^ " 0*- '^o '7^^^ ^ ^0-V.. ,r ^^. .«' - ./\ .: CO SOUVENIR OF WALTHAM t3 C3 Price 2& Cents, ^ The Vi>ws ver^ taKep Exclusively For It. :M^ — **.^m.^ ; . It faithfully portrays familiar scenes about oiir City, as they are to-djiyi*; ' Oricrinnted, Printed and'*^ar St'tli^ h'y'*' C/fAJRZvBS H. L^BIGHTOJS, Central JBlool^:, 621 Main Street, Opp. City HnlU Walthan2, JS£ass, Copyright, 1903, by Charles H. Leighton. . ..1 .^ • • •) • • ' ! >- ! « h Hon. Mukrav D. Clkment, Mayor of Waltham. ^- The late Royal E. Robbins, Treasurer Amer. W. Watch Co. 1858—1902 and Waltham's Benefactor. Jjorn in Berlin, Conn., March 10, 1824 Died at Pride's Crossing, July 22, 1902. American Waltham Watch Factory 3300 Employees (f The United States Watch Factory. Filchburg Depot. First Baptist Church. Central Fire Station. Police Slalit>; Moodv Street Fire Station. Mi Our New High School. Royal E. Rohbins School. \) { ^ City Hall. A. O. U. \V. Buildini Post Ofifice. @ Hall's Corner. ^ r Lincoln Uuilding. l>ank Biiiklinij. Welch's Block. Public Library, Masonic Hall. Odd Fellow^ \ ^ fll am ill Methodist Building. Aslnirv Ti Lawrence IjiiiKlim pu 1» 1 A* i jP-^-J-, A^^ ^^ ..^^.v .. .,. .^yd^', -^.^^^Z ,^55^, .^^^^^ /Jfe,'. ^ \/ V^-/ X/^\/ v^^-/ \' A^'