LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. §ipi^, daiigng]^ !f ti- Slielf.TH.b.2 5'b UNITED STATES OF AMEE" aCA. Printed by F. McMANUa, Jr. & CO. 21 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia 1892. ^ Plain white, marbled or ivory tinted basin (without waste) $ 3.00 Decorated, design No. 31 (without waste) 670 32 30 611 46 44 5iS 1013 1014 ROUND. OVAL. OVAL. ;s l6>^ iS X iS 20 X 19 $ 3-00 $ 5-00 S 7.00 24.00 26.00 2S.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 20.00 22.C0 24.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 If with embossed exterior, add $1.00 ; embossed and gilded, add S3. 00. See prices under Plate 4 — B. EMBOSSED EXTERIOR. PLATE 4-B. Size of Basin outside (including recess) Plain white, marbled or ivory tinted, embossed exterior, not gilded (without waste) Decorated, design No. 31, embossed and gilded exterior, (without waste) 32, 30, 611, 46, 44, 518, 1013. 1014, 14 X i6>^ $ 4.00 27.00 13.00 23.00 23.00 9.00 23.00 23.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 18 X 18 $ 6.00 29.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 11.00 25 00 25.00 12.00 11.00 11.00 OVAL. 20 X 19 $ 8.00 31.00 17.00 27.00 27.00 13.00 27.00 27.00 14.00 13.00 13.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. DECORATED "IDEAL" RECESSED WASH BASINS. DESIGN No. 31. Pear Bi,ossom. DESIGN No. 670. Design No. 670 furnished in any color to order. McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. DECORATED "IDEAL" RECESSED WASH BASINS. Embossed Exterior. DESIGN No. 32. DESIGN No, 30. The above designs furnished in 3113' colors to order. Embossing sliown on exterior of basin, Design No. 30, has been discarded. All embossed basins are like Plate 4 — B and Design No. 32. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. DECORATED "IDEAL" RECESSED WASH BASINS. GoivD Bands. DESIGN No. 61 1. DESIGN No. 46. 10 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. DECORATED "IDEAL" RECESSED WASH BASINS. Floral DESIGN No. 44. DESIGN No. 518. Design No. 518 furnished in any color to order. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 11 DECORATED "IDEAL" RECESSED WASH BASINS. Undek-GLaze Bi,ue, Mountain Fringe. DESIGN No. 1013. Pear Blossom. DESIGN No. 1014. MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 13 ALL MARBLE LAVATORY WITH "IDEAL" BASIN AND WASTE. l'.^,.' >/ '^^'^^^M tt^^^^m^ ^ CROssct/fi'i^- WEST. -^C^i, ^. ^-i:^^ £NGRf^V(NSCO.PHlCf{, " -'— ^ PLATE 5-B. This I,avatory consists of countersunk marble slab with fancy back, supporting sides, apron, floor slab and loose front piece (to conceal trap and pipes), oval Ideal basin and waste, and No. 3 compression basin cocks ; no trap included. Marble slab is 30 x 21 inches, \}i inch thick, with 16 inch back, but can be had in other sizes. PRICES COMPLETE AS SHOWN. With all brass work, nickel plated I64.50 I73.50 " " " " silver plated 69.50 78.50 If with ebony or ivor}' four arm handles on waste and basin cocks, add $4.50. If with decorated basin, add difference between plain and decorated. See page 6. Prices of above in fancy marbles furnished on application. 14 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. OPEN LAVATORY ON LEGS WITH "IDEAL" BASIN AND WASTE. PLATE 6-B. This Lavatory consists of countersunk marble slab, fancy back, front and side aprons, oval Ideal Basin and Waste with soap cup lift, No. 4 compression basin cocks with stuffing boxes, No. 5 brass legs and No. r brass trap. Marble slab is 30 x 21 inches, I'X inches thick with 15 inch fancy back and 5 x 14 inch bracket aprons, but can be had in other sizes. PRICES COMPLETE AS SHOWN. With all brass work nickel plated " " " " silver " Lacquered brass work same price as nickel plated. I61.50 76.00 I67.00 S1.50 If with ebony or ivory four arm handles on basin cocks and single handle on waste, add I3.50 If wanted with decorated basin, add difference between plain and decorated. See page 6. Prices of above in fancy marbles furnished on application. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. ]S OPEN LAVATORY ON LEGS. WITH "IDEAL" BASIN AND WASTE. PLATE 7-B. This Lavatory consists of countersunk marble slab, square back, aprons front and both ends, oval Ideal basin and waste, No. 3 compression basin cocks with stuffing boxes, No. 10 brass legs, wall apron sockets, brass "serpentine" trap waste and supply pipes to floor. Marble slab is 30 s: 21 x i^ inches thick, with 15 inch back and 5 inch aprons, but can be had in other sizes. With all brass work nickel plated " '■ " " silver " PRICES COMPLETE AS SHOWN. (except fi^ inches, i}{ inch thick with iS inch back, but can be had in other sizes. PRICES COMPLETE AS SHOWN. EXCEPT WITH BASIN PI,AIN INSIDE. With all brass work nickel plated I52.00 " " " " silver plated 68.00 Lacquered brass work same price as nickel plated. If with ebony or ivor}' celluloid four arm handles on basin cocks and waste, add ^4.50. If with decorated basin, add difference between plain and decorated. See page 6. Prices of above in fancy marbles furnished on application. fo5-oo 72.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 17 OPEN LAVATORY ON BRACKETS. PLATE 9-B. This Lavatory consists of countersunk marble slab, plain back, apron front and sides, oval Ideal basin and waste, No. 3 compression basin cocks with stuffing boxes, large brass apron brackets, brass serpentine trap, waste and suppl}' pipes to floor. Marble slab is 30 x 21 inches, 1'/ inch thick, 15 inch back and 5 inch aprons, but can be had in other sizes. PRICES COMPLETE AS SHOWN. EXCEPT FLOOR SLAB white Italian pink Tennessee ■ MARBLE. MARBLE. With all brass work, nickel plated fo7.5o S60.50 " " " " silver plated . 73-0° 76-75 Lacquei'ed brass same price as nickel plated. If with ebony or ivory four arm handles on basin cocks and waste add | 4.50 If with 30 X 21 X I )< inch countersunk Italian marble floor slab " 8.00 If with 30 X 21 X iX " " piiik Tennessee marble floor slab " 10.00 If with decorated basin, add difference between plain and decorated. See page 6. Prices ot above in fancy marbles furnished on application. 18 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. OPEN CORNER LAVATORY WITH "IDEAL" BASIN AND WASTE. PLATE 10~B. This Lavatory consists of countersunk marble slab, fancy backs, supporting sides and base, embossed oval Ideal basin and waste. No. 4 compression basin cocks with stuffing boxes, brass trap, waste and supply pipes to floor. Marble slab is 24 x 24 inches, iX inch thick; backs 15 inches high, but can be had in other sizes. PRICES COMPLETE AS SHOWN. with all brass work, nickel plated " " " silver plated . Lacquered brass work same price as nickel plated. WHITE ITALIAN PINK TENNESSEE MARBLE. MARBLE. J6S.5O I76.S0 80.00 8S.00 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on basin cocks, add I3.00. If with decorated basin, add difference between plain and decorated. See page 5. If without marble floor slab and supporting sides, deduct for white Italian marble, I20.00 ; pink Tennessee marble, f 24,00. Prices of above in fancy marbles furnished on application. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 19 TILED BATH ROOM INTERIOR. The above illustration shows a ver}' handsome and artistic bath room finished in tile. The fixtures represented are our improved embossed "Sypho" water closet, tile lined bath tub with Ideal supply and waste fixtures, and tile lavatory with Ideal basin, waste and brass legs. 30 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. BRASS LAVATORY LEGS. No. I. No. 2. No. 4. No. 5. PLATES 12-B. 13- 14-B. 15-B. 16-B. No. 6. a' 17-B. Plates 12— B 13— B 14— B 15— B 16— B 17— B Polished brass, per pair | 6.50 | 6.50 { 6.00 - $ 6.50 $ 6.50 $ 6.00 Nickel plated, " " 7.50 7.50 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.00 Silver plated, " •' i3.50 12.50 12.00 13.50 12.50 12.00 All styles of lavatory legs can be had for either 5 or 6 inch aprons. When no size is given, 5 inch will be furnished. In length they are designed to bring the lower side of marble slab 28)^ inches from the floor, but can be made in other lengths to order. Lacquered brass legs same price as nickel plated. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 21 BRASS LAVATORY LEGS AND APRON WALL SOCKETS. No. 7. No. S. w No. 9. No. 10, No. 13. No. 14. PLATES 18-B. 19-B. 20-B. 21-B. 22-B. 23-B. 24-B. 25-B. Plates iS-B Polished brass, per pair $ 9.00 Nickel plated, " " 10.00 Silver plated, " " . 16.00 19— B 20— B 21— B 22— B $ 9.00 $ S.50 Sii.oo S25.00 lO.OO 9-50 12.00 26.00 16.00 15-50 18.00 35-00 23-B 24-B 25-B I2.00 S2.00 513.00 2.50 2.50 14.00 3-50 3.50 23.00 All styles of lavatory legs can be had for either 5 or 6 inch aprons. When no size is given, 5 inch will be furnished. In length they are designed to bring the lower side of marble slab 28)-^ inches from the floor, but can be made in other lengths to order. No. 13 leg is intended to be surmounted by a frame for holding apron of tile or marble, and is 5 inches shorter than other legs. The taper columns are of polished marble and add a highly artistic efiect. The wall sockets furnish excellent means for securing marble aprons to the wall ; they can be had for either 5 or 6 inch aprons. Lacquered brass legs same price as nickel plated. 22 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. BRASS LAVATORY BRACKETS. Nos. I and 2. No. I, 16 X 15 inches, per pair No. 2. 18 X 16 " " " PLATE 26-B M.20 5.80 POLISHED AND NICKEL PLATED SILVER PLATED LACQUEKED BRASS, BRASS. BRASS. S4-6o 6.40 $4- 60 6.40 ?IO.O0 13.00 No. 3. PLATE 27- -B. POLISHED POLISHED AND NICKEL PLATED SILVER PLATED BRASS. LACQUERED BRASS. BRASS. BRASS. No. 3, 16 X 15 inches, per pair «3-35 »3-75 fe-75 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 23 BRASS LIFTS FOR "IDEAL" BASIN AND BATH WASTES. PLATE 28-B. Polished brass fe-oo Nickel plated 3.50 Silver plated 4.50 PLATE 29-B. Polished brass f4-oo Nickel plated 4.50 Silver plated 6.00 If with ebony or ivory celluloid handle on lift, add jto.50. 24 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. BRASS SOAP CUPS FOR LAVATORIES. No. I Pedestal. No. 2 Pedestal. PLATE 30-B. Polished brass, each ^2.75 Nickel plated, " 3.25 Silver plated, " 4.50 No. 3 PEDESTAL. PLATE 32-B. Polished brass, each ^3-75 Nickel plated, " 4.25 Silver plated, " 5.50 PLATE 31 -B. Polished brass, each ^3-25 Nickel plated, " 3.75 Silver plated. " 5.00 No. 4 Bracket. PLATE 33-B. PRICES AS ILLUSTRATED. Polished brass, each Nickel plated, " Silver plated, " S4.50 5.00 7-50 No. 4 bracket with cup like No. 2 S4.00 l4-5o No. 4 '■ " " " No. I 3.50 4.00 Size of regular cup, 4}^ x 3 inches; if with larger size cup, 5M x 3|^ inches, add $1.00 to above prices. S7-00 6.50 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 25 BRASS TRAPS WITH COUPLING FOR "IDEAL" WASTE FOR LAVATORIES AND SINKS. No. I Trap. PLATE 34-B. Polished brass, each , IS-So Nickel plated, " ~ 6.50 If with slip joint wall connections for waste and vent, add per pair S3.00. No. 3 Trap with Bent Wai,i< Connections. PLATE 36-B. Polished brass, each IS7 00 Nickel plated, " 8.00 If with slip joint wall connections for waste and vent, add per pair $3.00. No. 2 Trap with Waste to Floor. PLATE 35-B. Polished brass, each $6.50 Nickel plated, " 7.50 If with slip joint wall connection on vent, add Si. 50. 26 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. THE "SERPENTINE" BRASS TRAP FOR "IDEAL" BASIN WASTE. With Pipe to Floor. DEEP SEAL. PLATE 37-B. Polished brass, each ?8.oo S7.00 Nickel plated, " 9.00 8.00 PLATE 38-B. Polished brass, each Nickel plated, " »7.oo Sb.oo 8.00 6.50 If with slip joint wall connection for vent, add f 1.50. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 27 THE "BONAIR" BRASS TRAP FOR "IDEAL" BASIN WASTE. DEEP SEAL. With Slip Joint Wall Connection . With Slip Joint Wall Connection (Vented). PLATE 39-B. PLATE 40-B. Rough brass, each l5-5o Polished brass, " 6.50 Nickel plated, " 7.00 Rough brass, each S5.50 Polished brass, " 6.50 Nickel plated, " , - 7.00 i BRASS TOWEL RAIL. ■WPB^SMiWIIM^^at^p PLATE 41-B. Polished brass, each fe.oo Nickel plated, " 3.50 Silver plated, " 5.00 The regular length of towel rail is 24 inches, but can be furnished in other lengths. 28 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. COPPER LINED BATHS WITH RECESS. PATENT "IDEAL" WASTE AND SPECIAL DOUBLE BIBB. PLATE 42-B. NEW YORK PATTERN. Length of bath, including recess, 4 feet 10 inches ; 5 feet 4 inches, 5 feet 10 inches, or 6 feet 4 inches. 12 oz. 14 oz. 16 oz. iS oz. 20 oz. Copper lined bath (without fittings) |i6.oo |i8.oo I20.00 I22.00 I24.00 Ideal double bath bibb, nickel plated 8.50. - 8.50 8. 50 8.50 S.50 " bath waste, nickel plated, 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 Price complete as shown (without wood capping) fe4.oo $36.00 I38.00 140.00 $42. 00 PHILADELPHIA PATTERN. Length of bath, including recess, 5 feet 4 inches ; 5 feet 10 inches ; or 5 feet i inch. 12 oz. 14 oz. 16 oz. 18 oz. 20 oz. Copper lined bath (without fittings) $18.00 $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 $26.00 Ideal double bath bibb, nickel plated 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 S.50 Ideal bath waste, nickel plated 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 Price complete as shown (without wood capping) - $36.00 $38.00 $40.00 $42.00 $44-oo If supply and waste fittings are silver plated add $7.00 If with ebony or ivory four arm handles on bibb and waste " 4.50 If with nickel plated shower attachment and hose " 1.50 " silver plated " " " " " 1.75 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 29 RECESSED COPPER LINED BATHS. WITH PATENT " IDEAL" WASTE AND BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS. PLATE 43-B. NEW YORK PATTERN. Length of bath, including recess, 4 feet 10 inches ; 5 feet 4 inches ; 5 feet 10 inches, or 5 feet 4 inches. 12 oz. 14 oz. 16 oz. 18 oz. 20 oz. Copper lined bath (without fittings) $16.00 |i8.oo |2o.oo ;j22.oo |;24.oo Ideal bottom supply double bibb, nickel plated flanges and handles 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Bottom inlet, nickel plated 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 Ideal bath waste, nickel plated 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 Price complete as illustrated (except wood capping) fefi-SS I38.S5 $40.85 I42.85 I44.85 PHILADELPHIA PATTERN. Length of bath, including recess, 5 feet 4 inches ; 5 feet 10 inches, or 6 feet i inch. 12 oz. 14 oz. 16 oz. 18 oz. 20 oz. Copper lined bath (without fittings) |;i8.oo |2o.oo $22.00 1124.00 $26.00 Ideal bottom supply, double bibb, nickel plated flanges and handles 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Bottom inlet, nickel plated 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 Ideal bath waste, nickel plated 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 Price complete as illustrated (without wood capping) I38.85 $40.85 $42.85 $44.85 $46.85 If fittings are silver plated add $7.00 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on bibb and waste " 4.50 30 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH RECESS, PATENT "IDEAL" WASTE, SPECIAL DOUBLE BATH BIBB AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 44-B. Dimensions, 4, 4^, 5 and s'/i feet long, not including recess ; 23 inches wide ; 19 inches deep ; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter. Above dimensions do not include wood rim. Length in feet, not including recess 4 4.J4 5 5}4 Enameled bath, without fittings • S34.00 S38.00 #42.00 S46.00 Large Ideal double bath bibb, nickel plated ii-5o ■\ Ideal bath waste, nickel plated 9.50 V 26.00 26.00 26.00 Brass supply pipes and flanges, nickel plated . 5.00) Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 Price complete as illustrated (including supply pipes) S69.00 S74.00 $79.00 $84.00 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add iSi6.oo " " " " " " " with gold lines " 20.00 If with ebony or ivory celluloid handles on double bibb and waste " 4.50 If with set of four nickel plated brass legs " 12.00 If with mahogany rim " 4.00 If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over ? " 20.00 Polished and lacquered fittings same price as nickel plated. McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 31 PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH RECESS, PATENT " IDEAL " WASTE, BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 45-B. Dimensions 4, 4)^, 5 and s!'i f^et long, not including recess; 23 inches wide ; 19 inches deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter. Above dimensions do not include wood rim. Length in feet, not including recess 4 Enameled bath, without fittings ^34-oo Bottom supply fittings complete, nickel plated all over i5-Oo Brass supply pipes and flanges, nickel plated 5.00 Ideal waste, nickel plated all over 9.50 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim 9.00 Price complete as illustrated ^72.5° 4'A S38.00 29.50 S77.50 5 ^542.00 29.50 I82.50 5'A I46.00 29.50 S87.50 Polished and lacquered brass work same price as nickel plated. If exterior of bath is finished in fine enamel (any tint) add f 16.00 " " " " " " " with gold lines If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies and waste If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If with mahogany rim If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over 20.00 4-50 12.00 4.00 20.00 32 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. ALBION PATTERN WITH RECESS, PATENT "IDEAL" WASTE, BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 46-B. Dimensions, 4|^, 5 and 5^ feet long ; 25 inches wide, including recess ; 19 inches deep ; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter. Above dimensions do not include wood rim. Length in feet Porcelain enameled bath with nickel plated supply and waste fittings Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim \y^ 5 ^% I69.00 173.00 177.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 Price complete as illustrated I7S.00 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add f 16.00 " " " " " " " with gold lines If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies and waste If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If with mahogany rim ; If supply handles and Ideal waste are silver plated 1 20.00 4-50 12.00 4.00 7.00 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 33 PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON FOOT AND HIP BATHS. WITH RECESS, PATENT "IDEAL" WASTE, BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS AND HARD WOOD RIM. Recessed Foot Bath. Recessed Hip Bath. ►.fu^ PLATE 47-B. PLATE 48-B. Dimensions, 22 x 20 x 12 inclies deep ; height from floor to top of wood rim, 18 inches. 27 inches long, 24 inches wide, 12 inches high in front, 1 8 inches high at back. Enameled bath with supply and waste fittings, nickel plated all over ^50.00 Nickel plated supply pipes to floor 4.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim 5.00 Price complete as illustrated 159.00 Enameled bath with supply and waste fittings, nickel plated all over I67.00 Nickel plated supply pipes to floor 4.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim 10.00 Price complete as illustrated J81.00 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add f 10.00 " " " " " " " with gold lines If with ebony or ivory four arm handles on supplies and waste If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If with mahogany rim If supplies and waste fittings are silver plated all over 14.00 4-50 12.00 2.00 15.00 Polished and lacquered brass fittings same price as nickel plated. 34 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON FOOT AND HIP BATHS. WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, " BELMAR " WASTE AND HARD WOOD RIM. Foot Bath. Hip Bath. PLATE 49-B. PLATE 50-B. Dimensions, 22 x 20 x 12 inches deep ; height from floor to top of wood rim, 18 inches. 24 X 24 inches ; 12 inches high in front, iS inches high at back. Enameled bath with supply fittings and Belmar waste, nickel plated all over ... I50.00 Nickel plated supply pipes to floor 4.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim 5.00 Price complete as illustrated Enameled bath with supply fittings, Belmar waste, nickel plated all over ^65.00 Nickel plated pipes to floor 4.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim lo.oo Price complete as illustrated If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add Jio.oo with gold bands If with ebony or ivory four arm handles on supplies If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If with mahogany rim If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over 14.00 3-0O 12.00 2.00 15-00 If all supply and waste fittings outside of bath and below rim are polished brass instead of nickel plated, deduct Jio.oo " " " " " " " " rough brass " " " " 20.00 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 35 PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, "BELMAR" WASTE AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 51-B. Dimensions, 4, 4}4, 5, 5/^ and 6 feet long; 23 inches wide; 19 inches deep; 26 inches from iioor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter. Above dimensions do not include wood rim. Length in feet 4 Enameled bath with supply and waste fittings, nickel plated all over . . $79.00 Nickel plated supply pipes to floor 5.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim S.oo Price complete as illustrated ^92.00 4>^ 5 5>^ 6 S82.00 $S6.oo S90.00 S94.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 $96.00 $101.00 $106.00 $111.00 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add $16.00 " " " " with gold bands If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies If with set of four polished brass legs If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over It supply and waste handles " " " If with mahogany rim Polished and lacquered brass fittings same price as nickel plated. 3.00 10.00 12.00 20.00 6.00 4.00 If supply and waste fittings below the rim, outside of bath, are rough brass instead of nickel plated deduct $20.00 " ■' " " " " polished brass " <■ " "..... " 10.00 36 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, "BELMAR" WASTE AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 52-B. Dimensions, 4, 4)4, 5, 5/4 and 6 feet long; 23 inches wide; 19 inches deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter. Above dimensions do not include wood rim. Length in feet 4 Enameled bath with supply and waste fittings, nickel plated all over . ^79.00 Nickel plated supply pipes to floor 5.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim 8.00 Price complete as illustrated S92.00 4^ IS2.00 5.00 9.00 $96.00 5 $86.00 5.00 10.00 ?IOI.OO 5/. $90.00 5.00 11.00 ?io6.oo 6 ((94.00 5.00 12.00 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add $16.00 " " " " " " with gold bands , If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies If with set of four polished brass legs If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over , If supply and waste handles only are silver plated If with mahogany rim Polished and lacquered brass fittings same price as nickel plated. 20.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 20.00 6.00 4.00 If all supply and waste fittings below the rim, outside of bath, are rough brass instead of nickel plated ...... deduct $20.00 " " " " " " " " " polished brass instead of nickel plated " 10.00 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 37 PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH "IDEAL" DOUBLE BATH BIBB, "BELMAR" WASTE AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 53-B. Dimensions, 4, ^yi, 5, 5^2 and 5 feet long; 23 inches wide; 19 inclies deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter. Above dimensions do not include wood rim. Length in feet 4 Enameled bath with supply and waste fittings, nickel plated all over . . . $64.00 Nickel plated supplies to floor ... 5.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim 8.00 Price complete as illustrated A% 5 5K 6 I67.00 I71.00 I75-00 I79.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 $96.00 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add $16.00 " " " " " " " with gold bands ... If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on double bibb If with set of four polished brass legs .' If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If with mahogany rim If with nickel plated shower attachment and rubber hose If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over If double bath bibb and waste handles only are silver plated Polished and lacquered brass fittings same price as nickel plated. 20.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 4.00 1.50 20.00 7.00 If all supply and waste fittings below the rim, outside of bath, are rough brass instead of nickel plated deduct S12.00 " " " " " " " " " " polished brass instead of nickel plated " 6.00 38 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, BRASS CONNECTED WASTE AND OVERFLOW, HARD WOOD RIM. For Hospitals, Asylums and Prisons. PLATE 54-B. Dimensions, 4, 4)4, 5, $)4 and 6 feet long; 23 inches wide; 19 inches deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter. Above dimensions do not include wood rim. Length in feet 4 4^ 5 5}4 6 Enameled bath with rough brass supply, waste and over- 1 «,q„„ »^, «,...„„ «, *<:, flow fittings, nickel plated trinimings inside of bath | ^^S.oo fci-oo fcS-oo ^59-00 «63.oo Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim 7.50 8.50 9.50 10.50 ii.5o Price complete as illustrated |55-50 159-50 $64.50 I69.50 I74.50 If supply and waste fittings are polished all over add $ 8.00 If supply and waste fittings are polished and nickel plated all over " 16.00 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) " i5.oo If with set of four polished brass legs " 10.00 If with set of four nickel plated brass legs " 13.00 Polished and lacquered brass fittings same price as nickel plated. Valves furnished with loose keys instead of wood wheels if desired. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 39 PORCELAIN ENAMELED AND PAINTED IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH BRASS CONNECTED WASTE AND OVERFLOW, RUBBER STOPPER AND CHAIN, HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 55-B. Dimensions, 4, 4^, 5, 5)^ and 6 feet long; 23 inches wide; ig inches deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter if desired. Above dimensions do not include wood rim. Length in feet 4 Enameled bath with rough brass connected waste and overflow ■ . . ^39.00 Painted bath with rough brass connected waste and overflow 23.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim, extra 7.50 A% 5 5% 6 42.00 S46.00 ^50- 00 «54.oo 25.00 27.00 29.00 31.00 8.50 9-50 10.50 11.50 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add $16.00 " " " " " " " with gold bands If waste and overflow are polished and nickel plated all over If waste and overflow are polished only If with set of four polished brass legs If with set of four nickel plated brass legs , If with mahogany rim If with large pattern, ji inch nickel plated double bath bibb If with nickel plated supply pipes to floor If with polished brass supply pipes to floor 20.00 8.00 4.00 10.00 12.00 4.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 40 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED AND PAINTED IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH COMMON OVERFLOW, RUBBER STOPPER AND CHAIN, HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 56-B. Dimensions (exclusive of wood rim), 4, 4'/i, 5, 5}4 and 6 feet long ; 23 inches wide ; 19 inches deep ; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter if desired. Length in feet 4 4'A 5 5'A 6 Enameled bath with nickel plated trimmings Ssi-oo $34-00 J838.00 ;?42.oo JS46.00 Painted bath with nickel plated trimmings i5-00 17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 Walnut, cherr>', ash or oak rim, e.vtt'a 7-5° S.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel, (any tint) ■ • add S16.C10 " " " " " " " with gold bands " 20.00 If with set of four polished brass legs " 10.00 If with set of four nickel plated brass legs " 12.00 If with nickel plated ^ inch large pattern double bath bibb " 7-°o MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 41 PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. "ALBION" PATTERN WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, "BELMAR" WASTE AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 57-B. Dimensions (exclusive of wood rim) 4>i, 5 and 5% feet long; 25 inches wide; 19 inches deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter if desired. Length in feet Enameled bath, with rough brass supply and waste fittings, nickel plated handles Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim Price complete as illustrated 4>< 5 5K I69.00 I73.00 I77.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 I78.00 ;J83.oo If exterior of bath is finished in fine enamel (any tint) j j " with gold bands If supply and waste handles are silver plated If with set of four polished brass legs If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If with mahogany rim If with ebony or ivory celluloid four-arm handles on supplies J16.00 20.00 6.00 10.00 12.00 4.00 3.00 42 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. MADELINE" PATTERN, PANEL DECORATED IN BRONZE OR SILVER, WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, "BELMAR" WASTE AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 58-B. Dimensions (exclusive of wood rim), 4, 4^, 5 and 5)4 feet long; 24 inches wide; 19 inches deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter, if desired. Length in feet 4 /^% 5 ^yi Enameled bath with bronzed iron legs and skirting, and rough"! ,.0 *r, «o_ » brass supply and waste fittings, nickel plated hlndles, J ^^o.oo $83.00 SS7.00 $91.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim S.oo 9.00 10.00 11.00 Price complete as illustrated $S8.oo $92.00 $97.00 $102.00 If exterior of bath is finished in fine enamel (any tint) add $16.00 If supply and waste handles and inside trimmings are silver plated " 6.00 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies " 3.00 If with mahoganj' rim " 4.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 43 PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. MADELINE PATTERN, PANEL DECORATED IN BRONZE OR SILVER, BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, "BELMAR" WASTE AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 59-B. Dimensions (exclusive of wood rim), 4, 4;^, 5 and s'/i feet long; 24 inches wide; 19 inches deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim. Length in feet 4 41^ g Enameled bath with bronzed iron corner legs and rough "I brass supply and waste fittings, nickel plated handles, J »74-oo t.76.00 $79.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim S.oo 9.00 10.00 Price complete as illustrated S82.00 §85.00 ^89.00 If exterior of bath is finished in fine enamel (any tint) If supply and waste handles and inside trimmings are silver plated If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies If with polished brass legs and skirting If with nickel plated brass legs and skirting If with mahogany rim 5'A $82.00 11.00 $93.00 add J16.C10 6.00 3.00 45.00 55-00 4.00 44 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED IRON BATHS. MADELINE PATTERN WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, "BELMAR" WASTE AND HARD WOOD RIM. PLATE 60-B. Dimensions (exclusive of wood rim), 4, 4^, 5 and 5>^ feet long; 24 inches wide; 19 inches deep; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim, but can be had with legs 3 inches shorter if desired. Length in feet ' 4 Enameled bath with rough brass supply and waste fittings, nickel plated handles . §67.00 Walnut, cherry, ash or oak rim S.oo Price complete as illustrated ^75.00 4^ 5 5'A $69.00 S73.00 $77-oo 9.00 10.00 11.00 §83.00 §8S.oo If exterior of bath is finished in fine enamel (any tint) add f 16.00 " " " " " " " with gold lines If supply and waste handles and inside trimmings are silver plated If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If with set of four polished brass legs If with mahogany rim 20.00 6.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 4.00 LARGE SIZE MADELINE BATH. 5 feet long ; 30 inches wdde ; 19 inches deep ; 26 inches from floor to top of iron rim. Enameled bath with rough brass supply and waste fittings, nickel plated handles and wood rim Extras same price as regular bath. $94.00 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 45 PORCELAIN ENAMELED ROLL RIM IRON BATHS. MADELINE PATTERN WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS AND "BELMAR" WASTE. PLATE 61-B. DIMENSIONS : IvCngth outside of roll, 5 feet 3 inches ; width outside of roll, 29 inches ; depth inside, ig'/i inches ; floor to top of roll, 27 inches. " " " 5 feet 9 inches ; " " " 29 inches ; " " igj^ inches; " " " 27 inches. Width of roll rim, ^ inches. Length 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft 9 i"- Enameled roll rim bath with supply and waste fittings, nickel plated all over |;ii6.oo |;i20.oo If exterior of bath is decorated in fine enamel (any tint) add f 16.00 " " " " " " " with gold lines If supply and waste bandies are silver plated If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies If with set of four polished brass legs If with set of four nickel plated brass legs If with polished brass supply pipes to floor If with nickel plated brass supply pipes to floor 3.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 4.00 5.00 If supply and waste fittings below the rim are polished brass instead of nickel plated deduct f 10.00 " " " " " " " " rough brass " " " , , " 20.00 46 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED ROLL RIM IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH "IDEAL" DOUBLE BATH BIBB AND " BELMAR " WASTE. PLATE 62-B. In above plate bath is shown with exterior decorated in ivory with gold lines, but can be decorated any color or design to order. DIMENSIONS : Length outside of roll, 4 feet 11 inches; width outside of roll, 29 inches; depth inside, iSyi inches; height on legs, 26 inches. " " " 5 feet 5 inches ; " " " 29 inches; " " iS'A inches; " " 26 inches. " " " 5 feet II inches ; " " " 29 inches ; " " iS>< inches; " " 26 inches. Width of roll rim, 3 inches. Supply and waste fittings, add 4 inches to length of bath. Length 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in. Enameled roll rim bath with supply and waste fittings, nickel plated all over $91. 00 feS-oo feg-oo Nickel plated supply pipes to floor 5.00 5.00 5.00 Decorating exterior in ivory with gold lines 20.00 20.00 20.00 Price complete as illustrated |ii6.oo |i2o.oo |r24.oo If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on double bibb add $ 3.00 If with set of four nickel plated brass legs " 12.00 If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over " 20.00 Polished and lacquered brass fittings same price as nickel plated. If bath is decorated ivory without gold lines deduct $ 4.00 If without supply pipes to floor " 5.00 If supply and waste fittings are polished brass instead of nickel plated , " 10,00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 47 PORCELAIN ENAMELED ROLL RIM IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS AND " BELMAR " WASTE. PLATE 63-B. In above plate bath is showu with exterior decorated in ivory with gold lines, but can be decorated any color or design to order. DIMENSIONS : Length outside of roll, 4 feet 11 inches ; width outside of roll, 29 inches ; depth inside, 18 ;< inches ; height on legs, 26 inches. " " " 5 feet 5 inches ; " " " 29 inches ; " " i8,'2 inches; " " 26 inches, " " " 5 feet 1 1 inches ; " " " 29 inches ; " " iS}4 inches; " " 26 inches. Width of roll rim, 3 inches. Supply and waste fittings, add 4 inches to the length of bath. Length 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in, Enameled roll rim bath with supply and waste fittings, nickel plated all over |io6.oo Siio.oo f 114.00 Decorating exterior in ivory with gold lines - 20.00 20.00 20.00 Price complete as illu.strated |i25.oo |r30,oo $134,00 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles on supplies add $ 3,00 If with set of four nickel plated brass legs " 12,00 If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over " 20,00 Polished and lacquered brass fittings same price as nickel plated. If bath is decorated in ivory without gold lines deduct $ 4.00 If without supply pipes to floor , " 5.00 If supply and waste fittings are polished brass instead of nickel plated " 10,00 48 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN ENAMELED ROLL RIM IRON BATHS. FRENCH PATTERN WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, " BELMAR " WASTE AND OVERHEAD SHOWER ATTACHMENT. PLATE 64-B. The above plate illustrates Plate 63 — B roll rim bath with overhead shower, shampoo and white rubber curtain ; this highly desirable feature can be applied to any style of bath illustrated in this catalogue. Add to price of bath for nickel plated overhead shower and rubber curtain, complete as illustrated |;52.oo If rubber curtain is not wanted deduct fio.oo If rubber curtain and ring are not wanted " 22.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 49 ROLL RiM PORCELAIN BATHS. FRENCH SHAPE WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS AND "BELMAR" WASTE. PLATE 65-B. Leugth outside (exclusive of fittings), 70 inches; -widtli outside, 31 inches; depth inside, 22 inches. " " " " 64 inches; " " 31 inches; " " 22 inches. " " " " 55 inches; " " 31 inches; " " 22 inches. Supply and waste fittings, add 5 inches to length. PRICES FOR ROLL RIM BATH, GLAZKD INSIDE .A.ND ON THE ROLL, DECORATED OUTSIDE IN FINE ENAMEL, ANY TINT, WITH GOLD LINES. 70 inches long with nickel plated supply and waste fittings and marble legs 64 inches " " " " " " " " " " " 55 inches " " " " " " " " " " " I250.00 230.00 215.00 If bath is glazed all over add |;20.oo If supply and waste fittings are silver plated all over " 20.00 50 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. ROLL RIM PORCELAIN BATHS. POMPEIAN SHAPE WITH BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS AND "BELMAR" WASTE. PLATE 66-B. Dimensions, 5 feet and 5;4 feet long outside; 29 inches wide outside; 20 inches deep inside. PRICES FOR POMPEIAN ROI.L RIM PORCEI4^ inch thick add $7.50 If with bronzed iron instead of nickel plated brass tank and seat brackets and legs deduct 4.75 For detailed price list, see page S7. Set outlet for " Naiad " closet 12 inches from centre to face of wall. McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA, 83 THE "NAIAD" PLAIN PORCELAIN SQUARE HOPPER AND TRAP. With No. 4 Copper-Lined Pine Tank. With No. 4 Gai,vanized or Enameled Iron Tank. 7^ \ I I PLATE 116-B. PLATE 117-B. Price complete as illustrated, without flush pipe, S31.50 ^"''^ complete as illustrated with galvanized or enameled '^ ^ "^ tank, without flush pipe, $32.50 Price with painted iron tank, complete as illustrated, without flush pipe, $29.00 Above prices include the "Naiad" square hopper and trap. No. 4 copper-lined pine, painted, galvanized or enameled iron tank with iron brackets, walnut, cherry, ash or oak seat, nickel plated brass seat brackets and adjustable legs. Countersunk Italian marble floor slab, 24 X 24 inches, ij4f inch thick add S7.50 If with bronzed iron instead of nickel plated brass seat brackets and legs deduct 2.25 For detailed price list, see page 87. Set outlet for " Naiad " closet 12 inches from centre to face of wall. 8i McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. THE "ORTLEY" PLAIN PORCELAIN LONG OVAL HOPPER. With No. 4 Copper-Lined Paneled Tank. PLATE 118-B Price complete as illustrated, $38.50 With No. 4 Copper-Lined Beaded Tank. PLATE 119-B. Price complete as illustrated, I35.50 Above prices Countersunk include the " Ortley " porcelain hopper and No. 4 copper-lined paneled or beaded walnut, natural or stained natural or antique oak tank, nickel plated brass tank brackets, nickel plated brass flush pipe and straps. Italian marble floor slab, 24 X 24 inches, 1J4; inch thick por detailed price list, see page 87. Set outlet for the " Ortley " 11 inches from centre to face of wall. cherry, ash, add $7.50 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 66 THE "ORTLEY" PLAIN PORCELAIN LONG OVAL HOPPER. With No. 4 Copper-Lined Pine Tank. With No. 4 Gai,vanized or Enameled Iron Tank. PLATE 121-B. PLATE 120-B. Price complete as illustrated, without flush pipe, I20.50 Price with painted iron tank, complete as illustrated, without flush pipe, S18.00 Price complete as illustrated, with galvanized or enameled tank, without flush pipe, I21.50 The above prices include the " Ortley " porcelain hopper and No. 4 copper-lined pine, painted, galvanized or enameled iron tank with iron brackets. Countersunk Italian marble floor slab, 24 X 24 inches, ij^" inch thick add ^7.50 For detailed price list, see page S7. Set outlet for the "Ortley" 11 inches from centre to face of wall. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN SLOP HOPPER COMBINATION. PLATE 122-B. Style of tank Copper-lined pine tanlc, Japanned iron brackets. Price of tank . , ;?i2.5o Price of liopper 20.00 Price of nickel plated liopper cock S.50 Price of nickel plated flush pipe . ... 8.00 Price, without marble back f49.oo Copper-lined stained poplar beaded tank, nickel plated brass brackets. ^17.50 20.00 8.50 S.oo Copper-lined hard wood beaded tank, nickel plated brass brackets. ^ 20.00 8.50 S.oo Copper-lined hard wood paneled tank, nickel plated brass brackets. S22.50 20.00 8.50 8.00 Painted iron tank and brackets. ^10.00 20.00 8.50 8.00 Galvanized or enameled iron tank ana brackets. SI3.50 20.00 8.50 8.00 l.OO I59.00 #46.50 fSo.oo If with bronzed iron instead of nickel plated brass brackets under hard wood tanks, deduct $2.50 Set outlet for slop hopper 15 inches from centre to face of wall. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 87 PRICE-LIST OF SUNDRY WATER CLOSET COMBINATIONS. The Price of any Water Closet Combination from Plate 86 B to lai P. can be made up from the following List. Porcelain Closets Only. Including Brass Floor Flange and Supply Coupling. Plate 86 B to Sg B Mascaret closet, white or ivory tinted I20.00 Plate 86 B to 89 B Mascaret closet, decorated in gold only, or in gold with colored ground 32.50 Plate 90 B to 93 B Sheldon closet, white or ivory tinted iS.oo Plate 90 B to 93 B Sheldon closet, decorated in gold only, or in gold with colored ground 30.50 Plate 94 B to 97 B Arno closet, white 13.50 Plate 98 B to loi B Mentone closet, white ■ 17.00 Plate 102 B to 105 B Sehna closet, while orivor}' tinted 11.00 Plate 102 B to 105 B Selina closet, decorated in gold only, or in gold with colored ground 21.00 Plate 106 B to 109 B Daniosas closet, white or ivory tinted 12.50 Plate 106 B to tog B Damosas closet, decorated in gold only, or in gold with colored ground 22.50 Plate no B to 113 B Orion closet, white ' 10.00 Plate 114 B to 117 B Naiad closet, white , 11.00 Plate 118 B to 121 B Ortley closet, white 8.00 No. 4 Copper -Lined Standard Tanks. (Illustrated Plate 123 B.) Including Brackets, Chain and Pull. REGULAR. LARGE. Outside dimensions, inches . 24 x 13 x 13 deep. 26 x 13 x 17 deep. Pine tank with japanned iron brackets I12.50 |i4-5o Beaded tank, stained poplar with bronzed iron brackets 15.00 18.00 Beaded tank, stained poplar with nickel plated brass brackets 17.50 20.50 Beaded tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with bronzed iron brackets 17.00 20.00 Beaded tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with nickel plated brass brackets 19.50 22.50 Paneled tank, walnut, cherrj', ash or oak with bronzed iron brackets 20.00 23.00 Paneled tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with nickel plated brass brackets 22.50 25.50 Paneled tank, mahogan}- with nickel plated brass brackets 25.00 28.00 If tank is lined with 4 pound sheet lead instead of copper add 4.00 4.00 Bracket boards for tank 1.25 1.25 No. 4 Cast Iron Tank. Including Brackets, Chain and Pull. Outside dimensions, inches 22>^ x I2j4x I4J( deep. Painted iron tank with japanned iron brackets jio.oo Galvanized iron tank with galvanized iron brackets 13.50 Enameled iron tank w'ith japanned iron brackets , 13-50 Enameled iron tank and brackets decorated ivory with gold lines 25.50 Water Closet Seats, Brackets and Legs. Regular seat (no lid) in walnut, cherr}-, ash or oak , J4.00 in mahogan}', 15.25 Regular lid in walnut, cherry, ash or oak 2.50 " 3.25 Beaded back in walnut, cherrj-, ash or oak 1. 00 " 1.50 Paneled back in walnut, clierr)-, ash or oak 1.50 " 2.00 Polished brass seat brackets per pair, i.oo Nickel plated brass .seat brackets " 1.25 Bronzed iron seat brackets " .25 Seat with side strips (Plate no B to 1x3 B) in walnut, cherry, ash or oak 3.75 Lid in walnut, cherrj', ash or oak 2.25 Beaded back 1.00 Paneled back 1.50 Poli.shed brass seat brackets per pair, i.oo Nickel plated brass seat brackets " 1.25 Bronzed iron seat brackets " .25 Polished brass adjustable legs " 2.75 Nickel plated brass adjustable legs " 3.00 Bronzed or galvanized iron adjustable legs " 1.75 Sundry Parts. Floor flange, rubber gasket and bolts ^i.oo Adjustable flush pipe with straps polished brass, $7.00 nickel plated, 8.00 Suppl 3' pipe for tank with straps " " 3.00 " " 3.50 Vent for bowl " " 1.75 " " 2.00 JAPANNED GALVANIZED BRONZED POLISHED NICKEL PLATED IRON. IRON, IRON. BRASS. BRASS. Brackets for No. 4 tank per pair, I0.50 fi.oo f i.oo fe.oo I3.50 LACQUERED BRASS WORK SAME PRICE AS NICKEL PLATED. Automatic Water Closets. Any of the above closets may be combined with No. 7 Automatic Tank and Seat as illustrated in Plate 85 B. For prices of Auto- matic Tanks, Seats and Brackets see page 55. (No. 7 Tank, Illustrated Plate 126 B.) SS McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. NOTE THE STANDARD WATER CLOSET TANK. WE DESIRE to call particular attention to our Standard Water Closet Tank illustrated on the opposite page, also shown in combination with each of the water closets illustrated in this Catalogue. It is manufactured in a variety of styles, both wood and iron. The time valve used is constructed on the principle of our celebrated Standard Water Closet valves, and is the best in the market. It can be regulated to discharge any amount of water, from one gallon to the entire contents of the tank, and is noiseless in its operation. Directions for regulating valve accompany each tank, which, if followed, cannot fail to secure satisfactory results. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. No. 4 STANDARD WATER CLOSET TANK. WITH NOISELESS TIME VALVE. Can be regulated to discharge any amount of water, from one gallon to the entire contents of the tank PLATE 123-B. No. 4 Copper - Lined Standard Tanks. Including Br.\ckets, Chain and Puli,. eegulak. large. Outside dimensions, inches 24 x 13 x 13 deep. 26 x 13 x 17 deep. Pine tank with japanned iron brackets $12.50 $14.50 Beaded tank, stained poplar with bronzed iron brackets 15.00 iS.oo Beaded tank, stained poplar with nickel plated brass brackets 1750 20.50 Beaded tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with bronzed iron brackets 1700 20.00 Beaded tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with nickel plated brass brackets i9-5o 22,50 Paneled tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with bronzed iron brackets 20.00 23.00 Paneled tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with nickel plated brass brackets 22.50 25 50 Paneled tank, mahogany with nickel plated brass brackets 25.00 2S.00 If tank is lined with 4 pound sheet lead instead of copper add 4.00 4.00 Bracket boards for tank i 25 i 25 No. 4 Cast Iron Tank. Including Brackets, Chain and Pull. Outside dimensions, inches 22>^ x 12}^ x 14'/ deep Painted iron tank with japanned iron brackets Iio.oo Galvanized iron tank with galvanized iron brackets 13.50 Enameled iron tank with japanned iron brackets i^-So Enameled iron tank and brackets, decorated ivory with gold lines 25.50 90 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PARTS OF No. 4 STANDARD TANKS. PLATE 124-E The No. 4 standard tank fittings can be furnished for any size tank. In ordering please give inside length, width and depth. No. 4 standard valve $5.50 Iron yoke and lever 75 Patent ball valve and copper ball 1.50 Japanned iron brackets per pair, .35 Nickel plated chain and wood pull 50 Price per set ^8.60 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 91 No. 6 DOUBLE COMPARTMENT TANK. With Detachable Cast Iron Inside Box and 4 inch Rubber Seat Valve. PLATE 125-B. The No. 6 tank consists of two separate boxes, one fitting inside the other. The space between the two boxes is quickly filled with water by lifting the large valve in the upper box, securing a good flush to the closet and a slow after-fill for both trap and pool. The simple cutting down of the upper box at each end, A A, furnishes a safe overflow. As the inside tank is entirely separate from the outside one, it can be lifted out and cleaned, thereby rendering it far more sanitary than the ordinary service box tank which has its lower box closed against inspection. In the No. 6 tank the inside box is always of cast iron galvanized, unless ordered enameled ; the outside may be of painted, galvanized or enameled iron, or copper-lined wood. For styles of beaded and paneled hard wood No. 6 tanks see tanks over water closets on preceding pages from 68 to 85. No. 6 IRON Tank. With Brackets, Ch.-vin and Pull. Outside dimensions, inches 22^ x 12^ x 12}{ deep. Painted iron tank with japanned iron brackets each, $13.50 Galvanized or enameled tank with galvanized iron brackets " 15.50 No. 6 Copper -Lined Tanks. With Galv.anized Inside Box, Brackets, Ch.ain and Pull. Outside dimensions, inches 24 x 13 x 13 deep. Pine tank with japanned iron brackets each, $12.50 Beaded tank, stained poplar with bronzed iron brackets Beaded tank, stained poplar vrith nickel plated brass brackets Beaded tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with bronzed iron brackets Beaded tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with nickel plated brass brackets Paneled tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with bronzed iron brackets Paneled tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with nickel plated brass brackets Paneled tank, mahogany with nickel plated brass brackets 15.00 17-50 17.00 19-50 20.00 22.50 25.00 The No. 6 tank can be furnished instead of No. 4 tank for any water closet illustrated from Plate S6-B to 122-B at the same price. 92 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. No. 7 AUTOMATIC AFTER -WASH TANK. PATENT APPLIED FOR. ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR USE WITH THE " SYPHO " WATER CLOSET, BUT CAN BE USED WITH ANY CLOSET REQUIRING AN AFTER -WASH TANK. PLATE 126-B. The No. 7 tank, like the No. 6, on page gr, consists of two separate boxes, one fitting into the other, and can be easily taken apart for cleaning. The valves are operated by a weighted rod extending to the seat lever, and is much more reliable than the usual chain attachment, which is liable to stretch and thereby render the tank inoperative. By reversing the inside box and changing the levers the valve action may be had on the opposite side to that shown in the illustration. In the No. 7 tank the inside box is always of cast iron galvanized, unless ordered enameled ; the outside box may be of galvanized or enameled iron, copper-lined pine or hard wood. No. 7 Cast Iron Automatic Tank. With G.^lvanized or Enameled Inside Box, Brackets and Connecting Rod. Outside dimensions, inches 23 x 13 x 15 deep. Enameled or galvanized iron with galvanized brackets each, S22.00 No. 7 Copper -Lined Automatic Tank. With Galvanized Inside Box, Brackets .and Nickel Plated Connecting Rod. Outside dimensions, inches 24 x 14 x 1 5 deep. Pine tank with japanned iron brackets f 18.50 Beaded tank, stained poplar with bronzed iron brackets 21.00 Beaded tank, stained poplar with nickel plated brass brackets 24.50 Beaded tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with bronzed iron brackets 22.50 Beaded tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with nickel plated brass brackets 26.00 Paneled tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with bronzed iron brackets 24.50 Paneled tank, walnut, cherry, ash or oak with nickel plated brass brackets 2S.00 Paneled tank, mahogany with nickel plated brass brackets 31.00 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 93 CAST BRASS BRACKETS. No. 4 Tank Bracket. PLATE 127-B. No. 4 size, lo x 12 inches. No. 7 size, 12 x 15 inches. No. 4 No. 7 Polished brass per pair, I3.00 I4.50 Nickel plated " 3.50 5.00 No. 5 Seat Bracket. PLATE 128-B. No. 5 size, 6 X 434 inches. Polished brass Nickel plated per pair, »i.oo 1.25 No. 6 Seat Bracket. PLATE 129-B. No. 6 size, 6x8 inches. Polished brass per pair, Jr. 25 Nickel plated " 1.50 94 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. BRASS ADJUSTABLE LEGS FOR WATER CLOSET SEATS. No. I No. 2 No. 3 PLATE 130-B. PLATE 131-B. PLATE 132-B. Polislied brass per pair, $2.75 Polished brass per pair, JS6.00 Polished brass per pair, $6.00 Nickel plated " 3.00 Nickel plated " 6.50 Nickel plated , " 6.50 Bronzed or galvanized irou, "1.75 Brass Floor Flange, Bolts and Screws. Brass Clamp and Bolt. PLATE 133-B. Flange with rubber gasket, bolts and screws, each, ;^i.oo PLATE 134-B. Clamp, including one bolt and nut, per dozen, ^6.00 fS.oo Extra bolts and nuts " " 1.75 2.00 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. CAST BRASS PIPE STRAPS. 95 Fancy Pattern. Fancy Pattern with Seat Bumper. L^mi^d PLATE 135-B. PLATE 136-B. Sizes given are outside dimensions of pipes. For 1'4 inch pipe per dozen, I3.00 For I '2 inch pipe " " 3.50 For iX inch pipe per dozen, I3.00 For !'/< inch pipe " " 3.50 Plain Pattern Strap. Bra,s,s Water Closet Bolts for Wood Floor. PLATE 137-B. Size ys 'A X I iX i>^ 2 Polished brass, doz. $1.30 I1.50 $1.70 I1.90 fa. 00 $2.30 I2.75 Nickel plated, " i.So 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.20 PLATE 138-B. Per doz 2}4 inches long, with nickel plated head and washer . • |i-5o 3 inches long, " " " " " " ■ ■ 1-75 2,yi inches long, " " " " " " . . 2.00 4 inches long, " " " " " " 2.25 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. ENAMELED IRON HOPPERS. WITH PATENT ADJUSTABLE FLUSHING RIM AND WOOD SEAT. iX INCH Connection in Back for Tank Supply. PLATE 139-B. PLATE 140-B. Long hopper with i^ inch vent connection. Short hopper with S trap. Price complete as illustrated . If with seat weight . . J9.00 Price complete as illustrated f 10.50 add .75 If with seat weight add .75 The short hopper can be furnished with either S, %" S or ^ S trap, which is clamped to the hopper by a new device, allowing the trap to be set in any position desired. The adjustable flushing rim in these hoppers is a very important feature, as by it a perfectly uniform distribution of water over the interior surface is secured. McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 97 ENAMELED IRON HOPPERS. WITH PATENT ADJUSTABLE FLUSHING RIM, DOUBLE ACTING VALVE AND SELF-RAISING WOOD SEAT. PLATE 141-B. Long hopper with lyi inch vent connection. Price complete as illustrated S13.50 PLATE 142-B. Short hopper with S trap. Price complete as illustrated SiS-oo The short hopper cau be furnished with either S, ^ S or >^ S trap, which is clamped to the hopper by a new device, allowing the trap to be set in any position desired. The adjustable flushing rim in these hoppers is a very important feature, as by it a perfectly uniform distribution of water over the interior surface of hopper is secured. McCAMBRIDGE & CO,, LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. BIDET ATTACHMENT FOR USE WITH EARTHEN WATER CLOSETS. PLATE 143-B. This device is intended to be used in connection with an earthen water closet, where a cold water jet only is desired. Above illustration represents an attachment for wall on either side of closet ; the straight part of the tube to rest on the rim of closet bowl and the bent portion shaped to fit under the flushing rim when not in use. This attachment can be furnished to take the supply at floor instead of wall. In ordering please state whether wanted for right or left side of closet. Brass each, $6.50 Nickel plated " 7.00 Silver plated " 9.00 If with ebony or ivory celluloid fore arm handle add 1.50 SQUARE RECESSED PANTRY SINK WITH "IDEAL" WASTE. COPPER AND GERMAN SILVER. PLATE 144-B. Outside dimensions of sinks, not including recess, which adds 4X inches, and can be had either on side or end. 14x20 14x22 i6xiS 16x22 16x26 18x26 18x32 20x32 Copper sinks with nickel plated Ideal waste |i5.oo ^15.50 I15.00 I16.50 I17.50 I1S.50 $20.50 I21.75 German silver " " " " 23.50 25.25 24.50 27.00 28.50 30.50 32.50 35.00 If Ideal waste is silver plated add $2.00 If Ideal waste is plain brass deduct .50 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN AND BROWN GLAZED EARTHENWARE KITCHEN SINKS. PLATE 145-B. With 2 inch brass plug and coupling and nickel plated strainer. PORCELAIN. Size, 30 X 20 inches outside by 7 inches deep inside I22.00 " 36 X 23 " " "7 " " " 26.00 "42x24 " " "7 " " " 34-00 "48x24 " " "7 " " " 42.00 Jii.oo 14.00 17.00 20.00 PORCELAIN PANTRY SINKS. PLATE 146-B. With ij4 inch brass plug and coupling with rubber stopper and nickel plated overflow strainer. Size, 20 X 14 inches outside by 5 inches deep inside ■• S13.00 " 23 X 16 " " "6 " " " 16.00 "24x17 " " "6 " " " 18.00 " 28x 17 ' 6 " " " 21.00 " 30 X 20 " " "7 " " " 23.00 100 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN CORNER KITCHEN SINK. PLATE 147-B. With 2 inch nickel plated brass strainer and coupling. Length on side, 2oyi inches ; length across front, 2S)4 inches ; depth inside, 5 inches Price, $16.00 PORCELAIN SLOP SINK. PLATE 148-B. With nickel plated plug and strainer with coupling. 20 X 16 X 12 inches deep, without iron frame or wood rim S24.00 22 X iS X 12 " " " " " " " " 2S.00 24 X 20 X 12 " " " " " " " " , 32.00 Galvanized iron frame and legs 5.00 Painted iron frame and legs 3.00 Wood rim for 20 x 16 inch sink 3.50 " " " 22 X iS " " 4.00 " " " 24 X 20 " " 4.50 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. PORCELAIN WASH TUBS. WITH BRONZED IRON STANDARDS AND ASH TOP. 101 PLATE 149-B. Length of each tub, outside, 29^ inches ; width from front to back, outside, 24 inches ; depth inside, i6yi inches; thickness, i>< inch. Porcelain wash tubs, bronzed iron standards and ash top per set of two, $ 55.00 " ■ " three, 82.50 " four, 110.00 Note. — In ordering state whether desired with or without faucet holes in back. 102 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. BROWN GLAZED EARTHEN WASH TUBS. WITH BRONZED IRON STANDARDS AND ASH TOP. PLATE 150-B. Dimensions — Length outsiae, 29>< inches; width from front to back, outside, 24 inches; depth inside, i6}4 inches; thickness, Ij4 inch. Brown glazed earthen wash tubs, bronzed iron standards and ash tops per set of two, I28.00 " " " " i< .1 << 1. three, 42.00 " " " " " II .( .\L^:2 inches; width of slab, 19 inches; diameter of bowl, 12}4 inches. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAMZED. ENAMELED. Two sections, as illustrated ^13.50 Si4-75 S22.50 $29.00 Two sections with standards , 17.50 18.75 29.50 33.00 Can be had in any number of sections. Add one-half of above prices for each additional section. With End Piece on Left Hand Side. PLATE 167- B. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. Two sections, as illustrated $13.50 Two sections with iron standards 17.50 $14.75 ^22.50 18.75 29-50 ENAMELED. $29.00 33-00 Can be had in any number of sections. Add one-half of above prices for each additional section. 112 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Plain Bibb. Plain Bibb for Iron Pipe. PLATE 168-B. PLATE 169-B. Size, inch . . Finished . . Nickel plated , Silver plated . 3/ per doz. I12.95 $15.05 |;i8.20 I29.40 " 14.70 16.80 19.95 31.50 21.35 24.85 30.S0 47.60 Size, inch ^ Finished per doz. I14.00 Nickel plated .... " 15-75 Silver plated .... " 22.40 y^ j< I 16.10 ?i9-95 131-50 17.85 21.70 33-60 25.90 32.55 49-70 If with fonr arm handles, add per doz. |2.oo Hose Bibb. Hose Bibb for Iron Pipe. PLATE 170-B. PLATE 171-B. Size, inch . . Finished . , Nickel plated Silver plated , ^ per doz. $14.00 $16.10 ^19.95 $31.50 15.75 17.85 21.70 33.60 22.40 25.90 32.55 49.70 Size, inch ^ % % ,1 Finished per doz. ^(15.05 ^17.15 I21-70 to-6o Nickel plated - . . . " 16.80 18.90 23.45 35.70 Silver plated .... " 23.45 26.95 34.30 51.80 If with four arm handles, add per doz. $2.