D ^'^<%''%^ # LIB Ri\RY OF CONGRESS. I Il'>^'i3 imm^tto J J — ^ r:^^ } {united states of jhtERICA. I i CONTAINING PLAIN AlfD SIMPLE liTSTEUCTIOlTS TO PATEl^TEES, ASSIGNEES, MANUFACTU2EES, AND DEALEES IN PATENTS AND PATENTED AETICLES, AS TO TEE PATENT LAWS; ALSO, Judicial Decisio:^s, Precedents, and other matter relating to the validity, sale of patents, Prosecuting Infringements, etc., etc.; WITH NU3IER0US LEGAL FORMS FOR draaving up the various Papers connected therewith. TOGETHER \A^ITH How to sell Patents SpeeSilj aiiJ ProStalilj, APPOINTMENT OF AGENTS, ETC., ETC. THE LATEST U. S. CENSUSV^ji^T^ Giving the Population of every State, Territ(>r^>^ AND County, also of the Principal Cities^ ^'' ' "^ throughout the XJnited States. * ; d JMk^^"^ By th3 Author of *'Guide to Inventors," etc., ete, PHILADELPHIA : C. H. Evans, Publisher, 102 AValnut St. 1874, Entered according to Act of Congress in tbej^ear 1874, by \ C.H.EVANS, j in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. I 5^V ^'^' P;.UMLV & CLEMENT. PRINTERS, N E. CORNER THIRD AND RACE STS.. PHILADELPHIA. INTRODUCTION The author, in preparing this little work for the use of patentees and those interested in patents and the manufacture and sale of patented articles, does so from having seen, in his course of practice of many years as attorney and solicitor, the pressing need of a work of the kind Instances were constantly occur- ring, in which resource was had to the attorney for consultation upon points of Patent law, which have been clearly defined, or for the preparation of simple instruments as to transfer of rights, licensing, etc., etc. which would have been unnecessary if a work of this kind had been at command. It is generally the habit of patentees and others to hasten to an attorney for the preparation of every little document, or for advice ; and it frequently happens that the attorney himself, when so consulted, merely avails himself of the same material from whence this work was prepared, copying the forms required, with the necessary variations to suit his case, and blessing the ignorance of his client for a liberal fee that could as well have been saved. A very important portion of this work is that of the population of the various States and Territories, also the counties in each State and the principal cities throughout the United States : — these will be found arranged alphabetically. The compilation of the popu- lation is from the latest U. S. census, and will be found perfectly correct in every respect. Philadelphia, September, 1874. Patented Articles must be Marked. The law is very explicit on this subject. Owners and manufacturers should bear in mind, if neglected, that no damages can be recovered in suits for infringe- ment. The Act of Congress states, " That it shall be the duty of all patentees, and their assig:ns and legal representatives, and of all persons making or vending any patented article for or under them, to give suffi- cient notice to the public that the same is patented, either by fixing thereon the word 'patented,' together with the day and year the patent was granted, in the following form, to wit : % PATENTED * * July 6, 1874, % or when, from the character of the article, this cannot be done, by fixing to it or to the package wherein one or more of them is inclosed, a label containing the like notice; and in any suit for infringement by the party failing so to mark, no damages shall be recovered by the plaintiff, except on proof that the defendant was duly notified of the infringement, and continued, after such notice, to make, use or vend the article so pat- ented." Penalty for False Marking. If any person shall, in any manner, mark upon any- thing made, used or sold by him, for which he has not obtained a patent, the name or any imitation of the name of any person who has obtained a patent there- THE RIGHTS OF JOINT PATENTEES. for, without the consent of such patentee or his assigns or legal representatives, or shall in any manner mark upon or affix to any such patented article the word •'patent" or '•})atentee,'' or the words '^letters patent," or any words of like import, with intent to imitate or counterfeit the mark or device of the patentee, witli- out iiaving the license or consent of such patentee or liis assigns or legal representatives, or shall in any manner mark upon or affix to any unpatented article the word ^'patent" or any word importing that the same is patented, for the purpose of deceiving the public, he shall be li'^ble for every such offense to a penality of not less than One Hundred Dollars, with costs ; one moiety of said penalty to the person who shall sue for the same, and the other to the use of the United States, to be recovered by suit in any district court of the United States within whose jurisdiction such offense may have l)een committed. The Rights of Joint Patentees. Inventors should not give up their rights or any fractional interest in their patent without a special contract, setting forth the amount to be paid to them by the other joint owners, in the event of their engag- ing in the manufacture and sale of the patented in- vention. This contract or agreement ought to be in- corporated in the assignment of the right. A wealthy manufacturer, possessing a small fraction- al interest in a patent, can ^o on and manufacture and sell the patented article or machine without liability to the other owners. The following is the opinion of Judge Chapman, of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, in reference to the rights of JoMit owners of patents ; the same decision w^as also given in a case substantially the same by the Lord Chancellor of England, upon an appeal from the decision of the Master of the Rolls. I PRIOR USE OR PUBLICATION. I Judp^e Cliapm>in says. ^'That joint owners of patents must be regarded as having interests whicfe are dis- tinct and separate in their uature, though they are derived from the same contract ; and having such in- terests, with the right to nse them separately, th(*y cannot for any legal use of them incur any obligations to each other." Prior use or Publication.— What will Invalidate a Patent. The question is very often asked, what prior use or publication before obtaining the patent will invalidate the Letters Patent after they have been obtained ? In order to set aside a patent, the use must have been noturious or proven to have been abandoned. If, for t^o years before the grant of the patent, the patentee had carried his invention into practice, and made articles according to it in the w^ay of commerce, for gain to himself, and has been in the practice of selling them publicly to any one who would buy of him, the patent will be held void. A single instance of such Siil^- might be deemed a pubUc use of the in- vention, so as to defeat the patent. Judge Story, in the case of Ryan vs. Goodwin (3 Sumner's R^-ports, 514-518), says, "It is clear by our law, whatever may be the law of EngUnd, +hat the public use or sale of an invention, in order to deprive an inventor of his rights, must be a public sale or use by others with his knowledge or consent. If the use or sale is without such knowledge or consent, that is not such use is will deprive the inventor of his title '' So in Pearson vs. the Eagle Screw Company, he says •Tt has been the uniform doctrine of the courts of the United States that no fraudulent or wrongful use of an invention, or public use without the consent or knowl- edge or san« tion of the inventor would deprive him of his rights to a patent." INFRINGEMENT OF LETTERS PATENT. Section 62 of the Act of Congress, in reference to prior knowledge or use in foreign countries, says, "That whenever it shall appear that the patentee, at the time of making his application for the patent, be- lieved himself to be the original and first inventor or discoverer of the thing patented, the same shall not be held to be void on account of the invention or dis- covery, or any part thereof, having been known or used in a foreign country before his invention or dis- covery thereof, if it had not been patented or described in a printed publication." Section 25 of the Patent Laws says, "That no person shall be debarred from receiving a patent for his in- vention, nor shall any patent be declared invalid by reason of its having been first patented or caused to be pat- ented in a foreign country: provided the same shall not have been introduced into public use in the United States for more than two years prior to the application." Infringement of Letters Patent. An infringement consists in the manufacture, sale or use of a patented article without the consent of the owner of the patent. In commencing an action for infringements, great care should be taken to ascertain the probable validity of the patent, as if there be any doubt as to the validity of the legal right, the court will be very cautious in granting an injunction : first, because if the legal right ultimately fails, or if the acts complained of turn out not to be a violation of the legal right, it will have acted without any authority whatever, the authority being merely deviabl^rom the legal right; secondly, and principally, because