Class Book. Copyright If. COHRIGHT DEPOSm THE MIRROR OF LIFE SUNSHINE AND DARKNESS •* A Book for the People Who Think >* TUBLISHED »Y William M. Goff Words of Wisdom from the World of Spirits MODERN-SCIENTIFIC SPIRITUALISM THE MIRROR OF LIFE SUNSHINE AND DARKNESS «* A Book for the People Who Think •* PUBLISHED BY William M. Goff Words of Wisdom from the World of Spirits MODERN-SCIENTIFIC SPIRITUALISM' <\ V -9 ^ Copyrighted 1919 By William M. Goff ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEC II ISilb ►CI.A535998 M CONTENTS PAGE Eminent x\uthorities Introduction Some Startling Facts i Declaration of Principles ii Definitions . . . iv Remarks by the Writer v Material Melancholia viii Harvest of Spiritual Truths x Chapter I — Sins and Wickedness of the People 1 Chapter II — The Church 9 Chapter III — Skepticism . % 13 Chapter IV — Philosophy and Science of Spirit- ualism , ' . . 17 Chapter V — Selfishness 21 Chapter VI — Material and Spiritual Laws . . 25 Chapter VII — The Family Circle 31 Chapter VIII — Prayers 35 Chapter IX — The Heal Devil ....... 43 Chapter X — The Real Hell on Earth .... 55 Chapter XI — Guilty Conscience 65 Chapter XII — The Marriage Vow 73 Chapter XIII — The Result of Wickedness . . 77 Chapter XIV — Gossip and Slander 93 Chapter XV — Enmity, Hatred, Malace, Re- venge 95 Chapter XVI-^Profane Language 97 Chapter XVII — Children Born Out of Wed- lock 99 Chapter XVIII — How to Progress Spiritually 101 Chapter XIX — Invisible World 105 KMINKNT AUTHORITIES In Science, Art and Literature, Whose Names Are of Record as Spiritualists Sir Oliver Lodge, F. R. S. I )i . Kane, Arctic explore) . W. M. Thackerav, author. S. C. Hall, English writer. Prefessor William C. Gregory. Hiram Powers, famous sculptor. F.milio Castelar, Spanish patriot. Sir A. Conan Doyle, Famous Author Ex-Senator Howard, of Michigan. Senator Simmons, of Rhode Island. Epes Sargent, author and scientist. Bayard Tavlor, author and travleer. Dr. Rohert Hare, scientist, chemist. Prof. Joseph Rodes, Buchanan M.D. H. S. H. the Prince George of Solms. Professor Butlerof, Chemist, Russia. Capt. R. F. Burton, African traveler. Joseph Jefferson, the celebrated actor. William Howitt, noted English writer. H. I. H Nicholas. Duke of Leuchtenberg. M. Leon Favre, Consul General of France. Professor Marghieri, University of Naples. N. P. Talmadge, ex-Governor of Wisconsin. M. Thiers, ex-President of French Republic Professor Ocharowicz, University of Warsaw. Prof. M. T. Falconer, Alessandria, in Piedmont. Ex-United States Senator Miller, of Alabama. Hon. J. L. Sullivan, ex-Minister to Portugal. Dr. B. O. Flower, essayist and moral scientist. Ex-United States Senator Sprague, of Rhode Island. Professor Wagner, Geologist, University of Russia. M. Thiers, ex-President of the French Republic. William Lloyd Garrison, author and speaker. Hon. George Thompson, bosom friend of Garrison. James G. Clark, writer, poet and music composer. W. Emmette Coleman, writer, author and Orientalist. Hon. Luther Marsh, jurist, law compiler and author. William T. Stead, editor English "Review of Reviews " Professor Challis, Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge. Abraham Lincoln, martyred President of the United States- Alfred R. Wallace, F. G. S., author, scientist, naturalist. Judge J. W. Edmonds, formerly of the New York Bench. Oliver Johnson, a former editor of the "Christian Union." Prof. Alexander Wilder, M. D., writer, author, metaphysician. Prof. Cesar Lombroso, Professor Psychiatry, University of Turin. Gastav T. Fochner, Professor of Physics, University of Leipsic. Prof. Henry Kiddle, formerly Superintendent New York City Schools. Robert Bell, distinguished dramatist and novelist, of England. W. E. Webber, Professor of Physics, University of Gottenburg. Professor F. Zoellner, author "Transcendental Physics," Leipsic. C. F. Varley, Chief Engineer Electric & International Telegraph Co. Professor Scheibner, Teacher of Mathamatics, University of Leipsic. W. F. Barrett, Professor of Physics, Royal College of Science, Dublin. Dr. Lockhart Robertson, former editor "Journal Mental Science." Herr Max Seiling, Professor of Polytechnics, University of Helsingfers. Dr. Franz Hoffman. Professor of Philosphy, Wertzburg University. Prof. William Crookes, F. R. S., editor London "Journal of Science." Lord Rayleigh, F. R. S., Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge. Professor De Morgan, at one time London's greatest mathematician. Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, ex-United States Senator, ex-President of Senate. Dr. Miguel Sans Benito, 'Professor, of Metaphysics, University of Barcelona. Hon. John P. Brown, former attache of the Turkish Legation, Constantinople. NOTE. — The information contained in this page is copied from the works of J. M. Peebles, A.M., M.D., Ph.D., "Spiritualist Manual." INTRODUCTION This book has been written for the Spiritual welfare of the human race; "to be used as a guide to lift, humanity out of the rut of Ignorance, and to impart to the world the great Truths of life as given through messages re- ceived from High Intelligences living in the World of Spirits. "The Spirit World has no intention of criticizing the Bible, Creeds, Dogmas, or Isms," it is to give the True Version of how to live through this life in order to be spared suffering and woe in the next world. The contents of this book will show discrepancies in the present day beliefs, and the inconsistency in many of the chapters of the Bible which are contrary to the laws which exist in the next