vN S • * .°-^^ ■*U.o« • • «, . o e "^jrt/-^ .., '^^ ''^^. .cr ^ " " • * *b » / T y GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF THE DESCENDANTS OF LEONARD HEADLEY of ELIZABETHTOWN, N. J. TOGETHER WITH HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. SKETCHES AND ILI.USTRATED WITH POR- TRAITS AND OTHER ILI.USTRA- TIONS. BY -J^ REV. A. J. FRETZ, MILTON, N. J. With an introduction b}^ Will C. Headley Esq., of Newark, N. J. ■» . Joseph W. Headley, printer Milton, New Jersey. 1905. \ . «ear to have taken more interest in records and heirlooms than the male members, but through death and change of name by marriage it is very diflicult to trace records and heirlooms through female descendants of a family. What little information still existed of the family of records and heirlooms was fast .becom- ing lost or strayed. I was greatly impressed with the little knowledge in the possession of the majority of families in regard to their ancestors, many not being able to go back of grandparents. The want of some accurate, complete and enduring record was not only felt by myself but b\- many other members of the family, and as there were but few very old peojjle left in the inunediate family, it couUl not have been ol)tained too soon, and would have been much more easily obtained and more accurate had it been looked after years ago. In search for records a short time ago I became acquainted with Rev. A. J. Fretz, who, Ixiing con- nected with the family, has taken great interest in the work of getting records of the different branches of the family together, — Rev. Mr. Fretz's ability for work of this nature is beyond question, and through his kindness in consenting to take charge of and pub- lish the work will have the heart3' approval as well as the co-operation of the whole family. The ancestor of the family being among the settlers of the country, his descendants are to be found in nearly every state of the Union, and in about every walk of life. The writer well remembers the dwelling house occupied by his great grandfather, Carey Ileadley, Pkesbytekian cii. Conn. Fakms, Union, Union Co. N. J. THE IlEADLEY HISTORY IX situated on the corner of what is now known as Valley Street and Vaux Hall Road, about ^ mile south of Wyoming in Union County near the Essex Celine. The house being shingled on five sides in- cluding the roof, large wide hall-way through the center, timber cut from the woods and framed in the rough oak floors. House i Yo. stor}^ dwelling, fill- ed in with brick to the roof. The large garret making a fine play ground for children, myself and other children often usiwg same for that purpose, or watch- ing some member of the family weave carpet with the loom set up in theold garret. It was understood that the house was on the grourid of the battle of vSpringfield, the left wing of the British army coming up the Vaux Hall Road from Klizabeth, for the purpose of flankingthe army of Gen. Green at Springfield, the detachment of British were check- ed at the east branch of the Rah way River about I GOO feet northwesterly of this old house. The old house showed the effects of the struggle as many bullet holes were in its south side, and when torn down, 1874, about 25 leaden bullets were taken from same. Cannon balls, bayonets, and other articles of war equipments were around the house when I was a boy , most of which relics were used in the celebration of the battle of Springfield in 1876, and were not re- turned. The lone relic known to the writer is a cop- per cent date 1788. I have been told that at the time of this battle the live-stock of the settlers was driven over the mountain by women members of the family. Probably the four oldest houses erected by the Headley family now standing, are the ones now oc- cupied by Joseph B. Headley, and the one adjoining, belonging to the estate of Warren Headley, on the lawful successors and the Goveniiueiil of this Pro- vince of New Jersey as long as you shall continue an inhabitant under the same without any equivocations or mental reservation whatsoever ami so help you God." « Signed j Leonard Hcadley. Tlic oath was taken by 65 per^^ons in which num- ber was comprised Luke Watson's Company of sixty emigrants. Leonard lleadley evidently l>eing one of five persons who joined the company at lUi/al)eth- town and was one of the original founders of that place. Land at l-:iizal)Cthtown was api)ortioned to Leonard Hcadley in the same proportion as to the f>o associates. In the first company of emigrants no per- son was admitted but church memlxrrs. On the 6th of Octol>er, 1665. a warrant for 120 acres of land was granted to Leonard Headlcy wilhni the bounds of Klizal>ethtown of upland and meadow in proportion, in right of himself and wife. Lil>er 2. Cartaret Hook page 3. In pursuance of alx)ve warrant, on Ociuoer 14, 1678. the lands were laid out to Leonard Headley and filed in right of himself and wife, viz— ( O First, a house lot of 4 acres bounded by John Ogden Jr. and the highway; Second, upland of 8 acres at Brocketls Spring, along the brook adjoining II ur Thompson's and a swamp; Third, upland of 6 acres lying on the way to the point bounded in part by John Ogden Jr. and John Woodruff; Fourth, a tract of 20 acres on Elizabethtown Creek adjoining Daniel De Hart, John Ogden Jr., Joseph Secords, Robert Vauquellin and J. Morris; Fifth, a tract of upland of 65 acres on n. E. end of plains adjoining Benjamin Park, Jonathan Ogden and Margaret Baker; Sixth, a tract of meadow land of 14 acres adjoining Margaret Baker in Hon. William H. Kav (See page 30) THE HEADLEY HISTORY 18 the great meadow west by a small Island, and adjoin- ing Samuel Morris. Leonard Headley died February 1683, leaving an estate valued at ^99. 3. S^^ 6. d. He was a weaver, and also owned a sawmill. He married Sarah, who, in 1684, was the wife of *Robert Smith and was appointed administratrix of his estate as Sarah Smith. Leonard Headley. Invty. taken Feby. 8, 1683, at Elizabeth Town, Essex Co. , ^99."o3"o6. By Isaac Whitehead, Jonathan Ogden, Essex Inventories, 1682 — 1694. East Jersey Deeds — Liber A. folio 63. Leonard Headley of Elizabeth Town, Intestate. Adms Sarah Headley his widow. Date Mar. 9, 1683-4. Bond of Sarah wife of Robert Smith of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., N. J., to settle estate of her late husband Leonard Headley. Date of Bond Feby 4, 1684. Essex Adms. 1675 — 1729. Liber A. folio 181. Letters of Admin, granted on Estate of Leonard *Robert Smith was, according to "Hatfield," the first of his name in Elizabethtown, N. J. He was there in 16cS7, and in 1(>1)9 was High Sheritf of the County. He died in 1705, and his widow Sarah (Relict of Leonard Headley) was made administratrix May 10, of that year. 14 TIIK KKADI.F.V HlsmUV Headley of Klizabeth Toivii to liis former wife, Sarah, now wife of Robert Smith. Feby 5, 16S4. The exact location of Leonard Ilcadley's home is not known, but evidently was in or near to Eliza- beth. Later generations of the family pushed a little farther west into the then unbroken wilderness, and located at what was subse(iiK'ntly known as "Head- ley town." The children of Leonard lleadlcy are supposed to hav^e been Thomas and Abner. The associates and neighbors of Leonard Head- ley evidently were Robert \'au(|uellin, CharlesTuck- er, Robert Bond, Joseph Bond, Jacob Mclyn, Rob- ert White, and others. THOMAS HEADLEV, OF ELIZABETH- TOWN, NEW JERSEY. ||. Thomas Headley. He is supposed to have been a son of Leonard Headley. Nothing is known of him except that his name appears on papers etc. in the city of Elizabeth about 1700 — 1702. Of the family of Thomas Headley, nothing is positively known, but is supposed to have been the father of Samuel Headley Sr., of "Headley town." Of the early family connections of the Headley family but little is known and is very uncertain. In December, 1702, John Parker died, leaving his pro- perty to Robert Smith of Egg Harbor, widow Sarah Browne, Thomas Headley, and the church at Eliza- bethtown. This Thomas Headley was in all proba- bility a son of Leonard Headley, and possibly may have been a son-in-law of John Parker. John Parker, Robert Smith and John Ogden were from Long Island. The naming of Thomas Headley in the will of John Parker may show a connection be- tween the families of Headley and Parker. 10 DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS HEADI.EY Query 2d John Parker, IClizabethtowii, Dec. 19, 1702. Legatee "Robert Smith of Ep^ Harl)or (My home lot which I bought of Joseph Whitehead) in consideration of Several kindnesses done me by Robert Smith." Legatee "My friend Vc widow vSarah Hrown." "Thomas Headley." Capt. Hbenezer Lyon, inijvj, willed to daughter Dorcas, land that had belonged to Tliomas Ileadlcy in Klizabeth. SAMUEL HEADLEY, OF (IIEAD- EEYTOWN) N. J. III. Samuel Headley Sr. b about 1690, d about 1755; m Mary . They lived in "Headleytown," (now Unionville), N. J., evidently where Joseph B. Head- ley now lives, and was the founder of "Headle}^- town. ' ' The property accumulated by Samuel Head- ley consisted of large tracts of land in the vicinity. They were members of the Presbyterian church at "Connecticut Farms" and were buried there, but there is nothing to identify their graves. Connecticut Farms are in the northern part of the township four miles north-west from Elizabethtown and six miles south-west from Newark. Previous to 1749 a number of families from Connecticut purchas- ed a large tract of land there and gave it the name of "Connecticut Farms." The name of the village has since been changed to Union. At this place the Presbyterian church, still known as the "Conn. Farms" Presbyterian church, was established some time prior to 1749. The first pastor of whom there is any knowledge, was Rev. Mr. Horton. Subsequent pastors have been Revs. Thane, Derbe, Hait, Fish, Smith, Thompson, Street, Converse, and Carnaille the present (1904) pastor. The first church building was a wooden structure. The date of its erection is not known, as the church and records were burned by the Hessians during the Revolutionary war. It is, however, quite probable that it was built sometime during the early settlement 18 THE HEADLEY HISTORY of "Conn. Farms," and probably is one of the old- est Presbyterian churches in the State of New Jersey. Here worshiped many of theHeadley ancestors — and in the quiet cemetery adjoining, all that was mortal of the ancestor Samuel Headley, and many of his descendants were laid to rest, there to await the resurrection of the just. At the close of the Revo- lutionary war, the church was rebuilt by the people with stone from their own quarries, brick from their own brick kilns, and timber from their own wood- lands. It is still standing, and although improved within, the walls are the same, and it stands on near- ly the same site occupied by the first dwelling. Samuel Headley made his will May 30, 1745, and reads as follows: — Jn the name of God Amen — The Thirtyetii day of may in yc Eighteenth year of the Keign of our tiovereign l.ord George ye »>ecc)na — by rhe Grace of Gua ivini;- of Great Bnttam — France and Jreland — L>elenderut thefaiih Annoy DomiOne Thousand seven Hundred and forty and live — 1 Samuel Headley of ye Borough ot Elizitueth in Essex County within ye Province of Mew Jersey ieomaii — Being aired and inlinu of body* — but of sound and perlect mind memory ana underfttanamg (thanks be to almighty God therefore) do make this my last \\ ili una Testament in manner and form following — that is to say — 1 give ana bequeath my immoriai soul into ye hanuo of almighty God who gave me my being and my body 1 commit to ye Eartn lo receive a aecent christian burial and as touching ye aistnbution of such worldly and temporal estate as it hath jdeuhed (lod to bless me with 1 desposeoi the same as follows — In primis — my will Is and I do hereby ordain that all such debts as I shall justly owe at ye time of my death, shall be well ana truly paid out of my moveable estate in convenient time after my decease. Item — 1 give and bequeuth unto my Beloved wife Mary which — — she shall cnuse in my now dwelling House and ye one equal third part of ye improvements — Benefits iiiid income ol all my lands, tent*- ■ meuts and herrditaments during ye whole term of her natural life — I give and bequeath unto my said wife Mary the one equal third part of all my whole moveable estate (my just debts being first paid out of ye same) to be at her sole disposal lorever— Item — 1 give and bequeath unto my sou Isaac Headley ye sum of shillings in full of his part of all my Estate, having neretofore given to him his full share and thereof — Item — 1 give and bequeath unto my beloved son Joseph Headley his heirs ana assigns forever Eight acres of my plantation whereon 1 now live to betaken of from ye same at ye south west Corner thereof and to extend so far easterly as to include the dwelling wherein he now lives. ' • DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HEADLEY 19 Item— 1 give grant devise and bequeath unto my three sons namely Joseph Headley, Robert Headley and Samuel Headley all the remainder of my whole Plantation whereon I now live (Containing my said whole one Hundred acres of land) and to their heirs and assigns for ever to be divided amongst them in ye proportions fol- lowing— vit- To Joseph twenty and two acres To Robert Thirty acres, and to Samuel forty acres— and my will is that my son Samuel his part shall include my dwelling House, orchard and all such part of my mowing pasture as is not above disposed of— Item — 1 likewise give grant and devise unto them ray three sons last above mentioned all my salt meadoAv to be equally divided to and amongst them— part and part alike— To have and to hold ye above bequeathed lands and meadows unto them my said three sons vist — Joseph-Robert and Samuel in proportions above mentioned with all the privileges— Immunities profits— Commodities and ap- parteuces thereunto belonging and to their heirs and assigns for- ever. Item— I give and bequeath unto my said son Samuel Headley one team of oxen and two Horses to be at his disposal forever- Item— 1 give and bequeath unto my four daughters, vist Mary (the wife of John Muchmore Junr) Sarah-Rachel and Phede, all my whole movable estate (not above disposed of) to be equally divided to and amongst them part and part alike and to be at their solo dis- pose — Item — I Constitute, make ordain and appoint my trusty friend Thomas Baker and my son Samuel Headley the Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do revoke and nullify all former wills and Testaments by me in any manner or wise heretofore made and declared hereby ratifying and Comprising this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have to this my last "Will and Testament set my hand and seal ye day and year first above written. Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by ye Testa- tor to be his last Will and Testament in ye presence of us witnesses. John Wade Junr his ( —^ ) Jothan Clark Samuel X Headley { seal [ Benj. Bonnell. mark | -v~ ) Children: Mary, Joseph, Robert, Samuel, Sarah, Rachel, Phebe, Isaac. MARY HEADLEY, DAUGHTER OF SAMUEL HEADLEY, vSR. IV. Mary Headley, m John Muchmore. He was b 1720, d Sept 15, 1784. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HE ADLHV. SOX OF SAMUEL HEADEEV. SR. IV. Joseph Headley, b about 171S, d Oct 17S5. It is not known whom he married. He was a farmer and Hved at first in Headle} town on land inherited from his father Samuel Headley Sr, evidently where Joseph B. Headley now lives. He later purchased and removed to the property iti Headley town known as Vaux Hall, of which he was the first Headley own- er of record. It is also probable that he erected the house on this property and gave it the Tianie it has since borne. Vaux Hall is located about two miles from the village of Union, and is near the Wyoming and Maplewood stations on the Delaware and Lacka- wanna Railroad. It was quite a large Colonial re- sidence. It had a frontage of at least 50 feet which faced to the south. Had a large wide hall tlirough it, with rooms on both sides. It had very large fire places with fixtures for large heavy iron kettles. On the second floor was a loom for carpet weaving which was destroyed about 1870. The was pierced by many bullet holes, said to have been made by the British during the Revolutionary war. At this time, and perhaps earlier, it was used as a tavern. The same dwelling was afterwards owned and occupied by Cary Headley, Timothy Headley, Wickliff Headley, until about seven years ago. About 1870 the old dwelling was torn down and a more modern one erect- ed on the site. During the war of the Revolution there were fought the battles of Conn. Farms and Springfield partly on Headley property, and in which John Thompson Headley, Cary Headley, and others of the Headley family fought against the foe. On the 6th of June, 1780, Gen. Mathews was sent with 5,000 men from Staten Island, with orders to penetrate New- Jersey and attack Washington at Morristown. The next day the British took posse.ssion of Eliza- bethtown and began their march toward Springfield, intending to defeat the Continentals there and proceed on to Morristown. The route taken was along the Galloping Hill Road, which led through Connecticut DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HEADLEY 21 Farms, (now the village of Union). Here the mili- tia offering resistance, the enemy opened fire, de- feated the handful of men, and appl3ang the torch to the few buildings in the village, they continued on their way toward Springfield. Warning of the enemy's approach was given, and at Springfield the British met a detachment of men from Washington's campat Morristown. A sharp skirmish ensued, in which the British were driven back to the coast. For two weeks after their repulse at Springfield the enemy hovered around in the vicinity of Eliza- beth Town, afraid to attack the continentals with the force at their command. On June 22, Clinton came up from the south with additional troops, and an- other move against Washington was planned. It was decided to draw the Americans into a general engagement and capture the stores at Morristown. Feigning an expedition to the Hudson Highlands, Clinton deceived Washington who marched away in that direction Vvdth a considerable body of men. General Green was left to guard Springfield and the country west and north of the village. When Washington was well on his way Knyphau- sen marched along the Galloping Hill Road with 5000 infantry, twenty pieces of artillery and 800 cavalry, and on the 23d attacked General Green at Spring- field. The battle waged all day. At one time it seemed as though the British would win. They suc- ceeded in forcing a passage across the bridge span- ning the Rah way river there, but at last the conti- nentals repulsed them and sent them scurrying back along the road up w^hich they had marched so confi- dently that morning. So great was their confusion that they ran until they reached the coast. The British lost 300 men, while the American loss was 23 THE HEADLEY HISTOK^ less than lOo. The British had 6000 men to the Americans 1500. Joseph Headley attended the Presbyterian church at Conn. Farms and was buried there. He made his will Oct. 25, 1785, and reads as follows: — Children: David, Elizabeth, John, Rachel, Cary, Ann, Mary. In the name of (ioil Amen I Joseph Ileatlley of Elizabeth Town m the County of Essex and State of New Jersey," Ueinijc "t MiJ« tim«* weak in body but of sonnd and disposiui; mind, mrm(»ry and iimlfi- standing. Thanks be to almii^hly (lod for the sanic and ("nsidtMini; the uncertainty of life and the Certainty of death, do make and de- clare these presents to be and Contain my last Will and Testament in manner and following — That is to say — In jirimis— 1 rccit- mend my soul into the hands of (iod who gave" it and my body J commit to the Earth to be interred in such decent and chrisVian manner as to my Executors shall seem meet and as to the dcspi.hition of such temporal estate wherewith it has jleased almighty (iod to bless me 1 do give anil disj)ose thereof in manner following. To wit- First — I will that all my just debts and funeral exjienses be well and truly paid and satisfied within some Convenient time after mv de- cease by my three sons — Cary Headley David Headley and J(diu Headley, Equally share and share alike, froni andout of the lands hereinafter given to my said three sons Cary — David and John — Item — I do give and becjueath unto my daugliler Kailiel tbe w ife of Aaron Hunter the sum of 11ve£ lawful money of said state of New Jersey — Hem — I give and bequeath unto my daiigliter Ann the wife (tf Eliakim Frazer the like sum of Five Pounds — Hem — 1 do give anil beiiueath unto my daughter Miiry, one Cow -such as she shall make choice of, and 1 alsogive and beipicath unto my said daughter Mary one bedstead leather bed — bowlster and pil- lows mie pair of sheets — two blankets and one Cover-lid — Hem — I do give all the rest residue and remainder of my persimal or moveable estate unto and among all my children and my grand- son Abner Crane. Hem — 1 give, devise and bequeath unto my son Cary Headley and his heirs and assigns forever all that my House and lot of land Containing about six and one half acres which 1 purchased of mv brothers Samuel and Robert Headley. Hem — I give, devise and bequeath unto my said son Cary Head- ley and to his heirs and assigns forever Five acres of land wliich I purchased of said Samuel and Robert Headley, which said live acres adjoines the land of said Samuel Headley. Item— 1 do also give, devise and bequeath unto him my said son Cary Headle}' and to his heirs and assigns forever Ten and one half acres of land which 1 purchased of John W'inans and which Ten and one half acres of land adjoins land of Daniel Spinning and the land of Isaac Gillam — he my son Cary Headley to i)ay one third part of all my just debts and I do make the said lands herein before given to my said son Cary Headley liable and chargeable with the payment df one third part of my said debts as aforesaid. Item — I do give devise and bequeath unto my three sons Cary David and John Headley and to their heirs and assigns for ever Equally share and share alike my four acres of salt meadow. Hem — All the rest, residue and remainder of my landed and real Estate whatsoever and whensoever 1 do give, devise and bequeath unto my two sons David Headley and John Headley and to their DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HEADLEY • 23 heirs and assigns forever Equally share and sbare alike as tenants in common they my said sons David and John to pay two thirds part of my just debts and I do hereby make the land hereinbefore given to them my said two sons liable and chargeable with the pay- ment of two thirds part of my said debts as aforesaid — Item — 1 do make and appoint my said three sons, Gary, David and John Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty tilth day of October in the year of our Lord Seventeen h\in- dred and Eighty five. Witnesses (Signed) Joseph Headley. — ■— Joseph Tooker, seal William Pool, ^,-- William Stiles. A Codicil to be added to and be part of the last Will and Testa- ment of Joseph Headley — Whereas my Will bearing dale twenty tifth day of October Seventeen hunared and Eighty tive all the rest, residue and remain- der of my landed and real Estate, whatsoever and whensoever J have given devised and becjueathed unto my tA\o sons David and John ICeadley and to their heirs and assigns forever Equally share and share alike as tenants in Common and whereas it was my Va ill and ike joining said Turnpike on the west and on the south west the road wnich leads to Headleytowu it like- wise joins the Ogden line also one third of which is called the long lield as also one half of the Williams Lot, one young horse and iwo horned cattle. — item 1 give and devise unto my grandson John S. Headley one third OL what is called the Long lield. — item 1 give and bequeath unto my daughter Phebe Gardner widow of William Gardner deceased one third of what is called the Long field — Likewise a note of land which 1 hold against her for the amount of One hundred and lifty Dollars or thereabout. — Item 1 give and devise unto my daughter Polly Ball wife of Eze- kiel Ball a Tot of land known by the name of the Osborn Lot. 4 40 THE headlkv iustukv — Item 1 give and bequeath unto my daughter Susan Haker wife of Thomas Baker a lot of land joining the Turnpike by J«»8iah Cronee and the road whieh leads from the aforesaid .lusiah Crones t(» Sainuei Headley's. — Item 1 give and devise unto my daughter Sarah lleadley a pieeeof WoodlandX'alled the Manners lot joining Thompson Heailli-y V and the Road whieh is now a common as liki-w ist- a cow — — Item 1 give and devise unto my grand daughter Mary Tht)mp8on a good Cow . — Item 1 give and devise unto my son Timothy Headley my ht)use where 1 now live the house lot and" barn lot and all the remannier of my real estate whatsoever and wheresoever not otherwise disposed of as also all my i>ersonal estate not given away in this u»y last Will and Testament to him and his heirs and assigns forever as likewise what I have given to my other children anvl graml chiUlren to theiu and their heirs forever — Lastly J hereby ii]ip()int my three sons William S. Heiidlev, Timo- thy lleadley and David lleadley exctutois of this my last \\ ill mid Testament. Witnesses • .lames lUMuierson (Signed) C ar\ lleadley. William (iillam James N. Henderson. Children of Gary Headley were viz — Mary, Will- iam, Susan, Timothy, David, Sarah. Y|. Phebe S. Headley, b about 1783-4, d — m Jona- than Ball. C: Uzal. Phebe m second husband, * William Gardner, Jan 12, 1804. Pie was b at Springfield, N. J. June 9, 1769, d Jan 30, 1808. He was a private in the Voliniteer "L" Dragons in the w^hiskey insurrection of 1794. Lived in Jefferson Village. Presby. C: Calvin, William. Yl|. Uzal Ball, b— , d May 21, 1867. S. Yl|. Calvin Headley Gardner, b 1805, d Jan 26, 1896. He was one of the founders of the Methodist Episcopal church of Springfield, Union Co. N. J. He never married. Yl|. William Stiles Gardner, b — , d Aug 1864, un- married. Y|. Mary Headley, m Ezekiel Ball. C: Ezekiel, Elbert, Susan, Elizabeth, Phebe, Mary, Sarah. Yl|. Ezekiel Crowell Ball, b— , d 1895, m . No issue. *Son of Thomas Gardner by his second wife. ft DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HEADLEY 41 Yll. Elbert Ball, d about 1890, m . Have issue. Vn. Susan Ball, b Mar 8, 1812, d Dec 6, 1878, 111 Davis Headley Jr. (See Davis Headley Jr. Family) . Yl|. Elizabeth Ball, ni Roberts. Yl|. Phebe Ball, m Sears Robert of Irvington, N.J. Had issue . VII. Mary Ball, b in Union Co. N. J. July 22, 1800, d at Springfield, N. J. May 4, 1881, m William Brown. C: Esther. Mary m second husband, Aaron Whitehead. Farmer and paper maker. His farm was a part of the battlefield of Springfield, Union Co. N. J. during the Revolution. Meth Ep. C: Clara, Elizabeth, Calvin. Vli|. Esther Ball Brown, b— , m Hiram Cook. P O. Verona, N. J. C: Wilber, George, Elwood, Ella, Charles. IX. Wilber Ernest Cook, M. D., b at Newark, N. J. Oct 26, 1857, m Lola Coddington June 15, 1882. Res. Middletown, N. Y. Supervisor of Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital, Meth Ep. C: X. Talcott Cook. X. Ralph Cook. IX. George H. Cook, b — , m Jennie Francisco. Res. Dodd and Lake Sts. East Orange, N. J. C: X. Herbet Cook. X. Wilber Cook. X- Irvin Cook. IX. Elwood Cook, b—, m Clara Bailey. Res. 311 Orange St. Newark, N. J. C: X- Florence Lola Cook. X. Frederick Cook. X. Esther Cook. IX. Ella Cook, d infant. (IX) Charles Wesley Cook, d infant. VIII. Clara C. Whitehead, batMilburn, N. J. May 42 THE HEADLEY HISTORY I i8, 1840, d at South Norwalk, Ct. Apr 16, 1S92, m Julius Marea Ellendorf June 24, 1865. He was b ati Berlin Germany June 24, 1840, d at South Norwalk, Ct. July 23, 1893. At the time of his death he was Editor and Proprietor of a Labor Paper "Mechanic's Journal." Methodist. C: Margaretta, Otto, Rob- ert, Walter, Florence. IX. Margaretta Ellendorf, b at Westfield, Union Co. N. J. Aug 16, 1 866, m Vincent DeFabritis Nov 15, 1887. P O Waterbury, Ct. Dealer in Fruits and Vegetables, Methodists. C: X- Walter Erasmus Fabritis, b May iS, iS8g, X. Virginia F^abritis, b Oct 5, 1890, d May 3, 1892. X. Caroline Fabritis, b Oct 26, 1891. X. Ida May Fabritis, b May i, 1893, d June 13, 1896. X. Marion Fabritis, b Sept 24, 1894. X. Margarita Fabritis, b Feb 15, 1896, d July 12, 1896. X. Louis Franklin Fabritis, bjune 22, 1897. X. Florence Fabritis, bjuly 26, 1899. X. Vincent Robert Fabritis, b Oct 4, 1903. IX. Otto Ellendorf , b Feb 25, 1868, d Dec 9, 1871. IX. Robert Francis Ellendorf, b June 26, 1870. Res. 247 W. 13th St. N. Y. City. Job Printer, Meth. S. IX. Walter Leopold Ellendorf, b Nov 18, 1872, d Apr 18, 1878. IX. Florence Ellendorf, b May 28, 1877. Res. 247 W. 13th St. N. Y. City. Art Student, Methodist. Single. VIII. Elizabeth Whitehead, m Wm. H. Tompkins. P O Springfield, N. J. Farmer. VIII. Calvin Whitehead, m Adelaide Shipraan. Res. 146 Polk St. Newark, N. J. VII . Sarah Ball, m David Lawrence of Irvington, N. J. C: DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HEADLEY 43 VIII- John C. Lawrence. !. William Stiles Headley, b Jan 14, 1791, d Dec 22, 1850, m Hannah Lockwood Headley, daughter of Davis Headley. She was b June 9, 1795, d Mar 15, 1874. Lived and died on a part of the Gary Head- ley farm. Farmer, Presby. C: Joanna, Phebe, Caroline, John, Jane, Wickliff. Yl|. Joanna Townley Headley, b June 3, 1814, d Apr 4, 1839, m William Sanford Burnett of Brook- lyn, N. Y. Jan 24, 1834. He was b Feb 20, 1812, d Sept 27, 1887. Res. 1509 Tea St. N. W. Wash- ington, D. C. Gass engineer and Superintendent of Gass-works, Meth Ep. C: Mary, Martha, Levi. VIII. Mary Giles Burnett, b in Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov 19, 1834, m Thomas Ira Gardner of Fayette- ville, N. C. Oct 15, 1857. He d Deqi 17, 1898, aged 6 1 years. Attorney at Law and member of the District Supreme Court, and also held a position for 26 years in the Law Division of the Treasury De- partment. Meth Kp. C: William, Cora, Edith, Mary, Thomas. IX. William Sanford Gardner, b Oct 11, 1858, d Feb 2, 1859. IX. Cora Clark Gardner, b at Washington, D. C. Apr 30, 1862, m Henry Dugald Howie Nov 30, 1887. Res. i5oBowdoin St. Boston, Mass. Presi- dent of "Phoenix Leather Goods Co," Prot Episco- pal. C: X. Gardner Dugald Howie, b at Washington, D. C. Dec 5, 1890. IX. Edith Rebecca Gardner, b at Washington, D. C.Jan 28, 1865, m Francis Harvey Duehay Apr 29, 1890. Res. "Rochambeau," Washington, D. C. (407 Florida Avenue) . Real Estate Operator, Meth- odist Ep. 44 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY IX. Mary Juliet Gardner, bjune 23, iSyi.d July 17, 1872. IX. Thomas Burnett Gardner, bat Washington, D. C. Furnishing Clerk and special Photographer, Presby. S. VIII. Martha J. Burnett, b in Brooklyn, N.Y.May 25, 1837, m William F. Keogh Oct 3, 1888. He was b in Ireland May 28, 1822, d Dec 17, 1902. Res. 296 Mason St. Brooklyn, N. Y. Manufacturer of Anti- que Furniture; an inventor and artist. Mrs. K. joined Methodist church when quite young. Mr. K. member of Congregational church, which both at- tended. No issue. VIII. Capt. Levi F. Burnett, bin Brooklyn, N. Y. Jan 25, 1839. He attended the County schools in Maplewood and Springfield, N. J. until he was 17 years old, then was clerk in an ofhce in Wall Street N. Y. for about 3 years, then assistant book-keeper in Brooklyn Gas Light Co's office until he enlisted Aug 16, 1862. From that time until the present date, (1904), he has been in the Military service on the Plains most of the time; since April 1869, on various Indian expeditions. Was Indian Agent for the Apache Indians in New Mexico 1893, and 1894. Military Service in Volunteers — Private Company A. 84th New York Infantry (com- monly called "14th Brooklyn") Aug 16, 1862. Transferred to Company A. 21st Regt. Veteran Re- serve Corps. Aug 15, 1863. Discharged May 23, 1864, appointed 2nd Lieut Mar, 12, 1864, accepted May 23, 1864. Brevet ist Lieut Mar 13, 1865. Brevet Captain Mar 13, 1865, for gallant and Meri- torious services in the battle of South Mountain and Antietiam, Maryland. Military Service in Regular Army — Appointed 2nd Lieut 36th Infantry May 25, 1867 — DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH IIEADLEY 45 accepted June lo, 1867; transferred to 7th Infantry Mar 19, 1869; promoted to ist Lieut 7th Infantry Mar 10, 1873; promoted to Captain 7th Infantry Apr 23, 1889. Retired from active service July 31, 1894, for "disability inline of duty." Brevet ist Lieut May 25, 1867, for gallant and Meritorious services during the war. Was severely wounded at the battle of Antietam, being shot through the left leg below the knee by rifle bullet passing between the bones. Res. 155 N. Mor- ingo Ave, Pasadena, Cal. Attends Presby ch. S. Vll- Phebe Stiles Headley, b Sept 12, 1816, m Si- las Condit Burnett. He was b at Springfield, N. J. Oct 2, 1816, d Sept 16, 1856. Res. 528 Clener Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. He came to Brooklyn when a young man, where he became a successful contrac- tor and builder. He was a member of the Sands St. Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Burnett and her sister Joanna were converted at the Camp Meeting at Mount Tabor under the preaching of the Rev. William P. Corbet, who received over 10,000 per- sons into the M. E. church. Mrs. Burnett joined the Sands St. M. E. church and was an active mem- ber in the Sunday School for years. C: Roxanna. Yl||. Roxanna Burnett, b in Brooklyn, N. Y, Jan 15, 1852. Meth Ep. S. Yl|. Caroline Headley, bjuly 21, 1819, d Mar 7, 1889, m William Courter. He was b near Hanover, Morris Co. N.J. Feb 16, i8ii,d at Maplewood, N. J. Mar 6, 1890. Farmer. Mrs. C. Meth Ep. C: Alice, Joanna. VIM. Alice I. Courter, b June 3, 1857. P O Maple - wood, N. J. S. VIII. Joanna H. Courter, b at Hilton, N. J. Mar 20, 1859, m H. Melville Cro well Apr 21, 1880. P 40 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY O Maplewood, N. J. Methodist. C: Charlotte, Howard. IX. Charlotte I. Crowell, b Nov 23, 1881. P O Maplewood, N. J. Sunday-school worker, Meth Ep. S. IX. Howard Melville Crowell, b May 26, 1886. P O Maplewood, N. J. Mechanical drawing, Meth Ep. Yll. John Stiles Headley, b Mar 11, 1822, in Union twp. Union Co. N. J., d Apr 6, 1893, m Sarah Ann, daughter af John E. Courter and Elizabeth Cook, Feb 13, 1849. She was b Dec 29, 1824, d in 1901. Mr. Headley 's boyhood years were spent on the family estate in Union twp. After acquiring a prac- tical education he repaired to Brooklyn, N. Y. and was apprenticed to Davis M. Afflick with whom he acquired the craft of a mason. During the year 1 846 he embarked in business as a builder and continued with success until 1856, when being attracted by the varied advantages of the spot upon which his birth occurred, he returned again to Union twp. and locat- ed upon a portion of the property of his ancestor, Cary Headley . To this he succeeded partly by in- heritance and partly by purchase, then his sole occupation was farming. The excitements attending political life offered no charms for him, hence he left to others both the honors and rewards of political life. He was a man of unassuming manner, possessing many traits of character which are the exponents of success in life, and which command the respect of the community. Mr. Headley and family were worshipers at and supporters of the Methodist Episcopal church of Springfield, N. J. C: Will, Ivizzie, Jennie. Vll[. Will C. Headley, b in Brooklyn, N. J. June DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH TTEADLEY 47 25, 1853, m Rosetta Ayers June 5, 1878, daughter of *Hon. D. Cooper Ayers of Green Bay, Wis. Res. East Orange, N. J. Mr. Headley was brought up on a part of the Cary Headley homestead farm in Union county south of Wyoming and near the Essex county line. He attended the public schools at Headleytown, Springfield, and St. Stephens school, Millburn, Essex Co. N. J. Entered the law office of Whitehead and Morrow, (John Whitehead and Sam- uel Morrow Jr.), in October 1872; was admitted to the bar of New Jersey as an attorney at law at the November term 1876, and as a counselor at law November term 1879. Soon after marriage he removed to Hilton, Essex Co. N. J. holding while there the office of Chairman of the Trustees of the public school of that place. In 1883, removing to Irvington, N. J. he held the office of President of that village from 1884 to 1889, and other offices. In 1896 he removed to East Orange, N. J. where he now resides, with law office at 800 Broad Street Newark, N. J., and is one of the prominent lawyers of that city. Mr. Headley in politics is now and always has been a Democrat. He has been since about 1873 a member of the Meth- odist church, and is now, (1902), a member of the Official Board of Calvar}^ Methodist Episcopal church of East Orange, N. J. of which the family are all members. C: Eiroy, William, Harold. IX- Elroy Headle}', b on a part of the Cary Head- ley homestead Apr 7, 1879. He graduated from the Irvington Public .school in June 1894; from the Newark Academy in June 1897 with honors, and from Princeton University,, class of 1901, with *Hou. D. Cooper Ayers, surueon of the Iron lirii^ade, of Wiscon- sin, dnrini;: tbe Civil war. 48 THE HEADLEY HISTORY honors and took several prizes while there. He is now, (1902), in the Senior Class of the New York Law School, and is in the law office of his father as a student at law. Meth Ep. S. IX. William Frank Headley, b Mar 12, 1881, graduated from the Irvington Grammar school in 1897, and from the East Orange High school, class of 1901; is now in the Senior Class of the New York Law School. Meth Ep. S. IX. Harold Wade Headley, b Apr 11, 1885, grad- uated from East Orange High school, class 1902; now a member of the Freshman class of Yale Col- lege. Meth Ep. S. Vl^. Hannah Elizabeth Headley, b at Union, N. J. July 31, 1857, m * William S. Wade Oct 20, 1877. Res. 66 Riggs Place, South Orange, N. J. Paste- board Mfgr. Presby. Mr. W. elder and trustee of First Presby ch. South Orange. C: Ola, Jennie, Florence, William, John, Milbert, Gladys. IX. Ola Headley Wade, b July 26, 1878, m Har- vey lUesleyTweddell Sept 26, 1900. C: X. William Wade Tweddell, b July 8, 1902. IX. Jennie Stiles Wade, b Mar 12, 1880, d May 5, 1881. IX. Florence Irva Wade, b May 7, 1882. IX. William Newton Wade, b Feb 20, 1884. IX. John Royden Wade, b Mar 18, 1887, d July 28, 1887. IX. Milbert Hafely Wade, b May 14, 1888, d Nov 12, 1891. IX. Gladys Wade, b Sept 6, 1891. *He is a direct descendant of Benjamin Wade, who married Ann Looker in 1670. Mr. Wade came to Elizabetlitown in 1675. He was a clothier by trade; died in 1698. His widow died July 31, 1837 and was buried at Conn. Farms. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH IIEADLEY 49 Jane Ivillian Headley, b June 22, 1859, at Springfield, N. J., m William H. Harrison of Irving- ton, N. J. Oct 22, 1884. Res. 991 Clinton Ave. Irv- ington, N. J. Dairyman. Meth Ep. C: IX. M. Estella Harrison, b Feb 6, 1886. JX- Russell Headley Harrison, b Dec 25, 1888. IX. Clifton Wade Harrison, b Nov 15, 1894. VII Jane M. Headley, b Dec 31, 1824, m George R. Baker, (d). Res. Springfield, Union Co. N. J, No issue. Yl|. Wickliff Headley, b July 4, 1828, d Mar 1902, m Sarah Ann Brown Dawes, daughter of Cornelius Dawes, June 26 1851. She d about 1891. They liv- ed on the Cary Headley farm. C: Mary, William, Florence. VIII. Mary B. Headley, b Nov 1851. Res. Valley St. Maple wood, N.J. S. VIII. William Stiles Headley, b July 4, 1855, d about 1895, m Ella Shipman. Res. 39 Arlington St. Newark, N. J. C: (|X) A daughter. Vllf. Florence A. Headley, b about i860, m George Smith. Res. Valley St. Maplewood, N.J. C: IX. Burnet Headley Smith. V|. Susan Headley, b at Maplewood, N. J. Mar 6, 1796, d there Apr 18, 1863, m Thomas Campbell Baker. He was b at Maplewood, N. J. Dec 12, 1790, d there May 18, 1873. Farmer. C: Mary, Daniel, Timothy, Martha, Jane, Phebe, Susan, Thomas. VBI. Mary Ann Baker, b July 28, 1821, at Jefferson Village, N.J. d there Jan 24, 1866, m Caleb R. Smith. He was b at Jefferson Village, N. J. Dec 6, 1807, d there Oct 24, 1859. Shoemaker. C: Truman. VIII. Truman B. Smith, b Nov 29, 1848. P O 50 THE HEADLEY HISTORY Maplewood, New Jersey. Clerk. Single. Yll. Daniel Norris Baker, b at Maplewood, N. J. Jan 9, 1823, d at Livingston, N. J. Mar 20, 1897, ra Adelia Collins Jan 14, 1846. She wash at Living- ston, N. J. Nov 25, 1828. Shoemaker, later far- mer, Meth Ep. C: William, William, Susan, Thomas, Edmund, Anna, Abner, Emma, Harriet, Sadie, Daniel. VII!. William Collins Baker, b May i, 1847, d Mar 27, 1848. VlJi. William Martin Baker, b Jan 16, 1849, d July 3, 1885. S. Vy|. Susan Amanda Baker, b 'Jan 24, 1S51, m Jonathan Force Nov 23, 1 881. P O Livingston, n. J. Farmer, Baptists. C: (SX) James Walter Force, b Nov 13, 1883. (|X) Edna Adelia Force, b July 12,1885. (IX) Jonathan Force, b Aug 13, 1887. (!X) Daniel Baker Force, b June 28, 1890, d June 24, 1896. Vll|. Thomas Douglas Baker, b May 8, 1853, m Louisa Canniff Nov 2, 1881. Res. 268 High St. Orange, n. j. YIIE. Edmund Condit Baker, b Aug 12, 1855, d Oct 14, 1857- Yll!. Anna Martha Bd^er, b Apr 2, 1858. P O Livingston, n. j. S. Ylii. Abner Brundage Baker, b Apr 2, i860, m Nettie Emmons Mar 23, 1884. No issue. Y8!|. Emma Baker, b Jan 3, 1863. P O Living- ston, N. J. S. Y88I. Harriet Amelia Baker, b at Livingston, n. j. Sept 12, 1865, m Theron Wilson Guernsey Sept 12, 1887. Res . Cleveland St. Cor Washington Street, Orange, n, j. Book-keeper, Baptist. C: (|X) Lydia Adelia Guernsey, b Sept 7, 1888. (|X) Bessie DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HEADLEY 51 Amelia Guernsey., b Mar 28, 1891. (|X) Lillie Baker Guernse}', b Oct 10, 1895. VB!|. Sadie Adelia Baker, b Feb 28, 1868. P O Livingston, n. j. VIII. Daniel Crowell Baker, b Feb 16, 1871. P O Livingston, n. j. Milk dealer, Baptist. S. Vi|. Timothy Headley Baker, b Nov 12, 1824. V3|. Martha Baker, b— , d~, m Stephen Stiles. C: Phebe, etc. Vin. Phebe A. Stiles, b— , m Bishop Evans. P O Morristown, N. j. VII. Jane E. Baker. Res. Baker St. Maplewood, N. J. S. yt|. Phoebe Stiles Baker, b at Jefferson Village, n. J. Aug 30, 1830, d at Northfield, N. J. Aug 1859, m Enoch Edwards Collins, in 1849. He was b at Northfield, N. J. Farmer, Baptists. C: Laura, Thomas, Marion, Edward. Vilf. Laura Jane Collins, din infancy. VtSi. Thomas Pell Collins, b at Northfield, N. J. 1 85 1. P O Orange, N. J. S. van. Marion Phebe Collins, b at Northfield, N. J. Nov 9, 1S56. Res. High and Baldwin Sts. Newark, N.J. Grace Episcopal ch. S. VIII. Edward Collins, din infancy. Vn. Susan Headley Baker, b at Jefferson Village, N. J. Sept 16, 1834, m Joseph Warren VanderVeer Jan 5, i860. Res. 637 High St. Newark, N. J. Cigar dealer, Episcopal ch. C: Robert. Vlif. Robert Eunson VanderVeer, b Nov 15, 1861, d June 8, 1900, m Florence J. Bristol May 11, 1885. She d July 8, 1887. C: Lillian. He m second wife Sarah Adelia Mulva Mar 1893. Soap Mfgr. Epis. No issue by second wife. IX. Lillian Raimond VanderVeer, b in Newark, 52 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY New Jersey Mar 23, 1886. Episcopal ch. Single. VII. Thomas C. Baker, b Apr 19, 1838, m Harriet A. Headley Nov 20, 1861. P O Maplewood, N.J. Farmer, Meth Ep. C: Harry, Warren, Eliza. VIII. Harry J. Baker, b Sept 27, 1862, m Minnie Marthis Sept 6, 1888. P O Maplewood, N. J. Gro- cer, Meth Kp. C: (|X) Harriet Wilhelmina Baker, bjune 17, 1890. VIII. Warren T. Baker, b Nov 23, 1867, m Addie Townley Apr 22, 1896. P O Maplewood, N. J. Presby. C: (IX) Warren Baker, b July 15, 1897. (IX) Ruth Baker, bAug 12, 1900. Vlll- Eliza J. Baker, b Mar 20, 1878, m William Nathan July 13, 1895. Clerk. C: (|X) Harriet Esther Nathan, b May 18, 1896, VI. Timothy Headley, b Mar 10, 1800, d Dec 24, 1 85 1, m Adeline Shaffer, daughter of John Shaffer, of Springfield. Farmer, and owned the homestead of Gary Headley. No issue. V|. David Gary Headley, b Feb 15, 1802, d Nov 25, 1863, m Gharlotte Halsey Baker, daughter of Norris Baker. She was bNov 16, 1810, d Feb 11, 1884. Lived and died on his farm at Jefferson Valley, (now Maplewood). Methodists. G: Garey, Harris, Jane, Henrietta. Vll Garey Judson Headley, b Jan I, 1839, d June II, 1897. No issue. VII. Harris Eugene Headley, b June 11, 1839, d Nov 25, 1863. Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. VII. Jane Josephine Headley, b— , m Aaron Baker. P O Maplewood, N. J. Via. Henrietta O. Headley, b at Maplewood, N. J. died there, m Ambrose B. Reeve. Carriage trimmer, Methodist; one child. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEVH HEADLEY o3 Vil|. Charles Halsey Reeve, b at Maplewocd, N. J. in i860, m Margaret R. Marthis 1881. P O Maplewood, N. J. Grain and seed merchant. C: (IX) Frederick E. Reeve, (fl) Sarah Reeve. (fX) Charles Plarold Reeve. (IX) Margaret R. Reeve. V|. Sarah Headley, b about 1807, d Feb 18, 1827, m Daniel S. Townley. Moved to Iowa in or atont 1857. C: David, John. Yl|. David Townley, b — , m — . When last heard from he lived at Denver, Colo. Vj|. John Tovvnle}^ b — ,m — . Lived at Bingham- ton, N. V. V. Ann Headley, m Eliakim Frazee. Farmer. No issue. V. Mary Headley, m . No is:-ue. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY, SON OF SAMUEL HEADLEY, SR. [Y. Robert Headley, bat "Conn. Farms," Union Co. N. J. in 1720, d at Milton, N. J. Apr 28, 1806; m Susanna — r— . C: Moses, Robert, Lois, Mary. He married second vvife, Phebe (Baldwin) Gardner. C: Joseph, Samuel, William, Phebe. He made his will in 1758, and at this time he lived in Essex Co. N. J., and afterwards removed to the Wyoming Valley, Pa., and was one of the few that escaped from the terrible massacre that followed. Robert was very friendly with the Indians, one Indian in parti- cular was a great friend to Robert and just before the massacre warned him to leave as the town would be burned that i^ight. Robert said to the Indian, "You wouldn't hurt me would you?" Indian says, "In time of war Indian knows no friend." So Robert got an old high top Pennsylvania wagon and put in it all the goods he could and at 4 o'clock that after- noon of July 2, 1778, started with his wife, sons Joseph, Samuel, William, daughter Phebe, for New Jersey. After going through the wilds of Pennsyl- vania and New Jersey, he finally reached the Hope- well mountains in Sussex Co. in the beginning of the winter of 1778, \Aherehe luilt a cabin on what is now the Hayward property and passed the winter. Early in the spring of ly^^^ i^e located at Milton, Morris Co. where he built a log house which is still standing on the Headley Homestead and DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 55 has continued in the Headley name ever since, and is now owned bj^ Frank J . Headley, a great grandson of Robert Headley. The original lands owned by Robert Headley consisted of about six hundred acres and included lands now owned by Edgar H. McCor- mick; the present Headley Homestead, Charles H. Jennings, William M. Headley, and Edward R. Head- ley; and perhaps other lands. Nothing is known of his children by his first wife, except that the daugh- ter Mary was married to Michael Stagg He made his Will Oct 1 8, 1757, and reads as follows: — 111 the year of God Amen on the Eighteenth day of October in the Thirty-First year of the Reign of our Souvern Lord George — By the Grace of God King in theyearof our Lord Christ one Thousand and seven Hundred and titty and seven — That 1 Robert Headley of Essex County and province of New Jersey do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is lirst — 1 give and bequeath my immortal soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave me my being and my body I commit to the earth to be burriea in a christian according to the descretion of myExecrs of this my last Will here in after named — Item-My will is and 1 ordain that my funeral charges and all other just debts be paid out of my movable estate soon alter my death — Item-1 give and bequeath to my loven son Moses Headley one Equal half of all my lands to him and his heirs forever — Item - 1 give and bequeath to my loven son Robert Headley the other half of all my lands to him and his heirs forever and likewise my gun— Itera-I give and bequeath unto my loven dafters Loes Headley Eleven yards of Callimink fur — ltem-1 give and bequeath to my loven brother Samuel Headley one of m}' Cots and my red vest — ltem-1 give and bequeath all the rest of my movable estate Be equal- ly divided Between my loven wife Susannah Headley and my loven dafters Loes Headley and Mary Headlej' share and share alike — ltem-1 do make ordaiie and a pint 1113- loven brother Samuel Head- ley and my trusty friend Nathaniel Ball the Exers of this my last W ill and Testament and 1 do revoke and make Voide all former wills by me made and Declared hereby ratifying and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament. In >Vitness whereof 1 have to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal the Day and year A Bove Ritten. Signed sealed Published and Declared by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament In the presence of us. Mrs. Osborn i — >^ \ Ellas Os born (Signed) Robert Headley. " •< seal > Noodiah Potter. ( — . — ) V. Moses Headley. Descendants, if any, not found. Y- Robert Headle5^ Descendants, if any, not found. 56 THE HEADLEY HISTORY Y. Lois Headley. Descendants, if any, not found. Y. Mary Headley, m Michael Stagg. Descendants, if any, not found. Y. Joseph Headley, b in New Jersey in 1758, d in Jersey, Licking Co. Ohio Aug 27, 1842, aged 84 years; m Martha Riker. She was b in Sussex Co. New Jer- sey in 1758, d at Jersey, Ohio Sept 16, 1842, aged 85 years. In 1 809 they emigrated from New Jersey and settled near Zanesville, Ohio. In 1815 Joseph and his son Peter left Muskingom Co. and camped on the south fork of Licking Creek near Jersey Ohio where they split puncheon from which they built a structure in which they lived and made sugar. The following year, (1816), Peter Headley, having the previous year entered land, S. E. Quar. Sec. No. 24, and built a cabin thereon, his father Joseph Headley and family came and lived with him there until 1822, when the father Joseph and wife went to live with their son Lewis Headle}' at Jersey, Ohio, where they continued to live until their death. Joseph Headley was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. Farmer, Universalist. C: Elizabeth, Peter, Dorothea, William, Samuel, Uzal, Lewis, Mary, Charles, Levina, Eunice. Y|. Elizabeth Headley, b in New Jersey about 1778, d Aug 29, 1870, aged 92 years; m Benjamin Parkhurst. They emigrated to Ohio in 1809. While on the way west, and when crossing the Allegheny Mountains, their son Peter was born. Soon after their arrival Mr. Parkhurst built a hand mill upon which he ground grain before other mills were erected. He d June 25, 1842, aged 65 years. C: Peter, Samuel, Martha, Mary. Yll. Peter Parkhurst, b on the Allegheny Moun- tains, Pa. June-i9, 1809, d in Jersey, Ohio, July DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 01 15, 1894, m Phebe Smith Apr 5, 1832. She was b in New Jersey Dec 16, 1810, d in Jersey, O. Jan 10, 1881. Farmer, Methodists. C: Sarah, Mary, Abigail, Martha, Hattie. Vll|. Sarah Matilda Parkhurst, b Apr 5, 1833, m John Arnold. P O Pataskala, Ohio. Ylll. Mary Jane Parkhurst, b Dec 21, 1834, d Apr 10, 1862, m Abraham Martin. P O Delphi, Ind. C: Benjamin, Silas. VIII. Abigail Parkhurst, b Dec 30, 1836, m Morris W. Kent Mar 10, 1859. P O Jersey, O. Farmer, Methodist. C: Frank, Mattie, Jennie, William, Albert, Edgar. IX. Frank Kent, b — , m Annie Hensel. Res. Chica- go, 111. Clerk. IX. Mattie Kent, b— , m Frank Nichols. P O Alexandria, O. C: Avanell, Clyde, Kstella, Her- bert, Leonard, Fred, George B. IX. Jennie Kent, b — . P O Pataskala, Ohio. Seam- stress, Presby. S. IX. William H. Kent, b— , m Cora Myers. P O Beech, Ohio. Farmer. C: (X) Leroy Kent. (X) Blanche Kent. IX. Albert M. Kent, b— , m Annie Crawford. P O Newark, Ohio. Employed in Glass factory. C: (X) Carl Kent, (d). (X) Earl Kent. (X) Howard Kent. IX. Edgar Roy Kent, b — , m Mary Crawford. PO Jersey, O. Farmer. C: (X) Florence. VIII. Martha Ann Parkhurst, b in Licking Co. O. Jan 6, 1840. P O Pataskala, Ohio. Presby. S. VIII. Hattie Malissa Parkhurst, b July 5, 1846, m Jesse F. Handley. P O Jerse3^ O. VII . Samuel Parkhurst, b— , m Catharine Swartz. C: James, Frank, and two daughters. 58 THE HEADLEY HISTORY Yl|. Martha Parkhurst. Vl|. Mary Parkhurst. V|. Peter Headley, bin New Jersey Mar 7, 1781, d May 17, 1857, m Hannah Parritt July 27, 1809. They emigrated with his father's family to Musking Co. Ohio, in 1809. In 18 15 he entered lands, the S. K. Quarter Sec. 24, in Jersey township, Licking Co. Ohio, being one of the first settlers. He built the first dwelling in the township, a log cabin. He was a good hunter, and on one occasion shot seven deers on his farm, and at another time shot two deers with one shot. He also killed a bear that weighed over 400 pounds. Farmer, Presby. C: Elizabeth, Will- iam, Electa, Adaline, Davis, Arza, Mary, Almeda. Yl|. Elizabeth Headley, b— , m Charles Parritt Sept 27, 1 831. C: Silas, Calvin, Harriet, Jane, Han- nah, David, Martha, Bernard. Vni. Silas Parritt. P O Gillespieville, Ross Co. Ohio. Ylll. Calvin Parritt, (d). Y|[|. Harriet Parritt, m — Shultz. P O Jersey, O. Ylll. Jane Parritt, m Lecrone. P O Canal Winchester, Franklin Co. O. Ylll. Hannah Parritt, m St. Clair. P O Gillespieville, Ross Co. O. Ylll David Parritt. Ylll Martha Parritt, m Wheeler. Ylll Bernard Parritt, (d). Yll William Headley, b— . S. Yll Davis Headley, b about 1812, d— , m Sallie Williams Oct 16, 1833. They emigrated to Nebras- ka, where several children still live. Ylll Lewis Headley. P O Gaylord, Smith Co. Kans. Yll Adaline Headley, b at Jersey, Licking Co. O. DESCENDANTS OF KOBERT HEADLEY 59 July 4, 1 8 19, d there Sept 25, 1874, m Samuel O. Williams July i, 1840. He was b in Essex Co. N. J. July 20, 1818, d at Jersey, Ohio, Feb 9, 1903. Farmer, Presbys. C: Israel, Truman, George, Marietta, Henry, Electa. VIII. Israel Williams, b Mar 28, 1842, d Aug 3, 1842. VIII. Truman S. Williams, b Dec 7, 1843. P O Pataskala, O., R. F. D. No. 4. Farmer. S. VIII. George D. Williams, b Dec 3, 1845, d May 17, 1888. S. VIII. Marietta Williams, b Feb 14, 1849. P O Pataskala, O., R. F. D. No. 4. S. VIII. Henry Williams, b Oct 16, 1851, d Nov 4, 1854. VIII. Electa Williams, b in Jersey, O. Jan 12, 1854, m Oliver Smith Sept 5, 1876. P O Jersey, Ohio. Farmer, Presby. C: Charlotte, George. IX. Charlotte Smith, b Feb 5, 1879, m F. A. Fish- baugh Apr 30, 1902. P O Jersey, Ohio. Farmer, Presby. IX. George Smith, b Jan 11, 1886. Vl|. Electa Headley, b — , m Oron Smith Nov 15, i860. She lives on her father's farm and in the same house he built near Jersey, O. P O Jersey, O. No issue. V|. Dorothea Headley, b in New Jersey Nov 19, 1782, d July 8, 1865, aged 82 years, 7 months, 19 days; m Joshua Hammond. He wash in New Jer- sey Jan 28, 1776, d Mar 22, 1867, aged 91 years, i month, 24 days. Emigrated to Ohio and settled near Alexandria, where they died. Farmer. C: William, Noah, Daniel, Elisha, Joshua, Hiram, Eliza, Sarah, Harriet, John. VII. William Hammond, d in New Jersey. S. 60 THE HEADLEY HISTORY VII. Noah Hammond, b— , d— , m Jane Brooks. Moved to Clarence, Iowa. Farmer. C: Stephen, Albert, Isadore, and others. Yl|. Daniel Hammond, b— , d— , m Eliza Carlock. Moved to Clarence, Iowa. Farmer. C: Shedrick, Harriet, Joshua, Daniel, John, and 2 daughters. Yl|. Elisha Hammond, b at Morristown, N.J. Jan 16, 1818, d at Alexandria, Ohio, July 14, 1890, m Susan Harigal Oct 22, 1846. She was b at Zanes- ville, Ohio, Sept 10, 1827, d at Alexandria, O. Mar 27, 1901. Farmer, Cong. C: Hiram, William, Zackery, Allen, Edward, Mary, Samuel. VIII. Hiram Hammond, b at Alexandria, O. Sept 24, 1847, m Sarah Melissa Finderburg Nov 5, 1874. She was b — , d — . C: Lulu, Eva. Hiram m 2nd wife, Emma Lusetta Fay, Nov 13, 1887. P O Alexandria, O. Farmer. C. Fern, Roe, Ralph. IX. IvuUi May Hammond, b June 3, 1878, d July 27, 1878. IX. Eva Pearl Hammond, b Sept 17, 1879, d Jan 10, 1880. IX. Fern Atlee Hammond, b Mar 28, 1888. IX. Roe Hammond, b June i, 1891. IX. Ralph B. Hammond, b May 6, 1897. VIII. William Hammond, b Sept 23, 1849, m Delia Philbrooks Jan 1882. Shed—. C:Guy. William m second wife, Hattie Gregory, Apr 1883. P O Alexandria, O. Farmer. C: Raymond, Earl. IX. Guy Hammond, b — , d infant. IX. Raymond Hammond, b Nov 8, 1885. P O Alexandria, O. Machinist. BX. Earl Hammond, b Oct 6, 1887. P O Alexan- dria, O. Butcher. VIII. Zackery Hammond, b Jan 4, 1852. P O Alexandria, Ohio. Farmer. S. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 61 Allen Hammond, b Feb 6, 1854, d Mar 12, 1854. Vni. Edward Hammond, b Mar 24, 1855, d Apr 10, 1885. S. V!l|. Mary Meadora Hammond, b Sept 24, 1858, m Sylvester Cox Mar 15, 1882. P O Alexandria, Ohio. Farmer. C: IX- Glen Emmons Cox, b Dec 24, 1882. P O Alexandria, O. Farmer and Machinist. S. Vll|. Samuel Hammond, b Oct 6, 1861, d Sept 27, 1866. Vl|. Joshua Hammond, b about 1823, d July 1892, m Algaria Harigal. Farmer, Universalist. C: Marion, Virgil, Laura, Orrilla, George, Willis, Arthur, Nancy. Yll|. Marion Hammond, (d). Vill. Virgil Hammond, b — , m Percy Lloyd. P O Alexandria, O. C: (|X) Celia Lloyd. VSif. Laura Hammond, b — , m John Davis, (d). No issue. Laura m second husband, Samuel Tay- lor. P O Luray, O. No issue. VIEI- Orrilla Hammond, b — . P O Alexandria, Ohio. S. V[||- George Hammond, b — . P O Alexandria, Ohio. S.. VIIB. Willis Hammond, b — , m Lizzie Buxton. P O Alexandria, O. No issue. VIII- Arthur Hammond, b — . P O Alexandria, Ohio. S. VIII. Nancy Hammond, b — , d — . Vl|. Hiram Hammond, b — , d — •, m *Harriet Ham- mond. Farmer. C: John, Elmer, Sarah, Char- les. VIII- John Hammond, b — , m . C: Mary, *His cousin. 02 THE HEADLEY HISTORY Charles, (d); Edward, Fred, Myrtle, Ethel, Eena, Miller, Forest, Lureta. VIB|. Elmer Hammond, b— , m . C: Attic, Bessie, Frank, Guy, Dean, Messer, Pearl. yg||. Sarah Hammond, b — . S. VIII. Charles Hammond, b— , m . C: Delno. Y||. Eliza Hammond, b— , d— , m E. Dean. Far- mer, Methodist. C: Albert, etc. VIII. Albert Hammond, b— , m-. P O Alexandria, Ohio. VII. Sarah Hammond, b — , d — , m Shedrick Car- lock. C: Joshua. Sarah m second husband, Rich- ard Oldham. No issue. VIII. Joshua Carlock, b — , m Lucy Gurney, (d). Vl|. Harriet Hammond, b — , m *Noah Hammond, (d). Res. Delaware, Ohio. Farmer. C. Doro- thea, (d); Emma, Noah, Asa. Vl|. John Hammond, b — , d — , ra Potter. Farmer. C: Frank, Fred, Mary, Maude. VI. William D. Headley, b in Sussex Co. N. J. July 31,1787, d in Franklin Co. Ohio, Aug i, 1862, m fMary Havens in 181 9. She was b in Sussex Co. N. J. Mar 10, 1799, d in Franklin Co. Ohio, Sept 18, 1870. When a vSmall boy William Headley was bound out to his Uncle William Headley near Mil- ton, N. J. with whom he remained until the age of 21 years, when he received an "outfit," which consisted of a horse, bridle, saddle, a suit of clothes, and $50.00 in money. He then took a lease of clear- ing a piece of timber land, and after clearing a spot, he built a little shanty of poles and clapboards for shelter, and settled down to work clearing the land *Her first cousin. fDaughter of William and Elizabeth Havens who emigrated to Ohio and were among the first settlers. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 63 and burning charcoal, carting the latter 25 miles to market. Thus he began laying the foundation for future prosperity. When he had accumulated to- gether $1500 00 he removed in 181 1 to Franklin Co. Ohio, and became one of the pioneer settlers of that county, selecting a location in Jefferson township, at what is now known as Headley's Corners. After locating his future home, he returned to Sussex Co. N. J. with a number of horses. In the spring of 1812, he set out for his Ohio home on horse back. On the trip a willow twig served as a riding whip, which on arriving at his new home he stuck into the ground, and to-day at the front of the old Homestead stands a very large and beautiful weeping willow tree, a memento of his journey. At that time there were no roads leading to Columbus, and trips to that place w^ere made on horse-back over a path marked by blazed trees, William Headley in company with his brother Samuel Headley built a saw mill and grist mill on the Black lyick, a stream running through William Head- ley's farm. The brothers conducted the mills in part- nership for some time, after which William Headley purchased his brother's interest in the mills and lands. The mills did duty for many years, and were finally washed away in a flood many years ago. Great changes have taken place since the first representative of the name came to Ohio where they found large tracts of uncultivated land, forests which stood in their primeval strength, and a few cabins to indicate the progress of civilization. As the years passed William Headley prospered in his business and at the time of his death he owned 500 acres of valuable land all acquired through industry and good management. He was the first Postmaster at Head- 64 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY ley's Corners, and held the office for many j-ears, dispensing the mail from his residence. He was not a member of any church, but a Universalist in faith, and contributed quite largely to religious work. C: Harriet, Elizabeth, Martha, Joseph, William, Sarah, Ezekiel, Henry, Mary, David, Daniel, Electa. Yl|. Harriet Headley, bjanio, 1S20, d at Headley's Corners, O. Dec 30, 1S96, m Madison Fisk. He kept Grocery and notion store at Headley's Corners. No issue. Yl|. Elizabeth Headley b Aug 3, 1 82 1, d near Avalon, Mo. Jan 17, 1894, m Abraham Wagoner Feb 11, 1 84 1. He was b in Huntington Co. Pa. July 10, 1S16, d in Livingston Co. Mo. June 3, 1S90. Far- mer, United Br ch. C: William. Catharine, Lydia, Alice, John. Yll|. William HeadleA' Wagoner, b — , d — . Vll|. Catharine Wagoner, b in Franklin Co. Ohio Feb 6, 1846, m George W. Miller Sept 19, 1865. P O Avalon, Mo. Retired farmer, Meth Ep. C: Ida, Jennie, Nellie, Frank. IX- Ida F. Miller, b Nov 19, 1S67, d Oct o, 1876. IX. Jennie E. Miller, b— , m J. W. Shannon Dec 25,1888. P O Hale, Mo. Farmer, Meth Ep. C: X. Irma M. Shannon, bApr 17, 1890. X- Willie G. Shannon, b Oct 22, 1891. X. Fleete D. Shannon, b Dec 10, 1S93. X. Rhoda M. Shannon, b Jan 10, 1896. X. Ernest W. Shannon, b Oct 17, 1898. X- Walter L. Shannon, b May 9, 1902. IX. Nellie A. Miller, b , m Fred Fair Aug 12, 1903. P O Jamesport, Mo. Prof, in school, Meth Ep. IX. Frank J. Miller, b , d Apr 16, 1S9S. Yll. Martha Headley, b Jan 16, 1S23, d aged 3 years. William D. Headlev, and Maky (Havens) Headley. (See page O'i) DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT IIEADLEY 65 Yl|. Joseph Headley, b May 22, 1825, d in Taylor Co. Iowa, m . C: Frank, Albert. Yll|. Frank Headley. Res. 952 W. Almeda Ave. Denver, Col. Vni. Albert D. Headley. Res. 2301 S. 9th vSt. St. Joe, Mo. Vl|. William Headley, b in Franklin Co. Ohio, Aug 12, 1827, m Margaret Beem, (d). William m second wife, Hattie Robin. Res. 473 East Rich St. Colum- bus, Ohio. Retired farmer. C: Rosella, George, Lulu. Yl||. Rosella Headley, b-, m Wm. Foster. Res. Co- lumbus, Ohio. VIII. George Headley, b — , m Rosa Rochelle, (d). Two daughters. He m second wife, Adda Marsh. P O Jersey, O. .Vlll Lulu Headley, b— . Res. 473 E. Rich St. Columbus, O. S. Vl|. Sarah Headley, b Jan 29, 1829, d at Chariton, Iowa, Jan 1867, m John Farber in 1846. He was b in New Jersey Dec 24, 1824, d at Chariton, Iowa, June 1897. Farmer. C: Caleb, William, John, Mary, Ida, Electa, James, Catharine, Albert, Thom- as, Edward, Sarah, Walter, Minnie. Vlll. Caleb Farber, bat Columbus, O. Nov 4, 1847, m Lizzie Bowen Feb II, 1884. P O Hoxie, Kans. F'armer. C: (|X) Ora Farber, b Jan 15, 1885. (IX; Minnie Farber, b Oct 27, 1886. (|X) Elbert Farber, b Feb 17, 1889. Vlll. William Farber, b— , d— .• Vlll. John Farber, b— , d— . Vlll Mary E. Farber, b— , m Curtis. P O Russell, Iowa. Vlll. Frances Ida Farber, b in Franklin Co. Ohio. 66 THE HEADLEY IIISTORV Junes, 1853, m James M. Mitchell May 30, 1878. P O Chariton, Iowa. Farmer, Meth Ep. C: Floyd, Ida, Mandie. IX. Floyd F. Mitchell, b in Lucas Co. la. July 24, 1879. P O St. Joseph, Mo. Stenographer and book- keeper, Christian ch. IX. Iva Blanche Mitchell, b July 25, 1883, ra Ward Carpenter Aug 27, 1902. P O Chariton, la. Far- mer. IX. Mandie Mitchell, b Dec 4, 1889. Meth Ep. VIII. Electa Farber, b— , d— , m — Curtis. VIII. James B. Farber. P O St. Joseph, Mo. Vin. Catharine Farber, m Carpenter. VIII. Albert Farber. P O Chariton, Iowa. Vlll Thomas J. Farber. P O Lushton, Neb. VIII. Edward E. Farber. P O Hoxie, Kans. VIII. Sarah Farber, m Wilson. VIII. Walter Farber, (d). VIII. Minnie Farber. Vl|. Ezekiel W. Headley, b in Franklin Co. Ohio, Dec 19, 1830, m Mary M. Foster Feb 14, 1883, at Oregon, Mo. P O Oregon, Mo. He attended .school during his youth at " Headley 's Corners." In the spring of 1852, he accompanied an emigrant train of 36 men, including his brother William Head- ley, to California. At St. Joseph, Mo. they pur- chased their equipments for the journey, consisting of nine wagons, with three yokes of oxen to each wagon. After a journey of 126 days, they reached their destination at Eureka Ouartz Mines, and Poor- man's Creek, where they found gold in considerable quantities. In the bed of Poor-man's Creek they found not only small pieces of gold but often large nuggets of great value. Before becoming acclimated he took "mountain fever" and came near to death's DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 67 door, but recovered, and during his convalesence, while not able to work, he employed his time read- ing the Bible from beginning to end. They remained in California two 3''ears; endured many hardships, many times sleeping beside logs with an umbrella for protection from the rain until a cabin was built. In the spring of 1854 he came to New York City, where he remained sight-seeing for about a month, after which he went to Philadelphia to get his gold dust coined, (about $5,000), and then returned to the parentel home in Ohio, where he en- gaged in farming for his father in the farming season and teaching school in the \^'inter. After being thus employed for two years, he entered Central College, Ohio, remaining one year, taught one term of school, then went to Westerville College, Ohio, for two years, after which he taught three terms of school. In the spring of 1859, he in compan}^ with his cousin George Havens went to St. Joseph, Mo., where they found the City full of people with the "Pike's Peak fever," which they also contracted, and fell in line, purchasing their wagons at $135.00 each, with four yokes of oxen to each wagon, which they loaded with flour, groceries, dried fruits, patent medicine, lard, bacon, etc. On arriving at the Peak they put up a Grocery store, and connected with it a restur- ant, and found ready sale for every article in their line, w^hich was soon disposed of at a very satisfac- tory profit. They invested their money in emigrant cattle and located on a rancho in Ray Co. Mo., where he engaged in farming until the breaking out of the Civil war in 1 86 1, when he joined the Home Guards, Company C, and was appointe-d by Col. Hale, on the Colonel's staff and sent to St. Joseph, Mo. as Regimental Commissary Sargeant, for the 6« THE IIEADLEY HISTORV 4th Provisional Regiment, E. M. M. He remained in this office two years. At the close of the war there came an order to reform themselves into com- panies, and he was appointed by Gov. Fletcher, 2nd Lieutenant. However, as the war was decidedly settled the companies were soon disbanded, and Mr. Headley once more returned to farming and stock raising. In 1868, he sold his Ray Co. farm and went to DeKalb Co. Mo. , where, in 1856, he had entered a half section of land, which he improved and made his home for 15 years. This property he sold Mar i, 1-904, for $12,840. He is now the owner of a fine farm in Holt Co. Mo. of 200 acres valued at $90.00 per acre, and where he expects to remain until called by his Divine Master. He, Universalist; wife, Meth Ep. C: Charles, Ezekiel, Orloff. VIII. Charles Eoring Headley, b Feb 23, 1885. At- tended High school two years and completed a busi- ness course in short-hand and typewriting. Meth. VIII. Ezekiel Warde Headley, b Aug 12, 1887. Vil|. Orloif Orlando Headley, b July 25, i88y. Vl|. Henry Headley, b Mar 23, 1833. He enlisted in the i8th Regulars of Ohio. He was a Sargeant, and was killed in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Jan I, 1863. After being temporarily buried on the battlefield, his body was taken up and brought home for burial. VII. Mary Headley, b at Ovid, O. July 28, 1835, d at South Haven, Mich. Oct 15, 1891, m H. J. Ed- gell May i, 1859. P O South Haven, Mich. Real Estate Broker, Cong. C: Nellie, Mattie, Carlos. VIII. Nellie Adill Edgell, b— , m William Remus. P O South Haven, Mich. Vlll Mattie Edgell, b 1876, d 1879, aged 3 years. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 69 VIII. Carlos LeClairEdgell, b 1879. PO South Haven, Mich. Yl|. David Headley, b in Franklin Co. Ohio, Apr 20, 1838, m Mary Havens, daughter of William and Rhoda Havens, Mar 23, 1865. She d Jan 13, 1871. C: Hattie, Rollin, Robert. David m second wife, Sophia Geiger, Sept 12, 1875. P O Ovid, Ohio. Farmer. He heired 66 acres of the old homestead of his father, to which he added by purchase his sister Flecta's share of 38 acres, and 115 acres of adjoin- ing lands, in all 219 acres on the stream known as the Black Lick, in Franklin Co. Universalis t. C: VIII. Hattie F. Headley, b Feb 28, 1866, d Nov 19, 1880. VIII. Rollin D. Headley, b Nov 12, 1868, d Sept 10, 1869. VIII. Robert H. Headley, b Nov 12, 1868, d June 17, 1885. Vl|. Daniel Headley, b Apr 28, 1838, d in 1904, m IvUcinda Wagoner, (widow). P O Ovid, Ohio. Farmer. In the division of his father's property, that portion of it comprising the old homestead pro- per, fell to him, and by purchasing two other shares, he owns in all 145 acres of the old homestead lands. His residence is on the opposite side of the Black Lick from his brother David's dwelling and within speaking distance. No issue. Vl|. Electa Headley, b in Franklin Co. Ohio, Feb 20, 1841, m Rufus C. Gates Feb 5, 1865. Farmer. C: Rufus, Charles, William. Electa m 2nd hus- band, Thomas Hull. P O Maysville, Mo. Dealer in live-stock, Baptists. Vill. Rufus Gates. VIII. Charles Gates. VIII. William Gates. ^0 THE UEADLEY HISTORY Y|. Samuel Headley, b in Sussex Co. N. J. Oct i8, 1789, d in Licking Co. Ohio, May 8, 1852, m *Chris- tinaClouseOct 22, 181S. She was b June 28, 1797, d Nov 2, 1863. Farmer, Methodists. C: Hiram, Leonard, Aaron, Emanuel, Catharine, Julia, Eliza- beth, Mary, Samuel, Joshua, John. Yl|. Hiram Headley, b in Franklin Co. Ohio, May 16, 1819, d at Beatrice, Neb. July 26, 1898, m Harriet Ranney Apr 2, 1859. She was b in Franklin Co. O. Oct 5, 1832. PO Beatrice, Neb. Farmer, Pres- by. C: Samuel, George, LeRoy, Elizabeth, Inez, Christina, Edwin. Ylll. Samuel J. Headley, b Dec 26, 1859, m Eva M. Enfield Jan i, 1890. Res. 1409 Summit Street, Beatrice, Neb. Vll|. George E. Headley, b in Licking Co. O. Aug 7, 1862, m Lucilla Dawson Jan 26, 1892. P O Ar- getine, Kan. Merchant, Presby. C: (|X > Joseph- ine Headley, b Jan 30, 1893. (IX) E. Chapin Head- ley, b Aug 10, 1894. (IX) Ralo Martha Headley, b Dec 28, 1896. (IX) Hazel Viola Headley, b Dec 7, 1898. (IX) Harriet Sarah Headley, b June 29, 1900. Ylll LeRoy H. Headley, b in Licking Co. Ohio, Sept 14, 1S65, m Alice E.Woodward of Clyde, Kan. Sept 28, 1898. Res. Beatrice, Neb. Mechanic, Presby. C: (|X) Mdvin L. Headley, b July 29, 1899, d Oct 23, 1899. (IX) Oliver B. Headley, b July 29, 1901. Ylll. Elizabeth R. Headley, b Dec 25, 1867, m Joseph Ward Jan 8, 1890. P O Helvey, Neb. *Grand-daughter of Philip Clouse, who was b in Amsterdam, Holland, and daughter of John Clouse, b in Amsterdam, Holland, in nsy, d in Franklin Co. Ohio, Dec 22, 1»22. At the age of Xi* years. John Clouse ran away from Jiome, stole aboard ship, and was not found until the third day out, when through hunger he was forced to come from his hiding place. Upon landing in iN'ew York he was sold for his passage over. He married Catnarine Canarryer. Sshe was b at Little York, Pa, in 1759, d in Franklin Co. O. Sept 19, iy4Ji- DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 71 VIII. Inez Headley, b Nov 24, 1870, d Dec 8, 1871. Yll|. Christina Headle3',-o Nov 24, 1870, (twin), d Apr 21, 1872. Vllj. Edwin C. Headle}', b Sept 29, 1S73. Res. 330 X. Charles St. Baltimore, Md. S. Vl|. Leonard Headley, bin Franklin Co. Ohio, July 24, 1820, m Mary Ann Headle3\ daughter of Lewis Headley, Jan I, 1S53. PO Shelbyville, 111. Far- mer. C: Lafayette, Emily, Sevin, Emanuel, Ed- son, Cyrus. VIM- Lafayette Headley, b in Jerse3^ Licking Co. Ohio, July 7, 1844, m Mrs. Melissa Moon, (NeeGeo- hegan), Oct 4, 1868. P O Shelbyville, 111. Has been in telegraph business as operator, etc., since the close of the Civil war, up to about 6 3'ears ago, (1897). He is at present, (1903), an inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Danville, 111. C: Archie, Maude. IX- Archie Lafayette Headley, b Sept 16, 1S73. Baptist. S. IX. Maude Mansfield Headley, b Jan S, 1877. Baptist. S. VIIJ. Emily Headley, b July 13, 1846, m Jacob Cutler, ^(d), Dec 15, 1870. Xo issue. She m 2nd husband, Samuel R. Mather, Xov 6, 1SS4. P O Shelbyville, 111. Baptist. Xo issue. Ylll. Sevin Headley, b Xov 13, 1848, d Mar 24, 1S50. Ylj|. Emanuel D. Headley, b Feb 11, 1851, in Jer- sey, O. m Dora Booth Sept 16, 18S3. P O Shelb}^- ville, 111. Farmer, Unitarian. C: iX- Grover T. Headley, b Aug 19, 18S4. IX. Homer D. Headley, b Feb 16, 18S6. IX. Ermon Headle3', b Dec 24, 1SS7. IX. Gertrude L. Headley, b Oct 2s, 1889. IX. Ethel M. Headley, b July 20, 1S95. 7r3 THE HEADLEY HISTORY IX. Eva F. Headley, b Oct 14, 1S98, d May 12, 1899. J Yl||. Edson Headley, bin Licking Co. Ohio, Mar 5, 1854. P O Shelbyville, 111. Farmer, Mcth. S. Ylll- Cyrus Headley, b Mar 28, 1858, d Nov 9, 1872. Yl|. Aaron C. Headley, b Jan 17, 1823, d Dec 27, 1884, m Hannah Eberly. Merchant. PO Spring- field, Mo. C: Frank, Oscar, Wilbur, Dell, Harry. VIII. Emanuel M. Headley, b May 26, 1825, d Nov II, 1888, m Jane Smith July 26, 1855. Farmer, Universalist. C: Ralph, "Laura. VIM- Ralph Elmer Headley, b at Columbus, Ohio, June 25, 1856, m Mary J. Edgerley Apr 22, 1880. Farmer, Universalist. C: Clyde, Ohlen. IX. Clyde Woodbury Headley, b near Black Lick, Ohio, Mam, 1881. P O Ovid, Ohio. Farmer. S. IX. Ohlen Lee Headley, b June 15, 1883, d Sept 9, 1884. VIM. Laura Headley, b— . P O Pataskala, O. S. Vl|. Catharine Headley, b Nov 17, 1826, died same day. VII. Julia Ann Headley, b Jan 2, 1828, d Feb 18, 1848. Vl|. Elizabeth Jane Headley, b Mar 3, 1829, d Apr 13, 1857. VII. Mary M. Headley, b May 15, 1831, d May 9, 1857, m Cyrus Eberly. Merchant. C: Addie, Oren. VIII. Addie Eberly. P O Lincoln. Neb. Vlll. Oren Eberly, b— , d 1900. Vl|. Samuel Stewart Headley, b Mar 5, 1833, d Oct 1900, m Mary Moreland. No issue. VII. Joshua Usual Headley, b in Franklin Co. O. July 29, 1835, m Sarah Jane Butler Nov 19, 1863. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 73 P O Pataskala, O. Farmer. C: Minnie, Dora, Fred, Mollie, Frank, Lelle, Otto. Vlll- Minnie C. Headley, b Jan 17, 1865, m Joseph Baird Mar 14, 1889. P O Pataskala, Ohio. Mer- chant, Presby. C: IX. Gladys Leota Baird, b Jan 26, 1890. \ IX. Frank Headley Baird, b June 26, 1891. IX. Helen Vernon Baird, b Dec 19, 1894. VIII. Dora M. Headley, b July 28, 1866, m Charles M.Rowling Oct 20, 1887. Res. 348 S. Champion Ave. Columbus, Ohio. Traveling salesman, Presby ch. C: IX. Maude B. Rowling, b Dec i, 1889. Guy N. Rowling, bFeb5, 1894. . FredC. Headley, b Oct 8, 1867, m Carrie D. Shelton. P O Newark, Ohio. Clerk, Presby. C: (IX) Jennie Headley. (|X) Ethel Headley. (|X) Lora Headley. Vlll. Mollie J. Headley, b Nov 26, 1870, m Harry L. Sherman. P O Holmesville, O. Telegraph operator, Methodists. C: (|X) Roy Sherman. (|X) Irene Sherman. (|X) Grace Sherman. (|X) Hobart Sherman. (|X) Lolo Sherman. Vlll. Frank B. Headley, b Mar 2, 1874, m Mary Hughes. P O Pataskala, O. Farmer, Baptist. C: (IX) Vernon Hughes Headley. (fX) Baby Head- ley. Vlll Lelle Headley, b Sept 23, 1877. P O Patas- kala, O. Presb}^. Vlll. Otto Headley, b Dec 13, 1881. P O Patas- kala, O. Vl|. John Berger Headle}^ b Apr 7, 1839, d July 23. 1839- VI. Uzal Headley, b in New Jersey, Oct 17, 1795, d in Jacksontown, Ohio, Nov 5, iS7i,vm Elizabeth 74 THE HEADLEY HISTORY BeemsApr lo, 1823. She was b in Maryland, Nov 28, 1797, din Ohio Dec 11, 1886. Farmer, Metho- dists. Some time after the family had settled at Jersey, Ohio, Uzal removed from there to Zanesville, O. and entered land there and followed farming until he retired from business, when he removed to Jack- sontown, O. where he died. C: Phebe, Gamaliel, Jane, Elizabeth, Eliza, Sarah, Martha, Helom, Marilla. VII. Phebe Ann Headley, bjan 6, 1824, d July 9, 1825. Yl|. Gamaliel Headley, b June 18, 1825, m Sarah Rodman. C: Mary, James, Eeota, Frank. Gam- aliel m second wife, Phoebe Davy. P O Jefferson la. Farmer. C: Miriam, Josie, Jessie, Ethel. VIII. Mary E. Headley, b Nov 21, 1848, m Wm. Bisant. Res. EosAngeles, Cal. C: (|X) Sura Bis- ant. S. VIII. James Edward Headley, b Mar 11, 1851, m Margaret Barber. P O Zanesville, O. No issue. VIII. Eeota L. Headley, b May 26, 1855, d infant. VIII. Frank Headley, b Dec 2, 1859, m Florence George May 4, 1881. P O Zanesville, O. Farmer. Children: IX. Fred S. Headley, b July 10, 1882. P O Zanes- ville, O. Farmer. VIII. Miriam Headley, b— , m Nick Henson. P O Drummond, Okla. VIII. Josephine Headley, b Mar 17, 1878, m Mor- ton Jackson Sept I, 1895. P O Jefferson, la. Far- mer. C: (IX) Vava Jackson, b Nov 36, 1896. (|X) Ninajackson, bOct4, 1898. (|X) Darwin Jackson, bSept 29, 1902. VIII. Jessie Headley, b Jan 25, 1880, m Clyde Jack- son Sept 18, 1898. P O Jefferson, la. Barber. C: DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 75 IX. George Gamaliel Jackson, b Feb i8, 1900. IX. Ruby Gladys Jackson, b Sept 11, 1902. Ylll. Ethel Headley, b— , m Thomas Beeson. P O Bayard, la. Vfi Jane Headley, b in Muskingum Co. O. Mar 4, 1827, d Mar 31, 1897, m Samuel H. Johnson Jan i, 1 85 1. He was b in Muskingum Co. O. Dec 27, 1821, d there Nov 3, i860. Farmer, Prot Meth. C: Frank, Gersevoort, Cumberland, Ezekiel. Jane m second husband, Joseph Norman, Mar i, 1866. C: Charles, Lizzie. Yll|. Frank R. Johnson, b Sept 30, 1851, m Alice Barron Oct 4, 1880. P O Zanesville, O. Employ- ed in restaurant as* cook. C: IX. Alfred Johnson, b Dec 27, 1881. IX. Louisa Johnson, b Aug 4, 1886. IX. Isabell Johnson, d in infancy. VIII. Gersevoort Johnson, b Sept 24, 1853, d Apr I 5, i860. Ylll. Cumberland Johnson, b Apr 14, 1856, m Em- ma A. Francis Sept 27, 1878. She was b Dec i, 1859, d Dec 2, 1900. P O Zanesville, O. Farmer, Meth Protestant ch. C: IX. Mary Johnson, b July 16, 1879, m Howard A. Gray Apr 4, 1901. He was b Mar 13, 1874. Far- mer, Meth Protestant ch. No issue. Ylll. Ezekiel H. Johnson, b in Muskingum Co. O. Feb 25, 1858, m Josephine Lane July 3, 1897. Res. 151 Pear St. Zanesville, O. Ice and coal merchant. United Presby. C: IX. Elizabeth Johnson, b Mar 2, 1898. IX. Margaret May Johnson, b May 17, 1899. IX- Samuel Lane Johnson, b Jan 4, 1901. Ylll. Charles Norman, b Mar 12, 1868, m Ida Wag- oner Dec 10, 1890. Laborer. C: (|X) Verdie Nor- ^g THE IIEADLEY HISTORY man, b Apr i8, 1891. (IX) Anna Norman, bjune 4, 1892 (IX) Helen Norman, b Apr 30, 1894. (IX) May Norman, b Jan 3, 1899- dX) George Norman, bjuly 4, 1902. Vlll Lizzie Norman, b— , d in infancy. Yl|. Elizabeth M. Headley,b Jan 12, 1S32, d May 2, 1897, m Cumberland Fields. P O Jersey, O. C: Mary, Edward, Lillian. YIIJ. Mary Fields, b— , d— . VIII. Edward Fields, b— , d— . VIII- Lillian Fields. P O Jersey, O. VII. Eliza Helen Headley, b Aug 12, 1835, m An- drew Beard Sept 14, 1857. P O Jacksontown, O. Farmer, Presby. C: Chanie, Lua, Eta, E— , Glennie, F — . VIII. Chanie Beard, b July 11, 1858, m Dr. O. N. Wolcottjan 8, 1880. Res. Columbus, Ohio, 360 W. Fifth Ave. Physician. C: Oliver, (d), Andrew, Walter, Shepherd, (d), Helen, Ethel. VIII. Lua Beard, b Mar 29, 1861, mW. E. Wallace Nov 25, 1886. P O Jacksontown, Ohio. Farmer. C: Mabel, Helen, Andrew, William. VIII. Eta Beard, b Dec II, 1863, m W. O. Coyell Dec 2, 1890. Merchant. P O Columbus, Ohio. No issue. VIII. E. V. Beard, b Apr 14, 1867, m Maggie Ste- wart Oct 30, 1883. She d Aug 9, 1900. P O Jack- sontown, Ohio. Merchant. C: Lura, Chanie. Vlll Glennie Beard, b Feb 23, 187 1, m E. A. Lewis Feb II, 1892. P O Jacksontown, Ohio. Farmer. C: Helen, Lewis. Vlll. Franklin A. Beard, b Oct 22, 1879, m Zula Cummins Nov 28, 1901. P O Jacksontown, Ohio, Farmer. No issue. VII. Sarah Ann Headley, b Oct 4, 1837, d May 2,1859. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 77 Vl|. Martha Headley, b and d in 1838. VII. Helom Headley, b Aug 3, 1840, d July 5, 1898, m Elizabeth Wizraich. C: Lulu, Adda, Cecil. P O Jeiferson, Green Co. la. V8|. Marilla Headley, b May 27, 1842, d June 12, 1898, m Dr. J. K. Atwell, (d). Res. Cleveland, O. C: Edwin. VIII. Edwin Atwell. Res. 248 Chandler St. Cleve- land, O. V|. Lewis Headley, bin New Jersey, in 1799, ^ ^^^^ 31, 1848, m Mima Noe in 1822. She d Aug 13, 1874, aged 70 years. He settled on a farm in Jersey twp. Licking Co. Ohio, now a part of the village of Jersey. He built a cabin and the first saw mill in Jersey township on the south Licking Creek, where he lived a number of years and engaged as farmer, sawyer, and in the lumber business. Later he built a frame dwelling in the village of Jersey, where he lived until his death. He gave to the trustees of Jersey twp. the ground for the Jersey cemetery, where he, his father, mother, and several of his brothers and sisters are buried. Universalist. C: Mary, Lemuel, Matilda, Hannah, Phebe, Ebenez- er, John, Martha. VSI- Mary Ann Headley, b Mar 21, 1824, m Leo- nard Headley. (See Leonard Headley Family). Vl|. Lemuel Headley, b in Jersey twp. Ohio, Apr 13, 1827, d there May 24, 1896, m Mary Cloose of Jefferson twp. Franklin Co. Ohio, Mar 4, 1854. She wash Feb 6, 1829. In 1856 he emigrated wdth his family to Iowa, remaining there five years, and in the fall of 1 86 1, returned to Ohio, settling in Jersey twp. Farmer, Universalist. C: Alice, Abbie, Cyrus, Lina, Lewis. Alice Headley, b in Jersey, Ohio, Dec 14, 78 THE HEADLEY IllSTUKY i854,m S. Carico Mar 28, 1892. PO Johnstown, Ohio. Farmer, Meth Ep. No issue. Ylll. Abbie J. Headley, bin Iowa, Jan 28, 1856, m WilUam Tharp Mar 14, 1879. P O Pataskala, O. Farmer, Methodist Episcopal. C: (|X) Barton P. Tharp, bjan 13, 18S0. (|X) Orley L. Tharp, b Aiij;' 9, 1881. VIII. Cyrus C. Headley, b in Iowa, Feb 2, 1858. V O Pataskala, Ohio. Farmer, Universalist. S. Ylll. LinaC. Headley, b in Iowa, Nov 29, i860. P O Pataskala, Ohio. Meth Ep. S. VIII. Lewis L. Headley, b Jan 24. 1862, d Doc 25, 1885. Farmer, Universalist. S. VII. Matilda Headley, b Dec 28, 1828, m Lige Pef- fers. P O Jersey, Ohio. Farmer, Universalist. C: Amanda, Phebe, Perry, William. Vl|. Hannah Headley, b Jan 9, 1832, m John White- head Apr 1854. Farmer, Meth Ep. C: Elmer. VIII. Elmer Whitehead. P O Pataskala, O. S. Vi|. Phebe Headley, b Aug 2, 183 + , m PVey Free- man, (d), 1868. P O Shelbyville, 111. No issue. Vl|. John Headley, b Dec 9, 1837, m vSarah Rose 1858. P O McPherson, Kan. P'armer, Univer- salist. C: Emma. VIII. Emma Headley. Vl|. Ebenezer Headley, b Aug 17, 1840, d in Iowa in 1880, m . Christian Union ch. No issue. VII. Martha Headley, b Oct 5, 1848, d May 31, 1895, m Jouios Woolcot in 1867. Farmer. C: Homer, Lewis, Frank, May. All single. P O Jersey. O. V|. Mary Headley, b — , d June 13, 1S3S, m Amos Edgerley in 1826. C: Amos, William. Vll Amos Edgerley, b at Jersey, Ohio, in 1827, d July 7, 1864, m Amanda Russel Sept 14, 1859. She DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 79 was b June 21, 1840. P O Pataskala, Ohio. Far- mer. Amos Edgerley was a private in the 135th O. V. I., was killed in battle at Maryland Heights, and was buried there near John Brown's school house. Methodists. C: Josephine, Rose. VS1|. Josephine E. Edgerley, b in Licking Co. O. June 24, i860, m J. A. Marquart Sept 14, 1897. P O New Carlisle, Ohio. Farmer, Presby. No issue. VIII. Rose Larence Edgerley, b Nov 28, 1863, d— , m B. F. Elliott Feb 24, 1884. P O Pataskala, O. Children: S. B. Elliott. F. E. Elliott. William Edgerley, b in Eicking Co. O. Apr 13, 1835, d Dec 2, 1868, m Jane Noe about 1856. She was b in Franklin Co. O. Nov 4, 1836, d Mar 28, i88r. Carriage-maker, Methodists. C: Mary, William, Melvina. Vll|. Mary Edgerley, b in Missouri, Apr 6, 1858, d in Fla. Feb 9, 1885, m Ralph Elmer Headle3^ (See Ralph Elmer Headley Family). Yll|. William A. Edgerley, b at Jersey, O. Nov 14, i860, m Louisa Clouse Nov 25, 1885. P O Johns- town, Ohio. Engineer, Methodist. C: IX. Grace Edgerley, b Oct 15, 1886. IX. Howard Edgerley, b July 2, 1889. IX. Hazel Edgerley, b Jan 25, 1895. Vlir Melvina Edgerley, b 1865, d Dec 29, 1898, m S. K. Greenwood. P O Jersey, O. C: ■ IX. Vilas Greenwood. IX. Louis Greenwood. Y|. Charles Headley, b — , d — , m Elizabeth Smith. He was a farmer in Jersey twp. O. until after the death of his wife. He later married a second wife, sold his farm and removed to Crawford Co. 111. 80 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY Meth Ep. C: Chaliou, Abbie, by first wife; Will- iam, Mar5% by second wife. Vl|. Chalion Headley, m— Stiffle. Farmer near Robinson, 111. Methodists. C: Three sons and 3 daughters. Vl|. Abbie Headley, b— , d in Kan. 1895, m Henry Capell. C: Three sons and 2 daughters. Vl|. William Headley, m . Farmer near Robinson, 111. Methodists. C: Two daughters. YM- Mary Headley. Y|. Lavina Headley, b — , d — , m William Tharp. Settled in Franklin Co. O., later removed west. C: William. Yl|. William Tharp, b— , ra Clark. V|. Eunice Headley, b — , d — , m Michael Stagg. Settled in Franklin Co. O., and later moved west. Farmer, Universalist. Had several children. Y. Samuel D. Headley, b about *i765, d — , m Eli- zabeth Bountain. She was b in Morris Co. N. J. Aug 21, 1775, d — . They lived in early life at Mil- ton, N. J. on the farm now owned by Edward R. Headley, and which Samuel Headley probably heir- ed from his father Robert Headley. Late in life they removed from Morris Co. N. J. and settled with their family near Seneca Lake, in Yates Co. New York, where they died. Blacksmith and farmer. Freewill Baptists. C: Hiram, Electa, Chalion, Moses, Polly, Phebe, Eliza. Y|. Hiram Headley, b Jan 26, 1796, d young. Y|. Electa Headley, b Jan 26, 1797, d— , m Nathan- iel Hopping. He wash May 15, 1792, d — . Kept Hotel at Milton. C: Amy, Samuel, Elizabeth, Mo- ses, Eveline, Charles, Cynthia, Chalion, Susan, Mary, Hiram. *Date of his birth uot given, but was said to have been ten years older than his wife. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 81 Vl|. Amy Hopping, b in Morris Co. N. J. Jul}^ 4, 1815, dat Dover, N. J. Aug 7, 1885, m *John Giffin Mase Oct 26, 1833. He was bat "Mase Mountain," near Berkshire Valley, Morris Co. N. J. Sept 14, 1810, din Dover, N.J. July 15, 1892. Wheelwright. From 1854 he was Superintendent of the McFarlan Iron Works, Dover, N. J. Presby. C: William, Nathaniel, Frank. VIII. William Henry Mase, b at Berkshire Valley, N.J. Dec 5, 1835, m Euphemia Doughty Wiggins May I, 1858. She was b Dec 4, 1839, d July 25, 1892. P O Dover, N. J. Engineer, later Hard- wood lumber dealer, now, (1904), Street Commiss- ioner at Dover. Presby. C: Florence, Irene. IX- Florence Irene Mase, b Apr 25, i860, m Ed- ward Whelpley West Sept II, 1878. P O Dover, N. J. Compositor in the Iron Era office, Dover, N. J. Presby. C: (X) Frank Mase West, b Sept 8, 1879, d Oct 28, 1880. (X) Walter Leo West, b May 27, 1883. (X) William Mase West, b Dec 27, 1894, d Feb 25, 1896. Yll|. Nathaniel Hopping Mase, bat Berkshire Val- ley, N. J. Oct 25, 1839, m Sarah Ann King Nov 21, 1869. She wash Oct 29, 1838. P O Dover, N. J. Dealer in lumber. Mr. Mase enlisted Oct 28, 1861, in the 3rd California Regt. Inf. and served in the Military District of Utah in protection of the Over- land Mail Route, against the hostile Indians. He was in the battle of Bear River, and numerous skirm- ishes; was discharged Oct 23, 1864. In 1868 he lost his left hand from accidental shooting while out hunting. He and wife do not belong to any church, *Sou of William Mase, b Aug 4, 1784, and Sarah Gittiii, b May 20, 1T8S, and orandson of Major Samuel Mase and Pbebe Elstou. Sam- uel Mase was an otticer in the Revolution, and settled at "Mase Mountain" at Berkshire Valle}-, N. J. 82 THE IIEADLEY HISTOHV but their preference is with the Methodist Episcopal church. C: Charles, William. IX. Charles C. Mase, b June i, 1S72, m Jennie M. Cramptonjuly 18, 1892. P O Dover, N.J. Slater, Religious preference Methodist Episcopal eh. C: (X) Bessie P. Mase, b July. 24, 1893. (X) Mortimer Otto Mase, b June 9, 189S. (X) Leon W. Mase, b Aug 28, 1901. IX. William E. Mase, b Mar 8, 1876, d Jan 4, 1899. Ylll- John Frank Mase, b Oct 9, 1854, m Emma Fortier Oct 19, 1890. She was b Apr 5, 1863. Res. 21 Beekman St. New York City, N. Y. J. F. Mase learned the trade of carriage-making. Now, (1904), an accountant and book-keeper. No issue. VII. Samuel Hopping, b in New Jersey, Mar 3, 1817, d at Sebastapol, Cal. Nov 18, 1903, m Mary Rhodes. She d— . C; Kate, Irving. Samuel m second wife, Louisa Bear Loy. Res. Santa Rosa, Cal. VIII. Kate Hopping, b— , m John Roswell. P O Sebastapol, Cal. VIII. Irving W. Hopping, b — . Fireman on Wa- bash R. R., d Feb 22, 1884, from injuries received in R. R. accident at Honey Bend, III. P'eb 21, 1884. Single. Vl|. Elizabeth Hopping, b Jan 22, 1819, d — , m Eleazer M. Thorp. P O Chariton, Iowa. P^armer and Pettifogger. C: Moses, Nathaniel, Marie, Electa, Josie, etc. Vlfi. Moses C. Hopping, bat Milton, N. J. Mar 16, 1 82 1, d in Arkansas Co. Ark. July 29, 1888, m Sarah A. Dickerson June 29, 1842. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, d Oct 16, 1854. C: John, Charles, George, Lillian. Moses m second wife, Mary E. Kemp Dec 5, 1855. Farmer; attended the DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY. 8;^ Meth Kp ch., of which Mrs. H. was a member. In 1855 he located on a farm in New York, and in i860 removed to Illinois where he remained until 1879, when he removed to Arkansas. C: Electa, David, Frederick, Moses. VIII. John E. Hopping, b at Hopewell, Sussex Co. N. J. Jan 29, 1845. P O Stuttgart, Ark. Farmer. He enlisted in 1865, in Company H., 151st Illinois Vol. Inf. Stationed at various points in Georga; was present at surrender of the Confederate forces under Brigadier General Woford, later served on Provost duty at Columbus, Ga. until mustered out Jan 24, 1866. He arrived at Camp Butler, 111. Feb I, 1866, where he received his final pay and dis- charge. VIII. Charles H. Hopping, b at Berkshire Valley, N.J.Feb I, 1847, d in Arkansas, July 5, 1875. Farmer. S. VIII. George Franklin Hopping, b at Newark, N. J. Oct 19, 1849, d Feb 23, 1852. Vtl|. Lillian A. Hopping, b at Newark, N. J. Dec i, 1 85 1, m Edgar Bartley of Princeton, 111. July 7, 1872. P O Stuttgart, Ark. Farmer, attends Meth Ep ch. No issue. VIII. Electa Hopping, bat Olcott, N. Y. Nov 18, 1856, d at Stuttgart, Ark. June 27, 1903, m O. J. Nelson Nov 20, 1888. Farmer. No issue. VIII. David Wm. Hopping, b Aug 7, 1858, d inf. VIII. Frederick H. Hopping, b May 13, i860, d inf. VIII. Moses C. Hopping, b Oct 4, 1 86 1 , d inf. Vl|. Eveline Hopping, b June 13, 1823, m Na- than Roy. Drove stage from Morristown to New- ton, later from Newark to New York. C: Halsey, Nancy, Ida, Charles, William, Eva. ,S4 , THE IIEADLEY HISTOKV VIII. J. Halsey Roy. Res. 638 New Gay Street, Knoxville, Tenn. VIII. Nancy E. Roy, m Miller Young. P O Naugh- right, N. J. VIM- Ida Roy, b in Bloomingdale, N. J. May 22, 1855, m Bernard J. Hansberry Nov 27, 1884. Res. 20 Highland Ave. Newark, N. J. Meth Ep. C: William, Mary, Edith. IX. William Martin Hansberry, b Dec ir, 1885. Clerk in Prudential Insurance Co. of America. Meth Ep. S. IX. Mary Eveline Hansberry, b Feb 21, 1887. Book-keeper, Meth Ep. S. IX. Edith Electa Hansberry, b Mar 9, 1889. Meth Ep. VIII. Charles H. Roy. P O Naughright, N. J. VIII. William Nathaniel Roy, b in Morristown, N. J. Aug 23, 1862. Res. 20 Highland Ave. Newark, N. J. Furniture salesman, Presby. S. VIII. Eva L. Roy, bin Chester, N. J. July 25, 1865. Res. 20 Highland Ave. Newark, N. J. Meth Ep. S. Vl|. Charles Hopping, bat Milton, N. J. July 13, 1827, d Nov 28, 1903, m Annie Esther Young Mar 31, 1 86 1. Res. 843 E. Wood St. Decatur, IlL Painter, Roman Catholic. C: Willietta, Harry, Maggie, Charles. VIII. Willietta Marshall Hopping, b at Kuoxville^. Iowa, Feb 24, 1862, m Hugh E. Kirkwood at Pue- blo, Colo. Aug 29, 1895. Merchant, Presby. C: (|X> Esther Elizabeth Kirkwood, b July 9, 1896. (|X> Virginia May Kirkwood, bSept 10, . (|X) Fran- cis Florence Kirkwood, b June 18, . (IX) Hugh E. Kirkwood, Jr. b Jan 12, 1904. Vll|. Harry Headley Hopping, b at Decatur, III. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 85 Nov ID, 1867. P O Goldfield, Nev. Musician. YSI|. Maggie May Hopping, b at Van Buren, Ark. Nov 20, 1872, m Arthur Forest Kenney Jan 4, 1894. P O 843 E. Wood St. Decatur, 111. Contractor, Baptist. VBll- Charles Centennial Hopping, b at Carthage, Mo. Dec 28, 1876. Res. 400 Washington Boule- vard, Chicago, 111. Baker. VS|. Cynthia Hopping, b Sept 18, 1829, d — , m Thomas McCradey. C: Headley, Carrie, Harry. Headley McCradey. Carrie McCradey. Ylll. Harry McCradey. Vf|. Chalion Hopping, b Dec 25, 1832, d Oct 1872. He was kicked by a horse in a stable July 4, 1872, breaking one of his legs, which was amputated, but he d in October following. S. VS|. Susan Hopping, b Apr 18, 1834, m David Lyon of Sparta, N. J. C: Ada, Inez, Mary, David. Vlil. Ada A. Lyon, b— , m Patsy Dolan. P O Ogdensburg, N. J. Merchant. He, Catholic. C: (81) W^illiam, Sarah, Leon, Inez, etc. Vilf. Inez Lyon, b — , m Edward George. P O Pompton Lake, N. J. Presby. C: (|X) Kenneth, Edna, John. Ml Mary E. Lyon, b— . P O Ogdensburg, N. J. S. V!l|. David Lj^on, b— . Res. New York City. Music teacher. Catholic. Vl|. Mar}^ A. D. Hopping, b at Hopewell, Sussex Co. N. J. Nov 6, 1837, m Samuel Sliker July 14, i860. Res. Warwick, N. Y. Farmer when mar- ried; now in the Livery business. Episcopal cli. C: Harry, Sue. Harry Sliker, b — . Plumber in Brooklyn, N.Y. 86 THE HEADLEV HISTORY Vill. Susie Sliker, b--, m Fred Terwilliger. P O Franklin Furnace, N. J. Gas fitter and plumber. Episcopal ch. C: [X. Gladys S. Terwilliger. IX. F. Alan Terwilliger. Vlf. Hiram Hopping, b Dec 24, 1839. Brakeman. He was killed in a R. R. accident at Hebron, Ind. Sept 1865. S. YJ. Chalion Headley, b in Sussex Co. New Jersey, Nov 26, 1799, d Apr 4, 1874, m Mar}^ Davenport. She was b in Morris Co. in 1799, d at Watkins, N. Y. Mar 3, 1892, in her 93 year. Soon after marriage he moved to New York state and lived for some time in Milo. He then moved with his family to Hornby, Steuben Co. N. Y., where, with his sons, he pretty much cleared up a new farm. After living here some 30 years, he sold his property and returned in 1861 to Yates Co. N. Y., locating at Dundee, where he died. He was industrious and frugal, and in his last years, when age had dimmed his eyes and en- feebled his frame, he had a competence for his wants. His life was a long and eventful one, and he died with his children around his bed. His wife survived him some 12 years, and died after a long and inter- esting life. Ninety three years stretch away back and touch all the points of the wonderful century so re- cently clOvSed. She was a good women, filling her place in providence in the love of God. She was far over 50 years a member of the Presbyterian church. A good wife, a precious mother, a kind neighbor, she fell asleep in the blessed hope of the promises of God, leaving a sweet and precious memory to her children and grand children, for whom she lived and prayed. Blacksmith and farmer, Presby. C: Phebe, Elizabeth, John, Electa, Albert, Samuel, Moses, James, Mary. DESCENDANTS OF KOBERT HEADLEY S7 PhebeAnn Headley, b — , d aged about twelve years. 'VII- Elizabeth Headley, b — , d — ,m — . No report. V[|. John Headley, b in New Jersey, Oct 6, 1822, d at Ada, Mich. May 2, 1903, m Jane Hull Jan 17, 1 86 1. She d June 11, 1881. He m second wife, Marion S. Frazier, Sept 20, 1890. After marriage Mr. Headley settled on a farm at Ada, Mich, and was one of the best known citizens of the county. He was for many years prominent in Republican politics. He served for eight successive years on the board of supervisors and later served as a member of the county board of poor directors. He was an upright, con- scientious official, a good citizen, and was respected by all. He was known for his kindness and liber- ality to the poor, and was a faithful christian. As a farmer and lumberman he was successful. Bap- tist. C: George, Frank, Samuel, Moses, William. Mrs. W. R. McMurray, and two deceased. Electa Headley, b — , d — . No report. Albert Headle}^ b in New Jersey, Nov 7, 1826, m Margaret McMillan Dec 25, 1866. In early life he assisted his father on the farm, but tiring of farm life he engaged in the vocation of carpenter, which he followed until 1862, when on the 12th day of August of that year he enlisted in the 148th Regt. N. Y. Vol. He served in the Petersburg fight; Cold Harbor, Yorktown, Blackwater; and was on duty in Norfolk for nearly a year. He was discharged from the service at New York City in 1865. C: Archie, Nettie, George. VIII. Archie Headley, b Nov 17, 1867, m Annie P'isher. Res. 348 Third St. Grand Rapids, Mich. V8II. Nettie Headley, b Mar 15, 1869, m Frank Pal- mer, (d). Res. Cleveland, Ohio. 88 THE HKADLEV Hl8TOiiY Vlll George Headley, b Aug 25, 1878. P O Marl- borough, Mich. Carpenter. S. Yl|. Samuel Headley, b about 1833. He enlisted in the 148th Regt. N. Y. Vol. Aug 12, 1862, died of fever in hospital at Portsmouth, Va. Jan 23, 1863. Yl|. Moses B. Headley, b about 1 830-1, d Nov 10, 1853, aged 22 or 23 years. Yl|. James D. Headley, b at Hornby, Steuben Co. N. Y. May 12, 1838, m Kffie C. Covert of Seneca Co. N.Y.Jan 15, 1879. Res 2 Churchlea Place, Roches- ter, N. Y. In early life he engaged in farming, and for some time was otherwise employed. He later en- gaged in the grocery business. In 1898 he moved to Rochester, N. Y. where he now resides. Presby. C: Florence, Clara. Vlll. Florence Mary Headley, bMar2, 18S2. Vli|. Clara Estella Headley, bApri2, 1S85. Vll Mary Ann Headley, bin Steuben Co. N. Y. Oct I, 1841, m Clark K. Smith Apr 19, 1866. P O Dundee, N. Y. Grocery merchant, now retired, Meth Ep. C: Vlll. WiUie Smith, b 1873, d June 15, 1884, fromac- cidentally shooting himself with a toy pistol, dying two weeks after the accident. Y|. Moses B. Headley, b in New Jersey, in 1806, d in Yates Co. N. Y. June 4, 1873, m Ann Lozier in 1830. She was bat Pompton Plains, N. J. June 30, 181 1, d in Yates Co. N. Y. June 8, 1887. Farmer and Blacksmith, Free Will Baptist; later Presby. C: WiUiam, George, Helen, Ann, Sarah, John, Addie, Frank. VII- William Headley, b Mar 10, 1831, d Nov 15, 1845. VII. George W. Headley, b in Yates Co. N. Y. May 29, 1832, m Permelia Marshall. P O Rushville, N. DESCENDANTS OF KOREKT IIKADLEY SO Y. Retired merchant, Episcopalian. C: Stephen, Arthur. V88r Stephen M. Headley, b — , m — . Res. 50 Broughton Ave. Rochester, N. Y. Hardware Mer- chant. Vill. Arthur B. Headley, b— , m— . Res. Ro- chester, N. Y. Architect. V8|. Helen M. Headley, b Feb 24, 1834, m Nelson Green. P O Rushville, N. Y. Mrs. G. Cong. C: Anna, Headley. Y[||. Annabelle Green, b Aug i, 1856, d Jan 4, 1876. Vill- Headley M. Green, b Jan 7, 1865, m — . Res. 15 Broad St. f Mills Building) N. Y. Lawyer. C: (IX) Green. Vl|. Ann Eliza Headley, b Aug 17, 1837, d Feb 9, 1879, m Arthur C. Brundage. He d in KansasCity, Mo. 1903. Lawyer, Meth Ep. No issue. Vl|. Sarah Headley, bAug7, 1839, m Montgomer}^ McLeod, (d). P O Starkly Sta., N. Y. C: Stella, Carrie, Arthur. VIII. Estella M. McLeod, b— , m— . Vli|. Carrie Belle McLeod, b— , m . VIII. Arthur McLeod, b— , m— . P O Elmira, N. Y. Plumber. No issue. Vn. John L. Headley, b Feb 9, 1844, m Mary A. Kelley No/ 15, 1877. Res. Bath, N. Y. Grocer in Rushville, N. Y. until 1897, now retired. He enlist- ed in the 148th Regt. N. Y. Vol. and was in all the battles in which the regiment fought. Mr. H., Presby; Mrs. H., Catholic. C: Maude. VIII. Maude Anna Headley, b Apr 24, 1879, m Harry Howard Clark of Gorham, N. Y. Nov 14, 1899. P O Rushville, N. Y. Clothing Merchant. Mr. C, Protestant; Mrs. C, Catholic. C: JX) Edward L. Clark, b July 16, 1900. UO THE IIEADLEY IllSTOliV Yl|. AddieHeadley, b Apr I, 1847, d Aug 22, i 870, m Martin Smith. No issue. Vl|. Frank D. Headley, b Aug 17, 1851, m Anna Loomis, in 1877. P O Rushville, N. Y. Occupa- tion, R. F. D. Cong. C: Leah, Harry, Fred, Hel- en, Maxwell. VIII. Leah S. Headley, b June 13, 1878. VIII. Harry L. Headley, b Feb 25, 1884. VIII- Fred D. Headley, b May 18, 1887. VIII. Helen L. Headley, b Dec 30, 1889. VIII. Maxwell C. Headley, b Dec 20, 1893. V|. Polly M. Headley, bin New Jersey, Sept 30, 1808, dat Dresden, Yates Co. N. Y. Sept 16, 1882, m Thomas Hathaway about 1827. He was b in Yates Co. N. Y. Feb 14, 1805, d at Dresden, N. Y. Sept 29, 1883. Farmer. C: Susan, Theodore, F^li- za, Janette, Theodore, Elizabeth, Electa, Emma. VII. Susan M. Hathaway, b Oct 7, 1828, d Dec 2, 1832. Vl|. Theodore Hathaway, b May 5, 1830, d Dec 10, 1832. Vl|. Eliza Hathaway, b July 28, 1832, d Apr 20, 1874, m Ezra Eoncoi. No issue. VII. Janette L. Hathaway, b Oct 7, 1863, d Feb 18, 1863, m James S. Tuthull. C: (VIII) Tuthull, d May 13, 1870, aged 11 years, 6 months, 10 days. VII. Theodore Hathaway, b Sept 25, 1837, d Aug 18, 1839. VII. Elizabeth M. Hathaway, b Oct 7, 1841, m George S. Downey. P O Dresden, N. Y. C: May, George, Hathaway, Robbie. Vlll May Downey, b— . S. VIII. George Downey, b — . S. VIII. Hathaway Downey, b— . S. Robbie Downey, b — , d — . . DESCENDANTS OF KOBERT HEADLEY «>l Yl|. Electa H. Hathaway, b in Yates Co. N. Y. July 12, 1823, mj. M. Slawsoii Nov 4, 1865. P O Waverly, N. Y. Farmer for six years, then for thirty-two years, to the present time, Music dealer at Waverly, N. Y. Meth Ep. No issue. VII. Emma C. Hathaway, b vSept 25, 1849, d Jan 2, i860. V|. Phebe Ann Headley, b Aug 17, 1811, d Apr i, 1878, m Hiram Rapalee Mar 2, 1830. He wash Mar 24, 1808, d Feb 21, 1874. Farmer, Meth. C: Henry, Christina, Mary, Arvilla, Eliza, Myron, Esvena, Cassie. Vl|. Henry Rapalee, b Dec 30, 1830, d May 9, 1832. Yl|. Christina Rapalee, b Jan 10, 1833, m — Board- man. Res. 1074 West 37th St. Los Angelos, Cal. Yl|. Mary Elizabeth Rapalee, b Apr 15, 1835, m — Davelle. P O Rushville, N. Y. Yl|. Arvilla Rapalee, b Sept 21, 1837, d Apr 3, 1840. Yl|. Eliza Daines Rapalee, b Apr 12, 1840, m Morti- more Case. P O Rushville, N. Y. Merchant, Methodist. C: Ylll- — Case, m — Taphan. No issue. Vl|. Myron H. Rapalee, b Aug 25, 1842, d May 28, 1849. Vf|. Er vena Frances Rapalee, bjune 28, 1845, m — Clark. P O Rushville, N. Y. Yl|. Carrie Bell Rapalee, b Dec 12, 1852, m Jones. Res. 207 East Ave. Rochester, N. Y. Y|. Eliza Headley, b at Milton, N. J. in 1815, d at Dresden, Yates Co. N. Y. Jan 8, 1900, m George Y. Dains about 1840. He was b in Yates Co. N. Y. Dec 16, 1812, d at Dresden, N. Y. June 28, 1899, Farmer, Presby. C: Harriet, Mary, Steplien, Theron. 