£* 4*? &■ "* o V V C\ o > \°' ***** : ^ •0 ^ » ft <<. k o* * o v »:*•« *> v \ r ^r 0* V- SUN -SCALD OF FRUIT TREES A TYPE OF WINTER INJURY A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY ARTHUR JACKSON MIX Reprint of Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 382, October, 1916. j <#$!> in «xeo»nge CorneU WOin Ubrary JUN 1 » ^ 17 CONTENTS PAGE Observations on sun-scald injury 237 Sun-scald injury occurring in the winter of 1913-14 240 Review of American literature on sun-scald and related injuries 242 The freezing to death of plant tissue 244 Effect of rapid freezing 244 Effect of rapid thawing 245 Theories regarding the occurrence of sun-scald 246 Observations and experiments 247 Temperatures that may occur in winter on the sun-exposed parts of the trunk 247 Temperatures observed during the winter gf 1914-15 250 A comparison of the date of awakening ahd relative hardiness of the cambial area on the northeast and southwest sides of the trunk 255 Natural injury in the winter of 1914-15 274 Relative hardiness of tissue from the crown and the upper parts of the trunk. . . . 277 Effect of freezing tissue when wet 282 Conclusion : 282 Literature cited 283 235 SUN-SCALD OF FRUIT TREES : A TYPE OF WINTER INJURY l A. J. Mix 2 The type of winter injury to fruit trees to be discussed in this paper is the well-known injury to the southwest, or sun-exposed, side of the trunk, commonly known as sun-scald. It is usually made evident in late spring by the death of patches of bark, which often peel off and expose the sapwood, but in some cases adhere firmly to the wood, forming sunken, canker-like areas. Such dead-bark areas are often inhabited by higher fungi — wound parasites or saprophytes. One of the commonest forms following sun-scald in New York is Physalospora Cydoniae Arnaud. Similar injured areas are often found on the upper, sun-exposed sides of large branches. Probably these injuries are caused in the same manner as those on the trunk. Sun-scald is so named because it is believed to be brought about by some interaction of sun and cold on the sunny side of the trunk in late winter. 3 Two other types of injury that are somewhat closely related to sun- scald are crotch injury, occurring at the head and in the crotches of rapidly growing branches, and crown injury, or crown rot, occurring at the crown, or base, of the trunk. For the purposes of this paper the following distinction is made: Injury localized on the southwest side of the trunk, whether at the crown, at the head, or on the intermediate part, is considered typical sun-scald. Injury typically occurring at the head and in the crotches, or at the crown, without relation to the points of the compass in either case, is designated as crotch injury or crown rot, respectively. All three types of injury are herein discussed. OBSERVATIONS ON SUN-SCALD INJURY In the northern half of the Champlain Valley, New York, including parts of Essex and Clinton Counties, is an area lying between Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains, in which some attention is given to growing apples on a commercial scale. The varieties most grown ■Also presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University, February, 1916, as a major thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy. Author's Acknowledgments. Grateful acknowledgment for help and criticism is made to Professors Donald Reddick and H. H. Whetzel, and especially to Professor W. H. Chandler, under whose immediate direction the work here reported was performed. 2 Formerly Fellow in Plant Pathology at Cornell University, now Instructor in Plant Pathology at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. 3 Possibly this injury would be more properly called winter sun-scald, to distinguish it from sun- scald or sun-scorch resulting from the direct action of the sun in midsummer. Considerable mention of summer sun-scald is made in literature. Hartig (1894) describes an interesting case of the injury to spruce. 237 238 Bulletin 382 are Fameuse, Mcintosh, Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Rhode Island, and Wealthy. A few Baldwin orchards also are found. The writer had occasion to spend much of his time in this locality during the summer seasons of 1913, 191 4, and 191 5. One of the conditions noted in the early part of the season of 19 13 was the almost universal prevalence in these various orchards of trunk injury to the soiithwest side of the tree. This injury was not recent, but had apparently occurred one or two years earlier. The unanimous opinion of the growers was that it had occurred during the winter of 1910-11. This view was sub- stantiated by sawing into several injured trunks and counting the number of annual rings formed since the injury. In the summer of 19 13 a careful survey was made of a number of orchards, in order to determine if possible the relation of certain factors to the amount of injury. The survey was never extended to include all the orchards in this region, and served merely to confirm conclusions that might be drawn from a somewhat casual observation. It is there- fore not reproduced in any detail here, but the most evident facts gained from a study of it are stated. There are a number of very old orchards in the lower Champlain Valley, but the majority of commercial orchards are from twenty to thirty years old. There are also many younger orchards. The injury was practically confined to orchards between the ages of eight and thirty years. None of this recent injury was observed in the very old orchards, tho evidences were found of one or more earlier injuries, the dates of which were not determined. The injury was confined almost entirely to the southwest side of the tree. Trees leaning to the northeast were most severely injured. In one or two orchards, trees of the Ben Davis variety were found to have a number of injured places on any and all sides of the trunk. The injury might occur at any height on the trunk, might extend from the crown to the head involving the whole of the southwest side of the trunk, or might appear at from one to several places at various heights. The commonest form, however, was an injured area beginning at a point from ten to twenty-five centimeters above the crown and extending to within a short distance below the head; in other words, the part of the trunk midway between the crown and the head was oftenest injured (Plate xvnr) . Only a few-.cases were found in which the injury was con- fined to the region of the crown. A few cases of crotch injury were observed, one of the most striking being in a twenty-years-old Northern Spy orchard. The trees in this orchard were comparatively low-headed, and a large number of nearly upright main branches originated from almost the same point. In these trees the injury was chiefly in the Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 239 crotches of these branches, usually extending up along the branches themselves for a distance of several centimeters. In this orchard the injury was localized on the southwest side of the tree. The number of injured trees in the orchards examined averaged about twenty to twenty-five per cent of the total number of trees. No satisfactory conclusions could be drawn as to the relation of soil type, location, exposure, or previous cultural treatment of the orchard, to the amount of injury. However, there are a few orchards on extremely light, infertile soils. The trees on these soils are normally less well- grown, less vigorous, and shorter-lived than the same varieties on heavier types of soil. They were found to be much more affected by sun- scald injury. It seems prob- able that this is an indirect soil relation, due to the influence of the soil on the vigor of the tree. There seemed .to be a fairly well-marked range of suscep- tibility of varieties. Ben Davis suffered the most, Northern Spy next, and Fameuse, Mc- intosh, Baldwin, and Rhode Island somewhat less. Not a sufficient number of Wealthy trees were examined to war- rant a statement as to the relative susceptibility of that variety. It is of interest in this con- nection that in the winter of 19 13-14 there was in this locality a great amount of winter injury to roots of apple trees from one to twenty years of age, and in a few cases to much older trees. This injury was in many instances severe, a number of trees having their whole root system killed, and the injury often extended to the crown, killing the cambium and the outer sapwood so that the bark lifted away from the trunk around its whole circumference for a distance varying from two to six or eight inches above the soil. Fall plowing seemed to have increased the amount of this injury somewhat, and it was also more prevalent on light soils and wind-exposed locations. But the most striking FlG. 60. BEN DAVIS APPLE TREE THE ROOTS OF WHICH WERE WINTERKILLED DURING THE WINTER OF 1913-I4 Photograph made in June, 1914. This tree has also an old sun-scald injury which has been treated with gas tar 240 Bulletin 382 fact observed was the marked susceptibility of the Ben Davis variety. The writer could find no Ben Davis orchard that had entirely escaped injury. In many of these from fifty to seventy-five per cent of the trees were in a dying condition, and if they survived the summer of 1 9 1 4 they succumbed early in 191 5. (Fig. 60.) Northern Spy and Wealthy trees also suffered severely, altho not to nearly so great a degree as Ben Davis. It appears that the Ben Davis variety is not a hardy tree in the lower Champlain Valley, and it may be questioned whether Northern Spy is. A point of horticultural interest worth mentioning in connection with this root injury is that, altho some of these Ben Davis trees were root- grafted trees, many of them, according to the owners' statement and the appearance of the trunk at the union, were originally budded trees and therefore not on their own roots. In this case the hardiness of the stock seems to have been influenced by the scion. SUN-SCALD INJURY OCCURRING IN THE WINTER OF 1913-14 A very interesting case of sun-scald injury occurred in the orchard of W. E. Everett, at Peru, New York, during the winter of 1913-14. This is a small orchard of two hundred and sixty trees, seven years old at the time the injury occurred. The trees in the first, second, and fourth to eighth rows, or one hundred and sixty-three trees on the west side of the orchard, were mostly of the Wealthy variety; the trees in the third row, twenty-two trees, were of the Mann variety; the remaining three rows of trees, on the east side of the orchard, seventy-five trees, were Fameuse. The soil is light and gravelly, and not particularly fertile, but the trees had been well manured, cultivated, and sprayed, and were fairly well grown and vigorous. The soil was somewhat better in the western half of the orchard, and the trees there were slightly larger. The injury was much severer in this part of the orchard. It was thought that this indicated a less degree of hardiness of the Wealthy variety, but no definite conclusion could be drawn. Late in the summer of 19 13, the owner, in the hope of protecting his trees against the attack of borers, painted the trunks with gas tar for a distance of about one foot from the ground. Several rows of trees, two or three years younger and of an unknown variety, to the west of the Fameuse, were not so painted. The injury was confined entirely to the trees that were painted, and the injury to each was confined to the blackened part of the trunk. The injury was first noted on April 30, 1914, and a brief examination of it was then made, followed by a more careful examination of every affected tree a short time later. The bark was found to be loosened from the wood, and the sapwood and the cambial area were discolored ■fig w .S £ c O S w *; Bulletin 382 Plate XIX SUN-SCALD INJURY TO TARRED TRUNKS OF APPLE IN WINTER OF I913-I4 Photographs taken in August, 1914, after the dead bark had been trimmed away Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 241 dark brown; but the bark itself was green and apparently alive. The injury could not have been due to the direct action of the gas tar on the tissue, since only the very outer bark showed any injurious effect from the tar, the inner bark being normal in color and appearance. Of the two hundred and sixty trees in this orchard, one hundred and eleven were injured to some extent; on sixty-five of these the bark was loosened from the wood for one-third of the circumference or more; on eight of the latter the bark was loosened thruout the entire circum- ference or nearly so, in some cases a very narrow strip of uninjured wood and bark being found on the northeast side. Three trees had their bark loosened from the trunk all the way around. In cases in which the bark was loosened thruout the whole circum- ference or nearly so, it was usually split open in one or more places. Most of these splits were on the southwest side of the trunk. In less severe cases the localization on this side was even more marked; where the bark was loosened for a space of from one-third to two-thirds of the circumference this loosened area was invariably on the southwest or the west side. In the case of the forty-six trees showing less severe injury, this injury consisted of small to large areas on the southwest side of the trunk, where the bark was lifted from the wood. The above-mentioned facts point to the conclusion that the injury was of the sun-scald type and that the application of gas tar was the indirect cause of its occurrence. The black color probably caused the tissue of the bark to absorb more than the normal amount of heat, so that proper conditions for the occurrence of sun-scald were brought about. This unusual rise in temperature undoubtedly did not occur on unblackened trees. No cases of sun-scald on trees whose trunks were not treated with gas tar were found to have occurred in this region during the winter of 19 13- 1 4. Some observations are reported later in this paper on the temperatures that may occur in blackened trunks. The cambium in some of these injured trees was capable of regeneration, and wound tissue was formed during the summer on the inside of the bark; but of course this made no union with the wood, and was of no apparent help in preserving the life of the tree. In cases of severe injury the formation of this thick callous layer caused the bark to split open and roll away, exposing the wood (Plate xix, 1). In cases in which onlv a small area of bark was loosened, healing took place in the normal manner from the edges of the wound. The most severely injured trees either died late in the summer of 191 4 or were removed by the owner in the spring of 191 5. Photographs of some of these injured trunks are shown in Plate xix. 242 Bulletin 382 review of american literature on sun-scald and related injuries The first mention of sun-scald injury in this country is by Burrill (1887). 4 He describes a crown injury which is commonest on the sunny side of the trees. His explanation is as follows: Late growth, induced by a warm, moist autumn following a period of drouth, causes severe winter injuries in trees. These occur mechanically by freezing of the relatively large quantities of water in the cambial region; ice formation, together with shrinkage of the tissues, causes the bark to be pushed away from the wood. Selby (1897) describes a local blighting of branches and trunk of apples and pears, known as sun-scald. It occurs most commonly on the west and southwest sides of trees, and trees leaning to the northeast suffer the most. Baldwin, Oldenburg, and King are listed as susceptible varieties. Selby (1900) again mentions the occurrence of an injury of this sort to the southwest side of the tree. Grimes, King, and other varieties were severely injured. Stewart, Rolfs, and Hall (1900) describe a case of "King disease" believed to be due to winter injury. The bark at the base of the trunk is dead and loose or fallen away ; the injury extends from one to two feet up the trunk, occasionally up to the crotch, and is common on the southwest side but not confined to that side. Similar injuries are described as occurring on peach, apricot, and plum. Clinton (1904) describes an injury to apple trees from four to eight years old which seems to be crown rot. It consists of dead areas in the bark at the base of the tree, most frequently on the north side, sometimes completely girdling the tree. Sudden zero weather on December 9, 1903, following an open fall, was believed to be the cause. The same author (1905) describes similar injuries occurring in 1904. The injury was to the bark at the base of the trunk, often on one side but in some cases the trees were girdled. Isolated dead areas were found farther up the trunk. Young trees suffered the most. It is stated that late cultivation and excessive fertilization allow the trees to enter the winter in an unripened condition, rendering them more susceptible to winter injury. Clinton again (1908) notes a "collar girdling" of peach trees due to winter injury, probably caused by the severe winter of 1907-08 in connec- tion with the drouth of the previous summer which weakened the trees. Macoun (1908) describes ten different types of winter injury occurring in Canada. Among these are the following: Bark splitting, which is found usually on young trees. It is due to expansion, occur- ring when the trees have grown late and are succulent and there is a heavy fall of snow i Dates in parenthesis refer to literature cited, page 283. Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 243 before the soil freezes. The snow softens the bark, and when the temperature falls suddenly the moisture in or under the bark expands in freezing and loosens the bark from the trunk or kills the cambium. Crown rot of the Gravenstein in Nova Scotia is probably the same injury. Sun-scald, an injury common in northern and northeastern Ontario and Quebec. It occurs on the south and the southwest side of the trunk. The bark becomes unhealthy, dies, dries up, and falls away. The injury occurs in late winter or early spring, when warm days are followed by cool nights. It is the same as is found when frozen plants are thawed out suddenly, and is caused by constant alternate thawing and freezing. Crotch injury, in which case the bark is dead in the crotch or on branches diverging from it. The injury is probably due to the lodging of ice in the crotch. The theory has been advanced that this ice acts as a lens in focusing the sun's rays, but the position of the limbs does not favor this view. It is more probable that the injury is due to sof- tening of the bark by melted snow or water before freezing ; the bark is also probably more tender at this point. Selby (1908) describes injuries due to the October freeze of 1906. Trunk injuries were on the most exposed sides of the tree, the location of which varied in different localities. Late growth occurred in 1906. August and September were very warm, with a heavy rainfall. These conditions were succeeded by a severe cold period from October 10 to October 13. The same author describes sun-scald as a common injury on the south and southwest sides of the trunk, and states that the severe midwinter temperatures of 1906-07 were the cause of the injury in that season. The occurrence of sun-scald is thus explained (page 135 of reference cited) : "The temperature rise upon these sun-exposed surfaces is larger than upon less exposed portions, and accordingly the danger of stimulus to untimely activity of the living layer is much greater upon the heated side " Morse (1909) notes that crotch injury was common following the winter of 1906-07. This injury is thought to be due to the loading of the crotches with soft snow, which alternately thawed and froze suddenly for two days in succession. The crotches would thus be filled with greater or less deposits of ice, which would radiate heat more rapidly than the parts not so covered. Grossenbacher (1909) studied some cases of winter injury in western New York and in the Hudson Valley. The studies were made in 1909 and the injuries were then several years old. They were all of the crown rot type, occurring at the base of the tree with no reference to the points of the compass. The same author (19 12) reports studies of injuries that occurred in various parts of New York State, the majority of them in the winter of 1910-11. These injuries were in most cases to the crown of the tree. Where less than complete girdling occurred, Grossenbacher found* a localization of the injury corresponding to the maximum wind exposure and the presumable direction of the prevailing wind at the time of injury. He records two other cases of injury that may be considered of sun-scald 244 Bulletin 382 type: an injury to the southwest side of the trunks of young maples in a park near Geneva, during the winter of 1909-10; and a similar injury to young apple trees at Clyde whose trunks had been surrounded by veneer protectors, during the winter of 1910-11. Grossenbacher ascribes the cause of crown rot to low temperatures accompanied by bark tensions set up by the swaying of trees in the wind. Rapid evaporation caused by high winds is believed to be a contributory factor. High bark tensions set up by rapid growth at crown and crotch are thought to have some effect in causing the localization of injury at these points. Grossenbacher reports an experiment in which he thawed the bark of a tree with hot water, on a January' day when the air temperature was -2 6° C., and swayed the tree vigorously for about a minute. Water was also poured on the crotch of a tree that was not swayed. In March the bark on these trees was found to be dead. As Chandler (19 13) has pointed out, this injury was probably due to a rapid temperature fall, and was not, as Grossenbacher believes, influenced by the tensions set up by swaying the tree. Chandler (19 13) found that the tissue at the base of the trunk and at the crotches becomes hardy in the fall more slowly than does that of the upper parts of the trunk, of the secondary branches, or of the twigs, and suggests that this is the probable explanation of the localization of injury at these points. THE FREEZING TO DEATH OF PLANT TISSUE It seems desirable at this point to state the manner in which the killing of plant tissue by freezing is supposed to occur. The work of Goeppert (1830), Muller-Thurgau (1880), and Molisch (1897) indicates that the withdrawal of water during the freezing process to form intercellular ice crystals causes the death of the cells. Without considering theories advanced by later workers to account more exactly for the death of the protoplasm, it is sufficient for the purposes of this paper to state that when, during the freezing process, water withdrawal from a cell passes a certain limit, the cell is killed. EFFECT OF RAPID FREEZING Winkler (1913) found that dormant buds on the twigs of various trees that were killed if frozen twelve hours at -22 C, were not killed if kept three days at -16 , two days at -18 , three days at -20 , two days at -22°, and finally twelve hours at -25 ; some remained alive even at -30 . Chandler (19 13), working with winter twigs and buds of various fruit trees, found that the rapidity of the freezing process is a factor influencing Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 245 the killing. Tissue frozen rapidly (one and one-half hours to the minimum) was killed at a temperature three or four degrees higher than the same tissue when subjected to a slow (seven and one-half hours to the minimum) rate of temperature fall. Not so marked a difference was found in the case of succulent plants. Chandler found further that rapid temperature fall, was much more injurious in the first part of the freezing period (from o to -12 C.) than in the latter part. EFFECT OF RAPID THAWING It was held by earlier workers that the injurious effect of freezing on plant tissue was not due to the freezing itself but to rapid thawing. Goeppert (1830) was the first real advocate of the view that the injury is caused by the freezing process and is independent of the rate of thawing. This opinion was based on a large amount of experimental work. Sachs (i860) conducted some experiments from which he concluded that the amount of killing was directly dependent on the rate of thawing; with plants frozen to a given temperature, those that were thawed rapidly were killed in a greater proportion than those that were thawed gradually. Muller-Thurgau (1886), in a long series of experiments conducted with a variety of plants, found no proof that slow thawing acted to prevent injury; if the plant was killed, either rate of thawing showed it killed; if uninjured at the end of the slow-thawing process, it was also uninjured by rapid thawing. It is interesting that Sachs' method of slow thawing was to place the frozen plants in cold water. Muller-Thurgau has pointed out that this was in reality a more rapid method than thawing in air. When the frozen plants are placed in water, a layer of ice immediately forms on their exterior, giving off heat to the tissue and consequently warming it. Molisch (1897) conducted a large number of experiments on the effect of rapid thawing, with results similar to those obtained by Muller- Thurgau . He found a slight benefit from slow thawing in the case of fruits of apple and pear, and leaves of Agave americana L. With these tissues a slight further reduction in temperature was sufficient to kill, regardless of the rate of thawing. Chandler (1913), working with a number of different plants, found no benefit from slow thawing except in the case of lettuce, and ripe fruits of apple and pear. With these tissues only a slight further reduction of temperature was needed to offset entirely the effect of slow thawing. Chandler was unable to find that increased rate of evaporation during the thawing process had any effect on the killing. It seems strange, in view of the excellent work of Muller-Thurgau, that the idea has continued so prevalent that rapid thawing causes the 246 Bulletin 382 death of frozen plants, and that the same plants if thawed slowly would be saved. Perhaps it is due to the wide influence Sachs has had on later botanists, and to the possibility that his work may have been more widely read than that of Muller-Thurgau. Since the publication of Chandler's work there should be no reason for any one to adhere to this view. . Special emphasis is laid on this point, since the prevailing idea regarding the occurrence of sun-scald is that it is due to rapid thawing of the tissue on the sun-exposed side of the tree on a day of extreme cold in late winter. It is proposed in this paper to discard this hypothesis at the outset as untenable. THEORIES REGARDING THE OCCURRENCE OF SUN-SCALD Previous to the time of Muller-Thurgau's work in 1886, sun-scald was commonly believed to be due to rapid thawing of the frozen tissue, brought about by the action of the sun. This view has also had many adherents since that time. Muller-Thurgau mentions the injury as one often occurring on the sunny side of trees, and places in the same category common winter injuries to needles on the south side of coniferous trees, and the pro- tection from winter injury afforded trees and shrubs which grow on the north side of buildings. Muller-Thurgau's explanation of the occurrence of sun-scald is as follows : Metabolic changes in the plant go on in winter under the influence of high temperatures. On sunny days in winter the bark on the south side of the tree is ten centigrade degrees or more warmer than it is on the north side. The tissue on the south side will be farther out of the rest condition and thus be more sensitive to cold. Flowers of Thuja are farther developed by the end of February than in December, and are also farther along on the south side than on the north side of the tree. Muller-Thurgau found the moisture content of the bark slightly higher on the south than on the north side of the tree in late winter. He found also that the temperature of the bark was sometimes much higher on the sunny side. If the view expressed above is not accepted, there remains the possi- bility that the tissue on the southwest side of the trunk may become tenderer in late winter due to repeated alternate freezings and thaw- ings. Winkler (1913) found that by subjecting the twigs of several deciduous trees to repeated freezings and thawings he rendered them more susceptible to injury by freezing. Since the tissue on the southwest side of a tree trunk must be subjected to more repeated freezings and thawings than the tissue on the northeast side, it is possible that it may thus become tenderer. Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 247 Chandler (1913), from the results obtained in the comparison of the effects of rapid and of slow freezing, has suggested another possibility. On a cold, sunny day in late winter, the tissue on the sun-exposed side of a tree may become thoroly thawed out while that on the opposite side remains at or near the atmospheric temperature, which may be very low. Under these circumstances, when the sun's rays are withdrawn from the tree in late afternoon the temperature of the warmed area of the bark will fall rapidly to that of the atmosphere. As injury is greater when the temperature fall is rapid, especially in the first part of the freezing period, it is conceivable that the temperature of the tree may fall during the night to a point low enough to kill the tissue on the south- west side of the trunk, while that on the northeast side, protected by a slower temperature fall, will remain uninjured. Other explanations are those offered by Burrill (page 242 of this bulletin) ; by Hartig (1900), who suggests that the bark becomes so warmed by the sun's rays in certain places that it expands considerably and separates from the wood; and by Sorauer (1909), who ascribes the phenomenon to tension differences in the tissues, set up by sudden temperature changes. OBSERVATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS Sun-scald injury may be considered a form of direct freezing to death caused in one of two ways: (1) an increased tenderness in the tissue on the sunny side of the trunk in late winter causes it to kill at a temperature not low enough to injure the still dormant tissue of the shaded side; or (2) the tissue on the sunny side kills at a higher temperature, due to the more rapid temperature fall that may take place after a cold, sunny day in late winter. It is of course possible that both these factors may be operative in causing the injury. In order to test the relative value of these two hypotheses, some observations and experiments were made during the winters of 1913-14 and 1 9 14-15. In the experiments reported below, the cambium was taken as the critical tissue, since in observed cases of sun-scald the cambium suffers severe injury, and without injury to the cambium and outermost xylem the bark would not separate from the wood nor would any injury beyond easy repair occur. Temperatures that may occur in winter on the sun-exposed parts of the trunk During the winters of 1913-14 and 1914-15, records were taken of the temperatures of the cortex and the outer sapwood on sun-exposed and shaded sides of the trunks of several apple trees, in order to ascertain just what temperature conditions may arise under given circumstances. The temperatures were taken with ordinary mercury thermometers of the chemical type. Since the result desired was a comparison of 248 Bulletin 382 temperatures, looking for fairly wide differences, no attempt was made to standardize these thermometers, but they were carefully compared before and after using and were found to check with one another within one-half of one degree. These thermometers were graduated in degrees Fahrenheit between -20 and -f- 120 . In the following tables the readings have been transformed to the centigrade scale, which accounts for the decimal. No attempt was made to read the thermometers more closely than to one-half of a graduation interval. The manner of insertion of the thermometers was as follows: A hole was bored tangentially into the tree trunk so that when the thermometer bulb was inserted it lay partly in the inner cortex and partly in the outer sapwood, while the stem projected horizontally or was slightly inclined upward. The hole was only very slightly larger than the diameter of the bulb, and after insertion of the thermometer the outer opening was sealed around the thermometer stem with paraffin. The thermometer bulb was thus entirely within the tissue, and it is not believed that the unavoidable small air space around the bulb introduced any material error into the observations. Air temperatures were taken by means of a thermometer hung against the northeast side of the trunk just above the thermometer inserted on that side. TABLE 1. Tree Temperatures on the Southwest and Northeast Sides under Cloudy Conditions, 1914 Date Hour* Temperatures (degrees centigrade) Southwest side Northeast side Air Tree no. 3 January 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 Tree no. 38 January 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 11 .00 1 30 130 1. 00 11 .40 1 .00 1 . 10 1. 10 -6.9 3-3° -1. 9° -3-9° 0.0 0.0 -2.2° -0-5° -7-5* 2.8 C -3-O c -3-9 c 0.0 0.0 -2.2 C ^5 C -5.5" 2.6° -39° -2-5° 1.1° -2.2° O.O 4-4° 1 .40 2.00 1 15 12 20 1 .20 1 30 1.30 3-9 -2.8° -3-3° 0.0 -0-3° 0.0 3-3" -3-6° -3- 3° 0.0 0.0 -1.1 0-5° 2.2^ -4-7 c -2.8* i-7 c -39 c 0.0 4-4' * Forenoon records are in light-faced type, afternoon records in black-faced type. Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 249 For the observations of 19 13-14 two trees in the university orchards at Ithaca were selected. Tree no. 3 was a large old seedling tree with a trunk about three feet in diameter. Tree no. 38 was a twenty-years-old Baldwin tree with a trunk diameter of about ten inches. The thermom- eters were inserted about three feet from the ground in each case. At the beginning of the observations, readings were taken on cloudy days as well as on sunny days, in order to determine whether any difference in temperature might occur due to any other influence than that of the sun. Some of these readings are given in table 1. Temperatures that may be reached on a bright day by the tissue on the sun-exposed side of a tree are shown in table 2 : TABLE 2. Tree Temperatures on the Southwest and Northeast Sides on Sunny Days, 1914 Date Tree no. Hour* Temperatures (degrees centigrade) Southwest Northeast side side Air January 14 26 26 February 2 2 3 3 4 4 8 8 9 9 13 13 15 15 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 March ' 10 10 12 12 24 24 2 5 25 3 3 38 3 00 2.25 3 10 1 . 1 -0-5* 2-5' 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 12 50 1 05 1 .00 1 .20 2.50 3 20 1 00 1 25 1 .00 1 20 12.55 15 .00 7-7° 15.0° 15 -5° 12.8° 11. 7 -o.5° —1.7° —4-4° —5-6° -6.4 — 1 . 1 ° 3-9° 1-4° -6.4 —4-4° —2.8 — 1 . 1 ° 17° 3-9° —1. 9° 1.1" o.3° 2.8° 0.0 o.8° i-7° 4° 9° 4° 3° o° -10. o° - 9-4° - 8.3° -11. 4 — 4 — 3 - 9 — 8 —15 -11. 4 -16. i c -i3-9 c -97 c - 2.8 C -10. o c 3 38 3 38 3 38 3 38 1 30 1 50 1250 1 IS iiS 1 35 1 .00 1 25 20.5" 27. 2° 15. 0° 16. 7 12.2° 11.1° 11.1° 10. 6° 0.0 2 2 C 3^3 C 0.0 i-7 c 2.2 C 5-O c 6.i c —16 — 5 8-9 7-8 c * Forenoon records are in light-faced type, afternoon records in black-faced type. 25° Bulletin 382 It is believed that in table 2 are found some of the highest temperatures reached in these particular trees during the three months of January, February, and March, 19 14. It will be seen that the tissue on the south- west side of the tree is often much warmer than that on the northeast side. It does not, however, seem possible that these temperatures are high enough to start the tissue into activity. A significant fact is that on four days — January 14, and February 13, 15, and 24 — the tissue on the southwest side of the tree was nearly, if not quite, thawed out, while that on the northeast side was at a very low temperature. In this connection table 3 is of interest, showing temperatures in an old seedling tree, with a trunk diameter of about eighteen inches, at Clinton, New York, on January 1 and 2, 19 14. The observations here recorded also give some idea of the possible rate of temperature fall on the south- west side when the sun leaves that part of the tree. TABLE 3. Tree Temperatures Observed at Clinton, New York, and at Ithaca, New York, 1914 Tree Hour* Temperatures (degrees centigrade) Date Southwest side Northeast side Air January 1 Old tree at Clinton 3.00 3 30 5 oof 8.9 8.3° 0.0 -4-4° -4-4° -4.4° -5-6° -5-6° -8-3° January 2 Old tree at Clinton 11 .00 7.2 -8-3° —10.0° January 2 Tree no. 3 at Ithaca 3.00 4-45t 5-i5§ —2.8° -7-8° —9-4° —12.2° — 15. o° -15-3° — 12.2° -15.6° —16.1° * Forenoon records are in light-faced type, afternoon records in black-faced type. I A few minutes after sundown. Sun just down. § Thirty minutes after sundown. Temperatures observed during the winter of igi4~ij Temperature observations were continued during the winter of 19 14- 15. Since it was believed that in the case of injury to the trees in the Everett orchard, mentioned on page 240, the indirect causal factor was the high temperature induced by the black color of the tarred trunk, some records were obtained from trees similarly blackened. Later in the winter records were taken from a whitewashed trunk, in order to learn whether a coating of whitewash would prevent an injurious rise in temperature. A space of about two feet up and down the trunk was tarred on November 23, 1914. The lower edge of this tarred space was two feet above the ground. The thermometers were inserted into the Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 251 middle of the tarred space. An additional thermometer was inserted six inches above the tarred space and on the southwest side of the tree. The whitewash was applied to a similar area on another tree. The white- wash gradually weathered off and was renewed once. Part of the time during which the records were taken the whitewash was in a somewhat washed-off condition. This was purposely allowed, in order to determine the effect of a poor coating of whitewash, since this would more nearly approximate conditions met with in the practical use of whitewash to prevent sun-scald. Later in the winter thermometers were inserted into two small trees, whose trunk diameter was about three inches. In this case the whole of the thermometer bulb could not be as nearly contained in the cortex and outer sapwood as in the larger trees; the central part of the bulb was separated from the outer air by a layer of sapwood and bark about one- fourth inch thick. This would lead to error in the readings, but it may be assumed that the temperature of the cambial area would be if anything higher than the readings obtained. The records for 19 14-15 were taken at Ithaca from the following trees: (a) Tree no. 6 — an old seedling tree in the Blair orchard, with a trunk diameter of about three feet. A part of the trunk was tarred and thermometers were placed in the tarred space on the southwest and northeast sides of the trunk, with a third thermometer six inches above the upper limit of the tarred space on the southwest side. (b) Tree no. 3 — an old seedling tree in the Blair orchard, from which records were taken in 19 14. Thermometers were placed on the south- west and northeast sides of the trunk, about three feet from the ground. (c) Tree no. o — an old seedling tree in the Blair orchard, with a trunk diameter of about two and one-half feet. A space on the trunk was whitewashed, and thermometers were placed in the center of the whitewashed area on the southwest and northeast sides and about three feet from the ground. (d) Tree no. 24 — of the variety Gano, in the university orchard, with a trunk diameter of three inches. On January 30 thermometers were placed on the southwest and northeast sides about three feet from the ground. (e) Tree no. 25 — a similar tree to no. 24. Thermometers were placed on the southwest side of the trunk in the center of a tarred space. The air temperatures were taken by means of maximum and minimum thermometers, one hung on the northeast side of the trunk of tree no. 6 in the Blair orchard, the other on the northeast side of a large post near trees no. 24 and no. 25 in the university orchard. The records obtained during the winter of 1 914-15 are given in table 4. The readings were all taken on bright days. 252 Bulletin 382 Q a H < a do 3 • 62 I « £ E «: « w fa 3 w H° c « S vOOO *0 r- ")t^H 0\^0 O O M OvO o o H I -MS *• OiO roro C\00 hOO O m O w • O m t^- cs ro O OwO ON OO ^Nf^ CO CO CO CO Tt Tt O \0 t~ O o d Sf O OMO l> m I>00 O m O O ■-< W (N M H N CN tH 0»N N COO -^ O CO m ro 0\ ro O OOO OOxMiocor-co roc^r^-oo l^COO N N H M IOOO "N ■^"CO Ov O N N O Q\ M CO CO (N (N IO O O w "^-ro ro 0»"t r^H m Oco r- 0\ 0\0 t^o Hfon 't't •*tw \OMO HH M o r^ I O W O H\Q o 00"5 100 CO ^ "rf +J T3 CO ca a to 0} CD CD 000 co V CD O O s 5.-2 S-i CO •* r^ t^ •5S i- to 00 CN CN IO J-l 000 OOtO CN CO <3 CN •& 4-> CO CD [S CD 000 +J 1O0O co "53 »-c 0) O X -^ C Cfi a 1-J ■* to 10 co CD . fo 'g'C MVOM CI M (^ [/! l-i 'to CD CD £ w> 0) 3, to CD ■> u-3 C/3 iS CD -g'to . 0) u CD C •> rt- r-» CN Tt- 10 On CO CD CD . 4J 0) O CO O, IO i& CD .00 . N « C3W P co -^- r^ 0) CD 3 -a S-H CD CO -M H to a co J CD CD 00000 lomnc N 00 CN h-t HH h- HH CO s-. 'to £ OOO 000 O M O " OO co , ^ £ bi , . 1j t- ra to r ?t£§ -" crj ca 3 H rj |_ s- - £ CC CO J" Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 257 The cambium appeared in its winter condition in all sets of cuttings up to those taken on May 2. In the cuttings taken on this date the cambium appeared to be beginning activity and a few recently formed tracheal elements and xylem cells were in evidence. There was no discernible difference on this date in the condition of the cuttings from the opposite sides of the trunk. If the cambium on the southwest side started into activity before that on the northeast side, this must have occurred sometime between April 8 and May 2. In this latitude, tem- peratures sufficiently low to cause injury to the awakening cambium could hardly be expected to occur so late in the spring as this. On May 31 considerable new xylem had been laid down inside the now thoroly active cambial ring. Again no difference could be detected between cuttings from the southwest and the northeast side of the trunk. In 19 1 5, cuttings that were taken for artificial freezing from several trees as late as April 13 were incidentally examined for signs of cambial awakening, but no such signs were observed on that date. The next opportunity for observation on this point was at Peru, Clinton County, on May 1. At that date growth had begun on both sides of the trunk. The season at Ithaca is a few days in advance of the season at Peru, so that observations made in the two places are fairly comparable. Brown (191 2), in studies on growth in Pinus rigida Mill., found no difference in the time of cambial awakening on the north and south sides of the trunk. Since there is doubtless some not thoroly understood change that takes place in the protoplasm before growth begins, it was believed that an increased tenderness in the cambium might easily be observed before growth itself, and that this would be a more accurate test of Muller- Thurgau's hypothesis. Any increased tenderness in the cambium could by careful manipulation be detected by artificial freezing. At different times in 191 4 and 191 5, tissue from various old and young trees was subjected to artificial freezing in order to determine this point. Cuttings were taken from the southwest and northeast sides at the same height on the trunk — from two and one-half to three feet from the ground. Each cutting included bark, cambium, and a thin layer of sapwood, and was removed with extreme care so as to avoid mechanical injury to the tissues, which might introduce error into the results. The cuttings were shaved down as nearly as possible to the same thickness (from two to two and one-half millimeters) and cut into pieces of the same area, three pieces being made from each cutting. The pieces prepared in 19 14 were about six millimeters square; those prepared in 191 5 were punched out with a cork borer the diameter of which was six millimeters. Each piece thus represented a small area of the cambium, 258 Bulletin 382 with equal thicknesses of cortex and xylem on either side. The pieces were made small in order that temperature changes in them could take place evenly and rapidly; it was believed that with pieces of this size close to or in contact with the thermometer bulb, the thermometer reading would be a fairly accurate representation of the internal temperature. In the experiments conducted in 19 14 the pieces were firmly tied with fine thread to the thermometer bulb, one on each side. The thermometer was inserted thru a cotton plug into a test tube in such a manner that the lower end of the bulb just cleared the bottom of the test tube. For the first part of the freezing process the tube was inserted into a larger tube, similarly plugged in order to secure insulation by the dead-air space between the two tubes. The larger tube was then placed in an earthen vessel containing, first ice, then ice and salt. The proportion of salt in the freezing mixture was gradually increased each time the mixture was replaced. When a certain minimum temperature was reached, the larger outer tube was removed and the inner tube placed directly in the freezing mixture. By means of these precautions it was possible to regulate the temperature fall so that it was even and slow. This was extremely desirable, since, as Chandler (1913) has shown, a rapid temperature fall, especially in the first part of the freezing, is markedly injurious. As the object sought was to determine any difference in hardiness between the two samples of tissue, a too rapid rate of temperature fall might be a source of too great error. In these experiments it usually took from six and one-half to seven hours to reach the minimum temperature obtainable with salt and ice. The tube was then removed, and placed in an insulated vessel containing a mixture of crystallized calcium chlorid and ice (the ice and calcium chlorid having been previously cooled to the temperature of salt and ice). The proportions of this mixture were also varied, but it was not possible to prevent a fairly rapid temperature fall at this stage of the freezing. Since, however, it is in the early part of the freezing that the effect of rapidity of fall is most noticeable, this was not regarded as a great source of error. The temperature was read and recorded every fifteen minutes up to the time of the employment of calcium chlorid, and from then on every five minutes. The thermometers used in 1914 were mercury thermometers similar to those employed in taking tree temperatures. These were later compared with the standardized ther- mometers used in 19 15. The thermometers used in 191 5 were two spirit thermometers graduated in degrees centigrade from -50 ° to +8o°. These were standardized by the United States Bureau of Standards. Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 259 The apparatus used for the freezing work in 19 15 is shown in figure 61. Essentially it consisted of three concentric tin cylinders, of which the innermost one constituted a chamber for the material to be frozen, and the outer two were containers for the freezing mixture. These three cylinders were inclosed on sides and bottom in an outer chamber filled with insulating material. A shaft passing down into the central cylinder bore near its lower end a small tin disk, on the upper surface of which were a number of small pin points. The material to be frozen was placed on these points. The disk was made to revolve slowly during the freezing process, by means of a pulley of large circumference attached to the upper end of the shaft and driven by a belt from a small, low-speed electric motor. This was in order to make sure that the various pieces of tissue would be subjected to the same temperatures and to the same rate of temperature fall, since all parts of the central cylinder might not be at exactly the same temperature. A recess was cut into the lower part of the apparatus at one side, as far as the wall of the central cylinder, allowing a thermometer to be inserted thru a cork in such a manner that the bulb was wholly within the central cylinder and just beneath the revolving disk, while the stem was wholly in the outer air. By means of this arrangement the temperature could be read whenever desired without disturbing either thermometer or tissue. The apparatus was made rather deep in order to allow room for insulation of wool felt which was packed in the upper parts while the freezing was going on. The whole appa- ratus was covered by an easily removable lid. The freezing-mixture chambers were provided with drainpipes and stopcocks. In the freezing process the outer cylinder was filled with ice-and-salt mixtures, with gradually increasing proportions of salt, until the minimum temperature that could be obtained with this mixture was reached, the dead-air space of the second cylinder meanwhile acting as insulation to prevent too rapid temperature fall. A calcium-chlorid-and-ice mixture wag then placed in the second cylinder until the desired temperature was reached. One defect was observed with this machine when low temperatures were desired. As is well known, a mixture of calcium chlorid and ice FlG. 6l. FREEZING MACHINE USED FOR ARTIFICIAL FREEZ- ING EXPERIMENTS 260 Bulletin 382 is not particularly efficient as compared with salt and ice. In this apparatus its efficiency was still further impaired by the heat lost in freezing the water that was unavoidably present in the ice-and-salt mixture of the outer chamber. 5 In the later freezings of 191 5, when a temperature below -2 8° C. was desired it was necessary to place the tissue in thin- walled glass shells attached to the shaft near its lower end, and when the minimum of the machine was reached to remove these quickly and place them in a calcium-chlorid-and-ice mixture contained in an insulated vessel. In this case the thermometer bulb was placed directly in the mixture. Several vessels were employed, each with a mixture whose temperature was slightly lower than the preceding, so that the temperature fall could be regulated to comparative slowness. The temperatures were read and recorded at the same intervals as in the 1 9 14 experiments, and the same rate of temperature fall was maintained. Before each set of freezings, preliminary freezings were run with tissue from the north or the east side of the trunk until the killing point of the cambium was determined; then the tissue to be compared was carried down to that point — or usually to a degree or two short of that point, as any differences in hardiness could more readily be noted if the killing was partial. Indeed, when, as was often the case, there was almost no injury and it was at the same time known that the killing point had been all but reached, the results were considered as valuable as when there was more evident injury ; since if the insolated tissue were noticeably tenderer, it would certainly kill under such conditions. The amount of injury was determined by examination under the low power of the microscope. The edges of the pieces were trimmed and free-hand sections were cut across the center of the pieces in every case, as occasionally unavoidable mechanical injury to the outer edge of a piece would increase the amount of killing in that region. As is well known, the anatomical cambium consists of several layers of cells, of which properly only the central layer is the true, or physiological, cambium. In these freezing experiments the tissue first injured was the layer of cambial cells next to the last-formed layer of xylem cells, in other words, the youngest wood elements. Occasionally the inter- fascicular cambium seemed to be the tenderest tissue. Since severer injury was marked by extension of the discolored line to include more layers of the anatomical cambium until complete killing showed them all discolored, the amount of injury could be readily estimated in per- centage and in many cases is so expressed in the tabulated results. 5 This defect in the apparatus could be remedied easily by constructing the outer freezing chamber with false walls so that the ice-and-salt mixture could be removed and the space filled with wool-felt insu- lation. With this improvement it is believed that the machine would be efficient to as low temperatures as are ever desired. Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 261 Before examination the pieces were left for from twenty-four to forty- eight hours after the freezing, when the characteristic brown discoloration of cell contents caused by frost injury could be recognized readily. Several unfrozen pieces of tissue were similarly left and examined each time, but in no case was the discoloration present in them. Of course the time when such freezings should be run in order to determine the point in question is late winter and early spring; but in order to throw light on the general question of hardiness, freezings were run at intervals thruout the entire dormant period, and the results are thought to be of sufficient interest to be reported here. They are given in table 7 : TABLE 7. Record of Artificial Freezing Experiments to Determine Relative Hardiness of Tissue of the Trunks of Trees in 1914-15 Lot no. I Length of Minimum Length of time at minimum (minutes) Date Source of tissue temperature fall (hours) reached (°C.) Injury (1914) 1 Jan. 28 Northeast side, 20- years-old Baldwin tree no. 38 Southwest side, same tree 31 20.6° 30 Evident injury to cam- bium, slight injury to cortex, no injury to xylem Injury not noticeably different 2 Jan. 30 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 7 Southwest side, same tree 7 20.0° 30 Slight injury to cam- bium Same Northeast side, old 7 20.6° 30 Very slight injury to seedling tree no. 3 cambium Southwest side, same Same tree Northeast side, young 7 21 .0° 30 No injury Northern Spy tree no. 17 Southwest side, same No injury tree 3 Feb. 2 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 7 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 6 Southwest side, same 7 20.6° 45 No injury No injury No injury No injury tree 4 Feb. 21 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 7 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 18 Southwest side, same 6J 22.2° Warmed immedi- ately Slight injury to cam- bium and cortex, very slight injury to xylem Same Same Same Injury as above, but less injury to cam- bium Same tree 5 Feb. 27 Northeast side, old Bellflower tree no. 9 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 20 71 20.0° 30 Severe injury to cam- bium, slight to med- ullary rays of cortex Almost no injury Very slight injury to cambium 262 Bulletin 382 TABLE 7 (continued) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 5 (1914) Feb. 27 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 21 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 22 North side, old Bell- flower tree no. 9 North side, tree no. 22 North side, tree no. 9 71 — 20 . 0° — 20.0° 30 30 Same Same No injury No injury No injury No injury No injury 6 Mar. 19 Northeast s^ide, old tree, variety un- known, no. 39 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old tree, variety un- known, no. 40 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old tree, variety un- known, no. 41 Southwest side, same tree North side, old tree no. 41 North side, old tree no. 41 North side, old tree no. 40 7 2\ — 28. 0° —18. 3 60 30 Complete injury to cam- bium, severe to cor- tex, slight to xylem Same Same as' above, but slightly less injury to cambium Same Complete injury to cam- bium, severe to cor- tex, slight to xylem Same Severe injury, not no- ticeably different from that of slowly frozen tissue 7 Mar. 28 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 1 1 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 5 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 13 Southwest side, same tree 6 — 26. i° 45 Slight injury to inter- fascicular cambium and medullary rays Same No injury No injury No injury No injury Slight injury to inter- fascicular cambium and medullary rays, slight injury to outer xylem next to cam- bium Slight injury to inter- fascicular cambium and medullary rays 8 Nov. ii Six pieces from old tree no. 39 6 — 11 . 1° 60 No injury 9 Nov. 14 Old seedling tree no. 1 10 — 21 . 1° 30 Injury severe to xylem, less severe to cortex. No injury to cam- bium 10 Nov. 16 Old seedling tree no. 1, crown, 4 inches above soil 6| — 21.7 S 95 per cent* injury to cambium, very little to cortex or xylem * Estimate from microscopic examination. Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees TABLE 7 {continued) 263 Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 10 (1914) Nov. 16 Same tree, trunk, 2\ feet up Same tree, crown, 4 inches above soil Same tree, trunk, 25 feet up 7 — 21 .7° —23.0° 5 30 Very slight injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem All cambium injured 75 per cent injury to cambium 11 Nov. 21 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 2 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4, trunk tarred Oct. 23 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8, trunk tarred Oct. 23 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 11 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 15 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 16, trunk tarred Oct. 23 Southwest side, same tree 8 21 .2° 30 15 per cent injury to cambium 10 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium No injury to cambium Very slight injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, less to xylem Very slight injury to cambium (one piece showed about 10 per cent) Very slight injury to cambium (less than 1 per cent) No injury to cambium No injury to cambium No injury to cambium No injury to cambium No injury to cambium 12 Nov. 23 Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 18, trunk tarred Oct. 23 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 17 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 20 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 23, trunk tarred Oct. 23 Southwest side, same tree Young Northern Spy tree no. 22, head, 25 feet above soil Same tree, crown, 4 inches above soil — ?3-3° 55 50 per cent injury to cambium Same 45 per cent injury to cambium IS per cent injury to cambium No injury to cambium (except very slight injury to one piece) No injury to cambium 60 per cent injury to cambium 20 per cent injury to cambium No injury to cambium No injury to cambium 13 Dec. 14 West side, old seedling tree no. 1, 4 feet above soil 7j — 25.0° 30 Very slight injury to cambium, cortex, and xylem 264 Bulletin 382 TABLE 7 (continued) Lot Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury I1914) Dec. 14 Dec. 17 West side, same tree, 2 feet above soil West side, same tree, 4 inches above soil 25 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 30 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 2 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 1 1 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 15 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 16 trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Material in freezer placed outside at 6 p. m. Dec. 1 7. At 9 a.m. Dec. 18, temperature in freezer was— 12 C. Freezing con- tinued by means of cal- cium chlorid and ice 1 hr. So min. to —25.5° C. 60 S per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem, es- pecially to medullary rays 10 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem, especially to medullary rays IS per cent injury to cambium, especially to interfascicular cam- bium, slight to cortex and xylem 10 per cent injury to cambium, especially to interfascicular cam- bium, slight to cortex and xylem 10 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, considerable to xylem 20 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem 25 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem Same 35 per cent injury to cambium, especially to interfascicular cam- bium, considerable to cortex and xylem, es- pecially medullary rays 30 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem, especially med- ullary rays 10 per cent injury to cambium and inter- fascicular cambium, slight to cortex and xylem IS per cent injury to cambium and inter- fascicular cambium, slight to cortex and xylem * * Note: Xylem injury unless otherwise noted was to xylem cells. Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 265 TABLE 7 (continued) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury (1914) Dec. 18 Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 18, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 17 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 20 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 23. trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree East side, young North- ern Spy tree no. 22, 3 feet above soil East side, trunk, same tree, ij feet above soil East side, crown, same tree, 4 inches above soil 70 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, slight to xylem 60 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, slight to xylem 25 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, slight to xylem 20 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, slight to xylem So per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, slight to xylem 35 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 75 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, considerable to xylem 80 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem 80 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, very slight to xylem Same 65 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, very slight to xylem Note: Xylem injury in this case was confined to medullary rays, no wood cells injured. 16 (1015) Jan. 13 Old seedling tree no. 1, 4 feet above soil Same tree, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 6 inches above soil Old seedling tree no. 7, 4 feet above soil Same tree, 6 inches above soil Old Bellflower tree no, 9, 4 feet above soil Same tree, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 6 inches above soil Very slight injury to cambium, cortex, and xylem Same Very slight injury (about 1 per cent) to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Very slight injury to cambium, cortex, and xylem Very slight injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem Very slight injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem (one piece showed 100 per cent cambium injury and severe cortex injury) Very slight injury (about 1 per cent) to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 2 66 Bulletin 382 TABLE 7 {continued) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 17 (1015) Jan. 16 Old seedling tree no. I, 4 feet above soil Same tree, 6 inches above soil Old Bellflower tree no. 9, 4 feet above soil Same tree, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 6 inches above soil Old seedling tree no. 12, 4 feet above soil Same tree, 6 inches . above soil 6i 26.0° 90 About 2 per cent injury to cambium, slight injury to cortex and xylem From i to 2 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Very slight injury to cambium, cortex, and xylem Very slight injury (less than i per cent) to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem From i to 2 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem From 2 to s per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem io per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Nc )te: Xylei n slightly more injured t lan cortex. 18 Jan. 20 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 2 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. n Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. is Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 16 Southwest side, same tree 6 — 26.5° 30 Very slight injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem Very slight injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Very slight injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem Same Very slight injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, considerable to cortex and xylem Very .slight injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Very slight injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same 19 Jan. 23 Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 18 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 17 7i 5 2 — 33-0° 40 Very slight injury to cambium, about 5 per cent to interfascicular cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same Very slight injury to cambium, mostly to interfascicular cam- bium, slight to cortex and xylem Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 267 TABLE 7 (continued) Lot Date no. Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 19 (1915) Jan. 23 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 20 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 23, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Young Northern Spy tree no. 22, trunk, 1 1 feet above soil Same tree, head, 3 feet above soil Same tree, crown, 4 inches above soil 7l2 — 33 ■ ° 40 Very slight injury to cambium, about 5 per cent to interfascicular cambium, slight to cortex and xylem From 1 to 5 per cent injury to cambium, considerable to xylem, less to cortex Same Very slight injury to cambium, about 5 per cent to interfascicular cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Very slight injury to cambium, . consider- able to xylem, less to cortex Very slight injury to cambium, about 10 per cent to interfas- cicular cambium, con- siderable to xylem, slight to cortex Same Very slight injury to cambium, about 5 per cent to interfascicular cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 20 Jan. 27 Young Northern Spy tree no. 35, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 1 inch above soil Young Northern Spy tree no. 42, head, 3 feet above soil Same tree, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 1 inch above soil Young Northern Spy tree no. 34, at head in crotch Same tree, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 1 inch above soil Young Northern Spy tree no. 30, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 1 inch above soil 6| — 38. 0° 40 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, less to xylem From 85 to 90 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem From 95 to 100 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Complete injury to cam- bium, severe to cortex and xylem Same Same From 90 to 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 90 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Note: Injury greater in extent in cortex than in xylem. 21 Feb. 22 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 2 6 —38.0 20 5 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem 268 Bulletin 382 TABLE 7 (continued) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 21 (1915) Feb. 22 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree ■ Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 11 Southwest side, same tree 6 — 38. o° 20 10 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem 5 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem Same Same Same Same 8 per cent injury to cambium , considerable to cortex and xylem 22 Feb. 24 Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 15 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 16, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 18, trunk tarred Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 17 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 20 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 23, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree 6 —37.0° 30 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 100 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same 98 per _ cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and, xylem Same 100 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same 97 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 100 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same Note: More injury to cortex than to xylem. Mar. 4 Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 15 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 16, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 17 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 20 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same 85 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same 75 per cent cambium, cortex and 85 per cent cambium, cortex and 90 per cent cambium, cortex and injury to severe to xylem injury to severe to xylem injury to severe to xylem Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees TABLE 7 (continued) 269 Lot no Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fal! (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 23 U9i5l Mar. 4 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 23 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 26, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 27 Southwest side, same tree 7 1 —35.o° 30 Same 85 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 90 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same 85 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 90 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 24 Mar. 6 Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 27, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 21 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 36, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 29 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 30 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 32 Southwest side, same tree 55 —32.0° 45 No injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same 5 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same Same 50 per cent injury* to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 5 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 50 per cent injury* to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 5 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same Same Same 25 Mar. 10 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 2 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree S3 —33-0° 30 20 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same 5 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 0.5 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 2 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem Very slight injury (less than 1 per cent) to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem * This was natural injury to pieces before freezing. More injury to cortex than to xylem. 270 Bulletin 382 TABLE 7 (continued) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum Injury (minutes) (1915) 25 Mar. 10 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 1 1 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old 5* —3i ■ o° 30 20 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem Same Less than 1 per cent in- jury to cambium, Bellflower tree no. 9 slight to cortex and « xylem Southwest side, same 2 per cent injury to tree cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Northeast side, old 0.5 per cent injury to seedling tree no. 7 cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Southwest side, same No injury to cambium, tree slight to cortex and xylem Northeast side, old Same seedling tree no. 3 Southwest side, same Same Note: Cortex slightly more injured than xylem. Mar. 10 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 2 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. n ' Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old Bellflower tree no. 9 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 7 Southwest side, same tree 5* Trace of injury to cam- bium, slight to cortex and xylem Same No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, cortex, or xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, cortex, or xylem 1 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same 5 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same Same Note: In this experiment the pieces of tissue, after being prepared, were soaked for one hour in distilled water, the excess water was blotted off with filter paper, and the pieces were then frozen along with those of lot no. 25. 26 Mar. 13 East side, old seedling tree no. 2, 3 feet above soil 4 — 23. 0° Removed imme- diately 3 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same 4l2 — 28. 0° 15 5 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same 45 —33-0° 10 12 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem 27 Mar. 15 East side, young Gano tree no. 20, 2 feet above soil 2l — 25.0° 30 No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same 2l 7 2 — 29. 0° 30 Same Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees TABLE 7 (continued) 271 Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 27 (1915) Mar. is Same South side, young Northern Spy tree no. 28, 2 feet above soil 3A 2 12 3,' 2 — 30.0° — 25.0° — 29.0° — 30.0 30 30 30 30 Very slight injury (less than 1 per cent) to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 30 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem 10 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem 28 Mar. 18 East side, old seedling tree no. 2, 3 feet above soil Same Same Immediate 2b 3| to —30.5° 20.0° 28.0° —31.0° 90 30 30 at —30.5° to — 31° 90 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Very slight injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem ex- cept injury to xylem next to cambium layer 29 Mar. 22 East side, old seedling tree no. 2, 2 feet above soil Same Same Immediate if to — 25.0° if to — 31.0° 20. O — 27 .0° —340° 30 30 at —25° to — 27° 30 at —3i° to —34° From 90 to 95 per cent injury to cambium, considerable to cor- tex, slight to xylem 15 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem From 15 to 20 per cent injury to cambium, considerable to cor- tex and xylem 30 Mar. 24 East side, old seedling tree no. 2, 3 feet above soil Same Same Immediate is U 7 i 20.0° 30.0° 32.0° 30 IS at —30°, 30 at — 29° to — 25° 20 80 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem 60 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, slight to xylem 75 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, slight to xylem 3i Mar. 27 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 2 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree n'o. 8, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 11 Southwest side, same tree 6 —310° 30 No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same Same Same Same Very slight injury (less than 1 per cent) to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 0.5 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same 272 Bulletin 382 TABLE 7 (continued) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) M inimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury (1915) 31 Mar. 27 Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 15 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 16, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree 6 — 31.0° 30 No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same Same Northeast side, young Very slight injury (less Northern Spy tree than 1 per cent) to no. 17 cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Southwest side, same No injury to cambium, tree very slight to cortex and xylem Northeast side, young Same Gano tree no. 20 Southwest side, same Same tree Northeast side, young Very slight injury (less Gano tree no. 23, than 1 per cent) to trunk tarred cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Southwest side, same No injury to cambium, tree very slight to cortex and xylem 32 Mar. 31 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Young Northern Spy tree no. 22, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 4 inches above soil Young Northern Spy tree no. 28, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 4 inches above soil Young Northern Spy tree no. 32, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 4 inches above soil 5i —330° 30 No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 0.5 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Very slight injury (less than 1 per cent) to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same Very slight injury (less than 1 per cent) to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem IS per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same East side trunk, old si —20.0° 30 No injury to cambium. seedling tree no. 2, 3 very slight to cortex feet above soil (six and xylem pieces) Same (six pieces) 5i — 33 o° 30 Injury varied in differ- ent pieces, from no injury, to from 3 to 5 per cent to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 33 Apr. 13 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 2 Southwest side, same tree 6 — 30. 0°' 30 80 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem Same Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 273 TABLE 7 {concluded) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury (1915) 31 Apr. 13 Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 4, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, old seedling tree no. 8, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 15 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Northern Spy tree no. 17 Southwest side, same tree Northeast side, young Gano tree no. 23, trunk tarred Southwest side, same tree 6 — 30 . ° 30 85 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem 90 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem 80 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, less severe to xylem Same 95 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, less severe to xylem Same Same Same 85 per cent injury to cambium, severe to cortex, less severe to xylem Same From a study of the results of artificial freezing, it is apparent that there is no difference in degree of hardiness between the tissue on the southwest and that on the northeast side of the trunk, at least none that can be detected by the method of artificial freezing. It is true that the technique of these experiments is not sufficiently perfect to permit detecting with accuracy any very small differences, but it seems reasonable to believe that any difference so marked as to account for the occurrence of sun-scald on the southwest side of the tree would be easily detected. It is to be noted that in 1915 the freezings were continued later than there was any possibility of the occurrence of sun-scald under natural conditions. The freezings from March 6 to April 13, 19 15, show that the trunk tissue was gradually becoming tenderer on both sides; on April 13 it was considerably less hardy than in February, but there was no appreciable difference in the time of this awakening from the dormant condition between the sun-exposed and the shaded side of the trunk. Further, no degree of tenderness was reached on either side great enough to allow the tissue to be killed by temperatures likely to occur in this latitude in March or April. It seems, in view of this evidence, that Muller-Thurgau's hypothesis to account for the occurrence of sun-scald must be eliminated. 274 Bulletin 382 natural injury in the winter of 1914-15 Some natural injury to the cambium on the southwest side of the trunk was noticed during the winter of 19 14-15. This may be reported briefly as follows: Tree no. 35. Young Northern Spy. Injury to cambium, some to cortex. Injury noticed on January 25, 1915. Tree no. 18. Young Northern Spy; space on trunk tarred October 23, 1914. On February 24, 1915, a large injured area was found extending from the base of the trunk upward for a distance of one and one-half feet on the southwest side of the tree. The injury was confined to the tarred space. The bark, the cambium, and the outer sapwood were completely killed. The bark was a dead-brown color thruout, but not yet dried out; it seems probable that the injury occurred sometime in the winter of 19 14-15. Cuttings for artificial freezing had been taken from this tree at intervals all winter, but from a point a few inches above the upper limit of this injury. The injured tissue was accidentally cut into on February 24 and the injury discovered. It was not yet apparent externally. Tree no. 26. Young Gano; space on trunk tarred October 23, 1914. Partial injury to cambium, slight injury to cortex, very slight injury to xylem, observed on February 24, 191 5. This injury could be detected only by aid of the microscope. Cuttings from this tree had been previously examined at intervals, but only macroscopically. Tree no. 25. Young Gano; space on trunk tarred November 23, 191 4. Injury as described in preceding paragraph, observed on February 24, 191 5. No previous examination. Tree no. 28. Young Northern Spy. Same injury as described above observed on February 24, 1915. No previous examination. Tree no. 43. Young Northern Spy. Same injury as described above observed on February 24, 191 5. No previous examination. Tree no. 36. Young Northern Spy; space on trunk tarred January 15, 191 5. Injury 50 per cent to cambium, some injury to cortex and xylem; could be detected only microscopically; observed on March 8, 191 5. Cuttings from this tree had been examined previously at intervals, but only macroscopically. Tree no. 29. Young Northern Spy. Injury 50 per cent to cambium, some injury to cortex and xylem, observed under microscope on March 8, 191 5. No previous examination. Altho these observations are not conclusive as to the date of occur- rence of the injury, yet, taken in connection with the artificial freez- ing work, they are interesting as showing that natural injury occurred Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 275 in 191 5 before there was any possibility for the tissue on the southwest side of the tree to become tenderer. There now remains one hypothesis to account for the occurrence of sun-scald. That is, that it may result from a rapid temperature fall consequent to the warming-up of the tissue on a cold, sunny day. With proper conditions this point might be determined in the following manner: On a day when the tissue on the southwest side of the tree had been thoroly thawed out while that on the northeast side had remained very cold, say about -16 C, if a fairly rapid fall of temperature occurred after sundown, conditions would be proper for sun-scald pro- vided a certain minimum temperature were reached. It seems probable that by taking tissue from opposite sides of the tree in the early morning, while it was yet at the minimum temperature for the night and without allowing it to warm up, and carrying several samples of the tissue down to different minima by the use of freezing mixture, a point might be reached at which the tissue from the southwest side would kill while that from the northeast side would not. Such conditions are rare, and it was not possible to run this experi- ment during the winters of 1913-14 and 191 4- 15. It is believed that if the experiment could be performed it would offer conclusive evidence with regard to the hypothesis under consideration. In the absence of such evidence something may be learned from a comparison of the effects of rapid and slow freezing. Chandler (1913), in determining the comparative effect of rapid and slow freezing, employed the winter twigs and buds of various fruit trees. It seemed worth while to run a few freezings in order to determine whether the same phenomena were apparent in the case of the tissues under discussion here — the cambium, the xylem, and the cortex from the trunk of apple trees in the winter condition. Among the freezing experiments recorded in table 7 are some that have a bearing on this point, and of these a few deserve review here: (a) Tissue frozen on January 28, 1914, three and one-fourth hours to -20.6 C, one-half hour at minimum, killed more severely than similar tissue (not, however, from the same tree) frozen on January 30, seven hours to -20.6 C, one-half hour at minimum. (b) March 19, 1914, pieces of tissue from the same trees were frozen seven hours to -28 C, one hour at minimum; two and one-half hours to -18.3° C, one-half hour at minimum; severe cambium injury in both cases. (c) March 15, 191 5, tissue from a young Gano tree, no. 20, was frozen two and one-half hours to -25 C, one-half hour at minimum, with no injury to cambium; two hours and thirty-five minutes to -29 C, one-half hour at minimum, with no injury to cambium; three hours and five minutes to -30 C, one-half hour at minimum, with very slight injury to cambium and slight injury to cortex and xylem. March 27, 191 5, tissue from the same tree was frozen six hours to -31 C, one-half hour at minimum, with no injury to cambium and very slight injury to cortex and xvlem. 276 Bulletin 382 (d) March 15, 191 5, tissue from a young Northern Spy tree, no. 28, was frozen two and one-half hours to -25 C, one-half hour at minimum, with 30 per cent injury to cambium and considerable injury to cortex and xylem; two hours and thirty-five minutes to -29 C, one-half hour at minimum, with 30 per cent injury to cambium and considerable injury to cortex and xylem; three hours and five minutes to -30 C, one-half hour at minimum, with 10 per cent injury to cambium and considerable injury to cortex and xylem. March 31, 191 5, tissue from the same tree was frozen five and one-half hours to -33 C, one-half hour at minimum, with 15 per cent injury to cambium and slight injury to cortex and xylem. (e) March 18, 191 5, tissue from an old seedling tree, no. 2, was frozen immediately to -20 C, one and one-half hours at minimum, with 90 per cent injury to cambium and severe injury to cortex and xylem; two hours and fifty minutes to -28 C, one-half hour at minimum, with no injury to cambium and slight injury to cortex and xylem; three hours and ten minutes to -30. 5 C, one-half hour at minimum, with very slight injury to cambium and slight injury to cortex and xylem. March 22, 1915, tissue from the same tree was frozen immediately to -20 C, one-half hour at minimum, with from 90 to 95 per cent injury to cambium, considerable injury to cortex, and slight injury to xylem; one hour and forty-five minutes to -25 C, one-half hour at minimum, with 15 per cent injury to cambium and slight injury to cortex and xylem; one hour and fifty minutes to -31° C, one-half hour at minimum, with from 15 to 20 per cent injury to cambium and considerable injury to cortex and xylem. March 24, 191 5, tissue from the same tree was frozen immediately to -20 C, one-half hour at minimum, with 80 per cent injury to cambium, considerable injury to cortex, and slight injury to xylem; one hour and twenty minutes to -30 C, three- fourths hour at minimum, with 60 per cent injury to cambium, severe injury to cor- tex, and slight injury to xylem; one hour and thirty-five minutes to -32 ° C, twenty minutes at minimum, with 75 per cent injury to cambium, severe injury to cortex, and slight injury to xylem. March 27, 1915, tissue from the same tree was frozen six hours to -31 C, one-half hour at minimum, with no injury to cambium and very slight injury to cortex and xylem. March 31, 1915, tissue from the same tree was frozen five and one-fourth hours to -29 C, one-half hour at minimum, with no injury to cambium and very slight injury to cortex and xylem ; five and one-half hours to -33 C, one-half hour at minimum, with very slight injury to cambium, cortex, and xylem. In addition to the experiments described above, it may be stated that at several times during the winter, when there has been occasion to kill tissue by artificial freezing, it has always been possible to accomplish this by immediate freezing to -20 ° C. Also, at different times during the dormant period two-years-old apple and pear trees have been sub- jected to this immediate freezing by placing galvanized iron cylinders around the trunks and packing the space within with salt-and-ice mixture. In these experiments severe killing resulted in bark, cambium, and outer sapwood. In considering these results the temperature observations of February 14, 1916, should be recalled. It will be seen by referring to table 5 (page 255) that the temperature of the tissue on the southwest side of the small tree trunk fell from -0.3 ° C. to -14. 4 C. in one hour, in the critical part of the freezing period. While not warranting a definite conclusion, this indicates that a rate of temperature fall may occur in nature rapid enough to raise the killing point of the tissue, and suggests the probability that sun-scald may result from this condition. Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 277 relative hardiness of tissue from the crown and the upper parts of the trunk Chandler (1913), as the result of a number of artificial freezings, concludes that the tissue at the crown, or base, of the tree becomes hardy more slowly at the beginning of the winter than does tissue from the higher parts of the tree. In the freezings reported in table 7, tissue for preliminary freezings was taken from various heights on the trunk, with the idea that this difference in hardiness would make it easier to approx- imate the killing point. In the earlier freezings this difference was marked, but it did not appear in the freezings of December 18 and January 19. A few freezings were then run in order to test this point more fully, and it seemed, at least in the year 1914-15, that this greater tenderness of the tissue at the base of the trunk had disappeared by midwinter (table 7, lots 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20). The results of these freezings would indicate that crown injury is normally an early-winter injury. In this connection it is interesting to recall Selby's mention (referred to on page 243) of crown injury in Ohio which he believes was caused by the October freeze of 1906. Clinton (1904) describes crown injury which he believes occurred on December 9, 1903. Reddick (1912) cites weather records showing that crown injury prevalent thruout New York in the spring of 1 9 1 1 and noticeable early in January probably occurred in either November or December of 19 10. Chandler, however, found this difference in hardiness evident as late as March 25, in the winter of 19 12-13. A more thoro test of this point was made during the winter of 19 15-16 at Geneva, New York. Tissue for these freezings was taken from a number of thirty-years-old Baldwin trees in the experiment station orchard. The results of these freezings are given in table 8. It will be seen that in these trees and in this season the difference in hardiness between the crown and the upper trunk was still evident at the end of March. Since, however, the crown tissue was noticeably hardier than it was in November, it is still entirely possible that crown injury occurs oftener in the early winter than later. 278 Bulletin 382 TABLE 8. Record of Artificial Freezing Experiments to Determine Relative Hardiness of Tissue of the Trunks of Trees Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 1 (1915) Nov. 10 Tree no. 51, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 35 feet above soil Tree no. 52, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 31 feet above soil Tree no. 53, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 54, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 J feet above soil Si 20.0° IS 25 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 2 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, considerable to inner xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex, none to xylem 50 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, cortex, or xylem No injury to cambium. slight to cortex, very slight to xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 2 Nov. 17 Tree no. 55, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 53, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 56, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 35 feet above soil Tree no. 57, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 2 feet above soil Same tree, 35 feet above soil Tree no. 54, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil 5l 22 .0° 30 0.5 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem 10 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem 15 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same Same Same Same Same Same 3 Nov. 23 Tree no. 54, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 2 J feet above soil Tree no. 56, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 2j feet above soil 6^ — 25. 0° 30 15 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same Same Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 279 TABLE 8 {continued) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury 3 (1915) Nov. 23 Tree no. 57, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3i feet above soil Tree no. 58, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3§ feet above soil 6* — 25.0° 30 75 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem Same 80 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 85 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 4 Dec. 3 Tree no. 60, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 35 feet above soil Tree no. 56, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3j feet above soil Tree no. 57, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3i feet above soii Tree no. 58, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3i feet above soil 61 — 27.0° 25 10 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem IS per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem 2 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 50 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem 30 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem 50 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same 5 (1916) Jan. 21 Tree no. 51, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3i feet above soil Tree no. 52, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, zi feet above soil Tree no. 56, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 58, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 54, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 55, crown, 1 inch above soil 6| — 28. 0° 30 Severe injury to cam- bium, slight to cortex and xylem 2 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same No injury to cambium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem Same Same 25 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Trace of injury to cam- bium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Trace of injury to cam- bium, very slight to cortex and xylem 280 Bulletin 382 TABLE 8 (continued) Lot Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury (1916) Jan. 21 Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 53, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Same Trace of injury to cam • bium, slight to cortex, very slight to xylem Same Jan. 27 Tree no. 51, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 52, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Same tree, 6 inches below soil Tree no. 54, crown, 1 inch above soil 6f Same tree, above soil feet Same tree, 4 inches be- low soil Tree no. 56, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 57, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 above soil feet Tree no. 58, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil 75 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem 2 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 35 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 75 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem 45 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 25 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 2 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 5 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem Same 6a Jan. 27 Tree no. 51, crown, 1 inch above soil 61 Same tree, above soil feet Tree no. 52, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 above soil feet Same tree, 6 inches below soil Tree no. 54, crown, 1 inch above soil 75 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex and xylem 5 per cent injury to cambium, slight to cortex and xylem 25 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 90 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 281 TABLE 8 (continued) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of temperature fall (hours) Minimum reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury (1916) 6a Jan. 27 Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 56, crown, 1 inch above soil Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 57, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 58, 3 feet above soil 6| — 30 . 0° 15 Same 50 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem From 2 to 5 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 75 per cent injury to cambium, consider- able to cortex, slight to xylem Note: In this experiment the pieces of tissue were soaked in distilled water for one-half hour before freezing. The excess water was poured off and the pieces were frozen while wet, along with those of lot no. 6. Mar. 22 Mar. 29 Tree no. 51, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 52, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 53, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 54, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 56, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 57, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 54. base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 56, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 57, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil (6 hours o to — 12 , i hour —12° to —32 ) 25 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 30 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 25 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem Same Same Same Same From 2 to S per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 40 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 20 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 10 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 10 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem 282 Bulletin 382 TABLE 8 {concluded) Lot no. Date Source of tissue Length of Minimum temperature fall (hours) reached (°C.) Length of time at minimum (minutes) Injury (1916) Mar. 29 Tree no. 58, base Same tree, above soil feet (6 hours o to —12°, 1 hour —12° to — 32 ) Tree no. 62, base Same tree, 3 feet above soil Tree no. 51, northeast side of trunk Same tree, southwest side Tree no. 52, northeast side of trunk Same tree, southwest side Tree no. 61, northeast side of trunk Same tree, southwest side Tree no. 62, northeast side of trunk Same tree, southwest side Tree no. 55, northeast side of trunk Same tree, southwest side 10 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury No injury No injury No injury Very slight injury to cambium (from 1 to 5 per cent) , very slight to cortex and xylem. No difference be- tween opposite sides of trunk Same Same Same Same Same 5 per cent injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem No injury to cambium, very slight to cortex and xylem EFFECT OF FREEZING TISSUE WHEN WET Macoun's (1908) explanation of crotch injury suggests that a wet or water-soaked condition of the tissue previous to freezing may increase the killing. A comparison of the experiments reported in table 7, lots 25 and 25a, and table 8, lots 6 and 6a, shows that soaking the tissue in distilled water and freezing it while wet did not increase the amount of killing. CONCLUSION Sun-scald, an injury sometimes occurring to bark, cambium, and outer sapwood on the southwest side of tree trunks, particularly of apple trees, is probably a winter injury caused by direct freezing to death of the tissue. This freezing to death is, it is believed, made possible by a rapid temperature fall consequent to warming-up of the tissue above freezing by the rays of the sun on a bright, cold day in late winter. Sun-scald seems to be a late- winter injury, as distinguished from crown rot, which is perhaps an early- winter injury; sun-scald is therefore not Sun-Scald of Fruit Trees 283 induced by late growth or an unripened condition of the trees in the fall, while crown rot no doubt is. An important factor in the cause of crown rot is the lower degree of hardiness of the tissue at the base of the trunk than on the upper parts. A practical method of preventing sun-scald is to spray or paint the trunks with whitewash in fall or early winter. This is not a new recom- mendation, since it has been suggested by Muller-Thurgau, in 1886, and by various other writers since that time. It seems, however, that it is a more feasible method than other recommendations that have been made, such as shading the trunk with a board or with brush. It seems worthy of a trial, especially in northern regions where sun-scald is a not uncommon type of winter injury. Of course this injury is one that occurs only in certain years, usually with a considerable intermediate period of immunity, so that it is not probable that this method will ever come into wide use. It would obviously be employed many times unnecessarily for once when it was necessary. LITERATURE CITED The following is a list of the publications to wnich reference is made in the text. For a complete bibliography of the subject of the killing of plant tissue by low temperature, the reader is referred to the paper by Chandler, the title of which is given below. Brown, H. P. Growth studies in forest trees. I. Pinus rigida Mill. BoL gaz. 54:386-403. 1912. Burrill, Thomas J. Climatal destruction of orchard trees. Univ. Illinois. Rept. 13:283-293. 1887. Chandler, W. H. The killing of plant tissue by low temperature. Missouri Agr. Exp. Sta. Research bul. 8: 141-309. 1913. Clinton, G. P. Winter injury. In Report of the Botanist. Connecticut (New Haven) Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. rept. 27 (1903) : 303-304. 1904.. Winter injury. In Report of the Botanist. Connecticut (New Haven) Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. rept. 28 (1904) : 312-313. 1905. Collar girdle and root injury [of peach]. In Report of the- Botanist for 1908. Connecticut (New Haven) Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. rept. 31-32:856-857. 1908. Goeppert, H. R. Ueber die Warmeentwickelung in den Pflanzen; deren Gefrieren und die Schutzmittel gegen Dasselbe, p. 1-273. 1830. Grossenbacher, J. G. Crown-rot, arsenical poisoning, and winter injury. New York (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. bul. 12:369-411. 1909. 284 Bulletin 382 Crown-rot of fruit trees: field studies. New York (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. bul. 23:1-59. 1912. Hartig, R. Bark-scorching, sun-cracks, and deficiency of light. In Text-book of the diseases of trees, p. 294-299. (English translation by William Somerville and H. Marshall Ward.) 1894. Schadliche Einwirkungen der Warme. In Lehrbuch der Pflanzenkiankheiten, 3d ed., p. 228-233. 1900. Macoun, W. T. Winter injury to fruit trees — Ten different ways in which trees are affected. Canadian Exp. Farms. Rept. 1908:110-116. 1908. Molisch, Hans. Untersuchungen iiber das Erfrieren der Pflanzen, p. 1-73. 1897. Morse, W. J. Notes on plant diseases in 1908. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 164:1-28. 1909. Muller-Thurgau, Hermann. Ueber das Gefrieren and Erfrieren der Pflanzen. I Theil. Landw. Jahrb. 9: 133-189. 1880. Ueber das Gefrieren und Erfrieren der Pflanzen. II Theil. Landw. Jahrb. 15:453-610. 1886. Reddick, D. Frost injury. New York State Fruit Growers' Assoc. Proc. 1912:34-41. 1912. Sachs, Julius. Krystallbildungen bei dem Gefrieren und Veranderung der Zellhaute bei dem Aufthauen saftiger Pflanzentheile. Kon. -Sachs. Gesell. Wiss. Leipzig. Math.-Phys. CI. Ber. Verh. 12:1-50. i860. Selby, Augustine D. Some diseases of orchard and garden fruits. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 79:97-141. 1897. A condensed handbook of the diseases of cultivated plants in Ohio. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 121:1-69. 1900. Fall and early winter injuries to orchard trees and shrubbery by freezing. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 192:129-148. 1908. Sorauer, Paul. Sonnenrisse. In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten, 3d ed. 1: 644. 1909. Stewart, F. C, Rolfs, F. M., and Hall, F. H. A fruit-disease survey of western New York in 1900. New York (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 191:291-331. 1900. Winkler, Albert. liber den Einfluss der Aussenbedingungen auf die Kalteresistenz ausdauernder Gewachse. Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 52:467-506. 3V7 ^ ° « ° A."