Class r T^l Book . W^S b Copyright W^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT 3oi|V0r|ii^ of * :!: Kankakee, III. INDELIBLE PHOTOGRAPH^ Published and Copyrighted, iSgi, by The Albertype Co , I. W. Powell, Photographer, 67 & 6q Spring St., N. Y. 282 Dearborn Ave., Kankakee, 111. rs4^ CL SKETeH. fHE name Kankakee is a corruption of the Indian name "Ti-yar-acke," meaninif wonderland. Kankakee is the county seat of Kankakee Co.; is a city of about 10,000 inhabitants; located 56 miles south of "The World's Fair City" on the Illinois Central, Big Four, Indiana, Illinois & Iowa, Kankakee & Seneca, Kankakee & Southwestern Railways, on river that bears its name. Among the chief enterprises are Flour Mills, Paper Mill, Shoe Factory, Knitting Factory, Foundry and Machine Shops, extensive Stone Quarries, two Tile and Brick Works, two Transfer Elevators, Tan- nery, Planing Mill, Ice Factory, Refrigerator Works, Nail Factory, Oil Mills, Furniture Factory, Corru- gated Iron Works, Wagon Shops and four Cigar Factories. Kf/igeoiis and Edttcation(iL-r~Yomie:en.Q.\\\xYc\\Gs; Ladies Library Association ; Public Schools with 1.200 enrolled pupils; one daily and three weekly papers. Improvements. — Three Banks; Electric Railway; Electric Fire Alarm with horse fire trucks; unilormed Police; Water Works; Electric Lights; Gas Works; Seven Hotels; Arcade Building and Opera House; new County Asylum; Fair Grounds; Driving Park "Kite Shaped Track;" Free Mail Delivery; Luxuriant Shade Trees; Handsome Residences; $5,000 Soldiers Monument; Public Fountain; Pleasure Steamer on the river; Co. L. Third Infantry, I. N. G. The healthfulness of Kankakee is an important advantage and should not be overlooked, as shown by the location of the Illinois Eastern Hospital — 1,600 inmates and 400 employees—the largest but one in the United States. As a summer resort, Kankakee has long been known. The new and spaceous hotel River View occu- pies an unusually fine picturesque location, has lately been completed at a cost of $80,000, will attract guests from far and near. Parties seeking a home should not fail to visit Kankakee, and see its commercial as well as natural advantages of pure air and water, also its industrious population enjoying prosperity and happiness. § HorelT^i\/erviev\). X^ieq^vOe.,,, Eastern Illinois Hospital for \r\i iNbANt '^'Sp'PS ^ '^ GroOe (^^lrrlert-)^ 00 ^e ilvl.f\i\. pt:?._5are^rearr)er^ J^ir\r|ieljlie"e\r^d ^f]duba.r\ee J.l^CGur P)uildi(\i^ VievO c:\ .^ _, ^ ' .:r\ae. ^'^7'JO.L-lK'r j.uiirj'j»p.,fc5=r: ^on^.,v^, P'5=cpa|. C^hurlhI':^. t:z^.^-¥^ ^^o^^'v LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf _.K^^-<^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 5-Hodeko ^ris,', i.L\-i.Lic;,- Residi:\( i:s. j^KS[i),.^,.^3: i^i)^. eAcfr-e ,D>i(r,e -Ac^xcwm^ ir^v. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS