1321.-1327. and others to be brought to him. The third day after their arrival sentence of death was passed upon Lancaster, who was not permitted to speak in his own defence ; but after sentence had an old hat put on his head, and they set him on a lean horse, without a bridle. Attended by a confessor, he was thus carried out of the town suffering the insults of the people. At length he reached the hill where he was doomed to suffer, and having kneeled down towards the east, he was desired to turn his face toM'ards Scotland, after which the executioner severed his head from his body. The priors and monks begged the body and buried it in the church of the priory. Thus fell Thomas, earl of Lancaster, on the nth of April, the first prince of the blood, and one of the most powerful noblemen that had ever been in England. 1322. A di\'i8iou of the Scottish army who spread devas- tation wherever they came, wintered at Morley; and a large deposit of coins belonging to that period, found near a house occupied by Thoresb}^ the antiquarian, in Kirkgate, Leeds, proves the terror and confusion which must have then prevailed. In this year Edward IL, was so closely pursued by the Scots, that he was surprised whilst at dinner in Byland abbey, about fourteen miles from York, which city he fortunately reached before the enemy, owing to the fleetness of his horse. In York his eldest son was created pn'nce of Wales, and duke of Aquitain, and he there issued commissions of array, one of which v\'as to raise all the defensible men in the Wapentake of Skyrack, between the ages of sixteen and sixty to march against the Scots. WiUiam de Melton, archbishop of York, consecrated a new parish church at Wakefield, which was most probably the present parish church. Whether it was placed on the site of the old one, which existed in 1080, is very doubtfal, Leland says, " the principal church that now is in Wake- field is of a. new work, but it is exceedingly fair and large." 1324. John Wyckliff, "the morning star of the Reforma- tion," was born in the parish of Wyckliff this year, and, after being twice struck with the palsy, expired in the church at Lutterworth, in the month of December, 1384. "To this intuitive genius," says Gilpin, "Christianity Avas unquestionably more obliged than to any name in the list of Reformers. He not only loosed j)rejudices, but advanced such clear incontestible truths, as having once obtained footing, still kept their ground." 1327. EdM'ard III., who had just ascended the throne, 32 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1327. ordered his whole army to rendezvous in the city of York, in order to oppose Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, who, with an army of 25,000 men, was ravaging the northern parts of the kingdom. While Edward lay at York, prepar- ing for this expedition, there came to his aid John lord Beaumont, of Hainault, one of the bravest knights of the age, accompanied with other gallant knights and gen- tlemen, who, with his retinue, composed a band of 500, or according to Knightson, of 2000 men. For six weeks Edward had his court at York, with an army of 60,000 men, which, notwithstanding its numbers, was well supplied with provisions. During this time, ambassadors arrived in York from Scotland to treat for peace, but after some weeks the negotiations broke oif, and the king with all his barons marched at the head of the whole army against the Scots, in all the martial pomp of those chivalrous times. After a keen pursuit the Scotch army was at last overtaken, and cooped up by the English in Stanhope park, from which they were suffered to escape by the treachery of lord Mortimer, at the moment when they were ready to sur- render from the cravings of famine. Edward, chagrined at the loss of his prey, when it seemed within his grasp, returned to York, and afterwards to London, having pre- viously dismissed lord John of Hainault, to the continent, bounteously rewarded for his services. The next year lord John returned with his niece Phillippa, the most celebrated beauty of the age, and with a great retinue conducted her to York, where the court then was, in order to her marriage with the king in that city. On the Sunday before the eve of St. Paul's conversion, in the year 1329, the marriage was publicly solemnized in the cathedral, by the archbishop. Upon these happy nuptials, says Froissart, the whole kingdom teemed with joy, and the court at York expressed these feelings in a more than ordinary manner , for three weeks the feastings were continued without intermission ; there was nothing but jousts and tournaments in the day time, and maskings, revels, and interludes, with songs and dances in the night. The Hainault soldiery, actuated by a licentious and revengeful spirit, took advvantage of this carnival to treat the inhabitants with outrage and violence, and to such an excess did they carry their misconduct, that they ravished several of the wives, daughters, and maid-servants of the inhabitants, and set fire to the suburbs of the city, by which a whole parish was nearly destroyed. The citizens, scan- dalized by these proceedings, challenged the Hainaulters to battle; this challenge was accepted, and the battle was THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 33 1327 fought in a street called Watliiig-gate, with such desperate fury, that five hundred and twenty-seven of the foreigners were slain or drowned in the Ouse, and two hundred and forty-two fell of the English. 1327. The chantry of St, Mary the Virgin, in Leeds, was founded when the Leeds bridge was erected about this time. It was situated at the north-east end of the bridge, and after the dissolution was, used as a private grammar school, subsequently as a warehouse, and finally demolished in the year 17^0. In the reign of Edward III., Sir John Elland, of Elland, instigated by some unexplained cause of hostility, raised a body of his friends and tenantry and placing himself at their head, sallied forth by night from the " Manor-hall," and attacked and slew Hugh of Quarraby, Lockwood, of Lockwood, and Sir Robert Beau- mont, of Crossland; the latter of whom was torn from his wife, and beheaded in the hall of his own house; the whole of these were murdered in the presence of their families. On the perpetration of these sanguinary murders, the younger branches of the Beauraonts, the Quarmbys, and the Lockwoods, fled into Lancashire, and found an asylum under the roofs of the Towneleys and the Breretons. It was not till the eldest sons of the three outraged families had grown up to manhood, that retribution was sought and obtained for the blood of their parents. "With this purpose the three young men placed themselves in a wood, at Crom- well-bottom, and as Sir John Elland was returning from Rastnck, they met him beneath Brook-foot, and slew him. Not satisfied with this act of justice, they determined to extirpate the name of Elland, with which sanguinary inten- tion they placed themselves in a mill, near which the young knight with his lady and their son had to pass to church. On the approach of the family over the dam, the murderers rushed forth and shot an arrow through the head of the father, and wounded his only child so desperately, that he died soon after in Elland hall The name of Elland now became extinct, and the daughter of Sir John, having con- tracted marriage with one of the Saviles, the property passed into that family. The murder of the young knight and hi>! infant son, roused the town of Elland to arms, and they advanced en masse to punish the murderers. For some time Beaumont, Quarmby, and Lockwood, whose arms vengeance had nerved, stood their ground, and defended themselves with distinguished valour against the unequal numbers by which they were assailed, but, being at length overpowered, Quarmby fell dead on the field, and his 34 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1327.-1339. comrades only escaped the same fate by the fleetness of their horses. 1330. Edward III. ordered every county in England to send him a certain number of masons, tilers, and carpenters , to assist in building his castle at Windsor. 1333. Sandal castle, which is said to have been built by John earl of Warren and Sarrey, in order to secure himself the beautiful and meretricious countess of Lancaster, Isabel Fitz Hugh, wife to Thomas earl of Lancaster, was in this year assigned to Baliol, king of Scotland, by Edward III., as the place of his residence, until Edward had got ready a fleet and army, to be employed in restoring Baliol to that throne from which Robert Brace had driven him. Here the exiled monarch of Scotland resided, with the countess of Vesay, in that peaceful serenity seldom witnessed in the precincts of a court, during thesixmonths in which Edward was preparing for the expedition, the result of which proved fatal to the unfortunate Baliol, who perished in the field of carnage, contending for a crown. 1336. Edward III. granted his protection to two Brahard weavers, to settle at York, and carry on their trade there. They were stiled in the letters of protection " Willielmus de Brabant and Hanckeinus de Brabant, textores," and probably laid the foundation of the woollen manufactures, which have so amazingly increased in the West-Riding. It is not improbable, that the manufacturer Hanckeinus gave the name of hank to the skein of worsted and other thread so called to the present time. Before this period the Eng- lish were chiefly "shepherds and wool merchants, and the king received few other imposts but from wool exported." 133S. By an indenture of this date, one Robert, a glazier, contracted with Thomas Boneston, custos of the fabric of York cathedral, to glaze and paint the great western win- dow, the glazier to find the glass, and to be paid at the rate of 6d. per foot for plain, and Is. per foot for coloured glass. Edward III, "having solicited a great many men from the Netherlands, well skilled in cloth makingy'' sent colonies of them to Kendal and other places. Before this period all the wool grown in the country was exported, and manufactured in the Netherlands. The manufacturers of Flanders, afterwards, seeking refuge from the persecutions with which they were assailed in their own country, repaired in great numbers to England, and many of them settled at Halifax and the neighbouring places. 1339. The parliament granted Edward IIL a duty of forty shillings on each sack of wool exported. Also the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 35 1339.-1354. same amount on each three hundred wool-fells, and on each last of leather, for two years. The act of parliament, which passed the preceding- year for the encouragement of foreign weavers, prohibited the importation of foreign cloth, which it was declared should be worn by none but the king and queen, and their children. ia42. May 20th, died Robert de Clifford, third lord of the honour of Skipton, and brother to the last lord. The value of the castle and manor of Skipton was at this time com- puted at £107 I5s. 9d. 1^7. Thos. lord Wake gave to the Crouched Friars of York 1 toft and 10 acres of land, for building an oratory and habitation thereon. — During the wars in France, David Bruce, the competitor of John Baliol, king of Scotland, undertook to invade England, which was then left to the sole government of the Queen. Bruce penetrated to the gates of York, and burnt part of the suburbs, having laid waste the country through which he passed with fire and sword. Phillippa, the queen regent, then at York, having collected a powerful army, repulsed the invaders, and pur- sued them to Neville's Cross, in the county of Durham, where, on the 17th of October, 1347, she gained a signal victory, having slain fifteen thousand of the Scots, and taken Bruce prisoner. The Woollen Manufacturers, sent a petition to the king and lords, praying "that the new- custom lately set upon cloth " exported from England, " may be taken away." This duty was on "every cloth carried forth by English 14d., by strangers 21d., "'.except worsted cloth, on which the English merchants paid Id. per piece, and strangers l)^d. 1349. A destructive pestilence, which first discovered itself in the northern part of Asia, made its progress from one end of Europe to the other, and, according to computation, swept away one third of the inhabitants. 1352. John Thoresby was elected archbishop of York. It was in his time that the archbishop of York was made by the pope primate of England, and the archbishop of Can- terbury primate of all England. Dissatisfaction had existed on this point upwards of 250 years. July 19th, died Wm. de la Zoudi, archbishop of York, who commanded the 2nd division of the English army at the memorable battle of Neville's Cross, in the county of Durham, where he dis- played such heroism and conduct as greatly redounded to his honour. He was buried at York. 1354. York, which had long been famous for trade, obtained by an act, passed this year, the dapletrade of Wooly 36 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1354.-1381. which had before been at Bruges, in Flanders. Many of the York merchants were subsequently members ofthe " Corporation of the Staple " at Calais. The woollen manu- facture flourished at York, so late as the reign of Henry VIII. 1357. Edward III., by a charter of this date, at Wake- field, granted to Wm. Kay, Wm. Bull, and their succesiBors for ever, the annual sum of £10, to perform divine service in the chapel of St. Mary, on the bridge at Wakefield. The revenue was secured and made payable out of the produce of the towns of Wakefield, Stanley, Ossett, Pontefract, Purston-Jackling, and Water-Fryston. When this chapel and its two chantries were suppressed, its revenue was valued at £14 15s. 3>^d. 1361. The choir of York cathedral, which had been erected in 1171, by archbishop Roger, was taken down and re-built by archbishop Thoresby, in a style more suited to the nave, which was completed in 1330, by Wm. de Melton. The tvages of workrmn at this period were 3d. a day to a master mason or carpenter, and I3^d. a day to their journeymen. A pound's worth of silver was then a pound weight, which is equal to four pounds of our present money, and one penny then would purchase as much corn as twenty-pence now. 1371. The castle, manor, and honour of Knaresborough were granted by Edward III., to his fourth son, John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster. 1372. The Fulliug Mills, near the castle of Leeds, (47 Edw. III.,) were in the occupation of Thomas Burgers, at 33s. 4d., per annum rent. The "Two Corn Mills of the Queen's Majesty were then held by Letters Patent, under the seals of the Duchy of Lancaster, by John Lindley, Esq., of Leathley, at the yearly rent of £13 6s. 8d., but the clear yearly value was £126 13s. 4d. The law pleadings in England were changed from the French to the English language, as a favour by Edward III., to his people, in the 50th or jubilee year of his reign. 1377. The office of champion of England first introduced at the coronation of Richard II. It has continued in the Dymock family ever since. 1380. This year is memorable for the insurrection under Wat Tyler, which was suppressed by the courage of Sir William Walworth, lord mayor of London, and the presence of mind of Richard II., then a mere youth. 1381. Bills of Exchange were first introduced into the commerce of England about this year. ANNALS OF TOSESHISE. 37 1385.-1399. 1385. During the time Richard II. resided at York, his half-brother, Sir John Holland, and Lord Ralph Stafford, had a quarrel, which produced a duel, when the latter was slain. 1390. The '^ plague " at York swept away 1100 inhabitants, and in the following year it raged with such dreadful effect in England, that no fewer than 11,000 persons fell under its infectious influence. This year two species of English woollen cloth were manufactured under an assize of length and breadth, viz. : the fine plain cloth of the western counties, and the coarse cloth of Kendal, the latter of which were called Kendal Cottons, though made wholly of wool ; for the real cotton manufacture did not exist in England tUl the middle of the 17th century. For several centuries the buckram or green druggets, made at Kendal, and in Yorkshire, was the common clothing of the poor in London, and other towns. 1392. May. Died, in exile at Louvaine, in extreme poverty, Alexander Neville, Archbishop of York, who was a gre^t favourite with Richard II. He was translated to the see of St. Andrews in 1388, but was obliged to flee his country, to avoid the malice of his enemies. 1396. King Richard II. appointed John Snagtall to the vicarage of Leeds. 1398. May 29th, died, Robert Waldby, Archbishop of York, of which city he was a native, and a friar in the monastery of St. Aii^ istine there. 1399. The unfortunate Richard II., was confined some "time in Leeds castle, till his removal to Pontefract, where he was murdered in cold blood, or starved to death, within the fatal walls of the fortress there, which was so often the scene of the foulest deeds of cruelty. In Hardynge'a chronicle, the circumstance is thus noticed : — " The kyng then sent kyng Richard to Ledin There to be kept surely in privitee ; Fro thens after to Pyckering went he needis, '= And to Knaresbro' aiter led was he ; But to Pomfret last where he did dee. The fate of Richard II. has been described as follows :— " One Sir Piers, of Exton, departing from court, came to Pomfret, commanding that the esquire who was used to serve Richard should let him eat well know, as not long Kv^ould he eat. King Richard sat down to dinner, and was ^*)erved without curtesie or assay, when he, marvelling al 38 ANNALS OF YORKSHIRE. 1400.-1105. the sudden change, demanded of the esquire^ why he did not do his duty ? Sir, said he, I am otherwise commanded by Sir Piers of Exton, who is newly come from King Henry ; when he heard that word he took the carving-knife in his hand, and struck the esquir«^ on his head, saying, "The devil take thee, and Henry of Lancaster together, " and with that word. Sir Piers entered into the chamber, well armed, with eight tall men in harness ; every man having a bill in his hand. King Richard, perceiving them armed, knew v.'eil that they came to his confusion, and, putting the table from him, valiantly took the bill out of the first man's hand, and manfully defended himself, slaying four of them in a short space of time. Sir Piers, dismayed, leaped into Richard's chair, the other four assailing and chasing him about the chamber, till he came by the knight, who, with a stroke of his pole-axe felled him to the ground, after which he was shortly rid out of the world, without either con- fession, or receipt of sacrament. " 1400. John Froissart, the celebrated chronicler, died this year. 1401. The detestable act of parliament, for ''burning ob- stinate heretics " was passed, and William Sautree, a parish priest of St. Osyth, in the city of London, was the first who suffered under it. 1402. Blair's chronology says, — John Gower, of Stitenham, Yorkshire, the first English poet, died this year. 1405. The inhabitants of York and some other places, having received :nany favours from Richard II., (the last monarch of the house of Plantagenet) showed their gratitude by forming a conspiracy to depose the usurper of his throne. Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, who lost his brother ;and son in the battle of Shrewsbury, Richard Scroop, Arch- bishop of York, whose brother the King (Henry IV.) had beheaded, and Thomas Mowbray, Earl Marshal of England, whose father died in exile, united with Lords Falconberge, Bardolf, Hastings, and others, were found in this league. The Archbishop's impatience precipitated the disclosure of the plot. Scroop framed several articles of impeachment against the king, which he caused to be fixed upon the doors of the churclies in his own diocese, and sent them in the form of a circular into other counties in the kingdom, in- viting the people to take up arms to reform abuses. To strengthen this call, he preached a sermon to three congre- gations assembled for religious worship in the cathedral, and roused 20,000 men suddenly to arms, who joined his standard at York, on which was painted the five wounds ANNALS OP YORKSHIRE. 39 r 1405.. 141 2. of our Saviour. — To subdue this rebellion Henry sent an- army of 30,000 men into Yorkshire, under the command ot the earl of Westmoreland, and the Prince John. On the ar- rival of the king's forces at York, they found the archbishop encamped out of the gates of the city, on the forest of Galtres, so advantageously, that it was not judged advis- able to attack him. The wily earl, affecting to favour the ,views of the insurgents, solicited an interview with the archbishop, who took with him the Earl Marshal. Having ■ got them into liis toils, and plied them well with wine, he arrested them on the spot for high treason, and their lives paid the forfeit of their precipitancy and misplaced confi- dence. The archbishop was beheaded in a field betwixt Bishopthorpe and York, and interred in the cathedral, where "being regarded as a martyr, his tomb was visited by crowds of devotees. He was the first instance of a clergyman suffering by the civil law. In 1408 the Earl of Northumber- land again appeared in arms, and was defeated and slain on Bramham Moor, by Sir Thomas Rokeby, High Sheriff of Yorkshire. 1405. Aug. 10th. By indenture John Thornton, of Coven- try, glazier, contracted with the dean and chapter of York, for glazing and painting the great eastern window : the work to be finished in three years, for which he was to- receive 4s. per week, and £5 at the end of each of the three years. If he performed the work to the satisfaction of his employers, he was to receive the further sum of £10 in silver. 1408. Henry IV. granted to Sir T. Rokeby, the manor of Spofforth in the West-Riding, with all its appurtenances during his life. 1410. The parish church at Normanton was by the Pope's bull appropriated to the Prior of the Hospital of St. John, of Jerusalem, in England, reserving out of the fruits of the said church, a competent portion for a secular vicar per- petually to be instituted therein. 1412. Henry V., when Prince of Wales, was committed to prison for striking Chief -Justice Gascoynge, on the bench, before whom one of his companions was indicted for a riot In the reign of Henry V., a mandate was received by the Lord Mayor of York from that monarch, to seize and confiscate the estates and effects of Henry Lord ^"Scrope, of Masham, beheaded for high treason, at South- ampton, in the first year of his reign. His head, with the mandate, was ordered to be placed on the top of Mickle- gate Bar, The city of London was first lighted at night 40 ANKALS OF TOBKSHIltS. 1412.-1455. 'with lanthorns ; also a public granary was ereeted at Lead- enhall. 1414. Richard de Sunderland, and Joan his wife, surrend- ered into the hands of the lord of the manor, an inclosure at Halifax called the " Tenter Croft." Woollen goods were manufactured long before this period. 1415. The memorable Battle of Agincourt was fought be- tween the French and English, Oct. 25th, and gained by Henry V. of England, whose army was not more than one- fourth as numerous as the French, who had 10,000 slain, and 14,000 made prisoners, while the loss of the English were very few indeed, — some accounts say not more than forty. 1417. The chantry, or chapel at Famley. is supposed to have been founded by Sir William Harrington, Knight, about this time. No remains exist, and the site is occupied by a modern erection. 1430. The chantry, in Kirkgate, Leeds, was founded by Thomas Clarell, to pray for the " souls of the founder, King Edward IV., Elizabeth his Queen, and all christian souls, and to do divine service," and was situate below the old vicarage ; but every vestige of it is gone, and the site included in that of Kirkgate market. 1435. In this year printing was invented by John Gut- tenberg. The credit of introducing the art into England was long believed to be due to Wm. Caxton, a mercer and citizen of London, who set up a printing press in West- minster Abbey about the year 1471 ; but it is now established beyond a doubt, that books were printed at Oxford by Corsellis several years before Caxton set his press to work, and that therefore that city has the honour of having been the first seat of the art in England. Caxton however was the first who introduced printing witn moulded metal types^ the works by his predecessors having been executed merely with wooden ones. 1440. Geoffrey Chaucer, of Woodstock, died. 1450. A rebellion broke out, headed by Jack Cade, in favour of the Duke of York. 1454. Thomas Lord Clifford, eighth lord of the honour of Skipton, was slain in the first battle of St. Alban's on the 22nd of May, in the 41st year of his age, and was interred there with his uncle, Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, and the other noblemen who fell on that occasion, in the lady chapel of the monastery. 1455. The first instance of debt contracted upon parliamen- tary security occurred in the reign of Henry VI., and per- ANNALS OF YORKSHIRE. 4rl 1455.— 1460. mission was given by government for the exportation of com, when it should be below a certain price. 1458. The Fraternity of Corpus Christi at York, was in- corporated by letters patent, dated November 6th, this year. It was instituted for a master and six priests, who were termed the keepers of the guild, and served without fee or reward, being annually renewed by the brotherhood. Nevertheless they were bound to make a solemn annual procession through the city of York on the Friday after Corpus Christi day ; and the day after to perform a solemn dirge, and mass, to pray for the prosperity of brothers and sisters living, and the souls departed, and to keep yearly ten poor folks. 1459. September 23rd. The armies of Henry YI., and the Duke of York met at Bloreheath, on the borders of Stafford- shire, where the Yorkists gained some advantages ; but the night before an intended general engagement, Sir Andrew Trollop, who commanded a body of veterans for the duke, deserted to the king, taking with him all his forces, which dismayed the Plantagenet army, and the Duke of York fled to Ireland ; the Earl of Warwick escaped to Calais, but on returning to England soon after, he Avas joined by such a host of Yorkists as to be in a condition to face the royal army, then advancing from Coventry, in order to give him battle, which took place on July 10th, 1460, near North- ampton, when the king's army was completely defeated, with a loss of more than 10,000 men. — The Queen, the young Prince of Wales, and the Duke of Somerset, fled into the county of Durham, thence into Wales, and afterwards, into Scotland. 1460. The bloody conflict between the houses of York- and Lancaster had now commenced, and Yorkshire was. doomed to experience that scourge of nations, " civil war," in its greatest horrors. After Henry VI. had been taken prisoner at the battle of Northampton, his masculine and; warlike queen, Margaret of Anjou, repaired to the north,, where she soon drew together 20,000 men. The Duke of York, hearing of her appearance in Yorkshire, hastened to Wakefield, and being informed that the enemy's forces were greatly superior to his own, he resolved to shut him- self up in the neighbouring Castle of Sandal, till his eldest son, the Earl of March, should arrive with a reinforcement ; but the bold queen soon appeared before the walls of the fortress, with the main body of her army, led by the Dukes of Somerset and Exeter, and by calling on him as a coward, who durst not encounter a woman, she forced him to lead 42 ANKALS OF TOBXSHIBB. 1460..1461. out his troops to Wakefield Green, where he offered l)attle to the Lancasterians, though he had only 5000 men. The inequality of numbers was of itself sufficient to decide the victory, but the queen having placed a body of troops in ambush, under Lord Clifford and the Earl of Wiltshire, they fell upon the duke's rear, while he was attacked in front by the main body, and in less than half an hour himself was slain, and his little army nearly annihilated. His body was soon recognized among the slain ; his head was cut off by Margaret's order, and fixed upon the gates of York, with a paper crown upon it, in derision of his pretended title. The Earl of Rutland, the second son of the Duke of York, was forced into the presence of Lord Clifford, who basely murdered the youth in cold blood. This battle of Wakefield was fought December 24th, 1460. Amongst the slain in Margaret's army, was Richard Hanson, Esq., Mayor of Hull. 1461. Young Edward, the late Duke of York's eldest son, having now gained both popularity and strength, and the assistance of the Earl of Warwick, (afterwards called the king-maker,) declared his title to the crown, and inveighed publicly against the tyranny and usurpation of the house of Lancaster, the hopes of which he ultimately overthew at the battle of Towton, fought near Tadcaster, on Palm Sunday, 1461, when no fewer than one hundred thousand men of the same country drew their swords against each other, to satisfy the ambition of the weakest or the worst of mankind. While the army of Edward was advancing to the charge, there happened a great fall of snow, which, driving fuU in the faces of the Lancasterians, blinded them ; and this advantage, seconded by an impetuous onset, de- cided the victory in favour of Edward, whose orders to give no quarter were so fully executed, that 40,000 of the Lancasterians were slain, or drowned iu the Cock Rivulet, which, in the coufiision of their retreat, was filled with human bodies, forming a bridge for the pursued and the pursuers to pass over. Henry and Margaret remained at York during the battle, but, on hearing of its disastrous result, they fled to Scotland. — Margaret succeeded in es- caping out of the kingdom, but the weak and unfortunate Henry was taken prisoner, while Edward, after visiting York, returned to London, and was crowned on the 29th of July following. The heads of the Duke of York and some of his followers, which had been placed on Micklegate Bar, at York, after the battle of Wakefield, were now removed, and replaced by the heads of the Lancasterian. ANNALS OF YORKSHIBE. 4S 1461.-1483. nobles, Devon and Kime. Thus was the city made the theatre on which was displayed the memorials of royal revenge. John Clapham, of Cottingley, near Bradford, was- a general in these wars, under the great Earl of Warwick, and cut off the heads of the Earl of Pembroke and the Duke of Bedford, in the church porch at Banbury. 1464, By an extraordinary grant from Edward IV., to the citizens of York, it appears they had been friendly to him and his cause. The patent is dated at York, June 10th, and expresses the king's great concern for the sufferings and hardships the city had undergone during the wars, in consideration of which he not only relinquished his usual demands upon it, but assigned it for the twelve succeeding years an annual rent of £40, to be paid out of his customs, in the port of Hull. 1467. It was fashionable at this time to wear the points of the shoes so long, that it was necessary to tie them up to the knees with laces or chains. Gentlemen used for this purpose chains made of silver. The ladies wore lofty steeple head dresses, consisting of a roll cf linen covered with fine lawn, which himg to the ground, or was mostly tucked under the arm. 1471. Edward the IV th. after an absence of nine months in Holland, ventured to make a descent at Ravenspurn, in Yorkshire, on the 14th of March, aided by a small body of troops, granted him by the Duke of Burgundy. At first he was but coolly received, yet, as he marched along through the country, his forces rapidly increased, while his extreme moderation, and seeming humility, endeared him to his partisans. The gates of London were readily opened ta receive him, and the weak Henry VI. was again dethroned and committed to the Tower of London. 1480. During this year, Thomas Scott, Archbishop of York, usually called " Thomas Rotherham," who was then Bishop o : Lincoln, founded a college in the town of Rother- ham, an', dedicated it to the Holy Jesus : of this structure, which subsisted for nearly a century, there remains the Inn, in Jesus-gate, and the opposite buildings now used as stables. 1482. By statute 22nd, Edward IV., " It is ordained and enacted, that no manner of person, under the estate of a lord, shall wear any gown or manteU, unless it be of such length, that hee being upright, it shall cover his buttocks, upon pain to forfeit twenty shillings. " 1483. Thomas Parr, (Old Parr) was born this year, at Alderbury, Shropshire. At the age of 80 years, he married ^^ ANNALS OP YORKSHIRE. 1483-1503. his first wife Jane. At the age of 120 he married Katharine Milton. He lived during the reign of ten English sovereigns. He died in the Strand, London, in 1635, aged 152 years, in the midst of his children, down to the fourth generation. He had been blind for 16 years. His food through life consisted exclusively of milk, cheese, bread, and small beer. 1490. Thomas Savile, Esq., late of HoUingedge, by his ■will gave his soul to Almighty God; and his body to be buried in Sandal church, and ordained that a chaplain do yearly celebrate there for ever prayers for his soul, and the souls of Elizabeth his wife, and Henry his brother, for the sustenance of which said chaplain and his successors he appointed lands and tenements in Heaton of the yearly value of £4 and upwards. 1494. Algebra was first known in Europe. 1497. The first grammar printed ia England was publish^ ed by John Holt, of Magdalen college, and usher of Mag- dalen school in Oxford. It was entituled, ^^ Lac Puerorum,'* and dedicated to Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1500. May 20th, died, at an advanced age, of the plague, at Cawood, Thomas Scotde Rotherham, Archbishop of York, who was a native of Rotherham. In September, 1480, he was translated from Lincoln, was made Lord High Chancellor, but was afterwards committed to prison. He was interred in York Minster. The chapel at Headingley, near Leeds, was buUt about this period. 1501. The last mention of the family of Rockley, who built the hall bearing their name, formerly in Lowerhead Row, Leeds, occurs in a deed of this date. 1503. The Princess Margaret, Henry's eldest daughter, when on her journey into Scotland in order to consummate her marriage with James IV,, visited York, accompanied by 500 lords, ladies, and esquires. Feb. 11th, died in chUdbed (and, soon after the princess to whom she o^ve birth,) Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward the IVth. and queen of Henry VII., by whose marriage the long- contending houses of York and Lancaster were united, and England saved from those sanguiaary conflicts which had so often deluged the kingdom in blood. Murderers were allowed at this time the "benefit of clergy," and in Henry VIII. 's days, murders were compounded for in Wales. During the Saxon Heptarchy this crime was only punished 'by fines. Christopher Baynbrigge, LL.D., was appoint- ed Dean of York. In 1507, he became Bishop of Durham, and in 1508, Archbishop of York, which diocese he held till ANNALS OF YORKSHIRE. 45^ 1503-1517. 1514, when he was sent ambassador to Rome, made cardinal, and poisoned by his steward, an Italian priest, whom he- had disgraced with a blow. 1506. This year died Christopher Columbus, the great navigator, aged 64. The discoverer of America. 1507- Dr. Thomas Robertson, celebrated for his learning, was born at Wakefield this year. In 1546 he succeeded Dr. Tnomas Knolles in the vicarage of his own native place, and was afterwards appointed Deau of Durham. 1509. About this time kitchen gardens began to be culti- vated in England ; vegetables hitherto having been brought from the Netherlands. Previous to this date sugar was eaten with animal food to correct its putresency. Sii* John de Norman ville sold the manor of Coniston, in Craven, to William Maiham, rector > f Marton, and one of the clerks or masters in Chancery. On the north-west side of Coniston Moor is a place called Sweet Gap, where tradition reports that the inhabitants of Gargrave made a stand against a party of Scottish invaders, and were cut off almost to a man : Gargrave, according to the same tradition, had then, ■even churches, six of which these destroyers burnt, and spared the seventh, for the merit of being dedicated to their own national St. Andrew. Hugo Goes established the first printing press at York, where his first production was the Pica or Pie, (an old book of liturgy) of the cathedral. This man, who so early prac- tised the typographic art in the city of York, was the son of an ingenious printer at Antwerp. 1513. Before the Battle of Flodden Field 500 soldiers were raised in the city and ainsty of York, to march against the Scots, during the absence of Henry VIII., then at the siege of Toumay, in France. In the great battle whic^ ensued^ the Scottish King, James IV. was slain, and nis body brought to York, and exposed to public view. Td the fatal field of Flodden in Northumberland, the York regiment was led by Sir John MaundeviUe. 1514. Cannon balls of stone were in use at this time — - oannon were first made of iron in 1547 ; of brass in 1635 j cannon shot made from iron are first mentioned in 1550. 1515. Dec. 22nd. Henry VIII. appointed the Archbishop, of York (Cardinal Wolsey) to the chancellorship of England ; he being the pope's legate, became prime minister, and held at the same time the sees of York, Westminster, and Durham, with the Abbeys of St. Alban's and Lincoln. 1517. Martin Luther began that reformation in the church which Wickliff, nearly a century and a half before, had 46 ANNALS OP YORKSHIRE. 167-1533. laboured so assiduously to effect, but which was not estab- lished till March 30th, 1534, when Henry VIII. sanctioned the " Protestants," a name which originated in the Diet of Spires, a.d. 1529. Luther died Feb. 18th. 1546. 1520. The tobacco plant is said to have been found by the Spaniards in this year, in the island of Jucatan ; first brought into England by Ralph Lane, 1583 ; planted in many parts of England till prohibited by an act of parliament. It was allowed to be cultivated in Ireland in 1779. 1521. Bows and arrows superseded by muskets, which were now generally introduced into the army. 1525. Illingworth chapel, in Ovenden, built on one acre of waste land granted by Henry Savile, lord of Ovenden, ta certain feoffees, in trust, that they should pay yearly to the lord one '* red rose." 1526. The chapel at Sowerby Bridge was built this year^ and enlarged in 1632. 1529. The Attorney-General, on the 9th of October, pre- pared a bill of indictment against Cardinal Wolsey, wha was the pope's legate, Archbishop of York, &c. He was in consequence ordered to depart from York-place palace, having been first commanded to resign the great seal. His furniture and plate were converted to the king's use. Amongst other things, when an inventory was taken of the archbishop's goods, were found 1000 pieces of fine Holland. His palace walls were covered with cloth of gold and silver. He had a cupboard of plate of massy gold, and all the rest of his riches and furniture were in proportion. 1530. Nov. 4th. Cardinal Wolsey was apprehended at York, on a charge of high treason, by order of Henry the VIII., but as that tyrant had sent Wolsey a ring, accom- panied by a gracious message, he being on horseback when he met the king's messenger, instantly alighted, and throw- ing himself upon his knees in the mire, received in that abject condition that fallacious mark of his master's con- descension. The Spinning wheel invented at Brunswick by Jurgen. The Convent of Esholt, (the Ashwood) in the parish of Otley, founded by Simon de Ward, in the middle of the 12th century, was about this time abolished, with the smaller religious hoiises, and now only a few pointed arches remain in some of the offices to attest that such an edifice once oc- cupied the site. 1533. Leeds is described at this time as: — "two miles lower than Christal Abbay, on Aire river, is a praty market, ANNALS OF YORKSHIRE, 47 1533.-1640. having one paroche clmrclie, reasonably ■well buildid, and as large as Bradef crd, but not so quik as it. " 1536. York suffered a severe shock in tbe 27th of Henry VIII., when eighteen of its churches and all its chapels, hospitals, and monasteries were suppressed, and their materials and revenues converted to secular uses ; the priests, the nuns, the sick and the old, being all turned out of their asylums, to starve, or beg their bread. In conse- quence of these sequestrations, and the alteration made in the established religion, a formidable insurrection was raised in Yorkshire, by Robert Aske, of Aughton, a gentleman of great courage and influence, who, with his colleagues, pro- fessing to take up arms in the cause of religion, called their march the " pilgrimage of grace," and soon collected 40,000 men under their standard. After taking York, Pontefract, and Hull, they were obliged to capitulate at Doncaster, where they received a general pardon, but several of their leaders again tried to excite new commotions, and were executed. Aske, the commander-in-chief, was hanged at York, on Cliflbrd's tower, and Lord Darcy was beheaded, and his es- i;ates given to the Earl of Lenox. 1537. lu order to make some amends for the devastation. <5aused in the city of York by the suppression of religious houses, tlie court of the Lord President of the north was established in York, in the 28th of Henry YIII. This court was to determine all cases on the north side of the Trent, but was annihilated by the civil wars in the reign of Charles I. At the dissolution of monasteries, the amount of tithes paid by the diSerent townships and estates in the parish of Leeds, was £48 2s. 1540. January 29th. The surrender of the Priory of Bolton in Craven, by Richard Moone, the prior, and the fourteen €anons, bears this date. After this Bolton remained in the king^s hands, till April 3rd, 1542, when the site and demes- nes, together with many other estates, including the advow- sons of the rectories of Keighley and Marton, were sold to Henry, Earl of Cumberland, for the sum of £2490. Henry YIII., suppressed in England and Wales, 643 monasteries, 90 colleges, 3374 churches and chapels, and 110 hospitals, and had the Abbots of Reading, Glastonbury, and St. John's Colchestor, hanged and quartered, for re- fusing to surrender their Abbeys, and for denying his supremacy. Arthington Priory, near Harewood, was surrendered by Elizabeth Hall and nine nuns, November 26th, This priory stood very pleasantly in a deep vale, near the river Wharf. 48 ANNALS OP YORKSHIRE. 1540-1547. The site was granted to Thomas Cranraer, Archbishop ol Oanterbviry. 1541. Henry VITI. spent twelve days in York. On his a,pproach to the city he was met by the Archbishop, and 300 of his clergy in Barnesda'e, who, on their knees, pre- sented him with £600. 1542. The chnrch of Barn- Idswick bears this date, and is dedicated to St, IMary. It sta.- ds upon the brink of a deep glen, whence it has obtai ed ti!'.' ^lanie of Giil church. In a -ditch near this ediilce was f.^i': : _..! ^ ^ars ago, an old English tankard of wood, wi . !j a br( ^ad rim of copper, gilt, and richly chased, tog'X.' tr with a small jar of bell metal. These were probably tlir-vvn tljere, in some of the plunder- ing iiicursions of the Scots. In the 34th of Henry VIII., an act was passed in favonr • f the citizens of York, which act recites, *' that the poor of that city were daily employed in spinning, carding, dyeing, weaving, . Flanders, and taught in London for a fee of four or iiva pounds. The ruff" was fashionable long after this time- for Ave lind it anathematised from the pulpit in a ssrmoa preached before the king at "Whitehall, in 1607-S, as 'her French, her Spanish, and her foolish fashions ; her plumes, her fannes, and a silken vizard ; with a ruff like a sail, yea, a ruff like a rainboic ; with a feather in her cap like a flag in her top, to tell which Vv'ay the wind will blow.' " Divers noble personages (says honest John Stowe) made them ruffs a full quarter of a j^ard deep, and two lengths in one ruff." To correspond with the ladies' farthingales, the bucks of the day stuffed out their breeches with rags, feathers, and other light matters, till they brought them out to a most enormous size, resembling woolpacks. In the pre- ceeding reign of Mary, the fashion ran on square toes; in- somuch that a proclamation was issued, that no person should wear shoes above six inches square at the toes ! Then succeeded pricked-pointed shoes. Christopher Ashhurn was inducted vicar of Halifax; he was the first Protestant who held that benefice. 1562. April 23rd. Shakespere was this day born at Strat- ford-upon Avon, in ^Yarwickshire. He died on his birth- day in 1614, aged iifty-two years. i563. By 5th Elizabeth, chap. 5, sec. 40, " Y/hoever shall by preaching, teaching, writing, or open speech, notify that eating fish, or any forbearing of flesh, is of any ne- 54 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 3563.-1569. cessity for saving the soul of man, shall bo punished as spreaders of false news are and ought to be." loot. This year died John Calvin aged fift3'-five. A great flood in the Ouse at York, swept awtiy two arches of the bridge with twelve houses that stood upon them. Several lives were lost in this inundation. 1565. Matthew Lister, ]M.D. was born at Thornton, in Craven, and became physician in ordinary to queen Anne of Denmark, by the recommendation of the illustrious Anne, countess of Pembroke, and afterwards to king Charles I. from whom he received the honour of knighthood in 1036 : lastly he attained to the summit of medical honours, by being appointed President of the college of Physicians. He died in 1657, at Burwell, in Lincolnshire, aged ninety-two. Sir John Clarke buried December 9th, was priest of the ancient chapel which stood at the north end of Leeds bridge. 1553. Roger Ashham, a native of one of the Askhams, near York, died January 5th. He was celebrated for his learning, and was tutor and latin secretary to queen Elizabeth. His work, called "The Schoolmaster," was published after his death by his widow, whom, with her children, he left in great distress. On October lltli, this year, died Bocjer Brooh, of Halifax, aged 133 years. — October 4. At a conference held at York, the cause of Mary queen of Scots, was examined into. In January, 1559, she was imprisoned in Tutbury castle; in 1586, it is said, she conspired against the life of her cousin, queen Elizabeth; Avas removed to Fotheringay castle in the same year, and was sentenced on the 25th of October to die. She was be- headed at Fotheringay, February Sth, 15S7. 1569. An insurrection broke out in the north, in the reign of queen Elizabeth, under the leading of the earls of Northumberland and Westmorland. The ])rofessed objects of the conspirators v/ere to restore the Ptoman Catholic religion, and advance Mary queen of Scots to the throne of England. Their first demonstration was at Durham, where they tore in pieces the bibles and prayer books in the English tongue which they found in the churches. They next marched southward, and arrived at Ripon on the ISth November. After putting Sir William Ingilby to flight, they marched to Knaresborough, thence to Wetherby, and at length to Clifford-moor, when they found their army numbered but 1,600 horse and 4,000 foot. They afterwards besieged and took Barnard castle. A force of 7,000 men marched from York against the rebels, who v/cre soon THE SURROUXDIXG DISTRICT. o5 I569.-15S2. dispersed; but many of them were killed or captured in their flight. Sixty-six of the prisoners were hanged at Durham, amongst whom was Plomtree, a noted priest. Among the prisoners were Simon Digby, of xlisken ; John Fulthorpe, of Islebeck; Robert Pennyman, of Stockesly ; and Thomas Bishop, of Pocklington ; all of whom AA^ere, on the Good Friday following, (1570) hanged, beheaded^ and quartered, and" their heads were set upon the four principal gates of the city. Not less than 800 persons are said in the Avhole to have suffered by the hands of the exe- cutioner. The earl of Westmoreland escaped; but North- umberland was afterwards taken, and beheaded Aug. 22^ 1572, on a scaffold in the Pavement, at York. This was- the last open attempt made to restore the Roman Catholic religion in this kingdom. " A rule to knowe how many dayes euer}' moneth in the yere hath. Thirty dayes- hath Nouember, Aprill, June, and September — February hath xxviii. alone, and all the rest have xxxi. ; but in the leape you mustadde one." Gafton's Chronicles of England^ 1570. Svo. 1571. By statute 13th Elizabeth, chap. 19, "All persons above the age of seven years, shall wear upon Sabbath and Holy days upon their heads, a cap of wool, knit, thicked^ and dressed in England, upon pam to forfeit, for every day not wearing, three shillings and fourpence." 1572. The Leeds Parish Church register of burials, baptisms, and marriages, commences on the 20th of May,. this year. 1573. The head of the earl of Northumberland, who had suffered decapitation in 1572, was stolen in the night from Micklegate bar, in the city of York. During this year a considerable earthquake was experienced in York. A prison was erected on Ouse bridge, York, about this time. 1577. The following passage is in Harrison's description of Great Britain, printed in 1577 : — " In the reign of Henry VIII., there were hanged seventy -tico thousand thieves and rogues, (besides other malefactors) ; this makes about two thousand a 3'ear. But in queen Elizabeth's time, the same author says, there were onl}' between three and four hun- dred a year hanged for theft and robbery. Silver ore was found in the township of Eimington, in Craven, which yielded after the rate of 26 lbs. of silver per ton. Captain Drake first discovered California. I5S2. In order to further correct the calendar, (see 45 B.C.) Gregory XIII., after deep study and calculation. 56 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1582-1584. ordained that ten days should be deducted from this year, by calling- what according to the old calendar, would have been reckoned the 5th of October, the loth of October, 15S2. The Catholic nations in general adopted this purely scientific improvement; but the Protestants adhered to the old style for nearly two centuries, (see 1751-) 1533. In the Birch collections at the British museum, reference is made to the age of the countess of Desmond, as follows: — "The olde countess of Desmond was a mar- ryed v/oman in Edward IV's time, of England, and lived till towards the end of queen Elizabeth : soe as she needes must be 140 yeares old — she had a new sett of teeth not long before her death ; for she must needes climb a nutt tree to gather nutts,soe falling downe,she hurt her thigh, which brought a fever, and that fever brought death." The advowson of the vicarage of Leedes purchased by the parisioners of Oliver Darneley, for <£130. The stone stairs, or '■'Griece on the west syde of the hridrje at Ledes,'" were built this year with stone brought from " Christcdl Abhaye,^^ ^vhen labourers' wages were 6d. a day, Avhereas now, says Thoresby, "they are hardly- content with the double." These stairs led to '■'■theTeutures.'* A pair of tenters were then about twent3'-3ix or twenty- eight yards long — cloth being generally made into " dozens" or short cloths, but about the year 17O0, pieces of cloth upwards of sixt}'- yards long were made. Near the " Griece,^' was Embsey bridge, crossing to the land now insulated, and called the "Isle of Cinder." •1534. Dec. The follovt^ing extract from the register of burials at the Leeds Parish Church, is curious and characteristic of this time:— "Ry chard Lumbj^e, of the Chappilltoune, being a Papist, not comying to the church the space of xij years, being iu'lyeted at the gen'all and peace sessions, Apo the statute, pscuted as the .... of Papists ; excommunycate, Dyed at Chappilltoune the third day of December, and was by hys kj^nsfolk and neighbours brought tovvards the churche to he buryed, but at the church yerdgate stopped by the vicar and churchwardeners; the corps remaned till the tenthe day of the s.ime moneth at night, and hys frends could not gett lycens to burj-e hym, going to York for yt purpose, hys said corpse was in the night conveyed and buryed." The register of burials at the Leeds Parish Church contains the follo'A'ing : — ''1592, Aprill 28. Grace Birckhead, bothe meke and mylde, in one chiste she and her child " Corpus Christi Plays vv^ere annually performed at York till this year (1584) by the ancient Guild or Fraternity of Corpus Christi, and the other free companies of that city. These theatrical exhibitions were performed on the festival THE SURROU-VDTXCt DISTRICT. 5/ I5S4.-1C03 of Corpus Christi in most of the cities and principal to^vns of England. 15So. The free grammar school of queen Elizabeth, at Halifax, was founded this year. 15S6. Farnley-haU, erected by Sir "William Denby, was taken down in IJo'^J, and the materials sold. 13S7. This year the burials at Leeds Avere tripled, by the Plaque. At Rothwell, in the following: year, they increased from 34 to 127. • 1.5SS. The Spanish Armada, consisting of 130 ships, with 50,000 men, arrived in the English channel, but Avere dis- persed by a storm, July 2rth, when many Avere Avrecked, and others burnt and taken. The first English nevrs- paper Avas printed this year, called " The English Mercury." 15S9. John Thornburgh, S. T. P., appointed Dean of York. He held the bishopricks of Limerick and Bristol in commendam, and. was removed to the bishoprick of Worcester, in 1617- Coaches first brought into England, 1590. HovrLET Hall, in Batley parish, built by Sir John Savile, the first honorary alderman of Leeds. After standing for a century and a half, the pride and admiration of the neighbourhood, it Avas, at the instigation of a faithless agent, blown up with gunpoAvder by order of the earl of Cardigan, in 1730. The thermometer was invented about this time, by Sanctorie. 1591. Henry, the fifth and last earl of Cumherland, Avas born at Londesborough. He had. the misfortune to see the beginning of the great rebellion, and the happiness to be taken from the calamities which foUoAved. He Avas much favoured by king James and king Charles I., and died of a burning fever at one of the prebends' houses in York, 1643, and was interred at Skipton, amidst the "roar of arms." when his castle was held for the king, against all the assaults of the rebels. 1592. Wakefield grammar school founded. 1600. About this time Beeston, near Leeds, was famous for the manufacture of bone lace. 1603. Queen Elizabeth commanded the Roman catholics in York, to be present at three sermons preached in the cathedral of that city, by arclibishop, Matthew Hutton. At the first tAvo sermons, they behaved so obstreperously, that it AA'as found necessary to stop the mouths of some of them before silence could be obtained. At the third sermon, there was a A^ery great audience : the lord presi- 58 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ] 603.- 1604. dent, the queen's council, the lord mayor and aldermen, and the principal gentry of the county being- present, yet the catholics stopped their ears, rather than listen to the venerable prelate's discourse. By statute 1st, James 1, chap. 9, "If any alehouse-keeper shall sell less than a full quart of ale for a penny, or of the small ale two quarts for one penny, he shall forfeit for every such oflPence the sum of twenty shillings." Queen Eliza- beth died at one o'clock of the morning of Thursday, the 24fh of March, 1603. Between nine and ten. Sir Robert Carey left London (after having been up all night) for the purpose of conveying the intelligence to her successor James, at Edinburgh. That night he ro'ie to Doncaster, 155 miles; next night he reached Witherington, near Morpeili; early on Saturday morning he proceeded by Norhara across the border ; and that evening, at no late hour, kneeled beside the king's bed at Holyrood, and saluted him as king of England, France, and Ireland. He had thus travelled 400 miles in three days, resting during the two intermediate nights. Win Witham, of Led- ston, (who died in 1593), was popularly supposed to be beivitched to death by one Mary Pannel, who, having been long celebrated for supposed sorceries, was accused and convicted at York in 1603, and executed on a hill near . Ledston-hall, to this day called Mary Pannel hill. In the reign of James I. nine tenths of the commerce of the kingdom consisted of woollen goods. Most of the cloth was exported raiv, and Avas dyed smdi dressed hy the Dutch, who it is said gained £700,000 a year by this employment. A proclamation against exporting cloth in a raw state had succeeded so ill during one year, by the refusal of the Dutch to buy the dressed cloth, that great murmurs arose against it. The plague re-appeared in London, in this and the follov/ing year no less than 6S 59'6 persons died from that visitation. 1604. The Yorkshire Tragedy, attributed to the pen of Shakespeare, is "founded on facts" which occurred this j'-ear at Calverley Hall, near Bradford, the residence for six centuries of a family of its own name. The story is as follows : — \Yalter Calverley, the son and heir of William Calverley, Esq. married at the close of the 16th century, Philippa, daughter of Sir John Brooke, by Avhom he had three sons, William, Walter, and Henry. Dissipation and other vices of the head of this ill-fated family, had plunged them into extreme embarrassments, and under the influence of intoxication, jealousy, or intolerable apprehension that THE SURUOUJS'DING DISTRICT. 59 1604. bis children would become beggars, he came to the des- perate resolution to be himself their murderer. The intel- ligence that his brother had been committed to prison ia consequence of a security given for Walter, brought on the crisis which he had contemplated, and observing his oldest son, a boy four years old, at play in the gallery of Calver- ley hall, the unnatural father rushed upon him, and inflict- ed two or three wounds with his dagger. He then seized upon the bleeding child, and carried him to the room of his mother, M'ho Avas asleep, while the nurse was dressing another of the children in the room. The unhappy mother roused from her slumbersby the violent entry of her husband, soon became aware of the danger which threatened her children, and endeavoured to save the second child from his fury, but all her ciforts were in vain, and he plunged the reeking dagger into its heart, while clapped in its mother's arms. His fury was then directed against his lady, and he inflicted upon her several severe wounds. Still unsatiated with blood, he took his horse and rode off for the village where his infant child was at nurse, but as he entered the place, he was thrown from his horse, and secured by a servant, m^io had been despatched after him. On the follov/ing day he was taken before Sir John Savile, of Howley, and Sir Thomas Bland, knights, two of the magistrates of the West-Kiding, in whose presence he confessed his crime, adding, that he had harboured the intention of killing his children for two years past, and that " the reason that moved him thereunto was, for that his wife had manj^ times heretofore uttered speeches and given signs and tokens unto him whereby he might easily perceive and conjecture, that the said children were not by him begotten, and that he had found himself to be in danger of his life sundry times by his said wife." At the close of the examination, he was committed to gaol, but as the plague then raged in York, he was sent to Wakefleld. Subsequently he was removed to York, where he was brought to trial, but refused to plead either guilty or not guilty; "he was adjudged to be pressed to death ; accord- ing to which judgment he was executed in the castle, at York, the 5th of August, 1604." The innocent lady of this high-born malefactor recovered from her wounds, and his son Henry succeeded to the estate and chattels, the latter of Avhich, his father, by refusing to plead on his trial, had saved from forfeiture. The estate remained in the Calvcrley family till the year 1754, M^hen Sir Walter Calverley, who took the name of Blackett, sold the manor 60 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1604.- I6O7. and estate of Calverley to Thomas Thornhill, of Fixby, Esq., by whose heir, Thomas Thornhill, Esq., of Fixby, in Yorkshire, and Riddlesworth, in Norfolk, it is still pos- sessed. . The hall is now occupied by a number of labouring families in seperate tenements. In York, 3,512 persons died of the plague. In consequence of this con- tagion, the assizes were held at Wakefield, and prince Charles passed through Leeds to London instead of going by York. The vicar of Calverley and live of his parishioners executed a certificate which was presented to the judges of assize at York, wherein they declared "that Robert Hare, Isabella Hare his mother, Ann Brigg and Elizabeth Birkenshaye, all of their own parish, were vehemently suspected of the devilish art, of luitchcraft,^^ and that they had done much hurt and mischief to their neighbours for the space of twenty years past. The object of this deposition was to "root out abominable witchcraft," but whether it had any reference to the horrid murders just committed by their landlord at Calverley hall, is not recorded. 1605. The disappointment of the Catholics on finding that the severe laws against them were not to be relaxed, led to a conspiracy called the gunpowder plot, which was to have been put in force on the meeting of parliament, Nov. 5th, this year. It was arranged that the House of Lords should be blown up by gunpowder, at the moment when the king, lords, and commons, were all assembled in it, thus, destroying as they thought, all their chief enemies at one blow, and making way for a new govern- ment which should be more favourable to them, Accord- ingly, thirty-four barrels of powder were deposited in the cellars beneath the House, and a person named Guy Fawkes was prepared to kindle it at the proper time. The plot was discovered in consequence of the receipt of a letter by lord Monteagle, warning him not to attend the meeting of parliament. I6O7. A terrible flood devastated the south-western counties of England and Wales, whereby twenty-six parishes in Monmouthshire were entirely swept away, and the counties of Somerset, Gloucester, Glamorgan, Cardigan, and Caermarthen, were fearfully overflown by the sea: 500 persons perished, and many thousands were utterly ruined. The counties of Norfolk, Bedford, Cam.- bridge, Lincoln, Huntingdon, and Kent, were also visited in the most sudden manner at the same time, with a simi- larly fatal calamity. At Wisbeach, the sea inundated the THE surrou:nding district. 61 160^.-1612. town, overthrowiug: an inn called the Cross Keys, in which numerous guests were assembled. At Yarmouth, the bridge was carried away ; and off the coast, numberless vessels were AArecked and their crews lost. At Numby Chapel, the whole town was lost except three houses ; and so deep was the water here, that a ship was driven in from the sea upon a house, the sailors thinking it had been a rock. The crew v/ere saved by clinging to the ruins of the house. At Grimsby, the salt-works were rendered useless ; and the bridge at Wentworth, a model piece of architecture in those times, was swept away. The greatest destruction was amongst the sheej) : several thousands being totally lost. A number of Roman coins and moulds were this year found at Lingwellgate, near Wakefield. 1608. " A new stall in the old church at Leeds made for Thomas and Peter Jackson, as they had no room anywhere in the church to sit." — Churchwarden'' s accounts. 1609. In this year the Leeds soke originated, by letters patent, granted by James L to Edward Ferrers, of London, mercer, and Francis Phelips, of the same place, gentleman. The mills to Avhich this grant applied, are supposed to have stood in Swinegate, at the place known by the name of the "MillGoit." The origin of this custom is very remote. In ancient times, each family ground its corn in hand-mills. When water-mills were invented, their introduction was eagerly desired, and no one being found able to build them in some poor districts, the king was petitioned to erect mills in various places, to which he consented, on condition that the inhabitants would bind themselves and their heirs for ever, to grind at such mills, on the terms then agreed on. During the Crusades, many privileges and immunities were granted to the Knights Templars ; and among these were the exemption of their lands from certain taxes, and from the soke of the mills. The houses thus exempt, were marked by crosses. A frost which commenced in" October, lasted four months : the Thames being so frozen over, that heavy carriages were driven over it. 1610. June 4th. A terrible fire broke out at Bury St. Ed- monds, in Suffolk, which destroyed 160 houses, and reduced several people to great extremities. About this time, also, a malignant and putrid fever raged throughout the country, which carried off vast numbers of the people. 1612. The church of Burnsal, in Craven, was repaired and beautified by Sir William Craven, knight, and alderman of the city of London, and late lord mayor of the same. He also erected and endowed a grammar school in the village. 6 62 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1612.-1614. He was born at Appletrewick, in the parish of Bumsal, of poor parents, who consigned him to a common carrier for his conveyance to London, where he entered into the service of a mercer-draper, and, by diligence and frugality, raised himself to wealth and honour. In 1611 he was chosen lord mayor. In 1612, twelve persons were executed at Lancaster for witchcraft ; in 1622, six at York; in 1634, seventeen in Lancashire; in 1644, sixteen at Yarmouth ; in 1645, fifteen at Chelmsford ; and in 1645-6, one' hundred and twenty in Suffolk and Huntingdon. The monster Matthew Hopkins and his assistants were regular authorized witch-finders, and undertook to clear any locality of witches for the sum of 20s., bringing them to confession and the stake in the following manner: — he stripped them naked, shaved them, and thrust pins into their bodies to discover the witch's mark ; he wrapped them in sheets, with the great toes and thumbs tied together, and dragged them through ponds or rivers, when, if the}'' sunk, it v/as held as a sign that the baptismal element did not reject them, and they were cleared ; but, if they floated, (as they usually would do for a time), they v/ere then set down as guilty, and doomed. He kept them lasting and awake, and sometimes incessantly walking for tvv^enty-four or forty-eight hours, as an inducement to confession. If a wifch could not shed tears at command, or if she hesitated at a single word in repeating the Lord's prayer, she Avas held to be in league with the evil one. The results of these and such like tests, were actually and universally admitted as evidence by the administrators of the law, who, acting upon them, con- demned all such as had the amazing constancy to hold out against the tortures inflicted. Butler has described Hop- kins in his 'Hudibras' as one "Fully empowered to treat about Finding revolted witches out. And has he not within this year Hanged three score of them in one shire ? Some only for not being drowned ; And some for sitting above ground." After Hopkins had pursued his trade of witch-findiug for a many years, he was subjected to his own favourite test of swimming — he escaped with his life, but v^^as never heard of more. 1614. Robert Cooke, B.D., (otherwise Gale) said to have been the most noted disputant of his time, Avas vicar of Leeds, and died January 1st, this year. Of hk brother awl THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. G3 1614..1619. successor, Alexander Cooke, B.D., \Vood, the author of Athenas Oxonieiisis, says, '- that he was admirably read in the controversies between the Protestants and Papists, versed in the fathers and schoolmen, witty and ingenious, but a great Calvanist ! " He died in June, 1G32. 1615. A Bill of Complaint was exhibited in Chancery on the 3rd of November, in ihe names of some of the most wealthy and influential inhabitants of the district ; in which, it is said, that the town and parish of Leeds had become very large and populous, and contained more than 5000 com- municants, and that, althoug-h some of them were three or four miles distant from the church, yet three or four thousand of them ordinarily resorted thither every Sabbath day. 1617. This year James I. issued his royal proclamation, called " TJie Book of SpoHs,'' which he ordered to be read in all churches, for the purpose of legalising and en- couraging the exercise of gymnastic and other sports and games after divine service on Sunday afternoons. The inhabitants of the city and count}'- petitioned in vain for the establishment of an university in York. 16 IS. July 5th, James Hay, first Baron Say, by patent, was created Viscount Doncaster, a title which became ex- tinct in 1660 ; but in 1663, James Fitz Boy, (who assumed the name of Scot), natural son of Charles II., was created JEail of Doncaster, by patent, February 14. He was be- headed in 16S5, when the title was forfeited, but was restored to his heir, Francis Scot, third earl of Dalkeith, March 23rd, 1743. At this time there was a park at Bingley, and a castle near the church, on a hill called Baily-hill. 1619. A commission which sat this year for the purpose of enquiring into the due administration of public chari- ties, it was found that the several messuages, lands, annual rent charges, and smns of money in the inquisi- tion particularly specified, were given by the persons, or acquired in the manner in the inquisition mentioned, for the reparation of the highways in and near Leeds, the use of the poor of the parish of Leeds, and the mainten- ance and support of the free grammar school of Leeds. It was also found that the Moot Hall, then lately erected in the town, was built out of the money belonging to the poor; but that John Metcalf, the under bailiff of the town, had converted the rent of part of the building to his own use. It was also found, that by a decree of the court of the Duchy of Lancaster, toll was taken of all com exposed in the market for sale, called the "Toll dish," 64 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1619-1623. which was distributed as follows : — one third to the bailiff, then the principal officer in the town for his OAvn use ; one third for the use of the poor ; and the other third was used to repair the high^^ ays. These tolls were collected by the said John Metcalf and also appropriated to his own use. The Commissioners by their Decree ordered a committee to be appointed to manage the said charities, and to see that the profits arising therefrom should be apportioned in manner before mentioned. The collection of the toll was abandoned about the close of the last century, on account of its being only about £,70 per annum, and the great opposition expe- rienced by the officers in its collection. The duke of Buckingham, in 1619, first used a coach with six horses, — a piece of pomp which the duke of Northumberland thought proper to ridicule by setting up one with eight. Charles I. was the first British sovereign who had a state carriage. 1620. Dr. TF'i^Kams, dean' of Westminster, and subsequently archbishop of York, received the sea's of office, which were taken from the learned lord chancellor Bacon, who was con- victed of bribery, sentenced to pay a fine of £40,000, and to be imprisoned during the king's pleasure. Adam Baynes, Esq. of Knostrop, " Parliament man for Leeds," during the Commonwealth, was born Dec. 22nd, this year, ohit Dec. 1670. A board of Trade was instituted by James I. One of the reasons assigned in the commission was " to remedy the low price of wool, which begat complai- nts of the decay of the woollen manufacture." Though the price of wool afterwards rose to thirty-three shillings a tr)d (281bs.) nine-tenths of the commerce of the kingdom con- sisted of woollen goods. The exportation of wool was forbidden by proclamation, and the company of Merchant Adventurers, by patent, possessed the sole commerce of the woollen manufacture. 1621. The power of licensing public houses was first granted to Sir Giles Montpesson and Sir Francis Michel. 1622. Feb. 14. A terrible accident occurred at Blackfriars in London, which obtained the name of the ' Fatal Vespers.' The Roman catholics had met in considerable numbers to celebrate the mass, when the floor giving way, the M'hole congregation were suddenly engu phed, and upwards of a hundred persons lost their lives. 1623. March 10th. Died Dr. John Favour, for thirty years vicar of Halifax, and author of antiquity triumphing over novelty. " In this vicar's time there lived in the town, one Richard Commons, an Irishman, by occupation a goldsmith, a common drunkard and blasphemer of God's holy word, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 65 1623.-1626. Avheii he had spent all he cou'd make, he set fire to some straw in the four corners of his house, (now the Angel Inn,) and hanged himself in the midst. Thus desperately he died, but by God's merciful providence the straw took not fire, and so both house and town were preserv'd, which he pur- pos'd to burn. He was buried a little above the town, in a place where four ways meet, now well known by the name of Goldsmith's Grave.''' — Wright's antiquities of Halifax, printed at Leeds in 1738. 1624. John Lake was born at Halifax, where he received his first education at the grammar school ; thence he was sent to St. John's college, Cambridge, where, before he was thirteen years of age, he took the degree of B.A. In 1660 he was, after much opposition, inducted vicar of Leeds. On October 9th, 1680, he was installed archdeacon of Cleve- land, and consecrated bishop of Sodor and Man, in 1682. He was translated to Bristol in 1684, and to Chichester in 1685. He died August 30th, 1689, and was buried in St. Botolph's church, London. In this year the benevolent John Harrison '' built the Leeds grammar school in North- street, in the middle of half an acre of his own land, and enclosed it with a fair stone wall." The following is an extract from his w 11, in which he refers to this beneficial endowment: — "Whereas, I have of my own charge and upon my own land, erected and builded one new house, now used and employed for a grammar school, and walled the yard thereunto belonging with a stone wall, as the same abutteth upon the lands of Henry Royds upon the north, and upon my own lands upon the south-east and west — my mind and will is, that the same shall be for a master and ushers to teach scholars in for ever, and for that end and purpose, I do give the said house, garth, and wall, &c." An apart- ment, used as a library, was added by Godfrey Lawson, Esq., in 1792. The library comprised several ancient books, in- cluding folio editions of some of the works of the fathers. The Rev. Samuel Puilen, afterwards archbishop of Tuam, was first master of this seminary. 162.5. March 27th. Charles I. ascended the throne, and in June of the same year, London was again visited with the plague, which swept away 35,417 persons. An act passed for the incorporation of the manufacturers of Sheffield y by the name of the company of Cutlers of Hallamshire. 1626. The borough of Leeds was incorporated by Charles I. The first mayor was Sir John Savile, afterwards lord Savile, whose arms, known by the name of " Hullarts," was adopted by the town. John Clayton, Esq. was the 6G ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1626.-1633. first recorder, and George Bannister the first town clerk. By this charter it is seen that the market was formerly held on a Monday. Lord Bacon died this year, aged sixty- five. He rose from a comparatively humble position, to be lord high chancellor of England. 1628. Jmie 5th. The south-east pinnacle and corner of the steep'e of Halifax Church were struck off by lightning, and the stones which fell broke down much of the timber, slate, and battlement. 1629. The Leeds Workhouse, then called the house of cor- rection, was built this year, and enlarged in 1636, and again in 1736. 163J. Armley chapel of Ease was built about this time, but was not consecrated as a burial place till 1674. In 1765 the vicar of Leeds and the inhabitants had a long contest for the presentation to this chapel, and the lord chancellor decreed in favour of the former in 1766.- Sir John Savile, of Howley, died August 31st, this year, aged seventy-four. 1631. The manor of Wakefield was granted by the crown to the earl of Holland, whose daughter, about twenty years afterwards, was married to Sir Gervase Clifton, knight and bart., to whom he gave the manor of Wakefield as her marriage portion. Not long afterwards Sir Gervase Clifton sold it to Sir Christopher Clapham, whose heirs again dis- posed of it in 1700, to the duke of Leeds, in the possession of whose family it still remains. 1632. March 15th, Henry Ramsden, vicar of Halifax, grant- ed Richard Sunderland, Esq., of Copley, a license to eat flesh during the time of h s illness, as the law of the land in that case provided, and on the 18th March, the same license was granted to Abraham Sunderland, of high Sun- derland. In the Leeds parish reg ster of this date, (November li. or xx.) is this note, " Richard Sawer, of Vicar-lane, had two strange children baptized, named Richards : Dnere et Mirare.''' Tradition reports them to have been joined together, having but one body below the navel. 1. .-. 1633. The contests between king Charles I. and the Par- y' liament shook Yorkshire to its centre, but before they had commenced, the king was entertained three da3''s in York, on his way from Scotlnnd. While in York he knighted the lord mayor, the recorder, and the archbishop's son. Charles I. visited Pontefract, when he created Sir John Savile, knight, high steward of the honour of Pontefract, and, by letters patent, advanced him to the dignity of a baron of the realm, by the title of baron Savile of Pontefract., THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 67 1633.-1638. His son inherited the title, and Avas created earl of Sussex, hut the family became extinct in his grandson James. The corporation of Hull sent two casks of sturgeon, with a butt or«ack, to the archbishop of York, who, in return, sent " two lovely bucks," as venison for the mayor and aldermen. 1634. St. John's church, in Leeds, was built by John Harrison, Esq., of Pawdmijre, who commenced it in 1631, •* and finished it in 1631, ha^ ing endowed it with £80 per annum, besides £10 a year for repairs. It was consecrated September 21st, 1634, by archbishop Neile. The first min- ister was the Rev. Robert Todd, M.A., who was suspended on the very day he commenced his function. This year the Corporation Charter of Halifax parish and the gov- ernment of the Avorkhouse Avas granted. In 1635 orders were made for such strangers as Avere likely to become chargeable to the town to be removed. Such as kept them in their families contrary to order were fined or compelled to give security that they should not become chargeable to the toAvn. Those who Avere convicted of swearing, using or keeping gaming houses, and tippling at unseasonable hours, Avere fined; such as embezzled or spoiled their Avork, or a\ ere idle, unruly, or made a prac- tice of begging, were Avhipped, set to work, or sent to their place of settlement. 1635. Sir Arthur Ingram's house at Temple NcAvsome Avas burnt dov\'n and "household stuff" Avorth £'4000 consumed. The plague raged at Hull till 1638, and carried off 2,730 persons, besides leaving as many more in extreme Av^ant. Collections were made for the sur- viving sufferers throughout England. 1636. Hunslet chattel Avas built this year, and enlarged in 1774. 1838. In the chapel-yard of Ribston, is placed a very curious sepulchral monument of a standard bearer of the 9th Roman Legion, Avhich Avas dug up in the 3''ear 1630 in Trinity gardens, near Micklegate, in York. The stone is six feet high, and two feet in breadth — the top of an angular form : near the bottom of the stone is a Latin inscription, above Avhich stands the figure of a Roman soldier, Avith the ensign of a cohort or manipulus in his right hand, and a corn meter in his left, (corn being once part of the pay of a Roman soldierj. The inscription is thus translated : — " L. Lucius Rufinus, of Vienne, son of Lucius of the Voltinian tribe, (and) Standard-bearer of the 9th Legion for twenty-eight years, is buried here.*' 68 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1638.-1639. Brian Fairfax, Esq., rescued this antique relic from being demoiislied by the workmen, who had broken it in the middle, and were about to prepare it for building-stone. It appears from the household book at Skipton Castle, that the luxuries of life were extremely dear at this time; there is an item which says, "paid for four score lb. of sugar for my lady £4 " ; but all the common necessaries of life were very cheap ; animal food, in particular, bore a low price ; a fat wether would not have purchased two pounds of sugar. Another item in 1633-4 says, "paid to Captayne Eobinson, by my lord's command for writing letters of news to his lordship for half-a-year £5." Before the introduction of printed newspapers, it appears that the great families had gazetteers in London, who transmitted to them the news of the day in written letters, and the practice was continued by this family till the 5^ear 1687. John Harrison, Esq., having founded, erected, and endowed the church or chapel of St. John the Evangelist, in Leeds, by indenture dated the 6th September, this year, vested the patronage or advowson thereof, in the vicar of the parish church, and the alderman and three of the senior principal burgesses of the town and borough for the time being. By the 73rd sec. of the Municipal Corporation Act, any four members of the council of the borough are eligible to be elected trustees along with the vicar. In 163S, the alderman of the borough received a writ sent at the suggestion of the king for Leeds to pay its quota of ship money, namely, £70, to provide a fleet to protect the trade of the kingdom. The directions for the levying of the money were : — "First, ther is required expedic'on; secondly, that noe poore labouring people be assessed, but such as have estates in lands or goods, or live by some gainful trade, for it is con- ceived that the assessing poore people will cause a clamour and p'judice the, service, which, in itself, is most honour- able and just ; thirdly, that the clergie be used with all favour." 1639. About this time, John Harrison, Esq., the great benefactor to Leeds, purchased Rockley-hall, in that town, which was made of wood, and of a very antique form; instead of deal boards for floors, oak planks were used, and of such a thickness that joists were made of them for part of the new brick building that succeeded it in name and place. This he gave to pious uses. Alderman Harrison also founded the hospital near St. John's, in Leeds. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 69 1639. In the reign of Charles I., a Mrs. Isabel Denton, of Beeston, near Leeds, invented straw hats and bonnets. Necessity in this case was truly the mother of invention, for this woman was cursed with a prodigal husband, and had to provide for a numerous family by her own skill and labour. Her hats and bonnets had a ready and profitable sale, and fhus she was able to maintain her family in comfort and respectability until her death. At this time one tirm in Leeds sold £7000 Avorth of bonnets in a year. 1639 to 1644.— Civil AVars— Eight years after Charles I. had mounted the British throne, and before evil advisers had embroiled him with his parliament and people, he visi- ted the city of York, on his Avay from Scotland to London, and received a loyal and cordial welcome. Six years afterwards, on the 30th of March, 1639, the Scots having broken out into open rebellion, the king came down to York, on an expedition against the insurgents. During the king's residence in York, he kept the festival, called '■'• Maunday Thursday,'''' in the cathedral. The king of England was accvTstomed on Maunday Thursday, (the day before Good Friday, called also Shere Thursday, from the practice which the priests had of shearing their hair on this day to make themselves as trim as possible for Easter,) to have brought before him as many poor men as he was years old whose feet he washed with his own hands, after which his majesty's maunds, con- sisting of m'^at, clothes, and money were distributed amongst them. This strange ceremonial, was last performed in its full extent by James 11. King "William left the washing to his Almoner; and such was the arrangement many years afterwards. ' Thursday, April 15th, (f/^l,) being Maunday Thursday-, there was disttibuted at Whitehall to forty-eight poor men, and forty-eight poor women, (the king's [Geo. II.] age being forty-eight,) boiled beef and slioulders of mutton, and small bowls of ale ; after that large wooden platters of fish, and loaves. After which were distributed to them shoes, stockings, linen and woollen cloth, and leathern bags, with one penny, twopenny, threepenny, and fourpenny pieces of silver and shillings, — to each about ^4 in value. His grace the lord arch- bishop of York, lord high Almoner, performed the annual ceremony of washing the feet of a certain number of poor in the royal chapel, "Whitehall, which was formerly done by the king's themselves, in imitation of our Saviour's pattern of humility. For a number of years the washing of the feet and other ceremonies has been given up, and since the beginning of the reign of queen Victoria, an additional sum of money has been given in lieu of provisions. Having spent a month in York, his majesty and his nobles at the head of the army marched towards Scotland. On his approach the Scots laid down their arras, and 70 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1639.-1642. swore allegiance. Next year, when the king had dis- banded his army, the earl of Leven, and the marquis of Montrose entered England, at the head of a Scotch army, on hearing of which, the king left London and came to York, where he convened a great council of all the peers of England, to meet and attend his majesty there. 1640. The long parliament assembled on the third day of November, and immediately proceeded to vote down the Council Court of York, and committed the king's first ministers, the earl of Strafford and archbishop Laud, upon charges of high treason. They reversed the sentences formerly passed against Hampden and others; obtained the king's assent to their bill for triennial parliaments ; procured the abolition of monopolies; and an answer from his majesty relative to his method of raising supplies by forced loans, tonnage and poundage, ship money, and other expedients. They sent commissioners into the several counties "for the defacing, demolishing, and quite taking away all images, altars, or tables turned altarwise, crucifixes, superstitious pictures, monuments, and reliques of idolatry, out of all churches and chapels." The speeches of members of parliament were now first published. This parliament %vas brought to a close on the 9th day of Sep- tember, 1641. 1642. The king with his son Charles, prince of Wales, the duke of York, and several noblemen, left London, and on the 18th of March arrived at York, where most of the nobility and gentry of the north received him with suitable demonstrations of loyalty. His majesty's first care, on his arrival in Yorkshire, was to secure the vast magazines in the fortress of HuUy consisting of all the arms and ammu- nition of the forces levied against the Scots ; with this view he repaired to that port in person, and required Sir John Hotham, the governor, who had received his com- mission from the parliament, to deliver up the possession. Sir John, perceiving that matters v/ere drawing to a crisis, shut the gates, and refused to admit the king, though he requested leave to enter with twelve persons only. The king afterwards determined to form the siege of Hull, for this purpose he mustered 3,000 foot and 800 horse, and marched towards the obnoxous town. On hearing of his approach, Hotham determined that the surrounding countrj'- should be laid under water. The sluices were immediately pulled up, and the banks of the Humber cut, so that the next day Ijy the aid of the spring tides, the meadows and pastures, to the extent of two miles on every THE SURROUNDI^'G DISTRICT. 71 1642. side of Hull were inundated with water. The king soon after resolved to raise the siege and clear off his forces. Civil war seemed now inevitable. Every county, city, village, and hamlet of England resounded with the din of warlike preparation. The queen, Henrietta of France, was sped to Holland to pawn the crown jewels for arms and ammunition. The great mass of the nobility, gentry, and populace, except that of London, were gathering, or preparing to gather, round the king. The burgess class and the yeomanry, especially of the south, west, and mfdland counties, were arming for the parlia- ment. In London, four thousand men enlisted in one da}'. Hampden was down in Buckinghamshire at the Urst signal, and soon got together tAvo thousand men, dressed in green coats. The carl of Essex, Sir William Waller, the earl of Manchester, (lord Kimbolton), held chief commands in the parliamentary arm)*. The king constituted the carl of Cumberland supreme commander of his forces, and appointed Sir Thomas Glembam governor of York. He then marched southward, and erected the royal standard at Nottingham, August 22nd. The chief strength of the parliament in Yorjcshire lay in the large manufacturing towns of the West-Kiding. The parliamentary army being now increased to 1,000 men, marched to Tadcaster, in order to guard the passes of the Wharf, and thus protect the friendly districts of the west. FiGHTj AT Wetherby. — Sir Thomas Fairfax was sent with 300 foot and 40 horse to take possession of Wetherby. This small force was surprised early one morning by a body of 800 men under Sir Thomas (ilemham, governor of York. The guards being asleep at their posts, enabled the enemy to steal partially into the town Avithout being discovered. The brave Sir Thomas, with but four men at their arms, withstood the shock of the enemy, and re- pulsed them, when major Carr, of the royalists, was slain. The attack was soon renewed, but in the midst of the conflict Fairfax's magazine was blown up, and produced so tremendous an explosion, that the royalists, believing the parliamentary forces had cannon, began to retreat towards York, and were pursued by Sir Thomas with his small body of horse, who took some prisoners. Sir Thomas lost eight or ten men, whereof seven were blown up with the powder. Fight at Tadcaster. — The fears and apprehensions of of the royalists caused them to solicit the aid of the carl of Newcastle, v/ho speedily marched from the north to- 72 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1642. York with an army of 6,000 men, furnished with ten pieces of artillery, where he arrived on the 30th of November. Three days afterwards, he proceeded with 4,000 men and seven pieces of cannon to attack the enemy at Tadcaster. At the same time, the earl of Newport, with 2,000 men, was sent to attack Wetherby. Fairfax collected all his forces at Tadcaster. The earl began his attack about eleven o'clock in the morning, and continued until five in the evening, during which time more than 40,000 musket shots are said to have been discharged, besides the fire from the artillery ; but the slaughter bore no proportion to the shot expended, as the number killed on both sides did not exceed 300. The parliamentarians, seeing no prospect of holding their position, withdrew in the night to Selby, and the following morning the royalists marched into Tadcaster without opposition. Captain Lister, a valuable officer under Fairfax, was killed during the battle. "Captain Lister's son," says Thoresby, "passing through Tadcaster some years after, had the curiasity to inquire of the sexton where his father was buried ? To which the sexton replied by showing him a skull, just dug up, which he averred was the head of the captain. On examining the skull, a bullet, was found lodged in it, and this testimony to the truth of the grave digger's words so struck the young man, that he sickened at tlie sight, and died soon after." By the defeat at Tadcaster, the parliamentary army was cut off from its friends and supplies in the West-Riding, for Newcastle's army occupied the towns of Sherburn, Ferrybridge, and Pontefract — however, Sir Thomas, in a night march, eluded all their vigilance, passed all their posts, and reached Bradford with three troops of horse, 300 foot, and some arms, about the end of the year 1642. 1642. Dec. First Siege of Bradford. — Before the arrival of Sir Thomas Fairfax, a bod}'^ of the king's forces, num- bering about 800 men, were sent from the garrison at Leeds to occupy the town. They encamped at Undercliff, about a mile distant from the town, whence they marched to the assault; the townsmen met this attack with great resolution, and soon caused the assailants to retreat in great hurry and confusion back to Leeds. On the 18th day of December, the attempt was repeated by a larger force from Leeds, consisting of five troops of horse, six troops of dragoons, and 200 foot, commanded by colonel Goring, colonel Evans, Sir William Saville, and Sir John Good- ricke. About SO of the inhabitants had muskets, the rest were armed with clubs, spits, flails, halbards, scythes, and such like rustic weapons. The church was turned into a THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 73 1642.-1643. fortress; the walls being hung round willi packs of wool, while their choicest marksmen Avere placed upon the tower. The royalists made repeated attempts to enter the town by storm; but were as often repulsed. About noon the inhabitants received a reinforcement from Halifax, and determined at once to make a general sally; therefore, watching their opportunity, they rushed out of the church, seconded by those in the lanes, and met the enemy face to face. The clubs, scythes, and rustic weapons of the towns- men did great execution ; and such was their fury that they would neither give nor take quarter. During the heat of this action, a young nobleman of the name of Sir John Hope, at the head ofa company of foot, being inadvance of his men was taken prisoner, asked for quarter, and was told he should have Bradford quarter: he was instantly slain, and his men seeing the fall of their leader, fled. At length the royalists retreated, having had more than 100 men killed and wounded in the contest. On the side of the town, not more than five Avere killed and about twelve wounded. 1643. At the beginning of this year, the greatest part of Yorkshire, with the capital, York, and the towns and fortresses of Leeds, Wakefield, Skipton, and Knaresborough, were in the hands of the royalists. Leed= taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax. — (3n the 23rd of January, Sir Thomas Fairfax determined to attack the garrison at Leeds, and accordingly marched from Bradford with six troops of horse, three companies of dragoons, one thousand musketeers, and 2000 clubmen. A trumpeter was dispatched to Sir William Savile, requiring the town to be delivered into the hands of Fairfax for the parlia- ment, to which Sir William returned a disdainful answer. The parliamentary general now approached the town on the south-west side, with colours flying, to begin the assault, which commenced about one o'clock in the after- noon; and in two hours the royalists were driven from their works and their cannoniers killed. Sir Thomas, and his brother, Sir William Fairfax, with Sir Henry Fowlis and Captain Forbes, cut their way through all opposition, and, entering the town sword in hand, at the head of their troops, soon got possession of the place, where they found two brass cannon, with a good store of ammunition, and took 500 prisoners, among whom were six officers. There is said to have been about forty slain. Sir William Savile fled and escaped being taken by crossing the river; 7 74 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1643. but Sergeant-major Beaumont was drowned in makings the attempt. The following memorandum occurs in the .register of burials at the Leeds Parish Church : — "23rd January, 1643. This M-as the day when Leeds was taken hy Sir Thomas Fairfax. Eleven soldiers slayne, buried 24th January — ten unpaid for; five more slain two or three days after j six more died of their wounds." The same register contains the following : — "Buried 1st April, 1643. Captain Boswell slain at Seacroft battel, and six soldiers. A gentleman and two common soldiers slain in Sobert Williamson's house, of Kunslet: buried 13th April, 1643. rive soldiers more slaiii — nine more in May ; .sixteen more iu June ; twelve more in July. 26 soldiers buried July and Augu.st, 1644." After the storming of Leeds, the royalists assumed a position at Seacroft, where they were assailed by the par- liamentarians, about the end of March, but they maintained their post, and the assailants were defeated with the slaughter of a few of their men. The town of Leeds in these turbulent times often changed masters ; but was never the scene of much bloodshed. 1643. Charles's queen, Henrietta Maria, of France, landed at Bridlington quay, on the 20 1: h of February, with 38 pieces of cannon, and 10,000 stand of small arms. The earl of Newcastle set out from York to meet the queen, and conveyed her majesty with the military stores to that city, where she arrived on the Sth of March. For this service he was created a marquis. Wakefield taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax. — The elder Fairfax being compelled to retreat from Selby, and Leeds and Bradford being the only places of strength held by the parliamentarians northward of Hull, Sir Thomas Fairfax determined to take the garrison of Wakefield, then in the possession of the king's forces, held by about 3,000 men; and, accordingly on the morning of the 21th of May, 1643, he, at the head of 1,100 horse and foot, marched from Leeds to attempt the reduction of that town. The battle commenced about four o'clock in the morning, and, after an hour and a half's hard fighting. Sir Thomas entered the town, took 500 prisoners, with 80 officers, 27 colours, and a large quantity of ammunition. A copy of a letter from lord Fairfax to the speaker, of the House of Commons giving particulars of this vic- tory has been kindly lent to the compiler by Mr. Denny, of Leeds. It is dated Leeds, 23rd May, 1643, and is signed THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. iO 1643. ' Fer Fairfax.' The letter, after stating 'that the rarl of Newcastle had possessed himself of Rotherham and Sheffield,' goes on to say that : — "The earl of Newcastle's army do now range over all the .>-outu- west part of this eountrv*, pillaging and cruellj usins the Avell-affected party; and here about Leeds, Bradford, and Hallifax, being a moun tainous barren country, the people now begin to be sensible of want, their last year provisions benig spent, and the enemies garrisons, stopping all the provisions both of corn and tiesh,and other necessaries that were wont to come from the more fruitful countrips to tliem : their tiade utterly taken away, their poor grow innumerable, and great scarcity to relieve them ; and this army, which )iow lyes amongst them to defend them from the enemy, cannot defend the:r. from want, v\-nich causeth much nuirmnre and lamentation amonizst the people; and for the army itself, it is so iar in arreare, an 1 no way appearing how they shall either be supplied -with money or succours as they grow very mutinous. Yet upon SatuTfl.iy last, in the night, I caused to be drawn out of the garrisons in Leeds, Bradford, Hallifax, and Howle3^ some horse, foot, and dragooners, in all about 1,500 men, and sent thein against Wakefield, commanded by my son, aiid assisted bv Major- generall Gilford, Sir Henry Fowles, and Sir William Fairfax, with divers other commanders ; they appeared before Wakefield about four o'clock on Sunday in the morning, where they fonnd the enemies (who had intelligence of their designe) ready to receive them ; there was in the towne general Goring, Sergeant-major general! Mackworth, the lord Goring, vrith many other principall commanders, and eminent persons, with about seven troops of horse, and six regiments, con- taining 3,000 foot; the towne well fortified with works and four pieces of ordinance, yet our men, both commanders and common souldiers, went on with undaunted couraires, and notwithstanding the thick volleys of small and great shots from the enemie, charged up to their works, which they entered, seized upon their ordinance, and turned them upon themselves, and pursued the enemy so close as tliey beat^ quite out of the towne the most part of the horse, and a great number of the foot, and made all the rest prisoners, and with them took four piece of ordinance, and all the ammunition then in the towne, and a great number of arms, and amongst the prisoners general! Goring himselfe, with divers oth^r commanders, and other common souldiers, in all about L500 rnen, and -l/ colours of foot, and three cornets of horse. When the towne was tlms taken, the}' found their number and strength too weak to keep it and their prisoners, so they left the place and marcht away with their booty, in takir.g the towne, we lost no man of note, and not above seven men in all ; but man,v of our rnen were shot and wounded." 1643. June .'30th. — Battlc of Addcrtox ?dooR. — The marquis of Newcastle with an army of ten or twelve thousand men, advanced towards Bradford for the purpose of punishing the inhabitants for their former disloyalty. The Fairfaxe's with a force of but iJOOO men, met the 76 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1643. royalists upon an open plain called Adderton moor, and determined to give battle. The contest was severe, and bloody. The parliamentarians w^ere defeated with great loss. 2000 men were killed and wounded on both sides, and that day and the next, about as many of Fairfax's army were taken prisoners Lord Fairfax fled to Brad- ford. Sir Thomas with a small body of horse escaped to Halifax, but next day joined his father in Bradford. July 16th. — Second Siege of Bradford. — The situation of the Fairfaxe's was now most perilous. Sir. Thomas had but 800 foot, and 60 horse to make the best defence he could against the large force of Newcastle. The church and steeple were again manned, and the latter again hung round with sheets of wool ; the royalist cannon were soon brought to bear upon it, and with such effect, " that the shot cut the cords whereon the sheets of w^ool hung, and down they fell, which the enemy immediately perceiving louldy huzzaed their fall." Two assaults were made and were beaten off. The be- sieged iinding it impossible to defend the place, and not liking to fall into Newcastle's hands. Sir Thomas with only fifty horsemen charged upon the enemy and cut his way through sword in hand. The wife and children of Fairfax were by his side when he took this dauntless resolution, the former was taken prisoner, but was shortly after sent back to her husband by the marquis of New- castle in his own coach. Sir Thomas got safe to Leeds ; about 80 of the foot also broke through and arrived there mounted on horses, which they had taken from the enemy. The lord Fairfax determined to retreat to Hull; after a most fatiguing march of sixty miles, harassed on all sides by the royalists, and a severe skirmish at Selby in which Sir Thomas was wounded, being shot through the wrist, they arrived at Hull in a miserable condition. Sir John Hotham the governor and his son having entered into a conspiracy to deliver up Hull to the king, were arrested and sent to London, and were subsequently exe- cuted on Tower Hill. After his success at Bradford, Newcastle made a kind of triumphal march through Yorkshire ; took Wakefield, Kotherham, and Sheffield. He then marched into Lin- colnshire where he took Gainsborough, and Lincoln, then marched through the associated counties and blocked up London on the side of Essex. Here he was stopped by the armies under the earl of Manchester and Oliver Cromwell. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 77 1643.-1644. 1643. Thi>! year Eipoii was taken possession of and garrisoned for the parliament by Sir 'IMiomas Maitlevcrer who had raised a legimcnt of loot and another of horse at his own expeiijie. The parliamentarians liaA'ing destroy- ed several of the monuments and other ornamental parts of the minster, and treated some of the inhabitants with great cruelty ; Sir John Mallorj' an active royalist then governor of Skipton castle, at the head of a detachment of the king's horse, surprised Mauleverer's main guard then stationed in the market place, and routed the Avhole of his forces, took several prisoners, and drove the rest with precipitation from the town. 1644. Siege of York. — Sir Thomas Fairfax havinp- gained a considerable victory over the royalist force at Selby, and being joined by the Scots at Wetherby, under the earl of Leven, M-ith the united forces, to the number of 16,000 foot and 4,000 horse, advanced to besiege York, which city they invested, except the north side on the 19th of April. The earl of Manchester Avith 6,000 foot and 3,000 horse, of the la:>t of vv'hich Oliver ('romwell was lieutenant-general, soon after arrived at York to assist the besiegers, and the siege was pushed with vigour. Numerous assaults were made, and bravely repelled ; sallies vrere made by the be- sieged in which they Avere defeated and driven back with great loss ; their convoys of provisions were intercepted; batteries were erected from which ar almost incessant lire was maintained, the walls Avere breached and partially destroyed ; mines were sprung Avith considerable effect, and a scarcity of provisions began to be felt by the garrison and citizens. The king seeing that matters Avere draAving to a crisis sent off a pressing order to prince Rupert to hasten to the relief of the city. On the evening of the 30th of June, intelligence Avas received that the prince Avith an armv of 20,000 men was advancing towards the place, and that the same night his forces would be quartered in the towns of Boroughbridge and Knaresborough. Battle of Mar.^tox Moor. — On the approach of prince Rupert the siege of York Avas raised. He with the com- bined royalists marched in pursuit of the Scotch and English forces. They soon overtook them, drawn up in grim array on INIarston moor, in a position excellent as a defensive one, but not suitable for attack. Along the front of the parliamentarians ran a deep, wide drain ; their left, where CromM^ell commanded, Avas protected, and at the same time held back, by an extensive tract of broken and difficult ground. The right was free and clear. Rupert 78 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1644. hesitated to attack men so strongly posted, and the two armies together perhaps about 60,000 men, stood gazing at each other till a quarter past seven o'clock in the evening of the 2nd of July 1644. Cromvi^ell could remain inactive no longer, and with a brief, passionate address to his Ironsides, he went off to make a circuit on the left, in order to fall upon the flank of the ' dissolute Goring.' Manches- ter and Loudon, seeing this, advanced their infantry, and the battle on the right commenced at the same time. The light in the centre was terrific: the infantry and cavalry of Newcastle and Goring sweeping the men as they emerged from the drain they were compelled to pass, with fiery destruction Accounts vary Avith respect to this attack of the main body of the Scotch and English infantry. Some writers assert that the parliamentary troops were after prodigious efforts, thrown into irretreviable confusion, and that Manchester, Loudon, Fairfax, and others, abandoned, or were about to abandon the field. Others say that the fight in the centre was obstinately and equally disputed. It is, however, quite certain that the right, where Fairfax commanded, was broken through, defeated and dispersed. It was more than half-past eight o'clock when the dark squadrons of the Ironsides, having at last extricated them- selves from the broken and tangled ground, were seen charging upon Newcastle's flank. In brief space the aspect of affairs changed, and the royalist infantry were either dispersed or slain. But the battle was not yet ended. There was Rupert's triumphant cavalry returned from vic- torious pursuit, and far more numerous than Cromwell's horsemen to encounter. The ranks of the Ironsides, slightly disordered by victory, closed sternly up at the call of Crom- well, and again his piercing tones, echoed by thousands of voices, ran along the line. — ' The sword of the Lord and of Gideon ! ' — and prince Rupert was literally swept from the field, with frightful carnage. Rupert himself only escaping by the fleetness of his horse. CromAvell in his letter to the Speaker of the Commons, dated July 5th, 1644, says : — * We never charged but we routed the enemy. The left wing which I commanded being our own hnrse, saving a few Scots in our rear, beat all the princes' horse. God made them as stubble to our swords! We charged their regiments of foot with our horse, and routed all w«! charged ; and of the large army the prince brought into the field, ' Oliver, though he was too hurried to give the particulars, is of opinion ' that Rupert has not more than 4,000 men remaining with him.' THE surroundi>;g district. 79 1644. It was ten o'clock before the battle and pursuit had ended, and the summer moon, as she arose threw her pale, melancholy light upon the white deaih-faces of5,000 Scotch and Englishmen, slain there by kindred hands ! The con- querors had good right to be proud of their dear bought victory; 4000 of their enemies lay slain upon the field; 1,500, mostly men of note, taken prisoners ; the capture of all the prince's material of war, consisting of 25 pieces of ordnance, 47 colours, 10,000 stand of arms, two waggons loaded with carbines and pistols, 130 barrels of powder, and all their bag and baggage. In the year 1857 as some navvies vrere making a drain at a con- siderable depth throuuh Marston moor they cut into the burial pits of the slain in this battle. The foreman of the work says " We cut twelve 3*ards Ion;? and about eight feet wide through the grave, and found most bodies about four feet from the surface, but I consider that we got to the bottom of it, as we took two ' draws' (diggings) throngh it after and the ground below seemed untouched. At one place bodies, about 20 or 25 of them, were laid one over the other in all directions and postures, — the forms of many were left in the clay. At this place there was much of a sort of deposit that looked like soot, not slime, but damp ; the smell at first was intolerable, and could be felt at some distance ; it was so bad that the men could only work short spells. The skulls had preserved their shape, but crumbled away when ex- posed to the air. There was a bullet in one skull, which dropped out when the skull fell to pieces ; the bones especially, the large ones did not crumble away, but were very brittle when touched with the spade. The teeth were quite perfect, and many of them were taken away by the drainers." On the 16th of July, York surrendered to the forces of parliament on the most favourable terms to the besieged. The siege had continued nearly thirteen weeks, in which the garrison repulsed twenty-two attempts to carry the city by storm and four countermines ; and 4,000 or 5000 of the enemy had fallen before its walls. On its surrender, the parliamentary generals entered the city in solemn procession, and went directly to the cathedral, where a psalm was sung, and the following day was observed as a day of general thanksgiving. York, being thus subjected to the parliament, lord Ferdinand Fairfax was made its governor; and he, and his son Sir Thomas, received com- missions to reduce all the garrisons in this county that still held out for the king — a commission which in a short time they effected. After the whole kingdom was brought under subjection to the parliament, York was dismantled of its garrison, with the exception of Clifford's tower, of 80 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1640.-1644. which the lord mayor was appointed governor, and con- tinued to hold that commission for several years. 1640. Feb. 10. Judge Berkley was arrested on his seat; in the court of king's bench, and sent to prison for giving his opinion in favour of ship mone}'", and was fined £10,000. 1642. In lord Clarendon's history, Leeds, Halifax, and Bradford are called three very populous and rich towns, depending wholly on clothiers. 1643. Jenkinson's and Daily's almshouses, the most ancient of their kind in the town, were founded this year by Josias Jenkinson, and were formerly situated at Quebec, Mill-hill, but have since been rebuilt at "Woodhouse. Eight poor widows, nominated by the trustees, receive about £5 each 3^early. The messuage and lands at great Woodhouse, the site on which the houses noAv stand, were also devised by Josias Jenkinson. Elizabeth Dally, by Avill in 1800, gave the vicar of Leeds, the minister of St. John's, the Holy Trinity and St. Paul's, and their successors, £200 to be placed at interest for the benefit of the poor widows re- siding in Jenkinson's almshouses ; but, owing to the principal acting executor dying in 1809, in embarrased circumstances, no part of this legacy was received till November, 1S23, when the sum of £110 3s. 7d. was paid, which sum is invested in the three-per-cents reduced an- nuities, and the dividends distributed among the alms- people. Jan. 4th, two soldiers were hanged at Halifax, on a gallows made near the gibbet, for deserting from the parliament army at Halifax to the king's forces at Heptonstall ; they were taken by Sir Francis Mack- worth's company, and executed the same niglit. About this time an obstinate action took place at the top of Halifax bank, adjoining the road to Wakefield : this gave the place the name of Bloody Field. 1644. Archbishop Sharp was born at Bradford, on the 16th of February. Dr. Richard Richardson, of Bierley, built the second hothouse known in the north of England, in which he for some time kept a seedling of one of the first cedars of Libanus ever planted in England. This cedar had when Dr. Whitaker wrote, attained the cir- cumference of twelve feet four inches. Tickhill castle, (between Doncaster and Rotherham), after a siege of only two days, was taken by the parliamentary forces. The earl of Manchester sent a large force to reduce Sheffield castle, but, in order to preveut the effusion of blood, a summons was sent to major Beaumont, requiring him to THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 81 1644. surrender it, which M-as answered by a volley of shot, and a re})ly that the garrison " would hold no parley." The besiegers now erected tAvo batteries, and kept their cannon playing upon the fortress for twenty-four hours, without any visible effect. Finding that the siege Avould be pro- tracted, major Crawford sent to lord Fairfax for the " queen's pocket pistol," and a whole culveriu, which being brought to the spot, played with such fatal effect, that the garrison was forced to capitulate, and the castle was surrendered to the parliamentary general on the 11th of August. The castle was soon afterwards rendered un- tenable, by order of parliament. On the 20th December, after a siege of more than three weeks, Knaresbro' castle also surrendered. In the castle were found four pieces of tine ordnance, a large store of arms, powder, and ammunition ; a considerable quantity of specie and plate to the value of £1,500, ^vith other valuable booty. About this time, the privilege of re- turning a member to serve in parliament, was conferred on Leeds. Adam Baynes, Esq., of Knostrop, an ot^cer in the parliamentary army was returned, and was the only re- presentative the borough had till the passing of the reform act in 1S32. A terrible plague raged in Leeds for nine months, during the year l()44-5, by which 1,335 persons died; "probably, says Dr. "SVhitaker, '-a fifth part of the entire population of the town." It raged most violently in Vicar-lane. It was also very bad in Marsh-lane, the Calls, Call-lane, lower Briggate, and ^lill-hill. The streets were grass grown, the markets "were removed to ^^"oodhouse moor, and divine service was suspended. " The air in June, when the greatest number died, was very warm, and so infectious that dogs and cats, mice and rats, died ; also several birds in their flight over the town dropped down dead." Alice, the w^ife of John Musgrave, of Vicar-lane, is supposed to have been the first victim — she was buried at the Leeds parish church. 11th March, 1644. The register of burials at the parish church could not be kept during the plague, and the following memorandum in the register explains the reason : — " These were all the names which came to our notice .since the ould church doores were shut up for all the rest have died in plague time. You may take them in general, a.s they are brought in weekly to major Carter, who was then governor of the town." Here follow the weekly returns from the 12th March to the 25th December, making a total of 1,325. The register 82 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1644. also says that three persons were buried in the Mr. Vicar's croft. In November, 1790, as some workmen were digging clay in a field now occupied by part of George's-street, they discovered fifty oak coffins coutaining human bones, and supposed to have been deposited there at the time of the plague. 1G44. First Siege of Poxtefract Castle. — Immediate]}'- after the surrender of York, detachments of troops were sent to besiege the castle at Pontefract, then occupied by the king's friends. The garrison kept the enemy at bay for several months, and were at times reduced to the greatest distress for want of provisions. On the 19th of Januar}^ 1645, after an incessant cannonade against the walls of the castle, the Pix tower gave way, and by its fall carried part of the walls along with it, by which a breach was made; but whilst the castle was thus assailed its defenders were not inactive. A shot from the castle struck a match belonging to the enemy, and some sparks falling into the powder, it instantly exploded and killed twenty-seven men. By a well directed fire of musketry, the besieged obliged their enemy to keep their distance, and frequently did considerable execution, 1645. On the 21st of January, general Langdale, one of the royalist generals, at the head of 2000 horse came to the relief of the garrison. He attacked the besiegers, and compelled them to retire from the place in great disorder, and with considerable loss. Second Sieje of Pontefract. — On general Langdale's departure, the parliamentarian troops again besieged Pon- tefract castle. On the 2ist of March, 1645, the enemy took possession of the town, and after four months of in- cessant cannonades, attacks, and sorties, the garrison, being reduced to a state of famine, surrendered the castle by an honourable capitulation on the 20th of July. Sir Thomas Fairfax "vvas appointed governor, but as he was sufficiently employed in the field, he placed colonel Cotterel in the castle as his substitute. In the month of October, Sandal castle, near Wakefield, which had been for some time held for the king by colonel Bonivant, surrendered to the arms of parliament, and was soon after dismantled. On the 22nd of December, Skipton castle surrendered to the arms of the parliament after a blockade of three years, by the parliamentary generals Lambert, Poyntz, and Rossiter ; the earl of Cumberland, its OAvner being THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 83 1645.-1646. then lord-lieuteiiaiit of Yorkshire, and Sir John Mallory, of Studley; an old and faithful royalist the governor. 1645. June 3rd. Died Mr. Nathaniel Waterhouse, of Halifax, a great benefactor to the poor of that town. His gravestone bore this inscription : — The church and poor I left my heirs, My friends to order my affairs : My soul I sent before to try What is provided in eternity; My earthly part lies here, you see. Hoping to rise ; that's best for me. The king, having constituted secretary lord Digby lieutenant-general of all his forces north of the river Trent, his lordship advanced by the route of Doncaster towards York. On his arrival at Sherburn, near Ferrybridge, he stopped to refresh his troops, where information reached him that colonel Copley, an officer in the service of parlia- ment, was advancing with a body of troops. Digby presently' "summoned to horse," aad marched with a party of his troops out of the town to meet the enemy, ■whom he fell upon and put to flight. Copley's discomfited folloNvers fled through Sherburn, pell null, when that part of the royal army which had not been engaged in the fight, supposing that the fugitives were their comrades, and that they bad suffered a defeat, mounted their horses and dis- persed in every direction. At this critical moment, a troop of the parliamentary forces which had remained upon the field unbroken, fell upon lord Digby and those around him, and drove them to Skipton castle. By this fatal catas- trophe, Bigby's army, which had raised high expectations, was broken up; his baggage, containing his cabinet papers, fell into the hands of the enemy, to the high gratification of the parliamentary party. Sir Richard Hutton, high sheriff of Yorkshire, who had espoused the royal cause, was left dead upon the field. 1646. King Charles, having surrendered himself to the Scots, was taken by (hem to Nev/castle-upon-Tyne, and on his road lodged in the Red -hall, at Leeds, so called because of its being the first house in Leeds built of brick. The window which lighted the room in which he was confined, is that to the extreme right in the second story on the north side of the house. A maid servant of the house entreated him to put on her clothes, and make his escape, assuring him that she would conduct him in the dark out of the garden door, into a back alley, called 84 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1646.-1648. Land's-lane, and thence to a friend's house, whence he might escape to France. The king, however, declined the woman's offer, but with many thanks, and gave her for a token " The Garter,''' saying, that if it were never in his power, on sight of that token, his son would reward her. After the Restoration, the woman presented the token to the king, and told him the story. The king enquired whence she came ? She said, from Leeds, in Yorkshire. Whether she had a husband ? iShe replied, yes. — What was his calling? She said, an under bailiff. Then, said the king, he shall be chief bailiff in Yorkshire. The man afterwards built Crosby-house, in Upperhead-row, Leeds. 1646. An anecdote is related of the celebrated Harrison, that he obtained permission to present to his majesty during his stay in the Red-hall, a tankard of excellent ale, but on the king opening the lid of the tankard, he found, instead of the expected beverage, that the vessel was filled with gold, which he immediately contrived with great dexterity to hide about his person. 1647. Matthew Broadley, of London, gentleman, by will, dated 15th of October, this year, left £500 to establish a free grammar school, at Hipperholme-cum-Brighouse, which is now called " Sunderland's charity." 1648.-9. On Tuesday morning the 30th of January, this year — Charles I. was beheaded in the open street before Whitehall. The death-warrant was as follows : — " To colonel Francis Hacker, colonel Hunlcs, and lieutenant- colonel Phayr, and to every of them." At the high court of Justice for the the trying and judging Charles Stuart, king of England, 29th Januarj^, 1648.-9. "Whereas Charles Stuart, king of England, is, and standeth convicted, attained, and condemned of High Treason, and other high crimes, and sentence upon Saturday last was pronounced against him by this court, to be put to death by the severing of his head from his body ; of which sentence execution yet remains to be done : These are therefore to will and require you to see the said sentence executed in the open street before Whitehall, upon the morrow, being the 30th day of this instant, month of January, between the hours of ten in the morning and five in the afternoon of the same day, with full effect : And for so doing this shall be your warrant. And these are to require all officers and soldiers, and other the good people of this nation in England, to be assisting unto you in this .service." Given under our hands and seals, John Bradshawe. Thomas Grey, (lord Groby. Oliver Cromwell. (and 66 others.) THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 85 1648.-1649. 1648. Ill Jannar}', the money, in bags of £1000 each, Itegan to be counted at York, into the hands of the Scottish receiver, on Tuesday, the 5th, ;aid was completed on the IGth, being the pnyment of the first £200,000 for the arrears of the Scottish arniy October 29th, General Bais- borough, a zealous and avo\ved republican, was assassinated at Doucaster, by three desperadoes of the roj^alist party. June 3rd. The governor of Pontefrad castle, having given orders for some beds and provisions out of the country, colonel Morrice, commissioned by general Langdaie, and accompanied by nine royalist officers, disguised like peasants, having pistols, &c., concealed beneath their clothes, apjoeared at the castle-gate, M^ith carts laden with beds, provisions, &c. The draw-bridge was let down, and the beds, &c., delivered to the main guard ; money was then given to the soldiers to fetch some ale, in Avhose absence, Morrice and his party attacked and mastered the main guard, making way for their confederates to enter ; they made the deputy- governor prisoner, and soon made themselves masters of the castle, after which, they were joined by 30 horse and .500 foot, part of the king's shattered troops, and Sir John Digby was made governor. In the month of October, the third siege of Pontefract castle commenced. Oliver Crom- well undertook to superintend the operations in person, and remained a month before the fortress, without being able to make any impression on its massy walls. He then gave the command to general Lambert, who ultimately succeeded in reducing it to submission; but not before the garrison had been reduced from 600 m.en to 100, and some of them unfit for duty. On the 25th of jMarch, 1649, the garrison surrendered by capitulation, having first proclaimed Charles II. ; and done all that a brave garrison of men could do. "With the surrender of this fortress concludes the annals of the civil wars m England. At the demolition of Pontefract castle, in 1649, Avas found a very ancient M.S. on the subject of free masonry, which in the year 1738 Mas presented to one of the lodges in the city of York, by Mr. Drake, the celebrated antiquary, Avho was the master in 1761. In this and subsequent years, several of the inhabitants of Halifax issued penny and half-penny tokens. Persons in trade found themselves under the necessity of assuming this power of coinage, owing to the want of copper money coined by authority. They were cried doAvn by pro- clamation in 1672. 1649. The pulpit in Armley chapel bore this date, when Thoresby wrote his history of Leeds, which says, '^ArnUey 86 ANNALS OF LPJEDS, YORK, AND 1649.-1650. hall, the seat of the Iloptoiis, was sure a spacious place, be ore the six-and -twenty rooms vrere taken down, to re- duce it to a farm-house." 1650. Halifax Gibbet Law Avas a cruel mode of trial and execution, which existed in the forest of Hardwick, (a district comprising the principal part of the parish of Halifax), till the j'^ear 1G50. when the last of its victims were Abraham Wilkinson and Anthony Mitchell. " The inhabitants Avithin the forest of Hardwick had a custom," says Bentley in his history of Halifax, "from time im- memorial, that if a felon Avas taken Av^thin their liberty, with goods, stolen out or A\ithiii the liberty of the said forest, either hand-habend, back-berand, or cunfessand, any commodity of the value of thirteen-pence half-penny, he should, after three markets or meeting' days, within the toAvn of H \lifax:, next af or such apprehension, and being condemned, be taken to the gibbet, and have his head cut off from his body." The felon was, ho\vever, to be publicly and deliberately tried, by a sort of jury, consisting of the frith-burghers Avitliin the liberty. When the felon was ap- prehended, he was immediately brought before the lord's bailiff at Halifax, Avho kept the common gaol in the town, had the custody of the axe, and Avas the legal executioner. The bailiff then issued his summons to the constables of four several townships Avdthin the liberty, to require four irith-burghers within each to appear beibro him on a certain day, to examine into the truth of the charge. At the trial, the accuser and the accused Avere confronted before the jury, and the goods stolen Avere produced. If the party accused AA'as acquitted, he Avas instantly liberated; if con- demned, he was either executed immediately, if that Avas the principal market day, or set in the stocks on th" less meeting days Avith the stolen goods on his back, if portable, or if not, they were placed belore him." The execution alAvays took place on the great market day, in order to strike more terror into the neighbourhood. When the criminal Avas brought to the gibbet, a\ hich stood a little way out of the tOAvn, on the Avest end the execution Avas performed by means of an engine, called a gibbet, Avhich was raised upon a platform four feet high, and thirteen feet square, faced on every side Avith stone, and ascended by a flight of steps. In the middle of this platform Avere placed two upright pieces of timber, fifteen feet high, joined at the top by a transverse beam. Within these Avere a square block of wood, four feet and a half long, Avhich moved up and doAvn by means of grooves made for thut purpose ; to THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 87 1650.-1651. the lo^vc^ part of this sliding block Avas fastened an iron axe, of the Aveiarht of seven pounds twelve ounces. The axe thus fixed, was drawn np to the top by a cord and pulle^y. At the end of the cord was a pin, Avhich, being: fixed to the block, kept it suspended t;il the moment of exe- cution, when the culprit, having" placed his head on the block, the pin Avas ^vithdraAvn, and his head was instantly severed from his body. If the offender was condemned for stealing: nn ox, a shrep, or a horse, the end of the rope w^aa fastened to the beast, which, being: driven, pulled out the pin, and thus became the executioner. Eemains of these fatal instru-^ents ma\' still be seen at the gaol at Halifax. The number of persons executed in Halifax, under the opera- tion of the gibbet, during little more than a centurj^ namely, between 1.541 and 1650, amounted to no less than 49. HunsJet in this year contained 200 families, and was famous for the manufacture of woollen cloth. Holbeck contained 400 families at the same period. Oliver Cromicell, the Protector, was at York on the 4th of July, and partook of the maj'or's hospitality, after which he proceeded on his journey to Scotland, having lirst dis- placed the royal arms, and substituted those of the existing government.. Tea was hrst introduced into England about this time. Io50-()0. Between these two dntes an ordinance of par- liament v.-as issued to prohibit the exportation of wool and fullers' earth, on pain of forfeiture of the avooI, and a penalty of 3s. per lb. on every pound of fullers' earth. 1651. On October 1st died Peter Saxton, M.A., vicar of Leeds, to Avhich benefice he was preferred in 1646, on his retuni from America, whither he went in 1640, and •was amongst the first of those who enlightened the dark regions of that extensive continent, being at that time dissatisfied with the ceremonies of the Church of England, and the troubles of the realm. He was a learned man, and a great Hebraist. Christopher Saxton, the great chrorographer, w^as probably one of the vicar's ancestors, for Camden supposes him to have been a native of Leeds parish, where he frequently resided amongst his relations. Thoresby, in allusion to Camden's Christopher Saxton, says, "as long as that celebrated author is owned the prince of our English antiquaries, and his Britannica the common sun a\ hcreat our modern writers ligl.ted their little torches, the fame of Saxton Avill survive ; for he styes him the raost excellent chrorographer.'" Saxton's maps w^ere highly esteemed little more than a century 88 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1651.-1654. ago. September 3rd. The famous battle of Worcester ■was foug-ht, in which Charles IPs forces were routed ; 3000 killed, and 6000 or 7000 taken prisoners. 1652. The taxes in England during the Commonwealth consisted chiefly of the monthly assessments, the customs, and the excise, the latter of which was levied on bread, flesh-meat, beer, &c. February. " There w^as a great eclipse of the sun about nine hours of the forenoon, on a Monday. The earth was much darkened; the like, as thought by astrologers, was not since the darkness at our Lord's passion. The country people, tilling, loosed their ploughs, and thought it had been the latter day; some of the stars were seen ; and the birds clapped to the ground." 1653. Richard Thompson, D.D., a native of Wakefield, was born about this time, and educated at the grammar school there. He was a very zealous churchman, and died in 16S5, at Bristol. The Register Office at Wakefield for the West-Riding of Yorkshire was insti- tuted this year. By an indenture dated the 2lst August this year, John Flarrison, Esq. conveyed certain estates to trustees therein named, for the endowment of an hos- pital, at present known by the name of " Harrison's hospital. " The mayor of the borough possesses the right of nominating to this charity, in turn with the vicar, the incumbent of the church of St. .John's, and the two trus- tees appointed by the said indenture, respectively for the time being. 1654. On the 9th of August in this year, William Farrer, Esq., of Ewood, near Halifax, purchased a share of the lands of Saddleworth, (the whole of which, tradition says, were anciently sold for a saddle, hence Saddle ivorth,) from William Ramsden, Esq., of Longley Hall, for £2,950. These lands, in 1775, brought in an annual rent of £1,500, to James Farrer, Esq., of Baraborough Grange. In 17S0 he sold off land to the amount of £10,000, and, by ad- vancing the remainder, still kept up the rent of £1,500 a year. At his death, in 1791, it had increased to £2,000 a year, much of it in leases for lives, and the estate being sold in small parcels to the occupiers and others, it pro- duced nearly £70,000, making an actual profit in the sales, exclusive of the rents, upwards of £77,000, upon less than a £3,000 purchase. Jeremy Bentley, Esq., was returned member of parliament for Halifax. On December 6th, in this year, died Joshua Hoyle, D.D. He was born at Sowerby, and received his first academical THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 89 1654-1656. education in Magdalen hall, Oxford, being afterwards in- vited to Ireland, was made fellow of Trinit}'- Colleg-e, Dublin ; there he took the degree of D.D., and was elected divinity pi'ofessor in that university. On the breaking out of the rebellion in Ireland, in 1641, he carae into England, and soon afterwards Vv-as made master of university college, Oxford, and the king's professor of divinity, and at that period published several works. By indenture dated the 3()th January, tliis year, John Harrison, Esq., and others therein named, conveyed to trustees for the use of the Leeds corporation, five nmths of the Bailiwick, or manor of Leeds. Avith the appurtenances, including the common oven and bakehouse, (subject to a fee farm rent.) 1655. The old prison of the borough was removed from " Cross Parish" in Briggate to the south side of Kirkga..te. It was a wretched place with five or six dark and miserable rooms, without even a sewer or fire place and the windows were not glazed. Opposite the prison was the common bakehouse, which had existed from an early period. At this time owing to the great scarcity of money, merchants and tradesmen in Leeds, obtained, or assumed the privilege of coining penny and halfpenny pieces of brass and copper, known as tokens. This species of money continued in circulation until 1672, when it v/as discontinued by royal proclama- tion. 1656. February 6th, Queen Anne was born ; subsequently married to the prince of Denmark, 16S3 ; succeeded her brother-in-law, William III., on the British throne, March 8th, 17^2; crowned and settled the first fruits and tenths on the poor clergy, in 1704, and died August 1st, 1714, aged 5S years. John Harrison, Esq., the great ben- efactor of Leeds, died at his house, (formerly the " Leeds Mercury Office") Briggate, aged 77 years, leaving in various charities, an imperishable memorial. He was interred in his own orchard, then situate on the site of the present free market, Kirkgate. After six years he was disin- terred by the descendants of his sisters, and his remains were removed to St. John's Church, Leeds, where there is an epitaph as follows : — " Here re.steth the body of Mr. John Harrison, the wonder of his own, and pattern of .succeeding ag3s. Eminent for prudence, piety, loyalty, charity, who, (beside other works of a pious munificence, and many great instances of an excellent vertue), founded an hospital for the relief of indigent persons of good conversation, and foimerly in- 90 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1656.-]658. dustrious. Built the free school of this town for the encouragement of learning, together with a chappell ; this church (which most may eavie,) for the exercise of religion, and endowed it with eighty pourids per annum. Also that he might do good in all his capacities, lie erected a stately cross for convenience of the market, aad having given these pledges of a joyful resurrection, fell asleep. Oct. 29, Anno Dom. 1656, aetatis suse 77- flichard Fawcett, A.M. who was incumbent of St. John's in 1768, filed a bill in chancery against the trustees, for witholding from the minister all the increased rents and profits above £80. He obtained a decree in his favour, so that the yearly value of the benefice was increased to six times its original value. 1657. Skipton castk was this year re -built by lady Clifford, countess dowager of Pembroke, having laid in ruins from December, 1648, when it was demolished by order of Parliament. Sarah Gledhiil, (niece to the benefactor) by will dated 13th Oct. bequeathed £200 to purchase lands to endow a free school in Barkisland, for twelve poor chil- dren. The produce of the estate, purchased by the trustees, is £31 10s. per annum. George Savile was created by king Charles II. haron Savile, of Elland, and viscount Halifax ; and, in 1682, he was created marquis of Halifax, a title which became extinct with his son, August 31st, 1700. on the 4th December, 1700, Charles Montague, of Horton, in Northamptonshire, was created haron Halifax, in the county of York,^ndi in 171-1, earl of Halifax, and viscount Sunhury, with limitation to his nephew, Edward Montague, Esq. About this period, a gentleman newl}'- converted to the tenets of George Fox, gave a piece of ground, at Monk Bretton, near Barnsley, for the use of the Friends, in the neighbourhood of Leeds. Their first meeting place was near Gildersome, where they had a society about 1661. 1658. On the 16th of August, was born in Kirkgate, at Leeds, Ralph Thoresby, the learned antiquary and historian, who died Oct. 16th, 1725, and lies interred in the parish church of that town. A memorial stone within the altar rail at the south-east side of the church, bears this inscription: — " Sacred to the memory of Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S., a member of the ancient corporation of Leeds. He was born 16th August, 1658. He died 16th Oct. 1725, and was interred within these walls. His name known in the annals of literature as that of an historian and antiquary, is recorded here as that of an humble christian. He was educated a Nonconformist, but the wish of his maturer THE subrou:ndi]S'g district. 91 1658.-1660. years was guided to seek the church. "Within her fold he attended with a salutary diligence the ordinances of our holy faith; hence he was enabled to dispense the benefits of a respected example, and to receive the blessings of that pure and undeiiled religion which led him to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep him- self unspotted from the world." Sir Henry Slingsby was beheaded on Tower Hill, for conspiring against Oliver Cromwell, June Sth. Joseph Bingham, whose works have obtained for him the name of " the learned Binghain^''^ was born at Wakefield in this year. He was collated to the rectory of Havant, near Portsmouth, in 1712, and died August 17th, 1723. He wrote the " Anticpiities of the Christian Church." September 3rd. Oliver Cromwell, Protector of England, died this day, being the anniversary of his two most famous battles. He was born at Hunting- don, April 25th, 1599. His son Richard, succeeded to the Protectorate, which in a few monlhs, dropped from his feeble hands. On receiving the news of the approach of Charles II., he abdicated of his own accord (1659), and until his death (1712), lived in seclusion. 1660. On the Sth of May, king Charles II. was restored to the throne of his ancestors, and on the 29th of the same month made his grand entry into London. Wool was prohibited from being exported, at the instance of the man- ufacturers, though the Lincolnshire graziers cried out against the restriction for more than a century afterwards. John Lake, D.D., afterwards bishop of Chichester, was presented to the vicarage of Leeds, but was obliged to em- ploy a party of soldiers to secure his induction, the church doors having been barred against him by a furious mob, composed of the friends of his competitor, Mr. Bowles, of York. James Naylor a native of East Ardsley, near Wakefield, died in October this year. He was born about 1616, and was the son of a farmer of propertj^ but re- ceived only a plain English education. From 1641 to 1647, he served in the parliamentary army, and professed the presbyterian faith till 1651, when he became a convert to George Fox, the founder of Quakerism. In 1655, he dis- tinguished himself amongst a " Society of Friends" in London, where the female part of his hearers attributed to him such piety and divinity, from his likeness, it is said, to the prints and other representations of our Saviour, that his naturally weak and romantic brain became der- anged with flattery, and he assumed the character of the Messiah, in which he affected to heal the sick and raise the 92 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1660.-1662. dead, believing- that he was transformed into Christ him- self, an idea in which he was supported by many of his deluded followers, who, in his progress from Exeter g-aol to Bristol, strewed their garments in his path, and escort- ed him into the city, singing, " Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth!" He was immediately seized by the Bristol magistrates, and after a long examination, sent to London, where the parliament condemned him to have his tongue bored, a brand set npon his forehead, and to be whipped from the palace-yard to the old Exchange, after being in the pillory two hours at both places. He was afterwards whipped twice through the streets of Bristol. This severe punishment brought him to his senses, and being released from prison, ihe unfortunate man died on his way home- ward. Thegreat centre steeple of St. Wilfred's church at Ripon, which was forty yards high, was blown down, and fell into the chancel. The other two steeples were removed, soon after. The old chapel at Ripponden, was built in 1660, and the present one consecrated Sep- tember 9th, 1737. In the tower are four bells, one of which is thus whimsically inscribed, "O may their souls in heaven dwell, " Who made the least a tenor bell." — 1701. 1661. In this year Charles IL granted a new charter to Leeds. By this charter, the corporation was to consist first, of a mayor to be elected annually by the mayor, aldermen, and assistants for the time being. Secondly, twelve alder- men, twenty- four assistants, one recorder, and one town- clerk, who were to hold the office for life unless by " their evil behaviour, or evil carriage, or for some other reason- able cause," they should be removed from their place, by the mayor, and the rest of the common council of the bor- ough. The charter also enacted that the mayor, aldermen, recorder and deputy-recorder should be justices of the peace. A penalty was imposed upon any person in the town of Leeds, who killed flesh meat, or who suffered it to be eaten in their houses during Lent. An epitaph in the Leeds parish church, to the memory of Mr. John Thoresby, who died Sept. 20th, 1661, aged sixty-nine years, is as follows : " Here lies lamented precious dust, A tradesman true, a justice just ; A husband kind, a parent dear. Who walked with God in faith and fear." 1652. The first law for making turnpike roads was enacted. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 93 1662,-1663. On the 3rd February, this year, the Leeds corporation authorized the churchwardens to lay " an eight-fold assess- ment upon the inhabitants of the borough, to re-imburse themselves for the severall great summes of money ex- pended and laid out about therepa3^res of the parish church of the said towne and about the erecting of a font for the more reverent adrainistring the holy sacrament of baptisrae." On the 2'6th of March, the corporation of Leeds ap- pointed Thomas Gorst to be their cook, and ordered that he should " from tyme to tyme, upon any publique occa- tion, dresse, or order to be dressed, the severall dishes appoynted for any such meeting or solemnitye." The cor- poration had at this time occasion to complain that "many masters of familyes and parents of children doe give libertye to their servants and others, to profane the Sabbath, by their open playing in the streets, sitting in publique places in great companyes,to the great dishonour of God in poynte of divine worshippe, in scandall to chrislian profession, and to the bad example of the younger sort in poynte of education." The milling of coin was first introduced; and ten j^ears afterwards copper coin was first made current in England. The first sterling money was issued in 1216; before which time rents Avere pa'd in kind, and gold and silver was only found in the coffers of the barons : coins was however used in Brit^^in 25 years before the birth of Christ. June 14. Sir Henry Vane beheaded for taking a lead amongst the republicans during the Civil Y/ars. He was the last who suffered in that cause lt)G3. A contemptible insurrection called the Farnley Wood Plot broke out in October in this year, but was quickly suppressed. The rendezvous of the conspirators w-as in Farnley Wood, near Leeds, and their objects were to "re-establish a gospel ministry and magistracy; to restore the long parliament; to relieve themselves from the excise and all subsidies ; and to reform all orders and degrees of men, especially the lawyers and clergy." The conspirators were tried at York by a special commission, in Jan., 1683-4, when twenty-one were convicted and executed. Of these three suffered on Chapeltown moor, near Leeds, Jan. 19th of that year, as appears by the parish register, which says, " Robert Atkius, John Errington, and Henry AVatson, hanged at Chapeltown." Robert Atkins was a Salter and oil-drawer, in great business at Timble-bridgc, and was buried in his own garden, with a gravestone over his body, which 94 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1663-1664. was broken in 1720, by order of Samuel Walker, when he purchased the premises. The rebellion was headed by one Oates, an old officer in the parliamentary army, Avhose son, Ralph Oates, in the trial of the consp rators,^ deposed that they never exceeded thirty persons. Lord Clarendon says, their intention was to seize upon the . city of York, had they not^ been disappointed in an ex- pected co-operation. The first newspaper printed in England bore t'us date, (1633), and appeared under the title of the "Public Intelligencer," by Sir Roger L'Estrange, which was two years previous to the first French paper, " Tes Savans." "The Public Intelligencer " was dropped on the first appearance of the "London Gazette," ^^ hich was first published at Oxford, on the 7th of November, 1665. lu 16S0 newspapers and pamphlets were prohibited by royal proclamation. In ths year, a subsidy, called "hearth money," was granted to the crown by act of parliament, as an additional revenue. It amounted to the sum of two shillings on every hearth, in houses paying to the church and poor. From a return made at the time, it Avould seem that there were in Leeds 1431 inhabitants, (a list of whom will be found in Wardell's Municipal History of the Borough of Leeds), possessing 2,815 hearths or stoves in the borough, which would realise the sum of £300, to be contributed by th s town. This Hearth Tax, commonly called " Chimney Money," was an old tax revived under a new name. The hint at least, was taken from the duty on fumage, laid upon his Norman subjects, by the Black Prince, after the dukedom of Aquitain was granted to him, and consisted of twelvepence upon every fire; ^^'hich duty was again de- rived from the well known tax formerly paid to the Popes^ under the name of " Peter pence," being one penny for every ch mney that smoked. This tax, so grievous to the people, w-^s repealed by 1st William and Mary, cap. 10. 1664. Died March 28, Accepted Frewen, archbishop of York, who was appointed to that see, after it had re- mained vacant ten years. He was eccentric in his ways, lived in a state of celibacy, and would not even have a female servant about his palace. The sect called Quakers was founded by George Fox, in which year sixty were transported to America by order of the counciL In 1695 their affirmation was adopted by act of parlia- ment instead of an oath. One of their body, John Arch- dale, was chosen a member of parliament, notwithstand- ing which, his election was made void, on his refusing to take the oaths, 1698. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 95 1665.-1667. 16o5. lu the summer of this year Loudon ^vas visited by a p-ague which swept off abaut 100,00 J people, and did not ex- per.ence auy abatement till the approach of cold Aveather. On this occasion the city presented a wide and heart- rending sce;;e of misery and desolation. Rows of houses stood tenantless, and open to the winds ; the chief thoroughfares were overgrov^m with grass. The fev/ in- dividuals who ventured abroad, v.'alked in the middle of the streets, and when they met, declined on opposite sides to avoid the contact of each other. At one moment were heard the ravii^gs of delirium, or the wail of sorrow, from the infected dwelling ; at another, the merry song or careless laugh from the tavern, where men were seeking to drown in debaucher}- all sense of their awful situation. 166G. On the 26 Ih of April, this year, a plot was dis- covered for taking the tower and firing the city, which was to have been put in execution on the 3rd of Sep- tember. It is worthy of remark, that the ' Great Fire of London' broke out on the night of Sunday, the 2nd of .September in that year, the very day before that ap- pointed by the conspirators. The fire broke out in the eastern and more crowded part of the city. The direction and violence of the v,'ind, the combustible nature of the houses, ai:d the defective arrangements of that age for extinguishing fires, combined to favour the progress of the il.rmes, which raged during the whol'^ of the A^eek, and bur-it all that part of the city which lies bet een the tower and the temple. By this calami t}- St. Paul's cathedral, togeiher vv-:th 1^,200 houses and 89 churches covering in all 4-30 acres of ground, were destroyed. The flame at one time formed a column a mile in diameter, and seemed to mingle v>^ith the clouds. It rendered the night as clear as day for ten m les around the city, and is said {o have produced an effect upon the sky A\hich w;,s ob- served on the borders of Scotland. On the 5th of August, the duke and duchess of York visited that city, and were received vith ever}' demonstration of loyal t}-- and affection. This year the notorious Jefferies attended at York, as one of the judges of assize. 1667. At the York assizes this year, Henry Jenkins ap- peared as a witness in a cause, and deposed that the tithes of wool, lamb, &c., had been paid to his knowledge 120 years or more ! Jenkins had appeared at York two years before, to prove the existence of an ancient road to a mill 120 years ! He rememl)ered the dissolution of the monasteries, 96 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 166;. and said that great lamentation was made on that occasion. In early life he was butler to lord Conyers, of Hornby castle, and was often at Fountain's abbey during the residence of the last abbot, who, he said, frequently visited his lord, and drank a hearty glass with him. He was born at Ellerton-upon-Swale, in this county, before parish registers Avere in use ; but bishop Littleton com- municated to the society of antiquarians, on the 11 th of December, 1766, a paper copied from an old household book of Sir Richard Graham, bart., of Norton Conyers, the writing of which says, that upon his going to live at Bolton, Jenkins Avas said to be about 150 years old, that he had often examined him in his sister's kitchen, where he came to beg alms, and found facts and chronicles agree in his account. He was then 162 years of age, and said that he went to Northallerton with a horse load of arrows for the battle of Flodden Field, Mith which a bigger bo}'' went forward to the army, under the earl of Surrey, king Henry being at that time at Tournay, and he believed himself then 11 or 12 years old. This was in 1.513, and four or five people of the same parish, said to be 100 years old or near it, de- clared Jenkins to liave been an old man ever since they knew him. He died in December, 1670, at Bolton-on- iSwale, aged one hundred and sixty-nine years, where a monument is erected to his memory, the epitaph of which was composed bj^ Dr. Thomas Chapman, master of Mag- dalen college, Cambridge. Jenkins was co-temporary with Old Parr, who died in the 152nd year of his age, a.d. 1635, and lies buried among the eminent dead in Westminster abbey, where the ashes of old Jenkins should have borne him company. On the 1st of April, this year, the Leeds corporation, "haveing due respect to the lawes and and canons of holy church," ordered that the mayor, vicar, several members of the corporation, and two churchwardens, should enter into contracts for repairing and restoring the leads and windows of the parish church, and to take suffi- cient security for the due performance of the work. In the Whitkirk register are some curious entries under this date, showing the condition of the poor clerg)'-, as follows : — " 1667- Given to a poore old minister who preached here, June 2nd, 3s. 6d. B estowed in ale upon a poore preacher that preached here, 6d. April 10th, 1670. Given then, by the neighbours, to a poore mendicant minister, one Mr. John Rhodes, who then preached here; and after sermon stood in the middle ile to receive the charity of the people, the surame of 12s. 3J." THE SURROUXDIXG DISTRICT. 97 I669.-1671. 1669. Thoresb}^ the antiquar}-, says, "it is very mem- orable that in the space of thirty years, seven of the natives of this county were archbishops, (and five of them also primates), namely. Dr. John Bramhall, archbishop of Armagh, who was born at Pontefract; Dr. James Marget- son, successor to the same primacy, at Drighlington ; Dr. Samuel PuUen, (master of the Leeds free grammar school), archbishop of Tuam, at Ripley; Dr. Wm. Palliser, arch- bishop of Cashel, at Kirkby "Wisk, where also were born the noted Richard Ascham, and the learned George Hickes; Dr. John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury, at Sowerby, near Halifax ; and Dr. John Sharp, archbishop of York, at Bradford." Congreve, the poet, was born at Bardsey grange, seven miles north of Leeds, as appears by the register of his baptism there ; hence it seems that the date (1672) upon his monument in Westminster abbe)^ is erroneous. Isaac Bowcock by will bequeathed to the townships of Halifax and Ovenden, his lands in Ossett, that the rents might be yearly bestowed by his seven feofees, "for preferring and putting forth five poor men's sons to trade, yearly, as are not to be put forth town 'prentices, or for the relief of such as are in necessity, (not through wasteful expense, or such as have relief from the parish), or for setting up in trade, or stocking hopeful young persons to make good use of it, at the discretion of the said trustees, and that £6 thereof shall yearly be given to Ovenden." 1670. The Rev. John Lake, residentiary of York, by endeavouring to stop the citizens and others from prome- nading the minster during divine service, brought a mob "about his ears," who robbed the cathedral of many of its goods and assaulted him in his own house, where he was rescued by Captain Honey wood." "A Board of Trade was established, and the commerce and riches of England never at any period increased so fast as from the Restora- tion to the Revolution. During these forty years the shipping of England nearly doubled. Several new manu- factures in iron, brass, silk, hats, glass, paper, &c., were established; and one Brewer brought the art of dyeing woollen cloth from the low countries." The Leeds Corporation, with the consent of the vicar, ordered the pew in the parish church, commonly called the " Aldresses pew," to be enlarged and rendered more commodious, in order that the ladies attending divine service there, might, "with more freedome exercise their devotions." 1671- General Thomas Lord Fairfax died at Denton on the 12th of November. 9 98 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I672-I674. 1672. The Old Mill-hill chapel, at the bottom of Park- row, was built about this time. Thoresby says, that "it was the first, and certainly one of the most stately fabrics, (supported by a row of pillars and arches), built after the first indulgence in the north of England." After doctrinal changes in 1767, the distinguished philosopher. Dr. Priestley became minister of that chapel, and resided in a small house in Basinghall-street. Here, the doctor, among other literary labours, wrote his '■'■Institutes,^'' — 2 vols. 8vq. This year half-pence and farthings were first coined in England. 29th Dec. Several parts of England suf- fered from floods and inundation. In Yorkshire and other counties, great damage was done, the water standing as deep as ten feet in many parts. Thoresby mentions the only inscription in Armley chapel as bearing this date, and sacred to the memory of Neriah Simpson, A.M., who "always kept a purse of £20 to lend to the poor, honest, necessitated clothmakers at Armley, without interest, and always had it returned after their advancement in trade." The Bank of England, consisting of forty merchants, was incorporated by the name of the Governor and Com- pany of the Bank of England, under a proviso that at any time after the first day of August, in the year 1705, upon a year's notice, and the re-payment of twelve hundred thousand pounds, subscribed by the company, the said corporation should cease and determine. 1673. Dec. 18th The commission appointed to enquire into th€ administration of the several charities within the borough of Leeds, and appointing trustees for the manage- ment thereof, ordered that all deeds and writings relating thereto should be safel}^ laid up in a strong chest, to be provided for that purpose in the registry of the parish church of Leeds, which chest should be locked with three keys. These documents, with others collected by the corporation, and many of a later date, are at present de- posited in an iron safe in the vestry of St. Peter's church, secured by three seperate locks, of which one key is kept by the mayor, another by the vicar, and a third by the churchwardens . 1674. Feb. 25th. A great snow began to fall about eight in the morning, and continued for four days with little intermission ; the frost at the same time being very severe. The whole country was covered several feet deep, and and every description of business was brought to a stand- still. Many persons were frozen to their saddles, and, according to the record of the time, saddle and man were THE SURROUJsDING DISTRICT. 99 16/4.-1675. removed from the horse together. John Milton, the author of "Paradise Lost." died this year. He was born in 1608. 1674. Jan. 2nd. Curious inscription on a brass plate in the Leeds parish church : — "Here lies his father's eldest son, AVhose name was Edward Waddiugton ; Close by his grandfather, John Thwaites, Both snatcht away by cruel fates ; Whom God above, (wee hope), has blest. To live with Him in endlesse rest. Buried the 2nd Janvarie, 1674." The following memorandums are taken from the register of the same church : — " 16/4. Feb 8th. The 8th day came the oider for suppressing the popish and schismatical assemblies, dated from the Council Table, * February the 3rd, (74). 1674. June loth. The 15th day the first time, Messrs. Streeton Moss and Armitage, with their schismatical assemblies, was convicted by the oathes of Lawson and Halliwell apparatours. The second time, July the 19th." " 16/4. Nov. 8th. The 8th day, Geo. D. of Buckingham, with his Countiss, was at the cburch with L. fFairfax, who came to compromise the contentions betwixt the clothiers of Dewsbury and others." I679. "Aug. About the middle of this month, the chime first begun togoe : BrianTesseman, churchwarden, principal promoter of it." 1675. In December, an epidemic distemper prevailed at Leeds, York, Halifax, Hull, and other places. This disease was a severe cold and violent cough, the latter of which so interrupted the divine service, that Thoresby says, "it was almost impossible to hear distinctly an entire sentence of a sermon." Henry Lord Fairfax restored the Horn given by Ulphus to York cathedral, after it had been missing a number of years. The dean and chapter decora- ted it anew, but with brass instead of gold. It is an elephant's tusk twenty-nine inches in length, and curiously carved, and was, till stolen from the minster, adorned with gold, hanging pendant from a chain of the same metal. On the 11th of January was buried John King, of Hipperholme, near Halifax, aged 73. He was esteemed the best archer in England, was sent for to court in the time oftiHiarles I. and " won great wagers," as he did also during the civil wars at Manchester, where he was carried on men's shoulders as the victor of the field, some of the L.of C. 100 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 16;5.-1678. gentry crying after him " a king, a king !" which alarmed the republicans, who cried out, " Treason, treason, a plot." Archery was highly esteemed by the Romans, and it is said that the emperor Domitian was so sure a marks- man that he could shoot his arrows between the fingers of a boy without hurting his hand. 1675. A demand of toll was made about this time by the inhabitants of Wakefield from those of Leeds. The cor- poration of Leeds granted £50 for the purpose of defending any action at law which might be brought for the nonpay- ment thereof The first stone for the re-building of St. Paul's cathedral, London, was laid this year, and was finished m 1710, at the cost of £1,000,000. 1676. Feb. 15th. Died, aged 85, Gervas Nevile, Esq., of Holbeck, who was quarter master general to the marquis of Newcastle, in the rebellion of 1645, and was interred Jn St. John's church, Leeds. Repeating clocks and watches invented. Clocks made to strike were invented by the Italians about the year 1300 ; and by the Arabians in 851. Clocks afterwards were set up in churches. In 1677, Langdale Sunderland conveyed to five trustees certain messuages and land, upon trust, to employ the rents to teach the children of Wortley to read English or Latin. To this endowment William Farrar subsequently added a rood of land. 1678. James Margetson, archbishop of Armagh, a native of Drighlington, by will, dated 1678, endowed a school at Drighlington, with £60 a year, from an estate there, where he had previously built a school. Here we have to narrate one of the most tragical events recorded in Yorkshire history, which took place at Beeston, near Leeds. A colliery owner, named Leonard Scurr, who had filled the office of minister of Beeston chapel during the time of Cromwell ; having collected a considerable sum of money to take with him to London for the pur- pose of trade, the fact was made knoAvn to some of his neighbours, and on the night previous to his intended journey, being on the 19th of January, two ruffians of the name of Holroyd and Littlewood, with some other persons, entered his house at the early hour of eleven o'clock, and murdered the whole family, consisting of Mr. Scurr, his aged mother, and a servant girl, the latter of whom they beheaded, at the instigation of a wretched woman of the party. They then stripped the house and set fire to it, with the hope of concealing their delin- quency. Holroyd soon after set off for Ireland, taking THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 101 167S.-1680. with him a woman with whom he cohabited. "While in that kingdom, suspicion fell upon the woman, who wore a gown and scarlet petticoat belonging to Mrs. Scurr, and which an old servant in the family saw and identified. In consequence of this discovery, both the woman and her paramour were apprehended and lodged in York castle, along with Littlewood, on whom sus- picion had also fallen. At the Lammas assizes of 1682, the two men were tried and convicted, and Holroyd, who died a hardened and impenitent sinner, was executed for the offence on Holbeck moor, in the presence of 30,000 spectators. After the execution, his bodj'' v,^as removed and hung in chains on the spot. Littlewood was re- prieved in the hope that he would give some informa- tion, but what became of him afterwards is not known. The woman, who had probably not been engaged in the murder, does not appear to have been put upon hep trial. 1679. There is an epitaph in the Leeds parish church to the memory of "Mrs. Jane, the truly dear and vertuous wife of Mr. Thomas Potter, of Leeds, merchant, who departed this life the 22nd Nov., 1679, aged 24 years." — "This homely case a jewel doth contain, But shew'd the world, and so laid up again; "With meek and chaste behaviour every grace Inrich'd, which beautifies the mind and face." 1680. In this year appeared the most celebrated comet upon record. Its head did not exceed in brightness a star of the second magnitude, and its tail was 160,000,000 of miles in length, covering 70 degrees of the heavens. "It wasfirst seen on the 14th December, being the fourth day of the moon, the night being clear and frosty. It had a great blazing tail from the root of it, which was pointed as it came from the star, and then spread itself. It was of a broad and large ascent up to the heavens, so that when it was set in the west, and out of sight, yet did the stream of it mount near to our zenith. It is doubted if the like comet has been seen since the creation, and it is certainly prodigious of great altera- tions and of great judgments on these lands for our sins ; for never was the Lord more provoked by a people than b}' us in these lands, and that by persons of all ranks." — Laivs memorials. This comet struck a great fear into the minds of the people of Europe, in the 102 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1680.-1684. Catholic countries particularly. Kepler, the astronomer, had foretold long before that the conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter in Leo, which occurs but once in 800 years, would, at the conjunction which hap- pened at the time of the appearance of this comet, have a malign influence on the church of Rome. The alarm was furthermore increased by the Romish mathematicians declaring that the train of the comet was six times longer than that which portended the death of pope Alexander VII. Wakefield experienced a dreadful storm and flood on August 26th, when Thoresby, the antiquary, being in the town, waded up to his midleg in water, to get to his quarters. I6S1. The following proceedings took place at a court held in Leeds on the 20fch of June, 1681, relative to the redemption of a son of Mr. Alderman Foxcroft, who had been taken prisoner by the Turks, and was then in captivity : — "Forasmuch as this court hath bene credibly enformed by Mr, Alderman Foxcroft, a member thereof, that he hath a sonne lately taken by the Turkes, who wa-s putt apprentice to one Mr. Robert Newport, captaine and owner of the good shipp the Adriatique, and in that voige was burser to the said shipp, his master having lost his life with his vessell, and the young man taken captive and carried prisoner to Algiers, and there sold for seaven hundred dollars. And that the .some required for his redempc'on will amount to dl^SoO sterling att the least, and his father not being in a condic'on to raise the same, hath craved the advice and assistance of this court; thp'on it is therefore ordered, that a gen'all collec'on be made from house to house in all coDotabeleryes and places in the said Borough. And that all p'sons, both householders, and others, will be pleased to give theire charitable contribuc'ons tosoe pious a vvorke, as the Redempc'on of a Christian soule out of the hands of those barborous infidells. Ordered that a letter be writ to Hull in the name of the Corporac'on, to request theire charitable contribuc'ons to the furtherance of this pious worke." 1683. Thoresby says there was upon a brass plate in St. John's church, Leeds, the following notice : — " Elizabeth, wife of John Gibson, of Leeds, vintner, aged 39, was de- livered of two daughters, baptized Elizabeth and Sarah, the I3th December, 1683, and all three lie in one coffin here interred." 1684. In the beginning of December, this year, the ' Great Frost' commenced, and continued till the 5th of February, without any intermission. The Thames was frozen over, and during Hilary Term, coaches ran on the river between the Temple and Westminster. A fair was also held on. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 103 1684.-16S6. the ice, booths erected, an ox roasted whole, and bull- baiting, and other sports took place. The frost was so intense, that the sea was frozen several miles from the shore, and, of course, all shipping transactions were brought to a close. On the 6th day of February, tlie day after the break-up of this great frost, Charles II. died, and James II. ascended the throne. The Market for "Woollen Cloth, formerlj^ held on Leeds bridge, was re- moved into Briggate, June 14th, where it continued to be held until the erection of the cloth halls. This market was closed b}'^ the ringing of the bell at the old chapel, near the bridge, when the cloth and benches were im- mediately removed, and the street occupied by country linen drapers, shoemakers, hardwaremen, and 'sellers of wood vessels, wicker baskets, wanded chairs, flaskets, &c. The charter of king James II. to the borough of Leeds bears date this year, January 1st., under which charter, Gervase Nevile, Esq., was first mayor. This year died Sir Geo. Rawden, of Rawden, who, in 1641, with 200 Englishmen, repulsed Sir Phelim O'Neal, and 2000 Irish at Lisburne, in Ireland. Of the precise time when the present family became seized of the manor of Hudders- field we are not informed, but it is certain that John Ramsden, Esq., of Byrom, had a grant of a market here, by patent, dated Nov. 1st, 23 Chas. II. The parish church appears to have been re-built about the time of Henry VIII. The old font has the arms of France and England quarterly Avithin the garter, and the initials E. R. in the character of Edward VI. April 23rd, a dreadful fire happened within Clifford's tower, in York, and consumed all the interior to ashes, leaving nothing standing except the walls Fortunately, only one life was lost, occasioned by the falling of a piece of timber, that had been blown up, probably by gunpowder lodged in the tower. It was generally believed to be designedly done, as the soldiers would not suffer the citizens to enter till it was too late to stop the progress of the flames, and the gunner had got out all his goods before it was discovered, 16S5. The following is extracted from the register of the Leeds parish church : — "John Thompson, dying at Hillows Bancke, was excommun'd, and was brought into the churche yaerde, and ther left in hy.s wynding shete, the flft day of August, and afts. buryed by some of hys frends in the nettles under the churche wal), out of t!ie common place of buryall." 1686. On the ISth of Feb., the whole of England was visited by a tempest, accompanied with thunder, which 104 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 3686.-1691. committed general devastation. The inhabitants of Kettle- well and Starbotton, in Craven, were almost all drowned in a violent flood. These villages are situate under a great hill, whence the rain descended with such violence for an hour and a half, that the hill on one side opened, and casting up water into the air to the height of an ordinary- church steeple, demolished several houses, and carried away the stones entirely! 1688. James II. displaced the lord mayor of York, Thomas Baynes, with several of the aldermen and others, and, on the 5th of October, appointed in their places Roman catholics, who were not even freemen of the city. This was a pretext for Raynes not delivering up the sword and mace. The office of lord mayor was, however, de- clared vacant till the 24th of the same month. December, watch and ivard were kept every night by the principal inhabitants of Leeds and other places, and heralds were iiying about the country with despatches concerning king James II., and William of Nassau, prince of Orange. On the 23rd of December, James II. left the country for France; and on the 13th February, in the ensuing year, James being held to have abdicated, William and Mary, prince and princess of Denmark, were proclaimed king and queen of England. 1689. On the 30th of August this year died Dr. John Lake, sometime vicar of Leeds, and afterwards bishop of Chi- chester. He was one of the seven bishops who were committed to the tower of London in the reign of James II., but positively refused to take the oaths of allegiance to William III., and prepared for a deprivation, but was removed by death in his 66th year. In the winter was a remarkably long frost, and booths and sports upon the river Aire at Leeds. During this year the charter of king Charles II., to the borough of Leeds was restored by William and Mary, and is yet in force excepting where it is inconsistent with the Municipal Corporation act. 1691. The large hell in the steeple at Halifax was cast this year, on which are the following words : — '• All you that hear my mournful sound, " Repent before you lye in ground." On the 30th of August a mortal sickness broke out in the city of York, by which 11,000 persons died. The Call Lane chapel was built this year. The rev. and pious Mr. Thos. Whitaker, was the pastor, descended from the deservedly famous Dr. Wm. Whitaker. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 105 1693.-1694. 1693. On the Sth of September, a severe shock of an earthquake was felt in England ; and on the same day the chief town in Jamaica M^as wholly destroyed from a similar cause, and about 3,000 persons killed. In this year John Plarrison was born at Foulby near Pontefract, He was the sou of a carpenter, and brought up to the same trade. Drawn on by his natural taste, he applied himself to practical mechanics and clockmaking, and succeeded in constructing instruments of a then un- attained excellence. To him the world owes the com- pensator, a pendulum composed of metals, which, being unequal in the degrees of their dilation by heat, compen- sate and correct each other. He also invented a clock for ship-board, which the motion of the vessel could not disturb. He made a chronometer to determine the longi- tude at sea within the limits required by act of parliament, 12th of Anne. For this last invention the Royal Society of London gave him a prize of £20,000. He died in 1776. 