an injunction, if improperly granted, cause infinitely mote mischief to the defend- ant than the delay in granting it can possibly cause to the plaintiff. As a general rule the court will not grant an injunction unless satisfied that, in the result, A- derivable. INFRINGEMENT OF LETTERS PATENT. the legal right will be established, and that the acts complained of are in violation of it. Owners of patents should be yerj careful upon the following points : 1st, That an infringement actually exists; 2nd, In the selection of competent counsel — that is to say, an attorney who makes a speciality of this line of practice, as it is a speciality, and the suc- cessful counsel must combine with his knowledge of Patent Law a knowledge of mechanics. Judge Grier once expressed himself of lawyers in patent causes, that the great trouble he experienced in suits brought for his decision was 'Hhat lawyers were not mechanics^ and mechanics not lawyersy The writer has intended, under this heading, simply to give his advice, with the Acts of Congress relating to infringe- ments, as the successful prosecution of any case as heretofore mentioned depends upon the assistance of competent counsel. Section 55 of the Patent Law says, ^'That all actions, suits, controversies and cases arising under the patent laws of the United States shall be originally cogniza- ble, as well in equity as at law, by the circuit courts of the United States, or any district court having the power and jurisdiction of a circuit court, or by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, or of any Territory ; and the court shall have power, upon bill in equity filed by any party grieved, to grant injunct- ions according to the course and principles of courts of equity to prevent the violation of any right secured by patent on such terms as the courts may deem rea- sonable ; and upon a decree being rendered in any such case for an infringement, the complainant shall be entitled to recover, in addition to the profits to be accounted for by the defendant, the damages the claim- ant (complainant) has sustained thereby, and the court shall assess the same or cause the same to be assessed under its direction, and the court shall have the same powers to increase the same in its discretion that are given by said act to increase the damages found by lO INFRINGEMENT OF LETTERS PATENT. verdicts in actions upon the case; but all actions shall be brought during the term for which the letters patent shall be granted or extended^ or icithin six yeirs after the expiration thereof.''^ Section 56 sajs, ''That a writ of error or appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States shall lie from all judgments and decrees of any circuit court, or of any district court exercising the jurisdiction of a cir- cuit court, or of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia or of any Territory, in any action, suit, con- troversy or case at law or in equity, touching patent rights, in the same manner and u-nder the same cir- cumstances as in other judgments and decrees of such circuit courts, without regard to the sum or value in controversy." Section 60 says, "That whenever, through inadvert- ence, accident, or mistake, and without any wilful default or intent to defraud or mislead the public, a patentee shall have (in his specification) claimed to be the original and first inventor or discoverer of any material or substantial part of the thing patented, of which he was not the original and first inventor or discoverer as aforesaid, every such patentee, his ex- ecutors, administrators and assigns, whether of the whole or any sectional interest in the patent, may maintain a suit at law or equity for the infringement of any part thereof which was bona fide his own, provided it shall be a material and substantial part of the thing patented, and be definitely distinguishable from the parts so claimed, without right as aforesaid, notwithstanding the specifications may embrace more than that of which the patentee was the original and first inventor or discoverer. But in every such c^ise in which a judgment or decree shall be rendered for the plaintiff, no costs shall be recovered unless the proper disclaimer has been entered at the Patent Office [see forms] before the commencement of the suit ; nor shall he be entitled to the benefits of this section if he shall have unreasonably neglected or delayed (o enter said disclaimer." INFRINGEMENT OF LETTERS PATENT. II Section 61 says, ''That in any action for infringe- ments the defendant may plead the general issue, and having given notice in writing to the plaintiff or his attorney thirty days before, may prove on trial any one or more of the following special matters: — ^^ First, That for the purpose of deceiving the pub- lic, the description and specilication filed by the pat- entee in the Patent Office was made to contain less than the whole truth relative to his invention or dis- covery, or more than is necessary to produce the de- sired effect ; or ^'■Second. That he surreptitiously or unjustly obtained the patent for that which was in fact invented by an- other, who was using due diligence in adapting and perfecting the same ; or ''-Third. That it had been patented or described in some printed publication prior to his supposed in- vention or discovery thereof; or ^'■Fourth. That he was not the original and first in- ventor or discoverer of any material and substantial part of the thing patented ; or '^Fifth. That it had been in public use or on sale in this country for more than two years before his appli- cation for a patent, or had been abandoned to the public. ''And in notices as to proof of previous invention, knowledge or use of the thing patented, the defendant shall state the name of the patentees and the dates of their patents, and when granted, and the names and residences of the persons alleged to have invented or to have had the prior knowledge of the thing patented, and where and by whom it had been used ; and if any one or more of the special matters alleged shall be found for the defendant, judgment shall be rendered to him with costs. And the like defenses may be pleaded in any suit in equity for relief agamst an alleged infringement ; and proofs of the same may be given upon like notice in the answer of the defendant, and with the like effect.'' 12 TRADE MARKS. TRADE MARKS. Remedij for Wrongful Use of Trade Marks. Section 79 of the Act of Congress reads as follows ; ^'Tbat any person or corporation who shall reproduce, counterfeit, copy or imitate any such recorded trade- mark; and affix the same to goods of substantially the same descriptive properties and qualities as those re- ferred to in the registration^ shall be liable to an action in the case for damages for such wrongful use of said trade-markj at the suit of the owner thereof, in any court of competent jurisdiction in the United States, and the party aggrieved shall also have his remedy according to the course of equity to enjoin the wrong- ful use of his trade-mark, and to recover compensation therefor in any court having jurisdiction over the per- son guilty of such wrongful use. The Commissioner of Patents shall not receive and record any proposed trade-mark which is not and cannot become a lawful trade-mark, or which is merely the name of a person, firni; or corporation only^ unaccompanied by a mark sufficient to distinguish it from the same name when used by other persons, or which is identical with a trade-mark appropriate to the same class of merchan- dise and belonging to a different owner, and already registered or received for registration, or which so nearly resembles such last-mentioned trade-mark as to be likely to deceive the public. * ^ * * * ^•The right to the use of any trade-mark is assign- able by any instrument of writing (see forms), and such assignment mast be recorded in the Patent CUlice within sixty days after its execution, in default of which it shall be void as against any subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for a valuable consideration, without notice. The fees will be the same as are prescribed for recording assignments of patents." COPYRIGHTS. 13 COPYRIGHTS. All actions, suits, controversies and cases arising under the Copyright Laws of the United States are cognizable as well in equity as at law, whether civil or penal in their nature, by the circuit courts of the United States, or any district court having the juris- diction of a circuit court, or in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, or any Territory. And the court has the power, upon bill in equity, filed by any party aggrieved, to grant injunctions to prevent the violation of any right secured by said laws, according to the course and principles of court of equity, on such terms as the courts may deem reasonable. Appeals to the Supreme Court. A writ of error or appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States will lie from all judgments and de- crees of any court in any action, suit, controversy or case touching copyrights in the same manner and un- der the same circumstances as in other judgments and decrees of such courts, without regard to the sum or value of controversy. Penalty for False Marking. Section 98 of the Act of Congress reads, '^That if any person shall insert or impress such notice, or words of the same purport, in or upon any book, map, chart, musical composition, print, cut, engraving, or photo- graph, or other articles herein named, for which he has not obtained acopyrio^ht, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay One Hundred Dollars ; one moiety thereof to the person who shall sue for the same, and the other to the use of the United States, to be re- covered by action in any court of competent juris- diction. 