92 THE HEADLEY ]HST<.)KY Yll. Harriet E. Dains, b Mar 29, 1842, m Jerome Penney Jan 30, 1868. P O Reading Center, N. Y. C: Dorothy, George. Yll|. Dorothy Penney, b— , m Theodore Spence of Starkey, N. Y. C: (IX) Byron. VIII- George Penney. S. Y||. Mary C. Dains, bat Dresden, N. Y. July 29, 1844, m John W. Washburn Feb 16, 1871. P O Rushville, New York. Farmer, Methodist. No issue. Yl|. Stephen C. Dains, b Apr 27, 1847, m Kmma A. Townsend Apr 1885. P O Dresden, N. V. Far- mer. C: VIII. Cornelia D. Dains. VII. TheronS. Dains, b June 25, 1851. P O Dres- den, N. Y. S. V. William Headley, b Oct 23, 1769, d Aug 22, 1856, m Sarah Strait, daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Gould) Strait, Oct 12, 1797. She was b July 23, 1778, d Sept 2, 1849. He was a farmer and store- keeper, lived and died on the old Headley Homestead at Milton, N. J. of which he was the second Headley owner. During his lifetime he held various offices of trust in the township and county. C: Hiram, Mary, Cynthia, Abby, Harriet, Helen, William, Sarah, David, Elizabeth, Joseph. V|. Hiram Headley, b Dec 9, 1798, d June 20, 1831. Single. V|. Mary Headley, b at Milton, N. J. Aug 10, 1802, d at Fredericktown, Ohio, Apr 4, 1889, m John D. Struble Aug 3, 1822. He was b near Branchville, Sussex Co. N.J. Oct 19, 1792, d at Fredericktown, Ohio, May 21, 1875. At time of marriage he was a blacksmith and farmer near Branchville, N. J. on the Poor-house farm. Baptist. C: Rebecca, Hiram, DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT BTIADLEY 93 Daniel, William, John, Seymour, Oscar, David, Dallas. Yir Rebecca Struble, b in Sussex Co. N.J. Apr 17, 1824, d June 7, 1872, m T. R. Potter, (d). C: DeLaMott, DeLaGrand. Vlil. DeLaMott Potter. VIII. DeLaGrand Potter, (d). Yl|. Hiram Headley Struble, b in Sussex Co. N. J. June4, 1826, dSept26i85o, m Eliza E, Wadsworth. No issue. Y[|. Daniel Struble, b in Sussex Co. N.J. Sept 30, 1828, ra Margaret Young, (d). C: Blanch, Ralph. Daniel m second wife . P O Fredericktown, Ohio. Banker. Ylll. Blanch Struble, b Mar 13, 1857, d Oct 9, 1894, m Frank Moore Nov 6, 1880. P O Mt. Vernon, O. Lawyer; Mrs. M., Baptist. No issue. Vlll. Ralph Y. Struble, b— . P O Fredericktown, O. Banker S. Vn. William J. Struble, bin Sussex Co. N. J. Sept 19, 1831, m Mary B. Beers Jan II, 1857. She was b in Morrow Co. Ohio, Dec 27, 1838. P O Dayton, .K}^ Secy of Newport and Daj^ton Lumber Co. Baptist. C: May, Flora, Lidie, Alice, Burr, Char- les. Vlll. May Struble, b May 21,1858, d Jan 1861. VIII. Flora Struble, bat Fredericktown, Ohio, Nov 12, i860. P O Dayton, Ky. Baptist. S. Vlll. Lidie Struble*, b— , d Feb 1865. Vlll. Alice M. Struble, b at Geneseo, 111. Mar 19, 1867, m Albert M. Bukley Oct 27, 1895. Res. Cin- cinnati, O. Baptist. C: (|X) Marion Bukley, b Nov 30, 1896. (IX) Henry L. Bukley, b Jan 24, 1898, (IX) Ruth Bukley, b Oct 27, 1899. Vil|. Burr B. Struble, b Nov 28, 1869, m Martha 94 THE HEADLEV HISTOUV Sparks of Cmcinnati, O. June 29, 1S97. P O Hamil- ton, O. Civil engineer and draughtsman. C: (|X) Frances Struble, b Oct 27, 1899. (|X) W. R. Stru- ble, bOct 7, 1 90 1. Vllj. Charles H. Struble, b Sept 22, 1S72, m Mary Heidrich Sept 25, 1900. P O Dayton, Ky. Bap- tist. C: (IX) —Struble, (dau.), b Jan 11, 1905. Vf|. John S. Struble, bin Knox Co. Ohio, 1S34, m Catharine Blackburn. She d . C: Warren, William, John, . John m second wife, Hannali Lewis. P O LeRoy, Kan. C: VIII. D. Warren Struble, b— , m— . P O Kan. Ylll. William K. Struble, b— . P O Frederick- town, Ohio. |. John D. Struble, b— , m— . P O Kan. |. Seymour Struble, b 1S36, d aged 3 years. |. Oscar Struble, b 1839, d aged 4 years. David W. Struble, bin Knox Co. O. in 1841, m Annie E. Cummings, in 1866. P O Frederick- town, Ohio. C: Ytll. Christina C. Struble, b in 1883. S. Yl|. E. Dallas Struble, b Sept 7, 1845, d Feb 16, 1877. S. Y|. Cynthia Headley, b May 13, 1804, d Jan it,, 1876, m Dr. Jacob Roe Oct 12, 1820. He d Nov 1 1 , 1857. He was a physician and practiced first at Milton, and afterwards at Branchville, N. J., where he died. Presby. C: William, Everard, John, Edward, Harriet. VII. Dr. William Irving Roe, bat Milton, N. J. Dec 22, 1821, d at Danville, Warren Co. N. J. Feb 11, 1899, m Susan Howell, in 1850. She was b at John- sonsburg, N. J. Sept 25, 1825, d at Danville, N. J Mar 25, 1899. Physician, and practiced at Dan- ville, Warren Co. N.J. Mr. Roe was a member of DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY a=5 the Methodist Episcopal, and Mrs. Roe of the Pres- byterian church. C: VH!- Jacob Irving Roe, b at Branchville, N. J. July 28, 1854, m Irene Dalrymple Sept 16, 1875. She d July 31,1901. Res. 34 N. Washington St. Wilkes- barre, Pa. Physician and surgeon, attending phy- sician at Wilkesbarre City Hospital. Elder in Me- morial Presbyterian church, Wilkesbarre, Pa. C: Bertha, Louisa, Helen, Margaret. IX. Bertha Roe, b July 8, 1876, m Arthur R. Le- Hommedieu. Res. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Presby. C: (X) Martha EeHommedieu. (X) Elizabeth LeHom- medieu. IX. Louisa Roe, bFeb4, 1878. Helen Headley Roe, b Jan 15, 1890. Margaret Roe, b Sept 16, 1892. Edward Home Roe, b June 26, 1823, d Dec 21, 1841. VS|. John Hardy Roe, b at Milton, Morris Co. N. J.May 24,, 1826, m Meribah Crane Feb 1 , 1847. She d Apr 20, 1892. P O Branchville, N. J. Farmer^ Presby. C: Harriet, Sarah, Everard, Edward,. Meribah, John, Alice, Theodore. VIII. Harriet Roe, b Nov 18, 1847, m Theodore H. Roe Apr 22, 1865. P O Branchville, N. J. Far- mer, Presby. C: Frederick, Mattie, William. IX. Fred E. Roe, b Apr 24, 1872, m Alice Hyatt. P O Branchville, N. J. Farmer. Presby. C: (X} Meribah Alice Roe. IX. Martha Ellen Roe, b P'eb 18, 1877, m Ernest Hough. P O Wykertown, N.J. Farmer. Frank- port Plains ch. IX. William Irving Roe, bjan i, 18S7. Vin. Sarah Roe, b Jan 28, 1849, m Dayton Ayers- P O Branchville, N. J. No issue. 96 THE HEADLEY HISTORY VIII. Everard Roe, b Feb 15, 1851, d Feb3, 1S56. VIII. Edward Roe, bjan 15, 1853, d Dec 10, 1878. VIM* Meribah Roe, b Jan 5, 1855. Res. 14 Seely St. Paterson, N. J. S. VIII. John Nelson Roe, b in Sussex Co. N. J. Jan 6, 1859, m Margaret Olive Hough Dec 25, 1888. Res. 1479 Gales Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Medical Doctor, and has practiced a part of the time, since 1889, in Brooklyn, N. Y. For several years he conducted a Ku Mission in Paterson, N. J. Dr. John N. Roe, in early life joined the Presbyterian church, but for several years afterwards was a "Free tliinker." He, however, later became convinced of the trutli of the Bible. Undenominational. C: (|X) Paul Edward Roe, b June 13, 1895. (IX) Alice Gertrude Roe, b May 16, 1900. VIII- Alice Roe, bJan 10, 1861, d Apr 29, 1S96, ni David Slate. No issue. VIII. Hon Theodore M. Roe, b July iS, 1S67, m Margaret Dennis. P O Branchville, N. J. Served a term in the New Jersey Legislature. No issue. VII. Edward Roe, bat Milton, N. J. Mar 19, 1829, d Jan 16, 1902, m Anna M. StoU Dec 25, 1861. P O Branchville, N. J. Farmer, Presby. C: Will- iam, Oscar, Anna, Robert, Lily, Jesse. VIII. William Irving Roe, b Dec 19, 1862, d Nov 30, 1869. Killed by tree falling upon him. Vlll- Oscar Eugene Roe, b Jan 26, 1864. VIII. Anna Isabel Roe, bin Sussex Co. N. J. Sept 15. 1865, m Truman Slate Aug 28, 1895. P O Branchville, N. J. Farmer, Presby. C: (|X) Ethel BelleSlate, bAug5, 1896. (IX) Eugene Percy Slate, b June 8, 1898. VIII. Robert E. Roe, b Oct 25, 1869, d Aug 9, 1870. VIII. Lily May Roe, b Sept 17, 1871, m Frank Shep- DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 97 herd Apr lo, 1895. C: (|X) Gladys Shepherd. (|X) Jesse Shepherd. (fX) Claude Shepherd. VI8I- Jesse E. Roe, b Mar 9, 1873, d Nov u, 1891. VII. Harriet Roe,b in Morris Co. N. J. Nov 29,1832, 111 Jesse G. Roe Dec 22, 1858. P O Brancliville, N. J. Farmer, Presby. C: Morris, William, Jesse, Leonard. VIII- Morris Edward Roe, b Sept 24, 1859, d July 2, 1864. VIII William Leonard Roe, b Aug 14, 1861, d Oct 24, 1861. VHI- Jesse Grant Roe, b in vSussex Co. N. J. Sept 19, 1864. Res. 128 Broadway, N. Y. Lawyer, Pres- by. S. VIII. Leonard Irving Roe, b Feb 13, 1870, m Bea- trice Wilson June 19, 1901. Res. 12S Broadway, N. Y. Lawyer, Presby. No issue. Vi. Abbie Headley, b Aug 12, 1806, d May 12, 1878, m Rev. Gabriel VanDuzer Nov 13, 1828. He was b near Goshen, Orange Co. N. J. Sept 22, 1797, d at Milton, N. J. June 2, 1873. He was a promi- nent minister of the Old School Baptist church, and served as pastor of that denomination at Milton for many years. He was a farmer and lived and died on the farm now owned by William M. Headley. C: Sarah, Hiram, Harriet, Luster, Lucreta, George. VII. Sarah M. VanDuzer, b near Milton, N. J. July 31, 1830, m Lewis McCormick Dec 30, 1858. He was b at Milton, N. J. Oct 11, 1826, d at Hacketts- town, N. J. Oct 13, 1900. Retired farmer, Baptist. C: Whitfield, Abby, Ellen. VIII. Whitfield McCormick, b in Morris Co. N. J. Nov 28, 1859, m Hattie Allison of Newfoundland, N. J. Dec 31, 1884. P O Hackettstown, N. J. Far- mer. C: (IX) Lewis M. McCormick, b July 19, 1889. 98 THE HEADLEY HISTORY (IX) FrankA. McCormick, bMar i8, i89i.(|X) Les- lie W. McCormick, b Aug 24, 1896. (|X) Howard S. McCormick, b June 13, 1900. VIII. Abby Lucreta McCormick, b Dec 30, 1863, m Stewart Hance (d). P O Hackettstown, N. J. Feed merchant. No issue. VIII. KllenM McCormick, b in Morris Co. N. J. Mar 30, 1870. P O Hackettstown, N. J. S. Vl|. Hiram Headley VanDuzer, bat Milton, N. J. Oct 5, 1832. C: Leora, Martha, Elizabeth, Abbie, George. Vlll- Leora Adele VanDuzer, b , m Lawrence Neighbour. P O Hackettstown, N.J. C: — , — . VI|. Martha VanDuzer, m Morris Neighbour. P O Hackettstown, N. J. VIII- Elizabeth VanDuzer, d infant. VIII. Abbie VanDuzer, b — , m — Osmun. P O Hackettstown, N. J. Vlll- George VanDuzer, b — , m — . VI8- Harriet VanDuzer, bat Milton, N. J. July 30, 1835. VII. Tusten VanDuzer, b Dec 3, 1838, m Sarah Mac Alpin in Ontario, Canada, about 1873-4. C: Spen- cer, Minnie. VIII. Spencer VanDuzer, d aged 15 years. Vlll. Minnie VanDuzer. VII. Fanny VanDuzer, b Aug 22, 1841, d Mar 1904, m Alfred Hughes. C: Clara, May. VIII. Clara J. Hughes, b— , m John Ball. C: (|X) Clarence Ball. (|X) Helen Ball. Vlll May Hughes, b— , m Albert Robbius. C: (IX) Mildred Robbins. VII. George W. VanDuzer, b May 26, 1848, d Sept 2, 1873. Vl Harriet Headley, b at Milton, Morris Co. N. J. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT TIEADLEY lil» Mar 13, 1808, d in Knox Co. O. Nov 13, 1893, m Jacob Merrin* July 20, 1833. He was b in Branch- ville, N. J. July 25, 1800, d in Knox Co. O. Sept i , 1888. Harriet Headley went to Oliio in 1832 in company with her sister, Mrs. Mary Struble, and husband. They went out in two wagons, she driv- ing one of the teams, and her brother-in-law John Struble the other. They left New Jersey, May 10, 1832, and arrived at Fredericktovvn, O. June ist following. After their arrival at Fredericktown, O. Mr. Struble took his wife Mary and her sister Har- riet Headley to the home of their cousin William Headley in Licking Co. O., where Harriet remained three months. While there she met young John Purdue, who became "enamored" of her and wished to correspond with her, but his request was not granted. It is said that he never married. He was the founder of Purdue University Indiana, and died wealthy. Jacob Merrin, at the age of sixteen years began to work out for 25 cents a day for a Mr. Wintermute, living Yt, mile from his home in Sussex Co. N. J. He spoke the German language until he was twenty years of age. In the fall of 1832, Jacob Merrin went to Ohio in company with Daniel Dalrymple. They drove out in a one horse spring wagon. Mr. Merrin taught school during the winter following near Fred- ericktown, and in the spring of 1833, he entered into partnership with John Struble in the Mercantile busi- ness at Fredericktown, O. in which he continued for 16 years, and was very successful in business. In 1848 he purchased a farm about four miles from Fredericktown, and thereafter engaged in farm- ing. He was also identified with the banking busi- *Onginally Marinjj;. i. or . 100 THE HEADLEV HiSTUKV iiess atFredericktowii, Ohio, and served as a mem- ber of the Ohio Legislature. Mr. Merrin was a mem- ber of the Presbyterian, and his wife of the Baptist church. C: William, Sarah, Joseph, John, Mary, Harriet, Ann, Jacob, LaGrange, Theodore. Yil. William Lyman Merrin, b in Kredericktown, O. May I, 1835, m Catherine White. P O Krederick- town, Ohio. In early life taught school, later inven- tor of electrical and musical appliances. C: Inez. Yll|. Inez Estella Merrin, b — , m Charles Thomp- son, (d). C: Karl, Helen. Inez m second husljand, Linden Gould White. Res. Long St. Columbus, O. One of the managers of the Columbus Edison Electric Light Co. Yll Sarah Elizabeth Merrin, b Dec 2y, 1836, d Oct 17, 1897. Baptist. S. Vl|. Joseph Headley Merrin, bjan 22, 1S3S, d Aug 14, 1875, m Samantha Markly of Mansfield, Ohio. He was a prominent lawyer of Mansfield, Ohio. C: May, Kittie, Ernest. VIII. May Merrin, b— . VIII. Kittie Merrin, b— , d — . VIII. Ernest Merrin, b— . Vl|. John Couse Merrin, b at Kredericktown, Oliio, Feb 6, 1840, m Arizona Ravenscroft of Liberty Cen- ter, O. 1879, at Kredericktown, Ohio. She was b in Coshocton Co. O. Oct 19, i860. Res. 47 Mansfield Ave. Mt. Vernon, O. He was educated in the Pub- lic school, and at Athens College, Yellow Springs, O. Before completing his college course he enlisted — . On his return from the war he studied law and was admitted to the bar at Kredericktown, O. where he practiced for a short time, then went back to his old profession of school teaching, which he had followed prior to his college course. He was president of the DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY 101 Board of county examiners, and also of the Co. teach- ers Institute for a number of years; and was one of the most prominent teachers in the county. He taught school in all, over 40 years, and is now lead- ing a retired life. Mrs. Merrin, at the time of her marriage, was a teacher in the public schools near Fredericktown, Ohio. Attends Meth Ep ch. C: Harriet, Majorie, Mary, Ruth, Gladys, Constance. VBSI. Harriet Sylvina Merrin, b at Fredericktown, O.June I r, 1880. P O Mt. Vernon, O. Educated in the public schools and graduated from the Mt. Vernon, O. High school in 1899; also graduated from Taylor University of Upland, Ind. 1903, with degree of Ph'. B. During the last three years of her college course she was Principal of the Commercial Depart- ment of the same Institution, and for one year after her graduation, she was a member of the facutly in the same capacity, relinguishing this position to pre- pare for foreign mission work, and with this in view vShe attended Folt's Mission Institute of Herkimer, N. Y. in 1904, and expects to go to Africa under the General Missionary Board of the Methodist Episco- pal church . ^^lll. Majorie Eleanor Merrin, b Feb 22, 1882, d Sept 28, 1903. She graduated from Mt. Vernon High school in 1900, and taught for two 3'ears in the public schools. Disciple ch. S. Vilf. Mary Struble Merrin, b Jan 14, 1884, graduat- ed from High school in 1903. P O Mt. Vernon, O. Single. ^lll. Ruth Evelyn Merrin, b July 27, 1886, grad- uated from High school in 1903. P O Mt. Vernon, Ohio. S. Vltf. Anna Gladys Merrin, b Aug i, 1890. Meth Ep. S. ICO THE HEADLEY HISTORY VIII. Ida Constance Merrin, b May i6, 1893. Metli Ep. Vi|. Mary Helen Merrin, b May i, 1842, d Sept 6, 1844. Vf|. Harriet Ellen IMerrin, b at Fredcricktown. O. Dec 30, 1843. P O Fredericktown, O. Baptist. S. VII. Ann Almeda Merrin, b Dec 31, 1844. P O Fredericktown, O. Meth Ep. S. VII- Jacob Edson Merrin, b at Fredericktown. O. Oct 19, 1846. P O Fredericktown, Ohio. S. VII. EaGrange Whitcomb Merrin, b on the home- stead farm Feb 20, 1849. P O Frecpc^rt, 111. Music dealer. Vl|. Theodore Potter Merrin, b on the homestead farm Nov 16, 1850, m Olive Cochran. P O P'reder- icktown, O. Painter, U. B. ch. C: Victor, Ra}-, Chester, Headley, Hazel. VIII- Victor Albert Merrin, b in Fredericktown, O. Jan 16, 1875, m Cora Leedy Aug 30, 1896. P O Butler, O. Proprietor of Butler Eating Member of Progressive Brethren church. C: (|X) Leslie E. Merrin, b June 26, 1S90. (|X) PVances Marguerite Merrin, b P'eb 27, 1900. Vlll Ray William Merrin, b 1877, m Lulu Went/. of Shelby, O. P O Fredericktown, O. Progressive Brethren ch. C: (|X) John Merrin. VIII. Chester Roe Merrin, b at Fredericktown, O. on Feb 10, 1879, m Blanche Wilson Mar 5, 1904. P O Butler, O. Farmer, Progressive Brethren ch. Vlll. Headley Auburn Merrin, b 1882. P O PVed- ericktown, O. Progressive Brethren ch. Vlll Hazel Olive Merrin, b 1889. P O Frederick - town, O. Progressive Brethren ch. Vl Helen Headley, b at Milton, N. J. Feb 7, 1810, d at Fredericktown, O. in 1895, m Robert Van Kirk DESCENDANTS OF KOBERT HEADLEY lO;] Apr 17, 1834. Hotel-keeper, Baptist. C: William, Sarah, John, Dolsen, Edward. VII- William VanKirk, b — , d in California, m — . C: (Ylll) Dolsen VanKirk. Vi|. Sarah Vankirk, bat Sparta, N. J. d in Cleve- land, O. in 1885, m Calvin Carr in 1857. He d in Newark, N. J. in 1844. Iron Steel Merchant, Kp. C: Frank. VIII. Frank Headley Carr, b at Sandusky, O. Apr 18, 1858, m Hortense French of Cleveland, O. May 8, 1882, She d Dec 29, 1900. P O Pocatello, Ida- ho. Civil Engineer, Congregational church. No issue. John Vankirk, b — ,d — . Dolsen Vankirk, b at Sparta, N. J. about 1843. Enlisted in Company G., 65th Rept. O. V. I. in 1861, as a private, and was killed at the battle of Stone River, Dec 31, 1861. S. VII . Edward Bruce Vankirk, b — , d — at Frederick- town, O. S. VI. William D. Headley, bin Morris Co. N. J. May 14, 1 81 2, din Newark, N.J. May 6, 1873, m Eleanor Bryant Apr 21, 1 841. Shed—. C: Bryant. Will- iam m second wife, Kate Mullison, (widow). C: Elmer. VII. Bryant Headley, b— , d Oct 23, 1877. S. Vi|. Elmer Burton Headley, b — , m . Sarah Ann Headley, bat Milton, N.J. Dec 22, 1 81 3, d at Fredericktown, Ohio, May 6, 1865, m Joseph Lindley at Fredericktown, O. May 16, 1850. He was b July 7, 1802, d Nov 24, 1853. They lived at Mansfield, O. Politician and Speculator. Mrs. E., Baptist. C: Headley, Charles. Vl|. Headley A. Lindley, bjune 13, 1851, m Hat- tie A. Keller. She was bat Fredericktown, O.May 104 THE HEADLEY HISTORY 25, 1851. Res. 2933 Grant Ave. Ogden, Utah. Manager of Ogden Milling and Elevator Co. at Ogden Utah. Mr. Lindley has the distinction of organizing the first Baptist church in Utah at Ogden in about 1880, and the finest Baptist church within a radius of five hundred miles. The church and Sunday school have prospered, the former now numbering over 2 hundred members. Mr. Lindley is one of the deacons of the church and is the Superintendent of the Sunday school. C: Charles, Elsie, Hattie, Paul. V?SI- Charles Headley Ivindley, bat Mt. Vernon, O. June 21, -1874. P O Salt Lake City. Baptist. VSIJ. Elsie Ann lyindley, bat Fredericktown, Ohio. May 24, 1884. P O Ogden, Utah. Baptist. Vill. Hattie C. Lindley, b Oct 10, 1871, d next day. Paul Alexander Lindley, b Nov 17, 1893. Charles Agustus Lindley, b at Mansfield, O. Sept I, 1853, m Annie McNear. Res. Toledo, Ohio. Baptist. C: VIII. Nora Ellen Lindley. Vj. Davids. Headley, b in Morris Co. N. J. May 26, 1816, d— , m Mary G. Mase Nov 2S, 1840. She d— . He married second wife . Lived in Michigan, where he died leaving no issue. VI. Ehzabeth M. Headley, bApr 29, 1820, d Dec 18, 1842. VI. Joseph Warren Headley, b Feb 23, 1822, djuly 14, 1890, m Almeda Chamberlain Nov 25, 1843, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (Keepers) Chamberlain. P O Milton, N. J. Farmer," and lived on the Robert Headley homestead near Milton, N. J. For many years he held various township offices; as. Committeeman, Collector, and Clerk. He also served as building committee and trustee of DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADEET lOr. the Methodist Episcopal church at Milton. C: Will- iam, Mary, Elizabeth, Edward, Sarah, Abbie, Frank. Yl|. William Maurice Headley, b Mar 4., 1845, m Annabelle Jennings Jan i , 1 879, daughter of George Jennings. P O Milton, N. J. Farmer, and lives on a part of the Robert Headley farm. Mrs. H. Meth Ep. C: Almeda, David, Charles. VIII. Almeda Caroline Headley, b July 25, 1880, m William W. Washburn, Jan 6, 1897. P O Milton, N. J. Custom House PCmployee. Meth Ep. C: (IX) Richard F. Washburn, b Feb 5, 1898. (|X) Maur- ice E. Washburn, b Feb 28, 1902. Ylll- David George Headley, b Sept 5, 1884. P O Milton, N. J. Farmer and Carpenter. S. Vll|. Charles Jennings Headley, b Aug 13, 1887. Printer. S. VII. Mary Ellen Headley, b May 16, 1847, m John K. Norman Feb I, 1872. He d Jan 27, 1S82. PC Milton, N. J. Hotel-keeper. C: Frank, Blanche, Walter . VIII. Frank Headley Norman, b Feb 15, 1873, d Mar 17, 1883. VIII. Blanche Struble Norman, b Nov 4, 1874. PC Milton, N.J. Schoolteacher, graduate of Trenton State Normal School. S. VIII. Walter Bryant Norman, b May 12, 1878. PC Milton, N. J. S. Vi|. Elizabeth C. Headley, b Feb 21, 1853, m Abraham J. Fretz Nov 14, 1877. He wasbin Bucks Co. Pa. Feb 7, 1849. P O Milton, N. J. He at- tended various district schools in Sussex and Warren counties N. J; afterwards the Newton Academy, and in 1867 he entered the Newton Collegiate Insti- tute to prepare for the ministry of the Presbyterian 106 THE IIEADLEV HJSTOin church. In 1868 he taught a term of school in Sus- sex Co. N. J. On July 4, 1868, he united with the Methodist Episcopal church at Newton, N. J. and was licensed an exhorter Oct 18, 1869, and a local preacher Mar 7, 1870. In Sept 1870 he entered Wads worth College, Ohio, and in 1872 he was ap- pointed pastor of Middle Smithfield charge, in Monroe and Pike counties Pa. by Rev. N. Vansant, P. K. His labor here resulted in several revivals with an addition of 121 converts to the church. His subse- quent pastorates have been, Stockholm, N.J. 1874; Union ville and Westtown, N. Y. 1875. In 1876 he attended Wyoming Seminary at Kingstown, Pa. Appointedto Hamburg and Ogdensburg, N.J. 1877; Hurdtown and Hopatcong, N.J. 1878-79. In 1880 he built a house near Milton, N. J. and engaged in farming, in addition to serving as pastor of following places, viz: Longwood and Berkshire, 1881; Long- wood, 1882-83; Dodge Mine, 1884-87; Dodge Mine and Longwood, 1888; West Milford, N.J. 1889-90; lyongwoodand Dodge Mine, 1891. He wasordained Deacon by John F. Hurst Apr 2, 1882, and Elder by Bishop Charles H. Fowler Apr i, 1888. In August 1890 he was appointed Township Clerk and Assessor to fill vacancies. In 1891 he was elected Township Clerk, and re-elected for that of- fice until 1902, when he was elected Justice of the Peace, which office he still holds. He is the Author of the following Family Histories, viz: Fretz, Kratz, Wismer, Funk, Moyer, Stover, Rosenberger, Ober- holtzer, Nash, Beidler, and the present \^'ork. C: Mary, Joseph, Ervin. Yll|. Mciry Headley Fretz, b in Morris Co. N. J. on the Old Robert Headley Homestead Dec 13, 187S. P O Milton, N. J. Music teacher, M:ith Ep. S. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT HEADLEY TOT Ylll Joseph Martin Fretz, b Sept 27, 1881, d May 10, 1883. Vlll. Krviii Kratz Fretz, b Dec 19, 1883, d June 7, 1884. VII. Edward Roe Headley, b Apr 20, 1856, m Esther Davenport, daughter of Adam Davenport, Oct 12, 1880. P O Milton, N. J. Farmer, contrac- tor and builder. C: Adam, Joseph, Squire, Mary, Esther, Edna. Ylll. Adam Davenport Headley, b Nov 23, 1882. Carpenter. S. VIII. Joseph Warren Headley, Jr. b Mar 18, 1S84. Editor and proprietor of The Evergreen News. VIII. Squire Lum Headley, b Feb 25, 1887. Fur dealer. |. Mary Vida Headley, bSept 12, 1889. Esther R. Headley, b May 4, 1893. VIII- Edna L. Headley, (twin), b May 4, 1893. Vl|. Sarah Ann Headley, b May 19, 1859, m Will- ard L. Shuman Dec 25, 1888. P O Sparta, N. J. Painter and undertaker. C: Helen Headley Shuman, b Oct 17, 1894. Abbie Jane Headley, b Sept 18, 1863. PO Milton, N. J. S. VII. Frank Joseph Headley, b Apr 3, 1866. Res. 221 West nth St. New York City, N. Y. Custom House Employee. He owns the Old Headley Home- stead near Milton, N. J., being the fourth Headley owner from Robert Headley. S. V. Phebe Headley, b — , d — , m Peter Smith. Emi- grated to Lickmg Co. Ohio, where descendants still live. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HEADLEY, Jr. SON OF SAMUEL HEADLEY, Sr. IV Samuel Headley, Jr. b about 1724, dNovy, 1787, m Rachel Ball,* daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Davisf) Ball. She was b in 1728, d in 1750. C: Rachel. Samuel m second wife, Rebecca Bruen, daughter of John Bruen of Newark, N. J. She d Dec 26, 1809, aged 82 years. Farmer and lived on the homestead farm of his father Samuel Headley, Sr. at "Headley town." Presby. C: Rhoda, Stephen, Davis, Mary, Samuel, Rebecca, Phebe, Esther. He made his will Apr 7, 1781, and reads as follows: In the name of God Amen the seventh day of April one Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty one 1 Samuel Headley o( the Borough oi Elizabeth in the County of Essex and state of New Jersey — being weak in body but of i)erfect mind, memory thanks be to uinnghty God — therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and know- ing that it is appointed for all men to die — Do make this my last Will and Testament — First — I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of God who gRve it and my body to the dust to be burriedin a decent like man- ner at the Uescretion of my Exeutors hereiualter named — Inprimis — I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Rebec- ca Headley (for her better support and to Enable her to sui>port and *Grand-daughter of Edward Ball, who was born about ltvl2, and joiued a company of emigrants at Branford, Ct. Oct lOGO, and re- moved to Newark", N. J., and daughter of Thomas Ball, b 1688, d Oct 18, 1744, and wife, Sarah (Davis) Hall. His headstone at New- ark has inscription, viz; "Here lies the body of Thomas Ball died ye Oct 18, 1744, in ye 57th year of his age." "Here lies an aged man of four years old." (This refers tohis late profession of religion). "Beloved wife and children dear, Remember now I am gone." The inscription on tombstone of his widow is, viz: "Here lies ye body of Sarah, wile of Thomas Ball, deceased, who died Feb 1, A. D. 1778, in the 88 year of her age." "The dame that lies beneath this tomb had Rachel's beauty, Leah's fruitful womb, Abigail's wisdom, Lydia's faithful heart, Martha's just trust — and Mary's better part." fDaughter of Thomas Davis, who died Feb 26, 1738. aged 78 years, and grand-daughter of Stephen Davis, who was Freeman of Hartfort, Connecticut in 1048. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HEADLEY JR. 109 briug up my children) the full use and improvements of all my real and personal Estate so long as she lives and no longer — Item — I give unto ray beloved sons Stephen Headley — Davis Head- ley and Samuel Headley all my real Estate — Viz — The ])lantation I now possess in the Township aforesaid Containing about one Hun- dred and thirty acres and seven acres of Salt meadow adjoining the (ireat Island — To them and their heirs and assigns forever To be equally divided between them in ([uanity and in (juality and at such a time to be devided and delivered to them severally as my executors hereinafter named shall think proper. My will also is that if it should so happen that any or either of my said sons should die before he or they should arrive at the age of twenty, leaving no lawful issue then and that case his or their share and right of said estate be Equally divided between the survivor or surviving brothers as the case may Happen. Item — I give unto my beloved daughters — Rachel Headley, Rhoda Headley, Mary Headley, Becca Headley, Phede Headley and Ester Headley — Each of them the full sum of forty pounds and to be paid to each of them severally as they shall arrive at the age of Eighteen years and if it should so happen that any one or more of my said daugh- ters should die before she or they arrive to the age of eighteen years leaving no issue then and in that case she or they so dying leave their shares to be equally divided between surviving sisters as the case may happen. Item — 1 do hereby make Constitute and appoint my well beloved wife Rebecca executrix and my beloved son Stephen Headley Execu- tor of my last will and testament and also my trusty friend John Tut- tle executor or assistant as the case may require to the same Revok- ing and disnulling all former and other wills, Testaments and Leg- acies heretofore made or done Ratifying allowing and holding this juid no other to be my last Will and Testament. in witness where 1 the said Samuel Headley have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed. Published Pronounced and Declared by the said JSamuel Headley to be his last Will and Testament in the Presence uf us. — Abner Ross, Phenet)s Brown, (Signed) Samuel Headley. William Brown. Y. Rachel Headley, bin 1748-9, d — , mj. Tichenor. They lived in Camptown, N. J. Descendants, if any, not found. Y. Rhoda Headley, b in 1750, d Oct 27, 1837, m Jonas Wade. He was b Sept 4, 1757, d Aug 1819. He served as private in Essex Co. N. J. Malitia in the Revolution. C: Stephen, Phebe, Hannah, Elizabeth. Y|. Stephen Wade, b Sept 29, 1780, dFeb6, 1787. Y|. Phebe Wade, bat "Conn Farms," Essex Co. N. J. Oct 2, 1782, d Aug 21, 1867, m Daniel Wurts -110 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY Julys, 1806. He wasb at Flanders, N. J. Aug 9, 1779, ^ May ^^4^- ^" ^^^ youth he entered the Navy. He ranks in Fennimore Cooper's naval list as Lieutenant. He soon resigned and entered into mercantile business in New York City, where he re- mained until 181 8, when he removed to Louisville, Ky. and engaged in business there. About 1838-9 he removed to the vicinity of Philadelphia, Pa., where he died. Presby. C: Maria, William, Ed- ward, Charles, Sarah, Harriet, Maurice. VI!. Maria WadeWurts, b in New York City, May 7, 1807, dat Atlantic City, Sept 15, 1900. m John Muir. He was b in New York, d in Phila. Pa. Aug 21, 1870. Fire Insurance. He was a Lieutenant in the war of 1812. Presby. C: William, Mary, Clara. VliS. William Muir, b at Louisville, Ky. Feb 2, 1834, m Augusta E. Sawtell, daughter of Rev. E. N. Sawtell, D. D. Sept 27, 1859. He entered the Insurance business in the Insurance Agency office of his father, in Louisville, Ky; later he was elected Secretary of the Jefferson Insurance Co. of Louis- ville, and upon the liquidation of that company, went to Chicago and entered the Western General Agency office of the Security Company of New York. In 1870 he was agent of the Enterprise of Philadel- phia for the western states. In 1872 he removed to Harrisburg, Pa. as general agent for the Germania of New York, following which, in 1875, he became general agent of the National Board of Fire Under- writers, at the period when that board took an active hand in the making of the fire insurance rates in the United States. He later became special agent sue- cessively of the Franklin Fire of Philadelphia, NationalFire of New York, and Queen of England, DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HEADLEY JR. Ill for the Middle States and New York State. In 1883 he entered the service of the Fire Association of Phil- adelphia as special agents for the Middle Department, being appointed in 1892 as general agency manager in the home office of the Fire Association, and later elected to the second vice-presidency. He was for three successive years president of the Middle De- partment Association of special agents, the only instance of that kind in the history of the association. Presby. C: Maria, Ophelia, William, John, Au- gusta. IX- Maria Muir, b at I^ouisville, Ky. IK. Ophelia Muir, bat Louisville, Ky. JX. William Sawtell Muir, b at Chicago, 111. May 6, 1864, m Lydia Washington Chichester June 6, 1894. Res. Spo Cor. 4th and Walnut Sts. Philadel- phia, Pa. President of the General Accident Insur- ance Company of Philadelphia, and United States Manager of the General Accident Assurance Corpor- ation of Perth, Scotland. He entered the Insurance business in 1880 in the office of the Oueen Ins. Co., and in 1884 entered the office of the American P'ire Insurance Co. He was appointed special agent of Delaware Insurance Co. of Philadelphia in 1890, and in 1893 special agent of the Manchester. On the en- trance of the General Accident to this country in 1899 he was appointed one of the United States Managers. iX- John Willingford Muir, b at Saratoga Springs, N, Y. Mar 4, 1871. He graduated from Haverford College in 1892. He served for several years in the Fourth Street National Bank and the Quaker City National Bank, both of Philadelphia. In 1897 he formed a partnership w^ith Paul Houghton under firm name of Houghton & Muir for fire and general 113 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY insurance brokerage in Philadelphia, representing the New England Burglary Insurance Co. of Boston. In 1899, he was appointed treasurer of the General Ac- cident Ins. Co. for the United States office, and on the incorporation of the General Accident Ins. Co. of Phila. he was elected treasurer of that company also. IX. Augusta Elizabeth Muir, b in Harrisburg, Pa. m John Haines Lippincott Nov 18, 1902. C: (X) Augusta Elizabeth Lippincott, b May 15, 1904. VIII. Mary Antoinette Muir. Single. Yll|. Clara Muir, b— , dat Atlantic City, N. J. Aug I, 1900. S. ■ VII William Alfred Wurts, bat Conn Farms, N. J. Apr 5, 1809, d in Phila. 1847, m Matilda Steele of Louisville, Ky. 1838. C: Matilda, William. VIII. Matilda Wurts. VIII. William A. Wurts. Vl|. Edward Wurts, b Aug 10, 1810, d June 9, 1885. S. VII. Charles Wurts, b Nov 22, 1 81 2, d at York Har- bor, Me. July 1889, m Anna Wurts, daughter of Wra. Wurts, Dec 21, 1841. C: Matilda, Pamelia, Alice, Bertha, etc. VII. Sarah Wurts, bin Phila. Pa. Oct5, 1815. S. VII. Harriet Wurts, b Feb i, 1818. Vl|. Maurice Alexander Wurts, b in Louisville, Ky. Aug 31, 1820, d in Phila. Pa. Dec 15, 1881, m Louisa West, daughter of John B. West, of Nash- ville, Tenn. V|. Hannah Wade, b June 6, 1792, d Aug 29, 1S48, m Richard Townley, July 2, 1812. C: Robert, Jonas, Phebe, Harriet, James, . VII. Robert Townley, bjuly 13, 1813, d—,m Eliza H. Baldwin, daughter of Johnston Baldwin, Jan 29, DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HEADLEY JR. 113 1838. She was b Oct 31, 1813. Merchant at Ft. Wayne, Ind. VII. Jonas Townley, b July 8, 181 5, m Orville R. Row Oct 25, 1855. She was b Sept 25, 1830. Merchant at Ft. Wayne, Ind. VII. Phebe Townley, b Sept 14, 1818, m Henry Meeker Nov 20, 1851, He d Aug 31, 1883, aged 75 years. Vl|. Harriet Townley, b Dec 14, 1822, m Alexan- der McWhorter Ball of Newark, N. J. Oct 13, 1842. He d Jan 20, 1879, aged 61 years. VII. James Townley, b Sept 25, 1826, d July 16, 1857, m Elizabeth Rudisell Dec 25, 1849. She d Aug 12, 1851. He m second wife, Mar}^ A. Will- iams. Merchant at Ft. Wajaie, Ind. VI I . Townley. V|. Elizabeth Wade, b Oct 20, 1794, d Mar 9, 1872, m David B. L,um Feb 18, 1821. He was b Feb 16, 1794, d Feb 4, 1877. C: Charles, Jonas. V3I. Charles Edwin Lum, b Mar i, 1822, d — , m Minerva Joanna Bonnell. Was Postmaster at Orange, N. J. VI!. Jonas Wade Lum, b Nov 9, 1829, m Parmelia Murphy Oct 27, 1858. She was b July 25, 1833. Res. Elizabeth, N. J. V. Stephen Headley, Sr. bat Union, N. J. Jan 28, 1 76 1, d Mar 26, 1843, m Hannah Lockwood. She wasbin 1764, din 1842. He enlisted in 1777 in the army of the Revolution and fought at the battles of Springfield, Connecticut Farms, and Manmouth. Farmer, Presby. C: Ira, Maria, Stephen. V|. Ira Headley, b — , d 1S50, m Martha Thompson. C: Charles, Silas L., John Thompson, Ira, Martha, Eliza. Vl|. Charles Warren Headley, b — , d— , m Emily 114 THE HEADLEY HISTORY Wilcox. C: Mary, Jennie, William. VIII. MaryHeadley, m Jonas Poysher. VyS. Jennie Headley, m Geo. Lines. ^lll William Headley, m Annie Garthvvait. Vjj. Silas Lockwood Headley, died single. mi John Thompson Headley, b— , d— , m Eliza Clark. Shoemaker. C: Harvey, Mary, Stephen, John. John m second wife, Harriet Skudder. C: Harriet. V![t. Harvey Thompson Headley, b in 183S, m I^y- dia Ann Long July 1855. She was b Jan 2, 1S37. Mr. Headley was a volunteer in the U. S. Army, and d at Washington, D. C. in 1S62, of typhoid fever. Shoemaker, attended Meth Ep ch. C: Ira, Alex- ander, William. IX. Ira Thompson Headley, b Sept i, 1S57, d July 1870. (X- Alexander B. Headle}^ bAug 16, 1859, m Susie Dawson Oct 24, 1884. P O Rahway, N. J. Mfg. of Sportman's goods. Episcopal ch. C: (X) Edward Dawson Headley, b Nov 25, 1885, d Jan 21, 1886. (X) Clifford Dawson Headle}^ b Mar 27, 1892. BX- William Henry Headley, b x\ug 24, 1861, m — . mil MaryHeadley. VIII. Stephen Headley. John Headley. Harriet Headley, m Dr. Cox. Vlf. Ira Headley, b— , d— , m . C: Charles, Alice, Florence, Ida, Nellie, Carrie. Vil. Martha Headley, m James Smith, ' (d). C: Ann. Martha m second husband, Mathias Johnson. C: Henrietta. Vy. Eliza Headley, d single. V8. Maria Jones Headley, bat Union, N. J. Feb 10, i8oi,dMari, 1S57, m John Goulder Jan 2i» DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HEADLEY JR. 115 1823. HewasbNov25, 1800, d Sept 10, 1S53. C: John, Hannah, Jane. yU' John Goulder, b Aug 5, 1824, d Jan 10, 1858. Vg|. Hannah M. Goulder, b Sept 12, 1830, d Oct 21, 1854. VI8. Jane Goulder, b Feb. 13, 1837, d Aug 9, 1840. VS. Stephen Bruen Headley, b at Unionville, N. J. Mar 17, 1805, d there Jan 17, 1884, m Sarah Taylor May 25, 1831. She was b at Rahway, N. J. Dec i, 1814. Farmer, and lived on the farm inherited from his father. Presby. C: Amanda, Joseph, Sarah, Phebe, Anna, Mary, Mamie, Willie, Caroline, Ella." VSf. Amanda Headley, b July 5, 1832, d — . S. Vlf. Joseph B. Headley, bat Unionville, N. J. Dec 5, 1835, m Mary E. Allen Dec 25, 1862. P O Hil- ton, N. J. Farmer. No issue. V8f. Sarah M. Headley, b Jan 26, 1837, d June 7, 1879, m Albert Allen, d Apr 9, 1902. Carpenter. No issue. Vlf. Phebe S. Headley, d infant. Vff. Anna G. Headley, d infant. Vii. Mary E. Headley, d infant. VII . Mamie Headley, d infant. m. Willie Headley, b— , d infant. Vil. Caroline A. Headley, b at Union, N. J, Dec 22, 1850, m Edwin B. Foster May 17, 1870. Res. 81 Mitchell St. Orange, N. J. Carpenter, Cong. C: Addie, Helen, Lillian. JX. Addie L. Foster, b June 30, 1S71. S. 81. Helen A. Foster, b Apr 11, 1874, m Eugene N. Abbey. Res. 81 Mitchell St. Orange, N. J. Hatter, Methodist. IX. Eillian M. Foster, b Apr 2, 1880, m William E. IIG THE HEADLEY HISTORY KutachOct25, 1899. Res. 122 Jaqiies St. Elizabeth, N. J. Butcher, Cong. C: (X) Helen C. Kutach, b Sept I, 1900. V8|. Ellen F. Headley, b May 26, 1857. S. y. Davis Headley, Sr. b in Union twp Essex Co. N. J. July II, 1763, d Sept 10, 1832, m Joanna Town- ley, daughter of *George Townley and Martha (Bal- dwin). She was b at Conn. Farms Nov 23, 1774, d Dec 2, 1 81 2. C: Phebe, Hannah, Samuel, George, Martha, Davis, Mary, Moses. Davis m second wife, Joanna, daughter of John Ogden, (and widow of Jas. Cole). She was b Oct 29, 1764, d Oct 14, 1816. C: William. Davis m third wife, Fanny Griffith, (widow of Daniel Burger). Farmer, Presby. C: Eleanor. Y|. Phebe Headley, bin 1793, d Jan 2, 1875, m Richard Merrill Apr 28, 1S36. No issue. V|. Hannah Lockwood Headley, bjune 9, 1795, d Mar 1874, m William S. Headley. (See William S. Headley Family). VS. Samuel Headley, b June 28, 1797, d Sept i, 1832. Bachelor. Vi. George Headley, b— , d Nov 1836. Bachelor. Ml Martha B. Headley, b 1801, d Nov 6, 1826, m Caleb S. Miller Mar 18, 1819. Teacher, later in the grocery business. Presby. C: Davis. V!l. Davis Headley Miller, b at Springfield, N. J. Aug 31, 1823, din Newark, N.J. May 15, 1878, m Martha Matilda Dunning in 1846. She was b in Newark, N, J. in 1825. Res. 137 Bank St. Newark, N. J. Clothing manufacturer, Presby. C: Mar- garet, Mary, Adelaide, Caroline. Margaret Anna Miller, b— , d Aug 3, 1886. Mary Frances Miller, b— , m James S. Baldwin. Res. 20 Orleans St. Newark, N. J. *His linoage can be traced to the time of William the Conqueror Joseph W. Heauley (See page IW) DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HEADLEY JR. 117 VIII. Adelaide Davis Miller. Res. 137 Bank St. Newark, N. J. S. VIII. Caroline Duncan Miller. S. V|. Davis Headley, Jr. bin Essex Co. N. J. Oct 10, 1807, d there May 7, 1881, m Susan Ball Mar 3, 1830. She wasb at Camptown, (now Irvington), N. J. Mar 8, 181 2, dDec6, 1878. Mfg. of Mast Hoops, and farmer. Favored Universalism. C: Joel, Sears, Wheeler, Andrew, Alevia, Laura. VII . Joel Headley, b Mar 26, ,1831, d Sept 30, 1831. VII. Sears Robert Headley, b Jan 28, 1832, d Nov 8, 1890, in Harriet L,., daughter of Oliver Dean, Mar 26, 1856. She wasb Aug 4, 1835, d June 23, i860. C: Ida, Harriet. Sears m second wife, Juliaette Dean, Dec i, 1861. (Sister of first wife). She was b Mar 17, 1842, d Nov 30, 1890. Merchant at Hil- ton, N. J. C: Martha, Robert, Ella, Mary, Min- nie. VIM. Ida Headley, b Dec 19, 1857, d Sept 26, 1858. Vll|. Harriet Headley, b June 15, i860, d Aug 31, i860. VIII. Martha Headley, b Nov i, 1862, d Apr 15, 1868. VIII. Robert Sears Headley, Jr. b May i, 1866, m Matilda Sprotte Oct 14, 1894. VIII. Ella Headley, b Sept 9, 1868, d Mar 18, 1875. VIII. Mary M. Headley, b May 18, 1873, m Robert M. Clark Jan i, 1901. VIII. Minnie Dean Headley, b July 4, 1875, m Percy N. Warner Dec 25, 1900. C: (|X) Juliaette Dean Warner, b Dec 23, 1902. VII. Wheeler Ball Headley, b Aug 22, 1833, d July 12, 1873, m Phoebe E. Anderson Feb 3, 1856. She was b May 31, 1834. Carpenter. C: Hannah, John, Sarah, Susan. 118 THIJ ilEADLEY HISTORY VIII. Hannah Luella Headley, b at Healdleytown, N.J. May 17, 1857, m Charles H. Stewart June 8, 1876. P O Maple wood, N. J. C: Samuel, Julia- ette, Vara, Ella, Charles. IX. Samuel Walter Stewart, b Feb 17, 1877, m Josephine Becker Turke. Res. 41 St. Irvington, N. J. Presby. C: (X) Charles Barton Stewart, b June 14, 1961. IX. Juliaette Stewart, b Mar 30, 1878. IX. Vara Wheeler Stewart, b Jan 11, i88|. IX. Ella Fulson Stewart, b June 2, 1786, d Jan 20, 1892. IX. Charles Filmore Stewart, b Dec 28, 1896. Ylll. John Cole Headley, b July 22, i860. PO Hilton, N. J. Ylll. Sarah A. Headley, b Apr 14, 1864, m John Diiffeyjanis, 1883. P O Hilton, N.J. 'Ylll- Susan Juliaette Headley, b May 27, 1870, m Harry Campfield. Res. 44 Cary St. Orange, N. J. Yl|. Andrew Davis Headley, b June 18, 1835, m Emily Bodicea Briggs Oct 21, 1858. She was b Feb 21, 1842. About 1854 Mr. Headley in company with his brother Sears R. Headley purchased a grocery store from James Judson at Hilton, N. J. One year later he sold out his interest to his brother Sears R. and then went to learn Bank Note Engraving and Transferring with Rawdon Wright, Hatch & Edson, in Merchants Exchange, Cor. Wall & Wm. Sts., N. Y. City, then under the old system of Bank Notes. In two or three years the company consolidated with several other companies— Danforth, Wright & Co; Bald Baldwin; Cousland & Co; Toppan, Carpenter & Co; Wellstood, Hay & Whiting, N. Y. City; John E. Gavitt Co. of Albany, N. Y; and a Philadelphia Co., taking the name of American Bank Note Co. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HEADLEY JR. 119 N. Y. They soon commenced the present system of National Currency. Several of their designs of notes are still in existance. They made it possible for the existance of the Bureau of Engraving & Printing, Washington, D. C. Through the efforts of the Secretary of the U. S. Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, Mr. Headley was employed in Washington, D. C, years 1 869-1 883, several years each; again in the year 1900, and is still there. He favors Spiritualism. C: Freddie, Laura, Lillian, Albert. VIII. Freddie Davis Headley, b Mar 30, i860, d — . VIII. Laura Emily Headley, b July 22, 1862, m Frank H. Gasch Sept 27, 1887. He was b Sept 2, i86i. IX- Elroy Andrew Gasch, b July 5, 1890. IX. Frank Headley Gasch, b May 21, 1892. IX. Clifford ErnCvSt Gasch, b Nov 23, 1893. IX. Andrew Francis Gasch, b Nov 16, 1900. Vlll- Lillian Ball Headley, b Jan 19, 1874, m Henry F. Zimmerman Apr 24, 1894. He wash Apr 24, 1873. C: (IX) Dalmore William Zimmerman. Vlj|. Albert Briggs Headley, b Mar 10, 1881, d Mar 21, 1881. Vl|. Alevia D. Headley, b Mar 10, 1837, m Nath- aniel B. Compton Sept 2, 1855. He was b Mar 30, 1834. C: Lauretta, Frederick. Vlj|. Lauretta Compton. Vll|. Frederick Compton. Vl|. Laura Matilda Headley, b June 10, 1848, d Feb 13, i860. VI. Mary Headley, b 1808, d Sept 28, 1827, m Ewel Freman. No issue. V|. Moses Headley, b — , d single. Vl. William Ogden Headley, b in Union Co. N. J. Mar 12, 1 815, din Newark, N.J. Feb 23, 1875, m 120 THE HEADLEY HISTORY Maria S. Pierson Sept 25, 1839. She was b June 28, 1814, d Jan 23, 1877. Trunk and Bag Manufactur- er, Presby. C: Albert, Joanna, Maria, William, Ede^ar. Yl|. Albert Ogden Headley, b in Newark, N. J. Oct 21, 1840, d there Dec 21, 1898, m Mary Arnold June 13, 1866. She was b at Clifton Springs, Sara- toga Co. N. Y. Nov 20, 184.6, d July 7, 1897. Trunk and Bag Manufacturer, Presby. C: Mary, Albert, Jane. Yl||. Mary Arnold Headley, b in Newark, N. J. Sept 2, 1867. Res. 760 High St. Newark, N. J. Presby. S. VIII. Albert Ogden Headley, Jr. b in Newark, N J. May 15, 1869, m Adeline Ross. Res. 85 Penn Ave. Newark, N. J. Trunk and Bag Mfg. Presby. C: (IX) Peter Sanford Ross Headley, b July 5, 1898. VIII- Jane Elizabeth Headley, b in Newark, N. J. June 4, 1873, m Ernest Martin Philippi Feb 2, 1899. (He was a native of Hamburg, Germany). Res. 760 High St. Newark, N.J. Employed with Ameri- can Thread Co. Presby. C: (|X) Mary Arnold Philippi, b June 12, 1903. Vll- Joanna D. Headley, m Frederick H. Smith. Res. 321 Mount Prospect Ave. Newark, N. J. C: Frederick, William, Karl. VIII. Frederick Hoffman Smith, m Mary Hall Clark of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Res. Orange, N. J. Bro- ker. VIII William Headley Smith, (d). VIII. Karl Garthwaite Smith. VII. Maria Frances Headley, b in Newark, N. J. July6, 1846, m Nelson May, May 8, 1877. P O Huntington, L. I. New York. Presby. C: (VIII) Edwin F.May, b May 4, 1879. (Vl||) Helen H. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL IIEADLEY JR. liil May, b Nov i8, 1883. (VIII) Semeth May, bOct 24. 1885. Vl|. William B. Headley, d young. Yl|. Edgar L. Headley, d young. V|. Eleanor Burger Headley, b— , m Lewis W. Lyon Jan 29, 1844. She is now living in the Home for aged women, Governuer St. Ml. Pleasant Ave. Newark, N. J. C: Vl|. Edward Griffith Lyon, b— , d single. V. Mary Headley, b— , d — , m Moses Wade. He was sexton of "Conn. Farms" Pre.sby. church for many years. Had ten daughters and i son. Rhoda, Moses, Prudence, Hannali, etc. Y|. Rhoda Wade, b— , d— , m Caleb Dulea. Y|. Moses Wade. Y|. Prudence Wade, b— , d~. S. V|. Hannah Wade, b — , d — , m Antliony Meeker. V. Samuel Headley, Jr. b at Union, N. J. Sept 3, 1768, d June 29, 1S41, m Elizabeth Miller Oct 28, 1 79 1. She was b at Wastfield, N. J. Dec 20, 1771, d Feb 15, 1844. His principal occupation was the making of Mast Hoops for sailing vessels. He also owned a fine farm at Headleytown, where he died, and which he operated-successfuUy. Sanuiel Head- ley was the personihcation of love and kindness to all with whom he came in contact. He never wouki allow himself to speak harshly or unkind to any one. His grandson, Mr. Wm. E. Moone}', who, when a mere cliild, was a member of ?vlr. Headley's family for a great part of fifteen years, s^ys, he was often in his way, but instead of commanding him harshly to get out of the way, he would send him off on errands, or would give him some of Dr. Watts' hymns, or a chapter in the Bible to commit to memory, which, from the love he bore to his grand- 9i li-J THE IIEaDLEY history father, he cheerfully performed. Samuel Headley not only applied the law of kindness to human kind, but to the brute creation as well. Mr. Mooney re- lates that he and several other boys were one day discovered by his grandfather making sport of a large toad to see it try to escape, when he said to them in the kindest and most pleading manner: "Oh, I am so sorry that you should take delight in tormenting that poor creature. Don't you know that the same God who made you made the toad also?" Thus ap- pealing to their sympathies the^^ promised him never again to practice unkindness towards anything. The law that Christ laid down — "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's," was uppermost in his mind and was his favorite text; and he spared no pains to in- still into the youthful minds about him the principles of strict justice and truth. While he was not in the habit of praising an}^ one personally, he would man- age to have some old person of his acquaintance tell the youngsters "Uncle Sam says you are good boys." He would say, "Boys never attempt to elevate your- selves by rraducing some one else, for as sure as you do you vvill find it like riding on a wheelbarrow wheeling yourself. ".;^-..v:^r. In the fall of 1840 he became afflicted with a cancer. Ke bore his suffering with the greatest christian fortitude, often exclaiming: "The God I love, suftered for me, and should not I endure for him? They that would reign with Christ must also suffer with Him." And again he would say, "Oh, dear boys, learn to love the Savior now so that you may have nothing to regret when you arrive at my age. He is all my comfort now." He ditd as he had lived, loved and respected by all that knew DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL IIEADLEY JR, 133 him. Children: Esther, Rebecca, Stephen, Eliza, Samuel, Moses. V[. Esther Maxwell Headley, b at Union, N. J. Oct 20, 1795, d Apr 25, 1865, m John C. Mooney Dec 21, 1 82 1. He was b at "Conn. Farms" Nov 29, 1794, d there Sept 7, 1835. Stone cutter by trade, and school teacher by profession. Presby. C: Will- iam. Vn. William Edwin Mooney, bat "Conn. Farms," N. J. June 30, 1823, m Emma Jane Wade July 4, 1852. She was b Aug 22, 1834. P O Hilton, N. J. Farmer, Presby. C: EHzaiDeth, John, Mary, Sam- uel, Martha, Grace, William, Walter. Vlll. Elizabeth Winans Mooney, b Sept 10, 1853. P O Elizabeth, N. J. Presby. S. V!13. John Caldwell Mooney, b Aug 11, 1856. P O Hilton, N. J. Farmer. S, Vill. Mary Kate Mooney, b at Union, Union Co. N. J. Oct 6, 1S59, m Charles W. F'arrow Nov 27, 1890. Res. 596 Springfield Ave. Summit, N. J. Black- smith, and dealer in carriages and wagons; Metho- dist Episcopal ch. C: (IX) Robert Headley Farrow, bjan7, 1892. (fX) Charles Ernest Farrow, b Mar 30, 1893. (IX) Esther Marion Farrow, b May 20, 1896, d Aug 27, 1896. (IX) James Henry Farrow, b Aug 10, i90i,dAug 17, 1901. Vlij. Samuel Norris Mooney, b in 1862, d May 10, 1863, aged 6 Mo. VlJl. Martha Parcell Mooney, b in Union Co. N. J. Nov 12, 1865, m Harry Albert Stollery of Wood- bridge, Suffolk, iMigland, Sept ir, 1895. P O Chatham, N. J, Florist, Plymouth Brethren ch. C: (IX) Alice Elizabeth Stollery, b July 26, 1S96, d Mar 26, 1900. C8X) William Hc-nry Stollery, b July 22, 1898. (iX) Robert W. Stollery, b June 21, .1901. V'A THE IIEADl.EV HISTORV Vilj. Grace Eugenia Mooney, b at Union, Union Co. N. J. Aug II, ier followin*,' he received and accepted a call to be- come its pastor, and was duly installed in FeblS'i."). The cono:rce:ution then -worshiped in the old octa2;onal church, erected in ITO."). In IS'JD this church was torn down and a new church erected on the same site. In May I80O Mr. Meeker accepted a call to a church in Jersey City, but a strong lu^'^'ual atUichmenc had sprano- up between him and the members of the Bushwick church, and in the following Novem- ber in compliance with an earnest refjuisition froni his former par- ishoners, he returned, reraaininci: their pastor until his death, and by them was re^^^arded with almost idolatrous afl'ection. At the fiftieth anniversary of >\Ir. Meeker's settlement over this church he stated thut he Lad not been kept from his pulpit by sick- ness but one Sabb-ith in forty years, that he had celebrated com- munion in the church 300 times, had married 107G couple^, and at- tendtid l'37r) funerals. Durui^- the lonjc period of his ministry be de- voted himself to the welfare of his congregation with singular fidel- ity. He was the father of five daughters and two sons. One of the sons died in early cliildhood, and the other at 19 years. One of the daughters married but had no children. VI. yancy Meeker, b — , m Benjamin S. Morehouse. C: Stephen, Benjamin. VII. Stejiheu Morehouse. VII. Benjamin Morehouse became Judge of the Supreme court iu Brooklvn. VI. Jane Meeker, b — , ra Heury Moon. C: Elizabeth, Rebecca, Cathariiie. Vn. KUzabeth M«i0u, ra John Jones. C: Jane. Naomi, Elizabeth. VII. Rebecca Moon, m W. Parkinson. C: Two daughters and 1 son. VII. Catharine Moon, m John Van Ilovenberg. C: Jane, Lillie. VI. William II. Meeker, never married. _ •• • VI. Benjamin Meeker, never married. VI. Rebecca Meeker, ra Joseph Abrams. C: Jane, Martha, Stephen. vn. Jame .M. Abrams, never married. VII. Martha V. Abrams, m Henry Osborn. C: Jo.^epli, Estella, Miry, Jessie, Robert. Vli. Stephen Meeker Abrams, never married. VI. Mary Meeker, m Milton Willis. No issue. She m 2nd husband AbrahanrW right. No issue. DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC HEADLEY, vSON OF SAMUEE HEADLEY, SR. SV. Isaac Headley, b— ,' d— , m Piatt, of New Jersey. He was probably the eldest son of his father, and with the exception of a few shilling had received his full share of his father's estate, prior to the making of his father's will in 1745. ^^^ probab- ly lived for a time in *Morris Co. N. J... and perhaps later removed either to New York State or to Penn- sylvania. Three brothers, evidently sons of the above Isaac Headley, by name of Samuel, James and Richard, removed from New Jersey to Euzerne Co. Pa. Samuel Headley was one of tlie minute men during the Revolution, and Richard was an en- listed soldier. About the time of the Wyoming mas- sacre these three brotliers escaped to Chemung Co. New York, but later Samuel Headley returned to Exeter, Pennsylvania. There ma}' have been other children besides tlie three brothers mentioned. - V. Samuel Headley, b — , d — , m Hannali MacAfee of New Jersey. Was a minute man during tlie Revo. C: Thomas, Priscilla, Celinda, Hannah, Mary, Isaac. VI. Thomas Headley, b — , m — . Children: J , etc. *J. v. B. JI<-;i(ll«'y 111' "Wyoiniii;}: (.'<». Fa. Piiy> liis irraiidfalher (Samuel Jleadlcy) \vas b(»ni in .Morri.s Co. N. .1. At some Time a det;ceinlaiit i>f Samuel Headley Sr. (ulio iDuile his will 174."»), sellkd in MorrisCo. N. J liii'ei- laollicrs, iks- eeiidanU of same named S:;muel, Jaiix-s and Ki<-hai d, rame to l.u- /erne Co. Va. F.ovd Headlev of Wilkeshano, Fa. write? ( 1^".C«) tliat Mrs. J. 8. Headley and son'W. C. Headley of Xe\v::rk N. J. bav<. Uieuld family F>il)le with ie." Mr. C C. (.lardiier of Newark, N. J. who has collected consider- able data of the Headley family writes: '^tichard Headle}", b 1742, iu Westchester, N. Y., marrieda Drake, ami had Samuel and Robert; possibly Phebe and Isaac were grandchildren of one of these nun Samuel or RoberK'"' DK3CHNDANTS OF PHEBE HEADI.EV, OF ''CONN. FARMS." [V. Phebe Headley, b at "Conn. Farms," Aug 21, 1 73 1, d Sept I, 1764, m Thomas Gardner* in 1750. He was bat Westchester, N. Y. Mar 2, 1724, d Oct I, 1795. Soon after his father's death, which oc- curred in 1733, became to Essex Co. New Jerse}^ and .settled in Springfield, then called "Newark township." Although he may have lived at first in what is now the city of Newark, considering the fre- quencj' with which his name is mentioned in con- nection with the great land riots at Newark from 1745 to 174S. The.cause of these disturbances was the contention between the settlers and the English proprietors, concerning the title to the lands. The settlers held under their Indian title and refused to recognize any other. Suits against the settlers were decided in favor of the proprietors, and many of the former were thrown into jail. Their fellow towns- men, however, would not stand this and several times in the years 1745-46-4S they broke into the jails and liberated those incarcerated by order of the proprietors. In 1748 Thomas Gardner, Junr. and Benjamin Gardner were indicted on the charge of *Great grandson of Henry Garduer; j^Tuiidson of Jobu Gardner, and son oi ThiHnus Gardner. The tir^t mimed Henry tiardner, who probably came from Europe, lived and died at Westchester, N. Y., •w h'.'re he is kndwn to have beeii as early as ItiC.j. He was. married to Elizabeth, daughter of John Cromwell, al>out IC.tJI. John Gardner, eldest son of Henry, was b Mar 'Si, 1070, m Han- nah , and probablv died before ills only son Thomas became of ajj-e. The latter, Thon»as Gardner, b at Westchester, N. Y. about IIOJ, lived and died there. He was married to Sarah, daughter of William and Sarah Smith. He made his will Apr 21, \7-)2, and died in lT4:i. H\'^ children were— Thomas, Benjanun, Hannah, Elizabeth, Sarah. DESCENDANTS OF THEBE HEADLEY l;il being members of a parly that took Amos Roberts from jail. The official account of the matter states that on the 28th of November Amos Roberts was committed by the Sheriff to goal on a Process of Treason, Towards evening a large crowd surround- ed the goal in riotous and tumultous manner, and, liaving it open took from thence the said Amos Rob- erts. These riots which were frequent in the colony were at the time when there were Jacobite risings in Scotland and a revolt in India, The revolution- ar}^ spirit was caught by colonists and the trouble marks a growing desire on their part to throw off the English Yoke, Soon after these disturbances Thom- as Gardner* was married to Pliebe Headley. She was doubtless the daughter of Samuel Headley whose will dated 1744-names wife Mary and eight children. Thomas Gardner is buried with the greater portion of his family in the old cemetery at Springfield, the inscription on his tombstone reading — "In memory of Thomas Gardner, who died Oct i, 1795, i» the 72 year of his age," "My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Savior's image rise." C: Moses, Thomas, Elijah, Benjamin, Samuel, Phebe. V. Moses Gardner, b Feb 19, 1751, d Jan 1S15, m Sarah Roberts, daughter of Moses and Mary {Cot) Roberts. He lived on the old homestead in the Orange Valley, near South Orange, N. J. He was Overseer of Highways in Newark twp. in 1792. His wife Sarah descended from many of the oldest faniil- *lliu)iias (lardiier iTi secoiid wife, Abiirail Alleii, widow ul" Aiiron Alieaut c-ouLij liuuover, now :^iadl^on, i> . J. UJid daugiiter ul N.-lu- aijil il.uiiuh (^.Nlillcr) lk>iiiifll, ol Turkey, N. J. Mil- was h .luiu; lit, ITvil, a)id survived her st'coiul Jiusltauil nearly ".O ye.trs. i:]'i nil. IlKAni.KV HIHTOKV iesof Newark, including tlie Roberts, Coes, I>ro\vns, Bm'vvells, and others. She died prior to 1S04. C: Sears, John, Eunice, Moses, Daniel, Jesse, Thom- as, Phelje. Moses ni second wife, Mrs. Lydia I'Vee- man, Au;:^ 9, 1804, ^^i^ ^^^^ ^^ about 176S, d Feb 9, 1S45. C: Alva, Sarah, Mary. V|. S.^ars Gardner, b July 27, 1773, dMarS, 1849, m Mary Keen July 20, 1794. She was b Apr 5, 1775, d Sept I, 1863. He served in the "Whiskey Boy Campaign" of 1794, serving at trumpeter of Volun- teer L. Dragons. He lived at Pond Kdd}', Lumber- land and Barry ville, N. Y.,diedat the latter place. C: Joseph, James, Lett}', Mary, Sears, Moses, Eliza. V||. Joseph Lake Gardner, bjuly 26, 1797, d July 20, 1824, m Sara Purvis. Vj|. James Keen Gardner, b Aug 9, 1805, at Pond Eddy, N. Y., d June 30, i860, m Eliza Eldred Sept 20, 1827. C: VII!- S. St. John Gardner. Vli. Letty Gardner, bx\ugi2, 1807, m E. B. Ser- geant Oct 1 1, 1S29. Vl|. Mary Gardner, b Aug 11,1809, d Jan 6, 1S40, m Benjamin C. Austin Mar 6, 1S30. V!!. Sears Robert Gardner, b Aug 16, 1S21, d Oct 12, 1S85, m Mary Oct 6, 1834. Vlj.- Moses Gardner, b July 24, 1813, d July 7, 1818. Vl|. P^liza Ann Gardner, b Aug 17, 1S19, m Isaac Young x\ug 22, 1835. She was living in Phila. 1900. Vi. John Gardner, b June 9, 1775, d May 5. 1835, m Mary Brown May 7, 1798. She was b Aug 15, 1775, d Jan 28, 1S14, daughterof Eleazer and Mary (Bruen) Brown. She descended from several of the wealthiest settlers of Newark. C: Phebe, Oliver, DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 133 Albert, Mary, Horace, Eliza, Emily, Sally. He m second wife, Prussia, widow of John Peshine and daughter of Edward and Esther ^Mulfordj Ball. Shed July 28, 1S67. C: John. He is remembered as a very large man, full of fun, and quick to make friends. He conducted one of the largest shoe fac- tories in Newark. His factory was on the north side of Market St. near Broad. Yl|. Phebe Brown Gardner, bApriS, 1799, di865, m Nathaniel Cogswell Oct 26, 1820. He was b Sept II, 1798, d Oct 20, 1863. C: John, Albert, Phebe, Elizabeth. VIM- John Joseph Cogswell, b 1821. Yll|. Albert Gardner Cogswell, b Sept 12, 1823. Yll|. Phebe Brown Cogswell. Ylll. Elizabeth Cogswell. Yl|. Oliver Gardner, b Oct 24, 1800, m Julia Ann Hardy of Springfield, Oct 22, 1828. C: John, Caro- line, Abby. Ylll- John Joseph Gardner, b Aug 1829, d June 20, 1831. Ylll. Caroline F. Gardner, m Eldridge. P O Gal- va, Henry Co. 111. C: (|Xj Sarah Eldridge. Ylll. Abby E. Gardner, b— , m Kitchen. P O Rockfort, 111. Yl|. Albert Gardner, b Sept 11, 1802, m Joanna Pierson Jan 8, 1824. She was b — , d Jan 23, 1858. He m second wife, Louisa Geiger. She was b Dec 1805, ^ Feb 1875. C: Ann Augusta, Lanson M., Helen, and Albert Pierson, (ail by ist wife)? Ylll. Ann Augusta Gardner, m Weeden. P O Port Orange, Fla. Ylll. Lanson M. Gardner, m Mary Frances. She was b— , d Apr i, 1881. C: i\X) Lanson M. Gard- ner. f|X) Frances G. Gardner. {\t) Joanna Gardner. j;;4 THE IIEADI.F.Y lllMOKY VIII. Helen Gardner, ni Broome. P O Au- gusta, Ga. Vljj. Albert Pierson Gardner, b— , ni — . C: JX; Martha. (|X) Joanna. ( |X > Walter A. Weeden.* Vl|. Mary Bruen Gardner, b Jan 26, 1804, ni Win. Ashley Cann June 24, 1823. He was b Jan 24. 1802, at Salem Co. N. J. C: AU>ert. John. Will iam, Oliver, Sarah, John. Mary. Charles, Abby. VIII. Albert Gardner Cann. b l-*eb i. 1SJ4, iu Newark. VIII. John Harvey Cann. b Oct 25. 1S25, d July S. ' 1831. VIII. William Ross Cann. b July 12. 1827. d Mar 5. 1844. VIII. Oliver Horace Cann, b Dec 23, iH2y. d I'el> 20, 1844. VIII. Sarah Frances Cann. b An^' 23. 1832. d Feb VIII. John Harvey Cann. )> Apr u. 1834. VIII. Mary Bruen Cann. b Feb 27, 1836. VIII Charles Henry Cann. b May g, 1838, d Feb 21, 1844. VIII. Abby Elixa Cann. b Apr 7, 1842. j Vl|. Horace Gardner, b Dec 5, 1806, d Mar 25. 1 1808. VII. Eliza Riley (Gardner, b Dec 2i>, 1808, d Au^ 23, 1834. S. Vl|. Emily Gardner, b July 24. 1812, m William Ashley Cann, (his second wife), Apr i, 1855. No issue. Vl|. Sally Ann Gardner, b Nov 19, 1813, m Nelson ProutDeci8, 1832. C: Anna M., Albert P., Frank j N., Sarah P., Charles. VII. John E. Gardner. *Name changed to Weeden by act of Lefj:i8latuic. Frank J. Headley. (See page 107) DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY i.>.> VI. Eunice Gardner, b about 1777, d— , m Emanuel Van Auken. Lived at Milford, Pennsylvania, Y|. Moses Roberts Gardner, b Jan 4, 1779, ^ ^pi" 22, 1830, m Phebe. She was b Mar 22, 1778, d Aug 23, 1 815. He m second wife, Elizabeth Mead, (widow of Cornelius Manderville). She d May 6, 1853. C: Phebe. He lived at Orange, N. J., and was a cabinet maker. He is said to have been fifty years in advance of his time. Yl|. Phebe Elizabeth Gardner, b Oct 20, 1S20, d Feb 13, 1900, m Lucius R. Gould Feb 10, 1839. He was b Nov 26, 1814, d Mar 28, 1899. C: Anna E., George D., Minnie, Nellie, Clara, Hattie M. V|. Daniel Gardner^ b Sept 4, 1781, d Jan 16, 1858, m Philetta B. Edwards Aug 3, 1803, daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Bedford) Edwards.* She was b May 22, 1787, d Feb 8, i860. Cooper by trade, and farmer. The number of their children has been variously stated; as, 26, 28, and 31 — the correct number being 21. It is related that one day the mother went to town with one of the children, leaving the rest at home. When she returned, late in the afternoon, she found the 25 left at home sitting on the fence crying. On inquiring the reason she found it was because they were so lonely! This story, while not absolutely based on facts, is not without interest. C: Stephen, Sarah, Mary, Jane, Daniel, William, Burton, Horace, Phebe, Burton, Nathaniel, Lu- ther, Phebe, John, Reuben, Harriet, Joseph, Maria, Abby, Mary, Charles. Yl|. Stephen Edwards Gardner, b Aug 11, 1804, d June II, 1839, m Jane Van Winkle May 30, 1835. No issue. *Nathaniel Edwards, at the age of 1(5, offered his services to his country, and fought daring the entire struggle lor Independence. i:jC THE IIEADI.EV Hl^^TOKY Yl|. Sarah R. Gardner, b Au^^ i6, 1S05, c! un- married. Y||. Mary C. Gardner, I) Dec 6, 1806, d Dec 27, 1807. Y||. Jane Edwards Gardner, b July 2, 1808, d Sept 12, 18S0, m James B. Jones Mar 10, 1830, son of Obadiah and Marp:aret (Baker) Jones. He was b Dec I, 1802, d May 23, 1886. VIII. Caroline Adelia Jones, b in Newark, Dec 24, VII. Daniel Nelson Gardner, b Aug 2t„ 1S09, d Keb 7,1889, m Ann W \V. Maudeville May 25, 1831. She was b at Pompton Plains, Oct 28, 1807. d Feb 3, 1889. C: Jane M., Katharine L., Anna M., Hen- rietta F., Mary A. VIII- Jane M. Gardner, b— , in (ieor>::c vS. Gorp^as Apr 27, 1852. C: (IX) Theodore Gorj^as. C||> George Gorgas. (|X) Edward Gcirgas. P O Bridge- port, Comi. VIM. Katharine Lavina ("iardner, m — Holden. Hem second wife, Uriah Clinton, and tliird, — Mauzer. VIII- Anna Maudeville Gardner, m Obadiah War- ner. C: (IX) Anna E. Warner. ( |X Joseph K. Warner. VIM- Henrietta F. Gardner, m William L. Baldwin. C: (IX) Edward A. Baldwin. ( |X > Harry C. Bald- win. VIM- Mary A. Gardner, b — , d Aug 21, 1900. VII- William Gardner, b Sept 19, 1810, d Apr 6, 1S90, m Hannah Rynojan 3, 1832. She was b Sept I, 1813, d— . C: Philetta, Mary, Hannah, Kath- arine, Almira, John. He m second wife, Elizabeth (Hunt) Miles, Mar 14, 1849. She was b in Sussex Co. Dec 27, 1813, d Dec 27, 1S92. C: Hannah, DESCENDANTS OF PIIEHE FIEADLEY Mi7 Sarah, William, Wesley, Clara. VIII. Philetta Edwards Gardner, b Feb 13, 1834, m Kdward P. Stearns May 24, 1854. VIII. Mary Ann Gardner, b Sept 16, 1836, mjo.seph Apr 1845. VIII. Hannah Jane Gardner, b 1838. VIII. Katharine Jane Gardner, b Sept 14, 1840, m Edward P. Clark Mar 6, 1856. Vllj. Almira Theresa Gardner, b Feb 6, 1842, m Edward Keisling May 20, 1859. VIII. Hannah Maria Gardner, b May 7, 1849, m Charles E. Baldwin June 23, 1869. VIII. Sarah Rebecca Gardner, b May 7, 1849, (Twin), m William H. Gardner Nov 29, 1869. (vSee Wm. H. Gardner P'amilyj. Vlll- William John Gardner, b Aug 13, 1851. Vl!|. Wesley Judson Gardner, b Aug 29, 1853, d Nov 1856. VIII. Clara Russel Gardner, b Sept 8, 1856, d Dec 19, i860. Vl|. Burton R. Gardner, b May 22, 1812, d Sept 17, 1812. Vl|. Horace B. Gardner, b July 11, 1813, dMay4, 1856, m Caroline Richards Beach Oct 19, 1836. She wasbSept4, 1813, d Oct 19, 1877. C: Horace, Stephen, Edwards, Mary, Emma, Caroline, Isa- belle, Charles, Edward. VIII. Horace Bruen Gardner, b Aug 14, 1837, m Louise H. Young May 27, 1874. She wash Dec 15, 1 85 1. C: (IX j Horace Bruen Gardner, b Feb 28, 1875. (IX) Bessie Clement Gardner, bApr4, 1880. Vll|. Stephen Augustus Gardner, bAug7, 1839. VIII. Edward B. Gardner, b Mar 26, 1841, d Sept 1842. VIII. Mary Pierson Gardner, b Jan 13, 1834. V!l|. Emma Louisa Gardner, b Oct 19, 1844, d 1901 . 138 THE HEADLEY HISTORY Yll|. Cat-oline Pierson Gardner, b Jan 5, 1S47, d Apr 22, 1849. VIIJ. Charles Carroll Gardner, b Apr 20, 1S52, at Piermont, N. Y., d Feb 5, 1902, m Virginia Mc- Nair Apr 20, 1882. She was b Apr 9, 1853. C: (IX) Charles Carroll Gardner, b Apr 12, 1883. (|X> Raymond McNair Gardner, b Mar 12, 1885, (|X) Preston DeForest Gardner, b May 20, 1889. Yll|. Kdward Douglas Gardner, b Jan 30, 1854, ni Abby Douglas Terbell Sept 15, 18S6. She was b Mar 30, 1865. C: (|X) Majorie Woodward Gardner, b Apr 24, 1887. (IX) Edward Douglas Gardner, b Mar 5, 1893. (IX) Alice Cooley Gardner, b July 30, 1894. Yl|. Phebe H. Gardner, b Sept 4, 1814, d Sept 22, 1815. Yl|. Burton Renard Gardner, b Nov 18, 1815, d in Sparta, Ga. Apr 15, 1856, ra Martha E. Scuddy Dec 1842. She was b 1823, d Jan 1848. C: Mary, Martha. He m second wife, Catharine Ann Ilarper, Oct 1 85 1. C: Frank, Lizzie. Ylll. Mary Elizabeth Gardner, b Apr 28, 1845, at Sparta, Ga., d Nov 1894, m Thomas Alexander Dal- las June 1869. He wash at Upson, Ga. June 1845. P O Atlanta, Ga. Planter. C: Burton, Frank,. Simeon, Albert, Martha. IX. Burton Edward Dallas, b Nov 24, 1873. IX. Frank Dallas, b Sept 1877, d Nov 14, 1894. IX. Simeon Dallas, b 1879. P O Thoraaston, Ga. IX. Albert Dallas, bjune 1882. P O Thoraaston,, Ga. S. IX. Martha Euphemia Dallas, b Oct 9^ 1884. P O Thoraaston, Ga. S. VIII. Martha Ann Gardner, b Aug 12, 1S49, ra George James Dallas May 14, 1867. He was b in DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 139 Augusta, Va. Jan 30, 1834,5011 of Samuel and So- phia (Houston) Dalhouse. P O Atlanta, Ga. 220 Gordon Ave. Presby. C: IX. Leta Virginia Dallas, b Feb 3, 1877. P O At- lanta, Ga. Music teacher. S. VIII. Frank Pierce Gardner, b Aug 30, 1852, d Feb 1897, m Leila Alice L. Hawes May i, 1879. P O Flberton, Ga. C: (|X) Hugh Dallas Gardner, b June 5, 1889. (IX) Bertha Gardner, b Dec 8, 1894. Vlll. Lizzie Edwards Gardner, b Jan 21, 1855, d Mar II, 1857. Yl|. Nathaniel Edward Gardner, b Jan 18, 181 7, d in Atlanta, m Elizabeth Harper. He m second wife, Eleanor Lawshe. C: Nellie, Lizzie. VIII. Nellie Gardner, b— , d— . S. VIII. Lizzie E. Gardner, m — Howell. P O 737 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. Vl|. Luther Goble Gardner, b Feb 23, i8i8,m Sarah Elizabeth Washburn Oct 13, 1844. She was b Feb 15, 1826, in New York City. C: Samuel, Abbie, Sarah, Alice, Phebe, Addie, George. VIII. Samuel Merritt Gardner, b July 19, 1845. VIII. Abbie Jane Gardner, bjuly 21, 1847, d May 9, 1849. VIII. Sarah Elizabeth, b July 27, 1849, m — Had- lock. P O Aenora, 111. VIII. Alice Virginia, b Mar 10, 1852. VIII. Phebe Merritt, b Apr 26, 1854. VIII. Addie , b Sept 30, 1857, d Aug 18, 1859. VIII. George Luther, b Aug 10, 1861, d Dec 2, 1880. Vl|. Phebe Gardner, b Nov 5, 1819, d unmarried. Vl|. John Gardner, b Dec 5, 1820, m Emeline Ball 1847. She was b Aug 25, 1827, d Junes,, 1897. C: -Emma, Burton, Mary, Horace, Harriet. VIII. Emma Frances Gardner. 