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 113 COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Flange Bibb for Iron Pipe — Male. Flange Bibb for Iron Pipe — Female. PLATE 172-B. PLATE 173-B. Size, inch >< ^i }( Finished perdoz. | |i8.2o S22.40 Nickel plated " 18.55 20.65 25.20 Silver plated " 26.60 30.80 37.80 Size, inch 1/2 % H Finished perdoz. $16.10 ,$18.20 S22.40 Nickel plated " 18.55 20.65 25.20 Silver plated " 26.60 30.80 37.80 If with four arm handles, add per doz. $2.00 Flange Hose Bibb for Iron Pipe — M.ale. Flange Hose Bibb for Iron Pipe — Female. PLATE 174-B. PLATE 175-B. Size, inch yi Finished perdoz. $17.15 Nickel plated " 19.60 Silver plated " 27.65 ^ ^ Size, inch }4. ii9.25 S24.15 Finished perdoz. $17.15 21.70 26.95 Nickel plated . , " 19.60 31-85 39-55 Silver plated " 27.65 If with four arm handles, add per doz. $2. 00 19-25 $24.15 21.70 26.95 31-85 39-55 114 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Flange Bibb and Thimble. Flange Hose Bibb and Thimble. PLATE 176-B. PLATE 177-B. Size, inch . . Finished . . . Nickel plated Silver plated . per doz. $iS.20 §20.30 $25.20 " 20.65 22.75 2S.00 " 2S.70 32.90 40.60 vSize, inch ^ ^s H Finished per doz. §19.25 ^21.35 |26.g5 Nickel plated " 21.70 23. So 29.75 Silver plated " 29.75 33.95 42.35 If with four arm handles, add per doz. $2.00 Flange Bibb with Lock Nut and Coupling. PLATE 178-B. Size, inch J4 Finished per doz. §22.40 Nickel plated " 24.S5 Silver plated " 32.90 If with four arm handles, add per doz. §2.00 S27.65 §36.40 30,10 39.20 40.25 51.80 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Flange Hose Bibb with Lock Nut and Coupi,ing. 115 PLATE 179-B. Size, inch yi. Finished per doz. $23.45 Nickel plated " 25.90 Silver plated " 33-95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. fia.oo S2S.70 138-15 31-15 40-95 41.30 53-55 Plain Tray Bibb. Plain Tray Bibb for Iron Pipe- PLATE 180-B. PLATE 181-B. Size, inch % % Finished per doz. J14.00 $16.10 Nickel plated " 15.75 17-85 Silver plated " 22.40 25.90 Size, inch yi ^ Finished per doz. ^15.05 J17.15 Nickel plated " 16.80 18.90 Silver plated " 23.45 26.95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. |2.oo 116 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Finance Tray Bibb for Iron Pipe. Flange Tray Bibb and Thimble. PLATE 182-B. PLATE 183-B. Size, inch Yz % Finished per doz. $17.15 I19.25 Nickel plated " 18.90 21,00 Silver plated " 25.55 29.05 Size, inch y. % Finished per doz. $19.25 $21.35 Nickel plated " 21.70 23.80 Silver plated " 29.75 33.95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. %2. Flange Tra\' Bibb with Lock Nut and Coupling. PLATE 184-B. Size, inch ^ Finished per doz. I23.45 Nickel plated " 25.90 Silver plated , " 33.95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. JS2.00 I28.70 31-15 41.30 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 117 COMPRESSION STOPS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Plain Stop for Lead Pipe. Plain Stop for Lead and Iron Pipe — Male Thread. PLATE 185-B. PLATE 186-B. Size, incli Y^ ^ ^ i Finished per doz. J15.05 $18.20 $29.40 Nickel plated . ... " 14.70 16.80 19.95 31.50 Silver plated .... " 21.35 24. 85 30.S0 47.60 Size, inch % H^X ^ ^ Finished per doz. $14.00 IS16.10 IS19.95 S31.50 Nickel plated .... " 15.75 I7-S5 21.70 33.60 Silver plated .... " 22.40 25.90 32.55 49.70 Plain Stop for Iron Pipe — Female Thread. PLATE 187-B. Size, inch )4 Finished per doz. S15.05 Nickel plated " 16.80 Silver plated " 24.85 $21.70 «33.6o 23-45 35-70 34.30 51.80 Stop for Iron Pipe, with Flange and Lock Nut. 1 PLATE 188-B. Size, inch '/i ^ Finished flange and handle . . , .. per doz. $19.25 $25.90 Nickel plated flange and handle ... " 21.00 27.65 Silver plated flange and handle ... " 25.25 31.90 If with four arm handles on Plates 185, 186 and 1S7 — B If with T handle on Plate 188— B add per doz. $2.00 deduct " " 2.00 118 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. No. 1 "IDEAL" PATTERN FOR RECESSED IRON BATH. PLATE 189-B. Distance from centre to centre of supply couplings, ioj4 inches. FINISHED. without shower attachment each, $ 9.50 With shower attachment, hose and sprinkler with rubber guard " 11.00 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles, add J3.00 No. 2 "IDEAL" PATTERN FOR RECESSED COPPER - LINED BATH. NICKEL SILVER PLATED. PLATED. ^10.00 ^14.50 11.50 16.25 PLATE 190-B. Distance from centre to centre of supply couplings, 7^ inches. NICKEL SILVER FINISHED. PLATED. PLATED, Without shower attachment each, fS.oo $ 8.50 ?i2.oo With shower attachment, hose and sprinkler with rubber guard " 9.50 10.00 13-75 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles, add ;?3.oo McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 119 COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH BIBBS. NOS. 3 AND 4, PLAIN PATTERN. PLATE 191-B. No. 3, large pattern, ^ inch. Distance from centre to centre of couplings, 4% inches. No. 4, small pattern, ^ inch. Distance from centre to centre of couplings, ^yi inches. NICKEL FINISHED. PLATED. No. 3, large pattern, without shower attachment fS-oo 15-50 No. 3, large pattern, with shower attachment, hose and plain sprinkler 6.00 6.50 No. 4, small pattern, without shower attachment 4.00 4.50 No. 4, small pattern, with shower attachment, hose and plain sprinkler 5.00 5.50 If with stuffing boxes add If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles " ^7.50 8.50 6.50 7-50 1. 00 3.00 No. 5 PATTERN WITH STUFFING BOXES. PLATE 192-B. NICKEL SILVER FINISHED PLATED PLATED TRIMMINGS. TRIMMINGS. TRIMMINGS. ^ inch, without shower attachment each, S7.50 JS.oo ^10.50 ^ inch, with shower attachment, hose and plain sprinkler " 8.50 g.oo 11.50 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles add 3.00 If without stuffing boxes deduct i.oo 120 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. No. 5 DOUBLE BATH BIBB FOR BOTTOM SUPPLY RECESSED BATH. PLATE 193-B. Distance from centre to centre of suppl)' couplings, 13^^ inches. FINISHED. All rough brass except flanges and handles each, S9.50 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles, add $3.00 ?iooo 12.00 DOUBLE SLOP HOPPER COCK. PLATE 194-B. Distance from centre to centre of supply couplings, 73^ inches. Distance from back of flange to end of nozzle, >)% inches. Price each If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles, add ^3.00 P.50 fl2.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 121 COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS WITH STUFFING BOXES. No. No. 4. No. 5. PLATE 195-B. PLATE 196-B. PLATE 197-B. Finished per doz. I23.80 Nickel plated " 26.60 Silver plated " 34.30 Finished per doz. :?27.30 Nickel plated " 30.10 Silver plated " 37.8o Finished per doz. $34.30 Nickel plated " 37-8o Silver plated " 46.90 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles, add per doz. fiS.oo 122 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. COMPRESSION LOW-DOWN BASIN COCK WITH STUFFING BOX. No. 6. PLATE 198-B. Price per dozen FINISHED. I2.S.SO I26.60 I34.3O If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles, add per doz. ^18.00 COMPRESSION DOUBLE BASIN OR PANTRY COCK WITH STUFFING BOXES. PLATE 199-B. NICKEL SILVER PLATED PLATED TRIMMINGS. TRIMMINGS. Price eacli l5-5o ^6.00 |8.oo If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles, add ^3.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 123 RAISED SEAT COMPRESSION WORK WITH STUFFING BOXES. PLATE 200-B. We invite the attention of all users of brass faucets to our improved "Raised Seat Compression Work," illustrated on pages 123 to 130. The above illustration will be readily understood. The seat, instead of being in the bottom of the faucet, is elevated to a point slightly above the top of the body, so that when the cap is removed the seat is the highest point. The advantage of having the seat in an accessible position is so obvious that it is scarcely necessary to enter into further details regarding its merits. Lead clippings and other foreign substances which so often destroj- valve seats will scarcely find a lodgment on the raised scat, and if they should by any chance adhere to it can be readily removed. We recommend and furnish with these faucets a metallic washer unless the ordinary composition washer is preferred. 124 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. RAISED SEAT COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Plain Bibb, Plain Bibb for Iron Pipe. PLATE 201-B. PLATE 202-B. Size, inch yi. % Finished per doz. S12.95 $15.05 Nickel plated " 14.70 16.80 Silver plated " 21.35 24.85 Size, inch % ^ Finished per doz. $14.00 $16.10 Nickel plated " 15.75 17-85 Silver plated " 22.40 25.90 If with four arm handles, add per doz. ^2.00 Hose Bibb. Hose Bibb for Iron Pipe. PLATE 203-B. PLATE 204-B. Size, inch . ^ ^ Finished per doz. $14.00 $16.10 Nickel plated " 15.75 17-85 Silver plated " 22.40 25,90 Size, inch }4 % Finished per doz. $15.05 $17.15 Nickel plated " 16.80 18.90 Silver plated " 23.45 26.95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. $2.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 125 RAISED SEAT COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Finance Bibb for Iron Pipe — Male. Flange Bibb for Iron Pipe — Female. PLATE 205-B. PLATE 206-B. Size, inch ^ H^M Finished per doz. fi6. lo |i8.20 Nickel plated " 1S.55 20.65 Silver plated " 26.60 30.80 Size, inch }4 H'^% Finished . , per doz. ^16.10 f 18.20 Nickel plated " 18.55 20.65 Silver plated " 26.60 30.80 If with four arm handles, add per doz. ;j2.oo Flange Hose Bibb for Iron Pipe — Male. Flange Hcse Bibb for Iron Pipe — Female. PLATE 207-B. PLATE 208-B. Size, inch ^ ^ Finished per doz. $17.15 I19.25 Nickel plated " 19.60 21.70 Silver plated " 27.65 31.85 Size, inch yi yi Finished per doz. $17.15 I19.25 Nickel plated ■. " 19.60 21.70 Silver plated . " 27.65 31.85 If with four arm handles, add per doz. J2.00 126 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. RAISED SEAT COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Flange Bibb and Thimble. Flange Hose Bibb and Thimble. PLATE 209-B. PLATE 210-B. Size, incli Finished . . Nickel plated Silver plated , per doz. S18.20 ^20.30 " 20.65 22.75 " 28.70 32.90 Size, inch yi fi Finished per doz. ^19.25 S21.35 Nickel plated . " 21.70 23.80 Silver plated " 29.75 33.95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. ^2.00 Flange Bibb with Lock Nut and Coupling. PLATE 211-B. Size, inch yi ^ Finished per doz. I22.40 I27.65 Nickel plated " 24.S5 30.10 Silver plated " 32.90 40. 25 If with four arm handles, add per doz. jt2.oo McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 127 RAISED SEAT COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Flange Hose Bibb with Lock Nut and Coupling. PLATE 212-B. Size, inch % Finished t ■ per doz. ^23. 45 Nickel plated j . . . . " 25,90 Silver plated " 33-95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. ^2.00 S28.70 31-15 41.30 Plain Tray Bibb. Plain Tray Bibb for Iron Pipe- PLATE 213-B- PLATE 214-B. Size, inch . . Finished . . Nickel plated Silver plated , . . . . % n per doz. I14.00 $16.10 15-75 17-85 " 22-40 25.90 Size, inch ^ i/i Finished per doz. $15.05 $17. 15 Nickel plated " 16.80 1S.90 Silver plated " 23.45 26.95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. f2.oo 128 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. RAISED SEAT COMPRESSION BIBBS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Finance Tray Bibb for Iron Pipe. FI.ANGE Tray Bibb with Thimble. PLATE 215-B. PLATE 216-B. Size, inch y, y%yL% Finished per doz. JSiy.iS $19-25 Nickel plated " iS.go 21.00 Silver plated " 25.55 29.05 Size, inch ^ % Finished per doz. S19.25 $21.35 Nickel plated " 21.70 23.80 Silver plated " 29.75 33.95 If with four arm handles, add per doz. fc.oo Flange Tray Bibb with Lock Nut and Coupling. PLATE 217-B. Size, inch % ^ Finished per doz. ;$23.45 ^28.70 Nickel plated " 25.90 31.15 Silver plated , " 33-95 4i-30 If with four arm handles, add per doz. $2.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 129 RAISED SEAT COMPRESSION STOPS WITH STUFFING BOXES. Plain Stop for Lead Pipe. Pj,ain Stop for Lead and Iron Pipe — Male Thread. PLATE 218-B PLATE 219-B. Size, inch yi % Finished per doz. S12.95 S15.05 Nickel plated " 14.70 16.80 Silver plated " 21.35 24.S5 Size, inch yi ^^'H, Finished per doz. f 14.00 $16.10 Nickel plated " 15.75 17.85 Silver plated " 22.40 25.90 If with four arm handles, add per doz. $2.00 Stop for Iron Pipe— Female. PLATE 220-B. Size, inch Yz % Finished per doz. $15.05 I21.70 Nickel plated " 16.80 23.45 Silver plated " 24.85 34.30 If with four arm handles, add per doz. J2.00 130 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. RAISED SEAT COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS WITH STUFFING BOXES. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. PLATE 221-B. PLATE 222-B. PLATE 223-B. Finislied per doz. $23.80 Nickel plated " 26.60 Silver plated " 34.30 Finished per doz. $27.30 Nickel plated " 30.10 Silver plated " 37.8° Finislied per doz. S34.30 Nickel plated " 37.So Silver plated " 46.90 If with ebony or ivory celluloid four arm handles, add per doz. |i8.oo McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 131 TEMPLE URINAL COCKS AND OUTLET FITTINGS. Compression Temple Urinal Cock. Compression Temple Urinal Cock WITH Lock Key. PLATE 224- B. PLATE 225-B. Finislied per doz. S38.00 Finished per doz. $38.00 Nickel plated " 42.00 Nickel plated " 42.00 Silver plated " 5400 Silver plated " 54.00 If -with angle thimbles, add per doz. j!6.oo URINAL OUTLETS WITH CLEANOUT. Outlet with Straight Thimble. Outlet with Angle Thimble. PLATE 226-B. Finished per doz. $38.00 Nickel plated " 41.00 Silver plated " 52.00 PL\TE 227-B. Finished per doz. |so.oo Nickel plated " 53.00 Silver plated " 64.00 132 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. SHUSTER'S SURE SEAL SPECIALTIES. SQUARE T CLEANOUT. Fuij. View. Sectional View. ^^y^^f^F _ I r I 1 sfe(Sf5 1 1 , , ^^^^^ , . . „ , I- ii I swiss^t il Ij ^WV i-^JfaH-ij .J \J__ I 11 , S'llfsilAVOTf ''I -=s« ^M~ ■■ ^^r .^ PLATE 228-B. PLATE 228-B. STANDARD. MEDIUM. 4 inch |2.oo |2.75 5 inch ■ 2.50 6 inch 400 SANITARY T CLEANOUT. Full View. Sectional View. I ^^ ~iJ,E3£JtL ^"s IP 'W BI^SH'"' I iaJ.-'i:TL,L!;i>1DOT 1 11 III j ^ g Sa _ PLATE 229-B. PLATE 229-B. STANDARD. MEDIUM. 4 inch |i-40 5 inch 200 6 inch 2.50 Y CLEANOUT. Full View. Sectional View. EXTRA HEAVY. S3- 25 4.00 5-50 EXTRA HEAVY. I2.25 PLATE 230-B. PLATE 230-B. STANDARD. MEDIUM. EXTRA HEAVY. 4 inch Si. 40 5 inch 2.00 6 inch 2.50 I2.25 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. SHUSTER'S SURE SEAL SPECIALTIES. DouBi,E Sanitary T Ci,eanout. PLATE 231-B. DOUBI^E Y Ci,eanout. ISS PLATE 232-B. 4 inch , STANDARD. EXTRA HEAVY • |i-So I3.00 4 inch EXTRA HEAVY. fo.oo P Trap. S Trap. PLATE 233-B. PLATE 234-B. 4 inch , STANDARD. • $1.50 MEDIUM. |;2.oo EXTRA HEAVY. I2.10 4 inch STANDARD. $1-50 Three-quarter S Trap. PLATE 235-B. 4 inch STANDARD. - *i-5o Running Trap. PLATE 236-B. STANDARD 4 inch ^1.50 5 inch 2.75 6 inch 4.00 134 McCAMBRlDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 4 inch 5 inch 6 inch SHUSTER'S SURE SEAL SPECIALTIES. COMBINATION TRAP. Fui,i, View. PLATE 237-B. Sectional View. PLATE 237-B. STANDARD. MEDIUM. • I3-00 Ss.oo EXTRA HEAVY. J5.OO 6.50 RAIN LEADER TRAPS. FuLi, View. PLATE 238-B. 3 inch, rain leader, S trap 4 inch, rain leader, S trap 5 inch, rain leader, S trap Sectional View. PLATE 238-B. Full View. Sectional View. PLATE 239-B. 3 inch, rain leader, P trap , 4 inch, rain leader, P trap 5 inch, rain leader, P trap . PLATE 239-B. $3.00 McCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. 135 SHUSTER'S SURE SEAL SPECIALTIES. Full View. RAIN LEADER TRAPS. Sectional View. PLATE 240-B. 3 inch, rain leader, }^ S trap 4 inch, rain leader, }( S trap 5 inch, rain leader, % S trap PLATE 240-B. Full View. Sectional View. PLATE 242-B. THIMBLE. 4 inch |i.oo 5 inch 1.30 6 inch 1.50 7 inch YOKE. LID. RUBBER $0.16 $0.20 fo.iS .20 ■24 .20 .24 .28 .24 .28 •32 .28 PLATE 241 -B. PLATE 241-B. MEDIUM. 3 inch, rain leader, running trap , 4 inch, rain leader, running trap S3.00 5 inch, rain leader, running trap . - Thimble, Yoke and Lid. Clark's Acme Soil Pipe Plug. PLATE 243-B Size, inch .... 2 3 4 5 6 7 Each |i.oo ;fi.25 fi.50 I2.00 I2.S0 fo.25 Spanner wrench, fo.36 T handle wrench, I0.50 136 MCCAMBRIDGE & CO., LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA. SHUSTER'S COMBINATION CATCH BOX AND FRESH AIR INLET. Fui,i, View. Section al 'j,View. PLATE 244-B. PLATE 244-B. Medium weight TN addition to the specialties illustrated in this Catalogue we manufacture a line of first quality brass work for plumbers, gas and steam fitters; are also dealers in General Plumbing Supplies, which we furnish at market rates. .-. .-. .-. INDBX. Arno water closet 7^-Ti Acme soil pipe plug 135 Basin and waste, the Ideal 5 " Ideal, plain and decorated 6-12 Baths, porcelain enameled, galvanized and painted iron, 30-48 " " " with Ideal waste 30~33 " " foot and hip 33-34 " " " roll rim 45-48 " copper-lined with Ideal waste 2S-29 " " " foot and hip 53 " tile-lined 52 " all porcelain, roll rim 49~5i Bath room interior 19 Bath and basin waste lifts 23 Bidet 98 Bolts for water closet 95 Brackets for lavatory 22 " " water closet tank and seat 93 Bonair brass trap 27 Brass work, stuffing box and raised seat 112-130 Copper-lined baths, recessed Ideal 2S-29 " " foot and hip 53 Clamps for marble 94 Compression cocks with stuifing boxes 112-122 " " " raised seats 123-130 Daraosas water closet 78-79 Decorated Ideal basin 7-12 Enameled iron baths 30-48 " " sinks . , . . 104-105 " " wash stands 106-111 " " hoppers 96-97 " " tanks 89-92 Floor flange for water closet 94 Foot baths, porcelain enameled 33-34 " copper 53 " " all porcelain 51 Hoppers, long earthen 84-S5 " earthen slop 86 " enameled iron 96-97 " and traps combined, earthen 76-83 Ideal basin and waste 5 " plain and decorated , 6-12 baths, copper 2S-29 " " foot and hip 53 " porcelain enameled 30-33 " tile-lined 52 sinks, copper-lined 98 Lavatories , 13-18 Lavatory legs j . . 20-21 " brackets 22 Legs for lavatories . . 20-2 1 " " water closets 94 Lifts for basin and bath waste 23 Mascaret water closet 68-69 Mentone " " 74-75 Naiad " " S2-83 Orion " " 80-81 PAGE. Ortley water closet , 84-85 Porcelain enameled baths 30-48 " " sinks 104-105 " " wash stands 106-111 " baths 49-51 " sinks 99-iGo " wash tubs loi Raised seat compression work 123-130 Roll rim porcelain enameled baths 45-48 " " " baths 49-51 Selma water closet 76-77 Serpentine brass trap 26 Sheldon water closet 70-71 Shuster's sure seal fittings 132-135 ' ' combination catch box and fresh air inlet . . . 136 Sinks, copper-lined 98 " porcelain enameled 104-105 " " and brown glazed 99-100 " solid white crockery 103 Slop hoppers 86 " sink, porcelain 100 Soap cups 23-24 Standard water closet tank 89-90 Sockets for lavatory 21 Straps for pipe 95 Stuffing box compression work 112-122 Sypho water closets 54-67 Tanks, Standard 89-90 " No. 6, double compartment 91 " " 7, automatic 92 Temple urinal cocks 131 Tiled bath 52 Towel rail 27 Traps, cast brass, for lavatories and sinks 25 " " " Serpentine 26 " " " Bonair 27 Urinal cocks, temple and outlet fittings 131 Wash stands, marble 13-18 " iron 106-111 Wash tubs, porcelain loi " " brown glazed ■ 102 " " solid white crockery ■. . . 103 Waste, Ideal basin 5 " " bath 28-33 Water closets, the Sypho 54-6? " " " Mascaret 68-69 " " " Sheldon 70-71 " " " Arno 72-73 " " " Mentone ■ 74-75 " Selma 76-77 " " " Damosas 78-79 " " " Orion 80-81 " Naiad 82-83 " " " Ortley 84-85 Water closet brackets 93 " " legs and other fittings . 94-95 " " tanks 89-92 W" 11 issue from time to time additions to Catalogue "B," in the shape of loose leaves, trimmed to fit this book. In order that these leaves may not be lost, we request all <(j holders of Catalogue " B " to attach them to the stubs provided ^ for the purpose and thus make them a part of the Catalogue. H ffl Q Cut out this leaf at the point where dotted line intersects and paste new leaf to the remaining stub. b w rE will issue from time to time additions to Catalogue "B," Q in the shape of loose leaves, trimmed to fit this book. Eh In order that these leaves may not be lost, we request all