sr?? Hollinger Corp. pHas f-iyU^/^»^ -/v-w/. yy- ^<^'X ;(^**DProceediii8S 23d Annual Meeting ^SOCIETY FOR PROMOTION AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE THe Available Energy of TimotHy Hay By HENRY PRENTISS ARMSBY, PH. D., and J. AUGUST FRIES, State College, Pennsylvania. 7/ »«■■■« ^ »i» 1902 1? ^ ll^e ^Available Energy of Timoil^y Hay. By Henry Prentiss Armsby, Ph., J)., and J. August Fries, State College, Pennsylvania. The increasing interest and importance attaching to the study of the nutrition of domestic animals, as well as of man, from the standpoint of the energy involved in- duced the Pennsylvania Experiment Station to undertake the construction of a respiration-calorimeter upon the pi in devised by Atwater & Rosa, bnt enlarged and modi- fied to admit of experiments upon cattle. In the con- struction and operation of this expensive apparatus, the Station has enjoyed the cooperation of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the U. S. . Department of Ag- riculture, and with the permission of its Chief, Dr. D. E. Salmon, the following preliminary report of some of the results is presented. Acknowlegment should also be made of the skill and faithfulness of our assistants, Messrs. C. W. Norris, J. B. Robb, T. M. Carpenter and N. W. Buckhout, in the execution of the laborious respira- tion and calorimetric experiments and of the coopera- tion of the Chemical Division of the Station, under the direction of Dr. Wm. Frear, in the examination of feeds and excreta. Dr. C. A. Browne, Jr., having had general charge of the reception and care of samples and having executed the determinations of carbon and hydrogen, while the determinations of heats of combustion have been made by Mr. Norris. The experiment constitutes a study of the energy-con- tent of timothy hay (this material having been selected because it constitutes a fairly definite farm product) and THE AVAII,ABI0 -^ CM Cq 00 "^1 'X> '-t^ i-ItH "^ a tH --< 'M »o >c cq lyi r-i- CO 5^ lO 00 L^ LC 1—1 ^ oq rH --I (M tH tH 1) S '^ pig DC O 00 cq t- lO T^ -^1 CM (M cq O -^ CO 'o O 1) O CO so O CM O >0 Oi (M "* QO rH :5i 00 ^ o CM o o Ig CO CM Oi o CO ^ ^ tH OOOi ^ CD ;o 0!D CO CO Oi t^ -1^ CO ^ -■vj Oi t^ CO Oi 'T3 y ae o- le IS )d le t*e a- le il '.y ro 12000 Cals. l:MOO Cals. rZABLE ENERGY. , "^ « ly h- -^i L ^ y^. : ^ ^ '" : :±_:_:::: j "THE AVAII^ABLE ENERGY OF TIMOTHY HAY. 103 furnished the animal in each period with the nutritive effect produced. This effect is measured by the extent to which loss of tissue was prevented below the maintenance ration, or by the increased gain above maintenance, and may be compared in the different periods by re^^arding the ration of Period A as a basal ration and subtracting the results for that period from those of the other three. Thus, comparing- Periods A and B, we find that in Period B 2864 Cals. of metabolizable energy were added to the basal ration and diminished the loss of tissue by 1725 Cals., or in other words that 60.24 percent, of the additional metabolizable energy supplied was used for maintenance, while 39.76 per cent, gave rise to the pro- duction of heat which was in excess of the needs of the animal, so far as maintaining the body temperature was concerned, since the normal temperature was maintained on the lesser supply of metabolizable energy. The results of similar comparisons for each of the three periods are contained in the following table, and are also represented graphically by the full Hue in the accom- panying diagram, in wnich the abscissae represent the quantities of metabolizable energy supplied to the animal ^-i^and the ordinates the resulting gain or loss of energy by the body. The points show the results for each period and the line the average result: Metabolizable Energy. Cals. Gain of Tissue. Cals. Gain in per cent, of Metabolizable Period B " A 9482 6618 — 724 -2449 Difference 2864 1725 60.24 Period C " A 11222 6618 + 616 -2449 Difference 4604 3065 66.57 Period D " A 12255 6618 -fl072 —2449 Difference 5637 3521 62.46 Average 63.09 :::::::::::::::: t:: :::::: :::::::■ _._. . X « ' ^ z: ~ : . _:_: _ r _ _ _ ^^ . — .................. -....^^ — .. . . .,£' - ±. ..... ^' _; : - - . -, ..-.-..., _.