1694. On the 3rd of March, this year, the common council of Leeds gave the sum of £40 as an encouragement and in consideration of Henry Gillert, of lieicester; and George Sorocold, of Derby; for laying an engine to convey water from the river Aire through the streets to all the houses in the town of Leeds, who should wish to purchase the same of them, and exempted them from taxes. April 3rd. A most lamentable fire broke out in a flax- man's house in Ousegate,York,ivhich consumed about thirty houses. Arclibisliop Tillotson died November 22nd, aged 65. He was born at Sowerby, near Halifax. He was the son of a respectable clothier, who initiated him in nonconformity, which, however, in maturer j^ears he rejected. His first employment in the church was that of curate of Cheshunt, in Hertfordshire. In 1662 he was offered the parish of St. Mary, Almondbury. In 1666 he took the degree of doctor in divinity, previous to which he had married a niece of Oliver Cromwell. In 1670 he was made prebendar}^ of Canterbur}^ and two years after dean of that church, having previously obtained a stall in St. Paul's cathedral. He was seven years on the list of chaplains to Charles II., and was the means of converting the earl of Shrewsbury to the Protestant faith. He was consulted by the princess Anne of Denmark, on the claim she had on the British crown. In May, 1691, he was con- secrated archbishop of Canterbur}^ and was immediately afterwards sworn a member of his majesty's privy council. Thomas Osborne, marquis of Caermarthen, &c., was 106 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1694. created duke of Leeds, by William and Mary, on the 4th of March, 1694. Near to Kiveton park is Harthill church, under which, in a spacious vault, are arranged in splendid cofSns, the remains of many of the ancestors of this noble family. The following epitaph was once legible in Armley chapel yard: — "Susanna Vevers, died July 22nd, 1694. Since she is gone, why should we weep or cry ? It was God's will to give and tak, and try The parent's patience, and if good he see, He can give«iine if that his pleasure be." At the court of quarter sessions, at Leeds, about this time, it was ordered that Anne, the wife of Philip Saule, a person of lewd behaviour, be ducked for daily making strife and discord amongst her neighbours. The like order was made against Jane Milner and Elizabeth WooUer, The punishment of the "Ducking Stool" is very ancient. The Saxons called it the "Scealping Stole," or "Scolding Stool." In the time of Henry III. it was styled " Tom- berell," or "Tumbrill." It was afterwards called the "Trebucket," or " Cucking Stool. There was a Ducking Stool at Quarry-hill, Leeds, near the spa. At Morley, near Leeds, there was one which was originally situate somewhere about where the "Pinfold" now is, and was removed to Morley hole, upon the opening of the quarry for repairs of the roads. Its final remove was to the "Flush Pond," at the other end of the town, and near " Ratten-row." — " Riding the Stang," upon a fight between husband and wife, was another mode of correcting man- ners. This custom was very common during the last century, and may even now (1859) be occasionally wit- nessed in the neighbouring villages. A wanton wag, with plenty of gab, is carried through the street on a stang or pole, followed by all the rag-tag of the village with old tin cans and sticks, drumming and shouting as they march along. When the "nomine" is to be repeated they holt, while the wag aforesaid pronounces aloud some doggeril lines, beginning, " Ran — tan — tan — tan — It's neither your cause nor ours that we should ride the stang ; For you may hear by the sound of my frying-pan That Mistress has beat her good man," &c.. Sec. At the conclusion of which the youngsters give a tremen- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 107 1694.-1697. dous shout and march off to the next street. This practice is continued for three nights, then the effigy of the offender is burnt in front of his or her own door, amidst the ex- clamation of neighbours that it '• sarves her reight." Another curious custom now little practised, was that of "thrashing" or pelting common people with old shoes on their return from church, upon the wedding day. 1694. Committees were appointed by the corporation of Leeds, to "swear at any time and place within the town any person whatsoever, a free man of the town and borough, upon such terms and considerations as to them should seem reasonable." — The sum of £60 lis. was paid to ^Ir. Arthur Monjoy, goldsmith, Briggate, for making the mace now used b}' the mayor of Leeds. He was executed at York in 1696, for counterfeiting coin. The mace is of silver gilt, and measures four feet eight inches in length. The shaft is beautifully engraved and ornamented. The head is encircled by a border of foliage, and is divided into four compartments, containing the na- tional insignia of England, France, Scotland, and Ireland, surmounted by the royal crowns of these kingdoms. The whole is surmounted by the imperial crown of great Britain. The weight of the head of the mace is 123 ounces. 1695. The window tax in England was first established this year. Robert Taylor, first clerk of St. John's church, in Leeds, died, aged 92 years. He is supposed to have held the appointment upwards of sixty years. The archbishop of York presented Mr. Thoresby, of Leeds, with several brass coins of Osbright and Ella, two Northumbrian princes, who both of them fell in the year 867, warring against the Danes. These coins were taken out of a remarkable tumulus at the north-east end of the town of Ripou, and at a short distance from the minster. The tumulus, commonly called Ellshaw, or Alice-hill, is nearly of a conical form, the circumference at the base being about 900 feet, and the height of the slope 72 yards. From the base to the summit, it is wholly composed of sand, gravel, and human bones. 1696. One of the king's mints was established in the manor house, in York, without Bootham bar, and bullion and plate coined there to the amount of £380,621, which was issued in consequence of the old coin being called in. 1697. Ripon demanded tolls from the inhabitants of Leeds, which, being refused, Thoresby, the antiquarian, was requested to consult his manuscript collections, to see 108 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I697.-I7OO. if he could find any document to justifj'- the demand. After diligent search, he found the copy of the charter of Henry VIII, and a reference where the original was lodged, which, being borrowed of the vicar, was produced at the assizes, and gained the victory, their's of Eipon being only granted by queen Mary. 1699. The river Aire was made navigable to Leeds, and the C alder to Wakefield, by an act of parliament obtained by the "Aire and Calder Navigation Company," who in 1760 extended the navigation of the Calder to Salterhebble, (since by a canal to Halifax.) A canal has been cut from the Aire at Knottingley, which saves a distance of seven- teen miles in the navigation from Leeds to Hull. The Aire lias its source near Malliam, (within t wen ty miles of the source of the Wharfe), and flows for thirty miles through the ro- mantic and fertile valley of Airedale, passing Skipton, Keigh- ley, and Bradford, to Leeds, where it begins to be navigable. It then proceeds to Castleford, where it is joined by the Calder; the united streams then pass on by Ferrybridge and Snaith, and flow into the Ouse, near Howden, which last river, having become augmented by the Wharfe, the Nidd, the Ure, the Swale, the Der\\ ent, and the Aire and Calder, enters the Humber near Blacktoft, and the vast accumula- tion of waters roll into the German ocean. The Leeds Friends' meeting house and school erected. Thoresby says, the Friends had a burial-place at Leeds as early as 1673, their original cemetery at Morley being too remote from the town. It appears that there was also part of an orchard at Knostrop devoted to the same purpose, by Mr. John Stable, who resided there, and was "tainted with quakerism, then new sprung up in these parts." Two tombs found there in Thoresby's time, bore the dates 1692. The old chapel in Leeds falling into decay, was pulled down, and the present edifice was erected on its site in 1788. 1699. Jan. 27th. Thomas Sawer, being elected an assistant of the Leeds corporation, declined to accept office on the ground "that his father had laid an injunc'on upon him to the contrary," Avhereupon he was fined £20. 1700. About this time the lord of the manor claimed a penny for every piece of undressed cloth sold in the hall at Halifax, and received weekly from that impost thirty and sometimes forty shillings. Great quantities of coloured cloth were then sold in the butchers' shambles, and the cloth market began at six in the morning in summer, and eight in the winter. This year the church at Keighley was modernized, and made uniform; the body of the church by the parish, and the choir by Mr. Gale, the rector. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 109 I7OO.-I702. About this time the Calls, in Leeds, is said to have "consisted of a footway through verdant fields and flowery- gardens," and Thoresby says, "that alderman Cookson had erected here a very pleasant scat with terras, walks, &c." 1701. At "SVaddington, in Craven, Robert Parker, of Brows- holme, founded an hospital for ten Avidows; the trustees to choose one sober and orthodox person to read daily morning- and evening prayers ; also to take care that the chapel of the hospital never be converted into a school, or to any other use but to the worship and service of God, &c. In 1719, the rental of the estate belonging to this hospital was £Q'6 Ss. ; in 1799 it amounted to £254. York castle, which was founded by "William the Conqueror, was now so deca5^ed by age, that it v.as aa holly taken down, and a new structure erected for the county prison, to which consider- able additions have been made, at the cost of several hun- dred thousand pounds. Mary Law, by vv'ill dated Feb. 4th of this year, devised her estates at Lov/er Yv'oodhouse and Sastrick, in trust for the mointenance of four poor widovrs, in the township of Kastrick, and to the use of a school for teaching twenty poor children to read and Avrite, to be chosen within the townships of Eastrick and Brig- house. At a court held at Leeds on the 10th May, this year, it was ordered that " ever}^ member, assistant, or common councell man" of the corporation, except "old Mr. Hargreave," should provide himself vv^ith a suitable gown under a penalty of £5; and also attend the mayor to church upon festival days and oilier public and solemn occasions, under a penalty of one shilling. The gov/ns Avere ordered to be black, faced and trimmed with black velvet, or plush, and with loug hanging sleeves. In the philosophical transactions for this year, is the following remarkable passage from Leigh's history of Cheshire: — "In draining Martin meer, a fcAv years ago, were found multitudes of roots and bodies of great firs in their natural position, with great quantities of their cores and eight canoes, such as the old Britons sailed in ; and in another meer Avas found a brass or bronze kettle, beads of amber, a small millstone, the Avhole head of an hippopotamus, and human bodies entire and uncorrupted." 1702. At Lofthouse, near Leeds, a smith worked with tAvo hammers, one of Avhich, by an ingenious contrivance, he moA^ed Avith his foot, enabling him to have the use of his left hnnd to hold the iron, Avhile he struck Avith his right : thus saving the expense of a labourer. In the neighbourhood of Eccup moor and Addle, near Leeds, 10 110 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 3702-1704. were discovered the ruins of a Roman town, wliicli seems to have been very considerable, for, in digging no deeper than necessity obliged to make way for the plough, as many stones were extracted as served to build two walls, the one a yard high and twenty-seven roods long : the other a yard and a half high, and fifty-two roods long. They were rough stones, the foundations of houses, many of which were three or four courses high. Fragments of urns of a very large size were also found ; and the re- mains of two funeral monuments, one inscribed PIEN- TISSIMA, another D, M, S. CADIDINL^, FORTUNA PIA V, A, X, (Vixit Ami, X.) In November, this year, the Leeds corporation ordered the sum of .£12 to be allowed out of the public stock, to be expended at a treat, to commemorate the successes of the British army abroad, with a proviso " that whoever stayes to spend above that, they shall pay it out of their own pockets." John Milner, B.D., an eminent scholar, sometime vicar of Leeds, died this year (Feb. 16) at St. John's college, Cambridge, whither he had retired, being dissatisfied with the oaths imposed on the accession of William IlL 1703. A card, of which the following is a cop3% is pre- served at York, in the house or inn to which it refers, and which may serve to show the accelerated speed with which we travel nov/, compared with that of our fore- fathers: — "York four days coach, begins the 18th of April, 1703." "All that are desirous to pass from London to York, or from York to London, or any other place on that road, let them re])air to the Black Swan in Hol- bourne, in London, and the Black Swan, in Couej^-street, York, ;it each of which places they may be received in a stage coach every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, which performs the v.hole journey in four days, if God permit." Nov. 26. A remarkable storm of wind through the whole of this night, was particularly de- structive in the metropolis, the damage which it oc- casioned in the city alone, was estimated at tv/o millions sterling, and the suburbs equally suffered. Several persons were killed by the fall of buildings, and near 200 were wounded. All the ships in the river but four were driven from their moorings, and the destruction at sea far ex- ceeded that on land, twelve men of war, with 1800 men on board, were lost within sight of the shore, and the Eddystone lighthouse was swept away by this storm. 1704. About this time the new French fashions were adopted by courtiers, physicians, and othc; professional THE SURROU^sDING DISTRICT. Ill 1704.-1707. persons m England, also the higher order of geiitr}', and continued during the reigns of Geo. I. and II. This dress of tlie old English gentleman, as it afterwards came to be called, consisted of a periwig in formal curls, partly con- tained in a silk bag on the shoulder, a small cocked hat, full bottomed coat, short breeches, blue or scarlet stock- ings drawn over the knee, and square-toed shoes, with small buckles and high red heels. Coats were m^de of velvet, silk, or satin, as A\"ell as broad cloth, and their colours were verj- fanciful. The female attire of the eighteenth century was formal and tasteless. The most odious piece of attire introduced in the earh- part of the century, was the large M'halebone petticoat, ^\hich de- generated into the hooped petticoat, and made a lady to appear as if standing in an inverted tub. In the reigns of Geo. I. and II., straw bonnets, loose gowns, called sacques, hooded silk cloaks, small muffs, and ornamental aprons were worn, Avith the aa atch, necklace, and the fan, which was sometimes from twelve to eighteen inches in length, and beautifully made. Spanish broad-cloth, trimmed with gold lace, was used for ladies' dresses, and fur-bclowed scarfs were worn from the duchess to the peasant. 17U5. Sir TVilliam Lowther, who was born in Leeds, near the church, in Kirkgate, died this } ear. He was high sheriff of the countv in 16S1. Died this year, the Rev. Christopher Xesse, M.A., who had been ejected from the parish church of Leeds, where he had been lecturer first to Mr. Stiles, and afterwards to Lr. Lake. The Bartholomew act obliged him to j^reach privately, and then the five-mile act banished him from Leeds, but when the times grew more favourable, he returned and preached at his own house in Hunslet. David HaHley^ M.D., author of '-Observations on Man," Avas born at Armley, August 30th, and died at Bath, in 1757, aged 52. He Avas the son of a clerg}'man, and successively the pupil of Dr. Saunderson, Sir Isaac XcAvtou, and Mr. Locke, after recelAing an academical education at Cambridge. 1707. May Ist. England and Scotland became united, and the island thence called Great Britain. The union of Great Britain a\ ith Ireland took place in 1S04. Sylvester Petyt, Esq., by his Avill, left £24,018, Old South bea annuities, and a library at Skipton. The ob- jects of Avhich donation are, persons, AvhereA'er resident, standing in need of immediate relief, according to the discretion of the trustees, and amongst Ashom the re- 112 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1707.-1710. mainder of the income is ainiually distributed, after paying .£20 a year to Christ's college, Cambridge, small salaries to a schoolmaster and librarian at Skipton, and for putting out annually about fourteen poor children apprentices in the county of York, and for buying books for the use of the school. Boys are admitted free of expense indefinitely throughout the parish. The Rev. Thomas Wright, B.A., autlior of the antiquities of Halifax, "svas born at Black- burn, -^n Lancashire, in this year : he was several years curate of Halifax, and afterwards perpetual curate of Ripponden. 1708. A very interesting collection of Roman coins were found this year at Cookridge, near Otley. A contested election for the return to parliament of two members for Yorkshire, took place this year. The result of the poll was as follows : — Lord Viscount Downe, ....... 4,737. Sir William Strichland, 3,452. Colonel D'Arcy, 3,257. Sir Arthur Raze, 3,139. Mr. Wentworth, 958. 1709. The 22nd Nov., being a day of thanksgiving for the success of the British forces, the Leeds corpora tioi attended divine service at the parish church, after which, they agreed to "meet againe att Mrs. Owen's, att 5 of the clocke in the evening, to drinck to her majesty's health and further good success"; the expenses of the evening to be at the " corporac'on's charge." 1710. October 9th, the great court leet and court barou were held in the free school at Leeds, which was fitted up accordingly, with conveniences for both juries. On the r2th October, 1710, Richard Wilson, Esq., bar- rister~at-law, was elected recorder of* Leeds ; but her majesty refused to assent to the election, and John Walker, Esq., of Headingley, was elected in his stead, by her majesty's letters patent. The ancient Moot Hail was relDuilt, in front of Avhich stood the pillory and the stocks. It was sold along with the shops and rooms beneath it, under the authority of an act of parliament for the improvement of the town of Leeds, passed in 1824. The purchase money, which amounted to £3,043 6s. 8d., Avas laid out in the purchase of stock, to be ap- propriated to the use of the poor. It was demolished m 1825. The White Cloth Hall was erected where the old hospital stood. -=^r THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 113 17] 1. In the Leeds parish church there is an epitaph to the memory of Mr. Jer. Barstow, who died 25th of April, this 5^ear, as Ibllows : — Death neither 3'outh nor age doth spare, Therefore, to follow me prepare ; "Whilst life doth last, let piety (As it was mine) your practice be : — Let virtue crown 3"our days, and then "SVe happih" shall meet again. An attempt was made to prevent merchants sitting as representatives in the House of Commons. John Atkinson, Esq., was mnyor of Leeds this year. He subse- quently built the house at the corner of Call-lane and Duncan-street, which Thoresby says "is a delicate house; that ibr the exquisite ^Torkmanship of the stone Avork, and for a painted staircase, excellently performed by Mons. Parmentier, excels all in the town." This buildirg was many years the post office, and residence of Mark Temple, Esq., then postmaster of Leeds. It was purchased and taken dov'n to make room for the Central Slarket, which ntiw occupies the site. The follov.ing list of miscellaneous benefactions Avas formerly preserved in the old church, at Leeds, and was made out in the year 1711:— 1600- Baron Savile's decree concerning the toll-dish, was a third part to the bailiff (now to the mayor) of Leeds, a third part to the poor, and a third part to repair the market-stead and highwaj's. 1616. "William Rushworth gave the moiety of a shop in the Shambles, of the yearly rent of 18-. 4d., to the poor of Leeds, and the other moiety to the poor of "Whitkirk. 1620, The Town Hall was built with monies belonging to the poor, which now yields them .^•22 16s. 8d. 1633. John Marshall gave out of the close, called Well Ing, in Sheepscar- lane, 30s. to the poor of the town and parish of Leeds. 1636. Ewan Story gave a close at Cross-Green, called Poorfolks Close, of the yearly rent of 50s. ; the overseer of the poor paying out of the said profits 10s. yearly to the lecturer of the old church 1636. John Swanson gave two houses near the Park-Eutts, of the yearly rent of 30s., another house near the same, of the rent of 18s. per annum, which is to he paid by the overseers to four of the poorest shoemakers in Leeds town and Kirk-gate. Mr. James Cotes, who built the chapel at Headingley, left ^'28, the interest to be paid to the minister of that chapel. 1638. Mr. Henry Watkinson left ^10, the interest to be paid to the lecturer of the old church. 1638. Mrs. Alice Lodge gave the profits of a close ia Woodhouse-tields, called Cringles, of the yearly rent of £5, for the good of the town of Leeds, to be disposed of by her executors. 1639. Mr. John Harrison, alderman, (the noble founder of the new church) gave the hospital near the said church for 114 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1711. poor indigent people to dwell in, leaving towards their maintenance hons;=s a:.d lands in the New-street and Tenters, of the yearly rent of .£52 5s., and also the undivided moiety of Flay-crow mill, in the Tenters. He gave also his houses and lands in the Head-row and Vicar-lane, of the yearly rent of ^30, the profit;^ thereof to go for the preferment of his sister's children, and their issue 5 and for want of such, to the better maintenance of the poor in the abovesaid hospital. 1642. Mr. Samuel Casson gave the undivided moiety of a farm, called Mankland's farm, at Brome-hill, of the yearly rent of ^£^6 15s. 8d., to the poor of the town and parish of Leeds. He gave also ^'100 for ever, to be lent by the aldermen and vicar to twenty poor tradesmen, such as liave charge of wife and children, gratis, for onp year or longer, they giving good security for the true payment of tlie same again. 1644. Mr. Josias Jenkinson (who built the almhouses upon the Mill- hill) sa.ye a farm in Great Woodhouse, of the yearly rent of ^]0, to be distributed at Christmas by his trustees, for ever 1653. Mrs. Isabel Leighten, gave, for the benefit of the poor, and for poor chil- dren's Learning, the profits of three closes in Woodhouse, of the yearly rent of .^6 10s., to be disposed of by her trustees. 1658. Mr. Joseph Hillary gave .^£^20 to increase the stock of the company of Cloth- workers. Mr. John Thoresby, alderman, gave a rent-charge of 20s. per annum to the poor, out of a piece of ground at the town-enl, called the Paddock. 1665. Captain Thomas Ambler gave .£30, and (1676) Mr. Christopher Watkinson, alderman, <;£?20, Vv-hich two sums are put; together and lent out far the benefit of the poor, and are to be dis- posed of by the miyor, aldermen, and common-council of Leeds. J 67 1- Benjamin Wade, Esq., gave ^6*200, with which was purchased a rent-charge of .^10 per annum, which is j^early given to the minister of Headiagley chapel, the Rev. Mr. John Killing beck, trustee. 1673. Monpy p.iid unto the committee of pious uses, upon the redemption of Mr. Hnzle's mortgage for the use of the poor, the sum of <^150. 1676. Samuel Sunderland, Esq., gave several tenements, to the value of ^5 per annuin, to a school in- Wortley, with power to erect upon the Com- mon a school, which was done at the charge of the inhabitants. 1679. Mr. Thomas Idle gave ^100, the yearly profits to be paid to a preaching minister at Holbeck chapel, or, if there be a vacancy for six months, to Armlpy chapel : Thomas Lee, Mr. Robert Hethering- ton, Mr. Martin Huntington, and William Lambert, trustees. 1687. Mrs. Elizabeth Atkinson gave .^50 to the poor of Leeds, which is in the hands of Edward Atkinson, Esq. 1696. Mr. John Robinson gave a house, which, being unfinished, was sold for .56^20, which sum was employed towards the erection of a new house for the minister of Armley chapel ; he also gave three cottages to the poor. 1699. Mr. William Calverley, alderman, gave .;^110, the interest to be yearly distributed by the mayor, vicar, and two senior aldermen, to the poor of Leeds. 1703. Mrs. Ann Moxon gave <^100 to the poor of Leeds. 170 — Mrs. Eleanor Scudamore gave <:^50 to the poor; with which two sums, and j£^10 paid by the committee, were purchased two closes in Pontefract-lane, of the annual rent of .;^8. 1708. Mary Bland^ widow, left a rent-charge of £3 per annum out of her houses in THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 115 1711.-1713. Cripplegite, to the Charity-school, or other picas uses ; Mr. Bryan Dixon, Mr. Ralph Thoresbj, Mr. Jacob Syinpson, trustees. 1708. Geors'e Ellis, ot" Brampton- Byerle}", gent.,, gave .=£50 to the Charity- school, to be laid out in lands. Mr. George Banister, of North- hall Grange, gave the rents of a farm of <^6 per annum, clear rent, at Sutton, near Ferr.ybridge, to take place after his death, for a salary to an orgaust, when an organ .shall be set up in the parish church of Leeds, or St. John's chapel there; and till then, to be disposed of to such charity as his trustees, viz,, two of his neare>t relations, in con- junction with the maj^or, recorder, one of the eldest aldermen, the vicar of Leeds, and the minister of St. John's cbapel, all for the time being, shall think most meet. I/IO. Bryan Dixon, of Huns!et-laae, gent., bequeathed ..^10 to the Charity-school. 1711. '^'^i'- Samuel Cookson, of Leeds, merchant, gave by will ^20; and, 1711. Mrs Mary Calverley ^10: both to the Charity-school, Mr. William Cotton, merchant, gave .^50 to the same some years ago. 171'2. July 2nd, the mayor Ox^ Leeds, &c., delivered an address to queen Anne, at Kensington, v.hich her majesty received very kindlj^, looking very pleasantly on all present, and curtsying-, as his grace the duke of Leedi^ told her he could assure her majesty it came from a populous and loyal corporation, that was both Avilling and able to a^S'st her majesty, if there was occasion, but which he hoped there never vv'ould be. Died the Rev. Mr. Stretton, who had been domestic chaplain to lord Fairfax, after which he was minister at Mill-hill cliapel, Leeds, till the year 1677, when he removed to London, vrhere he died. The celebrated Matthevv' Henry preached his funeral sermon, in which he gave him a very high character. 1713. The white marble statue of queen Anne, executed by Carpenter, was, at the expense of alderman William Milner, erected in front of the Moot hall, in the year 1713; and the follov>'ing inscription in letters of gold upon black marble, v/as subsevpendy ordered by the corporation to be placed thereunder, at their expense : — "ecce! ixsigjN'em statuam LoxDiiVExsi (ultra ipsam paulinam lohdi- 1IE>-SEM) IXSIGXISSIM/E BE.INiE ANX;E OJINI LICET IMAGINE LONGE MAJOSI PIC COXi?EG:'>ATE:.I. ET A G0LIELJ1O MILXER, ARMIGERO, PRUDEriTI JUSTI- CIARIO, FIDELI SCEITO GE>'EROSO CIVE OPULEXTO MERCATORG, Pi:XITU3 EXTRUCTAM." (Tratislation,) "mar:; this ELEGANT STATUE, (SUPERIOR EVEX TO THAT OF ST. PAUL'S IN LOXDOX), PIOUSLV C0X3ECRATED TO OUR MOST ILLUSTRIOUS QUEEX AXXB, (though FAJl SURPASSING EVE?>Y BEPRESEXTATION ;) AXD ERECTED AT THE SOLE EXPENSE OF WILLIAM MILNER, KNIGHT, A PRUDENT JUSTICE OF THB PEACE, A FAITHFUL SUBJECT, A NOBLE CITIZEN, AND AN CPULEXT MERCHANT." 116 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I713.-I715. This statue was removed to the Com Exchange at the top of Brig-gate in 1828, and the following is the in- scription now beneath it : — ■ THIS STATUE OF QUEEN ANNE WAS ERECTED AT THE COST OF ALDERMAN MILNER IN THE FRONT OF THE ANCIENT MOOT HALL, A.D., 1712; WAS RE3TOEED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CORPORATION"; AND TRANSFERRED TO THIS SITE, A.D., 1828 ; THE MOOT HALL HAVING BEEN PURCHASED BY THE TOWN AND DEMOLISHED, A.D,, 18i'5. There were great rejoicings at Leeds, and a splended pro- cession and festival in honour of the queen, on the day when her statue was erected. 1714. The interest of money in England was fixed by act of parliament at 5 per cent. George 1st, the hrst king of the house of Hanover, ascended the British throne, August 1st, this year. On November 1st died John Radcliife, M.D., a native of Wakefield, and the most celebrated physician of the British court^, though remark- ably blunt and unreserved in his conversation, even before his royal patients, and detesting, through his whole life, the character of a sycophant. On going to London he found his reputation had arrived there before him, and such was his success that he soon amassed a large fortune ; and his apothecary by his means accumulated £50,000. Being sent for to Kensington, to see William III., his majesty showed him his swelled ancles, sayiug, well doctor, what do you think of these ? " Why trul}^" replied the Yorkshireman, bluntly, " I would not have your majesty's two legs for your three kingdoms." His frankness also gave much offence to Queen Anne, whom he refused to attend during her last illness : this brought upon him so much censure, that he was obliged to confine himself to his country seat, where he soon afterwards died, having for many years been as free with his bottle as his tongue. He was buried at Oxford, having left a large portion of his property to the university there. The organ in Leeds parish church set up and first used on Sunday, August 29th ; Mr. John Carr, from Norwich, organist. The south gallery was also erected this year. 1715. Thoreshifs Ducatus Leodiensis, containing the his- tory and antiquities of Leeds, in one folio volume, was published this year. Appended to his history is a copious catalogue and description of his collection of curiosities. At this time there were in Boar-lane, several good houses belonging to Sir William Lowther, but they were sold in THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 117 I^lo.-l/lS. 17^2 to Sir William Rooke, and re-built in 1750 l\v Mr. J. Dixon. In the same street was also another g-ood mansion, belonging- to Sandford Arthington, M.B., in right of his wife, Avhosc father, Marmaduke Hickes, Esq. was four times chief magistrate of Leeds. Keighley grammar school Avas founded by John Drake. The vane and one-third of the spire of the church at Wakefield, having been blown down, were partially restored this year. A considerable quantity of Roman coins were found afc Beeston. John KeUingbecJc, B.D., vicar of Leeds from 1690 to 171'">, was a native of Headingle}'-, and eldest sou of John Kellingbeck, Esq., who was mayor of Leeds, iu 167/. " He Tv^as," says Thoresb}', " a singular blessing to this populous parish and parts adjacent." His ministerial abilities ^vere so conspicuous, that Archbishop Sharp (who collated him to a prebend of York,) publicly at a visitation proposed him as an example to the clergy both in preach- ing and practice. He llrst introduced in this parish a monthly communion, v/hich still continues. He died universally lamented, Feb. 12th, 1715-16, aged 66 years. A volume of his sermons has been published. It is said he was so habitually generous that his spouse found it; necessary frequently to remove money from his pocket by night, and place it in her own safe keeping. 1716. About this time a curious antique stone, five inches high by four broad, representing the head of a female, (supposed to be Lucretia's) v/as found in digging a cellar near the ruins of St. i^.Iary's abbey, York. 171s. The Leeds Mercury, then published weekly, ou Tuesdays, v/as first printed this year, July 1st, by " John Hirst, over-against Kirkgate-end." During the first two years of its existence this now popular journal consisted of twelve small quarto pages, the first of which is orna- mented with a rude wood cut, representing t\\o Golden Fleece, and a fat old postaian, with a wig, and a low- crowned and broad-brimmed hat, blowing a straight horn, and appearing to gallop on a heavy bob-tailed horse, under which was printed, in large type, " THE LEEDS MER- CURY, being the freshest advices, Foreign and Domestick, together with an account of trade," &c., &c. — The paper then sold for three-half-pence, and the editor of that day appears to have considered the local affairs of his own town and neighbourhood to be too well known to require noticing : during the whole of the period alluded to, the Mercury contained nothing but brief extracts from the London papers, with the weekly metropolitan bills of 118 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I7I8-I72I. mortality, and casualties. The Mercury was afterwards published by James Lister, in New-Street; the price was 2d., and the stamp a halfpenny ; it was discontinued on the 17th of June, 1755, and, after an interv^al of eleven years and a half, was resumed bv Jas. Bowling, in January, 1767. On the 4th of October, 1794, the Mercury devolved into the hands of Messrs. Binns and Brown, by whom it was transferred, on the 7th of March, 1801, to the late Edward Baines. The present proprietors and editors are Messrs. Edward and Frederick Baines, and the paper is now published three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at their office in Albion Street. 1719. Oct. 8th. Mrs. Rachel Dixon, by will, devised a messuage in Briggate, and two houses in Lowerhead-row, in trust, (in case of a contingency, which has since hap- pened) the rents and profits to be yearly equally divided amongst three necessitous clergymen's widows, whose husbands should have died beneficed, in some of the ad- joining parishes to that of Leeds ; the dispensing of the bounty to be in the hands of the vicar, and the minister of St. John's for the time being and for ever. 1720. Jan. 23rd. Mr. Robertson, in the presence of the magistrates of Leeds, and about .5030 spectators, swam upon the river Aire in his leathern boat, which, before he inflated it with a pair of bellows, was so small and pliable, as to be folded up in a handkerchief, if not put into the pocket. Mr. Robertson was born in France, of Scotch parents. At a short distance above the great gateway of Bolton priory, stood the " Priors' Oak," which was felled about this time, and sold for £70. According to the price of wood at that time, it could not contain less than 1400 feet of timber. At a court held at Leeds, on the 7th of May, it was "agreed and ordered by a inajorit}^ of votes, that no more money shall for the future be expended at any publick or com'on treat out of the corporac'on's stock, until the corporac'on is out of debt." 1721. Inoculation for the small pox first used on criminals. Vaccine Inoculation (cow pox) first kiiovrn in 1799. The South Sea Scheme, which ruined maii}^ Yorkshire and other families, was now exploded, and John Aislabie, a member for Ripon, was expel ed the House of Commons, for secretly burning a ledger, containing accounts to the amount of £8-12,000, belonging to the unfortunate dupes of the projectors of this monstrous bubble, the bursting of Avhich reduced many to beggary, and ought to become a lasting caution to future speculators. The outlines of this THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 119 1721.-1723. notorious scheme are as follows : — Ever since the Revolu- tion, the g-overmnent had continued to borro^v money from several trading companies, and among- the rest, from the South Sea Companj-, Avho, under the pretence of being satisfied v^ ith less interest, proposed to buy up all the debts of the nation, and for this purpose v.ere allowed to raise monej'- by opening a subscription to a scheme for trading to the South Seas. Such was the rage for purchasing shares, that, under the expectation of great gains, the government creditors hastened to exchange their stock for that of the South Sea Companj'-, Avhilst others sold their estate:^, nnd called in their mortgages, &c., to become shareholders in this vile scheme, which succeeded far beyond the anticipa- tion of its projectors, many of whom were afterwards pun- ished by parliament, who also took some care to redress the sufferers. 1722. At Eippondeu, near Halifax, there happened ou May the 18th, 1722, " a most remarkable flood, A^hicli, with great violence did break into the chapel, and bj'' its weight and pressure bear down and carry away the greatest part of the north side, Avitli the stones and timber thereof, and pews therein, and tore up the graves and carried away many dead bodies, and left their parts scatter'd in the river and on the banks, a great many miles distance ; and so under- mined the remainder of the chapel, and shook and damaged the >■ alls, that it was absolutely necessarj^ to re-build it on higher ground, to prevent the like danger for the future. Accordingly, a new fabric was erected, and consecrated September the 9th. 1737, by Dr. Martin Benson, then lord bishop of Gloucester." Between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, the water had risen seven yards per- pendicular in Ripponden vale, and bore down in its course several bridges, mills, and a number of houses ; many per- sons ; Iso lost their lives. The first stone of Trinity church, Leeds, was laid on the 27th of August, by the Rev. Henry Robinson, son of Henry Robinson, vicar of Leeds, and great nephcAv to "the Benefactor," who endowed it with £80 in iand; the church v^as consecrated by arch- bishop Blackburn, on August 10th, 1727. The fabric cost £4,5o3 9s. 6d., towards which, lady Elizabeth Hastings, of Ledstone Hall, gave £1000. The stone, which was got at Black moor, was given by Mr. Killingbeck, a Roman. catholic, of Hooton Pagnell. 1723. The summer of this j^ear was remarkable for an extreme drought, vvliich prevailed generally : at York, the waters of the Ouse were reduced, till the base of the 120 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I724.-I727. middle arch of Ouse bridge Avas completely dry for several yards round. 1724. John Smeatou, the celebrated mechanic and civil engineer, was born at Austhorpe, near Leeds, June 8th. When the Eddystone Light house was burnt down in 1754, he was selected to superintend the building of another, and he accomplished this great monument to his abilities and perseverance in 1759. He was afterwards employed in a great number of useful undertakings, and among other things, he made the Calder navigable. He died at Aus- thorpe, October 28th, 1792. The inscription on the monument in Whitkirk church, near Leeds, to this celebrated man is as follows : — " Sacred to the memory of John Siiieaton, F.^.S , a man v/hom God had endowed v/ith the most- extraordinary abilities, which he in- defatigably exerted for the benefit of mankind, in works of science and philosophical research ; more especially as an engineer, and a mechanic. His principal work, the Eddystone Lighthouse, erecied on a rock in the open sea, (where one had been washed away by the violence of a storm, and another had been consumed by the rage of fire,) secure in its own stability and the wise precautions for its safety, seems not unlikely to convey to distant ages, as it does to every nafion of the globe, the name of its constructor. He was born at Austhorpe, June 8th, 1/24, and departed this life October 28th, 1/92." 1726. The Old Chapel, near St. John's church, in Leeds, was converted into a charity school. John Smythe, Esq., formerly of Heath, near AVakefield, left by will, certain messuages, &c., in Halifax, the income of which is paid by the governors to a schoolmaster, appomted by them, for teaching as free scholars, six children to read and write, and the surplus is appropriated to supplying an allo'svance of IGs. a year to the schoolmaster, for every child beyond the six, whom he instructs in the same way. 1727. Sir Isaac Newton died, aged 85. The Leeds vicarage house, which, with the land it stood upon, was given in 1453 by William Scott, of Potternewton, was re- built this year by the Rev. Mr. Cookson, and after standing nearly a century, it was taken down, and the site and croft converted into a large free market. The inhabitants pur- chased a handsome house in Park-place, as the future vicarage house. Tong Chiorch, in the parish of Birstal, was re-built by subscription in 1727. The honourable Thomas Watson Wentworth was elected representative for Yorkshire, v/ith Sir George Savile ; but being created Baron Malton in 1728 he was succeeded by Cholmley Turner, Esq. THE SURROUXDIKG DISTRICT. 121 1 728.-1733. 1728. On the Sth of May, this year, it was ordered that the Mace supplied to the Leeds corporation by Mr. Arthur Monjoy, should be re-gilded, and the old silver mace sold to defraj' the expenses thereof. The work was performed by Mr. Isaac Hancock, whose bill amounted to £15 13s. 5d., and the old 3Iace was ordered to be sold to him at the rate of OS. per ounce. Another coat of gold was given to this badge of office in 1771, in addition to which it has a few years ago undergone a complete repair. 1729. Mrs. Mary Potter died Ma}' 31st, and bequeathed £2000 for the erection and endowment of the alms houses, near St. John's church, in Leeds, which, pursuant to her will, were built in 173S. 1730. Leeds bridge was enlarged for double carriages, and two men were killed duriiig the alteration. 1733. Sept. Sth. Some workmen digging a well at Carlton, discovered a vaulted sepulchre, eight feet long and five feet broad, about eighteen feet beneath the surface, wherein was found a set of large human bones, as white as ivory, and a helmet standing over the head, in a niche. On the v/all were sculptured some Saxon characters, and the date "992," being 74 years previous to the Norman conquest. The Rev. James Scott, D.D., rector of Simonburn, a descendent of the benevolent Mr. Harrison, was born at Leeds, in 1733. His fame as an orator was such, that whenever he preached, the church was crowded to excess. This was the case whenever he occupied the uni- versity pulpit at Cambridge, which he frequently did during his residence there. Noblemen, bishops, heads of houses, professors, tutors, masters of arts, undergraduates, all tiocked to St. Mary's to hear him. His first employment in the church was the lectureship of St. John'^:. Leeds. He ^^'as afterAvards lecturer at tin? 'iVinity cliurc]i, ^vhich he vacated at the end of the year. . Some time after he Avas presented to the rectory of Simonburr, in Northum- berland, which he held till his death, w]:!ich took place on the 10th of December, 1814, in his Slst year. The follov/ing S2)rings in Leeds are noticed in fhe Magna jBn^«7i7iia, (published in 1733), as follows: — ''■St. Peter's Spring, intensely cold, but beneficial to such as arc troubled with rheumatism, rickets, &c. ; Eyc-hright Well, near the Monk-pits, celebrated as a cure for sore eyes ; a spring at the High Dam, ' whose water, by the powder of galls, will turn into a purple colour'; and the Spaiv on Quarry-hiU, Vv'hich surpasses all the rest, 'being a Panacea,' and the Ducking Stool, for the cure of scolds, being near it." 11 122 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1734.-1735. 1734. A contested election for the return of two re- presentatives for Yorkshire, commenced on Wednesday, May 15th, and closed on Wednesday, May 22nd, when the numbers polled were as follows : — Sir Miles Stapylton, 7,896. Cholmley Turner, 7,879. Sir Eowland Winn, 7,699. Hon. Mr. Wortley, 5,898. In the city of York, an elegant figure of Saturn, formed of mixed metal, was discovered in Walmgate, supposed to have been one of the Penates, or household gods of the Romans. July 2nd. Fifty sheriffs of Lgndon were chosen in one day : thirty-five of whom paid their tines. In 1414, owing to the wars, there were not respectable persons enough to serve the office. Anciently, in England, ladies were appointed sheriffs. They were first nominated by William the Conqueror, in 1079. The present mode of appointing them has been followed since about 1461. The inhabitants of Ossett, a village three miles from Wakefield, have been employed in making broad woollen cloth from time out of mind. In this year, the weavers, &c , employed in that trade, had to work fifteen hours every day for eightpence. A horn was blown at five o'clock in the morning, the time for beginning, and at eight at night, the time for leaving their work. The clothiers had to take their goods to Leeds to sell, and had to stand in Briggate in all sorts of weather. About the year 17'^6, Richard Wilson, a resident of Ossett, made two pieces of broad clofh ; he carried one of them on his head to Leeds, and sold it — the merchant being in want of the fellow piece, he went from Leeds to Ossett, then carried the other piece to Leeds, and then walked to Ossett again; he walked about forty miles that day. The following is a copy of an inscription in the church yard of Heyden, in Yorkshire : — " Here lieth the body of William Strutton, of Padrington, buried the 18th of May, 1734, aged 97 ; who had by his first wife, 28 children, and by a second wife, 17; was father to 45, grandfather to 86, great grand- father to 97, and great great grandfather to 23, in all 251." 1735. On the 9th of February, died Mr. Thomas Bridges, of Leeds, whom Dr. Whitaker designates a " true anti- quary," remarkable for industry and exactness in recording the transactions of this town for a series of years. In consequence of petitions from the woollen manu- THE SWRROUNDIIS'G DISTRICT. 123 I735.-I739. , facturers of Yorkshire and Westmoreland, two bills were passed b3' which the ports of Lancaster and Great Yar- mouth were opened for the importation of wool and woollen yarn from Ireland. The price of bread and other provisions being greatly advanced, owing to an ex- portation of corn, on which there appears to have been a bounty, tumults in various parts of the kingdom took place, and at Leeds a detachment of the king's troops were obliged to fire on the rioters, eight or nine of whom were killed. July. At the Northampton assizes, Mary Fasson was condemned to be burnt for poisoning her husband; and Elizabeth Wilson to be hanged for picking a farmer's pocket of 30s. 1736. It was resolved by parliament, " that those per- sons whose freeholds lie within that part of the city of York, called Ainst}', have a right to vote for knights of the shire" This year Francis Drake published his "Eboracum, or the history and antiquities of York, from its origin to the present time." 1739. Lady Elizabeth Hastings, of pious and benevolent memory, died December 22nd, at Ledston. In 1721 she gave £1000 towards building Trinity church, in Leeds. This excellent lady bequeathed at her death considerable sums for charitable and public uses; amongst which were five scholarships in Queen's college, Oxford, for students in divinit}^ of £2S a year each, to be enjoyed for five years, and, as the rents should rise, some of her scholars to be capable, in time, of having £60 per annum, for one or two years after the first term. The Free Grammar School, at Leeds, is entitled to send one poor scholars to be nom- inated, in common with the following similar establish- ments, viz., "Wakefield, Bradford, Beverley, Skipton, Sed- berg. Ripon, and Sherburn, in Yorkshire; Appleby and Haversham, in Westmoreland ; and St. Bees and Penrith, in Cumberland. A stately monument in Ledsham church, afterwards augmented with the statues of her two amiable sisters, records in elegant Latin the character of this orna- ment of her sex. Her own figure is placed on a sarco- phagus reclining, and reading a book ol devotion, and the countenance, which is a portrait, is handsome and spirited. Lady Frances and lady Ann Hastings are placed on ped- estals at the sides, and are represented with the emblems of piety and prudence. Nicholas Saunderson, LL.D., who was born in the year 16S2, at Thurston, near Penistone, died this year, and was buried in the chancel at Boxworth. When only twelve 124 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1739. mouths old, he lost not only his sight, but liis eyes, which came away by abscess, occasioned by the small pox, so that he retained no more idea of colours or light than if he had been born blind; yet he became mathematical pro- fessor in Cambridge university, and a fellow of the royal society. He frequently delivered lectures on optics, ex- plaining the theory of vision, the nature of light and colours, the effects of glasses, the phenomenon of the rain- bow, 6lc. Such was the strength of his memory, and the acuteness of his perception, that whatever was read to him, or explained, though the subject was ever so abstruse, he soon became master of it. Having been at several celebrated schools, and obtained a familiar knowledge of mathematics, logic, and metaphysics, he went^ to Cam- bridge not as a scholar but a master. Being introduced at Christ college by his friend Mr. Dunn, a commoner there, the ''fellows" were so much pleased with his extraordinary genius, that they allotted him a chamber, and granted him the use of their library, and every other privilege of the college, where his lectures were first read by Professor Whiston, on Avhose removal he was made Master of Arts and chosen Lucasian Professor of Blathematics in 1711. He made an excellent inaugura- tion speech in elegant latio, being well versed in Tully, Virgil, and Horace. He was created LL.D. by George IT., in the senate-house of the university, and continued to rise in learning and fame till his death, in the 57th year of his age. Richard Turp-in, the notorious highwayman, was hanged at York, in April, 1739, and on the following morning his body was interred in St. George's church yard ; but on Tuesday morning, about three o'clock, it was taken up by "resurrection men," and secreted in a garden, where it was found by a mob of citizens and the mourners of the deceased, "who carried it otf in triumph through the city^, and having replaced it in the coffin, covered it with unslacked lime, so as to render it unfit for the dissecting room, and then filled up the grave. This daring thief frequently levied contributions as near London as the back of Islington, and in a few hours after was robbing in a dis^tant county, and by his equestrian agility, he long evaded the strong hand of justice. A bill passed, prohibiting the exportation of wool and corn. In digging a cellar, near Ouse bridge, on the Avest side of York, a gold coin of Con- stantiiis Junia was found. The head was armed with THE SURUOU^'DING DISTRICT. 125 1739. a helmet, and the figure held a spear in one hand; on the reverse side, a priest and priestess seated. The following- curious memorandums are copied from the register of the Leeds parish church : — "I735. June. 31 r. John Burton, a merchant in this town, whose uncle, one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, made him hi.< executor to a fortune of 90,000 pounds — married Mrs. Sarah Reveler, of this town, whose fortune he gave to her sister, Mrs. Rachel Reveley." " N.B. Sir Miles Stapylton, of Myton, bart, being chosen county member of parliament in the late election, had more votes of both clergy and laity out of this parish than out of any one parish in the county." " June 3rd. Burial. Israel Benjamin, Yicar-lane; he was born of Jewish parentage, at Breslaw, in Germany, became a Christian, and was baptized at Dublin, in Ireland, in the 45th year of his age." "I737. Aug. 28th. Burial. Richard Turner, a taylor, Kirkgate, this used to preach extempory in the church porch." " 1739. Jan. A sheep was roasted whole upon the ice in the river. Feb. 22nd. The frost broke when the ice in the river was 15 inches thick ia some places. Nov. War declared against Spain." " 1740. jVIay 5th. On the 5th of this month was a great snow. Dec. A great scarcity of provisions : ha,y sold in some places at 18d. a stone; butter, 9d. a pound; malt, 40s a quarter; wheat, 24s. a load." "■ 1741. Aug. The most plentiful corn harvest ever known." '' 1743. Jan. A comet appeared very fair for about six weeks, v/hioh caused various speculations : — "If comets portend dismal Fates, "When visible to divers States ; Now Ydrious nations disagree, "What strange confusions must there be.^ "When the British Lyons begin to roar, Then France and Spain shall dread their power ; Then all conventions soon .shall cease. And Britons win a lasting peace." This comet was one of the finest bodies Avhich had occurred since 16S0. It had as many as six tails ; each 4 degrees in breadth, and 30 to 44 degrees in length. "I743. July 25th. Burial. "William Cookson, Esquire and Alder- man N.B. — He was thrice mayor of this corporation of which he was the greatest ornament. — His vertues shined with an amiable lustre, thro' the various scene.s of life. He was a piou.s christian, a generous bene- factor, an honest tradesman, a tender husband, an indulgent parent, a sincere friend, and a complete gentleman. Sept. The most plentiful harvest that ever was known." " 1744. April 10th. "War declared against France." "1745. July, the last day, Charles, the eldest son of Ciiivalier de St. George landed in Scotland, and was soon joined with about 6 or 126 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1739-1740. TbOO men, who came into England as far as Derby, bnt upon the ad vanee of the king's army, tliey marched back into Scotland." '' Dec. For two nights, about 13,000 of the king's foot, (with 20 pieces of brass cannon), encamped in the closes on the west side of Shipscar-lane, English, Dutch, and Swiss. Rebellion is a plague: when broke out, it has no bounds ; fury triumphs, and the Devil the postillion, and knows how and when to throw his charioteer into a saare " " 1747. April 23rd. Lodged that night in the Moot Hall 68 Jacobite eaptives : 61 men and 7 women, in they'r passage from York (where they had been imprisoned about twelve months) to Liverpool, to be transported." "May 16th. His Grace Archbishop Herring confirmed about 5000 y )Uiig persons." '• 1748. Sept. Mr. Moses Vanderbank painted the Ascension in thf) church." "I749. On the sixth of February, and the sixth of March, the ciiizens of London were surprized by two earthquakes." 1739. In the year 1443 there were in Halifax but 13 houses; in 1558 there were 140; and in 1739 there were above 1100 families in the town. The name of Hall fay, if ■we are to believe Cambden, cannot boast of any great an- tiquity. He says, (in his Britannia London edit. 15S7.) " that not many ages since it was called Horton, as the natives say, and tell this story for the change of the name. A certain clergyman, being passionately in love with a young woman, when he cou'd by no means gain his point, cut off her head in a mad fit, which was afterwards hung up in a yew-tree, and esteem'd and visited by the people as holy, so that every one pluck'd a bough off, to keep as a relick. By this means, the tree grew a mere trunk, but still the fictions of the priests kept up the opinion of its honour and sanctity : for they made the people believe that the little veins, which, like hairs or threads, were spread between the bark and the tree, were the very hairs of the young woman. This caus'd such a great resort of pUgrims to it, that from the little village of Horton it became a large town, and assum'd the name of Halifax, i e., holy hair, for fax is us'd by the English on the north side of Trent to signify hair ; and hence the noble family of Fair- /f^ in Yorkshire, is so called from their fair hair." 1740. At this period, two very curious Roman urns were dug up near the Mount, without Micklegate bar, York; one of glass was broken by accident, and found to be coated inside similar to a looking glass, with a blueish sil- ver colour; the other was of lead, and was sold by the workmen to a plumber, who beat it together and melted THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 127 1740 -1743. it down. JVm. Sheephanks was born iMarcii Iblh this year, in the village of Linton, Cravxn, and wa.s educated at the grammar school of the parish. In 1771-2 he served the office of moderator at the university ; in 1777 he re- moved to Leeds, and in the same year, by the active friend- ship of Dr. John Law, he was presented to the living of Sebergham, in Cumberland. In 17S3 he Avas appointed to the cure of St. John's church, Leeds ; in 1792 he was col- lated to a prebend in Lincoln cathedral, wliich he ex- changed in 1794 for a much more valuable stall at Carlisle. He died at Leeds, July 26th, 1810, and was interred at St. John's. Sir ]Miles Stapylton and lord viscount Morpeth were re- turned for Yorkshire without opposition. In consequence of the death of lord Morpeth, a contested election took place in December, 1741. The poll was open eight days, and the result was as follows : — ClwlmUy Turner, 8,003. George Fox, 6,940. 1741. An old granary, formerly belonging to Kirkstall abbey, was this year taken down. It was covered with slate, brought 500 years? before from Elland, near Halifax, wiiich was almost as hard as steel. In an enclosure adjoining to Blackhill, near Cookridge, was found an urn, containing about 500 Homan coins, all copper, and mostly of Constantius and Constantine his son. It is supposed they were buried there when the Eomans left the island. 1742. July 14th, died, aged SO years, Bichard Bsntley, a native of Oulton, who received his education at Waketield free grammar school. He was master of the Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Syriac, and Chaldee languages. In IG89 he was patronized by the bishop of Yf orcester, and soon after began to favour the world with the fruits of his extra- ordinary erudition. In 1692 he was installed a prebend of Worcester, by bishop Stillingfleer, and in little more than a year after he was made keeper of the Royal library, at St. James's. In 1700, he was advanced by the crown to the mastership of Trinity college, Cambridge. In 1701 he was made archdeacon of Ely, and in 1716 or 1717 he was raised to the dignity of Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge; which chair he filled with great honor and most splended talents, though not to the satisfaction of the envious. The Bev John Wesley arrived May 28th at Birstal, (the first place where he stayed in this county), and preached 128 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1742.-1743. "at uooii on the top of Birstal hill, to several hundreds of plain people." At eight he preached on the side of Dews- bury moor ; went to Newcastle, and returning came to Bees ton. June ^Jrd, he preached at Mirfield, the same evening at Adwalton, and the 8th of April following, at Leeds. Mr. Wesley informs us ia his journal, "May 29th, 1743, that, not a year before, he had come to Leeds, and found no man cared for the things of God : 'but,' lie observes, 'a sparJ^ has nov/ fallen in this place also, aud it will kindle a great flame. I met the infant society, about fifty in number, most of them justrlied, and exhorted them to walk circumspectly. At seven o'clock, I stood before Mr. Shent's door, and cried to thousands, '■Ho ! every one that thirsteth, come ye to the ivaters ! ' The word took place. They gave diligent heed to it, and seemed a people pre- pared tor the Lord. I went to the great church, (parish church), and was shewed to the minister's pew. Five clergymen were there, who a little confounded me, by making me take place of my elders and betters. They obliged me to help in administering th;^ sacrament. I assisted with eight more ministers, for v/hom my soul was much drawn out in prayer. But I dreaded their favour, more than the stones at Sheffield." The following copy of a letter addressed by this cele- brated man to his brother at Leeds, is curious : — "London, Dec. 9th, 1/58. " My dear brother, — From time to time 1 have had more trouble with the town of Leeds than with all the societies in Yorkshire. And I now hear that the leaders insist that such and such persons be put out of the society ! I desire the leaders may know their places, and not stretch themselves bej^ond their line. Pray let me judge wrho should be put out of a Methodist society, and who should not. I desire Faith and Ann Hard wick may not be put of the society, unless some matter appear against them ; and if any new matter does appear, let it be laid before me. He shall have judgm.ent without mercy who hath shewn no mercy," " I am your affectionate Brother, "J. Wesley." 1743. March 7th. At Huddersfield, the foundations of a Roman temple were found, with many beautifully orna- mented bricks, and an altar, having a patera at the summit, on one side a cornucopia, and an augural staff on the other. The edifice had been dedicated to the goddess Fortune, by one Antonius Modestus, or Modestinus, of the sixth con- quering legion. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 129 1744.-1745. 1744. This year, Eugene Aram, a schoolmaster, residing at Knaresborough, murdered a shoemaker named Daniel Clark, and concealed his bod}' in St. Robert's c:ive. The foul deed remained enveloped in mystery till fourteen years afterwards, when the skeleton of the murdered man was discovered. An accomplice named Houseman, being- apprehended and examined, confessed his participation in the crime, adding however, that Aram perpetrated the deed. Aram was forthwith arrested at a grammar school, at Lynn, in Norfolk, and being brought into Yorkshire, he was tried and found guilty of the offence, notwithstanding au ingenious defence more remarkable for subtlety of argument than for force of reasoning. Sentence of death followed immediately on conviction. In the interval between the trial and execution, Aram wrote a paper claiming a right to dispose of his ovv^n life. This privilege he exercised ; and when on the morning of the execution he was roused from his bed to be conducted to the gallows, it was found that he had inflicted upon his arm two such desperate wounds with a razor, that the performance of the executioner was scarcely necessary to terminate a life that Vv^as fast ebbing out at his veins. He vv^as exe- cuted at Tj'burn, a mile from York, and his body was con- veyed to Knaresbro' forest, where he was hung in chains. 1745. In this year, a carpenter discovered in a field near the top of Briggate, in Leeds, at the depth of about two feet, an urn, containing ashes, calcined bone.?, and a stone axe perforated for a shaft. It was of rude formation, im- perfectly baked, and ornamented after the usual manner of the Britons, with encircling rows of indentatiors : it measured about twelve inches in height, and was placed with its mouth upwards, having a cover, which was broken by the workmen. These relics are unfortunately lost. The rebellion of this year, when the kingdom was invaded b}'- prince Charles Edward, eldest son of the pre- tender, thre^v the town of Leeds into great r.larm, and many of the inhabitants fled and others concealed their most valuable effects. Marshal Wade's arm}-- was en- camped at this period between Leeds, Sheepscar, and Woodhouse, (about Wade-lane, Camp road. Sec.) General Wade, is said to have quartered during the encampment in Wade hall — an old stone building of the Elizabethan stylo of architecture, -situate opposite the top of Merrion- street, in Wade-lane. This was the last encampment which in time of actual war on English ground has 130 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1745.-1746. taken place in this island. The alarm fortunately proved groundless, the march of the Pretender's army being- directed towards Derby by way of Manchester. At this momentuous crisis, the whole county of York gave the most unequivocal proofs of loyalty to the reigning dynasty, and attachment to the reformed religion. The archbishop, the nobility, gentry, and clergy, formed a military association, and, having subscribed about £34,000, raised several regiments of soldiers. Gexeral Guest, who commanded the king's troops at Edinburgh, during the rebellion, was a native of Leeds, and the son of a cloth-dresser, a business at which he himself laboured in the early part of his life. His judicious defence of Edinburgh castle contributed to retard, in a very con- siderable degree, the progress of the arms of Stuart, and thereby rendered a very essential service to his country. 1746. August 18th. Lords Kilmarnock and Balmerino were beheaded on Tower-hill, for their participation in the ])roject for the restoration of the house of Stuart to the throne of Great Britain ; and on the 7th of April, in the next year, Simon, lord Lovat suffered at the same place, when twenty persons were killed, and many others injured by the falling of a scaffold. The duke of Cumberland visited York, after the defeat of the rebels at Culloden, where the hopes of the house of Stuart were annihilated. The citizens had previously raised a subscription, amounting to £2,345, with which four com- panies of men, called the York Blues, were embodied for the safeguard of the city during the rebellion. Twenty- two of the rebels were executed at York, and two of their heads placed on Micklegate bar. In the winter of this year, the dormitory of Kirkstall abbey fell down. -After the death of the Uev. Joseph Cookson, vicar of Leeds, a contest and litigation of six years ensued, owing to one of the twenty-five trustees nominated under a decree of lord Bacon having died, and the remaining twenty-four divided their votes equally between two candidates, viz. James Scott, M.A. and Richard Kirshaw, M.A. Thus the matter rested till one of the twenty-four died, and the twelve friends of Mr. Scott strove to enforce his election, which the other eleven trustees rejected, and demanded a popular election. Mr. Kirshaw was chosen by the major part of the parish- ioners. Several bills were now filed in Chancery, where at length it was ordered that the trustees should fill up their number to twenty-five, which was done, and Mr. Kershaw was re-elected, and inducted in 1751. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 131 ]746.-l748. lu this year the grass withered in the fields, leaves fell prematurely from the trees, and neither rain nor dew fell for several months. Prayers were offered up in the churches, to implore the bounty of refreshing- showers. 1747. This year the cell of the noted hermit, Wm. of Lind- holme, was remaining on Hatfield Chase, near Thorne,also his well of clear spring water was to be seen; at the east end of the cell stood an altar of hewn stone, and at the west end was the hermit's grave, covered with a free stone slab, eight inches thick. Under it were found the skull, leg, and thigh bones, and a small piece of beaten copper. Oct. 10. Died, aged 73, the Rev. John Potter, a native of Wakefield, and the son of Mr. Thomas Potter, linen draper. At the age of 19, he published a critical ^vork, which attracted the attention of men of learning, and soon afterwards wrote the antiquities of Greece, which gained him much celebrity. In 1704, he was chaplain to archbishop Tenison ; and in 1706 chaplain to the queen. In 1715, he was bishop of Oxford, and in 1736 archbishop of Canterbury. In each of these stations he published works of great utilit}^ : he was the highest dig- nitary in the church for ten years. Sir Miles Slapylton and Sir Conyers D'Arcy were elected representatives for Yorkshire without opposition. 174s. The following has been copied from a mantiscript written at the time of the occurrence: — "1748. March. Thos. Grave was most barborously murdered in his own house by a domineering villanous lord of the manor, .Josiah Fearne, 2-l:tli Feb., 174S, with four wounds in his body of which he died 2ud Mar. Fearne was taken and com- mitted to York castle, and tryed before Sir Thos. Burnett, was committed and hanged 25ih March, 1749. Soon after Fearne was condemned, he sent an attorney to Mrs. CTrave to offer her twenty pounds a year for her life, or for twenty 3^ears to come, at her own option, in case she wou'd sign a petition to the judge in his favour, (which Fearne said, vv^as a sufficient recompense for the injury he had done to her and her eight children) but she prudently declin'd the offer, well knowing there is no satisfaction to be made for the blood of a murderer. This probably is the first lord of the manor of Leeds that made his exit on the gallows, and God grant that he maybe the last. Fearne's temper was extremely rigid to the poor and his dependents, that he was dreaded by all and beloved by none. ITe was buried at Clifton, near York, 31st March." Sir Henry Ibbetson, of the Pied Hall, Leeds, as a reward for 132 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1748. -1753. his lo3^-iit3^ r/as created a baronet, and had, as an honour- able addition to his armorial bearings, the Golden Fleece, the arms of his native town of Leeds, ingrafted on his paternal coat. 1740. In tliis year the Leeds corporation purchased a pew in Trinity church, for the sum of £24. In 1793 a large })ew in St. Paul's church was purchased at a cost of £147. In 1801 a pew was purchased in St. James's church, at a cost of £29. Ss. The corporate body subsequently appear to have had pews in St. Mary's church, Quarry -hill ; Christ's chiircii, Meadow-lane; and St. Mark's church, Woodhouse. 1750. The Wesleyan Methodists obtained a lease for ninety- nine years of an old house and piece of land, on which they erected their first chapel in Leeds. Lord Viscount Dov/ne was elected for Yorkshire in the place of Sir M. Stap3^1ton, v/ho was appointed one of his majesty's commissioners of the customs. 1751. Mrs. Catherine Parker, of Leeds, left by will, dated September 3rd, th s year, the sum of £J00, for the benefit of the poor inhabitants of Harrison's hospital, in Leeds. In this year there was an act passed (24 Geo. 11.) for making- the calendar in England correspond with that used in other countries of Euro])e, It was enacted that eleven days should be omitted after the 2nd of September, 1752, so that the ensuing day should be the 14th; and in order to counteract a certain minute overplus of time, that the years, ISOO, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, or any other hundredth year which shall happen in time to come, shall not be con- sidered as leap years: except only every fourth hun- dredth year, whereof the year 2000 shall be the first. Christmas day was the ecclesiastical beginning of the year, till pope Gregory XIII., in 1552, ordered it to begin on the 1st of January. In France and England, the same practice commenced about the same time ; but in the latter country, it was not till 1752 that legal writs and in- struments ceased to consider the 25th of March as the be- ginning of the year ; hence, ivhen it was necessary to express a date between the 1st of January, which was the com- mencement of the historical year, and the 25th of March, which opened the legal one, error and confusion were sure to occur, unless it were given in the following awkward fashion : 1648-'9. 1753. In June, a serious riot took place at Leeds, in con- sequence of an attempt being made to improve the public roads, and several turnpike bars were demolished. Some THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 133 1753.-1754. persons were wounded, in an attempt to demolish the turnpike house at Hare wood bridge, which was defended by Edwin Lascelles, Esq., with a number of his tenants and workmen. On the following Saturday, a carter refusing' to pay the toll at Beeston turnpike, was seized by the soldiery, but rescued by the populace, before he could be conveyed before the trustees of the turnpike, at the King's Arms Inn, in Briggate. The mob assembled again in the evening, for- the purpose of rescuing three other prisoners, apprehended the night before, and proceeded to break the windows and shutters of the King's Arms, and to tear up the stones of the pavement, to throw at the soldiers. Having alread}- knocked down the sentinel, the military received orders to fire, which they did, first with powder, and on this producing no intimidation, with ball, by which two or three persons were killed, and twenty- two wounded. On the 5th of November, this year, the Leeds corporation ordered one hundred guineas to be paid towards obtaining an act of parliament for " erecting a court of conscience, for the recovery of small debts within the borough of Leeds, and for making a common sewer, and for paving, cleansing, and enlightening the said town of Leeds." The British Museum Avas estab- lished this year. George IV. gave his father's library to it in 1S27 The corporation of Leeds chose Mr. Barstow to be town clerk, but the king ordered Mr. Atkinson to have the place, then worth £200 a year. 1754. The "Leedes Intelligencer" was commenced on Tuesday, July 2nd, this year. The office at that time was in Lowerhead-row. It has thus had an uninterrupted existence of more than 105 years. For several years it was published on Tuesday ; afterwards the publication day was changed to Monday ; then to Thursday ; and, lastly, to Saturday. Its original proprietor was Mr. Griffith Wright, who v/as succeeded by his son, Mr. Thomas Wright, and he again by the late Mr. Grifnth Wright, the grandson of the first-named gentleman. After existing in the family of its founder for nearly 65 years, the Intelli- gencer was transferred to other hands at the close of 1818, and its proprietorship passed through various hands, till it solely came into those of Mr. Kemplay, in April, 1849. Count Zinzendorf, who had afforded an asylum on one of his estates in Germany to a company of persecuted descendants from the ancient Moravian church, visited Pudsey, in the township of which some persons, both natives of Britain and foreigners, who had formed a con- 12 134 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1754. nexion with that church, were building a settlement, which they called Grace Hall, or Lamb's Hall, but which soon after received the name of Fulneck. It was com- pleted in 175s, and was intended for a centre of evan- gelical usefulness, a temporary residence for the mis- sionaries on their way from Germany to heathen countries, and a place for educational institutions. The principal buildings are erected in a line on the side of a rather steep hill facing the south, and consists of the chapel — a neat stonestructure, with the minister's dwelling and ladies' school attached; the boy's school ; and houses for single men, single women, and widows. In front of these is a terrace, upwards of one- eighth of a mile in length, bordered by gardens, and commanding a very beautiful view of a richly wooded valley, on the opposite side of which lie the hall and grounds of the Tong estate. The chapel, handsomely built in the Italian style, accom- modates about 600, and has a very good organ. The burial-ground, often inspected by strangers, is remarkable for its pleasant situation, and the symmetry and plainness observed in it, nothing being allowed to mark each grave but a small head-stone. In the schools, the children of the Moravian ministers are educated, forming, however, the smaller portion of the total boarders. The boys num- ber in general about 60, and the 3'^oung ladies about 50. There are besides, separate and flourishing day-schools. In the sister's house the well-known beautifully executed Moravian needlework is made. The settlement contains also a comfortable board and lodging-house, where con- veyances may be had on hire. The White Chapel, in Hunslet-lane, Leeds, was built this year. The Rev. J. Edwards, the first minister, was succeeded by the Rev. Edward Parsons, who was afterwards appointed to Salem chapel, of which he was long the pastor. After much opposition, the Rev. Mr. Fawcett, on the fourth attempt, succeeded in reading prayers at the chapel at Holbeck, guarded by a party of dragoons. The Rev. gentleman subsequently resigned the curacy. The commissioners of charitable uses advertised at Leeds July 9th. to receive complaints of breaches of trust, &c. Elias Patefield, of Northowram, aged 100, and his wife, aged 99, died nearly at the same time : they had been married 60 years. He first departed, she for one hour tried To live without him ; lik*d it not and died. April 19th, about 11 at night, the shock of nn earthquake, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 135 1/54. or a great explosion in the air, was felt at York and teu. miles round. At Whitby, Hull, and several parts on the sea-coast, the same trembling was sensibly experienced by the astonished inhabitants, during a few seconds of time. Scatchard says, that "in the early, and even middle part of this century, in the neighbourhood of Batley, and such hilly grounds, manure was carried into the fields by what were called "Hotts," square boxes or crates, which hung like panniers over the backs of the horses, and which were, generally, managed by women. They had opening doors in the underside, through which the tillage was discharged upon the land; and while one box or pannier was emptying, the other M'as borne up by an assistant, or else by, what we call in Yorkshire, "a Buck." This account I received from very respectable old people at Batley, and I have since met with an article in Brocket's glossary, which corro- borates it by shewing that such usage prevailed in other parts. "I have heard old people say," writes Mr. Brocket, " that between the confines of Yorkshire and Westm-oreland, it was common for the men to employ themselves in knitting, while the women were engaged in the servile employments of carrying these "Hotts" npon their backs." It has been remarked to me that Hott is Hod, but I would prefer deducing it from the French word Hotte, signifying a scuttle, dosser, or bas- ket, to carry on the back. The same writer says, there were a description of travellers, formerly very numerous in these parts, which deserve notice here, viz. : — ihe "Bell Horses." I have a faint recollection of them passing through Morley twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays as I am told. They were called pack liorses, from carrying large packs of cloth, &c , on their backs. These bell horses and their drivers were the chief conveyances during the middle ages, and down to the times of the great civil war. By means of them, not only various goods, but letters, and even young Oxford and Cam- bridge students, were passed from various parts of the kingdom. "We have an interesting account of them in the 25th volume of the Archeeologia, just come out. "Imedyatly after that comunycacion (says tiie writer), we mete one Stephen Amore, a man of Nottyngh'en comyn from Stamfford, dryving horses lodden with cloth before him," &c. Stephen, it appears, had been at Bury, (probably Bury in Lancashire, or Bury St. Edmonds, in 136 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I754..1755. Suifolk), and like all his brother carriers, was a famous newsmonger and politician. " When I saw the bell horses at Morley, passing on to Dewsbury and Thornhill, the first horse only wore a bell. The roads were then narrow and rugged, with deep ruts, and the causeways, generally, were single and uneven. The bell horses always kept this foot path, and forced therefrom travellers of every description, so that on dark nights, and especially in the winter time, the bell of the proud leader was a most useful ap- pendage. These roadsters ceased to travel, sometime, as I fancy, about 1794, but I cannot ascertain the pre- cise date." Sir Conyers D'Arcy and Lord Viscount Downe were returned as members for Yorkshire without opposition. 1755. In this year the act of parliament of the 28th Geo. II., cap. 41, was passed, entitled *' an act for en- lightening the streets and lanes, and regulating the pave- ment in the town of Leeds." The preamble of this act is as follows : — " Whereas the town of Leeds, in the county of York, is a place of great trade and large ex- tent, consisting of many streets, narrow lanes and alleys, inhabited by great numbers of tradesmen, manufacturers, artificers, and others, who, in the prosecution of and carrying on their respective trades and manufactures, are obliged to pass and repass through the same as Avell in the night as in the day time : and Avhereas several burglaries, robberies, and other outrages and disorders have lately been committed, and many more attempted within the said town, &c., and the enlightening the said streets and lanes, and regulating the pavements thereof would be of great advantage, and tend not only to the security and preservation of the person and properties of the inhabitants of the said tow^n, but to the benefit and convenience of strangers and persons resorting to the several markets within the said town, &c." The first streets Avhich were lighted under this act were Cross- parish and New-street — so called because it was the first place in Leeds upon which the word street A\'as im- posed. The system of lighting was by means of oil lamps, which were used for 28 years after, when a gas company Avas incorporated by act of parliament. When the Weslej^an Conference was held at Leeds, May 6th, 1755, the question was agitated, whether the Methodists were to retain their connexion with the es- tablishment, or finally to secede from it ? Upon this THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 137 1755. occasion 3Ir. "Wesley says, " The point on which we desired all the preachers to speak their minds at large, was, Wli-cth^r ive ought to separate from the Church f Whatever was advanced on one side or the other, was seriously and calmly considered ; and on the third day we were all fully agreed in that general conclusion, That whether it was lawful or not, it was no ways ex- pedient." — In a multitude of counsellors there is safety. Henry Hanson, Esq., in 1755, left, for the benefit of the poor ot Moortowu and Chapeltov.n, ,£100, the interest to be distributed in bread, the first Sunday in every month. John Gledhill, Esq., in 1806, left to the poor of Chapel- Allerton £100, the interest to be distributed in bread. YVade Brown, Esq., of Ludlow, in Shropshire, left, by will, in 1821, to the minister and chapelwarden for the time being, to the poor of this chapelry. £100, being a share in the Leeds water-works, the interest to be distributed in coals, yearly, at Christmas, by the minister and chapehvarden. The folio ^\ in g bequests are for the benefit of the Sunday school: — £100 left by Mrs. Bywater, and in the hands of Wade BroAvn, Esq.; o£10 left by Luke Priestly, Esq., in the hands of his widow ; and £50 left by John Gledhill, Esq., and in the hands of James Brown, Esq. Interest is paid upon each donation at the rate of five per cent, per annum ; and the amount is applied to\vards the support of a Sunday school at Chapel- Allerton. Allerton Hall was upvv'^ards of four i^' centuries the property and residence of the Kitchingman family. It was the largest and most ancient mansion in Chapeltown, consisting of about sixty rooms, with gar- dens and pleasure grounds. It was sold a])Out this year b}- James Kitchingman, Esq., to Josiah Gates, Esq., merchant of Leeds. The Kitchingman family, for upwards of 400 years, were carried from this hall by torch light, to be interred in the choir of Sr. Peter's church, in Leeds ; at the interment of any of the family, the great chandelier, consisting of 36 branches, was always lighted. In the year 1716, Mr. Robert Kitchingman died, May 7th, aged 100 years. He ordered his body to be buried with torch lights, at Chapel- Allerton ; he v.-as interred on the 16th May, when 100 torches were carried ; the room where the body was laid was hung with black, and a velvet pall, with escutcheons, was borne by the chief gentry ; the pall bearers had all scarves, biscuitrs, and Back; the v. hole company had gloves. Fifty pounds was given among the poor, in the chapel yard, on the day of 138 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND his interment. Mary, his wife, died July 28th, 1716, aged 97 years. She was interred precisely in the same way. She Avas daughter of Alexander Robinson, merchant, of Leeds, and Grace, his wife, sister of the illustrious Harrison. Part of the house where Mr. Rt. Kitchingman lived is yet standing, although the greatest part of it was taken down about the year 1730. When Sir Thomas Fair- fax took Leeds, Henry Robinson, vicar of Leeds, nnd brother of Mary Kitchingman, fled to this house, after having narrowly escaped with his life, in crossing the Aire, below St. Peter's church. He afterwards made his escape to Methley Hall. Tradition says, that king Charles I. was concealed at this house before he went to Leeds. Mr. Harrison, the benefactor, spent the summer of 1645 here, when the plague raged in Leeds. The estate of the Sunderlands, in Chapel-Allerton, was left by Samuel Sun- derland, Esq., of Harding Hall, in the year 1676, to his nephew, Robert Parker,Esq., of Marlow Hall, at Brows- holme, who erected and endowed ten alms-houses at "Wad- dington, in Craven. The estate was sold in allotments, by John (or Robert) Parker, about the year 1788. A curious circumstance which occurred in the family of the Sunderlands, is as follows : — " Samuel Sunderland, Esq., who flourished in the reign of Charie.9 I. and in the Commonwealth, resided at Arthing Hall, not far from Bingler. He was one of the richest men of his age, and had accu- mulated an immense quantity of gold coin, which he preserved in bags placed on two shelves in a private part of his house. Two individuals who resided at Collingham, and who were in circumstances above want, though not above temptation, determined to rob Mr. Sunderland of the whole, or at any rate of a considerable quantity, of his gold ; and in order to prevent the chance of successful pursuit, they persuaded a blacksmith at Collingham to put shoes on their horses' feet backwards way. They arrived at Arthing Hall according to their purpose ; took away as much gold in bags as they could carry off, and notwithstanding the communication of an alarm to the family before they left the house, succeeded in accomplishing thpir retreat. The weight of the gold they took away was too heavy for their jaded horses, and they were compelled to leave part of it on Blackmoor, where it was after- wards found by some persons of Chapeltown. It so happened, that the robbers had taken a dog with them on their expedition, and this animal, in the hurry of their retreat, they left behind them, fastened up in the place from which they had taken the gold. The friends and neigh- bours of Mr. Sunderland, who had determined upon pursuit, imme- diately saw in this dog the means of detecting the offenders. Having broken one of its legs, to prevent its running too fast for their horses, they turned it loose ; it proceeded, notwithstanding its excruciating pain, to Collingham, and went directly to the house of its owners. The THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 139 1755.- 1^56. pmsuers arrived, burst open the door, and found the thieves in the very act of counting the l■.;one3^ They were sent to York, tried, condemned to die, and their own apprentice was compelled to act the part of their executioner. This young man, though innocent of any capital partici- pation in the robbery, wa^; so Jiorror- struck by the deed he had been compelled to perform, that he criminated himself, and followed the fate of his masters. Assize of Bread established in Leeds, May 27th, by John Brooke, Esq., mayor, when the penny horse loaf weighed 21bs. loz. lldr., and the threepenny maslia lo'af 4lbs. 5oz. 8dr. In this and the previous year a distemper very fatal to cattle raged to an alarming extent, in and about Leeds. A special sessions ordered the inhabitants of Briggate, in Leeds, to repair the pavement fronting their respective houses, shops, &c. At a court held in Leeds, on the 10th of October. 1755, it was agreed " That the town clerk do dine as usual with the mayor." 175G. Richard Wilson, Esq., sold part of " the Parks " to the clothiers for ,£400. A public brewhouse was built this year, in Meadow-lane, wherein was brewed about 50 quarters of malt weekly. In May, in this year, in the false loft of an ancient house, used as a chapel, at the bot- tom of Northgate, in "Wakefield, a number of statues were found by a workman. The3'^Avere admirably executed, in va- rious metals, as well as in wood and alabaster, each adorned with appropriate emblems, and are supposed to have been conveyed from Sandal castle, and the chapel on Wakefield bridge, by the religious, in the reign of Henry VIII. They represented Moses and Aaron, kings David and Solomon, Christ, the twelve Apostles with their respective emblems, St. Paul, St. John the Baptist, and the three magi, Jasper, Melchior, Balthazar ; St. Anne, mother of the virgin Mary, teaching her to read ; St. William, archbishop of York, with his pastoral staff and mitre, and a monk at his feet praying; a figure with a mitre; a fine representation of of two saints suffering martyrdom, in Alto Relievo, in ala- baster ; St. John the Evangelist was represented in the cauldron surrounded by St. Polycarp, St. Ignatius, the principal Roman magistrates, and the executioners ; and another group consisted of a saint lying on a board, whilst his intestines are twisted gradually out, by a spit turned round by two lictors. HaAvorth church, in Bradford parish, rebuilt. There appears to have been a church here so early as a.d. 600. Farneley hall was built in the reign of Elizabeth, by Sir Thomas Danby, and was a "stately fabric, of its architecture and age. Upon the front wa» 140 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1706.-1757. this inscription : " Builded in the year of our Lord 1586, and in the reii?n of the Queen 28, by Sir Thomas Danby, knight." It was pulled down in 175G, the materials were sold, and a very inferior mansion v.as erected on its site. It is not knoNvn M'hen the ancient park was destroj^ed. Farneley may be regarded as the last place in the parish of Leeds which continued to be the abode of aristocracy, and Dr. Whitaker says, "It is owing unquestionably to the aristoc- ratical genius of the place, that in the neighbourhood of a population rapidly increasing, where every rood of land when leased was sure of a tenant, little less ihan four hun- dred acres of native wood, such as in Doomsday is des- cribed as Silva Pascua, should have been permitted to remain to the present day." Farneley wood has, within the last few years been cut down. 1757. The new regulations for levying the militia pro- duced such a spirit of insubordination in Yorkyhire, that a vast body of fiirmers, artizans, and labourers, from up- wards of thirty parishes, assembled at York and de- molished two houses, without Monk bar, in one of which the deputy-lieutenants were expected to assemble to re- ceive the constable's returns. By deed, dated July 7th, 1757, it was declared that the inhabitants of Garforth had agreed to erect a school-house in the town of Garforth, on the promise of Sir Edward Gascoigne, lord of the manor, to settle upon and annex to the school as much of the common or waste lands of Garforth, as would produce the annual value of fifty shilliugs. Five acres were con- sequently given upon a lease of ninety-nine years, at the rent of one shilling. In 1774 arrangements were made for the erection of a house for the master. David Hartley, M.A., died 29th September, 1757, aged 53 years. This well known writer was born at Illiugworth, near Halifax. His father was curate there, and married May 25th, 1707, a daughter of the Rev. Mr. Edward Wilkinson, his predecessor. This curacy, Mr. Hartley afterwards re- signed for the chapel of Armley, in the parish of Leeds, where he died, and left behind him eight children. His son David was brought up by one Mrs. Brooksbank, near Halifax, and received his academical education at Jesus college, Cambridge, of which he was fellow. He first began to practice physic at Newark, in Nottinghamshire, from whence he removed to St. Edmund's Bury, in Suffolk. After this, he settled for some time in London, and lastly, went to live at Bath, where he died. He acquired great reputation for his medical and mathematical writings. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 141 1757.- 1;58. Mr. Wesley, in his journal, mentions Hudder?? field, under the date June 9th, 1757, as follows : — " I rode over tho mountains to Hudderslicld. A Mulder people I never saw in England : the men, women, and children, filled the street as we rode along, and appeared jnst ready to de- vour us. They were, however, tolerably quiet wliile I preached ; only a few pieces of dirt were thrown ; and the bellman came in the middle of the sermon, but was stopped by a gentleman of the town. I had almost done, when the)^ began to ring the bells ; so that it did us small disservice. How intolerable a thing is the Go.spel of Christ to them who are resolved to serve the Devil." And again, in 1759, he says, " I preached near Huddersfield, to the wildest congregation I have seen in Yorkshire ; yet they "Were restrained by an unseen hand, and I believe some felt the sharpness of His word." John Firth, of Sowerby, had seven sons and daughters living and well, though the eldest was 87 years old, and the youngest 69. 1758. A very handsome chapel was erected at Horsforth on the sire of the ancient edifice, under the auspices of the Stanhope family. The coloured or mixed Cloth Hall in Wellington-street, Leeds, was built this year by subscription. The department principall}' used for the sale of ladies' cloth in an undyed state, was added in 1810. The building is of brick, of a quadrangular form, enclosing an open area of considerable extent. It is 380 feet long and 200 broad, and contains 1,780 freehold stalls, divided into six compartments, which are appropriately called streets. Earh street, or avenue, contains two rows of stalls, and each stand measures 22 inches in front, having affixed thereon the name of the clothier to whom it belongs. The octagonal building near the entrance, is called " The Rotunda," and is used by the trustees of the hall. It is now greatly improved at the entrance by the removal of part of the wall, and the erection of iron gates and palisading. The opening of the hall is indicated by the ringing of a bell, at half-past nine o'clock, after which operations commence. Bargains are made with great quickness. The buyers pace np and down the avenues, look at the stalls as they pass, listen to the invitations of the sellers, examine the specimens offered, and make a short contest about price, the chaffering being speedily brought to a close either by one party or the other. All the sellers know the buyers ; and the discussions about olives, or browns, or pilots ; about 6-quarters or S-quarters ; about English or Foreign; about high quality and low 142 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1758.-1759. quality, are heard on every side. The hall is kept open one hour and a quarter, and a bell announces the ap- proaching close of the market, and the ringing of another soon after terminates the business of the day. In the short time allotted, very extensive transactions take place, amounting from £20,000 to £30,000. The merchants are lined 5s. for remaining after the ringing of the last bell. The Leeds corporation commenced an action-at-law against William Denison, Esquire, one of the aldermen of the borough, for refusing to take upon himself the office of mayor, to which he had been elected no less than four times, namel}^ in IT.')^, 17«>5, 1757, and 1753. The cause was afterwards compromised by Mr. Denison engaging to accept office, on condition that the duties thereof might be discharged by his brother. Mr, Denison paid the cor- poration as costs in the action, £12 17d. 3d. 1759. Sir George Savile was returned for Yorkshire in the place of Sir Coiiyers D'Arcy, deceased. Mr. Joseph Midgley, of Leeds, clothier, who died this year, left the interest of £800 to be paid quarterly to the poor of Harrison's hospital, in Leeds. It appears from Mr. Wesley's journal, that the parish of Halifax was agitated with an earthquake. It occurs under the date of May 18th, 1759. " I rode in the afternoon from Halifax, over the huge, but extremely pleasant and fruitful mountains, to Heptonstall. A large congregation was waiting for us, not only on the ground, but on the side and tops of the neigh- bouring houses ; but no scoffer or trifler was seen among them. It rained in the adjoining valley, all or most of the time that I was preaching ; but it was fair with us on the top of the mountain. What an emblem of God's taking- up his people into a place of safety, while the storm falls on all below ! Here I was informed of the earthquake the day before. On Tuesday, May the 17th, many persons, in several parts, within five or ;iix miles, heard a strange noise under the ground, which some compared to thunder, others to the rumbling of carts : quickly after, they felt the earth rock under them and wave to and fro : many, who were within doors, heard their pewter and glass clatter; many in the fields felt the ground shake under their feet ; and all agreed as to tlie time, though they knew nothing of each other's account. Thursday, the 19th, I preached at Ewood, about seven, not intending to preach again till the evening ; but Mr. Grimshaw begged I would give them one sermon at Gawksham ; after ■which we climbed up the enormous mountain, I think THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 143 1/59 -1760. equal to any I saw in Germany, on the brow of which we were saluted by a severe shower, which a high wind drove full in our faces, almost till we came to Haslendeu. Here I learned, that the earthquake observed near Heptonstall, had been sensibly felt by very many persons from Bingley, three miles eastward of Keighle}^ to the neighbourhood of Preston. It was everywhere preceded by a hoarse rumbling, about three o'clock ; so that in a few minutes it had run from east to west, between fifty and sixty miles." 1760. The foundation stone of Harewood liouse was laid by Henry Lascelles, Esq. on the 23rd of March this year. The length of the building is 250 feet, and the width 89 feet, displaying all therichness of Corinthian architecture. It is said to have cost upwards of £100,000. It stands on an elevated position, in a park of great beauty and extent, consisting of 1,S00 acres. The taste displayed in the pleasure grounds, gardens, and lake, corresponds with the magnificesice of the house. They comprise nearly 150 acres. The terrace erected by the late earl will vie with the best of the kind in the country. The interior is very ele- gant and costly. The, entr ance hall \b supported at the sides by sixteen Doric columns and pilasters, and the walls are enriched wi{\\ basso relievos by Rose. In six niches are placed busts of various members of the famil}'. From the centre of the ceiling is suspended a beautiful lamp. The old ivy-mantled castle adds greatly to the beauty of the scenery of Harewood. Mr. Benjamin Wilson^ an eminent painter, flourished about this time. He was a native of Leeds, and particularlj^ distinguished for his etchings in imitation of Rembrandt, which are said to have completely deceived the connoisseurs of that day. The celebrated painting of the raising of Jairus's daughter, valued at £500, is an honourable proof both of his abilities as an artist, and of his generosity. It is now in the Leeds general intirmary. Two stone coffins were dug up at Black- hill, in the parish of Harewood, containing human bones. Foundations of buildings, urns, and coins, have been frequently found at the same place. George III. succeeded his grandfather George II., Oct. 26th, 1760, and died Jan. 29th, 1820, thus reigning nearly sixty years, which is the longest reign in our histor3^ In this year the act of parliament of the 33rd Geo. II., cap. 54, was passed, entitled "An act for raising money for finishing and completing the repairs oi: Leeds bridge, in the county of York ; and for the purchasing and taking 144 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1760-1763. down the houses and buildings which straiten and obstruct the passage to and over the said bridge." The act authorized the erection of "a stone arch over that part of the mill stream or goit passing under one arch of Leeds bridge aforesaid, which runs between master Green's house and the old school," the latter being the chantry of St. Mary, previously mentioned in this work. 1761. On the 31st of August, the city of York was visited by the king of Denmark, being attended by many of his nobles and a numerous retinue. The following day, after visiting the cathedral and the assembly rooms, he departed for London, by way of Leeds and Manchester. Sir George Savile, and Edwin Lascelles> Esqrs. were returned as members for Yorkshire without opposition. They were also returned at the elections of 1768, and 1774 Avithout opposition. 1762. June i9th. Several moors in this county caught lire, to the great consternation and loss of the inhabi- tants in the respective neighbourhoods. Dec. 1st. A violent hurricane in York raged from nine o'clock at night till eight o'clock on the following night ; blowing down the weather cock and part of the battlement at the west end of the minster, and very seriously damaging numerous houses. 1763. August 16th was born Frederick, second son of George, IIL, and eleventh duke of York he was advanced to the dignity of the duke of York and Albany, in Great Britain, earl of Ulster, m Ireland. His royal high- ness was also many years commander-in-chief of all the land forces of the united kingdom, colonel of the first regiment of foot guards, colonel- in-chief of the 60th regi- ment of infantry. He was the soldiers' friend, by whom he was venerated when living, and by whom his memory is still cherished with enthusiasm. He died January 5th, 1827, and was buried in the royal vault at Windsor, on the 20th of the same month. Dec. 26th. Owing to a sudden thaw and heavy rain after a great fall of snow, the river Aire rose to such a height at Leeds that it forced down its banks at the head of the high dam, •where it formed a new channel, and swept away an acre of soil out of School-close, besides washing down several large trees at the Parks, close to the banks of the river. The damage was estimated at £1000. The church at Sowerby is a neat edifice, and was built in this year : it is dedicated to St. Peter, and valued in the parliamen- tary returns at £28. It is in the patronage of the vicar THE !>URllOUNDING DISTRICT. 146 176.3.-1/65. of Halilax. The chapel has a chancel, in which is a statue of Archbishop Tiliotson, erected in compliance with the will of his surviving grand-niece, between sixty and seventy years ago. This celebrated person was born afc Ha ugh -End, in October, 1630. 1764. The Rev. Samuel Brooke, A. INI., rector of Gamsfon, Notts, was this year electc d master of the Leeds grammar school : died September Sfh, 177^ He was distinguislied for the point and neatness of his epigrams in Latin and English. June 2.'3(h, an excellent dinner was given at the Green Dragon, Harrogate, by 21 of the neighbouring gentry, to ]Mr. and Mrs. Liddal, on their taking the " Flitch OF Bacon Oatj," inserted in the ()07th number of the Spectator, and appointed to be taken by such happy couples as wish to be rewarded for having lived one year and a day (or more) in wedlock, without strife, or wishing the " silken cord" untied October 2nd. An advertisement bearing this date, says, " Safe and expeditious travelling with machines on steel springs in four days to London, from the Old King's Arms, in Leeds, every Monday and Wednesday." In this year Avigs were fast becoming unfashionable, and the wig-makers of London petitioned Geo. HI to compel gentlemen to wear wigs by law, for the benefit of their trade. 176.1. Mrs. Barbara Chantrill bequeathed the interest of £400 to the poor Avidows of Mrs. Potter's alms houses, in Camp-road, Leeds. The father of Richard Wilson, Esq. recorder, built a large house on a part of the site of Leeds castle (Scarborough's hotel). On the 27lh of March was held the llrst fortnight sheep and cattle fair at Wakefield, and on the 2nd of April following, tiie iuliabi* tants of Adwalton advertised it as illegal, and thai they should bring actions at law " against all persons by whom Buch intended meetings at Wakefield shall be held," as the same would be highly prejudicial to the neighbouring fairs and markets at Adwalton, which are held by virtue of a " Royal Charter." On the Sth of September, died Sir Thomas Dennison, the son of a clothier, at North-town- end, Leeds, who by his merit as a lawyer was elevated to a seat in the king's bench. The isle of Man was an> nexed to the crown of England, having been purchased from the duke of Alhol The following curious notices of business to be attended to in each year, occur iu a memorandum book formerly belonging to Mr. Thomas Barstow, the younger, town clerk of the borough of Leeda, this year : — 13 146 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ^'^^ 27 Sept ToffWe notice of a court of mayor, ald'men, and assist ants, to choose a new mayor, (and assists, if wanting,) on the 29th at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ; afterwards the old mayor, tne mayor elect, and the rest of the court go and drink a glass. The old mayor pays aguiaea, the mayor elect 10s. 6d, the aldermen 2s. a piece, and the asLtants Is. each What is spent above is paid by the treasurer out ' of the corporation stock. ^ u ^u Sunday after the last mentioned day, the new mayor goes to church with the old mayor, the former in a black and the latter in a scarlet eown, and dine together at the old mayor's. _ . . The first Sunday after the new mayor is sworn in, is a Gcvn ''^'Vhe first whole week after Michaelmas, the quarter sessions, dine vv.fch the old mayor, go to court after dinner to swear the new mayor Sup With the new mayor. Waites Pl^^i^g before^^themfroua court New mayor gives the old church nngers 10s., St. Johns 5.., and Trinity Is. 1766 Huddersfield Cloth Hall, or Piece Hall Avas erected this year This edifice was built by Sir John Ramsden, and was enlarged by his son in 1780. It is an extensive circular edifice, two stories high, divided on one side mto separate compartments or shops, and on the other mto onen stalls for the accommodation of country manufac- tirers of woollen cloths. There are two central avenues of stalls for the same purpose, and about six hundred manufacturers now attend here every market day Ihe doors are opened early in the morning ot the market day they are,closed at half-past twelve o'clock at noon; and they are again opened at half-past three for the removal of cloth &c. A cupola and bell are placed above the en- ■ France for the purpose of regulating the l.me allowed for doing business.-i— Edward, duke of 1 ork, this year visited the earl of Mexbro'. ^. , ^ /i • Ko. 1767 Ann Sowerhy was burnt at 1 ork for murdering her l,ii.Lpd The walls of the venerable church of Dews- bury gave way, and were rebuilt with a laudable regard to the preservation of the works of antiquity^- Thomas Hudson, a native of Leeds, who was reduced from affluence fo beggary by the "South Sea Bubble," died this year at a very advanced age. In the early part of his life he was clei^^n a government office, and by the death ol an aunt obtPiued a large fortune, Avhich he iioldly ventured in the South Sea Scheme, after the failure of which, he left his ZX^etun Stkordshire, where ho had just buried an affectionate wife, and became a wandering lunatic mendi- affectionate^^^^ h^equently seen perambulating the fields about Chelsea, bare-footed, wrapped m a rug, and sup- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. l47 1767.- 1/68. ported by a crutch, under the name of "Tom of fen thousand," as he used to call himself. Betv/een the j'ears 17^>7 and 178/ the average cost af manufacturing a pack of long wool into yarn ^yas as follows : — 1 }{ pack of Lincoln or Kent wool would cost £7- 10s. The washing and combing would cost £2. 10s.; the spinning, £9. ; the carrying out, £2. ; the average Norwich profit would be £3. ; making a total of £20. About the same time, a wool-comber with three thou- sand pounds capital, would make four hundred and six- teen packs in one j^^ear, or twelve hundred pounds profit. His return would be eight thousand seven hunbred and thirty-six pounds. The state of things in this manufac- ture, before machinery was introduced to an}^ extent, may be ascertained from the fact that in 1738, a pack of long wool made into fine stuffs, would employ oue^ hundred and fifty-eight persons a week, who earned thirty -two pounds twelve shillings. In 178S the spinners were old men, women, and children of both sexes ;n and at that time in sixteen counties, their average earnings w^as sixpence farthing per day. .^ 176S. The first stone of the Leeds General Infirmary was laid this year. It is a spacious but plain building of red brick, with stone facings. It was originally of two stories. The two large wings have been added at different times, and the bod}^ of the building raised to the same elevation, besides other improvements ; the whole forming three sides of a quadrangle. The length of the building is 150 feet, the width 3S; the court is 1S6 feet by 30 feet, the back court, with the offices and gardens, 186 feet by 120 feet. In 1817, R. F. Wilson, Esq , of Ingmanthorp; munificentl}' presented the trustees with a plot of land on the south front, consisting of 4,000 square yards, valued, at £1,500, which extends from the ground on the south front to ^Yellington•road. The land is tastefully laid out as a garden and pleasure ground, and is enclosed by a substantial wall, surmounted with iron palipades, and forms an ornament to the western part of the town. It contains 143 beds, in part devoted to surgical, and in part to medical cases. Upwards of 2,000 in and 3,000 oitt-patients receive the benefit of this institution yearly: 247,911 patients have been treated within its walls since the opening. As a surgical school it is unsurpassed by any hosj)ital ill the kingdom. It is supported by annual subscriptions, benefactions, legacies, and public collections, chiefly from the town. 148 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1/68. The subscriptions and collections amount to about £2,500 per annum : the dividends on £3,000 three per cent consols, purchased with the amount of various bequests, are also available for the general expenditure, the annual amount of which is something' approaching £5,000. The Leeds Library was commenced under the recom- mendation of Dr. Priestley, and was then on the ground- floor of the Rotation-Office, in Kirkgafe. The present building, erected at a cost of £5,000, is situated in Com- mercial-street ; the basement story is rusticated, and is at present occupied as shops, which produce a considerable rental. The front consists entirely of stone, and is divided above the rusticated base into live compartments by Ionic pillars, with windows of the same order in each division, the whole tinishing in a bold cornice and entablature. The library is approached by a staircase at the west end ; the books, consisting of 30,000 volumes are systematically arranged on the upper floor, in one principal and three smaller rooms, the dimensions of which are, the large room, 180 feet by 9J ; 1st. smaller, 5/ by 54; 2nd. smaller same size ; 3rd. smaller, 51 by 42 ; which together, gives 53-i feet of available wall space for displaying the books. The library consists of a well-selected collection of books, many of which are extremely valuable, comprising the best editions of the standard authors, both English and foreign, in every branch of literature ; also a rare collec- tion of quarto tracts relating to the civil wars. It is acknowledged to be one of the most spacious and beautiful libraries in the north of England. Dr. Whittaker says of it, "a splendid apartment which would not disgrace a college." The number of subscribers is limited to 500. iStrangers can obtain admission on application to a member. On the fith of September, the king of Denmark passed through Leeds with a splendid retinue, and after visiting the Clolh Hall, was sumptuously entertained by the cor- poration. On October 7th, tlie Rev. Richard Fawcett, A.M., was chosen incumbent of St. John's, in Leeds. He held the living fifteeen years. By a suit in chancery agsinst the trustees of that church He increased the yearly value of the benefice to six times its former amount. He was a ver}^ acute man, and master of a neat clear con- troversial style. This year Pontefract was distracted by two violent parties, viz , lord Galloway's and Sir Rowland Winn's, who each elected a mayor, and kept the town some time in great confusion, till one of the two gave up the mace. Bridge Frodsham, the "York THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 149 1768.-1769. Roscius," breathed his last on the 26fh of October, 1768, in the city of York, where he had so loug- been the idol of^ the stage, and received such unqualified flattery, that he fancied himself equal in many tragic parts to the great> Garrick, and would not have exchanged the applause of a York for that of a London audience. He was only once in the metropolis, and then only for a few days, during which he visited Garrick, whom, as well as Mrs. Garrick, he surprised and baffled with his freedom and self-sufficient airs, saying that he was a Roscius in his own quarters, and neither wanted nor wished for an engagement in London, but came there merely to see a few jDlays, and' visit a brother genius. In Jul^', this year, a great flood carried away three bridges, and did much damage at Leeds and Bradford, where the cellars near the river were inundated, and at the latter place, great quantities of cloth, wool, &c., were carried awa}" by the stream, into which a man and a boy fell witli the bridge on which they were standing. Near the walls of the city of York, some labourers discovered a Roman sepulchre, formed of tiles 20 inches long, 15 3^ broad, and 3 inches thick, with prominent edges, and a cover resembling the roof of a house, formed with semicircular tiles of a small diameter, fitting very close. Each end of the dormitory was closed with a tile like those of the sides ; on each of which were these letters and figures, '-Leg. IX. HIS." In the cavity were found the remains of a human body, which seemed to have been burnt, particularly part of a thigh bone, and the lower jaw, which was broken, but contained all its teeth There was also an urn, of a blueish grey colour, containing ashes, covered with a slate. Near to this was found another earthen vessel of red clay, Avith a handle to it ; there were likewise a few coins and a medal; one of the coins was a Domitan, well preserved, having on the reverse, " Fidei Pablicce." 1769. October. Between Gillygate and the walls of the city of York, was found by some workmen, a Roman silver coin. On one side was a head in profile, and this inscrip- tion, " Capit cxiii." On the reverse two oxen, with the yoke on their necks, but no plough ; above them was in- scribed "CXIII."; and under their feet " C. Marl" ^[ajor Bradley, of Leeds, advertised his wife having left him for the 14th time ! I Two coaches carried pas- sengers from " Leeds to London in two days and a half," for £1. lis. 6d. inside, or £1. Is. outside. A man at Leeds was indicted for paying a bad "six and thirty," and 150 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1769 -17/0. many persons in Halifax and ofher places were appre- hended for clipping and sweating the 35s., I8s., and 63. 9d., and otlier gold pieces, and for counterfeiting the Portuguese coin then current in England. At the York Spring assizes, about forty coiners and clippers were tried, but only two were executed, viz. : James Oldfield, of Warley, and Diivid Harlly, of Erringden. The latter was called '■^ King David,"' hy h'lH illicit fraternity, who had another chief dislinguished wilh the title of "Duke of Edinburgh." The favourite haunt of this desperate gang, was tht! wild and mouutanious parish of Halifax, of which many of them \vere natives. After David their "king" had been apprehended in the town of Halifax, some of the gang murdered Mr. Deighton, a supervi>;or, within one hundred yards of his own house, for which crime, Robert Thomas was executed at York on the 6ih of August, 177-t, and gibbeted on the Beacon-hill, with his right hand pointing to the scene of the murder. Matthew Norman ton also suffered death as an accomplice in the bloody deed. Mcchngs were held at various times in Leeds, Bradford, and IJalifax, to consult on the best means to be used for gupprc.-5.siug this numerous gang of Yorkshire coiners, whose frauds and violence had increased to a very alarm- ing extent. The widow of Mr. Deighton, being recom- mended by the Yorkshire gentry as an object of royal bounty, received from hi.s majesty a gift of £2^0, and an annuity of £50 for life. On the third of February, thi.s year, there were at Lecd.^ and Bradford grand sep- tennial ])rocessions of the vvool-comber.s in honour of their patron bishop Blaise. ^In August, (he Rev. John \V'(\sloy held at Leeds a kind of "Visitation," which he called a Conference, a name by Avhich the yearly synods of his followers have since been distinguished. At the village of Thornton, in the parish of Bradford., a most eccentric character, George Kirlon, Esq., of Oxnop Hall, died in l/BO, aged one hundred and twenty-five. He was a most remarkable fox-hunter, following the chase on horseback till he was eighty years of age; from that period to one hundred year.s, he regularly attended the Gukennelling the fox in his single chair. 1770. The construclion of the Leeds and Liverpool canal was commenced this year, and was not completed to Liverpool till 1S16. The whole length of the canal is 120 miles. In its cour.se it passes Ormskirk, Wigan, Blackburn, Burnley, and Colne, in Lancashire, andSki])ton, Keighley, Bingley, and Bradford to Leeds in Yorkshire. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 151 1770. It joins the Aire at Leeds, thus opening a direct line of mvi- gation between Hull and Liverpool, and the principal towns in the kingdom. It communicates with the Ribble by the Douglas navigation, and a branch from Wigan to Leigh connects it with the Bridgewater canal. The Aire and Calder Canal has its junction with the Leeds and Liverpool, at Leeds. It extends to "^Aeeland, from thence to the Ousc, near Goole ; and from Haddlesey to the same river at Selby. During the iirst ten years of the reign of George III., some discoveries and inventions were made, by which the prosperity of the whole empire received a newimpulse. B}*" the improvements effected in the steam- engine by Mr. James Watt, a superior mechanic power was obtained for the driving of machinery and 01 her pur- poses. I^Ir, James Hargreaves, of Blackburn, invented the spinning -jenny, a contrivance for abridging the u.se of liaud labour in the cotton manufacture. Upon this an iinjjrove- raent was afterwards made by Mr. Richard Arkwrighr, Avho invented what was called the spinning- framz, by which a vastnumber of threadsof the utmost fineness were spun with verylittle aid from hand labour. A third invention called the mule jenny, by Mr. Crompton, of Bolton, came into use some years later ; and finally i^Q power -loom was iuvented by Dr. Cartwright for superseding hand labour iii weaving. Mr. Watt was an artisan in his early days : .Mr. Hargrea\'es was a carpenter; and Mr. Arkwright a dresser uf hair. The last, who was knighted by George III., left at his death nearly a million sterling, realised by the profit of his invention. On the banks of the Oiise, about a mile and a h.ilf from York, in a piece of ground opened for a gravel pit, were discovered several fragments of Ri):n.'m earthenware, such as pateras, urns, and some \'ery large vessels, ornamented with vine leaves, and one inscribed "0[)hilas"; also part of a urn of crystal, an iron flesh fork, and a piece of brass. A stratum of oys'er sin lis ap- peared to have been laid from two five feet below the surface of the ground, and above them was a rich black earth, like soot mixed with oil, amongst which were pieces of burnt wood; over these were scattered great numbers of heads of beasts, and in several others were bones mi.Keu with earth, and fi'agmenfs of earthen vessels. Not far from these, the earth, about three feet below the surface, was discoloured and greasy, as though it had been soaked with hlood. In digging a dr.iin from the north-east of Davygate to the corner of Lendal, in York, the foundations of three walls were discovered, 152 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1770.-1771. about seven feet below the ground. They were from nine and a half to eleven and a half feet broad, about three feet distant from each other, and were composed of pebbles strongly cemented ; the space between the walls being securely filled with clay. October 4th, died Mrs. Peckham, the celebrated cook; and, on the 6th, Mary Dob:don, alias '^' Match Mary,"" who kept her coffin, shroud, &c., 17 years in her house previous to her death. In August, this year, part of the foundation of a temple, of Roman brick work, was found iu Friar's garden, in York, about two feet belov.^ the surface of the earth, of a semicircular form, the other half being under an adjoining house. Under this fragment was a iiat grit stone, three feet long, two feet one inch broad, and seven inches thick, on which was an inscription, and some curious carved work, in line preservation. Some Eogian foundations were diwcovered near St. Helen's church, St. Helen's- square, York ; the origin of which church can be traced back to the ages of heathen idolatry, when a temple dedi- cated to Diana was erected here. Wilks, the popular champion of the people's rights, being liberated from his long imprisonment on the 18th of April, in this year, the event was honoured in Yorkshire with great rejoicings ; the towns of Leeds, Wakefield, Bradford, Halifax, &c., being enlivened with ringing of bells, fireworks, illumina- tions, and other demonstrations of joy. " Wilks and Liberty,** and "No. 45," were seen in almost every window. This year died Anthony Herridance, a baker, of Shad- well, supposed to have been the heaviest man then in Europe. In September, this year, 11,000 freeholders of Yorkshire petitioned his majesty for a dissolution of par- liament. July 3rd, the relict of the Rev. William Whitaker, instead of expending £50 in funeral pomp, gave that sum to the Leeds infirmary, then building. In September, Sir James Ibbetson, bart., was chosen common councilman of Leeds, being then resident in Kirkgate. 177L Cuthhert Shaw, the son of a shoemaker at Ravens- worth, near Richmond, was born in 1738, and died this year ; v,^as some time usher to the grammar school at Darlington, where he published his first poem, entitled " Liberty." He took to the stage. Wrote a satire, en- titled the " Four Farthing Candles," with a view to ridicule Coleman, Churchill, Lloyd, and Shirley ; and next made Churchill the object of single attack, in a heroic poem, called the " Race of Mercurius Spur, with notes by THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 163 1771.-1774. Faustiims Scriblerus." He had the instruction for some time of the son of Philip Dormer Stanhope, the rarl of Chesterfield. This year ^yeve opened the liCeds general Infirmary, the Theatre, Hunslet-lane, and the Methodist chapel, in Low-street, St. Peter's-street. 1772. August 8th, four persons Avere tried at York for murdering: a boy who A\as afflicted with that dreadful malady hydrophobia, but they were acquitted for want of evidence. Negroes were adjudged to be free Avhilsfc in this couutr}'. August 27th, a county meeting- was held at the castle of York, when Archbishop Drummond was called to the chair, and proposed that a subscription should be commenced for the erection of an asylum in the city, expressly for pauper lunatics, or such as belonged to indigent families : i.'2,500 a\ as quickly subscribed. Judges A\ ere this ye;n' appointed for life, instead of during pleasure. June 20th, at Leeds, hailstones fell as large as nutmegs, doing immense damage Avhile the storm continued. This year 210,111) pieces of broad and narrow cloth Avere sold at Leeds. 1773. June 8th, ten plaijs advertised to be performed by subscriplion, at the theatre, Leeds. Box tickets, 15s.; p t, 10s., for the course. In May 10th, of the following year, the same plan Avas resorted to. June 15(h. a self- moving phaeton aa as advertised to be exhibited at the sign of the Pied Bear, (now the Bull and Mouth,) Brig- gate, Leeds. February 9th, the Quakers in Leeds subscribed £70 for bread for the poor, an example (says the editor of the Mercury) "in these pinching times not unAA^orthy the imitation or the affluent." In March, the merchants and tradesmen of Leeds agreed, at a pul)lic meeting, to take all k-nds of Portugal go-cl. provid ng it was good, and of sufficient Aveiuht. Foster PoweUf the celebrated pedestrian, a native of Horsforth, com- pleted his first Avalk from London to York and back, in ') days nnd IB hours; this task he repeated in 1787, and subsequently, in 1792, in 5 days, 13 hours, lo minutes, being then in his 58th year. The first manufactory for cast plate glass, according to the process invented by Abraham The'vart, Avas established at Prescot, in Lanca- shire, by a society of gentlemen, to Avhom a royal charter was granted, under the name of the " British Plate Glass Company." 1774. On Sunday, July 3Ist, the sails of the Avindmill belonging to tho Leeds pottery fell doAvn with a tremen- dous crash, which, being looked upon as a judgment for 154 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1774 -1775. desecrating the Sabbath, the proprietors resolved that the mill should never be allowed to be worked afterwards on the Lord's day. In this year great distress prevailed amongst the poor of Leeds, when "not less than 6,000 persons were relieved weekly for some time." Inclemency of the weather, dearness of provisions, and bad trade, were assigned as the causes. A gold coin of Justinian, weighing twenty-one grains, was found at Osmondthorpe, near Leeds, which is supposed to have been the royal resi- dence of some of the kings of Northumbria. On the 14th of August, Isabella Cryer, died suddenly at Leeds, aged 41 : she measured three yards round, and is supposed to have weighed forty stone. She was borne to the grave by ten men. In this year the Leeds corporation sub- scribed £100 towards the building of a new White Cloth Hall in the town. 1775. The American war of independence commenced in the summer of this year, occasioned by the colonists having refused to submit to the imposition of taxes by the English government. On the 4th of July, 1776, the American congress took the decisive step of a declaration of their independence, embodying their sentiments in a document remarkable for its pathos and solemnity. France, Spain, and Holland joined their arms with those of America against .England; while Russia, Sweden, and Denmark remained an "armed neutrality," decidedly hostile to Britain. So tremendous was the force raised against Britain in 1779, that it required about 300,000 armed men, 300 armed vessels, and twenty millions of money annually, merely to protect herself from her enemies. On the 3rd of September, 1783, treaties of peace were signed between Great Britain, France, Spain, and the Unifed States of America. By these treaties Great Britain acknowledged the independence of the United States, and restored to France and Spain a part of the possessions which had been taken from them. In this year, a farmer near Bingle3^ digging in his Held, discovered a copper chest, containing about one hundred weight of Roman silver coins, some of the date of Julius Caesar. A very high flood occurred in the river Aire on the 21st of October, this year. Water-lane, together with all the other streets and lanes near the Leeds bridge, were rendered impassable to anything but boats. The bridges of Calverley and Swillington, above and below Leeds, were destroyed, and a singular circumstance is related of a hare, which escaped alive on the body of a THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 155 1775 -1776. drowned sheep. The height to which the water rose is preserved by a notice at the end of Water-lane, entering- from the bridge, thus: — "1775, October 21st, Flood," under which is a line showing That the water rose seven feet above the crown of the paving. There is a monument in the chancel of the parish church at Halifax, of Dr. Leigh, who distinguished himself in the Bangorlan controvers}', bearing the following inscription : — " Near this place, in the same vault, are deposited the remams of the Rev. George Leigh, LL.D. and his two beloved wives, Frances and Elizabeth, to whose joint memory this monument is erected; he was vicar of this parish of Halifax abo^e forty-four years: during which time he interested himself with laudable zeal in the cause of liberty and sincerity, being the last survivor of those "\vorthy men who distinguished themselves by their opposi- tion to ecclesiastical tyranny, he defended the rights of mankind in that memorable Hoadlian controversy. The bible he considered as the only standard of faith and prac- tice, to the poor and distress'd and public charity's, he was a generous benefactor, by his will order'd bibles to be given for the benefit of the poor. Ke did honour to his profession as a clergyman and christian. Esteem'd when liveing, in death lamented. He died composed on the Gth of Decemb'r, 1775, in the S2d year of his age ; his wife Frances died Decemb'r 9th, 1749; Elizabeth, Feb. Sth, 17G5." The population of Leeds v/as, at this time, 17,117; Man- chester, 42,937. On the 21st of September, Miss Carr, of Sw'inegate, Leeds, was unfortuately killed by lightning. Before the act of parli'-ment of this date, country banks issued notes for sums so small as lOs. and 5s. Some banks m Yorkshire even circulated notes of the value of 6d. The manufactures of England, &c., were greatl}'" facili- tated by the inventions of Mr. James Y/att, a Glasgov\^ mechanic, ^\ ho this j^ear obtained a patent for his rotative steam-engine, which is now so generally used in all parts of the kingdom, propelling nearly all kinds of machinery, from the lieaviest hammers of the fulling mill and forge to the shuttle of the newly invented power-loom. Leeds White Cloth Hall, in the Calls, was opened on the I7th of October, this year, c nd was built on the site of an ancient hospital. 1776. Jan. 11th. William Dennison, Esq. gave thirty loads of corn and four hundred corves of coal to the poor of Kirkgate division. The following memorandum was w^ritten in a bible, nov/ in the posses.jion of a family at 156 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1776.-1777. Rishton, near Blackburn: — "Thos. Dixbury, of Rishtou, near BLickburn, sold to Messrs. Peel, Yates, and Co., Church bank, t\vo common fine calico pieces for £5. 9s. 8d. These were the first pieces ever manufactured in this king- dom." This year, the market cross, Leeds, w as erected to replace a more ancient one. The report of woollens manufactured in the West-Riding this year, states that the following M'ere produced from Easter, 1775, to Easter, 1776, viz., of narrow cloth, 99,586; and of broad cloth, 99,773 pieces ; being an increase of 6,687 pieces above the pre- ceding year. No fewer than 926 patients ^\ere ad- mitted into the Leeds infirmary this year. Thomas Aikney and Elizabeth Boardingham were executed at York, March 25: h, for the murder of the husband of the latter at Flam borough. The body of Aikney wa5 brought to Leeds for dissection. A new post coach was advertised to go to London in thirty-nine hours from the old King's Arms, Leeds. The Doncaster St. Leger was established by Colniel vSt. Leger this year. Francis Fawkes, a poet, was born in Yorkshire about 1721; and took his master's degree at Cambridge, in 1745 ; and, on entering into orders, became curate of Bramham, where he wrote "Bramham Park," a poem. He obtained the curacy of Croydon in 1754, where he became known to arclibishop Herring, who gave him tlie vicarage of Orpington, with St. Mary Cray, in Kent, Avhich, in 1771, he exchanged for the rectory of Hayes. Published a volume of original poems and translations, and an eclogue on "partridge shooting," and other works. Died in 1777. 1777. The County Hall, or Court House, in York castle yard, was built this year. There is an epitaph as follows, in Birstal church j^ard : — " This is to the memory of old Amos, Who wi;s when alive ior hunting famous; But now his chases are all o'er. And here he's earth'd of years four score. Upon this tomb he's often sat And tried to read his epitaph; And thou who dost so at this moment Shall ere long like him be dormant. Amos Street, of Birstal, Huntsman to Mr. Fearnley, of Oak- well, who d:ed Oct. 3rd, 1777." June 9th. The Assembly Rooms, (in Assembly-court), Leeds, was opened with a minuet by lady Effingham and Sir George Savile, bart., on which occasion upwards of two THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 157 1777.-1779. hundred and twenty of the neicrhboiiring nobility and gen- try were present. Sept. 14th. The shock of an earth- quake was felt in Leeds and to the westw ard. York Lunatic Asylum being nearly completed, apartments were opened on the 20th of September for ten patients, at 8s. per •week. Dr. Hunter was appointed physician. In Januarj% the citizens of York were much exasperated by the appearance of a "■Press Gan{/,'" and on the 26th the lord mayor received a letter bearing- the York postmark on it, threatening " that if those men were not removed from the city on or before the 2Sth, his lordship's own dwelling and the mansion house also should be burned to the ground." 177s. The baptisms, marriages, and funerals at the parish church of Leeds, from January, 1777, to January, 177s, were as follows: — baptisms, 1*025; marriages, 3G0; funerals, 945. On June 14th, was a total eclipse of the sun. On December 3ist a great storm of wind occurred, by which much damage v/as done in the town and neighbourhood of Leeds. The inhabitants of "Wakefield empowered the churchwardens to contract with Messrs. Pack and Chapman, of London, to exchange the old bells that were hung in 1739, for a new peal of eight ; the tenor to weigh 24 cwt., the rest in proportion. This year Paul Jones, a bold adventurer, kept all the western coast of the island in continual alarm. He lauded at Whitehaven, where he burned the ships in the harbour, and attempted to burn the town. He afterwards landed in Scotland, where he continued his depredations. On the 20th of September in the following year, a sea fight took place off Flamborough Head, between Paul Jones and a British fleet under the command of Captain Pearson. The battle commenced about half-past :-;ovcn o'clocl: in the evening, and raged ^vil:h great fury lor t^vo hours, ^v'llen Captain Pearson was compelled to surrender. The enemy purchased his victory at a prodigious price, not less than 300 of his men being killed and wounded. 1779. Jan. 27th. On this day the venerable abbey, at Kirkstall, suffered the loss of two sides .of its fine tower, and a part of a third, when several little smoking pipes, such as were used in the time of James I. were found em- bedded in the mortar, whence it is argued that smoking was practised in England before the introduction of American tobacco in 1586. Parliam.ent granted £5000 to James Berkenhout and Thomas Clarke, of ilalton, near Leeds, on condition that they should make known to the 14 158 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND J779. public their newly-discovered method of dyeing linen and cotton cloth, in scarlet, crimson, and other colours varie- gated. The secret was attempted to be divulged, but no hues could ever be produced like the specimens, which in all probability were the effect of accident rather than skill, as had been the case eight years before at Barnard castle, where a dyer's boiling kettles were in 1771 suddenly inundated by the overflowing of the Tees, which struck such a beautiful shade upon the cloth then in process, that it sold in London at a greatly advanced price, and orders poured in for more of the same hue, which the poor dyer could never again produce, the genius of the river not dingniug to pay him another visit. Mr. Berkenhout was the descendant of a Dutch merchant, who settled at Leeds, A descendant of his partner, Mr. Peter Clarke, occupied the Wliite Bridge Mill, at Halton, until 1857, where he manufactured bunting for ship's colours, and where the first power-loom in England was at work long before the public became acquainted with the steam power-loom of the present day. The mill is now .converted into two dwellings, and a water-wheel is (1859) being erected near the reservoir, to supply Halton, Temple-Newsam, and "Whitkirk with water. About this time, a man passing by Hathershelf Scout, observed his dog enter a narrow aperture : supposing him to have caught the scent of a fox, he pursued and found the opening gradually expand into a small cave, where he found, not a fox but a savage, who barred all further approach by a pistol. The astonished discoverer withdrew, but quickly returned with some assistants, one of whom boldly entered, and secured the inhabitant of the cave. The reason for his choice of this unknown retire- ment now appeared. It was a repository of stolen goods; among which were two surplices taken from the parish church of Rochdale, with the scarlet hood of a doctor in divinit5^ The plate stolen at the same time had been pre- viously discovered in another place. The cave was not large enough for the reception of living oxen, but it was copiously stored with slaughtered animal food, properly cured for a long concealment. The ruffian thus extricated from his lurking place was transported for life. Destructive riots took place in London, when at least 50,000 persons from one meeting took their route over London bridge, bearing Hags inscribed " No Popery," headed by lord George Gordon. They burnt the furniture, ornaments, and altars of two Roman Catholic chapels, set THE SURllOaXDING DISTRICT. 159 1779. fire to the house of the keeper of Newgate, also to the prison, which was soon entered and destroyed, and the prisoners ^vere liberated. The king's Bench prison and the ncAv Bridewell, together with i^ome adjoining houses were set on fire and nearly consumed. Attempts were twice made on the bank of England on the same day. The rioters were repulsed after many of them had fallen by the fire of the military. The total of killed and wounded was 285. Several of the prisoners were afterwards exe- cuted. Lord George Gordon was tried for high treason, but acquitted. This year was discovered near Morton, in the parish of Bingley, one of the most valuable deposits of Roman Coin, ever seen in Britain. It consisted of a very large quantity of Denarii in excellent preservation, for the mosL part of Septimus Scvenis, Julia Domna, CaracaUa, and Geta, ail con- tained in the remains of a brass chest, which had probably been the military chest of a Roman legion, and buried there upon some sudden alarm. In this year, a few persons at Leeds, of the Baptist denomination, hired a part of the Old Assembly Rooms ; and Mr., afterwards Dr. Fawcett and the Rev. J. Parker, of Barnoldswick, preached on the occasion of its being opened for public worship. This may be considered as the commencement of the Ba])tist interest in Leeds. Two years afterwards the chapel, commonly called the Stone chapel, was opened. The present edifice in South- parade was built in lS2fi. "In the year 1779, a countryman," says Whitaker, " digging peat on Mixenden moor, struck his spade through a black polished stone, resembling a hone or whet-stone; adjoining to this stone v,^as a most beautiful brass celt, in excellent preservation. These remains were accompanied by four arrow heads of black flint ; by a light battle-axe head of a beautiful green pebble ; and lastly, by a hollow gouge, or scoop, of hard grey stone, evidently ii^tended for the excavation of canoes and other wooden vessels. The last is unique, no implement for this purpose having ever been discovered before. Together they seem to have formed the imperishable part of the arms of a British soldier, who, by some other means than in battle, had perished, perhaps two thousand years ago, amongst these wastes, where all remains of the body, together Avith the handles of the weapons, had long been decomposed, and mixed with the common earth." James Cook, a celebrated English navigator, was bora on the 27th of October, 172S, at Marton, in Yorkshire. 160 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1779. His father was an agricultural labourer, or farm servant. His mother's christian name was Grace ; and he was one of nine ch Idren. Before Cook was thirteen years old, he was apprenticed to a haberdasher at Staiths, near Yfhitby, but the daily sight of vessels and the converyatiou of scameii, so filled his mind with a desire to become a sailor, that he obtained his discharge from the sho}) and bound himself for seven years to John and Henry Walker, of Whitby, who were extensively en- gaged in the coal trade. After the expiration of his marine apprenticeship, he continued to serve as a com- mon sailor in the coasting trade. During all this period, he was very assiduous in the study of his profession, having, without a master, acquired such a knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, as to enable him subse- quently to make three voyages round the globe. In. 1768 Gook was recommended to government as a fit person to undertake an expedition to the South Sea. He was appointed to command the expedition with the rank of a lieutenant in the royal navy, his commission bearing date the 25th of May, 1768. In this first voyage he was accompanied by Mr. (afterwards Sir Joseph) Banks and Dr. Solandcr, as naturalists and students of life and manners, and b}- Mr. Green, the astronomer. The object of the expedition was to observe at Otaheite the passage of Venus over the Sun's disk. In this voyage he recognised the coasts of New Zealand, and discovered the strait which divides New Zearland into two islands. — (Cook's strait) In the second voyage which he made in 1772, and which lasted three years, he had for his task to verify the existence of x^ustralian lands. Having advanced as far as 71 deg. of south latitude, he satisfied himself that there existed no land of any great extent in these regions. In his course he discovered New Caledonia. In 1776 he undertook a third voyage in order to ascertain if there existed a commu- nication between Europe and Asia, by the north of America. He made the circuit of the new world, gained the north-west of America, and attem^^ted to pass into Hudson's bay through Bering's straits ; but was com- pelled to give up the undertaking in consequence of the advanced season. Cook steered southward with a design of wintering among the Sandwich islands, and returning to Kamschatka the following spring. It was on the 30th of November, 1778, Ihat he discovered the fatal Owhyhee. Several weeks elapsed in sailing round and THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 161 1779. -1/81. examining- its coasts. On the ITtli January, 1779, he anchored in Karakatooa bay, where occurred the quarrel in which he perished. A chieftain of rank was shot by the crew of an English boat, and in revenge, the captain was attacked on all sides. His men strove in vain to assist him, but they were overpowered by numbers ; he was stabbed in the back and fell. His life is his char- acter and panegyric : it ceased abruptly, but it will never be forgotten. Jan. IGth. Admiral Sir George Rodney took twenty-two sail of Spanish ships, defeating their fleet, near Cape St. Vincent, and on the 12th of April, 17S2, obtained a signal victoiy over the French fleet. In December, this year, a press gang com- menced operations in Leeds, and seized a cropper named John Baldwin. He was so affected by the occurrence that he afterwards hanged himself 1780. Leeds and the neighbouring towns were illumina- ted on the taking of Charlestown, June 19th. On ^Vednesday, Sep. 27th, Sir George Savile and Henry Dun- combe, Esq., were returned members for the county of York without opposition. A slight shock of an earth- quake was felt in Leeds, Dec. 9th. John Fothergill, a physician, died this year, and was born at Carr-end, in Yorkshire, in 1712. His parents were quakers, and he was put apprentice to an apothecary of that denomination at Bradford. He studied tvi^o years under Sir Edward ^Vilmot, at St. Thomas's hospital; after which he visited the continent, returned, and then settled in London, where he became a licentiate of the college. He was at Edinburgh, where he took his doctor's degree. Became a member of the Royal Antiquarian Society. He acquired a large fortune, of which he made good use. I7S1. The Yor/v J/ma?ii(eZ established about this time, for the benefit of ministers, either members of the Church of England or Dissenters, and the wives, Vsadows, and children of ministers, in any part of Ihe kingdom. The capital of this institution at the period oF the com- missioner's survey, amounted to £12,400 three per cent. consols. The following observations on the view from Bramham moor, were made by John Watson, Esq., of Malton, in this year : — " Upon the middle of this moor, a man may see for ten miles around him ; v/ithin those ten miles there is as much free- stone as would build ten cities, each as large as York ; within those ten miles there is as much good oak timber as would build those ten cities; there is as much limestone and coal to burn it into lime as 162 ANNALS OF LEEDI^, YORK, AND 1781.-1782. the building of those ten cities would require; there is also as much clay and sand and coals to burn them into bricks and tiles as would build those ten cities ; within those ten miles there are two iron forges, sufficient for those ten cities, and 10,000 fodders to spare ; within those ten miles there is a good coal seam sufficient to furnish those ten cities with tiring for 10,000 years ; within those ten miles there are three navigable rivers, from any of which a man may take shipping, and sail to any part of the world ; within those ten miles there are seventy gentle- m nil's liouses, all keeping coaches, and the least of them ;ui enquire, and ten parks and forests well stocked with deer ; within those ten miles there are ten market towns, one of which may be supposed to return £10,000 per week." Captain Donnellan was executed at York for the murder of Theodosius Boughton. Wm. Meek Meyer, Esq., tried at York for the murder of Joseph Spink, (a bailiff's assistant), and found guilty on the 20th March ; respited until the 29th, and further until the 6th of April, when he was executed at Tyburn, near York. April 10th. A large meteor passed over Horsforth, emitting a heat equal to that of summer A Torque, or ancient British chain of gold, was found at Rawden, near Leeds, worth sixteen guineas. From the 25th of March, 1780, to the same date,- 1781, 98,721 pieces of narrow and 102,018 pieces of broad cloth were made in the West-Biding of Yorkshire, being an increase in the former of 1 1,412, and of the latter of 7,393 pieces above the quantity made the year before. An extraordinary crop of oats this year, one stalk plucked at Lower Wortley contained 520 corns. On Feb. 20th, was born at Keighley, Isaac Batterfield, who, at the age of twenty months, was three feet in height, and weighed nearly eight stone ! He was exhibited as a gigantic child at Spring Gardens, London, where he died Feb. 1st, 1783. 1782. A slip from the Glastonbury Thorn, planted at Bir.-^tal twenty years previously, is stated to have bud- ded on old Christmas day this year, the v/eather being remarkably v/arm for the season. Respecting the original thorn, tradition says, that Joseph, of Arimathea, preach- ing at Glastonbury on a Christmas day, spoke of the ' birth of Christ, which his hearers, being backward in believing, he proposed to strike his staff into the ground, as a test of the truth of what he had related, when it immediately put forth buds and blossoms. The Leeds THE SURKOJNDING DISTRICT. 163 1782. Mercury, Jau. loth, contains a cauiionar}' advertisement, stating that considerable quantities of tobacco had been grown in the previous year about York, contrary to an act of the 15th of Charles JI. Died in Feb., the Rev. James Scott, M.A., vicar of Bardsey, and fifty-five years minister of Trinity church, in Leeds. He was nephew to its munificent benefactor, the Rev. Henry Robinson. March 17th. The Rev. Jonathan Colton, curate of Headingley, destroyed himself b}' cutting his throat and then leaping into the river Aire. In March, this year, a man named Frank Fern was gibbeted on Iloxley edge, near Sheffield, for the murder of Natlian Andrews, a respectable watchmaker. Mashorough, about half- a mile from Rotherham, of which it forms part of the suburbs, is a place of con- siderable importance, and has long been distinguished as the seat of numerous works connected with the manufactures of the district, whereof, a few years since, the principal were the extensive foundry of iron works of the late Samuel Walker, Esq. The history of this worthy and enterprising man is short but instructive. At twelve years of age, he was left an orphan, with two brothers and four sisters, without property, and almost without education. His industry and talents, however, soon supplied these deiiciencies, and qualified him for keeping a school. He afterwards, in conjunction with his brothers, established a small foundry, which, under his fostering genius, became one of the most ex- tensive and flourishing of the kind in Europe. He died on the 12th of May, 17S2, in the 66th year of his age, rich in property, and abounding in Christian virtue. At these great iron works, there were manufactured, during the wars with America and France, immense quantities of cannon of the largest calibre, and almost every kind of cast-iron articles, as well as many of wrought iron. The large iron bridges of Sunderland, Yarm, and Staines, and also Southwark bridge, London, were cast here. The Walkers commenced a bank in Sheffield and Roth- erham in 1792, but in 1S36, it was traiisferred to a Joint Stock Company. April 11th, died at Bath, William Denison, Esq., a merchant of Leeds, where for some years he was a great benefactor to the poor. He died worth half a million of money. In May, the earl of Sherburn, one of the secretaries of state, sent a letter to the mayor of Leeds, recommending an associatiou of young 164 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1782.-1784. men to be formed in that town, for the purpose of learning- the military exercise. A corps of volunteers was soon raised. ^On the 12th of October, the 51st, or 2nd West York regiment of foot, commanded by the earl of Eg-lintoun, arrived in Leeds from Minorca, in the celebrated defence of which they had been honour- abl};- engaged. 17S3. About the month of June in this year, the distress of the people was very great at Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, and Rochdale ; riotous mobs de- manded an immediate reduction in the price of corn, and on the market days, they compelled the dealers to sell at such prices as they chose to lix ; but at Halifax, they robbed the farmers both of corn and meal, for which offence two of the ringleaders, Thomas Spencer and Mark Saltonstall, were executed on Beacon hill, which overlooks the town of Halifax I'he price of wheat in Leeds market at this time was 7s. 6d. per bushel. Sir George Armitage, of Kirklees hall, died January 21st. The house and warehouse of Mr. Fisher, of Meadow-lane, Leeds, was destroyed by fire, February 6th. A cessation of arms proclaimed at Leeds, between England, Spain, and America, on March 4th. Sir George Savile's 1st battalion of the West York Militia was disembodied, after five years service, on March 15th. On the 30th of August died the Rev. James Sykes, A.M., thirty years vicar of Bradford. March 5th. The Hon. Francis Rawdon was created baron Rawdon by patent this year, and earl Rawdon in 1816. 1784:. A meeting of the freeholders of the county of York, was held at the castle, January 1st, to petition for parliamentary reform. March 25th. Another county meeting was held at York castle, to address his majesty on the distracted state of public affairs, and advise the dissolution of parliament, which took place in the following month. In this year, Sunday schools became general in Leeds and the neighbouring towns. During a rapid thav^ in winter, after a long frost, the waters of the Ouse inundated all the lower streets of York. Dr. Samuel Johnson, the celebrated English lexicographer, died Sep. 18th, in this year. Jan. 1st. Francis Ferrand Ful- jambe was returned as member for Yorkshire in the place of Sir George Saville, resigned. About a fortnight after the election. Sir George Saville died at his house. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 165 I784.-1786. in Brompton's- row, near London, in the 5Sth year of his age. A general election took place in April, this year. On the 2nd of April, Francis Ferrand Ful- jambe, William Weddal, Henry Buncombe, and William Wilberforce, were nominated for the county of York, but the two former declined the contest on the evening before the election. The tirst practical idea of ap- plying steam power to wheeled carriages is due to Dr. Kobison, by whom it was communicated to Watt in 17.^9. The latter afterwards made a model of a high- pressure locomotive, and described its principle in his fourth patent in IJS-i, which among certain improve- ments, specified a portable steam-engine and machinery for moving Avheel-carriages. 17S5. The Rev. Mr. Edwards, founder of the Indepen- dents, in Leeds, died Feb. 17th, this year, aged 71- He was a man of very respectable abilities, of fervent piety, and of great theological knowledge, and his method of preaching was distinguished by perspicuity and elo- quence. The place in which he preached was the Old White Chapel, near the South market, Hunslet-lane, now entirely abandoned as a place of worship, in a situa- tion, j)erhaps the least eligible which could be found' in the town, surrounded b}' houses, and in an unwhole- some atmosphere. Feb. 10th. A great county meeting was held at the castle of York, to petition for parliamentary reform. 1783. Wortley Chapel of Ease, near Leeds, though built about this time, was not consecrated and brought under episcopal jurisdiction till 1813. Lunardi, the first aeronaut in Britain, ascended in his balloon from the area of the White Cloth Hall, in Leeds, on December 4th, and, after remaining in the air about forty minutes, descended at Thorparch. In August, this year, an attempt was made upon the life of George III., by an insane Avoman, named Margaret Nicholson, wljo, under the pretence of presenting a petition, struck at him v ith a knife, as he was alighting from his carriage at SL James's palace. The blow was warded ofr by a page, and the woman seized. She was afterwards confined during life. "On the Thursday in Whitsun week, 1783," says Scratchard, " there was a dreadful storm of thunder and lightning, which, in its course over Batley, struck the south east pinnaclp of the church toAver, about five o'c'ock in the evening. The inconceivable pov.er of the electric fluid has seldom been more conspicuous than it was in this instance. 166 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1^86.- 1787'. The finial of the pinnacle rested upon four stones, each weighing (upon an average), 112 pounds. These Avere driven away in different directions, so suddenly, and so wonderfully, that the hnial, as if unaffected by the shock, never lost its perpendicular, but was actually found resting upon the course of stone below, as though it had been set thereon by the original builders. The stricken four stones were cast as follows, viz.: — one upon an old barn below the vicarage, one upon the stone steps on the south side of the burial ground, (next upper Batley), which it broke ; one into another part of the ground ; and one fell upon the church. This account I have from several very creditable persons still living, and it induces me to mention a similar wonder, equally well authenticated, which occurred at Harewood, a few years ago. " A very Avorthy person, one George Favvcett, a hatter, at at Birsta!, Avhom I well knew, especially as an excellent singer, happened to call at Harewood for payment of a bill when a thunder storm came on. A number of sovereigns were laid, with notes, upon a table, when an awful flash alarmed the reckoners, and caused them to retire. Upon re-approach- ing the money, it Avas discovered that a guinea or a sovereign was gone, and it occasioned some explanation, Fawcett denying that he had touched the cash, and his customer averring that he had counted it out and left it. The former, I believe, with his usual generosity, good temper, and for- bearance, gave up the point, and the other had no qualm of conscience; for, upon reaching dov/n the candle snuffers, the same evening, Avhich hung upon a nail, the good house- wife discovered them to be almost as finely gilded, as though a working goldsmith had done the job. These snuffers so gilded, are, I understand, still shown at Hare- wood. An equal astonishment was once excited at Hors- forth, but I forget the particulars." 1787. The carpet weavers of Leeds, after a " turn-out " of several weeks, obtained an advance of wages in January, during which month robberies of the most daring and alarm- ing description Avere perpetrated in that toAvn and neigh- bourhood. On the 14th of Februarj?-, died Lier White- head, of Bramham, a celebrated runner, in his 98th year. On the 27th of March was tried at York, the Leeds Soke Cause, Avhich terminated in the exemption from suit and service at the King's Mills, of all the tenants of the manor of Whitkirk-cum-Membris, which belonged to the dissolved monastery of St. John of Jerusalem. Mr. John Peart, the THE SURROU^'DING DISTRICT. 167 I787.-I7S8. defendant in this trial, gained a signal victory over the miller. At a meeting in the Rotation Office, at Leeds, it Avas resolved that no new "alehouse licenses" should be granted in the borough, until the " present number be greatly diminished." Similar resolutions were passed at other places ''for the suppression of vice." Crispin Scarlet, who had murdered a washerwoman at Leeds, evaded the galloAA's b}' cutting his throat in York caslle, May •29th. June 16th, 3Ir. Samuel Gawthorpe, treasurer of the Leeds workhouse, received in August two mysterious letters from an unknown writer, demanding £50 to be left in a certain place b}' a certain time, threatening him if he shouldnot comply (which he didnot) vrithsome dreadful ven- geance on himself and family. Though a re^vard of £40 was offered in the London Gazette, the offender was never dis- covered. On the 10th of October, a nev*^ peal of eight bells was opened at Halifax. Edmund Barker, of Thorne, was committed for three months to York castle, for exporting ninety tods of wool from Gondii) 1, in Lincoln- shire to Dunkirk, in France, besides forfeiting all his goods and chattels, and 3s. for every pound weight of wool so ex- ported, amounting to £378. 1788. On the 15th of April, this year, the Court of King's Bench determined that a Avoman was competent to serve the office of overseer lor the poor. Commodore Phillips arrived at Botany bay, from England, vv'ith the first convicts: on landing he assumed the office of governor of the new settlement. Three Sweedish ships were seized at Hull, "for smuggling wool out of the kingdom ; " for some time they had taken out 1300 packs annuallj^ In January, the philanthropic ISlr. HoAvard, after visiting the principal lazarettos and prisons of Europe, and the coasts of Asia and Egypt, arrived in Leeds, where he inspected the infir- mary, the workhouse, and the prison, and expressed himself highly pleased with the tAvo former. Many political meetings AA-ere held at Leeds this year for reform and the abolition of slaA-ery, and on July 1st, there were great rejoicings, and a grand procession of AA'orkmen as a testimon}' of gratitude for the passing of the bill to preA'ent the exportation of liA^e sheep and wool, in Avhich the French had encouraged an illicit trade, for the purpose of robbing the English clothier of his staple. A speech, written for the occasion, and delivered by a A\'oolcomber on horseback, at the head of the procession, concluded with " may we neA-er A\^ant a Pitt for the French to fall into! " The iron Avorks in the neighbourhood of Bradford are 168 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1788-1789. miiversally known. The manor of Eoyds hall, together with the minerals under the estate, was pm-chased from the last proprietor in 1788, by the ancestors of Messrs. Hird, Dawson, and Hardy, who originally established the cele- brated Low Moor Iron and Coal ^Vorks, novv- the most im- portant in the north of England. The works comprise furnaces, forges, tilts, and mills, on a ver}^ extensive scale, both for the manufacture of pig and bar iron, and for rolling and slitting it into sheets, bars, and rods, with foundries for the casting of cannon and ordnance of all kinds, in which several steam engines of great power are also em- ployed. In addition to these, boilers for steam engines, sugar pans for the East and West Indies, water pipes of, large calibre, and castings of every kind are manufactured, in which more than 2000 persons are employed day aiid night. The Bierley Iron Y/orks were commenced in 1810, by Henry Leah and James Marshall, Esqrs. These n\ orks, conducted on an extensive scale, are confined solely to the manufacture of pig iron, which, being the produce of ore from the same mine, is equal in quality with that of the Low Moor. At Bowling, the substratum abounds with coal and iron ore, which have been wrought for more than half a century by the Bowling Iron Company, whose works are very extensive. The accumiiaated heaps of refuse from the mines, forming huge moundl surrounding the excavations, have been planted with treeg, which adds greatly to the aspect of the neighbourhood^ In October, the duke of Lefds gave £100, and Mr. Ridsdale £500, towards building a n(^v churcli at Wakefield. In November, the centenary of the "glorious Revolution" was honoured at Leeds v/ith every demonstration of public joy, and, amongst a brilliant assembly of near 300 ladies and gentlemen, v/ere present earl Fitzwilliam, lord Scar- borough, and other distinguished personages. 1789. About the year 1709, a piece of land, containing five acres, v/as enclosed from Bramley-Common, and conveyed to trustees, upon trust, that they should apply the rents towards the better support and maintenance of the poor of Bramley. The rents were applied for a great length of time to the support of a free- school, and, on the enclosure of the common in 1789, an allotment of two acres, twenty perches, was awarded in respect of Bramlej/' school, to be applied to such uses as the ancient school-land was intended to be. On the enclosure of the commons of Bramley, four allotments, containing nine acres, three roods, twenty- eight perches, were awarded to the curate, churchwardens, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 169 1789. and overseers, " upon trust, to applj" the rents for the benefit of such inhabitants -within the township as belong thereto, but do not receive relief from the poor assessments, and do not occupy any land or tenements of more than the yearly value of £5, and who have no allotment under the enclosure act." The rent of this land, £34. 5s. per annum, is laid out in the purchase of cloth for shirting, which is distributed among the poor people on St. Thomas's day. Also, on the enclosure of the common, an allotment of six perches of land, on which a dwelling-house and buildings ■were erected, was awarded to the curate, churchwardens, and overseers, the rents to be applied for teaching poor girls. These premises are let at the yearly rent of £6, being the fair annual value ; and the rent is paid to a schoolmistress for teaching six girls to read, knit, and sew. There being a trifling accumulation, it has been regularly applied to the payiug of £3 a year for teaching three addi- tional girls, until the fund shall be exhausted. Benjamin Green left £10, the interest to be paid on the 25th of March, for a charity sermon to be preached on that day. This sum remains in the hands of the perpetual curate of Bramley for the time being. William Clough, in 1710, devised one-third part of seven closes in Bramley, called the West Royds, to the poor, the rent to be distributed at the discretion of four trustees. The three closes are now comprised in one, containing six acres two roods, and the yearly rent, amounting to £18, is distributed among the poor of the township, in small sums varying from 3s. to 6s. 6d. In January, subscriptions were opened in most of the towns of the West Riding, for the relief of the numerous distressed poor; — about Wal^efield highway robberies were so frequent as to create a general alarm. On March 16th there were great rejoicings in Leeds and the sur- rounding villages, for the recovery of George III. from severe mental indisposition : fat oxen and sheep were roasted in various places, and with '• oceans " of ale and punch were given to the joyful populace. The night was enlivened with bonfires and illuminated windows ; but the people of Horbury, as a more useful and lasting testimony of their loyalty and gladness, erected a Sunday school for the benefit of their township. In May, a curious gold ring, weighing more than an ounce, was found on Towton field, near Tadcaster, where it is supposed to have fallen from the finger of a slain chief, in the memorable battle fought there between the houses of Lancaster and York. 15 170 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1789.-1790. The prince of "Wales and duke of York were present at York races, and visited Wentworth house, where a grand entertainment was given to the royal brothers, and 700 nobility and gentry, who banqueted in sight of 40,000 spectators assembled in front of the house. Previously to leaving the city of York, the princes ordered lieutenant- colonel St. Leger to pay into the hands of Walter Fawkes, Esq., then high sheriff of the county, 200 guineas for the relief of debtors in the castle. The}'- also gave twenty guineas to the gaol, in order to clothe some female con- victs under sentence of transportation ; they discharged the debts of three prisoners in Ouse bridge gaol, and per- formed several other acts of charity. In November, a beautiful statue, in memory of Sir George Savile, bart., who died in 17S4, was erected in York minster, at the ex- pense of his constituents, whom he had faithfully served in five successive parliaments. In this year com- menced the French revolution. At first the proceedings of the French were justified by the principal leaders of opposition in the English parliament and by a numerous class of the community ; but, ere long, the violence shown at the destruction of the Bastile, the abolition of heredi- tary privileges, the open disrespect for religion^ and other symptoms of an extravagant spirit, produced a consider- able change in the sentiments of the British people. The coalition of Austria and Prussia with the fugitive noblesse, having excited the spirit of the French people to a species of frenzy, and led to the establishment of a Republic, and the death of the king, the British government were roused to a sense of danger which hung over all ancient institu- tions, and found a pretext for declaring war against France in January, 1793. 1790. On the 5th of February, in his 70th year, at Ribton, near Otley, died Joseph Holmes, pojmlarly called Joe Bogue, a begging miser, who died worth £550, never having, during his whole life, spent one farthing for food or raiment. Horbury church, near "Wakefield, was built this year, at the sole expense of alderman Carr, of York. The noted wiseman of Romalds moor, near Keighley, was consulted professionally by the Kendal and Penrith carrier, who made a pilgrimage to this popular soothsayer, in order to detect a thief, who had robbed his waggon. Having asked his question, and paid his offering, he was dismissed with this consolatory assurance, that, " if the thief did not restore the property before a certain day, it should be worse for Jhim,."" The carrier's report of these THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. I7l 1790. oracular words had a wonderful effect, and, as it happened, a beneficial result with his credulous neighbours, lor be- lieving that the Seer would, certainly raise the devil, to revenge the wronged, and that Satan, vexed at being dis- turbed for such a trifle, might probably raise the wind, in his fury, they prevented their thatched roofs from being torn off their houses, b}'- placing upon them harrows and other heavy articles. Early in the day fixed for the resti- tution, namely, March 25th, a casual hurricane took place, that did much damage, and served to increase the high opinion previously entertained of " Wise Robin of Bomald's moor.'" In .November, as some workmen were digging clay in a field in Leeds, now occupied by part of George- street, they discovered about fift}^ oak coffins, containing human bones, supposed to have lain there since 1672, when the plague raged, and the parish register says, " 1,400 persons were buried in the Vicar's croft and crofts ad- joining :" the colfi.ns were quite fresh, but the bodies were reduced to dust. In December, the snow was a yard deep. John Howard, a celebrated English philanthropist, born m 1726, the son of an upholsterer, who left him a fortune. Having been made prisoner on the sea, and held for some time in captivity, he was so moved by the condition of prisoners, that he resolved to consecrate his life to their service and relief. He travelled over nearly all Europe, everywhere visiting the prisons, lazarettos, and hospitals, in order to discover means for abating their insalubrity, and to extend to their inmates the most effectual atten- tions. He died in 1790 of a malignant fever, which he caught at Kherson, in Russia, while visiting a sick person. His fellow-countrymen erected a statue in his honour. After a sudden thaw and heavy rain, the Aire and other rivers rose higher than they had ever done since the mem- orable flood of 1775, when several bridges were destroyed. In the flood this year, Mr. Giiyard's dyehouse, on Sheepscar beck, near Leeds, was washed away, with a large quantity of cloth. The Leeds Benevolent or Strangers' Friend Society, was founded this year, and is an extensively useful and beneficial institution, and entitled to the good wishes of all classes. Its object is the relief of the distressed, the friendless, and the strangers of all denominations, who are suffering from poverty or disease. The objects of pity recommended to this society are visited and reported to the committee before receiving relief. The applicants average about 1,000 annually. The society is wholly sup- 172 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I79O.-I79I. ported by annual subscriptions, voluntary donations, and public collections. The well-known tune called Don- caster was composed this year by Dr. Edward Miller, for 51 years organist of Doncaster church, but better known as the Author of the History mid Antiquities of Doncaster. Henry Duncombe and William Wilberforce were re- turned for Yorkshire without opposition. In this year the act of parliament of the 30th Geo. III. cap. 68, was passed, entitled " an act for better supplying- the town and neighbourhood of Leeds, in the county of York, with water ; and for more effec tually lighting and cleansing the streets and other places within the said town and neighbourhood, and removing and preventing nuisances, annoyances, encroachments, and obstructions therein." When the act for the water-works was obtained, (1790) it extended the provisions of the former act for lighting, &c., to those parts of the town which had hitherto re- mained without the privilege of nocturnal lights, and to the distance of a thousand yards from the bars. The superintendance of the whole system of lighting, was vested in the commissioners of the water-works. 1791. On January 24th, died that eminent Leeds merchant and alderman, Joseph Fountaine, Esq. Ann Green, a pauper, of Sprotbro', but a native of Kirkheaton, died March 6th, at the advanced age of 118 years. For two hours on the 15th of August, a most dreadful storm of thunder and lightning prevailed, which destroyed a house at Fewston, set lire to the furze on Sicklinhall moor, deprived a girl of sight at Barnsley, killed a boy at Wake- field, and burnt down a hayrick and cottage at Summer- scales, near Skip ton. On August 22nd, the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, accompanied by earl Fitzwilliam, arrived at York, where he was presented with the free- dom of the city in a gold box worth fifty guineas. The first stone of St. Paul's church. Park-square, in Leeds, was laid September 26th, by Dr. Wilson, the bishop of Bristol, who had previousl}'' presented to the founder, the Rev. Miles Atkinson, the ground upon which it is built. The church was consecrated b}^ Dr. Markham, archbishop of York, September 10th, 1793. The style of architecture is Grecian. The east and west ends display four pilasters of the Ionic order, supporting their respective entablature and pediment ; a light square tower also rises at the west end, decorated by vases and Ionic windows. The whole is surmounted with a dome, finishing in a ball and cross. The interior is neatly fitted with a gallery extending round THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 173 1791. the eutire edifice. A good toned organ was erected in ISOl, by subscription. The church cost £10,000, and con- tains 1,500 sittings. The perpetual curacy, valued at £133, is in the gift of the vicar. The Rev. J. R. Stratton, M.A., is the incumbent. Salem chapel, Hunslet-Iane, occupied by the Independents or Congregationalists, was erected this year, and is the oldest chapel in the town belonging to this body of Christians. It is a substantial stone structure. The exterior is rusticated, with the facade terminating in a pediment and balustrade : the lower win- dows are large, and have circular heads, the upper ones smaller, and square. The gallery runs along three sides of the chapel, with seats for about 1,000 persons. The Rev. Edward Parsons was formerly minister at this chapel : the present minister is the Rev. W. Hudswell. John Berkenhout was born at Leeds, and intended for the mercantile profession, which he quitted, and entered into the military service of Prussia, and next into that of England. In 1760 he went to Edinburgh, and studied physic ; but took his doctor's degree at Leyden, in 1765. Attended the British commissioners to America in 1778, and, on his return, obtained a pension. His works, pub- lished at different times, on history, literature, biography, medicine, and chemistry, comprise nineteen volumes. He died this year, in the 60th year of his age. In this year much discontent prevailed amongst the working classes of Sheffield ; for in July, the doors and windows of the gaol, in King-street, were des- troyed by a riotous mob, who liberated the prisoners, and afterwards proceeded to Broomhall, the residence of the vicar, (the Rev. James Yfilkinson), where they damaged the library and furniture, and burnt down ricks of hay. On this charge, five men were apprehended, and one of them named John Bennett, was executed at York, in Sep- tember. In the same month. Dr. Graham delivered a lecture at the Tontine, on the efficacy of " earth-bathing," and afterwards exhibited himself and a female patient " buried up to the lips in earth, in the garden of Mr. Bet, at the Elephant ! " John Wesley, son of Samuel Wesley, was born at Ep- worth, in 1703. He was a scholar of the Charter house, and thence went to Christchurch college, Oxford. In 1724 he was elected a Fellow of Lincoln college, was made Greek lecturer, and took pupils. In the following year he was ordained. Wesley was noted for his classical learning, his skill in argument, and his poetical powers. In 1729, 174 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1791. having been led to serious reflection by reading some re- ligious works, he formed a society of 15 persons, who met together to read the scripture and to pray. They em- ployed their time in visiting the poor, and other good works, without loosing a moment of the day. This mode of life gained for them the name of Methodists, and the appellation which had been given them in derision they retained. Another authority says, that they were first called '■^Methodists'" by a member of the University of Cambridge, who gave them that name after some surgeons at Rome, who were styled " Methodisto," from placing their patients under a peculiar regimen. In 1735 John Wesley and his brother Charles accompanied some other missionaries to Georgia, where they remained for some time preaching the gospel. "When he returned to England, he began to imagine that he himself had never been converted. According to his own account, his conver- sion took place suddenly, May 24th, 1738, at a quarter before nine in the evening. Soon after this he visited the Moravian brethren in Germany, and became ac- quainted with their system and organisation. On his return, in the autumn of 1738, he began the foundation of the Methodist society. He employed his time in ex- hortation and preaching, and soon collected a large number of followers. He then formed a connection with Whitefield, and joined him in Bristol, where a Methodist meeting-house was erected in 1739. The friendship be- tween the two preachers did not, however, last long, and their separation was followed by the disunion of the bodies to which they belonged. Wesley now arranged the government and system of Methodism. He was fond of power, and would share it with no one. He was exceedingly zealous, diligent, and energetic. Besides ex- hortations, he would preach twice, and even four or five times every day. He travelled a great deal, and was unremitting in his labours till within a week of his death. His style, both in preaching and writing, was clear and dispassionate; he was agreeable in his manners, and mild and grave in his appearance. This extraordinary man died March 2nd, 1791, in the 88th year of his age. Besides his pulpit labours, he wrote a great number of works on religious and other subjects. The corporation of York this year suspended their toll on corn, for the purpose of trying whether the re- moval of that impost would improve the market of the city. May 6th. In the course of an angry debate THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 175 I79I.