14 INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRKiHTS. Infringement of Copyrights. Books. Section 99 sajs, "That if any person, after recording the title of any book as herein provided, shall, within the term limited and without the consent of the pro- prietor of the copyright first obtained in writing, signed in presence of two or more witnesses, print, publish, or import, or, knowing the same to be so printed, pub- lished or imported, shall sell or expose to sale any copy of such book, such offender shall forfeit ev^ery copy thereof to said proprietor, and shall also forfeit and pay such damages as may be recovered in a civil action by such proprietor in any court of competent jurisdiction." Map^ Chromo, Chart, Engraving , elc.y etc. Section 100 reads, "That if any person, after the recording of the title of any map, chart, musical com- position, print, cut, engraving, photograph, or chromo, or of the description of any painting, drawing, statue, statuary, or model or design intended to be perfected and executed as a work of the Fine Arts, as herein provided, shall within the term limited, and without the consent of the proprietor of the copyright first obtained in writing, signed in pre3ence_of two or more witnesses, engrave, etch, work, copy, jitint, publish or import, either in w^hole or in part, or by varying the main design with intent to evade the law, or, knowing the same to be so printed, published or imported, shall sell or expose to sale any copy of such map or other article, as aforesaid, he shall forfeit to the said pro- prietor all the plates on which the same shall be copied, and every sheet thereof, either copied or printed : and shall further forfeit One Dollar for every sheet of the same found in his possession, either printing, printed, copied, published, imported, or exposed for sale ; and INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS. in case of a painting, statue, or statuary, be shall for- feit Ten Dollars for every copy of the same in his pos- session, or which have by him been sold or exposed for sale, one moiety thereof to the proprietor and the other to the use of the United States, to be recovered by action in any court of competent jurisdiction." Dramatic Compositions. Section 101 reads, *'That any person publicly per- forming or representing any dramatic composition for which a copyright hns been obtained, without the consent of the proprietor thereof, or his heirs or assigns, shall be liable for damages therefor, to be re- covered by action in any court of competent juris- diction ; said damages in all cases to be assessed at some sum not less than One Hundred Dollars for the first, and Fifty Dollars for every subsequent perform- ance, as to the court shall appear to be just." Mann script s. Section 102, ''That any person who shall print or publish any manuscript whatever, without the consent of the author or proprietor first obtained (if such author or proprietor be a citizen of the United States, or resident therein), shall be liable to said author or proprietor for all damages occasioned by such injury, to be recovered by action on the case in any court of competent jurisdiction." LimAiation of Action. No action can be maintained in case of forfeiture or penalty under the Copyright Laws, unless the same is commenced within two years after the cause of action has arisen. 1 6 ASSIGNMENTS. ASSIGNMENTS. Grants of Territorial Rights, Letters Patent may be assigned, either as to the whole or an undivided interest. A patentee may also grant and convey an exclusive right under his patent to the whole or any specified portion of the United States by an instrument in writing. (See forms.) Assignments^ cj'c, lohen to be Recorded. Every assignment or grant of an exclusive Territorial right, as well as of an interest in a patent, must be re- corded in the Patent Office within three months from the execution thereof, otherwise it will be void as against any subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for a valuable consideration, without notice ; but, if recorded after that time, it will protect the assignee or grantee against any subsequent purchaser whose assignment or grant is not then od record. The receipt of assignments is not generally acknowl- edged by the Patent Office ; they are recorded in their turn within a few days after they are received, and then transmitted to the persons entitled to them. Fees for Recording Assignments, The fees to be transmitted with assignments to be recorded are as folloAvs : — If containing 300 words or under, . $1.00 If containing over 300 and not exceeding 1000 words, 2.00 If containing over l(ff>0 words, . . 3 00 Correspondence icith the Patent Offiice. In writing to the Patent Office, enclosing assignments COPIES OF PATENTS^ ETC. 17 for record, or Tvishing copies of patents, all communi- cations must be addressed in the following form : — '< Commissioner of Patents^ Washington, D. (7." and the postage must be prepaid in full. If addressed to any other officer thej will not be noticed. A sepa- rate letter should in everj case be written in relation to each distinct subject of inquiry or application, and the name and post office address of the writer given in a plain, legible hand ; thus will all mistakes be avoided. COPIES OF PATENTS, ETC. In disposing of rights, instituting suits for infringe- ments, and for other purposes, it is often desired or becomes necessary to have copies of Patents. In such cases in ordering, the name of the inventor and pat- entee, the title of the invention and the date of the patent must be given ; if omitted, the Patent Office will make an extra charge of One Dollar for time oc- cupied in making search in consequence of the omission of any of these data. Fees for Copies of Patents, For uncertified copies of the specification and accompanying drawing of any patent issued since July 1st, 1871, 25 cts. Twenty copies or more, whether of one or seve- ral patents, per copy, 10 cts. For uncertified copy of the specification and accom- panying drawing of any patent issued prior to July 1, 1871,, the reasonable cost of making the same. For a certified copy of any existing patent, the charge will be 10 cents for every hundred words. For a certified copy of any drawing, the reasonable cost of making it. F(3RMS. Tn ordering ca cop}^ of any assignment on record at the Patent Office, the Liber, and page of the record, as well as the name of the inventor, must be given, other- wise an extra charge will be made for the time con- sumed in making any search that may become neces- sary. The charge for certified copy of assignment will be at the rate of 10 cents for every hundred words. FORMS ASSIGNMENTS. Entire interest in Letters Patent. Whereas I, , of State of , did obtain letters patent of the United States for , said letters patent being granted to me and bearing date the day of 1874, and numbered , And Whereas, , of .^State of , is desirous of acquiring all the right, title and interest which I have in and to said invention as secured to me by said letters patent. Noio this Indenture Witnesseth, that for and in con- sideration of dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I have assigned, sold and set over, and do hereby assign, sell and set over unto the said all the right, title and interest which I have in and to the said invention to the full end of the term for which said letters patent are granted, the same to be held and enjoyed by the said as fully and FORMS. 19 entirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by me if this assignment and sale had not been made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day of , 187 , in presence of two subscribing witnesses. WitD esses : < SEAL. I Undivided Interest in Letters Patent. The same form is used as that for entire interest, substituting the proportion to be assigned in place of the words ^-all'^ and ^^entire','^ but the assignor should peruse carefully the article headed ^^The Eights of Joint Patentees'^ before disposing of any portion of their in- terest in this manner. Exclusive Territorial Grant by an Assignee. Whereas, , of , State of. , did obtain letters patent of the United States for a new and useful improvement in ; said letters patent bearing date the... day of. , 187 , and numbered And Whereas by assignment bearing date the day of , 187 , and duly recorded in Liber , page , of the records of the Patent Office, the said did assign to me all the right, title and interest which he had in said letters patent ; And Whereas .,. , of, , , State of is desirous of acquiring all [or such proportions to be assigned] the right, title and interest which I have in and to said invention ; 20 FORMS. Now this Indenture Witnessethj that for and in con- sideration of dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I have assigned, sold and set over, and do hereby assign, sell and set over unto the said all the right, title and interest which I have in and to said invention; the same to be held and enjoyed by the said as fully and entirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by me if this as- signment and sale had not been made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day of , 187 , in the presence of two subscribing witnesses. Witnesses : Note.