Qass -- Book___ rn i •» •» E Catalooue ot a Collection ot lEnocaveb anb otber portraits ot Lincoln •» -r •» ^ •♦ •» CCwentB«=nlne Bast Ubirtfi*»0cconO St. SaturDai?, Bpril 8tb, to SaturOas, Bpril 225 ADCCC£Ci£ INTRODUCTION. By Charles Henry Hart. HIS catalogue is the first attempt to make a systematic record of the engraved por- traits of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States; and never before, as far as can be ascertained, has a special exhibition of them been undertaken. The catalogue and exhibition therefore are not only interesting, but they are important ; for while com- pleteness is not claimed for either, they will un- doubtedly serve to stimulate interest in the subject and lead to the unearthing of portraits of Lincoln hitherto unknown. Such is universally the result of a first essay in any new field of investigation, which, at best, can only be regarded as a tentative effort, and therefore is entitled to the consideration due to all pioneer work, commendation for what has 4 INTR(*DUCTION. been done and forbearance for that which uncon- sciously has been left undone. Mr. Lincoln came to the forefront comparatively so late in life, when the art of engraving had fallen into disuse, that but little variety will be found in the types of the portraits shown, and but few of them possess any artistic merit. Yet their value as human documents is unmistakable, and this will in- crease as time rolls on ; for Abraham Lincoln is the typical American in history, and consequently he is the greatest of Americans. Washington, who made Lincoln possible, was historically a Briton, so that when we place the saviour of his country upon the lofty pedestal we do, we in no wise disparage or detract from the eminence of him who was " first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen," — the father of his country. Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin, now Larue county, Kentucky, near Nolin creek, about a couple of miles from Hodgensville, the present county seat of Larue county, on the 12th day of February, 1809. His parents were poor and illiterate, and the education he received was meagre, his early life being one of continued hardships. It was not long, however, before Lincoln showed that he was sui generis. At the age of twenty-four he secured the office of country postmaster, and the next year en- tered the Illinois legislature, where he sat through four sessions. He read law and was admitted to INTRODUCTION. the bar, and at thirty-seven was sent to Congress, where he served for one term. Consequently he had acquired some local reputation, but his name was unknown to the country at large, until he en- tered the field of debate with Stephen A. Douglas, in the summer of 1858, both being candidates for a seat in the United States Senate. This led the way to his famous speech at the Cooper Institute, New York, on February 27, i860, which Horace Greeley stamped as the best political speech to which he ever listened, defining a political speech to be, " an effort to convince the largest possible number that they ought to be on the speaker's side, not on the other." Therefore when, in May of i860, Abraham Lincoln was nominated for the Presidency, the poli- ticians of the country knew, if the people did not, something of what manner of man he was. His subsequent election, career, and foul murder are matter of history too familiar to need repeating, but this brief outline of the life of the man whose por- traiture is exhibited at this time will explain why his portraits cover such a short period of his life. At the time of his nomination for the Presidency, Mr. Lincoln gave this description of himself : " I am in height six feet four inches nearly ; lean in flesh, weighing on an average 180 pounds; dark complexion, with coarse black hair and gray eyes." To this description his secretary, Mr. Nicolay, adds these details of the peculiarities of Lincoln's form 6 INTRODUCTION. and features : " Large head with high crown of skull; thick, bushy hair; large and deep eye cav- erns; heavy eyebrows; a large nose; large ears; large mouth; very high and prominent cheek bones ; cheeks thin and sunken ; strongly developed jaw bones; chin slightly upturned; a thin but sinewy neck, rather long ; long arms ; large hands ; chest thin and narrow as compared with great height ; legs of more than proportionate length, and large feet." While these structural particulars are of value and have been utilized by Mr. St. Gaudens in the most masterly statue yet erected in America, alone they would give no idea of how Abraham Lincoln appeared, in the flesh, to those who knew him. And indeed no word-painting can convey to the mind of another an adequate conception of the appear- ance of any person, so much depends upon the spirit and expression, which latter, in persons of character, is ever changing. With Mr. Lincoln this was notably the case, so that it was the despair of painters and of photographers to catch a likeness, and the best that can be done is to make a com- posite, in the mind, from all the pictures that we have of him and all the characteristics that we know of him. Mr. Lincoln has been called by one of his best friends " an ugly, awkward giant." But no man with the soulful expression that flowed from his INTRODUCTION. eyes could be ugly, and that evanescent, subtle quality which was supreme in him, is the most diffi- cult to catch and fix. If to-day any one wants to behold Abraham Lincoln, as he was when he lived and moved and had his being, at his full stature and with his noble soul astir, journey to Chicago and kneel before the bronze statue by Augustus St. Gaudens. It is the man himself, with all his humility and nobiHty, with all his gentleness and strength ; " With maUce toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right." It is not Abraham Lincoln the liberator of slaves, but Abraham Lincoln the Saviour of the Union, — he who said, " My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery." And these words are inscribed at the base of St. Gaudens's statue, showing the lofty and true historic conception of the man possessed by this great sculptor. The