world. "There are no better teachers than those who have had experience;" — So we all must consider seriously what we are told from the world beyond. "Wickedness is the power that is ruining humanity, and the power that must be battled from all quarters of the land," for that reason, in order to do our share of the good work, "Spirit Intelligences has dictated this book, trying to show the actual results of sin, and to specify the many serious little wicked acts which is committed through ignorance of Divine Laws. The object is "to encourage mankind to THINK, — and REASON, — To follow the dictates of conscience in Spiritual affairs; To Investigate, — Analyze and classify facts; — To study the Law of Nature both on the seen and unseen side of life. — Thinking is living, and the person who does not think for themselves is but little above the dumb animal. — SOME STARTLING FACTS YOU SHOULD CONSIDER Doctor J. Don Ball, of Oakland, California, who is conducting a Crim- ology Course at the University of California, says: there are twenty- seven distinct types of Insanity. He lists them as follows. Queer guys, eccentrics, disturbers, querrulous, unreliable, and unstable, misfits, irritables, sullen, socially, skepticle, unsociable, negative, conscientious, litigious, bear-a-grudge, peculiar, glad hand, gossipy, roving, restless, malicious, lying, stealing, sex pervert, false accusers, morbid impulse, adnormal, suggestible, and mental twist. The number of illiterate in the U.S. is estimated at EIGHT MIL- LION, — A number equal to the combined population of Nevada, Wyoming, Delaware, Arizona, Idaho, Mississippi, Vermout, Rhode Island, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oregon, Maine, Florida, Con- necticut and Washington. In men drafted for war, hundreds of thousands could not read or write. Over seventeen per cent, of the persons in the East South, Central vStates have never been to school. Every year, more than 100,000 Men and women are released from the Penitentiaries and Jails of the United States. DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES ADOPTED BY THE NATIONAL SPIRITUALISTS' ASSOCIATION U. S. A. 1. We believe in Infinite Intelligence. 2. We believe that the phenomena of nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intel- ligence. 3. We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith, constitute "true religion." 4. We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death. 5. We affirm that communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism. 6. W T e believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule. "Whatsoever ye would that others should do unto you, do ye also unto them." 7. We affirm the moral responsibility of the individ- ual, and that he makes his own happiness or unhappiness as he obeys or disobeys Nature's psychic laws. 8. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is against any human soul here or hereafter. DEFINITIONS ADOPTED BY THE NATIONAL SPIRITUALISTS' ASSOCIATION 1. A Spiritualist is one who believes, as a part of his or her religion, in the communication between this and the spirit world by means of mediumship, and who en- deavors to mould his or her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such communion. 2. A medium is one whose organism is sensitive to vibrations from the spirit world, and through whose in- strumentality intelligences in that world are able to con- vey messages and produce the phenomena of Spiritualism. Spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy, and Religion of continuous Life, bused upon Demonstration. IV REMARKS BY THE WRITER You can learn more TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE in five minutes conversing with Intelligent Spirits, than a life-time of sermons. That is the reason the Religion of Spiritualism has rendered unique service to the cause of religion by adding to faith, knowledge. The Christianity of Christ, consists entirely in per- fecting the individual character. HIS salvation is nothing more or less than self development. HE taught that man was to be saved by love, and Love, alone. If you will look into the Spiritualist's Religion you will find that its teachings harmonizes with HIS plan of salvation which is profoundly philosophical. There is nothing in the broad truths Spiritualism teaches that is incompatible with what the church re- quires people to believe. There is nothing that conflicts with the simple teach ings of the Christ. Spiritualism .has no contradiction to any creed, Dogma, or isms, that teaches the true Christ principles. The Church should thankfully acknowledge the truths of Spiritualism, because its teachings acts as a weapon against all the anti-Christianism of the age. Clergymen are so terribly afraid of saying a word about the intermediate state in the spirit realm of existence, — that they draw a hard, and fast line between the seen and unseen world. The creeds express the belief in the communication of Saints, yet — deny our fathers and mothers the same privilege. It is no more wonderful that we should live again, than that we have begun to live. Life in the physical body is supposed to be an un- material force, organism supplying the existing force out- side of it; — which justify us in identifying this force with the soul. This force existed before the growth of the physical body, and must exist outside of it after death of the body. There must be a life after death if there is a purpose to live before death! There must be an immortal soul if there is an immortal GOD; and as the seed is planted here, there must be a ripening process to finish the work for some higher sphere of perfection for which the soul yearned while in the mortal frame. There must be a life after death of the body where justice will be meted out to those who suffer injustice, and where those who were cruelly separated shall be united in yet deeper and richer love, — and by no law are we prevented from communicating with them, and them communicating with us. The spirit world is so close to us that it's inhabitants walk the earth both when we wake and when we sleep. This great truth should be the center of all true religion;— which is only reviving the forgotten truth which the prophets and Christ himself have taught us. People cannot comprehend such well attested facts, and consider the many apparitions that is reported from time to time as mere whims and fables. They claim to believe the Bible, but do not accept its teachings by denying that good and pure spirits com- municate with mortals. If the intercourse is admitted, then the whole castle in the air falls to the ground. Spiritualism will eer long be shown to be the true religion, — and the fact of a conscious intercommunion between the two worlds. Realizing that this book will be criticized by narrow and bigoted minds, — I will, state emphatically that in no wise will I enter in, or take part in any debate, argument, disagreement, dispute or controversy. Those who would cast the first stone, let them first investigate self— -and find out just how much good has been accomplished in following the teachings of their own belief! If the soul is found to be perfect, any change would be very unwise; if not perfect, — something is wrong, and it will be well to seek for a new field of thought — and knowledge for self -protect ion. This is a free country, and every indivudual has re- ligious rights to believe and practice any form of religion that appeals to the best interests of those concerned, and no one has a right to dispute that privilege. The religion of Spiritualism to me is the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and is proclaimed by spirits from the higher realms to be the true version of life. I believe, and know it is the truth, and consider it my mission to acquaint the world with the knowledge this book contains. The only proof that the world of religion can produce to verify the various creeds, dogmas, etc.,— has been given to the world from the brains of man; — the evidence I possess has been through personal communication with souls living in the otherworld where they can obtain the truth. In conculsion, if the reader fails to comprehend the spiritual side that is contained in this book, and refuses to think and reason, there is one remedy left that we all e spirit world, have not per- sonally developed above the first or second plane, and we draw all our messages from the two planes of uneducated spirits who are liable to enjoy a certain amount of pleasure out of our frail understanding of the true source for reliable communication. 112 Spirits from the brighter planes are loath to enter the first plane, and mingle with uncouth spirits, and that is what they are compelled to do if they personally send a message through our many half developed mediums of today, and under those conditions very few highly developed spirits will condecent to take the fearful ordeal : They prefer to trust the message through relays, from their own plane through each lower plane until it reaches the controlling spirit who personally acts as guide or control for the medium present. Thousands of controlling spirits are people who were selfish, and deceitful, and they oftentimes repeat the messages to suit their own con- venience, usually for mercenary purposes to fill the pockets of the medium, thereby feathering his, or her controlling power over the mortal instrument. This is the true state of affairs as it now exists, and a greater change will not take place until our mediums are more spiritually developed. Communication between the invisible world, and this earth, is as true as the sun shines on God's green earth, and it is our relatives, and friends who are trying to reach us through undeveloped sources. A great change is coming in this one particular, and in time, the law will be understood, and communication with our departed friends will be as common as to meet them and converse in this life. Let it be understood that Satan and his imps is only a wicked fable. The only invisible souls in all the lower planes, all the middle cycles, all the realms, and in the heavenly zones are the souls of men, women and children from this world. 113 IN CONCLUSION We all have but one chance in this life to escape from entering the plane called hell. We must live right, and think right. What you do not understand, it is your duty to investigate and find the TRUTH. If you have broken any of the Commandments up to this day, you are the sole looser, and must pay the debt in the next world. If you begin from this day trying to be good, you will enter a new era of progression and your soul will rejoice for what you accomplish, your past will go with you to soul culture, and that one debt you must pay. You can overcome some black scars by seeking the person whom you wTonged and ask forgiveness. The more you accomplish, the less will be the debts to pay in the school room of spirit progression. This is the only possible way to eliminate some of the sins of the people, and the person is WISE who follows this advise. THE END. 114