nKK Book_ A4 .^ V\? u C^c>?N % w HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF DANVERS, FROM ITS EARLY SETTLEMENT TO THE YEAR 1848. BY J. W. HANSON. "In my poor mind it is most sweet to mush Upon the days gone by!" — Charlts Lamb. DANVERS : PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. Printed at the Courier Office. 1848. ♦ 31^ ]r\p, Entered according to An Act of Cong^ress, in the year 1848, by J. W. Hanson, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Dis- trict of Massachusetts. i^r>4o 'i^f PREFACE. The Necessity of a Town History has been experienc- ed for many years by most of the citizens of Danvers. It could have been wished that some one qualified for the task, had undertaken it before the decease of sev- eral, who carried much valuable information to the grave Avith them. Much that might have been pre- served for Posterity has been suffered to sink into Obli- vion. The compiler has sought every known source for information, has spent about a year and a half in re- searches, during which time he has travelled about 600 miles on foot, to different parts of Danvers and Salem, besides several other journeys, — examined twenty-thous- and pages of manuscript, — perused several historical works, and made many pilgrimages to antiquated sires and matrons, and to moss grown grave-yards, where he has exercised the vocation of Old Mortality, and sought information from those tablets Avhich the remorseless tooth of time had nearly obscured. He believes that the ap- pearances of imperfection in this work could not well be avoided, and that nearly all is here recorded which time has spared. He confesses himself mucl:^ indebted to Hon. Daniel P. King, John W. Proctor, Esq., Fitch Poole, Matthew Hooper, Charles M. Endicott, Matthew Stickney, and to the gentlemanly officers of the State Department, the Town Clerk, Salem City Clerk, Clerk of the Courts, Judge of Probate, the different Parish Clerks, Clergymen in Danvers, &c. All whom he has consulted have seemed to vie with each other in for- warding his plans, and he takes tliis method of return- " iv PREFACE. ing his sincere thanks. To avoid disfiguring the foUoAv- ing pages, he here gives general credit for the items he has received and recorded: Authentic Tradition, Pen- sion and Muster Rolls, Probate Records, Registry of Deeds, Court of Records, Salem Records, Danvers Records, Church and Parish Records, different Socie- ty Records, several Manuscripts, Mathers Magnalia, Provincial Records, Mass. Hist. Coll., Journals Pro v. Cong., Hubbard's Hist. N. E., Early Hist. N. E., L> ham's Lectures, Hutchinson's History of Massachu- setts, Felt's Annals, Barber's Hist. Coll., King's Eu- logy and Address, American Archives, Thatcher's Essay, Lincoln's Journals, Calef 's Wonders, Celebrat- ed Trials, Wadsworth's Discourse, files of Essex Ga- zette, Salem Register, Salem Observer, Danvers Courier and Whig, — and other authorities. The Com- piler has carefully abstained from recordmg matter which does not strictly belong to the History of the Town, and he has sought, so far as he could, to compress the mat- ter into as small space as possible. It will be seen that he has followed the general plan of Stone's History of Beverly, a well arranged work. It is interesting in the highest degree, for the man of to-day, to gaze into the Past, and trace the miracle of success which almost every town in the Old Bay State presents. The dim primeval woods, dripping with dews, in whose gothic aisles strange mysterious echoes travelled, — in whose solitary fastnesses, troops of dun deer, packs of prowling wolves, the sly fox, the clumsy bear, the fierce catamount, and the painted savage, glided like PREFACE. the shadows of a dream, — all have gone. The wonder- ful changes of two hundred years can hardly be realiz- ed. Two hundred years ago, "where we now sit, cir- cled by all that embellishes and exalts civilized life, the rank thistle nodded in the wind, and the wild fox dug his hole unscared. Here lived and loved another race of beings. Beneath the same sun that rolls over us, the Indian hunter pursued the panting deer, — gazing on the same moon that smiles onus, the Indian lover wooed his dusky mate. Here they worship'd, and from many a dark bosom, went up a prayer to the great Spirit. Here too, they warred, — the echoing whoop, the defying death-song, — all were here, and when the tiger strife was over, here curled the smoke of Peace." Two hun- dred years have passed, and what a change. "When the morning sun arises from his ocean pillow, he does not look upon ancient forest, silent river, nor upon some sanguinary Indian fight. Strangely have the trees been transformed into palace and cottage, by the touch of the magic wand of Industry, w^hile each stream moves the mingling din of loom and belt and wheel, and where the death grapple of red men stained the sod, hamlet and village are seen. The Avoods have fled, savage beasts and savage men have passed away, and hammer, and axe, and scythe, and plane are urged by the disciples of Industry. No longer here the "moping owl does to the moon complain," — no longer Silence rests upon the ancient realm of Nahumkiek, but Religion, Education, and Labor, — a holy Trinity — have planted temples on every hill and in every vale, along each winding stream, and around each silver I vi PREFACE. lake, and to the ear of Heaven, ascends the ceaseless hum of Human Life. The progress at first was slow. A few adventurous men with sturdy arms and glittering axe, let in the sunlight on the virgin sod ; — with cautious steps they threaded the echoing woodpaths, and startled the wild beast and timid bird. Glad of escape from religious persecution, they made each day vocal with prayer and praise, — and yet, forgetful of their wrongs, — they burned and hung poor quakers and baptists without mercy. They acted as they knew, and whib the form of Bigotry sits at our own tables, and glares upon those who differ from us, it does not well become us to re- proach our ancestry. If they forgot human rights, and striped and branded heretics, they thought they were verily doing God service, and their fault should not be laid at their door, Avhile the church and the school-house stand, and the hardy morals which they planted shall continue to blossom and adorn our generation. They were sincere; they had that sound core of honesty which in these days we look for and hope to find. From the early hour of the settlement of Danvers, change has followed change, like wave pursuing wave, to the present day. The foot-journey out to "the vil- lage" from Salem, the laborious felling of the forest, the planting of the first crops, the contest with wild ani- mals, the occasional visit from an Indian, or a warlike visit to an Indian settlement, the musket-guarded ser- vice of the Sabbath, the Awful Delusion of 1692, the spiritual struggle with Satan's emissaries, the long dark battle with forciirn foes, the dawn of National Inde- =iS3 PREFACE. vii pendence and prosperity, and the present noon of tri- umph — all these have been here. In each of these has Danvers participated. To those whose birth was cast here, — those who in the long sunny days of summer played here, who first learned to gaze upon the stars and watch the moon go down behind these hills, who can look back upon a life passed here, these pages will be pleasing so far as they reflect the Past. ''Our Fathers, where are they V "Instead of the fathers, are the children." While therefore the chil- dren may know the experience of the fathers, let them profit thereby, — and, above all, let them so conduct, as that, when their Experience shall be History to those who shall follow them, it may read a profitable lesson. ftl! GENERAL ACCOUNT. CHAPTER I. The Town of Danvers, County of Essex, State of Massachusetts, is situated 15 miles N. N. E. from Bos- ton, 23 miles E. S. E. from Lowell, 16 miles S. E. from Lawrence, in 42o 32' North Latitude, and TOo 55' West Longitude, and is bounded north by Middle- ton and Topsfield, east by Wenham, Beverly, and Sa- lem, south by Salem, Lynnfield and Lynn, and west by Lynnfield and Middle ton. The general aspect of the Town is rather level, though it is diversified with numerous gentle, and pre- cipitous elevations. Lying near the verge of the wild domain of Ocean, it is fortified by many of those rocky ramparts which the hand of Nature has reared to repel the wild encroachments of the Deep. The soil rests on a foundation of Sienite, — is composed of 3fo soluble geine, 6fo insoluble geine, and 2i'o sulphate of lime, and is generally very productive, being mainly a brownish loam, abounding in peat, gravel, and clay, from which a large number of bricks, and all kinds of pottery are made. There is an exhaustless supply of sienite from which the choicest millstones are manufactured, equal to any in the world, and some fine specimens of quartz have been found, of which No. 1312 in the State Col- lection is a sample. There are many valuable farms yielding rich crops of hay, grain and vegetables, and a large abundance of excellent fruit. Iron ore of a fine quality has been procured on the estate of Hon. D. P. 10 HISTORY OF DANVERS. King, and copper ore was found at the Orchard Farm previous to the death of its original proprietor. The whole area of Danvers occupies about ITOOO acres, of which there are about 132 acres of fresh wa- ter ponds, 300 acres of salt rivers and creeks, 1200 acres of woodland, 1000 acres of rocky waste land, up- wards of 11,000 acres of occupied and cultivable land, and 80 miles of road. It is 8 miles long from North to South, and 64 miles wide from East to West. Besides the tall and graceful poplar, the fir, the balm of Gilead, and the elm, — which combines in one form the pendent gracefulness of the willow, the strength of the oak, and the aspiring reach of the pine and hemlock, — the larch, and other trees which adorn our streets and rural residences, the native trees and shrubs are the white and pitch pine, white spruce, hackmatack, arbor vitse, red and white cedar, juniper, ground hemlock, white, swamp, scarlet, red, black and bear oak, chesnut, beach, witch and beaked hazel, hornbeam, butternut, shellbark-hickorj, mockernut, pignut, black, yellow and white birch, common alder, Dutch and wax myrtles, sweet fern, buttonwood or syc- amore, American aspen, swamp and other willows, white and slippery elms, tupelo, sassafras, fever-bush, privet, white and black ash, winter-berry, button-bush, bush honeysuckle, elder, naked and sweet viburnums, arrow- wood, water andromeda, clethra, swamp pink, rhodora, kalmia, whortleberry, high and low blueberry, cran- berry, alternate leaved, red stemmed, panicled, flower- ing cornel, currant, gooseberry, spirea, meadow sweet, hardback, raspberry, high and low blackberry, clematis, HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 11 white thorn, chokeberry, swamp pyrus, black and choke- cherry, locust, fox grape, Virginian creeper, Jersey tea, climbing staff tree, red and white maple, staghorn, poi- son and dwarf sumach, poison ivy, bass-w^ood, barberry, green brier, eglantine, swamp rose and thimbleberry. The cowberry, a species of cranberry, is a very uncom- mon plant. According to Emerson's Report of the Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts, it is found in but one place in the state, namely, in a pasture near Mr. A. Putnam's, where it was found in 1820 by William Oakes, Esq. Torrey however thinks it has been found on Monadnock mountain. At all ever>ts it is very rare. This vicinity offers pleasant inducements to those who seek medicine from the vegetable productions, or instruction from the "Floral Apostles" of Earth, of whom it has been said : "Your voiceless lips are living preachers. Each cup a pulpit, every leaf a book. Supplying Fancy numerous teachers From loneliest nook." In different parts of the town may be found the fami lies of grasses, mosses, lichens, plantains, cresses, ferns, the wild teazel, (very rare,) life everlasting, cudweed, pennywort, duckmeat, thoroughwort, colored willow herb, partridge berry, water horehound, hellebore, py- rola, strawberry, johnswort, brake, Canadian cistus, that pretty recluse that so successfully eludes the eye of the Botanist the tall Jacob's ladder, the gentle sister- hood of violets, yarrow, crowfoot, blue flag, spotted geranium, Canada snapdragon, dwarf ginseng, common. 12 HISTORY OF DANVERS. I running and Norway cinquefoil, blue houstonia, "wood- wax, — which at some seasons gilds many acres with gold, — cardinal flower and other species of lobelia, Vir- ginia thyme, side-flowering skullcap, — once supposed to cure the bite of a mad dog, blue curls, burr marigold, conedisk sunflower, asters, purple gerardia, hawkweed, ladies' tresses, fringed gentian, golden-rod, waterlilies, anemone, samphire, strawberry blite, speedwell, bladder- wort, nightshade, galium, bugloss, houndstongue, sever- al species of loosestrife, bindweed, henbane, lady's slip- per, pipewort, millfoil, calla, dragon-root, moth mullein, pimpernel, bellflower, arrowhead, fever root, thesium, dogbane, Indian hemp, butterfly weed, milkweed, dod der, saltwort, goosefoot, sanicle, angelica, cicuta, sarsa- parilla, spikenard, Virginia flax, sundew, marshrose- mary, Canada garlic, star of Bethlehem, Solomon's seal, bellwort, droecena, erithromium, sweet flag, bay- onet bush, cucumber root, trillium, Virginia rhexia, golden saxifrage, w^ater pepper, partridge bush, Ameri- can senna, sidesaddle, motherwort, hempnettle, vervain, trichostema, lopseed, linnea, cowheat, figwort, snapdrag- on, painted cup, monkeyflower, snakehead, hibiscus, caducous, poligalia, lupine, trefoil, lespedesos, peavine, groundnut, St. John's wort, succory, prenanthes, lia- tris, coniza, elecampane, groundsel, eighteen species of asters, mayweed, coreopsis, orchises, arethusa, ad- ders tongue, dragon's claw, besides many others too common to demand specification. S. P. Fowler and Dr. George Osgood afforded much assistance in arranging the foregoing list of plants. HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 13 An occasional fox or a rattlesnake, a few rabbits and perhaps a lynx, are all tliat remain where old Parson Higginson assures us he saw ''manye Ijons," and other terrible monsters. There are several fine sheets of water, and many small though beautiful streams. Brown's pond, named for an early grantee, in the southern portion of the town covers 30 acres ; Bartholomew's pond, — one of the most charming, secluded spots in the State, named also for a grantee, situated about 4 of a mile north of Brown's, contains 5 acres ; Cedar pond, 1\ miles north- west, contains 15 acres. In this pond Goldthwaite's brook takes its rise, and running easterly, passes through Foster's millpond, and joining with Proctor's brook empties into the Mill pond in South Danvers. Humphrey's pond, named for John of that name, is situated in Lynnfield and Danvers, — say about 80 acres in the latter place. Proctor's brook rises in Gardiner's swamp and joins Goldthwaite's. North River runs from the mill pond in the south parish, and passing through Salem empties into the harbor. Water's river rises near the Newburyport turnpike, and empties into Porter's. Beaver-dam brook takes its rise near the 17th milestone on the Newburyport turnpike, and runs a northerly and south-easterly course until it makes the Crane river, which empties into Porter's. Nichol's brook rises in the northern part of the town, and runs into Topsfield. Frostfish brook rises near the northern boundary of Danvers, and running south it forms Porter's river, the channel of which is the boundary between Beverly and Danvers. Porter's river empties into Bass River. 14 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. Ipswich or AgaAvam river is the boundary between Danvers and Middleton. Besides these are many smaller streams not of sufficient importance to require notice. Water for culinary purposes is abundant and extremely good, and, as most of the rock is insoluble, the w^ater is preserved pure, and entirely free from that brackish taste, so noticeable to the stranger in most of the water found near the sea coast. Among the eminences deserving of mention are Bald Rock, a bold summit on the edge of Bartholomew's val- ley, — Shaw's Rock, Ship Rock, King's, Prescott's, Bux- ton's, Walden's, Gardner's, Mt. Pleasant or Hog, Up- ton's, Cook's, Endicott's,Hathorne's, and Dale's hills, — from each of which may be enjoyed charming prospects of the surrounding country. The Traveller from Boston, would be likely to enter the Town at its southern extremity. Here the soil is generally very rocky, greenstone, covered by sienite, and supports a thrifty growth of forest trees, principally oak and pine. The sienite region extends from the i southern boundary to Proctor^s brook, in a northerly di- rection, and westward into Lynn. As he passes along the old Boston road, he skirts the margin of Brown's pond, a charming sheet of wtiter, and, if he will strike across the fields from thence, a little west of north, he will behold Bartholomew's pond, one of the sweetest spots in New Endand. Situated as it is in the most uneven and woody portion of the town, it is entirely secluded by groves and hillS, without even a road to lead to the spot. Passing along the same road he will shortly en- ter the south parish, (a) the largest village in the Town. HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 15 Here he will see business on every hand, and the hairy garments of slaughtered animals which surround him, will remind him that the principal occupation of the in- habitants is tanning and dressing different kinds of leather, or manufacturing the same into boots and shoes. Indeed if he shall ever meet a man from Dan vers in another part of the world, he may take the fiict of his nativity v^s, priyna facie evidence that he at least under- stands the nature of leather. The Old South church and Bell Tavern having passed away, the ]Monument and the Grave of Eliza Wharton are the principal ob- jects of interest remaining. As he passes on he leaves the beautiful Harmony Grove in Salem on his right hand, and bearing away in a northeastly course about two miles he Avill pass over the ancient Orchard Farm, on which stands the Old Endicott Pear Tree, and will reach the enterprising village — New Mills, the only seaport in the Town. A mile further north he arrives at the Plains, a village noted for the thrift and indus- try of its inhabitants. Still further on in the same di- rection on the Topsfield road he passess through Put- nam ville, formerly known as Blind Hole, from a swamp still further north. Thence in a western line, a short distance and crossing Nichol's brook and reaching the Newburyport Turnpike, he will follow it nearly south, and passsing the finest farms and estates and Hum- phrey's pond, he will reach the South Beading road in Lynnfield, and then turning east, he will pass the Poor House and Rocks village, situated near Goldthwaite's brook, which is at the bottom of a valley, once the bed of a lar^e lake. At the first road intersecting; the road o" 16 HISTORY OF DANVERS. he is on, he will direct his course north and passing the Collins House, where Gov. Gage resided in 1774, and the old Parris House where the witchcraft delusion com- menced, he will go through Tapleyville, and then, a short distance further he will enter the ancient Salem Villao^e, havinof travelled about seventeen miles. He will have seen a fine variety. Danvers is both Citj and Country. The South Parish extends into Sa- lem and is essentially one with Salem, while further north the scenery presents so rural an aspect, that the stranger can scarcely fancy himself so near the cities and the seas. There are rough sienite acclivities, (b) from which are fine views of the seacoast and the neighboring towns, precipitous glens, dark woods, beauti- ful miniature lakes reflecting the blue of heaven, and brightly glancing streams murmuring along the sward with liquid sounds of peace, — broad savannahs waving with rustling grass, yellow with golden corn, or embrown. ed with the shadows of sturdy trees, that are wdiite with blossoms, or bend low with mellow fruit, relieved by billow^y hills that swell along the landscape, or dotted with villages and solitary residences and farmhouses, the scene is beautiful as well as suggestive of Industry and Peace. Beholding the air of comfort and indepen- dence, and witnessing the enterprise and business zeal for which the Town has become a proverb, and feeling the bosom expand with the generous liberal spirit which surrounds the community like an atmosphere, the be- holder of to-day can scarcely realize that he stands where witches were tried and executed, and Bigotry, an ugly fiend, once poisoned the air with his breath. ft HISTORY OF DANVERS. 17 Formerly distinguished for intolerance, austerity and gloom, the Town is now equally known for its enterprise, and the spirit of liberality it breathes ; — Salem Village has become Dan vers. NOTES TO CHAPTER I. (a) Names. The South village was origiiiiiliy call "Crooksby,'' from I he convergence of Go'dlhvvaile's and Proctor's broolis, orginal- ly called South and North brook, near the Old South. Whsn the parish lines were drawn it was called "the Middle Precinct," or South Parish, because of its situation south of the Village, between it and Salem proper. The Village was originally styled "the Farmers Range," and afterwards Salem Village, to distinguish il from Salem proper. The Plains belonged to the Porter family, and were com- monly called "Mr. Porter's plaine," on account of the even surface which his farm presented. "New Mills" was called at first "Mr. Skelti-n's neck," owing to the peculiar formation of the land granted to Mr. Skelton, and the name was changed to New Mills, from the wheat mills belonging to Arhcelaus Putnam which were erected in 1754. The Indian name of the neck was TVahquack. Rocks village obtains its name from the rocks around it, and Putnaniville and Tap- leyville are named from enterprising gentlemen who bear the names of Tapley and Putnam. (b) "The sienite is inexhaustible, and the demand for it, manu- ufactured into millstones and prepared for building and other purpos- es, must increase annually. The extensive beds of clay — situated so near navigable waters and flnurishing towns and villages, is another sure source of wealth or at Isast a comfortable rnaintainance to many inhabitants. The water powers, and last, though not least, a pro- ductive soil and ready market, to reward the labors of numerous far- mers and horticulturists, render this one of the most eligible situations in the county. The town is distinguished for the sobriety, industry and economy of its inhabitants; and has for many years past been ranked among the most thriving and prosperous towns in the county." Essex Memorial. Errata to Chapter L On page 10, instead of 1200 acre" of woodhnd, read 3000, and add 50 acres of saltmarsh and 1200 acres of I'resh meadows. 18 HISTORY OF DANVERS. CHAPTER 11. SETTLEMENT. A company that had been engaged in a fishing enter- prise between England and Cape Ann about the year 1625, the members of which had witnessed the success with which the Plymouth Colony had met, and the facili. ties which were lying unimproved in the region of Cape Ann, carried such tidings to the Old World as inspired many of the more adventurous among the English Dis- senters, with a desire to estabhsh a people ''whose God should be the Lord" in this portion of the western wil- derness. Rev. John White of Dorchester, England, made several attempts to establish a colony in this neighborhood, wdiich had been thus favorably represent- ed to him, but it was not until the year 1628 that he could prevail upon a company to embark. On the 6th of September in that year, John Endicott set sail from England, accompanied by about one hun- dred persons, having in his possession a grant, convey- ing all the land lying between the Merrimac and Charles Rivers, to Sir Hemy Rowell, Sir John Young, Thomas Southcott, John Humphrey, John Endicott, Simon Whetcomb, and their heirs an'd associates forever. The bounds extended "three miles to the northward of Mer- rimac River, and three miles to the southward of Charles River, and in length within the described breadth from the Atlantic Ocean to the South Sea." When the company landed at Salem or Naurakiek as it w?«s then called, they found a small company already HISTORY OF DANVERS. 19 settled there, and nine houses which they had erected. The hitter on the arrival of Mr. Endicott's company, immediately migrated to Charlestown, leaving Naum- kiek in the possession of Mr. E's company. This Indi- an name has generally been supposed to belong exclu- sively to this portion of territory as a proper name. Such is not the fact ; Naumkiek signifies "a good fishing place," and was applied by the Aborigines to the spot occupied by the city of Lowell, and to other places where they found plenty of fish. When the settlers first landed they caught 1600 bass at a draught. Thus in 1628 there were but nine houses and one hundred people, occupying the large territory called Sa- lem, including besides the present city of that name, the towns of Beverly, Manchester, Wenham, Marblehead, Danvers, and parts of Topsfield and Middleton. This entire spot, — this "good fishing place," was owned by the Naumkiek' s, a branch of the Massachusetts tribe. They had a village at Northfields, and as late as 1725 were accustomed to visit the soil which their fathers trod in majesty. Human remains and implements of war have been exhumed at Northfields, at New Mills, and in other parts of the town. When Mr. Endicott and his company landed there were no Indians at Naumkiek, though the owners of the soil dwelt not far off. Of those owners the soil was purchased, as too much of this continent has been obtained. A deed was signed, land was received, and a miserable recompense render- ed. Mr. Endicott however, had been instructed to ob- tain the consent of the red men before occupying their inheritance, and he fulfilled the letter of the injunction. 20 HISTORY OF DANVBRS. The deed is recorded in Felt's Annals of Salem. Mr. Higginson gives the following description of the Naum- kieks. "For their governors, they have kings, -which they call Saggamores, some greater and some lesser, ac- cording to the number of their subjects. The greater Saggamores about us cannot make above three hundred men, and other lesse Sagamores have not above fifteen subjects, and others neere about us but two. Their subjects, above twelve years since, were swept aw^ay by a great and grevious plague, that Avas amongst them, so that their are verie few left to inhabite the country. The Indians are not able to make use of the one fourth part of the land, neither have they any settled places, as townes to dwell in, nor any ground as they challenge for their own possession, but change their habitation from place to place. "For their statures, they are a tall and strong lira- med people, their colours are tawnej^, they goe naked, save onely they are in part covered with beasts' skins on one of their shoulders, and weare something before their privities ; their haire is generally blacke, and cut before, like our gentele women, and one locke longer than the rest, much like to our gentelmen, w^hich fash- ion, I thinke, came from hence into England. "For their weapons, they have bowes and arrowes, some of them headed witli bone, and some with brasse. I have sent you some of them for an example. "The men, for the most, live idely ; they do nothing but hunt and fish. Their wives set their corne and do all their other work. They have little houshold stuffe. HISTORY OF DANVERS. 21 as a kettle and some other vessels, like trayes, spoones, dishes, and baskets. Their houses are very little and homely, being made with small poles, pricked into the ground, and so bended and fastened at the tops and on the sides, they are matted with boughs and covered on the roof with sedge and old mats ; and for their beds that they take their rest on, they have a mat. "They doe generally professe to like Avell of our coming and planting here ; partly because their is a- bundance of ground, that they cannot possesse nor make use of, and partly because our being here will bee a meanes both of relief to them when they want, and, also, a defence from their enemies, wherewith (I say) before this plantation began, they were often indangered. "For their rehgion, they do worship two Gods, a good and an evil God. The good God they call Tan- tum, and their evil God, whom they fear will doe them hurt, they call Squantum. "For their dealini>; Avith us, we neither fear them nor trust them, for fourtie of our musketeeres will drive five hundred of them out of the field. We use them kindly ; they will come into our houses sometimes by half a dozen or half a score at a time, when we are at vict- uals, but will ask or take nothing butwhat we give them." Mr. Endicott procured materials for building a house of the Dorchester company, and immediately erected a "faire house." But misfortune attended his steps. His w^ife died a year after his arrival, and sickness and disease attended the infant colony. "Some had scarce- ly a place to lay their heads, or food to satisfy the cravings of hunger. A large proportion of them died 22 HISTORY OF DAXVERS. with the scurvy and other diseases, and while sickness was making its ravages among them, they were desti- tute of medical assistance." Add to these disasters the constant fear of massacre from the Indians, and we may imagine the perplexities and sorrows of the pilgrim strangers. Indeed, hardly had they arrived, when the serenity of the First Day was broken by the fearful re- port, that the Indians 'one thousand strong were coming down from Saugus to massacre the few fainthearted wanderers, (a) Companies of minute men were or" ganized in different parts of Massachusetts Bay settle- ments, to defend the lonely homes of the settlers. As soon as tlie puritans commenced their towns they were sadly troubled also by Quakers, Avho sought asylums from oppression, and who vrere treated with worse rigor than in the Old World. In 1630 a great controversy commenced between the people of Salem and the Qua- kers, Brownists, Mrs. Hutchinson, &c., which lasted many years, and in which the minority were of course whipped and hanged. Thus, temporal and spiritual foes beset them within and without ; — ''devils, wicked men and salvages" seemed determined to destroy the colony by crushing its vernal germ. Food to sustain life was procured until the year 1631, when a severe fainine visited them. Wheat w^as gladly bought at the exorbitant price of §3 per bushel, and corn at $2. The settlers were forced to subsist principally on mus- cles and clams, and the great predominance of animal over vegetable food produced the most frightful attacks of the scurvy. In the midst of their affliction they were dehghted by being visited by such immense flocks K^ > HISTORY OF DANVERS. 23 of pigeons as obscured the sun. The Keligious Senti- ment of the times easily detected a parallel between their own and the condition ot the Israelites, and a strong faith pierced through present difficulties and be- held future triumphs. It is difficult to ascertain the precise time when the portion of Salem subsequently called Danvers was set- tled. Between 1630 and 1640 the work was accom- plished. Some of the grants in Brooksby or South Danvers were doubtless occupied first, and the Village, and the vicinity of Amos King's, and different parts of the town subsequently. In 1633 there were families living at Brooksby, and in 1635 John Humphreys re- ceived a portion of land in Danvers and Lynn, togeth- er with "a pond with a little Ileland (c) containing about two acres." The boundary line between Lynn- field and Danvers passes through this island in Hum- phrey': pond. Five years later, namely, Dec. 31, 1638," "Agreed and voted, that there should be a Vil- lage granted to Mr. Phillips and his company vppon such conditions as the 7 men appointed for the towne affairs shall agree on." Who composed this company is not known but this enterprise was the origin of Sa- lem Village, or North Danvers. Rev. John Phillips the leader arrived in Salem in 1638, and was admitted a townsman Jan. 26, 1640. The Village grant was ceded to him, on conditions that he should remain a long time, but he soon returned to Old England. He appears to have been a worthy man, whose expectations were not realized in Massachusetts, and whose discon- tent forced him away. 2-4 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. Those grants hoAvever, to Avhicli reference has been made, were mcipient steps to settlement, and houses soon began to sprmg up in different parts of the town, both at Brooksby and the YiUage, and Nov. 28th 1639 the Court passed the following order : "Whereas, the inhabitants of Salem have agreed to plant a Village near the River which runs to Ipswich, it is ordered that all the lands near their bounds between Salem and the said River not belonging to any other town or person by any former grant, shall belong to the said Village." The people of Topsfield afterward claimed that this grant had reference to that town, but the river here referred to, is manifestly the Ipswich river, and the phraseology plainly designates Salem Village. In 1672 an additional grant was made to the Village of the land on the northerly side of Ipswich road to the wooden bridge, and "so, on a west line." In 1686 the Village Precinct declared by a solemn vote that these grants referred exclusively to itself. The people affirmed that they had employed the described lands for forty years, considered them as theirs, and were both ready and willing to go forward and defend their claim. It is not possible to give a systematic narra- tion of the town's settlement, commencing with the first individual, and chronicling each in his turn. A few of the first settlers, and grantees, so far as they can be sifted from those in other parts of Salem, are given below. The Orchard Farm consisting of 300 acres was given to Gov. John Endicott as the first grant, in the year 1632, and on account of Endicott's services the gift HISTORY OP DAN VERS. 25 was confirmed by the Colonial Authorities July 3d., 1632. It was called "a necke of land lyeing about 3 myles from Salem." (b) This neck of land was called by the Indians Wahquamesehcok, signifying Birch-wood — Porter's river, then called Wooleston, was its eastern boundary, Crane river, then called Duck, its Northern, and Water's, then called Cowe house, its Southern boundary. The Indian name of Porter's was Orkhussunt, of Crane was Conamabsqnooncant, of Waters was Soewampenessett. Of course the land di- verged from Porter's river, following the margins of Water's and Crane rivers until the 300 acres were com- pleted. As there were no roads in this part of Salem, when the stanch old Governor visited his Orchard, he was forced to embark at Salem, and after passing up Beverly harbor, Porter's and Water's river, land at about the spot where the Iron Works are located. The cultivation of this land was commenced in 1633. Gov. E. enjoyed several other grants in different sections of Naumkeik. Mill River was in 1639 the name of a small stream passing west of the Pear Tree, The Orchard Farm remained in the possession of the family until 1828. It is now principally owned by Ben- jamin Porter Esq. On this farm is the far-famed local- ity, the Endicott Pear Tree, supposed to have been planted by Gov. Endicott himself. Concerning the age of this tree are conflicting opinions. Joselyn in 1639 says — "there is not a single apple-tree or pear-tree in all the colonys." It must therefore have been planted as late as 1640. The precise date cannot be ascer- tained, though there is a tradition in the Endicott fam- 26 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. ily that this sylvan relic was brought over in 1630. If so, it must have been planted elsewhere first. It is ut- terly impossible that the imported shoot could have been preserved out of the earth ten years. If Joselyn was correct, the tradition is not true. Another fact, is that the farm was not cultivated until 1633, and that the Gov. did not own the land until two years after it is alleged the tree was imported. Either the shoot was brought over subsequent to 1639, or Joselyn did not know of its existence, and if it was in this country at all, it must have been at the Governor's town residence until after the farm was cultivated. At all events, the tree bears unquestionable marks of age. The main part has slight- ly decayed, but it has sent out vigorous suckers, and bears an abundance of fruit. It looks likely to live a century longer. The man of the present day, as he stands beneath its shadow, cannot repress the mingling emotions which rise in his Soul. In its nestling boughs he surveys the past, — and beholds the light of other days. [view or THE ENDICOTT PEAR TREE.] =1^ HISTORY OF DANVERS. 27 Immediately above him was and is another neck of land (c.) now known as New Mills. It was origi- nally granted to Rev. Samuel Skelton, the colleague of Higginson in the pastorship of the first church in Salem, for his sacrifice in leaving Old England, — and consisted of 200 acres. It is bounded on the east by Porter's or Orkhussunt river, on the south by the same together with the Ponomenneuhcant, a small stream which passes through Page's brick yard, and empties into Porter's river, on the south by the Dack, Conamabsqnooncant, or Crane river, and on the west, hke Endicott's, by the main land. The neck thus granted, was called by the Indians, Wahquacic, which certainly expresses the note uttered by a duck, per- fectly, and suggests the thought that this marshy neck, so nearly surrounded by water, must have been a fine place for ducks. This opinion amounts almost to a certainty ^vhcn we remember that the first settlers styled Crane river. Duck river. (d.) This grant was made by the Colonial Autliorities, while those that follow were made by the "7 men" of Salem, or by the people in town meeting. Those grants are expressed in plainer terms than most of the rest, and indeed are the principal guides in locating other grants. Mr. Skelton came over in 1629. Richard Adams. 5 acres near Trask's Mill, Brooks- by. (e.) Uncertain. Robert Adams 1. g. 1638, moved to Newbury 1640. Did not settle. John and Anthony Buxton 1. g. 1637. Brooks- by and Northfields. Settled. 28 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Edmund Batter 1. g. 1637 ; 30 acres Brooksby. Uncertain. Ricliard Bartliolome-vv 1. g. 1637, near Bartholo- mew's pond. Settled. Henry Bartholomew arrived Nov. 7, 1635 ; 110 acres near Whipple's Hill n. w. of orchard, d. Nov. 22, 1692. Settled. Hugh, Samuel, John and Christopher Browne came in 1629, and settled in the southern portion. John Bachellor 1639 1. g. 20 acres near Town- send Bishop. Settled. Rev. George Burdett 10 acres joining Orchard on n. w. 1635. Did not settle. Townsend Bishop g. 1. 1635, 300 acres, bounded E. by Orchard, N. by Crane river and Tapley's Brook, S. by the head of Water's river, and included Tapley- ville, Tapley's brick yards, Collins House, &c., and extended nearly or quite as far as where the Essex Turnpike crosses Tapley's brook. Settled. Christopher Berry received land in 1640. William Clarke 200 acres in 1637, near Cedar pond. He came in 1629. Uncertain. John Corwin in 1668 owned land S. W. of Plains. Uncertain. Robert Cole received 300 acres in Brooksby, near Proctor's brook, in 1630. The lot must have in- cluded Wilson's corner and most of the land between the Village, IpsAvich and Reading Roads. Settled. Giles Corey owned a portion of the land owned bj Hon. D. P. King. The old cellar of his house yet re. mains. He was pressed to death in 1692. Settled. m 1 i HISTORY OF DANVERS. 29 Thomas Dixy, 1. g. 1637. Settled. Emanuel Downing, (f.) granted 500 acres of land in 1G38, near Bishop's. This large tract in- cluded the Plains, and all the land between Beaver and Frostfish brooks, as far as the northern spur of Putnam's Hill. He had one hundred acres near Brooksby. Settled for a time. Richard Davenport came over with Endicott, and received 220 acres near Enon, or Yv^enham, — probably the northern portion of the town E. of the Topsfield road. He ow^ned a few acres in Brooksby. Settled. William Davis, land near Downing. Uncertain. Thomas Edwards, 60 acres in 1637 beyond Put- nam's. Uncertain. John Endicott. See ace. Richard Elliot, land in 1630. Drowned Feb. 5, 1662. Settled. George Emery, marsh near Orchard. Uncertain. William Flint, landed about 1640; died April 2, 1673. Settled. Nathaniel Felton, came in 1633. Settled. Robert Goodale 480 acres between Ipswich River, Reading road and Newburyport Turnpike. 163-. Settled. Thomas Goldthwaite 1. g. 1634. Settled. Samuel, Richard, John and Thomas Gardner g. 1. about 1637-49. Settled. Joshua Grafton 1649, part of a meadow south of Ipswich river. Uncertain. William Gingel, same. Uncertain. William Hathorne received 200 acres in 1636, N. W. 30 HISTORY OF DANVERS. of Newhurjport Turnpike, between that and Middle- ton, — including Hathorne's Hill, provided he would leave the Dorchester Church, and join that of Salem. He was born in 1607, moved to Lynn in 1634, and to Salem in 1636. He was a member of Quar. Court in 1639. Settled. Richard Hutchinson, a lot in 1639. Settled. John Jackson part of a meadow south of Ipswich River. Uncertain. Lieut. Francis Johnson 200 acres in 1635, in the re- gion of King's Hill, and in the Southern part of Brooks- by. He afterwards relinquished this grant and received the same amount, ''1 myle further nere Seder pond," N. E. from Humphrey's. Settled. William King, 1. g. 1637. Settled. Lawrence Leech land near Blind Hole. Settled. Manasseth Marston land near Reading bounds. Un- certain. Wilham Nichols 1638, near Hathorne's. Settled. William Osborne 1. g. 1638. Settled. Robert Page 1. g. 1638. Settled. Joseph Pope g. 1. 1637. Settled. George Porter in 1647 owned the Plains, from whom the name ^'Porter's Plains. Settled. John PhiUips and Company — "Salem Village. Set- tled. John Putnam came from Buckinghamshire, England in 1629, with his three sons, and owned a large portion of North Danvers. He was born in 1583, and died 1662, aged 79. He owned Wenham Woods. Thomas Putnam, eldest son of John, born 1618, HISTORY OF DANVERS. 31 died 1699, aged 81. His patrimony was the land owned by Jesse and Daniel. 7 children. Nathaniel Putnam, second son of John, born 1621, died 1700, aged 79. His land was the estate of Hon. Samuel Putnam. He was a prominent man in the Vil- lage Church. 7 children. John Putnam, Jr., born 1630, died 1722, aged 92. He owned the farm since belonging to Col. Jethro, and Dr. Archelaus, one of which is owned by James A. All of this land has remained in the family since the settlement of Salem. 8 children. (Col. Perley Putnam kindly furnished these facts.) All the Putnams set- tled. John was very prominent in the councils of Salem. Daniel Ray, 1634, land near Jno. Putnam. Uncer- tain. John Ruck, 1638, land near Hathorne's. Settled. Col. Thomas Reed, received in 1630, 300 acres N . W. from Salem proper. Precise spot unknown. Settled. John Sibly 1. near Village 1638. Settled. John Symonds, 1. g. 1637. Settled. Samuel Smyth, in 1637, 150 acres "beyond the farmers." Uncertain. Lawrence and Cassandra Southwick, 1. g. 1637, Brooksby. See "Quakers." Settled. Rev. Samuel Sharpe, 300 acres near Marble mead- ows. Did not settle. Hugh Stacy, 1. g. 1640. Settled. Elias Stileman, land at the head of Tapley's brook. Settled. 32 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Job Swinnerton, 1. g. 16o7. Settled. John Thorndike, a lot in 1635, near Needham's corner. Settled. Ralph Tomkins., land at head of Cowhouse river, 1635. Uncertain. Wilham Trask, received about 50 acres near the head of North Eiver, where he erected one of the first mills in Salem. Settled. Philip Veren, (Very?) land at the head of Cow- house River in 1637. Settled. Joshua Yeren (Very?) 1. g. 1635. Settled. Robert Whidden owned 20 acres in 1645, near Bish- op's and Putnam's. Settled. John White, land near Smyth's. Settled. Richard Waters, land near Water's River in 1637. Settled. Before the erection of a bridge, the ferry was known as Water's ferry. Bray Wilkins landed at Lynn in 1634, and removed to Village soon after. William Walcott 1. g. 1637. Settled. Francis Weston 50 acres near Stileman's in 1633. Settled. The Horse Pasture formerly called the Great Pas- ture contained 490 acres. The westerly line begun at the head of North River, and running N. W. on the W. side of Prescott's Hill to the brook which runs into Water's River, ended near Matthew Hooper's farm. A four rail fence enclosed the pasture in 1642. The foregoing notices of individuals are purposely very brief, as it was f jund impossible to enter at all in- to their g ;nealogy, and as it was hoped that some one em HISTOBY OF DAN VERS. 33 would at some future day collect the genealogies of the principal fnmilies in the town. Such a work would be a valuable addition to the historic lore of the Coun- try. Besides the above, the Proctors removed here from Ips- wich in 1660, the Pooles from Cambridge in 1690, the Fosters from Lynn, the Suttons from Rowley, the Jacobs in 1700, the Needhams, Prestons, Cheevers, Shillabers, Doutys, Holtens, and other prominent and respectable families at different periods. The compiler had it in his original design, to give genealogical sketches,- — but when the reader reflects, that some of the families, as for in- stance the Putnams actually number several thousand liv- ing, and also, that it is impossible to decide on most of the names recorded, whether they lived within the present limits of Danvers, or in some other portion of Salem, be feels that he will be excused for the small number of names presented, and the few particulars. Those who read, can have no conception of the labor he has per- formed, in accomphshing so Httle. (g.) So great a scarcity prevailed in 1633 that a good cow could not be bought for less than $125, Avhile an ordinary female goat was valued at ^20. The next year prices were generally reduced, so that corn was but 75 cts. per bushel, and brass farthings weresupersed- ed by musket bullets. In 1636 an important expedition was directed against the Pequods, in which ninety men under the command of Mr. Endicott were engaged. A few Indians were killed and wounded, some corn and several wigwams burned, and but two white men were lost. June 1st 1637, a very violent earthquake occur- 34 HISTORY 01^ DANVERS. red. It passed from east to west, and was so univer- sally and seriously felt, that it became a common say- ing : ^'So long after the earthquake." The winter of 1638, was very severe, there was snow on the ground from Nov. 4. to March 23d. The following summer was remarkably dry, — vegetation suffered very much. The winter of 1642 was so cold that Salem harbor froze to Baker's Island. Corn was very scarce in 1643, and muscles and clams became a substitute. A severe earthquake March oth. In Jane 1646 "suddaine innumerable armies of catterpiliars" nearly swept the land. They dis- iippeared as suddenly as they came. This insect, nbout an inch in length destroyed nearly all the corn, wheat and barley. The following winter was very mild. "No snow all a\ inter long." "Not corn enough to last two months in the whole countr ," May 10. 1647. In June the influenza prevailed. In 16^.8 a copper mine was discovered on the Orchard farm. The quality of the ore was tested by Mr. Leader, c verseer of the Iron works at Lynn, and was pronounced good ; — the vein soon failed. Nov. 20th. was held as a day of fasting and prayer, "on account of sin, blasting, milldew, drought, grasshoppers, caterpillars and small pox in IMassachusetts, and war and pestilence in England." Long hair was forbidden in 1649. Small pox prevail- ed the same year. In 1652 a splendid comet appear- ed in the Constellation Orion, and was visible two weeks in December. In the same year a mint was es- tablished at Boston. The coins of this date bore a pine [I tree and the word Massachusetts on one side, and N. HISTORY OF DANVER3. 35 E. 1652, and III, YI, or XII on the reverse. Oct. 29. 1653, a heavy earthquake. 1654 corn was Ss, rye 4s, and barley 5s per bushel. A severe epi- demic in 1655. In 1660, the winter was unusually severe. There were three earthquakes in 1663, Jan. 26, Feb. 5, and July. The following year wheat was blasted, and a comet was visible from Nov. 17 to the 4th of the following February. Canker worms appear ed in 1666. In 1668 was a remarkable zodiackal lisiht, or "sign in the heavens in the form of a spear, portend- ing Indian massacres." A great drought in 1670. In 1671 the widow of John Endicott received an annui- ty of <£30, to be continued during her Avidowhood. A petition was issued and granted the same year to form a military company at the Village. The Court allowed, that all who resided west of Ipswich highway, might be exercised by Lt. Richard Leach. Aug. 29, 1675 was a Adolent tornado, and in the year following, a iatal epi- demic prevailed. On Thanksgiving day, Dec. 4th, 1676 occurred a storm unparalelled in the experience of the Colonists. The Newtonian Comet, which will visit us again in the year 2225 appeared in 1680. Great care was taken in those days, that the youth should be properly indoctrinated ; accordingly, responsi- ble persons were selected to examine and instruct the children of both sexes. In 1682 "Lt. John Putnam is desired, and is hereby empoAvered to take car3 yt ye law relateing to the Chatechising of children be duly attended at the Village, and that all the famylyes doe carefully and constantly attend the due education of their children and youth according to law." 36 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Sunday Feb. 8th, 1685, an earthquake, that disturb- ed public \Yorship. The months of June and July 1686 were very dry and hot, and a painful drought troubled the land. Daniel Andrews was sent as a Deputy to General Court in the year 1689. About this date there were several of the Village men slain in Indian engagements, though they were killed away from home. When the settlers of Salem landed, the Indians had vacated their former haunts, and never troubled our fathers except at a distance. Thus we have no tales of blood, of mid- night massacre and sudden ambuscade. April 1st, 1689 John Bishop, and September 2d, the same year Nicholas Reed were killed by the Indians. In 1690, Godfrey Sheldon, Daniel Elliot, Thomas Alsob, Edward Crocker and George Ingersoll were killed, most of them at Casco Bay. Probably there were others, — ^if so their names and deeds have alike perished. The Village Company elected its officers this year as follows : Jonathan Wal- cott. Captain ; Nathaniel Ingersoll, Lieutenant : and Thomas Flint, Ensign. As early as the year 1666 a desire prevailed at the Village to become a town by itself. Although "our neibors the farmers" were very desirous af a sepera- tion, the people of Salem as a whole, opposed the pro- ject. Even some of the Village prayed that they might not be compelled to "forsake Salem." Evi- dently, however, the people of the Village wanted a minister and a church of their own, though there seems to have been a disposition on the part of the church in Salem, to compel the people of the Village to cleave to HISTORY OF DANVERS. 37 the former. The establishment of the Village Parish was not sufficient to pacify those "v.ho desired to form a distinct town. Some who lived m Salem, south of the village parish line, were favorable to the petition, pro- vided they could be included. Accordingly, they is- sued the following petition : "ffebuary the 20—1689. We who are heare vnto subscribed, vnderstanding there is a motion of the viUige for a Township, vnto the Towne of Salem, which motion we doe comply with, provided we may have an inlargement, that is to say from Rum bridge (h.) down the Rever soe as the Eever runs all the proprietes and the common lying on the north side of the said Rever vntil we come to Beav- erly bounds : Now in case the town of Salem doe not see cause to grant our desiers we desier still to remaine to Salem as we are ; provided our just greauences may be removed. (Signed.) Joseph Houlton, Jr, Joseph Hutchinson, Job Swinnerton, Daniell Andrew, Joseph Putnam, Nethanell Putnam, John Putnam, Beneamen Porter, Israel Porter, Thomas fflint" The following document will show the style of a road petition. *'To the Selectmen of ye Towne of Salem the humble petition of ye Inhabitants of Salem and Salem Villiage whose names are here vnto subscribed — ''Humbly sheweth that your petitioners have had a free passage of A waye Between Thomas fflints and Joseph fflints this forty yeares and vpwards Till now Lately de- 38 HISTORY OF DANVEKg. prived of yt old waje hj Thomas fflint "who hath turned ye "waye into such a heidius place yt, there is noe pas- ing "without great danger to ourselves and our Crear tures as yt some of ys know by great damage yt we have Received in that place : vnder pretence as we vnderstand that There was noe waye laid out, Therefore the desire of your petitioners is yt you would be pleased to choose a committy yt maye laye out ye old waye which we are deprived of or some other conuenient waye w'h is ye best waye and less danger and yt we maye have ye same liberty That there maiestes alough there subiects ye most plainest and conuenient, and not tp hill and downe dale wh is all at present yt We have to trouble you at this tyme, we crave your favour to Rectifie ye above sd waye and for soe doeing we shall for Ever Re- maine youer Servants to Command— March ye 15 : 1694^5 George Locker, John hill, phillip Loslll, samuel Goold, Tho. Gold, Zacharie" Goodale, sen. Thos. Businton, Joshua Buffum, John King, Samuell Gaskills, Joseph Pope, Benjamin Pope, Zacharie Goodale, Jr. Samuel Aborn, Anthonie Needham Sen. Samuel Southwick. This way, was the road from Reading Road across Wil- liam Goodales. It has for some years been discontinued. The winter of 1696 was the coldest ever known in New England. In the year 1699 there were great num- bers of bears in the woods, which destroyed corn and cat- tle, and were with great difficulty exterminated. In 1700 Jan. 30th, an earthquake, Feb. 26th. another. May 2d. 1701 a remarkable hailstorm commenced and raged I it HISTORY OF DANVERS. 39 three days. The stones were so large as to kill many cattle. Baring the following year an incurable malady called the "fever and flux" raged in the town. In 1703 eight men were impressed from the Village to man the "Flying Horse," of Salem. In 1711 it was voted that the inhabitants of Ryall side, with some of the neighbors at the Village and also at Beverly be allowed to build a meeting house near Horse Bridge. (Beverly Second Parish.) The same year Rev. Messrs. Green and Prescott of the Village and Middle Precincts had the privilege of commonage granted them, The winter of 1717 was remarkable for a dreadful snow storm, the particulars of which have been given by Cotton Mather as follows : "Boston, 10th Dec, 1717. "An Horrid" Sitow. Sir : — Tho' we gott so far on- ward as the beginning of another Winter, yett we have not forgott ye last, which at the latter end whereof we were entertained & overwhelmed with a Snow, which was attended with some Things, which were uncom- mon enough to afford matter for a letter from us. On the twentieth of the last February there came on a Snow, which being added unto what had covered the ground a few days before, made a thicker mantle for our Mother than what was usual : And ye storm with it was, for the following day, so violent as to make all com- munication between ye Neighbors every where to cease. People, for some hours, could not pass from one side of a street unto another, & }e poor Women, who happen- ed in this critical time to fall into Travail, were putt in- 40 HISTORY OF DANYERS. to Hardships, which anon produced many odd stories for us. But on ye Twenty-fourth day of ye Month, comes Pelion upon Ossa : Another Snow came on which almost buried ye Memory of ye former, with a Storm so famous that Heaven laid an Interdict on ye Religious Assemblies throughout ye Country, on this Lord's day, ye like whereunto had never been seen before. The Indians near an hundred years old, affirm that their Fathers never told them of any thing that equalled it. Vast numbers of Cattel were destroyed in this Calami- ty. Whereof some there were of ye Stranger sort, were found standing dead on their legs^ as if they had been alive many weeks after, when the Snow melted a- way. And others had their eyes glazed over with lee at such a rate, that being not far from ye Sea, their mistake of their way drowned them there. One gen- tleman, on whose farms were now lost above 1100 sheep which with other Cattel, were interred (shall I say) or Innived, in the Snow, writes me word that there were two Sheep very singularly circumstanced. For no less than eight and twenty days after the Storm, the Peo- ple pulling out the Ruins of above an 100 sheep out of a Snow Bank, which lay 16 foot high, drifted over them, there was two found alive, which had been there all this time, and kept themselves alive by eating the wool of their dead companions. AYhen they were taken out they shed their own Fleeces, but soon gott into good Case again. Sheep were not ye only creatures that lived unaccountably, for whole weeks without their usual sustenance, entirely buried in ye Snowdrifts. The Swine had a share with ye Sheep in strange sur- HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 41 vivals. A man had a couple of young Hoggs, which he gave over for dead, But on the twenty-seventh day after their Burial, they made their way out of a Snow bank, at the bottom of which they had found a little- Tansy to feed upon. The Poultry as unaccountably survived as these. Hens were found alive after seven days ; Turkeys were found alive after five and twenty days, buried m ye Snow, and at a distance from ye ground, and altogether destitute of any thing to feeil them. The number of creatures that kept a Rigid Fast, shutt up in Snow for diverse weeks together, and were found alive after all, have yielded surprizing sto- ries unto US- The Wild Creatures of ye Woods, m ye outgoings of ye Evening, made their Descent as well as they could in this time of scarcity for them towards ye Sea-side. A vast multitude of Deer, for ye same ^cause, taking ye same course, & ye Deep' Snow Spoiling them of their only Defence, which is to run, they became such a prey to these Devourers, that it is thought not one in twenty escaped. But here again occurred a Curiosity. These carniverous Sharpers, & especially the Foxes, would make their Nocturnal visits to the Pens, where the people had their sheep defended from them. The poor Ewes big with young, were so terrified with the frequent Approaches of ye Foxes, & the Terror had such Impression onihem, that most of ye Lambs brought forth in the Spring following, wera of Monsieur Rein- ard*s complexion^ when ye Dam, were either White or Black. It is remarkable that immediately after ye Fall of ye Snow an infinite multitude of Sparrows made II 42 HISTORY OF DANVERS. their Appearance but then, after a short continuance, all disappeared. It is incredible how much damage is done to ye Or- chards, For the Snow freezing to a Crust as high as the boughs of ye trees, anon Split ym to pieces. The Cattel also, walking on ye crusted Snow a dozen foot from ye ground, so fed upon ye Trees as very much to damnify them. The Ocean was in a prodigious Fer- ment, and after it was over, vast heaps of little shells were driven ashore, where they were never seen before. Mighty shoals of Porpoises also kept a play-day in the disturbed waves of our Harbours. The odd Accidents befalling many poor people, whose Cottages were totally covered with ye Snow & not ye tops of their chimneys to be seen, would afford a Story. But there not being any Relation to Philosophy in them, I forbear them. And now Satis Terris Nivis. And here is enough of my Winter Tale. If it serve^to no other purpose, yett it will give me an opportunity to tell you That nine months ago I did a thousand times wish myself with you in Gresham College, which is never so horribly snow'd upon. But instead of so great a Satisfaction, all I can attain to is the pleasure of talking with you in this Epistalory way k subscribing myself Syr Yours with affection that knows no Winter, COTTON MATHER. Feb. 13th, 1718 was observed as a fast. Great mortahty had prevailed at the Village which threatened at one time to sweep away the entire population. An 1 effort was made this year to divide Essex County. HISTORY OF DANVERS. 43 Dec. 11th, 1719 Tvas remarkable for a great Aurora Borealis which was so brilliant as to fill the country with alarm. It "rustled like a silken banner." Tea began to be used in 1720. It was customary for each lady when she went to visit a friend, to take her own tea-cup, saucer and spoon. The cup was a few sizes larger than a thimble. The small pox began to rage Sept. 21st, 1721. In 1723 the tide flowed back into some places several miles, forcing the people in some instances to take refuge in trees. The year following vegetation suffered so much by a drought that it seemed as though a fire had passed over it. Oct. 29th 1727 was the occasion of an earth- quake which made the "earth to quake with a terrible noise and shaking." Severest ever before known in N. E. Earthquakes occurred in 1728 on the following days : Jan. 3d, 28th, 29th., Feb. 21st, 29th., March 17th, and 19th. There were several in Nov. of the next year, in 17o0 there were eleven, and in 1731 there were seven more. Caterpillars nearly destroyed the foliage of the for- ests in 1735^ They were so numerous that carriage wheels where dyed green as they crushed them in the roads. The project which for sixty years had agitated the people of the Village and Middle precincts was not aban- doned,— and the desire could not be quenched. The de- mand for a separation was constantly renewed until the year 1732, when the following petition, which may be regarded as a curiosity, was offered. 44 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. "To the enliabitance of the town of Salem : whareas Thomas fflint, Samuel nurs and nethanil putnam was cho- sen at a legal meeting of Salem village precint, to pre- far a petiton to ye town of Salem that they May Be set of to Be A Distinct and sepperat town ship without here, and with our parte and proportion of the anual encome of ye town according to the lines hereafter Mencinod. In order to there aplication to the grate and general court for Confarmation thereof : the Bounds are as followeth viz : Beginning at Beaverly Line nere hors Bridge at Boston Road and said boston Road to be ye bounds taking in Mr. porter's neck and Mr. Ende- cot's neck to Cow house Rever to high watter mark south of ye Brickiles so as to be the line from said his watter marke to ye Lane Southerly of Mr. therndick proctor's house, and said Lane to be ye Bounds to Bos- ton Road and said Boston Road to be ye bounds to Sa- lem Road that Ledes up by Mr. Danil Marbles to Lynn end and said Salem Road to Be ye bounds to Lynn Line, and said line to Be ye Bounds to Meddelton hne : and Meddelton line to Be ye Bounds to topsfield line, and topsfield Line to Be ye Bounds to the bound first men- teined. "We humbly Represent to the town the Oause of our Desier of Coming of from ye town is : for ye following Reasons : first, to witt inasmuch as a grate number of us live five or six miles of from ye town hous and sume of us consedrably furthere : we Cante without grate difi- cnlty in Raine wather or Bad wather attend the town mettings : where by frequent enconveninces insue to us upon it, & second Reason is that we Leaving at the afore HISTORY OP DANVERS. 45 said Distance from the school that we have But Lettle more Benefite of it then if it were in an agasent town ; for which Reasons : and for what furthere Way be said we hope that you will freely sect us of to Be A town- ship : And as in Duty Bound we shall ever pray. '^Salem Village March 5th, 1732-3 Thomas fflint Natha'U putnam Samuel Nurs In the Middle Precinct, July, 1T40, "It Being put to vote whither ye Inhabitants of this parrish will come off ye town of Salem and Joyn with the Inhabitants of Salem Village, Provided that they see cause to take this Middle parrish (the whole of it,) as it is now Bounded, To Joyn Together both parrishes and make a Township of our solve, seperate from ye Town of Salem," — a com- mittee was drafted to treat with the Village touching the matter. The people of Salem raised a committee to confer with "the ffarmers," and after consultation they reported that the Village people might be pacified if the town would raise a sufficient amount of money "to main- tain two schools within the bridges, and one at the Mid- dle Precinct, that should draw their proportion of the School money, raise their own committees, and control their own affairs." The report was accepted, and the town raised X250, province bills. But the farmers were not pacified, and the request was renewed constant- ly The cause of these difficulties could not be destroyed. The people of the Two Precincts desired to manage their own affairs, and time only multiplied their reasons and desires for a seperation. In 1740 a very fatal throat distemper prevailed. 1^ 46 HISTORY OF DANVERS. The winter was remarkably tedious. The rivers were frozen in October, and on April 4th, the snow was so deep, that sleighs passed over the fences. March 9th. 1T45 there was a beautiful lunar rainbow. Frost cut down the corn August 18th. 1746. It is a matter of interest that in the year 1738, two famihes named Putnam, and one named Dale migrated from Danvers, and were the first settlers of Wilton, New Hampshire. Thus .the principal events affecting that portion of Old Salem subsequently known as Danvers, previous to its incorporation have been culled as far as is possi- ble from the Eecords of Salem. Additional facts may be found under the head of Ecclesiastical. Their in- completeness may be explained by the fact, that the Village and Middle Precinct's events are so blended with those of Salem proper, that they cannot be distin- guished. NOTES TO CHAPTER II. (A.) *'About the year 1628: when those few yt came over with CoUonel Indecot and begun to setle at Nahumkeeck, now called Sa- lem, and in a manner all so sick of iheyr journey, that though they had both small and great guns, and powder and bullets for jm, yet had not strength to manage ym, if suddenly put upon il; and tidings being certainly brought ym on a lord's day morning yt a thousand In- dians from Saugust, now called Lyn, were coming against ym to cut ym off they had much adoe Amongst ym all to charge 2 or three of theyre great guns andtraile ym to a place of advantage, where the In- dians must pass toym and there to shoot ym off; when they heard by theyre noise which they made in the woods, yt the Indians drew neare, ye noise of which great Artillery, to which the Indians were never wonted before, did occasionally (by the good hand of God,) strike such dread into ym, yt by some lads, who lay at scouts in the HISTORY OF DANVERS. 47 woods, they were heard to reiterate that confused outcrie, (O Hobba- mock,) and yn fled confusedly back with all speed, when none pursued ym." Letter from Cobbet to Increase Mather. (b) *'1632. July 3. There is a necke of land lyeing aboute 3 myles from Salem cont. about 300 acres of land graunted toCapt. Jo. Endicott to enjoy to him and his heires foreuer, called in the Indean touge Wahquamesehcok, in English Birchwood, bounded on the South side with a ryvere called in the Indean tonge Soewampenessett, com- monly called the Covve house ryver bounded on the North side with a ryver called in the Indean tonge Conamabsqnooncant, commonly called the Ducke ryver, bounded on the east by a ryver leading vpp to the 2 f('rmer ryver s, which is called in the Indean tonge Orkhussunt, oth- erwise knowen by the name of Wooleston ryver bounded on the West with the maine land." *'The spot then was the best he could have chosen . On a com manding eminence, which overlooked the country for some distance around, and about one-eighlh of a mile from one of the inlets, he built his house, and commenced in earnest the cultivation of his farm. Al- though the ploughshare has frequently passed over it, yet part of the cellar of this house is plainly discernible at the present day. On this farm he lived in sort of feudal style, surrounded by his servants and retainers ; the names of some of whom have been handed down to us, these were John Putnam, Benj. Scarlett, Edw. Grover and Wm. Poole. From the testimony of Edward Grover we learn, that in 1633 "he did helpe to cut and cleaue about seven thousand pallisadoes, and was the first that made improvements thereof by breaking up of ground and plantinge of Indian come*" Here if tradition be correct, he introduc- ed for medicinal purposes, as well as by way of ornament to his gard- en, the '"'white weed," or chrysanthemum leucanthemum of the bot- anist, which has since become so detrimental to the hay-fields of our farmers in some parts of the State. **The inlet before the Mansion House had nothing to interrupt it ; the passage was open to the bay, and at that early period must have been delightfully romantic. The shores on either side thickly clothed with woods, whose dark images were reflected in the still waiers bo neath them, were picturesque in the extreme. The bold jutting head- lands, on some parts of the passage, lent a sublimity to the prospect, H% 48 HISTORY OF DANVERS. which was continually varying by the winding and circuitous course of the stream. The smoke from the humble and solitary wigwam of the Indians, thinly scattered along the margin of the waters, with an occasional gliinps at their tawny inhabitants, as they stealthily watched the passing boat from their leafy hiding places, or listlessly reclined under the shadow of some wide-spreading oak, heightened the effect and diversified the scene." Extracts from a highly interesting and valuable Biography of Gov. Endicott, written by Chas. M. Endicott a descendant, and just published, entirely for private circulation. The Memorist adds, that he visited some remains of aboriginal wigwams when a boy, in the vicinity of the Endecotl Burial Ground. Traces of the transitory abiding places of the departed Red Men are yet visible ton the shores of Porter's River. "There is another necke of landlyeing aboute 3 myles from Salem cont. aboute 200 acres graunted to Mr. Sam'l Skelton to enioy to him and his heires for euer, called by the Indians Wahquack, bounded on the South vpon a little ryver, called by Indians Conamabsqnoon- cant, vpon the North abutting on another ryver called by the Indeans Ponomenneuhcant, and on the east on the same ryver." — Felt. (c) As the island in ITumphey's pond possessed such natural advan- tages as a place of security in case of engagement with the savages, there is annexed as a condition of its surrender, that the inhabitants of Salem and Saugus should have a right to build storehouses thereon "for their vse in tyme of neede." Blockhouses were erected there inl6- 76, and also on "Watch-house hill" where the 1st Cong. Church stands, and perhaps elsewhere. The attacks of King Philip were much feared, though our ancestors seem to have been preserved from the lightnings of his rage, which withered whatsoever they fell upon. (d) Since writing the foregoing, I have conversed with those who remember when the Neck was a fomous place for duck shooting. (e) The grants were not all settled on. Some were soon sold and some occupied. "Uncertain" signifies that it is unknown whether the individual settled, 1. g. land granted, d. died. There are so many opportunities for mistake in the particulars relating to grantees, &c., that the Compiler does not flatter himself that he has improved some of them. (f) Emanuel Downing owned the Proctor estate, and the Plains. His son Charles sold the first to John Proctor who was executed for HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 49 fl witchcraft, and the Plains to George Porter. Sir George Down- ing, for whom Downing Street, London, was named, was an ancestor. (g ) The following list of the first payers of rates in the Village Parish for the year 1682, may shed some light on the settlement of the Town. Lieut. T. Putnam, Richard Hutchinson, Nath'l Putnam, Lieut. John Putnam, Joseph Porter Henry Kenny, Jonathan Walcott, Israel Porter, John Buxton, Lett Kellum, Joseph Holten, Sen., Isaac Goodell's widow, Thomas Flint, Giles Cory, Joseph PopOj Elisha Cuby, William Nickols, Isaac Cook, William Sibley, Joseph Root, John Giles, Andrew Eliot, William Dodge, Joseph Boys, Samuel Sibly, Job Swinnerton, Job Swinnerton, jr. Peter Prescott, James Smith, John Burroughs, Thomas Keny, William Way, Thomas Putnam, jr. John Putnam, jr. Geo. Flint, John Flint, Wm. Osborn, Nath'l Aires, Thomas Bailey, Daniel Rea, Thomas Cave, Peter Cloys, £18 s6 d3 2 9 6 9 10 8 6 3 2 5 3 6 1 10 3 15 1 4 3 6 10 5 2 4 8 3 3 10 4 3 4 16 4 9 6 3 5 6 6 3 3 1 18 3 4 10 14 6 14 6 15 6 1 10 1 10 2 14 2 14 1 7 1 7 3 1 4 18 S 3 18 6 Thomas Preston, £,1 s Wm. Buckley, 1 Benj. Holten, 1 Joseph Woodrow, Thomas Clark, John Nickols J John Darling, Joseph Holten, jr. 1 Edward Putnam ^ 1 Jonathan Putnam, 1 Thoma? Haile, Daniel Andrew, 5 Samuel Brabrook, Zaccar Herrick, Nath'l Felton, jr. Thos. ffuller, sen. 8 Henry Renols, Jeremy Watts, 1 Joseph Hutchinson, 6 Nath'l Ingersoll, 3 Joshua Rea, 7 John Brown, 3 .Tames Had lock, sen, 1 James Had lock, jr. 1 Thomas Jeford's farn), 1 Thomas Haines, 2 Jona. Knight, 1 John Kenny, 1 Aron Way, 1 William Jerland, 2 Thomas ffuller, jr. 2 Jolm Sheperd, 1 Zaccary Goodellj 2 John Gingill, 3 B. Wilkens, (Wilknes,) 2 >Samuel Wilkins, 1 Thomas Wilkins, 2 Henry Wilkins, 1 Benj. Wilkins, 1 Edward Bishop, 2 Joseph Herrick, 3 Thos. Rament, 2 10 do 4 1 15 13 10 10 12 17 16 7 6 19 3 16 12 5 6 2 a 5 12 S 12 7 1 9 4 7 2 10 10 19 5 10 14 10 6 12 6 16 16 9 10 16 14 gq =-^ Abraham Walcott, £1 s9 d Ezekill Cheever, £ Peter Woodbury, 2 6 Joseph Mazary, 2 Francis Nurse, 18 Alexander Osborn, 2 Samuel Nurse, 1 4 John Adams, 1 John Tarball, 1 4 William Rament, fl 50 HISTORY OF DANVERS. 6l3d 2 2 6 9 9 Signed Daniel Ray, A. D, 1682. (h) ^'Enm Bridge'^ crossed Waters River at the head of tide water, on the old Ipswich road. The boundary here referred to, is the Waters River. Errata. Page 27th, line seventh from top, for south read north. Page 31st, line fourth from top for was^ read comprised. Page 48th line fourth from bottom, insert ?ioi between has and improved. CHAPTER III. In the year 1751 a Committee was raised to examine and report wlietlier the people of the Village and Mid- dle Precincts should take advantage of a feeling under- stood to exist in Salem, favorable to their Incorporation as a to^vn. After considering the matter, the Commit- tee reported as follows : "Whereas, ye Village parish and ye Middle parish in Salem have agTeed to come of from ye town as a seper- at-e Town by themselves, as appears by ye votes of their respective Meetings, and Avhereas, we ye subscri- bers being appointed and Impowered for and in behalf of Each parish to Confere together, and make Report att ye meeting of sd parishes Respectively, relating to said Affair, have meet together and after due Consid- eration make Report as follows : (viz.) That ye Town meetings shall be one year in one parish, and ye next year in ye other parish successively. That ye major part of ye selectmen and assessors shall be Chosen one year in one parish, and ye next year in ye other par- HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 51 [ ish successively. That each parish shall share Equally in all profits and Benefits that shall happen or acrue. July ye 2d, 1751. DANIEL EPES Jr. ) for the SAMUEL FLINT } . , MALICHI FELTON } Middle CORNELIUS TARBALL > y\, "® JOHN PROCTOR ) Parish. JAMES PRINCE ) ^ " ''=^* This Report was accepted, and the Authors were fur- ther instructed to "labour" Arith the people of Salem, a large number of whom were opposed to the secession, and, with the General Court, to effect the wishes of the people of the Village and Middle Precincts. They were at last successful and in the following year an act was passed, incorporating the District oi Danvers. Although thus much was gained, yet the pi*ayer of the petitioners was not fully met. The t^vo parishes were not erected into a town, but only into a District. It may be unnecessary to inform the reader that a Dis- trict had not the privilege of sending representatives, while towns couid do so. The King had expressly char2;ed the Governor to consent to the matins' of no new towns, unless the right to send representatives should be reserved. In other words no more towns should be made, but whenever a portion of a large town wished to be severed, it could be made into a district, and thus have all the powers and privileges of a town, with the single exception of the right to send represen- tatives. The Act of Incorporation for Danvers District is here subjoined : "Anno Regni Regis Qeorgii Secundi ^c, Vices- simo Quinto. "An act for erecting the Village parish and middle I 9 f/Kl' 52 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Parish so called, in the Town of Salem into a Distinct and seperate District by the Name of Danvers. "Whereas, the Town of Salem is Very Large and the Inhabitants of the Village and Middle parishes so called within ye same (many of them at Least,) hve att a great Distance from that part of Salem where the Publick affairs of the To^ti are Transacted and also from the Grammer School which is kept in ye sd first Parish. "And WHEREAS, most of the Lihabitants of the sd first Parish are Either Merchants, Traders or Mechan- icks & those of ye sd Village and Middle parishes are cliiefly Husbandmen, by means whereof many Disputes & Difficultys have Arrissen and May hereafter arise in the manageing their pubhc Affairs Together, &, Es- peacially touching ye Apportioning the Publick Taxes, For preventing of wliich Inconveniences for the future. "Be it Enacted by the Lieut. Governour, Council, and House of Representatives, That that part of ye s'd Town of Salem which now constitutes the village and middle parishes in sd Town according to their bomidaries and the Lihabitants therein, be Erected into a seperate and Distinct District by the Name of Dan VERS, and that said Inhabitants shall do the dutys that are Required and Enjoyed on other Towns, and Enjoy all the Powers, Privileges & Immunities that Towns in this province by Law Enjoy, except that of seperately chuseing and sending one or more Repre- sentatives to Represent them att ye Genii Assembly, &c." Jany ye 25, 1752," m I HISTORY 01? DAN VERS. 53 On the twenty-rinth instant, an order was issued, calling the first meeting of the District on the fourth of the following March, at the meeting house in the [N'orth Parish. It commenced thus : " These may notify the inhabitants of Salem alious Danvers, &c." The order for the meeting was signed by Jonathan Kettel, Jasper Needham, David Putnam, Joseph Osborne, Jonathan Buxton, Malichi Fulton, Samuel King, Nathan Proc- tor, David Gardner, John Proctor, Thomas Flint, Cor- nelius Tarball, James Putnam, Samuel Flint, and James Prince, and was addressed to Daniel Epes, Jus- tice of the Peace. The meeting was held agreeable to the call, and the following gentlemen served as the first offic-ers of Danvers : Daniel Epes, Esq., Moderator ; Daniel Epes, Jr., Esq., Clerk ; James Prince, Treasu- rer ; Daniel Epes, Jr., Capt. Samuel Flint, Deacon Cornelius Tarball, Selectmen ; Stephen Putnam, Sam- uel King, Daniel Gardner, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor ; Constables, David Goodale and Samuel White, First Parish ; Roger Derby and Jonathan Twiss, Second Parish ; Tythingmen, Samuel Putnam and Archelaus Putnam, First Parish ; Samuel Osborne, James Upton and Timothy Upton, Second Parish ; Highway Surveyors, John Andrews, John Preston, Francis Nurse, Lieut. David Putnam, Jacob Goodale, George Gould, First Parish ; Ensign John Proctor, Andrew Mansfield, Jasper Needham, Jonathan Russell, James Gould, James Buxton, John Southwick, Second Parish ; Haywai-ds, Jonathan Putnam, John Osborne ; Leather Sealers, Israel Cheever, James Upton ; Fence Viewers, Samuel Holten, Benjamin Patnam, John Os- 54 HISTORY OF DANVERS. borne, Ebenezer Marsh ; Clerks of the Market, Jona- than Putnam, David Goldthwaite. Daniel Kea was chosen to take care that ye Lawes Relateing to ye pres- ervation of Deer be observed. Surveyors of Lumber, Henry Putnam, David Goldthwaite ; to preserve Ale- wives, James Chapman, Ebenezer King, John Brown, Gideon Foster ; Hog Reaves, "Walter Smith, John Vinne, George Wait, Jr., Israel Hutchinson, John Cakes, Ebenezer Goldthwayte, Daniel Marble, Jr., Jonathan Gsborne, Jonathan Trask ; Pound Keepers, Hugh Kelly, David Foster, Ebenezer Boyce. It was agreed, that all who chose might work out their taxes on the roads, and those who did not so choose, were to pay them in money. The number of houses at the time was 140, and the population about 500. Gne year after the erection of the District of Dan- vers, the bounds between it and Salem were run as fol- lows: ''from ye great cove (so called) in the Northfields, to Trask' s plain (so called,) viz — Beginning att a stake standing in the Lower part of the Thatch bank att ye Northerly part or point of Peter's Neck (so called) owned or claimed by Joshua Orne Esq. of Marblehead and by the cove afforesd and from thence Running South a Little Westerly, Eighteen poles to a stake and stones which stake is about five feet west of a Red oak Tree on sd Grn's Land, Thence on the same course Fourty two Rods to an other stake and stones, thence fourty Rods to a small Gray oak Tree on ye North east side of a Hill in Anna Foster's Land, Thence fourty poles to a stake and stones in her land, thence fourty poles to a i HISTOEY OF DAN VERS. 65 small Black oak Tree on a Hill in Samuel Symond's land, thence fourty rods to a stake and stones in Thomas Symond's land, thence thirty poles to a small Walnut Tree in ye sd Thomas Symond's pasture. Thence fifty poles to a small red oak Tree in Robert Buffum's land, & near ye stone wall by the Road, Thence fourty poles to a stake & stones in Jonathan Buffum's Pasture, Thence fourty poles to a stake & stones on Jonathan Buffum's Hill, The course from ye first to ye last men- tioned bound, being south, Little AYesterly, and from the stake Last mentioned in the same course fifty two poles ending a Little to the Eastward of Trask's Grist mills (so called) and from the end of that Line Running West Southerly to the Eastermost Elm Tree on sd plain and by the Northerly side of the highway there called Boston Road, Leaving ye sd Grist Mills within ye sd District. The severall Bound Trees and stakes affore- sd being marked with a marking Iron with the Letter S. on the East side, and the Letter D. on the west side. May 7—1753—" In the year following, when the Colonies proposed a plan of union for mutual safety and protection, the Dis- trict voted against it through its delegate, Daniel Epes. The same year the bounds were run between Wenham, Beverly, Topsficld, JMiddleton, Lynn and Danvers. February 3d, 1755 — it was voted, that Daniel Epes Jr. should carry the renewed request of the district to be- come a town before the General Court. Already the Colonies had begun to be jealous of the encroachments of the Crown of England, and they wished to be as far represented and as fully as possible. For this reason. 5Q HISTORY OF DANVERS. it was an important object to have many towns, and the District, although it seems to have sent a delegate on several occasions, could not send a properly qualified representative, so long as it remained a District. To obtain this privilege, it persisted in its demands, and the last request was tendered the General Court by Dan- iel Epes, June 8th, 1757. It was granted the next day, so that the existence of the Town of Danvers dates from June 9th, 1757. Gov. Hutchinson then of the Council, entered a formal protest against the vote, as follows : "I protest for the following reasons: First, Because it is the professed design of the Bill to give the inhabi- tants who now join with the town of Salem the choice of representatives a power of choosing by themselves ; and the number of which the house of representatives may at present consist being full large, the increase must have a tendency to retard the proceedings of the general court, and to increase the burden which by their long session every year, lies upon the people, and must likewise give the house an undue proportion to the board of the legislature, where many aSairs are determined by a joint ballot of the two houses. "Second. Because there being no governor or heut- enant governor in the province, it is most agreeable to His Majesty's commission to the late governor to the message of this board to the house, at opening the ses- sion, and, in itself is most reasonable, that all matters of importance should be deferred until there be a governor or lieutenant governor in the chair. "Third. Because the Board, by passing this bill as j I HISTORY OF DANVERS. 57 ! the second branch of the legislature necessarily bring it before themselves as the first branch for assent or refu- sal ; and such members as vote for the bill in one ca- pacity must give their assent to it m the other, directly against the royal instruction to the governor, when the case is no degree necessary to the public interest ; other- wise their doings will be inconsistent and absurd. "THOMAS HUTCHINSON." «'CoanciI Chamber, June 9, 1757." The tract of Country now included in our goodly town, w^as known by the name of Danvers several years before it was incorporated as a District, even as early as the year 1745. The origin of the name can only be con- jectured. As there was formerly a noble family in En- gland, bearing the name of Danvers, it is presumed that some of the early (a.) inhabitants of this town came from the vicinity of their possessions, and baptized the town of their adoption with a name which should recall the scenes of Fatherland. It may be interestmg to the reader to know something of this family, from which we have de- rived the name of our town. The following account taken from the "Danvers Whig," is substantially from Burke's Extinct Peerage of England. "The family came originally from An vers, or Ant- werp in France. Although formerly possessed by France, it now belona-s to Belmum. "The first person that we learn of, as bearing the name, is Roland D'Anvers, (b.) companion in arms of William the Conqueror. "In the sixteenth century, we hear of Sir John Dan- vers. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Nevil, 58 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Lord Latimer, and died, leaving three sons and one dauditer, of whom we have information. "Charles Dan vers, the eldest son, joined the Earl of Essex in his disloyal attempt against Queen Elizabeth and the Court. Upon its failure. Sir Charles, (with Essex and others,) was taken and tried for high trea- son. They were convicted, and beheaded in the tower, in the year 1601. Sir Charles left one daughter, Elea- nor Danvers, who married Sir Peter Osborne, Knight, afterwards created Baronet. Their grand-son bore the name of Danvers Osborn, aad was born in 1715. He married in 1740, Lady ^lary Montagu, daughter of the Earl of Halifax, and in 1753, he was appointed Gover- nor of New York, to succeed Clinton. He came to this country, but died a few days after his arrival. He left two sons, and among their descendants now living, are Charles Danvers Osborne, and Danvers Henry Osborne. So it seems that the name at least, of Danvers is yet extant in old Endand. "Henry Danvers, the second son of Sir John, was born in Dantsey, Wiltshire, in 1573. He served inthe Low-country wars, under Maurice, Count of Nassau, afterwards Prince of Orange, and in France, under King Henry XV., by whom he was knighted. He ac- companied the Earl of Essex to Ireland, where he was Lieut. Gen. of Horse, and Sergeant Major of the whole army. In 1603 he was created by James I., Peer of the Realm, with the title of Baron of Dantsey, In 1626 he was made by Charles L, Earl of Danby, and also member of the Privy Council, and Knight of the Garter. HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 59 [| *'Sir Henry made a valuable donation of a piece of land to the University of Oxford, for a botanic garden. He also well furnished it with plants, and enclosed it with a splendid stone wall, whicli alone, is said to have cost the noble benefactor nodiYlj five thousand pounds. An Alms-house, and a E^ee school, were founded by him, in Malmesbury. "The latter part of his life Lord Danvers spent in re- tirement, at Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire, where he died in 1643. He was buried in the Chancel of the parish church of Dantsey, his native village, under a noble monument of white marble. Upon it are inscribed an excellent epitaph, and the following lines by that good man and quaint poet, George Herbert, who was a neighbor of Lord Danvers. LAUS DEO. ^^Sacred mable, safely keep His dust, who under thee must sleeps Until the years again restore Their dead, and time shall be no more. Meane while, if he (which all things wears) Does ruin thee, or if thy tears Are shed for him : dissolve thy frame. Thou art requited : for his fame, His vertue, and his worth shall be Another monument to thee. "Lord Danvers never married, and therefore the'Ea- rony of Dantsey, and the Earldom of Danby, became extinct at his Death. 60 HISTORY OF DANVERS* illilll Mllillll: a ARMS OF THE DANVERS FAMILY. (c) Gules, a chevron between three mullets of six pointSj or. "John Danvers was the youngest son of the three, and heir to Sir Henry. He was one of the gentlemen of the Privy Chamber of Charles I., and one of those who signed the warrant for his execution. He died be- fore before the Restoration. "Elizabeth Danvers, supposedto be the only daugh- ter of Sir John, married Thomas Walmsey, Esq., of Stockeld. They left an only daughter, Anne, who married Sir Edward Osborne, Baronet. Their only son and heir, Sir Thomas Osborne, was raised to the Peerage, as Viscount Latimer, Earl of Danby, Mar- quess of Carmarthen, and Duke of Leeds. The title has passed to his lineal descendant, Francis Godolphin Osborne, or Francis Godolphin D'Arcy, as it is some- times written, the present Duke of Leeds." (d) In the year 1754, Archelaus Putnam, then living somewhere in the neighborhood of the ColHns House, went down through the woods to the place now called New Mills, and seeing a fine opportunity there to HISTORY OF DANVERS. 61 estaljlisli tide mills, he moved a small building) which he occupied as a cooper's shop) to the bank of Crane riv- er, and floated it down to the desired spot. He then moved it to the site he intended to occupy, near the store of Messrs. Warren, where he made an addition to it, and thus dwelt in the first and only house standing in New ]\Iills. (e.) The next year his brother John (f.) moved down, and they built a grist mill, which they partially owned. This year, Archelaus Putnam had a daughter, who was the first white child born in Danvers New Mills. She died Nov. 19, 1847, aged 93 years. A private highway, leading from the Plains across Crane and AYaters rivers, at each of which places was a ferry, was laid out in the year 1756. This was con- tinued for a time, and in 1760 a highway was laid out by the town, and a bridge built by subscription, at an expense of £285, 4s, 8d. The bridge w^as carried away by a high tide in 1770. The present brid^i^e was built in the following year, and was passable June 25, 1771. The town refused to pay for this bridge, and the surveyors sued, and recovered judgement. The New Mills road caused a great deal of dissen- sion in the town. The same year that it was laid out, itw^as voted: "that Capt. Thomas Flint, Deacon Cor- nelius Tarball and Joseph Putnam be a committee to Petition ye Court of Generall Sessions of ye Peace that ye way Lately laid out. Beginning at the Country Road by Cornt. John Porter's and leading to ye New Mills, be discontinued, and another laid out in ye room of it, in a more Convenient Place &c." s 6 . 62 HISTORY OF DANVERS. It seems that this effort succeeded, for we find that the people of New Mills petitioned the next year for a higliAvay of their own. However, on April 14, 1760, a committee was raised to effect a private way, consist- ing of the following persons : Samuel Clarke, Benjamin Sawyer, Israel Hutchinson, Benj. Porter, Jeremiah Page, Nath'l Brown. The selectmen granted the road, and described its bounds as follows : "Beginning at the said Capt. Samuel Endecott's land at the East end of the New Mill Privelege in Danvers afforesd on the northern side of sd Bridge and extending from thence East 11 Degrees south six poles and twenty links — and from thence South Thirty six Degrees East fourteen Poles, and from thence South forty two degrees thirty nine mins. &c." This was protested against as fol- lows : "Voted : That the Town by Petition will make applycation to ye Great and Genrll Court at their next session for obtaining any Proper relief or redress of ye Injuries done & Designed to be Done to ye town of Dan- vers by certain Proprietors as they call themselves and some others their abettors in their Late procureing the selectmen of ye Town of Danvers or ye major Part of them to lay out a private Proprietors way as they noAv call it through Capt Samuel Endecott's land to Water's river in Danvers aforsd and by ye sd Proprietors so called and others Bulding a Bridge over that river to come at another way on the Southerly side of said river which ye same proprietors Pretend they have Lately Purchased upon certain Conditions of John Waters and Ebenr Jacobs Whereas they Imagine they can call them- selves Proprietors and Deceitfully hereafter cause the HISTORY OF DANVERS. 63 f Town to be subject to the maintainance of Both Parts of ye sd way and also of the Bridge aforsd which is now a Building all being ^Yithin ye Bounds of ye sd Town." A few months after, this vote was reconsidered by the town, but the people of the New Mills were unsat- isfied. The question was agitated constantly, and mean- while, the road Avas used. Col. Hutchinson says in his private papers: "They were continually harrassing us with petitions to the Court of Sessions and the General Court to have the way discontinued. After they found they could not get it discontinued, they proposed to make a toll bridge ; w^e found that would not by any ways do, as those people who had assisted us in repair- ing the way, and building the bridges, would be great sufferers and it would promote traveUing that way, which was what the leaders, who were sellers of rum, tobacco, &c. wished to prevent. "We then applied to the North Parish to be annexed to them if they were walling to take us, with all ways and bridges, but they would not let us go. "We then, after contending in the law more than sev- en long years, and although we had gained our cause in every case, being almost ruined, were under the neces- sity of proposing to the General Court that -we Avould take all the ways and bridges on ourselves." This request was granted, and a Highway District was incorporated as follows: ''Anno Regni Regis Creorgii Te7'tii Duodecimo. 1772. An Act for the subjecting the Inhabitants of a Part of the Town of Danvers, called the Neck of Land here- w, , ■= ■ — "S 0-i HISTORY OF DANVERS. f after described, to the Charge of maintaining and sup- porting certain Bridges and Highways. "Whereas unhappy Divisions and Controversies have arisen in the Town of Danvers, in the County of Essex, relative to their Highwaj-s and Bridges ; and the Inhab- itants of that Part of the said Town which is a Neck of Land, making the Northerly or Northeasterly Corner or Skirt of the South Parish in said Town, have come to a final and amicable Compromise and Settlement of such Divisions and Controversies with their Brethren of the other residing Part of said Town touching said High- ways and Bridges, for the Ratification of which, and making the same Compromise and Settlement valid and binding in Law they have mutually expressed their Desire, now for the closing and putting an End to all such Divisions and Controversies for the future, and in order to accomphsh the good Purposes of "Union and Harmony in said Town : "Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and House of Representatives, That the Neck of Land, as hereaf- ter bounded and limited, being the Northerly or North- easterly Corner or Skirt of the South Parish in Dan- vers, in the County of Essex, and the Inhabitants there- of, be, and the same Neck of Land and Inhabitants are, and forever hereafter shall be subject to and charg- ed with with the IMaintainance, Support and keeping in Repair of the Bridge built over Waters's River (so called) in said Danvers, and also of the Highway laid out by the Selectmen of said Danvers, and confirmed by the Court of General Sessions of the Peace within and for said County from Porter's Corner (there so cal- ^i — =.=' HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 65 f led) to tlie Easterly End of said Waters's Bridge, for the more convenient passing of the Inhabitants of said Neck of Land to and from the place of public Worship in the South' Parish aforesaid, and other useful Purpos- es ; and also of all and any other Highways and Bridges that shall at any Time ever hereafter, at the special In- stance and Request of the Inhabitants of said Neck of Land or by the Court of General Sessions of the Peace within and for said County, be opened and laid out, or erected and built any where within the Boundaries and Limits of said Neck of Land, containing by Estimation three Hundred Acres, bounded as folloY>'S, viz. Begin- ning at tlie Bridge by John Verry's in Danvers, com- monly called Crane-River Bridge, thence running down the Channel till it comes to Li'eut. Thomas Stevens's Land, about thirty Poles above the Mill-Dam hj a cove in the Mill-Pond, thence running on a strait Line as said Stevens's Fence now stands till it strikes Waters's Riv- er, near the Bridge, upon the West Side, and across said Waters's River to high Water Mark, thence down said Waters's River to Frost Fish Brook River (so call- ed) at low Water Mark, thence up the Channel of said River to the Bridge, called Frost Fish Brook Bridge on Ipswich Road, thence on the Eastern Side of said Road to Crane River Bridge above mentioned." Full power to transact all business relating to their affairs was given them. More wheat mills were built in 1764, and a new saw- mill in 1768. The orioiinal owners were Archelaus Put- nam, John Buxton, Sam. Clark, John Pickman and Is- rael Hutchinson, jr. About the year 1798, the Salem m ^ li Q6 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Iron Company commenced their works. Other mills of different kinds and different branches of business have flourished until the j^resent time,— for particulars of which, see "Statistics/' This District was preserved until the year 1841, pay- ing and supporting its own roads, and entirely indepen- dent of the town. The district paid from 1809 — 1838, $1883,99, more than it would have done, if it had been on the same footing with the rest of the town. The Essex Bridge built in 1788, was violently opposed by the friends of the New Mills Road, as it was supposed that travel would thus be diverted from the Neck, — and because of the obstacles it presented to the Danvers shipping, the proprietors of the bridge were compelled to pay to Danvers £10 annually for fifty years, as a com- pensation. April 1st, 1799, the town voted that this sum should be given to the Highway District. Liberty Bridge was built over Frostfish river in 1788, to draw travel to this quarter from Beverly, as a matter of pub- lic advantage, (g.) A new bridge was built in 1792. Perhaps it is impossible for us to conjecture the ap- pearance and condition of the town at the time of its incorporation. Although it had been settled over a century, yet many of the roads were mere paths through the woods and pastures, with the original obstructions of rock, grass and stump remaining in all their glory. But the desire of town excellence soon began a reform, and accordingly a surveyor was directed ''to Destroy and Extirpate all such Barberry Bushesses as are in ye high- ways & also to cut and clear ye limbs of appletrees, oak trees, or other trees that hang over ye highways." (h.) HISTORY OF DANYERS. 67 Nov. 18th, 1755, the day when Lisbon was destroyed, a violent earthquake shook New England. Glass was broken, chimneys destroyed, and great consternation created. There was no rain from June to Sept. 2 2d, in the year 1762. The wells were nearly all drained^ and vegetation seemed to be scorched, — every where burnt as if with fire. Such is a brief sketch of our town be- fore the Revolutionary Period Perhaps some interest- ing matters may have been overlooked ; but in general terms it may be said, the "Annals of Salem," previous to this date, comprise the History of Dan vers. NOTES TO CHAPTER III. (a.) Among the original Settlers of Danvera the Osborne family was conspicuous as it has been in the subsequent annals of the town. This, coupled with the fact recorded above, that the Osborne and Danvers family had mtermarried, seems to account for our name. Doubtless tlie Osbornes suggested the name out of love for their cous- ins across the seas. Felt, iiowever, in his Annals, declares that Lieut Gov. Piiipps suggested the name through gratitude to one of his patrons. (b.) Roland D'Anvers, or Roland of Antwerp, a name given Roland as a brave soldier, to distinguish him from other Rolands who were with W'lliam in his bloody wars. The wealth and honor he acquired seems to have been the seed, out of which grew the nobil- ity of his successors. He was probably knighted by King Wil- liam. (c) Tliese simple bearings would make an appropriate seal for oar town. The Editor of the Courier has suggested a better. It should represent in the background "one Simon a tanner by the sea side," drawing hides from the water, denoting the antiquity of our staple business. In another part a currier's splitting machine, a bunch of onions, a shoe-last, and a bark-mill,— the whole surmounted by an 2 ^A 68 HISTORY OF DANVERS. earthen milk-pan. In the foreground is seen a locomotive and full train of cars, bearing *'A banner with this strange device : Excelsior !" (d.) Danvers has never in fact, received a name. Although in- corporated as the District of Danvers, yet in the Act of Incor- poration, It is known as the "Town of ." (e.) Those who behold the industry and business life of to-day, will find it difficult to realize that in the year 1754, the wife of Ar- chelaus Putnam, in attempting to pass to the mill from her house at the place before mentioned, became lost in the dense thicket, and v>'as only able to find her way by following the sound of her hus- band's voice. At that time it was no uncommon thing for the farmer to see a wild fox cross his path as he went to and from his labors Fox Hill received its significant name because of the large number of foxes which haunted its neighborhood. Mrs. Fowler, remembered dis- nctly, thai in 1760 her father returned from his mill one day, and threw a nest of young foxes into the cradle where she sat. The road through New Mills was known by blazed trees. Mr. Putnam in- tended to set his mill onlMilking Point, supposing that as it was nearer Salem, il would possess advantages over the spot he subsequently chose; but when lie saw the excellent privileges of the latter place, he concluded to remain. From this time until 1770 this house and two others were all that stood between Crane River bridge and the Plains. In 1775 there were ten between the same places. It is related that at this time the poorer portion of the people were accustomed to cross the river and glean the forest in the track of the wealthy owners of Orchard firm. These owners were accustomed to chop their trees off" from four to six feet from tbe ground. Thus many choice logs were left which the neighbors were glad to remove from the soil. (f.) He was killed in the French war. (g.) Thosi who desired to pervert travel from Danvers called this bridge "Spite bridge" a name which is even now occasionally heard. Those who built it, however, have always called it "Liberty Bridge." (h.) Some thirty years after this vote was passed, that is during 11 Dr. Wadsworth's pastorship, as the learned Dr. was one day passing HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 69 along the road, he came across a fellow named Goudy, who had the reputatiou of having a dyspeptic brain. He was ciJtling barberry bushes. "Goudy," said the Dr. "for what purpose do you suppose barberry bushes were made?" '•! dun know for sartain," was the reply, "but I rayther guess to whip ministers with, and make them stick to their texts !