140 THE HEADLE^ !ll>r()KY Ylll. Gardner. VIII. Burton R. Gardner, b Sept 17, 1S56, d D^c 31, i860. VIII. Mary Emma, b Jan 21, 1851, d Dec 28, i860. VIM. Horace D. Gardner b Feb 27. 1858, d Aug 6, 1858. VIII. Harriet E., b Oct 11, 1S65. VII- Reuben Ed^vard Gardner, 1) I'eb 21, 1822, d Sept 10, 1883, m Julia Ann Ford Jan 3. 1844. C. George, John, Burton, Mary. He m second wife, Sarah (Jane) Johnson, Sept 27, 1S68. Blacksmith, Baptist. C: Nellie, William, Loiusa, Neva, Charles. VIII. George Arthur Gardner, b Apr 3. 1S45. VO Milledgeville, Ga. IX. Arthur Gardner. P O Atlanta, Ga. VIII- Jf^hn Howard Ciardner, b Aug i<), 1847. VIII. Burton Gardner, b at Morristown, N. J. June 26, 1849, m Josephine Bynuni Dec 5, 1872. She wash July 18, 1850. P O 166 Davis St. Atlanta, Ga. In 1858 moved with his father to Milledgeville, Ga. In 1870 he moved to Morristown, X. J., but soon returned to the south, making his home in At- lanta, Ga; was at first in the Blacksmith business, but later became connected with a large grocery busi- ness, which he now runs. C: Alice, li)dwartl, Lena, Elizabeth. IX. Alice Oliva Gardner, b at Roswell, Ga. 1874, m Wm. Thomas Wilson Oct 16, 1897. C: (X) Hugh Clayton Wilson, b Jan 6, 1898. IX Edward Gardner, b July 16, 1S76, m Mamie Estelle Brown Apr 25, 1900. vShe was bat Decatur, Ga. Feb 17, 1878. IX- Eena May Gardner, b June 13, 1878. IX. Elizabeth Gardner, b Oct 28, 1881, d Oct 2, 1883. DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 141 VIII. Mary Ann, b Feb 19, 1851. VIII. Nellie, b Mar 7, 1870. VIII. Wm. R., bNov 14, 1871. VIII. Louisa P., b Sept 5, 1873, m Geo. W. Pierce Apr 8, 1890. C: (|X) May Ann Pierce, b July 13, 1891. (IX) Avery C. Pierce, b Oct 14, 1893. (|X) Almeta Pierce, b Mar 6, 1898. Neva B., b Feb 17, 1876. Charles R., b Mar 27, 1S80. P O Atlanta, Ga. Boiler maker, Methodist. S. Vl|. Harriet Rose Gardner, b Apr 11, 1823, d in California, m Roswell Miller June 13, 1842. C: Fred S. She m second husband, Peter Whitbeck, May 20, 1854. C: Charles W. Vni. Freds. Miller. VIII. Charles W. Whitbeck. Vl|. Joseph Wheeler Gardner, b May 11, 1825, m Elizabeth Garrison Apr 17, 1847. She was b in Sussex Co. N. J. Dec 24, 1827. C: Ann, William, Carrie. VIII- Ann Eliza Gardner, b Oct 4, 1847, at Newark, N. J. m John Glaspie Oct 18, 1866. Lived at Aurora until 1879, when they moved to Kansas, later to Galatea, Colo, where they still remain. C: Carrie, Elizabeth, Annie, Irene, Edith, Clara, Eliza. VIII- William Edward Gardner, b June 24, 1849, m Anne Electa Freeman Nov 23, 1881. She was b at Aurora, 111. Mar 12, 1857. P O Aurora, 111. 378 New York St. Carpenter, Baptist. C: James, Ger- trude. IX- James Lewis Gardner, b Nov 24, 1882. IX. Gertrude May Gardner, bAug6, 1887. VSI|. Carrie Louisa Gardner, b June 11, 1862, d Sept 10, 1862. VII. Maria R. Gardner, b May 12, 1826, d Mar 10, 1833. 143 THE IIEADI.EY HISTORY Yl|. Abbie Bedford Gardner, b Oct 29, 1850, d Dec I, 1832. Yl|. Mary Gardner, b May 6, 1S33, d May 6, 1835. I Yl|. Charles H. Gardner, b Sept 23, 1834. Mov- 1 ed South. Y|. Jesse Gardner, b Feb 28, 1784, d Mar 13, 1858, m Lydia, daughter of Japthia and Dorcas (Dodd) Condit, Jan 14. 180S. She was b Dec 8, 1789, d Mar 2, 1817. C: Amanda, Asenath, Reu- ben Harriet, Moses. Jesse m second wife, Rachel, daughter of Samuel and Thankful (Eare) Cronwell, (widow). ShewasbAug7, 1780, d Aug 26, 1865. No issue. Farmer in Orange \'allc}'. YM. Amanda Gardner, b Oct 13. 1808, d Dec 17, 1 84 1, m Joseph Williams Nov 12, 1828. Yl|. Asenath Gardner, b at Orange, X. J. Jan 26, 1810, d Dec 1 1, 187S, m James Wilden Hughes Feb 23,1829. He wash Feb 23, 1808, d June 6, 1894. C: Issachar, Mary, Kdward, Harrison. ICdward, Ellis, James, Frederick, Charles, Jesse, Theodore. Yll|. Issachar Hughes, b Nov 7, 1S13, d Sept 10, 1861. Yll|. Mary Wilden Hughes, b Aug i, 1832. Yll|. Edward Hughes, b Jan 14, 1S34, d Sept G, 1835- Ylll. Harrison Bethwel Hughes, b Feb 21, 1835, d Sept 8, 1S58. Ylll Edward Hughes, b Feb 3, 1837. Ylll. Ellis Hughes, b Jan 9, 1839. Ylll. James Wilden Hughes b Nov 27, 1840. Ylll. Frederick Hughes, b Jan 9, 1S43. Ylll. Charles Dickerson Hughes, b Jan 16, 1845. Ylll. Jesse Gardner Hughes, bjuly 19, 1848. Ylll. Theodore Augustus Hughes, b Oct 15, 1850. DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY I43 VII. Reuben Condit Gardner, b Feb 28, 1811, m Susan Lusana Mirick Jan 5, 1837. She was b May 7, 1810, dSept 16, 1848. C: Lydia, Jesse, Jesse, Valera, Phebe, John, Harriet, Josephine, Susan. He m second wife, Lydia Roloson, in 1848. She wash Sept 1823, d Apr ir, 1887. C: Sarah, Seth, Joseph, Eunice. Jane, Ciers, Lemuel, Martin, Margaret, Reuben, Walter, Ida; m 3rd wife, Lucy (Preston) Baldwin, July 11, 1888. Ylll. Lydia Amelia Gardner, b Jan 12, 1838, m Josiah Leonard Cosner Jan 24, 1856. He was b at Fredericktown, Ohio, Aug 30, 1837. C: Margaret, Almeda. IX. Margaret Cosner, b Jan 2, 1857, d June 17, i860. IX. Almeda Cosner, b Dec 8, 1858, d Jan 6, 1886. VIII. Jesse U. Gardner, b July 29, 1839, d— . Vl!|. Jesse Wallace Gardner, b Feb 19, 1841, d Nov 1861. Valera Gardner, b July 29, 1842, d — . Phebe Irene Gardner, b Sept 6, 1843, ^ Will- iam B. Shaw. He was b at Delaware, O. Feb i, 1835. P O Delaware, O. C: Charles, Paul, Eu- gene, Reuben. IX. Charles Hugh Shaw, bat Delaware, O. July 14, 1875. Paul Shaw, b Dec 10, 1876, d Dec 15, 1876. Eugene Wesley Shaw, b July 29, 1881. SX. Reuben Taylor Shaw, b Oct 8, 1884. Vlfl- John Mirick Gardner, b at Genoa twp O. Jan 29, 1845, m Olive Lewis Dec 18, 1868. She was b Nov 28, 1850. P O VanWert, O. C: Orson, Edith, Jessie, Lewis, Ralphs Mary, Agnes. IX- Orson M. Gardner, b Nov 27, 1S69, m Mary Evelyn Hall Feb 24, 1892. She was b May 10, 1S71. VII! 144 THE HEADLEY HISTORY C: (X) Walter O. Gardner, b Jan 24, 1893. (X) John Melvin Gardner, b June 13, 1896. IX. Edith Gardner, b Nov 16, 1871. at Van Wert Co, O. m Charles F. Priddyjan 1895. P O Van Wert, O. C: (X) Ivoster B. Priddy, b Feb 20, 1896. IX. Jesse Gardner, b Nov 3, 1873, m Amos Medford Nov 30, 1893. He wash Sept 10, 1872, in Franklin Co. O. C: (X) Jennie Medford, b Jan 17, 1895. (X) Clara Olive Medford, b Nov 28, 1896. (X) Harry C. Medford, b Aug 5, 1898. IX. Lewis K. Gardner, b Jan 16, 1S76, m - Bashore Feb 2, 1899. IX. Ralph C. Gardner, b Aug 23, 1878. IX. Mary Gardner, b Dec 3, 1880. IX- Agnes Gardner, b Nov 29, 1892. VIII. Harriet Gardner, b Feb 25, 1846, m Nathaniel Perhamus Oct 23, 1875. He was b in Allen Co. Feb 28, 1845. POVanWert, O. C: Martin, Margaret, John, George, Grace, Charlotte. IX. Martin V. Buren Perhamus, b Sept 2, 1876, d Sept 20, 1876. IX. Margaret Perhamus, b Nov 26, 1877. IX. John William Perhamus, b Oct 5, 1879. IX- George Washington Perhamus, bjune 28, 1881. IX. Grace Carnelia Perhamus, b Mar 13, 1888, d Aug 7, 1888. IX. Charlotte Perhamus, b Dec 21, 1889. Ylll. Josephine Gardner, b Mar 26, 1847, d Dec 3, 1873, m William B. Shaw Aug 22, 1866. P O Del- aware, O. C: Alice, Jesse, Lydia, Alfred, Bertha. IX. Alice lyaviua Shaw, b June 13, 1867, d Jan 3, I 872. IX. Jesse Morris Shaw, b Sept 7, 1868, d Jan 5, 1889. IX. Lydia Inez Shaw, b Feb 7, 1871. IX. Alfred Cookman Shaw, b Oct 28, 1872, d May 6, 1878. . DESCENDANTS OF PIIEBE HEADLEY 145 IX. Bertha May Shaw, b Nov 26, 1873. YMI- Susan Gardner, b Sept 4, 1848, d 1848. VIII. Sarah Gardner, b Oct 6, 1849. Yll|. Seth Gardner, bat Delaware, Ohio, Jan 23, 1 85 1, m Susan B. Davidson Apr 13, 1869. P O Del- aware, O. Carpenter, Meth. Ep. C: Lena,Addie. IX. Lena May Gardner, b Apr 17, 1873, d Mar 12, 1886. IX. Addie Gardner, b May 30, 1875, m Arthur Den- nis. P O Delaware, O. Meth Ep. C: (X) Eena B. Dennis, b Jan 2, 1897. Ylll Joseph Edward Gardner, b Oct 8, 1852, d Nov 1872. Yll|. Eunice Gardner, b Feb 13, 1854, m Charles U. Hull Aug 24, 1837. He was bjuly 24, 1864. P O W. Berlin, O. C: Carl, Ray. IX. Carl Hall, b Dec i, 1888, d Jan 1889. IX. Ray Gardner Hall, b Dec 1889. Yll|. Jane Gardner, b Sept 24, 1855, d Nov 1872. VIII. Ciers Gardner, b May 4, 1857, m Annetta Adams Dec 4, 1878. She was b Oct 14, 1858, dSept 26, 1894. C: Mabel. Ciers m second wife, Mary Wheeler Mar26, 1896. P O Van Vert, O. C: Maud, Florence, Velma. IX. Mabel Blanche Gardner, b Aug 11, 1880. IX. Maud Irene Gardner, b Jan 24, 1897. IX. Florence Gardner, b Jan 4, 1899, d Feb 16, 1899. IX. Velma Irene Gardner, b Sept 19, 1900. VIII . Lemuel J. Gardner, b at Delaware, O. Aug 24, 1858, m Cora E. Anderson Dec 23, 1880. She was b at Stratford, Aug 25, 1856. P O W. Berlin, Ohio. C: IX. Harvey L. Gardner, b Nov 14, 1890. VIII. Martin Luther (rardner, b Apr 11, i860, m 146 THE HEADLEY H18T0KY Cyrena J. Lewis May 22, 1883-. She was b June 8, 1863. P O Convoy, O. C: IX. Edward H. Gardner, b Aug 5, 1SS4. IX. Paul M. Gardner, b Oct 21, 1SS7, d Aug 24, 1888. IX. Anna Gardner, b Sept 27, 1889, d Sept 13, 1900. IX. Dwight K. Gardner, b May 22, 1S93, dSept 24, 1893. IX. Ida May Gardner, b July 31, 1895. VIII. Margaret Helen Gardner, b June 14, 1861, d Oct 3, 1890, m Harvey S. Adams Feb 28, iSSi. No issue. VIII. Reuben Gardner, b Apr 1863. VIII. Walter Gardner, b Sept 10, 1864. VIII. Ida May Gardner, b Sept 29, 1865. Vl|. Harriet Gardner, b Nov 21, 1812, m Daniel K. Williams Oct 7, 1835. He was b 1S04, d 1881. C: John, Henry, Charles, Anna, Edward, Daniel. VIII. John N. Williams, b June 29, 1836, VIII. Henry J. Williams, b 1838, d 1847. VIII. Charles P. Williams, b 1840, d 1878. VIII. Anna M. Williams, b 1843, d i860. VIII. Edward H. Williams, bi845. VIM. Daniel W. Williams, b 1848. Vl|. Moses Headley Gardner, b Aug i, 1815, m Sarah Baldwin Nov 6, 1837. He m second wife, Abigail A. Edwards. She d Jan 26, 1856. C: Aaron. Moses m third wife, Mary Ann (Williams) Condit, Jan 29, 1857. VI. Thomas S. Gardner, b Apr 12, 1789, d June 14, 1 85 1, m Catharine Freeman. She d about 181 3. C: David. Hem second wife, Abigail Earl, Jan 4, 1817. She was b Dec 4, 1794, d Feb 3, 1837. C: Catharine, Ira, John, Benjamin, Adaline, Aaron. DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 14T He m 3rd wife, . C: Mary. He lived for a while in the Orange Valley, then removed first to Tompkins Co. N. Y., later to Sanford, Conn. Vl|. David Freeman Gardner, b July 26, 1812, d Dec 16, 1890, m Sarah Ann Estil. She was b Sept 20, 1805, d Apr 22, 1889. C: Mary, William, Eli- zabeth. VIII- Mary Catharine Gardner, b June 22, 1835. VIII William Estil Gardner, b Feb 6, 1837, at Plainfield, N. J., m Margaret Townley Earl Nov 23, 1871. P O Plainfield, N.J. C: Ella, Cora, Mar- garet, William, David, Louisa. IX- Ella Wilmena Gardner, b Feb 11, 1873. IX- Cora E. Gardner, b July 3, 1874. IX- Margaret T. Gardner, b Dec 20, 1876. IX- W^illiam E- Gardner, b Nov 29, 1879. IX- David Gardner, b Nov 8, 1881. IX- Louisa B. Gardner, b June 8, 1823. Vlll- Elizabeth Gardner, b Jan 28, 1839. VII. Catharine T. Gardner, b July 14, 1817, d Apr 13, 1889. VII- Ira M. Gardner, bjan 2, 1819, d Mar 2, 1899, m Mary Ann Hill Dec 3, 1843. C: Edward, Adale- na, Emma. VIII- Edward T. Gardner, b Sept 26, 1846, at Itha- ca, N. Y., m Mannie B. Sanborn Oct 16, 1878. No issue. VIII. Adalena M. Gardner, b June 25, 1848, m George C. PoUay Nov 19,1879. No issue. VIII- Emma M. Gardner, bNov4, 1850, at Ithaca, N. Y., m Cassius N. TaberSept 25, 1872. C: Grace, Lena. IX- Grace B. Taber, b Feb 8, 1877. IX- Lena M. Taber, b Dec 17, 1879. VI- Phebe Gardner, b in 1792, d — , m John B. 148 THE HEADLEY HlSTORr Yl|. John B. Gardner, h Nov 2, iSzr, d Jan 25, 1863. Yl|. Benjamin S. Gardner, b Feb 10, 1823, d Sept 10, 1892. VII. Adaline Gardner, b Nov 6, 1825, d Aug 5, 1882. Yl|. Aaron E. Gardner, b June 15,1828. Yll- Mary Jane Gardner, b Aug 9, 1840. Y|. Phebe Gardner, b in 1792, d— , m John B. Smith June i, 1811. C: Sarah, Mary, Lucinda, Hannah, Charles, John. Phebe m second husband, Thomas Bruen. C: Frederick, Martha. Y|. Alva Gardner, b May 5, 1805, d Mar 1S71, m Sarah M. Boice at Plainfield, N. J. Y|. Sarah Gardner, d single. Y|. Mary Gardner, b — , d — , m Joseph B. Hand. Y. Thomas Gardner, b in Essex Co. N. J. Sept 25, 1752, d Mar 12, 1S04, m Abigail, daughter of Aaron and Abigail (Bonnell) Allen. She was b Jan 18, 1754, at South Hanover, now Madison, N. J., d Apr 9, 1 8 14. He lived at Jefferson \^illage, where he was an extensive land owner. His house stood on what is now the Ridgewood road, in Maplewood, about fifty yards north of the railroad crossing, on the lot where Samuel A. Gardner lived in 1901. He was a farmer, and was overseer of the Highways in Newark twp in 1790. C: Joanna, Sarah, Aaron, Uriah, Thomas, Jacob, David, Sarah, Infant, Samuel. Yl. Joanna MuUer Gardner, b Oct 3, 1772, d Aug 31, 1838. S. Yl. Sarah Gardner, b Apr 27, 1775, d Oct 22, 1784. Single. Y|. Aaron Allen Gardner, b Sept 17, 1777, d Mar 16, 1846, m Hannah Johnson. She was b July 4, DESCENDANTS OF PIIEBE HEADLEY 149 1778, d Nov 17, 1827. C: Abigail, Joanna, Horace, Lucinda, Maria, Charles, Elizabeth, Aaron, Phebe. Aaron m second wife, Mrs. Hetty (VanNess) Witty, May 4, 1828. She was b Dec 14, 1785, d Sept 16, 1865. He inherited the family homestead at Jeffer- son Village, and lived there till about 1823, when he moved to Newark where he owned a large shoe factor3\ Presby. VII. Abigail Bonnell Gardner, b Oct 3, 1798, d — , m Aaron L. Miller May 4, 1828. Lived at Springfield, N. J. C: Aaron L. V![|. Aaron L. Gardner, b 1834, d 1836; Yl|. Joanna M. Gardner, b Jan iS, 1801, d — , m Isaac R. Parcel Sept 14, 181S. He removed to New York State. Vl|. Horace Johnson Gardner, b Aug 13, 1S03, d young. V|[. Lucinda Smith Gardner, b Dec 14, 1S05, d in Newark, N. J., m Moses Lyon Jenkins Mar i, 1827. VII. Maria Wells Gardner, b Nov 28, 1807, d—, m Sebastian Cabot Taylor Nov 26, 1826. VII. Charles P. Gardner, b Jan 9, 1810, d young. Vlj. Elizabeth Gardner, b Feb 18, 1S12, d— , m John Remson Feb 4, 1829. Vi|. Aaron Allen Gardner, b Nov 18, 1814, d June 2, 1882, m Mary J. Townley in 1835. She d Jan 2, 18S1. C: Sarah, Mary, Emily, Moses, Emily, Aaron. VIM- Sarah L. Gardner, b Aug 8, 1S40, d 1854. VIII. Mary A. Gardner, b Nov 3. 1841, d 1852. VIII. Emily M. Gardner, b July 2, 1843, d 1847. VIII. Moses T. Gardner, b— , d Aug 26, 1849. VIII. Emily M. Gardner, (twin to Moses) , b— , d Aug 26, 1S49. VIII. Aaron Allen Gardner, b at Newark, N. J. Feb 150 THE IIEADl.EV HISTORY 13, 1 85 1, ra Theresa Vogt Feb 14, 18S1. She was b Sept 27, 1864. Jeweler. C: (IX) Henrietta A. Gardner, b Aug 22, 1882. (|X) Julia L. Gardner, b Jan 7, 1884. YII- Phebe Headley Gardner, b Sept 26, 1817, d Apr 27, 1842. S. VII. Stillborn, b Mar 23, 1820. Y|. Uriah Gardner, b Apr 5, 17S0, d Oct 3, 1821, m Nancy Allen, daughter of *Saniuel and Hannah (Beach) Allen, Nov 22, 1801. She was b June 13, 1784, d Apr 14, 1864. He was a cabinet maker by trade, and worked as carpenter on the Old Spring- field church. He lived in Jefferson A'illage. C: Ezra, Nathaniel, Hannah, Elizabeth, Samuel, Thomas, Ira, Veiina, Mahala, Uriah. Yl|. Ezra Schofield Gardner, b Apr 15, 1S03, d Feb 3, 1877, m Maria Terril Feb 16, 1823. She was b Sept 25, 1804, d Dec 27, 1832. C: Elizabeth, Ira, Ira, Thomas, John. He m second wife, Mary A. Cramer, Oct 17, 1836. She was b Dec 15, 1S04, d May 22, 1876. C: Mary, Philip, Veliua, Emily, Phebe, Samuel. He was committeeman of Spring- field twp 1837-43 and 184S-56, and Millburn twp committeeman 1857-8, and Justice of tlie Peace at Millburn, 1857. VIM- Elizabeth Cutler Gardner, b Oct 6. 1S23, d Jan 1827. YIN. Ira Gardner, b Jan 17, 1825, d Jan 19, 1825. Ylll. Ira Gardner, b at Jefferson Village, N.J. Feb 2,1827, m Sarah Jane Smith May 17, 1854. She wash Jan 24, 1833, d Oct 11, 1894. C: (|X) Ida Leora Gardner, b—. (|X) Maria Elizabeth Gardner, b— , d Apr 2, 1880. (IX) Alice Irene Gardner. ^Samuel Allen was a private in the Revolutionary war, and sou of Aaron and Abigail(Bonuell) Allen of Miuiisou, N. J. DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 151 (IX) Bertha Jennetta Gardner. (|X) Edith Frances Gardner. (|X) Charles Ezra Gardner, b Oct 5, 1864, d Nov 5, 1 89 1. Ylll. Thomas Jefferson Gardner, b at Jefferson Village, N. J. Dec 3, 1829, m Josephine Hedden Jan 24, 1866. She was b at Newark, N. J. Oct 7, 1845, d Jan 16, 1878. He was constable at Millburn in 1858, and was one of the prominent shoe Mfgr of the century in Essex Go. C: (|X) Frank Leon Gardner, b in Newark, Mar 3, 1869. (|X) Harry Carlton Gard- ner, bAug9, 1870. (IX) Willard Watson Gardner, b June 3, 1872. (IX) Robert Elmore Gardner, b Sept 30, 1875, d Oct 3, 1876. VIII- John Gardner, b Sept 21, 1831, d Jan 25, 1832. YSI|. Mary Elizabeth Gardner, b June 27, 1837, d May 23, 1853. Vlli. Philip Schmyler Gardner, b July 21, 1839, d Oct 24, 1871, m Margaret Wright Aug 15, 1858. She was b at Newfoundland, N. J. July 6, 1837. C.- Randolph, William, Martha, George, Asa, Roselle. IX. Randolph Augustus Gardner, b Feb 18, 1859, at Maplewood, N. J., m Dora Scheedeenaeetle. C: (X) George Randolph Gardner, b June 27, 1882. (X) Wilfred Wallace Gardner, b June 28, 1884. (X) Eva Rosina Gardner, b June 14, 1888. (X) Philip An- drew Gardner, b June 12, 1890, d Dec 18, 1890. (X) Edgar Gardner, b 1893. (X) Randolph Augustus Gardner, bMar5, 1895. (X) William Chandler Gard- ner, b Jan 1897. (X) Dorothey Gardner, b Sept 18, 1899. IX. William Whitfield Gardner, b Sept 13, 1861. IX. Martha J. Gardner, b Aug 15, 1863. IX. George Washington Gardner, b Nov 6, 1865, d Aug 30, 1880. 153 THE HEADLEV HISTORY IX. Asa Hilyard Gardner, b Nov lo, 1867, d Mar 29, 1868. IX. Roselle Gardner, b Nov 22, 1S69, d May 29, 1890. Yljj. Velina Gardner, b at Jefferson Village, N. J. Oct 23, 1840, mAmzi Brower. C: Winfield, Harvey, Georgianna, Charles, Maud. VIII. Emily Mix Gardner, b Jan S, 1S43, ni Lewis Hulse Salmon Oct 3, 1877. He was b at Mt. Olive, N. J. Apr II, 1841. P O Hackettstown, N. J. C: Charles, Phebe, Raymond. IX. Charles Schofield Salmon, bjune 20, 187S. IX. Phebe Caroline Salmon, b Aug 2S, 1S79. IX. Raymond Welcome Salmon, b July 24, 1883. YII|. Phebe Allen Gardner, b Apr 8, 1S44, m Jotliam S. Campbell May 16, 1S63. C: IX. Mary Isabelle Campbell. VIII. Samuel Allen Gardner, b at Jefferson Village, N. J. Mar 14, 1846, Laura Agnes Smith Oct 29, 1868. She was bat Maplewood, N. J. Jan 6, 1S45, d Nov 25, 1883. P O Maplewood, N.J. C: Grace, Char- lotte, Samuel, Lucy. He m second wife, Mary E. Reeve, June 19, 1889. She wash 1842, d Nov 27, 1900. IX. Grace Cecelia Gardner, b Dec 21, 1S69, m vSam- uel Budd Parks. IX. Charlotte Helena Gardner, b Apr 1S72, d June 1896, m Emory Dare Dec 15, 1891. IX. Samuel Warren Gardner, b Oct 27, 1875. IX. Lucy Maud Gardner, b Feb 6, 1878. Vl|. Nathaniel Bounell Gardner, b May 14, 1805, d Mar 25, 1880, m Elizabeth Garrison Apr 5, 1827. She was b Nov 15, 1801, d Jan 27, 1853. C: George, Camelia, Randolph, Wilbur, Joseph, Mary, Ed- ward, Theodore, William, Alice. Hem second wife. DESCENDANTS OF PIIEBE HEADLEY 153 Deborah Downs, Oct 31, 1859. She d July 4, 1869. Yll|. George Morris Gardner, b Mar 22, 1828, m Mary Jacobus Mar 24, 1851. She was bat Newark, N.J. Jan 31, 1827, d 1889. Res. San Francisco, Cal. C: Joseph, George, etc. Yl||. Camelia A. Gardner, b Dec 3, 1829, d Feb 29, 1832. VIII- Randolph Gardner, b Feb 22, 1832. Yll|. Wilbur Gardner, b Sept 18, 1833. VIII. Joseph W. Gardner, b June 26, 1835. Vll|. Mary I. Gardner, b Jan 18, 1837, d July 29, 1864. VIII. Edward Payson Gardner, bat Newark, N. J. Aug 23, 1S39, d July 7, 1890, m Rebecca Rose June 22, 1862. She was b at Woolwich, England, June 1840. Merchant, Meth Ep. C: John, Mary, Eli- zabeth, Thomas, Ellen, Isabelle, Charles, George. IX. John Nathaniel Gardner, b at Newark, N. J. Mar 14, 1864, m Alice Arnold Waldron July 8, 1889. She was b at Providence, R. I. May 12, 1863. Res. 12 Matthews Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Broker, Bap- tist. C: (X) Grace Gardner, b Dec 23, 1890. (X) Payson Eewis Gardner, b Sept 17, 1892. (X) Paul Arnold Gardner, b Mar 26, 1894. IX. Mary Aldine Gardner, b Oct 20, 1865, dOct 10, 1872. IX. Elizabeth Ann Gardner, bjune 20, 1870, d in 1878. IX. Thomas Augustus Gardner, b May 12, 1874. IX. Ellen Rebecca Gardner, b Feb 12, 1877. IX. Isabelle Maud Gardner, b Apr 30, 1880. IX. Charles Wm. Gardner, b Feb 12, 1883, d Aug 7, 1885. IX. George Gardner, b May 1885, d May 1885. VIII. Theodore Augustus Gardner, b Aug 23, 1839, d— ? 154 THE IIEADI.EY IIISTOKY Yl||. William Henry Gardner, b Mar 22, 1S43. ni Sarah Rebecca Gardner Nov 29. 1869. Res. Eliza- beth, N. J. C: (IX) Elizabeth Irene, b Nov 23, 1S70. (IX) Wm. Bonnell, b D^c 24. 1S71. ( |X ' Frances Eleanor, b— , d young. ( |X * Sadie Itl-^tdla, b Sept 22, 1876. (IX) Edna Clark, b Nov 2, 1880, d young. y|||. Alice Lavina Gardner, b Juno =;, 184^, d Mar 28, 1847-8. Yl|. Hannah A. Gardner, b Mar 8. 1807. d May 1869, m Jeremiah T. Mix Sept 8. 1830. C: Emily, Charlotte. Yl|. Elizabeth Cutler Gardner, b Apr 1S09. d Aui^ 25, 1821. S. Yll- Samuel Gardner, b Mar 19. 1811, d Sept i, 1850, m Phebe Dean. C: YIII. Uriah M. Gardner. Yll- Thomas Gardner, b May 11, 1813, d Sept 20, 1S21. Yl|. Ira Gardner, bjune 7, 18 15, d Aug 20, 1821. Yll. Velina Gardner, b Oct 18, 1S17, d Apr 2t„ 1883, m William A. Cobb Aug 18, 1841. C: Frederick, William, Anna, Frank, Harriet, Jeremiah. Yill- Frederick Lyndon Gardner, b June 20. 1842. YIII- Wm. Allen Gardner, b Aug 3, 1844. Yll|. Anna Gardner, b Mar 13, 1847. Ylij. Frank Gardner, bAug 18, 1849. YIII Harriet Peck Gardner, b 1851, d May i, 1870. YIII. Jeremiah Mix Gardner, b Sept 9, 1855. Yll. Mahala Gardner, b Dec 15, 1819, d Sept 25, 1896. S. Yll Uriah Meales Gardner, b July 26, 1821, d June 4, 1S22. Y|. Thomas Gardner, b Oct 14, 1782, dabout 1855, DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 155 m Sarah . He moved to Middleport, N. Y. where he lived until 1S50, then removed to Albany where he died. C: John, Samuel. Vl|. John H. Gardner, bjuly 8, 18 10, d Sept 19, 1882, m Nancy Jacobson Nov 1829. She was b at Guilderslant, Conn. Mar 15, 1806, d Dec 31, 1861. C: Christopher, Jane, Sarah, Henry, Eve, Thomas. Vin. Christopher Gardner, b 1830, m Kate Coons. Vllj. Jane Gardner, b Feb 7, 1832, m Henry How^- land. C: John, Frank. Vll|. Sarah Gardner, b Jan 10, 1834, m George • Ross. C: Carrie, Ella, Etta, Jennie, George, Har- riet. VIII. Henry Gardner, b Feb 6, 1836, d 1861. Vlll- Eve Eliza Gardner, b Dec 5, 1840, m Henry J. Underhill Aug 15, 1854, d Sept 25, 1900. C: Alonzo, John, George, Belle, Jennie. IX. Alonzo Underhill, b June 25. 1855. IX. John H. Gardner Underhill,* b Oct 5, 1857, at Albany, N. Y., m Fanny B. Ostrander Mar 25, 1891. She w^as b at Slingerlands, N. Y. June 5, 1869. C: (X) John H. Gardner, b Oct 10. 1893. (X) Harold B. Gardner, b Mar 5, 1895. IX. George Underhill, b July 21, 1859. IX. Belle Underhill, b May 7, 1861, d Sept 19, 1887. IX. Jennie Underhill, b Mar 10, 1875. Vni- Thomas Gardner, bjan7, 1844, m Elizabeth Hilton Apr 22, 1863. P O Albany, N. Y. C: Henry. IX. Henry H. Gardner, b Nov 27, 1863, m Mary E. *In 1892 Mr. Gardner, on death of his grandfather, in order to enter into possession of the homestead by a special act of the Legis- lature, had the Underhill dropped from his name, and has since been known as John H. Gardner. 15t) THE IIEADLEY HISTOKV Shumaker June 2, 1886. Nc issue. Yl|. Samuel Gardner. Y|. Jacob Gardner, b Sept 17, 1785, d — , m Hannah Sutton. He enlisted in war of 181 2. He never re- turned; was reported as missing. C: Thomas^ Jacob, Sarah. Vi|. Thomas Gardner, d young. Yl|. Jacob Gardner, d Oct 21, 1831. Yl|. Sarah Stratton Gardner. Y|. David Miller Gardner, b June 19, 1788, d Mar 5, 1867, m Luc}^ Scott, daughter of Eli and Ex- 'perience (Randall) Scott, Aug 26, 1813. She was b in Mass. Mar 23, 1794, d June 2, 1883. In 1816 they moved toBatavia, N. Y. where he kept a small farm for a few years. In 1836 moved to a place one mile south of Middleport, N. Y. where he construct- ed a large shoe establishment for many years. In 1845 he bought a large farm in Hartland, N. Y. where he died. He was unostentatious, illustrating the christian virtues not so much by words as by deeds. He was a careful reader, a good thinker, conscientious in his interests in his country as well as his fellowmen, and died in full faith of a righteous reward hereafter. Presby. C: Joanna, Thomas, Abigail, David, Miranda, Mary, William, Minerva, Adaline, Aaron, Maria, Sarah. Yl|. Joanna Miller Gardner, b Apr 21, 1814, d Dec 16, 1849, m Charles M. House in 1843. He was b 1817, di86i. C: Charles, Edwin, Alice. VIII. Charles House, b May 30, 1844. VIII. Edwin O. House, b Oct 25, 1845. VIII Alice M. House, b 1846, d 1848. Vl|. Thomas Gardner, b June 20, 1815, at Alexan- der, N. Y. d Mar 4, 1877, m Helen Hunckley Nov i, 1867. She wash in Switzerland, Sept 22, 1 841. C: Thomas, Kittie, David. Hannah Lockwood IlKAnMCY. (See pag-e IID-tIo) DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 157 VIII. Thomas Francis Gardner, b July 6, 1868, m Lillie Stone Nov 1894. C: (|X) Francis Allen Gard- ner, bOct 1895. VIII. Kittie Elnora Gardner, b Oct 29, 1869. VIM- David Aaron Gardner, b Aug 23, 1876. VII- Abigail Gardner, b June 9, 1 8 16, m William H. Earl Dec 9, 1840. He was b in Newark, N. J. Jan I, 1817, djan20, 1898. C: Enoch, David, William, John, Frederick. Enoch Scott Earl, b Feb 8, 1842. David M. Earl, b Jan 17, 1843, d Sept 22, William Earl, b — . John Ogden Earl, b — . Fredericks. Earl, b July 31, 1850, d Apr 10, VIM VIII 1867 VIII VIII VIII 1898 VIII. David Scott Gardner, bjan 25, 1818, d Feb 26, 1896. S. Vl|. Miranda Gardner, b Feb 5, 1819, d Feb 2, 1891, m Hason W. Brown Nov 7, 1840. He was b at Syracuse, 1818, djunei, 1894. C: VIII . Euc\^ Gardner Brown, b 1842, d 1849. Vlj. Mary Williams Gardner, b at Batavia, N. Y. Aug3, 1S20, d Aug 6, 1891, m Taylor. C: Mayron. She m second husband, John Shipman Brown, Oct 31, 1847. He was b May 8, 181 2, d May 3, 1S98. C: Albert, David, John, George.. VIII. Mayron A. Taylor, b May 16, 1839, d Aug VIII. Albert C. Brown, bAug25, 1859, d Sept 8, 1851. VIM- David Gardner Brown, b Aug 16, 1852. VIII. JohnS. Brown, b 1856, d 1858. VIII. George Washington Brown, b Apr 21, 1859. 158 THE HlfADLEV HISTOKV V||. William Blodgett Gardner, b Oct 4, iSji.dAujr 21, 1896, m Rebecca Dunn May 10, 1849. She was b Dec 31, 1825, d Dec 18, 1899. C: Flora, John. Ivucy, Emma. VIII. Flora Miranda Gardner, b July 10. 1850, at Middleport, N. Y., ni Francis Franklin Reynolds Jaii II, 1872. He was b May 14, 1859, at Royalton, N. Y. Farmer and butcher at Medina. C: (|X) Ash- ley Earl Reynolds, b at Medina, N. V. Oct 14, 1S72. Yl||. John D. Gardner, b Aug 7, 1852. VIII. Uicy M. Gardner, b Dec 20, 1856, d Oct 14, i860. VIII. Emma L. Gardner, b Nov 22, i860, d Oct 9. 188S, m Henry Davis, in 1.SS5. Vl|. Minerva C. Gardner, b Aug '3. 1823, d July 7. 1880, m Elijah C. Odell Nov 1S44. He was b 1820, di894. C: Albert, David. Walter, Mary. VIII. Albert Odell, 1) 1S45. d 1S49. VIII. David Odell. l> Nov 8, 1847, d 18S6. VIII. Walter S. Odell, b May 1849. d Nov 10. 1875. Vlll Mary W. Odell, b July 7, 1858. d Jan 18.1893. Vl|. Adaline A. Gardner, b Feb 6, 1825, d F''ebi2, 1895, m Jesse A. Gladding May i, 1^49. He was b Apr 8, 1820. P O Gasport. N. V. Lawyer; Mrs. G. Episcopal. C: Ada, Eva, Milton. Vlll. Ada C. Gladding, bJune3o, 1850. P i) Gas- port, N. Y. Episcopal. S. Vlll Eva A. Gladdin,^, bFebs, 1853, m C. C. Mc- Nair. P O Gasport, N. Y. C: (IX) Inez H. Mc Nair. (|X) Walter R. McNair. Vlll- Milton S. Gladding, b June 22, 1856, m Anna Clare Mar 30, 1887. P O Gasport, N. Y. C: (|X> Bessie A. Gladding. VII. Aaron Allen Gardner, b July 21, 1826, d Mar 31, 1877, m Fannie h. Rouse 1851. She was b Sept 29, t83o. C: Joanna, Abbie. DESCENDANTS OF THEBE IIEADLEY 159 VIII- Joanna Miller Gardner, b 1852, d 1856. VIII. Abbie D. Gardner, b Jan 20, 1854. VII. Maria Scott Gardner, b Nov 28, 1827, d June 25. 1851. Vl|. Sarah Reeve Gardner, b Mar 28, 1829, d Mar 27, 1877, m Jaccheus Aldrich Mar 30, 1854. She was b May 20, 1829. C: VIM. Sarah Elizabeth Aldrich, b Dec 14, 1866. V|. Sarah Gardner, b Sept 9, 1790, d Oct 25, 1848, m Walter Reeve Smith Dec 2, 1809, son of W. Reeve, b in Morris Co. Jan 10, 1787, d Jan 4, 1870. C: Thomas, Abigail, Isaac, Sarah. Vl|. Thomas Allen Reeve, b Sept i, 1810, d Aug 14, 1875. VII. Abigail M. Reeve, b Oct 6, 1813, d Sept 10, 1846. VIS- Isaac O. Reeve, b — , d young. Vl|. Sarah A. Reeve, b May 24, 1821, d Dec 22, 1844. V|. Infant, b May 13, 1793, d May 28, 1793. V|. Samuel Headley Gardner, b June 19, 1796, d Dec 16, 1868, m Phebe J. Bonnell. She was b Aug 26, 1799, d Mar 13, 1844. C: Lyman, Olivia, Bent- ley Lyman, Irene. He m second wife, Mercy Mc- Williams, Nov 15, 1845. C: Emma, Adaline, Laura. He was a very prominent man and represented Essex Co. in the General Assembly 1 838-1 840. He was overseer of the poor in Clinton township 1835. He lived in Springfield until about 1834, when he moved to "Camptown," now Irvington. Vi|. Lyman Ward Gardner, b Aug 4, 1820, d Jan 5, 1822. Vl|. Olivia Gardner, baptized Aug 22, 1822, m David Magie Meeker Dec 16, 1840. He was b Nov 26, 1819, at "Conn. Farms," d June 16, 1880. C: Mary, Stephen, Fanny. 160 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY VII. Bentley Gardner, b Jan 9, 1823, d 1823. y||. Lyman Gardner, b 1824, m Mary A. Smith Dec 3, 1844. She was b July 5, 1823, at Union, N. J. d Apri9, 1 89 1. C: Phebe A., Ada, Samuel H.. Josephine, Bentley, David M.. Susan, Irving. Mary, Isaac B. yi|. Emma C. Gardner, b Apr i, 1S46, ni Rev. Robert B. Collins Feb 7. 1871. Minister, Methodist Episcopal ch. C: (Ylll) Bertha S. Collins, !> at Irvington, N. J. June 29. 1873. Vl|. Adeline Gardner, b Mar 20. 1848, ni James B. Huff June 19, 1866. C: Laura. James, Florence. VIII. Laura Belle Huff, b Dec 31. 1S67. d Nov u^ 1877. VIM. James G. Huff, b Au^^ 18, 1S71. VIII. Florence A. Huff, bjune 29. 1873. Vl|. Laura Olivia Gardner, b Oct 14, 1851. n) Joseph Walker Apr 13, 1881. He was b Sept 6. 1852, at Nashville, Tenn. No issue. Y- Elijah Gardner, b in Essex Co. N.J. Jan 4, 1757. d June 1807, m Sarah, daughterof James Force. Hir lived a time in Springfield twp on the nortli end Little in 1868. He d 1870. She m second husband, William Wallace, in 1879. P O Bahersfield, Cal. C: (IX) Newton, Alonzo, Clara, Grace, Nellie, Robert. Yll|. Edwin T. Gardner, b Jan 23, 1853, d Jan 25, 1854. VIII. Clara I. Gardner, b May 25, 1855, d 1869. VIII- Phebe Malvine Gardner, b in Winchester, Ohio, Nov 27, 1857, m Lou. J. Beauchamp Mar 31, 1877. Res. 714 Sycamore St. Hamilton, Ohio. Mr. Beauchamp is a noted and popular lecturer. He has traveled extensivel}^ at home and abroad and has had varied experiences, as; living among Indians, wan- dering from kings' palaces to beggars' hovels, and as a newspaper man. Mrs. Beauchamp has traveled with and assisted her husband in his missionary work, and on his popular lectures for twenty years, since which she has devoted her time to literary work. Presby. C: Earl. IX. Earl Gardner Beauchamp, bDec 14, 1878. P O Hamilton, Ohio. Photographer, Presby. VIII. William E. Gardner, b Nov 22, 1858, m Alice Rumple Mar 1S88. Res. 445 Mass. Ave. N. W. Washington, D. C. VS. Sarah Gardner, b vSept 1 1, 1785, d — , m Will- iam Hall. V|. Jane Ross Gardner, b — , d — , m Ephraim Broad- well Aug 24, 1806. VS. Noah Gardner, b — , d — , m Sarah C. Baker Apr 26, 1807. C: Carman, Mary, , . Clara, Henry, , . VS. Mary Gardner, b at Union, N, J. Jan 19, 1791, d — , m Cele Dickinson. She was b 1797, d 1835. Lived in Delaware Co. O. C: Mary, , Benja- min, John, Moses, Susan, Aaron, George, Alford, Cele. 170 THE IIEADLEY HISTOKV VII. Mary T. Gardner, b May lo, 1816. Y||. Gardner, d in 1S20. VII . Benjamin Gardner, bjan 10, 1S21. Vl|. John Gardner, b Mar 10, 1S22. Vl|. Moses Gardner, b May 28, 1824. VII. Susan F. Gardner, b Dec 25. 1826, d Feb 1901. VII. Aaron B. Gardner, b Dec iS. 1828. Vl|. George H. Gardner, b Apr 26, 1831. VII. Alford Gardner, b Oct 2S, 1833. VII. Cele J. Gardner, b May 28. 183H. V|. Mary Gardner, 1> — , d--. ni Caleb Scudder Aug: 17, 1814. V|. Thomas Gardner, b July 10. 1795, d Scpl .) . 1834., m Anna Baker Fel) 13. 1S17. She d A]>r 15, 1827. C: Hezekiali, Wilbam, Benjamin. John. Hem second wife, Lucy Baker. Ma} 22, 1S28, (sister to first wife). ShedAu^i5. 1S89. C: Tho- mas, Lucy, Charles. VII Hezekiah T. Gardner, bjune 12, 1818. d 1847. VII- William I. Gardner, b Aug 10, 1S21. m ICliza- beth Craig Feb 1849. 1* O Wellington, Kan. Vl|. Benjamin Gardner, 1) Aug 25, 1823, d — . VII- John Gardner, b Nov 2, 1825, m Sarah Hart- ley Mar 1849. She d Mar 1901. Vl|. Thomas B. Gardner, b A])r 2. 1829, m Sarah A. Squier Apr 29, 1849. P () Maroa, III. Eight children: Squier, Charles, Theodore, Thomas, Lucy. Three dead. VIII. Squier Edgar Gardner, l> — , m IClcnor Hamil ton. Four children. VIII. Charles W. Gardner, b— , m Emily To/.er,(dj. C: (IX) Geo. Gardner, m Clara Bennitte. C: (X> Alva Gardner. Charles m second wife, Cora Mil- ler. Five children. VIII Theodore Abner Gardner, b— , m .Julia Coop- I DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 171 er. C: (|X) Earl Baker Gardner. (|X) Paul H. Gardner. (|X) Albert E. Gardner. VIII. Thomas Wilbert Gardner, b— , m Elizabeth Berkley. P O Rochport, Mo. Nine children. (|X) Thomas, John, Carl, William, Harry. VIII . Lucy C. Gardner, b — , m Monroe C. Ferrill. Three children. (|X) Ray, Charles. Vl|. Lucy A. Gardner, b Nov lo, 1830, d Aug 7, 1889, m Squier Carl Aug 1848. She m second hus- band, A. B. Bonner. VII- Charles S. Gardner, b May 10, 1834, d Mar 7, 1863, m — . V|. Phebe Gardner, b — , d — , m Theophilus Eagles- field. VI . Carman Gardner. V|. Hezekiah T. Gardner, said to have gone to Ala. V. Samuel Gardner, b in Essex Co. N. J. Dec 29, 1 76 1, d Dec 31, 1823, m Elizabeth, daughter of Sam- uel and Grace (Kitchell) Ford, at Hanover, N. J. Sept 19, 1784. She was b at Madison, N.J. Sept 10, 1764, d Feb 12, 1843. She descended from Obediah Bruen and Rev. Abraham Pierson, very prominent men in the little colony that founded Newark. Sam- uel Gardner fought in the war of the Revolution. He was a private in the Essex Co. troops. Soon after the war he removed to Madison, N. J., at which place they joined the Presbyterian church in 1792. C: Joseph, Samuel, William, Phebe, David, Julia, Mary, Charles, Ira, Matilda, Lewis. VI. Joseph Kitchell Gardner, b at Bottle Hill, Dec 9, 1785, d June 13, 1842, m Nancy Thompson Sept 6, 1805. ShewasbFebi, 1788, d Aug 2, 1826. C: Joanna, S'l Ford, Charles, Elizabeth, Pierson, Phebe, Juliette, Alfred, Caroline, Martha. Joseph m second wife, Hannah Maria Allen, daughter of 17:3 THE HEADLEY HISTOKV Capt.John Allen of Union, N. J. Nov 27, 1851. She was b 1799, d 1873. C: Emma. He learned the trade of tanning and currying in Water Street (now Brookside) Morris Co. N. J. moved to Bottle HilU 1824, and to New York in 1826, where he started in business. After his wife's death he returned to New- ark and m again, and became engaged in the Trunk Mfg. business, which he followed until his death, that being caused by a drowning accident in the Passaic river. Yl|. Joanna Gardner, b Feb 26, 1808. d Oct 18, 1826, m Jacob T. Axtell July 19. 1826. No issue. Yl|. S — Ford Gardner, b Aug 17. 1809. Vl|. Charles Thompson Gardner, 1) July I 2, 1811, d Aug 25, 1834, m Eliza Johnson Apr 16, 1834. C: (Ylll) Mary Elizabeth Gardner, b Apr 6, 1834. Vl|. Eliza Ford Gardner, b Apr jo, 1813, d Nov 16, 1898, m James Casterline. Vl|. David Pierson Gardner, b Apr 20. 1815, d in— , ni Susan Ball King June 20, 1839. His early life was spent at and around Madison, N. J. his birth- place. When a young man he learned the trade of trunkmaking. also sasli and blind making, at New- ark. He removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. and there built up a large business in the manufacturing of sashes and blinds. He is one of the few Gardners to reach the age of 85, which he did on Apr 10, 1900. C: Anna, Henrietta. Joseph, Caroline. Charles, Mary, Charles, Helen, Alice, Henry, Margaret. Vlll- Anna King Gardner, b May 15, 1840. Vill- Henrietta Gardner, b Oct 10, 1841. Ylll- Joseph Kitchell Gardner, b Dec 9, 1843. VIII- Caroline King Gardner, b Apr 17, 184.7, d Sept 2, 1848. VIII. Charles Ford Gardner, b Feb 20, 1849, d Apr 19, 1852. DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 173 VIII- Mary Virginia Gardner, b Aug 9, 1851, d Maj- 4, 1852. VIII- Charles Pierson Gardner, b July 26, 1854, d Oct 12, 1854. VIII. Helen Augusta Gardner, b Oct 3, 1855, d Aug 25, 1858. VIII. Alice Burt Gardner, b Jan 23, 1858, d Mar 5, 1859. Vltl- Henry Clay Gardner, b July 27, 1862, d July 22, 1863. Margaret Burt Gardner, b Aug 16, i860. Phebe Ann Gardner, b Apr 10, 1817, d Jan 12, 1866, m Enos Bonnell May 26, 1836. VII. Juliette Gardner, b May 25, 1819, d Feb 26, 1886. S. Vl|. Alfred L. Gardner, b Dec 22, 1820, d Aug 1826. VI!. Caroline Gardner, b Dec 24, 1822, d Sept 1826. Martha Gardner, b Dec 7, 1825, dNov 1826. Emma J. Gardner, b Nov 12, 1833, d July 8, 1847. V|. Samuel Ford Gardner, b May 2, 1788, d Dec 7, 1802, S. V|. William Ford Gardner, b Oct 29, 1790, d Jan 26, i88i,m Sarah Hedden Nov 13, 1827. She d Sept 3, 1853. C* Charles. He m second wife, Pamelia Clapdore, Mar 16, 1843. Vf|. Charles Condit Gardner, b Nov 13, 1828, d July 6, 1832. VS. Phebe Headley Gardner, b Aug 10, 1792, d Dec 20, 1861. V|. David Austin Gardner, b Oct 2, 1794., d Dec 24, 1880, m Elizabeth Mincher Apr 26, 1821. She d Dec 18, 1843. C: William, Samuel, Elizabeth, Augustus, Julia, Sarah, Almira, Melville, Laura. 174 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY David m second wife, Ursula Wells, (widow of Moses Reeve), Apr 20, 1845. She was b Apr 20, 1 810, d Aug 2, 1850. C: David, Ursula. David m 3rd wife, widow Amelia Strahly, Aug 7, 1853. Shed Sept 8, 1859. C: Mary, Louis. VH. William Ford Gardner, b 1822. Samuel D.Gardner, b Oct 20, 1823, d Apr 1825. Elizabeth Matilda Gardner, b Dec 5, 1825, d Feb 1899, m Morgan Shuster. . Four children. VII- Augusta Gardner, b Mar 26, 1827, d Sept 1832, |. Julia M. Gardner, b June 18, 1830, d Sept 1831. |. Sarah Ellen Gardner, b Mar 12, 1S32, d Mar 12, 186S, m Robert Goggen, VIS- Almira Austin Gardner, b Dec 8, 1833, d Dec 5> 1837. Vlf. Melville Cox Gardner, b Nov 5, 1835, d Dec 20, 1837. Vi|. Laura Jane Gardner, bjan 22, 1839, ra Ed^vard W. Donn in 1859. Seven children. Vll- David Austin Gardner, b Apr 7, 1846, d Mar 13, 1862. Vl|. Ursula M. Gardner, b July 15, 1850, d Jan 26, 1862. Vl|. Mary Emma Gardner, b May 3, 1854, d Sept 14, 1855. V3|. Louis Fillmore Gardner, b Jan 17, 1856, m Martha Lyle. C: (VIII) Virginia. V|. Julia Ann Gardner, b Jan 3, 1797, d Apr 1829, m Coleman Boughton. He was b 1796, d Jan 15, 1844. VI. Mary Ford Gardner, b Apr 9, 1799, d at Succa- sunna-, N. J. Mar 15, 1870, m Stephen B. Minton. HewasbOct 22, 1796, d Nov 22, 1S54. Seven children. Vl Charles Thomas Gardner, b May 11, 1801, d DESCENDANTS OF PHEBE HEADLEY 175 July 31, 1886, m Margaret O'Ouinn Nov 11, 1824. She d July 14, 1826. C: Eliza. He m second wife, Rebecca C. Hubbard, Jan 13, 1834. She was b at Fayetteville, N. C. Nov 14, 1814, d Apr i, 1887. C: Thomas, William, Julia, Charles, James, Margaret, Mary, Rebecca, Virginia. At the age of 16 he learn- ed the trade of coach-making, at which he worked un- til 1824, then went to Louisburg, N. C. After the death of his first wife he failed in business. In 1832 he again started in, and retired from business in 1848, and took his family to Washington, D. C. where he died. VSl. Eliza Gardner, b Sept 6, 1825, d Apr 23, 1826. VIJ. Thomas Ira Gardner, b Mar 25, 1835, d Dec 17, 1S96, at Fayetteville, N. J., m Mary G. Burnett Oct 15, 1857. She was b Nov 19, 1834, at Spring- field, N. J. C: William, Cora, Edith, Mary, Thomas. VKIi. William Sanford Gardner, b Oct 11, 1858, d Feb 2, 1859. Cora Clark Gardner, b Apr 30, 1862. Edith R. Gardner, b Jan 28, 1865. Vyi Mary J. Gardner, b June 23, 1871, djulyi7, 1872. Vli|. Thomas B. Gardner, b Oct 7, 1873. Vy. William H. Gardner, bApr7, 1837, m Sarah A. Tarring Nov 24, 1862. C: Gertrude, Charles. VIII. Gertrude T. Gardner, b Aug 16, 1863. Charles H. Gardner, b Aug 13, 1864. Julia A. Gardner, b Apr 23, 1839, d Aug 23, 1877, m Frank S. Findlay Oct 26, 1865. C: Char- les, Alexander. VII. Charles E. Gardner, b Apr 20, 1841. Vll. James S. Gardner, b Oct 10, 1843, d Mar 1849. VII. Margaret Gardner, b Sept 25, 1845, d next day. 176 THE HEADLEY HISTORY Yl|. Mary E. Gardner, b 1846, d 1846. VII. Rebecca Gardner, b July 27, 1850, d Dec 1850. VII. Virginia C. Gardner, b May 19, 1856, m Alex- ander Findlay Harris Dec 6, 1882. C: Lillian. VIII. Ullian Rebecca Harris, b Mar 29, 1884. V|. Ira Condit Gardner, b May 27, 1S03, d Dec 4, 1875, m Hester Whelpley. VI. Matilda F.Gardner, bjuly 16, 1805, d Sept 29, 1882, mjohn Plumley. V|. Lewis B. Gardner, b Apr 16, 1808. d Mar 26, 1862, m Lydia . V. Phebe Gardner, b at Springfield, N. J. Aug 21, 1764, djan 5, 1S29, m Edward Earl of Middleville, (now Hilton), Essex Co. in 1781, son of John and Joanna (Howard) Earl. His descent has been traced to John deErlegh of England, 106S. Edward Earl was b June 19, 1760, d Oct 13, 1817. He serv- ed in the Revolution from Essex Co. , and after the war became a "cordwinder." C: Philip, Joanna, Elizabeth, Sarah, Robert, Phebe, Edward, Thomas, Joanna, Elizabeth, John. IjKn.iamin Fkankmn Hl.vdley (See page 18.)) DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC HEADLEY. \. Isaac Headley, bin 1735, at "Conn. Farms," in Union Co. N. J. between Rahvvay and Elizabeth, d at the Headley homestead between Littleton and Dan- ville, Morris Co. N. J. May 14, 1803; m Mary Fra- zeeof "Conn. Farms;" buried at Parsippany, N. J. Farmer, Presby. C: Frazee, Henry, Jacob, Benja- min, Samuel Isaac. ||. Frazee Headley, b— , d— , m . Lived on the homestead farm near Littleton, N.J. C: Morgan. |g|. Morgan Headley, b— , d— , m . Lived on the homestead at Littleton, N. J. No issue. i|. Henry Headley moved either west or to western New York. \\. Jacob Headley. Ij. Benjamin Headley moved to Red Stone, Pa. and thence south to Tennessee. li. Samuel Headley, M. D,, b at the Headley home- stead near Littleton, N. J. Aug 7, 1774, d at Ber- wick, Pa. in 1838, m Anna Fairchild, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Fairchild. After marriage they moved to Litchfield, Otsego Co. N. Y. where he practiced medicine. When the war of 1812 broke out he was elected Surgeon of the iStli Reg. Vol. and served during the war with ability and credit to himself. He afterwards moved to Berwick, Pa. w^here he continued to live until his death. C: Ben- jamin, Harriet, Samuel. Ijj. Benjamin Franklin Headley, b Feb 5, 1797, d at Berwick, Pa. July 17, 1822. S. 178 THE HEADLEV HlSToRT III. Harriet Ford Headley, b Aug i6, 1800, d July 17, 1823, m Jesse C. Horton Jan 20, 1820. C: Ann, Harriet. lY. Ann Maria Horton, b Apr 2, 1821, m Allen M, Gangewer Apr 6, 1S42. Res. 2618. K. St. N. \\\ Washington, D. C. Editor of Newspaper at Ber- wick, Pa. C: Josepha, Cora, Ida, Mary. Y. Josepha H. Gangewer, bjan 26, 1843, d Nov 5, 1903, m E. N. Houghton Apr q, 1867. Children, (d). y. Cora M. Gangewer, b Mar 6, 1846. vS. Y. Ida A. Gangewer, b July 21, 1848. S. Y. Mary B. Gangewer. b Feb 28, 1850, d Apr 5. 1901, m Charles D. Sloan June i. 1873. ^^ is.-^ue. lY- Harriet Headley Horton, bjune 17, 1823, ni Nathan B. Westler Jan 21, 1845. P O Berwick, Pa. III. Samuel Freeman Headley, b at Litchfield, N. Y. Jan 20, 180S, d at Morristown, N.J.July 24, 1869, m Maria Josepha daughter of Capt. John Bo>d* Nov 28,1832. She wash in Northumberland Co. Pa. Sept 16, 1808, dat Morristown, N. J. in May. Sam- uel F. Headley graduated from I'nion College Scheu- ectad}^ N. Y. with honors in 1831, after which he entered the law office of Robert C. Grier, later one of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Mr. Headley practiced for many years in the courts of Luzerne, Columbia, Northumberland and adjoining counties where his distinguished abilities soon placed liim among the leaders of the Democratic parties to which he adhered until the nomination of Buchanan. On the breaking out of the rebellion he identified him- self with the cause of liberty and union. Methodist Episcopal. C: John, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Annie, Charles. *Capt. John Boyd commanded one of the comjniuies formed fur the defense of Pa; was a member of the Cincinnati, and was au in- timate friend and as.sociate of Wa-shinerton. DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC HEADLEY ITi^ !¥• John Boyd Headley, b at Berwick, Pa. Feb 22, 1834 tn Helen Mason Thomas Sept 16, 1857. P O Morristown, N. J. He came to Morristown, X. J. in 1854, and was for a number of years in the emplo}^ of the Erie R. R. In i860 he went to Peoria, 111. and was engaged in banking, in \N'hich he was very successful, massing considerable property. In 1862 he returned to New Jersey and formed a co-partner- ship with Hon. Wm. G. Steele of Sumerville, N.' J. and opened a banking and brokerage office in Wall St. N. Y. In 1866 he retired from active business and devoted himself to agricultural work, having purchased a large farm near Morristown. In 1867 he was appointed collector of Internal Revenue of the 4th Dist. of N. J., and this position he held at the time of his death. As a government official he was prompt, accurate, energetic and firm in the discharge of his duties. He was regarded at the Internal Reve- nue office as one of the best in the service. In all the relations of life he was highly esteemed for his many private and public interests. He met his death with his friend Senator George T. Cobb, in a rail- road accident on the Chesapeake «& Ohio R. R. May 6, 1S70, going to Virginia. Presby. C: Annie, William, John, Helen. Y. Annie Latona Headley, b Sept 30. 1S58, d Jan 3, 1867. Y. William Thomas Headley, bat Peoria. 111. May 29, 1S60, m Kate P. Freese, daughter of Milton Freese of Louisa, Ky. 18S2. Res. 23S. W. Johnson St. Germantown, Phila. Pa. Electrical engineer with the Electric Storage Battery Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. Presby. C: Y|. Thomas Boyd Headley, bjuly 28, 18S4 Presby. Yl. Mary Freese Headley, b Nov 16, 1885. Presby. ISO THE llEADLEV HltJ'iOK'i Y|. Minerva Vaiiglin Headley, b June 30, iS9r. y. John Boyd Headley, Jr. b May i, 1S64, d Dec 28, 1866. Y. Helen Thomas Headley, b at Morristown, N. J. ^ Mar 27, 1S67. P O Morristown. N. J. S. I Y- Benjamin Franklin Headley. bat Berwick, Pa. May 25, 1836, d at Morristown, N. J. Dec 11, 1877, m Rosena J. McGoldrick May 26, 1857. She was b in New York Aug 2S, 1836. Res. 4 Court St. Morris- town, N. J. Meth Ep. C: Mary, Josepha, Frank, John. Y. Mary Elizabeth Headley. Res. Morristown, N. J. Meth Ep. Y- M Josepha Headley. Y- Frank M. Headley, bin Newark, N. J. Apr Ji, — , m Leah Miller of Dayton, O. Telephone busi- ness. Meth Ep. No issue. Y- John Boyd Headley. Res. 4 Court :m. Morris- town, N. J. Shoe merchant, Meth Ep. vS. lY- Bessie Boyd Headley, b May 19, 1842, m James. V. Bentley Dec 24, 1862, of Morristown, N. J. He d Oct 5, 1 881. He served all through the civil war as Second Eieut. Hosp. Std. 24th N. V. Vol; was a prisoner at Bull Run for three days, 1862; joined 15th Regt. N.J. Vol. Inf. Jan 15, 1863. Banker, Meth Ep. C: Charles, Bessie, Josepha, Helen. Bessie m second husband, SaylesJ. Bowen, of Wash- ington, D. C. HedDeci3, 1896. Res. 3014 Irv- ing Place, Washington, D. C. Y. Charles H. Bentley, b Apr 27, 1846, m Susan Elizabeth Cake of Norfolk, Va.Nov 25, 18S6. P O Hampton, Va. Eumber-dealer, Episcopal. C: Y|. James Bruce Bentley, b Oct 28, 1888. Y|. John Boyd Bentley, b Feb 8, 1896. Y|. George Cake Bentley, bAug ii, 1897. DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC HKADLEY iHl Y. Bessie Boyd Bentley, b Aug i8, 1866, m T.L.P. Mulford of Morristown, N. J. Oct 28, 1885. Res. Washington, D. C. Presby. C: (YU Josepha B. Mulford, b May 19, 1889. (Yl) James Bentley Mul- ford, b Sept 30, 1890. Y- Josepha Boyd Bentley, b Feb 10, 1871, m Lieut. W. F. H. Godson Oct 3, 1894. Res. Ft. Robinson, Neb. U. S. Cavalryman, Episcopal. C: ()i\) W. Frederick Holford Godson, b Feb i, 1896. (Ylj R- Anice Godson, b Sept 3, 1897. Y. Helen lyouise Bentley, b Dec 7, 1874, m. John C. Lewis of Washington, D. C. May 17, 1898. Res. 702 Gladstone Ave. Tuxedo Park, Baltimore, Md. Agt Consol Coal Co. Baltimore. Presby. C: (YD Helen Louise Levv'is, b Mar 16, 1899. (Ylj John C. Lewis, Jr. b Oct 6, 1901. lY. Annie Rebecca Headley, b Mar 25, 1845, d Feb 6, 1854. lY- Charles Pierson Headley, b Jan 25, 1850, d Feb i3> ^854. ||. Rev. Isaac Headley, bat Parsippany, N. J.June 21, 1776, d about 1840, m Irene Benedict, daughter of Rev. Joel Benedict, of Parsippany, N. J. Oct 1802. He was ordained to the ministry of the Presbyterian church and settled at Walton, Delaware Co. N. Y., where he was stationed for many years as pastor of Presbyterian church. C: Kliza, Catharine, Isaac, Joel, Irene, Phineas, William. III. Eliza Headley, b June 19, 1804, d Dec 19, 1836, m Rev. Robert Brown. No issue. III. Catharine Headley, b Aug 25, 1806, d Dec 17, 1840, m Rev Alva Lilly. No issue. III. Isaac B. Headley, b June 23, 1810, d 1854, m Emily Piatt. He was a man of uncommon brilliancy of mind. C: Emily. 1^2 thp: headlev histokv lY. Emily Headley, b— , d — , m Theodore Gere of Oswego, N. Y. C: Y. Bessie Gere. P O Oswego, N. V. III. Joel Tyler Headley, b at Walton, Delaware Co. N. Y. Dec. 30, 1813, d at NewbiirK^h, N. Y. Jan 16, 1897, m Anna AUston Russel. He went to Union College, where he graduated in iS3g. He then en- tered Auburn Theological Seminary as a divinity student, and later was ordained a Presbyterian Clergyman and settled at Stockbridge. Mass. until his health broke down and he was compelled to re- linguish his chosen profession and go abroad. After a trip to Europe he took up newspaper work, and for a time was associate editor of the New York Tri- bune. This however he soon abandoned for author- ship. Among other books he wrote — "Napoleon and his Marshalls," "Washington and his Generals,'* "Life of Washington," "Life of Cromwell," "Life ofHavelock," "Lives of Scott and Jackson," "His- torj^ of the War of 1812," "Sacred Mountains," "Sacred Scenes and Characters," "Sacred Heroes and Martyrs," "The Imperial Guard," "Chaplins of the Revolution," "The Great Rebellion," "Life of Farragut and our Naval Commanders,"- "Lives of Grant and Sherman," "History of the Great Riots," "Headley 's Miscellanies. " In 1855 he was elected to the New York State Legislature. Mr. Headley at that time figured conspicuously as a lead- er in the native American movements. In 1856 he was elected Secretary of State for the State of N. Y. Presby. C: Russell, Lucy, Joel. lY- Russel Headley, b at Stockbridge, Mass. Sept 27, 1852, m Adelia Jenkins Oct 30, 1888. Res New- burgh, N. Y. He graduated from Cornell University July 1872. Admited to the New York bar May 14, 4A DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC HEADLEY 183 1874. He was corporation counsel of the city of Newburgh, 1886- 1890; district attorney of Orange County, 1890-1896, counsel for attorney general, N. Y. State, 1 901; counsel for New York State Depart- ment of Excise, 1902. He is the author of the fol- lowing legal works-"Headley's Criminal and Penal Code," "Headley's Criminal Justice," ''Headley's Competency of Witnesses," "Headier on Assign- ments." C: (Y) Infant, d soon after birth. (Y) AUston Headley. IV. Lucy C. Headley, b Sept 7, 1854. Res. New- burgh, N. Y. S. SY. JoelT. Headley, b Aug 16, 1857. With Long- man, Green & Co. N. Y. S. gl|. Irene Headley, b at Walton, N. Y. May 2, 1817, d at Detroit, Mich. Mar 17, 1895, m William H. Burr Dec 11, 1839. He was bat Hartford, Conn. Sept 30, 181 1, d at Detroit, Mich. Feb 28, 1879. Farmer, Cong. C: Katharine, William, Charles, Irene, Joel, Harry. lY. Katharine L. Burr, b at Auburn, N, Y. Sept 14, 1840, m Henry M. Utley Mar 1864. Res. 195 Charlotte Ave. Detroit, Mich. Librarian of Public Library, Presby. C: Eirene, Francis, Jane. Y. Eirene Headley Utley, b July 28, 1867, m Wni, J. Rowell June 1893. Res. 93 Medbury Ave. Detroit, Mich. Presby. C: (YD Katharine Rowell, -b May 23, 1895. (YD Wesley Utley Rowell, b Apr 17, 1897. (YD Henry Munson Rowell, b Apr 21, 1899. Y. Francis H. Utley, bin 1868. Rest 195 Charlotte Ave. Detroit, Mich. Presby. Y. Jane M. Utley, b in 1871, m Wm. H. Meur. Res. Park St. Detroit, Mich. lY. William Horace Burr, bDec8, 1843, in Chester, N. Y. Res. 152 Brainard St. Detroit, Mich. Editor and Publisher, Cong. S. 1S4 THE HEADLEY HlSTOKr JV. Charles Abernethy Burr, b May 7, 1846, d May 6, 1899, m Lucy Butterfield. C: Horace, etc. y. Horace B. Burr. Res. Goshen, Ind. lY. Joel Tyler Headley Burr, b June 21, 184S, d Dec 12, 1854. lY. Irene Headley Burr, bSept28, 1851. Res. 152 Brainard St. Detroit, Mich. lY- Harry Hinsdale Burr, b at Pontiac, Mich. Aug" 21, i860, m Nellie V. Ling Nov 26, 18S5. Res. 95 Medbury Ave. Detroit, Mich. vSalesman, Cong. No issue. III. Rev. Phineas Camp Headley, b at Walton, Del. Co. N. Y. June 24, 1819, d at Lexinton, Mass. Jan 5, 1903, m Dora C. Bartlett, daughter of Ivory H. Bart- lett, of New Bedford, Mass. May 13, 1851. She was bjuly 4, 1818, d Dec 2, 1888. Mr. Headley attended Hamilton and Amherst colleges, receiving his degree from the latter. At one time he and his brother J. T. Headley were both in charge of a New York academy, as assistant and principal respectively. While teaching in the acad- emy at Auburn, N. Y. he entered upon the studj' of law under Ex-Gov. Hubbell of New York State, and was admitted to practice at the New York bar by the Supreme Court of the state in 1845 But in accordance with his mother's wishes and a growing desire on his own part, he left the bar for the Theo- logical Seminary at Auburn, N. Y., where he grad- uated and becafne pastor of the Presbyterian church at Adams, Mass. This pastorate was followed by charges at Sandwich, Mass. in 1854, and Plymouth and Greenfield, Mass. in 1861, in which latter place he had his longest and most fruitful pastorate. Since then his time was devoted largely to writing books and literary pursuits. Like his brother, J. T. Rev. Puinkvs (". TIkadi.hy (See page 1S4) DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HEADLEY 185 Headle}', he wrote largely on historical subjects; b}- many their works were regarded as the dawn of a new era in that department of literature, as they en- deavored to take History and Biography out of the dr}^ place into which they had fallen and clothe them with real life and render them enjoyable and pro- fitable reading. Mr. Headley's works comprise, "Em- press Josephine;" "Mary Queen of Scots;" "Lafay- ette;" "Napoleon;" "Louis Kossuth;" "Secret Service of the U. S. in the Civil War;" "Half Hours in Bible Lands;" "Court and Camp of David;" "Women of the Bible;" "Evangelists in the Church;" "Life and Labors of Geo. F. Pentecost;" "Islands of Fire, or Iceland;" "Massachusetts in the Re- bellion." He also wrote the lives of Gens. Grant, Sherman, Ericson, Sheridan, Mitchell, Lincoln and other public men. Having a personal acquaint- ance with Gen. Grant and other generals he wrote authoritatively and not wholly on borrowed data! When Louis Kossuth was in this country he met and conferred with him. Being a modest man, under- estimating his own achievements, he avoided pub- licity and honors proffered him. The main purpose of his whole career was to influence thought intelli- gently and morall3\ Fame and wealth never tempt- ed him to lose sight of his high ideal and wish to in- struct and benefit mankind. While he reached, per- haps, a larger audience by his books than was pos- sible by the pastoral relation, his devoted and effec- tive service was given, first of all, to the ministry, which always held the supreme place in his heart. C: Ivory, Irene, Mary, Phineas. ly. Ivory Hovey Bartlett Headley, b— , m Helen Ada Daniels. Res. Manila, Philippine Islands. He graduated from Phillip's Academy, Andover; Am- isrt THE HEAD LEY Hl?iiison for a consideration of $6.00 per acre. This farm and the surrounding country was all dense woods He proceeded at once to build a double log house, one fourth of a mile south of the villa)^e of Hadley. In iS47he sold 75 acres to Ward «S: Russell, on which they erected the Old Mineral Ridge Furnace, and the same year Mr. Headley purchased 100 acres alxjut ja mile east of the former 100 acres. To the log house already on this place he built an addition and moved his family there in tlie spring of 1848. In 1857 he sold theplaceand bought 160 acres where the town of Hadlev, Pa. now stands, and l)uilt thereon the house known as the Hadley Homestead, which still remains in the family, being now owned by Mr. H. S. and Margaret Jane (Hadley) Lyons. A few years later David Headley bought 125 acres adjoining this on the west, making in all a farm of about 2S5 acres. Some time prior to this, for some reason unaccounted for, a slight change was made in the spelling of the name. The lir^t "e" was omitted, making it "Hadley," and thus the name is written by the entire connection. During the life time of David L. Hadley he laid out a cemetery on his property on a hill over-looking the beautiful Shenango Valley, which he owned until his death, and in which he lies buried. He was a staunch Democrat. Early in life he connected him- self with the Presl^yterian church. Alter removing to Mercer Co. Pa. in 1843, he identified himself with the Old Georgetown Presbyterian church, (now Sheakleyville), and was soon made an elder. He was the leading spirit in establishing the Hadley Presbyterian church in 1S74. It is a beautiful edi- fice, standing on the hill above the town; a mighty sentinal to protect the town and country folks against DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HEADLEY 189 the blandishments of the evil one, and is a fitting monument to his energy and sturdy christian charac- ter. He was an elder of this church from the time of its organization until his death. III. William Hadley, b in Columbiana Co. Ohio, Nov 7, 1829, d at Hadley, Pa. June 18, 1902, m Elizabeth Kelso Dec 22, 1853. ^^^ ^ Nov 9, 1881. Settled on a part of his father's farm, which eventually became his. Presb5^ C: George, Jennie, Lizzie. He ra second wife, Lucinda Long, Mar 27, 1881. C: Harry. lY- George Hadley, b — , m Elizabeth McKean. P O Niles, Ohio. Hotel-keeper. C: Ralph, Fred, Robert, Richard. IV. Jennie Hadley, b at Hadley, Pa. Aug 19, i860, m Wilmot A. Hazen Sept 15, 1881. P O Conneaut Lake, Pa. Farmer, Presb}-. C: (Y) George W. Hazen, b 1882. (V) Mary E. Hazen, b 1883. (V) Logan Hazen, b 1885, d Feb 2, i886. lY. Lizzie B. Hadley bat Hadley, Pa. Oct 2, 1871, m Lewis S. Yeager Dec 22, 1892. P O Clarks Mills, Pa. Farmer, Presby. C: (Y) William J. Yeager, b Sept 10, 1893. (Y) Rodney E. Yeager, b June 9, 1895. (Y) Frank L. Yeager, b Nov 11, 1897. (Y) Jennie Yeager, b Apr 9, 1902. lY. Harry L. Hadley, b— . P ONiles, Ohio. S. III. John D. Hadley, b in Trumbull Co. Ohio, May 25, 1832, d atSharpsville, Pa. June 17, 1803, m Mary McClureMar3, 1853. She d Apr 9, 1863. C: Mary, Loretta, Ruth, David, Burton. Hem second wife, Lucy A. Mackey, Apr 12, 1864. C: Jane, Cal- vin, Gilmore, Alice, Clara. John D. Hadley lived for a time at Hadley, Pa., then at Hubbard, Ohio, and finally settled at Sharpsville,Pa. where he engag- ed in the mercantile business. Presby. I'jO THE llEADLEV HISIOKY IV. Mary Ellen Hadley, b— , m John McKlwain. She died soon after. lY. Loretta Hadley, b— , m W. H. Bell of Voungs- town, O. P O Hartford City, Ind. I'ndertaker. No issue. lY- Ruth Emma Hadley, b at Hadley, Pa. July 24, 1857, ra Deloss Longstreet Dec 25, 1873. P O Fre- donia, Pa. Well-driller, Presby. C: Jolin. Mary, Bessie, Bertie, Ruth. Y- John Pliram Longstreet, b Dec 20, 1874, m Alice Anderson Apr 26, 1899. She d May 30, 1902. P O New Castle, Pa. In employ of liell Telephone Co. No issue. Y. Mary Longstreet, b May 11, 1876, ni Harry Loveland Sept 25, 1901. P () Greenville, Pa. Employee of P. B. & L. K. R. R. Mcth Hp. C: (YD Emma J. Loveland, b Aug 18, 1903. d Aug 31, 1903. Y. Bessie Longstreet, b Sept 24. i878j uj Walter Grim Sept 27. 1899. P O New Castle, Pa. Plum- ber, Meth. C: (Yl) Deloss Grim, b July 24, 1900. Y. Bertie Longstreet, b Dec 20. 1880, m Carl P^l^- berman Dec 27, 1898. P O Predonia, Pa. liar- ber, Meth. C: (\l\) Dorothy Ebbcrman, 1) June 4, 1900. Y- Ruth Ella Longstreet, 1) May 27, 1893. lY. David M. Hadley, b — , m Constance Holstein. P O Oil City, Pa. P:mployed by Ohio Oil Co. No issue. lY. J. Burton Hadley, b — , m Alice Ashton. Res. Pittsburg, Pa. Salesman. No issue. lY- Jane E. Hadley, b — , m Guy Maxwell. P O Freedom, Pa. R. R. employee. C: (Y) Helen Maxwell. (Y) G. Maxwell. (Y) Frances Maxwell. lY. W. Calvin Hadley, b— , m Kate Collins. P O DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HEADLEY 191 Sharon, Pa. R. R. employee. C: (Y) Fred Had- ley. (V) Nellie Hadley. (Y) Bessie Hadley. lY. G. Gilraore Hadley, b— , m Nancy Mills. P O Sharpsville, Pa. R. R. employee. lY. Alice Hadley. IY". Clara Hadley. 111. Robinson T. Hadley, bin Trumbull Co. Ohio, Sept i8, 1834, m Louisa J. Palm Mar 22, i860. She wash at Sheakleyville, Mercer Co. Pa. Feb 27, 1842. P O Oil City, Pa. Sawyer, Presby. C: William, George, John, Charles, Clara, David, Ida. IY- William R. Hadley, b Jan 14, 1861, m Mattie Mc Alevy Dec 25, 1890. P O Wilkinsburg, Pa. Employee Union Natural Gas Corporation of Pitts- burg, C: (Y) Helen Hadley, b June 9, 1895. IY- George B. Hadle}^ bMay5, 1863, d Dec 22, 1863. IY- Dr. JohnL. Hadle5\ b at Adamsville, Crawford Co. Pa. Feb 13, 1S65, m Gertrude R. French June i, 1904. P O Oil City, Pa. Physician and Surgeon. IY. Charles A. Hadley, b May 30, 1867, d Sept 6, 1899, m Clara L. Coulter July 28, 1887. P O Oil City, Pa, Liveryman. C: (Y) Loretta B. Hadley, b Feb 22, 1888. (Y) Edith M. Hadley, b July 14, 1889. (Y) Genevieve L. Hadley, b June 1896. (Y) Alice J. Hadley, b Apr 8, 1898. IY- Clara A. Hadley, b Nov 23, 1869, d Sept 9, 1870. IY- David Lester Hadley, b Aug i, 1871, d Sept 9, 1874. IY. Ida B. Hadley, b Jan 8, 1897. P O Oil City, Pa. School teacher. S. III. Sophia A. Hadley, b Apr 4, 1838, in Trumbull Co. O,, m Ezra Boyd Apr 23, 1863. P O Hadley, Pa. He d July 31, 1897. Presby. C: Charles, Albert, Hiram, George, James. 19a THE HEAULEY HJ^^TUKV IV. D. Charles Boyd, b — , m Elizal)eth Findlc)'. P O Orrville, Ohio. Traveling Salesman. C: (Y) Hazel Boyd. (Y) John Boyd. (V) Rntli lioyd. Y' Findley Boyd. (Y) Ralph Boyd. lY. J. Albert Boyd, b— . m Ilattie Findley. P O Clarks Mills, Pa. Traveling vSalesman. C: (Y) Htliel Boyd. (Y) Howard Boyd. (Y) Alice Boyd. lY. Hiram N. Boyd, b— , djan i. 1S71. aged one year. lY- George W. Boyd, m - . PrcKluce business in Kalamazoo, Mich. C: 'Y) Boyd. lY. James E. Boyd, b Oct 2S, 1876. m Sue K. Hill of Colorado Springs Sept 13, 189VS. P O Hadley. Pa. Liveryman and undertaker, Melh I^p. C: (Y> Robert J. Boyd, b Aug 19, 1899. (Y' l*'lorence v^. Boyd, b Apr 9, 1901. III. Robert B. Hadley, b in Trumbull Co. Ohio, Oct 19, 1840, b Jan 3, 1894, m F^liza J. Martin Dec 25, 1867. She d Jan 23, 1903. Presby. C: Mar- tin, James, Emma, Jessie. lY. J. Martin Hadley, m May Morse. P O Oil City, Pa. Employed by Swift ^: Co. C: (Y' How- ard Hadley. (Y) Mildred Hadley. lY. James T. Hadley, b— . P O Oil City, Pa. Mfg of gas engines. S. lY. Emma J. Hadley, b-. P O Oil City, Pa. S. lY. Jessie A. Hadley, b — . P O Oil City, Pa. S. III. David C. Hadley, bin Trumbull Co. Pa. Mar6, 1843, m Eveline Morrison Oct 12, 1865. She wash in Mercer Co. Pa. Feb 24, 1843. P O Hadley, Pa. Farmer, and Stock-dealer. Presby. C: Edwin, Warren. lY. Edwin T. Hadley, bjan 1S67, d Oct 22, 18S1, aged 14 years. lY- Warren M. Hadley, b in Mercer Co. Pa. May DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HEADLEY m II, 1871, m Vieva Reed Oct 18, 1894. Settled on bis father's farm just out-side the town of Hadley, Pa. Farmer, Presby. C: (Y) Helen M. Hadley' b Aug II, 1895. (Y) Esther J. Hadley, b Feb 5,' 1897. (Y) Ruth Emma Hadley, b Nov 19, 1900. (Y) Albina Marie Hadley, b Apr 3, 1902. 181 Margaret J. Hadley, bat Hadley, Pa. Nov 22, 1845, m H. S. Lyons May 29, 1866. He was b at Hubbard, Ohio, May 29, 1844. P O Hadley, Pa. Farmer, Presby. C: W. Frank, Walter, Dolly. They lived at Hubbard, Ohio, until about 1874, when they bought a farm and moved thereon. SY. W. Frank Lyons b at Hubbard, Ohio, Mar 25, 1869, m Lucy E. Merrick Dec 2, 1890. P O Clarks Mills, Pa. Hardware merchant, Meth Ep. C: (Y) Margaret Lyons b May 4, 1892. (Y) Harriet Lyons, bjan 13, 1895. lY. Walter E. Lyons, b Mar 30, 1884. P O Clarks Mills, Pa. lY. Dally Lyons, born in 1867, died in Inf. ||. Thomas Jefferson Hadley, b in Sussex Co. N. J. Feb 8, 1809, d at Noble, Branch Co. Mich. Sept 1877, m Anna Cope. She was bat New Lisbon, Ohio, d at Noble, Mich. Carpenter, Meth Ep. C.- Amanda, Lucy, Elbridge, Bertha, Mary, Oscar, Julia. HI. Amanda Hadley, b Nov 1834, m David Babcock. P O Orland, Ind. Farmer, Meth Ep. C: Infant, F)nIora . Infant d unnamed. Enlora Babcock, b— , d in 1885, m Wesley For- long. \\\. Lucy Hadley, b in Summit Co. Ohio, Apr 1834, m James Curtis, (d). PO Union City, Mich. Far- mer, Meth Ep. C: iy4 IHE llhAUl.K^ HISTOKT lY. Harry Curtis, d aged 3 years. lY. Ella Curtis, m Fuller. 111. Elbridge Hadley, b 1S36, m Mary Foster, P O Gilead, Mich. C: (|V) Cora, Jay. Ethel. Fred. III. Bertha Hadley, b vSept 5, 1845, d Sept 4. 1S65. III. Mary E. Hadley, b in Suininit Co. Ohio, Oct 25, 1847, m John Rice May 5, 1869. He d Sept 4. 1881. C: William. Mary m second husband, Nel- son Tilman, Mar 23, 1SS3. He d Feb iH<,2. P O Van Buren, Ind. Drygoods merchant. Mcth Ep. lY. William T. Rice, b at Noble, Mich. Feb 5. 1 87 1, m Jennie Brewer Nov 3. 1SS9. Res. 271. E. 57th St. Chicago, 111, C: ' Y ' Lawrence Rice, b Aug 19, 1 89 1. III. Oscar Hadley, b Nov 1S79. Traveling .sales- man, Meth Ep. S . III. JuHa Hadley, b Feb 16, 1852, d Sept 4. 1S64. ||. Aaron L. Hadley, b May 10. 1810, d — . in — . C: (III) Hadley, h — , d aged i year. ||. Isaac Dennis Hadley, b in Su.sscx Co. New Jer- sey, June I, 1812, d in East Palestine. Ohio, Oct iS, 1889, m Jane Early June 7, 1833. She was b Jan 2, i8ii,dOct 18, 1889. Carpenter. Pres!)y. C: Hel- en, John, Elizabeth, William. Joseph, Margaret. III. Helen Hadley, b Mar 8, 1834, d Nov 14. 1847. III. John Hadley, b Jan 10, 1836, djan 10. 1837. III. Elizabeth Hadley, b Oct 25, 1838, m Samuel Gorby May 12, 1S53. She d Oct 15, 1882. U B ch. C: Adalade, Joseph, William, Emmet, Mary, Ida, Benjamin, James, Phebe, Eva, Amy, George, Lizzie. Reside between East Palestine and East Liver- pool, Ohio. 111. William Hadley, b Aug 6, 1841, d Mar 30, 1842. III. Joseph D. Hadley, b Nov 18, 1843, d June 26, 1847. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HEADLEY 195 111. Margaret E. Hadley, b in Unity, Col. Co. Ohio, Dec 14, 1848, m William L. Johnson Jan 3, 1867. He was b May 24, 1844. P O East Palestine, Ohio. Watchman at R. R. crossing, Methodists. C: John, Eva, Charles, Henrietta, Adda. lY- John D. Johnson, b at Unity, Ohio, Feb 16. 1869, m Margaret Landier Mar 31, 1900. P O East Palestine, O. Potteryman kiln placer, Luth. C: (Y) Infant, b July 17, 1901, d next day. (Y) Roy C. Johnson, b Jan 21, 1902. JY- Eva Jane Johnson, b at Columbus, Neb. Sept II, 1872, m Joseph A. Tyson Oct II, 1889. He d Feb 26, 1 89 1. Eva m second husband, Thomas Whitehouse, Mar 20, 1895. P O East Palestine, O. Presby. C: (Y) Margaret G. Whitehouse, b 1896. (Y) JohnE. Whitehouse, b 1898. (Y) Ruth White- house, b Oct 8, 1901. lY. Charles E. Johnson, b Aug 2, 1875, d May 22, 1878. lY. Henrietta Johnson, bin East Palestine, O. June 26, 1878, m Homer Miller June 20, 1901. Res. .1908 Chartiers St. Alleghny, Pa. Railroad conductor, Presby. No issue. lY. Adda Florence Johnson, bat East Palestine, O. Aug 8, 1881, m Fred Bortner June 20, 1901. P O East Palestine, O. Potteryman, jiggersman. Pres- by. C: (Y) Helen V. Bortner, b July 28, 1902. f|. Charity Hadley, b May 26, 1815, d young. \\. Hannah Hadley, (twin), b May 26, 1815, d young. ||. Margaret Hadley, b in Columbiana Co. Ohio, Nov 2, 1817, m Samuel Kees June 30, 1833. He was b in Columbiana Co. Ohio, Oct 16, 1811, d near Sparta, Ohio, July 27, 1875. Farmer, Chris- tian ch. C: Samantha, Minerva, Thomas, Aaron, 196 THE llEADl.EV IIISTOKV Sophia, Angeline, Mary, Martha, Margaret, Ahiiira. III. Samantha Ann Kees, b — , in Osgood A. Dus- tin Oct 1 8, 1855. He d Jan 11, 1902. P O Maren- go, 'O. Blacksmith, farmer. C: Kmma. lY- EmmaDustin, b Nov 22, 1857, d Sept 9, 1S5S. III. Minerva Kees, b Mar 23. 