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RULES AND REGULATIONS OE THE CEMETERY, SUGGESTIONS RESPECTING THE PURCHASE AND IMPROVEMENT OF LOTS, &c. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. Robert KAY, President Henry E. Pierrepont, Vice President J. A. Perry, Comptroller and Secretary. Robert Rat, William H. Aspinwall, Jacob R. Le Roy, Stephen Whitney, Russell Stebbins, G. G. Van Wagenen, William Augustus White, TRUSTEES. George Griswold, William S. Wetmore, Cyrus P. Smyth, A. G. Hammond, John H. Prentice, Pliny Freeman, Henry E. Pierrepont, J. A. Perry. SURVEYOR, Lindsay J. Wells. SUPERINTENDENT OF INTERMENTS, William Scrimgeour. SUPERINTENDENT OF THE WORKMEN George Birrell. KEEPER OF THE GATE, Nelson Bowker. (irmt-taft Cemetery OFFICE NO. 53 BROADWAY. May 1, 1853. THE Grounds of this Institution now comprise three hun- dred and sixty acres. They are more extensive than those of any similar institution in this country or Europe, and are en- tirely free from incumbrance. These grounds are situated in Brooklyn, on Gowanus Heights, about two and a half miles from the Atlantic Ferry. They are beautifully undulating and diversified, presenting continual changes of surface and scenery, and are remarkably adapted to the purpose for which they are appropriated. The elevated portions of the Cemetery afford numerous and inter- esting views, embracing the Bay and Harbor of New- York, with its islands and forts, the cities of New- York and Brooklyn, the shores of the North and East Rivers, New-Jersey, Staten Island, the Quarantine, numerous towns and villages in every direction, together with a view of the Atlantic Ocean reaching from Sandy Hook to the Pavilion at Rockaway. The various Avenues in the grounds (exclusive of paths) extend about fifteen miles. These, together with the principal hills, dells, etc., are delineated on a map of the Cemetery, which is published in portable form, as a guide to those not familiar with the grounds. The act of incorporation which is inserted in Part Second of this publication, embraces every desirable provision for the 6 RULES AND REGULATIONS. protection, permanence, and proper government of the institu tion. It directs that the affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a Board of fifteen Trustees, to be chosen by the lot owners from among their own' number ; each owner of a plot of land, not less than 300 superficial feet, to be entitled to a vote. It directs the Trustees so chosen to be divided into three equal classes, one class in rotation, to be elected every two years, for the term- of six years, with the privilege of re-election inde- finitely. It authorizes and directs the land acquired by the Corporation to be disposed of and used exclusively for the burial of the dead. It exempts such lands forever from assessments and public taxes, and also from liability to be sold on execution, or for the payment of debts by assignment under any insolvent law, and prohibits any public road, avenue, or street, from being laid out or opened through the grounds of the Cemetery. It requires that the proceeds of all sales of lots shall be ap- plied to the purchase, preservation, improvement, and embel- lishment of the Cemetery, and to the incidental expenses thereof, and to no other purpose whatever. [Under this provision, a Fund will be formed, the interest of which will be adequate, after all the lots shall have been dis- posed of, to insure the perpetual care of the grounds and im- provements,whether belonging to lot owners or to the institution.] The charter further authorizes the Corporation to receive upon trust any donation or bequest for the purpose of improving or embellishing the Cemetery generally, or any cemetery lot, and for the erection, preservation, and renewal of any monu- mental structure and inclosure. It also provides for the punishment of any person who shall deface, mutilate, or otherwise injure any monument, inclosure, or shrubbery in the grounds, and for the payment of any dam ages which may in consequence be sustained. GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. ahs 0f f ffts. IT will be perceived, from the foregoing provisions of the charter, That purchasers of lots acquire not merely the privilege of burial, but also the fee simple of the ground which they pur- chase : That they are the sole proprietors of the Cemetery ; That by their vo'te in the election of Trustees they control the government of the institution ; That, as all the receipts of the Institution must be expended in the purchase, improvement, and preservation of the grounds, no speculative interest can conflict with the wishes of lot owners respecting its management ; That, as all the resources will be thus appropriated, either immediately, or in the ultimate formation of a fund, the interest of which shall be annually appropriated as required, ample pro- vision is made for the perpetual embellishment and preserva- tion of the grounds ; That, as the ground is exempt from public taxes, and from liability for debt, and is, sold in lots which are not subject to assessment, or annual charge, the proprietors can never be forcibly deprived of their ground. Purchasers may choose from all unselected ground not re- served for public monuments or other special uses. Mounds and hills, and places requiring peculiar improvements, will be sold, however, only in the forms and dimensions suggested by the agents of the Institution. The Surveyor or Superintendent of Interments will always be at the grounds to aid those wishing to purchase. 8 RULES AND REGULATIONS. The price of an ordinary Burial Lot is $110, and in propor- tion for any additional fractional dimensions. When, however, four or more lots are taken at one time, by one or more per- sons, in a group, they are sold at $90 each. Smaller plots, but not less than one third of a lot, will be sold, at proportionate rates. These prices include all charges for grading and keeping in order. No charge will be made for any work unless espe- cially ordered by lot owners. The enlargement of families, and the desire which is naturally felt to be laid with one's kindred at death, often render it desir- able to secure more than an ordinary lot. To facilitate this object, a lower price is fixed where four or more lots are taken in one place. # Large plots also admit of superior improvements, while the expense of inclosure is proportionably reduced as the plot is enlarged.* The cost of a vault under ground, together with the price of a lot, will about suffice to purchase four lots, to inclose which requires but fifty-six feet more of railing than is needed for a single lot. Where four lots are inclosed together, in a square or oblong form, the expense for each lot is one half less than if separately inclosed. If in a circle, the difference is still greater. The advantages of large plots compared with vaults on single lots, are now generally appreciated. Many of the beautiful hills and knolls, which are found in the Cemetery, may be separately inclosed without incurring much more expense than will be necessary to inclose a single lot. More space is thus obtained for interments, as well as for the adornment of the grounds with shrubbery and flowers. It prevents also that * The railing required for 1 lot is ab jUt 80 feet < •' 2 lots 108 ' < H 4 lots in a circle, 136 " < « 6 IC " 1G7 " i u 8 (1 « 193 " 1 «( 10 « ti 216 " It << 20 11 ii 306 " GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 9 excessive and unsightly crowding together of monuments which prevails where single lots only are laid out, and greatly aids in preserving the rural character of the Cemetery. The size of each lot is 12 by 25 feet, containing 300 super- ficial feet, in addition to which a foot is allowed on the margin all around, for purposes of inclosure, making the plot, in effect, 14 by 27 feet, and containing 378 superficial feet. Around each lot, when sold separately, and around each group of lots when sold as above, a space of three or four feet is always allowed. The form of the lot varies according to circumstances, de- pending upon the peculiar surface of the ground, and the char- acter of the improvements contemplated. Thus, lots are given in circular, square, oblong, octagonal, or oval form, as the cir- cumstances of each case render desirable. Proprietors may dispose of their lots, and have the transfer recorded on the books of the Company, by the payment of fifty cents for each transfer. Lots are conveyed by the Institution in the following form and manner : Unoro all ilUn brj trjese presents, That the Green-wood Cemetery, in consideration of dollars, paid to them by of , the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, Do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the said heirs and assigns Lot of Land in the Cemetery of the said Corporation, called " The Green-wood Cemetery," situate in the Eighth Ward of the City of Brook- lyn, in the State of New- York, which Lot delineated and laid down on the Register Map or Plan of the said Cemetery, in the possession of the said Corporation, and therein desig- nated by the number containing superficial feet. To have and to hold the herein above granted premises to the said heirs and assigns forever ; subject, however, to 10 RULES AND REGULATIONS the conditions and limitations, and with the privileges specified in the rules and regulations hereto annexed. And the said The Green-wood Cemetery, do hereby covenant to and with the said heirs and assigns, that they are lawfully seized of the herein above granted premises in fee simple : that they have a right to sell and convey the same for the purposes above expressed ; that the said premises are free and clear of all charges and incumbrances, and that they will warrant and defend the same unto the said heirs and assigns, for ever. In Testimony Whereof, the said The Green- wood Cemetery have caused this instrument to be signed by their President, and their •■ ' '* Common Seal to be hereunto affixed, the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ANNEXED to deed of conveyance. I. All lots shall be held in pursuance of "An Act to incor- porate the Green-Wood Cemetery," passed April 18, 1838, and the several acts to alter and amend the same, passed April 11, 1839, May 11, 1846, April 5, 1850, and June 8, 1853, and shall not be used for any other purpose than as a place of bu- rial for the dead, nor shall any person be allowed to be interred therein, who shall have died in any prison, or shall have been executed for any crime. IT. The proprietor of each lot shall have a right to inclose the same with a wall not exceeding one foot in thickness, nor one foot in height above the surface, to be placed on the mar- gin allowed for the purpose ; or with a railing, (except of wood) ; but the Trustees request that all such railings be light, neat, and symmetrical. GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 11 III. Proprietors shall not allow interments to be made in their lots for a remuneration, nor shall any transfer or assign- ment of any lot, or of any interest therein, be valid, without the consent in writing of the said company first had and en- dorsed upon such transfer or assignment. IV. No disinterment shall be allowed without permission being obtained at the office of the Corporation. V. The proprietor of each lot shall have the right to erect any proper stones, monuments, or sepulchral structures thereon, except that no slab shall be set in any other than a horizontal position ; that no vault shall be built entirely or partially above ground, without permission of the Company, and that all mo- numents and all parts of vaults above ground, shall be of cut stone, granite, or marble. The proprietor of each lot shall also have the right to cultivate trees, shrubs, and plants in the same ; but no tree growing within the lot or border, shall be cut down or destroyed, without the consent of the Company. VI. If any trees or shrubs, situated in any lot, shall by means of their roots, branches, or otherwise, become detrimental to the adjacent lots or avenues, or unsightly or inconvenient to passengers, it shall be the duty of the said Corporation, and they shall have the right to enter the said lot, and remove the said trees and shrubs, or such parts thereof as are detrimental, unsightly, or inconvenient. VII. If any monument, effigy, or inclosure, or any structure whatever, or any inscription be placed in or upon any lot, which shall be determined by the major part of the Trustees for the time being, to be offensive or improper, or injurious to the appearance of the surrounding lots or grounds, the said Trustees, or a major part of them, shall have the right, and it shall be their duty to enter upon such lot, and remove the said offensive or improper object or objects. VIII. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees, from time to time, to lay out or alter such avenues or walks, and to make such rules and regulations for the government of the 12 KULES AND EEGULATIONS. Grounds, as they may deem requisite and proper to secure and promote the general objects of the Institution. IX. The proprietors of lots, and their families, shall be al- lowed access to the Grounds at all times, observing- the rules which are or may be adopted for the regulation of visiters. < §xiti Coittmtiitg futptantttts. PURCHASERS may improve their lots whenever it suits their convenience. To insure the proper regulation of the grounds, the grade ol all lots will be determined by the agents of the Institution. All workmen employed in the construction of vaults, in- closing of lots, erection of monuments, &c, must be subject to the control and direction of the agents of the Institution ; and any workman failing to conform to this regulation, will not be permitted afterwards to work in the grounds. To protect the grounds, and especially improved lots, from injury by the introduction of casual workmen, who, not being regularly employed in the grounds, have no special interest in their preservation, the Trustees have made arrangements with responsible persons for the building of vaults, and also for mak- ing other improvements. Under this arrangement the work is executed more completely and durably, and at considerably less cost than could otherwise be done ; the materials being pur- chased and transported in large quantities, and the labor being performed by men who are thoroughly acquainted with their business. Owners of lots, however, may, if they prefer to do so, employ other workmen, except for the grading of lots and making excavations for vaults and monuments. Foundations for monuments must be built of solid masonry, and be not less than six feet deep. GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 13 No wall exceeding one foot in height above the surface of the ground, may be erected upon lots, nor may iron railings be erected exceeding three feet in height, without special permis- sion being previously obtained. Wooden enclosures will not be allowed. No slabs will be allowed unless placed in a horizontal posi- tion, and no head or foot stones will be permitted, exceeding eighteen inches in height above the ground. Tombs erected wholly or in part above ground, must be fur- nished with shelves, having divisions allowing interments to be separately made, and perpetually sealed, so as to prevent the escape of unpleasant effluvia. Such portions as are above ground, must be faced with cut stone, granite, or marble. The Trustees have no wish to interfere with the taste of in- dividuals in regard to the style of their improvements ; but yet, in justice to the interests of the whole, they reserve to them- selves the right of preventing or removing any erection or in- closure, which they shall consider injurious to the immediate locality, or prejudicial to the general good appearance of the grounds ; and also of removing or pruning any trees or shrub- bery which may obstruct, or mar the effect and beauty of the scenery, or may otherwise prove injurious, unsightly, or detri- mental. Suggestions in Jot ©inters. DURABILITY OF IMPROVEMENTS. THE permanence of sepulchral architecture is an object so desirable, as to entitle it to special attention. The dilapidation and disfigurement of structures reared for the dead, has been too common to excite surprise, but can never be witnessed without pain. Knowing, as we do, the numerous causes of decay and displacement, which are ever in action, it should be 14 RULES AND REGULATIONS. made a primary consideration to guard against them. Respect for the dead — respect for ourselves — and a just regard for the taste and feelings of all whom either affection or curiosity may attract to the Cemetery, demand so much, at. least, of those who shall make improvements in Green- Wood. This is a mat- ter obviously, in which all are interested — for whatever the precaution and care used by some, if others, through inatten- tion, suffer their grounds and monuments to become squalid and ruinous, painful contrasts will soon offend the eye, and the entire grounds will suffer a serious injury. It is not indeed possible wholly to prevent the ravages of atmospheric influences, but proper care in the erection of the structure will greatly counteract and long retard them, while those who shall see fit to take advantage of the provisions made by the charter for the preservation of monuments and inci- sures, may insure their integrity and beauty for ages to come. With the view to promote this result, the ensuing suggestions are offered. INCLOSURES OF LOTS. Various modes may be adopted, according to varying cir- cumstances. Those most in use are, hedges, posts and chains, posts and bars, and iron railings. These will be noticed in order. HEDGE INCLOSURES. These may be formed of various kinds of plants, but those best adapted to cemetery purposes are the box and the arbor vitee, which are evergreen ; the privet or prim, and the osage orange. The hawthorn is sometimes used, but being the na- tive of a humid climate, its leaves often fall in August or Sep- tember, making it less desirable than some other plants. For small plots the box is perhaps the best, as it is of slow growth, and does not for a long time attain such height as to exclude the circulation of air so necessary to the growth and luxuriance of the grass and shrubbery within the lot. For large GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 15 plots the arbor vitse is most suitable, as it presents at all sea- sons, if properly set out and trimmed, a screen of truly beauti- ful verdure. Hedges are not suitable for lots which have much descent, as the loose earth about the stems and roots is liable to be washed away by heavy rains. POSTS AND CHAINS. This mode of inclosure is objectionable. The chains are ex- tremely liable to rust, and as they do not bind the posts firmly together, and are frequently used as seats and swings by chil- dren, they soon get out of place, and of course present an un- sightly appearance. POSTS AND BARS. Inclosures of this kind are substantial, and if not so gene- lally introduced as to produce monotony, appear well. Various kinds of stone are used for posts, comprising granite, marble, and sandstone. Care should be taken, that whether for chains or bars, no posts should be used but such as " are free from a stratified formation. Quincy granite, and also some kinds of sandstone, are exempt from this objection. If marble be used, the chains or bars which come more immediately in contact with the posts, should be so thoroughly painted as to prevent discoloration to the marble from the rusting of the iron. IRON RAILINGS. In regard to these it may be remarked, that those which unite simplicity and good proportion are deemed to be in best taste, and most likely to afford permanent satisfaction. While firmness and stability should characterize each railing, unne- cessary size and weight of iron should be avoided, especially in plots of ordinary size. Large plots require a somewhat heavier inclosure in order to appear well, particularly those in which massive monuments and tombs are erected. In selecting patterns, those which expose the fewest joints and crevices to the action of the weather should be preferred. 16 RULES AND REGULATIONS. Careful attention should be paid to the foundations on which they are erected. If coping be used, it should be placed on a stone wall, laid in cement, at least two and a half feet deep, so as to be secure from the action of the frost ; or if graves are to be opened alongside, six feet deep. If stone blocks or posts are used (which are preferable), they should be of granite, at least eight inches square at both ends, and placed securely in the ground not less than two and a half feet. Railings should be painted before the rust commences form- ing, else the paint will be apt to come off in scales. The paint should consist of three coats, made quite thin, as a better body will thereby be formed than if made of the usual consistency. The first coat should be of red lead and litharge, and put on before the railing is removed from the factory ; the second and third of pure white lead and oil, colored as may be desired. If the second coat be of lead color, it will best prepare the railing for any other color which may be used. In painting, care should be taken to cover every part, and to fill every crevice. It may be well to observe that common black paint, or varnish, being composed very frequently of lamp-black and oil merely, will not long prevent the action of rust, and ought not, therefore, to be relied upon. If black be preferred as a color, two previous coats of red and lead colors should be applied. MONUMENTS. In regard to monuments, scarcely too much care can be bestowed to insure permanency. The foundations should be carefully laid, and be not less than six feet deep — the usual depth of graves. The stone of which the structure is made should be free from visible defects, and, if possible, of sufficient size to extend across the entire structure. Monuments com- posed of common masonry and faced with thin slabs of marble or stone, will not last. It is a species of veneering that will soon exhibit the effects of the severe exposure to which it is subjected — nor will even the solid stone long endure, unless it GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 17 be made to lie on what is termed its natural bed. Most kinds of stone and marble are composed of strata, or layers, not unlike the leaves of a book. If the stones are placed edgewise, or vertically, so as to expose the strata unfavorably to the action of the weather and the frost, the seams will in time separate, and the whole structure eventually fall into ruin and decay. TOMBS. The preceding remarks w T ill apply with even greater force to tombs built in part or wholly above ground. In such struc- tures particular care is needed in the plan and construction which may be adopted. The stones of wdiich they are built should be of sufficient length to extend frequently through the wall, not mere slabs set up on the edge, forming no bond of union between the outer and inner surface. "Where angles occur, each alternate course should be composed of solid stones cut to the angle required, so as to prevent effectually a separa- tion of the walls. When placed in the hill-side, the parts above the natural surface of the ground should be of cut stone, the sides as well as the front, so as to avoid all artificial embankments and sod- ding. The natural form of the hill will thus be preserved ; unsightly artificial mounds w 7 ill be prevented, and the expense of frequently renewing and repairing embankments will be avoided. The front foundation wall should not be less in depth than two and a half feet, nor should the side w T alls in any part be of less thickness than two feet. The roof should always be of stone tiles, or cut stone flagging, and the joints thoroughly protected from exposure to the weather. The in- terior of the tombs should be fitted up with shelves, (as required by the Rules,) so constructed as to admit of each coffin being permanently and tightly sealed at the time of interment, with tablets of stone or marble ready prepared for the inscription desired. Thus furnished, no unpleasant effluvia will be per- ceived, nor w T ill any re-interment of the remains be necessary, as in other cases, after the coffins shall have decayed, 18 RULES AND REGULATIONS. VAULTS. Vaults under ground should be built of stone walls, at least eighteen inches thick, with arch of hard brick twelve inches thick, and all laid in the best of cement. VARIETY IN MONUMENTS. As the permanency of monuments, and their inclosures, is essential to the proper appearance of the grounds, so are sym- metry and variety of form necessary to produce a permanently pleasing effect. The experience of other institutions in this respect appeals with force to the lot owners of Green-wood. The following passage, which occurs in a publication of the Laurel Hill Cemetery Corporation, at Philadelphia, is appro- priate to the subject : " It has been the frequent remark of visitors — our own citi- zens as well as strangers — that a monotony already begins to be apparent in the style and form of the improvements ; obelisk succeeds obelisk, etc., with only slight variations, and if this is continued, we shall see, in time, too dull a uniformity to strike the mind with agreeable sentiments. This may be obviated by a little more inquiry before ordering a monument, and by not always taking the advice of the stone-mason, often himself willing to suggest the greatest bulk for the least money, and thus allowing marble to usurp the place of good taste ########## " A correct idea, expressed in marble, may be very beautiful, so long as it is unique ; but by too frequent imitation, and in too close proximity with its original, it may destroy the charm of the first, and ultimately raise feelings in the beholder the reverse of those desired." SHRUBBERY. In the selection and placing of trees and large shrubs, good judgment and taste should prevail. A very beautiful effect may be produced by appropriately grouping trees, so arranging GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 19 size, form, and color, that all will harmonize, or contrast favor- ably with the surrounding- shrubbery. If attention be not paid to this feature, the most beautiful landscape will be marred ; and common observation shows, that such results in the trans- planting of trees are often witnessed. Discrimination should also be exercised in selecting smaller shrubbery and flowers, that they may be suitable to the purpose for which the grounds are set apart. To arrange a burial plot as one would plant a flower-garden, is, to say the least, in very questionable taste. Care ought then to be taken that too many flowers are not set out, and that the kinds and colors of such as are selected be appropriate. Nothing coarse or incon- gruous with the object and the place should be chosen. Those which are delicate in size, form, and color, should be preferred. Such as are simple and unobtrusive, and particularly those which are symbolical of friendship, affection, and remembrance, seem most fitting to beautify the " Place of Graves." The importance of special attention on the part of lot owners to the particulars contained in the preceding suggestions, has been strongly impressed upon the writer, while visiting other Cemeteries in our country, and especially those of longest date. Nor, if we may credit testimpny, is trans-Atlantic experience at variance with our own. In all may be seen, both in failures and success, how essential it is that durable materials should be used — that the right modes of construction should be adopted, and that the execution of the work should be thorough and complete. Nor is it of small moment, as some may suppose, that the designs of monumental structures should avoid similarity. Nothing can tend more directly to render such grounds tame and uninteresting than the frequent recurrence of the same, or of similar forms, in the monuments and tomb-fronts. To pre- vent this result, slight alterations in particular features are sometimes made, but with little avail, so long as the general 20 RULES AND REGULATIONS. aspect and character are identical with those from which they are adopted. The mistakes which have already been made in this respect, are too palpable not to force themselves on oar notice, and too serious not to make us anxious to avoid them. Allusion has been made to the importance of making per- manent provision for the preservation of monuments and inclo- sures. On this point, too, we may take a lesson from observa- tion. Reference has been made on a preceding page to that section in the charter which authorizes the Cemetery Corpo- ration to receive gifts or bequests for the purpose of applying the income thereof to the preservation or renewal of any im- provements which may be made on lots, or to the embellish- ment of the general Cemetery grounds. As a guide to those wishing to avail themselves of this provision, the following form of a bequest for insertion in Wills is appended. It may be altered so as to provide for improving any lot, or the gen eral grounds in any other manner consistent with the design and purposes of the Corporation. FORM OF BEQUEST FOR THE PRESERVATION OF IMPROVEMENTS, ETC. I hereby give and bequeath to the Green-wood Cemetery, the sum of dollars, To Have and to Hold the same to the said The Green-wood, Cemetery and their successors, upon trust, however, to keep the same invested, or to allow interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum, and to apply the income thus arising therefrom, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, to the repair, prese-rvation or renewal of any tomb, monument or grave-stone, railing or other erec- tion, or for planting and cultivating trees, shrubs, flowers or plants upon, in, or around Lot number in the Cemetery grounds of the said Corporation ; and to apply the surplus of such income, if any, to the improvement of the said Cemetery grounds. Provided, however, That the said Trustees shall never be responsible for their conduct in the discharge of such trust, GEEEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 21 except for good faith and such reasonable diligence as may be required of mere gratuitous agents ; and provided further ; that the said Trustees shall in no case be obliged to make any separate investment of the sum so given, and that the average income, derived from all funds of the like nature belonging to the Corporation, shall be divided annually, and carried propor- tionally to the credit of each lot entitled thereto. Jnimiunt 8, A RECEIVING TOMB is provided at the Cemetery, for the accommodation of those who intend to purchase lots. Twenty days from the time of interment are allowed for making the selection and removing the remains. When the improvement of a lot, or other circumstances, may make it necessary, a reasonable extension of the time will be granted. Interments made in the winter season may remain until the weather in the spring will admit of selections being made. This Tomb is on Willow Avenue, near the Gate of Funerals, and is well adapted to its purpose. The floor being level with the avenue, convenient access is always afforded. The inte- rior consists of two groined vaults, extensive and lofty, lined from floor to ceiling with horizontal niches for coffins. To prevent effluvia, these, when occupied, are closed with sealed lids. In front projects a Romanesque portico of brown-stone. This massive structure, in conjunction with the broad aisle of the vault, supplies the temporary shelter which is often needed on funeral occasions. Figures of bronze or stone will, perhaps, hereafter crown the acroteria, which now terminate the sum- mits of the pediment and columns. At the time of deposit, the coffins are all numbered, and a registry made of them, with the view to distinguish them readily when finally removed, and thus prevent their being 22 RULES AND REGULATIONS. previously disturbed. In this, as in all arrangements pertain- ing to interments, care is taken to avoid every thing that might be unpleasant to the feelings of relatives and friends, and to consult, as far as practicable, their peculiar wishes and views. CHARGES FOR RECEIVING TOMB For each adult, $15 00 If removed to any lot or grave in the Cemetery within six months, thirteen dollars will be returned. If removed from the Cemetery within one year, five dollars will be returned. For each child, - - - - - - -7 50 If removed to any lot or grave in the Cemeteiy within six months, five dollars and fifty cents will be returned. If removed from the Cemetery within one year, two dollars and fifty cents will be returned. RECEIVING TOMBS Are also provided as follows — interments in which will be attended to by any of the undertakers : One at the Carmine-street Cemetery, opposite Varick-street. One in the Baptist church in Sixteenth-street, near the Eighth avenue. One in the grounds of St. Mark's church, Stuyvesant-street, near the Second avenue. A charge of five dollars is made for each interment in these tombs, to be paid at the time of interment ; when removed, however, to the Cemetery, three dollars will be repaid by the Cemetery Institution. PUBLIC LOTS. Single graves may be procured in Lots of three kinds. First. In Lots inclosed by a hedge, at ten dollars each, for adults, and five dollars each for children under ten years of affe. GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 23 Second. In Lots inclosed by an iron railing, at fifteen dollars each, for adults, and seven dollars and fifty cents for children under ten years of age. Third. In Lots enclosed by a hedge, where any number of contiguous graves, not less than two, may be had at twelve dol- lars and fifty cents each for adults. In all these cases the usual charge for opening the graves is included in the prices named. In Lots of the first and second classes no monuments can be allowed excepting slabs laid upon the graves, or thick head- stones, not exceeding eighteen inches in height above the ground. Neither slabs nor head-stones may be more than two feet wide, for adults, and eighteen inches for children. In Lots of the third class, small monuments may be erected, sufficient space being provided for one monument to each plot of two graves. In all cases they must rest upon a stone foun- dation at least six feet deep. Graves purchased in any of the public lots, may be used for other interments, by paying the usual cost of opening graves, as hereafter mentioned. If Lots should afterwards be pur- chased, the full cost of the graves vacated will be allowed, after deducting the expenses for originally opening the ground, and for the disinterment of the remains. Tickets admitting a family at all proper times are given to all who purchase graves. INTERMENTS IN TOMBS. Permanent interments may be procured in Tombs erected for the purpose, at fifteen dollars each. For children under twelve years of age, seven dollars and fifty cents ; under two years, five dollars. 