?|ope, anb otiftt poems i^arp oEIdrcD i^mi()eku Friendship, Hope, and other poems Mary E. Mayhew Copyright 1921 BY MARY ELDRED MAYHEW ©C1A61JS39 And for my heart's best friends, Whose steadfast kindness o'er my painful years, Has watched to soothe affliction's griefs and tears. My warmest prayer ascends. — From Hymn of the Ages. FRIENDSHIP Jesus, so dear, of Thee I ask A boon to help me live. Oh! That I could in Friendship bask, That Thou true friends would'st give! And Thou, Who had'st the friends, so dear, When Thou wast on this earth. Give to me those who'll love me here. Who'll know my own true worth. Who will forgive my faults so great, Surround me with their love. Be true to me — whatever fate — Until we meet above. SPRING For Spring, so sweet, I ask of thee. Thou God of all things pure. For flowers fair and green-leafed tree, And brooklets running o'er. For zephyrs softly floating by, And gentle, falling rain, Clear cloudlets in a sunlit sky, — All calm my heart's sharp pain, — For grass appearing restful green. And little playful squirrel. For sun, or shadows' silv'ry sheen, That flits about the world. For birds a-nesting in the bough, And singing as they wing, — For all Thy earth just telling how It is the year's sweet Spring! HOPE When heart be crushed by cruel fate, And pride be wounded, too; When burdens do the shoulders stoop, And all's of darkest hue; When love has been perhaps repulsed, And friends have proved untrue; When deeds of kindness were received By heartless mock'ry, too; When charity no thanks obtains, And confidence refused; When courage by a dart's been hit. And trust has been abused ; When brother casts a with'ring glance At one who weaker be. And sister closes haughty eye, And scorns to look at me; When parent has my soul cast down. Ne'er heeds forgiveness plea, — Then, Saviour, dear, my full hope rests On Thy divinity. HUMILITY Deeply humble, let me walk, Mighty God, with Thee! Let me desire never know For pomp, wealth or glory. Give me but service to mankind. An humble servant be; By doing this, let me, too, find I'm also serving Thee. May I but walk just lowly here. Humble, honest, mild. And find when I reach Heaven — there The greatest is — a child! 1 EASTER Dear day, that beams with hope for all, For whom the blessed Saviour died, Whose peace and presence still abide, Whose wonders wise our minds enthrall. Show us His goodness in the blue Of sky and ocean, deep and broad; Show us the love of risen Lord In floweret of ev'ry hue; Show us His glory on the hill That stands majestic and serene; Show us in peacefulness of scene The kindness of the highest Will; Show us His mercy in the star That guides the weary wand'rer home; Show us His kingship in blue dome Where countless worlds of wonder are;- 0, on this Resurrection morn, We turn to Thee Who suffered so Upon the Cross — forgiving foe — And bringing earth a new life's dawn! SLANDER When Slander's wicked tongue assails A weaker one than I, Help me defend the one accused, Not listen to the lie, Nor truth — when said by mean intent — To wrong a child of Thine — God, let her not the lower sink Because of words of mine; Let me but make the one who slays Thy child with Slander's tale, See his own sins for cruel words. And from Thy wrath quick quail! Thus, make him stop the story sad That tells another's sin. And turn but to himself — to search Depths — of his heart within! HEAVEN A place that is sublimely fair, A place where spirit forms soft move, A place where misery is ne'er, A state where all's harmonious love; A place where flower, tree and bird, Are so divine we cannot think, A place where music's soft strain's heard, A state where all base passions sink; A place where brooklet's ripples play, A place where mansions fair remain, A place where night's eternal day, A state where we our summits gain; A place where we our lost ones love. And enemies will all forgive, A state where 'tis just Heaven above. Where for eternity we'll live, — May this, dear Lord, my Heaven be, A place so bright we scarce conceive; But one thing more, I ask of Thee — That Thou our sinful souls receive! LIFE'S PURPOSE To take a boy and let him see What's highest in our lives, And this I ask, God, of Thee, To help him as he strives! To show a girl the purest thought, And keep her life so pure. That no life's battle need be fought, No vice nor sin allure! To know a man, encourage him To always do the right. Make wrong ambitions grow more dim, Show him that right is might To teach a woman all that's good Will lead to Heav'n above. To make this world of sin, she could God's kingdom, one of love! To plant dear trees that will give shade. And flowers sweet to grow. May help to all mankind be made My Life's purpose below. A TEAR Help me to shed a tear, Lord, For others in their woe. And not just happiness to hoard, As through this life I go. But let me feel a sorrow near, Because some one is sad, Help me to soothe with heartfelt tear, Not strive just to be glad; Let me not always look for cheer. But for a brother's trial, And by my tear or action, clear Shadows from his Life dial. SUMMER The birds are sending sweetest trills, And rippling soft are tiny rills, In perfumed verdure rest the hills, — 'Tis summer now. Each bush by blossom fair is bent, Each flower sends its sweetest scent. This whole wide world's with beauty rent!