iiiliiiiil 1"'"*'" "■li ' li . fUautn:. VITAI, KIXOKDS OF hm jVIASSACHUSETTS 1777-1801 PROM THE RECORDS OF THE TOWN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH [NSCRIPTIONS IN THE EARLY BURIAE GROUNDS ILL THE FAMILY BIRTH RECORDS CONTINUED BEYOND 1801 GIVEN AS KUI.LY AS RECORDED ! PONTAININW ALSO THE BAPTISMS AND NAMES OP CHURCH MEMBERS I IN THE RECORDS OP THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PROM ITS ORGANIZATION IN lim TO 1801 Literally Rfprodvccd 1899 LEE, MASS.: THE VALLEY (+LEANER ?)4\b ^o.. '^. eONTENTS Introductory Notes ------ v-vii Town- Clerks' Records Publishments and Marriages 1-11 Records of Births 12-43 Deaths 43-48 •ngregational Church Records Organization and Members 49-53 Admissions and Baptisms trom May 25, 1780 to May '1, 1792 - 49-57 ; )rdinatioii of Mr. Parraele 58 Ordination of Mr. Hyde 59 Admissions from June (>, 1792 to Jan. 1, ISOI - - - 60-63 Baptisms " " " "".... 63-69 Marriages by Mr. Hyde 70-71 Deaths recorded by Mr. Hyde 72-75 Inscriptions fro:m the Cemeteries 76-91 Appendix 93-94 IXDE.X Baptisms 95-99 Uhm-ch Members 100-102 Pnbli.shments and Marriages 103-105 Deaths 106-108 liRKATA AND OMISSIONS I08 ,. " _vy"."" i . ' -f — ': ■'« - /^/L r^A ^.^ /^ IJMTRODUCTORY MOTES. The town of Lee, Mass. , was formed from parts of Great Barrington and Washington, the Glass Works Grant, and part of Williams's Grant. It was incorporated Oct. 21, 1777, and the first town meeting was held Dec. 26, 1777. The number of inhabitants at the time of incorporation has been vari- ou.sly estimated from 250 to 350. It is probable that the latter number is more correct. In 1 791 the population was 1 , 1 70 ; in 1 800 it was 1 ,207. The first settlers were mostly from neighboring towns, and from Con- necticut. Several families, liowever, were from Plymouth and Barnstable counties, and several Dutch families from New York, were located on the Hoplands, and Glass Works Grant. Soon after the incorporation, a con- siderable accession to the population was made by families from Barnstable, Sandwich, Wareham, Falmouth and other Cape towns, where the sea-far- ing occupations of the people had been partly suppressed by the British during the War of the Revolution, forcing them to seek a subsistence else- where. The publishments and marriages, births, and deaths among these pio- neers, which are recorded on our town and church records, with also, the few in.scriptions in our early burial grounds are gathered into this volume. The vital records of the town clerks include all entries to the present centuiy, but as the birth records in this town were arranged by fam- ilies until 1S44, when tiie present uniform system of vital records went into effect in this state, in order to make this department of the records satis- factory, and of use to genealogists, each (jf these family records is given as completely as recorded — several extending into tlie third decade of the present century. The town clerks for the period over which the birth records in the vol- ume extend, were as below, witli tlie term of service of each: — Prince West wa.s chosen at the first town meeting and served to March IS, 17K2, but according to tlie first two publisliments recorded (seep. 1), he acted as such before he was chosen Dec. 2(), 1777; Thomas Beecher served from March IS, 17S2 to April 7, 17s:{; Natlian Dillingham from April 7, 17S;} to March 4, to 17!):?. and also from March 7, 1N14 to Marcli 4, 1S1(5; Daniel Wilcox from March 4. 17i»:{ to March :{, lHO(i; Nathaniel Tliayor Ironi March :;, ISUdto March !), ISUT; Cornelius T. Fessendeu from March !), 1807 to March 7. 1814; Ransom Hinmaii from March 4, 1816 to March 8, 1824. The records prior to Jan. 24, 1791, were first entered in a make-shift book, from whicli they were transcribed into a more jjermanent volume by Mr. Jolni Powers, in accordance with a vote of the town Dec. 20, 1790. The orijjrinal has not been preserved. The copy appears to be the work of a man of slijrht education. It abounds in rare orthography and construc- tion, but is in a fairly legible hand. Mainly the records for that period pertain to town meeting transactions, elections for state and county officers, cattle marks, and road surveys;— the vital records received little consideration. The copied part of the records extend'^ over more than thirteen years from the town's incorporation, and the vital records entered during that time, were the publishments and marriaires on the first two and a half pages of tills volume, and the following birth records:— Jo.soph Freeman Austin, p. 12; Sarah, Abitrail and Rebecca Dillingham, p. 21; Children of Asahel Dodge, except Samuel p. 21; Percival record to Hannah, p. HH; Walker record, excepting deatii of Caleb, p. 88; Mary. Prudence, and John Brewster West, p. :59; Christian and Azuba NVood, p. 42. The dates of most of the above mentioned births, prove that they were originally recorded by Dillingham, and judging from the peculiar form of entry, it is probable the others were recorded by West. The only deatli noted is tliat of Huldah Walker, in the above mentioned Walker record. The list of marriages at the bottom of p. 3, was recorded by Nathan Dillingham, and a f(>w birth records are in his writing, also the record of Caleb Walker's deatli. Several of the publishments of the preceding clerk were rc-orded by Daniel Wilcox. It is supposed that the record of pub- lishmeiiTs and marriages by the latter is complete. Most of the birth records herein iiriiitcni are wholly or in part in his writing. Wilcox's records are not very plain. Evidently he drove a rapid, and careless quill. In his manuscript small e and i are generally indistinguish- able, and the .same character often stands for small a, o and u. Altogether his writing is very peculiar. Numerous woi-ds are not fully written out, — the most frequent fault in this respect being the omission of a letter or syllable from the end of words. The last peculiarity is nor often seen in his vital records, but cler for clerk api:;ears in the last intention on p. 5, and sevei-al times also on p]). 7, 8, 9. Some date-errors aLso appear; as for instance, he records that his brotlier Oziel was killed at Sheffield, March 27, 1 787. Oziel was an adherent of Daniel Shays, and was killed in the skirni- isli wliicli rook i)laceb('r\veon tlie insurgents and state forces at Sheffield Feb. 27, J 787. Other errors of date have been noticed, and where cou.sider- able are noted. His record of tlie death of his brother Peter (p. 46), and of hissister Electa (p. 48), are circumstantial to an extent seldom attempted by town clerks. The records in Dillingham's own hand, and those by the other clerks, were more carefully written, and probably are more correct. For further information regarding the birth records, consult note on p. 1 2. and regarding the record of deaths, consult note on p. 4^. There are doubtless some gaps in the continuity of the church records be- fore Dr. Hyde's pastorate, but the names of all members of the church are mentioned therein, which appear for that period in the first published list (supposed date 1818), except David Baker, and Stephen Tobey, received in 1 792. Whether all the baptisms are mentioned, cannot be determined. The records kept by Dr. Hyde contain a list of all baptisms, admissions to the church, marriages solemnized by him, and deaths in town from June 6, 1 1\)2 to the time of his death in 1838. His records herein printed are limited to the close of the year 18U0. The matter from both the town and church records, has been carefully [iriuted from tlie original manuscripts — the spelling, abbreviations, and ])unctuation being exactly given, and since it was i)rinted has been compared with the original, and all typographical errors, which have been discovered, have been corrected or are noted among the errata on p. 108. All the inscriptions antedating 1801 in the early bm'ial grounds are care- fully reproduced, and the nuirriages of some Lee people recorded in other towns, are given in the appendix; also several family records inadvertently omitted from the records of births, pp. 12-42. The reason the volume is limited to so short a period of the town's ex- istence is that it has been for the most part printed from forms for a larger book which contains all the extant records of the town officers. Congre- gational church, Hopland School District, etc., for the same period,— a few necessary changes of type having been made. It was thought a few coines containing only the matter herein given, might be of value for local use, and for genealogical libraries, and so it was proposed to print 150 coi)ies, but in ])rintiiig, several extra sheets were struck off — the whole being 158. (pu6ft0§men(0 an^ (\tl,'(' 210. I find no n.'cord of the iii;irriui,'i; of tht- abovt? numed poraoiis. [8ign<>d,] E. A. Newell, City Clerk. [1897.) Orasha Strong and Pasahance StevensWas Published as the Law Directs february 20th AD: 1779 Pr me Prince West february 20 AD: 1779 Timothy Treat of Lenox and Bulah Strong of Lee Was Published as the Law Directs Pr me Prince West Published March the 1st AD: 1779 the Intention of Marage Between Orasha Strong and Patiauce Stevens Both of Lee as the Law Directs Prince West March 4th 1779 The Within Named Orasha Strong and Patience Stevens Was Joyned in Lawful Wedlock Before uie Stephen West ai True Copy atested By me Prince West Town Clark Published March the 3d AD: 1779 fenner foot and sarah Willcox Both of Lee Pr me Prince West Clark March the nth 1779 the Within named fenner foot and Sarah Willcox was Joyned in Lawful Wedlock Before me Stephen West a true Coppy Tested by me Prince West Town Clark Published August 20 AD: 1779 francis Nye And Meriam Dodge Both of Lee as the Law Directs By me Prince West Town Clark Lee Sepi; 2d 1779 the Within Name[d] francis Nye and Meriam Dodge was Joyned in Lawful Wedlock before me Stephen West a True Copy Attest By me Prince West Town Clark Lee October 10th AD: 1779 then Intention of Marage Between John Nye of Lee and Louis West of Tolland has been published as the Law directs Lee October 12 AD: 1779 then the Intention of Marage Between Eben- ezer West of Lee and Mehitibel Nye of Wilingtown Was Published as the Law Directs Lee October 13th 1779 then the Within Named Seth Nye and Ama West Ware Joyned in Lawful Wedlock before me Stephen West Lee June 20th AD: 1780 the Day Aaron Wormer and Pheba Vallet * * * t Published as the Law Directs Pr me Prince West October Published Lewis Hatch of Lee and Mary Davis of Lee Pr me Prince West T Clark November 24 AD: 1780 Nathaniel Gillet of Newlebenon [and] Sibbel Calkins of * * * t Published Pr me Prince West Town Clark December 3 AD: 1780 Published Amasiah Dotty of Plimtown and Bathiah Hamlin of Lee By me Prince West Town Clark December 10 AD: 1780 — Published John haas of Kinderhoock and ficha Howk of Lee Pr me Prince West Lee March 19 AD: 1782 Nathaniel Toby and Deborah finney Was Pub- lished as the Law Directs Pr me Prince West The Within Named Nathaniel Toby & Deborah finney Ware Joyned in Lawful Wedlock Before me Wi" Ingersoll Justice of the Peace March 21 AD: 1782 ; Reoord mutilated. Lee 1783 Solomon Davis i aiidj Martha Mansfield Both of Lee arc Pub- lished Accordinf? to the Custom of the Town Pr me T B T G Lee 1782 Jedediah Crocker and Sarah Gilford both of Lee are published Accordiuf: to the Custom of the Town pr me T B Town Clark Lee 1782 Ozial Willcox [and] Lois goodrich both of Lee are Published According to the Custom of the Town Pr me T B Town Clirk ['6vv bi;lo\v for marriage.] Lee November the Ifith 1732 Jared Ingersoll of Lee Elizarbeth Nibelow of Sharron are Publislied According to the Custom of the town pr me T B Town Clark Lee November the 24 AD: 1782 Ely Bradley and Phebe Bartiline Both of Lee Are Published According to the Custom of the Town "^r me T B — Town Clark Sunday April i:^t'» 1"S3 Wm Ingersoll Jur and Marcy Crocker were Published by N Dillingliam Published the following, Isral Smith & Mehettabel Howard Walter Tiffany & Sally Avery Levi West & Bathshua Rider David Baker & Vina Crocker Peter Willcox Jr & Polly Mansfield Jesse Bartholomew & Maniry Bradley Married May 26th 1784— Isaac Grant & Hanah Tracey [The foregoiiiR PuWishnuMits and Marriages are in the writing of Jolm Powers, copyist . Till' following list oi Marriages is in Nathan Dillingham's writing:] Marriages. Capt Josiah Yale married to Ruth Tracey Septemr 26th 1776. Nehemiah Smith & Fanny Mansfield, May 28th 17S!). David Foot & Betsey Hamlin Jany — 12th i789. Rufus Stanton Jr & Rac-hel Eddey - Octr 18th 1789. John Green & Martha HaniUn Deer lot 178 Lenox Records, Book 1 ((jrigiiiai), paje 3i3. t "William Foot and Abia Vallet of Lje were m.irried Nove ub.n- 9th Ijy R,-v. Alvan Hyde." fetockoridge Records. The iiitenrioti of marriage between Calvin Davis & Hanuah Crocker both of Lee was made public Deer 17— 17'J7 by D. W Marrieci Feb. l^t 1798 by Revd Alvau Hyde Tlie inteutiou of marriage between L?vi Fowler of Stockbndge and Silence Chase of Lee was made public Feb. 4tli 1798 by Dani Willcox T. Cler married Feb. •■iZ-'i- 1798 by Ebeur Jenkins Esq t The intention of marriage between Elisha Dodge & Betsey Crosby both of Lee, made public Api. 15—1793 married June 21-*^, 1793 by Revi A. Hyde The intention of marriage between John White Jr of Norton, & Fear Perry of Lee, made public June 17—1798 by D. Willcox T. Cler— Married Dec; 18th 1798 by Revd Alvau Hyde The intention of marriage between Alvan Foot of Lee & Sally Percival of Lenox made public June 24th 1798 by D. Willcox T. Cler. ; The inteutiou of marriage between Joshua West of Lee and Mary Newell of Lenox made public Aug. 5th 1798 by D. Willcox T. Cler +t The intention of marriage between Elijah Kilborn of Lee & Lydia Tooley of Gt Barrington made public Novr 25 1798 Married Jany :3J 1799 by Rev i A Hyde Tlio inrention of marriage between Oliver Wedge of Litclifield and Martha C4rant of Lee. made public Novf 25 1798 Married Deer 20th 1798 by Revd Alvan Hyde The intention of marriage between Luther Dsy of Granville & Meribah Smith of Lee made public Deer 1798 Married May 12 1799 by Revl A Hyde The intention of marriage between Lodowick Gardner & Hannah Vallet both of Lee made public Deer 6th 1798 The intention of marriage between Luther Ingersoll of Lee & Betsey Gardner of Tyringham made public Deer 15th 1798 The intention of marriage between Andrew Howk & Betsey Mansfield made public Feb. 24th 1799 Married March 21 1799 by Rev A Hyde The intention of mariag between John Gardner of Tyringham & Delia Chillis of Lee, made public Apl 14th 1799 Married Septr 22 1799 by Rev A Hyde The intention of marriage between Levi Church of Lee, & Hannah Gardner of Tyringham, made public June 2. 1799. t "Lrf-vi Fowk-r and Silence Chase of L -e were married Feb. 22iid, 1798 by Ebcnezer Jenkens E.-ia." Stockbridge Records. i "By R«-v. Samuel Shepard— Alvan Foot of Lee to Sarah Perci\a' of Leno.x Septem- ber 27 h. 1T98." L.-nox T. R., Book 1 (oriuinul), p. 340. 1 1 "By Rev. fiamnel Shepard — losluia West of Lee to Mary Newel of Lenox .September nth. ITS'fe." Ibid.,p. 3.11. 10 The intention of marriage between Thomas Chadwick & La -iuila In- gersoll both of Lee made public June 9tli 1799. Married Septr 16 1799 byRevd A Hyde The intention of marriage between Eli Church of Lanesborough & Eliza- beth Chadwick of Lee made public Octr 6th 1799. Married Feby 6 1800 by Revd A Hyde The intention of marriage between Timothy Thatcher of Lse and Dorothy Phelps of Hebron (Connect) made public Octr 1799 The intention of marriage between Jeduthau West & Phebe Willcox both of Lee made public Deer 29th 1799 Married Apt 24th 18OO by Rev^ A Hyde The intention of marriage between Simeuu Clark & Lucy Backus both of Lee made Public JmiY 5th 18OO. Married by Revd Alvan Hyde Jauy 23— ISOO The intention of marriage between Sami Barlow & Sena Wilcox both of Lee made public Api 5th 18OO Married May 1 1800 The intention of marriag between Cornel^ Fesseuden &: Nancy Ball b oth of Lee made public Api 1800 Married Aug. 8th 18OO by Revd Alvan Hyde The intention of marriag between John Rathbun & Colia Tob:\v both of Lee made public May 4th 18OO Married June 26 1800 by Rv. A Hyde The intention of marriage between Benjn Davis of Tyringham & Thank- ful Hambliu of Lee made public May 11th 18O) And married by Ebeny Jenkins Esq June 5 th 18OO The intention of marriage between Thomas Backus & Rebecca Couch both of Lee made public May 1800 Married Octy 80 1800 by Revd A.Hyde The intention of marriage between Philip Packard of Stockbridge and Rachel Gilford of Lee, made public Aug. 11th I8OO Married Septr 1 1800 by Revd Hyde The intention of marriage between Job Childs of Lee & Nabby Hamb- liu of Lenox made public Aug. 17th 1800 t The intention of marriage between Asael Stanton & Polly Ball ""both of Lee made public Septr 7th ISOO Married Octr 6th 18OO by Revd Alvau Hyde The intention of marriage between Ebenr Porter & Eunice Yale both[of ] Lee made public Septr 14th 18OO Married Jauy 8th 18OO [1801J by Revd Alvan Hyde t Thi.s intention also entered (.same date) on Lenox T. R., Book 1 (original), p. 3154. t S«e p. 108. TliP intention of marriape belrween Aniasa Porter & Betsey Winegar Lotli of Lee made public Septr 14th ISOO Married Octr 30—1800 by A Hyde The intention of marriage between Job Childs & Rhodah Hatch both of Lee made public Septr 2btl» 1800 Married Oct>; 30 1800 by Rev A Hyde Tlie intention of marriage between James Xye & Thankful Crocker bot.h of Lee, made public Octv 12th 1800 Married Jany 23—1801 by Rev. A Hyde The intention of marriage between Edward Hatch of Lee & Lucy Tay- lor Lenox made public Ocf 12th isoo J The intention of marriage between James Whitou & Deborah Bassett both of Lee made public Novi; 9tn 1800 Married Deer 18 1800 by Rev. A Hyde The intention of marriage between Matthew Vaudusen of Lee & Betsey Braymau of Tyriugham, made public Nuvi; i)ih ],S00 The intention of marriage between Revd Jabez Chadwick of Salem & Sally Stewart of Lee, made Public Decv 1800 Married Jany 8t[h] i.sOl by Revd Alvau Hyde — [Amon^' the entri.-s in 181 a, is tlie followinK :] This may certify that the intention of marriage between John Remmele A: Hannah Barlow both of Lee [was] made public Feby IG, 1796 married by Revtl Alvau Hyde April lOth 1795 t This intention is also in the Lenox Records (same dutti, and the niarrii-ge recorded as follows: "J801, Juny 1st Edward Hatch of Lee to Lucy Taylor of Lenox." Note^From the appearance of the Records, it would seem that the publishments and marriaKe< were not always promptly recorded, but were allowed to accumulate and ■entered when convenient. Thus several of Nathan Dillingham's publishments were recorded by the succeeding clerk, Daniel Wilcox. The entries also, are not always Siven chronologically, and there a'-e several entered twice. The small number of entries between 1780 and 1790 can only be explained on the presumption that they art- not all g:vjn. The marriages of several Lee people have Lejn found on the records of other towns, and will bi- given in llie appi^ndix. (Kecorb0 of (§ivt^s. Note:— The following family birth records, which in the original are scattered over many pages without order, are arranged aliJhabetically for convenience of consulta- tion. All births recorded prior to January 1, IfcOl, are given, and every record com- menced, given ill full, excc-pt those of Ransom and Polly Hinman, and Reuben and Susanah Carey— no children being bi rn to them until after the above date. In some of these family records, all the births .seem to have bee i recorded at the same time; in others after one or more had been recorded, space was left, which in s me cases remains blank, but in some, more space, as the years passed was required, and the record was continued on another page. Childreu of Seth Abbot Jr & Irene his wife Cyuthia bona Septr 23, 17'J7 Children of Benjamin Adams & Sarah his wife James T. born July 7th 1797. Joseph Freeman Austin, son of James and Aehsah Austin, born May 3d 1790 Zafne Austin born Feb. 18tii 1792 Die! Aug. 26, 179:3 An infant born May 4. 179S Died May 4, 1798 John Novr 9 1799 Children of Ichabud Backus & Deliverence his wife Deborah brrn Jany 39 — 1779 Simeon Api 16 1786 Joshua born Apl 10 — 1781 Cornelius Ocf 8th 1788 Job, Feby 10 — 1784 David March 31 - 1791 Leliverence his wife died Nov 13th 1793 Children of Wallev Backus, & Grace his wife. Alma Gasrer, born Octr 25th 1794. Azel Huntington, Jan.y 26th 1797. Remember Toby, July 8th 1799. Walley. Aupt 4t:i I8OI. Died Mathew Vandusen.Jany loth i804. A Son, born May (jth is06, & died May Elizabfvth born Oct'; 24 — 1807 Walley — Dec 28 - 1809 Leander — June 10, 1812 Jane E March 19, 1814 George Alien Feby 27 1817. ■h Children of Thomas Bailey. & Esther his wife. Smith boi'U in Haddam, Connecticut Nov; -1} 17S9. Wealthy May KJth 1792. David Anril 2.1 I SOI. Orren July 21st 1794. (Jliver Ocf; ;50'h 1803. Thomas born Mav 2sth 1797. Childi •en of Di ;ivid Baker & Silvina his wife Sally born Septi; 10th 1784 Lydia — March .Ot!i 1786 Lemuel — July Sth 1788 Silvina Uctr :;Oth 1790 David — Septr 1st 1793 Samuel Crocker born May 9th I7'.)(3 John — Feb. 16 1799 Avis born Sept: 2(1 1801 Died the same day An infant born Xovr 14th 1802 & died Xovr loth 1802 Ebenr A pi :3d 1804 Died Api. 4th 1804 Nancy Born Feby . 22, 1S06 Avis Crocker August 16;h 1808 Children of Nathan & Ruhamah Ball Nathan Born Feby 23.1 1768 - in Stockbridg( Lydia June 6th ]7(;9 D^ Polly March leth 1772 Do Sarah " April 25th 1773 Do - Elizabeth Jauy 21=?t 1775 Do Martha May 13th 1776 - - Lee John July 25th 1777 " Anna Deer 14th 1778 James Octobr 18th 1781 Samuel ' ' Augt 20th 1783 " Isaac ' ' July l«t 17K6 " Joseph April 30t)i 1787 Sally Gctobf 31-1 1788 Died Children of Nathau Ball, & Fear Lucy born Oct: 17th 1798. Rhoda Nancy — July 20th i800. William — Amanda — Septr 19th 1802. Riiode — Nathau — Aug:t 31?t 1804. Harriot — 5 wife. born Jany 6th i«07. July 2f), 1809 May 1, 1812 March, 1814 Children oi Lot Barden, & Luciuda his wife. born April 8th 1803. — May 16th 1805. — July 10 1807. Sally. born June 2':i 1795. Jerus Deborah, — Feby 17th 1797. Asa, Betsey, Feby 27th 1799. Isaac Elijah, May 29th 1831. Lydia R. Barlow, Daughter of Pelej? & Esther Barlow.bora Feb. 5th 1798. Childi-en of Ancel Bassett & Hannah his wife. an Infant born May 6, 1797 Died May 26 — 1797 Ephraim Dimmuck born Novy 16th 1798. Cynthia born Jauy 2ti^ 1802 Semautha bcra July 24 1805 Nancy Born August 31st 1807 Marietta " Octobr 17th ISIO Children of Reuben Barlow and Nabby his wife An infant born 15th 17!):5 and Died March 16th 1793 — An infant born Septy 17th 1796 and died the same day — Joseph Warren born June 8th 1798 Samuel Born April 13th 1S02 Children of Cornelius Bassett & Remember his wife Elisha born Jany 22 1782.- Johu — Jany 3 - 1784 Nathan June 29 1785 an infant July 13-1791 Died July 1791 Remember Nye May 6 — 1793 Experience March 6-1796 Rachel Jaly 25th 1799 15 Childrou of Cornelius Bassett Jr and Abigail his wife Nancy born Monday March 1 - 1784 & died of the Small Pox March l!)tii 1785 Nancy burn Tuesday April 24 178r) Lemuel born Friday 18th April 178S Lydia born Wednesday June 9th 17<)0 Thomas born Sabbath April 14th 17!):5 Harriet born - Sabbath January lOrh 1790 Died Jan.v li)th 1798 Cornelius born Aug. 31st I7i)!). Children of Nathan\ Bassett & Bethiah his Wife Deborah Webb Bassett born August I8th 1782 Hannah — — May 80th 1784 John Smith — March 2!)th 1787. Died SeptV l'2th 18O6. Nabby _ _ _ Deer 14 1789 Polly' — — — Feby 2(5 1792 Nathaniel — — — June 12 1794 Isaac _ _ — Jany 18 - 1797 Joseph _ _ _ Aug — 7— 1799 Died Aug. 10 1800 Joseph born — — — March 27 - 1801 — Harriet — — — Septr 12th iHO'S — Children of Aron Benedict and Marali his wife Esther born May 1-1778 Died May — 1778 Eunice July 11-1779 Died July 13 1779 Clarissa born August 7 - 1780 Aron Aug. 18-1786 Stephen Novr 9 - 1782 Desire Novr 18-1788 Lucinda Aug 7-1784 Nathn July 1 1790 Died July 3-179t Marah his wife died July 11-1790 — Married Betsy Randal 1791 Betsey born Jany 21-1792 Eunice Deer 4-1798 Molle'y Jan 21-1792 Huldah Octr 11 - 1795 Children of George Bennett and Betsey his wife Henry born June 21 - 1788 Betsey born Api 7th 1790 died Septr 8 - 1790 Prudence born March 3 - 1792 Betsey born March 7 - ]79() Children of Jfjseph Brace & Mary liis Wife Harry born July 22, 1795 Caroline Augt 12 1801 Charles April II, 1799 Elisha Nov 9, 1803 t Last f'lKurt; oiiiitti-d. Children of Asael I. Bradley & Ab'.crail his wife Noah Roger born Ocf: 2d - 1797 Celui Seprr lii- i7So Anne Octv 7— 1787 Pully Jane I'Jth 1789 Josiah July 81 - 1791 Children of Eli Bradley & Phebe his wife Philo born ucfi; 2-1783 Sail Octr 6-1793 William Feb. :io - 1796 Ell, born July 81^t 1798 Phebe, born July 13t> 1803. Colonel Jai'ed Bradley born Au?. 35 - 1760 Charity his first wife born March - 4 1759 Their Children as follows Esther born Tue >dav July 23-1782 Abigail born Thursday January 36- 1 786 Stephen - Thursday Mp.rch 25-1784 Rhoda - Friday March 21-1788 Charity his wife Died July 31-1790 Married Phebe Muiison June 8 1791 and born February 7-1767 Charity born Friday March 23 - 1792 Rachel bcru Monday Novi- 25 - 1793 Thomas Eusiiie Munson born April 9 - 1796 Jared, born Octr y 179s Anson born Api 15, 1805 Charity, born Nov. 22d 1800 Mary — Sept 5, 1807 Harriot — Deer 24tii 1802 Hannah E. Jau 12, 1811 Children of Jesse Bradley Jr and Lucy his wife An infant born Jany 27th 1791 and Dead Lucy born Aug. 13 1799 Betsey born Feb. 26, 1792 Jesse born Aug. 3d 1802. Amanda born Cct^ 26 - 1794 Erastus born July 6ih 1806. Lydia born Decf 2 - 1796 Amanday, born April 27, 1815 Chi'dreu o'i Trseph Bradl. y and Eunice his wife An inf; i;t bcru May 23. 1789 ;ind Died immediately Senath — Se] ;r 14 _ 1791. Eunice born Noyr 16 - 1794 Joel — Maich22-1793 Pamelia — July 25th 1798 — ChiUireii of Setli Burden & Bothiuh his wife. Betsey, born Deer 1st 171)1. Died Jan. 2.1 17it7. David, — Sept. '^riii I7:t:5. William born Dec: 9th 1805. Thomas — June lOth ITJHJ. — Deer 20 .h 1800. Thankful — Au-jt 07th 1798. Simeon — Augt 11-1807 Bethiah — June 9tli 1800. Hannah — Sepr H - 1H09 Seth Augt lOth ISO'2. Ezra — Sep.- l.o - 1812 [A partial, dupl icate list IS also irivci 1 on a:i. )th.T paj;.' of thf Re.'urds, a^ the chiUlrcn of iieth Harden aud Betliiah his wife] Reuben Carey born Feb 2".^ 1777 Wifi- Susanah " Octr 4, llsS [No child borii until liJ And Died October 4ih 1784 — John boin Monday August 231 1784 Samuel born Saturday February 24ih 178!) And Died August 20th 1787- Sarah born Saturday October 20th i787 Samuel born Sabath August 24th ]789 — Rhoda born February ]2ih 1792 Ancel born Tliursday November 21st 1793 _ Daniel born Monday Augu.'t-.'2 1796 Children of George Chanter & Martlia his wile William boiu (Jcf 27'-li 1788 — Children of Levi Chase and Temperence his wife Polly born Deer 5 Silence born July 31 Levi Marcy Seth Thomas Nabby Betsey Tabitha May 25 - Jau3' 8th March 13 - June 1 - Apl 1: Deer 2 - July r - 1777 1779 1781 1782 1783 1785 1788 1789 1791 Died Feb. 5th 1782 Died May — 1783 Died July -1791 Children of Daniel Church & Hannah his wife Rachel born July 26th 1770. Daniel June 8th 1772 Died May 10—1783 Levi Aug. 14th 1775 Eli Aug. 19th 1777 Dani Septr 8 — 1783 Died Feb. 16 1784 Hannah tiie wife of Daniel Church Died April 15th 1784 Marrieci Anne Bates Septr 20th 1785 Hannah born Aug. 7th 1787. Anne June 16th 17 Children of Jesse Clark & Sarah his wife Eli born Septr 30- 1779 John Feb. 14th 1793 Cynthia Septr 22 - 1782 Charles July 1 — 1795 Jesse Aug 21 - 1784 Alma born October 3d 1797 Sarah Aug. 24 - 1786 Chauncy Fenner Deer 20th 1799 Mildred Aug. 21 - 1788 Ruth :iay 24th 1802- Triphenia Novr 5 - 1790 Children of Jonatuan Clark, & Desire his wife. Septr 20th 1784. April 11th 1786. Octr 1st 1788. Febr 16th 1790. July 22';l 1793. born July 9th 1 801. Jonathan, "] Joshua, I Abel Potter, inborn in Charlestown, Rhode island Rebecca, | Amy, J Samuel, born Octr 14th 1795. Sylvia, Joseph Crocker, born Novr 21wt 1797. Alvan, Octr sd 1803. Children of Archabald Collins and Rhoda his wife Hannah born IS'ovr 24th 1788 Children of Samuel Couch & Hannah his Wife born May 26, 1790 Hannah bora July 23, 1802 Marcus Phebe — June 28, 1793 Fhirza — Feb 14. 1795 Ferriss Nov 14, 1806 Children of Stephen Couch & Polly his wife John Morton born March 7— 17',»4 Susanna Aug 10- Childreu of Elisha Crocker & Lucy his wife David born Octr 27th 1775 Zeruah born January 18 1778 Sophia born Novr 22 — 1779' Mira born Septr 17th 1781 ^ Laura born ^Larch 18 — 1784 Elisha born Novr U 1785 William born June 18 1789 - Electa Lewis May I9th 1791 ^ John Dimmuck March 14 1793 -v Lucy born May 12 — 1795. \ Lucius, boru April IGfh 1798. ^ Zeruah born Sept. 21^t 1801. Children of Jedediah Crocker and Sally his wife Noah lorn Aug. :j-l7S3 =-• Elizabeth Apl 16— 1792 \ Jedediah Davis born May 30 1785 v^ Polly May 2—1795 -- Sarah March 19-1787 Philna Aug 1798. n Samael Ap'. 17— 1790 x Children Sarah boru March Benji> born Chrysilda Betsey Clark N.)vr PoUry Apl of Joseph Crocker & Martha his wife 16-1782 Asa June 19— 179^ 14—1784-,, Abigail Uctr 1-1794 18—1786^ Joscpli boru Apl 1 1797- IS— 1788-. William born March 26— 18(X) ;j_17<)0, Sabrina — March 26 1803 Children of Joseph Crocker Jr and Polly his wife Elizabeth Wormer born Septr 4-1790 Marcy Hamlin Doer 1 — 1791 Died Septr 7— l79.-i — Tenipereuce born Novr 1(1—1793 Joseph born Deer 1 7— 1795 Died July 24— 1796 Josepli Cn.cker J'; (ii.-d Jaii.v s -i796 in the :iOth Year of his age Childreu of Josiali Crocker & Hanuah his wife -Seth born Jany 5—1796 Thomas March 15— 1797 Died April 6— 1797 Betsey Crosby boru Ap\ .Sd 1798 Died Dec; 33—1798 Josiah boru Septv 23d 1799. Theressa born Feby 5[^ 1804. Betsey born March 3 1795. Charles, born Deer nth 18OI. Lyman, — April IGtU 1798. Thomas — Decv 14'.ii 1804. Children of John Crosby Jr and Salome his wife Au infant boru March 24 1793 Died Api 31—1793 An infant boru Api 31— 1795 Died May 1st 1795 Salome born July 33-1796. Joseph born July 13, 1805 Horace born Aug. 12, 1799 Josiah — June 28, 1809 John, Jan 31, 1801 — Charles — July 4, 1811 Anna, March 33, 1803 Children of Calvin Davis & Hannah his Wife Joseph born Feb. 35tli 1779. Isaac born Septi" 8fh 1801. Calvin Davis, Son of Isaac Davis, born March oth 1 r78. — Reuben Davis Son to John Davis born Jane 8II1 1783 Cliildren of Nathan Davis and Lucy his wife Jedediah born May 3—1779 Died May Ki— 1779 Sarah March 31— 1780 Died Novv 1780 Lucy boru Septv 11—1781 Isaac Deer 30—1791 Hannah Octr 30—1783 Bath.'^heba August 26—1794 Nathan Fee. 16 1786 Hope July 17—1796 Charita August 18—1789 — Marcy July 1799 Children of Sami Davi: & Priscilla his wife Sally born August 16—1783 — Sanii born June 1790 Hope March 1783 — Priscilla Api. 1792 Parmele Jany 1785 Wait Novr 36- 17S)4 Rebeca May 15—1787 Lewis March 1797 21 Children of Solomou Davis and Martha his Wife t?ally Davis born May 24tii 1TN3 Lucinda born Sepr 21 1791 Patty — Ap\ 26 1785 Betsey Feb. 19—1794 Bathsheba — June 27 — 1787 Solomou born Aug. 25 — 1796 Oziel — Api. 2d 1789 Children of Timothy Davis and Tabitha his wife born March 2d 1741 Mary born FaLuouth Novr 29tli 1761 Thomas born Do May 9th 17(54 Anna Davis Do April 22^ 17t)G Rowland Davis Do Aug. ;5 1770 Ephraim born Do Octr 11 — 1772 Timothy born Do Oct^ 21 — 1774 Children of Stephen Dexter & Lydia his wife Benjamin Backus born July 30 — 1795 Eveline born Jaiiy Children of Nathan & Rebecca Dillingham born Sarah Dillingham born Saty Octr 11th i7S3. Abigail Dillingham born Sat.y Feby 25th 1786 Rebecca Dillingham — Friday Feby 29th 1 788. William Henry Dillingham Tuesday Augt 3d 1790. Lucy Dillingham born Saturday, July 14th 1790 Nathan Dillingham Octr 17th 1794. John Dillingliam Thursday Feb. If. — 1797 Charles born Monday July 22 1799 Nancy, born April 26th i802. George Wa.shiagton born Octr 2()th 18O4. Boui-u Green Born Mav 3(;tlj 1807 Cliildren of Asahel Dodge and his wife, born as follows -- Hanah, born Januaiy 12th 1770 — Asahel born Novr 23d 1784 Seymovir, — April 29th 177.S Sarah — March isth i7h7 Abraham— Septemr 29th 1780 - Samuel — May 29th 1793 Homan — Novr 7th 1732 Childreu of Elisha Dodge & Betsey his wife Harriot — born Aug. 13th 1799. Almira born June 6th 1802. Elisha — Julv 12th 1805. Children of Henry & Hannah Donnelly ^ Eleazer Donnelly born Nov; 9th nss. George Gardner Donnelly born Xovr 18th 1791. Children of Silas Easton and Rachel his wife Polly born January 30th 1795 and Died February 15th 179.5 Thomas Nye born Octv 20th 1796 Children of Paul Ewer & Marcy his wife John born Septv 2—1783 — Nabby 1791 Tilson 1785 Martha 1793 Polly 1787 Paul March 28—1795 Jane June 7 — 1789 Marcy his wife Died Maicli 28 — 1795 Children of Abraham Finney & Huldah his wife Ezra born August 23d 1795 an infant born Jany 17 — 1797 Died Jany 17 — 1797 Children of Ancel Finney & Polly his wife Barnabas born July 23(1 1798. Benjamin Franklin born June 3d 1801 Died Septr 2d 1802 — Lemau Franklin born June 6th i803 — Mary born March 13th I8II. Caleb Barn um born July 22d 1805. Anselm Jr. November 2d 1814. Amanda Mauerva June 26th 1807. 23 Children of Barnabas Finuey & Deborah his wife Ancel born Deer 25th 1773 _ Calviu Feb. 7th 1777 Benjn May 28—1775 — Sylvanus Deer 15th 1778 — Barnabas Finuey died June 30—178 [Last figrure omitted, j Deborah Finney Married Nathl Tobey Their Children Experience born Deer 28 — 1782 Samuel Octr 22—1784 — Marah Septr 18—1786 Cynthia May 17—1792 — Barnabas March 18 1795— Died Api 17—1795. Children of Jonathan Finney and Sarah his wife Polly born Octr 19th 1789 Died Novr 1—1791 George born Api 2—1791 Phebe Feb. 15—1794 Polly July 2—1792 Selden Septr 1—1795 Children of Alvan Foot & Sally his wife Twins born Aug. 4th 1799 One died same day The other's name is John William Alvan, born June 10th 18OI. Sarah — May 22, 1808 — Elisha Percival, born,March lOtli 1803. Jonathan, Dec. 5. 1812 — Marshal, born, Nov. 28th 1805. Harriot — April 3, 1815 Huldah Jane Feby 7 1821 Children of Asael Foot and Anno his wife — Sally born Api 2—1794 Amanda — — Jan.v 13th my.]. Elizabeth Deer 25 — 1795— Asahel & Anne twins born Deer 16th 1804 Lyman July 9th 1798 Lydia — — Sepr 13, 1807- Charles May 12th I8OO Cliildren of David Foot & Betsey his wife Betsey born June 23—1786 — Thomas May 21—1788 Silas Aug. 18—1791 David July 11 — 1792— Died Octr 13—1792 Deliverenco May 3 — 1794 Tciupcranco, born Xov. 7'h 1800. Laovisa Novr 29th 17'.)<; -- Raiisum, Feb. loth 1802. 24 Childreu of Elisha Foot & Dille his wife & born Apr. 29—1785 Chaudser borii Aug. IS)— 1797 Sophia — July 13th 1807 Amelia born Feby 1 -it 1799 Elisha Augt 1, 1809 Justus Battle *• Jany 25th 1801 Delia born at Lenox Ap'. 5, 1814. Ransom HiumauAprill3tlii,so;3 Geo. Franklin born at albany Henrietta Jany 19th 1805 March 13 1817 Children of Fenner Foot and Sarah his wife Lucinda born Sepf; 8th 1779 Erastus born Septr 4 1792 Calvin born Deer 15-1781 Fenner born OctV 10 1794 Daniel born Feb. 17-1784 Sena born Ocfr 18th 1796 Olive born Feb. 2-1786 Cyrus born June 18fh 18OO. Jerusha born Octf 20-1789 Children of Jonathan Foot Jr an[d] Deliverence Elisha born Jany 22 1775 — Alvan May 29 — 1777 Jerusha May 22—1780 and died Dec^ 9—1780 Jerusha Deer 23—1781 John May 7—1791 Died Octr 25—1791 Syh-anns Ap'- 12—1785 William Aug-24—] 793— & Died Octv 1793 Jonathan Feb. 11—1788 — Children of Lovisa Foot Melinda born July 22 1789 — Parthenia Oct'; 12, 1790 Children of Elisha Freeman and Elizabeth his wife Benjamin born Jany 21—1775 Thomas June 27 1777 and Died June 28 1780 Betsey March 27—1779 Thomas born July 28—1786 Elisha Septr 4-1781 Lydia Novr 10-1788 Fannv March 14—1784 Charles March 16—1793 Children of W'." Freeman & Jerusha his wife Alva Freeman born October 12th 1791 Sally — born Novv lOt.h 1793 John Percival born February 23 — 1797 Becsey — born February 23 1797 Died March 7—1797 Betsey — born July ISth 1799. 23 Children of Varmun Gardner & Mehitable his wife Sabrina, born Sepr 28, 1795 — Elisha — born Nov 28, 1803- Ira, born Augt 4, 171»7 — Benjamin born Dec 5, 1809 Lophina, born Augt 20, 1711!) — Mehitable born March 10, 1812 James, born Dec 1, 1801 — Caroline, born May 17, 1814 Children of James Gilford & Sarah his wife Eunice born Aug. 27th i792 Charles Peck born Aug 30, 1805 James born March 10th 1798 Children of Jesse and Ruth Gifford Caty born March 3—1775 Tho« born Api 17—1785 Betsey Aug. 20th 1777 Lydia June 10—1787 — Celia May 22—177!) Nabby Apl 11-1789 — Abraham Jaii.v 8thi;,si Ruth Octr 18thi792 Phebe Marcli 23— 17N3 Alvan J any 13th 1794 Children of John Gifford and Jehannah his wife Sylvanus born Sepf; 10th nsi — John born May 31—1785 Sylvia May 18 — 1783 Jeneverah born Deer 33—1787 Erastus Deer 29— 1791— Died Janr 5—1792 Jesse born Feb- 19— 1793 Died June 29-1794 Lewis Apl. 7—1795 Died Apl. 11—1795 Sally born Jany 31 1797 Lewis born May 19, 1800 Children of Elisha Grant & Marah his wife Elisha born Deer 29—1774 Rurh August 22—177(5 Esther Octr 14—1778 Prudence Deer 7—1780 Jared Septr C— 1782 Died May 15 1785 David born June 4-1784 _ Thankful May 12-1786 Orris Octr 16—1788 Eunice Apl 17—1791 Died March 19-1794 Polly born Octr 23-1793 Died Novr 10—1795 Isaac born Aug. 29. 1797 Children of Jonathan Graves & Anne his wife Archalaus born Septr lOth 1783 Joseph Nov 5—1785 Jonathan Api ■ 17—1788 Anne Apl 17-1788 Lester Deer 21 1790 John Deer 21 1790 Died Deer 22-1790 Rebeca Aug. 21-1793 Died Aug. 20-1795 Rebeca Octv 27-1796 Alvan & Alma- Twins born Feb. 23d 1799 Children of John Green & Martha his wife Philo born Deer 14—1791 Shubel born Feby 17tli 1799. William born Jany 16—1794 Abisha — Feb. 26th 18OI. Daniel born Novr 3—1795 Sally born Feby 24 1803 Jerusha born Apl 17—1797 Huldah May 12th 1805. Children of Abraham Hall & Rachel his wife Lydia born Jany 6th 1799 Harriot — Feb 27, 1807 John " June 15 1801 Albert Feb 1, 1809 Alma born March 25th 1803. Children of Abraham Hall & Second Rachel his wife Linus P — born Sepr 23^ 1810 Rachel March 28, 1812 — Luther Chaffee May 11, 1816 Children of Moses Hall, & Relief his wife. Charles, born Septr 12th 179S. Reuben), , ^.^ Nancy, — April 14\h I8OO. Relief > ^- • Lucy — May 29th 1S02. Children of Cornelius Hamlin and Mercy his wife Job born April 21— 1795 — William Finney June 21— 1796— Died Octr 23—1797 William Feb. 11 1799 Marcy, Nov 22, 1899. Stephen June 21, 1802. Mary — Jan 20, 1811. LucyF. April 11, 1804 Job — Jan 15, 1813 Hannah, June 12, 1806. Cliildien of David Hamlin and Sally his wife — Natby born Aug. 4— lT9o Nathaniel Maria, Jnne 23, 17!»7. Beujamiu Augt 8. 1809 David July 23, 1S02. Children of Widow Anne Handy Obed Handy b')ru Ocf: 1<) 1777 Darius Carpenter born May 18- 1790 Ebenr Hanny born May 21 — 177!) Orsiah Hoose — June 19 1793. Elizabeth Handy - Api 15 — 17S4 Children of Wait Hatch & Marah his wife t Rebeca born 1758 Died May 1—1788 Edward born June 11th 177(5 _ Children of Moses Hill & Polly liis wife Lucy born Feb. 9—1783 Ira Dec; 1787 Justus born Feb. 9tii 1785 Silas Aucr. 1789 Moses born June — 1786 Sallv Jan.y 1795 Polly Sepr 1787 1 Harvey March 10,1797 Children of Eenjamin Hinckley & Puella Goodspeed his wife Electa HiTickley Born Thomas Goodspeed Born Warren Hinckley Born April 24, 1795 Charles Hinckley Oct 22 ISOO Luther Thacher Hincklev Children of Hemaii Hinkley and Lydia his wife Zenas born June 12— 1779— Edmund Apl. 27—1789 Polly born Apl 2(5— 1781 Carolina Novr 1—1791 Lucretia Octr 13- 1783 Heman August 22—1793 Silas — Octr 1 — 17K5 Benjamin Lydia March - 17.S7 — S.-A !■• H^'-^ Children of Joseph Hiukley, & Polly his wife Nabby born April Uth 1796. Sally — July 5th 1799. Edmund — Augt 29t.h 18OO. Hudson — Aug. 12th 1803. Content Lovel - July 3d 1805. Barnabas A — March 23, 1808 Luman — June 12, 1810 Mary — June 10, 1812 Bradford Feb. 26, 1817 Bathsheba March 22, 1823 Children of Zina Hinkley, & Elizabeth his wife. Priscilla born Octr 28rh 1799. Eliza — Octr 21 1708 and Died June 28—1793 — Westley Aupt 15—1794 — John Ortr i:]— 179() Sarah his wife died Jany 21 — 1797 Children of John Hulet & Sarah his wife + Isaac born June 2-2, 17n2t+ Teres.sa born Feb 26,1805 Sally Jan 2. 1709 Betsey April 7. 1811 Abijah Aupt ;>4, isoi Samuel Feb. 3, 1814 Fletcher April 6. 180:5 Children of Sam'. Hulett and Susanna his wife Chauncy born March 14th i7i)() _ (Jrreii born May 17— 1796 Electa May :]'i 1793 Chil(h-en of Sylranus Hulett and Mary his wife Sally born Oct'; 29th 1787. Charlott born Xovr 7— 179+^ Charles born March 3— 1790 — Rhoda I.mih June Sfh 1795 Children of Rev,d Alvan Hyde and Lucy his wife Alvan boru June 18th 1794 William born Augt I6thi806. Charles Backus March 24th 1796 Edward boru Sept 15th igOS Harriot born March 19—1798 Chauncey Thcunpson Sept 25th ixiO Stephen born March 24th 1 800 Theodore l)orn Augt 5, 1812 Joseph born Sepf; 3d 1802 Alexander Hyde Sept 25 1814 Lucy born June 3 1804 } Date of birth erroneou.s— The date of death corresponds.within a day, of that given by Dr. Hyde. J Presumably this name should be Hannah— see pape 140 for intention of marriaire between John Hulett and Hannah Walker of TyriiiKham— proof of the marriage, how- ever, cannot be given, for the marriage records of that town are wanting for thi« period. ft Date printed as rec )rd.;d. U Last figure obliterated —name as recorded. Children of Calvin Ingersoli and Lvdia his wife Cyrus — Septr 2, 1802 Lydia — Septr 1, 1804 David Sanford Oct. 23, 1806 Edward M — July 28, 1S09 Calvin — Feb. 5, 1812 Electa born May 1—1790 Vashti Philo Jany 14th 1793 Deer 2—1793 Lemi t Jany 24—1796 Horace, June 23, 1798 Erastus June 17, 1800 Children of David Ingersoli and Sarah his wife Erastus born Xov^ 9 — 1782 Lucinda born June 2(i 17S4 Theodore April 26—1780 Lucretia Feb. 9, 1788 Moses February 15—1790 Sophia March — 1792 David Sarah Elizabeth Lucy March 3—1795 March 3—1795 June 21—1797 June 6 1799- William & Alvan Elihu Parsons [The last threj n.uii_'.s iippaar to have been written lung after the others.] Children of Elijah Ingersoli & Polly his wife Clarri!?sa born May 24th I7,s7 Baxhsheba— Api 14th 1789 Nathan — Jany 8— 1791 Laban — Feby 5th 1793 Levi — March 10—1795 Isaac 1797 EUsha Jany 7th 1791) Lucinda 1802 George Washington 1804 Children of Jared Ingersoli and Elizabeth his wife Ebenr Kniblow born June 2i) — 1784 Elizabeth Polly Lois .Tohn David Merir Leuben t .Sou p, June 5 — 1785 Jany 29—1787 Sepr 23—1788 June 10—1790 March 16—1792 Septr 26—1793 June 1795 Rhoda May 8 1797 Ashur born Nov 5, 1799 Stephen J. " Nov 6, ISOl Phadime " Oct. 24, 1803 Milton " Jan. 22, 1806 Jared " July 30. 1808. Childrpii of Moses Ingersoll and Eunice liis wife Eleuer born March 11—1771 John Calvin Api 1:5—1780 Anne born March i;5—177() Blley bora Api 10th 1782 Luther born Jauy 8—1778 Betsey born Api 10—1782 Eunice his wife died Novr 19th 17S5 in the 50th year of her age Children of Moses Ingersoll & Se[c]ond Prudence his Wife Moses born May 27, 1797 Eunice born Sep^ 13, 1798 Children of William Ingersoll Jr and Marcy his wife Lydia born Novr iQth 178:5 Seth Crocker born May 1 — 1785 William born Mairh 21 1787 Ceiia Jany -21- 1790 Sarah June 21— 1792 Thomas Novr 2—1794- Joseph Dec; 22-1796- James May 7th 1799 Marshal Jan 29, 1802. Charles :\Iay 2, 1804. Harriot Jan 21—1807 Children of Ebenezer Jenkins Junr & Lydia his wife. Henry Willni born Aug. 17th 179:5. Lydia, born Sept. 3'1 1800. Nathan, born Feb.y 11th 1795. Elizabeth, born July 1st 1802. Josiah, boru Nov. 9th 1796. Warren, born Aprill 2th 1804. Ebenezer, born Sept. 12th 1798. Marshal, born Aug. loth 18O6. Children of Sam\ Jones and Remember liis wife Anne l>orn June :50— 179:5 Caroline born Ajjvil 9th 1797 Deborah Smitli born Augustl 1 — 1795 Sam', born May — 1799 Cliildren of Joliii Keep and I'^lizabctli his wife Olive born July :{0— 1789 James Septr 30—1792 Abbo Jany 18—1791 Jabez Feb. 14—1794 Elizabeth his wife Died Feb. 20— 179() Married Abigail Leuester Lenesterborn Sep. 0—1797 Children of Arnold Lamphier & Anne his wife Lois (Windham) Nov 2(5, 1796 Joseph (Wt Greenwich R. I.) Oct 7, 1787 Lorticus (Springfield) Apl 18, 1799 Lyman do Feb (3 ISOI Arnold (Mansfield) May 18 1803 Zalinon ( Washiui^ton ) Aug 18 1805 Anne (Hinsdale) Oct 27, 1807 Lena (do) Apr 8, 1810 Angelina Matilda ( Saratoga) March 22, 1812 Else (Grafron N. Y.) Feb. 18, 1816 Moses 1818 died Charles Bishop Moses (Lee) Feb. 22, 1822 Children of Zacheus Maltby and Ruhamah his wife Ezra Burchard born April 1—1798 — Mercy born Feby 9th 1800 Betsey Mansfield born Jany 27—1772 Children of Rpuben Marsh & Lydia his Wife Alphevis born SeptY 27,1792 William — July 1,1796 Tripheua — March 2, 1794 Amasa — April 24, 1800 Children of Thomas Miller & Annis his wife Daniel Gain Miller born Septr 23^1 1796 Children of John Nye and Lois his wife Stephen born AUET. 22—1780 Died Novr 10—1780 Esther Novr 1—1781 Died Dec: 1—1781 Hannah born Novr 17—1782 John Jany 19—1785 Iiu -22—1787 Died May 22—1787 Ira Apl 10—1788 Estlier Deer 19—1790 Lois Feb. 22—1793 Charles Janv 6-] 796 Died March 6— 1796 Children of Levi Nye and Saruh his wife Joshua born August 24th iTfi? Levi May Otl> 1777 Benjamin February 9tli 17(59 Sally July 28 1780 Marah and Rachel Sepf; 1 1772 Thomas Aug — 2(5— 1774 Thomas Died Children of Seth Nye and Amey his wife Elisha born Septr 23-1782 Betsey born Septr 13—1791 Jerod born Septr 5 — 178") Joshua bora Septr 2ti 1795 Caleb born Novr 24 at Sandwich January 9tii 1759 at Falmouth October 20th 1777 february 12ih 1779 April 2.-)il> 1781 April 2r;th 1783 August 29th 1785 June 5'.h 178S Sep: 25 '"h 1790 Jany 12— 1793 Feb 28 1 79() Feb 179.S Cliildren of Abm Perry and Temperence his wife ■1789 1802. SCillegible] bom Apl 3—1789 - - Died Apl 18— Polly born Api 11—1790 Arthur born Jauy27-1793 Diadama Deer 9th 1793 Abrani born Deer 30 1797 Lyman Jany oth 1801 Died March 9th Tenipey born Xovr 4th 1803 "^,T:a. Perrj^'s chill ^ Sylvanns Phinney born Dec. 15. 1778 Lucy (formerly Kiugsley of Becket,) his wife March 12, 1781 [No child Ijorn until 1803— This record found after the note on pasje 1 2 was printed.] Children of Reuben Pixley Jr and Polly his wife Reuben born Tuesday Ocf (5th 1795 Children of Oliver Pool & Lucy his wife born Aug. 23<3 1797. Lucy born May 1st 18OO Children of Levi G. Porter and his wife Huldah born Feb. 28th 1786 and died March 13—1794 Philander Feb. 29— 1788 Horace — June 15 — 1790 Rhoda — Apl 20— 1792 and died June 5—1795 Levi Goodwin Apl 10—1794 Abel Apl 15— 179(i Children of Samuel Porter & Prudence his wife Ebeuezer born Octv 8th 1776 Samuel July 12— 1779 Died Feb. 20^1 1784 Mary SeptV 17th 1781 Grace Jany 2 — 1784 Abigail Oct'; 5th 178B Laura May 7th 1789 Lydia July 25 1791 Kimbal Novr 26— 1795 And died March 7th 1796 Jyfel i'ulxiam's otiiidruii, p. '.'i. Children of John Reed & Elizabeth his wife Amanda born May 21 — 1795 Anne born Dec; 24th 1797 Fear born May 26—1796 Paulina born June 24th 1799 Children of John Remmele & Hannah his Wife Lydia born Sepr s, 1797 Curtis > Hannah — Feb 20, 1800 Calista > John M — Junei:}, 1802 twins Sepv 22 Jerusha his wife born Coventry Decy — J 738 and Died May 30th 1773 Their Children born as follows Oziel born Xn^. l(i— 17:)9 and was Killed at Sheffield March 27th 1787 Sarah born Janv 30— 17H1 Jernsha born March 22 1769 Daniel born May IB'h 1763 Ephraim Willcox Deer 24th 1773 Peter born July 12th 1765 Erastas Willcox Feby 26 1775 Elijah born Aupr 2Gth 1767 Sena born May 17 1777 Peter Willcox Married to Tabitha Davis Feb. 1779 — Phebe born Julv 10th 1779 Elcn-ta born March 2d 17S1 Children of Peter Willcox Jr & Polly his wife Jerusha born Septr 10th 1784 Lee Polly born Api 29 1786 Lee Rhoda born October 16th 1788 Warrens bush Oziel born Jany 9th 1791 Warrens-bush Peter born Julv 2fi 1793 Warrens bush Children of Ephriani Williams & Mima liis Wife Nancy C— born Feb 16, ISOO Thomas G. born March 16, 1811 Lucretia W. " Feb. 8,1805 Thankful C. — March 14, 1815 Children of Josiali Willouphbv and Sally his wife Polly born March 29—1794 Lydia born July 27—1796 Children of Jacob Winejzar and Anne his wife. Zacheus born May 10th 179H Anna Clarcna iJorn June 2— Jedediah, s. of Nathan and Lucy Davis, ie. 14 d. P. 20. July 13 — Eunice, d. of Aaron and Marah Benedict, te. 2 d. P. 15. 1780. June 28— Thomas, s. of Elisha and Elizabeth Freeman, m. 3 y. P. 24. Nov. 10 — Stepheu, s. of John and Lois Nye, ae. 2 m., 1!> d. P. 32. Nov. Sarah, d. of Nathan and Lucy Davis, je. about 7 m. P. 20. Dec. 9— Jerusha, d. of Jonathan and Delivereuce Foot. P. 24. ["Jeruaha died .Tun 7th 1781, aged 7 Months". — See ]>. 87.] i-jSi. July Child of Jonathan and Elizabeth West. P. £9. Dec. 1 -Esther, d. of John and Lois Nye, is. 1 m. P. 82. 1782. Feb. o — Marcy, d. of Levi and TemperencG Chase, se. 4 w. P. 18. 1783- May 10— Daniel, s. of Daniel and Hannah Church, as. 10 y., 11 m. P. 18. May Seth, s. of Levi and Temperence Chase. P. 18. Oct. 17 — Dorse, d. of Amos and Susan Roberts, je. 1 y., 7 m P. 35. 1784. Feb. 10 — Daniel, s. of Daniel and Hannah Church, ?e. 5 m., 8 d. P. 18. Feb. 20 — Samuel, s. of Samuel and Prudence Portei-, aj. 4 y. 7 m. P. 34. ApL 15— Hannah, w. of Daniel Church. P. 18.— L-" '" the 44th year of her age."— Bee p. 89.] Aug. 1— Sarah, d. of Nathan and Ruhamah Ball, a*. 11 y., 3 m. P. 13. [Date of death, and age taken frum inscription in tlie cemetery.— See p. 76.] Oct. 4— John, s. of Archalaus and Sarah Chadwick, «. 1 y., 11 m. P. 17. 1785. Jan. 2H— Elizabeth, d. of Daniel and Elizabeth West, ae. 9 y. P. 39. Mar. 19 — Nancy, d. of Cornelius Jr. and Abigail Bassett, of small pox, se. 1 y., 19 d. P. 15. May 15 — Jared, s. of Elisha and Marah Grant, ae. 2 y., 8 m. P. 25. Nov. 19 - Eunice, w. of Moses Ingersoll in the 50th yr. of her age. P. 31. (Tlie inscription in cemetery (see p. SO), and Dr. Hyde's record give 1795 as the year of death, and both slate in the ilst year of her age.] 1786. Abijah, s. of John and Lucy Starnes. P. 36. th e ["A Bijah Son to Mi- JOHN Stakn's Died Jiine 27 AD 1789 in y 5 ye ar of his age."— «eep 91.] 1787. Mar. 27- Oziel, s. of Peter and Jerusha Willcox, Killed at Sheffield, *. 27 y., 7 m., 11 d. P. 41. [See introductor.v notes.] May 22— Ira, s. of John and Lois Nye. P. 33. Pelatiah West Died July— 11— 1787 Aug. 20 — Samuel, s. of Archalaus and Sarah Chadwick, ae.l y., 5 m., 24 d. P. 17. 1788. Mar. 16— Huldah, w. of Caleb Walker. P. 38. May 1 — Rebeca, d. of Wait and Marah Hatch, ae. about 32 y. P. 27. 45 1789. Mar. 13 - Parmelia, d. of Elijah and Marah West, se. 1 y., 6 m., 13 d. P. 39. Apl. 18 — Child of Abraham and Tenipereuce Perry, ae. 15 d. P. 34. May 23— Child of Joseph and Eunice Bradley— "Died immediately". P. 16. July 5 — Marcy, d. of Samuel and Hannah Tilley, ae. 1 y., 15 d. P. 38. 1790. Apl. 10— Rhoda, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth Wyllys, w. 2 m. P. 42 July 11 — Marah, \v. of Aaron Benedict. P. 15. [—"in the 84th year of her age."— See p. 87.] . July 27 — Mary. d. of "William and Sarah Whitney, ae. 1 m. P. 40. July 31— Charity, w. of Col. Jared Bradley. P. 16. [—"in the 32d year of her age."— See p. 87.] Aug. 13— Desire, w. of Abiathar Chadwick, P. 17. [ — "in the 35th year of her age".— See p. 78.] Caleb Walker Died at Genessee in the Summer of 1790.— P. 38. Sep. 8— Betsey, d. of Georpje and Betsey Beunet, ae. 5 m. P. 15. Dec. 14— Lydia, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth West, ae. about 2 y. P. 39. Dec. 22 — John, s. of Jonathan and Anne Graves, ae. 1 d. P. 26. 1791. Jan. 27— Child of Jesse Jr. and Lucy Bradley. P. 16. Mar. 4 — Zacheus, s. of John and Betsey Winegar. P. 42. [—"in the SM year of his age".— See p. 89.] Apl. —Patty, d. of Levi and Bathsheba West, «. about 3 y., 8 m. P. 40. July —Child of Cornelius and Remember Bassett. P. 14. July 27 — Tabitha, d. of Levi and Temperence Chase, ae, 20 d. P. 18. Oct. 25 — John, s. of Jonathan and Deliverence Foot, ae. 5 m. P. 24. [Date given in inscription in cemetery is Oct. 9, 1791 :— see p. 87.] Nov. 1— Polly, d. of Jonathan and Sarah Finney, ae. 2 y., 12 d. P. 23. 1792. Jan. 5— Erastus, s. of John and Jehannah Gifford, ae. 1 w. P. 25. May 8— Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth Wyllys, ae. 4 w. P. 43. Hannah Crocker Died June 18—1793 in the 60tii year of her age. Oct. 13 -David, s. of David and Betsey Foot, m. 3 m. P. 23. Nov. 2 — Thomas, s. of Levi and Sarah Nye. P. 33. [—"in the 19th year of his age".— Date of di-atli and ago taken from inscription in cemetery :— see p. «!.] Dec. 17 — Cliild of James and Lucretia Stevens— died day of birth. P. 36. 1793- Mar. !()- Child of Reuben and Nabby Barlow. P. 14. Apl. 21 - Child of John and Salome Crosby, a-. 4 w. P. 20. June 28 - Sally, d. of John and Sarah Hulett, *. 4 m., 1 w. P. 29. Aug. 26— Zafne, s. of Jamos and Achsah Austin, ae. 18 m. P. 12. Oct. William, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Deliverence Foot. P. 24. ["William died Oct lat 1792 aged 5 weeks".- See p. 87.] Nov. 13 -Deliverence, w. of Ichabud Backus. P. 12. Dec. 4 — Isaac, s. of Laurence and Christeeu Vandusen, ae. 9 ni. P. 38. 1794- Feb. 8— Wealthy, d. of John aud Sarah Hulett. P. 29. Mar. 13— Huldah, d. of Levi G. Porter, «. 8 y., 13 d. P. 34. Mar. 19— Euuice, d. of Elisha and Marah Grant, ae. 2 y., 11 m., 2 d. P. 25. June 29 — Jesse, s. of John and Jehauuah Giflford, ae. 1 y., 4 m., 10 d. P. 25. Peter Willcox Jr born at Richmond July 12ti> 1705 and died in Grenville of 48 hours illness of the billions Cholic July 16th AD 1794 in the thirtieth year of his age. 1795- Feb. 15— Polly, d. of Silas aud Rachel Easton, te. 16 d. P 22. Mar. 28— Marcy, w. of Paul Ewer. P. 22. [Date and age from inscription in cemetery :— "March Ibth 1795 in the 39th year of her age".— See p. 79.] Widow Abigail Crocker died Api 10—1795 in the 90 Year of her age. Apl. 11 — Lewis, s. of John and Jehaunah Gifford, ae. 4 d. P. 25. Apl. 17 — Barnabas, s. of Nathaniel and Deborah Tobey, se. 1 m. P. 23. May 1 — Child of John and Salome Crosby, ae. 11 d. P. 20. Molly Casey Died May 1795.— ["May 5th aged 24 y." Ur.Hyde's record.] June 5 — Rhoda, d. of Levi G. Porter -in her 4th year. P. 34. Aug. 20 — Rebeca, d. of Jonathan and Anne Graves, ae. 2. y. P. 26. Sep. 7— Marcy Hamlin, d. of Joseph Jr. and Polly Crocker— in her 4th year. P. 19. Jonathan West Died Septr 1795. P. 39. Nov. 10— Polly, d. of Elisha and Marah Grant, ae. 2 y., 17 d. P. 25. 1796. Joseph Crocker Jr died Jaiiy 8 — 1796 in the 30tli Year of his age. P. 19. Feb. 20— Elizabeth, w. of John Keep. P. 31. [—"in the 4Uth year of her age."— Dr. Hyde's record.] Mar. 6 — Charles, s. of John and Lois Nye, ae. 2 m. P. 32. Mar. 7— Kimbal, s. of Samuel and Prudence Porter. P. 34. [The inscription in cemetery (see p. 91), and Dr. Hyde give 15 months as tlie age, which does not correspond wilh the record on page 34. Probably lie was born in 1794 instead of 1795, as there given.] Apl. 23— Richard, s. of William and Sarah Whitney, ae. 1 y., 2 m., 13 d. P. 40. Capt. Thomas Crocker died July 5 — 1796 in the 62 Year of his age — July 24 — Joseph, s. of Joseph and Polly Crocker, .] Widow Elizabeth Tumor Died Feb. 20th 1799 — ( "ttgi'd 39 years."— Dr. Hyde's record.] [Many matters are omitted from the Records here printed, but all the Admissions to till- Church, the Baptisms, and Dr. Hyde's list of Marriages and Deaths are given ] Lee May, 25 AD. 1780: Tlie Professors of religion iu the town of Lee met and formed them- selves into a Uhurch, The Revd Mr Daniel Collins of Lausborough being present at their request to assist in forming them: The Chiu-ch being then formed made choice of Mv Wilm lugersoll for their Moderator: after which they made choice of Mr Wil'" Ingersoll, Mr Jesse Bradley and Mr Prince West as a Committee to sign Letters missive to the Churches iu Sheffield, Egremont, Stockbridge, Lenox, Pitts- field, Lansborough, and Williamstown ' to request their assistance by Pastors and Delegates iu the Ordinatiou of Mv Abraham Fowler to the work of the Ministry and pastoral charge of the Church to be on June .S, AD. 1780. On the 6 day of July, Sarah the wife of Levi Nye, Phebe the Wife of Thomas Beecher, Tabitha the wife of Peter Willcocks, Eunice the Wife of Moses Ingersoll, Lydia the wife of Aaron Ingersoll and David Ingersoll were all received as members of full Communion with this Church: The same day Truman son to James Peuoyer was baptized. December :}. Hopestill sou to Thomas Beecher was baptized. December 17. James Penoyer, Daniel Church, and Hannah his wife were received into full Communion with this Church. December 31. Lois the Wife of Joseph Handy and Elizebeth the Wife of Seth Barlow were received into full Communion with this Church. Jan. 17. AD. 1781. Heman and Amey Children to Prince West, and Elenor, Anna, Luther, and John-Calvin Children to Moses Ingersoll were baptized. Jan. 28. Levi Nye, and Hannah the Wife of Hope Davis were received into full Communion with this Church. Febry 25. John Crosby, and Martha his Wife, Elizebeth Chadwick, and Thank full the Wife of John Goodspeed were received into full Commuu- iun with this Church. April 22. AD. 1781. Electa Daughter to Peter Willcocks aud Beujamiu Bun to Jamos Young were baptized. June 2:J. AD. 1782. Abigail Wife to Elisha Good.speed was received into full Communion with this Church, and .she and hir Dauglxter thankful! were baptized. August the 4. Jo.siah Bartholomew, Desire Wife of Abiathar Chadwick, and Moriah Backus were received into full Communion witli this Church: Moriah Backus, Billy and Betcy Children to Moses Inger.soll, and Daniel Sou to Nathan Ball were baptized the same day. 50 These are the accounts recorded of the Church by Mr Wilp Ingersoll ■while Moderator of the Church. July 3, AD. 1783. My Elisha Parmele was ordained to the work of the Gospel ministry and pastoral charge of tliis Church. The members of this church and their children that are baptized are these that follow. Josiah Bartholomew Phebe his Wife. Lemuel Hatch Temperance Hatcb Their Children Oliver Bartholomew Phebe Bartholomew Jesse Bartholomew Hope Davis Hannah Davis Willm Ingersoll Lydia Ingersoll their Children Moses Ingersoll Aaron Ingersoll Barsheba Ingersoll Jared Ingersoll David Ingersoll Willm Ingersoll Lucinda Ingersoll Elijali Ingersoll Calvin Ingersoll Betcy Ingersoll Their Children Oliver Hatch Timothy Hatch Joseph Hatch Lemuel Hatch Ebenezer Hatch Tempe Hatch Jonathan Hatch Prince West his Children Barshebu- West , Hannah-West John West Silvanus West Christopher West Heman West Amey West Philo West Jesse Bradley Mary Bradley, v Their Children. Jared Bradlev Eli Bradley Jesse Bradley Mamry Bradley Joseph Bradlev William Bradley Lemi Bradley Lydia Bradley Daniel Bradley Oliver West Thankful West Their Children Amv West Caleb West Amasa West Anna West Sarah West Josliua West , Oliver West t S.C 1-. 108. Joseph Totman his Children Sarah Totman Elizebeth Totman Mary Totman Benjamin Totman Nathan Ball S Ruhannah Ball Their Children Nathan Ball Lydia Ball Mary Ball Sarah Bftll Elizebeth Bali Martha Ball John Bail Anna Ball James Ball Samuel Ball Cesai-. John Crosby Martha Crosby Their Children John Crosby Abijiih Crosby Hannah Crosby Tnomas Crosby Abner Crosby Elizebeth Crosby Lemuel Crocker Sarah Crocker their Children Samuel Crocker Levi Nye Sarah Nye their Children Joshua Nye Benjamin Nye Mary Nye Rac'hol Nye Thomas Nye Levi Nye Sarah Nye James Penoyer Sarah Penoy er their Children David-lovel Penoyer Reuben Penoyer Jacob Penoyer trnniaii Penoyer Zina Penoyer Daniel Church Hannah Church Their Children Rachel Church Levi Church Eli Church Daniel Church David Kellogg Elenor Kellogg their Children "] Lydia Kellogg baptized | Rhoda Kellogg in the )■ Russell Kellogg half way | Adosha Kellogg J David Kellogg Welthy Kellogg Hannah Kellogg Ira Kellogg Otis Kellogg David Ingersoll Sarah Ingersoll Children Erastus Ingersoll James Youngs Hannah y onn gs their Children James Youngs Rebekah Youngs Hannah Youngs Lydia Youngs Elizebeth Youngs Benjamin Youngs David Youngs Anna Youngs Thomas Ewer Mar y Ewer their Children Thomas Ewer Ebenezer Ewer Ansel Ewer Lydia Ewer Seth Ewer Elisha Ewer Sarali Foot Wife of Jonathan Foot Phinehas Fisli Marcy Fish Their Cliildreu Joseph Fish — born Job Fish — born Phinehas Fish- born Samuel Fish — Viorn Kliz.l,('th Fish- born Utrliia Fish — born Susan nail Fisli- born Thankful Fisli- born Deer 20 1707. her Children D(>cr 2 17(i!>. Rutii Perry July 1771. Cloe Perry Sepr !) 177.'}. Marv Perrv Novr 1 177(). Joliannah Perry Ai)rl r, 177!». Al)rali;im Perry Ft>bi- 17 17S1. Abigail Perry Frb>- 11 17S:j. 52 Elizebeth Wiii^e-Mr Wife of John Wiuegar. her Uhildreu Catharinali Wiuegar Samuel Wiuepar Zachariah Wiuej^rar JjiCdb Wiuerar HuhUth Wiue.irar Elizebpth Wiuegar John WiueiTiir Jesse Wiuegar David Wiuegar IStepheu Wiuegar Elizebeth Cb;idwiek her Children Rc.se Chadwick Abiathar Cluidwiok Archelus Chadwick Samuel Chadwick FanuahCrqUns Wife of OliverColliuf her Cniiiireu Elisha Collins Archebal Collins Oliver Collins Avis Collins Elias Collins John Collins Isaac Collins Trypheua Marsh Wife of Reuben Thankfull Good^eed Wife of Johu Goodspeed. her Children Obed Goodspeed Eunice Inirersoll Wife of Moses lu- Marsh. her Cliildren Judith Marsh Tabitha Willcocks Wife of Peter Willcocks. her Children Mary Davis Thomas Davis Anna Davis Rowland Davis Epraim Davis Timothy Davis Phebe Willcocks Electe Willcocks Desire Chadwick Wife of Abiathar Chadwick. her Children Fear Chadwick Heman Chadwick Joseph Chadwick gersoll. her Children Eleuor Ingersoll Anna Ingersoll Liither Ingersoll Johu-Calvni Ingersoll Billy Ingersoll Betcy Ingersoll Moriali Backus her Children Hannah Backus Sarah Backus Kathaniel Backus Ausou Backus Benjamin Backus Sarah Chadwick Wife of Archelus Chadwick. her Children Thomas Chadwick Jabez Chadwick Elizebeth Chadwick John Chadwick Lydia Ingei;soll Wife of Aaron In- gersoll. her Children Jonathan Ingersoll Stephen Ingersoll Deliverance Foot Wife of Jonathan Foot, her Children Elisha Foot Alviu Foot Jerusha Foot Thankfull Dimmuck Wife of Sylva- nus Dimmuck. her Childieu Hannah Dimmuck Ly dia Gifford Wife of Thomas Giflford her Children Abigail Giflford Isaac Giflford Huldah Giflford Sarah Gifford Cornelius Gifford Catheriua Winegar Seth & A my Nye their Children Elisha Nye Naomi Goodspeed Wife of David Goodspeed her Children Lois Handy Wife of Joseph Handy Naomi Goodspeed their Children Antony Goodspeed Joseph Handy Nathaniel Handy Seth Handy Mary Hatch Wife of Wate Hatch her Children Aa ron Benedi c Rebekkah Hatch Children Lewes Hatch r^■< ■ td j- Priscilla Hatch Clarissa Benedic Edward Hatch Stephen-Thomas Benedic Mary the Wife of Elisha Grant Elizeb eth West the Wife of Daniel Their Children West, her Children Elisha Grant Elizebeth West Ruth Grant Saviah West Prudence Grant Tliomas- Tracy West Jared Grant Daniel West Lucy West. Elize beth Wife [of] Seth Barlow her Children Experience Coffey Wife of John Sanmel Barlow ,^r^. r r^fT^ Nathan Barlow Coffey her children Marv Cotfpy Betcy CottVy Lydia the Wife of Stephen Toby Rachel Coffey Crecia Coffey Jerasha Standly Phebe the W' ife of Thomas Beecher Olliver Hatch & Rehekah Hatch her Children Tlieir Children. Hoppstill Beecher Submit Beecher Thomas Crocker Mercy Crocker. •^ fSevrral paces in thf oriuinal, arp blank after the above list, on which cvidontly, it ■was dcHigntd that the names of iiersuns taken into the church from time to time, and their children, should be entered. The ;iist, however, remains as left by Wm. IngerHoU ; the clerks following him, making no additions to it,] Lee July 18, 1783. The Cliurch agreed to choose two Deacons: aud choose Mr David iugersoll Choirester. [See p. 108.] July 13. Thankful Fish daughter of Phinehas and Marcy Fish was baptized. July 20, Hannah Backus, Sarah Backus, Nathaniel Backus, Anson Backus, Benjamin Backus, Children of Moriah Backus: John Chad wick Son of Archelus aud Sarah Chadwick:and Fear Chadwick, Heman Chad- wick, and Joseph Chadwick, Children of Abiathar and Desire Chadwick were all baptized. July 24, Mary the Wife of Thomas i'ure, and Amy the Wife of Seth Nye were examined by this Church: and propounded with a view to join this Church in full communion on the 26, of July. July 27, Crecia daughter of John and Experience Coffey was baptized. August 3, Otis the son of David and Elenor Cellogg, Samuel the son of Lemuel and Sarah Crocker, and Elizebeth,Saviab, Thomas- Tracy, Daniel, aud Lucy the Children of Daniel and Elizebeth West, were all baptised. August 10. Mary the Wife of Thomas Ewer aud Amey the Wife of Seth Nye were both received into full communion with this Chm-ch: and MrK Ewer was baptized the same time being not certain that she was baptized in her infancy. August 29, The Chui-ch met and passed the following votes: 1. That no complaint shall be brought before the Church of any member except by the desire of one or two members exclusive of the offended Brother. 2. That no member of another Church shall be allowed to pertake of the Lords supper occationally more than nine months from the time of his becoming an Inhabitant of the Town iinless circumstances shall be such as the Church shall judge it proper to vary from this term of time, making the time of Ordination that fi-om which they begin to reckon. 3. That at all Church meetings any Brother being absent or not being there by the time appointed shall be deemed censurable unless he has such reasons as shall by the Church be judged sufficient for his excuse. August 31. Elisha son of Seth and Amy Nye was baptised. September 4. The Church chos Mr Oliver West and Mr Jesse Bradley to the Office of Deaconship. Septr 7. Samuel son of Nathan and S. Ruhamah Ball was baptised. Septr21. Lydia Wife of William Ingersoll, Phebe the Wife of Josiah Bartholomew, Aaron Benedic, Mary Wife of Elisha Grant, Lydia Wife of Stephen Toby, and Jerusha Standly were received into full communion wath this Church: aud Mrs Toby with Thomas, Ebenezer, Ansel, Lydia, Seth aud Elisha Children of Thomas and Mary Ewer, were all baptized. September 28. Nathan son of Seth and Elizabeth Barlow was baptized. October 5. Clarissa and Stephen-Thomas children of Aaron Benedic were baptized. October 12. Elisha, Ruth, Prudence, Jared Children of Elisha and Mary 55 Grant were baptized. November 2. Olliver Hatch and Rebekah his Wife were received iuto full Comniuuiou wirh this Chui'ch. November 2:3. Thomas Crocker and Marcy his Wife and also Sarah the W^ife of David lugersoll were received into full communion with this Church. January 15, AD. 1784. Daniel son of Daniel and Hannah Church was baptized, being sick and not likely to live he was baptized at his Fathers house. Jan. 18. Stephen sou of John and Elizebethe Winegar was baptized. February 6. The Church met and passed the following Votes: 1. That when any matter is to be decided by the Church, no Person ex- clusive of the Church shall be present while they are deciding the matter. 