earliest portrait of Lincoln painted from life was by Thomas Hicks, who was sent for the pur- pose from New York to Springfield soon after the nomination. It is a full bust, nearly in profile, and portrays Lincoln without any beard, an adornment or disfigurement he never wore until after his elec- tion to the Presidency. Life-portraits of him were also painted by William Morris Hunt, E. D. Mar- chant, G. P. A. Healy, A. J. Conant, Frank B. INTRODUCTION. Carpenter, and Matthew Wilson; a miniature on ivory was painted by J. Henry Brown, and is now in the possession of Hon. Robert T. Lincoln; and Leonard W. Volk, of Chicago, and Thomas D. Jones, of Columbus, each made busts of him from life. Volk also made, as likewise did Clark Mills, a mask from the Hving face ; but life masks such as these are of little or no value as portraits. Indeed so true is this, that when Mr. St. Gaudens saw the cast from Clark Mills's mask of Lincoln, he insisted that it must be a death mask, so lacking is it in vitality. The best prints of Lincoln, in an artistic sense, are the etchings by Rajon and Johnson, the large woodcut by Kruell, and the line-engravings by Mar- shall and Gugler. That by Gugler is claimed to be the largest portrait ever engraved on steel. It pur- ports to be from a painting by J. H. Littlefield, a former student at law in Mr. Lincoln's office ; but the portrait is in fact from a Brady photograph, with a slight change in the arrangement of the hair. While prints, including those on steel, wood, and stone, are the principal objects shown in the present exhibition, perhaps the only satisfactory study of the portraiture of Abraham Lincoln can be made from photographs, of which there are many, taken within the last five years of his life. Interest in everything pertaining to Lincoln is on the steady increase, and many valuable collections INTRODUCTION. have been formed of his portraits, of the hterature pertaining to him, and of personal memorials. The Lincoln cult is only in its infancy. It has had but a single generation in which to grow ; but as the perspective of time brings into grander relief the noble proportions of its subject, homage and ad- miration for him will be bounded only by the civil- ized world. The Committee of Arrangements desires to thank Major W. H. Lambert and Mr. W. C. Crane, who are not members of the Groher Club, for their valuable contributions, without which the exhibition could not have been completed. ENGRAVINGS, The inscriptions are always at the bottom, unless other- wise stated. "Facsimile signature" is abbreviated " Fac. sig." The sizes are in inches, the width being given first. Whenever possible, the size of the full plate is given, as well as that of the engraved part. In the case of vignette-portraits, the greatest width and height of the engraved part of the plate are noted. "L. P." before the size means that only Lincoln's portrait has been measured, and not the remainder of the engraving. PORTRAITS. Anonymous. 1. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. India paper. Inscription, centre : Abraham Lincoln. ifx2. Plate, 3x4. 2. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. -^^ x \^. Plate, 2^ x 3. 12 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 3. Line. Bust ; beard ; profile to right. Inscrip- tion, centre: A. Lincoln. \ Manhattan En- graving Company ^ New York. \\yii\. 4. Line. Bust; beard; directed to the front, fac- ing and looking slightly to the right. Proof. India paper. "323" engraved under left shoulder. 1 1 x if . Plate, 2^ x 2^. Pencil note on margin: "U. S. Treasury Dept. After Carpenter." 5. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing shghtly to the right. Oval, with ornamental border on bottom and sides. lixiif. Plate, 2l|x 4-1^. A. Proof, with "Lincoln " engraved in border, underneath. B. With inscription below, centre: Abraham Lincoln. \ Bureau, Engraving ^ Printi?ig. 6. Line and stipple. Bust; beard (closely cropped); directed very slightly to the left, facing and looking to the front. A bit of cur- tain with tassel on the right. In oval bor- der, enclosing a line of stars, and surrounded by decoration, with an eagle above, and a view of the Capitol and military below, with title in the border: Capitol — Washington. Inscription, centre: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Published by B. B. Russell (Sr' O?., 55 Corn hill, Boston. 3f| X 5 J. PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. I3 7. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. Inscription, centre : Abraham Lincoln \ Prdsident der Nord-Amerikanischen Staaten \ Meuchelmorderisch gescJiossefi den \^ten Aprils 1865 | am ndchsten Taggestorben. 2\ X 2%. Plate, 3 J X 4|. 8. Line and stipple. Full-length, seated ; beard ; directed to the left, facing and looking very slightly to the right. Hands resting on vol- ume placed on left leg; left foot on torn pa- pers. Drapery in background passing before column and over table on left. Bust of Wash- ington on column at right. 5 J x yf. A. With inscription, centre : A. Li?icoln [fac. sig.] I Fry 6^ Co. ^ Pub Ushers^ New York \ Entered according to act of Congress A. D. 1862 by Johnson, Fry b' Co. . . . N. Y. — left : Painted by — right : Alonzo Chap- pel. B. Papers under left foot are now lettered "Jef Davis Secession" and '^Southern Confederacy." Inscription, added, after the "A. Lincoln" in facsimile: Likeness from a recent Photograph from life. C. Another head has been substituted ; heavier features, hair now falling over forehead towards right eye instead of towards left; eyes have an upward glance. Directed, facing and looking as before. 14 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 9. Mixed. Bust; beard; directed and facing to the right, looking to the front. Inscription, centre : Western Engraving Co. Chicago. Z\ X 4f . 10. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. Printed at head of " Procla- mation of Emancipation" engraved in very small characters. Inscription under the Proc- lamation, in minute letters : Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1864. ly A. Kidder in , . . New York McLees 609 Broadway. L. P., i X f . The whole Proclamation, 2f X3|. 11. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. Printed at left end of blank check of the First National Bank of Mattoon, Illinois, 186 -. Wester Ji Engraving Co. Chi- cago. L. P., i-j^ X If. 12. Line and stipple. Half-length, seated ; beard ; directed slightly to left, facing and looking to the right. Right hand holding Emancipa- tion Proclamation, left arm resting on book placed over paper on table. Column to the left. Inscription, centre : Entered according to act of Congress A.D. 1870, /^j Johnson, Fry df Co. . . . N. Y. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] I From the original painting by Chappel, in PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 1 7 B. Finished plate. Inscription, centre: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] — left: Photograph by M. B. Brady — right: Engd. by J. C. Buttre, N. Y. C. Central portion of same, printed on strip of satin in shape of a campaign badge. D. Same. Plate as published in a book. In- scription as before, and below, in centre : Published by J, C. Buttre, 48 Prafiklin St. N. York. I. Mixed. Bust; clean-shaven; directed to the right, facing very slightly to the right, looking to the front. 4| x 4 J. A. Proof, etched in outline. B. Finished plate. Inscription, centre: A, Lincoln [fac. sig.] — left: Photograph by Brady — right: Engd. by J. C. Buttre, JV. Y. 3. Mixed. Bust; clean-shaven; directed to the right, facing slightly to the right, looking to the front. Proof, etched in outline. Inscrip- • tion, centre: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Published by J. C. Buttre, 48 Frankli7i St. New York — left : Brady — right : Buttre. 2-^ x 3-j^6' L Mixed. Bust; beard; directed slightly to the left, facing and looking slightly to the right. A. Proof, etched in outline. 2 l8 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. B. Finished plate. Inscription, centre: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.]. | Published by J. C. Buttre^ 48 Franklin St. New York — left: Photo by M. B. Brady — right : Engd. by J. C. Buttre, JV. V. 25. Mixed. Bust; beard; directed sHghtly to the left, facing and looking slightly to the right. 4j X 5 J. A. Proof etched in outline. B. Finished plate. Inscription, centre: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] — left: Photo by M. B. Brady — right: Engd. by J. C. Buttre^ N. V. C. Same, printed in red. D. With inscription as before, and under- neath in centre : Abraham Lincoln \ Presi- dent of the U7iited States \ Assassanated April \\th, 1865. I Published by J. C. But- tre, 48 Franklin St. New York. E. Same, with word " assassinated " corrected. In C, D, and E, background has been extended. This is not the same as No. 24. The watch-chain is wanting, the shirt-collar is more rolling, there are no buttons on the coat, and there are differences in detail of engraving. 26. Mixed. Bust ; beard ; directed to the right, facing and looking very slightly to the right (almost front). Proof Inscription, centre : ^. Lincoln [fac. sig.] — left : M. B. Brady. — right : J. C. Buttre. 5i x 6f . PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. I9 Line. Bust; beard; directed slightly to the right, facing and looking sHghtly to the left. Inscription, centre: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] — left: Photo by M. B. Brady — right: Engd. by J. C. Buttre. \\ x 4f . Plate, d^ x 9J. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard ; directed slightly to the right, facing and looking very slightly to the left (almost front). Proof. Inscription, centre: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] — left : Brady. — right : Buttre. 3^ x 3I. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. Oval (no outline) in rectan- gular border (no outline); symbolical pictures in the four corners. L. P., 7 J x 9f . To outside of border, 10 x 12 J. A. Proof of etching; shadows all indicated. Pen-and-ink note on margin : " No. 2. Etched June 1865." B. The portrait alone, finished. C. The full finished plate. Inscription, centre : Entered according to act of Congress A. D. 1864 by J. C. Buttre . . . New York \ Engraved and published by J. C. Buttre^ 48 Franklin St. New York. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] I Abraham Lincoln \ 16th Presi- dent of the United States. | Assassinated April i/^th 1865. — left: Border designed 20 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. by W. Momberger, — right : Photograph by M. B. Brady. 30. Mixed. Full-length, standing; beard; directed slightly to the left, facing and looking slightly to the right. Right hand on table, on which are a bust of Washington, books and papers. Spec- tacles in left hand. Chair to the right. Inscrip- tion, centre : Published by J. C. Buttre, No. 48 Frafiklin St. New York. \ Abraham Lincoln I President of the United States. — right: Abraham Lincoln [fac. sig.] . i9^x25j. Plate, 224x30. See also No. 18. 31. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. Oval border. Surrounded by smaller oval portraits of the members of his cabinet. Name of subject appears below, and office above, each portrait. L. P., if X2^. A. Proof. Etching in outline. >/ B. Finished plate. Inscription, above, centre : President; below, centre : and Cabinet 1 86 1. Following contour of oval of bot- tom (Hamlin's) portrait runs the legend: Entered according to act of Congress A. D. 1862 by J. C. Buttre . . . New York. 32. Line and stipple. Bust; beard; directed, fac- ing and looking to the left. In oval border. Surrounded by smaller oval portraits of the PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 21 Vice-President and seven members and two ex- members of the cabinet. Lincoln and Hamlin are in the middle (Hamlin above ) , and the others grouped around them. L. P., i\^x2-^q. A, Trial proof. Unfinished. Faces etched. Dark tone of clothes and shaded back- ground indicated. Usher and Stanton do not yet appear. The oval frames are drawn in pencil, as are also small designs between and outside of the ovals, emblematic of the offices of the members of the cabinet. Be- hind Lincoln appears the Emancipation Proclamation. B. Trial proof. Other pencil designs appear; the American flag behind Lincoln. ^ C. The finished plate, with name and office engraved under each portrait. Inscription, in curved lines, centre : Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1864 by O. D, Case df Co. in , . . Connecticut, \ En- graved by J. C. Buttre^ New York, \ Presi- dent and Cabinet. 33. Line and stipple. Very similar to No. 32, the portraits being placed in the same relative position, although it is not the same engraving. Special points of difference : Lincoln is directed, faced and looking to the right. Chase's arms are crossed. L. P., if X2-|. A. Trial proof, etched in outline. PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. B. Trial proof. Clothes worked up and back- ground put in. C. Finished plate, with name and office en- graved under each portrait. Inscription, centre, in curved lines : Entered accordi?ig to act of Congress A. D. \Z6^by O. D. Case b" Co. in . . . ConnceticiU [sic !] | Eftgraved by J. C. Buttre, New York. \ President and Cabinet. Inscription and decorative scroll- work are also arranged as in No. 32, yet we have here a different engraving. Chubbuck, Thomas. 34. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard ; directed sUghtly to the left, facing and looking slightly to the right. Inscription, centre : Engraved expressly for Holland's " Life of Lincoln.''' \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] — right: T/ios. Chubbuck, Engr. Springfield, Mass. 2^ x 3J. Cole, T. 35. Wood-engraving. Bust ; beard ; directed to the front, facing and looking slightly to the right. Inscription, left: Wyatt Eaton 1877; right: 7! Cole. Sc. 4Tfx6ii Doney, T. 36. Mezzotint. Bust ; beard ; directed slightly to the right, facing and looking to the riglit (al- most profile). To the left, books and papers PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 2$ on a table. Inscription, centre : Engraved and Published by 7^. Doney, Esq. | W. Fate, i6 Bur- ling Slip , N. Y. — underneath, in fac. ?,\g.y yours truly A. Lificohi. "This is . . . based upon a photo by Hesler of Chicago, made in i860, which was not thought satisfactory because of the unkempt hair ; hence Hesler made the * Ayers ' picture, with hair in better order, to suit Eastern patrons." Mezzotint. Three-quarters length ; beard ; di- rected to the right, facing and looking to the front. Right arm crooked, forefinger pointing; left arm resting on Emancipation Proclamation on table. Chair and column on the left, portion of curtain on the right. Inscription, centre : Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1866 by Thos. Doney [Engraved by T. Doney) in . . . Illinois \ Abraham Lincoln. iofxi3^. Plate, iifx 16. Fagan, James. Etching. Bust; beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. Remarque proof before letters. In upper left-hand corner : Published by Rover, Lee b' Clem 1894. ^\yi\2\. Plate, 1 1 f x 1 5^. Gugler, H. Line. Bust ; beard ; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. Oval, with border of oak 24 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. leaves and acorns, in rectangle. Below, on en- graved part, " Lincoln " in large letters. L. P., i7X2i|. Engraved part, 23x29^. Plate, 26x33 J. y^ A. On India paper. Inscription, centre: E71- tered according to the Act of Congress in the year 1869 by John H. Littlefield in . . . the District of Columbia. \ Photographic copyright secured. — left : Engraved by H. Gugler. — right: Painted by J. H. Little- field. Signed in pencil: "J. H. Littlefield." B. On white paper. Inscription as before, and, underneath, centre : Published by Wil- liam Pate a7id Co. New York. Hall, A. B. 40. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard ; directed, fac- ing and looking to the right. Inscription, cen- tre : Engd. by A.B. Hall, New York. \ A. Lin- coln [fac. sig.] I D. Apple ton df Co. 4 x 5 J. Hall, Charles B. 41. Etching. Almost full-length, seated; beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. Right hand grasping book resting on right leg crossed over the left ; paper on table at right ; mantel with statuette, other ornaments and portrait in background. Inscription, centre : Etched by PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 2$ Charles B. Hall N. K — left: Fifty India Proofs only, No. i6. 4f x 6^. Plate, 5^^ x 7||. 42. Etching. Full-length, seated; beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. Right hand in lap ; left arm resting on arm of chair and against small table. Inscription, centre : Etched by Charles B. Hall, N. K— left: Fifty India Proofs only, No. 16. 3J x 5^. Plate, 5f x yf. Hall, H. B. 43. Line and stipple. Bust; beard; directed sHghtly to the left, facing and looking very slightly to the right (almost front). The portrait in an oval border (in lower right quarter of the plate) on the top of which is lettered "Abraham Lin- coln"; laurel branch below. To the left is seated Diogenes before his tub, resting left hand, holding lantern, on the frame, and look- ing down at portrait of Lincoln. Behind him, base of a large column and a tree ; to the left, in distance, the Capitol at Washington. Inscrip- tion, centre : Engd. by H. B. Hall, N. Y. \ Dio- genes his lantern needs no more, \ an honest man is fou7id I — the search is o^er. | Entered according to Act of Cotigress A. D. 1865, ^j' N P. Beers, in . . . New York. 44. Line. Three-quarters (to below knee), seated ; beard; directed, facing and looking to the 26 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. right. Lincoln, wearing spectacles, is looking at a photograph album held on his knees ; his son '' Tad," at his left knee, directed and fac- ing to the front, is looking on with him. In- scription, centre : Engd. by H. B. Hall. \ Abraham Lincohi and his son Thaddeiis, \ Pub- lished by W. Pate, 58 6" 60 Fulton St. N. V. 6f X 7-2-. Plate, 12 X 16. Based on a Brady photo. See also Nos. 100, ill, i33» 137- Hall, H. B., and Sons. 45. Line. Bust; beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. Inscription, in facsimile : Your friend, as ever, A. Lincoln; and, under- neath, centre : Engd. by H. B. Hall 6^ Sons, 13 Barclay St. JV. V. 4 x 4-1^. Hall, H. B., Jr. 46. Line. Bust ; beard ; profile to right. Inscrip- tion, centre : Eng'd. by H. B. Hall Jr. from a Photo, by Brady 6^ Co. \ Published by Jno. B. Bachelder. \ Ne^v York. 2\ X 2f. Plate, 9x11^. Published in I. N. Arnold's " Sketch of the Life of Abraham Lincoln "( 1 869) , with additional lettering. Hall (?). 47. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard ; profile to the right. Proof before letters. " Private plate." 2 X 2|. Plate, 4I X (}\. PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 27 Halpin, F. 48. Line and roulette. Bust ; beard ; directed to the front, facing and looking slightly to the right. Inscription on plate, left : From life by F. B. Carpenter, 1864; right: Engd. by F. Halpin, N. V. Inscription on margin below, centre : Entered according to act of Congress i7i the year 1866 by F. B. Cajpenter . . : New York I Abraham Lincoln [fac. sig.]. I2f X 16J. Holcomb and Davis. 49. A. Wood-engraving. Full-length, standing; clean-shaven ; directed, facing and looking to the front. Left hand on hip, right hand resting on sheet inscribed " Constitutional freedom," lying beside book on table. Signature " Holcomb & Davis Sc." under, and to left of, right foot. Inscription (printed), centre : Abraham Lincoln \ Presi- dent of the United States. 12 x 18J. B. Same, with black mourning border. In- scription (in heavier type than in the pre- ceding), centre : Abraham Lincoln^ \ Late president of the United States, \ Assassi- nated April I ^th , 1865. Size to border, 13JX 21 J. Hollyer, S. 50. Line and stipple. Bust; beard; directed, fac. ing and looking to the right. Oval, in orna- 28 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. mental border. Inscription, centre, in border : Hollyer Eng. — in margin, below : A. Lin- coln [fac. sig.]. 4j X 5J. Plate, 7x9. Jackman, W. G. 51. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard ; directed, fac- ing and looking to the right. Inscription, centre : Engd. by W, G. Jackman^ Brooklyn,, N. Y.\ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.]. 3f x 4§. 52. Line and stipple. To the waist, seated ; beard ; directed, facing and looking to the right. In- scription, centre: Abraham Lincoln \ A. Lin- coln [fac. sig.] I Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1865, by Rice, Rutter &' Co., in . . . Pennsylvania — left: Photo by Brady — right: Engraved by W. G. Jack- man. 3 J X \\. Plate, 7|- X i o|. 53. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard ; directed, fac- ing and looking to the right. Inscription, centre: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | A. Li7icoln \ Engraved expressly for Abbofs Civil War — left: Photograph by G. D. Appleton b' Co. — right : Engd. by W. G. Jackmafi. 4ix4f- Johnson, T. 54. Etching. Bust ; clean-shaven ; directed to the right, facing slightly to the right, looking to the front. Trial proof " First state." 7fxio|. Plate, 9I XI 2|. Signed in pencil : "T. Johnson, 1899." Plate not yet finished. PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 29 55. Etching. Bust ; beard ; profile to the left. 9x12. Plate, I if X 14^. A. Trial proof. " First state." Signed in pencil : " T. Johnson." B. Trial proof. " Second state." Signed m pencil: "T. Johnson, 1892." C. Trial proof. "Third state." Signed in pencil : " T. Johnson." D. Finished plate. " T. Johnson " etched on left arm. Inscription on margin, centre: left: Abraham Lhicoln [fac. sig.] | in 1861, Etched for the Republican Club, and dis- tributed at its dinner \ February 12th, 1892. From a Photograph in the possession of L. E. Chittenden [fac. sig.] — right: Copy- right, 1892, by Thomas Johnson \ Artists proof. Signed " T. Johnson " in pencil. 56. Wood-engraving. To the waist; almost clean- shaven, very short side-whiskers ; directed and facing slightly to the right, looking to the front. Proof from the original block. si X 7-1- Signed in pencil : " T. Johnson." Said to be from the earhest known portrait of Lincoln. 57. Wood-engraving. From life mask in profile to the right, by Douglas Volk. Proof from the original block. 2i\\^^'^^ Signed in pencil : " T. Johnson." n/ 30 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. Jones, R. S. 58. Line. Bust; clean-shaven; directed to the right, facing very slightly to the right, looking to the front. Inscription, centre : (around bottom of oval) Engd. by R. S. Jones, from a Photograph by Brady — underneath: A.Lin- coln [fac. sig.] I Published by J. Kelly, 87 Ful- ton Street, N. Y. 3! x 4^^. Plate, 6 x 8 J. Kruell, G. 59. Wood-engraving. Bust; clean-shaven; di- rected and facing to the right, looking to the front. Proof from the original block. In upper left-hand comer is engraved : G. Kruell Copy- righted 1 89 1 . 8f X I o|-. Signed in pencil : " G. Kruell." 60. Wood-engraving. Bust; beard; directed and facing to the left, looking slightly to the left. Proof from the original block. SfxiiJ. Signed in pencil : " G. Kruell." Lovett, J. D. (?). 61. Line. Bust; clean-shaven; directed, facing and looking to the right. Oval. To the right is a similar oval, with portrait of Hamlin. Over the portraits and inside the ovals appear, respectively : A. Lincoln and H. Hamli7i. Be- tween the portraits, at the bottom, a bit of field PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 3I with fence, and hills beyond. Underneath, two curving branches, under which, to the left : J. D. Lovett, N. Y. Over the portraits passes a band lettered Free territory for a free people, and at the top appears the American eagle. L. P., J x if. Plate, 2| x 4J. McRae, J. C. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard ; directed and facing to the left, looking slightly to the left. Oval, in ornamental frame-design. The whole set in a ruled background, rounded at the upper corners. Underneath the portrait, and pro- jecting below the background, a small panel with picture of " Cabinet Council." Inscrip- tion, centre: A.Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Virtue &" Yorston, Publishers, 12 Dey Street, New York I Entered according to act of Congress by Vir- tue 6^ Yorston . . . N. Y; left : Engraved by; right: J. C. M'Rae. L. P., 4-1% X 5. To border, sif x 7^. Line and stipple. Bust; beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. Inscription, centre : Engd. by J. C. M'Rae, Expressly for Abbott's Civil War. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | A. Lincoln. 4 x 4 J. Line. Bust; beard; directed slightly to the left, facing and looking slightly to the right. 32 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. Oval, in rectangular border, scenes from Lin- coln's life in the four corners, with descriptive lettering. Inscription, centre: Engraved ^ published by John C. M'Rae, 105 Cedar St New York. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Abraham Lincoln. \ President of the United States. \ Assassinated April \\th^ 1865. L. P., 9^ X I of. To outside border, lof x 12 J. Marshall, Wm. E. 65. Line. Bust; beard; directed, facing and look- ing to the right. Oval, in rectangular border. In border, below, is engraved: "Abraham '■ Lincoln." Proof before any letters. 16 X 21. Plate, 19^ X 25I. Metzmacher. ^^. Line. Bust: beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. L. P., 7| x8. Plate, 8J x iij. A. Proof, with inscription in centre : Metz- macher^ del et sc, 1862. B. Finished plate, with inscription, as above, and underneath, centre: Abraham Lin- coln I {^President des Etats-Unis) \ Im- prime df Public par Goupil^ of Cie. Edi- teurs. Paris, London, La Haye — left •. Berlin - Verlag von Goupil &= Co. — right : New York - Published by M. Knoedler. PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 33 O'Neill (?). 67. Lipe. Bust; beard; directed and facing to the left, looking to the front. Inscription, cen- tre : Abraham Lincoln \ Elias Dexter 562 Broadway. 2J x 3! . Plate, 6 x 8f . Pelton, O. 68. Line and stipple. Bust; beard; directed to the front, facing and looking slightly to the right. Inscription, centre : A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] I Abraham Lincobi. \ Assassinated April i^th, 1865 — left: Photograph by Braddy [sic!] — right: Engraved by O. Pelton. Sj x 5J. Ferine, George E. 69. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard; directed, fac- ing and looking to the right. Inscription, centre : A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Abraham Lin- coln. I President of the United States. \ En- graved Expressly for Headlefs History of the Rebellion — left : Photograph by Eredricks — right : Engd. by Geo. E. Perine, N. Y. 4ix4f. 70. Mixed. Three-quarters length, seated ; beard ; directed to left, facing and looking slightly to the right; left hand grasping arm of chair; right hand on Emancipation Proclamation on 3 34 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. table ; curtain in background to left. Inscrip- tion, centre : Entered according to Act of Con- gress A. D, 1864, by Geo. E. Ferine. . . . Engraved by Geo. E. Ferine, New York . . . New York \ Abraha?n Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Fresident of the United States \ [1861-1865] I Fublished by George E. Feri?ie, New York. 8 X io|. Plate, 11 x 14! . Perine and Giles. 71. Mixed. Three-quarters length, seated; beard; directed to the left, facing and looking very slightly to the right. Right hand resting on Emancipation Proclamation on table, left one on arm of chair. Curtain in back, from left to behind the head. Inscription, centre : En- graved for the Eclectic by Perine d^ Giles, N. Y. I A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | \(ith Fresident of the United States. ^l x 6|. Plate, 7 x 9^. Pound, D. J. 72. Line and stipple. Half-length, standing; clean-shaven; directed to the right, facing slightly to the right, looking to the front. In- scription, centre: Eiigraved by D. J. Found from a Photograph \ Fresident Lincoln. 4|x6J. 73. Line and stipple. Three-quarters length, stand- ing ; clean-shaven ; directed to the right, facing slightly to the right, looking to the front. Right PORTRAITS OP LINCOLN. 35 hand at side, left hand resting on two books on table. Curtain at the left. Inscription, centre : Engraved by D. J. Found, from a Pho- tograph by Brady of New York \ Abraham Lincoln^ \ President of the Ufiited States. \ The drawing room portrait gallery of eminent pers^ • ages I Presented with the Illustrated Neuu. the World | 125 Fleet Street. 7J x 11. "Photo by Brady, made in N. Y. in i860, Feb'y, the basis of many of the pictures of Lincoln pub- lished in the East in the campaign of i860," Raj on, Paul. 74. Etching. Bust; clean-shaven; directed and facing to the right, looking to the front. Proof with remarque (sketch of cast of Lincoln's hand). 7f x gf . Plate, 9f x 1 2%, Signed in pencil : ** Rajon." Ritchie, A. H. 75. Mixed. Bust; beard; directed very slightly to the left, facing and looking to the right. In- scription, centre: Abraham Lincoln. \ 16th Presideiit of the Ufiited States — left : Photo, by Brady — right : Efigd. by A. H. Ritchie. 9JX11. Plate, 13JX17J. 76. Line and stipple. Half-length, standing ; beard ; directed, facing and looking to the left; right hand at side, left one behind back. Inscrip- 36 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. tion, centre : Engd. by A. H.Ritchie. \ Abraham Lincoln. 4 x 6 J. 77. Line and stipple. Half-length, standing; beard ; directed slightly to the left, facing and 1- oiling slightly to the right. Right hand at left one behind back. Inscription, centre : xCtiiered according to act of Congress^ A.D. 1865, <^jv Derby ^ Miller, . . . New York. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Engraved by A. H. Ritchie expressly for Raymond^ s Life of Lincoln. \ Pub- lished by Derby df Miller, New York. 4 J x 6 J. 78. Line. Full-length, standing; beard; directed, facing and looking to the left. Right hand grasping cloak wrapped around him ; left hand resting on table, on which are sheets inscribed " Constitution," " Union," and " Proclamation of Freedom," and several volumes with title " Jefferson's Works " erased, so as to be barely discernible. Globe and flag to the left. Proof before letters. 