24 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 'iutles Concerning Interments. THE Superintendent of Interments resides with his family at the Cemetery, and will see that suitable persons are in attendance at every interment. 2. In each case of burial, a statement giving the name, place of nativity, residence, with the number of the street, age, dis- ease of the person to be interred, and also whether married or unmarried, must be handed to the Superintendent of Inter- ments, that an accurate registry may be made of the same. 3. Whenever interments are to be made, previous notice should be given at the office of the Cemetery, or to the Super- intendent of Interments at the Cemetery, on the day previous to the interment, if possible. After office hours, and on Sun- days and holidays, notices, which must be written in all cases, may be left at Mr. Wm. Robertson's Livery Stable, in State- street, near Henry-street, Brooklyn. The size of the coffin, on the top, or if in a case, the size of the case, should be particularly mentioned. And when inter- ments are to be made in private lots, the location of the grave in the lot should also be stated. 4. All interments, except those in the Public Lots, will be subject to the following charges, which, in all cases, must be paid at the office of the Cemetery, before the interment, or to the Superintendent of Interments, at the time of interment. OPENING OF GRAVES. !nl t graves, usual depth, six feet, $3.00 o tt seven feet, . 3.25 M a eight feet, 3.50 « « nine feet, 4.00 (( <( ten feet, 4.50 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 25 Children's graves, under 10 years, usual depth, six feet, . $2.00 " eight feet, . 2.50 " ten feet, 3.50 Opening vaults under ground, , 2.00 tombs in side hills and above ground, 1.00 Note.— A suggestion to lot owners respecting interments in their plots, may here be of use. It frequently occurs that messages are sent desiring that graves should be opened ad- joining or near the graves of persons previously interred. Where graves are not designated by stones or otherwise, it will be impossible, in process of time, to comply with the directions thus given, unless some system designating every grave be adopted. It is recommended, therefore, that each lot owner make a drawing of his plot on a blank page of his deed, and record on it every interment, with name and date. Upon the occurrence of future interments, let a transcript of this map, with the place marked where the grave is desired to be opened, be duly sent. In this way every difficulty will be obviated, and an interesting family record will be made and preserved for future generations. Funerals pass to the Cemetery over the Fulton, Atlantic, Hamilton, and Catherine Ferries, at the following rates of fer- riage, viz. : for carriages, twelve and a half cents, and one horse vehicles six and a quarter cents each way. Over Hamilton Avenue Toll Bridge no charge is made. 26 EULES AND REGULATIONS. $ulcs Cowtnring JKritow. VISITORS will obtain as favorable a view of the Cemetery as can be had at one visit, and reach the entrance without dif- ficulty, by keeping- the main avenue, called The Tour, as indi- cated on the Map, and by the guide boards. A little familiar- ity, however, with the grounds, and references to the Map, will enable them to take other avenues, many of which pass through grounds of peculiar interest. Each proprietor of a lot will be entitled to a ticket of admis- sion into the Cemetery with a vehicle, under the following regulations, the violation of which, or a loan of the ticket, involves a forfeiture of the privilege : 1. No vehicle, or person on foot, will be admitted unless accompanied by a proprietor, or a member of his household, with his ticket, or unless presenting a special ticket of admis- sion, obtained at the office of the Cemetery. 2. Children will not be admitted unless with their parents, or with persons having them specially in charge, nor will schools, and other large assemblages of persons, be admitted. 3. On Sundays and holidays the gates will be closed. Pro- prietors of lots, however, and persons accompanying them, will be admitted by applying to the Porter, but on Sundays, only on foot. 4. None but lot owners and their households will be ad- mitted on horseback, and they only by obtaining a special ticket of admission at the office of the Cemetery. 5. No vehicle will be allowed to pass through the grounds at a rate exceeding four miles the hour. 6. No persons having refreshments of any kind will be per- GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 27 mitted to come within the grounds, nor will any smoking be allowed, nor will dogs be admitted. 7. Persons having baskets or any like articles must leave them in charge of the Porter. 8. No horse may be left by the driver in the grounds unfas- tened. 9. All persons are prohibited from picking any flowers, either wild or cultivated, or breaking any tree, shrub or plant. f 10. All persons are prohibited from writing upon, defacing or injuring any monument, fence, or other structure, in or belonging to the Cemetery. 11. Any person disturbing the quiet and good order of the place by noise, or other improper conduct, or who shall violate any of the foregoing rules, will be compelled instantly to leave the grounds. 12. The Porter is charged to prohibit the entrance of all improper persons, as well as of those who, though presenting tickets, may be known to have, at any time, wilfully trans- gressed the regulations of the Cemetery. 13. The gates are opened, for entrance, at sunrise, and are closed (except for egress) at sunset. 14. No money may be paid to the Keeper of the Gate, or any other person in the employ of the Institution, in reward for any personal service or attentions. OJP* Visitors are reminded that these grounds are sacredly devoted to the interment of the dead, and that a strict observance of the decorum which should characterize such a place, will be required of all. 03?=" The Keeper of the Gate having been appointed by the Sheriff of King's County a Deputy Officer, with the view to protect the grounds and preserve order, is authorized and directed to remove all who violate these ordinances, or commit trespasses. Trespassers are also liable to criminal prosecution, and to a fine of fifty dollars. The provisions and penalties of the law will be strictly enforced in all cases of wanton injury. 28 <$mral llnwb. GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY became a Chartered Insti- tution, in 1838. Its location was the result of a careful and extensive survey of the entire vicinity of New-York. The enterprise, after four years of hard struggle, was at length placed upon a firm foundation, and the Cemetery was thrown open for interments in 1842. From that time, its history has been one of uninterrupted progress. The original enclosure of one hundred and seventy-five acres, has swelled, by succes- sive additions on the west and south, to its present dimensions of three hundred and sixty acres. Broad, substantial roads, underlaid with stones, and bordered on the declivities with paved gutters, furnish, at all seasons, a hard and pleasant car- riage path of many miles, and conduct the visitor to every part of the Cemetery. Commodious and inviting foot-paths, still more numerous and extensive, wind round every hill, and explore each dell and shady nook. The work of grading the entire grounds, involving an immense amount of labor, is now all but completed, and has been prosecuted with a constant regard both to beauty and utility. Arrangements have been completed for forcing I he water of Sylvan Lake into an ele- vated reservoir, whence it is conveyed by pipes to different parts of the ground, to be used in irrigation and for the supply of fountains. For the accommodation of the various superintendents, five commodious and picturesque cottages have been erected on the outer border of the Cemetery, contributing largely to its adornment as well as to its protection. In addition to the original entrance, with its small rustic lodge and bell-tower, a second has been opened on the southern side from Martense's GREEN- WOOD CEMETERY. 29 Lane, and, and still more recently, a third, at the south-western angle of the enclosure. The latter, which is flanked on one side by a handsome lodge, and on the other by offices and a commanding tower, will henceforth constitute the Visitor's Gate. Two large receiving tombs have been constructed on the edge of Arbor Water, which have proved ample, thus far, for every requirement. The entire surface of the Cemetery has been re-surveyed with trigonometrical precision, and has been divided into rec- tangular sections, where practicable, of four hundred square feet each. By reference to the field-book in which these are all plotted, and where the occupied lots are duly entered, every foot of ground within the enclosure, may, henceforth, be de- fined, or identified, with absolute certainty. As another result of this survey, a new and larger map has been constructed, and is ready for use. The visitor may now avail himself of a plain and perfectly reliable chart — on which he will find depicted not only the numerous and various inequalities of these grounds, but all their avenues and paths clearly deli- neated and distinctly named. To promote still farther his convenience, a Directory has been published, containing brief descriptions of every object likely to be of general interest, and illustrated by views of more than a hundred monuments. Biographic notices of distinguished individuals, buried in Green- wood, follow the Directory. The latter work is also published separately with the map included. It would be difficult to make any thing like an accurate estimate of the vast amount which has been expended by indi- vidual proprietors on the seven thousand lots already sold. Nearly five thousand plots have been surrounded with fences of iron. About three hundred tombs have been constructed — and their vaults, whether placed in side-hills or sunk in the ground, are generally of massive stone-work and durable ma- sonry. The side-hill tombs are, in most cases, fronted by 30 GENERAL REMARKS. architectural facades, various in form, arid often beautiful. Tn addition to a great number of horizontal tablets and small head-stones, the Cemetery contains about seven hundred monu- ments of marble, of sienite, or of sandstone. These, as might be expected, vary greatly in magnitude and style, and range from forms quite simple and unexpensive, to others of great size and costly decoration. Twenty-six thousand interments have been made in the grounds. This statistic sketch, though, of necessity, imperfect and indefinite, affords ample demonstration of successful progress. In this success its founders and managers find, not only a realization of the faith which met and vanquished its early dif- ficulties, but ample reward for all their subsequent efforts and care. Whether considered in reference to its position of near- ness and accessibility — the availableness of its entire surface for purposes of interment — the extent, the diversity, and the beauty of the grounds — its native and varied forest-growth — or the loveliness of its surrounding landscapes — Green-wood compares, it is believed, most favorably with other rural Ceme- teries To these unsurpassed advantages derived from nature, must also be added all which has been accomplished by the unremitting care and toil of eleven busy years. With the results of the experiment thus far, as exhibited in the improvements of the Cemetery and in its daily manage- ment, the community for whose benefit it was designed, seems to be more than satisfied. It may well be questioned, whether, anywhere else, or ever before, a place of burial has awakened an interest so deep and wide ; — an interest, evinced not only by the rapidly increasing demand for lots and graves, but by the thronging thousands who daily visit the spot. Since the time when, amid alternations of hope and discour- agement, the foundations of this institution were laid, a great change has taken place in the public sentiment of our com- munity. It is not now necessary to urge the manifold evils of intra-mural interment, or to present and portray the immense 3REEN-W00D CEMETERY. 31 superiority of rural sepulture ; for the former are no longer denied or doubted — and the latter has been practically demon- strated. The question may be looked upon as settled. Cities will soon cease to endure within their limits the offensive and pestilential danger. The prejudices of early association, and even the ties of love and kindred, cannot much longer recon- cile the minds of any to the crowded church-yard vault. Those very feelings, so natural and so strong, which have long bound thousands to an objectionable practice, are now fast setting in another and better direction. Beneath the verdant and flowery sod — beneath green and waving foliage — amid tranquil shades, where Nature weeps in all her dews, and sighs in every breeze, and chants a requiem by each warbling bird — the dying generations of this great metropolis will henceforth be sepulchred. Already, round our own Green-wood, cling the strong affec- tions of many thousand hearts. Here lie the parent, the wife, the husband, the child, the lover, and the friend, once dearer to the surviving mourner than all else on earth. Hither often those survivors come, to weep and meditate unseen. And here, by the mouldering relics of what was once so dear, do they hope, at last, to lie down themselves Nor are these grounds destitute of that broader interest which attaches itself to the names and memories of those who have made themselves illustrious by deeds of greatness, or lives of goodness. Here crumble the frail tenements in which Learning and Piety, Patriotism and Courage, once made their glorious home. If the brief experience of the past has accomplished so much, what expectations of the future may not safely be indulged ? What tender associations, what kindling memories, what in- spiring thoughts, what Christian hopes, will be awakened in the breasts of those who, at some coming and not distant day, shall explore this silent city of the dead ! Long may this fair enclosure be preserved, unmarred by mistaken taste — undesecrated by rude hands. Let the worn 32 GENEKAL EEMAEKS. and weary citizen still find here a momentary but soothing retreat from bustle and toil. Here may Sorrow and pensive Meditation ever find a home. And hither, let even the idle and the thoughtless come, to learn the lesson of their own mortality from the eloquent but unobtrusive teachings of the tomb. By order of the Trustees, J. A. PERRY, Secretary and Comptroller. 33 %tt d ^MffxpTnttin, PASSED APRIL 18, 1838. [Repealed, as far as regards the Joint Stock principle, by Act of April 11, 1839.] The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. All persons who shall become Stockholders pur- suant to this Act, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of " The Green-wood Cemetery," for the purpose of establishing a Public Burial Ground in the City of Brooklyn. Sec 2. The Capital Stock of the said Corporation shall be three hundred thousand dollars, which shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and shall be deemed per- sonal property, and be transferable on the books of the Corpo- ration, in such manner as the said Corporation shall by its By-Laws direct. Sec. 3. The said Corporation may, by and with the consent of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Brooklyn, first had and obtained, acquire, take and hold a lot or tract of land within the City of Brooklyn, not exceeding two hundred acres, and may sell or otherwise dispose of such land, to be used exclusively as a Cemetery, or a place for the burial of the dead ; but all moneys received for or on account of the said Capital Stock, shall be first applied by the said Corpora- tion to the payment of the purchase money of the land acquired by the said Corporation, and the residue thereof, together with at least one half the moneys obtained for such sales of the said lots or plots, shall be applied to improving or embellishing such land as a Cemetery or Burial Ground. 34 ACT OF INCOEPORATION. Sec. 4. The Commissioners appointed under and by virtue of an Act, entitled " An Act, authorizing the appointment of Commissioners to lay out streets, avenues, and squares in the City of Brooklyn," passed April 23, 1835, are hereby author- ized to designate on the map of the said City, in and by the said Act directed to be made and filed by said Commissioners, the lot or tract of land so acquired by the said Corporation, and to terminate any or all of the streets or avenues, at the outer boundaries thereof. Sec 5. The real estate of the said Corporation, and the said lots or plots, when conveyed by said Corporation, to individual proprietors, shall be exempt from assessment, and not liable to be sold on execution, or to be applied to the payment of debts by assignment under any insolvent law. Sec 6. Samuel Ward, John P. Stagg, Charles King, D. B. Douglass, Russell Stebbins, Joseph A. Perry, Henry E. Pierre- pont, and Pliny Freeman, shall be Commissioners to receive subscriptions for the said Capital Stock. They shall appoint a day and place in the cities of New- York and Brooklyn, or either, to receive the same. They shall prescribe the form and rules of said subscriptions, and cause at least fifteen days' notice thereof to be given in one or more of the newspapers printed in the said cities respectively, and at such time and place receive subscriptions therefor. And also, in case more than the whole amount is subscribed, they shall have power to apportion the Stock, as they shall think proper, among the said subscribers. And, also, in case the whole Stock is not then subscribed, to receive subscriptions therefor, until the whole is taken ; and when thirty thousand dollars of said Capital Stock shall have been paid in, said Commissioners shall give a like notice for a meeting of the Stockholders, at such time and place as the said Commissioners shall appoint, to choose from among the said Stockholders fifteen Directors. And such election shall be then and there made by such of the Stockholders as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by lawful proxy, each share of the Capital Stock entitling a GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 35 Stockholder to one vote. And the said Commissioners, or any three of them, shall be inspectors of the first election of Direc- tors of the said Corporation, and shall certify under their hands the names of those duly elected, and deliver over the subscrip- tion books, moneys, and property of said Corporation to the said Directors. The Directors first chosen shall fix upon the time and place of holding the first meeting of the Directors. A new election of Directors, being Stockholders, shall be made annually, at such time and place as the Board of Directors shall appoint. Sec. 7. It shall be lawful for the Directors, or a majority of them, to require payments of the sums to be subscribed to the Capital Stock, at such times, and in such payments, and on such conditions as they, or a majority of them, shall deem fit, under the penalty of the forfeiture of all previous payments thereon, and shall give notice of the payments thus required, and of the place and time when the same are to be paid, at least thirty days previous to the payment of the same, in at least two public newspapers, one published in the said City of New- York, and one in the said City of Brooklyn. Sec 8. The said Corporation shall possess the powers, and be subject to the provisions contained in Chapter 18th, of the first part of the Revised Statutes. Sec 9. This act shall take effect immediately. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER, PASSED APRIL 11, 1839. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows • Sec 1. It shall be lawful for the Stockholders of the said " The Green-wood Cemetery," to surrender and extin- guish their stock in such manner as the Board of Directors shall prescribe ; and all persons who are and hereafter shall become proprietors of lots or parcels of ground conveyed to 36 ACT OF INCORPORATION". them by the said Corporation, shall become members of the said body corporate. Sec. 2. The estate, property, and affairs of the said Corpo- ration shall be managed by fifteen Trustees, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum capable of doing- business. The persons now constituting the Board of Directors shall be the first Trustees, and shall, as soon as may be after the pas- sage of this act, organize themselves into three equal classes. The first class, so organized, shall go out of office, and succes- sors, being lot proprietors, to be chosen on the first Monday of December, one thousand eight hundred and forty ; the second, in like manner, on the first Monday of December, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two ; and the third, in like manner, on the first Monday of December, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four ; and thenceforward, biennially, one class, in order, shall go out of office, and successors, being lot proprie- tors, be chosen ; provided, that the members of the several classes shall be re-eligible and retain their stations until their successors are chosen. Notice of such elections shall be given in one or more newspapers published in the cities of New- York or Brooklyn, at least fourteen days previous to the time of holding the same. The election shall be by ballot, and every proprietor of a lot or parcel of groiwid of a size not less than three hundred square feet, or if there be more than one propri- etor of any such lot or parcel, then such one as the proprietors of such original lot for the time being, or a majority of them, shall designate to represent such lot or parcel at such election, shall have, either in person or by proxy, one vote for each of such lot or parcel ; and the five persons, being lot proprietors, having a majority of all the votes given at such election, shall be de clared duly elected Trustees. The Trustees of the said Cor- poration shall hereafter, in all cases, be chosen from among the lot proprietors, and shall have the power to fill any vacancy in their number that may occur during the period for which they hold their office. Sec 3. An annual meeting of said Corporation shall be GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 37 holden at such time and place as the By-Laws shall direct ; notice whereof shall be given in like manner above mentioned, seven days at least before the time of meeting. The Trustees shall make report to the Corporation at such annual meeting, of their doings, and of the management and condition, and fiscal concerns of the Corporation. Sec 4. All lots or parcels of ground when conveyed, and designated and numbered as lots, by the said Corporation, shall be indivisible, but may afterwards be held and owned in undi- vided shares ; one half at least of the proceeds of all sales made by the said Corporation, shall be first applied to the pay- ment of the purchase money of the land acquired by the said Corporation, and the residue thereof shall be applied to pre- serving, improving, and embellishing the said land as a Ceme- tery or burial ground, and to the incidental expenses of the Cemetery establishment ; and after payment of such purchase money, the proceeds of all future sales shall be applied to the preservation, improvement, and embellishment of the said Cemetery and incidental expenses thereof, and to no other purpose whatsoever. Sec 5. Any person who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure, or remove, any tomb, monument, or grave- stone, or other structure placed in the Cemetery aforesaid, or any fence, railing, or other work for the protection or ornament of the said Cemetery, or of any tomb, monument, or grave- stone, or other structure aforesaid ; or of any Cemetery lot within the Cemetery aforesaid ; or shall wilfully destroy, cut, break, or injure any tree, shrub, or plant, within the limits of the said Cemetery, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, before any justice of the peace, or other court of competent jurisdiction within the County of Kings, be punished by a fine not less than five dol- lars, nor more than fifty dollars, according to the nature and aggravation of the offence ; and such offender shall also be liable, in an action of trespass to be brought against him in any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name of the said 38 ACT OF IM CORPORATION. Corporation, to pay all such damages as shall have been occa- sioned by his unlawful act or acts ; which money, when recov- ered, shall be applied by the said Corporation, under the direc- tion of the Board of Trustees, to the reparation and restoration of the property destroyed or injured as above ; and members of the said Corporation shall be competent witnesses in such suits. Sec 6. The said Corporation may take and hold any grant, donation or bequest of property upon trust, to apply the same or the income thereof under the direction of the Board of Trustees for the improvement or embellishment of the said Cemetery, or for the erection, repair, preservation or renewal of any tomb, monument, or grave-stone, fence, railing, or other erection, or for the planting and cultivation of trees, s-hru'bs, flowers or plants in or around any Cemetery lot, or for im- proving the said premises in any other manner or form con- sistent with the design and purposes of this act, according to the terms of such grant, donation or bequest. Sec. 7. The said Cemetery shall be and hereby is declared exempted from all public taxes, so long as the same shall remain dedicated to the purposes of a Cemetery. Sec 8. Every provision in the charter hereby altered and amended, which is inconsistent with the provisions of this act, is hereby repealed. FURTHER AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. PASSED MAY 11, 1S46. The People of the State of New-York, represented, in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Sec 1. The Green-wood Cemetery may acquire, take and hold land within the City of Brooklyn, or in the Town of Flat- bush in the County of Kings, next adjoining thereto, not ex- ceeding one hundred and twenty-five acres in addition to the land which the said Corporation is now authorized by the third GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 39 section of the act, entitled " An Act to incorporate the Green- wood Cemetery," passed April 18, 1838, to acquire, take, and hold ; and may hold, use, sell or otherwise dispose of the same in the same manner, with the same privileges, and for the same uses and purposes contemplated by the said act. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. ADDITIONAL AMENDMENTS, PASSED APRIL 5, 1850. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Sec 1. Any lot or lots hereafter to be conveyed by the said Corporation may be so conveyed, that upon such conveyance thereof, or after there shall have been an interment therein, such lot or lots shall be for ever thereafter inalienable, and shall, upon the death of the holder or proprietor thereof, de- scend to all, any, or either of the heirs at law of such holder or proprietor, and to all, any, or either of their heirs at law, or to such person or persons, or such class or classes of persons, as may in the conveyance thereof be designated for that pur- pose ; but any one or more of the persons who shall become the joint owners or proprietors of any lot or lots, may release to any other or others of such persons, his, her, or their interest in the same, on such conditions as shall be agreed upon and specified in such release. Sec. 2. Any lot or lots heretofore conveyed by the said Corporation, or which may hereafter be conveyed in the man- ner heretofore authorized, may be held and enjoyed in the manner authorized by the first section of this Act ; provided the same be signified and declared by any instrument in writ- ing, or by any last will and testament duly made and executed by the holder, or proprietor of such lot or lots for that purpose. Sec 3. The said Corporation may take and hold any lot or lots which may be conveyed or devised to them by the owners 40 ACT OF INCORPORATION. or proprietors thereof, to be hereafter inalienable, and with authority to restrict interments therein to such person or per- sons, or class of persons, as may for that purpose be designated and prescribed in the conveyance or devise under which the said lot or lots shall be so taken and held. Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for the said Corporation to sell and dispose of all, or any such parcel or parcels of land in the City of Brooklyn heretofore acquired by them, and lying- northerly of the southerly line of Twenty-fourth Street, if the said line were extended easterly through the grounds of the said Corporation, or within two hundred feet southerly of the said line, as they shall deem it unnecessary or inexpedient to retain for purposes of burial, and to convey the same free and discharged from all or any of the restrictions and privileges appertaining thereto as the property of the said Corporation. FURTHER AMENDMENTS, PASSED JUNE 8, 1853. Sec 1. The Green-wood Cemetery may hold land heretofore acquired, or hereafter to be acquired, not exceeding seventy- five acres in addition to the land which the said Corporation is now authorized to hold by the act entitled " An Act to incor- porate the Green- wood Cemetery," passed April 18, 1838, and the several acts heretofore passed to alter or amend the same, and may hold, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of the same, in the same manner, with the same privileges, and for the uses and purposes contemplated by the said acts respectively ; pro- vided that the lands hereafter to be acquired, shall lie and be embraced within the boundaries designated in the next suc- ceeding section of this act. Sec 2. No public road, street or avenue shall be laid out or opened over, upon or through the lands of the said Corporation ; provided, however, that this act shall not apply to any streets or avenues in the City of Brooklyn, westerly of the easterly side of the Fifth Avenue ; northerly of the northerly boundary GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 41 line of the lands of the said Company, as designated on the Commissioner's Map for laying out streets and avenues in the City of Brooklyn, and of the extension of said boundary line along the southerly side of Twenty-first Street, to the boundary line next hereinafter mentioned ; southeasterly of a line parallel to the patent line between the Town of Flatbush and the City of Brooklyn, and distant therefrom not exceeding one thousand six hundred and sixty feet ; southerly of the northerly side of Martenses Lane, until its intersection with Thirty-seventh Street ; southerly also of the northerly side of Thirty-seventh Street, easterly of the Seventh Avenue, and southerly of the northerly side of Martenses Lane, between the last mentioned avenue and the Fifth Avenue. Sec. 3. It shall be lawful for the public authorities of the Town of Flatbush, notwithstanding the provisions of this act, to lay out and cause to be opened, any time within five years from the passage of this act, a public road or highway along the southeasterly boundary of the said Cemetery as herein defined, not exceeding eighty feet in width ; and the said Ceme- tery shall grant, free of charge or claims for damages, the one- half in width of the land required for said public road or high- way, and shall pay the one half of the cost of making said road or highway, in good travelling order, as far as their south- easterly boundary extends ; but should the said public author- ities prefer to have said road or highway laid out and opened parallel to the Tenth Avenue of the City of Brooklyn, and distant therefrom southeasterly not less than one thousand three hundred feet, then the said Cemetery shall grant, free of charge or claims for damages, so much of the land as may be necessary for said road or highway as lies within their boundaries, and shall pay the costs and charges for grading the land so granted, and making the said road or highway over the same in good travelling order ; and any land lying beyond said road or highway in a southeasterly direction, shall be subject to taxation the same as other lands, and shall not be used for burial purposes, but may be sold and disposed of, free and dis- 42 ACT OF INCOKPOEATION. charged from any restrictions imposed thereon, as the land of the said Company. Sec. 4. It shall be further lawful for the said public author- ities of the Town of Flatbush, if they deem it advisable, to straighten and widen that part of Martenses Lane, lying in said town, so as when widened, not to exceed sixty feet in width ; and the said Cemetery shall grant, free of charge or claims for damages, the one half of the land along the south- westerly boundary of the said Cemetery, as may be necessary for such purpose, and shall pay the costs and charges for grad- ing the lands so granted, and making the road over the same in good travelling order. Sec 5. The said Cemetery shall not be exempt from paying assessments for the grading and paving the Fifth Avenue in the said City, and such assessments may be imposed on the property of said Cemetery, and collected in the manner that other assessments are levied, collected and paid ; and said Cemetery are hereby authorized to pay the same. Sec 6. This act shall take effect immediately. 43 Inscriptions 0n Hbnmncnk BY N. CLEAVELAND. [Written in 1845.] THE feeling which prompts to some kind of inscription on the tomb, is not less spontaneous than that which leads to the erection of the memorial itself. There is no custom of greater antiquity or more extensive observance. Urftil within a period comparatively recent, a tombstone without some sort of epitaph was an anomaly of rare occurrence. But for several years past there has been a growing disuse of inscriptions, and par- ticularly is this the case in our larger cemeteries. This has resulted, in part, probably, from the increasing use of vaults — which are generally designated merely by the name of the proprietor — and partly, no doubt, from a growing fastidious- ness. The community notice and feel more than they used to do, the want of taste in the style of monumental inscriptions, as well as of judicious moderation in their praises of the dead. But while we sympathize with this feeling, it may be well to ask whether it be not carrying us too far, when it leads to the general abandonment of inscriptions. Can the abuse of a custom, good in itself, be remedied only by entire relinquish- ment ? Who can wander through one of our more recent burial grounds, and pass lot after lot, and obelisk after obelisk, all uninscribed, or bearing simply the family name, worked, perhaps, into the iron gate, — and not feel that he misses some- thing, which at other times, and in other spots, used to quicken his sensibilities and touch his heart ? In this world of sense, and strife, and passion, is it wise to dispense with aught that is adapted to excite tender and pious sentiments ? Should the present neglect of inscriptions continue to prevail, the most 44 IIsSCKIPTIONS ON MONUMENTS. beautiful of the modern cemeteries may be found in moral interest and effect far inferior to the old church-yard, and rural burying-ground, — however abounding in quaint devices and epitaphs offensive to modern refinement. " Their name, their years, spelt by the unlettered Muse, The place of fame and elegy supply, And many a holy text around she strews, That teach the rustic moralist to die." The beautiful grounds of Green-wood have already become the scene of much resort. They will be visited by increasing numbers, as they become more known, and especially as the circle widens which connects by ties of mournful interest, its silent occupants Vith the living multitudes in the adjacent cities. To such they should present all that becomes a Chris- tian Cemetery, situated in a wealthy neighbourhood, and com- menced in an age of refinement and of art. In the variety and beauty of these grounds — so open and sunny in some parts — so shaded and secluded in others — so near to a vast city, yet so retired and still — Nature has left us nothing to desire. Art, indeed, has but just commenced its great work of improvement here. Is it too much to say that the work has been well begun ? Several of the monuments and tombs already con- structed are entirely original in design, and not less appropriate and beautiful than they are new. From the happy and fertile invention which produced these, as well as from other kindred sources, it is hoped that we shall obtain many more of the same description. While not a few will doubtless prefer the old and oft-used forms of the obelisk, pillar, slab or sarcophagus, it is certainly desirable to have in monumental structures greater variety than is to be found in most of our cemeteries ; and this want, in some places, is beginning to be felt. Monuments, like most of those now in Green-wood, constructed of a durable material, with a solidity which will long defy the action of the elements, and in forms that attract and gratify the eye, do, of themselves, convey in part, and well convey the story of love and grief. GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 45 But who does not confess a sense of disappointment, if, on drawing near, he find no brief epitaph, no sententious thought, no scriptural allusion or quotation, expressive of bereaved affec- tion and of Christian hope ? There are no more felicitous or touching- memorials than those beautiful symbolic devices, in which affection, aided by native art, has sometimes paid to the dead its last fond tribute. But for delicate sculpture, statuary marble is the only material, and this will not bear exposure. We have here no cathedrals or disused cloisters to receive and preserve the exquisite pro- ductions of the chisel. But our country is rich in sculptors of the highest ability and promise, and they should not lack encouragement from home. And may not the Chapel for burial service, which will be erected as soon as the means of the Cemetery shall admit, be so constructed as to furnish a fitting receptacle for tablets and statuary ? In such an edifice the kindred arts of architecture and sculpture could have free scope. Rising in calm and solemn grandeur, it would adorn and designate the Place of Graves. Sacred to Religion and the Dead, every tender and holy association would gather round it. There affectionate memory might consecrate to the departed the finest works of genius, and feel them to be safe. There a grateful community might rear memorials to the gifted and the good — till the stately, and growing, and crowded pile should present, at length, even on our western shores, a West- minster Abbey — another Santa Croce. 46 THE OLD BELL IN THE TOWER. A mournful office is thine, old bell, To ring forth naught but the last sad knell Of the coffin'd worm, as he passeth by, — And thou seemest to say, Ye all must die ! No joyful peal dost thou ever ring ; But ever and aye, as hither they bring The dead to sleep 'neath the " Green- Wood" tree Thy voice is heard, pealing mournfully. No glad occasion dost thou proc laim — Thy mournful tone is ever the same ; — The slow, measured peal that tells of wo — Such as those who feel it may only know. Had thy tongue the power of speech, old bell, Methinks strange stories 'twould often tell ; How some are brought hither with tear and moan, While others pass by, unmourn'd, alone ; — How strangers are hither brought to sleep, Whose home, perchance, was beyond the deep ; Who, seeking our shore, came but to die, And here in this hallow'd spot to lie ; — How a wife had follow'd a husband's bier, How a husband hath followed a wife most dear, — How brother and sister have come, in turn, To shed a tear o'er a parent's urn ; — How the victim of sorrow's ceaseless smart Hath given up life with a willing heart, And thought, of this spot with a smiling face, Glad at last to find him a resting-place. I wonder if thou dost ring, old bell, For the rich man a louder, longer knell, Than thou dost for the poor who enter here, On the humble and unpretending bier 1 And dost thou ring forth a peal less sad For the pure and good, than for the bad ! Or dost thou toll the same knell for all — The rich and the poor, the great and small 1 Oh, a mournful office is thine, old bell ! To ring forth naught but the last sad knell Of the coffin'd worm, as he passeth by, — And thou seemest to say, Prepare to die. Arthur Morrell. PART SECOND CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS, CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS, (TO FEBRUARY 17, 1853,) WITH THE NUMBER OF THE LOTS AND THEIR LOCATION. Lots containing less than 300 superficial feet are designated thus*, the proprietors of which are not entitled to vote in the election of Trustees of the Institution. Persons whose names are designated thus t, are now deceased. Whole number of Lots sold, 6,680. No. of Lot. Abbatt, Robert Abbatt, William D., Wm. G\ Medlicott, Joseph A.. Dean, and EdwardB.Dean(4lots.)J Abbott, Francis H * Abbott, Rev. Gorham D.. Abbey, Westminster S Abberley, John *Abeel, Miss Catharine, and Mrs. Margaret Petrie Abeel, George ) Abeel, John H. (4 lots)... $ Abernethy, Charles (375 ft.) . Abercrombie, John and ) William Lindsey ) * Abercrombie, John ) Abercrombie, Robert $ Able, George W t Abraham, James, and ? Stephen Squires ) Abram, Isaac Abrams, John D , Abry, Augustus, Abry, John A., Abry, Edward. *Abson, William Aekerman, James (450ft.).. *Adams, Abel tAdams, Benjamin * Adams, BenjaminS. Adams, Coe Adams, Crowel Sect's, of map 4750 3540 ] to \ 3543 2386 4174 2434 3209 6655 4288 to 4291 4275 4551 5476 6326 309 j 1239 < 581 2520 4601 6656 3061 4985 1210 6392 4543 2615 62, 63 25, 32 90 70 71 118 I 95 | 97 f 98 69 89 85 53 59, 60 65, 66 19 2, 3 ) 107 } 108 ) HI 63 72 44 60 80 27,30 102 tAdams, George... , * Adams, Henry , Adams, Innis C. (400 ft.) Adams, Jay L Adams, James L * Adams, John Adams, John Adams, John Adams, Joseph H > *Adams, Miss Rosannah Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Adair, Henry Adair, Robert Adickes, John P. and ^ Henry Stube 'J t Adriance, Charles ) (2 lots) ) Adriance, James B *Adriance, Mrs. Margaret E *Adsit. Arunah M Afflick, Davis ,. Agar, Edward, Estate of *Agatz William Ahrenfeldt, Charles, and } JohnF.H. Vogt, (4 lots.) $ tAiguier, Jean Baptiste.. ) Arnoux, Gabriel A \ Aikman, Robert, ^ Aikman, Hugh $ Aiken. John *Ainley, Edward Ainslie, Francis V. Ainslie, Mrs. Mary , No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 4477 1544 1545 1546 5609 4780 937 3970 6660 438 to 1441 3970 1060 2308 61(0 6057 6058 103 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Lot. *Aitcbison, James t* Aitken, George W., and ) Levi H. Douglass ) "Aitken, George W., 'j Cliarles Sandford, and > An nn P. Sanford ) Aitken, James, and } Andrew W.Leggat ) Aitken, Thomas, ^ Gardner 1). Hiscox, and > William D. Hiscox. ) Akerly, Benjamin, Akerly, Mary Akerly, Samuel M "Albro, Benjamin Albro, Henry, (525 feet) Albro, James, Jr., ] 1 Albro, Mary E., Albro, John, Albro, Joshua C, [Slots.} Sarah A. Kelsy, Abby Lock wood, | Ada line Carman, j J Allien, William A In irk, James AUen, James F "Alden, Thomas C t Aldrich, Elias T } t Aldrich, Abner S ) Aldrich, Herman D. (500 ft.) Aldrich, James t*Alexarider, John * Alexander, John, deceas- ) ed, Estate of j Alexander, Joseph, Alexander, Mark, j Asahel Nooney, and { Luther B, Phelps, J * Alexander, Robert J "Alexander, William S * Allen, Mrs. Eliza Allen, George, and ) Samuel Dare $ Allen, George F Allen, George C Allen, Henry t* Allen, [rail Allen, Isaac, and ) George W. Jackson... ) Allen, Mrs. Jane and f Mrs. Elizabeth Nugent, I * Allen, John, and "i ( )hver Langan, Executors of the estate {' ■ if Joshua Scott, dec'd.J Allen, John T Allen, Leander- • • • "Allen, Matthew Allen. Russell W Allen, .Mrs. Sarah V Allen, William A ect s. of map 5234 3032 3142 4277 3871 2679 2680 2681 3924 6335 3305 3306 6004 1432 550 4445 588 1464 1482 3187 5731 148:! 4938 5614 2139 27? 0235 3018 187 6550 1810 67 6099 2787 6173 2591 75 92 99 80 105 61 63 64 67 120 62 92 95 76 tAlley Saul, ) (8 lots) $ Allien, Laurent > (2 lots) ] Allison, Mrs. Eliza "Alpers, Martin *Alsgood, Peter Althof, Frederick * Ambrose, George American Seamen's Friend Society American Institute of the ^ City of New-York (2 > lots) ) Amerman, Rev. Oliver V-. Amerinan, Peter Amerman, Richard *Ametrano, Antonio *Amesbury, William H. ? and James Fraser ) Amidon, Francis H "Anderson, Ann, and } Sarah Dunbar $ * Anderson, Mrs. Ann Anderson, Alexanders Anderson, Charles M Anderson, David "Anderson, David, Herman F. Timme, and George M. Shaw Anderson, Henry Anderson, James, M . D . . . . Anderson, John Jr Anderson, John H * Anderson, Mrs. Mary Anderson, Robert D t*Anderson, William, Jr., ) and Robert C. Brown.. \ Anderson, William C Anderton, Ralph L Andariese, Barnet, (400 ft.), t Andrews, Mrs. Ann * Andrews, David "Andrews, Thomas t*Andrus, Nelson Angevine, Onderdonk "Angus, William James.... "Anstice, Henry. Anthony, Edward f Anthony, John J Appleby, James Appleby, Joseph C Appleby, William \ pplegate, Mrs. Mary J tAppleton, Daniel } (2 lots) J A rbogast, Philip, ) George Hirleman, $ Areularius, And. M. (400ft.; Areularius. George Areularius, Peter G tArcularius, Phillip I No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 5617 17 to I 2624 S 43K5 4386 3380 5544 2946 5319 715 750 3069 3070 5t60 4739 4569 5074 6162 614 1285 1747 5635 4974 1218 5582 4455 64 5444 6342 3596 5634 5472 876 5559 102 4913 6640 2961 4912 4783 548 1015 848 1911 5467 5465 5466 2206 2744 274 3218 L288 2341 75? 576 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. No. of Lot. Archdeacon, Peter, Jr., John Wallace, George Wallace, "William Wallace, William Carpenter, John Black. *Arent, Anthony *Arent, Stephen Arkenburgh, Robert H. ) (2i lots) J Armstrong, James Armstrong, Matthew 'Armstrong, Thomas S Arnold, Aaron (450 ft.) 'Arnold, George, and ) Thomas Shiels ) Arnold, James Arnoux, Anthony Arnoux, Gabriel A ? f Aiguier, Jean Baptiste'.. J Arthur, Edward H *Arthur, Jacob F. and > William E.Smith ] 'Arthur, John Arthur, William C, 400 feet, 'Ash, John 'Ash, Joseph H Ashfield, James, and } Chester Bedell $ *Ashford, Mrs. Hannah.... 'Ashley, Mrs. Mary J Ashton, Geortre - Aspinwall, Lewis, deceased, Estate of t Aspinwall, Mrs. Susan.. N (3 lots) Aspinwall, John Lloyd. . . (3 lots) Aspinwall, William H (3 lots) j Association for the relief") of Respectable Aged In- | digent Females, in the )■ City ofNew-York. (2 lots) j Atkins, Joshua ) (2 lots) \ Atkins, Joseph, and > John M. England. ) Atkinson, John P Atwater, George M. (450 ft.) 'Auchineloss, Miss Mary. .. tAuld, Henry A t Austin, Daniel (425 ft.) "Austin, Louisa Jane Austin, Thomas Avery, John S Avila, John > (1 lot) 5 Aymar, Benjamin (54Gft.).. Aymar, John Q,. (546 ft.) 'Aymar, Samuel * Aymar, William Sect's, of map 3686 3787 6535 6536 2283 933 2312 1427 5633 6365 4250 3976 2114 6599 5016 6319 6074 3251 955 3993 3682 5728 ! 5982 076 to 2078 2079 to 2081 2082 to 2084 1619 1620 843 S44 1338 2401 402 5076 721 201 6218 2887 2306 3235 3236 631 68S 680 679 '20,21 Aymar, William R. * Ay-ers, Daniel Ayres, Albert Ayres, Daniel Ayres, Robert Baack, H. Edward Babbidge, Calvin, and > Mrs. Maria V. Howell. . $ Babcock, Francis M.(400 ft. Babcock, Frederick A... ) (450 feet.) ] Babcock, John, 'and ) Daniel French \ tBach, Robert, (6 lots).. Bacon, Daniel P Bacon, Jacob B Bacon, John Bacon, Sherman J 4 lots of 338 feet each.) 'Bacot, Oscar Leonardo. Backus, Christopher, Est. of Baeuchle, Thomas Bailey, Charles D Bailey, Elisha Bailey, James Bailey, Mrs. Sarah "Bailey, William A. and Thomas W. Murdock.. Bailey, William S Baker, Augustus D No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 6155 65 5966 84 3100 68 281 100 925 91 Baker, Charles Baker, George A Baker, Henry t "Baker, Isaac D Baker, John Baker, John H. (450 ft.) Bale, James, estate of 'Bales, George C 'Baley, James D Ball. AlonzoS., M.D., "\ Wilmot Williams, and ( Rev. Jos. P. Thompson, \ (allots) J "Ballantine, James Ballard, Loomis Ballard, William "Baldwin, Danforth Baldwin, James C Baldwin, James H Baldwin, Lewis N 'Baldwin, Mrs. Mary, and ) John Trappal ) "Baldwin, Rev. Norman B. Bampton, Mrs. Sarah, of'1 Hoboken. Boynton, Anthony of N. 1 (450 ft.; r > 2C09 2716 5975 1111 145 to 148 & 979 980 159 2029 4708 ',249 to 525 5362 579 5502 3558 3948 360 2888 1716 4G31 697 1963 3800 1964 4421 6322 1143 5401 3573 2789 4S71 4572 6504 3872 13S 3571 42S3 234 2600 1587 6031 118 9 19 I 120 $ 121 I 96 119 91 21 I 55 90 72 47,55 67,82 79 59, 60 82 60 10 I 119 5 120 80 36 80 96 53 45, 57 105 82 91 33 83 81,82 27,30 106 82 73 73 ) 58 S 67 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. Banks, Theodore Banks, William Bangs, Lemuel Bangs, Nathan, Junr Banta, Mrs. Margaret Bantiehl, Frederick ♦Bancroft, Mrs. Mary E. C. *Bannard, John W Barnum, Charles Barnum, Jeremiah G Baremore, James *Barabiuo, Mrs. Emily L.. Bartow, Edgar J ) (3 lots.) 5 *B arker, Mrs. Anna M *Barker, Ferris A B arker, Isaac ? (2 lots) C Barker, Mrs. Jane, and ? Mrs. Tryphelia Stone.. ) *Barker, John G Barker, Joseph S. and ^ Estate of Morris DeCamp > (450 ft.) ) "Barker, Nathaniel Barker, William Barkuloo, Mrs Maria Bartlett, Abner ) (2 lots) J Bartlett, Asahel H Bartlett, Washington A., "1 U. S. N., and Washington Seawell, ( U. S. A. (4 lots) J Barter, John * Barton, Samuel K .Bartling, Charles C Barnard, Alfred Bai Mow, Henry W. and > Henry Russell J *Barr, Mrs. Jane Barr, John *Barr, Mrs. Mary *Barr, Matthew tBarlow, William K. and } John Roberts J Barrel!, Gei irge Barrett, Thomas S., and ) William Ryer \ Barrett, Noyes P. H Barry, '1' In mi us Barrow, Mrs. Eliza ) (4 lots) J "Barth, Charles 'Bartholomew, Frederick ) H-. \ "Bartholomew, . lames H ''Barnes, Charles L Bard, Edmund H., } William H. Wyckoff,.. $ Barber, Samuel Barclay, George ) (4 lots) 5 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 2500 898 2250 5554 2788 2984 4420 4802 3844 4707 4973 5363 161 to 163 5404 4381 #85 586 3376 6593 4382 2671 4610 6531 6532 1783 772 to 775 1134 6339 1225 1837 854 2850 3644 5106 5492 4769 5861 4739 779 5657 to 5760 5917 2443 2444 2963 3377 3552 4336 to 4339 120 107 78 35 111 105 93 33 68 21 8 76 I 92 $ 93 40 71 46 82 53,72 i - 92,93 I 90 83 117 107 67 71 43 79,80 90 120 73 43 I 47 69 72 I 8 58 83 83 60 53 102 I 79 Bassett, Nathaniel, and ? Daniel Jenkinson ) tBassford, Thomas tBate, Thomas ? Bate, Thomas H ) Batty, Mrs. Rebecca, and ) Mrs. Elizabeth Swenson \ Baumann, John, and ) tBoschen, Herman $ *Baxler, Samuel F Baxter, Timothy Bayard, Robert, (3 lots).. I B ay aud. John ) (4 lots) $ *Bayer, George Bayer, Valentine } Bayer, John ) Bayles, John C ) (2 lots) $ Bavlis, Abraham B Baylis, David B Baylis, Thomas Beale, John Beales, John C Beals, Henry C Beals, Horace , tBeam, Gilbert ) Beam, Mrs. Louisa F ) Beam, John Beach, Henry N Beach, Moses Y Beach, Wooster, M. D Beams, Frederick J. ( (400 ft.) S Beams, Henry M. " Beams, William F. " "Beard, Isaac Beard, William *Beaty, John P > Beaty, Samuel $ Beatty, Mrs. Catharine L. ? (0 lots.) \ Beatty, James ) Beatty, James H } *Beaumont, Thomas M. Beaver, John Bebee. Stanton Bebee, William Becar, Noel J > (4 lots) \ *Bech, Peter G *Bechstein, Frederick *Beck, John G Bedell, Chester, and > James Ashfield. ^ Bedell, Daniel Bedford, Joseph D. ) (450 ft.) \ Bedson, Thomas and Mrs. ) Mary A. Parker $ Beebe, Charles E No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 2454 3026 901 6098 1960 5632 706 6615to 6617 1167 to 1170 5801 5800 1117 1118 4352 3867 4353 63 4074 2928 5432 571 863 2929 2248 1457 2121 2581 2532 4360 2339 3482 51 57 to 5162 5679 4885 4822 831 6382 314 to 317 4096 3257 3579 955 176 1866 4755 3989 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. No. of Sect's. | Lot. of map Beekman, Abraham J. and ") Mrs. Gilty Sehoonmak- > er, Newtown, L. I ) Beekman, James \V (2 lots) Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward Beers, James H Beers, Joseph D., and 1 Lewis Curtis, (375 ft) X Beers, Nathan T. and ) John Liddle ) *Behnnan, John Belknap, Augustus Bell, Abraham ) (4 lots) j Bell, George H *Bell, Joseph Bell, Joseph T *Bell, John, and } Joseph Harvey S Bell, Mrs. Margaret and ) family $ Bellowes, Mrs. Maria *Bellows, George F 'Bellamy, Joseph Bellamy, John Bellman, Thomas, and ? Charles Nesbitt $ *Belch, William B Belcher, William I Beman, Ransom Beman. Samuel Beman, Spencer Beman, Warren tBenedict, Caleb S V (2 lots) I Benedict, Lewis S Benedict, Roswell, S ... Benedict, William, and ) Jacob Fehnemann $ tBend, William B. and ) Sam'l T.Jones (450 ft.). $ Benson, Arthur W Benson, Charles S Benson, John *Benson, Mrs. Mary Sophia Bennet, Thomas, Heirs of— tBennett, Cornelius W., > Gravesend, L. I. (4 lots) $ Bennett, James Bennett, James Gordon Bennett, James S "Bennett, Joseph P Bennett, Martin ) (2 lots.) X *Bennett, Orange T *Bennett, Thomas, Jr ^Bennett, William tBennett, Wynant, P *Benken, Christian 862 251 4 6144 4076 to 4079 2371 4536 553 30VJ 4378 379 6658 2652 3206 4197 6600 3946 4624 4561 4625 3344 49 50 6061 6013 1962 (No. 2) 91 205 103 1208 3834 249 to 252 5941 865 3191 5977 5220 5221 4407 2570 6370 879 1356 5 97, 9SJ 100 101 77 81, 92 90 Bennem, John Banner, Valentine, ) Jacob Kremb, and > John Had). ) Benjamin, Henry L., M. D .. tBergen, Cornelius, ¥ am. of, tBergen, Garret ) (6 lots) ) Bergen, John S ? (4 lots) $ Bergen, Leffert > (2 lots) $ B ergen, Peter Bergen, Theodorus ) (6 lots) $ Bergen, Tunis J., Bergen, Alexander J., Bergen, Cornelius J., { (4 lots) J Berier, Mrs. Sarah Berry, Abraham J., M. D., ) 1 1 'illiamsburgh, (4 lots) ) tBerry, Charles C Berry, Michael Berry, Miss Rachael Berry, Richard, Heirs of, ) (2 lots) $ Berwick, William W Bernard, Henry *Berault, Mrs. Adelaide Berrian, John M,. ) ... f , Berrian, Cornel. A. $ l 4Uun -l Berrien, Daniel *Best, Mrs. Eliza A Betts, Frederick B *Betts, John A., M. D Beyea, Benjamin Beyer, John ) Beyer, George H $ Bick, Henry *3ierwirth, Leopold *Bigelow, Alonzo B Biggam, Hamilton Bigfirart, Robert, and ) Duncan McFarlan $ Bill, CharlesE Bill, Edward t*Billinge, James D., M. D. *Billings, Henry C Bilsborrow, Robert Binns, William, Samuel "} M. Cornell, and Sidney > Cornell, (2 lots) ) Binsse, Louisa Emily, and ^ Mary Augusta Selden.. > (2 lots)) Bird, Matthew Bird, William E Birdsall, Thomas W > (750 ft) $ Birkbeck, George, ) Birkbeck, William, \ Birkbeck, John, (450ft.) J No. of Lot. Sect's. of map 3G13 1932 3873 813 267 to 272 1226 to 1229 1101 1102 3233 11 03 to 1108 6107 to 6110 573(5 3622to 3625 997 2357 944 2584 2585 1071 1621 2543 2804 4976 6027 3858 5153 5347 1936 2204 1626 3792 4534 4838 1449 L505 5081 52561 2648 6115 6116 1304 1305 1 2670 2668 311 312 3807 10,25 67 33 79 I 43 ( 61 I 61 66 I 61 5 30 95, 96 l 23 ) 34 S3 66 71,72 I 64 90 65 36,43 102 8 85 76 68 45,46 67 59,60 107 72 80,81 73 90 35 95 11 X 112 81,82 81 11 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. *Birrell, George Bishop, Joseph "Bishop, Nathaniel C t*Bish>]i Savage L *Blake. Austin, and Charles Xe well Blake, Charles F (2 lots) *Blake, Eli C Blake, Rev. John L., D.D. Blake, Alexander V Black, Aaron S., Black, James, Mrs. Isabella Clyde, and James McGay •• Black, John Black, John, John Wallace, George Wallace, William Wallace, "William Carpenter, Peter Archdeacon, Jr. *Black, John, Jr Black, Joseph, Black, John, (400 feet.) *Black, Mrs. Mary Black, Thomas Blackburne, Mrs. Lavina, George Woodward tBlackburne, Robbins C. Charles Woodward, Thomas Woodward Blackledge, Adam, Blackledge, John A. . . *Blaklev, James Blancard, Francis Blanck, Thomas J *Blair, Adam *Blair, David M., and John Stephens , Blair, Rev. Hugh H.. Blair. Henry B Blatcbfbrd, .lames \V . Blachford, Richard M., tBlatchford, Edgecomt H. (3 lots Blauvelt, Mrs. Hannah Bleidorn, Mrs. Catharine ) (450 ft. S *Bleakley, Adam er, ( i arret. N ? (2 lots) $ ' Blendermann, Luder. Blenvi'lt. Harman Blight, John, and ) I! ichard J. Larcombe.. \ Bliss. William M I (3 lots pf 225 ft. each) \ Bloodgett, E. Tilden Bloodg I. Freeman ood, Matthias, (450 ft) te )3 No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 5628 2983 6095 3199 3200 3084 333 C016 2465 2569 3291 5412 5199 6537 5809 3992 1434 5419 4680 3783 1646 1647 6168 5643 to 5645 4157 5834 5832 2908 2909 2766 3908 4305 100 108 Bloodgood, William A---- (2 lots) t Bloom, John C i Bloomer, Thomas Bloomfield, Joel Blondel, William Blunt, Edmund Blunt, John Blyer, John, (450 feet) Boardman, Andrew tBoardman, Elijah, Ra- } venswood, L. I., (4 lots) \ Broadman, Frederick W. S John Slnsson, and > Edward Slosson, (2 lots)) *Bockhorn, John W *Bode, John L tBoddy, George Boerum, Abraham Boerum, Mrs. Sarah *Boerum, William M Bogert, Jacob C Bogert, Peter J Boggs, James, Estate of... ) (4 lots) \ *Boggs John L tBoisseau, James E Bokee, David A Bolander, Charles G *Bolken, John Bolster, Henry B t*Bolmore, Jacob tBonnett, Peter ~) (2 lots of 400 ft. each) \ Bonner, George, and ) Mrs. Catharine E. Kohler. $ *Bonner, William Botinington, James Bond, Addison F tBooth, Don Alonzo ) (2 lots) \ tBooth, Jonas, Senior 'Booth, Samuel Booth, Samuel Boothby, Richard, and ~) John B. Colman \ Boorman, James \ (2 lots) \ Booz, William B Born, Jacob Borchers, Wm. M. (450 ft.). *Borcherding, Diedrich 'Borchex-ding, John Borden, William 1) | (2 \ lots) \ Bosch, Bernard *Bosch, John Henry tBoschen, Herman \ Baumann, John ) Bos Well, Henry W., anil ) James R. Hobby \ No. of Lot. Sect's- of map 6204 6205 771 218 3614 4342 158 157 1740 268 13.08 to 1311 5817 5818 1998 44 3806 1183 5460 4111 4814 4813 972 t 97 4671 3991 133 2002 2509 2911 3038 1286 1087 1723 162 4008 185' 2119 216 215 3340 537 1886 L8S8 L889 2771 1931 2926 3086 3089 3! 1 29 3930 3334 1358 1960 4131 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. Bostwick, Homer, M. D.. (450 ft.) *Both-Hendriksen, H. W. Bottomly, John, and others (8 lots) Bouchaud, Joseph, Estate of, (450 feet,) Bouck, Christian W Bouton, Lewis S. and John Hannah Boughton, Edward C Boughton, Runa R tBourne, Mrs. Mary *Bourdett, Edward *Bouton, Marilda, and David C. Healy *Bdvee, C. Nestell Bowen, William *Bowles, Mrs. Anne Bowne, Mrs. Catharine.. Bowne, Gilbert, Mrs. M. Dugan, Mrs. R. Dawson, and Mrs. S. Raymond (4 lots) Bowne, Samuel } (10 lots) \ Bowne, Samuel, of N. Y.... tBowen, Elisha J'. Bowden, Andrew Bowden, John W Bowden, Alexander Bowden, Samuel, Bowden, Samuel M. Bowrosan, Joseph, *Bowker, Nelson • • • 'Bowman, James W 30 ft.) I *Bowyer, Robert W *Boyd, Andrew C Boyd, John Boyd, John, Isaac McGay, ) Alexander McCook, and > Solomon Campbell . ) Boyd, John J <> (2 lots) S Boyd, James *Boyd, James , *Boyd, Mrs. Martha , *Boyl, Robert *Boyd, Mrs. Martha *Boyd, Thomas, "| John Heney, John Hogg, and Andrew Ramsay. Boyd, William, (400 ft. Boyce, Gerardus, and Richard Stillwell *Boyee, Mrs. Sarah Ann Boyer, Anthony, Jr *Bovle, James', M.D Boyle, William W No. ol Lot. Sect's, of map 431fi 6045 589 to 596 5879 5272 1435 4069 3851 478 2552 6200 6348 5915 6191 456 2277 to 2280 445 to 454 2678 1839 287 2878 2S79 6202 4808 6161 3183 2299 6019 783 7SJ 2849 5995 3522 5590 3522 154' 175 536 6150 224 41 65, 84 ) 94 $ 104 49 20 93 79 78,79 85 121 122 109 57 34 90 43 85 72 56 72 97 60 72 44,58 65 102 No. of Lot. Boynton, Anthony, of N.Y. ^ Bampton, Mrs. Sarah of [■ Hobokoi, (450 ft.) ) Boynton, John Braden, John ) (2 lots) \ tBradbury, John K. and ) others (8 lots) ) Bradbury, Joseph P B radley , Al vin C Bradley, Joseph Bradley, Mrs. Nancy Biady, James ? (2 lots) S Brady, James M., and ) William Oram $ Brady, "Mrs. Rebecca Brand, Christian B ultman, Albert Brandon, William, Brandon, George, and Chas. J.Stewart, 400 (ft Brahe, August H., and ) Henry Keyser (450 ft.) $ Brainard, Mrs. Mary and} Mrs. Ellen M. Du'ffield, } (4 lots) ) *Breit, George M., Edward Kind, and Charles Tollner, Breithaupt, Philip A. *Breeze, George . Bremond, Paul J Bremner,AndrewA.(400ft Brennan, Owen W *Breakell, James B Breakell, Thomas, and Mrs. Mary Ann Wiegand Brett, Martin W ) (2 lots) ] *Brewer, Mrs. Mary A. *Brewer, William, George Cook, and William Smith, B riant, Silas H., and ) Isaac Holloway ) Brinckerhoff, Andrew B BrinckerhofF, Catharine. .. *BrinckerhofT, Cornelius "> W., and Elizabeth G. Schouton, Mary Ann | Schouton, andtSusanV. B. Schouton. J BrinckerhofF, George W.. "BrinckerhofT, James W. j BrinckerhofF, Isaac W ... < BrinckerhofF, James W... Bridge, Edward Bridge, John Bridges, Miss Eliza Bridges, Joseph F t *Bridgeman, Thomas. — 4459 2172 558' 5588 589 to 596 6203 1675 237 969 6068 6069 3950 174!) 1961 5584 1065 to 4068 6300 522 2814 296 4084 4085 4941 2098 100 Sect's, map 58 \ G? 12 I 56 I 94 \ 104 40 92,93 81 91 I 47 109 82 58,59 52 82 I 44 90 3 22,35 I 101 3 117 61 11 72 ) 100 5 101 105 93 45 67 58 462 68 1768 58 4688 91 6327 53 66 4420 40 1451 99,100 2168 59 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. NAMES. Bridgeman, William P. 1 Daniel Holt, and William A. Cromwell, j (375 ft.) J Briggs, Alanson T Briggs, George , — Briggs, John &., ~) tHarvey W. White, and > Elizabeth Henken ) "Brisrgs. William D Brick, Mrs. Margaret Brien, Thomas, and ? Joseph Bryan, (400ft.)-. ] *Brice, Israel B tBrice, John *Brittan, John , Broadway, Thomas E. .. ^ Broadwav, Alfred, (525 ft) \ *Brolly, William "Brombacher, Jacob Bromley, Isaac VV. R Brown, Andrew, and ? Thomas Gray ) Bro>Mi Mrs. Ann H "Brown, Mrs. Caro. ])., cc <> Mrs. Marian Vultee S Brown. Charles *Brown, David Brown. Elijah T , Brown. Edwin J. (375 ft.).. "Brown, ( reorge Brown, George, Samuel Godwin, William Crissey, and James S. King. Brown, Henry A., Brown, William F., Brown, Samuel C, *Brown, Henry E "Brown, James "Brown, Rev. John C Brown, John C 'Brown, John F Brown, John H., and ) John Dixon $ Brown, John J' "Brown, John S Brown, James ) (5 lots) \ Brown, James M Brown, Jacob * Brown. Joshua 1! row n. Leonard Brown, Levi ■ Brown. Martin Brown. Mrs. Mary .1 Brown. Mortimer, (450 ft).. Brown, M<>ses J? Brown, Nathan ... - Brown, Robert J } (525 ft.) j Brown, Robert C, and ^ Wm. Anderson, Jr. \ No. of Lot. 3861 5019 5254 1851 4 230 4323 4850 4983 6565 668 487 4216 608 1456 Sect's.l of map 97 101 44 60 5065 80,81 L854 109 2070 96 3576 57 2733 57 4258 40 5730 74 5133 78 4714 42 6381 47 2958 82 68 93,105 3033 71.72 791 60 5704 72 1 -.".17 83 1920 58 2516 57 33 73 44 49 100 24 41 4209 76 4294 71 2134 to 2138 C o.j 2141 o.i 2350 83 2758 73 1 181 74 1905 M 2515 ">7 1691 33 5084 73 5083 41 60 *Brown, Robert S B rown. Mrs. Sarah Brown, Samuel C. } Bucknam, George, > (450 feet) ) tBrown, Samuel H., and } Boville Shumwav > (450 feet) ) Brown, Robert M ) Brown, John H $ Brown. Seely Brown, Stewart } (3 lots $ tB rown, Samuel Brown, Thomas "Brown, Thomas M "Brown, "William M Brown, William M Brown, William M. ) Brown, Eleazer B. > Brown, George H. ) Brown, Win. S (each 35U ft) "Browne, David S Browne, George W ( (4 lots) ^ Browne, S. Newell Brownell, Joseph S. ) Brownell, Stephen C. ) Brownne, Robert H Brownson, John ) (6 lots) $ Brooks, Daniel H Brooks, Edward S Brooks, Elisha t Brooks. Henry Brooks, James Brooks, Joshua B rooks, J ohn Brooks, John, ) (4 lots) ] Brooks, Mitchell C Brodie, James W "Brower, Abraham E., } heirs of. j Brower, Anthony Brower, Anthony, and jj Samuel A. Warner, ^ Brower, Baldwin, .V. Orl'ns Brower, David D Brow er, < rarrit, and ) tRobert D. Nooney,... $ Brower, Isaac D tBrower. .lames M Brower, John H B rower, John L : . . . . tBrower, James M., ^ Brower. Isaac 1)., V Brower. David 1). ) Brouwer, Barnet S., ) Estate of, (2 lots) \ 1884 5148 5045 5831 2978 VT9'i 1796 1005 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. No. of Sect's. Lot. of map ^Broking, William *Brock, Mrs. Rebecca Broadfoot, .lames Bruen, William D Brush, Benjamin D. (450 ft) Brush, Conklin ( (2 lots) $ Brush, George P Brush, Jarvis Brush, John A Brush, Piatt Brush, Walter F tB runs, Martin *Bruns. Christian *Brundage, Nicholas L Bruce, Adam T Bruce, John M. (400 ft.) Bruce, John T Bruce, Robert Bruce, Robert 31 Brunjes, Herman H., and } Tohann Droge $ Bryan, Joseph, and ? Thomas Brien, (400 ft.) $ *Bryant, Ebenezer W Bryant, Samuel, and ) John W. Eastburn $ *Buchan, James *Buchanan, Mrs. Cath. A., ) andSolomanGreenhengh j Buchanan, Miss Mary > (2 lots) j Buchanan,RonaldMcKensie Buchanan, Robert, Robert T. Shannon, George Poole. *Buchanan, William *Buck. John Buck, William J Buckley, Thomas T (Slots) B ucklin, Thomas P *Bueknam, Elzra Bucknam, George, Brown, Samuel C., (450 ft) B uckmaster, John *Buckenham, Edward G. and Robert Thompson _ Buckingham, George A.. (375 ft) *Budington, John Buermeyer, Ernest, and Martin Von Hagen . Buhler, Christian F., and C. Schwarzwaelder Buhsen, Diedrich Buhsen, Nicholas Bulklev, William F. (2 lots) Bull, Henry K Bull, James M Bull, John Bull, Reuben C No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 54 Bull, William G Bullwinkell, Charles L., ^ Henry Ducker, and > Carsten H. Henshaw. ) *BuIlwinkel, John Bultman, Albert, and } Christian Brand ) B umstead, Jacob *Bunce, David Bunce, Mrs. Jane } (2 lots) J tB unker, Thomas G Bunting, Henry F.L., ^ A. Warren Smith, and > Thomas Overington. ) Bunting, John A., (563 ft).. "Bunting, John A Bunford, Edmund Burr, Edwin ) (2 lots) j Burr, Henry A Burr, Melancthon, (375 ft).. *Burras, Thomas H., M. D. Burrall, Frederick A Burrell, John Burrell, Samuel *Burrill, Alexander M Burrill, Samuel N Burrill, S.N., ■) Parker Norton, > David Castello. ) Burrnwes, Philip ) (4 lots) 5 tBurbank, William tBurch, Rev. Thomas ... "15 nich ill, John, Junr *Burger, John J Burger, William Burhams, Samuel *Burgyess, Mrs. Mary *Bursley, Mrs. Louisa M-- Burling, Lancaster, D Burling, William J Burt, Edwin C, 1 Burt, James M., I Burt, John W. (4 lots) J Burt, Nathaniel S. and ) Nalhaniel Dougherty.. \ Burtis, Oliver D ? (4 lots) $ Burtis, Townsend W... ) (2 lots) ) Burgess, Daniel ) (3 lots) $ Burgess, Phineas Burgess, Mrs. Sarah, ) Tliomas Cotrell, and > George W. Proctor. ) Burns, Mrs. JIary I (s lots) r 'JO, 100 84 957 11 35 to 1138 1340 to 1343 19 100 118 100 10 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. "Burke, Abraham C., M. D. B urke. Mrs. Ann •Burke, John M Burke, Richard M Burdett, Daniel H Burdett, Jacob Burnliam, Gordon W . I (10 lots) f Burnbam, John W. } Charles L. Church, and > Ephraim Church .. ) Burnliam, Luther, ~) William M. Thomas, S and Deborah 8. Frazier, ) "Burnliam, Mary C Burnham, Oliver R > (4 lots) ) B urwell, Sheldon Burdsall, J. Richard Burkhalter, Charles ? Burkhalter, Beuben $ Burkhalter, Stephen Burdell, Harvey, M. D Burdge, Mrs. Harriet ) (4 lots) $ tBurdge. John W Burras. William A., ^1 Wm. R. Wetsell, Edward Phalon, and John Vantine. Burnet, James J Burckle, Emanuel Burdick, Perrin Buschman, Albert, ) John Fredk Rodefeldt \ Buschmau, Herman ) tBuschmah, Diedrich }j "Buslmell, Samuel, Junr., ) and Mrs, Eliza Reynolds S Bussell, George, estate of. ) (3 lots) 5 Busleed, Richard "Busing, Claus D Butler, BenjaminF > Butler, William Allen. .. $ *Butler, Charles Butler, Charles E. (400 ft.). Butler, John Butler, Mrs. Phebe, (375 ft.] Butler, William L. M., \ Butler. Henry I,. John II. Scudder, and I Hamilton II. Salmon. I Butterworth, John F ') (2 lots) S Butterworth, Sam. F . ) (451) ft) J "Untile, Mrs. Hannah "Buttle, Robert "Buttle, Mrs. Sarah A No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 4110 1695 1140 1606 3882 1373 1792 to 1795 2088 to 2093 4335 5756, 66 82 36 72 75,76 120 19 6244 84 4199 to I 10 4202 11 230 111 2688 1 108 109 2712 77 61 77 3799 44 1762 to 1765 i 66 5138 91,92 3640 4368 4448 1943 1939 6493 41,61 81 70,79 75 67 58 107 No. of Lot. "Buttrick, Silas H Buxton, Charles C Byrd, George J C. Cadmus, Abraham 'Caffe, Michael CafTerty, James H *Cahill, Sylvester Cahoone, Benjamin J } (450 ft.) $ Cahoone, Stephen "Cahoone, Stephen H "Cairnes, Robert "Cairnes, Jasper Cairns, William, Jr Cairns, Ann Eliza, Rostyn, Queen's Co., L. I , (5 lots) J Callaghan, Charles, Junr... *Calder, Lewis S Callicot, Theophilus C... ) Callicot, William B $ ' t !amp, Alpheus W "Campbell, Abiel C ""Campbell, Alexander "Campbell, Augustus Campbell, Augustus ) (2 lots) \ Campbell, Charles W Campbell, Freeman (2 lots) "Campbell, James, and William Law, Jr Campbell, John, and J. August. Smith, M. D. Campbell, Joseph "Campbell, Joseph W Campbell, Solomon, ^ John Boyd, Isaac McGay, and Alexander McCook . J Campbell, Mrs. Susan ('., ^ I Vashin Williamsburgh, L.I..S No. of Lot. 5839 5610 301 3305 3306 4824 4614 3553 716 4991 6503 5042 5038 1630 163 1843 4144 5089 1581 2061 1099 4891 4892 92 4009 4010 3088 315' 3158 852 4855 4856 3442 3668 3810 4390 4480 6006 258 1667 Sect's, of map I ' Caswell, Nathan ) (2 lots) 5 Case, Menzies R * Case, Watson E Casey, James Yi.Newbv.rg) *Casey, Jeremiah *Casilear, John *Casolani, Mrs. Jane, and ) Dominico La Manna... ( *Cassidy, Charles, and } W alter Love $ t*Cassidy, Bernard M Cassidy, James Cassedy, John > Cassedy, George W $ Catlelt, Erskine Catlin, Lock Catterfield,Wm. P., and ) Erastus Titus ) *Cattnacir, John *Cathcart, James , Cauldwell, Ebenezer, ) (4 lots) I Cavan, Alexander, John Logan, James Reed, and John Means hamplin, Mrs. Eliza S Champney, S. T Chase, George, and \ David McKay < Chase, John D., and j Abraham Quereau < Chase, Nelson Chauncey, Daniel, ( Chauncey, Michael ' Chauncey, William ] (4 lots) < Chapman, George M Chapman, Mrs. Jane Chapman, John Chapman, Lebbeus *Chapman, Nathan P. and ( Charles W. Van Doren, < Challiss, James Chardavoyne, Thomas C. . . tChardavoyne, William. . . Chambers, John j Chambers, William < Chambers, John W., and ( Bailey J. Hathaway. .. J Chamberlain, Moses, Jr Chamberlain, William j (5 lots) j Chandler, Adoniram Chandler, Thomas Wilson Chalmers, Thomas Chalmers, Thomas H Chapin, Gardner S Chancellor, Alfred Ohadwick, Thomas W.. & Henry H. Hills *.} No. of Lot 19 or 190J 411!" 4300 2159 5293 2111 5890 2956 4612 37:;--' 10 2059 2030 540 1347 1 1350 601' 89 3669 4715 1838 1017 to 1020 1123 6163 4443 424 36.-0 1458 1659 L646 6015 2819 4268 2049 to 2053 3062 2404 3809 349E 4871 5539 2296 Sect's, of map 76 76 71 102 83 84 62 80 8 81, 92 32 72 66 62 I 5 34 43 11 33 105 111 81 I 95 120 76 117 44 66 52 67, 82 67, 82 34 12 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Sect's. Lot. jofm.tp *Chalabre, Mrs. Elizabeth, ^ Estate of, and > Abraham Pietch. ) "Cbatel, Louis I Chater, Nathaniel W Cheesman, Timothy Mat- ) lock, M.D S Chesebrough, Ellsworth.. } (450 ft.) 3 Chew, Mrs. Abbey H Chew, Kobert Cheshire, George *Child, Benjamin F *Child, Joseph *Child, Mrs. Mary L * Child, Mrs. Sophronia L.. . Cbilds, Mrs. Caroline Childs, Chester tChilds, H email W Childs, Samuel R., M.D... *Chilcott, John Chittenden, Simeon B. ) (2 lots) $ Chittenden, Simeon B... > (4 lots) $ Chirney, Mrs. Hannah Christinan, Charles G. ^ Lasse Hjousberry, and > Cornelius S. Duggan. ) Christmas, William Christianson, Edward T Church, Charles L., ^ Church, Ephraim, and > John W. Burnham ) Church, Rodney S., (450 ft). Church, Sheldon P ) (2 lots) \ Church, Christ, of Brook- S h" \ (14 lots)) Church, 1st Presbyterian, Henry-street, Brock /// (14 lot: Church, 1st Unitarian Con gregational, Brookl Church, United German' Evangelical Lutheran, ! Neiu-York (4 lots) "Churchill, Charles W.' M. D Churchill, William H. and ' Robert 11. Pearson, (450 ft.) ; i Jlancj . Roderick D. and Robert T. Hicks "Clannon, Mrs. Sarah M. . Clark, Alexander Clark, Alexander B Clark, Alfred II "Clark, CharlesE t Clark, Chester (4 lots) 5435 'X\< Lay j m, ~\ t», > .ts)> ian Con- ^ oiklyn. . > (10 lots)) 1232 59,00 3713 1628 4335 Clark, Daniel C, (500 ft). -- Clark, EdwardS ''Clark, George Clark, Hull *Clark, Jeremiah L Clark, James S Clark, John H., (450 ft) ... . Clark, J . Henry of Newark "} Clark, Horace F. Clark, Edward P. j 34, 35| Clark, Frederick G. of' Astoria, L. I. Clark, Sereno B., and Mary E. Willard, of Flushing, L. 1,(2 lots) J Clark, Joseph, Estate of... Clark, Jotham Clark, Lot ? (2 lots) $ *Clark,Mrs. Lydia Clark, Mrs. Margaret T Clark, Thomas *Clark, Thomas J. G Clarke, Henry L ? (13 lots) S Clarke, James ) Clarke, William $ Clarke, James B., heirs of, ( (525 ft) \ * Clarke, Joseph, Estate of, ) England ) *Clarke, John ^Clarke, John Clarke, McDonald, Monu. to t*Clarke, Samuel 6,|*Clarke, Samuel L- 77 463to 476 5668 33 64 Clarkson, James G Clapp, Benjamin W , Clapp, Hawley D Clapp, John T. (400 ft. Clapp, Wellington "Clapham, John Clapham, Samuel, and ) others, (8 lots) ) Clason, William Oscar- • \ Clason, Miss Josephine F. > (450 (}.) I Clay, John, and 3 Rev. Joseph Longking. \ Clay, Mrs. Lucinda Claughley, Beuben j Claughley, Thomas j tClaus, Jacob Clausen, Henry, and j E rust Dohrmann < *Clawson, John M *Clawson, William P Cleaveland, John (450 ft.).-. Clem, William N Clement, Albert G *Clement, John B Clements. Samuel W. and > Isaac Williams 5 3529 3910 5279 3140 6566 2436 2833 4228 4229 5791 401 4134 4135 5963 747 169 4873 345 to 357 4104 4239 11 58 91 94 83 23 34 63 44 24 52 61 43 24 96 100 72 6646 19 2228 81 207 41 2213 81 6645 19 3195 68 613 44 1993 66 6320 55 3581 22 3647 122 589 to ) 94 596 $ 104 5738 56 3526 43 2452 94 2475 81 5504 47,55 1946 58,67 4224 93 4223 93 223 120 Hi;;h 93 662 60 4122 44 4845 11 CATALOGUE OP PROPRIETORS. 13 Cleland, James, Clinton, Mrs. Catharine, ) Widow of De Witt > Clinton. ) Clibborn, Mrs. Eliza F Cliokener, Cornelius V- • • • Clinch, Joseph W ? Clinch, Frederick ) Close, Joseph B *Clough, Mrs. Minerva Clowes, John ~) Clowes, Joseph $ Clyde, Mrs. Isabella, James McGay, Aaron, S. Black, and James Black* • J *Cobb, Ebenezer Henry, ) and Wdliam E, Sibell.. ] Cobb, George T Cobb, James N Cobanks, William H., and } Mrs. Ann Southwell. .. J Cochran, Alexander, and } Robert W. Johnson... ) Cochran Alexander ) Cornell, John $ *Cochran James, ) Alexander Wylie, and > James Murray, j *Cochran, James G t Cochran, John W Cochran, Robert Cochran, Samuel (4 lots). > Cocks, John D tCodman, William Coddington, Isaac "} Coddington, J ames > (500 feet) ) Coddington, Mrs. Mary Coe, Charles A., ) Coe, Henry (Slots) $ Coe, George S Coey, David, and • } William Kent ) Coey, William J Coffee, Peter Coffin, Alfred M *Coffin, William J Coger, Daniel *Coggeshall, James M Coggill, Charles J., } John W. Smyth $ *Cohen, Gershon *Coit, Mason B Coit, William A *Cole,Elisha Cole, John V *Coles, Corneliuo No. of Lot. beet s. of map 344 1501 700 480 6016 4444 111 US 107 103 883 60 1125 61 2439 83 2447 83 6639 63 5342 76 735 95 2834 83 102 ) oo 2123 to ( 23 2125 ) 342 73 206 77 ) 23 3402 \ 24 2012 101 4726 ; 44 $ 58 4727 3510 22 4276 69 3464 69 ) 94,95 2300 > 103 y 104 2555 68 1129 68 1676 ) 108 \ 109 3864 90 1917 65,66 5972 41 5243 36 436 11 4771 73 4619 11 1760 73 NAMES. Coles, Harriet R ? tColes, Cordelia \ Coles, William P Colter, John *Colton, Mrs. Hannah W. .. Colton, Joseph H., and } Samuel Stiles $ Colton, John A. ) Charles R. Harvey and > Thomas W. Harvey. ) *Colton, Bachel F *Collins, Clarkson, T., M. D. Collins, Mrs. Elizabeth B.. Collins, George Collins, Henry 'Collins, Jeremiah, and } Micajah M. Staniels... ) Colman, John B., and ) Richard Boothbv ) Coleman, Robert B Coleman, Thomas J. (504 ft.) Collord, James, Estate of,.. Columbia College, ^ The Trustees of,.. J Collis, William E Colgate, Charles, (450 ft.). .. Colgate, Charles C- • • - Colgate, George, Estate of > (4 lots) ) Colgate, Mrs. Lourina Colgate, William ? (8 lots) $ Colvill, Alfred ) (2 lots) $ *Colwell, Edward K Colored Orphans, Associ- ) ation for the benefit of. . ) *Colson, Gihnan, *Colby, John, Senr *Colby, John, Junr *Colby, William L *Colgan, Dominick *Combs, Zebulen R Conger. Abraham B., "| Grassy Point, N. Y. Miss Cath. Ann Hedges, j New- York (4 lots) J Condit, Isaac J., ~\ Abigail Stout, and / Theodore Stout. ) Connolly, Charles M. ) (6 lots) j) Conner, John, Estate of, . . ) # „ . T ( 2lots )$ 'Conning, James Conklin, George "Conklin, 8eth tConklin, Solomon (350 ft.) . . Conklin, William L Concklin, Cornelius, (350 ft.) *Concklin, George Y Concklin, Jacob W Constant, Samuel S., (450 ft.) No. of Sect's- Lot. of map 1044 3968 5115 3410 575 95,96 78 4580 68 3460 84 4087 90 840 71 4775 27 90 43 3412 5958 564,-' William Smith ) Cook, Miss Helena, (450 ft) Cook, James H, (375 ft.). .. Cook, John *Cook, John Conk, Nun nan Co.,k. Robert, ^ Cook, William J., (_ Cook, .1 aiucs. Cook, Thomas, J Cook. William Cooke, Mrs. Mary Conk,-, Purcell, M.D "j Cool e, Lyman ( Cooke, Chauncey L f (2 lots) J Cooke, Hubert *Coombs, Thomas Copland, Edward ( (3 lotsK Copeland, Charles W *Copwaj . < reorge "Corcoran, Mrs. Mary CorlejvQharlesG., ^ Corlev, Christopher, and > Daniel L. Tuthill. ) Corlies, Mrs. Almira W No. of Lot 3508 2914 4633 1446 4447 4758 5971 1962 1198 ct s. of map 5574 5185 5039 2320 6014 2027 2556 2813 3650 444*i 3260 014." Cornell, Barak Cornell, Charles E t Cornell, George Cornell, John Cochran, Alexander Cornell, Henry Cornell, John B tCornell, John F., M.D. . "Cornell, Joseph Cornell, Moriah J. and John Denliam, William Denham, Eliza A. Denham. Cornell, Peter C Cornell, Mrs. Sarah (4 lots) Cornell, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney, and William Binns, (2 lots) , tCornell, Whitehead J Cornell, William H Cornell, Nicholas, Junr. .. Corning, Asa A Corning, Ephraim Corning, Hanson K Corning, Jasper Corning, William B. '." l° ts ) Cornish, Samuel E Cornwell, John W Correll, Mrs. Rachel Cort, Nicholas Cortelyou, Adrian V Cortelyou, Jacques Cortelyou, Peter C. No of Sect s- Lot. of map 2731 111 76 122 72 6639 63 3417 73 3416 73 1498 117 2611 93 2876 136 to 139 6115| 6116 5807 921 1088 178 V, 5566 55( 1893 6133 2572 2226 1437 2473 512 Cortelyou, Tirn'yT., Heirsof 3099 Corwin, John H Corbett, Otis G Corbert, Robert H-. ) (2i lots) I Corbett, Sidney "Cory, Charles Correja, John, (450 feet) t 1 '<>.- 1 a, John B Coster, Mrs. Aleda G ) (2 lots) $ Coster, Gerard H ? (4 lots) J "Cosgrove, James Costigan, Thomas, and } Mrs. Susan Van Horn.. \ Cotrell, Thomas, Mrs. Sarah Burgess, and George W. Proctor. Cotte, John B "Cottier, John Coulter, Charles, and ( 'hristopher Keyes, Coulter, Samuel (400 ft.).. ( Joulston, James *Coupa, Mrs. Susan F. J 873 5955 5739 5740 5954 6469 1417 4505 2281 2538 3400 to 3409 2224 4943 or. 7 3443 6588 5885 2816 3951 3972 91 120 125 120 J 125 1 46 ( 120 I 125 78 78 95 95 100 ! " 83,90 84 83 62 64 64 109 71 107 53 I 31 53 44,45 72 40,62 1 71 62 90 107 102 34 47 55 61 109 73 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 15 *Cougb, John *Couthill, John *Covert, Charles G., Newtown, L.I . t*Cowan, Amer *Cowan, William j Cowan John ( Cowing, Miss Ann W *Cowi»g, James A Cowdrey, Mrs. Eliza ) (4 lots) J Cowperthwait, George E... Cowperthwait, John K., ) Heirs of, (2 lots) $ Cowenhoven, John, Estate of *Cowl, Orrin ) Cowl, Mrs. Jane J *Cowles, Horace B., and J Henry Rockwell $ *Cox, Aaron *Cox, Charles W Cox, John Cox, John *Cox, Samuel H *Coxson, David Cozzens, Abraham M., ) Thos. D. Moore (4 lots) $ Cozzens, William B. ...'_.. *Coyne, Mrs. Hannah A" • Craven, Tunis r (6 lots) ( Crary, Humphrey H Crary, Peter Crane, Augustus tCrane, David D Crane, Elias W No. of Lot. Crane, John J Crane, Theodore (2 lots' Crane, Thomas (375 ft) . . . Crane, William W *Cranford, Robert Craft, Dennis Craig, James J (2 lots) Craig, Joseph Cragin, Benjamin F Cragin, George D *Creig, Mrs. Hannah Creighton, James "Creighton, John *Crehan, Charles E Crissey, William, Samuel Godwin, George Brown, and James S. King Cristadoro, Joseph Crittenden, Alonzo 5064 5451 3785 3791 5200 3740 386 1683 to 1686 2220 3906 3907 4011 496: 6124 6649 4248 332 5859 4641 4503 1730 to 1733 4830 5631 41,42 2380 to 2383 3174 1822 569 2504 232 568 Sect's. of map 82,91 33 6602 2482 *Crocheron, Nicholas Crocker, William A Crolius, Clarkson C'rolius, William I Crosby, Charles "Crosby, James Crosby, William B *Crosbey James Crommelin, Edward, and > Edwd.N. Shields, (375 ft) J Crommelin, Mrs. Eliza R. . Crommelin, Frederick D.F. Crooker, Zenas B *Cross Alexander B Cross, John A *Crossman, Alexander B... Crossman, Henry *Croney, James H., and ) Charles Knox $ t*Crout, David Cropsey, Andrew tCropsey, Francis J Cromwell, Charles T ) (2 lots) I Cromwell, William A., | Daniel Holt, and ( Wm. P. Bridgeman, (375 ft) J Cromwell, Wm. H } Thomas Gilbert, Reuben Kaymer, and Francis Kaymer Crouch, John Crouch, William J.... Crouch, George . Crothers, John Cropper, Thomas B Crow, David, ") Crow, Thomas, Crow, Peter, Crow, Jane. I *Crow, Mrs. Mary Crowell, Joseph Crowell, Martin L Crowell, Stephen tCrummey, Edward "Cuddy, William 'Gurnet, Louis C Gulbert, Alexander J Cullen, Henry J., M. D Culp, Theophilus Cummings, Abraham Cummings, Jane Cummings, Moody Cummings, William "Cumming, John Gumming, John P Cumming, Thomas, Jr Cummings, Mrs. Mary E., & Mrs. Jane C. Parker, Charleston, S. C. Cunningham, Charles No. of Lot. :,-:i<; 6051 59 4736 2385 5396 96 5666 3346 119 3043 4622 5667 1180 6267 758 734 165 3242 276 3034 3161 3861 6432 4533 33s3 Sect's. of map •II 97 63 62 3486 65 3546 73 3547 73 4774 27 930 95 5719 64 6304 49 4817 92 1808 82 3144 91 4145 24,33 4510 55 4142 33 5000 34 3887 52 2212 81 2211 81 2904 82 946 91 16 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. NAMES. Cunningham, David B- *Cunningham, .lolin Cunningham, Thomas.. Cunningham, John Cunningham, James. .. *Curran, Joseph, and / Thomas Wilson $ Currie, James, (2 lots) Currier, Nathaniel tCurry, Mrs. Mary Ann . 'Curry, Daniel 'Curry, William 'Curotti, Joseph A Curtis, George ^ Curtis, George, executor. > (2 lots) ) 'Curtis, George H Curtis, Joseph R. ) (2 lots) S Curtis, Lewis, and Joseph D. Beers, (375 feet) 'Cushier, John H Cushing, George "W. B... Cushing, Tileston, and Verez D. Gates Cutter, Charles N Cutter, William T Cuthell, James Cutting, Francis B. (3 lots) Cutting, Mrs. Gertrude,.. (3 lots) 1>. Daggers, Hen ry G * Dailf-v, Mrs. Martha- • • • Dale, Thomas N 'Daly, John T Dambmann, Charles F.- • • *Daniell, Joseph 'Daniell, William P *Daniels, Charles Dannait, William H Dare, Samuel, and George Allen *Darg, Mrs. Martha Darling, Alexander Darling, Daniel S Darling, Joseph F Darrow, Edmund Daub, Louis, and John Hettinger *Daumont, Augustus Davenport, Amzi B ' Davenport, Julius (400 ft.) Davenport, John A Davenport, William H... ] (2 lots) ; 'Davev, Thomas 'David Henry R No. of Sect's. 1 Lot. of map 6482 30 6675 63 5197 ) 45 > 57 5823 ? 84 \ 85 81,86 56 •851 71,78 660 100 2566 67,82 1820 82 661 119 ) > 105 22 > 913 73 5560 5561 I 100 508 90 5535 65 486 68 6253 I 30 5 31 3790 67 3789 67 6539 49 6609 to I 23 6611 6612 to 6614 I 23 256 108 5838 84 3223 93 5454 30 5681 70 5470 45,571 5471 45,57 3300 59 3876 67 5614 81 1965 80 1 5669 24 4181 31 2820 2259 117 5505 47 5651 85 2567 82 1890 100 1496 I 120 1497 4979 58 5827 19 tDavid, JohnH 'Davidson. Alan M 'Davidson, Mrs. Catharine. 'Davidson, James. tDavie, Margaret S ? (4 lots) J Davies, Richard Davis, Benjamin W )' (2 lots) 5 'Davis, Catharine Davis, Evan Davis, Henry (2 lots) 'Davis, Henry H Davis, James Davis, John J Davis, Samuel C Davis, William B., and ) John Joseph ) Davison, Erastus Davison, Edward 'Davison, John G Davison, William, Heirs of Dawson, Benjamin F ) (2 lots) 5 Dawson, Jacob H Dawson. Mrs. Rachel, Mrs. Mary Dugan, Gilbert Bowne, and Mrs. Sarah Raymond 'Dawson. Thomas, and Owen Keegan $ Dawson, Thomas H Day, Charles J ) (375 feet) $ Day, Mrs Jane Day, Mrs. Margaret Dayton Charles W Dayton, Samuel ? (350 ft) ] DeBevnise, Michael C "Dealing, Samuel F Deans, Mrs. Catharine... Dean, Enoch ) (2 lots) $ Dean, George W Dean, Henry Dean, Joseph Dean, Joseph A., ~) Dean, Edward B., Wm. G. Mediclott, and [ Wm. D. Abbatt (4 lots) J Dean, Bobert W Dean, Mrs. Sarah ) Dean, \.rs Helen $ Dean, William E DeBegnis.Giuseppe, Est.of Decker, Alfred I >ecker, Henry Decatur, Mrs. Maria S. No. of Lot. 2161 3928 503 1850 1152to 1155 1766 152 155 5305 4456 4832 4833 6288 260: 4442 1150 2619 2881 3779 4134 2140 34 3478 4470 2277 to 2280 3724 4471 4309 6261 4966 4720 2955 6422 4868 5508 5929 5930 3774 920 2043 3540 to 3543 5493 2044 2162 3727 1867 3253 4303 beet s. of map 60 100 92,93 82 I 108 80 I 96 20 78 j 35 49 ) 120 < 125 60 73 78 99, 100 80 58 22 33 53 82 60 65 53 117 118 84 97 2,77 80 57 24 30 45 60 78 109 25 32 52 109 62 41 93 84 2,35 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 17 De Camp, Albert L., Dodge, Eliza P De Chapeau, Mrs. Maria E. Singeltary, (4 lots).. DeCamp, Morris, Est. of, and Joseph S. Barker (450 ft) *DeConinck, Mrs.AmeliaW Deforest, George B ) (10 lots) \ De Forest, William W.. ? (10 lots) $ Deforest, Cornelius V., } Alexander McDonald.. $ Degen, Charles R *Degan, Francis tDegrauw, Abraham, and ? Sons (4 lots) ) *Deitering, Frederick W. .. Delafield, Joseph, Delafield, Henry, Delafield, William, Delafield, Edward, Delafield, Richard, Delafield, Rufus, (4 lots) Delamater, Benj. W ? (450 ft) \ De la Montagnie, Edward.. De la Montagnie, William.. *Delano, Charles G., ) and Mrs. Caroline A. > McDaniel ) Delano, Christopher *De Lano, Orrin Delaplaine, John Delapierre, Charles B *Delton, James K., and ? John Galhiger $ Delius. Daniel A Deming, Barsillai Deming, Frederick J (2 lots) $ *Demarest, Abraham Demarest, Daniel Demarest, Gerberdus L. .. Demarest, Peter P., (375 ft. Dempsev, John *De Mutt, James Demuml, James H Dennis, Edward S... Dennistoun, William Deimistoun, Thomas. (6 lot Denham, Francis Denham, John, Denham, William, Denham, Eliza A., and Moriah J. Cornell. Denham, Thomas Denike, Abraham Denike, Thomas S Denny, Andrew "Denton, Samuel H. .. 2 Lots') ) No. of Sort's. Lot. of map 760 78 4184 to 4187 I 79 i 888 71 1815 36 .5382 to 5391 I 44 2890 to | 2 2899 2222 62 327 71,78 3354 108 1410 to I 58 ) 59 1413 3725 67 3977 to 3980 I 36 2827 102 4469 53 4372 56 6433 64 4180 53 4809 82 107 36 3539 22 4559 103 3476 90 1921 58 3276 3277 I 95 4465 20 5050 80 3058 26,31 4016 97 5005 88,89 6174 30 6295 52 1376 78 725 to I 79 730 2066 66 2876 91 2067 66 3178 91 2599 82,91 2847 103 5326 77 Denmark, Alexander De Peyster, Augustus tDePeyster, John, Hoboken, De Puga, Manuel Depew, William Derby, Freeman Deraismes, John F.J Derrickson, James T Despard, Mrs. Isabella Deuel, Catharine H Deveau, Shepherd *Devoe, Mrs. Adeline A. ) & Mrs. Mary AnnSniften \ Devoe, Daniel M Devoe, James Devoy, Michael Devlin, John E ) (4 lots) 5 *De wey , James Dewing, Hiram Dewing, Leonard C De Witt, Moses E tDe Witt, Peter ) (4 lots) J Dey, I. Warren S Dezendorf, Andrew Dibben, Hairy, and ? James Haydock ) Dibble, William A j Dibble, Jaeob A > Dibble, George M. (2 lots) } Dibblee, Ezra R Dibblee, Henry E *Dick, John *Dick, John W Dickie, Patrick } (5 lots) \ *Dickerson, Mrs. Martha... Dickerson, Thomas S Dickson, J ames S Dickson, Thomas tDickinson, Charles, M. D.. Dickinson, Charles Dickinson, Jeremiah J Dien'enbech, H. D. and > Henry ) Dietz, Samuel Dieter, Mrs. Julia M *Diercks, John F *Diercks, John H Dike, Curtis, and ? Abner Sharkey, (400 fl) S Dikeman, John ) (3 J lots) \ Dikeman, John. Jun *Dikeman, Wakeman H * Dillon. James, and ) James Hendriken $ Dimon, John, Brooklyn,.. Heirs of, (344 ft.) $ (Doremus, Jacob J "Dorsey, Miss Louisa Dorlon, Alfred ) Dorlon, Philetus ] Doscher, Claus *Doscher, Clans *Doscher, Reinhold *Doty, Warren S Dougherty, Henry Dougherty, Nathaniel, and ) Nathaniel S. Hurt J< 'Dougherty, William C *Doueherty; William N... Doughty, John S.. and ) William L. 11 ul. bard, > (450 ft) ) 'Doughty, Joseph E. } and .lames F. Wenman. J No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 2103 81 2104 81 3141 68 1538 59,60 4449 62 82: 19 45 72 78 62 45 SI 68,81 a 8] > 99 3 ioo 73 41 57,68 58,67 52 46 ) 99 $ 100 93 560: 1172 6181 5932 304 760 2163 5931 1756 2770 2573 762 2840 2923 1246 1247 6033 236 3894 1946 5044 4380 5933 5934 2811 2387 1996 2387 5380 3456 6336 1605 95, 103 2542 3^ 1901 1330 2517 2518 326ft 1856 530' 5364 58. 59' 57 57| 661 71 19 71 35 I M S 1041 4C Douglass, Charles S. (3 lots) Douglass, John, and Joseph C- Forbes *Douglass, LeviH., and George W. Aitken *Douglass, Margaret M., heir of Richard Doug- lass, deceased Douglass, William A *Duw, Benjamin Dow, George W., Anne Prince, Susan Lawrence, Christopher Prince, John D. Lawrence, William Rockwell, Archibald T.Lawrence, William P. Lawrence, (2 lots) J *Dowe, John J Dows, Ammi Down, Mrs. Hannah S.N... 'Downs, Mrs. Anna M.and ) Mrs. Harriet Ferguson, $ 'Downs, Hugh * Downs, Judson S.. Downer, Abner J 'Dowries, William 'Downer, Eir.rnon, of Pe- ) terboro, Madison Co., > N. Y., & Nelson Jarvis. ) Downing, George R., (450 ft) Downing, James S 'Drake, John C 'Drake, John J Drake, William Draper, John W., M. D. . Drew, George S *Drew, Thomas J. Droge, Tohann, and Herman H. Brunjes...- 'Droz, Henry E Drummond, John J., and John F. Reed, (400 ft).. I Iryden, George Drj -dale, Robert 'Duane. Martin H., and John Evans Dubois, Francis Du Bois, Mrs. Sarah (2 J lots) Dubuisson, George W Duchardt, Henry 1 luchardt, Jacob I luchardt, Hieronymus. Dueker, Henrv,. Charles L. Bnllwinkell and Carsten H. Henshaw Dueker, Melehior. Duckwitz, George F ? (2 lots) 5 Duckworth, Nelson : No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 6606 to 6608 6001 3082 4851 6356 6158 3007 3008 5569 1095 1636 5952 5442 1163 5004 6330 4450 419 ■1 i:'l 5060 5403 1813 968 2274 6055 1325 3176 5413 2321 66 1-' 3926 3044 5520 3521 6082 5583 1958 4013 13781 1302 IG03 3382 9 105 43 61 84 93 108 44,58 43, 59 59,66 65 20 95,103 93 47 40 66 65,66 44 33 74,75 73 90 65 58 53 73 54 66 57 I 45 70 20 66, 67 84 58 103 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 19 No. of Lot. lots) ) 'Dudley, Richard- • • Duff, James Duffy, Miss Margaret Duffield, Mrs. Ellen M., & Mrs. Mary Brainard, (4 lots) Dugan, Mrs. Mary, Mrs. Rachel Dawson, Gilbert Bowne, and > Mrs. Sarah Raymond. (4 lots) J Dugan, William T., and > tNathaniel W. Eveligh ) *Dugard, Thomas Duggan, Cornelius S., N. O. Chas G. Christman, and L. Hjousberry. Duke, William S Dummer, George, and } Nathaniel Eaton $ "'Dunbar, Sarah, and ? Ann Anderson $ Dunham, Edward W.... > (2 lots) I Dunham, John Dunham, John B Dunham, William S Dunn, Benjamin Dunn, David. Dunn, Mrs. Margaret, and Thomas Robert. *Dunn, Robert Dunn, Robert Dunn, Mrs. Jane Dunn, William, Heirs of- Duncomb, David S *Dunscomb, Samuel Dunscomb, Mrs. Augustine *Dunnel, William N Dunning, Czar Duncan, Alexander Duncan, James Duncan, John, of Yelo- bvsha Co., Miss., and George Pa\n Gluacken- bos, ofN. Y., (400 feet) Dunkin, Thomas, Estate of,. t*Dunlap, William.. Dunley, William... Dunshee, Henry W Dunshee, James . *Dunshee, Samuel.. ''Dunshee, Mrs. Sophia V.. Dupignac, James B., and E. Harrison Reed Dupignac, William C Durand, Asher B Duryea, John C Duryee, Abram (2 lots) *Duryee, Mrs. Catherine ~Durvee, Mrs. Eliza sect s. of map 6636 4797 4304 4065 to 4068 2277 to 2280 786 3580 1232 2646 403 1285 325 376 1214 2367 1043 6244 2464 3616 5798 6243 5926 4603 4188 4296 1442 4917 3320 4784 4785 4786 4787 2841 2842 1053 4245 61 C18 4482 4135 82 89,90 69 59,60 11 61 \ 54 83 83 108 53 ) 82 \ 83 92 45,57 57 I 84 J 85 45 43, 59 64 67 76 77 109 57 57 57 57 Duryee, Jacob. Duryee, Jacob .. Duryee, Abram.... Duryee, Peter Dwight, Theodore. . , Dwight, William R. Dyer, William H. Dymock, William.. "Dyson, Abraham.. No of Sect's. Lot. ofmap (2 lots) E. Eadie, Michael *Eagle, George ' Eagle, William Eagleson, Alexander *Eakin, Mrs. Constance, ] Estate of, ] tEames, Theodore Earl, David M t*Earl, Tarleton B Earle, John H Earle, William H Earnest, James (2 lots) Easlburn, John W., and Samuel Bryant Eastman, Augustus M Eastman, Levi, and Richard S. Roberts E astman, Smith J Eastmond, Edward Easton, Charles.. (2 lots) *Easton, Nathan W Eaton, Augustine (450 ft.). Eaton, Isaiah Eaton, James Eaton, John A Eaton, Nathaniel, and George Dummer Ebaugh, Rev. John S Ebbets, Daniel Ebbets, James 'Ebbets, James, Jr *Ehbitt, Humphrey, and Richard Tilson Ebbitft, William. (450 ft.) Ebliug, Joseph E Eddey Ellis D Eddey, John V Edey, Frere, and Percy Pyne *Edey, Henry, (400 ft.).. Edie, John, Junr., and Samuel Leech Edgerton, Abel T Edmonds, Thomas *Edmondson, Mrs. Elizab'th 615 616 4881 3503 1130 2126 96 6505 20 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Lot. of map Edwards, Alfred (450 ft.)... Edwards, Mrs. Elizabeth... Edwards, Richard Edwards, Richard C Edwards, Robert Edwards, William Egan, David D Egerton, John *Egintoh, William Ehlers, Mrs. Mary *Eicke, Mrs. Fredrika *EidlitZ, Leopold Elcock, James R Ehler, George Elder Samuel, Elder Alexander, Elder Joseph. 'Eldridge, William B Elkins, George B Ellery, George H *Elliott. Charles C •*Elliott; John Elliott, William Ellis, Miss Ellen Ellis, James, and } George Smith $ Ellsworth, William, Miss Margaret N. Wye- ! koff, and Mrs. Maria | Middleton, J Elwell, JolmP ) Elwell, James W \ Ely, Charles ) (3 lots of 225 ft. each) $ Emanuel, Mrs. Eleanor Emanuel, Michael E ml Miry, Daniel Embury, Peter ) (2i lots) ] 'Emeus, Isaac *Emmans, Mrs. Phebe tEndicott, (ieorge ) Endicott, William (450 ft) $ Endicott, John Engel, Carsten, and } Christopher Wohltman. ) frEngle, James N Engle, Samuel Engle, Samuel S England, John M., and > Joseph Atkins. $ •Ennis, John J "Ennis, William Eoff, Henry A Erben, Peter, .lr , *Ernst, Frederick ■ Erving, Washington Esteve, Mrs. Cloiice "Etulain and Yznaga Evans, .lames "Evans, John, and ) Martin II. Duane ( 561 3411 3662 1671 2197 4564 1752 6357 1611 524 3470 623 2650 2340 5107 2028 3657 to 3659 2173 1524 399 4893 4894 6597 1269 1631 1938 1 1778 5203 1338 r.s si; 6334 IDS;, L0S3 5927 1128 5563 5629 1598 3926 92 67 59,60 92 23 56 74 49 95 65 105 99 11 57 35 NAMES. Evans, Joseph D. . . . . . Evans, Lemuel G i Evans, Henry G ' Evans, Robert C t Evans, Thomas Evarts, William M., (400 ft) Everts, Marvin, and James Wilkins tE veligh, Nathaniel W. & William T. Dugan Everdell, William - Everett, Silas K Ey tinge, Mrs. Mary Ann. (450 ft) No. of Lot. Sect's. of map 6093 4148 6166 3808 2982 4246 208 2638 3689 62 83, f 83, 58 96; 96 81,82, 90 104 45, 46 42 41 68 21 73 60 66 *Faber, Conrad W Faber, Gustavus W., Charles Henschel, Ferdinand Karck, and Oscar Zollikofi'er (450|fl I *Fabri, Mrs. Mary Ann "Fagan, William Fairchild, Hamlet M., \ William (.'. Porter, and > Samuel Piggot J Fairman, William, ) Estate of ) t ''Fanning, John Coffin, M.D. Fanning, Solomon Fanshawe, Henry A *Farrand, Joseph S Farley, David Farley, Rev. Frederick A.. Farless, James jFargis, Peter iFarmer, Andrew, Senr Fanner, James IFarmer, Andrew, Jr... Farmer, Aaron D Farmer, Mary M., Mrs. Mar- garetta M. Me Bride, and Letitia J. A. Jackson- • • • Fanner, Peter, (375 ft) Farnam, Mrs. Emily B... Faron, John, Sen., Faron, Jehu, .1 r., jFaron, Thomas II. *Farrell, J elm rFarrell, Thomas Farran, John S Farran, William Farrington, John Fash, Mrs. Mary Ann, and Samuel D. Mott Faulkner, James T., Faulkner, Jacob, Faulkner. George, and Alpha Manning, (580 ft) 2663 5248 6659 4438 5824 112 763 6135 1967 493 837 2384 2414 3092 5881 .5837 4906 4613 3312 3314 6485 4740 702 CATALOGUE OP PROPRIETORS. 21 INo. of Sect's. I Lot. of map Fearing, Daniel B. (10 lots) Fehnemann, Jacob, and ~j William Benedict. . ... $ Feitner, Peter Felch, Charles *Feldhusen,Mrs.Margaretta, Fellows, William M ) (750 ft) J Fellowes, Charles W Fellowes, Samuel M "Fenniman, John Fenton, Aaron D Fenton, Robert Fernald, Augustus, Francis Holton Lewis Holton, and Francis F. Kruse. Ferrier, John M Ferris, Mrs. Catharine A *Ferris. Eugene, and Thomas H. Gilhooly... Ferris, Oliver L (2 lots; *Ferguson, Mrs. Harriet, and Mrs. Anna M. Downs, *Ferrero, Mrs. Adelaide.. Ferguson, John Stanley Ferguson, Mrs. Mary Ann. *Ferguson, William *Feuzier, John P *Field, Charles H Field, Cyrus W. and Co-.- Field, Robert M > (2 lots) \ Fielder, John W Fielder, Robert D ? (2 lots) ] Finn, Archibald T *Finn, William Finch, Jerome Finch, Nathaniel *Finch, Nathaniel tFinch, William S *Finck, Jacob Fink, Arnest } Fink, Jacob H $ Fink, Alexander, E state of ) (3 lots) $ Finley, John Fire Department of the } cityofNew-York(6lots) \ *Fischer, Charles S *Fischer, John *Fisk, Mrs. Annette W ... tFisk, George B Fisk, Samuel Fiske, Edward W. (400ft.) 2907 3611 185 1629 116 No. of I Sect's. Lot. of map Fish, Mrs. Mary S (2 lots Fisher, Abijah Fisher, Albert •■ Fisher, Rev. Geo.H.,D. D., Fisher, Hiram, (450 ft) *Fisher, Henry W Fisher, Joseph W Fisher, John G Fisher, Leonard, Estate of, Fisher, Nathaniel *Fisher, Nicholas Fisher and Bird (450 ft.)... Fischerman, John W... *Fitch, John *Fitts, Joseph B- • *Fitz, Tsaac Flanders, Benjamin *Flanders, William *Flaeschner, George J it*Fleming, James j*Fleming, John R 'Fletcher, Joseph, (375 ft). .. |*Fleteber, Mrs. Mary i*Flint. Clement, M. D tFlorence, John, Jr ^Florentine, Joseph F---- l*Fobes, Alpheus [Folk, Jesse M *Follansbee, Alonzo, and } I Edward T. Wills S Foote, Theodore C ? Fooie, Daniel D., (2 lots). $ Forbes, Ann, and ) | John S. Wily $ *Forbes, Johri Gordon- ••• Forbes, Joseph C., and } i John Douglass ^ tForbes, Mary Ann R., "i tForbes, Augustus D. > Forbes, William N. ) Forbes, William Forbush, William Fordham, Austin S., of} I Huntington, L. I. ) i*Fordham. Caleb, Estate of, Forker, Jesse Forker. Jonathan Forman, Joseph G . i*Forry, Samuel, M. D., ? Estate of, ) ;*Forster, James |*Forster, Thomas V Forrester, James, and jj | Charles H. Rogers- ••• $ Forrester, James C, M. D.. Forsyth, Orlando C i*For'shey, David Foster, Amasa S Foster, Charles W ) (2 lots, 400 ft. each) $ l*Foster, Henry 5695 5696 483 4980 3360 3466 4498 3964 5737 5562 1655 248 4106 5573 6425 563 126 3915 409 95 6349 3628 5370 3597 29 6034 2061 2035 S709 4160 4161 2519 6294 6001 243 ► 39 120 71 62 76 54 93,94 56 47 20 59 107 96 45 84 107 96 81 77 43 94 43 67 82 102 73 105 69 76 45 105 5290 97 I 102 2/98 5 103 5289 9 5969 52 6333 53 6332 53 4812 72 498 107 2071 101 2072 101 3670 44 2635 95 1907 84 4257 40 1818 81 2718 2719 ( 35 5630 41 22 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. tFoster, James Foster, John "Foster, Samuel C Foster, Samuel C, M.D- • • • *Foster, William Foulks, Thomas Foulks, William Fountain, John A *Fowler, James t*Fowler, John W tFowler, Stephen P., and ) Daniel Hulse ) Fox, Baldwin N Fox, Charles "Fox, Jacob Fox, Mrs. Maria *Fox Patrick "Fox, Patrick Fox, Robert R Foy, Robert D., of Buf- \ fa! i, and Samuel S. Tart". ) Franeke, Charles tFrank, Charles L *Frankels, Julius, M.D---- Franklin, Mrs. Mary Franklin, William H tFrassa, Henry F "Franz, Frederick 'Francis, John *Francis, John L Francis, John W., M. D. .. "Fraser, Flora, Estate of" "Fraser, James, and ) William H. Amesbury, ) Fraser, William, Estate of. "Frazier, Deborah S., } William M.Thomas, > and Luther Burnham-- ) "Freeman, Alfred Freeman, Alfred Freeman, ( lharles P. (450 ft.) Freeman, John Gs, of Ra- } venswood. L. I ) Freeman, Pliny Freeman. Solomon 'French, Crighton B., and \ John Babcock ) French, Daniel French, John French, Richard ) (5 lots.) J French, William Freeborn, James F ) (4 lots) 5 Freeland, James Freising, Joseph, ~) John ( i. Hoffman. Henry Hoffman, Ji udolph ( i-oubelman. J Frere, Thomas (450 ft.). Frost, Samuel "Frost, Zepheniah No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 45 u; 4515 5552 5813 3660 3172 3171 4684 6450 6451 703 1992 875 4244 432!