2. That it is their opinion, that there is an absolute and certain connexion between the faithfulness of believing Parents in training up their child- ren and the Salvation of the Children thus trained up: That this thnr opinion arises from their sujinosing that this connexion is graciously made in the Covenant of Grace. [The preceiing Rec iv s were wri ten bv Wm. lugersoll, whose hand cloe.s not an- pear auain. The next entries are supposed to be in Deacon Jesse Bradley's writing ] May 13. The Church met and passed the following Vote: viz Takeing iuto consideration the circumstances of Mf Parmele as to his low and de- clining state of health Voted that we are willing he should take a journey to Virginia with a view to recover health. May yt" 18. At a church meeting; after consulting with Mr Parmele and takeing into view his state of health and his desire to journey into the southern states — We do mutually agree and vote that he shall be at lib- erty to settle amongst any people (shoiild he ever recover such a measure of health as to be able): likewise we on our part are at liberty to call and settle a nother Minister. [Here thi' Records coiunienc in a different hand, suuposed to be Deacon Oliver W est'-*. Kxcept when otherwise noti-d, th'? reniaind-r of the 1st book is in tliis hand. The first entry b'.-low is not the ne.xt in order in the ori^jinil, but is next in time. Lee August y<.^ 8th 1784 Mr Monson Preachd and Adminnestred the Sacrament here Seth Nye was Receved into f ul communion with this Church and was baptized Ezekiel Son of Prince and Hannah West Salle daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth west and Esther and David Children of Elisha and Mary Grant and Remembrance Celah luirl Stephen Children of Stephen and Lidia Toby ware all baptized December y? 5th Mr Monson Adminnestred the Sacrament and Bap- tized + of Thomas and Phebe Beacher and Mary daughter of Abiather [and] Desire Chadwick and John Son of Achelus and Sarah Chadwick t Probab'.}- the space should have been filled by: "Submit, daughter." Seep. 53. B6 January the 9th 1785 Mr West Adminnestred the Sacrament Jesse Gif- ford and Ruth his Wife Samuel Davis and Priscilla his Wife Josiah Yale and Ruth his Wife Sarah the Wife of Roswel Hubbort Cornelus Bassett and Archelus Chadwick all were recvd into the Church and Jesse Gif- f ord and Samuel Davis +Mary and Hopestill Cnildren of Samuel and Pris- cilla Davis all were baptized. August the 14th 1785 Mr Kirkland Preached here and baptized Isaac Son of Nathan and Ruhamah Ball and Lucina daughter of Aaron Ben- edic and E)i Son of Oliver Hatch and Elisha and John Sons of Cornelius Bassett Lee June yv 25th 1786 Mr Monson preach^ here and Baptized Theo- dor Son of David and Sarah Ingersol and Elisha Parmale Son of Samuel and Prissilla Davis September the 17th 1786 Mr Perry Preached here and administred the Sacrament and Baptized Electa daughter of John and Elizebath Winegar and Lidia daughter of Stephen and Lidia Toby, and Ira Sou of Daniel and Elizabeth West Thankful daughter of Elisha and Mary Grant and Sirus Son of Josiah and Ruth Yale Archelus Son of Abiather and Desire Chad- wick Daniel Lewes Son of Oliver and Rebekah Hatch and Samuel Son of Archelus and Sarah chadwick, and Elizabeth Wife of Cornelius Gifford and Eunice Wife of Ebeuezar Brown were taken into the church Sabathday June the 10th 1787 Mr Camp Preach ^i here and Baptized Prince Sou of Pi-iuce and Hannah West and David Sou of Cornelus Bas- set and Lucy daughter of John and Lucy Williams was given up by Jer- usha Staudly and t Thomas and Mary EwerJ April (i^h 1788 Mr Averry preachd here and Baptized Lucreace daugh- ter of David and Sarah Ingersol April the 20th Mr Bell baptized Caleb Son of Seth and Amy Nye May the 4th Mr Steevens Baptized Hannah daughter of Danniel and Ann Church and Jonathan Son of Jonathan and Deliverance Foot Sabathday June ye 1 — 1788 Mr West preached att Lee and baptized Elisebeth daughter of Daniel ai d Elizebeth West. Sabathday August the 24 Mr West Preached here and baptized Nathan- iel Son of Stephen [and] Lydia Toby February the 22 1789 Mr Sanford preached here and baptized Ezra Son of James and Hannah Youngs and Sarah Daughter of Arclielus and Sarah Chadwick Lee March the 16th 1789 the church met and voted unanimusly to de- sire Mr William Fowler Miller to take the Pastoral Care and Charg of this Church Provided the Town will unite in Supporting him t The name "gaily," instead of Mary, is given on p. 20. t See p. 51. Seth and Elisha Ewer were baptized Sept. 21, 1783. Probably the name of a later child should have been here inserted, and obviously, "was baptized," wa8 also omitted. 57 June the 20th 1790 Mr Mousou Preached hear and admiuistred the Sacrament and John Son of Josiah Yale and Moses Sou [of] David and Sarah Ingersol and Thankful! Daughter of Seth and Amy Nye all were baptized July the 29 the Church met and voted to Desire Hope Davis Nathan Ball & Prince West to go and C inverse With Mr*^ Bradley and inquire the Reason of her not attending our meeting and also to Converse with Mr Penoy[e]r respecting liis Ideas of all mankinds being finaly happy Augiist tlie 1 Mr Avery Preachd here and Eleaser Son of Thomas Ewer Aaron & Desire children of Aaron Bennedick and Lemuel & David children of Oliver Hatch all were baptized October the first day Mr Avery preached a lecter here and baptized +of Samuel and Prissilla Davis September the iS^h 1791 Mr Shaw Preached here and Baptized Pamela daughter of Thomas and Phebe Beacher Orson Son of Daniel and Elise- beth West and Eiiues Dauerhter [of] Elisha [and] Mary Grant and John son of Jona[t]han [and] Delivereuce Foot and September 25 he baptized anna daughter of Daniel and anna Church and Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Mary Ewer and Alvin Son of James and Hannah youngs Novr 20t'i Mr Mouson Preached in this town, & baptized Charlotte, daughter of Lucy Bullard. [This last item above, is in the Rev. Alvan Hyde's writing.] February 23d 1792 the Church met and voted unanimusly to give Mr Alvin Hide a call to take the Pasteral Care and Charge of the Church Sabathday may 6 Mr Avery preached here & adniinnestered tlie Sacra- ment and baptized Abraham Phebe Thomas Lidia & Abigail Children of Jesse and Ruth GitTord and Asel Son of Stephen and Lydia Toby and Soffe Daughter of David and Sarah Ingersol and betsy Daughter of Seth & Amy Nye and Ruth Daughter of Arclielus and Elizebeth Chadwick t See p. 20. The three ohlest c)nl E;iizal,eth Crocker, the wife of Job Crocker, Miriam Dick- inson, and Heman, Asahel, Sarali and Samuel Stanley, children of Asahel and Sarali Dodge, were baptized. Octob. •-*«*> — — Huggins, Betsey, Celah. Electa & Olive, chiUhcn of Job and Elizabeth Cruckcr were baptized. Kovr 4'li Asi'iiatl), (laiij-litcr of Joscj h & Eunice Bradley was baptized. 64 Novv llt^i Elisha Parcival, Dauiel Willcox, and Asahel Foot were baptized. Novr IStii — Deborah-Webb, Haimah, John-Smith, Nabby & Polly, children of Nathaniel & Bethiah Bassett, — Philo. Celah, Anne, Polly & Josiah, children of Eli & Phebe Bradley, — and Berenice & Zafne, child- ren of James & Achsah Austin, were all baptized. Novr 25tli Daniel, son of Miriam Dickinson was baptized. Deer 9th Content Hinckley the wife of Edmund Hinckley, Lucy Davis the wife of Nathan Davis, Mercy Ewer the wife of Paul Ewer, and Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Abigail Hamlin, were all baptized. Deer 2;3d Polly, daughter of Lewis Hatch was baptized. — — — 1793- Jany 1:5. Solomon Foot, Nabby Barlow, the wife of Reuben Barlow, Charity Nye, the wife of Joshua Nye, Lucy, Hannah-Crocker, Nathan, Charity-Hall, and Isaac, children of Nathan and Lucy Davis, and Ruth, daughter of Jesse aud Ruth Giflford were all baptized. Jan.y 27. Hannah, John, Ira, and Esther, children of John and Louis Nye, were baptized. Feby 10th Sally, Benjamin, Grissilda, Betsey-Clark, Polly and Asa children of Joseph & Martha Crocker, — and Huldah, James aud Polly, children of Daniel Church were baptized. — March 3'} Stephen, Ephraim, Phebe, Timothy-Nye, & Joel, children of Ebenezer & Mehitabel West were baptized. March lO'li Jedidiah Crocker & Sarah his wife, James Tuttle, Samuel Tilly and Hannah his wife, Salvina Baker the wife of David Baker, Deb- orah Taylor, and Sarah- Ann Foot, were all baptized. April Tt.h Pelatiah, son of Daniel & Elizabeth West, — and Louis daughter of John and Louis Nye were baptized. May otli Nathaniel Toby & Deborah his wife, Mary Casey, Hannah Dodge, John Parcival & Ruth his wife, Charles, a .son of Elisha & Eliza- betli Freeman, & Joel a son of Joseph & Eunice Bradley were all baptized. June 2<-} Thomas, son of Cornelius & Abigail Bassett was baptized. June 9th Sylvauus, Sylva, John, Geneverah & Jesse children of Joanna Giflford, & Rhoda, Hezekiah-Orton, & Chauucey, children of Gid- eon & Oliver Thompson, were baptized. June KJth Ebenezer-Nibloo, Polly, Louis, John, David, & Merit, child- ren of Jared Ingersoll were baptized. ■ ■ June 23i> Remember-Nye, a child of Cornelius Bassett, was baptized. July 14th Lecta & Rhoda, children of Samuel & Hannah Tilly were baptized. July 21:;t Sarah, a child of Stephen & Lydia Tobey was baptized. Augt 4th John-Crocker, Mary-Busley, Tilson, Jane, Nabby and Mar- tha, children of Paul & Mercy Ewer, were baptized. Augt 11th Elizabeth Handy, a child taken to be educated by Hannah Cv)llius, the wife of Oliver Collins, was baptized. Augt 25th Achsah, Samuel, Mary, Deborah & Cynthia, children of Nathaniel & Deborah Toby Nuiih. Jedediah-Davis, Sarah, Samuel & Elizabeth, children of Jedediah & Sarah Crocker Polly, & Arthur, children of Abraham & Tempe Perry were all baptized. Sepf 8t> Asa, son of Thomas, & Mary Ewer — John, Samuel, Ruth, James, Montgomery & Hannah-Gates, children of John &• Ruth Parcival — William Bassett, Cornelius, Hannah, & Reuben, children of Thankful Barlow ;-Sibyl, David, & Sally, children of Sarah Tyler, were all baptized. Sept 8. Joseph Crocker was baptized. Octo. tith David, son of David & Salvina Baker wa-- baptized. Octobv •■30tii Betsey Denio, a child taken to be educated by Sarah Dodge, was baptized. Novr 17t_h John Giflford, Mary, Crace, Lorain, Abigail, & Lydia, children of Samuel Porter — Heui-y- Williams & Pruda, children, of Elizabetli Bennett, — & Lucy, Elihi, Jacob, & Thomas- Williams, children of Eunice Fuller, were all bapt\,ed. Deer 1st Bet.sey, a child of Jesse Bradley Junr was baptized. , ; Deer 15th Polly, daughter of Elisha and Mary Grant was baptized.— 1794. Jany 5th Sally, daughter of Eli & Phebe Bradley was baptized. Jany 12'h Aucel. sou of Arclielaus & Elizabeth Chadwick was baptized- Feby 2'd. Tamar, daughter of Oliver Hatch was baptized. May 4th Reuben, son of Jared lugersol was baptized. May 18th James Gilford, & Lydia Hinsdale were baptized — also Al- van, son of Jesse & Ruth Gilford, & Sarah- Ann, daughter of Asahel & Anne Foot. June l^t Alvah. child of Thomas & Phebe Beecher, & Lucy, a child of Samuel & Hannah Tilly, were baptized. June 15th Daniel, son of Daniel Church Junr , -was baptized. July 15th Tabitha Hamblin was baptized. July '^7th Eunice, daughter of Aaron Benedict, Manire, Jesse- Bradley, Lemi, Augustus & Lydia, children of M'.* Mamre Bartholomew, Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Bethiah Bassett, Alvan. son of Alvan & Lucy Hyde, & Henry- William, sou of Ebenezer Jenkins Junr & Lydia his wife, were all baptized. Sept 14th Eunice, daughter of James & Sarah Gifford, was baptized. - Sept 28th Bathslieba, daughter of Narhan & Lucy Davis. was baptized- October 19th Electa, daugliter of Josiali & Ruth Yale, was baptized. — Novr oa Abigail, child of Jospj)!! Crocker Senr was baptized. — Novr ntii Olive, (laughter of Gidfon & Olive Thompson was baptized. - Novr :j()th Dama daugliter of Abraham & Tempe Perry, was baptized. Deer 14th Amanda, daughter of Jesse Bradley Junr -was bai)tizod. Deer 28th Polly, Silas, Daniel, cliildren of Enoch Garfield— «S: Thomas sou of Wn» lugersol Junr &, Mercy his wife were baptized. 2795^ Jany4th Eunice, daughter of Joseph & Eunice Bradley, & Sarah, daughter of Joshua & Charity Xye, were baptized. - — Jany lirh Kimball Porter, son of Samuel Poit^r, & Wait- Hatch Davis, sou of Samuel & Prlsi-illa Davis, were baptizeil. Jany iSth Artemesia, a chili of M^ Joseph King of Barringtou was baptized. March 19'> Was baptize.l an infant son of Mf Paul Ewer, at his ov,ni house, by the name of Paul. • March 25th Nathan, sou of Ebenezer Jenkins Jan'' was baptized, at his fathers house, being dangerously sick. April 5th Lucy, a child of Samuel & Lydia.Hodges, was baptized April 12th Content, daughter of John and Ruth Pai-ciral was baptized. April 19th David and Sarah, twin-children, of Mi' David and Sarah lugersol, were baptized. June 14th Lydia, daughter of Ephraim & Lydia Slieldou was baptized. July 12th Polly, daughter of Jedediah & Sarah Crocker was baptized. - July 26. 11 Alvah, son of Daniel & Elizabeth West was baptized Augt 2d Was baptized Elizabeth, daughter of Jared Ingersol. Octob. 4t;h Was baptized Cornelius, son of Samuel Barlow. Oct br 25th Was baptized Joshua, son of Seth & Amy Nye. — Nov; yth Was baptized Ezra- Thompson, son of Huldah Finney. Novi; 29th Was baptized Zafne, son of James and Achsah Austin. Decv iS'^h Was baptized Huds^on, son of Daniel & Lydia Wilcox. 1796. Feby 7th Was baptized Charles, son of John & Louis Xye. Feby 14th Was baptized Harriot, ca.ighter of Cornelius & Abigail Bas- sett, and Elizabeth, daughter of Asael & Anne Foot. Feby 21st Was baptized Seth, sou of Josiah & Hannah Crocker. March 20th Was baptized Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer West. April 24th Was baptized Experience, child of Cornelius Bassett Senr also William, son of Eli Bradley, and Charles-Backus, son of Alvan and Lucy Hyde. May Sth Was baptized Fanny and Amanda, chi'^dren of Levi Robinson. June 5th Was baptized Betsey, daughter of Elizabeth Bennett. June Tth Was baptized Lydia Barlow, wife of Peleg Barlow, at her own house, being unable to attend meeting. — — July Kth Were baptized Hannah, daughter of Thomas Ewer, Huldali, daughter of Aaron Benedict, and Samuel- Crocker, son of David Baker. Augt 28th Was baptized Hope Davis, son of Nathan Davis. — Sept 25th Were baptized Josiah, son of Josiah Yale, and Daniel, son of Archelaus Chadwick. ■ October 28d Was baptized Mary, daughter of Stephen & Lydia Toby. 1797- f Jany Sf'^ Was baptized Lymau, child of Mrs Auue Bradley of Miltou in the State of New-York. Jan.y 15tli Was baptized Lydia Bradley, daughter of Jesse Bradley Junr Jany 22d Was baptized Josiah, sou of Ebenezer Jenkius Junr March 5tli Was baptized Isaac, sou of Nathi and Bethiah Bassett. March 12th Was baptized Samuel Leonard Junr — and at the same time, he covenanted with this Church. April 4th Thomas Crocker, an infant child of Mr Josiali Crocker, was baptized at the house of its father, on account of its being thought dan- gerously sick. April 16tli — Lewis, son of Samuel Davis was baptized. I April SOtli Sally, child of Mr John & Joanna Gifford was bajjtized. June 18fh Jo.seph, son of Joseph & Martha Crocker, was baptized. July 30th Josiah Willoughby was baptized, an adult. July 30th Elizabeth, daughter of David Ingersol, was baptized. Augt 13t'i Eunice, daughter of M'; Daniel & M';* Elizabeth West, was baptized. Augt 27th Polly & Lydia, children of Josiah Willoughby, were baptized. OctV 30th Mo.ses, sou of Moses Ingersol, and John, son of Samuel Win- egar, were baptized. Dec; 24th Rhoda, daughter of Jared Inger.^-ol, was baptized. 179S. Jany ~th Heman, sou of Mr Oliver Hatch of Granville, who removed from this church, was baptized. Jany 14th Sally, daughter of Mr Seth Nye, and Lydia, daughter of Mv^ Hannah Remele, were baptized. — Feby 19th Isaac, sou of Elislia & Mary Grant, and Charles, sovj of Paul & Susannah Ewer, were baprizel March 11th Abraham, son of Abraham & Tempe Perry, was baptized. April 22d Nabby, daugliter of Mv John & Mrs Ruth Parcival, — Pal- mira, daughter of Scjuire Stone, and Harriot, daughter of Alvan and Lucy Hyde, were all baptized. May 14th Betsey-Crosby, daughter of Josiah it Hannah Crocicer, was baptized. 3Iay 20'h Jam^s, scjn of James & Sarah Gitford, was baptized. Junt' IT'h Mehitabel. daughter of Ebenezer & Mehitabel West, was baptized. July S'.h Joi-eph- Warren, .son of Rt-ubeu and Nabby Barlow, was baprizi'd. Augt .