■ 1435 ,S12 -opy 2 SACRED FLOWERS OF THE AZTECS BY WILLIAM EDWIN SAFFORD Revised and reprinted from the Volta Review, Vol. XIV, No. 2, May. 1912 PRBSS OP JUDD & DSTWEILER, INC. WASHINGTON, D. C. c SACRED FLOWERS OF THE AZTECS BY WILLIAM EDWIN SAFFORD Revised and reprinted from the Volta Review, Vol. XIV, No. 2, May, 1912 PRESS OE JUDD & DETWEILER, INC. WASHINGTON, D. C. Photo by Mr. C. B. Doyle THE SACRED EAR-ELOWER OE THE AZTECS (Cyiiibopcfal 1! Ill pciiduUfloriiin) : natural size: Gift SACRED FLOWERS OF THE AZTECS ^ BY WILLIAM EDWIN SAFFORD THE love of beauty was strongly de- veloped among the ancient Mexi- cans. Their poems and songs which have come down to us abound in ex- quisite metaphors and similes, and are sometimes made up entirely of images, recalling flowery meadows, jewels of every color, the thousand songs of the mocking bird, the resplendent feathers of humming birds or the royal trogon, and the lovely hues of the rainbow. The floating gardens of the Mexican lakes and the magnificent parks which the Spaniards encountered on their march to the city of Mexico were a source of wonder and admiration to all who beheld them. The floating gardens still exist and are today the principal source of the flowers in the markets of Mexico City, but scarcely a vestige re- mains of the parks of Montezuma, with their great reservoirs, their irrigating ditches, and the garden plots, which were laid off by intersecting walks. Flowers adorned the ancient temples and idols ; even the priests, while per- forming their bloody rites, wore wreaths and garlands. No one could enter the presence of royalty without a floral offer- ing, and certain flowers were permitted to be carried only by persons of royal lineage. Certain flowers, herbs, and roots were used by wizards for working their spells ; others were used as safe- guards from witchcraft and magic, or as amulets for good luck. It has not been possible to identify all the flowers mentioned by the early writ- ers. Some are well known, though their Aztec, or Nahuatl, names have been superseded by modern names, which are sometimes misleading. Among the latter are the common marigold, which the ancient Mexicans called cempoalxochitl, or the "flower with a thousand petals." Now marigolds, botanically known as Tagetes, are sometimes referred to as "African marigolds," or "French mari- golds" ; they are, however, of Mexican origin, and were much used by the Az- tecs in their religious ceremonies. The Mexican name for "flower" was xochitl, and for "tree," quahuitl. They formed their names by combining a number of words together, leaving off the terminal tl or tli from all of the words but the last. Thus the spotted animal called ocelot takes its name from the Mexican ocelotl, and to form the name "ocelot- flower" the Mexicans drop the final tl of ocelotl and call the flower oceloxochitl. the; sacred ear-flower Among the flowers most highly prized by the ancient Mexicans was one called the "flower ear" (.vochinacastli), or "sacred ear'" (fig. i) (teonacastli) , the botanical identity of which has only re- cently been established.* This flower, ac- cording to early writers, was valued both on account of its fragrance and for the aromatic flavor of its spicy petals, which were ground up, together with the toasted seeds of cacao, for making chocolate. The earliest account we have of it was written by Padre Bernardino de Sahagun about the year 1569, but his manuscript remained unpublished until compara- tively recently. He called it teimacastli, from teiitl, or teotl, "god," and nacaztli, "ear." The first account to be published was that of Dr. Francisco Hernandez, a physician sent in 1570 by Philip H, King of Spain, to study the resources of the New World. Hernandez figured many of the most remarkable plants of Mexico, but he was in no sense a botanist. His figures (fig. 2) were often rude and scarcely recognizable and his descriptions far from adequate. His work, like that of Sahagun, remained unpublished for a long time. It first appeared in a Spanish translation by Ximenez, printed in the *See Safford, W. E., "The sacred ear- flower of the Aztecs : xochinacaztli," in the Smithsonian Report for 1910, pp. 427-431. igir. 88 THE VOLT A REVIEW city of Mexico in 1615 without illustra- tions. The Latin addition, with iigures made from Hernandez's drawings, ap- peared