— In using the above form when it is intended to simply to convey a single State, insert, alter men- tioning the State, the following words: '^and in no other place or places.^'' LINCENSE. Shop Right. In consideration of dollars, to be paid by , of -. , State of , I do hereby license and empower the said to manufacture, at a single foundry and machine shop in the city of , county of... , and State of , and in no other place or places, the improvement in , for which letters patent of the United States, number , were granted to me the day of ., 187 , and to sell the so manufactured throughout the United States, to the full end of the term for which said letters patent are granted. FORMS. 21 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day of , 187 , in the presence of two subscribing witnesses. Witnesses I -j SEAL. I Not Exclusive. — With Royalty. This agreement, made this day of , 187 , between , party of the first part, and party of the second part, witnesseth, that whereas letters patent of the United States for an improvement in were granted to the party of the first part, dated the day of ,187 , and numbered ; And Whereas^ the party of the second part is desirous of manufacturing , containing said patented improvement ; now, therefore, the parties have agreed as follows : — I. The party of the first part hereby licenses and empowers the party of the second part to manufacture, subject to the conditions hereinafter named, at their factory in , county of , State of , and in no other place or places, to the end of the term for which said letters patent were granted , containing the patented improvements, and to sell the same within the United States. II. The party of the second part agrees to make true returns to the party of the first part, under oath, upon the first days of January and July in each year, of all containing the patented improvements manufactured by them. III. The party of the second part agrees to pay to the party of the first part dollars, as a license fee upon every -.manufactured FORMS. by said party of the second part, containing the pat- ented improvements ; [provided that, if the said fee be paid upon the days provided herein for semi-annual returns, or within days thereafter, a discount of per cent, shall be made from said fee for prompt payment.] IV. Upon failure of the party of the second part to make returns, or to make payment of license fees, as herein provided, for ..days after the days herein named, the party of the first part may terminate this license by serving^ a written notice upon the party of the second part ; but the party of the second part shall not thereby be discharged from any liability to the party of the first part for any license fees due at the time of serving of said notice. In witness whereof, the parties above named have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered "\ in the presence of ( NoTE.~In using this form, the parts in brackets can be inserted or omitted, as desired. ASSIGNMENTS, Transfer of a Trade Mark. We, ,of , partners under the firm name of.. ..,> , in considera- tion of dollars, to us paid by.. , of , and State of , do hereby sell, assign and transfer to the said and his assigns the exclusive right to use, in the manu- FORMS. 23 facture and sale of , a certain trade mark for deposited by us in the United States Patent Office, and recorded therein the day of ,187 ; the same to be held, enjoyed and used by the said as fuU}^ and entirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by us if this grant had not been made. Wftness our hands and seals this day of 187 . Witnesses : A.aEN'TS. Powers of Attorney. A power of attorney or letter of attorney is a writ- ten instrument, commonly under seal, by which one or more persons, called constituents, authorize one or more other persons, called attorneys, to act instead of the former. The authority given may either be general or limited, revocable or irrevocable. The power of attorney to execute a conveyance of a patent right, the attorney should execute the assignment in the name of his principal, and affix the seal of the principal 'to it, and acknowledge it before a magistrate to be the deed of the principal. No attorney has power to nominate a substitute un- less it be expressly given to him in the power creating him attorney. 24 FORMS. and Power of Attorney to Sell Territory. General. Know all Men by these Presents^ that I, of , county of State of , have made, constituted, and appointed, and bj these presents do make, constitute and appoint , of county of ,..., and State of .,., a true and lawful attorney, for me and in my name, place and stead, and in my behalf to sell, assign and transfer, and to ask, demand, recover and receive any sums of money arising therefrom in disposing of cer- tain patent rights secured to me by letters patent of the United States, dated the day of. , 187 , and numbered ; giving and granting unto my said attorney full power and authority generally to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and proper to effectuate all or any of the premises, or any other matter or thing appertaining or belonging to me, with the same powers, and to all intents and purposes with the same validity as I, if personally present, could ; [giving and granting also unto my said attorney full power to substitute one or more attorney or attorneys under him, my said attor- ney, in or concerning the premises or any part thereof] I hereby verifying and confirming whatsoever my said attorney [or his substitute or substitutes] shall and may do by virtue hereof, in the premises. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day of , in the year of our Lord, 187 . Signed^ sealed and de- livered in the presence of f SEAL 1 Note.— The parts in brackets to be inserted or omitted as desired. I FORMS. Power of Attorney to Negotiate Sales of Territory. — Limited, Know all Men by these Presents^ that I, , of , county of , and State of... , have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint , of , county of , and State of , a true and lawful attorney, for me and in my name, place and stead, and in my behalf to negotiate the sale of certain rights secured to me by letters patent of the United States, dated the day of , 187 , and numbered ; said sales to be restricted to the States of , and in no other place or places. Giving and granting unto my said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever re- quisite or proper to effect speedy sales, and to have the same power, and to all intents and purposes the same validity as I, if personally present, could ; I hereby verifying and confirming whatsoever my said attorney shall and may do by virtue hereof, in the premises. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day of , in the year of our Lord, 187 . Signed^ sealed and de- livered in the presence of SEAL DISCLAIMER. To the Commissioner of Fatents : — Your petitioner, , of. county of.,.,. , and State of.. 26 FORMS. represents that be has, by grants duly recorded in the United States Patent Office (Liber , page ,) become the owner of an exclusive right within and for the several States of , to make, use, and vend to others to be used, a certain im_provement in , for which letters patent of the United States were granted to , of , in the county of , and State of , the day ©f ., 187 ; that he has reason to believe that, through inadvertence, accident or mistake, the specification and claim of said letters patent are too broad, including that of which said patentee was not the first inventor. Your petitioner, therefore, hereby enters his dis- claimer to that part of the claim in said specification which is in the following words, to wit: (Here insert the part of claim which is intended to disclaim.) In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day of , 187 . 1. SEAL "'} Oath of Inventor as to the loss of Letters Patent. State of. ,. County of } , of said county, being duly sworn [or affirmed] doth depose and say that letters patent, number , granted to him, and bearing date the .day of , 18V , have been either lost or destroyed ; that he has made diligent search for the said letters patent in all places FORMS. 27 where the same would probably be found, if existing, and that he has not been able to find them. [Signature.] Subscribed and sworn to before me this. day of. 187 Justice of the Peace. Oath of Administrator as to the loss of Letters Patent. State of.,.. County of. ;} SS, , of said county, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is administrator of the estate of , deceased, late of. , in said county ; that the letters patent, No , granted to said , and bearing date the day of c , 187 , have been lost or destroyed, as he verily believes ; that he has made diligent search for the said letters patent in all places where the same would probably be found, if existino", and especially among the papers of the dece- dent, and that he has not been able to find said letters patent. Administrator, ^c. Sworn to and subscribed before me this, day of , 187 . Justice of the Peace. HOW TO SELL PATENTS. 29 HOW TO SELL PATENTS. Letters Patent are valued in accordance to the de- mand for the inyention or article secured, and that article should be a new and better article or a cheaper article than that produced before to the public. There is always a demand for inventions of merit, and the question is, "what method is best to properly introduce the patent in order to effect speedy sales of territory." There are, in the larger cities, what are termed "Patent Brokers, Patent Exchanges," etc., etc., the proprietors of which hold out inducements to patentees and owners of patents that, for a fee in advance, vary- ing from five to a hundred dollars, they will take charge of their invention; and, from their glowing statements as to extraordinary facilities, etc., etc., they can effect rapid sales. Of these parties patentees are advised to be extremely cautious, as they care more for the advanced fee than for disposing of rights. It will be obvious that these men cannot effect sales without bringing the invention before the notice of the public ; to do so they must advertise it ; thus it will be readily seen that the fee is entirely inadequate and their facilities no better than the patentee himself has. Further, upon a close investigation it will be found that they have rarely, if ever, disposed of a single patent. It must not be supposed that patents can be disposed of without some capital ; and the most successful of those (who have come under the writer's notice) in effecting sales have accomplished it by judicious ad- HOW TO SELL PATENTS. J The first step — where the manufactured article of itself is too large to be readily transported around for exhibition — is to have constructed a number of models (working models are preferable, as there are capitalists and others who may invest, but having no knowledge of mechanics are slow to see the advantages of the invention, unless rendered very plain), of convenient aize, to be readily handled. The second step is to obtain, in the large cities of the States to be disposed of, ffood canvassers, — there are reliable men who can be had (to work on per centage) by advertising in the daily papers. When this is ac- complished and models forwarded, the patentee should prepare an attractiA^e card for at least one paper of the largest circulation in each city, calling attention to the merits of his invention, the location of his agent and model. Unusual inducements should be held out to effect the first sale, if only for a shop right, in order that the full size invention may be constructed ; the advantages will thus be two-fold : first, the purchaser at once, in manufacturing and selling, assists in in- troducing it and paves the way for more rapid sales to others ; and second, the merits of the invention, from full size, can be better understood and appreciated. It would also be better and safer for the patentee, in appointing canvassers or agents, to give them no au- thority to execute deeds of transfer when sales are effected (unless personally known), as the agent, by informing his principal of terms of sale, name, etc., can have readily forwarded by express, 0. 0. D., to the assignee a duly executed deed; this gives to the pat- entee the privilege to accept or reject the negotiations of his agent, and keep control of his business. In estimating the prices for Territorial rights, due attention should be given to the population ; — those States or counties the largest populated being more valuable than the lesser. The tables in the subsequent pages are expressly arranged for this purpose. Fopuktion of the Various States ani lerritories, AI.SO, The Counties in each State, and the Principal Cities of the United States. COMPILED FROM THE LATEST U. S. CENSUS. A-ZiAiBAMA, — Area, 50,7*^2 square miles. Autauga 11,623 Baker 6,194 Baldwin 6,004 Barbour 29,309 Benton v. Bibb 7,469 Blount 9,945 Bullock ....24,474 Butler 14,981 Calhoun 13,979 Chambers 17,562 Cherokee 11,132 Choctaw 12,676 Clark 14,629 Clay 9,560 Cleburne 8,017 Coffee 6,171 Colbert 12,537 Conecuh 9,574 Coosa 11,945 Covington 4,868 Crenshaw 11,156 Dale 11,325 Dallas 40,705 DeKalb 7,126 Elmore 14,477 Escambia 4,041 Etowah 10,109 Fayette 7,166 Franklin 8,006 Geneva 2,959 Greene 18,399 Hancock Hale 21,792 Total, Henry 14,191 Jackson 19,410 JefiTerson., 12,345 Lauderdale 15,092 Lawrence 16,658 Lee 21J50 Limestone 15,017 Lowndes 25,719 Macon 17,727 Madison 31,267 Marengo 26,151 Marion 6 059 Marshall 9,871 Mobile 49,311 Montgomery 43,704 Morgan 12,187 Monroe 14,214 Perry 21,975 Pickens 17,690 Pike 17,423 Randolph 12,006 Russell 21,636 Sanford 8,893 Shelby 12,218 St. Clair 9,360 Sumter 24,110 Talladega 18,063 Tallapoosa 16,963 Tuscaloosa 20,081 Walker 6,543 Washington 3,912 Wilcox 28,377 Winston 4,155 .996,988. 32 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. AMKANSAS. — Area, 52,198 square miles. Arkansas 8,268 Ashley 8,042 Benton 13,831 Boone 7,032 Bradley 8,646 Callioun 3,853 Carroll 5,780 Chicot 7,214 Clark 11,953 Columbia 11,397 Conway 8,112 Crawford 8,957 Crittenden 3,831 Craighead 4,577 Cross 3,915 Dallas 5,707 Desha.-. 6,12-5 Drew 9,960 Franklin 9,627 Fulton 4,843 Grant 3,943 Green 7,573 Hempstead 13,768 Hot Springs 5,877 Independence 14,566 Izard 6,806 Jackson 7,268 Jefferson 15,733 Johnson 9,152 Lafayette 9,139 Lawrence 5,981 Little River .3,2-36 Madison 7,927 Marion 3,979 Mississippi 3,633 Monroe 8,-336 Montgomery 2,984 Newton 3,-364 Ouachita 12,975 Perry 2,685 Phillips .f. 1-5,-372 Pike -3,78S Poinsett 1,720 Polk 3,376 Pope ...8,409 Prairie -5,604 Pulaski 32,066 Randolph 7,466 St. Francis.. .'. 6,714 Saline 3,911 Scott 7,483 Searcy 5,614 Sebastian 12,940 Sevier 4,492 Sharpe 5,400 Union 10,-571 VanBuren 5,107 Washington 17,266 White 10,-346 Woodruff 6,891 Yell 8,048 Total, 483,179. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 33 CAZIFOnNIA—Jut^ea, 183,981 square miles. ! Alameda..., 24,237 Placer 11,857 ' Alpine 685 Plumas 4,489 j Amador 9,582 Sacramento 26,831 Butte 11,403 Hi. Bernardo 3,988 Calaveras 8,895 Han Diego 4,974 ] Colusa .- 6,165 San Francisco 149,482 I Contra Costa 8,461 S. Joaquin 21,050 I Del Norte 2,022 S.L.Obispo 4,772 I El Dorado 10,309 S. Mateo 6,635 Fresno 6,336 S. Barbara 7,784 i Humboldt 6,143 S. Clara 26,246 : Inyo 1,956 S, Cruz 8,743 j Kern 2,925 Shasta 4,173 I Klamath 1,686 Siera 5,619 i I Lake 2,969 Siskiyou , 6,848 I Lassen 1,324 Solano 16,871 I LosAngelos 15,309 Sonoma 19,819 j Marin 6,903 Stanislaus 6,499 I Mariposa , 4,572 Sutter 5,030 j Mendocino 7,54-5 Tehoma... 3,587 j Merced 2,807 Trinity 3,213 [ Mono 430 Tulare , 4,533 Monterey , 9,876 Tuolumne.. 8,150 i Napa 7,163 Yolo..,. 9,899 j Nevada 19,136 Yuba 10,851 Total,... 560,285, 34 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. CONNECTICUT.— Area, 4,674 square miles. Fairfield 9.3,27() New Haven r21,2.-)7 Hartford i;)!),0a7 New London 06,5:^4 Litchfield 18,727 Tolland 22,000 Middlesex .80,099 Windham 88,ol8 Total, 5:37,418. DELAWARE.— Area, 2,120 spitfire miles. Kent 29,804 Sussex. New Castle 6:5,ol5 Total 12.-),015. ,81,696 FEOIilDJ.—Area, 59,26S square miles. Alachua ,17,828 Baker 1,825 Benton Bradford 8,071 Brevard 1,210 Calhoun 908 Clay 2,098 Columbia 7,885 Dade 85 Duval 11,921 Escambia 7,825 Franklin 1,256 Gadsden 9,802 Hamilton 5,749 Hernando 2,988 Hillsboro 8,215 Holmes, 1,572 Jackson 9,528 Jeflerson 18,898 Lafayette 1,788 liCon 15,288 Total, Levy : 2,017 Liberty 1,050 Madison 11,121 Manatee 1,981 Marion 10,804 Monioe 5,657 Nassau 4,247 New River Orange 2,195 Polk 8,159 Putnam 8,821 S. Rosa 8,812 St. Johns 2,618 Sumter 2,952 Suwnee 8,556 Taylor 1,448 Volusia 1,728 Wakulla 2,505 Walton 8,050 Washington 2,802 187,750. GEOItGIA.—Area, 58, 000 squarp miles. Appling 0,086 Baker 6,848 Baldwin 10,618 Banks 4,973 Barlow 16,566 Berrien 4,518 I Bibb 21,2.5.5 I Brooks 8,342 i Bryan 5,2-52 I Bullock 5,610 I Burke 14,.586 ! Butts 6,941 i Calhoun 5,503 Camden 4,611 Campbell 9,176 Carroll 11,782 Cass Catoosa. 4,409 Charlton 1,897 Chatham 41,279 Chattah'ee.... 6,059 Chatooga 6,902 Cherokee 10,399 Clarke 12,941 Clay 5,493 Clayton 5,477 Clinch 3,945 Cobb 13,814 Cotfee .3,192 Colquitt 1,651 Columbia 13,529 Coweta 15,875 Crawford 7,.557 Dade 3,0-33 Dawson 4,369 Decatur 1.5,183 DeKalb 10,014 Dooley 9,790 Dougherty. ..11,-514 Early 6,998 Echols 1,978 Effingham 4,214 Elbert 9,249 Emanuel 6J143 Fannin .5,429 Total Fayette 8,221 Floyd 17,230 Forsyth 7,983 Franklin 7,893 Fulton .3,-346 Gilmer 6,644 Glascock 2,736 Glynn -5,376 Gordon 9,268 Greene 12,4-54 Gwinnett 12,4-31 Habersham...6,-322 Hall ' 9,607 Hancock .11,-317 Haralson 4,004 Harris 1-3,284 Hart 6,783 Heard. 