^' This Goudy was one day away from home, and a severe thunder-storm commencing, he turned to go, saying: "I must go home ; my wife is bashful when it thunders !" CHAPTER IV. The spirit of freedom that actuated the revolutionary sires, and spurred them onward in their efforts to snap the manacles of oppression, vas exhibited in Danvers at a very early period. The people of this town seemed to scent the danger from afar, and while the mass of the colonists were unconscious of the progress of the tide which was slowly rolling in over their rights and privileges, they beheld it, and prophesying its further advance, sounded the tocsin of alarm. The celebrated Stamp Act passed in the year 1705, and became the law of the colonies. Dr. Franklin, then in London, wrote a letter to Charles Thompson, the night after the passage of the act, in which he said among other things : "The Sim of Liberty is set; tJie Americaris must liylit the lamps of industry mid economy. "^^ To which Mr. Thompson sagaciously replied : "Be assured we shall light torches quite of another sort .^" Kindred to this spirit, was that of the people of this town, who, on the twenty-ninth of October, instructed Thomas Por- ter, their representative, as follows : "Sir. We the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of w TO HISTORY OF DANVERS. tlie town of Danvers, in Town meeting assembled, the Twenty first of October, A. D. 1765— * 'Professing the Greatest Loyalty to our Most Gracious Soverign, and our Sincere Regard and Reverence for the British Parliament, as the Most Powerful! and Re- spectable Body of Men on Earth, yet being Deeply Sen- sible of the Difficultys and Distresses to which that August Assembly's Late Exertions of their Power in and by the Stamp Act, Must Necessarily Expose us, Think it Proper in the Present Critical Conjuncture of affairs, to give you the following Instructions — "Viz : That j^ou Promote and readily Joyn in such DutifuU Remonstrances and Humble Petitions to the King & Parliament, and other Decent Measures, as may have a Tendency to Obtain a Repeal of the Stamp Act, or aleviation of the Heavy Burdens thereby Im- posed on the British Colonies. "And, in as much as great Tumults Tending to the Subversion of Government have Lately Happened, & Several Outrages Comitted by some evil minded People in the Capital Town of this Province, you are therefore Directed to Bear Testimony against, and do all in your Power to suppress or Prevent all Riotous Assemblys, and unlawful! Acts of Violence, upon the Persons or Substances of any of his Majesty's Subjects. "And that you do not give 3'Our Assent to any Act of Assembly, that shall Imply the willingness of }Our Constituants to submit to any Internal Taxes that are or shall be Imposed on us. Otherwise than by the Great and General Court of this Province, according to the Constitution of this Government. HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 71 "And that you be Careful not to give 3^our Assent to any Extravigant Grants out of the Publick Treasure- ry, &c." On the twenty-third day of the following December Mr. Porter received instructions substantially the same as the foregoing. But in addition, the people ask : "Can it be thought consistant "v^-ith the Dignity of the Brittish Crown, for the Parliament of Great Brittain to Divest us of those Rights and Powers, Those Emolu- ments, Libertys, & Privileges which have in the most absolute, authentick, and Ample manner, for them- selves and their successors forever been Given, Grant- ed and Confirmed to us and our Heirs forever, by King Charles ye First in the Fourth year of his Reign, and again by King William ye Third, and Queen Mary, in the third year of their Reign ; especially, considering what unutterable Fateagues and Perrills we have under- gone, and the vast Treasure of Blood as well as Money we have expended, for the gaining and Maintaining our Possessions, of those Rights, Libertys, & Privileges, which too we have never forfeited or Resigned, but have now near One Hundred & forty years been pos- sessed of. "Had the Inhabitants of Great Brittain any Claim, or Pretence of Right to these American Wilds, when our Fathers first adventured to Land here, or were our Fathers Sent here by them, and at their Charge, to ac- quire Such Rights for them, if not, but if our Fathers thus at their own proper Risk and Charge, adventur- ed into this then Howling Wilderness, why should they envy us the full and quiet Enjoyment of those Territo- 72 HISTORY OF DANVERS. rys, which either by purchase or Conquest, we have justly acquired for ourselves and Children ? We envy them not in the Possession and Enjoyment of the Rich Patrimony we wholly left to and with them, when we Left the Brittish Isle, and are content with the Portion, which by the Blessing of God, and with the leave, and under the Directions of the King, of our common Fath- er w^e acquired for ourselves &c. ^'They then set forth, that as they fought against France, and expected and received no advantage from England's victories, they do not feel willing to relinquish any advantage the Col- onies have acquired. They then add : "In case, (if so wild a supposition may be advanc- ed,) our Great and General Court being Deeply Im- pressed with the Thought that the Province is very havily laden with Debt, and Labours under Great Bur- dens in Regard of their Trade & Commerce, which makes Money exceeding scarse among us. Should Con- trive a Law, whereby the Inhabitants of Great Brit- tain, who so much Abound in Riches, and Enjoy so flourishing and Extensive a Trade and Commerce, should be subjected to a Tax for our Easement and Re- lief, Can it Rationally be Supposed that our King would approve of such Laws?" They then declare that Taxation and Representation must go together, and then say, — "It is not in their Power," (the Par- liament) "to make the Easterly Banks of America con- tiguous to the AVesterly Banks of Great Britain, which Banks have lain and still ly one Thousand Leagues distant from Each Other, and till they can do this, they Cannot, (as we Humbly Concieve,) Provide for the m HISTORY OF DAXVERS. 73 Good Govermuent of His Majisty's Subjects in these two Distant Regions, without ye Estabhshment of a Diiferent Power, Both Legeslative and Executive in Each." They then urge Mr. Porter to demand a re- peal of tho stamp act. They say they are wilhng to be subject to the "Greatest and best of Kings," and to assist him always, but they think men of "Envious and Depraved Minds" have advised him wrongly. They think that their grievance is such, as "cannot but be re- sented by every True Englishman, who has any Spark of Generous Fire Remaning in His Breast." It should be remembered that these instructions were given in the year 1765, — ten years before the battle of Lexington. Samuel Holten, the Representative for the year 17G8, was requested to join a Convention to be gath- ered in Faneuil Hall, Boston, on the twenty-second day of September, to consist of delegates from the dif- ferent towns in the Commonwealth. It was held sever- al days, and the differences between the Colonies and the Mother country were fully canvassed. Dr. Hol- ten sustained an active part in the deliberations, and dis- tinguished himself for that zeal and strength which al- ways characterized him. The attention of the people continued awake to the difficulties between the two countries, and they constant- ly fanned tlie flame of freedom with that zeal created by a love of Liberty. A continual observation of the signs of the times was held, and a thorough knowledge of the progress of affairs prevailed universally. The morning greeting and the evening salute Avere concluded 74 HISTORY OF DANVERS. by converse on the state of public affairs, and all of the social gatherings were enUvened or depressed, as the matter communicated was cheering or saddening. Young and Old prayed that open rebellion and civil war might be averted, but demanded these rather than sla- very. The year 1770 was distinguished by the passage of the Non-Importation Agreement on the part of the Mer- chants of Boston. The act of Parliament of 1767, which laid a tax on glass, paper, tea and several other articles, was during this year partially repealed, chiefly throu£i;h the exertions of Lord North. The tax on tea was allowed to remain. Although the partial repeal of duties mollified in some measure the public indignation? yet the Colonists were unwilling to submit to this sin- gle encroachment. The Non-importation agi'oement therefore, passed by the merchants of several towns in the Commonwealth, expressed a determination to im- port no goods from Great Britain, that had passed un- der the Tariff, particularly the article of Tea ; and they recommended that all who were disposed to resist the tyranny of England, should refrain from the use of tea. On the twenty-eighth of May, the people of this town voted : — "That this Town Highly approves of the Spirited Conduct of the Merchants of our Metropo- lis, and the other Maritime Towns in this Province, in an agreement of Non-Importation, well calculated to Restore our Invaluable Rights and Liberties. Voted : that we will not ourselves, (to our knowledge,) or by any person, for or under us. Directly or Indirectly, Pur- chase of such Person or Persons, any Goods whatever, HISTORY OF BANVERS. 75 and as far as we can effect it, will withdraw our con- nection from every Person who shall Import Goods from Great Brittain, Contrary to the Agreement of the Mer- chants aforesaid. Voted that we will not drink any Tea ourselves, and use our best endeavours to prevent our Families, and those connected with them, from the use thereof, from this Date, until the Act imposing a Duty on that Article be repealed, or a general Importa- tion shall take place. Cases of Sickness Excepted." To carry out the public feeling, a Committee of twelve was raised, whose duty it was to convey a copy of the above to every family in the town, to receive the sig- natures of the people. The Committee was instructed to write the names of all who refused to append their signatures to these articles, and publish them as enemies to the country. The resolutions were printed in the Essex Gazette. Isaac Wilson (see "Bell Tavern.") seems to have been the only one who opposed the popu- lar enthusiasm. Nothing more of note occurred, until June 1772, when Messrs. Francis Symonds, Benja. Proctor, Gide- on Putnam, Capt. Wm. Shillaber, Dea. Amos Putnam, Tarrant Putnam Jr, and Wm. Pool, were chosen as a Committee to take into account our civil liberties. They drew up the following resolutions, which were presented to, and adopted by the town, unanimously. ''I. Besolved that we will use our utmost endeavors that all Constitutional Laws are strictly adhered to, and Faithfully Executed, believing that next to our Duty to God, Loyalty to our King, (in a constitutional way,) is Required, in Order to the well-being of the Community. 76 HISTORY OF D AX VERS. ''II. That when Government becomes Tyrannical and Oppressive, we hold ourselves bound in Duty to Ourselves and Posterity, to use Every Lawful Method to Check the Same, least it deprive the Subject of ev- ery Privilege that is Valuable. ''III. that it is the Opinion of this Town that the Rights of the Collonists in General, and this Province in Particular, have of late been greatly Infringed Up- on, by the Mother Country, by -Unconstitutional Meas- ures, which have been adopted by the Ministry, tend- ing wholly to Overthrow our Civil Priviledges ; Partic- ularly in Assuming the Power of Legislation for the Collonists, in Raising a Revenue in the Colonies without their Consent, in Creatins: a Number of Officers un- known to the Charter, and investing such officers with powers wholly unconstitutional and Destructive to the Liberties we have a Right to Enjo}^ as Englishmen, in Rendering the Governor Independent of the General Assembly for his support ; and, by Instructions from the Court of Great Britain, the first Branch of our Legis- lature has so far forgot his Duty to the Province, as that he hath refused to Consent to an Act imposing a Tax for the Necessary supjort of Government unless Certain Persons pointed out by the Ministry were Exempted from paying their just Proportion of said Taxes ; and hath given up the Chief Fortress of the Province (Castle William) into the Hands of Troops over whom he Declared he had no Control ; in Extend- ing the power of Courts of A^ice Admiralty to such a Degree, as Deprives the People of the Collonies (in Great Measure) of tlieir inestimable Rights of Tryals HISTORY OF DANVERS. 77 by Juries, & in that we have reason to fear (from In- formation,) the Judges of the Superior Court &&c Rendered independent of the People for their Lib- erties. "IIII. that an act of Parliament, intitled an Act for the better Preservation of his Majesties dockyards &&C., (in consequence of which Commissioners have been x'\.ppointed to enquire after the persons Concerned in burning his Majesties schooner, the Gaspee, att Providence,) has Greatly alarmed us; tlio' we are very far from Pretending to justify the Act, yet we appre- hend such Methods very Extraordinary, as the Consti- tution has Made Provision for the Punishment of such Offenders ; — by all which it appears to us, tliat in Con- sequence of Seme Unguarded Conduct of Particular Persons, the Colonies in General and this Province in Particular, are, for our Loyalty, Constantly receiving the Punishment due to Rebellion Only. "V. that we will use all Lawful Endeavours for Re- covering, Maintaining and Preserving the invaluable Rights and Privileges of this People, and Stand Ready (if need be,) to Risque Our Lives k fortunes in De- fence of those Liberties which our forefathers Purchased at so dear a Rate. "VI. That the Inhabitants of this Town do hereby Instruct their Representative, that he Use his Influence in the Great k General Court or Assembly of this Prov- ince, & in a Constitutional way. Earnestly Contend for the just Rights & Privileges of the People, that they may be handed down inviolate to the latest Posterity, and as this Depends in a great Measure on the steady, firm, & ^ 'if 78 HISTORY OF DANVERS. and united Endeavors of all the Provinces on the Con- tinent, we further Instruct him to use his Influence, that a Strict Union and Correspondence be Cultivated and Preserved betAveen the same, & that they unitedly Petition his Majesty & Parliament for the Redress of our Public greivances : we further Instruct him by no means to Consent to Give up any of our Privileges, whether derived from Kature, or Charter, which we have as just a Right to Enjoy, as any of the Inhabi- tants of Great Brittain : also, that he use his Endeavors that Ample and Ilonerable Sallaries be Granted to his Excellency the Governor, & to the Ilonerable Judges of the Superior Court &&c., adecjuate to their Respec- tive Dii>;nities." Immediately tliercaftcr, Dr. Samuel Ilolten, Tarrant Putnam, and Capt. Wm. Shillaber, were chosen a Com- mittee to correspond with the Committee of Corres- pondence for Boston and other towns, on all matters touching the public affairs. The Committee sent the foregoing resolutions to the Committee of Correspon- dence for Boston. (This year a difference arose in the town concerning annual and other public meetings, and after appealing to General Court, it was decided that town meetings should for the future be held in the North and South Parishes alternately. It was agitated to build a town house in the centre of the town, but the motion did not prevail.) The people continued watchful, and evidently waited for an overt act on the part of the oppressor, to appeal to arms. Even the clergy threw out words significant of meaning, and hopeful for the cause of freedom. Mr. rKe- HISTORY OF DAXYERS. 79 Holt at the Middle Precinct was heard to say, — "I had rather live on potatoes than submit." He procured a musket, and performed drill-service regularly in the ranks of Capt. Eppes' company. Mr. Wads^Yorth of the Tillage parish was very ardent, and when the en- gagement at North River Bridge occurred, he shoulder- ed his musket, and marched to Salem. Thomas Ga^re the Roval Governor of ^Massachusetts, finding his situaticn in Boston unpleasant, removed to Danvers, where in the "Collins House" he took up his residence June 5th, 1774. This house, formerly occupied by Judge Collins, was built by Robert Hooper, known in his day as King Hoop- er, — on account of his wealth, and the state in which he lived, and is now owned and occupied by Rev. P. S. Ten-Broeck, grandson of Gen. x^braham Ten-Broeck, who was distinguished in ihe Revolution. It is one of the finest mansions in the State. See Kote. Gov. Gage was attended by two companies of the 64th Regiment Royal Troops from Castle "William. They arrived July 21st, and during their stay, were encamp- ed in the wide field in which are Tapley's brickyards. There are many anecdotes told of the impression which their presence produced on tLe peojle. (a) Although they seemed quite free in theii* intercourse with the citi- zens, yet they preserved a good degree of watchfulness. But the people were jealous of their presence, and took measures to hasten their departure. They had not been encamped in Danvers quite three months, when the lively spirit of rebellion in the town forced them to re- main under arm^ every night to prevent surprise. "Part •/ts 80 HISTORY OF DANVERS. f of the 64th Regiment encamped near the Governor's, we hear, were under Arms all last Friday night." Es- sex Gazette, Aug. 23. 1774. (b) At length on the fifth of September the companies started in the night for Boston, (c) The restraint imposed upon the people of this town and vicinity by the presence of the soldiers, was re- moved by their departure, and consultations were held to determme on future action. Doctor Holten was in- structed September 27th, 1774 as follows : *'Sir : As we have now chosen you to Represent us in the Great and General Court to be holden in Salem on Wednesday the 5th day of October next ensuing : We do hereby Instruct you that in all your doings as a member of the House of Representatives, you adhere firmly to the Charter of this Province granted by their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, and that you do no act which can be possibly construed into an Ac- knowledgement of the Act of the British Parliament for Altering the Government of Massachusetts Bay, more especially that you acknowledge the Honorable Board of Counsellors Elected by the General Court at their session in May last, as the only rightful and constitu- tional Council of this Province. And as we have Rea- son to believe that a Conscientious Discharge of your Duty will produce your Dissolution as an House of Representatives, We do hereby impower aud Instruct you, to join with the Members who may be sent from this and the neighboring Towns in the Province, and meet with them at a time to be agreed on, in a General Provincial Congress, to act upon such matters as may i KH9 m-^- niSTOEY OF DANYEES. 81 come before 3'Ou, in such a manner as shall appear to be most conducive to the true Interest of this Town and Province, and most likely to preserve the liberties of all America." The Government of England -was virtually repudiat- ed November 21st, 1774, when the ToAvn voted to ad- here strictly to all the Resolves and Kecommendations of the Provincial Congress. At this time, the Representative was chosen by each of the voters passing by the Moderator, and informing him aloud who was his nominee. Dr. Ilolten was in this way unanimously chosen. Thus the people were ripe for a revolution. On the Ad. vent of the year 1775, a year so filled with events to this Republic, the people of Danvers were prepared to embark in the stormy struggle of war. Accordingly, on the ninth of January, it was voted to comply with the Pro- vincial Recommendation, and supply each man with "an effective Fire Arm, Bayonet, Pouch, Knapsack, Thirty Rounds of Cartridges and Ball, and that they be Dis- ciphned three times a week, and oftener as opportunity may offer." It was also determined that each man should receive one shilling for each half day he was in service. Although there had been no rupture, no en- gagement, yet the horizon was overcast, and the growl- ings of the tempest in the distance, gave jortentous warnings of a coming storm. The people waited for the signal, to commence an effort for freedom. On the nineteenth inst. it was resolved to adhere strictly to all the requisitions of the Continental Con- gress, and Capt. William Shillaber, Capt. Jeremiah 82 HISTORY OP DAN VERS. n Page, Dr. Samuel Holten, Jonathan Proctor, Dr. Amos Putnam, Capt. William Putnam, Capt. Benjamin Proctor, Capt. Samuel Epes, and Capt Israel Hutchinson were appointed to see that the citizens of Dan vers were obedient. It was also voted "that the meeting of the In- habitants of this town in parties at Houses of Entertain- ment, for the purpose of Dancing, Feasting &c., is ex- pressly against the Eighth Article of the American Con- gress Association. Therefore the Committee of Inspect- ion are Particularly instructed to take care that the said eighth article in the Association is strictly compliedwith." The zeal of these times may be learned by the fact, that March 6th, 1775, the third Alarm-Ust chose its offi cers as follows : Capt. Dea.M^sm^ Putnam; Lieut. Rev. Benj. Balch; Ensign, jS:«i. Tarrant Putnam. There had been several gun carriages made by Rich- ard Skidmore a wheel-wright at New Mills, and lodged at the Gardner Farm, (d.) A report of this fact had reached Boston, and a detachment of soldiers was sent in a transport, and ordered to land at Marblehead, and march overland to Danvers and destroy them. The orders were obeyed, and the success they met with may be seen in the following extract from the "American Archives." (Capt. Samuel Eppes and his company of men had been for some time previous in a state of read- iness, and they marched to repel these invaders at the first warning.) Salem, Feb. 28th, 1775. "Last Sabbath, the 26th inst., the peace of the town was disturbed by the landing of a regiment of the king's HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 83 f troops, the particulars relative to winch are as fol- lows : "A transport' arrived at Marhleliead, apparently man- ned as usual. Between two and three o'clock, (as soon as the people had gone to meeting) the decks were cov- ered with soldiers, who having loaded, and fixed their bayonets, landed with great despatch, and instantly marched off. Some of the inhabitants suspecting they were bound to jSalem, to seize some materials there preparing for an artillery, despatched several messen- gers to inform us of it. These materials were on the north side of the North River, and to come at them it was necessary to cross a bridge, one part of which was made to draw up to let vessels pass. The inhabitants kept a look out for the appearance of the troops. The van guard arrived, and took their route down town as far as the Long Wharf, perhaps to decoy the inhabi- tants thither, away from the place to which the main body Avas destined. The main body arrived soon after, and halted a few minutes by the Town House. It is said that inrpiiry was immediately made by some of the officers for a half brother of Col. Browne the Man- damus Counsellor. Be this as it may, he was seen whis- pering in the Colonel's ear, iu the front of the regiment and when he parted from the Cal. the regiment march- ed with a quick pace towards the North Bridge ; just before entering upon which the bridge was pulled up. The regiment however pushed on till they came to the bridge, not observing (as it seemed) that it was drawn up. The Col. exprescied some surprise ; and turning about, ordered an officer to face his company to a body 84 HISTORY OF DAXVERS. of men scanding on a wharf on the other side of the draw bridge and to fire. One of our townsmen (who had kept along side of the Col. from the time he marched from his own house) told him he had better not fire ; that he had no right to fire without further orders and if you do fire (said he) you will be all dead men. The company neither faced nor fired. The Colonel re- tired to the centre of his regiment, assembled his offi- cers and held a consultation ; which being ended he ad- vanced a little, and declared he would maintain his ground, and go over the bridge if it was a month first. The same townsman replied, he might stay there as long as he pleased no one cared for that. The half brother before mentioned, (it is said) made towards the bridge but seeing the draw bridge up said "it is all over with us." "He has since disappeared, meanwhile two large gon- dolas that lay aground (for it was low water) were scut- tled, lest they should cross the channel with them. But whilst one gentleman was scuttling his own gondo- la, a party of about twenty soldiers jumped into it, and with their bayonets charged against our unarmed towns. men, (some of whom they pricked) compelled them to quit it ; but before this a sufficient hole was made in the bottom. This attack of the soldiers, and some other oc- currences occasioned a little bickering, but by the inter- position of some of the inhabitants, the disputes subsid- ed. At lenii;th some 2;entleraan asked the Colonel Avhat was his design in making this movement, and why he would cross the bridge ? He said, I have orders to cross it, and he would cross it if he lost his life with HISTORY OF DANVERS. 85 the lives of all his men ; and asked, why the king's highway was obstructed ? He was told it was not the king's road, but the property of the inhabitants, who had a right to do what they pleased with it. Finally the Col. said he must go over, and if the bridge was let down so as he might pass, he pledged his honor he would not march above thirty rods beyond it, and then immediately return. "The regiment had now been at the bridge about an hour and a half; and everything being secured, the in- habitants directed that the bridge might be let down. The regiment immediately passed over, marched a few rods, returned, and with great expedition went back to Marblehead, where they went on board the transport without delay. "When all the circumstances are considered, there can remain no doubt that the sole purpose of this manoeuvre was to steal away the artillery materials. "It is regretted that an officer of Col. XesZiVs ack- nowledged worth, should be obliged, in obedience to his orders, to come upon so pitiful an errand. Various reports were spread abroad respecting the troops ; the country was alarmed, and one company arrived in arms from Danvers, just as the troops left the town. We immedi- ately despatched messengers to the neighboring towns to save them the trouble of coming in ; but the alarm flew like lightning (and some, doubtless, magnified the first simple reports) so that great numbers were in arms, and some on their march, before our messengers arriv- ed." The alarm extended forty miles, and the Essex Gazette of that date, says 40,000 men would have arriv- 86 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. ed in a few hours. The British nurabered 140, and the Americans under Col. Pickering about 50. ''Many of the people were armed with pitchforks, clubs and other rude weapons. One man laid bare his bosom and dared the British soldier, who was threatening him with his bayonet, to strike.'' Col. Pickering informed John W. Proctor, Esq., that he scuttled with his own hands, one of the gondo- las referred to in the above account. This was the first resistance, bloodless indeed, but de- termined, which was made on the part of the people of this country to the encroachment of foreign aggression. In the Town of Salem, nearly two months before the battle of Lexington, the people of Danvers joined by those of Salem, opposed and beat back the foe, and established their title to the quality of determined brav- ery. But for the calmness and discretion of Leslie the English Commander, North Bridge w^ould have taken the place of Lexington, and February 26th, would have been forever memorable in the Annals of the Republic. The Nineteenth of April arrived. The day which was to baptize the soil of Concord and Lexington had dawned. Its history need not here be related. It is sufficient to say, that in the night of April 18th, about 800 soldiers were despatched to destroy military stores supposed to be secreted at Concord. The expedition started in the night with the greatest precaution, and arrived at Lexington at about four o'clock in the morn- ing. The battle was fousrht, and the British were driven like frightened deer, before the defenders of freedom. A reinforcement came to their relief, and met them HISTORY OF DANVERS. 87 when they "were half of a mile beyond Lexington meet- ing house. The English forces, amounting to about 1800 men, commenced their retreat. The noAvs of the battle reached Danvers at about 9 o'clock A. M., and was communicated to the citizens by the ringing of bells, and the sound- of drums. The call awakes the land. From every shop and field and bench, the hardy sons of Liberty throng to their rendezvous, near the Old South. With firm tread and dauntless bearing they gather around the edifice where they have prayed and worshipped, and when they un- derstand the tidings, each man clenches his teeth, seizes his musket, and prepares for the march, (e.) The women are there. And not with entreaty and fear do they gather around their guardians and protect- ors. They gird the sword, and fasten the belt. Pale, but strong in faith and a love of country, they bid their husbands and sons and fathers God speed, and return to their .deserted homes. Mr. Holt, the Minister of the Middle Precinct, gave his parting benediction to them, and they started for the field of death. So gen- erally did the men forsake their homes to attack the invading foe, "when freedom from her mountain height, unfurled her standard in the air," that at the New Mills, there were but two men left on the night of the Nineteenth. Frank Brown was confined to his bed by sickness, and Jonathan Sawyer returned just at night- fall from the battle to bring news of the living and the dead. Before sunset of this day, the wives and chil- dren of those who had rushed from New Mills, to obey the cry of Freedom, gathered^ in the house now oc- 88 HISTOKY OF DANVERS. cupied by Mrs. Reed, and thus, passed the night. Amid fears of approaching foes, — doubts of the living, and tears for the wounded and the dead, — they did not discover the bright days of Peace and Plenty which have since visited their descendants. But they did not quail. The women were true. They cheerfully suf- fered privation, and urged their sons and brothers to "fight the good fight." The Muster Rolls of the State, give but four com- panies from Danvers, omitting the company of minute men commanded by Foster. Foster is set down as a Lieutenant in Eppes' company, but he himself informs us, that he was placed in command of a company a short time previous to the battle. Thus Danvers con- tributed five companies, commanded by Jeremiah Fage^ Samuel Flint, Samuel Eppes, Gideon Foster and Israel Hutchinson, numbering in all above two hundred men from Danvers, besides those from Salem and Beverly. Thus thoy started for the scene of action, (f.) When the news of the intention of the British [reached Danvers, Foster sent one of his lieutenants to Col. Pick- ering and obtained permission to start with his minute men, without waiting for the movement of the regiment. They arrived at "West Cambridge a distance of six- teen miles in four hours. There they met the retreat- ing British, and poured in a most destructive fire, (g) Col. Pickering (h) with his regiment came on more slowly, Hon. D. P. King has thus described the scene : "Our townsmen heard the roar of the artillery and the rattle of the musketry, and they panted to join in the deadly combat. A little west of the meeting-house HISTORY OF DANVERS. 89 is a hill around which the road wound in such manner as to conceal the British. Many of the men of Dan- vers went into a walled enclosure and piled bundles of shingles wiiich were lying there, to strengthen their breast-work ; rumor had deceived them as to the force of the enemy ; it was certainly their expectation here to have intercepted their retreat. Others selected trees on the side of the hill from which they might as- sail the enemy. But they had little space for preparer tion : they soon saw the British in solid column de- scending the hill on theii' right, and at the same mo- ment discovered a large flank guard advancing on their left. The men in the enclosure made a gallant resis. tance, but were overpowered by numbers — it was here that several of those whom we are proud to claim for our townsmen were slain — some sought shelter in a neighboring house, and three or four, after they had surrendered themselves prisoners of war, were butcher- ed with savage barbarity. '^'Capt. Foster, with some of his men on the side of the hill, finding themselves nearly surrounded, made an effort to gain the pond — they passed along its mar- gin, and crossed the road directly in front of the Brit- ish column. On the north side of the road, they took position behind a ditch wall. From this casual redoubt they fired upon tlie enemy as long as any of them were within reach of their muskets. Some of them fired eleven times, with two bullets at each discharge, and it cannot be doubted tliat these winged messengers of i death performed their destined worl^ (i) The bodies | of the slain were scattered alons; the road — the British : 90 HISTOEY OF DANVEKS. were followed till they reached Charlestown neck. Mor- tifying and severe to them were the defeat and losses of that day. Their killed, wounded and missing amounted to about 300. — According to an account pub- lished at the time, in the form of a handbill, 42 Ameri- cans were killed and 22 wounded, — " afterwards ascer- tained to be 50 killed. To the English Soldiery, this must have been an aw- ful retreat. The weather was very warm, the sun poured down his fiercest rays, — the air was dry, and a3 they hurried along their route, towards the place of safe- ty miles away, death intercepted their progress at ev- ery step. An unseen foe, from behind enclosures and from the midst of thickets, poured out a galling and continuous fire, which ever and anon smote down some veteran in the midst of his days and strength, while from closed teeth, sharp, hoarse whispers were heard Baying, "Kill that officer /" Wearied, wounded, per- ishing with thirst, and diminished in numbers, they were pursued to Charlestown. The men of Danvers performed their part faithfully, and informed the Country by their heroic deeds, that Tyranny would find in them uncompromising foes. But the victory achieved by our townsmen was fraught with sadness. Seven of those who left town in the morning and saw the rising sun, saw not its setting. Two oth- ers were carried into captivity, several slightly wounded, and two severely so. The names of the slain were Samuel Cook, aged 33 years, Benjamin Daland 25, George Southwick 25, (j) Jotham Webb 22, Henry Jacobs 22, Ebenezer HISTORY OF DANVERS. 91 Goldthwaite 22, Perley Putnam 21. The bodies of tlie slain were brought home, and were buried with appro- priate ceremonies. Two companies from Salem per- formed escort duty, (k) Nathan Putnam was woun- ded in the shoulder. He and his brother Perley who was killed were relatives of Israel Putnam. Dennison Wallis was at first taken prisoner. The enemy were 80 infuriated at the havoc made by the patriot troops , that they determined to kill all the prisoners they cap- tured. Wallis saw this, and in attempting to escape he received twelve bullets. He fell by the side of a wall he was leaping, and was left for dead. He recovered, and effected his escape. Joseph Bell was taken pris- oner and carried into Boston, where he was imprisoned two months in an English frigate. Many chivalric deeds were performed by our citizens, in winning this doubtful conflict. Brave and fearless they "dared do all that might become men," for their country ; and if the 19th of April 1775, was a glori- ous day for America, then was it glorious also for Dan- vers who sacrificed seven of her bravest sons on the Al- tar of Liberty, out of the fifty who there perished, and although she was farther from Lexington than any of her sister towns who Avere represented at the battle, yet she lost more of her children than any other town ex- cept Lexington. The utmost watchfulness was observed from the "Con- cord Fight" onward, on account of a fear of invasion. May 1st. it was "voted to keep a watch at New Mills, and another at the crotch in the road near Mr. Francis Sy- monds, and that each watch consist of thirteen men ev- 92 HISTORY OF DANVERS. ery night." So jealous were the people, and so fearful were they of mternal foes, that it was voted to post in the newspapers the names of all who refused to serve in the Republican troops. About this time military and other stores were carted to Watertown, and the town voted to assist. All firing of guns &c.,was prohibited, except in actual alarm or engagement. The expecta- tion of an outbreak was realized on the memorable 17th. of June, when the battle of Bunker's Hill was fought. A regiment commanded by Col. Timothy Pickering on its way to the field of battle passed through Danvers and hal- ted at the Bell Tavern for refreshment. Mrs. Anna En- dicott, widow of Samuel who died in August 1809, dis- pleased at the delay, walked up to the Col., and with the voice and manner of an Amazon said: "Why on earth don't you march ? Don't you hear the guns in Charles- town?" Capt. Gideon Foster's (l.) company was station- ed at Brighton then called Little Cambridge. He was ordered by Gen. Ward, to escort a load of ammunition to Charlestown. Capt. Foster obeyed and met the Americans when on their retreat. Their powder was consumed, and he supplied them with ammunition loose in casks, for one more grapple with death. Capt. Foster in his old age revived the reminiscence thus : "We took the ammunition in casks, and conveyed it in wagons, and delivered it freely with our hands and our dijjpers,, to their horns, their pockets their hats, and whatever else they had that would hold it. I well remember the black- ened appearance of those busy in this work, — not unlike those engaged in the delivery of coal on a hot summer's HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 93 day. At the same time we were thus occupier', the en- emy's shot were constantly whistling by ; but we had no time to examine their character or dimensions. I have often thought what might have been our condition, had one of these Jiot shot unceremoniously come in contact with our wagons." Captain Foster's company belonged to Colonel Mans- field's regiment which was stationed on Prospect Hill. Gen. Putnam commanded there. An order was issued calling all th^ captains together. They were told that a captain was wanted to engage in a very arduous enter- terprise, and a volunteer was called for. When Foster found no one willing to offer services, he presented himself and was accepted. Several soldiers were drawn from each company, and properly armed, they repaired to Gen. Putnam's quarters to receive instructions. Af- ter reviewing them, " OldPuf^ deprived them of their equipments and furnishing them with axes, sent them in- to a swamp, where they were engaged in cutting fascines (faggots,) and in bringing them in on their backs. *'The men expected to gain honor by their expo- sure to unknown dangers : but their greatest danger was from the attack of musquitoes and their great- est exposure was to the mirth of their fellow sold- iers." The day of the battle was very sultry. The season was far advanced. Saturday, the 17th of June, was a warm, clear day. "Farmers generally had com- menced haying— the new mown grass was pressed be- tween the rails to form a breast-work on Bunker Hill — green peas were common and plenty in the market ; all 94 HISTORY OF DANVERS. of which indicate that the season was a fortnight earlier than it is on an average of years," The day passed. The battle was fought. A shout_ was raised, whose echoes have not yet ceased to rever berate. The Americans lost,- — but they won, — the British gained a victory, which was worse than an ordi- nary defeat. Undisciplined Bravery gave disciplined Tyranny a bitter lesson. Neither was it a mere fight. A principle was asserted and maintained, a principle which shall not be forgotten, while the Monument on Bunker's Height, that "grey granite finger planted in the heroes' blood-stained sod, and pointing aloft to the he- roes' home," — shall endure ! On the 17th of July, one month after the battle of Bunker's Hill, the town w^atch was discontinued, "by reason of Congress placing soldiers to guard the seaport towns." Dr. Calef, of Ipswich, during the summer of 1775, built a ship at New Mills, and on the fifth of December of the same year, the Mass. Legislature "Ordered, That Dummer Jewett Esq. apply to Dr. Calef of I]jswich^ and require of him such information relative to a (m.) new ship lately built by his direction at the New 3fiUs, as he can confirm when called upon on oath, and that he be desired to furnish them with a copy of all the papers relative to this matter, which he has received from the person or persons by whose order said Vessel was purchased or built." This incident, though trifling in itself, serves to show the constant vig- ilance of the people and of the embryo government, at that period. Not the slightest incident was allowed to pass by unnoticed. Sept. 14th, Col. Benedict Ar- HISTORY OF DANVERS. 95 nold, on his way from Cambridge to Quebec, encamped in Danvers. Jan. 25th, 1776, tlie House received two petitions from Nathan Putnam and Dennison WaUis of Danvers. Putnam set forth that in consequence of a wound in the shoulder at the battle of Lexington, he had not been able to work since that time one daj at his trade. His petition was referred to the appropriate Commit- tee. Wallis set forth that he was taken prisoner by the Ministerial troops at Lexington, was stripped by them of gun, bayonet, cartouch box, watch and fif- teen dollars, for which he prayed recompense, as also for charges of sickness, in consequence of twelve wounds which he received. Eight pounds, eleven shil lings were paid Capt. Epesfor the purpose. February 6th, the House voted to Captain Epes, the following sums for the use of the following individuals who had lost guns &c. on the 19th of April. Jonathan Tarbell £2. lis. Henry Jacobs ^£3. 8s. Heirs of Benjamin Daland, £2. 4s. Samuel Cook, £2. 12s. Thomas Gardner .£1. 4s. Nathaniel Goldthwaite, £2. Os. Feby 6th and Mch 6th, contributions were taken up for the army beseiging Boston. The South Parish gave .£13, 13, 6, and the North Parish £2G, 15, 4, 10 pr. Shoes, 82 yds. check, 2 oz. thread, and 1 pr. of mooseskin breeches. The people of the town of Danvers, as will be seen, tihirstcd ardently for an independent government, and concurred in all public acts calculated to produce that result. On the eighteenth of June 1776, it was "Voted, that if the Honble Congress for the Safety of the Unit- 96 HISTORY OF DANVERS, ed Colonies, Declare them Independent of the Kingdom of Great Brittain, we the Inhabitants of this town, do solemnly Engage with our Lives and Fortunes to sup- port them in the measure. "Voted, that the iDown Clerk be, and he hereby is directed Immediately to Deliver an attested Copy of the Proceedings of this Town Respecting Independent- ry, to Maj. Samuel Epes, Representative of said I^own, for his Instructions &c.'* At the same time a bounty of X13, 6, 8, was given to each man who would enlist in the service of the colonies. The Declaration of Inde- pendence was unanimously adopted, and copied at length in the Town Record. October 19th 1776, large encouragements were given to all who would enlist during the war. Congress pledged to each private soldier and non-commissioned officer who would thus enlist, twenty dollars, one hun- dred acres of land, a suit of clothes annually, consist- ing of "two Linen Hunting Shirts, two Pair of Over- alls, a Leathern or Woolen Waistcoat with Sleeves, one Pair of Breeches, a Hat or Leathern Cap, two Shirts, two pair of Hose, and two pair of Shoes." In addition to this the State of Massachusetts Bay offered "one Blanket annually ,- and Twenty Shillings per Month" The small-pox raged extensively in the year 1777, and a pest house was built. The same year the families of all non-commissioned officers absent in the service, were assisted by the Town. February 9th, 1778, the Arti- cles of Confederation were unanimously adopted, and Israel Hutchinson the Representative was instructed to advocate them. The Constitution of Massachusetts, HISTORY OF DANVERS. 97 which was proposed m 1778 was unanimously rejected. Capt. Jeremiah Putnam enlisted a company this year to go to East Greenwich, R. I. April 5th 1779, Israel Putnam, John Shelden and Benjamin Proctor, were appointed Committee to look after and supply the families of continental soldiers with all necessary articles of subsistence. Voted to have no state Constitution this year. July 5th, "Resolved that this town will do all in their power to reduce all the Exhorbitant prices of the necessaries of life." A convention was held at Concord July 19th., to take in to consideration the extravagant prices, and propose a remedy. It passed several laws with penalties of diso- bedience, and the Town endorsed them all. Gideon Put- nam was about this time posted in the "Public Newspapers of this state for brakeing one of the resolves of the Convention at Concord, as an enemy to his coun- try." His offence consisted in selling cheese at nine shillings per pound! The extraordinary prices of this day imposed a very painful burden on the people. A great scarcity created a high value, and it was the con- stant effort of the patriotic to reduce prices. W. I. Rum was valued at X 5, 5s, per gallon ; N. E. Rum X4, per gall.; Molasses <£3, 19s per gall.; Coffee 15s per lb.; Brown Sugar, <£50 per cwt.; Chocolate, 20s per lb.; Bohea Tea, X5, 6s per lb.: Salt, X9 per bushel; Indian Corn, X4, 10s per bushel; Rye, £6; Wheat, £d ; Beef, 6s per lb.; Mutton, 4s per lb.; Butter, 12s per lb.; Milk, 2s 6d per qt.; Hay, 40s per cwt.; Iron, <£30 per cwt. The unexampled inflation of the paper currency of that day explains these high prices, — as 98 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. one pound in silver was equal to forty of paper. The great scarcity of silver however, confined the currency principally to paper, and much of inconvenience and positive suffering were the consequence. May 19th. 1780, is memorable as the Dark Day, which prevailed over the most of the State, but was darkest in Essex County. Between 10 and 11 o'clock A. M. the air began to grow dim, and in a few minutes the whole country "^as enveloped in the shades of night. An eye witness informs us that "Persons were unable to read common print, determine the time by their watches, dine or manage their domestic busi- ness without additional light ; candles were lighted ; the birds having sung their evening songs, disappeared, and became silent ; the fowls retired to roost ; the cocks were crowing all around as at break of day ; objects could be distinguished at but very little distance ; and ev- erything bore the appearance and gloom of night." This phenomenon was undoubtedly caused by a dense stratum of clouds, which, driven below the ordinary stratum, made so dense a curtain that the Hght could not trans- pierce it. At this time there were many men from Danvers ar- dently and constantly engaged in the army in different parts of the country. Major Caleb Lowe, although he was not strictly a native of Danvers, was a resident of this town, and sustained an active part. In the capacity of Captain he was out in the Indian Wars, at Ticonderoga &c. He was promoted to the rank of Major on the breaking out of the Revolution, which rank he held under Washington on the Hudson River. HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 99 He was present at the execution of Andre. His body is buried in South Danvers. The following letter, with the original signature of Washington is in the posses- sion of Major Lowe's grandson, Col. Caleb Lowe, by whom it was furnished : "Sir. "You will be pleased to march early tomorrow morn- ing with all the militia under your command and pro- ceed to the landing at West Point. You will send an officer on to this place, by whom you will receive furth- er orders. "Colonel Gouvior the bearer of this will apply to yon for an officer and a small party of Men. These you will furnish. I am sir with esteem yr mo ob'et Servt. GO. WASHINGTON. "Head Quarters Robinson's House, 25th Sept. 1780, 1-2 after 7 o'clock P.M. "Major Low at Fishkill." During the same year, .£150,000 were raised to sup- ply the army with beef, and for other revolutionary pur- poses. It should be remembered that this large amount was reckoned in the continental currency. The State Constitution came before the people for their acceptance about the same time, and was objected to by the people of Danvers. X1800 silver money were raised in De- cember, to procure soldiers for the army, and XI 80 were offered to every man who would go from Danvers. It was voted also, to compel the Quakers to take their proportional part in the struggle of war. In the follow- 100 HISTORY OF DANVERS. ingyear X60,000 were raised to purchase beef for the army, and it was voted to obey with cheerfulness all the requisitions of the Legislature for money and men. The harbor froze this year as far as Baker's Island. The winter was very severe. The town declared by a vote Jan. 14th 1782, that in any treaty which might be made between Great Britain and the United States, the fisheries should be reserved for the use of the Uni- ted States. On the twentieth of the following month, several persons were licensed to sell ^'Bohea and other India Teas." At this time there were in Danvers, 18 "fall back chaises," and 21 "standing tops." Up to this time a constant correspondence had been kept with Boston, and the utmost vigilance had been manifest- ed on the part of the people of this town, in the cause of freedom. Feb. 10th, there was a dense fog "smell- ing like burnt leaves." On the 9th of June 1783, the following instructions were given "To Coll Israel Hutchinson, "Representative of the Town of Danvers. Sir : at the first attack made by the British Troops on the States of America, you took the part of the Ameri- icans in the Field. Since that Time you Represented the Town of Danvers to their satisfaction, which is evident by the almost Unanimous Vote at the Times of your Elections. Ihe Contest is over, and a complete Revo- lution is happily Accomplished. This Town, Sir, con- gratulates you on so glorious a Period. Sir, — as it is Likely many Matters will be before the Honorable House the present year, — This Town has thought fit to give you Instructions in some Particular, viz : As the u HISTORY OF DANVERS. 101 Independence depends solely, (under Divine Provi- dence,) in the Union of these United States, you are to consider the Confederacy of these States as Sacred, and in no point to be violated. You are strictly to ad- here to the Constitution of this Commonwealth ; — You are to use your endeavour that no Absentee or Conspi- rator against the United States, whether they have ta- ken up arms against these States or not, be admitted to Return, and those persons that have returned, you are not to suffer such persons to remain in this Comm.on- wealth. You are to give your attention, to all such further Instructions as you shall receive from your Con- stituents, from Time to Time. In any matters that shall turn up which yua think militate against your Constituents, you aro to apply for further Instruc- tions." A few other events that occurred previous to this time, are worthy of preservation. In April 1771 ter rible lightning killed a large number of horses and cat-" tic in Danvers. In 1772, snow fell at an uncommon rate. Mch. 5th, 16 inches ; 9th, 9 inches ; 11th, 8 inches ; 13th, 7 inches ; IGth, 4 inches ; 20th, 15 inches. The winter of 1780 was very severe. For forty days, thirty ,one of which were in March there was no thaw on the South side of any house. Teams loaded passed over walls in every direction through the month of March. The Hessian Ply committed great ravages in 1787. The approach of Peace allayed most of the evils that had gathered over the country during the long, dark, revolutionary struggle. The axe of Labor was lifted ; 102 HISTORY OF D AX VERS. the sliining scythe once more flashed with dew ; the ring of the anvil sounded from the work-shop ; the hum of Industry was heard arising from city and hamlet ; valleys and hillsides smiled with verdure ; school-houses were filled with youthful tenantry, and as the red foot- steps of War were wiped away, "the smoke of peace'? curled around steeple and tree-top, and the wheels of Prosperity with an accelerated motion, moved the Coun- try onward. NOTES TO CHAPTER IV. (a) The conduct ol the royal troops is represented as having beea very exemplary. Mrs. Fowler, related iho following little inci- dent, which certainly speaks niuch against the received opinion of the character of the English soldiery, Mrs. Fowler, a daughter of Arch- elaus Putnam who commenced the settlement at the New Mills, was in the beginning of September 1774, in an orchard gathering apples, when, on looking up, she saw two English officers, one of whom com- menced climbing over the fence. The other, seeing that their pres- ence alarmed her, said to him: — "Wait till the girl goes away; do not frighten her by entering the orchard yet." She also related that Gov. Gage used quite often to converse with her father" in law, and that he was ver)- affable and courteous in his deportment. She remembered hearing him say on one occasion, as he sat on a log before the door: "We shall soon quell these feelings, and govern all this," — stretching out his arm, as if to describe the coun- try. She said also, that the soldiers were accustomed in their ram- bles about the town, to call at different houses for bread and milk, and that their appearance was always decorous and proper, adding: "The Governor was as pretty a man in the house as I ever saw." Sometimes however, the soldiers used to relieve the farmers -of the trouble of milking their cows — though they unfortunately for the owners, appropriated the milk to their own use. (b) While the drums were beating to arms, Aaron Cheever rode on horseback furiously through the camp, shouting at the lop of his voice, "Hurry to Boston! the devil is to pay!" Others refer similar ^1 HISTORY OF DANYERS. 103 langnage to different iudividualg. Whoever the person was, he was well disguised. l-H o l-H O o l-H w o w (c) "Near the encampment was a largo oak tree, nfierwards known as King George's whipping post. When the frigate Essex wag bailt in Salem, this tree was felled; and on hewing the timber the iron staple, to which the soldiers had been confined for punishment, was found irnbedded m the wood. King George's whipping post was con- verted into the stern post of the Essex frigate." "The house which Gen., Gage occupied was much ornamented and 104 HISTORY OF DANVERS. is still a stately edifice for this part of the country. In its front were heavy posts ornamented with large balls oi spheres, which were sheathed with lead. As a party of our countrymen were going to join the patriot army, the tempting sight of the lead made them for- get private rights and they began to strip the spheres. The owner of the mansion was supposed to be in the British interest — he came to the door, called them rebels and knaves, and, as was natural, used strong and plain language. One man pointed his musket towards him and fired, and the mark of the bullet still remains in the door by which he was standing." Hon, Mr. King. Although this anecdote is quite plausible, and interesting withal, yet it may be apocryphal. The proprietor of th? edifice informs me, that although this explains the advent of the bullet, yet there are no means by which its authenticity can be ascertained. (d) 'J'here are several spots located by Tradition for these arms. North fields, Blind Hole, the Gardner farm, and JNew Mills have been designated by different persons. Probably they were scattered in each of tlicse places for safety. "iiichard Skidmore, the builder of the carriages, was a man of much humor and many anecdotes, and witty sayings are related of him. He was, fifty years ago, the jester at launchings, huskings, raisings and other merry meetings. He vvus at the siege of L<'uis- burg in the capacity of druinnjer, and received a shot, which passed through the corner of his cocked hat, raising the hair upon the top of his head. His conjmander, upon viewing his narrow escape, remarked that if the ball had suuck a litlie lower down, it would have spoilt our conipany's music. Skidmore replied, tut, and if it ha 1 passed a little higher up, it would not have spoiled my hat' He served in the war of the Revolution, as a private, drummer, and on board of private armed vessels. On one of his cruises, a West Indiaman, laden with rum and sugar, was taken, and Skidnure re- ceived for his portion of the prize, a hogshead of rum, and a barre' of sugar, wliicii he brought Lome, and placed in the entry of his house, the rum was placed upon tup, and the sugar was opened, and put by its side. His house being small, and its entrance narrow, it became necessary in rolling in the rum, to cut away the sides of the door. People, who loved old Jamaica, often came to partake of his hospitality. Many years after, alluding to the respect shown him at this period, ho observed that as long as the rum and sugar lasted, it HISTORY OF DANVERS. 105 was ah, "how do you do, ^U. Skidmore, how is your family ?" but after it was all gone, it was, "how are you, old Skid," aa usual. Mr. Skidmore served his country in her wars, both by sea and land, and in the war with England in 1815 he attached himself to the com- pany of the old alarm-list soldiers and was .^een at its head beating the reveille on the same drum that had called together the sturdy sous of New Engiand before the entrenchments of Louisburg. This drum he was often heard to say he kept m hia garret, and ho was accustomed to bring it down to beat it when his children were very noisy, his wife scolded more than usual, or he was troubled with rats in his cellar." Com. by S. P. Fowler. (e) When Pickering's regiment halted at the Bell Tavern for re- freshment, Elias Haskett Derby Esq., who afterward became one of the wealthiest men in Salem, and who then was in the ranks, went in to see Mrs. Southwick, the wife of Edward, who then, as well ns since, lived in the homestead opposite the Monument. Although as a quakeress, Mrs. S. could not consistently afford assistance to soldiers, yet. 60 deeply did she sympathize with the patriots, independent of her quakerism, that she brought out a large basket of provisions, to Mr- Derby with the following message: '• We cannot assist thee and thy feUow-soIdiers, but as there is a long and painful march before iheCy and as it is not right ye should suffer, — here is a little food /" (f) The muster rolls present no proof that Gen. Foster was Cap- tain at Lexington. They show but four companies, — but he was present, and acted in that capacity. 1 he explanation of the matter liea in this: Mch 3d, 1775, according to the Essex Gazette, it was voted in Danvers, that, agreeable to a vote of the Provincial Congress, a quarter of the soldiers in the town should be minute men. 'j'hese minute men were given, in part to Israel Hutchinson^ and in part to Gideon Foster. Foster's men are included in other companies; why ^hey are not down in a seperato list, under their commander cannot be told. (g.) "The greatest slaughter of the British took place, it is said, while they were on the retrograde, sweating with toil and blood, for three or four miles through the woody defiles in Lincoln and in the up- per part of Lexington, and again when their flanking parties were intercepted in Cambridge by one or two companies from Danvera." Extract from a Com. entitled i^ Lexington and the 19?A A^ril 1775" — republished in the Boston JVens Letter. 106 HISTORY OF DANVERS. (h.) Had Col. Pickering been actuated by the same ardor that distinguished Gideon Foster, it is not probable that many would have remained of the British to have related the day's disaster. The re- treat whinh was in a measure safely conducted would have been ef- feciually intercepted, and Death would have exulted over the number of his trophies. (i) Many years after this sanguinary day, Gen. Foster recalled the event thus: "I was then 26 years of age. About ten days before, 1 had been chosen to command a company of minute-men, who were at all times to be in readiness at a moment's warning. They were so ready. They all assembled on the very spot where we are this day assem- bled: — they all w^ent; and in about four hours from the time of meeting, they travelled on foot (full half the way upon the run) six- teen miles ^ and saluted the enemy. This they did most effectually, — as the records of that day most clearly prove. I discharged my musket at the enemy a number of times (I think eleven,) with two balls each time, and with well directed aim. My comrade (Mr. Cleaves of Beverly) who was then standing by my side, had his fin- ger and ramrod cut away by a shot from the enemy. Whether my shots took effect, * I ear-not say; but this I can say, if they did not, it w^as not for the want of determined purpose, in him who sent them." * These remarks were made at the laying of the corner stone of the Danvers Monument. (j.) In the 2d company of Soldiers at Lexington, Gideon Foster is placed as 2d Lieut, in the muster rolls. He was appointed cap- tain of a company of minute men but a few days before the battle, and John Endicott was elected Lieut, in his place. Before the battle Jeremiah Page's company elected Enocli Putnam 1st Lieut., William Towns, 2d do.; and Joseph Porter ensign. At the battle, however, the ofHcers were as they stand on page 108. Flint's company, after the engagement, received Asa Prince as ensign, in place ef Israel Putnam. The town generously supported Geo. Southwick's family after his death. It is said that the Danvers companies all followed the worthy example of Foster, and went to Lexnigton without waiting for Pickering's Regiment. The company to which Sylvester Osborne belonged (he was the youngest member,) captured a wagon near Medford, which was carrying supplies to the British. He, with HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 107 others, was detached to escort the prize to a place of safety, and they heard the report of the firearms, immediately after leaving the main body. When Foster's men threw themselves behind tha enclosure from which they fired, Hutchinson, whose experience in the French wars gave him knowledge, warned them to beware of the flank guard. In their unacquuintance with military affairs, they knew noth- ing of a fl.ink-guard, and firing on the main body as it passed, they rushed out to harass its rear, when, of course, they found themselves between two fires, where several fell. Job Wilson, on examining his pocket after the eng igement, found his coat and a squares foot of gin- gerbread perforated by a bullet. (k.) "With reversed arms, muffled drums and measured stfps, they led the long procession — on the way they were met by a band of soldiers from Newburyport, Salisbury and Amesbury marching to join the army which was besieging Boston — these formed in sin- gle ranks on each side of the road and the mournful procession passed between them. After the bodies were deposited, three voUies were fired over their graves, but they could not rouse the slumberers — no ! din of resounding arms, no alarms of vv.ir, no convulsion of nature, can disturb tliem — no.hingbut the voice of the arch angel and the trump of Gud "Can reach the peaceful sleepers there." Hutu D. P. King. SOLDIERS OF THE U EVOLUTION. (l.) The following I'st presents the soldiers of the Revoluiion from Danver^. The first five companies were in the affair at Lexing- ton. Those alphabetically arranged were in the Revolution subse- quently. COMPAxNY OF MINUTE-MEN. Israel Hutchinson, Ca/'tom; Enoch YaXn^m^ first Lieut; Aaron Cheever, second Lieut; Job Whipple, Ensign, Privates. Samuel Goodridge, Eliphalet Perley, Nath'l Cheever, Eben Andrew, James Burley, Samuel Chase, Nath'l Durton, Henry Dwinnels, John Francis, Wm, Freetoe, Nathan Putnam, James Por- ter, Tarrant Putnam, Thomas White, Samuel Baker, Samuel Fair- field, Benj. Porter 3 I., Jonathan Sawyer, Wm. Towne, W. Warner, 108 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Perley Putnam, Benj. Shaw, Wm. Batchelder, Jotham Webb. Be- sides these, 24 men from Beverly completed this company. COMPANY OF MILITIA. Samuel Eppes, Captain; Benj. Jacobs, ^rsi Li&nt. Gideon Foster, {iiQQnoiQ.) second Lieut. Francis Symonds, Ensign. Privates. Goo. Southwick jr. , Sam. Cook jr., E ben Goldthwaite, James Osborn, Jona. Tarball, Benj. Douty, Aaron Osborn, John Ep- pes, Andrew Curtis, Isaac Twiss, Wm. Taiball, Abraham Redding- ton, Israel Osborn, Nathan Upton, Robt. Stone jr., Abiel Mclntyre, Richard Phillips, Joseph Whiteman, John Wilson jr., Samuel Small, Benj. Eppes, Joseph Eppes, James Eppes, Wm. Southwick, John Southwick, Jon. Curtis, Job Wilson, Robt. Wilson 3d., Isaac Wil- son 3d., Joshua Moulton, Nath. Goldthwaite, Daniel Moulton, John Reed, Daniol Marsh jr., Wm. Goldthwaite, Marble Osborn, Joseph Osborn 3d., John Jacobs, Thos. Gardner jr., Sylvesler Osborn, Amos Kmg, Jonathan Nurse, Jon >than Felton, Jonathan Proctor, Tim. Fel- ton, Asa Felton, Eben Felton, Thos. Andrews, Joseph Osborn 4th , Daniel Reed, Jona. Southwick, Thomas Day, James Goldthwaite, Joseph Ingles, David Newhall, Nathl. Fitts, Wm. Frost, Newhall Wilson, Jonathan Wilson 3d., Bartholomew Molton, Habbakuk Lynse, Eben Molton, Jona. Ridney, John Collins, Jacob Reed, Abi- jah Reed, Thos. Bond, John Getchell, Solomon Wyman, Samuel Stone, James Stone, Joseph Twiss, Stephen Twiss, Wm. Perkins, Benj. Daland jr., Henry Jacobs jr. COMPANY OF MILITIA. Jeremiah Page, Captain; Joseph VoxXqx, first Lieut. Henry Putnam, second Lieut. Richard Skidmore, Ensign. Privates. Samuel Stickney, James Putnam, Benj. Putnam jr., Daniel Bootman, David Bootman, John Nichols jr., John Brown, Je- thro Putnam, Jeremiah Putnam, Wm. Fenno, John Ward, Michael Webb, Benj. Kimball, Benj. Kent, Stephen Putnam, Joseph Smith, Elisha Hutchinson, Benj. Stickney, Mathcw Whipple, Enoch Thurs- ton, Phillip Nurse, Robt. Endicott, David Felton, Daniel Verry, David Verry, Archelaus Rea jr., James Goody, Nathan Porter, Sam. Whit- temore, Nathan Putnam, Peter Putnam, Samuel Fowler, Samuel Dutch, Eben Jacobs jr., Samuel Page. HISTORY OF DANVERS. 109 COMPANY OF MILITIA. Samuel Flint, Captain. Daniel VxxXn^m. first Lieut. Joseph VxxX- xinm, sec) nd Li^Mt. Israel Putnam, Ensign. Private:. Asa Upton, Abel Nichols, Thom;is Andrew, Amos Tapley, Wai. Putnam, Joseph Daniels, Joshua Douge, Jonathan Sheldon, Wm, Goodaie, Benj. Russell, Mathevv Putnam, John Hutchinson jr., Aaron Taplpy, Levi Preston, Peter Putnam, John Preston, Dnniel LaUeman, Israel Cheever, Eleazer Pope jr., Anron Gilbert, Nathaniel Smith, Jonathan Russell, Daniel Russell, Jethro Russell, John Hutchinson, Stephen Russell, Geo. Small jr., Nathaniel Pope jr., Joseph Tapley, S. Mudge,Wm. Whittredge, Josiah Whit- Iredge, Eben Mclntyre, John Kettel, Benj. Nurse, Eleazer Goodaie, Amos Buxton jr., Reuben Barthirk, James Burch, Michael Cross, Israel Smith. It is possible that some of the members of Flint's, Page's and Eppes's companies, may have belonged to Salem or Beverly, though who they were if any there were, cannot be ascertained. Those engaged in the Revolution. Ebenezer Andrew Zacliariah Bray Jariies Buxton William Berry Thomas Bond Joseph Bell Gideon Batchelder Benj Balch Prince Buxton Pet(^r Barker Benj. Barker Beni. Beary Daniel Bell .lames Birch Peter Buxton Jonathan Ciowell John Collyer Ezekiel Cooper Asa Chandler Richard Crispin John Colli!!s William Col ley Enoch Chenay John Clinton Josiah Cutter Patrick Carroll if. Titus Canada Joni. Currier Nathim Dow Charles Derby Hepry Dwiisnclls George Dwinnells Amos Dwinnells Ebenezer Ditle Abraham Dempsey William Dodge Nalhiniel Downs Win. Deadriian John E. Dale Wm. Danisey S;;muel Deano Richard Elliot John Eppes David Elwell Samuel Eppes J hn Endicott Win. Fretoe John Francis Benj. Fovvle John Fairfield Wm. Flii.t Samuel Flint \0 James Gandy Asa Goodaie Tiistum Gtorge Samuel Goodhu3 Andrew Gioy Wm. Gilford Wm. Ho;t Joseph Hilburt Nathan Hilburt Israel Hutchinson Joriath.in llovviird Uri.ih Harrf'vviiod John Hanovvood Nath'l Haywood J uiies Johnson John Josselyn Primus Jucobri Benj. Jacobs Benj. Ki(iibc:ll Longlev K«'liey Josiah K(:iiney Eiij.:h Lewis Jo.;a. Larr.ibee James Larr.ibee David L.irriibee Samuel Le Count ^~M 110 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Benj. Loriiig Edward Pepor Tliomns To! man Nath'l Leeds Allen Putnam Daniel Towne Benj. Larrabee Asa Prince Asa Tupley Daniel Mahew Jeremiah Page Joseph Tuiis Hugh Malachy Enoch Putnam Samuel Twist Samuel Mamsell Joseph Sorter Eliphalel. Taylor Nath'l MTnlyre SunuelPage Joseph TU'iss Richard Mayberry Wm. Rue George Towne John M'Kay Jr. Jonathan Russel Daniel Verry Roger Nourse Strphen Russel David Verry Michael Nurse Benj. Reed Joseph Verry James Nurse Caleb Rea Wm. Verry Joseph Nichols Jacob Reed Bela Verry Eli Nurse Abijah Reed ileiij, Verry Samuel Nurse Wn). Reed Peter VVaito Caleb Oakes Seth Richardson Joseph White John Oaknian James Richardson Joseph Wyatt Sylvester Osborne Thomas Rano Ihornas White Johnson Proctor Samuel Stone Blatthevv Whipple Titus Proctor Jeremiah Shelden Samuel Whipi'le Aaron Putnam Daniel Shelden Ebenezer Williams Edward Pepperell Robert Stone Jonathan Wa ite Benj. Porter Benj. Shaw Moses Wood John Porter John Symonds Michael Webb Lsrael Putnam Sip Svmonds Elijah Wa«bbura Timothy Putnam James Stone Jonathan Wood Joseph Pillsbury Jonath.m Sefchel Thotnas Wines Jonathan Porter John Se;chel David Whipple Joseph Putnam Joseph Shaw Benj. Wl.ippio Daniel Putnam "^lliomas Symonds Thos Whto Thomas Putnum Th 'mas Stephens Benj. Woodman Wm. Perkins Amos Smith Solomon Wyman Jeremiah Pulnam Ephraim Smith ]\evvhall Wilson Henry Putnam Ebenezer Sawyer Peter Welch Eliphalel Perley Isriiel Smith David Wiikins Nathan Porter Francis Symonds Samuel Wyatt James Porter Wm. Towne John White Peter Porter David Truel Jonathan Wilson Phinehas Putnam George Tu:::ker Joshua Wyatt Nathan Putnam David Tanner Of these soldiers Levi Preston, Johnson Proctor, Jonathan Porter and Richard Elliot are yet Iving at advanced ages. Mr. Pioctor m hi.s prime stood six feet and a half in height, and now weighs about 300 lbs. These relics of another age are links in a living chain conneci- iu" us with the Past. There are five men from Dauvers en- gaged in the Mexican War. (M.) The ship which Dummer Jewett was directed to enquire of m HISTORY OF DAN VERS. Ill was a large one of about 400 tons, designed for the East India trade. One Capt. Lee caine from England to superintend her building, and to command her when finished. He died at the Phiins. The vessel was launched in the night, and it drifted to the south side of the river, where it laid many years, and ultimately decayed. There havebeon at difterent tim^s a large number of vessels built at New Mills. As many as seven have been on the stocks at one time. During the Revolution, the Jupiter, Harlequin, Gen. Greene, and many other privateers and vessels of war, besides merchant vessels, were bnilt here. Four 20 gun ships were built in the revolution. The anchors for the celebrated frigate Essex were made at the Iron Works now owned by Matthew Hooper. CHAPTER y. The incidents worthy of note which have occured since the close of the Revohation, have been few. The history of a town or country in the Time of Peace, al- though full of all that causes prosperity and happiness, does not abound in prominent events. When the storm of War sweeps over the land, every wave is gigantic, while the calm tide of prosperity, though freighted with abundance, does not attract particular observation. Efforts were made in the year 1784, to remove the Court of Common Pleas from Salem to JSTewburyport, against which the Town took an active part. In 1786 the Representative was instructed to use his utmost exertions against paper money. He was also informed that a "man in Danvers was taxed much more for ^100 value of property than if he was in Salem;" the people declared this unjust, and urged him to abolish the dif- ference. Col. Benj. Tupper raised a company the same year " 112 HISTORY OF DANVERS. in Beverlj and Danvers, to suppress "Shaj's Rebel- lion." According to some records, food was so scarce in Essex County in 1789, that people were obliged to eat tadpoles boiled with pea straw. Q his, to say the least, is very questionable. In the year 1799, John Adams's admimstration re- ceived the approbation of the town, and the follov/ing address was sent him : "To John Adams, President of the United States. "The subscribers Inhabitants of the town of Danver^ in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, "Being fully sensible of the great advantages we De- rive From a governm.ent Established by the People up- on the true Principles of Equal Liberty, so far as the good of Society will admit — and our entire sattisfact- ion in the administration of the same, we had Just Rea- son to expect that no forreign power would interfere in our national aifairs, while we endeavored to support a Just and strict Nutrality, by treating all the nations that we are Concerned with agreeable to those principles. Especially the French Republic, who we have ben Led to beheve, and untill of Late Did really suppose, were our best Friends; but we Now sensibly feel the injury done to our Country by that Nation, in the treatment of our people, & in the spoillations made upon our Com- merce, and the Insults received by the unpresidented treatment to our ministers at that republic, which Calls For our highest Resentment. "Please to be assured that your administration meets our Fullest approbation, and that we Consider it as a HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 113 Favour of Providence that you are placed at tlie head of our public affairs at this important Day. Although we wish for the Continuance of Peace Upon Just and honourable termes, yet we will hold ourselves ready to encounter every Difficulty that our Country may call us to, — before we will be dictated to by any Nation on earth, or give up our soveraignty and independence, well knowing that it was not without much Blood and treasure — our ancestors put us in possession of the high- est Privelidges we injoy as a people." May 8th 1803, a severe snowstorm occurred, while the trees were in full blossom. June 16th, 1806, was a total solar eclipse. In 1807, several of the people of Danvers were prosecuted by the town of Lynn for taking sea-weed &c., from the latter place, for manure. In 1808 an unsuccessful movement was made to an- nex the North Parish to Salem. Before and since that time, similar attempts have been made, sometimes origi- nating in one part of the town, and sometimes in anoth- er. In the year 1810 the town remonstrated against removing the Supreme Court to Newburyport. Febru- ary 2d 1811, a great snow-storm commenced and lasted three days ; it drifted fifteen feet. In 1812, the war known as the "Last War," broke out. A large majority of the people of New England opposed this War. Among those opposers the people of Danvers took a prominent stand. On the 13th. of Ju- ly, a committee was chosen to report on the "awful sit- uation of our Country in consequence of the war de- clared against Great Britain." Frederick Howes, Jon- athan Ingersoll, Andrew Nichols Jr., Sylvester Osborn 114 HISTORY OF DANVERS. and Thomas Putnam were chosen, and they presented the following Keport, which was adopted by the Town with but three dissenting voices, and pubhshed in the Salem Gazette. "Whereas the safety, prosperity, and happiness of a people essentially depend on the Wisdom, Virtue, and Pa- triotism of those who manage their National affairs; and in a free elective Government these qualifications form the only just claims to Publick Confidence and employment, it is therefore at all times no less the duty, than the right of the citizens, to investigate the character and conduct of their rulers, to subject the policy of their measures to public scrutiny, and especially, in times of great Danger and distress, to assemble and consult together for the common good, and should they be convinced that the evils which they feel, originate from the weakness or corruption of their own rulers, they would be guilty of treachery to their country, if they did not publicly de- clare their opinion, and make use of all constitutional means to effect a change of rulers, to avert the dangers which threaten them, and to remove or alleviate the ca- lamities which they endure ; and Whereas the United States, after thirt\ years enjoyment of the blessings of peace are suddenly involved in a War with Great Brit- ain, and have become a party in a contest unparallelled in its nature and extent, which has proved fatal to the liberty and independence of so many once happy and powerful nations, the people are loudly called upon to assemble at this alarming crisis, and to express their opinion freely, on the conduct of their Government, on the justice and expediency, the causes and probable HISTORY OF DANVERS. 115 consequences of the war, therefore Resolved : that as the inhabitants of this Town were among the first to expose their lives and shed their blood in defence of the rights of the country, against the unjust and tyrannical claims of Great Britain, and on the memorable Nineteenth of April, A. D. 1775, suffered more severely (Lexington excepted,) than any other town in the Commonwealth, and animated by their example, and by the presence of many who took an active part in that and many other scenes in our late glorious revolution, we will never shrink from the dangers and privations of a just and necessary war — that we cherish our rights and liberties as the most precious inheritance derived from our ancestors, and will never surrender them to any foreign or domestic tyrant. "Resolved, that the conduct of the government of the United States for several years past, has in our opin- ion exhibited decisive evidence of a strong partiality to France, and enmity to Great Britain, a disposition to palliate or conceal the aggressions of the one, and to exaggerate those of the other: that we consider the whole train of comm.ercial restrictions adopted by our Government, as originating in a spirit of subserviency to France, and hostility to Commerce, and the prosperi- ty of the Commercial States, or at best as visionary experiments and impotent attempts to coerce foreign Nations : unjust, oppressive, and ruinous in their ope- ration upon our own citizens, corrupting to the public morals, and more destructive to the prosperity of the Nation than all the aggressions of foreign powers united. "Resolved, that we consider the war declared by 116 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Congress against Great Britain as unjustifiable, unnec- essary, ruinous to the prosperity, and dangerous to the union, liberty and independence of the United States. "As unjustifiable and unnecessary, because we be- lieve that all our differences with G. Britain might have been honorably adjusted by fair negotiation. "As ruinous to our prosperity, because it will throw millions of American property into the hands of the enemy, reduce thousands of our fellow citizens from affluence to poverty, require enormous and oppressive taxes for its support, while it diminishes the means of paying them, depress the spirit of honest industry and laudable enterprise, expose our sea-coast to depreda- tions, and exchange an honorable and lucrative com- merce, for a demoralizing system of privateering. "As dangerous to our Union, because as free com- munities can be held together only by a visible and solid interest, the commercial states may not retain so strong an attachment to a government which subjects them to such heavy burdens, and the most oppressive restrictions, and deprives them of all those advantages, the prospect of which, induced them to enter into the federal compact. "As dangerous to our Liberty and Independence, because we believe that the Influence of France was one cause of the War, and we deprecate an alhance with that perfidious nation, which by violence or intrigue^ has destroyed every repubhc in Europe, and whose friendship is far more terrible than her arms. "Kesolved, that we cannot believe this to be a war i^ i HISTORY OF DANYERS. 117 intended for the protection of our seamen, which ^vill throw thousands of them out of employment, expose those abroad to capture and imprisonment, and many of those at home to poverty and ruin ; nor as a war inten- ded for the defence of our navigation and commerce, which will sweep our ships from the ocean, and destroy the remnant of that commerce which has escaped the depredations of foreign powers, and the restrictions of our own government; we view this measure as a wan- ton sacrafice of those blessings with which Heaven has distinguished us beyond any other nation. "llesolved, that we consider the conduct of Con;i,ress 1 ' oil in refusing the right of pubHc debate on a measure of such importance as a war with Great Britain, and a late decision of the House of Representatives, by which the freedom of speech in that body is reduced to an empty name, as furnishing just cause for alarm, and as a direct attack upon principles essential to the preservation of American liberty. "Resolved, that the refusal of the senate of this com- monwealth, (a large majority of whose members were elected by a minority of the people,) to concur in any one of the various modes proposed by the House of Rep- resentatives for the choice of Electors of President and Vice President, manifests an intention to deprive this large and powerful Commonwealth of a voice in this most important election, and, if persisted in, must sooner or later draw down upon them the righteous indignation of an injured people. "Resolved, That we highly approve the late official conduct of our Commander in Chief, and whenever the 118 HISTORY OF DANVERS. cause of our Country demands the services of its citi- zen-soldiers, his orders we shall cheerfully obey. "Resolved, That we\Yill use our exertions to carry in- to effect the measures recommended in the late excellent Address of the House of Representatives, to their Con- stituents, that we will cordially co-operate with our fel- low citizens in this county, or any part of the Common- wealth, in all constitutional means, to obtain a speedy and honorable peace, and for that purpose to elect into office the friends of peace, being fully convinced that a change of Riders is necessary to the Salvation" op THE Country." Four delegates were chosen to attend a County Convention to consult upon the proper meas- ures for securing peace. Active efforts were made con- tinually by our citizens, until the return of Peace. Several companies were raised to resist any invasion, and the utmost v/atchfulness prevailed, (a.) June 12th, 1815, the town r-emonstrated against a proposition to annex a portion of Dan vers to Salem. The amendments of the Constitution of the State, pro- posed in 1820, were received by Danvers ; the vote standing 68 — 3., In 1822 a memorial was drawn up and presented to Congress against a general Bankrupt law. Oct. 2od, 1823, the Bark, Chocolate and Grist-mills belonging to Gen. Foster were consumed by fire. For several days in April 1825, the moon and stars were visible at noon. March Tth, l8'3G, the Town voted unanimously as fol- lows : To sustain a Rail-road that should go directly in- to Boston, avoiding the inconvenience of any ferry, but to give a preference to Winnissimet above East Bos- HISTORY OF DANVERS. " 119 ton ferry. Dec. 19th. 1836 voted, that all dogs shall wear a collar, and pay a tax of two dollars, and that a bounty of fifty cents be given for each dog slain without a collar. On September 22d. 1843, a very destructive fire broke out in the South Parish, which consumed the Second Congregational Church, the Essex Coffee House, and twelve other stores and houses, and a large number of sheds and out-buildings, belonging to or oc- cupied by John Dodge, Eben. Eustis, Mrs. Very, A. Lunt, E. Woodbury, F. Dane, Jos. Morrison, Jonathan Dustin, Southwick & Forrin, Samuel Southwick, Enoch Poor, B. Goodridge, C. Lambert & Co., H. Morse, C. Lowe, and the Misses Foster. The Unitarian Church and several other buildings caught repeatedly, but through the untiring exertions of the citizens of Dan- vers and the neighboring towns, the flames were stay- ed, after destroying property to the amount of $75- 000, of which $25,000 wore insured. The appear- ance of this part of the village was by this disaster nearly ruined. It has recovered the shock, however, and presents its former thriving appearance. The small pox prevailed considerably in the year 1844, and caus- ed much alarm. There were thirty cases in the Town, only four of which proved fatal. A Post Office was established in South Danvers in February, 1832, in North Danvers in 1836, and in New Mills in January 1845. June 10th, the beauti- ful village at the Plains was nearly ruined by a destructive fire. Twelve houses, shops, &c, with many out-buildings, valued at $80,000, were consumed, and 120 HISTORY OF DANVERS. the choicest portion of the vilhige reduced to ashes. About $30,000 were insured. The property was own- ed or occupied principally by Messrs. Amos Brown, Alexander Coffin, Hayman & Rhodes, W. L. Weston, E. F. Smith, Francis Noyes, Joshua Sylvester, Elias Putnam, Thos. Bowen, D. P. Clough, Henry T. Ropes, Village Bank, Post Office, Samuel Preston, D. S. Wil- kins, D. J. Preston, and Messrs. Howe & Dodge. Seventeen engines , and the labors of hundreds of zeal- ous, active men, could only in some measure check the flames which at one moment seemed to threaten the en- tire village. It has now in a great measure recovered from this adverse blow, and is hastening towards its former beauty. The month of November, 1847, was unprecedented in the memory of the " oldest inhabitant." The weath- er had all the bland genial warmth of the Indian Sum- mer ; many forest trees budded as in Spring, and gar- dens put forth the vegetables, whose seeds were scatter- ed in the time of harvest. Windows were kept open, and children played freely in the open air. This weath- er continued until Dec. 16th. Until that time insects filled the air, musquitoes Avere common, caterpillars ap- peared, grass sprouted as in Spring, geese took a north- erly ffight, dandelions were obtained for greens, and oth- er unseasonable events designated the winter as one of the most remarkable ever known in New England., Dec. IGth, 1817, the town held a meeting, and after discussing the subject of the War with Mexico, passed the following resolutions, drafted by J. W. Proctor, Esq. " Resolved^ As our opinion, that the war now pend- HISTORY OF DANVERS. 121 ing between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico, was wrong in its origin^ — has been wrong in its jyr ogress^ — and will be altogether wrong in its continuance^ — and that no acquisition of glory to our country by our valiant and victorious ar- mies, will counterbalance in any measure a warfare so unjust and unnatural. " Resolved, That we view with fearful apprehension the disposition to acquire additional territory by con- quest, for any purpose whatever, however it may be in conformity with the usages of Nations ; — and unless this disposition in our Government shall be seasonably restrained, we fear it will be ominous of a dissolution of the Union. " Resolved, "While we acknowledge " all men to be born free and equal," we cannot consistently with this principle do anything whatever that shall have a ten- dency to extend that most disgraceful feature of our In- stitutions, — Domestic Slavery. " Resolved, That Justice demands the immediate withdrawal of our armies from the territory of the Re- pubhc of Mexico. " Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives in Congress, and our Senators and Representatives in the State Legislature, are hereby requested to use all lawful influence in their power to bring this unrighteous war to a speedy close." The town is at present steadily advancing in all that elevates a community. In Religion, Morals, Industry, Education and Health, the Town of Danvers will not suflfer by comparison with any other in our highly favor- 122 HISTORY OF DANVERS. ed New England. To the tokens of her high pros peri- j ty she can point with the pride of conscious excellence, i and say with an ancient : | These are my Jewels. I NOTES TO CHAPTER Y. (a ) When the frigate Constitution was driven into Marblehead harbor by English Vessels, and thus effected her escape, she was seen by some of the citizei\3 of New Mills. There were one or two alarms, but no actual service performed on the part of the citizens of Dan- vers. The "Ipswich Fright" of course prevailed here. A company of minute-men, called an Alarm List, was formed at New Mills, the muster roll of which is as follows: Samuel Page, Capt. ; Thomas Put- nam, Lieut-, Caleb Oakes and Johci Endicolt, Sargts., John Page, Cierk; and Thomas Cheever, Edward Richardson, Elooper Stimpson, Stephen Brown, Samuel Pindar, John Fowler, Samuel Trickey, Wil- liam Francis, Samuel Fowler, Benj Kent, iMoses Black, Daniel Put- nam, Joseph Stearns, Jonas Warren, Eben Dale, George Waitt, Nath'l Putnam, John W. Osgood, Allen Gould, Ebene2;er Jacobs, Moses Waitt, Andrew Gould, William Trask, Israel Hutchinson, George Osgood, Henry Brown, Ebenezer Berry, William Cutler, Daniel Hardy, Jonathan Shelden, Seth Stetson, Michael Saunders, Ezra Batchelder, Thomas Symonds, Richard Skidmore, Ephraim Smith, Hercules Josselyn, Jeremiah Page, Benj. Wellington, Moses I Putnam, Israel Andrew, Nath'l Mayhew, John Wheeler, David Tarr, I John Russell, John Kenney, Jacob Allen, Daniel Usher, Israel Endi- cott and James F. Putnam privates. Capt. Samuel Page's yard I was the rendezvous. Another company was formed in the south- ' ern and western portion of the Town. The following are a i few of the names : Capt., Gideon Foster ; Lieutenants, John- j son Proctor and Nathan Felton ; Ensign, DanielKing ; Ord. Sergt. ^ { John Upton ; Privates, William Pool, Eben S. Upton, Rufus Wyman, Eben Kmg, Amos King, John Goldthwaite, John Osborn, Oliver Saunders, Joseph GritUn, Stephen Proctor, Asa Bushby, Asa Tapley, James Wlson, Elisha Wilson, John Needham, Jona. Osborn, Amos Osborn, W. W. Little, James Southwick, Joseph Shaw, George South- HISTORY OF DANVERS. 123 wick, Sylvester Osborn, jr., Benj Stephens, Benj. Gile, Elisha Gun- nison, Eben Osborn, Solomon Mclntire, William Sutton, Samuel Bux- ton, and about so many more whose names could not be asoertained- There were two alarms when these comp.inies wero called out. One was caused by a boat laden with sea-weed, passing by Hospital Point, where the Artillery was posted. The boat was mistaken for a British barge, and as it returned no answer on being hailed, it was fired upon. The alarm of course travelled into the country, and th • whde regon was thrown into confusion by the tidings that the British were about landing. On the other occasion, Sept. 28ih, the Artillery wae alarm- ed by some men who were drawing a seine, and by firing, the alarm spread, it is said, as far as Coos County, New Hampshire. On bot h of these occasions, these companies manifested a praise- worthy alacrity in repairing to the spot of supposed danger. — though tradition has whispered that certain members were taken with a strange and uncontrollable weakness,, in these marches, and were often obliged to sit down beside stone walls, &c., until the rest had returned from their destination. It is probable, however, that tradi- tion, which so often mistakes, is incorrect in this instance. A fort of turf, mounted by two iron four-pounders, was built on Hooper's factoi'y wharf. Several -fine English prize vessels laid ia Porter's river, near Kent's shipyard, duruig the war. CHAPTER yi. STATISTICS, &C. Representatives to the General Court and Provincial Congress. Darnel Epes, Jr., 1754, 5, 6, 7, Qd, 7. Daniel Gardner, 1759. Thomas Porter, 1760, 1, 2, 3, 5. John Preston, 1764. Samuel Holten, /r., 1768, 9, | 70, 1, 2, 3,5, 80, 7. Wm. Shillaber, 1775. Samuel Eppes, 1776. Jeremiah Hutchinson, 1777, 8, 9, 80, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8. Gideon Putnam, 1784. Israel Hutchinson, 1789, 91, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. Caleb Low, 1790. Gideon Foster, 1796, 9,1800, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Samuel Page, 1800, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14. 124 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Nathan Raad, 1804. Nathan Felton, 1805, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21. Squiers Shove, 1808, 9. Dennison Wallis, 1810, 11, 12, 13, 19. Daniel Putnam, 1811, 17, 19. James Foster, 1812, 13. Hezekiah FUnt, 1814, 15. Syl- vester Osborne, 1814, 15, 17. WilUam P. Page, 1815, 16. Frederick Howes, 1816, 17, 18. John Swinnerton, Jr., 1816. Thomas Putnam, 1817, 19. WiUiam Sutton, 1822, 31. Ebenezer Shillaber, 1823, 32. John Page, 1823, 5, 31, 2, 3. Nathan Poor, 1823, 4, 8, 30, 1. Nathaniel Putnam, 1823. John Endi- cott, 1825. Jonathan Shove, 1826, 7, 8, 9, 30, 1, 2, 3. Rufus Choate, 1826, 7. Robert S. Daniels, 1828, 30. Elias Putnam, 1829, SO. John Preston, 1831, 2, 3, 4. Henry Cook, 1833, 4. Andrew Lunt, 1834, 5, 6. Eben Putnam, 1834, 7. Jacob F. Perry, 1834, 6, 6. Daniel P. King, 1835, 6, 42. Allen Putnam, 1835, 9, 40. Joshua H. Ward, 1835, 6, 9. Caleb L. Frost, 1836, 7. Samuel P. Fowler, 1837, 8, 9. Lewis Allen, 1837, 8. Henry Poor, 1838, 9. Abel Nichols, 1838. Fitch Poole, 1840, 1. Samuel Pres- ton, 1841, 2. Frederic Morrill, 1843. Joshua Sil- vester, 1843, 7. Richard Osborn,1844, 5. Henry Fowler, 1844, 5, 6. Ehjah W. Upton, 1846, 7. Previous to the year 1831^ Representatives served the same year they were elected. Since that time they have served the year following. Those marked 1847, were really chosen for 1848. TOWN" CLERKS. Daniel Eppes jr., 1752, 3. James Prince, 1754,5, HISTORY OF DANVERS. 125 f 6, 8, 9, 60. Benj. Prescott jr., 175T, 61. Gideon Putnam, 1762, 72, 89 after Augasfc. Thomas Porter, 1763, 7. Archelaus Dale, 1761, 5, 6. Samuel Hol- ten jr., 1768,9, 70,1,3,4,5. Stephen Needham, 1776, 7 after August, 1778, 9, 80, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Samuel Flint, 1777 after August. Jonathan Sawyer, 1787 until Dec. James Porter, 1787, 8, 9 until August, 1790 until Nov. Samuel Page, 1790 after Nov. Gid- eon Foster, 1791, 2, 3, 4. Joseph Osborne jr., 1795, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1800. Nathan Felton from 1801 to 1828. Benj. Jacobs, 1829, 30, 1, 2, 3, 4, Joseph Shed 1835 to . MODERATORS OP ANNUAL MEETINGS. Daniel Eppes Jr., 1752, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 60, 5, 6, 7. Thomus Flint, 1754. Samuel Flint, 1758. Thomas Porter, 1761, 2, 3, 72. Malachi Felton, 1764. Samuel Holten, 1768, 81, 4, 6, 7, 9, 90, 6 to 1812 inclusive. Gideon Putnam, 1769, 79, 83, 5, 93, 4, 5. Archelaus Dale, 1770, 3, 6. Wm. Shillaber, 1771, 4, 5, 7, 8,88,91,2. Amos Putnam, 1780, 2. Jonathan Ingersoll, 1813. Samu- el Page, 1814. Andrew Nichols, 1815, 16, 17. Jo- seph Shed, 1818. George Osgood, 1819, 21, 5, 35. Thomas Putnam, 1820. Nathan Poor, 1822, 3, 4. Robt. S. Daniels, 1826. Elias Putnam, 1827, 9, 31. Lewis Allen, 1828 46. John W. Proctor, 1830, 2, 4, 6, 8, 40. John Preston, 1833, 7. Samuel P. Fowler 1839, 43, Abel Nichols 1841. Daniel P. King, 1842. , Jonathan Shove, 1844. Moses Black jr. 1845, 7. g . ^i *?:? 126 HISTORY OF DANVERS. TAXES. The following is a list of the taxes paid each year, so far as the books present them. PROVINCE, TOWN AND COUNTY. Year. £. s. d. Year. <£. s. d. 1752 248 13 8 1767 631 4 6 53 256 2 4 68 314 7 8 64 287 13 69 587 13 9 65 345 8 3 70 581 17 1 56 709 14 10 71 735 19 8 5T 879 14 72 503 13 3 58 862 4 73 461 4 59 1115 2 4 74 374 3 4 60 947 13 11 75 405 IT 1 61 762 10 8 76 337 1 2 62 77 462 4 8 63 723 7 1 78 2,089 10 5 64 772 10 79 6,863 12 6 65 733 14 7 80 855,446 19 4 6Q 620 1 1 81 4,560 6 9 Silver. Year. Town. Highway. State. 1782 £1,460 83 ^1,000 1,468 19 2 84 700 £250 1,082 15 6 85 700 86 1,017 16 7 1,222 10 1 87 800 88 1,200 639 18 7 89 750 90 750 120 91 640 19 5 92 628 18 4 93 728 15 8 140 94 745 19 1 50 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 127 Year. Town. Highway. State. 95 ^2,911 68 ^200 96 2,859 48 833 33 97 2,899 44 833 33 Year. Town. Highway. 1798 $3,034 24 $1,000 1799 2,968 64 1,000 1800 2,909 25 1,000 1801 8,191 98 1,000 1802 4,214 39 1,000 1803 5,211 80 1,000 1804 5,144 16 1,250 1805 4,212 59 1,250 1806 8,751 62 1,250 1807 4,307 10 1808 4,244 38 1,500 1809 5,225 OS 1,500 1810 5.2S5 05 1,400 1811 5,350 64 1,500 1812 5,230 06 1,500 1813 4,806 60 1,200 1814 5,303 47 800 1815 5,240 10 1,000 1816 5,203 60 1,000 1817 5,158 24 1,500 1818 4,686 03 1,000 1819 5,061 52 1,000 1820 5,144 39 1,250 1821 5,113 95 ' 1,250 1822 5.270 79 1,250 1823 5,169 93 1,250 1824 5,107 09 1.250 1825 5,777 66 1,250 1826 5,724 73 1,250 1827 6,163 43 1,250 182S 6,129 25 1,250 1829 6,072 95 1,250 1830 8,363 49 900 1831 6,340 91 1,200 1832 7,722 86 1,250 128 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Year. Town. Highway. 1833 $8,739 63 $1,250 1834 8,748 15 1,250 1835 9,35S 24 1,250 1836 9,599 77 1,250 1837 11,122 13 1,250 1838 9,682 77 1,200 1839 9.960 99 1,250 1840 11,832 74 1,500 1841 10,461 98 1,500 1842 11,415 15 1,500 1843 11,393 18 ],500 1844 12,964 85 1,500 1845 17,246 56 1,500 1846 20,612 64 1,500 The taxes on tliis amount were generally drawn from men in the condition in which Agar prayed to be : neith- er poor nor rich. MANUFACTURES. Danvers is both a manufacturing and an agricultural town. The valuation of 1845, taken by authority of the State, is thought to be underrated. It is certainly below the actual condition of the town, but is as near as can at present be estimated. There is one Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mill, which employs 11 hands, and works over 1000 tons of iron an" nually, valued at $80,000. Capital invested, $9,000. — A furnace which manufactures 50 tons of castings annually, producing $4000, and employing 5 hands. Capital, $1000. — An Axe Manufactory which turns off 2500 axes every year, valued at $3000; Capital $300 and 3 men employed. — 7 Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories employing 13 men, producing articles valued at $8,200, on a Capital of $3,650. — 2 manufac- HISTORY OF DANVERS. 129 tories of Soap and Candles, employing 6 men, produc- ing 624,000 lbs. of soap, 36,000 lbs. of candles, valu- ed at $20,500, on a capital of $25,580.-2 Cabinet factories employing 3 men producing wares valued at $3,000 on a Capital of $1,050.— 4 Tin Ware Manu- factories employing 11 men producing wares valued at $17,000, on a Capital of $7,500.-1 Glue factory, employing 8 men, realizing $25,000, on a Capital of $12,000. — 61 Tanneries which annually finish 553,760 hides valued at $638,708. There is a Capital of $414,- 600 invested, and 268 Men employed. The Tanneries of Danvers cover a good portion of the Town, and the state of the Leather market determines the degree of prosperity which the Town enjoys. There are three Morocco Factories which dress 100,000 skins valued at $40,000. There are 40 hands employed, on a Capi- tal of $35,000. As Danvers occupies important ground in the useful business of tanning, if limits allowed, an interesting his- tory of the enterprise might be given. The father of the business, was Edward Southwick, a Quaker, and paternal grandfather of P. R. Southwick, Esq., of Bos- ton, known as an enterprising and accomplished mer- chant. He was married in the year 1739, and it is' probable that it was about that date, that he, as was customary, "set up" in business. It is related that he commenced by using half hogsheads for vats. After a while as his business increased, he succeeded in getting a gondola, which he used, until, after a few years he sank three or four vats. He lived in the old mansion opposite the monument, now occupied by one of his de- 130 HISTORY OF DANVERS. scendants. This venerable edifice was among the first to adopt the comparatively modern square panes of glass, in the place of the diamond leaded pane. From this circumstance it was known for many years as the Glass House. He died in the year 1791. A large number of the houses have a small out- building attached, in which boots and shoes are made. Thus it is difficult to ascertain the amount of Capital invested, but it is known that about 1,586 men, and 980 women are constantly employed in this important business, who annually produce 1,150,300 pairs of boots and shoes valued at $671,450. — 60 Men are engaged in Brick-making who manufacture 4,100,000 each year, valued at $24,600. — 31 Men prepare stone for build- ing, amounting to $8,850. — 1 Pump and block maker manufactures $500 worth yearly. — 1,200 bushels of Shoo Pegs, and 40,000 Lasts valued at $8000, are made each year. 5 men are employed in making lasts, and a capital of $2,000 is invested. — 6 men and a Capital of $1000, produce $4000 worth of Earthen Ware. At one time this was the principal business in town. Table Ware of "Danvers China" brought a high price during the last war. A large number of our citi- zens might then have been seen working like the laborer mentioned in Ecclesiasticus 38: 29, 30. — 3000 Hides are prepared for Pickers valued at $8,000, on a Capi- tal of $2,000.-37,000 Shoe boxes valued at $14,500 are made, which employ 10 Men and a Capital of $3000.-15000 lights of sashes &c., valued at $750, are made by 2 men on a capital of $300. — The Dan- vers Carpet Factory at Tapleyville owned by Messrs. HISTORY OF DANVERS. 131 Tapley, is about 182 ft long by 30 wide, operated by an engine of 25 horse power, has about 30 looms in op- eration, employing 60 hands, who work up 100,000 lbs. of wool and weave about 60,000 yards of carpet- ing annually. There are stockings and some other arti- cles manufactured in the toAvn. The stocking factory is situated in a place which rejoices in the euphonious title of the "Devil's Dishful." The name originated, according to a popular story teller, in this way : A husking party had assembled, and while the people were at their labors in the barn, some young rogues who were uninvited, dug a passage through the wall of the house, into the oven, and abstracted the savory contents, which they conveyed to an old ruined build- ing, where they intended to rejoice in their ill-gotten gains. While they revelled, an old negro who had for- merly dwelt in the dilapidated mansion, who had been obliged to visit foreign parts for some deed of roguery, but who had returned and sought a night's lodging in the cellar, hearing the noise, ascended through a trap- door, and seeing the food, began to eat. His pres- ence, of course, alarmed the young revellei's, and they left the house precipitately, and immediately encoun- tered the husking party, to whom they related their adventure, (omitting the account of the theft,) and from whom they received the mysterious story of the abstracted pudding and beans. Strengthened by num- bers, all repaired to the old hut, where they saw this strange being at his meal, and to their excited imagin- ations he had horns, hoofs, and a brimstone breath. Fear soon drove them to their homes, and when they 132 HISTOEY OF DANVERS. returned tlie next day, only a '^dishful of pumpkin pie was left on the table by the greedy Devil." Thus the name ! — The "Danvers Bleaching Compan}^," with a capital of $100,000, have a large establishment of stone, and are about erecting others, for the purpose of bleaching. Their facilities are uncommon, from the remarkable purity of the water at their command. AGRICULTURE, &C. In Danvers there are 98 sheep worth 186 dolls, yield- ing 257 lbs. of wool at 87 dolls. — There are 564 horses worth 32,095 dolls, 1,321 neat cattle worth 30,435 dolls, 1,003 swine valued at 12,341 dolls. — Common vegetable productions are raised with ease in great abundance. Each year reahzes about 13,929 bushels of Indian corn at 8,357 dolls. ; 1315 bushels of rye at 735 dolls ; 344 bushels of barley at 223 dolls. ; 1353 bush, of oats at 502 dolls. ; 31,095 bushels of potatoes at 9,328 dolls ; 120,000 bushels of onions at 50,000 dolls.; other escu- lents 2,160 bushels at 700 dolls. ; 3,097 tons hay at 32, 470 dolls. — Probably no town in the w )rld raises as ma- ny onions as Danvers. — There is a great variety of rich fruit produced consisting of apples, plums, etc., amount- ing in full to 50,000 bushels, valued at 18,177 dolls. Besides these, Danvers produces 52,550 lbs. of butter ; 1,450 lbs. of cheese; 3,500 lbs. of honey ; 200 tons of squashes ; 150,000 dolls, worth of beef and pork for market; 47,452 galls, of milk; 3,726 cords of fire wood, valued at 15,400 dolls., &c., &c. At all agricultural fairs, cattle shows, etc., Danvers is usually represented, and premiums on domestic arti- HISTORY OF DANVERS. 133 cles, agricultural products and live stock, prove the ex- cellence of our soil and the industry of our people. The Osborne Cow, belonged to Mr. Philip Os- borne, and produced 20 qts. of milk weighing 58 lbs., daily. Her milk was sold at 4 cts. per quart, which reahzed five dollars and sixty cents weekly. To test its real excellence, the owner saved the milk one week and it made 18 1-2 lbs. of nice butter. The Oakes Cow, belonging to Caleb Oakes, was a very remarkable animal. She was of middling size, but on evidence satisfactory to the Massachusetts Agricul- tural Society, she produced from April 5th to Sept. 25th, 484 lbs. of butter, being about 20 pounds each week. The Nourse Cow produced nearly the same amount and the Pond Cow gave 14 qts of milk daily, for ten consecutive months. BANKS. Village Bank. Incorporated 1836. Capital 120- 000 dollars. Discount days Mondays and Thursdays. First President, Hon. Elias Putnam. Officers : Pres- dent, Moses Putnam ; Cashier, W. L. Weston ; Direc- tors, Moses Putnam, Moses Black, Joshua Silvester, Daniel Richards, John Wright (Topsfield,) x\aron Putnam, Joseph S. Black. Danvers Bank. Inc., 1825. Capital 150,000 dol- lars. Discount days Tuesdays and Fridays. First President, William Sutton. Officers : President, Eben. Shillaber ; George A. Osborne, Cashier ; Directors, Eben. Shillaber, Caleb L. Frost, Eben Sutton, Jo- 134 HISTORY OF DANVERS. seph Shaw, Robert S. Daniels, David Daniels, Asa Sawyer. Warren Bmik. Inc., 1831. Capital 120,000 dol- lars. Discount days Mondays and Thursdays. First President, Jonathan Shove. Officers : President, Eli- jah W. Upton ; Cashier, Francis Baker ; Directors, E. W. Upton, Kendal Osborne, Henry Poor, Oliver Saunders, Sylvester Osborne, jr., Lewis Allen, Gilbert Tapley, Franklin Osborne, Benjamin Wheeler, Chas. Lambert, George Osborne, Benj. Porter. Danvers Mutual Fire hisiirance Cortipany, Insti- tuted 1829. First President, Ebenezer Shillaber. Officers: President, Henry Cook; Geo. A. Osborne, Secretary. Amount at risk, 700,000 00. Directors, Henry Cook, Robert S. Daniels, Benjamin Wheeler, Eben S. Upton, Dr. Joseph Osgood, Dr. George Os- borne, Lewis Allen, Henry Poor, John Whitney. COMMERCE. The facilities for navigation presented by Crane, Waters' and Porter's Rivers, have been improved, and the New Mills Village has been and is a place of a good degree of business importance. During the past year there have been 127 arrivals at this port ; — 106 schooners and 21 sloops. These brought 37 cargoes of wood and bark ; 35 of flour and corn ; 15 of lum- ber ; 9 of lime ; 2 of salt ; 1 of molasses, and 1 of coal. Bricks and onions have been exported. Be- sides these there have been 30 arrivals at the Iron Factory of coal, wood, lumber, etc. HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 135 ft FIRE DEPARTMENT. The very effective Fire Department of Danvers com- menced Aug. 25tli, 1800, when two engines were pur- chased, one of which was placed at the Bell Tavern and the other at New Mills. Two more were added in the year 1821. At present there are eight excellent engines, two sail cars, eleven hook and ladder stations, and twenty -five reservoirs, located in appropriate places. These engines have rendered faithful service not only in Danvers but in several of the neighboring towns. During the past year the town has expended 2.591 dolls. 16 cts. on the department. ASSOCIATIONS &C. Free Masons, Jordan Lodge ; 50 members ; Insti- tuted in 1808. Female Benevolent Society, This Institution accom- plishes much good among the poor of our vicinity. There is a laughable anecdote related of it. When Rev. Geo. Cowles was settled with the 2d Cong. Soci- ety, he desired to see the records of this Benevolent Association. The Secretary, on examining the books, found the following entry in several instances : ^'The Society met, and as no one attended, it adjourned!^'* Danvers Mechanic Institute, Inc. 1811 ; 140 mem- bers ; a Library of 1800 volumes. Rechabites, Howard Tent No. 87 ; 53 members ; Instituted March, 1845. Sons of Temperance, Monumental Division No. 5 ; Instituted Aug. 1845. 136 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Odd Fellotvs. Holten Lodge No. 104 ; 41 mem- bers ; Instituted Jan., 1846. Daughters of Bechah. Samaritan Tent No. 22 ; 19 members ; Instituted May, 1847. Besides tbese, are various societies auxiliary to the churches ; ^Anti-Slavery, Temperance, Literary, &c. POOR HOUSE. The unfortunate poor have always been regarded with tenderness by our citizens, and they have receiv- ed comfortable accommodations. Previous to the year 1808, a building was owned by the town for the above laudable purpose. In that year a farm and buildings were purchased of Nathaniel Nurse for 7,000 dollars, for the use of the poor, and the old alms-house was sold in the year following. In the year 1844 a splend- id establishment was completed at a cost of 12,750 dolls. 69 cts. Besides the Poor House and Hospital, there are 100 acres of woodland, 100 acres of tillage, meadow and pasture, a lot of salt marsh in Saugus, and stock, implements, hay, etc. enough belonging to the establishment to render its value about 24,000 dollars. The average number of inmates for the year 1846, was 58 ; these were supported at an expense of 3,458 dolls. During the year there were four deaths. For convenience, cleanliness, order and archi- tectural beauty, there are but few buildings in the Town or County that can be said to surpass it. HISTORY OF DANVERS. 137 TEMPERANCE. In the year 1812 the first Temperance Society in the world, probably, — certainly the first in America, — was formed. It was called the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance. It consisted of about 125 members, of whom Joseph Torrey, Samuel Hol- TEN and Benjamin Wadsworth, vyere from this town. The first public society for the suppression of intemper- ance in this town, was the Danvers Moral Society, formed in February 1814, when it was by no means a popular act for a man to announce himself a temper- ance man. Art. 12, of the Constitution sets forth the objects of the Society : *' The members of this Society being fully convinced that the daily use of ardent spir- its is unnecessary and prejudicial to health, do agree to exert their influence against," etc. This Society num- bered the most respectable and influential citizens of the toAvn. The first Board of Officers was the follow- ing : Hon. Samuel Holten, President ; E,ev. Benjamin Wadsworth and Rev. Samuel Walker, Vice Presidents ; Dr. Joseph Torrey, Rec. Sec. ; Dr. Andrew Nichols, Cor. Sec. ; Fitch Pool, Treasurer ; Eleazer Putnam, Samuel Page, John Endicott, Sylvester Osborne, Jas. Osborne, James Brown, William Sutton, Nathan Fel- ton. Counsellors. For several years it was customary to have a yearly lecture. In May 1833, the word ^° daily" was stricken from the article above quoted. The first public action on the part of the Town was had March 30th, 1818, when the thanks of the Town were presented to the Selectmen for their zeal in en- 12 138 HISTORY OF DANVERS. f deaYoring to preYent a portion of the people from wast- ing " health, time and estate in drinking"; and they were earnestly requested to continue their efforts. It was customary at this time to post the names of all common drunkards in conspicuous places. May 7th, 1827, a committee of nine was raised to prosecute all li- censed persons who infringed the laws^ and all^unlicensed persons who sold ardent spirits. Dr. Ebenezer Hunt this year delivered the first public address in Danvers advocating total abstinence. lie received the thanks of the Society for his " ingenious and independ- ent" address. In June 1831, the Overseers of the Poor were instructed to furnish no more alcohol to the Paupers, unless prescribed by a ph^^sician. Danvers was among the first towns in the Commonwealth to re- fuse to grant licenses, which it did March 4th, 1833 ; accordingly no intemperance has been manufactured by law for fifteen years. The following year a committee was chosen to correspond with other towns in relation to granting Ucenses, m order to gain information on which to ground judicious action. April 4th, 1836, eight hundred females, " our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters," petitioned the legal voters to " act as well as to tJiinJc'^ against intemperance. April 3d, 1837, John W. Proctor, Esq., presented several very excellent Resolutions in behalf of Temperance, and paid inci- dentally a handsome rebuke to the authorities of Sa- lem, by requesting them, if they insisted upon legaliz- ing the rum traffic, not to locate their dram shops on the immediate borders of Danvers. This request was !j very appropriate, when we remember that Salem yi_„ M HISTORY OF DANVERS. 139 has always been a source of drunkenness to Danvers. The Resolutions were unanimously adopted. From that time onward sober influences have been increasing. The people are constantly on the watch to guard against this fruitful source of crime and misery. The different Societies organized to effect the eradication of intem- perance, ma}'- be seen in the chapter of Statistics. The following bill in the possession of John Page, Esq., will show us the advance made in Sobriety and Temperance by our people. Dr. Coll. Page fowerman Grand Jury Nom 6 To 15 Deners at 2s For 1 *Duball Bole Grog 4s For Duballs punch IGs To 15 Deners at 23 To 1 Glass Brandy 3d, to 9 Boles Grog To 3 Glass Brandy Is to 1 Boles Gyo'I Is o To 2 Duballs Boles punch To 1 mug flip Is To 8 Boles punch 6s To 5 Boles punch 203 To 2 mugs flip 2s To 15 Deners at 2s To 6 Shetes Peaper £7 9t9 Eecd the Above Salem Nov. 9. 1786 Jona Webb *double. (tl7?) Curious Town documents might be quoted, showing I that our Selectmen were not always the sober, grave £1 10 4 16 1 10 9 3 1 8 1 6 1 2 1 10 6 140 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. fathers they are in modern times. Their bills for grog were usually larger than those for more solid comforts. At the place where Tapley's Brook crosses the South Reading Road, there was formerly a public house, and credible tradition relates, that the boundaries between Salem and Danvers which are described by that road were settled upon an occasion when the Selectmen of the two towns assembled in the aforesaid public house, and " perambulated the bounds" by getting essentially drunk together. — Those days of folly have passed, however, and Danvers now stands in the front rank of the Advocates of this great Reform. SLAVERY. In common with other portions of New England, there were Slaves in this town until the abolition of Sla- very in Massachusetts. In 1755 there were nine male and sixteen female slaves in the District of Danvers. The anti-slavery spirit has always prevailed very extensively in the town, and while the Slave here finds some of his warmest friends, the accursed Institution which is built of human bones, and cemented with human blood, finds here uncompromising foes. As early as the year 1819 when the Missouri question was agitated, a letter was addressed by the citizens to Hon. Nath'l Silsbee on this important subject, of which the following is the sub- stance. They assure Mr. Silsbee of the gratification they experience in finding him, and most of the delega- tion from Mass. opposed to the extension of Slavery ; they say further, to be silent under the existing circum- stances would be criminal ; they fear that the evil of HISTORY OP DANVERS. 141 Slavery may become perpetual ; they earnestly hope that every practicable exertion -will be made, to hasten ^he time, when tlie republic shall \^dtncss the complete emancipation of the African ; they affirm that Congress has power to act on the question of Slavery, and trust they "possess the ivill and inclination to act rightly,'' which views they endorse by quotations from the Consti- tution ; they add: "May we not, Sir, be permitted to indulge the hope, that the cause of humanity will ultimately prevail ; that ere long this infernal traffic in human flesh, will be completely and entirely abolished ? With the highest satisfaction, we have witnessed the eflforts that have been made and are now making in the European world, to effect this most desirable of all objects. And shall the United States, emphatically a land of boasted liberty and equal rights, be backward in a cause so noble, and so good? In a cause that most forcibly appeals for aid, to every principle of Patriotism, of Humanity, and of Religion. Forbid it Heaven ! Forbid it Justice !" They ask Mr. S. to excuse the warmth of their language, saying: "on subjects of this kind, it is not easy at all times to keep within the due bounds of moderation." Signed, Edward Southwick, William Sutton, Thomas Putnam, Andrew Nichols, John W. Proctor. To this address, Mr. S. returned a suitable reply. Since that time the people of all classes have arrayed themselves on the side of freedom, and have sent out a constant and powerful influence for the wronged and oppressed Negro. Among the churches which have 1 spoken officially may be mentioned the Methodist, the 142 HISTORY OF DANVERS. •I Third Congregational, and the First and Second Univer- salist. A thorough organic opposition prevails, ex cath- edra. It will perhaps amuse the antiquarian, to see the fol- lowing documents which reveal to us the past state of af- fairs in our own town. Tlie first is from John Page Esq., and the second from Warren M. Jacobs. ''Danvers April 19th, 1766. "Rec'd of Mr. Jeremiah Page Fifty Eight pound, thirteen shillings & four pence lawfull monev and a Ne- gro-woman called Dinah, which is in full for a Negro woman called Combo, and a Negro girl called Cate, and a Negro child called Deliverance or Dill, which I now Sell and Deliver to je said Jeremiah Page. "Witness ( Jona. Bancroft John Taplej I Ezek Marsh" "Dill" is now living in Salem. "Recieved of Mr. Ebenezer Jacobs of Danvers the sum of Fourtj five Pounds six shillings and Eight pence Lawfull Monj, which is in full, Satisfaction for a Negro Boy Named Primus, which I have this Day sold to the s'd Jacobs. X.45, 6, 8d Daniel Epes Jun. "Danvers Aprill ye 30th, 1754" Primus was a brave soldier in the Revolution. The following extract from Cutler's Life of Putnam will show us the New England method of punishing re- fractory slaves, — a method more marked with severity than justice. It occurred in Danvers, before Israel HISTORY OF DANVERS. 143 n Putnam removed to Comiecticut. It should be pre- mised that CuDGE belonged to a neighbor of Putnam's. " By some means, his mistress had grievously of- fended the negro. He became so enraged, that he swore he would take her life ; and neither soothing words, nor threats, had any effect to pacify him. The family was thrown into the greatest alarm, knowing that his temper was of that ungovernable savage char- acter that nothinsT would restrain him from indulcrins: it. In this state of things, his master devised a plan for the permanent relief of his family. Having made his arrangements, he went out into the field with his hoe in his hand, and said — "Cudge, you have had rather hot work getting in the potatoes." "Yes, massa, hot enough.'' "Well, I am going to give you a play-day. I have sold fifty bushels, to be delivered on board a vessel at the wharf in Salem, and if you would like it, you may go in with the load." "Oh! yes, massa; like it very well." "You may have the whole day, Cudge. So you can take your fiddle with you, and play a jig for the sailors, and so get a few coppers for yourself." "Cudge was highly pleased with the proposal, and started off in great glee. "Having unloaded his potatoes, the sailors, who had been let into the secret and received their instructions beforehand, called upon Cudge to bring out his fiddle and play them a jig, that they might have one merry dance before going to sea. 144 HISTORY OF DANVERS. "The negro showed his teeth, and his fiddle too ; and presently the deck of the brig was as merry as a coun- try ball-room at Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, the dancers were not niggardly in "joaying the piper." The cop- pers fell on this side and that, and Cudge was some- what disconcerted in his measure, by the necessity of breaking off and running after them, to prevent them from going out at the scuppers. Presently, one of the sailors said — "Cudge, your fiddle is getting dry ; you must go below and rosin your hoiv^ This was another phrase for "wetting his whistle," or taking a dram. "Cudge took the hint with alacrity, and adjourned with two or three of the party to the forecastle. Here, with drinking, fiddling, singing and dancing, two or three hours passed away, and Cudge had almost filled his pockets with coppers. At length, starting up, as from a dream, he exclaimed : "Yah ! I must go up, and see how the cattle stand." "He went up ; but, to his utter amazement, there was neither cattle nor cart to be seen ; no, nor houses, nor wharf. The brig was many miles out at sea, and Cudge w^as bound to a southern clime, where slaves could be more easily managed than on the hardy soil of New England. He went to the same market with his potatoes, and was sold for the same account." SCHOOLS. The excellent Common Schools of Dan vers had a very humble origin. They are not as old as those of other towns, from the fact that the people of this vicinity were compelled at first to support those of Salem, and were thus f[ ' HISTORY OF DANVERS. 145 disqualified from sustaining schools for themselves. In March 1711 the Village Parish voted unanimously to have a '-Scolle master." Evidently the "Scolle master" was abroad when the Clerk recorded the vote. In the year 1713 widow Katharine Daland received five pounds for teaching, and seven pounds in addition were raised to devote to instructing youth. From that time onward, the Schools have increased in number and excellence. In 1734 the Village Parish, raised X37, 6, 6, and the Middle Precinct raised X47, 4, 11 for the support of schools. The following extracts are from a Manuscript owned by Hon. D. P. King: ''A Record of what ye School Committee did in Respect of Schooling ye Youth in the Third parrish in Salem In ye year 1736, by Samil King Junr. Chosen Cleark. "Decemr ye 27th, at a meeting of ye Comt. 1'-' we have agreed to Errect Four Schools in ye Parrish : 2'^ agreed yt Collo. Daniel Epes Mr. Abel Gardner Wm Osborn, Robart Wilson & John Waters Junr, or ye Major part of ym, to Errect a School in yt quarter of ye Parish & Capt Sam'l Endicott Mr Thorndick Procter John Felton and Daniel Marbell or ye Major part of ym to Errect a School in yt quarter of ye Par- rish and Mr Ezekiel Goldthwait Mr Ezekel Marsh Pe- ter Twist Junr. & Saml King Junr. or ye Major part of ym to Errect two Schools yt may Best sute That part of ye Parrish." Stephen Osborn, Malachi Felton, Zach. King, Eze. kiel Marsh and Jonathan Moulton were male teachers this year, and ten female teachers were employed in the 146 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Middle Precinct during the Summer of 1737. The males received c£ 2 monthly wages, and the females six- pence each week. At a meeting in the Middle Precinct, on the seven- teenth of March, 1739, it was voted, ^'that ye Parish Comittee be Desired to talk with a man to keep a school in this parish for Learning Lattin, Writing, Cyphering and Reading.-' A Schoolhouse was built in 1748 "7 feet between Joynts, and 18 feet one Avay, and 22 feet the other way, by ye road between Ensign John Proc- tor's and Mr. Daniel Marble's, by or near ye Great Rock in ye Road." ''It being put to a vote (in 1756) whether the son of Mr. Fuller of Middleton could go to school in this parish from this time to next Com- mencement it passed in the Negative." In 1765, it was voted to build a schoolhouse on the land belonging to the Middle Parish. This year a school was kept six months in each parish. Ten were kept in 1777 three months each. The town was com- plained of in 1783 for neglecting to sustain a proper number of schools. Great efforts were made in 1793 to establish regular district schools. They remained under the general supervision until 1809, when the town was divided into nine districts. Subsequently, the seventh, first, eleventh, second, and sixth districts were divided, which made fourteen school districts, the present number. The following is the summary account for the year 1846 : t- --. ■- ' : ■.: HISTORY OF DANVETIS 147 o 5^ o 1 Z o 1 > ^^ o^ , o o -*> p: o 3 2-S ^ o 3 o o o 2 CD CO M to •2. O o ■ ' 5* " P o o o' — 1 121 145 266 $3 ^^798 $ §8U«: 2 98 107 205 615 615 o 22 13 105 60 165 4 25 29 54 162 40 202 5 60 49 109 327 827 f? 64 45 109 327 327 7 30 29 59 177 20 197 8 55 37 92 276 276 9 19 18 37 111 60 171 10 38 30 68 204 20 224 11 136 130 266 798 798 12 74 m 142 426 426 13 80 84 164 492 492 . 14 48 36 84 252 252 870 820 1690 5070 200 5280 About 900 of these studied Geographj, Writing, Arithmetic and English Grammar, and all pursued Reading and Orthography. The other studies are as follows : Logic 1, Rhetoric 2, Geometry 2, Political Economy 2, Latin 3, Geology 3, Bookkeeping 28, Astronomy 30, Physiology 45, Algebra 50, Philoso- phy 88, Composition 195, History 320. STREETS, &C. The old Ipswich highway was the first road laid out in Danvers, about the year 1630. About the same time, roads were made, branching from the highway \ 148 HISTORY OP DANVERS. to the village, to that part where Amos King now lives, a road through the ancient Brooksbj, and others after these as necessity demanded. The jSfewburjport Turnpike was incorporated about 1802 and the Essex Turnpke about 1809. The streets are as follows : Foster, Mill, Main, Central, Lowell, Wallis, Grove, Holten, Washington, Sewall, Summer, Spring, Frank- lin, Chesnut, Elm, Andover, Liberty, Walnut, Pier- pont, in the south parish ; and Water, High, Purchase, Maple, Locust, Cedcir, Willow, Ash, Sylvan, Poplar, Cherry, Yillage, Pine and Collins, in the north parish. Besides these streets, convenient roads lead to all parts of the country, and the Essex Rail Koa(i^from Salem to Lawrence, renders access to the different quarters of New England feasible, while the convenient chan- nel of Porter's R-iver, opens a communication with the sea, which lies but two miles away. COLLEGE GRADUATES. Citizens of Danvers, who have received a Collegi- ate education, with the name of the Institution at which they graduated, — the time of taking their de- gree, — subsequent occupation^ or profession, — present place of residence, &c. &c.. including all those known to have resided in town one year or more. FURNISHED BY J. W. PROCTOR. James Bayley, Harv., 1669, clerg., Danvers. Geo. Burrows, Harv., 1670, clerg., Danvers. Samuel Parris, Harv., 1675, clerg., Danvers. Joseph Green, Harv., 1695, clerg., Danvers. John Tufts, Harv., 1708, farmer, Danvers. HISTORY OF DANVERS. 149 Benjamin Prescott, Harv., 1709, clerg. Dan vers. Peter Clark, Harv., 1712, clerg. Danvers. Daniel Putnam, Harv. 1717, farmer, Danvers. James Putnam, Harv., 1746, farmer, Danvers. Nathan Holt, Harv., 1757, clerg. Danvers. Daniel Eppes, Harv., 1758, teacher, Danvers. Timothy Pickering, Harv., 1763, Judge C. C. P., Danvers. Tarrant Putnam, Harv., 1763, gent., Danvers. Archelaus Putnam, Harv., 1768, phys., Danvers. Benjamin Wads worth, Harv., 1769, clerg., Danvers. David Daniels, Harv., 1776, merch., Danvers. Nathan Read, 1781, Harv. merch., Belfast* Samuel Putnam, Harv., 1787 couns. at law, Boston. Samuel Mead, Harv., 1787, clerg., Amesbury. Israel Andrew, Harv., 1789, teacher, Danvers. Nathaniel Storrs, Dart., 1796, teacher, Boston. R. H. French, Hirv., 1793, couns. at law, Salem. Parker Cleveland, Harv., 1790, profess, at Bruns- wick. Jeremiah Chaplain, Brown, 1799, clerg., Waterville. Samuel Walker, Dart., 1802, clerg., Danvers. William P. Page, Harv, 1809, clerg., N. Y. Israel W. Putnam, Dart., 1809, clerg., Middlcbor- ough. Daniel Poor, Dart., 1811, clerg., Miss, at Ceylon. Frederic Howes, Harv., 1811, couns. at law, Salem. Andrew Bigelow, Harv., 1813, clerg., Boston. John Walsh, Harv., 1814, couns. at law, Boston. JohnW. Proctor, Harv. ,1816, couns. at law, Danvers. George Osborne, Harv., 1818, phys., Danvers. a 13 MS 150 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Ebenezer Poor, Dart., 1818, clerg., Ohio. Milton P. Braman, Harv. 1819, clerg., Danvers. Rufus Choate, Dart., 1819, couns. at law, Boston. William Oakes, Harv., 1820, couns. at law, Ipswich. George Cowles, Yale, 1823, clerg., Danvers. John Marsh, Harv., 1823, phjs., California. Daniel P. King, Harv., 1823, gent., Danvers. Harrison (x. Park, Brown, 1824, clerg., Danvers. Joseph Osgood, Harv., 1824, phjs,, Danvers. Allen Putnam, Harv., 1825, clerg., Dorchester. John B. Richardson, Dart., 1828, clerg., Lawrence. Joshua H.Ward, Harv., 1829, couns. at law, Salem. Charles C. Sewall, Bowd., 1829, clerg., Medfield. Samuel P. C. King, Am., 1831, farmer, Danvers, Joseph W. Eaton, Harv., 1832, clerg., Danvers. Thomas P. Field, Am. 1834, clerg., Danvers. Richard Tolman, Am., 1839, clerg., Danvers. Ezekiel Marsh, Yale, 1839, clerg., Connecticut. William D. Northend, Bowd., 1843, couns. at law, Danvers. Alfred A. Abbott, Yale, 1843, couns. at law, Dan- vers. Augustus E. Daniels, Harv., 1846, gent, Diinvers. COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Although Danvers has given support to but few mem- bers of the Bar, yet most of those gentlemen of the Legal profession who have resided here have been dis- tinguished. Frederick Howes, Ralph H. French and Joshua H. Ward now of Salem, were at one time resi- dents of Danvers, and were highly esteemed. Rufus HISTORY OF DANVERS. 151 Clioate the distinguished head of the Suffolk Bar, com- menced his legal career in Danvers. Frederic Morrill, is at present in Maryland, and John Walsh is in Bos- ton. The present resident lawyers are John W. Proc- ter, Alfred A. Abbott and Wm. D. Northend. Mr. Proctor is a lineal descendant of John of that name, who was executed for witchcraft, and probably no one of the present generation has taken so active a part in the affairs of the town, he having served on the Board of School Committee about a quarter of a century, and constantly linked his name with the History of Danvers. Besides these, the following gentlemen have taken a tem- porary residence in this town. George Lamson, John Walsh, Benjamin Tucker, Benj. L. OHver, Edward Lan- der Jr., &c. PHYSICIANS. Previous to the incorporation of Danvers as a town, the physicians who practised here were mostly from Sa- lem. Probably Jonathan Prince who lived on Inger- soll Hill, was the first resident physician. He was fath- er of Capt. Asa Prince, and great grandfather of Rev, John Prince, now of Danvers. He was a pupil of Dr. Toothaker of Billerica, and preceptor of Drs. Amos Putnam and Samuel Holten. See the biography of the latter. Amos Putnam was a Surgeon in the French War, at the close of which, and for half of a century after, he practised medicine in his native town. He was a Justice of the Peace. A Dr. Chickering from Andover resided here about a year, commencing in 1793. Parker Cleveland father of the Professor 152 HISTORY OP DANVERS. of that name was here from 1796 to 1798. Joseph Osgood commenced practice m 1773, and remained 12 years, "when he removed into Salem, retaining how- ever a large practice in South Danvers until his death, which was in 1809 or 10. A Dr. Nutting was here from 1791 to '99, and a David Hildreth about the same time. Joseph Torrey succeeded Dr. Cleveland, and remained from 1800 to 1820. He now resides in Beverly. Archelaus Putstam was a distinguished physician who flourished 75 years since. He gradua- ted in 1763. A Dr. Bowers lived here about two years about the year 1800. He conducted a small pox Hospital. James Putnam a son of Amos, practised 30 years previous to 1812. A Dr. Carleton settled at New Mills about 1823. Besides these there have been Drs. Clapp, Gilley, Little, Peabody, Gould, Porter, (now of Wenham,) Bush, Patten, and per- haps others. Edward Southwick practised two years in partnership with Andrew Nichols, when he removed to Vassalboro' Maine, and devoted the remainder of his life to manufacturing and mercantile pursuits. The resident physicians are George Osgood, who settled in 1807 ; Joseph Shed 1807 ; Andrew Nich- ols 1808; Joseph Osgood 1827 ; Ebenezer Hunt 1823; David A. Grosvenor 1839; S. A. Lord 1847. Dr. Nichols has published ^'An Address before Jor- dan Lodge, Dec. 25, 1811;" ^'Address before the Danvers Society for suppressing Intemperance, April 27, 1819;" An Agricultural Address 1820; "The Spirit of Freemasonry a Poem, 1831 ;" and the annual HISTORY OF DANVERS. 153 J address before the Massachusetts Medical Society in 1836. Dr. Hunt published an address delivered before the Danvers Society for suppressing Intemperance April 25th, 182T. He has in his possession a set of the once renowned "Metallic Tractors," which were supposed to possess such marvellous virtues in extracting pain. They were purchased at New Mills by a general subscription, headed by Israel Hutchinson, some sixty years ago. WRECK OF THE GLIDE. May 21st, 1829, the ship Glide, 300 tons, Henry Archer, Master, sailed from Salem for Fijii Islands, for a cargo of bich-de-lamar, turtle shell and sandal wood. She had twenty-two hands all told, and on her [ passage out, took in others to make her complement fifty. William Endicott, Henry Fowler and Leonard Poole were from Danvers. Sept. ITth, 118 days from Sa- lem, the ship touched at New Zealand, from thence to the Tongataboo Islands, and from thence to the Fijii Islands, were it arrived Oct. 9th. After five months a cargo was secured, which w^as carried to the East In- dies, and sent home. The ship returned to the Islands, obtained a part of a cargo, during which time two men were slain by the natives, and March 22d. 1831, in a dreadful gale the vessel was wrecked, and the cargo lost. All hands reached the shore in safety, except Henry Fowler, who had an arm broken. Here, among these ferocious cannibals, they sviffered a variety of hardships, and incurred many risks of limb and life. ■> Fowler was much honored by these grim savages, and 154 HISTORY OF DANVERS. thej tattoed bim, to manifest their regard for him. Af- ter a variety of adventures the crew by different means arrived home in the year 1832, except Mr. Fowler, who reached home Aug. 9, 1833, after an absence of 4 years and 2 months. Their adventures have been par- tially recorded in a work styled the " Wreck of the G-lide.^* Famished hy Henry Fowler, ACQUEDUCT. The Salem and Danvers Aqueduct Company was in- corporated March 9th, 1797, with a capital of $60,000. It supplies water from original fountains near Brown's Pond. The shares in this company are four dollars for each family of three members, and fifty cents for each additional member, annually. This acqueduct is of far more value to Salem than to Danvers, which is blessed with wells of excellent water. Three conductors lead through the South Parish, and supply that village and Salem with pure water. J' MILITARY. There have always been liberal efforts made to sus- tain the military in this town. The Danvers Light In- fantry is a company of soldiers yet in existence, un- der command of Asa W. Sawyer ; and in former years there was a fine Artillery Company. Though there is some lack of military organization, yet the people have shown in times past that if there should be a call upon them, they v/ould be first and foremost in a struggle for freedom. POPULATION. In the year 1640 there were about 100 people in HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 155 ; that part of Salem now called Dan vers. The popula- tion in 1752, was 500 ; in 1783, 1921; in 1800, 2643; in 1810, 3127; in 1820, 3646; in 1830, 4228; in 1840, 5020. The following table gives the number of inhabitants, with their ages, for the year 1840. Years. Males. Females. Total. and 5 389 363 752 5 " 10 268 249 517 10 " 15 242 237 479 15 " 20 262 224 486 20 " 30 509 487 996 30 " 40 358 382 740 40 " 50 213 200 413 50 " 60 119 148 267 60 '' 70 81 125 206 70 " 80 47 80 127 80 '' 90 11 21 32 90 " 100 2 2 4 Over 100 1 1 2502 2518 5020 There were no colored persons residing within the lim- its of the town in 1840. There were 13 pensioners, 3 deaf mutes, 1 blind person, 2 idiots, and not one over 20 years of age who could neither read nor write. Since 1840 the children between 4 and 16 years of age have increased from 1250, to 1700. Taking this in- crease as a datum for estimating the entire population of the town, it is more than probable that it would num- ber at least 6,500, for the year 1847. )^K= ' ==^ s« 156 HISTORY OF DANVERS. (/ BIRTHS AND MARRIAGE S^ &C. Births, 1844, 159, 1845, 194, 1846, 20 8. Marriages, a 51, U 50, a 61. Deaths, C( 86, a 89, u 97. NEWSPAPERS, The Firefly barely sparkled on the night of March 9th, 1844, since which time it has " rayed out dark- ness." It was about the size of two leaves of Web- ster's Spelling Book. The Banvers Eagle was a very spirited sheet, con- ducted by Samuel T. Damon, and pubhshed from Aug. 28th, 1844, to April 16th, 1845. Tlie Banvers Whig was published during the Elec- tion campaign of 1844. The Banvers Courier^ a well conducted paper, edi- ! ted by George R. Carlton, was established March 15th 1845, at %1 50 per annum. t GRAVEYARDS. Probably no town in Massachusetts possesses so many graveyards as Dan vers. In former days, it was the custom for each family, or at the most, for two or three families, to have a little spot in which to deposite the departed. Thus these cities of the dead were multi- plied constantly until in all, the number has swelled to about one hundred. But there are several places be- sides these, — public burial grounds which seem worthy of remembrance. The Endicott G-raveyard, is situated near the former residence of the Governor. This is a very old m ■«>£» HISTORY OF DANVERS. 157 spot, and contains the last remains of many of the des- cendants of Gov. John Endicott. There are now but seventeen headstones standing, although there are many who rest with no stone to indicate name or character. Descendants of the Gov. according to the gravestones, as far back as the third Generation repose in this vener- able spot. The oldest date is 1723. Doubtless there are many who were buried here previous^, but who they were, we seek in vain to discover. The yard is surrounded by a five railed fence. The Wadstvorth Buryiyig Crround is located near the ancient Salem Village. It includes somewhat more than one acre of land, and is prettily embellished with a number of trees, the growth of a recent day. Many of the stones are so old and moss-grown, and in some cases so gnawed by the tooth of Time, as to render the in- scriptions totally illegible. A great multitude of graves are not designated, except by mounds of turf. Among others there is a stone above the remains of Elizabeth Parris, the wife of Rev. Samuel ParriSj dated A. D. 1696, bearing the following inscription : "Elizabeth Parris, Aged about 48 years. Deed. July 14, 1696. Sleep precious Dust, no Stranger now to Rest, Tliou hnst thy longed within Abraham's Brest, Farewell Best Wife, Choice Mother, Neighbor, Friend ; We'll weep the less for hopes of thee i' the end. s. p." The oldest inscription reads : '' Here Lyes ye Body of Elizabeth, ye "Wife of Jon- athan Putnam, aged about 22 years. Deceased ye 8th of August, 1682." 158 HISTORY OF DANVERS. The following curious epitaph is on the tombstone of Dr. Archelaus Putnam, who was buried in the year 1800: " Depart my fiiends,dry upyoni tears. Here I must lie till Christ appears. For Death's a debt to Nature due. — I've paid the debt and so must you." The Old South Burying Cfroimd is on Pool's Hill, in the village of South Danvers, near the Salem line, and is the oldest in that village. It contains a very large number of graves. Most of those who have died in that portion of Danvers have been consigned to this Golgotha. The oldest stone bears the following legend : " Here Lyes interred ye Body of Mr. Thomas Pier- pont, M. A., second son of ye Rev. Mr. Jonathan Pier- pont late of Reading." It bears date of 1755, but the remainder of the in- scription is illegible. Rev. Nathan Holt and Rev. Samuel Walker lie here, both pastors of the Second Congregational Church, the one buried in 1792 and the other in 1826. In 1787, Miss Sally Cook was deposit- ed here, and the following record speaks from her monument : *' Death thou hast conquered me, I by thy dart am slain ; But Christ shall conquer thee^ And I shall rise again." Another singular epitaph reads thus : " What epi- taph is wanted, when affection has enshrined the mem- ory V" Besides these and many others worthy of men- tion, may be found the graves of Eliza Wharton and Dennison WaUis, mentioned in another place. The HISTORY OF DANVERS. 159 land was originally given by Lydia Trask to the South Parish. The Plains G-raveyard is situated on the edge of the Plains village, and is surrounded with a white mor- tared wall. It is pleasantly adorned with trees. It contains a large number of the graves of those who have laid aside the load of Life in its vicinity. The names recorded indicate that they Avere once the friends of those who now remain in the Village and its envi- rons. There are several old graves unmarked by any stone ; the stones are dated from IT 88 to the present time. Among other persons once distinguished in the town the stony lips of the monumental marble utter the following inscription : ''Sacred to the Memory of John Josselyn, who died Sept. 18, 1815, Aged 81. He was a soldier of the American Revolution and emphatically an Honest Man." There is also a beautiful marble monument here, about 8 feet in height, erected by Benj. Porter, Esq., above the remains of his ancestors and relatives. G-ardners Hill was the name of a place of burial once situated a little westerly of Grove Street. The remains of about 150 persons were removed from thence to Harmony Grove, when the latter was estab- lished in 1810. The oldest grave-stone in Dan vers is standing in Harmony Grove to which place it was re- moved from Gardner's Hill. It bears the followins: in- scription : 1669 R. B. 160 HISTORY OF DANVERS. It is probably the grave-stone of Robert Buffum of Danvers. Taijleyville Burying Crround, is a small yard near the village from which it derives its name. The oldest tombstone is erected above the remains of Mrs. Lydia Kettell daughter of Hon S. Holten, and bears the date of 1789. The remains of Hon. Judge Holten are de- posited here, whose gravestone is inscribed thus : "Erected to the memory of the Hon. Samuel Holten who died Jan. 2d, 1816 aged 78 years. He sustained various offices of trust under the State Government and that of tlie Union, with ability and integrity, to the almost unanimous acceptance of his constituents." Among other very beautiful and expressive epitaphs, the following is rarely equalled, for the calm trust and confidence it breathes. The grave is that of a child; the motto is : '•Our Father's care This little dnstshall keep." Monumental Cemetery, in South Danvers, was laid out in 1833. It is divided into 122 lots, 32 feet by 16, with regular avenues, and is owned by proprietors. It is a beautiful and commodious Cemetery. The old- est stone bears the date of 1805. There are many very beautiful tomb stones inscribed with sentiments expressive of hope, love, and trust. " Her sun has gone down while it was yet day," is the affecting in- scription above the ashes of a young woman. Perhaps, however, simplicity and sentiment are not often so well exhibited, as in the epitaph of Benjamin Gile. " I HISTORY OF DANVERS. 161 taught little children to read," is the message he left upon his tombstone. Harmony G-rove. This beautiful City of the Dead (though it lies in Salem, is partially owned by our cii> izens,) has one of its entrances from Danvers, and was originally granted to the city of Salem by this town. There are monuments here of every style, from the plainest slab to the choicest specimen of art. Walnut Grove Cemetery. May 1st 1843 a call was issued signed by Henry Fowler, asking a meeting of those citizens of North Danvers in favor of laying out a cemetery. A meeting was held, an association was formed for the purpose, and twelve acres of land were purchased of Hon. Samuel Putnam. The grounds have been arranged with a refined taste, and Walnut Grove Cemetery was incorporated in October 1843. June 23d 1844, it v^as consecrated by an address from Rev. Dr. Brazer of Salem, and prayers by Revs. S. C. Bulke- ly and J. W. Eaton of Danvers, and hymns by Drs. Nichols, Barstow and Elint. It is a beautiful retreat adorned with those rural and artificial attractions which the genius of a better age, and more pleasant views of Death have thrown around the Home of the Departed. Tlie owners have, in addition to the Walnut, Beech and other trees and shrubs of native growth, planted a great variety of exotic flowers and shrubbery, and thus rendered the grave as it should be esteemed, "the very gate of Heaven." In former days the graveyard w^as selected for its barren- ness and sterility. It was usually a wild waste of land I J:* . 1^ I — — ~~ — ^=-p 162 HISTORY OF DAN VERS* on wliicli no fljwer bloomod, no gi'ean ti'eo cast its grate- ful shade, xit the most "the rank thistle nodded in the wind," and the lizard or snake, glided among nettles and poisonous weeds. The voices of birds were un- heard. Solitude was there, brooding over a cheerless desert. Here all this has passed away. The dark walnut and evergreen stands as sentinels around the spot, side by side with the oak and beech. Sweet scented shrubbery invites the visitor, and the pretty band of the flowers throw out their graceful arras and bid him welcome. When Death leads one of our num- ber to this spot, he can look forward with bright antic- ipation to the Heautiful Land of which this is the threshold, and can lay his head upon the cool moist mould without a murmur, feeling that he shall sleep with the beauties of Nature around him, and that while the woods shall chaunt their solemn anthems over him, and the birds join with their plaintive lays, the feet of kindred and friends will often press the sod above him, and their tears mingle with the kindly dews that fixll upon his grave. There is a fine grave-yard of modern date near Rocks village, opposite Smith's Tavern in Salem. THE MONUMENT In memory of one-seventh of those who fell at Lex- ington, stands near the site of the Bell Tavern in South Danvers. i It is built of hewn sienite, surrounded by an iron ! railing. It is 22 feet high, and 7 feet broad at the _ t/Ka--- r .'. : * ^«» HISTORY OF DANVERS. 163 base, and cost $1,000. The inscription is on Italian marble as folloA\s: "Battle of Lexington April 19th, 1775. Samuel Cook aged 33 years; Benj. Daland 25 ; George South- wick 25 ; Jotham Webb 22 ; Henry J acobs 22 ; Eb enr. Goldthwaite 22 ; Perly Putnam 21 ; Citizens of Danvers fell on that day. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. reverse Erected by Citizens of Danvers on the 60th Anniversary 1835." The following is a summary account of the celebra- tion, with the names of the committee of arrangements^ building committee, &c. By Hon. D. P. King. "On Monday, April 20, 1835, the 6 Ofch anniversary of the battle of Lexington was celebrated at Danvers, by the laying of the Corner Stone of a monument in memory of the seven citizens of the town, who were slain in that battle. At 10 o'clock, a procession of rev- olutionary patriots, and citizens of Danvers and vicini- ty, was formed in the square fronting the Old South Meeting House, under the direction of the marshals of the day — escorted by the Danvers Light Infantry, un- der Capt. WilUam Sutton, and the Danvers Artillery, Capt. A. Pratt, with a full band of music — and pro- ceeded through Main street to the burial ground, where lie the remains of several of the slain ; — three volleys of musketry were fired over their graves : — the proces- sion then countermarched to the Eagle Corner, where 164 HISTORY OF DANVERS. the monument is to be erected. The order of services was then announced by John W. Proctor, Esq. Rev. Mr. Sewall offered prayers — Gen. Foster, with the sur- viving officers and soldiers of the Revolution, proceed- ed to place the Corner Stone, in which was deposited a box, containing the memorials of the times, &c. Gen. Foster then addressed his fellow citizens. After the Corner Stone was laid, the tune of Auld Lang Syne was performed by the Band, and the procession march- ed, under a salute of 24 guns from the artillery, and the ringing of the bells, to the Old South Church — where, sixty years before, religious services were held at the interment of four of the young men who were slain at Lexington. This spacious Church was crowded in ev- ery part, and hundreds were unable to gain admittance. The following was the order of services; — 1. 100th Psalm — tune, Denmark. 2. Hymn, by R. S. Daniels. 8. Prayer, by Rev. Geo. Cowles. 4. Hymn, by F. Pool, jun. 5. Address, byD. P. King,. Esq. 6. Pat- riotic Ode, by Jona. Shove. 7. Concluding Prayer, by Rev. J. M. Austin. At the close of the services at the church, J. W. Proctor, Esq. presented and read to the audience the original, honorable discharge of J. B. Winchester, Esq. from the revolutionary army, (having served six years and four months, till the close of the war,) bearing the original signature o^ " Cfeorge Wash- ington.^^ Mr. Winchester entered the continental ar- my at the age of 14 ; and when discharged, he was only 21 years of age. Nineteen survivors of the Lexington fight and of the revolutionary army, (who occupied a num ber of the pews in front of the pulpit,) greatly height- I HISTORY OF DANVERS. 165 ! ened the interest of the occasion by their appearance. i After the services at the church, a procession was form. i ed, and escorted by the Danvers Light Infantry to the ! Essex Coftee House, where about two hundred, includ- I ing the above officers and soldiers of the revolution, I partook of a collation, prepared by Mr. Benja. Good- ridge. At the close of the collation, several patriotic sentiments and toasts were given by the revolutionary patriots and the company present, ''The occasion will long be remembered, — as calcula- ted to deepen our feelings of veneration for the events commemorated — for the exercise of generous feelings in the discharge of an honor due to the glorious dead, — and the ceremonies of the day will remind us of our obli- gations to those Avho spilled their blood in the first offer ing at the shrine of Liberty. "• Committee of Arrangements — Jona. Shove, chair- man; Robert S. Daniels, Geo. Osborne, Caleb Lowe, Fitch Pool, jun., Henry Po)r, Nathan Lakeman, Josh- ua n. Ward. '^Building Committee — Eben Sutton, Augustus K. Osborne, Daniel P. King, Eben Shillaber, John Whit" ney. 'i Projector of tlte 3Ionument — JohnL'pton. ^^Architect — Asher Benjamin. ( ^^ Marshals — Col. Caleb Lowe, chief marshal; Al- fred Putnam, Eben Sutton, Hiram Preston, Benj. Wheeler, AYm. D. Joplin, Ricliard Osborne, Samuel P. jj Fowler, Jona. King, Elijah W. Upton. ji ''There were twenty-nine individuals, — survivors of m — — tm 166 HISTORY OF DANVERS. the Lexington fight and of the revolutiona ry army, in vited to attend this celebration, — nineteen of whom were present. The following are those from Danvers : Gideon Foster, Sylvester Osborne, Johnson Proctor, Levi Preston, Asa Tapley, Roger Nourse, Joseph Shaw, John Joscelyn, Ephraim Smith, Jonathan Porter, Joseph Tufts, William Flint." THE BELL TAVERN was once a famous "hostelrie" situated on the great thoroughfare from the East and North to Boston. "Long before their separation from the mother country, the colonists in their various wanderings, sought this place for shelter and refreshment ; and right glad was the jolly host to fulfil the promise of his signboard, ''Entertainment for man and beast." Nor to the wayfarer alone was its promise extended. This was the common centre of re- sort for the villagers to learn the news of passing events and every traveller was expected to furnish his quota. It was the village Exchange, where prices and every day gossip were discussed, and the public affairs of the colonies and the mother country settled. He re too, on Sundays, the more remote villagers dismounted from their beasts at the old horse-block, and walked to the meeting-house, again to return after the two hours ser- mon and partake in a snug corner, of a dinner from their well filled saddlebags. This was also the place, where the people of that and later times met, to celebrate public events. The loyal neighbors here collected to mourn tie demise of the good Queen Anne and rejoice in the accession of the first George. His departure and the i 233 HISTORY OF DANVERS. 167 rise of bis son George II, were here commemorated over the same bowl of punch. George III, was also welcomed with a zeal that was only equalled by that with which they drank confusion to his ministers. The odious Stamp Act and all Parliament taxes on the colo- nies were patriotically denounced. Tea was proscribed and its sale forbidden, under penalty of a ride on a rail and the brand of torjism. One conviction only took place, and the unlucky wight obtained a reprieve from his sentence, by furnishing the villagers with a bucket of punch. His neighbors kindly gave him a share of the beverage, obliging him to repeat over his cup three times, the following elegant couplet: — I, Isaac AYilson, a tory I be ; I, Isaac Wison, I sells tea, "But our ancestors, however willing from patriotic con- siderations to deny themselves this luxury, found great difficulty in preventing the gentler sex from partaking of the forbidden fruit. They found means to procure and opportunities to prepare their favorite nectar, in spite of all the vigilance of the men. They would evade every searching operation, get up quiltings and other parties, where it was not expected men would be present, and sip their stolen waters in secret. "It was well known at the tap-room of the Bell Tavern that these proceedings were going on, and it w^as strong- ly suspected that a certain emormous coffee pot, a few sizes smaller than a common light-house, had some agen- cy in the business, as it was seen migrating from place to place where the good dames held their meetings. m- 168 HISTORY OF DANVERS. One evening a large party assembled at the house of one of their number; taking advantage of the well known habits of the maste^ of the house, who was never known to quit his seat at the ample fire-place of the inn until all his companions had departed, they resolved to enjoy their usual feast in security. The great coffee pot, in which the tea had been previously put was brought forward, the water added, and the whole left to simmer on the hearth. The savory mess was now poured out, with many a sly joke at the expense of the men in general and a compliment to Isaac in particular. Many were the enconiums on the superiority of the tea, which ev- ery one declared was the best she had ever drank. It was finally tliouglit that its strength and flavor were ow- ing to its having been ])oiled and steeped longer than usual. Its extraordinary richness was almost intoxica- ting ; tongues were loosened, and mirth and hilarity pre- vailed. Their wits ran out and so did the tea. More water was added to the leaves, and a weaker decoction was drawn, until again the vessel A\as empty. A third time the water was poured in and the tea ran out. The time had now nearly arrived wdien hy possibility the good man of the house might be expected home, and it was [i time to put the coffee grounds into the coffee pot, but first a place of burial must be made in the tan back log for the remains of the tea. The lid was removed, and by a dexterous jerk the contents, consisting not only of tea leaves but a huge overgrown toad, speckled and bloat- ed, lay sprawling before them on the hearth ! A simul- taneous scream from twenty female voices, accompanied by the heaving of as many stomachs, announced the HISTORY OF DANVERS. 169 appalling discovery, and sufficiently explained the cause of the peculiar richness of their beverage. It is said that the discovery accomplished the effects that are said to have been produced by Chambers's medicine on anoth er class of drinkers, and that for some time after, tea was less in demand than it was ever before known in the village. "Here congregated the village politicians and other loafers of the Middle Precinct. How they watched the glowing embers where the loggerheads were heating, as they consulted over the public welfare, and with what pertinacity did they adhere to their arguments and their mugs of flip! What floods of ale and oceans of punch there flowed to enliven the wits of the jolly roysters on Election da^^s. With what zest did they sail up and down the merry dance in the South room, to the music of Cc^sar's fiddle, and with what gusto would he grin a ghastly smile as he deposited the shower of silver pieces in his capacious mouth." Fitch Poole. Francis Symonds, at one time the jolly host, sported a wooden bell for his sign, and informed the people of his good cheer by the following strain : "Fr.incis Symonds Makes and Sella The best of Chocolate, also Shells. I'll toll you in if you have netd, And feed you well, and bid you speed.*' Here was a printing office, in which Amos Pope's Al- mananacs, a Price current for Wenham, and certain other documents were printed. I have also seen a work entitled "An account of the captivity and sufferings of Elizabeth Hanson wife of John Hanson, who was taken ITO HISTORY OF DANVERS. prisoner by the Indians," wliicli account was published at the Bell Tavern in 1780. Mr. Russell the printer afterwards removed to Boston. '*'■'' ^^.^ii'l??!^' mi Eh O O K I NOTE TO PAGE 146. I The first Schoolmaster at the New jMills was Caleb j Clark who kept his school in the house of farmer Porter, ! mHt* ■ HISTORY OF DAXVERS. 171 which stood a few years since, where Mr. WilHam Al- ley's house now stands. This ph\ce afforded but poor accomodations for a school. The benches for writing, were nothing more than a board placed upon two flour barrels. The writing books were a single sheet of pa- per, bought from time to time, as was needed. ''Mr. Clark was a teacher of some repute for those days, although ho was not considered a great discipli- narian. He was in the habit of whittling a shingle in school, and for small offences, compelling the disobedi- ent to pile the whittlings in the middle of the room ; when this was accomplished, he would kick them over, to be picked up again. He would sometimes require them to watch a wire, suspended in the room, and in- fo nn him when a fly aliLi;]ited on it. For greater of- fences, he would sometimes attempt to frighten them into obedience, by putting his shoulder under the man- tel piece, and threaten to throw the house down upon them. It is said of this Avorthy pedagogue, when deeply engaged in a mathematical problem, that he became so absorbed in the work as to be wholly uncon- scious of any thing transpiring around him, and the boys taking advantage of this habit would creep out of school and skate and slide by the hour together." Far- nished by S. P. Foiuler. CHAPTER VII. BIOGRAPHIES. John Endicott' or Endecott, the first governor of i Massachusetts, was born in Dorchester, Dorsetshire, ■: ' 172 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. England, in the year 1588, and was from his youth a firm dissenter. He imbibed a desire for religious liber- ty very early, and when the project of colonizing the New World was started, he was one of the first to assist the enterprise, which he did with great ardor. His first wife, whose maiden name was Gower, he married in England. In June 1628, he embarked at Wey- mouth for America, in the ship Abigail. He arrived at Salem Nov. 6th, and April 19th, 1629 he was ap- pointed Governor. His wife died in the course of a year after his arrival, and he married Elizabeth Gibson, in 1630. He led a company of ninety men against the Pequots in 1636. He was a member of the Cor. poration of Harvard University in 1642, and in 1614 he was elected governor of Massachusetts, which office he held about fifteen years. He was a rigid disciplinarian, a man of strong feel- ings and passions, warm in his friendships, and severe wherever his indignation alighted. He was true to his % impulses. When he thought the red cross in England's banner savored of idolatry, he unhesitatingly cut it out, though he knew he should thereby incur the charge of treason. He was admonished, and suspended from his office one year for the act. He became a convert to the " doctrine of veils," and strenuously endeavored to clothe the fair faces of the puritan maidens and mat- rons in a manner that should hide them from the rude gaze of men. He labored constantly to bring all into a harmony with himself, and sought to carry out his own ideas of worship, government, and manners. Four quakers were executed during his administration. til HISTORY OP DANVERS. 173 He was well qualified for the rough times in which he lived. He was not ahyays as meek as he should have been, for, although a puritan and a Justice of the Peace, yet, on one occasion he struck "goodman Dexter," and though he acknowledged his error in striking one in Ids condition^ he added : *'if he were a fit man for me to deal with at blows, I would not complain !" '•In his private and public relations he was a man of unshaken integrity. 'For my Country and my God,' was the motto inscribed upon his motives, purposes and deeds." He died March 15th, 1665, aged T7 years. He may be styled the Founder of Salem. Daniel Ep^KS^ ''the greatest Schoolmaster in New England," the founder of the Eppes School in Salem, and the man for whom the celebrated Eppes Sweeting is named, was born October 28th, 1641. He commen- ced a grammar school in Salem, in the year 1671, and besides teaching he occasionally preached. April 7th, 1677. "Voted by ye towne y^ Mr. Daniell Epps is called to bee a grammar schoole master for y^ towne, soe long as hee shall continue and performe y^ said place in y^ towne, prouided hee may haue w^ shall bee anually allowed him, not by a towne rate, butt in some other suteable way.'''' June 28th. The selectmen "agreed with Mr. Eppes to teach all such scholars, as shall be sent to him from persons in town in y^ English, Latin and Greek tongue soe as to fit them for y^ Yniuersity, if desired and they are capable; alsoe, to teach them good manners and instruct them in y^ principles of Christian Religion." m ^' 174 HISTORY OF DANVERS. S *'He is to receive for each scholar 20 | a year, and if this is not enough to make £60, the selectmen will make up this sura ; or, if more than enough, to have it and the price of tuition for scholars out of town and a right to commonage, and be free from all taxes, train- ings, watchings and wardings. "Feb. ITth, 1678, Mr Eppes had received from his scholars, towards a half year's salary £17 19 10. The balance he was to have from rent of certain com- mons, of Baker's and Misery Islands, as the proportion from the town." Felt. lie held many town and county offices, was a com- missioner of Excise, a Justice of the Peace, and of the Court of General Sessions, and Representative to the General Court. He was much distinguished and reve- renced in all parts of Salem. He occupied the Derb}^ Farm, where he died in the year 1722, aged 81 years. George Burrouglis^ whose history is so intimately connected with the Tragedy of 1692, Vr^as probably a son of Jeremiah Burroughs, and was born in Scituate a- bout the year 1643. He graduated at Harv. college in 1670; and settled at Falmouth or Portland, Me., in 1676. He removed to Danvers in Nov. 1680, and in 1683 re- turned to Falmouth at which place he held 200 acres of land, 170 of which he relinquished at the request of his people. In 1690, when Falmouth was destroyed he returned to Danvers. He again removed to Port- land from which place he was torn, and executed Aug. 19th 1692, on Gallows Hill, Salem. He seems to have been an unambitious, kind-hearted, amiable man, and 3 5S» HISTORY OP DAN VERS. ITo*^ "* to have merited a better fate. Bentley supposes him to have been about 80 years of age, while he could have been no more than 50. As will be seen from the account of witchcraft, he was remarkable in an astonishing de- gree for his bodily powers. The names of his first two wives are unknown. His third was a daughter of Thom- as Ruck. His children were George who lived in Ips- wich ; Jeremiah who was insane ; Rebecca who married a Tolman, of Boston ; Hannah who married a Fox, of Boston ; Elizabeth who married Peter, an ancestor of Isaiah Thomas L. L. D. of Worcester. Some of his descendants lived in Newburyport. Willis in his histo- ry of Portland says of him : "There has nothing sur- vived Mr. Burroughs, either in his living or dying, that casts any reproach upon his character, and, although he died a victim of a fanatacism, as wicked and as stupid as any which has been countenanced in civilized society, and w^hich for a time prejudiced his memory, yet his character stands redeemed in a more enlight ened age from any blemish." Sec witchcraft. Samuel P arris son of Thomas Parris of London, was born in London in 1658. He was a member of Harvard College, but left without graduating, and en- tered the mercantile profession. When about 36 years of age he entered the ministry, and was settled as pas- tor of the Village Church in 1689. In 1691 he ob- tained a lot of land and parsonage buildings from the parish. He desired that this estate should be given him in fee simple, and the refusal of a portion of the people to consent, created the germ of the evil that subse- II ,! 176 HISTORY OF DANVERS. quentlj sprouted out into the most baneful results. He was an avaricious, arbitrary, officious man, and offend- ed those he would have controlled. He left his charge in 1696, and removed from the town in the year fol- lowing. He lived in Concord in 1704, in Dunstable in 1711 and died in Sudbury. The course he took in the Great Delusion, in being chief witness against ac- cused persons, in whipping his daughter and servant in- to confessions of guilt, when they afterwards declared their innocence, and in holding wide the sluice ways through which so much evil flowed upon the people, must render his character forever odious, notwithstand- ing; the extenuatino; circumstances of his condition. Thomas Nelson was born in Norwich, England, in June 1661. His life was replete v/ith adventure. He was a soldier under King WiUiam, and was in the army which foug;ht a^-ainst James II in Ireland. He was with Sir Cloudesly Shovel in the celebrated siege of I Barcelona, and was in the Canadian expedition in this country in 1711, at about which year he settled in Dan vers. During all this time he was never wounded. His numerous hardships did not deprive him of health and strength ; he was upright, in the possession of his faculties, with the exception of the sight of one eye, and so strong as to be a match for any of his neighbors even to the day of his death, which was in November 1771, at the advanced age of 113 years. He walked from his home to Salem but a few days before his death, a distance of three miles. &■*- HISTORY OF DANVERS. 177 Joseph Crreen was born Nov. 5tli, 1675 and gradu- ated at Harvard in 1695. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Mr. Gerrish of Wenham. He be- came pastor of the Village Church in 1697, and during his ministry he instituted the Half Way Covenant, and baptized 106 adults and 528 children, and met with much success. He died Nov. 26th, 1715, aged 40 years. He healed the breaches made by Mr Parris and was much lamented. The Church record declares him: "the choicest flower and goodliest tree in the gard- en of our God." His remains are in the Village Bur- rial Ground, and a Latin inscription partially effaced is above him. Several attempts at decyphering produce the following : Sub Hoc Cesp * Requiescam in Spe Beate Be * Reliquice Reverend D. Josephus Green A. M. Hujusce Ecclesiae * * * * Spacuin Pastoris * * * * Tarn Gravitate Doctrina Q,ui Dec * * Calecdo * * * Dom BIDCCXV Implo * » * Q,uadragesimum. Benjamin Preseott was born Sept. 16th 1687. He graduated at Harvard University in 1709, married a daughter of John Higginson, and was settled as minis- ter of the second parish in 1712, He published in 17- 68 "A free and calm consideration of the unhappy mis- understanding and debates between Great Britain and the American Colonies." He left his charge in the year 1752 and died about the year 1770. He was a man of talent,' an excellent pastor, and during the forty ^1 1T8 HISTORY OF DANVERS. years he ministered to the second parish he was faithful in his caUing. He published among other pamphlets a "Letter to the First Church in Salem in 1735," and a "Right Hand of Fellowship" delivered at the Ordina- tion of Key. J. Sparhawk. Peter Qlarke was born in Watertown in the year 1692, and graduated at Harvard College in the year 1712. He married Deborah Hobart of Braintree. In the year 1758 he published a "Summer morning conversation between a minister and a neighbor," in re- ply to something written by Dr. Charles Chauncy. Considerable of a controversy grew out of the matter between Dr. Chauncy and Mr. Clark. He settled as minister of the First parish June 5th, 1717, and died June lOthj 1768, with his harness on, after a ministry in one parish of fifty-one years. His remains lie in the old Village graveyard. There is an anecdote related of him which is somewhat amusing. One summer there had been a severe drought, and the ministers of the vicinity had made the matter a subject of public prayer. Mr. Clarke had delayed petitioning in reference to it, until some of his people began to complain. At length he prayed on the subject, and before he had finished his services there came a copious shower. "Ah !" said an old negro belonging to the minister, "I knew when Mas- sa Clark took hold, that something would have to come." In the record of his funeral, it is said that the "church walked before, assisted by 12 hears^ He admitted in his ministry of 51 years, 309 persons into his church, and baptized 46 adults, and 1226 children. eJtt>» HISTORY OF DAXVERS. 179 He continued to preach after his bodily powers were unable to sustain him, and was often obhged to sit down for rest in the course of pubUc services. It is related of him that on these occasions his deacons would hasten to the pulpit to ascertain the matter, for which officious- ness he would reprimand them, as it implied a distrust of his ability. "He wrote several works ; one in defence of original sin, and another in favor of infant baptism, 453 pp, 12mo. He held a controversy with Dr. Gill and Dr. Chauncy. He delivered the Dudleian lecture in 1763, Artillery sermon in 1739, a sermon' entitled Witness of the Spirit in 1744, Charge at tlie ordination of T. Huntington, &c. Israel Putnam. General Putnam, or as he was fa- miharly called by the soldiers, (who idolized him,) " Old Puf was born in Danvers, in the house now occupied by Daniel Putnam, January 7th, 1718. He was de- scended from the original settlers of the town. John Putnam or, as the name was then called, Puttenham, was a native of Buckinghamshire, England, and remov- ed to Danvers in the year 1634. He had three sons, Thomas, Nathaniel and John. John had a son named Thomas, Thomas had a son named Joseph, who was the father of Israel. Israel was the eleventh child, and was baptized in the Village Church the second day of Feb- ruary. His mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Por- ter. His boyhood was distinguished for daring intrep- idity. There is a story related of his youth so admirably > 180 HISTORY OF DANVERS. characteristic, that it may be related here. "VYhen he Kved in the house now occupied by Mr. Daniel Putnam, he was on one occasion sent to a neighboring pasture to drive a bull down to the house. When he entered the field the bull ferociously attacked him. He returned home, and mounting a pair of spurs, sought his furi- ous enemy. Soon after re-entering the pasture he suc- ceeded in drawing his attention, and the bull gave him chase. He directed his flight around a large tree, pur- sued by his foe. Putnam gained in his flight on his enemy, and seizing the bull by the tail, he sprung on his back. Fairly mounted *'he plunged the row- el in his steed." The animal rushed frantically into a bog near at hand, where he stuck fast. The hero dis- mounted, and sought his home. When asked concern- ing the bull, he said the last he saw of him he w^as in the meadow. The bull was found lodged fast in the meadow, groaning in anguish, with liis sides lacerated by the punishment of Putnam's spurs. He was early distinguished for strength and forti- tude, and was desirous of accomplishing the labor of a man while yet a boy. In athletic exercises and sports, and in arduous labor, he laid the foundation of that vigor and power of endurance which distinguished his after years. At the age of twenty-one, he married Hannah Pope of Salem, and removed to Pomfret Conn. It was in this place that his famous adventure with the she-wolf occurred, and although it is well known, it may be in- teresting to the reader to find it here. It seems that Putnam and his neighbors were much X'd HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 181 troubled bj the depredations Avhich a cimning old wolf committed on their flocks, killing and wounding seventy sheep and goats belonging to Putnam alone. At length the farmers assembled, and determined on the destruc- tion of their enemy. "Fortunately her track was easily recognised, a por- tion of one of her feet having been lost by an acciden- tal intimacy with a trap. Her pursuers were thus en- abled to trace her course to Connecticut R-iver, and thence back again to Pomfret, when she took refuge in a cavern, near the residence of Putnam. The place was selected with great judgement to withtsand a siege; and very few persons beside himself could have been per- suaded to reconnoitre the position of its inmate. It is entered by an aperture about two feet square, on the side of a huge ledge of rock. The pathway descends fifteen feet obliquely from the entrance, then pursues a horizontal direction for ten feet, and thence ascends grad- ually about fifteen feet to its extremity; being in no part wider than three feet, nor high enough to permit a man to stand upright. The access to the interior is ren- dered very difficult in winter by the accummulation of ice and snow. "No time was lost by the confederates in devising va- rious methods of attack. A competent force of dogs was collected, with such munitions as were suited to this novel mode of warfare. But the hounds that en- tered the cave retired in great disgust, and could not be prevailed upon to repeat the experiment ; the smoke of blazing straw was ineffectual ; and the fumes of burn- ing brimstone which were expected to prove quite irre- 182 HISTORY OF DANVERS. sistible, wasted their sweetness in vain. This system of annoyance was continued through the day, until a late hour in the evening, when Putnam, weary of the unsuc- cessful efforts, endeavored to persuade his negro ser- vant to go into the cave ; a proposition which was de- clined ; and his master, after somewhat unreasonably reproaching' him with cowardice, resolved, against the earnest remonstrance of his neighbors, to undertake the enterprise himself. "He first procured some birch bark, to light his way and intimidate the wolf by its flame ; then threw aside his coat and vest, and, causing a rope to be secured to his legs, by which he might be drawn out at a con- certed signal, set fire to his torch, and groped his way into the cavern. At the extremity he saw the wolf, who welcomed her unexpected visitor with an ominous growl. His examination being now completed he gave the appointed signal ; and his companions, sup- posing from the sounds within, that the case must be an urgent one, drew him out so precipitately, that his clothes were torn to rags, and his body sorely lacerated. He now provided himself with a musket, and bearing it in one hand, and a lighted torch in the other, pro- ceeded a second time upon his perilous adventure, till he drew near the wolf. Just as she was on the point of springing, he took deliberate aim and fired ; then, stun- ned by the explosion, and almost suffocated hj the smoke, he was again drawn out as before. "After a brief interval, he entered the cavern for the third time, applied his torch to the wolf, to satisfy 11 himself that her repose was not affected, and seizing he r unker's liill, and ever while in the service, deserved and bore the character of a brav^e officer and a good soldier. " General Foster's mind ahvays vigorous, retained much of its strength till within a few days of his de- cease. His confinement was short, and it was not un- til the fatal hour that immediate danger was apprehen- ded. He died on Saturday, Nov. 1st. 184-5. " On all occasions his townsmen and neighbors ronn- ifested deep respect for his character and services. When it was known that he was no more, the bells were tolled, business was suspended and a gloom pervaded the commiinlty ; there was a voluntary and general mourning ; the flag of our country Avas floating at half mast, a mournful token that one loved and honored had passed away ; on one flag stafif, wrapped among the stripes and the stars, was the pennon of the Foster Fire Company with the name of Gen. Foster blazoned upon it ; so are mingled with the fame of our country's revo- lutionary glory, the name and exploits of the old sol- dier. *' The last commissioned ofTicer of the Revolution, certainly of the early part of the Revolution, is dead, the veteran soldier, the last connecting link is broken — the comrade of Warren and Prescott and Stark, the man who held on^icial intercourse with Ward and Put- nam and Washington, has now gone to join the mighty host of the worthy dead. m —. - -^ ~-^^^ f-if' T- — ■ — rj^ 1 IlISTOaY OF DAj>rVii]U3. 203 «'The bugle's wild and warlike bl;ist Shiill innstor them no more ; An army now might tlmndsr past. And they noi heed its roar. The starry flag, 'neath which th?y fought, In nriany a bloody day, Frotn tlieir o!d grav?s ghal! rouse them not, For they have passed away." TIio funeral p^^occs3ion wa3 after the following order : ESCORT, Consisting of the Salem Arti'Iery, the Danvers Light Infantry the Salem Li;;ht Infantry, and the liVnn Rifle Corps, (ihc latter bear- ing a banner presenled by the hands of Gen. Foster to the company in 1S3G. Tbis banner was shrouded in crppe. The escort was a dclanhiDcnt fro'n Gen. Sn'ton's hrigide, and was under the immediate com- niond of Col. Andrews.) Hearse, flan l:ed by a mi'itary guard, Family of the deceased, in Caningos, Rrig. Gen. Sutton and Staff, and Military Officers in oniform, in Carri;igeg, Comm'ltee of Arrangements, Oiliciating and other Cler;,y, (y'vil OiFicers of the town, Danvors Mecfianic Institute, Fire Dep^Ument, "G".n, FosCe?"" Engine Co. No. 7, in dark dress with badg.':'5, "Voluote. f'' FnginoCo. No. S, with badges ami in firemen's uiiiforiri, Citizens of the neigiiboring towns, CiiizoD!? of Danvcr.i. The following uocnmcnt from Gen. Foster's own hand, presents the coni|)any vrhich marched to Lexington nn- der liis command. Some of the soldiers were from :i3iA» 204: HISTORY OF DANVERS. Eppes's company, and the rest were other volunteers. T he former are marked thus :^ "Danvers, August 19th, 1837. "FiTcn Pool, Jr. "Dear Sir : It is with pleasure that I communicate to you (agreeable to your wish) the following list of minute men, who voluntarily enlisted from Capt. Samuel Eppes's company, on the 27th February, 1775. There is not one of the above named now alive, except mj^self, whom God has permitted to continue to the age of eighty eight years. >"GiDE0N Foster. LISl' OF MINUTE MEN. "Samuel Cook, jr.,* William'' Rice, George Southwick, jr.,* Joseph Bell, Henry Jacobs, jr.,* John Setchell,* John Collins,* Jonathan Newhall, Benjamin Eppes,* Stephen Twiss,*. Samuel Webber, Stephen Small,* James Stone,* Uriah Harwood, Solomon Wyman,* Jacob Reed, Robert Stone,* Abel Macldntire,* Isaac Twiss,* James Goldthwait,* Samuel Reeves, John Eppes, jr.* Thomas Gardner, jr.,* John Necdham, Joseph Twiss,* Gideon Foster,* Jonathan Harwood, Probably Gen. Foster's memory could not recall his entire company. Dennison Wallis, Ebenezer Gold- thwaite and perhaps others, should be added. m iU HISTORY OF DANVELB. 205 j Benjamin Foster, B. B. a brother of Gideon, was born at the same place, June 12ui, 1T50. He gradu- ated at Yale College in 1774, and after completing his theological studies under the supervision of Dr. Still- man, he commenced the Avork of the ministry, and was ordained in Leicester, Oct. 23d. 1776. In January 1781 he was settled as pastor of th.e first Baptist Soci- ety, lie remained but two years, hovrever, when ho removed to Nowburyport, and soon after to New York, where, in the year 1798 lie died a victim of the yellow fever which then prevailed. lie vras devoted to liis flock to the last, and fell a martyr to his faithfulness. He was a learned man, and a good minister. He published "The Divine Hight of ImmcrGion," in answer to a Mr. Fish, and defended "Piimitive Daptism," in a letter to John Cleveland, and also published a treatise on tJie 70 weeks of Daniel. Benjardiii Wachioorth. B. D., was born in Milton, July 20 Ji , 17o0, and graduated at Harvard University in 17i^>9, and died Jan. 18th, 1826, after having been set- tled in Danvcrs 53 years. Ho published seven or eight sermons on di^erent topics, and long occupied a distin- guished position in the town and among his clerical brethren. During his ministry he baptized 68 adults and 810 children, and admitted 260 members into the cliurch. When he died there were but two female members of the church who belonged at his settlement, and no males. He was a pious man, frugal, prudent and successful. His published works are, a sermon on the death of '- m 206 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Hon. Samuel Holten ; a sermon on the death of Dr. Cutler of Hamilton ; Thanksgiving Sermon Feby. 19th 1795 ; Eulogy on Washington Feb. 22d, 1800 ; Dedi- cation Sermon Nov. 20th, 1806 ; a Sermon before the Bible Soc. of Salem and vicinity April 19th, 1815 ; Disc, before the Soc. for suppressing Intemperance ; achargeatthe ordination of S. Gile ; right hani of fellowship addressed to D. Story, &c. UUza Wharton. The grave of Eliza Wharton is one of the most interesting localities to be found in the Commonwealth. It is in South Danvers. Althoui:i;h this unfortunate woman is as generally known in this country as any other who ever lived, as JEliza Whar- ton the coquette, but very few know her real history and true character. The catch penny volume of letters which pretends to give her history, has but the figments of the imagination of its authoress to recommend it. Elizabeth Whitman came from a very respectable fam- ily in Connecticut, where her father was a clergyman. She was born in the year 1751. She was possessed of an ardent poetical temperament, an inordinate love of praise, and was gifted with the natural endowments of beauty, and perfect grace, while she was accomplish- ed with those refinements which education can be- stow. She was lovely beyond words. Eut her natu- ral amiabilities were warped and perverted by reading great numbers of romances, to the exclusion of almost all other reading. She formed her ideas of Man, by the exaggerated standards she saw in the books to which she resorted, and thus, when she looked around her, she HISTOllY OF DANVERS. 207 saw no one who realized her ideal. Superior, as she unquestionably was to those of her sex who surrounded her, she was eagerly sought after by those whose affec- tions she won, but like the candle's blaze which draws the moth, she consumed those who approached. In a word, she was a confirmed coquette. Among a multitude of offers, eligible and desirable, she found none that seemed to answer her high expectations, and thus, she wore her youth away, *' until disappointed and past her bloom," (as a contemporary account observes,) ^'she gave way to criminal indulgence, and the consequence becoming visible, she eloped from her friends, and ter- minated her career," Iler "criminal indulgence" con- sisted in forming one of those improper connections to which romantic minds are so prone. She became inti- mate with a lawyer who was formerly her lover, and whose heart already belonged to another; and in defi- ance of the laws of God and Man, the usages of Soci- ety and the dictates of a sound judgement, she sacri- ficed her virtue and her reputation. Her paramour equally guilty with herself afterwards became Hon. Judge Pierpont Edwards, if we may believe Tradition. She was brought in June 1788 to the Bell Tavern, in a chaise driven by a young man who immediately drove away and never returned. She affirmed that she was married, and even laid a letter professedly written by her husband, but in reality written by herself, on her table, in order to pro.luce the impression that she was married. She wrote E. Walker on the door, and one day, while she was looking out of the window, a man passing, stopped to read the name, and when he went ike ell'i 208 His"^0'isr OF danvers. a way without caHiiig, slie was hoard to say, '^•'I am un- done !" Probably there was some concei'fced plan that he should pas3 through the town and should fmd her by the name v,"hich vv-as written on the door, and would at- tend her in her misfortune, if ho could do so without compromising his reputation. Her appearance of gentility and gracefulness was such, that as she passed along the street, old and j^oung turned to look after the "beautiful strange lady." ''• At the Y/indow of the south chamber she used to sit, and while away the heavy hours at her needle or guitar." She was an object of intense curiosity to the people of the village. As her critical hour drew rapidly nigh, she so enlisted the sympathy of a neighboring lady in her behalf, that she consented one evening for her to take up her abode with the family the next day. That night she was delivered of a still born child, and died in two weeks of a puerperal fever. Those who per- formed the last oinces due mortality speak of the won- derful symmetry of her person, and the extraordinary length and beauty of her hair. The following letter and poem not only proclaim her as a woman of refined and delicate mind, but they also show us the sure results of vice. These were found among her elTects after her decease, and were published in the Massachusetts Sentinel, Sept. 20, 1788. The letter vvas in cyphers. L ETTER. '• Must I die alone ? Shall I never see you more ? I know that you wiii come, but you vill come too lata. This Is, I fear, my last ability. Tears fall so, I laiow not how to write. Why did you leave s5J5 HISTORY OF DANYERS. 209 me in so much distress ? But I will not reproach you. All that was dear 1 left for you ; but do not regret it. May God forgive in both what was amiss. When I go from hence, I will leave you some way to find me ; if I die, will you come and drop a tear over my grave?" The Poem is a pastoral, and exhibits much true feel- ing and artistic merit. ■' DISAPPOINTMENT. *'\Vith fond impatience all the tedious day I sighed, and wished the lingering hours away ; For when bright Ilesper led the starry train, My Shepherd swore to meet me on the plain ; With eager haste to that dear spot I flew, And hngered long and then the tears withdrew ; Alone, abandoned to love's tentlerest woes, Down my pule cheeks the tide of sorrow flows ; Dead to all joy that fortune can bestow. In vain far me her useless bounties flow ; Take back each envied gift ye power divinp, And only let me call Fidelio mine. Ah, wretch ! what anguish yet thy soul must prove, For thou can'st hope to lose thy care in love ; And when Fidelio meets thy tearf.al eye, Pale fear and cold despair his presence fly; With pensive steps I sought thy walks again. And ki&sed thy token on the verdant plain ; With fondest hope through many a blissful hour, We gave our souls to fancy's pleasing power ; Lost in the magic of that sweet employ, To build gay scenes, and fa:>hion future joy, We saw mild Peace over fair Canaan rise, And shower her pleasures from benignant skies ; On airy hills our happy mansion rose. Built but for joy, no room for future woes ; Round the calm solitude with ceaseless song, •i^ H' i} if. if. it Sweet as the sleep of innocence the day, By transports measured, lightly danced away ; 18 210 HISTORY OF DANVEES. 1] I To lovo, to bliss, the iiniou'd soul was given, But all ! too liappy, asked no biighier heaven. And must the hours in ceaseless anguish roll ? Will no soft sunshine cheer my clouded soul? Can this dear earth no transient joy supply ? Is it my doom to hope, despair and die ? Oh ! come once mors, with soft endearments come. Burst tht; cold prison ofthe sullen tonih ; Thro' iavor'd walks thy chosen maid attend, Where well-kiiovvn sh;iucs their pleasing branches bend ; Shed the soft poison ofihy speaking eye, And look those raptures lifeless words deny ; Stiil he, tho' late, reheard what ne'er could tire, But. told each eve, fresh pleasures would inspire ; Still hope those scenes which love and fancy drew; But drawn a thousand times, were ever new, Can fancy paint, can words express; Can aughl on earth my woes redress; E'en thy soft smiles can ceaseless prove Thy truth, thy tenderness and love; Once th.iu couldsi every bliss inspire. Transporting joy, and giy desire; Now co'id Despair her banner rears, And pleasure flios when she appears; Fond hope within my bosom di^s, And agony her place supplies: O, thou! for whose dear sake I bear, A doom so dreadful, so severe, May h)ppy fates thy footsteps guide. And o'er ihy pejceful home preside Nitr let E a's early toaib Infect thee with its baleful gloom." Tlio novelty of her situation, and her attractive beau- ty and manners during her short sojourn in Danvers. caused the entire village and many from the neighbor- in nary derelictions from the path of duty, — especially when wo remember that our heroine was no inexperi. enced, unsophisticated maiden, but a woman of tlic so- ber autumnal ago of thirty-s()ven — we shall find matter for condemnation. Still let us employ the charitable m^ jiu 212 HISTORY OF DANVERS. reflection that age is not exempt from error, and that experience does not always give wisdom. Note. — To Matthew Stickney, Esq., an industrious and talented Antiquarian, (whose rare collection of coins, medals, pamphlets and other antiquities, is indeed valuable,) I am indebted for the discovery of the fore- going poem, and also for other facts wdiich his research- es obtained. Samuel Pagehom Aug. 1st, 1753, was one, amongst the many patriotic sons of Danvers, who cheerfully offer- ed his services to his country, at the breaking out of the revolution. On the 19th of April 1775, when at work with his father. Col. Jeremiah Page, the news came, that the British troops had left Boston, and were on their march to Concord. He, and his father, (who commanded a company of militia,) immediately left their work, and proceeded to West Cambridge, where they united with the minute men from the north part of the town, under the command of Col. Hutchinson. Page and his com- rades were inclosed in a yard, with bunches of shingles placed around it for abreast work. Here they discharge ed two volleys of musketry at the main body of the British, then on their retreat. So unexpected and fa- tal was this assault upon the enemy's retreating columns, that it brought them to a halt. In loading their guns for another fire. Page broke his ramrod, a wooden one, and turning round, asked Perley Putnam to lend him his, but at that instant, a shot from the enemy's flank ffi-?^ > ".If » rft, >-■ , ■ — . ' . - . . , ■■ — — ^^f HISTOKY OP DAXVERS. 213 guard laid Puinam dead at his feet. Their attention was now immediately directed to a large body of men, rap. idly approacliing toward tliem, when Col. Hutchinson remarked, "they are our ovv'n men," but Aaron Cheever (father of Capt. Thomas Cheever) said, ''no tliey are regulars, don't you see their red coats ?" A firo from them soon revealed their true character. They immediately returned the enemy's discharge, but their I superior force soon compelled them to make a hasty re- treat. Capt. Page made good his escape, by running through an orchard, bringing a row of apple trees be- tween him and the enem;/ , thus protecting himself from their shot. Page joined the army under Gen. Wash- ington at Cambridge, with a captain's commission, and was with him at the crossing of the Delaware, and at the battles of Y\liite Plains, and Monmouth. During the severe winter of 1777, he was at Valley Forge, and shared the sufferings, to wliich the American Army were at that time exposed. He was frequently heard to say, Wiicn speaking of the battle of Monmouth, fought June 28th 1778, that it was the most fatiguing day he ever experienced. The heat was excessive, and his thirst during the engagement, was almost insupport- able. The British in consecpience of wearing thick heavy uniforms and ecpiipments strapped about them^ suTered more severely than the Americans, who fought in their shirt sleeves. Capt. Page himself on that day, vroro a linen coat, now in the possession of the family. ile was aho with Gen. Wayne at the storming of Stoncy Point. Ho was in the advance, and Wayne having determined to carry the place at the point of the eJT^ 214 HISTORY OF DANVERS. [ bayonet alone, Capfc. Page received orders from the Gen- eral, to take the flmts from the muskets of his companj^ After the close of the war, he was engaged in commer- cial pursuits. In the war of 1812, he commanded a company formed at the New-Mills, called in those days, the alarm list. That Capt. Page enjoyed a large share of the confidence of his fellow citizens, may be inferred from the fact, that he held many public offices, and re- presented the town many years in the General Court. His private character was distinguished for benevolence, integrity and moral worth. He died suddenly, Septem- ber 2d, 1814, aged 61 years, and was interred in the burial ground at the Plains, with the following inscrip- tion on his tomb stone. A Soldier, Patriot, Christian, His virtues embalm his memory. Children's children shall rise up, and call him blessed. Furnished hy S. P. Fowler. Bennison Wallis. This gentleman was born in Ips- wich, in 1756, but in early life came to Danvers, and was one of those from this town who went co meet the British troops at Lexington. He was then but nineteen years of age, and was wounded as described in the ac- count of that battle in another part of this work. He afterwards went out in a privateer and assisted in the capture of a British transport, having on board a part of the celebrated Highland regiment. His subsequent life was devoted to business pursuits, in which he was HISTORY OF DANVERS. 215 successful ill the accumulation of a handsome estate. For several years he was a member of the Legislature, and was generally esteemed by his fellow citizens as an enterprising and useful member of society. The follow- ing Epitaph, understood to be from the pen of Hon. Rufus Choate, who at the time of Mr. Wallis's death was in the practice of law in this town, is a brief but just expression of the prominent traits of his character. ERECTED To the jNIemory of DENNISON AYALLIS, Who died August 16, 1825, Aged 69. A Citizen Enterprising, Industrious, Benevolent, Honest and Patriotic, A Friend kind and obliging A man not without his frailties, And who is without them ? But in the main. Honorable, Wise and Virtuous. Although without children, Mr. Wallis always felt a lively interest in the education of the young, and he has left a noble monument to his memory in the endowment of a School in District No. 1, where he lived. This fund has been carefully cherished by the District and the Trustees who have successively had charge of it, and its income has always been faithfully applied to the objects designed by the liberal donor. This fund was originally $2,250, but has since been increased to $2,800. By this judicious and benevolent application ■m ) 216 FJSTOrvY OF DANVERS. of a portion of his estate, Mr. Wallis lias ranked his name among the benefactors of mankind, and the Wal- lis School ^vill long remain, we trust, to scatter its blessings on successive generations of the young, as well as to confer honor on the memory of its Founder. Comrdunicated hy Fitch Poole. 3Ioses Porter was born in Panvors in the year 1757. He was an apprentice at the age of eighteen on the breaking out of the Revolution, and immediately joined the artillery company of Captain Trevctt. As a private ariilleryman he was in the battle of Bunker Hill and manifested uncommon bravery for his years and experience. Svv^ett, in his account of Bunker Hill Battle sdijs: " Captain Trevott was deserted by his men. His lieutenants, Swasoy and Gardner stood by him, with but seven others, one of whom vras Moses Porter, already a promising artillerist." He was in the army which under Washington beleaguered Boston, and through the whole Revolution. He was in the Battle of Brandywinejand was wounded in an engagement v/ith the British fleet on the Delaware river, below Phlkidelphia. At the close of iho war he was Captain of Artillery by brevet, and was the only officer who vras retained on the Peace Establishment. He was on the western frontier for many years, and was in the noted engagement on August 20th, 1791, when Gen. Wayne, with nine hundied men routed two thousand Indians, and laid waste their entire country. From this time until the breaking out of the last war he was constantly in the service of his Country, and 'kg ,. , |?3 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 217 among other duties he superintended the line of surveys for fortifications &c., along the coasts of Maine and Massachusetts. In the late war he served on the lines, was at the taking of Fort George, and commanded at Niagara, where he held the rank of Brig. Gen. He accomplished in the winter of 1813 a march from Niagara to New Orleans in five months, throudi what was then a trackless wih derness. He commanded the line of military posts from Michilmacinac, Lake Huron to Natchitoches on the bor- ders of the then Spanish Provinces. He accompanied Wilkisson in his unsuccessful expedition against Montre- al in 1814, and was stationed at Norfolk until the close of the war. This post was at that time one of the most important in the country, and was seriously menaced by the British, but he was so skilfully entrenched that they forebore all attack. At the close of the war he still remained in the ser- vice, and died in Cambridge in April 1822, in command of the district he "so bravely defended in 1TT5." His body is interred in N. Danvers. He was longer in the American Service than any other officer of his grade and in the words of Swett, "maintained an uniform and distinguished reputation as one of the first artillery officers in the service." Ho was a thorough "soldier, and of course a high disciplinarian, and though distin- guished for the inflexibility of the soldier, he was polish- ed with the urbanity of a gentleman of the old school. Sylvester Osborne was born in Danvers, in the year 1759. A youth of but sixteen years of age he rushed 218 HISTORY OF DANVERS. to tlio affi-aj at Lexington, and afterwards served in the ^Yar of the Itovolution, a short time. He -was after the Revolution, promoted to the rank of Major, and died Oct. 2d, 1815. He was selectman and representative, and was distinguished for his peaceable life, and the lidolitj with which he attended to his ovrn pursuits. Amos Pope vrai a quiet unobtrusive, but intellectual man, and deserving of honorable mention. He was an excellent mathematician. He prepared an Almanac for the year 1793, and according to tradition several others, which he arranged in the solitude of an attic, without the consolation of a fire. Ho, of course, made his own calculations, which were accurate. These works were printed at the Bell Tavern. Nathaniel BotvcutcJi, L. L. D.^F. 11. S'., was born in Salem, but as he removed to Danvors in his infancy, and passed a portion of his childhood here, he seems to belong here. Ho was a fourth son, and was born March 26 ih, ITTo. His paternal ancestors had been ship-masters for several generations, but his father re- tired from that occupation, and became a cooper. He began to manifest those remarka.blo faculties which af- terwards distinguished hiin above every man in his pro- fession, at an early ago, and although he vras obliged to forego school privileges at the age of ten years, yet he seems then only to have began to learn. He acquired the Latin and French languages for the sake of transla, ting Nevrton's Piincipia and La Place's Mcchaniquo , Celeste, and arrived at a height of Mathematical great- ly _____ e^,; 1^ HISTORY OP DAXVERS. 219"? ness far above liis contemporaries. His work on prac- tical navigation is the best in the world, and is used universally by American sailors. Difficult Problems, and the abstruse windina;3 of Mathematics were his pas- time, and those calculations which were inscrutable to other men were sport to him.* He died one of the most remarkable vara of his dav, March IGth, 1838, a?!;cd sixty-Uve years. The above is an accurate view of the *TIii.s is not the place r>r an extended notice of one known so well but it is a fact ihat cannot bo loo long dwelt upon, that Dr. Bowditch 220 HISTORY OF DANYERS. house in which he obtained the rudiments of his great- ness, — where he first took note of the silver Regent of Night and her starry flock, and commenced cultivating an acquaintance with those heavenly hosts which he af- terwards knew so well, and to which he seemed so strangely allied. Nathan Read. To Hon. Nathan Read, belongs much credit, for the great encouragement he gave to manufactures and the arts. He was one of the first to test the efficiency of steam applied to Navigation, which he did soon after the astonishing developments of Fitch, Fulton and Livingston, in the commencement of the Nineteenth Century. Fitch was doubtless the first man who ever applied steam to locomotion. Fulton and Livingston in the year 1806, began to experiment, and in the following year they launched their first boat, the Clermont, which performed a passage from Noav York to Albany, at the rate of 5 miles per hour. Read saw that steam might be applied to navigation and actually projected experiments at least ten years before this, but a*lack of means prevented him from proving his pro- phetic opinions. The following will serve to rank Read among the venerable apostles of Science and Industry, of whom our country is justly proud. ^'Memorandum. Li the summer of 1788 I went to assist Mr Nathan Read in keeping his apothecaries was not a mere Theorist. He was a practical man, and tested his conclusions by facts. He navigated Salem Harbor in a small pleas- are boat for the purposG of experiment, and rendered his conclusions susceptible of demonstration. HISTORY OF 17ANVERS. 221 m shop. The following whiter and in the summer of 1789, he was much engaged on Mechanical and Philosophical subjects, particularly in the construction of a steam-en- gine, whose power might be advantageously applied to the propelling of boats and carriages, and in order to ascertain by experiment the effect that float wheels would have upon the boat, I very well remember that he had a light boat built by a Mr. Peirce, to which Avas attached a pair of float wheels to be moved by hand. The experiment was tried in Porter's River in Dan- vers. I was not a witness to it, but was told that it succeeded to his fullest expectations. The boat was afterwards brought back and remained for some time in the back part of the shop. Why the steam w^as not applied, I then did not make enquiry ; and soon after leaving his shop for othar pursuits, I made no further enquiries about it. But have understood it was for the want of a sufficient capital to put it in operation," WM. SHEPARD GRAY." "Salem, Dec. 1816. "I recollect the above facts stated by Mr. Gray and remember to have seen Mr. Read row about the river in the boat ; but could not ascertain the time when the boat was made and used." ''JOHN PRINCE, L. L. D. These facts serve to show that Danvers would have given birth to the steamboat had Mr. Read been bless- ed with a little more worldly wealth. lie now resides in Belfast Me. in a green old age. 19 e/«v» i1 222 HISTORY OF DANVERS. f Hon. Ellas Putnam., waa born in Danvers, June 7tb 1789. He manifested quite early in life those traits of character which afterwards rendered him one of the most distinguished and useful men of North Dan- vers. He invented several machines for the manufac- ture of Shoes, and by his skill and indefatigable indus- try and perseverance, he advanced that business which constitutes the basis of the Prosperity of Danvers. He was President of the Village Bank from its formation until the day of his death. He held many important town offices, and served his fellow-citizens in the capaci- ty of Legislator during the years 1829 — 80. He was also a member of the State Senate. He possessed in an uncommon degree the confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens, and his death was felt by them to be a public loss. He died July 8th, 1817, aged 56 years. The Directors of the Village Bank, on receiving news of his death, passed unanimous resolutions expressive of regret and sympathy, as did the Walnut Grove Cem- etery Corporation, both of which enterprises he befriend- ed and aided, manifesting in this the public spirit which always distinguished him. CHAPTER VIIL ECCLESIASTICAL. I. NORTH PARISH. "The ffarmers," or people of "Salem Village Pre- cinct" and vicinity, had long felt the inconvenience of observing public worship in Salem proper. From time to time, commencing as early as A. D. IGGG, petitions HISTORY OF DANVERS, 223 . I were presented to effect a separation between these and Salem, and the estabUshment of a parish at or near Sa- lem village. In 1G70, the power to form a church was prayed for bj Thomas Small, Lott Kellum, (Kilham,) John Smith, John Buxton, John Wilkins, Jonathan Knight, Phihp Knight, Thomas Flint, Hutchin- son, John Hutchinson, Richard Hutchinson, Job Swin- nerton, Robert Goodalo, Nathaniel Putnam, Thomas Fuller, John Putnam, Bray Wilkins, John Gingill, Na- thaniel Ingersoll and Thomas Putnam. The petition- ers say that they shall become worse than the heathen around them unless they can have a church. The town voted, March 22d, 16T1-2, that '-all ffar- mersthat now are, or hereafter shall be wilUng to joyne together for providing a minister among themselves, whose habitations are above Ipswich Highway, the horse bridsie to the wooden bridoie at the hither end of Mr. Endecott's plaine, and from thence on a west line, shall have liberty to have a minister by themselves, and when they shall provide and pay him in a maintainance that then, they shall be discharged from their part of Salem minister's maintainance, &c." On the 8th of the following October an order was issued from General Court, in answer to the petition of Richard Hutchinson, Thomas Fuller and others, establishing the Salem A^il- lage Parish. The bounds are thus described : " A^illage Line : 1. From the wooden bridge (a) upon the hither end of Mr. Endecott's plaine, upon a strait line over the swampy and miry land, leaving John Felton's hedge in the swamp within our bounds, to a small ash tree marked E. & AY. side at the farther 224 HISTORY OF DANVERS. part of said s\YaiBpy land. 2. The next bound Tree marked on the East and West side is a small young walnut Tree upon the rising ground about 20 or 30 R^ds distant from the ash bofFor m3ntioned, and from thence forward on a strai^i>ht Line are several Trees marked for bounds all the way through Nathaniel Put- nam and Anthony Needham's Lands, leaving Anthony Needham's House about forty Rods within our bounds, to a white oak tree marked neer ye Highway that goes to widow Popes. 3. From thence on a strait Line to a small walnut Tree, marked, standing near that Avhich is now the millpond. 4. From thence over the millpond to a drie stump standing at the corner of widow Pope's Cow Pen, leaving her house and the sawmill within the ffarmer's range. 5. From thence, a Black or Red oak Tree we have marked, standing on the top of ye Hill by the Highway side near Berry pond." JOSEPPI GARDNER, JOHN PICKERING, BARTHOLOMEW GEDNEY. 22d March 16T1-2." There were some of the farmers who desired to'contin- I ue to worship at the first church in Salem, but thougli they petitioned against the request, the village parish was at this time established. The money to- defray all charges, was raised by levying a half penny tax on each acre of uncultivated land within the parish, and a penny on each cultivated acre. It was voted to build a house ^'34 foot in length, 28 foot broad, and 16 foot between joyntes," '^and that tlie 5 part of the rate for building of i^!?«<=rjz.-; HISTORY OF DANVERS. 225 the meeting house and finishing the same, shall be paid in money, or butter at 5d per pound." A portion of the town of Salem did not view this project favorably, and petitioned the Court against it — unsuccessfully. The services of Rev. James Bayley were procured as the first minister of the parish, Oct. 28, 1671 — 2. For the year 1671 — 2 he received £47 and forty cords of wood. In the year following a parsonage was erect- ed "28 foot in length, 13 foot between joynts, 20 foot in breadth ; and a leentoo of 11 foot at the end of the house." The building Committee consisted of Nath'l Patnam, John Putnam, Joseph Hutchinson, Henry Ken- ny, John Buxton, Nath'l Ingersoll and Robert Prince. Mr. Bayley remained at a salary of about £bO until the year 1679. He was born in Newbury Sept. 12th, 1650, and graduated at Cambridge in 1669. Nov. 25th 1680 Rev. George Burroughs was invited to set- tle, and it was voted that he should receive "for his raentenance amongst us for the year ensewing, sixty | pounds In and as mony, one third part in mony cartain, the other two thirds in provision at mony prise as fol- loweth : Rye, and Barly, and malt, at three shillings per bushell : Indian corn at two shillings a bushell, beaf at three half pence a pound, and pork at two pence a pound : Butter at six pence a pound &c." In February 1680 it was voted to build a house for the ministry "42 foot long, 20 foot broad, 13 foot wide, four chimleis, no gable ends." A violent dispute raged at this time between two portions of the parish, which re- sulted in the removal of Mr. Burroughs in 1682. He removed to Falmouth, whence he was driven by Indi- ^- — 226 HISTORY OF DANVERS. ans to Wells, Maine, where he resided until 1692 when he was accused of witchcraft^ and was executed on "Gallows Hill," Salem. See Biography. In 1683 Rev. Deodat Lawson was called as minister. He accepted and took up his residence in Salem Vil- lage in the year following. At this time the house was lathed, plastered and "daubed". Two end galleries were added and a "canapee" was placed over the pul- pit. In 1685 it was voted that Mr. Lawson should have the "strangers money." (b) In the month of June this year a committee was chosen to "seat the house, having respect 1st to age, 2d to office, od to rates." Joseph Hutchinson who gave the land whereon the parsonage was placed, having enclosed the same within a fence and claimed it as his own, a committee was chos- en to act in the matter as they thought proper. In February 1687 a committee was raised to examine the book of records, and "coppie out any enterics that are therein which they conceive have been greevous to any of us in time past, or that may be unprofitable to us in time to come &c." Accordingly several votes were "coppied" out and annulled ; among others one to build a ministry house daring Mr. Bayleys residence. Doubtless this vote relates to the Ions; and serious trou- bles which raged for several years about this time. It is probable, that in the heat of debate and controversy, many injudicious expressions were uttered and record- ed. This act destroyed them, and they no longer re- buked their authors. A large portion of the people opposed Mr. Lawson's HISTORY OF DANVERS. 227 labors, and were unwilling that he should be ordained. At length a council was called to settle the differences, consisting of Messrs. Bartholomew Gednej, John Hath- orne, Wm. Brown Jr., John Higginson and Nicholas Nojes, who recommended the parish to preserve the old book of records, and to repeal such votes as were of- fensive to any one, and thus, have a harmonious ordina- tion. The breach was impassable however, and in 1688, Mr. Lawson removed to Scituate and took charge of the South Society in that place. The following is extracted from the Church Record : "Nov. 30, 1688, Nathaniel Sheldon, well on mon- day, sick tuesday, distracted thursday, and so continued till friday he died." "Dec. 20th, Sam. Wilkins a very naughty man, and died hopelessly." In June 1689, Rev. Samuel Parris was invited to Salem Village and he accepted the call. His salary was to be £j'<}^^ one third money and two thirds provis- ion, — the parish to give more if "God blessed them, and he to abate if they were not favored." Nov. lOth, a church was embodied, comprising besides those in the neighborhood, the following persons from the Ist Church : Bray Wilkins and wife, John Patnam and wife, Nathaniel Ingersoll, Ezekiel Cheever, Peter Pres- cott, John Putnam Jr. and wife, Deliverance Wolcott, Jonathan Putnam and wife, Sarah Putnam, Nathaniel Putnam, Joshua Ray and wife, Thomas Putnam, Ed- ward Patnam, Peter Cloyce, Benjamin Patnam and wife, Henry Wilkins, and Benjamin Wilkins and wife. The vote inviting Mr. Parris is recorded thus : "that 228 HISTORY OF DANVERS. we will give to Mr. Parice our menestrye hotise and farme, and too akers of land next ajoyning to the house : and that Mr. Parice take ofice upon him amongst vs, and Live and dye in the work of the menestrye amongst vs.'* The 1st Parish in Salem was not willing to lose the benefits accruing to it from the people of the vil- lage, and accordingly we find that it compelled them not only to defray their own parish charges, but to as- sist in supporting its minister. In the year 1690, the village asked instructions of the General Court, to know if they must support their own parish, and assist the first parish also. The petitioners were John Putnam Thomas ffaller, ffrancis Nurs, Daniel Andrew, and, Thomas Putnam. This petition they renewed in 1692, to the selectmen of Salem, asking the privilege of reg- ulating their parish alone, ''or elce cleer vs from all town charges, and then we will maintaine all our own poor : and Highways : and paye our county rates with the town of Salem." The following extract from the Church Books in the writing of Mr. Parris will show us that the condi- tion of the minister in ancient times was not always as enviable as we are apt to suppose. "8, Oct. 1691. Being my Lecture day, after pub- lic service was ended, I was so bare of firewood, that I was forced publicly to desire the Lihabitants to take care that I might be provided for, telling them had it not been for Mr. Corwin (who had brought wood, being here at my house,) I should hardly have any to burn." June 28th, 1691,Nath'lLagersoll was chosen first dea- con. Aug. 3d, 1691 the parish ask the Generi^l Court HISTORY OF DANVERS. 229 to issue an order ''compelling the severall fameleyes wliicli line ajacent to vs, and are constant comers to our meating house to be sum wave helpful to vs to main- taine our minister &c." In 1G92 the great witchcraft excitement broke out, and made dreadful havoc in the church. Mr. Parris took so active a part in that awful tragedy, and rendered himself so obnoxious to the people that in 1693 it was proposed to make void his salary, (c.) The feelings of opposition increased against him, until Jane 30th, 1696, when he was obliged to leave his charge. During the heat of the excitement of 16- 92, Mr. Lawson the former minister preached a sermon at Salem Village, applicable to its singular difficulties, which was published, entitled "Christ's fidelity the only shield against Satan's malignity." Mr. Parris resided in the Village about a year after he left his charge. See Biography. After Mr. Piirrls left, unsuccessful attempts were made to settle Rev. Mr. Pemberton and Mr. Bayley, the former minister. Nov. 5th, 1696 was observed as a "day of humiliation to seek direction of the All-wise God consarninci; a minister, and wee desire that the reverend Mr. Haile, Mr. Noice, Mr. Gerrish and Mr. Pairpoint, to be helpfull, ;ned the office of clerk vrhich he had held for 30 years. On the 7th day of December 1821 Mr. Drinkwater was ordained. Dr. Yfadsworth and Rev. Mr. A7alker assisting in the Installation services. In the year 182G, the Legislature empowered the Society to raise its funds by taxing pews, and in the year 1828, the meeting house having become old and inconveni- ent, it was sold to Messrs Benjamin Kent, Arthur Drink- water, Samuel Fowler, Daniel Hardy, and Edward Richardson, for $400. It was removed from the site it had so long occupied, to Danvers Plains, where it is now used as a currier's shop, by Mr. John A. Leroyd. Mr. Drinkwater sundered his connection with the society in June 1829, carrying warm testimonials with him. During the last year of his stay, a church was erected on the old spot, at an expense of about $5000. It was dedicated in the Spring of 1829. In May HISTORY OF DANVERS. 249 f| 1830, Rev, James Barnaby of Amesbuiy, took pasto- ral charge of the church and society, and remamed UQcil 1832, when Rev. John H. Holrojd removed to Danvers and became their pastor. He dissolved his connection in the year 1837, and the Spring following Rev. E. W. Dickenson was elected as his successor. He resigned his charge in one year, and in 1841 Rev. J. II. Avery accepted a call. In tlio year 1842, Hercules H. Josselyn ceased to be clerk, he having faithfully discharged the duties of that office, for a peri- od of twenty years. JMr. Avery severed his relation with his flock in the spring of 1843, imd in July of the same year, Rev. Joseph Y\^. Eaton was settled. Mr. Eaton is the present incumbent. Connected with the society is a church of 120 members, and a Sunday School of 90 scholars. Note. On the morning of Sept. 6th 1847, the Baptist Church was discovered to be on fire, and in spite of the most active exertions it was entirely con- sumed, together with a dwelling house owned by Aaron Eveleth. With the church, a vestry was destroyed, to- gether with most of a S. S. Library, and as there was no insurance, it was a total loss. A house is already projected, and the Society, it is hoped, will speedily recover its former prosperity. The Church and Soci- ety w^orship at present in Citizens' Hall. IV. FIRST UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY. Organized April 22d, 1815, under the title of "First Universal Society." It then consisted of nineteen members from Danvers, and four from Wenham, who de- 250 HISTORY OF DANVERS. clarcd themselves in their Constitution, dissatisfied with "those systems of Divinity which have for their funda- mental article, the eternal misery of the greatest part of mankind." Its first meetings were held in the school house hi District No. 3, where Rev. Hosea Ballon per- formed a third service, during a few summer seasons. Different ministers in the order, held meetings from that time onward, among others, Hon. Charles Hudson, Rev's Walter Balfour, Lemuel Willis and others. The business meetings of the society were held in the school house in District No. 3. In 1830 it consisted of 87 mem- bers from Danvers, Beverly, Middlcton and Wenham. During this year, it began to hold religious meetings in the "Old Baptist Meeting House" at New Mills, where it continued until 1833, when it moved into a new house which it now occupies, built for its use, and dedicated June 28, 1833, at an expense of $3,100,00. The Dedication services were as follows : Introductory Prayer by Rev. Benjamin Whittemore ; Dedicatory Prayer by Rev. Hosea Ballon ; Sermon by Rev. Hosea Ballon 2d. ; Address to the Society by Rev. Lemuel Willis ; Concluding Prayer by Rev. Sebastian Stree- ter. Rev. F. A. Ilodsdon occupied the pulpit from April 1831 to July 1832, Rev. Daniel D. Smith in 1833, and in 1831 Rev. WiUiam H. Knapp became the pastor of the society, which at that time consisted of 101 mem- bers. Rev. Samuel Brimblecom took charge of the society in Dec. 1836, and accomplished a faithful work during his stay. He was succeeded in 1810, by Rev. Asher »*3 HISTORY OF DANVERS. 251 A. Davis, who became very popular in his society, but his health soon failed, and he was obliged to suspend his labors. The society furnished him with the means to visit the West Indies in pursuit of health, and his pulpit was gratuitously supplied by the neighboring societies for six months. During his residence, a Church of GO members was formed. In the winter of 1842 the pul- pit was filled by Rev. D. P. Livermore, and in the spring of 1813 Rev. S. C. Bulkley was settled. He was succeeded in June, IS-l'o, by Rev. J. W. Hanson. 1'he society now numbers about 100 families and the audience numbers about 200 average. It has a Sun- day School of 1-iO members, formed in 1831, and a li- brarv of 600 volumes. Note. The 1st Universalist Society passed a vote of sympathy with the 1st Baptist Society, in consequence of the loss of its House by fire, and offered the Universal- ist Church to the sufferers for purposes of worship. V. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH. Organized January 1st, 1825, "• for the purpose of having a place in the South part of Danvers where an opportunity could be had of hearing sentiments more liberal and congenial with the true spirit of Christianity than is now afforded." It numbered at its commence- ment 33 members. A fine chapel was erected and ded- icated July 26th, 1826. The services of this occasion were : Introductory Prayer by Rev. Mr. Upham of Sa- lem, Reading of Scriptures by Rev. Mr. Colman of Sa- lem ; Prayer by Rev. Dr. Abbott of Beverly ; Sermon i - - _ — - IB m m 252 HISTORY OF DANVERS. by liev. Mr. Brazer of Salem ; Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr. Bartlett of Marbleliead. In April, 1827, a church was formed of 71 memberSj and on the 11th inst. Rev. Charles C. Sewall ^Yas installed as the first pastor. It was an occasion long to be remembered by the So- ciety. Besides the lay delegates, there were no less than 21 clergvmen present, viz : Messrs. Greenwood, Pierpoint and Gannett of Boston ; Flint, Upham, Prince and Brazer of Salem ; White and Lamson of Dedham ; Porter of Roxbury, Abbott of Beverly, Harris of Dor- chester, Bartlett of Marblehead, Green of Lynn, Ran- dall of Sangus, Pierce of Reading, Walker of Charles- town, Sanger of Dover, Flagg of Roxbury, Ripley of Waltham, and Stetson of Medford. The services were performed by Messrs. Bartlett, Green, Lamson, White, Flint, Upham and Brazer. Mr. Sewall was born in Marblehead May 10, 1802. In the year 1829 a sweet- toned bell was placed on the church. It has a fine or- gan presented by l^lessrs. Sutton. Mr. Sewall remained, faithfully discharging his arduous duties, and charming his friends by the benevolence and evangelical zeal which always distinguished his career, until the Summer of 1811, when he resigned his charge. His loss was deeply felt, and it was not until February 1843 that Rev. Andrew Bigelow, D. D. was installed as his suc- cessor. The services were as follows : Prayer by Rev. Mr. Thayer of Beverly ; Reading of Scriptures by Rev. Mr. Waite of Gloucester ; Sermon by Rev. Mr, Lothrop of Boston ; Prayer by Be v. Dr. Flint of Sa- lem; Charge by Rev. Mr. Bartlett of Marblehead; Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr. Ellis of Charles- \ —~- — ^ — ' -=-~'m HISTORY OF UANVERS. 253 f town ; Address to the Society by Rev. Mr. Barrett of Boston ; Concluding Prayer by the late pastor. Against the expressed regrets of his society, Dr. Bigelow resigned his charge in the spring of 1845, and was succeeded by Rev. Frank P. Appleton, who was settled January 11th, 1816. The ordaining services were : Prayer by Rev. Mr. Thompson ; Selection of Scriptures by Rev. Mr. Allen ; Sermon by Rev. Mr. Hall ; Prayer by Dr. Flint ; Charge by Dr. Gannet ; I Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr. Withington ; Address to the society by Rev. Mr. Sargent ; Conclu- ding Prayer by Rev. Mr. Bartlett. The Communion is free. The Sunday School numbers TO scholars and owns 450 books, (l.) VI. FIRST METHODIST SOCIETY. In July 1830, Amos Walton established a prayer meeting and Sunday school in Harmony Yillage, in connection with the South Street ]Mcthodist Episcopal Church in Lynn. In the year 1833 a class was or- ganized, which met for a while in Goodridge's Hall, and subsequently in Armory Hall. In July 1839, Mr. Walton commenced preaching in Armory Hall, — the society at this time numbering 23 persons. In 1810 he was appointed by the Conference at Lowell, as min- ister for Danvers, and in October of the same year, a Chapel was purchased of the 2d Congregationalist So- ciety. In 1842 Rev. Daniel Webb was appointed to locate at Danvers. In 1843 Dr. H. G. Barras became min- j ister of the Societv. Rev. Amos Binney succeeded m . " i " ^ " ■ -^ "11 254 HISTORY OF DANVERS. I him in the following year. Rev. Reuben Ransom was his successor, and in 1845 Rev. I. G. P. Colljer was stationed over the society. These gentlemen are all of the New England Conference. During the administra- tion of Mr. Colljer, a beautiful Vestry was added to the basement of the Church, at an expense of e^750,00. The Church consists of 100 members, and there is a Sunday School attached with about 60 scholars, and a library of 100 volumes. The society now occupies its second house which was purchased in 1843. Within a short time Mr. Collyer has been succeeded by Rev. Z. A. Mudge. VIL SECOND UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY. In January 1832, there was a paper drawn up in the South parish, setting forth, that there was a large num- ber of persons belonging to the parish, and in its vicin- ity, "who are believers in God's impartial love and goodness towards all mankind, who are under the ne- cessity of travelling a great distance to attend public worship, or go to meeting where they cannot be satis- fied." This paper called upon all who were willing to embark in the enterprise of erecting a Universalis t Meeting House in the South Parish, to agree to take a certain number of shares in the said house. People in Danvers, Salem, and Lynnfield, subscribed a sufficient sum to build. On the 26th day of the following March a society was formed, consisting of 47 members. The first regular meeting was held on the 6th day of the next month. During the year 1832 a beautiful temple was erected fi HISTORY OF DANVERS. 255 at a cost of $4000,00. On the lOtli of the January following, it was publicly dedicated to the worship of God, as follows : Introductory Prayer by Rev. L. Wil- lis of Salem ; Reading of Scriptures by Rqv. T. Whit- temore of Cambridgeport ; Dedicatory Prayer by Rev. S. Cobb of Maiden ; Sermon by Rev. John Moore of Lebanon, N. H. ; Concluding Prayer by Rev. L. S. Everett of Charlestown. Rev. John Moore of Lebanon, N. H., accepted an invitation to take pastoral charge of the Society in Feb- ruary 1833, and he was installed on the 4th day of the following April. Sermon by Rev. T. Jones, and the other services by Rev. Messrs. J. C. Waldo, L. S. Ev- erett, B. B. Murray, and L. Willis. Mr. Moore re- signed his charge in January 1834, and Rev. T. B. Thayer of Lowell was iavifced as his successor, which call he declined. Then Rev. J. M. Austin was invited, and installed April 29th, 1835. The Installation Ser- mon was pronounced by Rev. S. Cobb of Maiden, and the proper services were performed by Rev. Messrs. L. Willis, I. Brown, J. C. Waldo, and W. H. Knapp. In 1842 the Society consisted of b6 members. In 1843 galleries wore added to the house at an expense of about §400,00. In August 1844, after a faithful ministry of about ten years, Mr. Austin resigned his charge. Several very complimentary resolutions were passed, and his loss was universally regretted. The next (and present) pastor was Rev. John Prince, who was installed January loth, 1845. Sermon by Rev. T. B. Thayer, and the other services by Rev. Messrs, J. Nichols, D.K. Lee, A. Peck, S. C. Bulkley, 256 HISTORY OF DANVERS. ■ J. G. Adams and W. G. Cambridge. Mr. Prince is au- I thor of a poetical volume entitled " Rural Lays and Sketches," and also of a Theological Work, called "Lectures on the Bible." The church numbers 60 members, and there is a Sunday School of about 100 children, and a library of 500 volumes. VIII. THE COMEOUTERS. This religious party commenced its existence about the year 18-10. From a very interesting sketch by Mr. William Endicott the following extracts are made : "A portion of the people of the country saw that the influ- ences of the Slave system w^ere vroven into the texture of society. It was believed that the politics of the State, the Eeligion of the Church, and even the social circle, '^^ere contaminated by this enormous evil. It was considered by a portion of the Abolitionists, (in or- der to produce the destruction of Slavery,) necessary to purge the Church first, as it was ascertained that the Church sustained an intimate relation to Slavery. Ac- cordingly, agreeable to the sacred precept : " Come out of her my people, and be not partakers of her sins," they felt it their duty to withdraw all connection from those religious bodies, which did not sever themselves from the sin of supporting Shivery. As this passage of Scripture was made their watchword, they were soon designated by its leading words : Comeouters. " Though they diflfer in many points, their bond of union lies in this : Tlie Immediate Abolition of Amer- ican Slavery. As they spared no sect in their exam- inations and reproofs, they soon became obnoxious, and ■zJ^^ ^K»' HISTORY OP DAN VERS. 257 the churches were closed upon them ; but they contin- ued to assemble as they had opportunity. Each theo- logical doctrine, — each mode of ecclesiastical action was commented upon with unrestrained freedom. Some were so daring as to enter churches, and speak during religious services. In some instances^^ they were visited by the law." The Comeouters in Danvers number about 40, and are distinguished for their bold opposition to their ideas of wrong, and for being faithful adherents to the Truth, as they understand it. IX. SECOND BAPTIST SOCIETY. Previous to the legal incorporation of this Society, it was temporarily organized, and held meetings in Armory Hall, South Danvers. Its first meeting was February 22d, 1843, and on December 5th of the same year. Rev. Phineas Stowe was settled as Pastor of the Soci- ety, and remained as such until May 9, 1845. In the Spring of 1843, a neat Chapel was erected, 65 by 32 ffc.5 and publicly dedicated June 15th, 1843 ; Rev. Messrs. Banvard, Anderson and Carlton assisting in the services. In August, 1844, the Society was incor- porated, consisting at that time of 31 members. Rev. John G. Richardson took pastoral charge of the Society January 25th, 1846. Mr. Richardson has resigned his charge, and removed to Lawrence. A church was orga,nized at the commencement, con- sisting of 27 members, which number has since been in- creased to 52. A Sunday School is attached to the So- ciety, having 36 children, and a library of 200 volumes. 22 258 HISTORY OF DANVERS. X. THIRD CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY. Organized in March, 1844. The first meetings were held in the School House, in District No. 13, where Rev. Loren Thayer preached from August 1844, until the completion of the Church, which was dedicated January 22d, 1845. Introductory Prayer by Rev. A. McLoud ; Reading of Scriptures by Rev. G. T. Dole ; Sermon by Rev. Loren Thayer ; Dedicatory Prayer by Rev. Alexander J. Sessions ; Concluding Prayer by Rev. Thomas P. Fields. This church is the most ele- gant in ^STorth Danvers. It is large and commodious, purely white, surmounted by a lofty spire, with a clear- toned bell. The Society was incorporated in March, 1845, and in May of the same year, Rev. F. A. Bar- ton declined a unanimous invitation to take the pastoral charge. Rev. Richard Tolman was installed pastor, September 17th, 1845. The order of exercises was as follows : Sermon by Rev. E. N. Kirk ; Ordaining Prayer by Rev. Dr. John Codman ; Charge by Rev. L. Withington ; Right hand of Fellowship by Rev. Thomas P. Fields ; Address to the Society by Rev. Mr. Pickett. There are about one hundred male mem- j bers of the Society. Connected therewith, is a Church numbering 45 members, and a Sunday School of 50 children, with a library of 233 volumes. Mr. Tolman has published a Sermon against the Mexican War, de- livered July 4th, 1847. XT. WESLEYAN SOCIETY. This Society was formed in the year 1846, and in the ii summer of that year, it held a series of meetings in the | fet^ HISTORY OF DANVERS. 259 jj Pine Woods, near Walnut Grove. A neat house, called the Weslejan Chapel, was publicly dedicated, Dec. 30th 18-i7, in the following Order: Prayer by Eev. R. Tolman ; Sermon and Dedicatory Prayer by Rev. Dan- iel Hardy. The Pastor is Rev. Edward A. Stock- man. XII. QUAKCRS. This peaceful sect numbers about thirty families in this town, whose members are distinguished for their pious principle, and purity of speech and life. They date their existence in this vicinity from an early period, and can look into an eventful history. Up and down the very streets where now the charity and freedom of a better day spread a broad shield above them, their ancestors were scourged, and driven out of the colony, into dark retreats, or incarcerated in gloomy cells, by those who, though they were expatriated by perse- cution, had not themselves a religion which breathed through them, forbearance and love. The ballad of Cassandra Southwick, herself an ancestress of those who now bear that name^ by the Quaker Poet, John G. Whittier, reveals not only the fiendish spirit which spur- red the fanatic on in his persecuting' career against the peaceful Quaker, but it also shows the heroic fortitude with which all such unmerited assaults were received. As the scenes narrated occurred in our midst, and as the name of the female martyr is still borne by some of our citizens, it may be interesting; to find it here. She was the daughter of Lawrence and Cassandra South- wick, who were banished to the East end of Long 260 HISTORY OF DANVBRS. Island, where they both died about the year 1660, "with- in three days of each other. The youthful heroine was imprisoned, and not being able to pay the jail fees, an effort was made to sell her into slavery. The poem ex- plains the success with which the stern Endicott and Rawson met. THE BALLAD OF CASSANDRA SOUTHWICR. To the God of all sure mercies let my blessing rise to-day, From the scoffer and the cruel he hath plucked the spoil away, — Yea, He who cooled the furnace around the fiilhful three. And tamed the Clialdean lions, hath set his liandniaid free ! Last nii^'ht I saw the sunset melt through my prison bars. Last night across my damp earth-floor fell the pale gleam of stars; In the coldness and the darkness all through the long night time, Bly grated casement whitened with Autumn's early rime. Alone, in that dark sorrow, hour after hour crept by; Star after star looked palely in and sank adown the sky; No sound amid night's silliness, save that which seemed to be The dull and heavy beating of the pulses vf the sea; A!' night 1 sat nnsleeping, for I knew lint on the morrow The ruler and the cruel priest would mock me in my sorrow. Dragged to their place of market, and bargained for and sold. Like a lamb before the shambles, like a heifer from the fold ! Oh, the we.ikn.'ssof the flesh was there — the shrinking and the shame; And the low voice of the Tempter like whispers to mo came : "Why sit'st thou thus forlornly!'' the wicked murmur said, "Damp walls thy bovver of beauty, cold earth thy maiden bed ?" "Where be the smiling faces and voices soft and sweet, Seen m thy father's dwelling, heard in tlie pleasant street? Whero be the youths, whose glances the summer Sabbath through Turned tenderly and timidly unto thy fither's pew ? ; HISTORY OF DANVERS. 261 : '-Why sii'st thou here, Cassandra ? — Bethink thee with what mirih I Thy happ\' s:hoohiintes gather around the warm bright hearth; ' How the crimson shadows tremble, on foreheads white and fair, On eyes of merry girlhood, half hid in golden hair. I Not for thee the hearth-fire brightens, not for thee kind words are j spoken, : Not for tliee the nuts of Wcnharn woods by laughing boys are broken, ; No first-fruits of the orch.ird within thy lap are laid. j For thee no flowers of Autumn the youthful hunters braiJ. ! '*0h ! weak, deluded maiden ! — by crazy fancies led, With wild and raving railers an evil path to tread; ' To leave a whole.^ome worship, and teaching pure and sound; ' And mate with maniac women, loose-haired and sackcloh-bound. "Mad scoffers of the priesthood, who mock at things divine, Who rail against the pulpit, and holy bread and wine ; Sore from their c irt-tail scourgings, and from the pillory lame, ' Rejoicing in their wretchedness, and glorying in their shame. ; "And v^'hat a fite awaits thee ? — a sadly toiling slave, Dragging the slowly lengthening ch.iin of bondage lo the grave ! Thi'ik of thy woman's nature, subdued in hopeless thrall, : The easy prey of any, the scoff and scorn of ail I" Oh ! — ever as the Tempter spoke, and feeble Nature's fears I Wrung drop by drop the scaldmg flow of unavailing tears, I I wrestled down the evil thoughts, and strove in silent prayer, j To feel, oh. Helper of the weak ! — that thou indeed werl there ! I thoagfit of P.inl and Silas, within Philippi's cell, ^ And how from Peter's sleeping limbs the prison shackles ftjll, Till i seemed to hear the trailing of an angel's robe of white, ; And to feel a blessed presence invisible to sight. { Bless the Lord for all His merc'es ! — for the peace and love I felt, i Like dew of Hermon's holy hill, upon my spirit melt ; When, "Get behind me, Satan !" was the language of my heart, j And I felt the Evil Tempter with all his doubts depart. \\ SJfe M^ 262 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Slow broke the gray cold morning ; again the sunshine fell, Flecked with the shade of bar and grr.te within tny lonely cell ; The hoar frost melted on the wall, and upward from the street Came careless laugh and idle word, and tiead of passing feet. At length the heavy bolts fell back, my door was open cast. And slowly at the sheriff's side, up the long street I passed ; I heard the murmur round me, and felt, but dared not see, How, from every door and window, the people gazed on me. ^■^nd doubt and fear fell on me, shame burned upon my cheek, Swam earth and sky around me, my trembling limbs grew weak : '•Oh, Lord ! support thy handmaid ; and from her soul cast out The fear of m.an, which brings a snare — the weakness and the doubt." Then the dreary shadows scattered like a cloud in morning's breeze And a low deep voice within me seemed whispering words like these; "Though (by earth be as the iron, and thy heaven a brazen wall, Trust still His loving kindness whose power is over all. We paused at length, where at my feet the sunlit waters broke On glaring reach of sihining beach, and shingly wail of rock ; The merchant-ships lay idly there, in hard clear bn'^^ on h gh, 1'racing with rope and .slender spar their net-work on tiiesky. And there were ancient citizens, cloak-wrr.pped and grave and cold, And grinj and stout sea-captains with faces bronzed and old, And (in his horse, with Ilawson, his cruel clerk at h:ind, Sit dark and hiugiity Endicolt, the ruler of the land. And poisoning with his evil words the ruler's ready ear, 1 he priest le med o'er his saddle, with laugh and scoff and jeer ; It stirred my soul, and from my lips the seal of silence broke, As if throiigh woman's weakness a warning spirit spoke. I cried, "The Lord rebuke thee, thou sniiter of the meek. Thou roliber of ilie righteous, thou trampler of the weak ! Co light the dark, cold hearth-stones— go turn the prison look Of the poor hearts ihou hast hunted, thou wolf amid the flock !" Dark lowered the brows of Endicott, and with a deeper red O'er K.-wson's vvine-jiiipurpled cheek the flush of anger spread ; ik» HISTORY OF r>ANVERS. 263 "Good people," quoth the white-lipped priest, "heed not her words 60 wild, Her Master speaks within her — the Devil owns his child I" But gray heads shook, and young brows knit, the while the sheriff read That law the wicked rulers against the poor have made, Who to their house of llimmon and idol priesthood bring No bended knee of worship, nor gainful offering. Then to the stout s'^a-c.iptains the sheriff turning said : Which of ye, worthy seamen will take this Quaker maid? In the Isle of fiir Barbadoes, or on Virgmia's shore. You may hold her at a higher price than Indian girl or Moor." Grim and silent stood the captains ; and when again he cried, "Sp'ak out, my worthy seamen !" — no voice or sign replied ; But I felt a hard hand press my own, and kind words met my ear : "God bless thee, and preserve thee, my gentle girl and dear !" A weight seemed lifted from my heart, — a pitying friend wasni'^h, I felt it in his hard, rough hand, and saw it in his eye ; And when again the sheriffspoke, that voice, ao kind to me. Growled back its stormy answer like the roaring of the sea . "Pile my ship with bars of s'lver — pack with coins of Spanish gold. From keel-piece up to deck-plank, the roomage of her hold, By the living God who made me ! — I would sooner in your bay Sink ^hip and crew and cargo, thon bear this child away '" " Well answered, worthy captain, shame on their cruel laws 1" Ran through the crowd in inurniurs loud the people's just applause. "Like the herdsman of "^I'ekoji, in Israel of old. Shall we see the poor and righteous again for silver sold?" 1 looked on haughty Endicott ; with weapon hilf way drawn. Swept round the throng his lion glare of bitter hate and scorn ; Fiercely he drew his bridle rein, and turned in silence buck. And siieering priest and baffled clerk rode murmuring m his track. Hard after them the sh'M-ifflooked, in bitterness of soul ! Thrice smote h s siafTnpon the ground, and crushed his parchment roll. J^ '264 HISTORY OF DAN VERS. " Good friends," he said, " since both h;ive fled, the ruler and the priest. Judge ye, if from their further work I be not well released," Loud was the cheer which full and clear, swept round the silent bay, As, with kind words and kinder looks, he bnde me go my way ; For He who turns the courses of the streamlet of the glen, And the river of great w.iters, had turned iha hearts of men. Oh, at that hour the very earth seemed ch:inged beneath my eye, A holier wonder round me rose the blue walls of the &ky, A lovelier light on rock and hill, and stream and woodland lay, And softer lapsed on sunnier sands the waters of the bay. Thanksgiving to the Lord of life ! — to Him all praises be. Who from the hands of evil tobu hath set his handmaid free ; All praise to Him before whose power the mighty are afraid. Who takes the erafty in the suaro, which for the poor is laid. Sing, oh, my soul, rejoicingly, on evening's twilight calm Uplift the loud thanUsgivi..g— pour foith the grateful psalm ; Let all dear hearts with me rejoice, as did the saints of old, When of the Lord's good angel the rescued Peter told. And weep and howl, ye evil priests and mighty men of wrong, The Lord shall smite the proud and lay His hand i^pon the strong. Wo to the wicked rulers in His avenging hour ! Wo to the wolves who seek the flucks to raven and devour : But let the humble ones arise. — the poor in heart be glad, And let the mourning ones again with robes of praise be clad. For He who cooled the furnace, and sniootheil the stormy wave. And tamed the Chaldean lio;is, is mighty .still to save I Note. — In these Ecclesiastical sketches there is ne- cessarily imperfection. The North and South Parishes have both lost a book of records, and those that remain are not full in particulars. Could the room have been afforded, an interesting volume might have been com- piled, comprising nothing but the History of the Village Church. m HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 265 NOTES TO CHAPTER VIIL (a.) The wooden bridge here referred to, crosses Waters' river at the head of tide-water; the other bounds with the exception of "Widow Pope's cowpen" Mil! be recognised. (b.) There was formerly a box at the door of each church, into which strangers were accustomed to drop some contribution whenever tljey attended church in a strange place. Rev. Mr. Bacon gives a description of the mode of worship among the pilgrims: "Every Sabbath they came together at the beat of drum about 9 o'clock or before. The pastor began with solemn prayer, continuing about a quarter of an hour. The teacher then read and expounded a chapter. Then a psalm was sang, the hnes being given out by the ruling elder. After that the pastor, delivered his sermon, not written out in full, but from notes enlaiged upon in speaking. In this church at an early period it was customary for the congregation to rise while the preacher read his text After the sermon, the teach- er concluded with a prayer and a blessing. The Lord's Supper once each month. In the afternoon the assembly met at two o'clock. Prayer, psalm, prayer, sermon, prayer, hymn, prayer. Then baptism if necessary, and exhortation to pfircnis and church. Then contribution — deacon rising and saying: "Brethren of the congregation, now there is time left for contribution; therefore as God has prospered you, so offer free- ly." First magistrates, principal gentlemen, then elders, then the congreiiation generally came up to the deacon's seat, by one way and returned by another. Each contributed something. After this^ admission.or church discipline was attended tO; then psalm, prayer and blessing." The following extract from a work written by Thomas Maule and published in 1692, reveals a practice of our ancestors, which was cer- tainly unique, and doubtless effectual. "In ihe church of Salem, tiie women in times of service, have their faces covered with a vail, which practice did not many years con- tinue, and when this practice was laid aside, they had fur the more order in their church to keep people from sleeping, a man that wholy tended wiih a short clubbed stick, having at one end a knop, at the other a fox-tail, with which he would stroke the women's faces, that 266 HISTORY OF DANVERS. were drowsy to sleep, and witli the other end would knock unruly dogs and men that were asleep." (c.) The long nnd serious troubles which raged from this time be- t A'een pastor and people need but to be mentioned. They were often characterized by rage and spiteful malice, and resulted in the discharge of Mr. Parris, and almost in the ruin of his church. Tliese troubles hastened the tragedy of '92 The parish refused to levy rates for two years, the church was out of repair, and the parish would not repair it, — the church and the parish did not act in harmony, and the church itself was divided. In the year 1695 there were 105 persons in favor of Mr. Parris and 84 who opposed him . These probably comprised all the men and women in the parish, and it is enough to say that their quarrel was conelucted as bittorly as theological quarrels usually are. John Tarbell, Peter Cloyce and Samuel Nurse stood constantly aloof from the wild excitement, and led off a number of more timid spirits *n opposition to Parris and his plans. They offered complaints against jheir minister, and did not hesitate to absent themselves from the com- munion, and pronounce their disapprobntion of the Church. They | were in turn comploined of, but they managed their case with singu- lar adroitness, and succeeded in ousiing their Spiritual Guide. Par- I ris sought to bring the three mutinous spirits before the church, and | thus place them in the capacity of culprits, — while they sought to place | him at the bar. They effected their ends in his dimissal. To their j charges Mr. Parris replied in "Meditations for Peace," read Nov. '. 26th 1694. It is impossible to follow this vvrangle through. The fol- ! ly and wickedness of Parris were at last revealed to the majority of j the church, and he was driven away in disgrace from the town. A | Council was called April 3d 1695, of which Increase Mather was ! n)oderat<;'r, which recommended tjie Dissenters to accept the ackowl- I edgements made by Mr. P. and let the matter rest thus. May 3d 16- , 95, a paper was signed by sixteen young men, fifty-two householders^ I and eighteen church members, con)prizing the entire opposition to i Parris, asking another hearing, — a different decision. They wanted j Parris to leave. This call was replied to by theCouncil, who reeom- | mended that the connection should be dissolved. Mr. P. replied to this classical letter as he derisively termed it, and procured the names of fifty-two church members, and fifty three householders who desired him to remain. Thus there were one hundred and five persons de- m s HISTORY OF DANVERS. 267 il termined to retain Mr. Parris, and eighty-six who were equally de- termined to be rid of him. May 20ih 1695; ihe entire village was in a ptorm of excitement. In this stage of affiiirs Mr. Parris received a call from Suffield, but as the church voted almost unanimously for hi(n to remain, he declined the invitition. Mr. Parris's friends seem to have been as firmly attached to hitn as his enemies were opposed to him. In 1696, Mr. Parris ex- pressed a desire to leave the village, if he was satisfied that he stood in the way of its interests, anrl accordingly he accepted of severa) offers from the parish, and withdrew from iis charge. He remained until he received his arrorus when he left the town. (d.) Cromwell's rock was near the Reading boundary, and Crom- well's brook was the name of a small stream which crosses Reading road and empties into Ipswich river. (e.) "For it haih been declared unto me of yon, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you." From 1681 to 1332 there were seventeen deacons of the First Churchj thirteen of whom bore the name of Putnam. (f.) It was defined by General Court as beginning '«at the t^reatj Cove in Norih field, running directly to Trask's Crist Mill inclusive- thence ?,traight to the milestone on the road fiom Salem meetincr house to Lynn by Lyndsey's, and then along the Line between Salem and Lynn northward til! it come to Salem Village line, thenco to Frostfish river, thence by salt water to the great cove first men- tioned." (G.) The following peisous were dismissed in 1713 from the First Church in Salem, to f.irm a Church in the Middle Precinct : Samuel, Abel and John Gardner, Sam'l Goldtbwaite, Samuel Goldth- waite, 2d, Eliezer Gyles, Alex. Shafliin, Mary Tomkins, Eliz. To/iikins, Susannah Daniels, Sarah Gardner, Eliz. Gardner, Elis. Gyles, Abraham Pierce, John Foster, David Foster, Jno. Felton, I William King, Richard Waters, Hannah Small, Eliz. Very, Martha j Adams, Isabel Pierce, Hannah Felion, Deborah Goold, Robert Peas, I Hannah King, Eliz. King, Judalh Rlclntire, Elis. Nurse, Sarah Rob- inson, Hannah Southwick, Sarah Waters, Elis. Waters, Eliz. Cook, Ml , J 268 HISTORY or danvers. Hannah Foster, Abigail French, Elis. Goldthwaite, Hannah Gold, thwaite, Jemima Very. (h.) a very curious letter, purporting to have been received by a resident of Ipswich, from Lawrence Connnt, a member of the Ordain- ing Council from Boston, pretends to give an account of this ordina- tion. This letter was a hoax, cunningly devised by Fitch Poole Esq., and created no small slir on its appearance in 1836, among antiquari- rians. Some slight anachronisms were detected b^; Di. Alex. Young of Boston; which proved the author to be a modern. (i.) The Old South was at ihistime widened by sawing it length- wise, spreading it, and filling the intervening space. Subsequently it was lengthened by sawing it crosswise. (J.) The following "Lament of the Bats inhabiting the Old South," is w'orthy of preservation, not only on account of the rem- iniscences it calls up, but also on account of its literary excellence. Some verses are quite equal to those of tha author Mr. Poole imi- tated. Aald time-worn housie I Thee we mourn Where ev'ry son of us was born, Thou soon must fill, in fragments torn, And gae to ruin ; And we must gang and stray forlorn, Or seek a new one. We meurn thy wa's, we mourn thy tovv'r. Thy crannies dark, where niony an hour Our bairns hae slunk from sunlight glovv'r, To gae a sleep in ; Far better than in sylvan bovver Their slumbers keepin'. We mourn thy neuks, wi' grief an' pain, For while around ihy ancient vane, In spite alike of win' and rain. We blithsame flevp; 'Tis there our weary banes ha' lain, All hid from view. HISTORY OF DANVERS. 269 'A We mourn thy roof vvi' tearfu' eyes, Thy gude old beams that lofty rise, Thy chandeliers, in ancient guise. Thy towerin' steeple; We mourn thy bell in heartfelt sighs, But not thy people. The wee bit bell, when ye were young, On Stacy's barn where first 'twas hung, In merry peals was often rung, Till on the tower The younkers thrice took off the tongue In midnight hour. They got thee then a bigger bell, And sure we know they rang it well. Disturbing us as weel's thenisel. By sic a racket. Till at a fire they rang pell mell, And then did crack it. We ken the times o' gude Queen Anne, When Frescolt here, gjde pious man. Did in thy auld oak pulpil stan'. The people teachin';' And Parson Holt we used to scan When he was preachin'. Anither light in auld lang syne At thy auld altar then did shine, Wi' graceful mien and language fine, A friend indeed, A gude old-fashioned sleek Divine Was Parson Mead. We ken the time in Georgie^s reign, When Danvers' sons, in battle slain. So nobly fell wiihout a stain. At Concord fight; Alang thy aisles were ghastly lain. An awfu' sight ! 23 270 HISTORY OF DANVERS. We ken the times of ghaists and witehes, When grannies saw them eross the ditches In cock'd up hats and leathern breeches, An' a' sic daffin; To see them now preserved in niches, Ye'd dee a laughing. Town IMeetings then sae grave and trig, Wi' Moderator fat and big, Wi' einpty skull beneath a wig, A winsome swell, Here chose the power to rule the pig, And they themsel'. And then we saw, in times of yore, (We trow it was in '74,) They rais'd ye're rpire and lofty tower. And weathercock; Here Whitredge fell and rose na more From sic a shock. Come brither bats, an' drap a tear, Your ancient housie douce and dear Can scarce survive the passing year. But proudly fall ! Your home, alas ! be murk an' drear. An' ruin'd all ! (k.) Mr. Chaplin was one of those men of true modesty and real worth so often unappreciated in tliis world. Although a man of un- common learning and talents, he could not obtain a support ia Dan- vers. and undoubtedly came near suffering hunger and cold oftcner than any man ought. He remained as pastor for whatever his Society would give him, and was too meek and quiet to complain. Some tiujes he was seen carrying a mass of wet frozen tan, for fuel, or pa- tiently catching hisdinner from Liberty Bridge. At length, when his brethren founded the college in Waterville, and wished a president, they surveyed the denon.ination, and could find no man qualified as was— Jeremiah Chaplin. HISTORY OF DANVERS. 271* '1 (l.) Although the Unitarian Church was incorporated under the name of the First Uni'arian Church, yet ^h•. Sewall informs me that he always held a seat in the Councils of the Congregationalists of the Stale, as a delegate from the Third Congreguional Society rn Dan- vers, and his claim was never questioned. The aames of ihe Socie- ties however are given in this work as incorporated. CHAPTER IX. / u< •Salem Witchcraft" is a phrase familiar to the ears of all classes in this country ; a marvel to the ig- norant, and an inexplicable enigma to the learned. The prefix Salem would indicate that this extraordinary delusion had its origin in that city, wiiich is not true. There were many hundreds of cases that occurred in Europe, (a.) as well as in our own country, before the outbreak at Salem Village. The first public trial in the Colonies, was in Springfield, Massachusetts, fortj'-seven years before t'ae cases occurred in Danvers, or as it was then called Salem Village, — where several persons were accused of witchcraft, and acquitted. A few years afterward there were three persons executed in Connecticut, and from that time onward to the year 1692, there were many persons tried, some of Avhom were executed, in Charlesbnvn, Springfield, Dorchester, Cambridge, Boston, New Haven, and Portsmouth. In the year 1692 that strange infatuation took posses- sion of the minds of the people of Salem Village. And it does not appear very wonderful to the philosophic mind, that at this time, and among the peculiar people who were the early settlers of this country, this delu- is 272 HISTORY OF DANVERS. sion should prevail. The remembrance of the dark and sombre views of God and Man and Nature, >Yhich then universally obtained, and of the belief that there was constantly an open or a secret communication between the Human Soul and the Unseen Powers of Evil, un- ravels the mystery, and solves the dark problem. As a result of these views^ it was universally believed by the learned and ignorant, that there were certain per- sons called witches, who had "made an actual, deliber- ate and formal compact with Satan, by which compact it was agreed that she should become his faithful sub- ject, and do what she could in promoting his cause. Thus a witch was considered a person who had trans- ferred allegiance and worship from God to the Devil. She had the power of afflicting, distressing, and rending whomsoever she w^ould. She could cause them to pine away, and to sufPar almost every description of pain and distress. Indeed an almost indefinite amount of super- natural ability, and a great freedom and varietj^ of methods for its exercise were supposed to result from the diabolical compact. Those upon whom she thus exer- cised her malignant and mysterious energies, w^ere said to be bewitched." C. W. Uj^ham. Persons of eith- er sex were supposed capable of this infernal conduct. In the month of February 1692, Elizabeth Parris, the daughter of Samuel Parris, and Abigail Williams his niece, the one aged nine, and the other twelve years, began to alarm the household by the most aston- ishing conduct. "They would creep into holes and un- der benches and chairs, put themselves into odd pos- tures, make antic gestures and uncouth visages, and HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 273 utter loud outcries, and ridiculous, incoherent, and un- intelligible expressions, and that too in all places, ex- cept in the church." The family sought in vain to ex- plain the matter, and at length Dr. Griggs, the physi- cian ^Yho was consulted, declared he could do nothing for them, and pronounced them bewitched. On this hint, Mary Sibly, made experiments to discover the witches, (b.) Soon after, Ann Putnam began to be similarly affect- ed with Abi^iail Williams, and the attention of the whole community became riveted to these persons, and they vainly sought the cause of their afflictions. At length Superstition, unattended by becoming Modesty and Hu- mility, crei)t in, and whispered that Satan and his minis- ters, angry with the Puritans for their piety and faith- fulness, were rallying in all their strength to work evil and misery among the ill-fated exiles. No sooner did this idea take possession of the people, than a frenzied rage seemed to actuate them. The chil- dren were commanded to declare who their tormentors were, and Mr. Parris compelled Elizabeth, to an accu- sation. Fear drove them to charge the cause upon some one, in order to divert attention from themselves. The first accusation was against Tituba, an Indian woman, who was a servant in the family of ]\Ir. Parris. She had formerly been a slave in New Spain, and when ar- rested and searched, the marks on ber body produced by the sting of the Spaniard's whip, were said to be made by the Devil. When she was confronted with her accusers, they cried out that she pinched and bit them, and they fell down in spasms. When accused, she con- H 274 HISTORY OF DANVERS. fcssed that she was a witch, and although this may seem surprising, yet when we read the history of those times, and learn how those arrested were tortured to oblige them to confess, and on the other hand, how those who confessed were suffered to live, while those who assert- ed their innocence were executed, the marvel will vanish. During the month of March following, Martha Cory and Hebecca Nurse were also complained of, and wlien they approached the presence of their accusers, they cried out upon them for pinching, biting and torturing them. The accused denied all, but were sent to pris- on, (c.) together with Dorothy a little child of Sa- rah Good, aged only six years, who was said to be a witch, and by her apparition to bite the girls ! The next Sunday after this imprisonment, Mr. Par- ris took for his text ''Have not I chosen you tAvelve, and one of you is a devil?" Sarah Cloyce, feeling that Rebecca Nurse, her sister, was alluded to in the ser- mon, left the church in indignation, and was immedi- ately complained of, and imprisoned. The following record stands in the Village church book: ''May 1692, Dan. Wilkins bewitched to death, 29, daughter to Ann Douglass by witchcraft I doubt not." S. V. At this time the terrible Storm arose to its height, and tlie clergy, (d.) who ought to have stilled the tempest, were presiding demons, seeming to rejoice in the moral war of elements. Rev. Messrs. Mather of Boston, (e.) Noyes of Salem, and Pan is of Salem Village, were constantly busy, instigating prosecution, and spur- ring on their fellow citizens to the work of death. Peo- j| m ^-^ -_.=========^^ HISTOEY OF DANVERS. 275 pie dared not sympathise with the accused lest they should be ranked with them, and thus, actuated by a desire of self-preservation, all men became accusers, and joined in the fierce uproar. In all the trials, lead- ing questions were put by the clergy and magistrates, and a shameful ingenuity sought to entrap and ruin. Elizabeth, Abigail and Ann were carried to Andover, were they accused Mary Osgood, Mary Tiler, Abigail Barker, Hannah Tiler, Sarah Wilson and Deborah Dane. AYhen Tituba confessed, she implicated Sarah Osborn a demented person, and Sarah Good, Dorothy's moth- er, a poor bed-ridden woman, who were immediately also accused by the afflicted girls, and subjected to a rigorous imprisonment. Tituba afterwards declared that Mr. Parris whipped her until he forced a confes- sion from her 1 Yv^hen the accused were brought before tliese girls, they cried out with apparent pain at every movement. They eitlier bit or trampled upon, or tortur- ed them they said, at every motion they made, however distant the}^ were from them. It appears by the rec- ords of these examinations, that the ministers were in- variably present, opening the meetings with prayer, and throwing; the weidit of their tremendous influence in o o favor of the panic, thus fanning the flame of fanata- cism. No man conduced more to this horrible state of things than Cotton Mather, concerning whom, if he was deluded, there cannot be too much pity, and if ma- licious, scarcely too much reprehension. After being imprisoned several months, the trials j came on in the early part of June. None of those liv- g, ^^^^i n 276 HISTORY OF DANVERS. VIEW OF A PORTION OF THE OLD PARRIS HOUSE, wWMWJ is B|| ;il||i 'ililM;ii:ii;n;li:i!lll!n^ ' ■;■■-:": HISTORY OF DANVERS. 277 ing wltliin the present limits of Danvers were tried un- til the 30 di inst.j when Sarah Good and Rebecca Nurse with several from other towns were arraigned. Thej were all convicted except Rebecca Nurse, who being a pious member of the church and much esteemed, was rendered not guilty by the jury. "Immediately upon hearini2; it, the mali^inant and fiendlike accusers uttered a loud outcry in open Court ! The judges were over- come by the general clamor, and intimidated from the faithful discharge of their sacred duty. Theyexpresed their dissatisfaction with the verdict. One of the judges declared his disapprobation with great vehemence ; another said she should be indicted anew, and the Chief Justice intimated to the Jury, that they had overlooked one important piece of evidence. It was this : during the trial, a woman named Ilobbs, who had confessed herself a witch, was brought into Court, and as she en- tered, the prisoner turned towards her and said : "WhatI do you bring her ? She is one of us." The Jury were thus prevailed upon to go out again : they soon returned pronouncing the poor old woman "Guilty." Mrs. Hobbs afterwards declared that she only meant to ask if Rebecca Nurse, who was respected for her goodness, had also become a prisoner. The governor wished to grant her a reprieve, but was driven by the popular ex- citement to refuse. On the communion before the day of execution, she was brought into the church in chains, and solemnly delivered over to endless burnings. Thus she went to her death. Sarah Good was of an unsound mind, and Mr. Noyes who was nearly as prominent as Mather and Parris, 278 HISTORY OF DANVERS* urged lier to confess, saying, "You are a -^'itch, you know you are a witch !" The poor old creature, driv- en to rage by the persecutions of her enemies, paused on the brink of Eternity, and turning upon him said : "You are a liar ! I am no more a witch than you are a wizzard, and if you take away my life, God will ^give you blood to drink !" (f.) Ehzabeth Proctor was accused, and when she went to her trial, John Proctor her husband attended her, and for this dutiful conduct, he was supposed to have sympathy with her evil doings, and was accused, arrest- ed, and incarcerated. His sympathy for his partner, and the testimony of Elizabeth Hubbard, wxre the princi- pal testimonies against him. "The Deposition of Eliz- abeth Hubbard agged about IT yeares, who testifieth and saith, that I neur saw the Apperishtion of Jno. Proctor sen. before the day of his examination, which was the 11th Aprill 1692, butsence that, the Aperishtion of Jno. Proctor sen. has most grieuiously afilected me a great many times by pinching pricking, and beating me, choaking me almost to death, urging me vehemently to write in his book. mark ELIZ. O HUBBARD. It was also alleged that in prayer Mr. Proctor said holloioed instead of halloived be thy name ! Mr. and Mrs. Proctor were found guilty, and while in prison he wrote the following letter : Salem Prison, July 23, 1692. Mr. Mather, Mr. Allen, Mr. Moody, Mr. Willard and Mr. Daily. Eeverend Gentlemen, The innocency of our case, with the enmity of our HISTORY OF DANVERS. 279 accusers, and our judges and jury, •whom nothing but our innocent blood will serve, having condemned us al- ready before our trials, being so much incensed and en- raged against us by the Devil, makes us bold to implore your favorable assistance of this our humble petition to his excellency, that if it be possible, our innocent blood may be spared, which will undoubtedly otherwise be shed ; if the Lord doth not mercifully step in ; the mag- istrates, ministers, juries, and all the people in general being so much enraged and incensed against us by the delusions of the Devil, which we can term no other, by reason we know in our own consciences we are all inno- cent persons. Here are five persons who have lately confessed themselves to be witches, and do accuse some of vs of being along with them, at a sacrament since vre were committed into close prison, which we know to be Ues. Two of the five are (Carrier's Sons,) young men who would not confess any thing till they tied them neck and heels, till the blood was ready to come out of their noses ; and it is credibly believed and re- ported, this Avas the occasion of making them confess what they never did, by reason, they said, one had been a witch a month, and another five weeks, and that their mother made them so, who has been confined here this nine weeks. My son William Proctor, when he was examined, because he would not confess that he was guilty when he was innocent, they tied him neck and heels, till the blood gushed out at his nose, and would have kept him so t\Yenty-four hours, if one, more mer- ciful than the rest, had not taken pity on him, and caused him to be unbound. ^^ 280 HISTORY OF DANVERS. These actions are very like the Popish cruelties. Thej have already undone vs in our estates, and that will not serve their turns without our innocent blood. If it cannot be granted that we have our trials at Bos- ton, we humbl}^ beg that you would endeavor to have these magistrates changed, and others in their room ; begging also and beseeching you, that you would be pleased to be here, if not all, some of you, at our trials, hoping thereby you may be the means of saving the shedding of our innocent blood. Desiring your prayers to the Lord in our behalf, we rest your poor afflicted servants, JOHN PROCTOR and others. During his imprisonment his property was attached, and his eleven children were robbed of all, even to the food which was in process of preparation for dinner, by the sheriff. He was denied the time he asked to pre- pare for death unless he would plead guilty. Martha Cory was also accused and sentenced to death. Giles Cory her husband, aged eighty years, seeing how others fared, and knowing that the trials were utter mockeries, refused to plead, and was ex- communicated, and then pressed to death, the legal penalty of remaining silent. It is the only case re- corded in the annals of Massachusetts. Mr. Cory had been a member of the church but a short time. While his aged body was bein^ crushed, and when in the ago- ny of expiring nature his tongue obtruded from his mouth, a monster crowded down his throat with a ruth- less thrust of his cane. Mrs. Cory was also excommu- HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 281 nicated from tlie church and consigned by her persecu- tors to unending ruin. John Willard was another inhabitant of Salem Vil- lage Yfho suffered. He at first joined the cry against the witches, but seeing himself in error, he spoke in their behalf. This was the signal for his accusation. Upon being accused he fled, but was seized, tried and convicted. Perhaps the most interesting case in this town, was that of Rev. George Burroughs. Although not a resi- dent of the town at the time of his accusation, yet he had been pastor of the church of Salem Village about the year 1680. He had disagreed with the parish, and although he had some warm friends here, he had many bitter enemies. The careful reader of the history of those early times, when he sees the bitterness with which this man, then living at Falmouth, Maine, was sought out and driven to his death, cannot repress the conviction that the parish differences and the disputes they engendered were the causes of his destruction. A few of the particulars of this trial are given, in order to show what evidence was necessary to convict a man of the crime of witchcraft. The indictment reads as follows : "Essex ss. The jurors for our sovereign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, present, that George Bur- roughs, late of Falmouth, in the province of Massachu- setts Bay, clerk, the ninth day of Ma5^, in the fourth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord and Lady, WilHam and Mary, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and L'eland, King and Queen, de- 9 24 ^t '-■— ' ■ . — r ■■■■■ - ., ■ "■ 'iir : otjr> 282 HISTORY OF DANVERS. fenders of the Faith, &c., did certain detestable arts, called witchcrafts and sorceries, wickedly and feloni- ously hath used, practised and exercised, at and within the town of Salem, in the county of Essex aforesaid, in, upon and against one Mary Walcott, of Salem Vil- lage, in the county of Essex, singlewoman ; by which said wicked arts, the said Mary Walcott, the ninth day of May, in the fourth year above said, and divers other days and times, as well before as after, was and is tor- tured, afPilcted, pined, consumed, wasted and torment- ed, against the peace of our Sovereign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, and against the form of the stat- ute in that case made and provided." Margaret Jacobs, Eliezar Keysar, Hannah Harris, Samuel Webber, Si- mon Willard, Susannah Sheldon. Ann Putnam, and oth- ers, were arrayed against him. Eliezar Keysar deposed, that he saw Mr. Bur- roughs one day, that Burroughs fixed his eye steadily upon him, and that being in his own house that even- ing, and sitting without a light, ''I did see very strange things appear in the chimney, I suppose a dozen of them, Avhieh seemed to be something like jelly, that used to be in the water, and quivered with a strange mo- tion, and then quickly disappeared. Soon after which, I did see a light up in the chimney, about the bigness of my hand, something above the bar, which quivered and shaked, and seemed to have a motion upward ; up- on which I called the maid ; and she, looking up the ciiimney, saw the same ; and my wife looking up, could not see anything. So I did and do conclude it was some diabolical operation." rta HISTORY OF DANVERS. 283 ^ •52 Samuel Webber, aged 36 years, testified that Bur- roughs put his fingers m the bung of a barrel of molas- ses, and hfted it up, and carried it clear around him, Simon Willard affirmed that he sa^Y Mr. Burroughs at Casco Bay, put his forefinger into the muzzle of a gun, with a barrel seven feet long, and hold it out at arm's lens-th ; Avhile he could not with both hands hold the gun sufficiently steady to take sight, (g.) As Mr. Burroughs was a "puny man," this wonderful feat of strength was thought to be conclusive proof of his guilt. When we read this we can almost believe the account we have seen, that the man who first manufac- tured two tubs, by sawing a barrel through the middle, was thouoi;ht to have deaUn2:s with the Devil. Cotton Mather, with all his wisdom, in his Magnalia, mentions the uncommon strength of Mr. Burroughs seriously, as convincing proof that he was a wizzard. Mr. Burroughs made one fatal admission during his trial. One of the judges warily asked him what caus- ed those who accused him to fall into fits when brought into his presence. "I suppose it is the Devil," was his answer. "How comes the Devil then," said the Chief Justice, "to be so loath to have any testimony borne against you?" This answer, so miexpected, confused him so much^ as to satisfy his accusers of his guilt. "Sarah AVilson confesst yt ye night before Mr. Bur- roughs was executed, yt yr was a great meeting of ye witches nigh Sargt Chandlers ; yt Mr. Burroughs was yr, &c." — "The deposition of Sarah Viber, who testi- fieth and saith that on the 9Lh day of May, 1692, as I was a going to Salem Village, I saw the Apperiihtion of ^ iM 5M 284 HISTORY OF DANVERS. a little man like a minister with a black coat on, and he pinched me by the arme, and bid me goe along with him ; but I told him I would not, — but when I came to the village, I saw theire, Mr. George Burroughs which I neuer saw before, and then I knew chat it was his Apperishtion which I had seen in the morning ; and he tortured me severall times while he was in examination, also during the time of his examination, I saw Mr. George Burroughs, in his Apparance most greuously torment and afilect, Mary Walcott, mercy luis, Elisa- beth Hubburt, Ann Putnam and Abigail Williams, by pinching, twisting, and almost choaking her to death ; also severall times sence Mr. George Burroughs or his Apperance has most greuiously tormented me with va- riety of tortors, and I believe in my heart that Mr. George Burroughs is a dreadful wizzard &c." Ann Putnam also said, the "Apperishtion" of Mr. Burroughs appeared to her, with an appearance of two women by his side in winding sheets, who "turned their faces towards Mr. Burroughs, and looked very red and angry, and told him that he had been a cruell man to them," and that they should goe to heaven, while he should be cast down to hell. When "he was gon, the two Avomen turned their faces towards me, and look- ed as pail as a white wall, and tould me that they were Mr. Burrough's two first wives, and that he had rnur- thered them : and one tould me that she was his first wife, and he stabbed her under the left arme, and put a peace of sealing wax on the wound and she pulled aside the winding sheat, and showed me the place." This array of evidence was conclusive, and Mr. Bur- 'esiiS -m «£■<» HISTORY OF DAN VERS. 285 m roughs was sentenced to die. (h.) The night before his execution, Margaret Jacobs entered his cell and im- plored his pardon for the part she had taken against him. He forgave her, and they wept and prayed to- gether. She afterwards, in her recantation, declared ''they told me if I would not confess, I should be put down into the dungeon^ and would he hanged; but if I would confess, I should have my life, the which did so affright me, with my own vile wicked heart, to save my life, made mo make the like confession I did, which confession, may it please the honored Court, is altogeth- er false and untrue. The very first night after I had made confession, I was in such horror of conscience, that I could not sleep for fear the Devil should carry me away, for telling such horrid lies. * * What I said, was altogether false against my grandfather, and Mr. Burrough, which I did to save my life, and to have my liberty &c." Mr. Burroughs was executed on Gallows Hill, in Sa- lem. He was carried to the gallows clothed in rags. While on the ladder he addressed the crowd with so much of feeling, that many wept, and seeing the im- pression he made upon the observers, Cotton Mather, — one who ought to have sought to save, — an ambassador of the Savior of Men, rode around on horse-back, and spurred the people onward to the work of death, telling them that Satan had power to appear as an Angel of Light; and an innocent man, with prayer on his lips, was sacrificed, (i.) A final check was placed on the awftd delusion by the accusation of Mrs. Hale, wife of the minister in •.ki=^ f — ~ — ' — ^ 286 HISTORY OF DANVERS. Beverly, whose character was so pure, that her impeach- ment was the signal for those enquiries which resulted in a discovery of the fatal errors into which the commu- nity had fallen. The General Court afterwards endeavored to atone for its errors by appropriating about £50, to heal the broken hearts Burroughs left behind, and the Jury who presented most of the persons executed both here and elsewhere, made the following declaration : "We do therefore signify, to all and in general, our deep sense of, and sorrow for, our errors in acting on such evidence ; we pray that we may be considered candidly and aright by the liveing sufferers, as being then un- der the power of a strong and general delusion, utterly unacquainted with, and not experienced in matters of that nature." Signed, Thomas Fisk, WiUiam Fisk, John Bachelor, Thos. Fisk Jun., John Dane, Joseph Evelith, Thomas Pearly Sen., John Peabody, Thomas Perkins, Samuel Sayer, Andrew Eliot, H. Herrick, Sen. Mr. Parris made a public confession, and on Febru- ary 14th, 1703, the sentence of excommunication against Giles and Martha Cory was formally revoked, and the Church books of 1705 have a tribute of repent- ance from Ann Putnam, who seems to have been sincere. It was said and believed that Satan gathered his com- pany in a large field (j.) in Salem Village, where they held their midnight riots. As often as he ob- tained new followers, he gave them the seal of his cov- enant by baptizing them in Newbury Falls. He is de- scribed as appearing well dressed in a suit of black, =^M/5 HISTORY OP DANVERS. 287 and as looking like an ordinary minister. Probably his hoof was disguised by a boot, his horns by a hat, and his tail snugly concealed in a proper place. The principal accusers in Salem Village, were John Buxton, Elizabeth Parris, Mrs. Pope, Mrs. Putnam, good wife Bibber, good wife Goodall, Abigail "Williams, Ann Putnam, Margaret Jacobs, Mary Walcotfc, Mercy Lewis, ''Dr. Griggs's maid," Tituba, Edward Putnam, Mrs. Raymond, Samuel Parris, Jona. Walcott andNath'l In- gersoll. Those who were executed were Sarah Good, wbo left a child six years old ; Giles and Martha Cory, who be- queathed property to William Cheeves of Beverly, and who left two children : Elizabeth and Martha ; Bebec- ca Nurse, who left a husband and eight children : John, Rebecca, Sarah, Samuel, Francis, Mary, Elizabeth and Benjamin ; John Proctor, (l.) who left a wife and twelve children : John, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Martha Mary, William, Joseph, Samuel, Thomas, Sarah and Ab- igail. Thorndike was born in a few weeks after his fath- er's death. George Jacobs, (m.) who left a wife and three children: George, Ann and Margaret; John Willard, who left a wife ; and Rev. George Burroughs, who left a family. One poor dog was hanged, because it was thought he entertained the devil in his body. Elizabeth Proctor was sentenced to death, but she proving to be enciente, was allowed to live, and before her child was born, the delusion vanished. She was accused of killing ten, and laming many others. The following persons were arrested and tiied for witchcraft : Tituba, an Indian woman, Sarah Osborn, Dorothy Good, Sarah Cloyce, Mary Warren, Avho after- 288 HISTORY OF DANVERS. wards became a complainant, Edward and Sarah Bish- op, Benjamm and William, sons of John Proctor, Mar- garet Jacobs, who was also a complainant, Sarah Proc- tor, Mary Witheridge, Rebecca Jacobs, Margaret's mother, Mary, a negro servant of Nathaniel Putnam, Daniel Andrew, a bricklayer, George Jacobs Jr., and Sarah Buckley, Mary Witheredge's mother. John, Tituba's husband and Mary Sibly made a superstitious experiment to discover the witches, and many of the citizens joined with the accusers against their supposed enemies. The examinations were mostly conducted at the house of Nathaniel Putnam, (n.) The Judges were Hathorne, Corwin and Sewall. (o.) It is highly probable that these girls commenced their ruinous course for amusement, but that, frightened by the wild flame which increased so terribly, they dared not tell the truth. Afterwards, if any person was at enmity with another, an accusation of Witchcraft was sure revenge. Added to this, the excitement produced a sort of mania, which presented to a superstitious peo- ple, a bewitched person in every lunatic or epileptic, and a witch or wizzard in every bed-ridden unfortunate, or person endowed with uncommon strength or ability, (p.) But the delusion lasted only a few months. The people's eyes were opened, and the storm which rose in the Village, and drove Mr. Parris from his charge, and the blast of indignation and horror Avhich scathed Cotton Mather, and others who fanned the flame with him, and which to this day envelopes these actors, tes- tifies to those of a later generation, that if the people of this neighborhood were for a short time under a de- td HISTORY OP DAN VERS. 289 luslon, produced in part by their religious vie-ws, (q.) and in part by those from whom they expected bet- ter things, that their native good sense soon resumed its ascendancy, and wept over former errors, while it trans- mitted a lesson of wisdom to the remotest posterity. In arranging this sketch of Wicchcraft, S, P. Eowler afforded much aid, by loaning valuable manuscript vol- umes, &c. NOTES TO CHAPTER IX. (a.) In •^Celebrated Tnalsy^' the reader may find many interest- ing cases recorded. (b.) She made a cake of the urine of the afflicted person, and gave to those whom she suspected. She was afterwards pubhcly reprimand- ed by the Church, and expressed her repentance. The following church record is in Mr. Parris's hand writing. "It is altogether undenyable that our Great and Blessed God, for wise and holy ends, hath suffered many persons in several families of this little Village to be grievously vexed and tortured in body, and to be deeply tempted to the endangering of the destruction of their souls and all these amazing feats, (well known to many of us,) to be done by Witchcraft and diabolical operations. *»It IS well known that vvhen these calamities first began, which was in my own family, the affliction was several weeks before such hellish operations as Witchcraft was suspected; Nay it never broke forth to any considerable light., untiil Diabolical means was used, by the mak- ing of a cake by my Indian man, who h:'.d his directions from this our sister Mary Sibly. Since which Appiiitions have been plenty, and exceeding much niischiefhath followed. But by this means (it seems) the Devil hath been raised amongst us, and his Rage is vehement and terrible, and when he shall be silenced, the Lord only knows." The church received Mary Sibley's profec^sion of repentance and retained her in the Communion. 290 HISTORY OF DANVERS. (c.) The following curious bill, kindly loaned rac by Mr. Felt, the SuUnn Annalist, shows vvhbt treatment the supposed vviiches received. John Arnold keeper of Boston Prison 1691-2 May 9 To chains for Saroh Good and Sarah Osborn £0 14 " 14 " keeping LeA'is Hutchins 8 wks at 2-6 10 1C92 April 5 "2 blankets for Sarah Good's child 10 May 23 " shackles for 10 prisoners 2 '• 29 " 1 pr of irons for Mary Cox 7 Sarah Good vf Salem Village from 7th March to June 1, 12 wks 2-6 1 10 Rebecca Nurse of same place from 12lh of Apl 7 wks at 2-6 17 10 Geo. Jacob 6 weeks &, 4 days from May 12Lh 16 4 John Proctor & wife Elizth from April 12th to 1st of June at 5- 1 15 Susanna Martin of Amsbury from May 2d to 1st of June 4 wks 2 days 10 Bridget Bishop alias Oliver of Salem fr 12th May 20 days at 2-6 a week 7 Alice Parker of Salem from 12th of May to 1st of June 20 days 2 6 07 Geo Burroughs 7 weeks from 9th May 17 6 Samuel Passanauton an Indian 8 wks 4 dys from Apl 28 ih 2-6 115 Roger Toothaker * of Salem ViHnge & John Willard of same each fr May 18th 5 wks & 5 dy3 18 Sarah Osborn fr March 7 to May 10, when she died— being 9 wks & 2 dys 13 *0f BlUerica. (d.) Thomas Wiikins, John Tarbell and Samuel Nurse were the only members of the church who opposed the progress of the great storm. They did not fall into the popular panic, and did not cease from exerting themselves until they had ousted its cause from the parish. They were excommunicated however, and were out of the church until Feb 5, 1699, when thoy and their wives were re-admitted to the communion. Capt. Joseph Putnam, Israel's father, kept a horse in m.= ==:^\ ft^«l ] ZT^fii HISTORY OF DANVERS. 291 »2 constant readiness several weeks, with the expectation that he would be accused on account of his opposition to the Great Delusion. To exhibit the feelings of the clergy it is recorded that Cotton Math- er called Martha Carrier a "rampant bag, the Queen of Hell !" Noyes of Salem said when he saw several hanging on Gallows Hill, — *'Hovv sad it is to see eight firebrands of hell h.^nging there." Mr. Parris seems to have been not quite so malignant as these and some others; he seems to hsve been desirous of using this excitement to promote a religious awakening in his parish. (e,) During I he prevalence of the excitement, a daughter of a man named Shafflin aged about eighteen, who lived on the spot at present oc- cupied by Mr. Amos King, "cried out" upon a very respectable neigh- bor. Her father thinking the evil spirit which possessed her was one that might be exorcised in a peculiar manner took her into a room where her cries would not disturb others, and trounced her soundly, until she confessed that a desire of appearing as conspicuous , as Ann Putnam and Abigail Williams, actuated her in her course. Had Mr. Parris and others, whipped their children fur accusing instead o^ whipping them to oblige them to accuse, this groat blot upon Human Nature might have been prevented. (f.) "At the trial of Sarah Good, one of the afflicted girls fell into a fit, and after coming out of it, she cried out against the prisoner for stabbing her in the breast while in court, and actually prociuced a piece of the blade of the knife which she said was used and broken in doing it. Upon this, a young man was called to prove the imposi- tion. He produced a hnft and part of the blade, which the court, having viewed and compared, found to bo the same; and the young man affirmed, that yesterday ho happened to break that knifo and that he cast away the upper part in the presence of the person who now produced it. The girl was cautioned by the court not to tell any more lies, but was still employed to give evidence against the prison- ers whose lives were in her hands." (g.) This gun is said to be deposited in the Museum in Fryeburg Academy, Maine. (h.) There were five persons wlio declared that Burroughs afflicted them; eight confessed witches, who said he was a leader of them at their infernal sacraments; and others, who testified to his remarkable I! 292 HISTORY OF DANVERS. strength. When vv8 remember the excited state of the pubhc mind, conviction is no matter of surprise. (i.) He seems to have siid hut little in his own behalf. When accused of great sirength, he said there was an Indian present who could do as much: *-AhI" said one, ''the Devil is black like an Indi- an r* (j.) If the veracious pen of history might be allowed to glide for a moment into the apocryphal regions of fancy, it would suggest the broad level field owned by Judge Putnam, as the veritable spot. But alas ! we can only conjecture where these toothless Ciittysarlis pursued poor benighted Tarn 0^ Shante7-s, and made night hideous with their ghastly orgies. Tradition, usually so explicit and fecund, here confesses her ignorance. (k.) Poor Tituba was imprisoned, and W'hen slie was found inno- cent, her sapient accusers did not hang her, — they only mildly sold her into hopeless Slavery to pay her jail fees! By this and similar cases we are reminded of the old method of discovering witches : By throwingthem into deep water, and, if they floated, executingthem as guilty ; while if they were innocent they sunk, and were 07ihj drowned! (l.) John W. Proctor Esq. , a descendant of John, hns humorously observed, that he can trace his ancestry to as elevated a position as most of his fellow citizens ! (m.) Geo. Jacobs lived on the Jacobs farm near the Iron Factory, He was hung on a branch of one of his own oaks, which stood until within a few years, when it was sold to Samuel Fowler Esq., and con- verted into a Mill Shaft. Jacobs was buried on his own land, and the gravestone is yet visible near the Iron Factory. (N.) A negro aged 100 years, who recently died nearthe Plains, attributed the troubles of 1G92, to the loss of the Church book. He said it was stolen by Apollyon. (o.) In the year 1711 the King issued an edict in which all "Con- victions, Judgments and Attainders" were '-'reversed" and declared "Null and Void to all Intents as if such had never been given." An edict that afforded rather more consolation to the living than reparation to the unfortunate dead. Soon after Rev. Jost-ph Green was or- fj HISTORY OF DANVERS. 293- n darned over the First Church, he made efforts to revoke the sentence of excommunication against Martha Cory, and others who opposed the delusion, and who were accused. May 4th 1707, the followin<» Church action was had. "Whereas this cliurch passed a vote Sept. 11, 1G92 for the excommunication of Martha Cory and that sentence was passed, was pronounced against her Sept. 14, by JMr. Sam, Par- ris, formerly pistor of this church, she being before her excommui. cation condemned and aftervvarj executed for supposed witchcraft, and there being a record of this in our church boolc page 12. We being irioved hereunto, do freely consent and heartily desire that the same sentence may be revoked, and that it may stand no longer against her, for we are through God's mercy to us convinced, that vve were at that dark day under the power of those errors which then prevailed in the land, and we are sensible that we had not sufficient grounds to think her guilty of that crime for which She was condemn- ed and executed (f-c. There was a maj'r part voted, — & 6 or 7 dis- sented. J. Gr. pr." This act was of course all the Church could perform to atone for the evil it had done. Such J^unli^ht could not however warm the bones of the slam. Ann Putnam made a public confession which is recorded on the Ciiurch books in which she says : '■! desire to be humbled before God for that sad and humbling providence that befel my father's fam- ily in the year about 92-3, 1 then being in my childhood, should by such a providence of God be mad an instrument for the accusing of several persons of a grevious crime, whereby their lives were taken away from them, when I have just ground and good reason to believe they were innocent persons, and that it was a great delusion of Sa- tan (f-c, "Though what was said or done by me I can truly and uprightly say before God & Man I did it not out of any anger, malice or ill will to any persons for I had no such thing; against one of them; but what I did was ignorant, being deluded by Satan &c. ANNE PUTNAM." She asked forgiveness of all whom she had offended. Increase IMather, President of Harvard College, Jlarch lOtli, came out to the Village, and stopped at Nathaniel Ingersoll's, and this wise and reverend scholar gravely relates the wonder* he saw, one of the principal of which was, that a crazy girl, named Abigail 25 m 294 HISTORY OF DANVERS. William , called out in church : "Look where Goodwife Clojce sits on the beam suckling her yellow bird betwixt her fingers !" Another expression which showed that she was terribly afflicted was the follow- ing ; ^^It is a long text l"^ "Mch 31st, when there was a fast at the village, Abigail William said that the witches had a sacrament in the village, and that they had red bread and red drink. Mercy Lewis saw in her fit, a white man, and was with him in a glorious place, which had no candles nor sun, yet was full of light and brightness; where was a great multitude in white glittering robes, and they sung the song in the fifth of Rev., the ninth verse, and the one hundred tenth Psalm, and the one hundred forty-ninth Psalrn; and she said to Iierself, "How long shall I stay here?" &c. (p.) That the reader may see the manner in which these cases were conducted, let him consult "Wonders of the Invisible World," by Calef, — Thachers Essay, Mather's Magnalia and other works. (q ) A literal rendering of the Old Testament Scriptures, a pas- sage of which says: Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," — was one active cause of trouble then, as it is of much error and delusion at present. ERRATA. Page 27. for (c.) read (b.) Page 33, 7th line from the top, for iZow/ey read Ipswich. Page 43, 7th line from the bottom, for where read rvere. Page 45, 3d line from the top, for IVay read 7nai/. Page 56, 14th line from the top, insert ?/?, after Salem. Pago 105, 15th line from the top, foi 7vife, read mother. On page 106, in speaking of the ardor of Gen. Foster, it was not intended to impesrh the military character of Col. Pickering. While the former wa.>3 all ardor, the latter combined a commendable pru- dence wiih undoubted valor, Page 109, for Gandy, read Gondy. Page 123. 3d line from the top, for 50, read as. Page 123, 5th line from the bottom, for Jeremiah read Israel. Page 135, in Fire Department, ioi' past ijear, read year 1846. Page 162, for stands, rend stand. On page 258, 7th line from the bottom, read 62 memlers, and a Sunday School of 140, &c." Note (h.) page 268, refers to page 240. Page 280. 2d line from the bottom, read "it" between crowded and down. 1 ^ 1^*3 APPENDIX. 295 APPENDIX. Waters, North, Crane and Porter's rivers empty into Bass or Beverly river, instead of the harbor, as stated in Chap. I. Archelaus Putnam, (see page 60,) lived nearer Bachel- dor's corner, than the Collins house. He moved his house on the ice, instead of floating it, as stated above. The name of Dr. George Osborne was unaccountably omitted from the list of physicians. He removed to Dan vers in the year 1S30. The several ponds in Danvers, from the beauty of their situation and appearance, merit a particular description. And the writer cannot dismiss his agreeable labors with- out speaking of Bartholomew's pond. It is said on page 13, that this is one of the most "charming, secluded spots in the State." The water of this miniature lake is of a delicate sea-green color, and is of remarkable softness and transparency. On several sides huge sienite bluffs rise a hundred feet in height, and frown above, while the beautiful lake answers the caresses of the Sun and Breeze by con- stant smiles. The calm, quiet serenity of the water, con- trasts charmingly with the sterner grandeur of cliffs, and sombre forest trees, and had we some native Scott or Wordsworth, this romantic place would shine in immortal verse, where many a less lovely place now stands. The water of Bartholomew's Pond percolates through a bed of peculiar gravel, to the distance of half a mile, where it enters Brown's Pond, which in its turn supplies the foun- tains of the Salem and Danvers Acqueduct. The large bleacheries now in process of erection, have been placed in the positions they occupy, on account of the purity of the water. Bartholomew's Pond has no visible outlet. Ship Rock has recently been purchased by the Essex Natural History Society, and fitted with ladders, &c. for the pleasure of visitors. It is a remarkable locahty, and m ~!a^ 296 APPENDIX. is said to be the largest boulder standing above the earth in New England. It is forty feet in length, thirty feet in breadth, and about twenty feet thick, and presents an ap- pearance closely resembling the hull of a ship. From its top, the best view of Danvers may be had, that can be procured at any one place. In one charming land- scape, the wide extent of the town spreads before the eye, together with Salem and Beverly, and to be appreciated and admired, needs but to be seen. Indeed, the entire southern portion of the town, and especially the immedi- ate neighborhood of the pond and rock referred to, is wilder and more like primitive Nature, than we often find in our Slate. A very uneven surface, and a great profu- sion of very large boulders give additional vigor to the scenery. A native poet might here find appropriate places for thought, and might people these solitudes with beings, who would have as romantic a home as in more celebrated, but not more beautiful retreats. Meanwhile, let those inclined to observ^e Nature in her various moods, resort to this region, and rejoice in its poetic combinations, There are many choice landscapes and sea-views in different parts of Danvers. From the house of Joseph Adams, Esq., a very superior view may be enjoyed ; twenty-two steeples are in the field of vision. It is said on page 31, that the spot which Col. Thomas Reed owned, is unknown. It has since been ascertained, that his land was bounded on the west by the Proctor lands, and included the West estate, Buxton's hill, and that vicinity. Mrs. Fowler, first spoken of on p. 61, was Sarah, a daughter of Dea. Archelaus Putnam, and was born Sep- tember 14th, 1755, and died Nov. 19ih", 1847, aged 92 years and 2 months. She had 5 children, 27 grand chil- dren, and 60 great grand children. Jotham Webb, one of the young men from this town, who was slain in the battle of Lexington, was a brick- maker, and was preparing his yard for the making of bricks, on the morning of the 19ih of April. This yard was situated at the New Mills, near what is now known as the old Joshua Kent house, where the currier's shop H of S. F. Reed now stands. He was married but a few APPENDIX. 297 days previous to the battle, and lived in the house now owned by Mr. A. A. Edgerton. Upon receiving the news of the march of the British to Concord, he left his work, returned to his house, and put on his wedding suit, remark- ing to his young wife, who expostulated with him: "If I die, I will die in my best clothes." He joined the company of minute men under Col. Hutchinson, and was with him in the engagement, and he received a shot through his body, at the first fire of the enemy. He, with the other dead from this town, was brought home in a horse cart; and it is said that the grief of the young widow upon seeing the bloody corpse of her husband, was excessive and heart-rending. Milan Murphy, a colored man, was also in the Revolu- tion, as a servant of one of the Putnams. George Peabody, son of Thomas, was born in Danvers, about the year 1797, in the house formerly occupied by a quaker named Purington, situated on the old Boston Road. He passed a few years of his youth with Capt. Sylvester Proctor, and after leaving him, he engaged in mercantile pursuits in Georgetown, Mass. and Baltimore, Md., and at length, in 1836, he removed to London, where he is now a celebrated Factor and Merchant. He is lib- eral and upright, a man of large influence in the mercan- tile world, and generally esteemed. Since the Valuation of 1845, as recorded in the "Sta- tistics," many branches of business have increased. Among other things, it may be said, that there are now 6 morocco factories, which annually dress 250,000 skins, valued at 8100,000. 100 hands are emploved, on a cap- ital of $75,000, During the year 1847, there were 152 arrivals at the Port of Danvers, 40 of which were of lum- ber. 298 INDEX. IN DEX. SUBJECT. Acqueduct, Act of Incorporation District of Danvers, Agriculture, - - - Alarms, - - - - Alarm List, _ - - Anecdote of Anna Endicott, Anecdote of Franklin, Anecdote of Goudy, Anecdote of Mr. Holt, Animals, _ . - - Appearance of Danvers in 1757, Appendix, . - . . Approbation of Adams's ad'm. Appropriations for War, Area of Danvers, Armorial bearings, Arnold's Quebec Expedition, Articles of Confederation, Aspect of the Town, Attempts to divide do. Bankrupt Law, Banks, . - - Bell Tavern, Biography of Bowditch Nath'l, " of Burroughs Geo., " of Clarke Peter, " of Endicott John, " of Eppes Daniel, " of Flint Samuel, " of Foster Benj., " of Foster Gideon, " of Gloyd Sarah, " of Green Joseph, PAGE. = ■■■■ ■■ . 'jng INDEX. 299 Biography of Hoi ten Samuel, 188 " of Hutchinson Israel, 185 1 " of Nelson Thomas, - 176 " of Osborne Sylvester, 217 " of Page Jeremiah - 185 " of Page Samuel, 212 " of Parris Samuel, - 175 ( " of Peabody George, 297 " of Pope iVmos, - 218 " of Porter Moses, . 216 •' of Prescott Benj., 177 . " of Prince Asa, 185 " of Putnam Elias, - 222 " of Putnam Enoch, 187 " of Putnam Israel, . 179 " of Putnan Jeremiah, 187 " of Read Nathan, - 220 " of Wadsworth Benj., 205 " of Wallis Dennison, - 214 " of Webb Jotham, - 296 " of Wharton Eliza, - 206 Births, - - - 156 Blockhouses, - 48 Boundaries &c.., - 9, 54, 55, 267 Bridges, - - Bunker Hill Battle, - . 61, 66, 68 92 Caleb Lowe & Washington, - 98 Carriages, 100 " Cassandra Southwick, ballad, - 260 C. C. Pleas, - 111 I Cessation of New Mills Dist., - 66 Character of the People, 17 ' Coins of Mass., . 34 College Graduates, 148 Collins House, - 79, 103, 104 Comets &c., - - - 34, 35, 43, 46, 118 Commerce, - 134 Committee of Vigilance, 78 Commonacfo, - 39 1 Conduct of Royal Troops, - 79, 102 *- - 22 1 1| Controversy, m 1 300 INDEX. Counsellors at Tiaw, Culture of Youth, Danvers, commencement of Danvers Family, - Dark Day, - - - Daughters of Rechab, Deaths, - - - Devil's Dishful, - District, New Mills, District of Danvers, Earthquakes, - - 33, Ecclesiastical, 1st Parish, - 2d do. ' 1st Baptist, ' 1st Universalist, ' Unitarian, ' Methodist, ' 2d Univ'ersalist, ' Comeouters, ' 2d Baptist, ' 3d Congregational ' Wesley an, ' Quakers, Effort for a town, Effort to divide Essex Co., Endicott Pear Tree, English Prize Vessels, Errata, - - - Escape of the Constitution. Faneiul Hall Convention, Fast Day, - - - Female Benevolent Society, Fire Department, Fires, - - - First child born at New Mills, First officers of Danvers, First Rate payers in Village Paris First school teacher at New Mills, Fish, - - - J Flying Horse, . . 150 - - 35 . . 56 . 57 , 67 .. . 98 . . 136 . . 156 . . 131 . . 66 - - 50 M, 35, 36, 38, 43 , 67 222 265, ^266 - 238 267, 268 . . 246 - 249 . . 251 . 253 . . 254 - 256 257 258 - - ■ 258 259 36, 43,50 , 55 - • 42 - - 25 123 - 17 , 50 122 - . 73 „ - 3J ., 42 . - 135 135 - - 119 61 . . . 53 5h, - 49 • 170 . 19 . . . 39 m-^ — — — .9 INDEX. 301 ' Fort, - - - . 123 Free Masons, - - . - 135 Gage's Removal, 79 Gage's Soldiers, - - - 79, 80, 102, 103 General Description, 14 Grantees, - - - - 27, 48 Grant from Legislature, 47 Grant of Natimkeik, - 18 Graveyards, - - - 156 1 Highways, - • . 61, 62 Highway Troubles, 61 Hills, 14 Horse Pasture, - 32 Houses, - . - 54 Hutchinson's Prjiost, 56 Incorporation of Danvers, - 56 Incorporation of New Mill Dist., - 63 Indian 'Expedition, 33 Indians, (Naumkeik.) - 19 Insects, - - , 34, 43, 101 Instructions to Dr. Holten, - 80 Instructions to Rep. in 1783, 100 Instructions relative to Stamp Act, . 69 Insurance Company, - 134 Iron Factory, 65 King George's Whipping Post, 100 Lament of the Bats, - 268 Latitude and Longitude, - 9 Lexington Battle, 86, 105, 106, 107 Long Hair, ... 34 Lynn vs. Danvers, 113 Manufactures, - 128 Marriages, - - 156 jMechanic Institute, 135 Men slain by Indians, 36 Men slain and wounded at Lcxingion, 90 Military, 35, 36, 97, 154 Mill River, 25 Mills, 65 las'— ^^ ■ — — < "^ - ■' ■■ 9 §K3 302 INDEX. Moderators of Annual Meetings, • 125 Monument, , 0- , 162 Mortality, • . 42 Nahumkiek — extent of , ^ • 19 Name Danvers, origin, &c. , 57 , 67 Names Indian and Ancient, 17, 19, 25, 47 ,48 Natural Divisions, • . 10, IS M7 Newspapers, . . . 156 Non Importation Agreement, Town Action, 74 North Bridge Affair, . . • 82, 104 Odd Fellows, . 136 Orchard Farm, . , , 24, 47 Ore, , c ), 34 Origin of Salem, . . • IS Physicians, ^ ^ 151 Plants, &c.. , , ^ 13 Ponds, J ^ 16 Poor House, . . 134 Population, J 19, 54, 159 Post Offices, . ^ , 131 Preface, , 3 Preparation for War, , , • 81 Prices in 1779, . . 97 Quakers, ^ . . 22 Quaker's Apology, , , 105 Quakers obliged to support Rev., . . 99 Railroad, • 118 Rebuke of Late War, 9 . . 113 Rebuke of Mexican War, , 120 Rechabites, ^ . . 135 Remarkable Cows, . . 133 Remarkable Weather, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 43, 46, 67, 100, 101, 113 120 Representatives, , , ^ 123 Repudiation of England, , , 81 Resolutions on Liberty, • ^ . 75 Richard Skidmore, . • 104 Road Peliiion, ^ . . 37 Rum Bridge, • • 50 Ryall Side, '- n.» \ \ • • • 39^ >£JJU INDEX. 303 Salem Village Dispute, _ . • 24 Salem Village Grant, 23 Scarcity, . . 21, 22, 33, 34 ,35, 112 Schools, 144, 170 Settlement of Danvers, • . 23 Settlement of Naumkiek, 18 Settlement of New Mills, , 60,68 Shay's Rebellion, 111 Ship built by Dr. Calef, • 94, 110 Ships of Revolution, 111 Size of Danvers, , . 10 Skelton's Neck, 27,48 Slavery, . 140 Small Pox, , 34 , 96, 119 Soil, , 9, 17 Soldiers of Lexington, . 102, 105, 106, 107, 204 Soldiers of the Revolution, , 109 Sons of Temperance, , . 135 Southvvick, Edward, • 129 Stamp Act, . 69 Streams, , 13 Streets &c., , . 147 Survivors of Revolution, . 110 Tanning, origin of - *;- . 129 Taxes, - - 126 Tax on Dogs, . 119 Tea, 43 , 75, 100, 167 Temperance, sketch of, - 137 Town Clerks, • . 124 Town of Wihon, «i - 46 Town Watch, m 91 Trees, - - 10 Vote against dancing, ^ 82 Vote recommending Independence, • 95, 96 White Weed, . 47 Witchcraft, - m 271 Wreck of the Glide, - . 153 Zeal of Ministers, m 78 m ^^ 304 INDEX, PLATES. Arms of the Danvers Family, Bell Tavern and Monument, Bowditch House, Collins House, Endicott Pear Tree, Parris House, 60 170 219 103 L>6 270 S-9 s^V^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS p 1 n ■ 014 078 189 7 « Kl ^B . ; ^^B , , ■ :