ri E 446 .T9 Copy 1 The First Abolition Society in the United States : : By EDWARD RAYMOND TURNER Professor of History, University of Michigan B; .^ ^ Reprinted from "The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography" for January, 1^12 Printed by J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY i THE FJEST ABOLITION SOCIETY IN THE UNITED STATES* BY EDWAHD RAYMOND T0ENER Professor of History, University of Michigan. It was not merely an accident that the first aboJitinn ucl^^. in ib88 I'astorius and some FnVnr^Q nf r made ,n North America, while in 1693 the Keithian tCk :7"!t"^" ''"'^'^'P''"' *'^« «-* declara : n of tfie^nends took up the work, so that by 1776 most of ^enezet, circulated far and wide such books as The Mystery of Iniqmty, All Slave-Keepers AposLes and uZ Z:tTl '''':■ ---^fierce o'p So^a times but gradually making converts. Toward the end of the colonial period not only the Friends but th Episcopalians, the Presbyterians and thpTfr T denouncing the system T^v T7«n ^^^^^P^^s^^^ were negroes mV.LIV ^ ^^ '^°'' ^^^^ ^^^^ of the llZ' ^'""'^^^^^^^^ ^ere free. In that year, owing in tst^Toi^tiZ;::; ttrf -^-^'^ t™e^rr\rrak:s"itr^7^o"rTrso7a "'' 93 f 94 First Abolition Society in United States. they had no thought of ceasing their opposition. They had given liberty to their own slaves, but many were still held in bondage by other people, while from time to time kidnappers carried off negroes undoubtedly free. ALL SLAVE-KEEPERS That keep the Innocent in Bondage, APOSTATES Pretending to lay Claim to the Fure &Holy CliriftianReligion ;of whatCoiigregarioa foever; butefpecially in theirMinifters,by whofc cxanfple the filthy Leprofy and Apoftacy is fptead far and near ; it is a notorious Sin, whicK ^many of th* true Friends ofChrift, and his pure Truth, called ^uakers^ has been fbr many Years, and ftillare concern'd to write and bear Teftimo-' ny againft ; as a Pra£Hce fb grofs 8c hurtful to Re- ligioii) and deftruftivc to Governraenr, beyond what Words can fet forth, or can be declared of by Men or Angels, and yet lived in by Miniftcrs and Magiflrates in jimerlca. ^he Leaders cf the People caufe them to Err. Written for a General Service, by him that truly and fincerely dcfires the prefent and etern.l Welf:.re and Happinefs of all Man- kind, all the World over, of all Colours, and Nations, as his own Soul ; Benjamin Lay. "P HILJ DM L^ HI A:. Printed for the Author. 1737- Th(!n;foro men like Anthony Benezet were unwearied in their elTorts to persuade masters to manumit their negroes, to help negroes purchase their freedom, and to help them preserve the lib('rty thus obtained. PEB 2 6 1925 I First Abolition Society in United States. 95 At first this work was carried on individually or by committees of the Friends, but so many people in Phila- delphia were interested that it needed only a particular occurrence to cause them to organize. Such an incident soon arose. In 1773 an Indian woman from New Jersey was brought to Philadelphia by her owner, who was taking her south. While her master tarried in the city she declared that she and her children were free. Then Israel Pemberton and other citizens, eager to right an injustice of this kind, came to her assistance and sued for her liberty in the courts. It was two years before the matter was decided; but at last she was declared to be a slave. The case made a deep impression, however, on those who conducted it, and they resolved to organize so as to do more effective work in the future. "This," said the recorder of the Society, writing years afterward, "is the first case on the minutes of the society, and appears to have given rise to its formation." Such was the origin of the first abolition society in the United States. On April 14, 1775, a number of men met at the Sun Tavern in Philadelphia, and adopted a constitution for what they called "The Society for the ReHef of Free Negroes, unlawfully held in Bondage." John Baldwin was chosen president. The confusion which resulted from the Revolutionary War caused the Society almost imme- diately to fall into abeyance. In 1784, however, it was reorganized. In 1787 a new constitution was adopted, the name was changed, and Benjamin Franklin was elected president. Two years later the State legislature granted it a charter of incorporation. Thereafter the work was continuous until the need for such work passed away. Most of its supporters were the Friends who had been so active against slavery in the earlier days: "A majoritj^ of its members always belonged to that denomination," ^ays the first historian. The official title of the organiza- tion was "The Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the / Abolition of Slavery, for the Relief of Free Negroes 96 First Abolition Society in United States. Unlawfully Held in Bondage, and for Improving the Condition of the African Race." Early abolitionism, that is real abolitionism, has been much misunderstood. In after daj's when William Lloyd Garrison and his associates were arousing popular wrath and indignation, they were called abolitionists. They themselves would have said that they were members of anti-slavery societies or new abolitionists, and generally not supporters of the abolition societies whose quiet methods they despised. Yet in popular usage the old name was applied to the reformers with a new meaning, and in the bitterness and strife