1 9! x 2 6\. Plate, 2 2f x 30! . The original plate was a portrait of Calhoun, Lincoln's head being subsequently inserted and the title "Jef- ferson's Works " obliterated. Roberts, W. 79. Wood-engraving. Bust; beard; directed to the right, facing very slightly to the right, look- ing to the front. In circle, at head of text of " Proclamation of Emancipation." The latter PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 3^ is printed within an ornamental border, in which are three vignettes on each side (show- ing hfe of slave on the left, and of the free negro on the right) and view of Fort Sumter burning, at bottom (the whole 14! x 19-^). In- scription below, centre : Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by R, A. Di?n~ mick, if I . . . New York — left : W. Roberts, Del. sc. — right : C. A. Alvord, Printer. L. P, 2f. Rogers, J. Line. Three-quarters length, seated ; beard ; directed to the left, facing and looking to the front. Arms resting on arms of chair. In- scription, centre : J. Rogers sculpt. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.]. 4f x6i^6. Sartain, John. Mezzotint. Bust; beard; directed to the front, facing and looking slightly to the right. Oval. Inscription, centre : Published by R. R. Landon, agt. ^d> Lake St. Chicago, III. \ E71 graved by John Sartain, Phila. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.]. 4fx5f. Mezzotint. Bust; beard; directed slightly to the left, facing and looking slightly to the right. Inscription, centre : Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year 1865, by Bradley d^ Co. . . . Pennsylvajiia \ Bradley 38 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 6" Co. Publishers, 66 Nth. ^th St Philadelphia I Abraham Lincoln — left : After Photo : from Life — right: Engraved by John Sartain. 8Jxio|-. Plate, 12 X i6^. V'' 83. Mezzotint and line. Three-quarters length, seated; beard; directed slightly to the left, facing and looking to the right. Left hand ^ resting on document on table, right hand i^ fi^ grasping quill pen. At right, foot of statue ( ' treading on broken fetters. Inscription, centre : Ejttered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by E. D. Marchant, . . . Pennsyl- vania I Abraham Lincoln \ 16th president of the United States \ From the Original Portrait by E. D. Marchant \ Painted at the White House in 1863 and now in tne [sic!] Posses- sion of the Ufiion League of Philadelphia \ Bradley &^ Co. Publishers 66 North Fourth St. Phila. — left : After the original picture painted from life — right : Engraved by John Sartain, Phila. \ Abraham Lincoln [fac. sig.]. 10 X 13. Plate, 13 X 17. V 84. Mezzotint. Full-length, seated; beard; di- rected to the left, facing and looking to the front. Right hand, with quill pen, resting on table, on which are a bust of Jackson, lamp, books, newspaper, etc. Globe, and roll in- scribed '' Campaign of 1864," to the right. PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 39 Inscription, centre : Published by R. R. Lafidon^ Agt., ^d> Lake St. Chicago^ III. \ Abraha7n Lincoln I President of the United States — left : The head after a Photograph from life^ the Picture by Boyle \ Proof. — right : Eiigraved by John Sartain, Phila. 1 5^ x 2 1 J. 85. Mixed. Full-length, standing; beard; di- rected, facing and looking to the right; left hand on table. Inscription, centre : Published by William Smith, No. 702 So. 3^ St. Phila. I Engraved by John Sar tain, Phila. \ Abraham Lincoln | President of the United States. i3|^x2oJ. Plate, i5|x 24^. Sartain, Samuel. 86. Mixed. Half-length, seated ; beard ; directed to the left, facing very slightly to the left, looking to the front. Left hand, holding folded paper, resting on arm of chair; curtain at back. Oval in rectangular border. Inscription, centre : Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1864, by S. Sartain, in . . . Pemisyl- vania. \ Abraham Lincoln. \ Published by Rice b* Allen, corner Burdick ^ Water Sts., Kala- mazoo, Mich. — right: Engraved by Samuel Sartain \ Printed by Irwin 6^ Sartain. Oval, 8Jx 10 J. To outside of border, lox 12^. Plate, i2|x i6f. 40 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 87. Companion piece to the preceding. Portrait of Mrs. Lincoln. Mixed. Half-length, seated ; directed to the front, facing and looking to the right. Both hands in lap, right one holding closed fan. Curtain and column in back- ground. Inscription, centre : Entered accord- ing to act of Congress in the year 1864, by S. Sartaifi in . . . Pennsylvania. \ Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. \ Published by Rice «5j^ Allen, 90 State St. Chicago, III. — right : Engraved by Samuel Sartaifi. \ Printed by Irwin df Sartain. Oval, 8J X 10 J. To outside border, 10 x 12 J. Plate, 12I X i5f V 88. A. Mixed. Bust; clean-shaven; directed slight- ly to the right, facing very slightly to the right, looking front. Oval, in rectangle. Inscription, centre : Engraved by Samuel Sartain, after the miniature from life by I. Henry Brown, in the possessioii of Judge Read. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Published by James Irwin, 728 Sansom St. Philadel- phia. 4x5!. Plate, 7J X 10. B. Same, with beard added. Background re- worked. After " A. Lincoln," the inscrip- tion now changed to : \(ith President of the United States. \ Published by Sanii Sar- taifi, 726 Sansom St. Philadelphia. Sartain, William. 89. Mixed. Bust; beard; directed to the left, facing and looking almost directly to the front. PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 4I Back of chair indicated. Oval, in rectangular border. Inscription, centre: Engraved b' Published by William Sartain, 728 Sansom St. Philada. \ Abraham Lincoln. 8f x io|-. 90. Mixed. Bust; beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. Inscription, centre : E7I' graved 6^ published by William Sartain^ 728 Sansom St. Phila. \ Abraha?n Lincoln. 9^ X 11^. Plate, 12 X 15. 91. Mixed. Three-quarters, standing; beard; di- rected to the front, facing and looking slightly to the right. Left hand resting on books on table. Column to the right. Inscription, cen- tre : Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1866, by William Sartain . . . | Published by William Sartain. \ Abraham Lincoln \ — right : Engraved by William Sartain \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.]. 