^ j; — 14 :: : ":::_::.:;:".. .:±-:: 7000 Cnls SOOO Hals 9000 Cala. 10008 Gala. 11000 Cala. 12000 CalH 1:1000 Cala metabolizabIjE energy. iq4 THE AVAItABI^E ENERGY OF TIMOTHY HAY. It is obvious that in each case a considerable propor- tion of the inetabolizable energy of the added food was used for other purposes than the maintenance of body tissue, the amount thus expended ranging, in round num- bers, from 33% to 40%, and averaging 37%. In other words, the metabolizable energy of the hay had only about 63% of the nutritive value which the theory of iso- dynamic replacement would ascribe to it. The same fact is, of course, indicated in the graphic representation by the fact that the line representing the average results make an angle of more than 45 degrees with the vertical. The facts that the external conditions, particularly temperature and relative humidity, were almost absolute- ly identical in the four periods, and that the smallest amount >:f heat produced was sufficient to prevent any material fall of body temperature for two weeks, seem . to negative the supposition that the additional heat evolved in the later periods was a mere production of heat for its own sake. There was no noticeable difference in the several periods as regards the muscular activity of the animal, with the exception of differences in the amount of time passed respectivnly in the standing and lying posture.^ This difference, however, was not inconsiderable, the number of minutes per 24 hours passed in the standing position ranging, during the eight days of the respiration trials, from 675 to 1026. The muscular exertion neces- sary to maintain the standing posture is an important source of heat. In this experiment the amount of heat given off from the animal by radiation and conduction and brought out of the calorimeter in the water current has been computed separately for the periods when the animal was standing or lying, omitting from the compu- tation all periods of less than three hours. The ratio of heat given off while lying to that given off while standing was as follows: Period A 1 Period B 1 Period C 1 Period D 1 1.321 1.332 1.296 1,286 We have no means of comparing in a similar way the THE AVAILABIvK ENERGY OF TIMOTHY HAY. 105 heat given off by the animal as latent heat of water vapor. If, however, we make the not improbable assump- tion that this amount was proportional to that given off by radiation and conduction, we may computf> the total amount of heat produced respectively in the lying and the standing position per minute or per 24 hours with the following results: Period A B " C D Heat Production (per 24 hours) Observed. Cals. 9067 10206 10606 11183 Computed Lying. Cals. 7664 8325 9086 9512 Computed Standing. Cals. 10125 11088 11772 12232 Comparing these computed amounts ot heat, we can also compute the gain or loss of tissue and its relation to the metabolizable energy supplied, in the same manner as before, with the results contained in the following tables and represented by the broken lines in the diagram: I Metabolizable Energy. Cal. Gain, Lying. Cal. Gain in per cent, of Metabolizable Period B A Difference Period C " A Difference Period D " A Difference Average 9482 6618 2864 11222 6618 4604 12255 6618 5637 +1157 -1046 2203 +2136 -1046 3182 +2743 -1046 3789 76.92 69.12 67.22 71.09 io6 THE AVAILABLE ENERGY OF TIMOTHY HAY. Metabolizable Energy. Cal. Grain, Standing. Cal. Gain in per cent, of Metabolizable Period B A Difference 9482 6618 2864 —1606 -3507 1901 66.51 Period C A Difference 11222 6618 4604 - 550 -8511 2961 63.31 Period D A Difference Average 12255 6618 5637 + 23 —3511 3534 62.70 64.51 According to these figures, if our animal had passed all his time in the recumbent posture he would have gained upon each ration except the first one, while, on the other hand, if he had spent all his time standing, he would have lost upon everj ration except the heaviest. It is scarcely necessary to do more than call attention to the practical importance attaching to this large difference between the metabolism of the animal in the two posi- tions. Its bearing upon the differences observed in the productive power of different animals, as well as upon questions of practical management, is obvious. But while the absolute results thus computed differ materially from each other and from those actually ob- served, the elimination in this way of the influence of varying amounts of muscular exertion does not material- ly affect the main result. There is still a large percentage of the metabolizable energy which is not used for con- structive purposes, although the proportion appears to be somewhat less when lying than when standing. The most natural supposition is that this energy is expended in the digestion and assimilation of the food. Apparent- ly the amount of heat thus produced, even on the loweist ration, was so large a? to reach or pass the limit of possible