/ 5184 5940 2470 4712 5320 1063 5541 5993 1467 2884 2000 3449 1966 4653 6029 6162 5433 5756 4346 4467 2329 5178 47 2493 4530 5101 to 5105 2130 1221 to 1 22 1 1452 3074 683 6153 33 33 46 99 70,79 81 81 44 15,20 15,20 107 57 76 62 75 58 101 23 118 60 85 ! 76 90 85 80 62 HO 12] 73 49 34 19, 71 53 73 71 71 80, 81j I 120 \ 121 82,91 I 97 \ 57,68 I 1U J 112 90 No. of Lot. Sect'*, of map 67 Froment, Mrs. Dorothea... Frvatt, Horatio N Fryer, Isaac Fuller, Carrington A Fuller, DwightB Fuller, Dudley B ) (3 lots) < Fuller, G. Cutler "Fuller, Joseph C Fuller, Mrs. Martha A Fuller, Robert M F ulton, George Funk, John H Furber, Edward G Funnan, Grover C. (400 ft.). Furnald, Francis P.. ) (400 ft.) 5 *F urney, John t*Furze, Henry G. t*Gable, Henry "Gacot, Charles E fGaffney, William — Gaillard, Joseph, ,1 r Gailey, Rev. Francis ) (2 lots) $ Gale, Adams H Gale, Andrew D Galpen, Horace Galpine, James F. Galpine, Elizabeth, Mrs. R. M. Wainright, j and Wm. Wainright. J "Gallager, John, and ) James K Delton ) "Galley, Mrs. Agnes Gamble, Mrs. Hannah L. ) (450 feet) S Gamb'e, Henry N. and ) Miss Charlotte C. Pratt, ) ' Gannon, James Garesche, Gabriel Gardiner, Baldwin Gardiner, Thomas \ (2 lots) \ "Gardner, James A. "Gardner, John Garner, Thomas ) (4 lots) $ "Garms, Claus Garrison, John F., and "t Samuel W. Sneden, } (2 lots) j Garrison, John F., (400 ft).. "Garrett, Patrick , ( larreit, William ( rascoyne, Thomas Gassner, Peter, (450 ft.) Gates, Verez D , and } Tdeston Cushing ) U42 3333 4574 6403 6405 3322 to 3324 6406 1801 3325 1219 2069 3055 3029 1028 6449 5295 2772 1654 6296 3722 3345 3982 4431 3444 5957 3397 43 36 119 14 14 I 24 \ 33 14 112 24,33 120 67 79 25,32 66 55 49 36,43 59 49 49 118 85 102 53 93 108 4559 103 4327 44 4590 94, 101 3471 96 4359 44 4905 52 ,53 885 42 4098 I 69 4099 70 6359 80 6190 85 1363 to ? 9f> 1366 ) 4511 83 ,84 4549 I 4550 S ■-I 5116 81 ,92 5513 85 6264 ■15 2606 0! 5518 4.". 1 } •!i 6253 i 31 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 23 NAMES. Gault, Mrs. Elizabeth, Gault, Miss Jane, and Mrs. Charlotte Mercein Gault, George Gautier. Thos. B., M. D., Estate ot* *Gaw, Mrs. Alexa Gawtry, William M Gayler, Charles J *Gaylord, Timothy S---- Gee, Mrs. Sarah Geer, Darius W Geerv, William, and James M. Claury, M.D. Geib, Adam, Heirs of Geissenhainecltev. K \Y. (2 lots) "*Gelston, James .] No. of Lot. Sect's, of map Gelston, John Gelston, Samuel Gendar, Edward F., and William Smith Gendar, William F Gendar, Thomas V *Genia, John N.... "Genin, Sidney C *Gerau, George W Gerding, George F Gerald, Thomas J *Germond, William Gerow, Hiram C, JohnD. McCreary, Jas. A. McCreary, and Abraham M. McCr-earv. . (3 lots) j Gerrish, Joseph Gescheidt, Anthony, M. D.. Gibbons, James S., and } John Hopper, > (2 lots) ) Gibert, Nicholas ( (4 lots) I Gibney, John, and } Daniel 15. Wagner.... \ Gibson, Edmund T. BE... ( (2 lots) $ *Gibson, James Gibson, Jnmes . . ... Gibson, Wood *Giessen, George C "Gitlin, Azariah Giffiu, Charles H Gifting, Isaac H Gifford, George Gilbert, Charles J Gilbert, Clinton ? (2 lots) S Gilbert, Joseph G ) (5 lots) ) Gilbert, Lyman W , 3653 3874 3855 5192 1600 5144 5968 2499 5343 4542 3381 1928 1929 5509 1259 5431 5430 1865 l-'i 1 1162 45 2624 5292 107 33 76 43 100 r8,95 65 00 77 27 97 67 104 1051 104 105 22 35 22 35 92 92 95, 103 109 83 No. of Lot. Sect's. of map 3759 3760 3947 3805 5805 5806 3265 & 3602 to 3604 611 2853 2854 4344 5140 3739 3687 5551 2997 50 19 59 12 4691 2930 2931 2531 to 2535 3339 £ 69 105 40, 62 I 31 32 118 54 70 71l 52 9] 77 80 40 105 80 r. ............ Joseph N, ) :er, M. D., } Vurgh, L. I. ) Gilbert, Thomas, William H. Cromwell, Reuben, Kaymer, and Francis Kaymer Gilchrest, John W Gilchrist, James * Gilchrist, William Giles, JohnS *Gilhooly, Thomas H., and Eugene Ferris Gill. John Gill, Thomas, Gill, Edward, and William H. Rogers, (450 ft.) j G Men, James Giller, Montgomery E Gillelan, John Gillespie, James S Gillespie, Sam'l J., Estate of, Gillies, Wright Gillilan, Edward H Gillis, Samuel .... Gilmore, William , Gilmao, Nathaniel , (4 lots Gilsey, Peter Gimbrede, Joseph N, S. Carpenter 1 VUliamsb Giraud, Ernest. (iird, Miss Emily Glass, David *Glass, Mrs. Deborah *Glass, George *Glass, William "Cladding, Willard Glean, Francis R., and others Glimm, Christian ) tClimm, John ) Glover, Charles H Glover, George B Glover, Ralph Goadby, Mrs. Margaret Goddard, J. Warren ? (2 lots) $ *Godone, Gasper Godwin, Samuel, ~) ( reorge Brown, 1 William Crissey, and f James S. King, Goeller, John M., and ) C. M. Christian Klingler ) Gofl*, Charles 99 tCom. Thomas II Gold, Win. Hillman on CiUey. Henry, and ^ Husou Langstroth ^ 93' Gollie, Joseph, Junr 105 Goldie, Miss Sarah 75 Goldsmith, Alban, M. D | *Goodheart, W illiam 5294 48 4389 35 6369 I 121 $ 122 1110 43 4483 63 3G65 61 6415 5190 68 3020 41,61 3705 44 4235 1 528 3788 5727 5593 228 tn 3231 4017 1099 3469 3663 5283 5916 1549 1548 3U39 5581 1930 4496 449 2017 2330 43 20 4321 5092 33 111 103 97 46, 56 56 I 81 66 104 93 67,82 103 85 59, 66 59,66 83 53 67 71 71 68.69 92 64 67 2637 11 1447 95 6008 117 5 ,-'58 47 4109 2 3765 35, 36 581 120 6175 30 24 CREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. tGoodhue, Jonathan (4 lots). Goodnough. Peter , Goodman, Myron S *Goodmanson,JuhnP.,and } David Kelly $ Goodwin, Charles, and ) John Montfort ) Goodwin, Charles- T., and ) Simon P. Wyckoff ) Goodwin. Mrs. Mary Ann.. *Goodwin, Thomas Goodrich, John, Goodrich, Samuel, and Mrs. Jane Williams (450 ft) *Goodrich, Mrs. Nancy, I Boston $ *Goold, Isaac *Goos, Adam *Gordou, George P Gordon, John Gordon, Oliver H Gorsuch, Robert, Heirs of.. Gould, Charles Gould, David H Gould, John Gouldy, Francis. Gourlie, Archibald J Gonbelman, Rudolf, Joseph Freising, John G. Hoffman, Henry Hoffman. Gowdy, Hill Graham, Mrs. Ann 1 Graham, Augustus tGraham, Charles M Graham, Mrs. Cornelia.. ) (2 lots) \ *Graham, Mrs. Deborah S.. Graham. John B ) (4 lots) 5 *Graham, Samuel "Graham, Van Wyck Gracie, Mrs. Sarah ( Iranniss, I reorge 1! Grandin, Philip, } Grandin, Egbert H $ "Granger, Mrs. Anna Marui Grant, Charles E "Grant, Gilbert A Grant, Oliver D. F.. Richard Suydam, and Courtlandt Palmer,(2lots) Graves, William H., (400ft) *Gray, Ann > Gray, Edw ard $ *Gray, Edward tGray, John Gray, John A. C > (2 lots) \ No. of Lot. 29to32 5477 1803 5873 5884 2399 3530 4695 3025 4045 2062 4687 57 1 ■-' 2481 3037 7 12 1902 579 4565 4401 2647 4638 857 134 4082 40^3 4241 458 to 461 1612 2060 670 830 6101 5546 658 452 987 988 4494 L588 4419 1777 1861 4862 Secfs. of map 79 111 81 58 71,72 47 10 90 67 79 99 56 45 11 34 71 98,100 ; it >o $ 101 71 I 88 J 89 95 105 101 71 74 44 51 76 }u, 11,24 ) 101 \ 117 1 101 1 102 [ 116 J 117 son, > feet)> Gray, John F., M. D....\ (4 J lots) J Gray, Morgan *Gray, Robert H. r and ) Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor.. \ Gray, Thomas, and 5 Andrew Brown.. j *Gray, Warren C Gray, William, and Mrs. Mary S. Johnson (450 feet) Graydon, John W Gray don, J oseph Graydon, Samuel. Graydon, William *Grayson, Mrs. Mary t*Grayson, William, M. D Graban, Fityin Gratacap, G. P., and brothers *Graeve. Werner Grebe, Henry H Green, Edmund B Green, Horace, M. D (2 lots) Green, Joseph F 54 Green, John C, and George Griswold (21 lots Green, Rev. John C. ) Green, Mrs. Esther ( *Green, Miss Mary E ) Green, Miss Elizabeth H. \ Green, Mrs. Margaret F.. .. Green, Randall H. *Green, Richard S '( freen, Thomas T Green, William, Jr.. *Greene, Joseph H Greene, Joseph W ) (2 lots) \ Greene, William A Greenleaf, Alfred, ) (450 ft) $ Greenwood, John 'Greenwood, John Greenough, Walter *Greenhengh, Solomon, St. I Mrs. C. A. Buchanan.. \ Gregory, Dudley S., "j ( rregory, James G., execo I tors of the estate of Ben- ( jamin P. Gregory, de- ' ceased, late of Jersey (',//,, (2 lots) ( i i egor\ , Mrs. Elizabeth. Gregory, George ( rregory, .lames G , Jersey ) City. '. J Gregory, John No. oft Lot. Sect's, of map 4050 to 4052 & 4055 3633 3332 2958 6075 3487 3432 3435 3433 3434 3949 1156 2780 1681 3355 5034 289 2574 2:?:. 1 120 513 to 516 L368to 1372 2421 to 2432 4854 V 20 81,82 81 82 45 25 82 82 82 82 105 73 . 57 66,67 108 54 35 I " 60 81 4113 73 832 71 4097 74 7 5 5481 til 4611 53 5826 43 3214 I ■ r< 32 to s 99 ■ 108 61 64 846 71 78 5759 72 2459 !M, 3703 1835 717 i L8 2132 86 35 60 5~ CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 25 tGreacen, John ) (2 lots) ] *Greacon, Robert , *Greig, Alexander, M. D., ) Canandaigua ) Greeley, Horace (450 ft.)... "Griffin, Henry G — Griffin, Mary, wife of ) fFrancis Griffin, (4 lots) ) Griffin, Philip N tGriffin, Thomas Griffing, Samuel } (2 lots) $ tGriffith, Alonzo ) Griffith, Horace B ) Griffith, Griffith W Griffith, WalterS., (450 ft). Griffiths, James Griffiths, Mrs. Jane Griffiths, William Grinnell. Brenton B Grinnell, Henry } (4 lots) $ Griswold, Charles Griswold, George, and Green, John C (21 lots) *Griswold, Mrs. Henrietta Griswold, Mrs. Jane, and ) Mrs. Agnes Carpenter.. \ Grimm, Frederick, and ) Henry Seebeck $ Grimstead, Henry Gridley, James *Groesbeeck, Orlando Groesbeeck, William W. ) (2 lots of 350 ft) 5 Grove, George Groser, George B "i Groser, William O., > Groser, Thos. W., (2 lots) ) Grosvenor, Jasper, and William H. Sidell (2 lots) *Grosz, Carl G Grosz. Michael *Gruet, William B Guerin, Francis A *Gueringer, Peter U Guest, William A Guild, Charles M *Guinand, Auguste ) Guinand, Mrs. Augustine. $ *Guinand, Francis A Gulick, James J., and } John Keiil ) *Gullen, Mrs. Rosa •Gumble, Jacob H-, and > Edward Wilhelm \ 343 1094 6669 2285 2041 2042 1581 2947 2217 2218 4654 4(355 5491 2590 4840 158' 5603 1616 495 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Gunn, John A \ (500 ft.) \ Gunning, Thomas B Gumbs, Edward, Estate of, Gunter, Harman Henry. Gunther, Christian G f (5 lots) I Gusiin, Alexander H- ) Gustin, George W $ *Gustin, Mrs. Jane M Gustin, Thomas P., Jr *Guyre, Mrs. Sarah Gwynne, James Stuart.. ) (450 ft.) $ H. Hach, John, ) | Jacob Kremb, and > Valentine Benner. ) *Hacker, Mrs. Ann E., and ) Joseph H.Tabele $ Hackett, Henry J. ) Webb Nash, and | Mrs. Ellen Rogers. _) *H;irkkette, John *Hadden, John Haddock, Roger Haddock, William J Hadley, Mrs. Caroline, I and Augustus Morand.. \ 'Haft", James D ) Haft', Stephen > Hoag, James _) H-ift; Stuart F. Hague, John Haggerty, Ogden ? (3 lots) \ i*Hagan, Mrs. Sarah Hagar, William *Hahn, John H "Halm, John Haight, Lydia J., and others !*Haigbt, William D., and Henry Ramsdell, Hall, Archibald tHall, Asa Hall, Mrs. Adeline Hall, Andrew Hall, Azariah D Hall, Andrew A Hall. Charles Hall, Daniel K H ill, George {2{ lots) Hall, Henry P *Hall, Isaac, and | Wm. S. Phelps Hall, James tHalLJamea Hall, John .Hall, JolmC 6143 54S4 1213 732 3294 to :s2:i?«x 3509 6632 3639 2843 3808 97 45 59,60 95 } 3, 23 70 2 119 3578 2673 5501 3455 2016 2004 5946 2846 I 65 $ 66 40 65 68,69 68,69 99 5580 78,95 999 60 1260 to I 78 1262 4747 69 4170 57 2782 57 2783 57 5581 53 6548 62 3885 80 935 100 1589 74 2368 83 3175 117 2013 101 1318 100 3942 I 68 3943 4178 58 5529 40 358 73 4402 46 696 83, 90 5564 34 26 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. Hall, Joseph F. Hall, Samuel F. Hall, Valentine G. (8 lots) Hall, William (375 ft.) Hall. William A Hallsted, Benjamin (375 ft.) Halsted, James W Halstead, John , Halstead, William M ? (5 lots) J "Halladav, William "Halliday, Thomas A.... ? (375 feet) $ Halliard, John (450 feet)..., Hallick, William H , and ) Matthew W. King ] t*Hatligan, Patrick Hallock, Lewis, M. D Hallock, Miss Sarah Y... ) (375 feet) ] Halsey, Anthony P Halsey, Mrs. Jerusha Halsey, Lawrence W. "Halsey, Mrs. Lydia Hale, David, heirs of ) (4 lots) J Haley, John Hammond, A. G *Hammond, Barzillar P "Hammond, Daniel "Hammond, George Hammond, Samuel Hammond, William John Macarthur, George Macarthi Hamilton, Edwin C. Hamilton, John P. (450 ft.) tHamilton, James K (each 400 ft.) Hamilton, Mark K "Hamilton, Thomas "Hamilton, Sarah tHamilton, William F. .. (2 lots) Hampton, Alonzo R., and Lawrence M. Luther... Hanahergh, Alfred Hance, George C Hance, Revo C Hanna, John Hannah, John, Lewis S. Bouton Hand, Augustus T f*Handy, Mrs. Abigail... "Handy, Mrs. Emily J Handlen, William *Handley, Benjamin "Handheld, Harinan Hansen, Hans J ■ "Hanshe, John 3886 1751 290 to 293 3530 to 3533 2201 4586 1927 6428 2183 1009 to 1013 5705 am ) r, and > hur- • • • ) 3156 3373 887 1435 No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 125 Hanson, Edward 2848 Hancox, Clement M Hanford, Solomon H., } Hanford, John E > (2 lots)) Harbeck, Charles H ) (450 ft) \ Harberger, John S * Harraday, John "Harris, David Harris, David C, and > Judson, J.Jennings . \ Harris, Dennis 5 (2 lots) $ Harris, William M Harrison, Alexander P Harrison, Andrew, Est. of.. Harrison, Arthur N Harrison, Charles C Harrison, George ) (2 lots) $ Harrison, James "| Harrison, George, of JV. O. I Harrison, John ( (3 lots) J Harrison, James, Harrison, Joseph, Harrison, George (3 lots) tHarrison, John "Harrison, Mrs. Margaret A "Harrison. Valentine P Harrison, William } (21 lots) J "Harsin, Gerard Harper, Andrew M Harper, Brothers, viz. : "\ Harper, James, Harper, John, \ Harper, Joseph W., Harper, Fletcher, (4 lots) J "Harper, William Hardorp, John "Harned, Jonathan, Estate of "Harned, William "Harney, William Harvey, Charles R., Harvey, Thomas W., and John A. Colton. Harvey, John Hayes, Jonathan $ "Harvey, John Q.., Estate of, "Harvev, Joseph, and ) John'Bell $ Harman, Mrs. Charlotte Harmon, Philip ^ (2 lots) $ Harmon, Philip C "Harbison, Samuel "Hart, Charles Hart, Mrs. Charlotte J.... ? and others ( 2631 3842 3843 4639 6094 1202 5246 lf65 1518 1519 144 1900 3690 369 6301 6633 6634 3691 to 369 3694 to 3696 1816 3186 365 6344 634") 4273 739 947 to 950 1750 1016 118' 1849 5895 1999 4539 1299 3019 137 6103 6104 6 1 Q5 2145 3916 5581 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 27 'Hart, Isaac B., and ^ Charles H. Merritt, Ex- > ecutors of Wm.Hart, dec. ) "Hart, James C Hart, Richard E Hart, Samuel, Brooklyn . .. Hart, Samuel, New-York... Hartley, John Hartley, Robert M "Harran, Miss Catharine *Harron, John *Harron, Robert Harral, James Hardenbrook, Theophilus.. tHarker, Abel Harker, Joseph Harkness, James "Hardy, Alexander Hardy, Mrs. Anna Hardy, John J Hardley, James, and ) Samuel Tribit \ "Harley, James H Harriot, John A Harriot, Joseph B Harpel. George W Harpell, John Haslett, William H., and > Mrs. Isabella Stewart.. $ Hastie, William S Haskins, Hiram K Hashagan, John C "Hastings, Mrs. Alice . } Hogan Patrick } "Hastings, Charles Hastings, George "Hastings, John, and > John Liddle \ Hatfield, Amos P > (2 lots) ( Hatfield, William, (450 ft).. Hatch, Uriel C, ) Hatch, Charles B., Hatch, William B. ) Hatch, Walter T ) (2 lots) ( Hathaway, Bailey J., and ) John W. Chambers ) Haughwout, Eder V Havard, John Haviland, Lyman Hawes, John Hawkins, Joseph S Hawley, Irad ) (3 lots.) $ Hay, Allan } (2 lots) ( Haydock, James, and y Harry Dibben ) "Hayes, John Hayes, Jonathan ) Harvey, John ) Hayes, Newton No. of Lot. 3505 3841 4149 455 2192 3544 4541 5031 2235 2264 1455 2245 443 5843 1663 5150 2474 4086 5808 5415 5056 19?4 3720 3721 4597 1199 129 1400 6118 102; 614: 5350 5351 184 2265 3491 3492 2819 1876 6262 310 1670 2641 2762 to 2764 1526 1527 5710 2968 4539 2530 beet s. of map 93 105 82.91 107 59,60 66 27 80 93,105 95, 103 96 69 62 56, 57 108 60 81, 82 76 53 72 93 101 101 15 120 83 59 72 84 43 No. of Lot. 61 66,67 35 119 81 11 I 102 "Hay ward, John N Haywood, George M Haynes, Arns, M.D Haynes, Stephen ) (each 375 fl) ] Hazard, William H "Hazzard. William H Hazen, Melzar P Healy, Aaron "Healy, David C, and ) Marilda Bouton $ "Heap, James Heather, William J Hebard, Frederick H Hedges, Miss Cath. Ann, } and Abraham B. Conger > (4 lots)) Hedden, Eliza, and ) John G. Williams ) Hederick, Frederick, and > Est. of John Hetterrich, $ Heelas, Mrs. Elcy Ann-. ) (2J lots) ) Hegeman, Adrian Heiser, Henry A ) (8 lots) ] "Held, Christian "Held, John "Hempel, Charles G..M.D.. Henderson, Alexander J Henderson, John Hendricks, Aaron V "Hendriken, James, and } James Dillon ) ■"Heney, John, Hogff, John, Thomas Boyd, and Andrew Ramsay. Henken, Elizabeth, > tHarvey W.White, and > John G. Briggs. ) Henshaw, Carsten H Chas. L. Bulwinkell, and Henry Ducker. Henshaw, Linus K., and John J. Whiting Hennessy, Dennis Henschel, Charles, Gustavus W. Faber, Ferdinand Karck, and OscarZollikofier(450ft) "Hennings. George W., & } Gustavus Poppe $ "Henry, John ^. . . . Henry, Robert, and ) Mrs. Ann Jane Jackson > (450 feet)) "Henry Thomas S Herriman, William S ) (750 ft.) ] "Herrick, Charles T Herrick, Elias H. (350 ft.).. Sect's, of map 3534 94 6317 2594 2595 1059 5478 5429 3545 6200 5285 860 1525 600 tc 603 3197 6137 6138 686 5352 to 5359 6679 2812 6328 1096 1561 6256 539" 1851 4013 1909 2689 76 118 84 I 91 J 92 71 52 22,35 73 22 33 60 95 100 66 I 4l $ 42 94,95 I - 30 92 48 78 95 85 97 84 65 43 81 4254 79 4819 40 4575 ] 44 45 s 57 5793 72 160 ) 1487 I 53 5193, 44 2525 11 28 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. 1N0. of Lot. Sect's, of map Herrick, Jonathan K ? (2 lots) J Herder, Nicholas D Herring, Mrs. Catharine L.. Herring, .Silas ? (750 ft.) $ Hertzel, Jacob F tHerbert, Henry G 'Herbert, Joseph, and ) James Rutherford $ *Herbert, Mrs. Mary E Herbert, Sidney C Herkner. Henry Herbel, Henry Hervey, James B Hen iv. James H *Hes'keth, William Hetterrich, John, estate of. } and Frederick Hederick, ) Hettinger, John, and > Louis Daub $ Hewit, Mahlon T *H ewitt, Mrs. Frances- • • • *Hewitt, Horatio N., and ) Robert Nunns, Jr ) Hewitt, William H.-witt, William H *HewlanH, Joseph, and ) James M. Morse ) *Hey bourn, John Heyer, Edward P *Heylandt, Gustavus A Hey ward, Henry > (6 lots) \ Hicks, Mrs. Caroline tHicks, Edgar Hicks, Jacob M., Heirs of, 7 (4 lots) 5 Hicks, John M Hicks, Lavinia, 1 Hicks, Julia O., Hicks, Euphemia, | Hicks, Elizabeth. Hicks, Robert T., and ) Roderick D. Clancy $ Hickock, Wm. C, M. D.... Higgins, ElishaB ? Higgins, John W $ 'Higgins, Jehu J Higgins, John O Hill, F. L "Hill, Henry S Hill. J. Burley, New-Jersey Hill, John S-, (45 Thomas Aitken ) Hitchcock, Fordyce Hjousberry, Lasse, Charles G. Christman Cornelius S. Duggan. *Hjousberry, Lasse Hoadley, David tHobby, Amos K * Hobby, Edward B Hobby, James R., and } Henry W. Boswell 5 *Hobby, Jonathan Hobby, John B Hodges, Andrew B Hodges, Edward Hodges, Preston l*Hodges, Preston H rHodges, William H rHodgkin, John Hodgkins, Thomas G Hodgkinson, Thomas H — *Hodgkinson, Worthington ■Hodgman, Daniel Hoe, James C *Hoeft, Frederick *Hoeft, Peter Hoff, JohnH Hoffman, Anthony N } (450 feet) $ *HofTman, James H., ad- ^ ministrator of George > W. Hoffman, deceased. ) Hoffman, John G., Hoffman, Henry, Rudolf Goubelman, and Joseph Freising. Hoffmeyer, Henry R *Hogan, Patrick *Hogan, Patrick ) Hastings, Mrs. Alice J *Hogg, John Heney, John, I Thomas Boyd, and j Andrew Ramsay. J Hogg, Thomas, (450 ft) *Hogins, Mrs. Hannah B... *Hoguet, 3Irs. Antoinette •• feect's. of map 1362 4314 4315 1791 5269 6046 4642 2243 2610 3592 3218 3871 1757 1232 4404 505 1640 5330 4131 5331 4635 3661 1056 756 4778 6250 5427 695 704 4874 68 25 96 27 11 51 66 125 23 117 92 93 79 66 92 20 94 104 20 34 103 73 73 73 104 48 91 19 24 5167 93, 105 4103 1185 1186 2799 4198 5452 3185 4936 4616 6401 44 95 95 102 103 40 62 78 67 43,44 82 97 80 59 111 CATALOGUE OP PROPRIETORS. 29 Holcomb, Henry, and ) John D. King ) Holden, Horace ~H I n, Samuel Hollick, Frederick, M.D., ) and John 0. Thompson, ) *H ing, John Hollister, John J. and } Stephen H. Williamson > (375 feet) J Hollister, Mrs. Sarah M. ; (2 lots) \ Hollowav, Isaac, and ) Silas H.Briant ] Holmes, Adrian B ( (2 lots) $ Holmes, James E Holmes, Robert, and ) James Watson ) *HoImes, Samuel L Holt, Daniel, "^ William A. Cromwell, & I William P. Bridgeman, j (375 ft) J Holt, Philetus H Hollje, Herman, and ) Henry Wormian ^ *Holton, Francis, Holion, Lewis, Francis F. Kruse, and Augustus Fernald. Holbrook, Lowell Holberlon, John W (2 lots) Holzten, Jacob Holzten, Henry *Hollis, George *Hnmer, Henry Honeywell, John Hook', John D. W Hooker, James, Pougkkeepsie, *Hooker, Oliver B Hooper, Charles Hooper, Edward *Hooper. John *Hood, Andrew *Hopper, Mrs. Mary, Hopper, Jacob M., Hopper, George P., Hopper, James A., and William Travis, Hopper, John, and ^ James S. Gibbons, > (2 lots) ) Hoppock, Ely Hoppock, Jacob "Hopkins. Anne, and } David K. Tilton \ tHopkins, Nathaniel F No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 5715 85 6179 I 15 $ 20 76 30 6233 2 6490 62 4916 71 5733 5734 I 10 5405 45 3391 3392 228 I 119 43 4191 3 4568 69 3861 97 606 100 1955 67 4640 33 413 1055 1484 ] 962 No. 3. 2411 6647 5299 6439 \ 54 I 66 81 16 62 55,70 899 36, 43 4489 4719 3285 3648 3528 68 33 44 54 76 4362 62 5805 5806 I 31 $ 32 2617 i 194 96,97 101 102 107 46;i> 57 4325 76 No. of Lot. Hopkins, Thomas, of Troy, Abner Woodruff and Richard Treharne, Hornby, Mrs. Mary Ann. .. *Hornidge, Henry, and } John Kelly ) Hosford, Frederick James.. Hotchkiss, Frederick W., ) Hotchkiss, Wheeiock \ Houghton, Royall ) (2 lots) 5 Houghton, Theophilus L.... J House worth, Michael .Hovey, Roswell, and j Thomas Miller Howard, Edward S Howard, George Howard, John T (2 lots) Howard, Joseph (2 lots) *Howard Robert Howe, Bezaleel Howe, Rev. John M Howe, James Howe, Timothy A Howell, Albro *Howell, George R Howell, John S Howell, Mrs. Maria V., and t Calvin Babbidge Howell, William S Howse, Mrs. Elizabeth *Howser, John C tHowland, Gardiner G-- ? (9 lots of 312 ft. each) $ (4 lots') ( Howland, Samuel S ? (9 lots of 312 ft. each) $ Howland, Wm. Edgar. .. ) (3 lots of 375 ft. each) ) tHoyt, Alfred (400 ft.) Hoyt, George A Hoyt, Henry J Hoyt, Jesse ) (2 lots) $ Hoyt. Joseph B ) (2 lots) ] Hoyt, Seymour Hoyt, William ) (2 lots) $ Hoyt, William J Hubbard, Nathaniel T. .. > (2 lots) S Hubbard William J , and John S. Doughtv, '(150 It.) Hudson, Edward H Hudson, William H.,U. S. N Huffer, Leopold. Howland, George S . 4311 3514 4502 4609 4121 2995 2996 1517 3042 1132 3629 150 1191 1192 1193 6305 1001 437 2292 3205 3461 5671 ■ 2716 5670 4308 1834 3101 to 3109 489 490 4 -J 12 4213 3110 to 3118 3119 to 3121 2032 2761 869 6023 6252 6229 6230 868 6231 6232 5627 1566 1567 5755 292 3465 566i Sect's. )f map 57,68 24 I 73 5 76 53,72 97 ; 23 ) 34 117 80 60 23 I 77 I 76 i 77 84 60 72 32 72 24 118 24 118 74 I 94 [• 33 ^ 94 \ 94 73 102 43 I 78 I „ 43 I 48 75 i CT I 94 S 101 81,92 77 76 30 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. Hughes, Henry Hughes, William Hull, A. Cooke, M.D., (375ft) "Hull, A. Gerald *Hull, Edward W Hull, John Hull, Oliver, Hull, Edward, Jr Hulse, Daniel, and tStephen P. Fowler.. "Hulse, James Humphrys, William S-- "Humbert, William B. . *Huine, Gilbert L "Hume, James "Hungerford, Mrs. Eveline.. "Hunt, Alfred "Hunt, Charles, and Mrs. Clarissa C. Severance Hunt, Gilbert W Hunt, John E "Hunt, Richard Hunt, Seth B ) (2 lots) < "Hunt, William W Hunter, John Hunter, William, Jr > (2 lots) 5 "Huntington, Daniel "Huntington, Felix A Huntington, Robert G. H... Hurd, Frederick W., M. D. Hurlbut, Elisha Denison, ) (450 ft.) 5 tHurlbut, George (450 ft.).. Hurlbut, Henry A "Hurtin, John H "Hnsted, Peter V Husted, Seymour L "Huster, Henry Hussey, George "Huteheon, William, Jr . Hutchins, George H t "Hutchinson, Matthew Hutchinson. Richard J 'Hutchinson, Robert Hutchison, George, and William Longley Hutton, Benjamin II (4 lots) Hutton, John (2 lots) Huttemeir, Harman Hutson, George > Hutson, Robert ( Hyatt, Then, hire ) Hyatt, Thaddeus \ Hyatt, Thomas, 1 150ft.) Hyde, Daniel ('.. Hyde, John E., Instate of,.. Hyde, Lucius, M. D No. of Lot. 43G3 1975 4054 4053 5469 781 855 703 6648 911 2717 4132 649 4605 .6097 2612 4356 2957 1017 1048 4946 5381 1010 1521 4354 3359 5270 693 731 707 3551 548' 6148 733 1668 2253 5151 1149 2550 2406 3679 5436 2316 to 2319 3491 2 192 4129 4512 368; 6360 5288 95 2 842 beet s of map 118 9 20 20 70,71 9 71 107 16 107 82 93 40 I 107 £ 108 58 92 82 41 80 I 61 $ 62 04 94 68 93 90 92 92 102 63 97 95 117 83,90 82 78 91 I 120 J 121 65 40 105 53 119 45, 46 9 92 71,78 "Hyde, Mrs. Mary, Hyde, William.... "Hyde, Zenus Hyer, Mrs. Sarah . . ind I. Illius, Charles } (2 lots) $ Imlay, William E., (525 ft). Immen, John H Ingersoll, Chandler L "Ingersoll, William F Ingoldsby, Felix, Trustee ^ for the estate of Bernard > Graham. ) Ingalls, Zebediah "Ingram, George Ingraham, Richard Inglis, George Ireland, George "Ireland, Wm. H., Estate of, Irvin, Richard Irving, Charles "Irving, James Irwin, David, (400 ft) "Irwin, William "Isaacs, Andrew Isaacs, George W Isaacs, Isaac A tlsaacs, Washington M . . (450 feet) Isham, Joseph G m lots) Isnard, Auguste Ives, Mrs. Caroline, Maria Waldron, Albert Waldron, Julia Waldron. Ives, David S "Ives, Edwin R J. Jacacks, Benjamin. Jacks, James (2 lots) Jackson, Abram W., (450 ft.) Jackson, Mrs. Ann, and Robert Henry (450 It Jackson, Charles A., ? Fishkill, (2 lots) $ Jackson, David Jackson, Erick R.. .1 ackson, George R Jackson, George W., and } Isaac Allen • $ Jackson, James L ) (4 lots) J No. of Lot. 3986 2001 5267 6258 6259 3804 1377 1270 5499 2934 3005 3263 4155 3881 2450 3746 524 228 4532 3167 4357 4118 6366 52. 3813 5711 5712 329 2948 2335 5962 6316 6637 158G 4575 339 340 346 4630 216 187 2990 to 2993 Sect's, of map CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 31 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Jackson, James M ..^] Jackson, George H ] Jackson. Andrew M Jackson, Edward T. . . . . . Jackson, Lewis D *Jackson, Mrs. Jane t Jackson, John Jackson, John Jackson, Letitia J. A., Mrs. Margaietta M. Mc- Bryde, and Mary M. Farmer Jackson, Nathan (2 lots) S Jackson, Samuel, TV. Jeisey Jackson, Thomas Jackson, ^ r flliam... ...... *Jackson, William *Jackson, William H Jacobs, Mrs. Lydia, and } Baptist Leitch J *Jaffray, Edward S., trustee. Jagger, John tJagles, John, and Irigen Henry Schwarte Jahne, Henry, (400 ft.) James, John B., ~) Jersey City, (2 lots).. 5 James, Mrs. Rachel *James, Thomas t*Jamison, George * Jamison, John Janes, Bishop Edmund S. \ (450 ft.) 5 *Janicke, Andrew Jaques, Mrs. Catharine S... Jarvis, George A Jarvis, Israel. Jarvis, Jay Jarvis, Mrs. Maria, } (450 ft.) S Jarvis, Mary, J James M. McLean, and > George W. McLean, j *Jarvis. Nelson, ") Einmon Downer, of Pe- j terboro', Madison Co., \ N. Y., J *Jarret, Charles Albert, de ? la Maine, France ) Jauncey, Mrs. Eliza S ... Jauncey, James W Jenks, Henry W *Jenks, Richard P. *Jenkins, Charles 'Jenkins, Edward O Jenkins, Jona Jenkins, Thomas } Estate of ) 4843 119 6043 5893 4450 2375 2293 678 373 570 2999 3000 3743 3985 92, 106 120 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Jenkins, Thomas "" Jenkins, Edward. ., Jenkins, Elisha F Jenkins, Robert H Jenkins, William A and others Jenkins, William Jenkins, Wm.B. Estate of, Jersey City Jenkinson, Daniel, and Nathaniel Bassett Jennings, Judson J., and David C. Harris Jenings, Chester Jervis, John B. Jessop. Henry, and others, (8 lots) Jessop, Rev. Robert Jewett, John Jewitt, John, Junr Jimmerson, Josiah F t*Jimmerson, William tJohnson, David; i,Flatbush \ (3 lots) C Johnson, Davis Johnson, Rev. Evan M Johnson, Franklin Johnson, Henry D--- tJohnson, Jeremiah, Brook lyn, (4 lots) Johnson, Jeremiah, New- York (400 ft.) Johnson, John, Samuel McLure, Robert McNie, and David McNie *Johnson, John Johnson, Jonathan K Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Mrs. Mary S., & \ William Gray, (450 feet) \ Johnson, Parmenus ) (4 lots) \ * Johnson, Peter Johnson, Robert W., and } Alexander Cochran J Johnson, Samuel E Johnson, Thomas tJohnson, William t *Johnson, William ^Johnston, Alexander Johnston, Captain W . *Johnston, Gerard A Johnston, James E .. tJohnston, John (4 lots, each 338 feet) Johnston, Mrs. Mary Jane Johnston, Peter C Johnston, Robert R *Johnston, Mrs. Susan... *Johnston, Thomas, and Samuel McKigney- • • • 5581 6187 1290 1665 2244 2170 589 to 596 4995 849 4312 3769 4405 723 724 1008 6266 626 4990 624; 635 to 638 1534 4403 2952 3487 1073 to 1076 4965 2447 6i 4425 106 2662 555; 51 4 ( 44r>4 575^ 273 tr. 27( 659)- 654: 2359 37! '5 6172 63 73 109 92 12,13 I 94 J 104 62 71,78 102 80 80 > 108 96 66 80,93 95 ? 94 5 95 122 82 45 45 41,61 25 I 60 73 83 66 75 69 40 82 97 75,76 ) 107 ] 108 69 51 82 82 I 84 82 GREEX-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Lot. Johnston. Thomas J., ) Mary J. Hills, and > Ann Phillips. J •Johnston, William "Johnston, William, and ? William Webster J Johnstone, James ? (1 lot) 5 JollifFe, George B "Jones, AU'ed Jones, Asahel Jones, Benjamin P., and ^ Abraham Underbill > (450 ft) ) Jones, David tJones, Daniel D "Jones, Evan "Jones, Henry "Jones, Henry F Jones, James 1 7 (4 lots) $ "Jones, Jonathan T Jones, John, ami } Robert Yellowlee ) Jones, Rev. Jonathan J *Jones, Lynd3, L Jones, M rs. M a ry Jones, Oliver C Jones, Oliver H "Jones, Owen, and ? John Roberts S Jones, Samuel T., and 5 tWm.B. Bend, (450 ft.) $ Jones, William * Jones, William B — . Joost, Christopher t Jordan, Conrad Jordan, Samuel H Joseph, John, and ) William B.Davis $ •Josephs, John Joyce, Samuel "Jurffens, Claus It. Kalbfleisch, Martin , "Kane, Mrs. Beulah W Kane, Cornelius V. S } (450 ft) S "Kane, Matthew •Kanenbley, Frederick Rank, Ferdinand, (i usia\ us \V. 1'aber, Charles Henschel, and j OscarZollikoffer(450ft)J fKarr, Daniel 'Kassenbrock, Christopher ' !\ it in. Lewis K attenhprn, Henry •Kauth, Peter 2275 3353 6331 3051 3052 2711 5601 2962 3028 tsect s. of map 61 117 23(.Tj 1298 1401 6059 2619 4886 5804 3053 1725 3049 No. of Lot. 78 78 97 93,105 4827 42 5216 43 6028 73 1344 58 3111 24,25 Kaymer, Reuben, ^ Kaymer, Francis, Thomas Gilbert, and i William H. Cromwell, J Kayser, Henry, and } August H. Brahe. .. ... $ "Kearney, James "Kearney, Patrick Keating, John D Keaton, Jesse G., and } Ieaac Smith $ *Keef, Richard I Keese, John Keeler, David B ? (2 lots) \ Keeler, James R tKeeler, Joseph, and } William H. Wright... X "Keegan, Owen, and ) Thomas Dawson ) Keeland, John , Keen, Joseph , "Keiley, Matthew •Keilev, Philip K eily, Mrs. Eliza Keith, Charles. (375 feet). .. Keith, Minor H., (450 feet) tKellogg, Charles H., and ) tSamuel Wise, (650 ft.) J Kellogg, Edward Kellogg, Epenetus Kellogg, Frederick, and ? George A. Trowbridge. ) "Kellogg, Norman G Kellogg, Timothy •Kelsch, Marx Kellinger, Samuel Keiley, J. Clawson, M. D. . "Kelly, David, and } John P. Goodmanson-- ) "Kelly, John and ) Henry Hornidge ) Kelly, Samuel R Kelsey, Charles \ (4 lots) J Kelsey, Sarah A., James Albro, Jr., Mary E. Albro, A hi iv Lockwood, Adaline Carman, John Albro, Joshua C. Albro, (2 lots) Kemble, Governeur, Kemble, William, Kemble, Richard F., James K, Paulding, and Robert P. Parrott. •Kemble, Levi R Kemp, Peter, Kemp. John, Kemp, I i ■•Jf. and James Laing. Sect's, of map 2408 766 914 4509 3331 62 82 6196 80 4292 44 5329 41 6654 69 2900 66 307 43 4699 4700 I 21 3459 77 1007 69 3724 ) 60 S 65 2937 80 5423 45, 57 4869 24 4870 24 5368 16 4306 97 4528 44 2564 I 6T 2565 5 82 330 92 4928 98, 100 306 76 6047 11 3338 75 1652 59,66 3246 11 3419 109 5873 52 4502 I 73 5 76 4694 80 093 1< I 21 5096 5 22 3305 3306 \ 75 49 97 97 98 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 33 Kemp, William Kendall, David S Kendall, Isaac C Kendall, Josiah F *Kennan, John "Kennedy, Andrew- •• 'Kennedy, John Kennedy, Robert, Wm. Pond, and Jonathan S. Saul. "Kennedy, Thomas "Kenner, William Kent, Henry A ? (2 lots) S Kent. Hon. William, and Rev. John S. Stone, D.D. \ (8 lots) "Kent, William, and ) David Coey ) "Kent, William A "Kenward, Thomas tKerr, Anthony } Kerr, Henry A ) Kerr, David B Kerr, Mrs. Hannah Ketcham, Jesse "Keutgen, Charles Keyes, Christopher, and ) Charles Coulter £ "Kiernan, Patrick "Kidd, Whitten E "Kidder, John "Kidder, John B *Kidder, Stephen Kilsby, John "Kimball, Edward W Kimball, Elijah H *KimbalI, Henry "Kimball, Ira A., Jr Kimball, Mrs. Mary L ? (400 ft.) 5 Kimberly, David Kimberly, Henry R "Kimmens, Mrs. Elizabeth- *Kind, Edward, George M. Breit, and Charles Tollner King, Gamaliel King, James S., Samuel Godwin, George Brown, and | William Crissey. J King, JohnB King, John D., and ) Henry Holcomb \ King. Matthew W., and 5 William H. Halliek... ( King. Mrs. Mercy, and ? Alfred Smith £ King, Peter V 3 No. of Lot. 4596 5226 599 5654 2413 218 4225 5685 3313 3706 5310 5311 5312 5865 6489 769 6567 514 1661 6306 1283 5123 5715 2541 6122 46,56 46 105 King, Theodore F "King, "William *King, William A "Kingsbury, Oliver R Kingsland, A aron Kingsland, Daniel } (2 lots) $ Kingsley, E. M Kinch, William } (2 lots) ) Kinnan, Alexander P. W... "Kinkel, Adolph Kinsey, Miss Mary Kinsley, Hudson, M. D Kip, Mrs. Eleanor ) (2 lots) \ Kip, Leonard W ? (2 lots) \ Kip, Samuel Kipp, Solomon Kipling, Richard Kirby, Leonard. } Kirby, Valentine, (4 lots). $ Kirk, Robert ? (4 lots) \ "Kirk, Thomas "Kirkland, Isaac Kirkwood, James P ? (2 lots) $ "Kirkpatrick, John tKissam, Elisha M "Kitehy, Thomas Kitching, George Kitching, John B Klein, Mrs. Ann M Kline, George ? Kline, Leonard W ) Klingler, G. M. Christian, ? JohnM. Goeller $ Klots, John T Knapp, George H Knapp, Gilbert P. ^ Edward A. Wallace, and Martin B.Wallace, { (400 ft.) J Knapp, James H Knauflt, Frederick F., and ~) Henry Kutzemeyer. - - . ) Knee, Isaac t*Knight, James, and ) t James Mellish $ Knight, James, M.D. (450ft. Knight, Nehemiah Knight, William "Knox, Charles, and } James H. Croney ) "Knox, George "Knox, James "Knox, John Knox, John M., and J. L. H. McCrackan, Mrs. C. R. Livingston, (450 ft. No. of Lot. beet s. of map 5120 4982 2870 3723 1084 583 584 1086 3426 3427 4301 6402 6470 5233 4656 465 3733 3734 2063 5241 4163 2094 to 209 6388 to 6391 5758 5262 2018 3490 6538 5002 4679 5149 362 1623 903 4376 1848 35 44 89 82 43 120 77 70 79 100 40 56 57 35 r8,79 97 81 70 1 55 ; 56 52 43 I 93 ; 94 52 34 57 101 83 95 4468 53 1666 117 4133 90 2128 65,66 3155 92 4950 77 5558 49 734 95 6318 65 4932 81 4931 81 57 34 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERV. No. of Sect's. Lot. ofmap \ *Kno wer, Elisba D *Knowles, John Knowlton, Danford, (450 ft.) *Knudsen, Charles B Kobbe. William ? (2 lots) $ Kobbe, Christian Henry . .. Kohler, Mrs. Catharine E., } and George Bonner $ Kohlsaat, Diedrich Kohlsaat, John C "Komorniskey, Wylady- slaw, and George W Smith Koop, G. Henry Koopman, Peter •Korff, JohnD *"Kornahrens, Harman.. . *Kraft, George J ^Krapp, John Kraushaar, Philip F *Kreischer, Balthasar.. . Kremb, Jacob, Valentine Benner, and John Hacli. *Krook, Mary S Krook, Margaret A *Krumbeck, JohnL.... *Kruse, Francis F., Lewis Holton. Francis Holton, and Augustus Fernald. J Kulil. George, and } Frederick Rollwagen.. $ Kuhlmann, Carl, and ) John Mahlmann $ Kulilke, Casper H Kumbel, William "Kunzenman, Michael Kunzler, Andrew (525 ft.).. *Kureman, Mrs. Lucy Kutz, Erasmus A Kutzeineyer, Henry, and ( Frederick K. Knauflt.. $ t*Kuykendall, Thomas Kyle, Alexander tKyle, David ) Columbus, Ga. ) Kyser. Henry ^ Labatut, John M. J Roberl II. Maclay,M.D (3 lots Labagh, A.bi aham ,1 (2 lots) $ *Labouisse, John P., of ) Ni u: Orleans \ *Le Cost, Charles H *Lacy, Robert Ladd, Wm. P., (450 ft.)