1837, m Mathias Mc Kinstry. PON. Washington, Hardin Co. O. C: Samuel, William, Nellie. IV. Samuel Burton Mc Kinstry. P O Nortli Wash ington, O. lY. William E. Mc Kinstry. lY. Nellie Mc Kinstry, m Kverliart. V (> Kenton, O. III. Thomas Jefferson Kees, bin Columbiana Co. O. Sept 31, 1839, d at Sparta, O. Mar 20, 1874. vS. III. Aaron Kees, b in Columljiana Co. O. Oct 13, 1 841, m Huldah Sprague. P O Centerburg, Ohio. Retired farmer. He enlisted in Comj)any B. 43rd O. V. I. Nov 22, 1861; served until July 13, 1865, and vs'as not wounded. He engaged in the following bat- tles, viz: New Madrid, Mo; lulca and Corinth, Miss; Decatur, Ala; Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw MouiUain, Nickajack Creek, Atlanta and Savannah, Ga; and Rivers Bridges, S. C. Meth Ep. C: Flora, Calvin, Charles, Carrit, Maggie. lY. Flora Bell Kees, b in Morrow Co. Oliio, Nov 4, 1866, m A. H. Wright Dec 25, 1889. Farmer. P O Rich Hill, O. C: Y. Grace C. Wright, b Dec 21, 1S94. lY. Calvin D. Kees, b Mar 6, 1868, m Myrtle Hash- barger Feb 8, 1893. P O Centerburg, O. Farmer, Meth Ep. C: Y. Mildred H. Kees, b Oct 16, 1893. Y. George B. Kees, bOct4, 1897. lY. Charles Kees, b in Morrow Co. O. Mar 6. 1870, fvEV. Nathamkl J. Hadi.ey. (See page IDS) DESCENDANTS OK .U)]]S IJEADJ^EY I{^7 ra Maud Griffis. C: (}l j Minnie Belle Kees, b May 14, 1893. ^Y; Homer O. Kees, b Feb 9, 1895, d Nov 2,1895. f}l) Charles H. Kees, bDeci, 1897. ^Y) Gladys Kees, b Oct 15, 1899 . IV. Carrie Kees, b July 26, 1876, ra Aruthur Barre. P O Centerburg, O. Farmer, Meth Ep. C: ^Y; George A. Barre, b Sept 13, 1896. ^Y; Hazel Belle Barre, b Dec 18, 1899. iV Maggie M. Kees, b Aug i, 1879, "^ Clarence Lyons Oct 2, 1898. P O Marengo, O. Farmer. C: ^}l) Orlin Lester Lyons, b Mar 23, 1802. Ii|. Sophia E. Kees, b July G, 1844, m James K. Carson. He d Aug r, 1895. P O Granville, O. P'arraer, Baptist. C: Delford, C — , Homer. lY- Delford Frank Carson, b — , d in 111. Nov 24, 189S, m — . lY C. O. Carson, b Aug ri, 1873, d vSept 1873. lY. Homer O. Carson, b Oct 29, 1883. P O Gran- ville, O. ijl Angeline Kees, bin Morrovv- Co. Oct 23, 1847, d Oct 20, 1903, m James P. Gage. Farmer, 4 child- ren. III. Mary Kees, b Mar 23, 1851, m Edwin Howes. P O Marengo, O. Farmer. C: Alice, . lii. Martha Kees, b Mar 23, 1851, ("twin;, m Henry Keller. P O Sparta, O. Farmer, U. B. ch. C: William, Alfaretta. IV. William Keller. P O Sparta, O. IV. Alfaretta Keller, m Jackson. P O Mt. Liberty, O. III. Margaret A. Kees, bjan 15, 1854, m Jacob W. Berry. P O Marengo, O. Farmer. No issue. III. Almira Kees, b Mar 19, 1857, m A. J. Frost. P O Mercer, Mo. Farmer. No issue. ||. Samuel F. Hadley, b in Columbiana Co. Ohio, 198 THE HEADl.EV HISTOKV Mar 4, 1820, d in New Springfield, O. Sept 4, 1890, m Sarah Ann Peters Apr 29, 1S41. She was b in Adams Co. Pa. Jan 19, 1817, d in Nortli Lima, O. June 4, 1902. Mr. Hadley in early life was a shoe- maker, and afterwards bought and sold cattle and sheep. He was Justice of the Peace for 23 years in Springfield twp Mahoning Co. O. They lived during their entire married life in New Sj^ringfield. Ohio, and were active members of the Lutheran ch. C: Wilson, Francis, Ephriam, Samuel. Mariali, Sarah, David, Sophia, John, Manerva. III. Wilson S. Hadley, b Jan 23, 1S42, m Maria Mil- ler Oct 4, 1863. She was b Aug 30. I S4 1. P O New Springfield, O. Shoemaker, later farmer; Lutheran C: Sylvanus, Nathaniel. Henry, Sarah. lY- Sylvanus Mosheim Hadley, bjuly 7. 186^, d Mar 4, 1866. lY- Rev. Nathaniel James Hadley, b in vSpringlield twp Mahoning Co. O. Nov 17. 1866, m Myrtle Row- sher Dec 18, 1895. Res. 575 Second Avt\ Lorain, Ohio. His boyhood days were spent on a farm. After attending the district schools he took a course in the Poland Union Seminary, which, in its day was one of Ohio's most famous preparatory institu- tions. Mr. Hadley's course was an intermitted one, and in the intervals between the periods of study he engaged in teaching. He later entered North Nor- mal College at Canfield, O. In the fall of 1887 he matriculated in Wittenberg College, Springfield, O, and graduated at that institution with the degree of B. A. in 1 891. In the fall of the same year he en- tered Wittenberg Theological Seminary, and on the completion of a three-year the degree of Bachelor of Divinity was conferred upon him. The same year his Alma Mater bestowed upon him the DESCENDANTS OF JolIN HEADLEY ]'M degree of Master of Arts. Immediately afterward, in the fall of 1894, he was ordained as a minister of the gospel by the Wittenberg Synod of the English Lutheran church at Bellefontaine, Ohio, having been licensed to preach the gospel by the same religious authority the previous year. In May 1894 Rev. Mr. Hadley took charge of his first congregation at West Liberty, Ohio, a town of about 1500 population. There he remained in successful and harmonious re- lations with his flock until called to a broader field Mar 15, 1898, in Galion, Ohio, where he served the Christ Knglish Lutheran church for five years. Rev. Mr. Hadley 's work in Galion well illustra- te;^ the force of character of the man. Young and energetic he went to work with a will, wiped out an indebtedness and established the church organiza- tion on a basis which has added to its power and in- fluence, and greatly increased the congregation in number. During his pastorate in Galion the church was remodeled and reopened free of debt. When the new congregation was organized at Lorain, Ohio, the Board of Home Missions selected Rev. Mr. Had- ley to take up that work, and he became its first pas- tor October I, 1903. During the eight months the membership grew to nearly one hundred, and was fast becoming one of the strongest and most in- fluential churches of Lorain, Ohio. When in Logan county Ohio, he was president of the county Christian Endeavor Union, and during his incumbency in the office of the county had the distinction of winning the banner offered by the State Association for the best organization and for the progress and work of the year. While in Galion he served for a term at the head of the Crawford Count v Christian Endeavor Union. He served 200 THE HEADLEV HISTORY several terms as president of the Ministers' Union in Galion and three successive years as secretary of Wittenberg Synod. While in Galion he edited an eight-page parish paper entitled the "Lutheran Visi- tor." Mrs. Hadley, who had taken a select course at Wittenberg College, and was previously a teacher in the public schools of Millersbiirg, Ohio, is a lady of superior intelligence and culture, and i» of great assistance to her husband in the exercise of the high functions of his holy calling. C: fY) Florence E. Hadley, b Mar ii, 1897. (Y) Miriam Eleanor Had- ley, b Feb 5, 1902. fV- Rev. Henry Clement Hadley, I) in Mahoning Co. Ohio, Mar 7, 1868, m Loretta May vSniith Sept 19, 1899. Res. 84 Irvington St. Cleveland, Ohio. His boyhood days were spent on his father's farm, attending a country school in the winter. At an early age he believ^ed he was called to preach the gos- pel, and he united with the English Evangelical Lutheran church at the age of 14. He attended the North Eastern Ohio Normal College at Canficld, O., a part of the time from 1 886- 1 888. He then taught school three years. He entered Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio, in 1891, and graduated in 1895, having entirely paid his own way through College. During his summer vacations he canvas.sed for books. In Sept 1895 he entered Wittenberg Theological Seminary at Springfield, Ohio, and graduated in June 1898. At this time he received the degree of Master of Arts from his Alma Mater. He was ordained a minister of the gospel at Lima, Ohio, Oct 3, 1898, and later became pastor of St. John's Lutheran ch. of Ohio City, Ohio, June i, 1898. This church had a membership of 64 and a very burdensome debt. During a pastorate of 4 years 105 members were DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HEADLEY SOI received, the debt paid off , and many improvements made; over $4,000. being contributed during the pas- torate. He accepted a unanimous and urgent call to the Christian Endeavor Memorial Lutheran Church of Cleveland, Ohio, July i,, 1902. This church also had a very heavy debt and only a membership of 85 . During the two years which have just passed the debt has been entirely liquidated, the membership more than doubled, the salary increased, and many improvements made. IV. vSarah Elizabeth Hadley, b June 28, 1871. Res. New Springfield, Ohio. Luth. S. III. Francis B. Hadley, b June 2, 1843, m Lizzie Cobbs June 1868. P O Alliance, O. Blacksmith retired, Luth. No issue. III. Ephraim Hadley, bAug3, 1844, in New Spring- field, Ohio, d Sept 8, 1903, in Hadley, Pa., m Mary Lyons. She was b Sept 9, 1847, d Feb 25, 1891. C: Dallas, Samuel. Ephraim m second wife. Ex- perience Bash, in 1893. No issue. Farmer and stock dealer. lY. Dallas E. Hadley, b at Hubbard, O. Aug 22, 1870, m Austa Oshall Dec 21, 1891. She d in 1901, Dallas m second wife, Edith Bemis. P O Robin- hood Ave. Lakewood, O. Traveling salesman, Presby. No issue. lY. Samuel H. Hadley, b in Hubbard, Ohio, Mar 15, 1876, m May Wheeler Aug 17, 1898. She d Mar 23, 1902. No issue. He m second wife, Ag- nes S. Reed, July 15, 1903. She wash Oct 27, 1878. No issue (1904). P O Sharon, Pa. In the spring of 1 89 1 Prof. Hadley passed the township eighth grade examination, receiving his diploma, and in the fall of that year entered Fredonia Institute, gradu- ating from that institution in 1894. He began teach- 302 THE IIEADLEY HISTORY" ing in the public schools in the winter of 1894. In 1895 he was called to the Sharpsville, Pa. schools to take charge of the seventh and eighth grades^ and in 1896 was elected principal of one of the build- ings there. In 1S97 he was called as teacher to Fredonia Institute and, having graduated in June 1898 from Grove City College in the Classical course, he was elected to the chair of Latin at Fredonia. In 1899 he was elected principal of Terrace Avenue Schools, New Castle, Pa., which position he filled with honor and was holding at the time of his election as superintendent of the Sharon, Pa. Public Schools. Presby. III. Samuel F. Hadley, bjan 17, 1S46, m Ellen Hunkhouser Sept 3, 1874. She wash Mar 15, 185S, d Nov 28, 1898. C: Sadie, Luie, William. Hem second wife, Mrs. Sadie Whitmore, (Nee Buchest- er), Sept 24, 1899. P O East Palestine, Ohio. House painter, later farmer; Luth. lY- Sadie M. Hadley, b Mar 19, 1876, n Nov 30, 1900. lY- Luie E. Hadley, b Sept 29, 1878, m Curtis. Whitmore Apr 16, 1902. He was b Apr S, i88r. P O East Palestine, Ohio. Farmer, Luth. C: (Y> Fay A. Whitmore. lY. William W. Hadley, b Sept 30, 1880, m Ivy Yerian Apr 12, 1904. She was b Nov 8, 1880. P O East Palestine, O. Farmer. III. Maria Elizabeth Hadley, b Jan I, 1848, d Sept 27, 1862. III. Sarah Ellen Hadley, b May 15, 1850, m Jacob Elserjan 2, 1868. P O North Lima, Ohio. Re- formed ch. C: Mary, Martha, Oscar, Samuel, Manerva, Margaret, Hattie. lY. Mary Jane Elser, b May 9, 1869, m Robert T. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HEADLEY 208 Jessup. P O Columbiana, Ohio. C: (Y) Samuel HJessup,b July 20, 1895-96. (Y) Margaret Jessup , b Apr 12, 1901, d Aug 1903. IV. Martha B. Elser, b Sept i, 1871. P O North Lima, O. Refch. S. lY. Oscar S. Elser, bjan 31, 1874, m Ida Lehman Sept 1898. P O Calla, Ohio. Farmer, Ref ch. C: (Y) Grace Elser, b June 28, 1902. .|Y. Sanjuel U. Elser, b Feb 4, 1876, m Alice Sprin- kle 1900. P O Woodworth, O. Farmer, Ref ch. C: (Y) Otta Henry Elser, b Apr 5, 1904. lY- Manerva Alice Elser, b July 22, 1878, mjohn Marks Feb r6, 1900. P O North Lima, Ohio. Undertaker. C: (Y) Raymond F. Marks, b Sept 23. 1903- lY- S. Margaret Elser, b Dec 16, 1881. S. lY- Hattie P. Elser, b Dec 19, 1884. S. Ii|. David H. Hadley, b Oct 17, 1851, ra Mary A. Welkjan6, 1876. She was b Dec 22, 1853. P O Youngstown, Ohio. Foreman in machine shop. Luth. C: [Y- Edna J. Hadley, b Dec 10, 1S77, m Theodore Bretz Oct 22, 1897. He was b Mar 16, 1876. P O New Waterford, O. Presby. No issue. }8|. Sophia Catharine Hadley, b May 6, 1854, m Joseph Eckert Feb 1 , 1871. P O New Springfield, Ohio. Farmer, Ev Assn. C: Manerva, Ellen, Bertha, Lewis. lY- Manerva J. Eckert, b Apr 16, 1873, m William Stahl Mar 22, 1891. PO New Springfield, Ohio. Laborer, Luth. C: (Y) Hazel Bell Stahl, b Oct 20, 1892. (Y) Ralph E. Stahl, b Apr 13, 1895, d Aug 1895. (Y) Dallas E. Stahl, b Apr 22, 1898, d 1S98. lY. Ellen B. Eckert, b Apr 11, 1875, m Charles McNeese Sept 8, 1894. P O New Springfield, O. 304 THE HEADLEY HISTOKY Farmer. C: (Y) Myrtle McNeese, b Nov 14, 1S95. IV. Bertha Pearl Eckert, b June 22, 18S0, m Harry Hoffman July 3, 1902. P O New Springfield, Ohio. Teamster, Luth. IV. Lewis Evan Eckert b Apr 29, 1S94. III. John Hadley, b— . d infant. III. Manervajane Hadley, bjuly 18, 1861, m Rich- ard Shale Sept 17, 1882. He was b Apr 6, 1858. Res. Fall Ave. Youngstown, Ohio. He has been a very energetic, popular and successful public school teacher, and later engaged in the mercantile business. From there he was elected Infirmary director of Mah- oning county and served as their clerk. He is now the chief clerk for the treasurer of Mahoning county. Luth. C: (IV)Clark Evan Shale, b July 4, 1883. (IV) Disney Guy Shale, bjune 24, 1888. Rev. Hknky C. Hadi.kv (See page ,'iU()) KARI,Y HEADI.EY MARRIAGES OF WHOM WE HAVE NO FURTHER DATA. John Headley, m Sarah Ball in 1795. She was b m 1769, d J. V. Jan 11, 1821. C: Maria, b 1797, d 1815. Ivockey, b 1799, m Tona Wade 1818. Jane, b 1 80 1, m Wm. Tovvuley 1826. Thomas Headley, m Elizabeth . She was a member of the Presbyterian church at Morristown, N. J. in 1743. Samuel Headley, of Stafford twp ManmouthCo. N. J. b — , d 1791, m Martha . C: Joseph, Ezekiel Cooper, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Martha, Laura, Abigail. Rhoda Headley, m Enos Meeker Mar 9, 1803. Essex Co. N. J. Records. Rachel Headley, m Manuel Lasure May 2, 1803. Essex Co. N.J. Records. Phebe Headley, m Zenas Mills July 15, 1787. He was b at Rockaway Apr 1766; removed to Ohio. Patience Headley, m Carman Thompson. He was bat "Conn. Farms," 1755, d May 12, 1782. C: Mary, m Peter Bennett, Sarah, m Pettinger; and Carman. Moses Headley, m Elizabeth Parker Nov 12, 1796. She wash at Long Hill Feb 8, 1770. Mary Headley, of "Conn. Farms," m Calvin Osborn Dec^i83 — . Mary Headley, mjohn Crane Oct 181 5. Mary Headley, m Daniel Cookman Feb 18 15. 806 THE HEADLEY HISTOKV Mary Headley, b at "Conn. Farms," ni Jaracs Smith Mar 23, 1833. John Headley, b 175S, d about 181 8; resided in New Jersey and Orange Co. N. V. Hannah Headley, m Elias Beach; removed to the Lakes. Elizabeth Headley, m Eleazer Miller Jan 1796. Charlotte Headley, m Frazee Steven^. Abigail Headley, m Charles Hole. Joseph Headley, bachelor of Westchester, N. Y., m Rebecca Dykeman May 8, 17 16. |. Richard Headley, b 164.2, m — Drake. He was chosen clerk of the train lands of Westchester, N. Y. Nov 4, 1689. C: Samuel, Robert. ||. Samuel Headley, (son of Richard), b between 1665-1686, m Sarah Dickerman. ||. Robert Headley. I RECORD. From lyib. A. B. 5. Page 335 of record in office of East Jersey Proprietor's office: Deed from Richard Headley of Essex Co. to Jonathan Stiles, Dec 14, 1764, 50 acres of land onS. E. branch of the Walkill of Sussex Co. An Isaac Headley was town clerk of Newark, N. J. in 1810. HEADLEYS IN THE REVOLUTION-. Pot. 164. Isaac Headley in 4th Reg. Orange Co. N. Y. Mil. Pot. 190 Moses Headley, 3rd Reg. Ulster Co. N. Y. Mil. John Headley, private in Col. Maxwell's Reg. 1775-82. In 179S living in Orange Co. N. V. aged 59 years. Nathaniel Headley, (Pot. in 3rd Batt). Moses Headley, Pot. Morris Co. Ephraim Headley, Pot. Jacob Headley, enlisted from Morristown. In 1832 was in Bradford Co. Pa. apparently aged 69. Corey Headley in Essex Co. N. J. Frances Headley, in Sussex Co. N. J. John Thompson Headley, Essex Co. N. J. Stephen Headley, Pot. Essex Co. In battles of "Conn. Farms," Epringfield and Manm:)Uth. b Jan 28, 1761. James Headley, Pot. and Serg. enlisted from Newton, N.J. , b Aug 6, 1756. In 1S32 resided in Huron Co. Ohio; was wounded in the leg at the bat- tle of Springfield. Joseph Headley, Pot. from Sussex Co. N.J. In 1809 moved to Ohio. Extracts From Notes of Miss Mary Headley of 7 60 High St. Newark, N. J. of Early Emigrants of the Headley Family. Aug 21, 1635, Michell (Michael) Hedly embar- qued in the George, Jo. Swerne Master. This emi- grant was 24 years old and previous to his transporta- tion he was examined by the minister at Graves End, England, (the vessel being intended for Virginia). June 10, 1635, Edward Headley and Thomas Headley embarqued in the "True Love" Delyondon, Robert Dennis Master. They were examined by the minister at Graves End, England. July 3, 1684, Joanna Headley, daughter of Den- nis and Joanna Headley, born in Sudbury, Middle- sex Co. Mass. Records. Dennis Headley was one of the Narragansett grantees and was living at Sudbury as late as April 1735. He was a soldier of the Narra- gansett Indian war and received a grant of land there- fore. Hon. Benjamin Chadbourne, (sonof William and Mary, and grandson of Humphrey Chadbourne who came to Maine in 1 631), was born July 23, 17 18, died 1796, married first, Mary Headle5^ John Headley married the daughter of Peley Slocum. She was born Oct 29, 1682. Peley Slocum was a prominent Quaker of Dartmouth, (now Ply- mouth), Mass. born 1654, d 1732. John Parker died Dec 1702, leaving his property to Robert Smith of Egg Harbor, widow Sarah Browne, Thomas Headley, and Christ church at Elizabethtown. The naming of Thomas Headley in the will of John Parker, and the qualification of Sarah Smith as administratrix of Leonard Headley show a connec- tion between the families of Headley-Parker-Smith and Ogden. OBlTrARV Mrs. Bessie Boyd Bowen, daughter of vSamuel Freeman Headley.died at the residence of her daugh- ter Mrs. John C. Lewis, Roland Park, Baltimore, on Friday Nov 25, 1904, after a long illness. Although a great sufTerer the end came peacefully, and she closed her eyes in the full ho|>e of the blessed here- after, longing to be with the Master she loved and so devoutly served. Her remains were laid to rest m liie lainiiy piul, Evergreen Cemetery .beside her soldier husband Lieut. James V. Bentley. (See page 180). OMLSSIONS. IX. Thomas Burnett Gardner, b at Washington, D. C, Oct 7, 1873. Res. 1509 Tea St. N. W. Wash- ington, D. C. (Page 44). IV. Phebe Headley, daughter 01 Cary Headley omitted in list of children. (See page 40). Y. Mary (Headley) Wade, married second hus- band Mathias Burnett. No issue. (See page 121 j. CORRECTION. Page 131, fifteenth and sixteenth lines are un- doubtedly incorrect, as it is evident that she was not the daughter of Samuel Headley Sr. ERRATA Pag-e 11 IS 34 3S 40 45 45 46 4^ 09 71 wo 91 98 95 9t> 97 97 97 97 9bi 101 102 K« IW 106 109 lOit 113 114 lis 123 123 124 124 131 132 132 137 137 13s 13S irst buildins, not readKarnell, notCarnaillc end of 13tii line from i-op reaa, dwelling. ninth line read, Apr 27, 1S94, not 1794. read Mar 13, 1762, not 15. read Dragoons, not Dragons. 2nd line from top, read May 19, not Mar. 3rd line from top, read May 10, not Mar. bottom line, re^d N. Y., not^i^. J. Foot note, read July 31, 1737, not 1837. read Rollin D. Headley, d 1S6S, not 1S69. read Lewis Headley, m 1S43, not 1853. read Kate Hopping, m John Bosweli, not Roswell. read Starkey S'ta., not StarkK. read Janette L. Hathawav, b Oct 7, 1836. read Electa H. Hathawav, b 1843, not 1823. read Alice M. Struble. m Albert M. Buklev Got 29 not 27. read VII. Everhard Home Roe. not Edward. Edward Roe, b Jan IS, not 15. Wm. L. Rce, b Angl4, not 24. Gabriel Van Ouzer,"D Orange Co. N. Y read Vlll. read VIII. read Rev. not N. J. read Tusten (^Van Duzer), not Luster. read IX. Lewi* T. McCormick, not Lewis M. read VIII. Martha Van Duzer, not Vli. ISth line read relinquishing. read IX. Leslie E. Merriu,"" b 1898, not 1890. read Calvin Carr, d in 1884, not 1844. read HattieC. Lindley, blS91, not 1871. read Sarah Ann Headley, m W. L. Shuman Dec. 2Dth, not 25th. read Stephen "Wade, b Nov, not Sept. read Phebe Wade, b Oct 3, not 2. read Monmouth, not Maumouth. read Sportsman's goods, not Sportmaus. read Ella F. Stewart, b 1886, not 1786. read John C. Mooney, d l^o3, not 1835. read Martha P. Mooney. b Nov 23, not 12. read Rebecca Bruen Headley, b 1798, not 1898. read Merchant tailor, not Taylor. read Mo.-es Gardner, b Feb 10, not 19. read Volunteer L. Dragoons, not Dragons. read Sears Robert Gardner, b 1811, not 1821. read Marv Ann Gardner, m Joseph Enjjlish 1854, not 1845. read VIlI. Marv Pierson Gardner, b 184:S, not 1S34. read IX. Martha E. Dallas, b Oct 7, not 9. read VIII. Martha A. Gardner, b 1847, not 1849. 212 THE HEADLEY HISTORY " 140 read IX. Alice O. Ciaidiier, luWiu. .1. WiUou 1NX>, not 1697. « 143 read Vll. Mary Gardner, d l.s:j;{, not 18.3.5. " 142 read Samuel i-iid Tljaiiklul (Earl) Crowell, ni»t (Eare) Cruuwell. '< 143 read Issachar Hui^hes, b ls;)0, not '1;>. " 142 read Harrison Helliuel Hu^hs, not lietbwel. " 144 read X. Foster E. i'riddy, not Lo.ster. " 144 read John Win. Perhunius, b Oct l.'j, not ."). " 147 rea«l IX. Louisa H. (iardner, b Ihtsi, not '»'.'J. " 151 read Hliilij) Schuyler, not Schinyler. «' 1.51 read Samuel li. Gardner, b.July 24, 18Nr» (is omitted). «' 1.52 read IX. Koselle (iardner, d IsTU, not \H). " 1.54 read Col>b, lor chiklren of \\ m. A. and Velinu (Gardner) Cobb. " 1.56 Kith line read conducted, not constructed. «' 157 read Mary \V. (iardner, »1 ls, not ''.M. " 157 read Myron A. 'lay lor, not Ma\run. " 157 read AloertC. Hro'wn, b ls.50, not '.51». " IfiO read VI. .James Ft)rie (Jaruner, not \ II. «' Kil read Charles Earl (Jardner, b IslO, not '20. " Ibl read J{icliard Curry, not Carry. " lt»2 reail Jame? N. Brown, in-t M. " lt)2 read Vll. Krantes Henrietta (Jardner, not VIII. " 1()4 read Elizabeth Shurraj^er, b .Marti, not 4. " 164 read Henry Howard (iardner, b IS'H. not '^^l " 168 read Hhebe E. J.onu;, b INV., not '.•15. " 163 read Vll. Elizabeth rLompsoii (Jardner, not \lll. *' 171 read Lucy (Janlner, in S(juire Carl 1n4'.', not '4'n. " 174 read Mary Ford Minton, d 1>C):{, not '.54. «* 177 read Denville, N. .)., nut Danville. " 177 read I. Isaac Headley, d \sol, not '0:5. " 17*.> read Somervilie, N. J., not Sumerville. " 180 read VI. Minerva Vau«;hn Ilcadlev, not \ auglin. " 180 read t^harles H. licntly, b Isbt, not '4*;. " 183 read American Know-nothinj; niovenient.s. " 1«3 lead Win. If. Muir, iKjt Mciir. 18i> read Win. Hatilev, m 2d wile I.Ufinda Loni;, ls84, not 'SI. 181) read John I). Hadley, d VMiA, not 180.i. 191 read Ida H. Hadley, b 1879, not '97. 198 read Hi. Amaiuia Hadley, b l.s;>2, not '.ll. 194 read Oscar Hadley, b ls49, not '76. 197 readOrlin Lester Lyons, b 1".H)2, not IhO.'. 202 read (Nee Huchecker ) , not Huchester. 302 read Sadie M. Hadley, b 1878, not '76 308 read Carey Headley., not Corey. 208 read Springfield, not Eprin{,'field. 208 read Monmouth, not Manmouth. GENERAL INDEX. Gen Page Gen Page 8 Allen David 0. 0( 4 James E. 198 " Mary E. a " J. Albert (( " William A. i( 9 Brown Alice 34 " Alley Elizabeth 27 " Clarence (( " Fannie (( 8 Esther B. 41 " Atwell Edwin. 77 9 John H. 34 " Baker Abner B. 50 4 Burr Catharine L. 18;^ *' Anna M. (( *' Charles A. 184 6 Betsey 125 " Harry H. u 7 Daniel N. 50 5 Horace B. (( 8 Daniel C. 51 4 Irene H. (( 6 Daniel 125 " William H. 183 8 Eliza J. 52 8 Burnett Capt. Levi F. 44 *' Emma 50 " Martha J. <4 •' Harriet (( " MaryG. 43 *' Harry J. 52 " Roxanna 45 7 Jane E. 51 9 Carlton Dwig-ht 32 " Martha (( " Florence A. (( Maria 125 4 Carson Delford F. 197 7 Mary A. 49 8 Carr Frank H. 103 G Miller 125 9 Cook Elwood 41 " Newton (( " George (( 7 Phebe S. 51 " Dr. Wilber (( 6 Phebe 125 8 Collins Marion P. 51 8 Sadie A. 51 " Thomas P. (( " Susan A. 50 " Compton Frederick 119 7 Susan H. 51 " Lauretta (( 8 Thomas D. 50 " Courter Alice I. 45 7 Thomas C. 52 " Joanna N. (C " Timothy H. 51 6 Crane Abner 24 ' 8 Warren' T. 52 8 Benjamin 12H ■' " William M. 50 7 Caroline A. 164 7 Ball Elbert 41 " Catharine (( " Elizabeth a 8 Ella 126 " Ezekiel 40 " Elmer (( *' Marv 41 7 Francis 164 " Phebe a 8 Frederick 125 *' Sarah 42 7 Henry H. 164 " Susan 41 " Marv E. (i " Uzal 40 " Samuel P. 164 8 Beam Annie. 125 " Sarah A. 163, 164 " Edward (( " Stephen LI. 125 " Louisa n () Thomas 164 " Beard Chanie 76 9 Crowell Charlotte 46 " Eta <( " Howard M. (( E. V. a 4 Curtis Ella 194 " Franklin A. (( 7 Dains Harriet E. 02 " Glennie 11 " Marv C. (( " Lua a " Stephen C. ii 5 Bentley Bessie B. 181 " Theron S. i( " Charles H. 180 8 Dav Charles 27 " Helen L. 181 " "Elmer u G James B. 180 " Florence 11 5 Josepha B. 181 " Stephen H. 29 4 Boyd D. Charles 192 7 Decker Sarah 162 " George W. u " Dolbier Elizabeth 125 * ' Hiram N. u *' Jane u LMI (iKNEKAL INDEX. (icu 7 . t)(i illiiiT Loni.s:i (( Newton s Drnvncv (icorixc i( 1 lit! 1 111 way (( May i i Kl •ciiv Ailtlic \ Va- kfii Hcrtlia V. ti Ellen M. Mam rva J. M ■ K(l ucll Nellie A. 7 E.i irerley Anios 1) (Jrm'e S .Iosei)hiiie E. u Mary (i Mclvinii «< Kosc 1.. 7 \VilIiain .s William A. \\ EllciKlorf Florence 11 Mariiiirella i( Kol.eil F. 1 El MT 11 at fie r. u Mary .1. ti Munerva (( Martha B. (1 Osear S. t( 8ainiiel I'. i( Marixan't S. \\ El ston Arthur 8. (( Clnirlotte M. S Harriet, ?. Marrv U. 4( s Helen (i. •loiiathan ;\ . .lonathan M. Marv H. (i Smith K. s I't irher Allu-rt i( Cal.'l. t« Catharine (( KclNvanl E. t( EIreta t( Frances I. ti .Tames (( Mary E. (( Sarah (< Thomas ti 1'^ F( icKis Lillian i>ri'e Ell mi A. (t James \V. 1( F oster Addie 1.. l( Helen A. i t Lillian s FiTtz Maiv 11. 5 (i antrewer Cora t( Ma A. I'aK'' Li.') ii :s 75» ti it it KM) 17S ii it II (icn .^ Ganpewer Joheph H. Mary H. I'l (iarilner Aaron .A. r Aaron " Aaron A. 14'.», " Aaron H. Atialine lis, " Adaline A. " Ailclia S. Abiciiil 140, Alhert ('. Alvu 7 Anuintla Ainelni K. Annie L. Asenetli Mmjamin S, Hcnjamin Hen janiin Mnrton K. ( alvin H. ( annan ( atharine T. ( harles V. (hark"* E. Charles S. Charh'M T. CharlcH T. Charles L. Charlotte A. Cornelia S. Daniel Daniel N. Davit I F. David M. David !'. David A. Eli/.a A. Eli/a K. Eliza F. Elizal.eth U9, 161, Elizabeth Elijah Elijah Kinily Knnna C. Eunice Ezra 8. (icorpp (ieorije F. Hannah A. Ilarri«f K. Harriet He/ekiah T. Horace H. Ira I'ace I7S ii I t . II Ii i it 11 I 1 1 () t^ i) I • I I i ti t') I Ii Ii () I 11 (> I 1 IS l."»K 170 i.vs 1(17 \M \:V.\ MM W'i !•».'» II 142 IIM Uk> 170 l.SH 40 171 147 140 171 172 174 1 '.»,'■) 1()2 lrt2 l.Ti l.*J«) 117 l,-)»J 172 17:{ 132 134 173 174 U'A 100 If.l 134 ir.o loO ]»;:, Hit l.->4 141 no 171 l.i7 147 GENERAL INDEX. 215 Gen r» Gardner Ira C. «' Jacob 7 Jacob M. " JaniesK. (') James F. 7 James F. " Jane 6 Jane R. " Jesse " Joanna M. 7 Joanna M. " Joanna 6 John 7 it Pajre 17(i IW HW 132 101 \m 142 14S 149, lof) 172 132, lfJ2 Gen '* Gardner Phebe O. 150, 136, John 134, 139, 170, 102 John H. 148 " John H. 155 " Joseph L. 132 " Joseph W. 141 6 Joseph K. 171 7 Juliette 173 6 Julia A. 174 7 Julia 175 " Laura O. 100 ♦* Laura J. 174 " Letty 132 6 Lewis B. 170 7 Lewis F. 174 " Lucy D. ia5 " Lucy A. 177 " Lucinda S. 149 " Luther G. 139 " Lyman 100 " Mahala 154 " Maria 149, 103 Mary 132, 161, 170 Mary B. 134 Mary 148, 109, 170, 174 7 Mary W. 157 " Maryette 10" 6 Matilda 170 7 Minerva C. 158 " Miranda 157 5 Moses 131 rt Moses R. 7 Moses '* Nancy '• Nathaniel Noah 7 Oliver 135 146, 170 166 139, 152 169 133 niiva 159 " ?hebe B. 133 " Phebe E. 135 6 Phebe 148, 162, 171, 173 7 Phebe H. 150 " Phebe A. 161, 173 «' Phebe J. 165 Page 168 176 140 143 161 154, 150 159 171 134 Sarah 130,150,159,101,107,174 6 Sarah 159, 162, 169 '* Sears 7 vSears R. 5 Phebe 7 Reuben E. " Reuben C. ♦' Robert E. " Samuel 6 Samuel II. 5 Samuel 7 Sally A. ( ( ( ( 132 132 " vStephen E. 135 5 Thomas 146,154,170 5 Thomas 148 7 Thomas 156,170,175 6 Uriah 150 7 Veliiia 154 " Virginia C. 176 Wm. 136,170,174,175 Wm. B. 158, 163 6 Wm. F. 173 7 Wm. S. 40 8 Gates Charles 69 *' Rufus " WiUiam " Green Annabella 89 •* Headley M. 7 Goulder Hannah 115 " John 2 Hadley Aaron I,. 194 AHce 191 3 Amanda 193 *' Bertha 194 4 Clara 191 " Dallas E. 201 2 David L. 187 4 David M. 190 3 David C. 192 '' David H. 203 5 Edith M. 191 216 GENERAL INDEX. Gen Page Gen Page 3 Hadlev En)ridge 194 8 Hammond Edward <)1 (( Elizabeth (( t Elisha 60 4 Edna J. 203 8 Elmer 62 (( Emma J. llt2 Ezra 11 o Ephraim 201 8 George 61 a Francis B. (( 7 Harriet 62 4 Geor2:e ISO 8 Hiratn •U) (( G. Gil more 11»1 7 Hiniin r.i u Harry L. isit s • (( Jane E. 100 1 N(.aii 60 (( Jennie ISO 8 Orilla 61 (( Jessie A. 10'^ isF (( Sarah 62 1 John 1 Sarah t< a John D. ISO 8 \'irLMl 61 4 Dr. John L. 191 I William 59 (( J. Bnrton 100 8 William 60 (( J. Martin 102 n Willis 61 <( Lizzie B. 180 Homer D. 7 Horace Ira 7 Ira 3 Irene 4 Irene f> Isaac M. 8 Isaac W. 4 Isaac 1 Isaac 2 Kev. Isaac 3 Isaac B. 4 Ivorv H. B. t) Jabe'z T. ■i Jacob 7 James O. 8 James L. ^' James E. 7 James D. 5 James 7 Jane 8 Jane L. "J* Jane M, Jane J. 8 Jane E. ige Gei \ Page 32 8 H eadley Jennie 114 .S.S .f|)l| 20 IW s Joseph A. ;« 17S 7 Joseph 65 4.^ 7 Joseph D. 27 114 vf 1 5 Joseph 56 102 6 Joseph W. 104 ISO 8 Josepli \V. 107 77 52 7 Joseph B. 115 M 8 Josephine 74 177 •-{7 7 Joshua U. 72 O i 24 7 Julia A. 34. 72 70 7 J. V. B. 128 •.»2 71 5 Lafayette 71 25 8 Laura h\ 35 113 114 8 Laura 72 183 8 Laura E. 119 186 37 6 Lavina 80 8 Leah S. 90 127 177 181 7 Lemuel 77 8 Leroy H. 70 (( I Leonard II 185 33 7 Leonard 71 177 8 Lewis 58 26 6 Lewis 77 74 8 Lewis L. 78 S8 128 75 7 Lewis P. 124 8 Lelle 73 49 8 Lillian B. 119 49 52 8 Liua C. 78 120 5 Lois 56 GENERAL INDEX. 219 Geu -t 8 7 8 < 6 ^* I (( <( (< 6 4 8 7 8 7 8 6 8 5 7 (( 8 7 8 6 5 4 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 6 7 6 6 8 Headley Lucy C. Lulu Matilda Maria R. Maria R, Maria Maria F. Marietta Marilla Martha Martha B. Marv Mary L Mar}- A. Mary j' Mary D. Mary A. Marv 40, Mary B. Mary Mary Marv Marv E. MarvE. Mary V. Mary Mary Marv J. Mary F. Mary K. Mary L. Maud M. Maud A. Merritt Minnie C. Minnie D. Miriam Mollie J . Morgan Moses B. Moses B. Moses Moses M. M. Josepha Nellie Nettie Otto Pauline M. Teter 107, 128, 38, Pa^e Gen 18.S 6 Headlev Phebe ^^ 65 6 Phebe S. Phebe S. Phebe Phebe A. Phebe Phebe Rev. Phineas C Phineas C. Jr. Pollv Pollv Rachel Rachel Ralph E. Rebecca B. Rebecca Rhoda Rhoda Richard Robert Robert Roberts. Robert Rosella Russell Sallie Samuel Sr. Samuel Samuel J. Samuels. Samuel D. Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel F. Sarah O. Sarah Sarah Sarah A. Sarah A. Sarah M. Sarah A. Sarah Sears R. Stephen 24, Stephen C. Stephen M. Stephen 78 7 25 (( 26 6 114 .5 120 4 29 3 77 4 64, 78, 114 6 J 16 6 19 .5 28 4 28, 77, 88 8 32 6 35 .5 36, 120 6 78, 92, 119 .5 49 (C 53, 56, 121 4 68, 80 5 72 8 74 3 105 8 107 4 114 6 117 3 124 6 179 S 180 7 186 .5 71 4 89 5 6 28 2 73 3 117 7 74 6 73 7 177 7 88 6 88 7 119 8 125 4 180 7 27 6 87 8 73 37 8 58 5 Page 8, 116 40 45 78 91 125 130 184 186 38 90 109 128 70. 124 125 38 109 128 .54 .55 117 129 65 182 38 17 116 70 72 80 88 lOS 121, 127 124 177 178 27 53 65, S9 76, 107 103 115 118 128 117 124 24 89 113 220 GENERAL INDEX. Gen ?alien 114 8 Johnson Ezekiel H. 75 6 Stephen B. 115 (( Frank K. i i s Stewart L. S8 4 Henrietta 19n 6 Susan 4i> '.1 J^ouisa 75 s Susan J. 118 u Mary 1 1 u Squire L. 107 3 Kees Aaron 196 3 Thomas L5 •'» Angeline 197 6 Thomas 127 3 Alimra ( i 6 Thomas B. 179 4 Calvin D. 196 fi 'i'lraothy 52 4 Carrie 197 6 Uzal 7a 4 Charles 19»'. ■7 Victor R. :M 4 Flora B. V.H\ u Wheeler B. 117 4 Maguie M. 197 (1 AVilliam C. SiS Marixaret A. 197 () VViUiam S. 48 3 Marv 197 S Will C. 46 3 Martha 197 William F. 48 •1 Minerva 196 8 William S. 49 3 Samuntha A. 196 1 Wicldiff 49 3 Sophia E. 197 f^ William D. «2 3 Samantha A. 196 ( William 65, 80 3 Thomas J. 196 5 William 92 4 Keller Alfaretta 197 William M. 105 4 William 197 8 William lU 9 Kent Albert M. 57 (i William 0. 119 Edu:ar K. it 3 William T. 186 9 Frank i< Hillyer Mary 125 9 .Jennie <( 7 Hoppiue; Aiuv 81 9 Mattie (( « Charles H. "o 9 William H. << 7 Charles 84 8 Lindley Charles H. 104 8 Cliarles C. 85 1 Charles A. u Cbalion 85 8 Elsie A. it ii Cynthia i( Headley A. 103 u Klizabeih 82 8 Nora E. 104 8 Electa 8:^ 5 '. Loneslreei, Bertha UK) .'V 4 Eveline (( it Bessie 190 8 Harry H. 84 i: John H. 190 1 Hiram 85 (( Marv 190 8 Irving W. 82 u RuthE. 190 (I John E. 83 7 Lum Charles E. iia n Kate 82 (( Jonas W. 113 tl Lillian A. 83 8 Lvon Adda A. Ho i ( Maiio;ie M. 85 11 David n 1 Mary A. U. (I •• Inez <« (( Moses 82 11 Marv E. i( i: Samuel 82 4 Lvons VVallerE. 193 (( Susan 85 4 W. Frank << 8 Willietla M. "4 Mase Charles C. 82 4 Horton Anna M. 178 It Florence C. 81 " Harriet H. 8 Huii:hes Clara J. '' Mary 98 8 8 John F. Nathaniel H. 82 8i 4 Jolinsou Adda F. 195 8 William H. 8i 9 Alfred Cumberland 75 8 McCradey Carrie 85 4 Eva J. 195 8 Harry S5 GENERAL INDEX. 221 Gen 8 McCradey Headley " McCormick Abbie L. " Ellen M. " Whitfield 4 McKinstry Nellie 4 Samuel B. 4 William" E. 8 McLeod Arthur " Carrie B. " Estella M. Meeker Benjamin Clarence David Edward P. Edwin R. Ellis C. ^ Harry P. Isaac H. Jane John H. John Joseph E. Mary L. Nancy Polly Rebecca . Rev. Stephen H. Vilo J. •William Merrin Anna G. Ann A. Chester R. Ernest Harriet S. Harriet E. Hazel O. Headley A. IdaC. Inez E. Jacob E. John C. Joseph H. LaGran2;e W. Majorie F. Mary S. May Ray W. Ruth E. Sarah E. Theodore P. Victor A. William L. Miller Adelaide D. Caroline D, Davis H. Harry A. 6 9 H 9 (( 6 7 (< 8 7 8 (< 7 9 Pag,e 85 98 97 196 89 << (( 126 34 Gen 85 34 25 25 25 126 (< 34 126 101 102 (C 100 101 102 << a 100 102 100 li 102 101 (( 100 103 101 100 102 (( 100 117 ii 116 35 9 8 9 8 u (( 7 8 7 (( 9 126 8 Miller Jennie E. Mary F. Nellie A. Mooney Elizabeth W. Grace E. John C. Martha P. Mary K. Walter W. William E. William R. 9 Muir Augusta E. 7 9 7 8 9 7 8 8 (( 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 Charles Clara Edward Harriet John W. Maria Mary A. Matilda Maurice A. Ophelia Sarah AVilliam William S. William A. William A. Norman Blanches. Charles AValter B. Parsons^ Alice Helen Parker Adaline E. Gilbert James Julia K. Marietta Martha Parkhurst Abigail Hattie M. Martha A. Martha . Mary J. Mary Peter Samuel Sarah M. Parritt David Hannah Harriet Jane Martha Page 64 116 64 123 124 123 124 123 124 112 <( (( (( (( 111 (( 112 (( (( 111 112 110 111 112 105 75 105 25 31 30 30 32 29 30 57 (< <( (( < ( ( ( 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 < H lul a3 4 1 < > 'bV * •• » ' • • * V^^'"/' 'V*'^-''*,,'**'' V'*--'^^° o m t < uv-i J* .M^J^'^ ' « • • .0' : 't^^n^ • • » .!.*f' ^?^ ^^ .^"^ /^^^; V^ 4 *^ oK .0* . ;tf S;- tO ^^ • • # • •