-,tii Lyman, son of Asalifl ct Anne Foot, was baptized. Sepr !)th Senah (alias A.senath) child of lluldah Finney, wife of Abra- ham Finney, was baptized. Octor 1st Philena, daughter of Jedediah & Sarah Crocker, and Eli. son of Eli and Phebe Bradley, were baptized. Octor 7th Harriot-Maria, daughter of Gideon & Olive Thompson, was baptized. Octoi; 14tli Eunice, daughter of Mrs Prudence Ingersol, & Parmelia, daughter of Mr Joseph Bradley, were baptized. Novr 4tli Ebeuezer, son of Ebenezer Jenkins Junr , was baptized. 1799. Jany 7th Daniel, son of Jesse & Mamre Bartholomew, was baptized. March S^ Seth, son of Lemuel Barlow & Thankful his wife. March lOth Seniantha, child of Josiah Willoughby. April 7th John, son of David Baker, and Elizabeth, daughter of Sam- uel and Tabitha Winegar. April 14th Lydia. daughter of Abraham and Sarah Hall. May 19t> Alva, son of Paul and Susannah Ewer. June 2'd^} James, son of William and Marcy Ingersoll. June 30th Esther Bailey, wife of Thomas Bailey. July 14th Lucy, daughter of David and Sarah Ingersoll — also Smith, Orra, Wealthy and Thomas, children of Thomas and Esther Bailey. July 28th Anne Parcival — also Polly Turner, an adopted child of Mr Ebenezer & Mrs Mehitabel West — also, Reuben, John. Benjamin, Electa^ Esther, Grace, Jared and Henry, children of Henry and Chloe Wansey. Sepr 8th Rachel, daughter of Cornelius & Remember Bassett — also, Marcy, daughter of Nathan and Lucy Davis. Sepr 1,5th Joseph, son of Nathani & Bethiah Bassett. SepY 29th Cornelius, son of Cornelius & Abigail Bassett. — also Lucy, daughter of Jesse Bradley Jiiuv Octor 13th Chloe, daughter of Henry & Chloe Wansey. Novr 3d Josiah, son of Josiah & Hannah Crocker. • Novr 10th Abigail, daughter of Asaliel & Abigail Bradley. Novv 19th William, son of Squire Stone, was baptized at his father's house, by reason of the sickness and confinement of Mrs Stone. Novr 20th John, son of James & Achsah Atistin. Deer 8th Ebenezer- Cook &; Elisha, children of Stephen & Lydia Brad- ley. 1800. Jan.v l"3',h Lucy Crocker, wife of Elisha Crocker, — also Phebe, Aman- da, & Tirza. children of Samuel & Hannah Couch. March 9th Lydia Bradley, wife of Stefhen Bradley, — Sarali Stewart — Sophia Crocker, Lemira Crocker. & Laura Ciocker, all adults. • April 27th William. Electa-Lewis, John-Dimick, Lucy and Lucius children of Elisha & Lucy Crocker. May 1st Stephen, son of Alvan & Lucy Hyde. May 4'.li Lydia Stautou. an adult — also, William, son of Joseph and. jMartlia Crocker — also. Hannah, daughter of John & Hannah Remele. June U} Electa, daughter of Daniel and Lydia Wilcox. June 8\^ Charles, .son of Asahel and Anne Foot. July 6th Lewis, sou of John Gilford and Lyman, son of James and Sarah Gifford. Augt ;!.l Thankful and Elias, children of Elias and Thankful Hum- phrey. Augt ITtii Abraham Finney, son of Abraham and Huldah Finney. Augt •24fh Asher, sou of Jared Ingersoil. Augt sist Benjamin, sou of Ebeur & Mehitabel West. Sept 7th Mabel & John, children of John and Prudence Couch. Octov 19?^ Sally Barlow was baptized. Octo^ ^fith Lydia, daughter of Eben"; and Lydia Jenkins, was baptized. JNoV !)-h Aurelia, dau.i^hter of Jedidiah Crocker, was baotizei. (E^-^;^ 70 An account of persons married by the Rev'^ Alvan Hyde. July 19th 1792. Jonathan Wally and Mary Winslow were married. August 23d Ebenezer Jenkins Jun^ and Lydia Smith were married. October 18t> Josiah Willoughby and Sally Backus were married. Nov^ 20th Joshua Nye and Charity Parker were married. Novr 29th Heman Bradley and Anne West were married. 1793- Jany Ivth Wally Backus and Grace Vandusen were married. Jany 31^t Ichabod Lathrop & Esther Pixley were married. April 11th Ancel Bassett and Hannah Diuimuck were married. Augt 2 1st Asael Foot and Anne Abbot were married. October 17th Joseph Whiton to Amanda Gnrfield. October 17th Jabez Bursley to Abigal Perry. — November :;i8th Pardon Austin to Rhoda Stanton. 1794- March 27th Jacob Penoyer to Alice Hoyt Crocker. May 25th Ephraim Sheldon to Lydia Gifford. June 30t.h Silas Easton to Rachel Nye. July 8*:h Isaac Barlow to Sally Casey. August 24th John Read to Elizabeth Crockt^r. — October 8th David Hamlin to Sally Backus. October 12th Samuel Hodges to Lydia Bradley. — October 19t.h Daniel Wilcox to Lydia Ball. October 24'.h Stephen Dexter to Lydia Backus. October 30th Ebenezer Hawes to Electa Northrop. November 19th Joseph Hinckley to Polly Stewart. November 20th Abraham Finney to Huldah Gifford. iI95^ Abijah Crosby to Caty Olds, Janv 15th Jany 15th Josiah Crocker to Hannah Crosby. Feby 19th Benjamin Hamblin to Thankful Barlow. Feby 19th Lemi Bradley to Ruth Newel of Lenox. June 3d; Reuben Pixley Junr to Pcjlly Chase. Sept 7th Hope Davis to Mv* Lucy BuUard. Sept iQth William Sturges to Sallome Dimmuck. 1796. Jany 20th Sherman to Avis Collins. — ^ Feby 18th Mr Paul Ewer to Miss Susannah Hamblin. March 10th Benjamin Adams to Sarah Parker. March 29th Reuben Penoyer to Polly Gifford. April lyth John Remele to Hannah Barlow. June 29th Nathaniel Pludson to Najbby Hinkley, Octor 10th Jacob Wiiiejrar to Anne Parker, Novr 8th Simeon Wri^rht to Snkey Abbott. Deer loth Ozias Jndd to Lucena Hfwlet. Deer 35th Harvey Osboru to Caty Gifford.— 1797- Jany 12th Samuel Winegar to Tabitha Crocker. Jany 12th Nathan Bassett to Azubah Jones. Jany 14th Joshua Howe to Urania Stevens. Jany 18th Peleg Barlow to Esther Griffin. Jany 22d Lewis (4ifford to Betsy Backus. Jany 26th Ephraim Williams to Jemima Wormer. June 29th Nathan Ball Junr to Fear Chadwick. June 29th Zina Hinkley to Betsey Ball. Octor 4th Jeremiah Vallet and Abiah Moot. Octr litth Job Northrop to Sally Bennet. Novr 9\h William Foot of Stockbridfre to Abia Vollet. Novf 23d Daniel Parker to Anne Handy. Deer o^th Joi^eph Frary of Becket to Sally Gifford. 1798. Jany 3d William Bradley to Tabitha Hamblin. — Feby 1st Calvin Davis to Hannah Crocker. June 2lHt Elisha Dodge to Betsey Crosby. v^ecr 16th John White to Fear Perry. Deer 20'h Oliver Wedge to Martha Grant. 1799- Jany 3d Elisha Kilburn to Lydia Tooley. March 21st Andrew Howk to Betsey Mansfield. May 12th Luther Day to Meribah Smith. Sepr 16th Thomas Chadwick to Lucinda Ingersoll. Sepr 22d John Gardner to Delia Childs. iSoo. Jany 20th Simeon Clark to Lucy Backus. Feby 6th Eli Church to Elizabeth Chadwick. April 24th Jeduthan West to Phebe Wilco.K. May l*^* Samuel Barlow to Sena Wilcox. June 26th John Rathbone to Celah Tobey. Augt 8th Cornelius Fessenden to Nancy Ball. Sepr l«t Philip Packard to Ra'lifl Gifford. Octor oth Asahel Stanton to Patry Ball. Octr ;^oth Amasa Porter to Betsey Winegar. Octr 30th Job Chil.ls to Rhoda Hatch. Octr 30th Thomas Backus to Rebecca Couch. Dec- 18th James Whiton to Deborah Webb Bassett. All account of the Deaths in Lee, since the ordination of Mr. Hyde. 1792. June 28tli 1792— Died Hannah Crocker. Sept — Au infant child of Mr Jonathan Foot Junr . Novr 3d Thomas Nye, son of Deacon Levi Nye. 1793. Feby 15th An infant child of M';s Farrar. March W}^ An infant child of Reuben Barlow. April otli Parmelia, daughter of Thomas Beecher. April 2lst A child of John Crosby Junr — June 28th A Child of John Hewlits. July 23d A Child of Joshua Nye. Augt 26th A Child of James Austin. Novr 11th A sou of James Youngs. Deer 4th A Child of Laurence Vandusen. Novr 13th Deliverance Backus, wife of Ichaboi Backus, w^ died at Falmouth. Deer 5tii, A Child of Jabez Clark. 1794- Jany 14th Cornelius, son of Lemuel Barlow. Feby 7th A Child of George Bennett. Feby 9th a Child of Joliu Hewlit. March 3d A Child of Paul Ewer. March 13th A Child of Levi G. Porter. March 20th A Child of Elisha Grant. May 7th Died Arthur Perry Aged 73. June 30th Jesse, son of John Gifford. July 21st Content Crocker, wife of Noah Crocker, 63. Aug* 22d Samuel Graves, aged 76 years. Octor 20th An Infant child of James Austin. Deer 10th An Infant child of James Gifford. Deer 16th A child of Jesse Smith. _r795- Jany 5th Charles, son of Benjm Hinkley, aged 16 months. Feby 16th An infant child of Silas Easton. Feby 23d Hannah Davis, wife of Hope Davis, aged 64. March 3d An infant Child of Ebenr West. March 8d An infant Child of Caleb Chadwick. March ISth Marcy Ewer, wife of Paul Ewer ajt. 39. April 9th An infant child of Mr Shaw. 7S April lOtii Widow Abigail Crocker, in the OOtii year of her age. April 11 til Au iufaut son of John Gifford. April 14tii Au infant child of Sanjl Hodges. April l()tii An infant child of Nathi Toby. AprU isth Benjamin Backus, of a cancer, aged 60 years. April 2^i'} An infant child of Aaron Graham. March. Au iufaut child of Lodowick Gardner, of which I did not hear in .season. May 2«i an Infant Child of John Crosby aged one week. May 5tli Molly Casey, aged 24 years, who was eminent for her piety. * June 5th Rhoda, daughter of Levi G. Porter, aged 8 years. Sepr 9tb Marcy Crocker, daughter of Joseph Crocker Junr aged 3 years and uiue months. Sepr i7rh Died Mr Jonathan "West, aged 58 years. Septr 17th Died a daughter of Mv Jonathan Graves, aged 2 years. Novr lOt.h Died Polly, daughter of Mr Elisha Grant, aged 2 years. Nov. 19th Died Mrs Eunice Ingersol, wife of Mr Moses Inger.sol, in the oltt year of her age. Jany 8th Died Mr Joseph Crocker, sou of Capt Thomas Crocker, iu the 30 h year of his age. Jany 19th Died an infant son of Mr Silas Clark. Feby 11th Died an infant son of Mr John Keep. Feby 20th Died Mrs Elizabeth Keep, wife of Mr John Keep, in the 40th year of her age. March 6th Died Charles, son of Capt John Nye, aged 2 Months. March 7th Died Kiiuball Porter sou of Mr Sami. Porter, aged one year & 3 months. April 2^<} Died Richard Whituey, son of Mt; Wm Whitney, aged oue year & 2 months. May 1st An iufaut child of Mr James Gifford. May 4th Died Mrs Auner Basset, wife of Mr Nathan Bassett, iu the 41st year of her age. May 13th Died Jo.seph Jones of Sandwich, iu a fit of drunkenness, at the house of Mr Wilcox, being as was supposed about 47 years of age. May 16th Died Henry Atkins, in the 70'h year of his age. July 5th Died Capt Thomas Crocker, in the ()2:t Died, widow Silence Chase, in the 76th year of her age. Septr 23'1 An infant cliild of the widow Turner, aged 5 months. Octr 23^ A sou of C jrnelius Hamblin, aged 17 months. Deer 19th Died, Mrs Desire Perry, wife of Mr David Perry, in ye 66th year of her age. Deer 29th Died, Mr Nathan Ball, in the G2'i year of his age. Jany 19th Died Harriot Bassett, daughter of Mr Cornelius Bassett Junr , aged 2 years. .March 14th Died Mr John Winegar, aged 55 years. In the 29th year of his age, he was severely frozen; being left in the woods, and without shelter. Both of his feet came off, and his constitution was so injured, that he never had good health afterwards. May 2} Died Mr Benjamin Hamblin aged 67 years. May 3't Died an infant child of Mr James Austin, aged but a few hours. May Gt_h Died Dennis Casey, of a consumption, aged 20 years. — — June 5th Died Aniier Bassett. of a consumption, aged 18 years. June 13th Died Catharina Winegar, of a consumption, aged 33 years. She was an example of piety in her life, and met death with fortitude & composure. July 28th Died at Mr W'" Sturges, Cynthia Chadwick, aged 13 years. Sep7 2fl Died Zeruiah Crocker, of a consumption, aged 20 years. — — Nov. 30th Died Widow Dorcas Crocker, in the 79th year of her age. Dec: 23d Died Betsey C. Crocker, aged 9 months. 1799- Jauy 3d Died Roxana Howk, daughter of Mr Abrm Howk, in the fourth je?.T of her aee. Jauy 7th Died, Mrs Sarah Graves, wife of Mr Phiueas Graves. Feb.y 7th Died Miss Remember Toby, daughter of Stepheu Toby, ia the 22d yeaj of her age. Feby 2nt Died M'y Elizabeth Turuer, widow of Mr Eleazcr Turner, aged 30 years. March 8th Died Mr Daniel Church, aged 92 years, wanting a few days. March 11 th Died Mr> Meribah Burden, the wife of Mr Timothy Bur- den, aged, March 13t;h Died an ijifant child of Mr Stephen Tobey. April 3d Died Mrs Lydia Toby, the wife of Mr Stepheu Toby, in the 43d year of her age. June l-^t Died Mrs Sarah Couch wife of Mr John Couch, in the 77th year of her age. June 8th Died a son of M^ John Couch Junt- aged one year & nine months. June 29th Died Bulah, daughter of Mr Elijah Peet aged 9 years. July 19th Died Laurence Vandusen, in the 32d year of his age. July 20th Died a cliild of Mr Polly, aged one year and seven months. Augt .5th An infant child of Mr Alvau Foot, aged but a few hours. Augt 9 h Died Mr Thomas Northrop, aged 72 years. — — Augt 18th Samuel Couch, son of Mr Samuel Couch, aged 15 months. Sepr 6th Died a twin child of Mr Polly, aged about one year & 9 months.- Sepr 21st Died. Mary Ann Wormer, daughter of Mr Aaron Wormer, iu the 8th year of her agf>. Octor 5th Died a child of Capt John Stearns, aged one year and G montlis. Deer 21':t Died Moi^es Ramsdale, son of Mr Jehu Ramsdale. aged 7 years. Deer 23d An infant cliild of Mr Andrew Howk. l8oo. Feby 22.1 Died Miss Lucinda IngersoU. daughter of Wm IngersoU Estir in the 3r)th year of her age. March 21 :t Died M'.s Elizabeth West, aged K.S years. April 9th Dit-d Mr Daniel Churcli, in the (iOth yf^ar of his age. May Ifith Died Electa Wilcox, in rlie 20th year of her age. May 27th An infant child of Mv Elijah West. Aug; 10;h Died Joseph Bassett, .son of M^ Nath'. Bassett. aged one year. Sept 30-h Died Aclisali Taylor, wife of William Taylor, in the 24th year of her age. Nov; 9t.h Dir.'d Miriam Hatch, wife of Josiah Hatch, aged 83 years. 3tt0aiption0 ftom t^tCtmtkxks. In the olil grave-yard, now in the north-east corner of the cemetery near the •center of the town, there are 73 monuments with memorials to 84 persons who died before 1801. Mattey, daughter of Joseph and Lois Bendy (see p. 86,) is supposed to have been the first person buried there. Doubtless there were earlier ■deaths among the settlers here, but no certain record of any has been found. In Holland's Hist, of Western Mass. (vol. 2, p. 516,) is the following: "The first death that occurred in Lee befell a child of John Winegar. The death occurred at Crow Hol- low, and the child was buried on the West side of the river." Probably the statement ■was made on traditional authority. It is supposed one of the earliest graves is marked by a rough stone bearing only the rudelv carved letters SB. The name for which these letters stand has not been de- termined. The stone with the letters I V D, marks the grave of Isaac VanDeusen, 8 y«ars old, a son of Matthew VanDeusen. Only two dated before 18U1 are in the South Lee cemetery; one at the grave of Isaac Davis, the first settler, the other at ths grave Abijah Stearns. A few early graves in each cemetery are marked with unimcribed, unhewn slabs of stone. There are, also, several early graves marked in the same manner near the residence of C. E. Morley, Caoe St., where, according to tradition, some of the settlers in that section named G-ifford and Roberts were buried. If any of the early inhabitants were buried elsewhere in town, all knowledge of their graves is lost. Owing to weathering, probably some of the punctuation hns been effaced from some of the stones. The interlined letters and words in the inscriptions here given, are shown as well as possible with ordinary type. On the stones they are close to the lines to which they ^elc long. Joleph F. foil of Mr James & M^s Achfa Auftin. died May, i6 s 1 79 1, aged 12 Month j4//o Zefna; thir fon died A u g u f t, 26th 1793, aged 18 Month Jlfarj^aref tlieir dautr died at falein fUiie of N york Oct 21 1786, xi^ed 3 Months. An Infant Son of Mr James & Mrs: Achsah Austin n who was Still bor th Oct 20 1794 In memory of Zaf- na fon of Mr Jame & Mrs Achfah Auftin died April 16 1797 aged 18M Alio their fon was born & died May 3d 1798 Sarah, daughtr of Mr. Nathan & Mrs. Ruhamah ft Ball, died Augu fr, I 1784 aged n I I Years & 3 Mo Annah Bassett, was born June 12, 17S0. and died June 5. 179S. aged 18 vears. In Memory of Joseph Bafsett fon to Mr Nathaniel & Mrs Bethiah Bafs- ett who died Au gust 10^'^ 1800 aged one year & 3 days In me m o r y of Harriot Dauf to junr Mr Cornelius & Mrs Abigail Baf- y sett who died Jan 19*'^ 179S aged 2 years & 9 days Nancy, dau'.'' of Mr. n Cornelius Bafsett Ju by Mrs Abigail his wife, died with the Small pox March 19th, 1785, aged 12 Months & 19 days. Phebe Died August 30*^^ 1777 Aged I year & 9 Months. Thomas Died February 17*^ 1788 Aged 14 Months. Perniela Died April 3'^ 1795 Aged 2 years & 3 Months. Children of Mr. Thomas & Mrs Phebe Beecher. Betfey (dau^'' of Mr. Gerge & Mrs A t Elifabeth) Benne died Sept 1790 aged 5 Months. AF^ Defire Chadwi the late Confort of M*- Abiathar Chad wick died Auguft 1 3^1 1790 in the 35^" year of her age No age nor sex can Death defy Think Mortals what it is to die In memory of Miss Ze- ruiah Crocker who died Sep -^nd 1798 in the 21ft year of her age Tis long since death had the majority Yet strange: it the living lay not to heart In Memory of Mrs Content, the late ii Confort of M'' Noa Crocker, who Died July 23d. 1794 in the 65th year of her age. Mercy Hambli Crocker Died Sept 8th i-.g._ in the 4'.hyear of her as:e. Joseph Crocke jun'.' Died July 24th 1796, aged 7 Months & 6 Days. The above were the Children of Insign Joseph & Mary Crocker M rs. Hannah Davis the wife of Mr. Hope d Davis Died February 23 1795 in the 65* of her aire year The blooming cheeks, the hDvely charms, Lie clasped in Deaths^ cold Icy arms. How sudden was the stro When theAlmighty spoke My Friends & Children now draw near And fee that you for Death prepare Polly Dauf of M'' Silas & Mrs Rachel Eafton died February 1 5"' 1 795 aged 16 days. Mrs Marcy Ewer the wife of Mr Paul Ewer died March i8^'' 1795 in the 39*^^* year of her age Farewell my friends dry up your tears Here fleeps my dust till Christ appears David (Ton of Mr. David & Mrs. Eliiabeth) Foot) died Oct. d 14th, 1790, age 3 Months. Sl^'efi 071 my babe and take your re/t God calld you home He J\uv it beft. I n memory of an Infant (on to Mr Alvan & Mrs Sally FOOT who died August 5^'' 1799 aged 9 hours Ye active babes & child fe all Bebold the foenn of childreiis fall My day was fhort my liours few And bid this world & all adieu Jared died |Eunis died Mayi5^'^i7S5 March i9"» aged 2 Years 1794 aged & 8 Month|3 Years. The heirs of Mr. a t Elish & Mrs. Mary gran Thomas, fon of M": lai.ha c\: Mr. ICliiabeth l'* r e e- man. died June 2 8',>' 1780 aged 3 years. The God that * ♦ * [Stjue broken. 1 Nanfey Dauf of Mr Mofes & Mrs f Relie Hall who til Died Februar}' 19 1797 aged 16 da)s William Phinney Hamblin Son to MrCornelius&M" Marcy Hamblin died October 23d 1797 aged I year 4 Months & 15 days Rochana Dauf of Mr Abraham & Mrs Easther Howk who died January 3' 5th 1795 aged 16 months & 20 days Lena, Dauf: to M^ Samuel, & M^"« Ly- dia Hodges, died April 14, 1795 aged 2 months. Sacred t o the memory of Mrs Eunice Ingerlbll Confort of M"" Mofes In- s gerfoU who departed thi hfe:N'ov 19 1795 in the 51ft year of her age. rn Survivinp: friends altho yon mo Let this coiif ole I f hall return word The righteons Judge can by his Bring me triumphing with the Lord In memory of M^^ Elifa- beth Jenkins Conlort of M^' Ebenzer Jenkins (late of Barnf table decea[ed)who died Oct'" 2S*'i 17SS aged 91 years by Behold my friends while pafing This ftone informs you where I lie Tho I have lived to ninty one Yet you may die while you are young Here lies Worthy to be lamented M'"^ Sibyl IIubd Wife of Stephen Leonakd who departed this life July W 1787 in the 24'*^ Year of her Age. My glafs is run my Grave you see, Prepare for Death and follow me. Stephen Leon ard junr died May 1787 In memory of Thomas Nye fon to Deacon Levy & Mrs Sarah Nye who Died Nov 2nd jy^2 in the igthyearof hisage In memory of an Infant, dau*,'" of Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Charity Nye. who died July 2^} 1793 aged 5 days. Hulda the dau- ghter of Mr. Le- e vi & Mrs Catharin h Porter, died Marc 13 1794 aged 8 r yeas & i 3 days. Rhoda dauf to Mr Levi & M-l^ Catharin Porter died June 5^^ 1795 in the 4^^ year of her age. In memory of M'" Lydia Tobey confort to M"" Ste phen Tobey who died April 3d 1799 in the 43d year of her age. Gods people aro made willing in the day of his Power In memory of Mils Re- member Tobey: Daufto Mr Stephen, &Mrs Lydia Tobey; who died Feb. 6th 1799. in the 22 year of her age. arms The blcoiiiingcht'eks the lovely ch Lie elasp'd in Eetiis cold icy arms This ftone was Erected by Seth Backus jun'" la ISrcmory of Mrs Lucy, wife of ^Ir. John AVilliam*, WHO Departed this Life, Aug. 28, ^D. 178(3: ^E. 24. Farewell my loviiip wife, We bid a short Adieu, You can not come to me asaia But I must come to you. Mary Dau^-- of M'' William & M^-^ Sarah th Whitney Died July 27 1790 aged I Month Inscriptions indistinct in the photo-engravings, pp. 85—9' In Memory of Mr. Arthur Perry who died May 7, 1794 in thi. 73d year of his age. Ai/ifu my fpoufe 7ny children dear pain / leave this world of Let virtue be your Practice here ' we do meet av' Pago 8.5. M RS Rebecca, wife ch of M-- Oliver Hat died May It* 1788 in the 37'^ year of her age. Farewell viy friends dry up your tears, Mv du/t lies here Till Christ appears. Page 8". On stone to the mennry of Esther and Lydia Bradley ;— see p. S7 : Decay n^ tnortui's /teres the place The h) life deffj'nd for Adatns race Be ready then to meet the Lamb Of God, the Judge, the Great I AM. In memory of Mr JOHN WIEGAR who Departed this Life the 14th of March 1798 Aged 55 years & 2 Mo In folemu filence here I lie Pniy from uie learn that 3-011 must die All yoatliful Tceues of iileafuri' bright _., . . , 1 T^ Muft end as watches of the niglit This (tone erected bv Row ^ , . , O mav this be your happy case 1 and T H A T C H E R j un'- to ^>'^t he who gives you length of days May raise you to His cons above There to pertake of boundlels love Page 89. perpetuate the memory of Mils Electa WILCOX who departed this Life May i6th 1800 Aged 19 years 2 month & 14 days. All you that ftop my tomb to fee As I am liere so you muft be. Repent, repent now you have time, For I was taken in my prime. On ston" erected to th(» children of Jon- athan F.jot Jr. ;— .ee p. 87 : Thofe !:;uiltlefs c 'larmes, those marks of genius are surprcst. Which nurst the fondeft hopes in tender parents breasts. Two infants of Jaco & Anna Winegars One died March 3 1797 The oth- er died June 16 1802 Page 89. In Memory of M";^ Mary Baf.sett the late Confort of Mr Nathan Balsett who Died May 4th 1796 in the 44th year of her Age. Death is a debt to Nature due, Which I have paid & so muft you, Here let mo reft my weary head, Till Chrift my Lord fhall rais the Dead* Pa«e 91. illiNj / ii^ Nf^X 'l,,.,iol I. I3jkK.. .V . klTTtl ly". ■■|<>fn j Tiv. . 22?" 17'./ II, •:«-3''/i: ,; v 'It' ; Mil, „ ^^^► .. ,11.. ^..vkl*. nir tf" ' V.«l l.'Kl IrfiTKSn^orv ..I'M ' iin mger!b|l Kfi lyHia liv^cribll s" Fb.22-*1 rSoc. lyenrof h. nie'liviii'; , jAlblon,, :.. ffcurlij^isftail youf" Sfetprotiiifinbi'i. H&TvCIl 1798 in tlx? 67 year jlii , laft vi. diingv/oni! iwei-e yo\i niufl all ' 7^ i V^ i / n memon/ of I3ulli j.il)&H;13HtteyR(^ wIk) deiwitcd this)il? Juiie 2pt)i 1-^92 "ged dyenr, 10 M -i ^rlays ■ir,ebhonm,y rhreks ihp Idvely c^io LicclftpC'l (^ppenbix. First Publishment on page i. The following from Holland's History of Western Mass. vol. 2, p. 516, completes the ■mutilated record on p. 1 of thi.s vol. : "The firft 'publishment' of intentions of marriage, recorded on the town books, perpetuates the names of Noah Burdin of Lee and Avis Their of Chesterfield." Marriages of Residents of Lee recorded in other Towns. In a volume in the custody of the Town Clerk of Monterey containing a transcript of the records of Marriages l)v Rev. Aloiiijah Bidwell and Rev. Joseph Avery, the first two pastors of the church in Tyringham, are the following: — S'^lemnized by Rev. A. Bidwell. 1778 June 4th Capt Abijah Merrill & Hannah Chadwick 1779 June 30th John Sterns & Luce Merrill 1782 Jany 10 Freeman Mosier & Hepzibah Ortou 1782 Oct 17th Jonathan Graves & Anna Taylor Solemnized by Rev. Jo-;eph Averv. 1790 May 26th Reuben Davis of Lee & Polly Abbott of Tyringham 1790 Nov 11th Timothy Aldin of Tyringham & Lowis Wilcocks of Lee 1791 JanJ' 27th Stephen Markham of Tyringham & Dolly Jacksliu of Lee 1791 July 7th Reuben Marsh of Lee & Lydia Rathbun, of Tyringham. 1791 October 12tli Artcmas Rogers of Lee, & Phebe Cross, do [Lee J 1792 June 21-^t Jonathan Foot of Lee, & Temperance Holly, of G Barringtou From the Lenox Records: — By William Walk.'r, .1. P. , Ephraim Hollister of Lee to Laurana Caufield of Lenox, loth Deer 1785 — T. B. (Orig.)p. 337, John Briggs to Martha Gibbs both of Lee on the l-jtof Jan.y 1789. Do. p. 337. By Eldad Lewis. J. P., David Hay ward of Lee & Mercy Howland of Lenox, Feby 10th 1795. Do. p. 339. Al-!o th'- following "Intentions" : 1790, May 31, Intentions of Marriage Legally published and certified be- tween Jonathan Keith of Lenox & Polly Backous of Lee Do. p. 301. — Prom the Stockbridge Records : — David Ingersoll and Sarah Parsons were married Dec 13th 1781 bv Rev. Stephen West. Fr )m 1st Book of Records, Cong, church, Pittsfield: Bv Rev. Thomas Allen. 1795, Dec. 24. :M'; Silas Stephens of Lee & Miss Irene Tracy of Pitt8«l were married (Jnder "Mnrri.iges" in a published vol. of vital record-s of Sharon, Ct., by Law- Ti-nce Van ANtine: Elisha Collins of Lee and Lovina Crates of Slinron. Mar. 20, 1785. m. by Ebonezer Knibloe, 1-" Pastor of S. Amonia ( N. Y.] Church. Abraham Perry of Lee and Temperance Hatch of Sharon, m. Feb. 24, 1788, Births omitted from the Records pp. 12-42. Children of David Ingersoll & Sarah his Wife (See p. 8J.) William & Alvan — born Dec 22d. 1801 (Twins) ElihuParons " Sepr. :.'0. 1S04. Children of Wm Perry and Content his wife Fear born Feb. 20- 1777 — Ruth Novr Hth 1783 — Hannah — ai - 17;8 Sarah July 28 — 17-4 Phebe March 22 1780 John August 1 — 17t8 — Lucy July 28 1781 •' Children of Joel Putnam & Elizabeth Sarah Maria Johnson (Becket) Jany 30. 18(i3 — Sallv Putman (Becket) March 10. 1800 Lorinna " " M;iich2.i 1, Oi Abn^r do — do June 18 1802 Caroline " " Ftb 14. Ih.O Jovl do do Nov 10. 1804 James Allen Lee Sep 14 1817 Ransom Nathan do June 18 1805 Orson R " Apr 14. Isi9 Sardis Barns do Jany 2. 1808 Julia Trypkena " Jaly 27 iSii Lajy Auie dj [?] oct 14. 1&.3 The explanation of the above peculiar recoi d is: Joel Putnam, a widower with five (or six) children, married Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, wiih tl.ree children, ana three children were born to them. The births, except two, are recorded as below in Becket, but there is no record there of the death of Jan.es Jchnscn, or cf marriaj^e between any of the parties. Sally Putnam dau. Joel & Sally born Mar. 10, 1799 Abner " s. n " " " June 18, IbOl Joel '• •' " " " Dec. Id, 18jJ Ransom " " " " " June 15, 1805 fcardis " " " " " Jan. 22, 18.7 tally wife of Joel Putnam died June 10, 1813. James Allin Putnam son of Joel ^ Elizabeth born Sept. 14, 181.5 Orson Retallion '• " " '• " Oct. 14, lil9 Sally Maria Johnson c"au. James & El'.znbeth bjrn Jan. 30, 1804 LoranaEliza •• " '• " " Mar. 23, 18J7 Caroline Content " " " " •' ttb. 14, 18ia 3ttbex* BAPTISMS. Austin, Berenice, 64 . Johu, ()H. Zafua, G4. Zafna. ()G. Backus, Anson, 54. Benjamin, 54. Hannah, 54. Maria, 4i*. Nathaniel, 54. Sarah, 54. Bailey, Esther. 68. Orra, 08. Smith. 68. Thomas, 68. Wealthy, 68. Baker, David, 65. Lemuel, 63. Lrdia, 63. j^^,,, ,^^ Salviua, 63. Salviua, 64. Samuel Crocker, 66. Sarah, 63. Ball, Daniel, 49. Isaac, 56. Samuel, 54. Barlow, Cornelius, 65. Cornelius, 66. Elizabeth, 63. Hannah, 65. Joseph Warren, 67. Lydia, 66. Nabby, 64. Nathan, .54. Reuben, 65. Sally, 69. Seth, 68. William Bassett, 65. Bartholomew, Aufrustus, 65 Daniel, 68. Jesse Bradley, C5. Lemi. 65. Lydia, 65. "1 Mamre, 65. Bassett, Cornelius, 68. David. .56. Delorah Webb, 64. Elisha, 56. Experience, 66. Hannah, 64. Harriet, 66. Isaac, 67. John, 56. Jofei*r*>HT Johu Smith, 64, Joseph, 68. Lemuel, 63, Lydia, 63. Nabby, 64. Nancy, 63. Nathaniel, 65. Pollv, 64. Rachel, 68. Remember Nye, 64. Thomas, 64. Beecher. Alvah. 65. Hopestill, 49. Pamela, 57. Thomas, child of, 55. Benedict, Aaron, 57. Betsey. 63. Clarissa, 54. Desire, 57.E.iniw,i",. Huldah, 66. Lucina, 56. Molly. 63. Stephen Thomas, 54. Bennett. B etsey. 6 6. KiiflU'6, r.'i." Henry Williams, 65. Pruchi, 65. Bradley. Abigail. C8. Amanda, 65. Anne. 64. Asenath. 63. Betsey. 65. Celah, 64. BAPTISMS. Bradley, Ebeuezer Cook, 68. Eli, 68. Elisha, 68. Eunice, 66. Joel, 64. Josiah, 64. Lucy, 68. Lydia, 67. Lydia, 68. Lvmau, 67. Parmelia, 68. Philo, 64. Polly, «4. Sally, 65. William, 66. Bullard, Charlotte, 57. Carpeuter, Darius, 63. Casey, Mary, 64. Chadwick, Aucel, 65. Archelus, 5^. Dauiel, 66. Fear, 54. Hemau, 54. John, 54. John, 55. Joseph, 54. Mary, 55. .\. Ruth, 57. Samuel, 56. . Sarah, 56. Church, Anna, 57. Daniel, 55. Daniel, 65. Hannah, 56. Huldah, 64. James, 64. Polly, 64. Coffey, Crecia, 54. Couch, Amanda, 68. John, 69. Mabel, 69. Phebe, 68. Tirza, 68. Cracker, Abigail, 65. Asa, 64. Aurelia, 69. Benjamin, 64. Betsey, 63. Betsey Clark, 64. Betsey Crosby, 67. Celah, 63. Electa, 63. Electa Lewis, 68. Elizabeth, 63. ' Elizabeth, 65. ' Grissilda, 64. Crocker, Huggins, 63. Jedediah, 64. Jedediah Davis, 65. John Dimick, 68. Joseph, 6o. Joseph, 67, Josiah, 68. Laura, 68. Lemira, 68. Lucius, 68. Lacy, 68. Lucy, 68. Noah, 65. Olive, 63. Philena, 68. Polly, 64. Polly, 66. Samuel, 54. Samuel, 65. Sally, 64. Sarah, 64. Sarah, 65. Seth, 66. Sophia. 68. Thomas, 67. William, 68. William, 69. Davis, Bathsheba, 65. Charity Hall, 64. Elisha Parmele, 56. Hannah Crocker, 64. Hope, 66. Hopestill, 56. Isaac, 64. Lewis, 67. Lucy, 64. Lucy, 64. Mary, 56. Mercy, 68. Nathan. 64. Priscilla, 63. Samuel, 56. Samuel, child of, 57. Wait Hatch, 66. Denio, Betsey, 65. Dickinson, Daniel, 64. Miriam, 63. Dodge, Asahel, 63. Hannah, 64. Heman, 63. Samuel Stanley, 63. Sarah, 63. Ewer, Alva, 68. Ansel, 54. Asa, 65. Charles, 67. BAPTISMS. 97 Ewer, Ebeuezer, 54. Eleazer, 57. Elisha, 64. Elizabeth. 57. Hauuah, 66. Jane, 64. John Crocker, 64. Lydia, 54. Martha. 64. Mary, 54. Mary Burslev, 64. Mercv, 64. Nabby, 64. Paul. 66. Seth, 54. Thomas, 54. Tilsou, 64. Fiuney, Abraham, 69. Aseuath, 67. Ezra Thompson, 66. Fish, Thankful, 54. Foot, Asahel, 64. Cliarles, 6!). Elizabeth, 66. John, 57. Jonathan, .56. Lyman, 67. Sarah Ann, 64. Sarah Ann, 65. Solomon, 64. William. 63. Freeman, Charles, 64. Elisha, 63. Elizabeth, 63. Fanny, 63. Lydia Percival, 63. Thomas, 63. Fuller, Elilia , 65. Jacob, 65. Lncy, 65. Thomas "Williams, 65. Garfield, Daniel. 65. Polly. 65. Silas, 65. Giflford, Abipail, 57. Abraham, 57. Alvan, 65. Eunice, 65. Geueverah, 64. James, 65. James, 67. Jesse, 56. Jesse, 64. John, 64. John, 65. ■ Lewis, 69. Giflford, Lydia, 57. Lyman, 6i). Phebe, 57. Ruth, 64. Sally, 67. Sylva, 64. Sylvanus, 64. Tliomas, 57. Goodspeed, Abigail, 49. Thankful, 49. Grant, David, 55. Elisha, 54. Esther, 55. Eunice, 57. Isaac. 67. Jared, 54. Polly, 65. Prudence, 54. Ruth, .54. Thankful, 56. Hall, Lydia, 68. Hambliu, Natliaiiiel, 64. Tabitha, 65. Handy, Elizabeth, 64. Hatch, Alpheus. 63. Daniel Lewis, 56. David, 57. Eli, 56. Hemau, 67. Justus, 63. Lemuel, 57. Oliver. 63. Polly. 64. Tabitha, 63. Tamar, 65. Thomas Davis, 6]. Wait, 63. Hinckley, Content, 64. Hinsdale, Lydia. 65. Hodges. Lucy. 66. Humphrey, Elias, 69. Tliaiikful, ()9. Hyde. Alvan, 65. C'harlcs Backus, 66. Harriet, 67. Stei)hpn. 6S. lugersoll. Anna. 49. Ashcr, 6!». Betsey, 4!». Billy. 49. Ct'la. 63. David, 64. David. 66. Ebeuezer Niblow, 04, El.'nor. 49 , Khliu, iu\. BAPTISMS. lugersoll, Elizaleth, 66. Elizabeth. 67. Eunice, 68. James, 68. John, 64. Johu Calviu, 49. Lois. 64. Lucretia, 56. Lucy. 68. Luther, 49. Lydia, 6:1 Merit. 64. Mosps, 57. Moses, 67. PollT, 64. Reuheu, 65. Rhoda, 67. Sarah, m. Sarah, 66. Seth Cror-ker, 63. Sophia, 57. Theodore, 56. Thomas. 65. William, 63. Jeukins, ELeuezer, 68. Henry William, 65. Josiah, 67. Lvdia, 69. Nathan, 6P, Kellogg, Otis, 54. King, Artemesia, 6(^. Leonard, Samuel, 67. Nye, Betsey, 57. Caleb, 56. Charity, 64. Cha: 1 ^s, 66. Elisba, 54. Esther, 64. Hannah, 64. Ira, 64. John. 64. Joshua, 66. Lois, 64. Sallv, 67. Sarah, 66. Seth, 55. Thankful, 57. Peuoyer, Truman, 49. Percival, Anne, 68. Content, 66. Elisba, 63. Elisha. 64. Fear. 64. Hannah Gates, 65. Huldah. 6g. James, 65. Percival, John. 63, John, 6t John, 65. Montgomery, 65. Nabby, 67. PoUv, 63. Rutii, 64. Ruth, 65. Samuel, 6.". Perry, Abraham, Ht Arthur. 65. Dama. 65. Polly, 65. Porter, Abigail, 65. Grace. 65. Kimball. 66-. Lcr.iin, 65. Lydia, 65. Mary, 65. Remele, Hannah. 69. Lydia, 67. Robinson.' Amanda, 66. Fanny, 66. Sheldon, Lydia, 66. Stanton, Lydia, 69. Stewart, Sarah, 68. Stone, Palmira, 67. William, 68. Taylor, Deborah, 64. Thompson. Chauncey, 64. Harriet Maria, 68. Hezekiah Ortou, 64. Olive, 65. Rhoda, 64. Tilly, Hannah, 64. Leota, 64. Lucy, 65. Rhoda. 64. Samuel, 64, Tobey, Achsah, 65. A.sael. 57. Celah, 55. Cynthia, 65. Deborah, 64. Deborah, 65. Lydia, 54. Lydia, 56. Mary, 65. Mii-,v,66. Nathaniel, 56. Nathaniel, 64. Remembrance, 55. Samuel, 65. Sarah, 64. Stephen. 55. Turner. Polly, C8. Tuttle, James, 64. BAPTISMS. Tyler, David, 65. Sallv, 65. Sibyl, 65. Waiisev. Benjamin, 68 Chloe, 68. Electa, 68. Esther, 68. Grace. 68. Heury, 68. Jared, 68. John, 68. Reuben, 68. West, Abijrail, 63. Alvah, 66. Amy, 49. Benjamin, 69. Daniel. 54. Ebenezer, 6(5. Eiizal etli, 54. Elizabetli, 56. Ephriam. 64. Ezekiel, 55. Eunice, 67. Hannah, 63. Heman, 49. Ira, 56. Joel. 64. Mehitabel, 67. Orson, 57. Lucv. 54 West, Pelatiah, 64. Phebe, 64. Prince, 56. Sally, 55. Saviah, 54. Stepheij, 64. Thomas- Tracy. 54. Timotliy Nye', 64. Wilcox, Daniel, 64. Electa, 49. Electa, 69. Hudson. 66. Willouphby. Jtsiah, 67. Lvdia, 67. Polly, 67. Semantha, 68. Winegar. Electa, 56. Elizabeth, 68. John. 67. Stephen, 55. Yale, Electa, 65. John, 57. Josiah, 66. Lucy Tracy, 63. Siius, 56. Youngs, Alviu, 57. Benjamin, 49. Ezra, 56. Williams, Lucy, 56. L.ofC. CHURCH MEMBERS. Abbott, Anne, GO. Martha, GO. Seth, GO. Austin, Achsah, 60. James, GO. Backus, Benjamin, 61. Maria, Mrs., 49, 52. Bailey, Esther, 62. Baker, Salvina, 60. Ball, Lydia, 60. Nathan, 50. Ruhamah, 50. Barlow, Elizabeth, 49, 53. Hannah. GO. Lemuel, 62. Lydia, 61. Nabby, 60. Sally, 63. Thankful, CO. Barns, Nabby. 60. Bartholomew, Josiah, 49, 50. Mamre, 61. Phebe, 50. 54, Bassett, Abig:ail, 60. Cornelius, 56. Cornelius, 60. . Nathaniel, 60. Remember, 61. Thankful, 61. Beecher. Phebe, 49. 53. Thomas, (iO. Benedict, Aaron, 5:*, 54. Bennett, Elizabeth, 61. Blackman. Sarali, 61. Bradlev. Abigail, g2. ' Anne, 60. Eli, 61. Eunice, 60. Jes.se, D6a., 49, 50. rj, Jesse, Jr., 61. Joseph, 60. Lydia, 61. Lydia. 62. Mary [Maniry],50. Phebe, 60. Steihon, 62. William, 61. Brown, Euiuce, 56. •Casey, Mary, 60. Chadwick, Archelus, 56. Desire, 49, 52. Elizabeth, 49, ,52. Jabez, 60. Sarah, 52. Chase, Levi, 60. Silence, 60. Temperance, 60. Childs, Experience, 62. Church, Anne, 60. Daniel, 49, 51. Daniel, 60. Daniel, 61. Hannah, 49, 51. Coffey, Experience, 53. Collins, Hannah, 52. Couch, Hannah, 6*. John Sr., 61. John Jr., {ji. Prudence, 62. Samuel. 62. Sarah, 61. Crocker, Dorcas, 61. Elizabeth, 60. Hannah, ho. Jedediah, 60. Joseph, Sr., 61. Josiah, 60. Laura, 63. Lemira, 63. Lemuel, 51. - Lucy, 6i. Maltha, 60. Mercv, 53, 55. Sarah, 51. Sarah, 60. Sophia, 63. Tabitha, (il. Thomas, 53, 55. Crosby, John, 49, 51. Martha, 49, 51. Davis, Hannah. 49, 50. Hannah. 62. Hope, 50. Lucy, oO. Natlian, 60. Priscilla. 56. Samuel, 56. Dexter, Patience, 63. Dickinson, M iriam, 60. Dimick, Thankful, 52. Thankful, 60. CHURCH MEMBERS. 101 Dodge, Hannah, 61. Sarah, 60. Ewer. Mary, 51, r)4. Mercv, 60. Paul,' 60. Thomas, 51. Fish, Mercy, 51. Phiueas, 51. Foot, Asahel, 60. Deliverance, 52. Jonathan, 60. Sarah, 51. Sarah Ann, 60. Solomon, 60. Freeman, Elisha, 60. Elizabeth, 60. Fuller, Eunice, 61. Thomas, 61. Garlield, Enoch, 61. Gii^tvAd, Elizabeth. 56. Huldah, 60. James, 61. Jesse, 56. Joanna, 60. John, 61. Lvdia, 52. Ruth, 56. Sarah, 61. Tabitha, 60. Goodspeed. Abigail, 49. David, 60. Naomi, .53. Thankful, 49, 52. Grant, Mary, 53, 54. Hall, Abraham, 62. Rachel, 62. Hamblin, Abigail, 60. Nathaniel, 60. Tabitha, 61. Hamilton, Hannah, 62. Handy, Lois, 49, .53. Hatch, Lemuel, 50. Lewis, 60. Mary, 53. Oliver, 53, 55. Rebecca, 53, 55. Rhoda, 63. Temperance, 50. Hinckley, Content, 60. Edmund, (;0. Hinsdale, Lydia, 61. Howland, Martha, 61. Hubbard, Sarah, 56. Humphrey, Thankful, 62. Hyde, Lucy, 60. Ingersoll, David, 49, 51, 54. Eunice. 49, 52. Jared, 60. Lydia, 49, 52. Lydia, 50, 54. Mercy. 60. Prudence, 62. Sarah, 51, 55. William, 49, 50. Jenkins. Ebenezer Jr., 60. Elizabeth, 60. Kellogg, David, 51. Elenor, 51. Lee, Sarah, 61. Leonard, Samuel Jr,, 61. Marsh, Tryphena, 52. Northrop, Mehitabel, 60. Nye, Amy, 53, .54. Charity, 60. John, 60. Joshua, 60. Levi, 49, 51. Lois, 60. Sarah. 49, 51. Seth, 53, 55. Parsons, Sarah, 62. Penoyer, James. 49, 51, 57.- Sarah, 51. Zina, 61. Percival, Abigail, 60. Anne, 62. Elisha, 60. John. 60. Ruth, 60. Perry, Catv, 51. David, 60. Deidama, 62. Desire, 60. Tempe, 61. Porter, Prudence, 61. Samuel, 60. Putnam, Rebecca, (>2. Robbins, Samuel Prince, 63. Robinson Elizabetli, 61. Elizabeth, 63. Levi, 61. CHURCH MEMBERS. Santie, Betsey, 60. Dauiel, 60. Sheldou, Ephraim, 01. Stanley, Jerusha, 53, o4. Molly, 60. Stanton, Lydia, 63. Stevvart, Sarah, 63. Stone, Rebecca, 62. Squire, 63. Squier, Adria, 63. Sally, 62. Tavlor, Deborah, 60. Thatcher, Elizabeth, 62. Rowland, 62. Thayer, Anne, 62. Nathaniel, 62. Thompson, Olive, 60. Tilley, Hannah, 60. Samnei, 60. Tobey, Deborah. (iO. Lvdia. .")3, .i4. Nathaniel, 60. Totraan, Joseph, 50. Tuttle, James, 60. Sarah, (50. Tyler, Ruth, 60. Sarah, 61. Wanser, Chloe. 62. Wells, Zurviah, 60. West, Daniel, 60. Ebeuezer, 60. Eliz;ibeth, 53. Elizabeth, 60. Mehitabel, 60. Mehitabel, 60. Oliver, 50, .54. Prince, 49, 50. Thankful. 50. Wilcox, Daniel. 60. Peter, 60. Tabltha, 49. 52. Willoughby.Jdsiah, 6i. Winegar, Elizabeth, 52. Huldah, 60. John, 63. Katharina, 53. Samuel, 60. Wormer, Grace, 62. Jeremiah, 61. Yale, Josiah, 56. Ruth, 56. Youngs, Hannah, 51. James, 51. PUBLISHMENTS AND MARRIAGES. Abbott, Anne, 4. TO. Polly. 9:5. Susanna, 7, 71. Adams, Benjamin, 7, 70. Aldiu, Timothy, 98. Atkins, Georgre, 1. Austin, Pardon, 4, 70. Avery, Sallv. ;i. Backus, Bpt?^ev, 7, 71. IchaVo.l. 1. Lucy. 10, 71. Lrdia, 5, 70. Pollv, m. Sallv, 4, 70. S;illv. 5, 70. Thomas, 10, 71. Walloy, 4, ',0. Baker. David, S. Ball, Bels;\v. 8. 71. Ijydia. .">. 70. Nancy, 10, 71. Nathan, .Jr., «, 71. Pattv, 10, 71. Barden, Seth, 3. Barlow, Hannah, 11, 70. Isaac, 5, 70. Lemuel, 8. Lvdia, ;j. Pelofr. 8, 71. Samuel. 10. 71. Tliankfnl, 6, 70. Bartliolomew. .Jesse, 3. Bartiline, Phebe. 3. Ba.ssett, Ansel, 4, 70. Eeu.;amin. X. Deloraii Webb, 11, 71. Natlian. S, 71. Thankful, .3. Bat«s, Anni', 18. Benedict, Aarou, lo. Bennett. Sally, 8, 71. Bosworth, ("onstiint, 1. Bradler, Eli, 3. Col. .Tared 10. Hen an. 4. 7). lemi, (), 70. Lydia, 70. Mnmry. 3. William. 8. 71. Braymau. Betsey, H. Bripps, Jo in, 93. BuUard, Mrs. Lucy, H, 70. Burden., Noah. 1. vSeth. see Bardii. Bursley, .Jal e/-, 4, 70. Calkins, Sybil, 2. Can field. Lauran^, 93. Casey, Sally, ,t, 70. Chauwick. A1)iathar, 17. Elizabeth. 10, 71. Fear, 8. 71. Hannah, 93. Jabez, 11. Thomas, 10, 71. Chanter, Georfre, ]. Meribah. 1. Chase, Polly, (i, 70, Silence, 9. Childs, Delia, 9. 71. Job, 10, 11. 71. Church, Daniel. 18. Eli, 10. 71. Levi, 9. Clark, Benjamin, 3. Jp.^se, 1. Rebecca, fi. Simeon, 10, 71. Cole, Sarah. 3. Collius, Avis, fi, 70. Elisha, 93. Couch, Rebecca. 10, 71. Crocker, Alice Hoyt, 0. 70. Elizabeth, o, 70. Hannah. 9. 71. jedediah, 3. Josiah, 6, 70. Mercv, 3. Tabitha, 7, 71. Thankful, 11. Vina, 3. Crosby, Abijah. (?, 70. Betsey, 9. 71. Hanhali. u, 70. Cross, Pliebe. 93. Davis, Benjamin, 10. Calvin. 9. 71. Hope (5, 70. Marv, 2. Reuben, 93. Solomon, 3. Mrs. Tabitha, 41. Day, Luther. 9, 71. Dexter, Stephen, n, 70. Tabitlia, 3. Dimick P>'thiali, 3. Hannah, 4. 70. Sal >me, (1, 70. Sarah. 1. Dodfje, Elisha, 9, 71. Miriam, 2. Doten, Amasiah, 2. 104 PUBLISHMENTS AND MARRIAGES. Easton, Silas, 5. 70. Eddy, Rachel, 3. Ewer, Paul, 7, 70. Fesseuden, Cornelius, 10, 71. Lucy, 4. Finney, Abraham, 5, 70. Deborah, 2. Foot, Alvan, 9. Asahel, 4, 70. David, 3. Fenuer, 2. Jonathan, 93. Sally, 5. Sarah, 1. William, 8, 71. Fowler, Levi, 9. Frary, Joseph, 8, 71. Fuller, Amos, 1. Gardner, Betsey, 9. Hannah, 9. John, 9, 71. Lodowick, 9. Garfield, Amanda, 4, 70. Gates, Lavina, 93. Gibbs, Martha. 93. Giflford, Abigail, 3. Oaty, 7, 71. Huldah, 5, 70. Lewis, 7, 71. Lydia, 5, 70. Polly, 7, 70. Rachel, 10, 71. Sally, S , 71. Sarah, 3. Sylvanus, 3. Gillet, Nathaniel, 2. Gleason, Nathaniel, 6. Goodrich, Lois, 3. Grant, Isaac, 3. Martha, 9, 71. Graves, Jonathan, 93. Green, John, 3. Griffin. Esther, 8, 71. Haas [Hoose], John, 2. Hamblin, Bathiah, 2. Benjamin, 6, 70. Betsey, 3. David, 5, 70. Deliverance, 1. Martha, 8. Nabby, 10. Susanna, 7, 70. Tabitha, 8, 71. Thankful, 10. Hancock, Jemima, 1. Handy, Anne, 8, 71. Hatch, Edward, 11. Lewis, 2. Rhoda. 11. 71. Temperance, 93. Hawes, Ebenezer, 70. Hayward, David, 93. Hinckley, Joseph, 5, 70. Nabby, 7, 70. Zina, 8, 71. Hodges, Samuel, 70. Hollister, Epliraim, 93. Holly, Temperance, 93. Howard, Mehitabel, 3. Howe, Joshua, 71. Howk, Andrew, 9, 71, Ficha, 2. Howland, Mercy, 93. Hudson, Nathaniel, 7, 70. Huggins, Anne, 1. Hulet, John, 8. Lucena, 7, 71. Huntington, Azel, 8. Hyde, Alvan, 4. IngersoU. Calvin, 3. David, 93. Jared, 3. Lucinda, 10, 71. Luther, P. Moses, 7. William, Jr., 3. Jackslin, Dolly, 93. Jenkins, Ebenezer, Jr., 4, 70. | Johnston, Stephen, 6. ^^ Jones, Azuba, 8, 71. Judd, Ozias, 7, 71. Keep, John, 31. Keith, Jonathan, 93. Kilborn, Elijah, 9, 71. Lathrop, Ichabod, 4, 70. Lenester. Abigail, 31. Mansfield, Betsey, 9, 71. Fanny, 3. Martha, 3. Polly, 3. Markham, Stephen, 93. Marsh, Reuben, 93. Merrill, Capt. Abijah, 93. Lucy, 93. Mosier, Freeman, 93. Mott, Abia. 8, 71. Munson, Phebe, 16. Newel, Mary, 9. Ruth, 6, 70. Niblow, Elizabeth, 3. Northrop, Electa, 70. Job, 8, 71. I'UI'.LISHMl Nye, Fniucis. 2. James, 11. Johu, 2. Joshua, 4, 70. Mehitabel, 8. Ka<-hel, 5, 70. Seth, 2. Olds, Caty, (i, 70. Ortoii, Hepzibah, !):{. Osborn, Harvey. 7, 71. Oweu, Martha, 1. Packard. Philip. 10, 71. Parker. Aiiiie, 7, 71. Charta, 4, 70. Daniel, 8, 71. Sarah. 7. 70. Parsons, Sarah, 93. Pciiojer, Jacob, .5, 70. Reuben, 7, 70. Percival, Sally, 9. Pcn-rv. Abi-rail, 4, 70. Abraham. !):5. Fear. '.I, 71. Plielp.s, Dororliy, 10. Pixley, p:sther. 4, 70. Reuben, 0, 70. Porter, Amasa, 11, 71. Ebenezer, 10. Pratt, Jacob, 1. Putnam, Polly, fi. Randal, Betsey, l.o. Rathburn, John, 10, 71. Lydia, 93. Read, John, 5, 70. Remele, John, 11, 70. Rider, Pathshua, 3. Robinson, Hannah, 8. Rof,'erK. Artemas, 93. Shaw, Crisi)us, 5. Duncan, 3. Lcvina, '). Sheldon, Ephraim, 5, 70. Sherman, Ichabod, (i, 70. Smitli. Israel. 3. NeluMiiiah, 3. Lydia, 4, 70. iM"(^ribah, 9, 71 Stanley, Jerusha, 3. Stanton, Asaliol, 10, 71. Klioda, 4, 70. llufus, Jr., 3. Stearns, .loliii. 93. Stevens. Patience, 2 Silas, 93. Urania. 71. Stewart. Patbsheha, 17. I'ollv. r., 70. .Sally. 11. Srronu. nnlali,2. CNTS AND MARRI.\( i 1> . 1 Strung. Horatio, 2. Stur^es, William, (i, 70. Sutherland, John, 3. Taylor, Anna. 93. Lucy, II. Prudence, 7. Thatcher, Timothy, 10. Thompson, Israel, 5. Their. Avis, 1, 93. Titranv, Walter, 3. Tobey^ Celia, 10. 71. Nathaniel, 2. Tooley. Lydia, 9, 71. Tracy, Hannah, 3. Irene, 93. Ruth, 3. Treat, Timothy, 2. Vallet. Abia, 8. 71. Hannah, 9. JertMniab, 8, 71. Phebe, 2. VanDeusen, Grace, 4, 70 Matthew, 11. Walker, Hannali. 8. Walley, Jonathan, 4, 70. Wedge, Oliver, 9, 71. West, Anne. 4, 70. Amy, 2. Ebenezer, 2. Jeduthan, 10, 71. Joshua, 9. Levi, 3. Lois, 2. Morcv, 1. White, John, 9, 71. Whicon, James, 11. 71. Joseph, 4. 70. Wilcox, Daniel. .-., 70. Lois, 93. Oziel, 3. Peter, Sr., 41. Peter. .Jr., 3. Phebe, 10, 71. Sai'ah, 2. Sena, 10. 71. Williams, Epliiaim. 7, 71. Willoiighby, Josiah, 4, 70 Winegar, Betsey, 11, 71. Jacob, 7, 71. Samuel, 7, 71. Winslow, Marv. 4. 70. .M(.lly, H. Wormer, Aaron, 2. •lemima. 7, 71. Wriglit, Sainurl. 1. Simeon, 7. 71. Valr. Eunice. 10. .Insiab. 3. DEATHS. Atkius, Heury, 73. Austin, Joseph Freeman, 70. Margaret, 76. Zafna, 12, 73, 76. Zafna, 76. Ohildof James, 72, 76. 74, 76. Backus, Benjamin, 73, 85. Deliverance, 12, 72. Nathaniel, 87. Walley, s. of Walley, 13. Son of Walley, 13. Baker, Avis, 13. Ebeuezer, 13. Child of David, 13. Ball, Nathan, 74. 91. Sarah, 13, 76. Barden, see Burden. Barlow, Cornelius, 72. Lydia, 73. Child of Reuben, 14, 72. " 14. 74. Bassett, Anner, 73. f Annah, 74, 77. Harriet, 15, 74, 77. John Smith, 15. Joseph, 15, 75, 77. Mary, 83, 91. Nancv, 15, 77. Child" of Ansel, 14. Childof Cornelius. 14. Beecher, Parmelia, 72, 77. Phebe, 77. Thomas, 77. Benedict, Esther, 15. Eunice, 15. Mary, 15, 87. Nathan, 15. Bennett, Betsey, 15, 77. Child of George, 72. Blackman, Orra. 73. Bradlev, Charity, 16, 87. " Esther, 83, 87. Lydia, 83, 87. Childof Jesse Jr., 16. Child of Joseph, 16. Burden, Betsey, 17, 74. Meribah, 48, 75. Casey, Dennis, 47, 74. Molly, 46, 73. Peggy, 47, 74. Chadwick, Cynthia, 47, 74. Desire, 17, 78. Ebeuezer, 47, 74. Chadwick, John, 17. Samuel, 17. Samuel, 85. Child of Caleb, 72. Chase, Mercy, 18. Seth, 18. Sileuce, 47, 74. Tabitha, 18. Church, Daniel. 18. Daniel, 18. Daniel. 48, 75, 89. Daniel, 75, 8!). Hannah, 18, 89. Clark, son of Jabez, 72. Son of Silas, 73. Couch, Samuel, 48, 75. Sarah, 48, 75. Child of John, 48, 75. Crocker, Abigail, 46, 73, 89. Betsey Crosby, 20, 74. Content, 72, 78. Dorcas, 74. Hannah, 4-^, 72. Joseph, son of Joseph Jr., 19, 73, 78. Joseph Jr., 19, 73, 89. Mercy Hamblin, 19. 73, 78. Thomas, 20, 74. Capt. Thomas, 46, 73, 89. Zeruiah, 47, 74, 78. Child of Josiah, 20. Crosby, child of John, 20, 72. Childof John, 20, 73. Davis, Hannah, 72, 78. Isaac. 91. Jedediah, 20. Sarah, 20. Easton. Polly, 22, 72. 78. Ewer, Lvdia, 74. Mercv, 22, 72, 79. Child of Paul. 72. Farrar, child, 72. Finney, Barnabas, 23. Benjamin Franklin, 22. Polly, 23. Childof Abraham, 22. Foot, David, 23, 79. Jorusha, 24, 87. John, 24, S7. Sarah, 85. William, 24, 72, 87. Child of Alvau, 23, 75, 79. + Anner in Dr. Hyde's record, but M:irj' on gravestone. Freeman. Betsey, 24, 74. Thomas, 24, 79. Garduer, Christene, 74. Cliild of Lodowick, 7;J. Gifford, Erastus, 25. Jesse, 25, 72. Le^yis, 25, 78. Thomas, 87. Child of James, 72. Cliild of James, 73. Graham, child of Aaron, 73. Grant, Eunice, 25, 72, 79. Jared, 25, 79. Polly, 25, 73 Graves, John, 26. Rebecca, 26, 73. Samuel, 72. Sarah, 47. 75. Hall, Nancy, 79. Hambliu, Benjamin. 47, 74, 91. William Phinnev, 26, 74. SO. • Handy, Matty, 76, 85. Hatch, Rebecca, 27. Rebecca, 82, 87. Miriam, 48, 75, 80. Hinckley. Charles, 72, 80. Eliza, 28. Hodges, Lena, 73, 80. Howk, Isaac, 28. Roxana, 28. 75, 80. Child of Andrew, 28, 75. Hulot. Jolui, 29, 74. Sally, 29, 72. Sarali. 29, 74. Wealthy, 29, 72. Inger.soll, Eunice, 31, 44, 73, 80. Lucinda. 75, 93. Jenkins, Elizabeth, 80. j Jones, Joseph, 73. Keep, Elizabeth, 31, 73. Son of John, 73. Lamphier, Moses. 32. Leonard. Sibyl Hurd. 81. Stephen, Jr., 81. Northrop, Thomas. 48, 75. Nye, Charles, 3:;!. 73. Esther, 32. Ira, 32. Stephen, 32. Thomas, 33. 72, 81. Dau. of Joshna, 72, SI. Peet, Bulah, 48. 75, 91. DKATIiS. "J7 Perry, Arthur, 72, 82, 85. Desire, 47, 74, 85. Lyman, 34. Child of Abraham, 34. PoUey, Jerusha, 48, 75, 85. Abigail, 48, 75, 85. Porter, Huldah, 34, 72, 81. Kimball, 34, 73, 91 Rhoda, 34, 73, 81. Samuel, 34, 91. Putnam, Sally, 94. Ramsdel, Moses, 75. Roberts, Dorse, 35. Shaw, child, 72. Smith, child of Jesse, 72. Stanley, Samuel. 85, Stearns, Abijah, 36, 7(), 91. Betsey, 36, 75. Thomas, 36. Stevens, child of James, 36. Swift, Abigail, 73. Taylor, Achsah, 75. Tilley, Mercy, 38. Tobey, Barnabas, 23, 73. Lydia, 48, 75, 81. Nathaniel, 38. Remember, 47, 75, 82. Child of Stephen, 38, 75. Turner, Eleazer, 47, 74. Elizabeth, 47, 75. Child ol Eleazer,47,74. VanDeusen, Isaac, 76, 87. Isaac, 38, 72. Laurence, 48, 75, 85. Walker, Caleb. 38. Huldah, 3S. West, David, 39. Elizabeth. -,39. Elizabetl), 4S, 75. Jonatlian, 39, 73. Lvdia, 39. Lvdia, 39, Pactv. 40. Parmolia, 39. Pelatiah. 44. Child of Ebenezer, 72. Child of Elijah, 75. Two children of Jon- athan, 39. Wliitnev. Marv, 40, 82. Kicliard. 40, 73. 108 DEATHS. Wilcox, Electa, 48, 75, 83, 87. Winegar, Caty, 47, 74, 89 Hudsou, 40. John, 47, 74, 89. Oziel, 41. Child of Jacob, 83, 89. Peter, Jr., 46. Wormer, Mary Ann, 75. Williams, Lucy, 82. Wyllys, Elizabeth. 43. Rhoda, 43. Youngs, son of James, 73. ERRATA AND OMISSIONS. Page 1. In second publishment, for "Ichabod," read "Ichobud." Page 10. In second intention from bottom, for "Polly Ball," read "Patty Ball." Page 37. Record regarding Rebecca Hatch doubtless incorrect: — "Re- becca, wife of Mr Oliver Hatch died May 1st 1788". See p. 87. Dates after Polly and Ira Hill, printed as recorded. In a copy of the 1st vol. of town records, made by Franklin G. Taylor in 1858, is the birth record of Benjamin Hinckley's children with the three dates wanting which are wsntii in the original 1st vol. These dates are not in the writing of the copyist, but in that of a town clerk later than 1858. The record of the copy is: — Children of Benjamin Hinckley & Puella Goodspeed his wife Electa Hiukley Born Jan 10. 1787 ["Hinkiey," in record.] Thomas Goodspeed Born Feb 5, 1789. Warren Hinckley Born April 34. 1795. Charles Hinckley Oct. 22, 1800. Luther Thatcher Hinckley May 2d, 1809. Page 30. "Lemi ", son of Calvin Ingersoll, indistinct,— may be Lemi. See p. 94 for births of three last of David Ingersoll's children. Page 50. Mrs. Jesse Bradley's name incorrectly recorded, — should be Mamry or Mamre (see p. 87). For "Ruhannah Ball", read "Ruhamah Ball". Page 51. For "choose" in second line, read "chose." Page 59. In fourth line,— "letters missive from the Church in that place", etc., should be, — "letters missive from the church of Christ in that place", etc. Page 63. In baptisms, July 8, for "Elisha son of Lydia Ingersol,"etc., read "Elihu, sou of Lydia Ingersol," etc. In baptisms, Sep. 33, Mrs. Jonathan Foot's name is incorrect in record: — see pp. 34, 87. N. B. An error was made in ascribing the firat part of the first book of church records to Wm. Ingersoll (see pp. 53, .55). A more careful scrutiny of the manuscript shows that it is not in his writing, though closely resembling it.The writer is unknown. The writing stated in ihe second note p. 55, as supposed to be Deacon Oliver West s has been positively identified as his.