- We rev'rent bow. So brightly blows each fairy breeze, So green with leaves are all the trees. So softly calm are summer seas, — lovely earth! The ocean sends its whitest foam. It has completely ceased to moan. This sphere rejoices in its home, — 'Tis filled with mirth. Such dainty clouds of fleecy white, Such rays of sunshine beaming bright. And Nature reaching to its height, — All things are dear. The stars are twinkling in the sky, A silv'ry moon in Heaven high, And playful moonbeams dancing by, — Sweet Heaven's near. Bright Youth a-pledging lasting love, Air breathing peace like purest dove, Thou watching all from Heaven above, — 'Tis Heaven here. For all that Summer brings to me, My thanks, dear God, I off'er Thee. DREAMS The skies are black, the days not cheery, This world's all wrong, it seems! But what care I, tho' heart be weary, If I can dream my dreams? To dream of those in nearby planes Only before me gone — What matters then deep sorrow's stains? I see a new life's dawn. Ambitions now unrealized Will soon my real life be; There may I 'mid bright, sunny skies, Lord, sing, still helped by Thee. REVENGE God, when tries some thoughtless one To crush my heart with cruel word, Help me to but uplift my eyes, And know in Heaven that Thou — hast heard. Too, when a glance at me is cast. That cuts like sword, so sharp and keen, Teach me to realize that Thou, Dear Lord, in Heaven hast looked — hast seen. So, when a deed deep wounds my life, And tends to make me hate mankind, Let me but think, "The mills of God" Slow, but exceeding fine, do grind! And if, in life, when for revenge I long in worldly heart of mine, Breathe soft rebuke to me — Thou art The Judge Who says, "Vengeance is Mine." NEW YEAR'S DAY For hopes so bright in days long past, Tho blighted by Life's frost — That killed realization — and By disappointment tossed, I thank Thee, Lord. For present hopes and hopes to grow Within this heart of mine. Implanted, tended by Thy love. Fulfilled by will of Thine, I thank Thee, Lord. So, let the New Year dawn on me. Dead hopes laid soft away, While new hopes beam with bright'ning charm, To welcome New Year's Day. KINDNESS Dear Lord, Who lookest from above And seest each life's path wind, So fill my weary heart with love To all I may be kind. Help me to say the word of cheer, To comfort those in woe. Show me the way to dry the tear Of e'en my bitt'rest foe. Teach me to give the wrecked a hand, To raise them from their fall. And help me make them understand 'Tis but the right of all. Give me the hungered ones to feed, The aged to assist, So let me feel each one's own need, No mute appeal resist. FAITH Let me not question, Lord, Things that I do not know; Let Faith to me afford A refuge from Faith's foe. So fill my heart with trust That doubt will not arise — What now is myst'ry must Revealed be in the skies. Jesus, but take my hand, Walk lovingly with me, Ne'er let me stray, nor stand To question. Lord, of Thee. A CHILD'S PRAYER Dearest Jesus, meek and mild, Help to make me a good child; Make me kind and make me good, Give me parents, home and food ; Make me brave and honest, too. Give me friends forever true; And at break and close of day Teach me. Lord, just how to pray. A PRAYER FOR A POOR CHILD If on the lovely country Could you, dear, ope your eyes, Instead of on the fact'ry That smokes the clearest skies! Let me, dear God, O ne'er forget The poorest child of Thine, And that, tho poor, he's still the heir Of Thy great love divine. FORGIVENESS Christ, the hardest task for me Is to forgive all wrongs; Dear Lord, help me to be like Thee, Tho pierced by cruel Deed's thongs. Teach me to overlook the words Spoken by angry foe; Help me forget the unkind looks, E'en worse than many a blow. The sneer, the laugh that hurt me so. The action so unkind. Help me to now forgive them all — God, my healed wounds unbind! CONSOLATION The years have passed since last I saw The lovelight in your eye, Tho days oft seemed like years since God Swift severed earthly tie, A prayer of love to Him springs from My heart's tear-laden sigh, And solace sweet steals o'er my soul. Smiling, the tear I dry, With thought that you watch o'er me now, As once when by my side. — If my lone barque is wildly tossed By Life's turbulent tide, I feel that God e'er keeps you near, Still helps you be my guide, And, by His love, in your dear care My trust I still confide. A SMILE To make a sad eye brighten, Dear Lord, let me but smile, A heavy heart to lighten, If only for a while. Ability to do but this: My smiles joy radiate, Change misery to sunny bliss. Form lasting love from hate. Let me but for a moment A weary heart beguile, And thus soothe some soul's torment By just my cheery smile. TO A SPRAY Dear little spray, could you but know The thoughts to me you bring Of dearer days and bright blue skies, Green trees, fresh flowers of Spring! may I look upon the snow, With patience meek and mild, Waiting till the good God will send Sweet Spring to longing child. Mayhap a lesson hard I learn. In patience that I need, — That's the reason Winter lingers Still — Spring's in each small seed! THANKSGIVING Great God, Who guidest ev'ry life, Who seest each tear fall, And listeth to each yearning voice That answers to Thy call. Who knowest all the breaking hearts Grieving — tho bright the day — • And watcheth poor and rich alike, As each pursues his way; Who raiseth up the sinner weak. Repentant and forlorn. And loveth orphan, lone and sad. Too, childless ones who mourn, — I thank Thee for enduring love That sendest what is best. And answers as Thou thinkest right My oft-erring behest. BROOKLYN EAGLE PRESS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS