^^'\ ^'^' .^v Z^''- '°^'~ /\ -. .^'% <^. v^^ » • • A '^y, .\ ./ \ : ^^'^^ ^ V . '• -n-o^ ^ J> -4- ilo um coiiiiiiA'? PART 1st, OF WM. TECUMSEH SHERMAN, "General of the Army of the United States," AND GEN. 0. 0. HOWARD, U. S. A., FOR THK DEFENCE ; imm FROM SOME OF THE DEPOSITIONS FOR T«E CLMMANTS, FILED IlSr CERTAIN CLAIMS VS. UNITED STATES, PENDING BEFORE " THE MIXED COMMISSION ON BRITISH AND AMERICAN CLAIMS," IN WASHINGTON, D. C. Part 2d will contain the Rebuttal Testimony yet to be -^ 'th/yM^mjL taken. CHARLESTON, S. C: WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, I-kinters, Nos. 3 Broad and 109 East Bay Sts. 1873. Entered according to Act of CJongress, in the year 1873, by WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. 2 05 5-,-2 " fiO IDIi! CilDilA? PART 1st, Oin:FlGI.^Xi IDEIPOSITIOn^rS WM. TECUM SEH SHERMAN, " General of the Army of the United States," GEN. 0. 0. HOWARD, U. S. A., FOR THE DEFENCE ; EHRACTS FROM SOME Of THE DEPOSITIONS FOR THE CLilMOTS. FILED IN CERTAIN CLAIMS VS. UNITED STATES, PENDING BEFORE " THE MIXED COMMISSION ON BRITISH AND AMERICAN CLAIMS," IN WASHINGTON, D. C. Part 2d will contain the Rebuttal Testimony yet to be taken. CHARLESTON, S. C: WALKER, EVAKS & COGSWELL, Peiktees, No8. 3 Broad and 109 East Bay Sta. 1873. TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH, In publishing matter relating to suits still pending, and in the result of which we as Counsel are interest- ed, we deem it advisable, in order that our motives may not be misconstrued, to state fully and frankly the reasons which actuate us, The question, "Who is responsible for the burning of Columbia?" has been, against our will, drawn into and made part of several cases now before the Mixed Com- mission at Washington. On the part of the United States, possessed, as it is, of great powers and unlimited resources, employing the ablest of Counsel, in all parts of the country, and with an almost inexhaustible treasury, it was a task not difficulttoselectfromamongits former immense military force, and place upon the witness stand, only those who did not hear the orders given for the burning of Colum- bia — those who did not see the pillaging— ^ose who did not assist in the firing of houses — mose whose faith in their successful General remained firm. Nor was it less easy, from among the former slaves of the residents of that beautiful city, to find witnesses ready to corroborate the testimony of their Northern friends. On the other hand, the resources, pecuniary and otherwise, at the command of Counsel for individual claimants are but small. The witnesses of the Colum- bia tragedy of February, 1865, being then in great part " war-refugees," are now scattei'ed to the four winds of heaven ; and. believing, as they blindly do, that it is a fact incontrovertible that Columbia was burnt by General Sherman, we can scarce paint in sufficiently strong colors, the diflBculty in obtaining their evidence: although the decision of the "Commission" will, in all probability, be accepted by history as a correct verdict on the issue. Again, although every member of the Adjudicating Tribunal deserves the thanks of the Southern people, for the patience and care, as well as undoubted honesty of purpose, with which they weigh and determine each point submitted ; yet, as they are strangers to us and our people, we can scarcely expect that the testimony of our citizens, even of the highest standing at home, will, when only seen by the Commissioners in print, outweigh the evidence of the successful Generals and officials of the Capital, with whom they, by the very force of surrounding circumstances, must be better acquainted. To them, moreover, the testimony of the highest citizen and the lowest menial being in type, must be of equal credibility. Under these circumstances, before a tribunal for- eign to us, the task which we find in the line of pro- fessional duty forced upon us, of laying the liability for the Columbia conflagration upon the government of the United States is heavier than friends may imagine, and we have, therefore, thought it right and justifiable to place before the people of our Southern country, to whom the question is one of vital interest, such of the testimony of the two leading officers of the United States army, as relates to this question, with extracts from depositions for the claimants, so that the struggle made by the United States Government in its defence may fully appear; and, at the same time, to warn them of the importance of the judgment to be ren- dered, and to beseech them if one spark of patriotism is left to assist us in ferreting out the truth whatever it may be, and without delaj^ to furnish us with all the rebutting testimony in their possession. WALKER & BACOT, AUGUSTINE T. SMYTHE. SIMONTON & BARKER ]N. B. — Parties desiring to ofi^er testimony, will please communicate with Walker & Bacot, Charleston, S. C, and a Commissioner will be at once appointed to take their testimony in the place where they may reside. WHO BURNT COLUMBIA? EXTRACTS FROM DEPOSITIONS FOR CLAIM- ANTS. Extracts from case of J. J. Browne vs. United States : Deposition of Wm. D. Stanley. ***** 8th. Were you in Columbia on the night of the burn- ing? A. Yes, sir. 9th. By what means was the city burned? A. By General Sherman's army of United States troops. I saw a man, with the uniform of a United States soldier on, enter the store of Mr. Robert Bryce, on the block immediately opposite where Mr. Browne kept his store, and with a fire-brand about four feet in length, wrapped on one end with canvas, put fire to the store of Mr. Bryce under the roof. All the buildings in that neighborhood were destroyed on both sides of the street. Previous to the general conflagration, I saw a number of soldiers pass me with tin cans and balls of cotton tied up with cord. In an hour or two the city was in flames. * * * A United States soldier told me himself that he set fire to Col. Clarkson's house. The United States soldiers were then all over the city. They appeared to have selected the northwest corner of every square on Main street, in the city, and fire broke out simultaneously from different portions of the city. The wind blew strong from the northwest at the time. Houses standing in detached grounds of from 3 to 40 acres were burned at the same time. There were no other soldiers in the city at the time, except the United States soldiers under General Sherman. * * * A United States officer, who was a perfect gentleman, who was sick in my store, told me that the city of Co- lumbia would be burned that night, which was the night of the 17th of February, 1865, and also explained to me the signals which would be used. I then sent for the mayor of the city and informed him of the fact. While standing in front of my place of business, Gen- eral Sherman with a portion of his staff was passing, and the mayor stopped them, and told him that he had heard that the town would be burned that night. Gen- eral Sherman replied : "Mr. Mayor, you can go home and make yourself perfectly easy; j^our city and citi- zens are just as safe as if there was not a Federal sol- dier within a thousand miles. They shall be protected, if it takes an entire corps of ray army. I will avail myself of some day, when the wind is not so high, to destroy the Confederate property." He then rode on. On that night, notwithstanding this assertion, I looked out for the signals of which I had been informed by the sick officer, and saw them. Immediately after the sig- nals the fire commenced at the northwest corner of every square on the main street. Before this the cot- ton had been set on fire in the middle of the street, but put out by the fire department. About 3 o'clock, on the morning of the 18th, General Sherman ordered his fire brigade to proceed to stop the fire and prevent its fur- ther extension. Very soon thereafter the tire stopped. W. B. STANLEY. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 7th day of February, 1872. ALBERT M. BOOZER, U. S. Commissioner Circuit and District Courts for District of South Carolina. Miio H. Berr}^, being duly sworn, deposed : * Ht * * * I was in Columbia in February, 1865, when the city was burned. * * * The first fire I saw, which was close to me, was set on fire by soldiers. I did not see the peti- tioner's store burned, but suppose it was burned in the general conflagration. The place I Paw set on fire was set on fire by soldiers wearing the uniform of United States soldiers. This was on the 17th February, 1865. * * * On the morning of the 17th of February, when the army of General Sherman entered, I came into the city, when I found that a committee of citizens had gone to surrender the city to General Sherman. This was about 8 A. M. Directly after, about 10 or 11 o'clock, A. M., the army entered. After the army came in, about 12 o'clock, I came down street to the old market, on the main street. There was cotton out in the street near the court-house. The wind com- menced blowing a lively breeze, and the cotton took fire. The soldiers ran for the fire engines, when T met one of the firemen, and told him to open the engine- house, and told him to run out the hose carriage, that they did not need an engine. The citizens and soldiers ran out the hose carriage and put the fire out, I did not see any more fire until about 9 or 10 o'clock that night, and this was the warehouse before mentioned. According to my best of belief I presume there were one hundred bales in the street. The cotton was strewn along the centre of the main street for a con- siderable distance ; the cotton was in bales. The wind kept freshening up all the afternoon. My observation in regard to cotton burning is, that it burns like a live coal ; it does not blaze when packed. The last time I saw the pile of cotton mentioned was about 12 M. of the 17th. I think there were other piles of cotton in the street, but I am not certain in regard thereto, nor can I tell whether or not other cotton was burned, except the first above mentioned. About 5 o'clock of the morning of the I8th, or before, a guard was sent to me. I had, however, procured a guard before. 1 can- not say whether or not General Sherman's army, or any portion thereof, acted as an organized body in an effort to subdue the flames. General Hampton's troops left in the morning previous to the burning. They left fully four hours before I saw the cotton burning as before stated. M. H. BERRY. 8 William Glaze., being duly sworn, deposed: I witnessed the burning of Columbia. I know that the city was destroyed by Greneral Sherman's army, because they were in the city at the time, and I saw persons in the uniform of United States soldiers setting fire to the city in various places. I saw two such persons fire Mr. Phillips' auction warehouse. They opened the door and threw balls, which they had set on fire, into the building, and in less than twenty minutes the building was in flames. This building was diagonally across from the petitioner's store. It occurred about 7 o'clock, P. M. All that part of the city caught directly after that — in about one-half of an hour. I saw several other houses fired, and among them my own building. I am speaking now of what I saw myself. I saw a building back of the old City Hotel fired by balls by persons wearing similar uniforms, whom I know to be United States soldiers, for they came into my own house. They burned my machine shop. There were about one hun- dred soldiers there at the time. They broke up the machinery and then set fire thereto; not, however, by balls as aforesaid, but by the broken boxes, etc., and oil poured on. In the course of a half of an hour the conflagration became general. Most of the burning was done from that time until about 3 o'clock next morning. I was a member of the city council at the time, and went with the mayor to General Sherman, when General Sherman promised the mayor that there would be no burning that night. I saw no eff'orts on the part of the United States soldiers to subdue the fire ; but, on the other hand, I saw them endeavoring to spread it, and heard some of them remark that it was not half enough. It was on my way home from our conference with General Sherman that I saw Mr. Phillips' warehouse fired. I saw a sky-rocket sent up from the State House yard, where the headquarters of General Sherman were, which I took to be the signal 9 for the burning of the city, for immediately thereafter the fire burst out all over the city. Soldiers had been stationed at different points in the meantime. ***** WiM. GLAZE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 18th day of March, A. D. 1872. ALBERT M. BOOZER, U.S. Com' r for District of South Carolina. t John McKenzie being duly sworn, deposed : 3fC 3jC 5|C 'T* *** I witnessed the burning of Columbia, on the main or Richardson Street. My own residence was burned. It must have been burned by bands of persons, and not by accident. I was a great part of the time about the fire on that night. * * * • Between 9 and 10 o'clock that night, (night of the 17th February,) I observed fires on the western side and eastern side of Rich- hardson Street, toward the State House. About that time I saw fires out of the city, apparently three or four or perhaps six or eight miles distant, and in the suburbs. * * * Soon the fires became general — there were fires in the different parls of the city. We left the main street and went on the back street to Brennan & Cassell's carriage factory, thinking we could there prevent the fire from proceeding on in the back of the city ; but there I gave it up, as the hands left. I saw soldiers during the time rushing about in and out of the stores. I noticed that after they came out several times, fires would soon break outfroni the store entered ; but I did not see any of them put fire to any building, nor did I see them carrying torches ; they did not aid me at night in stopping the fire; I have been for many years President of afire company ; I have been connected with the fire depart- ment for thirty years. From my experience therein, 1 10 judge that the fire was the work of incendiaries and not of accident. I explain this in this way : the fires occurred in twenty or thirty different places at the same time, and so far from each other that they could not have been connect- ed. United States troops told me, in my store in the morning, that I would "see hell to-night;" that they wouldn't leave one store upon another. The parties who made the remarks were United States troops, and belonged to General Sherman's array. JORN McKENZIE. Sworn to, etc. Extracted from Depositions in the case of Wood & Heyworth vs. The United States, Charleston, Office of U. S. Commissioner, ") April 17th. 1872. j Reply to Interrogatories. Alfred Huger sworn: Eighty -four years of age; resides in Charleston ; I was Post-master at Charleston before the war, and 1 had held the office for thirty years; I was in Columbia, in February, 1865 ; I was there when the Federal troops entered the town. * * * * I had conversations with several officers, and with one who was called Captain ; I don't remember his name. I had a good deal of conversation with him ; and a day or two after the fire this Captain said, in answer to my question as to who had fired Columbia, " We did it." His saying so only confirmed my own impression. If he had said anything else it would not have shaken my belief and impression; and previously to the fire the general impression in the town was that Columbia was to be burned. Nobody was surprised when the fire broke out; and in consequence of this general 11 impression, I had taken what precautions I could to secure ray family. 1 had conversation, at several times, with two private soldiers, named Goodman & Elliott. They stated that the fire had been done by the army. ALFRED HUGEK. Sworn to before me, this 17th April, 1872. J0H:N F. POKTEOUS. U. S. ComW, TV. B. Williams Sworn : The officers of General Sherman's army told me that all cotton would be burned and all public buildings destroyed. This is all I know of General Sherman's ordering the cotton to be burned. The shed under which the cotton was stored was private property. Gen. Sherman's army took possession of Columbia at about 11 o'clock, A. M. At the time he came in, the city was under its civil officers, and was surrendered to him by them. The Confederate forces had left the city that same morning, and had held military possession until they left. My impression is, that Gen. Beauregard was in command. Gen. Wade Hampton held a posi- tion as one of the commanding officers. There was a good deal of cotton piled in the streets of the city prior to its occupation by the Federal forces, with the intention that it should be burned, and an order was issued to that effect ; but none was burned before the coming in of the Federal troops, and the order was not obeyed, and a portion of the cotton was not burned until the last day of the occupation by the Federal troops, a portion was piled in Main or Eichardson street, in the neighborhood of the old Courthouse ; at this place there was about two hundred (200) bales; the rest of the cotton was piled in different parts of 12 the town, principally in and about the portion of town called Cotton-town. * * ^h W. B. WILLIAMS. Sworn to before me, this 15th April, 1872. JNO. F. POKTEOUS, U. S. Commissioner. To int. 1st. Orlando Z. Bates, aged 58 years, Colum- bia, South Carolina, merchant. To int. 3d. The city was in the possession of Gen. Sherman's army after 10 or 11 A. M. on that day. Gen. Sherman was in command of that army , I saw him on that day as he entered the city and passed along the main street at the head of the main body of the army. I was at that time one of the Aldermen of the City of Columbia, and on the morning of the 17th February, A. D. 1865, was informed that the BX)ard of Aldermen would meet at 6 o'clock, A. M. Attended, and was informed by the Maj'or of the city that the city was about to be evacuated by the Confederate troops, and that it would be surrendered to the army of Gen. Sherman. In company with the Mayor, Hon. T. J. Goodwyn, and Alderman McKenzie and Stork, I proceeded to the outskirts of the city and met the ad- vance guard of the Federal army, under command of Colonel Stone, to whom the Mayor tendered the sur- render of the city, informing Col. Stone that there were no troops of the Confederate army in the city, and that the population was chiefly old men, and women and children. Col. Stone accepted the surren- der, and deponent and the persons already named, accompanied by Col. Stone, returned into the city about 12 or 1 o'clock, when I observed a number of scattered Federal soldiers already in the city. There was no alarm of fire, and no burning of any descrip- tion previous to the occupation already stated. The conflagration commenced after the entry of the United States forces. To int. 4. A large portion of the city was destroyed by fire during the day and night of the 17th February, 1865, and on the following day. I was in the city, and 13 was at various points in that portion which was de- stroyed at the time of the burning, and saw the burn- ing as it progressed. I saw the burning of several houses in the portion of the city lying between Main street and the gas-works, at about twilight on the 17th. A little later the store on Main street, occupied by an Aid Association as a depot of supplies for Con- federate hospitals, near the corner of Plain street, was set on fire. I was present with the fire company, aiding to extinguish it, and saw Federal soldiers slick- ing bayonets into the engine hose, and cutting the same with hatchets and knives. The hose and carriage was finally demolished, and the engine rendered unser- viceable by the soldiers. These fires preceded the gen- eral conflagration. I will also state that a quantity of cotton had been brought out of the cellars of stores, where it had been kept, on the east side of Main street, between Washington and Main streets, and piled in the middle of the street. As the troops passed it, I saw the cotton fired by them striking matches and applying. The cotton thus fired was kept from spread- ing by Mr. McKenzie, the Captain of the Independent Fire Company, having a hose attached to the hydrant at that point, and keeping a stream constantly playing upon it. This was during the afternoon of the 17th February. At about 8 or 9 o'clock, P. M., on the 17th February, I saw several rockets ascend from some point near the State House. Shortly after this my store, which was on Main street, a few doors south of the market, was set on fire, and immediately after this I saw fires arising in various parts of the city, and in a very short time nearly the whole of Eichardson or Main slreet was in flames. I saw several instances of Federal soldiers actually applying fire to buildings, and others carrying torches in various parts of the city for the same purpose. I conversed freely with the soldiers of Gen. Sherman's army, both at the time of the burn- ing and afterwards, and no one ever denied the act, but several expressed regret that the entire city was not destroyed. I saw numbers of them at the scenes of the burning, giving expressions and demonstrations of satisfaction by dancing and otherwise. 14 To int. 5. Every house from one square south of the State house to Upper Boundary street or Main street, which includes all the business houses, were burnt up, excepting one small house in the extreme northern portion of Main street. All the storehouses containing cotton were burned ; and my observation was, that every bale of cotton in Columbia at that time was burned. The large warehouses in the northern portion of Main street, which were principally stored with cotton, were all burned. Cross-examined by James A. Dunbar, Esq., counsel for the United States : I was an alderman of this city at the time of its surrender. Previous to the surrender the Confederate forces had occupied this city. They evacuated the city on the morning of the 17th February, A. D. 1865, I have no means of knowing who was in command of the Con- federate forces in the city. Generals Beauregard, Joseph E. Johnston, and Wade Hampton, and General Law were here about that time. I saw them some days before the 17th, but not on that day. I saw infantry and cavalry of the Confedi^rate forces leave the city on the morning of its occupation by the Federal forces. The cavalry which was called " Wheel- er's," left in the direction of Winnsboro', at about 9 o'clock, A. M., and the infantry at an earlier hour, on the 17th. Prior to the leaving of the Confederate forces cotton was piled up and stored on the back streets of Columbia. One lot was piled in Kichardson street, between Lady and Washington streets, about one hundred yards south of the Court house. There were about ten bales thus piled. This was the only cotton which I know to have been piled on Eichardson street. The bales were ragged and in bad order. This cotton was not fired or attempted to be fired, according to my knowledge, prior to the evacuation by the Con- federate forces, and was not burning until after the troops of General Sherman took possession of the city on the afternoon of the 17th. I first saw it burning about three o'clock of that day. It was not entirely 15 consumed at that time. It was extinguished first by the Independent Fire Engine Company, and then the hose was attached to the Hydrant, and ordered to be played on until the fire was entirely put out. No United States soldiers assisted in putting out this fire, as far as 1 know of. No cotton was piled on Richard- son street, between Washington and Plain streets, nor between Lady street and the State house. These ten bales, or about that number, was all the cotton which I saw piled on Richardson street. At the time I returned into the city, after surrendering the city to Colonel Stone, there was a strong breeze blowing from a westerly direction. When the wind ' did not carry the fire, I saw United States soldiers carry the fire by torches, and apply it to' the buildings which were not then burning. I am unable to state of my own knowledge who started the fire in the first instance. I do not know of my own knowledge that General Sherman, or any subordinate officer, issued an order (or orders) that the city should be burned. I never heard General Sherman say to Mayor Goodwyn that private property should not be burned. On Sunday morning, the 19th of February, 1865, I knew the United States soldiers to assist in extinguishing the fire at the residence of Adam Edgar, on Lady street, and in that neighborhood, and their efforts prevented the spread of the fire on that occasion. I do not know that Wood's division of Sherman's army were employed in the effort to extinguish the flames of the general conflagration on the morning of the 18th February. At the time of which I have testified, I was not in the Confederate service. Cross-examined by Wm. R. Bachman, Esq., Counsel for plaintiffs : I do not know of any order being issued by General Sherman that any buildings in Columbia should not be burned ; but I saw an order signed by a Colonel Williams, or some officer posted in the building known as the " Sword Factory," on Washington Street, to the effect 16 that that building was not to be burned ; I read the order myself. That building was not burned, but it was much dam- aged by the soldiers pulling off the weather-boarding. On the 18th February, a little before sunset, I called to see the oflScer of the day at his headquarters, on Plain Street, and, in his absence, was shown by tlae officer, who represented him, an order which forbade the firing of any house in the city, either by soldier or citizen, on the penalty of being shot. After this time, the fire occurred at Adam Edgar's, as I have before stated, and at other places. These fires were extinguished by the aid of the United States soldiers. I do not know of any assistance rendered by the United States soldiers in suppressing the fire on the day and night of the 17th of February. OELA^DO Z. BATES. At about 11 or 12 o'clock that night, I saw a squad of United States soldiers enter my premises and apply fire to the out-building by means of some inflammable torches which they put to the buildings. I put out the fires so applied twice, and on the third time my residence and the neighboring dwellings were consumed. 1 saw the soldiers break in the door of the Washington Street Methodist Church, immediately opposite my own residence, and in a few moments after 1 saw the smoke and flames coming out of the doors and windows, and the Church was soon consumed. 1 was in the company of two United States officers at the time of this occurrence, and they with me witness- ed it. After leaving my own house, at about 1 o'clock of that night, I saw a party of United States soldiers break into the residence of C. P. Pelham,on the corner of Washington and Bull Streets ; I went to the door and saw these soldiers in the upper part of the build- ing, and in a few minutes afterward I saw the flames break out of the upper part of the building, and it was soon burned down ; I saw no other firing by soldiers daring the night. MALCOLM SHELTON. 17 Extracted from Depositions in the case of David Jacobs vs. The United States. Testimony of J. G. Gibbes, *y» 3JC 3fC 3jJ 5JC 3(C 5(C The city was surrendered to General Sherman about 10 o'clock in the morning of Frida)', the 17th Februa- ry, by Dr. Thomas Jefferson Goodwin, the Mayor, about one mile from the limits of the town ; he rode out to meet the army coming in, and the forces entered the city afjd took possession just at 11 o'clock ; I noticed the clock myself as the first van arrived ; no resistance 'was offered to General Sherman or his army ; most of the Confederate troops left early on Friday morning ; the rear guard, under General P. B. Young, of General Hampton's command, left just as the Federal troops were entering ; no riots, fire, or pillage had yet occurr- ed on the 17th day ; the first fire commenced about three hours after the first entering ; about 10 o'clock an alarm of fire arose, caused by the burning of some cotton in Eichardson Street ; it was set by the United States soldiers; my own impression is, that that fire was accidentally caused by a cigar being thrown into the cotton ; the alarm of fire was started, the firs engines immediately began to play on it and subdued the flames ; just about the time that it was extinguish- ed, the United States soldiers began to riddle and to cut up the hose with their bayonets ; I was present imme- diately at the fire, which occurred just south of the market; there was no disorder, though the troops all seemed in a good humor, and were laughing and jeer- ing at those who had extinguished the flames, but opposed no resistance except a few drunken men cut up the hose, but the fire had filready been extinguished. Q. These drunken men were soldiers? A. Yes, sir; and there was some sacking, but was not general; that is, between this fire and night ; I saw several instances myself; my store, amongst the rest, was broken open by the soldiers; no officer present; about seven o'clock in the evening three or four rock- 2 18 ets were thrown up in the extreme northwestern por- tion of the town ; immediately after that fire was seen in three different points in the northwestern part of the city ; the flames spread rapidly from each of those quarters ; there was a strong wind blowing from the northwestern towards the southwesteun direction, which caused the general conflagration ; there is no doubt but that the city was burned by the wind spread- ing the flames ; but whenever they came to a vacant lot and the flames would have stopped, they were start- ed on this side by the soldiers, who had inflammable materials, turpentine and cotton ; I saw various of the soldiers with bottles, with some inflammable materials ; I supposed it to be turpentine, with which they made fire-balls, and started the fire in buildings in that way; my father's house was burned by them after having- escaped the general conflagration ; it was a fire-proof building, and had escaped the flames; I saw them fire the furniture in the house, turn over the piano, tables, chairs, and starting the fire from lace curtains, which they lit from the gas lights; there was a crowd present at my father's house, who did his best to stop these proceedings, but was powerless ; I did not see anything of the transportation of merchandise in vehicles or otherwise ; no restraint was put by the oflScers, and no efl'ort at all made until Saturday morning ; no patrol or provost guard was to be seen suppressing the pro- ceedings ; the signals sent up were those already des- cribed, which were the signals for firing the town about seven o'clock in the evening. Q. Whether immediately thereafter fires in various parts of the business portion of the city were about simultaneously started, and state such instances as you witnessed of the setting of such fires, how and where used and by whom done, whether any and what efforts were made by citizens to put out fires ; whether on the 17th day an assistance was rendered them, and by any United States soldiers ; whether the hose pipe was cut and any engine used in extinguishing the flames, in- jured by the United States soldiers within jour personal knowledge ; please state if you at any time knew or 19 heard of any order by General Sherman or his subor- dinate, on the 17th day of February, forbidding the plunder and burning of private stores, buildings and property; if such order was generally on said day known or promulgated, or if you heard of such an or- der issued after the conflagration had been subdued, on the 18th of said February ? A. Immediately after the rockets the fire started at three different points in the northwest part of the city, and extended very rapidly in a south- easterly direction ; it was done by soldiers of Gen- eral Sherman's army; efforts were rapidly made by the citizens ; the engines were not turned out that *night, because the hose had been cut when they were playing on the fire of the cotton at 1 o'clock in the day, therefore the engines were of no service, but there were buckets of water, and efforts were made to extinguish the flames by individuals until they were so interfered with by the soldiers that they found it use- less and abandoned all efforts. Q. Were the engines injured? A. 1 think not, only the hose. Q. Did you hear of any order, etc. ? A. I heard of no order ; on the contrary, I have every reason to believe, from information derived from some of his own soldiers, that if the town was not ac- tually destroyed by orders, the men fully understood that they would have license to do as they pleased ; I can give my special reasons for saying that : for in- stance, a house belonging to me, occupied by Dr. Boo- zer, now physician of the penitentiary, was visited on Friday evening by United States soldiers, and in return for some kindness shown them by Mrs. Boozer, his wife, they kindly advised her to remove and conceal everything of value; that the town would be destroyed that night. She came to me and carried me to her house to see these men, who repeated in my presence these statements, but I could not believe it, and dis- suaded her from any attempt to remove; I could not believe such a thing possible, but it turned out as they predicted. 20 Q. When were you appointed mayor? A. The citizens had a meeting the morning after the fire, and sent for me in the State-house yard, and beg- ged me to take hold of the government of the city. * * J. G. GIBBES. Sworn to, &c. Extract from Testimony of Jos. Samson. ****** * The soldiers entered the town about ten or eleven o'clock, A. M., and they began to pillage about two P. M. ; and I saw colonels and captains with these soldiers while they were pillagiug; and I saw no effort made by them to put a stop to these acts. I remained in Columbia until 1866, when I returned here to Charles- ton. No cross-examination. (Signed) JOS. SAMSON. Sworn to before me, this 29th day of July, 1872. [SEAL.] JNO. F. POETEOUS, U. S. Commissioner. Extracts from Depositions in Graveley vs. U. S. Deposition of John A. Civil. John A. Civil, a witness for the memorialist, being duly sworn, deposes and says : I was a resident of Columbia during the occupation of the city by the forces of General Sherman, in Feb- ruary, 1865. I witnessed the conflagration of said city on the night of the 17th of February, 1865, and the days following. I saw United States soldiers, officers being present with them, put fire to houses during that period. I saw a United States officer and file of soldiers set fire to a storehouse containing cotton on the morning of the evacuation of the city by the United States troops. 21 Cross-examined by Mr. Bauskett : At the time I saw the United States soldiers setting fire to houses the officers present were not assisting Ihera in doing so. I saw one officer attempting to put the fire out. He was the only officer out of them all that I saw attempt to do anything to stop the fire. The officers, when applied to by the members of my family, said they could afford no relief. The first fires which I saw was about seven or eight o'clock in the evening of the 17th of February. When the officers were applied to as stated, several houses in my neighborhood were on fire. There was a little wind at the time, but a strong wind prevailed later in the night. JOHN A. CIYIL. Deposition of Rowland Keenan. Rowland Keenan, a witness for the memorialists, being sworn, deposes and says : I am a resident of Columbia, and was present at the burning of Columbia, on the 17th February, 1865. I saw, during that burning, soldiers in the uniform of the United States setting fire to buildings in Cotton Town. At that time there were United States officers mingling in the crowd, and they made no effort to prevent the burning. I saw Federal soldiers set fire to the store- house belonging to Mrs. Law, at the corner of Upper and Richardson streets, in the city of Columbia. The house was filled with cotton, and the building and cot- ton were completely destroyed by the fire. Cross-examined by Mr. Bauskett : I saw a company of twelve or thirteen Federal sol- diers, with torches in their hands, setting fire to several cotton houses in the upper part of Columbia, and there were five or six officers in that party. The streets were crowded with troops at that time. I did not see the 22 officers actually assisting in the burning, nor did I see them make any efforts to prevent it or put it out. Cross in reply by Mr. Walker : The soldiers spoken of as setting fire must have done so under the observation of the officers present. By Mr. Bauskett: Could the officer have controlled the men on that occasion ? The witness Bays, on the only occasion on which I saw them attempt it, they controlled them with ease. E. A. KERNAN. Deposition of Ptolemy Chambers. Ptolemy Chambers, a witness, being duly sworn, de- poses and says: I was a resident of Columbia on the 17th February, 1865. On that night I saw, early in the evening, Fed- eral soldiers, commanded by an officer, setting fire to houses in the upper part of the city of Columbia. I lived in the immediate neighborhood, and saw the cot- ton house of Mrs. Law burning in the general confla- gration, on the night of the 17th February, 1865, and, with its contents, it was entirely destroyed. 1 know that it was filled with cotton belonging to Fisher and Aguew & Co. P. P. CHAMBERS. Deposition of Charles F. Jackson, Charles F. Jackson, a witness, being duly sworn, de- poses and says : I am a native of England. I was on Main street, in the City of Columbia, on the occasion of the entry of the main army of General Sherman, on the 17th Feb- ruary, 1865. I witnessed the seventeenth army corps march through the Main street, and was struck by the 23 perfect order and equipment of the said corps. At the time the advance corps were disbanded and breaking into and plundering the stores along their line of march, and though from the discipline of the said 17th corps, it would have been easy to have prevented this pil- lage, no attempt was made so to do. On ihe night following I witnessed United States soldiers with balls of combustible material, lighting them, and flinging them about the streets and over and under the houses. Federal officers at the same time mingling in the crowd. The conflagration of Columbia, I believe, could have been prevented, judging from the perfect discipline of the United States army when under orders, as I saw it on that day. Subsequent to the destruction of Columbia I saw a United States officer, whose name I do not now remember, who stated to me that the burning of Co- lumbia was premeditated, and he stated to me that he had seen the plan of march as mapped out, and that Columbia was marked for conflagration, and that it was a general understanding in the army that Columbia was to be burned. He further stated that any statement made by General Sherman to the contrary was a lie. [The counsel for the United States objects to the ad- mission of any statement made to witness.] C. F. JACKSON. DEPOSITIONS FOR DEFENCE. Washington, December 10, 1872. Commission met pursuant to notice. Present — A. S. Worthington, Esq., counsel for the United States, and George E. Walker, Esq., counsel for claimants in Nos, 103, 228, 249, 292, 294, 295; M. N. D. Wells, Esq., counsel for claimants in Nos. 371, 458, 459, and Edward Janin, counsel for claimants in Nos. 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 220, 221, 222. 24 The examination of witnesses was proceeded with as follows : Deposition of 0. 0. Howard. The deposition of O. O. Howard, a witness produced, sworn, and examined on the part and behalf of the United States in the cause above entitled, now depend- ing before the abovenamed Commission, taken before me, a United States commissioner in and for the Dis- trict of Columbia, at Washington, in said district, on the tenth Day of December, 1872, pursuant to a notice to that effect duly given by the Agent and Counsel for the United States. Mr. A. S. Worthington appeared on behalf of the United States; Messrs. George R. Walker, Bartley, Denver, Mackay, and Wells, on behalf of claimants. The said O. O.Howard, having been first by me duly sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, deposes and says: My name is O. O. Howard; my age is 42 years; my residence is District of Columbia; I am a native of Maine; rny position is that of a General in the United States army. Preliminary question propounded by the officer tak- ing this deposition: Have you any interest, direct or indirect, in the claim which is the subject-matter of the above-entitled cause, or of this examination ? If so, state the nature and ex- tent of such interest. Answer. • I have no interest. Being examined by Mr. Worthington, of counsel for the United States, the witness further deposes and says: Q. State what your rank in the United States army was in February, 1865? A. I was Major General of volunteers at that time; I think I was not a Brigadier General in the regular army until March following. Q. What was your command in February, 1865 ? A. I commanded the army of the Tennessee, consti- tuting the right wing of General Sherman's army. 25 Q. Operating in the State of South Carolina? A. Yes, sir. Q. Please state the principal points through which }Our command passed in the march from Savannah to Goldsboro'. A. The principal portion of my command was trans- ported to Beaufort, South Carolina; thence [marched] northward through Pocotaligo, Orangeburg, Columbia, Cheraw, Fayetteville ; subordinate columns swept into different towns; General Slocum had the left wing; he was at the north of me; mine was the right line of march. Q. During the march under what orders from Gen- eral Sherman were you acting in respect to private property ? A. They were to take such provisions as were neces- sary for the subsistence of the army, but generally to spare private property, with some few exceptions ; cot- ton was excepted ; 1 was directly instructed again and again to destroy the cotton. [Objected to by Mr. Walker, as the orders will show for themselves, they being the best testimony.] A. (Continued.) I will put in evidence the orders I received from General Sherman, and the orders I issued on the subject, if it be desired. Q. On what day did you enter the town of Columbia yourself? A. The 17th of February, 1865. Q. Please state, in your own way, your recollection of the circumstances attending the occupation of that city and the destruction of a portion of it? A. On the 15th of February, in the vicinity of Co- lumbia, opposite thereto, across the Congaree, we met with much resistance at Congaree creek, and had to push our way very slowly, the enemy retiring before us; when we arrived opposite Columbia we found the bridge across the Congaree destroyed by fire ; we mov- ed up to where the two rivers, the Saluda and the Broad, conjoined to form the Congaree ; the bridge across the Saluda was destroyed by fire by the enemy; we bridged that and crossed our troops; the other 3 26 bridge, when we reached the land intervening between ihe two rivers, was still standing, but as we attempted to cross it it was set on fire by the enemy, and, having been covered with rosin, was in flames in a moment, so that even the Confederate cavalry rushed northward to save themselves, some of them without crossing ; our iroops spent the whole night in getting across the Broad, which was a very difficult river; we ferried over a brigade at the beginning by means of ropes and boats ; that brigade was the brigade of Colonel Stone, and pushed its way up the hill slowly against the enemy, retiring; the enemy passed through Columbia, and the mayor came to the outside of the city and surrendered the city, I think between 10 and 11 o'clock, say 10 o'clock; in the meantime a regular bridge was laid iicross the Broad river, and General Sherman and my- self crossed over, riding side by side, before any other troops from this leading brigade had passed; it was ;ibout half-past ten that Greneral Sherman and I rode over ahead of all the remaining portion of the troops ihat had not been ferried over, and rode directly on to I he city, a distance of about three miles, entering it in what we called the main street ; I believe the name as it appears on the map, is Eichardson street ; it was the one which led directly to the capitol ; at every corner of the street we met crowds of people, principally negroes; not very far from the market house we met I he mayor of the city, who had a short conversation vith General Sherman ; as my troops alone were to have charge of the city, I observed very carefully the lisposition of the guards of the leading brigade, Colonel Stone's; sentinels were located in front of buildings of any considerable importance, and on the main street the principal portion of the brigade was in rest, wait- ing for orders; there was only that one brigade ; we vvere ahead of all the rest ; near the brigade was an im- mense pile of cotton ; bales were broken open in the middle of the streets, and were on fire ; an engine was playing upon the fire, and soldiers and citizen were engaged apparently in extinguishing it; General Sher- man was met with much enthusiasm by a company of 27 soldiers ; observing them closely I saw that some of them were under the influence of drink. Mr. Walker : Q. Were these United States soldiers? A. Yes, sir ; there were apparently no others there ; I ordered those that were drunk under guard immedi- ately, and made every disposition necessary for the protection of property ; we rode together past the mar- ket down to the railroad depot, called the Charleston depot, I think, on the road going from Charleston to Columbia; that depot was smouldering, having been burned by the rebel troops on evacuating Columbia. Mr. Walker: Q. How do you know that? A. Only from the testimony of a great many who saw it. [The statement of the witness as to the rebel sol- diers having set the depot on fire, was objected to by Mr. Walker on the ground that the witness does not know it of his own personal knowledge.] A. (Continued.) We rode to a foundry where guns had been cast, and observed that, and went afterwards through several streets together, when I separated, from General Sherman, selected my headquarters, and gave the necessary orders for the thorough care of the troops and of the city for the night ; General Sherman took his headquarters at the house of Blanton Duncan and I mine at a house near the University, belonging to one of the professors ; after this disposition I lay down to take a little rest, and was awaked first about dark by one of my aids, who said the city was on fire; I sent the aid, Captain Gilbreth, immediately to ascer- tain where the fire was and -to call upon General Charles R. Woods, the division commander, who had the immediate command of the city, to prevent the extension of the fire ; I then at once dressed myself and went to the scene ; there I met General John A. Logan, who was my next in rank and who commanded the corps ; we consulted together, and took every precau- tionary measure we could think of to prevent the ex- 28 tension of the flames, sometimes ordering the tearing down of sheds and small buildings, protecting the citizens, assisting them in the care of their property, and guarding it ; much of the property was thrown into the streets ; personally I set a great many soldiers during the night to extinguishing the flames from the houses, and they went to the top of the houses where water was passed up to them ; nearly everything in my immediate vicinity was saved ; a perfect gale from the northwest had commenced about the time we crossed the bridge, or before that, and continued all night, or until, I should say, between two and three o'clock in the morning ; , it seemed at first utterly useless to attempt to stop the flames; they were so hot that many of our own soldiers were burnt up that night; when the wind changed, however, it was easy to pre- vent any further extension of the fire ; it was done; some of our men behaved badly on account of being under the influence of drink, but they were replaced by fresh men as soon as their conduct came to the know- ledge of the ofiicer in charge ; the first brigade — Stone's — was relieved by another brigade of General Wood's division, and finally the entire division of General Hazen was brought into the city to assist ; all the men who misbehaved that we could seize upon were kept under guard until the next day and punished ; there were quite a number of our men who had been taken prisoners and were held by the Confederates ; they appeared in the streets of" Columbia soon after our arrival; I do not know myself where they were con- fined; the penitentiary was also opened and all its pris- oners loosed ; I found during the night a reckless mob very often, sometimes insulting ladies, and sometimes rushing into houses and pillaging ; 1 did not see any- body setting fires ; General Sherman himself stayed up with us for the most of the night ; General Logan and General Woods were on the ground all the time until the fire abated, and I believe did everything they could to prevent it? General Sherman's order to me to destroy certain classes of property is a part of our record, and I remember the tenor of it. 29 [Objected toon the ground that the record testimony should be produced.] A. (Continued.) I would like to make it a part of ray testimony. Mr. "Worthington : Q. State your recollection of it, G-en. Howard ? A. It was that certain buildings of a public nature should be destroyed, such as arsenals, armories, pow- der-mills, depots ; but that private property and asy- lums, so-called, should be protected ; 1 saw that the wind was so high that it would be impossible to de- stroy that class of buildings by fire on the evening of the 17th of February, and, therefore, refrained at tjaat time from putting the order into practical execution. On the 18th and 19th those buildings of that class that were left from the flames were destroyed. I have in my report an accurate list of them ; the flames of this burning of the night of the 17th had destroyed a part of these other buildings included in the order. We destroyed also the railroad track. Though the order was to destroy cotton in South Carolina, yet no cotton remained that 1 know of after this fire to be destroyed ; none was destroyed, according to my recollection, Q. State what actual hostilities occurred near Co- lumbia immediately before its occupation, if any ? A. We had very heavy resistance on the other side in the vicinity of Congaree Creek, and all the way along ; we had also very heavy resistance in crossing the Broad-— the last river — the enemy's troops being posted in a very covered position ; we hardly could reach them ; they annoyed our troops and killed many ; there we had our sleeping camp shelled during the pre- ceding night — the night of the 15th, if I remember correctly — from the Columbia side from a battery in the vicinity of Columbia ; it excited the hostile feeling of the oflScers and soldiers very much indeed; they thought it was contrary to the rules of war. After we crossed the river there was scarcely any resistance ; I think there was none in the immediate vicinity of Columbia after the Mayor met us. 30 Q. Do you know where these drunken soldiers ob- tained their liquor ? A. I know they obtained it in Columbia. Mr. Walker : I would like the witness to state how he knew this ; whether it is hearsay or what? The Witness. It was not hearsay; I know the troops obtained it in Columbia ; I know they had not any until they went into the city ; I have testimony — for 1 investigated very thoroughly — that citizens car- ried pails of whiskey along the ranks, and that the men of the leading Brigade of Col. Stone drank with dippers out of the pails. Mr. Worthington : Q. You have said that you made every disposition for the security of the private property immediately after your entry into the city ; I wish you would state more particularly what measures you took for the se- curity of private property ? A. The orders were general as to the manner of lo- cating a brigade or a division in a city, and this brigade or division conformed to the general order; I saw them by my own observatiob, taking up a central place for the main portion of the brigade, and distributing different detachments to different parts of the city ; locating sentinels very much as policemen are located in a city for its care; then I gave verbal instructions to General Charles E. Woods, G-eneral Logan not hap- pening to be near me; they should have been given to General Logan, but I gave them directly to General Woods, and he, doubtless, reported my orders to Gen- eral Logan; he, at any rate, obeyed the order; seeing some of these men in the first brigade under the influ- ence of drink, my first order to him was to send in another brigade that had not had any drink, which he did ; my next order went through General Logan, to send a division into the city, which was Gen. Hazen's division ; General Logan himself took the immediate disposition of those two divisions; they were under his command and formed a part of it ; he had four 31 divisions, and these were two of them ; the sentinels I tested myself as to the orders that had been given them, and those in front of houses told me that they had orders to watch against all fires, or against an}^ pillaging parties, and to see that no wrong should be done to private property where they were located ; one or two executed the orders so thoroughly that after the fire had caught roofs they hindered people from going in, but those sentinels were at once re- placed, as it was the effect of the whiskey which did that ; I took pains myself, as did my staff, to go about and to see, as far as possible, that everything was done rightly as ordered, for it was a fearful condition of things, with such a fire, and with so many women and children in the city. I would further say, to show our disposition towards the inhabitants, that though we were in war we left five hundred cattle for the people who had been burnt out, and who were without food, and also provisions, and had them carted to the State House, and we also assisted the mayor in a method by which he could get provisions from those outside the city. Q. Were any applications made to you by the citi- zens before or during the fire for guards to protect their property? A. Constantly. Q. What was your reply to them ? A. I always sent them ; where we had not soldiers immediately at hand, my aids themselves went ; Lieu- tenant McQueen, one of my staff officers, stood sentinel the whole night, and protected the property of the Rev. A. T. Porter, of the Episcopal Church, and re- ceived his gratitude for it. Q,. Do I understand you to say that no cotton was burned in Columbia by your order ? A. None whatever. Q. If this fire had not occurred, what would you have done with the cotton in Columbia ? Mr. Walker. I object to all answers to that ques- tion, and to all testimony elicited by it. A. I had no specific orders to burn the cotton in Co- 32 lumbia, and I should not have burned it without con- sulting with the General-in-chief ; if he had ordered it to be burned, I should have burned it; and if he had ordered it to be spared, I should have spared it. By Mr. Worthington : Q. Do you know anything about some rockets hav- ing been sent up in the vicinity of the State House on the night of the 17th of February ? A. 1 do. Q. State what you know about that? A. The rockets were sent up by the signal corps ; the left wing was quite a distance from us. General Blair's corps was located outside of the city, and one- half of General Logan's, and it was customary for the signal oflScers attached to each division or corps to communicate with their neighbors as to where they were, or to give any events of the day; they did it in the day time by flags, and at night by rockets, and this was done that night; the signals meant nothing else that I know of. Q. Do you know of any understanding before the occupation of Columbia, or after it was occupied, that it was to be destroyed ? A. On the part of whom ? Q. On the part of anybody ? A. By the oflScers there was a distinct understand- ing that it should not be destroyed, and those were the orders ; that is, the private property, asylums, &c. ; on the part of the men, I dont know anything about it; I have no knowledge whatever; they always had to obey orders ; I think, perhaps, I had better finish with this, on the part those prisoners I have described, though it was only hearsay. [Objected to.] A. (Continued.) I will say this: there may have been such a plot on the part of the prisoners. [Supposition objected to.] Mr. Worthington : Q. Did you hear anything from the prisoners them- selves, or any of them, in that regard ? 33 A. I did. Q. State what it was ? [Objected to.] A. A lieutenant of our army, who had escaped from the jail at Columbia, told me that when he mingled with the crowd, he thought that mischief was to be done ; he said, being demoralized, before he was restrain- ed by any officer, he mingled in with those who were doing mischief; not specially the burning of Columbia, but doing mischief such as soldiers do when they sack a town ; I inferred from what he told me that the pris- oners had no good will towards Columbia. [Objected to on the ground that the officer of the United States army should be produced to testify for himself.] A. (Continued.) I can ascertain his name ; I know him, but his name has gone from my memory; my report, made at the time, was quite full, and I would rather have that as a part of the record than my simple statements from memory. Q. Have you that report here ? A. I have a copy of it. Q, Tour retained copy ? A. My retained copy. [Counsel for the United States offers to put in evi- dence General Howard's retained copy of his report to which he has just referred, to which Counsel for the claimant objects, and requests that a copy from the original on file at the War Department be obtained. Counsel for the United States therefore withdraws his offer.] Q. Did you at that time keep a diary of these occur- rences ? A. I did. Q. Have you that with you ? A. I have. Q. I will ask you to look at it, and read therefrom your notes of February 17, 1865 ? [Objected to on the ground that the official report is the best evidence that can be given by the witness of the occurrences in Columbia.] 34 A. These are my official field-notes, from which I made my report. (Eeading:) Near Columbia, S. C., ) Friday, February 17th, 1865. J Early this morning skirmishing commenced on the banks of the Broad river, and a force thrown over in boats. The enemy was soon driven from the banks of the river, and a pontoon commenced. Artillery was used by us, and the skirmishing continued, our troops advancing up the hills on the east bank till about ten A. M., when the Mayor of Columbia appeared to our skirmish line with a flag of truce, and formally surren- dered the city. The pontoon was soon finished, and the troops com- menced crossing. General Wood's division, which had effected the crossing, were encamped about town. The remainder of the 15th corps was pushed out through the town and across the Charlotte Kailroad, where they went into position, facing northeasterly. The 17th corps commenced crossing the Saluda early this forenoon, and followed the 15th corps across the Broad. They are crossing the Broad to-night, and are taking a position on the left of the 15th corps. Greneral Gr. A. Smith had early in the day secured some boats, and had thrown some men over the Conga- ree river. These had advanced into the city and planted their colors about the same time with the pickets of the 15th corps. The streets of the city were filled with burning cot- ton, which the very high winds was blowing about; from this is supposed to have originated a fire which broke out in the evening, and which swept over about one half .of the city. Another thing which may have started it, or which at least made it worse, was the fact that on the entry of our soldiers into the city, many of the citizens and negroes, in the hopes of conciliating our men, gave them a large amount of whiskey, which made the men totally unmanageable. The brigade which was guarding the town (Colonel 35 Stone's) was immediately removed from the city, and another one took its place. No wagons, except ammunition, were brought over Broad river to-night. The General commanding re- mains in the city to-night. In this record, which must be more accurate than my memory, I notice it speaks of the removal of this brigade ; I was thinking that it was not removed entirely when I gave my testimony. Mr. Walker : Q. Is that your handwriting? A. No, sir, it is not ; 1 very seldom made my own record, I dictated it ; that was at my dictation. Mr. Worthington : You may read also your entry of February 18, 1865. A. (Reading :) Columbia, South Carolina, Saturday, February 18, 1865. The wagon trains and everything belonging to the army moved into the city to-day. The two corps are engaged in destroying the rail- roads and public buildings to-day. The G-eneral has been engaged all day in trying to alleviate the suffer- ings of the citizens burned out, &c. Escaped soldiers and officers, prisoners of war, keep coming in, having escaped from the enemy. That record of the 18th February was not at my dictation ; it was by my adjutant, Q. But the one of the 17th you say was dictated by you ; taken down by an amanuensis, I suppose ? A. Yes, sir. Mr. Walker : Q. What date did this dictation take place ? A. That record of the 17th was dictated on the morning of the 18th. * Hi * * * The witness was now examined as to Cheraw and Camden.) ***** 36 Mr. WorthingtOD : Q. At any point in your march from Savannah to Goldsborough, did you order the destruction of any private property, cotton excepted ? A. I do not remember any; certainly none that would not have been taken for public use ; if we met with whiskey in quantity, whether it was public or private property, we destroyed it to prevent the demoralization of our troops, and if we came across a large pile of corn that could have been used for the troops or the animals, and could not carry it off, we destroj^ed it ; in one case we ordered the destruction of a pile of corn at some point, I think, between those two places, but I am not quite sure; I think I can state positively that there was nothing else, purely private, beside that, ordered to be destroyed. Q. Is there anything else in this connection which you would like to state? A. I would only say that the name of the officer, whom I have heretofore mentioned as an escaped pris- oner from Columbia, is Captain E. M, Carpenter, 6th Pennsylvania cavalry. Cross-examination : By Mr. Walker: Q. Do I understand you to say you were second in command in the city of Columbia? A. I was second in command of all the troops ; pro- bably you would say principal in command in Columbia. Q. General Sherman was the commanding officer of the army, was he not? A. General Sherman was in comm'and of all the troops in that vicinity; in all that region. Q. Who was his second? A. I was. Q. Did General Sherman give instructions or orders except through his second in command ? A. He very often gave them. ' Q. Through others ? 37 A. To others ; directly to the division commanders, and sometimes to company commanders. ***** (The witness here testified as to the burning of Orangeburg.) 3jC Jfi 3|C SjC 2K Q. When you reached the Congaree river, I under- stand, you met a resistance; how many miles up the river then did you move from your first position oppo- site Columbia before crossing ? ■ A. You misunderstood my testimony ; it was Conga- ree creek, instead of Congaree river, where the severe resistance was first met ; but from the place opposite Columbia, where we halted, it was three miles to the factory where we crossed the Saluda ; Congaree creek, I think, is is some six miles below that making about nine miles from where we first struck Congaree creek to the factory; my memory is not very accurate about it. Q. You met this resistance, then, six miles below Columbia ? A. The first resistance. Q. The first severe resistance ? A. The first, I speak of; at the crossing of Congaree creek. Q. When you were directly opposite Columbia did you meet with any resistance then ? A. All the way up. Q. Did you meet with any hostility from the Colum- bia side ? A. Yes, sir, very severe ; that was the worst shelling I saw. Q. That was the night you were directly opposite Columbia? A. Yes, sir; asleep in camp. Q. Who was the General commanding the forces opposed to you ? A. Gen. Wade Hampton seemed to be in command. Q. He fought you all along the line of the Congaree river, as I understand you ? A, General Butler was in immediate command of the troops that opposed us on that side of the river, but 38 General Wade Hampton was on the other side of the river — on the Columbia side, and had command of all the troops. Q. Have you ever met General Wade Hampton since the war? A. Yes, sir. Q. Have you ever discussed with him the subject of the capture and destruction of Columbia ? A. I had a conversation with him on that subject. Q. What was the date of that conversation ? A. I don't remember ; I paid several visits to Colum- bia while I was in charge of the Freedmen*s Bureau, and in one of those visits I had a conversation with him ; I do not remember and cannot recall it. Q. Was any one else present at the period of this conversation ? A. Yes, sir ; 1 think it was General E. K. Scott ; some one was there. Q. No one else? A. I do not remember. Q. Was there any one there to take down the con- versation ? A. Not that I know of; it was a mere informal con- versation ; there was nothing pending ; we were merely talking as two officers do. Q. You were not aware that there was a newspaper reporter taking down the conversation at the time ? A. No, «ir, I was not; if I had I would not have opened my mouth. Q. Do you know Mr. De Fontaine ? A. No, sir; I never saw him to my knowledge. Q. Do you remember what you said in the course of that conversation? A. No, sir ; I don't recall it ; but I feel perfectly sure that I said about what I have said in my official report ; we might have conversed about some details that are not in it. Q. Did you admit or state, in the course of that con- versation, who destroyed Columbia on the night of the 17th of February, 1865 ? A. Yes, sir; I think I stated that the Confederate troops set it on fire. Q. That the Confederate troops set it on fire ? A. Yes, sir; I think so ; that was the matter of dis- cussion between us. Q. You did not admit that it was the Federal troops, excited by drink, that did it ? A. I may have said this ; that doubtless men excited by drink set fires. Q. But not your men ? A. I didn't say our men set them. Q. You did not state, then, or at any other time, that it was your belief that the United States soldiers set fire to Columbia; you positively swear that? A. I do not wish to make a direct answer to that question, because Q. I would like a direct answer, General ? Mr. Worthington. Let the witness finish his answer. The witness. I do not, like to make a direct answer, because I have often said that I thought some of this crowd of stragglers, in which were soldiers from differ- ent parts of the army that had come into the town and from the jails, as I have described, set fires ; I have said that I believed they did that under the influence of drink ; but not that they primarily set the city on fire ; I have never said that, neither do I believe it. Q. About what hour of the night of the 17th of Feb- ruary was it that you arrived at the scene of the con- flagration ? A. Just after dark, when it was first reported to me. Q. Do you know of your own knowledge — not from hearsay — that there were any United States prisoners in the penitentiary at Columbia on the night of the 17th of February, or the day previous ? A. I know of my own knowledge that Captain Car- penter was a prisoner, and that I put him on my staff in order to take care of him, and that he came with me all the way North ; I. do not know of my own personal knowledge of any other prisoner except by official re- ports. Q. did these prisoners wear the United States uni- form? A. Generally they had some of it left ; the pants were almost always blue. 40 Q. They were rarely fully equipped in uniform ? A. No ; very seldom. Q. Did you see the rockets fired previous to the con- flagration, or at any time after that period ? A. I did not see them. Q. Then you know nothing about them except from hearsay ? A. I had a signal officer on my staff who was engag- ed in throwing them up, and so reported to me ; that was the best evidence in the world to me. Q. The best evidence then would be the official reports ? A. Yes, sir. Q. All of which are filed in the War Department ? A. Yes, sir ; or the testimony could be obtained of this officer, whose name I have. Mr, Worthington : Q. State his name? A. First Lieutenant J. P. Sampson, signal corps, United States army. Mr. Walker: Q. Do you know of any barns, cotton-gins, mills, machinery, or any property of that nature, destroyed upon plantations on your line of march ? A. I do know of it. Q. There was quite a large amount of it destroyed, was there not? A. Yes, sir, quite considerable. Q. Are you cognizant of the fact that large numbers of houses of private citizens were destroyed during that march? A. Yes, sir, there were — a very large number. Q. By troops of the United States ? A. That I do not know, but I presume so ; by soldiers. Q. You presume they were destroyed by the troops of the United States ? A. Yes, sir. Q. Please state whether your experience was A. Let me modify my last answer ; sometimes they were not destroyed by our troops ; sometimes the Con- 41 federates destroyed them themselves prior to our coming ; it was a curious thing that our troops and the Confederates were often destroying the same class of property ; that was a curious fact that I remember distinctly, particularly in the case of that cotton you speak of. Q. Are you not aware that in parishes close to Poco- taligo there is scarce a dwelling-house left from the ravages of the United States army ? A. Not altogether ; no, sir; but from both armies ; I am perfectly aware of the desolation, and beheld it with my own eyes. Q. Do you not believe a large portion of this destruc- ,tion of private property to have been by troops of the United States? ' A, No J I think the Confederates left us precious little. Q. Of residences, I mean ? A. "Well, residences; that one thing alone I could not say of my own knowledge; you know that gener- ally when our troops destroyed private property, they were not ordered to destroy it. Q. I ask you to state from your belief? A. If you wish me to state what I know with refer- ence to the absolute destruction, I know that I saw it with my own eyes ; I saw chimneys standing after the houses were burned. Q. I ask you to state from your belief; do you or do you not believe that a large number of residences, gins, and other private property were destroyed on the line of march and by offshoots from the main army — col- umns, brigades, and companies? A. 1 believe there were ; often by army followers and by army preceders; a set of scoundrels used to pre- cede the army often, and pretend to belong to it ; I wish that fully stated, because I can give you one case where three men, nothing but common robbers, pre- ceded the army, pretending to belong to Sherman's army, went into a house, piled up the furniture in the middle of the floor in the parlor, set it on fire, fright- ened the people, and made them give up their silver, 4 42 gold, and everything they had ; those did not belong to the army; then there were scoundrels who followed the array who were very much of the same stamp. Q. But do you not believe that there were officers in company with the troops who destroyed such property? A. Oh, no; I never knew but one case of an officer ; I found one officer once robbing a private house and stealing jewelry from a drawer ; I had him instantly arrested, and would like to have had him hung. Q. Do you not know that much more property was destroyed in South Carolina on the line of march than was destroyed in Georgia ? A. Yes, sir; much more, and much more than in North Carolina, that was true. Q. Do you not know that there was a sort of venge- ance animating the army ? A. Yes, sir ; I think there was. Q. Which was wreaked upon South Carolina? A. I have no doubt of it ; not the least. Q. Do you not know that the officers were often in unison with the men ? A. That I do not know. Q. What do you believe ? A. I think not. Q. Not the superior officers ; I do not mean them ? A. I think even no subordinate officers, unless they had been prisoners ; there were a great many who had been prisoners ; there were a great many who had been prisoners in South Carolina, and they were par- ticularly hard ; I can give you one instance that oc- curred ; a poor prisoner had been hunted by dogs and his arms were considerably torn ; his wounds had healed so that he went back to his duty, but whenever he saw a dog, no matter of what kind, he would kill him — shoot him down at once; there was a spirit of vengeance animating all those men ; that I had evi- dence of continually. ***** (Here the witness testifies as to the arming of the colored troops.) 43 Q. Now, coming back to Columbia ; the Saluda is the further river and the Broad the nearest? A. The Saluda is the one to the west and the Broad the one to the east — the eastern branch. Q. After you crossed the Broad did you meet with any resistance? A. Oh, yes, our troops did. Q. After getting the whole army across ? A. Yes ; a very severe resistance, indeed, until they were dislodged ; when they were dislodged they re- treated and ran straight through the city as fast as they could go, and the mayor came out and surrendered the city. [See note at end of deposition with reference to this question and answer.] Q, Was this resistance in the night or morning? A. It was all night and from daylight until about 9 o'clock ; perhaps between 8 and 9. Q. Then fighting occurred from daylight until 9 o'clock ? A. I could'nt say exactly the time; I should say between 8 and 9. Q. Daylight of the 17th do you mean ? A. Yes, sir; of the morning of the 17th; when they were dislodged from their position they retired without any further fighting. Q. How far out from the city did the mayor go to meet you ? A. He met me in the city. Q. How about the advance guard ? A. He met Colonel Stone outside of the city, so Colonel Stone reported. Q. How far outside? A. I do not think he states in his official report. Q. Then you depend for that information upon Col- onel Stone's official report? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you know of any resistance whatsoever after the surrender of the city ? A. Do you mean in the immediate vicinity of Co- lumbia? 44 Q. I do. A. None whatever. Q. Were you under any fear of an attack while you were in the city of Columbia ? A. No, sir; we knew too well the location of the enemy's forces to be under any great apprehension. There was only cavalry in our immediate vicinity, and we were never very much afraid of them. Q. If, therefore, it should be decided (taking it for granted for argument's sake) that Columbia was des- troyed by the TTnited States troops, it was not a mili- tary necessity? A. I did not then, and do not now, regard it a mili- tary necessity to destroy Columbia, if you mean the entire city; there are always certain public buildings, such as powderhouses, arsenals, places w here Confederate money was made, public depots, and such things, that I would regard it as a necessity to destroy; but that did not involve the destruction of the city. Q. That might have been done so as to destroy the residences of the poor? A. Yes, sir ; certainly. Q. Was it not understood by the officers in command, inferior to yourself, and by officers generally through- out the army, that cotton was to be destroyed when found? A. It was the order. Q. You required no specific order to destroy any in- dividual lot of cotton ? A. No, sir. Q. Any officer finding cotton was authorized by gen- eral orders to destroy it? A. I do not like to give a direct answer of yes to that question, because I do not remember the terms of the order; but I do remember the method of acting under the orders that General Sherman gave me; the orders, of course, will speak for themselves ; he directed me to destroy the cotton in Georgia and South Carolina as a military necessity, as the Confederates depended more on it for their means of existence, subsisting their forces, and continuing the war, than upon anything 45 else; I had that order, and gave that order to General Logan and to General Blair, but I do not think they extended that order to every subordinate officer to de- stroy anything at his discretion ; I think the corps commanders kept the manner in which it was executed more under their direct supervision than to order every officer to destroy at his will ; with reference to public property, General Sherman told me what public property he wished me to destroy, and yet he gave me a specific order whenever we came to any place like Columbia, and that order is matter of record. Q. If any Colonel under your command had reported to you that he had found cotton and had destroyed it, * would you have reprimanded him ? A. I most certainly should if I had restrained the execution of the order to the corps commanders; I should have first asked him if he had instructions to do it ; if he said yes, of course I would have no reprimand for him ; but, as I say, if he did it at his own option, when I had restrained the execution to the corps com- manders, 1 certainly should. Q. You say if you had restrained its execution ; you put a hypothetical case ; I want the case as it was ? A. I say it was a matter of record ; I would rather see the order before speaking ; I do remember the method in which it was executed, as I stated it to you a little while ago, but 1 don't recollect the wording of the order. Q. I want to know what your action was upon any report to you of the destruction of cotton ? A. So far as my recollection goes, cotton was de- stroyed under the supervision of a staff officer of the corps commander, and when it was reported to me, I had a careful record made of it, and have retained the exact amount that was destroyed by my command. Q. What commands the staff officers gave to their inferior officers, you do not know; you do not know whether they retained this matter entirely under their own jurisdiction ? A. The operation was this ; if it required a company or a regiment to do it, the staff officer went with the 46 command and saw the thing executed, and when it was done came back and reported to his corps commander, who made his daily report to me; I made a record of those reports, and here (referring to diary) is the result of the record ; " number of bales of cotton de- stroyed 15,000." Cross-examination by Mr. Bartley, appearing for claimant, Henry S. Jacobs, No. 163. (Note. — Judge Bartley did not appear until the direct examination of the witness had been concluded.) Q. You have spoken of the hostile feeling which the army manifested towards South Carolina as a State ; was that manifested before you reached Columbia ; was that state of feeling known to exist? A. I noticed the first indications of it at Beaufort, South Carolina. Q. Was that before you reached Columbia? A. Yes, sir ; we were first transported across from Savannah to Beaufort; that was the first place we reached ; I noticed it at Beaufort ; they were all North- ern men at Beaufort, but our troops did not seem so to understand it. Q. "With a hostile state of feeling running through the army with reference to South Carolina, was it not manifest that upon the army taking the capital of the State it would be burned ? A. I do not think I noticed anything more there than all the way along. Q. From the state of feeling manifested, was it not reasonable to apprehend that that would be the result? A. Yes, sir ; and, therefore, all the way along, and there, also, unusual precautions were taken for the protection of private property. Q. Did not you, yourself apprehend that on the taking of Columbia the burning of the city would be a probable result on the capture of it at that time ? A. I did not, because I thought we had sufficient power over our force to prevent anything of the kind, if anything of the kind was meditated, of which I had no evidence. Q. Which portion of the army first entered Columbia? 47 A. General Stone's brigade of General Charles E. Wood's division of the 15th corps* Q. At what time did General Logan's forces enter the city ? A. These were Logan's forces of the 15th corps. Q. They were under the command of General John A. Logan ? A. Yes, sir. Q. Was not that portion of the army more reckless in the destruction of property than any other portion, if there was any difference? A. I think not ; I do not know that one part of the army under General Sherman was more mischievous ,than another part during this march; that is my firm belief. Q. Was not General Logan's force distinguished somewhat for the destruction of property? A. Yes, sir ; part of the 15th corps were rather re- markable, prior to this campaign, for the destruction of property; they had been under orders to do it more than other forces. Q. Was that the part of the army that entered Col- bmbia first ? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you say this disposition to destroy property, and the manifestation of hostile feeling, fell under your observation at Beaufort ? A. Yes, sir. Q. What precautions do you say were used on enter- ing Columbia to prevent that destruction of property ? A. The locating of a brigade as a police force, thor- oughly posting it as you would post a police force in a city, and then the removal of the brigade as soon as something was discovered in the conduct of the men that led us to think some of them had been drinking to excess, and replacing Ihem with another brigade, then the placing of the whole division in the city, and then the adding to that of another division of the troops and taking prisoners all who did any mischief, or who were perceived to do any mischief or wrong ; this was an unusual precaution in this case, such as we had not 48 early exercised in eotering a village or city ; we were unusually careful, I mean, in those precautions; there was a general order or rule by which we always posted a force. Q. Did that police force precede the force which first entered Columbia ? A. Yes, sir ; they took the whole brigade for a police force. Q. That was called the police force ? A. It became a police force immediately upon enter- ing the city under the command of officers. The orders with reference to the protection of the city, and as to what property was to be destroyed and what spared, were prepared by General Sherman and by myself very carefully before crossing that bridge. Q. You knew, did you not, that this brigade which first entered, which you called the police force, was governed by this hostile feeling towards South Carolina as much as any other portion of the army ? A. I do not exactly see the bearing of that question. Q. I will repeat it: were you not aware that this brigade which first entered, and which you call the police force, was governed by the same hostile feeling towards South Carolina that governed the army gen- erally ; that the police force themselves would be as apt to burn Columbia as any other portion of the army? A. We had no such forces ; our troops obeyed orders ; they did not burn cities they were told not to burn, and they were not told to burn any cities, or anything else. Q. The burning, then, and the destruction of the city was by order ? A. There was not any such order. Q. Well, Columbia was burned? A. Not by order; Columbia was burned, but not by any order of General Sherman's, or any of his officers at all that I know of. Q. You have just said that no city was burned except by order? A. If you will allow me to correct myself in regard 49 to the word "except," I would like it. I mean to Bay simply this : that our troops were under good discipline, and when they were sent to execute an order they exe- cuted the order; if they were sent to protect property they protected property ; that was the general rule ; whatever feeling any individuals might have, still they obeyed orders ; they received and executed these or- ders ; that was the general rule; and they did it well. Q. Do you intend to be understood that as the army passed through South Carolina no property was de- stroyed excepting by orders of superior officers ? A. No, sir, I never said that ; 1 said the very oppo- site. Q. You said the army was under good discipline ? A. Yes, sir. Q. And that no property was destroyed except by order; explain that if you please? A. I did not say that at all ; if I did, I wish to cor- rect it; I did not say that no property was destroyed except by order, for a great deal of property was de- stroyed without orders all the way along by people who preceded the army, and by people who followed the army. Q. Was that before you reached Columbia? A. All the way along ; all the way through South Carolina; before we reached Columbia, and after we reached Columbia. Q. Wantonly and unnecessarily destroyed? A. Often wantonly; I regard all that irregular work as wanton destruction of property, myself. Q. With that general and ungovernable hostile feel- ing, was it not reasonable to apprehend that the cap- ture of Columbia would result in its destruction ? A. It may have been, but I did not so apprehend it, and had sufficient faith in our discipline, and in the control of the officers over the men, to think that Co- lumbia would not be destroyed. To show that I did not apprehend it, I lay down in the city and went to sleep, in a place where I would have been burned up. Q. Did the entire army go into Columbia? A. No, sir. 5 50 Q. What portion of it did ? A. Greneral Logan's entire corps, I think, passed through the city, Jut only two divisions out of the four of which it was composed were on duty in the city ; stragglers from different parts of the army, as I ascer- tained by prisoners that I took, were in the city. Q. Could you give us the probable number of the force, or some idea of the force which entered Co- lumbia? A. I think the leading brigade had about two thou- sand men ] General Wood's division had about 6,000 men ; General Hazen's division about the same. Q. About 14,000? A. About 12,000 men ; General Wood's division in- cluded the leading brigade. Q. Was that the whole extent of the force that went into Columbia? A. All that remained in the city j the other marched through and went to its camp. Q. Did the entire army march through ? A. No, sir. Q. What portion of the army passed through ? A. One half of my command ; my command was 33,- 000 strong ; there was a little over one half ; I should say, about 20,000 men marched through Columbia. Q. Is that besides the 12,000 that remained there ? A. Oh, no ; there were four divisions of General Logan's corps ; two of which were used in the city, and two were not. Q. How long did the 20,000 men stay in passing through ; did they stop at all in the city, or did they pass right along ? A. They did not stop at all, or leave the ranks at all, excepting those that we brought in for guards. Q. How long did the 12,000 men remain in Columbia? A. The first brigade was relieved and removed from the city before dark, I think, if I remember rightly, and it was replaced by another brigade about as strong as that. Then the remaining portion of General Woods division, and used until in the night, perhaps, at 10 or 11 o'clock. General Hazen's division was ordered 51 into the city to assist in the protection of the city, the property, and the people, in the midst of the fire when it was severe, and to prevent the extension of the fire. Then all those troops remained there until the next day. Q. How soon, after the entry of that 12,000 in the city, did the burning of the city commence ? A. It commenced before we arrived there ; two de- pots were burnt before we got there, and was smoulder- ing when we arrived at the city, and the cotton was on fire in the streets ; that was when General Sherman and I arrived. Q. That is, the cotton was burning? A. Yes, sir ; in the streets, and the two depots were previously burned, and were smouldering. Q. What was the state of the weather, and how was the road ? A. It was blowing a fearful gale. By Mr. Walker : Q. That was in the night ? A. All day ; all day of the 17th and all night until 3 o'clock, when the wind changed. By Mr. Bartley : Q. Was there a heavy wind in the morning when you entered ? A. Yes, sir ; it was blowing very hard ; It was diffi- cult for us to ride with comfort. Q. You spoke of the railroad depots as being where the cotton was burned ? A. No, sir; the depots themselves were burned ; one of them was the Charleston railroad depot. Q. Was that depot in possession of the Federal army? ,A. No, no ; it was burned by the Confederates, with- out any doubt whatever ; of course I didn't see it, but I know it from the official testimony; the Charleston depot was right upon the street, which is the prolonga- tion of the Congaree bridge ; the name of the street I do not remember, but, if 1 recollect rightly, the depot was on the right hand side as you go up from the bridge. 52 By Mr. Walker : Q, On the extreme outskirts of the city ? A. Yes, sir ; about half way up the hill ; not on the extreme outskirts, but not far from the southwestern border. Q. In what direction was the wind blowing ? A. From the northwest. Q. And this was in the southwestern portion of the city ? A. Yes, sir ; the other depot is in the northwestern part. Q. Now, let us get back to the Congaree river again ; when you crossed that river your forces were met by the mayor of Columbia ; he surrendered the city, as I understand you? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you know what the terms of capitulation were ? A. I do not. Q. Do you know whether protection was promised to life and private property ? A. I know it was by General Sherman when he had an interview with him ; that is my personal know- ledge, but what passed between him and Colonel Stone I do not know. Q, You do not know by oflScial report ? A. No. Q. Do you not know that the property of foreign subjects was promised protection ? A. I really think not, because none appeared; I did not see one; there was not one that I knew of who ap- pealed to me as a foreign subject, but if he had, I would have looked into it, and protected his property if I could. Q. At what time did the main army enter Columbia ? A. I should judge about half-past ten in the morning. Q. The main army I mean, not the advance ? A, I know ; I should judge about half-past ten in the morning. Q. What time did the advance get in ? A. It was in the neighborhood of ten o'clock ; it was 53 before ten ; there was a little detachment which crossed the river in boats and got over there, arriving simul- taneously; the exact time I do not know, but the time we arrived, I should judge, was between half-past ten and eleven, by my records. Q. The main army between half-past ten and eleven ? A, Yes, sir. Q. And went on in advance of General Sherman ? A. No, sir ; they followed close behind all the way. Q, Now, Yon Moltke has said that the Americans were an armed mob ? A. He denies it, I believe; he says he never said it, Q. I wish your opinion on that subject at the time of the entry of that army into Columbia? A. I will give you my opinion by telling you that from the time I took command of the army of the Ten- nessee at Atlanta, and until we arrived at Washington city, no division was ever ten minutes behind time from the commencement of the execution of an order, and I never commanded an armed force in a better state of discipline. Q. Do you not believe that the army entering Co- lumbia was in as perfect a state of discipline as an army well could be? A. As well as an army similarly situated could well be ; I say similarly situated, because we were in the heart of an enemy's country and subsisting on an enemy's country; to accomplish this is the hardest problem a general ever has to solve. Q. They obeyed commands readily ? A. Eeadily. Q. Were under thorough discipline, in fact ; I am very particular on this point ? A. Under very good discipline, indeed; if it was to march north, north we marched; if we wanted to at- tack the enemy, we attacked them ; and if we did not, we did not. Q. One of the witnesses in the case of Cowlam Graveley vs. The United States uses these words in his deposition filed in this case, on page 15 of the printed testimony: "I witnessed the 17th army corps march 54 through the main street, and was struck by the perfect order and equipment of the said corps?" A. He must have meant the 15th corps that marched through the main street, I think. Q. It does not matter about that; I do not care to be particular on that subject ; he goes on to say that from the discipline of this corps it would have been easy to have prevented any pillage at that time if it was so desired ; is that a fact ? A. I think it is not a fact, nor a fair inference from the discipline of the command. Q. What I mean to say is, had you witnessed it, in marching through the main street, could you not have put a stop to any pillaging going on right in front of your eyes? A. Yes, sir ; certainly. Q. You had troops enough under your command? A. Certainly ; I saw pillaging the night I was there, and put a stop to it instantly. Q. Now I wish you to state to me on your oath when the main army marched down Main street, did you not find that the advance guard were disbanded? A. No ; they were not. Q . The guard that had preceded you I mean ? A. They were not. Q. Did you see at no time during the day disbanded soldiers of your army breaking into the stores? A. No, sir. Q. Publicly breaking into stores in the face of staff officers ? A. I did not. Q. You know nothing of the pillage of Main street during the hours of daylight by your army? A. No, sir. Q You don't know of any store on Main street that was broken into? A. I saw nothing of the kind, and nothing of the kind was reported to us at all. Q. This is the first you ever heard of the pillaging of stores on Main street by daylight ? A. Yes, sir ; the first I have heard of it. 55 Q. I do not ask you, of your own knowledge, but is this the first you have heard of the manner in which stores were broken into and publicly robbed by your troops; or if you object to the word "robbed," say "goods taken therefrom?" A, I saw some parties during the night with my own eyes. Q. I mean during the hours of daylight ? A. This is the first I ever heard of it; I did not know any such thing took place at all. Q, If any of the officers of the United States army had witnessed such pillaging, was it not their duty to have prevented it ? A. Of course ; at once. Q, Was it not in their power to have prevented it ? A. Well, here was a little break in that power, in this case, owing to this unusual thing in giving whiskey to the men. Q. I am speaking of the hours of daylight ? A. I say in the hours of daylight; if it had not been for that such a thing would have been impossible. Q. Taking it for granted now that the officers march- ing through the streets with the main army during the hours of daylight, seeing the soldiers of your army disbanded and pillaging stores and shops on each side of their line of march, had they not it in their power to have detached a force sufficient to have stopped such pillaging along the line ? A. Any officer of sufficient rank could have done it; but that does not mean that a lieutenant might step out of one company and take possession of another company, Q. Any colonel of a regiment could .have done it ? A. Yes, sir ; the whole demoralization of that first brigade was caused by the whiskey, and the brigade was replaced by another as soon as the facts were dis- covered. Q. Was there not plenty of whiskey in the stores of Columbia, and in the shops of that city ? A, There was. Q, If your men had broken into these stores is it not more than probable that they helped themselves ? 56 A. It is more than probable. Q. Are you prepared to state that neither officers under your command, nor other generals, or officers under their command, acquiesced in the destruction of Columbia by United St^^tes troops ? A. With the exception of this officer, whose name I gave you this morning, I do not know of one officer who acquiesced in its destruction. Q. But you are not prepared to say that they did not? A. 1^0 ; you know there were five thousand of them there. Q. Did the citizens meet you with hostility ? A. No ; not me. Q. I mean the troops, not you individually. A. I could not say. Q. Yet they gave them pails full of whiskey ? A. That was done kindly; I think it was done with a view of conciliating the troops; so I understood at the time, and I put it down so in the report. Q. Taking it for granted that it was the desire of General Sherman, or of his superiors in command, to destroy Columbia, or have it destroyed, or to allow it to be accidentally destroyed, would it not have been easy for him to have had it done without giving any direct order ? A. Yes. Q. I mean if there were such a desire on the part of General Sherman or his superiors ? A. We were so disconnected with everybody that there could not be any connection with his superiors about it; and they didn't know we were going to Columbia. Q. I differ with you on that point, and therefore I put a hypothetical case ; suppose even you yourself desired to destroy Columbia, or any other city, what corps of the army would you have been likely to have employed for that work ? A. I want to say to you that an answer to that ques- tion would be rather invidious. Q. It is a question of the utmost importance to me. A. There is a great deal of feeling between corps, 67 and for me to select a corps would be something 1 should not like to do. Q. I insist upon a reply? A. From my knowledge of the army I should answer you that a portion of the left wing of the then 20th corps, that had once been under my command as the 11th army corps, would have made the most complete destruction of a city of any in the whole army j I am sorry to answer the question, but you ask it so perti- naciously that I give you that as my opinion ; Blen- ker's old division used to annihilate property more rapidly than any other I ever saw. Q. Would not the 15th army corps have done the work as well ? A. The 15th corps did pretty well in the destruction of property, but I really do not think that they equal- led the other. Q. Had they not a reputation for doing their work of this character well ? A. They did work of every kind well. Q. 1 allude particularly to their leaving their mark through the portions of country along which they passed, by the devastation of property ; had they not a reputation for that ? A. Yes, they had ; they were taken on several expe- ditions where the sole object was to cripple the enemy by the destruction of property, and I do not think there was any corps which had a reputation that exceeded theirs in the destruction of property ; they gave a sort of a double twist to all the railroad iron they destroy- ed ; twisted it around the trees, and then twisted it around itself again. Q. They were pretty clever fellows, were they not, in their business ? A. They did it pretty well and pretty thoroughly. Q. Did you ever have any idea of going to Charles- ton on this march ? A. No, sir. Q. Didn't you think there was some chance of your beingableto throw one of the army corps into Charles- ton? 58 A. None ; I knew the plan of the campaign was not to go to Charleston at all, but the enemy thought we were going there, we went right up the right bank of the Saltkahatchee ; I was second in command, and if General Sherman had been killed, I should have executed his general plan ; I had no idea of going to Charleston at all ; Charleston fell of itself. Q. Did you ever hear anything of sowing Charles- ton with salt ? A. No. Q. Was there not a general impression throughout the North that if Charleston was captured they would sow it with salt? A. I do not know that; I think there was a kindly feeling towards Charleston, inspired by General Sher- man himself, who had lived there quite a time. Q. You think General Sherman had no such idea at any rate ? A. No; he had no idea of destroying Charleston in any way. Q. You do not think he would have thrown the 15th corps into Charleston ? A. He could have done it, of course ; he could have thrown in any detachment whether he pleased, but we didn't wish to do that. Q. You do not know that he had that idea at one time? A. Oh, I think he had not, or he would have told me ; we conversed fully with reference to it ; he mny have had it in his mind at some time, but I did not know it. Q. You say that the police force you stationed in Columbia were the 15th corps? A. Yes, sir. Q. You spoke of summoning a relief; please explain ; was this relief summoned prior to your reaching the ground at the time of the conflagration or subsequent thereto ? A. Immediately on my going into the city; as soon as I observed these men under the influence of drink ; that was the first relief, but the second was in the night. 59 Q, The second was in the night? A. Yes, sir. Q. What corps did those reliefs belong to ? A. The 15th corps. Q. All of them ? A. All of them ; the other corps was not there. Q. Do you not know that the pile of cotton you speak of as having been on fire upon your entry into the city was extinguished ? A. They were endeavoring to extinguish it as we passed along, but I do not know that it was extin- guished. Q. Was it not under control? > A. Yes, sir ; 1 thought so at the time, though the wind was blowing very furiously, and little bits were all over the trees, houses, and everywhere ; when I first heard of the fire in the evening, I presumed, of course, that it came from that burning cotton ; my presump- tion was at once that it extended from that. Q. That is not your idea now, though ? A. Yes, it is. Q. You believe that the conflagration in Columbia arose from the cotton that was burning ? A. Certainly. Q. And nothing else? A. Well, primarily, I think it did from that ; of course the depots were burned prior to our entering the city, as I have said before several times ; and there were, undoubtedly, fires set during the night by some- body ; I say there were fires set during the night from my knowledge of directions; that is an inference from my common sense rather than what i observed. Q. What portion of the city was the cotton in ? A. On what we call Main street, or Eichardson street, not very far from the market, (referring to map,) be- tween Laurel and the Statehouse. Q. That would be to the southwest of the city, would it not, or due west ? A. No; you come in from the north, and extend right down the river, and when you are about half way to the State-house you find this cotton lying along the the street. m [The witness was here shown the map appended to the claimants' proof in the case of Wood & Hey worth against the United States, No. 103.] It was not far from the market-house, [pointing to a place on Kich- ardson street, between Laurel and the capitol.] Q. How large was this pile of cotton ? A. I couldn't tell you, it seemed to be strewn around. Q. About twenty bales ? A. Yes, sir ; perhaps more. Q. And it was burning at 10 o'clock in the morning? A. Yes; when we entered. Q. And was most of it burned? A. No, sir. Q. A large portion of it ? A. It seemed to be on fire all along ; it was not in bales ; it was broken open ; it seemed to be a kind of a common pile which was smouldering ; they were play- ing on it with an engine when we came in. Q. And the fire at night did not breakout until after- dark ? A. After dark was the first fire that I heard of, of any building on fire ; but it was very soon after dark ; just about dusk. Q. You stated that some of your soldiers were burned ? A. Yes, sir. Q. Arising from their drunkenness? A. I so judged; it might not have been from that; the fires spread very rapidly. Q. You stated that the penitentiary was full ? A. No ; I did not state that it was full ; 1 said bro- ken open. Q. You spoke of reckless mobs ? A. I did. Q. Which came from the penitentiary ? A. Some of them. Q. Do you know of your own knowledge of any one having been in that penitentiary besides one individual? A. No, sir; not of my own knowledge. By Mr. Wells, [appearing for claimants' cases, Nos. 371, 458 and 459. 61 Q. You say you knew, of your own knowledge, that Captain Carpenter was in prison ; now you know not from your own knowledge, but from his report. A. Yes; I did not see him there. Q. You only know of his being in prison from his having reported to you ? A. He reported to me as a prisoner from that place ; that is all the knowledge I have. By Mr. Walker : Q. You burned the public property in Columbia on the 18th or 19th of February, did you nof? A. Yes, sir, Q. Do I understand you to say that subsequent to the night of the 17th you know that no cotton was destroyed ? A. No, sir; I say I do not know of any that was destroyed subsequent to that in Columbia. Q. But you are not prepared to say that there was none destroyed by order? A. No, sir; I am not prepared to say that there was not cotton destroyed ; I can give you just what prop- erty was destroyed by my order. (The witness here testifies as to Camden and Cher aw.) Q. Was there any cotton left in North Carolina un- burned in the line of march of the army ? A. Not to my knowledge ; I did not intend to leave any. Q. Did not all the officers and soldiers of the army act upon the knowledge of that general order to destroy it all? A. No, sir ; not the soldiers, and I think not the sub- ordinate officers ; General Logan would be better able to say than myself how he executed the order ; but my impression is, as I have already stated on cross-exami- nation, that it was generally done under the direct supervision of a staff officer detailed for that purpose. Q. And the destruction of cotton belonging to pri- vate parties in South Carolina was regarded as a mili- tary necessity to cripple the Confederates ? 62 A. Yes, sir; a very large proportion of the cotton was in private hands. Q. Would not the destruction of the railroad and depot have effectually prevented the making of cotton valuable to any person? [Objected to as calling for an opinion.] A. Ko ; it would not have been effectual, because we got into the habit of repairing railroads so rapidly that they were soon replaced. Mr. Walker : Q. After the 15th corps had twisted railroad bars, could they be used again generally in a hurry ? A. Not often ; that was not the way they did it ;. they would tear up some side road that they did not consider of any particular importance, and make their main stems ; our troops used to build very rapidly ; indeed, we had to; the enemy destroyed as rapidly as we. Q. Had they so many lines through the South that they could tear up side roads ? A. Oh, yes, it was often done. Q. Through South Carolina, on the line of your march ? A. No, sir, they did not repair our damage for a longtime; that was the "end off." Q. Don't you know from the number of railroad lines in South Carolina that they could not after you had done with them? A. I think it would have been very difficult for them to have done it, but they might have repaired the main stem ; that is, they could have got railroad iron enough to have done that ; I mean for the main line of transportation through the country; one line across the State. H; * * * * (Witness testifies here as to individual lots of cotton.) " By Mr. Mackey, (appearing for claimant's in case No. 228 Q. Do you know of any officer being under the influ- ence of liquor on the night of the 17th of February ?] 63 A. Yes, sir, I saw odg in the night ; 1 did not know his name. Q. What rank was he? A. He was a Lieutenant. Q. Did you see any during the day ? A. No, sir, I never saw but this one under the influ- ence of drink, and he was a Lieutenant. Q. Did you hear of any ? A. Yes, sir. Q, Did you here of any being so? A. No, I only heard of one. Q. Besides the one that you saw ? A. Yes, sir. By Mr. Weils : Q. You say it was a matter of military necessity to destroy this cotton ; will you state distinctly how this was a matter of military necessity, and why it was; I am referring, of course, to both private and public cotton ? A. One view was that the enemy depended upon the cotton more than upon any other product to raise means both to carry on the war and to prolong it, and there- fore joined in the opinion that the destruction of the cotton would be the quickest way to bring the war to a conclusion to save the effusion of blood ; on that ground and no other I put it. Q. Were not the ports blockaded so that this cotton could not be shipped abroad at the time that this ex- pedition was undertaken ? A. That I do not know ; even if they were, still the fact of its existence was a fact of wealth among the people upon which the Grovernment could eventually depend, particularly where they could take everything they had for taxes ; so that the very fact of the exist- ence of the cotton was something on which to build, and when it was destroyed it took away that founda- tion. Q. Still, if there was no exchangeable value arising from this cotton by shipping abroad, could the Confed- erate Government reasonably be supposed to obtain any 64 resources from it, and was the United States Govern- ment and its army justified in destroying private pro- perty upon such a basis ? [Objected to by counsel for the United States as call- ing for a matter of opinion, and asking the witness to decide a question which it is for the Commission to decide.] Mr. Wells : The witness said it was a military necessity, and I ask wherein and on what basis ? A. My answer to it would be this : that as long as the Confederate bonds had any value in a foreign mar- ket, that value must of course be based on some credit — the belief in the holding of some property ; the reality we could not destroy, but the cotton which was so val- uable, particularly at that time, was a matter of credit ; the very existence of it was a matter of credit ; people around knew they would get it eventually if it was not destroyed ; my only argument ever in favor of saving it towards the close of the war in my own mind, and that I offered at times, was that now we were able to protect it, and therefore it would increase the products of our own country ; but prior to that, I believed it would be a good thing to destroy it for the sake of bringing the war to a speedy conclusion. Then, again, there was another way in which we re- garded this matter of a military necessity ; that nothing would impress the inhabitants so much as to destroy that which they regarded as of more importance to them than anything else, and upon which they then re- lied almost altogether for their income ; the cotton, gins, and everything connected with it? Q. Were not the United States forces now able to prevent, by the process which they had taken in cut- ting up the railway, this cotton from getting out into the market, and keeping it sealed up where it was ? A. That would be a matter really contingent at that time, while the Confederate armies were in the field. The moment Generals Lee, Johnston, Hardee, and Smith had surrendered, then, of course, we could pre- 65 vent anything of that kind, but prior to that surrender, of course it hung upon the result of engagements that had not yet taken place. I might also add General Hood to the list. As yet, we did not know that any engagement had taken place between General Thomas and General Hood. Q. You have, I believe, stated in your examination that the general plan of your expedition was the de- struction of all public buildings and all cotton along the whole line of march ? A. Aiore than that; railroads also. Q. And you also, as I understand, have testified, and do testify, that such general orders were given to the corps commanders, and handed down by them to infe- rior officers, and that they had acted, from the time you landed at Beaufort, upon that principle ? A. No, sir ; I did not state that in that way. Q. Well, how far will you state that to be the fact ? A. I will state that general orders existed for the destruction of the cotton, but I am not willing to state that the orders were handed down to the subordinates, for my impression is that the orders were executed by the staff officers of the General commanding in the army, the Generals commanding the wings, and the Generals commanding the corps, supervising the opera- tion and reporting regularly when it was done. Q. Would it not have been, as a matter of practical result, naturally the effect that the cotton would have been destroyed in the principal towns which you reach- ed in your march, unless some specific order had been issued, under these general orders, restraining the destruction ? A. Certainly ; we took great pains to see it done ; it being the order, you know it was not worth while to shirk it ; it was the general order to do it, and when I had an order to do anything anybody knew always that it would be pretty thoroughly done. Q. Was there any specific orders issued restraining the destruction of public property, railways, and cotton in Columbia ? 6 66 A. ^o ; there was an order to do it ; distinct and clear, given me before we crossed the river. Q. A specific order to destroy ? A. Yes, sir ; but to spare private property ; that was on the order itselfj you named public property alto- gether, and of a public nature. Q No, I do not mean that alone, but I mean cotton, both public and private ? A. I will say certainly, that there were no specific or- ders to destroy the cotton in the city ; I had command of the city entirely ; I should not have proceeded to have destroyed the cotton in the city without consulting with the General in-Chief, who did not eipbrace it in his order to me ; the reason was because there was a great deal of it in the city, and I did not know at that time how much longer he would continue his work of the destruction of the cotton ; it was a question that we conversed about very often — General Logan, Gene- ral Blair, and myself — how much longer it would be best for our Government to continue the destruction of the cotton ; and then, again, I would not have done it because it would have endangered the burning of the city to have burnt cotton when the wind was blowing; I did not even undertake to destroy the buildings on account of it that night ; I did not put the order in execution at all. Q. Then, if you had, sometime at least, previous to the destruction of Columbia, grave doubts as to the military necessity of destroying this cotton you have described A. (Interrupting.) No ; I had no doubts at all with regard to it, none whatever, but I was looking for a time when the necessity would cease ; I began myself to feel very confident that we would thoroughly con- quer in a short time, and I wished, of course, the moment I safely could, to see the destruction of all property cease ; it is a great curse to a nation to destroy its property, as a general rule ; but a military necessity presses you, and under that you destroy it; I have no pleasure in the destruction of property of any kind. Q. Would not the soldiers naturally at Columbia, no 67 specific order having been issued restraining the destruction of private property, have engaged in it whether in liquor or not? A. No, they would not ; they did not at Cheraw, and they did not at Fayetteville. By Mr. Walker : Q. Do 1 understand you to say that your soldiers would not and did not burn cotton in Columbia ? A. Mr. Wells said, naturally, he wanted to know if they would not naturally have destroyed it, and I said no. Q. I will put it in a form of a question ; as a fact, did they not ? [At the request of counsel, the question at the top of the page was here road for the information of the wit- ness.] A. I thought you said cotton. Q. I mean private property generally; of course, cotton, unless stored in some Confederate warehouses, is private cotton, I understand ? A. When you speak of a body of troops, you know what they are made up of generally ; the great pro- portion of the men are honestly trying to do their duty, and in the ranks do not do a thing without orders; they do not go out and misbehave ; but there are some men who are irregular and who commit mischief and do wrong ; at Cheraw, I have an example in my mind with respect to private property ; a man had a watch taken from his neck ; he was frightened very much about^it; in the presence of his wife and daughter he told me he felt very badly about losing it, and wanted to know if I let my soldiers take a watch off a man's person; I said no; "well," he said, "they did it;" I asked him to describe the man to me; his daughter did describe him ; I found him out, had his head shaved and had him drummed out of the service. That shows what I did with a man who performed such an act ; and our discipline was of that kind ; but I know there were a great many men who would steal and rob and do all sorts of mischief. 68 By Mr. Walker: Q. GeDeral, as a matter of fact, did not the United States army, or a part of it, under the command of officers, set fire to cotton when they were in the city of Columbia? A. I do not know of any instance in which they did it. Q. Can you say they did not ? A. No, I never can say that; it is impossible to say they did not ; I have on my record a literal list of what was destroyed by my orders, and cotton is not em- braced in it. H: * * * * (The witness here testifies as to individual lots of cotton.) Ke-direct examination : By Mr. Worthington : Q. I wish to ask you a question that I dislike to propound, but some insinuations, which seem to be con- tained in questions which have been asked you in cross-examination require it ; how happened it that the 15th corps, and not the 17th corps, first entered the city of Columbia ; was it by your order or by the order of General Sherman, and was there any design in putting the 15th corps first; and if so, what was it? A. No, sir ; it was simply that the 15th corps occu- pied the right in our operations, and the 17th the left ; they would naturally have the lead in going into Co- lumbia. Q. Was it by your order or General Sherman's order that that corps happened to have the leading position ? A. Mine ; there was no selection and no election ; it occupied the right in all these operations, and came first to the bridges; the left had its operations a little further to the left, and followed it naturally. By Mr. Wells : Q. You had simply to post them into position, I suppose, and they kept that position, and you would not naturally shift them from one position to another? 69 A. I would ; sometimes I changed purposely to have the 17th corps in advance, particularly if the 15th corps had been some time in advance, when we were along the same line ; generally they moved in parallel lines ; I moved in three columns habitually, and some- times four. By. Mr. Worth ingt on : Q. Had the soldiers of the 15th and 17th corps, at any time previous while under your command, occupied cities in South Carolina and Georgia ? A. They occupied Beaufort, and they occupied Orangeburg previous to Columbia; they were not very large cities ; they were towns. Q. Had you any reason to fear prior to the hour you were aroused on the evening of the 17th of February and informed that Columbia was on fire, the destruc- tion of the city or any part of it ? A. I had suflScient reason to fear that injury might be done to the city by irresponsible men connected with the army, or not connected with the army, to take all the necessary precautions, which I did ; unu- sual precautions, I may say, for a commander of an army to take ; generally speaking, I would have sent to General Woods to take charge of this city, and would have left him to do it himself without any pos- itive specific instructions; I did not do it in this case; I have intimated that some of our soldiers felt speci- ally aggrieved at South Carolina ; they seemed to re- gard South Carolina as in a measure the cause of the war and of their sufierings, and for that reason I took unusual precautions, and I wished to protect private property ; I often guarded private property, and sent guards many miles to do it, guarding against stragglers and irresponsible parties ; my opinion with reference to the burning of Columbia is a different thing ; your question is, had I any reason to apprehend it, and I am only showing what reasons we had to apprehend danger. Q. Did you or not suppose the city was safe when you retired for the evening ? 70 A. I did and went to sleep there. Q. You have spoken of the excellent discipline of your soldiers ; did that ordinarily continue after they had been furnished with liquor and made drunk ; was it so easy for you to control them then ? A. It was not ; the number that was under the influ- ence of drink was comparatively small, and they were brought under guard in a very short time. By Mr. Walker : Q. Were not most of the places through which you passed on your route to Columbia, through South Car- olina, destroyed by some one, you do not say who ? A. No ; not so ; Midway, when I left it, was in good condition ; Mr. Simms' property was left in good con- dition ; I sent through General Blair and protected his library by a sentinel. Q. But don't you know a great many that were des- troyed ? A. I went over the country afterwards, and it was pretty completely cleared out; I saw the chi-nney sand scarcely anything left in a great portion / f the coun- try [passing] through there; I" went down through it, and that was what I observed. ******* (The witness testifies here as to Orangeburg and Blackville.) O. O. HOWAED. Note. — Upon reading over, by General Howard, of this deposition, he states, (referring to cross-ques- tion No. 77,) that he understood the question to refer to the leading brigade, and not to the whole army. Also, referring to cross-interrogatory No. 239, he states that he understood the question to refer to South Car- olina, and not to North Carolina. I, James O. Clephane, United States Commissioner for the District of Columbia, do hereby certify that at the request of Counsel for the United States, I caused 71 the above-mentioned O. O. Howard, deponent in the foregoing deposition, to come before me at the time and place in the caption mentioned ; that said deponent was by me sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ; that said deposition was reduc- ed to writing by me, and was carefully read to or by deponent before being signed by him, and deponent then and there, in my presence, subscribed the same; and I further certify that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the claim to which the above deposition relates, and am not the agent or attorney of any per- son having any interest therein. Witness my hand, at the City of Washington, D. C, this 10th day of December, 1872. JAS. O. CLEPHANE. Adjourned till Wednesday, December 11th, 1872, at the same hour and place. JAS. O. CLEPHAJS^E, United States Commissioner. Washington, December 11th, 1872. Commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Counsel on either side. The examination of witnesses was proceeded with, as follows: Deposition of Wm. T. Sherman. The deposition of Wm. T. Sherman, a witness pro- duced, sworn, and examined on the part and behalf of the United States, in the cause above entitled, now depending before the above-named Commission, taken before me, James O. Clephane, United States Commis- sioner for the District of Columbia, at the City of Washington, D. C, on the 11th day of December, 1872, pursuant to a notice to that effect duly given by the Agent and Counsel of the United States. Mr. A. S. Worthington appeared on behalf of the 72 United States ; Messrs. Greorge E. Walker, N. Dana Wells, and Edward Janin appeared on behalf of the claimants. The said Wm. T. Sherman, having been first by me duly sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth, and noth- ing but the truth, deposes and says : My name is Wm. T. Sherman ; my age is 52 years ; my residence is Washington, D, C. ; I am a native of Ohio ; my position is that of General of the United States army. Preliminary question propounded by the officer tak- ing this deposition : Have you any interest, direct or indirect, in the claim which is the subject-matter of the above-entitled cause, or of this examination ; if so, state the nature and extent of such interest ? Answer. I have none. Being examined by A. S. Worthington, of Counsel for the United States, the witness further deposes and says: While on my march through the South in 1864-'65, I was a Major General in the regular army ; I am now " General of the army of the United States." (The witness here testifies to occurrences in Georgia.) Q. Please refer to any orders that were issued while you were in Savannah relating to private property, and to the maintenance of good order? A. I find here (referring to a printed volume in his hand) one order dated 24th of December, 1864, referr- ing to rules which were to govern the officers in regard to public and private property in the city of Savannah. It is No. 141, Special Field Order, and dated December 24th, 1864. (Continuation as to orders and incidents in Georgia.) Q. During the march of your army from Savannah to Goldsboro', North Carolina, what orders were in force concerning the preservation or destruction of property ? Please refer to the orders by number and date. 73 A. (Glancing at the printed volume before referred to.) The same troops which had crossed from Atlanta to Savannah continued their march from the direction of Savannah northward, passing through the State of South Carolina in its whole length, and were covered by the same orders and the same rules of discipline which had prevailed previously. [Objected to by Messrs. Walker and Wells, on the ground that they knew nothing whatever regarding the orders referred to; that they bad neither seen the originals nor certified copies, and had no knowledge they were official; that while such orders may have been issued, contrary orders may have been issued tho next day.] Witness. All these orders have been printed and published over and over again. Mr. Walker. No official copies have ever been fur- nished us. Witness. They are all filed, and the War Department will furnish you with official copies whenever you ask for them. Mr. Walker. It is not for us to ask for them, but for the United States to furnish them. Q. Please state whether in your march through .^ South Carolina, you at any time authorized the de- struction of private property. A. I did; corps commanders were at all times au- thorized to destroy private property where it fulfilled any military uses, and to the commanders of all de- tachments. Mr. Walker. 1 must ask this question before you go on. General, I notice you have in your hand a printed volume, and that you are apparently reading from the same; I desire to know what it is you are reading from; I think I have a right to know that. Mr. Worthington stated that he proposed to ex- amine the witness in his own way, and if there was any objection it could be made regularly, and entered upon the record. Mr. Walker. Then we object to General Sherman, in 7 74 his examination in this case, reading from a volume of which we know nothing, it never having been presented to us for our inspection. Witness. The volume I have in my hand is my own memoranda, bearing my own signature, and what I state from it I desire to have regarded as testimony given in the case. Mr. Walker. I must then inquire. General, whether that memoranda, of which you speak, is in your hand- writing. Witness. It is not; but it was printed under my supervision in the War Department, and every word of it was carefully examined before it went to the press, and has been since. Mr. Walker. We object to it, as not being in the hand-writing of the witness, and we not knowing that the copy produced here is an official copy; and even if we were satisfied on that point, we would further ob- ject to it on the ground that the original, if in existence, is the best evidence, and should be produced. Examination resumed: Q. I will now repeat the question I asked you, and that is, whether at any time in your march through South Carolina, you authorized the destruction of pri- vate property; and, if so, in what instances, and for what purposes? A. i required the destruction of all railways, depots, foundries, and arsenals ; I generally, in person, saw that they were so destroyed ; 1 never gave an order for the destruction of a private dwelling, more especially if it were occupied by a family. Q. Did you authorize the destruction of cotton gen- erally ? A. 1 authorized the destruction of cotton wherever encountered, regarding it as one of the principal re- sources of the enemy in carrying on the war ; it was a saleable article, easily converted into money, which was notoriously used for purchase of arms in Europe ; it was made the basis of one of the principal loans of the Southern Confederation. 75 [Mr. Walker objects to this testimony as being mat- ter of argument.] Q. During your march through South Carolina, how did your different corps communicate with each other at night ? A. By signals and by couriers sent from one to the other; generally by signals of rockets. Q. About what time in the evening was it customary to send up these rockets? A. As soon as the night was far enough advanced for rockets to be seen in the dark. Q. By Mr. Walker. When necessary ? A. Always every night, to indicate the position of .heads of columns. Q. Do you know whether or not rockets were sent up on the evening you arrived at Columbia, for that purpose ? A. I did not see them, but I presume the order was obeyed, and from the head of every other column, some of which were twelve miles from there. Q. You have heretofore been examined generally with reference to the burning of Columbia, in the case of James J. Browne, No. 37 ; do you re-affirm what was stated in that deposition ? [Mr. Walker objected, on the ground that no notice had been given them; that the testimony in that case was to be used in the cases in which himself and Mr. Wells appeared, and that they had had no opportunity of examining the testimony with a view to cross-exami- nation.] A. 1 testified in some case when in Egypt; I think it was in the month of February or March; I have not seen a record of that testimony since I gave it, but I take it for granted that what I swore to then was true; my memory of these events is very clear, and yet I al- ways prefer to refer to dates and facts which are of re- cord and in my possessioni [Objected to by Mr. Walker and Mr. Wells, on the ground that they were entirely ignorant of what the witness swore to on the occasion mentioned, nor was it stated by the witness.] - 76 Q. State whether you authorized the destruction of any private property at Columbia, except such property as you have enumerated in your answer to the previous interrogatory? / A. None, whatever; on the contrary, I forbade the.y destruction of private property, libraries, colleges, and dwellings. Q. Please state where you were when the fire broke out? A. The fire was burning a day and a half or two days before we got into Columbia, but was local, confined to the big bridge across the river, the depot, known as the Charleston depot, close by the bridge, ai?d the railroad depot on the opposite side of the town, known as the Charlotte depot, and cotton piled up along the various streets, and which was burning at least twelve hours before any soldier belonging to my army had gotten within the limits of the city of Columbia. On the night of our arrival, after we had been in quiet possession of the city for about twelve hours, a fire originated near the old market house; it must hive been after dark, for I saw the light shining on the ' c/- *" c « o -^ .0 HR^ 4 » s • • >. / V ,'*•>, /\ '-^S .^"'"^"^^ -..;. ,. .- ..-^, po»»s '"O^ PR 8^/ T. 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