UlBRARY-OF,rONGRESSj # TS I 550 i UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. J ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION BYLAWS ADOPTED BY THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COTTON MANUFACTURERS AND PLANTERS, APRIL 29, 1868. (V BOSTON: PKENTISS & D ELAND, PRINTERS, 18 6 8. X ■ 53^ OFFICERS. Ipusiitjeiti. AMOS A. LAWRENCE, of Boston, Mass. Witt ^pr*sib*nts. W. P. Haines, Biddeford, Me. E. A. Straw, Manchester, N. H. P. L. Robinson, Bennington, Vt. E. R. Mudge, Boston, Mass. Gardner Greene, Norwich, Ct. Henry Lippitt, Providence, R. I. D. J. Johnston, Cohoes, N. Y. George Christie, Paterson, N. J. "William Divine, Philadelp'a, Pa. D. Lammot, Jr., Wilmington, Del. James A. Gary, Baltimore, Md. D. Callender, Petersburg, Va. J. T. Morehead, Reidsville, N. C. L. D. Child, Columbia, S. C. W. E. Jackson, Augusta, Ga. Daniel Pratt, Prattville, Ala. J. W. Wesson, Wesson, Miss. George Brodie, Little Rock, Ark. B. B. Lenoir, Lenoir, Term. William Newcomb, Louisv'e, Ky. Adolphus Meyer, St. Louis, Mo. C. H. Gould, Cincinnati, Ohio. r in:atu.e Committ**. George L. Ward, Massachusetts. Wm. Goddard, Rhode Island. Charles S. Smith, New York. D. S. Brown, Pennsylvania. G. P. Tiffany, Maryland. statistical €ammitttt. Ewd. Atkinson, Massachusetts. Aaron P. Osmond, „ B. F. Nourse, ,, E. O. Abbott, Connecticut. James Hamilton, Mississippi. fflarljiiurg dammiitzz. A. D. Lockwood, Maine. W. T. Horrobin, ,, Richard Garsed, Pennsylvania. Robert Johnson, New Jersey. H. N. Gambrill, Maryland. llsfo Palms! €ammitizz. B. P. Nourse, Massachusetts. James B. King, Georgia. Abram Murdock, Alabama. Charles Tabor, Massachusetts. Thomas J. Borden, ,, |Hrutors. H. V. Ward, of Massachusetts. W. A. Burke, „ Josiah Bard well, ,, Samuel Batchelder, ,, Richard D. Rogers, ,, John Webster, ,, G. L. Ward, „ James Y. Smith, of Rhode Island, M. B. Lockwood, Amos N. Beckwith, William S. Slater, Amasa Sprague, Thomas J. Hill, George W. Chapin, A. D. Smith, Augustine Haines, of Maine. Samuel W. Johnson, of N. York. Archibald Campbell, ,, B. H. Jenks, of Pennsylvania. Dennis Kelly, ,, D. S. Brown, „ Gen. Robt. Patterson, of Penn. Richard Garsed, ,, John Farnum, ,, William Kennedy, Maryland. B. Deford, ,, W. H. Baldwin, Jr., ,, Thos. J. Hardeman, Macon, Ga. Benjamin Micon, Tallassee, ,, Abraham S. ♦Humphries, Miss. &tZKtitttlt. ARTHUR T. LYMAN, of Boston, Mass. The government of the Association is authorized to add from ten to twenty names to the above list of Directors, so as to include, if possible, a representative from each State. % ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. Whereas the growth and manufacture of cotton constitute important branches of natiohal industry, largely involving the labor and capital of the country ; and whereas their future de- velopment and permanent success require greater co-operation, on the part of those engaged in them, than has heretofore existed, — Therefore, we the subscribers, for the purpose of promoting more effectually, by all appropriate means, the advancement and prosperity of those interests, agree to associate ourselves together under the name of "The National Association of Cotton Manufacturers and Planters," and be governed by such rules and by-laws as the Association may from time to time adopt ; provided that no debt shall be contracted which shall be binding on the Association or its members individually, beyond the amount of the subscriptions for one year. BY-LAWS. Section I. Members and their ^Elections. 1. All persons whose names are enrolled as members of the Convention of Cotton Manufacturers and Planters, held at New York, April 29, 1868, may become members by subscrib- ing the Articles of Association. 2. From and after the adoption of these By-laws, members shall be elected only at meetings of the Government ; and no person shall be eligible to membership, who is not proposed for election by some actual member, by written notice to the Pres- ident or Secretary ; and no person shall be admitted, if five or more votes are given against him. 3. The Government, at any duly organized meeting, may elect corresponding and honorary members by the unanimous vote of the members present. 4. Each person admitted as a member of the Association, except corresponding and honorary members, shall pay to the Secretary the sum of ten dollars as an admission-fee. 5. Every manufacturer or corporation shall pay in advance an annual assessment of two dollars per thousand spindles, and planters and others, an assessment of ten dollars per annum, in advance, to the Secretary, in addition to the admission-fee ; and upon the refusal or failure by any member to pay such assessments, his name shall be presented to the Government ; and, upon their vote, be struck from the list of members. 6. Any member who shall have paid his assessments in full, may withdraw his membership, by giving written notice thereof to the Secretary. Section II. Officers and their Election. 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, and one Vice President from each State represented in the Association — said Vice Presidents to be Chairmen of the auxiliary State Organizations, which may be formed subordinate to this Association, in their respective States ; a Secretary, a Treasurer, not less than thirty nor more than fifty Directors, and the members of the Standing Committees hereinafter designated, who together shall constitute the Government of the Association ; and nine of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 2. The Government shall have power to hold meetings at such times and places as they may think proper ; to appoint Committees on particular subjects, from the members of the Government, or from other members of the Association, with full powers to act on such Committees as though members of the Government ; to appropriate the funds of the Association ; to print and circulate documents, and publish articles in the newspapers; to carry on correspondence, and otherwise coni^ municate with other associations interested in the growth or manufacture of cotton; to employ agents, and to devise and carry into execution such other measures as they may deem proper and expedient to promote the objects of the Association. 