F129 B23B2 .^ • -t- A.> •Ca -V - „ '^ A> , . "Co « V „ » „ "p^ oy ■^^^ ol;^^ 5l^'- ^ A^ ^>: 7^^'. '^ ■^te:- ^0 -r. V- -^^o^ 'oV .<^' ^. ' :^^ .,/ ;, ^/^»X^'^M^\/^?*-"^ » Kl ^^o^ .'^ t.-o^ /,^-,\ ^ .-i'' 'V'^'^ HISTORICAL SKKTCH OP THE FIRST STAiraORD (BAPTIST) CHURCa AS BAKGALI, DUTCHESS COUKTT, N. Y. BY MR. ETKLYH BRIG OS BALDWIU. ^- «1) -1- I f The Plrpt Stanford (Baptist) Chr.roh, at Bengali, I>ntohee8 Cowty, F. Y., Hit'torlopl Sicetoh, Early Marrlag« Records and Abstraote of TombBtone InBorlptlona. Prepared for the New York Genealogioal and Piographloal Record, by Eyelyn Briggs Baldwin. In present Ine herewith a historical sketch of the Flret Baptist Chnrch of the tcwn of Stanford (village of Bangall) , DutchesB Coimty, II. Y. , I content myself by offering an abstract of a paper prei)ared by a member of the ohnroh as published In the proceedings of the 37th Anniyersary of the DutohesB Baptist Association, held at Bangall, Ang. 30, and 31 and Sept. 1, 1871. Abstract of HlPtorloal Sketch. First records dated Great Nine Partners, Charlotte Precinct, N. Y.- First members appear to have emigrated from MassaohTisetts. The first record; dated 1755 reads thrs : Vhereae there were a few of ns, of the Baptist faith and order, settled in this wilderness as sheep having no Shepherd, being destltnte of the glorions pri-v lieges which otir dear Redeemer hath purchased for us, of having the gospel Preached among ns and the ordinances administered tinder Hie law and solemn oanse, we thonght it needful to meet together and to give up ourselves to God by prayer and supplication, with continuance. God was pleased to add unto us some more souls, which gives us great reason to hope God did own this our free-will offering, whereupon wo continued asoembling together till in the year 1759, on the 15th day of October. Then we were embodied together here in Dutchess Coxuity, and in the Province -2- of Hew York, and did make ohoioe of two, via. Ephraim Ballook and Comer Bullook to be as tinder shepherds, over us, to preach the gospel and administer the ordinances among us, v^ioh were •stablished, and authorized, by the infinite goodneBS of God. Ve had the presence and assistance of Elder Jabes Wood and Elder Robert Wheaton, who were Elders of the First Baptist Church in the town of Swansea, in the cotmty of Bristol and in the province of Uassaohnsetts Bay, in Hew England." The next record, dated Jtine 6, 1772, states that the Chiirch ohose two brethren to draw lots for one to serve as Deacon, which lot fell upon Richard Bullock, Jun. and he was duly author- ised. Then follows:- "Whereas the above said Church was authorized, and a considerable addition was made to it. Just at this time we were informed that our mother ohoroh that established us, sang by rule Watts' Psalms, and we laboured with them for some time to forbear, but they continued and we withdrew ourselves from them. Then some time after that some of U8 grew uneasy because we had broken union with them about singing, viz. Richard Ballook and Ellis Bullock, and some time flifter Elder Comer Bullock grew so much timoasy, that we thought it our duty to make our recantation to that church for what we had done, believing that the Psalm, or tune, was not a sufficient thing to break union upon, but that every believer may sing aocording to his own understanding, and that it is agreeable to the gospel day. Some of the brethren made a reqaest that they might sing Watts' Psalms, and were denied altogether. Then we three above named made known our desire to the Churoh, that we wished to make a confession to the Swansea ohuroh that w© did wrong in withdrawing from them.whloh w« BUBt do for oonBoienoe sake, which gave great diBBatlefaotion to this ohtiroh, irho when they ocuae to labour upon it, found they oould not walk with ub if we made our vonfeeaion to them and allowed the singing of T/attB' PsalmB, whioh thing we find it our duty to do. So, then, we whose namee are hereunder written (*here followa the names of twenty-four brethren and BiBters) left asBembllng otureelTeB with them and remained Toid of meeting together for the worship of God, for some time: but having a oonferenoe, thought it duty to attend the worship of God as soon as there was a door open. Soon after there was a fervent call in the neighborhood whioh we readily aooepted, and appointed a oonferenoe for those scattered mem- bers, who when we came together, found ourselves to be of one hewt, and after several conferences thonght it our duty to give up ourselves to God and each other as follow members to walk together in visible oomnainion, which we entered into on this 9th day of May, in the year 1778, and then follow the names of twenty-four more, as being willing to walk together in the Order of the Gospel, with singing of Psalms and Hymns as a part of Divine worship. Oct. 17, 1779, a letter of invitation was received by the ohtiroh from ianderhook, saying the greatly desired this ohuroh to send their under shepherd to preach the gospel and to administer the ordinance of baptism; after perusal of the letter the church appointed Elder Comer Bullock and Bro. George Crandall to act in fellowship and report the same to the ohtirch. These messengers reported as follows: Nov. End, arrlred at Bro. Wm. Hares, and fotuid there that evenlnc three pereone whoa the Lord had wroneht npon by thie spirit, and other Bpeotators. Mov. 3rd, held Divine Service at Bro. .7in. Haree and one person wae baptised. Nov. 4th, servioe was held at Bro. Henry Joslin's. Nov. 7th, servioe held at Wm. Hares and one brother and four sisters dedicated themselves to the Lord. After these meetings they were established by the authority of the ohnroh as a bran oh of this ohuroh. Thus ended the first missionary tour of seven days by this ohuroh. Hov. 27th, the ohuroh appointed a oonferenoe to be held at the house of Elder Comer Bullock, every Saturday and that a like due attendance should be gi^®n *o *h® Church Meetings on the last Saturday in every month, which hath hither- to been too much neglected. March 6th 1780, the ohuroh received another request to send the Elder and a brother to Klnderhook to administer the ordin- ance of baptism, whereupon Kills Bullock was chosen by lot to accompany the Pastor. These setting out upon their Journey Marvh 7th arrived at their destination the following day, where they did preach the gospel of Christ, after which several candidates were baptised and received into full fellowship. April 1st, the Church met at the house of Elder Bull- ock, when one of the brethren called upon the Elder to bring In the late necessary charges which proved to be in money six pounds, eight shillingB, likewise the messengers expended six working days of man and horse, and four dollars, paid by the Elder for paper, it being for the necessary use of the ohuroh. At this time two of the brethren had fas they said) made a new discovery, via. that there should be an equality -5- In the ohnroh in the payment of the expeneee. April S8th the ohnroh being aseembled at the honse of the Pastor one of the brethren explained hlB new discovery of duty as follows: To plough, plant and hoe the Hldrr's corn, mow and seonre his hay, plough and prepare the fallow ground for sowing wheat for him, jTidglng It most convenient for ns, in onr low oiroxim- stanoes, to recieem what time we oan i'n. order that the Elder might dedicate to the Lord all sxioh redeemed time in work pertaining to his ministerial functions. Sept. 1780, the brethren at r^/er ajtxd adjacent places requested that Elder Bullock and the messengers of the chnroh should visit them. Accordingly they visited those quarters and preached the gospel and baptized Samuel Htmt, Hezekiah Lookwood, John Purman, Abljah Prost, Seurah Palmer, Ruth Lock- wood, and Jemima Farman. Nov. 3, 1781, a conference being held at Xinderhook, the Elder preached at Bro. '.Vm. Hares and on the next day baptized and received three