4%^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. §{ps^. ioji^rigll !|n. ShelfAL-5_..- CNITED STATES OF AMERICA. J / ^ ^^^io^^ NIANUAI, -^OF-i^ i)-E- HYSICAL CULTURE l)~£- -{•BY 4^ ^^^ON LElBOt^^ Naa^ MANUAL PHYSICAL CULTURE Schools, Gymnastic Associations, and Private Use, ANTON LEIBOLD, Instructor of Physical Culture iji the City Normal School, ami in the German Gymnastic Association, of Louisinlle, A'y. CALISTHENICS. FIRST SERIES. LOUISVILLE, KY. THE BRADLEY & OTLRERT COMPANY. 1888. .L5 [Entere.: according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by Anton Leibolb, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C] Fig. 5. Fig. 4. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/manualofphysical01leib Pig, 6 Fig. 7. FiG. 9. Fig. 10. FiG. 13. FIG. 12. FlG.n Fig. 14. FSG. 15. PREFACE To those engaged in the education of our American youth, we present this Manual as a practical guide and help in Physical Culture. All those having a good and earnest will, can find it possible to make a successful use of the lessons therein, for the work is based on a practical foundation. The author has been a teacher of Physical Culture during the last twelve years in j^i'ivate and public schools, also lately in the Normal School of Louisville, Ky. ; and a number of friends of our youth who have observed the good results of his efforts have encouraged him to bring this Manual before the teachers of our schools. At the conclusion of this work will be found a number of Physici Games, which the teacher can introduce at recess and other times. Such games will help the mental as w^ell as bodily development, and the teacher will find the child always thankful for his friendly interest. The desire for a wholesome education, i. e., for body and mind, has increased considerably in the last few years on the part of all classes in our country. We have to-day several "Normal Schools for Physical Culture," the author himself being a graduate of the one in Milwaukee, Wis., which is an offspring of the "North American Union of German Gymnastic Associations." At its head as Director stands Prof. George Brosius. The youth of our country are to be congratulated that teachers are realizing, to a constantly increasing extent, the old truth that systematic training of the body is of as much importance and (9) 10 PREFACE. benefit as intellectual and moral training; that without a sound and healthy body we can not progress ; that the building of the body should begin at an early age, and in connection with our schools. The foundation of this Manual is the German-American Sys- tem of Physical Training. I am happy to acknowledge myself under obligation to Henry SuDER, Superintendent of Physical Culture in the Public Schools of Chicago, 111., for his valuable and friendly assistance in my work as herein presented. ^ If this, my First Series in Physical Training, is favorably re- ceived, in course of time the Second Series will follow, as also a Series with "Physical Games for our Youth." 3£e7is Sana in corpore scoio. ANTON LEIBOLD. Louisville, October, 1888. INDEX. PAGE. Preface 9 General Points 13 About Clothing 13 Time for Exercises 13 Superintending 14 To Teachers 14 Normal Schools 14 Commands 14 When to Exercise 15 At the Beginning and Close of Lesson — In School-room 15 In a Hall 16 After Conclusion of Exercises in Hall 17 PART I. Lesson i. Position (Fundamental) and Raise Arms 21 2. Positions and Raise Foot 22 3. Foot Exercises — Raise, Bend, and Swing 23 4. Thrust Arms 24 5. Turn Head 25 6. Straighten Arms from Hips 25 7. Arm Positions and Raise (Heels) to Tiptoe 27 8. Raise Arms 28 9. Arm Positions and Bending Trunk 29 10. Thrust Arms 30 11. Place Feet 31 12. Strike Arms 32 13. Bend Head 5^ (11) 12 INDEX. PAGE, Lesson 14. Straighten AriMs from Shoulders 33 15. Facings in Standing 35 16. Swinging Arms ■ 36 17. Arm Positions and Turn Trunk 37 18. Foot Positions and Breathing Exercises 38 19. Straighten Arms, from folded forward 39 20. Marching Exercises 39 21. Place Hands on opposite Shoulder 40 22. Arm Positions as Exercise 40 23. Thrusting Arms 41 24. Arm and Hand Exercises 42 25. Arm Positions, and Swing Arms 43 26. Exercises in Seats , . 44 27. Exercises in two Divisions 45 28. Concluding Exercises, a, />, ^ 46 GENERAL POINTS ABOUT INSTRUCTIONS IN CALISTHENICS. Plain and earnest explanations of exercises, also a sharp and decisive execution command, will carry a class directly along ; such commands help greatly toward good success in physical, mental, and disciplinary regard. To gain such success the teacher will have to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the following advice before beginning with instruction. The pupil shall learn to master the body. For that purpose it is necessary that every movement be executed vigorously and grace- fully, to the exact direction. When calling for an Arm or Leg exercise, the remaining parts of the body should be kept in a firm and quiet position, governed by a firm Will, thus combining Strength with Beauty! CLOTHING. Furthermore, the pupil should be impressed with the necessity of wearing loosely fitting and light clothes during the lesson, which will assist a healthy circulation of the blood. If the exercises are carried on indoors, the temperature should be 55 to Qd Fahrenheit, and upper parts of windows lowered, so as to create fresh and pure air, without draft striking the pupils. Close the windows directly after exercises. TIME FOR EXERCISES. Begin the exercises in common time, about one count to a second, then increase to a faster time and in force, while toward the end of lesson come back to common time. Never drop an exercise until you are satisfied with the execu- tion, or repeat as soon as possible. (13) 14 ^ MANUAI; OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. SUPERINTENDING OF PHYSICAL TRAINING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 1. The 23ractical superintending of instruction is a main point to obtain good results. 2. For that purpose in every city the schools should be intrusted to a technical leader, a ''Superintendent of Physical Culture," a man that is fully acquainted with the fundamental principles of this art. 3. The Superintendent should give direct instructions to teachers or principals twice a month, and every Saturday he should also in- struct the leaders of classes, two of which are to be chosen from every room. These leaders are to stand before the class in every lesson and perform the exercises first, after which, at the command of the teacher, the entire class will j)erform. TO TEACHERS. Where there is no "Superintendent of Physical Culture," and a teacher takes interest in Calisthenics and wishes to introduce them, they may easily do so, and instruct the leaders according to this Manual, for the lessons are so arranged that they may be well adapted to all circumstances. NORMAL SCHOOLS. It would be advisable that the branch of Physical Culture be an obligatory study in the curriculum of all Normal Schools. These institutes should be under the direct supervision of a direc- tor of Physical Training, who must by all means be equally as competent as the one for public schools. If this system of instruc- tion is then followed, we will in time have able and enthusiastic young teacher-graduates from our Normal Schools who will be fully qualified to teach Gymnastics with good results in our Public Schools. COMMANDS. There are three kinds: Command of Caution; Explanation; Execution. 