7.866 Henry 10,102 Houston 20.406 Irwin 1^8-37 Jackson 11,181 Jasper 10,489 Jefferson 12,192 Johnson 2,964 Jones 9,436 Laurens 7,8-34 Lee 9,-567 Liberty 18,912 Lincoln .5,413 Lowndes 8,821 Lumpkin 5,161 Macon 11,458 Madison 5,227 Marion 8,000 Mcintosh 4,48-5 Merriweat'r 13,7-56 Miller 3,091 Milton 4,284 Mitchell 6,6-33 Monroe.... 17,213 Montgomery 3,-586 Morgan 10,696 Murray 6,-500 Muscogee 16,663 Newton 14,615 Oglethorpe ..11,782 Paulding 7,6-39 Pickens 5,317 Pierce 2,778 Pike 10,905 Polk 7,822 Pulaski 11,940 Putnam 10,461 Quitman 4,1-50 Rabun.. 3,2-56 Randolph 10,-561 Richmond.. .25,137 Schley -5,129 Scriver 9,175 Spaulding... 10,205 Stewart l4,204 Sumter 16,5-59 Talbot 11,913 Taliaferro 4,796 Tatnall 4,860 Taylor...' 7,141 Telfair -3,236 Terrell 9,053 Thomas 17,158 Towns 2,780 Troup 17,632 Twiggs 8,.545 Union -5,267 IJpson 9,4-30 Walker 9,925 Walton 11,088 Ware 2,286 Wairen 10,-545 Washington 15,641 Wayne 2,177 Webster 4,677 White 4,606 Whitfield 10,117 Wilcox 2,439 Wilkes 11,796 Wilkinson.. ..9,387 Worth -3,778 ,1,194,089 36 CENSUS OV THE UNITED STATES. ILLTiVOIS.—jlrea, 53, 403 square tniles. Adams 56,862 Alexander 10,564 Bond 18,152 Boone 12,042 Brown 12,205 Bureau 32,415 Calhoun 6,562 Carroll 16,705 Cass 10,089 Champaigne 82,788 Christian 20,863 Clark 18,719 Clav 15,875 Clinton 16,284 Coles 25,287 Cook 349,970 Crawford 18,889 Cumberland 12,228 DeKalb 28,265 De Witt 14,768 Douglas 18,484 Du Page 16,685 Edgar 21,450 Edwards 7,565 Effingham 15,658 Fayette 19,838 Ford 9,108 Franklin 12,652 Fulton 88,292 Gallatin 11,184 Green 20,277 Grundv 14,988 Hamilton 18,014 Hancock 84,461 Hardin 5,113 Henderson 12,582 Henry 35,507 Iroquois 25,782 Jackson 19,634 Jasper 11,284 Jefferson 17,864 : Jersey 15,054 i Jo Daviess 27,810 I Johnson 11.248 I Kane 89,091 Kankakee 24,852 Kendall ' .12,899 Knox 89,528 Lake 21,014 EaSelle 60,792 r^awrence 12,588 Total, Lee 27,171 Livingston 81,472 Logan 28,052 McDonough , 26,511 McHenry 28,762 McLean 58,988 Macon 20,622 Macoupin 82,729 Madison 44,181 Marion 20,622 Marshall 16,956 Mason 16,184 Massac 9,581 Menard 11,785 Mercer 18,769 Monroe....; 12,892 Montgomery 2."),815 Morgan 28,468 Moultrie 10,885 Ogle 27,498 Peoria 47,540 Perry 18,728 Piatt 10,958 Pike 80,768 Pope 11,487 Pulaski 8,752 Putnam 66,280 Randolph 20,859 Richland 12,808 RockLsland 29,788 St Clair .51,069 Saline 12,714 Sangamon., 46,-854 Schuyler 17,419 Scott 10,.5.8') Shelby 25,475 Stark 10,751 Stephenson 80,608 Tazewell 27,908 Union 16,518 Vermilion 80,.888 Wabash 8,841 Warren 2.8,174 Washington 17,599 Wayne 19,758 White 16,816 Whiteside 27,506 Will 48,018 Williamson 17,.829 Winnebago 29,801 Woodford 18,956 2,589,638. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 37 llfDIANA,- ■Vdams . . -Area, ..10,882 ..48,494 ..21,188 ....5,615 ....6,272 ..22,598 ....8,681 ..16,152 ..24,198 ..24,770 ..19,084 ..17,880 ....9,851 ..16,747 ..24,116 "i7',167 -.19,080 ..12,597 ..26,026 ...0,476 ..28,800 ..16,889 ..20,228 ..12,726 ...17,871 ..18,487 ..19,514 ..20,882 ..15,128 33,809 square miles. Lawrence 14 628 Allen Madison ...22,770 1 Bartholomew 1 Benton ! Blackford Boone..... i Brown , ' Carroll j Cass Clarion . .65 245 Marshall Martin Miami Monroe, ...20,211 ...11,103 ...21,052 ...14,168 Montgomery Morgan Newton 28.765 ...17,528 ....5,829 i 1 Clarke.. Clay Clinton Crawford Daviess . Noble ...20,889 .. 5 887 Ohio Orange Owen , Parke Perrv . .. ...18,497 ...16,187 ...18,166 .14,801 Dearborn Decatur DeKalb Delaware PiVe ...18,779 Porter Posev ...18,942 I ...19,185 Dubois Elkhart Pulasi^'i ....7,802 j Favette Floyd Fountain.. Franklin Fulton Gibson Grant Putnam ...21.514 Randolph Pipley Rush St. Joseph Scott.... Shplby Spencer., 22 862 ...2o'.977 ..17,626 ...25,822 ... 7,878 ...21,.«92 ...17,998 ....8,S88 Green TTaniilton Stark Hancock Steuben Sullivan , ...12,854 i ...18,458 I Harrison Hendricks Henry Howard ..19,918 ..20,277 ..22,986 ..15.847 Switzerland. Tippecanoe Tipton ...12,184 ; ...88,515 ' ...11,958 Huntingdon Jackson Jasper Jav ..19,086 ..18,974 ....6,584 15 000 Union Vanderberg Vermilion Vigo Wabash... ....6.841 ...88,145 ...10.840 , .88,549 ..21,805 ..10,204 Jefferson Jennings Jonnson - ..29,741 ..16,218 . 18,866 ..21,.>59 ..28,581 ..14,148 -.12,889 ..27,062 Warren Warwick Knox Kosciusko La Grange Lake La Porte Washington Wavne Weils, White Whitley ...18,495 i ..84,048 j ..18,585 ..10,.>51 ..14,899 38 CENSUS OV THE UNri'ED STATES. Adair 8,<)S2 Adams 4,014 Allamakee l7,S(j8 Appanoose 16,450 Audubon, 1.212 Benton 22,451 Black Hawk, 21,700 Boone 14,570 Bremer 12,528 Buchanan, 17,034 Buena Vista 1,585 Butler 9,95i Calhoun, 1,002 Carroll 2,451 Cass 5,404 Cedar, 19,781 Cerro Gor'o 4,722 Cherokee, 1,907 Chickasaw 10,180 Clarke 8,785 Clay 1,528 Clayton 27,771 Clinton 85,857 Crawford, 2,580 Dallas 12,019 Davis 15,565 Decatur 12,018 Delaware 17,482 Des Moines 27,258 Dickinson 1,889 Dubuque 38.969 Eramett 1,292 Fayette 16,978 Floyd 10,708 Franklin, 4,738 Fremont 11.174 Greene 4,027 Grundy 0,398 Guthrie 7,001 Hamilton 0,005 Hancock 999 Hardin : 18,086 Harrison 8,981 Henry, 21,!00 Howard 6,282 Humboldt 2,596 Ida 220 Iowa, .....16,642 Jackson 22,620 Jasper 22,116 Total 014 square miles. Jefferson, 17,889 Johnson, 24,898 Jones, 19,731 Keokuk 19,484 Kossuth 8,851 Lee 87,210 Lynn 28,785 Louisa, 12,809 Lucas, 10,288 Lyon 21 Madison, 10,854 Mahaska 2,508 Marion 4,484 Marshall 17,070 Mills 8,717 Mitchell 9,583 INIonona 8.054 Monroe, 12,724 Montgomery 5,934 Muscatine 21,688 O'Brien 715 Osceola Page 9,974 Palo Alto 1,380 Plymouth, 2,199 Pocahontas 1,446 Polk 27,857 Pottawat'e 16,893 Poweshiek, 15,581 Ringgold, 5,692 Sac, 1,411 Scott, 83,599 Shelby 2,540 Sioux, 57() Story 11,051 Tama 10,131 Taylor, 6,989 Union 5,986 Van Buren, 17,672 Wapello, 22,346 Warren 17,982 Washington 18,952 Wayne 11,287 Webster 10,484 AVinnebago 1,562 Winneshiek 2:3,570 Woodbury 6,252 Worth, 2,892 Wright 2,392 1,191,802. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 39 KANSAS. — Area, 78,418 square miles. Allen.. , 7,023 Lyon 8,02i Anderson 5,220 Marion, 7(38 Atchison 15,507 Marshall 6,901 Barb'r (w. Carley McPherson, 738 Burton.... 2 Miami, , 11,72;5 Bourbon 15,076 Mitchell 485 Brown , 6,824 Montgomery 7,564 Butler 3,0-3.5 Morris, 2,225 Chase, 1,975 Nemeha, 7,339 Cherokee 11,038 Ness 2 Clarke Neosho, 10,206 Clay 2,942 Norton, Cloud 2,323 Osage, 7,648 Cotfee 6,201 Osborne 33 Comanche Ottawa 2,127 Carley et al 1,175 Pawnee 179 Crawford, ..8,160 Phillips, Davis 3,993 Pottawat'e 7,848 Dickinson, : 3,043 Pratt Doniphaji 13,969 Reno Douglas ....20,604 Republic 1,281 Ellis 1,336 Rice, 5 Ellsworth, 1,185 Riley 5,105 Ford Rorke, Franklin, 10,385 Rush, Graham Russell 156 Greenwood 3,484 Saline...; 4,246 Gove SedgAvick 1,522 Harp'r (w. Carley Shawnee 13,121 Hodgeman Smith, 66 Howard 2,794 Stafford, Jackson 6,053 Sumner, Jefferson, 12,526 Trego 166 Jewell, 207 Wabaunsee 3,362 Johnson, 13,684 Wallace, 538 Kiowa Washington 4,081 Labette, 9,973 Wilson 6,694 LeaveuAvorth 32,444 Woodson, 3,827 Lincoln 516 Wyandot, 10,019 Linn, ' 12,174 Total, 362,872. 40 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. KENTUCKY— Area f 37,080 square miles. Adair 11,065 Allen, 10,296 Anderson, 5,449 Ballard, 12,576 Barren 17,7.80 Bath, 10,145 Boone 10,696 Bourbon 14,863 Boyd 8,573 Bojde, 9,515 Bracken 11,409 Breathitt 5,672 Breckinb'ge 13,440 Bullit 7,781 Butler, 9,404 Caldwell 10,826 Calloway, 9,400 Campbell 27,406 Carroll. ...6,189 Carter 7,509 Casey, 8,884 Christian 23,227 Clark 10,882 Clay 8,297 Clinton, 6,497 Crittenden,. ..9,381 Cumberland 7,690 Daviess 20,714 Edmondson. ,4,459 Elliott, 4,433 Estill, 9,198 P'ayette 20,656 Fleming ,13,398 Floyd 7,877 Franklin 15,300 Fulton 6,161 Gallatin 5,074 Garrard 10,376 Grant 9,529 Total Graves 19,398 Gray Sun 11,580 Greene 9,379 Greenup 11,463 Hancock 6,591 Hardin, 15,705 Harlan,... 4,415 Harrison,! 12,993 Hart,... 13,687 Henderson.. 18,457 Henry, 11,066 Hickman, 8,453 Hopkins 13,827 Jackson, 4,547 Jefferson,... 118,953 Jessamine 8,638 John Bell 6,731 Johnson 7,494 Kenton 36,096 Knox,..^. 8,294 La Rue 8,235 Laurel, 6,016 Lawrence 8,497 Lee, 3,055 Letcher 4,608 Lewis 9,115 Lincoln 10,947 Livingston... 8,200 Logan, 20,429 Lyon.... 6,233 Madison 19,543 Magoffin 4,684 Marion 12,838 Mar shall...... -.9,455 Mason, 18,126 -McCracke n ,.. 13,988 McLean 7,614 Meade, 9,485 Menifee 1,986 Mercer 13,144 Metcalf, 7,934 Monroe 9,231 Montgomery 7,557 Morgan 5,975 Muhlenbergl2,638 Nelson 14,804 Nicholas 9,129 Ohio, 15,561 Oldham ..9,027 Owen, 14,309 Owsley 3,889 Pendleton ...14,030 Perry, 4,274 Pike 9,562 Powell 2;599 Pulaski, 17,670 Robertson... 53,099 Rock Castle... 7, 145 Rowan 2,991 Russell, 5,809 Scott... ,- ...11,607 Shelby 15,733 Simpson 9,573 Spencer 5,956 Taylor, 8,226 Todd ....12,612 Trigg 113,686 Trimble, 5,577 Union 13,640 Warren 21,742 Wash i n gtonl2,464 Wayne 10,602 Webster., 10,937 Whiteley 8,278 Wolfe 3,603 Woodford, 8,240 ..1,321,001. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 41 TiOTTlSIANA, — Area, 41,255 square unties. Ascension 11,577 Madison Assumption 13,234 Mooreliouse 9,387 Avoyelles 12,926 Natcliitoch' 18,265 Baton Rouge, E 17,817 Opelousas Baton Rouge, W 5,114 Orleans 191,^25 Bienville 10,636 Ouachita 11,552 Bossier..... 12,675 Plaqueniine 10,553 Caddo 21,714 Pt. Coupee 12,981 Calcasieu 6,733 Rapides 18,015 Caldwell 4,820 Richland 5,110 Cameron 1,591 Sabine 6,456 Carroll 10,110 St. Bernard 3,553 Catahoula 8,475 St. Charles 4,867 Claiborne 20,240 St. Helena 5,423 Concordia 9,977 St. James 10,153 De Soto 14,962 St. John the B'p Felici'na. E 13,499 St. Laund'y 24,646 Felicl'na, W 10,498 St. Martin's 9,370 Franlvlin 5,078 St. Mary's ..13,860 Grant , , 4,517 St. Tamm'y. 5,586 Iberia , 9,042 Tangipaho 7,928 Iberville 12,347 Tensas J 12,421 Jackson 7,646 Ter. Bonne 12,451 Jefferson 17,767 Union.... 11,685 Lafayette 10,388 Vermilion 4,528 Lafourche 14,719 Washington 3,330 Livingston 4,026 Winn 4,955 Total, 732,731. 42 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. JM^LLNE — A.reaf 31,706 square miles. Androscoggin 35,885 Aroostook ..29,609 Cumberland 82,020 Franklin 18,807 Hancock 36,470 Kennebec 53,205 Knox 30,822 Lincoln 25,597 Oxford 83,488 Penobscot 74,691 Piscataquis 14,403 Sagadahoc 18,803 Somerset 34,611 Waldo 34,535 Washington 43,343 York 60,174 Total, 626,463. MARYJjAND. — Area, 11,124 square miles. Alleghany 38,536 A. Arundel 24,457 Baltimore 330,741 Calvert 9,865 Caroline 12,101 Carroll 28,619 Cecil 25,874 Charles 15,788 Dorchester 19,458 Frederick 47,572 Harford 22,605 Total. Howard 14,150 Kent 17,102 Montgomery 20,563 Prince George 21,138 Queen Anne 16,08^3 St. Mary's 14,944 Somerset 18,190 Talbot 16,137 Washington 34,712 Wicomico 15,802 Worcester 16,419 780,806. MASSACHUSETTS.— Area, 7,800 square myites. Barnstable 32,774 Berkshire 64,827 Bristol 102,886 Dukes 3,787 Essex .200,843 P'ranklin 32,635 Hampden 78,409 Hampshire 44,388 Middlesex 274,3;53 Nantucket 4,123 Norfolk 89,4-13 Plymouth 65,365 Suffolk 270,802 Worcester 192,716 Total, 1,457,%1. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 43 3IICMIGAN^.—Area, 56,243 square iniles. Alcona 696 Allegan 32,105 Alpena 2,756 Antrim 1,985 Barry 22,199 Bay 15,900 Benzie 2,184 Berrien 35,104 Branch 26,226 Calhoun 36,569 Cass 21,094 Charlevoix 1,724 Cheboygan 2,196 Chippewa 1,689 Clare 366 Clinton, 22,845 Crawford Delta 2,441 Eaton 25,171 Emmet 1,211 Genesee 33,900 Gladwin G'd Trave'e 4,443 Gratiot 11,810 Hillsdale, 31,684 I Houghton, 13,879 j Huron, 9,049 { Ingham 25,259 I Ionia 27,681 I Iosco 3,163 I Isabell 4,113 j Jackson 36,047 I Kalamp^zoo 32,054 Kalcosco 424 Kent 50,403 Keweenaw, 4,205 Lake 548 Lapeer, 21,345 Leelenaw 4,816 Lenawee 45,596 Livingston, 19,336 Mackinaw, 1,716 Macomb 27,616 Manitou 891 Manistee, 6,074 Marquette, 15,033 Mason, 3,273 Mecosta 5,642 Menominee, 1,892 Michil'nac, Midland, 3,285 Missaukee 130 Monroe, 27,483 Montcalm, 13,629 Montmor'y Muskegon 14,894 Newaygo, 7,298 Nicosta , Oakland, 40,867 Oceana 7,222 Ogemaw 12 Ontonagon, 2,845 Osceola, 2,093 Oscoda 70 Ostego Ottawa, 26,651 Presq. Isle .....355 Roscommon, Saginaw,. 39,097 St. Clair 36,661 Sanilac, 14,562 Schoolcraft Shiawasse , 20,858 St. Joseph, 26,276 Tuscola 13,714 Van Buren 28,828 ' Washtenaw, 41,434 Wayne 119,039 Wessford 650 Total, 1,184,296. 44 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STAl'ES. MINNJESOTA.—A^rea, Aitken, 18 Anoka 3,940 Becker 808 Bellraine 80 Benton 1,558 Big Stone 24 Blue Earth .17,302 Breckin'r, Brown, ....6,3(39 Buchanan Carlton 286 Carver 11,587 Cass ..184 Chippewa 1,407 Chisago 4,358 Clay 92 Cottonwood 534 Crow Wing 200 Dakota, Dodge ..8,598 Douglas et al 4,579 Faribault 9,390 Fillmore 24,887 Freeborn, , 10,583 Goodhue 22,618 Grant ,.... Hennepin 31,566 Houston 11,661 Isanti Itasca .....178 Jackson ,....1,825 Kandiyohi, 1,760 Kennebec 93 Lake 135 Ij. qui Pari .....145 Le Rueur .". 11,607 McLeod 51,643 Manomin, • Martin .....13,867 Total, 05,274: square mWs. Meeker 6,090 MilleLac, 1,109 Monongalia 3,161 Morrison, 1,899 Mower 10,447 Murray • 209 Nicollet 8,362 Noble 117 Olmsted, 19,793 Otter Tail, Pembina, 64 Pierce, Pine 648 Pipe Stone, Polk Pope et al 2,878 Ramsey ., .23,081 Redwood, 1,829 Renville Rice 16,983 Rock, 2,138 St. Louis 11,561 Scott, 11,042 Sherburne 2,050 Sibley 6,725 Stearns, 14,206 Steele. 8,271 Stevens Todd Toombs Traverse, Wabash aw, 15,859 Wadina, 6 Waseca 7,854 Washington 11,810 Wantowan, 2,426 Wilkin.... 295 Winona 22,318 Wright 9,457 435,511. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 45 MISSISSIPPI.— A.reaf 47,156 square tniles. Adams 14,774 Alcorn 10,431 Amite,, Attala, Bolivar 9,732 Calhoun 10,561 Carroll 21,047 Chickasaw 19,899 Choctaw Claiborne 13,386 Clark 7,505 Coahoma,.... ....7,144 Copiah 20,608 Covington 4,753 DeSoto Franklin, 7,498 Greene 2,038 Grenada 10,571 Hancock 4,239 Harrison 5,795 Hinds 26,798 Holmes 19,370 Tssaqnena, 6,887 Itawamba 7,812 Jackson 4,362 Jasper 10,884 Jefferson, 13,848 Jones, 3,313 Kemper Lafayette Lauderdale 13,462 Lawrence 6,720 Leake Lee • 15,955 Lincoln 10,184 Lowndes 30,502 Madison 20,948 Marion 4,211 Marshall 29,416 Monroe, 22,632 Neshoba Newton 9,807 Noxubee 20,905 Oktibbeha Panola 12,412 Perry, 2,694 Pike 11,303 Pontotoc, Prentiss, 9,347 Rankin, 12,977 Scott, 7,848 Simpson 5,718 Smith 7,126 Sunflower, Tallahat'e 7,852 Tippah 20,727 Tisbemingo Tunica'.. 5,'^58 Warren 26,765 Washington 14,569 Wayne 4,206 Wilkinson Winston 8,984 Yalabusha 13,254 Yazoo Total, 627,117. 46 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STA.TES. MISSOVJRI.—Area, 67,380 square miles. Adair, 11,449 Green 21,549 Ozark...... 3,363 Andrew 15,137 Atchison, 8,440 Audrain 12,307 Barry 10,373 Barton, 5,087 Bates, ....15,960 Benton 11,322 Bollinger 8,162 Boone 20,765 Buchanan, ...30,350 Butler 4,298 Caldwell 11,390 Callaway 19,202 Camden, 6,108 C. Girard'u.. 17,558 Carroll 17,445 Cass 19,296 Carter 1,455 Cedar, 9,474 Chariton 19,135 Christian 6,707 Clark 13,667 Clay 15,564 Clinton 14,063 Cole, 10,292 Cooper 20,692 Crawford 7,982 Dade 8,683 Dallas 8,383 Daviess, 14,410 DeKalb, 9,858 Dent, 6,357 Douglas 3,915 Dunklin, 5,982 Franklin 30,098 Gasconade. ..10,093 Gentry 11,607 Grundy 10,567 Harrison, 14,635 Henry, ..17,401 Hickory, 6,452 Holt 11,652 Howard 17,233 Howell, 4,218 Iron 6,278 Jackson 55,041 Jasper, 14,929 Jefferson, 15,380 Johnson 24,649 Knox, 10,974 Laclede 9,380 Lafayette 22,623 Lawrence,... 13,067 Lewis 15,114 Lincoln 14,073 Linn 15,900 Livingston. ..16,041 Macon,..., 23,230 Madison 5,849 Maries, 5,915 Marion, 22,504 McDonald,.... 5,226 Mercer 11,557 Miller 6,616 Pemiscot, 2,059 Perry, 9,877 Pettis 18,706 Phelps 10,506 Pike, 23,076 Platte, 17,330 Polk, 12,445 Pulaski, 4,714 Putnam, 11,217 Ralls 10,510 Randolph. ...15,908 Ray 18,700 Reynolds -3,756 Ripley 3,175 St Charles... 21 ,304 St/Clair 6,742 St. Francois ..9,741 Ste. G en 've... 8,384 St. Louis 351,189 Saline 21,672 Schuyler, 7,987 Scotland 10,676 Scott 7,317 Shannon, 2,339 Shelby 10,119 Stoddard, 8,535 Stone,...., 3,253 Mississippi, Sullivan 11,908 Moniteau 11,335 Monroe 17,149 Montgom'y..l0,405 Morgan 8,434 N. Madrid. ...11,339 Newton,. 12,821 Nodaway.,... 14,751 Oregon 3,287 Osage, 10,793 Taney 4,407 Texas 9,618 Vernon, 11,246 Warren 9,673 Washingt'n 11,719 Wayne 6,068 Webster 10,434 Worth, 5,004 Wright, 5,684 Total, 1,711,796. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 47 NEBMASKA.—Jireaf 75,995 square miles. Adams 19 Black Bird 81 Buffalo, 193 Burt 2,847 Butler 1,256 Calhoun Cass 8,151 Cedar 1,032 Cheyenne 190 Clay 54 Colfax 1,424 Cuming 12,345 Dakota 2,040 Dawson 103 Dixon 1,34.5 Dodge 1 4,212 Douglas ..19,982 Fillmore,... 238 Ft. Randall, Franklin, 26 Gage 473 Grant 484 Green Hall 1,057 Hamilton 130 Harrison, 631 Jackson, 9 Jefferson 2,446 Johnson 3,429 Jones Kearney 58 Lancaster, 7,074 L'E. q. Cou't, 261 Lincoln 17 Lyon 78 Madison 1,133 Merrick, 557 Monroe 235 Nemaha, 7,953 Nucolls 8 Otoe 12,345 Pawnee 2,637 Pierce , 103 Platte 1,899 Polk, 136 Richardson 9,780 Saline 3,106 Sarpy 2,913 Saunders 4,547 Seward 2,993 Shorter Stanton 1,687 Taylor 197 Washington 4,452 Wayne 9 Webster 16 York 604 Pawnee I. R 44 Winnebago, 34 Terrify (unorganized in- to counties) in tte N. W. portion of the State. .2 NEVJiDA.—Area, 112,090 square miles. Carson Lander, 2,8L: Churchill, 196 Douglas 1,215 Elko, 8,447 Esmeralda.... 1,553 Humboldt 1,916 Lincoln 2,223 Lyon 1,837 Nye 1,087 Ormsby 3,668 Pah Ute 762 Roop 133 Storey, 11,359 St. Mary's Washoe ..3,091 White Pine... 7, 189 Total, 42,491. NEW MAMPSHHtB— Area, 9,280 square miles. Belknap 17,681 Carroll 17,332 Cheshire 27,265 Coos 14,932 Total, 318,300. Grafton 39,103 Hillsboro 64,238 Merrimack. .42, 151 Rocking'm. .47,298 Strafford 30,242 Sullivan 18,058 48 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. JS^'J^JW .JI^MSJEY.—JLreaf 3,320 square miles. Atlantic, 14,098 Bergen 30,142 Burlington 53,(i38 Camden 46,038 Cape May 8,349 Cumberland 34,065 Essex, 143,845 Gloucester, 21,562 Hudson 129,068 Hunterdon .36,963 Mercer 46,386 Total Middlesex Monmouth ' 46,196 Morris, 43,137 Ocean 13,630 Passaic, 46,416 Salem 23,940 Somerset, 23,510 Sussex 23,168 Union 41,865 AVarren 34,348 905,791. NIJW YOItK.