persons into the church. Then the Elder preached in other places, journeying as far as Bethlehem and returned to the Branch on the 7th. On Nov. 8, 1781, a conference was held at Stephentown, at Esq. Colvers, where they were me* by Elder Drake and some of his brethren. June 29, 1782, the elder received six into the church at Little Hoosic. Oct. 28, 1786, the Elder reported that on the 8th of Oct. he had received ten persons into the church, and on the ElBt throe more, showing an IncreaBe of Pastoral labor at Kinderhook. In 1789 there were in the last nine months con- -6- stant aooeaelonB. Oot. 29, 1787 an invitation vms received fromthe neigh- borhood of Daniel Jonee (Just eaat of Mabbettsville) for the Klder to ooiae and baptize. The ohnroh appointed the Elder, and by his reqneet, eome brethren to go with him and hear their experiences. Nearly forty of them were baptised, and by their request they were, April 26th, 1788, oonetitTited a branch of this ohtirch. k branch is also apoken of as near Jacob Lawrence's and two brethren were chosen as overseers of it. May Slst, brethren at Noble Town requested the Pastor to administer the ordinance of baptism. Deo. 22nd a cotmoil was called and Nathan Canfield and James Pnrdy were ordained as deacons. Elders Dakins, Gano, and Bullock officiating. January 17, 1789 eleven oandidate1& were baptized at Little Hine Partners, Jan. Slst Desujon Canfield expressed a dissatisfaction that the church consisted of so many branches that the mother church was destitute of preaching the greater part of the time. June 1st, 1789. the branch at Kinderhook was constitu- ted a gospel church, numbering thirty members. Book 2nd, 1790, contains their Articles of Faith in full. In June 1790 some candidates residing at a placed called Hudson sent a messenger to the church asking them to send their Elder to administer the ordinance of baptism. Aug. 26, 1791, being the first day of the week a great number of people were gathered together, and two were baptised and added to the church, xhe Elder preached from the words: "He that ie not with roe is against me, and he that gathereth not with me eoattereth abroad." Deo. 29, 1790, Deaoon Uanfield requested the brethren to coiiBider the Elder in hie needful oiroTinuitanoeB in respect to bread and wood, when the ohui-oh agreed to relieve his wants. IhlB was Jtist In view of the fact that he heA fed many and provided fuel for the people ta be oomf or table so many winters when asBembled at his house. It is not a matter of reoord that he evea received a penny as a salary. He did on one oooasion receive a contribution and, for eo doing, was called an hireling, whereupon the church very promptly voted that he had a perfect right to receive any contributions the people were dibposed to make him. On Aug. 28, 1790 the church voted that the Elder and Bro. Adams, a licentiate, should attend a meeting at Oewago, at the house of Bro. Powler, or near, once every month and BO continue for twelve months. In April the chxirch voted that the Elder should preach for them three Sabbaths in the month for one year, the 4th Sabbath at the village and to the branch near David Jones* ; when there were five Sabbaths he might have liberty to go where he should think best, -at the yearly meeting a Bro. Freeman was sent to them from Zdnderhooic vrith a request that they would hear him improve his gift, and, after hearing, report in vrriting what they considered his gift to be, which they thought to be exhortation. This shov7s a confidence in the ability of the church to Judge. In 1798 a messenger (Bro. Scott) presented a request from candidates in Rhinebeck, wiBhlng Baptism, for the ohuroh to send an adminletrater. Therefore the ohuroh roteA to send for Elder Hopkins to oome and go with them to Rhinebeok the third Sabbath in ITay. May 19th Elder Bullock, Klder Hopkins and Dea. Canfleld met at the house of Bro. Robert Soott at Rhinebeok Plats, and heard the experience of four candidates, and