1. The command of Caution is first given, and is sjDoken loudly and distinctly in the word — Attention ! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL Cl^LTURE. 15 2. Command of Explanation is then given and explains the position or movement to be executed, and is given slowly and well articulated so as to be well understood by all scholars. 3. Command of Execution is given after a moment's pause, sufficient time for the scholar to think what to do. It is given in a firm and sharp tone, and consists in the word — Begin ! 4. In marching we use the execution command "March!'' in male or in mixed classes; in female classes, exclusively, we use the command ' ' Walk ! " 5 Command to cease exercise, in general, consists in one word, and is spoken firmly and decisively — Halt ! Notice will be taken that all pupils begin to exercise at the same moment, and continue exercising until another command is given. Before the execution command is given, if necessary the teacher, or leaders of a class, will explain by going through the movements of the exercise, beginning with the right Arm or Foot, when the class must begin with the left Arm or Foot, so as not to confuse the class. Sometimes it is more advisable, instead of going through the movements, to explain a second time. In order to have all pupils exercise simultaneously, the teacher should mark time ; either count aloud or beat with your hands or forepart of right foot, or what will insure still better attention^ by moving hand from right to left or up and down, in this way guid- ing the movements. You may also beat time with a hard instru- ment on the table. WHEN TO EXERCISE. 1. If instructions in the lessons are given daily, which should be done, they should last fifteen to twenty minutes. 2. These exercises should always come about midway between the other studies, so as to refresh the minds and bodies of the pupils for further scientific work. AT THE BEGINNING AND CLOSE OF LESSONS. IX SCHOOL-ROOMS. 1. Fresh and pure air is an essential point during exercises. 2. For that purpose open all windows about a half foot from the top before beginning, and close windows directly after exercising. 16 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 3. Attention ! kScholars clear their desks, lean backward, and fold Arms forward. One! — Scholars tnrn one-fourth turn out- ward in seats and j^lace Hands on desk. Two! — Scholars rise and turn one-fourth turn to the front, to teacher (and raise seats if possible), and form straight lines in the aisle. Three! — Scholars walk forward to arm's-length distance, while raising arms forward to position, on a level with shoulders. 4. At conclusion of lesson the scholars take their seats in- re- versed order, as in 3. IN A HALL. Wherever there is a hall or a large vacant room, we may put several classes together for exercising. The classes will arise as mentioned above. The scholars of each aisle will then leave their school-room in the order that one aisle of scholars will follow the other, and by the time they reach the hall, the girls and boys will each have formed a division for themselves, which we call Flank Rank. They will then v>'alk into the hall, the one Flank Kank to the right and the other to the left ; then both divisions will march to the middle of the rear of hall, where the first two girls and boys will turn one-fourth turn to the teacher, and walk forward, in front ranks of four, to the point the teacher finds necessary. Command : The first four to the front — Forward — March! See figure below : , 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 , t i- t t ^ t t t t -1- . + •" 2 -l o TEACPIEFv. 1 When all the scholars are formed in front ranks of four, with about four steps open space between each front rank, the teacher commands: Halt! — Grasp Hands — Grasp! when scholars will MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 17 take hold of each other's hands. Commaud : Sideward outward (from the center of eacli four) to arni's-leugth distance — March I 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8. At commaud, March! the schohirs "will walk sideward outward, and at the same time slowly raise r.rms sideward iu straight posi- tion, until the finger-tips will nearly meet, arms now level with shoulders ; then give command : Halt! Arms — Down ! To Rest— Stand ! Position — Stand ! Now class is ready for exercises. AFTER CONCLUSION OF EXERCISES IN HALL. 1. Both divisions one-fourth turn outward, girls left and boys right — Face ! 2. Close divisions — Forward — March ! 3. Each division to a Flank Rank (one behind the other) — For- w^ard — jMarch ! (Back to school-rooms.) -^ le T I EIGHTH GRADE. Children from Six to Eight Years of Age. SIMPLE EXERCISES (19 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 21 LESSON 1. [Every Exercise in Part L should be repeated from four to eight times.] Note. — The reader will find that each lesson contains a group of exercises of one kind for itself. . This does not involve that, for instance, when a lesson contains Arm exercises the pupils are only to practice such ; but, as the teacher may find it necessary, may practice any or any one part of foregoing lessons ; but Arm exercises should be the main exercise. STARTING POSITIONS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! In this, the '■'■ Fundaniental Position^'' (see Fig. i), heels and knees are locked, tip of feet turned outward, so that the feet will form a right angle. Legs and body are kept straight and erect, the body inclining a little forward, its weight bearing principally upon the forepart of the feet. Shoulders lowered and thrown backward, while the arms hang down by the sides, knuckles of hands in front. The head is held erect, and the eyes look straight to the front, when not directed to the teacher. The mouth is closed, and breathing should in all cases be done through the nostrils. The "Position" should be free from all restraint. In order to be brief and concise in our future lessons we \vill use for "Funda- mental Position," the term, ^^ Position — Stand!"" 2. To Rest— Stand ! Fold arms forward, and place left foot about six inches forward, while the left knee bends, so that the weight of the body will rest largely on the right foot. (All positions except the "To Rest" are starting positions.) Repeat above two Positions several times. Changing from the resting to the fundamental position, the change of position must be car- ried out vigorously and quickly. This change can also be done by counting: I — 2, etc. Right here we will again remark, that the different positions are not taken before the execution command Stand ! is given ; bear this always in mind. POSITIONS AND RAISE ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Raise Arms (both) forward in position — Raise ! Note. — Arms must be perfectly straight and raised to a level with shoulders, knuckles upward, while hands are shoulder-width apart, fingers closed and straightened forward. (See Fig. 2.) 22 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. Arms — Dowu ! 3. Raise Arms (both) forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1—2 —1—2— and (1)— Halt ! (2). Note. — Raise at i and lower at 2, and always give your command of Halt on the last count. 4. Raise left Arm forward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Raise right Arm forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 6. Raise Arms (both) forward over head in position — Raise ! Note. — Arms straightened, hands shoulder-width apart and knuckles turned outward, fingers closed and straightened upward. (See Fig. 3-) Arms — Down ! Note. — To be lowered forward down. 7. Raise Arms (both) forward over head in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. 8. Raise left Arm forward over head in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. 9. Raise right Arm forward over head in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 10. To Rest— Stand! 11. Position — Stand! 12. Fold Arms backward — Fold ! Arms — Dow^n ! Note for all Arm Exercises over Head. — When raising or straight- ening arms over head the teacher may occasionally ask the female pupils to bring their arms in a circle over head till fingers meet. LESSON 2 POSITIONS AND RAISE FOOT. 1. Attention ! Position — Stand ! 2. Fold Arms backward — Fold! (See Fig. 4, a.) 3. Raise left Foot forward in position — Raise ! Note. — The foot must be raised three inches from the floor, knee straight, and toes pointing downward. (See Fig. 4, b.) Foot — Down ! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 23 4. Ftaise left Foot forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2) Note. — Raise at i and lower at 2, and always give your command of Halt on the last count. f). Raise right Foot forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. G. Raise left Foot sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. (See Fig. 5, a.) 7. Raise right Foot sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 8. Raise left Foot backward in two counts — Begin! ] — 2, etc. 9. Raise right Foot backward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — In the beginning, if necessary, allow the pupils in the Foot exercises to place one hand on desk until they know how to bal- ance their bodies. Repeat jDart of Arm Exercises from Lesson 1. LESSON 3. FOOT EXERCISES— RAISE, BEND, AND SWING. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Fold Arms backward — Fold! (See Fig. 4, a.) o. Raise left Foot forward in position — Raise ! (See first note in Lesson 2.) 4. Bend and straighten left Foot in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). 5. Swing left Foot back and forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Foot — Down ! 6. Raise right Foot forward in position — Raise ! 7. Bend and straighten right Foot in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 8. Swing right Foot back and forward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. Foot — Down ! Note. — In swinging foot both limbs must be kept perfectly straight. In the beginning pupils may also be allowed to place one hand on desk. 2 24 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. Arms — Down ! 9. To Eest— Stand ! 10. Position — Stand! Repeat part of Arm Exercises from Lesson 1. LESSON 4. THRUSTING ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Arms to Thrust — Place ! Note. — The lower arms are raised to a level position with the elbows, and brought backward as far as possible, so that the hands m^U be near the chest; the hands are closed and the knuckles turned downward. (See Fig. 6, a.) 3. Tiirust Arms (both) forward in two counts — Begin ! 1—2 — 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). Note. — When thrusting arms and hands in any direction, they natu- rally make a half turn ; for instance, if we thrust forward, the knuckles will turn upward ; if we thrust sideward, we have the same result. Thrust arms to the desired direction at i, and bend again to thrust at 2. All exercises should be executed vigorously. (See P'ig. 6, b.) 4. Thrust left Arm forward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Thrust right Arm forward in two counts^ — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 6. Thrust Arms (both) sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 7. Thrust left Arm sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 8. Thrust right Arm sideward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Arms — Dow^n ! 9. To Rest— Stand ! 10. Position— Stand ! Repeat Foot and Leg Exercises from Lesson 3. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTUKE. 25 LESSON 5. TU RN HEAD. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Grasp Hands backward — Grasp ! Note. — Arms to be straightened and hands to be clasped back of body. 3. Turn Head to the left in two counts— Begin ! 1—2—1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt ! (2). Note. — The Head turns one-fourth of a turn at i, and back to the front at 2, 4. Turn Head to the right in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Bend and straighten Arms backward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. G. Turn Head to the left and right in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — Turn head to the left, one-fourth turn, at l, and turn to the right at 2. Hands — Down ! 7. To Kest— Stand ! 8. Position — Stand ! Note. — Execute all Head exercises slowly. Kepeat part of Arm Exercises from Lesson 4 either between or after Head Exercises. LESSON 6. STRAIGHTEN ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Hands on hips — Place! Note. — Place hands on hips so that thumbs will meet backward, to bring out the chest. (See Fig. 7.) 3. Straighten Arms (both) forward in position — Straighten ! Note. — Arms must be perfectly straightened, and level with shoulders, knuckles upward, while hands are shoulder-width apart, and fin- gers closed. (See Fig. 2.) 26 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 4. Hands ou hips — Place ! 5. Straighten Arms (both) forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 —1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). Note. — Straighten to the desired direction at i, and place hands on hips at 2. 6. Straighten left Arm forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 7. Straighten right Arm forw^ard in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 8. Straighten Arms (both) sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. (See Fig. 8.) 9. Straighten left Arm sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 10. Straighten right Arm sideward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 11. Straight Arms (both) upward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — Hands shoulder-width apart. (See Fig. 3.) 12. Straighten left Arm upward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 13. Straighten right Arm upward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 14. Straighten Arms (both) downward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 15. Straighten left Arm downward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 16. Straighten right Arm downward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — When straightening arms forward and sideward, knuckles of hands come upward, when straightening upward knuckles come backward, and when straightened downward knuckles come forward. Hands — Down ! 17. To Rest— Stand ! 18. Position — Stand! 19. Grasp Hands backw^ard — Grasp! Repeat part of Head Exercises from Lesson 5. Hands — Down ! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CrLTUKE. 27 LESSON 7. a. ARM POSITIONS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. To Rest— Stand! 8. Position — Stand ! 4. Fold Arms backward^Fold ! Anns — Down ! 5. Raise Arms forward in position — Raise ! Arms — Down ! 6. Raise Arms forward over head in jDOsition — Raise ! Arms — Down ! 7. Arms to Thrust — Place ! Arms — Down ! 8. Grasp Hands backward — Grasp ! Hands — Down ! 9. Hands on Hips — Place ! Hands — Down ! b. FOOT EXERCISES. 1. Fold Arms forward— Fold ! Note. — In folding forward, hands grasp biceps. (See Fig, 9.) 2. Raise both Heels (to tiptoe) in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — 1— 2— 1— 2— 1— 2— and(l)--Halt! (2). Note. — Raise at i, and lower at 2; and keep heels together and limbs straight. 3. Raise left Heel (to tiptoe) in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 4. Raise right Heel (to tiptoe) in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — Raising one heel (to tiptoe) the knee of that limb must be bent somewhat forward, toes touching floor in place. 5. Raise both Heels (to tiptoe) and rock on tiptoe (without heels touching floor) while counting 1 — Begin ! 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1—1—1— and— Halt! Arms — Down ! (). To Rest— Stand ! 7. Position — Stand ! Repeat part of Arm Exercises from Lesson 6. 28 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 8. RAISING ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Kaise Arms sideward in position — Raise ! Note. — Arms to be straight and level with shoulders, and knuckles of hands turned upward. (See Fig. 8.) Arms — Down ! 3. Raise Arms (both) sideward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt ! (2). Note. — Arms to be raised at i, and lowered at 2. 4. Raise left Arm sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Raise right Arm sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 6. Raise Arms (both) sidcAvard over head in position — Raise ! Note. — Arms straightened, hands shoulder-width apart, and palm of hands turned forward, fingers closed. Arms — Dowm ! Note. — Lower arms sideward down. 7. Raise Arms (both) sideward over head in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. 8. Raise left Arm sideward over head in tw^o counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 9. Raise right Arm sideward over head in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. Note. — In all the above Arm Raising Exercises, and likewise in the Arm Exercises of Lesson i, the teacher may occasionally require the class to Close Hands (make a fist) before beginning with the lesson. Male classes, especially, will enjoy this occasional change. 10. To Rest— Stand ! 11. Position — Stand! 12. Hands on Hips — Place! Repeat part of Foot Exercises from Lesson 7. Hands — Down ! MANUAL OF THYSICAL CULTURE. 29 LESSON 9. a. ARM POSITIONS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. To Rest— Stand ! 3. Position— Stand ! 4. Fold Arms backward^Fold ! Arms — Down ! 5. Fold Arms forward — Fold ! Arms — Down ! 6. Grasp Hands backward — Grasp ! Hands — Down ! 7. Raise Arms forward in position — Raise ! Arms — Down ! 8. Raise Arms forward over head in position — Raise ! Arms — Down ! 9. Raise Arms sideward in position — Raise ! Arms — Down ! 10. Raise Arms sideward over head in position — Raise! Arms — Down ! 1 1 . Arms to Thrust— Place ! Arms — Down ! 12. Hands on Hips — Place! Hands — Down ! b. BEND TRUNK. 1. Fold Arms forward — Fold! Note. — In folding arms, hands grasp biceps. 2. Bend Trunk forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2j. Note. — Bend Trunk at i, and straighten at 2. In classes where girls participate, bend trunk to an obtuse angle (see Fig. ic), but in classes of only male members, bend trunk forward to a right angle (see Fig. ii). In all cases keep head always in line with neck and back. Legs are to be entirely straight, and feet placed solid on floor, heels firmly locked. 3. Bend Trunk backward in two counts — Beoin ! 1 — 2, etc. 4. Rock Trunk forward and backward in two counts — Begin! ' 1—2, etc. 30 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. Note. — Rock trunk forward at i, to the movement as described in No. 2, and rock backward at 2, as in No. 3. 5. Bend Trunk sideward to the left in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. (See Fig. 12.) Note. — Bend at i, and straighten body at 2. The trunk is to be bent directly sideward, head in line with neck and back, limbs together and straight, while feet stand firmly with locked heels upon the floor. 6. Bend Trunk sideward to the right in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. 7. Bock Trunk sideward to the left and right in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. Note. — Rock trunk sideward to the left at i, and from there rock to the right at 2. (See exercises above in bending sideward.) 8. To Rest— Stand! 9. Position — Stand ! Repeat part of Arm Exercises from Lesson 8, either between or after Trunk Exercises. LESSON 10. THRUSTING ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Arms to Thrust — Place ! 3. Thrust Arms (both) upward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). Note. — When thrusting upward pay attention that hands are shoulder- width apart, and knuckles turned backward. Further explana- tions are found in Lesson 4. 4. Thrust left Arm upward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Thrust right Arm upward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 6. Thrust Arms (both) downward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — When thrusting downward turn hands, so that knuckles will be turned forward. 7. Thrust left Arm downward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 8. Thrust right Arm downward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. iNIANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 31 Arms — Dowu I 9. To Rest— Stand ! 10. Position — Stand ! 11. Fold Arms forward— Fold ! Repeat part of Trunk Exercises from Lesson 9. LESSON 11. PLACE FEET. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Fold Arms backward — Fold ! 3. Place left for right) Foot forward in j^osition — Place ! Note. — While moving foot it should be straightened downward, so that it will touch the floor only with toes, while both knees are straightened. The weight of the body will always rest on the stationary foot, Avhile the body is kept erect. (See Fig. 4, c.) Starting position — Stand ! 4. Place left Foot forward in two counts — Begin! ] — 2 — 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— and ( 1 )— Halt ! (2). XoTE. — The left foot moves forward at i, and comes back to its start- ing position at 2. 5. Place right Foot forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 6. Place left (or right) Foot sideward in position — Place ! Note. — Always be guided by first Note in this lesson, only that the foot moves sideward. (See Fig. 5, b.) Starting position — Stand ! 7. Place left Foot sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. (S. Place ri"'ht Foot sideward in two counts — Besiu ! 1 — 2, etc. 9. Place left (or right) Foot backward in position — Place ! Starting position — Stand ! 10. Place left Foot backward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 11. Place right Foot backward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Arms — Down ! 12. To Rest— Stand! 13. Position- Stand ! Repeat part of Arm Exercises from Lesson 10. 32 MANUAL OF riTYsrCAL CULTURE. LESSON 12. ARM EXERCISES— STRIKING. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! a. STRIKING FORWARD. 2. Eaise Arms forward to striking position — Kaise ! Note. — Hands closed to form fists, knuckles upward, and arms bent to an acute angle, elbows forward and level with shoulders. (See Fifj. 15, a.) 3. Strike Arms forward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — 1— 2— and (1)— Halt! (2). Note. — Striking must be done forcibly, hands shoulder-width apart, and knuckles downward. (See Fig. 15, b.) 4. Strike left Arm forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Strike right Arm forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Arms — Down ! h. STRIKING SIDEWARD. 1. Kaise Arms sideward to striking position — Raise! Note. — When arms are raised to above position, hands are closed to form fists, knuckles upward, arms bent to an acute angle, elbows sideward and level with shoulders. 2. Strike Arms sideward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 3. Strike left Arm sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 4. Strike right Arm sideward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — Strike at i, so knuckles are downward, and hands in a par- allel line with shoulders, and bend arms again at 2. Arms — Down ! 5. To Rest— Stand ! G. Position — Stand ! Repeat part of Foot Exercises from Lesson 11, between or after above Arm Exercises. :\IANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 33 LESSON 13. BENDING HEAD. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Fold Arms backward — Fold ! 3. Bend Head sideward to the left in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 —1—2— 1—2— and (1;— Halt! (2). 4. Bend Head sideward to the right in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — Bend head as far as possible, directly sideward at i, and straighten at 2. 5. Rock Head sideward to the left and right in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. Note. — Rock (bend) head sideward to the left at i, and rock sideward to the right at 2. Arms — Down ! 6. To Rest— Stand ! 7. Position — Stand ! 8. Raise Arms sideward in position — Raise ! 9. Bend Head forAvard in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 10. Bend Head backward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 11. Rock Head forward and backward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. Arms — Down ! Note. — In all Head Exercises counting and executing has to be done in slow time. Keep arms in required position (sideward level with shoulders), in Exercises 9, lo, and ii, till different command for arms is called. It is advisable to use A?-}}i Exercises, as those from Lesson 12, between the different Head Exercises. LESSON 14. STRAIGHTEN ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Hands on Shoulders — Place ! Note. — Fingers slightly touching shoulders, hands open, while elbows are perfectly level with shoulders, and thrown back as far as possi- ble. (See Fig. 13.) 34 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 3. Straighten Arms (both) forward in j^osition — Straighten! Note, — Arms must be perfectly straight and level with shoulders, • knuckles upward, while hands are shoulder-width apart, and fingers closed. 4. Hands on Shoulders — Place ! 5. Straighten Arms (both) forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — i— 2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). Note. — Straighten arms to the desired direction at i, and place hands on shoulders at 2. 6. Straighten left Arm forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 7. Straighten right Arm forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 8. Straighten Arms (both) sideward in position — Straighten ! Note. — Arms perfectly straight, and on a level Avith shoulders, knuckles of hands turned upward. 9. Hands on Shoulders — Place ! 10. Straighten Arms (both) sidev/ard in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 11. Straighten left Arm sideward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 12. Straighten right Arm sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Hands — Down ! 13. To Rest— Stand! 14. Position — Stand ! 15. Hands on Shoulders — Place ! 16. Straighten Arms upward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — When straightened upM-ard, knuckles of hands are turned backward, and hands shoulder-width apart. 17. Straighten left Arm upward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 18. Straighten right Arm upward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 19. Straighten Arms downward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — Knuckles of hands are turned forward when straightened downward. 20. Straighten left Arm downward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 21. Straighten right Arm downward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Hands — Down ! Repeat part of Head Exercises from Lesson 13, between or after the Arm Exercises. 3IANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 35 LESSON 15. FACINGS IN STANDING. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! Note. — Facing always describes a circle about a person's longitudinal axis. All facing is executed on the left heel, while the right foot is slightly raised from the floor. In order that the scholars will understand the teacher better, the latter will say: "You turn to that side," or "You turn to that window," or the teacher will take position where he or she wants the scholars to turn to. 1. Half left — Face! (is one-eighth of a turn of the entire body). Attention — Front ! 2. Half right (one-eighth turn) — Face! Attention — Front ! 3. Left — Face! (is one-fourth of a turn of the entire body). Attention — Front ! 4. Right (one-fourth turn) — Face ! Attention — Front ! 5. Left about — Face! (is one-half turn of the entire body). Attention — Front ! 6. Right about (one-half turn) — Face! Attention — Front ! 7. Four-fourths turn left to be continued in four counts : Left — Face! 1—2—3—4. 8. Four-fourths turn right to be continued in four counts : Right— Face! 1—2—3—4. 9. Four-fourths turn left to be continued in two counts : Left about — Face! 1 — 2. 10. Four-fourths turn right to be continued in two counts : Right about — Face! 1 — 2. 11. To Rest— Stand ! 12. Position — Stand! Repeat part of Arm Exercises from Lesson 14, either between or after Facing Exercises, as the teacher may find most suitable. 36 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 16. SWINGING ARMS. * 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Raise Arms forward in position — Kaise ! 3. Swing Arms sideward (outward) in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). Note. — Swing arms to the desired direction at I, and back to startiiig position at 2. 4. Swing left Arm sideward (outward) in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 5. Swing right Arm sideward (outward) in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. Note. — When swinging arms sideward, keep arms perfectly level with shoulders. 6. Swing Arms downward (backward) in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. 7. Swing left Arm downward (backward) in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. 8. Swing right Arm downward (backward) in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. Note. — Swing arms backward as far as possible, and pay careful atten- tion to keep body in erect position while swinging. Arms — Down ! 9. To Rest— Stand! 10. Position — Stand ! 11. Raise Arms forward in position — Raise! 12. Swing Arms forward over head in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). 13. Swing left Arm forward over head in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 14. Swing right Arm forward over head in two counts — Begin ! 1—2, etc. Note. — Swinging arms forward over head the knuckles of hands must be turned outward when over head. Repeat part of Facing Exercises from Lesson 15. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 17. a. ARM POSITIONS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Repeat all the different "Arm positions" from Lesson 9. 8. Raise Arms fonvard to striking position — Raise ! Arms — Down ! 4. Raise Arms sideward to striking position — Raise ! Arms — Down ! Note. — About position of Arms in 3 and 4, see Lesson 12. 5. Place Hands on Shoulders — Place ! Hands — Down ! b. TURN TRUNK. 1. Hands on Hips — Place ! 2. Turn Trunk to left in two counts— Begin ! 1—2—1—2—1—2 —1—2— and (1)— Halt ! ( 2 ). Note. — When turning trunk, pay particular attention that the limbs are straight, heels locked, and feet to stand solid on the floor. 3. Turn Trunk to the right in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 4. Turn Trunk to the left with placing Hands on Shoulders in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Note. —Turn trunk to the desired direction as far as possible, with placing hands on shoulders at count i, turn trunk to the front with placing hands on hips at count 2. 5. Turn Trunk to the right with placing Hands on Shoulders in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Hands — Down ! G. Raise Arms sideAvard in position — Raise ! 7. Turn Trunk to the left in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 8. Turn Trunk to the right in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — In Exercises 7 and 8 arms should be kept level with shoul- ders, and in straight line with back. Arms — Down ! 9. To Rest— Stand ! 10. Position— Stand ! Repeat part of Arm Exercises from Lesson 1(3. 38 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 18. a. FOOT POSITIONS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Hands on Hips — Place ! 3. Place left (or right) Foot forward in position — Place ! Starting position — Stand ! 4. Place left (or right) Foot sideward in position — Place ! Starting position — Stand ! 5. Place left (or right) Foot backward in position — Place! Starting position — Stand ! Note. — For explanation to Nos. 3, 4, and 5, see Lesson 11. 6. Raise left (or right) Foot forward in position — Raise ! Foot — Down ! 7. Raise left (or right) Foot sideward in position — Raise ! Foot — Down ! 8. Raise left (or right) Foot backward in position — Jlaise ! Foot — Down ! Note. — To obtain a good result in Exercises 6, 7, and 8, carefully bal- ance the body, which must be kept perfectly steady and erect. For further explanation, see first note in Lesson 2, page 22. b. BREATHING EXERCISES. Note. — Every pupil should be ambitious to be good in reading and speaking, to have a clear and sound voice; that is, to be a good elocutionist. To cultivate the voice not only Calisthenic Exercises are beneficial, but also Breathing Exercises. It should never be forgotten that the air around us should, under all circumstances, be as pure and fresh as possible while practicing Breathing Exer- cises. 1. Inhale and exhale through nostrils, each in five counts ; teacher counting aloud. 2. Same as Exercise 1, teacher counting while inhaling, and schol- ars counting while exhaling. 3. Same as either of the above Exercises, but exhale compulsively in one breath, through mouth, either teacher or scholars to count — 1. Note. — Let all inhaling be done deep and tranquil, so as to cause the chest to rise slowly and fully. Hands — Down ! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 39 LESSON 19. Repeat Breathing Exercises from Lesson 18. STRAIGHTEN ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Fold Arms forward — Fold ! 3. Straighten Arms (both) forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). 4. Straighten Arms sideward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Straighten Arms upward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 6. Straighten Arms downward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — For positions of arms and hands while exercising, see the different Notes after second Note in Lesson 14. Arms — Down ! LESSON 20. MARCHING EXERCISES. 1. Attention ! Position — Stand ! 2. One Step forward— March ! 1—2. 3. One Step backward — March ! 1 — 2. Note. — Begin with the left foot and close with the right foot. 4. Mark Time— March ! 1—2, etc. Note. — ^Marking time (march on place) indicates a sham walk, where scholars raise left and right foot forward alternately; tip of foot has to be invariably straightened downward. Teachers should put main force of counting on I, /. e., on left foot. 5. Attention— Halt! Note. — Teacher should give command of Halt when left foot is about to be lowered, then scholars will close heels after raising right foot once more. 6. Left (right)— Face ! 7. One Step sideward left (right) — March ! 1 — 2. 8. One Step sideward right (left) — March! 1 — 2. 3 40 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. Note. — When walking one step sideward (in No. 7), the weight of the body will rest on left foot at count I, and at count 2 bring your right foot aside the left foot, heels closed, and vice versa. 9. Attention — Front! • Repeat Arm Exercises from Lesson 19. LESSON 21. Repeat Breathing Exercises from Lesson 18. PLACING HANDS ON SHOULDERS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Place left (right) Hand on right (left) Shoulder— Place ! Note. — Elbow raised on a level with shoulders. (See Fig. 14.) Hand — Down ! 3. Place left Hand on right Shoulder in two counts — Begin ! 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). 4. Place right Hand on left Shoulder in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Place Hands on Shoulders, left Hand on right and right Hand on left Shoulder (right arm over left arm), in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 6. As Exercise 5, but left Arm over right Arm. Repeat Walking Exercises from Lesson 20. LESSON 22. ARM POSITIONS AS EXERCISE. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Clap Hands in front of Chest in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2- 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). Note. — Cross hands while clapping at i, and lower arms at 2. 3. Place Hands on Hips in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 41 4. Fold Arms forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Place Hands on Shoulders in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — In Nos. 3, 4, and 5, execute the desired motion at i, and lower arms downward at 2. 6. Place Hands on Hips (in position) — Place ! 7. Place Hands on Shoulders in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — Place hands on shoulders at i, and on hips at 2. 8. Clap Hands in front of Chest in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — Clasp at i, and hands on hips at 2. 9. Clap Hands in front of Chest twice and place on Hips at third count— Begin! 1—2— 3— 1—2— 3—1— and (2) — Halt! (3). 10. Clap Hands at 1, place on Shoulders at 2, and on Hips at 3 (in three counts) — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 3, etc. 11. Place Hands on Shoulders wdth clapping Hands at 1, and Hands on Hips at 2 (in two counts) — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Hands — Down ! Repeat part of Exercise from Lesson 21. LESSON 23 THRUSTING ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Arms to Thrust— Place ! 3. Thrust Arms (both) forward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). 4. Thrust Arms sideward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Thrust Arms upward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. G. Thrust Arms downward in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — About positions of arms and hands in the above exercises, see Notes in Lesson 4 and Lesson 10. Arms — Down ! 7. Place Arms to Thrust with clapping Hands in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Repeat part of the Exercises from Lesson 22. 42 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 24. Repeat Breathing Exercises from Lesson 18. ARM AND HAND EXERCISES. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Raise Arms forward in position — Raise ! 3. Turn Arms (Hands) outward and inward in two counts — Begin! 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). Arms — Down ! 4. Raise Arms sideward in position — Raise ! 5. Turn Arms backward and forward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. Arms — Down! 6. Raise Arms forward in position — Raise ! 7. Close and open Hands in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and a)— Halt! (2). 8. Swing Arms sideward in position — Swing ! 9. Close and open Hands in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Arms — Down ! 10. Raise Arms sideward over head in position — Raise ! 11. Close and open left Hand in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 12. Close and open right Hand in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 13. Lower Arms forward in position (level with shoulders) — Lower ! 14. Close and open Hands in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Arms — Down ! 15. Raise Arms sideward in position — Raise! 16. Bend Hands downward and upward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 17. Swing Arms forward in position — Swing! 18. Bend Hands downward and upward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. Arms — Down ! 19. To Rest— Stand ! Note. — Keep arms in required position in Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, and 17, till further command of changing position is given. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 43 LESSON 25. a. ARM POSITIONS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Raise Arms forward to Striking j^osition — Raise ! 3. Fold Arms forward— Fold! 4. Straighten Arms sideward in position — Straighten ! 5. Fold Arms backward — Fold ! 6. Grasp Hands backward — Grasp ! 7. Raise Arms sideward to Striking position — Raise ! 8. Straighten Arms npward in position — Straighten! 9. Lower Arms forward in position — Lower ! 10. Place Hands on Hips — Place ! IL Place Hands on Shoulders — Place! 12. Straighten Arms forward in position — Straighten ! 13. Arms to Thrust— Place ! 14. Thrust Arms forward in position — Thrust ! 15. Place Hands on ojjposite Shoulders (left hand on right, and right hand on left shoulder, elbows level with shoul- ders) — Place ! 16. Hands— Down! 17. To Rest— Stand! l>. SWING ARMS. 1. Attention! Position — Stand! 2. Swing Arms forw^ard over head and backward down in two counts— Begin ! 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). 3. Swing left Arm forw^ard over head and backward down in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 4. Swing right Arm forward over head and backward down in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — When arms are swung with force over head, arms are straight and nands shoulder-width apart, knuckles of hands turned out- ward; then in the second count arms swing vigorously downward, following the same direction as they did in the first count, when arms come backward as far as possil:)le, while knuckles of hands are turned forward in that movement. Limbs are to l)e kept closed, and trunk shall be kept firm in an upright position. 44 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 5. Swing Arms forward and backward down in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 6. Swing left Arm forward and backward down in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 7. Swing right Arm forward and backward down in two counts — - Begin! 1 — 2, etc. Note. — The Note after Exercise 4 is also to be applied to Exercises 5, 6, and 7, except that arms in count i are raised on a level with shoulders, knuckles upward. Repeat part of Trunk Exercises from Lesson 17. LESSON 26. EXERCISES IN SEATS. 1. Attention! Hands on Desk — Place! Note. — Sit in an erect position, hands on desk, shoulder-width apart, heels locked. 2. Fold Arms forward and place Hands on Desk in two counts — Begin ! 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt ! (2). 3. Place Hands on Shoulders and place Hands on Desk in two counts — Begin! 1 — 2, etc. 4. Clap Hands at 1, fold Arms forward at 2, place Hands on Desk at 3 (in three counts) — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 3, etc. 5. Fold Arms forward with clapping Hands, and j^lace Hands on Desk in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 6. Clap Hands at 1, place Hands on Shoulders at 2, and place Hands on Desk at 3 (in three counts) — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 3 — etc. 7. Place Hands on Shoulders with clapping Hands, and place Hands on Desk in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 8. Straighten Arms forw^ard in position — ^Straighten ! 9. Close and open Hands in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 10. Bend Hands downward and upward in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. 11 . Turn Arms outward and inward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — etc. Note. — The teacher may execute the Exercises 9, 10, and ii, also with only one arm and hand, as desirable. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 45 12. Raise Arms (or Arm) forward over head in two counts — Begin! 1—2, etc. Hands on Desk — Place ! Note. — Teachers should at times ask female pupils to "Raise Arms (or Arm) in circle over head" till fingers meet. Repeat part of Walking Exercises from Lesson 20. LESSON 27. EXERCISES IN TWO DIVISIONS. It has been proved practical in class-rooms, either for change or in case the room is too crowded with scholars, or to give scholars a rest, to divide the class into two divisions. For that purpose the teacher will call the pupils on the left side of seats first division, and those on the right side second division. a. Now, while the first division arises in two counts and executes a num- ber of Exercises from the foregoing Lessons, the second division may rest in sea's. Then the first division will again take their seats in two counts and rest, while in the same time the second division will rise and go through the same Exercises. b. Another mode will be for one division to stand in the aisle and the other to be seated, while exercising unanimously. In that case the variety of exercises is limited to Arm and Hand Exercises only, such as are described in Lesson 26. A few other Exercises I will mention here : 1. Raise Arms forward in position — Raise ! 2. Swing Arm (or Arms) sideward outward in two counts — Begin ! 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— 1—2— and (1)— Halt! (2). 3. Swing Arms sideward in position — Swing ! 4. Raise Arms sideward over head in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2, etc. 5. Swing Arms forward in position — Swing ! Arms — Down ! We further refer to Lessons 5, 12, 13, and 14. Note. — We speak in the beginning of this Lesson of scholars being on left or right side of seats, because in our Louisville schools the seats are all occupied by two scholars. Where pupils occupy single seats, teachers may call rows i, 3, and 5 first division, and 2, 4, and 6 second division. 46 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 28. CONCLUDING EXERCISES. In the last few months of the school year the class should be able to execute the foregoing lessons in continued groups, z. e., in immediate succes- sion and rythmic connection. The teacher will explain a new exercise while the class is executing, and on the execution command the class will take up the new exercise only. EXAMPLES. a. THRUSTING ARMS. Arms to Thrust — Place ! Thrust Arms forward iu two counts — Begin! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2—1—2—1—2— Thrust Arms sideward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and(l) — Begin ! (2)— 1—2— 1—2— Thrust Arms upward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and(]) — Begin ! (2)— 1— 2— Thrust Arms downward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and (1) — Begin! (2)— 1—2— 1—2 and (1)— Halt! (2). Arms — Down ! b. BENDING TRUNK. Fold Arrns forward — Fold ! Bend Trunk forward in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — Bend Trunk backward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and(l) — Begin ! (2)— 1—2— 1—2— Bend Trunk sideward left in two counts — 1—^2 — 1 — 2 — and(l) — Begin ! (2)— 1—2— 1—2— Bend Trunk sideward right in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and (1) — Begin! (2)— 1—2— 1—2, etc., and (1)— Halt! (2). Arms — Down ! c. PLACE FOOT AND STRAIGHTEN ARMS. Hands on Hips — Place ! Place left Foot sideward (left) in two counts — Begin ! 1 — 2 — Straighten Arms forward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and (1)-^ Begin ! (2)— 1—2— 1—2— MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 47 Place right Foot sideward (right) in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and (1)— Begin ! 1—2—1—2— Straighten Arms upward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and(l) — Begin! (2)— 1—2— 1—2— Place left Foot forward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and (1) — Begin! (2)— 1-2— 1—2— Straighten Arms sideward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2— and (1) — Begin! (2)— 1—2— 1—2— Place right Foot forward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and (1) — Begin ! (2)— 1—2— 1—2— Straighten Arms downward in two counts — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — and (1) — Begin! (2)~1— 2— 1— 2— and (l)~Halt! (2). Hands — Down ! Note. — In Groups a, b, c, the exercises should be continued until in the last exercise of each group the command — Halt ! is given. The success of the exercises in the above groups lies entirely in the command of the teacher. While giving the explanation of a new exercise, time should be beat with a solid instrument on the table (or with the fore part of the foot), and then give the execution command, when the scholars will come back again to starting po- sition, and irom there on will directly take up the new exercise. Kepeat Breathing Exercises from Lesson 18, page 88, to Group c, in foregoing Lesson. Physical Educaton. -^"MENS SANA IN CORP ORE SANO/'-^ The undersigned, author of this Manual, gives instruction in the z r ) J^ I^ T O IF^ ( PHYSICAL TRAINING, ^EflLISTHEHIES,^ Wand Exercises, Indian Clubs, TO SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE PARTIES. Also Conducts Gymnastic Displays Personally. Will attend to the connplete furnishing and fitting up of Gym- nasia, and gives advice to that view. I refer to over twelve years technical and practical experience as teacher of Physical Culture. ANTON LEIBOIvD, 1407 Hull Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. irr^-ti^if'v^P'^msia mmf!^SL2!:. congress 1.029 714 138 7