in Rome in 1651, long after the death of Hernandez. It was not com- plete, but embraced only the portions of Hernandez's work relating to materia medica. The "ear-flower'' he described under the heading "De xochinacastli sen Hore auriculcc." The following is trans- lated from Ximenez : greatest charm and taste, together with a very fragrant odor and flavor to that celebrated drink cacao, which they call ehocolate, and it imparts to it certain tonic properties and wholesomeness as well. It is said that when drunk in water this flower dispels flatulency, causes phlegm to become thin, warms and com- forts the stomach which has been chilled or weakened, as well as the heart, and that it is efficacious in asthma, ground to FIG. I. THE SACRED EAR-FEOWER OF THE AZTECS : TWICE NATURAE SIZE "The flower is divided into leaves shaped almost exactly like ears." — Ximenez "The xochinacastli is a rare tree, with leaves long and narrow and of a deep green color. Its flowers, borne on a pendent velvety peduncle, are divided into leaves, which are purplish within and herbaceous without, shaped almost exactly like ears, and of a very agreeable odor. It grows in warm countries, and there is nothing else in the tiaiigues and markets of the Indians more frequently found nor more highly prized than this flower. The which is wont to g'ive the a powder with the addition of two pods of the large red peppers called texochilli, with their seeds removed and toasted on a conial, which is a kind of griddle on which the natives toast and make their bread, called by us tortillas, adding to the same three drops of balsam and tak- ing it in some suitable liquor." Since the time of Hernandez many works have appeared in which the eco- nomic plants of the Aztecs have been discussed, but in none of them is the SACKED FLOWERS OF THE AZTECS 89 FIG. 2. THE "ear-flower" AS FIGURED BY HERNANDEZ IN I576 botanical identity of the xochinacastli hinted at, though it is invariably men- tioned. While engaged in studying the plants belonging to the Annonacea:, or custard- apple family, the writer came upon a photograph in the files of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture, showing a number of long-stemmed flowers with the three inner petals very much like the human ear in shape. He suspected that these might be the flowers of the sacred ear-flower, for which he had so long been seeking. This photograph (plate) was taken by Mr. C. B. Doyle in the market of Coban, Guatemala, while ac- companying Mr. O. F. Cook on a mission of agricultural exploration in 1904. Mr. Cook in his notes states that the flowers had a pleasant, spicy odor. They were offered for sale both fresh and in the form of dried black petals curled up on the edges and heavily veined inside. The sepals and outer petals of the fresh flowers were light green and the inner, thicker petals of a pale, dull, salmon color, breaking with a bright orange- colored fracture. No herbarium speci- mens of the plant were secured at this time, but two years later, in May, 1906, Mr. Cook secured specimens of an an- nonaceous plant at Jacaltenango, Guate- mala, which he did not associate with the aromatic flowers of the Coban mar- ket, which proved to be of the same species with them. They were found by the writer in the United States National Herbarium (sheet No. 574411). On tasting the dried petals they proved to have a pungent spicy flavor like nutmegs, or perhaps cubebs. The identity of the xochinacastli was revealed. The xocliinacastli, or, as it is known botanically, Cymbopetalum pendiiliHo- rum, is endemic in the forests of north- western Guatemala and across the border in the Mexican State of Chiapas. The use of its flowers as a spice, once so widely spread, gradually died out, on ac- count of the introduction of cinnamon from the East Indies, which now, to- gether with vanilla, is almost universally used for flavoring chocolate. VANILLA : THL "bLACK FLOWE;r" OF" THIS AZTECS Vanilla itself is of Mexican origin. It was highly esteemed by the Aztecs, who called it tlilxochitl (black flower), on account of the color of its long black pod. This is the fruit of a climbing orchid, which is endemic in the forests of Vera Cruz and other warm, moist re- gions of Mexico. It takes its common name, vanilla, from the Spanish vainilla, signifying a "little legume," vainilla be- ing the diminutive form of vaina, signi- fying a scabbard, or slender pod. It is easily propagated by cuttings and is now 90 THE VOLT A REVIEW widely cultivated in various tropical countries, its flowers requiring to be arti- ficially pollinated to produce pods in all localities except where the plant is na- FIG. 3. THE SERPENT-HEAD FEOWER AS FIGURED BY HERNANDEZ IN I576 tive. This is probably owing to the absence of certain insects which naturally perform this task. Another beautiful orchid, perhaps the most highly esteemed of all the Mexican flowers, was called coatzontecomaxocJiitl, the "serpent-head flower." There may have been more than one species called by this name, but that which was figured by Hernandez (fig. 3) is known botani- cally as Stanhopea ociilata. The genus Stanhopea to which it belongs was named in honor of Earl Stanhope, at one time president of the Medico-Botanical Soci- ety of London. So greatly was this flower admired that it was adopted as the symbol or coat of arms of the learned Lincean Society of Rome in the seven- teenth century. It is epiphytal in its habit, with broad plicated leaves grow- ing from a cluster of pseudo-bulbs at- tached to the mossy limbs of trees, and large, nodding, fragrant flowers varie- gated with various colors. It is not surprising that the ancient Alexicans attributed magic properties to it and re- garded it as sacred. In speaking of it, Padre Ximenez says : "No words can worthily describe nor pencil depict the beauty of this flower, which is greatly esteemed and highly valued by the Mexi- can princes." It grows attached to rocks or tree trunks, whence it is brought to the gardens of the Mexicans and there serves as a beautiful ornament, produc- ing its lovely flowers at intervals, season after season, and filling the air with its fragrance. The accompanying drawing (fig. 4), made by Mr. Theodore Bolton, is interesting not only for its artistic beauty and accuracy, but also for the contrast it offers to the stiff figure of Hernandez. The latter, though rude, is far better and more accurate than most of the drawings in his work above re- ferred to, and is sufiiciently exact for the determination of the botanical spe- cies of the plant depicted. THU OCELOT FLOWER OR TRINITY PLANT The oceloxochitl, or "ocelot flower," to which I have already referred, is known botanically as Tigridia pavonia. It has somewhat the form of a "mariposa lily," but it belongs to the Iris family instead of to the Liliacecc. Its generic name and its common Spanish name, "flor del tigre," are scarcely applicable, since tigers are marked with stripes, while this beautiful flower is spotted, rather like a leopard. It is sometimes called "Hierba de la Trinidad," or Trinity plant, from the shape of its perianth, its three sta- mens, and its three stigmas. Hernandez's figure (fig. 5) is very stiff' and quite SACRED FLOWERS OF THE AZTECS 91 FIG. 4. THE SERPENT-HEAD ORCHID (Staiiliopea oculata) reduced one-half 92 THE VOLT A RBVIBW sometimes called "devil's hands." Only one tree of the kind was supposed to exist. It was of great age and had lobed leaves somewhat like those of a plane tree. The flowers have no corolla, but FIG. S. THE OCElvOT FI,OWER AS FIGURED BY HERNANDEZ IN I576 inadequate to suggest the exquisite beauty of the flower, which is faithfully represented by Mr. Theodore Bolton (fig. 6). The divisions of the perianth are either yellow or orange red richly variegated with tawny or reddish spots, which at once suggest the markings of some leopard-like animal. The starchy roots, called by the Aztecs cacomitl, are edible and have somewhat the taste of chestnuts. They were also reputed by the ancient Mexicans to be efficacious in fevers. the; "de;vil's-hand flower" Among the trees regarded by the Mexicans with superstitious veneration was one growing near the city of Toluca, called macpalxochiquahuitl (hand-palm flower-tree), which bore peculiar flowers, FIG. 6. THE OCELOT FLOWER : DRAWING BY THEO- DORE BOLTON, REDUCED ONE" HALF in its place a cuplike, five-parted calyx, at the bottom of which are five yellow cavities filled with nectar. The remark- able feature of the flower is the form of the stamens, which grow together like SACKED FLOWERS OF THE AZTECS 93 the fingers of a human hand, from the palm of which issues the style. The stamens are bright red and are tipped with appendages resembling claws. Bot- anists have placed this tree in the Ster- FIG. 7. THE HAND-FLOWRR AS FIGURED BY HERNANDEZ IN 1576 culia family and named it Chiranthoden- dron platanoides. They have found that its nearest relative is a shrub growing on the upper Sacramento River, in Califor- nia, called F remontod'endron calif orni- ciim. The latter has palmately lobed leaves, which are rusty beneath, like those of the hand-flower tree, and its calyx is also provided with nectaries, which are much visited by bees. The occurrence of a single tree was at first a source of wonder, but the mystery was solved by the discovery of a whole grove of the trees in Guatemala. It is interest- ing to note that these were found grow- ing on the slope of the Volcano de Agua, near the ancient town of Antigua, at an elevation above the sea of about 8,000 feet ; so that it is not surprising that the specimen which established itself in Mexico, whither it had been brought in pre-Columbian times from Guatemala, had found a congenial home at about the same elevation in the soil of the volcano of Toluca. The figure here presented is the exaggerated drawing of Hernan- dez (tig. 7), which may be compared with the accurate figure of Mr. Bolton (fig. 8), drawn from a herbarium speci- men brought home from Guatemala by Mr. William R. Maxon, of the United States National Herbarium. The flowers described in this paper are only an index to hundreds of beautiful FIG. 8. THE HAND-FLOWER (Chirautliodeiidrou platanoides) reduced one-half and curious vegetable products which the Spaniards encountered in the New World. The virtues attributed some of these were fanciful ; others proved to be valu- able additions to the pharmacopcea, while others, such as Indian corn and cacao, have assumed an important place in the world's economy. THE VOLTA BUREAU For the Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge Relating to the Deaf Superintendent Harris Taylor, 35th Street and Volta Place, Washington, D. C. Curator Edward L. Dent The Volta Bureau aims to preserve in its fire-proof library in Washington, D. C, the literature of the world relating to the education of the deaf, and to the means of ameliorating their condition. Its collections include the principal works upon the Education of the Deaf, or deaf-and-"dumb" ; the published Reports of Schools for the Deaf in America and other countries ; Files of the newspapers and periodicals published by and for the Deaf, with most, if not all, of the extinct news- papers of the Deaf, and much unpublished material, available for research work, including the following: (i) A card catalogue of more than 50,000 deaf children admitted into special schools for the deaf in the United States during the nineteenth century (1817-1900), with full details concerning them taken from the private records of the schools. (2) Voluminous MSS. containing authentic information concerning 4,471 marriages of persons deaf-from-childhood (deaf-and-dumb), supplied by the families themselves, with details concerning the parents and other ancestors, and the brothers and sisters and children of the partners in marriage. Many of the details have been transferred to cards to facilitate the preparation of statistical tables. (3) The special schedules of the Deaf used by the Census Office in 1900, contain- ing detailed information concerning 89,287 persons returned as deaf or "deaf- and-dumb" in the Twelfth Census of the United States. The information is authentic because supplied by the deaf persons themselves. The perforated cards used by the Census Office in tabulating the returns are also preserved in the Volta Bureau. (4) The special schedules of the Blind used by the Census Office in 1900, contain- ing detailed information concerning 64,763 persons returned as Blind in the Twelfth Census of the United States. The information is authentic, because supplied by the blind persons themselves. The perforated cards used by the Census Office in tabulating the returns, are also preserved in the Volta Bureau. The above-mentioned material (l to 4), being of a confidential nature, cannot be thrown open to the general public, but the Volta Bureau welcomes bona iide investi- gators and will give them free access to the material under suitable restrictions relating to the use of names, &c. The Volta Bureau forms a medium of exchange between the Schools for the Deaf of the world. It distributes the reports of American Schools for the Deaf to foreign schools, and the reports of foreign schools to American schools. It supports a Teachers' Information Agency, and keeps on file a list of teachers seeking appointments and a list of Superintendents and Principals desiring teachers for deaf children. PRESS OF JUDD & DETWEILER, C^«ag|^^t< INC., WASHINGTON, D. C. THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION TO PROMOTE THE TEACHING OF SPEECH TO THE DEAF is a Philanthropic Society, incorporated in i8go under the laws of the State of New York. Official Headquarters 945 N. St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. Business Office The Volta Bureau, 35th St. and Voha Place, Washington, D. C. The objects of the Association as defined in its certificate of incorporation are: "To AID Schools for the Deaf in their efforts to teach Speech and Speech -Reading — "By providing schools for the training of articulation teach- ers; "By the employment of an agent or agents who shall, by the collection and publication of statistics and papers- relating to the subject and by conference with teachers and others, dis- seminate information concerning methods of teaching speech and speech-reading; and "By using all such other means as may be deemed expedient, to the end that no deaf child in America shall be allowed to grow up 'deaf and dumb/ or 'mute,' zvithout earnest and persistent efforts having been made to teach him to speak and read the lips." In pursuance of these objects the Association supports a summer school for the training of articulation teachers, and contributes towards the mainte- nance of a normal class of instruction at the Clarke School for the Deaf, at Northampton, Mass. Conventions of articulation teachers and summer meetings of the Asso- ciation are held from time to time in various parts of the United States, with the object of improving the methods of teaching speech to the deaf by means of lectures and discussions by specialists. The Association publishes The Volta Review, an illustrated monthly magazine, and issues from time to time monographs relating to the teaching of speech to the deaf. In addition to its special work in promoting the teaching of speech to the deaf, the Association, through a Superintendent, now carries on the work of the Volta Bureau in Washington, D. C, an institution dealing more generally with the education of the deaf and the amelioration of their condition. (For Work of Volta Bureau See Over) The American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf President, A. L. E. Crouter, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. First Vice-President, Edmund Lyon, Rochester, N. Y. Second Vice-President, Caroline A. YalE, Northampton, Mass. Official Secretary, Z. F. Westervelt, 945 N. St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. General Secretary, PIarris Taylor, Volta Bureau, 35th Street and Volta Place, Washington, D. C. Treasurer, Frederick Eichelberger, Washington Loan and Trust Co., Washington, D. C. Auditor, Gilbert PL Grosvenor, Washington, D. C. The Volta Review, the organ of the Association, is edited by a PubHca- tion Committee : Chairman, Alexander Graham Bell, Washington, D. C. Secretary, FrEd De Land, Washington, D. C. The Association welcomes to its membership all persons who desire to promote the teaching of speech to the deaf. Membership dues, $2.00 a year, with no entrance fee. Life membership, $50.00. The VolTa Review is sent free to members. The Review is published monthly (with no July or August issues). Subscription price to non- members, $2.50 a year. Appltrattan for iEpmln^rsIitp To THE Ghneral Secretary, Volta Bureau, Washington, D. C: I desire to become a member of the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, and inclose Two Dollars in payment of dues for 1912. Name Address... Date ... Applirattnn far i£ift-Mvmbnal}ip To the General Secretary, Volta Bureau, Washington, D. C: I desire to become a Life-Member of the American Association to Pro- mote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, and inclose the sum of Fifty Dollars in lieu of Annual Dues. Name Address Date LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 11 n Hi 1 11 1 I H 11 1 Hill IHII mww ^ 015 841 907 5 •