@ &' m •' ^co«-°-— - -- ,e,^ -*-*'" l^ooinK, ]N<>. 1:5 Ui*oniliolreparcs the Annual Xecrologv of the Alumni of Harvard College, connnunicates Biogi-aphical Notices of recently deceased members; ami one or more original Essays, historical or biographical, is usually communicated. An attendance of the members uj^on these nieetiugs is greatly to be desired. The Rooms are open from 10 a.m. to 1^ p.m., and from 3 to o p.m. Tlie Librarian is dailv in attendance, and is at present vigorously at work preparing a Catalooue of the Ilistoiical and Genecdogical "Works in the Library. All effort of this kind is attrndcd with mori- or less ex])ense. That the Society may, at all times, be free from pecuniary embai-rasMuent, and may use its limited means most advantageously, it is desirable that members remit theii- annual subscnptions of two dollars, early in the year. Will you have the kindness to remit to tlie Treasurci\ by mail or otherwise, care 0I •loiiN IL SiiKPPAUD, Esq., Librarian, Xo. 13 Bromtield Street, youi- annual subscrijttion for tin yi'ar 180 and therefor a receipt will be retui-ned to yoii. Yours, very respectfully. \VILLL\.A[ K. TOWNE, Treastirei April. 18G1. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 444 4 HoUinger Corp. pH8.5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I Hi III iiiiiii III Hi M II II II iiii III 012 608 444 4 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5