—Area, 47,000 square miles. Albany, .....133,052 Allegany, 40,814 Broome 44,107 Cataraugus 43,909 Caj^uga, 59,549 Chatauqua, 59,328 Chemung i 35,281 Chenango, 40,583 Clinton, 48,028 Columbia 47,044 Cortland 25,174 Delaware 42,973 Dutchess , 74,404 Erie 178,(395 Essex, 29,042 Franklin, 30,271 Fulton 27,064 Genesee 31,608 Greene < 31,832 Hamilton 2,960 Herkimer, 39,932 Jefferson , 65,415 Kings 1 419,926 Eewis 28,700 Livingston 38,310 Madison, 43,522 Monroe 117,867 Montgomery 34,457 New York 922,531 Niagara 50,430 Oneida 110,009 Onondaga 104,144 Ontario : 45,108 Orange ; 80,901 Orleans 27,689 Oswego, 77,942 Ostego, 48,969 Putnam 15,420 Queens, 73,804 Rensselaer, 95,550 Richmond 33,029 Rockland 25,213 St. Lawrence 84,825 Saratoga 51,529 Schenectady, 21,347 Schoharie, 33,340 Schuyler, 18,889 Seneca 27,826 Steuben 67,717 Suffolk 46,960 Sullivan 34,54() Tioga 30,573 Tompkins 33,180 Ulster 84,075 Warren 22,591 Washington. 49,570 Wayne 47,711 Westchester, 132,228 Wyoming, 29,162 Yates, 19,595 Total, 4,364,411 NOBTH CAItOZlKjL.--J.rea, 30,704: square fniles. Alamance. 11,874 Alexander 6,868 Alleghany , 3,697 Anson..... 12,428 Aslie , 9,573 Beaufort 13,054 Bertie 12,950 Bladen 12,831 Brunswick, 7,754 Buncombe ...15,412 Burke 9,777 Cabanas 11,954 Caldwell 8,476 Camden 5,361 Carteret , 9,510 Caswell 16,081 Catawba 10,984 Cnatham, 19,723 Cherokee 8,080 Chowan 6,450 Clay 2,463 Cleveland, 12,696 Columbus, 8,474 Craven., 20,516 Cumberland .,17,035 Currituck 5,131 Dane 1 2,728 Davidson 17,256 Davie • 9,620 Duplin , ; 15,542 Edgecombe 22,970 Forsyth 13,050 Franklin 14,134 Gaston ' 12,602 Gates 7,724 Granville , 24,831 Greene., 8,687 Guilford 21,7:36 Halifax. ..20,407 Harnett 8,895 Haywood., 7,921 Henderson,, 7,706 Hertford 9,273 Hyde ...6,445 Iredell „ 16,931 Jackson _ 6,683 Johnson 11,158 Jones, ,.5,002 Lenoir , 10,434 Lillington Lincoln 9,573 Macon 6,615 Madison «,192 Martin 9,647 McDowell, 7,592 Mecklenberg 24,299 Mitchell 4,705 Montgomery 7,487 Moore : 12,040 Nash 11,077 New Hanover 27,978 Northampton 14,749 Onslow, 7,569 Orange 17,507 Pasquotank 8,131 Perquim's 7,945 Person 11,170 Pitt 17,276 Polk 4,319 Randolph, 17,555 Richmond 12,882 Robertson 13,251 Rockingham 15,710 Rowan ,....16,811 Rutherford 13,x21 Sampson 16,436 Stanly,...; 8,315 Stokes, 11,208 Surry, 11,252 Transylv'n,.... 3,-536 Tyrrei 4,173 Union 12,218 Wake 35,617 Warren 17,768 Washington 6,516 Watauga 5,287 Wayne 18,144 Wilkes.. 15,539 AVilson ^ 12,2.58 Yadkin ,10,697 Yancey 5,909 Total,. .1,065,505, OHIO.— Area, 39,964 square miles. I Adams - ...,20,750 ' Allen 23,623 Ashland 21,983 Ashtabula 82,518 Athens, 21,872 Auglaize .....20,040 Belmont 39,715 Brown, 30,802 Butler 39,912 Carroll 14,491 Champaign 24,188 Clark' 32,070 Clermont 34,296 Clinton, 21,915 Columbi'na, 38,299 Coshocton 23.600 Cuyahoga 132,012 Darke 32,131 Defiance 15,719 Delaware 25,175 Erie 28,188 Fairfield 31,139 Fayette 17,170 Franklin, 63,019 Fulton 17,789 Gallia 25,545 Geauga, 13,069 Greene 28,052 Guernsey 23,798 Hamilton 260,370 Hancock 23,847 Hardin, 18,714 Harrison, 18,682 Henry 14,028 Highland 29,103 Hocking, 17,925 Holmes 18,178 Huron, 28,532 Jackson 21,759 Jefferson 29,188 Knox, '^6,333 Lake t : 15,935 Lawrence 31,380 Licking 36,122 Logan 23,028 Loraine 30,308 Lucas, 46,783 Madison 15,633 Mahoning 31,001 Marion 16,184 Medina, 20,092 Meigs, 31,465 Mercer 17,254 Miami, 32,740 Monroe 25,780 Montgomery 63,897 Morgan, 20,363 Morrow 18,583 Muskingum 44,887 Noble, 19,919 Ottawa ,..13,255 Paulding 8,544 Perry, 18,453 Pickaway 24,875 Pike 15,441 Portage, 24,577 Preble 21,809 Putnam 17,083 Richland, 32,516 Ross 37,097 Sandusky, 25,504 Scioto 29,302 Seneca 30,828 Shelby 20,748 Stark 52,508 Summit 34,074 Trumbull : 38,659 Tuscaraw's 3 ,840 Union 18,730 Van Wert, 15,821 Vinton 15,027 Warren 26,690 Washington ' 40,609 Wayne .....35,082 Williams 20,991 Wood 24,596 Wyandotte 18,554 Total, 2,662,214. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. OHEG on,— Area, 102,606 square miles. Baker 2,804 Benton, 4,584 Coos 1,644 Clackamas 5,993 Clatsop,.. .......1,2.54 Columbia, 863 Currv 504 Douglas 6,066 Grant 2,2-51 Jackson, 4,778 Josephine 1,204 Lane 6,426 Linn 8,717 Marion 9,966 Multnomali.11,510 Polk, 4,700 ,.408 Tillamook, Umpqua, Umatilla, 2,916 Union, 2,552 Wasco 2,509 Washington..4,261 Yam Hill...... 5,012 Total,. 90,922. PENNSTJjVANIAt—Area, 46,000 square miles. Adams 30,315 Allegheny..262,373 Armstrong.. 43,382 Beaver 36,150 Bedford 29,635 Berks 106,739 Blair 38,051 Bradford,... .53,204 Bucks 64,345 Butler 36,510 Cambria 36,569 Cameron 4,273 Carbon 28,144 Centre, 34,404 Chester 77,806 Clarion 26,960 Clearfield 25,740 Clinton 23,211 Columbia 28,766 Crawford 63,794 Cumberl'd... 43,912 Dauphin 60,736 Delaware 39,403 Elk 8,488 Erie 65,972 Fayette 43,284 Forest 4,010 Franklin 45,365 Fulton 9,360 Greene 25,887 Huntingdon30,995 Indiana f..36,139 Jefferson 21,656 Juniata 17,390 Lancaster... 121,340 Lawrence 27,298 Lebanon 34,096 Lehigh 56,798 Luzerne 160,737 Lvcoming... .47,629 McKean 8,825 Mercer 49,979 Mifflin 17,508 Monroe 18,362 Montgom'y.. 81,772 Montour 15,324 Nor t h am 'n., 61 ,433 Korthum'd.. 41,449 Perry, 25,486 Philadel'a..674,022 Pike 8,436 Potter... 11,265 Schuylkill..l09,869 Snyder.. 15,607 Somerset, 28,228 Sullivan 6,191 Susqueh"na .37,524 Tioga 35,100 Union 15,565 Venango 47,935 Warren .23.897 Washingt'n.48,483 Wayne 33,188 Westmore'd58,720 Wyoming... .14,585 York .......76,216 Total, 3,499,248 JRMODE ISZAND.—Areaf 1,306 square miles. Bristol 9,421 Providence 149,193 Kent 18,595 Washington 20,097 Newport 20,050 Total, 217,356. SOTTTH CAItOIjINA.—Area, 29,385 square miles. Abbeville.... 31,129 Anderson. ...24,049 Barnwell. ..,..86,844 Beaufort 40,511 Charleston Chester 18,805 Chesterfield Clarendon Colleton 34,014 Columbia 9,298 Darlington.. 22,391 Edgefield 42,486 Fairfield Georgetown 16,161 Greenville...20,015 Horry.,. 10,721 Kershaw 11,754 Lancaster. ... 12,087 Laurens 22,536 Lexington Marion Marlboro 11,814 Newberry... .17,983 Oconee 10,530 Orangeburg Pickens 10,269 Richland 13,727 Spartanb'g... 25,784 Sumter 25,268 Union 19,248 Williamsb'gl5,489 York 12,448 TBNNBSSJEE.—Aredf 45,600 square miles. Anderson 8,704 Bedford 24,334 Benton 8,234 Bledsoe.. .......4,870 Blount 14,237 Bradleyl 11,652 Campbell 7,44-5 Cannon 10,502 Carroll 19,447 Carter.. 7,909 Cheatham 6,678 Claiborne. 9.321 Cocke 12,458 Cofl"ee .10,237 Cumberl'd 3,461 Davidson 62,898 Decatur 7.776 DeKalb 11,425 Dickson 9,940 Dyer 13,706 Fayette 26,865 Fentres 4,717 Franklin 14,970 Gibson 25,^70 Giles 32,413 Grainger 12,461 Greene 21,668 Grundy 3,2.51 Hamilton.... 17,341 Hancock 7,148 Hardeman... 17,769 Hardin 11,770 Hawkins 15,848 Haywood 25,095 Henderson...l4,219 Henry 20,382 Hickman 9,856 Humphrey ...9,326 Jackson 12,586 Jeffersou 19,476 Johnson 5,852 Knox 28,994 Lake 2,428 Lauderdale..l0,838 Lawrence 7,600 Lewis 1,986 Lincoln 28',051 McMinn, 13,969 McNairy 12,726 Macon 6,633 Madison 23,550 Marion... 6,866 Marshall 16,207 Maury 36,286 Meigs ...4,511 Monroe 12,589 Montgom'y..24,708 Morgan 2,969 Obion .15,608 Overton 10,989 Perry..... 6,926 Polk 7,369 Putnam 8,698 Rhea 4,854 Roane 15,623 Robertson... 16,166 Rutherford. .33,289 Scott 4,054 Sequatchie. ...2,335 Sevier 11,028 Shelby 76,378 Smith 15,994 Stewart 12,019 Sullivan L3,136 Sumner 23,711 Tipton 14,884 Union 7,605 Van Buren.... 2,725 Warren 12,715 Washingt'n 16,318 Wayne 10,209 Weakly 20,755 White 9,228 Williamson 25,352 Wilson 25,884 Total, 1,257,983. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 53 TJEJX^S.— Anderson Angeline Archer Atacosa Austin 15,087 Bandera..l 649 Bastrop Bavler..... Bee Bell 1,082 Bexar.. Bexar Dis Blanco Bowie Bosque Brazoria 7,528 Brazos Brown Buchanan! Burleson Burnett Caldwell Calhoun Cameron 10,999 Chanibers .."!. 1,503 Cherokee Clay Coleman Callahan.... Collin Colorado 8,326 Comal 5,283 Comanche Concho Cook Coryell Dallas Davis Dawson Dentoni De Witt 6,443 Dimmitt 866 Duval, Eastland Edwards Ellis 7,514 El Paso Ensinal Erath Falls Fannin P'ayette Fort Bend 7,114 A7^ea, 237tS04 square miles. Freestone Menora 667 Frio Milan., Galveston. ...15,290 Montague, 890 Gillespie... Montraor'y... 6,483 Goliad 3,628 Nacodoc's,... Gonzales Navarro 8,879 Grayson Newton 2,187 Grimes Nue' es 4,193 Guadalupe Orange 1,255 Hamilton Palo Pinto, Hardeman Panola Hardin 1,460 Parker Harris 17,375 Polk, 8,707 Harrison Presidio Haskell Red River Hays 4,088 Refugio 2,324 Henderson Robertson Hidalgo 2,387 Runnells, Hill 7,453 Rusk, ^ Hood Sabine Hopkins S. August'e, Houston S. Patricio 602 Hunt SanSaba, Jack 694 Shackleford, Jackson 2,278 Shelby, Jasper 4,218 Smith, Jetferson 1,906 Starr Johnson Stevens, Jones, Tarrant 5,788 Karnes, Taylor Kaufman, Throckmorton,... Kendall 1,536 Titus Kerr ' 1,042 Travis Kimball 72 Trinity Kinney Tyler 5,010 Knox, Upshur, Lamar Uvalde, Lampasas 1,344 Van Zandt., Lasalle 69 Victoria Lavacca, 9,168 Walker ..9,776 Leon Washington, Liberty 4,413 Webb Limestone W^harton, 3,426 Live Oak, 852 Wichita Llano 1,379 W^ilbarger Madison Williamson Marion Wilson Mason Wise 1,450 Matagorda Wood, Maverick Young McCulloch, Y'g Ter'y McLennan, Zapata, 1,488 McMullen 230 Zavalla Medina 2,078 54 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. VEIl3IONT—Area, 10,212 square miles. Addison 28,484 Franklin Rutland ....... Bennington 21,325 Grand Isle, ...4,082 Washington. Caledonia Lamoille. ..,..12,448 Windham Chittenden ..36,480 Orange, Windsor, Essex Orleans 21,035 riIlGIKlA.—.lrea, 38,352 square miles. Acc6mack 20,409 Floyd 9,824 Matthews, 6,200 Albemarle, ..27,544 Fluvanna, 8,975 McDowell 1,300 Alexandria..l6,755 Franl