1^ .lO?Ul7j| AUii -SM»:I y^t 5^1 ..*5r-'-' ^' '■Ci'- ' i= K *^»^ Class V^ /'i Book UJ '^ M; 7 ^ Goipght N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr I LlBKARY olCONGKf.SS l«o CoDies Keci"«i MAY 21 1809 mOA/ 22, I CLA5S '^ "^oi ' COPY s. THE CITY OF WORCESTER jdRCICS'PHR has been rightly named, " The Heart of the Commonwealth." Situated in very nearly the center of the State and having unrivalled railroad facilities it has advanced since 1S50 from the tlst city in tiie United States, as regards population, to the -'9th city. Worcester is the second city in population in Massachussetts, the third in New luiglaud, and the third inland city of the United States. It ranks second in value of manufactured products in the State, the third in New Kngland. Worcester has tlie largest wire factor\- in the world, the largest loom works and envelope factories in the United States. Every kind of machine used in a woolen or cotton mill is manufactured here. Connected with the world by the trunk line of the Boston i\; Albany Railroad -five or thirty miles, gives Worcester a trade population of nearly 400,000. Worcester has a carefully laid out Park System adapted to the needs of ever\- part of the City. There are -1 tO acres devoted to these Parks. There is also Lake (Juinsigamond, a beautiful water park eight miles long, the shores of which are lined with siunmer cottages, club houses, and picnic grounds. vSome of the largest regattas are held here, and the Lake is visited daily by thou>an(ls of peo])Ic who tind this report, which can be reached from all parts of the City for a five cent f.ire, a ver\ enjoyable place to spend the afternoon or evening. Few cities ha\e so many beautiful drives as does Worcester. Educationally, Worcester is in the front rank. An evidence of the prosperity of the people is the large per cent, of children who are enabled to complete the entire course graduating from the High ."schools, of which there are three. A diploma from the Worcester .Schools will admit to any college without further examination. Upwards of 2,000 attend the evening schools, jiroving the desire to .secure an education on the part of those obliged to work (luring the day. Besides the jiublic schools for which the city spends annually S60O,0O0, there are many preparatory schools and colleges, among which are the Bancroft School, Clark's College, Clark's University, Holy Cross College, Highland Military Academy, Oread Institute, State Normal School, Worcester Academy, and the Polytechnic Institute. PUBLISHED BY BARNARD, SUMNER & PUTNAM CO., WORCESTER, MASS. (J.ipyncht. VMi:,, Hmki. I.y I.. \\. Nelson Co. HARKINGTON CORNER The busiest spot in Worcester. MAIN STREET Looking toward Post OfTicc. COMMON Showing Soldiers* Monument and City Hall. CITY HALL Corner stone laid. Sept. 12. 1896. Completed. April 1898. Cost. Complete. $660,000. o z o u 2 O H O Z 5 < X o K (I. K H D o W W WORCESTER COUNTY COURT HOUSE One of the finest illustrations of Greek architecture in Massachusetts. TWO OF THE LEADING DEPARTMENT STORES i o 2 5 3 m < 2 < u w S D': o, Id. hi < u) ' >•' SI < >- H 2 a o u X w i- o O n as H o 51 CITY HOSPITAL STATli HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANK ODD FELLOWS' HOME < m O a. w w » a. L w H Z X u W H >• ,-1 O 0. o o X X o X H o o o X u w u H < > o o X o O u z < a z u X H o z u < M.^ < < O w o I a: u « D X u X H O < z o < o w « o 2 o u I X u OS z 2 I V.4 /i0 W S K < o s < D O s -1 a VIEW IN ELM PARK OPEN AIK THEATRE AT LAKE QU I NSIGAMON 1 1 ,Y 21 190» < 0. 2 o o 3 < h s 03 >^ ^ K LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I 014 110941 8