of the period from 1830 to 1860 "abolition" and "abolitionist" became oppro- brious terms. And so entirely was the meaning changed that the character and work of the real abolition societies is now forgotten or misunderstood. The members of the Pennsylvania Society were all of them quiet, orderly, law-abiding men; their work was efficient and helpful. The Society had been organized primarily to further the abolition of slavery, but in Pennsylvania that work had already progressed so far that the widest opportunity lay rather in assisting free negroes and helping them to retain their freedom. This was the abolitionist activity which has most completely fallen into oblivion, but which most deserves to be remembered. It was the most successful and the most remarkable work of the Society, but because it was quiet and inconspicuous it is not often called to mind now. It is probably true that the greater part of the progress made by the negroes of Pennsylvania after they became free, was owing directly or indirectly to the assistance of the Society and its sympathizers. Help was given in many different ways. Sometimes the Society paid a master to give liberty to his slave. Sometimes the master was assured that he would not i? held chargeable, as the law ordained, in case the negrc? manumitted failed to support himself. Then when the e. VJ he^ First Aholition Society in United States. 97 negro was free the Society took him into care, helped hini to find employment, furnished him with letters of recom- mendation, and saw that his employer did not take advan- tage of him. In 1789 the Society appointed four com- mittees to assist negroes in solving the social and economic problems which confronted them. It opened schools to teach children and night schools for adults practically the first and certainly the best schools which these negroes ever had. As the rising prejudice against negroes, which increased so strikingly after 1800, became more and more apparent, the abolitionists did their utmost to appease the white people, and teach the blacks to behave in such a manner as to win respect. When the authorities threat- ened to pass discriminatory legislation, they opposed it earnestly and successfully. In 1801 the State Senate proposed to emancipate the remaining slaves in the Commonwealth, and pay the masters by levying a special tax upon the negroes who were free. At once the Society made a vigorous protest. Why tax those least able to pay*^ In carrying on all this work the members collected information and statistics which are the best the historian is now able to obtain. In many respects free negroes were pecuharly liable to injustice and oppression at this time. Often they were seized by speculators who declared that they were fugitive slaves, and who, with the connivance of corrupt magis- trates, sold them into bondage again. Probably the best known negro in Philadelphia was Bishop Allen; yet a Southern trader had him arrested, and swore that he had recently purchased him as a slave. So many people hastened to testify that they had known the colored preacher for more than twenty years, that the perjurer got a sentence in jail. In other cases, however, it was the nesro who suffered. Furthermore kidnappers considered Pennsylvania an excellent field after 1780. Not infre- quently the victim was clubbed into submission, hurried across the State line, and never heard of again. 98 First Abolition Society in United Slates. ^, =0 <^t( ^/^ ^^ -I ^ 1 X "1 ) 1 i1 ti f v^^ "^ ^ First Ahotitio7i Society in United States. 99 The organization of the Society in the first place had been owing to a desire to combat such practices, and the warfare waged against them was relentless and unceasing. "To prevent the disgraceful & inhuman practice of kid- napping (which it appears from several attempts lately detected, is carried to a considerable extent), we have committees under appointment who we believe maintain a due attention to their duties," says the old record. In 1820 and in 1847 severe laws were passed by the State legislature, largely owing to the efforts of the abohtion- ists. Meanwhile the Society saw to it that these laws were enforced. The penalties were exceedingly heavy, the maximum being a fine of $2,000 and imprisonment for twenty-one years. One offender, who had stolen two negroes, was actually fined $4,000 and sent to the peni- tentiary for forty-two years. On another occasion a cul- prit, who had been convicted largely through the efforts of the Society, sent most appealing letters beseeching its intercession. These letters are all copied in the folio records, but seem to have brought no mercy. It may be said that kidnapping in Pennsylvania was brought to an end because the abolitionists made it too dangerous. After all the principal object was the abolition of slav- ery, but in furtherance of this object the abolitionists car- ried on the least successful part of their work. In Pennsyl- vania they continued the efforts which they had made to bring slavery to an end, for the act of 1780 abolished slavery for the future, and did not deprive masters of the negroes whom they already owned. In other words the act provided for gradual abolition, and the operation in some cases was very gradual indeed, there being a slave in the State, it is said, as late as 1860. For the most part, however, as time went on these slaves were set free by manumission. This also was largely the result of the persuasion and assistance of the abohtionists and Friends, who took up collections, helped negroes to save money, loaned them money, and made terms with the masters. 