3. After the first choice, all the officers of the Association, except the Secretary, shall be elected by ballot, at the annual meeting, the votes of a majority of the members present being necessary to constitute an election; and they shall continue in office for the term of one year, or until their successors are elected, and qualified to take their places. No person shall be eligible for the office of President, or Vice-President for more than three years in succession ; and one-fifth of the Directors, and one member each of the Standing Committees, shall retire each year, in the order of every fifth one of the former and the last one of the latter, as their names shall stand on the bal* loting list. 4. The Government of the Association shall choose the Sec- retary, and shall define the duties and fix the salaries of all officers of the Association. They may also fill any vacancies occurring in their own body, after the annual election, by death, declination to serve, resignation, or any other cause, at any reg- ular or special meeting at which a quorum shall be present. Section III. Meetings of the Association. 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association, for the choice of officers, and the transaction of other business, on the last Wednesday of June, at such place as the Government may appoint, the first meeting to take place in June, 1869 ; and notice of such meeting, signed by the Secretary, shall be mailed to the address of each member, at least thirty days before the time fixed for the meeting. 2. Special meetings may be called by the Government, or upon the written application of twenty members not in the Government, to the Secretary ; notice thereof to be given in the same manner as for the annual meetings. It shall require twenty members present at any meeting, to form a quorum ; and, in case of there not being a quorum, the meeting may be adjourned by the presiding officer. Section IV. Duties of Officers. 1. It shall be the duty of the President, or, in his absence, of one of the Vice-Presidents, in the order of seniority, to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Government; and the President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, shall audit and sign the annual accounts of the Treasurer. 2. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all moneys re- ceived and expended for the use of the Association, and shall make disbursements only upon vouchers approved in writing by 9 the Secretary, and one member of the Committee on finance. When his term of oifice expires, he shall deliver over to his successor all books, moneys, and other property; or, in the absence of the Treasurer elect, the same shall be delivered to the President. 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to give notice of, and attend, all meetings of the Association, and of the Government, and to keep a record of their doings ; to conduct all corres- pondence, and carry into execution all orders, votes, and resolves, not otherwise committed ; to keep a list of the mem- bers of the Association, collect the assessments, and pay them over to the Treasurer ; to notify officers and members of the Association of their election ; to notify members of their ap- pointment on Committees, furnish the Chairman of each Com- mittee with the copy of the vote under which the Committee is appointed, and, at his request, give notice of the meetings of the Committee ; to prepare, under the direction of the Govern- ment, an Annual Report of the transactions and condition of the Association with such statistical information as he may have collected under the direction of the Committee on statistics, and, generally, to devote his best efforts to forwarding the business, and advancing the interests, of the Association. Section V. Committees. 1. There shall be an Executive Committee, to be appointed by the Government, and four standing Committees, viz., — A Committee on Finance ; „ „ „ Statistics; „ „ „ Machinery; „ „ „ Raw Materials; each to consist of five members, and to act under the direction of the Government. 10 2. The Committee on Finance shall have the general superin- tendence of all matters of finance connected with the Associa- tion : and one of the members thereof shall give his written approval to all vouchers of expenditure, in order to their payment by the Treasurer. 3. The Committee on Statistics shall, with the aid of the Secretary, inquire after and collect statistical information re- lating to the growth and manufacture of cotton, especially such as will tend to show the progress of its various branches, both at home and abroad, and have the same incorporated into the Secretary's annual report. 4. The Committee on Machinery shall investigate new inven- tions and improvements relating to the manufacture of cotton fabrics, and report thereon to the Government. 5. The Committee on Raw Materials shall take into consider- ation the origin and extent of the various raw materials used by the cotton manufacturers of the United States, especially the supply and consumption of cotton, the amount and charac- ter of the home growth, and the means best calculated to increase and diversify it, and report the results of their investi- gations to the Government. 6. The l-eports of the several Committees provided by this section shall be printed, with the Secretary's annual report, and copies thereof sent to each member of the Association. Section VI. Amendment and Repeal. 1. These By-laws may be amended or repealed by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any duly organized meet- ing of the Association, provided notice of such proposed change shall have been presented, in writing, at a previous meeting.