on Lord's Day, one more. Then Elder Hopkins preached and baptized them, which was done by order of the church. July 21 st^ Elder Bullock baptized three more. In 1799 a proposition was made to have a stove in the Meeting House but it was voted down. Nearly all the meetings were held at the Pastor's house, especially in cold weather. The dwelling house then owned by the Elder, rebuilt about 1870 or earlier is still standing and la located about three miles north of the present house of worship in Bangall. Nov. 9th, 1800 a request was made of the church that Elder Bullock should preach at the house of Bro. John 7/iley once a month. This was granted. In 1802 there were some baptisms by Elder Hopkins. Still the meetings were held at Elder Bullock's house, he presiding as moderator. The last record pertaining to this faithful man is that he presided at a church meeting in his own house, Feb. 29, 1804. The church on May 29, 1802, presented a call to Elder Hopkins to preach for them three months half of the time, and voted to give him twenty shillings a Sabbath. Elder Petit is spoken of as having served as a supply several months and baptized some. Elder Arnold is also referred to as a "Bupply". Up to this date the church at Bangall had establish- -9- ed eight different branohes^ Ti«., Xlnderhook, OBwago, Hoble Town, Dover, Daniel Jones', .Vest Branch, South .Teat Branoh and Rhinebeok. The first reoord of Elder Luman Btiroh is that he olosed a ohurofe meeting by prayer Peb. 23rd, 1805. On Arigust SOth the chTiroh proposed hie ordination, but this he declined. On June 14, 1806, a ootmoil ooneisting of l.lders Leland, Wood, and Johnson was convened and on the next day Bro. Luman Buroh was ordained. Elder Johnson preaching the sermon. This oc- curred in a grove where the first meeting-hotuae stood and at the sane time. Comer, a son of Elder Comer Bullock was ordained a deacon. At the close of these services Elder Leland baptized Johiel Canfield and Abraham Hicks. Among the first baptized by Elder Burch wore Samuel Saokett, and Asa Thompson who became a deeujon and was a pillar of the church for nearly fifty years. ThxiB Elder Buroh began hie labors and most of his life as minister of the Gospel was spent here. In July 1814, a new house was raised and in August 1815 the church met there. It was located about a cfuarter of a mile south of the first. One year, probably in 1821, Elder Buroh preached at Anenin, :he same year in which Elder Doty preached at Bengali. Some iiii iculty arising in regard to the singing. Elder Buroh asked for a letter of dismlBsal. This was granted but after- wards repealed with the specification that no reflection should be cast from the desk. In Nov. 1821. Elder Doty asked for a letter of dismisuion, the request being granted. Elder Buroh preached a part of the time at Fishklll -10- and at Bangall only half of the time, probably about three years, as this 1p not fnlly oxplalned In thr reoordP. He alBo preaohed froqr.ently at PleaBant Ial3«»y, '•'hero, ap well ae in PlBhW.ll, he was preatly loved . He aDRo preaohod at Pino Plains, the first refford of which, la Jtme 7th 1P35. when he baptised oipht oonvette, and on the 18th seven more. The ohnroh then voted to hold a rogrlar meeting at the Plains every eeoond Saturday in tho month, !Iov. 14th, ho baptized foTir more, when Bro, Cornelins Hueted in behalf of himself and others requested the ohuroh to permit Elder Bur oh to preaoh for them one Sabbath in eaoh month for the enpning year. The recruest was granted and in 1839 they were oon- stltiited a regular Baptist Chto-oh. In the first weel of June l^AZ a ^reat revival began, meetings being held dally for abont five weeks, and aboTit forty members were added to the ohuroh, many boing in the vigor of life. Elders Isaac Sevan, Nathsin I>. Benedict and ?., G. Ambler then pastor of the let Pishkill ohuroh, were the labor- ers in that meeting. Rev. Silas Ambler, who tmited with this ohTiroh by letter from the Norfolk ohiiroh, also labored in that meeting. He died Nov. 25. 1857. aged 57 years. Soon after this revival the meeting-hotise was repaired and painted, and a stoop built. Peo. 31, 1842, David Van Pradenburgh was baptized. Subsequently he was licensed to preaoh. Elder Buroh labored in this oommnEity a number of years and by industry and economy secured a small farm, this in a great measure pupporttng himself. His salary was small and foreseeing that his successor would have but scanty support and feeling that he himself was rosponslble for not having -11- eduoated the ohnroh to glTe more liberally for the pastor's support, he proposed to tho ohuroh, .lime 26, 1852. to raise the stun of ^1000 to bnild a pareonae*. drew tip a stibsortptlon for the same and headed the Hat vrlth hlR o.vn name for '.-'.lOO. The money was raised and the parsonage built. He was a worthy suooesBor to the former pastor. The two were the only pastors from 1755 to 1855, In which latter year Elder Btiroh closed his labors as pastor, having been stricken with palsy. He lingered a enfferer nntil ITov. 17th, 1858, -Then he died, aged 81 years. June 30, 1855 Elder Elijah Lnoas was extended and accepted a call as pastor of the church, and on the 23rd of September enterec! npAn his pastorate with the ohnroh. On Rov. 2l8t he waB ordained as a ninister. The sermon on this occasion vr&s preached by Elder Joshua n.etoher of Amenia. On Dec. 26, a goodly number were baptized and added to the church, Jan. Ist. 1860. at a regular meeting of the ohuroh Bro. P. Z. Snckett, in behalf of the following members, viz: P. X. Sackett, I. I. 'bright, Chepel Bobinson and others asked for letters to form another Baptist Church in the town of Stanford, whereupon the church appointed a special meeting two weeks from that date, to consider the request, which being refused Bro. P. K. Saokett said that they would withdraw from the church. TThile these events were transpiring Bro. John Vassar came among the people and labored for the spirit- ual good of the ohixroh and coninnnlty. After Elder luoas left Bro. Vassat moved his family into the parsonage and remained several months. His labors were greatly appreciated. Oot. 29, 1859, Klder J. HolnanB appears as Moderator in the ohtiroh meet Inge. He oontlnnofl with the cshuroh as a enrPly tmtll In ?:aroh 1860, when he was tmanlriOTjely elected paBtor, In 1865 Elder Holmane tendered his reslgniatlon as pastor, Rnd on Jan. 1, 1866 It was accepted. In April Elder E. G. Ambler heoame the paBtor of the ohnroh. In 1068 about thirty aero added to the church. The second hotise of vrorship stood about ono fonrth of a mile eonth of the first honse and was occppled for about fifty-three years. In it the Dutchess Baptist Apsooiatlon was organized and at its first meeting in 1835, Rev. T. VTinter was Moderator. In the fall of 1867 a stirvey was made for the THitohesa and ColTjmbia Rail Road which passed throtigh the pnlplt. The honse was therefore mored a little more than the width of It to give way for the work of the road. In Peceraber the Railroad gave the chnrch ?'1650 damages, the tmPteee of the ohTiroh accepting a proposition of the agents of the roadf to that effect. The present house of worship was then erected. It is located abotit one fobrth of a mile sotith of the second, and cost f 12, 000. ^- ' '<"x :^!P, < A, a-^ °-. '-ymCr^^-^ ■AJ ^/ ^^-^ V %.^ ■ f Jp:\ X/' :>%e^^ ■ %.^ ■ :^vX./ ^"'V '^. '^^^S ,/ ri\^^' .^' -*-. ^ ■•!«■•/ •^0^ .-^O-*, TS-C^-r/* ■ K- /\ -m^- .*^% ■•• '>'l^^/ ',^1 /% '^fm^ .^-^ ./ \ ■!#J6f.- ^^- -o --^Is.!' '"-*, ^N4»A./:ilfe %s^ i- m- 0' .H 9^ .:^' >^c> T-;"^'. ■^ <■. 'W\ ^'^^4> -.yw.- ^^^^ -/^Bf; /'-./*; ,*°v ■«■• ..- ~ ■ ^ ^, .-J^ '!^X^ ^m ^Wy / '^^, *t/ ^t -W^^' '0' i-Vl!*, o. k. %. .^'.^^^'.% ./^ ^^Jm;:^% .>'/Sf&'- -^ i^Av 1S23 UBSOMEEEER . \ /" PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES. LP. y\>-, III Thomson Pa* Drive K) I Cranbenv ToMiship. PA 16066 "-..<^ ro- .cV.^-;. =1. /^ m;v /^