100 First Abolition Society in United States. Meanwhile they struck at the root of the matter and tried to get slavery abolished outright. First they attacked it in the courts. The State constitution of 1790 declared that all men were born equally free and inde- pendent. In Massachusetts, where a similar expression had been used, the supreme court, deciding a test case. asserted that the existence of slavery was inconsistent with such a statement. About 1794 the abolitionists resolved to ascertain "Whether slavery, under any modi- lication whatever, is not inconsistent with the present Constitution of this State." Therefore in the year fol- lowing a master, Joseph Graisberry, was sued on a writ de homine replegiando because he was in possession of a negress. Flora. The case, which was instituted in the supreme court, was delayed for various reasons until at last it was sent up to the High Court of Errors and Appeals, the ultimate judicial authority in the State. After long arguments, in which Jared IngersoU, William Rawle,* and William Lewis urged for the negress pleas which we do not know, it was decided in 1802 that slavery might legally exist in Pennsylvania despite the lofty assertion con- tained in the bill of rights. Then the Society tried to get the legislature to pass a law bringing slavery to an end. Year after year its mem- bers sent memorials to the State capital. In 1804, when the Senate was considering a bill, the Society made a stirring appeal. "AVe respectfully and earnestly solicit,'" ran the petition, "that the present opportunity may not be permitted to escape for wiping away the opprobrium which has so justly attached to our State on account of the manifest difference between the noble Charter of Liberty contained in our excellent Constitution, and a practice so pregnant with evil, and so directly in oppo- sition to all our boasted professions." Many other people took up the cry at one time or another, and occasionally it seemed that the legislature might do something. In the end, however, it was seen that such a bill had no First Abolition Society in United States. 101 chance of passing, and that slavery in Pennsylvania would be left to disappear by the gradual operation of the law already in force. In its desire to destroy slavery the Society did not confine its efforts to Pennsylvania, but began to urge abolition elsewhere as well. On February 11, 1790, the United States Congress received a petition from the Quakers of Pennsylvania and also one from the Quakers of New York, praying for the abolition of the slave-trade. At once there began a heated debate which became the more vehement when on the next day was read a memorial from the Pennsylvania Society signed by its president, Benjamin Franklin. "From a persuasion that equal liberty was originally the portion, and is still the birth- right of all men; and influenced by the strong ties of humanity, and the principles of their institution, your memorialists conceive themselves bound to use all justi- fiable endeavors to loosen the bands of slavery, and pro- mote a general enjoyment of the blessings of freedom. Under these impressions, they earnestly entreat your serious attention to the subject of slavery; that you will be pleased to countenance the restoration of liberty to those unhappy men, who alone, in this land of freedom, are degraded into perpetual bondage, and who, amidst the general joy of surrounding freemen, are groaning in servile subjection; that you will devise means for remov- ing this inconsistency from the character of the American people; that you will promote mercy and justice towards this distressed race, and that you will step to the very verge of the power vested in you for discouraging every species of traffic in the persons of our fellow-men." This was the first petition which the Federal government received asking it to take measures against slavery. The slave-trade, which was mentioned in this memorial, had likewise engaged the attention of the abolitionists. Importation of slaves into Pennsylvania was made im- possible by the act of 1780, but not a few Pennsylvanians 102 First Abolition Society in United States. continued to fit out ships for the African trade, some of which brought negroes to Philadelphia, whence they were taken to other places. The earnest petitions of the Society induced the legislature to pass a law in 1788, which imposed a penalty of £1,000 upon anyone who engaged in the business; but even as late as 1796 a Ger- man traveller wrote, "Great ships loaded with slaves frequently come over from Africa, j)articularly to Phila- delphia." To put a stop to this traffic, whether carried on from Philadelphia or from other places, the abolition- ists did their utmost. In 1789 the Pennsylvania Society (;irculated far and wide a broadside reproducing from Matthew Carey's American Museum a dreadful picture showing negroes packed together under the deck of a slave-ship, and describing in vivid language their suffer- ings during the passage. After 1808 the Society was diligent in investigating violations of the law forbidding the slave-trade. In 1812 it sent a secret