-I792. on the French revolution in the House of Commons, Mr. Burke rushed from the side of Mr. Fox, to the Min- isterial benches, declaring his final secession from the opposition, and that his friendship for Mr. Fox was at an end. April 10th. Died at Hackney, aged 6S years, Dr. Richard Price, F.R.S., a man well known for his writings and political opinions. September 29th. Frederick, second son to George III., and the eleventh duke of York, was married at Berlin, to the princess Frederica, daughter of the king of Prussia. Dec. 21st. The buckle makers of Birmingham sent a deputation to the prince of Wales to represent their distressed situation, in consequence of the prevailing fashion of wearing shoe strings instead of buckles. 1792. On Feb. 2.5th, the shock of an earthquake was felt at Doncaster, and on the coasts of Yorkshire and Lincoln- shire.- On April 14th, were executed at York, John Lucas, and Thomas Stearman, of Leeds, for burglary, and Spence Broughtou, of Sheffield, for robbing the Rotherham postman, on Attercliife common, where his body was hung in chains ; the gibbet post remained till 1827. The French nation renounced conquests as the object of their wars. The Methodist preachers of the Leeds, ■\Vakefield, and Sheffield, Bradford, Birstal, Devrsbury, and Otley circuits, met at Leeds, in May, and resolved, "not to separate from the church." In the following year, the subject again came before the Conference held in Leeds, when it was resolved by the preachers, that their societies should still remain members of the established church, and that the sacrament should not be administered by their preachers, " except ^A'here the whole society is unanimous for it, and will not be contented without it," and then only in the evening, " and according to the forms of the church of England." In July, Foster Powell, the pedes- trian, in his 08th year, v*^alked from London to York and back, (394 miles) in five days and 13 i^ hours. This 3' ear at the Lewes wool fair^ the price of ivool was from .56s. to 65s. per tod of 321bs. That cruel sport. Bull Baitmg, was very prevalent at this period, though greatly deprecated by the Leeds journalists, one of whom, after describing a grand " Boaratorio,'' at Rochdale, where 5,000 people witnessed a bull baited, a whole day, in the middle of the river, says, " surely the amateurs of such inhuman amusements want nothing but hoofs and horns to make them far more beastly than the wretched animals they torture." At Birstal feast, this year, 176 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1792. the enraged Taurus broke the rope that held him to the stake, and pursued several of his inhuman torturers into a brick pond, where they deservedly got a good ducking ; having dispersed the crowd of spectators, the poor bull was released from further insult. A gang of thieves having clandestinely introduced themselves into the draw- ing-room at St. James's palace, London, in dress clothes, tried to hustle and rob the prince of "Wales. Feb. 23rd. Sir Joshua Reynolds, the celebrated painter, died in his 66th year. August 10th. Storming of the Tuilleries. The inhabitants of most of the towns in Yorkshire met, in December, and made public declarations of their firm attachment to the constitution and the reigning monarch. At Leeds the effigy of Tom Paine, (holding a pair of stays in one hand, and his Rights of Man in the other) was carried through the streets with a halter round his neck, and (having been well whipped and hanged at the market cross) thrown into a large bonfire, amidst the shouts of the surrounding multitude. ^The Piece Hall at Halifax was first opened about the year 1780 ; and the intervening time, from thence to the year 1792, or the breaking out of the French war, may be regarded as one of the most flourishing eras of the worsted trade in Yorkshire. Though the cheapness of calicoes as an article of female dress, since the improve- ments in the cotton manufacture, materially abridged the sale for some kinds of Vv'orsted goods in England, this was more than compensated by the increased demand for carpets Avith worsted warps, and other articles of luxury, inv/hich worsted yarn was employed. The demand in foreign markets, from the year 1782 to 1792, for English worsted goods, greatly exceeded that of any former period ; but after the breaking out of the French war, the worsted trade at Halifax began to decline. About this time the spinning of worsted by machinery was established at Bradford, and the vicinity ; and continu- ing to increase, drew round that place the manufacturers of worsted goods on the decline of the Halifax trade. Brad- ford is now the principal seat of the worsted manufacture in Yorkshire ; and some of the proprietors of the worsted mills, besides supplying the smaller manufacturers with yarn, employ a very great number of looms themselves, and carry on this branch of trade on a scale of extent never before known in the worsted manufacture. The worsted manufactory has been the means of increas- ing the prosperity and population of the town of Bradford, In a manner altogether unprecedented in British history, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 177 1792. It noAv presents an astonishing- scene of active and success- ful industry, its market is one of the greatest in the kingdom , and its manufacturers and merchants are distinguished by their skill, diligence, and enterprise. The Piece Hall, at Bradford, is a tolerably commodious mart for stuffed goods ; it is one hundred and forty-four feet long by thirty-six broad, and is divided into two apartments — the upper and the lower chamber. The INIusic Hall, in Albion-street, Leeds, was erected in 17^2 ; and the first stone was laid July 2nd. The ground floor was for some years occupied as a hall for woollen manufactures, especially for blankets, and afforded accommodation to those clothiers who were excluded from the Cloth halls. -It received, and for some time retained, the ignominious appellation of Tom Paine's Hall. It is a plain, but commodious building of brick, contains four rooms on one floor, reached by steps running right and left from the vestibule. The largest room is the music saloon, 70 feet by 30, and has an orchestra and gallery, with lofty coved ceiling, from which several handsome glass chandeliers are suspended. The next room in size is the picture gallery, 60 feet long, at one end of which is the ante-room, and at the other the cabinet, all lighted from the ceiling; the three last can be thrown into one suite. In these rooms " The northern society for the encouragement of the tine arts" held their annual exhibitions for many years ; and it would be gratifying to see them again used for the same purpose. The principal public meet- ings are generally held in the saloon. It has for some years back been used for the concerts, under the man- agement of " The Leeds Choral and Recreation Societies,'* which have been conducted with great spirit and success. The hall has considerably diminished in im- portance since the erection of the Town hall. About this time associations were formed in England, for the protection of liberty and property. Feb. 18th. The trial of Thomas Paine came on before lord Kenyon and a special jury, at Guildhall, for writing and pub- lishing a seditious pamphlet, entitled " The second part of the rights of man." Mr. Erskine (afterwards lord Erskine) was counsel for Mr. Paine. He Avas found guilty, but had previously absconded to France, where he was elected a member of the Natioual Convention. Feb. 19th. The Alien bill was brought into the House of Lords by lord Grenville, and read a first time, and. 178 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 17'92.-1793. having gone through the usual forms, it soon passed into law. Sir Richard ArhivrigM was born on the 23rd of December, 1732, at Preston, in Lancashire. He was the youngest of a family of thirteen children, and his parents were very poor. He was brought up to the business of a barber, which he continued to follow until he was 35 years of age. In the latter part of the year 1767, Arkwright became acquainted with a person of the name of John Kay, a clockmaker, at Warrington. In the following year he and Kay went to Preston, and began to construct a machine for the spinning of cotton thread, which drew out the cofcton from a coarse to a fine and harder twisted thread, so that it was fit to be used for warp as well as weft. A Mr. Smaley found the capital, and the machine was set to work ; but it caused so much dissatisfaction amongst the workers on the old plan, that Arkwright deemed it necessary in 1769 to leave Preston, and fixed himself at Nottingham. He then took out a patent for the machine as its in- ventor, and by the aid of Messrs. Need and Strut, (who became his partners), commenced a spinning mill driven by horse power. In 1771 Arkwright and his partners established another mill at Cromford, in the parish of Wirksworth, in Derbyshire, which was turned by water. Here Arkwright formed a complete system of carding and roving by machinery, for which, in 1775, he took out a second patent. He had much difficulty in de- fending his inventions against invasions; but neverthe- less, he rapidly made his way to fortune and influence. In 1786, when Margaret Nicholson attempted to. as- sassinate Geo. III., Arkwright presented an address from "Wirksworth, and received the honour of knighthood. In the year following he was made high sheriff of Derby- shire. Sir Richard Arkwright died at his seat at Crom- ford, August 3rd, 1792, leaving property worth at least half a million sterling. Arkwright has the merit of so improving the mechanical resources of his country, as to provide work and subsistence for tens of thousands of his fellow men, not only in England, but in many parts of the world. 179 ■'. Jan 17th. The memorable trial of the king of France, Louis XVI. terminated ; at the end of which the president made the following report, that out of 721 voters,- 336 were for death, 319 for imprisonment during the war, two for perpetual imprisonment ; eight for a suspension of his execu- tion after sentence, until the expulsion of the Bourbon THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 17^ 1793. family ; 23 were not for putting him to death, unless the" French territorj'' was invaded by any foreign power ; and one was for death, but with commutation of punishment. The president then took off his hat, and said, " In con- sequence of this, I declare that the punishment pronounced by the National Convention against liouis Capet is Death." It is worthy of recording, that the duke of Orleans, voted for death, while Thomas Paine, the decided foe to regal power, more humanely voted for banishment. The unfortu- nate monarch, was guillotined at the Place de Louis Quiuze, in Paris, since called the Place de la Revolution. The king Avas in the 39th year of his age. Oct, 26th., his beautiful and ill-fated consort, after a mock trial before the revolutionary tribunal, Avas beheaded, and her body interred in the same manner with that of her husband, in a grave filled with quick lime. Marie Antoinette possessed both talents and virtues; but proud, indiscreet, vindicitive, rash, and petu- lant, she had exercised a political influence that hastened the fall of the monarch}^ It is related of her that when laid on the fatal block, she turned her head aside to take a last look at the Tuilleries. This accomplished woman, a model of grace and beauty, was in her 38th year. Nov. 8th. The celebrated Madame Eoland was guillotined. This able and accomplished woman died with Roman forti- tude, exclaiming on the scaffold, " 0, Liberty ! liow many crimes are committed in thy name!'''' New year's day ■was enlivened at Leeds by a peal of 5,040 changes, rung in three hours and twelve minutes at the parish church, by eight old men, whose united ages amounted to 577 years^ averaging 72 years, the eldest being 82, and the youngest 65. On the 28th January this year the Leeds corporation, at a court held on that day, declared by a resolution, "that Monopolies are inconsistent vrith the true principles of commerce, because they restrain at once the spirit of enter- prise and the freedom of competition ; and injurious to the countr}^ where the}^ exist, because the Monopolist by fixing the rate of both purchase and sale, can oppress the public at discretion." This declaration was ordered to be printed in the Leeds, Manchester, and Liverpool newspapers. Feb. 2Gth. His majesty George III. reviewed three battal- ions of guards, being the first division destined against France, after the declaration of war ; other branches of the royal family attended the review, after which they accom- panied the troops to Greenwich, Avhence they embarked for the continent, and landed at Helvoet Sluys, in Holland, on 180 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND i;93.-i;94. the 1st of March, and who, together with our British troops, under the command of the duke of York, were engaged for the first time in these wars, and suffered severely. The action was fought near St. Amand, and was very sanguinary, when the French general Dampiere, (who succeeded Dum- ourier) was mortally wounded, and expired in the course of three days. Dec. 19th. Of thirty-one ships of the line, in the har- bour of Toulon, nine were burned, and two carried away by the British, who evacuted that place with precipitation. This year a debating society was established at Leeds, for the discussion of literary and moral subjects, but the perverse temper of the times to everything that wore the aspect of political inquiry caused it to droop and die in a few years, and subse- quently such institutions amongst the lower classes were suppressed by the jealous legislature The 1st regiment of West York Militia were em- bodied at Wakefield, Feb 11th, and the second regiment at York, Feb. 22nd. The first stone of the Leeds Catholic chapel, Lady-lane, was laid April 12th, by Miss Tancred, of Brampton. The United Methodist Free Church have now a chapel erected on the site thereof. On the 1st of July, in this year, the price of the Leeds newspapers was advanced from 3>^d. to 4d. ; the stamp duty was then 2d., the paper )4d., and the newsman's commission )^d., so that before this advance, there was only J^d. left for printing each paper. The weather was so hot on July 16th, that the thermometer stood at 93 degrees, when exposed to the north and in the shade. In December, the bole of a large tree was found in a quarry at Coulton, near Leeds, buried under seven feet of solid rock, and measuring twelve feet in length; the rest of it, being petrified, formed part of the rock. 1794. On January 25th, Mrs. Tarburton, of Potter- newton, was frozen to death in a severe storm on Chapeltown moor. Mr. Applepard's dyehouse, Mill- hill, Leeds, was burnt down March 8th, damage £1,000. James Hindley, of Leeds, was sentenced to two years imprisonment at York for selling seditious papers, en- titled, " The Tithe and Tax Club." Among many persons who died of that dreadful malady, Hydrophobia, in April, were, Thomas Austin, of Armley, and Mr. Clegg, of Dewsbury. Corps of volunteers were established at Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Wakefield, and other towns. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 181 1794. for internal defence against insurrections or other com- motions; liberal subscriptions were obtained for the pur- pose, to which earl Fitzwilliam gave £1000, and many gentlemen £100 each St. James's church, York-street, Leeds, was built and opened this year, by the countess of Huntingdon's connexion, under the name of Zion chapel, but has for many years been used by the established church. The building is octagonal, and at each angle is a column rising to the roof, and supporting a small cornice. In the west front is a portico. The interior has a gallery, and over the front entrance is an organ. It has 1,300 sittings, and is in the gift of the vicar and incumbency of the Rev. Edward Jackson, M.A. On June 1st, in this year, a desperate action was fought between the British fleet, commanded by lord Howe, and the French fleet under admiral Villaret. The British fleet . consisted of 25 ships, and that of the French of 26. Le ' Vengeur, 74 guns, was sunk, and six ships of the line were taken. Charles Henry Neville, son of John Pate Neville, Esq., of Badsworth, in the West-Riding of York- shire, was at this time a lieutenant in the queen's or 2nd regiment of foot, and was killed by a grape shot at the age of 19, on board earl Howe's ship, after fighting gal- lantl)'' in the engagement between the English and French fleets for three days. July 23rd. A calamitous lire broke out at Cock-hill, Ratcliffe-highwaj', London, occasioned by the boiling over of a pitch-kettle on a boat-builder's premises, from whose warehouses, which were soon consumed, the flames spread to a barge laden with saltpetre and other combustible stores, and thence communicated to several small craft that were lying near, and could not be got otf. By this melancholy event, nearh' 700 houses v/el-e destroyed, and the distress of the poj)ulation was immense. Government provided tents from the tower, and the public soon raised near £20,000 to afford immediate relief to the sufferers. Jan. 16th. Died in his 57th year, Edward Gibbon, the celebrated historian. May 9th. A bill to enable his majesty to take French subjects into British pay was passed into a lav/. Aug. 14th. Died George Colman, senior, the celebrated dramatic v.^riter. May 17th. The Habeas Corpus Act was suspended. Aug. 3rd. The marriage between prince Augustus Frederick, son of George TIL, with lady Augusta Murray, was determined in the Arches Court, Doctors' Commons, London, to be null and void Nov. 5th. Thomas Hardy, indicted for 16 182 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1794.-I795. hig-h treason, was acquitted, after a trial of eight days, at the Old Bailey, London. He was defended by Mr. Thomas Erskine and Mr. Gibbs. John Thelwall, John Home Tooke, Thomas Holcroft, &c., were afterwards tried for the same crime, and all acquitted. Dec. 6th. The duke of York quitted the British army, and returned to London, leaving the command with general Sir Ealph Abercrombie and general Walmoden. Nov. 22nd. A treaty of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and the t^^nited States of America was signed at London. Dec. 30th. The king (George lU.) announced to parliament the marriage of the prince of Wales with the princess Caroline, (his own cousin) daughter of the duke ef Brunswick. On the 29th of September, this year, the Leeds corpora- tion passed a vote of thanks to the volunteer corps of this borough, for their readiness in enrolling themselves for its defence, and also ordered an elegant sword to be purchased and presented by the mayor in the name of the corpora- tion, '' to Thomas Lloyd, Esq., colonel- commandant of the said volunteers." The cost of the sword was £84. 1795. Ill this year a female who was cook to Mrs. ]Metcalf, a widow lady, residing opposite the church at Northallerton, in cutting a turnip, found in the heart of it a gold ring, which turned out to be the wedding ring of Mrs. Wood, the gardener's wife, Avho had lost it when Vvxediiig in the garden ten or tAvelve 3'^ears before. Jan. 23rd. Died at his seat in Staffordshire, Mr. Josiah "Wedgwood, famous for his improvements in earthenware and porcelain. Earl Fitzwilliam landed in Dublin on the 4th of January, as successor to lord Westmorland, in the lord-lieutenaucy of Irelai-d, but was recalled from that e.xalted oifice on the 21st; of February following, to the great regret of the Irish public, especially the Catholics, who appeared in deep mourning on the day of his de- parture from Dublin. March 19th, the Roman Catholic delegates from Ireland presented a petition to the king on the subject of his recall. The Eight Hon. Edwin Lord Harewood, who was created a peer July 9th, 1790, died this year, January 25th: his loss was greatly deplored, especially by the peasantry of Harewood, who, having often experienced his benevolence, considered him as a father. The falling mills at Poole, near Otley, belong- ing to Close and Co. were destroyed by fire Jan. 27th: damage £2000. On the 9th of February, the river Aire, which had been frozen for a considerable time, exhibited a most appalling scene, occasioned by a rapid thaw and THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 183 1/95. heavy rain, which broke up the ice and swelled the river so as to inundate all the lower streets in Leeds, where incalculable mischief was done by the foaming torrent and the immense blocks of floating ice. which carried aAvay cloth and tenters from the fields, threw down walls, dye- houses, and several dwelling-houses, and greatly injured the bridge, across one of the arches of which a boat ■was forced on its broad side, and at length broken to pieces b}-- a vast accumulation of ice and water, M-hich, if the vessel had not given way, would have soon overthrown the bridge itself, as v\'as feared by the ar.xious spectators of this destructive flood, which drowned three men in Hun- slet dam, and floated down the river, horses, carts, timber, furniture, &c., &c., in rapid succession. All the principal rivers in the county of York exhibited a similar spectacle, and the roads in various places were laid so deep in water, as to stop the mails and coaches several days; a man v/as drowned at Dewsbury mills ; three at Aldborough : and Mr. John Robinson, of Frizinghall mills, lost his life in at- tempting to cross the road near his own dwelling; a boat laden with coal was sunk with its crew in the Calder, and several bridges were carried away in various parts of the count J^ In March, Leeds raised its quota of 27 men for the , service of his majesty's navy, and Bradford raised its number by a sort of recruiting procession of the gentle- men and tradesmen who paraded the to^wn, accompanied by a band of music. In May, seven Quakers from Lothersdale Avere committed to York castle for refusing to pay tithes to the Rev. George Markham, vicar of Carlton, who obtained a decree against them, both for several years arrears of tithes, and the costs of an expensive law-suit; but, true to their conscience, they would pay neither. On June 27th, general Cameron reviewed the Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, and Wakefield volunteers upon Chapeltown moor : at this grand military spectacle were present 60,000 spectators and 300 carriages. The wise system of inclosing productive land and rendering it conducive to the support of an immenseh' increasing popu- lation, rendered it necessary that this plot of ground con- taining more than 300 acres, should be applied to other purposes, and Chapeltown moor has long since disappeared. On July 26th, admiral Pasley visited Bradford, where he had his loss repaired by one of Mr. Mann's patent legs. Similar ones have since been worn by the marquis of of Anglesea. and several other heroes, who were maimed 184 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1795. ia the late wars. Employment was at this time scarce, (wheat sold at from twelve to fourteen shillings per bushel) but (he evil was in some measure alleviated by subscrip- tions for supplying the poor at reduced prices ; the 3d. loaf of wheaten bread Aveighed only 14 oz. I dr. During- the dearth, Walter Fawkes, Esq., of Faruley hall, dis- tributed weekly tw^enty loads of wheat amongst the poor on his estate and its neighbourhood ; at the same time he used the most rigid economy in his own house, and his benevolent example so affected the neighbouring millers, that they offered to grind for the poor gratis. Such was the distress, that for some time the manufacturing districts were the frequent scenes of riots, and clamorous cries for bread, and these disturbances sometimes occured even in the agricultural villages. At Castleford, the starving in- habitants seized a vessel laden with corn, and did not; give her up till the riot act was read, and the military 011 the spot had captured a dozen of their leaders. Henry Redhead Yorke, a notorious agitator of the public mind, was convicted at the York assizes on a charge of sedition, uttered by him in a speech at Sheffield ; he died in 1813. In Sheffield flour was 5s. 6d. per stone, but after a liberal subscription of £8,100, and the appointment of a committee to suppl}^ the poor at a cheap rate, it fell to 23. 6d. Died on the 11 rh of August, in his 65th year, that eminent self-taught glass stainer and painter, Wm. Peckett, Esq., of York, who, by many ingenious and noble designs executed for cathedrals, churches, and noblemen's seats, has distinguished and immortalized his name in the school of art. Some of his most admired productions may be seen in the windows of the cathedrals of York, Lincoln, and Exeter, and the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. He had the honour of reviving that elegant art, in the study and jDrac'ice of which he spent upwards of forty years, and on whicli subject he left behind him a manuscript treatise, containing drawings illustrative of the furnace, with receipts for producing evevy colour and shade, especially that rare and beautiful hue, the ruby, so seldom seen in perfection on stained glass. This manuscript was offered for publication by his late relict, but the price being considered too high, (ten guineas a copy) subscribers could not be obtained to warrant its going to press. After a daring attack had been made 0)i the life of his majesty George HI., a county meeting Avas held at York, for the purpose of discussing the merits of two bill.'* THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT- 185 1795. -1796. brought into parliament, "for the safety and preservation of his majesty's person and government," and " for the suppression of seditious meetings." The meeting held in the Guildhall consisted of two parties, who each elected a chairman, viz. : Sir Thomas Gascoigne, hart., whose party remained in the hall, and petitioned against the bills, and Bacon Frank, Esq., whose party adjourned to the castle yard, and petitioned for the bills. In Nov., prince Wm. Frederick, of Gloucester, was at York, and received the freedom of the city in a gold box. 179vx In Januar}'-, wheat sold at from 12s. to 13s. per bushel, and the principal inhabitants of Leeds and Brad- ford entered into a solemn agreement to reduce its con- sumption in their families, at least one-third, till it should fall to 8s. per bushel. On Jan. 4th, the Leeds volun- teers were reviewed on Chapeltown moor by the royal duke of Gloucester. Jan. 10th, died, aged 34, Thomas Close, Esq., of Leeds, adjutant of the corps of Leeds gen- tlemen volunteer infantry, commanded by lieutenant- colonel Lloyd. The high esteem in which Mr. Close was held by the corps induced the non-commissioned officers, who were anxious to show their respect, and pay a tribute of gratitude to his memory, to erect a tablet expressive of the same, in the parish church of his native town. In the same month died Wm. Fowler, who, during 37 years, drove " Mr. Nicholson's machine " from York to Sheffield and back without ever being obstructed in his journeys by sickness, till the fatal illness which carried him off in a few weeks. The extensive linen manu- factory of Messrs. Marshall and Benyons, at Leeds, was destroyed by fire, Feb. 13th, when eight persons were killed and twenty wounded, by the falling of a wall; the property destroyed was estimated at £8000. May 6th. Died, aged 52, Mr. John Binns, of Leeds, an extensive bookseller, and one of the proprietors of the Leeds Mercury. Mr. Binns was a tory in politics, and the Mercur)^, under his management, was a tory paper. He was the son of Mr. Nathaniel Binns, bookseller, of Halifax. He became a partner in the banking-house of Scott, Binns, Nicholson, and Smith, in Leeds. He left his business of a bookseller, to his widow and children, from whom it was purchased some years after by Mr. John Heaton, who used to manage the bookselling de- partment of Mr. Binns' business. An epitaph in the Leeds parish church to the memory of John lies, who died 25th May, this year, is as follows : — 186 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1796. "Short was my stay in this frail world, All's but a seeming laughter ; Therefore, mark well thy words and ways, For thou comes posting after." ^tatis, sue, 19. On Sunday, the 29th of May, as Mr. Thoresby was holding a lovefeast in an upper room of a brushmaker's establishment in Nelson-street, Leeds, the place being filled with his admirers, the beam that supported the floor gave way, and the great bulk of the congregation were precipitated to the ground, bursting through the floor of the second story. On the ground floor was a deep saw-pit, in which no fewer than sixteen women, a man, and a boy, were there found all suffocated. Upwards of thirty others were so dreadfully crushed and bruised, that some of them died soon after. Mr. Thoresby, the preacher, suffered a severe contusion of the right arm. June 29th. William Wilberforce and the Hon. Henry Lascelles were returned for Yorkshire •without opposition. They were also returned at the general election of 1S02. Aug. 8th, died at the age of 93 years, the well-known Christopher Pivett, a carver and gilder of York, who was at the battles of Dettingen, Fontenoy, and Culloden, and some time in the retinue of the duke of Cumberland. In 1746, he settled at York, •v<''here soon afterwards his house was burnt down, in consequence of which, he formed the singular resolution of never lying in a bed in future, which he did not during the last 38 years of his life, but slept on the floor, or in a chair with his clothes on, and no person ■ but himself in the house, to which he seldom admitted a visitor. The Albion chapel, Dickenson's-court, in Leeds, was opened September 25th, at which time the ritual of the church of England was used. It is a plain brick building. The first minister was the Rev. J. Price. It was afterwards purchased for the use of the Scotch church, and was re-opened by the Rev. R. Jack in 1802, under the inspection of the presbytery of Edinburgh. The Rev. P. Thompson was pastor in 1804. In 1807, after alterations, it was used by the Independents ; the late Rev. Dr. 11, W. Hamilton was the stated minister up to the opening of Belgrave chapel. The chapel Is now used by the Swedenborgians : the Rev. Richard Edleston is minister. The Plymouth Brethren worship in a large room top of Park-square, east side. The THE SUKROUiXDING DISTRICT. 187 1796.-1797. Mormons, or Latter Day Saints, meet in Cheapside. The Jews have their Synagogue in Rockingham-street. Ann Keighley, of Huusler, died Sept. 2 1st, aged lOJ years. She was mother, grandmother, and great grand- mother to 253 children. Leeds bridge was repaired and widened this year. A horse, cattle, and swine fair was established at Heckmondwike, to be held an- nually, on the first Monday in April and November. The Wakefield volunteers addressed his majesty with an offer to serve him in any part of the kingdom, and the loyal example was soon followed by the other volunteer corps of Yorkshire. On Oct. 16th, about six o'clock in the morning, the inhabitants of Ripoii were greatly alarmed by a violent earthquake, which shook almost every house in the town; a mile from which, near Littlethorpe, about three roods of grouiid sunk nineteen fathoms, and a large ash tree, growing on the spot, entirely disappeared. For some time the gulph continued to increase, and an immense body of water issued from it, which filled the inhabitants with fear, for as there were no coal pits in the neighbourhood, it was evidently a great natural convulsion. Arthur Young, in his annals of agriculture, gives a curious picture of the state of machinery in the cloth manufacture in Leeds, in 1793. He informs us that in that year Leeds had six or seven steam engines for mills, and one for a dying-house. Spinners in Leeds earned about tenpence per day, some of them a shilling. Croppers, shearmen, and knappers earned from a guinea to thirty shillings per week ; and he adds, " the machines which have done so much for the cotton trade are fast in- troducing here." At the same time weavers in cottages earned generally r2s. a weekj and some of them so low as nine shillings. 1797. Feb. loth. Sir J. Jcrvis defeated the Spanish fleet off Cape St. Vincent. Owing to the threatened invasion of Britain by France, which was the all- ab.so.bing topic in England at this time, the credit of the Bank of England was shaken ; a run v/as made upon it for gold in exchange for its notes, which it could not meet. On the 2')th of Februar3^ 1797, therefore, the bank was obliged, wiih the sanction of the privy council, to suspend cash payments, that is, to refuse giving coin for Vaq paper money which had been issued. This step led to a great depreciation in the value of Bank of England notes; and was followed by a very 188 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1797. serious derangement of the currency for a number of years. On the 3rd of March, this year, an act was passed, authorising the issue of notes under £5, and by the 10th of the same month notes for <£!. and £2. were ready for delivery. These notes were rough and even rade in their execution. Easil}^ imitated, they were also easil}'- circulated, and from 179/ the executions for forgery greatl}^ increased. During six years prior to their issue, there was but one capital conviction ; during the four following years 85 occurred. An invasion being at this time expected, three regiments of sup- plementary militia with local volunteers, provisional cavalry, &c., were raised in the West-Riding. April 19th. Thirteen men and boys were killed by an explosion of " fire damp," in one of the coal mines, at Rothwell Haigh ; amongst the sufferers, were a father and four sons. In consequence of an additional stamp duty, the price of the Leeds newspapers was raised from 4d. to 6d. on July 10th. During the night of Nov. 20th, there was a most outrageous riot at Beeston, and a nu- merous body of workmen indulged their enmity towards machinery, by completely destroying a mill used for " raising cloth," by Messrs. Johnson, of Holbeck. None of the rioters could afterwards be identified, as the night was dark, and they would not permit lights to be brought to the spot. In opening a qnarr}^ at Rastrick, near Huddersfield, were found about twenty urns, from four to fifteen inches in diameter, containing ashes and fragments of burnt human bones, supposed to be Roman. The large urns were three feet, and the small ones 1 ^ feet below the surface, and they were surrounded by a black sub- stance, supposed to be the remains of the fires in which the bodies had been burnt. Some of the urns were curiously ornamented, but most of them fell to pieces before they could be got out of the earth. One of them was inverted, and the bones it contained were much better preserved than those found in the others. March 15th. Died Mrs. Pope, a celebrated actress, aged 52, July 9th. That great orator and statesman, Edmund Burke, aged 69. July 25th. Admiral Nelson lost his right arm by a cannon ball, in an unsuccessful attack on the Isle of Teneriffe. Oct 11th. Admiral Duncan with sixteen sail of the line, after a most gallant action, defeated the Dutch Admiral de Winter, who had sixteen sail of the line, and five frigates ; ten sail of the line and tAvo frigates were captured, and but THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 189 1797. for the circumstance of the Dutch fleet heiug so near their o^vn coast (5 miles) the whole must have fallen into the hands of the British Admiral, Avho v.-as soon after created baron Dancan and viscount Camperdown, the name by which the battle was designated. At this time there were great rejoicings at Leeds and other places, and subscriptions opened for the relief of the widows and children of those who fell in the engagement. Xov. 15th, died the Rev. Joseph Milner. He was born in the neighbourhood of Leeds, January 2nd, in 1744, and Avas the son of a poor weaver. He was educated at the Leeds grammar school ; where he made great proiiciency in Greek and Latin. At the age of 18 he was appointed to the ofiice of chapel clerlv, at Catherine Hall, Cambridge, where he took his bachelor's degree in 17o'j and obtained one of the chancellor's medals. He afterwards became head master of the grammar school at Hull, Vvorth £200 a year ; was soon after chosen afternoon lecturer in the principal church in that town. On obtaining this situation he sent for his mother (then living at Leeds in poverty) to Hull, ^vhere she became the manager of his liouse. He also sent for two poor orphans, the children of his eldest brother. He also removed his brother Isaac from Leeds where he was humbly employed in a woollen manufactory, and made him his assistant. This brother, afterwards became master of queen's college, Cambridge, professor of mathematics and dean of CarLsle (See date 1820.) He A\as presented to the vicarage of north Ferraby, and latterly to that of Holy Trinity church, in Hull. The published works of Joseph were "some passages in the life of William Howard." " A History of the Church of Christ," &c. Xov. 16th, died Frederick William XL, king of Prussia, and vras succeeded by his son, Frederick William HL In this year about seventy delegates, from all part- of the kingdom, met the Wesleyan conference at Leeds, and pro- posed that in future the annual conference should consist of " an equal number of preachers and representatives of the people," to be chosen by them. This proposition being re- jected by the conference, the Methodist Xew Connexion was formed, chiefly by the talents and zeal of 3Ir. Alex- ander Kilham, a distinguished preacher, from whom they were sometimes called Kilhamites. At its formation, it embraced only seven preachers, seven circuits, and 500 members, very widely scattered, and having but fevr chapels ; but they so far succeeded, that in fourteen years after their establishment, they had 23 circuits, 101 chapels, 207 190 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I797.-I798. societies, and 8,292 members; and 44 itinerant, and 229 local preachers. In 1829, they had 1G2 chapels, 59 circuits, and 492 local preachers, who ministered to 11,777 members. Dec. 19th. A national thanksgiving was observed for the three great naval victories of Admirals Howe, St. Vincent, and Dmican. On the 26th of Dec, aged 73 years, died that distinguished chamberlain and alderman of London, John Wilks, Esq., author of a patriotic article in No. 4-5, of the north Briton, for which he suffered imprisonment. 1798. In January, the new church at Halifax was conse- crated by the learned Dr. Watson, bishop of Landaff. The corporation of Leeds subscribed ^500 in aid of the supplies requisite for the defence of the kingdom, and trans- mitted it to the cashier of the Bank of England, with an order for it to be entered in the books in the following terms : — " The corporation of Leeds, having no property or income whatever, save the interest of £1,800, arising from fees of admission, and fines paid hy those refusing to serve. Five Hundred Founds.'" J. Smyth, Esq. of Heath, near Wakefield, subscribed £1,000 for the same purpose, and Sir R. B. Johnstone, bart. most liberally subscribed £1,000 annually during the continuance of the war. These examples were followed by man)'- large towns and opulent individuals. The earls of Harewood and Carlisle each gave £4,000, and the Bank of England £200,000. The duke of Norfolk, for toasting at a whig club, in London, " The Majesty of the Feople'" was dismissed from the lord lieutenancy of the West- Riding, vv'hich was given to earl Fitzwilliam. A new peal of ten bells at the Leeds parish church was opened Februar}" 5th, by the Ashtoh-under-Lyne ringers. A piece of ground on Headingley-moor, containing about one acre, was enclosed, (1798) with the consent of the lord of the manor and freeholders, and vested in trustees, as a provision for-a schoolmaster, to teach six poor children. Thomas Maude was born, it is said, at Harewood. near Leeds, in 1717 ; while another account — though less certain — gives Westhiinster the credit of his birth. Brought up to the medic^il profession, and was surgeon on board the Barfleur, with captain lord Harry Powlett. Afterwards he became ste\A'ard for the estates of the duke of Bolton, and resided chiefly at his grace's seat, Bolton hall, in Wensleydale. Published " Wensleydale, or Rural Contem- plations; " and other poems. Died in 1798. In this \'-ear Messrs. Rambothara, Swaine, and Mur- gatroyd, of Bradford, erected the first mill wrought by steam, in the " Holme." The engine which supplied the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 191 1798. propelling- force was of fifteen horses' power. Mr. James, in his history of Bradford states, that at this time strong prejudice existed in the minds of the inhabitants, even the respectable portion of them, against factories. A man had commenced conveying stones for the building of the mill, when a large number of the inhabitants assembled to prevent his proceeding to the site of it, and laid hold of the horse's head. One of the partners, being a man of considerable prowess, stripped his coat, and literally "boxed the way clear ; and the persons who had assembled to stop the work, seeing his determination, and probably remembering the unlawfulness of their conduct, allowed the horse and cart to proceed. Under such discouraging circumstances was the first of those structures built which have raised Bradford to its present importance among the towns of England. Very soon after Rambotham and Swaine's mill was at work, other mills were erected in or near the town. It seems that an attempt was at that period made to intro- duce the cotton manufacture here; and one mill, (at least), which is now used in the worsted business, was, early in the present century, built for the spinning of cotton. This branch of manufactures was not, however, long carried on here. The progress of the worsted manufacture in Bradford, has been as rapid and as unexampled as that of its popu- lation. In ISOO, according to the census, 1290 persons were employed in Bradford, in trade or manufactures. In 1811, 1595 families were so emuloyed ; in 1821, 2452 families; in 1831, 3867, besides 1605 labourers. In 1819, the number of horses' power employed in propelling the machinery of worsted mills in Bradford and its immediate neighbourhood, was about 492 ; in 1830, 1047 ; and in 1840, upwards of 2000. In April, an armed association was formed at Leeds, by persons who found their own accoutrements, and served without pay. Each company had a captain and two lieu- tenants. In May, aged 73, died William Mason, an eminent Yorkshire poet, and the friend and biographer of Gray. He was born in 1725. His father was vicar of St. Trinity hall, in the East-Riding. In 1742, young Mason entered St. John's college, Cambridge, where he took his batchelor's degree in 1745. In 1749 he was chosen a Fellow of Pembroke college, and took his master's degree two years after. In 1754 he took orders, and in 1756 he received the living of Aston, in Yorkshire. In 1762 he 192 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1798. was preferred to the canonry of York, the prebend of Driffield, and the precentorship of York minster. Besides his skill in poetry and gardening, he was a con?at speed the most timid female might trust her delicate frame with most perfec' security, for the carriage could not possibly be overturned. Anj- obstruction from hills would easily be overcome. Mr. Edgeworth proposes to plant a steam-engine at the top of every hill, which would move forward the carriages by a chain, to which they would be connected or detached from at pleasure." — Leeds Mercury, Azigust2\, 1802. On the 20th of January a violent sto;m of wind unroofed several houses, and threw down many stacks of chimneys in Leeds and the neighbourhood. the Mail Avas blown • over near Halifax, and many accidents happened elsewhere. The cotton and corn mill at Blackshaw head, near Halifax, was entirely consumed hy fire on March 3rd. The town of Sheffield was visited by a terrific storm of wind in January, 1802, and a sheet of lead, weighing 2,000 lbs., was precipitated into the yard of the Tontine, and fell on the very spot where oiily a minute or two before the Doncaster mail had stood. March 27th. The definite treaty of peace was signed at Amiens, between Great Britain, France, Spain, and Holland, when general illuminations took place in all parts of the United Kingdom. The Flalifax volunteers were disembodied May 13th, and the Leeds, Wakefield, and Otley volunteers THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 205 1802. on June 1st, which was a day of general thanksgiving for the restoration of peace, when the colours of the late volunteer corps at Leeds were deposited in the parish church. On the 5th of May, this year, another vote of thanks was passed by the Leeds corporation to the volunteer corps of cavalry and infantry. A dinner was also given in the Music hall, on the •29th of the same month, at a cost of £265. 7s., and at which 330 persons were present. At a court held in the following year, two pairs of colours were ordered to be purchased and pre- sented to the said corps, which was done on the moor at Chapel-Allerton, in the presence of the mayor, recorder, and corporation, together with a great number of other in- fluential persons. The cost of the colours amounted to £6\. Ss. 4d. The roof of a new mill at Austonley, near Holmfirth, fell in, and killed three persons, and dreadfully bruised several others, on November 6th, and three days after, the stacks and outbuildings of the Hagg farm, in the same neighbourhood, were destroyed by fire, supposed by an incendiar3^ The House of Recovery, in Vicar-lane Leeds, was founded by subscription, and opened November 1st. It is now used as a dram shop, and is situated opposite the new covered market. May 6th. A bill for the abolition of bull-baiting was thrown out of the Commons by a majority of 13; some members contending horse racing and hunting were more cruel and immoral amusements than either boxing or bull- baiting, but the former Avere the amusements of the rich and the latter of the poor I June 3rd. The parliament voted £10,000 to Dr. Jenner for the discovery of vaccine inoculation. On the same day £1200 was voted to Henry Greathead, ship carpenter, of South Shields, for the inven- tion of the life-boat; and £5000 to Dr. J. C. Smith, for his discovery of the nitrous fumigation for preventing the progress of contagious disorders, first recommended by him in 1795. This year Avas completed the new Methodist chapel, situate in Albion-street, a little belov.- Guildford- street, and now occupied as a warehouse by Messrs. Vance. The first stone was laid April 80th. June. A quantity of silver pennies of William the Con- queror were found in digging the foundation for the new gaol, at York. Sept. 2nd. Early in the morning of this day Joseph Heald and John Terry committed a most horrid murder on the body of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of Flanshaw, near Wakefield. They were found guilty and 18 206 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1802.-1803. executed at York, on Monday, March 14th, 1803. Terry conducted himself in the most outrageous manner, and in- sisted most positively that Heald was innocent. Terry's body was dissected at York, and that of Heald at Leeds. 1803. Feb. 7th. Colonel Despard and nine others were tried in London for high treason; they were all found guilty, and on the 21st, colonel Despard and six others were exe- cuted. May IGth. Great Britain declared war against France, after a peace of one year and sixteen days. May 22nd. Bonaprirte gave orders to seize all the British subjects in France and in all countries occupied by French armies, who were to answer for those citizens of the republic made prisoners by the subjects of his Britannic majesty previous to the declaration of Avar; upwards of 11,000 persons were said to be arrested in France in conse- quence of this decree. June 13th. The chancellor of the exchequer proposed a tax of one shilling in the pound on land, to be paid by the landlord ; and nine- pence in the pound to be paid by the tenant ; and on all other income of one shilling in the pound from £150 and upwards, which afterwards passed into a law. July 23rd. An insurrection took place in Dublin, at the head of which were Robert Emmett and others; lord Kilwarden, chief justice of Ireland, and his nephew, were murdered in Thomas-street, Dublin, by the insurgents; the insurrection was speedily quelled by the military. August 15th. Hatfield was found guilt}^ of forgery at Carlisle assizes, and executed 3rd September; he had married a young woman commonly called Mary, " the beauty of Buttermere," to whom, and about Keswick, he had passed himself as the lion, colonel A. Hope, brother to the earl of Hopetoun. A dreadful storm, of hail and wind occurred on July 20th, which unroofed several houses, tore up trees, and broke many windows, the hailstones being some of them three inches in circum- ference. In consequence of an act passed, requiring all the male inhabitants, between the ages of 17 and 55 years, to be enrolled for the defence of the kingdom, the lieutenancy, magistracy, and gentry of the county of York, met at Leeds, and resolved to have none but volunteers " to stand forth to meet and resist an enemy, threatening us with invasion and destruction." Sub- scriptions were immediately opened, and new corps of infantry volunteers formed. The Leeds corps amounted to 2,402 men, and the Hudderstield, including the men of Upper Agbrigg, to upwards of 3,000 ; those of the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 207 1803. other towns equally numerous in proportion to their population. A body of volunteers, about one thousand strong, of which John Hardy, Esq., became colonel, was formed at Brad lord; the old one having- been disbanded. The dress of this bod}- was a scarlet coat turned up with white ; white breeches and ])lack leggings, and linen trowsers for changes ; black caps with a worsted tuft. It is related by impartial judges, that the Bradford vol- unteers, in common with most of those in the West- Kjding, were as Avell disciplined as regular troops. The Leeds subscription amounted to £1-3,000, and the ladies of the borough provided ever}'- man with a flannel waist- coat. The Wakefield and Halifax Journal was es- tablished this year. September 1st, The Manchester college was removed from Manchester to York, where it ^^ as placed under the direction of the Rev, Charles Wellbeloved, In October, Johanna Southcott, the prophetess of Exeter, arrived in Leeds. In this year there were 1,364 deaths in Leeds, and in the following year only 671. This decrease of mortality Avas supposed to have been occasioned by the introduction of vaccine inoculation, On January 15th and IStli, Isabella Holmes and Thom.as Wilcock, of Gildersome, were killed in Leeds, by carriages passing over them ; and on Sep- tember 10th, Mr. Thomas Lambert, of Elland, lost his life by a similar accident, at Salterhebble. The West- Eiding militia regiments were embodied March 30th, at Leeds, York, and Doncaster. An act for regulating- the coal trade at Leeds received the royal assent in March. Messrs. Taylor's cotton mill, at Gomersal, was burnt down April 25th. John Galloway, a Leeds clockmaker, who spent most of his life in a fruitless en- deavour to discover the grand secret of " perpetual motion," died May Sth. Harry Wormald, Esq., being elected an alderman of Leeds, on June 6th, "paid the customary fine of £400 to be excused." On July 14th, three divisions of supplementary militia were embodied in the three West York regiments, and on the same day the Leeds cavalry offered their services in any part of Great Britain, in case of invasion. Sub- scriptions were opened at York, to relieve the poor families of those who were balloted to serve in the army of reserve. This year died at York, Tate Wilkinson, Esq., patentee of the theatres royal York and HuU. Owing to his kindness to his performers, judicious in- structions, and punctually in pecuniary matters, his de- 208 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1803.-1804. pendents considered him more as a father than a master. He excelled both as a tragedian and a mimic, and as a theatrical tutor he was never equalled, as has been testified by many of his pupils on the "London boards," especially the late Mr. Matthews, who, in spite of some natural defects, had long been in great celebrity, and found himself "at home" on every stage. War being re-commenced with France, and as Bona- parte continued to threaten us with invasion, all England, and especially London, kindled at the call of patriotism; the squares, gardens, and even church yards of the metropolis and its vicinity became places of military exercise, and on the 26th and 28th of October, in this year, the number of effective volunteers revie^Aed by George IIL, in Hyde park, was 27,077. Besides this warlike display, a patriotic fund was established in July, and, before the end of August, more than £152,000 was subscribed, towards which the corporation of the city of London contributed £2,500. In 1803 an act was passed for lighting and cleansing and preventing nui- sances and obstructions in the streets of Bradford, and making provision for the effectual watching of the town. 1804. Jan. 26th. The Toll gate at Halifax bridge was removed, the cost of the bridge being liquidated, and a handsome sum accumulated for repairs. On May 14th, a melancholy accident happened at Blackshaw, near Halifax, to Robert SutcliflF, a poor aged weaver, who, having been frequently injured by his neighbours, imagined that his room was haunted by an evil spirit, and to allay which, he sent for John Hepworth, the Bradford fortune teller, who, after pouring human blood mixed with hairs into a large iron bottle, corked it tightly up, and put it into the fire, where it soon afterwards exploded with terrible violence, killed the old lAeaver, and greatly damaged the house, to the utter astonishment of the impious exorciser. On January 30th, lady Mary Horton presented the colours of the Halifax volunteers to their commander, colonel Horton; and on March 8th, the Leeds volunteers, commanded by colonel Lloyd, re- ceived their colours from the mayoress of Leeds, Mrs. Ikin; as also did the Upper Agbrigg volunteers from lady Armytage, they being under the command of Sir George Armytage, bart. On March 25th, Messrs. Ramsbottom and Swaine's extensive worsted mills at Bradford were nearly destroyed by fire. On May 19th, a wife was sold in Leeds market for THE SURROU^^DING DISTRICT. 209 1804. five guineas, to a gentleman who well knew her merits, and, strange to say, she had been previously sold at the same place before she was born, her mother, when she was in embryo, being disposed of in a similar manner. On June Sth, as Mr. Bedford, butler to Sir G. Armytage, was driving his family in a gig, the horse took fright, upset the vehicle, and killed Mrs. B. on the spot, besides breaking both Mr. B.'s arms and one of his thighs, and ■severely bruising the rest of the family. A mem- orable four mile race was rode at the York August meeting, this year, by Mrs. Thornton, (backed by the colonel) and Mr. Flint, the former staking 500 and the latter 1000 guineas. For three miles the fair jockey kept the lead, riding with great skill and spirit, but her horse, Yingarillo, having the shorter stroke of the two, began to lag, and perceiving that she must lose, she drew up in a very scientiiic manner within two distances. Up- AAards of 50,000 anxious spectators were on the course, and as much as two to one was bet upon the lady. It is said upwards of £200,000 depended upon this extra- ordinary match. ^Dec. 16th. The woollen manufactory at Laister Dyke was burnt dovv'n. On December 17th, Messrs. Atkinson's factory, fift)* yards long and three stories high, situated at Hunslet, was destroyed by fire, as also v/as the house of Mr. Olivant, at the foot of Northgate, 'U'akefield, on December 30th. The warehouse at Bradley mills, near Huddersfield, was burnt down. Joseph Priestley, a natural philosopher and chemist, also a metaphysician and Unitarian divine, was born at Field- head, near Leeds, March 13th, 1733. He was educated at the Daventry academy, under the care of Dr. Ashworth. In his 22nd year he became assistant minister of an In- dependant congregation at Needham market, in Suffolk, and afterwards officiated as minister of a congregation at Kantwich, in Cheshire. In 1761 he received the post of tutor in the academy at Warrington, but, in 1768, he removed to Leeds to undertake the pastoral charge of Mill- hiU congregation. He had already published several works of value and importance on philology, history, politics, and physics. His "History of Electricity," published 1767, had proved his strict and careful enquiry into the laws of nature. Encouraged by the success which it met with, he published his " History and present state of Discoveries Relating to Vision, Light, and Colours," (1772.) He ac- cepted the office of Librarian to the earl of Shelburue, marquis of Lansdowne, made a tour with him on the con- 210 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1804. tinent, and spent a winter with him in London. In 1773 he published, in the "Philosophical Transactions," a treatise on the different kinds of air, by which he gained Copley's medal. It appeared in the following year in an augmented edition, dedicated to lord Shelburne, and ac- companied by three other volumes. This work, rich in new and important facts, formed an era in the knowledge of aeriform fluids, and Priestley's name became in consequence renowned throughout Europe. In 1774 he made the dis- covery, made also about the same timeby Scheele, of pure, or, as he called it, of dephlogisticated air. In 1776 he com- municated to the Royal Society some interesting remarks respecting the way in which blood receives its colour from the air. In 1778 he discovered the property possessed by plants standing in the sunlight, and of purifying impure air. He was also the author of many other discoveries. In 1775 appeared his " examination of the Doctrine of Common Sense," in ansv/er to Reid, Beattie, and Oswald. Soon afterwards he laid before the public " Hartley's Theory of the Human Mind," in a more comprehensible form than that in which it had been expounded by the author. In 1777 he published his " Disquisitions on Matter and Spirit." This was succeeded by " A Vindication of Unitarianism and of the Doctrine of Necessity." He after- wards took up his residence at Birmingham, and before long became the minister to the Unitarian congregation in Birmingham. He here published his "History of the Cor- ruptions of Christianity," and his " History of Early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ." The French Revolu- tion broke out in its fury, July 14th, 1791, when the friends of the French celebrated the anniversary of the destruction of the Bastille, in consequence of which a riot took place, his house, with his library, manuscripts, and apparatus, was burned down, and he himself narrowly escaped with his life. Not long afterwards he accepted an invitation to a congregation at Hackney, and re-com- menced there his accustomed pursuits, but the attacks on himself and his family being renewed, he determined at last to leave a country so hostile to his person and his principles. He sailed in 179-1 for America, where he died February 6th, 1804. Priestley was a man of perfect sim- plicity of character. In spite of his many controversies, he entertained no personal enmities, and was entirely free from envy and jealousy. In the intercourse of life he was agreeable and benevolent. His mind was active, dis- criminating^ and exact ; his knowledge comprehensive and THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 211 1804.-1805. various ; his style in composition was very clear and fluent. On the 19tli of August, in this year, died the Rev. Michael Bacon, D.D., who was forty years vicar of AVakeficld. The earl of Carlisle presented the dean and chapter of York with some beautiful ancient painted glass, which is placed in one of the windows of the minster. The figures are as large as life, and represent the annunciation of Mary^ the mother of Jesus, and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. It was brought from the church of St. Nicholas, in Rouen, in Normandy, and is supposed to have been copied from a design by Sebastion del Piombo, the great favourite of Pope Clement VIII. On the 20th of May^ Napoleon was proclaimed emperor of the French, which terminated the republic of France, after it had continued 4,136 days, one day less than the duration of the common- wealth of England. June 20th. A bill introduced into parliament for the purpose of permitting corn to be ex- ported when the price of wheat was at or below 48s. per quarter, and to be imported when the average price was 63s. This bill afterwards passed into a law. 1S05. On the 9th of Januarj^ died Jervas Storr, of Leeds, a worthy member of the society of Friends, who possessed an income of several hundred pounds a year, but only ex- pended on himself about £30 per annum, and bestowed the surplus on the poor, within a circuit of several miles round the town, where he weekly searched out the abodes of the indigent, and administered to them advice, bedding, clothing, and mone}^ in the most judicious manner. His spare habit, venerable grey locks, resigned countenance, and coarse garb, gave him the appearance of one of the ancient prophets, and caused him to be regarded with reverential deference by all who knew him, especially the numerous claimants on his unbounded charity, who deeply regretted his loss. The cotton mill at Longbottom,- near Halifax, was burnt down January 31st, as also was Hodgson's scribbling mill and forge, at Hunslet, on Feb- ruary 6!h. Lady Hare wood, died February 22nd. John Wilkinson, a clothier, of Holbeck, Avas executed at York, in March, for the murder of his wife. About 600 pieces of silver coin, mostly of the reign of Edward I., were found under an old wall at Kuarcsbro' priory, and carried to Sir Thomas Slingsby, the lord of the manor, who generously gave the finder their intrinsic value. In July, Mr. William Stables, a clothier, of Horsforth, was murdered in his own house, and a reward of 100 guineas was pulDlicly offered by his brother John,. 212 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK:, AND 1805. who, however, was strongly suspected of being accessary to the foul deed, and, either from guilt or insanity, was never happy afterwards, hut hanged himself in his own barn in the September following. The organ in Wake- field church was built by Mr. William Gray, of London, and cost six hundred and thirty guineas. On November 20th, the extensive cloth mill of Benjamin Gott, Esq., at Armley, was entirely destroyed by fire. This year, earl St. Vincent, the distinguished naval com- mander, visited York, and received the freedom of the city in a box of "heart of oak." The amount of woollen cloth milled this year in the West-Riding Vv'as 10,079,256 yards of broad, and 6,193,317 yards of narro^v. On the 29th Dec, the remains of Mr. J. Taylor, of Gomersal, were interred in a copse on a deciivit}", half a mile from his house, a spot which he had long before selected as his resting place. The remains of a Roman wall were discovered by some workmen behind the grand jury room, at York castle, upon which the wall that now meets the eye of the observer was built. At the same time a block of freestone, inscribed '■'■ Divitati,'" in Norman characters, was found, while the men were digging a drain. It was supposed to have been a boundary stone, and placed there in the reign of Y\^illiam the Conqueror. Battle of Trafalgar. On the 21st of October, a fleet of thirty-three sail, partly French and partly Spanish, met a British fleet of twenty-seven, under lord Nelson, off Cape Trafalgar, when a battle took place which resuUed in the defeat of the French and Spanish fleets, though at the ex- pense of the life of the British commander. Previous to the commencement of the engagement, Nelson hoisted his last signal, "England expects every man to do his duty." The contest was severe, but never was a victory more complete. After the battle had raged for some time, Nelson \\a3 vv'alking on the quarter-deck, ^vhen he was pierced by a shot from one of the French marksmen, not more than fifteen yards distant. " They have done for me at last, Hardy," said he. " I hope not," said Hardy. " Yes, he replied, my back-bone is shot through." He was imme- diately carried below. The cock-pit was crowded with wounded and dying men ; he insisted that the surgeon should leave him and attend to those to whom he might be useful. " For to me," said he, "you can do nothing." He lived long enough to be assured that the triumph of liis fleet w-as secured, and he died thanking God " that he had done his duty." The loss of the British amounted to 423 THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 213 1805-1806. killed, and 1,031 wounded. Twenty of the enemies' vessels struck, but through the boisterous weather which imme- diately followed the battle, fifteen of the prizes went down, one effected its escape into Cadiz, and four only were saved. Britain, by this victory, fixed permanently her dominion, over the seas and coasts of the civilized world. At this time however, Napoleon was asserting- with equal success his supremacy over continental Europe. By a sudden, rapid, and unexpected movement, he conducted an army into Germany, where the Austrians were already making- aggressions upon neutral territory. Ou the 17th October, he took the fortress of Ulm, with its artiller3% magazines, and garrison of 30,000 men : a month afterwards he entered Vienna without resistance. He then pursued the royal famil}', and the allied armies of Russia and Austria, into Moravia; and on the 2nd of December, he gained the decisive and celebrated victory of Austerlitz, which put an end to the coalition, and rendered him the dictator of the continent. 1806. On Januarj' 16th, the lower parts of Leeds, Wake- field, &c., were inundated by the overfiowing of the rivers, and the bursting of the canal bank, near Huddersfield. Jan. 23rd. Died the right honourable "William Pitt, the second son of the great earl of Chatham, aged 47. John Gledhill, Esq., left to the poor of Chapel- Allerton £100, the interest to be distributed in bread. George Hey, the Kirkstall fortune-teller, advertised, in the most solemn manner, that he was " commissioned by heaven to announce, that on Whit- Monday, in the year 1S06, the world would be destroyed by torrents of fire." March 12th. Peter Firth, a blind youth, 19 years old, ran from Halifax to Leeds, IS miles in two hours and 53 minutes. On March 20th, Musgrave and Co.'s cotton factory, in Simpson's fold, Leeds, was destroyed by fire. May 5th, Peter Atkinson, of Whitkirk, a depraved youth of 15 years of age, was executed in the city of York, for striking Elizabeth Stocken on the head, with the claw-end of a hammer. On February 17th, died, the Rev. Peter Thomson, minister of the Scotch church, in Albion-street, Leeds, where his congregation erected to his memory a marble monument, bearing an elegant inscription, written by the Rev. William Wilson, of Greenock. A fort- night fair for fat cattle and sheep was established at Otlc}^ on July 7th. Lord Milton was married to the hon- ourable Miss Dundas, July Sth. A fire at Woolcy park destroyed all the splendid and newly erected apart- 214 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1806. ments of the mansion, on July 23rd. The damage amounted to £3,000. August 4th, John Hardy Esq., was elected recorder of Leeds. Sept. 13th. died, the right hon- ourable Charles James Fox. On September 28th, their royal highnesses the prince of Wales and the duke of Clarence arrived at Ledstone hall, near Fontefract, on a visit to Michael Angelo Taylor, Esq. The prince paid a morning visit to lady Irwin, at Temple Newsam, but was prevented b}'- indisposition from going to Leeds, where his royal brother however arrived, and, with lord Dundas and Mr. Taylor, visited the extensive manufactory of Messrs. Y/ormald, Gott, and Co., the Cloth halls, &c. The royal visitors had previously been at Doncaster races and Wentworth house. The following inscription on a plain tablet in theNorth- East corner of Eokeby's chapel, in the parish church, Halifax, refers to a gentleman who was long respected in that town, and excited the affectionate regard of the in- habitants : "Near this place, in the grave of the late Bichard Taylor, E.sq., are deposited the remains of Joseph Hulmk, M.D. vyho departed this life on the 2nd day of February, 1806, aged 92 years. He pnicti.sed physic in this town, with great success, about 63 j-ears. To his patients he was very attentive and humane ; to the poor, benevolent and charitable. He was ready in lending pecuniary assistance to most who applied to him, but slow in calling in his debts. He was a man of few words, yet aftable and pleasant vvith his friends. From his medical abilities, his general knowledge, and gentle manners, he was much respected by all who knew him. He was a rare instance of temperance and sobriety, water being his common drink from his youth, and for many years he never tasted animal food. Tbis strict regimen did not prevent his taking much exercise, and undergoing great fatigue ; for he was almost daily on horseback, over the neighbouring hills, in every reason and in all weather. Though so far advanced in life, yet his hand continued steady, and his judgment clear, so that be died not of old age, but of an acute disea.se; and in the blessed hope that he should not dwell for ever with corruption." The following inscription is Avorthy of extraction : — "Sacred to the memory of Jane, relict of John Caygill, Esq. of Shay, Halifax, and last remaining issue of 'V^illiam Seh.vyn, t^sq. formerly of Down Hall, E.ssex, who was lost to her afdicted family the 25th day of July, 1806, aged 84 years. Her heart was the favourite residence of all the gentle and peaceful virtues : warm affection, sin- cere piety, benevolence and humanity dwelt there, in mental as well as bodily sufferings she was patient aud resigned ; to her numerous virtues, held in constant exercise, her relations and friends bear the most ample and sincere testimony, and availing ourselves of her good THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 215 I8O6.-I8O7. example, may v\'e endeavour to tread with religious cheerfulness her peaceful footsteps, for they lead to everlasting happiness. As a tribute of filial veneration and atfecdon her only immediate descendant, lady Jane Ibbett^on, caused this monument to be erected, a.d. ISOT'." On November 13th, W^illiam Wilberforce, and V/alter Fawkes, Esqrs. were elected members of parliament for Yorkshire without opposition ; ^Ir. Lascelles having de- clined the contest. Steps mill, near Honley, was destroyed by lire November 14th. January 9th, the remains of the gallant lord Nelson were interred in St. Paul's cathedral. The volunteers of London on this occasion lined the whole way through v/hich the pro- cession passed. The funeral car of the hero was ex- ceedingly splendid. The sight of the flag of lord Nelson's own ship, the Victory, borne by a number of seamen who had been under his immediate command, excited strong emotions in the hearts of all who beheld it. A large and handsome house, witli a double flight of stone steps in front, and before it a neat court, with trees and shrubs, built on the site of a church dedicated to St. Wilfred, in York, was purchased this )'ear, out of the county rate, and appropriated to the use of the judges of assize, and is now called the judges' lodgings. It stands in the street called Lendal. Nov. 6th. The French emperor promulgated at Berlin his famous decree, interdicting all commerce betvv-een the British dominions and the countries subject to his control. By this decree also, the British islands were declared to be in a state of blockade : subjects of England found in other countries occupied by the French were declared prisoners of war; and all English property lawful prize. Letters addressed to England, or written in the English language, were ordered to be stopped, and vessels touching at England or any English colony, were excluded from every harbour under the control of France. The French emperor declared that the regulations of this decree " should be regarded as the fundamental law of the French, empire till England recognised the law of war to be one and the same by land and sea, and in no case applicable to private property, or to individuals not bearing arms ; and till she consented to restrict the right of blockade to fortified places actually invested by a sufficient force." ISO7. On January 24th, Messrs. Fearnley and Co.'s "worsted mill, at Drighlington, was burnt to the ground. On February 28th, jthe lieutenancy issued from Leeds, militia warrants for 14,000 men, to be ballot ted out of 216 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I8O7. the population of the West-Riding of the count}'^ of York. March 16. The bill for the abolition of the slave trade passed the House of Commons. The slave trade was abolished by France, Spain, and Holland, in 1817- It was entirely abolished throughout the British dominions in 1840, when a compensation of twenty millions sterling was given to the slave owners. On March 18th, died, at East moor, near Wakefield, Mrs. Susannah Robshaw, aged 103 years, and mother of twenty-three children — three of them at a birth. In April, died George Mason, the noted astrologer of Calverley Carr, near Bradford. By bis extensive im- postures, he amassed several hundred pounds. On May 4th, Wentworth house was the scene of the most munificent festivity, in consequence of lord Milton, earl Fitzwilliam's only son and heir, having attained his majority. Two oxen were roasted whole in the park, and these, with twenty sheep, roasted in quarters, an immense quantity of bread and strong ale, were given to the multitude assembled on the lawn, whilst about a thousand gentry and tenants were sumptuously en- terfained in the house. On May 13th, was held in the castle yard, at York, the courts for the nomination of candidates for Yorkshire. William Wilberforce, Esq., lord Milton, and the hon. Henry Xascelles, (afterwards earl of Harewood) and Walter Fawkes, Esq. v/ere nominated ; after which one of the most celebrated contests in the history of electioneering took place. The real struggle was between Milton and Lascelles, for Wilberforce was an old servant, in whose election all parties concurred. During the fifteen days poll, the county was in a state of the most violent agita- tion, party spirit being wound up to the highest pitch by the friends of the two noble families, and every thing being done that money or personal exertion could accom- plish ; the roads in ail directions were covered night and day with coaches, barouches, curricles, gigs, fly-waggons, and military cars with eight horses, conveying voters from the most remote corners of the county. On the first day Mr. Lascelles polled the greater number of votes : on the second day lord Milton headed the poll : but on the fifth day Mr. Lascelles passed his opponent, and kept the lead till the thirteenth day, at the close of which the numbers stood, Milton 10,313, Lascelles, 10,255. Now the efforts were prodigious, and the excitement maddening. At the final close of the poll the numbers were as follows : — THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT, 21;7 I8O7. Mr. Wilberforce, , . 11,808. Lord Milton, 11,177- Mr. Lascelles, 10,990. Lord Milton had nearly 9,000 plumpers. The total num- ber of votes tendered was 25,120, of which 23,056 were received. The contest cost earl Fitzwilliam and the earl of Harewood each upwards of £100,000. When the news of Milton's victory arrived in London, on the Sunday, the different Whig iamilies sported large orange favours at their horses' heads, and the ladies in Kensington gardens celebrated the return of the popular candidate by a splendid display. On the 19th of May, Richard Bramley, Esq., then mayor of Leeds, imprudently seized a boy who had offended him by crying "Milton for ever!" but the populace soon rescued the lad, and so "hustled" the mayor, that he immediately read the riot act, called out a troop of horse soldiers, and ordered them to scour the streets. On August 31st, Titley and Go's thread mill, at Hunslet, was destroyed by fire. On November 1st, died, in his 90th year, the right Rev. William Markham, D.D., the learned and pious archbishop of York, who held the see thirty years. He was succeeded by the Hon. Edward Ver- non Harcourt In August, whilst digging for the founda- tion of a house, near the Mount, without r,OaO, under Blucher, and one of about 80,000 British, Germans, and Belgians, under Wellington, were quickly rendezvoused in the Netherlands, while still larger armies of Austrians and Russians, making the whole force above 1,000,000, were rapidly approaching. These professed to make war, not on France, but against Bonaparte alone, whom they denounced as having, by his breach of the treaty, 'placed himsself out of the pale of civil and social relations, and incurred the penalty of summary execution ' Napoleon, knowing that his enemies would accumulate faster in proportion than his own troop*", crossed the frontier on the 14th of June with 120,000 men; resolved to fight Blucher and Wel- lington separately, if possible. The rapidity of his movements prevented that concert betAveen the Prussian and English generals, Avhich it Avas their interest to establish. On the 16th of June, Napoleon attacked the Prussian army under Blucher, at Li^rny, and compelled him (after a five hours' battle) to retire to Wavre, with a loss of 16,000 men, and several pieces of cannon. Early in the afternoon of the same day, Ney (by veteran troops in very superior numbers) attacAcd the British at Les Quatre Bras, but he was gallantly and successfully 248 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1815 repulsed. The loss of the British and their allies in this battle amounted to 3,750 hors de combat. The British suffered most severely, having 316 men killed and 2,156 wounded. The duke of Brunsvt^ick fell in the act of rallying his troops, and an immense number of British officers were found among the slain and wounded. On the 17th of June, Wellington being apprised that Blucher had retired on Wavre, also retreated and drew his troops across the road to Brussels, near a place called Waterloo. Battle of Waterloo. On the 18th of June, Napoleon de- termined to give battle to Wellington. He had a force of not less than 90,000 men, with 296 pieces of artillery; while the British amounted to but 74,400 men, with not more than 150 pieces. The position which Wellington occupied was in front of the hamlet of Mont St. Jean, about a mile and a half in advance of the village of Waterloo. The whole line was formed on a gentle ac- clivity, the flanks partially secured by small hollows and broken grounds. The two points of the greatest importance in the British position, were, the farm-house of La Haye Sainte, in front of the left centre, which was defended by a Hanoverian battalion ; and the Chateau of Hougoumont, with its wood and garden in advance of the right centre, which was held by part of the guards and some companies of Nassau riflemen. Wellington considered this to be the key of his position, and great attention was bestowed upon its defence. Shortly before eleven o'clock, the enemy's columns were put in motion against Hougoumont, and the battle of Waterloo began. Comprising three divisions, nearly 30,000 strong, the French attack was made in close columns, supported by the fire of numerous batteries. As the heads of the enemy's masses rose above the hollow ground which had hitherto concealed their move- ments, the British artillery opened with round and case shot; and the French and Nassau light troops, com- menced a sharp and rapid fusilade; but the latter was forced to yield to numbers — the wood was carried — and the Chateau and its dependencies were vigorously and resolutely assaulted ; but the defence was able as it was obstinate. The fire of the English musketry fell on the French masses with rapid precision. The French gave ground — the guards charged from the enclosures — part of the wood was recovered — and the fire of the British howitzers cleared the remainder of it from the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 24-9 1815. enemy. The French attacks were renewed again and again against Hougouniont, but they were as unavailing as they had proved before ; every new effort of the enemy increased the slaughter, but failed in abating either the spirit or the obstinacy of the defence. At length the French artillery opened with shells upon the house ; the old tower of Hougoumont was quickly in a blaze; the fire reached the chapel, and many of the wounded, both assailants and defenders, there perished miserably ; but still the guards nobly held the place, and Hougoumont remained untaken. The assault upon Hougoumont was accompanied by a heavy lire from more than two hundred pieces of artillery upon the whole British line. The obstinacy with which Napoleon endeavoured to win this important post, may be best esti- mated by the terrible expenditure of life his repeated attacks occasioned. 10,000 men were killed and wounded in these attempts. ^yilile these terrible attacks were continued against the right centre, the left of the allied position was also furi- ousl}'- assailed. One success only crowned the incessant effoi'ts of Napoleon — the temporary possession of the farm- house of La Haye Saiate, which was surrendered after a heroic defence of two hours. The continued attacks of the enemy on all points was exhausting the strength of the allied army and making its situation every moment more critical. Though masses of the enemy had fallen, thousands came on anew. Many battalions of the British were miserably reduced. The loss of individual regi- ments was prodigious. One (the 27th) had 400 men mowed down in square without drawing a trigger. Another, (the 92nd) when not 200 men were left, rushed into a French column and routed it with the bayonet; a third, (the 33rd) when nearly annihilated, sent to require support : none could be given, and the commanding officer was told that he must " stand or fall where he was." Thus the battle raged until evening came, and yet no crisis. Wellington as he viewed the diminished numbers of his brave battalions still presenting the same fearless attitude that they had done when the battle opened, felfc that to human endurance there is a limit, and turned his glass repeatedly to that direction from which his expected support must come. At last the welcome sound of distant artillery was heard in the direction of St. Lambert, and a staff officer reported that Blucher was approaching near the scene of action. This was about seven in the evening. 250 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1815. The enemy then made a desperate effort with cavalry and infantry, supported by the lire of artillery, to force the left centre of the British near the farm of La Haye Sainte. The imperial guard, in close column, came on to the assault and ascended the slope of the position, although the fire of the English guns fell upon their dense masses with ruinous precision. Presently the guards moved forward to the crest of the height, and the finest infantry in the world confronted each other at the distance of fifty paces. The first steady fire of the British guards disorganized the crowded column, and the fusilade v/as rapidly and steadily sus- tained. The shattered column of the enemy was soon driven down the hill with precipitate confusion. After routing their opponents, the victorious infantry halted, re- formed, fell back, and resumed their former position. Undismayed by the repulse of the first column, Napoleon's second column topped the height in perfect order, which bespoke the certainty of success; bat the musketry of Maitland's left wing smote the column heavily in front, and the fire of the light regiments fell with terrible effect on the flank of the mass. The ground in a few minutes was covered with dead and wounded men — the confusion increased — the disorder became irremediable — the columns broke and commenced a rapid retreat. Pressed by the guards, charged by the 52ud, retreat became a flight, and Wellington launched the cavalry of Vivian and Vandeleur against the mass as it rushed down the hill in hopeless disorder. Before it was possible for the French to rally and renew the fight, one grand and general attack consu- mated the ruin of Napoleon. Wellington is said to have exclaimed, " The hour is come! " The word was given to advance. The infantry, in one long and splendid line, moved forward with a thrilling cheer, the horse artillery galloped up and opened with case shot on the disordered masses. Instantly the allied cavalry were let loose, and, charging headlong into the enemy's columns, they turned retreat into rout, and closed the history of one of the bloodiest struggles upon record. A complete panic seized upon the French, who threw away their arms to expedite their flight. The Prussian cavalry pursued the enemy from Waterloo to Genappe, and cut them down unmercifully. The roads were covered with dead and dying, and, being obstructed by broken equipages and deserted guns, became almost impassible to the fugitives — hence the slaughter was frightful. Wel- lington recrossed the battle ground by moonlight, and THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 251 1815, arrived for supper at Brussels. The excited feelings which such a victor)^ must have produced, are said to have suffered a reaction, and given way to a deep despondency as he rode past " the dying and the dead." God knows it was " a sorry sight ; " for on a surface not exceeding two square miles, 50,000 dead or disabled men and horses were extended. On the side of the victors, the total of killed and wounded, exclvsive of the Prussians, exceeded 13,000 men, among whom were 600 officers and eleven generals. The total loss of the French amounted to not less than 40,000 men. On his return to Paris, Napoleon made an effort to restore the confidence of his chief counsellors, but in vain. After a fruitless abdication in favonr of his son, he retired on board a small vessel at Rochfort, with the intention of proceeding to America; but being captured by a British ship of war, he was condemned by his triumphant enemies to perpetual confinement on the island of St. Helena, in the Atlantic, where he died in 1821. Joseph Blackburn was born about the year 1770; re- ceived a liberal education ; was articled to an attorney, and about 1793 began to practice that profession in Leeds. He married a lady of most amiable qualities, and respect- able connections ; became the father of two children, and for many years enjoyed the high respect of an extensive circle of acquaintances : no man living enjoyed more generally the credit of integrity and respectability than Mr. Blackburn ; but, after twenty years, during which time nothing had tarnished his reputation, or blackened his fame, a person, who had formerly been his clerk, laid an information against him for removing stamps from old deeds, and placing them upon new ones; and also with altering the denominations of such stamps. On this charge he was committed to York castle, and on the ISth of March, 1815, put upon his trial for forging a £2. stamp upon a mortage deed of £180, before Sir Simon le Blanc. After the case for the prosecution had been gone through at some length, and the Judge seeming to think the charge clearly established, and overruling every legal objection taken by the defendant's counsel, he was called upon for his de- fence, and spoke as follows : — " May it pleas'j your lord- ship — " Gentlemen of the Jury : — " In the painful and anxious situation in which I am un- happily placed, I am ill-fitted for the task of addressing you on this occasion. — Agitated as I am between hope and fear, I can onl}- solemnly assure you that I never forged 252 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1815. a stamp in my life ; but the public mind has been prejudiced against me by unfounded reports and advertisements, containing vile insinuations against me. But, gen- tlemen, I entreat and charge you upon your oaths, that 5'^ou banish all that you have heard out of this court from your minds ; and all that I have to wish from you, is, that you be influenced only by the evidence, and that you will do unto me as you would wish to be done unto, were you placed in ray unfortunate situation. I have practised as an attorney among my townsmen and neighbours with credit and respectability for twenty- seven years ; you will hear from them upon their oaths, the character I have maintained during that period. In making my defence, I have many great and insuperable difficulties to contend with; I am called to furnish an answer, and that by evi- dence, against a charge which I never heard of until I entered this court ; for until I heard the indictment read, I had no knowledge of that which they have imputed to me by this indictment, of course it was absolutely impossi- ble forme to be prepared with evidence to rebut the charge. "With respect to the deed in question, 1 know nothing of it; it has been long out of my possession, and it is clear, by the evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution, that it has been very much exposed; I would only observe, that if it had not had a regular stamp affixed to it, the engrossing cleik must have seen it, and it must likewise have been observed at the office when the deed was regis- tered. When my house was searched, my account books were taken away, which has deprived me of all means of tracing the deed in question, or of proving where the stamp was bought; I had therefore no clue to direct my search. With res])cct to the spoiled stamps, I would observe, that they have lain by me a long time, and that the period of claiming the allowance for them has long elapsed. It often happens, that after a deed is engrossed, the execution may be delayed a very considerable time beyond the period allowed for claiming the allowance, and if ultimately it should not be executed, the stamp would be entirely lost ; this will account for the spoiled stamps, which in a long series of time, have been accumu- lated. I declare to you, gentlemen, that the deed in question had upon it a regular stamp when it was exe- cuted at my office, and I trust you will not ])resume any- thing against me; and that you will decide upon my fate with the same candour that you would wish in similar circumstances to be shewn to yourselves. Gentlemen, my THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 253 1815. life is in your hands ; 1 shall bow with resignation to your decision; and I trust, I hope, that your decision will be right." A host of witnesses, of great respectability, and most of whom had known the prisoner for many years, appeared and spoke to liis character in terms of eulogium that any citizen might be proud of. After the summing up of the evidence by the learned judge, which was thought to have been done with some- what resembliug severity towards the prisoner, the jury retired ; and, after an absence of fifteen minutes, returned and delivered a verdict of " Guilty.'" After this, the prisoner was tried on a second indict- ment ; charging him with a similar oifence, in conjunction with a Mr. "Wainewright; on this charge he was acquitted. Mr. Blackburn was so much affected as not to be able to walk from court without assistance. On the following "Wednesday, amid other prisoners, Mr. Blackburn was brought up to receive sentence. In his general address, Sir Simon le Blanc thus particularized the prisoner : — "I am sorry to remark that you, Joseph Blackburn, whose education and habits of lile had furnished you, by the exer- cise of an honourable profession, with the means of main- taining yourself in credit, should have been induced to resort to such dishonest artifices. But the thirst of money, or the vvish to grow rich by means more rapid than by the exercise of patient industrjs has induced you not only to plunder the public revenue, but to involve private indivi- duals in distress, if not absolute ruin. By i\ series of in- genious contrivances, you have been able, by imitating the stamp used in the conveyar.ce of property, to injure the public revenue to a very considerable amount; and, by aflBxing those forged stamps to conveyances and other in- struments, you have put to hazard property to a very great extent." The awful sentence was then passed ; and Mr. Black- burn, who, during the v/hole of the address, appeared con- vulsed with agony, was literally carried out of court. The 8th of April was fixed for his execution; but in the interim between his trial and that day, a petition, signed by upwards of three thousand respectable persons, (mostly of jiCeds), -vas forwarded to the then prince regent: to this lord Sidmouth sent an immediate negative. An ap- plication AA'as subsequently made to Sir Simon le Blanc, which was equally unsuccessful. This unfortunate victim 22 254 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 3815. to the laws of his country, was therefore executed on the above day at York, and his remains were interred at Roth- well, near Leeds. On February 3rd, the festival of Bishop Blaize was re- newed at Leeds, after an interval of 27 years. The exhi- bition was grand beyond all precedent, being got up prin- cipally in honour of the peace which then prevailed. (See 1811.) The Leeds Soke, with the "King's Mills," was purchased for £32,000, by Mr. Edward Hudson. On February 9th, the archbishop of York consecrated the Vicar's croft, at Wakefield, as a burial ground. On February 22ud, died, aged 82, the Rev. Peter Haddon, M..A., who was a prebendary of Ripon, and 28 years vicar of Leeds, where he was universally esteemed. On March 23rd, the Rev. Richard FaAvcett, M.A., was elected vicar of Leeds. SmithsonTennant, aningenious chemist, was born at Selby, of which parish his father was vicar, Nov. 30th, 1761; was placed in a school atScorton,next at Tadcaster, and afterwards under Dr. Croft, at Beverley, where he applied himself more to science than classics. Went to Edinburgh in 1781, to stud}^ physic, and the year after became a member of Christ's college, Cambridge, from whence he removed to Emanuel college, where he proceeded to bachelor in medicine in 1788: and took the degree of doctor in 1791. Settled in London in 1812, and delivered lectures on mineralogy; next year was elected professor of chemistry at Cambridge. Read a course, and went to France, where, as he was about to embark on his return, was thrown from his horse, near Boulon^e, by which lie fractured his skull, and died Feb. 22nd, 1815. Was fellow of the Royal Society, and communicated numerous papers, which are published in the Transactions. Joseph Bramah, an ingenious mechanic, was born at Stainborough, in 1749. He received a common education, and was employed in early life in agricultural occupations, till lameness led him to relinquish that line, and was appren- ticed to a carpenter. Had previously made violoncellos and violins. Went to London, and was employed as a cabinet- maker. Undertook the manufacture of pumps, pipes, cocks, &c., for which he received patents. Made hydraulic ma- chines, for which he received a patent. Took out a patent for the application of the hydrostatic uniform pressure of fluids. Employed by the Bank of England, in 1807, to con- struct a machine for printing the date lines of the notes. He died in 1815. March 1st. Mr. Robinson, afterwards lord Goderich, THE SURROUNDI^'G DISTRICT. 255 1815. brought into the House of Commons the bill to amend the laws respectiijg the importation of foreign corn; it was passed on the 10th, and sent to the House of Lords, where it passed by a majority of 128 to 21, and on the 23rd it re- ceived the royal assent. This bill enacted that no importa- tion of foreign corn should be permitted until the average price of wheat should be 80s., rye 55s., barley 40s., and oats 26s. per quarter of eight Winchester bushels. Riots took place in London during the time of the discussion of the corn bill in the House of Commons. The houses of Mr. Robinson, tlie lord chancellor, lord Castlereagh, and many other members of parliament were attacked, their windows broken, and furniture destroyed. Two persons were shot in front of Mr. Robinson's house. William Hutton, a bookseller and author of Birmingham, who raised himself from a condition of poverty to one of great respectability and opulence ; was born at Derby in 17*23, aiid first worked in a silk-mill there, was after- wards apprenticed to a stocking- weaver at Nottingham, then taught himself bookbinding, and in 1749 walked all the way to London and back to buy the tools necessary for that trade. Having at last saved a sufficient sum, he com- menced business in Birmingham in 1750, though on a very small scale. His weekly expenses were only tive-shillings, and the first 5^ear he saved £20. Hutton continued success- ful, and in 1791 gave up his business to his son. He had suffered considerable loss in the church and king riots in Birmingham, but recovered a sum of money from the county. He died in 1815, in his 92nd year. Hutton was an author. He wrote, among other works, a " History of Blackpool," " History of Derby," some poems, and a very amusing and interesting autobiography. A dreadful accident happened at Heaton pit, near New- castle, by the workings overflowing with water: seventy- five men and thirty-five horses were lost. On April 13th, the oil mill, at Crown Point, Leeds, with all its ma- chinery, and a considerable quantity of rape and line seed was destroyed by fire. On June 26th, a fire destroyed several thousand pounds worth of cloth, &c., in the ware- house of Mr. Moore, of Brockweil, near Halifax. The first stone of Christ church, in Bradford, was laid June 4th. An anonymous lady gave £800 towards the edifice, which was raised by subscription. A curious antique stone, formed like a mortar, rudely ornamented in relief, and inscribed '■ S. H. V. — 711," was found at Holbeck, near Leeds. At Marsden, near Huddersfield, was ob- 256 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1815. served for twenty minutes, ou September 18th, that singular phenomenon, a water spout, apparently formed of a dense black cloud, and resembling a long inverted cone, the lowest part of which seemed nearly to touch the ground, whilst above it the clouds were white and fleecy, and seemed much agitated by the water, which, after falling, appeared to rise again rapidly up the vaporous spout with a spiral motion. On May 8th, died the Eev. Joseph Whiteley, A.M., master of the Leeds grammar school, vicar of Lastingham, and domestic chaplain to the earl of Hare- wood, During his residence in Cambridge university, he was greatly distinguished for the excellence of his theo- logical compositions, by which he gained several of the Norrisian prizes. On December 13th, the Austrian archdukes John and Louis, visited the cloth halls and prin- cipal manufactories of Leeds, where in rapture they ex- claimed to the resident Catholic minister, " C'est vraiment une ville d' Industrie.'''' — (This is truly an industrious town). On December '"0th, in consequence of a sudden thaw, after a heavy fall of snow, the river Aire overflowed its banks, and inundated the lower streets of Leeds, so that the bridge could not be approached except in a boat or carriage; happily the flood subsided next day, without any serious accident. In this year the act of parliament of the 55th Geo. III. cap. 42, was passed, entitled "An act to amend and enlarge the powers and provisions of an act of his present majesty, for erecting a court house and prison, for the borough of Leeds in the county of York, and other purposes ; to provide for the expense of the prose- cution of felons in certain cases ; and to establish a police and nightly watch in the town, borough, and neighbour- hood of Leeds." After providing for the continuance of the court house rate, until the expenses incurred by the erection of that building were completely defrayed, the act empowered the magistrates at the quarter sessions, to elect a gaoler or governor of the prison with other subordinate officers, to allow the expenses of prosecu- tions in specified cases, and tj offer proper rewards for the apprehension of offenders. It then arranged for the general police of the borough, by committing to the justices of the peace the prerogative of appointing a chief constable with an appropriate salary, and of elect- ing a sufficient number of persons to be his deputies — by requiring them to select an adequate body of watch- men and patroles for the town and the suburbs within THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 257 1815.-1816. one mile of the bars — by enabling them to impose such rates as were necessary to defray the expense of the new system of police — and by authorizing them to choose such treasurers, collectors, and other officers, as the ex- ecution of the act might require. Upon this act the present system of police has been founded, numerous and useful changes for the better have since been made in this department of municipal arrangement, and it may be confidently stated that at the present period, the police of this borough, is as active, as efficient, and as well regulated as that of any other provincial town in the kingdom. The police regulations are now under the control of the corporation. 1816. On January 20th, Messrs. Glover's factory, in Park- lane, Leeds, was destroyed by fire. In two causes tried in the duchy court of Lancaster, the inhabitants of Ossett and Gaathorp were released from the Wakefield soke, it being the opinion of Mr. Justice Bayley, Mr. Baron Richards, and the chancellor of the duchy, that they were not subject to the custom, though their ancestors had suffered it to be imposed upon them. The first stone of Coley church, near Halifax, was laid February 26th, and of Lud- denden church, on March 14th. Early ou Sunday morning, March 3rd, some lawless workmen broke into the dressing shops of Mr. James Roberts, at Quarmby, and destroyed all the shears, and improved frames. On April 23rd, v\'ere christened at Bingley, three children born at a birth, and then six weeks old, and named Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. The Yresley chapel, in Meadow- lane, Leeds, was opened June 27th, and is a substantial brick edifice, and since that time it has been considerably enlarged. ' It is capable of containing 2,000 persons. An organ was added about twenty years ago. During the excavation for this chapel, at the depth of eighteen feet in the gravel, was found a human skeleton, near which were some buckles, and a spear head, supposed to have been drifted there along with the sand and gravel. The first stone of St. Ann's chapel, at Southowram, Mas laid by the vicar of Halifax, on July 2nd. The banking house of Messrs. Ingham, of Huddersfleld, stopped payment July 4th, as also did that of Messrs. Brook and Sons, of the same place, on July 23rd. On July 24th, died, in his 64thyear, universally respected, Alexander Turner, Esq., senior alderman, and twice mayor of Leeds. Liversedge church, at Littletown, built by the Rev. H. Roberson, was consecrated August 29th. 258 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1816 There was great agricultural and commercial distress this year, and numerous meetings were held in various parts of the kingdom to consider the means of alleviating it, and large subscriptions were raised. August 3rd. Elizabeth Ward, of Rothwell, near Leeds, was tried at York on a charge of AvilfuUy and maliciously administering a certain deadly poison (arsenic) to Charlotte Ward, her sister, with the ielonious intent to kill and mur- der the said Charlotte Ward, on Saturday, the 27th of July, previously. She was found guilty, and the sentence of death passed upon her. During the passing of the sentence the prisoner said, — [speaking to Mr. Staveley, the governor.] " If his lordship will hear me, I will tell him the truth.'* Mr. Staveley having communicated her request, his lordship said, "I will hear you, but speak the truth." The prisoner then said, "Please, sir, I have an aunt, and she asked me to go to Leeds and get her some white mercury, to put into some whitening.'' His lordship here said, " You will only aggravate your crime if you tell an untruth." The prisoner then said she would speak the truth; and proceeded to state, that on her return, she gave it to her aunt, who came to their house and mixed something up, and told her that she might go to her work in the kitchen; and that she did not know that vv^hite mercury was poison : she had never heard of any such thing, and that she did not mean to poison any body. Great interest was excited by this remarkable case; and at the instigation of some powerful persons, she was re- prieved for three weeks ; after this a second reprieve for seven days arrived; and at length an order came for the commutation of her sentence to imprisonme];it for ten years. This year died R. B. Sheridan, the last of that constellation of talent, which adorned the latter part of the eighteenth century. As on orator he yielded not even to Pitt ; whilst in force and acuteness he may be compared with Fox, and in splendour of imagination, with Burke. On September 22nd upwards of 100 pieces of silver coin of the reigns of Eliza- beth and James I., were found in an inclosure, on Wike common, near Bradford. On October 19th, was opened the Leeds and Liverpool canal. In December, the grand duke Nicholas of Russia, visited Leeds, Harewood house, York, and many other places in the county ; amongst his attendants were baron Nicholai, Sir William Congreve, generals Kutusoff and Woronzoff, Messrs. Ciincare and Mansell, adjutant Perowsky, and Dr. Creighton. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 259 1816. During: this year two adult schools were established by the Quakers in Leeds, and a Sunday School Union by the A^arious religious sects, A\'ho in the following year had 5,000 scholars under gratuitous instruction in the town. The late Eev. Thomas Dunham Whitaker, LL.D. and F.S.A., vicar of V»lialley, and rector of Heysham, in Lan- cashire, published this year his '■'^ Loidis and Elmete'^ and also a splendid edition of the '- Ducatus Leodiensis,'' of Thoresby, tlie antiquary, whose last female descendant was espoused by the doctor, who died in 1822, having himself gain- ed considerable celebrity both as an antiquary and historian ; though ma^.iy of his local i^ketches bear the evident marks of prejudice and partiality, owing to his rural propensities, and his aversion to populous manufacturing districts, where he too often found bis favourite edifices, (churches) crouching under an assemblage of towering chimneys, rising from noisy mills and factories to a greater altitude than the ven- erable parish spire; and, instead of meeting rustic sim- plicity, he found perhaps, men of every class possessed of too much worldly kiiOAvledge to be kept in rigid canonical obedience, especially in the populous parish of Halifax, where he was " shocked by a tone of defiance in every voice, and an air of fierceness in every countenance." The district having, says he, "declined into manufactures," but the truth is, that those manufactures have raised it from a sterile wilderness to a fruitful country, abounding in wealth, population, and social comiori, and the manners of the in- habitants wear not that forbidding aspect which the other- wise worthy doctor has attributed to them. In August, this year, a British armament under lord Exmouth, bombarded Algiers, and reduced that piratical state to certain desirable conditions, respecting the treat- ment of christian prisoners. The Independent chapel, in Lendal, York, was built this year, and cost upwards of £3,000. A public house iu York, known by the name of the " Hole in the Wall," be- coming ruinous, v/as taken down ; when on removing the materials, a subterraneous prison was discovered some feet below the surface. The approach was by a flight of stone steps, at the bottom of \vhich Avere two massy oaken doors, one against the other, each five feet seven inches high, by two feet seven inches broad, and five inches in thickness. Through these doors, entrance was obtained to the dungeon, ■which was thirty-two feet five inches in length, nine feet four inches broad, and nine feet high. The walls were four feet ten inches thick. On the side opposite the entrance 260 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I8I6.-I8I7. were three sloping- Avindows, strongly guarded with iron; and, attached to the walls, were the remains of several staples. In the following year, a rude piece of Saxon sculpture, cut upon a stone, supposed to have been the base of the arch over the door-way leading into this dungeon, was found. This singular relic represents a man in the agonies of death, surrounded by demons, who are torment- ing the body, and seizing the departing spirit. It is now deposited in the minster library. A steam-packet, fitted up by Mr. George Dodd, at Glasgow, (being the first that had been seen on the Thames), arrived at London from that port in 121 hours. I8I7. The lithographic art was introduced into England this year. On March 24th, Mr. Mawson's aqua fortis manufactory, at Burmantofts, Leeds, was completely destroyed by fire; unfortunately it was not insured, and the loss was several thousand pounds. This and the four following years, will always be mem- orable as an epoch of extraordinary distress, affecting almost every class of the community. To alleviate the distress of the unemployed poor in Leeds, liberal subscrip- tions were raised by the company frequenting the follow- ing inns, viz. : the George and Dragon, Golden Fleece, Bee Hive, White Swan, and some others, from which up- wards of 2,000 families were repeatedly relieved with beef, potatoes, soup, bread, and coals. Owing to the very bad harvest of 1816, wheat varied in price this year from 24s. to 55s. per load of three bushels. — Tumultuary proceedings took place in various parts of the county ; and a desire for a reform in the House of Commons, which was supposed to be the only means of re- ducing the public expenditure, began to take deep root among the working classes. The government adopted expedients for counteracting the force of the popular spirit. Certain political emissaries, who, in the spring of the year, came down into the north of Eng- land, and who, affecting to be themselves radicals, were, in reality, spies and instigators. The most distinguished of these characters was a person of the name of Oliver, a man of plausible manners and of insinuating address. Mr. Oliver, introduced by a reputed delegate, visited the re- formers in Nottinghamshire, Warwickshire, and Lanca- shire, but the south-western part of the county of York was the favourite seat of his mission. Here, as in other places, he and his travelling companion sedulously incul- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 261 1817. cated upon their dupes the belief that the people in the metropolis, and in other populous parts of the kingdom, Mvere ready to rise in open rebellion, and w^aited only to be joined by the reformers of the north, in order to over- turn the government by physical force. To obtain credit •with his employers for zeal and usefulness, he assembled several meetings of persons whom he dignified with the name of delegates. On the 6th of June, a meeting was held at Thornhill Lees, at which ^Nlr. OliA^er attended in person to address the meeting. "While the assembly, which consisted of about a dozen persons, were preparing for deliberation, they found themselves surrounded by a strong detach- ment of military, headed by major-general Sir John Byng, the commander of the district, by whom ten of them were secured, and conveyed to Waketield, for examination before the sitting magistrates. Mr. Oliver was suttered to escape. ' The events of this day, however, led to a distinct recogni- tion of his mission, and to a public exposure, through the medium of the press, of his official connexions. It was now no longer possible to conceal the fact, that a system of espionage had been resorted to, and the first minister of state, lord Liverpool, when pressed upon the subject in the House of Lords, admitted " that Mr. Oliver had been employed by government, to gain information from the disturbed districts ; " but his lordship assured the house "that he had been discouraged from endeavouring in any way to excite, or to extend the disaffection which he was to assist in suppressing." A few days after, a full bench of magistrates, with the venerable earl Fitzwilliam at their head, assembled at the Court-house, in Wakefield, and after a patient inquiry into the circumstances of the case, discharged all the prisoners except two of them, who were detained by a secretary of state's warrant, under the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act, on a charge of high treason. The late Mr. Baines was chiefly instrumental in exposing the spy system of Mr. Oliver, and the way he did it is very interesting. " On the 13th of June, Mr. Baines received a letter from his friend, iNIr. James Holdforth, who, on his way to Man- chester, had heard facts at Dewsbury, which showed that a government emissary, named Oliver, had been attempt- ing to entrap Mr. James ^ViHan, a printer, of that place, to attend a meeting where ten persons had been arrested. Mr. Baines at once took a chaise, and went (accompanied by one of his sons, the present Edward Baines) to Dews- 262 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 18 17. bury, to investigate the facts. He repaired to the house of his friend, Mr. John Halliley, jun., where Mr. James Willan, and at his instance Mr. John Dickinson, linen- draper, attended. There the plot was laid bare. Mr. Willan proved that Oliver, who represented himself as a delegate from the radicals of London, had several times, for the space of two months, endeavoured to seduce him into acts of violence and situations of danger; and that he had especially urged him to attend the meeting above- mentioned of "delegates" at Thornhill Lees on the previous Friday, at which meeting ten poor men were arrested by a party of military under the command of major-general Sir John Byng. Willan, who was a con- scientious man and a professor of the principles of the society of Friends, indignantly repelled every invitation to violence, and refused to attend the meeting. The ten prisoners had been conveyed, with Oliver himself, to Wakefield, for examination by the magistrates; but at that town Oliver was seen by Mr. Dickinson at liberty, and in communication with the servant of general Byng; and, on inquiring of the servant, Mr. Dickinson learnt that Oliver had been at his master's house, at Campsall, a few days before. From this and other facts the character of of the emissary was evident." Mr. Baines returned to Leeds, and published a full and clear statement of the whole of the facts, with the names of all the parties, in the Mercury of the following morning. He concluded his narrative with the following remarks: — ■ " From everything we ha^e heard of the character and conduct of general Byng, we are persuaded that he has been merely the medium for receiving Oliver's information ; and that whoever may have em- ployed this double-distilled traitor, the general has acted merely in the discharge of his official duty. But every circumstance we have ^'ust related proves that somebody has employed him, and the question is — « who were bis employers .P " What the trade of this man may be, we cannot pretend to say — but that he is a Green Bag Maker by profession is, we think, sufficiently obvious. Why such a wretch, the mainspring and master-piece of the conspiracy by which the country has been thrown into its present state of alarm and agitation, was suffered to escape, while the poor un- fortunate victims of his machinations are held in confinement, is more than we can say; but the subject requires deep and grave investigation, and we call upon the magistrates of this Riding, now that we have given them them the clue, to go to the bottom of this nefarious trans- action. " We ask this boon from them in support of their own character : we ask it from a regard to the character of the country: we ask it THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 268 ]817. from a regard to the government : we ask it in justice to the advocater of parliamentary reform : and, above all, we conjure them to enter into this inquiry, from a regard to the families and lives of the men at present in confinement, on the information of this prototype of Lucifer, whose distinguishing characteristic it is, first to tempt, and then to destroy." On the 9th of June, some hundreds of persons assembled about midnight, at a place adjoining the town of Hudders- lield, called Folly Hall bridge, under a delusive expecta- tion that they would be joined by other insurgents from various parts of the kingdom, and that, when united, their force would be sufllciently strong to overturn the govern- ment of the country ! The approach of half a dozen yeomanry cavalry produced considerable alarm amongst them ; but the}^ mustered military ardour sufficient to lire several shots, and one of the cavalry horses was wounded in the head. The yeomanry, not considering it prudent to engage with so great a disparity of numbers, retreated for the purpose of obtaining a reinforcement, but, before they could return to the field, a panic had seized the motley assembly at the bridge, and, in a few minutes, their force was completely dispersed. Four and twenty persons, charged with having in some way participated in this futile enterprise, were subsequently apprehended and committed to York castle, and several others escaped. At the assizes in July, ten of the prisoners were put upon their trial before baron "Wood, part of them charged with stealing fire arms on their Vv-ay to the place of rendezvous, and the remainder with aiding and abetting certain per- sons unknown, in firing at, with an intent to kill, maim, or disable Mr. David Alexander, the yeomanry cavalryman whose horse was shot in the head. Both the charges being ill-supported by evidence, all the prisoners put upon their trial were acquitted, and the bills presented against the principal part of the other prisoners were thrown out. Jan. 20th. The prince regent opened parliament in person. In the latter part of this year, the armies of the allies were withdrawn from the French territories The riotous spirit which had lately displayed itself, broke out again on this occasion ; and the prince on his way to the house was assailed by tumultuous expressions of disapprobation from an unusually large concourse of people, whose conduct on the return of the procession be- came more violent, the royal carriage being attacked with stones and other missiles in an alarming manner ; a reward of £1,000 was offered for the apprehension of the offenders, 264 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I8I7. but they were never discovered. 'Feb. 7th. Lord Castlereagh announced in the House of Commons, that the prince regent, sympathising with the sufferings of a gen- erous public, had determined to give up £50,000 per annum of his income ; at the same time his lordship communicated the intention of ministers voluntarily to dispense with one-tenth of their official incomes ; lord Camden, as one of the tellers of the exchequer, relinquished the whole of the enormous profits of that sinecure office, except £2,500, the regulated income of the other tellers; the expenditure of this year, on the reduced scale, was estimated at £6,500,000 less than that of the preceding one. This year Watson, Preston, Hooper, and Reene were committed to the tower for high treason; a reward of £500 was offered for the apprehension of Thistlewood, and a further reward of £500 for the junior Watson. Disturbances at Manchester. At a public meeting held near St. Peter's church, on the 3rd of March, by persons denominating themselves friends of parliamentary reform, notices were issued that the espousers of their doctrines should assemble at the same place on the 10th, and pro- ceed thence to the metropolis to present a petition to the prince regent, that they might be enabled to undeceive him. Accordingly on the appointed day, crowds of people flocked into the town from all directions ; the instigators were mounted in a cart, and harangued the people, until their increasing numbers suggested the propriety of putting in force the civil and military powers. A party of dragoons, accompanied by the magisitrates, surrounded the cart, and conveyed the entire group upon it to the New Bailey prison, and several others were seized by the soldiers on their way there. The concourse of auditors, which amounted to about 30,000, were forthwith dispersed, without the infliction of any severity. A considerable number set out on their mission to London, taking the route of Stockport ; but about forty of them were re- conducted to Manchester, and others were secured at Stockport. Most of them were provided with knapsacks, &c., containing blankets and other articles : not more than 500 penetrated so far as Macclesfield. Nothing could be more wretched than their appearance : some actually fainting through weariness, and all of them without provisions, or any apparent resource with which to pro- ceed twenty miles further towards London. Thus ended what has since been known under the quaint appellation of the " Blanketeering Expedition." June. Watson, THE SURROUNDI^^'G DISTRICT. 265 I8I7. Thistlewood. and some others, were put on their trial, in the court of king's" bench, for high treason; but, chiefly from the discredit thrown upon the testimony of Castles, the principal witness and an accomplice or spy, they were acquitted. — In the course of the summer, the turbulent disposition of the manufacturing classes ex- hibited itself in many parts, by atrocious acts of tumult and outrage ; and it was found expedient to appoint a special commission, to sit at Derb}- to try the offenders. The first four prisoners who were tried were found guilty ; nineteen of the others were allowed to plead guilty, with an understanding that mercy would be extended to them, and twelve were acquitted ; sentence of death was pronounced on twenty-three of these deluded men; and three of them, Brandreth, Ludlam, and Turner suffer- ed the full penalty of the law. Ou the l'2th of Feb., died Joshua Walker, M.D., one of the society of Friends, and twenty-five years a physician of the Leeds Infirmary, where he paid unwearied attention to the duties of his office, and, in a pecuniary point of view, was a truly liberal benefactor to that institution. He originally commenced his professional career at Hull, where his success vras so great as to afford him the means of supporting a respectable establishment in the short space of one year. His removal to Leeds opened a wider field for the exertion of his talent, and he soon rose to considerable eminence. Poetry was his favourite re- creation in his younger days, and his love of classical and polite literature was uniformly conspicuous during his whole life. November 6th. The princess Charlotte, only child of the prince regent, died immediatel}' after having given birth to a dead son, Xov 10th. The gig mill of Willans and Sons, Hunslet-lane, Leeds, was consumed by fire, and, as the pipes of the engines brought to extinguish the flames were wilfully cut, it was strongly suspected that the fire had been lighted by an incendiary, for the purpose of de- stroying the machinery. On Dec. 11th,. died the Rev. Henry Wm. Coulthurst, D.D., who was twenty-seven years vicar of Halifax, during which time he distinguished himself as a pastor, by piety and zeal; as a magistrate, by activity and judgment; as a subject, by loyalt}' and patriotism ; and as a<.man, by his urbanity and benevolence. A beautiful monument, executed by Westmacott, was erected to the memory of this excellent man in the 23 266 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I8I7..I8I8. parish church, in Halifax, by the parishioners. The work- manship is finely executed, a bust of the Dr. surmounts the following translation of the epitaph, from the pen of the late Dr. Whitaker : — (Christ — ''Alpha and Omega.'') Henry William Coulthurst, D.D , descended from an ancient and respectable family in Craven, formerly scholar of St. John's colleg-e, afterwards Fellow of Sid- ney Sussex college, Cambridge. As tutor in his college, as moderator in the public schools, he acquired among his contemporaries no common celebrity. For twenty- seven years he was a most vigilant vicar of this church. His discourses (assiduously delivered, not from his pulpit only, but in the several chapels of this extensive parish), were simple and persuasive. As a magistrate, he was the dispenser of equity and justice, without super- ciliousness or prepossession. In social intercourse, pleasant, facetious, elegant, yet ever with a view to edification. As a servant to Christ, in words, in actions, in heart, devoted to his Lord. Though temperate in diet, abstinent in wine, he was removed by a stroke of apoplexy, sudden indeed, but to a soul holy, tranquil and heaven- aspiring, not untimely, on the 11th day of December, a.d. 1817, in the 65th year of his age. To him, revered in life, in death lamented, his Halifax parishioners raised by public subscription this memorial. The Leeds infirmary grounds were considerably ex- tended this year by subscription ; four thousand square yards were purchased by Richard Fountayne Wilson, Esq., for £1,500, which he gave to that institution. The eight bells at Wakefield were replaced by a new peal of ten, cast by Thomas Mears, of London; the tenor weighs 31 cwt. 9 lbs. The chimes which play on them were made in 1795, by George Goodall, of Tad- caster. 1818. John Squires, of Leeds, gave a fatal notoriety to his name by his follies, after having lived many years in high respectability. He was appointed to the situation of treasurer of the Leeds workhouse on the 16th of August, 1810. About four years after that, a deficiency appeared in his accounts of about £50. Squires ex- plained the cause of this, and was forgiven, the council cancelling one half of the debt, and taking his note for the other. This kindness, it was naturally thought, wouM have had its due influence on the mind of the treasurer; but, alas! for evil habits in 1817, another deficiency occurred, attended with circumstances that THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 267 1818. called for investigation. Squires was summoned to pro- duce his books and attend the committee — he absconded, by that act tacitly admitting his guilt. On examining" his accounts, a defalcation nearly amounting to £2,000 Tvas discovered. A warrant was issued, and he was apprehended at York. At the Spring assizes of 181S, he was brought to trial before Mr. Justice Bayley. — Mr. Williams, with others, were retained for the defendant, and made the most strenuous exertions in his behalf: the particulars, from their legal technicality, are omitted. The indictment consisted of three counts, and stated, that John Squires, being a clerk and servant to the churchwardens and overseers of the township of Leeds, did receive, by virtue of such his employment, the sum of fourteen guineas, which he fraudently embezzled and converted to his own use. Mr. Hardy stated " this was a prosecution founded on the statute 33rd Geo. Ill , passed to remedy a defect in law, and to make it larceny for any clerk or servant entrusted with money for the use of their employer, to embezzle or convert the same to their own use. " The prisoner was employed by the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Leeds, as their clerk, to receive and pay money on their account ; and in the course of his employment he received, on the 23rd of June, the sum of fourteen guineas from the overseer of Lepton, for money advanced by the township of Leeds for the pa3^ment of their poor. This money the prisoner did not account for, but secreted and converted it to his own use. In the month of January last, in conse- quence of some suspicion entertained of his conduct, the committee, consisting of the churchwardens and overseers, appointed a day for the examination of the out-town paupers and of his accounts. Notice was sent to the members of the committee, desiring their at- tendance ; and in pursuance thereof they did attend, but the prisoner did not make bis appearance, and it was soon discovered he had absconded." After the case had been fully gone through, the jury conferred together a few moments, and found the prisoner "Guilty;" but expressed their wish that the court would, in consideration of his former good character, shew him all the mercy the circumstances of the case would admit. On Monday, after sentence had been passed on the ^68 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1818. other prisoners, John Squires was placed at the bar, and, being- asked in the usual terms what he had to say- why sentence of death should not be passed upon him, pleaded the benefit of clergy, adding, " 1 hope, my lord, you v/ill be merciful; I did not intend to defraud any one." His lordship shook his head in token of his dis- approbation, and thus addressed the prisoner : — " It is very painful to me to have to pass sentence upon a man of your age, and who has for so many years filled a respectable situation in life, and received so hig-h a character from so many respectable persons ; and this pain has been much increased by what I have just heard you say, that you did not mean to defraud, because it shews that you have not that contrition which you ought to feel. You were placed in a situation of trust : you enjoyed, and it was supposed you deserved, the confidence of your employers ; you had a salary which, would have enabled you to maintain yourself and pass the latter period of your life respectably and creditably, as you had done until these transactions took place. " How far and how dreadfully have you fallen! The crime was committed with a deliberation, and it had the great aggravation of being often repeated; for, besides the particular sum of £14 14s., which forms the subject of the charge against you, which it was your duty to have entered to the credit of your employers, and to have ac- counted to them for, you have admitted a defalcation to no less a sum than £1,800. If there could have been the least pretence or ground for supposing that the omission to enter the account for that sum, was the effect of mistake or accident, the jury, who were so much inclined to pity you, and who recommended that the court would extend towards you all the mercy the circumstances of the case would allow, would not have found you guilty. " This recommendation the court does not forget, and under all the circumstances of your case, the court doth adjudge, " That you be imprisoned in the House of Cor- rection at Wakefield, for the term of two years." On January 7th, pursuant to the resolutions of a public meeting, a Savings' Bank, since called the Leeds, Skyrack, and Morley Savings' Bank, was established in Leeds, on the plan proposed by government. It is a very handsome stone building, and is situated at No. 30, Bond- street. In November, 1857, there were deposits amounting to £304,322 3s. Id., belonging to 11,447 depositors, 97 charitable societies, and 93 friendly societies. The bank THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 269 1818. is open every Tuesday morning from half-past 11 to half- past 1; Tuesday evening, from 6 to half-past 7; Thursday morning, from 12 to half-past 1; Saturday morning, from 12 to half-past 1, for general business, and again on Satur- day evening, from 6 to half-past 7 o'clock, for receiving deposits only. Mr. Wm. Tanner is secretary.. Jan. 14th. A calamitous fire destroyed Mr. Thomas Atkinson's cotton mill, at Colne bridge, near Hudderstield, and no fewer than seventeen females, between the ages of nine and eighteen years, perished in the fiames, as is recorded on a neat monument erected to their memory in Kirkheaton church yard. On March 12th, the first stone of that handsome structure, the Wellington bridge, which crosses the river Aire at Bean Ing, near Leeds, was laid by B. Gott, Esq. It was built by subscription, under an act of parliament, and was completed in 1819. It is a handsome structure of one noble elliptical arch of 100 feet span, designed and executed by the celebrated engineer John Rennie, at the cost of £7,000. In excavating the site of an ancient house in Wade-lane, Leeds, in April, were found a quantity of copper coins, so much corroded, that the inscriptions were very imperfect ; they each bore a crowned head, and on the reverse some had a male and others a female, in different attitudes. They were probably some of the early Koman coins, at least one of them ap- peared to be of the emperor Otho. June 25th. At the general election lord Milton and the hon. J. A. Stuart Wortley were elected members of parliament for the county of York. The Savings' Bank, at Huddersfield, was established this year. The seventy-fifth Wesleyan Methodist Conference was held in Leeds, in August. A lizard was found alive in a solid block of coal, raised from the middle of a seam, 150 yards below the surface of the earth, in William Fenton Esq.'s coal mine, at Wake- field Outwood. It was five inches long, of the species vulgarly called askers, and, on being exposed to the air, it died. On September 30th, several human skeletons, without any coffins, were found in a gravel pit between York and Holgate, five or six feet below the surface. One appeared to be the skeleton of a female, for round one of the wrists was a curious plaited bracelet, and near the skull a pair of silver ear-rings. Three small coins were found at the same time, two of the emperor Constantine, and one of Crispus. The West-Riding pauper Lunatic Asylum, at Wakefield, was opened November 23rd, and cost upwards of £40,000. Queen Charlotte, consort 270 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1818.-1819. of George III., died November 17th. The Leeds gas light company was incorporated by act of parliament, this year. The original works are in York-street; afterwards a gasometer station was made at Sheep- scar, and in 1857 new and extensive works, nearly equal to the old works, were erected at New Wort- ley, near Leeds. The original capital, £20,000; the present capital, with loans, about £150,000. The offices of the company, No. IS, Boar-lane. Mr. W. C. Raper, general manager. 1819. William Hey, Esq., F.R S., an eminent surgeon of Leeds, was born at Pudsey, on the 3rd Sept., (23rd Aug., old style) 1736, and was third son of Mr. Richard Hey, drysalter, of that town. His mother was the daughter of Jacob Simpson, surgeon, of Leeds, and grand- daughter of William Simpson, M.D., of Wakefield. When William Hey was about four years old, he lost the use of his right eye by a wound received from a penknife whilst cutting a piece of string. At the age of seven years he was sent to an academy at Heath, near Wake- field; conducted by Mr. Joseph Randall, and with Dr. Dodgsou, bishop of Elphin, and the Rev. Mr. Sedgwich, (afterwards head master of the free school, at Leeds), as classical tutors. During the seven years that he remained at this school, he applied himself to his studies with great diligence and industry, and thus acquired a vast amount of useful knowledge. At the age of four- teen years he was apprenticed to Mr. Dawson, a surgeon and apothecary, at Leeds. He served his time with great credit to himself, and to the satisfaction of his master. During this time he was most assidious in the studies connected with his profession, and was particu- larly remarkable for temperance, industry and piety. In the autumn of 1757, he went to London to complete his professional education. During the whole winter he seldom employed less than twelve hours daily in the lecture and dissecting rooms, and thus he was enabled to acquire a thorough and practical knowledge of ana- tomy. He became a pupil of St. George's hospital, under William Bromefield, Esq. Early in 1759, he at- tended the lectures of Dr. Blackenzie on midwifrey, and early in April of the same year, he returned to Leeds to enter upon his practice as a surgeon and apothecary, &c., but for several years his progress in gaining busi- ness was very slow. On the 30th of July, 17G1, Mr. Hey married Alice, the second daughter of Mr. Robert THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 271 1819. Banks, a gentleman of Craven, in Yorkshire. After the establishment of the Leeds general infirmary, he was appointed one of the surgeons, and in November, 1773, became the senior surgeon of the institution. Three or four years before this time, he commenced a friendly intercourse with the celebrated Dr. Priestley, who then resided at Leeds, and the two together conversed with the greatest freedom and harmony on philoso- phical subjects ; but on theological matters there was much difference of opinion between them, though not sufficient to sever their friendship, which remained steadfast for many j-ears. On the recommendation of Dr. Priestle)", Mr. Hey was, in the year 1775, elected a fellow of the royal society. In the year 177S, Mr. Hey had the misfortune to receive a kick from his horse, which threatened for a time to terminate his professional labours. He then stood very high as an operating surgeon, and had a large practice. By this accident, his leg was permanently injured, so that till his death he was never able to walk without the aid of a crutch. He was then obliged to pay his professional visits in a carriage. On the formation of a Leeds philosophical society in 17S3, Mr. Hey became president, and read many valuable papers to the members during the three years of its existence. In 17S6 he was elected an alderman of the borough of Leeds ; and in the following year was ap- pointed mayor. He was again elected mayor in 1S02. In the spring of ISOO, he gave a course of twelve anatomical lectures at the Leeds infirmary. The first eleven lectures were delivered on the bod}^ of a malefactor who had been executed at York. The clear profits of the course were given to the infirmary, and amounted to £27 6s. In 1S03 he gave a second course, the subject being the body of one of the murderers of an old woman near Wakefield. He presented the profits (forty guineas) to the infirmary. In 1805 he gave a third course, by which the institution gained £45 7s. In the year 1S09 he gave a fourth and last course. The subject dissected was a \' oman of atrocious character — Mary Bateman. A great many people attended these last lectures, aud the profits Mr. Hey presented to the institution, amounting to £80 14s. On October 7th, 1812, he resigned his office of surgeon to the Leeds infirmary, which he had held above forty-five years, thirty-nine of which he had been senior surgeon. On the following day his son William was unanimously elected to the office vacated by the resignation of his 272 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1819. father. The following document will illustrate the feelings with which the trustees of the inlirmary accepted the resignation of Mr. Hey. It was beautifully engrossed on vellum, and ornamented with a vignette of the in- firmary : — " At a special meeting of the trustees of the general infirmary, at Leeds, held th? 22nd da.y of October, IS 12, in conformity with a reso* lution passed at the annual board, on the 7th instant : — It was resolved unanimously — " That the thanks of this meeting be given to William Hey, Esq. F.H.S , late senior sargeon to the Leeds infirmary, who, by his zealous exertions in originally promoting its foundation, and his unwearied at- tention to its interests for a j^eriod of forty- five years, is justly entitled, to ths appellation of a parent lo the institution ; and who, by a skilful and unremitting discharge of the duties of his professional situation in the establishment, from his appointment to it in the year 1767, to his late resignation on account of advanced age, has rendered the most essential services to so excellent a charity, and furnished a bright ex- ample to all those who may hereafter be called to fill the same im- portant station. Resolved — "Thnt as a permanent mark of gratitude for his public exertions, anJ esteem for his character, the fripnds of the institution shall be allowed to place his portrait in the board room. Resolved — " That the address of thanks, prepared by the committee appointed for that purpose, at the meeting of the 7th of October, and now read, be presented to Mr Hey by the chairman, together with these resolu- tions : and that the resolutions be published in each of the Leeds newspapers. (Signed) W. York, chairman. Mr. Hey acknowledged the honour conferred on him by the following letter addressed to the trustees : — "Gentlemen, — The unusual manner in which you were pleased to ex- press your vote of thanks for my past services to the charity, calls for my mast grateful acknowledgment. I am truly sensible of your kind- ness, and could have wished to express in person the sense which I en- tertain of your distinguished favour ; but my feelings qui e overcame me, and rendered it iinpossible for mo to express what t wi.-^hed to say on the occasion. Be assured, however, that I shall retain a lively sense of your kindness, as long as the remembrance of past events shall remain with me. If I have contributed in any degree to the formation and support of this institurion, which is now extending its charitable as- sistance to so great a number of our afflicted fellow-creatures, I desire to consider myself only as an humble instrument in the hands of that gracious Being who endears us to each other by making us virtually the channels of his bounty. Permit me, gentlemen, to a.ssure you that my prayers for the success of this birnevolent institution will never be wanting ; and allow me to add, that the sight of this house of mercy is one of the daily sources of consolation that attend my derdining years. " I remain, gentlemen, with great respect, " Your obliged and humble servant, Oct. 9th, 1812. "William Hey." THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 273 1819. « To William Hey, Esq., F.R.S. " Sir — The tra.stees of the general infirmary in this to^vn cannot satisfy their feelings with the token.s of respect and izratitude which you have already received, however unanimously, however cordially the same were conveyed, without some further expre.^sion of their sense of 3^our services. After having actively assisted in the original formation of this institution, you have continued through the long period of forty- five years, to afford it the advantage of your professional skill with diligence and fidelity. You have oftpn effectually recom- mended it to the patronage of your friends. You have often contrihuted largely to its liigh and deserved estimation with the public. You have essentially served its funds by repeated liberal communications of knowledge in j'our lectures to those pupils who ma}", at some future period endeavour to follow in your footsteps. " You retire, sir, from your charge, but we trust you will never be ■unmindful of the interests of the infirmar}^, nor fail to promote its welfare, while the Almighty preserves your valuable life. " May the evening of .your daj's be cheered with the blessings of multitudes who are ready to perish ! May this expression of the unanimous feelings of the friends and supporters of the institution contribute to soothe your declining years, and may you experience the high gratification of seeing your so?i emulating his father, and pro- mising to terminate his services wifh e^jual honour ! With sincere and due respect and esteem, we have the pleasure to subscribe ourselves '• Your faithful and humble servants, "W. YORK, THOMAS BISCHOFF, T. S. E. READE. JOHX BLAYDS, JOHN CLAPHAM, THOMAS TEALE. Leeds, Oct. 22nd, 1812. "Committee." Mr. Hey highly deserved these laudations. His in- tellectual powers were of a high order. Fie was capable of profound investigation ; was acute in discovering the difference of things : patient and diligent in his researches. His chirurgical writings evince a strong, comprehensive, and enlightened view of the subjects which he undertook to illustrate, and are very valuable to the faculty. In the exercise of his profession, he was indefatigable ; in its attainments eminently distinguished. In domestic life he was kind, tender, and affectionate; as a magistrate, just, legal, and conscientious. Through life he was re- markable for sobriety and temperance, united with wisdom and christian piety. At the age of 82, his eye- sight was remarkably good, so that he could read and write in a good light without spectacles, and his handwriting Avas firm and distinct, without any of those irregularities which denote a tremu- lous pen. His hearing Avas A'^ery acute; and his vocal powers, although much diminished, were agreeable. The distinctness of his conceptions, the soundness of his judg- 274 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1819. ment, his orderly and correct mode of thinking, and his facility of conveying his notions with perspicuity, copious- ness and fluency did not appear to have suffered any dim- inution. This eminent man died on Tuesday, the 23rd of March, 1819, full of honours and at the advanced age of 83. On the following Saturday he was buried at St. Paul's church Leeds. His funeral was attended by a great num- ber of his friends and fellow-townsmen; and a funeral sermon was preached on the following day (Sunday) by his friend and liighly respected pastor, the Rev. Miles Jackson, in the church of St. Paul, where Mr. Hey had been a constant attendant on divine worship since its consecration in 1793. The death of Mr. Hey was an event deeply felt and sincerely lamented throughout the borough of Leeds. A full length marble statne of Mr. Hey (by Chantry) was subsequently erected by the subscriptions of his fellow- townsmen, and is placed in the Leeds general infirmary. The Leeds Independent newspaper was first published on Jan. 7th, and existed till 182G. The Leeds Gazette was established in 1829; it lived twenty-two weeks. A prelemjnary meeting for the formation of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society was held at the court house on the 11th of December, 1818, at which the venerable Mr. Hey, then 83 years of age, and within a few months of his death, presided. Among those present were Mr. Gott, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Tottie, Mr. William Hey, Mr. George Banks, Dr. Thorp, Mr. John Bischoff, Mr. Thomas Blayds, Mr. Michael Thomas Sadler, Mr. John Atkinson, (Surgeon,) Mr. Jonathan Wilks, Mr. W. Osbnrn, Dr. Payne, Dr. Hunter, Mr. C. J. Thackrah, Mr. John Gott, Mr. West, Mr. E. S. George, Mr. Baines, sen., and Mr. Baines, junr., and others. 'I'he foundation stone of the hall, which is situated in Bond-street, at the junction of Park-row, was laid by the late Benjamin Gott, Esq., July 9th, 1819, and i\\e buildin-r executed from designs by R. D. Chantrell, Esq. It is a handsome stone structure, consisting of two stories, having the upper one externally adorned with coupled pilas- ters of the Doric order. The principal entrance is in Bond- street, and opens into a vestibule, or entrance hall, 22 feet b}'^ 16, leading to a commodious lecture hall, 44 feet by 31)^, having seats for 300 persons ; the council room, 12 feet by 14; library, 25 feet by 13; and ante-room, 15 feet by 14. The princi])al parts of the museum are the upper story, and consist of curator's room, 21 feet by 13; geological room 49 feet by 15; ditto., 24 feet by 20; and zoological room, 42 feet by 3L In the centre of the latter are tables giving THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 275 1819. 295 feet of space ; and in the general geological room, two tables occupying 8S feet, and two cases 100 feet. The museum is equal, if not superior, to that of any other pro- vincial institution in the kingdom. In the vestibule is placed the entire skeleton of an elephant, a splendid skull and tusk ot" the same animal, a very fine specimen of the Plesiosaurus macrocephalus. some remarkably fine specimens of fossil plants, a basaltic column from the giant's causeway, and a statue of the late M. T. Sadler, M.P., modelled by Parke. The geological collection comprises 7,000 specimens ; some of these are unique, many of great value, and every formation is represented by some of its characteristic fossils. The mineralogical series extends to ],300 specimens, and includes examples of most of the metalliferous and earthy compounds. The zoological collection, 6,000 in number, includes quadrupeds, bird.s, reptiles, fishes, zoophytes, mollusca, insects, Crustacea, and other invertebrated animals. The museum also con- tains many other objects of great interest and value, particularly the Egyptian mummy, one of the most interesting which has been brought to Europe It came from Trieste, and wa.s pre-ented by Thos. Blaj-ds, Esq. The coffin is covered with mythological representations and in- scriptions, which have been interpreted by W. Osburn, Esq., M.R.S.L., a townsman, proving it t j contain the mortal remains of Ensa Amoun, who was one of the higher order of the priesthood — the hierogramma- ti>t«, who lived during the reign of Eameses, or Ramses IX., and was incense-bearer and scribe, who took part in the religious ceremonials in the meii.nonium at Thebes, about the year 1075 before Christ, or, according to archbishop T.'sher's chronology, early in the reign of Saul, king of Israel. The body is in a remarkable state of preservation. There is also a collection of domestic and warlike instruments of foreign nations. The library contains 1,200 vols, on natural history and numi.smatics ; many, rare and costly In 1854 the society was enriched by the valuable collection of coins, medals, and books on the study of archaeology, bequeathed by the late George Baron, Esq , of Drewton manor. This collection comprises a series of upwards of 2,000 coins and medals of great variety and beauty, including Roman, Grecian, Saxon, early Briti.sh, English, Scotti.sh,and Oriental examples : also casts from Roman large brass coins, the whole containing 216 gold, 1,259 silver, 246 bronze, and 363 bras.>> coins and medals, besides tokens, money weights, &c. The right hon. lord Londesborough has also recently presented 300 Roman coins, found near Methall, in the East-Riding, the supposed site of the Delgovitia of Antoninus's Itin- erary : and, in the year 1858, George Lane Eox, Esq., of Bramham hall, liberally presented his museum, containing several hundred sp-icimens of birds, shells, fossils, minerals, antiquities, See, some of them of gr^at rarity. The arrangement of the museum has lately been materially im- proved, and new cases added. In the zoological room will be found ample illustrations of all the cla.s.ves of the animal kingdom, embracing the most interesting and important specimens. The shells have been re-arranged, with upwards 276 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1819. of 2,000 additional specimens from Jamaica, California, &c. The geological specimens, illustrative of the Yorkshire coal-field, and its superficial deposits have been separately arranged, by which, not only an epitome of the geology of the immediate neighbourhood, *but practical illustrations of the organic remains of the carboniferous epoch, is obtained. In the centre of this room is deposited the most extensive series of Hippopotamic bones ever exhumed in England: all vs'ere discovered in a brick-field at Wortley, in the parish of Leeds, in 1852. From the bones thus obtained, it was evident four specimens of this animal — three adult and one young — had been submerged in the locality, together with the Mammoth and Bos primigenus. Amongst the Ichthyological remains is the unique head of the Megalichthys Hibberti from the coal formation at Low Moor, and other valuable specimens of the fish of the carboniferous sera. In the general geological room, there is an extensive and valuable series of organic remains, illustrating the various formations, em- bracing several fine Saurian reptiles, a magnificent skeleton of the gigantic Irish Deer presented by W. Gott, Esq., (one of the most muni- ficent supporters of the institution, as may be seen by the rare and valuable contributions inscribed with his name); and one of the finest heads and horns in the kingdom, of the same noble animal, presented by Sir George Goodman ; fine slabs of new red sandstone, containing the footmarks of the Labyrinthodon ; several splendid specimens of Encrinites ; a magnificent skull and entire skeleton of the Great Cave Bear, from the caverns of Sundvvig, in Westphalia ; and an interesting series from the celebrated cave at Kirkdale, in Yorkshire. The British birds have also been re-arranged, and consequently rendered more available for reference, and some rare specimens have been added to both the Foreign and British series — as the noble specimen of the Condor, presented by the earl Fitzwilliamj the Cassowarj'-, from lord Londpsborough ; and the splendid Trogon from Arthur Marshall, Esq. The hal' contains three fine busts and pedestals in marble, viz : — the late Benjamin Gott, Esq., presented by his sons, and executed by Joseph Gott, Esq., of Eome; the late John Marshall, Esq., (the first president) presented by his sons, and executed by Macdonald, of Rome; the Rev. Wm. Sinclair, M,A , presented by a number of subscribers, and executed by Baron Marochetti; and a cast of the late Wm. Hey, Esq., F.R S., presented by Wm. Hey, Esq., &c. The opening of the museum to the public at the merely nominal charge of Id., has done much to foster a taste for the study of natural history, and it may be questioned whether any town of like magnitude with Leeds, can boast of such a number of naturalists, especially among the working classes, many of whom associate together in clubs, for the purpose of aiding each other in procuring specimens illustrative of the various kingdoms of nature. Numerous lectures are delivered on almost every subject within the range of philosophy, science/and literature, and THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 2J7 1819. men of the most eminent qualifications are usually selected as lecturers. During the last few years the society has been honoured with the presence, in this capacity, of some of the most distinguished men of the time. A conversazione is held once or twice during the year, when the council invite the elite of the town and neigh- bourhood. The Rev. Dr. Hook, dean of Chichester, was the last president. The officers and council for 1859, are — Officers: — President, — Rev. Alfred Barry, M.A. Vice-Presi- dents, — John Hope Shaw, Rev. H. R. Reynolds, B.A. Treasurer, — Henry Oxley. Honorary Secretaries, — Wm. Sykes Ward, F.C.S., P. O'Callasfhan, B.A. Honorary Curator in Geology, — J. G. Marshall, F.G.S. ^ Honorary Curators in Zoology,— T. P. Teale, F.L.S., Rev. Thomas Hincks, B.A. Honorary Curator in Antiquities and "Works of Art, &o., — Thomas Nunneley. Plonorary Librarian, — Dr. Heaton. The above Officers, and thefollovnng Gentlemen, compose the Council : — William Scrope Ayrton, F.S.A. ; William Blanshard, Charles Chadwick, M.D.; Samuel Hey, Joshua Ingham Jkin, John Jowitt, jun., Christopher Keraplay, George Morley, George Pvemont Smith, M.D., T. W. Stansfeld. Sub-Curator,— Henry Denny, A.L.S. May 24th, Queen Victoria born. The first steam vessel from America, arrived July 15th. The first stone of the Leeds Subscription Baths was laid May 15th. The site of these baths are now occupied by Cooper's warehouses in Wellington-street. Leeds wasfirst lighted with coal gas on February 4th. The first stone of the Episcopal chapel at Sowerby Bridge was laid on the 24th of April, by Thos. Dyson, Esq., andonthelOthof May, that of the Independent chapel at Halifax, by the Rev. Edward Parsons. On May 29tb, Mr, Asquith, of Hipperholme, was cruelly thrown over ihc battlements of Halifax bridge, by some unknown assassin, and, being precipitated to a depth of forty-six feet, was found dead the next morning. Afterwards the bridge was surmounted with iron palisades, in the ho]}c to prevent any similar occurrence. On the same day Mas laid the first stone of the large Methodist chapel, in Huddcrs- field, where the erection of a national school commenced September 3rd. On December 17th, Benjamin Surr, a poor innocent of Leeds, about thirty years of age, was found chained to the wall in his father's cellar, in which distressing situation he had been inhumanly confined during fifteen years, with nothing but a few sacks and a 24 278 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1819. little straw for his bed, and such a scanty supply of food that his bones had in several places penetrated through his skin, which appeared not to have been washed for many years. He was removed to the workhouse, but only sur- vived thirteen days. This year, John Pollard, Esq., erected, at the cost of £1,500, an iron bridge over the Aire, near Horsforth. B. Haigh Allen, Esq., built Trinity church, near Huddersfield. A new spring was dis- covered at Harrogate, of the same quality as the Chelten- ham water. In the autumn of this year, the misery of the working classes had reached its greatest lieight, and still parliamentary reform was demanded, as the only measure which could permanently improve their prospects. A party called Radical Reformers, obtained much notice by their active exertions among the lower orders. One of their first steps was an application to the magistrates of Manchester, to convoke a meeting for the alleged purpose of petitioning against the corn bill, which was refused; and, in consequence, the meeting was summoned by an anonymous advertisement, and Mr. H. Hunt, who was selected as the hero of the day, was conducted to the place of meeting in a sort of triumphal procession, and a strong remonstrance to the prince regent was adopted; the assemblage, however, dispersed without tumult. In Lancashire, female reform societies were formed for the purpose of co-operating with the men, and of instilling into their children " deep rooted hatred of our tyrannical rulers." At Birmingham, the reformers haz- arded a bolder experiment than they had before displayed. This was the election of a member to represent them in parliament, and on the 12th of July, Sir Charles "Wolseley was put in nomination, and instantly chosen by an assem- blage of 15,000 persons. A few daya after this, it was resolved, at a meeting in Leeds, that a similar election should take place as soon as an eligible member should be found. On the 24th of July, an atrocious attempt was made to assassinate Mr. Birch, deputy-constable of Stockport, by whose exertions Sir C. Wolseley and Harrison, two radical reformers, were arrrsted.' The Manchester reformers posted up notices of a nieetiitg, to be lield on the 9th of August, for the purpose of electing a member as at Birm- ingham ; as the object of the meeting was illegal, the magistrates would not suffer it to take place. In conse- quence of this determination, they relinquished the design, and issued notices of a meeting, for the legal object of THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 279 1819. petitioning for a reform in parliament, to be held on the 16th of August. An open space in the town, called St. Peter's field, (since Feterloo), was selected as the place of assembly; some hours before the proceedings were to commence, large bodies marched in from the neighbouring to\vus and villages, formed five deep, and preserving a military regularity of step : each body had its own banner, bearing a motto, and underneath a white silk flag; two clubs of female reformers appeared ; the numbers col- lected were estimated at 60,000. A band of special con- 8tables,3tationed on the ground, disposed themselves so as to form a line of communication from a house where the magistrates were sitting, to the stage fixed for the orators. Soon after the business of the meeting had been opened, a body of yeomanry cavalry entered ihe ground, and ad- vanced to the stage with drawn swords ; the commanding oflScer called to Mr. Hunt, who was speaking, that he was his prisoner; Mr. Hunt, after enjoining the people to be tranquil, and offering to surrender to any civil officer who should exhibit his warrant, was taken by a constable, and several other persons were apprehended. Some of the yeomanry now cried, " have at their flags ! " and they began to strike down the banners which were raised in various parts of the field, when a scene of dreadful confusion en- sued. The people stood in a very compact mass, and re- fused to move. The yeomanry were then ordered to clear the place. Their charge swept everything before it. People, yeomen, and constables, in their confused attempts to escape, ran one over the other so that the fugitives were literally piled up to a considerable elevation above the level of the ground. About thirty wounded persons were carried to the infirmary in the course of that after- noon and the following day ; and about forty more were able to go themselves to have slighter injuries looked at and dressed. The greater number of the injuries were contusions or fractures. The cases of sabre wounds do not appear to have been move than twenty or thirty. Three or four persons were wounded on the evening of the fatal day by the fire of one of the regiments of foot, which was ordered to clear the streets, where the people had re-assem- bled in great numbers, and their conduct had begun to be threatening. Altogether, the number of lives lost appears to have been five or six, including one of the special con- stables, ridden over by the hussars ; and one of the Man- chester yeomen, struck of his horse by a brick-bat, and who had his skull fractured either by the blow or the fall. Mr. 280 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1819. Hunt subsequenty stated in the House of Commons tlist 14 were killed, and 618 wounded; but this seems to have been exaggerated. The tragic nature of this event, and its ap- pearing as an invasion of the popular right of meeting for redress of grievances, produced strong marks of public resentment ; but the magistrates who conducted the attack, received the thanks of the government. Meetings were held in London and other places, and reso- lutions passed, strongly censuring the conduct of the ma- gistrates and yeomanry of Manchester. Never was public detestation more strongly and generally expressed than on the " Manchester massacre," which, notwithstanding, re- ceived the sanction of the prince regent and the ministers, though no justifiable plea could be advanced to warrant the proceedings of the hot-headed yeomanry ; and it is believed that Mr. Hunt might have been secured without spilling one drop of human blood, if the veteran regulars, who Avere on the spot, had been employed. These consisted of a detachment of the 15th hussars, and the 31st regiment of infantry, supported by artillery. r- Reform meetings were held on Hunslet moor, near Leeds, on June 5th, 14th, and 21st, and on July 19th, Sept. 20th, and on Dec. 9th ; also, on Skircoat moor, near Halifax, on Oct. 4th; at York, on Sept. 20th and Oct. 14th ; at Huddersfield, on Aug. 2nd ; at Wakefield, on Aug. 30th and Nov. 1st; at Barnsley, Nov. 8th ; at Dewsbury, Nov. 1 1th ; and at Otley, Nov. 22nd. When parliament re-assembled in November, acts were passed to suppress unstamped political publications, to prevent secret training to arms, and to restrict the right of calling a public meeting to magistrates. This year was remarkable among other things, for the provision made by act of parliament, for the resumption of cash payments at the bank. ^Government found it expedient to abandon the threatened prosecution of Hunt and his colleagues for high treason, and informed them that they would be pro- ceeded against for a conspiracy only, which might be bailed ; Hunt refused to give bail, but some of his friends liberated him. His return from Lancaster to Manchester was one long triumphal procession ; waited upon by thousands on horse, on foot, and in carriages. The grand jury of Lan- caster found true bills against Hunt, Johnson, Moorhouse, and others. The prisoners availed themselves of traversing' till the spring assizes of 1820, and the trial took place at York. After a trial of ten days. Hunt, Johnson, Knight, Healey, and Bamford were found guilty, and sentenced iii the ensuing term; Hunt to be imprisoned in Ilchester gaol THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 281 1819. two years and six months, and to find sureties for liis good behaviour for five years; and Johnson, Bamford, and Healey be imprisoned each one year in Lincoln castle, and to find sureties ; four of the prisoners were acquitted. Oct. 21st. The venerable earl Fitzwilliam was removed from the office of lord-lieutenant of the "West-Riding of Yorkshire, by the prince regent for having attended a county meeting at York on the 14th of October, to petition for a full enquiry into the Manchester massacre. It is said that 20,000 people were present at this meeting. So strong was the public feeling against this sudden removal of an old and faithful statesman, that many distinguished persons resigned their commissions in the Yorkshire corps of yeo- manry and militia. The office was bestowed on the earl of Harewood. ]\Iay. As a number of labourers were excavating a piece of ground contiguous to the river Aire, near Simpson's fold, now Dock-street, Leeds, about three feet below the bed of the river, they discovered three large oak trees, decayed, and as black as charcoal, and one quite sound at the heart ; they were employed by the Aire and Calder company in making a basin, or dock, to communicate with the Aire, and to their astonishment found evident traces of a goit ; large quantities of piles or stakes were discovered on each side of the course of the water, exhibiting the appearance of its having formerly been the course of the river. Part of a Roman ford was also discovered; the substance of which it was composed seemed calculated to dely the action of water, being as hard as iron, close and compact, and of a composition known only to that adventurous people. From observations made when the water was at a very low ebl), the ford appeared to have crossed the Aire in a line with the east end of the Aire and Calder company's new com warehouses stretching from Call-lane to the south side of the river, and nearly opposite to the flax manufactory, in Dock-street. James Watt, a distinguished engineer and natural philo- sopher, who has gained great celebrity by his improve- ments in the steam-engine, was born at Greenock, in Scot- land, January 19th, 1736. His father was a ship-chandler, builder, and merchant, and filled an honourable station in his native town, where he was much respected. James, his eldest son, was, when a child, very weak in health, and early showed a taste for scientific pursuits. He was fond of chemistry, and also of medical and surgical studies ; but he determined to become a mathematical instrument maker. 282 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, ANt) 1819. In 1755, after a previous apprenticeship, most likely in Glasg:ow, Watt went to pursue his business in London, where he remained little more than a year. After his return, he endeavoured to establish himself in Glasgow; but in consequence of not being a burgess, he met with so much opposition that he was unable to obtain a workshop. The university offered to receive him into their precincts, which were not under the civic jurisdiction, and also ap- pointed him their mathematical Instrument maker. This happened in 1757, when Watt was scarcely 21. In the winter of 1763-4 he was applied to by a professor of natural philosophy to examine and repair a model of Newcomen's steam-engine, which would not work. This incident led to those inventions which have immortalised his name. In 17o4 Watt married the daughter of a freeman of Glasgow, and by that means acquired the right of one himself He therefore settled in the city, and there pursued not only his first business, but also that of land-surveyor and civil engineer. He continued his experiments on the steam-engine, and in 1768 applied for a patent, which Avas granted in 1769. After the application had been made, he found a person able and willing to support him m a Dr. John Roebuck. Their connection did not, however, last long; for Roebuck lost so much by mining speculations that he was obliged to relinquish the steam- engine experiments. From this period till 1773 Watt was employed in engineering and surveying. He then, his first ^vii'e being dead, accepted an invitation to go to England. Dr. Roebuck gave up his share in the invention to Mr, Boulton, the founder of Soho, a manufacturing village near Birmingham. Watt entered into partnership with him in J 774, and the connection continued until 1800, when Watt retired from business. They obtained an extension of the patent, and in spite of all opposition, prejudice, and in- fringements of their rights, from all of which they had to suffer, Mr. Boulton's excellent business qualities, Watt's industry and ingenuity, and the liberal views and generous s])irit of both, received in time their due reward. James Watt died at his estate of Heathfield, near Birmingham, August 25th, 1819, in his 83rd year. He was a pleasant, cheerful man in his latter years, though it appears that when young he was nervous and depressed; his disposition was generous and affectionate. He was twice married: two only of his children survived him. A baronetcy was offered to Watt a few years before his death, but he de- clined the honour. A monument, which is one of Chantry's THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 283 1819.-1820. finest works, has been erected to his memory in West- mins ter abbey. 1820. On the 21st of Jan., the duke of Kent, fourth son of Geo. TIL, died, leaving an infant daughter, Victoria, Mith a very near prospect to the throne. On the 29th of January, George III. died, at Windsor, in his 82nd year, and sixtieth year of his reign, without having experienced any lucid interval since 1810. The prince regent was immediately proclaimed George IV. March 20th, Lord Milton and J. A. Stuart Wortley, Esq., were elected members of parliament for Yorkshire. April. About this time, the spirit of discontent created tumultuous proceedings at Glasgow and Paisley. Ou Sunday, April 2nd, a treasonable proclamation was posted on the Avails in Glasgow, and its neighbouring towns and villages, supposed to emanate from " the committee for the formation of a Provisional Government," and recom- mending the proprietors of large manufacturies to suspend their employments, till order should be insured by the organization alluded to, &c. The weavers and colliers in Paisley and Glasgow declined work, and this baneful ex- ample spread through numerous bodies of other artizans. Glasgow now exhibited a most extraordinary aspect, the streets crowded with throngs of people idly loitering their time away, but who did not attempt by any act to violate the public peace, except in one instance, viz.: on Wed- nesday, when an individual of the Stirling yeomanry, pro- ceeding from Kilsyth to Falkirk, fell in with a party armed with muskets, pikes, and pistols, who demanded his arms, which he refused to surrender, when several shots were discharged at him ; he, however, escaped uninjured to Kilsyth : the commanding officer immediately despatched a party of cavalry and yeomanry to scour the road to Fal- kirk. The military soon came in sight of the insurgents, who were augmented in number, and had posted them- selves on a rising ground in Bonnymuir, and had sought the protection of a stone wall, from behind which they fired several times, but were however overpowered by the military : many of the insurgents were severely wounded and ten taken prisoners, who afterwards were put on their trials and found guilty, but the royal clemency was extended to all but three, who were executed. Aug. 6th. Died Frederica Charlotte Ulrica, duchess of York, in her 54th year; she was interred by her express desire, in the village church of Walton, in Surrey. Caio-Street conspiracy. — On Feb. 23rd, was discovered a 284 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ]820. conspiracy to assassinate his majesty's ministers, to over- throw the existing government, and plunge these realms into anarchy and confusion. The principal leaders in this atrocious and absurd plot, were Arthur Thistlewood,Ingd, Davison, Brunt, Tidd, and about forty other misguided persons, eleven of whom were taken prisoners, by a large party of constables, headed by Sir Richard Birnie, a magistrate, and a detachment of the Coldstream guards, ill a room in Cato-Street, London, where their meetings were held. Bills of indictment, on a charge of high treason, were found against them on March 27th, and a commission was opened on April 17th, when the five before named were tried, condemned, and after been hanged, were beheaded. The other six being permitted to with- draw their original plea, now pleaded guilty ; one of the number, it appeared, was ignorant of the purpose of the meetings in Cato-street, and was pardoned; the remain- ing five were transported for the term of their natural lives. William Smith, butcher,, of Leeds, was charged on an in- dictment with stealing two sheep, the property of Joseph and Thomas Smith, farmers, of Rothwell ; and another in- dictment with stealing two other sheep, the property of the said Joseph and Thomas Smith, and of William Lund, of Claxton. The jury found the prisoner " Guilty." — The judge said it was the only verdict that could be returned ; and ad- verting to the death of the prisoner's mother, said it was a most melancholy circumstance, but it was not uncommon for the misconduct of children to bring the grey hairs of their parents with sorrow to the grave. Great efforts were made to obtain a commutation of his sentence, but in vain; and on the 12th of August the pri- soner was executed. Benjamin Taylor, William Shiers, and James Gray, pleaded " Not guilty," at York, to an indictment charging them with assaulting James Nicholson, town clerk, of Leeds, on the highway, and taking from his person a watch and gold seal, on the l7th of November, 1819. Mr. Nicholson described the assault as follows : — I had been dining with Mr. Pullan, of Leeds, on Wednesday, the I7th of November, and set off on my return to Chapeltown, Avhere I reside, about eight o'clock in the evening: I was about half a mile beyond Sheepscar turnpike, when I met three men, one of them on foot, and the other two mounted on one horse. The man on foot said "Good night;" I re- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 286 18-20. turned his salutation and went on. I had proceeded about thirty yards when I heard a footstep : I turned, and saw a man close to me: it was dark, and I saw but indistinctly; he said something-, concluding with "I will blow your brains out." I struck at him immediately with a stick which Mr. Piillan had lent me. I struck the man down. Another then came up and said "let him go/' but I still held the man who had iirst attacked me. The second man then went to the road side and took up a large stone and threw it at me ; he subsequently threw another, a smaller one. I continued to hold the first man. The second man then produced a pistol and fired at me, but it flashed in the pan. He then rushed in, but I held the first man with one hand, and struck at the second with my stick. The man whom I held called out " Bill, why dost not thou come on." A third man then appeared (this Avas subsequently proved to be Shiers) and joined in the attack. I fought as long as I could, but they got me down and rifled my pockets. They took my watch and some patterns of scarlet cloth. I cried out "Murder," and one of them put his hand over my mouth. When they had got my watch, they gave me two or three blows on the head Avith a stick, aud then left me. I felt ver}'^ weak, but I got up, and seeing a cottage near, I was going towards it, Avhen a man came up and said some one was coming with a light. I had lost my hat and the stick Mr. Pullan lent me in the scuffle: I found my hat and proceeded towards the turnpike, where I found the prisoner Taylor in custody. I 'went to Leeds in a coach which passed soon after. I Avas very ill and confined to my bed for fi\^e weeks, and to my house for six weeks after- Avards. The prisoners said nothing in their defence, and a verdict of " Guilty " Avas returned. — Sentence of death was imme- diately pronounced upon the prisoners. Some mitigatory circumstances in these cases induced a commutation of sentence : Shiers and Taylor Avere transported for life, and Gray imprisoned for a considerable time. Thomas Robinson pleaded "Not guilty," at York, to an indictment, charging him Avith stealing, at Wetherby, the mail bags, containing letters from Knaresbro', Harrogate, and Ripley. The prisoner said nothing in his defence. — The learned judge summed up, and a verdict of " Guilty " was imme- diately returned by the jury : sentence was passed, and he was executed accordingly. Isaac Milner, D.D., F.R.S., dean of Carlisle, president of 286 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1820. queen's college, Cambridge, and lucasian professor of mathematics in that university, by his talents and industry made his way from the humblest ranks of life, to the first honours of one of the first universities in the world. He was born in the neighbourhood of Leeds, and his early years were devoted to mechanical labour. When Joseph Milner, his brother, (see " Annals," page 189), became master of the grammar school, at Hull, he sent for Isaac, who assisted him in the tuition of the lower classes. He was then nineteen years of age, and had been accustomed to work at the loom with a Tacitus by his side. The prospects of this young man Avere soon turned towards the church ; and, alter assisting his brother for some time as an usher, he removed to queen's college, Cambridge, where he was entered a sizar. For his new station Mr. Isaac Milner, was admirably fitted; and before he vvent to the university, he Avas allowed to have attained a senior optime's knowledge in algebra and mathematics. Possessed of useful ambition, he now aimed at the first honours of his college, and had talents and perseverence sufficient to obtain them. Ac- cordingly, in the year 1774, he became senior wrangler, with the honourable distinction of incomparabilis. He also gained the first mathematical prize. In 1782 he served the office of proctor, and in 1792 was honoured with the vice- chancellorship. Intense study, however, had secretly laid the foundation of a nervous disorder, which undermined the sources of existence, and occasionally embittered the remainder of his life. . While at Cambridge, Mr. Isaac Milner became acquainted with Mr. Wilberforce, and cor- dially and conscientiously embraced the scriptural principles of that gentleman on religious subjects. After a short ac- quaintance, the two friends proceeded on a tour to the continent, accompanied by Mr. Pitt, but had not travelled far before the last of these gentlemen was recalled, in con- sequence of some political changes a\ hich afterwards ele- vated him to the premiership. The others accompanied him on his return, and an intimacy ensued, which continued for life. This occurred in 1788, in which year Mr. Milner was elected president of queen's college. He now com- menced some salutary reforms, and, recollecting, that when he was an undergraduate, it Avas the custom of the sizars to Avait behind the chairs of the fellows at dinner, he had spirit and good sense enough to abolish those servile distinc- tions, Avhich were coeval Avith the days of monkish ignorance and superstition. In 1792 he took out his doctor's degree, and Avas presented with the deanery of Carlisle. At Hull THE SUHUOUNDING DISTRICT. 287 1820. he retained lodgings during the life of his brother. This became a favourite residence ; and here he had a complete workship, where he was accustomed to rehix his mind daily from the fatigues of stud}^ He found manual labour a great source of happiness, and spared no expense in ob- taining the most perfect and expensive machinery. As a proof of this, his lathe and appendages for turning cost him no less than one hundred and forty guineas. On the death of Dr. Waring, in 179S, Dr. Milner Mas nominated lucasian professor of mathematics, an office Avorth about £350 a year. On Saturday, March the 1st, 1S20, at the house of his esteemed friend, William Y\^ilberforce, I^sq., M.P,, and in the 70th year of his age, died this venerable scholar, and exemplary christian ; and the final close of such a life must not be announced without a farev/ell tribute, however trifling to his memory. He was in every respect an extra- ordinary man. In early youth he rose superior to difficulties, with which few could have success'ully contended ; and his academical career was eminently distinguished. By the splendour of his reputation Avhile in the vigour of life, and by uncommon zeal and activity in the cause of science, he gave a strong impulse to the study of mathe- matical and philosophical learning in the university. April 3rd. Died at his house, in Hanover-square, London, Edward, earl of Harewood, in his 81st year, having sur- vived his eldest son, Edward, six years. His lordship was succeeded by his second son, Henry. Thomas Gray, a native of Leeds, this year published a seven-and-six- penny octavo, which went through live editions in five years, entitled 'Observations on a general iron railway, or land steam conveyance, to supersede the necessit}'- of horses in all public vehicles ; shewing its vast superiority in every respect over the present pitiful methods of con- veyance by turnpike roads and canals." Tn 1S20 and 1821 he presented a petition to lord Sidmouth, who was the minister, and in 1822 another to Sir Robert Peel. On the publication of a second edition of his work, he sent circu- lars to the merchants of Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, and London. He proposed that the plan should first be tried betAveen Manchester and Liver])Ool. In 1822, the Mr,:--!rn.bi1i CKI) IN THE REIGN OF QUEEN AnNE, EXTENDED TO THE REIGN OF GeORQE IV., BY WHOSE MUNIFICENCE SHE RECEIVED COMFORT AND SUPPORT IN HER LATTER YEARS. ShE DIED AT Brighton, (where she had long resided), DECEMBta I'iTH, l^2\, aged !06 TEARS." 294 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1821.-1822. The census of this year showed that the number of inhabited houses in the township of Leeds was 10,338; and in the borough 17,418. The number of houses building in the township were 69; in the borough 115. The number of uninhabited houses in the township was 857; in the borough 1170, The number of males in the township was 23,178; in the borough 40,548. The num- ber of females in the township was 25,425; in the borough 43,198. The total population of the township was 48,603; in the borough 83,746. 1822 On Sunday, February 3rd, the river Aire over- flowed its banks, and at Leeds inundated Meadow-lane, Water-lane, and Hunslet-lane. The floods at Bradford, and all places communicating with the Craven hills, were sudden and alarming, and did considerable damage, especially in Bradford ; where Mr. Benjamin Baines, foreman at Messrs. Maude and Co.'s, chemists, un- fortunately lost his life, after saving most of the perish- able proj)erty in the lower story of his own house and workshop, and assisting Mr. Bradford, at the Swan inn, to remove his; having employed himself actively till four o'clock in the morning, in rendering assistance to others, he returned home, and whilst examining a water mark which he had set up on the wall of the laboratory, the heap of rubbish on which he stood gave way, and pre- cipitated him into a rapid current belov^, in which he perished unseen, and his body was not found till Wed- nesday, when it was discovered in the stream at Bolton, two miles below : he left a widow and two children. The storm was severely felt at Wakefield, and at York the Ouse rose five feet in the course of a few hours. At eight in the evening of February 6(h, a fire broke out in Mr. Marshall's stuff manufactory, in Bowling- lane, near Bradford, and the two upper stories were speedily destroyed; but the stock and machinery in the lower parts of the building were saved from the flames. The property not being insured, a loss of ,£4,000 was sustained. On the night of the 7th of February in this year, a small publican named Thomas Hellewell, and his family, residing at BruntclifFe, were aroused by lire in tiie stack garth — one or two of the stacks were consumed, and, had it not been for the powerful and ac- tive assistance of the neighbours, there in no doubt that the flames would soon have reached the rnistal, where thirteen head of cattle were housed. The detection THE SURROETNDING DISTRICT. 295 1822. of the incendiary vra.9 accomplished by means the most extraordinary. A slight fall of snow had just covered the ground, and footsteps were clearly discernible about the stack yard, formed by very remarkable shoes, the sole of one of them having been curiousl}'' mended, and the nails being very prominent. Hellewell pursued this track with singular activity and resolution, and suc- ceeded, after a devious chace, in capturing the incen- diary at Beeston, with the very shoes on his feet, before eight o'clock the same morning. John Vickers proved to be his name, and revenge for a very trivial provoca- tion was his motive. He was convicted at York, and onU'- escaped from execution by being transported for life. Mr. James Warbrick, a worsted stuff manufacturer, of Bradford, having procured one of the then obnoxious power looms, in 1S22, sent it as privately as possible to a mill at Shiplc}^ where its operations "svere to commence. The people, however, soon ascertained the fact, public notice was given of its arrival in all the neighbouring villages, a great number of weavers assembled and threatened to level the mill with the ground if the loom was not instantly taken away, it had no sooner been placed in a cart, protected by a body of constables, than the exasperated weavers rushed upon it with ir- resistible fury, the constables were compelled to seek safety in flight, the loom was destroyed, and its roller and warp was dragged in triumph through Baildon. The unfortunate o])eratives were, however, unable to obstruct the general adoption of the detested machines, they v/ere soon almost universally introduced into the manufactories, and there are now a vast number of poAver looms in active operation in Bradford and its neighbourhood. On the 25th of IMarch, this year, as two labourers were trenching the land for liquorice at paper-mill field, near St. Thomas's hill, Pontefract, one of them struck his spade against a stone coffin, which weighed about a ton and a half, and, on examination, was found to con- tain the skeleton of a man, with the head between the legs, in good preservation ; these were supposed to be the decapitated remains of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, who suffered on the 22nd of March, 1322, exactly 500 years previously. The coffin and its contents were re- moved into the grounds of R. P. Milnes, Esq., Frystone hall, Vv'licre they now remain, inclosed wi<:hin a palisade. 296 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1822. Near a windmill, which now occupies the site of St. Thomas's chapel, great quantities of beautiful carved stones were dug up in 1841, and were removed by the earl of Mexborough, as owner of the soil ; from the sculpture of the stones, the building to which they be- longed seems to have been of Gofchic architecture. In April, a Mr. Wright, at Sheffield, walked 1000 miles in 1000 successive hours. In July, five men were killed by tire damp, in a coal pit, near Sheffield. August 12th, the marquis of Londonderry, (late lord Castlereagh,) secretary lor foreign affairs, committed suicide at his house, North Cray. May 13th, died at Milton, near Peterborough, aged 74, the Rt. Honourable Charlotte CountessFitzwilliam, daughter of 'SVm. Ponsonby, earl of Beesborough, by Caroline, eldest daughter of* Wm. duke of Devonshire. She was married, July 11th, 1770, to Charles Wm. Wentworth, earl Fitzwilliam, by whom she left one son, Charles Wm. Wentworth Fitz- william, viscount Milton, who first sat in parliament as one of the members for the county of York, in the year 1807. May 20th, after a severe thunder storm, a cloud burst on the hills above Holmfirth and Meltham, and from the junction of the channels of those valleys, sent down the vale below a breast of water from seven to nine feet high ; but happily no lives were lost. In the spring of this year, in Thompson's garden, near Well Close place, Leeds, was found a small gold coin, of the date of the second year of James I. It was called a half-crown, and was in value one eighth part of a coin, called an Unitie, from the union of England and Scotland. Legend on the head side, " J.D.G, Bosa Sine Sphia, viz., James by the grace of God * " a rose without a thorn." On the obverse side, *' Tueatur TJnita Deus,'* " God guards the Union." June 9th, the extensive corn and scribbling mills, at Calverley, were burnt down ; damage £5,000, July 13th, was completed, under the superintendence of J. L. M'Adam, Esq., the Leeds, Pontefract, and Barnsdale Turnpike Road, which not only passes through a pleasanter country, but is leveller, and four miles nearer from Leeds to Doncaster than the old north road by way of Ferrybridge. July 5th, a " Peace Society," was formed in Hudders- field, for the purpose of co-operating with a similar insti- tution in London, "for the promotion of permanent and universal peace." July 31st. The inhabitants of Leeds met in the parish THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 297. 1822. church, and, by a great majority, determined to remove the Middle-row, an ancient pile of buildings, -which in- cluded the Moot-hall, and extended along the centre of Briggate, from Kirkgate end, a little above Wood-street, contracting the road so much on each side, that it was dangerous for two carriages to pass each other. The expense of effecting this great improvement was esti- mated at £12,000, it cost, however, £15,097 4s. 2d., "which was agreed to be levied upon the inhabitants, by live annual rates of five pence in the pound, and one rate of twopence in the pound. The demolition was completed May 30th, 1825. The first rate Avas levied in 1825; and the debt cancelled in 1833. The buildings were not removed till 1825. On August 31st, all the carts attending Leeds market with vegetables, fruit, ike, and M^hich formerly stood in Briggate, took their station in the Vicar's Croft. William Herschell, a celebrated astronomer, born in Hanover, in 173S, died in 1822 ; the son of an able musician ; for some time followed his father's profession; in April, 1759, settled in England, where, with difficulty, he gained a livelihood by teaching. In 17^5 he was appointed organist at Halifax, and in 17^6 at Balh. Then his condition began to improve. From the study of music he was led to the study of mathematics, and thence he proceeded to as- tronomy, Avhich he at first cultivated only as a recreation; but soon having gained brilliant success therein, he gave up his profession and devoted himself exclusively to his new pursuit. Too poor to buy telescopes, he began to make them himself, (1774), and soon formed instruments superior in execution and power to any before k)iown; among others a telescope forty feet long, w^hich took four years of labour. (1785-89). With the aid of this instru- ment he made the most unexpected discoveries ; thus, he discovered a new planet, Uranus, (March 13(h 1781), then his satellites, (1787), and two new satellites of Saturn, (1789); he ascertained that the solar system is not lixed, and that it is in motion round the constellation Hercules. He also gave special attention to the Nebulae, perceived in the white masses of which they consist a prodigious num- ber of small stars, and discovered among them central stars round which the rest regularly revolve. King George III. showed particular favour to Herschell, granted him a pension for life of 300 guineas ; and, in order to have the astronomer near him, gave him a residence at Slough, near Windsor castle, and there Herschell made the greater part 298 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1822. 1823. of his observations. Herschell had for an auxiliary in the construction of his telescopes one of his brothers, and in the recording of his observations his sister Caroline, who made some discoveries herself. He left a son, John Hers- chell, who, inheriting his scientific tastes and his secrets for the formation of telescope glasses, has gained high disfinction among men of science. The town of Bradford up to 1822 had been lighted by oil lamps. In that year an act received the royal assent for lighting Bradford and the neighbourhood with gas. The subscribers originally consisted of forty- one inhabit- ants of the place, who were incorporated under the title of the "Bradford gas-light company," and empowered to raise a capital of £15,000, in £25 shares — no subscriber to hold more than forty shares. By this act it is rendered imperative upon the gas company to supply the public lamps of the town with gas, of such a quality as should at all times afford a cheaper and better light than could be obtained from oil; and that " every contract or agree- ment which shall be entered into for lighting with gas such public lamps by the said company, shall contain a clause providing that it shall be obligatory on the said company that such public lamps shall, at all times, be better and cheaper lighted by the said company than could be done by oil." This obligation was imposed on the company as an equivalent for being allowed to break up the pavement and soil of the streets, &c., to lay the pipes. Aug. 22nd. A numerous and respectable Reform meeting was held at York, in the long room of Etridge's hotel, under the presidency of Walter Fawkes, Esq. Oct. 29th. The term of Henry Hunt, Esq 's, imprison- ment in Ilchester gaol expired, and the event was hailed in most of ^ion was one which established a uniformity of weights and measures. A committee of the House of Commons, with Mr, Hume as chairman, recommended (and which was soon made law) a repeal of the laws which prohibited the emigration of artizans. The House of Commons also reduced the duties on raw silk to 3d. per lb : from 5s. 7)ad. on all that did not come from Bengal, and 4s. on all that did. The duties on thrown silk were reduced from 14s. 8d. to 7s. 6d. per lb. The importation of foreign silks was still prohibited up to July, 1825, M^hen they \vere to be admitted at an c(d valorem duty of 30 per cent. The case of the woolleu manufacture, which received a similar boon this year, was somewhat different from that of silk. No duty was laid 316 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1824.-1825. on wool till 1S03, and then it; amounted to little more than ^(\. per lb. The daty never exceeded Id. per lb. till 1819, when Mr. Vansittart most imprudently increased it to 6d. per lb. Mr. Kuskinson introduced a measure rev'erting to to the former plan: Foreign wool imported for English consumption of the value of Is. per lb, and upwards was to pay a duty of Id. per lb ; and wool of an inferior qnality was to pay li" d. per lb. English wool growers were now permitted to export wool on payment of a duty of Id. per lb. In the summer of this year, there was dis- covered in a quarry at Morley, in a solid block of stone, and at a depth of twenty-five feet from the surface of the earth, eight or ten fossil nuts or acorns. The nuts were "ovate" and "angular," which proves them to have been oak acorns; besides which, they did not seem to have been fixed in a calix or cup, but like stone fruit to have hung suspended by a stalk. In the same block of stone were also fossil remains of the cane or reed, which is now a native of the Indies ; and what is more curious, a piece of iron of the v/edge form, two or three inches long. 1825. On the 12th of January, twenty-five men and boys were killed by an explosion of fire damp, in the Gosforth coal mine, at Middle ton, near Leeds. Feb. 3rd. The septennial festival in honour of I3ishop Blaize, was celebrated at Bradford with unusual splendour. As it appears probable that the honours then paid to the wool-combers' Saint will be the last of the kind rendered here, it will be interesting to give an account of the cere- mony. The weather being very fine, at an early hour in the morning the surrounding towns and villages began to pour in their population. About eight o'clock in the morning, the persons intending to form part of the pro- cession began to assemble in Wesfgate; and shortly before ten o'clock, under the supcrintendance of Matthew Thompson, Esq., wtre formed in the following order: — Herald, bearing a tiag. — Twenty- four woolstaplers on horseback, each horse caparisoned v/itn a fleece. — Thirty-eight worsted spinners and manufacturers on horsebick, in white stuff waistcoats, with each a sliver of wool over his shoulder and a white stuff sash : the horses' necks covered with nets made of thick yarn. — Six merchants on horse- back, with coloured sashes. — Three guards. — Masters' colours. — -Three Guards. — Fift3''-six apprentices and masters' sons on horseback, with. ornamented caps, scarlet coloured coats, white stuff vvaistcoats, and blue pantaloons. — Bradford and Keighley bands. — Mace hearer, on foot. — Six guards. — Kuig. — Queen. — Six guards. — Guards. — Jason. — Princess Medea. — Guards. — Bishop's chaplain. — BISHOP BLAISE. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 317 1825. — Shepherd and shepherdess. — Shepherd swains. — One hundred and sixty woolsorters on horsebick, with ornamented caps and various coloured slivers. — Thirty comb makers. — Charcoal burners — Combers' colours. — Band. — Four hundred and seventy wool-combers, with wool wigs, &c — Band, — Forty dyers, with red cockades, blue aprons, and crossed slivers of red and blue. The procession started about ten o'clock, and proceeded through the principal streets and roads of the town ; and did not disperse till about five o'clock. The whole caval- cade reached upwards of half a mile. Several splendid and well-painted tiags were displayed. The person who figured as the '■ King " in the procession, was an old man named William Clough, from Darlington, v/ho had sus- tained the part on four previous occasions. Jason was personated by a John Smith. — the fair Medea rode by his side. Bishop Blaize was represented with becoming gravity by another John Smith, w^ho had, too, borne the pastoral crook on several other commemorations. His cha'plain v/as James Beetham. The ornaments of the spinners and manufacturers had a neat and even elegant appearance, from the delicate and glossy whiteness of the finely- combed wool which they wore. The apprentices and masters' sons, hovrever, formed the most show^y part of the procession ; tlieir caps being richly ornamented with ostrich feathers, flowers, and knots of various coloured yarn; and their stuff gar- ments formed of the gayest colours. Some of these dresses were very costly, from the profusion of their decorations. The shepherd, shepherdess, and swains were attired in bright green. The wool-sorters, from their number, and the height of their plumes of feathers, which were mostly of different colours, formed in the shape of a fleur-de-lis, had a da.shing appearance. The comb-makers carried before them the instruments here so much cele- brated, raised on standards, togotner with golden fleeces, rams' heads with gilded horns, and other emblems. The wool-combers were neatly dressed, and looked mighty wise in their odd- fashioned and full flowing wigs of combed wool — and the garb of the dyers was quite pro- fessional. Sunday, April 3rd, Abram Rhodes and Co.'s extensive woollen mill, at Woodbouse carr, near Leeds was partly destroyed by fire, which commenced in the third story, and consumed all the machinery, &c., in that and on the two next floors above and below; but the two lower stories were saved. April 26th. As the workmen 318 ANNALS OF LKEDsi, YORK, AND 1825. were employed at the height of fifty -one feet, in fixing the roof of the new Independent chapel, at Back-green, Hud- dersfield, a plank of unusual length, without any support in the centre, suddenly broke, and precipitated seventeen men into the body of the chapel, where two were killed on ihe spot, two more died soon after, and the rest were dreadfully hurt. March 16th, was laid the first stone of the Independent chapel, at Gomersal. May 24th. The vicar of Dewsbury laid the first stone of a new church at Earls Heaton. The demolition of the Middle row, at Leeds, was completed May 30fch, and Briggate, in which the ancient pile stood, was rendered one of the finest pro- vincial streets in the kingdom. June 9th. Mr. Green, sen., made his 32]id ascent from the coloured Cloth Hall yard, Leeds, in his beautiful balloon, which descended at Askham-Richard, eighteen miles from Leeds. Mr. Green was accompanied in this ascent by Miss Shocks, the young lady who ascended with Mr. Harris, from London, and fell with him from a great elevation, in consequence of the sudden escape of gas. July Gth. Was opened, the new tnrnpike road from Leeds to Birstal, by way of Y/el- lington bridge ; it is fifty feet wide, and avoids all difficult ascents; the committee and many other gentlemen per- ambulated the whole line. ^In April, this year, a Mechanics' institute was established at ITuddersfield. This year was the most disastrous to Bradford in its events of any in modern times. From the great pomp with which the Bishop Blaize festival was celebrated in February, it seems that the trade here was then very prosperous. The wool-combers and stuff-weavers of Bradford and the surrounding villages had long been dis- contented with their wages, (though they were then very nign), and, after unsuccessfully endeavouring to obtain an advance. " turned out " of their work. On the I4th of June this famous "strike" commenced. The workmen, to the number of nearly 20,000, associated themselves in the name of the Bradford union, under the leadership of a wool-comber named John Tester. Their demands were perseveringly opposed by the masters; and, as a conse- quence, the trade of Bradford was nearly stopped. The unemployed men were supported by subscriptions from the operatives in various parts of the kingdom ; the suma raised for the purpose were immense, and enabled the malcontents to strive with the masters for twenty-three weeks, when the money began to fail, and Tester abscond- ing with part of the funds, on the 7th of November the THE SURROU:s^DING DISTRICT. 319 1825 union was dissolved; but 1,200 of the wool-combers and weavers, and 1,000 of the children could not lind employ- ment even at the old prices. July 7th, were 0];)ened the new Baths, at Slaithwaite, where some years before a spa was discovered, rising ia the channel of the river, from which it has been separated. About the same time the spa at Lockwood, near Hud- dersiield, was first brought into notice. July. A large block of grit stone, with the indention of a palm leaf near the base, and exhibiting other syraptous of organic remains, was brought from the quarry at Bram- ley fall, to the Central market, where the workmen pre- pared it for building. Large masses of petrified timber are so common in this neighbourhood, as scarcely to pro- duce any surprise in the mind of the geologist. On the 30th June, the merchants and manufacturers of Saddleworth gave a public dinner, with a silver cup of fifty guineas, to William Hirst, of Leeds, as a testimony of the high sense they entertain of his abilities and perse- verance as a woollen manufacturer; and of their esteem for his frankness and liberality in communicating his im- pro^-ements to the public." On the 30th of July, one of the projecting wings of Armley mills, belonging to Messrs. Gott and Sons, was destroyed by fire : the damage was estimated at £5,000. In August, much interest was excited in the neighbourhood of Huddersfield, by the discovery of some diluvian remains, with impressions in the sand stone of animals and plants; a number of them evidently such as could onl}'- have existed in tropical climates. Died on the 25th of October, at his house in Portman-square, London, "waiter Fawkes, Esq., of Farnley hall, near Otley. Public credit in Yorkshire received a distressing shock on December 9th, by the stoppage and bankruptcy of iMessrs. Wentworth, Chaloner, and Rish worths; the bankers of London, "Wakefield, Brad- ford, and York. In September, this year, a railway was opened which led from the mines near Darlington to the wliarfs on the Tees, at Stockton — the whole distance about twenty miles — for the transport of coal. The waggons were drawn by horses, and ten miles an hour was the usual speed. In the following year two of Stephenson's locomotives were employed on the line in addition to the horses. Stephen- eon's assertion, during an examination before a committee of the House of Commons, on the subject of railways, that it would not be difiicult to make a locomotive travel 320 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1825.-1826. fifteen or twenty miles an hour, provoked one of the members to reply, that the engineer could only be fit for a lunatic asylum. 1820. In January, the new churches at Leeds, Wood- house, and Roundhay were consecrated by the archbishop. Quarry-hill church, Leeds, was consecrated Oct. 12th. On January 19th, about four o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. George Hammond's flax mill, at the Bank, in Leeds, took lire, and the flames spread with such rapidity, that man}'' of the workmen were severel}'- scorched, and about ten persons in the attic had no means of escape, except passing through the roof, and thence into an adjoining mill ; the building was reduced to a ruin, and the loss of machinery and goods amounted to £3,000. The years 1824, 1825, and 1825, will ever be memorable for the creation of Joint Stock Companies, by which im- mense loss was sustained by persons in all parts of the kingdom. There was a perfect rage to take shares in companies started for ever conceivable object — such as baking, washing, baths, life assurance, brewing, coal portage, wool growing, &c. There was such a rage for steam navigation, canals, and railroads, that in the session of 1825, 438 petitions for private bills were presented, and 286 private acts were passed. The acknowledgment of the independence of some of the South American states, turned the tide of speculation in that direction. Companies were formed to obtain gold and silver from the mountain tops and clefts, where there v/ere no workmen or tools to do the work, no fuel for the fires, and no road or carriages to bring away the produce. There was to be so much gold ana Sliver, that alter the national debt had been paid off, the value of money in England and all Europe would be essentially changed. Gems and pearls were to abound tj such a degree, that the jewels of ancient families were soon to be shamed. People who declined stock exchange speculation, aimed at growing rich by trading to the land ot gold. It is said that more Manchester goods arrived at Rio Janeiro, than had been before required for twenty years, and merchandise was left exposed on the beach till the over-crowded warehouses could afford room for its storage. Then came the collapse — cotton, wine, silk, and other foreign products came into the market in such vast quantities, that prices fell incessantly. Then followed a panic unequalled in history for the extent of ruin it produced, the intensity of its distress, and the universality of its alarm. Commercial houses of long standing failed, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 321 1826. that were supposed to be immensely rich. The bank of Eng- land narrowed its discounts. On the 5th of December, 1S25, the banking-house of Sir Peter Pole and Co., stopped; and had accounts with forty-four country banks. The news of this failure spread, and the funds ^Aent down imme- diately — and faster still next da)', when the bank of Williams and Co. stopped. From this time the crash went on without intermission, till in five or six weeks from sixty to seventy banks had stopped payment. Between October 1S25 and February 1826, fifty-nine commissions of bank- ruptcy were issued against English country banks ; and four times the number of private compositions are said to have taken place by banks during the same period. On the stoppage of Pole's bank, an issue v.^as made of one and two pound bank notes for country circulation ; and the ^Mint v/as set to work to coin sovereigns as fast as the machinery would go. For about a week the coinage amounted to l.l'O.OOO sovereigns per day. While merchants and manufacturers were unable to meet pecu- niary obligations, their Avorkmen were without employ- ment, and distrrss reached every class of the community. He was indeed a lucky man that was not affected by this panic. After the panic, the fearful sufferings of the poorer classes led them into riotous proceeding?. The rioters of Lancashire commenced the destruction of poAver-looms, supposed to be the cause of their distress. In one day every power-loom in Blackburn, and within six miles of it vv'-as destroyed. In less than a v/eek a thousand power-looms were destroyed. The mob went from town to to^n in thousands, armed with table knives made into spikes, and sledge hammers, and did a great amount of mischief. The Thames tunnel was commenced this year, by Mr. Brunei, the engineer. The Avork was continued for two years with various disasters, but with an indomitable per- severance on the part of the engineer. Then the directors became discouraged, the funds v.^ere exhausted, and the tunnel was shut up for seven year.?. It was afterwards prosecuted to completion. January 5th. As some workmen were removing an ancient wall, at Garforth, near Leeds, they found a leathern purse, con:aining forty-one pieces of coin, of the reigns of Eliza- beth. James I., and Charles I., which are supposed to have been deposited there in the time of the civil vars. Died this year, at Wilsden, near Bradford, in the 93rd year of her age, Mrs. Hannah Jowett, who, Avhile all the 322 ' ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOS-K, AND 1826. family were in attendance at public worship, had knelt down near the fire, in the act of private devotion, when her clothes caught fire, and she was burnt in so dreadful a manner as to occasion her death two days after the catas- trophe. Nearly all the female children of the parish for two generations, had been indebted to the pious dame Jowett for their early instruction. The density of the atmosphere in London, on Monday, January 16th, v/as so great that carriages in many places were absolutely immoveable, simply by the horses not being able to see the ground, Avhile the darkness was so great that no part of St. Paul's cathedral could be seen from the western railing ; Cheapside and the city generally pre- sented a scene of real desolation, and all the manufactories and workshops Avere obliged to use their full complement of night lights. Thomas Wade left money in 1530 for the repair of certain roads, out of v/hich fund £1,000 was obtained this year and paid towards the opening of Bond-street from Albion- street to the infirmary. )f The establishment of an university at Leeds was recom- mended by Mr. Marshall. Jan. 15th. At the parish church, Calverley, v.ere buried, James Brayshaw, of Idle, cloth maker, aged 87, and Martha, his wife, Avho had been married and lived together sixty-six years, and had a family of nine children, fifty-nine grand- children, fifty-five great grand- children, and three great great grand-children, in all 126. During the intensity of the frost that generally prevailed in England, there was a wren's nest built under the eaves of a thatched cottage, at Beighton, near Sheffield, con- taining five young ones, hatched at Christmas, Avhich were regularly fed by the parent bird, from crumbs placed v/ithin its reach. An apple tree in the same neighbourhood ex- hibited five or six apples in a growing state. In January, a box was sent from Leeds to Newcastle, directed to a Mr. Simpson, of Edinburgh, and was found to contain the corpse of a Mr. Daniel, who had been in- terred in St. John's church yard, Leeds, on the 1st of January, and on searching the grave, the coffin was found empty. Mr. Daniel's son immediately Avent to New- castle, where he recognised the body of his deceased parent, Thomas Daniel, by various well-knoAvn marks imprinted upon it with gunpowder. In the mean time, George Cox, the son of a broker and box maker of Leeds, was recognised by the clerk of the telegraph coach-oflSce, as the man who delivered the package. He Avas conse- quently apprehended, and though he pleaded that a THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 323 1826. strang-er Jew, who had lodged a short time at his fatlier's, had employed him to make the box, and that be knew not its contents, though he took it to the ooach-omce, he was found guilty of body stealing at the sessions, and sentenced to six mouths' imprisonment in York castle. In February, a package similar to the above was sent from Leeds by coach, directed to IMr. Jackson, of Edin- burgh, but it was also opened at Newcastle, and found to contain the body of a man, about sixty years of age. Feb. Sir Sandford Graham gave the munificent sum of £500 towards the erection of a church at Kirkstall, near Leeds. On February 16th, died Lindley Murray, who •wrote and published so many excellent elementar}'- and other works, principally for the use of schools. He expired in his 8Ist year, at Holdgate, near York, where he had lived many years. He was the son of a miller, and was born at Swetara, near Lancaster, in Pensylvania, in the United States of America, Vv-hich he left in 178-1, and settled in England. Feb 20th. Died, aged 61 years, Mr. MattheAv 3Iurray, engineer, of Leeds, whose improve- ments in the steam-engine flax spinning, and other ma- chinery, will be a lasting testimony of his skill. In the course of the week previous to the 11 (h of March, a pig, fed at Parliogton, near Aberford, was slaughtered in the shambles, at Leeds, which weighed 46 stones 6 lbs., long weight. In March, the body of Martha Oddy, 15 years of age, the daughter of a clothier, was stolen out of its grave in Armley church yard, and was also despatched to Edinburgh, but after a long, persevering, and painful chase, was regained by the distressed parents, brought back, and re-interred in its original grave. A few days after the re-interment, three men were apprehended on suspic'on of having committed this daring offence, and one of them, Michael Armstrong, was sentenced at the Leeds sessions to six months' imprisonment in York castle. In March, this year, the long pending Wakefield vSoke Cause, which commenced in 1820, was terminated at York, before Judge Bayley, and a special jury, who by their verdict established the custom of the soke, in favour of the plaintiffs. Sir Edward Dodsworth, hart., Godfrey Wentworth "Wentworth, Esq., Sir "SVilliam Pilkington, bart., and Jose Luis Fernandez, the miller. The defend- ants were William Ingham, Charles Adams, and Joseph Smith, Esqrs., of Ossett. The places which were included 324 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1826. in the soke by the plaintiffs vv^ere Horhury, Ossett-cum- Gawthorpe, Alverthorpe-cum-Thornes, Wakefield, Stanley- cum-Wrenthorp, Sandal, Criggleston, and New-miller dam, the inhabitants of which places were compelled to grind their corn, whether for their own consumption or as an article of trade, at the soke mills. The soke has since been purchased by the inhabitants of V/akefield, for which rates have been laid. April. Sarah Baker, of Somerton, Oxfordshire, widow, died this month, aged 108 years. She officiated for many •years as parish clerk, and when 99 years of age reaped in the fields for a whole day. On levelliog- a piece of ground near Fishergate bar, for the new cattle market, at York, many relics of mortality were exposed, it having been formerly the site of All Saint's church, an ancient rectory, given by William Eufus to the abbess and convent of Whitby, on condition that the monks there should pray for him and his heirs. The expense of the land, pens, and buildings of this new and commodious market-place, was ^£8,400. The tolls were soon after let for £130 per annum. May 1st. In the afternoon of this day, a meeting of un- employed workmen took place on Fairweather green, near Bradford. The number of persons assembled was about 2.50, who, after consulting together for some time, pro- ceeded at five o'clock in the afternoon, to the mill of Messrs. Horsfall, situate at North Wing, near the old church, Brad- ford, which contained a number of power-looms for weaving stuffs, and commenced an attack upon the mill, but without doing any mischief, except breaking the windows. They then proceeded to Bradford moor, about a mile on the Leeds road, where they vv ere joined by about 200 more, and, with this reinforcement, they returned to the mill, and made a second attack between eight and nine o'clock; but the riot act being read, the mob after some time separated. This was on Monday, and all remained quiet until Wednesday, when another meeting v^as held on Fairweather green, far more numerous than that on Monday, and, after forming in several groups till about twenty minutes past three, they again moved in a body to Messrs. Horsfall's mill, where they arrived a little before four o'clock. . They began throwing stones as before; the squares which were broken on Monday, about 240 in number, had since been glazed. They continued the attack half an hour, when they had completely demolished three of the windows, staunchcons, frames, and everything connected with them. But on Tuesday, iron bars had been fixed in front of the low win- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 325 1826. dows, and as the doors were secured by three inch planks, it was next to impossible to force an entrance. At half- past four, colonel Plumbe Tempest, accompanied by a num- ber of special constables, stood on the ground adjoining- the mill, and read the riot act. The mob still showed no disposition to disperse, but continued throwing stones. All other efforts hitherto adopted proving unavailing, and the mob hnving Hred a pistol into the mill, the persons who were defending it, amounting to about forty, fired from twenty to thirty shots upon the mob, by which two persons were killed, viz., Jonas Barstow, of Queen's head, aged 18 years, and Edward Fearnley, of Bradford, a boy 13 years old; and a considerable number vrere wounded. The mob soon after dispersed. Two of the rioters were sent to York castle. The first stone of the Leeds Commercial Buildings was laid May 18th, this year, by Lepton Dobson, Esq. This noble and elegant structure is situated at the junction of Park-row, called Quebec, and the end of Boar-lane, called West-bar, and was opened October 12th 1S29 : the site is most eligible, fronting the west entrance into the town. The building stands perfectly isolated, being surrounded by streets, excepting the back, which overlooks the burial ground of Mill-hill chapel. The style of architecture is Grecian — the plan a parallelogram, with the south-westeru corner rounded off, and formed into a spacious and elegant circular portico. The building presents six different sides, or facades, of unequal length ; the one towards Park-row has two, and that towards "West-bar four recessed fluted columns. The row of columns of the portico facade or principal entrance, adjoins and connects the two preceding, but recedes a little. There are five openings, and as many flights of steps, on which stand four columns, with appro- priate autse supporting the sweep of the circular entab- lature, which is surmounted in the centre by a clock, and in the rear of it is an elevated substruction. The columns of the portico, and the two facades named, are fluted and upwards of four feet in diameter at the base of the shafts, and nearly forty feet in height, from the top of the base- ment on which they stand, to the safiet of the architrave of the entablature which is supported by them. Over the entablature, which completely environs the building, an attic parapet wall, with suitable pilasters, is erected. This lofty pile of buildings is overtopped by a circular tower, with a finial ornament of scrolls and honeysuckles, sur- mounted by a cornice, which, when viewed from a distance, 28 326 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1826. has an iinposing' effect. The interior is in perfect keeping v/ith the exterior. The ilrBt apartment is the vestibule, beyond which, and separated from it by a serpen of Ionic columns, is the saloon of the grand staircase, an entire circle, thirty four feet six inches in diameter, and above sixty feet to the top of the dome. At the bottom of the staircase, on each side, are two lofty ornamental can- delabra, from which a rich palisading, surmounted by a broad mahogany hand-rail, lences the ends of the steps and landings. Tlie stairs branch right and left to the top of a broad landing, communicating with another saloon, and separated by a screen or Corinthian columns. The upper part of the staircae^e is decorated with tvt^enty Corinthian columns, recessed, supporting an enriched en- tablature of the same order, and the panelled dome. A cupola crowns the dome, glazed with stained glass. In the intercolumniations on the wall are niches, eacli sur- mounted by a Avreath. This staircase has a grand effect. On the ground floor, to the right of the entrance, is the news, or reading-room. It is sixty-live feet long, thirty- three feet six inches wide, and twenty-five feet high, and is divided longitudinally into three aisles, by two rows of twelve Corinthian columns. The walls have a similar number of corresponding pilasters and niches ; windows, doors, or fire-places, are placed in the intercolumniations, and the ceiling is tastefully ornamented. The room im- mediately over the news-room is of precisely similar dimensions, but undivided by rows of columns. The walls are decorated with coupled auta3, which supports a rich entablature, aud a beautiful ceiling. Upon the opposite side of Ihe entrance is another large room, the walls decorated with pillars, which support an entablature, and a light arched ceiling, divided into compartments, and over this room is a similar one. There is attached to the news-room, a room for the superintendent, and a com- mittee-room. There are other rooms on the opposite side litted up v/ith great taste. The cellars form two ex- tensive ranges of wine vaults. The whole building covers an area of 1,324 square yards, and cost, with the ground, near £34,500. The architect was John Clark, Esq., of Edin- burgh. The upper story is occupied by the Leeds District Court of Bankruptcy ; the other as offices, chiefly by brokers and professional men. The subscription to the r.ews-room is 25s. per annum, and the subscriber has the liberty of introducing a stranger. Mr. Thomas Duncan is honorary secretary of the news-room. THE SURROUiS^DING DISTRICT. 327 1826. The foui^.dation stone of the Bradford Dispensary was laid by the Rev. Henry Heap, vicar, ou the 29th of May, in this year. The tirst sfone of tlie Leeds Corn Exchange, top of Brig- gate, was laid in a private manner, by ->Ir. John Cawood, on the 3lst May, on the site of an ancieiit chantry, siupposed to have been founded about 147^ ; thar of tiic west wing on the 4th of January, 1S27; and rhat of the principal wing^vas laid wi(h great ceremony on the 27th of August, in the same year. The structure is of stone. The lower story of the front is rusticated; and above rise tvvo Ionic columns, supporting an entablature and pediment. Between the columns is a niche, in which is placed a well-executed marble statue of (pieen Anne, by Carpenter, of London. Above the statue is a clock, and on tlie roof is a small cupola for the bell. The front of the building is occupied by shops, with dwelling-houses attached. At the side is a court with a piazza, where the dealers exhibit their samples and conduct their sales. 'Ihcre is likewise an excellent hotel for their accommodation. The market is open from eleven to one o'clock every Tuesday, The building cost £12,500. On June 21st, for the first time, four knights of the shire were elected at York, as members of parliament for York- shire, viz., lord Milton, the lion. \Vm. Buncombe, John Marshall, Esep, and Richard Fountayne Wilson, Esq. Five candidates were nominated by the high shi^'rilr, and a poll was confidently ex])ected, but previous to the day of elec- tion, Eichard Bethell, Esq., withdrew iiis name- Although there was no contest, the expenses of the four candidates amounted to £150.000. June 2Srli. In this year, one of the most severe thunder storms ever remembered, })revailed in the neighbourhood of York. At Popjiletou, to the west of that city, hail- stones fell in great abundance, and of unusual dimensions, some measuring five inches in circumference. Several in- habitants had every square of glass in the premises broken, and many of the gardens were laid waste by the storm. Near Tadcaster bar, on the York road, a man, by trade a wire worker, was struck by the lightning, and killed on the s{)ot. During the same storm, a young woman was killed by the electric fluid, whilst Avorking in a hay field near Wefherby. The thermometer was at S^f° on Saturday and Sunday in the shade, and in the sun at 124^. Such was the drought and sultriness of the weather, that even in the midst of the hay harvest prayers were offered up in the 328 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1826. churches and other places of worship for rain. In the month of Jul}-- the extensive moors in the West-Riding of York- shire were in a state of conflagration, which not only- spread over a wide extent of surface, consuming the moss, but also burnt to a great depth, igniting the peat under- neath. Hawksworth moor was entirely consumed; on Ilkley moor five hundred acres were burnt; Thornton moor was entirely destroyed; Burley moor was on tire. With the destruction of Thornton moor is to be enumer- ated the loss of all the young plantations, which cost up- wards of £2,000. Oaksworth moor was entirely burnt; and Ovenden moor, Holme moss, Burnsall fell, also Hebden, Grassington, Rombalds, and Harden moors were on fire. The flames and smwke together presented an imposing and formidable appearance from high grounds, whence a view of them might be obtained. John Flaxman, a colebrated sculptor, was born at York, in 1755, and from IS 10 till his death, was professor in the royal academy. He received his education partly from his father, vi^ho Avas a sculptor, and partly in the academy. He afterwards visited Italy, where he studied I'rom 1787-^4. He composed several works daring that period, and among them his celebrated illustrations to Homer, Dante, and Aeschylus, wliich procured him admission to the academy of Florence and Carrara. His most famous sculptures in England are the monument of lord Mansfield in West- minster abbey, a model of the shield of Achilles, according to Homer, a monument to the poet Collins, and one of Miss Cromwell, in Chichester cathedral, one of the countess Spencer, at Brington, a monumental bas-relief to the memor}'' of his beloved pupil Thomas Hayley, at Eartham, a monument in the Parish church, of Leeds, to the memory of two townsmen viz., captain Yfalker and captain Beckett, who fell at the battle of Talavera, and a mon- ument to the Baring family at Micheldever. Flaxman died in 1826, six years after his wife, Anne Denham, to whose ecclesiastical taste he was much indebted. .July 12th. J. A. Stuart Wortley, Esq., of Wortley hall, near Peniston, was raised to the peerage by the title of Baron Wharnclifi'e, previous to which he had been many years member ot parliament for Yorkshire. On the ISth of September, in this year, at his seat, Gledhow, near Leeds, died Sir John Beckett, Bart, aged 84 years. He was born in 1743, and in 1774 married Mary, third daughter of Dr. Christopher Wilson, bishop of Bristol, grandfather of R. F. Wilson, Esq., and had THE SURRODKDllN[G DISTRICT. 329 1826.-182/. by her eight sous and three daughters. Sir John was created a baronet in iS13, was twice mayor of Leeds, ana as a magis^.tratc for that borough and the West- Riding, he was distinguished for legal knowledge and impartiality: to whose memory aiid that of lady Beckett, there is a tablet erected iu the Leeds parish church, situated on the north-east side of the interior. He was succeeded in his titles by his son, the late right hon. Sir John Beckett, ISl.F., w^ho married lady Anne Lowther, third daughter of the earl of Lonsdale. On the night of November ISlh, the dyehouse of Messrs. Halliley, Son, and Brook, of Dewsbiiry, was discovered to be in tiames by the watchman, Avho im- mediately alarmed William Hanson, one of the company's overlookers, a faithful servant, who had been in their employ thirty-three years. V\''hen poor Hanson arrived, and saw the building in liames, his feelings were so deeply affected, that he fell to the ground, and instantly expired. The sequel of this mournful occurrence wai3 still more affecting, for, on the following day, whilst Mr. Wigglesworth, the coroner, v»^as preparing for an inquest on the body of Hanson, he was suddenly seized with a lit or apoplexy, and fell, in the presence of the jury, into the arms of Mr. Brooks, and died in a few hours afterwards. 1S27. January oth, died his royal highness Frederick, duke of York, iu his 64(:h year. February 3rd, was laid, by Dr. Outhwaite, the lirst stone of the Bradford Exchange Buildings, opposite the Piece hall. Feb. 9th, died Dr. Pelham, the bisiiop of Lincoln, in consequence of a cold caught v/hile attending the duke of York's funeral. March 4th. A lire broke out in the Flax mill of J^.Ir. Bowes, iu the Steander, Leeds : damage about ,£1,200. Mar. l/'th. In taking down the premises adjoining the Union inn, Ivegate, Bradford, a cannon ball was found in the roof, an eight pounder, sup- posed to have been shot from one of .the field pieces used by the army of the earl of Newcastle, in the siege of 1643. June ISth. The first stone of the Hudders- field Joint Stock Bank was laid by B. H. Allen, Esq. June 13th, a large portion of Mr. Hammond's Flax mill, at the Bank, in Leeds, was destroyed by fire. Iu July, an uncommon instance of long continued sleep occurred at Woodbouse, near Leeds, where Elizabetli Armitage, spinster, aged 69, suddenly fell into a state of lethargic stupor, in which she continued without 330 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1827. ■uttering' a word-, receiving any food, or showiiig any signs of life, except breathing, for the space of eight days, when she expired without a struggle. For some months previous, she had been gradually declining, and had taken very little sustenance. July 4th, For some weeks previous to this time indications of a fire beneath the surface of the ground, had been observed in St. Peter's-square, in Leeds; and on this day, the smoke issued in such quantities as to create considerable alarm in the neighbourhood. An excavation being made to discover the cause of this extraordinary phenomenon, a large body of fire was found, which on the accession of air, burst into a vivid flame. Engines were procured, and a quantity of water thrown into the excavation, which for the time appeared to have extinguished the fire; but on the two following days, the smoke was seen to issue in various places, in very considerable quantities, when a number of excavators were employed to remove the earth, and ascertain the cause, M^hich was discovered to proceed from the ignition of a bed of coal, about two feet in thickness, and only five feet beneath the surface of the ground; a considerable portion ol which was reduced to ashes. The ignition of the coal was produced by the furnace of a pipe- maker, which had been erected immediately over it, which was cut out, and the space filled up with gravel, well saturated with water. July 17th. As Jonathan Wilson was looking at the lion Wallace, in Wombwell's menagerie, then at Leeds, he incautiously placed his hand upon the bottom of the den, when the ferocious animal made a spring at him, and with his claws drew the unfortunate man's arm against the grate, inflicting upon it with his fangs several dreadful wounds, of which he died at the in- firmary, by mortification, eight days afterwards. The large scribbling mill, at Bramley, Hough-end, was burnt down August 1. On Monday, Aug. 6th, a fortnight sheep and cattle fair was held in the free market, at Leeds ; but on October 10th the day was changed to Wednesday. August Sth, died the right hon. George Canning, first lord of the treasur}', and chancellor of the exchequer, which elevated situation he had held onl}'' four months. He was born on the 11th of April, 1770, and was buried in Westminster abbey, on Thursday, the 10th of August, this year. He was followed to the grave by the dukes of Clarence THE SCTRRODNDING DISTRICT. 331 1827. and Sussex, all the cabinet ministers, marquis Clan- ricarde, the dukes of Portland, Devonshire, &c., &c. Meetings were held in Leeds, Fiiverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, &c., to pay tributes of respect to his memory. August 23rd, the Leeds Branch Bank of England was opened under the management of Thomas Bischoff, Esq. The business of the bank was for several years transacted in the premises situate in Bank-street, now occupied as offices by Mr. Ward, solicitor; but now (1S59) carried on in a plain building, IS, Albion-street, which was formerly occupied by Thomas Tennant, Escj. C. E. Mac Carthy, Esq., is agent. On September 24th, his grace, Arthur, duke of ^Vellington, the hero of "Waterloo, made his public entry into the city of York, preceded by a grand pro- cession of the lord m.ayor, corporation, and a great number of nobility and gentry. His grace visited many other places in the north of England, and was received with the greatest enthusiasm a grateful people could evince for the eminent military services he had rendered his country. September 29th, a lire broke out in the extensive Cotton- mill of Messrs. Jonas Brooke and Brothers, at Meltham, near Huddersfield. — Same day, died at the advanced age of 100 years, Mrs. Eve Randall, of Leeds. October 1st, Mr. Saml. Lumb, sen. of Sowerby, S3 years of age, was married at Halitax, to Mrs. Rachel Heap, to whom he had been previously married about 25 years before. Her first husband had entered into the army, and was at the time of her first marriage with Mr. Lumb, supposed to be dead. In a few years, however, he returned, and demanded his Vv'ife, whom he found living with IMr. Lumb, and by whom she had three children. But, after some negociation, Heap agreed to sell her, and Mr. Lumb bo'jght her, and she was actually delivered to him in a halter, at Halifax cross. At her last marriage she was given awa}^ at the altar, by Mr. Lumb's grandson. Her first husband had died the April before. October 6th, the Leeds central market was opened, with great spirit and animation, a band of music enlivened the crowded scene. The fir.^t Leeds quarterly leather fair was held October 17th, in the South market. October 15th, was laid the first stone of the new church at South Crossland, on ground given by Richard Henry Beaumont, Esq. The struc- ture was finished in July, 1829. On October 24th, early in the morning, Mr. James Cordingley, a tanner, of Little Horton, near Bradford, was found in his yard nearly dead, 332 ANNAfiS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND I827. having been worried b}^ two dogs, Vv^hicli he kept for the protection of his jjropert}'- ; his arm was nearly severed from his body, and his throat dreadtully lacerated, vvith the windpipe partly torn out ; he expired soon after he was found. October 27th, tv/omen in attempting- to cross the river Aire in a boat, near Castleford, were hurried away bj'' the stream over the middle-dam, when, probably under the influence of panic, they leaped out of tiie boat, and were both unfortunately drowned. The Yorkshire Philosophical Society was founded in the year 1822. Having obtained a grant from the crown of three acres of ground on the Manor Shore, comprising the site of the ruins of the abbey (the preservation of these in- teresting relics of antiquity from further decay being one part of their design,) this societ}'" erected its museum in the centre between them and the Eoman multangular tower. The foundation stone was laid on the 24th of October, 1S27, by the archbishop of York, and the building was opened on February 2iid, 1830. The principal fronts which looks towards the river, is nearly 20[> feet in length, of pure Doric architecture, and has a central portico, con- sisting of a pediment, supported on four columns, resting upon a basement of three steps. The internal arrange- ments consist of an entrance hall, 29 feet by IS ; a theatre or lecture room, 44 feet by 35; a library, 31 feet 9 in. by IS feet 6 in.; a council room, and various apartments for the extensive collections of specimens in natural history, antiquities, &c., and also a dwelling-house for the sub- curalor, Mr. H. Baines. The main design was furnished by that eminent architect, William Wilkins, Esq , R.A.,- and the interior portions have been principally constructed under the superintendence of Mr. Sharp and Mr. Pritchett, of York. Since tlic bequest of £10,000 to this institutioa by the late Dr. Beck with, wlio, during his lifetime Vv^as one of its warmest supporters, the botanical garden has undergone the most extensive alterations and improve- ment, and is now carried down to the promenade on the river side; a h3use also for the sub -curator has been erected at the back of the museum, adjoining to, and corresponding with, the architecture of the Manor house, besides various other improvements. The geological col- lection was under the care of professor Phillips, and is considered one of the best in the kingdom, containing up- wards of 10,000 specimens of British organic remains, arranged in the order of their position in the earth. The collection of minerals is classed according to their chemical THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 333 1827. relations, and contains above 2,000 specimens. Those ot ornithology and zoology are also very extensive ; as is also, that of antiquities, in the Hospitium, containing most of the ancient British, Iloman, and Anglo-Saxon remains that have been found in York and the neighbourhood. A few yards in front of the Museum stands a small observa- tory, built in lS3;i. The Iloman multangular tower is an interesting relic of ancient Eboracum, and is situated on the right-hand side of the garden, immediately on the entrance tlirough the handsome Doric lodge gateway. Re-?pecting this tower, the Rev. C. Wellbeloved, who has long paid great attention to the antiquities of this locality, observes, that " the wall proceeding i'rom it in a south-east direction, is of such a nature that every intelligent antiquary who has in- spected it, is of opinion that it was an angle of the wall of the ancient Eboracum. The discoveries made at different times of the foundatinn of the ancient wall, and of the remains of towers in connexion with this tower, leave no doubt as to the foundation of the wall of Eboracum, at least on one side of the river. English coins of various dates were found in the upper part of this tower; and when the accumulation of rubbish, which had been col- lecting for ages, was cleared away, many Romau coins were found in the bottom." The ruins of St. Mary's abbey are situated on the opposite side of the museum to the Roman multangular tower ; the principal ruin consisting apparently of the church of this once flourishing monastic establishment; one side of which having eight light gothic arches for windows, with carved capitals, and a small portion of the clustered columns of each end, noAv only remains. In building the museum, extensive excavations were made, and the foundations of the abbey exp)Osed to view, when they were carefully measured, and as- certained to be 371 feet in length, and 60 feet in breadth. A little to the east of this ruin is a small court, sur- rounded by a wall built of broken columns, capitals, and stones, bearing marks of fire, and supposed to be part of the former abbey, which perished in the ex- tensive conflagration of 1137- Over the entrance to this court is a mutilated tombstone, with the inscrip- tion now scarcely legible : — hic iacet : stepaxo ab. b. ispx., supposed to have covered the tomb of the first abbot, vStephen de Whitby, who died in 1112. Nearer to the Manor house (the ancient building at the back of the 334 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1827. museum) stood tlie domestic ofnces of the abbey, where Htill remain two vaults, 129 feet long, 23 feet wide, and seven leet high; each vault containing a well of ex- cellent water. Over these Avere the kitchens, and part of the huge fire-places are still preserved. Nearer to the river stands the HospKium of the abbey, which ha» recently been repaired. The ancient entrance to the abbey and its grounds was through the old archway in Marygate, adjoining wliich is a massive old building, formerly the prison of tlie abbot's jurisdiction, but now litted up as a dwelling-house. The Manor house was built by order of Henry YIII.,, after the dissolution of St. Mary's abbey, as already noticed. It was then called the king's manor, and that monarch resided ia it for a few days in the year 1541; afterwards it was used as the residence of the lords president of the north, James I. (the arms of this monarch are placed over the entrance to the interior court) had it again converted into a regal palace, and with his queen resided here in 1603. Here, in 1633, Charles I. was crowned ; and that unfortunate prince, after he commenced his disputes with the parliament,, retired to this city, and here assembled those of the lords and commons who were favourable to his interest. In 1696 a royal mint Avas established in it; the coins struck at it bear a Y under the king's head. The building is now used for the Yorkshire school for the blirid, an excellent and benevolent institution founded in 1833, as an appropriate public testimonial to the memory of William Wilberforce, Esq., (the persevering and successful advocate of the rights of the oppressed Negro race), who had represented the county of York in six successive parliaments. The funds were raised by public subscription; and in 1834 the governors ob- tained a lease of the manor house and grounds for a. terra of 99 years, at a yearly rent of £115. Children of both sexes are admitted; and since it was opened for the reception of pupils in October, 1835, it has con- tinued in a prosperous state. Besides being instructed in reading, arithmetic, history, music, &c., the boys are taught some branches of useful haridicraft, as weaving,, basket-making, Ike, and the girls, knitting and needle- work. Nov. 22nd. The True Blue coach, returning from Wake- field to Leeds, was overturned at Bell-hili, and three per- sons died by the accident, viz., William Heriield, the driver,. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 335 1827. killed on the spot, r»Ir. Charles Cope, of Leeds, and Mr. James Burrell, of Arkendale, who died soon after. On the night of December 1st, a fatal affray occurred in Kirklees park, between Sir George Armitage's gamekeepers and watchers and a body of poachers. Uriah Womersley, one of the watchers, Avas killed by a bludgeon, which frac- tured his skull, and several of his party were severely ■wounded by these desperadoes, six of whom were secured, and taken to the hall, and one of those who escaped died of his wounds soon aiter the con- flict. Six of the poachers AA-ere tried at the ensuing assizes, and were acquitted of murder; five of them after\^ards pleaded guilty to the charge of being out armed at night, with the intent to kill game, and were sentenced to be transported seven years. Dec. 7(h. The foundation stone of the beautiful new church, at Oulton, near Leeds, was laid by John Blayds, Esq., of Leeds and Oulton, a\ ho muniticently bequeathed the funds necessary for building and endowing the edifice, Avhich is dedicated to St. John, and erected from plans by Rickman and Hutchinson, archi- tects. Earl}'- in the morning of December IStli, Kirk- stall abbey mills Avere destroyed by a fire, Avhich in the short space of one hour consumed propert}"- Avorth £] 2,000. The building belonged to Sir Sandford Graham, bart., and the occupants Avere Messrs. O. Willans and Son, cloth manufacturers, of Leeds. Calvert's museum AA^as opened in October this year, at No. 10, Commercial-street, and contained upAA-ards of 15,000 specimens in natural history, &c. It has ceased to exist some years ago. The Protestant Methodists, or as they are uoav called the Asscciation of Wesleyan ISIethodists ; or United Free Church (Avith whom the Y/esleyan reformers have recently amal- gamated,) sejjarated from the "SVesleyans in 1S27. It seem.a that soon after the erection of Brunswick chapel in Leeds, in 1S25, a ])roject was formed of introducing an organ into that splendid place of worship. When this project was matured, a strong protest against it, signed by sixiy local preachers, was presented to the proper quarter. The im- mediate cause of the separation Avas no doubt the suspen- sion of one of the local preachers for three months, on account of his activity in resisting the introOuction of the obnoxious instrument. His companions and friends made common cause with him; they resolved, in the Avords of their historian, "to consider the sentence of the suspended individual their sentence, and his pujiishment their punish- ment ; and they determined that they Avould preach no 336 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOBK, AND 1827.-1828. more in the Conference connexion until the sentence was revoked, or the period of punishment terminated." No satisfactory agreement having been made, the preachers and a very great number of members of the society, per- manently left the Wesleyan Methodists. They soon be- came regularly organized ; the Stone chapel in Leeds, formerly occupied by tlie Baptists, was taken for their use, and they speedily commenced the erection of a spacious new chapel, in Caroline-street, called Park chapel. This religious body have the following places of worship in Leeds, viz.: — Lady Lane chapel; the Tabernacle, Meadow-lane; Bethel chapel; Woodhouse chapel, St. Mark's-street; Hunslet chapeljWilson-street ; also in the principal villages in the vicinity. Previous to the amalgamation, the Wes- leyan Reformers had places of worship in Sweet-street, Wilson-street, Woodhouse-Carr, and Stock Exchange, Albion-street. Lockwood Spa, near Huddersfield, was erected in 1827, in a deep]}^ sequestered spot, sheltered by a lofty and well- wooded ridge on the east side of the river, is a handsome range of building, comprising warm, tepid, vapour, cold, and shower baths, with a large swimming bath, and every requisite arrangement for the internal and external use of the water, which issues from a spring, and is pumped into the baths by a steam-engine. The water, which has a strong sulphureous smell and taste, contains a small pro- portion of carbonate of lime and sulphate of magnesia, with thirty-five parts of carburetted, and seventeen of sul- phuretted hydrogen, seven of carbonic acid, and forty- one of azotic gas. 1828. Jan. 23rd, some workmen engaged in widening the road in Clegg's-lane, Huddersfield, found near the surface a bayonet, and on the following day a quantity of human bones. A human skull was discovered in the year 1816, near the same place, In January, an ornament of red leather, resembling a bunch of lotus flowers, was found among the bandages of the mummy, presented to the philo- sophical society of Leeds, by the late John Blayds, Esq. The parts representing the half expanded calices of the flowers, are stamped with hieroglyphic characters, which determine the date of this very interesting monument of antiquity. (See Annals, page 275). Feb. 9th. Mr. George Hammond's Flax mill, at the Bank, Leeds, was totally destroyed by fire : damage about £8,000. Feb. 21st. The Hanover arms, Leeds, was entirely de- stroyed by fire, not a vestige of any kind of property could THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 337 182S. "be saved. Mar. 5th. An extraordinary spring tide in the Thames did considerable damage to the contiguous wharfs, &c. In the year 123.5 it rose so high, that the lawyers ^vere brought out of Westminster hall in boats. In 1489, the conservation of the Thames was given to the lord mayors of London. In the summer of 1592, its channel M-as so shallow, that a man might ride over it near London bridge. On the 22nd of March, 1CS2, it ebbed and flowed three times in four hours. On November 4th, 1777, it ebbed and flowed twice in three hours, April 2nd. William and John Dyon, father and son, were executed at "^'ork, for the murder of John Dyon, sen., brother to William. The body of John Dyon was taken to Leeds for dissection, and on the following day Mas ex- hibited to the public ; about 2,000 persons witnessed the sad spectacle. On the 30tli of April, three men, named Marrott, Wilkinson, and Harrison, were executed at the same place, for horse stealing. Mar. 25th. The money collected in England, for the year ending at this date, for the relief of the poor, amounted to £7,391,528; of this sum, £759,005 was collected in the county of Middlesex; in Yorkshire, £556,999; and in Lancashire, £496,776. The first stone of St. John's church, in Golcar, was laid March ISth, by the Rev. James Clarke Franks, vicar of Huddersfield. March 28th, was opened a new branch canal, from Jr^alterhebble to Halifax. Mar. 30th. About two o'clock in the morning, a most dreadful and destructive fire, supposed to be the work of an incendiary, broke out in the extensive premises of Messrs. Joshua Lockwood and Co., manufacturers of cotton and woollen cords, in Manchester-street, Huddersfield, and the devouring element raged with such fury, that in about twenty minutes the roof of the principal mill fell in, and shortl}^ after all the floors in succession; the whole factory, six stories high, then became one mass of fire, and the flames rose perpendicularly to such a height, as to be seen by all the surrounding country to a great distance. Fortu- nately, by dint of unremitting exertions, the remaining parts of the premises were preserved. This was the most dreadful conflagration which had happened in the town or neighbourhood of Huddersfield for many years. The loss sustained was about £10,000, and no part of the premises was insured. At the Haigh Park races, in April, an attempt was made to revive the ancient game of wrestling, which, though an old British sport, had long been neglected in Yorkshire. The wrestling prizes contended for were 29 338 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1828. £30, £20, £15, £10, £7, and £5, which were awarded to the men of Devonshire, except £1 Is. to Finney, an Hihernian. July 7th. The first stone of the church dedicated to St. Stephen, at Kirkstall, was laid by the vicar of Leeds. R. D. Chantrell was the architect. It is situated on an eminence, and is in the early English style, with a tower, surmounted by a lofty spire. It cost about £3,500. The interior is handsomely arranged, and contains 1,000 sittings, of which 500 are free. The site of the church and church-yard, which is planted with trees, comprising an area of two acres, was given by the earl of Cardigan. There is also a beautiful parsonage corresponding in style with the church, and two parochial schools in which 400 children receive instruction. The Rev. T. S. Bowers is the incumbent. A monument executed by J. Gott, Esq., to the memory of colonel Lloyd, was erected in the Leeds parish church in March, 1834. It is constructed of beautiful white marble, and the inscription, of which the folio ^viag is a copy, is surmounted by an admirable bust of the deceased: — " To the memory of Thomas Lloyd^ Esquire. In his character ivere eminently disjjlayed loyalty to the king, zeal for his country^ and all the social virtues ivhich mark the English (jenthman. He was twice called hy the general voice of the inhabitants of this borough to the important trust of lieutenant- colonel commandant of the Leeds volunteer infantry. First in the year 1794, for the protection of their property, en- dangered by the spread of anti-social and revolutionary principles. Secondly in the year 1803, /or the preservation of their homes and liberties, under the menace of foreign invasion. By military ardour and firmness, tempered with discretion., and by kind offices of friendship and hospitality he won the Ojffection of his corps, and %vas honoured tvith several valuable tokens of their esteem, as well as with other testimonies of public approbation. He contributed greatly to rouse that spirit of loyalty and patriotic devotion, which secured domestic ordevy and finally achieved the country'' s triumph over her foreign foes. He died at Kingthorpe house, near Pickering, the 7th day of April, A.b., 1S28, aged 77 years. For a memorial of their high regard, and to hand down his bright example to future ages, some of his surviving volunteers and friends have erected this monument.'''' July 29th. The ancient and beautiful mansion in Bram- liam park, the seat of George Lane Fox, Esq., was de- stroyed by fire, with most of its costly furniture, plate, and THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 339 1828. paintings. The house was built by the first lord Bingley, in the reign of queen Anne. Aug. 13th. Mr. Green, the aeronaut, ascended in his balloon from Keighley, ac- companied by jMr. Lawson, of that place. They alighted «afely near Colne, in Lancashire. August 27th. Mr. Green, accompanied by his brother, ascended from Bradford, and alighted near Otiey. Sept. 4th. The first stone oi" Emanuel church, at Lockv>ood, Avaslaid. October 3rd and 13th, Mr. Green made his sixty-fifth and sixty-sixth ascents, at Huddersfield. On the latter day, the balloon, after being inflated at the gas works, was attached to a carriage, and drawn into the Market- place, ^vhere most of the population of the town and neighbourhood assembled to witness the novel siglit. Mr. Green was accompanied in his ascent b}' a gentleman of the town, and after re- maining t wenty-iour minutes in the air, descended at Up]:!er Bagden. The third Yorkshire Musical Festival was commenced September "iord. In November were laid the first stones of St. Paul's and All Saint's churches, Iluddersiield. In December, public meetings w^ere held at Leeds and other towns in York- shire, as well as in all other counties, and petitions sent to parliament, both for and against Catholic emancipation. This year the external appearance of the York assembly rooms v/as greatly improved by the erection of a new facade, of polished freestone. May. 14th. Died in Bethlehem hospital, the celebrated Margaret Nicholson, who attempted the life of king George III. She had been confined in the above establishment forty-tvv'o years, and was insane during the whole of that period. She was supposed to be nearly 100 years of age. May 19th. Died at Wilsden, Joseph Pickles, in his 96th year. He left a surviving progeny of seven children, seventy-three grand children, 179 great grand children, and 50 great great grand children, in all 309, exclusive of 101 deceased. July 27th. In Mr. Green's stone quarry, at Marsh, South- owram. near Halifax, were found three horns petrified and embedded in the hag stone, quite perfect. When found they v/ere soit, but became hard by being exposed to the air. They Avere found in a bed of two and a half yards thick, having one yard above them, and one and a half yard below. They were about two feet long, and nine inches round in the thickest part, ringed from the point to the root, and grained lengthwise betv/een the rings, which were about one inch apart. It appears, by a police report published this year, by the House of Commons, that 340 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1828. the committals to the borough gaol of Leeds, from the year 1816 to 1827 were 17,463 persons, being an average of 1,455' per annum. —Sept. 19th. A mare, the property of Mr. Joseph Wallace, of Dewsbury, died suddenly. On opening her, four large stones were found in her body, one of which weighed 5}^ lbs., and was perfectly globular. The three others were o( a triangular shape; the angles were rounded as if b}'^ attrition and weighed together 4 lbs. 12 oz. October 25tli was the day fixed by the directors of the St. Catherine's dock company, London, for the opening of the dock, then completed. At a quarter before two o'clock, the noble ship Elizabeth, an East India free trader, made her majestic entry amidst a discharge of artillery, and universal English huzzahs ! This extensive undertaking was com- menced and completed in a very short space of time. Nov. 8th. A labourer, who was digging near Low moor, turned up a large quantity of ancient silver and copper coins. They all appeared to be of Roman origin, though struck in different provinces of the empire; some having Greek and others Egyptian characters mixed with the common Roman letter. They are principally of the a,ge of Julius and Augustus Caesar. Dec. 4th. Died, at Combe wood, the earl of Liverpool, late first lord of the treasury. Dec. 1st. Mr. Ramsbottom's cotton factory, at Hebden bridge, was destroyed by fire, when about 600 persons were thrown out of employment, and the loss was esti- mated at £12,000. Dec. 1.5th. An infant school was estab- lished at Huddersfield. Dec. 22nd. Died, at Holbeck, near Leeds, Betty Jackson, aged 106 years. She resided in that village all her life, and when in her twenty-third year accompanied the pack horses with rations to general Wade's army, lying at Tadcaster, on its route to Scotland, to oppose the rebels in 1745. The Test and Corporation act was repealed this year. The dissenters first separated from the church of England in 1571. The practice of " Burking," (called after the murderer Burke), or body snatching, to supply the hospitals with human bodies for dissection, was very common in various parts of the kingdom. All sorts of expedients were adopted to obtain bodies, which were sold at a price of sixteen guineas each; but a check was in some measure put to the trade by a startling disclosure in this year, which showed that a regular system of murder had been going on for some time, in order to supply subjects for the dissecting rooms. In the house of a man named Burke, in Edinburgn, the dead body of a woman, who had a few THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 341 182S.-1829. hours before been in good health, was discovered, Burke himself confessed fifteen murders, which he and his ac- complice Hare, had perpetrated together. Their practice was to note helpless, half-witted, or unfriended per- sons in the streets, and invite them home, making- them first merry, and then stupidly drunk : and then suffocated them by covering the mouth and nose, and pressing upon the body. The murderer Burke v/as executed at Edin- burgh, on January 29 rh, 1S29. 1S29. This year ^vas the centenary of Methodism, which was founded by the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., at Oxford, in 1729. Jan. 1st. A couple of the name of Heeson, resident at "Whitkirk, had their feelings greatly distressed by finding the grave of their newly-interred child opened, the body gone, and the empty coffin and shroud lelt in the adjacent lane by the sacrilegious depredators. On the lOth of January, Messrs. James Akroyd and Son's warehouse, at Brook-house, near Halifax, was destroyed by fire, together with about 2,000 pieces of worsted stuff, and a quantity of wool. On Jan. 13ih, another dreadful fire destroyed the extensive factory at Tameside, near Dobcross, except the outer walls. On the 14th of January, B. AVilson, Esq., laid the first stone of the nevv- church at Netberihong, of which Mr. Chantrell, of Leeds, was architect. Jan. A poor weaver named David Lindsey, residing in Manchester, fell heir to an estate of about i;3b0,(;00, by (he decease of his uncie, colonel Lindsey, of the Mount, near Cupar, Fife, in Scotland. When the letter arrived, an- nouncing David's windfall, and enclosing ^£150 to delray the expenses of his journej'-, with his wife and three children, to his country seat, he was sitting at breakfast of butterless bread and sugarless coffee. The demand by the jjostman of 4s. Dd., completely stunned David, for his whole stock did not amount to more than 2s. The letter would have been returned to the post office but for the arrival of a neighbour, who volunteered, after i'eeling that the letter contained "summut," to assist David in raising the wind. A pig was killed at Cooper bridge, belong- ing to Mr. John Howgatc, at the age of twenty-four >■. eeks, which weighed nineteen stones twenty- one pounds. In January, the workmen employed in excavating the foundation ol the York mnseum, on the Manor shore, near St. Mary's abbey, found seven antique statues, of a strong and robust appearance, and clad in antique drapery, which had been splendidly coloured and gilt. One of them re- 342 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOliK, AND 1829. presents Moses, bearing the tables of stone (and the brazen serpent) with a beard, Avhich has been richly gilt : two of the others have books in their hands, and other two have lost their heads. They are all barefoot, and five of them are in a very perfect state. On the 2nd of February, in this year, Jonathan Martin, a religious fanatic, a native of Hexham, in Northumber- land, set fire to York minster, by which the wood work of the choir and its roof, with the organ, was completely destroyed. The clustered pillars being of magnesian lime- stone, were much injured ; as were also many of the tombs and monuments at the east end. Fortunately the stained glass of the east and other windows escaped such injury. Jonathan was apprenticed to a tanner, and was some time at sea, where his skull was fractured; but had for several years previous to his setting fire to the minster, obtained his livelihood by hawking a pamphlet, containing a narrative of his life. He alleged that he was prompted to set fire to the place by two dreams. He ac- complished his purpose by concealing himself in the min- ster during divine service, on Sunday, the 1st of February, having first provided himself with a razor, which he used as a steel, some tinder, matches, and a penny candle. This latter having burnt out before he had concluded his opera- tions, he procured a wax candle, which had been used the previous evening. He went to the belfrj'', where he struck a light. He then cut about ninety feet from the rope of the prayer bell, which he converted into a ladder, by tying knots at certain distances, and made use of it to obtain access to the interior of the choir. There he first cut away the gold fringe ornaments from the pulpit ; and the ' velvet from the archbishop's throne, and the dean's and precentor's seats. He next piled all the cushions, sur- plices, and books which he could get, in two heaps, one near the archbishop's throne, and the other near the organ, and set fire to them. He then made his escape by breaking one of the windows, (to which he ascended by means of the machine used for cleaning the minster), and letting himself down by the knotted rope. He took with him the gold fringe, velvet, and a small bible. The fire was dis- covered about seven o'clock in the morning, by one of the choristers, a lad named Swinbank, who saw smoke issuing from the roof; and although the most prompt assistance was given, the fire raged with great fury for several hour^B, but it was found impossible to save any part of the wooid work of that part of this noble edifice. The roof caught THE SUBROUNDING DISTRICT. 34^ 1829. Mrefrom the organ ; and by half- past eleven o'clock, tho whole of the beautiful tabernacle work of carved oak, which adorned the prayer-house, the stalls, the pulpit, the cathedra, the line organ, and the roof, were destroyed; and nothing remained but a mass of burning ruins, which covered the floor, and transformed this part of the cathedral into a vast ignited furnace. The investigation set on foot into the causes of the fire fixed the guilt so clearly on Martin, that a reward of £100 was of- fered for his apprehension ; and he was taken the Friday following, at Codlaw-hill, the residence of a relation named Kell, about three miles from Hexham. He was tried at the assizes following, before Mr. Baron HuUock, and acquitted, after a trial of nine hours, on the ground of insanity. He was ordered to be confined in St. Luke's hospital, London, where he died in 1S3S. The damage done amounted to about £70,000, and nearly the whole of this sum was raised by public subscription. The govern- ment gave timber to the value of £5,000, and the stone w^s given by Sir E. M. Vavasour, bart., of Hazelwood. The magnificent organ was presented by the hon. and Rev. J. L. Saville (afterwards the earl of Scarborough); and the communion plate by his grace the archbishop. The minster was opened again for divine service on the 6th Ma3% 1S32. Feb. 3rd. The festival of bishop Blaise was celebrated at Wakefield. Feb. 21st. A fire broke out in the east; end of the attic story of one of Messrs. Marshall and Co.'s flax mills, in Water-lane, Holbeck. L^pwards of forty tons of flax was in the room where the fire originated ; a consi^^erable quantity of which was destroyed. March 6th. A large building, occupied as a wool ware- house and tobacco manufactory, in the Calls, at Leeds, and partly inhabited by Mr. John Wade, was destroyed by fire, and the corpse of his son was with difiiculty saved from the devouring element. Mar. 6th. Michael Thomas Sadler, Esq., of Leeds, was returned M.P. for Newark. Mar. 2 1st. Died, in the 92nd year of his age, John Sowden, of Brighouse, near Halifax^ He was born in the house where he died, and never lived one month in any other. He brought up to manhood in the same house ten children, six of whom were at this time living: and had forty-five grand children, and fifty-three great grand children, twenty-three of whom were married. April 8th. The town of Dewsbury was lighted with gas for the first time. April 13th. The Roman Catholic relief bill received the royal assent, thus setting at rest ' 344 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1829. that question, which, for half a century, agitated the •empire, embarrassed the government, and divided the people. April 2Gth. A fire broke out in the south eiid of Ross mill, Brarale}^ belonging to Mr. James Hudson, -and damage was done to the amount of £4,000. During the month of April, a number of rare organic remains were found in a stone quarry, near Huddersfield. The most remarkable of these relics is that of a petrified fish, leseiabliug the anguilla species, and about three feet six inches in length ; near the head the circumference is about eleven inches, in the middle six inches and three quarters, and just above the tail, four inches. The singu- larity of this specimen is increased by the division of the whole length of the fish into joints about live or six inches from each other, resembling the joints of a branch or trunk of a tree. The exterior of each joint has also that sulcated appearance, so common in many of these lithophytic remains, and which has often been compared to oriental bamboo. The number of joints in the fish are nine, but in some of the smaller specimens, the exterior appearance is the same, though the joints are fewer. Along with these remains were collected some petrified shells, apparently of the muscle genus, and others more like oysters. These geological discoveries were the more remarkable, as almost all that had hitherto been discovered in this coal district, w^ere evidently remains of the vegetable kingdom. The Leeds Commercial News Room, in the Exchange, was opened May 1st, this year, by 500 subscribers of one guinea and a half each per annum. On Sunday, May 3rd, commenced a most disgraceful contention in the village of Meltham, which was continued several weeks, in consequence of Mr. Kean, the curate of the late incumbent of the chapelry, refusing to give up possession of the benefice to the vicar of Almondbury, the Rev. L. Jones, who, in exercising his right of {)resentation, had nominated himself, it being a better living than his vicarage. On the Sunday morning, Mr. Kean and his party took possession of the church before six o'clock in the morning, and locked and barricadoed the doors, both of the church and church yard. At half-past ten, the Rev. L. Jones arrived with a large body of special constables, and forced the gate, and afterwards the door of the church. When they arrived in the interior, they found Mr. Kean in the pulpit, and the Sev. Vicar demanded that it should be given up to him. This was peremptorily refused, and the vicar was prevented ascending the pulpit stairs by a crowd THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 345 1829. of persons standing: on them ; he therefore proceeded to read himself iu, in one of the pews, which he supposed would answer every legal purpose ; and then left the church. Mr. Kean afterwards performed divine service, morning- and evening, and, on his leaving the church, his party locked and secured the doors. During the continuance of this shameful clerical contest, much violence and outrage was committed by both parties, but it was finally settled by the archbishop, in favour of the vicar of the parish. May 4th. The earl of Surrey was elected member of parliament for Horsham, being the first Catholic member returned to the Commons after the passing of the Catholic relief bill. April 12th. A fatal accident happened in the Methodist chapel, at Heckmondwike, wliere, during the time that Mr. Dawson, of Barnbow, (a popular preacher among the Wesleyan Methodists), was preaching to a crowded congregation for the benefit of the Sunday school, the noise occasioned by the falling of a stove pipe created such an alarm, that the people, fearing the gallery was falling, made a simultaneous rush towards the doors, and, in an instant, such a scene of consternation and confusion ensued as no pen can describe. Those who first gained the narrow passages, leading from the galleries, were thrown down by those behind, who, in their turn, were overturned by those rushing from the body of the chapel. In vain did the preacher attempt to calm the tumult, ior his voice was drowned in the shrieks of the terrified and the groans of the dying. AVhen the alarm had subsided, the most appalling spectacle presented itself; two heaps of persons unable to rise A\ere piled up at the doors to the height of four or five feet, and five persons were taken out dead ; six or seven were removed apparently in a lifeless state, and twenty others were slightly injured. April 18th. The Halifax tithe commutation bill, intituled "An act for extinguishing tithes, and payments in lieu of tithes, mortuaries and Easter offerings, and other vicarial dues and payments within the parish of Halifax, in the diocese of the county of York; and for making compensa- tion to the vicar in lieu thereof, and enabling him to grant certain leases of lands belonging to the vicarage," received the royal assent. By this act the annual stipend of £1,409 15s. 6d. was to be paid to the vicar of Halifax, by the various townships in the parish, in certain proportions, and was to be levied by an assessment on all inhabited houses, corn mills, and arable, meadow, and pasture lands, orchards, and gardens in each tow^nship. On May 16th, B. Haigh 346 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 18-29. Allen, Esq., of Greenhead, was interred in Trinity church, Hudderslield, which edifice he had recently built and en- dowed. Sacli general esteem had his character as a magis- trate and a gentleman acquired him, that his funeral was attended by about seven hundred persons, clad in deep mourning, and all the shops and warehouses in the town Avere closed during the melancholy ceremony/. jMay 25th. Healey mill, at Ossett, belonging to Messrs. "Wilby and Co., scribbling and fulling millers, was destroyed by fu'e. June 8th. A sturgeon vv^as caught in the river Ouse, near Selb\% Avhich weighed 176 lb>!., and measured seven feet three inches in length. On the following morning this monster of the deep v/as brought to Leeds, where it was purchased by Mr. Denny, for the museum of the Leeds philosophical and literary society. On Jime 3rd the foundation stone of the Union or Suspension bridge over the Aire, at Huuslet, to communicate with the York road, was laid by Mr. John Danby. It is of a very curious construction, designed by Mr. Leather, C.E. The suspending arch is about 150 feet span. It cost ,£4,200, and affords consider- able accommodation between Hunslet-lane and Knostrop- road. June 13th. Huddersfield was visited with a dreadful hurricane, which suddenly filled the to%vn with such a dense cloud of dust, that the inhabitants could not see the houses on the opposite sides of the streets, and some passengers were in danger of suffocation. The wind ap- peared to blow from ever}'' quarter, and at Taylor hill, a large quantit}'' of dye-wood, spread out to dry, M-as carried far away from its owner. June 21st, was laid the first stone of the new church at Morley. On the 29th of the same month John Charles Ramsden, Esq., M.P., laid the foundation stone of the Huddersfield and Upper Agbrigg infirmary. July 4th, appeared the first number of the Halifax com- mercial chronicle newspaper. July 6th, was commenced the erection of the bridge which crosses the Aire at School close, Leeds. It is a neat and substantial structure, of the Doric order, built under the direction of Mr. Leather, C.E., by Mr. Mark Faviel, at a cost of £S,000. It is of one arch eighty feet span, and fort5''-five feet broad between the battlements. A toll-house is erected at the side. The bridge is now free for foot passengers. It was opened on the 18th of September. July 31st. Died, in the G6th year of his age, baron Hullock, one of the judges of assize. On August .5th, was laid the first stone of St. Matthew's church, at Holbeck. It is a large and handsome fabric, THE SURROUlN'DING DISTRICT. 347 1829. and is in the earh' English style of architecture. It was erected by government in lieu of the ancient chapel, which was mentioned in a Bull granted by the Pope to Ralph Paganell, who lived in the time of William the Conqueror, and has been given by the said Ralph Paganell to the priory of the Holy Trinity, at York— the date 10S9. The edifice was consecrated January 3rd, 1S32. The perpetual curacy, valued at =£70, is in the patronage of the vicar of Leeds. The Rev. J. H. F. Kendall is incumbent. Hirst mill, at Longwood, Avas destroyed by fire August ISth. On the 26th and 2Sth of August this year was held on the Humber, at Hull, a splendid regatta for yachts ; sailing vessels under forty tons; six oared boats, four oared jolly boats, gold dusters, &c.; these and many others being intermixed with a great number of steam- packets, trimmed like the rest, with holiday flags, &c., rendered the whole an amusing and interesting spectacle. On the night of July 11th, a dreadful inundation oc- curred in Leeds and the neighbourhood, occasioned by the bursting of a reservoir, situate at Black hill, near Adle, about seven miles north-west of Leeds, which broke down its banks. The reservoir is situated nearly at the head of the stream known by the various names of Adle beck, "Wood house beck, and Sheepscar beck, through which places it passes in its course to Leeds. The dam occupies an extent of from twent}'- to twenty-five acres, and is rather formed by natural than artificial means, the only embankment being at the east end, which is about fifteen feet high, and it was the breaking or giving way of this embankment, which caused the flood. A breach having been made, the water rushed through with dreadful im- petuosity, swelling the small rivulet of Adle beck to a mighty stream, and carrying ruin and destruction along with it, until it emptied itself into the river Aire, at Leeds. Nothing could arrest its progress. It threw down bridges, levelled walls, uprooted fences, and carried devastation into all the adjoining lands. Nor was the injury confined to mill-owners and those of large ju'operty. The dwellings of the humble cottagers were deluged, many of whom suffered severely, and some v/ere deprived of every vestige of clothing and furniture they had in the v.-orld. The whole contents of this vast reservoir emptied itself in two hours, and the flood reached to a greater height than any that had occurred since that at the close of the contested election in 1807, known at Leeds by the name of the Milton flood. During this month, the men employed 348 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1829. in lowering the road at Quarry-hill, Leeds, discovered several specimens of fossils, and other relics of " olden time," amongst which was a quern, in good preserva- tion; an utensil which, in the time of the Anglo-Saxons, was used in every family for the purpose of grinding oorn into flour. On September 23rd, was laid the first stone of Birkinshaw church, near Birstal. About eleven o'clock on Monday night, the 9th of November, this year, died, in the 71st year of his age, Samuel Hichy of Micklefield, in Yorkshire, well known as the village blacksmitli, and a popular itinerent Wesleyan preacher. He was born at Aberford, September 25th, 1758, and was one of thirteen children. His parents were very poor and could not afford to give him an education, so that he grew up to manhood without 'be'mg able to read or write. At the age of 14 he was bound apprentice to Edward Derby, of Healaugh, near Tadcaster, to learn the trade of a blacksmith. During his apprenticeship, he was frequently impressed with religious feelings, especially by the addresses of Richard Burdsall, whom he followed from place to place, travel- ling many scores of miles, and never liearing him with- out being blessed under his preaching. Just before the expiration of his time, Samuel fell in love with his master's daughter, or, rather, she fell in love with him. Mr. Derby, coming down stairs one morning sooner than usual, found the girl seated on Samuel's knee. "Without saying a word, he went to consult his wife as to what should be done to stop the affair, saying, " I believe she is as fond of the lad as ever cow was of a calf." The upshot of the matter was, that with a good deal of angry feeling, the master ordered Samuel to leave his house and service. Samuel did not stick fast; to use his own narration, "When I was one and twenty years of age, there was a shop at liberty at Micklefiel and my father took it for me. I here began business for myself, and when I had paid for my tools, I was left without a penny in my pocket, or a bit of bread to eat: but I was strong, in good health, and laboured hard, and that God who sent the ravens to feed his servant, fed me. One day, while at work, a man came into my shop, who told me that his wife had fed the pig so fat, as to render it useless to the family, and that he would sell me the one half of it very cheap. I told him that I wished it were in my power to make the purchase — that I was much in need — but that I was THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 349 1829. without money. He replied, he would trust me, and I agreed to take it. I mentioned the circumstance to a neighbour, who offered to lend me Ave pounds, which I accepted; and out of this I paid the maii lor what I had bought. I continued to labour hard, and the Lord in his abundant goodness, supplied all my wants." After being established in business eighteen months, he observes, "The Lord saw that I wanted a helpmeet: knew the charac- ter that would suit me best, and was so kind as to furnish me with one of his own choosing." He soon unbosomed his feelings, was accepted, and linally united in holy matrimony in Spofford church. Tlie union proved a long and happy one: his wife was about five years his senior, and survived him three years. On leaving the church, after the marriage, a number of i)Oor Avidows pressed around him to solicit alms — his heart was touched : " 1 began the world " said he to himself "-without mone}', and I will again begin it straight." He thereupon emptied his pocket of all the mone}^ he possessed. After marriage, (his frugal wife, Martha, looking after the cash), he pros- pered : he used to say, " The Lord gave me a good wife, and I have never wanted money since." He says, " That for some time after marriage, both he and his wife were strangers to saving grace — that he v/as converted through a vision which appeared to him in his sleep. His mother- in-law, who had been a member of the Wesleyan Con- nexion, died, and he dreamed that she appeared to him arrayed in white, took him by the hand, and affectionately warned him " to flee from the wrath to come." " My eyes," said he, "were opened — I saw all the sins I had com- mitted through the Avhole course of my lite — I Vv-as like the psalmist, — I cried out like the gaoler — I said my prayers as 1 never did before." From that time till his death, he follov.-ed a career of chrirstian usefulness, always exhibit- ing a strictly moral conduct. He became a joined Methodist, and soon after made up his mind to preach. " I know that the Lord," says he, " has given me one talent, and I am resolved to use it. He has given iriend D. ten ; but I am determined that he shall never run away with my one." About the year 1797, Mr. Dawson says, that Samuel was actively engaged as a prayer-leader and exhorter in the villages of Garforth, Barwick, Kippax, Micklefleld, &c.; and, having a horse at command, he could go to the most distant places without difficulty. He Avas subsequently Tabout 1803) on both the Selby and Pontefract plans as a local preacher. " In person he was tall and bony, rising 30 350 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1829. to the height of about six feet. Hard labour and the nature of his employment gave a roundness to the upper part of his back, and a slight elevation to his right shoulder. His hair Mas naturally light, his complexion lair, his face full, but more inclined to the oval than the round, and his general leatures ?nnall, with a soft, quick, blue-grey, twinkling eye." His mind was peculiarly constructed. There Mas no system about his sermons ; his thoughts seemed broken into fragments. His mode of expression, half solemn, half comic, Avould cause his hearers one moment to smile, the next they would be in tears: such was his sudden transition from one train of thoughts to another. There was no polish about his speech. His language was of the broadest West-Yorkshire dialect; but to thousands of the poor and others as unlettered as himself, the village blacksmith was of essential service. His zeal was not a mere crackling blaze in the pulpit. His workshop was his chapel, and many were the homilies which he delivered over the anvil and over ihn. vice, to both poor and rich. He says, "In those days there were not many noble, not many rich, called. For my own part, I have travelled many scores of miles, and neither tasted meat nor drink till I got home, [in the evening]. I have very often had snowballs thrown at me, and been abused by the enemies of the cross of Christ. I have been turned out of places where I have been preaching by the clergy and the magistrates ; but bless the Lord, I have lived to see better days." Through the exertions of Samuel, a Methodist chapel was erected 4it Aberford, his native town, towards which he gave £'20. Mr. Dawson says, " Samuel Hick laid the first stone; and, as he offered the first prayer upon the first stone that was laid, so in the pulpit ot the same chapel, he preached his last sermon and poured forth his last public prayer for the prosperity of zion." His charity was unbounded — indeed his M'ife had now and then to Htop the supplies, or he would have been a poor man all his liie. " His heart always melted at the sight, or ou hearing the tale of woe. He could not hear of per- sons in distress, but he wept over them; and if they were within his reach, he relieved them according to his ability." One day, as he was returniug from the pit with a load of coals, a little girl seeing him pass, asked him for a piece of coal, stating that her mother was confined, and the family without fire. He went with the gixl home, found the story correct, brought the cart THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 351 1829. to the door, and poured down the load free of cos^ Another time, some soldiers on a forced march, haired at Mickie field early in the morning. A thrill of loyalty and sympath}'- tilled Samuers bosom. He soon ])iaced before the men the whole contents of the buttery, pantry, and cellar: bread, cheese, milk, butter, meat, and beer speedily went. "When his Avife, Martha, came down f^tairs, she proceeded to the buttery to skim the milk i\u- breakfast. To her astonishment all had disappeared. Enquiry was made, and when she found liow the things had been disposed of, she chirled him, saying, " You might have taken the cream oiT before you gave it to them." Samuel replied, "Bless thee barn, it would do them more good with the cream on it." lie once visited a ])oor aged widow, and gave her sixpence, all the money he had • with him. The widow was overpowered Avith gratitude, and Samuel Avas greatly alTected by it, saying to him- self, " Eless me, can sixpence make a j)Oor creature ha[)py ? How many sixpences have I spent on this mouth of mine, in feeding it with tobacco? I will never lake another pipe whilst I live: I will give to the poor whatever I save from it." Soon after this Samuel was ill, and his medical attendant said it A\'as in some measure caused by his suddenly breaking olT tlie use of the pipe. The following dialogue occurred: — • Physician — "You must resume the use of (he pi})e, ]Mr. Hick." Samuel — " Never more, sir, Avhile I live." FJiysician — "It is essential to your restoration to health, and I cannot be answerable for consequences, sliould you reject the advice given." Samuel — "Let come v/hat "vvill, I'll never take another ])ipe : I've told my Lord so, and I'll abide by it." Pliyslclan — "You will in all proba- bility die then." Samnd — Glory be to God for that! I shall go to heaven. I have made a vow, and T'llkeep it." To illustrate Samuel's failh in the efficacy of j)ra.yer, we will give the following anecdotes: — In the course of a summer of excessive drought, a few years back, when the grain suffered greatly, and many of the cattle, es- j)ecially in Lincolnshire, died, .Samuel was much affected. He visited Knaresborough, at wliich place he jireached on the Lord's day. Remaining in the town and neigh- bourhood over the Sabbath, he appeared extremely rest- less in the hou«e ia wliich he resided, during the whole of Monday. His restlessness and singularity of manners attracted the attention of the family so much, that they asked if anything was the matter with him. " Bless 352 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1«29. you, barns,'' was his repl}', "do you not recollect that I was praying for rain last night in the pulpit i^ and what will the Infidels at Knaresbro' think, if it do not come? — If my Lord should fail me, and not stand by me? But it must have time: it cannot be here yet. It has to come from the sea. Neither can it be seen at first: the prophet only saw a bit of cloud like a man's hand; by and by it spread along the sky. I am looking for an answer to my prayer; but it must have time." " Towards evening (he sky became overcast, and the clouds dropped the fatness of a shower upon the earth." In 1817, Samuel was about to hold a love-feast at Micklelleld, and had invited persons from Knottingley and other places. He had promised that two loads of corn should be ground for the occasion. The day fixed for the love-feast drew near : there was no flour in the house, and the windmills, in consequence of a long calm, stretched out their arms in vain to catch the rising breeze. In the midst of this death-like quiet, Samuel, carried his corn to the mill nearest his own residence, and requested the miller to unfurl his sails. The niiller objected, staling that there was ''No wind." Samuel, on the other hand, continued to urge his request, saying, " I will go and pray while you spread the cloth." The miller stretched his canvass, and, to his utter as- tonishment, a tine breeze sprung up — the fans whirled round — the corn was converted into meal — and Samuel returned with his burthen rejoicing, and had everything in readiness for the festival. A neighbour who had seen the fans in vigorous motion, took also some corn to be ground; bur the wind had dropped, and the miller remarked to him, "You must send for Samuel Hick to pray for the wind to blow again." Samuel was once at a friend's house, at which was present the Rev. A. L., and Mr, U , a solicitor. During the evening a prayer- meeting was held. Samuel was called upon to pray, in the course of which he prayed that Mr. A. L. might obtain a good wife. He then prayed for the conversion of Mr. U., saying, "Lord save the Homey. What he is thou knovvcst — I know not; but when he is saved, he will not cliarge folk so much money for their jobs. Thou hast saved an attorney at Long Preston, and he gets as good a living as any of them. Lord save this man." At the beginning of IS26, he had made sufficient money to enable him to retire from business. He then entered upon a wider sphere of usefulness, preaching in several THE SUHllOUNDING DLSTUICT. 353 1829. circuits in Yorksiiire and Lancashire, and tra\'clling en- tirely at his own expense. His addresses in the puipifc rarely exceeded half an hour. He used to say, "I cannot go straight forward in preaching; but when I miss my mark in going, I often fell them in coming back." A friend urged hirn to employ more method in his sermons, he replied, "'Why, bless you ham, I give it them hot olf the i)akestone!" He continued until the very year of his death, prcachit-g, travelling', and visiting the sick. In September of 1S29, hearing that a niece of his who resided at Grassiugton, wns very ill, he took the coach for Skipton. The day ^v'as exceedingly -wet, and he being on the outside, his clotlics ^vere drenched with raiu. He arrived a few days before !iis niece died, but received his own death-strcjke from the journey: for he caught a severe cold, which settled upon his lungs, and Irom which he never fully recovered. On his return home he was only able to preach a few- times and attend two missionary meetings. He now began to sirik fast, though not con lined to bed till a short time before he died. He died on the day men- tioned at the beginning of this sketch. Such was the esteem in which he Avas held, that his remains were followed to Aberford by about a thousand people. In Samuel Hick, was an amazing amount of simple, pure, uusopliisticated nature, -combined with the strictest moral conduct and the most fervid zeal. He was remarkable for great openness of disposition and unbounded gener- osity, as well as faitli and pirayer ; and by his one talent yielded a greater har'.est or good to the christian church than many with their ten. Hi-* memoir;-, by Everett, (to which the compiler is indebted for this sketch), passed through eleven editions in about as many years, embracing between tv/enty and thirty tliousand copies. A large portion of Calverlcy mills, occupied by Mr. "SYiiliam Greenwood, was destroyed by iire, on the 2ad of December. Dec. liSih. Tlie v/ool-combing shop of W. Burnley and Sons, of Gomersal, v/as completely destroyed by another accidental confia.-ration. Dec. 7th. The v/oollen mill belonging to Abraham Haigh and Co., of Long wood, near Hudders field, was totally destroyed by fire. rThe bridge at the bottom of Lady-lane, Leeds, v/as enlarged this year. On the 30th of December, a large and beautiful wild swan was shot at Cross Aipes, near Huddersfield. It measured from the extremities of the Avings eight feet 354 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1829. six ifKCJies, and from the beak to the tail three feet six inches. On being- divested of its skin, the body was cooked, and atForded a repast for twenty-one persons. During- this year great distress prevailed in the town of Barnsley, the principal seat of the Yorkshire linen manu- facture. An attempt was made on the part of several of the masters to reduce the wages of the weavers, and a long strike was the consequence. After a struggle of five months, the workmen found themselves under the necessity of ac- cepting the reduced rate of wages. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company having offered a prize of £500 for the best locomotive engine, the 8th of October in this year was fixed for the trial, and ou the appointed day three engines were brought forward to compete for the prize. Stephenson was there with his "Rocket"; Hackworth with the ''Sanspareil"; and Braith- waite and Ericsson with the "Novelty." The test assigned was to run a distance of thirt}'' miles, at not less than ten miles an hour, backwards and forwards, along a two miles level near Rainhill, drawing a load three times the weight of the engine. The Novelty, after running twice along the level, was disabled by failure of the boiler plates, and withdra%yn. The Sanspareil traversed eight times at a speed of nearly fifteen miles an hour, when it was stopped by a derangement of the machinery. The Rocket travelled over the stipulated thirty miles in two hours and seven minutes, nearly, with a speed at times of twenty-nine miles an hour, and at the slowest nearly twelve : in the latter case exceeding the advertised maximum, in the former, almost tripling it. The prize was at once awarded to the Bochet. The Rocket weighed six tons: locomotives now Tveigh from thirty to forty tons. The first application to parliament for the bill to construct the Liverpool and Man- chester railw^ay was made in 1825, when the interest of the proprietors of the navigation defeated it ; the application was renewed in 1826, and succeeded. The capital of the company was £510,000, raised in shares of £100. Mr. George Stephenson v/as appointed the principal engineer, at a salary of £1,000, and he carried through the work in the most admirable manner. The operations were commenced in June, 1826, by the draining of Chat Moss. Three additional acts were obtained by the company in different years, one for borrow- ing £100,000, another for shortening the original route, and a third for raising the additional sum of £ 127,500 for the carrying department of the railway, and also for continuing the railway by a bridge over the Irwell, into Manchester. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 355 1829. The railway commences at Wapping, near the banks of the Mersey, in Liverpool, and is earned under the town by a spacious tunnel, 2,'2.50 yards long, of which 1,980 yards form a regular slope, rising 123 feet, or three-fourths of an inch, to the yard : the tunnel is twenty-two feet wide, and six- teen high, and is arched over, whitewashed, and illumi- nated with gas. There is another small tunnel connected with the railway at Liverpool, intended for the landing of passengers by the coaches at the upper part of the town, and of such goods as may require to be left there ; tliis tunnel is 290 yards long, fifteen feet wide, and twelve high. The whole length of the railway is thirty-one miles. The most magnificent construction on the line in its ex- ternal appearance is the Sanke}^ viaduct, upwards of four- teen miles from Liverpool, where the railway is carried across the valley and canal of the Sankey, at an elevation of seventy feet, by an extensive embankment, and a stu- pendous bridge of nine arches, each fifty feet span, and twenty-five feet in width. The vessels on the canal sail under the bridge with their masts and sails up, and the eflPect of the erection is scarcely inferior to that of the finest Roman aqueducts. Xear the town of Newton, the railway passes over a lofty bridge of four arches and a high embankment. It then passes through the Kenyon excava- tion, out of which 800,000 cubic yards of clay and sand were dug. Chat Moss, over which the railway passes for four miles, Avas thought by some to present au insuperable difficulty to the completion of the work. It is a huge bog, twelve miles square, and from ten to thirty-five feet deep; in many places so soft that cattle cannot walk upon it, and that an iron rod would sink by its own weight to the bottom of the Moss. " The railway," says Mr. Henry Booth, "for the most part floats on the surface, its com- pactness and buoyancy in the most fluid places being assisted by hurdles of brushwood and heather, laid under the wood sleepers which support the rails. The portion of the Moss which presented the most difficulty in its com- pletion, was about half a mile on the east border, where an embankment of about twenty feet had to be formed above the natural level. The weight of this embankment resting on a semi-fluid base, pressed do^Nn the original surface: many thousand cubic yards gradually and silently dis- appeared, before the line of road made any approach to the proposed level. By degrees, however, the whole mass beneath and on each side of this embankment became con- solidated by the superincumbent and lateral pressure, and 356 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1829.-1830. a little perseverance finally completed the work." The construction of this? line was a great trial, not only of the skill and enerjj-y of the engineer, but of the patience of the directors. For a fuller account of tlie railway and the difficulties attending its construction, see Dr. Sniiles's life of Stephenson, to which we are indebted for an account of the : — 1830. Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway — " At length the line was completed, and ready for the public ceremony of opening, which took place on the 30tli of September, 1830. This important event attracted a vast r.umber of spectators from all parts of the country. Strong palings v/ero erected for miles along fhe deep cuttings near Liverpool, to keep of? fhe pressure of the multitude, and prevent fbem falling over in fheir eager- ness to witness the passing trains. Constables and soldiers were there in numbers to assist in keeping fhe line clear. The completion of the railway was justly regarded as an important nafional event, and the cere- mony oro})ening Avas celebrated accordingly^ The dake of Wellington, then prime minister, Sir Robert Peel, secre- tary of state, Mr. Huskisson, one of the members for L'verpool, and an earnest supporter of the project from its commencemenf", were amongst the number of dis- tinguished public person;;ges present. Eight locomotives constructed at the Stephenson works, had been delivered and placed upon the line, the whole of which had been tried and tested weeks before, with perfect success. The various trains of carriages accommodated in all about six hundred persons. The "Northumbrian" engine, driven by J\Ir. George Stephenson lumself, headed the procession; theii followed the "Phoenix," driven by Robert Stephenson; X\\Qi "North Star," by Robert Stephenson, sen., (brother of George); the "Rocket," by Josepli Locke ; the "Dart," by Thomas L. Groch; the "Comet," by William Allcard; the "Arrow," by Frederick Svvanwick; and the "Meteor," by Anthony Hardi-ng. The procession was cheered in its progress \iy thousands of spectators, through the deep ravine of Olive mount, up the Sufton incline, over the great Sankey viaduct, beneath which a multitude of persons had assembled — carriages filling the narrow lanes, and barges crowding the river: the people below gazing with wonder and admiration at the trains Avhich sped along the line, far above their heads, at fho rate of some tv/enty-four miles an hour. At Parkside, some seventeen miles from Liverpool, the engines stopped to fake water. THE SURROUJS'DING DISTRICT. 357 1830 Here a deplorable accident occurred to one of the most distinguished of the illustrious visitors present, which threw a deep sliadow over the subsequent proceedings of the day. The Northumbrian engine, with the carriage containing the duke of Wellingfon, was drawn up on one line, in order that the whole of the trains might pass in review before him, and his party on the other. Mr, liuskisson had, unhappily, alighted from the carriage, and was standing on the opposite road, along which the Rocket engine was observed rapidly coming u}). At this moment the duke of Wellington, between whom and Mr, Huskisson some coolness had existed, made a sign of recognition, and held out his hand. A hurried but friendly grasp Avas given; and before it was loosened, there was a general cry from the bystanders of "Got in, get in," Flurried and confused, Mr. Huskisson en- deavoured to get round the opened door of the carriage, which projected over the opposite rail; but in so doing, he was struck down by the Rocket, and falling with his leg doubled across the rail, the limb was instantly crushed. His first v/ords on being raised, were, "I have met my death," which unhappily proved too true, for he expired that same evening in the neighbouring parsonage of Eccles. It was cited at the time as a remarkable fact, that the Northumbrian engine conveyed the wounded body of the unfortunate gentleman a distance of about fifteen miles in twenty-five minutes, or at the rate of thirty-six miles an hour. This incredible speed burst upon the world with the effect of a new and unlooked for phenomenon. The lamentable acc'dent threw a gloom over the rest of the day's proceedings. The duke of Wellington and Hir Robert Peel expressed a wish that the procession should return to liiverpool. It was, how- ever, represented to them that a vast concourse of people had assembled at IManchester to witness the arrival of the trains ; that report would exaggerate the mischief, if they did not complete the journey, and that a t''alse panic on that day might seriously affect future railway travelling, and the value of the company's property. The party consented accordingly to proceed to Manchester, but on the understanding that they should return as soon as possible, and refrain from further festivity, Jan. A pig w^as slaughtered by Thomas Spedding, of Dewsbury, bred by Abraham Ibbetson, Esq., which weighed fifty stones eight pounds, one of the hams weighing eighty 358 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1830. pounds. On tlie GMi of January, the extensive cotton and woollen mill, at Whcatley, near Halifax, belong-ing to Mr. James Greenwood, was destroyed by tire. It employed above 400 Avorkmen. Jan. 20th, Messrs. Barker and Musgrave's woollen mill, at Braniley, Avas destroyed by fire. During the severe storm in the early part of this year, upwards of sixty deer perished in the park of Sir George Armytage, at Kirklees. Jan. The Airedale heifer, the property of Mr, Slingsby, of Riddlesden hall, near Keighley,, was slaughtered in consequence of a severe contusion ou one of her hind quarters, which turned to a mortification. The owner had 400 guineas ulfered for her, and was to receive one half of the profit arising from her exhibition in England. She weighed 4! stones 12 lbs., per quarter, 16 lbs. to the stone, and measured eleven feet ten inches from her nose to the stump of the tail, and ten feet six inches in girth; she was eleven inches deep in fat on the ribs. Jan. The celebrated William Cobbett was at this time on a visit to Leeds, and gave a course of three lectures at the theatre, Hunslet-lano, on "The present distress, and the means to be adopted to alleviate it." A local paper says, that '-As everybody flocked to hear him, so everybody talks of his person, his performances, and his doctrines." Feb. 3rd, died the venerable earl of Mex- borough, of Methley park, in the G9th year of his age. The Exchange buildings at Bradford were opened this year. Feb. The inhabitants of the villages of Calver- iey and Idle and the district surrounding, were thrown into a state of great agitation by the discovery that the- body of Sarah Goraersal, a young woman about 28 years- of age, which was interred ou the Sth of January, had been stolen from her burial place, in Calverley parish church yard. Feb. lofh. A meeting of the "Leeds stuflP manufactures, operatives, and others connected with their interests," was held at the new top mill. Bank, when it was resolved to petition parliament "To curtail the' rapid increase of the power-loom, by the imposition of a tax on the goods manufactured by that means. The petition is curious, as shov/ing the ideas respecting ma- chinery thirty years ago. It states "That the rapid increase of that branch of machinery, which inverts th& decrees of Providence, by superseding manual labour, is an evil of such magnitude as to strike at the actual ex- istence of the working classes at no distant period. That the situation of the hand- loom Aveavcr and his family in this district is wretched in the extreme, &c., &c. Your THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 359 1830. 2)etitioners implore your honourable house to take Ihcir case into your immediate and most serious consideration, and by cramping that engine of misery, tbe power- loom, afford relief to thousands of your peaceable and industrious fellow-subjects, now grovelling in poverty and wretched- ness, through the all-absorbing influence of that most in- jurious of inventions." This petition received 1,500 signatures, and was presented by M. T. Sadler, Esq., M.P. The Leeds stulf weavers were shortly after this time on the strike for an advance of wages. Feb. 23rd. A motion by lord John Russell, in the House of Commons, lor leave to bring in a bill to enable the towns of Manchester, Leeds, and Birmingham, to return represen- tatives to parliament, was lost by ISS against 140. Feb. 29th. A fearful accident occurred at the new Brunswick theatre, "Wells- street, London, (during the time of rehearsal, when many people were in the theatre,) caused by the walls giving way, and by the falling in of the iron roof; ten houses on the opposite side of the street v/ere destroyed, and some passengers and a dray and horses crushed. Eleven persons within the theatre were killed, and tv»'enty others severely hurt. The coroner's jury sat six weeks, and returned a ver- dict of strong censure against the architects of the building. Mar. 13th. The Manchester and Hudders- £eld mail was overturned at Longroyd bridge, and the coachman and passengers were precipitated a depth of ten or eleven yards upon some large stones by the river Colne, by which accident Mr. Samuel Statham, of Hudderstield, was killed, and Mr. D. Berry, of Almondbury, had his leg broken. Mar. 25th. The first stone of St. James's church, Halifax, Avas laid. Mar. 30th. Died Mr. J. Thomas, aged 89. He held the office of town's cryer, in Leeds, ui)wards of lifty-five years.- April 1st. Mr. Peel brought a bill into the House of Commons, which passed into law, to abolish the punishment of death for forgery, except for the forgery of the great seal, the privy seal, and the sign manual. April 5th. William ShaM^ was executed at York, for the murder of Rachel Crossley ; after the murder he threw her body into a coal pit, at Kirkburton. April 14lh. The foundation stone of St. Martin's church, Brighouse, was laid. May 11th. Lord Milton presented a petition to the House of Commons from Leeds, signed by from 13,000 to 14,000 of the inhabitants, praying for retrenchment and parliamentary reform. May 15th. Died, aged 37, the 360 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1830. Rev. George Walker, M.A., late fellow of Trinity college, Cambridge, rector of Papworth Everard in the same county, head master of the Leeds free grammar school, and officiating minister of Trinity church, Leeds. He was a man of unquestionable talents and high attainments, and discharged his various duties with that vigorous at- tention and efficiency which characterise mental ardour and cultivation. He was appointed head master of the free school in 181S, and succeeded the Rev. G. P. Richards, M.A., on his resignation. He was entombed in one of the vaults of St. Paul's church, Leeds. On the •28th July following, the Rev. Joseph Holmes, M.A., of Croxfon,near Caxton, late fellow and tutor of queen's college, Cam- bridge, was elected head master of the Leeds free school, in the place of Mr. Walker. — The masters of this school since its commencement to this date have been ; — Samuel Pulkn,DI).,A.D.l624. j Thomas Barnard, M. A- 1712. Joshua Pulhn, D.D., . 1G30. \ R. Sedgeivicke,M.A. . 1750. John Garnett, M.A., . 1651. | Samuel Brooke, M.A. . 1764. Michael Gilberts, M. A.. 1662. | Thos. Goodinge, L.L.D. 1778. Edward Clarke, M.A.,. 1690. Miles Farrer, M.A., .1694. Thomas Diveyer, B.D... 1698. Thomas Dixon, M A. . 1706. Jose2)h Wliitely, MA. . 1790. Geo. P. Richards, M.A.. 1815. George Walker, M.A. . 1818. Joseph Holmes, B.D. . 1830. An act of parliament was obtained on the 1st June, this year, for making the Leeds and Selbj'- Railway. The com- pany of proprietors, incorporated b}'' this act, were authorised to raise money amongst themselves for the un- dertaking, not exceeding £210,000. to be divided into shares of <£100 each ; "and they might also raise an addi- tional sum of £90,000," by way of mortgage. The work was commenced at the beginning of 1831, and the road was opened for passengers on September 22nd, 1834, and for the transit of merchandise on the loth of December following. The station is in Marsh-lane. This was the first line that was opened in connexion with Leeds. An application was made to parliament during this year, to form a railway between liCeds and Bradford, which failed after considerable expense had been incurred, principally through the opposition of the marchioness of Hertford, through whose property at Holbeck it was intended to carry the railway. On June 26th, died, at Windsor castle, George IV., aged 68 years. He was born on the 12th of August, 1769, and succeeded his father, George III. THE SDRROEJNDING DISTRICT. 361 1830 For many years the king had been scarcely ever free from gout; but its attacks had been resisted by the un- common strength of his constitution. Pains of the eyes, and defective vision, gout in the feet and hands, and lastly, the great malady of his family, dropsy, to which the duke of York, and his sister the queen of Y/ur- teraberg, had fallen victims, befel him. In April, his malady assumed a decisive characfer, and bulletins began to be issued. In Ma}^ a commission Avas ap- pointed to ilx the royal signature ; the king signifying his assent by word of mouth. Before his deatli it was with difficulty he could whisper his veibal affirmative. About a week before he died, tlie physician delicately announced to him the inevitable catastrophe. "God's will be done!" was the reply. The king's faculties continued unimpaired to the last. On administering to him the last sacrament, the bishop of Chichester re- minded him of the duke of Sussex ; when the king charged the prelate after his death to carry a message to the duke, saying all his offences were forgotten, and to assure him of his fraternal affection. His majesty's sufferings were very great; during the paroxysms of pain, his moans were heard even by tlie sentinels on duty in the quadrangle. On the night of the 25th of June, his cough was nnsually painful, and about three o'clock in the morning of the 26rh he expired, having a few minutes previously faintly ejaculated, "Oh! God, I'm dying," and '■'■this is decdJi.'" In his youth he was eminently handsome, liberally educated, with intellect of a superior order, and great powers of conversation, he justly merited his title o{ " the most accomplished gentleman in Europe;" and although many actions of his private life deserve censure, as a sovereign, alike in his regency and in his reign, he will ever hold a dis- tinguished" place in English history. June .'30th. The largest spot which had been seen on the sun for many years, was observed at eight o'clock on the morning of this day. The diameter subtended an angle of thirty-seven seconds of a degree, and therefore, taking the sun's diameter at S0:),000 miles, it extended 23,7,50 miles in length, and being nearly circular, it covered 443,000,000 square miles of the sun's surface. July 3rd. Tlie proclamation of king Yrilliam the fourth's accession to the throne, took place at Leeds in the presence of an immense assemblage of the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood. At the conclusion of the ceremony, ^ 31 362 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1830. the mayor and corporation, the clergy, and the military officers, &c., partook of an excellent cold collation at the Eoyal hotel, Briggate. July 10th. William Walker, Esq., of Wilsick, near Doncaster, was thrown from his horse, near his own house, and received so much injury that he only lived about two hours and a half after. The deceased was a barris!er-at-law, deputy recorder of Don- caster, and a partner in the firm of Sir W. B. Cooke, Childers, and Co., bankers there. He was born in 1773, and was the second son of WJlliam Walker, Esq., of Killingbeck, by Jane, daughter of Samuel Hallawell, Esq., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, granddaughter of the Rev. William Horsley, A.M., the celebrated author of Britannia Romana. July 15th being the day ot his late majesty's funeral, the shoi)s and other places of business in Leeds -were closed. The mayor and corporation walked in pro- cession to the parish church, the lOth hussars playing the dead march in Saul. Jul}'' 19th. Mr. Hare, surgeon, this day applied to the magistrates of the borough of Leeds, being the quarter sessions, for a licence to use Castle ton lodge situate in the township of Armley, for the reception and cure of persons afflicted with disorders of the mind. The licence was granted, and visitors appointed according to 9th Geo. IV., c. 40. July 2Sth. The 87th annual con- ference of the Wesleyan Methodists commenced at Leeds. July 29th. A local paper of this date states, that "About a year ago, the hair of a person named George Wright, 63 years of age, who resides at Beeston, which was then a dark brown, turned completely white : in the course of tv.^o monfhs it camo entirely off, and in about two months more he had a fresh crop of dark brown hair, which he ROW wears." Mrs. Ingle, of Chapeltown, near Leeds, bequeathed the interest of i'300 for ever, to the poor widows attending divine worship in the Episcopal chapel at that place, to be distributed on the third Sunday in every month; and £200 in liquidation of the debt owing by the trustees of the Methodist chapel, at Chapel-AUerton. July. During this month a great sensation was produced in Britain by a revolution which took place in France, the main line of the Bourbon family being expelled, and the crown conferred upon Louis Phillipe, duke of Orleans. In September, an insurrection broke out at Brussels, which ended in the separation of Belgium from Holland. County Election. The death of George IV. and the ac- cession of William IV., caused a general election in the summer of this year. Both lord Milton and Mr. Marshall THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 363 1830. announced their retirement from the representation of Yorkshire : the former, after a term of service of twenty - three years, withdrew, owing to the prohability, from his father's great age, that he would soon be called to the House of Lords ; and Mr. Marshall retired from feeling himself unable, at his advanced period of life, to sustain the representation of the county, or even to continue in parliament in a time of such higii excitement. From similar motives Mr. Fountayne Wilson, one of the tory members, had likewise resolved to Avithdraw from public life. July 9t]i. M. Srapylton, Es([. annoanced to the freeholders of the county, his intention of soliciting their suffrages at the general election, on the hon- ourable principle of freedom of election, by the freeholders coming to the poll at their own expense. The hon. Wm. Duncombe also announced his intention of again coming for- ■\vard for the county. On the 2;}rd of June, a meeting was held at Etridge's hotel, York, for the ])urpose of in- viting two independent gentlemen, of liberal principles, to become candidates to represent the county, when it ^vas resolved to call forv/ard lord Morpeth and Henry Brougham, Esq. Oa the 2l3t, Richard Bethell, Esq., of Rise, also de- clared himself a candidate, having been called upon by a numerous body of freeholders Thus, there were Ave candidates in the field. Thursday, August 5th, was the day appointed for the election, A\'hen the city of York witnessed a vast influx of freeholders on tliat morning. The West-Riding, especially the populous clothing district, poured fortli an astonishing immber of freehulders to the place of election, in vehicles of every kind, from the carriage and four down to the capacious waggon, as well as on horseback, and even on foot. As early as four o'clock, .six carriages and four, several chaises, and a great number of gigs and horsemen, together with a stage coach, tilled inside and outside with the trustees of the Leeds Cloth halls, set out from the Commercial buildings, in Leeds, and, being joined by vast multitudes on the road, arrived at York ill an apparently endless train, before eight o'clock. The several candidates arrived at the castle yard between nine and ten o'clock, on horseback, \\ earing court dresses. Around the casfh^ yard twenty-one booths were erected for the accommodation of the voters going to jjoII. When the proceedings commenced, it was calculated that there Avere upwards of twenty thousand persons j)resent. The high sheriff, the hon. Edward Robert Petre, entered the castle yard in his carriage, at a quarter before ten o'clock, 364 ANN'ALH OF LEEDH, YORK, AND 1830, and the iisaal preliminaries being gone througii, Sir William Foulis, bart. ])roposed the hon, Wm. Diuicombe, who wa^? seconded by Mr. Alderman Hall, of Leeds. Sir. J. V. B. Johnstone, hart., proposed lord Morpeth, seconded by- Charles AVood, Esq. Richard Bet hell, E^q., was proposed by >»'illiam Beverley, Esq, and secoiided by J. S. B. Morritt, Esq ; and Henry Brougham, Esq , was proposed by Daniel Sykes, Esq., M P., and secotided by William Birkbcck, E.;q. As no oiie came forward to propose Martin Stapyliori, Esq., that gentleman proposed himself. After the sever-r^l candidates had addressed the meeting, the high sherift' put the propositions in the usual way, %vheti there appeared very i?.\v harsds in favour of Mr. Stapylfon; who, however, demanded a poll, which was commenced an.d kept open till eight in the evening. At a few niiimtea past fen on ihe following morning, (Friday), the high sheriff and the candidates appeared on the hustings, ^vl'len the poll was ag;iin opened, and kept open until three o'clock; Mr. Stapylton having absented himself, the high sheriff demanded of each of the candidates if they objected to his making proclamation that the ])oll should close; the other fonr candidates ])y themselves or friends replied, that they did not. Ho then addressed the free- holders, stating that, if any freeholder was dissatistied wiih his peremptorily closing the j^oll, he was then invited to come forNvard and he should be heard, and no objection being made by any freeholdei-, the under sherilf then brought up the result of the poll, which was as follows : — Lord Morpeth 1,464. Henry Brougham, 1 ,295. Hon. W. Duncomhe, 1,123. Pdchard Bethell, 1,064. Martin Stapylton, 94. The four first genllemen were of course declared duly elected. One impi)rtant featnre in the above election is, that of Ihe niembers being returned U-ea of expense, which, in a county so extensive as Yorkshire, had hitherto been attended with almost ruinous consequences. Aug. 19rn. A most melancholy accident occurred on the river Ouse, near York, by which seven persons lost their lives ; six of them being members of one family. The particulars of which are as folloM^s : — On the afternoon of that day, the family of Mr. John Rigg, nursery and seeds- man, Fishergate, York, consisting of two daughters and four sons, with Miss Robinson, from Ayton, near Scarbro', THE SURROUKDIAG DISTRICT. 365 1830. and Mr. Thomas Sellers, of the Falcon inn, left home in the full flow of health and spirits, and went on board a pleasure boat, for a water excursion. The party pro- ceeded up the river, and had been out rather more than an hour, when they came in contact with a keel, which was coming down the river, before the wind, under a press of sail, and the boat being- struck on the larboard quarter she immediately swamped, and the whole party Avas pre- cipitated into the Ouse. Assistance was soon at hand, but only two of the number were saved. A monument to the Rigg family was subsequently erected by public sub- scription, in the church yard of St. Lawrence, in that city. The tablet bears the folloAving inscription: — "Raised by friendship, ix MEmRv of four soxs akd two daughters of John AXD Ann Rigg, cf this citv, viz:— An> Guthrie Rigg, aged 19 Tears; Eliza Rigg, aged 17 ; Thchas Gorwood Rigg, aged 18; John Rigg, aged IC ; James Smith Rigg, A';ed 7 ; and Charles Rigg, aged 6; ■who were dr )wned by their boat being kun doavn on the river Ouse, NEAR York, August 19th, 1830. ^* Mark the brief story of a summers daij ! At noon, youth, health, and beauty launched aioay ; Ere eve, death ivrccWd the bark, and quench'd their light, Th-eir parents' home was desolate at night : Each pass'd alone, that gidph no eye can see — They met next moment in Eternity. Friend, kinsman, stranger, dost thou ask me ivhere ? Seek God^s right hand, and hope to find them there^ It is a singular coincidence that the very day on which the above dreadful accident happened, a similar occurrence took place on the river, near Norwich, v/here three brothers were drowned in the presence of their parents, who were in another boat upon the spot, and witnessed the dread- ful catastrophe, without being able to render assistance. Another boat accident happened at Beal, near Ferrybridge, on Thursday the 29tli of this month, when three young men lost their lives. Their boat was carried by the stream over the dam and upset. From the report of the parliamentary commissioners concerning charities, it appeared that the income arising from the pious use property in the town of Leeds was as follov/s, viz : property and funded stock belonging to the free grammar school, £1,074 17s. 6d. ; ditto for providing clothing for the poor of the parish, £2G7 17s. lOd. ; ditto for repairing the highways, roads, &c., in the parish, jeSlSlos.Gd.; making a total annual income of £2,761 10s. lOd. On the 30th of August, St. Peter's church, Morley, was 366 ANNALS OF LKEDS, YORK, AND 1830. consecrated by his grace the archbishop of York. On the 31s b of August, the Holy Tritiit}'- church, at Idle, was con- secrated by the sanie archbishop. On the 1st September he consecrated llie new church at Paddock, in the parish of Huddersfield ; and on the f'ame day, the new churches in the town^ihips of Golcar and Liiidley, in the same parish. On the 2r;d Septen)ber he consecrated the new churches at Lockv/ood a'id Netherthong, iu the parish of Ahnondbur3^ In clearing away the rubbish from the interior of the organ screen in York minster, the workmen came to the foundations of an ancient choir. "These walls are siy feet eight inclies thick, and run from east to wesr, passing the pillars of the lantern tower; a portion of them having been cut away to admit the bases of those pillars. The}"- are composed of rough granite and coarse sand stone. This discovery proves that the old choir was much longer v/est- ward, and narrower from north to south, than the present one. More of the walls have been di.scovered, tending eastward; they have been traced to a considerable distance, and have been found to return in a cross or transept form to the north and south. It is conjectured with every reason of probability that these Vv^alls arc the remains of the erection of archbishop Thomas, who rebuilt the choir ■on a nobler scale in 1070." Aug. .31st. A public meeting was held at the Leeds Court house, for the 'purpose of taking into consideration the the propriety of forming a Temjjerance society. "The objects of which were to advocate the entire suppression of the use of distilled spirits, except when recommended 2nedical]3% and to check the immoderate use of all ofher kinds ot liquor" The meeting was adjourned to the 9th September following. At the adjourned meeting, Mr. Edward Baines occupied the chair. Mr. Stenson read a reporr, showing the necessity ofa temperance society, and proposed ihat the following declaration should be signed by every ]>erson who became a member of the society : — "Y/e, whose names are subscribed, believing that in- temperance with its attendant evils, is promoted by the prevailing opinions and practices v/ith respect to the use of intoxicating liquors, and that decided means of re- formation are indispensible, do voluntarily agree to abstain from tlie use of distilled spirits ourselves, (except for medicinal purposes), to disuade others from using them, and by all proper means to discountenance the causes and practices of iiitemperance. The Rev. James Fawcett proposed, that the words " and from the use of all intoxi- THii surrou:nding district. 367 1830. eating liquors in public houses " be introduced after the words " Medicinal purposes." The gener:\l feeling of the meeting was in favour of the original declaration, and Mr. Fawccrt withdrew his amendment. A provisional com- mittee was then appointed. After the lapse of about four years — during v.-hich great exertions v/cre made to direct public attention to the evils of intemperance — the principles of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors began to be advocated, as necessary for the effectual reformation of drunkards, and the accomplishment of the great objects for M-hich the society was established — the cure and pre- vention of habits of intemperance. A pledge to this effect v/as then introduced, and from that time until June, 1S35, persons could join the society by signing either of the two declarations- At a ])ublic meeting in the Music hall, it was tlicn decided to use the teetotal pledge only, as it is now generally designated. This society has been instrumental, under the blessing of God, in reclaiming hundreds of drunkards, and preventing many more from acquiring habits of drinking. The good which it has done can never be fully estimated. The society som.e time ago purchased the Stone chnpel, in St. Peter's-street, Avhich has been converted into a Temperance hall. Sept. 20th. At the annual meeting of the Leeds Mechanics' Institute, held at the Court-house, Dr. Vrilliamson in the chair, Henr}"- Brougliam, Esq , delivered a most eloquent speech Sept. O-Srd. A public meeting of the inhabit- ants of the borough of Leeds v.-rs Iield in the Coloured Cloth Hall "To take into consideration the propriety of preparing an address to the throne, and petitions to both houses of parliament, prajdng for the total abolition of Negro slovery in the British colonies." The address and petitions were agreed to unanimously. Chistop'.ier Beckett, Esq , the mayor, })resided, and the meeting was addressed by George Rawson, Esq. ; Wm, Hey, Esq. : the Rev. Thos. Scales; the Rev. E. W. Hamilton; lord Morpeth; Henry Brougham, Esq. ; .lames Richardson, Esq. ; John Clapham, Esq., the vicar oi* Leeds, and others. Sept ^Sth. A great public dinner was given at the Commercial buildings, Leeds, to lord 3Iorpeth and Henry Brougham, Esq. in celebration of their return to parliament for the county of York. T. W. Tottie, Esq., presided. The Halifax literary and philoFtophicalsociet)', with a museum attached, was established in the month of September. Oct. Sfh. Immense sensation was caused in Lcerls by the apprehension on a charge of bigamy, of John Stanley, of 368 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1830. Crimbles lodge, Camp-road, a most respectable wool merchant and broker. It appears that on the 16th of June, 1829, at Knaresbro', Mr. Stanley was married to Ann Daniel, governess to Mr. William Gott's children. On the 7th of October, lS30,a bustling good lookmg female, at- tended by her son, aged 22 years, arrived iii Leeds from Cumberwell, near London. She brought a letter to a res- pectable resident, and immediately introdaced herself as the ^.vife of Mr. Stanley, whom she married in 1806. She stated al^o, that she had l)orne him eleven children, six of whom were living, and the eldest of whom accompanied her. In support of these and other allegations, she pro- duced a regular marriage certificate. Mr. Sowrey, the constable, had charge of the prisoner at Crimbles house, where Mr. Gott and Mr, Barr were taking the usual in- formation in such cases. By some means or other the prisoner was suffered to escape, and was not heard of afterwards. The new beer act, passed in the lltli George IV., which repealed the duty of 10s. per barrel on ale and porter, both of which are commonly called beer, and which authorized the sale of beer on the premises, the |dealer taking out a licence annually, for which he is to pay £2 2s., and a further sum of £2 if the parties brew the liquor, came into operation on the 11th October, 1830. In the month of October, an ancient British celt (stone battle axe) was found bj^ Mr. Thomas Pitt, of Hudders- field, on the south of the mount and above the Meltimers, near Pike Law, one of the highest points in the interesting and romantic district around Holmfirth. It measures rather more than seven inches in length, and about three inches in breadth at the broadest part. Its weight is 2 lb. 10 oz.; in shape it nearly resembles the common axe used at the present day ; the cutting edge is wedge shaped, and about three inches broad on the face; the other end is rounded, and about five and a half inches in circumference. November. By the event of the French revolution a great impulse was given to the reforming spirit in Britain, and the demands for an improvement of the par''iamentary representation became very strong. The consequence was the retirement of the Yfeilington administration in Novem- ber, and the formation of a Whig cabinet, headed by earl Grey. The agitations of the time were much increased by a system of noctiirnal fire-raising, which spread through the south of England, and caused the destruction of a vast quantity of agricultural produce and machinery, and was THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 369 lb30. greatly ag'gravated by the general distress ^vhicll prevailed. IVov. ^nd. The highest tide known for mauy years occurred at Hull, \^heu there was twciity-uiue feet four inches of water at the Humber duck gates. Nov. i5th. A shucking accident occurred at Stare bridge mill, near I'arnley, in the occupation of Messrs. Pawson and Son, cloth manufacturers, b}' the bursting of the engine boiler. Two of the workmen were killed, and several others seriously injured. Nov. 'j2nd. Mr. Brougham's elevation to the Avoolsack, and a peeiage, caused a vacancy for the count}' of York. On the 7th of December, the eleciion came on in the castle yard at York. P'rancis Hav/ksworth Fa\vke.s, Esq. of Farnley, proposed, and John Charles Ilamsden, Esq. M.F. for Maltoij, seconded the nomination of Sir Joha Johnstone. An elector out of the crowd proposed, and a butcher named John Saville, seconded the no.ijinatiou of George Strickland. A sho'>v of hands was taken vs hich was given in favour of Mr. Strickland. Sir J. Joinistone demand- ed a poll, which took place the fo. lowing day, about two o'clock, Mr. Strickland withdrew from the contest. The votes then stood as follows : — Sir John Johnstone 331 George Strickland, Esq 101 Mr. StapyUon, and D«^iel Sykes, Esq., two other can- didates had Avithcirawu previous to the election. Mr. Vrilliain Hirst passed the lieeds bankruptcy court. By the turn out of the cotton spinners in the latter pnrt of this year, in and around Ashton, Dunkintield, Staley- bridge, &c., iifty mills were at a stand, and about 30,000 work-people out of empioyiuent. This led to riot and tumult, v/hich caused the government to issueaproclansation '•prohibiting the use of lire-arms and illegal meetings." The usual nn/de adopted by the rioters was to set fire to property. At the special commission in Hampshire, up- ■wards of 300 persons were tried lor arson and other crimes. At several places in the "West- Riding of York- shire, viz: Barn.sley, Leathiey near Otley, Baildou,&G., &c., numerous buildings and stacks were set on fire, su])}josed to be done by incendiaries. Dec. ■20th. Vriiliam Hey, Esip having resigned the office of surgeon to the Leeds Infirmary, his son William Hey, jun., was elected in his ];lace. Dec. 3lst. The Avoolien mill at Woodhouse, near Hud- dersSeld, the properly of John "Whitacre, Esq., was de- stroyed by lire. The damage was estimated at £10,000. A fireman named Jolm Hartley, was killed by a fall from a ladder-. 370 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1831. 1831. The census of this year showed that the number of inhabited houses in the tov/nship of Leeds, was 15,001,. and in the borough, 25,458. The houses building in the township was 178 : in the borough, 2/3. The uninhabited houses in the township was 1,064; in the borough, 1,862. The number of males in the township was 34,672; in the borough, 60,473. The number of females in the township was 36,930; in the borough, 62,920. The total population of the township was 7L602 ; in the borough, 123,393;, and the total increase of the population of the borough, from 1821, was 39,617, or 473^ per centnm. On the 1st of January a cotton mill at Skipton, belong- ing to Mr. John Dewhirst, was destroyed by fii-e; damage about £8,000. This lire was supposed to be the work of an incendiar}^ Jan. 12th. The extensive premises of Messrs. BuUman and Son, upholsterers, in Commercial-street, Leeds, then opposite the Leeds library, were destroyed by lire, damage more than £6,000. Feb. 6(;li. Died at Hastings, the lion. F. W. Robinson, only son of lord Grantham, in the 21st year of his age. By this death the onlj'- son of viscount Goderich, then in his fourth year, became heir presumptive to the earldom of de Grey, the barouy of Grantham, and a baronetcy. Feb. 10th. A j^ublic meeting took place at the Coloured Cloth hall, Leeds, John Marshall, Esq , ia the chair, to petition parliament in favour of parliamentary and economical reform, and particularly for the grant of the elective franchise to Leeds and other populous places. The following gentlemen took a prominent part in the proceedings, viz. : — Mr. Ilawson, Mr. Wailes, barrister- at-law; Mr. John Marshall, jun. ; Mr. John Clapham,, Mr. S. Clapham, Mr. John Peele Clapham, Mr. Baines, Mr. E. Baines, jun., Mr. Luccock, Mr. Tetlcy, Mr. John Heaps, and Mr. Richardson. Meetings for similar objects were held about the same time at Wakefield, Halifax, and other places. Tliis petition Avas presented in March, and was signed by 17,200 persons. The petition prayed for vote by ballot, and triennial parliaments. Feb. 15th. llorc than 200 of the weavers in the employ of Messrs. Gott and Sons, Leeds, turned out at this time for an advance of wages, and continued on the strike until the 4th of October, exactly thirty-three weeks from its commencement. Messrs. Gott's met a deputation from the workmen, and after a most frank and amicable discussion, agreed to give the advanced prices which had originally been required, and which amounted to 5d. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 371 1831. perstriugon the first eight sets of gears, and a correspond- ing increase on the other sets, with the customary 8d. per web for knotting and cleaning. Between five and six thou- sand pounds were contributed in the town, for the support of the weavers during the strike. In May, Messrs. Gott's employed some weavers from a distance, this led to serious riots and the workmen had to be conducted to their homes by constables. St. Patrick's chapel, York-road, Leeds, was founded on the 1st of March, 1831, and opened on the r2th of July, 1832 : John Child, Esq. was the architect. It is in the pointed style of the 14th century, and is ornamented with turrets and crosses, and lighted by lancet windows. The small lantern tower in the centre of the roof has five lancet windows, of three lights each. The interior contains a gallery, Avith richly ornamented panels in front. Opposite the altar a pelican is represented feed- ing its young, on one side of which is a wheal en sheaf, and on the other a vine branch. The windows contain borders of stained glass, and in the centre light of the triple win- dow is a cross of another coloured glass, over which is represented the hol}^ dove. The other parts of the interior are finished in character with what has already been described. Vrithin this chapel is a monument to the late Dr. Underhill, who was for thirty years jiriest in Leeds. The cost of erection, including land, amounted to £"2,500. The Eev. M. O'Donnell is the priest. 3Iar. 1st. Lord John Russell m.oved for leave to bring a bill into the House of Commons, for amending the representation of the people in England and "Scales. He proposed to disfranchise sixty boroughs with a less population in 1821 than 2,000. Forty-seven boroughs with a less population than 4,000 in 1821, were to loose one member. Seven large towns including Leeds, Shef- field, Birmingham, and Manchester, v/ere to have two members each; and twenty other towns, including Yfakefield, Halifax, Bradford, and Huddersfield, were to return one member each. London to have eight more representatives. Yorkshire to be divided into three parts, each Riding to send two members. Devon- shire, Cumberland, Lancashire, Staffordshire, &c., four mem.bers. In cities and boroughs, all who paid a rent of £10 a year, to be entitled to vote. The 40s. free- holders were to be allowed to vote. The franchise was to be extended to copyholders of £10 a year; and lease- holders for tv/enty-one years, not renewed within two years, and all leaseholders for twenty years, b}'- whom 372 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1831. property was held of the value of £50. After a spirited debate of seven nii^htf^, the bill was read a first time. (March 14th). A division took place on the 22nd March, for the second reading, v/hen it was agreed to b}' 302, against 301. On the 1 9th of April the third reading was lost by 299 against 291. In consequence of tliis vote, the ministers withdrew the bill, and advised his majesty to dissolve parliament, which he did on the 22nd of April. A general election immediately followed. On Thursday the 3rd of March, Richard Norton, pay- master's clerk belonging to the 10th Hussars, hanged himself in a bed-room of the Horse and Trumpet inn, Briggate, Leeds. His funeral was appointed to take place in Quarry- hill church yard, on the Sunday after- noon following ; and, as he was carried to the grave with the usual military honours, a great concourse of people flocked to the place of interment. 'Ihe Rev. Mr. Wardle, who officiated, declined reading the burial service over the body, and was in consequence subjected to a great deal of abuse. The body was left in the church all night. On the Monday afternoon, Mr. Wardle again attended at the church in the performance of his clerical duties. There Avere several corpses to bury; and immense crowds (said to exceed 5,000 persons) again assembled, A party of the 3rd Dragoons was also present. On entering the church yard, he found every part of it filled with agitated spectators : the church was also crammed. Mr. Wardle taking into consideration the excitement of the multitude, and fearing tiie con- sequences which a persistance in his refusal to go through the service might occasion, performed it much to the satisfaction of the multitude, Avho instantly dispersed. Mar. 10th. A ])ublic meeting of the inhabitants of the borough of Leeds was held in the Cloth Hall yard, "To consider the propriety of petitioning in favour of lord John Russell's reform bill." The mayor having declined to call the meeting, John Marshall, jun., Esq., occupied the chair, and the resolutions were passed with a great deal of unanimity. Mar. 22nd. A county meet- ing was held in the castle yard, York, for the same purpose. April 6th. The freedom of the city of York was pre- sented to lord Brougham. After the learned lord had taken the foreman's oaths, R, Davis, town clerk, presented his lordship with a copy of the oaths, engrossed on vellum, and contained in a box made from the wood of the cele- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 373 1831 brated Cowlhorpe oak, growing on Ihe estate of the hon. E. E. Petre. The box was five inches long, by three and a half broad, and two inches deep, beautifully mounted with silver gilt both inside and out, and the oak wood brilliantly polished. In the centre of the lid was a square shield, on which was engraved the arms of Lord Brougham, and the following inscription : — " The freedom of the city of York, presented to the Right Hon. Henry Lord Brougham and Yaux, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, in testimony of the feelings of admiration and respect entertained by the corporation of York, for the unrivalled talents andmi- deviating patriotism of that eminent statesman. April, 1S3L The Right Honourable Lord Dundas, (third time) mayor." April 13th. At a meeting of the Leeds con- servatives, held at the office of the Leeds Intelligencer, Henry Hall, Esq., in the chair, a declaration was unani- mously agreed to, expressing "unequivocal dissent both from the principle and the details of the reform bill brought into parliament by his majesty's ministers." At a meeting of the Leeds corporation, held at the Court-house on the following day, "a petition to the House of Com- mons against the reform bill, was unanimously adopted." May 6tb. The election of four members of parliament for the county of York, took place in the castle yard, at York. The hon. Sir Edward Vavasour proposed and John Marshall, jun., Esq., seconded the nomination of lord Morpeth; F. H. Fawkes, Epq., proposed and Sir George Cayley seconded Sir John Johnstone; M. Wyvill, Esq., proposed and the Hon. and Rev. William Herbert, rector of SpofForth, seconded John Charles Ramsden, Esq.; Francis Cholmley, Esq., proposed and George Rawson, Esq., seconded George Strickland, Esq. No other candidate being proposed, the high sheriff declared lord Morpeth, Sir J. V. B. Johnstone, John Charles Ramsden, Esq., and George Strickland, Esq., duly elected. The result of the general elections gave the ministers a majority of 369 to 233 in favour of the second reading of the reform bill. The following is the inscription on a valuable piece of plate presented to T. W. Tottie, Esq., of Leeds, by the representatives for Yorkshire: — " To Thomas William Tottie, Esq., this cup is presented, as a token of €steem and gratitude, for his services, professionally and friendly, at the general election for the entire county of York, May, 1831, by his obliged and attached friends, Lord Morpeth, Sir John V. B. John- stone bart., J. C. Ramsden, Esq., and George Strickland, Esq." May 13th. Died, aged 52 years, Roger Holt Leigh, Esq., 32 374 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1«31. of Leeds. He left Leeds on the 3rd inst. to give his vote as a freeman of the borough of Wigan, and was so mal- treated by the mob ou the 4th, that he died in consequence of the injuries received. His brother, Sir Robert Holt Leigh, bart., of Hindley hall, M-as also roughly used. The deceased was elected a common council man of Leeds, on the 1st September, 1803. He was one of the patrons of the vicarage of Leeds ; a governor of the Leeds free gram- mar school ; a trustee of the charity of pious uses; and. president of the committee of the Leeds public library. He was a strenuous supporter of almost every charity in the town. After the interment of JMr. Leigh, his friends im- mediately started a subscription to erect some memorial of him, the result of which was amonument to his memory by Mr. Westmacott, jun., which was subsequently placed in the Leeds parish church. It is an excellent work of art. The desisn consists of a delicately white marble five feot statue of the deceased in a sitting posture, in his civic robe, having an open volume in his hand, inscribed " 1688." On the tablet benealh the statue is this inscription : — " SaCREO TO THE Jl EMORY OF ROGER HOLT LeIGH, ESQUiRE, TWENTY-SEVEN years a membkr of the lorporation, and a strenuous supporter of the Institutions of the i;orough of Leeds. "He was a warm atlvccate of the established church, an uncom- promising defender of the glorious constitution of 1688, a consistent patriot, and a faithful friend. During the general election of the year 18.31, whilst engaged in the exercise of his francliise as a burge.ss of Wigan, his native place, he was so severely injiiied by an excited populace, that he died at Hindley hall, the seat of his eldest and only surviving brother, Sir Robert Holt Leigh, bart., May 13th, 183), aged 52 years. As a memorial of their esteem and admiration of his in- flexible public integrity and private worth, his numerous friends have caused this monument to be erected. Mr. Leigh's remains were in- terred in the f.imily vault at Up Holland Abbey church, in the county of Lancaster." May 16th. Died, at Halton, near Leeds, Thomas RoUin- son, gardener. He was 100 years old on the 27th January, 1831. With the exception of the loss of his eyesight a short time before his death, he had enjoyed uninterrupted good health. Lie had a perfect recollection of visiting the encampment on CliflPord moor, in 1745 ; and many other events of that period were frequent subjects of his aged narration. He lived to see four generations of his own descendants, who all attended him to his grave. Though humble in life, he adorned his station for more than a cen- tury by a life of integrity, sobriety, and iudustr3\ THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 375 1831. May 27th. A verv violent thunder storm occurred at Leeds. The electric fluid knocked down one of the chimneys of the residence of Mr. Barnard Brown, of Burmantofts, and afterwards passed through the roof to the bell wires, several of which fell to the floor in a state of fusion. The wires acting as conductors, passed through nearly every room in the house, turning the walls at the angles of the wires to the colour of brimstone, interspersed with black, and filling many parts of the apartments with smoke. The persons in the house sustained no injury. On Sunday, the 5th of June, the body of Thomas Rothery, a dyer, (whose death was occasioned by his having fallen into a dye-pan filled with heated li([uor, in the dye-house of Messrs. Scarth and Sons), vvas interred in the burial ground of the e-jtiscopal cha})el, at "Wortley; and on the Tuesday night following, was stolen from the grave. A Mr. John Hodgson, clerk to Mr. Gaunt, solicitor, was taken into cus- tody for stealing the body, he having had it conveyed to Mr. Gaunt's office, where it was found. He was tried at the Leeds borough sessions, on July 4th, for body stealing ; and, after a four hours' patient trial, was found guilty. He w^as sen- tenced to be imprisoned in the castle of York for the space of six weeks, and to enter into recognizances to keep the peace for two years; himself in ,£100, and two sureties of £50 each. After the defendant had been found guilty, he stated "tliat he was connected with a medical man in the taking of the body, and it was for the purpose of mutually dissecting it. He could not give the name of the medical man without utterly ruining him, and that if he was sent to prison, it would ruin his prospects in life for ever." June 8th. A society called " The Leeds True Blue Con- stitutional Association" was formed. The principal speakers were Henry Hall, Esq., the chairman; M. T. Sadler, Esq., M. P.; Riilph Markland, Esq., and the Rev. J. A. Rhodes, of Horsforth hall. ^June 13tli. A nu- merous and highly respectable meeting of the inhabitants of Leeds, v/as held at the Court-house, the mayor in the chair, " to consider the propriety of originating such measures as may contribute to the present and permanent relief of fiie Irish poor, (in Ireland) who are suffering the mostappa ling distress from famine and disease." A petition to the House of Commons ^vas agreed to, praying that relief might be granted from the public purse. Besides which, a committee was formed to collect subscriptions from the inhabitants of Leeds. A large sum was soon collected. June 20th. The foundation stone was 376 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1831. laid of a new college for the education for the ministry of young men of the Independent denomination of dis- senters, at Undercliffe, near Bradford, by John Holland, Esq., of Slead house, near Halifax. A great number of people assembled to witness the ceremony. The Rev. Thomas Scales, of Leeds, commenced the service by reading- the Latin inscription upon the plate to be fixed in the stone, and the following literal translation in English: — "Consecrated to the service of Gocl. This building, preceded by an institution denominated Idle academy, was erected in order that, when its perpetuity has been secured, pious and talented young men may continue to be educated gratuitously, and prepared for the gospel ministry: the first stone of which was laid by John Holland, Esq., one of the treasurers, on the 20th day of June, and the first year of the reign of William the Fourth, 1831. "PreSRNt. — Mrs. Mary Bacon, the pious donor of the site and sur- rounding estate; WiUiam Vint, tutor Members of the Com- mittee. — Ministers: Abraham Clarkson, secretary; Thomas Scales, James Scott, Joseph Stemus Crisp, John White, Henry Bean, James Pridie. William Tiler. Laymen: Christopher Anderson, co- treasurer; James Hoatson, John Horsfall, J. Sugden, Joseph Hinchliffe, Robert Milligan, William Baldwin, Edwin Firth, Robert Howitt, John Peele Clapham, James Garnett, John Aked, Thomas Clapham, James Burnley, Samuel Hodgson, and John Clark, architect, on the day when the foundation was laid." The Rev. R. "W. Hamilton, of Leeds, delivered an address suitable to the occasion. The site of the building and the surrounding estate, to the value of upwards of £3,000, were presented for the purpose by Mrs. Bacon, of Bradford. (For a further account of this college, see page 199 of the ' Annals.') June 24th. Lord John Russell again introduced the reform bill to the House of Commons. The debate on the second reading commenced on Monday, the 4th July, and ter- minated on the Thursday morning following, at four o'clock. The numbers were, for the second reading, 369; against, 233 — m-ijority, 136. The reform bill passed its final stage in the House of Commons on the 22nd September, after a discussion of three nights continuance, by a majority of 109. After the passing of the reform bill through the House of Commons, meetings were held in various parts of the country to petition tne House of Lords in favour of the bill. A meeting for this object was held on the 28th Sep- tember, in the Cloth Hall yard, in Leeds, John Marshall, Esq., in the chair. On the 8fh of October, the House of Peers rejected the reform bill by a majority of 41. On the 12th ot October, a county meeting was held at York, afc THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 377 1831. which the county memhers attended, when an address was voted to his majesty in favour of the reform bill. On the news of the rejection of the bill by the peers reaching- Derby, Nottingham, Bristol, and other places, dreadful riots occurred, and at the latter place several lives were lost, and a vast amount of property destroyed. June 29th. The ceremony of opening the Huddersfield and Upper Agbrigg intirmary, the first stone of which was laid on Monday, the 29 th of June, 1829, by John Charles Ramsden, Esq., M.P., of Newby park, took place this day, in the presence of a vast concourse of spectators. The iniirmary is an elegant and substantially built stone edifice. The principal front is ornamented in the centre by a mag- nificent portico built in the Grecian Doric style of archi- tecture, supported by four massive pillars, and ascended to by nine steps. The length of the front is 120 feet, and the wings at each end are sixty feet deep. A handsome wall and pallisadiug incloses a large plot of land surround- ing the building. The building is replete with every con- venience for carrying out the objects of the charity. July. The sexton of Dewsbury parish church found an ancient silver coin, in good preservation, in digging a grave on the south side of that edifice. It was a half groat of Edward IV., and as the motto indicated, was coined at Canterbury. The legend when complete has been as follows :—06rerse.