substitution for heat which would otherwise be produced by the oxidation of tissue. As food was added THE AVAII.ABLE ENERGY OF TIMOTHY HAY. 107 above this amount, tlie heat resulting from its digestion and assimilation was necessarily in excess of the needs of the organism under the conditions of the experiment and became simply an excretum. If this interpretation of the results is correct, it has important theoretical bearings. It becomes evident, in the first place, that the maintenance requirement of cattle is a question of tissue replacement rather than of heat production, and, therefore, that the ^alue of a given feed- ing stuff for maintenance depends upon the availability of its energy. We may, for instance, regard it as at least very probable that the work of digestion and assimilation in the case of a material like corn meal would be material- ly less than in the case of hay; or, in other words, that a larger percentage of its energy would be availab e for the maintenance of tissue. It would follow from this that in case of a ration consisting largely of grain a less amount of material or of metabolizable energy would be required for maintenance than in the case of a ration consisting exclusively of coarse fodder. In other words, the main- tenance raticm is a variable rather than a constant, de- pending upon the kind of food used. It may be noted that this conclusion has already been indicated by the experiments upon the maintenance ration of cattle made at this Station in 1896-7.^ Furthermore, if the heat production upon the maintenance ration is in excess of the requirements of the animal, it seems unlikely that small variations in the stable temperature to which the animal is exposed will have the effect upon the maintenance requirement which is ordinarily attributed to them. Still less is this likely to be the case with fattening cattle, where the amount of food and the consequent heat production are largely in excess of the maintenance ration. Another important point indicated by our results is that the availability of the metabolizable energy of the food for tissue building is approximately constant within the range of the experiment, or, in other words, that the gain is a linear function of the amount of metabolizable ^Bulletin 42, p 159. Io8 THE AVAILABLE ENERGY OF TIMOTHY HAY. energy supplied. While this is not exactly true, the varia- tions from it, as shown by thedingrara, are comparatively small, and probably within the limits of experimental error. We should anticipate that the inuscala.r work of digestion would be approximately proportional to the total diy matter supplied. As the figures show, the pro- portion of the total energy of the hay which was found to be metabolizable diminished as the amount was increased, the difference arising chiefly from differences in digestibil- ity. Since, nevei'lheless, the total expenditure of energy indigestion and assimilation appearstobe approximately proportional to the metabolizable energy, it seems evident that a large share of this expenditure must be for the work of assimilation. Probably a very large factor in it is the loss of energy in the methane fermentation. Still another indication afforded by our results is that the availibility of the metabolizable energy w^as stibstant- ially the same above and below the maintenance require- ment. This is indicated both by a comparison of the actual results in Periods C and D, dnd also b'-^ a compari- son of the computed results lying and standing. We might anticipate that the conversion of the as-imilated food into tissue would require a still further expenditure of energy, and that consequently the availability above the maintenance requirement would be less than that below it. Our experiments, as noted, afford no clear indication of such a difference; indeed the availability above the maintenance requirement, as computed from from the results while lying down, is greater than that below the maintenance requirement as computed from the results while standing, In view, however, of the assumptions involved in the computation, too much weight should not be laid upon this point, and we present it rather as a suggestion for future research than as a eonclusion. It may be noted also in this connection that Kellner's experiments in which meadow hay was added to a basal ration showed a utilization of the metabolizable energy for fattening of less than 42 per cent, as compared with the 63 per cent, of availability found in our experi- ments. The results of our work, then, may be briefly sum- THE AVAII,ABr