agent to New York and to Rhode Island to report upon the alleged activity of slavers there. The Society opposed the extension of slavery into new territory as it was ac "« elure or manufacture of 'eon>mo,r.ties as arc of the u ^^ manufactured freemen, to those -'l'-'' "/"^ ™ ^ Pennsylvania Soctcty by slaves." Some years later ^^^^ „,.,,. ^he offered to purchase at an ad. ncoo P^^^^^^ ^^ market price, the first lu ho ^^^^^^^ ^^ j,,,,. raised in the ^"-'\''\^'ZuZn of the work which was .lelphia. This was the oun aUo ^^^ p,,^, p,„auee artcrwards carried on "' }"\ and Requited Labor ^«f '"^^^ ;„ „eral that it was ,)f all this work .t may ''<= ^^ ' /^ i^t. In Penn- „a„.taking and 'J-^ta: f f-pocts. It had much .vlvania it succeeded m "«» ^> f ^j^vcry, it stopped to do with proeurms 1> f "^''"\,„„ght kidnapping to 0.C slave-trade at T'" ^'j^^' ' "; 'efassistance as bene- an enreWdiee it ^^evoted itself to the humbeta^^^^^ of assisting the negro and helping him to feel that there were ome who believed in his capacity to improve and bright to make progress. The members opposed the C:iont.ation Society because they believed that it was trying to get rid of negroes as undesirable people. In IVnnsylvania the abolitionists did their utmost to dis- suade the legislature from passing ^^i^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^; !^,^^ ,„,.! aeburring black men from the suffrage. They did all that they could to prove to the community that colored people were not by instinct worthless and vicious. but would Ik- industrious and law-abiding if given a fair chance. It is not too much to say that at this period the Quakers and the abolitionists were substantially the only] friends whom the negro had in the State. To slavery the abolitionists continued their opposition but all of the more striking work, the work which arouscjl the ho.>*tilitv of the South, was carried on by the anti Blavery agi'tatorn. Krom time to time the abolitionist: petitioned the legislature to put an end to slavery ii IVnnsylvania, but there was such a little remnant of i left, tlm' 'h.ir niriiiur'ials gained no re.spouse. In 1847 .: First Abolition Society in United States. 109 however, something was achieved when masters travelhng from the South, were forbidden to take their slaves through Pennsylvania. Perhaps their most aggressive work in the period after 1840 was done along with the members of the anti-slavery societies in behalf of fugitive slaves. This question had always been a matter of concern to the Society, since its members believed that alleged runaways did not get a fair trial, and so free negroes might easily be carried off. For this reason they opposed the first fugitive slave law of 1793. Then it was felt that runaways should have trial by jury, so the abolitionists sent vast numbers of petitions to the State authorities asking that this be granted. After the passage of the fugitive slave law of 1850 they joined with the anti-slavery advocates in demanding a personal liberty law which would prevent the return of fugitives under any circumstances. Finally during the dark days of the Civil War, when there was less room for abolitionist agitation, the Society continued its old work of assisting negroes, particularly negroes from the South who could get no work. During this time they raised money for the maintenance of orphan colored children, and undertook to find places for them. In Philadelphia they took up once more the cause of the despised colored people, and tried hard to have them allowed to ride in the street cars. But when the Civil War was at last over, and slavery , was abolished, the days of the Society drew to a close. The names of its founders were only a memory. Its great leaders such as Caspar Wistar and William Rawle had died when the larger work of the abolitionists seemed a failure. Now suddenly by a prodigious cataclysm, which even the anti-slavery men could not foresee, the whole system of African bondage was swept away, and there was no longer any need for abolitionist work. The dwind- ling records of the Society, once so full, come to an end in In 1876 the celebration of the hundredth anni- nu FU,I Abolition Society in United States. versary of its foundation was really to commemorate something that had passed away. . „t th^ aholi- Such was the work of the first and greatest of the abol. don societies The gathering of a handful of brave and vn,pathcm.„ in the old Sun Tavern had produced a milv organization which had lasted almost a century. Without injustice, without repining, without recnm.na- o„ it carrie.1 on its work in the face of mcrcd.ble d.ffi- ul"; and discouragement. If its work was effiocnt and c^nUnuous, its policy was calm and wise. It never tnod by force or by revolution to destroy slavery, but by per- suasion and enlightenment it sought to brmg .t to an end Nor was it merely destructive. It devoted most of iU cncrev to the thankless and unrewarded task of assist- ing the negroes set tree. That which should always be ,„ost remembered about the abolitionists, who too fre- quently are thought of as wanton disturbers of the peace of the ol.l Union, is that they brought about the large part of what has been done to improve the negroes who live in the North. T !fitfr 'tffv m S S* i^-. .^.^. m: m "M ^^'■•(^ Vc^^ ^V^ :£<*'':. ■ W ff^- "^'i. ^.„„Mri^f ^'7', -J!^ ^^•liff)0t^-Wf- , LpL U' BB^^'^ pH8^