— EDWARD DI. GRA. REX. ANGL. Z. ERA. i^3ve/-5e.— POSVIDEVMxVUDITORE. (Auditorem). MEVM. Liner cirde.— CI VITAS CANTOR. July 7th. iNIr. William Cobbett was tried in the court o king's bench for publishing a seditious libel inci'ing the people to arms, in the Weekly Regi.^ter. The jury, after being locked up fifteen hours, stated that it was impossible for them to be unanimous in their verdict, and were discharged. July 12 th. The roof of Woodchurch, near Dewsbury, fell in with a tremendous crash, and buried the nave, pulpit, pews, &c.. in the ruins. On hearing of this mis- fortune, Mr. Scatcherd, the antiquarian, hastened to the spot, and states, in a letter which subsequently appeared in the Leeds Intelligencer, that : — "The chancel was uninjured, except a.s tn the arch, dividing it from the nave, which was much .shaken. The light now diffused through the chancel roof, enabled the visitor to perceive that its walls were hollow, or rather that they had, at .some after period, been lathed and plastered, (or "stoothed," a.s the tertn i.s), and what was more remark- able, it enabled the antiquary to discover the reason of this alteration. 378 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1831. Upon the ancient walls, from the ceilino: downwards, and from the arch to the eastern wall, some old black letter characters were "diralj visible," in separate compartments, siirrounded with antique scrolls or borders. They were all in Latin, but so darkened and concealed were they, by the "stoothing," that the word "Thomas," alone could be made out. In fact, the rotten state both of the roof and ceilin^jr, in- creased considerably the diiticulty of the task. The body of the church being nearly rebuilt, I revisited Woodchurch on February 1st, 1832, and ha\'e been repaid for my trouble. The arch before-men- tioned it was necessary to take down ; and, in putting up a new one, the workmen were compelled to displace some of the lath and plaster of the chancel. Judge m}'' surprise when I perceived a portion only of the ancient interior ! It now appears that the whole of these walls (or nearly so) have been beautifully painted and gilded, having on them roses, white and red, tulips, anemonies or poppies, and other flowers; grapes, peaches, and various choice fruits, with leaves and other decorations, the colours of which, even yet, are delightful. For what purpose was all this charming work of art concealed by a casing of lath and plaster.^ I can solve the question by supposing the black letter characters relate to that which, even by Catholic Harry the 8th, was considered superstitious or idolatrous, and that policy suggested this mode of putting it out of sight ; and, certain I am, that nothing short of imperious necessity could have effected an alteration so singular, and. apparently, useless. Burton informs us in his Monas- tacon, that "in the 31st of Henry Sth, the sight of Nostel priory was given to Thomas Leigh, doctor of laws, and one of the king's visitors of religious houses;" and its subordinate cell at " Wodekirke " being evidently destroyed at the same period, it is highly probable that the site of this also, was given to Dr. Leigh. My reason for this belief arises from the name of tho Kirk fair, which is still called "Leigh" or "Lee," "Fair;" besides the recollection of family connections between the ancient family of Leigh, and those of certain noblemen, now lords of manors in this vicinity. It is certain, however, that the preference of lath and plaster to whitewash, did not answer the expec- tations of the black canons at " Wodekirke " in the middle of the 15th century." The name of Woodchurch sufficiently testifies both to its character and antiquity. It designates a very ancient fabric, composed of the usual materials of which even sacred buildings were constructed in remote ages, and devoted at a very early period to the worship of God. Woodchurch was noticed by Leland, who says of it, "At Woodchurch, in Morley Wapentake, near Dewsbury, was a cell of black canons from Nostel, valued at seventeen pounds per annum." Although Woodchurch was however but a cell to the prior}'', the remaining foundations prove it to have been of considerable comparative extent. The church was conventual as well as parochial ; was supposed to be possessed of considerable sanctity, and THE SUllROUNDING DISTRICT. 379 1831. enjoyed a very extensive religious renown. After the falling in of the edifice, Mr. Scateherd took drawings of the principal objects of interest to the antiquarian, and thus describes them : — " In the east window of Woodkirk chancel there are five shields ot arms in broken painted glass, but so mads up from the broken glass of other windows, that little can be gathered from them. There are two birds facing each other, apparently intended for bustards or large hawks; but, as I believe, really intended for eagles. The arms of Sootliill, of Soothill hall, were an eagle di.>?played, argent, and these birds have been argent; but they are not displaced, vvhich causes me to doubt whether Sir John Topcliffe may not have had these birds (if bustards) for his supporters. In one of these shields, on a piece of glass which seems once to have been silvered, is a saint upon a wheel cross in the agonies of martyrdom. A hand appears over his head^ which I imagine has belonged to another figure, perhaps to the Roman Lictor. The tower of Woodchurch, vvhich has evidently been rebuilc since the daj-s of the black canons, displays a portion of the zig zag or chevron arch moulding Its bells, according to tradition, onc-a be- longed to Ardsley, but this 1 doubt for reasons mentioned in my history, [of Morley.J I nov/ come to the most amusing part of my narrative. King Henry I. granted the canons of Nostel the privilege of holding a fair there at the feast of St. Oswald, (August 5th), the two preceding and two following days- In this reign, Woodkirke, as a cell of black canons, was also founded; and it is probable, if not certain, that there was a similar grant of a fair to this convent. This fair, however, which, tradition says, was once held for three weeks, was about the time of St. Bartholomew, September 5th. The fair of St. Oswald, at Nostel, appears to have been suppressed by John de Insula (De Lisle) on account of the riots and disorrlers with which it was attended. The court roll of the manor of Wakefield gives some curious scenes as occurring at the fair beloui^ing to the canons of Woodkirk. One John, of Newcastle, com.plained of John de Heton, for an assault and battery, at the same fair, to his damage of 100 .shillings ; and one William, (the) Carter, complained that the said John had come into his stall at the fair, and had overturned it, by which he lost twenty gallons of beer worth 2s. 4d. ; a cask value 12d.; and a sack worth 8d. The covering of his stall was also torn, damage 12d. ; and other injuries. Total loss forty .shillings — a great- sum of money in those days. But I Jiave something still more re- markable to say about Wodekirke, or Leigh fair, which is that on St. Bartholomew's day, the scholars from the grammar schools of Leeds,. Wakefield, See, were brought to this place for disputation, or to ascer- tain their proficiency in cla.s.sical learning, annually, down to the early part of last century. W^hen first 1 gained this information — coming as it did, from very creditable, but uneducated old men, I doubted the truth of their forefathers tradition, but finding that the fair once lasted about three weeks, and that the last day was on St. Bartholomew — the patron or tutelary saint of scholars — reflecting too on the accounts of Stowe, Lilly the astrologer, and others, I am novv as sure that these 380 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1831. disputations were at Lee fair as if I had seen them — for how could old labourers and mechanics know anything about St. Bartholomew or the usages on his day? One old man, who died about 1780, and from whom my informant had his account, related that his father, whsn a boy, was present daring a disputation, and had well nigh been knocked on the head b,7 a beadle — for, happening to ask one of the bo3's who stood up the Latin woids for certain articles which I dare not myself put, even in that language, in this place ; the gentleman in gold laced robe and cocked hat, applied his truncheon so forcibly to the 'pericranium' of the catechiser, as marie him remember his im- pudence and indecency all his life afterwards. My respectable neigh- bour and tenant, Mr. Mark Hepworth, an enthusiast in antiquities like raj'self, from his childhood, had this last narration from two very aged perj^ons, Joseph Bold and Richard Moreby, men of good character, who died above thirty years ago, as appears by the Woodchurch register." July 13th. During a thunderstorm at Huddersfield, the electric fluid struck the White Lion iun, in Cross Church- street, melted part of the gas pipe, and set the gas on fire. It pursued the course of the bell wires, which it melted, and went out by one of the upper back windows, the glass and woodwork of which was shivered and burnt to pieces. A servant and little boy Avere knocked down, lout soon recovered the shock. On Saturday, the 30th July, Leeds and its immediate neighbourhood was visited by a thunder storm between two and four o'clock. An immense quantity of rain fell in a very short time. The highways and streets were literally converted into rivers ; and in Briggate, some of the market people had no little difficulty in preventing their various articles of sale being contributory to the Aire, the volume of which very soon nearly doubled. The wa'cr did much damage to l3uildings and goods in cellars in various parts of the town. July 19th. William Payne, Esq., of Shadwell grange, near Leeds, being on a visit to Australia on a farming' speculation, was murdered by armed ruffians. Aug. 15th. An Auxiliary peace society was formed in Leeds, at a meeting held at the Commercial buildings. Sept. 8th. The celebration of the coronation of their majesties king William IV. and Adelaide his queen, took place this day. At Leeds, the morning was ushered in by the ringing of bells and other demonstrations of a general holiday. About 500 Sunda)' school teachers of Ijoth sexes and all denominations, partook of a public l)reakrast in the Music hall. About ten o'clock, a pro- cession of the mayor, aldermen, assistants, clergy, staff of the First West" York militia, several orders of Odd- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 381 1831. Fellows, and others, was formed at the Court-house, and proceeded to the parish church, where an aj)pro- priate sermon was preached by the vicar, Rev, Richard Fa w- cett, M.A. About 12 o'clock, the 2nd dragoon guards, or queen's bays, under the command of colonel Hay, the detachment of royal horse artillery, under the com- mand of major Dynely, and the Leeds squadron of the Yorkshire hussars, commanded by captain Beckett as- sembled on Woodhouse moor, where they went through various evolutions in the presence of at least 20,000 persons. After the ceremonies, the officers proceeded to the Court-house, to meet the mayor, and partook of an elegant light repast which his worship had provided. After the military had left the moor, they were succeeded by the Sunday school school children, to the number of nearly 12,000, who sung the hymns appointed for the occasion, and then returned to their respective places of worship to take tea. At two o'clock, the gentlemen composing the Leeds squadron of the Yorkshire hussars, dined together at the Masonic hall, Sternes' buildings. At four o'clock, Mr. W. Russum ascended in his magni- ficent balloon from the White Cloth Hall yard, to which the public were admitted free. The rejoicings were much marred by the very unfavourable weather, as at- times the rain poured down in torrents. The festivities of the day were concluded by a splendid ball in the evening at the Assembly rooms. Nearly all the families of distinction in the town and neighbourhood were present. Sept. 27tli. At a meeting of the Yorkshire philosophical society, at York, in the theatre of the York>;e, V m. Hey, Esq., the mayor, presided, for the purpose of raising a subscription in behalf of the poor of the townshi]) of Leeds. A meeting was held on the 10 ih of December, at the L'nion inn, (now the Albion hotel,) Briggatc, to promote a ten or eleven hours' factory bill. Mr. Oasticr, of Fixby hall, attended, and was opposed by the late Mr. Baines. The historian of Morley, Mr. Scatcherd, relates that on returning from Batley on the 20th of December, J831, he saw for the first time in his' life a gipsey liut, at night, with its fire blazing on the right of the road, and about forty or fifty yards below the "Needless " inn, or Cardigan's arms, just by the rivulet which crosses the road on this hill side. He says, "The family con- sisted of husband, wife, and young daughter, he a tinker and grinder, was exercising his evening vocation as a fiddler, at the "Needless" inn, accompanied by the girl, while his wife, a pretty black eyed woman, (but lost in dirt), was sitting solitary guarding the tent, Avith her sparklers (over-shadowed M'ith fine black eyelashes) fixed in listless indolence upon the fire. She told me that she was a native of Somersetshire, but that her husband's settlement was at Beverle}', in this county; and on my asking if she was not afraid of a storm, and still colder Aveather, she replied, that a good »sno\v was what she had long Avanted, as it would be both more wholesome and pleasant after a good downfall. These gipsies, I have ever observed, are as excellent judges of situation, as were the monastics of the middle ages. If there be one nice sheltered, well watered, drJ^ and green spot, in a long lane, or by a road side, they are sure to find it. During the summer of 1832, Ave had' four or five camps of gipsies along the top of Morley spring, in Scotsman-lane, and so many people went to see them from all the surrounding villages, that the towns officers Avere obliged to send them aAvay at a short notice." 1832. Mr. Scatcherd, of Morley, near Leeds, published this year in a compendious form, and at a Ioav price,. "Memoirs of the celebrated Eugene Aram, Avho Avas exe- cuted for the murder of Daniel Clark, in 1759: Avith some account of his family, and other particulars, col- lected for the most part thirty years ago." Mr. Scatcherd 384 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1832. relates the expedients to which he resorted when about ten years of age to obtain information. At High Harro- gate he "scraped acquaintance " with old Mr. Hargrave, the publisher of Aram's life. He visited ' crones ' and * cronies,' and listened to narratives of all sorts. " I previously " says he, " found out an old woman who shook hands with Aram in York castle, and knew his family : whose eldest brother was his pupil — whose ■daughter-in-law lived servant to Daniel Clark's widow fourteen years, and helped to lay her out. I conversed, loo, with a man who knew Aram — with another person w^ho lodged at the house of Levi, a jew, (long since forgotten) — and another who helped to draw Eugene Aram up to his gibbet." Mr. Scatcherd, in this work, (which is now very scarce), shows that Aram, whatever may have been his culpability, was much less so than his accusers; and that he had not a fair trial; that, though poor and pennyless, and a child in judicial matters, no member of the legal profession tendered him the slightest aid ; and that he was convicted and hung on evidence which would not now induce a jury to give an adverse verdict even on the most trivial charge. Scatcherd's opinion on a subject of this kind is ef some weight, for he was a most industrious antiquary, as is shown in his ' History of Morley ' and other works. Jan. 9th. A public meeting was held in the area of the mixed Cloth hall, Leeds, " to petition parliament in favour of. the bill for limiting the labour of children employed in factories to ten hours a day for five days, and eight hours on Saturdays." The mayor, Wm. Hey, Esq., occupied the chair. The principal speakers were, the Rev. Richard Fawcett, vicar ; the Rev. Richard "Winter Hamilton, Mr. Oastler, Mr. Smith, surgeon ; C J. Thackrah, and M. T. Sadler, Esq., M.P. Public meetings shortly after this date were held at Keighley, Bradford, iand Dewsbury, for the same object. Mr. Oastler was the principal speaker at these meetings. Jan. 12th. The celebrated Paganini delighted and as- •tonished a very numerous audience at the Leeds Music hall, by his performance on the violin. A local paper speaks of him and his playing as follows: — "His person is a poem. There is something unearthly about him: he's a man almost without a shadow : but his face is on the whole agreeable, and his smile indicative of great good nature. His performances were — " Preludio e Rondo .'brillante " ; Recitative e tre aria variate," (played on the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 385 1832. fourth string only); "The admired Variazioni upon the popular Neapolitan canzouetta," " The Carnival of Venice," descriptive of the freaks and vagarieei of a Venitian Car- nival," all composed by the Signor. "We do not feel our- selves competent to speak of what may be termed his miracles : ^ve can admire his delightful harmonies, his ca- dences, his extraordiu-ary dexterity, the more than musical sound of his fiddle. He can make it squeak, and squall, and laugh, and cr}', and nearly speak; he can express mirth and sorrovr, tragedy, comedy, or farce. His performance was hailed v/ith unbounded applause ; but he declined to obey the cry of encore." Paganini was brought before the Leeds audience by Messrs. Sykes and Son, who liberally gave £50 out of the profits to the Leeds poor fund; the Signor gave twenty guineas to the same object. Feb. A philosophical society was formed at Bram'ey, near Leeds. A neat gothic monument was erected iu the ^\'akekeld parish church, 18";3, by public subscription, in memory of the Rev. Thomas Rogers, of that town, and bears the following inscription : — " In memory of the Rev. Thomas Rogers, A.M., formerly of Mag- dalene college, Cambridge, and thirty-one years Sunday evening lecturer in the church, who died the 13th day of i ehruary, 1832, aged 71 years. This monument was erected by public subscription as a tribute of respect for his character, and a record of his long and pious life." March. The slubbers, epinners, and weavers, in the em- ploy of Messrs. Bruce, Dorrington, and Walker, of Leeds, struck work with a view to resist an intended reduction in the price of their wages, to the amount of 4d. or Gd. per string on the lower description of goods. The strike only lasted about a fortnight, m hen the masters consented to place the men in the same position as they Avere before. April 2nd. At llic extremity of the vale of Greenfield, near Hudderstield, a dreadful deed of blood wasjjerpetrated. Both "William Bradbury, the occupier of a public house known by the name of Bill o' Jack.s, and his son ^YiUiam, were murdered, and no circumstance has since transpired to lead to the conviction of the murderers. The bodies of the unfortunate victims were afterwards interred in Saddleworth church yard. April 19th. The second reading of the reform bill having passed the House of Lords by the small majority of nine, a meeting of the inhabitants of the borough of Leeds, was held in the area of the Coloured Cloth Hall, John Marshall, jun., Esq., in the 33 386 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1832. chair, when it was resolved to present " an address to the king, praying his majesty by the constitutional exercise of the royal prerogative in the creation of peers, to secure the passing of the reform bill in all its efficiency, and thereby prevent a collision between the two houses of parliament." April 24th. A great county meeting was held in the castle yard, at York, to petition the House of Commons in favour of the ten hours' factory bill, intro- duced by M. T. Sadler, Esq., and then before a select com- mittee of the House. The principal speakers were, Joseph Wood, of Sandal ; J. P. Tempest, of Tong hall ; Samuel Smith, surgeon, of Leeds; Richard Oastler; George Strick- land, Esq., M.P. ; the hon. Wm. Buncombe; M. T.Sadler, Esq., M.P. ; Robert Hall, of Leeds; and others. On the 7th of May, the ministry of lord Grey was de- feated in the House of Lords on the question that the en- franchisement schedules of the reform bill should be taken into consideration before those for disfranchisement. The ministry of lord Grey in consequence resigned. A meeting of the inhabitants of Leeds was held on the 14th May, in in the area of the Mixed Cloth hall, in pursuance of a re- quisition originating with " the Leeds Association for pro- moting within the county of York the free return of fit representatives to parliament," for the purpose of con- sidering the propriety of petitioning the House of Commons not to grant any further supplies until the reform bill had received the royal assent ; and also of addressing his majesty to recall to his councils the only administration in which the people have confidence." It is said that about 20,000 persons attended this meeting. George Rawson, Esq., occupied the chair. The principal speakers were, George Wailes, John Marshall, jun., Mr. Richardson, solicitor ; John Clapham, and Edward Baines. John Foster, a radical, who attempted to speak, was a great deal jostled by the crowd. Robert Hall attempted to move an amendment to the petition, but was prevented from being heard, and forced off the steps, and had his clothes torn. A local paper (the Intelligencer) reports " that after the petitions and address had been adopted by the meeting, Mr. E. Baines, jun., proposed threecheersforearlGrey; three cheers for reform ; three groans for the duke of Wellington and three groans for the queen; (Adelaide) three cheers for lord Morpeth; three cheers for lord Brougham; three cheers for the majority of the House of Commons ; and three groans for the bishops." On the same day a meeting of the Leeds True Blue Constitutional Association was held at their com- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 387 1832. mittee room, Henry Hall, Esq., in the chair, " to vote an address to his majesty expressive of our gratitude for his decision in resisting the attempt to invade the constitution, and our full reliance on his wisdom and firmness in every future exigency, with our full determination to support him in the choice of a free and enlightened government." The principal speakers, besides the chairman, were Benjamin Sadler, Lepton Dobson, the Rev. G. S. Bull, Robert Hall, and Edwin Smith. Earl Grey and his colleagues returned to office, and the House of Lords went into committee on the reform bill, commencing with the enfranchisement clause. May 16th. Between eight and nine o'clock in the evening of this day, a mob of between two and three thausand persons paraded the principal streets in York, with an effigy of the venerable archbishop hoisted on a pole, and afterwards set of to his grace's residence, the palace, at Bishopthorpe. On reaching the palace lodge, they did con- siderable damage to the clock, and soon forced their way into the park, the gates of which had been closed against them. Having obtained admission, they threw a few stones a.t the palace windows, by which a few panes were broken, and began to tear up the palisades and young trees, after "which they set fire to the efligy. The military having been warned of the affair, came up, and the mob dispersed without doing any further mischief. 23rd. One of the most numerous (said to be at least 100,000 persons present) as- semblages ever witnessed in the county of York, took place at Wakefield, under the auspices of the Leeds reform association, and the Leeds political union, to petition par- liament in favour of the reform bill, and to move an address to the king asking him to have confidence in the ministry of earl Grey. Cholera — This year was signalised in the history of England by the visitation of that awful scourge the Asiatic cholera. The full extent of the havoc committed can never be correctly estimated, as a vast number of cases must of necessity have escaped the vigilance of the board of health. The number of cases, however, actually reported totheboard of health in England, was, 82,528, of which 31,376 were fatal; the mortality was consequently at the rate of 38 deaths to 100 cases. At the beginning of February, the disease had established itself in London on the one hand, and in Edin- burgh, Glasgow, and Paisley on the other. The first case that occurred in Leeds, was on the 26th of May, and the victim was an Irish boy named Dock, about two years old, 388 ANNAL8 OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1832. residing with his parents in the Blue Bell fold, at the Bank. He was taken ill at five iu the morning, and died at three in the afternoon. A child named Tobin died in the same fold the next day, and about eleven others were shortly after attacked in the same yard and its vicinity. The disease then made rapid progress, notwithstanding that every pre- caution had been taken by the local board of health by the removal of nuisances, &c. Cases. Deaths. Recoveries. By the end of June there had been 166 43 71 In July 427 187 255 „ August 668 273 372 „ September 334 123 228 „ October ... 216 73 182 „ November 12th 6 3 7 Total ... 1817 702 1115 Thus, there were in the borough, during the whole period of the disease, 1,817 cases; 702 deaths, and 1,115 recoveries. It appears from a valuable statistical report of the cholera in Leeds, drawn up by Mr. Baker, surgeon, '' That the dreadful disease was most prevalent iu those parts of the town Avhich were situate in the vicinage of tlie river, or large water courses. That of 1817, cases reported to the Leeds board of health, 1,448 occurred in the township of Leeds, and 3G9 in the out-townships. The number of streets, lanes, alleys, and yards, in whxh the cholera pre- vailed, amounted to 876, of which 265 v/ere thoroughfares in Leeds only. The cholera commenced on the 2Gth of May, was at its height in August, (in which month 6G8 cases were reported, 273 deaths and 372 recoveries) and ter- minated on the 12th of November. The greatest number of cases in one day, was on the 16th of August, when there were 59 cases and 21 deaths. In fifty-three families, two persons were attacked at the same time ; in seven families, three at the same time ; in three families, four at the same time; in one family, five were attacked at the same time; and in another family, seven persons were ill of the disease at the same moment: one person was attacked by the disease three times, and recovered ; three other persons were attacked twice each, and two of them recovered ; but the third died. None of the medical gentlemen had the blue stage of the disease, but many were attacked with symptoms of a permonitory kind, especially those gentlemen who came in closest contact with the sick. One THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 389 1832. nurse at the cholera hospital was attacked with the blue stage, and two with perraonitory symptoms. None of the attendants had the disease in the blue stage, and but three had permonitory symptoms." During the whole period of the disease, the attentions of the board of health and the medical gentlemen of the town were most praiseworthy ; and great benevolence in providing funds, was shown by a large number of the inhabitants. The establishment of the cholera hospital in St. Peter's square, gave great dis- satisfaction to the inhabitants and owners of property in the neighbourhood, who manifested their feelings by breaking the windows of the hospital, and annoying the medical men and others. This place being inadequate, some property at the top of Saxton-lane was purchased for £550, and converted into an hospital. At times great inconvenience was occasioned at some of the churches by the irregular manner in which certain of the persons who died of the cholera were taken to the place of sepulchre. A local paper states, that instances occurred of individuals of the Homan Catholic persuasion, being taken into the church yard by their friends, who sprinkled a quantity of consecrated earth upon the coffin, and then left it to take its chance. Altogether there was a great deal of patience, forbearance, and self-denial shown by all classes of the community during this calamity. The cholera broke out at Goole and Selby so early as the beginning of April, ■where several fatal cases occurred. It appeared at Dews- bury on the 19th of June, and about the same time at Poutefract, Brotherton and Woodlesford. The number of cases at York up to the 1st of October, was 44S; deaths 1S4, and recoveries 264. Apperley Bridge was visited in an alarming manner from Sunday, the l^Uh of June, to Wednesday, the 13th, in which time 31 cases occurred, and 10 deaths. The number of cases at Sheffield, up to Nov- ember 5th, was 1,347; deaths 402, and recoveries 945 — among the victims at this place was John Blake, Esq., master cutler, to whose memory an elegant obelisk was erected in 1834 by public subscription. The cholera did not commence at Bradford until the latter end of August, and up to the 19th of September there were 82 cases ; 12 deaths, and 37 recoveries. It broke out at Knaresbro' on the 23rd of December, and up to the 10th of January, there were 30 cases ; 14 deaths, and 16 recoveries. June 14th. Mr. William Hirst, of Leeds, published in the Leeds papers an appeal to his Yorkshire friends for pecu- niary support, in which he says, that " At the time I began 390 ANlsALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1832. the new system of manufacfuring and finisliing cloth, I was not worth £500; the system itself enabled me in a short time to lay out in mills and machinery upwards of £80,000, and in 1824 I gave up business with a great in- come, but left all in the concern; but 1825 was the ruin of the concern. I thought I could save it, and in 1826, I mortgaged my propert},"- for that purpose, but the new- tariff in America, in 1828 blasted all hope." He had to appear in the gazette, and states, that '• his life had been a life of struggle and disappointment since 182.5." His fellow-townsmen shortly after in public meeting set afoot a subscription for his benefit. June 15th. The passing of the reform bill was celebrated at Leeds by a public dinner at which John Marshall, jun., Esq., and T. B. Mac- aulay, Esq., the Whig candidates for the representation of the borough at the forth-coming election Avere invited. At the meeting after dinner, Mr. Joshua Bower occupied the chair, aud the principal speakers were Mr. Mac- aulay and Mr. Marshall. On the evening of Tuesday, the 21st of August, the town of Pontefract was for the first time lighted with gas. Aug. 20(h and 21st. A grand cricket match took place at Kirkstall bridge, for £50, between eleven scientific players from Sheffield and twenty-two Yorkshire players. The Sheffield players won by four runs, with nine wickets to go down. The followiug was the total score: — Sheffield 143; Yorkshire 139 — majority, 4. On Sunday the 26th of August, died of cholera at Bayswater, Dr. Adam Clark, LL.I)., an eminent Methodist minister, aged 70. He was born in the north of Ireland about 1762, received no schooling, was eager for knowledge, was placed with a linen manufacturer to learn the trade; being found to possess aptitudes for the christian ministry, Avas admitted at Mr. Wesley's academy, Kingswood, near Bristol; be- sides going through the routirie studies, taught himself Hebrew, and so laid the foundation of his oriental scholar- ship ; was commissioned b}^ Mr. "Wesley himself to become a preacher; first taught near Bradford, in Yv^iltshire, and became very popular in the pulpit. In 1802 he published a " Bibliographical Dictionary " in six volumes — a conve- nient book for the English student. About the same time he began to be taken notice of for his acquirements in biblical knowledge and oriental literature. Removing to London, he had superior opportunities for pursuing his studies. He was chosen by the commissioners of the public records to superintend the publication of a new THK SURR0D^"DI><6 DISTRICT. 391 1832. edition of Fcyracr's " Foedera." Besides other publica- tions, he putforth an edition of the Holy Scriptures in the English version, illustrated with a commentary and critical notes, forming a kind of family bible. (1810-26). During a part of the time that ho was preparing this use- ful work, in which traces of independent thinking and moral courage are found, Dr. Clark resided at Millbrook, in Lancashire, where some friends had purchased for him a house and small estate. From 1823, when he left Lanca- shire, he lived at Haydon hall, in Middlesex. Dr. Clarke was a good, laborious, and self-denying man. His learning was more extensive than sound; but he has the merit of having turned his acquirements to advantage for the in- struction and improvement of his fellow men. On Sunday evening the 7th of October, the Hark Forward Ilkley and Leeds coach, shortly after it started from the Rose and Crown inn, Ilkley, for Leeds, was upset. There were a many passengers on the outside of the coach, many of whom received severe contusions, and a poor woman upwards of 69 years of age, named Hannah Aller- ton, of Farsley, was so severely injured that she died in a fev/ days. The coachman, John Townsend,was said to be in liquor. Nov. The Leeds Y^orkhouse board passed a resolution that the poor who died in the workhouse, and whose bodies %vere not claimed by relatives or friends, should be given for dissection, under the sanction of Mr. Warburton's act. Nov. 15(h. As some workmen were employed in excavating for a drain to pass through Feasegate, York, they fliscovered at a distance of nine feet beloAv the street, a wall eight feet thick, extending from Jubbergate, along the centre of the street, a distance of fifteen yards, v/lien it appeared to turn towards Coney-street. This wall, which is no doubt of Roman origin, is formed of small stones firmly cemented together, so as to render the whole v/ork a solid mass of adamantine hardness. It re- quired immense labour to detach the pieces, Avhich could only be accomplislied by chisels, and that in ver}'- small proportions. Reform Bill. The year 1832 is memorable for the pass- ing of lord John Russell's reform bill, 2nd William IV., cap. 45, entitled " An act to amend the representation of the people in England and Wales." The debate on the third reading in the liouse of Comm.ons, terminated at .5 o'clock in the morning of the 23rd of March, and on a division the numbers M'ere : — For the bill, 3.35, against it, 392 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1832. 239, majority for the third reading, 116, The measure passed the house of lords, (after much opposition) on the 4th of June. The numbers were for the third reading, 106, against it, 22, majority 84, and on the 7th of June it re- ceived the royal assent, and became the law of the land. By this act the boroughs of Aldborough, Boroughbridge, and Hedon were disfranchised, and Northallerton and Thirsk lost one member each. Bradford, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham, Manchester, Halifax, &c., obtained the right of representation, and to return two members each. Hud- derstield, Wakefield, and Whitby to return one. This act declared the electorial district of Leeds to be the " Borough of Leeds," but the parliamentary boundaries act (2ud and 3rd William lY, cap 64,) declares such district to be only the " Parish of Leeds," thereby excluding the hamlets of Coldcoates, Osmondthorpe, Skelton, and Thornes, which although within the Borough, are not within the Parish of Leeds. Leeds ELEcnoN. On the 4th of Sept. the candidates for the representation of Leeds attended at the Mixed cloth hall to address the electors. Mr. Bower, president of the Leeds political union, introduced Thomas Babington Mac- aulay. Esq , Mr. George Rawson introduced John Marshall, junr. Esq , and Mr, Hall introduced Michael Thomas Sad- ler, Esq. After the candidates had addressed the electors, they were questioned as to their political opinions by Messrs. Bower, Smithson, Ward, and Oastler. Several meetings were subsequently held by the candidates and the canvass proceeded with great activity and spirit. The 10th of December was the day of nomination, when both parties mustered in considerable strength. Messrs. Marshall and Macaulay with their friends breakfasted at the Commercial buildings, and Mr, Sadler and his friends at Crossland's hotel. Hustings were erected in the area of the Mixed Cloth Hall, capable of containing five hundred persons ; here the candidates appeared with their principal supporters, and twenty thousand persons occupied the space in front. About ten o'clock, the mayor, Thomas Tennant, Esq., opened the proceedings of the day. Henry Hall, Esq., then proposed Michael Thomas Sadler, Esq., and William Beckett, Esq., seconded the nomination. Thomas Benyon, jun., Esq., proposed John Marshall, jun., Esq., and James Musgrave, Esq , seconded the nomination. John Marshall, Esq., the late member for the county, pro- posed Mr. Macaulay, and George Rawson, Esq., seconded the nomination. When the usual shew of hands was THE SURROETNDJNG DISTRICT. 393 1832. called for, the mayor unhesitatingly pronounced it to be in favour of Messrs. Marshall and Macaulay. A poll was then demanded by Mr. Hall for Mr. Sadler, and the mayor appointed it to commence on the ensuing- Wednesday morning, the 12th of December. The proceedings on this occasion were interrupted by a disgraceful riot which at one time assumed the most alarming appearance, and in which, as is usual in similar cases, both parties were equally culpable. When Mr. I\rarshall came forward to propose Mr. Macaulay, some of the blue party placed before him a standard representing a A'iew of Messrs. Marshall's mill, in Water-lane, in a snow storm on a winter's morning, with several poor, decrepid, and half- naked children trudging in a shiveing attitude through the snow; on the picture v/ere painted the ^vords, "A scene in Water-lane, at five o'clock in the morning." The AVhig part}' cried down with the flag, and suiting the action to the word a number of the adherents of Marshall and Macaula}' made a rush upon the possessors of the ob- noxious banner, and succeeded after a brisk struggle in pulling it down — then commenced a serious conflict between t!;e two parties. The blues made a desperate charge upon their opponents, and a regular battle was fought: sticks, bludgeon.?, and the broken pieces of the poles of banners M'-ere used as the offensive weapons; many persons were thrown down and trampled upon, and others received dreadful cuts on the head and face ; a con- siderable number of the orange party retired for a short time from the yard; and the proceedings were not re.^umed until a great number of special constables were ordered b)' the mayor to station themselves in a direct line from the middle of the hustings to the other side of the yard, and thus to form a marked division between the hostile parties. It is sincerely hoped that such a scandalous scene will never again be witnessed in this town. Eleven per- sons were taken to the infirmary, four of whom were so seriously hurt that they were immediately placed on the list of in-patients. On Wednesday, the 12th of December, the polling com- menced with great vigour and was continued with the same spirit on the following day. The result of the poll, as stated by the mayor on the 14th, in the Mixed Cloth Hall yard, was as follows: — J. Marshall, j^m., W. 2,012. T. B. Macaulay, W. 1,9S4. M. T. Sadler, T. 1,596. 394 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1832. The split votes were — Marshall and Macaulay, 1,855 ; Marshall and Sadler, 118; Macaulay and Sadler, 89. Mr. Marshall had 3S plumpers, Mr. Macaulay 39, and Mr. Sadler 1,380. At a quarter before eleven o'clock on Friday, December 14th, the mayor and a number of the electors executed the indenture of return, and the former terminated the contest by saying, " I have now the pleasure of telling you that the return of two burgesses to parliament is completed, and in your name and in my own, I heartily congratulate the successful candidates, and wish them all health and happiness, and I have no doubt that they will do credit to your choice, and prove active, useful, and in- dependent members of parliament." Messrs. Marshall and Macaulay, lord Morpeth, (who happened to be present), and Mr. Fawkes, of Faraley, then addressed the electors, and thanks were voted by acclamation to the mayor. The members were then chaired in triumph through the princi- pal streets of the town, in the presence of an immens^e concourse of people, and their return was celebrated by a dinner at the Commercial buildings in the evening. The registered voters for the borough of Leeds, at the election in 1832, were — in the town 2,614; in the out- townships, 1,936 ; total, 4550. Registered voters for the West- Riding, resident in Leeds, 809. The election at Bradford took place on the 19th of December, and resulted in the return of E. C. Lister and John Hardy — the state of the poll being. Lister 650, Hardy 471, George Banks 402. At Halifax, Rawden Briggs and Charles Wood were re- turned — the result of the poll being, Briggs 242, Wood 235, Michael Stocks 183, J. S. Wortley 174. At Wake- field, Daniel Gaskell was returned without opposition. At Huddersfield, captain L. Fenton was returned — the poll being, Fenton 263, captain Joseph Wood 152. December. The election of two members for the West- Riding of Yorkshire (in pursuance of the reform bill), took place at Wakefield. Sir Francis Lindley Wood, bart., proposed, and John Nussey, Esq., of Batley, seconded the nomination of Viscount Morpeth; George Rawson, Esq., of Leeds, proposed, and Francis Hawks- worth Fawkes, Esq., seconded Sir George Strickland, Esq. No other candidates being proposed, they were duly elected. Dec. 21st. A public dinner was given to M. T. Sadler, Esq , by his friends, in the Music hall. Henry Hall, Esq., occupied the chair. Dec. 5th. In compliance with the recommenda- THE SURRODNDING DISTRICT. 395 1832. tion of the Board of Hcalfh, and the ii)junction of the mayor, this day was observed in Leeds as " a da}^ of solemn thanksgiving to Almighty God, tor his merciful interposition in checking the ravages of rhe fatal disease by which the town had lately been visited." Nearly all the shops and mills in the town were closed, and divine service was per- formed in most of the churches and chapels. Dec. 5th. The workpeople of Mr. Abimelech Hainsworth, cloth manufacturer, Farsle}'-, near Bradford, had for some time prior to this date been on strike for an advance of wages : some few of his men who were not members of the Trades' union, refused to leave work, among whom were James Benson, a native of Ireland, about 19 years of age, and his sister a few years younger. On the night above- mentioned, about a quarter past eight o'clock, Benson, ac- companied by his sister, left work and proceeded home to Stanningley. In the road a number of men to the number of thirty or forty made an attack upon Benson, and so ill- used him, that he expired at 5 o'clock next morning, from the injuries he had received. Although a large reward was offered for the apprehension of the murderers, they escaped. December. Messrs. Marshall and Macaulay's electioneer- ing committee presented to Mr. Richardson and Mr. Gaunt, solicitors, two silver salvers, with the following inscription : (Changing the name only in Mr. Gaunt's case.) "Presented by the election committee of Messrs. Marshall and Macaulay, the first members of the borough of Leeds, under the reform bill, to James Richardson, Esq., solicitor, in grateful testimony of professional services gratuitously, zealously, and most efficiently rendered to the cause of the people." The committee also presented a testimonial to Mr. Eddison, solicitor, who had accepted payment for only a part of the professional services rendered by him during the election, namely, those performed in the business of revising the register of voters. The Leeds Choral Society was founded this year by the late Mr. Bywater, who was one of the most talented musicians the county of York ever produced. The members of this societ}^ are entirely professional, and have now become celebrated throughout the AVest-Riding for their excellent oratorial performances. A good col- lection of music is kept for the use of the members. There is a benevolent fund in connection with this society. Each performing member pays a donation of 2s. 6d., and two-thirds of the contributions paid to he 396 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1832.-1833. choral society is applied to the fund. Two concerts are also given annually, and applied to the same fund. Conductor, Mr. U. S. Burton, (the festival choral master, and organist, &c., at the parish church); leader, Mr. Bowling. The Mechanics' Institution, at Bradford, ■was established this year, for which an appropriate building v/as erected in 1839, at an expense of £3,300; and contains a theatre for the delivery of lectures, a library of 3,000 volumes, and a museum, in which is a good collection of specimens in natural history, anti- quities, various models and machinery; an exhibition, including also a good collection of paintings, was opened to the pul)lic in 1840, and the receipts for admission, for fifteen weeks, amounted to £2,345. 1833. A tile tomb was discovered in the year 1833, near Dringhouses, on the road to Tadcaster, formed of roof tiles and ridge tiles, which bear the impress of the VI. Legion, erected, it is probable, over the ashes of a soldier of that legion. (The sixth legion came from Germany into Britain with the emperor Hadrian, A.D., 117). No urn or vessel of any kind, or coins of any description, were found in it ; nothing but a layer of the remains of a funeral pile, consisting of charcoal and bones, about six inches in thickness, with several iron nails. During this year a brick tower was added to St. Mary's church, Hunslet. The church was erected in 1636, and was enlarged to twice its original size in 1744. The benefice is now a vicarage, valued at £235, and is under the patronage of the bishop of Ripou. The Rev. Edward Wilson, B.A., is the vicar. Jan. The workmen on the Leeds and Selby railway, in digging the excavation diverging from the London and York turnpike, through the tunnel formed by the bridge near South Milford, opened a burial ground, concerning which there is no tradition. In the Doomsday survey, there are four chapelries mentioned as belonging to Sherburn : one of these was on the same line of road, at the extremity of the township, on the way to Bark- ston Ash, the foundations of which the old inhabitants could recollect, but it is not known where the other three chapelries were situated — this burial ground was probably the cemetery of one of them. Jan. 4th. As some workmen employed by Mr. Frederick Stowe, of Westfields, Bramley, were removing some earth in a field belonging to him at Pudsey, at the depth of about one foot from the surface, they discovered a THE SUKKOUNDING DISTRICT. 397 1833— Jan. quantity of ancient silver coins, of the reigns of queen Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I., and some others, reign and date unknown. Those of the reign of Elizabeth bear date from lo63 to 15S4; and those of James I. from 1G04. They were in a iiigh s'ate of preservation. Jan. 8th. Died, in Butterworth's yard, Kirkgate, Leeds, where she had resided lor u})\\ards of sixty years, Elizabeth Wilkinson, aged 93, retaining all her faculties till a short time betore her death. She had often been heard to tell of seeing a hedge growing on one side of Marsh-lane, and of the fields coming clotse up to Kirkgate at the time when she went to live there. On the same day, died, in London, aged .5^, the Rev. Richard "Watson, a celebrated Wesleyan ])reacher. He was extensively known in Yorkshire. His principal literary Avorks were, his 'I'lieological Institutes, life of Wesley, and his Biblical and Theological Dictionary. 13th. A young woman aged 21, named Ann Cryer, the wife of William Cryer, excavator, Grantham-street, Bank, Leeds, murdered her infant child, a week old, and afterwards destroyed herself. This unfortunate mother had the milk fever at the time. She lived several days after the occurrence, an'l the coroner's jury returned, a verdict of " Wilful murder " against her. The further proceedings in the matter were rendered unnecessary by her death, and the jury shortly after returned a verdict that "the deceased destroyed herself in a fit of insanity." 21st. The stuff weavers in the employment of Mr. James Green, one of the principal stuff manufacturers of Leeds, struck work in consequence of a dispute between them and the master as towages Jan. 24th. A public meeting of the inhabitants of the borough of Leeds was held at the Court-house, George Wailes, Esq., in the chair, when it was determined to petition the legislature for an immediate abolition of Colonial ^lavery, An address to the king embodying the spirit of the resolution, was signed by the chairman on behaif of tlie meeting. The gentlemen who took a prominent part in the proceedings were, the Rev. Thom.as Scales, J. B. Pense, Robert Jowett, William West, the Rev. J. Ackworth, the Rev. R. W. Hamilton, Edward Baines, jun., John Marshall, jnn., M.P., the Rev. John Anderson, J. P. Clajjham, M. T. Sadler, and Mr. Perring. •26th. Oa Saturday evening, about seven o'clock, as Thomas Tennant, Esq., the mayor of Leeds, (who had just arrived in the town from an excursion into a neighbouring county), was proceeding up Bank-street, to his residence 34 398 ANNAI.S OK LEKDS, YOUK, AND 1833— Jan. ill Albion-street, he wasaftacked by four villiann, whosoized him behind, stopped his mouth, and threw him down. They took from him a small portable writing desk, in which were thirty-Steven £5 notes, of the Boston and Liricoln- ftliire banks, &o , besides some thirty sovereigns and half sovereigns, makiiig together £21, ajid various letters, memoranda, &c Tiiey al?o rifled his j)ock« ts of un an- tique silver snuff box, a pair of tortoise- shell spectacles, and a golrj v,atch and chain, the schIs oI which were broken off during the struggle. By the activity of the police, nine sovcieigns and three of the notes were traced to the possession of Elizabeth Brown, to whom they had been sent by the robbeis. The writing case was found early on Sunday morning in a field near Brunswick chapel; i's apparent cont( nts were gone, but th;- thieves had over-looked one of the parcels of notes, value £'100. The snuff box and spectacles were found near the same place, and tiie watch was siibsequently recovered William Rol- linson, John PickfM-sgill, Jose{)h Teale,and Elizabeth Brown, were couKuitted to York for committing or being im- plicated in the robbery. They were tried on the 7th of March. The jury found Rollinson and Pickersgill guilty of t\iti robbery, and Teale and Brown not guilty, but said in their opinion the latter were guilty of receiving the money, knowing it to have been stolen. Mr. Baron Gurney, in ordering judgnient of death to be recorded against Rollinson and Pickersgill. said, '-Prisoners, you have been convicted of a capital offence, and your lives are forfeited to the offended laws of your country. If I should be induced to spare your lives, it is the utmost mercy ti)at can be shown; and if they should be spared, let the remainder of them be spent (as they must be sj)ent in a diiitant coun'r}'-, aiid in a very miserable condition) in endeavour ng to atone for the wickedness of which you have been guilty." Teale and Brown were afterwards tried for receiving the stolen property, and ejich transported for seven years. Feb G. John Marshall, jun., Esq , M. P. for Leeds, seconded the address in answer to the royal sj)eech. Sth, Dieri, at Milton house, near Peterborough, the T/enerable earl Fi(zwilliam, in the SoLh year of his age. His lordship was succeeded in his title and estates, by lord Milton, MP. for north Northamptonshire. Hih. The House of Commons, on the recommcnda- lion of a sub-conjrnitlee, decided to allow J. ]*ease, Esq., a member of the society of Friends, to take his scat ou his making an alBrmation instead of the usual oath. Lord THE .SURRODNDING DISTRICT. 399 18S3— Feb. Morpeth siibsequeiitly introduced a bill which became law, "rendering- the affirmation of Quakers of the same effect as an oath m all cases where an oath is or may be required." 23rd. The ])ublication of the Leeds Intelligencer was this day altered from Thursday to Saturday. March 7th. The Leeds Times newspaper was estab- lished by Messrs Fen ton. Roebuck, and Bingley, and within a few months of its commencement came into the hands of its jjresent senior proprietor, Mr. Frederick Hobson. By careful management, and able editing, it has attained a very high position as a liberal provincial newspaper, and has gradually increased from a small sheet .to its present large size. It has numbered amongst its editors the Rev. Edward Parsons, the lamented. Robert Xicoll, Charles Hooton, Samuel Smiles, &c. Its present (1S59) weekly circulation is said to be upwards of 11,000 copies, and its advertisements, now numerous, have more than doubled during the last few years. 11th. A meeting of the Leeds operatives was held at the Court-house, to petition jjarliament in favour of the ten hours' bill. Mr. Smith, surgeon, and Mr. Baker, surgeon, took part in the proceedings ; the former advocating a ten hours' bill, and the latter an eleven hours' bill. The petition Avas presented to the House of Commons by Mr. Strickland, and was said to contain 16,3o6 signatures, among which were the names of thirty-six surgeons, and its length was 24.5 feet. 20"th. A numerous and very respectable meeting of the inhabitants of the borough of Leeds, Avas convened by the mayor, (at which his Avorship took the chair), "to consider the propriety of addressing petitions to the two houses of parliament in favour of the bill for promoting the better observance of the Sabbath" 'I'he meeting was addressed by the Rev. R. W. Hamilton, the Vicar, the Rev. Miles Jackson, Mr. Baines, William Hey, Robert Jowitt, and others. March 22nd At a court of mayor, aldermen, and assistants, held at the Leeds Court-house, Churles Milner, Esq , barrister-at-law, wa» unanimously clmsen recorder of the borough, vice John Hardy Es(p, resigned. Mr. Hardy's patent, as recorder, was. dated 14(h .Sei)tember, ISOG, so tliat the learned ^enth'- man had held the ufiiccnearly twenty- se^■en years. — Francis Maude, Evq., George "Wailes, Esq . Thomas llorncastle Marshall, P^srp, and Robert Hall, Esq, were aj)pointed by the lord chancellor (juorum commissioners under the new bankruptcy act, for the Leeds district. 400 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1^33 —March. Oil the 31st March, three convicti? were execnted at York, namely, Ebenezer Wright, agred 20, of Rotherham, joiner, for setting fire to two stacks, belonging to Mr. Oxley, solicitor, Thomas Land, aged 25, of Knottingley, for cruelly beating Thomas Atkinson, on the highway near Pontefract ; and Mary Hunter, aged 47, (the mother of fourteen children), of Lotherton, near Aberford, for counselling and abetting Hannah Gray, a girl of weak intellect, to set lire to three corn stacks the property of Mr. Marshall, of Lotherton. Mr, Edwari Hauge, of Thornhill, on the evening of the same day, hearing some one tease the dog outside his house, opened the window and fired a pistol, intending to frighten the ]);irties away, and shot a person named Joseph B\xeudale, who died from the wounds received. It is said IMr. Hauore nude a provision for the widow and family of the deceased. April I7th, Mr Macaulay presented to the House of Commons s^x petitions from the .Methodist congregations of Lf^eds, and one from the Baptist congregation of that town, for the abolition of slavery. He also presented a petition from 13,000 ir)habitants of Leeds, praying for a reform in the cori)oration of that borough, which he intended to move, to refer to the select committee sitting on corporations. He also ])resented from 1,230 of his constituents, a petition tor the removal of the disabilities nnder which the Jews laboured 28'h. Some wretch with great cruelty and utter recklessness, set fire to some farm buildings at Mill- stone, near Amcsbury, belonging to C. Kendall, Esq , by which 400 sheep and 4» pigs were burnt to death, and 300 (piarters of oats anl barley, in ricks and in barn, were consumed — loss £2000. 29fh. A little alter mid-day, a severe hail and thunder storm took place at Leeds and the vicinity, to the West. The electric fluid struck the spire of the new church at Kirkstall, and destroyed it to the depth of fifteen feet, the stones and mortar beinor thrown to the ground, \ very large s*-one which capped the spire, was shattered to atoms; another block of large dimensions was thrown a considerable distance into an adjoining field ; and the who'e of the spire was so much injured that it had to be taken down and rebuilt. Some of the fragments forced their way through the church, damaging some of the pews and the organ pipes. The amount of the injur}^ was estimated at from £400 to £500, THE !e for deeply felt gratitude to Mr. Flood, surgeon, for lii.s great skill and valuable exertions, in arresting the progress of the drea'ful epidemic disease called cholera, by which the town and neiglibourhood of Leeds were awfully visited during the year 183?." loth. A storm of hail and rain, m ith thunder and lightning, burst nver the greater }:art ut the ^Vest-Eidiiig. The principal (ianiage was done to hot-houses by hail- stones: abuut t wenty-si.x. squares of glass were broken iu the museum lights at the Leeds ph.losophical society. The hot-houses of Mr. Hebblethw aite, Woodhoupc-laue, Mr. Pontey, Clay Pit lane, Mr. Clapliam, and Mr. C'oxon, Chapeltowi), were much damaged. At Pontefract, the the storm was very alarming, and did much damage. Ifc is said that some of the hailstones which fell there measured Irom four and a half to Hvc inches in circumference, and weighed an ounce. At Keighley, tlie storm was one of most tremendous ever witnessed by the oldest inhabitants. At Clayton Iln'ghts, scarcely a Avindow in any of the houses was left whole. A cabin at the Low moor com})any, near Bradford, was struck by the lightning and killed a boj^ named t^peak. A })Oor man, of the name of Armitage, of Lindley, was killed by the electric fluid at Gclcar, near Huddcrstield. The deceased left a widow and nine children Ihe thermomefor at the Leeds philo- sophical hall stood at 80^ in the shade. 20th. A public meeting convened by the Leeds Anti- slavery Society m as held at the Music hall, to con- sider the government jjlan of emancipation. George Eawson, Esq., occupied the chair, and speeches were delivered by the Rev. Thomas Scales, the Rev. R. W. Hamil- ton, Mr. Richardson, solicitor, and others. The miners at most of the pits in the vicinity of Wakefield, Mere on strike at this time for an advance of wages. The influenza was very prevalent at Hunslet, and many cases terminated fatally. 23rd. Died, aged ;:8, Charles Turner Thackrah, Esq., surgeon, of Leeds, distinguished by an ardent and anxious zeal in his profession, to which he devoted his mind with unremitting assiduity. Mr. Thackrah published several 402 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 183:?.— May. valuable treatises coimiiectcd with bis profession, Avhicti Avere well calculated to advance medical science and do honour to the memor}'' of the deceased. 2()th. A line lad about live year.«? old, named James Green, the son of Mr. Green, joiner, New-road -end, Leeds, died at the Leeds general intirmary of that terrible disorder hydroj)hobia- He had been severely bitten by his grand- father's cur dog about six weeks before. This being only the second aul henticated case of liydrophobia \vhich had occurred in Leeds for upv>ards of thirty years, elicited a great deal of attention from the medical men of the town, "who rendered to the boy every assistance in their power. .'iOth. An explosion of fire damp, by which five persons lost their lives, took place in a colliery at Linley top, near Huddersfield, in the occupation of Mr. James Water- house, of Linley. The names of the unfortunate persons were, James Waterhouse, the lessee of the pit; Thomas Crossley, of EUand ; George Batley, John Titfany, and Edward Booth, of Lindley. May. The Leeds carpet "weavers were at this time out on the strike owing to a dispute as to ^vages. Ten of tiie weavers of Mr. Howard were sent to the House of Correction for leaving their work unfinished. Having completed their term of im- prisonment, they were (12th June) escorted through the tOMn by their friends in a coach, accompanied by a band of music. The Leeds stuff weavers and pressers were also on strike, and continued out for a long time. The mayor, during the strike published a caution to the men against in- timidation, &c. June 3rd. Thomas Chorley, Esq., having resigned the office of surgeon to the Leeds general infiimary, Avhicli he had held for nearly forty years ; at a meeting of the trustees held this day, the following resolution was moved by the Eev. R. Fawcett, A.M., the vicar of Leeds, seconded by G. Rawson, Esq., and passed with general ac- clamation : — "Resolved,— That the trustee.s deeply lament that the declining state of Mr. Chorle^-'.s health has induced him to re.sign the office of surgeon to the infirmary, \vhich he has filled to their entire satisfaction for the long term ot nearly forty j^ears. That by the punctual antl unwearied discharge of the duties of his otfice, distinguished alike by great professional skill and humane attention to the comforts of his patients, he has won the admiration and gratitude of the trustees, en- deared himself to those who have owed to him, 'jnder Divine Providence, their restoration to health and limbs, and iurnished a model worthy of imitation by all succeeding officers of the institution. We earnestly pray the Almighty to bless him in his retirement, and prolong his life THE SURROU^"DI^'G DISTRICT. 403 1833— June. to \vitne>.s the continued success of that charity in wliich he tates so deep an interest, and to enjoy the gratitying reflection of having largely contributed in his day to the relief of human suffering." A copy of the above resolufion beautifully written on vellum and framed, was presented to Mr. Chorley as a more lasting testimonial of the gratitude of the trustees. On the same day an election for a successor took ]jlace at the Court-house. The candidates were — Henry Chorley, Joseph Prince Garlick, and 'i'horaas Pridgin Teale. The votes were taken by ballot, and the following gentlemen officiated as examiners : Mr. Pibb for Mr. Teale; Mr. J. H. Ridsdale for Mr. Garlick; and Mr. Buhner for Mr. Chorley. The numbers polled were: — For Mr. Teale,— votes, 200; proxies, 12"; total, 327. „ Mr. Garlick „ 129; „ 103; „ 235. „ Mr. Chorley „ 56; „ 54; „ 110. The chairman, Henry Hall. Esq., declared Mr. Teale duly elected. 24rh. The election of a surgeon to the Leeds public dispensary in the place of Mr. T. P. Teale, resigned, took place — Mr. Charles Xelson, surgeon, "was elected. 26th. At the quarterly board of the Leeds general infirmary, Mr. Baker, surgeon, moved au alteration in the 17th rule, so as to admit; of an increase in the number of medical officers of the institution. The motion was negatived by a majority of 245. July 1st. A large public meeting took place on 'Wibsey Low moor, near Bradford, " To consider the i)ropriety of petitioning parliament to reject the proposition for limiting the labour of factory children under thirteen years of age to eight hours per day, and two sets, and to pass without delay the ten hours' bill, which extends its mercilul re- strictions to persons under eighteen years of age, but allov.s them to work ten hours per day." Captain \»'ood, of Sandal, occupied the chair, and the meeting was ad- dressed by John Airey, of Leeds; William Busfield, of Bingley; the Rev. G. S. Bull, of Bierley; Mr. Doherty, of IManchester; and Mr. Oastler. 27th. Died, at the advanced age of 94, Phineas Lambert, of Thornhill, weaver. He was a member of the Cal- vanistic persuasion more than sixty years, and enjoyed au uninterrupted state of health till within a short time of his death. He was father to four generations, viz. : — • eleven children, sixty-three grand children seventy-four great grand children, and four great great grand children; 401 ANNALH OF LKEDS, YOllK, AND lb33~JuLy. in all 152 desceiidaiits, of whom the greater part were liviii«r anfl followed him to his grave. William Wiiberforco, an eminent English philanthro- pist, was born at Hull, August 24th, 1759. His father was a merchant, and gave him an education to prepare him for college. When only 14, Wilberforce wrote a letter to a York paper, "in condemnation of the odious traffic in human tlesh." In 177^ he went to Cambridge, where he became acquainted with the celebrated Pitt, with whom he long maintained the closest friendship. He determined to embrace a parliamentary career, and when onl}' 21, was elected member for Hull. In 1784 he was elected member for the county of York, before he had completed his 25tli year. But Wilberforce, instead of pursuing a career of ambition, resolved to give his abilities, influence, and energies, to the cause of religion and philanthropy. The suffering.«3 of the unhappy negroes particularly engaged his attention, and to the abolition of the slave trade he devoted his whole heart and soul. For twenty years was he labouring for this object, in parliament and ont of it, Avith his tongue and hi.s pen, working unremittingl}'-, in spite of a weak constitution and very precarious health. At last, in 1S07, he saw his wishes accomplished — the abolition bill was passed. He was six times re-elected for the county of York, but in 1812, finding the business of so large a consti- tuency too oppressive, he resigned his seat, and was elected for the borough of Bramber. He now de- voted his attention to the abolition of slavery itself, but his health did not permit him to witness this second triumph. He retired from parliament in 1825. He died July 2Sth, 1833, just as the bill for the abolition of slavery was passing through the House of Commons, He was as estimable in domestic as in public life, and devoted much of his time and income to private charity. Wilberforce was interred with a public funeral in V/est- minster abbey. Aug. 1st. A great deal of excitement was caused in York and other places, by one Hannah Beedham, who had predicted her own death, which was to take place this day, and to meet which she had retired to Kelfield, a village on the banks of the Ouse, about ten miles from York. By her trances, predictions, and preachings, she had gained great popularity amongst a certain re- ligious body, who flocked in hundreds to the place, eager to be " in at the death." The credulous, however. THE SURROU^'DING DISTRICT. 405 1833 —Avcr. were doomed to disappointment, for Hannah Beedliam lived beyond the day of her predicted death, and severe indeed to many did the di?«appointment prove, for not only at Keltield and tiie neighbouring- vilhiges had man}'- provided themselves with new mourning- to attend the luneral, ^^ inch was to have taken place at the church of the Holy 'Iriiiiry, Goodramgate, Vork, on the Sunday followini?; but even sjomc in Vork had done the like. 7th. The colonial slavery bill was read a third time in the House of Commons, and received the royal assent on the 2Sth, eyactly a month after the death of Mr. "SVilberforce, the illustrious leader of the anti-slavery canse. 8th. At a meeting of the inhabitants of the parish of Leeds, held in the j)arish church, for the pur- pose of examining and passing the churchwarden's accounts, ^c. ; amongst several items disallowed by the meeting were : £10 l'2s. for ringers' salary and oil. The conseoj^uence was, that the bells ceased to be rung on Sabbath days and Thursday evenings. The salaries of beadle, verger, and constable, "were also disallowed. 12th. The Hero, Newcastle, and Leeds coach was overturned opposite Low hall, the residence of George "Wailes, Esq., between Chapeltown and Leeds, by coming in collision with a cart. There were two passengers inside and ten outside; but only three of them and the guard (Burgoyne) were >crioiisly injured, namely, Mr. Powell, sen., solicitor, of Knaresbro'; Mr. Morley, of Dishforth; and Mr. John Donkersley, of Honley. At the time of the accident the coachman, Sissons, had lost hold of the reins, caused by the pole being snapped in two, and he was jerked off the footboard. 21st. This day took place the ceremony of dedicating the Rev, John Ely, of Rochdale, to the pastoral charge of the church and congregation assembling in Salem chapel, Leeds, as successor to the Rev. Edward Parsons. 2l3t. Died in Ireland, m hile on a visit to his estates, vSir Harry James Goodricke, bart., of Ribston hall, Yorkshire. He was the seventh baronet, and only son of the late haronet, by Charlotte Fortescue, sister of the late Viscount Clermont. Sir Harry was never married. He was born on the 16th September, 1797- The baronetcy- devolved upon liis cousin, Thomas Goodricke, Esq., on Avhom the Ribston estate was entailed under a family- settlement. On Thursdajs August 29(h, died at Douglas, Isle of .Alan, of Asiatic cholera in the75thyear of his age, the Rev. Edward 406 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1833.— Aug. Parsons, of Leeds. He had preached with much animation on the morning of the previous Sabbath, and died after an illness of only a few hours. He was for forty-eight years the able and popular minisfer of the Independent church as- sembling in Silem chapel. He occupied a very dis- tinguished station as a minister of the gospel, and was honoured with extersive usefulness in promoting the in- terests of religion. His death was justly the subject of deep and general regret. On Friday, the 3()rh of August, and Sunday, the 1st of September, the new Wesleyan Methodist chapel, at Woodhouse grove, was opened fur public worship. At the close of the services the collection amounted to ^£142. Sept. 2nd. Joseph Rndcliffe, overlooker at the flax manu-^ factory of Mark Walker, Mabgate, Leeds, was committed to York on a charge of manslaughter, for having caused the death b}^ ill treatment of Samuel 'I'omlinson, a youth about 14 years of age, the son of William Tomlinson, a cloth dresser, residing in the Jolly Tar yard, Marsh-lane. The funeral of the boy on the Sunday following, at, the parish church, drew together an immense concourse of spectators, among whom v/ere GOO factory children. At the spring ass'zes in the following year, Radclilfe was convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment. .'iOth. Dr. Thorp, the senior physician to the Leeds genera] infirmary, having resigned, an election took place this day in the hall of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. The candidates were: — Dr. Richard Hobson, and Dr. Disney Launder Thorp, the son of (he- retiring physician. The ballotfing was as follows : — Dr. Hobson, ... votes, 279 ; proxies, 153 ; total, 432. Dr. D. Thorp, ... „ 143; „ 142; „ 28'». Majority in favour of Dr Hobson, ... 147. In September, meetings were held ar Dewsbury, Hud- ders field, and W^ikefield, to petition for the removal of the assizes from York to Wakefield. Oct 3rd. A great meeting was held at York to adopt measures to do honour to the memoy of the late Mr. Wilberforce, the archbishop of York in the chair. Lord Morpeth, the lord chancellor, and others took part in the proceedings. A ])lan for erecting a column at Hull, his native town, was approved of. It was resolved to form a benevolent institution of a useful description in the county^ and to put up a tablet to the memory of Mr. Wilberforce; THE SUllUOUNDING DISTHICT. 407 1833.— Oct. T5ut if the subscriptions be insufficeiit for such an object, that they be applied to the erection of a monumen^. A very hi.e^hly influential committee was formed to carry oufc "the objects of the meeting. A public meetings was held at the Court-house, Leeds, on the 11th of November, to further the objects of the Wilberforce memorial. 1 he mayor, Benjamin Sadler, Es(| , occupied the chair. The meeting approved of the plan ])roposed by the committee at York, of founding and maintaining there a Yorkshire school to bear his name, for instructing the indigent blind and educating them in the habits of industry. A committee was formed for the purpose of raising sub- scriptions and carrying out the objects of the meeting. Meetings were held for a similar object at Hucldersfield and other places in the West-Riding. 'I'he Yorkshire school for the blind at York, was formed, and the column at Hull, erected, out of (he sub^^criptions raised. Oct. The Leeds and Whitehall road to Halifax was com- pleted. The whole distance from the White swan. Halifax, to the Exchange, Briggate, Leeds, is fourteen miles l,r>22 yards. 18t.h. Captain Ross landed at Hull in his old ship the Isabella, from the polar regions. He sailed in the month of May, IS29. Hull did itself honour on the occasion, by giving the strangers a welcome that must have been gratifying after many privations. Captain Ross, though he spent three winters in and near Prince Regent's inlet, did not reach a higher latitude than aboui" 74 degrees. He discovered that the land near Leopold's island is the north- east point of the American continent; and that the sea to ■which Regent's inlet loads, is not the great arctic ocean, but a land-locked sea, to which there are various outlets in the direction of Hudson's straits. He ascertained that there is no north-west passage to Behring's straits, south of North Somerset, in 74 degrees of north latitude. Captain Ross had the good fortune to discover the true magnetic pole in latitude 7<> degrees, wh^^re the needle stood vertical. [It is hov/ever to be noted, that the situation of the pole moves on the same parallel at the rate of 11' 49 'a year, 80 that it will again occupy tlie spot discovered by Ross iu the year 37'22 : in other words, it will complete a revolu- tion in 1891) years.] The British standard was planted on the spot, and the name of king William the fourth formally placed ui)on record there. The labours and sufferings of the crew almost exceed belief. Their lives were saved by the provisions, stores, and boats, which they found on the spot 408 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ] 833.— Nov. where the Fury had been wrecked nnd left b}'- Captain Parry several years belore, T\v ) of the winters were ex- ceedingly cold ; the thermonicter beiijg 92 d'^grees below the freezing point; yet in this temperature, in a canvass tent covered with congealed snow, without extra clothing, without beds, without any of the requisite comforts, Caijtain Ross and his gallant followers passed their fourth winter on Fury beach, close to the sea! Nov. (ith. Tlie liberal electors of Leeds gave a public dinner at the Commercial buildings to the regresentatives of the West-Riding — John Clapham, Escj., ])resided. Mr. Strickland, one of the West-Riding members, was absent. Lord Morpeth, Mr. Macaulay, and Mr. Marshall took part in the i)roceedings. On the following day, at the Court-house, a general meeting of the members, sub- scribers, and friend;^ of the Leedsmechanics' institution, took place, John Marshall, jun., Esq., MP., in the chair, relative to the erection of a suitable building for the institution, at v/hich stej)S were taken for raising funds for the i)urpose. 11th. The men in the employ of Messrs. AVillans and Co., Holbeck, connected Avith the trades' union, were out on strike. In order to resist the demands of the men, Messrs. "Willans engaged from thirty to forty workmen from Pudsey, who were fed and lodged in the works at Holbeck from Monday morning to Saturday night, and by the direc- tions of the magistrates, a party of the Leeds police escorted them home to Pudsey on Saturday nights and back again to Holbeck on Monday mornings. During the escort the men suffered a great deal of annoyance, and in some instances their lives were endangered by crowds of strikers and their sympathers. Four men were fined by the magistrates on Tuesday, November 12th, for assaulting the Avorkmeu at Pudsey on the morning previously. Also John Wildman, John Sharj:), and John Beaumont, were tried at the Leeds borough sessions in January following, on a charge of riot and assault at Holbeck, on the 16th November. They were each sentenced to hard labour in the House of Correction — Wildman eight months ; Sharp live months ; and Beaumont two months. 15th. Died of apoplexy, aged 79, Thomas Cookson, Esq., of Portland-place, Hull, a native of Leeds. In the days of colonel Lloyd, the deceased was a zealous volunteer officer, and an individual always respected for his kindness and humanity. On the 22nd November, died at New Grange, near Leeds, aged 69, Thomas Benyon, Esq., many years a deputy-lieu- tenant and magistrate for the West-Riding of Yorkshire. THE SURHOUMDING DISTRICT 409 1833 —Nov. 27th. Died, a^ed 72, at his residence, Leventhorpc house, Thomas Ikin, Esq. The deceased was interred in the family vault at Swillington church. 27fh. Lewis Fenton, Esq., M.P. for Huddersfleld, was killed by a fall from a window of one of the upper stories of his own residence at Sprino: Grove. 2S(h. Died, aged 6-t, very suddenly, at Bradford, William Sharp, Esij., a highly disfingui.«lace on the ^es as are brought forward b^- the police and watch- men, and to transact any other incidental busine.ss. The mayor and aldermen are also commi.ssioners under the improvement act, 5th Geo. IV. Neither mayor, aldermen, or assistants, have any salary, nor any fees nor emolunu-nt.s of any kind. The town clerk is clt;rk of the THE SUKKOUNDlNrt DlSTlilCT. 411 18T3— Dkc. peace at the quarter se.>ssion.s, as well a.s clerk of in-ion's fees in:^y amount to ^'150 per annum. A.s towuclerk and clerk to the justices, his net inconu', after pa.virent of clerks' salaries, pTintiiij>, and stationery, .'unounts <« about d^i)'-)(). His gejieral lau- busine>s dues Jiot averaire above ji'^O a year. The coroner is paid in the usual \v;ty, 20s. fur each i]iqu - sition, and mileage. 1 hf^re are about eighty inquests in the .yea-. The salary of the sergeant- at- mace is ^'10 a year. He also gets r)s. upon the election of every new oflicer of the corporation. The rliief con- stable receives only d,'o a year from the corporation i"und for his attendance; the deputy constable, the beadle, an.d deputy Ijeadle, .£3 16s. each. The '.visits have nothing but their clorlics. The beadle and deputy beadle have annually a suit of clothes at the ex- pen.se of the corporation. All the inhahitants are exempt from servings on juries out of the borough. The sum of c£!4: 1.3s. 4d. is paid by every assistant on being elected alderman; .md ^'10 ]3.s. 4d. is paid by every burgess on being elected assistarit, whicli sums are paid to the trea.surer of the corporation. The mayor on heinir elected, pays only about 2'-)s. The lines imposed b^- the corporation, are, .£'400 on every assistant, and .i^aOO on every alderman retusing to take oiHce within ten days after election. .^*400 o-i resignation of assislant, or <^"50U on alderman without consent of corporation, unless he has ceased to reside withni the borough for twelve months; or the alderman shall have attained the age of 70 years ^'400 for refusing to serve the oliice of mayoi, never ha,ving served; d-'SOO for refnsa,! af(er having served once; ^200 ibr twice; and .^'K'O lor every subsequent refusal. In addition to the quarter sessioiis and petty sessions, the magistrates hold a brewster sessions annuallj', for granting licenses. There are at present 296 lice:i.sed puhlic-hoi:ses in the Ijorongh. The only property of which the corporation is posses.sed,is ^£'6,500 three per cent, consols,- and ^'oCO lent out at interest; which .-ums have been derived from fmes= by its own members for refusal to serve offices. Fines are their on)y .source of income. Their annual income is about .£-2-20 ; the annual payments about ^ICO lor reorders' salarie.^., m.ice- hearer s salary, clcthe.s to beadles and others, and rents of pews in churches. Various sums have from rime to time b?en contributed by the coiporation out- of their private fund, for the improvement of the town, and for public purpo.ses. In tlie year 1/90, they gave .^'oOO in aid of the supplies for the defence of the country; \\i 1806, ^'400 tow.irds opening a new street frmn Brii;gate to C'omn.ercial-street ; in 18-21, .^824 2s. 6d. for the rent and fitting up of premises to be used as temporary barracks, for the accommcxiation of soldiers during a time of popular turrult; and in the year 18-26, £'2r)J 8s. 3d. towards the commutation of the vicarial tithes of the borough." At the conclusion of the einiuiry, the commissioner asked the opinions of those present as to whether the mode of electing corporate officcr.s was sati-sfactory to the 412 ANNALS OF LKEDS, YORK, AND 1833— Dec. inhabitanis at large, and whether any and what change could he suggested. Mr. Richardson, solicitor, said that in his opinion a large majority of the inhMbitants would be favourable to a more open system of election, and Mr. John Clapham expressed an opinion to the same effect. Mr. Bean and Mr. Thomas Fountain expressed an opposite opinion. •25th. Died, Thomas Tennant, Esq., of Leeds, aged 69 years. A tablet in memory of tiie deceased is placed in the Leeds parish church, and bears the following in- scription : — " Iri this chancel are interred the remains of Thomas Tennant, Esq , a senior alderman, and for thirty-nine years a member of the corporation; three times rna^-or, and a.d. 1832, the returning otlicer at the first elf-ction of members of parliament for the borough of Leeds. 'By energy and impartiality as a magistrate, integrity in the discharge of puhlic trusts, snundne.^s of iudgmentand affability of manners, he gain- ed the general respect of his iello-v-townsmen. An atfectionate hu.sband, an indulgent father, a conscientious member of the established church, and a sincere christian; he was justly endeared to his family and friends. Born in London, viii Oct., mdcclxiv; died at Leeds, .;xxv. Dec, mucccxxxih." As a further memorial, near the above is a beautiful stained glass window, in the same church, by O'Connor, of London, representing the descent from (he cross, under which are the words, "Behold the Lamb of God." 'I'he lucre iulity of Thomas, with the words " My Lord and my God." 'I'he re-appearance of Christ to Mary, where she says, " Itabboni." The upper part has a figure representing the ascension. The window w^as erected by his surviving children, in the year of grace 1853. 2Gth. The village of iStillinglleet, near York, was plunged into the deepest aftliction by an accident which occurred on the river Ouse this day. The singers connected with the parish church of the village had been out singing, as is usual at Christmas time. They had been to Moorby and Acaster, and were proceeding at half-past four o'clock in a boat to Kel Held. At a place called Mill Mouth, about a quarter of a mile from Acaster, they met a vessel coal- laden coming down the river, hauled by a horse. The party in the boat called out to Stephen Green, the hauliug man, to hold the line tight so as to allow them to go under Green, instead of doing this, slackened the rope to let the boat go over it, when one of the men seized the rope and attempted to throw it over the boat : in this he failed, and the line cafched the stern of the boat, which, being THE .SUHROUiSDI^(i DISTHICT. 413 1833.— Dec. thrown on her broadside, instantly filled with water and capsized; and melancholy to relate, out of a party of fourteen, no less than eleven human beiisgs, live men and six youuM women, were drowned. The loUowing is a list of" the sufferers ; — noniy j^^penee. labourer, aged 50, and his two (l;nlgh;el^•, Sarah, aged jfi, and Bes^sy, aged 15; ("iuis'iopher ."-j.encr. brother fd IJrnry, aged 40; John Tun cr, t.-ai ri( r, aged 59, iiiid .lane Tunier. his daughter, a^' d ki : i homas "Wtb-sti r. labourer; "William Briston, ofticiatuig j;arish elcrk ; r*arali Eccles, agtd Ifi; Elizabeth Buckle, aged 15, daughter of Mr. Buckle, innkeeper; and Clarissa Sturdy, aged 17, daughter ol Mr. Sturdy, schoolmaster. 27th. Died, aged 100 years, .lohn Steel, of Moiikton, near Boroughbridge. He retained his faculties in vigour to the last, and distinctly remembered when a boy, going to see the king's troops encamped on Kirby-hill moor, during the rebellion of 1745; also many other r ver.ts in the early part of th.c reign of George the second. On Tuesday, the 31st of December, Yorkshire and the adjacent counties were visited by one of the most trensen- dous hurricanes ever remembered. Early in the morning, the rain began to fall, and tov\ards noon the wind blev/ with great violence from the west and north-west. At Leeds as at other places, stacks of chimneys were blown do^vn, lead and slates forced away, whole windows in many cases blown in, and trees, &c., uprooted. At the residence of Mr. Richard Heaps, plumber, of Headingley- bill top, a chimney fell into the yard; and shortly after- wards, another chimney was blown down, falling upon the roof and through the ceiling, burying the servant girl and the eldest chile of HeapsV, about two years old, in the ruins. An infant child of Mrs. Heaps's was knocked out of her arms and so alarmed her, that she jumped out of the" window eight or nine feet high, to obtain assistance. The servant girl was found to have her leg broken : the eldest child had her face much bruised, her thigh dislocated, and her leg broken. The infant was unhurt. The chimneys and roots of two houses in Mount preston were blown off, ill the occupation of Mr. Stott and Mr. Brown. The factory chimney of Messrs, Read and Newby, near St, Peter's hill, was blown down, and killed a horse in the stable. A chimney at Mr. Stirk's iron foundry was blown down. The greater portion of Mr. Fairbairn's chimney at "West- end was blown down. "Woodhouse church, and the resi- dence of Mr. Gilyard Scartb. at Gipton Lodge, were partly unroofed ; and the belfry at the Corn Exchange was blown 414 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1834.— Jan. down. In 'e or net drawer; hare hanger, or poacher. "2nd has on the obverse outer circle, "Ambrose Ambler"; inner circle, (b2tween two tobacco pipes), is something like the grate of an hearthstone, or an implement of a wool-comber ; on the reverse, ■' His Halfpeny"; outer circle, "In Leeds, 1669." The pipes at least, indicate his business. "3rd, obverse, "John Walker," and three crowns, which I takf it Was the sign of his public liotise; reverse, "In Leeds, 1666," "His Halfpeny." This was found in a cellar in Briggate. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 415 1834 —Jan. " 4th has on it, " I pass to and fro for a halfpeny " ; reverse, " In Leeds, 1668."', with a .shield in the inner circlr. "5th, obver:se, "\Ydli;im Faw.son"; inner circle, "His halfepeny"; rever.se, " In Clo.ith Faire''; inner circle, " W. F." and three stars, perhaps the sign of his inn^ or .symbol of" his faith. "6th, obverse, ''Francis Conjers, of Midlton, in Yorkshire, His halfpeny, 1669 "; reverse, "For the use of the Cole pitts " , a bird crested, and feathered to the foot, with the beak also of a tunibler pigeon, appears in the inner circle.'" The elcciion of a member to serve in parliament for the borough of Huddersfield, in the place of Captain Fenton, commenced on the 6th of January, and terminated on the 9fh. At th.e close of tiic poll, the numbers were : — for Mr. Blackburne,234. Mr. M T. Sadler, 147. Captain AVood, 108. Leed? Electiox, vice- Mr. Macanluy. — The appointment of Mr. Macaulay to a seat in the council of the governor- general of India, created a vacancy in the representation of Leeds. The appointment was announced to the people of that town on the oOth of November, 1S33, and on the 6th of December, a meetiug was held of " The Leeds as- sociation for the promotion of the return of Liberal members to parliament for tiie borough of Leeds, and the West- Riding of York," under the presidency of Mr. Marshall, senr., to consider the candidate to be brought forward by "the reformers. Several names were mentioned, but no de- cision was oome to on that occasion. It was however decided at a fuller meeting on the 13th, to bring out the late Mr. E. Baines. A requisition in compliance with Mr. Bailies' wish was got up, and received in about a fortnight, 1467 signatures, besides a large number of promises from voters who declined to sign. On the presentation of this requir*ition on the Oeth of December, Mr. Baines deter- mined to offer himself. On the •22nd of January, 1S34, the conservatives met, and resolved to call forward the Rt. hon. Sir John Beckett, bart. ; the eldest member of the family of wealthy bankers in Leeds, and the son-in-law of the earl of Londsdale. The Radical party amongst the liberals brought out Mr. Joshua Bower, an old and staunch reformer. The electors were addressed by Mr. Baiues, in the yard of the coloured clolhhall, on the 31st of Decem- ber, and by Mr Bowers, in the free market on the lollow- ing day. Sir John Beckett addressed the electors on the 2Sth of January. The nomination was lixed for the 13th of February, when an enormous assemblage (said to have ex- ceeded 40,000 persons) took place on Woodhouse moor. The day was beautifully fine, and the interest excited in 416 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1834.-^Fkb. the election was ver}' great. Benjamin Sadler, Esq., mayor was the returning officer. John Gott, Esq., proposed, and Joseph Robert Atkinson, Eaq , seconded the nomination of Sir John Beckett. James Garth Marshall, Esq., proposed^ and John Clapham, Esq., seconded the nomination of Ed- ward Baincs, Esq. Mr. John Heaps, proposed, and Mr. F. E. Bingley, seconded the nomination of Joshua Bower, Esq. After the several candidates had addressed the elect- ors, and being- questioned by Mr. Heaps, and others, the mayor called for a show of hands, and declared that Mr. Bowers had the largest show. The supporters of Mr, Baines warmly disputed the correctness of this decision, and contended that Mr. Baines had the majority. A poll was demanded on behalf of Mr. Baines, and Sir John Beck- ett. Mr Bowers m returning thanks for the show of hands, said, "Gentlemen, I thank you for the show of hands. Fear not little flock ! It will be at the poll, that you have to come up now." Mr. Bowers replied to an operative who said, *' Jossey, you had better give it up, and let them have it to them two selves, you will not get in." " No I no ; I will not desert my little flock, I will neither placard nor publish at my own expense. I am in the iield, and will stop there." The poll commenced on the following day (the 14th) with great spirit. At the close of the first day. Sir John Beckett, according to his own committee, had a majority of 84. The numbers as given by Mr. Baines* committee, were : — Beckett, 1,663, Baines, 1,593, Bowers, 19. The pollhig was continued on Saturday the 15th, and a more exciting struggle never occurred at an election. At ten o'clock, Mr. Baines was said to have a majority of one, and at one o'clock, a majority of thirty. On the close of the poll, at four o'clock, the numbers were as follow : — Mr. Bailies, W. 1,951. Sir John Beckett, T. 1,917. Mr. Bower, R. 24. Majority for Baines over Sir John Beckett, 34. The mayor declared the result of the poll on the Monday following. On the ]7th of February, the friends of Sir John Beckett gave a dinner in his honour, and a s'milar demonstration was given to Mr. Baines, by his friends, on the 20th of February. On the 6th of March, a splendid ball was given at the assembly rooms, and the music hall, in honour of Sir John Beckett. Feb. 19th. The foundation stone of St. Peter's chapel, Leeds, was laid this day, (and at the time of its erection, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 417 1834— Feb. was the lar{j:est chapel in England) by the AYcsleyan Meth- odists of Leeds cast circuit, and stands on a j)lot of ground adjoining the first chapel built by that comaumity in this town ; and which was opened by the founder of the society, the Hew John '\Veslcy, in the year 1751, The chai)cl was opened for jjublic worship in October of the same year. It is a commodious place of worship, and is built of brick. The gallery is continued round the chapel, and contains a got>d organ. Attaclied to the chapel is a burial ground, now out of use. Formerly there was a chapel below the i)rc^eiit one, which was Jounded in 1771, and bore the smg-ular tirle of the " Oh^ Boggard House." The site of it is indicated by an outline of brick- work. The present edihce will accomodate nearly 3,000 persons. March. There were living at this time in the hamlet of Addle, near Leeds, seven farmers whose united ages amounted to 57(i years. April 2nd, About 4,000 persons attended the election of churchwardens at the Leeds parish church, and the proceedings were conducted with a great deal of uproar and party spirit. The vicar tamed Mr. Garland as his own churchwarden. The meeting then proceeded to the election of those chosen by the parishioners. Mr. Buttery, a dissenter, and Mr. Perring, a churchman were j)roposed. and the former had the show of hands. A poll was then demanded by Mr. Perring, which was granted by the vicar. The friends of Mr. But- tery objected to a })oll, and decided to jjroceed with the election by a show of hands. The vicar in consequence vacated the chair. Mr Baker, surgeon, was then aj)poin^ed chairman, and the election proceeded. At the annual visi- tation of ihe clergy by Archdeacon Markham, on the 18th of June, seven of the churchwardens appointed at the above meeting could not be sworn in, in conseciuence of a caveat having been entered against their election, namely J. A. Buttery, Richard Reynolds, Luke Marsh, Joseph Bate- son, Peter Fairbairn, John Wilkinson, and William Brace- well. In November the court ol king's bench granted a rule to show cause why a mandamus should not issue to com- mand a new election of churchwardens. April. Hannah Roberts died in York castle, while there on a charge of poisoning William Newton, at Hunslet. April. The poor in Leeds at this time had to endure great privations, and their sufferings were aggravated by a struggle between the associated masters and the operatives trades' union. The former resolved to refuse employment to workmen who would not sign 418 ANNALH OB' LKEDS, YORK, AND 1834.— April. a declaration renouiicing all connexion with the union; and the latter determined to stand firm by the union. On the 7th of" April, about 3,000 of the unemployed workmen assembled on Wood house moor, to discuss their grievances. As the struggle was likely to be ob- stinate, and the consequences severe, most of the meu ultimately gave way on the recommendation of their leaders. 7th. A public meeting of the inhabitants of Leeds took place at tlie Court-house, to petition parliament m favour of election of members oT parlia- ment by ballot. James Musgrave occupied the chair. J. G. Marshall, Mr. Gaunt, solicitor, Mr. Richardson, solicitor, Mr. Yewdall, Mr. E. Baines, jun., Mr. Baines, M.P., and Mr. John Marshall, severally sppke in favour of the ballot as a protection to the voter. June 2,'5th. A highly respectable meeting of the mem- bers of the established church, resident in the borough of Leeds, was held at the Court house, to vote an address to the king in acknowledgment of his majesty's recent declaration of attachment to the established church. The mayor, Benjamin Sadler, Esq., occupied the chair, and speeches were delivered by John Gott, Esq., the Rev. the vicar of Leeds, the Rev. Joseph Holmes, Mr. Hey, the Rev. Miles Jackson, T. H. Marshall, Esq., Robert Hall Esq., and others. July 12th. Ripon and the whole neighbourhood Avas shaken by a tremendous explosion, occasioned by a convul- sion of nature, about a mile from the town, by which the earth had been affected to such a degree as to leave a fissure nearly twenty yards in width, and twenty- four in depth. Ou Sunday evening, the 27th of July, a disgraceful fight took place in a field adjoining the Leeds barracks, between two men, one of whom Avas a soldier. A crowd of people had assembled to Avitness the fight, and a great deal of ex- citement prevailed. After the tight was over, some of the soldiers dreAV tlieir swords nnd chased several people out of the field. One of the soldiers named Joseph Clihbron, struck Avith his swoi-d scA'eral times, a person named John Beckett, a cloth-dresser at Gotf's factory, and residing at Westminster place, new road end, as he was getting over the Avail, and inflicted such wounds as to cause his death on the following day. Clibbron was committed to York on a charge of wilful murder. At the spring assizes in the following year, the indictment for wilful murder was ignored by the grand jury, and the prisoner then pleaded guilty to a charge of manslaughter. He was sentenced to THE SURllOaNDINQ DISTRICl 419 1834— Aug. be imprisoned and kept to hard labour in the House of Correction, at 'SVakefield, for the space of two years. Augrust ist. This being the day named in the Slaver}'- abolition act, as that on which slavery was to cease through- out the British empire, the event was commeinorated in Leeds, by the various religious bodies as a day of thanks- giving. 1st. The Srststoneof a commemorative column at Hull, to the honour of Wm. AVilberforce, Esq. M'as laid by Richard Bethell, Esq , M.P. for the East-Riding of Yorkshire, being the day on which the public labours of Mr. Wilberforce were <.'loriously consumated by the abolition of slavery in the British dominions. Ou Sun- day evening, the 3rd ot August, between five and seven o'clock, a most awful thundersitorm passed over the bor- ough of Leeds. At Hnnslet, near Park-field house, i.-ev/s- bury Road, Eliza Emery, a child eight years old, was struck by the lightning and killed, while sitting in a house with three other children, who only received a slight in- jury. September, At the beginning of this month, the cholera made its appearance in the Leeds workhouse, four or five of the inmates having been attacked with the disease at the same time : up to the 5th three cases had proved latal; and in the evening of that day Mr. Rawling, tlie master of the \vorkhouse was attacked with so mucii virulence, that he expired on tlie following day. On Sunday, the 7th, five cases proved fatal, and up to Saturday, the 13th of Sep- tember, there had been thirty -five cases, out of which number, fourteen had terminated in death. 11th. A special sessions of the justices of the peace for the v/est- Riding of Yorkshire, was held at the court house, Wake- field, to take into consideration the memorials presented to the masristrates at the last Ponteiract sessions from Huddersneld, Pontefract, and other places, recommending that the assizes be removed from York to Yv'akefield. The Right hon. lord WharnclifTe presided, and fifty-four other magistrates were present. The court decided by forty- seven against seven, not to recommend the removal. 22Md. The Leeds and Selby railway ^^•as opened this day. 29th. Dr. William Buckland, professor of geol- ogy in the university of Oxford, and M. Agassiz, professor of geology at Neufchatel, and Sir George Head, (aulhor of a journey across the Pampas ; Scenes in South America, &c.) visited Leeds, their object being the inspection of the geological specimens in the musuem of the Philosophi- cal and literary society. They were much pleased v/ith 420 ANKALH OF LEEDS, YORK, AND J 834— Sept. the larger j^pecimens of fossil plants from the coal forma- tion of the district, and more particularly so, with the fine specimens of fossil fish, from the same formation. The largest of these, "svhich was formerly considered a surian, was pronounced hy M. Agass^z to be a fish. 30! h. A splendid banquet and ball were given at Went- worth house, in commemoration of lord A'iscount Milton having attained his majority. The festival had been post- poned from February, 18o3, when the noble viscount came of age, in consequence of the demise of the late venerable earl Fitzvvillam, his grandfather. The preparations for the event were on the most magnificent scale, and everything that ingenuity could devise, or wealth supply, was freely brought forth to grace an entertainment in honour of the heir of the illustrious house of "Wenfworth. Upwards of a thousand persons were [jresent, embracing the principal nobility and gentry of the county, and persons of dis- tinction from all parts of the country. The noble saloon, sixty feet square, and forty- five feet in elevation, Avasi crowded in every part ; and there the dancing was enjoyed. The skilful band of Weippert had been summoned from the metropolis for the occasion, and formed an orchestra worfhy of the opera itself. The surrounding recesses of the saloon were tilled with raised couches, forming a sort of Turkish divan running round the Avails, and beingcovered with crimson, gave great Avarmth and richness to the scene. Around, at a height of about twenty-feet, was a projecting gallery Avith a railed balustrade, forming a balcony that ran around the entire square of the saloon, into which the more respectable of the tenantryof the noble earl's estates Avere admitted to see the entertainment, and it Avas completely filled. In the breaks between the lower recesses, and forming an interval therefore between the crimson couches, were convex semic'rcular flower stands, on Avhich were tastefully arranged rich beds of plants and flowers of every hue; and these again admirably varied with coloured lamps, that seemed like glow-worms shoot- ing out their brilliant lights from beneath the clustered leaves Avhich yet retained the freshness of the dew amid which they Avere gathered. From the centre of this lofty saloon Avas suspended an immense outbranching chandelier, filled with a thousand burning lamps; around the cornice and frieze, and beneath the dentated projection of Ihe upper gallery, or projecting balcony, ran along a treble tier of similar lamps ; the wall-^ below Avere covered with gracefully disposed festoons of light, framed of the same THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 421 18^4 —Oct. description of lamps, and rich gold candelaLras ; bronzed sinumbras were placed wherever pedestals could be intro- duced to support them, till the Avliole became ore sea, or flood of brilliance so intense, tliat it seemed to realise the enchanting- scenes of tiction : in short, such a combination of all that is gorgeous in grandeur — all that is sumptous in hospifality — all that is captivating in beauty — all that ig exub: rent in enjoyment may not, and ought to be witnessed but rarely. Oct. 3rd. Died, in the OGih year of his age, Mr. William Butterworth, of Headingley, formerly an engraver in Leeds. Few men lived more resj)ected, or died more regretted, Mr. Butterworth, in early life, had travelled and seen much of (he world, as is proved in a work ho published, entitled, "Adventures of a Minor"; now scarce. 9th. Mr. Hildyard, the revising barrister of the borough of Leeds, terminated his labours; the court having been open twenty-one days. 16th. The tM'o houses of parliament were destroyed by fire, originating in careless- ness on the part of some "workmen in over-heating the stoves in the House of Lords. Many valuable things were lost; and among others, the original death-warrant of Charles the first. 26th, During the service in Ebenezer Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Guernsey, a panic seized the congregation : the gas lights had gone out, and a ground- less alarm was given that the place v/as on fire. About a thousand persons were present, most of w^hom myde a rush to the door; some breaking the windows to escape • and the confusion and crush was tremendous. Seven persons were killed, and scores received severe injury. Nov. Mr. Robert Baker, surgeon, was appointed sub- inspector of factories nnder Mr. Rickards, in the Leeds district. Dec. I7th. A most uproarious and protracted meeting took place in the Music hall, Albion-street, Leeds, called by Dr. Warren, of Manchester, Avho had been expelled the Methodist society by the conference. Mr. Gilyard Scarth attended the meeting to defend the society from the attacks of Warren. 1835. Jan. 1st The act passed in the last session of par- liament tor reducing to a regular and uniform system the weights and measures in common use, came into operation this day. In some of the towns and villages in this district, considerable dissatisfaction was manifested on the first enforcement of the provisions oi" the act; but 422 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1835.— Jan. this feclincr 80on disappeared, and all classes subsequently acknowiedcrcd the beneficial effects of the change. 5th. General Election. — On the 29th of December, 1834, the first reformed parliament was dissolvod, and a general election ensued. The Leeds nomination took place on Woodhouse moor, on the ^th. of January, 1835, where from thirty to forty thousand people had as- sembled. The Whigs and Tories had resolved to fight two candidates Avitli two. The former nominated Edward Baines, and William Brougham, of tlie chancery bar, brother of the late lord chancellor. The latter brought out Sir John Beckett, (who had been restored to his old office of judge advocate), and Colonel Plumbe Tempest. BaincH and Brougham had the largest show oi' hands. The polling commenced on the 8th and terminated on the 0th. ColoTiel Tempest withdrew from the contest. At the close of the first day, the numbers polled were: for Sir John Beckett, 1,389; Mr. Baines, 1,304; Mr. W. Brougham, 1,232. The final close of the poll was as follows : — Sir John Beckett, (T.) 1,941. Edimrd Baines, (W.) 1,803. William Brougham, (W.) 1,G55. Colonel Tempest, (T.) 4. The two former were therefore elected. Sir J. Beckett had 1,791 plumpers; Mr. Baines, 45; and Mr. Brougham, 17. The split votes were, Baines and Broujrham, 1,630; Baines and Beckett, 128; Brougham and Beckett, IS; Tempest and Beckett, 4,-3,633 voted. The election at Bradford resulted in the return of John Hardy and E. C. Lister. The result of the ])oll was, for l-iardy, (T.) 611; Lister, (W.) 589; and George Hadf.eld, (W.) 392. The election at Halifax gave rise to a contest unparalled for excitement and severity. The candidates were — Charles Wood, the hon. J. S. Wortley, and Edward Protheroe, jun. The two former were elected. The result of the poll was as follows : — Y/ood, (W.) 333: Wortley, (T.) 308; Protheroe, (W.) 307. The defeat of Mr. Protheroe by a majority of one, excited such indignation among his supporters, that at the close of the poll, the town was at the mercy of a large mob armed with all kinds of weapons and missiles, who made an indiscriminate attack upon the dwellings of those who had had the courage to exercise the franchise THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 423 1835.— Jax. as became free and iudependeut meu. 'I'lie outiageoii,3 proceedings of the rioters at one period, excited con- siderable anxiety for the safety of life, but tlio arrival of a troop of lancers, at seven o'clock in the evening, effected their dis[)ersion, and restored trancjuillity. The result of this attempt to enforce " mob law," cost ui)v>'ard8 of two thous^and pounds: twenty-siy jiarties having re- covered damages from the "hundred rates" of Agbrigg and Morlev, for the destruction of windows and furniture. At Waketield, Daniel Gaskell was returned. The result of the poll was— Gaskell, (R.) 27S; the hon. Vv^ S. Lascelles, (T.) -221. Lord Morpeth and Sir George Strickland were elected for the Vrest-Riding. Srh. A fire broke out in the warehouse of Tilessrs. Taylor, Son, and Gibson, Albion-street, Leeds, by whioli property was destroyed to the amount of 4^10,000. I2th. The heckling shop of Mr. Stirk, flax spinner, York-strcer, was reduced to a mere shell by fire, and £500 worth of models destroyed. That beautiful bird, the Bohemian v.ax-wing, visited Yorkshire in great numbers during the winter. They liNC on hav/s, ivy berries, ike, like the field-fare. On Sunday evening, January 24th, great excifemeii'fe. prevailed in Sheffield, and subsec^ueutly riotous actS" were committed, for the suppression of which it wj^.s necessary to call out the military. The affair arose out of a drunken brawl between a man and his wife, who were employed to take care of the medical school, ia Eyre-street. The husband had turned the wile into the street, and she soon raised a crowd v»ith the cry of murder. The police took the husband to prison. At eight o'clock on the following morning, a large number of persons, bent on mischief, assembled in the vicinity of the house, of which they soon had possession. The mob then commenced the dcstrucliou of the ])remise8, breaking the frames of the windows, and ejecting into the street every article of furniture in the house, of which a fire was kindled by the people outside. The building was soon completely gutted — the very staircasje and floors being torn up and committed to the flames — everything that would burn was added as fuel to the fire in the street. The efforts of the constables to stay the work of destruction was unavailing ; and the military had to be called out before the mischief of the depredators could be suppressed. Feb 4th. Jonathan Greenwood, weaver, Parkin's-roW) Barnsley, after working late, sat by his house fire, and 424 ANNALS OF LEKDS, YORK, AND lh35— Fkb. fell asleep. During- his sleep, he fancied that he was still ill his workshop, and that his piece (drill) had got on fire; he rose from his chair during this dream, and actually scraped the fire out of the grate with his bare hands. He was at leng-th a^vaked, but not until he had been dreadfully burnt. Sth. A storm of thunder and lightning', accompanied by hail and wind, i)revailed generally throughout Yorksliiro. The spire of Linth- waite church was struck and bent cut of the perpendi- cular. Golcar church was also struck by the lightning, and two large stones were blown clean out of the spire: one iA' them fell with such force as to break down several yards of . mons, aud he represv"nte't John Bl..yd.s Wm. Wilson Sml. Harper S. Davenport Joshua Dixon James Kenion Luke S< chvvell Edward Gray W. Hutchinson Win. Da.v.son Edmund Lodge J. Culver ley T. raedhur.^t John Blayds John Beckett Jolin Wormald J. Fountaine Gamaliel Lloyd J.Micklethwait T. iiea Cole Wm. Smith.son Arthur Ikin Wra. Cook-son Jer. Dixon J. Calveriey Jao. Markland, 'wards Ivctu'istle William Hey E. Sanderson E. Markland John PJoA't-s Wade Brown R. R. Braml-y Alex. Turner John Blavds 1795 W Sheepshank^) [afterwards York. 1796 Henry Hall 1797 John Beckett 1798 J. Calveriey 1799 Benj. Gott. 1800 John B ooke 1801 Wm. Cooksoa 1802 William Hey I503 Thoma.s Ikiu 1804 Wade Brown 18 5 John Wilson 1S06 R. R Bramley- 1807 E. Markland " 1808 Thos. Tennant 1809 Rd Pullan 1810 Alex. Turner 18! I Chas Brown 1812 Henry Hall 1813 W. Greenwood 1814 John Brooke 1815 Whittel York 1816 William Prest 1817 John Hill 1818 George Bmks 1819 Ciir. Beck-tt 1820 William Hey 1821 Lepton Dob.^on 1822 Benj. S idler 1823 Thos. Tennant 1824 Chas. Brown 1825 Henry Hall .826 Thos. Beckett 1827 I'hos Blayds 1828 R. Markland iS29 Chr Beckett 1830 R. W D. Thorp 1831 William Hey 1832 Thos. Tennant 1833 Benj. Sadler 1834 Griiiith Wright RECORDERS. 1626 John Chiyton 1661 Fr.incis White 1692 Jvpr Blythman 1707 Rd. Thornton 1711 John Walker 1729 Rd Wilson 1782 Rd Wilson 1776 Samuel Buck 1803 John Hardy 1833 Charles Milner 430 ANx^iALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1835.— Sept. 1626 Frcs. Bellhouse 1661 Geo Banister 1662 Saml. Brogden 1684 Castilion Morris 1676 Saml. Sj-kes 1684 Wm. Sawer 1685 H. Stanhope „ Chr. Pa-.vson 1687 H. Stanhope ,, Jos. Ibbotson 1688 T. Hardvvicke 1689 John Dodgsoa TOWN CLERKS. 1702 Henry Adarn 1725 John Lazenby 1753 Thos. Atkinson 1765 T. Barstow, jnr TREASURERS. 1698 Wm. Cottam 1701 Jos. Pickersgill 1705 Wm. Cookson, [the younger. 1706 Jer. Dixon 1709 John Douglas 17 18 George Dover 1730 J. WHlkiason CORONERS. 1736 Morgan Lowry 1755 J. Newport 1790 J. Atkinson 1792 Lucs.Nicliolsoa 1812 J. Nicholson 1736 Henry Hall 1751 i^aml. Hoivgate 1761 J.Micklethvvait 1785 E. Sanderson 1795 E. Markland 1811 Chr. Beckett 1824 Robert Barr 1835 J. Lofthouse 1680 Saml. Brogden 17 18 Ihos. Simpson 1727 Ed. Brogden 12th. York daring this week was more than usually gay and attractive, owing to the long expected three days ma- sical festival. The festival was honoured by the presence of tlio duchess of Kent, the princess Victoria, and all the elite of Yorkshire. 14rh. The princess Victoria and her mother the duchess of Kent, arrived at Harewood house, Harewood, on Sat- urday, Sept. 12th, and remained till the following Monday. On Sunday morning the illustrious guests, accompanied by a number of distinguished visitors, attended divine ser- vice at the church, wlieu the late archbishop of York ju'eached ihe sermon. A vast concourse of persons from Leeds, and the surrounding districts, lined the gravel walk from the house to the church, and the day being beautifully fine, the scene j)resented was, in truth, one of a very at- tractive kind. The duchess of Kent walked with the earl of Harewood, and immediately beliind were the princess and lady Georgiana Harcourt, daughter of the archbishop of York. They were followed by the duke of Northum- berland, the members of the Harewood family, and other personages of distinction. Much curiosity was evinced to- catch a glimpse of the future sovereign, who Avas then a timid, retiring girl, unaccustomed to the presence of such; THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 431 1835.— Oct. vast multitudes as she has since encountered in her more exalted sphere. At ten o'clock on the toUowing morning-, (the 14rh,) the royal party left Harewood, and passed throuirh Leeds, on their way to Went worth house, the seat of earl FitzM'illiam. The streets throughout were so densely thronged, (it was computed that more than S0,000 persons lined the streets) so that the royal carriage could only proceed at a very limited p^ce, and at somo points of the route, the vehicle M-as so completely hemmed in by the crowd as to render it impossible lor the postilions to pro- ceed. The carriage being closed, the roval occupants v/ere in a great measure secured from the ])ublic gaze, and the result was, that numbers of persons attempted to get upon the wheels for the purpose of having what they called a *' right look," and an attempt Avas made to take the horses from the carriage, and draw it into the town. These pro- ceedings are said to have given great offence to the duchess and, in the mind of her illustrious daughter, to have ex- cited no small alarm. The cavalcade, however, passed through the town without the slightest accident, and amidst every manifestation of loyalty. 19th. Messrs. Brown and Andrew's mill, situate in Mill- garth street, Leeds, took fire and was burnt down. The damage was estimated at from £12,000 to £15,000. October 10th. Huuslet Avas lirst lighted with gas. lOih Haliey's comet whose periodic return is 75 years, made its appearance at this time. It was visible to the naked eye ou the 10th Oct., situated near the upper pointer of tiie Great Bear. The comet appeared not much larger than a star of the first magnitude and much more dim. 28th. One of the most dreadful accidents that ever hap- pened in the borough of Leeds, occurred at the house of Mr. Wood, fire-work manufacturer, situate in Blackburne's yard, Holbeck-lane, by an explosion of a large quantity of gunpowder. Three houses a\ ere blown up, and five persons buried in the ruins. The explosion shook the doors and windows of houses in all parts of the toAvn. The shock was distinctly heard and felt at a distance of tv/o miles, and produced the effects of an earthquake. The gaslights in the mills of Messrs. Nussey, and Messrs. Marshall Avere instantly extinguished, and the large chimney at the latter place vibrated very perceptably. Several hundred squares were broken in Messrs. Nussey's mill, and some even in the m.ill of Messrs. Gott's, at NeAv-road end. The explo- sion Avas heard at Headingley, and little-London, and the congregation in St. Paul's church Avere alarmed lest the 432 AKNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 183").— Oct. church itself was giving way. A girl, named Susannahu Dockray, Imd been engaged in the room in which were a vast quantify of gunpowder and crackers, and it is sup- posed she had snuffed the candle on to the crackers, and thus caused the explosion. At first a hissing noise accom- panied by repeated cracking, occurred, and Dockray came running down stairs with her clothes on fire, screaming out " Oh Hannah," and rushed out of the house. Mary Wilkinson, Mary Wildman, and a little girl of Wood's, apprehending daijger, followed her example. Not so Mrs. Wood, who notwithstanding the entreaties of Wilkinson to the contrary, ran up stairs with the intention of throw- ing the S(piibs and crackers out of the window. She just attained the threshold of the room, and the parties below had only got a few yards from the door, when a barrel and half of gunpowder exploded with a noise as of tlie discharge of a park of artillery ; the house rose into the air, and the next instant, together with the houses adjoining, sunk to the earth a mass of blazing ruins. The death of Mrs. Wood^ Mrs. Stephenson and her child was instantaneous, they being in the very centre of the explosion. On the opposite side of the lane was the house of James Walker, at a dis- tance of about 12 yards, Walker and another man named Windsor were weaving in an upper room. The slates of the roof were completely blown off, the wall burst in, and the ruins descended into the room in which they were working. Walker was buried in the rubbish which fell about him ; but being partly shielded by the rafters, was extricated Avithout having sustained any material injury. Windsor had placed himself under the loom, and by that means was protected from injury. The wife of Walker was buried in the ruins. A child of hers about 3 years of age had a miraculous escape. He was found near the body of his mother in a state of insensibility, but afterwards recovered. An old man named Stead, upwards of 70 years of age, who had been confined to his bed for twelve months was dreadfully scorched, and subsequently died. His wife M^as very much scorched but afterwards recovered. The event caused the deepest sensation in the town, and a fund was soon raised for the benefit of the survivors. Four alms houses were erected on Holbeck moor in 1838, with the surplus money raised by subscription for the relief of the sufferers. Nov. 8th. Lord viscount Milton, M.P., died. 18th. A splendid appearance of the Aurora Borealis was witnessed in Leeds with admiration by many of the in- THK SDKROUNDJNG DISTRICT. 433 1835— Nov. habitants. The rays shot uj) from the north, and uorih- west, in great beauty ; here and there a ])afch ot parallel. rays suddenly appeared, like the j)ipcs of an orfi^an, and glowed into intense radiani^e, then gradually vanished. Shortly tlie whole was in rajiid motion. The rusltiig o! the fiery waves over the sky, in directions meeting in the merid- ian, had a most sublime effect. At limes it was even awful, 80 brigh^ and swift were the flamirig pennoii.». December 2r)th. This day took place at Leeds, the first election under the Muuici{)al Corporation Act. This act was introducf^d into fhe house of commons by Lord John Rus- sell, on iheothof June, and after considerable delay and opposition in the upper house, it passed, and received the royal assent, on the 9th of September. 'Ihe nieasure abolished all the old corporations, and replaced them by town-councils, of whom one third of the members weie to be elected annuaHy by all householders within (he bor- ough, of thr< e years occupation, and who sh.all have actually paid the rates In pursuance of the 39th section of the act, barristers were ai)poinied to revise the lists of burgesses, divide the borough info wards, and assign the number of councillors to be elected therein resprc'ix ely. The document by which the borough was so divided info wards, is dated Nov. 6th, and ihe wards are in the iollow- ing order of priority : — Leeds ToivnsUp 1 Mil! -hill, 2 ^YesN 3 >7oith-West, 4 North, .5 N(^rfh-East, H East (Hamlets o* Osmund !lior])e, Skelton, and Thornes.) 7 Kiikgate, S SouMi. Out-Townsliips. 9 Hunslet (lounsliii) of Huns'et.) 10 IIol- beck (townships of Holbeek and Wortky.) 11 Eraii.lcy (townsliips of Br;!mley, Armley, Farnley, and Bfeston.) 12 Headingley, (townships of Headingky-tum-Dur'ey, Chapel-Al erton, and Pdttemew'on ) In thus divid)ng the borough, the hamlet ofColdcoates was not app'>' fiotu d by the revising barristers to ^v-y ward. Tl;e burgess lis? is now revised annually by fhe mayor for the finv^ being, aiid two assessors, commencing on the 1st cf October in each year. The corporafion, as af pnsent cor.st tuted, cor.sisis of a mayor, IBfillermen, and 48 councillors. The m^yor is a justice of the ]ieace for the time beiiig, and for one year after his mayorali y. Each ward returns three coni cillors, except Miil-hill, West, Ilolhrck, and Bramlry, which have each six Thenumberofmunicipa''yoie/-i^( ISo^) is abou? 20,000. The council meet at the new Town Hall, a;'* follows : — On Ixt Jan., special: 10th Feb, (jnarterly; 3lst March, special; 12'h May, (juarlerly; 31st May, adjourned quarferly ; llth Aug , (piarterly : 30th Sept, special; and 9th Nov., quarterly : — eight times during the year. 37 434 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1835.— Dec. 26th. The lollovviiig is an account of the first Municipal Election ; — Ward. ELECTED. Mill-hill. William Hey, jun- C. 276, John Heaton, C. 272, Thomas Shann, C. 266, James Mus2rave,L. 262, James William- son, L. 260, J. Hubbard, L. 259. West. William Smith, L. 235, John Clapham, L. 232, R. Dor- rington, L. 222, O, Willans, L 215, Thos. George, L. 214, Peter Fairbairn, L. 209. ]\orth-West. Thos. W. Tot- tie, L. .126, M-.v. Gaunt, L. 115, James Ogle, E. 113. NouiH. Wm. Cadman, L. 151, Darn ton Lupton, L. 150, Wiliam Bro^vn, L. 149. North-East. R. Jackson, L. 84, .losa. Barret, L. 81, R. Baker, L.77. East. J. A. Buttery, L. 94, Jas. Holdforth, L. 91, James Green, L. 90. KiRKOzNTi:. W. W. Brown, L. 171, J. S. Barlow, L. 159, Thos. Hehden, L. 157- South. George Go,odman, L. 118, Robt. Derhom, L. 1 17, Jonn. Dickinson, L, 115. Huns LET John Bower, L. 430, Joshua Bower, L. 416, John Wil- son, L. 411. HoLBECK. James Hargreave, L. 60S, James Whalley, L. 589, Thns. Benyon, L. 5S7, Jonathan Shackleton, L. 585, C. G. Maelea, L. 581, D. W. Nell, L. 571. Bramlf-cy. William Pawson, L. 746, Mat. Moss, junr., L 740, Richd. Wilson, L. 736, Benjamin Rogers, L. 731, William Mus- grave, L 733, William Clarke, L.713. Hi5ADiNGT,RY. Thos. Beckett, C. 119, Griffith Wright, C. II7, W, T.Watson, C. 112. DEFEATED. Hamer Stansfeld, L. 257, J- E-. By water, L. 257, Ed. Charlesworth, C. 255, Rubert Hall, C. 253, Rad- ford Potts, C. 246, Henry Raw- son, L. 235. Thos. Blayds, C. 186, Richard Bramley, C. 181, John Howard, C. 181, W. Osburn, Jun. C. 173, George Bischoff, C. 173, John H. Hill, C. 169. J. R. Atkin.'^on, C. 107, R. Markland, C. 102, Wm. Brigg, C. 98. Charles Wood, C. 88, Thomas Simpson, C. 84, Richard Ripley, C. 82. Robert Weare, C. 69, Benjamin Holroyd,C. 66, W. G. Scarth, C. 66. John Cawood, C. 77? ^ Stocks,, jun. C. 71, W. M. Maude, C. 67. Christopher Beckett, C. 133, James Maude, C. 120, John Gar- land, C. 112. George Banks, C. 102, William Sinjrleton, C. 96, Anthony Titley, C. 90. Jos. Beckett, C. 246- James Hargreave, C. 259^ James Bateson, C. 253, John Tempest, C. 231. John Rogerson, C. 466, John Wilson, C. 444, Joseph E.yres, C. 4.38, John Burton, C. 42S, Jo.seph Wood, C. 427, Samuel Wiate, C 426. THK SORROUNDING DISTllICT. 435 1835. Zion School, at New "Worlley, uearLeed?!, is a lar^e and airy brick building with two spacious rooms, crecied by subscription in 1S35-6 at tlie cost ot'£l,040, of which £400 was granted out of the sum voted by parliament tow^ards the erection of schools, for the use of the poor. The raising of subscriptioas, for the erection of the building, v/as in a great measure o\\ing to the unwearied and .self-det.ying labours of Mr. Jonathan Shackleton, and IMr. Jame-s Whal- ley, two of the first members of the town council for the Hulbeck -ward. At the west end of the building, is the following inscription : — "Zion School," "This school was hiiilt by .sub.scription, with the aid of Government, for the educntion of children oi' all dc/wminaiw7is. Anno Domini, 1835." There is a very useful religious and educafional ^^OYk being carried on in tlie school. The Sunday school numbers (in 1S59) 529 scholars and 6/ teachers, and has the rather unusual feature in a Sunday school of being unsedarian. Here may be found a band of earnest teachers of different religious opinions, working harmoniously together for the purpose of teaching the great princ-ples oi' Chris Hani ty. The day school is divided into a boys' school, and girl's and infant's school, both under government ii'.spcction. Mr. Joseph Bradbury, a certiticated master, with the as.^istance of four pupil teachers conducts the former, which has an average attendance of 160 scholars. Miss Harrison, a cer- tificated mJstress, with three pupil teachers conducts the latter, and the average attendance is MO. 'i'he yearly grant from government tothemaster, mistress, and pupil teaciiers, amounts to about £150. In the same building there is a Mechanics' Institution, possessing a good reading-room and library. The former is open every week-day evening, and the latter on Saturday evenings. On the 31st of December, the following gentlemen were elected aldermen for the borough of Leeds : — Jas. Musgrave, James Williimson, rl;;mer Stan.sfpld, J. R. By- water, Joha'clapham, T. W. Tottie, W. G. Scarfh, James Holdforth, "W. W. Brown, Thomas Heb len, Geors^e Goodman, Thos. B^-nyon, William Pawson, Thomas Beckett, Grit^ith Wright, and Henry Hall. 1836. The last mayor elected by virtue of the charter of in- cor[)oration, was Griffith Wright, Esq., who continued ir. office in j)ursuance of tiie act of parliament recently passed, until the ist of January, 1836, on which day at a meeting of the " council," Tlujmas Benyon, Esq. Avas elected mayor, but declined to accept the office, prcferrit^g to pay the line of 436 ANNALH OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1h:36.— Jan. £U)0 imposed in that behalf; V/i;liam Williams Brown, E^q. was uext chosen, but he followed Mr. Benyon's ex- ample ; and lasfl}', the choice of the council fell on George Goodman, Esq., who by making- and sub.scribing the declar- afions m that behalf reqnired, became the tirst mayor of the borough of L-reds under the municipal corporation act. Leeds Municipal Election^ Extrayr binary, Wth Jnnuanj, 1836. Tlie names in Brackets were elected. j\IiLL-HiLT-, vice MusDfra\e and William.son, aldermen, [John Ho^vlrd, C. 252, Ed. Charlcswonh, C. 246.] J. H Shaw, L. 235, J. H. Hebb ethuMte L. 215. West, v'cc Clapham, aid. [Jaseph Biteson, L 210,] Thomas Blayds, C. 194. NoaTH-WnST, fire 'I'ottie, aid. [Jame:s Robiason, L. 97,] William Briji^o^s, C. 77- John Wilki son, L. 1. East, vice Holdibrth, aid. [I.srael Burrows, L. 82,] Joseph Sug den. C.27. Kirkgate, vice Brown and Heb- den, aid. [Willi ira B >ckett, C. 161, T. B. Pease, L l-V,] Thomas Enj^I ind, C. 156. John Wdkinson, L. 151. Pea.se and Englind polled an e-iual nnmher ofvot^s, but the pr^^si lin.t; alderin m gave th? c isting vo-e to the foriTier. — • South, yze.'? Goodman, aid. [John Wilkin- son, L. 117,] William Singleton. C. 94. Hu.vSLEr, vice Wilson, aid [Willikm Beaton, L 312,] Joseph Beckett, C. 242. HoL- BKCK, vice Benyon, ;dd. [Richard JackHO!i,L.260.] - — — Bhamlky, vice P.iw,son,ald. [Samuel Pri"stman, L. 418.] H"eapin'»lky, vice Beckett and Wright, aid. [James Maude,''c. S3, and Robert Har- ri.son, C. 80.] During'' the year 1835, an act was passed for the genera^ regi.st ration of birth.-?, marria;>-es, and deaths, and another for alio win": Dissenters to m.-rry in their own j)lace.s of wors'iip, and by their own ministers ; which also allows marriages at the ol'dce of the superintendant, registrar. The stamp duty on news])apers was reduced from4d. (with a discoutjr of 20 per cent) to Id. net. The result of the measure was the reduction in the price of new^.spapers nearly one half, and a very great increase in ci^-ciilation Beigrave chapel, Belgrave street, is a plain brick edifice, opened this year. 'I'he late Dr. R. W. HatniUon ^va^^ for- merly minister of this chapel: he died July ISth, 1848. The interior is very neat. It. will accommodate 1, 8 JO hearers, and has a good organ. An excellent school is attached. The Rev G. W. ('onder is minister. O.xford Place chapej, Park-lan.e, one of the leading Wes- leyan chapels: is built of brick, and was opened this year. The interior is very plain, butneat, having a gallery continued round the chapel. It contains a very superior organ, built by Mr. Hill, of London. There are 2,600 sit- THE SURROUJS'DING DISTRICT. 437 1836.— Jan. tings, a considerable nnniiiPr of which r.re free. The sta- tioned ministers are — the Revs. George Maunder, John V. B. Shrewsbury, Henry Hast ling, Pefer Mac Ouan. Jan 1st. A melancholy and fatal accident occurred on the Serpentine river in Hyde park, London. The ice being over- crowded by skaters gave way, and a large nnmber of persons were immersed in the water, eight of whom were drowned. J;ui. A carper Nveaver named Dean at Leeds, had £10,000 left him by a rich relative in London. IMany English merchants suffered great loss at this time, by a fire in New York, said to be more destructive than any tire known since that of Moscow, and by which property to the amount of at least t\vo millions sterling was consumed. The fire raged for a night and a day, and from 700 to 1,000 houses and warehouses, with the exchange and post office were reduced to a mass of ruins. The following gentlemen were appointed to public ofilces in Leeds, in the year 1836 : — 15th January, Boroii^k Treasuro- : Jolm Smith. 15th June C erk of tlie peace: James RicliaTdson, the votes were Richard.xon 25, James Nicholi«on, 21, John Arthur Ikin, 5. 2nd bullot. Kichard- son, 30, Nicholson, 21. 8th Jul}-, Tuivn Clerk: VAw'm Kildisoii, the votes were Eddison, 2^, Robert Barr, 21, John Black hurne, II 2nd hallot, Eddison 38, Barr, 21. Dec. 3rd, Clerk to the Jus/ices': Robert Barr. Dec. 24th, Coruver, vice John Lofthou>e, rp.vicrned John Blackburce. The votes were Blackburne 21. J. A. IkiiT 2l' Chailes Naylor, 11. 2d'1 ballot, Blackburne 30, Ikin 23. ' ' ' The following gentlemen were appointed Justices of the Peace for the borough of Leeds — first commis^iM:, l\^M. Ja.s. Williamson, M.D., Edward Baine.s, M.P., Geo B.u.k.v, 'Ihos. Beckett, Thos. Benyon, Thos. Wm. To-tie, William Williams Brown, Jno. Marshall, junr , Jas. Hoi :forth, Gcorg- Goodman, Dd. Wm. Nell, Hamer Stansfeid, Jas. Muserave, Jno. Clapham, Thos. Hebdt-n, William Pawson, Wm. Cadman, Edward Grace, W^ni. Smith John Gott, Wm. Hey, Darnton Lupton. On the 12th of February, died of old age, Copenhagen. the horse which carried the duke of Wellington o'n the field of "Waterloo, By the orders of liis grace, a salute was fired over his grave, and thus he was buried ashehadlivrd with military honours. March 2nd. At the Leeds general cemetery, Mr. and Mrs Hawkshaw, husband ar.d wife were interred. They both died at the same time; both were victims of the same disorder, namely consuniplion and both were buried in the same grave. 7fh. Mr. Ed- ward Barr, a solicitor of Leeds, pleaded guilt v at York 438 ANNAL8 OF Lli^KDS, YORK, AND 1^<36— AprJiL. to a charge of a long- continued and exfensive series of forgeries, on rhe treasurer for the \Ve'?t- Riding-. He was transported for the term of his natural life. April 30lh. A valuable cliain of standard gold, weigh- ing- two pounds troy, and which cost £197 14.4. was pre- sented to George Goodman, Esq., the first mayor under the new corporation An heraldic j^iield pendant to the chain, has on it the following iuscriptioM : — " Pres'iitad by the Ir.Tges.ses and inhabit-ants of Leeds to their reform corporition, ;i.s the official insisinia oi the ma^'or, in token of their approbation ofrepresentxtive municipal government, and to remind the chief magistrate.s, that their powers aii-J hononr.s, conferred by the people, are to be heUd for thi^ public wel are. George Goodman, Esq., finst mayor, elected l.bt January, 1S;38." 0:1 Sunday, the 13th of May, there was an annular eclipse of the sun. At Leed.^, it commenced about 42 minutes past one in the affernoon ; the greatest obscuration was at 10 minutcK past three ; and the moon {)as?ed from the sun's surface at half-past four. Venus was visible to the naked eye. At the commencement, the thermometer in the sun was 95- ; at the middle it was 72° ; and at the end it was 80^. During the eclipse the flowers clo:-!ed their petals, insect life was still and motionless ; the birds of the air tiexv near the ground, and there was a peculiar solemnity in the silence which reigned around. The places of worship in the town postponed the hour of divine service on account of t lie interesting phenomenon. IGth. The carpet man- ufactory of Mr. John Hov/ard, at rhe Bank, I.eeds, was consumed by fire, damage about £10,000. The following is a copy of an inscription on a tablet erected iu the ladependent chapel, Warley, near Halifax to the memory of the late Dr. Boothroyd : — " To the memory of the Rev. Benjamin Boothroyd, LL.D. and D.D. who was a native of, and once a poor boy, in this villige. He was a student at Heckmondwike academy, and at the age of ■22 became minister of the Indppendent chapel, Pontefract, and af'erwards of Highfield chapel, Huddersfield, vvJitMe he died on the 8th of September, 1836, aged 68 years. His .simplicity and godly sincerity endt/ared him to all — lis biblical labours raised him to an eminence attained by fen' — and he died a good old age, crowned with labours and honours. He made a complt-t€ translation of the whole bible, and published it with a commentary. This tablet was erected by a i'ew friends and strangers, t-o remind t]\e youth of Warley that ' honour here and happiness here- after,' as the reward of diligent exertio:i, are in the power of every- one." The deceased was interred at Highfield chapel. THK SLTHilOUNDING DISTUICT. 439 1836— Oct.. Oct. 3th, By an order in council of (his <.la(e, flic new diocese of Ripon was insfitu'ed with Ihe conscnr of fhe arch bishiu) of York, and (lie bishop of Chester Tlie diOcese is 8ubjecl to 'he metropolitai; JMrisdii'ti')ii of York, and ciinsists of thafpartof the county of York previous]^- in 'he diocese of Chester, the deancr}'^ of Craven, and al! such parts oC the deaneries of Ainsty and Ponte'ract, in t lie diocese of York, as lie to the westward (»f the Ainsty, and the waj)r;ifakes of Barkstone Ash, Osgoldcross, nnd Sfaincross. 'f'lie two archdeaconries of Crave;; and Riciiniond have been institu- ted, the collegiate cluirch has been mnde a cathedral, and the town has hence become a city. The nverjige yearly income of the b shop has been fixed at £4,500 ; and a [)alHce for his habitation has been erected a I North Grange, about a mile nor'h- west of Ripon, at an estimated expense of nearly £10,000, The establishment attached to (he diocese consists of (he bishop, the dean, sixcanons, (wo minor canons, vicRrs'- choral, two archdeacons, and n commissary of (he archdeaconry of Richmond. 5fl!. The non-commission- ed officers and privates of the I.eeds s<|uadroii of Yorkshire hussars, presented a hnndsome silver cup to Cwptaiu Upton, of the K. troop in (hat squadron. The pre>enta(ion took place at the private parade of the stjnadrori at York, in the presence of Colonel the Earl de Grey, Captain Beckett, and several officers of tlie regiment. 24ih. Sir John Beckett, one of the representatives of the borough of Leeds, ^vas entertained by his friends at a public dinnrr at the Mu^ichali, to wh"ch 3.10 gcndemejs sa(; down. 30th. Louis N.jjioleon mudean at(cmi)( at S(ras- burg to overthrow by a coup de main, the governmoit of Louis Phillipe, by represei;(itig that the king was dead, and by employing ths name of Napoleon as a spell. He was subsequently sent to (he United S(ates as a punishment, on giving his word of honour not to qnit that country for ten years. 31st. On (his day died John Marshall, junr., Esq., of FTeadingley, one of (he tirst represcnta(ives of (he borou'_»h of Leeds in parliameiit. lie was in his " Ot'i year. His death caused universal and profound regret in (he town. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, Isr November, 1836. The names in Brackets v/ere elected. MlLL-HlLL, [Henrv Jennings, C. 277, Ed^vird Charlesworth, C. 275,] jMines Hubbard, L. 273, S. J. Birchall, L. 954. Wrst, [Peter Fairbairn, L. 250, Thomas George, L. 246, Richard Bramley, C. 246,] Ad\m Hunter, C. 245. Nortu-Wesf, [Matthew Gaunt 440 ANxNALS OF LEEDS, YOttK, AND l.s36_Nov. L. 104 ) North, (William Brown, L. 77i)' afterwarfls bankrupt Not;th-East, (Robert Biker, L. 89.) East, (F.li Whiteley, L, 102) KiRivGATh'., (Thomas Benson Pease, L. 67.) South ry of the late Mrs. Sinclair, John Atkinson, Esq , and .Mr. Robinson. The original organ in this cimrcli was built bv Samuel Greene, (one of the most eminent builders of (he last eiui- tury,)and was broughr. from some clinrch orabb^y in W.;1ps. In JSaJ Greene's organ was taken down, and m my of the stops were embodied in the large organ, with three manuals, which was then built by Mr. Holt, of Leeds. The insrru- ment has been recently entirely re-modelled by the org mi-it, Mr. Spark, who, through the libfralify of tlie churcii- wardensand the congregarion, secured the valuable service!* of Messrs. Gray and Davidson, in the execution of tUi) work. The organ now contains 33 sounding stOj)s, S couplers, and 3 manuals. The Rev. John Blometield, MA , is (he present incuaibenr, having succeeded the much respected Rev. "William Sinclair, M.A., who held ihe ii;cumbvM)cy tor upwards of twenty years. It is worthy of notice, that on the resigiiation of his cl)arge, th;^ numibers of the congre- gation a!fec^ionate!y presented the Rev. Gentleman with a purse of oOO guineas, and a silver tea an 1 coffee service. 31st. The Leeds mails and others on tiie London road, "sv'ere delayed, owing to the snow, wiiicii ciioaked the roads. The mail which left the metropolis on Safurd ly night, did not arrive til', ien minutes j);tst nine on Sunday night — it was live hours behind its time Vbout noon this day an immense avalanche, glided from the cliff hills at Lewes, and falling over the precipice, dashed in (he roofs, and entirely destroyed five houses, burying fourteen unfortunate inmates under a mountain of snow. In December the sta'e of (he money market was very critical. One of the largest joint stock banks i'l the king- dom, namely the " Northern aiid Central Bank of P'r.gland,'* was compelled to seek as-rstance from the bank of F^ngland. 1837- tieadingley church, dedicated to St. M c!ia( 1, is a neat cruciform structure, in the latter Englisli style, ssi'h an embattled tover, surmounted by a gracetul spire, and has a peal of six bells, which were brought from (he old 442 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1837— J A K. parish clmrch of Leeds. It was erected in 1S37-S, on the site of the ancient chapel, and cost £2,5S2. The Rev, William Williamson is the incumbent. The old chapel was very ancient, the eastern end was supposed to have been "built in the reign of Henry II., or Henry III. It w^as held along with the chapel of Allerton, by the same minister, ■who did duty at both places once on each Sunday, at Headingley in the morning, and Allerton in the afternoon. The iahab;tan!s of Headingley having much increased, the chapel was enlarged in the year 1G20, from the proj-^ction on the north and southsides. Theinterior of the chapel was open to the roof from end to end, till the 3'^car 1S9D, when it was underdrawn; Mr. AVilson, of Moor Grange, being at that time chapid warden. In this year Richard Baker, and Son, of Osset Street-side, near Dewsbury, found out an improvement in the manufacture of glass, by which they made it so pliable that they could make a cloth or fabric of the finest texture. They made pieces of this glass 2 l{ yards long, and from 9 to 36 inches broad ; they also made some very fine ladies' head-dresses and ornaments from this material, which were considered both very curious and useful. In January, 1S33, they presented to her Majesty an elegant glass apron, having the appearance of silk, and feeling to the touch quite as soft. The folio wing ofienees ceased to be capitally piunishcd, viz. : — ra})e, bur- glaries, arson, and Ibrgeries. Jan. 12lh. The Poor Law Commissioners issued a warrant dechiring that the laws for the relief of the poor of the township o.^' Leeds, sliould be administered by a Board of Guardians of twenty members elected yearly. 18! li. A public dinner (at which 1,0{)D individuals sat down) was given by {\\q reformers of Leeds to the West-Riding members, and the liberal members for the boroughs of the riding. The dinner was held in the Brit- annia mill, Whitehall road, In the early part of this year, the Tufiutnza was so prevalent in Leeds, that scarcely a family escaped it. The disease in many cases M'-as attended with considerable fever, and an entire })ros- tration of strength. The medical profession could scarcely answer the demands upon them. The obituary of the Leeds papers was never before so fearfully long. The town of Bradford was visited by the disease, in January and Februai-y, and carried to the grave great numbers — S6 burials are noted in the church register for each monrh. AtSheilield the malady was more fatal than the cholera of 1S32 THK SURROUJMDING DISTRICT. 443 1837.— Jan. the patients afflicted within the town amounting at one time to about 1500, and the deaths to upwards of 100 per Aveck. In London and Scotland it assumed tlie more malignant form of typhus fever, and vast numbei"s died. In Dublin it was very fatal, there were a 1,000 funerala oa Sunday the ^Oth of January, in fliat city alone. Jan. 21st. Charles Milner, Esq., Ilecorder of Leeds, died of influenza, aged 4S He war; a man of high honour and inflexible independence of char?.eter, possessing, in an eminent degree, that moral courage which peculiarly fitted him for his public duties ; as a la^vyer, few men in the pro- fession knew more; and as a judge, humanly speaking, he was faultless. On the lollowing day, (I he 22nd) after a few days illness, died of the prevailing epidpn]ic, the Rev. Richard Fawcett, M.A., vicar of Leeds, jiged 76. He was appointed to the vicarage of Leeds on the 22nd of March, 1S15, and held the pastoral charge of that populous and important j^arish for nearly twenty- two years. His sound christian doctrines was enforced with sincerity and earnestness,audwas practically evinced by his brotherly love his unostentatious demeanour, his extensive charity, and his universal benevolence. A tablet is erected to the memory of the deceased, wi'hin the altar rails of the Leeds parish church, on the north-east side, and bears the following inscription : — " To the memory of the late Rev. Richard Fawcett, M A., vicar of this jiari.sh, in which the whole of his ministerial 1 ibours liad beeo spent ; having been s-even j'ears curate of this church, twenty-rhree years incumbent of Armley, and upwards of tiventy years A'icar of tbis parish, a man of genuine lilaerality, firm in principle, in his manners courteous, who died Jan 22nd., 1837, ^S^'^ 7^, beloved by his family, valuf^d by his friends, and esteemed and respected by all his pari.'?h- i oners." Feb. 18th. Lord John Russell appointed Robert Baynes Armstrong, recorder of Hull, to be the recorder of Leeds, in the place of Mr. Milner, deceased, and appointed Mr. Matthew Talbot Baines, of Leeds to Mr. Armstrong's place. 26lh. From a mistaken notion that the new regis- tration act would increase the fees of baptism, there were baptized at one church in Manchester, in one day, 360 children ; at HuddersCeld, 86 ; at Bradford, in three days, 398; at Leeds, in three days, 400. Mr- William Hirst, manufacturer, of Leeds, having beoi for a long time con- fined in Rothwell gaol, for debt, his Majesty on hearing of 444 ANNALS OF LKKDK, YORK, AND 1^37— F KB. the cas^o senr a. henefactioii of £20. His fellow- townsmen alvo raised a subscripiiou for his beuelit:, amounting to £1,308. Oil Mond ly, the 20th of March, the Rev. Walter Jarquhar Hook, M.A of Covenlry, was elected vicar of Leeds, in the p:acp of ilie Rev. Richard Fawcett, deceased. He had six- teen \-o(es out of twenty-live, that being- tke number of elfctinii: tr-.sfees, two of wliom Avere not present, the votes were as follows : — Rev. W. F. Hook, 16, Rev. Wm. Langley, 5, R( V. Geo. Wray, 1, Rev. Mr. Dorigshun, 1. It is impossible to conceive i-u {lection conducted on principles more hon- ourable to all parties. The trustees disregarding all local in- flurifce. elected, solely from his very high character, a gentle- man who, a fortnighf prior, was not known by sight to so muci) as one of iheir body. Mr. Hook had altogether forbore to sf ek, he simply acquiesced in an appointment which grpa'ly enlarged his sphere of action, and bestowed on liim ahiiih dryree of ecclesiastical precedence,more than trebling the amoiiiif of his church preferments. A] Mil 'i'he merchants of Liverj)Ool and INTanchester a])p'ird (o government for a^sis'ance, owing to the depress- ion (?f trade, and suspension of credit, mainly caused by failures in America. The Liverpool memorial to the chan- cellor of the Exchequer sta'ed : — " That the distress of the mcrcan'ile inteiest is intense beyond example, and that it is rapirly extending to all ranks and conditions of the com- miii if y. KO as to threaten irretrievable ruin in all directions, iiiv^lv ng the prudent with the imprudent, the manufacturer AvjHi Uir mortliant, and the v.'eavers, spinners, and labour- erw trei,er-'l!y, wifh the manufacturers themselves." The disfress nf the hand oom weavers of Manchester \vas very prea'. Hundreds of them paraded the streets demanding b^ead from the shopkeepers, alleging that they and their fa'* '!]' s were li'erally starving. 20 h. (hi the evening of this day there was a total eclipse of the moon. The obscuration commenced at half- past six, and ended at a quarter past ten. About half-past eight, t! e earth was betwixt the sun and the moon, and the sun ■was acnially below the horizon ; but owing to the refrac- tion of the earth's atmosphere, the sun remained for some time a^iove the western horizon, while the moon appeared par'ially f elipsed in the eastern. iSlay 24th. This day was celebrated throughout the c<'un!ry wifh great demonstration of loyalty, occasioned by the ]irincess Victoria having attained her legal majority. In Leeds the shops and manufactories were closed. The THK saRRODNDING DISTRICT. 445 1837— June. feu de joie from the barracks, and the ringing of the parish church bells. June 7th. The first meeting of the Leeds Horticultural and Floral Societ}'', was held in the Music Hall, under the patronage of the worshipful the mayor, 14th, The boiler of the Union steam packet, exploded at Hull, 150 passengers were on board at the time ; she blew up with a tremendous force, and the vessel immediately sunk. Twent}^ one individuals were killed, and many others received serious injury. The Leeds Waterworks were originated at a very early date, viz., 1694, when, at a court held in that year, it was agreed that Messrs. Gilbert and Scorocold, of Leicester and Derby, sliould " lay an Engine to convey water from the river of Aire, through the streetes to the seurall houses within the towno of Leeds aforesaid .... on consideration of the sume of forty pounds, to be paid to the treasurer of this corporacon, for the use and benefit thereof," &c. After improvements (in 1754, 1790, and subsequent years) water was pumped from the river Aire near the bridsre, into small reservoirs in New-street, St. John's, and Albion-street, at the rate of 80 or 90 gallons per minute. They were found so inefficient in 1836, tiiat upwards of 60,000 of the inhabitants of Leeds, Holbeck, and Hunslet, had no supply, except from Avells and rain w-ater. In June 1837. an act of parliament Avas obtained for abandoning the old, and for constructing new works, by a company of proprietors, at the estimated cost of £91,000 raised in <£*2.5 shares. They derive tlieir chief supply from copious springs at Eccup and Aldwoodiey, about six miles north of Leeds. These springs yield about oOO gallons of pure water per minute, which is collected in a reservoir at Eccuj), covering the extensive area of 50 acres, and holdinar 257 millions of gallons. The aqueduct consists of 7 arches, each of .34 feet span. The wafer is sent in culverts and pipes, and flows into the service I'eser- voirs at Weetwood and Woodhouse, which, together, hold about 33 million gallons. An act obtained in 1852 em- powered the corporation to purchase the v/orks (which had previously been in the hands of a company) at a cost of £227,419 9s. 6d., and to make considerable improvements. Under this act, and one obtained in 1856, extensive pump- ing works were constructed at Arthington, consisting of two engines of lOO-horse power each, which lift 2,500,000 gallons of water per day, from the river Wharfe to the reservoir at Eccup, a height of about 250 feet, and a distance of 3}^ miles. These works were opened May, 1856. The 38 446 ANNALS OF LKKDS, YOfi'K, AND 183/ — June. town and suburbs have now an ample suppl}'- of the pure beverage of nature, which has proved a great blessing to the inhabitants at Inrgp. 20th. Yfjlliam the IV., died at Windsfor castle, of general decay, at twelve minutes past two o'clock in the morning. He was born on the 21st of August, 1765, and Avas the third son of George III. He ascended the throne, at the death of his brother, George IV., on the 26th of June, IS30. He had therefore lived 71 years and 10 mouths, and has reigned very nearly seven years. He was fervent in his expressions of religious hope, and just before breathing his last, faintly articulated " Thy will be done." The queen had been unremitting in her attentions ; was sc«arcely ever absent from the sick chamber, and for twelve days did not take off her clothes. The loss of the king was generally and sincerely felt by the nation, as that of a good man and be}ieficent sovereign, who had committed no wrong, pro- voked no enmity, and whose memory may safely repose undisturbed by the shafts of envy, vengeance, or maliii-nity. The Princess Alexandrina Victoria was proclaimed Queen of England the same day. Within a month after her access- ion, parliament v-'as dissolved, and a general election ensued. An order appeared in the London Gazette, dated 21st June, giving public notice " that it is expected that all persons, upon the present occasion of the death of his late majesty, of blessed and glorious memory, do put themselves into decent mourning ; the said mourning to begin upon Saturday next, the 24th instant." 27th. The accession of Queen Victoria was proclaimed in Leeds with great loyalty and splendour. July. The Wesleyan conference was held in Leeds during this month. 10th. A public meeting was held at the court -hou'-e, Leeds, for the ])urpose of determining on the most suitable means of alleviating the great distress which prevailed amongst the labouring classes. In August follow- ing, a commission sat in Leeds and other towns to investi- gate the cause of the distress amongst the hand-loom v/eavers. Most of the witnesses attributed the distress to machinery, and said that a repeal of the corn- laws would mitigate their sufferings. It was given in evidence that it was impossible for hand-loom weavers to earn more than ten or twelve shillings a ^veek, when v\^orking full time. ^ 20th. The cloth manufactory of Messrs Shaw, brothers, Aire-street, Leeds, was totally destroyed by Hre. 27th. Lep:ds Election. The nomination of candidates to represent the borough of Leeds, took place on Woodhouse THK SUliaOUKDING DISTRICT. 447 1837.— July. moor, on the 26Lh of Juiy. iu the presence of not less than 40,000 persons. Sir John Beckett, was moved and yecouded by Mr. John Gott, and Mr. George Banks ; ICdvvard Baines, Es(p, by Mr. J, G. Marshall, and Mr. H. li. .^Jiansfeld ; and fcsir V/illiam Molesworth, by Mr. Alderman Good}nau, and Mr. Alderman Musgrave. The sho^v of hands was in lavoiir of Mr. Baines, and Sir Vv''. Molesworth. The polling took place on the following day the '27th, and was conducted with great spirit. The result was as iuUows : — Mr. E. Baines (Vv) :?/J2^. iSir W. Aloksicorth (K) J..S-!>. Sir J. Beckett ( I'j 1,759. The split votes were: — Baiue^5 and ]Moies;wur;Ii, iS.jG, Baiaes and Beckett, S2, .Molesworth and Beckett, iu. The plumpers were: — Baines, 90, iMo'es'.vorth. 14, Bcckcir, 1,667; ojl'd voted. Tlio election at Dradiord on llie 2Gth of July, resulted in the return of E. C. Li.-^[cr, and William Busheld, the nuinbcj-s being at the close of the poll. Lister, (W) 63.'), Busheld, {\V) 621, John Hardy, (T) 443, Wra. BusSeld, junr.,(T) 3S3. At llaiifax, E.'Protlieroe, and Charles Wood Vv'cre elected. 'i'l:e numbers Vieiug, Protheroe, (W) 496, Wood, (W) 487, Hon. J. S. Wort ley, (T) 3aS. At Huddersfield, W. II. C. Stansiieid wa;* returned. The votes being Stansiield, (W) 323, Bichard Oastler, (T) IH)1. Aug.4tn. The election of t\ro members for the Vrest-Eidiug' of Yorkshire, resulted as follows: — Lord A'orpetli, (W) 12,576, Sir Geo. Strickland, (W) 11,892, the Hon. Johu S. Worlley, ll,4bO, Samuel Wood, (of Slaithwaite) 1, Eiiliu Hobson, (Netherthong) 1. At the i.ominatio;i lor the West- Riding election at Wakefield, a disgraceful ri'jt occarred. The hustings v/ere erected in Wood-street, adjoininy (he court house, and during the proceedings^, a disturbance commenced which progressed to a desperate light between the partizans of the candidates, who were distinguished by tae respective colours, blue and yellow. Flag-staves were broken in two for thepurposc of converting tlifm into bludgeons, with which the mob fought hand- to-hand, with a determiiiation hardly to be exceeded on a held of battle. Those who were not provided Avith vv'caj)ons of trie de- scription mentioned, laid their hands ujjon bricks or any other missile that came in their way, v,hich they hurled right and left, wholly indifferent as to couse{[Ucnccs. Broken heads and bloudy noses were conspicuous in all directions- When t!ie street combatants had exhausted 448 ANNALS OF LEEDH, YORK, AND 1837— Aug. their fury, a general attack v/as made upon the hustings, but although brick-bats fell as thick as hail-stones, the in- juries sustained were comparatively trilling, those present contriving to make their escape from the back part into the interior of the court. The affray, however, did not end without fatal consequences. Mr. Carter, residing at Cleck- heaton, was struck on the head with a brick, and with such force, as to occasion his death shortly after. The amiability of his character had won for him universal re- spect, and his untimely end excited the deepest regret. A Avoman named Margaret Moore, from Leeds, was also struck in a similar manner, and she died in a few days. An inquest vv'as held before John Blackburne, Esq., coroner, at the court house, Leeds, and the inquir}-- was of a very pro- tracted kind, owing to an attempt being made to identify one of the sons of John Hardy, Esq., formerly member for Bradford, as having thrown the brick with which the unfor- tunate woman was killed. The evidence, however, failed to establish the accu.-on and Wb.iiehead were concerned, the election was declared to be void. Nov. l/th, vice Brown a bankrupt, [Wm. Watson L 619,] Jas.Hargrave, C.588. NoRTH-EAST,[Saml. Lawson, C. 7/3,] J. W. Smith, L. 384. East, [Israel Burrows, L. 598,] Charlps Scarbroucrh, C. 499. Kirkgate, [John Smith Barlow, L. 12] Sopth, [Robert Derham, L. 144.]^: Hux- SLET, [Josa. Bov/er, L. 194,] Joseph Beckett, C. 167 Holbeck, "Jonathan Shackleton, L. I7, John Forster, L I7.] BRAMLiiY, Richard Yv'ilson,L. 68, Benjamin Rogers, L. 68.] Headinglki', George Skirrow Beecro ft C. 165,] Thomas Clapham, L. 27. Nov. 9th. Thos. Wm. Tottie, was elected mayor. The vott;s were Tottie, 34. Thos. PTehden, 13. This year was marked at Bradford by the occurrence of a serious riot, arising out of the introduction of tlie New- Poor-lav/. In February the Bradford Union had been con- stituted. On xMonday, Octotier 30tli, the guardians met at the court house to make arrang-eineuts for taking the management of the poor into their handni. The meeting was Urst held in the jury-room ; but 011 account of the violence of the crowd in the court-house to obtain admission into the room, the board adjourned to the 20th of Novem- ber, and in the mean time, application was made by the assistant-commissioner for the aid of the military. Accord- ingly, OTi Saturday evening, the 18th, a detachment of about forty of the l.lth Iiussars, comi'ianded by Captain Murray, and Lieutenant Pilgrim, arrived in the town. At ten o'clock on Monday, the guardians met at the court- house, and proceeded to business. Not above one hundred persons Avere then present. About twelve o'clock they amounted to five or six thousand. All the doors leadir>g to the court-house were barricaded and secured ; and the crowd finding it impossible to obtain access, began to throw 450 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1837— Nov. stones at the windows. One of the magistrates went to the Talbot Inn ft)r the soldiers, who came at hand erallop, and formed in a line before the iron palisading in front of the court-house, and for some time remained inactive. At leng-th a darinp: fellow contrived to remove the barricado, and immediately a body of men rushed up the stairs and began to force the folding-doors leading to the place of meeting of the guardians. As soon as Mr. Paley saw these movements he read the riot act This did not avail; upon which the military were ordered to clear the court-house yard and steps; which -^^^as effected after a considerable resistance, and some of the soldiers had been severely wounded with the shower of stones with which they were assailed from Leeds New- road. The charges and counter- charges between rhe mob and soldiers continued for several minutes, the latter behaving Avith great forbearance and using only the back of the sword. A pause now took place, after which a iiumber of the mob proceeded to the "field to the north of the court-house, and began very de- liberately to smash the windows. On hearing this the soldiers leaped their horses over the low Avail and quickly dispersed the people. The mob were now comparatively quiet till the breaking up of the meeting of guardians. "When the guardians in company with the magistrates left the court-house, they were followed by several hundreds of people. When they came near Brook-street they were as- sailed by volleys of stones, one of which struck Mr. Paley on the head, but his hat saved him from serious injury. The party of guardians and magistrates were upon this obliged to take slielter in a warehouse. A party of soldiers shortly after arrived and escorted them into the town. The people about three o'clock began to disperse, and the military were ordered to their quarters. When the soldiers had disappeared, the people were emboldened to assemble again at the court-house; again attacked the windows of the building with great assiduity, and before the arrival of the military, had nearly demolished every pane. The mob now began to shew a determination to oppose the soldiers ; and darkness coming on, a desultory skirmish took place, which was prolonged till seven o'clock. The soldiers, having received much provocation, began to display less command, and used their pistols and the edge of the sword. A young man Avas shot through the arm, and obliged to have the member amputated. Several Avere slightly wounded, but none mortally, as the soldiers, pursuant to THK SURROUNDIJSG DISTRICT. 451 1837.— Dec. orders, tired very low. Several persons concerned in the riot Mere taken and committed to York castle to take their trial. Dec. 2nd. A fog occurred this evening-, the most dense, that had been known for many years. 11th. A meet- ing- of delegrates from thirteen jMechanic-^' Institutes was held at Leeds, at which the West-Riding Union of Mechan- ics' lustitntes ^vas formed : subsequently enlarged to be the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes. The plan of the association was laid down in an article of the Leeds Mer- cury on the 16th of Sept , written by Edward Baines, junior, Esq. 2l3t. The extremely heavy rain for two or three days preceeding this time, produced one of the highest and most sudden Hoods ever known in Yorkshire. In Leeds, \yater- lane, School-close, and Lady Bridge, Lady-lane, suffered the most. The streets were rendered impassable. The water in some places being four or five feet high. The water in Messrs. Marshall's mill, was thirteen inches higher than the level of Water-^ane, much damage was done to property in the vicinity of the flood. At Bradford, Halifax, and other places tlie water did much damage. At Bradford, on Wednesday, the 20th of December, the rain descended in torrents for six or eight hours, and this, with the almost incessant rRin for several days, caused a most alarming flood. The water in the beck had increased so considerablv that the inhabitants in the lower parts of the town began to remove their goods. About two o'clock, the passage being choked up, the water shortly overflowed the mIioIc of the lower ])art of the town. One continuous and im- petuous current flowed from the end of Thornton-road, doM'n Tyrrel-street, over the area of the Sun Bridge, Bridge- street, Market-street, and Well-street; and reaching up the hill a=5 far as Hustler-gate on one side, and Skinner-lane on the other. In many parts of the streets the stream was six feet in depth. From the Old Brewery, not only an im- mense number of empty casks, but several barrels of ale were swept away. At one time, a waggon laden with wood was seen majestically floating dowa the stream. The loss of property, especially by grocers, in the lower part of the town was very great. Three persons perished in the flood, Thomas Keefon, head ostler at the Sun Inn, while attempt- ing to save some floating casks, slipped into a water course in Union-street, and was drowned. A female named Susannah Lightowler, of Wibsey, while attempting to cross Thornton-road was swept away ; and a child belonging to 452 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1 837.— Dec. Thomas Taylor, in Dunkirk-street, was drowned in a cellar before the mother could get it away. The loss to poor cottag-ers was very considerable. Robert Nicoll, a poet, of simple, true, and earnesfc feeling, was born January 7th, 1814, in the farm-house of Little Talliebeltaue, in the parish of Auchtergavane, in Pertshire. His father, a farmer, who counted a long pedi- gree of decent, honest, God-fearing people, fell from comfortable circumstances into poverty, in consequence of having become security for a relative. The sou, from his early days, had to work in the fields with the other mem- bers of the family, which consijited of nine children, besides father and mother. Yet that goodness which tem- pers the severest lot of the virtuous poor was around tliem, and at the lowest ebb of their fortunes man}'- of the best blessings of life sweetened tlieir trials : that must have been a cheerful home from which sprang the germs of NicoU's poetry — his songs, his descriptions of rustic man- ners, and his portraits of rustic contemporaries. In his boyhood he was a keen reader, and from his studious dis- position Avas termed by other boys " The Minister." When about twelve, he was taken from herding, and sent to work in the garden of a neighbouring proprietor. He went to school during the winter, but learnt little. When about 14 he formed an acquaintance with a young student, named Marshall, from whom he learnt his own deficiencies, and had his desire for self- culture quickened. In a book- club which he joined, he found other means of improve- ment, particularly Scott's Novels, with which he was enchanted. As early as 13 he began to put his thoughts on paper, and even became a correspondent of a pro- vincial newspaper. At 16, despairing of being able to write the English language, correctly, he made a bonfire of his papers, and wrote no more until he was eighteen. " My excursive course of reading, among both poets and prosers," he says, "gave me many pleasures of v/hich my fellov/s knew nothing, but it like- wise made me more sensitive to the insults and degrada- tions that a dependent must sniFer. You cannot know the horrors of dependence, but I have felt them, and have regis- tered a vow in heaven that I will be independent, though it be but on a crust and water." In Perth, where he had bound himself apprentice to a grocer and wine merchant, he bought " Gobbet's English Grammar," and having by constant study made himself master of its contents, he THE SaUROUNDlNG DISTRICT. 453 1837— Dec. again began to write, and with more satisfactory results. He also obtained permission to use the Perth Library, "where he found, and benefited by, Milton's, Locke's, and Bentham's works. Speaking of this period of his life, he .remarks, " I do not rate my literary productions too highly ; but they have all a definite purpose — that of trying to raise the many. I am a Radical in ever}'- sense of the term, and I must stand by my order. I am employed in working for my mistress from seven o'clock in the morning until nine at night; and I must therefore write when others are asleep. During winter to sit without a fire is a hard task; but summer is coming — and then !" Seeing how sm;ill were the gains of his parents, he, with two pounds that he had saved, enabled his mother to open a little shop in her cot- tage at 'I'ulliebeltane, and to attend the weekly market at Perth. ,^.bout this time NicoU became a member of a de- bating society, which was partly political and partly literary. Here he acquired the important faculty of addresing public assemblies, which he afterwards turned to good account. To improve himself in composition, he wrote short stories, one of which entitled " II Zingaro," he sent to "Johnstone's Magazine," in the pages of which it ■was printed. It is the tale of a gipsy youth, of fine and aspiring genius, who, smitten with love for a beautiful girl, becomes a water-carrier in an Italian city, and who, by resolutely enduring every kind of privation, and exert- ing wonderful energy, is enabled to become the pupil of an eminent painter, and fitially acquires great eminence in his art, and obtains the hand of the object of his love and his exertions. Towards the close of his apprenticeship Nicoll's health became seriously atTected, when his mistress sent him home to be nursed by his mother. At leisure in his native air, he soon recovered, and then visited Edinburgh in quest of employment. Failing in his object, he returned home, and opened a circulating library in Dundee. The year 1835 was an important epoch in his life. He wrote frequently for the Liberal newspapers of the town; de- livered political lectures ; made speeches; augmented his stores of knowledge by reading; wrote poems; aiid pre- pared and published his volume of " Poems and Lyrical." This work was v/ell received. Shortly after coming to Dundee, he formed an ardent attachment to Miss Alice Suter, a very pretty and amiable girl, who eventually became his wife. His business in Dundee did not flourish, but Nicoll was not a man to yield easily. This appears from a letter dated Feb. 6th, 1836, to his mother, 454 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1837.— Dec. in which he says "Half tbo uuhappiness of life springs from looking back to griefs which are past, and forward with fear to the future. That is not my way. I am determined never to bend to the storm that is coming, and never to look back on it after it has passed. The more I think and reflect I feel that, whether I be growing richer or not, I am growing a wiser man^ which is far better. Pain, poverty, and all the other wild beasts of life Mhicli so affright others, I am so bold as to think I could look in the face without shrinking, without losing respect for myself, faith in man's high destinies, and trust in God. There is a point which it costs much mental toil and struggling to gain, but which, when once gained,. a man can look down from, as a traveller from a lofty mountain, on storms raging belov/, while he is walking in sunshine. That I have gained this point in life, I will not say, but I feel myself daily nearer it." From Dundee*, Robert Nicoll passed to Edinburgh, where he obtained gome temporary employment in Mr. Tait's warehouse. By means of that gentleman, he procured in August, 1836, the situation of editor of the Leeds Times^ with the narrow- salary of £100 a year. After he had been for some time in Leeds, he says in a letter to his brother, " You will see I am speaking boldly out, and the people here like it ; and the proprietor of the Leeds Times is aware that it is to my exertions he owes the wonderful success of the paper. We are near 3,000, and incrccising at the rate of 200 a- week. We are beating both Whigs and Tories in York>;hire rarely. I like Hobson very much. He never sees the paper till it be printed. I mean to have a higher salary though." In December he went down to Dundee to be married, and soon returned to Leeds v/ith his bride. In his brief career he tasted largely of all the higher enjoy- ments of life. His was a happy home; but his duties were incessant and harassing. Amidst his engagements he found recreation in writing poetry. He was not long to enjoy existence. He felt the severity of t]»e spring of 1837. The finishing blow to his health was given by the general election in the summer of the same year, when the town of Leeds Avas contested by Sir William Molesv/orth, in opposition to Sir John Beckett. Into this contest Nicoll naturally threw himself with his whole heart and soul- As an enthusiastic Radical, as the editor of a liberal news- paper, as a man now looked up to by a con.siderable por- tion of the ten-pound electors, and all the intelligent non- electors, he was trebly pledged to this cause ; and those THK HURUOUNDING DISTiilCT. 455 3837.— Dec. who have contemplated his char?.cter, even as it is faintly indicated in this sketch, may imagine the intensity and ardour with which, on this occasion he exerted himself. After a very severe struggle, the cause which he advocated, triumj)hed in Leeds; but the contest left poor NicoU in such a state of exhaustion, that his wife afterwards said — that if Sir "SVilljam I\Iolesworth had failed, Robert would liave died on the instant. He was destined to linger on for a few more suffering months. In reply to his mother's anxious inquiry as to his health, he Avrites as follows : — ■ Leeds, TVe(f?iesday, Sept. 13(/i, ISG^. '" My own dear AIother, — This morning I received your letter. The ' kind' friend who was so particularly kind as to alarm you all out of j'our senses, need not come to my house again. Before, I did not write you all about my illness, because I did not wish to make you uneasy ; but it shall be no longer so. I will tell you how it began — when it began — its progress — its present state." Llaving de- scribed his case at length, and given the opinions of the medical men, and those of his wife and liis mother-in-la\A'-, in tl:e manner most likely to soothe the fears of his mother, he, at the same time, owns that he is very vreak. He then proceeds to another subject, ])robably in answer to some message from his venerable and ])ious grandfather : — *' ?.Iy love to aunt and grandfather ; tell both that I do not knovv^ how I could better serve my God than by serving my fellow-men. He gave me a mission, and I trust I have done my best to fulfil it. As for you, dear mother, dear father, I bid you be of good cheer ; I shall recover yet, though it •will fake a v/hile. And if I do not, I trust I am prepared calmly to meet the worst. My life has not yet been a long one, but 1 have born much sickness — sickness such as opens the grave before men's eyes, and leads them to thin!: of death ; and I trust I have not borne this, and suffered, and thought in vain." His illness increased so rapidly that in the autumn he was obliged to quit Leeds. He took leave of his friends, the Eeformers of the "^.Vest- Riding, in a short address, winch "the deep sincerity of his heart, and the solemn circum- stances under v» hich it was written, rendered doubly emj)hatic. " TO THE RADICAL? OF THE WE-T RIDING." "■ Br etfren I — Til health coinpel.s me to leave y on rlocahtj^, where I have laboured earrestlj and i^incerelj', and I trust not altogether 456 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1837.— Dec. without effect, in the holy work of human regeneration. I go to try the effect of my native air, as a last chance for life ; and, after the last number, I am not responsible for anything which may appear in the Leeds Times, having ceased to be the editor of that paper from that date. ''I could not leave you without saying this much, without bidding you, one and all, farewell, at least for a season. If I am spared, you may yet hear of me as a soldier of the people's side: if not, thank God! there are millions of honest and noble men ready to help in the great work. Your cause emphatically is The holiest cause that pen or sword Of mortal ever lost or gained. And that you may fight in that cause in an earnest, truthful, manly spirit, is the earnest prayer of one, who never yet despaired of the ul- timate triumph of truth. "Robert Nicoll." Returning to Scotland, he found some relief under the wise and kind treatment of Dr. Andrew Combe. Soon, however, his symptoms grew worse, and he died on Decem- ber 7tb, in his 24th year, at Laverock Bank, near Leith. His remains were laid in the churchyard of North Leith, to which place they were attended by a numerous assemblage. He was passionately fond of song and ballad music, and liked to hear his wife chant such ballads as the "Flowers of the Forest ;" and alone, by his own fireside, to pour forth his overflowing emotions in musical strains. The poems and songs of Nicoll, some of which are in his vernacular tongue, have given him the name of Scotland's second Burns. They display'- much of the passionate energy, and a large share of the philanthrophy, which characterize the works of the Ayrshire bard. 1838. Jan. In this month, the frost was so intense, that the principal rivers in England were completly frozen over. Feb. 16th. A very serious explosion of fire damp, took place at the Robin Hood's colliery, belonging to Messrs. Charlesworth, by which several persons were killed, and several others severely injured. May. The small pox was very prevalent at Wortley,near Leeds, and in many instances proved fatal. In June, eight coaches came direct to Leeds from Lon- don, daily, carrying when full, 32 inside, and 68 outside passengers. 1,477 coaches left London daily for all parts of the kingdom. 248 coaches ran daily out of Manchester to various places ; and 154 out of Birmingham. 28th. The coronation of Queen Victoria took place this day. The event was celebrated throughout the kingdom with great splendour and rejoicing. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 457 1838— Jul J. Jal3'4tli. The southern part of Yorkshire, and part of the count}' of Lancaster were visited by a terrific storm of thuuder and hail, Avhich did immense damage to property and caused a great loss of life. In the ueighbouihood of Stainbro', Dod worth, and Silkstoiie, near Barns^ley, the storm was very violent. In the valley of the south-west side of Dodworth, the water rose to such a height that it reached the entrance of a coal-pit in the hill side, belong- ing to R. Clarke, Esq., called the Moor-Side Pit; the water rushed in, so that in a short time it was tilled. A number of colliers were at w^ork in the pit, and twenty-six persons perished in the water, eleven of them females. The damage done to the windows alone, at Wentworth castle, was estimated at £500. All the glass of the green and hot- houi^es was totally destroyed, as well as their valuable contents. The pineries, franies, flowers, shrubs, Sic, were all swept away; and 4000 yards of Availing laid prostrate. The whole presented a scene of perfect destruction and devastation. The water swept away timber, trees, walls, bridges, and a quantity of furniture from the houses, coals, tubs, pigs, and clothes from the hedges, and ten beasts from Mr. John Archer, of" Saville Hall. It did about £300 worth of damage in Silkstone, to different individuals. The entire village presented the appearance of a complete sheet of water ; from one end to the other it was impassi- ble for seven hours. August 1st. This was an aujjpicious day for the negroes in the West Indies. It is necessary to explain that four years before, namely, on the 1st of August, 1834, an act Avas passed to abolish slavery throughout the British dominions. The English government paid the planters, as compensation for this emancijjation, twenty millions ster- ling. The slave was to pay no part of his redemption, but was to be subject to a seven years apprenticeship. After four years experiment the slave had proved himself worthy of being absolutely free, and his freedom was demanded by the people of England. From this day his apprenticeship ceased, and the shackles fell from the limbs of eight hundred thousand men. September 6th. In a lighthouse on the coast of Northum- berland, within view of the Fern Islands, lived a family of the name of Darling The night of the 6th of September was stormy, and the Forfarshire steam boat, whose boiler was in bad order, struck on one of the Fern Islands, and parted in two. The sea at the time was running very high. Mr. Darling, and his daughter Grace, set cut in a 458 Ar^NALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AXD 1838.— Sept. boat to the perisliii)g crew, and at the imminent daiiger of their own lives succeeded in saving nine of them. The fact that a young woman had been engaged in this mission of mercy, burst upon the world with astonishing effect, and the name of "Grace Darling" became famous through- out ihe land. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, 1st November, 1838. The names in brackets were elected. Mill-Hill, [William Her, jun , C. 270, John Atkinson, C: 266,] William Price, L. 201, O. Willans, L. 197. West, [William Brifrjr, C. 634, Henry Chorley, C 62 L] Joseph Battson, L. 604, Chas. Ys^atson, L 603. North-Wes r, [Ralph Markland, C. 3/8,] James EobiiiN'on, L.363 North. [Jas Hirg reave, (',464,] Roht Cadman, L. 45.') North- East, [Benjamin Holroyd, C. 426,J Joseph Wood- head, L. 337 East, [J. A. Buttrey, L.459,] ( havles Searhrongh, C. 321 Kirk gate" [Thomas England, C. 2! 6.] Vvilliam W^hitehead, L. 169 South, [lames Coldbeck, L. 303,] Stephen Mitchell, L. 297 Hunslet, [Joseph Beckett, C. 638,] John Wilson, L. 442 Holbkck, [Matthew Hall, L. 547, Joshua Wordsworth, L. 546,] John Tempest, jim., C. 492, Anthony Titley, C. 489, John Jackson, R. 56 Bramley, [Jo.-^ per cent. 30th. The Manchester and Leeds railway was opened. July 20th. An act was {massed (2 and 3 Vic, c. 85) for the more easy and speedy recover)^ of small debts and damages within the Honor of Pontefract, which included the towns of Leeds, Bradford, Hudderstield, Pontefract, Birstal, Suaith, Goole, &c., and the district of Saddleworth. This act abolished the Ancient Court Baron of the Honor, and extended the jurisdiction and practice in actions of debt to £15. July. A ])ublic exhibition opened in July and continued uutirOctober, at the Music hall, Albion-street, Leeds, for the benetit of the Leeds mechanics' institute. It contained treasures in all the branches of natural history, curiosities, antiquities, philosophical apparatus, models of machines, chemical preparations, manuscripts, paintings, specimens of manufactures, &c. During the three months, about 9,500 persons were admitted by single ticket. The total 4G2 ANNALS OF LSED.S, YORK, AND 1«39.— Aug. receipts were £3,407 17s. 2)^d. The balance or profit to the institution, after payment ofexpenses, was about £1,780. August I7th. The act, authorizing the establishment of the uniform penny postage, received the royal assent. 29th. The Yorkshire Agricultural Society held its annual exhibition in Leeds. September 3rd. The foundation stone of East Parade chapol, Leeds, for the congregatiou that had many years worshipped in Salem cha[)e!, was laid by the Rev. John Ely, assisted by the late Mr. Baines. It is a beautiiul stone edifice ^diuated in East Parade. It was opened in January, 1841, and Mas (recttd from designs by Messrs. Moffat and Hurst. The style ot architecture is the Grecian Doric Order, having a lofty front entrance, with six ele- gant pillars. The interior is neat, and has two galleries, one above the other. It contains an excellent organ: the schools, vestries, &c , are under the building. The Rev. H. R. Reynolds, B.A., is minister. Septcjnber 4ih. A meeting, advertized for tliis evening, at Leeds, under the presidency of the late Edward Baines, Esq., MP., to take mto consideration the best means of extending the objects of the British and Foreign School Society, was completely frustrated by the Chartists pro- posing Mr. Hobson, the publisher of the Northern Star, as chairman. The meeting was held on the 1 1th inst. incon- sequence, when the admittance was by ticket. October 29th. Matthew Guant was appointed alderman of the borough of Leeds, vice Dr. Williamson, who had re- moved from the town. Leeds Municipal Election Eccfraordinary. February 25th. Bramley Ward, vice Clark, insolvent, (John Rogerson, C. 100/,) John Lupton, L. SbJ. June 12th. Mill Hill Ward, y/ec' Charlesworth, deceased, Charles Lee. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, 1st November, 1839. The names in brackets were elected. MiLL-HiLL, (Charles Lee and John Cudworth) West, (RichardBramley,C.490, John Patrick, C. 483,) George Wood, R. 195. North-West, (John Sykes, C So.) North, (William Watson, jun, L. 484,) James Ward, C. 443. North- East, (Griffith Wright, C. 485,) William Gregory, R. 30L East, (John Cawood, C. 369,) Eli Whiteley, L. 319 Kirkoate, (John Simpson, C. 228), T. B. Pease, L. 209 South, (Stephen Mit- chell, L. 7). Hunslet, (John Bovver, jun., L. 707,) Thomas Harrison. C. 471- Holbeck, (Joseph Cliff, L. 834, J. 0. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 463 1839— Nov. March, L. S31,) John Temppst, jun , C. 794, Anthony Titley, C. 793- Bramley, (John Rogerson, C. 995, Richard JNichols, C. 994,) John Lupto:!,L.9Sl, William Musgrdve,C. 9/7 Headinqlby, (George Haj'ward, C. 3.) November 9th. William Smith was elected mayor, November. The disastrous intelligence from America of the suspension of specie payments \>y the United States bank, and most of the other banks in the Union, caused great consternation at Liverpool and Mancliester. A com- mittee of the Leeds Town Council made a statistical inc-uiry in Nov., as to the population and condition of the toiimship of Leeds, from which it a])peared that the population of ■the town was S2,120 persons, namely, 39,411 males and 42,709 females, composed as follows : — married persons, 27,7t)2 ; single persons, 999 ; Avidows and widowers, 2,990; lodgers, 4,283; domestic servants, 4,509; children, 41,577- The number of dwellings was 18,279, of which 16,773 were occupied by English families, 996 by Irish, 70 by families belonging to other countries, and 440 were unoccupied. The number of inns was 216, beerhouses, 235 ; total, 451. There v. ere 98 houses of ill-fame, and two gambling houses. The passive population was 20,445, leaving the active as 61,675, arranged thus : — Engaged in manufacture by poAver, 10,663: hand-loom weavers, 1,289; avooI- combers, 138; select trades, 13,233. The 40 places of worship afforded accommodation for 47,051 persons — 13,255 in the Established churches, 11,160 in Wesleyan chapels, 6,030 in Independent chapels, and 16,626 in chapels belonging to other denominations. There Avere 154 Aveek- day schools, containing 6,390 scholars ; 20 factory schools, containing 360; and tne Sunday schools contained 11,429 scholars. 23rd. At an extraordinary meeting of the Privy Council this day, her Majesty announced her inden- tion to ally herself in marriage Avith Prince Albert of Saxe Cobourg and Gotha. At the close of the year wheat AA^as from 78s. to 80s. per quarter. At the same time the duty on foreign Avheat was ISs 8d. per quarter. Dec. 5th. The quarterly meeting of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West-Riding of Yorkshire Avas held in the hall of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary- Society. A great many meetings were held during this year, in nearly all the principal towns in England, on the subject of the corn laws Alargemeeting Avas heldin the Leeds cioth hall, on Dec. 21st, at Avhich, from eight to ton thousand persons were present, to petition parliament for the repeal 464 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1839— Dec. of the corn laws. There were no less than 30,000' persons died of sraall-pox, in England and Wales, during the two years and a half, ending the 3lst of Dec., 1839;. besides vast numbers who had been disfigured, and injured in their health. Distress, and Chartist Riots. — During the greater part of the year 1839, the operative classes in all parts of the country had to endure many privations, in consequence of the dearness of corn, and tea, and from want of employment, especially in the cotton trade. In the latter part of the year there were at least 10,000 persons out of employment in the borough of Leeds. At Hunslet, especially, the distress was very great. The dis- affected and unemployed, in nearly all the principal towns in England exhibited symptoms of riotous conduct. A national Chartist convention was formed in London, and drew up a petition which was carried into the house of commons, on the 14th of June. It was a wonderful docu- ment: " a cj''linder of parchment, about the diameter' of a coach wheel — literally rolled into the house," and signed by upwards of 1,200,000 persons. The petition occasioned a good deal of discussion in the house, Avhen on the 12th of July a committee was moved for, to consider the five points of the petition — universal suffrage — vote by ballot — annual parliaraents — paid members of parliament, and abolition of the property qualitication ; but the committee was refused by a majority of 189, in a house of 281. lu the months of July and August, vast quantities of fire-arms were seized, and many persons were arrested for training and drilling to the use of arms. Riots occurred at Bir- mingham, Manchester, Newcastle, and other places. Iq Manchester the mob attempted to stop the factories. At Birmingham the rioters tried to fire the town. Shop after shop was broken into, gutted, and set on fire ; in an hour and a (juarter, no less than seventeen houses were thus treated, and the loss of property was estimated at from £30,000 to £40,000. Several leaders were arrested^ and the police and military subsequently dispersed the mob. On the 6th of Nov. a chartist insurrection took place at Newport, in Wales, headed by Frost the chartist magistrate. The rioters to the number of 8,000 took possession of the town. A dreadful conflict ensued, by which several persons were killed, and others severely wounded. Frost, Williams, and Jones, were arrested on a charge of high treason, and after long trials, were found guilty, and sentenced to death ; afterwards commuted to THK S'JEROU^'DING DISTRICT. 465 1839-40. transportation for life- In the beginning- of January in the folloAving year, riots occurred at Sheffield, Bradford, and Dewsbury. At Bradford, considerable numbers of men were furnished with ilre-arms and pikes, and openly practised military eA'olutions upon Fairwcather-green. After a number of infatuated and imprudent actions, a j)lan of insurrection was lormed, which the police were acquaint- ed with ; and about two o'clock on the morning of the 27th of January, IS43, a number of armed men appeared in the Green-market, having taken two of the watchmen of the town prisoners. A signal was to have been given by means of a rocket, for the assembling in the same place of various armed parties, who were at the outskirts of the town awaitibg the signal. The police, assisted by a few special constables, succeeded in capturing sixteen of the rioters who were committed to York castle, and most of them sentenced at (heeusuingassizcs to various terms of im- prisonment. In different parts of the country, no less than 232 rioters were convicted of treason and sedition, out of 290, committed. At Leeds there was no popular outbreak on this occasion. 1840. January. Mounfjoy, the celebrated pedestrian, per- formed the wonderful feat of walking 77 miles a day, for six days together 10th. The uniform penny postage came into full operation, and double the average number of letters were posted at the Leeds post office this day. In a few weeks the number had increased fivefold. 25th. The heavy rain at this time caused the river Aire [to over- flow. A rapid stream flowed down Water-lane, through Dock-street, and extended faralong Meadow-lane andHun- slet-lane, flooding many houses. February, The House of Commons, on the motion of Colonel Sibthorp, granted to Prince Albert £30,000 a year. B}' this vote the ministers were left in a minority, they having proposed £50,000. 7th. George Beecroft, Esq., of the Kirk.stall Forge Iron Works died, aged 59 years. The deceased was the father of G. S. Beecroft, Esq., one of the present members for Leeds, was a man greatly respected by his fellow-townsmen, and a member of the Town Council for Headingley Avard 10th. Queeu Victoria was this day married to Prince Albert. The re- joicings in London were unbounded, and throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland the event excited unmixed gladness and warmth of heart amongst the jjeople. 13th. Thos. "Walker, Esq., of Killingbeck-hali, near Leeds, died, aged 7-i years. 14th. Benjamin Gott, Esq., of 466 ANNALS OF LEED8, YORK, AND 1840.— Feb. Arniley house, near Leeds, died this day, in the seventy-' eighth year of his age, He was born on the 24ih of June,. 1762, and was the son of a man who, by his energy and talents, raised himself to eminence as a civil engineer. He Avas educated at Bingley school, and in early life his abilities and amiable disposition endeared him to his school-fellows and friends. He entered, and afterwards became a partner of, the firm of Wormald and Fountaine, woollen manufacturers and merchants, which, by the re- tirement of the other partners, became eventually the establishment alone of Mr. Gott and his Sons. By his talent, intelligence, and activity, he realized a large for- tune. No one in the West. Riding stood higher as a man of business. He possessed large stores of information, a vigorous intellect, remarkable decision of character, and a fine taste. He also possessed munificent liberality, great public spirit, perfect uprightness and independence, and an amiable disposition. His death was deepl}'^ and universally deplored. In the church dedicated to St. Bartholomew, at Armley, there is a beautiful piece of statuary erected in memory of the deceased, executed by Joseph Gott, Esq., of Rome. It represents the deceased gentleman (life size) reclining on a mattrass, in a posture of deep meditation. At the basement is the following inscription : — "Thi.s monument is erected in memory of Bpnjamiu Gott, Esq , of Armlej' house. I^lndo'.ved vvith talents to dignify every relation of life, he maintained with inflexible nprightne.'^ miles of railway completed and in operation. April 2Sth. Mr. Duke, the head police ofncerof Hudders- field, was murdered by Alexander Maclaughlan Smith. Another police-officer named Dawson was seriously- wounded hy the murderer. May 5th.' A most painful sensation Avas produced io- London bv the murder of Lord William Russell, the uucle THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 4G7 3840.— May. of Lord John RusselL He Avas found in bed with his throat cur. Courvoisienr, a servant of Russell'g, Avas sub- sequenth^ fried and found guilty of wilful murder, and exe- cuted after having confessed the crime. Uth. Feargua O'Conner, ■ he Chartis^:t leader, was sentenced by the Court of Queen's Bench toeightceii months' imprisonment for thepub- lication in the J^orthern Star of seditious libelsiiiciting to the use of arms. 19th. York Minster was again seriously <3amaged b}*- lire, supposed to be caused by the carelessness of workmen. The fire Avas first seen in the nrr(h v/cstern tower. The nave was entirely stripped of its roof, the belfry reduced to a mere shell, and the bells laid below, haviiig burst Through the floor in their fall. The damage was esti- mated at £30,000. r—^'-'- N. Nicholson, Esq., of P.ound- hay Park, shot by mistake Mr. Thompson, gamekeeper to Stephen Nicholson, Esq. The gamekeeper was keeping watch in front of Mr. Nicholson's house unknown to him, and he supposing that an attempt was being made by thieves to enter the house, Hred a gun and killed the keeper. f?8tl;. The IJcuse of Commons, by a majority of 123, refused to consider the question of the corn laws. June 9{h. A temperance tea meeting was held in the new millof ilslessrs Marshall and Co., IIolbeck,when not less than 12,600 persons took tea together. 10th. An jittempt was made to assassinate the Queen and Prince Albert during a hom was not known. 468 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1840— July. 22nd, The Queen Dowager, on a visit to the north, passed through Leeds to Harewood house. August 5ih. Louis Napoleou, with a handful of followers, landed near Boulogne, and raised the standard of revolt. He Avas captured, and condemned to perpetual imprison- ment in a fortress, and most of his accomplices were sen- tenced to various terms of imprisonment. 7th. A dread- ful accident took place on the Hull and Selby railway, near Howderi, caused, by a piece of iron, the weight of about two tons (which was fastened to a truck by ropes), falling across the line. Five persons were killed, and several others seriously injured. Sept. 12th. A duel took place between the Earl of Car- digan and Lieut. Tuckett, of the 11th dragoons. 22nd. The Princess Augusta, aunt to her Majesty and daughter of Geo. IIL, died, aged 72 years. 23rd. An explosion of fireworks took place in a dwelling-house at Halton, near Leeds, by which Doroth}'- Randall and her daughter were killed. Oct. Fever, of a typhoid character, appeared to a con- siderable extent in the neigh])Ourhood of Wortley. Leeds Municipal Election Extraordinary. January 23r(l. South Watid, wci-Derham, a bankrupt, (John Wil- kinson, L. 343,) Jeremiah Scott, C. 280. Feb. 14. Headinglby, vice Beecrol't, deceased, (John Prince, C.) • — Feb 19. Bramley Ward, vice Moss, a bankrupt, (William Wilson, C ) LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, 2nd November, 1840. The names in bracket!^ were elected. Mill-Hill, [John Howard, C. 242, Radford Potts, C. 240,] Peter Fairbairn, L. 213, Joseph Richardson, L. 21 L West, (William Dove, C. 525, Adam Hunter, M.D., C. 520,] John Heap.s, R. 426, George Wood, R. 415. North- West, [William Whitehead, L. 321,] William Dinsley Skelton, C. 339. By the rejection of double votes, Whitehead was declared duly elected, but Skelton was after- wards seated by the court of Queen's Bench. North, [Thos. Brumfit, L. 306,] Richard Ripley, C. 288. North- East, [Samuel Lawson, C. 514,] John Ayrey, R. 375. East, [Martin Cawood, C. 357], Israel Burrows, L. 325. .Kirkgate, [John Garland, C. 20/,] J. S. Barlow, L. 198. South, [Robert Baker, L. 241,] William Singleton, C. 222. Hunslet, [Richd. Pullan, C. 673,] Jo.shua Bower, R. 650. Holbeck, [Jonathan Shackle- ton, L. 849, John Forster, L. 849,] Anthony Titley, C. 759, John Tempest, C. 759- Bramley, [John Cliff, L. 983, Joseph Winn, L. 983,] John Yates, C. 963, John Baiker, C. 963. Hhabing- LEY, [John Prince, C. 33.] November 9th. William Smith, Esq., was re-elected mayor THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 469 1840— >sov. 21st. The princess royal was boru at ten minutes past tAvo {).in. Dec. 16th. In tlie chancer}' snit so lonji: pending between the new and old corporations ol' Leeds, relative to the £6,500 three per cents, &c , conveyed to trustees of the old corporation, before the passing of the municipal corporation ac*", so as to ])revent the new corporation from getting the same, the Lord Chancelior delivered judgment to the effect that the alienation of the corporate funds was a breach of trust and fraudulent ; and directed the defend- ants immediately to re-imburse the sums alienated, with interest on the same, and to pay the whole of the costs. The money having been distributed amongst charitable in- stitutions of the town, the defendants had to refund the amount out of their own pockets. 1841. St. Luke's cluirch, North-street, Leeds, was erected this year, and was chiefly intended for the use of the soldiers at the barracks. It is a plain but neat structure of stone, erected from designs by Messrs. Perkin and Backhouse. In 1857 the church was enriched by a stained glass window, A\hich consists of three early English lancet lights, the centre one containing medallions of the Crucifixion and the Ascension, on rich mosaic and geome- tric patterns: the north light contains a full length figure of St. Luke in a panel interwoven with the geometrical design ; the south light contains a figure of St. Paul ; around all the lights rich foliated borders run, with other rich decorations ; the design and execution of the window is in a high style of art. The Rev. C H. Collier is the in- cumbent According to the census returns of this year, the popu- lation of the borough of Leeds was 152,054. In the Leeds township the number of males was 42,660 — females 46,081. In the out-townships, males, 31,105 — and females, 32.208. Jan. 7th. The river Aire, and other rivers in Yorkshire were partially frozen over. July 1st. A series of defeats in the house of commons caused the whitr ministry to retire, and parliament was dissolved on the 22nd of June. A general election ensued. At Leeds Mr. Baines annouticed his intention of retiring from parliamentary life. TheliberalsbroughtoutMr. William Aldam, jnnr., a young barrister, a native of Leeds, and Mr. Joseph Hume, the veteran reformer. The conservatives brought out Mr. AVilliam Beckett, the banker, and Lord Jocelyn. The election took place on the 1st of July, and 40 470 ANNALS OF LEP:DS, YORK, AND 1841— July. after a severe contest, a candidate of each party was returned — the numbers at the close of the poll being : — Mr. Beckett, (T) 2,076. Mr. Aldam, (W) 2,043. Mr. Hume, (W) 2,033. Lord Jocelyn (T) 1,926. The disappointment of the liberal party at the loss of Mr. Hume's election, was exceedingly great, as that gentleman was the most popular of all the candidates. To the great disgrace of the parties concerned, a coffin was carried in front of the hustiiigs, on the declaration of the poll, v\hich M^as openly proclaimed to be a coffin in which Mr Hume was to be buried. 12th. The West Riding election resulted in the return of two conservatives. 'ilie Hon. John Stuart Wortley and IMr. Edmund Denison were brought out by the conserva- tives, and Lord IMilton and Lord Morpeth by the liberals, and although the two latter received the largest show of hands at the nomination, they suffered a defeat on the poll. The numbers were : Hon.J.S. Worthy, (T) 13,165. Mr. Denison, (T) 12,780. Lord Milton, (W) 12,080. Lord Morpeth, (W) 12.031. July 4th. Mr. William Dawson, of Springfield terrace, Bur- mantofts, Leeds, and late of Barnbow, a celebrated local preacher amongst the AVesleyans, died, aged 68 years. He was born on the 30th of March, 1773, at Gartorth, near Leeds, and was the eldest child of Luke and Ann Dawson. His father was a small farmer, and colliery steward to Sir Thomas Gascoigne. He was blest with a pious mother from whom he received his first religious impressions. From his earliest youth up to the age of twenty, he regularly attended the church at Berwick-in-Elmet, and although he for some time continued to attend the services of the church, he gradually got in v/ith the Wesleyans until at length he became a local preacher amongst them. At the beginning of the 19th century he had fairly entered upon his work of preaching. In addition to his arduous secular avocations as a farmer, he was most laborious in performing his religious duties. It was not unusual for him to be sowing seed, stacking corn, c]ij)ping sheep, &c. on the same day that he was opening a chapel and attend- ing missionary meetings. He neither permitted his farm, the vineyard of the Lord, "nor himself to be fallow and THE SUKROOA'DING DJSTHICT. 471 1841 — July untilled," but laboured hard in each. lie was entered on the "We.slcyan plan ior the year ISOl. From Ihc lirst he was an attractive preacher, aiid in much rec[uisi(ion both at Leeds and other places in Yorkshire. He preached in 1S25 the opening services of Brunswick chaj)el, Leeds. The anxiety to g-ain the services of Mr. Dawson became very great, wherever he j)reachcd the jilaces of worship were crowded to excess, so that at times iie had to preach in the open air so as to accommodate those who could not gain access to the chapels. In Februaiy 1838 a project was started in Brunswick chapel for raising by voluntary subscriptions an annuity for Mr. Dawson, so that he might devote the whole of his time to the Wesleyan rnihsions: ultimately £'2,000 was raised, with which, an annuity of £150 and £30 (o his brother in case he should survive, was provided, the condition being that he was to devote six months of the year to the missionary cause, leaving. him to employ the other six as he might think fit. He then gave up his farm and came to reside at (5, Springfield terrace, Burraantofts. On the 30tli of March, iS40, he left Leeds for Liverpool, and set sail for Ireland on April 1st, to exercise his missionar}'^ labours. On his return lie travelled very much in the south of England, but wj;s not permitted much longer to prosecute his religious work. On the 3rd of Jul3\ 1841, he left Leeds for Colne in Lan- cashire, where he died very suddenly about two o'clock on the following morning, in the {i9fh year of his age. As a preacherheA\ as most impressive," eccentric in a high degree, but when he preached, strong convulsions rocked alike the pulpit and the pew. A wonderful variety of cadences ; alter- nately rolling with the thunder and flashing with the liglit- ning ; exhibiting the lion and the lamb in the same dis- course." In the year 1854 a very neat tablet in memory of the deceased, erected by Mr. Dennis Lee, v/as placed in St. Peter's Wesleyan chapel, Leeds, bearing the following inscription : — "This monument i.s erectetl as a testimony of grateful affection to the memory of Mr. William Da^v.son, who fell aslsej) in Jesns, July 4th, 1841, aged sixty-eight yeans. From a;i early period of life, when lie found the pearl of great price, he pursued a consistent and ex- emplary course of Christian godline.-s As a jireacher of the go.spel he was eminently di.viingui>bed by the author of every good gift; hi.s sermons were most humorou.s and impres.sive, richly friught with pure evang lical truth, abounding with vivid and .striking illustrations, and pointed with extraordinary force and effect to the hearts and con- sciences of his hearers. As an advocate of Christian missions, and of other enterprises of religion and charity, he was singularly zealous, 472 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1841. —July. able, an'! successfal. He was a generous and faithful friend, happy ia all his social intercourse, and remarkable for his kindlj attentions to the young. He continued to prosecute his indefatigable labours, not- withstanding the rapid advance of age, until he passed suddenly but in peaceful confidence, to his rest I He expired at Colne, in the county of Lancaster, and was interred at Barwiclc in Elinet." " Not I, but the grace of God." 5th. An appalling accident occurred at Masbro', near Rotherham, by the upsetting' of a vessel belonging to Mr. Chambers, during the process of launching. One hundred persons were precipitated into the water; sixty-four of whom lost their lives. August. Trade was very bad at Manchester and Paisley. At the latter place five and twenty firms failed in two or three days. Indeed throughout the country the trading classes suffered most severely. Corn had risen in six weeks from 63s. 5d., to 68^. 2d., and was still rising fast. 28th. Her majesty's ministers were defeated by a majority of 3jU to 239. The cabinet on the same. day resigned, and was succeeded by a ministry with Sir Robert Peel as first Lord of the Treasury. Sept. 2nd. Leed> Parish Chl'RCS. — The solemn and im- posing ceremony of re- opening and consecrating the church of St. Peter, sifuate in Kirkgate, which had been rebuilt by the voluntary contributions of the inh:^bitants at a cost of ^29,770 Gs. S'd., took place on Thursday the 2nd of September, in the presence of the archbi-^hop of York, the bishop of Ripon, the bishops of Ross and Argyll, and New Jersey, as well as hundreds of dignitaries and other clergy from every diocese in England, and several thou- sands of every rank, age, and calling, among the laity forming altogether a scene of unusual splendour and sol- emnity. When Dr. Hook, the late vicar was appointed to the living of (he church, the attendance on the services so much increased, that it became a matter of necessity to provide more accomodation for public worship. The pulling down of the old fabric commenced the week after Ash-Wednesday, TSiiS; from which time the par- ochial service was (ransferred to St. .John's church. The whole of the church was taken down and re-built, with the excepfion of a portion of the south wall. The )iresent edifice Im built as nearly as jiossible on the site of the old one, and is a monument to the skill of the architect, R D. Chantrell E.«eplius Cookson, M.A. 1746 Samuel Kirshaw, D.D. 1786 Peter Haddon, M.A. 1815 Richard Fawcett, A.M. 18.37 W. F. Hook, D D. 1859 James Atlay, D.D. Johannes Thornton ii As a conclusion to this sketch it v\ ill be interestinpr to give Thoresby'a very pleasing account of the old church. " The parish church (which is dedicated to St. Peter) is a very spacious and strong fabrick, an emblem of the church militant, black, but cornel}', being of great antiquity ; it doth not pretend to the mode of reformed architecture, but is strong and useful. That there was a church here during the Saxon heptarchy, when the king.s of Northum- berland had their palace here, is more than probable ; but 'tis indis- putable, that in William the Conqueror's time there was, above 600 years ago, for that Domesday Book (which I had the perusal of, by the lavotir of my honour'd and kind friend Peter leNeve, Esq. Norroy King at Arms) says expressly ibz est ecclesia et presbiter, fyc. and some parts of the present church may be said to be of that antiquity, but it was so far from being built with that exhibition, that Sardan- apulns (son of Pull King of Assyria, thence called Sardan-Pull) built his cities, two of which his epitaph says he built in one day-, that it is evidently the work of ages, which have added both to its length, breadth, and height. The fabrick of this church is plain, but ven- erable; the walls wholly of free-stone, the roof entirely cover'd with THK SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 477 1841.— Srpt. lead, except that part of the quire onlr that beloag-s to the improp- riator. It is built after thf manner of a cathedral, with a larire cro^.s isle, and the steeple or to'.ver in the mi Idle of it. The di invasions of* the church are, It-ngth 165 foot, breadth 9/ ; height of ti)e nave of the church, 51, and of the steeple 96. Th'^ steeple is a square to ver, without spire, built rather for sti-en^th than heauty, and contains eight large bells (besides the Tin^innabulum) which ring in peal, and vvhere- with may be rung 40.320 chinge.s, and which chime day and night, at 4, 8, and 1-2; but \rhat is most surprising, to strangers, is the spa- ciousne.«s of th^' quire or chancel, which is within the walls as much above 88 foot one way, as it wants of 60 the other. And to add one word more, this is monthly fill'd tor the most part, twice round with devout communicants, one o'' the most blessed prospects this world afifords, besides much greater numbers \)pon publick festivals. The roof of the ch-;rch is supported by three rows of solid pillars of the gothic order. In the nave of the church ar^ four isles, that run from the cross isle to the west end, where is a stately font; 'tis ^hua Bower, R. 716,] Joseph Beckett, C 560 Holbeck, [Matthew Hall, L. 8/4, H. C. Marshal!, L. ^73,] John Tempest jun. C. 603, Anthony Titley, C. 602 Bramlkv, [John Barker, C, and Wrn. Wainman, C.] Hkadixgley, [Thomas Bntler, C] Nov. 9th. Mayor:— William Pavvson. The following gentlemen M^ere ajjpointed aldermen : — Oct. 29th, Henry Hall. Nov. 9th, George Goodman, Hamer Stansfeld, I Thos. Wrn. Tottie, William Pawson, Thomas Benson Pease, Darnton Lupton, John Darnton Luccock, and John Jackson. Nov. 9th. Prince of Wales bom at 48 minutes ])ast 10, a.m. 22nd. An explosion of fire damp took place in Mount Osliorne pit, Barnsley, by which fifteen persons lost their lives. 22iid. The friends and constituents of the late Mr. Baincs, publicly presented to him at the Music hall, a splendid and lasting testimonial of their esteem oa his retirement from parliamentary liie. Mr. Tottie presided. The testimonial consisted of a very handsome silver service. The following is the description published by the com- mittee : — " The present consists of a Candelabrum or centre piece for the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 47Q 1841. —Nov. *'^ diniug table 31 inches hi-h, and four silver covered dishes richlv ornamented e?i sui/e, weighing together 5^5 ounces. From the base ot the Candelabrum, which is triangular, pvesenting three faces or tablets, rise, a group of palm trees, from the foliage of which spring SIX branches to hold lights. These are surmounted bv a hiffhlv wroneht bow . wnth n >,r,rrio,. ^P ^,,1, i„„ 1 „;, "'S'"> ^^. ..w... „»tu a uviu^i lu oaK leaves and acorns. Three figures representing Truth, Liberty, and Justice, very beautifully executed in Irosted silver, occupy the three corners of the base, and give an ex- treinely chaste and elegant finish to the design. On one of the tablets IS a well-executed landscape in bas relief, with emblems of agriculture in the forpgroun.], and a railroad in the distance. The '.ecSnd is oc .„ -yy-- o— , "-^ ci la.uuau iii me uisuance, Tiie second is oc- TZil^'y'''''^^'^''f (Identified wit^li the Mercury by a caducous,) Pn W P ' n-oolsacks, bales of cloth, and other appropriate emblems of commerce anassed the house of commons. The town council by the former act received very extensive powers to mo,k8 improvements, to remove nuisances, and to borrow money, &c. August. Prince George of Cambridge was in Leeds at this period, as Colonel of the 17th Lancers. The Manu- facturers' Relief committee in London sent £500 to the com- mittee for the relief of the poor in Leeds. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 483 1842.— Aug. August I7tli. — Chaktist Riots and Plug-drawing: — Duriug this year trade of every kind was very much depressed, and there v>'as in consequence a severe and wide spread distress amongst the people. In the middle of August it had arrived at its height. In Carlisle a fourth part of the popu- lation was dying of famine. In Stockport half the master spinners had failed, and 5,000 workmen were walking the streets in compulsory distress. In Lancashire the distress was enormous, and the evil was aggra,va.ted by a general turn-out in several brandies of trade. In the principal towns of the West-Riding the working classes had to endure many privations. At Leeds the pauper stone heap amounted to one hundi'ed. and fifty thousand tons, and the gaiardians ofiered the paupers 6s. per week for doing nothing, rather than 7s. 6d. per week for stone-breaking. The poor rates in Leeds had increased 50 per cent. The misery of the working- classes made them turbulent and dissatisfied. Formidable chartist riots broke out in Lancashire and Yorkshire. The riots are said to have first commenced at Staly-bridge. The power-loom v^eavers of that to^^ai who were unemployed, or on the strike, compelled all other branches of trade in the town and neighlDourhood to follow their example. Most of the principal to^vns in Lancashire caught the contagion. In Manchester above 150 cotton mills, besides an equal number belonging to other trades in which were usually employed 50,000 hands were forced to stop v/ork. The rioters in a many co.ses destroyed valuable machinery. By the middle of August the insurrection had spread into Yorkshire. Holmfirth, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Halifax, Bradford, Leeds, and other towns were the scenes of riotous proceed- ings. On the morning of the 17th, the greatest excitement prevailed in Leeds from a report that a vast number of rioters were on the road from Bradford. The town of Leeds was well organized with troops, and a large number of special constables had been sworn in ; perhaps a knowledge of this fact had caused the rioters to confine their operations to the villages Vv^est of the town. At Stanningley they stopped the mill of Mr. John Varley, and forced the v/orkpeople to leave the premises. They then proceeded to Bramley, and closed all the mills in that village, including the large establishment of IMr. John Haley. They next visited Fui- neck, and stopped the mill of Messrs. Field, and what was still worse let oif the reservoir. They then divided themselves into parties, and went to the mills at Armley, Wortley, Famley, 'as of a ruddy com- plexion, "with a dark bro^^-n eye in vrhich fire seemed to roll at the bottom. His eye and massjr overshadowing brow were the only indexes in his countenance of the intellectual power he possessed. In dispositon he was kind-hearted, frank, and without deceit. His great and sole vice was intemperance. During the latter years of his life he wa& remarkably slovenly in dress and general appearance. Had ISTicholson's powers been cultivated there can be no doubt he- would have ranked high as a poet. He possessed all the requisites of a true poet and noble-minded man. He was ever remarkable for impromptu verse making. He was once on the eve of ha-^ing his furniture sold, by Clark- son his landlord, for rent, when his friend Mr. Fox pre- prevented the sale by discharging the debt. He wrote on a pane of glass in one of the "windows : — Oh Clarkson, Clarkson, with a heart More hard than Bingley rocks. Who would have sold the poet up But for his friend Lane Fox. J. G. HorsfaU, Esq., one day called at the poet's house for a drink of water, when he was handed instead a draught of beer. Mr. Horsfall in a jocose manner said, " Nicholson, they state you are a poet, but let me hear what you can say about this pot of beer," when without premeditation he. improvised the f oUo\sdng : — 492 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1843.— April. '' for an everlasting spring Of home brew'd drink like this ! Then with my friends I'd laugh and sing, And spend the hours in bliss ; Then come old Care linked with Despair, For I with thee made strong, Would plunge them overhead in beer, And make them lead the song. " A glass of new drawn porter was one brought to the poet, when he took out his pencil and wrote : — " The gallant, the gay and the sporter, Have here but little to stay ; For life's like the froth on that porter And quickly doth vanish away." May. The skeleton of a whale was exhibited in Leeds market of the amazing length of ninety-five feet. The carraige in which it was exhibited was of colossal size, and very appro- priately repesented a British man-of-war. The exhibition was so arranged, that the visitors could walk through the skeleton of the gigantic wonder of the deep without the least inconvenience. 30th. An address of the electors and inhabitants of the West-Riding of Yorkshire, agreed to at a public meeting in Wakefield, at which Earl Fitzwilliam presided, was presented to Lord Morpeth, expressive of appreciation of his lordship's private virtue and public conduct, during the time that he represented the West- Riding. June 7th. The 22nd meeting of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West-Riding of Yorkshire, was held in the Philosophical-hall, Park-row, Leeds. The Rev. W. F. Hook, D.D., presided. 14th. At a special meeting of the Leeds town council, a petition was adopted to both houses of parliament, for an enquiry into the present state of the post ofiice, with a view to the completion of the plan of penny postage, as originally proposed by Mr. Hill. At the same meeting, the town clerk was empowered to continue an action against Thomas Hebden, and Elkanah Gates, for opening the public market called " King Charles' Croft," and placards were ordered to be issued and posted in the town, as weU as inserted in the newspapers, cautioning all persons from buying or selling in the market. July 4th. The little village of Mount Tabor near Halifax, was thrown into a state of the greatest consternation by the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 493 1843.— July. murder of a weaver named John Dobson, aged 52, by liis own son Joseph aged 25. There had been family quarrels during the day, and tlio son at last swore a dreadful oath that if there were powder and shot in Halifax he would shoot his father. Having his deadlj* object in view, he went to a neighbouring house for the purpose of borromng a pistol. Foiled in his object, and knowing that a gun was kept at the house Avhere lie had formerly lodged, he proceeded to a place in Boy-lane, where he purcliased some powder, some shot (No. 6,) and some caps. Vv'ith this ammunition he went to his late land- lord's, and, cutting do"v\m an old gun which was suspended upon one of the beams, took it to the door, where he first tried the lock with a percussion cap, and then, charging it with powder, fii'ed it, and finding the g"an to be in good repair, he finally charged it, and was noticed by a young man standing by to put in an extraordinary quantity of shot, from a paper he had in his pocket. Thus armed, he proceeded towards home, saying, in a jest, he was going to learn to shoot. About three o'clock in the afternoon the parricide came home. The father was out, but came in a few minutes afterwards. The dwelling was but scantily fui uished. The son, it appears, deliberately loaded the gun, and rammed it. He then asked his father if he meant to perform some act he had told him to do. The old man did not answer. The question was asked a second time, but still no answer was given. ' ' Then I'll shoot thee, " was the diabolical declaration of the son, who levelled the piece and fired. The gun, however, did not go off. Quick as lightning a second cap was put on the lock, and the gun fired. The old man uttered a deep groan, and then falling upon the hearth stone, the next moment was dead, a portion of the shot having passed through his heart. The wife of the parricide was standing close to the old man at the time the gun was fired. The muzzle of the gun could not have been distant more than a quarter of a yard from the breast of the old man, and con- sequently, the whole of the charge was lodged in his person. Hearing the report of fire-arms, several neighbours im- mediately ran to the spot, but in the meantime the wretch had made his escape, and throwing the gun into a neighbour- ing field, ran ofi" towards Halifax, followed by six or seven. men. For a while the pursuers had the murderer in sight, but unfortunately lost him in Snakehill-wood, and he suc- ceeded in making his escape. He was subsequently appre- hended, and tried at York on the 19th of December, found guilty of wilful murder, and executed on the 20th of January in the follo^ving year. 42 494- ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOPvK, AND 1843— July. 5bh, A very handsome silver tea service vv'as presented to the E-ev. E,ichard Winter Hamilton, by his church and congregation at Belgrave chapel, Leeds, as a token of esteem and affection. The testimonial consisted of : — a tea service and coffee pot, beautifully chased in raised bouquets. An elegant kettle stand, and lamp to match, holding about four quarts. An elaborately embossed round basket of exquisite workmanship ; eighteen Victoria pattern tea spoons, pair ditto butter knives, pair ditto sugar tongs, sugar and caddy spoons, (fee. The llev. gentleman's crest was engraved on all the plate, and the larger articles bore the following inscrip- tion : — "Presented to the Rev. H. W. Hamilton, by the church and congregation under his pastoral care, as a token of their high esteem, and devoted affection. Leeds, July 5th, 3843." The hooping cough and measels were very prevalent amongst children in Leeds. At one time there were no fewer than seventy children in the Infant school labouring under these complaints out of 120 scholars. 5th. The town and neighbourhood of Leeds were visited this evening by a terrific thunderstorm and hurricane. The hailstones were so enormously large, (some being an inch and a half in circumference) that numerous squares of glass were broken by their fall, and the strength of the wind was such, that at Armley a large tree was torn up by the roots, and carried to a short distance, where it fell upon a cow and killed it. Considerable damage was done to crops and fruit trees in the neighbourhood. 8th. Edv/in Eddison, Esq. for seven years town-clerk of Leeds, and clerk to the council since the new improvement act in August, 1842, tendered to the mayor his resignation of both o^ces. John Arthur Ikin, Esq. , at a council meet- ing on the 3 9th of July was elected to the ofiice of town-clerk by a large majority, There was discovered about this time on the estate of William CraA^en, Esq. , of Cold Spring House, near Cullingworth, a pure and bounteous spring of intensely cold water, said to be two degrees colder than the celebrated mountain spring at Ilkley. 12th. A general strike of the workmen at the Low-moor Iron Works near Bradford, took place. The vrool-combers of Bradford also turned out about the same time. In both cases the strike was for an advance of wages. 12tli. Died J. B. S. Morritt, Esq., of Hokeby Park, Yorkshire, aged 72. Sir Y/alter Scott said of him m 1823, ' ' He is now one of my oldest, and, I believe one of my most sincere friends : a man unequalled THE SURROUXDI^'G DISTRICT. 495 1S43.— July. in the mixture of sound good sense, liigli literary cultivation, and the kindest and svv-eetest temper that ever graced a human bosom. " 13th. In the afternoon of this day, the to-svn and neighbourhood of Leeds were again visited by a severe thun- derstorm. In the field at ]S^e^^i•on Hall, the residence of George Goodman, Esq., Potterne'vU.on, a tree was split asunder by the lightning. Sirs. Leah Hirst, of Cow Rakes, in Liudley, near Huddersfield, vras struck dead by the electric fluid. Tlie lightning also did much damage to Mr. Leah's house. During this month the celebra- ted Father Matthev>', a Roman Ca,tholic priest from Ire- land, and a great temperance advocate, visited nearly all the principal towns in Yorkshire. On Sunday the 9th inst. he preached a sermon in St. Ann's catholic church, Leeds, and on Monday morning, the 10th, at seven o'clock he administered mass in the same church in full canonicals. At nine o'clock in the morning of the same day, a public break- fast was given in his honour in the hall of the Mechanics' In- stitution, South-parade, after which was held a temperance meeting. Edward Baines, Esq., junr. occupied the chair. At half-past one o'clock a i:)rocession was formed in South-parade and Park -row, whence it proceededthrough the principal streets of the town to the Zoological and Botanical gardens, at Headingley, where a grand Gala was held in honour of Father Matthew's visit to Leeds. On Tuesday he visited Bradford, and on Wednesday, Huddersfield. 24th. Dr. Hobson having resigned the oflice of senior physician to the Leeds General Infirmary, Dr. Chadwick was this day appointed to the vacant office.- 31st. A public meeting of the Leeds anti-slavery society was held this evening in Queen-street chapel. The Rev. J. W. C. Pen- nington, a gentleman of colour from the L'nited States of America, attended and addressed the meeting. August 2nd. The eleventh anniversary meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical association was held in Leeds. 9th. At the meeting of the Leeds town council this day, Mr. Jackson, one of the churchwardens, stated on the part of the vicar and his fellow- churchwardens that unless the coimcil paid annually £1 2 12s. for necessary repairs of the parish church clock, it must stand. The coimcil declined to pass any vote upon the subject. The Leeds second public exhibition for the benefit of tlie Leeds Mechanics' Institute was open at this time, and held in the Music-hall, Albion-street. It contained a very extensive and rare 496 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ]C43.— Aug. collection of paintings, sculpture, (fcc. A museum of antiquities, curiosities, natural history, (fee. Models of steam engines and machinery in active motion, amongst which may be mentioned a Jacquard loom, silk purse and stocking knitting loom, the process of silvering plate glass, electrotyping at work, file cutting machine, sheet and fillet card making machines, glass blowing, Rosenberg's cele- brated composing and distributing machine, lithographic and printing press, fancy turning and other lathes at work, a large diving bell, 'hom he had three sons and three daughters, but one cf the latter died an infant, and another in 1812, Sir John was next brother to the late Earl of Lonsdale. His baronetcy dates from the year 1824. He was succeeded to his title and estates by his eldest son John Henry, (born March 23rd, 1793) one of the members of the city of York. Lady Elizabeth Lo^vther, relict of the deceased baronet, died on the 19th of May, aged 74. 23rd. Some 3,000 colliers who were on the strike in this district, entered Leeds in procession, and afterwards held a meeting in vicar's croft to state their grievances. On the 17th of June following, the colliers on strike from Lcfthouse, Gildersome, Chmnvell, Rothwell Haigh, and other places in the neighbourliood of Wakefield, held a public meeting on Richmond-hill, Leeds, the magistrates having reiitsed to permit them to meet in Kirkgatc market, or vicar's croft. 29th. The opening of the Hj'-dropathic o.-^tablishnient, at Ben-Rhydding was celebrated by a siimi^tuoim dcjeu n<: i- a la foui'chette, given mthin the walls of the institution by the directors, to a large party of laches and gentlemen from Leeds, Bradford, Otley, Ilkley, and the surrounding dis- tricts. In the di'awing-room, Hamer Stansfeld, Esq. mayor of Leeds, presided ; and the dining-room was under the presidency of J. P. Clapham, Esq., of Burley, the principal 504 . ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1844.— May. director of the institution. 26tli. Died, aged 46, James ' Musgrave, Esq. , alderman and magistrate of the borough of Leeds. A marble monument was subsequently erected in Oxford-place chapel to the memory of the deceased, and bears the following inscription : — "Sacrtdto th^ memory of James Musgr ve, Esq., aldenTian and magistrate of the b')rough df Leeds ; who w-^s for 46 yea-s a member of the VVesleyan Meth- odist Society in this town ; dnrii p the jii eater parr of \Uiicli period he occupied the officess of local preacher and cU^ss lea ler. As a priva e christian he was uni- formly consistt-nt and pious, adoring tae d k trine ol God, liis S.vk ur, in a huiB- ble, p acid and devotional spirit. As a local preacher, he was olam, p>aciical and searcliinK. As a cldss leader, he was watcliiul, faUlifai, and atl'actiooate. tlis trul> christian txample commanded the re^'ect and esteem of hij fellow towns- men, while his domestic virtues and simplicity ot 'in-inners, secured tii-- atfection of his family and friends. In the erection of this chajiel he t'lOK » lively and auxioas interest, watchin^j over the cause oi G )d with uiitirnij:; so.icuadc. He was a liberal supporter of all christian institutions, s^-rving and proaiotin^ m every possible wiy the interests of true rf»lision. The Divine Master whom lie lov d and served to the end, suddenly called him to his eternal rest, (on his way to this boase of prayer,) on Sunday evening, May tlie 26ti», 1844, in the 68th year of his ape. His n mains are interred in the adjoining burial ground. Th s tablet is errectPd by liis affectionate triends tlie trustees of this Chape), in testimony of their hiy;l. esteem and res, cct to'- their ever act ve and faitnful treasurer. 'Bless- ed are th.ise servai s wUom the L j"d v.'hen he coraeth, shiU find watching.' Luke, xi: , 37." June 1st. A frightful accident happened at Wakefield to a female named Haslegrave. She lived at the house of her husband's brother, who kept some j)leasure grounds in Back Lane, in which was kept a bear and other animals. The bear was confined in a pit made for the purpose, and in the middle of it was a pole, up which the bear was in the habit of climbing. On Friday morning the animal climbed the pole, and springing from it on the wall of its den, made its escape. It attacked Mrs. Haslegrave who happened to be near the place, got her dov/n, and mangled her dreadfully with its claws, tearing away part of one of her breasts, and inflicting other serious injuries. Assistance was rendered, an?d it was with some difficulty the animal was beaten off and afterwards shot. Died aged 85 years, Benjamin Raw- son, Esq. , lord of the manor, at Bradford. He purchased the manor from the late John Marsden, Esq. , of Hornby castle in 1795. Mr. James in his history of Bradford, traces the pedigree of the Rawsons up to the times of Henry VIII. Their original seat was at Ferrybridge. The deceased was born in 1758. In 1785 he married Eli.zabeth, daughter of Thomas Plumbe, Esq., second son of the Rev. Thomas Plumbe, canon of Windsor. Mrs. Rawson died in 1807, leaving seven sons and six daughters. 3rd. John Hope Shavf, was elected alderman of the borough of Leeds, vke Musgrave, deceased. On Monday the 3rd of June a THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 505 1844.— June. fire occ-jrred at Huddersfield, b}^ whicli property to tlie value of nearly £40,000 Vv-as destroyed, Tlie premises which fell a prey to tlie devoiiriug element v;as a large mill or factory, the propei'ty of Mr. Joseph Pvaye. The building Avas ten- anted by nearly thirty small finishers, most of whom. suiiered soTerely by tht* catastrophe. The miU was first discovered to be on fire by ]\Ir, Eastv/ood's man, who saw the fiajiies raging in the inside of the third story. This was about half-past one. He immediately gave the a,larnj, and in a few minutes after the flames ijv.rst through the v/indows, and finding vent, the dcvast;iLii:g elemeiit spread v.dth. amazing rapidity from room to room, uniil the whole build- ing was one entire mass of fiaiiie. The scene from the top of Chapel Hill, and from Cro:-ilanil IMoor, was one of the most awfully magnificent that can bo iniagined. About two o'clock the principal part of the roof fell in v/ith a tremen- dous crash, carrying the three top floors v^itli it, the others soon after following. The firemen used every exertion to save the engine house, in which they eventually succeeded. By six o'clock the whole building vras an entire mass of rubbish, nothing left standing but the bare walls. 9th. On Sunday and Ivionday evenings, the 9th and lOtli of June, the to^vn of Leeds v^as thrown into a state of great excitement by a collision bstween the police force of the borough, and the x^rivates of the 'JOtli regiment of foot then, stationed in the town. It appears that about eight o'clock on the Sunday evening, policemen Haigh and Best were called into the shop of Mr. Ward, surgeon, Kirkgate, where they found a man named Edwiird Thompson, seriously wounded. He stated that he had been attacked by two soldiers, named O'Brian and Kairn, who were at the Green Man beerhouse, York-street, In a short time the police succeeded in apprehending the soldiers ; and as the prisoners were being conducted to the Coui-t-house, privates Sherburd, Carr, and others, attempted their rescue ; took off their belts and c^nmenced a furious attack upon Haigh and Best, inflicting serious injury upon the latter. Other policemen came up, and then ensued a most terrific conflict between the two bodies. The men in custody were liberated by the s ^Idlers, but were afterwards taken by the policemen in Brig- gate. Considerable violence was used on both sides. The police succeeded in lodging in prison seven of the military. On Monday the prisoners were brought before the magistrates. Privates Sherburd and O'Brian were fined £5 each, and in de- fault of payment were committed to the house of correction. 43 506 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOTIK, AND ]b44.— JuXK. for two months. The other prisoners were handed over to the commanding officer for punishment. On tlie Monday- evening some restraint was put upon the military at the barracks, notwithstanding which about forty or fifty of them got out in small batches, and by pre-arrangement assembled at the Green Parrot, Harper-street. About seven o'clock they left the public house in a body, armed with sticks, bludgeons, &c., on a crusade against the police, and pro- ceeded up Kirkgate, into Briggate, (fcc. The police in every instance suflFered defeat and disaster ; policeman Wildblood narrowly escaped with his life ; policeman Robertson was also much hurc and braised, especially on the head and arms ; policeman Smith was nearly killed. During the affray the streets aud v»^indows in Briggate, Kirkgate, and Commercial-street, were crowded with people. The populace generally seemed to sympathize Avith the militarj". They cheered them on through the streets, and in some instances assisted in the riot. At length a piquet arrived to quell the disturbance. Some of the members of the corps took to' flight at their approach, but a many of fcliem were marched to the barracks in Woodhouse-lane. On Tuesday evening the military were not suffered to leave the barracks, but a rabble infested the streets, and about nine o'clock fell upon the police in Kirkgate, pelting them with stones, bottles, cfcc. Ultimately a large force of police armed with cutlasses, cleared the streets. On Friday, seventeen per- sons, were committed to Wakefield house of correction for trial at the next borough sessions, namely : — Soldiers — Coghlan, O'Brian, Judd, Mac Clauaghan, Vickerman, Har- wood, Turner, Mooran, Beaty, and Cosgrave. Civilians — , Manassah Flatow, Daniel Davins, William Farrell, Ben- jamin Cawood, John James, Silvester Forrest, and John Caton. On the 2nd of July after a trial of four days the following verdicts were returned against the prisoners : — Military — William O'Brian, guilty, to be imprisoned twelve months. Patrick Mac Clanaghan, Michael Cc^hlan, and John Mooran, guilty, and each sentenced to eight months imprisonment. CiviliaovS — Manassah Flatow, guilty of common assault, fined £4. John Caton, Daniel Davins, and Benjamin Cawood, guilty, and sentenced to short terms of imprisonment. The rest of the prisoners were acquitted. 11th. Charles Bland Child, of Middle-row, Camp-field, and John Child, of Brewery-field, Leeds, both brothers, and mar- ried men, after drinking together at the Black Lion, Mill-hill, until a late hour on the evening of the 11th, commenced quar- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 507 1844— .7 VNR. reiliiig on tlieir road home, and got to figliting in Camp-field. During the fight John stabbed his brother in three or four difterent pLices in tlie body, with a clasp-knife. One of tiie Avonnds vras three inches deep, and had gone through the Inngs and penetrated the heart. The nnfortnnate man only- lived a few minutes. John Child was committed to York on a charge of manslanghter, and at the summer assizes on the 20th of July, he was found guilty and transported for twenty years. ].3th. Chat Moss, which is traversed by the Liverpool and Manchester railway for several miles, took fire in three diflerent places, and burned over many hundreds of acres. The first fire broke out in a small field near the middle of the moss. The flames advanced as rapidly as a man could run towards the plantations and farms of Mr. Evans, Mr. Baines of Leeds, and other cultivators on Barton moss. The flames destroyed a belt of plantation on Mr. Evans farm, and another on Mr. Wright's. The second fire burst out on the Moss farm, near Bury-lane. It im- mediately spread into a wood of fir trees, which it nearly destroyed, and from there extended to the plantations. at the back of Woolden hall, of ■'.vhich it burnt from forty to fifty acres. It then spread across the open moss, burning many hundred acres. The third fire broke out close to the new road from Astley station to the village of Astley. It spread rapidly east and south, so that in a short time the whole space between the Liverpool and Manchester railway, and the woods on the Worsley estate was a mass of fire. , On the north the flames spread into Lord Egerton's v.^oods, rising to the tops of the largest trees, and destroying great numbers of them. The fire continued its devastating course until Sunday •■♦evening, the 16th, when it was nearly burnt out. Large quantities of game of all kinds were destroyed. [Camden the antiquary states that in the time of Elizabeth a part of Chat Moss, raised by the waters from beneath, floated away by Glazenbrooke to the Irwell, in the Irish sea ; but there has been no instance of any formidable conflagration on the moss in the memory of man, before the accident above described.] 24th. Leeds and the Jieighbourhood Avas visited by a violent thunderstorm. At two o'clock p.m. the Vt^hole town was almost enveloped in darkness. The flashes of lightning were very A'i-\dd, and the peals of thunder extremely loud and oft repeating. The hot-houses at Swillington hall were damaged to the value of several hundred pounds. Mr. 0. Grange, carrier, on his vray from Pateley Bridge to Leeds 508 AIS^NALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AlsD 1844.— Junk. had one of liis Iiorses killed and the other severely in- jured. At Horsforth the electric fluid set fire to a cottao-e. The branches of a fine tree were splintered, and a cow killed belonging to Mr. Stansfeld. At 'Bramley a chimney was thrown down and damage done to several dwellings. At Pudsey a large hay stack was completely severed in two and set on fire. Several houses were unroofed at Bannck- .in-Elmet. At Giidorsome two women, one the wife of Mr. Hartley, manufacturer, and the other named Harrison, were struck by the lightning and seriously injured. The storm did much damage at Hudderstield, Hooding the streets in the lower part of the town four or live feet deep. At Halifax the streets in a line u4th Gibbet-street and Ctcav- street were covered with a broad stream of considerp„ble depth. At Billingley, near Barnsley, Mr. Micklethwaite had a mare and foal killed. A calf and sheep belonging to Mr. Russell, of Hoyland, were killed. Mrs:. Barker, of Edwardthorpe, had a calf killed vrhilst held in a string hj a little girl, who was unhurt. At Selby, v/ith the i.iU of the rain, there was a shower of frogs. Several were caught in their descent by holding out liat?, for that purpt^se. Tliey . were about the size of a horse bean and renicirkabiy lively after their aerial but wiugless flight. [Whire in Li.':! Naturil History of Selborne (Bohii'.s edition, page 70), ridicules the idea of frogs dropping from the chjud.s in rain ; but the editor of that work, in a foot note, says, " I was once witness to a swarm of very small frogs, which suddenly made their appearance after a very heavy rain, in a garden 1 occnpied atFulham. The garden was completely surrounded by a high wall. The entrance to it was through the house. It was a dry gravel ; and there was no moist place in it in which the spawn of frogs could have he^i deposited. The garden also had been well trenched and no frogs found in it. There also were no drains communicating with ic. I merely mention the fact, without pretending to account for the cir- cumstance of so many thousands of young frogs, just out of the tad- pole state, being found in the garden. Mr. Loudon saw a simibr occurrence at Eouen.] On the ISih Vv^as celebrated the opening of the IN'ewcastle and Darlington junction raihvay, which completed a chain of uninterinipted communication betv/een IS'ewcastle and London. The special train, which conveyed a party of directors and friends from London to Nevv^castle on the occasion, accomplished the journey, 303 miles, in nine hours an^ife was commxitted to York Castle ti> take her trial for bigamy, and was convicted, and suffered imprisonment, 5th, Ezekial Briggs, sex- ton of Biugley Parish Cliurch, died, aged 84, He had filled the ofB.ce d.uring the whole of the present century, and in that time had interred upwards of 6,400 persons. During the execution of William Saville, aged 29, at Nottingham, who was convicted at the late assizes of the wilful murder of his v\''ife and three children, by cutting their tlirOcits, the crowd at the execution v/as so immense and tlie crush so tremendous that thirteen persons were trampled to death, and more than one hundred received in- juries, The proprietors of the Leeds I^^ev,^ Gas Com- panjf presented to Mr, Alcock, their manager, a gratuitj'- of one hundred guineas, as a tribute of respect. 9th, Leeds Vioahage Act, — At the close of the year 1343, the .Rev. Dr, Hook, then Yicar of Leeds, (now Dean of Chichester,) proposed a plan for the division of the pa,rish and vicarage into a large number of district parishes and vicar- ages, and at a meeting of the Ecclesiastical Comm.is3io.ners, held in January, 1844, they assented to the general princi- ples of the intended ai-rangements. The bill received the E-oyal assent on the 9th of August, and cost the vicar from £600 to £700: By this measure the vicir relinquished much j)a.tronage and emolument, and perhaps no bill that affected so large a number of persons passed through Parlia- ment Vvdth so little opposition. The churches at present (1859) constituted district parish churches and vicarages under the provisions of this act o.re : — St. John's ; St. Andrew's ; St. Saviour's ; All Saints' ; St. Stenhen's ; St. Mary the Virgin, Ilunslet ; St. Jude's, Eunsle!: ; St. John 'the Evan- gelist, Little Holbeck ; St. John the Baptist, >Tew Wortley ; St. Matthias, Burley ; St. Michael's, Buslingfchorpe ; Holy Trinity, Meanwood ; St. Michael's, Farnley. Before a church can become a separate vicarage under this act the entire sittings in the body of the church must be free. 14th. The Leeds Tov/'n Council authorL-^ed the Scavenging THE SUEROrXDING DISTRICT. 511 1844.— Aug. Committee to contract ^yitll tlie patentees of the street- STveeping machine, for the supply of one cart, for sweeping the streets. 28th. At the'saw mills of Mr. John Town- send, Aire-street, Leeds, a log of mahogany was sa%\Ti, in the YBYj midst of which, and quite surrounded -with so and timber, was found a honey-comb, (of the humble bee) of considerable size, with the cells very perfect, and emitting a very strong smell of honey. September. Bramley, near Leeds, was first lighted with gas. 10th. Died, suddenly, at Leamington, Mrs. Hook, mother of the Rev. W. F. Hook, D. D. , vicar of Leeds. 26th. The annual meeting of the British Association for . the Advancement of Science commenced at York. At this meeting Lord B.o5se described his great reflecting telescope, the speculum of which has a diameter of six feet. It weighs nearly four tons, and has a tube of fifty feet focal length. By tliis wonderful instrument, nebulre irresolvable have been resolved into systems of stars, thus destrojung the foundations of the nebular hypothesis. Oct. 1st. The new factory act having commenced operation this day, about 3,000 factory workers in Leeds, mostly females struck work on account of the supposed obuoxious- ness of some of its provisions. 12th. Louis Phillipe, king of the French, was at this time in England on a \'isit to Queen Victoria. -23rd. The Masonic brethren from ihe several lodges in the province of Vv^est- Yorkshire met in the large room, E-oyal Hotel, Halifax, to present a y)iece of plate to Charles Lee, Esq., of Leeds, as a token of theij- esteem. The plate consists of two splendid wine vases of frosted silver, the sides of which are OT)en fret work, and lined inside with crimson glass. Round the rims of the vases, on the pedestal are grapes and vine leaves, with masonic emblems, beautifully carved. On the top is a silver wire trellising to hold a bouquet of flowers. They are supported on two silver stands, similarly ornamented, on one of which is engraved the following inscription : — " PrPsenteJ to Charles Lee, Esq., right \vor.shipfuI deputy provincial grand master of the ancient free and accepted masons of West-York- ishire, by his affectionate brethren, in grateful testimony of his high moral excellence, and sterling masonic worth, as well as of the con- summate skill, and finer^^etic zeal which our exalted brother has so devotedly and successfully exerted in his arduous and responsible office, to promote the pro^perit}-, weal, and stability of our sacred order. A.D., 1S44; A.L., o, 843." 24th. General Tom Thumb, alias Charles S. Stratton, the American man in miniature, was exhibited in Leeds at this 512 ANNALS OP LEEDS, YORK, AND 1844— .Nov. time. He stood only twenty-five inclies high, with his boots ; was 13 years of age, and vv^eighed fifteen pounds. ISTov. A fine marble bust of Dr. Hook, vicar of Leeds, from the chisel of Mr. Keyv/orth of Hull, was presented to Mrs. Hook, by nearly 20J subscribers, as a testimony of esteem. Leeds Municipal Election E^;iraordi?iary. July 24th, Brainlej War 1, [Danel Hainsworth.] LKEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, 1st November, 1844, The names in brackets were elected. Mill-Hill, [Thomas Nunneley, L, and Edwin Birchall, jun., L.] West, [Joseph Richardson, R, and Geo. Robson, R ] North- West, f J. W. Smith, L, 244 ;] John Barrett, L, 137- North, [Joseph Horner, jun] North-East, [William Heywood, C, 359 ;j William Hartley-, R, 180. East, [Jaines Dufton, R.] KiRKGATK, [Richard Stead, C, 19-2;] Robert Wriuht, L, 161 j John Wales, L, 9. South, [H. Gresham, L, 106 ;] John Clarkson, R, 4.') HuNSLET, [Joshua^ Bower, R, 238 ;] Richard Bayldon, L, 76- HoLBKCK, [Jonathan Shackleton, L, 636; William Brook, R, 543 ;] D. W. Nell, L, 473. Bramlk,y,[E. S. Calvert, L, and Benjamin Wilson, jun , E.] Headijs^gley, [Joseph Whitham, L, 75 ;i William Scott, C, 46. November 9th. Darnton Lupton, Esq., elected Mayor. November 16th. West- Ward, vice Carbutt, Aid., Joseph Gill. Hnnslet Ward, vice Bower, Aid., William West. The following gentlemen were elected aldermen : — Nov. 9th Charles Gascoigne Maclea, John Hope Shaw, Henry Cowper Marshall, Matthew Gannt, Joseph Henry Gates, Joseph Bateson, Joshua Bower, Francis Carbutt. 21st. The Poor-Law Commissioners issued an order that the administration of the laws for the relief of the poor in the township of Leeds, should on the 23rd of December, 1844, and thenceforth be governed and administered by a board of (18) guardians. The result of the first election was declared on the 21st of December, by Robert* Hall, Esq. to be as follows. Those within brackets were elected : — East, (John Cawoo'1, C, 666 ,• W. B. Hainsworth, C, 599 ;) Joseph Watson, L, 2/6 ; George Hammond, L, 223. Kirkgate, (James Stables, C, 284 ; Daniel Wise, C, 246 ;) C. T. Tiffany, L, 146 ; Joseph Linsley, L, 142 Mill-Hill, (Charles Scarbrough, C, 458 ; Wm. Reinhardt, C, 436; John Morfitt, C, 379;) Richard Bis-ington, L, 300; Joseph Town, L, 293; Thomas Harvey, L, 256; Joseph Dickinson, R, 18. North, (James Ward, C, 732 ; Mark W^alker, C, 725 ;) John Holmes, L, 326 ; Matthew Johnson, L, 255. THE SURHOUN-DIXG DISTRICT. 513 1844.— Nov, NomH-E:Vsr. (John Mct.Mlfe, C, 92! ; William Erook, Pv, 852;) Joseph Woodhea-l. L, l98; Richard UMey, L, 1^8. North- Wkst, (Charles Bou^fieli, C, 717; John Ayrer, R, 57^;) Johu Jmvitf, L, 427; ^ohn Wade, L. 308. Sourn, (Martia Cawood, C, 292; .John Jackson, K, 2.')8;) Samuel Croft, L, 204; John Taylor, L, 164. Wksf, (P. L Atkinson, C, ^26 ; Roloert Beiin, C,809; Daniel Atkinson, C, J^5 ;) Arthur Lupton, L, 569 ; George Wis?, L, 567; r>'njamin SherA^orv.3, L, 5 '4. John Cawood wis elected chair- man, and John Bec'< vith clerk to the iioard. Leeds is not in inii'oa, like some iioiglibouriiig towns, tlie j)ersoiis who compose the Board of Guardians being chosen for the township ;ilone, and having nothing whatever to do with the affairs of ^ i j 'n-i-i. . ■, ^-ships. Tne coUection of the rates devolves up. ■: c .-j'ers, or their assistants ; but it is the province ■.'i \\i.j g ■ irhans to receive a,ll applications for relief, and to decide on the amount to be given in each case, either on the statement made by the applicant, per- sonally, or on the report famished by the relieving officer, after visiting the family. The board is subject to the con- trol of the Poor Law Board, at Somerset Huase, by whom inspectors are sent, specially, or poriodicaliy, to investigate and report to the siiperior authorities. The board meets every Wednesday, at half-past two o'clock. 30th. The Avife of William Smith, a poor journeyman shoemaker, in a lodging-house, J-To. 39, York-street, Leeds, gave birth to three hue boys, though the first was the least of the three. They were baptized Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Dec. 4th. A large meeting of free trade electors was held in the Music-hall, Leeds, to hear addresses from Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P., and John Bright, Esq., M.P. 10th. At the York assizes William Kendrew was found gi.iilty of the wilful murder of Yv^illiam Inchbold, of Low Dinsworth, near Boroughbridge. He was executed on the 29th of December. 1845. Jan. A long inquiry took place before John Black- burn, Esq., the Leeds borough coroner, in reference to the death of Elizabeth lUingworth, the v/ife of Wilham Illing- worth, clockmaker, of Wortley-iane, Leeds, who had died from tlie euects of poison, and under circumstances of gi^eat suspicion, on the 12th of December, 1844. The coroner's inquiry resulted in a committal to York-castle, on a charge of wilful murder of Ann Simpson, a married woman, kept by the husband cf the deceased. Sh(3 was tried a,t York on March 18th, and was acquitted. She subsequently left 514 AXNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1845 ^Jan. England for Am eric?. Avith lUmgwortli. On the even- ing of the 12th a dense fog prevailed in Wakefield and the neighbourhood. The Leeds coach was upwards of four hours in travelling to that place. It was necessary to lead the horses, and blazing torches were carried by the side of the coach. Tra,in3 upon the railway had a difficulty in find- ing the stations, and one of them actually ran nearly four miles past the Wakefield station, before the engine-driver discovered his mistake. February 8th. Died, in his 70th year, James BischofF, Esq., of Highbury-terrace, near London, and formerly of Leeds. He was prominently connected with the trade of Yorkshire. He was the author of a work, in two octavo volumes, embellished with some good plates, entitled "A Comprehensive History of the Woollen and Worsted Manu- facturers, and the l^Tatural and Commercial History of Sheep, from the earliest records to the present period," and of several valuable pamphlets intended to promote the repeal of the duties on wool and corn. Mr. BischolF was very highly esteemed both in public and private life, and few men have acquired or deserved more full}^ the attach- ment of their friends. He was brother of the late Thomas. Bischoff, Esq., and brother-in-l?.(W of Messrs. Stansfeld, of Leeds ; having married Miss M. Stansfeld, by whom he had three sons, James, George, and Josiah, and five daughters. His family vfas of German extraction, and boasts among its ancesters the Reformer, Episcopius. 19tli. A grand soiree of the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society took place in the Music-hall. Edward Baines, jun., Esq., president of the society, occupied the chair, and the meeting was addressed by Lord Morpeth and others. At this meeting the chairman presented to Mr. H. J. Marcus, one of the secretaries, a valuable and handsomely bound copy of Halem's Constitutional History of England, his History of the Middle Ages, and his History of Literature, and to Mr. James Kitson, the other secretarj'", a splendid volume of Simms's Public Works of Great Britain, for the important services they had rendered to the institution. Sir Thomas Potter, a benevolent and energetic Reformer, was born at Tadcaster, Yorkshire, April 5th, 1774, died at his residence, Buile-hill, near Manchester, March 20th, 1845, in the 71 st year of his age, the third son of Mr. John Potter, a Liberal politician, who, possessed of superior abilities, and enjoying the esteem of his neighbours and friends, cul- tivated a farm of about three hundred acres, called Wingate- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 515 1S45. — March. hill, near Tadcaster. His son Thomas, engaging in the duties of the farm, was so industrious, intelligent, and suc- cessful, that he gained prizes for superior cultivation, and was soon entrusted by his father with the sole management of the farm. In this pursuit Thomas Potter acquired tastes and skill, the exercise of vrhich he continued throughout his life. Already his brothers, William av.d EicLard, had established themselves in Manchester as general merchants, when, in 1803, Thomas, seeing that, however profitable agriculture had proved in his hands, the general Manchester business, then rising into importance, afforded a far superior field for intelligent and industrious enterprise, removed to the great centre of the cotton trade, and, in partnership with the brothers, began a concern which he conducted till his death, and from the proceeds of which he realised a handsome fortune, as well as obtained resources for a generous hospitality, and an almost profuse beneficence. Thomas Potter was elected Maj^or of Manchester when it became a corporate town. In the second year of his mayoralty, Her Majesty, on the 1st of July, 1840, conferred on him the honour of knighthood. He was twice married. In 1807 he married Miss Palmer, of York, who died in 1810, leaving two daughters. In 1812 he married Esther, ■daughter of Thomas Bayley, Esq., of Booth Hall, near Manchester, by whom he had Thomas Potter and Jolm Potter, merchants. March 22nd. A cause was tried, by special jury, at York, for defamation of character, in which ISIr. W. James, police- superintendent, Leeds, was plaintiff, and Mr. William Brook, tobacconist, and one of the town council of the borough, was the defendant. The action arose out of statements made by the defendant, to the effect that the plaintiff had had criminal connection at the Police-office with two women of the town, named Sheldon and Lister. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages £45. 26th. St. Andrew's church, at the foot of St. Peter's-hill, Park-lane, Leeds, was consecrated by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Ripon. This church has a district attached to it under Sir Robert Peel's act, and was built by subscription, in affectionate regard to the memory of the late Mrs. Sinclair, -wife of the Rev. W. Sinclair, the late incumbent of St. George's. It is a neat fabric, in the early English style, from designs by George Gilbert Scott, Esq., of London. There are 852 free sittings, also a good organ. The benefice is now a vicarage, valued at £185, and is in the 516 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1845. — Aprii. patronage of the trustees. The E-ev. B. Crosthw-aite, M. A., is YlGaT. Guarcllans of tlie Poor for tlie township of Lesds elected April 5th, 1845 : — EastWahd, .lohn Cawood, W. B. Flains'.vorth. Kirkgate, Jolm Braiihvvaite. Heiirr Waddington. Mill Hill, Charles Sccirliroiigh, J(,hn IMorfltt, Georye Crabtree. North. James Ward, Mark Walker- NortcH Easp, John Metcalf, William Brook. North Wkst, Joepli \Yoo'', John Ajrey. ^outk, Thomas Wilson, .lolin .»ark-on, 125; John Jackson, 142. West, contested, Bobert Bean, 720 ; Peter Law Atkinson, 735 ; Daniel Atkinson, 749 ; defeated, William A^en^^, 491; Thomas Clarkson, 400; James Shires, 391. John Metcalfe was elected chairman. The people of Ireland at this time were dying by thou- sands of starvation, owing to the failure of the potatoe crop, and other causes. May 17th. About midnight, Mr. Joshua Burton, son of John Burton, Esq., Roundhay, eloped with Miss Fanny Wilkinson, eldest daughter of John Wilkinson, Esq., of Gledhow-mount. A post-chaise carried the lovers to Gretna Green, where they were married the next day at four p.m. 21st. Died, suddenly, aged 64, Thomas Benson Pease, Esq., of Chapel- AUerton Hall, near Leeds. The deceased was a member of the Society of Friends, and had for many years pre%dous to his death been a member of the Leeds Corporation, an alderman of the borough, 'as opened this day, and the open- ing was celebrated on the 30th of June following. June 1st. Pope Gregory XVI. died at Rome, Cardinal Ferreth, bishop of Imola, was elected his successor. 6th. Died, at Leaming'ton, aged 73, Henry Leah, Esq. . of Manningham-lane, and of Bierley iron-works, near Brad- ford. The deceased was bom of humble parents, and first started Hfe as a common artizan. He had very little advantage from early education, but by the force of his natural talents and rectitude of character, he, at a com- paratively early age, became the lessee of the large iron- works at Bierley, and realised a large fortune. 45 530 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOUK, AND 1846— June. On tlie morning of Sunday, tlie 14:th of Juno, nine in- dividuals from tlie neighbourhood of Batley, were publicly baptized in the river Calder, at Dewsbury, according to the rites of the Primitive' Baptist church, in the presence of more than 1000 persons. Mr, llowland Hill had a national testimonial presented to him, in the shape of £13,000, for his services in suggesting and carrying into execution the system of uniform penny postage. 17th. The electric telegraph was this day completed from Rugby to Leeds. Tne Leeds town council voted £30,000 to the Streets Committee, for the purpose of constructing main sewers in all the principal streets in the town. Mrs. Carr, of Knowsthorpe House, Leeds, left legacies to the Leeds Infirmary, £500 ; the Leeds Public Dispensary, £100 ; the Society for Propagation of the Gospel, £100 ; the Leeds District Christian Knowledge Association, £100 ; St. Peter's Parochial Sunday schools, £100 ; St. Peter's (Bank) schools, £100 ; National schools, Leeds, £100 ; the Leeds House of Recovery, £100. 25t!i. The subject of the corn laws caused a disruption of the Conservative party. The ministry of Sir Robert Peel YfCiS defeated on the Irish Coercion Bill. Lord John Russell subsequently formed a ministry. 26th. Corn Law Repeal. — At the close of the year 1845, the Anti-Corn Law agitation, under the leadership of Messrs. Cobden and Bright, had begun to have its effect on those in power. Large meetings had been held in all the principal to^i^ms in the kingdom ; at Leeds, on the 25th of Nov. and the 3rd of Dec. ; at Bradford, on the 2Sth of Nov. At Wakefield, a great West-Riding meeting took place on the 17th of Dec. On the 4th of Dec. , the Times announced that Sir Robert Peel was about to summons Parliament, and to "recommend an immediate consideration of the Corn Laws, preparatory to their total repeal. " On January 27th, 1846, Sir Robert Peel declared this to be his intention. The me?.- sure was introduced on the Oth of February, and proposed a total repeal of the Corn Lavrs, subject to a moderate duty for three years. The debate extended over twelve nights. The third reading of the bill v/as carried at four o'clock on the morning of the 16th of May, by a majority of 98 in a house of 556 members. The bill passed the Lords on the 22nd of June, and became law on the 26th of the same month. As soon as the intelligence arrived in Leeds by telegraph of the passing of the bill, a salute of 21 guns was fired at the establishment of Messrs. Kitson, Thompson, and Hewitson's, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 531 1846.— June. Huiislet-iane, and all tlie ineii immeclLately turued out and gave three liearty cheers. Cannons were also fired at other places during the evening, and at two o'clock the bells of the parish church struck up a merry peal. Messrs. Taylor and Wordsworth had a large loaf fixed at the top of their works, inscribed "Free Traders of Holbeck." July 13th. The members of the Leeds INIechanics' Institu- tion had a special excursion to Wentworth Park, the seat of Earl Fitzwiliiam. Other institutions had trips on the same day to the same place, so that there wore not less than 5, 000 persons in the grouncli;. A serious accident occurred in con- nection with the excursion from Leeds. Robert Neal, keeper of the tap at the Bull and Mouth hotel, v^'-as carelessly standing on the ^eat, and at the end of one of the carriages when the drag was put on to stop the tr?dn, he fell back- wards over the carriage and pulled a person named John Salter along with him. They were both killed. Salter was in the employ of INIessrs. Got-^'s, Leeds. On the Sunday fol- lowing the accident, Neal and Salter were interred in the burial ground of the Leeds parish church, in the presence of a vast concourse of spectators. 16th. Lord JMorpeth havmg accepted the office of First Lord Commissioner of Woods and Forests, vacated his seat for the West Hiding of York-- shire, but was re-elected tlris c'.ay \7i^h6iTt opp6:i^ioi2. Aug. 1st. A most terrific and destructive thunder and hail- storm occurred at London, and for miles round, doing immense damage, and by which several lives were lost. Hailstones were picked up weighing from an ounce to an ounce and a half, 5th. Died, at Holbeck, in his 65th year, Mr. Jonathan Shackleton, a member of the Society of Friends. He was an active and efiicient member of the Leeds to^\Ti council, and much respected by his colleagues. He was also a true philanthropist, being ever ready to aid any institution which had for its object the general good of mankind. A lasting monument of his perseverance and zeal may be found in the establishment of Zion School, New Wortley, near Leeds, of which he was the principal promoter, and most liberal subscriber. 7th. The afternoon of this day was kept as a holiday at Leeds, in celebration of the abolition of the Corn-laws. IMr. Charles Green, the great teronaut made a balloon ascent from the White Cloth-hall. Mr. Pablo Fanque's equestrian troop performed during tJiC day on Woodhouse moor. The entertainments closed with a splendid display of fireworks by Mr. Darby of London. 25th. An excellent engraved portrait of Mr. Edward 532 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1846— Aug. Baines, juur., in a handsonie gilt frame, was presented to tiie committee of the Leeds Mecfianicd' Institute by 500 penny subscribers, as a token of esteem for services rendered to the institution during the time he was president in 1845-46. Sept. 4th. Died, aged 34, Catherine Haddin, commonly known as "Kitty Haddin," of Huddersfield. She was very popular as a politician, and was the stoutest woman of which the town could boast, possessing the uncommon bulk of twenty-two stones. On the 7th, 8th, and 9th, of September, at the Victoria Cricket ground, V/oodhouse, Leeds, there was a most exciting and interesting match at cricket between eleven of all England, versus eighteen of Yorkshire. The all England players were V. Smith, Esq. from Bedford, Alfred Mynn, Esq., Mr. F. Pilch, Mr. Borringbon, and Mr. Hiliier, from Kent, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Guy, and Mr. Butler from Nottingham, Mr. Martingell, and Mr. Sewell from Surrey, arid Mr. Dean from Sussex. The Yorkshire players were li, Cadinan, Esq., Mr. Har- greave, Mr. Barrett, and Mr. Tbbetson of Leeds, Mr. A. Crossland, Mr. J. Crossland, and Mr. G. Berry, from Dal- ton, Mr. J. Wade from Harewood, Mr. J. North, and Mr. J. Eawcett from Boroughbridge, Mr. Hall, Mr. Ingle, Mr. Barker, Mr. Wads worth, Mr. Abel, Mr. Burlinson, and ]>.Ir. Foster from Bradford, and Mr. Chatterton from Went- worbh. The final score was all England : — first innings 102, .second do. 125, total 227. Yorkshire first innings, 72, vS3cond do. 84, total 158. The Yorkshire players therefore irere vanquished by 71 runs, 63 of the score, however, being l)ye3, wide balls, and no balls, while Yorkshire added to their score but 8 from similar balls. •26th. Died at Playford-hall, Suffolk, aged 86, Thomas Clarkson, Esq., the philanthropist. Oct. 6th. A grand soiree of the Bradford Mechanics' In- stitute took place, at which Lord Morpeth presided. 9th. The foundation stone of the Huddersfield station, of the Huddersfield and Manchester railway company, was laid by the Rt. Hon. the Earl Fitzvviiliam. 18th. Mr. Elihu Biirritt, known as '' the learned blacksmith" of the United States, who by his own diligence had made made him- self master of fifty languages, delivered at the hall of the Leeds Mechanics' Institution a lecture, on "The divine philosophy of physical labour." 23rd. A grand soiree of the Leeds Mechanics' Institute was held at the Music-hall, Albion- street, Earl Fitzwilliam in the chair. The members of parliament for the borough, and other friends of science and education were present, and took part in the proceedings. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 533 1846— Nov. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, 1st November, 1S46. The names in brackets were elected. Mill-Hill, [John Moorhou^ie, L; Anthony Titley, C] West, [Joseph Gill, L; John Gre.ives, L.] NoRiH-WKSr, [G J. Crow- ther, L.] North, • William Mturson, L ] North -East, [John Morfitt, C ] East^ [Wm. Wilkinson, C, 495;] John Chalk Bar- rett, L.4£0. Kir KG ATE, [Edward Bond, C, 1/6 ;j John Yewdall, L, 145. SttUTH, [.I. BruulFieMd. L Hl'nslkt, [J. Wilson, L.J HoLBECK, [G. B. Pearson, L, 845 ; William Ingham, L, 830 ;] John Jaokson, k, 810; John Ardill, R, 798. Bramli-v, [Thos. Haigh, C, Abraham Farrer C.j Headixglkv, [George Hirst, C] Nov. 9th. Charles Gascoigne Maclea Esq., was elected mayor. On the 4tli of November, Colonel Tempest gave a large tree to the lads of Tong, near Bradford, for the purpose of making a bontire. Tliej had felled the tree, but the wicked boys at "Westgate-hill stole it in the night. The Tong lads hearing of the theft sallied out in great force. A terrible light ensued on Westgate-hill, between the parties, in which gi-eat injury was done to divers lieads. Tong prevailed, and the youths reached home with their trophy at twelve o'clock at night, and in honour of the triumph the bells of Tong church rung a merry peal. 12th. The foundation stone of the parish church of St. John's, Upper Thong, was laid by Thomas Gleadow Fearne, M.A., clerk, incumbent. 16th. Dr. Heaton was elected physician to the Leeds House of Recoverv, in the place of Dr. Wilson, resigned. 18th. Died, at Harehills, Griffith Wright, Esq., a magi ti- trate of the borough of Leeds, and the last mayor under the old corporation. He was twice on the commission of peace for Leeds. He was also one of the patrons of the Leeds vicar- age, and a trustee of the grammar school and the pious uses. In all these capacities he was remarkable for his assiduity to public business. The Leeds Intelligencer was established by his grandfather, Mr. Griffith Wright, on the 2nd of July, 1754 ; he relinquished it to his son, Thomas, and he again to his son, Griffith. The last named gentleman edited his own journal, and conducted it with great spirit, ability, and success untn December, 1818, v.dien he retired from business. In private life his kind and cheerful disposition, and amiable virtues, endeared him to all his connexions and friends. He was unmarried, and in the 62nd year of his age. He was interred at Chapeltown church. The woolcombers of Keighley were at this time on the strike. 30th. A pub- lic meeting was held in the Leeds Music-hall, in favour of 534 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1846.— Dkc. the ten hours' bill. Dr. Hook, the vicar, presided, and the meeting was addressed by Mr. Oastler, Mr. Buslield Ferrand, and others. Dec. 4tli. The Rev. Thos. Scales, pastor of Queen-street chapel, Leeds, had presented to him, by his congrega- tion, as a testimonial of esteem, a very handsome silk purse, containing one hundred guineas. 21st. The Oddfellows of the Manchester Unity held a grand public soiree at the Music-hall, Leeds, for the benefit of the widows and orphans fund. The Leeds Club was formed in December. The building is conveniently situated in Albion-place, Albion- street, and contains handsome coffee, smoking, and dining rooms, drawing or reading, and writing rooms, spacious billiard room, excellent kitchens, lavatory, bed rooms, bath rooms, (fcc. , and is beautifully furnished and decorated, but still it has an air of domestic comfort, whilst it may almost vie with any club house out of London. This institution is found to be very convenient to the gentry of the neighbour- hood, who have occasion to visit Leeds, and is also much frequented by the merchants, and professional gentlemen of the town. Mr, E.. L. Ford is secretary. 1847. Jan. 1st. C. G. Maclea, Esq. , resigned the office of mayor of Leeds, on account of ill health, and George Good- man, Esq. was elected his successor. 12th. A very beautiful marble bust (by Macdonald, of Rome) of the late John Marshall, Esq. was presented to the Leeds Philosoph- ical and Literary Society, by his sons. 29th. Great sensation was caused at Wakefield by the suicide of two lovers, named George Hampson, aged 25, and Susan Mor- ton, aged 21. Nothing has since transpired calculated to explain the motive for the commission of such a rash act. They were interred in the same grave, in the burial ground of the parish church of that place in the presence of at least 3,000 persons. March 5th. About three o'clock in the afternoon of Friday, the 5th of March, an explosion of fire damp took place in Ardsley Main colliery, occupied by Messrs. Firth, Barber, and Co., known as the Oaks colliery, situate about a mile from Barnsley. Ninety men and boys were in the pit at the time, seventy-three of whom met with almost instant death. The explosion shook the whole neighbourhood like an earthquake, and the force of it was such, that stones were thrown from the shaft, which is 300 yards deep, into the air 40 or 50 yards above the head gearing. The unfortunate occurrence was caused by the use of a naked hght, in a part of the mine where inflammable gas was known to exist. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 535 1847. — March. 9th. On the 23th of August, 1846, was passed the County Court act, 9th and 10th Vic. , cap. 95, and by an order in council of the 9th of March, 1847, County Courts were established throughout the kingdom with a jurisdiction up to £20, which was subsequently by (13th and 14th Vic. , cap. 61) extended to £50. These courts supplanted the old courts of request, and laid down one uniform mode of proceeding for the recovery of small debts throughout England. The statute 9th and 10th Vic, cap. 95, has been amended by the 12th and 13th Vic, cap. 101 ; the 13th and 14th Vic, cap. 61 ; the 15th and 16th Vic, cap. 54 ; and the 19th and 20th Vic. , cap. 108. By the latter of these acts the expense of maintaining the county courts, which was before borne wholly by the suitors, is, ^vith the exception of the salaries of the ministerial officers to be defrayed by an annual vote. The cost of proceeding in the court has been very materially reduced. 13th. A very painful shock v/'as given to commercial credit in Leeds, by the discovery that three brothers named Robert, Frederick, and William Glover, woollen cloth scribblers and dyers, of many years standing in the town, had absconded after committing forgeries to the amount of at least £10,000. The parties absconded it is sux^posed to America, and although a reward of £500 was offered for their apprehension, they were never taken. 15th. Died, aged 71, at Torquay, Devon, Christopher Beckett, Esq., of Meanvrood Park, near Leeds. He was the second son of the first Sir John Beckett, Bart. , of Gled- how-hall, near Leeds, and of Somerly Park, in Lincolnshire, by Mary, daughter of Dr. Chr. Wilson, Lord Bishop of Bristol. Mr. Beckett was for many yeiirs a magistrate of the West-Riding, and a leading trustee and active adminis- trator of the public charities of the town. He was senior panner in the banking house of Messrs. Beckett, and Co. A ver}- costly and beautiful structure was subsequently erected in the Leeds parish church, as a memorial by the surviving brothers and sisters of the deceased. The tomb, vrhich is entirely of Caen stone is an elaborate specimen of the style which prevailed in the early part of the fifteenth century. The design consists of a large central sepulchre arch, flanked on each side by massive angle buttresses, and surmounted by a parapet, from which spring pinnacles, supported by projecting corbel angels holding scrolls. On the top of the tomb the following inscription is emblazoned in mediaeval letters : — " In memory of Christopher Beckett, of Meanwood, Esq,, a Justice of the Peace, and Deputy Lieutenant of the West- Hiding ; twice 536 AXNALS OF LEEDS, YOSK AND 1847.— March. Mayor of Leeds ; born 26th January, 1777 ? lie died at Torquay, 15tb March, 1S47, and was interred io the adjacent vault. He was an active magistrate, a faithful dispenser of public trusts, and a liberal supporter of the calls of Religion and the claims of Charitj'-. Fear God, and keep his Commandments." The size of tlie tomb across the base is 11 feet 3 inches, and to the top of the angels on the angle buttresses, 12 feet 10 inches. The design and detail drawings of the tomb are by Mr. Dobson, the architect, and the whole was executed by Mr. R. Mawer, both of Leeds. The stained glass window is by Mr. Wailes, of Newcastle. 31s c. The members of the late " Leeds Exchange," dined together at the White Horse, Boar-lane, on the occasion of the presentation of a testimonial, consisting of a most beautiful and chaste tea and coffee service, to John Lapage, Esq., their late chairman. Daring this rnonth large and important meetings were held at Leeds and other places, both for and against the government scheme of education — • of making grants to schoolmasters, pupil teachers, &c. The plan was ably supported by the Rev. Dr. Hook, the vicar, (who published a pamphlet recommending a system of national education, in which religion should be altogether excluded from the school teaching, and the schools should be support- ed by local rates, and superintended by committees chosen by the justices of the peace) J. G. Marshall, John Gott, Hamer Stansfeld, the Rev. Chas. Wicksteed, the Rev. Wil- liam Sinclair, J. D. Luccock, Esq. , (fcc. The measure was strongly and ably opposed by the late Edward Baines, Edward Baines, jun., (who published a series of letters in the Mercury addressed to Lord John Russell, on the subject of ' ' State Education. ") Francis Carbutt, Thomas Plint, the Rev. Dr. Hamilton, (author of the prize essay on ' ' The Institutes of Popular Education,") the Rev. John Ely, and others. April 5th. A very rapid and destructive fire took place ou the evening of this day at the timber yard of Mr. John Townsend, Airedale saw mills, in Aire-street, Leeds, doing several thousand pounds worth of damage. Guardians of the poor for Leeds, elected April 5th, 1847 : East Ward, W. B. Hainsworth, George Lumb. Kirkgate, contested, John Braithwaite, 171; Robert Taylor, 176; defeated, John Brown, 115. Mill-Hill, Thomas Wilson, John Kighley Clapham, and Thomas Dawkins. North, Richard Stead, James Ward. North- East, John Metcalfe, John Morfitt. North- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 537 1847.— Aprii.: "VVssr, Joseph tl.ill, Joliii Pitrick. South, Simuel Croft, Thos. Walsh. Wrsf, Benjamin Burrell, Peter Lav Atkinson, Thomas jNe\v.sam. John Metcalfe elected chairman. 7th. T\vo lovers, named Joseph Bolland and Maria Wilson, i;he former 19 and the latter 17 years of age, both residing in Lincoln-field-place, Ne^vtown, Leeds, tied their bodit33 together with handerchiefs, jumped into the river Aire, and were drowned. The reason given for this singular case of double suicide, is that the lovers were out of employment. A short time before the melancholy event, they had been paying a series of farewell visits to their friends, and were in good spirits, alleging that they were going on tramp to Harrogate. 26th. The Leeds magistrates held a meet- ing at the Court-house, to consider the state of the vagrant Irish poor in Leeds. It was explained by the chairman of the poor law guardians, that in three months 1,896 vagrants had been relieved, while in a corresponding quarter the year . before, the number only amounted to 278. The guardians had to provide additional premises to relieve the pressure on the House of Hecovery for the large number of sick, prin- cipally Irish, who were afflicted with typhus fever. 26th. The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the nevj Unitarian chapel. Mill-hill, Leeds, which is built on the sight of the old edifice, took place this day, in the presence of the congregation and a large number of specta- tors. The stone was laid by Hamer Stansfeld, Esq., chair- man of the building committee, to whom a silver trowel was presented for that purpose, inscribed with his name. In a cavity formed in the centre of the stone, a bottle was de- posited, containing a parchment with the following inscrip- tion : — " The corner stone of this chapel, erected as a public place of religious worship by Protestant dissenters from the Church of England, was laid on the 26th day of April, 1847, being the tenth year of the reign of Queen Victoria, by Hamer Stansfeld, Esq. , chairman of the building committee, on the site of the old chapel, at Mill-hill, which v/as erected from the indulgence of King Charles 11. , in the year 1673. IVIinister, the Rev. Charles Wicksteed, B.A. ; treasurer, Arthur Lupton ; chapelwardens, James Kitson, John W. E-ead." The bottle also contained a copy of the local news- papers, the Rev. Chas. Wicksteed's five concluding sermons in the old chapel, entitled " The Memory of the Just," the various coins of the realm, tire, (tc. The buildmg was opened for public worship on the 22nd of December, 1848, 538 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1847.— April. and during its erection the services were held in the Ariam chapel, Call-lane. It is more commodious than the old building. The style of architecture is the pointed, or per- pendicular, of the 15th century, and is enriched with a variety of ornament. The interior is not less striking. The cost of the chapel was upwards of £7,000, which was defrayed. by the congregation. The Rev. Thomas Hincks, B. A. . is minister. A beautiful school has been recently erected, which agrees admirably in style with the chapel. The old chapel was the first dissenting meeting house in the north of England erected after the general indulgence, and was built in 1672-3. It was incrusted over with grey plaister, and shaded with trees, vdiich gave it a retired appearance. The Bevs. Richard Todd and Cornelius Todd, were the first, ministers ; the former was a friend of Dr. Manton, and his funeral sermon was preached by Matthew Henry. Mr. Todd, is said to have drawn up the Confession of Faith. After doctrinal changes in 1767, the celebrated Dr. Priestley became minister. May 3rd. The ten hours' factory act passed the House of Commons by 151 against 83 ; but in 1850, the hours of labour v>^ere altered to ten hours and a half per day. 12th. A triple murder, unequalled in England's ' ' calendar of crime " for atrocity and brutality, was committed this: day at a place called Water Royd, near Mirfield, in the West-Riding. The victims of the appalling tragedy were James Wraith, an old man of 77 ; Ann, his second wife, aged 70 ; and Caroline Ellis, a promising young woman of 20, just on the point of marriage, who lived with the old couple as servant. The murders were committed at mid-day by Patrick Reid, a travelling Irish tinker. The poor girl had her skull laid open in several places ; her brains scatter- ed on the floor ; her jtiw smashed, and her teeth driven out ;, her arm was also broken, and to crown all, her throat was cut. Ann Wraith had also her skull fractured in a many places, her right eye was literally smashed out ; the very socket itself being destroyed. Her arm was also broken and. her throat cut. Ja.tne3 Wraith had his skull broken in several places ; the lower javvr was severely fractured, the right arm dislocated, and his throat cut from ear to ear, all the arteries were di\'ided, and his head nearly cut off. His. trousers pockets were turned inside out, and a bloody razor, which was shut, laid on his breast. On the floor of the^ room under the window lay a kitchin poker, which told its own tale as to the instrument with which the horrible- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 539 1847.— May. tragecty had been committed. It was bent with the force of the blows that had been struck with it. James Wraith had in his earlier years been steward to Samuel Brooks, Esq, , J. P. in that neighbourhood, but of late years he had re- tired, " living on his means, " in a plain substantial stone dwelling, near both the Methodist and Baptist chapels, con- sisting of two parlours and a kitchen on the ground floor, and three bed rooms on the second story. Michael McCabe, a hawker, and Patrick Peid were taken in custody on suspicion of being concerned in the crime, having been seen in the immediate vicinity about the time of the murders. They were committed to York on a charge of wilful murder. McCabe was admitted Queen's evidence, and Peid alone was brought to trial on the 19th of July. The house consisted of tvro parlours fronting towards the fields, and a kitchen behind. It stood at a distance of about fifty yards from Water-royd-lane, and there was no house within one liun- di-ed yards of it. Behind the house is a yard, in which is a well, and in this well was found a soldering iron, which was sworn to have been in the possession of Peid the day previous to the murder, in addition to which he Vv^as seen near "Wraith's house about the time of the murder, and had marks of blood on his clothes. The trial was concluded on the 20th. The summing \vp of the Judge, (Justice Wight- man,) occupied two hours and a half. The jury retired at ten minutes past six o'clock, and returned after an abscence of two hours and forty minutes to ask a question of his lordship, which was handed in in v.aiting. The Judge handed the paper back again and requested one of the jury to read it. It was to this effect "The jury wish to know if the prisoner be acquitted of the murder of James Wraith, can he afterwards be put on his trial for the murder of the two women, should further evidence be found." The Judge : That is not a question gentlemen, which you can take into your consideration, nor any right to entertain. You have only one duty to perform, to consider the case in evidence. A Juror : — Some of the jury do not know whether we are trying the case as to the nnu-der of James Wraith, only, or all three of the family. The Judge : — Then you have greatly misvmderstood the case gentlemen. You are to decide only as to the murder of James Wraith. A Juror : — Then we are agreed upon our verdict. The Judge : — WeU, but you had better retire, and re-consider your verdict after what has taken place. The jury retired, and on returning into court after an absence of five minutes pronounced a verdict 540 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1847.— May. of Not Guilty. Reid was still detained on a charge of mur- dering the females, which trial was postponed till the follow- ing assizes. On the 20th of December, Heid and McCabe were tried at York, for the wilful murder of Caroline Ellis, the servant girl, found guilty, and sentenced to death. A very im- portant piece of circumstantial evidence was adduced on the trial, which strongly tended to criminate Reid, namely, the discovery of Wraith's watch, and other propei-ty of the murdered family, in a house in Ireland, occupied by Reid's mother, where she had gone to reside. After sentence of death, Patrick Reid made an extraordinary confession, as follows :— ''That on the 12th of May, he (Reid) went to Mr. Wraith's house about twenty- five minutes to one o'clock ; that he conversed with the servant girl, Caroline EUis, about five minutes, that he then took out of his basket the solder* ing iron he had that day borrowed of Kilty, and struck Caroline Ellis a severe blow on the back of the head. She shrieked out, and staggered to the back door, when he struck her again and felled her to the ground, and Mr. Wraith coming that moment from the cellar into the passage which connects the kitchen with the two front parlours, with a silver pint, containiug beer, in his hand, he (Reid) struck him a violent blow on the head with the iron, in doing which, the iron flew from the handle, and Mr. Wraith stag- gered into the parlour. Reid then returned and got the kitchen poker, and ran to the parlour and met Mrs. Wraith running out of the front door. He then struck her two or three blows on the head, and felled her to the ground. He went into the parlour, and Mr. Wraith was then laid bleed- ing on the floor insensible. He rifled his pockets, took two keys out, and opened the drawers with them. He heard a knock at the kitchen door, which he thought was Caroline Ellis getting up. He went to the kitchen, found her per- fectly still, and returned. He then got some money out of the drawers, took a watch from Mr. Wraith, and a ring from !Mrs. Wraith's finger, and heard another knock at the door, and thereupon went to the kitchen door, and slightly opened it, when he saw the other prisoner, McCabe, who enquired if they wanted anjrthing in his line. He (Reid) replied, ' ' No, sir," and thinking McCabe was a stranger, and would not recognise him, he shut and bolted the door. He then re- turned, and ransacked the drawers, and found in them a razor case containing two razors. He took one, and cut the throats of all the three parties, then washed his hands and THE SURROUNDIXG DISTRICT. 541 1847.— May. wiped them on the toweL He then quitted the house, locked the kitchen door, and threw the soldering iron and the key into the well near the back door, and then made towards his own home." On the 8th of January following, Patrick Reid was ex- ecuted at York in the presence of not less than 30,000 people of both sexes. Just before the fatal bolt was draAvn, he said to the officers around him, ' ' Well, gentlemen, I wisli to say that I alone am the guilty person ; that McCabe is entirely innocent, that no human being in the world had an}i;hing to do with it but myself." In consequence of Reid's confession McCabe was respited, and on his case being submitted to the whole of the judges, he was ordered to be transported for the term of his natural life. May. The flax reelers, numbering about 1,500 females, at the mills of Wilkinson and Co., Hunslet ; Holdsworth and Co., Hunslet ; andBojie, Gill, and Co., Meadow-lane, Leeds, were out on the strike, o-^-ing to an attempt to reduce their wages. At this time, out of 40,000 persons employed in the cotton trade in Manchester, 7,000 were out of work ; 14,000 were working three days a week ; 19,000 were work- ing from four to iive days. In Rochdale, 21 mills were closed. 15th. Died, aged 71, Daniel O'Connell, the celebrated Irish repealer. 17th. On the morning of this day an explosion of fire-damp, attended with the loss of nine lives, occurred at Beeston Main colliery, near Leeds, belonging to Messrs. Harding and Co. The explosion was caused by the sudden intrusion of foul air from some old workings into where the miners were at work. The killed were Aaron BeU, of Xew Hall, Beeston, aged 22 ; George Bell, of the sa.me place, aged 15 ; Charles Duxberry, Beeston, aged 14 ; William Westerman, Lee-fair-road, aged 12 ; John Orrell, Churwell, aged 28 ; and Joseph Longstafi", Beeston, aged 56 ; John Hall, of Beeston, aged 10 ; John Jessop, Beeston, aged 32 ; and William Richardson, of Churwell, was taken out alive, but died in the course of the day. 25th. Mr. William Jackson, organist, Masham, composed an oratorio, entitled ' ' The Deliverance of Israel from Babylon. " Being the first oratorio ever composed by a Yorkshireman, the various musical societies in the county introduced it to the musical world on the 25th of IMay, by a performance at the Music- hall, Leeds, under the patronage of the worshipful the maj'or, the proceeds of vv^hich were given to the Leeds Dis- pensary and the House of Recovery. The principal vocalists 46 542 AISTTALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1847.— May. were Mrs, Sunderland, Mrs. L. Peace, Mr. Novello, Mr. Barker, York, Mr. Lambert, Durham, &c. The annual meeting of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes, was held in the Council-hall, Sheffield. Earl Fitzwilliam took the chair, supported by Mr. James Montgomery, Mr. Edward Baines, jun.. Alderman Dunn, and others. 3ist. Died, at the York Hotel, Brighton, after a short illness, aged 72, Sir John Beckett. He was the eldest son of Sir John Bockett, Bart. , banker of Leeds, by the daughter of Dr. Wilson, bishop of Bristol. He was born at Leeds, on the 17th of May, 1775. He commenced his education at the Leeds grammar school. He entered Trinity college, Cambridge, at the age of sixteen, where he was fifth Avrangler in 1795. At the age of twenty- one he was called to the bar by the Inner Temple, of v/hich he became a bencher, and he practised for some time on the northern circuit. On the 18th of February, 1806, he took office as Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, under the Whig ministry of Fox and GrenviUe. In 1817, he was a,ppointed a fsrivy councillor, and the same year he married Lady Anne Low- ther, third surviving daughter of the Earl of Lonsdale, who survived him. Sir John first entered the House of Com- mons in 1820, as member for Cockermouth ; and he was elected for Haslemere in 1826, 1830, and 1831. In 1828, he v/as appohited Judge Advocate, and held the office till the retirement of the Wellington administration in 1830. During the short ministry of Sir Hobert Peel in 1834-5, he again held the same office. In 1834, he contested Leeds, in opposition to Mr. Baines, and was defeated. At the general election of 1835, Sir John was returned for Leeds, at the head of the poll. At the election, on the accession of Queen Victoria, in 1837, he again contested Leeds, and was de- feated. Sir John Beckett possessed a fine personal appear- ance, great moral worth, and excellent business talents. He died without issue, and his brother, Thomas, succeeded to his title. Ho, like his brother, Christopher, died without will, and thus the landed estates, estimated at the annual value of £10,000, (saving the widow's dower), devolved upon his brother. Sir Thomas. June. Typhus Fever prevailed in Leeds to an alarming extent, especially in the eastern part of the town. On the 18th of this month it was reported that in the Rose and CroY»^n-yard, Union-street, twenty-eight persons had the fever in seven houses, three of which were without beds ; in Wellington-yard ten in seven houses, and in THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 04.J 1847— June. Goulden's-biiildiugs four in three houses were attacked. lu one house in Brighton-court, in which there was not a single "bed, twelve had the fever, and in a house in Brook-street six were attacked under similar distressing circumstances. In three houses in Brussels-street twenty persons had the fever, and in a single house in Baptist-court no less than ■eleven had it. The House of Recovery and the fever hospital were completely full, A temporary wood shed for a hospital was erected in Accommodation-road, Richmond-hill, and Cleveland-street mill was likewise occupied (temporary) for the same purpose, under the board of guardians. Dr. Hook and the Rev. G. Hills, (now bishop of Colombia,) were daily visitors at these establishments. Two of the towm's surgeons were attacked. In the whole township, there were at least 400 persons suffering from the disease. The number of inter- ments in the burial gTOunds of the Leeds parish church during the haK year ended 30th of June was more than 900, being an increase of more than 200 on the corresponding- period in the previous year. The epidemic did not confine itseK exclusively to the poor. Several individuals caught the contagion, whilst ministering to the necessities of the distressed Irish. On the 27th of May, the Rev. Henry Walmsley, senior Catholic priest at St. Ann's, Leeds, and Catholic dean of the District of York, died of typhus fever, and on the follo^ving day died the Rev. E. Metcaif, another Catholic priest. The latter gentleman had only come to Leeds within three weeks. On the 30th of June, died, the Rev. Joseph Curr, aged 55, who succeeded the Rev. licnry "Walmsley, as head priest at St. xinn's. On the Gth of July, died, aged 33, the Rev. James Coppinger, Catholic priest. The Rev. Richard Wilson also fell a victim to the disease. The bodies of the five priests were interred in St. Patrick's chapel yard, York-road, adjacent to each other, and near the place is a beautiful stone cross erected to their memory by the laity, seven feet high. In the chapel is a monumental slab, which bears the following inscription : — " Of your ch.irity pray for the souls uf Reverends Henry Wahiisley, Richard Wilson, Edward ^-letc-alf, .Joseph Curr, and James Cop- pinger, who fe'l victims to fever in the discharge of their s icre.l duties, in 1847." '' Ri'yuiesca7it in f ac*:.'^ On the 7th of June, Mr. Joseph Andi-ev.', of Leeds, well- known as being coimected with the temperance society, was cut off by the disease. On the 10th of July, Francis Sharpe, Esq., surgeon, of North-street, Leeds, ched, aged 40, of fever, caught whilst acting as town's surgeon. On the foi- 544 AKNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1847— Junk. lowing day, the llth, the Rev. Wiliiam Stanley Monck, B.A,, one of the curates of the Leeds parish church, died, aged 26, under an attack of the prevailing fever, sup- posed to have been caught whilst visiting a number of suiferers from famine and disease in Brighton- court. Lower Cross-street, and Brook-street. He was the youngest son of the late Colonel Monck, of Cowley Park, Berks. , formerly M. P. for Beading, and was ordained deacon by the Bishop of PJpon, on Sunday, the 9th of March. A beautiful memo- rial window is erected within the altar rails, on the north- east side of the church, which bears the following inscription : " Williatn Stanley Monck, B A , assistant curaf-e of the parish of Leeds, born March 27th, 1822, died July 11th, I847." June 4th. Samuel Linley, a joiner, employed at Parkgate, near Rotherham, committed, in open day, an atrocious mur- der, hj cutting the throat of a Mrs. Jagger, whom he met on the high road. 10th. John Bright, Esq., M.P., was married to Miss Leatham, at the Friends' meeting house, George-street, Wakefield, A numerous and respectable company attended to witness the ceremony. The wedding party arrived at half-past ten. The whole company sat in perfect silence for about three quarters of an hour, when Mr. Bright arose, and taking the right hand of Miss Leatham, pronounced in a low but distinct voice, the following words : — "Friends, I take my friend, Margaret Elizabeth Leatham, to be my wife, and promise by divine assistance to be unto her a loving and faithful husband until it shall please God to part us by death." While still holding hands. Miss Leatham pro- nounced the same words, substituting John Bright for her own name, in a low but tremulous voice. Then a prayer was offered up, the certificate or declaration signed, and the ceremony ended. A case, Reg v. Lancaster, was tried in the Queen's Bench, before Lord Denman, as to whether the right of appointing the gaoler to the new Leeds borough gaol was in the justices for the borough, the mayor, the recorder, or the to\\Ti council. Judgment was delivered on the 26th of June, in favour of the justices. July 7th. A storm of thunder and lightning occurred this day about noon, which smashed no less than 150 panes of glass on the premises of Mr. Barrett, at the Ship Inn, Hare- wood Bridge, and the lightning split up several fine trees surrounding his house. Several fine trees in Harewopd Park were also shivered by the lightning. 24th. Died, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 515 1847.— July. aged 65, Richard Fountayiie Wilson, Esq. , of Slelton Hall, near Doncaster. He was born in tlie year 1782, and was the eldest son and heir of Richard Wilson, Escj., who was the eldest son of Christopher, lord bishop of Bristol, "by Anne, danghter of Dr. Edmund Gibson, lisLop of London. The mother of the deceased was Eiizaleth, third daughter of the Ycrj Rev. Dr. Fountayne, dean of York, to whom his father, Richard Yv'ilson, was married in 1781. In 1807, Mr. Wilson vras the high-sheriif of York- shire. On the 21st of June, 1826, he Vvas returned as repre- sentatire for Yorkshire, along with Lord Milton, John Marshall, Esq., and the Hon, William Duncombe, without opposition, Richard Bethell, the fifth candidate having with- drawn. He continued in Parliament until the general elec- tion of 1830, when he retired. In politics, Mr, Wilson was a Conservative, He was a great benefactor to various public charities of the county, Leeds is indebted to him for the valuable piece of ground in front of the Infirmary, and also for the extinction of small tithes. Of the iNational Society of Education he was a warm supporter, and one of his latest gifts was a donation of £1,000, He was colonel of the first west York militia, which he resigned a short time before his death. He vvas also a magistrate and deputy-lieutenant of the West Riding of York, His remains were interred at Melton chiu^ch. 26th. Died, aged 64, Jonathan Akroyd, Esq. , of Woodside, near Halifax. The deceased dropped dovrn dead whilst addressing a public meeting (as chairman) of the electors of Halifax for the return of Sir Charles Yv'ood. He was long and universally celebrated as a distingT.ished manufacturer and merchant of that town. To his skill, enterprise, and unwearied energy its loca,l manufactures p.re largely indebted. Posterity will regard him as the "father of the worsted trade," and while honour, integrity, and benevolence are revered, his memory viill be respected. The funeral of the deceased V.' as attended by about 3,000 persons, and the shops and other places of business in the town were closed during the day. A beautiful white marble monument, executed by J. Gott, E^, , of Rome, has recently been placed in the All Souls cemetery, Haley-hill. A finely engraved brass plate let into ihe wall near the head of tlie statue, bears the fol- lowing inscription : — *' In memory of Jonath'iii Akr.;}-*', of Vv'uodside, Kalii'.x. He '.vari born near Bvookhocse, Ovendeu, on the f/thof Nov., ^JS-2, and thexe pas.sed the sprirg of life in Liyinff ^he frurd^.tion orhi.s iutyre career. 546 AXN^ALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1847.— July. The obstacles which beset his early path arouse-l in him a dauntless energy and a rare steadiness of purpose. In 1818, he removed from Brookhouse to Halifax, and in the suiiimer of his years, achieved a high position a^ a worsted manufacturer, distinguished, not less by his Strict honour and integrity, than by his uniform kindness and care towards his workpeople. In the autumn of life, his character matured it>elf, and he became ripe for the harvest. "Walking humbly before God, and given to secret meditation and prayer, yet he busied himself in works of usefulness and beneficence, more especially did he devote himself to the work of edncation. Besides providing most efficiently for the daily instruction of the factory children employed by him, he personally took an active part in the Woodside Sunday school. He (lied, suddenly, on the 26th of July, 1847, whilst earnestly pleading before a puhlic assembly the cause of national education. This monument was erected by hi>sons, Edward and Henry, as an otferiug of filial reverence and affection." 23rd. Parliament was dissolved, and a general election ensued. 29th. Leeds Election. — One division of the liberal party in Leeds brought out Joseph Sturge, Esq., of Birmingham, on the ground of opposition to state endo-vvments. Another section of the same party called forward James Garth Marshall, Esq. , on the opposite ground, and coalesced with the Conservative candidate, William Beckett, Esq. The nomination took place on the 28th of July. John Gott, Esq., proposed for re-election Mr, Beckett, which was seconded by Joseph Robert Atkinson, Esq. Edward Baines, Esq., proposed, and Peter Fairbairn, Esq., seconded, the nomination of Mr. Sturge, Thomas William Tottie, Esq., proposed, and Hamer Stansf eld, Esq, , seconded the nomina- tion of Mr. Marshall. Mr. Sturge had the largest show of hands, Mr. Beckett the next, and a poll was demanded on behalf of Mr. Marshall, which took place on the following day. The result was : — Mr. William BecUU (T,) 2,529 Mr. James Garth Marshall ... (L,) 2,172 Mr, Joseph Sturge (L, ) 1, 978 Plumpers :— Beckett, 1,991; MarshaU, 84; Sturge, 1,617. The Leeds Borough Gaol was completed in July, at a cost of £43,000. It is pleasantly situated near Armley, on the south side of the picturesque valley of the Aire, about a mile and a half west of the town. It is a noble castellated stone structure, presenting a mas- sive pile of masonry, and is visible from many distant points. Messrs. Perkin and Backhouse, of Leeds, were the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 54T 1847.— July. architects. Previous to its erection, the prisoners convicted at the Borough Courts were sent to Wakefield. Tlie dis- cipline of this gaol is that of the " Silent System," and the emx3loyment of the prisoners is reproductive labour. Each inmate has a separate cell, (of which there are about 334), where he follows the occupation to which he may have been accustomed. Those who have no defined calling are em- ployed in picking oakum, or making matting, the proceeds of which are applied in aid of the establishment. In addi- tion to the persons committed from the sessions, convicts are also confined here, at the cost of the government, pre- paratory to their departure for the penal settlements. The arrangements are on the most improved system of prison discipline. Capt. C. F. Webster Wedderburne is governor ; the Rev. H. Tuckwell, M.A., chaplain ; andW. Price, Esq., surgeon. August 7th. The nomination for the West-Riding of Yorkshire took place this day at AVakefield. William Miiner, Esq., of ISTun Appleton, j)roposed, and Alderman Dunn, of Sheffield, seconded the nomination of Lord Moiycth. The Hon. Edwin Lascelles, proposed, and John Rand, Esq. of Bradford, seconded the nomination of Beckett Denison, Esq. George Goodman, Esq., mayor of Leeds, proposed, and William Rand, Esq. , of Bradford, seconded the nomi- nation of Richard Cohden, Escq. After Lord Morpeth, Mr. Denison, and John Bright (on behalf of IMr. Cobden, who was on the continent) had addressed the electors, a show of hands was taken, when the High-sherifF declared it to be in favour of Lord Morpeth and Mr. Cobden. After a short pause the Hon. Edward Lascelles stated that Mr. Denison should not demand a poll, therefore Lord Morpeth,, and Mr. Cobden were declared to be duly elected. At Huddersfield, W. R. C. Stansfield, Esq. was elected in opposition to Mr. Cheetham, the votes being Stansfield 524, Cheetham 487. At Bradford, WiUiam Busfield, Esq., and Thomas Perrant Thompson, Esq.. were returned, the result of the poll being : — Mr. Busfield, 937 ; Mr. Thomp- son, 927 ; Mr. Henry Wickham Wickliam, 860 ; Mr. Gaw- thome Hardy, 812. At Halifax, Capt. Edwards, and Sir Charles Wood were returned, the result of the poll being : — Capain Edwards, 509 ; Sir Charles Wood, 506 ; Mr. Edward MiaU, 348 ; Mr. Ernest Jones, 279. At Wakefield, George Sanders, Esq., was elected, the poll being :— Mr. G. Sanders, 392 ; Mr. W. Alexander, 258. .548 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1847.— Aug. 10th. The Jirst election of common councilmen under the provisions of the charter of incorporation at Bradford, took place this day. Robert Miliigan, Esq, of Acacia-house was the first mayor of Bradford. 11th. The Leeds town council passed a resolution ' ' That it is expedient to exempt from toll, all foot, passengers who shall pass over the bridge called Welling-ton-bridge. " In order that the creditors on the tolls might receive their usual rate of interest, the clerk to the council was empowered to offer a sum not exceeding £881 per annum for the tolls on horses, beasts, and carriages, for a period not exceeding tl^ree years. The bridge was made free for foot passengers on and after the 1st of September, thi?; year. 20tii. The workmen employed on the con- struction of the Aire viaduct, of the Leeds and Thirsk railway, discovered a strong spring of water near Kirkstall road, close to the river, at the depth only of twenty-two . feet, said to be much similar to the spa at Holbeck. 23rd. The anniversary meeting of the Leeds Temperance society, at the Music-hall, Albion-street, was rendered of considerable interest by the presence of a North American Indian chief, Maun-Gwu-Daus, and his son in their native ' costame, consisting of buffalo robes, shirts, leggings, mo- cassins, ani,918 ; Benjamin Burrell, 90S ;] James Shirps, 651 : Wm. Avens, 713; Geo. Tarham, 802; J.vset.h Walker, !^09. John Metcalfe was elected chairman. Great distress prevailed in the ^YOollen and worsted dis- tricts of the West Riding, especially at Bradford and the sur- rounding villages. In Leeds, trade was almost at a stand stil], 10th. This being the daj^ fixed by Fergus O'Connor, for the presentation to the House of Commons of the monster chartist petition, immense excitement was created through- out England, especially in the metropolis, which was strongly guarded by troops, and protected by the police and special constables ; the Bank of England was defended by Sappers and Miners. At this time the present Emperor Napoleon was a special constable in London, and lodged in a garret there. On presenting the petition to the House, Mr. O'Connor stated that it was signed by 5,700,000 persons, and that the petitioners prayed for annual pn.rlia-^ ments, universal suffrage, vote by ballot, equal electoral districts, no property qualification, and payment of mem- bers. The petition was read to the House, and then re- moved. Great chartist meetings were held in most of the large towns of the kingdom. A large meeting was held on Skircoat-moor, near Halifax, on the 21st, and on Wood- house -moor, Leeds, on the 24th. A public meeting con- vened by the mayor, was held at Bradford on the 25th, in the Temperance-hall, to take into consideration the state of the country, and the necessity- of making repre- sentation co-extensive with taxation. May 1st. A desperate civil conflict broke out at Limerick, between the two sections of repealers, namely, the partizans of Mr. O'Connell and those of Smith O'Brien, Meagher, and Mitchell. Great excitement had for some time pre- vailed in Ireland. The government instituted prosecutions against O'Brien, Mitchell, and Meagher. On the 26th of May, Mitchell was found guilty, the other two were ac- quitted. After the conviction of MitcheU, great excitement prevailed in London and Manchester, in both places the military were called out. 9th. The Morley tunnel, on the Leeds and Dewsbury Railway was completed. It is 3,370 yards, or nearly two miles long. At Leeds, on 558 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOSK, AND 1848.— May. Sunday and Sionday, the 28tli and 29t]i of May, a large number of persons, mostly lads, assembled on Woodliouse- moor, armed with sticks, and vrent through various evolu- tions. The mayor issued a proclamation, cautioning parties against assembling, and calling attention to an act, entitled, " An act to prevent the training of persons to the use of arms, and to the practice of military evolutions, and exer- cise." A serious riot occurred at Biugley, and several of the leaders v/ere committed to York-castle. On the 29th of May, the authorities at Bradford determined to put a stop to the drilling and parading the streets, which had for some time prevailed. The consequence Y.^as that a collision took place between the populace and the civil and military forces. At the corner of Adelaide-street, the police a,ttempted to make the large crowd of persons assembled at this point disperse. The police drew their cutlasses, the special con- stables their staves, and they were met by the mob with bludgeons, stones, and brick-bats. In the thickest of the fight the dragoons galloped to the spot and quelled the disturbance, but not before a many persons had been seriously wounded. Similar disturbances occurred in the neighbourhood of White Abbey, Bradford, on the 3rd of June, when the military were again called out. Several persons were committed to York, and suffered imprison- ment. In London, Mr. Ernest Jones, and other chartist leaders, Avere arrested on a charge of using seditious language, subsequently found guilty, and sentenced to be imprisoned. A monster chartist meeting was held on Toftshaw-moor, on the 12tli of June, but all passed off peaceably, though the authorities v/ere armed ready to suppress any disturbance that might have taken place. June 7tli. The workmen employed on the Leeds and Dewsbury railway, in the ground near Spring Hill Gardens, between Wellingfcon-street and the suspenson bridge, nearly opposite the end of Queen-street, Leeds, dug up a large quantity of human bones, consisting of skulls and thigh bones, supposed to have been buried there during the civil wars. Large cannon balls have been found near the same place ; one recently, which is in the Philosophical-hall, weighs 28Jlbs. Louis Napoleon was admitted a member of the French INational Assembly. He was at the time in London. lOtii. Died, aged 85, Benjamin Goodman, Esq., of Leeds. He was a zealous friend of many local charities, and the father of the late Sir George Goodman. 12th. A cricket match was played on the Yictoria ground, Woodliouse, Leeds, THE SURR0UND1^'G DISTHICT. 559 1848.— June. "between the Leeds cricket club, and tlie Bradford Brunswick club, wliich was won by tlie latter with four wickets to fall. 13th. The annual meeting of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes was held in the city of Ripon. The Dean of Eipon presided. 15th. A public meeting of the inhabitants of Leeds was held in the yard of the mixed cloth-hall, convened and presided over by the mayor, to promote parliamentary reform. 25th. A four days civil "war took place in the streets of Paris, more than thiHy thousand men are said to have been killed and wounded, including among the killed four generals, four members of the National assembly, the Archbishop of Paris, and a crowd of officers, as well as multitudes of citizens, acting as national guards. General Cavaignac was elected president of council with the executive authority. July 12th. The tenth annual meeting of the Royal Agri- cultural Society of England was held at York, and in point of magnitude and importance the proceedings were un- equalled by those of any previous year. Prince Albert, the Duke of Cambridge and others honoured the city by their presence. ISth. Died of erysipelas, aged 54, the Rev. Richard Winter Hamilton, LL.D., and D.D., minister of Belgrave Independent chapel, Leeds. He was a native of London, where he was born on the Gth of July, 1794. His father was the Rev. Frederick Hamilton, Independent minister of Brighton, and his mother, Martha, the daugh- ter of the Rev. Richard Winter, B.D., pastor of the Inde- pendent church, Kew- court, Carey-street, London. He was late in speaking plain and learning to read, and as a boy had unbounded sprits, and a lively imagination ; was a mimic and got plentifully into scrapes, but v>'as nobly and fearlessly truthful ; when a chUd, in frocks, riding from Brighton over the South Downs, on coming at once in sight of a richly wooded and extensive country, he stood silent a few minutes, and then, with glowing countenance exclaimed *' Mamma, this m^ust be heaven !" He was educated partly at a school in the Isle of Wight, and partly at the Protestant Dissenters grammar school. Mill-hill, near London. In August, 1810, he became a student at Hoxton college, where he made great progress in his studies. On the loth of March, 1815, he was ordained the minister of Albion chapel, Leeds, then in the occupation of the Independents. This body removed to a more commodious and handsome structure, Belgrave chapel, which was opened on the Gth of January, 1836, where Mr. Hamilton continued his ministry 560 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1848.— July. till tlie close of kis life. He married on the 21st of May, 1816^ Rachel, the daughter of Michael Thackray, Esq. , of Leeds^ by whom he had two daughters, and a son. The birth of the latter was fatal to the mother. On the 6th of December 1836, he married Harriet, daughter of John Robson, Esq., of Sutton-hall, who survived him. His eloquence, high attainments, and wit, placed him in a commanding position amongst his fellow-men. His published works are numer- ous, showing great intellectual power, research, and a great exhuberance of language. Milton's description of the English people has not been inaptly applied to him — " Not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing spirit ; acute to invent, subtile and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach of any point the highest that human, capacity can soar to. " In private life he was deservedly es- teemed for the purity of his character, and for the warmth and sincerity of his social affections. He was interred at Woodhouse cemetery, and his remains were followed to their last resting place by hundreds of the inhabitants, and many Independent ministers and laity from other towns at a distance. The Rev. Dr. Raffles, of Liverpool, impressively read the funeral service. A monument to the memory of the deceased was erected in Woodhouse cemetery in March, 1851, from a design prepared by Mr. J. Dobson, architect, and executed in cleansed stone, from Park- Spring quarries, by Mr. George Hogg, of Leeds. It stands above twenty- three feet in height, and covers a space of about seven feet square at the base. It is a chaste and beautiful classical structure, composed of a base or pedestal, supporting four Grecian Doric columns, six feet nine inches high, surmounted by an appropriate architrave, frieze and cornice, (fcc. The archi- trave is ornamented with guttae, or drops, the triglyphs usually placed over them in the frieze, are omitted, and sculptured representations of the cross, a book, and olive branches entwined and tied by ribbons, substituted instead. The four angles are ornamented with honeysuckles and hanging v^eaths. On the top of the pedestal in the centre of the space between the columns, is placed a large and massive urn, partly covered by drapery. The _ base or l^edestal is seven feet square, and seven feet six inches in height, composed of plinth, base dado, and cornice, with projections at the angles panelled on the face, and an in- verted torch cut in them, symbolical of death. The dado on the four sides of the pedestal has projecting tables, for inscriptions, on one of which is the following : — THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 561 1848.— July. " In memory of Rich;) r J Winter Harailtou, LL D., D.D., 34 years pastor of the Indepeinlent church assembling- in Albion and Belgrave cliape]s,LeeuS. HediedJuly 18th, 1848, aged 54 years. His rare talerits, exten.xive learning;, and fervid eloquence, were coasecrated to the glory of God and the highest interest of man. As a minister and pastor, he was ejrisest, affectionate, and faithful; as a divine, zealous for soand theology and evangelical truth. Honoured and beloved for his genuine piety and hi^h principle, the, warmth and openness of his heart, his ardent patriotism and love of freedom. This monument, erected by his tovvnsraen, testifies that they mourned his death and cherish his memory." 21st. In consequence of a tlireateued rebellion in Ireland, the House of Commons passed a bill to suspend the Habeas Corpus act in Ireland until the 1st of March, 1849. The effect of tlie act would be to detain in custody, without bail, prisoners charged "i^-ith high treason, or treasonable practices. The rebellion soon after broke out. Smith O'Brien and other leaders were arrested on charges of high treason, subsequently found guilty, and transported for life. At this time, the deaths from cholera in St. Peters - bui'gh were 1,500 daily. The disease was steadily moving westward, and the English government were already taking precautionary measures in case of its aT^pearance in England. 31st. The Leeds and Dewsbury Railway was this day formally opened by the directors. The line was opened to the public on the 18th of September. Aug. 1st. Died, aged 42, after a protracted and lingering illness, borne vdih exemplary patience and entire resignation to the divine will, the Rev. Joseph Ware, A.M., for nine jears the much esteemed and laborious incumbent of St. Stephen's, KirkstaU. The Doncaster Gazette stated that ' ' On the 1st of August, 1848, about eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in the centre of a movv^n field, about a mile from Methley, a gush of water burst out to tlie height of twelve inches. Immediately afterwards it was followed by Jfire and vapour to the height of about three feet." The extraordinary circumstance attracted the notice of the en- gine driver of a train to Methley, who stopped the train, and the phenomena was witnessed by the passengers. Died, about midnight, on the 3rd of August, aged 74 years and six months, Edward Baines, Esq. , of Leeds, senior proprietor of the Leeds Mercury, and formerly one of the members of the borough. He was the second son of Richard and Jane Baines, of Preston in Lancashire, and -was bom on the 5th of Feljruary, 1774, at Walton-le-dale, 562 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1848.— .Aug. near tliat place. His father was first an excise officer, then a grocer, then a cotton spinner and manufacturer, and during the latter years of his life a land agent, and coal merchant. Edward was apprenticed when upwards of sixteen years of age to Mr. Thomas Walker, printer, of Preston. On the 1st of June, 1793, Mr. Walker started a liberal newspaper called the Preston Heview, but after a two years existence it was discontinued. The business in the printing office was so- much diminished, that young Baines, although he had two years still to serve, received from his master his indentures. He then left Preston for Leeds in search of work as a printer. He walked the whole distance with a bundle on his arm, and very little money in his pocket. On his arrival at Leeds, he proceeded to the printing office of Messrs. Binns and Brown, the publishers of the Leeds Mercury, and enquired if they had room for an apprentice to finish his time. He was taken into the office, and by his punctuality, industry, and good manners, soon won the esteem and confidence of his employers. His apprenticeship terminated in the month of September, 1797, and on the following day he commenced business as a printer in the Rose and Crown Yard, Briggate, in partnership with a Mr. Fen wick, the firm being ' ' Baines and Fen wick." In the early part of the foUomng year the partnership was dissolved. On the 2nd of July, 1798, he married Charlotte, the daughter of Mr, Matthew Talbot, of Leeds. She was a most affectionate, pious, and Grod fearing woman, and exercised no little influence on the future career of her husband and family. She survived her husband two years and a half, and died Feb. 26th, 1851, aged 75 years. On his marriage he took a house and printing office in Dickiuson's-court, Briggate, where business soon poured in upon him, for he was known to be a man of industrious, frugal, temperate, and punctual habits. In 1801, by the assistance of his friends who lent him £1000, (which he re- paid with interest,) he purchased the copyright of the Leeds Mercury, the good-will of the printing business, and the printing materials for the sum of £1,552. He also took a- lease for seven years of the printing office iu Mercury-yard, 71010 Heaton's-court, Briggate. The first number of the Mercury published by him appeared on the 7th of March, 1801, and from that time it was considered to be the organ of the whig and dissenting interest in Leeds. One evening in November, 1805, Mr. Baines' dwelling situate on the south side of Park-square, was partially destroyed by fire, by which he suffered the loss of his furniture. At the begin- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 563 1848.— Are. ning of 1807 lie removed his business to premises in the middle of Briggate, just abov^e Duncan- street end, where it was continued until after his death. The Mercury was originally established in May, 1718. It was then of small dimensions, printed on twelve pages of small quarto size and large tyj^e, containing altogether about 5,000 words, price l|-d. After the paper came into the hands of Mr. Baines it gradually increased in circulation, and was from iime to time enlarged in size. In 1801 the w^eekly circulation was about 800 copies ; in 1804 it was 1,500 ; in 1806, 1,950 ; in 1829, 5,200. In 1845 the paper was further enlarged, and contained nine times more matter than when it first came into ^Ir. Baines' hands. In 1847 the weekly circula- tion was 9, 200. The Mercury is said to have been the first paper in Yorkshire that sent a reporter to the York assizes. In 1814 Mr. Baines commenced the publication in monthly parts, of a work entitled "The History of the wars of the French Revolution. " It extended to two quarto volumes. The history was afterwards expanded into a History of the Reign of George III. , by the addition of two other volumes. This work is said to have been very successful, the sale being about 150, 000 copies. In 1818 he had a family of nine children. At this time he built for himself a house in King-street, where he continued to reside until his death. Mr. Baines had altogether eleven children, two died in infancy, and nine grew up to maturity and married. The parents lived to see upwards of forty grand-children. In 1821 he purchased an estate at Chat Moss, situate a few miles beyond Manchester, on the line of the Liverpool and Manchester railway, and "for more than a quarter of a century "^dsited it with lively in- terest, and felt more than the pleasure of the man who had made two blades of grass to grow, where only one had grown before. " In 1827 he took his son Edward (the jjresent member for Leeds) into partnership, though he had long assisted in the management of the paper. At the beginning of 1831 he commenced the publication of his " History of the county Palatine, and Duchy of Lancaster." Mr. Edward Baines, junr., composed for the work the History of the Cotton Maniifacture. From the year 1807 when the memorable con- test of Lascelles and Milton for the AVest-Riding took place, (Baines espousing the case of Lord Milton,) he showed him- seK a most active politician, and took a lead in all the public movements for national and local reform, and rendered especial ser^dce to his party in the agitation for the Reform act of 1832. He also rendered great assistance in the form- 564 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1848.— AUG. ation of Mechanics' Institutes, Infant Schools, Saving's Banks, (fee. On the 14th of February, 1834, he had the dis- tinguished honour of being elected member of parliament for Leeds in opposition to Sir John Beckett, in the place of Mr. Macaulay, who had accepted a seat in the council of the Governor -general of India, On the 7th of January, 1835, he was again returned for Leeds, along with Sir John Beckett. On the 27th of July, 1837, he was returned along with Sir William Molesworth, and in opposition to Sir John Beckett. He continued to represent Leeds laboriously, and with great ability and impartiality until May, 1841, v/hen he retired on account of his declining health. From that time he devoted what time his health would allow to various public duties, especially those of a magistrate, he having been placed on the commission of peace for the borough, as well as for the West-Riding. In 1847 he had the high satisfaction of seeing his eldest son, Mr. M. T. Baines returned as member for Hull. This son was after- wards returned three times for Leeds, and his second son Edward is now (1860) one of the members for Leeds. In the spring of 1848, Mr. Baines experienced a sensible decline of his health. He died as before mentioned, exhibiting in his last moments the beautiful picture of a good man pre- pared to meet his end. His illness and death excited a high degree of sympathy in the town, throughout Yorkshire, and indeed in many other parts of the kingdom. His funeral was a public one, and vv^as attended by thousands of his fellow-men of every grade, and mthout distinction of party, who all lamented him as a good man and a public benefactor. He was interred at the Woodhouse cemetery, very near the place v/here the Eev. John Ely, and the Rev. Dr. Hamilton were interred. The estimation in which Mr. Baines was held was not only shown by the testimonial presented to him during his life, and by the' honours of his public funeral ; but some time after his death, a full-length portrait by Waller was bought by public subscription, and presented to the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, of whose hall it forms a principal ornament, and where it con- stantly reminds the young of one of the best models they can follow in the pursuit of honour and happiness. Still later, a large subscription was raised by Yery numerous con- tributors (of all parties) in Leeds and the neighbouring towns, with several of his old friends in both Houses of Parliament, to erect a statue in his honour in some public part of the town of Leeds. The statue was executed with THE SUEKOUyDlXG DISTRICT. 565 1848.— Ara. great ability by Behnes, and is an excellent likeness. The size is colossal, being eight feet in height ; and it is made of a faultless block of Carrara marble. Tt "was committed to the care of the Town Council of Leeds, who placed it in the Town Hall, opened in the year 1858. It bears the fol- lowing inscription : — "To commemorate the public services and jirivatp virtues of Edward Baines, who f;'ell church. Although blind, he had for a many years ofiiciated as postman and letter carrier for Rothwell. 25th. An emigrrvut ship, called the Ocean Monarch, was de- stroyed by tire near Liverpool. She had on board at the time 360 passengers, 178 of whom were drowned or burnt to death. The whole would have perished but for three or four vessels- homeward and oulward bound coming to their rescue. A female passenger, named Mary Ann Taylor, of Crab-lane, Armley, near Leeds, (avIio was joining her husband in America,) in order to escape from the intolerable flames, bound her two children on her back and plunged with them into the sea ; she held by the rigging until the v/aves had destroyed the lives for which she risked her own, and was at last only snatched from death herseK by an Irishman loosing the rope which bound her treasures to her body, and so setting her free. On the 4th, 5th, and 6th of September, a grand cricket match was played at Bradford, between eleven of All England v. Bradford and district, when the latter proved victorious, with fifteen wickets to fall. Sept. lltii. ]Mi\ Joseph Barker, formerly of Wortley, near Leed^, a chartist lecturer, and editor and publisher of the People, was apprehended at Bolton, but was subse- quently released from custody. On the IStli, 19th, and 20th, a cricket match was played at the Victoria Grounds, Leeds, between eleven of All England and eighteen of the Leeds Clarence club. The latter won the game, with four- teen wickets to fall. Oct. 7th. Died, at his seat, Castle Howard, aged 75, the 568 ANNALS OF LSED^, YORK, AND 1848.— Oct. R-ight Hon. Eari of Carlisle, K, G. He was tlie sixth earl, and v/as born on the 17th of September, 1773. He married 21st March, 1801, the eldest daughter of the fifth Duke of Devonshire, by whom he had twelve children, ten of whom with their mother survived him. He was educated at Eton and at Christ Church, Oxford, where he took a high degree. He, like his fatlier, embarked earlj^ in political life, and subsequently held several important oJSices under govern- ment. HuNSLET Tragedy. — On Sunday evening, Oct. 8th, the in- habitants of Hunslet, near Leeds, were thrown into a state of great excitement and consternation, by the discovery that a horrible murder had been committed on a female, aged six- teen years, named Esther In-aian, residing with her step- father, Thomas Watson, in Varley's-yard, Hunslet, by her sweetheart, Thomas Maikin, aged seventeen, an operative glass manufacturer, but for twelve months past, employed as wood turner at Holdsworfcli's flax mill, residing in Merry- fold, Hunslet-moor-end, nearly opposite the Sun Inn. The unfortunate girl had from some cause or other declined Malkin's company, and on the night alluded to, being instigated by motives of jealousy or revenge, he went to the garden gate leading to Watson's house, and observing a girl, named Mary Ann Smith, coming out, he requested her to return and ask Esther Inman to come out for a minute or two as he wished to speak to her. Unhappily the poor girl complied with his request, and while conversing together lie plunged a dagger twice into her breast, causing her death instantly. The dagger was made of a piece of cast-steel, six inches in length and liaK an inch broad, fixed on a turned boiAvood handle. The blade was of one thickness through- out but filed to a sharp edge on each side and at the point. Maikin absconded, but was soon apprehended, and was com- mitted to York on a charge of wilful murder. He was tried before Mr. J3aron Piatt, on the 21st of December, and pleaded Not Guilty, in a firm tone of voice. Mr. Hall, Mr. Hill, and Mr. Wheelhouse appeared for the prosecution ; Mr. Overend and Mr. Johnstone def.jnded the prisoner. After a patient trial he v/as found Guilty, but was recom- mended to mercy on account of his extreme youth. He was then asked if he liad anything to say why sentence of death should not be passed upon him. When he replied, "My lord j udge, and gentlemen of the jury, I can truly say that I am perfectly innocent of this crime. It seems to be rather difficult for me to have nothing found upon me — no blood, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 569 1848.— Oct. nor auything of this kind. I can't really, I can't talk for myseK, but I am perfectly innocent of the crime. I never had thoughts of doing what I call 'my lover, Esther Inman.' any injury, never in my life, I alwaj's intended and strived to do the best I could for her, and I never thought any ill of her. I cannot say anything more, my lord judge." Sentence of death was then passed upon the prisoner, with- out any hope of mercy. On the following day he made a confession of his guiit to the Rev. Thomas Sutton, the prison chaplain, to the eifect that he was the cause of the death of his lover, and that he had contemplated the murder some time previously. He declared that he was actuated by a feeling which had he seen any other man talk- ing with her, would have induced him to murder them both, and then to take his ovni life. On the (3th of January, 1849, lie expiated his awful crime on the gallows. 16tli. The Leeds Moral and Industrial Training School was formally opened this day. The first stone was laid on the 12th of October, 1846, by J. Metcalfe, Esq., chairman of the Leeds Board of Guardians in the presence of a large number of spectators. It is pleasantly situated at Bur- mantofts, occupying an eligible and elevated site of six acres in extent, including the play-ground and garden. It is built of brick, with stone facings, at a cost of £14,000. The principal front of the school buildings is 270 feet in extent, and the depth from front to rear, 178 feet. The style of architecture is the Elizabethan. The front presents a commanding appearance, the eight projecting portions being surrounded by octangular stone turrets with moulded canopies ; the -wings have bay windows from the ground to the roof, over which are high pointed gables, and in the centre front there are three large oriel windows. The in- terior is arranged for the classification of the inmates, the northern side being appropriated to the girls, and the south to the boys. Through the centre is a large pile of buildings, separating the boys and girls' playground, the western por- tion of which is appropriated to the infant's school room, day room, and dormitories ; the other portions being used as kitchens, dining rooms, chapel, ttc. In the rear build- ings, there are fever wards for both sexes. Between the rear and front buildings, there are covered colonnades, to enable the children to take out-door exercise in wet weather. In the extreme wings of the front buildings are the spacious day rooms, measuring 50 feet by 25 feet, and over these are school rooms of like dimensions. The centre of 570 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOUK, AND 1848.— Oct. , the front buildings comprises the board room, ?vnd the head master's aparfcments, the teachers' dining room, entrance hall, and principal staircase ; and on the right and left of the centre of the ground floor, are the store room, ward- robes, and bath rooms, &c. , with a spacious corridor, ex- tending the whole length of the building at the back thereof. On the first and second floor there are eight dormitories 50 feet by 25 each, and 14 feet high, adjoining to which are apartments for the teachers. The chapel and dining hall are each 45 feet by 30 feet ; the former has a handsome open timbered roof stained in imitation of oak ; the latter is about 14 feet in height. The admission to the school is vested absolutely in the Board of Guardians, and the in- mates generally consist of orphans or deserted children ; but there are also a few who are children of deserving resi- dent poor. They are received at an early age, and are immediately placed under the superintendence of the school- master or schoolmistress to be taught industrial work. The building^ has accommodation for about 400 children and youths, and has often from 230 to 300 inmates. The E-ev. R. C. Yfeston, is chaplain ; Mr. Woodhead is master, and Mrs. Woodhead, matron. Messrs. Perkin and Backhouse, of Leeds, were the architects. Nov. Fifty cases of fever were admitted into the Leeds House of Recovery during the month of November, being an increase of 56 per cent, on the previous months of the year, and the cases generally were of a very severe character. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1st Novkmber, 1848. Those in brackets were elected. MiLL-HiLL,[E(]vvinBirchall,L;.Foseph Town, L] West, [John Han.-on, R, 253; William Avea-s, L, 22.^ ;J William Bland, L, 222. North- West, [William Dixon, L.j North, J. G. Heaps, It.]__NoR]H-EAST, [Tl.omas Hall, R.] East. [Edward Mor- gan, R.] IviRKGATB, [John Jack^'on, jun., L, i82;] John Gar- land, C, 16). South. [Samuel Cruft, L, 200;] Benjamin Barker, R, ]02. HuNSLKT, [Joseph Wilkinson, L, 360;] John Carr, R, 30/. HoLBKCK, [.loseph Barker, R, f77 ; W. E. Hepper, L, 534;] John Whiteheid, L, 49/; John Tempest, C, 408. Bram- LEV, [John Lister, C, 268 ; William Ellis, L, 246;] Saml. Clajton, L, 201"; — Bradshavv, L, 1. Headingley, [John Daniel, C] Nov. 9th John Hope Shaw, Esq., elected mayor. Sept North- East Ward, wet' Metealr*, decea.sed, [David Richard- son, C. 106;] Thos. Cordin^lej, R, 82 ; Jame.-< Baldwin, R. 24. Nov. 8th. Headin2:lej Ward, vice Hirst, left the town, [Robert White, C, 176;] Jarvis Brady, R, ys. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 571 1S48.— Nov. Nov. 15. Died, aged 55 years, George Lane Fox, Esq., of Brainham Park, in Yorkshire, 28th. On the evening of this day, about eight o'clock, Staniield Hall, near Wymondham, was the scene of a most fearful murder. Mr. Jermey, the recorder of Norwich, and his son, were each shot dead by an assassin wrapped in a cloak and masked. The murderer also disharged a pistol at Mrs. Jeremy, the shot shivering one of her arms, and wounding her in the breast. He also shot the maid servant, named Elizabeth Chestney, severely wounding her in the leg. James Bloomtield Rush was apprehended a few hours afterwards on suspicion, aud was subsequently committed on a charge of wilful murder. He was tried at Norwich, in April following, the trial occuping six days, and the prisoner conducting his OAvn defence. On the 4th of April, 1 849, he was found guilty, and sentenced to death, and was executed on the 21st of the same month in the presence of 20,000 spectators, protesting his innocence to the last. Dec. 4th. The celebrated Jenny Lind gave a concert at the Music-hall, Leeds. The sum taken for tic1i:ets was £700, and would have been larger but for want of room. 11th. Louis Napoleon was elected president of the French Republic by an overwhelming majority. His competitors were General Cavaignac, Ledru Rollin, Raspail, and Lam- , artine. West-Riding Election. — 11th. In consequence of the elevation of Lord Morpeth to the house of Lords, on the demise of his father, a vacancy occurred in the West-Riding. On November 21st, the Hon. C. W. W. Fitzwilliam, youngest son of Earl Fitzwilliam, of Y/entworth House, attended at the Leeds Cloth-hall to address the electors, and met ^vith a very unfavourable reception. He was introduced to the meeting by James Brown, Esq., of Hiirehills Lodge, after which he made a short speech, and was questioned by Francis Carbutt, Joseph Barker, Joseph Richardson, and others. John Arthur Roebuck who was present on the platform, made a speech on the West-Riding election. Mr. Fitzwilliam afterwards withdrew. The 11th of December was the nomination day at Wakefield. James Hamerton, Esq., of Hellifield Peel, proposed, and Francis Carbutt, Esq., of Leeds, seconded Sir Culling Eardley. The Hon. Ed\^in Lascelles, M.P., proposed, and John Rand, Esq., of Bradford, seconded Edmund Denison, Esq. , of Doncaster. Mr. Isaac Ironsides, of Shefheld, proposed, and Mr. Rich- ard Brook, of Huddersfield, seconded Mr. Samuel Kydd, 572 ANJfALS OP LEEDS, YORK, AND 1848.— Dec. of London. Sir Culling Eardley had the show of hands^ and a poll was demanded on behalf of Mr, Denison. Sir Culling Eardley, owing to illness could not be present at the nomination, and was represented by John Bright, Esq., M. P. The polling took place on the 14th and 15th of De- cember. The result was for :— Mr. Denison, (C.) 14,743. Sir CuUing Eardley, (L.) 11,795. Majority for Mr. Denison 2,948. Leeds polled for Mr. Denison 1,354 votes, and for Sir C. Eardley, 1,080. 19th. The annual soiree of the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, was celebrated in the Music-hall, Albion-street. The Rev. Dr. Erskine, Dean of Ripon, presided, and addresses were de- livered by John Hope Shaw, Esq. , mayor. , WilUam Beckett, Esq. M. P., Edward Baines, Esq., J. G. Marshall, Esq. M.P., the Rev. Wfti. Sinclair, Edmund Denison, Esq., M.P., and others. 22nd. The Lord Chancellor issued a new commission of the peace for the borough of Leeds, dated December 22nd, consisting of : — Sir Thomas Beckett, Thomas Benyon, William Williams Bro\»rn, Thomas William I'ottie, Hamer StHnsfeld, John Clapham, Edward Grace, George Goodman, James Holdforth, William Pawson, D.ivid William Nell, Thomas Hebden, Darnton Lupton, William Smith, Jo.seph Robert Atkinson, Richard Bramlej, Henry Hall, Ralph Markland, Henry Co'.vper Marshall, John Darnton Luccock, Charles Gascoigne Maclea, Francis Carbutt, John Hope Shaw, William Hey, John Heaton, John Burton, John Cooper, Juseph Cliff, and Joha Wilkinson. The Leeds and West-Riding Trade Protection Society was established in 1848. The objects of the society being to guard its members against attempts at fraud ; to obtain in- formation as to the character, (fee. ; of persons at a distance desirous of obtaining goods from members ; to collect debts, doubtful, or difficult to obtain, at a moderate commission ; to f urnisii weekly lists of Preferential Securities, including Warrants of Attorney, Cognovits, &c. Mr. M. Johnson is Secretary. Offices, 8, Park-row. 1849. January. As some workmen were employed in draining the land on "Addle Mill Farm," near Leeds, belonging to Edwin Eddison, Esq., they discovered a THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 573 1849— Jan. very perfect Roman, or Saxon coffin, hewn out of stone, about seven feet long, two feet wide, and two feet deej), one of the ends being a little A\T.der than the other. The upper side of the coffin lid was scarcely two feet under the surface of the ground. Nothing was inside the coffin except a small quantity of dark lookLug mould. Jan. 1st. Matt iiew Talbot Baines, Esq., was appointed presi- dent of the Poor-law Board. Ith, Died, aged 46, at liis residence in Park-square, Leeds, John Hepwortli Hill, Esq. , barrister-at-law. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he distinguished himself in his class, and obtained the honour of a senior optime in 1824. He was called to the bar in the year 1827, after which he practised on the northern circuit. At the time of his death he was Hecorder of Pontefract, Judge of the Sheriff's court, under the title of SberiiTs assessor ; one of the patrons of the Leeds parish church, and a governor of the Leeds Free Grammar school. The late Robert Hall said of him that *' he was one of the kindest, truest, and most upright of men : not so quick as some, not so impassioned as others ; in his profession he was a safe, untiring, and successful counsellor, ever equal to occasions as they arose ; whilst in his general character there shone forth all the sterling quali- ties that make up a man, their lustre unblemished by one single meanness." At this time the discovery of gold in California, caused vast numbers of people in the United States of America, and in England, to emigrate to the la,nd of gold. 18th. In the Ecclesiastical court at York, judgment was given against the Rev. Richard Hale, vicar of Harewood, for an ailedged " irreverent and unseemly con- duct in the pulpit, and also for qua^rreling, chiding, and brawling by words, during such times (1847) in the parish church of Harewood." The sentence of the court was : — • That the Rev. defendant be suspended from his ministry for six months ; that he be condemned in the costs of the suit, and that he be admonished to refrain for the future from practices alleged against him. On Saturday the 27th of January, a fine boy four years old, the son of Mr. Halle- well, farmer, near Hawoith, wandered on the moors, and got lost, and although hundreds of people traversed the moors in search of him on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, he could not be found. The poor child was found on Wed- nesday morning, a corpse, having wandered three miles from home, on the dreary hea,th. About eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the 24th of Jan- 574 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1849.— Jan. nary, a terrific explosion took place at the Darley Main colliery, Worsbro' Dale, about two miles south of Barnsley, and near the turnpike road leading from that town to Shef- field. There were more than one hundred men and boys in the pit at the time of the said occurrence. Thirty one- married men, and forty four unmarried men and boys, making a total of seventy five, lost their lives. By this melancholy accident thirty one widows and fifty five children were left in a state of great distress. A relief fund was raised for the suffering survivors, and the widows and orphans and families of those who were dead. Feb. 20th. The first soiree of the Skipton Mechanics' Insti- tution was celebrated in the castle. Henry Alcock, Esq. , presided. March. In this month, at the Music-hall, Leeds, two- men and two women, natives of Southern Africa, of the Hottentot tribe, and styled Bosjesmen, or Bushmen, were exhibited and caused a great deal of attraction. 20th. Charles Albert, King of Sardinia, crossed the Ticino on his march to subdue Lombardy. Six days afterwards he abdicated, and made a sudden flight towards France, 29th, Died, at Madeira, John Lofthouse, Esq. , of the firm of Barr, Lofthouse, and Nelson, solicitors, Leeds. He was extensively known, and very highly re- 23rd. The last arch of the Aire viaduct of the Leeds and. Thirsk Railway was completed this day ; the first stone was laid on the 31st of May, 1847. The entire length is 1367 feet, and its height from the foundation in the river to the top of the coping 76 feet. There are 22 arches, each of 48 feet span, and one crossing the Leeds and Liverpool canal of a beautiful elliptic form of 41 feet span. Election of Guardians of the Poor for the township of Leeds, April : — Kast, Geo. Lumb. Kirkgatk, Joseph Hall, William Long. MiLL-HiLi, 'I'homas Dawkins, Thoma.s KatriaiKl, John Patrick. North, Richard Stead, Thomas Headland. North- East^. John Morfitt, Simu^-l Brown Hargreive. --Norih West, John Howard, W^illiam Whitfield. South, Thomas Powell, Thomas Harrison. Wksf, Thomas Newsam, Willi im Walker, Peter Law Atkinson. John Morfitt, Esq., was elected chairman. April 8th. A large amount of property was destroyed at Cowling, near Keighley, by the bursting of a reservoir which supplied with water the small cotton mill, worked by- Messrs. Watson, in Ickomshaw. 11th. A West Riding THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 575 1849.— April. iDanquet was given to Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P,, in the hall of the Wakefield Corn Exchange. George Goodman, Esq., of Leeds, presided. 12th. A financial reform meeting took place at the Music-hall, Leeds. J. G. Mar- shall, Esq., presided, and the meeting was addressed by Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P., and others. 14th. The navies engaged on the Huddersfield and Manchester railway, At Marsden and Milnes bridge, near Huddersfield, broke out in riot, owing to some dispute about their wages. Several of the ringleaders were committed to York for trial, on charges of riot and conspiracy, and suffered imprisonment. 25th, At the Leeds Court-house, Messrs. Hay, and Sharp, tobacco manufacturers, of Mill-hill, were charged with, and found guilty of adulterating tobacco. They were fined £300 with the forfeiture of 2501bs of tobacco. May 21st. Sa:\iuel Gibsox, a distinguished member of the Manchester Botanists Society, born at Sowerby bridge, York- shire, his father being a whitesmith ; died May 21st, 1849, at M}iiholmroyd, near Hebden bridge ; only went for a short time to a Sunday-school ; was apprenticed to his father ; was a very ingenious mechanic, and an expert and elegant turner ; worked as a spindle and fly-maker at Heb- den bridge ; began to employ his leisure in the study of botany (1818) ; opened a whitesmith's shop on his own ac- count (1820) ; and followed the business for the remainder of his life. His contributions to the " Phytologist, " and other publications, bear ample testimony to his industry, and to his devotion to science. At his death he left a valuable Herbarium, containing a collection of the flowering plants, ferns, and their allies, of Great Britain, complete to within twenty specimens ; extensive collections of mosses, lichens, jungerm anniae and marine algae ; about 1,000 specim^s of British and other seeds, and seed vessels, ingeniously and neatly mounted between thin plates of glass ; about 140 specimens of British woods and plants, prepared and mount- ed for the microscope. In 1826 he commenced the study of entomology, and collected a very valuable series of British insects, arranged in thirty four boxes. In Conchology he made valuable and extensive collections of British, marine, fresh- water, and land shells, as well as a considerable assort- ment of foreign specimens. In Geology he collected and arranged a cabinet of the fossil shells of mountain limestone, shale and coal measures, which was considered unique. Situate in a country village, remote from books and men of science, and destined to earn his bread by a laborious em- 576 Am^ALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1849.