D 639 .E4 W43 Copy 1 THE ±. PAMPHLET Volume VI 19 19 Supplement Rice Records in War Service Published by THE RIGE INSTITUTE A university of liberal and technical learning founded by William Marsh Rice in the City of Houston, Texas, and dedicated by him to the advancement of Letters, Science, and Art ^UM^1-r^^ >y^^fA/Q^UA^ ^ i^fJ^T^T^l THE RICE INSTITUTE PAMPHLET Volume VI 19 ip Supplement Rice Records in War Service Published by THE RICE INSTITUTE A university of liberal and technical learning founded by William Marsh Rice in the City of Houston, Texas, and dedicated by him to the advancement of Letters, Science, and Art ■ l-M'^f: . t^Vl4' |- THE RICE INSTITUTE PAMPHLET ^ Vol. VI SUPPLEMENT CONTENTS 1919 PAGE I. A Memorial Tribute i II. Commemoration Sermon 4 III. Rice Records in War Service 12 A MEMORIAL TRIBUTE^ FOR a thousand years Athens was a university town. Its several great schools of philosophy were in reality so many independent colleges, each with a tradition, or- ganization, and discipline of its own. The president of one of these colleges lived in office to the ripe old age of ninety- nine years. In a famous hymn bearing his name he sang, "O God most glorious, called by many a name . . . We are Thy children." The great pioneer preacher of our own era wrote, "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." "I dressed his wound — God healed him," said a distinguished French surgeon lately of a recovered soldier. It is in some such spirit of dependence — thus ex- pressed in turn by surgeon, missionary, philosopher — acknowledging out of our own personal experience, in moments of exaltation a force not ourselves making for righteousness, in seasons of depression a Father to whom we pray fervently, in days of even tenor a friend within reach, a faith within reason, a fear within wisdom, — it is in some such spirit of dependence, sustaining intellect, energy, courage, enthusiasm, and independence alike, that we would face the tasks of a new year marked by the return of our heroes, the renewal of our life, the reunion of Rice men, the revival of learning, and great rejoicing in hope. For the heroes have returned. Heroes of the longbow and battle-ax. Heroes of the fire-ball and battering-ram. 1 From a Rice address. 2 A Memorial Tribute Heroes of machine-gun, scout patrol, and gas bomb. Heroes of torpedo-boat, trench, tanks, deHavilands. Heroes of the horrors. Heroines of the healing art. Heroines of the Red Cross. Heroines of the refugees. Heroines of the canteen, ambulance, and signal corps. Heroines from the front. And there are those in shining armor: Marshall, stu- dent of science, first Rice Master of Arts; Cain, Bachelor of Arts, seeking a scholar's career; and their comrades of our burning cross, who, before winning academic spurs, rushed in and won their stars of gold: Aycock, pioneer student soldier of the Training Corps; and Coaxes, sharp- shooting gunner in the Argonne; and Hines, striving to go overseas only to be lost at sea; and Patterson, swift to his duty, faithful to trust; and Stell, sure of foot and fleet of spirit, gone west in the sky; and Lillard, lithe, alert, agile of mind; and Killough, courtly knight of friendly mien and fearless courage; and Manaker, genial, joy of his fellows, flown home from the clouds; and Rey- nolds, loyal, self-reliant son of the plains; and McGuiRE, mirthful and earnest, cheerfully serving his turn; and Rudd, star on the field, fallen in flight as falling star flashes; and Wood, wide-awake, sunny, steadily gaining his way; and South, singing the songs of the sea, and of them that go down to the sea in ships; and Haltom, light-hearted, hand- some, and hale, passed on on the wing as the eagle passes. And may we, too, carry on. Because there is but one truth; Because there is but one banner ; Because there is but one light ; Because we have with us our youth Once, and one chance and one manner Of service, and then the night. A Memorial Tribute 3 Or perhaps, rather than these Hnes of Swinburne, the lines of Simonides; may we, too, carry on, because These men on entering Death's o'ershadowing gloom Lustre undimmed on their dear homeland shed. • But divine honour freed them from their doom In glory; tho' they died they are not dead. The whole earth is their sepulchre; and their story is not graven only on stone over their native earth, but lives on far away, without visible symbol, woven into the stuff of other men's lives. For you now it remains to rival what they have done, and, knowing the secret of happiness to be freedom and the secret of freedom a brave heart, squarely to face the future and all its perils. — Pericles to the Athenians. II COMMEMORATION SERMON ^ THIS service of commemoration to which we now come, and rightly come, as the beginning of this day of re- union and rejoicing, is at once a memorial and a eucharist, a service of grateful remembrance and thoughtful thanks- giving as before God and man. "There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember; and there is pansies, that's for thoughts." So the great master of English speech has the "gentle Ophelia" give pathetic utterance to a very deep longing of the human heart, perhaps the deepest, the longing for thoughtful and loving remembrance; and it is in glad re- sponse to the unuttered appeal of that longing that we would now, before all else in this day's celebration, lift up con- sciously into our minds and hearts those of our comrades of yesterday who answer not to our call to-day, who walk here these halls with us no more, that we may have fellow- ship with them yet once again. Aycock; Cain; Coates; Haltom; Hines; Killough; Lil- lard; Manaker; Marshall; McGuire; Patterson; Reynolds; Rudd; South; Stell; Wood. These are they of the brotherhood who have fought the fight and kept the faith even unto death. Worthy sons of 1 Sermon preached by Peter Gray Sears, Rector of Christ Church, Houston, Texas, at a special commemorative service held in the Academic Court of the Rice Institute, at nine-thirty o'clock in the morning of Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 1919. 4 Commemoration Sermon 5 worthy sires, who "loved their land with a love far-brought," they have passed nobly on ahead of us within the walls of the Mystic City, "where loyal hearts and true stand ever in the hght" ; and in affectionate recollection we would speak to them, and say : "Valiant Hearts, who to your glory came Through dust of conflict and through battle flame; Tranquil you lie, your knightly virtue proved, Your memory hallowed in the Land you loved. "Proudly you gathered, rank on rank to war, As who had heard God's message from afar ; All you had hoped for, all you had, you gave To save mankind; yourselves you scorned to save!" "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." And no life is so honorable or so fruitful as such a death. With priority of honor and loving remembrance thus given first, as is most justly due, to those who have nobly died, let us turn in grateful recognition and with no less measure of honor to those who have not died but who have nobly lived, and still live, who also went forth as true men to fight the fight and keep the faith, and who have returned and are here with us to-day in glad and thankful reunion. When we have thought the matter through, we shall see, I think, that the fact of death of the body anywhere or at any time, whether away from home in days of war or at home in days of peace, in every case is wholly incidental, if not indeed more or less accidental; and in no case does it of itself determine the real spiritual worth of a man's work or of the man himself. It is the dehberate inward act of a man's will that measures a man, and not the outward 6 Commemoration Sermon physical results of that act. For a man to give his life in high and holy devotion to his country's cause, or to any cause, is an act of his will. It may involve the death of his body, or it may not. It does involve his willingness to die. It demands that he "hold not his life dear to himself." But the value of his act is in the inward devotion of his life and the loyalty of service following that devotion, and not in the possible consequent death of his body as the result of that devotion and service. Of two soldiers who go out to the battle together side by side, one receives the shot in his heart, dies, and is buried on the field of honor beneath "The Wooden Cross"; the other lives on through the bat- tle, receives no wound, comes back to his home unscathed; and certainly he has laid down his life for his country's cause just as truly as the one who died, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Never was truer word spoken. But the reality of that love and the greatness of that love is in the willingness to lay down the life, not in the physical consequences of that willingness. Let us, then, make our tribute of loving gratitude to read: AD MAJOREM GLORIAM MORTUORUM NEC NGN VIVORUM ! And as we say "Hail and Farewell" to the one, so even would we say "Hail and Hearty Welcome" to the other, as we place them both together deep down in the innermost recesses of our grateful hearts, devoutly thanking God for His gift to America of such sons. This nation looks back to-day and thanks God that in a great crisis the children it had nurtured in peace and pros- perity suddenly showed the stuff of heroes. They were not afraid to dare and to die when the bugle rang clear across Commemoration Sermon 7 the quiet fields. Wherever and however duty called, they answered with their lives. Let the nation also thank God that it still breeds the men who make life great by service and sacrifice; that time and work and pleasure and wealth have not sapped the sources of its inward strength; that it still knows how to dare and to do all in that hour when manhood alone counts and achieves. As I have been thinking over what I have written and have just spoken to you about these men from the Rice Institute, and the other men of all sorts and conditions from all over this country, of what they went forth to do and what they did in complete self-abandonment, in a spirit so fine that it seemed not even to be conscious of itself as it went to its terrible task as a mere matter of course in the day's duty, I have been led to try to take once more the measure of the meaning of gratitude, of a man's debt — every man's debt — of gratitude to his fellow-men and to God. The spirit of gratitude is the finest virtue, the fairest and sweetest flower, of personal character. It requires far more refinement and dignity of nature to receive consciously and acknowledge gracefully and gratefully a favor or a gift or a service than it does to render the same to another. The impulse of the crude, unrestrained, undisciplined nature is to stand back from and reject the thought of favor, of being served — to resent the sense of personal obligation. It would prefer to think and to feel and to say of itself, "I am in- dependent!" No! No human being in all this world is or ever was independent; and the sense of independence is engendered in men only by crass ignorance and selfishness and vulgar arrogance. All stately souls bow themselves graciously in gratitude and thankfulness before both God 8 Commemoration Sermon and their fellow-men. Gratitude is ever the authentic sign of the true man, the true gentleman, the highest type of man. And why? Because the one plainest fact of human life everywhere, of whatever rank or station, of whatever sort or condition, is the fact of God's service to man — a service, let us never forget, which we see rendered, not only and not chiefly in the beneficent arrangements of material nature, but more plainly and more emphatically and more really in man's service to man. The divine is always serving and ministering to the human, we say; yes, undoubtedly so; but if that declaration has any clear and definite meaning to us, it means that this service is rendered ever and at its best through human agencies, through other men. The one divinest thing in the world that we know, i.e., the good, the best, the highest, the noblest that is in man — the spiritual image and likeness to God in which he is made — is always serving his fellow-men. And it is just in proportion as we become conscious of our fellow-men, just as we come really to know them, and to know what they have done and are ever doing, that we come to be possessed of the spirit of gratitude and thankfulness — of gratitude and thankfulness first to our fellow-men and then quickly through them to God. If we are not grateful, it is simply because we do not know, we are ignorant of both men and God; and then we are but little, if at all, better than the beasts of the field, for we have lost the humanness of human life, and losing that we have lost consciousness of all divineness and glory in any life, and living becomes only a beastly scramble and fight for mate- rial gain. In his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation of 19 14, President Wilson wrote : Commemoration Sermon 9 Our people have looked upon their own life with a deeper com- prehension; they have been quickened by a great moral stimulation; they have had themselves revealed to themselves. It was two years and more before we went into the war when he wrote that; and if it was true then that "we had ourselves revealed to ourselves," it is a thousand times truer to-day after having gone Into the war. And if we have ever known, or if we are ever to know, one another in this country, we know now. And what we know beyond all question and doubt is this — that every element of the whole citizenship of our country, the highest and the lowest, the rich and the poor, the learned and the ignorant, the strong and the weak, the high and the lowly, money-man and work- ing-man, white man and red man and black man — all of them — have gone in the person of their sons to strive and to dare and to do even to the mouth of death and of hell for the protection of their country. And to-day all of our liberties, our institutions, our prosperity, our property, our homes, our very life, all that we have and all that we are, we owe absolutely to the service and sacrifice of these brave and true sons of all these various elements of our citizen- ship. There Is the measure of the "debt of gratitude" resting upon us here in America ; and there are they to whom WE owe it. We may not In any relationship ever overlook or forget those men who fought the bitter fight for us and who won the victory whose fruits we now enjoy and shall continue to enjoy through the years to come. These "others have labored, and we have entered Into the fruits of their labor." To what final thought does all this lead us? We, the people here In these United States, all of us alike, are bound to- 10 Commemoration Sermon gether under the everlasting and unchangeable laws of Almighty God into one living body, one organism, one great family, in which every member and all the members serve and are dependent upon every other and all the other mem- bers. The farthest distance between any two elements of our citizenship is the distance between two individual mem- bers of the same family, or the distance of your head from your foot in your living body. And no one member of such corporate life, in governmental or industrial or economic or other relationship, can for a moment forget or overlook any other member without being guilty of treachery to the body; and treachery in any organic relationship is a capital offense. If, therefore, we are indeed thus mutually dependent upon one another, members one of another, bound together in every direction in interdependent relationship, merged Into a common life, then, if one member suffers, all the others suffer with it; if one is honored, all the others rejoice with it; and it is not possible for any one element of our citizen- ship to go forward except as the whole goes forward to- gether. I make my earnest plea to-day that we strive to realize more and more the unity of our common life in America in an ever-growing sense of gratitude one to another as we see and recognize the mutual service we are rendering one to another. As the result of this splendid gathering at Rice's first reunion, and especially of this Service of Commemoration, my prayer to God is that we shall not only lift up to-day into our thought and love those of our companions who have "gone West," or those who have come back, but that we shall also, not only to-day but all days, lift up equally into our thought and sympathy and into our devotion of service every element of the whole people of this country, that so Commemoration Sermon 1 1 none shall be forgotten or overlooked, that we shall realize and know that as one people together we shall stand In mutual trust and confidence and common effort and service — or we shall not stand at all. Peter Gray Sears. Ill RICE RECORDS IN WAR SERVICE Philip Heckman Arbuckle Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Director of Athlet- ics. Served under Commission on Training Camp Activities as Athletic Director, 33d Division and 15th Division, Camp Logan, Texas, March, 1918-June, 19 19. Stockton Axson Professor of English Literature. National Secretary of the Amer- ican Red Cross, November, 1917-November, 1 91 9, headquarters in Washington; overseas in Italy and France, September-November, 1 91 8, and April-July, 19 19. LiNDSEY BlAYNEY Professor of German. Entered Leon Springs Training Camp, May 12, 191 7. Commissioned Major of Infantry. Overseas, January 7, 1918-August 13, 1919, on general staff service with British, French, and Americans, and the Peace Commission after the armistice. Participated in Aisne, Marne, and Argonne campaigns; on the Macedonian front, August-September, 191 8. Spent two months in hospital after gassing, November 8, 191 8. Received Croix de Guerre (Divisional Citation) ; Croix de Guerre with palm (Army Citation); White War Eagle, Serbia; Cross of St. Sauveur, Greece; Officer, Legion of Honour; Honorary Officer, Chasseurs Alpins. Discharged as Lieutenant-Colonel, 360th In- fantry, August 13, 1 9 19. Hubert Evelyn Bray Instructor in Mathematics. Served in Infantry, Camp Upton, Yaphank, L. I. ; discharged because of defective vision. Served as Ballistic Computer at Ordnance Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Md. Walter Lynn Cheney Fellow in Physics. Served as civilian in Bureau of Standards, Washington, testing the physical properties of material issued in Army equipment. Robert Emmett CuMMiNGS Assistant in Physical Education. Entered First Officers' Training Rice Records in War Service 13 Camp at Leon Springs, June, 191 7. Commissioned Second Lieu- tenant; promoted to First Lieutenant. Served in Headquarters Company of 35th Regiment; transferred to 15th Infantry. Re- mains in the service. Griffith Conrad Evans Professor of Pure Mathematics. Entered Aviation Section, Signal Corps, at Houston, February 23, 19 18. Commissioned Captain. Overseas service, March 22, 1918-May 30, 1919. Participated in Battle of the Piave (sound-ranging station), October 28, 1918. Served on special mission on high altitude bombing in France, Eng- land, and Italy, Chief of Staff, After the armistice was Acting Scientific Attache, American Embassy, Rome. Discharged as Cap- tain, Air Service, June 10, 1919. William Caspar Graustein Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Entered Ordnance Depart- ment and served as Ballistic Computer at Ordnance Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Md. Promoted to Second Lieutenant. Albert Leon Guerard Professor of French. Entered Second Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs, August 24, 19 17. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, November 27, 191 7; promoted to First Lieutenant, Oc- Ijpber 4, 191 8. Served in Infantry, Intelligence Service, and Liai- son Service. Attached to War College, Washington, D. C, Gen- eral Headquarters, A.E.F., District of Angers, IXth French Region; Ministry of Armaments; Postal Express Service. Served overseas, January 22, 1918-July 30, 191 8. Discharged as First Lieutenant, Corps of Interpreters, July 30, 1919. Raymond Preston Hawes Instructor in Education. Served in personnel work in the Army. Claude William Heaps Instructor in Physics. Attended Fort Sheridan S.A.T.C., July i8-September 16, 191 8. Arthur Llewelyn Hughes Assistant Professor of Physics. Physicist in the Department of Research and Invention, Anti-submarine Division, British Ad- miralty; stationed at Harwich, England, and later at Dartmouth, England. Herbert Kay Humphrey Instructor in Electrical Engineering. Attended Fort Sheridan S.A.T.C., July i8-September 16, 1918. 14 Rice Records in War Service Julian Sorell Huxley Assistant Professor of Biology. Served in British Army, 19 16-19: Postal Censorship, 191 6-1 7; Air Service, Cadet and Second Lieu- tenant, 191 7; Staff Lieutenant, Intelligence Corps, 19 17-19, G. H. Q. Home Forces, 1917, G. H. Q. Italy, 19 18-19. Frederick R. Lummis Medical Adviser to the Committee on Outdoor Sports. Commis- sioned First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, June 8, 1917. Attached to Ambulance Company 357, 90th Division, Camp Travis. Served as Battalion Surgeon, 9th Infantry, 2d Division, Verdun Sector and Aisne Defensive (Chateau-Thierry) ; Operating Surgeon, Base Hospital 116, Bazoilles-sur-Meuse, July, 1918-February, 191 9. Promoted to Captain, Medical Corps, February 17, 19 19. Served as Operating Surgeon, Base Hospital 91, Commercy, February- July, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., July 8, I9i9- Baldwin Maxwell Instructor in English. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), at Elhngton Field, Houston, December 14, 1917. Transferred to Field Artillery. Discharged as Candidate, Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, No- vember 29, 1918. Samuel Glenn McCann Instructor in History. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), at Ellington Field, Houston, December 14, 191 7. Transferred to Field Artillery. Discharged as Candidate, 25th Training Battery, Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, November 29, 1918. Hugh Miller Lecturer in Civil Engineering. Commissioned Captain of Engi- neers, U.S.R., September 21, 191 7. Ordered to active service, January 15, 19 1 8. Student at Engineer Officers' Training Camp, Camp Lee, Va., to April 15, 191 8; in office of Chief of Engineers, Washington, D. C, to January 15, 1919; in command of Company F, 219th Engineers, Camp Dodge, Iowa, to February 10, 1919; student at Engineer Officers' Training School, Camp Humphreys, Virginia, to March 15, 1919; Instructor in Civil Engineering at the Engineer School, Camp Humphreys. Remains in the service, Everett Ellis Porter Fellow in Chemistry, Civilian employee of the Ordnance Depart- ment, March 6, 1917-June 8, 191 8, stationed at Army School of Engineers for Tests, Carnegie Institute of Technology. Rice Records in War Service 15 Joseph Horace Pound Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. Entered Ordnance Depart- ment at Houston, September 19, 19 17. Attended Fourth Engineer Officers' Training Camp, Camp Lee, Virginia; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant, Engineers. Served with 315 Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop, 546th Engineers. Overseas service, September 23, 1918-June 7, 1 9 19: active service at Malacourt (Argonne), Oc- tober 23-November II, 1918; highway maintenance, Verdun, November 12-January 5, 1919; highway maintenance, Pont-a- Mousson, January-March, 1919; Instructor in Steam Engineering, A.E.F. University, Beaune, to June 7, 1919. Discharged July 10, 1919. Norman Hurd Ricker Fellow in Physics. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), at San Antonio, January 19, 19 18. Attended School of Military Aero- nautics, Austin; Camp Dick Concentration Camp, Dallas; Elling- ton Field, Houston. Discharged before completion of training, December 15, 191 8. John Clark Tidden Instructor in Architectural Drawing and Painting. Attended New York State School of Camouflage, July-August, 191 8. Discharged from Machine Gun Company, 71st Infantry, October 15, 19 18, to attend Officers' Training Camp. Order remanded after signing of armistice. Harry Boyer Weiser Instructor in Chemistry. Commissioned Captain and served as Chief of Catalytic Unit, Chemical Warfare Service, stationed at Washington, September i -December 31, 191 8. Thomas King Whipple Instructor in English. Served in U.S. Marine Corps. Harold Albert Wilson Professor of Physics. Appointed member of committee to investi- gate anti-submarine devices by National Research Council; served with this committee at New Haven and New London, Conn., June-September, 19 17, and worked independently along the same lines at the Rice Institute, September, 1917-May, 19 18, when ap- pointed technical expert on anti-submarine devices and served in this capacity at the Naval Experimental Station, New ' London, Conn., until March 31, 1919. i6 Rice Records in War Service Frederick Funston Abbey. Port Arthur '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Wilbur Milo Abbey. Port Arthur B,S. '18. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, April 26, 191 8. Trained at Mare Island, Cal., and served three months at Naval Aviation Bases in France, England, and Ireland. Released on inactive duty as Seaman, March 26, 1919. Louis Randolph Abernathy. Houston '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Lloyd L. Albertson. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Peter George Aleo. Houston '16-17; '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Earl Straughn Alexander. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Miller Hutchins Alexander. Decatur, Georgia '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Innis Bashford Alkire. Dallas '15-16. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), August 17, 191 8. Served with Aero Squadron No. 877, stationed at Dallas. Dis- charged as Private of same organization, January 14, 191 9. Albert D. Allen. Gainesville '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. James V. Allred. Bowie '17-18. Entered Navy as Apprentice Seaman, at El Paso, June 14, 19 1 8. Served with 6th Company, Main Barracks, Naval Training Station, San Francisco. Discharged as Yeoman, 2d Class, U. S. Navy, February 19, 19 19. Pierre Numa Almeras. Galveston '16- . Company B, Rice SA.T.C. Will Allen Andrews. Longview '16-18. Entered Coast Artillery (Heavy), at Fort Monroe, Oc- tober 24, 1918. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Reserve Corps, February 17, 1919. John Sherwood Ansley. Houston '15-18; '19- . Entered Naval Reserve Flying Corps at Houston, June 24, 1 91 8. Trained at Ground School in Seattle, and Naval Air Stations at San Diego and Pensacola. Discharged as Naval Aviator Ensign, March 8, 19 19. Rice Records in War Service 17 Rex Graham Aten. Rawlins, Wyoming '12-14, Entered Infantry at Camp Dodge, Iowa, May 25, 1918. Served in Company D, 351st Infantry, 88th Division; Company 3, Fourth Officers' Training Camp, 88th Division; Company 23, 163d Depot Brigade. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Infantry, November 30, 1918. Charles Harold Atkinson. Del Rio '16- . Rice S.A.T.C. ; sent to Coast Artillery Officers' Train- ing Camp, Fort Monroe, Va. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Reserve Corps, January 16, 1919. Elmo Vivian Austin. San Antonio '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. James Lockhart Autry, Jr. Houston 'ly- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. *Weldon Aycock. Princeton '17-19. Died, November 24, 19 18, while a member of the Rice S.A.T.C. Jay Howry Ayers. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Clarence Lawrence Badt. Mount Pleasant '16-18. S.A.T.C, Austin, October-December, 19 18. Henry Thompson Baggett. Orange '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Charles Bradford Bailey. Alvin '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Herbert A. Bailey. Pittsburg B.A. '19. Rice R.O.T.C, and S.A.T.C, Fort Sheridan, 111. Qualified for admission into Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. John Edwin Bailey. Franklin, Louisiana '16-18. Entered Radio Section, S.A.T.C, at New Orleans, Sep- tember 19, 19 18. Discharged December 9, 19 18. JusTON Allen Baker. Houston '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Peter Willis Baker, Jr. Carthage '16-18. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, June i, 19 18. Trained at Mare Island, Cal. Discharged, for injuries received in line of duty, as Seaman, 2d Class, December 8, 19 18. i8 Rice Records in War Service Richard Royall Baker, Jr. Crockett '15-17. Entered Infantry at Fort Crockett, April 7, 191 7. Served in Machine Gun Company, 3d Texas Infantry; A Com- pany, 131st Machine Gun Battalion; D Company, 133d Machine Gun Battalion. Trained at Central Officers' Training School, Field Artillery, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, August 17, 191 8. Discharged September 12, 191 9. Henry Olaf Bales. De Queen, Arkansas '16—17. In service in the Motor Transport Corps, October 16- December 16, 191 8. David Ball. Houston '13-16. Entered Marine Corps at Houston, June 10, 1917- After a year's service, attended Officers' Training Camp at Quan- tico, Va. Served as Second Lieutenant aboard U.S.S. Wyoming with British Grand Fleet in North Sea. On convoy duty aboard U.S.S. Frederick. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Marine Corps, December 7, 19 18. Raymond Marley Ballard. Goldthwaite '16-iy. Entered Field Artillery (Light), at Dallas, June 21, 1917. Served with Battalion B, 133d Field Artillery, 36th Division; in training at Camp de Coetquidan, France, for seven months. Discharged as Private, ist Class, April 2, 1919. Tom Newcomb Barber. Bay City '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John Lacy Barnett. Nacogdoches '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Marshall David Barnett. Dallas '18— . Entered Naval Reserve Flying Corps at Houston, Feb- ruary I, 19 18. Trained at Pensacola, Fla., and Ground School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Discharged as Midship- man, February, 1919. Chester Arthur Barrett. Gainesville '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. William Ralph Barron. Houston B.A. '18. Entered Signal Corps, Science and Research Section, at Waco, April 18, 191 8. Served in 8th Service Company. Dis- charged as Sergeant, June 6, 191 9. Henry Leigh Bartlett. Houston '15-16. Entered Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps at Galveston, Rice Records in War Service 19 November 12, 191 7. Inducted into medical department of S.A.T.C. of University of Texas, October 17. Discharged from same December 12, 191 8. James Reece Bartlett. Houston '18- . Company B, S.A.T.C. Henry K, Bass. Abilene '^16-i'j. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Dallas, July 2, 191 8. On duty in San Francisco and San Diego. Released on Reserve, as Seaman, 2d Class, February 7, 1919. Frank Ferdeline Batsch. El Paso '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. J. Russ Baty, Jr. Houston B.A. '19. Rice R.O.T.C; sent to Fort Sheridan S.A.T.C. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, September 16, 19 18. Discharged January 6, 1919. James Eric Beall. Trinity '14-16. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Corps, at Houston, August 3, 1917. Served in Ambulance Company 17, 5th Sanitary Trains, 5th Division, Regular Army. Saw service at Frapelle in the Vosges, and in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Discharged as Sergeant, August 6, 1919. Jack Smith Beauchamp. Bowie '17-18. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Corps, at Dallas, July 23, 1918. On duty at Base Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio; transferred to Machine Gun Officers' Training Camp, Camp Hancock, Georgia. Discharged as Private, Medical Corps, February 10, 19 19. Hamilton Beazley. LaPorte '16-17. Entered Aviation Section of Signal Corps at Ellington Field, December 8, 191 7. Served in 190th Aero Squadron and 252d Aero Squadron. Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Cornell University. Discharged as Aviation Cadet, November 18, 1918. Gerhard Julius Beckers. Temple '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. George Dewey Beitel. San Antonio '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Richard Lee Beitel. San Antonio '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. 20 Rice Records in War Service Hugh LeRoy Bell. Houston B.A. '19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Morris Borisov Bell. Houston '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Ward Evans Bell. Palestine '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. William Ward Bell. Cisco '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Joseph Chaffin Benson. Mart '17- . Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., July 20, 191 8. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, at Fort Sheridan, Sep- tember 16, 191 8. Commanding Officer, S.A.T.C., Ouachita College, Arkadelphia, Ark. Discharged, January 3, 19 19. Patrick Henry Bentley. Belton '17-18. Entered Naval Aviation as mechanic, at Houston, De- cember 27, 19 1 7. Trained at Pensacola, Fla., and Hampton Roads, Va. ; stationed for ten months in Panama. Discharged as Flying Mechanic, Machine Gunner and Observer, Captain of Machine, January 27, 1919. Francis Hancock Berleth. Houston '17- . Rice S.A.T.C; transferred to Central Infantry Officers' Training School, Company R, 3d Battalion, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged December 10, 191 8. Thomas Clayton Berry. Gainesville '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. John Joseph Beshara. Port Arthur '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Wilson Tarry Betts. Jewett '12-15. Entered Infantry at Fort Sam Houston, July 24, 1917. Served in Headquarters Company, 19th Infantry; Headquarters Company, 358th Infantry, 90th Division. Attended A.E.F. Bandmasters' and Musicians' School, Chaumont, France. Com- missioned Second Lieutenant, Band Leader, Infantry. Partici- pated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Discharged August I, 1 9 19. Joe Irvine Biggs. Carthage '14-16; '17-18. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, December 10, 1 91 7. Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; discharged May, 19 18. Entered Navy; stationed at Naval Air Rice Records in War Service 21 Station, Pensacola, as Seaman Guard. Placed on inactive duty as Seaman, 2d Class, November 30, 19 18. Val T. Billups. Houston '15-17. Entered Air Service at Houston, June 14, 1917. Cadet at Austin, Tex., Dayton, O., and Ellington Field, Houston; Member of 271st Aero Squadron, and Flight Commander, 344th Handley Page Service Squadron. Commissioned Second Lieu- tenant, January 29, 1918; promoted to First Lieutenant, October 25, 1918. Discharged January 22, 1919. Glen Dawson Birdwell. Overton '15-17. Second Lieutenant, Cavalry. Vernon John Biron. Galveston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Winter Hutto Blanton. Beaumont '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Paul Frederick Bobb. Livingston '16— . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Fred Charles Boettcher. Houston '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Henry Dixon Bolton. Brenham '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Jesse Lafayette Bonner. Lufkin '16-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Charles W. Boon, Jr. Tyler '12-13. Entered limited service in Infantry at San Antonio, September 13, 191 8. Served in 27th Company, 7th Battalion, 165th Depot Brigade at Camp Travis. Discharged as Private, 31st Company, 8th Battalion, 165th Depot Brigade, March 7, 1919. Herman Peter Bos. Port Arthur '16-18. Entered Navy at Houston, May 27, 191 8. Released from active duty as Seaman, December 12, 19 18. Sidney Dean Boyer. Smithfield '13-14. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Worth, Decem- ber 20, 191 7. Served in lith Company, Coast Defense, Galves- ton; transferred to Coast Artillery School Detachment, Fort Monroe, Va, ; transferred to Battery F, 74th Regiment, R.A.R. Attended Enlisted Specialists' School, Fort Monroe. Made As- sistant Engineer, Coast Artillery Corps, July 16, 191 8. On duty 22 Rice Records in War Service in 1918 with the A.E.F. (France), September 23-December 23. Discharged as Assistant Engineer, Company 46, Casual Camp No. 2, January 6, 19 19. Paul Lewis Boynton. Huntsville '16-18. Entered S.A.T.C. at Fort Worth, October 8, 1918. Discharged December 14, 191 8, Chester Eaves Bradley. Baileyville '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Max Bradley. Peabody, Kansas 'id-iT. Second-Class Musician, Naval Band, 3d Regiment, Great Lakes Naval Training Station. Spent eight months in the service. Discharged February 14, 1919. Raymond Leslie Bradley. Houston '12-13. Entered Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps at Fort Crockett, Texas, October 12, 191 7. Assigned to hospital duty as undergraduate hospital interne at St. Mary's Infirmary, Galves- ton, and St. Joseph's Infirmary, Houston. Discharged as Private, December 27, 1919. James Lee Bramlette. Houston B.S. '16; M.S. '17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Re- serve Corps, at Houston, August 5, 191 7. Attached to Ambulance Company 357, 315th Trains, 90th Division. Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Austin, as cadet; Love Field, Dallas. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Signal Reserve Corps, Aviation Section, May 17, 1918. Discharged December 11, 19 18. Hubert Evelyn Bray. Houston Ph.D. '18. Served in Infantry, Camp Upton, Yaphank, L. I.; discharged because of defective vision. Served as Ballistic Com- puter at Ordnance Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Md. John Patrick Brennan. Houston '17-18. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, October, 191 7. Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; Kelly Field, San Antonio; Camp Dick, Dallas; Ellington Field, Houston. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Service (Aeronautics). Discharged January, 19 19. Horace Eddy Brevard. San Marcos '16- . Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, at Fort Sheridan, 111., September, 1918. Served as Instructor, S.A.T.C, Indianapolis. Discharged December 28, 191 8. Rice Records in War Service 23 Shirley Eclipse Brick. Fort Worth '15-17 j" '19- • Entered Aviation Section, Signal Corps, at San Antonio, December ii, 191 7. Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; Kelly Field, San Antonio; Rockwell Field, San Diego. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Service (Aeronautics). Discharged January, 19 19. Joe Anderson Brigham. Columbus '12-13. Entered Camp Travis, San Antonio, August 26, 191 8. Discharged as Private, February 26, 1919. William Drane Bright. San Angelo B.A. '17. Entered Leon Springs Officers' Training Camp as Civil Engineer, May 8, 191 7. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Fort Leavenvv^orth, Kansas, August 15, 19 17. Promoted to First Lieu- tenant, June I, 1918. Served overseas December 11, 191 7- April 13, 191 8, and July 9, 1918-May 29, 19 19. Instructor at Camp Meade, April, 1918-July, 19 18. Participated in Meuse- Argonne Offensive, October 6— November 11, 191 8. Discharged as First Lieutenant, Company E, 304th Engineers, 99th Division, June II, 1 9 19. Died shortly after his discharge. Frantz Philip Brogniez. Houston '16-17; '19- . Enlisted at Houston, June 20, 1917. Served in Supply Company, 143d Infantry, 36th Division, Camp Bowie, Texas. Discharged as Private, ist Class, January 30, 19 18. Leon Bromberg. Galveston '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C, Ben C. Broocks. Beaumont '17-18. Entered Marine Corps at Austin, July 26, 1918. Served in Company G, nth Regiment, at Paris Island, S. C, and Quan- tico, Va. Saw eight months' overseas service. Discharged as Private, August 5, 1919. Millard Traylor Brooking. Sinton '16-17; '19- . Entered National Naval Volunteers, Marine Corps, at Houston, April 7, 191 7. Served in Barracks Detach- ment, New Orleans, La., Pensacola, Fla., and Norfolk, Va. Promoted to Corporal, August 10, 1917; to Sergeant, July 12, 1 91 8. Discharged January 31, 19 19. John Caperton Brooks. Houston '16-17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 3, 1917. Served with Ambulance Company 357. 90th Division; and 56th Regiment, Engineers (anti-aircraft 24 Rice Records in War Service searchlight). Saw overseas service, July 9, 1918-March ii, 1919. Participated in aerial defense in sector held by First Army from August, 19 1 8, to the armistice. Discharged as Sergeant, ist Class, Company D, 56th Engineers, April i, 1919. Sam Raymond Brooks. Beaumont '13-14; '15-17. Entered Intelligence Corps of Southern De- partment at Austin, March 18, 19 18, with rank of Sergeant, stationed at Fort Sam Houston. Discharged December 11, 19 18. George Rufus Brown. Temple '16-18. Entered Marine Corps at Austin, September I, 1918. Attended Marine Aviation Ground School, Atlanta, Ga. Dis- charged as Private, December 14, 191 8. Homer Brown. Tyler '15-18, Entered Air Service at San Antonio, December 7, 19 17. Commissioned Second Lieutenant at Barron Field, Fort Worth. Discharged January 9, 19 19. Hugh Charles Brown. Beaumont '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Andrew Bonnell Bryan. Heame B.A. '18. Entered Naval Reserve at Chicago, July 8, 19 18. At- tended Ensigns' School at Chicago and Great Lakes Naval Train- ing Station. Member of l6th Company, 22d Regiment. Dis- charged February 5, 19 19. James Fulton Buford. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Thomas Jefferson Burnett. Fischer Store '16-18. Entered Naval Reserve Flying Corps at Great Lakes Naval Training Station, June 19, 19 18. Served in Company 27 at Ground School; Starboard Watch at Flying School. Assigned to Naval Aviation Detachment, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology; Naval Air School, Key West. Recommended for Navi- gation OfKcer. Discharged December 7, 191 8, as Chief Quarter- master for Aviation, Starboard Watch, Naval Air School, Key West. Theodore Marion Burns. Eagle Lake '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Alfred Wilder Burnside. Wichita Falls '17-18. Entered Naval Reserve Flying Corps at Houston, July 2, 191 8. Assigned to Training Station at Charleston, S. C. Rice Records in War Service 25 Promoted to Aerial Gunner Engineer, November 15, 19 19. Dis- charged November 27, 1919. Edwin Weisman Burton. McKinney '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Howard EmiMETT Buse. Houston B.A. '18. Entered Coast Artillery at Houston, June i, 19 18. Served overseas in High Burst Range Section of Heavy Artillery School, Battery A, 54th Artillery; 13th Company R.R. & C. Service. Discharged as Private in Casual Company, September 9, 1919- William Nathaniel Bush. JVaxahachie '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Paul Donner Bushong. Port Arthur '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Laurence Oris Butler. Dallas '16-18. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, November 20, 1917. Assigned to School of Military Aeronautics, Austin, and Barron Field, Forth Worth. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, August 8, 1 91 8. Discharged January 13, 19 19. Charles Louis Bybee. Houston 'ly— . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Joseph Alexander Bybee. Willis '12-14. Entered National Army at Camp Travis, San Antonio, September 19, 191 7. Served in Company B, 345th Machine Gun Battalion, i8oth Brigade, 90th Division; transferred to Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps, S.A.T.C, Galveston. Discharged as Private, December 12, 191 8. Cramer Clark Cabaniss. Lockhart B.A. '18. Entered Infantry at Camp Travis, San Antonio, March 28, 1918. Served in 50th Company, 13th Battalion, 165th Depot Brigade. Attended Camp Sevier, Greenville, S.C. ; transferred to Fourth Officers' Training School (Artillery), Camp Jackson, South Carolina; and Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Commis- sioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, August 31, 19 18. Dis- charged December 24, 191 8, as Second Lieutenant, Battery D, 43d Field Artillery, Camp Stanley, Texas. William Milton Cabaniss. Lockhart '13-15. Entered Medical Corps, Camp Travis, San Antonio, April, 19 1 8. Served in 165th Depot Brigade, 3d Infantry, Camp 26 Rice Records in War Service Travis. Transferred to Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Com- missioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Discharged De- cember lO, 19 1 8. Arthur Benton Cain. Yoakum '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Earl Smith Cain. Tyler ^ '13-14. Entered Ambulance Corps at Houston, July, 191 7. Served as Supply Sergeant in 357th Ambulance Company, 90th Division. Saw^ overseas service, June, 191 8— June, 19 19. Par- ticipated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Dis- charged as Sergeant of same organization, June 17, 1919. Edgar Allen Cain. Yoakum '16- . Entered Infantry S.A.T.C. at Fort Sheridan, 111., July 18, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, September 15, 1918. Served as Instructor in S.A.T.C, Middle Tennessee State Normal, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Discharged December 26, 1918. *Otta Lee Cain. Yoakum B.A. '17. Enlisted in the Navy, December, 191 7. Trained at Pensacola; transferred, April, 1918, to Naval Aviation Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Died of pneumonia and influenza, October 2, igi8. Dea Bailey Calvin. Houston '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Harris Williams Campbell. Galveston '14-16. Entered Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps at Fort Crockett, Galveston, December 7, 191 7; transferred to Medical S.A.T.C, Galveston. Discharged December 26, 19 18. Robert Keener Campbell. Weatherford '15-17. Entered Infantry at Houston, April, 191 7. Served in Company B, 360th Infantry, 90th Division. Commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant at First Leon Springs Training Camp ; promoted to First Lieutenant, December 31, 191 7. Sav\^ overseas service, June 14, 1918-February 18, 1919; participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Cited, G.O. 135, by Commanding Officer, 90th Division. Wounded November i, 19 1 8, near Dunn- sur-Meuse. Walter Douglas Campbell. Hillshoro '12-13. Medical Department, S.A.T.C, Galveston. Charles Banfield Capron. Austin '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Rice Records in War Service 27 Alfred Lewin Carr. Marlin '14-15; '16-17; '19- . Entered Corps of Engineers, Houston, September 19, 19 17. Served as enlisted man in 315th Engineers, Camp Travis; as student and student officer, Engineer Officers' Training Camp, Camp Lee, Virginia; as instructor, Engineer Officers' Training Camp, Camp Lee and Camp Humphreys, Vir- ginia; as assistant camp inspector from Office of Inspector General, Washington; in Office of the Chief of Engineers, Washington. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Engineers, National Army, May 16, 1918; promoted to First Lieutenant, Engineers, U. S. A., October 23, 1918. Discharged September, 1919. Festus Royal Carroll. Houston '15—17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 12, 191 7. Attached to Ambulance Company 357) 90th Division. Attended 3d R.O.T.C., Camp Travis; Saumur Artillery School, Saumur, France ; and Aerial Observers' School, Tours; served as Observer in i68th Aero Squadron. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, June i, 191 8. Discharged July 26, 19 19. Clarence Leon Carson. Texarkana '16— . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Frederick Thomas Carson. Barstow '16-17. Entered Naval Reserve Force at El Paso, July 31, 191 7. Attended Naval Reserve Officers' Training Camp at San Pedro, Cal. Commissioned Ensign (for Engineering Duties), October 22, 1918. Released from active duty, January 6, 19 19. Jack Harlyn Carson. San Antonio '16-18. Entered Navy, Seaman Branch, at Houston, April 19, 191 8. Served at New Orleans, La., Hampton Roads, Va., and on transports U.S.S. Matsonia, November i, 1918-January 3, 1919, and U.S.S. Wilhelmina, March 7-August 15, 1919. Dis- charged as Seaman Signalman, ist Class, August 19, 19 19. Robert Baker Carson. Houston '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. William Clarence Carson. Sierra Blanca '17-18; '19- . Entered Marine Corps at El Paso, June, 1918. Served overseas in Company L, nth Regiment, U. S. Marines. John Winston Carter. Houston '14-16. Entered Cavalry at San Antonio, May 10, 191 7- At- tended 1st Training Camp at Leon Springs; commissioned Second 28 Rice Records in War Service Lieutenant, Cavalry; transferred to Infantry. Served in 165th Depot Brigade, Camp Travis; transferred to command 71st Com- pany in 2d Regiment, Infantry Replacement Troops, Camp Grant, Illinois. Promoted from Second Lieutenant, Infantry, to First Lieutenant; and on August 20, 1918, to Captain, Infantry, U.S.A. Discharged January 30, 1 9 19. Kelso Moore Carter. Moscow '14-16. Entered Navy at Houston, July 13, 19 17. Attended Great Lakes Naval Training Station. Promoted during service from Apprentice Seaman to Quartermaster, ist Class. Served aboard U.S. Destroyer Dowries from June 20, 191 7, to time of discharge, May 1,1919. Dick Kendall Cason, Jr. Nacogdoches '16- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Roland McKendree Chamberlin. Houston '17-18. Entered Infantry S.A.T.C, Austin, October 7, 1918. Discharged from same organization, December 6, 19 18. Richard Olney Chandler. Port Arthur B.A. '17. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, April 30, 19 1 8. In training at Mare Island, San Francisco, and San Diego, Cal. ; transferred to Princeton University ; commissioned Ensign in the Pay Corps. Stationed at Pelham Bay, N. Y., and Receiv- ing Ship at New York. Discharged April 9, 19 19. Joseph Bailey Charlton. Beaumont '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Joseph Robert Church. McKinney '17-18. Entered School of Automobile Mechanics, Camp Mabry, Austin, August 28, 19 18. Discharged December 6, 19 18. Henry William Cissell. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Fred Paul Clark. San Angelo '14-15; '16-17. Entered Field Artillery at San Antonio, April 26, 191 7. Attended ist Officers' Training Camp, Camp Stanley, Texas. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Regular Army; pro- moted to First Lieutenant, February i, 19 18. Served in 20th Field Artillery ; transferred to 82d Field Artillery. Remains in the service. Harry Edward Clark. San Antonio '17-18. Entered U.S. Public Health Service at San Antonio, April 12, 191 8. Discharged as Sanitary Inspector, March i, 1919. Rice Records in War Service 29 Paul Brown Clark. Houston '15-16. Entered Ordnance Corps at Houston, March 28, 19 18. Served at General Ordnance Depot (High Explosive Supply De- pot), Fort Hancock, N. J. Promoted to Sergeant of Ordnance, 1st Class, January i, 1919 (manager of railway transportation). Discharged May 15, 19 19. Wade Louis Clark. Nocona '15-17. Entered Infantry at Sherman, July 18, 19 18. At- tended S.A.T.C. at Fort Sheridan, 111. Served as Instructor in S.A.T.C. at Austin College; entered Officers' Training Camp at Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged as Candidate Officer, De- cember 10, 191 8. Ivan Roy Clede. Houston B.A. '16. Entered Infantry at New York, N. Y., June, 1918. Transferred to Chemical Warfare Service, Edgewood Arsenal, Md. Discharged as Private, December 2, 1918. William Ion Clifford. Clarendon '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. David King Clint. Brownsville '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. James Culver Cluck. Marlin '16-17. Entered Air Service, Balloon Division, at Seattle, Wash., August 5, 19 1 7. Attended Air Service Ground and Flying School, Fort Omaha, Neb. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Ser- vice, August 30, 191 8. Served in 50th Balloon Company and 34th Balloon Company. Wallace Perrin Clyce. Sherman B.S. in Arch. '17. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, Septem- ber 26, 191 7. Attended Ground School, Kelly Field, Texas. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Service, January 5, 19 18. Member of 650th Aero Squadron. Served overseas, March 29, 1918-May 6, 1919. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Air Ser- vice, May 28, 1919. Bartlett E. Coan. Strawn '14-15. Entered Infantry at Houston, April i, 1917- Attended 3d Officers' Training School, Camp Bowie, Texas; commissioned Second Lieutenant; promoted to First Lieutenant, October 28, 1 91 8. Formed Headquarters Company, 143d Infantry. Saw overseas service, July 18, 1918-June 6, 19^9'> participated in Champagne and Meuse-Argonne Offensives; wounded, October 30 Rice Records in War Service II, 1918, by high explosive shell; received Croix de Guerre. Discharged as First Lieutenant, 144th Infantry, July 8, 1919. *THOiMAS Lee Coates. Edna '16-17. Entered Service May 28, 1918, and trained at Camp Travis and Camp Bowie with Company C, 143d Infantry, 36th Division. Served overseas as Automatic Gunner from July until October 14, 19 18, when he was killed in action in the Argonne on the Aisne River. William Coleman Coates. JVaxahachie '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Herman M. Cohen. Houston '16-18. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, May 27, 191 8. Trained at Mare Island Navy Yard, Goat Island Naval Station, and San Diego Naval Station. Discharged as Yeoman, 1st Class, San Diego Naval Station, April 29, 191 9. Charles Norton Coleman. Corpus Chris ti '15-16. Entered Field Artillery Officers' Training School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, September 5, 191 8. Member of 15th Training Battery, 5th Battalion; commissioned Second Lieutenant and discharged on reserve, December 18, 19 18. Joseph Pickens Coleman. Little Rock, Arkansas B.S. '18. Entered Engineers, U.S.A., at Petersburg, Va., May I, 1918. Attended 4th Engineer Training Camp, Camp Lee, Virginia ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Engineers, U.S.A. ; promoted to First Lieutenant, October 14, 191 8. Served on staff of Director of Training, Camp Humphreys, Virginia. Discharged December 30, 191 8. Stewart Percy Coleman. Corpus Christi '16- . Entered Infantry S.A.T.C. at Fort Sheridan, 111., June 3, 191 8. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Served in i6ist Depot Brigade, Camp Grant, Illinois, and Offi- cers' Provisional Training Battalion, Infantry Replacement, Camp Grant. Discharged December 3, 1918. Thomas Marshall Colston, Jr. Kingsville '14—18. Entered Naval Aviation at Houston, January, 191 8. Trained at Hampton Roads, Va., and Rockaway, L. I. Com- missioned Ensign. Remains in the service. William Arthur Combs. Houston '16-17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, Houston, August 16, 191 7. Attached to Ambulance Company Rice Records in War Service 31 357, 90th Division, Camp Travis, Texas; transferred to Central Machine Gun Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock, Georgia; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, September i6, 191 8. Discharged December 13, 1918. James Lewis Corbett. Texas City "^16-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Bayard Clark Corley. San Antonio '15-16. Served in Air Service (Aeronautics), at the University of Texas Ground School and in Headquarters Detachment 3d Aviation Instruction Centre, Issoudon (Indre), France. Overseas service, November i, 1917-February 9, 19 19. Discharged March 6, 1919. George Becker Cornick. San Angelo '13-14. Trained in Naval Section, Medical S.A.T.C, Galveston, October lO-December 10, 1918. Frederick Fletcher Corrigan. Oraihi, Arizona '17-18. Entered Marine Corps at Houston, April 2, 191 8. Dis- charged as Private, U. S. Marines, March 21, 191 9. George Wesley Cottingham. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Armand Vinicius Cox. Dallas '16-17. Entered Hospital Corps, U. S. Navy, July 5, 1917- Served at Goat Island, San Francisco, Cal. Transferred to New Brunswick, N. J., as Inspector in Air Service. Discharged Decem- ber, 191 8. John Jeff Cox. Madill, Oklahoma '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Cheatham Cralle. Groesbeck '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Walter Montgomery Crofton. Houston '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Lacy Cruse. Cleveland '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Emmett Cummings. Houston B.A. '16. Entered First Officers' Training Camp at Leon Springs, June, 191 7. Commissioned Second Lieutenant; promoted to First Lieutenant. Served in Headquarters Company of 35th Regiment; transferred to 15th Infantry. Remains in the service. 32 Rice Records in War Service Kenneth Wallace Cunningham. Beaumont B.A. '19. Entered Infantry at Houston, May 21, 1917. Attended Third Officers' Training Camp, Camp Travis, Texas; commis- sioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, June 5, 1918; promoted to First Lieutenant, September 22, 1918. Served in Company F, 19th Infantry; Companies 49, 60, 19, 165th Depot Brigade; Company B, 3d Infantry Replacement Regiment, Camp Gordon, Georgia. Attended Small Arms Firing School for one month at Camp Perry, Ohio; returned, August 17, 1918, to Camp Gordon as instructor on rifle range. Discharged December 2, 1918. Walter Bart Cunningham. Beaumont '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. George Grady Cunyus. Longview '16— . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. James Warren Dain. Smithville '16-17; '19- . Entered Naval Reserve Flying Corps at Houston, August 12, 19 1 8. Trained at Seattle, Wash. Discharged as Chief Quartermaster, December 12, 19 19. Caesar Andrew Damiani. Cuero '17-18; '19- . Entered Artillery at Houston, October 14, 1918. Attended Fort Monroe Coast Artillery School; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant, Coast Artillery, Officers' Reserve Corps, inactive list. Discharged February 6, 19 19. Van Morris Daniel. Nona '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Maurice Nathan Dannenbaum. Houston '15-18. Entered Naval Reserve at Houston, May 21, 1918. In training on Receiving Ship, Algiers, La., and at Training Station, West End, New Orleans. Discharged as Seaman, 2d Class, De- cember 12, 191 8. Alfred Neal Dargan. Houston '17- . Entered Infantry at Waco, September, 191 8. Attended Central Officers' Training Camp, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Dis- charged December 11, 19 18. Clarence Ransome Darling. Houston '15-17. Entered Infantry at Camp Travis, San Antonio, July 23, 1918. Attended Signal Officers' Training School, Camp Meade, Maryland. Discharged November 23, 1918. Rice Records in War Service 33 Guy Darrell Daughtrey. Waco '13-14. Entered Machine Gun Company, 2d Texas National Guard, at Waco, April i, 191 7. Attended Central Machine Gun Oflficers' Training Camp, Camp Hancock, Georgia; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, September 15, 191 8. Served in Ma- chine Gun Company, 141st Infantry, 36th Division, Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Infantry, unassigned, June 4, 19 19. Glen Irving Davis. Greenville '15-18. Entered Navy at Houston, May 30, 191 8. In training on Receiving Ship, Algiers, La. Discharged as Seaman, 2d Class, December 12, 1918. Simeon Edison Davis. Houston '16— . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Hugh Loyd Davison. Hubbard '16-18. Entered Quartermaster Corps at Waco, February 21, 19 1 8. Promoted during service from Private to Quartermaster Sergeant, Senior Grade, in charge of equipage and miscellaneous branch. Camp Supply Office, Camp MacArthur, Waco, Dis- charged April 17, 19 19. Harry Edward Dawson. Floydada '15-17. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, May 8, 1917. Com- missioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, at First Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs; promoted to First Lieutenant, July 4, 1918. Served in Company K, ist Colorado Infantry (157th), 40th Di- vision ; and Machine Gun Company, A Company, F Company, and H Company, 143d Infantry, 36th Division. Served overseas with F and H Companies, July 18, 1918-May 21, 1919; with Quarter- master, Camp Pontanezen, until August 26, 191 9. Participated in Argonne Offensive, October 9-23, 191 8. Received Citation for Croix de Guerre, October 12. Discharged as First Lieutenant, Infantry, Casual, September 11, 19 19. Manfred Moncrief DeAhna. San Antonio '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Jacob Valentine Dealy, Jr. Houston '15-16. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 10, 191 7. Served with Ambulance Company 36 and Ambulance Company 357, 315th Sanitary Trains, 90th Di- vision, in France and Germany. Participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Cited, G. O. 53, by Commanding Of- ficer, 90th Division. Discharged as Private, ist Class, June 16, 19 19. 34 Rice Records in War Service Edward Anthony Delahoussaye, Jr. Franklin, Louisiana ^17-18. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Nevr Orleans, April 15, 191 8. Attended West End Training Camp, New Orleans. Served as Seaman on four trips to France and one to England. Dis- charged May 15, 1 9 19. Emil H. DellaValle. Bridgeport, Connecticut '14-17; '19- . Entered Engineers at San Antonio, November 3, 191 7. Served in 509th Engineers. Attended Engineer Candidates' School at Langres, France ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, April 5, 1919. Served overseas, February 19, 1918-June 16, 1919. Dis- charged as Second Lieutenant, Engineers, Casual, June 19, 1919. John Henry Hutchings Dennis, Jr. Wharton 'ly-ig. Rice S.A.T.C. ; transferred to Central Infantry Officers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged Decem- ber 3, 1918. Davis McCall Denny. Crockett '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Edwin William DePrato. Texarkana '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Harold Derthick. Bonney '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Hardaway Hunt Dinwiddie. San Antonio '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Alfred Dipple. Rockdale '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Clarence Porter Dodge, Jr. Houston '12-13. Entered Naval Reserve Force at New Orleans, La., June 16, 1917, as Seaman, ist Class. Commissioned Ensign, April i, 1 918. Discharged January 8, 191 9. Dempsey Kemp Dodge. Houston '13-15. Entered Navy at Houston, December 12, 191 7. At- tended Officers' Material School, Pelham Bay Park, N. Y., com- missioned Ensign (D). Served at Naval Training Station, New- port; Base Hospital, Newport; Naval Auxiliary Reserve, South and Whitehall Streets, New York City. Discharged May 26, 1919. Harris Taylor Dodge. Houston B.A. '19. Entered Naval Aviation at Boston, June 4, 1918. At- Rice Records in War Service 3^ tended Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Flying Schools at Key West and Pensacola, Fla. Commissioned Ensign in Naval Aviation at Pensacola, December 12, 19 18. Dis- charged February 6, 19 19. Joe Stuart Doherty. Houston '16-17. Entered Army at Houston, June 5, 1917. Served in I32d Field Artillery. Discharged after six months because of phj^sical disability. Reenlisted June 5, 19 18, in Navy; trained at Algiers, La. ; promoted to Machinist's Mate, 2d Class. Discharged December 17, 191 8. Parnot Donigan. Corpus Chris ti '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Julian Austin Dormant. Houston '15-18. Entered Navy at Houston, May 22, 191 8. Released from active duty as Seaman, 2d Class, December 12, 191 8. i Joel Walter Dougherty. Anson '13-14. Entered School of Auto Mechanics, Camp Mabry, Austin, June 26, 19 1 8. Served in 25th Motorized Machine Gun Bat- talion, Company B, 9th Division, stationed at Camp Sheridan, Ala. Discharged as Private, Company 35, 9th Battalion, 165th Depot Brigade, March 29, 1919. Venton Levy Doughtie. Huf smith '16—18. Entered Naval Reserve as Engineer, at Houston, May 12, 191 8. Served at Naval Training Station, New Orleans. Dis- charged as Seaman, 2d Class, December 12, 191 8. Walter Emory Douthit. Rockdale '16-18. Entered Navy at Houston, June 4, 191 8. Attended Hos- pital Training School, Great Lakes Naval Training Station ; served at Naval Hospital, Paris Island, S. C. ; Receiving Ship, New Or- leans. Discharged February 11, 1919. Harry Dow. Houston '17—18. Served in Infantry, S.A.T.C, Austin, September— Decem- ber II, 1918. Cleo Lafoy Dowell. Port Arthur '16- . Entered Naval Aviation at Houston, April 27, 191 8. At- tended Ground School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Flying School, Miami, Fla. Ranked Chief Quartermaster (A), U.S. Naval Reserve, at time of enlistment; discharged with same rank, January 7, 1919. 36 Rice Records in War Service Paul Wright Drummett. Houston '16-17. Entered S.A.T.C. at Bryan, October 11, 19 18. Dis- charged December 20, 191 8. John George Drummond. Brinkley, Arkansas '15-17; '19— . Entered Infantry at Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs, March 8, 191 7. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, August 15, 191 7; promoted to First Lieutenant, December 31, 1917; to Captain, April 28, 1919. Served overseas wath the 360th Infantry, 90th Division, June 14, 1918-May 15, 1919; with the 4th Infantry, May 17— August 22, 1919. Participated in engage- ments on Villars-en-Haj^e Sector, August 22-September 12, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 12—17; Puvenelle Sector, September L7-OC- tober 10; Meuse-Argonne, October 21-November 11. Discharged October, 1919. Charles Hastrich Duffy. Houston '17-19. Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., July 17, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, September 17. Discharged December 14, 19 18. Alston Hardy Duggan. San Antonio B.A. '18. Entered Naval Reserve at Houston, April 19, 191 8. Trained at Naval Training Station, New Orleans; Naval Oper- ating Base, Hampton Roads, Va. Promoted to Seaman, 2d Class, August 30; Seaman-Signalman, ist Class, October 15; Quarter- master, 3d Class, August I, 1919. On coast duty aboard U.S.S. Mississippij from Virginia to Rockland, Me., September i, 191 8- January 17, 1919; transport duty aboard U.S.S. Leviathan^ mak- ing nine round trips from New York to Brest, January 17-Septem- ber 20, 1919. Discharged September 20, 1919. Earnest Russell Duggan. Belton '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Bernard Price Dunlap. Dallas '16-18. Entered Field Artillery at Fort Sheridan, 111., July, 1918. In training at Fort Sheridan and Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, September 16, 1 91 8. Discharged December 14, 191 8. William Lipscomb DuPre. Victoria '14-15. Entered Ordnance Department at Camp Travis, San Antonio, April i, 191 8. Served in 115th Ordnance Depot, Camp Travis. Promoted to Sergeant, ist Class, May 2. Discharged April 28, 1919. Rice Records in War Service 37 Daniel Fleming Button. Houston '15-18; '19- . Entered Naval Aviation at Houston, May 26, 1918. Attended Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; preliminary flight training at Naval Air Station, San Diego, Cal. ; training completed at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. ; commissioned as Ensign, U.S.N. Discharged February 28, 1919. James Richard Button. Houston '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Edwin Hawley Byer. Houston '18— . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Fred Mills Byke. Gilmer '14-16. Entered Air Service at Dallas, August 3, 1917. Served in 90th Aero Squadron, 4th Corps, Air Service, as Aerial Gunner. Promoted to Sergeant, October 18, 19 18. Served overseas, Oc- tober 27, 1917-July 8, 19 1 9. Participated in Montdidier-Noyon (defense), June 9-13, 1918; Champagne-Marne, July 15—18; Aisne-Marne, July i8-August 6; Somme (offensive), August 8- September 12; St. Mihiel, September 12-16; Meuse-Argonne, Sep- tember 26-October 19. Discharged July 26, 19 19. William Rawlings Easterling. Beaumont '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Charles Grandison Easterwood. Heame '15-17. Entered Marine Corps at Kansas City, Mo., July 5, 1918. Trained at Paris Island, S. C. Served overseas in 13th Regiment, Machine Gun Company, 5th Brigade, U. S. Marines. Battalion cited for duty at Brest caring for sick soldiers taken from ships. Discharged as Private, Marines, August 13, 19 19. Thomas Benton Eaton. New York City '16-17. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, April 15, 191 8. Attended Officers' Material School, New Orleans, Chicago, and Pelham Bay, N. Y. Commissioned Ensign (D), December 28, 191 8. Served on board U.S.S. Pasadena as Watch Officer. Dis- charged July 5, 1919. Charles Louis Edwards. Houston '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Herol Ward Egan. Mulvane, Kansas '14—16. Served overseas as commissioned Pilot in Royal Flying Corps, England. 38 Rice Records in War Service G. W. NoRDHOLTZ Eggers. Galvestofi B.A. '17. Entered Field Artillery at Galveston, May 8, 191 7. Attended First Training Camp at Leon Springs; commissioned Second Lieutenant; promoted to First Lieutenant, January i, 191 8. Served overseas with the 344th Field Artillery, 90th Division, June 30, 1918-January 23, 1919. Discharged April 4, 1919. Louis Ehrenfeld. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Otto Hugo Eisenlohr. Dallas '15-18; '19- . Entered Field Artillery (Light) at Louisville, Ky., August 23, 1918. Attended Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School. Discharged as candidate, ist Training Battery, November 27, 19 18. John Clark Elder. Houston '16-17; '19- • Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, June I, 1 91 8. In training at Gulf Port, Miss., and Naval Section, S.A.T.C, Austin. Discharged as Seaman, 2d Class, December 19, 1918. Athna Bryan Ellis. Palestine '16- . Entered Navy, April 12, 19 18. Trained at San Diego, Cal., and Naval Radio School, Cambridge, Mass. Served on S.S. Lake Monroe for two months. Discharged at New Orleans, La., March 4, 1919. James Varner Ellis. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Elisha Davant Embree. Belton '16-18; '19- . Entered Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps, November, 191 7. In training at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin ; Camp Dick, Dallas ; Scott Field, Belleville, 111. ; Payne Field, West Point, Miss. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Re- serve Military Aviator, Air Service, Signal Reserve Corps. Dis- charged January 17, 1919. Louis Emden. Houston '15-17. Entered Infantry at Houston, July 17, 191 7. Attended Fourth Training Camp, Camp Pike, Arkansas; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant, August 26, 1918. Attached to Company F, 5th Texas Infantry; Company H and Headquarters Company, 143d Infantry, 36th Division. Discharged September 20, 19 19. Sam Emden. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Rice Records in War Service 39 John Bennett Entrikin. Edna '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Arthur Roy Epperson. Cameron '16-17. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, April 2i, 191 7- Trained at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; Wilbur Wright Aviation Field, Dayton, Ohio; Ellington Field, Houston; Gerstner Field, Lake Charles, La.; Rockwell Field, San Diego, Cal. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Service (Aeronautics), January, 191 8. Instructor in Flying, Aerial Gunnery Section, from April, 19 18, Ream Field, Oneonta, Cal. One of the first mail pilots. New York to Washington. Discharged September i, 1919. Roy Pardo Etchison. Waco '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Alva DeWitte Evans. San Antonio '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Edward Evans. Texarkana '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Sylvester Harvey Ewell. Houston '16-17. Served in School for Automobile Mechanics, Camp Mabry, Austin, June 8-December 2, 191 8. Louis Lee Farr, Jr. San Angelo '12-14. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, May 14, I9i7- Com- missioned First Lieutenant, Infantry Reserve Corps, August 15, 191 7. Served overseas in 343d Machine Gun Battalion, 90th Di- vision, June 20, 1918-June 6, 19 1 9. Participated in St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16; offensive demonstration, September 26; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-November 11. Dis- charged June 22, 1 9 19. Irl Irvin Faver. Sweetwater '14-15. Entered Engineers at Sweetwater, July 11, 1917- Trained at Camp Bowie. Served overseas as Sergeant in Com- pany C, I nth Engineers, 36th Division, July 18, 1918-May 3, 19 1 9. Participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Discharged May 18, I9i9- Francis Tarrant Fendley. Galveston B.A. '17. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, August 23, 1918. Commissioned First Lieutenant at Second Leon Springs Officers' Training Camp. Served overseas in Company I, 64th Infantry, 7th Division, August-December, 1918. Discharged as First 40 Rice Records in War Service Lieutenant, 64th Infantry (unattached in hospital), January 25, 1919. RUDOLFO HULEN FERNANDEZ. Houston B.A. '17. Entered National Guard at Houston, March, 1917. Served in 72d Infantry Brigade, Headquarters Detachment, 36th Division (made up of National Guard of Texas and Oklahoma) ; trained at Camp Bowie, Texas. Promoted from Private to Ser- geant of Liaison. Served overseas, July, 1917— May, 1919. Par- ticipated in Meuse-Argonne and Champagne operations, October 4-29, 1918. Discharged as Sergeant with 445th Casual Company, May 7, 1919. Robert Wilson Finlay. Carlsbad, New Mexico '13-14. Entered Infantry at Carlsbad, May 9, 1916. Served in 1st New Mexico Infantry, 143d, 144th, and 9th Machine Gun Battalions; Machine Gun Section, 2d Corps School; and G-5, General Headquarters, A.E.F. Promoted to Second Lieutenant, October 13, 19 17. Served overseas, August 5, 1918-July 13, 191 9. Discharged July 21, 1919. Harvey E. Fisher. Dallas '13-15; '17-18. Entered Infantry at Dallas, May 29, 1918, Pro- moted to Corporal in Company E, 3d U. S. Infantry (Regular Army), Discharged July 7, 1919. Edward Oliphant Fitch. San Antonio '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Sheldon King Fitze. Fairbanks '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Porter Forrest. Mexia B.A. '17. Entered First Officers' Training Camp at Leon Springs, May 13, 1917; discharged on account of sickness, June 8, 1917. Reenlisted in Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 6, 191 7. Attached to Ambulance Company 357, 315 Trains, 90th Division; transferred to aviation, December 15, 191 7. Attended Ground School at Berkeley, Cal. ; received flying training at Kelly Field, San Antonio ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Service (Aeronautics), September 4, 1918. Dis- charged January 4, 1919. Floyd Festus Fouts. Dayton '14-17. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, November 26, 191 7. Trained at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; Camp Dick, Dallas; Park Field, Tenn. Discharged as Flying Cadet, Novem- ber 27, 1918. Rice Records in War Service 41 Henry Fouts. Gonzales '14-15. Entered Engineers at El Paso, April i8, 1918. Served in Company F, 66th Engineers; 76th, 128th, and 85th Companies, Motor Transport Corps. Overseas service, June 30, 1918-July 17, 1919. Discharged August 2, 1919. Martin Fouts. Gonzales '13-15. Entered Infantry, July 18, 1918. Discharged from Headquarters Training Detachment, University of Texas, August 8, 19 1 8, on account of physical disability. Marvin R. Fowler. Mansfield '13-14. Entered Infantry, September 19, 191 7. Promoted to Sergeant in Quartermaster Repair Shops, No. 301, First Division, A.E.F. ; overseas since February i, 1918. Fred William Fraley. Houston '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Irvin Pope Frazier. Tyler '15-16. Entered Coast Artillery at Washington, D. C, August i, 1918. Entered Enlisted Specialists' Branch, Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. ; assigned as Instructor. Received warrant as Master Gunner, Coast Artillery Corps, November i, 191 8. Dis- charged December 13, 1918. Kenneth Keith Frazier. Madill, Oklahoma '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Jesse Earl Freeman. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Herman Friedman. Texarkana '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Smalley Kenneth Frost. Houston '15-17. Served at Camp Mabry, Austin, in S.A.T.C, August 28- December 6, 191 8. SiGMUND Frucht. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Julian Elliott Fruit. Richmond '16- . Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111,, July 18, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Instructor, S.A.T.C, University of Missouri. Discharged December 24, 19 18. James Norris Fuller. Houston '17-18. Entered Engineers at Houston, June 6, 1918. Served in 4th Engineering Training Regiment, Camp A, A. Humphreys, Vir- 42 Rice Records in War Service ginia; Ii6th Engineers, 41st Division; 302d Engineers, 77th Di- vision. Promoted to Corporal in ii6th Engineers, November 8, 1 91 8. Overseas, August 26, 1918-May 2, 1919. Discharged May 22, 1919. Meyer Furman. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. George Conklin Gaines, Jr. Jasper '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. James Boyce Gaines. Beaumont '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. LoY Lee Gamble. Olive, New Mexico '16—18. Served in Infantry S.A.T.C, University of New Mexico, October 29-December 28, 191 8. Charles Garbrecht. San Antonio '16- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Allen Darnaby Garrison. Forth Worth B.A. '18; '18— . Served as gas chemist, American University Experiment Station, June-September, 1918; Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Stuart Gaston. Houston '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Kurtz Edward Gaugler. Houston '16-17. Entered Air Service, Ellington Field, October 3, 1918. Member of 194th and 189th Aero Squadrons; Section C, Flying School Detachment; appointed Sergeant Major, 190th Aero Squad- ron, February i, 1919. Discharged June 12, 19 19. Worthy Holland Gee. Troup '16-17. Served as commissioned officer in Infantry. Arthur Geisecke. Ballinger '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Abram Lewis Geller. Houston '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Edwin Philip Gemmer. Houston '16-19. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), at San Antonio, January 4, 191 8. Received training at School of Military Aero- nautics, Austin; Concentration Camp, Camp Dick, Dallas; Kelly Field, San Antonio. Discharged as Private, ist Class, Detachment of Flying Cadets, Kelly Field, December i, 191 8. Rice Records in War Service 43 Alexander George. San Antonio '15-17. Entered Infantry at San Antonio, May, 19 17. Member of 19th Infantry and 57th Infantry. Attended 7th Division Of- ficers' Training School ; left camp to enter West Point as Cadet. Frank Leake Gerlach. Livingston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Joseph Arthur Gerson. Houston 'i8- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Joe Carlos Giammalva. Houston '15-17. Entered Infantry at Houston, April 28, 1918. Served overseas, June 14, 1918-June 7, 191 9, with French Mortar Bat- tery, Headquarters Company, 360th Infantry, 90th Division; spent 78 days in trenches, 6 months in Army of Occupation. Participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives ; Villers-en-Haye, Puvenelle. Discharged June 21, 19 19, as Private, ist Class. Harold Giddings. Brenham '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. William DeVois Giles. DeRidder, Louisiana '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Joseph Leviness Gillman, Jr. Corpus Christi '17- . Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., July 18, 1918. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, 38th Training Battery, Field Artillery Central Officers' Training Camp, Louisville, Ky., De- cember 12, 1918. Thomas Davis Gish. San Antonio '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Raymond B. Gist. Clarksburg, Missouri '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. James Warren Godwin. Houston '14-16. Entered Medical Corps as Pharmacist, at Camp Travis, San Antonio, June 26, 191 8. On detached service at Camp In- firmaries of Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged as Private, Medical Corps, December 7, 1918. Eli Goldberg. Houston '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Louis Goldberg. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Howell Montgomery Gomillion. Fort Worth '16— I J. Served in S.A.T.C, Austin, September-December 6, 1918. 44 Rice Records in War Service Harry Gordon. Houston '15-18. Entered Medical Corps at Fort Sam Houston, January 5, 19 1 8. Attended Camp Harry J. Jones, Douglas, Ariz. Served in 15th Cavalry, ist Division; 155th Infantry, 39th Division; i62d Infantry, 41st Division. Overseas, March 13-July 12, 1918, and August 21, 1918-July 9, 19 19. Promoted to Sergeant, April, 19 1 9. Discharged July 22, 1919. Charles Walter Gray. Del Rio '16-17; '18-19. Entered Medical Section, Enlisted Reserve Corps, December 27, 1917, at Chicago. No active service. Re- ceived a certificate of honorable discharge in January, 19 19. David Fuqua Gray. Houma^ Louisiana '16-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Duncan Montgomery Gray. Cleveland, Mississippi '16-1 J. Served in S.A.T.C, Bryan, October i-December ii, 1918. Will Klapp Gray. San Angelo '14-16. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), October 22, 1918. Received training at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; Camp Dick, Dallas ; and Kelly Field, San Antonio. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator, May 12, 19 19. Remains in the service. Oscar Frederic Green. Houston B.A. '16. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August, 191 7. Member of Ambulance Company 357, 315 Sanitary Trains, 90th Division. Sailed from New York, June 28, 19 1 8. Participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. In Army of Occupation, December, 1918-May, 1919. Discharged June 17, 19 19. Sidney F. Green. Bastrop '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. William Berry Campbell Green. Bastrop '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Lee Hardy Gripon. Beaumont '15-17. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Leon Springs, May 8, 191 7. Attended training camps at Leon Springs; Fort Mon- roe, Va. ; Fort Scott, Cal. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, Coast Defenses of Puget Sound, August 13, 1919. Rice Records in War Service 45 MiNAR Grizzard. Mineral Wells '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Charles August Grun. Yorktown '16-17, Served in Infantry, June 27-December 7, 1918. David Gulley. Uvalde '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Harvey L. Gulley. Uvalde '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Jesse Heath Gwin. Galveston '14-16. Entered Navy at Galveston, April 6, 1917. Attended U.S. Naval Academy for 15 weeks' special course. Commissioned Ensign, U.S.N., September 3, 1918. On patrol and escort duty, French and Irish Coast, aboard U.S.S. Sterett, U.S.S. 'New York, and U.S.S. Ryndam. Overseas service for one year and four months and four months' transport duty. Crew received com- mendation from Admiral Sir Louis Bayly, Royal Navy. Dis- charged October 23, 1919. William Wilbern Hair, Jr. Temple '18- . Served as Private in Marine Corps, Quantico, Va. Spent one year in service. Discharged September, 19 19. Sidney Wilson Hall. San Antonio '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Walter William Hall. LaPorte '16-17, Entered Motor Transport Corps at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, July 24, 19 17. Received training at Fort Sam Houston and Camp Johnston, Florida. Appointed Sergeant, Sep- tember 15, 1918. Served in Motor Truck Company No. 35, U.S.A. Overseas service with 5th Division, Motor Supply Train, June 29-September 25, 1918; with 7th Army Corps Headquarters, September 25, 1918-July 4, 1919; Army of Occupation. Partici- pated in St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 19 18. Dis- charged July 15, 191 9. Ed William Hallonquist, Houston *i8-i9. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. *Travis Lee Haltom. San Antonio '15-17. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics )at Fort Sam Houston, April 22, 191 7, Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Austin, and Air Service Flying School, Kelly Field, San Antonio; com- missioned Second Lieutenant, Air Service, Signal Reserve Corps, 46 Rice Records in War Service Reserve Military Aviator, March 20, 191 8. Killed in airplane collision at Gerstner Field, Lake Charles, La., June 7, 1918. Bryan Cayce Hanks. Gatesville '15-16. Entered Motor Transport Corps at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, December 13, 191 7. Served in Company F, First Division Motor Supply Train; Company F, ist Army Supply Train. Promoted to Sergeant, ist Class, September 20, 19 18. Overseas service, March 22, 1918-March 19, 1919, in supply train transporting supplies and ammunition on all fronts and over a large part of France. Attended ist Army Officers' Train- ing School at LaVal Bonne, France; commission withheld on ac- count of armistice. Discharged September 10, 1919. James Scott Hanna. Tampa, Florida '16-17. Entered Naval Reserve Force at New York, N. Y., Sep- tember 17, 191 7. Received training at Naval Reserve Training Station, Pelham Bay Park, New York; commissioned Ensign, Japuary 29, 191 8. Served on Transport U.S.S. Mt. Vernon, Feb- ruary 15-May 14, 1918; and on U.S.S. Antigone, May 14-De- cember 15, 1918. Discharged as Ensign, attached to Office of Supervisor, New York, December 15, 191 8. Lynwood Bascom Hardin. Bartlett '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Hardin. Uvalde '16-17. Entered Motor Transport Corps at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, June 2, 191 8. Attached to Repair Unit, No. 304. Promoted to Sergeant, ist Class, September 21, 19 18. Discharged May 5, 1919. Fred D. Hargis. Dallas '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Charlie Chilton Harlan. Temple '17-18. Served in S.A.T.C, Waxahachie, October 3-December 10, 1918. John Holland Harp. Mount Pleasant '14—17. Entered Engineers at Camp Travis, September 20, 191 7. Member of Company C, 315th Engineers. Transferred to Air Service, February 14, 191 8; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator, Air Service (Aeronautics). Discharged December 14, 191 8. Charles Clark Harpham. Brownwood '17-18. Entered Navy at Houston, August 11, igi8. Received Rice Records in War Service 47 training at Mare Island, Cal. Discharged as Seaman, 2d Class, December 24, 191 8. Fletcher Wooten Harris. Thomasville, Georgia B.A. '17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 6, 191 7. Attached to Ambulance Company 357) 90th Division, Attended Fourth Officers' Training School, Fort Sill School of Fire ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, Discharged December 14, 19 18. GvviN Chandler Harris, Lubbock '14-18. Entered Naval Aviation at Houston, December 14, 191 7. Served in Naval Auxiliary Reserve, Pelham Bay Park, New York; commissioned Ensign (D), March i, 19 19. Attached to Headquarters, Seaplane Flying School, Pensacola, Fla. Re- leased from active service, May 12, 1919. Louis Folwell Hart, Houston '14-16, Entered Medical Department, U.S.A., at Dallas, De- cember 14, 191 7, Promoted to Private, ist Class, April 11, 1918. Served in Field Hospital No. 24 ; Camp Hospital, Douglas, Ariz. ; Camp Hospital, Nogales, Ariz., as X-ray operator. Discharged July 10, 1919. James Joseph Hayes. Brownwood '15-17. Entered Infantry at Brownwood, July 7, 191 7. At- tended Fourth Officers' Training School, Camp Pike, Arkansas; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Served in Company E, 6th Texas Infantry; Company H, 144th Infantry, 36th Di- vision; Company B, ist Development Battalion, Camp Bowie. Discharged December 10, 191 8. Harry J, Heaney, Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Reginald Holvvorthy Heath. Corpus Christi '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Edmond Haile Hebert. Timpson '16- . Rice S.A.T.C; transferred to Officers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged before commissioned, De- cember 20, 19 1 8. Paul Kenneth Hedges, Houston '16-17. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, May 7, 1918, Served in West End Training Camp, New Orleans; Naval Air Station, Panama. Discharged as Quartermaster, 2d Class (A), July 16, 1919. 48 Rice Records in War Service William Edward Heineman. Middletown, New York '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Theodore Charles Heisig. Houston B.A. '19. Trained in Automobile Mechanics' Department, Camp Mabry, Austin, September 6-December 8, 1918. SvEN Paul Helland. San Antonio '16-18. Entered Navy at Houston, March i, 19 18. Received training at Naval Training Camp, Balboa Park, San Diego, Cal. ; Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va. On duty aboard U.S.S. Missouri transporting troops from February i8-July 26, 19 19. Discharged as Seaman, 2d Class, September 9, 1919. Homer Eugene Henderson. Sulphur Springs '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Edward Bertrand Henley, Jr. Brownwood '17-18. Entered Marine Corps at Houston, November 2, 191 8. Received training at Paris Island, S. C. Detailed for guard duty at Naval Ammunition Depot, Dover, N. J. Discharged as Pri- vate, May 28, 1919. Jake Henry, Jr. Denison '17-18; '19- . Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan Training Camp, Illinois, July 18, 19 18. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, September 16, 19 18. Detailed as Instructor, S.A.T.C, University of Texas. Discharged December 21, 191 8. William Heusinger. San Antonio '17-18. Entered Naval Aviation at Seattle, Wash., July, 191 8. Attended 9th Flight Ground School, Discharged as cadet officer. Naval Aviation, January 8, 19 19. Arthur Clyde Hewett. Temple '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Milton Scott Heywood. Mount Vernon '16- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Thomas Owen Heywood. Mount Vernon '15-18; '19- . Entered Infantry at Mount Vernon, April 26, 191 8. Served in Company C, 345th Machine Gun Battalion; promoted to Private, 1st Class, June 1, 19 18. Served overseas, June 13, 1918-June 6, 1919. Participated in St. Mihiel Offen- sive, September 12-16; Meuse-Argonne OliEensive, October 22- November 1 1 ; Villers-en-Haye Sector, August 24-September 1 1 ; Puvenelle Sector, September 17-October 10; Puvenelle Sector (Preliminary Offensive) September 26. Discharged June 23, 1919. Rice Records in War Service 49 John Lorimer Higginson, Jr. Denison '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. David Sneed Hill. Waco '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Lawrence Leslie Hill. Houston '15—17. Entered Chemical Warfare Service at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, December 12, 191 7. Served in Company C, ist Gas Regiment; overseas, March lO-December 9, 1918. Participated in St. Mihiel, Argonne, and minor engagements. Wounded Oc- tober 2, in Argonne Forest. Discharged as Private, Company O, 1 2th Battalion, Replacement Training Centre, January 31, 1919. Maxwell Teddy Hill. Temple '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Freeman Hillyer. Palacios '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. *JoHN Henderson Hines. Uvalde '16-17. Entered Infantry at San Antonio, September 17, 19 17. Served in i8oth Aero Squadron, 60th Infantry; 11 2th Field Ar- tillery, 29th Division. Died en route overseas, July 8, 191 8. Burt Eardly Hinkley, Jr. Brownsville '16-18; '19- . Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), at San Antonio, November 27, 191 7. Received training at Ground School, Austin; Kelly Field, San Antonio; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Service (Aeronautics), Reserve Military Aviator. Served in the Flying Departments of Kelly, Brooks, and Hazel- hurst Fields; Instructor at Brooks Field Instructors' School; In- structor, Flying Department, Kelly Field. Discharged August 5, 1919. Leon Merritt Hinkley. Brownsville '17-18; '19- . Entered Infantry at Houston, October 14, 1918. Attended Central Infantry Officers' Training School, Camp Mac- Arthur, Waco. Discharged December 10, 191 8. Dan Littleton Hodges. Austin '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Leland Allen Hodges. Georgetown B.A. '19- . Entered Infantry at San Antonio, March 29, 19 18. Attached to Infantry Replacement Regiment, 6th Company, Camp Gordon ; transferred to 40th Engineers, Camouflage Section. Pro- 50 Rice Records in War Service moted from Private to ist Sergeant in Infantry; Sergeant in Engineers. Served overseas, August 3, 1918-January 9, 19 19; participated in steady fighting in Belford Sector in Alsace for 13 days, in Lorraine Sector around Metz, October 31 -November 14, 19 1 8. Discharged February 20, 19 19. Louis Lawrence Berthier Hofer. Victoria '17-18. Entered Medical Corps at Victoria, June i, 191 8. Served in Medical Detachment, 55th Field Artillery. Promoted to Private, ist Class, July 27, 1918. Discharged February 9, 1919. Cyril Lander Hogan. Houston '15-16. Entered Medical Corps at Houston, July, 191 7. At- tached to Ambulance Company 357, 90th Division. Transferred to Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Au- gust 31, 1918. Served in 3d Regiment, Field Artillery, Replace- ment Depot, 46th Class, School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla. Dis- charged December 14, 191 8. Herbert Charles Hohlt. Brenham '13-14. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, August 24, 191 7. Commissioned Second Lieutenant ; promoted to First Lieutenant, October 10, 1918. Served in 57th Squadron, Camp MacArthur, Waco, December 30, 1917-May 24, 1918; 3d Regiment Replace- ment Troops, Camp Pike, Arkansas, May 24-August 20, 19 18; 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, August 20-December 15. Discharged December 15, 191 8. Robert Randolph Holloway. Comanche '16-17. Served in S.A.T.C. (Collegiate Section), Austin, Octo- ber 6-December 9, 19 18. William Napoleon Hooks. Beaumont '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Jerome Harold Horwits. Palestine '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Alexander Clyde Houck. Houston '14-17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 3, 1917. Served in Ambulance Company 357, 90th Division ; Ambulance Company 29, 5th Division ; transferred as Private to Infantry Detachment, 5th Division, Headquarters. Overseas, June 4, 1918-July 26, 19 19. Engagements participated in: Frapelle, August 16-23, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 12-16; Rice Records in War Service 51 Meuse-Argonne, October 8-November ii. Discharged August 6, 1919. Herbert Charles Howe. Pueblo, Colorado '17-18. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, December 29, 191 7. Served overseas in Ambulance Company 5, 3d Sanitary Trains, 3d Division. Participated in the Aisne Offensive, Champagne-Marne and Aisne-Marne De- fensives; on the Chateau-Thierry Sector until captured, July 22, 19 1 8. Discharged as Private, Ambulance Company 5, September 10, 1919. James Hearne Hughes. Sherman '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Thomas Walter Hughston. Texarkana, Arkansas '17-18. Entered Infantry at Texarkana, August 14, 1918. Served in 39th Casual Company, and Company A, 22d Battalion, i62d Depot Brigade; Company I, 2d Training Regiment at Camp Pike, Arkansas. Promoted to ist Sergeant, September 10, 19 18. Discharged December 24, 19 18. Simeon Hardin Hulsey. Ladonla '17-18. Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, III, July 15, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant at Fort Sheridan S.A.T.C, September 16, 1918. Served as Instructor, S.A.T.C, Univer- sity of Texas. Discharged December 14, 1918. Lawrence Wilfred Humason. Houston '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Jason Humber. Bay City '16-17; '19- . Entered Infantry at San Antonio, September 20, 191 7. Private in Supply Company, 360th Infantry, 90th Di- vision; entered training camp (artillery) in May, 1918; trans- ferred to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, June, 1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Septem- ber 25. Completed training at School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, unassigned, January 17, 19 19. Russell McRae Hunter. Houston ^18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Leonard Bergerman Hurt. Houston "^iS-ig. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C 52 Rice Records in War Service Olan Robert Hyndman. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Lawrence Galloway Ilfrey. Houston '14-17. Entered Infantrj' at Houston, July 20, 191 7. Attached to Headquarters Company, 143d Infantrj^ 36th Division; trans- ferred to Fourth Officers' Training School; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, August 26, 191 8. Served with Company D, 3d Training and Replacement Regiment, i62d Depot Brigade; Company C, 308th Battalion, Tank Corps. Discharged January 4, 1919. WiLLARD Earl Imhoff. Port Arthur '13-16. Entered Aviation Section, Signal Corps, at San Antonio, December 7, 1917. Served in 176th Aero Pursuit Squadron. Promoted to Master Signal Electrician, July i, 191 8. Sailed overseas January 25, 191 8; in Scotland until September; in France until March, 1919. Discharged March 29, 1919. Richard Edward Irby. Beaumont '16-17. Entered Navy at Houston, September 8, 19 17. Received training at Great Lakes Naval Training Station ; Hampton Roads Naval Base; Navy Yard, Puget Sound, Wash.; and on board U. S. S. Western Hope and U. S. S. Nebraska. Promoted from Apprentice Seaman to Seaman 2d Class, to Coxswain, to Boat- swain's Mate, 2d Class. Was six months in Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, and four months on transport duty to Brest. Dis- charged September 16, 19 19. Thomas Hardy Jackson. Houston '16-17. Entered Aviation Section, Signal Corps, at Ellington Field, Houston, December 14, 191 7. Served as ist Sergeant in 252d Aero Squadron, Squadron D of Payne Field, Miss. Attended Fourth Central Infantry Officers' Training School at Camp Pike, Arkansas. Discharged December 5, 1918. Thomas Perry Jackson. Houston '17-18; '19- . Entered Marine Corps at Paris Island, S. C, July 6, 1 91 8. Attended Non-commissioned Officers' School, Paris Island; Third Officers' Training Camp, Quantico, Va. ; made Corporal and assigned as drill instructor, October 13, 1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Marines, June 16, 19 19. Dis- charged June 25, 19 1 9. William Foster Jackson. Phoenix^ Arizona '17-18. Entered Navy at Houston, May 17, 1918. Served as Rice Records in War Service 53 Instructor in Military Science and Tactics at Mare Island Train- ing Station, Cal. Discharged February 27, 19 19. William Ralph Jackson. Enloe '14-15; '16-17. Entered Army at Cooper, Texas, February 24, 1918. Served in Company 52, 165th Depot Brigade, until March 22, 1918; Company A, 5th Engineers, until April 13, 1918; Com- pany F, 30th Engineers (later known as the ist Gas Regiment), until discharged. Promoted to Corporal, December 11, 19 18. Served overseas, June 28, 1918-February 2, 19 19. Participated in St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16; and Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26— November 11. Discharged February 25, 1919. David Jacobs. Houston 'I'j- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Stewart Marquis Jamerson. Edna '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John Kendrick James. Houston '16-18. Entered Naval Flying Corps at Houston, May 27, 1918. Attended Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology; commissioned Ensign. Discharged as Flight Ensign, U.S. Naval Flying Corps, May 26, 19 19. Maxcine Joseph Japour. Port Arthur '17-18. Entered Collegiate Section of S.A.T.C. at Bryan, Oc- tober 31, 19 1 8. Transferred to Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Discharged December 21, 1918. John Archer Jarratt. Port Arthur 'iS-iy. Entered Navy at Houston, March 8, 1918. Served on U.S.S. Ohio. Discharged as Seaman, 2d Class, U.S. Navy, De- cember 12, 1918. A. J. Jarrell, Jr. Temple '17-18. Entered Coast Artillery at Austin, September 10, 1918. Attended Officers' Training Camp at Fort Monroe, Va. Dis- charged November 21, 1918. Barney Word Jar vis. Terrell '16-17. Entered Infantry Officers' Training Camp, Camp Mac- Arthur, Waco, October, 1918. Discharged immediately after the signing of the armistice. Dudley Crawford Jarvis. Terrell '16- . Entered Navy at Dallas, March 5, 1918. Attended Sub- 54 Rice Records in War Service marine Listeners' School, New London, Conn,; became ist Class Quartermaster (L), Served on U.S. Sub Chaser 71, 4th Naval District. Discharged December 20, 1918. Eddie Crawford Jeffery. Orth '13-14. Entered Navy, July 19, 19 18. Attended Great Lakes Naval Training Station and U.S. Naval Radio School, Cambridge, Mass. Discharged February 24, 191 9. Charles L. Joekel. Giddings '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Gaylord Johnson. Houston '13-17; '19- . Entered 5th Texas Infantry at Houston, July 12, 1917. Assigned to Medical Department, 143d Infantry, then to Sanitary Squad No. 56. Promoted to Serg|j|mt, Medical De- partment, April 10, 1919, by examination. Regular Army, at St. Nazaire, France. Overseas service, July 18, 1918-July 6, 19 19. Served with 36th Division, detached as chemist, for water analysis and bacteriology; superintendent St. Nazaire water works. Pres- ent as non-combatant at Toul-Metz Offensive ; analj^zed water for 59th Pioneer Infantry and 30th Division. Discharged as Sergeant, Sanitary Squad No. 56, July 22, 1919. Parkman Johnson. Houston '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Crystal Douglas Jones. Oletha '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Daniel Leroy Jones. Houston '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Herbert Sunnigson Jones. 'Houston '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. George Baldwin Journeay. Houston '12-15. Entered Field Artillery (Heavy) at Leon Springs, May 7, 191 7. Commissioned First Lieutenant at First Officers' Train- ing Camp, Leon Springs; promoted to Captain, Field Artillery, December 31, 1917. Served overseas, July 15, 1918-April 27, 1919, with 345th Field Artillery, 165th Brigade, 90th Division. Discharged April 30, 19 19. Jay Frank Jungman. Hondo '16- . Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., June 3, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, at S.A.T.C. Camp, Fort Sheridan. Served as Instructor, S.A.T.C, University of Missouri. Discharged December 30, 19 18. Rice Records in War Service ^^ Max Osias Juran. Houston ' 1 6-1 8. Entered Naval Reserve Corps, September 2, 1918. In training at Municipal Pier, Chicago, 111. Discharged, January 5, 1919. Ervin Frederick Kalb. Houston B.A. '16. Entered Coast Artillery at Galveston, August 2, 191 7. Attached to 5th Company, Texas National Guard, Galveston ; and 13th Company, Galveston Coast Artillery Corps. Attended Third Officers' Training Camp, Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Reserve Corps. Served over- seas, July 14, 1918-January 18, 1919, w^ith the 3d Battalion Trench Artillery, 3d Army. Discharged February 3, 1919. Nathan Karchmer. Denison '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. ThoMx'VS Mitchell Keiller. Galveston '14-17; '19- . Entered Engineers at Houston, May 7, 1917. Served overseas in Company F, 7th Engineers, 5th Division, March 6, 1918-July 28, 1919. Promoted to Sergeant, ist Class, October 14, 1918. Served on Anould Sector, July 10-14, 1918; St. Die Sector, July 23-August 24; St. Mihiel Offensive, Sep- tember 12-23; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 13-November II. Cited for work in Meuse-Argonne in 5th Division Orders. Discharged August 9, 1919. Alson Rankin Kennedy. Sabinal '17-18; '19- . Entered Marine Corps at San Antonio, July i, 1918. Served at Recruit Depot, Paris Island, S. C. ; League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; and Brooklyn Navy Yard, 60th Company, Brooklyn Barracks. Dis- charged as Private, ist Class, May 2, 1919. Irl Ferdinand Kennerly. Houston '13-14. Entered Infantry at Houston, October 8, 191 7. At- tended 90th Division Officers' Training Camp at Camp Travis, San Antonio; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Pro- moted to First Lieutenant, August 23, 19 18. Served in Machine Gun Company, 360th Infantry, 90th Division; 164th Depot Brigade, Camp Funston ; 806th Pioneer Infantry. Overseas ser- vice, September 8, 1918-July 18, 1919. Participated in Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Discharged July 25, 19 19. William Weber Kent. Beaumont '17-18. Entered Navy at Houston, June 17, 19 18. Received 56 Rice Records in War Service training at Naval Training Stations at San Francisco and San Diego, Cal. Discharged as Seaman, ist Class, February 21, 19 19. Wilfrid Lucien Kilburn. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. *JosEPH Evans Killough. Bonhai?i '14-18. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Galveston, December 21, 1 91 7. Attached to lOth Company, Galveston Coast Artillery. Attended Officers' Training Camp at Fort Monroe, Va. ; commis- sioned Second Lieutenant, June 26, 19 18; Artillery Engineer at Fort Crockett, Galveston, August, 1918; promoted to First Lieu- tenant, October 19, 19 18. Transferred to Columbia University for training in Radio Engineering; died of influenza-pneumonia, October 31, 19 18. Bradley Duke Kimbrough. Amarillo '12-14. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Galveston, May 27, 191 8. Attached to 2d Coast Artillery, Fort Crockett, Galveston. Attended Officers' Training Camp, Fort Monroe, Va. Discharged before completion of training, November 20, 1918. Jefferson Paul King. Houston '16-17; '18- . Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 8, 191 7. Attached to Ambulance Company 357, 90th Division. Transferred to Medical Depart- ment, Regular Army, December 3, 191 7; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Sanitary Corps, U.S.A., September 20, 1918; assigned to U.S.A. General Hospital No. 15, Corpus Christi, Texas. Dis- charged January 3, 1 9 19. Leonidas McAdoo King. Houston '16-17. Entered Infantry at San Antonio, September 4, 1918. Attached to 31st Company, 8th Battalion, 165th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Central Infantry Officers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged before completion of training, December 9, 19 18. Lawrence Myrick Kingsland. Houston B.S. '19. Rice S.A.T.C; transferred to Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. Commissioned Second Lieutenant (Battery) Coast Artillery Reserve Corps, and discharged January 17, 1919. Reginald Augustus Kinnear. Beaumont '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John Frederick Klotz. Mexia '16- . Rice S.A.T.C; transferred to Coast Artillery Officers' Rice Records in War Service 57 Training School, Fort Monroe, Va. Discharged, December 7, 19 18, before completion of training. Carl M. Knapp. Houston B.S. '16. Entered Air Service at Ellington Field, Houston, April 8, 191 8. Member of 69th Aero Squadron. Transferred to En- gineers, July 13, 1918; attended Engineer Officers' Training School, Camp Humphreys, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, October 30, 19 18. Discharged January 16, 19 19. John Lewis Knapp. Houston '16- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John Anton Koch. Quanah '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Wallace Koehl. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Warren Alvin Kramer. Franklin, Louisiana '16-17; '18-19. Entered Marine Corps at Quantico, Va., Janu- ary 31, 19 1 8. Served in 9th Company, loth Regiment. Dis- charged as Private, January 20, 19 19. Rudolph Edward Krause. Lake Charles, Louisiana '16-17. Served in S.A.T.C. (Collegiate Section), New Orleans, October i-December 21, 191 8. Richard Kropp. Houston '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Lucius Mirabeau Lamar, IIL San Antonio '16— . Entered Quartermaster Corps at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, January 28, 19 18. Member of Detachment Quarter- master Corps, Kelly Field, San Antonio. Promoted to Corporal, November, 191 8. Discharged January 25, 19 19. Robert Bates Landram, Jr. Houston B.S. '19. Rice S.A.T.C; transferred to Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Coast Artil- lery Officers' Reserve Corps. Discharged January 17, 19 19. Gerald Culberson Lassetter. Comanche '16-17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Camp Travis, San Antonio, February 23, 19 18. Served overseas as Private in Ambulance Company 360, 315 Sanitary Trains, 90th Division, June 28, 1918-June 7, 1919. Participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Discharged June 20, 1919. 58 Rice Records in War Service William Henry Latham. Franklin, Louisiana '16-17. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), at San Antonio, February 5, 1918. Attended Ground School, Cornell University; Aerial Observers' School, Fort Monroe, Va. Discharged as Flying Cadet, November 23, 191 8. Ivan Clair Lawler. Dallas '17-18. Entered Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps, Waco, July 30, 1918. Transferred to S.A.T.C., Baylor Medical College, Dallas. Discharged December 22, 1918. Daniel Adkins Leake. Sabinal '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Thomas Atkinson Leake. Temple '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Woodson Lee. Houston '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Lester Foster LeFevre. Hillsboro '13-14. Entered Field Artillery at First Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs, May 10, 19 17. Commissioned Second Lieutenant in Quartermasters Corps; assigned to Camp Logan, September 10, • 1 91 7, in charge of clothing. Promoted to First Lieutenant, Quar- termaster Corps, February 20, 1918. Discharged as Commanding Officer, Fire Truck and Hose Company 330, Camp Logan, Feb- ruary 20, 19 19. Clay Hughey Lehman. Texarkana, Arkansas '18- • Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Jacques Lehman. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. John Haywood Leveridge. East Bernard '16-17. Entered Medical Corps at San Antonio, June 2, 19 17. Served in Base Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio; Sani- tary School, Hospital Train, Newport News, Va. Promoted to Sergeant, November 16, 1918. Discharged May 15, 19 19. Thomas Branan Leverton. Bryan '17-18; '19- . Entered Fort Sheridan R.O.T.C, June 3, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, September 16, 191 8. Assigned to Company 19, Camp Mabry, Austin. Discharged De- cember 14, 191 8. Edward A. Lewis. Milvid '18-19. Company A, Ry:e S.A.T.C. Rice Records in War Service 59 *RoyEmbry LiLLARD. Bowie ^15-18. Entered S.A.T.C. at Fort Sheridan, III, June, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Died of influenza at Fort Sheridan, September 29, 19 18. Marion Lee Lindsey. Timpson '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. William Lipsitz. Waco '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. George McClelland Little. Corpus Christi '15-16. Entered Engineers at Houston, April 26, 191 7. Member of Company F, 7th U.S. Engineers. Attended Third Officers' Training Camp; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, June I, 19 1 8. Promoted to First Lieutenant, Infantry, October 23, 19 1 8. Served in 29th Company, 159th Depot Brigade. Recom- mended for permanent establishment. Clarence Walters Lokey. Lubbock B.A. '17. Served in Y.M.C.A., August, 1917-January, 1918. Enlisted in Coast Artillery, February i, 1918; attached to 5th Company, Coast Defense of Galveston. Attended Ofllicers' Train- ing Camp at Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant; Coast Artillery Reserve Corps. Recommended for promotion to First Lieutenant by Col. Godwin Ordway in France, October 27, 1918; promotion withheld on account of armistice. Served over- seas with Battery F, 75th Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps, Oc- tober 5, 1918-February 18, 1919, when he resigned commission to accept position wnth the Y.M.C.A., A.E.F. Returned to Amer- ica, August, 1919. Ralph Dunning Longley. JoUet, Illinois B.A. '16. Entered Engineers at St. Louis, July 2, 1917. Served in I2th Engineers; 107th Engineers, 32d Division. Attended Army Candidates' School at Langres, France; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant. Overseas service, August 12, 1917-May 18, 1 919; on the English Front, August 18, 1917-July 28, 191 8; at the Army Candidates' School, July 28-October i, 1918; with the 1 1 6th Engineers, Angers, October i-November i, 191 8; with the 107th Engineers until date of discharge. Participated in Cambrai Offensive (English), November, 191 7; Somme Defensive (Eng- lish), March, 191 8; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, November, 191 8. In the Army of Occupation, December, 19 18- April, 19 19. Dis- charged May 28, 1 9 19. 6o Rice Records in War Service Edmond Louis Lorehn. Houston '14-17. Entered Field Artillery at Houston, May 7, 1917. At- tended Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Promoted to First Lieutenant, March 31, 19 18. Served in 344th Field Artillery, 90th Division; Field Artillery, Replacement Depot, Camp Jackson, South Caro- lina; School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla. ; Air Service Radio School, Columbia University. Discharged December 14, 19 1 8. Maurice Jarratt Lovelady. Tyler '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Samuel Harman Lowrie. Goldthwaite B.A. '17. Entered Navy at Dallas, May 7, 19 18. Attended Of- ficers' Material School, Mare Island, Cal. ; commissioned Ensign, March 15, 1919. Discharged March 24, 1919. Theodore Edward Luecke. Wichita Falls '16-18. Entered Naval Aviation at Wichita Falls, June 13, 19 18. Discharged from Navy and enlisted in Army, August 28, 1918. Was specialized as chemist and temporarily attached to 35th Com- pany, 165th Depot Brigade; recommended for Artillery Officers' Training Camp, but twice detained by the influenza. Discharged January 18, 19 19. Louis LiTTMAN Maas. Houston '16-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. George Leith Maclaine. Houston '14-15. Entered Air Service at Ellington Field, Houston, Decem- ber 12, 191 7. Member of 194th Aero Service Squadron, Com- pany P, 3d Battalion, Infantry Officers' Training Camp, Camp MacArthur, Waco; also 2d Provisional Company, Infantry Of- ficers' Training School, Camp Pike, Arkansas. Discharged as Candidate Officer, December 28, 191 8. Herschel Dewey Macy. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Kennedy Maddrey. Bonham '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Archie Reginald Malloy. Palestine '17-18. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, January 16, 19 18. Received training at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin ; Cadet Detachment, Camp Dick; Souther Field; Kelly Field. Commis- Rice Records in War Service 6l sioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator, Air Service, April 21, 1919. Discharged May 8, 1919. William Henry Managan, Jr. JVestlake, Louisiana '16-17. Entered Engineer Reserve Corps at Houston, May 15, 19 1 7. Private in Company C, 25th Engineers (Camp Devens, Massachusetts), to October 15, 1917; Company B, 23d Engineers, to October 31, 191 7; Truck Company No. i, 23d Engineers, to July 10, 19 19. Promoted from Private, ist Class, to Sergeant, February I, 1918 (on high seas). Served overseas with the road service of the A.E.F., January 23, 1918-July 9, 1919; on Toul Sector, August 24-September 11, 1918; in St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-15; Toul Sector, September i6-October 5; Meuse- Argonne Offensive, October 6-9; Toul Sector, October lO-No- vember 11. Discharged as Sergeant, Assistant Truck Master, Truck Company No. i, 23d Engineers, July 30, 1919. *Fred Philip Manaker. Fulshear '14-18. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics) at San Antonio, No- vember 24, 1917. Received training at School of Military Aero- nautics, Austin; Dorr Field, Arcadia, Fla. ; Barron Field, Fort Worth. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator, October 22, 1918. Killed in airplane accident. May 23, 1919. Maurice Foster Manley. Brazoria '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. James Philip Markham. Victoria B.A. '18. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics) at Ellington Field, Houston, July 3, 1918. Member of 232d Aero Squadron until its disbandment; then 285th Aero Squadron. Promoted to Sergeant, April I, 19 19. Discharged July 2, 1919. Logan Patton Marshall. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. *Walter Winfield Marshall. Sugar Grove, Ohio M.A. '16. Entered Infantry at Camp Sherman, Ohio, May 28, 191 8. Transferred to Base Hospital Laboratory as a bacteriologist. Died of influenza, October 4, 1918. William Beatty Marshall. Houston '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Charles Lee Mason. Kerrville '14-15. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, ist Texas Cavalry, re- 62 Rice Records in War Service porting May 14, 191 7. Organization converted into 1326. Field Artillery, October 15, 1917. Promoted to First Lieutenant, No- vember 7, 191 7; to Captain, Officers' Reserve Corps, Field Artil- lery Section, May 29, 1918. Served overseas, July 31, 1918- March 24, 1919. Discharged as First Lieutenant, I32d Field Artillery, April 29, 1919. Earl D. Massey. Killeen '17-18. Entered Infantry at Camp Mabry, Austin, July i, 1918. Instructor, School of Automobile Mechanics, Camp Mabry; trans- ferred to Coast Artillery Replacement Troops, Fort Monroe, Va. Attended Officers' Training School, Coast Artillery, Fort Monroe, Discharged as Private, Candidate for Commission, Coast Artillery School Troops, November 30, 1918. Harold Grant Mathewson. Dallas '16-18; '19- . Entered Navy at Dallas, May 15, 1918. Served as Electrician (Radio) at Great Lakes Naval Training Station; transferred to New^ London, Conn. ; then to Philadelphia for for- eign service. Promoted to Quartermaster, 2d Class, September i, 191 8. Discharged December 14, 191 8. Robert David Mathias. Fort Worth '15-16. Entered Naval Flying Corps at Louisville, Ky., Decem- ber, 191 7. Received training at Great Lakes Naval Training Sta- tion; Ground School, Massachusetts Institute of Technologj^; and Bay Shore, N. Y. Discharged as Chief Quartermaster (Avia- tion), U.S.N., December, 1918. Henry Mathieu. Houston '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Benjamin Foster Mayer. Bartlesville, Oklahoma '16- . Rice S.A.T.C; transferred to Central Officers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged after signing of armistice. Gordon Sidney Mayo. Houston '12-14. Entered First Officers' Training Camp at Leon Springs, May 8, 1917. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry; pro- moted to First Lieutenant, September, 191 8; Aide-de-Camp to Brig.-Gen. G. O. Cross, December 3, 19 18. Discharged April 15, 1919. William Jennings Bryan McAdams. Dallas '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Rice Records in War Service 63 Samuel Glenn McCann. Houston M.A, '17. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics) at Ellington Field, Houston, December 14, 1917. Transferred to Field Artillery. Discharged as Candidate, 25th Training Battery, Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ken- tucky, November 29, 19 18. Clifford Glenn McCown. Spencer, Iowa '17-18. Entered Infantry at Spencer, la., September 4, 191 8. Private in Company 46, 12th Battalion, 163d Depot Brigade, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Discharged November 30, 1918. Thomas McDonald. Dublin '12—16. Entered Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps at Houston, June 2, 1917. Attended Signal Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Signal Corps, April, 1918; pro- moted to First Lieutenant, October, 19 18. Served in Company C, 312th Field Artillery Signal Battalion. Discharged August 11, 1919. Charles Harry McDougle. Port Arthur '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Leslie Dewey McElderry. Purcell, Oklahoma '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. William Perry Herring McFaddin, Jr. Beaumont B.A. '17. Entered Naval Reserve at Houston, May 21, 1918. Received training at Naval Training Station, San Francisco, Cal. Released from active duty as Seaman, 2d Class, December 19, 1918. Emmett Henry McFarland. Brownwood '16- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John William McFarland. Brownwood '14-18; '19- . Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Houston, De- cember II, 1917. Attended Saumur Artillery School, Saumur, France; qualified for commission as Second Lieutenant, Artillery. Served overseas with the 65th Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps, March 25, 1918-January 31, 1919. Participated in St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12; in first Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sep- tember 26. Discharged as Corporal, 65th Artillery, Coast Artil- lery Corps, March 14, 19 19. Roger Valentine McGee. Houston '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. 64 Rice Records in War Service Carl Edman McGlaun. Beaumont . '16-18. Entered Texas Cavalry, 7th Regiment, Machine Gun Troop, at Beaumont, April 30, 19 18. ^Herbert McGuire. Celeste '15-16. Entered Coast Artillery at Wolfe City, March 4, 1918. Received training at Fort Logan, Colo., and Fort Caswell, N. C. Died while a Private in 19th Recruit Company, Fort Caswell, April 10, 1918. IsBELL Franklin McIlhenny. San Antonio '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Hugh Raleigh McKean. Mykawa '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Casimir Perier McKenzie. Mexia B.A. '16. Entered Army at Groesbeck, September 24, 19 17. Dis- charged and reenlisted in Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps, Fort Crockett, Galveston, October 10, 1917. Discharged December 26, 1918. Donald McMahon. Livingston, Alabama '14-15. Entered Infantry at Houston, April 26, 191 7. Served in Company E, i6oth Infantry; Company L, 123d Infantry; Com- pany I, 356th Infantry. Attended Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Served over- seas, June 19, 1918-May 18, 1919. Discharged June 24, 1919. Albert William McWhorter. Kansas City, Missouri '15-18. Entered Motor Transport Corps at Houston, August 25, 19 1 8. Served overseas as Private, November 12, 1918-October 15, 19 1 9. Discharged October 24, 19 19. Joe Leonidas Mears. Wichita Falls '16-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Ferris J. Megarity. Waco '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Virgil Edward Meharg. Tumersville B.A. '18. Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., July 7, 1918. Transferred from S.A.T.C. at Fort Sheridan to Camp Perry, Ohio, August 17, 1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant, In- fantry, at Small Arms Firing School, September 17, 19 18. Rifle and Pistol Instructor at Camp Martin, New Orleans, La., at time of discharge, January 7, 1919. Rice Records in War Service 65 John Sweeney Mellinger. Houston '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Harry Lee Mendlovitz. Houston '16-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Edmund Burrus Middleton. Eagle Lake B.A. '18; '19- . Entered Chemical Warfare Service, Washing- ton, D. C, September 15, 1918; discharged December 16, 1918. Douglas Milburn. Bryson '16-17; '19- . Entered Marine Corps at Houston, May 28, 191 7. Served overseas as Private in 8ist Company, 6th Machine Gun Battalion, 2d Division, U.S. Marine Corps, December 11, 1917-August 4, 1919. On Toulon and Troyon Sectors, Verdun, March 28-May 12; Chateau-Thierry, June i-July 9; Aisne- Marne Offensive, July 18-19; Marbache Sector, August 9-16; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16; Meuse-Argonne (Cham- pagne), October 6—10; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, November i- 11; Army of Occupation, December 13— July 19, 1919. Received Croix de Guerre twice. Discharged August 13, 1 919. Kenney Nicholas Miller. Houston '16-18. Member of S.A.T.C, Medical Department, Galveston, October ii-December 12, 19 18. Eugene Russell Millis. Houston B.A. '17. Entered Infantry at Houston, May 27, 1918. Private in 54th Company, 165th Depot Brigade, Camp Travis, San An- tonio, attached to Intelligence Department three months. At- tended Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Discharged December 5, 19 18, before completion of training. Walter Thompson Millis. Houston '15-17. Entered Infantry at Camp Funston, Texas, May 8, 19 17. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, at First Officers' Training Camp ; promoted to First Lieutenant, Infantry, National Army, January i, 1918; to Captain, August 21, 191 8. Served in 165th Depot Brigade, Camp Travis, San Antonio; Infantry Re- placement and Training Troops, Camp Grant, 111. Discharged January 30, 1919. Jefferson Woolf Mitchell. Kansas City, Missouri '15-17. Entered Marine Corps at Houston, April 7, 191 7. Served overseas in 84th Company, 6th Regiment of Marines, 2d Division, April 23, 1918-January i, 19 19. Promoted from Pri- 66 Rice Records in War Service vate to Sergeant, ist Class. Participated in engagements: Belleau Woods, Chateau-Thierry, Soissons, Champagne, drive from Ar- gonne Forest to Sedan. Severely wounded at Soissons, July 19, 19 1 8. Cited by Divisional Commander for patrol work in Belleau Woods; cited by Company Commander for duty at Soissons. Re- leased from active duty, April, 1919. William Henry Moler. Brownsville '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert C. Monk. Nacogdoches '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Buhl Moore. Smithville '16-17. Entered Infantry at Houston, May i, 191 7. Attended First Officers' Training Camp at Leon Springs ; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant; promoted to First Lieutenant, November 3, 191 7; to Captain, November 5, 1918. Served in 35th Infantry; trans- ferred to 15th Machine Gun Battalion, 5th Division. Overseas service, April 23, 1918-July 14, 19 19. Served on Anould and St. Die Sectors, and throughout operations in Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Cited for distinguished conduct in action, G. O. 4, Head- quarters 5th Division, dated March 6, 1919. Remains Captain, Regular Army. Howard Delwin Moore. Naples '14-15. Entered Navy at Dallas, August 3, 1917. Received training at Great Lakes Naval Training Station ; Charleston, S. C. ; and Key West, Fla. Promoted to 3d Class Petty Officer, April I, 1919. Discharged as Yeoman, 3d Class, U.S.N., July 31, 1919. Jack Wallace Moore. Cojnanche '15-18. Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., June 3, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, at Fort Sheridan. Served with Motor Transport Corps, Training Detachment, Kan- sas City, Mo., and as Instructor, S.A.T.C, at Corvallis, Ore. Discharged December 30, 19 18. Warren Candler Moore. Lubbock '17-18. Entered Field Artillery at Austin, May 15, 1918. As- signment to Artillery School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, cancelled on signing of armistice. Discharged as Private, unas- signed, December 20, 19 18. Willard Houghton Moore. Dallas '16- . Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., July 18, 1918. Rice Records in War Service 67 Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, at Fort Sheridan. Served with 14th Company, Rahe Auto School; 4th Company, Sweeney Auto School, Kansas City, Mo. Discharged January 2, 1919. Ian Henley Morgan. Dallas '17-18. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Austin, October 12, 1 91 8. Attended Officers' Training Camp of 8th Naval District. Joseph Guiton Morgan. Dallas '16-18. Member of Collegiate Section, S.A.T.C., Austin, Oc- tober 7-December II, 19 1 8. George Lyon Morrison. El Paso '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Allen Wade Mount. Corpus Christi '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Alexander David Muckleroy. Nacogdoches '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. William Adrian Mullane. Houston '16-17. Entered Field Artillery at Houston, June i, 191 8. Pri- vate in Field Artillery Replacement Depot, Camp Jackson, S. C, 1 2th Battalion. Attended Officers' Training Camp at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Served with Battery C, 57th Field Artillery, Fort Sill, Okla. Discharged December 7, 191 8. Bert Marsh Mutersbaugh. Lake Charles, Louisiana '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Paul Edward Nash. Dallas '17-18; '19- . Entered Field Artillery at Fort Sheridan, 111., July 26, 191 8. Attended S.A.T.C. at Fort Sheridan; Field Artil- lery Central Officers' Training School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, September 16, 191 8. Discharged December ii, 191 8. William Max Nathan. Houston B.A. '16. Entered Infantry at Houston, June 26, 191 7. Mem- ber of 5th Infantry, Texas National Guard ; transferred to Judge Advocate's Office, Division Headquarters, 36th Division. At- tended Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School; com- missioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Detailed as As- sistant Camp Judge Advocate, Camp Jackson, South Carolina, with same rank, November 8, 191 8. Discharged April 19, 19 19. 68 Rice Records in War Service Neal Neece. Dallas '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert J. Nelms. Dallas '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Edward Young Nelson. Pittsburg '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Walter Thomas Newton. Richmond '17-18. Entered Naval Reserve at New Orleans, La., July 29, 1 91 8. Attached to Dental Corps, Pacific Fleet. Ranked as Lieu- tenant, Junior Grade, by examination at time of enlistment; pro- moted to Lieutenant, February 14, 191 9. Released on inactive duty, March 19, 1919. Archie Jerome Neyland. Goliad '16-17. Entered Marine Flying Corps at Houston, October 28, 191 8. Member of 1st Company Aviation Cadets at Philadelphia, Pa. Released on inactive duty as Gunnery Sergeant, December 14, 1918. Watson Augustus Neyland. Liberty '16- . Rice S.A.T.C; transferred to Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Coast Ar- tillery Officers' Reserve Corps. Discharged February 6, 19 19. George Nichols. Hutchinson, Kansas '16-18. Entered Navy at Kansas City, Mo., May 4, 1918. En- listed as Landsman for Musician; received 2d class rating in December, 191 8. Member of 4th Regiment Band, Camp Perry, Great Lakes Naval Training Station. Discharged February 19, 1919. Hugh Dudley Niday. Houston '14-16. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, April, 191 7. Commis- sioned First Lieutenant at Second Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs; later transferred to Signal Corps. Member of 165th Depot Brigade, 90th Division, San Antonio. Attended Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; graduated as Aviation Engineer, and sent to Dorr Field, Florida, as Inspector of Engines; transferred to Souther Field, Americus, Ga., and made First Lieutenant, Air Service. Discharged December 10, 19 18. Hervin Wolfe Nussbaum. Eagle Lake '16- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Henry Coleman Nutter. Henrietta '16-17. Entered Infantry at Chicago, 111. Was attending Cen- Rice Records in War Service 69 tral Infantry Officers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco, when armistice was signed. William Henry O'Brien. Dublin '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Carl Odell. Brownwood '15-16. Entered Navy at Dallas, June i, 191 8. Attended Hos- pital School at Great Lakes Naval Training Station ; Paris Island Marine Hospital, S. C. ; League Island Naval Hospital, Phila- delphia. Marshall Dee Oden. Longview '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Julius William Offricht. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Walter Nathaniel O'Roark. Gufey '16-18. Entered Navy at Houston, July 20, 19 18. Member of Company A-3, Coxswain School, Naval Training Station, San Francisco. Released on inactive duty as Coxswain, February 13, 1919. Joseph Tryon Overcash. Houston '17- . Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Central Infantry Of- ficers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged December 10, 1918, before completion of training. Shelby Owens. Fort Worth '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. James Franklin Parker. Beaumont '16-19. Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Coast Artillery Officers' Training School, Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieu- tenant. Frederick D. Parslow. Tampa, Florida '13-14. Entered Infantry at Tampa, August 29, 1918. Served in Headquarters Company, Infantry (personnel work), at Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. Discharged as Sergeant, February i, 1919. Robert William Patten. Jasper '15- . Entered Infantry at Jasper, May 28, 19 18. Member of 17th Company, 5th Battalion, 165th Depot Brigade, Camp Travis, San Antonio. Attended Central Officers' Training School; com- missioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, U.S.A. Discharged Feb- ruary 9, 1919. 70 Rice Records in War Service * Charles Hazen Patterson. Houston '16-17. Entered Medical Corps, Navy, at Houston, July 7, 1917. Transferred to Company F, 5th Marines. Received training at Goat Island and Quantico, Va. Promoted to Pharmacist Mate, 3d Class. Served overseas from June i, 19 18, to the end. Par- ticipated in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Wounded at the Meuse on the night of November 10, 1918; died of wounds, De- cember II, 1918, at Base Hospital No. 2, Paris. Thomas Brewington Pattillo. Terrell B.S. '17. Entered Naval Aviation at Boston, Mass., November 25, 191 7. Attended Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; flying schools at Bay Shore, L. I., and Pensacola, Fla. Commissioned Ensign. Released on inactive duty, January, 19 19. Brittain Ford Payne. Houston '17- . Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Central Infantry Officers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged imme- diately after the armistice. John Pierre Payne. Haskell '14-17. Entered Infantry at San Antonio, May 9, 191 7. At- tended First Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs; commis- sioned Second Lieutenant; promoted to First Lieutenant, June 2, 1 918. Served overseas in 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Di- vision, June 20, 1918-June 7, 1919; five and one half months in Germany. Participated in engagements on Puvenelle Sector, August 20-September II, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16; Fey-en-Haye Sector, September 17-October 10; Preny minor offensive, September 26; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Oc- tober 25-November II. Discharged July 12, 1919- Louis Peine. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John Richard Perry. Waco '17-18. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Boston, Mass., Septem- ber 27, 191 8. Received training at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Naval Training Station, Hingham, Mass.; U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. Promoted from Seaman to Midship- man. Discharged from Naval Reserve Force as Seaman, June 12, 1919, to enter U.S. Naval Academy. William Armstrong Perry. Fort Stockton '13-14. Entered Air Service at Fort Bliss, July 31, 191 7. At- tended School of Military Aeronautics and Air Service Flying Rice Records in War Service 71 School, Kelly Field, where he was ranked as Flying Cadet at sign- ing of armistice. Discharged November 29, igi8. Edwakd Hanson Peterman. Franklin, Louisiana '15-17. Entered Marine Corps at Quantico, Va., January 12, 1918. Served in 9th Company, loth Regiment; transferred to Naval Proving Grounds, Indian Head, Md. ; transferred to Ma- rine Barracks, Washington, D. C. Discharged as Private, Decem- ber 10, 1918. Fendell Bernhard Peterson. Bellaire '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Jesse Raymond Peterson. Ferris '16— . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Melvin Raymond Peterson. Eastland '16- . Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Coast Artillery Officers' Training Camp at Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Officers' Reserve Corps. Discharged January 16, 19 19. Joel Anderson Phipps. Marlin '15-16. Entered Infantry at Camp Travis, San Antonio, Septem- ber 14, 1918. Discharged as Private, 31st Company, 8th Bat- talion, 165th Depot Brigade, December 21, 191 8. Marion Singer Phipps. Marlin '15-16. Entered Coast Artillery at Marlin, June 28, 1917. Member of 4th Company, and later, 7th Company, Galveston Coast Artillery. Attended Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. ; promoted to Master Gunner. Served overseas from Septem- ber, 19 1 7, as Brigade Master Gunner for 40th Artillery Brigade. Discharged January 20, 19 19. Randolph Andrew Pierson. Galveston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Charles Oscar Pollard. Jasper '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Joseph Eugene Pond, Jr. Orange '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. J. P. Pool, Jr. Victoria '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. John Daniel Poole. Houston '17-18. Entered Marine Corps at Houston, November 10, 191 7. Served in 54th Company, Battalion H ; Rifle Range Detachment 72 Rice Records in War Service at Quantico, Va. ; 2d Machine Gun Battalion, Company B; and with 1 86th Company, 15th Regiment, in Dominican Republic. Discharged as Private, ist Class, from Company p. Navy Yard Guard, Philadelphia, September 30, 1919. Boyd Porter, Jr. Houston '18- • Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Mark Antony Postlewaite. San Antonio '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. James Putnam Potts. Denton '16-17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 3, 1917. Served overseas one year w^ith Ambu- lance Company 357, 315 Trains, 90th Division. Participated in St, Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives ; Army of Occupation. Dis- charged as Sergeant, June 16, 191 9. Robert Eugene Powell. Clarendon '18-19. Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Central Officers' Train- ing School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged after signing of armistice. Henry Grady Prather. Beaumont '14-15. Entered Air Service at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, December 13, 191 7. Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Austin. Member of 220th Aero Squadron; 817th Aero Squadron. Discharged as Cadet Fher (Private, ist Class), November 29, 1918. George Andrew Quimby. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Morris Radoff. Houston '16- . Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Coast Artillery Officers' Training School, Fort Monroe, Va. Discharged November 30, 1 91 8, before completion of training. William Shaw Ragland. Mercedes '16— . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Homer Aloysius Ratchford. Waxahachie '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Jesse Newton Rayzor. Denton B.A. '17. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, May 8, 191 7. Com- missioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Promoted to Captain, In- fantry, August 26, 1918. Served with 165th Depot Brigade, Camp Travis, San Antonio. Discharged February 3, 1919. Rice Records in War Service 73 Thomas Mark Reavley, Jr. Jlba '16-18. Entered Coast Artillery at San Antonio, December 3, 19 1 7. Attended Fourth Officers' Training Camp at Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, June 26, 1918. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, 39th Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps, De- cember 24, 191 8. Samuel Clark Red, Jr. Houston '16-17. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, October i, 191 7. At- tended Central Officers' Training School, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Discharged as Sergeant, 40th Company, Field Artillery Replace- ment Depot, December 27, 19 18. George Dewey Reeves. Jonah '17- , Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Central Officers' Train- ing School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged December 12, 1918. Lea Alfred Reiber. Bunkie, Louisiana '17-18. Entered Medical Corps, U.S. Navy, at New Orleans, March 18, 191 8. Received training at Newport Naval Training Station; graduated from Naval Hospital School, October 11, 19 18. Transferred to Receiving Ship, Norfolk, Va., February, 1919; served as hospital corpsman on U.S. Transport Agamemnon. Dis- charged as Hospital Apprentice, 1st Class, U.S.N., June 21, 1919. Thomas LeRoy Renfro. Waco '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. * Charles E. Reynolds. Alfred '13-14. Died while in Company 8, University of Texas Training Detachment. Fred Louis Rich. Dallas '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Watkins Lee Richardson. Dallas '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Norman Hurd Ricker. Houston B.A. '16; M.A. '17; '18- . Entered Air Service (Aeronautics), at San Antonio, January 19, 1918. Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; Camp Dick Concentration Camp, Dallas; Ellington Field, Houston. Discharged December 15, 191 8, before completion of training. Campbell Wiley Riddick. Houston '17- . Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Central Officers' Train- 74 Rice Records in War Service ing School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged immediately after signing of armistice. Nathan Gilbert Riddle. Davis, West Virginia 'i6— 18. Entered Coast Artillery at Fort Sam Houston, San An- tonio, December 3, 191 7. Received training in Coast Artillery School, Department of Enlisted Specialists; 49th Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps. Served overseas, October 5, 1918-March 14, 1 919. Discharged as Electrician Sergeant, ist Class, April 7, 1919. Barnett Edward Riesto. Navasota '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Milton Riley. Emporia, Kansas B.A. '17. Entered Infantry at Camp Funston, Kansas, September 6, 191 8. Promoted from recruit to Sergeant, September 18, 19 18. Served in 36th Company, 9th Battalion, 4th Regiment, 164th Depot Brigade. Discharged December 5, 191 8. Edwin McKay Roberts. Sulphur Springs '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Lucius Cate Robertson. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Davis Ashton Robinson. Gano '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Edward Pilley Robinson. San Benito '17-18. Entered Hospital Corps of Navy at Houston, July 2. 191 8. Detailed for duty at Base Hospital, Pensacola, Fla. Pro- moted to Pharmacist Mate, 2d Class, July 25, 19 19. Discharged October 13, 1919. Reid Vance Robinson. Farmer '16-17; '19- . Entered Coast Artillery at Fort Worth, May 17, 1 91 8. Member of 13th Company, and, later, 2d Company, Coast Artillery, Galveston. Discharged as Corporal, December 24, 1918. Nay Dair Rockafellow. San Antonio '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Lewis Brann Rogers. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Richard Duvant Rooke. Lufkin 'iG-iy. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, May 12, 1917; dis- charged July 14, 19 1 7. Entered Navy July 14, 191 7. Served at Rice Records in War Service 75 Naval Training Station, Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va. ; aboard U.S.S. Alabama; Receiving Ship, Norfolk, Va. Dis- charged as Quartermaster, 3d Class; Company 7, Regiment 5, Re- ceiving Ship, Norfolk, Va., December 5, 19 18. Robert Hudson Rose. Gainesville '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. VoLNEY James Rose. Edna '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Herbert Pitts Ross. Grandview '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Louis A. Ross. Carthage '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Edward Streicher Rothrock. Mercedes B.S. '17. Entered Infantry at Leon Springs, May 8, 191 7. Com- missioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Corps, at First Leon Springs Training Camp. Promoted to Second Lieutenant, Regular Army, October 26, 191 7; to First Lieutenant, Regular Army, October 26, 191 7. Served in 21st Infantry, i6th Division. Resigned January 9, 1919. Ralph Kinnan Rothrock. Mercedes B.A, '18. Entered Air Service at Houston, June 30, 1918. Mem- ber of 272d Aero Squadron, Ellington Field, Houston. Discharged February 8, 19 19. Walter Lay Rothrock. Temple '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Fred James Rousseaux. Terrell '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. *Charles Maples Rudd. Temple '13-18. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, December 7, 19 17. Received training at Ground School, Austin; Rockw^ell Field, San Diego, Cal. ; Mather Field, Sacramento, Cal. ; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator. In command of land- ing field at Reno, Nev., October 12, 1919. Killed in airplane ac- cident, November 15, 19 19. William Rudersdorf. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Daniel Bracey Russell. Crockett '17-19. Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Central Officers' Train- ing School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged after signing of armistice. 76 Rice Records in War Service Samuel Antony Russo. Houston '16- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Cunningham Rutledge. Brownsville '18-19. Company A, Rice SA.T.C. Isaac Christopher Sanders. Tyle^- BA. '17. Entered Infantry at San Antonio, June 26, 1918. At- tended Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, November 13, 19 18. Discharged December 20, 1918. Randolph Ramsay Sanders. Dublin, Georgia '14-15. Entered Air Service at Atlanta, September 17, 191 7. Re- ceived training at Georgia School of Aeronautics, Atlanta; Park Field, Memphis, Tenn. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator, Air Service (Aeronautics). In airplane crash, August 19, 1918. Discharged January 19, 1919. Louis Sandfield. San Antonio '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Clarence Morrow Sanford. Houston B.A. '17 ('18). Entered Construction Division, Quartermaster Corps, at Houston, September, 1917. Promoted to Sergeant, Jan- uary, 1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant, December I, 1918. Discharged December 8, 1918. Px^UL Gerson Saper. Houston B.A. '18. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, June i, 1918. Member of 19th Company, Coast Defenses of Pensacola, Fort Barrancas, Fla. ; later on detached ser- vice in Washington, D. C. Discharged as Corporal, Coast Artil- lery Corps, December 21, 1918. George Alderson Saunders. Bonham '14-16. Entered Cavalry at Bonham, May 29, 191 7. Member of M Troop, 1st Texas Cavalry; promoted to Corporal, October I, 1917; to Sergeant, iiith Supply Train, October 15, 1917. At- tended Third Officers' Training Camp at Camp Bovi^ie, Fort Worth ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, April, 1 91 8; promoted to First Lieutenant, October. 19 18. Assigned to Telephone School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, as in- structor. Attached to Field Artillery Replacement Depot, Camp Zachary Taylor, and Camp Jackson, S. C. Discharged April 10, 1919. Rice Records in War Service 77 John Bacon Saunders. Bonham '15-17. Entered Field Artillery at Bonham, November 5, 191 8. Attended Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Discharged December 12, 19 18. William Frederick Schadt. Galveston '16-17. Entered Infantry at Houston, May 7, 19 17. In training at Camp Funston, San Antonio; transferred to School of Military Aeronautics, Austin. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator, Air Service (Aeronautics), February 12, 1918. Served in 85th Canadian Training Squadron; 148th U.S. Aero Squadron; 17th U.S. Aero Squadron; 13th British Wing, Second Army, B.E.F. ; 2d Pursuit Group, 2d Army, A.E.F. Overseas service: one year in England, Northern France (Arras), Southern France (Toul and Issoudon), attached to Royal Air Force. In airplane accident at Salisbury Plain, England ; spent two months in hospital. Discharged as Second Lieutenant (Casual), Air Ser- vice, February 24, 19 19. Ruben Scharff. Groesheck '12-14. Entered Quartermaster Corps at Camp MacArthur, Waco, February 22, 191 8. Discharged as Sergeant, ist Class, January 4, 19 19. Lester Nathan Scharnberg. Houston '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Morris Adams Schellhardt. Smithville '15-16; '17-18; '19- . Entered Marine Flying Corps at Hous- ton, July 25, 1918. Attended Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Promoted to Gunnery Sergeant, August 18, 191 8; commissioned Second Lieutenant, April 30, 1919. Dis- charged as Second Lieutenant, ist Marine Flying Force, May 30, 1919. Louis Henry Schlom. Houston '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Charles Bernard Schram. Houston '17— . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Homer Wayne Scott. Edna '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Roy F. Seale. DeRidder, Louisiana '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Benjamin Frank Secor. Houston '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C, 78 Rice Records in War Service Abe Segall. Dallas '18-19. Company A, Rice SA.T.C. John Wilson Shacklett. Houston '18- . Company A, Rice SA.T.C. Joseph Robert Shannon. LaPorte '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Clifton Raymond Shaw. Weatherford '16- . Entered Naval Aviation, August i, 191 8. Attended Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Re- leased on inactive duty, December 26, 1918. John Fearey Shaw. Blue Ridge ^16— ly. Entered Navy at Houston, December 4, 191 7. Received training at Great Lakes Naval Training Station. Promoted to Yeoman, 3d Class, August, 191 8. Served with Atlantic Fleet, Mining Squadron No. i, engaged in mine sweeping in North Sea; at Naval Base 29, Cardiff, Wales, October 6, 1918-January 31, 1 919; American Mine Force, Inverness, Scotland, February i- August 21, 19 19. Discharged September 28, 1919. Weldon B. Shrader. Frisco '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Elmer Edward Shutts. Lake Charles, Louisiana B.S. '16. Entered Engineers at New Orleans, June 27, 1918. Attended Engineer Officers' Training School at Camp Hum- phreys, Virginia; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Engineers. Discharged December 11, 19 18. F. Wayne Silliman. Ganado '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. George Finley Simmons. Houston '15-16. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, July 2, 191 7. Attached to Ambulance Company 357, 90th Division. Served at Camp Travis Base Hospital, November I3> 1917-September 13, 1918; at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, Sep- tember i8-December 18, 19 18. Commissioned Second Lieuten- ant, Sanitary Corps, for duty as Adjutant, U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 130. Discharged December 18, 191 8. Thomas Shirley Simons. Fort Worth B.A. '19; '19- . Entered Field Artillery at Fort Worth, Sep- tember 2, 19 1 8. Attended Field Artillery Central Officers' Train- ing School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Discharged No- vember 27, 19 1 8, before completion of training. Rice Records in War Service 79 Russell Lee Sims. Ennis '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. William Sidney Skiles. Richardson '16-18. Entered Infantry at Dallas, September 5, 191 8. Pro- moted to Sergeant, 32d Company, 8th Battalion, 165th Depot Brigade. Discharged June 21, 191 9. John Ward Slimp. Texarkana '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Leonard Smidth. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Blakely Smith. Houston '15-17. Entered Navy at New Orleans, November 24, 191 7. One year sea duty, 8th Naval District. Discharged August 9, 191 8, and appointed Ensign, U.S. Naval Reserve Force, August 10, 1918. Ira Curl Smith. Nacogdoches '13-14. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Nacogdoches, June 30, 191 7. Attended Fourth Officers' Training Camp, Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, June 26, 1918, and assigned to Coast Defenses of Galveston as Personnel and Field Adjutant. Assigned, October 28, 191 8, to 38th Artillery at Port of Em- barkation, Camp Stuart, Va. After signing of armistice assigned as Motor Transport Officer, Coast Defenses of Southern New- York. Discharged July 31, 1919. James Fort Smith. Mexia '13-14. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 28, 191 7. Served as Private in Ambulance Com- pany 357, 315 Sanitary Train, 90th Division, in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Discharged June 17, 191 9. Lewis James Smith. Milvid '12-13. Entered Infantry at Houston, May i, 191 7. Attended First Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant, August 15, 1917; promoted to First Lieutenant, September 13, 1918. Served with 115th Engineers, 133d Ma- chine Gun Battalion; i6ist Depot Brigade, Casual Detachment, Camp Logan, Houston. Discharged February 28, I9I9- William A. Smith. Galveston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Chesley Chapman Snell. Martin '14-16. Entered Air Service at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, 8o Rice Records in War Service December 12, 191 7. Served in 6o8th Aero Squadron; Provisional Band Squadron; 8th Rect. Squadron; promoted to Corporal, August I, 19 1 8. Discharged December 23, 191 8. Sam Soffar, Columbia '17-18. Entered Infantry at Camp Travis, San Antonio, Sep- tember 4, 1 91 8, Private in 27th Company, 165th Depot Brigade; transferred to Quartermaster Corps, Remount Depot 329, Station 3, Camp Stanley, Texas. Discharged as Private, ist Class, May 24, 1919. Dudley Pritchett South. Houston '16-18. Entered Signal Corps at Houston, November 9, 191 7. Served in Depot Company K, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio ; 9th Field Battalion, Signal Corps, 5th Division; loth Field Battalion, 7th Division. Attended training camp at Langres, Haute Marne, France, Commissioned Second Lieutenant, September 25, 1918. Served overseas from April, 1918; on Anould Sector, St. Die Sector, and in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. De- tached from Signal Corps for duty vi^ith the Historical Branch, War Plans Division, General Staff. Discharged September 5, 1919. *Ira Walter South. Houston '14-17. Enlisted in the Marine Corps, April 23, 191 7. Served at New Orleans, Pensacola, and Norfolk. Appointed Sergeant, March 29, 1918. Was one of fifty men selected from Marines in the United States to attend Quartermasters' School for Marine Sergeants. Died of influenza and pneumonia, October 11, 1918. Charles Maurice Spalding. Hillshoro '17-18. Entered Texas National Guard at Houston, July 25, 1918. Promoted to Sergeant. Dale Darrell Sparks. Valparaiso, Indiana ^i^-i"]. Entered Ordnance Department at Washington Barracks, D.C., April 10, 1918. Transferred to Chemical Warfare Service. Discharged as Private, loth Company, 154th Depot Brigade, Jan- uary 8, 1919. Joe Rice Spiller. Conroe '15—17. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, December 12, 191 7. Received training at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin ; Camp Dick, Dallas; Ellington Field, Houston; and San Leon Camp. Commissioned Second Lieutenant. Discharged January 8, 191 9. John Browder Spiller. Esperanza B.A. '16. Entered Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps at Galveston, Rice Records in War Service 81 December 5, 1917; transferred to S.A.T.C., Medical Department, Discharged as Private, December 12, 191 8. William Soloman Sproles, Jr. Angleton '16-17; '19- . Entered Infantry at Angleton, September 5, 1 91 7. Served overseas in Supply Company, 360th Infantry, i8oth Brigade, 90th Division, June 14, 1918-June 7, 1919. Participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Discharged as Corporal, June 20, 1919. Arthur Squyres. Yoakum '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Benjamin Alvis Stafford, Jr. Canyon '13-14. Entered Medical Department, Regular Army, at Fort Bliss, Texas, August 28, 191 7. Served at Post Hospital, Talia- ferro Field, Fort Worth. Discharged as Private, January 8, 19 19. Theodore Jefferson Stahl. San Antonio '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. William Marion Standish. Henrietta, Oklahoma B.S. '16; M.S.'i7. Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, June 17, 191 8. Attended U.S.N. Steam Engineering School at Hoboken, N. J. Promoted to Machinist, December 15, 19 18. Discharged December 23, 19 18. Paul Myron Starkly. Atlanta '17-18. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, April 29, 191 8. Served overseas in Battery A, 54th Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps, September 25, 1918-March 20, 19 19. Attended Heavy Artillery School, High Burst Range Sec- tion, at Angers, France. *George William Stell. Brownsville '17-18. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, February, 191 8. Re- ceived training at Ground School at Austin; flying fields at Ar- cadia, Fla., Camp Dick, Dallas, Fort Sill, Okla, Commissioned Second Lieutenant. Killed in falling DeHaviland plane during flying circus exhibition at Lawton, Okla., July ii, 1919. Douglas Joseph Stephenson. Beaumont '16-18. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at San Antonio, June 4, 191 8. Attended Officers' Training Camp at Fort Monroe, Va.; discharged December i, 19 18, before completion of training. Ben Ivor Still. Houston '16- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. 82 Rice Records in War Service Barton William Stone. Georgetown B.S. 'i8. Entered Engineers (Combat Division), at Camp Travis, San Antonio, April 26, 191 8. Served overseas with 315th En- gineers, 90th Division, June 13, 1918-July 8, 19 19. Attended Army Candidates School, Engineer Section, at Langres, France; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Engineers, April 28, 19 19. Served on Saizerais-Haye-Puvenelle Sector, August 14— September 12, 1 91 8; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 4; Army of Occupation, January 3-May2i, 19 19. Discharged July 28, 19 19. Lee Hargrove Stone. Pittsburg '14-16. Entered Master Gunners' Division, Coast Artillery Corps, at San Francisco. Received training at Fort Scott, San Francisco; Fort Monroe, Va. Discharged December, 1918, be- fore completion of training. William Malcolm Stratford. Houston '15-18; '19- . Entered Naval Air Service at Houston, July i, 1918. Attended Ground School at Seattle, Wash.; received flying training at Naval Air Stations at San Diego, Cal., and Pensacola, Fla. Received honorable discharge for injuries received in line of duty. Discharged as Student OiBcer, Naval Air Service, Feb- ruary II, 1919. Paul Jerome Straus. Houston '17-18. Entered Marine Corps at St. Louis, June 21, 191 8. Served in Marine Flying Corps, ist Detachment. Discharged as Private, February 20, 1919. Bethel L. Strawn. Strawn '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Benedict Streusand. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. James Blair Stuart. Houston '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Wallace Studer. Rohstown '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. WiER Arnold Stulting. Houston '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Warren Russell Sudduth. Starksville, Mississippi '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Rice Records in War Service 83 John Troy Sullivan. Temple '17-18. Entered Marine Corps at Dallas, May 19, 1918. Re- ceived training at Paris Island, S. C, and Quantico, Va. Private in Marine Corps Radio Detachment, Machine Gun Company, nth Regiment. Served overseas, September, 191 8— August, 19 19. Dis- charged August II, 1919. George Otto Suman. Hollywood, California '17-18. Attended S.A.T.C. at Fort Sheridan, 111., and Throop College of Technology, Pasadena, Cal., July 3— December 21, 1918. John Robert Sutcliffe. Tampico, Mexico '15-18. Entered Air Service (Aeronautics) at San Antonio, De- cember 21, 191 7. Received training at School of Military Aero- nautics, Berkeley, Cal.; Cadet Detachment, Mather Field, Sacra- mento, Cal. Discharged as Private, ist Class (Cadet), December II, 1918. Charles Lowry Suttles. Houston '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Edward M. Sweeney. Bonham '15-17. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, November 19, 1917. Received training at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; El- lington Field, Houston; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator, Air Service (Aeronautics). Served overseas, August, 1918-January, 1919. Discharged, from Casual Company 432, January 25, 1919. Mount William Talbot. Lake Charles, Louisiana '15-18. Entered Naval Aviation at New Orleans, February 22, 1 91 8. Received training at Naval Training Station, Charleston, S. C. ; Naval Air Station, Key West, Fla. Promoted to Quarter- master, 2d Class. Discharged March 22, 19 19. Richard Nelson Taliaferro. Houston '17-18. Served in the Navy. Karl Franklin Tate. Comanche '16-17. Entered Infantry at Comanche, September 5, 1918. Member of 148th Company, Depot Brigade, Camp Travis, San Antonio. Attended Central Infantry Officers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged December 10, 191 8, be- fore completion of training. Fernley Asbury Tatum. Palacios '17- . Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Central Infantry Offi- 84 Rice Records in War Service cers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged December 10, 191 8, before completion of training. Otway Taylor. Livingston '17-18. Entered Navy at Houston, May 27, 1918. Served in Naval Coast Defense Reserve at Mare Island, San Francisco, and Balboa Park, San Diego, Cal. Promoted to Seaman, 2d Class, December i, 1918. Released on inactive duty, March 15, 1919. Revis Lay Taylor. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Roy Alfred Taylor. Houston '16-18; '19- . Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, May 27, 1918. Received training at Receiving Ship, Algiers, La. ; Training Station, West End, New Orleans; Naval Training Sta- tion, Pelham Bay Park, Nevv^ York; Naval Section, S.A.T.C, University of Texas. Discharged as Seaman, 2d Class, December 12, 1918. James Edward Templeton. Texarkana '17-18. Entered Navy at Dallas, May 27, 1918. Served as Fire- man, I St Class, made four trips overseas. Discharged September 9, 1919. Webster Jones Tharp. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Albert Langston Thomas. Nacogdoches '16- . Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., May 30, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, at S.A.T.C, Fort Sheridan. Detailed as Personnel Adjutant, S.A.T.C. Unit, Pitts- burg, Kansas. Discharged December 30, 19 18. Talmage DeWitt Thomas. Greenville '15-18; '19- . Entered Motor Transport Corps at Greenville, August 26, 19 1 8. Served in Repair Unit 304, Headquarters Com- mand. Promoted to Sergeant, ist Class, January i, 191 9. Dis- charged May 16, 1 919. Tracy Yerkes Thomas. Little Rock, Arkansas '17— . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Samuel Locke Thompson. JVaxahachie '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Horace Edward Thornton. Pittsburg 'iG-iy. Entered Aviation Section, Signal Corps, at St. Louis, December 14, 191 7; transferred to Air Service. Attended Ground Rice Records in War Service 85 School, Austin; Camp Dick, Dallas; Ellington Field, Houston. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Reserve Military Aviator, Air Service (Aeronautics), December 19, 1918. Discharged Decem- ber 19, 1918. Wyatt Rodney Tidwell. Mexia '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Henry Augustus Tillett, Jr. Abilene '14-18; '19- . Entered Naval Aviation as Machinist Mate, 2d Class, at Dallas, December 14, 19 17. Received training at Ground School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Key West, Fla. ; commissioned Ensign. Discharged March 18, 1919. Robert Nelson Tilley. Huntsville B.S. '17. Entered Navy as Apprentice Seaman, at Houston, De- cember 15, 191 7. Received training at Navy Steam Engineering School, Hoboken, N. J.; commissioned Ensign (engineering duties). Made two trips to France, acting as engineer officer. Discharged as Ensign, April 25, 1919. Henry Davis Timmons. Houston '17— . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Samuel Coulter Timpson. San Antonio '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Roy Tipton. Bartlett '17— . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Wallace Wainwright Todd. Dickinson '16-17. Entered Navy as Seaman at Houston, June 4, 19 17. Served aboard U.S.S. Oregon on Pacific Coast. Received training at Naval Training Station, San Francisco. Promoted from Coxswain to Boatswain's Mate, 2d Class. Discharged July 9, 1919. Albert Michael Tomfohrde. Houston B.A. '17. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, February 9, 191 8. Received training at School of Military Aeronautics, Princeton, N. J.; Camp Dick, Dallas; Post Field, Okla. Commissioned Second Lieutenant. Discharged December 15, 191 8. James Elton Towle. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. David Wachter Townsend. Houston '13-14. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at Houston, August 3, 191 7. Served overseas with Ambulance 86 Rice Records in War Service Company 357, 315 Sanitary Train, 90th Division, June 28, 1918- June 7, 191 9. Promoted to Corporal, August 6, 191 8. Served on Toul Sector, August 23-October 10, 1918; St. Mihiel Offen- sive, September 12-October 10; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Octo- ber 23-November II. Discharged June 15, 19 19. FiTZHUGH Lee Townsend. Houston '16-18. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, December 15, 1917. Received training at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin; Camp Dick, Dallas; Park Field, Tenn. Discharged as Private, ist Class (Flying Cadet), Air Service (Aeronautics), December 26, 1918. George Hamilton Traylor. Dallas B.A. '17. Entered Infantry at Houston, May 8, 19 17. Attended Officers' Training Camp at Leon Springs; commissioned Second Lieutenant; promoted to First Lieutenant, August, 1918. Dis- charged as First Lieutenant, 151st Depot Brigade, Camp Devens, Massachusetts, December 10, 19 18. David Lee Treadway. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Jack Albertus Trigg. Nacogdoches '16-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. HuGHiE Dunn Trussell. Mount Calm '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Dean B. Tucker. McKinney '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Samuel January Turley. Houston '15-16. Entered Navy at Houston, April 6, 191 7. Received training at Charleston Navy Yard, S. C. Promoted to Radio Operator, 3d Class, February, 191 8. Assigned to Sub Chaser 336, patrolling Gulf waters. Promoted to 2d Class Operator, Sep- tember, 1 91 8. Assigned to Oil Tanker Sara Thompson. Dis- charged March 9, 19 19. Joe Ellis Tyson. New Boston '16-17; '18-19. Attended Automobile Mechanics' School, Austin; and Central Infantry Officers' Training School, Camp Mac- Arthur, Waco, April 12-December 2, 191 8. Francis Joseph Underwood. Galveston B.S. '17. Entered Infantry at Camp Travis, San Antonio, Oc- tober 9, 191 7. Attended Third Officers' Training Camp, Camp Travis; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Served in Rice Records in War Service 87 Company C, 360th Infantry, 90th Division; Infantry Replacement Camp, Camp Lee, Virginia; 68th Infantry, 9th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama. Discharged February i, 1919. Patrick Henry Underwood. Galveston B.S. '17. Entered Corps of Engineers at Schenectady, N. Y., June 28, 191 8. Attended Engineer Officers' Training School, Camp Humphreys, Virginia; promoted to Sergeant, November, 1 91 8. Discharged December 11, 19 18. Reginald Banks Upshaw. Dallas '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Andrew Urban. Wichita Falls '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Griffin Duff Vance. San Antonio '16-17. Entered Infantry at First Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs, May 8, 191 7. Commissioned Provisional Second Lieu- tenant, Regular Army; commissioned First Lieutenant, Regular Army, October 26, 1917. Served with 21st Infantry, San Diego, Cal., August 27, 1917-March 9, 1919. Discharged March 9, 1919. James Mueller Vanston. Texarkana '16- . Rice S.A.T.C. Transferred to Central Infantry Offi- cers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged December 10, 191 8, before completion of training. David McDonald Venable. Victoria '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John William Vernor. Lampasas '15-17. Entered Naval Reserve Flying Corps at Brooklyn, N. Y., April 29, 1918. Received training at Ground School, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology; Naval Flying Corps, Lighter than Air Section, Akron, O., and Pensacola, Fla. Promoted to Chief Quartermaster and Student Flight Officer. Discharged Decem- ber 13, 1918. John Bailey Victery. Livingston '17-18. Member of Naval Section, S.A.T.C, Austin, October 26-December 12, 19 1 8. John Lee Vilbig. Dallas '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. James T. Vogler. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice SA.T.C. - 88 Rice Records in War Service Clarence Edwin Wademan. Temple 'ly- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Patrick Henry Wageman. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. William James Walker. Houston '16-18. Entered Infantry at San Antonio, June 13, 19 18. Served in Quartermaster M.R. Shop No. 304, Fort Sam Houston. At- tended Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga. ; Bandmaster, when armistice was signed. Discharged as Student Officer, Machine Gun Division, December 18, 191 8. John Homer Wallace. Rockwall '16-18. Entered Air Service at San Antonio, November 28, I9I7- Attended School of Military Aeronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, March 30, 191 8. Served overseas as engineer officer of the 90th Aero Squadron; participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offen- sives. Cited in G.O. 43 from Office of First Army Air Service Commander, A.E.F. Discharged May 7, 1919- Richard Burrowes Walling. Houston '16-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John William Waltrip, Jr. Mart '16- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Wendell Philip Ward. Weimar '17-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. John Dawson Waring, Jr. Comanche '16-18. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at San Antonio, April 8, 1918. Served overseas with Battery F, 70th Artillery, 34th Brigade, July 15, 1918-February 22, 191 9. Discharged as Cor- poral, March 18, 1919. Joe Halleman Warren. Dallas '16-17. Entered Infantry at West Point, N. Y., June 14, 191 7. Commissioned Second Lieutenant from U.S. Military Academy, West Point. On duty at Infantry School of Arms, Camp Benning, Georgia. Served overseas three months. Remains in the Regular Army. James Stephen Waters, Jr. Dallas B.S. '17. Entered Engineers at Leon Springs, May 8, 191 7. Attended First Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs and Fort Leavenworth; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Engineers; pro- Rice Records in War Service 89 moted to First Lieutenant, November 5, 191 8. Served overseas with the 315th Engineers, goth Division, June 14, 1918-June 15, 19 19; on Saizerais-Haye-Puvenelle Sector, August 22-September II, 1918; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16; Demonstration Meuse-Argonne, September 26; Meuse-Argonne Offensive (Corps Troops), October 17-29; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, November i-ii; Army of Occupation, November 22-May 5, 1919. Dis- charged July 14, 19 19. William Alpheus Waters. Galveston '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. David Robertson Wx^tson. Houston '16-17. Entered National Naval Volunteers at Houston, April 7, 191 7. Discharged as Sergeant, Marine Corps, Barracks De- tachment, Norfolk, Va., January 31, 19 19. Otto Olive Watts. Winters B.A. '16. Entered Signal Corps at Camp Travis, San Antonio, September 7, 19 17. Received training at Camp Travis, and Radio School, College Park, Md. Promoted to Sergeant, ist Class, in Signal Corps, May i, 191 8. Served overseas with Company A, 315th Field Signal Battalion, 90th Division, June 28, 1918-July 2, 1919: on Puvenelle Sector, August 25— October 10; St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 22-November II ; in Army of Occupation, December 7— March 7, 1919; in A.E.F. University as Instructor, March 8-June 7, 1919. Discharged July 16, 19 19. Lee Emmons Weathers. Greenville '15-16. Entered Infantry at Greenville, July 17, 191 7. Served overseas with Company C, 144th Infantry, 36th Division, July 14, 1918-June 6, 1919: in Meuse-Argonne Offensive (Champagne Sector), October 6-29, 1918. Discharged as Supply Sergeant, June 20, 1919. Charles Galloway Webb. Dallas '17- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Herbert Holland Welch. Wharton '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Edward Lytton Wells. Houston '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Hugh Clayton Welsh. Haskell '16-18. Entered Infantry at Camp Travis, San Antonio, March 90 Rice Records in War Service 28, 1918; transferred to Ordnance Department, May 18, 1918. Received training at Camp Hancock, Georgia; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant, October 31, 191 8. Discharged as Second Lieu- tenant, DuPont Engineering Co., Penniman, Va,, January 20, 1919. Roland C. Wendell. Rosenberg '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Garrett Wendt. Brenham '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Henry Schumacher Wesson. Navasota '15-16. Entered Navy at Houston, November 30, 191 7. Re- ceived training at Great Lakes Naval Training Station, and Offi- cers' Material School, Charleston, S. C. Promoted to Seaman, 2d Class, February 14, 19 18. Injuries received while in the service prevented the passing of physical examination for commission. Dis- charged February 11, 191 9. Norrie Austin West. Liifkin '16-18; '19- . Entered Naval Reserve Force at Houston, May 4, 1 918. Received training at West End Naval Training Station, New Orleans. Promoted to Yeoman, 3d Class, February i, 1919. Discharged May 3, 19 19. Thomas Wharton. Edna '16—17. Entered Infantry at Edna, August 8, 19 18. Served over- seas in Company E, 136th Infantry, 34th Division, October 13, 1918-July 31, 1919. Discharged as Private, August 13, 19 19. George Carlos Wheeler. Bonham B.A. '18. Entered Medical Corps at Bonham, September 18, 191 8. Received training at Yale Army Laboratory School, New Haven, Conn. Served as laboratory technician at Base Hospital, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Discharged as Sergeant, June 28, 1919. Francis Hunter Whitaker. Beaumont '15-18. Entered Naval Academy, Annapolis, as Midshipman, June 14, 1918. Harold Ogden White. Enid, Oklahoma '14-15. Entered Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Logan, Colo., June I, 19 1 8. Served overseas as interpreter with Battery F, 67th Ar- tillery, 35th Artillery Brigade, First Army, August 26, 1918- March 2, 1919. Discharged March 21, 1919. Lloyd Young White. Waco '13-17. Entered Corps of Engineers, at San Antonio, May 8, Rice Records in War Service 91 191 7. Attended First Engineer Officers' Training Camp, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, U.S.R. ; pro- moted to First Lieutenant, Engineers, February 22, 191 8. Served with I nth Engineers; also 2d Engineers, 2d Division. Overseas service, July 15, 1918-August 8, 19 19: in Champagne Sector; St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives; Army of Occupation. Regimental colors of 2d Engineers decorated three times with Croix de Guerre, two stars and palm. Discharged August 27, 1919. William Gladstone Whitehouse. Cleburne '16- . Attended S.A.T.C. at Fort Sheridan, 111.; and Central Officers' Training School, Camp MacArthur, Waco. Discharged December 10, 191 8, before completion of training. Sterling Eugene Whitesides, Jr. Texarkana, Arkansas '15-16. Entered U.S. Military Academy, West Point, July, 191 7. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, November i, 19 18. Sailed, July I3> I9I9) for a two months' tour of inspection, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy. Remains in Regular Army. Stuart Austin Wier. Dallas '17-18. Entered Texas Cavalry, April 25, 1918. Promoted to First Sergeant, Troop K, 3d Squadron. Federalized June, 191 8. EwiNGS Elmo Willcox. Houston '18-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Robert Parks Williams. Leeshurg, Florida '17- . Rice S.A.T.C; transferred to Coast Artillery Officers' Training Camp, Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieu- tenant, Coast Artillery Reserve Corps. Discharged February 7, 1919. Milton Chapman Williamson. Cisco '16-18; '19- . Entered Cavalry at Dallas, May 15, 1918. Re- ceived training at Camp Stanley, Texas. Promoted to First Lieu- tenant, November i, 191 8. Served with Troop A, and 6th Regi- ment, 2d Brigade, Texas National Guard. Albert Edmund Willig. Temple '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Clovis Bertrand Willingham. San Antonio ' 16-17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Corps, at San An- tonio, December 10, 191 7. Served with Ambulance Company 10, 15th Cavalry Division; transferred to Ambulance Company 271, 92 Rice Records in War Service 1 8th Infantry Division. Promoted to Sergeant, August, 191 8. Discharged February i, 19 19. Charles Patton Wilson, Jr. Houston '17- . Entered Infantry at Fort Sheridan, 111., June 3, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieutenant. Assigned to U.S. Training Detachment, Valparaiso, Ind. ; later transferred to S.A.T.C. Jef- ferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Discharged January i, 1919. Guilford Cleo Wilson. Mansfield '13-14. Entered Field Artillery at Fort Worth, September 19, 191 7, Attended Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky; commissioned Second Lieuten- ant, August 31, 1 91 8. Served with Battery F, 345th Field Artil- lery, 90th Division. Discharged as Second Lieutenant, Radio Officer, 73d Field Artillery, December 5, 1918. Walter Ogilvy Wilson. Navasota '17-19. Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Willett Wilson, Jr. Houston '17- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. RoBB Mauzy Winsborough. St. Louis, Missouri '18- . Company A, Rice S.A.T.C. Milton Brents Witty. Hamilton '15-16. Entered Infantry at Camp Travis, San Antonio, Sep- tember 5, 1917. Served in Depot Brigade, 41st Company, nth Battalion, 90th Division, Target Range Detachment, and in Camp Travis Sanitary Inspector's Office. Attended Central Machine Gun Officers' Training Camp, Camp Hancock, Georgia, August 17-November 9, 191 8. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, In- fantry Reserve Corps, November 25, 191 8, and discharged the same day. Edgar Charles Wood. Houston '16-17. Entered Navy at Houston, April 6, 191 7. Received train- ing at Charleston Navy Yard, S. C. Promoted to Chief Quarter- master, December i, 1918. Served aboard U.S.S. Reid (destroyer), based Azores, July 15, 1917; Queenstown, Ireland, October I, 191 7; Brest, France, December i, 1917-February 2, 19 18; trans- port service till June 6, 1919. Participated in submarine engage- ments; torpedoing of U.S.S. President Lincoln, May 31, 1918. Discharged June 19, 1919. *Griffin G. Wood. Itasca '14-16. Entered Marine Corps at Houston, June i, 191 7- Rice Records in War Service 93 Served as Private; later transferred to Paymaster Department. In August, 191 8, assigned to Marine Officers' training class, Quan- tico, Va. Died of influenza, November 15, 191 8. Mark V. Woodburn. Houston '18-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Lewis Jay Woodruff. Blessing B.A. '17. Entered Engineers, May 12, 191 7; reported at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, September 24, 191 7. Served in Com- pany E, 23d Engineers. Attended Field Artillery School at Saumur, France; commissioned Second Lieutenant, November i, 19 1 8. Overseas service, March 31, 1918-February 3, 19 19. Dis- charged as Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery (unassigned), Feb- ruary 7, 1919. Horace Stuart Wooldridge. Gainesville '16-17. Entered Engineers at San Antonio, September 19, 1917. Served overseas with 20th Engineers, November 11, 1917-April 27) 1919- Discharged as Corporal, May 5, 1919. Clinton Harcourt Wooten. Columbus B.A. '16. Entered Marine Corps at Houston, July 15, 191 7. Re- ceived training at Paris Island, S. C. ; U.S.S. Pennsylvania; at- tended Marine Officers' Training Camp at Quantico, Va. ; commissioned Second Lieutenant, August 15, 191 8; promoted to First Lieutenant, September 10, 1918. Served aboard U.S.S. Wyoming in North Sea, November, 1917-April, 1918; in France with 13th Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps, September, 1918-August, 1919. Discharged August 25, 1919. Archie Mansfield Yarrington. San Marcos '17-18. Member of Engineering S.A.T.C, Austin, October 4- December 9, 191 8. Richard Preston Yeatman. Bessemer, Alabama B.A. '17. Entered Ambulance Section, Medical Reserve Corps, at San Antonio, August 29, 191 7. Served overseas in Ambulance Company 357, 315 Sanitary Train, 90th Division, June 28, 1918- June 7, 1 91 9. Participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives; in Army of Occupation. Cited for "fearlessness and devotion to duty" under G.O. 13, Headquarters, 90th Division. Discharged as Wagoner, June 16, 1919. John Henry Yelverton. Riverside '14-17. Entered Navy at Houston, June 16, 191 7. Received training at Naval Training Station, Norfolk, Va. On convoy duty 94 Rice Records in War Service for six months. Member of crew of U.S.S. Schurz, sunk June 21, 1 91 8; entire crew cited for bravery by Secretary of Navy Daniels. Discharged as Fireman, January 15, 19 19. Harold Young. Paris '17-18. Entered Navy at Houston, June, 1918. Commissioned Ensign at Great Lakes Naval Training Station. Carroll L. Youngblood. Ben Wheeler '15-16. Entered Ordnance Department at Camp Travis, San Antonio, June 27, 191 8. Attended Ordnance Training School at Camp Hancock, Georgia. Discharged January 20, 1919, before completion of training. Augustus Van Zama. Hazlehurst, Mississippi '16-17. Entered Quartermaster Corps at Hazlehurst, April, 1917. Received training at Fort Logan H. Roots, Little Rock, Ark. ; and Fort Monroe, Va. Commissioned Second Lieutenant; promoted to First Lieutenant. Served overseas in the Quartermaster Corps from October 8, 191 8. Henry Ford Zama. Hazlehurst, Mississippi '16-19. Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Thaddeus Carlton Ziegler. San Antonio '18- . Company B, Rice S.A.T.C. Philip Arthur Zuber. Houston '15-17. Entered Naval Reserve Force at College Station, Texas, October, 1918. Discharged December 12, 19 18. AUXILIARY SERVICE James Clayton Albertson, Jr. Houston '17-18. Draftsman under Quartermaster Corps, Camp Logan, Houston, April i, 1918-November 26, 191 8. Louise Jane Beraud. Houston '14-17; '19- . Telephone operator, Signal Corps, U.S.A., Feb- ruary 9, 1918-March 30, 191 8. Served overseas at Neuf chateau during St. Mihiel drive; later stationed with First Army Head- quarters at Souilly. Unit commended by Chief Signal Officer, A.E.F. From April, 1918, to November, 1919, Y.W.C.A. recon- struction work in and around Reims, and with the American Com- mission to Negotiate Peace in Paris. Harmon Shove Boyd. Woodbury, Connecticut '17-18. Work at Bureau of Standards, Washington, in connection with limit gauges. Harry Marshall Bulbrook. Greenville B.A. '16; M.S. '17. Civilian chemist, Naval Proving Grounds, August, 191 7, to end of war. Francis Shelton Cross. Galveston '17-18. Employed in the manufacture of high explosives, Jackson Research Laboratory, Deepwater, N. J. Henry Gibes Dalehite. Galveston '17-18. Clerk, Adjutant-General's Office, War Department, Washington. Opal Hall. Houston B.A. '16. Served overseas in Red Cross Canteen Work. Gladstone Bering Heisig. Houston B.A. '17; M.S. '18. Junior chemist in Division of Gas Mask Re- search; later in Offense Organic Laboratory, Bureau of Mines' Experimental Station, American University, Washington, from May 17, 1918, to end of war. Law Lawson Lovelace. San Angelo '15-17; '18- . Naval draftsman, September 23, 1918-January I, 1919- 95 96 Rice Records in War Service Olive Adelaide Marshall. Houston '16-17. Served overseas in Red Cross Canteen Work. John Emmet Niland. Galveston B.S. '17. War work at South Philadelphia plant of Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. Elsbeth Thompson Rowe. Houston B.A. '18. Received nurse's training at Vassar Training Camp and Lake Side Hospital, Cleveland. Released from duty after signing of armistice. Herbert Wray Wilbur. Kingsville B.S. '16; M.S. '17. Assistant chemist, Bureau of Standards, Wash- ington, from August 29, 191 7, doing chemical analysis of gun and shell steels. Transferred, June, 19 18, to General Laboratory of Bureau of Aircraft Production, Pittsburgh, making analyses of airplane parts. Transferred, February i, 1919, to Claims Board of Ordnance Department, Pittsburgh District, to July i, 1 9 19. UJRARY OF CONGRESS 015 845 694 1 The Rice Inslttute Pamphlet is published at Mousion, Texas, and is issued in Januafy, April, July, and Octabe^. It was entered as second-class maiief, April 15, 19} 5, qt the post- office at Houston, Texas, under (he Act of August 24, 1912