14 x i8-|-. Plate, 17I-X 2 2f. Serz, J. 92. Line and stipple. Full-length, seated; beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. Left hand grasping paper and resting on table, on which are a Bible, another book and inkstand. Quill pen in right hand. Column, with bust of Washington to the right. Eagle over book- case in background. Inscription, centre: Published by John Dainty^ Phila. \ Abraham Lincoln \ President of the United States \ Sign- 42 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. ing the Emancipation Proclamation \ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by John Dainty . . . Pennsylvania. — left : Painted by W. E. Winner, — right : Engraved by J, Serz, \ Proof. \^\ x iSf Smith, H. Wright. 93. Mixed. Bust ; beard ; directed and facing to the right, looking to the front. Inscription, centre: H. Wright Smith. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] I Published by Benj. B.Russell, t^\^ Wash- ington St. Boston. 2>\ X 3^. Plate, 7 x SJ. 94. Line and stipple. Bust; beard; directed, facing and looking to right. Inscription, centre: A. Lincoln [idiC. sig.] | Late pre side?it of the United States \ New York, D. Appleton d^ Co. — left : Miller b' Mathews Photors. — right : H. W. Smith, N. V. 3I x 4f. 95. Line and stipple. Bust ; beard ; directed and facing to the right, looking slightly to the right. Inscription, centre: H. W. Smith, JV. Y. \ A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1875, by S. Walker b' Co, . . , at Washington. 6 x 7|. 96. Line and stipple. Bust; beard; directed slightly to the right, facing and looking almost to the front. Inscription, centre: H. W. PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 43 Smith, Sc. I A. Lincoln [fac. sig.] | S. Wal- ker, Boston. 6J X 8J. Stuart, F. T. 97. Stipple. From a sculptured bust; beard; di- rected slightly to the left ; head in profile, to the left. Inscription, left : Jones Sc. — right : F. T. Stuart Eng. Boston. 2 x 3^- *' The bust was modeled from life by Thos. D. Jones, Columbus, O." Stueler, H. 98. Mixed. Bust; beard; directed, facing and looking to the right. Inscription, centre : Published by J. C. Buttre Co, \ Abraham Lin- coln [fac. sig.] — right : E^igd. by H. Stueler. 3|x4i. Plate, 7x10. Walter, A. B. 99. Mixed. Bust ; beard ; directed and facing to the right, looking very slightly to the right (almost front). Inscription, centre : Engraved by A. B. Walter, Philada. \ Hon. Abraham Lincoln, \ President of the United States — right: A. Lincoln [fac. sig.]. 4jx 5^. 100. Mixed. Lincoln and " Tad," as in No. 68 (which see), but showing more of legs. Oval, in rectangular black border. Inscription, 44 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. centre : Published by Bradley 6^ Co. 66 Nth ^th St. Philadelphia \ President Lincoln and his son '^Tad'' — left: After a photo from life — right : engraved by A. B. Walters. 9x lof. Plate, 13X i4|. Weger. 101. Line and stipple. Bust; clean-shaven; di- rected to the left, facing and looking very sHghtly to the left (almost front). Inscrip- tion, centre : Abraham Lincoln \ Verlag v. Baumgdrtner' s Buchh. — left : Nach einer Photographie v. Brady — right : Stich u. Druck V. Weger, Leipzig. 4 J X 4^. Plate, 6 J x 8 J. GROUPS. Buttre, J. C. 102. Mixed. Lincoln Family. All full-length. Lincoln at right; beard; directed and facing to the left, looking down at book held on his crossed knee, " Tad " at his side. Mrs. Lin- coln at left. Table between, in front of which sits Willie, and behind which Robert is standing. 251x17^. Plate, 28|x 2i|-. A. Trial proof, not finished. B. Finished plate. Proof. Inscription below, centre : Entered according to act of Congress PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. 45 A. D. 1867 by J. C. Biittre in . . . New York. C. Print. The upper corners now rounded off. Inscription, centre: Entered according to act of Congress i?t the year 1873 by J. C. Buttre in . . . WasJmigton. \ Published by J. C. Buttre, \^ Franklin St. New York. \ The Lincoln family in 1861 — left: Fainted by F. B. Carpenter — right: En- graved by J. C. Buttre. The names of the members of the family also appear under their respective portraits. 103. Line. Trial proof, " Lincoln and Stephens in Hampton Roads, Feb. 6/65." Lincoln, Hunter, Campbell, Stewart, Stephens and Seward (in order named, beginning at left) seated around a small table. 6-^ x 4^. Kelly, Thomas (?). 104. Mixed. Lincoln Family. All full-length. Lincoln at the right, seated; beard; directed, facing and looking to the left; left hand holding book. Mrs. Lincoln at the left, Thomas (" Tad ") standing by her side. Table between, behind which stand Robert and Willie. In background: left, column; right, curtain; centre, view of dome of Capitol at Washington. Inscription, centre: Entered 46 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN. according to Act of Congress A. D. 1866 by Thos. Kelly ^ in . . . N. Y.\ Lincoln Family. I Published by Thomas Kelly, 264 Third Ave- nue, between 22 d df 23^ Sts. JV. V. The names of the members of the family also ap- pear under their respective portraits. 24JX18. Plate, 28|x2if. McRae, J. C. 105. Line and stipple. Lincoln and the drummer boy. Upper corners rounded. Inscription, centre : Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1867, by F. Heaton, in . . . Ohio. I F. Heaton, publisher, Cleveland, O. \ Lincoln and the drmnmer boy. \ " The boy advanced . . . for w L. W. Volk. Inscription on the back : This cast was 7nade for R. W. Gilder, a subscriber to the fund for the purchase and presentation to the Ufiited States Government of the original jnask fnade in Chicago^ April, i860, by Leonard W. Volk from the living face of Abraham Lincoln. This cast was taken from the first replica of the original in New York City, Februaty, 1884. 158. Bronze cast of Lincoln's hands by L. W. Volk. Inscription on each hand : Copyright 1886 by Leo7iard W. Volk. This cast of the hand of Abraham Lincoln was made from the first replica of the original made at Springfield, LIL, the Sunday following his nomination to the presidency in i860. 159. Group of 14 photographs, on a number of which most of the known engraved portraits of Lincoln are based. LB S '!2