— May. ployment, this intelligent and excellent man, by his energies and industry, overcame all the difficulties that beset him, and accomplished very much in the way of collecting new objects in almost every department of local natural history. His example gave an impulse to the study of nature in the surrounding districts. He suffered a long illness prior to his death, and his means became circumscribed ; but he found a resource in his collections, a good part of which he sold in order to obtain the means o^ subsistence. The rest he left to his widow and children. A portrait of Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Mus. Doc, Oxon, was presented to him by a few gentlemen connected with the Leeds parish church choir, as a mark of their friendship and high appreciation of his musical genius. June. Cholera. — During the year 1848, the cholera raged with great severity iu Russia and Germany. In September of that year three fatal cases occurred on board a vessel at Hull, and two others on a vessel at Sunderland. In Decem- ber, several fatal cases occurred at Castleford. In June, 1849, the epidemic broke out in a many parts of England, as well as with much greater severity in Russia, France, Holland, and Ireland. In 1848-9, in London, in fifteen months, the disease was fatal to 18,431 persons. Some idea of its ravages in England may be gathered from the fact that the total deaths from cholera reported to the General Board of Health during 1849, amounted to 72,180. For a single week ended 1st September, there were in England and Wales 3,128 fatal cases. The first case in Leeds occurred on the 12th of June, in the family of an Irishman, named McCarthey, in Wheeler-street, Bank. The next case was that i)f Jonas Brook, Market-street, who died on the 14th of June. The disease then spread rapidly until September, when it began to diminish. It entirely disappeared about the middle of October. The total deaths from cholera and diarrhea in the tovmship of Leeds during the four months amounted to 1,674 ; the proportion of cases of cholera to diarrhea, being about five to one. The disease was most prevalent in Marsh-lane, York-street, Quarry-hill, ;N"eT\i;own, Leylands, and New-road-end. It was singularly fatal to a family of the name of Craven, in Cavalier-street, no less than eight deaths having occurred in that family alone. In the borough of Leeds, the total deaths considerably exceeded 2,000. In the township of Hunslet alone, in sixteen weeks ended 10th of October, there were 432 fatal cases. It broke out first at Hunslet-carr, and in less than a week there vrere 28 deaths. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 577 1849.— June. Mr. J. Wilkinson, flax-spinner, of Hiinslet, fell a victim to the disease. At Beeston, out of 48 cases, 17 proved fatal. It may be mentioned here that Captain "Waterton's cholera powder proved very useful in the first stages of the disease, and his house "was Kterally besieged by parties anxious to possess it. During the chojera in Leeds, the follovring articles were destroyed by order of the town's sur- geons, namely, 868 flock beds, 258 flock pillows, 12 pillow cases, 15 bed-ticks, 375 coverlets, 546 blankets, and 282 cotton sheets ; they were replaced out of the poor rates. The malady raged mth great violence at Wakefield. In the lunatic asylum there, from the 4th to the 19th of October, out of a total of 500 inmates, 40 cases proved fatal. A curious fact is mentioned in the report to the Registrar General on the mortality of cholera in England and Wales, namely, that the cholera every^vhere prevailed more on certain days of the week and less on others. ' ' On Satur- days, jMondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, the deaths from cholera were above, and on Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays below the average. In the whole country, Tuesday was the most, Friday the least fatal day of the week. The disparity of the deaths was greatest in London, where 2,194 persons died on Mondays, 2,136 on Tuesdays, and only 1,927 on Thursdays, and 1,824 on Fridays. The weekly wages there are generally paid on Saturdays, and the Mondays in London and other large cities, are the days on which a cer- tain proportion of the population indulge in intoxicating drinks. The Fridays are days of comparative abstinence." July 2nd. Died, at the rectory, Kemerton, the resi- dence of his son, Robert Disney Thorp, M.D., late of Leeds, in the 83rd year of his age. Dr. Thorp was for a many years one of the leading medical men of the 'town, and was for a long time one of the physicians of the Leeds General Infirmary. 9th. The Leeds and Thirsk railway was opened this day. 11th. Died, Mr Justice Coltman, aged 68, of Cholera, at his house in Hyde Park gardens, London. 30th. A public meeting convened by the mayor was held at the Court-house, Leeds, to sympathise with the Hungarian nation against the encroachments of Austrian despotism. Meetings were held at Wakefield, Bradford, and other places, for the same object. At the end of July and in the early part of August, the Yorkshire Agi-icultural Society held its annual meeting at Leeds, for the exhibition of stock, implements, cl:c. The exhibition was held in a large piece of ground formerly used as allotment gardens, 49 578 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1849.— July. situate between the river Aire and Wellington-street, and adjoining G-ott's factory. The great dinner of the society was held in the Stock Exchange, Leeds. The Earl of Car- lisle presided, and the Earl of Harewood acted as vice-chair- man. On the 31st of July and the 1st of August, took place, at the Infirmary gardens, Leeds, a grand horticultural and floral exhibition. Aug. 3rd. The Rev. John Burdsell and the Rev. James Everett, both of York, were expelled the Wesleyan confer- ence, on a charge of being concerned in the authorship of the Fly Sheets, an anonymous publication, which contained remarks upon the proceedings of the conference. These expulsions were followed by that of Messrs. Griffith, Dimn, and others, which led to a serious schism in the Methodist society, and which, in fact, resulted in the formation of "The Reform Methodists," who have since amalgamated v\^ith the Wesleyan Association. Aug. 16th. A new decimal coin, called "a florin," one-tenth of a £, was issued from the Mint. This issue was soon after countermanded owing to an omission of the words Dei Gratia and Fidei Defensor, and a re-issue made of the present florin. 18th. Mr. Wm. Beckwith, secretary and collector to the Leeds Infirmary, was brought before the Leeds magistrates, and committed on a charge of embezzlement of £1,020 7s. of the funds of the charity, and was on the 29th of October transported for seven years. Sept. During this month the workmen employed in quar- rying at Keniton, in Somerset, discovered the remains of two very fine Saurian reptiles, embedded in the lias, one a specimen of Plesiosaurus macrocephalus, nine feet in length ; the other Ichthyosaurus communis, measuring six feet in length. The former was purchased and presented to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society by J. Gr. Marshall, Esq. , and the latter by Wm. WiUiams Brown, Esq. 20th. The Fallowfield-terrace estate, belonging to Mr. Masser, lithographer, consisting of seven dwelling- liouses, near Carr-place, Leeds, was raflled for at the Music- hall, this day. It v/as disposed of in 4,800 shares of a guinea each, and the estimated rental of the whole estate was £230 per annum. Mr. Thomas Bailey, bunting maker, Holbeck, Yfas the winner of the estate. Mr. Titterington, librarian, Holbeck, drew the second prize of £150. Mr. Masser was afterwards prosecuted by the crown, for holding the illegal lottery, and adjudged to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour in the borough house of correction for the space of THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 579 1S49.— Sept. seven days. Burley, near Leeds, was constituted a separate district for spiritual purposes, uuder Sir Robert Peel's act. On the oUtli of September, tlie Rev. Thomas -Sturgeon, M. A. , curate of St. George's, Leeds, was nominated the minister of the new district. It was endowed with £150 a year, by the trustees of the late Mrs. Matthewman, who l>equeathed a certain fund for promoting divine worship according to the liturgy and usages of the United Church of England and Ireland. 29th. The foundation stone of St. Thomas's church, North- street, Leylands, Leeds, was laid by Dr. Hook. This hand- some edifice is built of brick, with stone facings in the decorated style, and forms an object of beauty. It was erected at the sole cost of M. J. Rhodes, Esq., gentleman. It is Tvorthy of being noticed, that the munificent donor had previously accumulated considerable wealth on the very site on which the church now stands. It cost £7,000. Con- nected theremth is a school, built of brick, with stone facings, raised from subscriptions and grant of the Com- mittee of Council of Education. The perpetual curacy is in the gift of the vicar. Incumbent, Rev. A. Bolland, M. A. Oct. 6th. Mean wood church was consecrated by the Bishop of Ripon. On Sunday morning, the 7th of October, about eleven o'clock, the dead body of a man named James Dufton, Jate an inmate of Hunslet Workhouse, was found lying in a burning flint kiln at the Leeds Pottery, occupied by Messrs. Warburton and Co. The head of the deceased was com- pletely burnt off, his skull reduced to a cinder, and his right arm burnt to the socket. His body, on the right side, was also much injured by the fire ; and had a little longer time elapsed before the discovery was made, it is probable that very little of the poor fellow would have been unconsumed except the legs, which were the only members not in imme- diate contact with the burning flint. It is supposed that he had gone to the kiln on the previous Saturday night, fallen asleep upon it, and in this situation, suffocated witli the smoke, the door of the kiln, being closed. Nov. 1st. The foundation stone of the new Baptist chapel, near St. George's church, was laid by Geo. Goodman, Esq. This sacred edifice spraug out of some trivial division which originated in the South-parade place of worship. It is an imposing building of stone, in the early decorated style of architecture. The opening ceremony took i^lace on the 15th of Jan., 1851 ; on which occasion the Hon. and Rev. Baj^tist Noel preached. It will seat 600 persons. The cost amounted to £2,800. The Rev. Dr. Brewer is minister. 580 ANXALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 3849.— Nov. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, 1st November, 1849. Those in brackets were elected. Mill-Hill, [John Moorhouse, L, A. Titley, L.] West, [Wm.. Bland, L, Robt. Foster Wray, R.] North West, [G. Johnstone Crowther, L.] North, [W. Mawson, L.J North East, [Jas. Dufton, L, 228 ;] W. Hartley, E, 44 East, [J. Wainman, L.J KiRKGATE, [.lohn Garland, C, 181 ;J William Kettlewell, L, 179. South, [John Broadhead, L.] Hunslet, [E Blackburn, L.j HoLBECK, [Benjamin Barker, R, 649; John Whitehead, L, 597;] Samuel Stead, L, 51a ; Richard Atkinson, C, 445. Bramley, [Joseph Barker, L, 328 ; George Waring, R, 188 ;] Joseph Oddy, C, 158. Hkadtnglry, [Robert White, C J Nov. 9th. Joseph Bateson elected mayor. February 4 th. Headingley, vice Martin, deceased, [George Skirrow Beecroft, C, ys ;J James Kitson, L, 19. Nov. 2. The annual soiree of the Leeds Mechanics' Insti- tution was held at the Music-hall. Lord Viscount Mahon. ' presided, and the meeting was addressed by the Dean of E/ipon, J. A. Roebuck, Esq., R. M. Milnes, Esq., and others. 15th. Her Majesty appointed this day to be kept as a day of general praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, for having mercifully abated the grievous disease (cholera) with which the kingdom had been so lately visited. Dec. 1st. Died, at his villa, Argilt-hill, near Barnsley, Ebenezer Elliott, the " Corn Law Rhymer." He was born on the 17th of March, 1781, at the New Foundry, Masbro', in the parish of Rotherham. His father, a fanatic in reli- gion and politics, but a brave strong-minded man, was for several years a clerk in an iron foundry at Masbro', ultim- ately commenced business as a master ironfounder, but his affairs going ^vrong, he died in poverty. Ebenezer was j&rst sent to a dame's school, and then to the Hollis school, where he showed no aptitude for knowledge or culture, was guilty of playing truant, and once got into a scrape by stealing duck-eggs in mistake for the eggs of wild birds. ' Sowerby's English Botany ' first developed his poetical tendencies, the coloured plates of which he learned to copy, and ' ' was lifted at once above the inmates of the alehouse at least a foot in mental stature." ''Never," he says, "shall I forget the impression made upon me by the beautiful plates. I actually touched the figure of the primrose, half convinced that the mealiness on the leaves was real. " He became passionately fond of flowers — of all passions the most elegant and inno- cent. They glow in every page of his works, and perfume the very book : — THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 581 1849.— Dec. ' ' Flowers, ye remind me of rock, vale, and wood, Haunts of my early days, and still loved well : your hues, your breath, Call up the dead to combat still with death : The spii'its of my buried years arise ! Again a child, where childhood roved I run ; While groups of speedwell, with their bright blue eyes, Like happy children cluster in the sun. Still the wan primrose hath a golden core ; The miUfoil, thousand-leafed as heretofore, Displays a little world of flow'rets gray ; And tiny maids might hither come to cull The wo-marked cowslip of the dewy May, etc." 'Thomson's Seasons' gave him the first hint of the eternal alliance between poetry and nature. Milton and Shakes- peare also contributed to his education. From his sixteenth to his twenty-third year he worked for his father as laboriously as any servant he had, and without wages, except a shil- ling or two for pocket money. His first start in business as an iron-master at Sheffield was a failure. He made a second start in 1821, being then 40 years of age. He commenced with a borrowed capital of £150, and by strict attention to business ultimately realised a fortune. He could sit in his chair and make his £20 a day without even seeing the goods he dealt in, which were sold from the wharf as they arrived. Mr. Howdtt describes his warehouse as a dingy place, full of bars of iron of all sizes, standing in heaps everywhere around, so that there was only just room for passage — and in the midst a large cast of Shakespeare. Another writer from America describes a visit he paid to the poet, whom he found at his house near his place of business. "The Corn Law Rhymer stood on the threshold in his stocking feet, holding a pair of coarse shoes in his hand. His frank ' ' walk in, " assured me I was welcome. I was confronted with a burly ironmonger, rapid in speech, glowing with enthusiasm, putting and answering a dozen questions in a breath ; eulog- ising American republicanism, throwing sarcasms at the Duke of Wellington, and anointing General Jackson with the oil of flattery ; pouring out a flood of racy talk about church establishments, poetiy, politics, the price of iron, and the price of corn ; while ever and anon he thrust his damp feet into the emljers, and hung his shoes on the grate to dry." The great panic and revulsion of 1837 swept away a considerable portion of his little fortune. He says ^* I lost fully one third of all my savirc;s, and after 582 AN>fALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1849.— Dec. enabling my six boys to quit the nest, got out of tbe fracas with about £6,000, which I will try to keep." He retired from business and from active interference in politics, and left Sheffield in 1841, to spend the rest of his days at Great Houghton, near Barnsley, where he had built himself a house. ' My family here consists of Mrs. Elliott, my two daughters, a servant maid, and a man who works for me occasionally : rid the corn laws, and I shall not be without dim visions of a flunkey. My establishment is illustrious for a St. Bernard dog, and a Welsh pony, the observed of all observers, which, in its green old age of twenty years, draws a small gig, both untaxed. I also run my only Shef- field carriage, the wheelbarrow, besides a pony cart, and I have set up a grindstone. Conceive of me, then, possessed of a mare, gig, and harness, which, with repairs cost £8 10s ; a dog almost as big as the mare, and much wiser than his master ; a pony cart ; a wheelbarrow ; and a grindstone, and turn up your nose if you like ! " In one of his poems he draws a beautiful picture of a family group, and domestic happiness, once his own : — " Blessed is the hearth when daughters gird the fire. And sons that shall be happier than their sire, Who sees them crowd around his evening chair. While love and hope inspire his wordless prayer. O from their home paternal may they go, With little to unlearn, though much to know ! Them, may no poisoned tongue, no evil eye, Curse for the virtues that refuse to die ; The generous heart, the independent mind, Till truth, like falsehood, leaves a sting behind ! May Temperance crown their feast, and Friendship share ! May pity come. Love's sister spirit, there ! May they shun baseness, as they shun the grave ! May they be frugal, pious, humble, brave ! Sweet peace be theirs — the moonlight of the breast— And occupation, and alternate rest ; And dear to care and thought the rural walk ; Theirs' be no flower that withers on the stalk. But roses cropped, that shall not bloom in vain ; And Hope's blessed sun, that sets to rise again. Be chaste their nuptial bed, their home be sweet. Their floor resound the tread of little feet ; Blessed beyond fear and fate, if blessed by thee, And heirs, O Love ! of thine Eternity. " THE SUKROUXDIXG DISTRICT. 583 ] 849.— Dec. During all the time he was in business, and in his retire- ment, he found solace in composition. His published works, are : — 1. Corn Law Rhymes, 2. Love, a poem, 3. The Vil- lage Patriarch, a poem, 4. Poetical Works, 5. More Verse and Prose by the Corn Law Phymer, in two volumes. The late venerable poet Montgomery states that in originality, power, and even beauty, when he chose to be beautiful, — he might have measured heads be- side Byron in tremendous energy ; Crabbe in graphic description, and Coleridge in effusions of domestic ten- derness ; while in intense sympathy with the poor, in whatsoever he deemed their wrongs or their sufferings, he excelled them all. — and perhaps everybody else among con- temporaries, in prose and verse. " For several months prior to his death, his life was one of great suffering, and equal fortitude. His beloved daughter Fanny was married a short time before his death. On the wedding day he was support- ed from his bed to the window, to see the return of the party from church. The fatigue was almost more than he could bear. ' My child,' he said to Fanny, ' I feel so weak that an infant could fell me with a primrose. ' Hearing a robin sing beneath his chamber window, he had just strength to dictate what proved to be his last notes : — '' Thy notes, sweet Robin, soft as dew, Heard soon or late, are dear to me ; To music I could bid adieu, But not to thee. Wlien from my eyes this lifef ul throng- Has pass'd away, no more to be ; Then Autumn's primrose, Robin's song, Return to me. Thus in strains of gentle music did the spirit of the poet pass away into eternity. He was buried in great privacy, as he wished to be, in the churchyard of the beautiful little village of Darfield. The consanguinity between the poet and the man is sho-RTi in the subjoined epitaph written by himself : — Stop, Mortal ! Here thy brother lies, The Poet of the Poor. His books were rivers, woods, and skies, The meadow and the moor ; His teachers were the torn hearts' wail, The tyrant, and the slave. The street, the factorj^, the jail, The palace — and the grave ! 684 ANifALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1850— Jan. The meanest thing, earth's feeblest worm, He feared to scorn or hate ; And honoured in a peasant's form The equal of the great. But if he loved the rich who make The poor man's little more, 111 could he praise the rich who take From plundered labour's store. A hand to do, a head to plan, A heart to feel and dare — Tell man's worst foes, here lies the man Who drew them as they are. 1850. Jan 2nd. The Rev. T. Scales, minister of Queen-street chapel, Leeds, having resigned his pastorship in consequence of declining health, the members of the church and congre- gation presented him with a purse of one hundred sovereigns, accompanied by a testimonial, expressive of their gratitude for his past services, and the deep interest felt in his future welfare. Mr. Scales had been minister thirty years, and commenced first in the old white chapel. 5th. Batley, near Dewsbury, was for three days, com- mencing this day, the scene of a great deal of excitement caused by a poll of the ratepayers, " As to whether Batley should or should not be lighted with gas." The result of the poll for ayes was 590 ; noes, 506 ; majority 84 in favour of gas. 9th. The congregation of St. George's church, Leeds, and the teachers of the school, presented to the Rev. T. Sturgeon, on his removal to his new charge at Burley, a testimonial of respect, consisting of a pocket silver com- munion service, presented by the teachers of the school, and a silver tea service and £200 by the congregation. 11th. The "Lion Queen," Ellen Bright, was killed by a tiger in Wombwell's menagerie at Chatham. 29th. The Humber, the Trent, and the Ouse were visited by a tide of extraordinary height. There were 29 feet 8 inches of water at the Humber dock gates. Many parts of Hull were deeply flooded. At Goole, the banks of the Ouse gave way in two places, and hundreds of acres within five or six miles of that port were speedily laid under water. Boats were floated into the fields, and were used for the rescue of swine and other live stock. The G-oole and Boothferry road was one foot under water, and the ferry having become impassible, parties from Howden for Goole, who wished to cross the Ouse, had to go up to Sandhall. On the Trent at THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 585 1850.— Jan. Flixbro' Statlier, the fields were under water as far as the eye coiild see from the steamers, which came down to Hull from Gainsbro'. The Medway and the Thames were also much swollen, the water overflowed the banks, and in- undated a large space of country, doing immense damage. Feb. 5th. Leeds was visited this evening by a most terrific storm of wind and rain. One of the pinnacles of St. Ann's Roman Catholic church was blown off, the stones of which it consisted falling upon and through the roof into the church. A new building, fourteen yards long and three stories high, just erected above the boiler houses on the premi- ses of Messrs. J. Wilkinson and Co., flax spinners, atHunslet, was also bloAvn doAvn. In other parts of Yorkshire, the storm raged with great violence, doing considerable damage. 8th. Joseph Bateson, Esq., mayor of Leeds, gave a very brilliant party and ball, at the Assembly-rooms, Crown- street. On the same day took place the ceremonial of opening the organ at St. George's church, Leeds. The instrument was built by Messrs. Holt. It was designed by ISlr. R. S. Burton, late organist at St. George's, who super- intended its erection. Dr. S. S. Wesley presided at the opening. 28th. The old custom of putting out the lights amongst the weavers, was celebrated by the work- people of Messrs. Ellis, manufacturers, Arm ley, at the Geldard Arms inn. March 4th. An explosion and a fixe occurred at the Naptha manufactory of Mr. James Bapty, New Wortley, near Leeds, by which a Mr. Brook, lost his life, and other per- sons were injured. 5th. That magnificent structure, the Britannia Tubular Bridge, across the Menia Straits was opened this day. 6th. A society to provide judicious and charitable inquiry into the circumstances of mendicants, in order to aid the beneficent distribution of private benevo- lence in the relief of the deserving poor, called the ' ' Charit- able Inquiry Office," originated this day by a number of influential gentlemen of Leeds, in the Philosophical-hall. At this time the small pox was prevalent in almost all parts of Leeds ; no doubt caused by the great neglect of vaccination, during and since the prevalence of the cholera. On the 7th of March, a slip of paper was found in a. crevice of an old stone quarry, at Armley, belonging to the family of the late Benjamin Gott, Esq., from which no stone had been taken for twenty or thirty years. It contained the following memorandum, the signature being ^vritten with blood : — 586 Aira-ALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1850.— March. Rambling is a pleasure Beauty will decay, Life will not last for ever So I'll go my way. The first opportunity will the above be put into execution. "Witness my hand, this 16th day of September, 1833, in my oyni blood. ' • Abhaham Hutchiis^son. " The writer it is said was the son of Mr. John Hutchinson, cloth manufacturer, Armley, he had led a rambling life, and was at this time (1850) at Bermuda, in the West Indies. A goose belonging to Mr. John Hannal, of Clough mills, Huddersfield, weighing 151bs, and being eleven months old, laid a egg which measured round the long way 12-| inches, and round the largest circular part 9j inches. 16th. John Jessop, a blacksmith at Clayton, near Brad- ford, aged 24, attempted to murder his wife by firing a pistol at her. He then blew his own brains out with another pistol, and fell dead on the floor. The wife who was wounded in the left breast, sur\ived the shot. 19th, A public meeting of bankers, merchants, manufacturers, and other inhabit- ants of Leeds, was held in the Court-house, for the purpose of promoting the success of the great exhibition of the in- dustry of all nations in 1851. 25th. A horse belonging to Mrs. Ball, Marsh-lane, Leeds, died, after being ill for a day or two, and on a post mortem examination of the animal by Mr. Carter, smith and farrier, two round stones were found in its stomach. The largest weighed 4|lbs, and the other more than 12ozs, They were quite smooth, and there is no doubt they were the cause of the animals illness and death. They were presented to the Philosophical and Liter- ary society, by Mr. Jowett. Gruardians of the Poor of the township of Leeds, elected AprH 5th, 1850 :— Kast, Geo. Lumb, John Kighley Clapham. Kirkgate, Wm. Long, Seth Joy Mill-Hill, Thos. Dawkins, Thos. Eagland, John Patrick. North, Richard Stead, Thomas Harrison. North- East, elected, John Morfitt, 719 ; Samuel Brown Hargreave, 705; defeated, John Prest, l/S. North- West, Wm. Whitfield, Geo. Edvvard Taylor. South, Jame.s Smith, Thomas Powell. • We.st, Thomas Newsam, Peter Law Atkinson, William Walker. John Morfitt was elected chairman. April 5th. James Montgomery, Esq. , the venerable poet of Sheffield, being in his 79th year, attended divine service at the Moravian chapel, Fulneck. The i3oet was educated THE SURKOUNDING DISTRICT. 587 1850.— April. at the seminary there, and had for a many years paid a ^dsit on Good Friday to that quiet and romantic village. 11th. Great excitement was caused in Leeds at this time by the renewal of the education question. A public meeting was held in the Court-house, to promote national non- sectarian education, based upon local management. Hamer Stansf eld, Esq. , presided, and the meeting was addressed by Dr. Smiles, iS'Ir. Wm. Brook, and others. On the 15th, a meeting was held at twelve o'clock at noon, at the Court- house, and hj adjournment from thence, to the Music-hall, at seven o'clock in the evening. The object of this meeting was of supporting national education on the principle of strict impartiality to all religious sects, and as far as possible on the basis of local management. Mr. Alderman Shaw presided, and the meeting Avas addressed by the Hev. Wm. Sinclair, the Rev. Chas. Wicksteed, Mr. Councillor Joseph Barker, and others. On the 16th, another meeting was held at noon, in the Coloured Cloth-hall yard, to petition against the bill for secular education, brought into the House of Commons by Mr. W. J. Fox. The Rev. Dr. Holmes pre- sided, and addresses were delivered by Mr. Alderman Car- butt, the Rev. Mr. Williams, Edward Baines, Esq. and others. Hamer Stansf eld, Esq. , proposed, and Dr. Smiles seconded, an amendment in favour of secular education, which was supported by Mr. Councillor Joseph Barker, and others. At six o'clock in the evening a show of hands was taken, when the amendment was declared to be carried. 17th. The first meeting of the Leeds Madrigal and Motet society was held this day. The object of the society was to encourage and promote a taste for vocal part music. Mr. Wm. Spark was appointed the musical director. 20th. Four men named George Tallerton, Robert Farrer, Nathaniel Scholey, and William Jacques, excavators, em- ployed at some new reservoirs on Romalds moor, after drink- ing at a public house till late in the evening, at Otley, commenced breaking windov/s and damaging other property, and on being checked by several parties, they made a most brutal attack on the persons present, by which John Daw- son was killed, five others were stabbed, and a sixth had his neckcloth cut in an attempt to get at his throat. They were committed to York on a charge of wilful murder. The first was transported for three years, and the three latter for life. 23rd. William Wordsworth the poet, died. May. A serious dispute existed at this time between the Leeds magistrates and the to'\VTi council, which threatened 08H ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1850.— May. to become a matter of litigation, as the former body bad threatened proceedings in the Queen's bench. It would seem that the justices had increased the salaries of some of the officers of the Leeds Borough Gaol, and purchased provis- ions for the use of the gaol from the Leeds district flour mill, and that when the orders on the treasurer of the borough for the payment, amounting to £968 12s. 8d. , were sent to the council for confirmation, that body had refused to confirm them. The dispute was settled early in June by deputations from the council and justices holding a conference, and agreeing to certain rules of guidance for the future. June 11th. John Kirk, a brick-maker, died at , Busling- thorpe, Leeds, at the advanced age of 103 years. The de- ceased formerly resided in Park-lane. He came from Derbyshire to Leeds in 1763, and was first employed in making bricks for the Leeds Infirmary, which was opened for the reception of patients in 1768. Up to within two months of his death his eyesight was perfectly good, and he never had occasion to use a stick in walking. 19th. The Rev. Dr. Bunting, a distinguished minister of the Wesleyan Connexion, was entertained at a public break- fast in the Brunswick rooms, Leeds, on which occasion up- wards of 600 persons from the Leeds four circuits assembled together. After which, an address to the reverend gentle- man was adopted, expressive of admiration of his public character. 27th. As Her Majesty was leaving Cam- bridge-house this afternoon, a respectably-dressed man, named Robert Pate, a retired lieutenant of the 10th Hus- sars, sprang forward, and with a small stick struck her a smart blow on the face. He was taken into custody, and transported for seven years. July 2nd. Sir Robert Peel was thrown from his horse near the Green-park, in London, on the 29th of June, and was so severely injured that he expired on the 2nd of July. The event caused the most intense and wide spread grief throughout the kingdom. No statesman of modern times, with the exception of Lord Palmerston, had spent so many years in the civil service of the crown as Sir Robert Peel. In 1841, he became First Lord of the Treasury, and rendered, perhaps the highest service ever rendered to a nation in 1846, by abolishing the Corn Laws — a service which caused his expulsion from office, alienated his political friends, and brought on him the worst imputations, and the most inplacable enmity. He was born February 5th, 1788. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 601 1852 ^Frb. Tvlieii ail at once, m a moment, tlie ponderous cnibankment was carried away by the force and "weiglit of the pent np waters, and desolation, ruin, and death, overspre^id the rich and fertile valley for miles. Trees were torn up by the roots, and hurried onward by the rush of vratcrs, roaring with renewed fury as they swept down each sricccssive obstruction. The death-shrieks of scores ^rere hushed as the flood passed forwards to new scenes of destruction and death, leaving in its track, ponderons pieces of rock weighing many tons ; the dead carcases of horses, cows, goats, and uther cattle ; here and there broken machinery, bags of wool, carding machines, dye-pans, steam engine boilers, timber, spars, looms, fiimi- ture, and everj'- variety of wreck. It would seem as if the v,-hole body of accumulated waters had tumbled down the valley together, sweeping all before them, throwing a four story mill dcAvn like a thing of nought, tossing steam-en- gine boilers about like feathers, and carrying death and destruction in their progress. In c-juseqaence of the nar- rowness bets^-een the mountain blufts on either side, a vast volume of water was kept together, which spent its force upon Holmnrth, where the mass of liouses, shops, luills, warehouses, and other buildings were expected to present a formidable barrier to its furtlier progress. The check, bow- ever, was but momentary, for the flood with the mass of floating wreck which it carried in its bosom, shot through buildings, gutting some, and tumbling down others, until it found a farther outlet, and passed on doing more or less damage lower doAvn the valley at Thongs Bridge, Honley, and Armitage Bridge. After passing the place last men- tioned, the flood got more into the open countr3^ spreading itself out in the fields and swelling the rivers down below Huddersfield. Volumes might be written on the details and incidents connected with the catastrophe. A few of the most striking may be mentioned. A few hundred yards below tlie reservoir stood a small building, two stories high, called Bilberry mill, in the occupation of Joseph Broad- head, and used as a scribbling and dressing mill. The end of the mill was caught by the sudden swell, and about ten feet in length and its gable were washed down the valley. A little further down the valley, and on the same side as Bilberrj- mill, stood Digley Upper mill, lately occupied by Mr. John Furniss, woollen manufacturer. The building was a block of stone work, consisting of a factory, a large house, farm buildings, and outhouses. The end of the mill was washed away, a quantity of machinery, and a large amount of pro- 51 602 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1852.— Feb. perty in the shape of pieces, warps, 0 children ; 28 . were married, 12 un-married, and 12 children were left 608 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YOKK, AND 1852.— Feb. destitute. The estimated damage, and summary of property- destroyed was as follows : — Buildings destroyed : — 4 mills, 10 dyehouses, 3 stoves, 27 cottages, 7 tradesmen's houses, 7 shops, 7 bridges, 10 warehouses, 8 barns and stables. Buildings seriously injured: — 5 dyehouses and stock, VT mills, 3 stoves, 129 cottages, 7 tradesmen's houses, 44 large shops, 11 public houses, 5 bridges, one county bridge, 200- acres of land, 4 warehouses, 13 barns, 3 places of worship, and 2 iron foundries. Hands thrown out of employment : — Adults, 4,896, children, 2,142, total, 7,038. The total loss of property was estimated at £250,000. The coroners jury who viewed the bodies of the persons drowned by the flood, in addition to returning the usual verdict of found drowned^ made a statement to the elfect, that the Holme Reservoir Commissioners had been guilty of great and culpable negli- gence, in allowing the reservoir to remain for several years in a dangerous state, with a full knowledge thereof, and that had they been in the position of a private individual or firm, they would certainly have subjected themselves to a verdict of iiianslaugliter. Handsome subscriptions were raised for the sufferers in various parts of the country, amounting altogether to £68,000. A large surplus of the fund was left, after relieving the sufferers, which was devoted towards the erection of five alms houses, the first stone was laid in 1856. A brass plate bore the following inscription : — " The foundation stone of the Hohnfirth monumental alms houses, erected to commemorate the great flood, caused by the bursting of the Bilberry reservoir, on the 5th of Feb., 1852, (by which upwards of eighty lives were lost) ; and also the munificent liberahty of the British public, was laid by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemason's of West Yorkshire, on Monday, the 21st of April, 1856, A.M., 5856." Feb. 20tli. Government defeated in the Commons, on Lord Palmerston's amendment on the militia bill, by a ma- jority of eleven. 21st. Tiie Russell ministry resigned. 22nd. The Earl of Derby succeeded in forming a cabinet. This gave rise to a renevfal of the free trade agitation at Manchester and other places. A great free trade meeting v/as held at Leeds on the 4th of March, in a large wooden buildiug erected for a circus in Boar-lane, Sir George Good- man in the chair. The principal speakers were Alderman Carbutt, Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P., Edward Baines, Esq.. and others. 26th. At her Majesty's Levee this day, the well merited honour of knighthood vv^as conferred on George Goodman, Esq. , mayor of Leeds. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. G09 18o2 —March March 15tli. At this time party feeling was carried to such an excess amongst the members of the Wesleyan body (coii- fereuce party aud reformers) at Yeadon, as to lead to tumul- tuous gatherings of the people in the village. A series of attacks had been made on the house of the Rev. Mr. Shrews- bury, which induced that gentleman to leave Yeacu-n. After jMr. Shrewsbury had left the chapel Iiouae, the cdji- ference party deteruiined to remove the furniture, notwith- standing that ten out of fifteeji of the trustees, had made it over to the reformers. On the 15th of March, while some persons were so engaged, a crowd of from 1,500 to 2,000 people assembled, locked the gates, assaulted s^ane of the persons engaged in placing the furniture on the waggon, uttered all sorts of cries, threw stones aud other niissiles^t the conference party, and otherwise acted in such a tumul- tous and riotous manner as to prevent the removal on that day. Similar disturbances took place on other days, and eventually several persons were brought before the West- Riding Justices at the Leeds Court-house, when the parties charged vrere bound over to keep the peace, and others com- mitted to York on charges of riot, tire, A compromise was . subsequently made. The reformers retained possession of the chapel, and the conference party of the house adjoining. On Sunday the 13th of March in the following year (1853,) prayer meetings were being held by the reformers in the . chapel, and by the conference party in the house, v/hen a crowd assembled round the latter place ; became very excited, and threw stones through the Vvindows and at the door. Thomas Mann, or some one in the house, in order to frighten away the crowd, fired a gun and ^severely wounded Hiram Yeadon. Mann was committed to York, along with a per- son named Sykes. They were both convicted, and ordered to be imprisoned one month. 20tli. In consequence of Su' George Goodman having allowed himself to be put in . nomination at the forthcoming Leeds election, a special meet- ing^ of the council was held this day, when his resignation of the office of ma^yor was accepted, and Mr. Alderman Shaw elected in his place. April 3rd. As some workmen in the employ of Messrs. Longley, of V/ortley, near Leeds, were digging clay for the purpose of making bricks, they discovered at the depth of ten feet, in a dark blue sedimentary clay, almost approach- ing mud, a large number of bones, which Mr. Denny, of the Leeds Philosophical Society found to be the remaius of the great Northern Hippopotamus, (Plippopotamus Major,) He secured them for the Society's Museum, and they are un- 610 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1852. — April. questionably the most valuable series of British Hippopota- mic remains in the kingdom. Amongst the bones exhumed were several belonging to the Elephant, (Elephas Primige- nius,) and the Urus, (Bos Primigenius, ) Mr. Denny states that the remains of the Hippopotamus indicate the quadru- peds to have been of different ages, two of them had been adult individuals, one considerably larger than the other, and one a young animal, and that from the situation in which they were found, it is highly probable that the animals had lived and died in the immediate vicinity, and were subse- quently drifted, together with fragments of trees, to the bottom or lower part of a swamp. Guardians of the Poor for the township of Leeds, elected April 5th, 1852 :— Tha«e in brackets were elected. East, [William Clarke, George Lumh ] Kirkgate, [Chas. Crabtiee, 264, Seth Joy, 260.] Edmund Stead, 164, Benjamin Har- ral, 155. Mill-Hill, [William Booth, John KighlejClapham, John Patrick.] North, [Richard Stead, 248, Richard Harri.son Singleton, 238,] Joseph Lin.sley, 209, Joseph Broadhead, 209 - — — North- East, [John Lonsfley, Edv,-ard Lawson] North- west, [William Whitfield, Thomas Royston.] South, [Hutch- inson Gresham, James Smith.] West, [Peter Law Atkinson,. Dennis Lee, Thomas Newsam.] Mr. Thomas Newsam, was elected chairman. April 19th. At a Board meeting of the Leeds General In- firmary, the treasurer reported that he had received £8, 600, the net amount of a legacy left to the charity, by the late Thomas Clapham, Esq., of Stackhouse. 25th. At a meeting of j;he Leeds town council held this day, a resolution, authorizing the purchase of the Leeda waterworks was passed by twenty two against sixteen. This resolution also gave authority to co-operate with the direct- ors of the waterworks company, in obtaining parliamentary sanction to a bill then in the House of Commons, for legal- ising the j)ast and future acts of the company in taking water from the river Wharf e, near Hare wood. The council agreed to purchase the shares at par price, and make up to the holders of shares their past dividends to six per cent. On the 17th of November following, at a special meeting of the council, a motion was carried to the effect " That the cor- porate common seal of the borough of Leeds be affixed to^ the transfer of all the undertaking, estates, property, and effects of the Leeds waterworks company, from the said company to the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses of the said THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 611 852.— April. >orougli, under, and by virtue of ' ' The Leeds Waterworks Wharf e supply,) Act, 1852." The amount due to the liareholders of the waterworks company was £165, 206 9s. 6d. ind the liabilities of the company £62, 211 additional, making he total amount of the purchase money £227,417 9s. 6d. May 8th. The first people's concert under the direction of ;he Leeds Hecreation Society, took place this day. June 9th. The house of Commons unanimously passed a •esolution, placing iu custody Mr. Feargus O'Connor, one )f the members for Nottingham. Mr. O'Connor, from his rery strange conduct in the house, and out of doors, was jlearlj^ suftering from complete mental derangement. The mfortunate gentlemen was subsequently placed in a lunatic isylum, v>'liere he died. 19th. On the evening of this lay, for tlio first time, two bands engaged by the Leeds Recreation Society played on Woodliouse moor. The bands continued to play on Monday and Saturday evenings, in Favourable weather, during the summer months. 26th. An oflScial inquiry into the disputed election 3f Poor-law Giiardians. was commenced this day, and occu- pied several days at the Industrial Schools, Burniantofts, by E. B. Farnall, Esq. , the poor-law inspector for the district. Ihe complaint was, that the elections of Mr. Richard Stead, md Mr. Richard Harrison Singleton, for the I^orth ward, md of Mr. Seth Joy, and Mr. Charles Crabtree, for the Kirkgate ward, were efiected by means of forged and altered v^oting papers, and the loss or abstraction of others. The inspector laid his report before the poor-law board, when bhat body by a letter from the secretary, dated 1st of October, 1852, refused to adopt any steps Avith reference to the elections, but expressed an opinion that they had been con- ducted in a highly improper and irregular manner. July 9th. Leeds Election. — On the 1st of July parlia- ment was dissolved. A public meeting of the liberal electors of Leeds had taken place on the 1st of March, previously, when J. G. Marshall, Esq. M.P., Sir George Goodman, and Francis Carbutt, Esq. were severally proposed and seconded as fit to represent the borough. The two former gentlemen received the largest show of hands. Mr. Marshall subsequently declined to stand on the ground of ill health. Matthew Talbot Baines, Esq. , was brought out on the 16th of March, as a colleague of Sir George Goodman. On the 26th of April, the conservative electors met at Fleischman's Hotel, and voted an address to William Beckett, Esq. M. P. , and passed resolutions asking that gentleman to aUow him- 612 AIsNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1852.— July, self to be nominated. He however declined, and the partjr then broiTght out liobert Hall, Esq. , .and Thomas Sidney, Esq. The nomination took place on. Woodhoiise moor, at eleven o'clock on the 8th of July, when James Garth Marshall, Esq., proposed, and Thomas William Tottie, Esq., seconded the nomination of the Rt. Hon. M. T. Baines, Esq. Mr. Joseph Cliff, proposed, and Mr Edward Baines, seconded Sir George Goodman. Mr, Thomas Fountain, proposed, and Mr John Tempest, seconded E-obert Hall, Esq. " Mr. Joseph Mason Tennant, proposed, and Mr. John Woodhead, seconded Thomas Sidney, Esq. , alderman of London. After Mr. Baines, Mr. Goodman, and Mr. ^/heelhouse, (on behalf of Mr. Hali,) and Mr, Tennant, (for Mr. Sidney,) had ad- dressed the meeting, a show of hands was taken, which the mayor declared to be in favour of Mr. Baines and Sir G. Goodman. A poll Vfas demanded on behalf of Mr. Hall, and Mr. Sidney. The poll took place on the following day, and stood at its close as follows : — Sir George Goodman (L) 2,344. The Fd. Hon. M. T Barnes (L) 2,311. Robert HalJ , Esq (C) 1, 132. Thomas Sidney, Esq (C) 1,089. The mayor, (J. H. Shaw, Esq.,) declared the two former candidates to be duly elected. 10th. West-Ridijstg Election". — At Wakefield, this day, took place the nomination of candidates for the West-riding. W. M. E. Milner, Esq., proposed, and Francis Carbutt, Esq., seconded the nomination of Richard Cobden, Esq. M.P. The Hon. E. Lascelles, M.P., proposed, and John Rand, Esq., seconded the nomination of Edmund Denison. Esq. 'No other candidates being proposed, the two gentlemen nominated were declared to be duly elected. July. The construction of the main sewers in many of the principal streets of Leeds at this time, and for a long time afterwards, Avas of great inconvenience to the public yet it was borne with exemplary patience, from a conviction that the great undertaking when completed, would be of immense good in making the town sufficiently drained. The subject of the drainage of the borough was before the town council for eleven years. The first report on tlie subject was made by Captain Vetch, R.E., and is dated December 31st, 1842. The second report for draining a district at the west end of Leeds only, by the then borough surveyor, Mr. Thoinas Walker, and dated 1844. The third report was by THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. G13 1852.— JVLY. J. W. Leather, Esq. C.E., dated Feb. lOtli, 1845. The fourth was that of Thomai^ V/icksteed, Esq. C.E., dated Nov. 20th, 1848 ; and the fifth Avas from J. W. Leather, Esq. C.E., dated Dec. 12th, 1848. Snbse(iiient]y, a depi-- tatioii of the Leeds town council, after having visited London, Birmingham, Manchester, and Livorpi^ol, piihlished a report on the adviuitages of nsing glazed earthenware tubes for scvvcrs. Tlie cost of seweiing the public streets and thoroughf?ires in the three townslii}>s of Leeds, Hunslet, and Holbcck, was estimated at £80,C'00, J. W. Leathei, Esq. was appointed engineer. Tlip. main sewers extend over thii-ty five miles, and the cost has been £130,000. The sewerage works were of great interest to the. geologist, indicating doA\i5 the whole extent of Huns^,et-lane, that the former course of the river Aire ^^'as much more to the south than at present ; that it was proba];ly of greater width, and conveyed the vast torrent of water vvdiich flowed from the more mountainous districts of the coriutry, (before it was diverted into various channels by the hand of man,) together with the animals and trees, which happened to impede its progress, or vrere washed from its banks. This was satisfac- torily shown hj the bones of deer, oxen, etc. , which were from time to time exhumed, associated with alluvial, gravel, bould- ers, and sand. During the month of July, in prosecuting the excavations through Wilson-street, and nearly opposite Christ church, the workmen in the employ of Mr. Buxtoi., contractor, discovered at the de^^th of twenty feet, in a bed of sedimentary clay, a very fine horn of the red deer, up- wards of three feet in length, and weighing 8^1bs, in a very liigh state of preservation. Above the horn was the trunk of an oak tree, twenty two feet in length, and fifty two inches in circumference, perfectly hard and black, and in all probability coeval with the horn. The remains of this animal, wliich, although considerably larger than those of the red deer of the present day, presents no other distinguishable character than size, occurs in various parts of Britain, associated with those of the giant deer, or Irish elk, short horned ox, (tc, and is the only species of quadruped which appears to have survived those infiuences which caused the extinction of its more gigantic contemporaries. Mr. Buxton kindly presented this interesting relic to the Museum of the Leeds Philosophical and Literaiy Society. On Sunday morning the 1st vi August, an accident a,t- tended with A'ery serious conseqiiences to many persons, 52 614 ANXALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND jS52. — Aro. occurred on the road midway between Burley and Ilklej^, by the overturning of an omnibus, heavily laden with passengers from the Arthington station, Sa,mnel Morrel, the driver of the omnibus when near the road leading to Mount Stead, stopped and dismounted to adjust some part of the harness which liad become disarranged or broken. While he was doing this, another omnibus driven by James Walker, which had hitherto been behind, passed before him. Morrel shortly after resumed his place on the box, and drove forward at a rapid pace. He soon came up to his competitor, and en- deavoured to pass him, but ere he had got entirely clear of the first horse of V/alker's omnibus, the near hind wheel of his own came off, and the vehicle was overturned ; the whole of the passengers, forty seven in number, being precipitated with great violence among the horses of Walker's omnibus. The shrieks and cries which arose at the moment were dreadful. Some were trampled upon by the frighted and un- manageable horses, some were lying bleeding, crushed beneath the fallen vehicle, and some were being lacerated beneath the wheels of the other omnibus. The scene resembled a battle field in miniature, in the number of the w^ounded and apparently dying persons that strewed the ground. Seven or eight of the passengers were very seriously injured. Many more escaped with slight contusions and bruises. The great- est sufferers were Mrs. Sarah Firth, Bramley, Mr. Sowry, pawnbroker, Leeds, Mr. Scholefield, boot and shoe maker, Central Market, Leeds, Mr. Francis Lowe, at Messrs. Lupton, and Co., Leeds, Mr. Samuel Strickland, clerk to the Leeds Northern railway company, Thomas Johnson, woolsorter, Ilkley, and Mr. Fletcher, commercial traveller. Great blame attached to the driver of the omnibus which lost iis wheel, Mrs. Sarah Firth died from the injuries she received. The coroners jury which sat upon the deceased, returned a verdict of manslaughter against the driver, to- gether with a censure on the officials of the Leeds Northern Railway company, " for the reckless and dangerous way in which omnibuses have been allovv'ed to load, especially on a Sunday." 10th. The foundation stone of the church of Sc. John the baptist, ISTew Wortley, Leeds, was laid by the E-ev. W. F. Hook, i).D., vicar of Leeds. The fimds for the erection of the church were raised by the contributions of the inhabitants and others, aided by a donation of £1,000 given through the vicar by an unknov/n benefactor, and by grants from her Majesty's Commissioners for the building of churelies, and the church building society. The cost was THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 615 1852.— AUG. about £3,500. It is built in tlie style of architecture knorv-n as the geometrical decorated, or second pointed, and consists of nave, chancel, and side aisles, with south transept, the tower, surmounted by a spire, being placed on the north side. The church has accomodation for 700 persons, the sittings being entirely free. Messrs. Dobson and Chorley, of Leeds, were the architects. The church was consecrated by Dr. Longley, then Bishop of Ripou, on the ITtli Kov., 1853. The district of Xew Wortley was constituted a sep- arate parish for ecclesiastical purposes under Sir Robert Peel's act in 1851, beuig endowed with an income of £150 per annum, one iiaif ^.u" v.iiich was provided for by the trus- tees of the late Mrs. "JMattiicwman. The parisli has su]:.- sequently become a vicarage, under the provisions of the Leeds ^^icarage and Lord Blandford's acts. The Rev. A. J. Brameld is vicar. 20th. The statue of Sir Robert Peel, sculptured by Behnes, was inaugrated at Leeds, at twelve o'clock at noon this day, in the presence of an immense assemblage of people, said to be between 30,000 to 40,000. The statue was^ilr.ced exactly opposite the newly erected and handsome Unitarian chapel, which fronts into Park-row. The procession of the com- mittee, the invited guest^, the tov/n couiicil, headed by the mayor wearijig his chain of ofhce, the magistrates, &c., left the Court-house at twelve o'clock, and vn arriving at the statue, took up their places within a raiJed area adjoin- ing. A raised platform, boxed in, was prepared for the speakers and invited guests, and on their appearance headed by ^Villiam Beckett, Esq., they v/ere loudly cheered by the assemblage. The band of the Yorkshire Hussars, and a portion of the artillery band, were placed on tho ground with a party of voca,l performers. Several pieces of ord- na,nce were arranged along the side of the rivei-, near Yv^ej- lingtou bridge. A signal Hag was fixed at the top of the Court-house, and at the sound of a trumpc t it ^vas uiifurleci, when a discharge of artillery took place, and tiie statiie vras uncovered, amidst the acclamations of tiie tlujusajids of spectators. William Beckett, Esq. then deliveK.d an address and presented the statue to the mayor, aldermen, and bur- gesses of the borough of Leeds, in the name of the subscri- bers, v,'ith a copy of the following resolutions written on parchment : — '•Ar ;i .sf'f'cial ineptiriir of tlic fommittee apjiointed to manajre the ereitiun and inaujiratioii of the slatue of the late Sir Rohert Pee;, 616 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1852. — Aug. held on the 13th da}' of August, LS52, William Beckett, E.sq. in the chair. JResolved litiacimonsly : — That with a view to the presentation in perpetuity of the public statue of the late Right Hon. Sir Ivobert Peel, Bait., now in cour>e of erection on a site appurtenant to the Court- hoi..se, in Park-rnw, in Leeds, it is desimhle to vest the statue togefher with the pedestal, in tiie mayor, aldermen, and burgesses of the borough of Leeds, in the assurance that the same will be regarded and preserved by that bod^' as trustees for the pul)ltc, in a suitable manner. 1 hat therefore on the occasion of the inaugration or" the statue on the 20th of the present month of August, Wm. Beckett, Esq. as the chairm ui, and in the same of the committee an(i sub.scribers, bi' requested formdly to present and deliver the statue and pedestal i oto the charge of the cor- porate body, through the bands of his worship the mayor, together vv-ith a copy of these resolutions signed by the chairman. By virtue and in compliance with the preceeding resolutions, I hereby in the name and on behalf o' the sub.scribers and committee, accordingly, transfer to the hands of the mayor, aldermen, and burges.ses of the borough of Lee l-s the above mo;»tion-?d statue of thp late Sir Robert Peel, Bart , with the pedestal thereof as trustees for tlie pubhc. William Bkckktt, Chairman. The figure is eiglit feet six inches in height, and stands upon a pedestal of Scotch granite, eleven feet six inches high. It represents Sir Robert in his usual attitude when addressing the House of Comiuons, with a scroll of paper in his right hand, and the frock of his coat thrown back by his left, which rests upon his hip. The figure is in bronze, and Avas cast by Mr. F. Robinson of the statue Foundry, Pimlico, London, and presents the novelty of being cast altogether, instead of in parts as is usually the case. The v/eight of it is two tons, and the entire weight of the x'edes- tal and statue together is 29-0- tons. The cost of the statue and pedestal was 1,500 guineas, which was raised by sub- scription in Leeds amongst 6,000 subscribers varying from £100 to one penny. 28th. A labouring man n.amed Abraham Thresh, aged 48, residing in Long Close -lane. Bank, Leeds, received a blow over the head v/ith a manure grip, or fork, inflicted by his master David Williamson, of the Dog and Gun Inn, York-road. He received such injury as to cause his death. Williamson was committed to York on a charge of manslaughter, found guilty, but recommended to mercy. He was ordered to be imprisoned one week. 30th. A most atrocious outrage, accompanied with exten- sive robbery was perpetrated at Bolton G-range, the residence of Charles Clough, Esq., solicitor, and clerk to the Brad- ford county court. About a quarter past nine in the evening, THE SURROrXDIXG DISTRICT. G17 1852.— Aug. seven men wliose faces were blackened nud covered yvitli masks, and armed with pistols and bludgeons, entered the kitchen at Bolton Grange, and enquired ''where is the master." Tlie maid servants in the kitchin were alarmed at the sight of the men, and raised an alarm. The fellow^s using violent threats (.)rdered the women t(.> remain silent. Mr. Cloiigh hearing the noise thought it proceeded from the chihlren's bed room, aud ran up .stairs, where however he found them asleep. He then jUHiceedtd to the head of the stairca-se, and called out to know wlip.t was the matter. A man's voice replied "you are wanted down here sir." Mr. Clough ran down stairs, and as he reached tlie bottom step he was struck on the head with a bludgeon, and dashed senseless against the kitclien wall. Four of the fellows then seized him and robbed him of his gold watch, two five pound notes, three sovereigns and some silver. In the meantime Mrs. Clougii and the servants had been secured, and driven into one corner of the kitchin, w^here one of the fellows stood guard over them with a brace of pistols, presented, and threatening death to any that stirred. Behind him stood tvvo others also armed, who kept watch about the kitchen door. The remaining four forced Mr. Clough upstaii's to his bed-room, where they demanded the keys of his plate chest, secretary, drasvers, <\:c. He was theii throwTD. upon the bed, bleeding most profusely, and rough] 3' commanded to lie with liis face dovvTiw^ards. Mr. Clougb. ventured to turn his head on one side, and he immediately received a violent blow with a bludgeon. The robbers re- moved a large variety of silver ai-ticles from the plate chest, such as forks, spoons, jugs, cl:c. , which they took away. When they had completed the plunder of the chest Mr. Clough was ordered to rise from the bed and descend to the kitchen agaiji, where Mrs. Clough's watch was taken from her, and then the whole household, uiaster, mistress, and ser- vants, (including the groom who had been seized as he entered the house) were escorted by the gang into the cellar, Avhere they were left by the robbers, who t<)ok care to carry off with them some bottles of wine and spirits, and to lock the cellar door after them. After some time the party in the cellar hearing all quiet, managed to force the door, when they found that the robbers had got safely off with their valuable booty worth about £300. Every effort was made to discover the robbers, but without success for some time, although a reward of £100 was offered for the appre- 618 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1852.— Skp!-. hension and conviction of any of them. At tlie winter gaol deliver;/ at York, Patrick Redmond, John Kelly, and Catherine Gorman were tried for being concerned in the robbery, (fcc. The two former were sentenced to death, which was commuted to transportation for life, and the latter was sentenced to six months imprisonment with hard labour. Sept. 14th. A most successful matrimonial hoax was pLiyed oiF at the BrJi and Mouth Hotel, Leeds, upon a Mr. Winter, who had shortly before advertised for a wife in the London papery. One or two wags thinking to have a joke at tlie expense of the advertiser, forwarded to his pub- lished address a delicate and perfumed hillet deux, purporting to have been written by a Miss Bailey, Mr. Winter in the simplicity of his heart replied, Miss Bailey answered, and thus a correspondence satisfactory to both, parties resulted eventually in a meeting on the 14th of September, a,t the hotel above mentioned, when Miss Bailej^ would explain her worldly affairs more fully, and introduce Mr. Winter to her relatives. A fair young gentlemen whose face was not en- cumbered with hirsute superfluities was dressed for the occa- sion, and acted the part of Miss Bailey with admirable tact. Mr. Winter was true to his appointment, and was ushered iiito the room to Miss Bailey. After a while, and when m:itters had in some measure being satisfactorily arranged, Miss Bailey had her relatives introduced ; first came her aifectionate brother, then followed in rapid succession her uiicles. cousins, and all her other male relatives. With the first half dozen the lover shook hands with vigorous cordiality ; but when they poured upon him in one unbroken tide, he found that lie was hoaxed to his hearts content. His only means of escape from Miss Bailey's very many relatives Vv^as to treat them to Avine and drink, which he did with right good nature, after which he was suffered to escape. 14th. Sir J. W. Ramsdeu, Bart., having this da;/ C(:>mpleted his majority, and entered on the proprietor- ship of the manor of Huddersfield, the day was ushered in vntli merry peals from the pariah church bells, and flags fiuttered from all the public buildings of the town. In con- sequence of its being the Huddersfield market day, the festi-\dties were postponed until the day following, when such rejoicing took place as will long be remembered by the people of Huddersfield. The greater part of the day vf, tept as a general holiday in the town. 25th. In making the Sewerage excavations in Briggat Leeds, the workmen had to cut through a bed of inferior | THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. GIO 1852.— S KPT. coal, about two feet iu tliickness (probably the Low moor bed) when fragments of the lovrer portion of a large stem, ■with the roots of stigmaria ficoides Avere thrown up. It was so fractured from the effects of the powder as to render it.s restoration impossible, but sufficient was preserved to show its original magnitude, as the diameter of the principal branch of the root, where it proceeds from tlie stem was above one foot. Some of the fragments w^ere sent to the Philosophical-hall. 28th. The first stone of St. Jude's church, Pottery-field, Leeds, w\as laid by tiie Rev. Dr. Hook. It is a neat structure, erected at a cost of £3,000, and is a perpetual curacy valued at £150, in the alternate patronage of the crown, and the Bishoi) of Ripon. A par- sonage house was erected in 1857. It was consecrated by the Bishop of Ripou, on the 26th of October, in the following year, (1853.) The Rev. T. R. Dent, is the vicar. 29th. The first stone of the c'lurch of St. Micluiel's, Buslingthorpe, Leeds, was laid by John Gott, Es(p It was consecrated by the Bishop of Ripon, April 17th, 1854. It is a plain, but neat and substantial structure, iu the early decorated style, and cost £1,700, raised from public subscriptions and grants from the church commissioners. It was endowed by £500 from the Matthevr- man fund, and contains from 600 to 700 sittings, the whole of which are virtually free. It is a perpetual curacy, valued at £150, in the patronage of five trustees. The Rev. W. T. Dixon, M.A. is Incumbent. 30th. The Leeds town council granted £600 to the scavenging and nuisance com- mittee to defray the cost of removing n-ai;-iances and cleans- ing the borough. Oct. 9th. The Duchess of Kent and party paid a visit of several days to Doncaster. 16th, Louis Napoleon made a tour through the five southern provinces of France. He was proclaimed on the 6th of November following, Emperor of the French, under the title of Napoleon III. Daring this month as the quarrymen employed in the limekilns behind the house of Mr. John Pullen, of the Union Inn, on Thistle hill, near Knaresbro', were at work upon a stratum of limestone about twenty seven feet below the surface of the field, they came upon a considerable accu- mulation of large water worn boulders, mixed with fine clay. On removing these they discovered the skeletons of six or seven human beings, that had been covered by the stones, and which w^erc also embedded in fine alluvial clay. The skulls were of various dimensions, and the teeth in some G20 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ] 852.— Oct. of tliem were in perfect preservation. One pair of jaws was of ratlier a diminutive size ; tlio teeth which were small, white and regiiuir, see ned to be relics of a young adult female. X ) trace.s o: ariuour were found near the skeletons. The great depth at vr^iicii the bones \vere found is against the supptwitii.m that tli'_' place was a formal burial ground. It is supposed they were the victims of a foul tragedy, for the righb u]ipe:' jaw of one of the skulls was broken, evidently with a IjImw. Bo-ides Thistle hill, and many a mile around was formerh;" included hi the vrild forest of Knaresbro', the resort and ref;ige of outlaws and desperate men, who them- selves dwelt in dens and caves of the earth. An insj^ection of the place wbere the bones were lying, showed that it was a natural cavern in the limestone rock about seven feet Avide, live feet high, and of consirlerable length ; and also that it communicated with the surface above by an irregular perpen- dicular fissure just wide enough to allow a full grown man to pass. Among the bone,? were found the skull of a dog, and the jawbone of an ox. LEKDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, Novemketi 1st, 1852. The names in brackets were elected. Mll.L-Hn.L, [Anthony Title.v, L, 31-2, John Marshall, L, 209,] Williim Li^-lKun, C. -262, John Snurh, C. 253. West, [George Brook, L, 311, John .Ar.'ill, U, 220,1 Thoma.s Tilney, C, 83. — North ^VK?^, [G. J. Cro vther, L.] North, [Williaia Maw.son, L.l North- K.ASr, [Jost-ph Broadhead, L, 318,] Charle-.s Rawson, C,226. East, i JolnrWainman, L.] Kirkgate, [Samuel Smith C, 1"5,J Thom;..s Sciii^ley, L, 184. South, [Hutchinson Greshara, L 1 Huxslkt. [Enoch Blickhurne, L, 919,] Thoma.s Jone.s, R, 438 - — -HoTEECK, ;J(hn Whitehead, L, 940. Henry Slater, L, 902,] John Holmes, h. 889, John Patterson, R, 840 Bram- l,E\\ i Jo'm Lupr(^,n, L. an'l .Mattliew Mo.s>-, L.] HeaDTNglky, [Robert Whitp, C, b9,] Sellers, L, .o/. Nov. 91:1). John Hope Sha'.v. Esq., elected mayor. An-zn-t 2:)t]i. West ward, vice Mr. Kt-lsall, elected aid. on the 20th of Aneu.'^t, in the place of Jonathan Dieki i.»on, [Jo.seph Lambert, L, 215,] Joseph Ma.son Tenuant, C, 122. Nov. 1st. James Searles the Leeds pedestrian, completed in Liverpool the herculean task of walking 2,000 miles in as many consecutive half hours. He walked the last mile in seven minutes and a half. The task occupied six weeks. In order to support the physical strength and energy necessary to its accomplishment, the pedestrian svibsisted principally on animal food, of which he ate very largely. 6th. A THE SURilOL'XDlXG DISTRICT. ()21 ]^r)2.— Nov- veiy destructive tiro occurred oii tlie premises of the York -aud iSTorth Midland Railway compaDV, adjoining tlie wefit side of the liumber docks at Hull, which totally destroyed the Vr'hole range of buildings a hundred yards in length, to- gether Avitli a very large amount of property stored therein. About four o'clock on the morning of the 9tl'. (if Novem- ber, a visible shock of an eai-tho.uake v\Tis folt at Liverpool, Manchester, Chester, Shrewsbur}^ North Wales, &c. In some places the earth rocked in a violent luanner for about thirty seconds, and the motion was accompanied l. rt Miliar, Koberfc ■ Dobson, and Henry Gibson. Others went to their own homes with considerable injuries on them. When all were got 630 ANIMALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1 853. —May. out that could be seen, four unfortunate men were missing, for whose lives there could be no hope. As soon as the mass of rubbish could be cleared away their bodies were found, the men being quite dead. The names of these men were Samuel Butler, Thomas Hutchinson, Richard Killerby, and William Jennings. No cause could be assigned for the origin of the fire. — 18th. At the council meeting of the Society of Arts, the report of the judges on the essays sent in, in competition for the special prize offered by the society " for the best Essay on the History and Management of Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institutions ; and especially how far, and in what manner they may be developed and com- bined, so as to promote the well being and industry of the country, " was read, and the prize awarded to the author of the essay with the motto " Nemo labori Musas vetat." Mr. James Hole, of Leeds, honorary secretary to the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes was the successful competitor. 2J:th. The first stone of the new catholic church on Rich- mond-hiU, Leeds, was laid by Dr. Briggs, Roman, catholic Bishop of Beverley, The site was named Mount St. Mary, and the building designated '' The church of the Immacu- late Virgin Mary. " When completed it will be one of the most remarkable places of worship in the town. It was ojDened in its. present state in July, 1857. The original plans were drawn by Mr. Hanson, of Preston, but the erection has since been entrusted to Mr. W, Wardell, of London. The building is chiefly of stone, and is in the style of the early period of decorated Gothic. When finished, the edifice is to contain two massive western towers, north and south transepts, two spacious sacristies, a choir, (with double choir aisles on each side) a lady chapel eastward of the choir, and eight chapels of other dedications, some of ^ which, opening from the south aisles, are at present used as temporary sacristies. The altar is at present fitted up in the chancel. The leng-th of the nave is about 128 feet ; but, when finished, the church will extend to a length of 210 feet, and the breadth at the transept will be 100 feet. The roof is carried to a height of 82 feet. In the north aisles of the nave are five confessionals, each forming a small apartment lighted from the outside. A cloister runs along this side of the church, which will comm\inicate with the future monas- tery, to be erected at the west end. It is also contemplated to build a convent for the Sisters Oblates of Mary Immacu- late. 30th. The Leeds town council after a lengthened and spirited debate, passed a resolution by twenty two THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 631 1853.— May. agaiust eleven, '' to petition parliament not to pass the edu- cation measure recently proposed by Lord John Russell. " On the f oUomng day a meeting of the members of ' ' the Yorkshire society for promoting National Education," was held at the Court-house, J. H. Shaw, Esq. in the chair, when a resolution was passed to the effect ' ' that this societ}'-, though not pledging itself to full concurrence with all the details of the educational bill now before parliament, is so convinced of the necessity of extending and improving the means of education of the people, and especially so much approves of the principle of l(>cal raiiiuj iu aid of schools, that it hereby expresses its support of the bill as a tentative and preparatory measure." Petitions founded on the above resolutions were presented to both houses of parliament. June. At this time " the table turning mania " was at its height. A magnetic influence was said to be communicable by men to inanimate objects, such as hats, tables, cfec, which caused those objects to revolve without any muscular effort. The usual plan of experimenting was for a number of men or women to form a circle round a table, — ^join their hands at the little fingers, and rest them slightly on the edge of the table. In a short time the table would begin to turn round, not from any muscular pressure, but as obeying some unknown influence, supposed to flow from the circle of human beings. When the motion commenced, the persons forming the circle kept their hands joined on the table whilst it was moving, and moved round with it, they were not conscious of pushing it, or gi"VTng it any impulse, but felt as if it moved sj^ontaneously under their hands ; and sometimes the motion was sufficiently rapid as to cause dizziness. Whether the phenomenon was a real or imaginary one, it was a great deal believed in by all classes of the community, and indeed very nearly turaed the heads of hundreds. The local artists and lovers of art in Leeds, formed at this time a public exhibition of modern works of art, styled " The Leeds Academy of Arts." The aggregate value of the paintings exhibited was said to be upwards of £20,000. The exhibition was open three months. 13th. A public meeting of the inhabitants of Leeds was held in the coloured Cloth-hall-yard, to consider the bill then before parliament for the promotion of education in cities and boroughs in England. J. H. Shaw, Esq., mayor, opened the proceed- ings. J. G. Marshall, Esq. moved a resolution in favour of national education, which was seconded by the Rev. William 632 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 185:i— Junk. Guest. Mr. Alderman Carbutt moved an amendment against the bill, which was seconded by the E-ev. G. W. Conder. The Rev. S. li. Hall mov«^d a resolution approving of the principle of local rating in the government bill, which was seconded by Mr. IsTunneiey, (surgeon). Dr. Lees and Mr. Councillor Carter spoke in favour of the original motion, and Mr. Thomas Flint, and Alderman Wilson in favour of the amendment, after which the mayor called for a show of hands, first for the amendment, and then for the original motion. The mayor declared the amendment carried, and signed petitions to both houses of parliament, expressing the decision of the meeting. On Sunday the 19th of June, about noon, a storm passed over the town of Skipton, which very much injured the parish church. The electric fluid struck the south west pin- nacle of the church, causing it to fall with a tremendous crash. The estimated weight of the pinnacle which fell was a ton and a half. It was broken into splinters. One large piece being carried a considerable distance fell near the Castle Inn, and broke part of the causeway. Another portion of the pinnacle nearly a ton weight dropped down upon the flags in the yard, breaking them and embedding itself in the ground. The accident occurred just before the close of the mornings service, and the congregation were so alarmed by it that they rushed out of the building without their hats and in the greatest f«3ar. 30th. Died, aged 36, Mr. William Brook, of Swinegate, Leeds, well known as a leader of the Chartist party in the town. He represented Holbeck ward for six years in the town council, and for a longer period was a member of the board of highway surveyors. He was interred at the Wood- house cemetery where his friends have erected to his memory a beautiful monument of Gothic design, twenty eight feet high, bearing the following inscription : — " Sacred to the memory orWilliam Brook, of Leeds, born September 11th, 1K16, died June 30th, 1853, who, durinjr a series of years labour- ed zealously iti the full confidence of' his honesty of purpose in the promotion and elevation of social order, and for the political ad- vancement of bis fellowmen ; disihargins: honourably and faithfully the duties incumbent upon the responsi])]e public offices of improvement com mis.si oner, to^vn councillor, poor-law guardian, and highway sur- veyor, with a fidelity, ability, and economy rarely equalled. This monument is erected by his friends and admirers in exemplification of departed worth." July 7th. The Leeds town council resolved to purchase a THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 633 1853.— July. piece of land lying between North-street and Camp -road, for a sum not exceeding £5,200, "to be used in future as a cattle market, it being intended to remove tbe cattle fair from Kirkgate market as suggested by a committee of the house of commons." The first cattle market was held on the new site on Wednesday the 13th of July. 22nd. Out of fifty estimates for the erection of the Leeds Town-hall, the committee accepted that of Mr. Samuel Atack, bricklayer and builder, Leeds, amounting to £±1,835. The band of the 2Sth regiment played on Woodhouse moor, Leeds, on every alternate Wednesday and Saturday evenings. 23rd. A very sad aflair occurred on the premises of Mr. Henry Barker, plumber, Kirkgate, Leeds. It seems that a quarrel had taken place between an apprentice named Peter Dawson, and a journeyman named Wallace Waddiug- ton, which terminated in the death of the latter, caused by Dawson striking him a violent blow over the head v.dth a long brush. Dawson was committed to the assizes on a charge of manslaughter, and sentenced to three months im- prisonment. 25th. About two hundred operative joiners and carpenters of Leeds, struck work for an advance of wages. At the same time there was a strike of the cab men in London, and of the police at Hull. August 4th. The Rev. James Collier, Wesleyan minister in the first Leeds circuit, seceeded from the connexion, from a conviction that he could not honestly administer Wes- leyan discipline, or acknowledge the authority claimed by the conference. ITth. The first stone of the Leeds Town-hall, was laid by John Hope Shaw, Esq, in the presence of a vast concourse of spectators. The day was made one of popular enjoj^ment. The ceremony was attended by the magistrates and town council, the members of most of the other boroughs in the West-Riding, the vicar, the architect, the town clerk and other officials, the military officers stationed in thetoA^aj, the committees of the Philosophical society and Mechanics' In- stitution, the guardians of the poor, a great number of pro- fessional men, merchants, and tradesmen, and the members of several societies and orders. The whole formed a process- ion of enormous length, and was enlivened with banners and the music of military and other bands. ISIr. Alderman Hepper, the chairman of the Town-hall committee com- menced the proceedings by asking the mayor to lay the foundation stone, and presented to him a richly embossed 634 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1853 —Aug. silver trowel, with an ivory handle, and a mallet made of polished oak, with silver mountings, bearing the following inscription : — " Presente^l to John Hope Sh;iw, Esq., the tnaror of Leeds, on behalf of the council of the borough, .by Mr. Alderman Hepper, chairman of the To-vn-liaij committee, on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Town-hall, IJth August, 1853." The mayor then took the trowel and mallet, and assisted by the architect and contractor proceeded to lay the first stone, at the south west corner of the new building. First, was deposited in a cavity in the stone a bottle hermetically sealed, containing specimens in gold and silver only, of the several current coins of the realm, from a sovereign to a penny, (except a 5s. piece, which conld not be obtained of the present reign,) a copy of the Leeds Merciirj^, tlie Leeds Intelligencer, and the Leeds Times, published on the 13th ; a list of the members of the council, of the several com- mittees, and of all the officials of the to'wn council, and a copy on vellum of the inscription on the plate, provided to cover the cavity in the foundation stone. Over the cavity was placed a brass plate which was covered with melted wax to keep it air tight. The brass plate bore the following in- scription, engraved by Mr. Topham, Boar-lane : — " The corner stone of this To'vn-h.ill. erectCvl by th? mayor, alder- men atid burees.ves of the borough of Leeds, vva.s laid on the 17th of Augu.st, 18.')3, in the sixteenth ye.ir ol' the reign of Queen V'ictoria, by John Hope Shaw, R-sq., m lyor. Bni[-Di\GCoMMi!TKK ^ — Chairman. — Alderman William Flepper. AUhrrmm ; — fohn Wilson, Jolin Darnton Luccock, William Kel- sall, Charle.s Gascoigne Maclea, Fraticis Carbutt, Comicil/ors ; — Richard P,issington, John Marshall, George Brook, John Ardill, David Newton, Joshui Gar.sed Heaps, Jo.seph Broadhead, John Crov.sdaK\ William Kettlewell, James Smitli, Robert Meek Tarter, William Illingworth, John roister. Georire Skirrow Betcioft, Robert White. Toum Clerk: — John Arthur Ikin. ArchiU-ci -.—Cuthhert Brodrick." T]ie contractor having placed the mortar on the stone, the mayor spread it with his silver trowel, and the upper stone w^as lowered upon the one containing the deposit ; his wor- ship next applied the plumb line and S(iuare to level it, and then striking it with his elegant mallet three times, said : — ''Thus, and thus, and thus, I lay the foundation stone of the new Town -hall of Leeds ; and may God prosper the un- dertaking." At the conclusion of this ceremony the vast audience signified their approbation by a loud unanimous THE SURROtTNDIXG DISTRICT. 635 1853.— Aug. burst of applause, ivliicli was caught up by the masses out- side, aud the ch'^ers v^-ere re-echoed through the surrounding streets, and by the crowds on the tops of the buildings. The madrigal and motet society then sxuig the following chorus, the music of wliich had been compo.sed by Mr. Spark for the occasion : — '' A blessing we ask on the work now begun, May it prosper in doing — be useful when done : May the Hall Avhose foundations thus broadly are laid, Stand a trophy to Freedom — to Peace, and to Trade ; While within it, may Honour for ever preside Over those whom opinion may chance to divide : — And in ages to come may the fabric v>'e rear. Be greeted, by men yet unborn, with a cheer. May Justice and Mercy, enthroned in the Law, Here the innocent shield — keej) the g^iilty in awe : — May our councils be governed by wisdom and right, And be open as day, and as pure as its light. After labour is sped, here the " million " may throng. To be soothed and refined by the spirit of Song. Thus in ages to come, shall the faliric we rear Be greeted, by men yet unborn, with a cheer. " The maj'-or then addressed the autUence and was followed by the Rev. Dr. Hook, the late venerable Henry Hall, Esq. (who had joined in the ceremony of laying tlie foundation stone of the Court-house, forty two years before,) and Ed- ward Baines. Esq. , after which the mayor and guests, in- cluding the borough members, with the members of the tovv^n council and other gentlemen, dined together at the Music-hall, and the several bands repaired to Woodhouse moor attended by an immense concourse of people, estimated at more than 60,000. The festivities of the day concluded by a display of fireworks on Woodhouse moor. 22nd, A public meeting of the retail tradesmen of Leeds, convened by the mayor was held at the Court-house, in favour of tiie early closing of their shops. The meeting pledged itseK to close retail business at eight o'clock in summer and seven in winter. 29th. A very exciting race for £100 was ran at West-hill Park, Halifax, betv/een Isaac Hem- ingway of Leeds, and Jolm Whittiugham of Bradford, both celebrated runners. The race after a very severe struggle was won by Whittingham. 31st. The opening of St. George's-hall, Bradford, was ceiebrp.ted by a grand musical festival, under the leadership 636 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1853.— Aug. of Mr. Costa, of the Hoyal Italian Opera. The principal vocalists were Madame Clara Novello, Miss Louisa Pyne, Mrs. Lockey, Mrs. Sunderland, Miss Freeman, and Madame Castellan. Mr. Sims Reeves, Mr. Lockey, Signor Gardoni, Signor Tagliafico, Mr. Weiss, and Herr Formes. The or- chestra was perhaps the most complete and eflFective ever collected together in the north of England. It consisted in all of eighty six executants, selected from the renowned orches- tras of the Covent garden Italian opera, and the Philarmonic society. The chorus was numerous, remarkably efficient, and well balanced, having about fifty five voices to each part — trebles, altos, tenors, and basses, chiefly selected from the neighbouring choirs and choral societies of Leeds, Hud- dersfield, Bradford, Halifax, York, Manchester, BttAMLKY, [William Winn, L, anl S. L Bootii, C] Head- INOLBY, ^G. S Beecroft, C] Nov. 9th John Wilson, Esq. wa.s elected mayor. Jul.V 8th. Rxtraordiiiarv Klection, Kirksfte War], vice Simuel Smith, r sis'ned in conse |uence of law suit — Mr. Smith was r^-elected, the votes be.ijg Smith, C. 2U, Willia n Sellers, L. 143. Nov, 9th. At a meeting of tlie Leeds town council, tlie foliovviug gentlemen were elected aldermen of the borough for the six years ending November 9th, 1859, namely : — J. D. Luccock, Rich ir! Wilson, John Wilson, William Hornby, Joseph Richardson Joseph Whitham, Willi im Kels ill, :'iud Hutchin- son Gre.sham. On Sunday the 20th of November a great sensation was caused in St. Saviour's parish and throughout the whole *' Bank," in Leeds, caused by the Rev. Charles Gutch the curate, refusing to inter the body of a parishioner in the East-street burial ground, because the deceased was not a communicant or a member of the church. On the relatives protesting against his conduct, the Rev. gentleman took till next da,y to consider his final determination, when he told them " that he had made up his mind not to admit the body into the church, but would go straight to the grave, and having read the latter portion of the service there, would read the first portion to the relatives and friends in the church, after the interment had taken place," The relatives subsequently called on Dr. Hook, the vicar of Leeds, and asked his interference. On looking into the matter to be legally correct, it was discovered that the vicar had authority over the burial ground ; but not over the church. Accord- ingley the Rev. Nicholas Greenwell, curate of the parish , church, accompanied by six of the churchwardens attended the burial ground to perform the service. The Rev. Mr. Giatch had caused the church doors to be closed. The vicar's representative therefore read the service outside, the former part at the west door of the church, the latter at the grave. The Rev. Mr. Green well, and the churchwardens had the annoyance of being pelted with sods and clay, by an excited crowd during the ceremony. 21st. An exceedingly dense fog overspread Leeds ; up to noon objects were difficult of rec- ognition when only a few yards distant. In many instances places of business were lighted up nearly throughout the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. G43 ]8r)3.— Nov. day. A great number of fatal casualties occurred. At Stourbridge and neighbourhood seven persons were drown. ed. A female was drownied at Bradford, and a man at Hunslet. 30th. At a meeting of the Leeds poor law guardians, the Rev. Solomon Briggs, cliaplain of the work- house and the Industrial Schools, was censured by the board for erasing an entry made in one of the office report books. On the night of the 1st of December, a singular case of suffocation ticcnrred at Elescar, a popuLjus village between Rotherham and Barnsley. Four persons who resided in a short row of houses abutting upon one of the blast furnaces at the Elescar Iron Works, namely : — Phoebe Sadler, aged 53, her daughter and son, Ann Sadler, aged 19, and John Sadler, 1 5, and a lodger named Warwick, aged 48, were all found dead in their beds, caused by inhaling the vapour of cyanide of potassium which had passed through a crack in the waU, from the furnace to the bed room. Gch. Died in his 5Dthyear, Mr. Thomas Morgan, for more than twenty years Registration agent of the liberal party in Leeds. His very extensive knowledge of the locality, and of the law and practice of registration, his accuracy, his plodding perseve- rance, his decided liberal principles, and his perfect upright- ness, made him exceeding!}'- valuable to his party. The deceased was interred at Burmantofts cemetery and his funeral was attended by the late mayor Alderman Shaw, several of the aldermen, and a considerable number of town coun- ciUors, poor law guardians and other gentlemen. Dec 6th. Mrs. Chishoim addressed the members, subscribers, and friends of the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, at the Music-hall, on " Hints on emigration to the Australian Colonies." 16th. Mr. Robeii; Harrison formerly of London, and late of St. Petersburg, was elected librarian to the Leeds Old Library. There were 177 can- didates. 17th. Arthur Napoleon, a young Portuguese pianist aged 9 years, astonished and delighted the audience at the people's concert, Leeds, by his clever performance on the pianoforte. 17th. At the York assizes, James Ward, Wm. Benton, Rd. Dobson, S. Taylor, Joseph Ward, and George Adamson of Roth well, were each sentenced to four years penal servitude for night poaching at Temple Newsam on the 27th of iS'ovember. Thomas Phillips the head game- keeper was wounded in the affray, and one of the poachers named Scholefield died from^ the wounds he received On the same day, Joseph Close and Joseph Hodgson were sentenced, the former to four years, and the latter to twelve months for 644 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1853.— Dbc. poaching, with wounding at Harewood. On the night of the 27th of December a fire of a terrific and destructive character occurred in a newly built stuff warehouse, situate in Swaine-street, Bradford, the property of Messrs Ripley and Son, of Bowling, but in the joint occupation of Messrs. Berwick Brothers, Gillies and Co. , and Messrs, Broadbent and McCrober. The damage to the building and property was about £40,000. 1854. This year was ushered in by a very heavy fall of snow all over the country. Everywhere business operations were almost entirely stopped. In Leeds on the 2nd and 3rd the cold was intense, and on the 4th the snow completely stopped the railway traffic connected with the town. There was not a single train from Manchester and other places for three days. On the night of the 3rd and until noon on the 4tli the wind blew hard, with heavy squalls from the south east, causing a very many wrecks at Hartlepool, Sunder- land, Shields, and other places. A storm still more severe visited the same coast on the 7th, doing great damage to shipping property. There was no less than 150 vessels driven ashore between Warkworth and Hartlepool. Jan 6th. Bread riots occurred at Exeter, and several other places in Devonshire. The Leeds Academy of Arts was again opened as a winter exhibition. 8th. A most extraordinary and mysterioiis occurrence took place in the family of Mr. Longbottom, who resided near the Baptist chapel, Hunslet, between the low road leading to Wakefield and the river Aire. It appears that Thomas the son of Mr. Longbottom had married so recantly as Christmas day previously, the daughter of Frank Armitage, farmer of Harlington, On the night of the 7th they retired to bed about eleven o'clock apparently on the most friendly terms. Next morning about seven o'clock some one knocked loudly at Mr. Longbottom's door, and on looking out to his amazement he saw his daughter-in-law laid on the stone landing outside the house, in a state of in- sensibility and in her night dress, she evidently having fallen from the chamber window which was open. Search was made for the son when he was ultimately found drowned in the river Aire, also in his night dress. When the poor wife had recovered sufficiently to give evidence before the cor- oners' jury, she stated that she could not remember how the accident had happened ; that her memory was a complete blank from retiring to rest on the Saturday night the 7th of January, to Thursday morning following, when conscious- THE SUKROL'XDIXG DISTRICT. 645 18.-14.— Tax. ness returned. The fatliur of the same yoimg man commit- ted suicide on Sunday night, the 30th of May, 1859, by throwing himself down the shaft of his own pit at Hunslet. 16th. At a special meeting of the Leeds town council it was decided to erect a covered market at the top of Kirk- gate market place, at a Cv)3t of not less than £14,000 which sum v>-as accordingley granted. The building was opened on May 2nd, 1857. It is of iron and glass, covering an area of 4,040 yards. The style of architecture is Gothic ; its form that of a parallelogram, v*-ith an oblique end. It has 44 shops on the outside, and 35 in the inside, where there are also four rows of iron stalls. At night the market is well illuminated by 200 gas lights, arranged round cast iron pillars. The exterior is formed by a glass screen above the shops, averaging 12 feet in height, and covered in by tlireo longitudinal roofs. Altogether it is the most complete structure of its kind in England. Messrs, iNelson and Sous, of Leeds were the contractors. It is open daily from 7 a.m. in summer and 8 in winter, till 9 o'clock p.m ; and on Satur- day" tiU 11 p.m. 18th. There was a great flood at Don- caster and other parts of the West-Riding, 21st. The splendid new iron ship Tayleur bound from Liverpool to Melbourne with emigrants, was wrecked on the rocks wliich surround the Islet of Lambay, near Dublin Bay, and out of 700 passengers on board, 455 were drowned. 23rd. At a special meeting of the Leeds town council £1,300 18s. was granted for iron cattle pens, stone blocks, and the Grafton-street wall, for the Smithfield cattle market. The question of the Xorth-street boundary wall was refeiTed back .to the committee for reconsideration. 25th. The annual soiree of the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Liter- ary Society was held at the JMusic-hall, under the distin- guished presidency of Sir Edward Bulwer L}i;ton, Bai-t., who delivered a most eloquent address. The mayor of Leeds, the Lord mayor of York, Mr. Charles Knight, Mr. TV. E. Forster, the Hon, and ver}* Rev. Dean of Ripon, and others took part in the proceedings. 26t]i. The Leeds squadron of the Yorksiiire Hussars dined together in the Assembly rooms, Leeds. The chair was occupied by Lieut. Colonel Beckett, M.P. After dinner a piece of plate was presented to Captain BL-chofF, by the non-commissioned ofhcers and privates of the squadron, as a testimonial of their esteem and friendship. Feb. 1st. At a meeting of the Leeds board of guardians it was decided ''That any minister, town missionary, local 646 AJfNALS OP LEEDS, YORK, AND 1854— Fkb preacher, or prayer leader, be allowed to visit the Workhouse and Industrial Schools for religious purposes at suitable times, not interfering with the stated duties of the chaplain. " 6th. A large diamond estimated to be worth £280,000 from Rio Janiero, was deposited in the Bank of England. This precious jewel is said to have been found by a negro slave, who received his freedom as a reward. 8th. The Leeds town council granted £1,500 to the Town-hall committee for strengthening the foundation, and the walls of the vestibule, so that a tower might be erected thereon, if the council should afterwards so determine. —15th. A detachment of the 28th regiment (900 strong) under Lieufc. Colonel Adama left Leeds for the seat of war, amidst the cheers of thou- sands of the inhabitants. 16th. Great damage was done at Sheffield by the bursting of the canal which runs be- tween that town and Tinsley. About the end of Feb- ruary and during the month of March, considerable alarm was created in Leeds by the appearance of the cholera. Up to the 10th of March there had been altogether forty cases of which fifteen proved fatal, and all the persons affected except five, were employed at the flax mills of Messrs. Wil- kinson, Hunslet. The proprietors stopped the mills and adopted measures to remove everything that might have tended to cause the outbreak, though they stoutly maintained that the cause was exterior to their premises, and for which they were not responsible. The disease appeared at Castle- ford in a frightful form, and several deaths occurred. March 8th. A meeting of the Leeds Chamber of Commerce and other gentlemen was held at the Court-house, for the purpose of hearing from Edward Baiues, Esq. an explana- tion of the proposed new decimal system of coinage ; and from Mr. Frederick Warren a statement with regard to the exhibition of the woollen manufactures of this district, in the new Crystal Palace at Sydenham. 13th. Mr. Jus- tice Talford died of apoplexy, during the time he was de- livering the charge to the grand jury at Stafford assizes. ISfch. A meeting of the Leeds toAvm council, the magistrates, the poor law guardians, and the highway surveyors, was held at the Court-house, for the purpose of conferring with Dr. Gavin, the superintending medical inspector, and Mr. Lee, the sanatory inspector of the board of health, in refer- ence to the sanatory measures to be taken in order to avert the spread of the cholera. THE SURROUi^DlNG DISTRICT. 647 1S54. — April. Guardians of the poor for the township of Leeds, elected April 5th, 1854:— Those in brackets were elected. East, [Henry Barker, 2-27, Edward Barker, 222,] William Wray, 200, Wil'iam Brown, 207. KiRKGAte. [Richard Stead, 340, Thomas Phillip-, 32?.] Edmund Stead, 214, Major Hurst, 211. MlLL-Hll.L, [.Fohn Patrick. 4.55, Lponard Hicks, 443, John Wood- head, 42^,] lliomas Jowett Wilkinson, 393, .lohn Smith, 412 NoRiH, [Joseph 1-insley, 3.^6, Kobert Meek Carter. 373,] Thomas Elli>8. 141, Jo>eph Aldridee. 1-29. Norih-East, [Samuel La wson, 310, Richard Moat, 162,] John Wadsworth, 134. North-West, [L>a\id Newron, 438, Henry B liley Lepg, 433,] 'I homas Eoyston, 199, Daniel Atkinson, 193. South, [Richard Gardner, and Hutch- inson Gresham. Wkst, [Tb.omas Willingtun George, 770, .lames Rertitt, 762, .lohn Botterill, 743,] Peter Law Atkinson, 227. Hutch- inson Gresham was elected chairman. April 17th. St. Michael's church, Buslingthorpe, Leeds, was consecrated. The 2Gth was observed as a day of public humiliation aud prayer, "for the assistance on our arms, and for the restoration of peace to us, and our dominions." In Leeds collections were made in most of the churches and chapels of the town, on behalf of the wives and children of the soldiers and sailors who were engaged in battle. Died, on Sunday afternoon, the 30th of April, at his resi- dence, the Mount, Sheffield, in the 84th year of his age, Mr. James Montgomery, a distinguished poet, and christian philanthropist. He Avas the son of a Moravian missionary who died in the West Indies, and was born November 4th, 1771, at Irvine, in Ayrshire, but received his education at the Brethren's establishment, at Fulneck, near Leeds. While retainiug a warm filial attachment to the ancient church of the L'uited Brethren, he connected himself chiefly at one time, with the W^esleyan denomination in his own neighbourhood, but in his latter years was a regular attend- ant upon an evangelical ministry in the establishment. No man was ever more free from either polemical or sectarian narrowness ; and the catholic spirit of his hymns correspond to the whole tenor of his conduct. He settled at Sheffield in 1792, and soon after succeeded to a printing business, and the editorship of the Sheffield Iris, which paper in a short time became his own, a,nd was conducted by him until 1825. As an editor he was a f'^arless advocate of civil and religious freedom, as well as every philanthropic object. He was twice imprisoned in York castle during the turbulent times of 1794 and 1795, for imputed political offences. His first G48 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, A^sD l'"r>4 — Aputl. offence, for which he suffered three months imprisonment in (1704,) was for having reprinted, for a poor hawker, a song written years before by a clergyman at Belfast, coni- meni orating the taking of the Bastile. The year following he endured six months imprisonment, for having stated in the Iris ' ' t hat undue precipitation had been used in attacking a noisy raob in Sheffield, by the volunteers, by which attack two innocent persons had been killed." The poet soothed liis confinement by the composition of his "Prison Amuse- ments," Vvdiich he published in 1798. 'The Wanderers of Switzerland, 'published in 1806, first established his reputation as a poet, in spite of the very severe review by Macauley in the Edinburgh Review. The most important of his other works are :— ' The West Indies,' (1810,) ' The World befora the Flood,' ri813,) 'Greenland,' (1819,) 'Songs of Zion," (1822,) and ' The Pelican Islands,' (1827.) As a poet he is chiefly characterized by purity and elevation of thought, harmonious versiiication, and a liue strain of devotional feeling. The labours of his latter years consisted almost entirely in composing hymns, or of occasional verses, and so long as the English tongue is spoken in either hemis- pheres, some of his hymns v/ill continue to rank, with all the churches of Christ, amongst their favourite "songs of praise." In 1835 government granted him a pension of £150 a year. 30th. Died, at Easingwold, Yorkshire, Dr. JSTewton, an eminent Wesleyan minister. His years had passed three- score and ten, fifty five of whicli he had been a preacher. The estimation in which ho v/as held is shown by the man- ner in which the news of his death was received, at a mis- sionary meeting on the following day. The Watchman says ' ' No one could have beforehand devised a worthier testi- monial to the unequalled champion, and orator of missions, than that which vras prepared for him on Monday, (1 st May). That society, which had so often revived its spirit, and quickened its march under the music of his voice, was arrested in the midst of one of its fullest and happiest meetings, with tidings that he was no more. Man and woman, all over that vast multitude, bowed under a per- sonal sorrow, and youth and age together dropped a tear. That moment of silence and grief was such an ovation as a worldly hero seldom wins, and such as the warm and modest hep.rt of Dr. Newton, would have felt more than a noisy or a splendid tribute." On Tuesday afternoon the 2nd of May, Leeds was visited THE SUREOUNDING DISTRICT. 649 ] 854— May. by a tlmnderstorm, wliicb unhappily involved the loss of two lives. The scene of the most serions calamity was the new Roman Cath(,)lic ebapel, in the course of erection at Richmond-hill. Shortly before half-past one o'clock, five of the workmen employed at the chaT)el took shelter from a heavy shower of rain beneath an arch, which sprung from a buttress at the angle of the n(>rth transept. They had not taken refiige beside the buttress more than live minutes, when there was a long vivid iiash of lightning, succeeded by a loud sharp peal of thunder, which struck down a corpse, John Riley. Tlic lightning stripped off erer}^ particle of his clothing, and tore it to shreds. The electric fluid rent the buttress from top to bottom, and iluug massive stones to an immeiise dista.nce. The other four men vrere buried under the stones which had formed the buttress. John Cum- mings, aged 55, was crushed to a frightiul degree, and died at tjie Infirmaiy the same evening. John Foy, Thomas MacDorrack, and J. J. Wilson, were also crushed, but not fatally, William Bulmer, who was employed in working the windlass at the top of the well, near to the chapel, was laid prostrate with his thigh broken. The windlass was "wrenched jfrom his grasp and shattered to pieces. A man named Hud- son who was excavating in the well, was so mangled and crushed by stones that he was scarcely alive. Some idea oi the force of the lightning may be formed, when it is stated that stones of the weight of sixty pounds were thrown a distance of 150 yards. About the .same time as this sad oc- currence, two horses jirocecding along Pontefract-lane, draw- ing coal carts, were killed by the lightning, and one of the carts injured, but the drivers escaped. May 11th. A splendid dinner was given by the Lord Mayor of London, (Thomas Sidney, Esip) at the Mansion Hou.se, to the mayor, corporation, and justices, of Leeds, which for brilliancy, profusion, and magnificence, surpassed ail previous expectation, and is an event that vdll long live in the memory of tliose who had the honour of being present. Besides the authorities of Leeds, the invitations included its leading inhabitants, as well as the members for the Y/est- Riding, and the West-Riding borouglis, the Lord mayor of York, and the mayors of the several boroughs in the Riding, the Bishop of Ripon, the Vicar of Leeds, and many of the local cierg}'. The guests altogether numbered 200. 16th. The Leeds cattle markets and fairs were permanent- ly removed from the Kirkgate, to the Smithfield market. 31st. The Leeds town council granted a further sum of 650 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND i'54.-MAY. £229, towards increasing the walls for the erection of tlie Town-hall tower. On the night of the 31st of May, the troop ship '"Europa" was destroyed by fire in the Bay of i^iscay ; twenty one lives were lost, including Colonel Moor of the E'lniskillens. June 7th. The seventeenth anniversary of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes was celebrated at Bradford, the morning conference being held in the Mechanics'. Insti- tue, Leeds-road, and the soiree in the evening at St. George's Hall. Edward Baiues, Esq. president of the union, presi- ded at the morning conference, and Lord Beaumont presided in the evening. On the following day, the delegates and feiends visited Saltaire, the great worsted manufactory of Titus Salt, Esq. 12th. Avery large meeting, was held in Mie coloured Cloth-hall yard, Leeds, John Wilson, Esq. mayor, in the chair, "To petition parliament in favour of a lav/ for prohibiting the sa,le of intoxicating liquors, during the vtdiole of Sunday." The gentlemen who sp;vke infavf)-!r flf the petition were the Rev, Wm. Sinclair, Itlr Wir;'i;mi Campbell, the Rev. G. B. de Renzi, and Mr. Jo^^epli Bar- ter, (from America.) The speakers in opposition vv^ere Mr. William Spirrett, and Mr. Swales. A resolution was carried m favour of the petition. 10th. The new crystal palace at Sydenham was opened by the Queen, in the presence pf about 40,000 spectators. 14th. Died, in his 65th year, the R->v. Joseph Holmes, D.I)., who for twenty years filled the office of head master of the Leeds Free Grain n>ar School. The deceased was very much respected by his feUow townsmen, and was always held in the highest esteem by liis scholars. He resigned his appointment at the Christmas .previous to his death. The Rev. Alfred Barry, M.A., sue- ' ceeded him as head master. ; Jnjy 7th. The Rov. Charles Wicksteed, B.A., minister of -Mill- hill chapel, Leeds, resigned his ministerial charge, owing *to confirmed enfeebled health. He had held the appoint- ment nearly nineteen years, during which period he had discharged his duties with unwearied devotion .'ind zeal. His dpi^'P learning, and fervent piety, combined with charity, h.;;d secured to him the affections of liis congregaticm, so that his resignation was accepted with feelings of deep regret and aon-^DW. As a small acknowledgement of his long and faith- ful services, the congregation presented to him on the 0th of October, 1854, a silver salver, which had cost £32, with 3 purse CMutaining £883 15s. The Rev. Thomas Hincks was ;appointed to the ministry on the 7th of October, 1855. THE SURROUXDIXG DISTRICT. 651 1854.— July. 6th. The eiiiigvaut ship Dirgo depai-ted from Liverpod to Adelaide, -with 530 emigrants, but in a short time had to return, in consequence of the cholera having broken out amongst the passengers. There had been fifty one deatlis, and fourteen were then dangerously ill. 10th. The cholera prevailed at Barbadoes, and up to this •date, 15,000 or one-ninth of the population had fallen vic- tims. 13th. At the> annual dhmer of the West-Riding Medical Charitable Society, held at the White Lion Hotel, Halifax, a beautiful silver kettle and stand, and a silver tray- were presented to J. P. Garlick, Esq., F.R.C.S.. on his resignation of the office of honorary secretary, which he had filled -^Tith unwearied energy, and active benevolence, for "twenty five years.— 20th. The Vegetarian Society of Engand celebrat;?d its serenth an ni vers: -try, by a banquat in the Music-hall, Leeds, to which about 250 ladies and gentlemen, from various parts of the kingdom sat down. The late James Simpson, Esq., presided. 31st. The Leeds, Bradford, and Halifax Junction Kailvray, opened this day. The line was commenced in August, 1852. Aug. 9th. The Leeds town council, after a debate of eight hours' duration, decided by tvrenty eight ag linst seventeen, in favour of obtaining water from tlie vrmr Wharf e, to -be pumped from, or near Arthir.gton, as the future source of water supply for the bore ugh. There vrere four schemes before the council from whicii to select. The first was tire Skiifare, a gravitation soLeme, the estiniated cost of wl.icli, exclusive of land, was set d oi their comrades; The light division uncler Sir George Br.jwn and Sir De Lacy Evans, occupying the right of the Britisli, pressed on the most rapidly, although at every ;-tep a vlreadful redoubt poured destruction upon them. AVitii thiiined ranks they at lengd:h passed the long ascent, reached the redoubt, ana sprang to take possession of it ; but ju.st then a heavy mass of Russian guards descended the hill, poured in upon the assailants a murderous fire, under which m';->f'.t of the oflicers of the 23rd went clown, and then charged them with the bayonet, driving the light troops down the hill. At thife critical moment up came the brigade of foot guards under General Bentick, and the Highland brigade under General Sir Colin Campbell, both of whom had been x)ressing up the hill to the left of the light troops, and opposed their terrible fronts of steel to the advancing Russian guards. Volleys of musketry brought the Imperial troops U> a stand, but when the English guards and Highlanders rushed upon them with the bayonet, the sight was too dreadful, and the Russian guards turned round and fled. Then the redoubt was taken by the guards and Highlanders together, though not till tli« Russian artillery had carried oil' nearly all the cannon. 654 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1854.— Skpp About the same time, General Pennefather, whose brigade had been connected with the right of the light division, over- came the opposition in his front, and united with the otlier brigades in the final attack upon the Russians. The BritisU artillej'7 was not much behind the infantry in reaching the heights, and it inflicted heavy loss on the enemy, both during the battle and in the pursuit. The French after gaining the lieights turned to the left, and attacked the Russians with great effect, especially during the retreat. The hei^'hts of tibe Almi were carried after an engagement of about three hours and a half. The British loss V/^as : — • officers kiUed 26, wounded 73 : men killed 327, Avounded 1,557. The French : — officers killed 3, wounded 54 ; meri killed 253, wounded 1,033. Total allies killed 600, wounded 2,717. The Russian loss was : — offi,cers killed 45, wounded 101; m^w killed 1762, wounded 2,720. Total Russians killed 1,807, wounded 2,821. On the 23rd of September the allied armies quitted the position above the Alma, and moved across the Katscha, On the following day they passed the Belbek, with the intention of attacking Sebastopol on the north side ; but it was then found that at the mouth of the latter river, where the Generals had hoped to disembark the siege artillery, a Russian fort had been constructed, which it would be necessary to take before the artillery could be landed. This caused them to change their plans, and make for n, small harbour, deep, but narrow, called Bal- aklava, on the south coast of the Crimea, and not more than eight miles south east of Sebastopol. Sept. 29th, Marshal St. Arnaud died, aged 53. On the 17th of October the allied armies opened fire on Sebastopol, which was continued incessantly for more than a week. Battle op Balakliva. On the 25tb of October, afc an early liour in the morning-, the eneniy attacked the pf)sition in front of Balaklava. In a very short time four redoubts garrisoned by Turkish troops were taken. Tlie enemy's cavalry pursued the Turks until they encountered the 93rd Highlanders, who instantly drove them back by a vigorous and steady fire. Repulsed by one British infantry regiment, the Russian cavalry re-formed, and dished forward against the Scots Greys. The numbers opposed to the Scots Greys were in proportion of six to one ; and the enemy opening their i-anks received them in their midst, and then closed in upon them. The struggle was a fearful one, but the heroic bravery of these 280 British sabres caused the enemy to gallop back in great disorder to- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 655 1854.— Oct. wards the captured redoubts. Some time after this, a glorious catastrophe occurred, which filled all vrlio wituesssed it with sorrow. From a misconception of Lord Raglan's in- structions, directing Lord Lucan to advance his cavalry nearer to the enemy, his lordship gave orders to Lord Car- digan to attack the enemy in the valley. The light cavalry numbered about 670 sabres. The brigade then charged on- wards against the battery of nine guns, which breasted the valley. These guns opened a fearful discharge of grape upon the gallant fellows, wliilst the batteries upon the right and lefb poured in volleys of round shot and shell. Un- daunted by this murderous fire the cavalry pushed on, with- out once hesitating, dashed into the nine gun battery, and secured the cannon. In returning, the remnant of the cavalry had to cut their way through a column of Russian infantry. At that very moment Avlien the}'- were about to retreat, an enoriuus mass of Lancers was hurled upon their flank. Colonel ShewoU, of the 8th hussars saw the danger, and rode his few men straight at theiu, cutting his way through vdth feiirful loss. The other regiments turned and engaged in a desperate encounter. With courage almost too gi-eat for credence, thej" broke their way through the columns that enveloped them. How a single man escaped is really marvellous I In that fearful cavalry fight there were 13 officers killed or taken, 162 men killed or taken, 27 officers woimded, and 224 men wounded. Total killed, wounded, and missing, 426. Horses killed or missing, 394, horses wounded 126, total 520. Battle of Ixkerman. On the 5th of Xov., at the dawn of day, thellussijins poured out of Sebastopol with immense forces, ascended the Inkerinau heiglits, and almost before the British had awakened from slumber, large masses of Russians were creeping up the hills in front, flank, and rear of the 2nd division. The morning was extremely dark, with a drizzling rain, rendering it almost impossible to di.=:cover anything beyond the flash and smoke of artillerj-, and heavy musketry fire. The enemy had placed batterries of hea^-y artillery on the slopes to the left. And now commenced the bloodiest struggle ever "wit- nessed since war c;ir>cd the earth. So gi-eat was the huny in the surprised army, that the regiments hastened to their posts by companies, and formed themselves at once in front of overpowering numbers of the enemy, whilst the heavy guns and field artillery of the Russians were showering death upon them from every point of advantage. Some of the 656 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ]854— Nov, ^ divisions were sent to resist the attack on the east ; others to resist that on the north and north west ; and in the thick fog it was impossible to tell which was the point of greatest danger. The British although opposed to vastly superior masses of Rassians, contested every inch of the ground with a bravery that had never been equalled. The battle raged for nine long hours. The force of the Russians which attacked, amounted to 60,000 men, whilst the British troops that could be spared were but 8,000. When thfe British had been engaged several hours in the unequal and critical contest, bodies of 6,000 French arrived, and charged the Russians with powerful effect. At one point where the British v/ere completely outflanked, the French battalions saved them by a timely attack. But in spite of English energy, and French ardour, still the Russians poured on their inexhaustible masses up hills bathed in the blood of their comrades. "Thus the battle continued" says Lord Raglan " with unabated vigour, and with no positive result, the enemy bringing upon our line not only all their field batteries, but those in front of Sebastopol and the ship guns, till the afternoon, when the symptoms of giving way first became apparent, and shortly after, although the fire did not cease, the retreat became general, and heavy masses were observed retiring over the bridge of the Inkerman, and ascending the oj)posite height, abandoning on the field of battle five or six thousand dead or wounded, multitudes of the latter having already been carried ofl' by them. I never before witnessed such a spectacle as the field presented ; but upon this I Avill not dwell." But we have not finished the deeds of this bloody battle. On the side of the French siege works the Russians made a sally with 5,000 men, with Avhich they seized two of the French batteries, and spiked fifteen guns. The French soon expelled the assailants, and pur- sued them to the very walls of their fortifications, inflicting a loss of 1,000 men. The number of British oflicers killed were 44, wounded 102 ; men killed 016, wounded 1878. French oflicers killed 14, wounded 34 ; men killed 118, wounded 1,279. The Russians had 247 oflicers killed and wounded; men killed 4,976, men wounded 10,152. On the 14th of November a violent hurricane swept over the Crimea, which left the soldiers tentless, deluged, and perishing, as well as whelmed many a brave ship beneath the bUlow. Oct. 4th. Henry Hall, Esq. having resigned the office of treasurer to the Leeds General Lifirmary, which he had filled THE SURUOUNDIXG DISTRICT. 657 1854.— Oct. gratuitously for more than thirty eight years, dnring the whole of which period he had earuestly and zealously pro- moted the interests, advocated the claims, and extended the benefits ©f charity. Joseph Mason Tennant, Esq. Avas ap- pointed his successor. Gth. A fire broke out in the worsted manufactory of Messrs. Wilson and Son, in Hillgate, Gateshead ; from thence it spread to a sulphur and saltpetre store, or powder niiU. This blew up, and such was the terrific explosion (heard twenty miles distant,) that the burn- ing mass was thrown across the T^nie, upon ships, and warehouses in !N"ewcastle, which at once became ignited. At the time of the explosion a very large concourse of per- sons had assembled in the neighbourhood of the mill, and "" hundreds of them were buried beneath the burning mass. A many lives were lost, and a large number injured. Property was destroyed of the value of half a million. By an order in council dated 18th of October, this year, 26 burial grounds and burial places, in the townships of Leeds, Hunslet, and Holbeck, were ordered to be closed, with the following modifications : — " Burial.s to be discontinued furthuith, within the churches and church yard-s of St. Peter, St. John, Trinity, and St. Mary, Hun.slet ; and intlie church vaults ofSt. .iam-^s', a.ni\ St. Paul'.s ; al.so the buria! ground-s. Kirkgate (new), St Mary's, St Peter's We>leyari. tl.e Primi- tive Merhodists, Quarry Hill, Vienna-street ; Wesleyan Ne-v Con- nexion, EWer.ezer-street ; Mill Hill chapel; Albion chapel ; Wesleyan chapt-l, Huaslet ; Baptist chipel, Hun>let-lovv-road ; and in Bethel chapel, Holbeck. And from and after 1st of July, 1S55, the' burial gruurids of' St. Patrick's Roman catholic chapel ; Brunsvick Wesleyau chapel; Oxford-pl ice chapel; Queen-stn et chapel; and the Wes- leyau Methodist chapel, Holbeck. And from anfl after the 1st of July, 1>.'j6, in the Quakers' burial eround. In Hill Ho'ise Bank burial ground, attached to the church of St Saviour's, onp body only to be hurled in each grave, (except in existiner private vaults nnd grav'^") and burials to cea.se from ar.d after the 1st rif July, \S'^&. Burials t) cease forthwith in the bnri il eround situated between the Coloured Cloth-hall, and the Infirmary In the church yard of St Matthew, Holbeck, no burials to take place within twenty feet of the walls of tlie church, or of any dwellinehonse, and wholly to cea<, as treasurer of the borough ofLeed.-s." At a previous meeting of the council it was decided to appoint a treasurer at a salary of £300 per an n Tin), and at the present meeting Mr. William Whitehead, chief clerk to the Board of Works, was appointed to the office. 31st. Died in the 39th year of her age, Charlotte, the wife of the Rev. Arthur Bell NichoUs, and daughter of the Rev. Patrick Bronte, incumbent of Haworth, who under the name of Currer Bell, has established a lasting reputation as the authoress of Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, and other works. Her life is full of interest, as that of an intellectual woman combating with adverse fortune, and determined to win her wav in the world. She tried in vain to obtain a sub- 664 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1855 — March. sisteiice as a governess, and afterwards by keeping a scliool at Haworth. She then took to literature. As soon as she could write, she began to write tales, and at the age of four- teen had in manuscript twenty two volumes of her own composition. In 1846 she published a volume of poems, the joint composition of herself and her sisters Emily and Anne, under the title of "Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell," the names being selected with a view to conceal their sex. In the following year she published Jane Eyre, a work that had an immense success, and thoroughly established her reputation. Her future works had also a ready and immense sale. She married on the last day of June, 1854, and on the last day of the following March, while her heart beat with the hopes of a mother, she was dead. "Oh, I am not going to die, " were the last words she uttered to her husband, as she awoke from her stupor — " I am not going to die, am I '? He will not separate us, we have been so happy. " Her sisters Emily and Anne had preceeded her to the grave, the former in 1848, and the latter in 1849. Guardians of the poor for the township of Leeds, elected April 5th, 1855:— Those ill brackets were elected. East, [William Wray, and William Brown.] Kirkgate, [Ricliard Stead, and Thomas Phillips] MlLL-Hll L, [John Pat- rick, 468, Leonard Hicks, 444, John Woodhe id, 393,] Darnton Lupton, 173, Anthony Tifley, 14;. Norih, [Nathaniel Sharpe, and Samnel Myer-^.] Nor th-Easp, [S,1 Benjamiti Dixon, 10-2, Richard Moat, 90. NoRiH Wrst, [Richard Simpson, and David Newton] South, [Wm Chadwick, 131, William Kirk, 74,] William Jackson, 64. Wkst, [George Tatham, Thomas Tilney, and Henry Dufton.] Rich- ard Stead was elected chairman. April I'rth to the 21st, the Emperor and Empress of the French, were on a visit to Queen Victoria at Windsor Castle. 18th. The centenary Jubilee of the Moravian church, was celebrated at Fulneck. On Sunday the 29th of April and the three following days, a series of highly in- teresting services and a soiree, took place in Qaeen-street chapel, Leeds, to commemorate the centenary of the forma- tion of congregational independency in Leeds. May 7th, Mr. George Thompson late M. P.for the Tower HamLjts, delivered a lecture in the Music-hall Leeds, on "The War, its antecedents, crigin, results and probable issues," in which, he strongly urged the audience to unite in demanding, that the war should be abandoned as soon as j)os- THE SURROL'XDIXG DISTRICT. 6Q5 1855— May. sible. On the motion of Mr. Conncilior Carter, a resolution was carried, to prosecute the war with vigour until Hussia gave a material guarantee against future aggi-ession. 8th. 5,000 Sardinians under General Marmora arrived in the Crimea. 11th. The ceremony of laying the founda- tion stone of the new works at Arthiugton, for giving an additional supply of water to the borough of Leeds, by pump- ing from the river Wharfe, took place this day. The stone was laid by Mr. Alderman Hepper, chairman of the water works committee. 15th. The foundation stone of Saint Columba's church "Woodhouse-lane, Leeds, in connexion with the synod of the Presbyterian church, in England, was laid by William Mac'eod, Esq. M.D., of Ben Rhydding. It is a handsome stone structure situated on an elevated position, and presents an object of architectural beauty, from various parts of the neighbourhood in which it stands. The style is the early English with a tower and spire. 18th. The Queen publicly distributed Crimean medals to 500 brave soldiers and sailors, who had returned from the seat of war, on the St. James' Parade, London. 30th. The eighteenth annual meeting of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Insti- tutes took place at York, under the presidency' of Lord Goderich, M.P. On the following day a splendid banquet was given to his lordship by his constituents at Huddersfield. From June 7th to the ISth, there was terrible fighting before Sebastopol. The Quarries, and tlie Mamelon, were both captured, but the assault of the Malakoft, and tte Redan, was unsuccessful. June 18th. From the report of the Sebastopol committee, brought into the House of Commons this day, it appeared that the army, during a period of several weeks, from the middle of November, 1854, was exposed to all the sufferings and inconveniences of cold, rain, mud, and snow, on high ground, and in the depth of winter, — that they had suffered from overwork, exposure, want of clothing, insufiicieut suppUes for the healthy, and imperfect accommodation for the sick, the latter had not even the commonest necessaries of life, even of bedding, as well as medicme and medicinal comforts, — that the hospitals at Scutaria were in a luost filthy condition, that cargoes of goods sent to the Crimea had never arrived, and that the cargoes which had arrived could not be conveyed to the camp, for want of a road. After the hurricane in November the supply of forage failed, and under the combined effects of overwork", cxposurt'. and want, the cavalry cea.sed to exist as an efiective force. The 666 ANXALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 185.'). —June. committee could not bring this great neglect home to any- body. It appeared to be more the system than the men. When the army landed in the Crimea, the Cabinet in Eng- land had expected that Sebastopol would have fallen imme- diately by a coup de main, a mistake that was shared in by the people generally. More than once the nation exulted at the downfall of Sebastopol, and in a few hours the news was found to be premature, 28tli. Field Marshal Lord Raglan, died in the Crimea, aged 67. He was succeeded by General Simpson. 30th. The repeal of the newspaper stamp duty, came into operation this day, and caused a change in the price, and in many cases in the character of almost every newspaper in the kingdom. Daily penuy papers were started at Manches- ter, Liverpool and other places. The Leeds Mercury was published from Tuesday the 3rd of July, three days in the week, namely, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. July 2nd. Some alarm having been created in the town of Leeds, by a proposed encampment of the militia on Wood- house moor, a public meeting was held at the Court-house, at which tlie mayor presided, to pass resolutions to the Lords of the manor, asking them to withold their sanction to such encampment. The trustees of the Leeds Free Grammar School, with Dr. Hook as chairman, did great service to the cause of popuhxr education, by extending the basis of the system of teaching at the school, so as to meet the needs of a class very numerous in the town. The new plan established two distinct departments, one with aji ox- tended course, comprising all the requisites of a first rate education ; the second requiring a shorter time, and seeking only to give a thorough grammatical and commercial train- ing, to lit boys for trades, and the lower kinds of office work. In both departments, modern languages were to form a regular part of the school system. 16th. The Leeds and Yorkshire Daily Exfyrcss, published by Mr. Frederick Hobson, was given up after a fourteen days ex- istence. 18th. The Eev. S. Sunderland, vicar of Penis- tone, Yorkshire, was killed by the upsetting of an omnibus between Chatsworth and Rowsley. 23rd. There was a destructive thunderstorm and flood at Halifax and neigh- bourhood ; two lives were lost. 26th. The 112th annual Wesleyan Methodist Conference was held at Leeds. 31st. The House of Commons voted £10,000 to Captain M'Clure, and the crew of the Investigator for the discovery of the n(^:''!'-"-03t ^rissage. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 667 855. — Aug. August 2nd. Tlie Hou. M. T. Baines, resigned the office of President of the Poor-law Board, owing to ill health. 9th. Sweaborg, in the Gulf of Finland, was pounded, burnt, and destroyed, by the fleets of England and France. On the 16th of August, the long threatened attack of the Russians on the Tcheruaya line took place, and ended in the complete defeat of the enemy, with the loss of 6,000 Rus- sians, including 600 prisoners, whilst on the part of the French and Sardinians, it did not amount to more than 1,000 men. ISth. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert arrived in Paris, on a visit to the Emperor of the French. Her ]\Iajesty and the Prince returned to England on the 27th. 18th. The erection and occupation of the new Leeds Mercury Offices in Albion-street, was commemorated by a dinner at Gascoigne's Hotel, High Harrogate, given by the proprietors, to the statF in the several departments of the establishment. SOtli. Died, aged 59, Mr. Feargus O'Connor, the once popular chartist leader. On Wednesday, the 5th of September, the allied batteries opened for the sixth time on Sebastopol, and the last BOMBARDMENT Commenced. At noon on the 8th, the great assault by the English and French took place. The French took the Malakoff, but the English were repulsed from the Redan. During the night, the Prussians evacuated the north side of Sebastopol. They had stored up combustibles in the principal houses of the town, which they fired, so that they left the place a mass of blazing ruins. The siege had occui)ied eleven montiis, or from I7t]i of October, 1854, to 8th of Se^Dtember, 1855. The total loss of the allies on the 8th, was British killed 335, v%^ou7ided 1,886, missing 176, total 2,447. French killed 1,634, wounded 4,513, missing 1,410, total 7,557. Total 10,004. Russians killed 2,684, wounded 7,245, missing 1,763, total 11,692. Sept. 7th. Died, aged 82, Joshua Bovver, Esq., at his residence, Hillidge House, Hunslet. The deceased v»t^s well known for the conspicious part lie had taken in most of the political movements of the present century, and was always a welcome speaker at public meetings, uttering sound truths in Saxon English, and accompaning them with illustrations at which the most fastidious were compelled to smile for their quaintnesS, and applaud for their point. j\Ir. Bower was a Radical in politics. He was a candidate for the repre- sentation of Leeds at the election of 1834, and obtained the largest show of hands on Woodhouse moor, but was defeated at tli*^ vnT]. Ho was a member of the toAvn council for 668 ANXALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1855.— SEPr the Hunslet ward, from the passing of the municipal reform act in 1835, and held the office of alderman for the borough from Nov, 1S44, Mr. Bower was the architect of his own fortune, and succeeded in amassing a large fortune, and giving employment to hundreds of the inhabitants of Hun- slet. 15th. Kirkstall Abbey was the scene of a most gratifying event — no less than 1,500 pei-sons, consisting of the workpeople, and the families of the workpeople em- ployed by the Kirkstall Forge Company, having assembled there, for the purpose of presenting a testimonial of respect and esteem to George Skirrow Beecroft, Esq., of Abbey House, on the occasion of his retirement from active part- nership in the Kirkstall Forge Company. The testimonial consisted of a massive silver tureen, from the establishment of Messrs. Hirst; Briggate, and bore the following inscrip- tion ; — "Presented to George Skirrow Beecroft, Esq., by the workmea employed at Kirkstall Forge, as an exprefs^ion of their re.«' of the Lord.s of the m;iuor, in the parts of Woodhou.se and Holheck moor.«, at the price namer], viz.: — For Woodhou.se .£*.3,00(), and Holheck .£'1.000; and also that application he made to parliament to authori.^e the.se purcha.*:e.s, and the purchase of the copyholds on "Wondhon.«e moor, and to extinguish the alleged commonable rights on "Wondhouse and Holheck moors, and that in the same hill po'.ver be taken to purchase Hnnslet moor; and that the cost of the respective pureha.ses be charged upon the townships where the moors are situated." At the same meeting Mr. Edward Filliter was appointed borough surveyor, in the place of Mr. Tilney, resigned. During a few days, about the end of Sept., an extraor- dinary plague of flies, (the black winged aphis) prevailed in different parts of the country. Persons who had occasion to 670 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1855.— Oct. travel between Headingley and Leeds, found it almost im- possible to avoid having tlieir nostrils and mouths filled with the insects. They adhered to the apparel so thickly, as com- pletely to cover some parts of it. Oct. 1st. Amongst the attractions at the Leeds Royal Gardens, this day, was a grand Baby Show, prizes being awarded to the possessors of the finest babies. 10th. The Leeds toAvn council memorialized her majesty ^'to hear and inquire into the claims of Leeds, before any order be made, tliat the assizes and gaol deliveries for the West-Riding of Yorkshire be held at Wakefield instead of York." On the 17th, the Wakefield town council adopted a memorial in favour of their town. 22ud. LordWliarn- clitfe died, aged 54, at his seat, Wortley-hall, near Sheffield. He was a nobleman of high character and spirit, and of excellent business talents. In 1811 he was re burned for the West- Riding of Yorkshire, along with Mr. Beckett Denison, by a large majority over Lords Morpeth and Milton — having previously been twice defeated by Lord Morpeth. His eldest son, the Hon. E. M. Stuart Wortley, (who had married the second daughter of the Earl of Harewood,) succeeded to the title and estates. On the same day died aged 45, Sir William Molesworth, secretary of state for the Colonies. From 1837 till 1841, he represented Leeds in conjunction with the late Mr. E. Baines. He was a man of a bold and ener- getic character, with great talents, extraordinary pov/er of ac- qTiiring knowledge, a retentive memory, a logical head, and a strong taste for politics and public speaking. His scholar- ship and intellectual activity, is evinced by his translation of the Latin works of Hobbes the philosopher. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, Noi'ember 1st, 1855. Those in brackets were elected. Mill-Hill, [AntJion^- Titley, L, 296, EdnMn Irwin, C, 296,] Henry Ludo!!', L, 2/4, Thomas Newsani, C, 274-. West. [George Brook, L, 610, J. O March. L, 3i2.] John Ardill, 1{, 303. • INorth-Wrst, I J. M. Barret.] North, [William Watson, L, 364.] W T. Bullaii'l, C, 345. North- East, [Benjamin Dixon, C ] East, [Samuel Idle, C,517,] Joseph Lobley,L, 516. Kirk- oat k, [Charles Crabfree, C, 189,j Samnel Higiiias, L, 13;^. South, [William Kirk, L.] Huxslet, [Enoch Blackburne, L.] Ht)LBECis, [Thas. Sheldon, L, and R. L. Armstrong, L.] BnAMi.KY, [Samuel Ma^giave, L, and Matthew Mo.s.s, L] Headingley, [Robert White, C] Nov 9th. Thom;^.s Willingfton Gt-orge, E.sq., was elected mayor. Sept. 24th. We.st Ward, vice T W. George, made an alderman in place of Mr. Bovver deceased, [James Reflitt, L.l THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 671 1855. — Nov. Nov. 6th. This Avas a memorable day in the annals of Bradford, occasioned by the inauguration of the statue of the late Sir Robert Peel, b}' Beliens the eminent sculptor. It is of bronze and is 1 1ft. 6in. high ; was cast in one mass at the foundry of Messrs. ILobinson and Tatham of London. It stands upon a circular pedestal of Bramley stone resting upon an octagon, and bearing the simple inscription" Peel." The pedestal is 13 feet high, and was erected by Messrs. Burnley and Sons, Bradford. The number of persons present to wit- ness the ceremony Avas computed at 30,000. TJie total cost of the memorial was £3,200, viz. £1,000 for the statue and £2,200 for the land, &c. 9th. Tlie corporate common seal of the borough of Leeds was affixed to an agreement betwen the Lords of the manor, and the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses of the borough, for the sale and purchase of Woodhouse moor, 19th. One of the most admirable exhibitions of works of art, articles of vc,}ii(^ and specimens of art-workmanship, ever held in Leeds, was opened at tlie Scliool of Practical Art, South- parade, by a conversazione, presided over by Dr. Hook, which was attended by members of most of the leading fami- lies of the town. The two rooms devoted to the works of decorative art, and articles of vertit, from the private col- lection of her majesty, and the museum oi Marlbrough House, caused the most attraction.' 31st. The Wel- lington statue was placed in front of the Leeds Town-hall. Dec. 4th. Sir Joseph Paxton, M.P., read a paper before the members of the Leeds Philosophical Society, "On the grov.'th of London, and other large towns, with suggestions for their better architectural arrangement, internal commu- nication, and sanataiy improvement." 5th. St. Barnabas' church. Sweet-street, Holbeck, was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Ripon. It is a Gothic structure, in the middle pointed or decorated style of architecture. It was built at a cost of £3,000. The stone pulpit, font, and other fittings, are exceedingly cliastc and appropriate. There are 700 sittings, with stalls in the chan- cel, and a great proportion of tlie seats are free. The win- dows are glazed with tinted catliedral glass, and after day- light, the edifice is lighted up by sun lights in the centre roofs, probably the first instance in which this mode of lighting has been applied to an ecclesiastical building in this part of the country. The pulpit was presented by the par- ishioners, and the font by the children and teachers of the day and Sunday-schools. The living is a perpetual curacy, 672 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1855.— Dec. valued at £150, in the alternate patronage of the crown and the Bishop of Ripon, and in the incumbency of the Rev. N. Greenwell, B.A.- The inhabitants of Leeds were subject to considerable inconvenience, from a restricted supply of water, the water being given only two or three times a week, The Leeds West-end People's Institute was formed, mainly through the exertions of Mr. Hole, assisted by the subscriptions of the West-end employers and others. 1856. Jan. 3rd. Died, aged 55, Mr. Cawthra, a vocalist who for many years occupied the position of principal tenor in Leeds. 12th. The pianoforte manufactory of Messrs. J. and J. Hopkinson, (of Leeds,) sitviate in Diana-place, New-Road-street, Marylebone, London, was comj)letely de- stroyed by fire, with a large stock of instruments, and all the workjnen's tools. In about a fortnight after the fire, the eastern and south-eastern walls of the premises were blown down by the wind, destroying three houses, and in- juring several persons, besides killing a poor woman named Saunders, 12th, A murderous conflict took place be- tween a gang of robbers, who were breaking into Messrs, Crowther and Go's. , woollen mill, Churwell, and a party of constables and their assistants. The latter succeeded in taking four of the thieves, namely John Briggs, William Cain, John Pickard, and James Marsden, who were each sentenced to eight years penal servitude, at York, on the 14th of March following. In the affray, David Steel, one of the thieves was sliot in the thigh, and died in about twenty four hours after, 14th, Three young men of respectable connexions, named John Jennings, Henry Bailey, and Samuel Allen, were brought before the Leeds magis- trates on a charge of breaking into the nunnery. Cross-green- lane, York-road, They had been drinking at public houses until late, and for a lark made a midnight intrusion into the nunnery. The afiair was settled on their agreeing to pay £5 each to the Infirmary. 21st. Died, aged 75, Benjamin Gaskell, Esq., of Thornes House, Wa^cefield. A monument has been erected in West- gate chapel to his memory, by his son Milnes Gaskell, Esq., M.P, .. It was executed by Bedford, of London, and consists of a tablet in white marble on black, surmounted by the family crest, and bears the following inscription : — "To the honoured and Limented memoiy of Renjainin Gaskel ], Rsq of" Thornes House, for manj^ years one of the representntive^ jo p-^r- THE SUEROUXDIXG DISTRICT. 673 ]S56.— Jan. liament of tlip borough of MalJon. Born Feb. 28th, l"*^!, (lied Jan. 21sr, 1856. Liberal, compa.s.>ionaLe, >ingle-niincle'l, gentle, unassu- ming, true; he was held in rt^specc an! affei-tion by all wb i knew him, during a long and blaiaele.ss life. This tablet is erected by hi.<5 sorrowing and loving .son." 22iicl, A splendid baurjuet was given at Halifax, in liononr of Captain Slocks, of the 1st Roval Dragoons, for liis gallan- try in the Crimea. 2Gth. Died, aged 07, William Wil- liams Brown, Esq., of Leeds. He was well known as being the head of one of the only two private banking establish- ments now remaining in Leetls. Between forty and fift}^ years ago he joined in establishing tlie firms of Nicholson, Brown, and Co., of Leeds, and Nicholson, Janson, and Co. , London ; and he subsequently became the head of the firms of AYii). Wms. Brown, and Co., and Brown, Janson, and Co., wliich succeeded them, and which are now in de- served repute, as among the most respectable banking houses in the country. Mr. Brown was a very judicious, cautious, and skilful banker. He was of very courteous manners, but of a retiring disposition. He was a magistrate for the borough of Leeds, and also for the West -Hiding. 26tli. Died suddenly, after entering a cab, aged 51. Mr. John Beckwith, clerk to the Leeds Board of Guardians. He was a man of considerable ability, which was displayed both in his writing for the press, and in his management of the business of the poor law guardians. He was formerly the reporter to the Leeds Intelligencer, and was one of the oldest reporters in the tov.Ti. As a local politician he exer- cised considerable influence amongst the conservative party. Mr. Henrj^ Lampen was appointed clerk in his place, on the 13th of February following. 30th. A testimonial consisting of a very handsome time- piece, accompanied Avith silver tea and cotfee pot and salver, was presented to Mr. Snowdon, solicitor, Leeds, by the shareholders of the Leeds Commercial Banking Company, bearing the following inscription : — " Presented with .silver tea and coifee pof, and Salver, to Henry Snowden, Esq , ssolicitor, hy directors, and other proprietors of 'The Leeds Commercial Banking Conipjiny,' (dis-^oived January 30th, lv5(5) in testimony of their hitih estimation of liis p ofe.ssional .services." Feb. Died, aged 83, in the Infirmary of the Queen's Bench Prison, John Dufreni, for many years a merchant in Leeds. He had been confined in prison forty three years, for having refused to answer questions under a commission of bankruptcy taken oiit against him. 4th. The organ, 57 674 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1856.— Frb. and a great part of the roof of Beeston cliurcli, were de- stroyed by fire. The disaster was attributed to the over- heating of the flues. 6th. The re-election for Leeds, of the Pvt. Hon. M. T. Baines, rendered necessary by his acceptance on the 24tli of Nov. previous, of the officv^ of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, took place this day in the Coloured Cloth-hall yard. Mr. Alderm;iii Shaw pro- posed, and Mr. Alderman Wilson seconded the nomination. 'No other candidate being proposed he v/as declared to be duly elected. 13th. The corporate common seal of the borough of Leeds, was afiixed to an agreement with the vicar of Leeds, for dedicating part of llegent-street to public use ; and that i>art of Regent-street which extends from Lilac- terrace to Skinner-lane, was declared to be a public highway. 27th. The congregation and friends of the He v. Wm. Hudswell^ pastor of Salem Independent chapel, and the senior congregational minister at this time officiating in Leeds, invited him to the Stock Exchange, Albion-street, for the purpose of presenting him with a testimonial of their esteem. TJie presentation was prefaced by a tea, to which about 200 persons sat down. The testimonial consisted of a very handsome silver tray, tea and coffee pots, cream ev/er, and sugar basin ; together with a handsome silk purse con- taining 100 guineas. The plate cost forty eight guineas, and bears the following inscription : — "This richly chased Lnnis Quatorze patterf) silver tea and coffee service, with a purse of 100 guineas, were preseiited to the Rev W. Hud^well, by the church and congregation assembling in Salem chapel, as a mark of their high e.'^teein, and in grateful ackp.o^de.lge- ment of his Ions' and faithful services as their pastor, during a period of twenty three years. Leeds, Feb "i/th, 1856." A purse of thirty guineas was also presented to Mrs. Hudswell. March 1st. Harriet Dove, daughter of Mr. Jenkins of Bramhope, aged 28, the v.ife of William Dove, Cardigan- place, Kirkstall-road, Leeds, died in great agony, under circumstances which left no doubt but that she had been poisoned. A post mortem examination by Mr. Morley, and Mr. Nuunely, surgeons, showed clearly that she ha.d died from the effects of strychnia. Mr. Dove, the husband, was taken into custody on suspicion of having administered the poison. After a four days' inquest before John Blackbuin, Esq., borough coroner, the jury returned the followiug verdict : — *' We find that Harriet Dove has died from the effects of strychnia, wilfully administered b}^ her husband William THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 675 1856— M.AncH. Dove.'" He avas jiccuYiingly committed to York castle on a clmrge of wilful murder. The trial commenced on the IGtli of July, before Baron Bramwell. The counselfor the prosecntion were Mr. Ovevend. Q.C., Mr. Hardy, n,nd Mr. Bailey. For the defence, Mr. Bliss, Q.C., Mr. "^ Serjeant Wilkins, Mr. HalJ, and Mr. IMiddleto:!. Tlie prosecution \vas got v.p by Bertie Markland, Esq., of Leeds. J. M. Barrett, Esq., of Leeds had the mimageineut of the prisoners defence. Tlie trial occupied four d:iys. The evidence of the prosecu- tion established beyond doubt, that the jn^isoner had caused his Avife's death by a series of five or six doses of strychnia, cidniinistered during as many days. It v/as shown that the priscmer had lived unhaj^pily with his v.dfe — that he had treat her at times with tlie greatest cruelty — that he had con- sulted Harrison the wizard, as t(^ getting rid of her — that he had got strychnia twico or three times from Mr. Morley's surgery, under the ]>rotencc' that he wanted to poison cats — tliat he aduiinistered five ti'iies the subtle drrtg, on the sixth occasion it proved fata]. During tiic week that he watched the agonies of liis wife, he ]'>retcnded lo be in the greatest dis- tress ; v/ept o".er. aud lamented her certain death. The de- fence set -."-f '-"— :r -"/"y crAe of insi-inity, and a large number of witnc-^: :^ ! : I to speal: to th(5 ninnberless wild and crazy acts c '::i::ii- ^ [ ^r the prisoner froui his earliest j^ears, such as : — Ins chasnig his sisters with a red hot poker, — his setting lire to the curtains (if his bed-rooui — his tormenting of cats and kitteus — h.is buying a pist(.l at twelve years of ago to shoot his fatlier, and Jus sc'inolniaster— his attempt to poison his master's horses, >'c'j., A:c. The jury found the prisoner .c/vnY/'/ of v-iifnl min-der : h'-.t rec!;]nuieuded him to mercy on th." --.-onii'l of dyfective intellect. The learned judge in prononjiciiig sentence (-i dc-rHi, cuitioned him n(;.t to ex- pect that his life would 1)0 sparer 1, altlii)i;gh lie would forward trie recommendation of the j'ary t^j the lu-oper ([uarter. No olTorb wa.s spared by the prisoners' solicitor and others to obtain a commutation of the sentence, but the Home fSecre- tary declined to interfere. Tlie unfortunate man was execu- ted in front of York castle, at noon, on Saturday the 9th of August, having previously m;ide a full coijfession of his guilt, stating that he was instigated to commit tlu^ crime by Harrison the fortune teller. He had been most carefully and respectably brouglit up, and Avas the son of tlie late IMr. Christopher Dove, of Park-square, Leeds. 5th. The corporate seal of the borough of Leeds was afhx- ed to agreements Avith milloAVJiers and otluTS on the Wharfe, 676 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1«56.— March. by which power was granted to take two and a half million gallons of water from the river per day, for wliich the council was to pay an aggregate compensation of £9,G85, The town council on the same day decided by twenty seven to eight, to erect a tower to the Town-hall, the cost of which, including the warming and ventilation of the hall, would be £11,061. It was also decided to grant £'1,000 on account of the ex- peiise of obtaining tlie new improvement act. 12fch. Died, aged 57, John Wilkinson, Esq., of Gledhow Mount, the head of the firm of John Wilkinson, and Co., flax spinners, of Hunslet, and one of the Leeds borough magistrates. Mr. Wilkinson was remarkable for his eminent business talents, by means of which he raised himself froni a comparatively humble position, to be the head of one of the first manufacturing establisliments in Leeds. He pos- sessed great sagacity, a clear and calm judgment, indefati- gable industry, and a very enterprisiug spirit. He was. a man of tlie highest honour and integrity, remarkable for a warm hearted and open handed beuevolence, and for zeal on behalf of the moral and intellectual welfare of the numerous workpeople in hi-^ mills. For their benefit he erected ex- cellent schools, Avhich he sustained in a state of great ef- ficiency, and at considerable expense to himself. The flax mills called Hunslet MilJs, were built by him, and are models of order and cleanliness. He was intelligently alive to all questions of public interest, and was a liberal in politics. 16th. The empress of the French gave birth to a son. A fire took place at the Leeds Industrial School, whereby one wing of the building was destroyed. It was caused by four of the girls, inmates of the establishment, having thrust lighted matches into the aperture for ventilating the school-room. 24th. The first stone of the Castle How- ard Reformatory School was laid by Lady Mary Labouchere. 25th. The foundation stone of Springfield Independent chapel at Dewsbury, Avas laid by Mr. E. Baines, of Leeds. 26th. An Institution was founded at Halifax, known as the Haley-hill Working Man's College. 30th. The treaty of peace between Russia and the Allies was signed this day. The news of the event caused hearty rejoicings throughout the kingdom. April 1st. At an influential meeting in Leeds, a committee was appointed to consider the best means of forming a ju- venile reformatory. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 077 S56.— .^PRii- Giiardians of the Poor of tlie towusiiip of Leeds, elected April 5th, 1856. Those in brackets were eleered. East, [\Yilli,im Brown, U'6, William Wray, 158,] Henry Alexan- der Patterson, IJO, .lohi) TiiOinjisor, 103. KlRKftATE, rEicharr] Stead, 279. Chail.'.- Crabtr e, •2\>^.] Tlioaias Phillii..s-, 101, John Brown, 43. Georire Atlia Liiislev, 15, Tlionia»- Gret-nhow, 7- MiLL-Hll.L, [Wm. Eonrh, Sb/, Lt^o lard Hicks, 368, William Clarke, 34/.] Aml.ony Titley, 143, Kol ert Lawson Ford, 137, Thrs. Edward Flint, 111. North, LNathaniei Sliarpe, 281, Samuel Myer--, 21.'),] '1 homas Ccgill. 84, JRichard Myers, 77, James Crois- dale, 74. NoRin-lv\sr, iSimnel Lawson, and William iMiddle- ton.] NoTJiH West. [Da\id Neutun, ami Henry Bailey Legg.] South, [Williasn Kirk, 92, Hargreaves Hudson, 81,] Edwin Bray, 5>-", Silvester Frazer Jones, 4. West, [John Woodhead, 436, Richard Vrilliam ISIoore, 436, Henry Bufton, 435,] George Tatham. 291, Thomas Tilnry, 2b.=3, Georce Brook, 260, William Holroyd, 192, William Longley, 167, William Fynn, 120. Richard Stead was elected chairman. 9th. The poor law board ordered the E.ev. Solomon Brigg.s, chaplain at the Leeds Iiidr.strial School and work- house, to resign, for not liaA'ing shown proper respect to the guardians. 11th. Lord John Er.ssell's scheme for a system of national education, was defeated hy a majority of 102 on the first resolution : — " That it is expedient to extend, revise, and consolidate the minutes of the committee of Privy Council on Education." The works of the Leeds Tov.Ti-hall were stopped, in consequence of a misunderstand- ing between Mr. Atack, the contractor, and Mr. Brodrick, the architect. 21st. A meeting of trustees of the Leeds Free Grammar School, and parents of youths' under in- struction, was held at tl)e Grainnj.ir School, for the purpose of considering the proj)riety of oi'ecting <\ new, commodious, and handsome building, with largo play ground attached, on a new and iPiore liealthy site. A resolution was adopted recommending the change.' 25th. In the nev\^ parish of Haley-hill, Halifax, a burial ground was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Bipon, and the corner stone of All Saint's church was laid by Edward Akroyd, Esq. The gi-ound for the church and cemetery was given by Mr. Akroyd, and the cost of the cemetery chapel, as also the erection of tlie church was defrayed by the same gentleman. 29th. The following gentlemen were appointed by the Lord Ch.ancellor on the new commission of peace, for the borough of Leeds, viz. : — Jaspph Austin, Joseph Bateson, Charles Cliadwick, M.P„H<'iivy 678 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1856— April rhorley, John Ellersliavv. jun , P^ter Fairhairn, Thomas Willin^ton George, Kdward Irwin, James Kitson, John Wil-on. Richard Har- rison, John Crofts, Thomas Pridjrin Teale, and Joseph Mason Ten- naiit. This list was the same as the one recoramendecl by the town council on the 31st of October, 1855, Avith the exception of the last four named gentlemen, who had been substituted by the Lord Chancellor, in the place of Joseph Richardson, W. E. Hepper, Robert White, and Richard Wilson. Maj^ A beautiful marble bust of the late Benjamin Gott, Esq., placed upon a pedestal, executed by Mr. Joseph Gott, of Rome, was presented to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, by his sons John aiid William Gott, Esqrs. to commemorate the great interest which was taken by the deceased gentleman in the early foundation, and subsequent success of the society. —2nd. The Leeds Musical Union was dissolved. Sunday the 4th of May was observed in all churches as a day of thanksgiving for the return of peace. On the 5th, Bramley, near Leeds, took the initiative in the peace rejoicings in the neighbourhood of Leeds, by an illumination, f the heay\' brigade at Balaklava, and othcrwi-e clistinguislied themselves in the Crimean campaign, — arrived in Leeds, and met with a public and hearty reception fiom the inhabitants. The procession was the most imposing probably ever wit- nessed in Leeds, and its length was so great that it occupied fully half an hour in ]>;issiug a given point. Along the whole route, the dragoons met with a mf)st enthusiastic greeting from the immense concourse of people in the streets, the crowds filling every M-indow, covering eveiy platform, and occupying hundreds of roofs. The houses and shops were profusely decorated with flags and banners. On the arrival of the procession at the barracks, at two <-»'clock, Colonel Hodge, the oflicers, and about 200 hundred civilians sat down to luncheon in a handsome pavilion, erected for the purj^ose in the Barrack-yard. The mayor occupied tlie chair. A dinner was also given in the Riding school, to 400 non-com- missioned officers and men of the 4th Dragooji Guards, Eoyal Artillery, the 4th West York Militia Staft", .tc, (t-c. Shortly after midnight, on Friday the 25th of July, a most disastrous and appaling railway accident took place at the Clinrch Fenton Station, on the Leeds and York division of the North Eastern Railway. The catastrophe was caused by some irregularity in giving the customarj'- signal, that the line was clear, by reason whereof a goods train ran into a passenger train, shivering one second, and three third class carriages into fragments, killing two of the y)assengers, viz,, John Coupland, of Cliflbrd, near Thorparch, and Godfrey Braim, of Tadcaster, besides injuriug about twenty others, some of them seriously. The coroners' jury returned a ver- dict of manslaughter against George Spivey, the signal-man. At the winter assizes, a verdict of not gviilty Avas returned. Aug. 9th. An extraordinary fall of rain caused great flf)od3 in various parts of Yorkshire, and also a serious loss of life and property At Leeds during the day nearl}- two inches of rain, or about a cpiart fell in every twelve square inches. 26th. The second triennial musical festival took place at Bradford, under the direction of Mr. Costa. Mr. William 682 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 185G.— Aug. Jackson of Bradford was the cliorus master. 28tli. Died at his residence Grove Honse, Barmantofts, Leeds, in his 78th. year, Mr. John Heaps, who for upwards of half a centnry took a prominent part ijithe political, ecclesiastical, and municipal affairs of the borough. The deceased was a radical in poli- tics and in relij^ion a Wesleyan. 30th. Major General the Earl of Cardigan, K. C. B. , was entertained at a grand ban- quet in the hall of the Stock Exchange Albion-street, Leeds, and was presented y/ith a splendid sword of honour whicji had cost about 250 guineas. Tlie sword is an elegantly cliased Mameluke dress sabre, with gold cross handle, and haviug two entablatures enamelled on the gold in the centre of the cross. The grip is gold, elegantly chased, and terminated by a tigers' head. The scabbard is double, the outer one being elabor- ately chased and ornamented in silver gilt, and pierced. The blade itself is embossed very chastely, and bears on one side the inscription, "Major General the Earl of Cardigan, K.C.B," and on tlie ofcher, " Presented by the inhabitants of York- shire. " The enamalled entablatures on the handle contain — one, the a-rms of the noble earl : — the other, the cavalry charge at Balaklava on the 25th, of Oct, 1854, with a portrait of his lordship dashing fonvard in the attack upon the Russian guns in position, and tlie inscription of "Balaklava, 1854." The sword knot is gold wire, and the belt slings are in gold wire and gold embroidery. The sword is enclosed in a mahogany case lined with white satin, G, S. Beecrof fc, Esq. had the honour of "inresenting the sword on behalf of the subscribers. 30th. The registrar of births for the Rothv/ell district, registered four children, two girls and two boys of John and Mar;/ Jane Tomlinson of Tliwaite. All the children died within seven hours of their l)ir!:li, and Avere interred together in one coffia in Rothwell ch^Trcli yard. [A curious case of twin Vjirths is recorded in the register of the Leeds parish church as follows: — " Buried 1764, Jannarj' 31st, Henry and Elizabeth son and daughter of John Ripley. These being thejiflh douhl" burdm that John Ripley's wife has born to him one after another."] Sept. 3rd. Mr. Roebuck, M.P,, for Sheffield, was pre- sented by his constituents with a purse of 1,100 guineas, as a mark of respect, 4th, Mons. St. Amant, the French champion chess player, defeated three of the strongest players in the Leeds chess club, viz., Messrs. Rhodes, Cad- man, and Millard, lit a. A shocking murder was com- mitted in mid-day, at the Malt Mill Inn, Armley, near Leeds, the victim being a young woman named Jane Ban- THE SURROUXDING DISTRICT. G83 1856.— S KPT. bam, the principal dancer at Wild's travelling theatre, then at Ai-mlev, and the mnrderer a tailor named John Hannah, of Manchester. The two had formerly lived together as man and ^vife, and it was her refusal to accompany him back to Manchester, that had incited him to commit the dreadful deed. So determined had he been to cause her death, that he had nearly severed her head from her body. He was com- mitted to York on a charge of wiKul murder, and was tried on the 13th of December ; found guilty, and sentenced to death. He was executed on the 27tli of December. 17th. A dreadful accident occurred in the frame shop of Messrs. Wilson and Go's. , f oundiy, Hunslet, by the break - ing of a crane, which vras lifting a marine engine. Simon Smith, one of the workmen was killed upon the spot, and John Goodhall, James Downing, Reuben Tyson, were seriously injured, and two others also received injury. Downing died in a few days after the accident. On Sunday ev^-ning the 19th of September, a dreadful panic seized the congregation assembled to hear the E.ev. C. H. Spurgeon, at the Music-hall, in the Surrey Gardens, London, caused by some one making a false alarm that the place was on lire. The hail was immensel}- crowded at zhe time, and on the cry being raided, civiwds ruslied to every door and outlet. Persons from the gallaries in large masses fled to the stairs, and unfortunately the balustrading of the staircase gave way, precipitating several persons, five of whom were immediately killvd. Six persons altogether v/ere killed, and more than 200 received injuries more or less se- vere. 20th, The third anniversary of the inaugural festivities at Saltaire took place, when Titus Salt, Esq, , en- tertained 3,000 of his operatives vath a /ere champefrc, ii) his picturesque park at Crow Nest, near Halifax, and to a soiree musicah in the evening, at St, George's Hal], Brad- ford. The workpeople availed themselves of the occasion to present to Mr Salt a splendid marble bust, and appropriate pedestal of the same material, provided by their united sub- scriptions, as a lasting testimony of regard and esteem. The testimonial was executed by Mr. T. Milnes, sculptor, of London, and designed by ]\Ir, Lobley, of Bradford, and is an exceedingly chaste and splendid work of art. It has been thus described : — " It con.sists of a hfe-liVe bu.st ia pnri* white Carrara marble of Mr. Sair, re.sting upon on octajion il grey niarble p destul, stan iing upon a vub-}'hnth of tl.e same material, which hears appropriate and alleg- orical figure's. The height of tlie wliole work of art is .six teet six 684 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1856.— Sept. inches. On the front of the pedestal are depicted the arm.s of" Mr. Salt ; at the base, on one side is the fij^ure of an alpaca, on the other that of a goat; they a-e botli couchcriif, and the foot and leg of the alpar-a overwraps a gushing cornncopia, vvhich overhangs the base be- neath (hf «*on.t of artiis. At the foot of the pedestal, in the centre, is a view of the inagnificent vvorks at Saltaire. At the back of the pedestal is the inscription, ''Presented to Titus Salt, Esq., by the workpeople in his employment, as a token of their respect and esteem. Saltaire, Sept. 20th, ishe." 21st. More than £2,000 damage was done by a fire, wliicli broke out in Messrs. Bapty's timber yard, Wellington-street, Leeds. 23rd. The Lord Bisliop of Ripon laid the first stone of the new schools in connexion with the Leeds parish church. They were formally (opened by the Bishop, on the 6th of April, 1858. 23rd. A banquet was given to William Miirgatroyd, Esq., in the saloon of St. George's Hall, Bradford, by the corporation of that town. Dr. Longley, the Bisliop of E-ipon, was appointed to the see of Durliam. The Rev. Robert Bickersteth, rector of St. Giles', Loudon, was appointed to his place. 2f)th. The Leeds town council granted £2,600 for warm- ing and ventilating the Town-hall, on the plan of Messr,--. Haddan, and granted a sum not exceeding £5,000 for an organ for the same building. Oct. 14th. Jeremiah Milnes, a fish-hawker, was barbor- ously murdered by some one on the highway between Leeds and Bradford. 16th. Felice Orsini, the Italian exile, (who was executed in 1858, for an attempt on the life of the Emperor of the French,) gave a lecture at the Leeds Music- hall, " On the Austrians in Italy." 30th. Mr. Henry Har- rison, the fortune teller of Leeds, who figured in the case of Dove the murderer, was sentenced to nine months imprison- ment in the House of Correction, for having obtained money by false pretences from Eliza Croft, and also vio- lating her person. On the 8th of November he was also committed to York on a charge of bigamy, and was sentenced at the York assizes, on the 9th of December, to be kept in penal servitude four years. 24th. A very handsome testimonial was presented to Mr. Richard Bissington, Briggate, Leeds, in tlie council chamber of the Coui-t-house, by Sir George Goodman, M.P., on be- half of the West-Riding Trade Protection Society. The testimonial consists of a large rich orimulu clock, beaiitifully chaste, and surmounted by two figures representing Spring and Autumn ; and a service of plate, incluchng tea and cof- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 685 1856.— Oct. fee ser^dce, and a cake basket, weighing altogether 107 ozs. The whole sum raised for the testimonial was £110. On the clock, and each piece of plate, the following insciiption is engraved : — *' Pre.sente>l by l/'O menihersof the Weist-Riiiinsr TrasirgtrD, ere of the Vice-Presidents, in ackiiowledgeint-nt of vahmble services- rerjf'ereil lor the intere.st of the, institution, as acting chairman of" the central coaiinittee, dnriug a period of eight ^^ears. Oct. 24tii, 1856." 29tli. At Baildon, near Bradford, a serious attack was made upon INIr. Taylor, manufacturer, and his property, by a mob of about 2,000 factory operatives, in consequence of him having introduced into his mill the two loom system. The damage to property was about £200. Several of the ringleaders were sent to the House of C«>rrection, for being concerned in the riot. Nov. 1st. The old factory at Fcliy-hall, Huddersfield, was completely destroyed l)y fire. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, No\ ember 1st, 1866. Those in brackets were electe<]. MiLl.-HlT.L, [Joseph Midd]eton,L. aiidJoeph Gill, L ] WksT- [James Relfit, L, 993, Joseph Wrieht, C, bio,] John Ardill, E, 451. .North-Wkst, [r)a\i(l Ne.vtoo, L] North, [Willianv ■Maw.son, L.j NuR'iH-E^sr, rjf.hn Kaye, L. .'•22.] William Mid- dleton, C, 459. East, [.Toseih lobley, L, 295.1 John Ardill, R, 5, Richard vStead, C, 5/Wiili:ur. V^ray, C. 2/ Klf^EOATE, iEichard Stead, C, 222.] Fvimund Srpn -. L, 108, William Wray, C, 31. South, [John NFill. L." Hunslet, [Jnshna Bower. L, 883,] William Parker, E,.584.-^ — Hr.LBF.CK, TRoh^rr Meek Carter, 31, 1.442, W. J. lilinjrworth, L, 1.37^=.: Iknj iinin Whooley, L, 462, Eobert Coxon. L, 402, L' t Croisdale. C, 15.— — Bu.a?.ii KV, [Joseph Winn, L, and Joseph Haley, L.] Headi?cgt.ey, [George Skirrow Beecroft. C.j Nov. 9th. John Botterill, Esq., uas elected mayor. The following were elected aldermen : — John Botterill. Sir George Goodman. T W. Georjre, C. G Maclea, W. E. Hepper, Joseph Bateson, Famch Blnckhurne, and Henry Oxley. Extraordi?}nry El-ciims : — Holbeck Ward, vice Armstrong, de-. ceased, [Jaseph Walker] North Ward, vice Watson, struck off the burgWs roil, [W. T.' Bolldnd. C, 38/,] Thomas Richard.son, C, 333. l\Hll-hill, vice Gill, made :dderman in place of Goodman, resigned, [Joseph Kni?ht, L, 313,] Edward Bond, C, 253 '- West, Vice Botterill, alderman, [Samnel We.ston, L] Hun.'^let, vice Blackhurne. alderman, [Benjamin hWe. C, 619.] William Par- ker, R, 442, John Scott, L,"368. 58 686 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1856.— Nov. Nov. Leopold Redpeth, of London, registrar of sliares of the Great I^orthern Railway Company, committed frauds on tiie company to the amount of nearly £200,000. He was subsequently transported for life. 14th. Colonel C. A. Cobbe, was elected chief constable for the West-Riding, at a salary of £500, in addition to the travelling and other ex- penses 17th. A very influential meeting was held at the Philosophical -ball, Leeds, convened by invitation from Ed- ward Akroyd, Esq., of Halifax, for the purpose of estab- lishing a Provident Society, and Penny Savings' Bank for the West-Riding. Resolutions were adopted in favour of the scheme. 20th. The foundation stone of St, John's church, Barnsley, was laid this day by Edward J^ewman, Esq. 20th. Dr. Sand with, one of the heroes of Kars, read a paper on the siege, at the IMusic-hall, before the members of the Leeds Philosophical Society, and the Leeds Library. Dec. 4th. A shocking double murder was committed at the village of Bolton-upon-Dearne, near Rotherham, the vic- tims being Luke White, chemist, aged 62, and his wife Elizabeth, aged 56. Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown, was returned by the coroners' jury. The Rev. William Sinclair, incumbent of St. George's, church, Leeds, was presented by Colonel Wj^ndham to the rectory of Pulborough, in Essex. The value of iihe living is £1,376. 19th. Five minutes before eight o'clock on Saturday morning, the 19th of December, an explosion took place at the Monk Bridge Iron Works, Whitehall-road, Leeds, supposed to have been caused by the water in a feed pipe finding its w^ay amongst the molten metal' in the iron refinery. The brick chimney, the burning cinders, and boiling metal were carried into the air to a great height. Edward Dickinson, of Hunslet, was thrown some distance, by a quantitj^ of molten metal striking him upon the face and breast, and received such injuries as to cause his death. Robert Barlow, another workman was burnt, but not seriously. In the latter part of Autumn of this year, a deplorable conflict took place between the forces of England and of China. Twelve sailors on the 8th of Oct. , were taken by the Chinese authorities from a vessel under the British flag. Their restoration was demanded by^ the British Consul and Admiral. The demand was disregarded, and in consequence, Canton was bombarded, its forts taken, and its ships of w^ar sunk. The hostilities were continued in the following year. THE SURROUXDIXG DISTRICT. G87 1857.— Jan. 1857. Jan. 1st. The Leeds town council resolved by twenty four against twenty three, to increase the acconinDodation of the borough gaol, hj the erection of thirty additional cells, at an expense not exceeding £1,500. At the same meeting £3,200 was gi-anted to complete the purchase of Woodhouse moor. The moor was purchased for £3,000. 5th. The works at the Leetls Town-hall were suspended, owing to a dispute between the council and Mr. Atack the contractor. The council subsequently took the works into their own hands. Mr. Atack became bankrupt, and a claim was made by the assignees against the council for £20,000, in respect of which a bill was filed in Chancery. The affair was recently compromised by a payment of £3,000. 19th. The opening soiree of the East Ward Mechanics' Institute, Mill-street, Leeds, took place. The Rev. G. B. De Renzi resigned the chaplaincy of the Leeds borough gaol, on being appointed to that at Millbank, London. The borough magistrates subsequently elected as his successor, the Rev. Henry Tuckwell, curate of St. Mark's, Woodhouse. 20th. William Osburu, Esq., read a very interesting paper at the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, "On the Epigrams and Epigi'amatic writings of the beginning of the eighteenth century," and concluded with one of a local character, written on the fly leaf of an old book, as foUov>'s : — "The Aire below is doubly dyed and damned ; The air above, with lurid smoke is crammed ; The o)ie flows steaming foul as Charon's Styx, Its poisonous vapours in the other mix. These sable twins the murky town invest, — By them the skin's begrimed, the lungs oppressed. How dear the penalty thus paid for wealth ; Obtained through wasted life and broken health : The joyful Sabbath comes ! that blessed day, When all seem liappy, and when all seem gay I Then toil has ceased, and then both rich and poor. Fly off to Harrogate, or Woodhouse moor. The one his villa and a carriage keeps ; His squalid brother in a garret sleeps, High flaunting forest trees, loic crouching weeds, Can this be Manchester ? or is it Leeds." 