... *Lages, Franz H. 5366 443 923 6241 44 1332 3254 1723 3316 1754 3854 46 3415 6673 2513 1216 5836 6102 3440 1932 4880 5816 2512 111 109 109 105 NAMES. No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 67 196 117 3148 82,91 5889 84,85 2545 78,79 270s 36, 43 1677 78 1666 117 2390 90 552 42,43 1230 120 1003 76 577 to 1579 2793 2794 3385 5720 . 24 :■;; L ahens, Emile *Lahy, James ? Lahy, John ) Laidlaw, John -- I (2 lots) $ *Laidlaw, John Laimbeer, William, Jr., ) and Elisha S. Mott.. ) Laing, James, j Peter Kemp, John Kemp, and George Kemp. Laird, James M *Laird, Robert J Laird, Bessie ) Lake, George G Lalor, William *La Manna, Dominico, 3 and Mrs. Jane Casolani, ] Lamar, Gazaway B < '5 lots) J *Larnarr, Michael Lamb, Anthony Lambert, Edward A *Lambert, Pierre *L'Amoureux, Edwin R. . *Lamy, Henry Lanchantin, Juste, and < James W. Newton.... J *Landers, Charles S *Landwher, Mrs. Louisa.. *Lane, Alonzo B 120 97 98 60 65 97 65 76 07 *Lane, Miss Catharine... ) Lane, Mrs. Mary Ann-- • ) Lane, George W Lane, Josiah } (4 lots) $ Lane, Josiah A > ^Lane, Maltby G Lane, Nathan Lane, Park H., (450 feet). .. Lane, Robert L Lane, William G ? (3 lots) \ *Lang, Leonhard Lang, Lewis Langan, Oliver *Langan, Oliver, and ') John Allen, Executors j of the Estate of Joshua \ Scott, deceased J Langdon, G. G, Estate of.. Langstroth, Huson, and ) Henry Groldey X Lansing, Rev. Herick C., / D.D \ ^Laraque, Edward Large, Alfred, (400 ft.) *Larkey, Peter, and j> James H. Mount $ *Larkin, Mrs, Maria Larocque, Mrs. Eliza 3250 6520 1987 1988 3931 1811 3621 4637 2906 5890 1690 to 1694 5214 768 3014 3971 5213J 6081 3.324 4964 6060 6-2-27 5965 2915 4330 to 4333 3079 6298 3013 4059 3425 5987 to 5989 6096 5! MS 6549 6550 111 93 I 23 105 67 97,93 81 I OS 34 76, 97 • 84 54 67 70 107 83 65 42 73 117 48 54 95 ) 25 $ 26 67,68 81,82 22 70 23. 34 82 I 30 58 19 62 62 3059 26 :;i 5858 47 4963 I 76 77 6468 47 384 34 35 5017 72 5822 84 3869 7- CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 35 NAMES. No. of ISect's. Lot. of map *Larcombe, Richard J., & ~) John Blight ( Lasak, Francis W / (2 lots) \ *Lathan, Mrs. Emeline Laton, Robert ) (8 lots) ] Latta, Mrs. Isabella *Lauder, .John Laughlin. George H., and ? David H. Pratt $ 'Laughlin, Robert Launy, Grasset "Laville, Joseph, and > Catharine, his wife ^ Law, Hervey G., "^ John P. Voorhies, and i William H. Mailler, f (2 lots) J *Law, William, Jr., and ) James Campbell V Lawrence, Alexander M. 5 (5 lots) I Lawrence, George, > Toronto, Canada... ) Lawrence, Herbert tLawrence, Jonathan ) (2 lots) \ Lawrence, Joseph ) (3 lots) \ Lawrence, Susan "\ Lawrence, John D Lawrence, Archibald T.- Lawrence, William P., George W. Dow, Anna Prince, Christopher Prince, Wm. Rockwell, (2 lots) J Lawrence, William A., ) Monument to, $ Lawrence, William E "Lawrence, Wm. Spencer.. Lawrance, Alexander t*Lawson, John Lawson, John D ) (2 lots) \ L awson, Samuel J Lawson, Thomas B ^ Lawson, Mrs. Wm. Ann D. "Lawton, Mrs. Ruth "Layton, Mrs. Mary H Leask. Henry G Leavenworth, Mrs. R Leavitt, David j (10 lots-) j *Leavitt, Thomas G *Leaycraft. Gamaliel S Leatham, Robert H "Leach, James L "Leach, Richard Le'Barbier, Adolphus A. . Le Barone, Caleb "Lechtereeker, Henry 4305 1200 1201 3709 4660 to 4667 3987 5538 3589 6661 3428 423" 423; 2054 to 2058 1443 2692 5125 5126 1983 to 1985 300 3008 1124 3617 5652 1529 4192 6352 6353 2696 6495 5275 6272 6117 71 421 to 430 4117 1658 2889 5082 3448 2453 864 1651 91 95 10 23 65 107 111 62 70,79 30 No. Hi Lot. ec ts. of map 102 59,66 86 I 53 111 49 35 44 55 108 ) 90 S ^ 78 59 36 73 6 92, 106 36 59 "Ledgham, Mrs. Susan Ann, Ledyard, Daniel J *Lee, Mrs. Anne Maria Lee, Frederick A. (508 ft.). *Lee, George W Lee, John, Jr ) (Hot) J Lee, Joseph "Lee, Miss Margaret... + Lee, William, Brooklyn.. Lee, William, New-York*. . *Lee, William W "Lees, Mrs. Elizabeth Leeds, Mrs. Agnes M Leeds, Lodovick Leeds, Samuel, Jr } (2 lots) \ Leech, John, Jr Leech, Samuel, and } John Edie, Jr £ Lefterts, Marshall LefTerts, Rem Lefterts, Mrs. Maria (500 Lefterts, Mrs. Sarah (2 lots) Leggett, William F Leggett, Abraham A. . Leggat, Andrew W., and James Aitken Lehmann, Christian, (450 ft) "Lehmanowsky, Mary Jane. Leitch, Baptist, and } Mrs. Lydia Jacobs $ "Lentner, John, Heirs of. .. *Lenton, Edward Leland, Francis Leland, Simeon, "] Leland, William W., Leland, Charles, I Leland, Warren J "Leonard, Patrick Leonard. Mrs. Jane Maria.. "Leonard, Dennis t*Leonori, Lewis Le Boy, Jacob Le Roy, Jacob R } (4 lots) J Leslie, Thomas ; Leslie, John W., (450 ft.). \ Leslie, Thomas J., U. S. A. Lester. Andrew. Lester, Joseph H., (350 ft.).. "Levengston, Solomon M... Leveridge, John / (4 lots) ] Lewis, Abraham W ) Lewis, Philip R ^ Lewis, Benedict, Jr Lewis, Mrs Clarissa C... ) (2± lots) I Lewis, Elijah Lewis, Elijah. Junr 3939 3298 5835 444 967 1862 1863 1114 4945 753 2020 4032 5511 504 4626 501 & 521 567 5725 677 L989 1990 782 3988 4277 4517 5760 4843 5259 4589 3778 628'/ 1139 6299 9186 666 16 305 } 2919 LI 90 4 573 17 11 !986to 4915 ■i 5 .' 4557 4 171 4172 77 77 43,44 93 I „ 111 54 108 101 68 40 119 II I 119 95 119 100 I 23 S 24 92 10.11 62 85 93 L08 73 79,80. 120 48 60 108 / 90 $ 108 4.2, 60 61 67 100 101 40 55 70 ill' 36 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. *Lewis, Epenetus Lewis, Evan Lewis, George Lewis, Isaac Lewis, Mrs. Jerusha Lewis. Robert (2 lots) tLewis, Mrs. Sophia N... (750 ft.) Lewis, Starks "W *Lewis, Theodore Lewis. Thomas "Lewis, William Lewis, Rev. Wm. H *Ley, Mrs. Jane Libby, James S Liddle, John, and Nathan T. Beers *Liddle, John, and John Hastings Liese, Frederick *Lightbody, Colins *Iiightboum, Alpheus I.. *Lillie. Rev. James *LilhV, William A + Lilly. Mrs. Eliza Lilienthal, Christian H... (375 ft.) Lilienthal, Lear (375 ft.) Lilliendabl, Christian D. W. Lindemann, John G Lindsev, Gilbert R., and John"Speir, (500 ft.)... Lindsev, William, and John Abercrombie . Linen, George, and John Oliver *Lingham, George W.. . tLinn. Daniel *Linnemann, Francis H. "Xiniiemann, Frederick. Linnemann, Gerad *Linnemann, Hermann H.. " Linn. hi inn, John Henry.. Lint/,, John, and ? fjoseph Stickler $ Lintz, William Lippitt, Joseph F (■Little A adrew Litllc. Jacob ) (2 lots) S Little. James , ■ Little, John Little, John T ) Little, William II ] Little, Moses ' 1. ttlefield, John Litchfield, Itufus Livermore, < 'aptain Joseph Livingston, Brockholst, , Estate of, (2 lots) < No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 2075 4080 279 5219 4063 787 790 1112 1113 95 1997 1414 4081 104 4889 1022 862 6142 3863 4358 3239 748 5512 2539 3714 3347 1481 3401 4551 3473 5324 2713 2107 2110 2106 2109 2108 1571 1570 4143 1504 919 2354 4101 290 ■ 6398 487 629" L296 384 564 105 70 58j 94 81 120 92 KIT 83 58 70 121 97 90 78 85 100 40 91 117 117 91,107 103 NAMES. h. R.,} i, and > >0 ft.) ) 58 42 66 66 66 66 GG 68 68 24,33 91, in; 35, 36 22 83 56, 57 I 98 Livingston. Mrs. Cath. R. J.L.H.McCrackan John M. Knox. (450 Livingston, Charles M ^Livingston, Crawford... (450 ft.) Livingston, John W (4 lots) Do. do Livingston, Schuyler *Lloyd, Samuel Lockhart, Thomas, Sr. . . . Lockhart, Thomas Lockwood, Abby, Sarah A. Kelsy, James Albro, Jr., Mary E. Albro, Adaline Carman, John Albro, and Joshua C. Albro, (2 lots) J Lockwood, Francis D *Lockwood, James B Lockwood, Mrs. Julia Lockwood, Odle } Lockwood, Joseph B ) *Lockwood, William E Loder, Benjamin ) Loder, Lewis B., (5 lots) ) Logan, David *Logan, David t*Logan, James L Logan, John, ") Alexander Cavan, .1 ames Reed, and John Means J Lohmeyer, Hermann, and ) James Snell, $ *Lomas, J ohn *Long, John *Long, Robert Long, Mrs. Sarah Longett, Antoine Longking, Rev. Joseph, & ) John Clay \ *Longley, William, and ^ George Hutchison ^ *Loomis, Mrs. Cornelia E .. Looke, Rodney W Loper, Isaac C, and Charles B. Underbill Lord, Benjamin Lord, David P Lord, Haynes Lord, Joseph L Lord, Samuel, and others, (8 lots) Lord, Samuel it Lots of 338 ft. each) Lord, Samuel P.. .. Lord, William. . . . *Lord, William G. No. of Lot. Sect's, of map -I 6092 1211 1036 to 1039 29 84 1835 3262 3261 3305 3306 5137 3094 2810 4939 417 6458 to 6462 2642 5496 333'i 60i; 234G 4524 6603 6286 4387 3447 3526 296 i 3286 4922 5956 2488 2 I- 850 589 to 596 4G74 6323 4723 4486 57 11 83 ) 58 5 67 58,07 100 74 80 80 75 92 66,83 91 97 92, 93 I 55 11 62 71, 72 34 66 62, 63 64 16 70,79 106 43 40 60 44 97 53 96 96 71,7 8 I 94 S 104 •) 69 | 70 \ 79 J 80 51 74 35 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 37 Lorrillard, Blase, Sanger ties, N. Y., (6 lots) L osea, Hiram V Losee, Theron *Loss, Francis H tLothian, Mrs. Elenora Lott, Francis Lott, Mrs. Maria Lottimer, William, (400 ft.) Louirel, CyrusH Loutrel, Louis, } Loutrel, William M $ Lovett, Olney Lovejoy, John Low, Abiel A I (6 lots) f tLow, Cornelius, ) Low, Nicholas \ Lowber, Alfred B Lowden, Joseph Lowe, Bauman Lowe, Isaac N., and ) William S. Troup $ 'Lowe, John Lowerre, Cliarles W *Lowry, James Ludlow, Ezra, Jr > (2 lots) $ *Ludwick, Solomon Luers, Gerd Henry, and ? Frederick Wessell \ *Luke, John H Lummis, William M ) Lummis, Dayton \ Luquer, Nicholas ) (2 lots) 5 *Lusk, Mrs. Sarah Luther, Lawrence M., and ? Alonzo R. Hampton ... C 'Luther, John F Luxford, Edward "Luyster, Albert 'Lynch, John Lynde, Charles W > Lynde, Tilly, (Slots) • \ Lynes, Stephen C } (2 lots) \ Lyon, Joseph, } Lyon, Samuel E., and > Juliet H. Mitchell (450 ft.) ) Lyon, Joseph L. D tLyon, Robert Alexander > (676 ft.) $ Lyons, Charles H *Lyons, George M. Maass, Herman, and ) Henry Meyer $ No. of Lot. 976 2835 to 2839 3944 2556 571 1334 5600 956 385 5180 2674 5315 3422 127 to 130 710 711 70 5488 5883 113 1613 3963 4951 4751 4752 4033 1949 3454 3599 335 336 5888 887 2273 4749 5833 4164 4140 4141 4124 4125 2113 5204 406 6586 2193 1956 Sect's of map 78 68,69 103 83 67 95 35 45 ) 68 5 83 77 82 93 51,52 73,74 40 66,67 tMacartney, William Mac Donald, Francis tMace, John Mac Farland, Thomas Mott i*Macoduck, Samuel Macoy, Robert, and ? James Stewart.. } |Maclay, James G iMaclay.Robt. H..M.D., &} JohnM. J. Labatut, S (3 lots) ) Macomber, Edward, execO utor of the estate of Rob- { ert De Bevoise, deceas- f ed, (2 lots) J *Mackay, Andrew *Mackay, John ) Mackay, Thomas \ Mackenzie, Edward > v (400 ft) $ Mackenzie, John Macarthur, John, Macarthur, George, and Wm. Hammond Macy, Charles B *Macnaughton, William . . 'Madden, Amos "Madden, William *Magee, William C *Mager, James *Magill, Arthur H., M. J» *MagilI, James Mahlmann, John, and Carl Kuhlmann Mahony, John H *Main, Mrs. Ann Main, Ibrahim P Mailler, William H., Hervey, G. Law, and John S. Voorhies, (2 lots) * Major, Henry B "Major, Henry B Major, McKedy Malcolm, James F Mali, Hippolyte Mallory, John C Mallory, William H (504 *Maniort, Mrs. Eliza Mann, Abijah, Jr ) (2 lots) \ Mann, Albert ) Mann, George S ) *Maim, George C Mann, Moses Mann, William Manning, Alpha. ~) James T. Faulkner, Jacob Faulkner, and George Faulkner, (580 ft) "Manno, Mrs. Mary *Manny, Benjamin S Si No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 859 4816 1419 3849 4947 741 2239 1577 to 1579 2546 254 4173 4062 3165 6030 3373 3744 6413 1236 202.: 5063 6049 5263 5495 2512 5286 2266 4399 4237 4238 712 6140 5054 6221 2437 4U3 1491 4895 5533 5534 4031 2976 615 5507 6201 4799 100 92 83,90 50, 57 66 76 57 l 120 48 95 67 65 65 105 62 78 : i 40 74 74 52,53 49 83 42 101 58 I 105 78,79 58 36 107 ) 35 $ 44 41 33 3S GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. N J.MJES. No. of Lot. Mansfield, William W-. Mansfield, Samuel M. T.. Mansfield, Henry S t Ma ii ley, James R., M. D. Manley, Robert, estate of. .. Mangam, Darius R e s, Carsten *Manwaring, David W ' Mannin, John Marks, Peter B Martin, Alfred ) (2 lots) $ *Martin, Mrs. Ann *Martin, Charles J Martin, Couklin L ? (2 lots) <, Martin, Edward, .Tr Martin, George W 'Martin, Hugh Martin, Isaac P Martin, .lames, ^ Hector Sinclair, and > Smith Weyant, (2 lots) ) "Martin, .1 ames H Martin, John H Martin, Mulford Martin. Peter Martin. Robert * Mart in, Robert - - - *Martin, Robert Martin, Rm von W "Martin, William C 'Martinez, Antonio C Martins. Catharine, and } John H. Walters $ Martens, Christopher Marlins, Carsten, and ) Henry Tiencken $ Martense, Gerrit L ) (4 lots) < Martense, Mrs. Helen ) (4 lots) $ Marvin. Aaron B Marvin. Charles R ) (2 lots) $ Marvin. Dan Marvin, George, M. D ? (2 lots) $ "March, John P March, Mag lalen, Estate of, 'Marsh Mrs. Catharine Marsh, .lames } (4 lots) S Marsh, John li . Willi in M. Shipman, | and William W. Wall, j (350 ft.) J Marsh, Joseph M Marsh, Mrs. Mary, ^ I. ■ ite of, (4 lots) ) Harsh. Samuel Marsh, Thomas 4777 3994 4167 1536 5815 1583 4428 3500 3501 3666 5-261 59 9 5960 3898 3502 3784 3472 5556 555 5568 2033 52*3 2875 ill 3781 613 1361 5260 6529 1953 1339 1962 No. 1, 4278 to 4281 1026 to 4029 9 302 3 4128 417 418 874 669 1249 1816 to 3819 3766 !759 2872 to ■'-: i 2920 i-; i 2026 Sect's, of map 'Marsh, Thomas ! Marsh, Thomas, Estate of... \ "Marshall, Mrs. Eliza Marshall, Joseph Marshall, Richard D Marshall, Robert Marshall, Wm. H Marwedel, Ferdinand Marean, Thomas Marin, Matthias C, U. S. N *Margraf, Paulus t'Marriotte, Mrs. Aner *Masori, Benjamin 49 No. of Lot. beet s. of map Mason, Rev. Cyrus, D.D., (6 lots) ) t Mason, Rev. Erskine, D. D Mason, Francis D Mason, Frederick, Mason, Frederick, J Junr., > (2 lots) ) 58,67 Mason, Joel W, Mason, John *Mason, John A Mason, John W., (400 feet). Mason, Nehemiah 'Mason, Thomas Massey, Marcellus Mathews, John Mathews, William , *Mathews, William , tMather, William ) Mather, Lewis $ ^Matthews, Henry , "Matthiessen, Frederick.. .. Matthiessen, Julius *Mattern, Peter Mauran, Mrs. Martha, and ? Family ) Maw, Robert J > (2 lots) 5 Maxwell, John D Maxwell, Lascelles E *Maxwell, William Maxwell, Wm. A. (400 ft.).. 1 Maxwell, William D May, George W ) M a j . John ) Mayell, John Mayers, John S., and } Jacob Neidlinger ^ " Mavnard, James T., and ( George A. Newman.... \ *Maynard, Samuel Mavnard, William, Thomas Welch, and William H. Welch. Mavher, John 'McAfee, William.... McArdle, John ' McAteer, John *McAuley, Charles ...I 5604 3862 4102 1738 6653 2310 1622 1445 1874 1885 3634 3835 6311 823 824 1176 to 1179 767 ■2597 4158 4159 5675 3283 5424 3917 1204 6312 2845 1345 2215 4426 2467 5901 3763 4397 5796 2471 3153 3154 4884 1717 1898 907 5606 4SC7 6443 4179 4806 117 5379 2364 ■I.",:;; 2936 5306 4326 40 76 90 78 69 60 65 60 99, 100 83 58 103 60 \ 90 67 82,91 I 26 26 43,44 20 67 81 60 70 61 81 84,85 42 85 59 31 46 I 23 I 62 42 42 65 120 96 49 78 43 107 25 57 80,81 82,91 20 44 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 39 NAMES. No. of jSect's. Lot. of map *McAuley, John H. McBrair, James. *McBrair, Robert.. McBride, Samuel.. McBride, Nathan,.. McCleams, William *McBrien, Charles McBryde.Mrs.MargarettaM., Letitia J. A. Jackson, and Mary M. Farmer MeBurney, Thomas McCarten, Bernard McCall, James N *McCandless, John McCerren, Robert "*MeChesney, James *McChesney, Robert D McClave, James, (450 ft.) McClellen, Christ'r.B.,M.D. McClaury, James, M.D., & ) William Geery ) *McClintick, Andrew McClintock, John, and } Edgar B. Wakeman... $ T I\b'C'lure, Alexander McClure, John, and ) Catharine E., his wife.. $ *McCollom, Geo. W., and ) Asa Stevens, Jr ) McCullough, Samuel McComb, John R MeConeghty, John MeConnin, Eugene ) (2 lots) S McCook, Alexander, Isaac McGay, John Boyd, and Solomon Campbell Me ( 'noii, ( !ornelius, McCoon, William, McCoon, Mary Ann, McCoon, Margaret, McCoon, Phebe. McCoon, Amelia, and Mrs. Eliz'th Townsend.j McCormick. Mrs. Maria J.. 'McCormick. Mrs. Martha. McCormick, Richard C McCoskry, Robert "McCotter, Alexander *Mc.Coy, James *Mc( !oy, Robert McCrackan, John L. H.. John M. Knox, and Mrs. C.R. Livingston, (450 ft) , McCracken, Mrs. Cornelia. Mc( !rea, Mrs. .1 anet McCready, Mrs. Ann, New-Jersey McCreadv, Nathaniel L.. (2 lots) ] 5546 108 2115 90, 10 J 2037 82 3883 5585 ■ 5837 i 2216 2760 4100 5490 1087 3768 3767 5866 48 4542 5462 3857 2442 5810 3045 5880 5374 4918 3761 3762 6019 2352 2353 5653 1632 1868 4015 2527 5195 6020 2116 104 93 71 81 93 76 85 76 80 80 21 60 27 45,57 76 83 45 69 33 24 20 34 49 83 93 111 76 85 NAMES. [No. of S Lot. McCreary, John D "j McCreary, James A | McCreary, Abraham M., }• and Hiram C. Gerow.. j (2 lots) J McCullough, James McCurdy, Robt. H., (500 ft) *McDaniel, Mrs. Caroline A., and Charles G. "Delano. .. McDermot, Mrs. Abigail.. . McDennott, John, and } William Murphy, ) McDonald, Alexand., and ? Cornelius V. Deforest. . ) McDonald, Henry, (450 ft.). *McDonald, Miss Mary tMcDonald, William *McDonald, William J tMc Dougall, Allan tMcEwing, Duncan *McElroy, William *McFarlan, Duncan, and } liobert Biggart ) McParlan, James McFarland, Thomas ? (2 lots) $ McGay, Isaac, ^ Alexander McCook, John Boyd, and Solomon Campbell j McGay, James, Mrs. Isabella Clyde, Aaron S. Black, and .lames Black J *McGeah, John Mel ■ inuis, Hugh Met iinnis, James McGlinn, Thomas *McIlroy, William * Mclntire, J ohn Mclntire, William N ) Mclntire, Charles H \ Mcintosh. William C McKay, David, and } George Cliase ) *MeKay, Mrs. Hester *McKeage, William ^ *McKeas:e, Margaret Ann $ *McKee, John *McKee, John McKee, Joseph *McKee, Joseph W *McKeen, Rebecca *MeKensie. Alexander MeKenzie, John D McKi nzie, Richard "McKenzie, William McKesson, John McKewan John, (400 feet). McKiernan, Charles, and } John Monaghan ) *McKigney. Samuel, and ) Thomas Johnston \ 3759 3760 2669 299 6433 529 6170 2223 5441 297 4429 2643 945 2727 4838 4598 150 1503 C016 iect's. if map 69 81, 82 100 I 64 60 I 67 S 68 62 62 20 94,95 84,85 11 91 108 73 67 l 82 34 3462 56 •."in:, 76,97 5369 85 5938 101 r. 4 4- 85 3637 69 II 1384 66 5543 43 3463 56 5136 36 4540 27,30 1758 67 4882 72 2122 105 2924 81 3706 43 4391 44,58 676 100 4493 11,24 6063 I 60 C 65 84 40 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. o Lot. Sect's. of map McKimm, William B,. . *McKimmin, John McLaclilan, John McLaughlin, William G. .- McLean. Andrew, Estate of, (2 lots) "McLean, Henry Me Lean, James M., McLean, George W., and Mary Jarvis McLean, Thomas M McLeay, Thomas W... *McLeod, David McLeod, The Misses, (375 ft) tMcLeod, Neal McLure, Samuel, John Johnson, Robert McNie, and Daniel McNie j McMichael, John "McMillan, George \ McMillan, Alexander, and > Samuel Wilson j McMurray, Joseph ) (2 lots) S McMurray, Robert 5 (10 lots) ] McMenomy, Mrs. Eliza McNally, John McNasser, Mrs. Elizabeth McNeil, Thomas H McNie. Robert "| McNie, Daniel Samuel McLure, and John Johnson fMcNish, Robert tMcNultJ . Marvin McPherson, Peter t McPhillips, Patrick Mc U if. John, Heirs of .. McWhinney, John 'Me William, John , Mead, Benj., Newark, N.J. Mead, Mrs. Elizabeth 'Mead,, Gorge B *Mead,HalseyB 1 *Mead, Henry W I ""Mead, Lewis Mead.Ralph > (3 lots) $ Mead, States M Mead, W alter ) (2 Lots) S 'Mead, William H Meakim, Alexander Mealio, Lewis Means, John, ~i John Logan, Alexander Cavan, and ' James Reed J 1894 1550 3880 3598 ' or.! I? i 5598 4 -,'7 2 77 1573 1919 4349 509 2133 ■ll-> 3247 3248 57-11 to 5750 3267 6089 4523 1 5549 3016 174(5 1141 4319 3311 6641 ■Jiii:, 54*6 737 2238 5020 502] 5022 5189 93,738 4221 730 942 943 6555 904 4798 112 1 59,66 57 43, 59 I 56 79 71 57,68 105 62 90 57 1 82 No. of Lot. 4ii 10 4, , 121 12 -J 97 1 82 68: 35' 6~\ 69 68 52 112 90 101 101 102 101 102 101 112 72 84 96 33 34 Medlicott, William G. ~) William D. Abbatt, Joseph A. Dean, and > Edward B. Dean (4 lots) J Meeks, Joseph W Meeks, Joseph, Senior Meeker, Jotham C *Meeker, William E tMegarey, Alexander PMehrtens, Hinrich W.... Mellen, Abner f Mellish, James, and ) t James Knight ) 'Melvin, Austin Menck, William, and ? Gertrude Vultee ) Mendell, Henry Menzies, William ■ Mercein, Mrs. Charlotte, ^) Mrs. Elizabeth Gault, and Miss Jane Gault. J Mercein, Mrs. Maria Merchant, William H ^ Merchant, Mary E j Merchant, Selina A j (4 lots) J *Merriam, Francis W Merrill, Eli 'Merrill, Samuel S "Merritt, Charles H., and ^ Isaac B. Hart, executors > of Wm. Hart, deceased. J Merritt, George > (3 lots of 225 ft. each) ] Merritt, Stephen Merle, Charles Merle, Guillaume, (450ft.).. Merkle, Robert, (450 ft) Meriam, Eben, and } David K. Seaman $ Merwin, Almon Merwin, Andrew M Meserole, John, Heirs of, } (2 lots of 375 feet each) ] Messenger, Harry, (400 ft )•■ Messenger, Thomas, (400 ft. Messerschmid, George Mettler, Wilson *Metz, Julius "■ Mej er, Claus Meyer. George, (450 ft.) Mej er, I [enry, and ) Herman Maass J Meyer, Mrs. Louisa , Micheau, Elizabeth Mickle, A. H. of map 3540 to 3543 2592 2593 4136 62-J- 2801 3374 89 2128 1078 4478 3499 (4 lots) Middleton, Benjamin P. Middleton, John 3653 5854 to 5857 4767 135 256; 350." 3654 to 3656 5928 428 861 1604 1718 4351 2022 3830 3831 50 506 23i: 3280 5732 5550 4126 1956 9 275 1 2755 2828 2829 4623 - 48 81 33,34 48 102 83 107 65,66 76 67 20 69 105 I 55 52,73 92 93 91,107 107 95,103 66 53,54 78 I 81 94 93,94 117 69,80 85 47 33 66,67 I 118 5 119 60 !■ 103 1 I 43 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 41 Middleton, Mrs. Maria, 1 Mrs. Manjaret N. Wy- I koff, and William Ells- f worth, J tMidgeley, Edward J Midmer, John H Milbauk, Samuel > (3 lots) J Miles, Abial ) (2 lots) 5 Miles, William B > (2 lots) ] Miller, Benjamin J *Miller, Charles Miller, Francis, M. D ) Miller, John ) *Miller, George Miller, George B Miller, George I Miller, Hiram, and } Lucius Smith \ Miller, Hugh *Miller, Humphry's Miller, Jacob, and ) John Turner ) tMiller, James Miller, James 'Miller, James *Miller, Joseph Miller, Joseph B Miller, Livingston K Miller, Nathaniel P Miller, Peter Miller, Robert PMiller, Samuel *Miller, Samuel B Miller, Sidney G Miller, Sylvanus } Miller, Svlvanus, Jr > (2 lots) ) Miller, Thomas, and > Roswell Hovey ) *Miller, Thomas Miller, William Miller, William J Miller, William S-, Miller, Horatio, Miller, George N., Miller, Ephraim, (7 lots) j *Millington, Mrs. Eliza Mills, Aimer Mills, Andrew tMills, David S. Newtown, } Lous Island \ Mills, Drake J (2 lots) I Mills, George *Mills, Mrs. Julia Mills, Levi A Mills, OliverP Mills, PhiloL Milne, Peter No. of Lot. 1471 1875 2391 to 2398 5456 545 5458 5459 3523 4744 1947 4600 4959 1220 1131 5596 4599 2334 2298 2307 5018 1767 3712 5726 4770 1322 5088 4743 4745 6424 6562 6563 1132 3888 4686 305 6125to 6131 5453 4462 4460 1217 2497 2498 3593 4318 4334 3194 522 754 NAMES. "■X 'i Milne, William < Milne, Robert \ tMilnor, Rev. James, D.D. Milnor, Rev. James, D.D. i Estate of, J Mingay , James B tMinugh, Mrs. Jane, Minugh, Miss Jane, tMinugh. John, Miller, Eliza, Marian Prescott, (338 ft) Minor, Cyrus S., and Abel K. Thompson.... Minturn, Edward (2 lots) Mitchill, Mrs. Catharine relict of Samuel L. Mit chill. LL.D. (4 lots) Mitchill, George Mitchill, Samuel L., (400 ft.) Mitchell, James, Mitchell, Margaret S., Mitchell, Evelina M., Abraham Turnure, Eliza his wife, heirs and devisees of David Mit- chell, deceased, (4 lots) [Mitchell, Jacob F., and t.Tohn C. Siedenburg... *Mitchell, Julia A Mitchell, Caroline M Mitchell, Juliet H., Jos. Lyon, and Samuel E. Lyon (450 Mitchell, William Mitchell, John F Mitchell, Margaret F Mitchell, Eliza (400 ft.) Moffat, David (Moffat, John [Moffat, Mrs. Mary i*Moffit, Patrick *Moir, John *Moir, William *Molenaor, Miss Mary E. .. *Moller, Cord i Moller, George H Mollmann, August, and Eugene L \ugust, and ) j. Sullivan \ (450 ft.) ) 43, 59 I 23 Mollman, Augustus Monaghan, John, and ) Charles McKiernan ) Moncrief, James Monroe, Ebenezer *Monroe, David M Monroe, James *Monteith, David Montfort, John, aud } Charles Goodwin $ Montgomery, James, Jr *Montgomery. Mrs. Jemima, No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 5700 62 1415 5422 1846 3846 5625 5626 1389 to 1392 2634 1029 993 to 996 1957 4969 2113 2980 1841 3850 1532 34.30 5124 1098 515 3349 3350 1633 6251 6063 6042 3287 5030 3012 4800 5884 4615 2289 76 76 91 108 67 82 44 58 77 78 95 66 97 66,67 ) 107 S 111 76 56,57 66 62 76 43 78 83, 84 83 91 92 ) 60 J 65 105 93 73 70 33 ) 55 27 65,66 42 GREENMVOOD CEMETERY. Montgomery, Robert Montgomery, Thomas M Iv, Henry Moody, Winfield S Moody, Winchester P Moon, John *Moore, Mrs. Anna Eliza.. Moore, Chauncey W 7 Moore, John T. (4 lots) J *Moore, Daniel Moore, Airs. Elizabeth *Moore, George W.. , Moore, Jared L *Moore, John "Moore, Joseph, and } Joseph M. Waite 5 *Moore, Mrs. Roxanna C... Moore, Sampson ) (4 lots) 3 *Moore, Samuel F Moore, Thomas D., and ~) Abm. M. Cozzens (4 lots) ) Moore, William Mook, Thomas Morand, Augustus, and } Mrs. Caroline Hadley.. $ More, John O Moreau, John B > (2 lots) $ Morton, Peter, Heirs of. ... . Morton, Robert Morton, Thomas *Moreton, Henry, M. D Mortimer, George Mortimer, John, Jr ) (2 lots) 5 Mortimer,. John Morse, Joseph W *Morse, James M., and ) Joseph Hewland ) Morse, Nathan B \ (2 lots) S Morse, Richard C > (9 lots) S Morse, Samuel F. B ) (9 lots) \ Morse, Sydney E \ (9 lots) \ *Morris, Charles.. Morris, Charles E ) Morris, Lewis X Morris, Henry \\\. ) U. S. NT., (350 ft.) \ 'Morris. John J Morris, ( Lucian B Morris, Patrick H., M.D.. ) Morris, Frederick, M.D.. $ Wlorris, Robert 'Morris, Stephen P 'Morris, Thomas R., and ) Eliza Shelfield $ Morison, Mrs. Catharine No. of Sect's. Lot. jofmap 3572 5340 621 622 5779 to 5787 5761 to 5769 5770 to 5778 5613 4834 2405 4878 4948 5612 5426 4793 4853 101 108 100 101 35 Morison, Hector tMorison, Neal, Estate of.. Morison, Thomas A Morrison, David Morrison, William t Moran, Mrs. Ann Moran, Charles Moran, Edward G Moran, Francis *Moran, James *Moran, James P — *Moran, Mrs. Margaret. .. ? Moran, Mrs. Mary $ Morrow, Samuel *Morrell, Arthur Morrell, Francis V.. Morrell, Joseph, (375 ft.)... Morrell, Thomas *Morrell, WinantB Morgan, Charles ) (2 lots) 5 Morgan, Enoch- • • • Morgan, James L ? (2 lots) $ Morgan, John Morgan, Minot C Morgan, William, and } Mrs. Bertha Reid ) Morgans, Morgan Moser, Samuel H Moses, David B Moses, Lorenzo ) Moses, Orestes $ *Moseley, Mrs. Theresa'B.. *Mosle, George * Mott, Charles Mott, Elisha S., and ) Wm. Laimbeer, Jr $ Mott, Gabriel F Mott, John H Mott, John W ) (2 lots) $ 'Mott, Richard Mott, Samuel D., and ? Mrs. Mary Ann Fash.. $ Mott, Valentine, M.D ) (6 lots) S Mottram, Matthew, and ) others, (8 lots) $ ^Moullon, Theodore Mount, Alfred R *Mount, James R., > Murphy, Michael, and > Michael Stephens. ) *Mount, James R., and ) Peter Larkey ) *Mountjny, Airs. Barbara... 'Mowbray, John Mower, Thomas G., U.S. A. Mueller, John, ? Charles Tonjes ) Muir. James, ? Muir. Joseph $ 4852 5978 867 896 895 2960 4820 5291 3457 2403 6048 4215 2667 5108 4585 6173 3282 5304 3922 3923 5811 4836 4837 3615 47 54 3021 4377 1164 6481 1531 1780 6194 4733 1811 2654 2655 4730 4731 4732 702 6035 to, 6040 589 to 596 6007 3512 5032 5047 5194 6199 4673 1952, 1840 49 49 43 107 107 109 92 101 82 68 72,73 58 57 41 19 21 78 20 I 81 75 I 35 25 77 > 41 ) 61 56 71 30 120 85 52 67 11 11 44 52 107 98 94 104 84 85 63 79 58 76 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 48 *Mulhallon,WilliamE.,M.D "Muller, Charles C "Mulles, Diedrich Mumford, Tobias V Mumby, Robert Mundell, David Mundell, Jeremiah Mundell, John ) Mundell, Alfred $ Munn, Stephen B ) (6 lots) J Munroe, Alfred, (450 ft.; Munson, Erastus H '. " Mungar, Warren "Murdock, Thomas W., \ William A. Bailey ) Murphv, Mrs. Caroline. .. ) (400 ft.) \ "Murphy, Edward Murphy, Henry C, (400 ft.) "Murphy, Marcus Murphy, William, and > John McDermott \ Murphy, William H. ) (3 lots of 450 feet each) f "Murphy, Michael, Mount, James R., and Michael Stephens. "Mulligan, Thomas Murray, Adam "Murray, Charles "Murray, James, ) Alexander Wylie, and > James Cochran, ) "Murray, John Murray, John, Jr., ) (2 lots) I Murray, William G Murtland, William, and ) Samuel Carson ) "Myers, John D N. "Nantz, Theodore W "Narino, Jose, Santiago ) de Cuba \ Nash, Daniel D Nash, George, and ) Noah W. Riell ] Nash. James "Nash, William, England,. "Nash, Webb, Henry J. Hackett, and Mrs. Ellen Rogers. Natrass, Ralph ) Natrass, John J Nay lor, Peter ) Naylor, John \ Needham, Elias P No. of Lot Neeves, James. 3620 2903 6671 5208 936 5524 5525 5523 1312 to 1317 6026 5841 3352 1716 6677 5983 109 6227 6170 5849 to 5851 [Sect's, of map 92 42 2,3 78,95 100 95 95 ) 78 \ 95 ) 68 \ 69 75 57 61 60 101 63 101 oo > 67 S 68 \ 56 6002 101 6217 93, 105 5017 61,64 4444 4348 2189 2190 3742 3668 6281 66 54,71 5134 52 4440 19 5576 34 6674 • 1,74 5577 34 1126 43 2673 \ 65 66 5526 95 958 959 \ 100 5611 53 1209 \ 108 109 Neidlinger, Jacob, and ) i John S. Mayers ) "Neidlinger, Henry "Neilly, Mrs. Jane". Neilson, John, M. D > (4 lots) \ "Nelson, Mrs. Elisabeth Nelson, Henry "Nelson, Joseph Nelson, Thomas S Nesbit, Robert, of San- ) (a Fe, N. Mexico J Nesmith, James "Nesbitt, Charles, and ) Thomas Bellman ) Nesbitt, George F Nestell, John J *Neville, Thomas G Nevins, Russell H \ (4 lots) J Nevius, Edward N Nevius, Peter J \ (2 lots) S Newbold, George \ (2 lots) $ "Newlands, Alexander "Newman, George A., and ) James T. Maynard ( Newton, Henry, and ) fJohn Tuite 5 Newton, Isaac > (4 lots) J Newton, James W., and ) Juste Lanehantin ) "Newell, Charles, and > Austin Blake J Newell, Charles M Newell, William, Joseph D. Pierson, and William O. Wilson. 'Nexsen, William "Nichols, John T. E Nichols, Robert Nichols, Sillick Nicholl, Joseph , ) Nicholl, Samuel £ Nicholls, Mrs. Jane, (450 ft), t Nicholson, Alfred Nieolay, Albert H., and ) Frederick G. Richardson J "Nidds, Mrs. Mary A Niebuhr, Fraley C "Niemann, Henry Niles, Mrs. Relief Barron.. Nitchie, John E "Niven, George, Estate of,.. "Noble, James "Noble, Orin H "Nodyne, Richard H Noe, James H } Noe, Benj.M., (415ft).... C Noe, Rowland J I Noe, John C ] No. of Lot. 4179 4014 4531 4004 to 400 4588 3981 3217 494 4602 502 4197 1627 66 2240 6182 to 6185 1147 2461 2462 1091 1092 5517 4806 1912 to 1915 6095 3078 268' 167 3511 135 265 2269 489 2730 666! 5168 5371 2944 2774 1320 1557 4781 4607 6005 2311 Sect's, of map 78 81 36 19 !'5 79 90 119 93 68, 81 69 65 I 33 105 I 91 C 92 I 98 52 43 77 42 93 66 107 71 71 11 67,82 82 111 104 43 46 57 124 92 US 40 103 95 112 112 44 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. N"AME£ No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Nooney, Asaliel, Joseph Alexander, Mark Alexander, and Luther B.Phelps, tNooney, Robert D., and G arrit B rower *Noorstrant, John , Nornhauser, Jacob, Estate of Korris, Mrs. Margaret... Norris, Mrs. Mary T., Newark, N. J., (4 lots) Norris, Robert T Norsworthy, Mrs. Frances ) (8 lots) f tNorton, Nathaniel, (450 ft.). Norton. Parker, ^ David Castello, and > S. N.Burrill. ) North, Charles C *Northrup, William B tNoyes, William C Nukerck, Charles C *Nunns, Robert, Jr., and ) Horatio N. Hewitt J *Nunns, Robert, Senr Nugent, Mrs. Elizabeth, & Mrs. Jane Allen O. Oakley, Bay ley Oakley, Cornelius, Jr j (400 ft.) j Oakley, Gilbert Oakley, Henry Oakley, Mrs. Julia E Oakley. Richard Oatwcll, Joseph *0'Brian, William *0'Brien, Matthew C Ockerhausen, Adolphus F O'Connor, Francis B i (2 lots) J Odd Fellows, Independ- ent Order of, Atlantic Lodge, No. 50, Brooklyn, (8 lots) Brooklyn Lodge, No. 26, (10 lots) Concord Lodge, No. 43, ) New-York, (8 lots)... J Eade Lodge, No. 94, ) Brooklyn, \i lots).... \ Excelsior Lodge, No. 126, Brbokly klyn, > (2 lots)) Fulton Lodge, No. 66, ) Brooklyn, (4 lots) \ 3334 523 2526 5506 770 1968 to 1971 4269 3996 to 4003 1618 258 6309 2495 204 465: 2732 6195 4581 5976 4636 5399 3278 1258 3329 5156 2528 241 4724 4725 1405 to 1408 1719 to 17 743 to 746 1474 to 1477 2184 2185 2857 to 2864 1420 to 14 6395 6396 M.V.I I,, 146; 93 58 1181 77 79 45 49 60, 65 74 60 82 61 62 \ 63 ) 64 34 19 91 83,90 117 11 30 117 I 44 No. of Lot. >ect's- of map 3 59 MagnoliaLodge,No.lG6, ) Brooklyn, (4 lots) . .. ) Merchants' Lodge, ") No. 150, Brooklyn, > (2 lots) ) Nassau Lodge, No. 39, ) Brooklyn, (4 lots) ) Steuben Lodge, No. 133, ) Brooklyn, (8 lots)... J Odell, Thomas B O'Donnell, Jeremiah ) (2 lots of 350 ft. each) J O'Donnell, Patrick ) (4 lots of 350 ft. each) $ Officers of New- York Re- giment of Volunteers killed* in Mexico Ogden, Charles R. Ogden, James L ) Ogden, Isaac C ) t Ogden, Thomas Ludlow... *Ogsbury, Alexander ) Estate of, J O'Hara, Peter O'Hearn, Michael P *0'Keefie, Jeremiah K Okell, William, (450 ft.) Okill, Mrs. Mary Olcott, Charles M > (2 lots) \ *01dfield, Granville S., ) Baltimore ) *01iver, Eben Oliver, Isaac I Oliver, John, and ) George Linen J Oliver, Joseph ) Oliver, John J Oliver, John W Oliver, Paul A., Estate of,.. ''''Oliver, Mrs. Susan. Olney, Lafayette Olssen, Richard H. *0'Neill, Maurice "O'Neill, Patrick 'Oram, William, and ) James M. Brady ) O'Rourke, James F Orphan Asylum Society of ) Brooklyn J *Orr, Jackson Orr, Robert Osborn, Mrs. Ann ) (2 lots) £ Osborn, Henry, (400 ft) ( Isborne, Samuel Ostheim, Margaret P ( Istrander, Cornelius V. B. ( )strander,Ferdinand W., ) M. D $ ( (strander, Hiram ( ) strom, Anthony P *0 strom, James A 1428 to 1431 6393 6394 1590 to 1590 3129 to 3136 1807 441 4418 4413 to 4416 2230 4479 3097 69 581 5939 3595 6188 6263 2580 3292 3293 267 5309 2823 3473 288! 