21st. A meeting of the leading members of the Church of England, within the diocese of Ripon, was held at the Music-hall, Leeds, the Earl of Harewood in the chair, when 688 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1857— Jan. it was resolved to raise a fund to be called the ''Bishop Longley's Endowment Fund," as a permanent testimonial of the high sense in which the character, labours, and worth of Bishop Longley were held by churchmen throughout the diocese of Ripon. The fund had reached £5,000 iip to October ].859, and was then increased by a legacy of £500, from the late B:enry Hall, Esq., of Leeds. The income is used for tlie purpose of increasing the in- comes, and doing good to the poorer incumbents of the diocese. The Church Institute, Bond-street, Leeds, was established. It has an excellent library of more than 1,500 vols, besides a well supplied reading-rrom, and occa- sional fortnightly lectures, which are cliietiy by the clergy of the town and neighbourhood ; also classes for instruction in useful knowledge. The Rev. James Atlay, D.D., is presi- dent. On Saturday morning, the 24tli of Jan. , a serious accident befel the Earl of Harewood, while hunting. The 'meet' took place at Stockeld Paik, near Spofturtli, the seat of J. B. Faviell, Esq. , and in the course of the run the noble Earl took an ordinarv^ fence, but discovered when too late, that there was a sheep net on the opposite side, in the m.eshes of which the hind feet of his hunter got entangled. The horse, 'a fine spirited animal plunged violently, and in the struggle fell, rolling over his lordship, and inflicting besides a com- pound fracture of the skull, severe internal injuries of the chest. Mr. T. P. Teale, of Leeds, Mr. G. Smith, the family surgeon, and Mr. C. Hawkins, the eminent metropo- litan surgeon, were called in, and every measure was adopted that surgical skill could devise, and the most judicious care could do, but on Thursday, Feb. 19th, he had a sudden re- turn of erysipelas, with increased violence ; the membranes of the brain were necessarily affected : convulsions followed, and the noble earl expired at three o'clock on Sunday morn- ing, the 22nd of February. Henry Lascelles, third Earl of Harewood, was of an ancient Yorkshire family, distinguish- ed since the reign of Edward I. , when Roger de Lascelles was summoned to parliament as Baron, (a.d. 1295.) The grandfather of the deceased Earl was created Baron Harewood of Harewood, in 1796, and raised to the rank of Earl in 1812. The late Earl was the second son of Henry the second Earl, who formerly represented the county of York. His elder brother Edward having died in 1839, he became earl on the death of his father, which took place suddenly on the 24th of November, 1841, in returning from the chase, (see THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 689 ISo/.— Jan. ' Annals,' page 479.) The deceased earl was born on the 11th of June. 1797, and he "vvas consequently in his sixtieth ye&T. He was Lord-lieutenant of the West-Riding, having been appointed to that office in 1846, on the death of Lord Wbarn- cMe. He married on the 5th of July, 1823, Lady Louisa Tbynue, second daughter of the Marquis of Bath, who sur- vived him, and by wiiom he had a numerous family, eleven of Avhom, live sons and six daughters were living at the time of his death. He was educated at Christ cliurch, Oxford ; and entered the army before he was eighteen years of age : having obtained an Ensigncy in the 1st Foot Guards in April 1814. He was in the battle of "Waterloo, where he was slightly wounded. He retired on half pay in 1820, and wholly quilted the army in 1831. He was appointed Lieu- tenant of the Yorkshire Hussar Yeomanry in 1820, Captain in 1823, Major in 1830, and he resigned in 1843. He was a Conservative, though for some years he ha.d scarcely taken any part in politics, but confined himself to his duties as Lord- lieutenant, to the promotion of various public objects, be- nevolent and religious, and to the interests of his familj' and tenantry. He was an amiable man, of cheerful disposition and obliging manners, unostentatious, and living quietly in the style that became his rank and fortune. He was highly respected by his neighbours and tenants, as well as by the magistrates and gentry of the West-Riding. Tl^e noble earl was succeeded in his title and estates by his eldest son, Henry ThjTine, Viscount Lascelles, who was born on the 18th of June, 1824, and married in 1845, Lady Elizabeth Joanna De Burgh, eldest daughter of the Marquis of Clanricarde. Feb. 3rd. The sixth soiree of the Earlj' Closing Association of Bradford, was held in St. George's Hall, the anniversary of Bishop Blaize day, and the conductors of the entertainment availed themselves of the oppoi-tunity of commemorating the local festival. The last observance of the festival was in 1825. This celebration equalled in splendour and gorgeous- ness any of its predecessors. The King vras an old man named William Clough, of Darlington, and it was the fiftli time of his filling that honourable office. Jason, was one John Smith, and the Bishop, another John Smith, whose Chaplain was James Beetham. Richard Fawcett, Esq., who was on horseback at the head of the spinners, pronounced uncovered the following speech, which it was customary to repeat at the festival : — 690 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND J 857.— Feb. " Hail to tlie day, whose kind auspicious rays Deign'd first to smile on famous Bishop Elaize ! To the great author of our combing trade This day's devoted, and due honours paid To him whose fame thro' Britain's isle resounds, — To him whose goodnes to the poor abounds. Long shall his name in British annals shine, And grateful ages offer at his shrine ! By this, our trade, are thousands daily fed ; By it supplied with means to earn their bread. In various forms our trade its works imparts ; In different methods and by different arts Preserves from starving, indigents distress'd ; As combers, spinners, weavers, and the rest. We boast no gems, nor costly garments vain, Borrowed from India or the coast of Spain ; Our native soil witli wool our trade supplies, While foreign countries envy us the priz(^ jS^o foreign broil our comm.on good annoys, Our country's product all our art employs ; Our fleecy flocks abound in every vale. Our bleating lambs proclaim tlie joyful tale. So let not Spain with us attempt to vie. Nor India's wealth pretend to soar so high ; Nor Jason pride him in his Colchian spoil. By hardship gain'd and enterprising toil ; Since Britons all with ease attain the prize. And every hill resounds with golden cries. To celebrate our founder's great renown Our shepherd and our sheperdess we crown ; For England's commerce, and for George's sway, Each loyal subject give a loud Huzza ! Huzza !" 16th. The trustees and congregation of St. George's church, Leeds, entertained the Rev. Wm, Sinclair, M.A., at breakfast, at Fleischman's Hotel, for the purpose of bidding him a final farewell, on leaving Leeds, after nineteen years' assidous and single-minded labours as incumbent of St. George's, and presenting him with a very handsome and substantial testimonial of their liigh estimation of his zeal, his exertions, and his worth. The testimonial consisted of a chaste silver tea and coiiee service, and a purse of five hun- dred guineas. One of the pieces of the service bore the following inscription : — " Presented along with a silver tea Kservice, and 500 guineas, to the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 691 185;.— Feb Rev. William Sinclair, M.A., b.v the trustees and confrre^ation of St. Georges church, on his removal from Leeds, in te-stimnny of their high estimation of the services he has rendered to his district, and the town in general, uhilst incumbent of that church, during a period of nitjeteen years. Feb., 185/." ITth. Mr. Thackray, the celebrated novelist, delivered a lecture at the Leeds Music-hall, before the members of the Leeds Mechanics'Institute, '' On the Four George's, and the court and to^^Ti manners during their reigns," LuxDEiix CoiiiERY Explosion. — On Thursday the 19th of February-, about noon, a fearful explosion occurred at the Lundhill Colliery, near Barnsley, the property of Messrs. Taylor, and Co. The number of persons in the pit at the time of the accident was 23 4, of whom 25 onlj^ were got out alive, thus 189 unhappy mortals vrere hurried into eternity without a moments warning. The pit was 660 feet deep, and had only been in operation two years. Tlie explosion set the coal on fire, and by evening the flames had reached a fearful height, the cupola appearing one mass of flame of great bril- liancy, illuminating the country for miles. The only way of stopping the fire was to completely close the pit. On this being done, the lamentations of the persons around, most of whom had lost relatives, Wiis paiirful and distressing beyond description. There was scarcely a working man's house in the village but what suifered bereavDient. In some instances the entire male portion of families was swept away, — one family of the name of Kellet had to deplore the loss of seven of their sons. In many instances two, three, and four brothers, and fathers, and one, two, and three sons shared the sa,me fate. The explosion left 90 widows, and 220 orpha,ns, destitute. In order to subdue the flames, it was found necessary to pump water into the pit, so that several months elapsed before the bodies could be recovered. 185 tjorpses were recovered, but of the remaining four no trace has been seen. A subscription amounting to £8,000 was raised for the benefit of the widows and orphans. The pro- prietors of the mine susta,ined a pecuniary loss of £20,0J0. March 21st. Died, aged 68, the Rev. Dr. Scoresby, late \dcar of Bradford, at his residence, Torquay. This veteran of Algetic enterprise combined scientific eminence with high moral wortli, unaffected piety, and active benevolence. He was trained for naval adventure in a good school. His father was one of the most daring and successful seamen in the Northern Wliale Fishery, when that service was draining the chief sources of the commercial wealth of the nation, and 692 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND ]857.— March. was one of the best nurseries for tlie British navy, and the de- ceased from his youth was inured to the hardships and perils of the Artie seas. After his retirement from active service at sea, he entered the church, where he had full scope for his benevolence. He still continued his scientific career. His reports to the British Association, and his numerous ob- servations on the influence of the iron of vessels on the compass, were connected with inquiries of the utmost prac- tical importance to navigation. It was in prosecuting these researches, and v/ith a view to determine various questions of magnetic science, that Dr. Scoresby undertook a voyage to Australia (in the ill-fated " Royal Charter,") from which he returned in 1856, with his constitution much enfeebled from the arduous labours to which he had subjected himself. He died in the foUov/ing 7/ear. 21st. Parliament was dissolved in consequence of the defeat of the Palmerston ministry, on the 3rd of March, by 263 against 247, on the motion of Mr. Cobden, condemning the war with China. A general election ensued. Leeds ELECTIO^^. — At a meeting of the liberal electors on the 13th of March, the Right Hon. M. T. Baines, W. E. Forster, Esq., and Francis Carbutt, Esq., were each proposed as fit to represent the borough. The two former received the largest show of hands ; notwithstanding which, the party was divided on the education question. In order to secure unanimity amongst the liberals both Mr. Carbutt and Mr. Forster subsequently withdrew. The conservatives brought out Robert Hall, Esq. , and the liberals Mr. Baines, and John Reming-ton Mills, Esq., of London. The nomi- nation took place on Woodhouse moor, on Friday the 27th of March. Peter Fairbairn, Esq. proposed, and John Wil- son, Esq. seconded Mr. Baines. George Skirrow Beecroft, Esq. proposed, and J, R. W. Atkinson, Esq. , seconded Mr. Hall. G-eorge Hyde, Esq. ]->roposed, and Darnton Lupton, Esq. seconded Mr. Mills, The show of hands was in favour of Mr. Baines, and Mr. Hall. A poll was demanded on behalf of Mr. Mills, v/hich took place on the following day, and issued after a severe and close contest in the return of Mr. Baines, and Mr. Hall. Mr. Botterill, the mayor, de- clared the result of the poll the same evening, as follows : — Thc.Rt Hon. M. T. Baines,.. (L) 2,329. Rohai Hall, Esq., (C) 2,237. John Remington Mills, Esq., (L) 2,143. Plumpers, Baines 59, Hall 1,843, Mills 151. Split votes, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 693 1867. — March. Baines and Hall 3.36, Hall and Mills 58, Baiues and Mills 3,934. Total polled 4,381. At tiie nomination, a part of the hustings on the liberal side broke down, and seriously injured several persons, amongst whom may be mentioned Frederick Hobson, Hamil- ton Richardson, John Wade, Charles George, G. Laverack, Benjamin "VVhalley, Mr. Dodgson, Robert Green, Thomas Button, &c. The town council censured Mr, Filliter, the borough surveyor, for having certified as to the safety of the hustings, Vvdthout niakiiig a ]')roper examination. 28t]i. The Right Hon. Sir Charles Wood, and Frank Crossley, Esq., were returned for Halifax, the state of the poll at the close was :— Croh3sley, (L) 830, Wood, (L) 714, Major Edwards, (C) G51. ^At Huddersfield, Edward Akroyd, Esq. was returned, his opponent being Richard Cobden, Esq. The votes were Akroyd 823, Cobden 590. At Bradford, Mr. Wickham and General Thompson were returned. At Wakefield, Mr. Charlesworth. 30th. Viscount Goderich, (L) and Edmund Denison, Esq. (C) were elected for the West-Riding of Yorkshire without opposition. Guardians of the Poor of the township of Leeds, elected April 5th, 1857 :— Those in brackets were elected. East, [William Brown, 244, William Vrray, 204,] Robert Gar- side, lOl. KiRKGATB, [Richaril Stead, Charles Crabtiee.} MiLL-Hii L. [Henry Dufton, 509, William Claik,C,453, Leonard Hicks, 368,] John Smith, 209, Charbs Peoier, J/l. North, [Narbaniel Sharpe, 20/, Samuel Myers, 201,] Robert iNleek Carter, ]31, .John Kaye, lis. Deimi- Lee, 26. Nor iii- East, [Samuel Law>on. Willia-n Middleton.] NoTi i ll- Wkst, [Daviil Newton, 2.59, Henry Bailey Lesg, 257,] P odel Aikif^son" 185, Richard :Myers, ls2. - South, [\Yilliam Kirk, 121, Har^-reaves Hudson, ll/.l .Tarvis Horsfield, 89, George Lumb, 85. Wkst, [Geor^re Tath.m, 637, Georire Bn.nk, 621, William Holroyd. 529,^] John Woodhead, 504. William Longley, 4S6, Richard William Moore, 466, Thomas Bruce Cornock, 311. Rich.ard Stead was elected chair- man. On Thursday afternoon the 0th of April, the new covered market, situated in Vicar's croft, Kirkgate, Leeds, was for- mally opened by the mayor and corporation. In the evening the market v/^as thrown open to the public who visited it in thousands, the scene being enlivened by Milburn's band. The market was opened to the public on the 1st of May. 13th. The foundation stone of the Methodist new con- 694 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1857 —May. nexion chapel in Woodhouse-lane, Leeds, was laid by Joseph Love, Esq., of Willington-hall, Durham. May. The greatest military mutiny on record broke out in Bengal, in the East Indies. The heroism with which mere handfuis of Englishmen resisted the relentless savages, and the sufferings and bravery of our countrymen at Lucknow, Cawnpore, &c. , is beyond anything ever recorded in history. In the suppression of the mutiny, history will not narrate more brilliant exploits than what were performed by Have- lock, Neill, Wilson, JSTicholson, Outram, and Campbell, and the men who fought with them. 5th. The Great Art Treasures' Exhibition at Manchester was opened by Prince Albert.. 8th. The Hon. NealeDow, of Portland Maine, United States, author of the Maine Liquor Law, delivered an address on the total suppression of the liquor traffic, at the Leeds Stock Exchange. 12th. A person named Samuel Charlton, of Lidget-green, Bradford, barbarously murdered a widow named Hannah Holroyd, of the same place, by cut- ting her throat, and then committed suicide by drowning himself. The coroners' jury returned a verdict of felo de se. The inquest did not terminate until half past five o'clock in the evening, and as the act provides that in case oi felo de se, the body must be interred within twenty four hours, and betAveen the hours of nine and twelve o'clock at night, it became necessary to have a grave prepared at once. Thou- sands of people in the neighbourhood assembled to witness. the unusual spectacle. 14th. At a meeting of the Leeds town council, a letter was read from Sir George Goodman, in which he generously presented to the mayor for the time being, and his successors, the gold chain worn by him in private parties, during his mayoralty in 1836. This chain is a fac-simile upon a reduced scale, of the official chain (de- scribed at page 438 of the ' Annals,') worn by the mayors of Leeds. At the same meeting a letter was read from the war office, that the Government had pleasure in presenting to the corporation, and inhabitants of Leeds, two Russian guns, and two carriages, as trophies from Sebastopol, which were (on the 28th of September,) placed on the banks of the reservoir at Woodhouse moor. 22nd. The Princess Boj^al being about to be married to Prince Frederick of Prussia, the House of Commons voted her an annuity of £8,000 a year, and a marriage portion of £40,000. Died at Folkstone, on the 26th of May, after a short ill- ness, Robert Hall, Esq., member of Parliament for the borough of Leeds. At the general election of the preceding- THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 695 1857— May. March he "Wcas returned after a close and severe contest, the labour and excitement of which had occasioned such del3ility to his S3'stem, that he died after a few days ilhiess of in- fluenza. Mr, Hall was born in Kirkgate, Leeds, on the 15th of November, 1801, and was the only child of the late venerable Henry Hall, Esq., of Bank Lodge. He was edu- cated at the Grammar School, Heath, near Halifax, and at the Grammar School of Leeds, during the mastership of the Rev. George Page Richards. After a most successful school career, he entered as a Commoner at Christ church, Oxford. He took the degree of B.A., in 1823, being placed in the first class in classics, and in the second class in mathemetics, and of M. A. in 1826. In 1828 he was called to the bar, at Lincoln Inn. On the 8th of September, 1829, he married Maria Clay Tennant, second daughter of Thomas Ten- nant, Esq., of Leeds, and remained in Leeds until 1835, when he removed to Deau's-yard, Westminster, occupying chambers in the Middle Temple, and enjoying an extensive and increasing practice to the day of his death. He was a distinguished member of the Northern Circuit, and being deeply read in lavr, and possessing a sound and cautious judgment which seldom led him astray in giving his opinion on the questions submitted to him, he acquired extensive practice, with the general esteem and respect of his brethren at the bar, and the profession. In 1842 he was appointed Deputy-Recorder, or assistant at the sessions of Leeds, and in 1845 Recorder of Doncaster, the duties of which he ex- ercised until his death — with the exception of an interval in 1855, in consequence of a serious railway accident, by which both his arms, and both his legs were fractured, and other severe injuiies, for which, after a trial at the assizes at York, he obtained £4,500 from the Great North- ern Railway Company. In 1848 he vvas appointed lec- turer on Common Law at the Inner Temple, and held the appointment until 1852. His energies and talents were not exclusively devoted to his professional duties ; the important social and political questions of the day largely engaged his attention. During his residence at Leeds he was a member of the committee of Pious Uses, a patron of the Vicarage, and took an active interest in the prosperity of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, before the members of which he read many valuable ]:)apers, and was a supporter of the numerous charitable and social institutions of the town. The promotion of education, and the social condition of the lower classes AYore his special objects 696 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND lh57.— May. of interest. He originated and personally superintended a Sunday School at Riclimond-road, Bank, and on his removal to Westminster, became a teacher of the first class in the Sunday Schools of St. John's, in the church of which parish an appropriate and elegant tablet has been erected to his memory by his fellow teachers and i)upils. Of later years his studies had been directed more especially to the important question of the treatment of juvenile criminals. During the long vacations, he usuallj;^ visited the Continent, and in- spected the principal reformatories in France, Belgium, and Germany, and during these tours secured the friendship of M. de Metz, one of the founders of Mettray, and other eminent philanthropists. Subsequently he published two lectures — one on Mettray, and the other ' Visits to Con- tinental Reformatories,' in which he gave expression to his own views on this great social x^roblem. Amongst the minor studies to which he devoted a portion of his attention, was that of natural history, and more especially the department of Geology, of which his knowledge was very extensive. He was also a collector of coins, and well versed in Nu- mismatics. Mr. Hall inherited the political sentiments of his father, and was a consistent conservative. He took an active part in political questions, and was one of the most energetic supporters of Mr. Michael Thomas Sadler, at the general election in 1832, and rendered great assistance to that gentleman and Mr. Oastler, in their effective exertions for the reduction of the hours' of labour in factories for children. The death of one endowed with more than ordinary talents, sound judgment, matured principles, and possessing the respect and esteem of all parties, was an event that not only deprived his fellow townsmen of a representa- tive vfell qualified to support their interests, but occasioned the loss of a legislator, Avho was prepared and able to discuss and take an active part in the settlement of tlie important social and political questions of these eventful times, Robert Hall was the descendant of an old family, the owners of Stumpelow Hall, in the parish of ShefS.eld, and Lords of the manor of Midhopo, Henry Hall, born at Stumpelow in 1682- . removed to Leeds in 1716, and served the office of mayor of that borough in 1752. Henry Hall, grandfather of Robert, was mayor in 1793, whose son Henry Avas born in 1773, after twice serving the office of mayor in 1812, and 1825 ; he died at Bank Lodge, October, 1859, respected for his long and valuable services to the borough of Leeds. June 2nd. Died, at the advanced age of ninety years. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 697 1857— Tun B. John Haley, Esq, , of Waterloo House, Bramley. The de- ceased rose from a comparatively humble position to one of wealth, and was well known as a distinguished cloth manu- facturer. 4th. Leeds Election vice Mr. Hall deceased. — The nomina- tion of a candidate to supply the vacancy in the represent- ation of Leeds, caused by the melancholy death of Robert Hall, Esq. , took place on Woodhouse moor, at eleven o'clock this day. Mr. Aid. Fairbairn proposed, and T. W. George, Esq. seconded, John Remington Mills, Esq. J. R. W. At- kinson, Esq. proposed, and C. Bousfield, Esq. seconded the nomination of George Skirrow Beecroft, Esq. After the candidates had addressed the meeting, a show of hands was taken, which the mayor declared to be in favour of Mr. Beecroft ; a poll was demanded on behalf of Mr. Mills, which took place on the following day, the 5th. The poll commenced in good earnest, and the energies of the two parties never flagged for an instant daring the whole day. At the close each party claimed the victory — Mills' committee claimed a majority of nine, and Beecroft's a majority of five. The poll books of the several deputy returning officers, as handed to the mayor on the moor, showed a majority of five for Mr. Beecroft. The mayor (J. Botterill, Esq.) with so small a majority determined to open and examine the poll books himself. This was a work of time. At length he de- clared Mr, Beecroft to be duly elected. The numbers being : — George SUrroiv Beecroft, Esq (C) 2, 070. John Remington Mills, Esq (L) 2,064. 6,204 registered, voted, 4,134. 25th. The Queen by letters patent conferred upon Prince Albert the title of " Prince Consort," during their joint lives. 29th. A public dinner was given to W. E. Forster, Esq. , by his political friends, at the White Horse Hotel, Leeds. John Hope Shaw, Esq. presided. July 1st. The Holbeck Municipal Cemetery, situate on Beestou Hill, a well chosen and elevated situation compris- ing nine acres was opened. The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the chapels took place on the 28th of August, 1856. The total cost of the cemetery, including the two chapels was about £7,000, raised by rates levied on the inhabitants of Holbeck. One half is consecrated for the use of the established church. The Rev. Edward Wilson, B.A, is chaplain of the consecrated portion, and the Rev. A. 698 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 185/.— July. Pickles of the unconsecrated portion. The town council had to pay compensation to several owners of property in the vicinity of the cemetery, for having commenced the work without their sanction. The principal item was £1,00Q paid to Mr. Pawson. 3rd. A temporary bridge erected for a musical and floral fete, at the . Island of Poplars, near Shrewsbury, broke down and precipitated about two hundred persons into the river, ten of whom were drowned. 7th. William Blanshard, Esq., of Leeds, haAdng been appointed Recorder of Doncaster in the place of Mr. Hall deceased, the mayor and corporation of that town officially received the new recorder by giving a dejeuner a la four- c/j/eife in his honour. 13th. The Leeds Town-hall com- mittee awarded a prize of £150 to Messrs. Smart and Spark, for plans for the Town-hall organ. On the 17th of August, Messrs. Gray and Davidson were appointed to build the organ from the designs, at a cost not exceeding £4,000. 15th. Died, aged 64, Mr. Richard Stead, malster, Leeds. At the time of his death he v^as chairman of the Leeds Board of Guardians, and a member of the Town Council, in which he had for a many years represented Kirkgate ward in the conservative interest. He had been a member of the board of guardians for nearly ten years, and had held the important office of chairman of the board for three years. His conduct in both offices was marked by straightforward- ness, great ability, and zeal. As a guardian, he was most assiduous in discharging the duties of his office, and on all occasions manifested a warm sympathy for the poor. He was interred at the Burmantofts cemetery, in the presence of between three and four hundred people of all political shades of opinion. At the cemetery an imposing scene was pre- sented by the formation of a large circle around the grave, by the children of the Industrial Schools. To show the re- spect in which he was held in the ward that he represented in the town council, most of the shops in Kirkgate were closed on the day of the funeral. 17th. The founda- tion stone of a new congregational chapel was laid at Cleck- heaton, by Frank Crossley, Esq. M.P. 22nd. Frank Crossley, Esq., gave to the corporation of Halifax the freehold land situated within the borough of Halifax, bounded on the west by the property of Mr, Em- met, on the north by Hep wood-lane, on the east by Park- road, and on the south by King- Cross-street, and enclosed by palisades and a high boundary wall, and containing 12a. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 699 I857.— July Ir. 8p. 23yds., or thereabouts, and known by the name of " The People's Park," to be used as a park for ever under the following conditions : — 1. " That the park be open to the public during the whole 3'eap Sundays included, trora morning until evening. — 2. That the hour.s of opening and closing vary with the season, but that it never be opened for the public before six o'clock in the morning, nor be kept open after dusk in the evening, but that it be opened as soon after six o'clock in the morning as the sun rises. — 3. That it be used only as a promenade. — 4. That no games such as cricket, bowls, or hockey, &c. be allowed, nor bathing [this condition afterwards altered to give the corporation power to erect baths.] — 5. That bands of music be alLnved except on Sundays [under certain regulations] but not dancing. ^6. That refreshments be not sold within the park. — 7- That the corpora- tion spend annually not less than ^315 in maintaining the buildings, bridges, statues, trees, shiuos, walks, seats, and in providing an adequate staff of gardeners and keepers. — 8. If the corporation fail to maintain the park, as specified in rule seven, it shall revert to Frank Crossley, or to his heirs. — 9 No buddings shall be erected except such summer houses, lodges, and like structures, as may from time to time be found necessary. — 10. The park shall not be u.sed for any political or other meeting, nor yet for the celebration of the anniver- saries of clubs or other societies. — 11. No charge shall ever be made for admission to the park, nor any use made of it for private or municipal pecuniary advantage. — 12. That the corporation make and enforce such regulations as shall protect the trees, walks, fyc. from injury. Before the presentation Mr. Crossley had the park beauti- fully laid out from designs by Sir Joseph Paxton, at a cost of £30,000. The conveyance and formal opening took place on Friday the 14th of August following. Aug. 14th. The very hea\^ rain about the middle of this month caused high floods in various parts of the country. Imme]ise damage was done to crops in the neighbourhood of Selby. The loss of property by the flood at Kipponden near Halifax was estimated at not less than £10,000. The damage done to property at Hudder.s field and the neighbourhood was veiy considerable. The fall of rain at Scarbro' on tlie 6th was so sudden and immense, that the drains were insufficient to carry away the water, and in consequence, considerable damage was done to property. Sept. 10th, 11th, and 12th. A cricket match was played at Leeds between eleven of All England, and twenty two of Leeds district. The Leeds men were winners in one innings with thirteen runs to spare. The score being All England, first innings 29, second innings 49, total 78. Leeds, first innings 91, second innings 108, total 199. 700 ANNALS OP LEEDS, YORK, AND 1857.— Sept. 14th. During the Holbeck races an intoxicated labourer named Thomas Harrison, of Beeston, persisted in spite of the efforts of the police and bystanders to cross the course with his horse and cart near the workhouse. The con- sequence was that one of the horses ridden by the owner, Mr. Naylor, of Holbeck, dashed into the cart, the shaft of which pierced the animal through the breast, and it imme- diately fell dead. The rider was thrown a long distance, but escaped without much injury. Another horse ran into the- cart and had its leg broken. The rider was thrown several yards, and received severe contusions. 25th. Mr. W. Man- waring, poor law inspector, commenced at the Court-house Leeds, an official inquiry into the frauds and forgeries of proxy voting papers, at the recent election of guardians of the poor for the township of Leeds. The inquiry was fol- lowed by tlie trial of three persons at the assizes at York, on the 17th and 18th of March, 1858, ^dz., George Beck- with, John O'Rourke, and George Cromack. The jury found them guilty of conspiring together to utter the forged docu- ments, but recommended them to mercy. The two former were sentenced to one month's imprisonment, and the latter to fourteen days, such imprisonment dating from the beginning of the assizes. 26th. At a public meeting at the Leeds Court-house, presided over by the mayor, a com- mittee was appointed and steps taken to raise by subscription a fund for the relief of the sufferers by the Indian war. 28th. The two Russian guns from the fort of Sebastopol, presented to the Leeds corporation, were publicly placed on Woodhouse moor by the mayor, J(j])n Botfcerill, Esq., in the presence of not less than 50,000 persons. The guns, which are ships guns, and mounted on ships carriages, were actually used ia the fort of Sebastopol. They are long 36 pounders, and each weigh 56 cwt. On either side of the carriage a plate is fixed, with the inscription " captured at Sevastopol, 1855." After the ceremony the officers of the Guards and Artillery in Leeds, the magistrates and corporation partook of luncheon at the Music-hall, on the invitation of the mayor. 30th. At a special meeting of the.. Leeds town council it was resolved to cause the placing of stalls, benches, goods, wares, or merchandise, in Briggate, on the usual market days and fairs to be discontinued after the 30th of Novem- bsr, 1857. A serious monetary panic took place in the United States of America, which so affected money matters in England, that the Bank of England raised its rate of discount to 10 per cent, a rate higher by 2 per cent than was THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 701 1857.— Sept. ever known before. On the 12tli of ISTovember the run upon the Bank of England so reduced the bullion, that a dreadful panic was inevitable, which was onlj' averted by the issue of a government letter, authorising the bank to make issues beyond the limits prescribed by the act of 1844. In De- cember the mercantile pressure fell upon Bradford with great severity. 30th. The new Town-hall at Sovrerby bridge near Halifax, was formally opened by musical performances. Oct. 3rd. The Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Railway was opened. 4th. Earl Fitzwilliam died, aged 71, at his seat, Y7ent- worth Woodhouse, Yorkshire. The deceased earl was a man of chivalrous honour, the highest moral courage, per- fect independence, and disinterestedness. He was the fifth of his race who had held the title of Earl Fitzwilliam, and was born on the 4th of May, 1786. In the elections of 1807, 1812, 1818, ] 820, and 1826, he was returned as one of the members for the county of York. The family of Fitzwilliam is of high antiquity, being descended from Sir William Fitz Godric, cousin to King Edward the Confessor, whose son and heir. Sir William Fitzwilliam was marshal of the army of William the Conqueror, in his victorious ex- pedition against England. The next historical Fitzwilliam was Sir William Fitzwilliam, sheriff of the city of London, alderman of Bread-street ward, and a follower of Cardinal Wolsey, whom he received into his house in the hour of his disgrace. His descendant of the same name, and still a simple knight, was five times lord deputy, and lord justice of Ireland, under Queen Elizabeth, from 1560 to 1594. The Fitzwilliam's v.^ere first elevated to the Irish Peerage in 1620, having up to that time being merely esquires and knights. The title was Lord Fitzwilliam of Liilbrd, in the coimty of Donegal, and, in 1716, they received the Irish earldom of Fitzwilliam. Honours came thickly upon this noble family, and in 1746 Earl William was elevated to the dignity of an English earl, he being the first of his race who had held an English Peerage. This peer was the grandfather of the late, and the great grandfather of the present earl. 9th. The Rev. Dr. Livingstone, the celebrated African traveller delivered an address in East-parade chaj)el, Leeds, to a crowded and respectable audience, on his discoveries in eentral South Africa, and tlieir bearing upon the cause of Christian missions. Edward Baines, Esq. presided. On the invitation of the Leeds Chamber of Commerce, the Rev. gentleman delivered an address on the follo^^-ing day at the 702 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1 857.— Oct. Stock Exchange, ^' On the commercial resources of central I Africa." The mayor presided. 11th. Mr. William James, superintendent of the Leeds police force, and chief ' of the corporation fire brigade, died of apoplexy. He fell whilst rendering assistance at a fire at the Felt Mills, Camp- road. 14fch. A provincial Grand Lodge of the Freemason's of West Yorkshire was held at the Wellington-hall, Fliesch- man's Hotel, Leeds, and at the close of the business, the brethren proceeded to Trinity church. Boar-lane, to inaug- rate the memorial window erected in that edifice to the late Mr. Charles Lee, drysalter, Leeds. The window measures nine feet six inches in length, by four feet eight inches in width, and the head is semicircular. In the centre is a figure of Sanctus Johannes, the patron snint of the order, who holds the bible in his right hand, and the square in his left. He is entering the poichvvay of the temple, on each side of which are two pillars supporting the royal arch, with the monogram J. H. S. forming the lce.vstone. Above the figure is a circular compartment with the '' All Seeing Ej'e," the holy bible opened at 2 Chronicles, and the square and compasses laid thereon. Below the figures are three medallions ; the centre one contains the initials of the deceased C. L ; the other two are the jewels of the offices he held, viz.: — Provincial superinten- dent of R. A Masons, and Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire. The floor of the porch is laid with mosaic pavement, and the working tools are grouped tliereon. The window is surrounded hy a border composed of an endless chain, and radiating ribbon of blue and red, and encircling the border are the words "Let there be light, and there was light;" also " Brotherly love, relief, and truth." In the bottom of the window th-'re is a handsome slab of black marble, on which is engraved in gold letters the following inscription : — "In affectionate and grateful remembrance of personal worth and Masonic services, the brethren of the province of West Yorkshire have erected this memorial to their valued and lamented brother, Charles Lee, who for twenty years filled the high office of deputy provincial grand master of West Yorkshire. He departed this life on the sixth of November, 1856, in the 62nd year of his age. His remains are interred in the family vault in Adel church j'ard." The window was executed by Mr. Francis Barnett, of Leibh, from a design by Mr. William Perkin, of Leeds, P.P.a.K, and P.M. of Lodge 382. 19th. The Leeds board of guardians resolved to erect a new workhouse on a site adjoining the Industrial Schools, Bur- mantofts, and consisting altogether of 2H acres. On the 18th of November a maximum sum of £20,000 was granted towards the erection.. The ceremony of laying the founda- tion stones of the workhouse and chapel, took place on the THE SURROtJNDING DISTRICT. 703 185/.— Oct. 5th of April, 1858. The former was laid by Wm. Middle- ton, Esq., chairman, and the latter by Dr. Hook, vicar. The new building approaches near completion (1860.) It is designed to harmonize with the Industrial school, in the Elizabethan style of architecture, ranges in a line with that edifice, and produces an architectural facade of great extent and beauty. A Chapel of cruciform design, in the Byzantian style, surmounted by a tower on the south side, in which a clock is to be placed, having quarter bells, is being erected between the Industrial school and Workhouse, It will be fitted up v\'ith open pews, and in the transept two galleries erected to accomodate 200 children. In the rear of the chapel and of the principal building at the south west, will be the Infirmary. Contiguous to it but totally separate and distinct, will be the idiotic and fever ward. The workhouse itself will accomodate 810 paupers, 360 males, and 450 females. Messrs. Perkin and Backhouse are the architects. 31st. Mr. Joseph Hawksworth, general secretary to the ancient order of Romans, was presented by the members with a splendid portrait of himself, at the house of Mr. Tidswell, Dragon Hotel, George's-street, Leeds. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, Noa' ember 2xd, 1857. Those in brackets were elected. MiLL-HiLi., [Joseph Walker, L, an^l Henry Dixon, L.] West, [Charles Geori:e, L, 71'), Georgre Wright, L, 4^5,] John Harding, L, 404. 2V'orth-Wkst, [James Kitson, L.] North, [Thomas Eichar.lson, L, 384,] William Wrar, C, 344. [x^orth-Rasp, [William Middleton, C, 496,] Thomas Cornock, L, 4/8. East [Robert Gar^ide, L, 268.] John Prince, C, 50. Kirk«5atk, [Joseph Watson, L, 229,] Joseph Johnson, C, 197. South, [Charles Carr, L, 174,] H. Hudson, L, 3, Jame.s Smith, L, 1, John Kirk, L, 1, Richard Garh.er, L, 1. Hunslet, [Benjamin Mellor, L.] HoLBECK, one additional candidate, vice Walker deceased, [Joseph Shackleton, L, 739, Joshua Calvert, R,672, William Nay- lor, L, 631,] John Holmes, L, .")99. Brami.ry, [David Yeudall, L, 774, William Bil!ini;ton, L, 746,] Abraham Farrar, C, 316 Headingley, [Robert Dewsbury, C, 4,] William Pullan, C, 2. Nov. 6th, vice White left the town, [Ben Cariss, C, was elected.] Nov. 9th Peter Fairbairn, Esq , electe I mayor. July 27th. Kirkjrate Ward, rice Richard Stead, deceased, [Ed- mund Stead, L, 188,] Samuel Myers, C, 164. Nov. 3rd. The annual soiree of the Leeds Mechanics' In- stitution and Literary Society took place in the Music-hall, under the presidency of Lord Brougham, then in his 80th year, who delivered a most eloquent speech of an hours 704 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1857— Nov. length without the slighest symptoms of fatigue. R. M. Milnes, Esq., M.P., the Rev. Dr. Hook, the Dean of Ripon, the Rev. Dr. Booth, and other friends of education took part in the proceedings. 7th. A testimonial consisting of an elegant silver tankard, and a purse of £50 was presented to Mr. James Wardle, deputy town clerk of Leeds, by members of the Leeds corporation. The tankard had on it the follow- ing inscription : — " Presentetl to Mr. James Wardle, deputy town clerk, by members of all parties of the Leeds reformed corporation, with a purse of fifty sovereigns, as a small acknowledgement of his attentioa and courtesy during a period of twenty one years. 1857." 23rd. A terrific boiler explosion occurred on the premises of Mr. Charles Kaye, cotton warp manufacturer, at Upper Aspley, near H udders field, by which nine persons, (five of whom were females) were killed, and several others seriously wounded. The explosion resulted from the screwing down of a stop valve, placed in the top of the boiler, which when closed, completely cut off all connection with the safety valve. —25th. The gallant General Havelock, the de- liverer of Lucknow, died from d^^scntery, brought on by exposure and anxiety. Dec. 5th. The Leeds Reformatorj^- School at Adel near I/eeds, built at a cost of £1,200, was certified by the Secretary of Sbate as fit to be a reformo.tory school, under the pro- visions of the statue 17th and 18th Victoria, cap. 86. lOfcb. Mr. Frederick Thompson, corn miller, Wakefield, had his pocket book stolen, containing £3,160, whilst at- tending the Corn Exchange, Manchester, The thief, Charles Browness was cleverly captured in a first class rail- way carriage, proceeding from Manchester to Liverpool, and was subsequently imprisoned and ke2:»t to hard labour for one year. About half-past seven o'clock on Saturday evening the 1 2th of December, a terrible accident took place at the Ouse chemical works, belo aging to Mr. Anderson, How- den-dyke, near Howden. The large chimney 120 feet high, came down with a tremendous crash, falling upon the vitriol chamber, in which a dozen men were working at the time, seven of whom were killed, namely William Butterworth, George Coultard, John Taylor, Joseph Pearson, James Broadbent, Joseph Barker, James Ward. 15tli. At the York assizes, Mr. Henry Smith Bright, who for a many years had held a high position as a corn merchant at Hull, was sentenced to ten years penal servitude THE SURROUXDIXG DISTRICT. 705 185/. — Dec. for having forged the signature of Robert John Taylor, on the 4th of July, 1853, to a tender of York, Newcastle, and Berwick extension shares. 17th. A fearful earthquake ravaged a portion of the king- dom of I^aples, principally the cities of Salerno, Potenza, and Nola. Entire villages were destroyed, and several thousand persons were killed. 25th. Died, aged 60, Mr. Thomas Plint, of Springfield-place, Leeds. He was distinguished by great ability as a statist and political econo- mist ; was a zealous supporter of the principles of free trade. He had for some years been the registration agent for the liberal party for Leeds and the West-Riding. The early part of his life was spent in business as a cloth merchant, but during a depression of trade he was unsuccessful. He fol- lowed in the latter part of his life the business of an account- ant. In politics he was a liberal, and was often a speaker at political gatherings of the liberal party. During the corn law agitation he rendered signal service to the cause of the repeal. For several years he was secretary to the York- shire Union of Mechanics' Institutes. In 1851 he published a work entitled " Crime in England, its relation, character, and extent, as developed from 1801 to 1848. 26th. A weekly newspaper caUed " The Leeds Express and West-Riding Advertizer " was commenced this day. It was published every Saturday morning, price 3d. ; was afterwards reduced to 2d. , and then another paper was issued from the same office called ' ' The West Riding Penny Post." These papers were subsequently merged into the present " Leeds and West-Riding Express," published every Saturday at the price of one penny. Although the paper has recently changed hands, it still advocates advanced liberal principles. Without being opposed to any well conducted efforts for the promotion of education, it advocates a national unsectarian, in preference to a voluntary system. The present proprietors are Messrs. R. M. Carter, and Frederick Jackson. The editors are Mr. Lloyd Jones and Mr. Frederick Spark. 29th. The boiler connected v.itli the HarehiUs- lane colliery, York-road, Leeds, the property of Messrs. Garside, exploded, and resulted in the immediate death of Mr. Joseph Garside, aged 30, one of the firm, the serious injnrj^ of George Haigli, the enginemau, and the subse- quent death of a boy named Charles Crann. 1858. Jan. 5th. Died, very suddenly, in his 52nd year, Mr. William AMiitehead, the Leeds borough trea.surer. In the year 1840 he was elected a member of tlie town council for 706 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1858— Jan. the north west ward, v/as unseated on a point of law, and re-elected for the same ward in 1841. In 1842 he resigned his seat in the council and was elected chief clerk of the board of works. In the year 1855 he was appointed to the office of borough treasurer, Mr. Whitehead was a clear headed man, indefatigable in industry, and courteous in manners. He was esteemed as a valuable public officer, and much respected in private life for his upright character and good sense. 13th. Mr. Bethel Parkinson, farmer, Raggles Inn, North- owram, near Halifax, was found murdered in a field at Wads- worth. He had been stabbed repeatedly with a large carving knife. The whole of the left side of his body was hacked in the most horrible manner. Not content with this, the murderer took from an adjoining wall a stone weighing 201b3, and as his victim lay extended, face dowuAvards upon the earth, dashed it upon the back of his head completely smashing part of the skull, and driving the face into the earth with such force, that when the body was removed the earth bore the impress of the features. On the 15th and 16th of March at the Yorkshire spring assizes, Joseph Shep- herd was charged with having committed the murder — found guilty and sentenced to death. He was executed on the 3rd of April, in the presence of more than 10,000 people, having made no confession of his guilt beyond the statement that he knew who had committed the murder. Shepherd's con- duct from the time the awful sentence of death was pro- nounced upon him, to the time he v»^as ushered into eternity was of the most hardened and impenitent character. He was throughout lost to all sense of religion, and thoughts of eternity, 14th. An attempt was made to assassinate the Emperor and Emperess of the French, as they were proceeding to the opera at Paris. Several shells filled with fulminating powder were thrown at the carriage in which were seated the Eaiperor and Emperess — they escaped, but six persons were killed and 123 wounded. The assasins were Italians, and members of a secret society. Two of them Orsini and Perri were executed on the 13th of March follow- ing. —25th. The Princess Royal of England was married to Prince Frederick William of Prussia, in the chapel royal St. James' palace. Demonstrations of loyalty took place throughout the country in honour of the event. In Leeds the day was mostly observed as a holiday. The town council voted a congratulatory address to her majesty and the prince consort, which was followed by a procession partly military, I THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 707 1858.— Jan. and partly civil, to Woodhouse moor, where a /e u de joie was fired : next came a banquet at the Welliugtoii-hall, presided over by the mayor, and finally there was a concert at the Music-hall, followed by a ball at the Assemblj^ Rooms. 25th. The Leeds town council appointed Mr. W. E. Hep- per borough treasurer at a salary of £300, vice Mr. Whitehead deceased. The votes were Mr. Hepper 28, Mr. Edward Heaton IT, Mr. Allison 12. 2nd vote, Mr. Hepper, 34, Mr. Heaton, 19. Feb. 1st. A public meeting was held at the Music-haU, Leeds, over which the mayor Peter Fairbairn, Esq., pre- sided, for the purpose of memoriahzing the government to carry out strict impartiality and justice in India, with regard to religion. 1st. Died, aged 65, at Shadwell Grange^ near Leeds, David Cooper, Esq., a deputy lieutenant for the West-Riding of York>ihire, and a gentleman whose sterling worth, unassuming manners, and quiet deportment, led him to be universall}- respected. As a merchant he held a first position in the town. 3rd. The Leeds to^Tn council elected Mr. James Kitson, alderman, in the place of IVIr. Hepper resigned. 5th. About twelve o'clock this day a most awful explosion took place at Mr. Bywater's fire- work manufactory, at the Queen's public-house, Scotland- street, Sheffield, by which three persons — Mr. ByT\^ater, Ann Corbridge, and Harriet Walker unfortunately lost their lives 19th. The ministry of Lord Palmerston was de- feated on the conspiracy bill by 234 against 21 5, and resigned in consequence. Lord Derby fonned a ministry. 27th. Two beautiful pieces of plate were presented to Francis Carbutt, Esq., of Leeds, by the members of the West-Riding Reform Registration Association, on his re- tirement from the chairmanship of that body, as a testimo- nial of their appreciation of his services, and their high estimation of his character. The testimonial comprises a silver centre-piece and inkstand, the design of the former being of the most chaste and elegant character. It consists of a palmyra tree tliree feet high, with peculiarl}'- light and graceful fohage — the trunk being in bright silver, and the foliage in frosted silver ; and at the foot two female figures, representing the daughter of Pharaoh and her attendant discovering the infant Moses among the bulrushes. The prin- cess is descending a flight of steps from a palace garden to the river Nile ; and her countenance and attitude, as well as those of her attendant, are beautifully expressive of wonder and compassion at the discovery of the little foundling. 708 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1858.— Feb. The water is represented in briglit silver, and the ark and the bulrushes, as well as the figures, are in frosted silver. The whole rests on a richly ornamented plynth, supported by three sphinxes of great beauty. The inkstand is of the altar and sarcophagus pattern, with a Roman lamp on the top ; it is extremely chaste and beautiful. Each piece bears the following inscription : — "Presented to Francis Carhutt. Esq , by the committee and mem- bers of the West-Riding Reform Registration Association, in grateful acknowledgement of his long and valuable services as their chai-man. February, 1858 " March 12th. At the Yorkshire spring assizes Mr. John Moore, of Pudsey, near Leeds, was charged with having forged a receipt for money, with intent to defraud John Ripley, cloth finisher, Leeds. He was found guilty but recommended to mercy, and was sentenced to penal servitude for a period of three years. 13th. At the York assizes John Hainsworth, and Josiah Williamson were charged with having on the night of the 13th of February, burglariously entered the house of the Rev. A. G. Kinsman, of Gildersome, and stolen therefrom £30. The prisoners with three other fellows entered the house of the prosecutor, masked, and armed with pistols. They forced him to retire to bed, and then compelled him to tell where his money was, on pain of having his brains blown out. The two prisoners were found g-uilty, and sentenced to penal servitude for the term of their natural lives. 15th. An annular eclipse of the sun took place this day. The event was looked forward to by millions of the inhabitants of this country with an unusual degree of interest and excitement. The exact time at which the eclipse began at Leeds was llh. 36m. Is. ; the period of greatest obscuration was at 1 p.m. ; the period at which the eclipse terminated was 2h. 10m. Is., and reckoning the sun's diameter as 1,000, the extent of his disc eclipsed as seen at Leeds was 983. At the commencement of the eclipse at Leeds, and for three hours before the heavens were so clouded that the sun could not be seen, and continued so up to one o'clock. At this time a sudden opening in the clouds revealed half a ring of light, as thin as the thinnest crescent of the new moon, but of a much whiter and stronger light. The figure of the sun bore a resemblance to the form of a half circle. For about thirty five minutes the sun was almost constantly visible, and every minute made the crescent broader, and brought back his radiance. Very few of the anticipitated effects were realized. The physical aspect of THE SURROUXDTNG DISTRICT. 709" ]8yS— March. nature underwent no observable changes not common to days of ordinary cloudiness, and bii'ds and animals did not- betray any of the unusual symptoms predicted by Mr. Hind and others. On the 19th of March the whole of Luck-* now was in the possession of the British forces, about 2,000 of the enemy were killed during the siege. 20th. The extensive warehouse and store rooms attached to the manu- factiiring premises of Mr. William Anderton, spinner ajid mn7iufacturer, Bingley, were destroyed by fire. The value of the property destroyed was at least £15,000. George -IndersoTj, aged 47, who was engaged in saving the property; was burnt to death. 24th. The foundation stone of the. Holbeck Mechanics' Institute, situate in Sweet-street, west, was laid by James Garth Marshall, Esq. The site of the building was liberally presented bj' Messrs. Marshall, andj the cost of erection Avas raised by voluntary subscriptions* amounting to about £1,800. It is a neat and commodious structure in the Italian style of architecture, faced with, brick and sto e dressings, and having an open porch over the entrance. It is from designs by Mr. E. Milnes of Bradford,, and consists of three floors — the basement floor being appro-', priated to the resident's ofiices, warming apparatus, <\:c., the groimd floor, a reading room, library, committee room, and class rooms ; and the third floor as a lecture-hall. There ar« five commodious class rooms, and the reading room and librarjr is 34 feet 6 inches by 24 feet 6 inches, and 14 feet high. Tlie lecture hall is 69 feet 3 inches by 34 feet 6 inches, the height being 21 feet. It will hold about 600 persons. The inauguration of the new institute toolc place on the 27th oi December following, when the Earl of Carlisle, the Dean of Ptipon, and others took part in the proceedings. Guardians of the Poor of the tovrnship of Leeds, elected April 5th, 1858 :— Those in brackets were elected. East, [Joseph Lohley, l/D, -John Thompson, 166,] William Browii, 150, William Wray, HI. Kirkg.ate, [Denni.s Topham Moss^ 127, Henrr Birker, 122,1 Charle.- Crahtree, 115, Henry Stead, 104, William Reid, 28. Mill-Hii L, [Henry Dufton, 274, William Clarke, 250, Charles Pegler, 246.] John Iredale. 228, Richard Bi!*«- ington, 227, Thomas Galloway, 219, Joseph Smith, 22. North, [Samuel Myers, 180, Nathaniel Sharre, 1^9,] John Kaye, 115, Thoma-sCoggiH', 65. North-East, [Samuel Law.son, 218, William Middleton, 209,] Thoma.'^ Bnimfit, 85, Jo.seph Gdpin, 83. NoR tb- Wrst, [David Newton, 255, Henry Bailey Legg, 255,] John Daniel, 137, Thomas Ror.ston, 133. South, 'Hargreave.s Hudson, iH 60 710 AOTJALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1868.— April. William Kirk, 80,] John Kirk, 33, Thomas Wright, 28. Wbst, [John Woodhead, 342, Richard William Moore, 328, David Lindsay, 318,] Thomas Heaps, 313, Thomas Tilney, 305, James Watson, ^4. William Middleton was elected chairman. April 5tli. The members of the Leeds Building and In- vestment Society dined together in the large room at Kelly's Great Northern Hotel, Wellington-street, to commemorate the closing of the society, and to present a token of respect to Mr. Frederick Jackson, the acting trustee. The testimo- nial consisted of a beautiful centre-piece for dessert, and two flower vases to match, in richly frosted silver, representing jrockwork, shrubs, wild flowers, and birds. The inscription on the plate was as follows : — "Presented to Mr. F. Jackson by the members of the Leeds Building and Investment Society, as a token of their respect for his long continued faithful and gratuitous s;ervices as acting trustee." The society was founded on the 6th of April, 1846. There had been 1,112 members, and 115 of them had borrowed money to the extent of £39,984 13s. 9d., for building their houses. The investors had withdrawn £40,495 14s, 4d. The total income of the society had been £102,847 13s. 7d. 6th. The foundation stone of the new Grammar School, St. John's-hill, Woodhouse, Leeds, was laid by the Lord Bishop of Ripon. 22nd, The court of Queen's Bench refused to grant a criminal information against Dr. F. R. Lees, of Leeds, on the application of Mr. J, B, Gough, both well known temperance lecturers, for a series of alleged libels, reflecting on the character of the latter gentleman. An action of libel followed this proceeding, which came off on the 21st of June, and terminated in a verdict by conseii.t for the plaintiff, with five guineas damages, and a fuH and distinct withdrawal by Dr. Lees, of the charges which he had made against Mr. Gough. 27th. The Rev, W. P. Brook, aged 25, curate of Holy Trinity, Ely, only son of Mr. Councillor Brook, Lyddon House, Leeds, was knocked down and killed by a train, whilst walking on the Eastern Counties Railway, at Ely. He was educated at the Leeds Grammar school, and graduated at Oxford. He was a young man of earnest practical piety, and was highly esteemed by those under his care. 30th. The very Rev. Sir William Cockburn, Bart., dean of York, died at Kelston rectorj^, near Bristol, aged 84 years. He was a fellow of St. John's college, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A., in 1795, as twelfth wrangler, and was appointed dean of York in 1822. THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 71 1 1858.— May. He was the ninth baronet of the name, and was succeeded by his nephew Sir A. Cockburn. He was a liberal minded man, and was very popular, especially among the middle and humbler classes of society. The deanery of York wa« conferred (on the 18th of May) upon the Hon. and Rev. Augustus Duucombe. May 5th. The town of Halifax was thrown into the ut- most consternation by a horrible murder, which was com- mitted at the Guardian newspaper office of that town. It appears that the compositors at the office had but just re- turned from dinner ; a number of them were in the first compositors room upstairs, the room next to George-street, and two others, one of them the unfortunate deceased, Mr. James Edward Jacobs, and the other his murderer, a young man about twenty years of age named William Dawson, were in a further room looking into George-street-yard. The two latter were at work, and just before the melancholy affiiir, Dawson had fetched from one of the other men a pinch of snufi" for Jacobs. No quarrel in words was heard be- tween the two, but it seems the murderer shut the door and fastened it, and without a moments warning commenced all attack on Jacobs with iron dumb bells. After this, and ap- parently becoming still more furious, he seized an iron press- stang, about two and a half yards long, and beat the de- ceased about the head with that. Still further, he seized a hatchet, and "vvitli it cut away at the face and head of his victim. The workmen in the adjoining room became alarmed with the noise going on, and broke open the door. The sight that presented itself was fearful. The dead body of the man who but a few moments before was vigorous with life, and all the strength of manhood, was laid on its back in the room, gashed, beaten, and bruised- in a most dreadful manner, especially about the head and face. The murderer and his victim were always on the most friendly terms, and worked side by side together. Dawson was always considered a quiet inofiensive studious youth. After the murder he conducted himself like a perfectly sane man, talked sensibly, and de- scribed the murder, but a scene occurred at the inquest during the evidence of Mr. Tucker, surgeon, who was speak- ing to a recent interview he had with the prisoner, which left no doubt but that he was mad. The surgeon had just expressed a fear that the i)risoner was imbecile in his generic organs, when he rose from his seat with the fierceness of a tiger, uttering the most hideous yells, and endeavouring to cross the table, in order to get at the witness. He had been 712 AliTNALS OF LEEDS, YOKK, AND 1858— May. ^seated between two policemen, but it took eight or ten men ito bold bim. He continued bis cries, sajdng when tbe officers attempted to soothe him, " what tbe devil did be t'-^U that for." So great was tbe violence of tbe prisoner that it was found necessary to take tbe evidence of tbe witness in another room. Dawson was committed to York on a charge oi wilful murder. He was tried on July 14tb, and the jury acr[uitted him on the ground of insanity ; and an order Avas inade to confine bim during her majesty's pleasure. 12th. The Leeds town council granted to the town- hail committee : — For a clock and bell for the tower £800 ; — For laying out the exterior of the building £2,000 ; — For gas chandeliers and fittings for tbe largo ball, and other parts of the buihling, in addition to £600 previously granted by tbe council, £1,650.— 14th. A large warehouse, tbe property of Messrs, Jonas Sugden and Brothers, worsted manufac- tiirers, situated at Vale Mill, near Keighley, was almost Entirely consumed by fire, together witli a very large amount of manufactured goods — property to the amount of £10,000 Ijeing destroyed. 26tb. The twenty first annual meeting of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes was held at ■Sol by. Lord Londesborough presided over the evening soiree. By the kindness of tbe noble president, the delegates and visitors were enabled on the following day to visit Grimstone ..Pa,rk. • 31st. A tostimonial consisting of a handsome clock, sur- imounted by a beautiful equestrian group, was presented to ■Mr. R. S. Burton, the organist of the Leeds parish church, by the members of bis choir and orchestra. It bore the 'following inscription : — ■ " Presentpd to Robert Senior Burton, hy the members of his choir and orche.stra, in gmteiul acknowledtiment of the zeul and ability 'which he has ever i!e voted to the cause of music. May 1858." ". On Thursday afternoon the 3rd of June, a severe and pro- tracted thunderstorm passed over Leeds and the neighbour- liood. One of the pinnacles of St. John's church tower, Xeeds, was struck by the lightning, as was also a bouse at Burley, but in neither case was the damage extensive. Tbe Bramhope tunnel on the North Eastern line gave way at tbe .Leeds end, and tbe water rushed through in a perfect torrent, and with tremendous noise. A train proceeding through tbe tunnel about six o'clock, was met by the current and forced to put back, this was effected very slowly, the train being in tbe tunnel more than an hour. On its re-arrival at the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 7l3 1858.— Junk. uortli end, the accumulation of rubbish had been made so great, that the passengers had to leave the carriages and walk back to Arthington. They were subsequently sent round by York, and reached Leeds about midnight. Con- siderable damage was done to i:)roperty at Bradford and Halifax. Tlie streets at the former place had not been so much flooded since February 1838, when according to the "Bradford year Book" a man swam down Market-street. loth. A thunderstorm did damage to the extent of several thousands of pounds at Chats worth. The rain literally fell in torrents, and was succeeded by hailstones, some of wliicb Avere six inches in circumference. So fearful a devastation at Chatsworth house and grounds was never known before. 16th. Dief', aged 80 years, the Rev. Jabez Bunting, D.D., an eminent \\e?leyan minister. 16th. The Leeds towii council A^oted a salary of £3,000 to the mayor, payable on his retirement from office, towards defraying the expenditure he would be put to by reason of the Queen's visit. The council also voted for paviug the vestibule of the principal entrance of the ToAvn-hall £304, for ornamenting principle entrance £490 ; for decorating large hall £1,500. The tolls of the Smithfieid cattle market, Leeds, having been increased by the lessees Messrs. Harrison, a large proportion of the cattle dealers removed their business to Wakefield, and thus seriously affected the interests of the borough. This dispute led to several parties being summonsed before the magistrates, for selling articles in the market and North-street (luring the summer fair. The town council subsequently took the markets out of the hands of the lessees. 17th. A fearful railway accident occurred at the Spring- wood Junction of the Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Lon- don and North AVestern Railways, near Huddersfield, by which three persons were killed, namely, J. C. Goodwin, of Stockton-on-Tees, Thomas Currie, of Liverpool, and Jas- per Beard, of Stockport, and twelve others were seriouly in- jured. It appears that some luggage wagons had escaped from the Honley station down a .steep incline which extends from Huddersfield to Brockholes, and had arrived at the above point ^v\len. a train from Huddersfield to Manchester dashed into the luggage wagons, and thus caused the ac- cident. The coroners' jury returned a verdict against some person or persons unknown, who had not used due care in preventing the escape of the wagons. IStli. Robert Baker, Esq., of Leeds, who for twenty four years had filled the office of sub-inspector of factories for '714 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1858.— Junk. this district, was appointed inspector of factories for the . Midland district in the place of the late Mr. Howell. 25th. An accident of a very painful character occurred to a pic nic party from Leeds to Bolton Abbey, which resulted in the death of Mr. E. J. Green, cashier at the Mount Os- borne colliery, Barnsley. It appears that as the party which consisted of about thirty ladies and gentlemen, arrived near the abbey in an omnibus, Mr. Green' who had up to that time been an inside passenger, got out and mounted on the - top, upon which he stood. He had not however been out inore than three minutes, and vrhilst evidently intent on the , beauties on which he was gazing, when a projecting bough struck him on the head, and knocked him off the omnibus on to the road, the back part of his head touching the ground. He was taken up insensible ; medical assistance was obtained, but he gradually sunk, and expired on the following morning from concussion of the brain. 29th. The Bradford Festival Choral Society numbering 210, by command, sung .before her Majesty and the court at Buckingham Palace. 30th. The Headingley gardens were this day closed as a place of public resort. July 7th. The Leeds town council granted the Town-hall committee £800 for furnishing the mayors' rooms, and an additional £100 for decorating the vestibule. • yVbout eight o'clock in the evening of July 14th, about forty or fifty men of the 18th Light Dragoons, stationed at Leeds, made a most cowardly and outrageous attack on four policemen in North-street. They afterwards proceeded through the town, assaulting every policeman they met. Police officers Heaton and Bellliouse were seriously injured. N'one of the soldiers A^^ere identified. 23rd. The Leeds town council granted the parliamentary committee £200, for the purpose of carrying on tlie proceedings for the removal of the West-Riding Assizes from York to Leeds. August 1st. A most barbarous and cruel murder was com- mitted at the quiet and secluded village of Darley, near Ripley. The victim was Mary Jane Scaife, aged 22 years, daughter of. Mr. Thomas Scaife, a respectable farmer re- siding at Darley, and her murderer James Atkinson, is the son of Mr. Thomas Atkinson, flax-spinner, of Fringall, a gentleman of some local position, and possessing consider- able property. The deceased and the murderer had been companions from childhood, the affection of children ex- tending itself to that of love as they grew to womanhood and manhood. On the Sunday evening (1st Aug.) they had at- THE SURROUISDING DISTRICT. 715 185S.— Aug tended Hart-\vitli chapel in company, and on returning were seen about nine o'clock to go up Stump-lane, apparently on very good terms. Shortly afterwards Atkinson returned home, and went to bed. On the following morning the de- ceased was found hiid on her back in Stump-lane, with her head nearly cut off. Atkinson was taken into custody as being the last person seen in lier comj^aiiy. He at once con- fessed the murder, and went with the officer to a wall where he had placed tlie knife Avith which he had committed tlie dreadful deed. It was supposed that he had been incited to commit the deed from jealousy, he having seen the deceased in company with a person of the name of Gill, a few nights before the murder. The prisoner said he had murdered her because their marriage had been opposed by his father, and her mother, and because the girl had stated that she would not have him. He made an extraordinary confession giving the minutest details as to the murder, Szc. He was committed to York on a charge of wilful murder, and tried on the 16tli of December. The prisoner refused to plead in the usual way guilty or not guilty, feigning the greatest stupidity, asking " What d'ye mean ? (^jc. " The judge ordered a plea of 7iot guilty to be recorded. The trial then commenced, and occu- pied three days. At its conclusion the jury were absent three hours and a half : on returning into court the foreman first gave a verdict of " guilty, " upon which some of the jurors called out "not guilty," and he then corrected himself and said "we find the prisoner no!: rndltii on the ground of in- sanity" ; a verdict the propriety of which has often been questioned. He was ordered to be confined during her majesty's pleasure. In July of the following year he ex- hibited very violent conduct, and was removed from York Castle to St. George's Lunatic Asylum, London. 4th. The foundation stone of the jS'ew College, Rawden, Yorkshire, in connexion witji the Northern Baptist Educa- tion Society, established at Horton, Bradford, in 1804:, for educating young men for the ministry of tlie gospel, v/as laid by Thomas Aked, Esq., of Shipley Grange. The ntjle adopted is the Tudor. The length of the front is 280 feet — the library, lecture rooms, class roon^is, and tutor's residence, occupying the centre portion, and the students apartments extending right and left. The site contains about seven acres, and is at the top of Crag Wood. 5th. Her Majesty and the Prince Consort visited the Emperor of the French at Cherbourg, at the opening of the Nai)oleon docks. 5th. The Atlantic telegrapli cable, after two unsuccessful 716 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1858.— Aug. attempts, was laid from the coast of Ireland to that of New- foundland, and messages were transmitted by it, but a few days after the cable broke, and the defe-ct has not yet been repaired. 23rd. A fearful railway accident occurred on the Oxford, Worcester, and "Wolverhampton Railway, be- tween Round Oak, and Brettell-lane station, near Dudley, by which fifteen persons were killed, and a many others seriously injured. The cause of the accident was the break- ing of the coupling of two of the carriages, and the conse- quent rush of twelve or thirteen others down a steep incline. 29th. Died, aged 82, Mr. William Hirst, cloth manufac- turer, of Leeds. He was born in 1777 near Huddersfield, of parents who were so poor that they Avere unable to give him the most ordinary education. He came to Leeds when about eighteen years of age, and worked first as a journey- man cloth dresser. About the year 1810 he began basiness on his own account as a cloth dresser and manufacturer. At that time Yorkshire woollen cloths were looked upon with great disfavour, the west of England cloths bearing away the palm, both as regards quality and finish ; commanding nearly double the price of the former, although made from precisely the same quality of wool. This was no doubt owing to the fact that hand labour Avas still employed in the north in dressing, while in the west it had given place to machinery. Mr. Hirst therefore in 1813 began to have his goods finished by machinery, and made woollen cloth of such a quality as had never before been throv/'n ofi" a Yorkshire loom. He stood alone in this part of the country as a finisher by ma- chinery, and his life in consequence was frequently threatened by the croppers, who thus saw their well-paid occui)ation entirely destroyed. The result of the new system enabled Mr. Hirst to realise from 20s. to 34s. per yard for Yorkshire cloths, which before had commanded prices varying from 10s. to 14s. per yard, and the demand much overtaxed his powers of supply. Almost eA'^ery improvement in the Leeds cloth manufacture from 1813 to 1825, Avas introduced by him. He introduced spinning mules, Lewis's machine, and an im- portant improvement upon that machine, and the first work- ing of hydraulic presses, Mr. Hirst Avas ahvays ready to show strangers and persons in the same business OA'"er his works, so that others followed in his AA-ake, and also reaped golden harA^ests. He had retired from business in 1825, having 'amassed a splendid fortune, but the panic of that year involved the firm that succeeded him, and he also was a great sufferer by their failure. He manfully took the THE SUSROUNDING DISTEICT. 717 1858.— Aug. concern upon liis o^^n shoulders, and in spite of his limited capital and his bankruptcy in 1839, Avorked it until 1833, when his mercantile career was brought to a close. He could not recover his position, and was once more a poor man. From this time to his dyiug day he believed that he was tlie victim of fraud and conspiracy, and that he was kept down by those who were reaping fortunes from his improvements. This delusion led him fre(j[aently to abuse and misrepresent parties who were no doubt anxious to assist him. Subscrip- tions were from time to time raised for his beuelit, Mr. Hirst has been justly styled the father of the Yorkshire woollen trade, and there is no doubt lie was in his dnj a public benefactor, and the towji and trade of Leeds especially are greatly indebted to his energy, skill, and perseverance. What a pity that the declining years of such a man should have been passed in poverty ! In November following, the Earl of Derby granted £100 from lier Majesty's royal bounty, on behalf of the daughter-in law, and grandson of the deceased, who had ministered to the old man's comforts in his declining years, and a subscription was also raised in their behalf. Sept. 4th. A fearful boiler explosion took place at the mill of Mr. Samuel Almond, woollen manufacturer. Gilder- some, near Leeds, which resulted in the death of John Br;id- ley, aged 18, the fireman, George Wofiington, a boy (jf 14 years, Samuel Halliday, aged 22, Alice Wright, aged 21, and Caroline Gregson, besides serious injury to several other persons. The explosion was caused by the carelessness of a boy in allowing the boiler to become red-hot, and then turning cold water in to cool it. 4th. The mayor of Leeds, (Peter Fairbairn, Esq.) munificently presented to the corporation a splendid and admirable statue of the Queen, by ISToble the sculptor. It is erected in tiie vestibule of the Town-haU. The statue is colossal, being eight feet six iaches high, and is made of a block of Carrara marble of the very finest quality, spotless aad pure. In front of the pedestal is the simple inscription "Queen Victoria, 1858." It cost the mayor a thousand guineas. The Queen's visit to Leeds, — Sept. 6th. and 7th. Queen Victoria's visit to Leeds for the purpose of inaugurating the Town-hall, forms one of the brightest events in our local his- tory. No sooner was it known that h.er majesty would arrive in Leeds on Monday the 6th. of Sept. and open the Town-baU on the following day, than a general anxiety was manifested to give her a right loyal welcome. The inhabitants seized 718 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1858.— Sept. the occasion to dress the town in the gayest costume. The preparations to receive her majesty were on a gigantic scale, and of the utmost splendour; and, notwithstanding the unfa- vourable state of the weather — a heavy, sleety drizzle falling in the afternoon of the 6th. , accompanied by gusts of cold, raw wind — yet the streets Avere crowded to excess. The station was very tastefully and handsomely decorated. Sheds and rows of seats, covered with scarlet cloth, and filled with ladies and gentlemen, gave an air of animation and pleasure to the scene. That part of the platform where the Queen was to alight was draped with scarlet cloth, and here were assembled the Earl of Derby, Earl Fitzwilliam, the Earl of Hardwicke, the Mayor and Mayoress, Viscount Goderich, Sir Harry Smith, Mr. William Fairbairn, thenephew of the Mayor, Mr. Denison M.P., the chairman of the company, the High Sheriff, and the whole of the Aldermen and Town Council of the borough. A quarter past six p.m. was the time her Majesty was expected to arrive ; and accordingly, at that period, almost to the very second, the train glided into the station. The guard of honour of the 22nd saluted ; the artillery began its regular salvos ; and amid cheers and waving of handkerchiefs, her Majesty alighted on the platform. The Earl of Derby and the Mayor were the first to welcome her to Leeds. The Mayoress gracefully bowed a profound welcome, and had the honour of presenting her Majesty with a magnificent bouquet of the most costly flowers. A few minutes were occupied in conversation, when the Queen, leaning on the arm of the Prince Consort, and followed by the Princesses Alice and Helena, passed out of the station, the Mayor going before them, the members of the corporation standing at each side and cheering. Once her Majesty's carriage was fairly seen outside the railway station, there arose such a cheer as has seldom been heard before. It was the cheer not only of the thousands to whom she was visible, but the cheers of all along the line of route : it was caught up and pasr^ed from street to street, over crowded housetops, and into places far removed from where the Queen would pass — one long sus- tained outburst of loyal enthusiasm. It was not alone a shout of welcome to her Majesty, but one of gratification at the knowledge that she was at last the guest of Leeds, and that for a time, if only for a few hours, the borough became the seat of empire of the greatest monarchy of the earth. Slowly from the railway the royal carriage descended into the streets — a little speck among the great mass of human beings who, shouting and cheering, pushing and throwing THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 719 1858.— S KPT. their hats and handkerchiefs into the air, as if they were demented, thronged up the streets, half wild with exultation and dehght. From the station her Majesty- proceeded to Woodsley House, the seat of IVIr. (now Sir Peter) Fairbairn, the Mayor of Leeds, everywhere meeting with the same ovation. The route taken was along Wellington-street, Queen-street, Park-street, Park- square, and past St. George's church, up Clarendon-road to Woods- ley House. Soon after her Majesty's arrival at the house, the royal commands were laid on Mr. Fairbairn to join the dinner party that evening. The other guests were the Earl of Derby, Lady Churchill, the Hon. Miss Stop ford. Sir Charles Phipps, Major-General the Hon. G. Grey, and Lieutenant -Colonel the Hon. F. Ponsonby, with Miss Hild- yard. Illuminatiox. — From all parts of the country round the visitors had been flocking in on foot, in carts, by rail or road, or any avenue that led to Leeds. Every conveyance that could bear the strain of a beast of draught, and many that would not, and with which the experiment ought never to have been attempted, was pressed into the service. Not less than 150,000 or 200,000 people were crowded into the streets. Briggate. Boar-lane, Wellington-street, and Upperhead-row ; and, in fact, all the places best illuminated, were thronged. In Briggate and Upperhead-row the efiect was beautiful ; for neither m.oney nor trouble had been spared upon the adornment of these tlioroughfares. The first-named street was crossed in all directions ^vith festoons of artificial flowers, so as to form across b >th road and paths a perfect arcade, from the wreaths of which depended coloured lamps. The transparencies and illuminations, too, along the house-fronts were brilliant and varied, equalling those which once before were displayed in Leeds on the occasion of the fall of Sebas- topol. It was past twelve o'clock before the last of the lamps went out. Tuesday the 7th was looked forward to as the greatest day that Leeds had yet seen ; but alas ! the morning broke with heavy clouds, thick mist, and drizzling rain. From the earliest hours, however, thousands upon thousands came flocking into Leeds from all parts. Every street and alley of the town seemed thronged, and still thousands upon thou- sands kept comiQg in per rail' from York, Bradford, Wake- fieM, and Pontefract, until it seemed a question whether the last comers would find room enough even to get out of the trains. The arrangements made on the line of route from 720 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1S58~Sept. Woodsley House to the Towii-liall were excellent. The streets ^v^ere transformed for the day into a series of floral avenues, colonnades, and triumjjhal arches. Kot only was the line throughout well kept by the constables of London and the district police, but by the friendly societies of Leeds, Y\dio were wisely pressed into the service, and lined the bar- riers inside along the whole route. Their members wore no insignia or badge, except a laurel leaf in the buttonhole, and white gloves, and on the royal procession passing they simply removed their hats, but took no part in the cheering. The greatest scene along the whole route of lier Majesty's procession w^as at Woodhouse moor, vvhere the children of the Sunday schools were mustered, to the number of more than 32,000, of almost every age and ever}^ religious de- nomination. On the banks of the reservoir which bounds the western extremity of the plain of Woodhouse moor were collected some 00,000 or 70,000 persons, who had made the best of the vantage-ground which vras here presented. Tier above tier they rose in dense masses, and it may be questioned whether such a multitude was ever before seen packed into so small a sj^ace. In the centre of the amphitheatre formed by these living walls stood tl.\e children, in two huge divisions, amounting to (inclusive of teachers) more than 16,000 each, divided into districts, parishes, and schools, and distin- guished by their orange, crimson, or blue banners. The children vfere disposed upon two immense j)latforms or galleries, betv^een which the royal cortege passed, each being about 170 yards in length ; deptli 27 and 45 feet respectively. In the centre was a sort of elevated pulpit for the general director and his assistants, and above this was a tall rostrum, in which stood the musical conductor, Mr. Longbottom, the movements of whose baton were to sway and to modulate the fresh young voices of the crowd beneath him. From this centre, radiating equalty on all sides, were ]>osted signalmen, with huge boards, on which were printed in the largest of letters the various signals, as, '' Prepare to cl^eer !" "Sing !" "Silence!" and "Dismiss!" The Procession" to the Totv^s-hall. — Her Majesty left Woodsley House at half-past ten, and proceeded up Claren- don-road, along St. John's hill, across Woodhouse moor, down Woodhouse-lane, ITpperhead-row, Briggate, Boar -lane, Wellington- street, West-street, Park-place, East-parade, to the Town-hall. The procession was a very long one, and consisted of the Mayor, and corporation, in their robes, and in carriages, &c. ; a squadron of the 18th Hussars, and a THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 721 185S.— Skpt. sqnaciron of the 2iid ^.Vest York Light Tufaiitiy, c\:c. The royal procession however, consisted only of three carriages. The first coutained General Grc^y, her Majesty's Eqiierry ; vSir Charles Phipps, K.C.B., Privy Purse; and Colonel Ponsouby, the Prince Conjiort's Eciuerry. The second con- tained tiie Earl of Derb}-, Minister in attendance ; Miss Hildyard, the Princesses' Governess ; Lady CJmrchill and the Hon. Miss Stopford, Maids of Honour to the Queen. The third coutained the Queen, ilie Prince Consort, the Princess Alice, and the Princess Helena. Sir Harry Smith, K.C.B., rode on the left of her ^Majesty, :uid Earl Fitz- vrilliam (Lord Lieutenant of the West- Riding) on the right. At the tinje her Majesty started the clouds brolco up, and the sun sho}'e fully as she came upon the moor amid the children. As the cortege came in sight of the children's platforms the signals '' Prepare to ciieer" rose up on every side, but th.cy were needless ; the diiriculty Vv'as t<^ keep the children quiet. 30,000 little trebles set ag^ ing are mt so easily stopT>ed ; and some time elapsed before the sliouis ceased, and the thundering bass aceo]npanim.ent of the jtopu- lace outside Avent rumbling away in the distance. Tj.on the conductor waved his liand, and slowly swelling upwards, like a vast < rgau of human voices, came " God save the Queen." Witli the first notes her Majest}^ held up her hand, and the carriage halted in the centre of the moor amid the cliiklren, while tlie great choir of singers went pealing forth t>.eir att- them with such a truth and sublimity as seemed to move even tlie most distant hearers. Wiien this was over the pro- cession continued its vray, and the hymns of the children continued — the Jong soft notes of every psalm resounding far and near, and makiug themselves heard above the cheer- ing, even when tlie procession v/as wending its way through the most crowded parts of Leeds. From tliis point her Majesty's reception was as grand in its enthusiasm as any- thing could be. For nearly fou.r miles it Avas one continued ovation. At the Town-hall the croAvds were so great that tlie barritii-s seemed quite inadequate, and Jit last bent, cracked, :ind splintered before the immense ]>ressure. The admirable arrangements of the police, hov>-ever, averted all mishap. The crowd was pacified, tlie barriers shored up and bound with iron bands, and with such aids and exiiortations to quietness the afiair Vv'as managed. The IxAr(;uRAL Ceremoxies. — At twenty minutes to t\v(}lve o'clock the vojul cortege eiitered the gi^eat square in whicli tlie hall is situated, vrhen tlie scene quite defies all 61 722 A57NALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1858.— Sept. attempts to pourtray it in words. The cheers literally seemed to rend the air. After acknowledging these salutes and those of the guard of honour, her Majesty and the Prince Consort gave their undivided attention to the noble building they had come to inaugurate. The Mayor and Mayoress received the royal party as they alighted, and the Mayor conducted her Majesty and the Prince up the steps of the south facade. Repeatedly her Majesty stopped to ened with Mozart's symphony in C major. The great norclty of the evening was Professor Bennett's Pastoral (M.S.) " The May Queen," composed expressly for the festival, and the first tim.e of its performance. On Thursday morning, Sept. 9th, the performance comprised Rossini's " Stabat Mater" ; selections from Bach's " Grosse Passions — Musik"; and Beethoven's Sacred Cantata "The Mount of Olives. " The evening's concert was a raiscellaneous one, and was the only performance of the festival in which both Alboni and Piccolomini, and both Villetti and Rossi were to be heard. The Friday morning's performance (the 10th) commenced with the first two parts of Haydn's Ora- torio "The Seasons "and concluded with Handel's sacred Oratorio " Israel in Egypt. " The evening's performance was miscellaneous, and commenced with Beethoven's grand sym- phony in C minor. Tlie Messiah was performed on Saturday morning, the 11th, and concluded the festival proper. On the Saturday evening a cheap concert was given, Avhich passed off with great (?clat. The number of persons present at this last concert was about 4,000. On Monday night, Sept. 13th, the festivities were brought to a close by a grand ball in the Towji-hall, The band in attendance was that of Mr. Laurent, of London. The total receipts of the festival and ball was about £8,000 ; the disbursements £6,000 ; the surplus £2,000 was given in aid of the funds of the Leeds General Infirmary. ]3tb. Died, in his 80th year, the Rev. Walter Scott, the late principal of Airedale college, who almost entirely by self culture, attained great theological reputation, 13th. A di^eadful panic seized the audience at the Surry Music-hall, Sheffield, during the singing of Madame Marietta, supposed to have been caused by some one in the gallery 730 ANNALS OP LEEDS, YORK, AND 1858.— Sept. firing a pistol. In the attempt te escape from tbe building five persons were crushed or trampled to death, and a many- others seriously injured. 22nd. The British Association for the advancement of science, commenced its twenty-eighth annual meeting at the Leeds Town-hall, under the presidency of Professor Owen, and concluded on the 29th. 29th. A soiree of the Leeds Mechanics' Institute was held at the To'.vn-liall, the chair being occupied by Lord Goderich. Addresses were delivered by the Earl of Carlisle, Sir R. L. Murchison, Professor Ovs^en, the Rev. Dr. Booth, and others. 30tli. The Leeds town council voted the sum of £20,000 for finishing and furnishing the ToAvn-hall. This vote made the total amount expended or granted up to this time £102,089. Oct. 7th. Sally Hare, aged 18, domestic servant to Mr. Cuthberts, of St. John's, near Rotherham, was murdered by her sweetheart, John Taylor Whitworth, who was tried at York on the 20th of December ; found guilty of wilful murder, and was executed on Saturday the 8th of January, 1859. Dr. Donatti, of Florence, discovered on the 2nd of June, a small nebulous star which he soon determined to be a comet. From about the middle of September to the lOtli of October, it was a brilliant object in the North-west, and proved indeed to be the most wonderful celestial visitor of modern times. On the 10th of October it was within fifty one million miles from the earth. It was completely a new visitor to the solar system, and according to the calculations of a Prussian astronomer, will not return until the lapse of 2,101i- years, that is to say in the year 3,980 of our era. On the 5th of Oct. the brilliant star Arcturius shone brightly through ths filmy mist of the comets' tail, and produced the appearance of a double comet. 12th. About 3,000 colliers in the neighbourhood of Leeds struck work, in con- sequence of a proposed reduction by the masters of 15 per cent from their wages. The strike did not terminate until December, when the men submitted to a reduction of 7-2; per cent. LEEDS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, Noa'ember 1st, 1858. Those in brackets were elected. MiLL-HiLL, [Anthony Titlev, L, 309, O. Nussey, L, 298.] W. St. J. Wheel hou.ve, C, 260, Henry Dufton, C, 23/. Wbst, [G. Brook, L, James Watson, L] North- Wkst, [Joseph Morton Barret, L] Notitf^, [Wm Thomas Bolland, C] North- East, [Wm. Longley, C, 449,] Thomas Cornoek, L, 432. East, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 731 1858— Nov. [Thomas Bramfit, L, 639,1 S. Idle, C, 47'5. Kirkoatr, [Wm. Wray, C, 216,] G. A. Linsley, L, 192 — South, [W. Kirk, L, 132,] R. Gardner, L, 58. Hunslet, [Benjamin Idle, C. HoLBECK, [Jaseph Shackleton, L, 1,439, Benjamin WooUey, L, 1,312,] Thomas Sheldon, L, 952. Brami.ky, [Matthew Moss, L, Samuel Muisgrave, L] Headingley, [William Pollard, C, 143,] Ben Cariss, C, 50. Sir Peter Fairbairn, was re-elected mayor. Kov. 1st. The town of Bradford was this day thrown into a state of great excitement, by the discovery that several persons had died, and a great number of others were ill from tlie effects of eating pepjiermint lozenges, which had been sold in the market by a person named William Harda- ker. It appeared that Hardaker had purchased the lozenges from Joseph Neal, a wholesale confectioner in Stone-street. Mr. Neal in the manufacture of lozenges was in the habit of mixing with the sugar a quantity of what is called "daft" in chemical language it would be called sulphate of lime, apd is popularly known as x^laster of Paris, or gypsum. Mr. Neal sent to the shop of Mr. Hodgson, druggist, of Shipley, for some "daft." Mr. Hodgson was ill, and a young man in his employ named William Goddard, not knov.'ing w^here to tind the article made enquiry of his master, who tlirected him to a cask in one corner of the cellar. The young man went into the cellar, and by mistake, instead of supplying the applicant with 121bs of "daft," gave him 121b.s of arsenic. Unfortunately the 121bs of arsenic was mixed with 401bs of sugar, and 41bs of gum into lozen- ges. 401bs of the lozenges were sold to Hardaker, who sold Bibs retail in the Bradford market the same night. Each lozenge it is supposed would contain 9^ grains of arsenic, and as 4^ grains are considered to be a poisonous dose, each lozenge was sufficient to poison two persons. As the lozenge weighed at the rate of 16 to the ounce, there w"as sufficient -poison distributed in the shape of lozenges by Hardaker, as would kill nearly 2,000 persons, reckoning 12 ounces to the pound. The consequences therefore might have been more fearful, as it was however, the poisoning proved fatal to seventeen persons, and caused about 200 others to be ill. Hodgson, Goddard, and Neale, were taken into custody and committed on a charge of manslaughter. The prosecution w-as subsequently withdrawn as against Goddard and ISTeale, and on Hodgson being tried on the 21st of December, at York, he was acquitted, 17th, Died in his 88th year, at Newtown, Montgomery- 732 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1858.~Drc. sliire, Mr. Robert Owen, the founder of tliat sj'stem of political etliics called " socialism," and which in latter years assuriied tlie name of its originator, and v/as known as '' Owen ism." Dec. 23rd. A public meefcing took place at the Leeds Town-hall in favour of Parliamentary lleform, under the presidency of the mayor, Sir Peter Fairbairn. Mr. Edward Baines, Mr. W. Brown, Mr. Carter, and others took part in the proceedings. During the year 1858 a for- midable disease called "diptheria," a swelling of the throat, raa.de its appearance, and its career in many parts of the country was marked by a melanclioi}'^ increase in the number of deaths. 1859. Jan. 1st. At a meeting of the Leeds town council it was resolved to grant a retiring pension of £100 per annum to Mr. Edward Reid, chief constable, length of service and increasing age having rendered hiai unable to discharge the ditties with that efhciency wliich so important an office re- quired. Previous to Mr, Read's ajjpointment as chief con- stable of Leeds he was a police-officer at the Hatten Garden }>(~)lice-office, where his father was the chief of the force. He was elected from among a large number of competitors, on the 1st of Jauua,ry, 1823, and continued in office until the old corporation was superseded. On the new corporation coming into office Mr. Heywood Avas appointed chief con- stable, and for seventeen months Mr. Read did not fill, the situation. On the 1st of December, 1837, however, he was re-appointed. 7th. A jury was summoned before Wil- liam Gr;iy, Esq., sitting for the High Sheriff of Yorkshire, in the Magistrates' Court, at York Castle, to hear evidence in the case of j^ewton v. Terrj', an action for assault. Mr, David Newton, of Leeds, a wool merchant, and a well known liberal member * of the Leeds town ctmncil was the plaintifi". Mr. Henry Terry, watch makei', Briggate, Leeds, was the defendant. The assault took place on the evening of Thursday the 7th of Oct., at the Central Market Hotel, Duncan- street, Leeds. A writ was issued from tJie Court of Exchequer on the 14-th of October, and the defendant al- ] owed j udgment to go by default. The j ury was conseKpiently only required to assess the damages (the assault being ad- mitted) ; after hearing evidence as to the nature of the assault, and the circumstances under which it took place, the jury assessed the damages at £10. 26th. Died, aged 48, Mr. T. B. Tliompson, the celebrated temperance advocate. A number of the members of the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 733 1839. — Jan. Leeds Temperance Society have by subscriptiou recently erected to bis memory a monument in Woodliouse ceme- tery. The design is of the decorative gothic style of arcxiitectnre ; the plan at the base is square and rises six feet, from which springs an octagonal colnmn, with an en- riched capital and a carved terminal. The total height is 16 feet. It bears the following inscription : — " In memory of T B. Thompson, who departed this hfe Jan. SOtb, 1659, a^^ed 48 years. Having been fifteen years Agent of the British Tempera nct^ League, th\>* monument was erected by a lew friends in memory of one of the mast able and consistent advocates of the tem- perance moven-sent." 17th. The Leeds Rational Recreation Society was this day dissolved. 28th. Died, the Right Hon. 'the Earl of Ripon, at his seat at Putney Heath, Surrey. The deceased, Frederick John Robinson, Avas at Ids death in the seventy- seventh year of his age, having been Iwrn in 1782, He waa educated at Harrow school, and St. John's, Cambridge, Avhere he obtained Sir W. Browne's medal for the best liatin ode in 1801, and graduated M.A. in 1802. He was private secretary to the Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland from 1804 to 1806, and accompanied Lord Pembroke's mission to Vienna in 1807. In 1806 and 1807 he represented Carlow in Parliar- ment, but from 1807 till 1827 he sat for Ripon. He haA held the gi'eat offices in the state of President of the Board of Conti-ol, Lord Privy Seal, Secretary of State for the ColonieB, President of the Board of Trade, Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, and First Lord of the Treasury. He was created D.C.L. at Oxford in 1839. His political principles were conservative. The deceased Earl was the second son of the second Lord Grantham, by the second daughter of the second Earl of Hardwicke, and was heir-presumptive to the Earl de Grey. He is succeeded by his son Viscount Goderich, M.P. for the West- Riding. On Tuesday the 25th of January, the hundredth amii- versary of the birth of Robert Burns, the universally known and admired Scotch poet, was celebrated in a very marked manner in most of the chief cities and towns in England and Scotland. Feb. 3rd. G. S. Beecroft, Esq., M.P. for Leeds, had the lionour of seconding the address in reply to the royal speech. ]8th. Mr. Stephen English, chief constable of jSTorwich, Avas elected chief constable for the borough of Leeds, hi the place of Mr. Read. 19th. The Earl of Derby conferred 62 734 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1869.— Feb. lipon the Rev. Dr. Hook, vicar of Leeds, the deanery of Chichester. He was installed on the 19th of March. ^ 21st. West-Riding Election. — The election of a member of parliament for the West-Riding, in the place of the Earl qf Ripon (Lord Goderich), who had been elevated to the peerage, took place at Wakefield. Sir J. W. Ramsden, liberal, of Byram-hall, near Pontefract, and recently M.P. for Hythe, was returned without opposition. •' March 9th. The Leeds to-^Ti council adopted a petition to parliament against the Reform Bill, introduced by the Derby government. 18th. A public meeting was held in the Leeds Town-hall, Sir Peter Fairbairn, mayor, in the chair, when a resolution was passed against the government reform April 1st. The Derby government was defeated by 330 to 291 on the second reading of the reform bill, after a severe night's debate. In consequence of which. Lord Derby ap- pealed to the country, and a general election ensued. , Guardians of the Poor for the township of Leeds, elected April 5th, 1859 :— Those in brackets were elected. East, [.lolin Thompson, 28.^, Joseph Lobley, 283,] John Lassey, 186, Joseph Sugden, 181. Kirkgate, [Dennis Topham Moss, •S22, James Stables, 21/,] William Wraj-, 215, Henry Barker, 215. !The election of Mr. Stables was ;ifter\varcls declared to be void, in Consequence of the discovery of forged votintj papers, and Mr. Barker was declared elected. Mill-Hti t., [Henry Duf'ton, 5/2, Charles Peglar, 544, William Clarke, 536,] Frederick Jackson, 436, Ja«eph Hirst, 419, Jaine-i Smith, 39/ -NornH, [Jo.seph Vever.*', 352, Nathaniel Sharpe, 339,] Mark Eiehardson, .323, Samuel Myers, 311. Nor ih- HL.^sr, [Samuel l.awson, 391, John 'Trumble,357,] Wm. Middleton, 346, Jo.se"ph Gilpin, 341. Nor rH- "Wkst, [Henry Bailey Legtr, 441, Thomas Parker, 432,] John Daniel, 333, Thomas Headland, 326. South [Jchn Kirk, 22/, Harsreaves Hudson, 204,1 Richd. Bywater, 129 Wrst, [Thomas Heaps, 823, James Watson, 799, Thomas Tilney, 792,] Riohard .Wm. Moore, 714, John W^oodhead, 713, David Lindsay, 691. Henry Bailey Legg was elected chairman. 12th. A meeting of the liberal electors of Leeds was held at the Town-hall, when it was decided to bring out Edward Baiues, Esq., and W. E. Forster, Esq. The Right Hon. M. T. Baines had decided to retire from parliamentary life, on account of ill health. [The Hon. Gentleman died on Ja,n. 23rd in the following year, aged 60, to the great regret of all 'parties of his fellow-townsmen. ] — 18th. A meeting of the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 73^ 1859.— April. conservative electors was held in the Town-liall, to hear ah addi-ess from George Skirrow Beecroft, Esq., who offered himself for re-election ; when a resolution was adoptei^ pledging him support at the forthcoming election. * 29th. Leeds Election. — The nomination took place oil Woodliouse moor. The weather was very inclement, and the rain fell during nearly the whole of the proceedings. Mr. C. Bousfield proposed, and Mr. J. D. Holdforth, seconded the nomination of Mr. Beecroft. Mr. T. W. George pro- posed, and Mr. Joseph Clifi' seconded Mr. E. Baines. Mi*. Joseph Lupton proposed, and Mr. John Jowitt seconded Mr, Forster. Mr. W. Miller proposed, and Mr. Jas. Dawson seconded Mr. John Shaw. After the several candidates had addressed the assembly, tlie mayor Sir Peter Fairbairn calle'd for a show of hands, whicli he declared to be in favour of Mr. Baines and Mr. Beecroft : a decision which was thought by some of the liberal party to have been given erroneously against Mr. Forster, and which in consequence subjected the mayor to some annoyance as he left the moor. A j)oll was demanded on behalf of Mr. Forster, Avhich took j)lace on the following day. At its close the mayor proceeded to Wood- house moor, where about 20,000 persons had congregated, and his worship announced that Mr. Baines and Mr. Bee- croft were elected. The result of the poll being : — Mr. Baines (L) 2,343. Mr. Beecroft (C) 2,302. Mr. Forster (L) 2,280. Plumpers, Beecroft 1,977, Forster 108, Baines 66. Splits, Beecroft and Baines 215, Beecroft and Forster 110, Baines and Forster 2,062. May 10th. The nomination of candidates for the West- Riding took place at Wakeiield on the 7th of May. Mr. J. W. Childers proposed, and Mr. Darnton Lupton seconded Sir John Ramsden. Sir Charles Wood proposed, and Mr. T. Dunn seconded Mr. Frank Crossley. The Hon. E. La«- celles proposed, and Mr. J, Brooke seconded Mr. J. S. Wortley, The show of hands was in favour of Sir John Ramsden and Mr. Crossley. * A poll was demanded on be- half of Mr, Wortley, which took place on the 10th, the result being as follows : — Ramsden (L) 15,078. Crostiky , (L) 15,401. Wortley (C) 13,636. Bradford Election.— [Mr. Wickham, C, 2,070, Mr. Salt, 736 ANNALS OP LEEDS, YORK, AND 1859— May. L, 1727,] Mr. Harris, C, 1,229. Huddersfield.— [Mr. Leatham, L, 779,] Mr. Akroyd, L, 760. Wakefield.— [Mr. Leatham, L, 406,] Mr. Charlesworth, C, 403. A com- mission of inquiry subsequent!}'- sat with respect to this election, when a most disgraceful system of bribery was dis- closed, which had been practised by both parties, 14th. Mr, Joseph Sturge, who was a candidate for the representation of Leeds, at the election in 1848, died suddenly at his residence at Edgbaston, Birmingham. 18th. Considerable excitement was caused in the village of Harewood, near Leeds, by the discovery of the dead body of a female infant in the stream flowing through the woods leading from Alwoodley-Gates to the Stank, and still further excitement was occasioned on its being known that Sarah Barrett, (daughter of Mr. Steplien Barrett, a respectable farmer at Weardley,) a young person about 25 years of age, had been apprehended on suspicion of having murdered the child, which M^as an illegitimate one, to which she had given birth at Leeds a few days before. She was committed to York on a charge of wilful murder, ai)d was tried on the 19th of July, when the jurj'- returned a verdict of not guilty. 25th. Thomas Smith, a pointsman at the Whitehall Junc- tion of the Midland Railway, underwent an examination at the Leeds Town-hall, on a charge of having murdered the illegitimate infant male child (of which he was the father) of Helena Moxon, a widow, residing in Appleyard-court, School-close. Smith obtained the child from the mother under the pretence that he was going to put it out to nurse at Beeston, What he did with it still remains a mystery, as he obstinately refused to tell of its whereabouts, there- fore the charge of murder could not be made out, but he was subsequently committed to prison for stealing the mother's clothes, in which he had wrapped the baby. 27th. G. S. Beecroft, Esq., M,P., was entertained at a banquet in the Victoria-hall, Town-hall, Leeds, in com- memoration of his being returned a second time as one of the parliamentary representatives of the borough. The pro- ceedings were of a most animated and enthusiastic character, and the reception given to the honourable member will long be remembered for its spontaneous cordiality and heartiness. As a demonstration of the strength of the conservative prin- ciples in Leeds, the banquet was eminently successful, being very numerously and influentially attended. Upwards of 750 gentlemen were present. Charles Bousfield, Esq., the chair- man of Mr. Beecroft's election committee, presided. 28tli. Mr. George Terry, of W^oodliouse-lane, Leeds, the -' I' bL Is H F D BY JOS £ P H J H N SON, 1. L L D $ THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 737 1859.— Junk. Grand Master of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows, and the treasurer of the Oddfellows Loan Society, Leeds, absconded, having preAwasly defrauded the two societies of Tarious sums of money, amounting altogether to about £4,000. June 3rd. A number of gentlemen met at the Queen's Head Inn, Mill-hill, Leeds, for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Mr. F. W. Grauhan, recently superintendent of the Leeds police force, on his retirement from that office, as an ackncwledgment of their appreciation of his services to the town. The testimonial consisted of a handsome silver tea service and a purse containing hf ty guineas. The teapot bore the following inscription : — " Pre.seiiteil, with a purse oftifty ijuineas, to 3". W. Giauh;in, on his reriririi: iroiii the olhce of supeiintendeiit of the police of the borough oI'LpfLis, l:y a lew fri'MiJ.s, a,s an acknovvledjiine.it of his efficient ainl couiteuus Conduct during the nine ytvu.s he held the s.iiu office. Leeds, June 3i<] '' Mr. Grauhan was subsequently elected chief constable of Bradford. 10th. The Derby government was defeated by 323 to 310, on an amendment to the address from the throne, which vote caused them to resign. Lord Palmer- stou formed a ministry. 13th. A meeting was field at the Town- hall, when it was determined to form a Leeds Volunteer Rifle Corps. 23rd. Crimean Monument. — The monument raised by public subscription as a memorial to the natives of Leeds who fell in the Crimean War from 1854 to 1856, was erected in the Leeds parish church. It is placed at the north-west entrance, in the place until recently occupied by the statue of the late M. T. Sadler, Esq. , which has been removed to the opposite side. The monument i.s a work of great power and beauty, consisting of a colossal group of victory cro.vning a (lying soldier. The soldier is rep- resented clothed in the British unitbrni, he is leaning on his hand in the ajrojiy of death; the countenanct' is finely executed, and in its softly-chiselie 1 linos the combinati(;ji of pain, fortitude, and chn'stiin resignation i-; well r(>presented. The accessories >cattereJ about the fie d compiefe the story, while the pyiidical contour of the whole com- position naturally carries up the eye until it rests upon the crowning figure which is winged and draped. The pedestal or base forms xhp memorial; it is of cha.-ed gothic desii^n, and consists of flanking pe- destals with a base mouldiui; and upper foliated cornice, the latter in bold relief: with carved vaulting ojj the pedestals are palms wreathed with ribbons, inscribe^] with the names of the Crin)ean victories. The whole forms a panel enclosing a .slab of pure white marble, bearing the names of the fallen heroes whase deeds the monument is erected /OO ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK AND 1859.— June. to commemorate. With the exception of the tablet the work is ex- ecuted in Caen .stone. The monument is of the style of the 13th Cfcntury. It exhibits many pleasing and artistic adaptions of the peculiarities of that style. The whole compo-sition is supported upon two carved brackets of elaborate design. The base consi.sts of a moulded plinth with a quartjefoil .string above. The centre consists of a trefoi! arch foliated ; on each side are double recessed niches with ogee canopies and foliated terminals. The canopy is gabled, the gafbling heing pierced and crocketed. The b:uses of the gables ter- minate in emblematic figures of pelicans, each >ide niche is occupied by a stalue — that on the right Faith ; and im the left Hope '!he centre of the tiblet arch is flanked on either si'le with slender col umn.s of Italian marble The capitals of these columns are of stone, carved to represent the one an open, and the other a closed fuichia. 1 his carvmg is of the most exquisite delicacy. Considering t)ie material the under-cutting and piercing is marvellous, and this characteuzes th^ whole of the carving throughout this beautiful native work of art. ♦ Surmounting the capitals are two angels with closed wings, in an atti- tude of devotion. The large sunk member of the arch is filled with carvings of poppy buds and leaves, emblematic of sleep, and disposed in a manner very similar to the well known ball ornament of this period of architecture. Above the arch rises a gable, crocketed, with a sunk panel richly damasked. Standing on the pedestal over the centre tablet arch, and occupying the gable, is the full length figure of an angel, the left hand bearing a celestial crown, and the right point- ing upwards. The ball ornament also occupies the recessed portion of, the moulding: of the gable. The gable has a terminal of ivy leases, tone, with flights five feet wide. There are no windows, and the landings are supported on iron beams. Tlie right hand arm of the cross contains on the ground floor tvro cloak rooms, and over them a class room and the libn^ry, each 24 feet long by 22 feet wide. The left hand r.rin is jecipied by the study and dormitories, each 22 feet square, for the head master's pupils. The upper arm of the cross is devoted to the liead- master's residence, which contains drawing and dining rooms, with a study, and the other apartments requisite in a gentle- man's house. The schools are warmed by hot water pipes, supplied from an apparatus placed in the* basement. The roof of the Tipper school is of open timber, stained and var- nished, and the whole building is most substantially con- structed, , the floors being supported on wrought-iroii beams. 20th. Banquet and testiiioxials to Dr. Hook. — The elevation of the Rev. Dr. Hook to the Deanery of Chichester, and his consequent removal from Leeds, excited amongst his .740 ANXALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 18D9 — June. parisliiouers generally a feeling of very sincere regret, at the same time that it elicited expressions of congratulation and esteem, which evinced in a high degree the pleasure of the inhabitants at the reward which had been justly bestowed upon him, after a life of earnest and devoted labour as the vicar fortwenty two years, of this large and important parish. This manifestation of affectionate esteem and gratitude found expression in a variety of forms. The various bodies with which the Rev. Gentleman was associated, recorded their sense of his services in term,^ of the most gratifying charac- ter. In some instances the bare record of those services was deemed sufficient, but in others, and especially with regard to the general testimonial, it was felt desirable that the sense of obligation should be manifested in a more public manner, prior to Dr. Hook's removal to his new sphere of labour. In accordance with this desire Dr. Hook and Mrs. Hook were on the 29th of June, entertained at a public banquet in the Victoria-hall, and were received with great enthusiasm by not less than 400 persons, including the principal families of the neighbourhood. The entertainment (which was pro- vided by Mr. Fleischmann, of the Scarbro' Hotel) was in every respect worthy of the occasion, and the event will long be remembered as one of the most pleasing episodes in the lives of all who liad the pleasure of being present. After dinner, and the usual loyal toasts, the mayor proceeded •\vith the presentations. A deputation from the committee appointed at the public meeting on the 20th of April, con- sisting of W. B. Denison, Esq., Wm. Gott, Esq., John Botterill, Esq., G. B. Nelson, Esq., A. Horsfall, Esq., E. Bond, Esq., J. M. Tennant, Esq., and S. Smith, Esq., came forward and handed to the mayor the public testimonial, which consisted of a cheque for 2,000 guineas, and an address, which were enclosed in an elegant cotter or casket, of Coro- mandel wood, elaborately ornamented with rich gold, en- graved and foliated, cinque-cento ornaments. On the front of the casket was a view of the parisli church, in gilt relief, and the lid bore the following inscription : — " Presented, wiih 2,000 guineas, to the Very Rev. Walter Farquhar Hook, D D., Dean of Chichester, and Vicar of Lpeds, St. Pett?r's Day, xMDCCCLlX." The address, which had been beautifully v.'ritten and illu- minated by Mr. H. Salt, of the herald's office, Lincoln's Inn, and gorgeously bound in crimson velvet, with gilt rims and monogram, was read by the Rev. A. Barry. It was THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 741 1859.— June. signed by the Mayor, as cliairraan, for and on behalf of the meeting. A deputation from the Manchester Unity of the Independent Order of Odd-fellows, in the Leeds district, was next introduced, and Mr. William Longley, P.G., pre- sented the testimonial subscribed for by the members of the Order in Leeds, (as well as an address,) consisting of a chaste and elegant silver centre- piece. The base, which rested on a plateau of burnislied silver, with rock border, was triangular, and supported figures of Faith, Hope, and Charity, in frosted silver. The figures were grouped round an oak tree, rising from the centre, Avith branches, leaves, and acorns, aad bearing upon the foliage a pierced silver basket, with large cut-glass dish. It was inscribed as follows : — ''Presented to tlie Terr Rev. W. F. Hook, D D., Dean of Chichester > by the members of the Leeds District of Independent Order of Odd- felIo".vs, Manchester Unity, on the occasion of his leaving Leeds, as a small token of their love and e.steem, for the many kind and valuable services rendered by him to the Order duriijg hi.s residence amongst them as the vicar of that parish. — Leed.s, June 29, 1859." Addresses were also presented by the Leeds Sunday School Association, the Central Short Time Committee of the West- Riding, the Choristers of the Parish Church, and a testi- monial subscribed for by the members of the choir, which consisted of an exquisite white marble and gilt clock, with candelabra to match, bearing the following inscription : — "■ Presented to the Very Pev. Walter Faiquhar Hook, D.D., Dean of Chichester and Vicar of Leeds, by the Choristers of the Leeds Parish Church. St. Peters Day, MDCCCLIX." In addition to those testimonials some were privately pre- sented to Dr. Hook. Of these, a beautiful gilt timepiece, presented by Mr. and Zvlrs. Walker Joy, was exhibited in the hall. A gold casket, value 50 guineas, containing £270, was presented to Mrs. Hook, as a testimonial from the ladies of Leeds. The casket was of silver gilt, conventionally called gold, and might well be pronounced an artistic gem. On the lid was an exquisitely fine specimen of figure chasing, from one of Tenier's pictures. On the front, back, and each side were chased medallions, representing respectively the Car of Ph;eton, the Dying Gladiator, Hector after his com- bat with Achilles, and one of the Muses croANmed by the Graces. A malachite tablet adorned each corner, and a large turquoise the front. An elaborate border ran round the basement, broken by a bust with helmet at each corner ; the 742 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1859— Junk. whole being supported on feet of elegant design and exqui- site workmanship. Inside the lid was the following inscrip- tion : — " This Casket, contaiiiing a purse of £2'Jd, is presented to Mns. Hoo'c, by tht Indies whose names are enclosed, as a tokeii of their per- sonal rejravd, and in affectionate acknowledornent of her inestimable services during her residence of 22 years in Leeds. — June 29tli, 1859." Before leaving Leeds the Dean of Chichester made the following benefactions to the town :— The sum of £400 to the Grammar School, the interest of which to be expended annually in a prize ; the sum of £100 to the National Schools, on condition that the debt remaining on the schools be discharged before the institution of his suc- cessor ; the sum of £50 to the churchwardens of the Parish Church, to be expended on improvements ; the sum of £50 . to the Church Institute, to be expended on the library ; the sum of £50 to the Philosophical and Literary Society, to be expended on the museum ; and the sum of £50 to the Leeds Mechanics' Institute, to be distributed in five annual payments of £10 each for the best essay on some subject connected with the social advancement of the working classes, the subject to be chosen by the president, the vice- presidents, and the secretaries, and the prize to be adjudged by the Vicar of Leeds, the head master of the Grammar School, and the president for the time being of the institu- tion ; £50 to the Parish Church choir, and £20 to the Widow and Orphans' fund of the Leeds district, Manchester Unity. During the twenty-two years that Dr. Hook had been vicar of Leeds, there had been builfc in the parish no fewer than twenty-one out of thirty-six cliurches, at least thirty schools, and twenty-three out of twenty-nine par- sonage houses, at a cost of at least £150,000 ; and a great deal of this work must be attributed to the self-denying and persevering exertions of the vicar, and the passing of the ' Leeds Vicarage Act,' which was promoted by him at a great sacrifice tj himself of income, patronage, and power. Jwlj IGth. At a meeting of the Leeds magistrates, Captain Y/edderburne, of Norwood, near London, late of the 53rd regiment, was elected governor of the Leeds borough gaol, in the place of Mr. Page, resigned. The salary of the governor of the gaol is £250 per annum, with a residence at the gaol, coal and gas found. 27th. The Very Pev. Dr. Henry David Erskine, Dean of Pvipon and Rector of Kirby-Underdale, in this county, died at the Deanery, Ripon, in the 73rd year of his age. The deceased, THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 743 1859— Aro. who was the son of the great Lord Erskine, was appointed dean of Ripon in 1847. He had won golden opinions from all sorts and conditions of men, especially by the zeal and ability with which he advocated the cause of mechanics' institutes and other kindred institutions. About five o'clock on Saturday afternoon the 6th, of Aug. Mr. Richard Broughton, a respectable man, 67 years of age, wlio resided in Rose Cottage-yard, Roundhay, was barba- rously murdered in the fields kno\^Ti as the Ox Pasture, near Harehills-lane, Roundhay. The murderer knocked Mr. Broughton down with a bludgeon, and inflicted five wounds iipow his head — one of which fractured his skull. He then stole his German-silver watch, and made a precipitate re- treat. The blows rendered Broughton insensible for a short time, but he sufficiently recovered to be able to walk home. On arriving at home the unfortunate sufferer relapsed into insensibiiity, and died at twenty minutes to two o'clock on tTie following day. The only connected description that the deceased had ])een able to give was to the efiect "that he had been attacked by two men ; one went up the hill slowly before him, till he got to the top. Another man then met hira from another road, and one of them struck him over the head twice. They were dressed something like working men. He thought one of tliem had a jacket on," For some time after the murder it was thought that the perpe- trator or perpetrators of the crime would escape the hands of justice. At first a reward of £50, and afterwards £150, was ofiered for the appreh vnrious boroughs in the ritiicg, the ni; -. -r. ; >■ :..inghs. and the magistrates and tiie * / : righ of Leeds. Tlie object of the garLeri: : L'ie cards of invitation, was ''to meer tLi- riviiY 'f tho West-Riding." 9th. A^-.-r. i : k pL^ce on the Great Eai-vtern steanj shiv " -i trip, \>y wliich six persons were killed, niid V . , ^ : i]iv> Aes.-tl to the extent of £5,000. ^lOth. Tlie ai:;.ual gatlieiing of tlie Institution of Mechanical Engineers was lieJdat Leeds. 21st. An exceUent full-length poi-trait of Mr. %\'. E. Hepper, the Leeds borough treas-irer, by Mr, WaliLV, was presented to the town hall committee bv tlie subscribers. 28th. Mr. Joseph Redfearn, the cashier of the Leeds Banking Company, died suddenly i:ii a railway carriage, while travelling from London te L; eds. After his death a deficiency in his acconnts w;^;^ disC' vcrc-d t-^ tl^e evtert of :£9,0(i0. Oct. 5th. Henry Hall, Esq., ol B;.;.;v k c_-. Leeds, died on Wednesday, tiie 5th October, ui the f^rth yeiii- 'if liis age. He was a native of Leeds, and was the representative of the oldest Leeds family still resident in the tovrn. He was elected a member of the corporation on the 27t]i IMarch, 1805, taking the rank of "Assistant," as the jnnior branch of the niunicii)al body was then cahed. <>n the 8th June, 1811, he was made alderman ; and in the following year he took the office of Mayor, and again for tlie second time in 1825. Mr. Hall was one of tiie aldermen in the reformed corporation, elected in December, 1835, but he only remained in that position three years. As an alderman of the old coi-poration he was a magistrate for the borough ; but, this function being sepai-ated from aldermanic dignity by the Municipal Reform Act, in the year 1842 lie was placed again on the Commission, and at the time of his death he was the oldest of our borough magistrates. He was one of the x)atrons of the Yicarage, and a trustee of tho Grammar 63 746 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1859.— Oct. School, as well as of other public institutions. He was treasurer of the Leeds Library forty years, and of the General Infirmary thirty-eight years, both unpaid but some- what onerous offices. The former he resigned in 1853, and the latter in 1854, on account of the increasing infirmities of age. Mr. Hall was a steady and consistent member of the Church of England. In politics his principles were strictly Conservative. He was interred in the same vault with his son, on the south-east side of Whitkirk church yard. 6th. Harewood House, near Leeds, the seat of the Hight Hon. the Earl of Harewood, was the scene of very gratifying festivities, in commemoration of the marriage of the noble earl to the daughter of J. G. Smyth, Esq.. M.P., of Heath Hall, and of other recent auspicious evenfcs in the Harewood family. His lordship invited about 600 persons to a ball, which was held in a spacious pavilion erected in the park, near to Harewood House. Amongst those who had the honour of receiving invitations were nearly the whole of the tenants on the noble lord's estates in the West and North Ridings, the clergy t)f Harewood and the vicinity, the principal residents in the neighbourhood, his lordship's tradesmen in Leeds, and the Harewood troop of the Yorkshire Hussars, who wore their uniform. 13th. Died at his residence at Houndhay, near Leeds, aged 67 years, Sir George Goodman, a magistrate for the borough and for the West-Riding, and formerly one of the parlia- mentary representatives for the borough. The worthy knight, for two years prior to his death, had sufiered from ill-health — paralysis, and neuralgia — brought on by his zealous and close attention to the new and arduous duties which were imposed Tipon him by being elected a member of the House of Commons in 1852. Sir George was four times elected to the highest civic office in the borough. He was the first Mayor under the Corporation Reform Act, being elected in January, 1836 ; and as a testimonial, of respect, as wt.ll as to commemorate the new era in municipal aftairs, a fall length portrait of him was subscribed for by his fellow- townsmen, and now adorns the council-room at the Town Hall. He was also elected Mayor on the resignation of C. G. Maclea, Esq., on the 3st of January, 1847. He went out of office on the 9tli of JSTovember following, but on the 9th of November, 1850, he was again elected Mayor, and on the 9th of November, 1851, he was re-elected ; but on the 20th of March, 1852, he resigned the office of Mayor in order that he might be eligible to be a candidate for the THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 747 1^59.— Oct. representation of the borough in parliament in the spring of 1852. In 1851 Mr. Goodman might be considered as the civic representative of Leeds at the Great Industrial Ex- hibition in London, in reference to which her Majesty con- ferred the honour of knighthood upon him in the spring of 1852. In July of the latter year, at the general election. Sir George Goodman was elected, along with the Hon. M. T. Baines, as one of the members for this borough, which he continued to rej^resent till the dissolution in 1857, when he retired on account of ill-health. In politics, Sir George was a liberal ; in religion, a baptist ; in trade, a wool-stapler at Leeds and Bradford ; and both in his public and private capacity he was greatly respected. He was especially dis- tinguished for kindness of manner and an open-hearted dis- position, which won for him the affection and esteem of all classes of his fellow-townsmen. 21st. The Mayor of Leeds, Sir Peter Fairbairn, was entertained at a sumptuous banquet bv the magistrates and corporation of the borough, in the CivH Court of the Town Hall. 24th. A full- length portrait of William Beckett, Esq. , head of the firm of Messrs. Beckett and Co. , bankers, Leeds, raised by public subscription, as an acknowledgment, by his fellow- townsmen, of the valuable services which he had rendered to the borough for a long series of years, vras formally presented to the cor- poration, for the purpose of being placed in the Town Hall. Tlie painting was executed by Mr. F. Grant, E.A., at a cost of 400 guineas. The Hunslet Mechanics' Institution was inaugurated by a soiree in the National school room of that township. On Tuesday night, tlie 25th October, and during the greater part of Wednesday, nearly every part of the island was visited by one of the greatest storms of wind, accompanied by showers of sleet and rain, ever recorded. xSor was the hurricane confined to the sea, for it extended to several of the inland towns. The most dreadful disaster at sea Avas the wreck of the Royal Charter steam-clipper from Australia, and the loss of upwards of 400 lives, off Moelfra, near Bangor. LEEDS MUXICTPAL ELECTIONS, November 1st, 1859. Those in brackets were elected. MiLi.-HiiL, rj W. Smith. L, 328, R. Hirst, C, 327] H. W. Price, C, 326, .T.\Mi(Kl]eton, L, 321. Wesp, fJames Reffitt, L, 1,116, JasMph Wright. C. 721,] G. Tatham, L," ^6/ North- West, [David Newton, L, 50l,] Samuel Freeman, C, 191. North-East, [James Trumble,'L, 747',J James Phillips, C, 567- 748 ANNALS OF LEEDS, YORK, AND 1859.— Nov. North, [William Maivson, L, 351,] Ud. Wm. Moore, C, 292. East, [Jcsepli Lobley, L, 68/,] W.St. J. Wheelhonse, C, 411. KiRKGATK, [Edmund Stead, L, 252,] Jame^ Stable.s, C, 203. South, [John Harrison, L, 282,] Wm. France, C,214. HuNSLar, [Thoma.'^ Wood, I., 64!,] Hichard Pallfu, C, 412. Holbeck, [Robert Meek Carter, L, 1,102, Wm. IlIirio:n'ortli, L, 1,083,] Christo- pher Tophaui, C, 62B. Hkadinglev, [Edward i3ishop.s, C] Bramlky, [Joseph Winn, L, 248, Robert Coxon, L, -248,] F. Fernsi, C, 22. W'iliiam Kelsall, Esq., was elected mayor. ■ Nov. 9th. The (blluwiaij were elected aldermen : — Wm. Kelsall, J. D. [/uccock. K Wibon, Joseph Middleton, J. O. March, William Firth, Jo.seph Ilichard>on, Ob idiah Nn.ssey. . Nov. 21st. Mill-hil!, vice Nu-^sey, alderinan, [W. H. Price, C, 36/ ,1 Joiin Lambert, L, 309. : Nov. 1. An act to ameud the laws relating to nmnicLpal electioiis received tlie royal assent on the 10 ch of .April, and ca^me into operation on the 1st of Noveiuber. The nio.st im- portant provi.sioa relates to the DomiTiation of Coimcillors, which is for tke future to be made m -^^riting, and to he duly published y.trevious to the day of election. 8th. The Leed.s Tv)wn Council resolved b}' a luajority of 33 to 13, '' That the members of the Council wear their official robes oh Till ]:>ubMc and .sj:>ecial occasions. " 2nd. A new church, situated at Hak^y'lliil, Halifax, dedicated by the title of All Souls, wa.s consecrated by the Right Ilev. the Lord Bishop <;:f ltij>ou. The erection of this sacred edifice was at tlie cost of Edward Akroyd, Esfj., of Bank Field, Halifax, and Denton Park, Otley. Mr. Akroyd has also handsomely endowed the church, and towards tlie curates' stipend a grant t)f £70 per annum has lieeu made by th^e Additional Curates' ■Society. The patronage is vested in Mr. Akroyd, his heirs and assigns for ever, IGth. The foundation stone of a new church, connected "".nth the lionian Catholic mission of St. Joseph, Hunslet, v.-as laid by Dr. Briggs, the Catholic Bi.shop of Beverley, in the presence of several of the clergy, and about 1,000 people. The style will be chiefly Gothic, liaving a small bell turret, and the material will be ornamental brick ; the v/ind'-w sills, muUions, jambs, key stones, /cc, being of terra cotta instead of stone. It will comprise a chancel and two side chapels, and accommo- dation will be provided for 560 worshippers. Dec. 20th. Died, aged 73, the Rev. Francis Thos. Cookson, A. M. , of St. John's, Leeds. Mr. Cookson was, at the time of his death, in tlie 50th year of his incumbency, to which he was appointed in September, 1810. He was a very kind-hearted THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT. 749 1859.— Dec. and benevolent man, always ready to give ^^dth a liberal hand to the poor around him. During the last twelve years of his life he suffered severely, bnt witli cheerful patience, from a painful affection of the limbs, which incapacitated him from active duty ; but even to within the last few weeks he was carried in a chair to his cliurch and performed part of the service, his voice and the tiue faculty of readiug for which he was remarkable, being little impaired by the malady which crippled his limbs. He was the eleventh incumbent of St. John's church, which was consecrated on the 21st Sept,. 1634, by Ai'chbishop Neale. On Monday, the 12th of March, in the following year, the Rev. Edward Muuro, M.A., incumbent, Harrow-on- Weald, Stanmore, (diocese of London), was appointed to the vicarage. The number of candidates was 122. The appoiiitment was vested in the mayor for the time being (Mr. Kclsall), the Rev. James Atley, D.D., vicar of Leeds, and Joseph Middleton, J. M. Barret, and John Botterill, three members of the town council. 28th. Died, aged 59, Lord Macauley, one of the most distinguished noblemen and writers of the present century. He was the son of Zackary Macauley, formerly a West India merchant, who was known in public life as the personal friend and coadjutor of the celebrated Wilberforce. In the year 1818 he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, and some years later took his bachelor's degree in the ordinary course. In 1819 he obtained the Chancellors' medal, awarded to compositions in English verse. He won considerably higher honours, and indeed gained the very highest in clas- sical departments which the university could confer. After leaving college he applied himself to tlie study of laAv, and was called to the bar in 1826. He began very early to apply himself to literature. He was one of the first and ablest among the contributors to Kniglit's Quarterly Magazine, and in due season gained access to the Edinburgh Review. Tlie article on Milton — the first in the collection of his essa3-s — appeared in that journal in 1827. Other articles followed in the same periodical, namelj*, Essays on Bacon, Macliiavel, Lord Clive, Warren Hastings, Walpole, Lord Chatham, etc. He also tried his powers as a poet, and wrote "Lays of ancient Rome," a work which added greatly to his fame. In 1831 he entered parliament as member for Colne, a boroiigh in the interest of Lord Landsdowne. He made his first speech in favour of the Reform Bill, and shortly came to be considered a prominent member of the whig party. His eloquence and capacity for the discussion of affairs gave him 750 AJS^NALS OF LEEDS, YOUK, AND 1859.~Dec. great |)opiilarity in the house. In 1832 lie was elected member for Leeds along witli tlie late Mr. John Marshall, jun. In 1834 he was appointed secretary to the India Board, and shortly afterwards was made a member of the East In- dia Compnny's supreme court at Calcutta. He was absent in Indiii f.)ur years. The year after his return (1839) he was elected for Edinburgh, and in the following year accepted office as secretary at war. At the general election of 1847 he lost his seat for the Scottish capital owing to his vote on the Maynooth grant. Some years later (1852) without canvass- ing, withcmt even co7Jiing forward as a candidate, he v/as triumphantly returned for Edinljurgh at the head of the poll. During this exclusion from public life he devoted his time to literary pursuits. The complete collection of his ' ' Essays, " and in 1849 Ins elaborate History of England from the accession of James II, (2 vols. 8 vo.) were the fruits of this retirement. Two other vols, of the history followed, Macauley was un- questionably a man of genius, as well as a scholar, critic, and reformer, and no higher compliment was ever paid to litera- ture, and none more sa,tisfactory to the nation than his elevation to the peerage in 1857. Lord Macauley was never married, and the title he had so well won, consequently died with him. INDEX TO THE ANNALS ferts, lark. K?^ %\mm\Mn^ f istrirt* ABRRDEEN ministry dft.i. 663 Adel (hurrh 19, ruins of Roman town 109, Ronian coffin found at Addle mill farm 57.2, Leeds Rpformatoiy xcliool yoi Aire, river navig;ible 17, descrip- tion of 108, .•stoam-boat on 243, epigram on 6^7 Airedale Cojlet'e 19;>, 378, Mrs. Bacon's endowment 521 Akroyd, Jonatlian 04") Ale acts -26, ')S, 167 Alexandria, .surrender of 203 Alfred tlie Gre:ir 12 Allen, B H 34G Allerton Hall, 1:?7 America, warof Independence 154 Acne. Qupei. 89 Aram Eugene 129,383 Ardsit-y, East, colliery accident 22 1, Main*' col. tern hie pxpisu. 534, instance of courige at, 309 Ark-.vria!.t, Sir I'ichard. 178 Ari?)l(-y, Dani.^-h earth.-, ork 7, cfiMpel of ea>e 66, in.-cription.s in ch qui 85, 98, 106, mills firp at 319, .shock nii? murder at the Malt Mill inn 682 Arson, cruel case of 400, execu- tion lor 400 Arth.nyton rriory, sur. of 47 A.'-^sault, action lor, Newtoii v. Iry 732 Askliarn, r-?nter 5i Astronomical events — eclipsessun 8x. (annul ir 438,70^) 5f),mnon 4 44. comets 101, 231, 431, (l»oni'ti>) 730, spot on su: 361 Atkm.son, R. V Mihs 228 Atkinson, John, of Leeds 409 Atlantic telegraph 715 Avens Wm. of Leeds 596 Bacon kogek, 24 Bacon, Lo'd 64,66 Bacon, Mrs. of Bradford, 626 Baildon, property destroyed by factory opL-ratives 685 Baines, Edward, elected M.P. for Leeds 416, 422, 447; testimo- nial to 478, life or 56!, portrait prtsented to Leels mechanics' institute 589 B.n I ;es, E . J u ; ! , engra ved portrait pre.'^ented to (,eed.s mechanics' institute 531, tdectcd M.P. for I/ceds /S') B.iine.s, M. T., nia.Jc pre-ident of the poor-law hoard 573, resig. nation of 667, made chancellor of Duchv o( Lanca ler 674, elecred M P for L<^ed> 612. 623, 6/4, 692, i:eah of7;U Baker. K'ohert, anpoiMied (.suh)- inspectr.r of iv.r-r(*iie.s 421, 7!3 Ba fTs ;i;id bn->vf.T.-, !)0M' pui.isheJ for fr.u^h 26 Balloofi a-cpnt.^ 16."-, 234, 246, 302,310, 3 is, 339, .^31 Bank of EnijI in !, iiicorporation of 98. notes for s'n;ll .-^u us 155, 18S. cash pav^nie;;t.s snspd. 187 Btrkisla.aj iVe.' school 90 Rarr, iulwar !, finr-ry hy 437 B.irratr. Steplien 2!'3 Barbotir, Aiin. murder by 292 Bariis'ey,St Georfe'sc: urch290, distress 354. Mount Osborne colliery ex|dosioii 478, r'eco.id ditto €S1. «!ej??ription of building 637, gT<-M ftre 644, Hmqaet to nmv-L»rSainl. J^I^ith, 658, Peel statue inauffuniteti 671, aiuriler oF Uan.-iah Hoi- ruyii 694, Braiiforrl, W.ikefield, ani! J.,eeds rai'way op^ne;! 701, ?>tvl. clil. ^opliical society 3-S5 Brayton,nr. Seibv, nrr. acdnt C29 Bn-ad riots 123, 164 Bri ges. Tlios., the antiquary 122 BrieHey and Lex Moor iron uorks 168 Bright, John, marri.ige of 544 Briiiffs, Kzekit-i, of Binelev 510 Briiiht, H S.oFHul!,fffy'by704 Brighton church ejiitaph m 293 Briiain, Davi i, blind orcrnst 567 Briiannia tubular bridge 585 Britain, lioman invasion 2, cruelty to Queen Boidicea 3, under JuliU?! Atricola 4, subdued by Ida and E!1a 8, S-ixons para- mount 6 BritL«'h Museum est ib!ishe«l 133 British As'8..1eath 713 Buniert, Sir Francis, committal of 226. Fm^d 290 Buritl ground discovered 396 Burning of murderer 146 Burke, Edmund, 1S8 Burley, near Lee :s, made sepa- Tite vic-rge. 579. St. Matthew's church 6.j9 Burley Hall, fire at 29S Burton, R. S. testimonial to 7'12 Bury St. Kdmo'Ads.'Prol. fire at 61 Batterworih. Mr 421 CASTLK HOWARD SE- Formatory 676 Galea "er correction of. 2,55,132 ' Canning Gfi-orge 330 Cannon bill'* ofstnue and iron 45 California go', i discove'y 573 Cnlverley-hail trage iy ."j8, witch- craft a't 60, fire at Calverley 296 Calder river public bptsm-?. in 530 Capp-^ Nevvcoine of Leeds 200 Carlisle Earl (sixth) 56/ Carolme Queen, bill or pains 289 Carlt.MU, vaulted sejulcii re at 121 Carr Mrs. legacie.^ by 5.30 Catholics, laws agdnst, 5l,iasur- rectioa in. favour of 54, relief bill343,firstcath9lic M.P. after 345, cath'dic priests (Lee is) carrietl off by ty|)hus fever 543 Cato-si-eet conspiracy 2>-3 Caivthra Mr. the vrrt^rilist 672 Cawood Jo in of Leeds 52t Census 294, 370, 469, 593 Charles 1. deata warraat 84 Charles II res to at ion 91 Chapel town, bequests for po«3r of 137, lighted with gas 501 Character, d -fimation of (James V Brook) 515 Chartiist riots (1839; 464, (1842) 483, grent p*-titions 482, 557 Chantry Sir Francis 479 Charsworth, coins fouad at 501, storm 753 Chat Mos-ifireof 50/ Children forbidden to be sold 14 Chimney sweepers act 480 Chorley Thos. resignation is sur- geon of Leeds infirTnary 402 Cholera .387, 419, 561, 576,652 Chur.vell, murderoas condt at 672 Church Fenton station, railway accident 68 1 Circus, fall at Leeds 555 Civil wars 69 to 84 754 IN Clark.son Thomas 532 Clark Dr. A^iain 390 Clayton, atteinpted murder at 586 Clecklu'titon conaul chapel 698 Cleinentj^haw KTof Wakfld 290 Clergymen prevented from sitting in house orcouiinons 203 Cliffor.l 'i ho.s Lord kiiled 40 Close Thomas ofLeed-^ 185 Cloth niaiiufaetr. em^ouraged 34 Cloth makia.i; expedition.sly, 230 Coach a.'ei.k.nts 243, 301, 334, 359,391, i 05, 613 Coaches intrcdr-l. 57, 64 149, 156 Coals their u.-^e forbidden 28 Coal hed, fire of at Leeds 330 Coal mmps. iuveiuie labour in 480 Cobbe, Col. 'rippoint-d chief con- stable ffT West- Riding 686 Cobbett Mr. :?:)M. trivl of'377 Cobdeii Rd. W R banquet to 574 Cobden Rd address at l^eds on Russian war G62, G. Thompson .same .snbj.'ct 664 Cochrane Ld. e-scpe. fm. prison 246 Cockburn, Rev. Sir Wm. /lO Coiner.s and clippers 149 Coins diseoverv of 211, 269, 296, 300,321, 396,628,686 Colliei, Rev Jas. seceeding from "Wesleyav) connexion, 633 Colliery accidrnts and explosions 188," 224, 255, 2t6, 316, 402 440, 456, 478, 534, 541, 5/3, 598, 623, fol Colne-i)ridi.'c, calamitous fire 269 Coltniaii. dustiee, de ith of 577 Coltoii Rev d .sulci !e of 163 Congreave the poer 97 Coniston, manor of sold 45 Cook Robert, \icaT of Leeds, 62 Cook Cap'ain 159 Cook, J. P.,psnd. by Palmer 6/6 Cook.son, Thomas 408 Cookson, F. T. Rev. of Leeds 748 Corn first used in Britain, 3 Corn, milling of 93, corn acts re- lating to exportation and impor- tation 21 1, 254,corn law rpl. 530 Coulthurst, Dr. H. W. 266 County Court Acts 535 County elects. limited tol day62& Cowling, burst, of reservoir at574 Craven plundered by Scots 29 Craven Sir "William 61 Crawford brors. of Hoi beck fatal affray bet. 600 Cricket matches 390, 532, 549^ • 558, 567, 699 Crimes ceased to be c ipitally pun- ished 442 Crimean monument 737 Cromwell, Oliver 91 Cros.sley Frank, peoples park 69& Crowbill, description of bog at 312 Cudwortii, railway accident at 522: Cumberland, last Earl of 57 Customs, curious 106,107.135,145' DANES, massacre of 13 Darley Main col. explosion 5/3 Darley, nr. Ripley, murder at Ji4r Darling, Grace 457, 486 Dawson, Wm. meth. prcachr. 47Q Dawson, Jo. of Roydshall 244 Days in month, ancient rule to know 55 Debt first contracted on govern- ment security 40 Debts, act 2 and 3 V^ic. 85, 461 Denison, Sir Thomas 145 Dennison, William of Leeds 163 Derby govt, d ltd. 734. 7.37 Desmond, Countess of 56 Dewsbury, ancient cro'^s at 8, church rebuilt 146, Roman an- tiquitie>< and coins found at 292, 377i fire at anfl mournful oc- currence 329, fir>it lighted with gas 343, Springfield Indepen- dent chapel 676 Diamond, valuable 646 Diet of poor in 1 800, 97 Diptherii 732 Di.s.senters'act 436,ch ipel bill 50^ Distre.'ss, general 184, 194, 260, 288,444 Dobson, Jo. the murderer 492 Dodworth, tlood at 457 DoMcastcr, Viscount created 63 Doncaster, destroyed by fire 11, earthquake at 175, Christ ch, struck by lightning 440, parish* church destroyed hy fire 626, memorable St. Leger races 49/, 589, forgery on branch York- >hire Banking Co. 599 Donkey, an aged 425 Doomsday book lo Douglas, Gen, in Yorkshire 30 Dove, Harriet murder of 6/4 Dream, curious effects of 423 iDrighlington scJil endoumnt. 100 Drummoud, Ed. murder of 488 Dudley r.iilway accident nr J\6 Dyon, William and John the murderers 33/ Earth QUAKF, shocks in England 105, 111, 134, 157, 161,175,187,418,427,488,621 America 234, West Indies 482, 4SX, at Naples 705 Educafional, riatioial, Lord John Rus-^iell's scheme defeated 677 Edward the Confessor 14 Edwd. I. Qneen in labour, while hunting 28 Edwards, the Eevd 165 EUand, grant of market to 30 Elland tnigedy 33 Election riots 422, 423, 447 Elescar, singular Case ofsut'ctn. 643 Elliott, Ebenezer 580 Elizabeth, Queen 58 Elopement from Roundhay 529 Ely, Rev. John 405, .550 Kmbsay priory founded 18 England, in\asion of by Bruce 35 Encland and Sc(;tland united 111 do Ireland 202 Eng. and Fr mc-e, peace betn. 204 England at war 206, 208 European pestilence 35 Executions for murder 156, 162, ^f■^, 205, 211, 213, 218, 225, 227 493, 538, 553, 554, 568, 510, 624, 625, 743, for burglary 1/5, forgery 206, 251 Exhibition, great (1851) 595 FACTORY CHILD, ILL iis.ige of, at Leeds 406, f.ictory acts 414,538 Fairftx, Gen ral 97 Fairs forbdn. in ch. yards 27 X. -755 Fairweatlier, niuri r at 554 Farnley, boiler expl,,s!on at 369 Farnlev C'.ar.rrv 40, ,io ha'l ,5/, 139, dr,. .vorM) ].]or 9:) Farsley, murder il hy .si likers .395 Fashions iji dlilVifiU ivop« 43, 49, 51,, 53, 110. J 7'', :^U Fata! vesper.-^ 64 Favour, l)r of ! J:'liK;x H ■• Favvcetr, Rev. Rici^i.r ! 148,443 Fawkes, Franc i.-^ lot' Fearne, Jo.vi:;h the 'unrderer 131 Female bi,'rtm;sr. s;tle 0^510 Female (Leea-i,, phi, ' r of 488 Fisher, Ma'-y. iu:ci- < ' 64 1 Fitzwillian;, coiu.hNs ^"96 do. E,.ri :j9^, /OI, re- moval iVom oOKe :::S1 Flansha-v, tniirr^ r ;,t -i'^ Flaxpvin. hdm 32b Flesh. 1;.-.:;,, ^o e.d TG Flie.', n' LIU" df 6*1.') Flitcli -r. ;;,r,-:: -th 145 Flood's .>:, c-(\ . !3, ;;;<4. 681,699 Florin 1 --'7: . !' J)7^ Flou^ : ']:evi'r:,v^ 552 Fo..' , , :. . : :■ Mri. century 29 Foi- •;. -: r,r tor ^(16, 251 act ' ri ,. .v.( -;u;sfbr359 For^ ^- ;. _^ r-!.. '■ v , ;:ri: of 535 Fo>:. -^^ ,:.. .- ; i;79 Fosr ; Pv ',,:•> »; Fot}:>:,Vi,,i. !^- (,!-, 'BI FoUP-- , ■'-H".r !72 Fou; t. i '■ .■\h''r- r : - Fo>; V- • ; ,^ r. Frai ■ . •..•:.: ;.,• , ':,.;.;,i, ^^^0 FraUMi,' eApKfiiiioij ;>J9 French, thieatened invH.'-io!! 187 French Revolution IJO., 3 8,554 Friends' first meeting place in Leed.s 9() Frodsham, the tr.'.gedian :48 Frugs, shower of 508 Fro>t great 61, 102, '245, 456, 662 Fulneck 133, Montgomery at 586, centenary iubilee 664 GALLOWAY .loHN 207 Garden.s, kitchen first cultivd. 45 Garforth .Sf hool 140 GargriHve, tradition respecting 45 756 i^ Garj^rave, fir-^t rector of 24 G:iScoi,i^ne Sir Thos. 226 Gaskeil, Benjamin G72 Gatet5heacl,tt'rnfic explasion at657 Gefrge Hi, 143, attpmpted mur- der of 165, 184,201, dth or283 George-! lYtli's coroi]:ition 291 do. death 360 Gibson, Sanil the naturalist 5/5 , Gilder.'^ome, serious burglary 7^'^*) | boiler explosion 717 i Giles, Rev. V.. J . fkrewell ads. 522 ! Gipseys 383 Gl.iss uiaking 10, 153, value of in ; Ifith centy 49, glass cloth 442 Glasgow and T'liisley riots at 283 ' Goo(hnan, George presentation of I mayors' ch.ain to 438, faf-oimile \ presented to ma3H)r for the time : being by him, 694, portrait nresentation 448, knighted 608, elected M.P. tor Leeds 612, : de.iih 746 Goodman, Benjamin 558 Goodricke, Sir'll. J. 405 i Gott, Benjamin 465, bu.st of 6/8 ; Grammar iitst printed 44 Gray, Tho.s. on rai Inays, 287, Great T.astern stm. ship expla.745 Green K. J. accident to 714 Grt-efifield murder at 3H', \ Guest, Genera! 130 \ Guernsey, cata-stropiie at 421 i HABKAS CORPUS ACT .su.s- . pended !81, 192, 561 ^ Haddin, Kitty, of Huddd. 532 Hail.vtojie, Samuel 599 Hal.-y, Job!, G96 '■ Hali, Flenry resignation ^.s trea- .vurer to Ixeds iiiiirruary, 65G, '■ sketch of life 745 Hall, Roht. .veriou'^ accident to 661,-lecled M.P. f^)r Leeds 692 : death and sketch of lite 691 _ H.al tun, near Leeds, javnous for cloth dyeii.g 157 Halifax, o?in ill 16th century 49, act to encourage cloth trade at 51, : gr;',min;ir school 57; corpora- tion, chaiter of ^-y, bloody field 80, the goldsmith's grave at 64, inscription on church bell 104, church struck by lightning 66, penny tokeiLS 85, gibbet law at 86, lord of the manor's impost on cloth 108. ir^e school 120, earthquake at 142, piece hall I'/^i, new church 190, colours presented to volunteers 208, murder at (Asquith) 277, lighted with gas 300, tithe com- mutation bill 345, horrible raur- dei in a newspaper oiliee /I I, parliamentary elections at 394, 422, 447, 547, 693, incorporatd. 554, boiler explosion 591, fir.- at Lee mills 640, Haley- hill work- ing man's college 676, all .saints church 677 great gatherit g of sal 'bath schools 679, prpsenta- tion of peoples' park b.: Fr'-ik Crossley 698 Hamburg, great fiie at 482 Hamilton, Rev R "VV. testim«nl. to 494, life of 559 Hampale Priory 21 Plarewood. House 143. visited by Princess Victorii 430 ; ildwin, Lord 182; Edward, Earl of 287; Heniy, second Earl, sud- den death of 4/9 ; Henry, third Earl, accident to and death, and sketch of life 688 ; Countess of 466: rei oi c i ngs a t Ha re wood House 523,746; bridge, thunder storm at 544, vicar suspended 573. chill murdt-r 736 Harcourt, Hon ivJ. Vernon 551 Harrison, John 89 Har!";son,Jno the n.cclianicianlOo Harrison, tbe Leeds irtn telr 684 HnrroG-atc Hi::!;, church at 382 Hartley, J):\yh] H !, 140 Hasrjnns, Lady Elizabeth 123 H'lvebcV, Gener^d 704 Hau-ortji ohnrch 139 He-^ding!ey ch;irity school 190, cbi.vcii 44 J. <^Ardens 5G7, e[osed 714 Reaps, Jolm of Leeds 6>^2 Hearth tax 94 Hebden bridge, tire at 340 Heckmondwike, dreadful and fatal panic in metliodist chapel 345 Hemingiield col. expln. 623, 651 Henry- VI. armies r. Duke of York 41 Henry 1,15; II. penance of 21 ; Hepper, W. E nppntd. Leeds bore' treasurer 70/, portrait 745 Herschell, William 297 Her, William of Leeds 2/0. 502 Hick, Samuel 348 High trea«!on, trials for 181 Hill, John Hep'vorth 573 Hipperholme-cum- F-righouse free grammar school 84 Hippopotomic remains discoverd at W.^rtley 609 Hirst, Wm. testml. to 3 1 9, his ap- peal 389, in gaol 443, life of 7 1 6 Holbeck, chai>el of 16 and I7, opposition toFawcett's ministry at 134, population in 17th cen- tury '■7, munier at 211, St. Mat the v's chiTch 346, dread- ful firework explosion 431 poisoning at (Illin^^vorth) 513, man.vlansrhter 600, St John's church 5f)l, St. Bumahas 67I, miinicipil cemetery 697; races, serious accident at 700 ; Hol- beck Mechanics' Institute, 709 Holdsworth, Dr. murder of 51. Hole, Jjime.s. prize essay on me- chanics' iiistitute.s 630 Holmfir h tloods 291,600 .Holmes, Rev. Jo. prp.sentatioii to ,5n3,.=il6, death of 650 Hood. Robin the outlaw 25 Honk, Dr elected vicar of Leeds 444. bust of presented to Mrs Hook 512, Binquet and testi- inoiaals to 739. Horslorth chapel 141.mrdrat 211 Horhury cliurch 170 Hor-sp. stone.-5 found in stomach of 340, 5S6 HouHrd, John I7I Ho'vden, terrible accident at the Ouse chemical '.vork:?- 704 Howley Hall 57 Huddersf]eld,the EamsJen family 103, Roman antiquities found 128, piece hall 146, tunnel of canal 228, Hudder.sfield and L^^pper Agbrigg intirrnary 246, 377? stoppage of banks 257, nots 263, 288, first li^'hted with gas 292, accident 317, great fire 337, 504, 598,hurricane 346, thunder storm 380, parliamen- tary elections 415, 447, 54/, 628, 693, murder at 466, re- joicings at 618 , fire at Folly- hall factory 685 ; boiler explo- sion at Upper AspW 784 ; railway accident at the Spring- wood junction. 713 Hulme, Dr. of Halifax 214 Hull, plague Cy, sleae of 70, regatta 347, fire 621. ilood 584 Huinber, great flood 584 Hume. JrVph 663 Hunt, Henry, pro-ecution of 280 Hur.slet chapel (St. Mary'-s) 67 tower built 396. made separate vicarai-e 548, in 17th century 87, fall of wii-dmill 15:% fir^ at 209, 217, stone coffin dis- covered 305, child stolen from 31! , suspeni-ion hi idee 346, lighted with gas 431 cemetery at Woodhcuse-hill 517, i-'iurder at by MaUin 56^. strike at Kits n's works 59/. rnys'erious occutrcncp in t],e I.oneb ttom family 6^.4, cholera (M\ ;icci- dent at \ViIson\s fouiidry 6S3; erection of Komau Catholic church 7-^S Hurricanes, great 459, 623 Hydrophobia, cases of 153,402 IBBET.-^ON, Sir Henry 131 Ikin, Thomas 409 Ilkle.v Wells hydropathic e.stab- li.shment 679, mysterious death of Mr.s. M'KniohteSO Indian ma-ssacre 481 : ,'rreat mili- tary mutiny 694 Ireland, preat distres-s 529 JACK80N,FottyofHolbeck,340 758 in: James I book of sports 63 James, Win, of Lee, Thore.>i.>-'3 history of (Leefls continued) 116, Castle 16, Richard II. at 37, Scarbro's hotel built on site 145, Roman ford discovered 281, Rokley f^imily 44,Rokley hall 68, 195, common bake- house 52, "IVnfures" near Leeds Bridge 56 ; Leeds soke, origin of 61 ,254, trial respecting 166, act to abolish 461, Leeds called upon to pay ship money 68 ; civil wars, town taken by- Fairfax 73; Red hall, Chas. I. imprisoned in 83, 195, Aus- thorpe. Knostrop, and North hall 196; manor of Leeds, 5-9ths of purchased by cor- poration 89, old prison 89, tokens 89, 414 ; flesh eating forbidden 92, hearth tax 94, cloth market removed from Briggate 103, Aid. Atkiason'shouse 1 13, toll claimed by Ripon 107, watch and ward kept 104, Duke of cieated 105, ducking stool at 106, fre^-men 107, General Wade's encampment 1 29, relics found 129, human remains 171, 558 ; Aire river, water pumped from I05,curiousboatrideonl 18 Improvement acts 133, 1.36, 17 i, debating .society 180, fall ofa chapel 186, machinery 187, butchers' custom of killing 218, Middle Row, ;emoval of 29/, 318, Haigh park races 310, wrestling match at 337; Leeds barrack.s, fatal fight at 418, Princess Viccoria at Leeds 430, public exhibitions 461, 495, burial grounds, .state of 481, close 1 552, 657, committee of ve>ms the Rev. S Kettlewell 593 ; statistical inquiry as to, Leeds 463, Yorkshire agricul- tural society 577» floral show, 578; fall of circus 555, dense fc^ 591, 642; recreation so- ciety (1st concert) 611, dis- solved 7'^3; inauguration of Peels statue 615, Leeds aca- T59 {Leeds roii/inued) demy of arts 63 1 , 644, boiler explosion at Low Fold mills 639, departure of 28th regiment for seat of war 646 ; Woodhou.se Moor, meeting of freeholders as to 657, town council's com- mittee 659, purcha.sf of 669, 671, licensed victuall-rs' pro- tfCtinn jsociety first dinner 66"2, breaking into Leeds nunnery 67'2, Sunday bands on Wood- house moor 6/9, public recep- tion to 4th Dragoon guards 681, chess playing 682, Russian guns pre>ented to town 694, publicly placed on Woodhouse moor 700, removal of stalls, &c., fr(;m Briggate /OO, boiler explcji«icn at Harehills lane colliery 7^5, banquet to l^rd- lieutenant of West Riding by Sir Peter Faiibairn, mayor 745 corporation banquet to mayor 747, mating mechanical en- gineers 745, statue of Queen presented by Sir Peter Fairbaim 717. Queen Victoria's visit to Letds 7 '7) musica' fes- tivals 728, meeting of British Association 730 Body stea'mg 375, 382 Vistnss J 54, 1«4, 198, 260, 478, 480, 481, 4^8 Epii/emics, .-sweating sickness 49, plague 57, 81, fever 202, 542, 570, 592, influenza 442, 552, cholera 576, 646. small jtox 585 Fires 185, 193. ■?I2 213, 230, 260, 265. 306, 314, 320. 336, 370, 423, 438, 590, 680, 6bA FiOoHs 144, 149, 154, 171, 182, 193, 213, 256, 294, 315,347, 451,465. Murders, &c , Jcsiah Fearne 131, Mary Bateraan 218, Ann Cryer 397, John Brown 225, Michael Stokes, 553, Tliomas Malkin, 568; Wm. Dove, 647 5 lohn Hannah 683, Charles Norraing- ton, 743 i {Leeils continued) ! Poptdativn, 155, 294, 370, 469, j 593 I Rcjoiciiiffs and iUunnnation^, j 168, 169, '.iOl, 244, 289, 380; , fall of Sebastopol, 668 ; peace I illumination. 678 ; marriage of the princess royal, 706 i Riots, (turnpike) 132; (corn) 240 ; (plug drawing) 483 ; (police and j militaiy)500, 505, 591,714 i Stormji, 204, 225, 305, 375, 380, I 400, 401, 413, 419, 424, 459, j 494, 495, 507, 585, 644, 648 ' Strikes, 166, 358, 370, 397, 402, j 417,511,541,591,633,730 : Vohmlee/^, 163; review of 183 185 ; testimonials and thanks ' to, &c., 182, 205, 208; new corps, 737 Chantries. — St. Mary's, (Leeds ! bridge), 33; chantry in Kirk- gato, 40 ; do. in I^dy-lane, 52 : Churches and matters relaiin^ ■ thereto— St Peter'.s 16, ad 1 vowson given to priory at York ]/, mauie a vicarage 25, pur- chase of advowson 56, register ' begins 55, curious extracts from 56, 66, 74, 99 103.125, i 157, 682, epitaphs, monum.ents, ! &c, 92, 99, 101, 113, 185, 193, 222, 737, 738 inhabitants as- sessed for repairs of church 93, repaired by coiporation 96, Aldies:-es pew enlarged 97, organ 1 16, 473 ; organist, elec- tion of 290, bells J 90. virar- age hou!*e 120 purcha.se of and tithes commutation 301 ; ; Vicar, chance'y suit respecting i election of 130, list of vicars i 475, 476, Rev. R. Faweett ! elected vicar 254, do. Dr. Mook 444, do Dr. Atlay, 744 j election of churchwardens 425, 481, church rebuilt and descrip- I tion 472, ancient stone coffin I found in 223, Vicarajio act 510. : St. John's 67, 68, chancery suit i as to benefice 90, 148, inscrip- 760 {Leetis continued.) tion in 102 ; election of vicar, 748, 749; Holy Trinity 119; St. Paul's 172, organ 199 ; St. James' 181 : Christ church and Saint Mary'.s 299 ; St Marks 300, pre.sentation of font by Aid Maclea 641 : St. George's 440, oro:an 585 ; St Luke's 469; St. Andrew's 515, St. Saviour's 522, refu.sal to bury at 642 ; St. Phillip's 524 ; St. John's (Holbeck) 551 ; St. Thouiis'.s 579 ; All Saints 590 ; St. Matthew'.s 596, St. Jude's G19, St. Michael's 619, 64/; St. Stephen's 660; St Colum- bus' chuTch 665. Chattels — {d\i\) Mill Hill 98, (new) 537 ; Friends' meeting house 10>5 ; "White chapel 134, 165; Salem 1/3; Queen-street 306 ; cenrenHry services, &c., 664; Belgrave 436; East-pa- rade 462; Stone chapel, (1st Baptist) 159; Call-lane 104; Great George's street 5/9 ; Byron-street 480; Methodist chapel Albion street, (now used as a warehouse) 205 ; Wesley.iii, Meadow lane, 257 ; Brunswick, 309 ; Oxford-place 436; St. Peters 416; Albion cha.]iel 186; Catholic (Lady- ■ lane) 180; Mount St Mnry, 630, terrible and fatal thunder- storm at 649 ; St. Patrick's, 371 ; St. Ann's 459 ; Metho- dist ]New Conne-\ion, Wo.)d- house-lane, 693 Institutions^ litorary^ educational &,'c. — Frt^e Grammar School 49, 52, 65, repaired 304, masters of 145, 360, system of teaching extended 666, meeting as to new building 677? fbundatioa stone laid 7 1 0, description of building 739 ; Leeds library 1 48 ; election of librarian, 643 ; National school 234; Lancasterian free school 240; Philosophical and {Leeds co'tUinued.) literary society 274, opened to non-subscribers 625, exhibition 6tJ7, Baron's bequest to 652, lectures 599, 671, 686, 687; Society for encouraging fine arts 221 ; Sunday school union 259 ; School of pracflcal art 553, , exhibition 67I ; Catholicliterary institution 598,.^oiree 625; Me- chanics' institute established 307, meeting in favour of new building, 408 ; 01 ening of hall, 477; soiree.s,&c.'486, 514, 532, 552, 572, 5*^0, 591, 59 2, 596, 622, 643, 645, 691,703,730; Young men's christian institute, 660; West end people's institute 672 ; Enst ward mechanics' 687, Church institute 688. Industrial school 569 ; fire at 676 ; Floral society 445; Rifle club, 448 ; Choral .»'ociety, 395 ; Madrigal and motet society 587 ; musi- cal union dissolved 678 Charitable and- Provident instifu- tions, 8)-c. — Workhouse 66; school of industry (1st) 194; temperance society 366; Jen- kinson's and Daily's almhouses 80; Hyrri-son's ho.spital SS-^ bequests to 132,142; Biyne.s' bequest to poor widows, 218; Dixon's bequest to widows of clergymen 1 18 ; Potter's alms- hou.«es 121 ; Chantrill's be- (j[uest to 145 ; public charities, enquiry info Qi'^ ; deeds respect- ing, where kept 98; list of benefactions to Leeds 113; {4o'is use property 365 ; be- nevolent, or strangers' friend society 1/1; Tnfirmar.y 174, grouniis extended 266, election ofphy-sician vi'.e Hobson 495, do. ifice Chorley 403, tiee 'I'horp 406, Maude'.s donation to 599; Mr. Clapham's legacy to 610, treasurers resignation 656 ; house of recovery 205, 500 new workhouse, 7^2; guardian 761 {Leeds continued) society "292 ; eye and ear infir- mary 292 ; tradesmen's benevo- lent insiitutiou 496 ; public dis p<^nsHry 30/ ; charitable en- quiry office 585 ; savings bank 268 ; model lodging house 594. ; Public buildings, S^c. — Fulling mills 36; Moot-hall 11 2, statue i placed in front of 115 ; coloured j cloth-hall 141, white do. 154, j 155; a-ssembly rooms 156; ! ma«ic-hall 1/7; court-hou.«^ | 230, 256. enlargement of 516 ; ! sub'^cription baths 2/7 ; cavalry barracks 290 ; Bazaar, new shambles 300 ; south market 305 ; oil gas company 309, gas CO incorporation of 2/0, new do. 409. Leeds first lighted with coal gas 2^7; Leeds co mer- eial bank stoppa£e of 240 ; post office removal 526 ; Leeds and "West- riding bank stpge. of 526 Leeds club 534 ; boroush gaol (Armley) 4S2, 488, 546^ ga'olpr appomtment of 544, prize for plans 496, enlargnd 687, chap- lain r<^signatn and appoitmnt. ; 687; l^et-iis and West-iiding i trade protectn. so- i^ty 572 ; co- operative flour mill 549; chamr. of commerce 594, meetings 646, : 701 ; ct-n^ral market 314, 331 ; ' D-eds and Yks. fire insurance co.315. 621 . commercial build- ings 325 ; corn exchange :}27 ; branch bank of England 331 ; Kirkgate market 645, 693; cattle market, 632 ; yrant for, , 645.649; takenfrom lessees 713 comj)ens:ition for sites 497; stock exchanire 552 : Town-hall 592, prfmiiira-( for plans 623, grants tovards 626, 71 J. 714, 730, e-timates 63'^, tower 640, 646, 649. oroan 6S4, 698, found- ation stone hid 633, works stopped ^JJ. comj^ensitfon to Mr. A tack 68/, hall opened hy ' Queen Victoria 71 7>.descriptioa (Leeds continued) of building 724 ; main sewers 612. discoveries in connexion with 618, 628 ; waterworks 223, 445, purchase of by council, &c. 610, 640, 641, Wharfe supply 651, lease of lands at Arthing- ton661; foundation stone laid 665, compensation to mill own- ers on Wharfe 675 ; Leeds and Liverpool canal 150; Rat ways. — Leeds and Selby 203, 360, opened 419; Leeds and Thirsk, 522; viaducts, 574; opened, 577 ; Leed.s and Brad- ford 529. I^eds an I Dews- bury 561, Leeds, Bradford and Halifax junction 651. Roads— h^vf^s and Birstal 316, Whitehall 407, Pontefract and Barnsdale 296. Bridges — Leeds bridge 121, 143, widened 187,Wellingfon bridge 269. free for foot pa-sengers 548 L'nion at Hunslet346, Victoria bridge 346, 459. Netrsp'ipers —Leeds newspapers price of 1>0, 188, Mercury 1 17i publicition tria weekly 666, Intelligencer 133, publiC;ition day altered 399, Itifjepend nt and Gazette 274, Patriot 310, Times 399. Leeds and Yorkshr. daily expre-^s 66G, Leeds and West-riding express 705. Co'-por itioH and oca' I'D^-iimt — Charters Cha<. Ist 65, (..hns. II 92. do. restoreii 104, .Inme" il 103. Old corporation — cook to 93, on sabbath breaking 93 re- df>einin? son of a townsman 1 02 mace I07. 121, assistant fined 108, penalty for not wenring gowns 109, grant for a treat 1 10, 1 12, treatng. stopped 1 IS.addrs. to Queen Anne 1 15, curious election ceremonie." o\' mayor, and basiness of the .\ear 139, 145. 146, purchase of pews in churche.s 132, jnayors* rp-'u.sal to accept office 142, on monopo- 762 IN {Leeds continued) lies 179, subsfiriptii. for defence of kingdom 1 90, grant tovvards tithe commutation 306, enquiry as to old corporation 409, last members 427, municipal reform 400, act passed 433, chancery suit between new and old cor- ])oration 469, dispute between council and justices5S7, council on post ollice reform &c. 492, refusal to mend parish church clock 49.>, resolutions to apply for power to sell gas 625, Lord mayors' banquet to corporation 649, corporaticm's banquet to lord mayor 658, council paying for flags &c, out of their own pockets 661, resolution to wear robes on public occasions 74H, Mayors and other otlicers dow-i to passing of municipal reform act 428, first mayor after act jiassed 435, mayors' objection to attend parish churcli 440, pre- sentation of gold chain to Geo. Goodman 694, salary to mayor 713. Aldermen 435, 458, 4*62, 478, 487, 504, 512, 529, 609, 642 685, 707. Councillors &c. contested elections 434, and on 1st of Nov, every year from 1835. Public oificers appointed 437,669 Recorder 112, 214, 399, 429, 443, 461. Towri- clerk 133, 430, 494. Borough treasurer 663, 707- Justice of peace 437, 572. 677. Board of Guanliaris 51'^, for elections see April, every j-ear after 1844, inquiry into disputed elections 611, 624 ; inquiry into frauds of proxy voting papers 700. Vuilic meetiiiss, &c. — Corn laws 463, 487, 499, 503, 513, 526, 530, celebration of passing of act, 531 608. Education 462, 536,5«7,C3] Fuctniy question I 383, 384, 50.f, .'1-7, 533. Par- ; liin\entary reiurni 370, 372, , (Leeds cuntinued.) 373, 376, 386, 390, 418, 559, 575, 599, 732, 734. Parish church affairs 405, 417. I^oor relief of .375, 383, 446, 480, 482, 537. Slavery abolition of 367, -'^97, 401, 495. Temper- ance 487, 495, 548, 629, 650. Miscellaneous meetings 375, 399, 418, 577, 586, .597, 658, 662,664,666,676,707. ParHamentary elections — Propo- sal toenfraiichiseLeeds,293,359 Kepreseutatives. — During the Coinmonweahh, 64, 81. Elec- tions— Mar.sh all and Maoaulay 392; Baines vice Macaulay, 416- Beckett and Baines, 422 ; Baines and Molesworth, 447; Beckett and Aid im 469 ; Beck- ett and Marshall, 546; Good- man and B.iines, 612; M. T. Baines re-elected, 623, 674 j Baines and Hall, (fall of hust- ings,) 692 ; Beecroft vice Hall, 697; Bailie's and Reecrott, 735 Leigh, Dr. of Halifax, 155 Libel action of Gough v. Lees, 710 Lightning curious, effect of 165, 166,231,427 Lindsay, Dd., fortunate heir, 341 Linsley, Joseph, 245 Linley top colliery explosion, 402 Liverpool and Manchester Rail- way, 354, 356 Livingstone, Dr. at Leeds, 701 Lloyd, colonel 338 ; tesmid.to, 182 Lockvvood Sp:;i, 336 Locomotives, 165, 203, 232, 354 London, founded 3, first lighted with ianterns,39, plague at, 58, 65, 95 : great fire, 13, 95, 181 ; St. Pauls. 100; great storm 110; 440; no popery riot, 158; fog, 322, great strike at, 599 Longevity, instances of, 43, 54, 56, 95, 122, 134, 141, 150, 172, 187, 216, 322, .354, 331, 339, 340, 343, 374, 397. 403, 417, 501, 521,58-, 628 LoDgelybishp. endwmnt fnd., ^■^'^J 763 Lotteries at Leeds, o^S ; singular result of a lottery, 527 LouisXVL, trial of, 178 _ Lovt-rs, suicide of, r)34, r>37 Low- moor iron works, 167 ; strike at, 494 ; Low- moor church, yd., curious epitaph in, 308 Low Dins worth, murder at, 513 Lowther, Sir W., 1 1 ] ; Sir Jn. 503 Lucknow, fall of, 709 Luddite riots, 234 to 240 Lundhill colliery explosion, C91 MAC AULA Y, Lord, 749 Machinery, progress of, 200 ; de- struction of, 188 Magna Charta signed, 24 Magnetic needle, discovery of, 23 Mail hags, exectn for sting., 2S5 Manchester, distnrhance at, 264 ; massacre (Peterloo) 279; great tire at, 502 ; Manchester and Leeds Railway, 461; opening of a great art treasures exhibi- tion, 694 Manningham hall struck hy lightning, 291 Mann, John, forgery hy 70S Marriage, double, 331 Marshall, John, 516 ; bust of, 534 Marshall, James, lieutenant 68th light infantry, 738 M artin, Jonathan, the incndry 342 Mary Queen of Scots, insurrection in favour of, 54 Masboro,' 163 ; aping acdnt at 4^2 Mason, William, the poet, 191 M atrimonial hoax, 618 Maud, Thomas 190 : Maud, John donation to Leeds infirmry, 599 M'Clure, captain, parliamentary ' vote to, 666 Meanwood chrch, 579 Meltham, religious conten. ar, 344 MetcaUi?, John, (blind Jack of Knaieshro,') 226 Methodist, New Connexion, 1S9 Primitive Methodists, origin of 224 ; accident to at Keighley 291 ; fatal coach accident to preachers 301 ; .^icbismin Meth- . odi'^r s jriety. (fly sheets,) 578 ! Methley,curious phenomena at 561 : Middleton colliery explosion, 316 '' Military reviews, 179. 208 Militia, l.st West York embd. 180 Militia act, 206 ; ballotinj? '^15 Mdler, Dr. 172 Milner, John, B D. ; 110; Revd. Jo.seph, 189: Isaac. D.D., 285^ Charles, 443 Mirfield, singular cauve of its separation from Dewsbury, 26 M irfield, hrble. triple mrdr. a*t 53S Mixenden moor, discovery of an- tiquities on, 159 Molesworth, Sir \Y., 670 Monasteries, suppres:^ion of, 4/ Monetary panic, 549, 700 Montgomery, James, 647 Moortown, bequest to poor of 137 Moors (Yorkshire) on Siv 144, 328 Morgan, Eev. T. of Morlej-,' 194 Morgan, Thomas, of Leeds, 643 Morley, Scottish army at, 31 ; customs at, in the ISth century, 135;fassil nuts di^-?overed at, 316; Morley tunnel. 526 Morpeth, Lord, V\'est RiJin? ad- dress to. 492 ; Morritt. J. B. Esq.,liokely pk. 494 M oscow destroyed by fire, 233 ! Mount Tabor, murder at 492 Mummy .at Phlsslcl. hll.275, 336 Municipal corporation (enquiry) 409 ; acts, 42/, 433, 747 !iIurn(y,Matthev.-, 323 ., Musgrave, James, of Leed.s, 504 Murray, Lindl^v 323 XAPOLEON 1st. made emperor, 211; famous decree of, '215; death, of, 291 , XapoL^on, Louis atternpted revo- liUion by 439, 468; escape from Ham, 529; made member of natonl. a.ssembly, 55S ; made i president, 571 ; coup d' etat by i 598 ; mavriage, 625 ; vi.sit to \ Queen Victoria, 664; imperial princr born, 6/6 : made emperor 619 : attempt on life, 7O6 Natioml land company, 516 Naval engagoment.v- iSS; Nilc^ 764 IN] 193; Copenhagen, 203 J Trafal- gar, 2 2 NavvifSj riot by, at Mars(len,57o Nay lor, James, of East Ardsley 9 1 Needles first made, 48 Nelson, Lord, funeral of, 215 Nes.^e, Revd.C, of Leeds, 111 Nevill, Gervas of Holbeck 100 Newcstle.and Darlngtn Rlwy.oOS Newspaper, first English 5/, 94 ; stamp duty repealed 666 Nevvton, Dr. Wesleyan 648 New York, great fire at, 437, ^21 Nicholson, James, robbery of 284 death of 4 40 Nicholson, Margaret 339 Nicholson, John, Airdle poet, 489 Nicholas, grand duke of Russia at Leeert, the poet, 452 Norman conquest, !4 Norman ton church appropriated to St John of Jerusalem, 39 Northumberland, fir^t king of 8 Norton, Richard, suicide of and refusal to bury, 372 OCEAN penny p'itge lee on 600 \ O'Cdfiner, Fergus imprisoned 467 Hnvm :e cotiduct, 611 lunacy, 628; | df^ath nf (if)7 1 O'Connel, Daniel trial of, 499; i d^-ir.> of. 5tl Odd Fellows Gala, (Leeds) 509 Oliver, the spy 261 Oratorio, the first composed by a Y :rk>-hirem n 541 Organic remains, dis(^overy of 344 Orsini, Felice, lee. at Leeds, r84 0«sett cloth makers in 1734, 122 Ossett and Gawthorpe exempt fr..in Wii'-efi''5H o'«'. '2b7 Otl -y, convent of Esholt at 46 Otiey, fire at, 18-2; mr. at 587-661 Oulion, St. John's church at 335 Cusp, hoiit accident on 364,412 Ovenden. lliingworth chch. at 46 Owen, Robert, 732 PAHR, Thomas, (old parr) 43 Palftievf^ton ministry defeated, 707 Paris, entry of allies into, 244; fall of, 246 ; civil war in, 559 Parkgate, murder at 544 Parkmson, Bethel, murder of 706 Parliament houses des. by fire, 421 Parsons, the Rev, Edward, 405 Patriotic funej, 208 Paynn, Wra. 380 ; Dr. 409 Pease, J. admisn. to hse.com. 398 Pease, Thomas Ben!!*on, 529 Peace between allies and Rus.^6 rejoicing, 678, 680 Pedestrian feats, 153, 175, 223 •2%, 405. 4-6 19H :-Jn Peel, Sir R fatal accident to 588 Leeds m'lnume-it to, ."iBO ; inaagera- tion iud rteseripti'sn of 6i5 Penny postage act, 462, 465 Percival, Mr. murler of 234 Pererboro, terrible fin* nt 424 Philip,Louis death of 589 Pickard, R. H. burial of 555 Pickett, Mr. of York, 184 Pigs, extraordinary, 323, 341, 357 Pins, act as to .sale of 48 Pitt, William, 213 Pivett, Chri-stopher, 186 Plague, :-/, 58,' 65, 67, 81, 95 Plint, Thomas, nf Leeds, 706 Pontetract, Peter of 24 ; Castle, first :* d second sttjiee, &•!: thud seif^a iind CiifiitniHt OT!, 85, sur>p'>sed dis- covery of t*'e rem-iivts of the Earl of Lane ster, "295 ; Ut,'h:ed with gas. 3W PopeVi bull, 590 Potter, Rov. Jno. 131 ; Sir T. 514 Predam, Samuel, of Leeds, 201 Press gangs, 157^ 161 Price, Dr. Ricbard, J 75 Priestley, Dr. Joseph 209 Printing, invention of. 40 Prisoner 43 yrs (Leed'< men), 673 Pudsey new church, 291 R 'VCi':S,ceibtd. 209.213,226.636 Radcl.fie, John,M.D. 116 R;^glan, Lord, death of, 666 Rai'way mania. 518; ar-cident^ 522 6".l, 549, 629 . -btap 'ares, 689 Ramsden, Jesse, 200 Rawden, Sir George, 103; Baptist colleKf, 7 5 RawmMr.sl: collit^ry explosion 598 Ra wson, B-)jaml;i of Bra'lW. 504 ReJpath, frauds by 686 Reform agitation, &c., 164, 280 298. 359, 387, 385, 391 Richard II. at Leeds castle, and mnrder at P >ntefract, 37 Richardson, James, laudable con- duct of 592 Ripon destroyed by fire 13. 30, during civil wars 77, St. Wilfrid's chrch, steeple blown down Oi, Uipon diocese 439, horn blower 52>^, Earl of 733, Dean of (Krskine; 7-42 Eippondou flood 119, chapel bells d-^ Robin<^on Thos, 243, The Hon, F. W. 370 Robin Hood, 35, colliery ex, 456 Rogers, the Rev. Tho*. 3S5 Roman antiquities 07 1 10, I 12, 117, li>, 124, 126. 137. 12>^. 149, 151, 154, 159. 10.2. 1S8, 213. 341, 304,31.0,573 Romald's moor, wise Kobin of 171, boy lost on 573 Ross Captain return of 407 Rosses telestjope 511 Rotherhara college founded 43, murder near 730 Rothery, W. tiiystrs. dth. of 407 Roth well colliery explosion 188, psning.at35-', strikes 500,503 Ronudhav. St. John's church 314, murder at 743 Eus^jell. lord Wm, mrdr. of 400 SAD DLK WORTH, tradition 88 dinner to aged people of 53 1 Saddler, M. l". dinner t) 394, statue «.f 436 Saltair.; works 039 t.vstimoniul to Titus Silt Gn3 Sandal castle, rojalty ^t 34, 41, bequest to c'iurch'44 Saundnrsoii. Dr. 133 Savillt,. Sir Ju ,-. 4x.66 Sir Geo- 90. 170 Saxon influeu'^e 6, 7,expld.from York s, antiqnitit-s 121, 360 Saxton Ptter and Chr. H7 Scatcherd, Xorrisoiuted ta lectory of Pulbrough 6b6, tes- timonial to 090 Skiptnn. castle 17, 90. lisld. bk. at 08, Pet\t's bequest to 11 1, fire 370 first soiree Mec. Inst. 574, par. ch. st. by lightg. 033 Slavery abolition 153. 210, 405, 419,457 Sleep, long 329, walker 425 Smeaion, John F.R.S. 120. Smith Dr. J.P. 093, Wm. 592, Rev. Thos. 634 Snow stms. 98. 441.0 26.62^,044 South sea bubble 118, Leeds victim of 146 Southowram. St. Ann's chapel 257, petrified horns fud. 339 766 i: Sowerby bridge, chapel 48, cb. 144, town-hall opened 70 1, raihvay accident 549 Spinning wheel invented 46 Springs in Leeds 121 Squire, Jno. tho dflcator. 266 Stanley John, the bigatnist 367 Stantield-hall, murder 57 1 Stead, Rd. of Leeds 698 Stephenson, Geo. locomotives 3UMife565 Stocks, Capt. banquet to 673 Stokes, Ml. murder by 5.')3 Stoor. Jervas of Leeds 21 1 Stowe, H. a visit to Leeds 633 Strength, feat of 497 Stuarts, attmptd. restoratn, 130 Sturge, Juseidi 736 Sunderland family 138 Surr. B. cruelty to 277 Survey gardens, Lond. panic P83 Sydney, Thos. made Ld. mayor ot London 640. banquet to Leeds corporation 64:), ban- quet to lord major 658, Table turning mania 031 Talfourd, Justice death of 646 Taylor. Jo. of Leeds 553 Tea adulteration 498 Templenowsam, lire at 67, Kniglit's Templars 18. 21, poaching affray 643 Tennnnt, Thos. robbery of 397, tablet to 412 Terry, Geo. dllcations. by 736 TcHimoniaU to — Alcock 510, Andrew 508, Bedford 659. Beeorolt 66s, Bischoff, 645, Bissington 684, Burton 712, Oarbutt 7o7, Cardigan 6H2, Eddison, 39 's Flood, 401, Garlick, 651, Gaunt, 395, Grauhan 737, Hamilton 494, Hill, 530, Hudswell 674. .lohnson 521, Kitson '514, Lapage ;'36, Lee 511, and me- morial window 702, Marcus, 514, Marsh 521, Pearson 662, Richardson 395, Roebuck 682 Scales 534 and 584, Sinclair 690, Snowden 673, Spark 603 Sturgeon 584, Tottie 373, Traice 658 Upton 439, Wardle 704, Wesley, Dr: 576, Wick- steed 650 Thackrsh, C T. 401 robbery of 704, T. B. death of 733 Thames tunl. 321. hvy. tide 3:57 Thompson. Rev. Peter 213, Fk. Thoresby, R. 90. histry. 1 16, '2h9 'i'hornhill, pnfl. occurce. at 400, Thorp, Dr. of Leeds 577 Thresh. Abrm. killed by his master 616 Tickhill castle taken HO Tillotson, Archbishop 105 I'itley, Anthony of Leeds 516 Tobacco plant 46. 103, adultera- tion of 575 Tong lads, versus lads of Brad- ford 533 Travelling, quick case of 58, iu coaching days 1 10, 149. 1.56 Turner, Alex, of Leeds 257 Turpin, Dick 124 UNDERCLIFFE college 367 VACCINE innoculatn. 205,207 Vane, Sir Henry beheaded 93 Victoria proclaimed 446, coro- nation 456. marriage 463,465 attempt on life 467, 482, 588, marriage portion to prmcess royal f^94, marriage of 706 Volunteers 180, 1-^7, 204. 2()« WADDINGTON, widows hos- pital at 109 Wadsworth near Halifax, awful murder at 706 Wages (i3fi!) 36 Wakefield church 31, bells 157, 266 spire restored 1 17. do. repaired &c. 300, grant to chapel of St. Mary 36 Wakd. green, battle of 42, grammar school 57, the manor of 66, taken by Fairfax 74, registry formed f^8, ancient statues found 139, sheep and cattle fair 145, pauper luntc. asyluia 2(39, Roman antiquities found 2tn, first ligbted with gas 299 soke cause 323, parliamentary elections 3ui, 422, 547, (J93, bog pit colliery explosion 440, election riot 447, den>»e fog 5U. suicide of lovors 534, in- corporated 554, extraordinary' penance case 589, murder at bv DobsoD 0. ._ 632 Huddersfield, __ __ Parish church _ _ _ - Town-halL_ __ >_ Crimean monument- - FAQE. -- 377 .. 476 __ 724 -- 737 J. JOHNSON, PRINTEB, ROTATION OFFICE YAFvD, LEEDS. RJL'II