3212 5308 543 4436 35' 5443 3950 5830 4112 2756 4204 3479 3480 960 3f)08 544 2 7 'J.". 154 5006 8 1 ." 3389 59 S 69 i 85,86 > - 38 73,76 I 62 I 62 I 107 5 108 62 118 72 101 36 15,20 99 98 I » 58 25 54 77 82 54 78 25 82 101 23 65 109 30 13 66,83 106 I 32 5 33 91 24 70,71 81 96 118 73 66 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 45 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Ostrom, William B O'Sullivan, Mrs. Mary R. ) "(2 lots) J Otis, James W. (450 ft.).. .. tOtten, Frederick "Otten, Harman Otten, Henry O vington. William H ■ Owen, Daniel Owen, Mrs. Elizabeth Owen, James, and others, ) (8 lots) J Owen, Rev. John J ) Owen, Edward H. (450 ft) J "Owen, Lewis Owen, Ora, Heirs of Owen, Thomas Oxer, John, and ) William lieed J P. "Packard, Elisha tPacker, William S., and ) John H. Prentice, (6 lots) ) Page, Pitkin Paige, David H tPaige, Jason (375 feet) Paine, John ) (Slots) ) Palmer, Alexander W "Palmer, Charles S Palmer, Courtlandt, Richard Suydam, and Oliver D. F. Grant Palmer, David "Palmer, Edward L Palmer, Francis A Palmer, Joseph E *Palmer, Henry "Palmetier, Jacob, and ) Edmund R. Strang J Pape, William Parish, Mrs. Susan M ) (4 lots) J Partridge, William Pares, Francis., Paret, John "Parke, Mrs. Harriet E Parker, Charles \ (2 lots) ( "Parker, George Parker, Hiland A., and ^ John A. Weeks. . . "Parker, Mrs. Jane Charleston, and M Mary E. Cummings Parker, Mrs. Mary A., and Thomas Bedson 5 Parker, Rowland W.... ) Parker, James M ) Parker, Samuel a VIrs. S 4929 1478 1479 2468 1326 2723 132 4618 5494 2314 589 to 596 2557 49 3240 2949 4591 5547 170 to 1 2031 4651 1555 2007 to 2011 3388 6149 987 988 2343 4260 2912 2975 6666 5608 1687 25 to 28 191 776 1367 6186 5224 52: 5223 1264 2904 3649 5440 93 22,23 58 83 58, 59 11 62 83,84 > 94 J 104 44 72 65 41,62 15 19 104 81 82 93 95 60,65 80 44 105 41 62 93 60,65 I 36 119 60 76 40 ) 22 \ 35 22,35 69 NAMES. No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 105 54 82 t Parker, Shivers, Estate of (6 lots) Parker, William Parker, William Parkin, John S. W., Parkin, Thomas, of New- ark, N. J., (450 ft.) Parkin, William Parks, Mrs. Martha S., and ) Wm. R. Starkweather, ( Parsons, Clement S "Parton, John tParmelee, Truman (400 ft/ Parr, Benjamin "Parr, James , "Parr, John tPatchen, Henry (375 ft.). . . "Paterson, John, and ) Alexander Wallace ( Patrick, Richard ? Patrick, Robert M $ "Patterson, Henry Patten, John, Senr , Patten, Mrs. Mary Patterson, James A Patterson, Jacob M Patterson, William C. Patterson, William T Pattison, Abraham K Pattison, Mrs. Lydia Ann, \ (2 lots) S Paulding, James K., Parrot. Robert P., Governeur Kemble, William Kemble, Richard F. Kemble. I Paulson, Leonard Paulus, Gustavus, and Mrs. Mary G. Wells "Pavies, Edmund A Paxton, John R "Pearce, Caleb Pearse, Augustus F Pearsall, Mrs. Hannah. .. ) (450 feet) ) "Pearsall, Mrs. Sarah Pearson, John S ) Pearson, George ) Pearson, Isaac Green, (450ft) Pearson, Robert H., and "i William H. Churchill. } (450 ft.) ) "Pease, Bichard P tPease, William G., and ) Jonathan Richards J Peck, John, (450ft.) Peck, William M Peckham, Seth W Peckwell, Francis H "Peckwell, Henry W "Peckwell, William Peers, Thomas F Pegg, Roger 5908 to 5913 6676 5181 3609 5196 4165 3560 3281 673 2227 4844 2214 566 6139 2348 3398 5868 5869 4166 3302 3303 2507 3683 3814 3815 J 766 914 2164 4658 1465 4925 8' 4488 1607 2263 2469 5668 9 lo 62 68 32 67, 68 66 60 81 60 81 84 83 62 21 21 78 45 45 81 81 lit 73 59,60 103 60 40 90 101 60 80 23 16 4116 92 477 83 2826 102 244 43 3584 75 4888 97 4025 44 4887 97 3956 68,81 2196 23 46 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. Peirce, John Pell, Charles S., Trustee of the Estate of Mary Inness, (525 ft.) Pell, Emmet T. (450 ft.)... Pell, George W Pelham, Jabez C Penfold, Nicholas B. Penny, Samuel Penniman, Emory H Pentz, Adam P Pentz, Adam P., Execu- tor of the Estate of Thomas F. Thompson. "Peppers, Mrs. Anna Maria Perry, J. A *Perry, Mrs. Mary Ann Perego, Ira Persse, Dudley Perkins, Hosea B Perkins, Joseph Perley, Charles "Person, Charles A "Peterkin, John Peters, Abel S "Peters, Charles *Peters, John Peters, Mrs. Christiana A. (8 lots) *Peterson, John P Petrie, Mrs. Ann, (450 ft.). "Petrie, Mrs. Margaret, and Miss Catharine Abeel Pettee, Daniel L Pettit, Joseph Pettigrew, Robert *Pfirman, Charles Phalon, Edward, William A. Burras, Win. R. Wetsell, and John Vantine. *Phelps, Edward W Phelps, ( reorge Phelps, Isaac N (10 lots) Phelp3 James li., Jr., Phelps, James L., M. D-- Phelps, Luther 15., Asaiiel Nooney, Joseph Alexander, and Mart Alexander Phelps, Thaddeus, Estate of, (2 lots) "Phelps William S., and Isaac Hall tPhiilip, William No. of Lot. 5684 5182 60 6576 to 6585 1787 333 1 1844 L845 5529 153 Sect's of map 105 106 2684 I 108 J 109 4668 103 4567 73 1 7 ? 5446 1 ' | 7H ) 79 75 ) 118 ] 119 488 67 1580 57 4776 97 6454 46 24 4114 40 4560 67 740 5408 121 3859 76 5489 35 5188 89 5802 96 2 127 93 6022 69 2935 74 2174 > 5234 to [ 19 5240 s 1100 43 1119 78 £6655 1506 95 io: 2118 79 659 ) 101 ( 117 1950 58 41,61 103 73,74 I ' 74 No. of Lot. Phillips, Ann, Mary J. Hills, and Thomas J. Johnson. "Phillips, George L., Es- tate of Phillips, Henry "Phillips, Henry Phillips, John, and David Roberts Phillips, Lewis (4 lots) Phillips, William Philips, Edward, (450 ft).... Philips, Samuel, (450 ft) Philips, William Pierrepont Family ) (20 lots) J Pierrepont, Henry E. (21ots) Piercy, Henry R ) Piercy, David W $ "Pietch, Abraham, and Es- ) tate of Mrs. E. Chalabre ] tPietch, Philip Pierson, Charles E., M. D.. Pierson, Joseph D., Win. Newell, and Wm. O. Wilson. "Pierson, William W. . "Pieman, Dietrich Pike, Daniel Piggot, Samuel, ) Porter, William C, and > Hamlet M. Fairchild, ) "Piggot, Samuel Pillsbury, Nehemiah O Pine, John Pinneo, William W Pitbladdo, William "Pitts, Samuel Place, Charles, Junr Place, Frederick, Estate of. "Place, James K ' Place, Nelson Place, Roberts. (400ft.)... Place, William ) Place, Samuel ) Plain, Francis B Piatt, Isaac L Piatt, Joseph F., and ) John Rogers ) Piatt, Nathan C. (350 ft.)... Piatt, George W. (350 ft.).. "Piatt, William D Plumb, .1 anies M Poillon, Richard, Jr Poirier, Peter Polhamiis, Henry A. (350 ft) Polhamus, John Polhemus, Theodoras, (4 lots) Sect s- of map 2275 2866 10 3184 4? 4621 11 92 ) 808 to \ 65 810 I 2865 10 1774 118 1773 118 1772 118 530 to 549 } 68 1, 2 1991 4923 91 64 73,76 57 2501 111 3588 19 2687 84 6222 84,85 2778 57 1554 4438 41 5217 103 4779 41 5519 33 503 100 3221 58 5803 53 4384 46, 56 607 100 4383 46 2558 83 2815 61 151 > 96 J 102 4693 41,61 2171 12, 13 2023 105 1360 68 1350 68 3917 76 2120 76 If! 12 57 5090 4S 2954 80,81 1081 69 182 ) 794 \ 61 1542 [ 64 1543 ) CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 47 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Polhemus, Theodore, Jr Polley, Grahams, ? Williamsburgh $ Pollen, George P ? (2 lots) 5 tPollard, Uriah A 1122 Pollard, William Pollock, James (2 lots) Pollock, John Pollock, John K Pollock, Thomas C Pomeroy, Daniel Pomeroy, Mrs. Jane Pond.- William, •Robert Kennedy, Jonathan S. Saul, Poole,- George, Robert Buchanan, Robert T. Shannon. Poole, William Poolev, Thomas W., of N. Y., Poolev, Samuel J., Poolev, J- C, of Somerset County, N. J., (2 lots).- J *Poppe, Gustavus, and \ George W. Hennings.. } *Poppenhusen, Conrad *Porter, Augustus D 570 5028 5079 NAMES. No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 4438 5591 1715 61f Porter, Henry C 1248 Porter, John, Estate of.. Porter, Robert Porter, Thomas Porter, William T Post, Charles C Post, Charles H Post, John, Senr.. - . Post, Minturn, M. D ? (2 lots. 400 ft. each) $ Tost, William Postley, S. Brooks ? (3 lots) $ Potter, Ellis S. (500 ft.) *Potter, Joseph *Pouvert, Elias Powell, Elsey S Powell, James W., M. D.... Powell, Robert I., and ? George C. Vining $ *Powell, William R Powers, Levi Powers. Mrs. Mary ? (2 lots) $ Pradares. Mrs. Elizabeth... Prall, Ichabod, Heirs of. . ) (2 lots) $ Pratt, Miss Charlotte C, ) and Henry N. Gamble. ) 80 5059 6242 3641 3642 5 5109 5110 3471 Pratt, David H., and > George H. Laughlm... ) Pratt, Jabez Pratt, John R Pratt, Noah C Pratt, "William H *Pray, Daniel tPrendergast, John J Prescott, Marian, ~] tMrs. Jane Minugh, Miss Jane Minugh, }- tJohn Minugh, Eliza Miller, (338 ft) J *Preudhomme, Eugene T.. Prentice, John H., and ) tWm. S. Packer, (6 lots) $ Prentiss, James, admini trator of late James Henry Prentiss. Prentiss, Rev. George L... *Price, John *Price, James Price, Reuben, Price, Samuel, Sen., and William H. Vannote. *Pride, George L Prime, Edward (4 lots) Prime, Rufus (2 lots) Prince, Anna Prince, Christopher, Susan Lawrence, John D. Lawrence, "William Rockwell, Archibald T. Lawrence, George W. Dow, William P. Lawrence, (2 lots) Prince, Benjamin *Prince, Benjamin R *Priscott, John Proctor, Francis P Proctor, George W., Mrs. Sarah Burgess, and Thomas Cotrell *Pryer, Grice Pryer, John Prver, James PUBLIC LOTS— Enclosed by a Hedge.. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 3589 4457 1674 1454 1453 5139 965 107 111 75 72 93 93 91 43 108 2328 120 170 to 175 I 104 5480 10L 6426 49 6643 47 5080 35 3356 ) 77 $ 78 5098 43 915 tc I 100 918 239 240 3007 3008 100 108 6284 19 2379 65 6474 47 82 43 957 107 6308 40 1649 67,82 1660 67,82 165 117 190 117 554 117 555 117 871 59 951 59 1159 59 1289 59 1 126 59 1596 86 1597 86 1817 59 1821 59 48 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Sect's. VfAMES. Lot. of map public lots — continued. Enclosed by a Hedge 1877 59 Do. do 1896 86,87 Do. do 1897 58,59 Do. do 1898 86 Do. do 1899 86,87 Do. do 2205 86 Do. do 2229 59 Do. do 2458 I 126 5 127 Do. do 3227 86 Do. do 3249 87 Do. do 3274 86 Do. do 327.-. 85 Do. do 3330 85,86 Do. do 3393 87 Do do 3590 86 Do. do 3610 86 Do. do 3G67 8.*. Do. do 3803 85 Do. do 4070 59 "| 63 Do. do 4071 64 f 85 j 86 Do. do 4072 63,86 Do. do 4127 63,86 Do. do 4529 126 Do. do 5203 86 Do. do 4558 64, 85 Do. do 4713 64,85 Do. do 5468 I 126 I 127 Do. do., for un- } claimed bodies S 4108 87 Do., Colored Adults.. 3413 6 Do., " Children, 3414 6 Enclosed by Railing 210 117 Do. do 211 117 Do. do 295 59 Do. do 1238 59 Do. do 1594 85 Do. do 1595 85,86 Do. do 1669 59 Do. do Do. do 3243 85 Do. do. 1 4073 ) 116 I 117 Puffer. Geonre S 551 77 Pullman, J ihn 2284 57 *Pulschen, 3394 66 t*Purcell, drs. Catharine.. 1569 84 Purdy, All red S., M. D 4375 56 Purdy, Em Purdy, Job 5439 82 n F > 5277 I 52 (2 lots) 5 5278 *Purss, Joseph D 5510 I 104 2002 6476 S 105 92 41 Purviance, *Pusseddee, Mrs. Mary.... 3905 62 Putnam, Nathaniel, Jr 845 71,78 3232 76 Pyne, Percy, and ? Frere Edey $ Q. duackenbos, George Payn"") and John Duncan, of I Yelobusha Co., Missi., [ (400 feet) J *Quade, Lewis Quail, Mrs. Susan Q.uereau, Abraham, and ) John D. Chase ) t* Quevedo, Joseph Q,uick, John S "Ciuidort, Eberhard, F Cluin, Joseph P (iuintard, Orestes P. and ? William H. Wright... $ K. *Raab, George Rader, Maximilian *Radford, Mrs. Mary Ann ) & Mrs. Sarah A. Young J Rae, Robert, (450 ft.) Rait, Robert *Ralph, Edward, Jr "Ralston, Robert *Ramee, Joseph *Ramsay, Andrew, ") Thomas Boyd, ( John Heney, and ( John Hogg. *Ramsdell, Henry, and ) William D. Haight $ *Randall, Erastus Randel, Henry *Randell, Lewis "Randolph, Anson D. F "Ranken. Alexander Rankin, John } (4 lots) S tRankin, William t Ransom, Barsillai f (4 lots) I Ransom, Rev. Joseph Rapely e, Jacob ) (2 lots) \ Raper, Bogart W. (400 ft.). Rathbone, John, Heirs of... "Rattoone, Mrs. Julia Ann.. *Rattoone, Mrs. Julia Ann.. Rawlings, Thomas *Ray, James Ray, Robert ? (6 lots) ( Raymond, Eliakim, Est. of. Raymond, Henry J jRaymond, James J 359 4453 2776 5418 2768 2869 2295 4831 1643 778 3798 1641 1161 5425 580 3351 5014 6548 4057 4975 4768 5336 5400 432 to 435 1533 1292 3735to 2737 4681 5874 5875 908 5398 2460 6154 4689 6274 L7to20 764 765 1195 1842 1560 Sect's. of map 77 92 96, 102 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 49 No. of Lot. Sect's, of map Raymond, Mrs. Sarah, Gilbert Bowne, Mrs. R. Dawson, Mrs. Mary Dugan (4 lots) *Ray nolds, John M Raynor, Samuel tRead, Cornelius Read, George W Read, James M Read, Jehial Receiving Tomb A Receiving Tomb B Receiving Tomb C Receiving lot for contagi- ) ous diseases ....... S Reckhow, Isaac, ) Stephen O. Taylor ) Redding, Thomas H Redfield, Henry *Redway, Gershom M Reed, Almel > (2 lots) $ Reed, Daniel V Reed, E. Harrison, and ' } James B. Dupignac ) Reed, James, ~j John Logan, Alexander Cavan, and | John Means J Reed, John F., and ) John J. Drummond > (400 ft.)) Reed, William, and } John Oxer ) Reeve, Hamilton Reese, Jonathan, in trust for Heirs of David Reese. *Reid, Andrew Reid, Mrs. Bertha, an 1 William Morgan.... Reid, James Reid, John, Jr Reid, John, and James Guliek *Reid, Rev. John M... Reiner, Augustus *Reiners, Robert *Reinhard, John *Reis, Jacob *Reitz, Mrs. Eliz. Barbara *Relyea, Peter *Relyea, Peter tRemsen, Abraham A Remsen, Henry R., Remsen, William, Remsen, Robert G. (4 lots) Remsen, Matilda, Remsen, Abigail Remsen, Peter V *Renaudin, Pauline *Rende.l, Margaret L Rennington, Stephen 2277 to 2280 4632 33S6 1853 5274 6383 5273 282 285 1148 1790 675 5061 3925 5025 5026 1972 2841 10 92 118 119 No. of Lot. Renville. Maria H *Renville, Wdlis J *Rese, Charles *K.ese, John *Reyels, H. H. Frederick. * Reynolds, Mrs. Eliza, and , Samuel Bu^hnell, Jr... ' * Reynolds, George L *Rey nolds, James S *Reynolds, John ^Reynolds. John G., ] Major, U. S. A. \ *Reynolds, Lewis Reynolds, Mrs. Louisa Reynolds, Philip Reynolds, Uel Rhines, Olcott Rhodes, Daniel Rhodes, John H (2 lots) *Rhodes, Joseph, Estate of, Ricard, George ) (4 lots, 1350 ft.) S Rice, John ) (2 lots) $ Rich, John B., M. D / (8 lots) $ Rich, Thomas Richards, Jonathan, and ) tWilliam G. Pease ) Richards, J ames Richards, Mrs. Mary, Est. of, Richards, Mrs. Sarah Ann.. Richards, Mrs. Sarah H Richards, Thomas B Richards, Thomas F Richardson, Benjamin Richardson, Mrs. Christi. E. * Richardson, Francis Richardson, Frederick G. ? and Albert H. Nicolay. $ Richardson, Hiram, and Samuel W. Sale Richardson, Joseph 1400 ft.) tRi liar Ison, Simon (5 lots) tRichardson, Thomas S.. Richmond, George * Richmond, Warren *Ricker, Mrs. Denice, and Robert Van Allen *Ricker, John t*Rickers, John J., and John M. Watson Ridley, John *Rieck, Arend H Riell, Noah W., and George Nnsh *Rikeman, James Riker, Abraham, Jr Riker. James (2 lots) Sect's, of map 6569 6475 6430 6429 3087 6493 2302 3309 2707 3310 2559 1480 5420 2046 5947 570 6386 6387 1861 1741 to 1744 4716 471 3364 to 3371 212 477 2373 674 3537 598 2372 407 664 183' 1234 6662 16,19 91 57 107 83 75 36,43 I 75 \ 76 83 77,78 57 109 19 48 I 118 ] 121 43,59 I 66 I 34 I 11 43 83 82 91,107 109 94 82 68 118 69 83 287 3269 to 3273 4617 5155 4347 2722 4183 1689 3780 1399 6674 3054 497 4284 4285 I 77 I 96 11 92 40 60,65 62 91 80 58 51,74 67 8 I 95 50 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Riker, John, heirs of, (2 lots) *Riley, John Riley, William Riley, Thomas 'Rintoul, .lames 'Ritter, Frederick 'Ritter, Joseph *Ri venburgh, Calvin V., M.D. Roach, John 'Roach, Mrs. Matilda Roach, Peter R Robert, Christopher R.... } (2 lots; \ .Robert, Thomas, David Dunn, and > Mrs. Margaret Dunn, j Robert, Thomas, N. York, "| Thomas Robertson, Jer- I ney City, and John B. Waistell. J Roberts, David, and ) John Phillips $ Roberts, Miss Jane Roberts, J ames L "Roberts, John, and } Owen Jones i Roberts, John, and ) tWilliam K. Barlow... ) Roberts, John ) Roberts, William H $ *Roberts, Peter Roberts, Richard S., and ? Levi Eastman ) Roberts, Samuel T 'Robertson, Archibald H... Robertson, Edward A... ) Rockwell, Jolin J $ 'Robertson, James, of Jer- ) sey City ) Robertson, John Robertson, John Robertson, Thomas, N. Y., ^ Robert Thomas. Jersey / City & John B. Waistell) Robertson, Win. H., and } Jas. Gregg Wilson ) Robertson, Wat., Brooklyn. ^Robertson, Wm., Brooklyn Robbins, Alonzo F .'.. Robbins, Daniel C ) (2 lots) I Robbins, James, and ? David Farley ) B"liin^, John X Robins, Nathan *Robinson, Alexander Robinson, Edward > Robinson, William \ *Robinson< Henry Robinson, Henry H Robinson, James, X. 1 orh 428-2 4283 6246 2332 5333 4328 5997 5649 4718 5735 3421 3159 31G0 2464 4621 2301 1614 2449 4910 3076 3077 493 188 4302 4169 53 1 I 3190 905 95 100 49 92 117 73 34 5981 76 97 1033 60 61 1298 78 4769 73 4841 45 1206 117 2695 76 77 2294 93 5724 58 4968 44 5036 92 93 610 90 5141 91 91 io; 73 io: At 8." * Robinson, James, Brook- lyn Robinson, Jeremiah P Robinson, SamueJ P Robinson, Jeremiah P (2 lots of 337 feet each. Robinson, John, M. D., Flatbush, L. I Robinson, John, New- York. Robinson, Mrs. Sarah *Robinson, William Robson, Mrs. Hannah Rocco, Sampson Roche, Edward, Senr.. .. } (2 lots) \ ^Rockwell, Henry, and } Horace B. Cowles $ Rockwell, James S Rockwell, John J } Robertson, Edward A ) Rockwell, William, Anna Prince, Susan Lawrence, Christopher Prince, John D. Lawrence, Archibald T. Lawrence, George W. Dow, William P. Lawrence. (2 lots), Rockwell, William, in "| trust for the heirs of Benjamin Rockwell, deceased Rode, M rs. Sophia Rodefeklt, JohnFreder'k, } Albert Bushman ) t'Rodgers, Thomas D 'Roese, John Justus 'Roger, Henry Rogers, Charles H, and ? J ames Forrester ) 'Rogers, Mrs. Ellen, Henry J. Hackett, and ■ Webb Nash. J Rogers, Isaac P Rogers, John, and ) Joseph F. Platl ) *Rogers, Joshua Rogers, Robert Rogers, William H, ^ Thomas Gill, and > Edward Gill, (450 ft.).. ) 'Romaine, Miss Ann B . Romaine, Beijamiu F Romaine, Mrs. Henrietta.. Romaine, John H Romaine, Marvin R "Romaine, l'lnli|> W Rotneyn, Theodore > (4 lots) $ Rohr, John G Rolfe, JolmP ) (2 lots) J No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 360 4499 4500 2575 2728 5268 4219 5179 1805 6399 6400 6124 4772 4968 3007 3008 6551 5984 1943 4643 6465 3085 3670 3041 2023 2074 2791 6415 5570 5438 6371 637-1 6373 6372 4020 to 4023 3893 623 624 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 51 NAMES- *RoU. George Rollwagen, Frederick, ) George Kuhl $ Homer, William J *Romero. John Roome, Charles Roome, Edw. Troy, N. Y.. t*Roome, Thomas H Root, William S ) Root, William V Root, .Lime- Pierce ) Rose, Mrs. Caroline, MO. ) (2 lots) I Rose, William W *Rosenstein, Jacob J Ross, Daniel L Ross, George , *Ross, John *Rosselot, Pete r A *Rosset, John, D. D., and } Jenny, his wile $ t*Rothert, John G. W *Rothert, John M *Rotton, Samuel Roumage, Camille C fRowald, Charles, and J Andrew Rust ) Rowe, Edward Royael, Charles, (350ft).. Royce, Henry A Ru'dd, Gennre *Ruden, Mrs. Magdalene. *Ruete, Charles T *Rugen, Henry Rullhausen, Herman Rnmrill, Alexander Rumse v, John W *Runnell, Mrs. Eliza B.... *Runne!ls, John H *Ruppert, F rancis Rush, Mrs Ellen *R usher, Mrs. Mary *Rushmore. William C Rust, Andrew, and Charles Rowald Rust, Luder, Herman A.Siemers Russell, Geo -ge F Russell, Henry, and Henry W. Barstow Russell, Hiram Russell, Robert Russell, William H Ruth ven, James Rutherford, James. No. of Lot. sect s. if map (4 lots) "Rutherford. James, and Joseph Herbert *R-utherforil, James C. Ryan, Mrs. Susan F. *Ryberg. Ch tries J *Ryckman, Mrs. Elizabeth. 549.- 1935 1664 5475 3626 1291 4604 4608 6471 6472 556 2272 668u 3525 5527 505 6079 2938 2939 3890 56 1944 1680 3188 3424 6484 27691 409 1 1 2777 1 1954 663 1806 5029 3163 3437 6147 1615 4154 1944 1942 2605 854 No. of Lot. 33 67 109 65, 66 69 81,92 40 72 5 5' 60 60 67 66 81 82 30 82 36 57 07 107 73 82 62 25 97 83 26 67 67 80 71 ^Ryckman, Samuel.... *Ryckman, William J. Ryder, Clarkson W Ryder, Mrs. Emmeline * Ryder, John S *Ryer, Mrs. Mary E... Ryer, Alfred *Ryers, Terrence R... *iiyerson, John A Ryerson, Martin t Ryerson, Mrs. Phebe.. S. Sect s. of map 3896 6004 694 992 4960 281' 3796 48' 2297 1473 Sabin, Hpnry W Sageman, John W tSagehorn, Henry Sale, Samuel W., and Hiram Richardson Salmon. Hamilton H. ~i John H. Scudder, Wm. L. M. Butler, and j Henry L. Butler. Salter, Albert Salter, Benjamin, Jr., (450 ft) Sampson, George L ) (2 lots) $ Sampson, Joseph Sampson, Richard Samson, Mrs. Letitia M Sand, Christian H., and ) Frederick S-Slessinger, ) Sands, Joseph *Sandford, Abraham D Sandford, Charles ? (2 lots) S Sandford, Thomas H anford, Charles ^ Sanford, Anson P ) *Sanford, Charles, } Sanford, Anson P., and > George W. Aitken ) Sanford, Joseph L Sanford, Menemon Sanger, Henry Sanger, Joseph T ? (2 lots) $ Sankston, Henry *Sardy, John B *Sargeaut, Thomas, Sr *Sarony, Napoleon Saul, Edward 82 83 109 12, 13 22,23 Saul, Jonathan S., *} 2l| William Pond, and > 36 Robert Kennedy. ) 101 1 Saunders, Adam f 1 02 Saunders, John ) 45 Saunders, Edward A.-... 16 |*Savage, Charles C - 62 Saxton, Charles, Estate of, 57, 68,, Saxton, John 57, 6S 95 100 43 75 66 65 24 93 72,73 09 105 319 009 3865 5434 5435 4757 1157 3142 3605 2342 4921 4298 15 6 -J 2640 115 52 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. Lot. Sayre, Blanche E., wife of ^ David L- Sayre, > deceased, (2 lots) _) Sayre, John N Schram, Walter C, and } Edwin Stii-kney ) Schroeder, Rev. J.F.. D..D. 'Schmidt, Charles F.. - Schmidt, Christian Schmidt, John W. Jr., M. D. Schmidt, William F tSchermerhorn, Abraham, [ (6 lots) j Schermerhorn, Mrs. Ade- } line E. (9 lots) \ tSchermerhorn, Peter > (9 lots) J *Schwab, John *Schrage, John L Schoals, Frances P Schols, James, Estate of, ) (400 ft) S Schwarzwaelder, Christ- } ian, and Christian F. > Buhler ) Schoonmaker, Mrs. Gitty, Newtown, L. I., and Abraham J. Beekman. Schoonmaker, Samuel Schmohl, John Philip, \ tJohn A. Wolfer \ Scheitlin, Anthony Schenck, Cornelius, ^ Estate of, > (4 lots) ) Schenck, John, ) (4 lots) \ Schenck, Mrs. Sarah F., ) of Bushwick, L. I. ) Schenck, William J 7 (4 lots) ) Schenck, William R.,Jr.. -. *Schetrer, Adam *Schofield, Charles ? Scbofield, Mrs. Sarah Ann ( 'oil lit 1/ ) Schwarte, Irigen H., and / tJohn J age Is jj Schweyer, Michael 'Schulken, Henry Schneider, Martin Schmelzel, John B 5935 5936 3204 6165 114 1656 26-85 24? 20-19 26Ho 263 2806 to 2808 1705 to 1713 1696 to 1704 1653 1859 4147 1879 213 6197 1054 19 6 2 No. 6 5503 2508 2940 319C pect s. of map ) 70 672 3372 27 1945 67 5680 70 6416 to ) 6418 & 5? 6423 ) 1250 to 1253 I 90 4526 I 107 1 108 1254 to I 90 1257 6455 49 5650 73 5887 85 1294 83,84 58 63 10 I 66 47, 55 57 57 80 No. or Lot. *Schloo, Charles *Schaefer, Phillip 'Schelling, Andrew *Schlinghvde, Adolp Scofield, Philo *Scott, Andrew , Scott, Mrs. Charlotte Scott, Henry Scott, James Scott, Mrs. Rebecca T Scribner, Levi *Scrimgeour, "William. — tScrymser, James, Senior } (4 lots) J Scudder, Miss Elisa Scudder, John H., Hamilton H. Salmon, | Wm. L. M. Butler, and Henry L. Butler. Scudder, Linus . Seabury, Charles B j Seabury, Benjamin H * Seaman, David K, and ( Eben Meriam j *Seaman, Lewis W Seaman, William Sears, William S tSeaward, Christopher... Seawell, Washington, U. S. A., and Washing- ton Bartlett, U. S. N. (4 lots) *Sears, Hector Sears, Lyman Sebring, Mrs. Judith Secor, John M.. Heirs of.... Seely, Joseph, (350 ft) Seely, William H Seebeck, Henry, and > Frederick Grimm ) *Seebeck, John H Seguin, Mrs. Anne *Seixas, Gershom I Selleck, Robert Selleck, William Selby, John Selden, Dudley ? (2 lots) ( Selden, Mary Augusta, & 2 Louisa Emily Binsse.. ) *Selover, Isaiah tSelter, Andrew G Semcken, Henry Seinon, John G Senior, Edward Henry Seney, Rev. Robert, (390 ft *Sergeant, George W Serveira, John B Severance, Mrs. Clarissa C. } and Charles Hunt ) So wall, Jeremiah N Sexton, Augustus W Sect's, of map 3395 3438 3439 4474 4374 4649 6223 4189 3066 6225 4978 23 1828 to 1831 4944 3521 1282 5287 1718 2583 4293 5266 1858 772 to 775 3591 2529 1918 5218 2953 954 2947 1398 678 5119 64G3 1263 203 1306 1307 1304 1305 4464 2099 1403 6542 991 4487 6341 4263 6097 1565 4738 66 25 24,25 103 56 58 49 64 79 49 5-2 1 8 97, 101 \ ?! 105 73 9 66 43,59 64 27 83 I 90 23 78 76 35 81 61 57 59 63 42 106 98 111 I 112 ti 112 40 67 58 49 60 60, 61 105 103 I 92 66,67 69 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 53 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Seymour, Charles H., Seymour, William E Seymour, Miss Eliza B-- (10 lots) $ Seymour, Isaac N Seymour, William N } (2 lots) S Shaw, George L., and ) Henry Sperry ) *Shaw, George M. } David Anderson, and > Herman F. Timme.... ) Shaw, James M Shaw, William Shaw.Wm. of Delawai e Co., Shaw, John, Shaw, Alexander, Shaw, Thomas *Shardlow, Samuel Sharkey, Abner, and ) Curtis Dike, (400 ft)... j Sharp, Jacob Sharp, Peter G., Jr., (450 ft) *Sharpe, Hezekiah D Sharpe, Mrs. Marcy Sharpe, Robert E., and } John J. Wickstead $ ^Shannon, George W Shannon, Robert T., Robert Buchanan, George Poole. Shannon, William *Sharkey, Marquis De L *Shave, George B Shatzel, Miss Caroline... *Shears, William Sherman, Austin, M.D... Sherman, Byron Sherman, George W Sherry, Jameson C Sherry, Miss Ann E Sherry, Mrs. Joanna. ■(Sherwood, Henry H., M. D. *Sherwood, Rachael Sherwell, Robert tSheldon, James ? (0 lots) ) "Sheffield, Eliza, and j Thomas R. Morris ( •Sheffield, George Sheridan, Bernard V (712 ft.) $ *Shenton, Mrs. Ann Shepherd, Thomas *Slieppard, He..ry. Shepperd, George" G. (400 ft) Shields, Charles, (400 ft)... Shields, Edward N Edward Cro 245 3749 to 3758 1485 334 520 1500 558; 804 4587 3889 5058 3504 2336 4821 2200 1786 4696 1158 2644 2622 2664 3203 4953 751 484 4579 ird N., and ^ itnmelin. - . > (375 ft.) > •f Shields, John. 'Shields, Tnomas, and George A mold 95 20 4506 111 3346 3057 5633 Ham M., } alsh, and > -sh, (350 ft.) ) 108 Shilton, Joseph Shiff, Mrs. Bazilice ) (2 lots) S tShipman, George P Shipman, Wm. B. Est. of) 2 lots) Shipman, William M., Wm. W. WV John B. Mars Shonnard, Pete Shonnard, Charles ) Shook, Nelson Shore, Thomas Shotwell, James R } Shotwell, Robert M \ Shotwell, Samuel Short, John Shortland, Thomas tShumway, Boville, and ) Samuel K. Brown / (450 ft) ) *Si'oell, Benjamin B *Sibell, George ) Sibell, Joseph R j *Sibell,John W Sibell, William E., and ) Ebenezer Henry Cobb. $ Sickels,.TohnH Sidell, William H, and ) Jasper Giosvenor > (2 lots) ) tSiedenburg, John C, ? t.lacobF. Mitchell ] Siefke, Henry, (560 fi) *Sielken, John Siemers, Herman A., and ) Luder Rust ) *Sierck, Carsten *Sigison, George *Sigison. James *Silliman, Mrs. Ann Jane, } Ohio $ Silliman, Benjamin D *Simons, Allen E *rfimons. John VV Simoson, James Simonson, George H Simonson, Jeremiah tSimonson, John R *Simonton, Robert Simonton, William H Simmons, Joseph Simmons, Thomas S \-Mtnms, Samuel *Simpson, Henry Simpson, William, (400 ft.). Simpson, William, and } Charles A. Stuart ) Sinclair, Hector, James Martin, and Smith Weyant, (2 lots ^Sinclair, James No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 6664 4592 4593 73 3378 3379 3766 6486 5373 4926 1541 2460 4629 4606 4789 4791 4790 4792 6000 4654 46.V. 1957 5053 1357 2945 4794 5450 103 32 47 I 79 J 80 45 24 43 82,91 77 43 33 I 105 $ 106 33 33 33 33 80 66,67 65 58 57 33 40 5973 41 6159 85 6268 45, 46 3983 68 3516 24 902 95 5337 77 932 95 2441 83 4231 33 6178 30 5338 76 1881 I 102 ) 103 2913 108 5556 I 49 5557 $ 6192 15,20 54 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Sect's. Lot. of map Sinclair, Mrs. Mary Sinclair, Mrs. Mary 'Sittig, Frederick A Skadden, Joseph C 'Skidmore, Charles O Skidmore, Jeremiah Skidmore, Samuel T (3 lots) 'Skidmore, Thomas 'Skidmore, "William Skillman, John (3 lots) Skinner, Reuben O Slade, John, Jr ) (6 lots) ) *Slater, Joshua *Sleeper, Mrs. Susan Slessinger, Fred'k S., and ? Christian H. Sand ) Sloan, Samuel Sloane, George } Sloane, Hannah $ 'Sloaue, Thompson ) Sloane, Samuel J Sloat, John D Sloson, John, Bloson, Edward, and Frederick W. Boardman (2 lots) Smalley, George C tSmalley, Joseph Smallwood, Joseph L ) (21 lots) 5 Smillie, James Smith, A. Warren, of Wil-~\ liam.bui gh, ! Henry F. L. Bunting, & j Thomas Overington. J 'Smith, Andrew A Smith, Alfred, and ) Mrs. Mercy King ) Smith. Mrs. Ann Smith, Benjamin, Estate of. Smith, Mrs. ( 'lotilda Smith, Cyrus P ) (625 ft) \ Smith, Cornelius ) (400 ft) \ Smith, Crawford C Smith, Daniel Drake Smith, Daniel E Smith, Edgar M Smith, Edward ) (Si lots) S Smith, Francis J "Smith. Edwin Smith. George, and ) .lames Ellis ) "'Smith, George 'Smith, George C 109 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map *Smith, George W., and Wyladyslaw Komor- nisky Smith, Gerret Smith, Gilbert V. . — Smith, Hannah t 'Smith, Henry *Smith, Henry M Smith, Ira, (450 ft) tSmith, Isaac, (375 ft) Smith, Isaac, and Jesse G. Keaton Smith, Isaac H Smith, Jacob Smith, John B "Smith, Jacob O Smith, James (2 lots) Smith, James Smith, James '"Smith, James.. Smith, James E Smith, James T (375 ft) Smith, James W 2541 4313 4036 4307 400 401 1030 584") 2370 4701 4046 5327 5328 3152 1079 3971! 6534 i", >9 Smith, Jefferson 'Smith, Jesse C Smith, John ) Smith, Crawford C $ 'Smith, John ■ Smith, John J., (450 ft) 'Smith; John O 'Smith, John Preston Smith, John S Smith, J. Augustine, M.D., ? and John Campbell J Smith, Joseph P Smith, Lewis E. P Smith, Lemuel } (4 lots) 5 'Smith, Lucius, and ( Hiram Miller ) ''Smith, Lucius Kline Smith, Mrs. Margaret, } widow of Robert C... ) Smith, Mulfard Smith, Pascal B Smith, Richard 'Smith, Robert L Smith, Ruel ? (•J lots) $ Smith, Samuel ) (2 lots) } Smith, Samuel, of Wd- ) I a m sbnrgh jj Smith. Samuel P Snnth, Sidney T tSmitlt, Stephen C, (412 ft). Smith, Stephen W Smith, Thomas, of Wil \ Ht.m^Lnrgh, (2 lots). .. \ Smith, Thomas Jefferson.. 3854 4049 5055 192 5163 4393 2825 1923 6654 4317 4583 6G35 1734 1735 2636 3801 5015 462' 19;-.' 4942 131 881 4548 ^27 3358 5007 1272 1089 6078 4705 6589 to 6592 1131 970 577 2036 4355 L872 1873 1558 1559 5100 2821 5003 964 1628 5209 5210 5877 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS 55 Smith, Thomas W Smith, Truman Smith, Uriah J., (400 ft)...- Smith, William, Jr., Smith, Himan, Smith, Edmund L., Smith, Washington, Smith, Merrit, (5 lots) J Smith, William, and ) Edward F. Gendar — \ *Smith, William *Smith, William, "i George Cook, and > William Brewer J *Smith, William *Smith, William E., and > Jacob F. Arthur \ Smith, William H. H.. .. ? (2^ lots) $ Smyth, John W., and ) Charles J. Coggill ) Smythe, Henry A Sneath, John, Heirs of Sneekner, William Sneden, John ) (4 lots) ] Sneden, Samuel W., and ) John F. Garrison (2 lots) \ Snell, James, and } Hermann Lohmeyer. .. ) Snifnn. John, Jr *SnirTen, Mrs. Mary Ann & > Mrs. Adeline A. Devoe ) Snook, John B Snyder, Edwin, (400 ft/ *Snyder, William H Solomon, John F Sommers, Rev. Charles G-. Sommer, Sebastian Sons of Temperance, Union ) Division, No. 2, (8 lots). ) Southaek, John W Southwell, Mrs. Ann, and ) Wm. H. Cobanks j Southwick, Nathan, (400 ft. tSouthwick, Thomas M .. ? Southwick, George W... $ *Southworlh, James E. Spader, Jeremiah V ^ Spader, Catharine B > (750ft.)) Spader, John, Jamaica, ( L. I., (450 ft.) S Sparks, Samuel Sparkman, James D *Sparhawk, Andrew Spafford, William A ~) Spafford, John B J Spedding, Robert / (2 lots) ] Spence, William Spencer, William, (400 ft) . No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 5574 5729 659!) 1917 323 323i< *Spencer, William, Sr., ) Spencer, William, Jr ) *Sperry, Mrs. Caroline E.. Sperry, Corydon S Sperry, Henry, and ) George L. Shaw J Spear. Henry "Speaight, Mrs. Mary Speidel, Mrs. Margaret. Speir, John, and Gilbert R. Liudsey. (500 Speir, Robert (2 lots) *Sperveslage John J *Spies, Mrs. Agnes 82 81 No. of Sect's. Lot. of map \ ft.)) Spies, Francis *Spies, Frederick A Spinola, Francis B tSpooner, Alden *Spooner, < Jharles S \Sprague, Rev. Isaac N-. Sprague, Joseph Sprague, Roswell (2 lots) *Sprague, Mrs. Sarah C, Heirs of ) *Sprott, W T illiam Sproule, James ) (2 lots) \ *Sproull, John J Sproulls, Samuel E Squire, Charles. Squire, Lewis L ) (5 lots) $ Squires, Peter [quires, Richard M ) (1 lot) S Squires, Stephen, and ) t James Abraham \ Stagg, Benjamin ) (2 lots) S Stagg, John, 'S Stagg, Gerard S., > Stagg, Ferdinand, ) *Stam, George *Staniels, Micajah M. and > Jeremiah Collins $ Stanton, Charles Stanton, Charles Stanton, Henry, (450 ft.).. .. Stanton, Jonathan H ) (450 ft) \ Stanford, David ♦Stanley, Adam *Starr, George Starr, Henry B tStark, Rev. Andrew, D. D Starkweather, William R. ) and Mrs Martha S. Parks ) *Stacey, John, Heirs of.... 5080 5914 833 2496 1151 3401 71 74 60 1057 I 95 1058 $ 96 4470 103 3967 ) 101 I 102 759 I 101 $ 102 2020 72 1231 105 123 111 5980 66 2568 82 4137 33, 34 3582 I 74 3583 ) 75 3328 72 6644 19 6070 i « 6071 6596 o 2257 117 387 72,73 2178 to 2 1 82 I 56 3903 81 3671 3672 I 73 309 ) 1239 \ 59.60 65,66 4721 4722 \ 92 4240 ) 94 \ 104 4259 65 1001 43 331 2402 71 1499 60 489! 20 398 41 5996 117 6176 30 9( 117 230! 60 4165 48 3010 57 56 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. Sect's. of map •Stebbins, David M., Exe- cutor of the Estate John Stephenson, dec' Stebbins, Henry G. Stebbins, Russell. 'Stebbins, Mrs. Sarah Stewart, Alvan, Estate of, (450 ft/ 'Stewart, Charles Stewart, Charles J. ~\ William Brandon, and { George Brandon f (400 ft.) ) Stewart, Mrs. Eleanor Stewart, George Stewart. Isaac W 'Stewart, Mrs. Isabella, & } William D. Haslett \ Stewart, James, and ) Robert Macoy ) Stewart, James Stewart, John A } Stewart, William ) *Stewart, John C Stewart, Lispenard 'Stephen, John ) Stephen, Thomas ) Stephens, Edward 'Stephens, John, and ? David M. Blair \ 'Stephens, Michael, ) James K. Mount, and > Michael Murphy. J Stephens, Nathan ) (2 lots) S Stephenson, James ) (6 lots) J Stevens, Alfred G 'Stevens, Asa, Jr., and ) George W. McCollom.. $ Stevens, ,h mes A Stevens, Linus W ) (375 ft.) J 'Stevens, William 'Stevenson, Mrs. Agness... 'Stevenson, David Stevenson, Edward Stevenson, Jonathan D. ^ Stevenson, James A > (4 lots) ) "Stevenson, John 'Stevenson. Mrs. Mary J... Stevenson, Walter, Estate i of, (400 ft) \ Stegman, C ) Stogman, ( 'onrad, Jr $ "Steiufeldt, John \V Sterling, Charles "Sterling, Joseph A 5584 4756 5673 1739 4597 741 5672 3538 3080 226 4195 4919 3783 5032 2435 82 24 2£ '68 Sterling, Sherman H. Sterling, Thomas B. . Sterling, William P.. Sterling, Walter Sterlefeldt. Frederick Stertefeldt, William. Stetson, Joseph D — :::.) No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 1941 58,67 4501 66 4168 66, 67 4584| 97 Stetson. Leander Steel, William Steele, Mrs Eliza Steele, Joseph Steele, William, Senior St. Felix, John R Stilwell, George W. (450 ft) Stilwell, Mrs. Mary Stilwell, Richard E ) Stilwell, William S $ Stilwell, SjAvanns B Stilwell, Wm. E„ M. D... Stilwell, Rev. William M. ) Estate of J Stillwell, Richard, and ) Gerardus Boyce \ Stiles, Samuel, and ) J. H. Colton S tStickler, Joseph, and ? John Lintz ) Stickney, Charles L Stickney, Edwin, and ) Walter C. Schrain $ Stites, George M 'Stitl, George S St. John. Benjamin G.- Story, Henry. (4 lots) 'Story, Jacob Story, Robert R 'Stone, Charles W 'Stone, Chauncey G 'Stone, Edwin 'Stone, Hubbard G 'Stone, Rev. James R. . . Stone, Rev. John S., D. D. and Hon. William Kent (8 lots) | Stone, Mrs. Mary L. (450 ft) Stone, Sumner Stone, Mrs. Tryphelia and ? Mrs. Jane Barker \ 'Stone, William M Stoneall, James C Storm, Isaac A Stodart, Adam Stothard, George, and oth- ) ers, (Slots) \ Stout, Abigail, Stout. Theodore, and Isaac .1. Condit Stout, AquilaG 457 1072 2790 6346 6347 3773 5037 4138 2129 r>25 3245 2047 5943 168 890 5944 6165 4961 6273 6494 1994' 1995' 2290 2291 4879 214 2537 4803 6G57 4801 6032 380 to 383 3137 to 3140 2470 691 3376 1728 5878 574 2366 589 to 596 411 1346 83 94 ? 105 ] 106 105 60 80,81 117 57,68 36 62,63 109 99 107 60 60 95,96 68 SI J 20 64 106 74 95 24 72 79 33 69 33 73 22,23 107 92,93 82 71 60 83 I 94 $ 104 68 54,71 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 57 No. of Sect's Lot. of map No. of Sect's. of map NAMES. in- ) Stout, Charles B Stout, James V. *Stout, Morris. . . *Stout, Paul *Stout, William. Stokes, Benaiah G., admin istrator to the estate Elizabeth A. Stokes Stokes, Benaiah G *Stokes, Mrs. Caroline L Stokes, Henry Stokes, James t*Stokes, Mrs. Mary. . . Stott, Alexander Stow, John E Stowe, William R Stowell, Luther T *Stowell, Mrs. Nancy.. Stouvenal, Joseph, Stouvenal, John B., Stouvenal, Francis, Stouvenal, Nicholas, Stouvenal, Charles. Stoppenhagen, Ernst C Stover, Albert ^Striker. William H... Stryker, Burdett Stryker, Francis B Stryker, Francis B Stryker, Francis B Stranger's Tomb "Stranahan, Caroline M Stranahan, James S. T ) (2 lots) ) *Strang, Edmund 11., and ) Jacob Palmetier ( Strang, Theodosius, (400 ft.) Straut, Jacob Strong, Mrs. Elizab'th C, > wife of Geo. W. Strong ) Strong, Bobt. M. K., (375 ft) Strong, Thomas W., (450 ft. Strong, William K Street, Charles *Streeter, Francis A., M. D., *Stringer, Thomas, and Wm. Vanderbeck *Struess, Henry *Sirusse, Diedrick *Strusse, William *Struthers, James Strybing, Henry, (450 ft.). Sturtevant, Mrs. Eliza Jane. *Stuart, Catharine Stuart, Charles A., and ) William Simpson $ Stuart, James, /'// iladelph ia, Stuart, Joseph, (400 ft) Stuart, James, (400 ft) Stuart, James 3848 5599 3776 3775 5647 2933 3586 5483 3585 2932 6414 2191 292r. 2S44 2832 6307 2868 1826 1827 5608 1032 5070 752 2561 2942 2511 2510 5332 3348 115 3748 2913 1035 3169 3170 6533 56 20 59 59 59 82 75 41 75 82 65 67 81 70 105 84 62 2781 57 2809 78 3093 66,83 6270 ) 104 \ 105 186 105 3507 105 6269 ) 104 \ 105 283 42 894 73 .-'I 1924 58 1650 25 4299 75 6431 62 4361 62 90 57 57 57 49 93 107 59 108 69 80 j 80, 47, 55 NAMES. Stuart, Robert L Stuart, Alexander, (450 ft) Stuart, Robert L., (450 IV Stube, Henry, and John P. Adickes Studwell, Alexander Studwell, Augustus Studwell, George H Studwell, .1 ohn J Studwell. Joseph, Jr Sturges, Lathiop L (4 lots) Suffern, Thomas (2 lots) *Sullivan, Alexander *Sullivan, Mrs. Ann Sullivan, Eugene L., and August Mollmann (450 ft) Sullivan, James Summers, Alexander B.. Sunter, Mrs. Emily *Surrie, Mrs. Catharine Sutphen, John, Estate of, Sutphen, Ten Eyck ''Sutton, Charles K Sutton, Effingham B, (5 lots) Sutton, George Sutton, Mrs. Margaret Suydam, Cornelius uydam, Cornelius R Suydam, Henry ) (3 lots) ) Suydam, Israel Suydam, James Suydam, James Suydam, J. Schenck Suydam, Lambert, (450 ft).. *Suydam, Minne Suydam, Richard, Courtlandt Palmer, and Oliver D. F. Grant. Suydam, William tSwan, Charles ~) (2 lots) \ Swan, Gustavus, Colum- ) bus, Ohio \ *Swan, James S *Sweet, J. Gilbert Sweetser, Joseph A Swenson, Mrs. Elizabeth, ) and Mrs Rebecca Batty $ Swertcope, John Swezey, Calvin Swift, Henry Swift, Gen. Joseph G. (375 ft) tSwift, Samue 1 tSwinborne, John / Swiuborne, James O. H. ) Lot 447 1050 1051 6638 10 3704 6516 to 65 19 3731 3732 4952 5118 163r 1418 5001 2303 160 687 1782 1568 5713 5714 5922 5923 1174 274 2363 3911 363 to 365 2361 195 3912 1603 110 5183 987 988 2362 2198 2628 989 6303 2571 4123 6098 1237 3940 25P0 1673 1433 1855 111 10 10 20 10 10 I 105 I 22 52 43 91 78 34 107 73 95 92 93 I 119 i ) I 118 \ 119 67,68 57 11 I 70 57 117 11 90 36 67 57 93 80 90 78 45 95 117 35 94 100 42,60 58 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. Symes, William Syms, John tSynear, Mrs. Margaret . T. Taber, Charles C *Tabele, Joseph H., and ? Mrs. Ann E. Hacker. .. \ Taff, Samuel 8., ofBrook-S lyn, and Robert D. Foy, > of Buffal >. ) tTaggard, William Talman, Charles Tallman, Henry H Tallman, William M Talmage, Thomas G > (2 lots) 5 Tanner, Henry S Tappen, George, Jr Tapscott, William } (2 lots) S Tardy, John A Targee, John V "1 Targeej Mary, Targee, Elizabeth, Targee, Margaret, (2 lots) *Tarlson, Peter Tarrant, John A *Tarratt, Joseph Tasker, William Tate, Isaac E Tate, William Walter Tatham, Charles B., (450 ft. tTaylor, Abraham, (350 ft ). *Taylor, Mrs. Catharine J.. Taylor, Daniel A "Taylor, Edward G ''Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth, ? and Robert H. Gray. .. $ Tavlor, Pitch Taylor, Rev. Fitch Wl.. ? U. S. N., (2 lots) $ Taylor, Gad Taylor, James, (350 feet). .. Taylor, James K Taylor, James S j (450 ft.) r tTaylor, John, jr. & others ) Taylor, George W. do. \ ' Taylor, John Taylor, John C Tavlor, Lawrence Taylor, Moses 15 Taylor, Peter G Taj lor, Robert L Taylor, Mrs. Sarah M Taylor, Scott. Heirs of Taj lor, Stephen O., and } Isaac Iteckliow ^ Taylor, William 13 No. of •Sect's. Lot. of map 5085 43, 44 934 100 2237 90 1000 104 3578 111 4712 CO 78 108 5416 57; 5607 20 3326 77 180 ) 798 £ 64 ■j:>- 107 2100 76-; L638 I 77 3630 1160 93 3960 3961 I 101 3452 65 6136 77 3083 71 4401) 45 3782 76j 3284 43, 44 1 3201 77 2523 11 5716 44 3060 26,31 3040 71,72 3330 81 4970 44 27S ( 58 3061 26, 31 2524 11 3900 26 1 <59| 4678 1" s J 80 589 to ) 94 596 ) 104 4345 71 3357 94 326 1 81 1080 69 853 71,78 2 59 100 337 51, 52 167S 100 1790 67 963 91 NAMES. Teare, Thomas ) Teare, Daniel $ Teller, Richard H Tempest, Thomas Ten Brook, John Teimey, Mrs. Ruth Terbell, Henry S Terbell, Jeremiah. . . Terhnne, Mrs. Ann Eliza... *Terhune, Henry Terry, Nathaniel M Teubnei, Mrs. Juliet "Thayer, Mrs. Deborah L ... Thall, JohnF *Thalheimer, Mrs. Mary... *Thau!e, George H *Thaule, Henry VV "Thatford, Harmon P Thayer, Charles W Thibault, Mrs. Aglae Thomas. Mrs. Jane Thomas, John Thomas, Joseph G Thomas, Lewis Thomas, Lewis S Thomas, Luke W Thomas, Potter J ) Thomas, Benjamin F.... ) Thomas, Robert Thomas, Thomas Thomas, William M. ^ Luther Burnham, and > Deborah S. Frazier ) Thompson, Abel K , and ) Cyrus S. Minor ] tThompson, Albert A Thompson, Alfred Thompson, Austin D TlionTpson, Elinor Thompson, George W... ) (2 lots) f Thompson, Henry G Thompson, James ) (450 ft.) f "Thompson. James ^ Thompson, John y Thompson, James B., and > Sylvanus S. Ward $ "Thompson, Jeremiah C Thompson, John Thompson, John C. and ) Frederick Hollick.M.D. \ Thompson, John V. ( !, S . . . . Thompson, John R Thompson, Jonathan } (4 lots) S Thompson, Rev.JosephP. Alonzo S. Ball, M.D , and Wilmot Williams, (21 lots) Thompson, Joseph "Thompson, Josiah W-... No. of Sect's. Lot. of map 2918 82 3095 121 2219 62 4324 76 3072 91 4048 23, 34 4047 23,34 3990 62 6595 2 4490 40,62 3423 82 3027 83 1379 58, 59 6340 49 4227 94, 104 4226 94, 104 4176 92,93 4130 67 6457 106 2102 76 4107 58 2726 108 559 5 78, 95 3009 108 3969 78 ) 119 1424 > 120 ) 12.1 3315 98 3688 79 3846 3258 6554 2536 6257 5111 5112 229 6552 6167 4366 6233 H66 5198 6543 to 6546 19 67 82 93 46 79 118 95 119 46 62 60 40 117 44, 58 62 ",71 > 572 ] 4571 45 4535 47071 80 ■in CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 59 Thompson, Major Thompson, Mrs. Margaret 'Thompson, Martin I Thompson, Robert, Jr 'Thompson, Robert, and Edward G. Buckenham Thompson, Samuel, (400 ft.) 'Thompson. William Thomson, George Thomson, James ? (375 ft.) J Thomson, James 'Thomson, James Thomson, Mrs. Mary ) Livingston, (2 lots) ) Thomson, William Thornton, Samuel Thorp, Gould, Estate of, Thorburn, Wm. M ) Thorburn, James R ) Thurgar, George C. C > (450 ft.) J Thurston, George Thurston, Nathaniel ) (2 lots) $ 'Thwing, Charles Tibbets, John G. T*Tiencken, Henry tTienekeu, Henry, and ^ Carsten Martens $ Tiebout, William *Tietjen, Christian Tiffany, Charles L ? (2 lots) J 'Tilyou, Francis R Tilyou, Vincent Tilby, James Tilden, William Tillinghast, Philip ) (3 lots) i 'Tilson, Richard, and ) Humphrey Ehbitt ) 'Tilton, David K., and ) Miss Anne Hopkins J Tilton, Homer, (450 ft)... 'Timme, Herman F., David Anderson, and George M Shaw 'Timolat, Mrs. Eliza Timpson, Charles W.... Timpson, Cornelius B Tinson, Robert, and others 'Tinker, Edward G Titus, Erastus, and W. F. Catterfield Titus, George N., (450 ft) *Ti ves, Christian Todd, George W Todd, James L Todd, Wm.W., (400 ft).. 'Todteberg, Augustus.... Tolmie, Colin , No. of Sect's. Lot. of man £729 2734 2994 2910 5985 3918 6b 50 3559 2175 2959 5421 5820 5821 1274 440.6 1049 266C 1444 4848 4018 4019 6198 1093 1397 1962 No. 1 2506 3256 619 620 29-27 1268 1470 4270 5990 to 5992 6505 4698 4146 5582 5253 3965 2602 589 to 596 4120 2059 124 3084 1637 2805 2803 6C72 4194 111 52 70 67 62 67 68,69 109 33 68,69 102 95 118 'Tollner, Charles, Edward Kind, and George M. Breit tTompkins, Erastus O. - - (450 ft.) $ 'Tompkins, Fanny Tompkins, Nehemiah U Tompson, Thomas 'Tomes, Henry tTombs, Andrew Tonjes, Charles, and } t J ohn Mueller \ Tooker, Daniel A ( (400 ft.) I 'Toole, William S Topham, William, Estate ol Topping, Henry Tordoff, Sharp 'Torrens, Samuel 'Totten. Jonah G 'Towell, Rev. Thomas,.. ) Sta/en Island ) Townley, James H., (450 ft). Townsend, Mrs. Catharine.. Townsend, Mrs. Elizabeth, " Cornelius McCoon, William McCoon, Mary Ann McCoon, Margaret McCoon, Phebe Mc Coon, Amelia McCoon. Townsend, George A (2 lots) tTownsend, John R (3 lots) Townsend, Palmer 'Townsend, Richard H.. Townsend, Samuel Townsend, Samuel P (10 lots) 'Townsend, William A . . Towt, JohnW 'Toy, William Tracy, Frances C 'Trappal, John, and Mrs. Mary Baldwin .. . Trappal, Michael Trantman, George A Trivis, Rev. Robert 'Travis, William. Mrs. Mary Hopper, Jacob M. Hopper, George F. Hopper, James A. Hopper, J Trembly, Daniel } (4 lots) $ 'Trembly, Ralph Tremain, Edwin R 'Trpiior, James, M. D Treharne. Richard, ") Abner Woodruff, of N. [ Y, and Thomas Hop- | kins, of Troy, J No. of Lot. 6306 817 5661 2369 3458 3340 1203 1952 3475 5455 5375 254 3023 3974 5829 1672 5091 5656 2352 2353 2885 2886 1977 to 1979 38' 5646 5894 3820 to 3829 4056 3064 6282 6012 158: 882 5902 6050 627 to 630 5537 3234 5069 Sect's- of map 64 91 92 74 83 58 109 30 24, 25 108 61 66 58 I 70 ) 7l I 56 33 78,79 20 I 20 78 92 54,71 76 94 108 109 62 £ 65 65 90 40,41 ) 57 < 68 60 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Lot. Sect's, of map *Trested, Richard H Tribit, Samuel, and ) James Hirdley ) Trickey, rfarnuel Trimble, John Trimble, John M Tripler, Archibald B ) (2 lots) ) Trotter, Jonathan ? (2 lots) ] *Trow, William Trow, John F Trowbridge, Geo. A., and ) Frederick Kellogg ", Troup, William S., and ) Isaac N. Lowe ) Troughtnn, Elisha, (367 ft.). True, Benjamin K Truesdail, Mrs. Rachel '. Truslow, Thomas ? (4 lots) $ *Trussell, Richard Tryon, Edmund W Tryon, Francis Tryon, Samuel Tucker, B urr Tucker, Farnham Z Tucker, Richard Sands... > (2 lots) $ Tucker, William t*Tuite, John, and ) Henry Newton ) Turner, George C Turner, John - Turner, John, and ) Jacob Miller ) "Turner, Thomas Turnure, Abraham, Eliza, his Wife, James Mitchell, Margaret S. Mitchell, Evelina M. Mitchell, heirs and devisees of David Mitchell, decea'd. (4 lots) J Turnure, John L Turnure, William P Turcot, Dennis P Tuthill, Daniel L-, Christopher < lorley, and Charles G Corley. "Tuthill, James Tuthill, .lames M Tuthill, Oliver Tweed, Richard, J r ) (400 ft.) $ Tweed, William M ) (450 ft.) J Tweed, William M ) (400 ft.) \ t*Ty=»ck, William Tyson, Mrs. Eli/.a Tyson, William 6146 5808 4373 2286 4818 2577 2578 97 1608 5323 496 306 1748 5075 3483 4949 4367 to 4370 18 1240 1293 2645 2686 4519 98 812 709 6156 4846 66 2334 5247 993 to 996 1145 1144 2614 4697 2549 6541 6667 6448 6447 403.-) 3643 785 No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 1 I 1 11 73 76 8 46 56 69 83 83 11 68 77 65 84 73 34 11 59 44 91 97 f Tyson, William. U. *Ubsdell, John A Uhl, Mrs. Anna Underbill, Abraham, and } Benjamin P.Jones. > (450 ft.) ) Underbill, Charles B., and ) Isaac C Loper ) Underbill, James E„ (450 ft.) t*Underhill, Mrs. Rosanna.. Underwood, George W... Underwood, Richard *Underwood, William University of the City of } New- York ) Unkart, Edward ) (2 lots) $ Upham, Alfred, M. D Upjohn, Richard V. Vail, Henry F Vail. Horatio N Vail, William Vail, William F Valentine, Abraham Valentine, Alfred A Walentine, David T Valentine, Elijah, Estate of (3 lots) Vallance, Mrs. Catharine. Wan Allan, Robert, and Mrs. Denice Ricker Van Antwerp, John E. .. . 55 35, 36 79, 80 90 1205 5903 3028 4922 1014 3164 6164 589 3255 260 4 1331 19' 326 166 4988 2601 5921 4981 117 108 91 97 80,93 40,62 56 84 73 *107 ) 89 $ 90 82 118 82 78 82 27 79 2030 90, 108 4690 6419 to Van Auken, Barrett H. Van Auken, Jesse, Heirs of. Van Benschoten, Samuel... Van Blarcom, John A. Vanbleck, Eliza L., (450 ft.) Van Bokkelen, Adrian H., ) Estate of, S Wan Boskerck, John L., Jr. Van Boskerck, John L., Sr. Van Brunt, Adriance (3 lots) Van Brunt, Albert N., (2 lots) Van Brunt, Nicholas R .. (2 lots) Wan Brunt, William B.. Wan Cleef, Margaret, Van i Jleef, Jane, Van Cleef, Sarah, Van < !leef, Catharine, Van Cleef, Lenah, Wan Cleef, RulefS 6121 912 2722 5876 4773 5257 5852 1809 5898 5899 183 792 793 801 802 799 800 46 3632 3631 80 57 98,100 60,65 71 ) 96 > 101 ) 102 96, 102 27 49 56 108 30 30 61 64 64 64 44 64 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 61 NAMES. mas G., ) liam H., } riel, (450 ft.) ) Wan Cott, Cornelius Vancott, Thomas G., Vancott, Will Vancott, Gabrie Vandenbergh. James (450 ft Vandenbergh, Samuel D. } (450 feet) $ Vanderboof, Edward A.... Vanderhoof, Jacob T Vanderpool, Abraham B. .. Vanderpool, Edward, M. D Vanderpool, Jacob, Jr Vanderpool, Jacob } Vanderpool, Frederick S. $ Vandewater, John A Vanderveer, Adrian, M.D. ) of Flatbush, (4 lots) ) Vandervoort, Abraham... \ (2 lots of 375 feet each) ) Vandewater, Mrs. Cath. A.. *Vanderbeek, Wm., and } Thomas Stringer $ Vanderwerken, Eldridge. 5 Vanderwerken, Albert W. ^ *Van Doren, Chs. W., and ) Nathan F. Chapman... ) Van Doren, Mrs Matilda Ann Van Dvke, Peter *Van Hoesen, Thomas C... Wan Hook, Mrs. Mary Ann Van Horn, Mrs. Susan, and Thomas Costigan *Van Ingen, Abraham, Jr.. Van Iderstiue, John ) (375 ft.) £ *Van Keuren, Abraham S. . Wan Mater, John Van Nest, Abraham, R. ) (4 lots) ] Van Nest, Rev. Abraham, R., Jr. (2 lots) Van Norden, Thomas L., Van Norden, Theodore.. Van Nostrand, Abrabam. Van Nostrand, Mrs. Har E. Van Nostrand, John, Senr. } Van Nostrand, John, Guw- > anus ) Van Nostrand, John, i Brooklyn, (2 lots) ... ) Van Nostrand, James } (2 lots) $ Van Nostrand. Joseph Vannote, William H., } Reuben Price, and > Samuel Price, Sen. ) tVan Pelt, Henry, and ) Joseph Wilson $ Van Pelt, Jacob J Van Raden, Benjamin Van Rensellaer, Wm. P. ) (10 lots) J 2378 4060 4061 5349 5348 4620 1786 1785 2867 2065 6111 tc 6114 3832 3833 3149 2561 3600 3680 780 5819 3145 6134 4943 1761 4310 3904 4746 6570 to 6573 ' 6574 ;6575 6434 671 5788 217 367 368 369 370 4842 3356 286 3198 1328 3561 to 570 94 21 91 41 90 73 118 67 65 31 31 101 81, 82 60 70 79 79 101 Van Rensselaer, John C. ) (2 lots) $ Wan Riper, Elizabeth Van Riper, John S Van Santvoord, Cornelius, ) (2 lots) J Wan Sittart, Spencer, ex- ) ecutor of Chas. A. Van > Sittart, dec, of England, ) Vantine, John, William A. Burras, Wm. R. Wetsell, and ■ John Phalon. J Van Vleck, Mrs. Sarah Van Voast, William B Van Voorhis, Daniel Wan Voorhis, Mrs. Maria.. Van Wagenen, CornPs D. } Van Wagenen, Jacob ) Van Wagenen, Gerrit G tVan Wagenen, Hubert, Jr Van Wagenen, Richard D-. Van Wagenen, W Fredk.. Van Wagenen, William H Van Winkle, Tunis Van Zandt, Charles A *Venn, Henry B Wenn, Henry B Wenr.eule, John D *Veiter, Jacob Wictory, John Vietor, Theodore > (2 lots) S Vining, George C, and 5 Robert J. Powell $ Witt, Edward E Vogt, John F. H., and ^ Charles Ahrenfeldt, > (4 lots) ) Wollmer, John A *Von Bremen, Mrs. Thus- } nelde ^ Wondrhle, Henry Von Glahn, Hilderbrand. .. Von Hagen, Martin, and ) Ernst Buermeyer J tVon Holt, George Voorhies, John S., ^1 Hervey G. Law, and I William H. Mailler, f (2 lots) J Voris, "V an Sindren Vradenbure, John Vreeland, W illiam A Vulte, Frederick L Vultee. Gertrude, and } William Menck J Vultee, Mrs. Marian, and ) Mrs. Caroline D. Brown \ Vulte, Mrs. Pamela Vyse, Charles, and others, ) (8 lots) \ No. of Lot. 3735 3736 5514 4365 5682 5683 3317 1021 1540 1682 2347 2117 53,54 65 6442 6440 6438 3897 6160 2262 5540 5067 5497 4576 1300 1301 1438 to 1441 690 3913 be ct s. oi' map I 22 91 117 } - 100 41 61 90 81 67 91 107 55 55,70 55,70 57,68 105 60 65 68 33 67 I 61 83 83,84 95 58 3091 57 1329 58 58 59 3299 117 1959 • s 4237 4238 2985 6216 3307 2480 1934 105 85 108 76 67 3033; 71,72 2479 589 to' 596 I. 62 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No of Lot. W. •Wade, William •Wagner, Anna C. E — *Wagner, Anthony C Wagner, Daniel B., and John Gibney Wainewright, Arnold, E uqland. •Wainright, Mrs. R. M., Wainriglu, William, James F. Galpine, and Elizabeth Galpine. Waistell, John B,, Thomas Robert, New- York, and William Robertson, Jersey City. Wait, William S * Wake, Joseph M., and } Joseph Moore ) *Wake, John P Wakeman, Abram ) (2 lots) $ Wakeman, David B Wakem m, Edgar B. and > John McClintock \ tWakeman, W alter, ) Wakeman, William ) •Wall, William •Wallace, Alexander, and ) John Paterson. . ... ) * Wallace, Charles A Wallace, Edward A., ^ Wallace, Martin B., and ( Gilbert P. Knapp, j (400 ft.) J Wallace, Miss Isabella Wallace, James P *Wallace, John Wallace. John, Wallace, ( te 'l'L'c. Wallace, William, William Carpenter, Peter Archdeacon, Jr., John Black. •Wallace, Matthew Wallace, Thomas Waller, Alfred, and oth- ers, (8 lots) Waller, Frederick W. .. Waller, Josioh A Wallis, William T Wallis, Alex. II (504 ft.) 'Wallan, William •Walsh, Alexander R. .. Walsh. George Walsh, Lewis, Walsh, Thaddeue H "Walsh, Thomas S .Sect's, of map 713 2626 3959 611 2376 352 1 ; 2880 636' 3219 4669 3601 6265 1337 589 to 596 2973 1489 714 3958 788 789 5853 74 83 60 54 83 108 2389 44 5027 71 5023 3067 3068 3856 102 I 108 76 3857 76 2221 62 2766 105 6139 84 3177 54 111 43 111 63 107 111 104 101 74 120 120 No. ol Lot. Sects. of map Walsh, William W., ^ Wm. M. Shipman, and ! John R. Marsh | (550 ft.) J •Walker, Adam * Walker, Mrs. Anna Walker, David * Walker, Edward * Walker, Ferdinand Walker, Mrs. Isabella ) (375 ft) $ •Walker, James * Walker, John W., estate cr' Walker, Phineas, (450 ft)... •Walker, William * Walker, William C Walter, James R., (581 feet) Walters, James ) Walters, Tobias \ Walters, John Harm, and ? Catharine Martins ) t*Walters, Samuel Walton, Mrs. Barbara Walton, Elisha L Waldron, Maria, Waldron, Albert, Waldron, Julia, and Mrs. Caroline Ives J *W"algrove, George W Ward, George W Ward, Henry Dana Ward, Henry H., Ward, Samuel, Ward, John, Ward, William G., (6 lots) J Ward, John, 1 Ward, John, Jr., tWard, George, Ward. William. J •Ward, JohnP Ward. Lebbeus B Ward, Sylvanus S., and ? .lames B. Thompson... \ Wardell, Charles, 1400 ft.).'. Wardle, Thomas > (2 lots) $ Waring, Henry Warinu, Mrs. Maria A., ) New-Haven ) t Warner, Abram •Warner, John Warner, Peter R Warner, Samuel A 'Warner, Samuel A., and ) An'honv Brower ) Warner, William F •Warnock, Robert Warnock, William 'Warth. John W Warren, Almon F ? Warren, Mrs. Laura ) Warren, Horace M Warren, John D., (450ft)... 3761- 3390 4 111 1836 1077 4860 6329 2337 3075 3793 3772 443 23 1953 3182 6665 816 6464 826 5048 72 4644 to 4648 1986 ) 79 J 80 23 91 67 65 76 27 47 71,72 25 103 62 43 71 58,67 109 106 73 43 44, 45 71 65 I 77 58 2691 61 200 73 884 60 5974 9 r,:i (2 lots) I "Waugh, John D *Way, Frederick H Waydell, John Wayland, Charles C tWeaver, Joseph, (400 ft).. Weaver, William ) Weaver, James ) "Webb, Eckford *Webb, Mrs. Elizabeth Webb, E. Russell Webb, James Watson. .. ) (2 lots I Webb, James "Webb, John Webb, Mrs. Phebe Webb, William "Webster, Daniel A "Webster, L'icien B., U.S.A. "Webster, William, and > William Johnston ) "Weckerle, Michael Weed, Maltbie Weeks, E (ward A., (450 ft), W>eks, John A., and ) Hiland A. Parker ) "Weeks, Phillips Weekes, Augustus F "Weil, George P No. of Lot. Sect's, of map 6314 5859 338 2951 701 118 893 1121 318 5121 5663 5664 4191 4562 4379 4030 4508 1004 4461 1319 2618 6302 6009 376 377 5164 2661 2349 6040 1535 900 6189 3335 2261 510 51 1753 5897 1789 2267 3941 5970 6331 5282 2254 2068 1264 3225 5376 2176 84 84 80 45 69 83 60 122 95 74 120 73 74 30 74 56,69 117 52 117 85 I 120 i J 121 90 69 "Weil, Henry "Weiss, David, W Welch, Abram R Welch, Tnomas, ) Welch, William H., and > William Maynard. 1 Welsh, Geor-e W Weld, Addison Weller, John, (450 It.)... "Wells. Jeremiah ) Whitlock, Montgomery P. ) Wells, Mrs. Mary G.,and ; Gustavus Paulus ) Wells, Mrs. Phebe R Wells, Thomas J Wellstood, John G * Welsford, Joseph Wendell, John "Wengel, Cristopher WVngler, Joseph Wenman, James F., and > Joseph E. Doughty ) Wentrath, Mrs. Henrietta Wenzel, Henry West, Edward A West, Frederick R tWest, George tWest, Royal ~) West, William G | Wesf, David H West, John C (4 lots West, Thomas , West, Zimri Weston, John L Weston, Edward Wesiervelt, Harman C Wes'erveh, James W Westfall, John I Westfall, Diedrich ) Wesson, Andrew / '2 lots) ] Wesson, David i 2 lots) \ Wessell, Frederick, and ) Gerd Henry Luers.. .. ) tW'etmore, Sidney Wetmore, William S ) 20 lots) $ Wetsell, William R., "^ William A. Burras, {_ Edward Phalon, and John Vantine. Weyant, Smirb, } Heeter Sinclair, and > .lames Martin, (21. its).. ) No. of Lot. beet's, of map Weyman, Mrs. Clara E.. [2J lots) iWhaites, William N Wheaton. George M 68 Wheeler.' David E 24, 25, 1 Wheeler, E zra 93j|*Wheeler, Henry G 2177 5825 2048 5379 5665 2639 6553 4839 5571 2164 1472 3151 5191 4748 2494 275 5795 62191 6289 1493 1333 4439 491 74 3179 to 3181 3173 4927 219 366 5051 1962 No. 5 481 482 479 480 1949 1714 639 to 658 2882 2883 5 1 43 3362 4466 2260 1802 93 42,60 109 25 48 11 46 59,60 72 62 53 62 23 117 46 40 84 81 72,77 60 11 90 81 43 70 80 66 61 41 61 58 98 97 76 42 25 105 117 112 64 GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY. No. of Lot. Sect s. of map Wheeler, John, Jr Wheeler, Josiah W Wheeler, Russell C. Est. of, Wheeler, Wm. A Wheelock, Adam D.,(45Gft) Wheelwright, Gardner Whipple, John G Whitaker, Mrs. Agnes Whitaker, John *Whittaker, William B White, Charles W While, Chandler White, Edward ) (2 lots) J White, George White, George VY *tWhite, Harvey W., 'i John G. Briggs, and > Elizabeth Henken. ) White, Herman L White, James H * White, John J White, John } (2 lots) I White, John "White, John "White, John F *White, Joseph *Wbite, Mrs. Mary White, Mrs. Mary S White, Norman ? (2 lots) J tWhite, Sylvanus White, Thomas White, Thomas B White, Thomas L ? White, Michael $ White, William, (400 feet). White, William White, Wm. Augustus.. ) (4 lots) $ *White, William M., of} England ) White, Wm. W Whitfield, Georg • B > (2 lots) $ Whitfield, James M ) (2 lots) \ Whittlesey, Elisha Whiting, Augustus Whiting, John J., and } Linus K. Henshaw $ Whittemore, John, (338 ft). Whitmore, Isaiah C ) (.".lots) $ Whitten, Mrs. Dorothy Whitney, John S Whitney, Samuel ? (2 lots of 337 feel each) \ Whitney, Stephen ( (5 lots) ) Whitlock, Benjamin M... / (3 lots) \ 1851 92,106 3418 1909 Whitlock, John W (3 lots) ^Whitlock, Montgomery P Wells, Jeremiah Whitworth, George, Whitworth, John, Whitworth, Charles. W ickens, Stephen B *Wicks, Mrs. Sally, and ) Miss Sarah Dixon J Wickstead, John J., and ) Robert E . Sharpe $ Widmayer, George ' Wiegand,Mrs. Mary Ann, ^ James B Breakell, and > Thomas Breakell, j Wiese, Mrs. Elizabeth.... Wiggins, William, Auru ra, New-York, Wiggins, William H., Wiggins, Charles R., Wiggins, James J Wight, Richard "Wild, Mrs. Ann Wilson, Abrm. D., M. D. I (450 ft.) $ Wilson, Charles / (2 lots) $ Wilson, Chas., Williams- { burgh $ Wilson, Daniel , Wilson, Francis * Wilson, Ira , Wilson, James B Wilson, James C Wilson, James Gregg, and ) Wm. H.. Robertson J Wilson, James G I (8 lots) $ * Wilson, John Wilson, John, Estate of Wilson, John R \ oSNeivark, N.J. <, Wilson, Jos., and t Henry Van Pelt, Wilson, Joseph ' Wilson, Samuel, George M Alexander *Wilson, Thomas, and Joseph Curran 'Wilson, William C. No. of Lot. Sect's, of map (380 ft nuel, "} McMillan, and > McMillan, ) W ilson, William H. . . Wilson, William O., W in. Newell, ami Joseph 1). I'ierson. 'Williams, Charles ' Williams, Charles W illiams. Charles 1? Williams, Chas. P., (500 ft.) 'Williams, Mrs. Charlotte.. Williams, Frederick W... 3676 to 3678 4839 5571 5393 6343 5602 1788 1492 3485 3681 3484 4547 6276 2478 1522 1523 3301 5463 4538 5891 4090 3147 2301 5169 to 5176 2160 4089 6638 286 6151 2415 6260 2687 5 5953 8 2455 3251 3957 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 65 Williams, David S Williams, Mrs. Deborah.. tWilliams, Ebenezer Williams, Elizn, wife of Stephen Williams "Williams, George B Williams, George H 4845 4989 5058 5410 52 1784 2830 619 520 2255 Williams, Henry 3577 Williams, Howell L ) 1759 to Williams, Coleman, (3 lots) $ 4761 Williams, Isaac, and ) Samuel W. Clements.. ) Williams, Mrs. Jane, ") John Goodrich, and Samuel Goodrich, j (450 ft) J ■"Williams, John 'Williams, John D Williams, John G., and ) Eliza Hedden ) Williams, Joseph T I 1800 Williams, John S 2632 'Williams, John T 3216 Williams, Loring S 51 'Williams, Mrs. Mary 5924 Williams, Matthias 6169 Williams, Mrs. Phebe 1833 Williams, Ransom G., j „ . heirs of, (5 lots) $ Williams, Richard, (500 ft) . 2456 'Williams, Richard 5024 tWilliams, Roger 4232 Williams, Mrs. Susan V 2633 'Williams, William 3321 Williams, William ii ) rnro (450 ft.) i bUj ~ Williams, Wilmot, h Alonzo S. Ball, M. D., and ' 4571 Rev. Joseph P. Thompson. (21 lots) Williamson, Mrs. Cath'ne S. Williamson, Douw D., Williamson, Nicholas, Williamson, James A., Williamson, David A. 'Williamson, Mrs. Elizabeth Williamson, John 'Williamson, John B Williamson, Stephen H., } and John J. Hollister.. > _ (575 ft) ) 'Williamson, William Wiley, John tWily, John S., and ) Ann Forbes $ Wilkie, James Wilkey, Warren S Wilkins, James, and } Marvin Everts ) 'Willard, Mrs. Arabella Willard, Mary E., Flush insr, L.I., and others, (-2 lots) 5 [4572 3730 1468 1469 6354 3493 5445 4916 4210 1212 2519 1564 4234 4246 5265 > 4228 [4229 NAMES. 116 40 67 100 101 95 79 10 79 27 69 10 30 95 109 26 41 40,62 80, 93 66,67 33 Willard, George L Willets, Edward P * Wille, Frederick *WMe, Mrs. Jerusha .. 'Wilhelm, Edward, and Jacob H. Gumble Willis, Alfred Willis, Edward (6 lot? Willis, William i \ Willis, Margaret A J Willis, William H 'Wills, Edward T., and ) Alonzo, Follansbee ) Wilshusen, Diedrich, ) Wulbern, Mrs. Gesche .. \ Wilkinson, Arthur, Wilkinson, Byron, Wilkinson, Maurice, j- Wilkinson, George, Wilkinson, Frederick. J Wilder, Benjamin G Willoughby, Samuel A Wildey, Richard W Wilmarth, Mrs. Mary Ann. Wilmarth, William A tWinant, John M Windust, Edward Winham, Aldridge, Junr. .. 'Winham, Aldrktge, Sen... 'Wingham, William G Winslow, Is^iac 'Winter, John 'Winters, John Wintringham, Sidney 'Wintgen, Clnus Winzer, Charles fWise, Samuel, and tChas. H. Kellogg (650 ft) Wisnar, Hiram Wiswall, Samuel Wiswall, Samuel Withington, Isaac C 'Witpen, John Witschief, Hinrich Wohlrabe, Andrew Wohltman, Christopher, and Carsten Engel tWolfer, John A., and John Philip Schmohl... Wolcott, Frederick H. .. (7 lots, each 322 ft) Wolters, Henry Wood, Mrs. Ann Maria.. 'Wood, Benjamin Wood, Benjamin B Wood, George, (2 lots)... 'Wood, James G Wood, James R Wood. John Wood, John M Wood, Joseph No. of |Sect'8. Lot. of map 4908 5087 6172 5794 5394 4408 4038 to 4043 2589 4409 5709 1940 2355 2623 3006 3548 3513 439( 559 6106 3870 4826 4507 5640 5099 4410 1639 3090 5321 2564 2565 452 4190 4984 5699 586 1335 1324 1938 1945 3122 to 3128 3221 2544 5068 6446 55, 56 5500 6152 5296 3557 5297 27 41 30 30 73 76 79 79 80 60 79 35 58 94 43 108 73 73 31 18 48 117 117 40 72,77 97 62 92 57 118 C 82 56 69 33 26,27 45 58 58 58 67 I 79 J 94 92 49 78 49 115 79 48 57 81 57 66 GREEN WOOD CEMETERY. No.'of uSect's. Lot. of map NAMES. I No. of i Sect's. Lot. of map tWood, Moses Q. Wood, Ransom E I Wood, Ross W ) I (2 lots) $ Wood, Mrs. Sarah H tWood, Silas, Estate of.. > (4 lots) i Wood, Stephen T Wood, Thomas J Wood, William, Liver I pool, England, (2 lots) ) [ *Wood, William H ' Wen ids, Justus O Woods, Thomas W Woodruff, Aimer, ~] Thomas Hopkins, of | Troy, and Richard Treharne, J Woodruff, Albert Woodruff', James E Woodford, Oliver P Woodward, Anthony, ) Estate of, ] Woodward, Charles, ) Woodward, Thomas, and > Robins C. Blackburne. ) Woodward, George, and ? Mrs. Lavina Blackburne, ) ^Woodward, Joseph Woodbury, John P ' Woodcock, Frederick . *Woodhull, Edward Woodhull, Wm., heirs of, } (2 lots) 5 Worster, Joseph, M. D *Woolley, Mrs. Susan *Woolley, Wardell Woolsey, Edward J (3 lots) Woolsey, John, Woolsey, John K 'Work, William W. F.. . tWorrall, Henry NAMES. 835 2085 to 2087 (5 lots) f Wormian, Henry, and ) Herman Holtje $ *Worth, Joshua F Worthington, Asa ) m lots) \ Worley, Nathan, (375 ft.)... Wotherspoon, James WoltOD, .lames A Wray, Stephen ) (2 lots) $ *Wrede, Andrew Wright, Albert H > i i lots) 5 Wright, Clark. M.D Wright, Mrs. Helen N Wright, Job 1955 Wright, John "Wright, Mrs. Louisa B ''Wright, Thomas * Wright, William Wright, William H, and j> Orestes P Quintard . . . ( Wright, "Wm. H., and ) t Joseph Keeler ) * Wright, Wesley Wulbern, Mrs. Gesche... ) Wilshusen, Diedrich J Wyckoff, Abraham Wyckoff, Abraham V 4311 57, 266 3845 I 3651 827 828 117 59,66 49 I 33 t Wyckoff, Henry S ? (750 ft.) $ j Wyckoff, JohnN I Wyckoff, Mrs. Margaret, "1 William Ellsworth, and > Mrs. Maria Middleton, ) Wyckoff, Peter )\ (2 lots) \ Wyckoff, Peter Wyckoff, Richard L Wyckoff, Samuel S., (375 ft.) Wyckoff, Simon P., and } Charles T. Goodwin... ) Wyckoff, William H., and ) Edmund H. Bard ) Wyman, Luther B Wylie, Alexander, ^ James Cochran, and > James Murray, J tWynns, Thomas, (450 feet) f* Yager, Mrs. Jauette Yale, Edwin R Yates, Benjamin S Yellowlee, Robert, and ) John Jones ) Youle, William L > Youle, Adam W. 6 lots) $ *Young, Adam Young, Charles L ) (2 lots) $ Young, David L Young, [Mrs. fiances Young, George ? (2 lots) Young, Henry, (6 lots).... / Young, Henry L \ oung, Isaac (2 lots) 5foung, Mrs. Jane L., heirs of f Young, John Young, Charles \ oung, John (' Young, John S 3812 4849 5211 4934 778 1007 2627 1940 3202 3638 257 14S6 2400 3892 181 796 5428 296 3710 2399 3377 834 4256 4249 1235 4805 2365 5003 to 5013 3594 4554 4555 4463 961 4552 1553 125 818 to 822 6152 2795 279C 4255 4582 1724 3445 11 44,58 67 81 60 90 58 32 67 I 53 71 I 57 C 68 I « 22,35 71 117 71 53 71 ? 119 J 120 76 33 71 I 34 59 I 101 35 78,95 I 101 90 33 97 98 10 73 77 CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS. 67 No. of Sect's. No. of Sect's. NAMES. Lot. of map NAMES. Lot. of map *Young, Joseph, ) Young, Mary, widow of> 5464 103 z. Charles A. Young. ) Young, Mrs. Margaret 5870 105 *Zeller, James M 5071 80, 81 2006 78 3719 5575 101 Zilkin, Mrs. Huldah 45 *Young, Mrs. Sarah Ann, ~l Zimmermann, John C, Sr.. 3777 79,80 and Mrs. Mary A. > 3945 93 3481 92 Radford, ) Zollikoffer, Oscar, "} Young, .Sarah Ann 5945 99 Gustavus Wm. Faber, 209 5516 1190 111 52 73 Chas. Henschel, and - Ferdinand Karck, (450 ft.) J 26C3 81 Young, Waldron 5629 73 *Zuill, Mrs. Mary A 2818 90 •V . '. ^ •i- v\ ^ o y <& -P - V ^ \ c.